t ihe ~~ PENNIMAN, REED & CO. E r o tor "" taw&WING. rhymeaa Maal *gen , P. !MED TUESDAY. JUNE 12. 11386 IJNIONAMPUBLICIN NOIWILTIONSi odiimNson. MAJ. ZEN': JOI4N:W. CEARY, ctrxesita-tio emenvr eANITIEL City. cuitai VI , QOM? JoBee64' ?MOWN, Ila!mpton Tp ''07,10717 0 07001A1r7 COVILT: ALEXANDEICHILANDS,City. '- • str.oogym: AMERY MILIVELT, City staiirricat JOSZPS• 11. 611LAir, Plum Tg COILICISSIONZ3Ir ii;iEMEM JOKIIII DUAVO,MII2IIx. TP. azslol ions p. GLAN, GUy . Gassier. waLsonr, Pitt Tp. azon6ln.T.4llleKT.S. Nor= layette Tp SAMUEL CUADWICII.; OoWas Tp. wnoLuum PETROL, Roes Tp. AoCOLVELIX... City. WHAT NOW I In that section of American population distil:pdated- as the Fenian organization lies the reran. potenc y of the Democratic party Inthe loyal States. Take it away, and that. party would be as powerless as Samson'wes after his locks were shorn. With - this section Mr. Seward has, for many years, had a larger popularity than any other 'Republican leader. Not that their kindly feeling for him has been suf fered to rise above a genial sentiment, and produce substantial. fruit at the ballot-box. But this mild partiality for hint has in creased his authority among his real sup porters.: There has been among thema vague expectation that profuse exprerelons of gratitude and admiration would sonde day solidify into beneficial service. It has happened in this ier..in some of the freaks of - natrite-+SProllision of blossoms sometimeszields only rr paucity of fruit. For four Years the" Fenian cursed Mr. ANDREW Jonnsox-•with a will. At times their diatribes on him bore marks of a Powerful bid: malignant genius. Latterly , their hati, l 4,,litinhassottc - 3i6a. till it really seemed that,something like affection had -,displaced the old enmity: 'wit was carious to hear kyes tht.t2 . 1*4 .. . youfferowily cheer an intimation-that *my . Joressos had 'be. I come a 114I''Ciati;ilii:Lii . Oir end ee'haf , i*f l Y Wt,ltg of his duty as,Chiefliagiltraturof, the Lintels I to do cn4iiiarsitiy's'o•l4l,o tern. Th e Pr e44e4g l ,T*Sle*thelei orons action in accordance therewith, have delighted the Canadians itholAisgusted the Fenians.,,ldr, 44:atrium and , illn.Sswe.no - have lost whateverfavorthey 011 j -eyed with the Celtic' .- I , lbriathia insidenee:Or tegithd to be wondered et. t fate awaited. the Feaians hatithey been permittedto rush unhindered with their arms and numinous across theisirder; ninai:Pe4i; will confect ure and &nide anranlingtotheiraymparlifes Bat, so fin ustbers appear, they 'are baffled the Washington government rather than the British anthodties vtncial population. This they ,feel deeply. Hence two questions are present ,- ed for consideration. . 1. the Athninistration give; ,the, Fenian leaders assurances that they mil:dd= at least wink at their enterprise ? It would sena, la, the absence of positiile: evidence, quite incredible -that sane alit' should account the scheme pnicticablo 6n• less they held - riii; pledge of the Anierthan authorities either not to interfere, or at most, to offer only formal and technical opposi. lion. Whatever ecinfidence the i'ernirths may have felt irt their ability to cope with the Canadians, : even with , such aid' as the Home GOVernnient might . 'afford the Coloniesi -I IV is unt . rsinceivfible th ey felt competent at the same time to wage war against the. combined powers of Great Britain arid'Hio Muted States. This view is farther sustained jiy ; the refincthin that if the Washingtha arintheistnition designed to Interfere at all,. it ought to havetaken its stand months ago. When the Feniani . set up a goirernmentfor the, trisb.' , Repuli.r. lie, perfect its . , clePartmenth of civil administration, devised . and Haunted a nn Hempttag, orgaulicean paraded it in a distiactiveaniform, pat piiitionsaf Ii on guard -over the deliberations . of their Congress, and inddly avowed their ulterior purposes, the Studied silence Of the Presi dent could only be construed into acquies ence. But, Gen._ Monrirr, hithe bitterness in disappointnient, made die 'distinct • allega tion to Gen Maxim - that the 'Washington Cabinet wanconanited,.. and, •through Mr ; Bzwann, .gaya :etnutalit;: that auin the pcsoSession . of the Puritans weromanu l% bought of the Governipent, and with knowledge of the me to which they would he put. This I}Z/Drinlllll . o the . statement of Gen. MWEIt2IO C01..E.44=113, tatideat, the late dongress in this city. _ Until. the Administration shall sailifttOtoi•By respond we must hold that a pretesli . ces.S`hrinis'ile: out against it. • 2. Ras the Presidein used undue rigor io the enforcement of the neutrality Law, '1'() apprehend this matter aright it roma:ass?) , to bear in mind the fact that this law isnot new, and was not derfaeifhtirneet this Par limbs conjuncture of - It is 'Mold statute, and bits been erifcri3eti on former occasions, as during inc . :Canadian rebel lion, thirty Years ago, theltiper.eipidition against• Cuba, and, a few' nuinting abie.C; on the Pacific coast v in- _preventing , the depar ture from San Irranelsen - ot an exiedition against Maximilian and his Mexican 'Env She. In each Of ,thesc.lkstance,s Ahe litry received the limborage tion ,, from`dif•- fereitt political parties. These concurrent interpretations aro In ecmfurtaity 40 Abet spirit and letter of the law, whichemboAhst the American idea of neutrality. Thu real question ther:Adianntirationkmd to decide , was, whether it would yield to Um natural instinct of retallatied for - WrongS, brutally inflicted ou us by Great' irltalti; dui hour of supreme AtgAtiy;'Or still Illiflniilll the championship of a great prineixdo'of ternational law, the common acceptance of which would work a vast amelioration iu the belligerent relations (dal] thb 'CMlntries of Christendom ? Feeling was balanced against duty. The sentiment of right pre vailed. ,k 4 " Of course there are many who will we had England fit one poweri - i nun.ottuld have 'paid her off . —itis a shame to let to , capital an opportunity slip.. Snell, judge 'from a low 4 . 04 - iipt of which that itt•il . C.;tpable. tfireien theae . 'might, to consider tlututhe policy they re , cemmend,lfroilOwed up, would necessarily _, . P. Misr; who fought against rebels isiiroire the thifonin nsTar with Great S ri go - 4411w war iJO now lighting andfrater; and perhso're open ile tnsnrrection >ilsinj wich•Ltielso enemies:' Misr s In-tlw &unbent States - ;:Ttevengo may' be AMY.; D IO . ,O K§IIPAft liewas entertained sweet, but it wtie bought et teo hr.a.. 6 , by a ciumMttoo.ur ex-rebels and their syn:. 4 price. The - `fitiltuilii - A-bn. o6 'innnir4li l i a: Mt li hi but r hoko " : " drillfd t inn hem tr7co u nun one and e p a r t W in g however it may ciinifict With p4kataWed.gaa . .thatxbmpt6talShal icidnlta ht_tlie. to the _Fenians, confining to the national . ;When , Ptdbinswiliuliticidiced to Blair ; he t ato a k „i,, Nadi - IletteraV4ott and dlllbead traditions, and:l• o •farna 99t f ' (hbitetitry •-!thrge yea r s ag o , bul..t,ani now the very republic! 4 111 . 1 be iudgin 6 n o4 filie cIY I- - happy to ivOlcotailf ouA cict.On'sny use d world ' • f .1,44 . 1-••• •PS 'IL MEI - _%_; - vex --Inchanapolis owes $210,000. Russia -L-Trial by jury has been introdaed Into —Davenport, lowa, is growing, into ire portanee. +—Prench credit did not eudcr in Eng laud during the thdincial crisis. marrht „43 Princess ,lEiClena, of The - r • ' England, will take place on the sth of July. —The wheat in Central Georgin is look ing much bdtteCtiviiiicirtild to few weeks —There *as a 'sharp shock of 'on earth! cpiake at San Francisco on Wednesday of last week. —On IPriii attempt was made to blow np a tendlSTant house In New York by an infcaind machine. —The Naval School at Annapolis, fonr hundred and - fifty number; will start on their summer cruise on the 20th of June. —ln the coarse of evidence given re cently before the ,Deputy Recorder of Lou' don, it was stated that land near St. Paul's churchyard was worth .C 1,000,000 per acre. —An editor in Arkansas was lately shot in an affray. Luckily, the ball came against a bundle of unpaid bills. The bul let could not go through them, by n long shot. —Ron. Geo. P. Marsh is proposed for U. B. Senator from Vermont; and Hon. Fred erick Seward is talked of as Conservative Republican candidate for Governor of New Y(Ffk• ' —The work on the Georgia Central Rail road Ina been energetically pushed forward and it is expected that trains will be run ning by Saturday the entire distance from Macon to Savannah. --Congressman Eliot has commenced a suit against the Naur Bedford Standard for libel, on account of its comments.concern ing his connection with' the Charter Oak coal company. —Tile Davenport Gazette expresses fears that the' lowa Republican State Conven tion, soon lo :assemble, will be a decidedly milk and'water body, and take no definite: ground Lipid pending political issues. , —The President bad a lengthy intertie* with A Gent°&said Congressional Commit tee, consisting. of Messrs. Guthrie, 'Hend ricks, Thuidall and Hogan. The ,latter 'claimed to be entirely satisfied therewith. .--With a few exceptions, the Prpsident hila withheld from the BenatO theliamai 'of th;ose,; Postmasters thranhottt OltIO; whose terms having expired some months since, - mere then recommended for reappoint ment. ' —Thrpe ltundred . persons, residing near Middletown,„„, „New York, were recently poisogl,by j particles of lead, which drop Aont.thagtiraling stones of a dour mild into., the . graua. 'l'hey arc now re covering,„„ „ Dalin forihe',Catii, sting in the &MAIM :church-inthe Panbourg sin Route, was attended by the elite of Russian socie ty all fa full dress, and as magnificently adorned with jewels as for a representation at Court. • —According to a report of Dr. Hayes, State Assayer or Massathu_Retts, the gold mines of New Humpahire are found to yield per ton $867 in gold; the mixed Vans. talcoso, slate, gozzan, pyrites, yields, upon analysis, .010 42 per ton. —lt appears that Senator Hendricks con. trols the:patronage of Indiana. A number of Union postmasters in' the Shrth and Eighth Districts bave been recently re moved on his recommendations, and against the • protest of Congressmen Dumont and Orth. • —Gen. &Davis, known to the country daring the war as commander of the 12th Illinois Cavalry, of the let Brigade of the Ist Division of the Army of the Potomac, and of a brigade under General Davidson, In-the Army of the Gulf, has become one of the,editers of the Chicago Post. • —Gen. Cass is dying of softening of the brain, and his family are in daily expecta• tiou of his decease. He is times rational, 'arid able to converse with his friends, but this is an exceptional state of mind. Ile Most of his me in sleep, undis -I=l time . The general is now in his tt4th ,year. —There were no less than ninety thous and fewer persons in receipt of parochial relief in England and Wales at the end of February, leak than at the end of the same montji the precious year—,A decrease of more than rune par cent. Half of it was due to the improved condition of the cotton districts. —ln Baltimore, last week an employee in the Sun building, after a violent coughing expelled troth -- his ltmgs a brass headed nail, one inch in length, which he had ac cidentally swallowed over two years ago, and which had remained imbedded in the lungs all that-time, a constant source of an noyance, bleedingandillhealth. The nail veins meth corroded. Dr. Nary E. Walker was arzoned in New York, Wednesday, for appearing in the street in a long, black coat and pante loans. film was discharged by the officer on. duty-at the station-home and has since preferred a complaint against the otflosr Who arrested her, ailleging that the arrest was illegal, that he insulted her and used unnecessary violence. —A gentleman who writes from the heart of Texas to subscribe for the Tribane says: 'Our crops were never more promisin g; and I assure you the negroes are doing bet ter than moat men anticipated. I think there will be as large a crop of cotton raised in this State as in any previous year. "We Southern_Cnionists' are In favor 'of the Freedman's fiureau. Without it there is no for the negro. "We wish the continuance of military rule. Ii• is the 'disloyal who are ranting about thl - non-admission of Southern rep. resenfatives'into Congress, not the loyal." .IIIM;i;IMil ivrout the DotsMiTribune, June 7th.) Yesieroay the execution of a deserter Erie thellath regulars, took place at Fort beirit the only ono of 'the kind that „"as °me °4lll'3°B- rrad since the commencement of u , s oldier referred to, it up pPars, soloatirsa since deserted and CfoBBoii Over to Buffalo. list wins an Irishman, and Was Prevailed uPoli to espouse the Fenian cause kin fact, he had not previously done so.Whin the invasion to*, Oaf*, b e coatianied CoL o'.NellPs ill - warred expe ditibn, and was captured on Suad t , y w i t h .about fifteen others in the woods twa t Fort Erie. Ire was taken to the guard house, Which, unfortunately-for him, was guarded detachment-ofliya his own company. 1-1,, was immediately recognized, awl yesterday was tried by a drum head court martial. He made no attempts -,l,io.,ltiatify his conduct, but on the othezharui glorified in what he had done. The "coops'* found him guilty andlemeneed him to .be executed at, an early hour this morning. Tile sentence Vas carried into effect about la o'clock, a ikon time. before I ar rivid at the scene, althotigk I made-every possible effort to get theta. Frdn't op. -wit nesses I learned the fdllirwlegPlifticuts'rs of ditetragedy; , The deserter had little . or no time to pre pare for Ms fate, and, 'in fact, did:not ask ,Ibr,atu. He remarked that he was a ma 'dies; atid would die &Catch. Stripped of his coat, and encompassed by a strong guard of Liman regiment, be was march ed to a behntlfol, grassy mound at the rear of, and upon the hill overlooking the vil lage—of Fort Erie. Ho was seated upon a rudely constructed pin box , which was in tended to answer tha 'purpose of a coals, and his executioners: were drawn up in ;line beforehim conSMUng of eight men, who were detailed. fot: • that purpose, As many of tho, ,as . w ere, the.vieinity were stationedda short-distance to the rear of the-firing party t ,. The'pporfellow's oyes were bandaged ; atut at a given signal there came a crash from the rifles of. the .execu- Apipers math-the- lifeless corps of the de serterapOtt'tllo:o6lll.*::...Plerced by five bullets, tiveti'rWidali ladpassed through' VAhetql; The-bodyawas interred In the t~jexCentiozi,and Me grave re mains a =nutmeat of warning to the =- fortunate man's commies: MI SONG OF.IIAILEETING 7b the Patron+, and Lodi, of the Board of the ((Ho-major the Fele/utters," Sung by the (..1.14- ren at the daniveriary, Arne 7th,lBtgl. , DV 11111. S. !Arnie/alt. W. couleyn Intloteehie Imnd, To greet you.Wttlt our lay, To wrablome you with - heart and hand. On Ulla, nor festal you And we would humbly offer ynu Our gratitude and love, song_Ot prob., would render, too, MUM Who retyras above. From dark abodes of want and won . . . Of sadness and distress, W Leant of sorroW Mien flow, Where nal ls wrotehestneasi You've gathered us and brought us here, Your tender love to share HaVe taught us the great (3;n l to fn.'. To seek has love in prayer. We thank yob for the "Home" Ro fair, %Flitch you for ns provide We thank you fur your watchful care, For every want supplied, Ann we will strive ea wo grow To merit your kind cure ; That boy, through Itfe, may fill your cup, Shall be our earnest prayer. And when In future life we tread The world'. rough path. daub And seek to earn our dully brtsul, The ki n dness voh.linvo shCosi Shull hu to us o b e o e°. light, Whefer our foot atay.litray, To guile our wandering steps aright And lead to virtue'. way. NE* AbtEftffsElfp,iiTi V. 11.1.VCSHAM, Adams Express 0/Ace, 54 Filth Sine, is an authorised Agent to reertoe Advertisements for the GAZETTE, and all other papers throughout the NUM Stales and the Canada, mr2.5.142 THE ANNUAL FESTVIAL OF THE amicitcrmic mccoaam Will be held 'llt . titc. house soil grou oils of Welter.. on rilunsu,s.r„NSltT, the Ittlt, moment:log M o'clock, P. Jr. DObstlons for this object ore solicit d, cud milt be left on or before Tbarlday roornlng, at the rrilldence of Mrs. itor. JirtINSTON Minn st reek jellreOl FISH! natal: runt:: HENDERSON 6t LAING, Denten In FLOW/. IKE° AN IS PRODUCE witi rseelre cunslgnmenta of Will P. I+l,ll and PICK - EBEL dlrsct trom l a ke Superior during the season. Ordure Rom City and Country Merchants will Se Ailed as the lowest rotes. Hake and Warehouse. Corner Second and Ferrel Hassel:.ritteburglL . Jetherateres 4 DMINISTRAI ' OR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby es given That letter" of sdnitnis. trndipn open the tatoof JOILN•ADAIifS, late or PennTorneldp. Allegheny °minty. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned. AU persons Indebted to saidestate are hereby rmitiested to make Immo diens payment to Christlau !snivel]. Penn town ship, and thost• Its, tog claim, are requested to pri -ent them. iiroimily hivhale4. at the residtno. of the administrator,• MIN NOt Penn street. 'Ninth her2;dll ro Et ADAMS. VOR SALE.—A BRICK DWELL -.- ICU HOUSE, situated 04 Wegtern aVetilie. Al legheny f'11.7. contenting *evert reqms, bath tam and ntalslied garret; gas, hot end cold - water, large ball, all lu gmul ndition. dant Ma, by 115 Het. Also vacant coI De the >hove 12.1 feet. to •3I foot street. The lots arc planted with Milt trees and grape vines. A convenient residence tot any gentlemen doing baldness in the city. For terms end particulars apply to R. MITCHELL. on the preudava. hio. 13 Western avenue. Allegheny City. Jellnesdrirgs croc•ilsi A Very Large and Select Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING =I LINES. A I...trACCAFLAYNI, .17.1 `all carts nn, mtntAem U ELI CASNIMERES CRAY de LOCAN, 47 St. i pair Street BUSINESS MAN'S fOII3IMICIAL COCLEGE, No. 4 St. Clair Street. BOOK-NEEEINII, PEN M A NEMIP AN I, MUTH LIETIC • $3O 00 AHLT HMV. tic Am) I` EN MA P 'dooo PENMANSHIP, I'ER ...... 00 ENTER AT ANY TINI K. Pot Sr.vlzarn• or Citralar., a.1.1,as N. SHAFFER and J. E. MaCI.A VAION MS. MITE. OUR b. CO„ No. 25 Fitt h Sit eet, User for nit a la qv worttuent of lA.TaST3EIN" frii , C)C) 1;) 09 AT REASONABLE PRICY-6. MEAT WESTERN GUN 110-111i8. J. H. JOHNSTON, Maim. and ntalet Fine Rides and Shot Guns, SAVYn.II4PII(.IO-.7 (I.Alt- BINEe and SfP , Kl , l`l3 M 1 Liu& of .A,nerMI:72\TXT2OI%T. And , 41.' 11 : MAIII.V. I I SiAll.7ltl %1111tary Cob tnl7 Inrulshr4l 1 1111 uat •h All otl notn.e.k ~ r,Mw , 1n I''" A Verthel% 1L .ad Mane. Cartier Penn and Wayne Streets. jes:4l) PIP P6IIPROLI. PA. Cc/cream-taxi's orrii K, t Vick ALksOligark, Juke T. 1160 { SEA LED PROPOSALS will be re ., celvral at Ulla [Mee anti! WEUNILIDA k lith that.. at three o'clock. F. it.. for iroonfroctlng PLANK SEWER U' FiLEaIIANT [47IIEGT, about Stu hart an length. For Information. •ppl, to W}l DR Y. E..l neenrdlati Rag glatni • By direction of Ike ritroet Committee. ALS, Althe fame. Sealed Procla O im,. wilt be received for BUILINif AN trY tiri FUN w tiAk for the one D tithe Wkartru FlCe sater. ID by Li testy For infortnatlon, apply to OW. Esq., Wharrnaster. • • R. B. VILA NM. City Ceti:roller. j LAT EOSALIST ANNEAL SUN DAY NUMMI. DAAISET DAY. June 14, Pt at At'rAlt.l.AairDS NCR' UI:UYa, Qouv. Sestina, rennoyi•aula tipezial train leave for prove at 0 A. Va. turning at 7 Y. Cara Union thrpot., Lib erty ts a r, at 111.10 and 1141141 a.-31.. and 'eltll/0, aral , and 4059 I. for lite Grose. l'eunsylva ula Avenue t. Care peas near the Grote every 511 cents. Mualc by °rricE. TO LET.,-POSSESSION U.( YEN IMHZDIATELY.—A very desirably Second Story DOOM, near the Post 1.)111ce, imitable for an 1...m.0./aloe, or tome tight anginas., Apply to PARR & DlO ZU , Arctittorts, Prt Now. 2 itud 1 Et't2, A la STRPRT. Jolt:cm WHITE CHINA VA-SEB, DecoLcotnanin Decoration. A fine nesurtment Just recel.d at NO. sat El N7S7cooci. j.g.rp n . MIGUY. BREAKFAST and D INNER ' "1"33,21. MID Wag. A shofar •••ortmvnt In !lain While, flol.l Ilan and Cott/coo Chins. Also. 41so. ! , /lorttl man Groilet ant!. v .. t. ". z n" . .2 . 1tt, " , Jn•t Vetted at IV u. Wvol, ts r Ld . r.n 11. 111G111% MOWERS, KAY RAKES, PLOWS, CULTIVAIORB It ra frS Or Acauculdrunna. inveLIMICSTs• ".4 03. Vt, haw AL 3ZO 20.1 awl 30 Ohio ettreer:AU.lo..7' ttirDl laaDarwr w r J 4C) JEITS . 7C. 4 G-O,AV - , uougz, Spa% AND DELUitArlYft PAINTER, GRAINER. AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittaburgh. N afartitlxed Paints. Window Glaaa and rutty for ato. yelhet.l T HE WADDEN AND VENANGO COAIPAWY.—tha Annilat Sleeting of the Slot\ hohlors or the WAttltleN AND YEN A !Diu ( OSIDAN Y ha halal at ~.ha Drart of the ittooaryo, p 0 all NuI.UAY, .l tl at Trilloll Uwe al P Sad 'Antal a rentaara, Hoard al rector, and Odic r o J k J e I .IIIUI O ep l 0 e ti.tre,r.t.t.t. - 15 .1. 00 13. 7 ; 5 h 2 It(J UttON:Clerk. Jet eAi DIVIDEN II NOTICE. MlPPA. l•N et t e i Vitf.l K . !Bend of I= th 3 their Capital 11 4•01[. claar.of tioreronsent tax, igt e t u ns m o . tt and after the lath lett., at Use ulnae of A. P. BlittOttn, /eatend. Beeratary and Treasurer. FESTIVAL AND FAJUIt. There will he held on tato Evenings orTUEEID AY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Ann Min - 13111 and Nth dune, a FesUreJ and pair In the U. P. OLIMICU, LAWRENCEVILLE, no a b.eni Ins the Cbnich.' ,PLAIN FLINT 4.ILANNIVASkL ---- 17ealxqed (or • • ...EV#raing cent! Decorating. AlagrOVAL AND 11017140 OLABM SLIADICS and STANDS. A vulety reetlrea at No. '-4111 , W00D STltrtr;', Vei:c7o) . . FL MIGHT. ..p.srmsor.BELTlNGll—L eather -s-4,34.(euursAllpit s *d. 2410,idiee Lieq.ner 1 1 / 5 14 abornison hind, 'ittlihpianylol?WeNN. C (108)*^1 VarlestiriO4#o tenon, ',W c .ti nt4rl- 't f -t% Y .44keiititidir 60s. NEW ADVERTiSEME'NTI JAAIF.S T. BRADY R CO„ (SUCce.stors to S. lobes & C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., BANKERS & BA° S, nmsas Ij ALL xittos or Government becurities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. oLLEctIO3jB mule on all accessible points In the United States sad Canada,. interest allowed on Time Deposits. EUREKA ! EUREKA !! A SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL IMMO MOLINE AT LAST THE LADIES' FRIEND. Patented October Rtt, IB6i Thl• rdenblne takes f•h:H tltc P:o ' n; pof the t t WITHOUT "bn'b ."Ad Bo R Y HAN U DR ' !r 11- 111tili. will 'wash .y clothing, from a LLlHrit FINE LACED CoLLAH to • BER-SFREAD, arab 1.E.85 THAN HALF THE LABOR It can be done In any otter manner. A PVBJJC EzulmTnoN Of tbe abarra +.lll be given at IT Ite lIN All LONO No. 197 Liberty street, on Wednesday, 18th Instant, At 10 o•olock, A. s. Persons interested, and thi public tu yeneral sre Invited to attend. County Rights are offered on liberal terms. JAMES BURET & COOK.. MEM IEI UZE MERE 10 'UNDERWEAR, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean .Drawers; New Kid Gloves a, 75 cents a pair; White Cotton Hoserat 12 cents a pair; Five Pair good Cotton Dose for $1,00; Parasols and Silk San Umbrellas; Fans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Puff Berlin Gloves. NEW GOODS REG - MING DAILY Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MACRON, GLYDE & CO. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. EictlANoll NATIONAL BANN Or EITT6KTILOII, rITTnrIVILGII. June Ist, 11019. THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRY:NUT has authorised the Board of Dl recton of this Bank to increase the Capita/ to Om sum or T MILLIONS Or D(ILLARS, (1112,000,- 000); by the (none of TEN THOUSAND ADDI TIONAL SHAKES, amounting to rive HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, (0500,000). The Board will estimate the amount to he paid for each new thane taken by an addition to the par of piny Dollars, a pro rata saltation of the reserved moats and accumuiated earnings, at the date of subscription. Applications for 'Stock will be received until fur ther notice. Ity order of the Board MED NOTICE TO CONTACTORS. SEALED PROPOSAL, will be reeelytd by the Chestnut the 12Th DAV OP JUNK, for Grading street. from Braver street t s s treet ta r t' street, Frant.tio Street, from Sedgewielt s rims oder, Pultott Street. from ...sh in/Mu street to Ohio avenue: Manhattan Street, from Adams street to Ohio avenue; Manhattan Ntreet, own. Hoptlus street to Western sere., Chattier etro.t. Romth side of Payette street to Western strut:v. Cha sou rtirt street. from —alley to • C distance of ISA feet south of Versatile street, and Mcurdy's Allay. tram Welton street Sofar west salt is required. Ttu.1.a1 , 3 grading is to he done aordsling to plans for ai and specifications made by the Herordom Regsols d' tier whole work done under the suvision of the Committer on Streets, who will have fUll con trol of all so:plus ee e AAA flung, and will direct what disposition shall be made of the same. Yor further tuforma,lou, call un the undersign• ed, at thr office of Phelps. P•rt A Co.. Mainchmoter. or WM. WREN UUY, Recording Itegulator , W N. KIR Chairman of Como:M lß. .ou Stree K, ts. iIiANCLIC.,TXII.. June Ith. zzah-*C.72 THE CELEBRATED STEEL TOOTH HAY AND CRAIN RAKES. ••i'it ANI It NIItU•' at.l • •NFLUUW LANK,— Ars masufaatured sal) at the UNQUENN WAG ON and U LTU Ft AL lIIPLIMENT WORKS bear tbs rentta nttaty. A LLE ti NEN Y. Their Hetes era warranted imparted to any Ma china or the kind ever Int... Need here. Also HOMY. HAY POHICS, WIIICILLBLARDWat, HARROWS, I.IOIIT and HEAVY !WILING WAG PI h. FARM WAGONS sod CARTS, Ada to order, oh best material, and for sale at low M.. Iro:emal COLUMBUS COLES/LAIL_ LIVERS AND SALE STABLES. MORELIND & MITCHRL, Nos 425 & 427 Liberty Street, Th. very beet HOMES, CAURLAILIB3 and BLAI. , lilEn tent Monies 11 1 all Menet The dortet JUSAIMMIG Intl city. Vonrale, de., attended to on short uie, In the beet manner. Person• wishing to engage anything In one Une ea, rely upon being turned out 111 the best style, us proprietors glue th eir mammal a/Mention to the bityleonum 07.12 EARLE'S PATE) T STEAM PUMP. A. LIMON, SON & COM'Y 9 91 First Street, Pittsburgh. liming the exclusive Agency fur these gimps, In Western Pennsylvania, ithey are prepared to ihr• of of all ores, for pumping Water. OIL Arid. or Benstne. Tbery wwmant their Pumps to do move work, at leasapenae end trounin, any ether Pomp nor In e the market. all Pumps warranted to give satisfactlun. An, person wish ing to proture a Pump, wil/ do well to mil and ex /mine for themmlies before purchasing elsewhere. _wepd73:dasrif NOTICE TO BUILDER& I.lr/ms (AT=Nu 1 . .18551U1411 RAILWAT.I e Pirrsatinon, Juno 11, 1111 L SZEALED rnorossi.s will until MONDAY. J. lath, et the ottlee of the ClUse. Nissen/ter ha 11..., Coreoarry, No. 117 Pena street. for the Erection of the Stable Bundinp of eel() Company In the Borough of Lawrenced according to pLane and specifications of the same to Dr SW. at the oleo of J. W. Kerr, Architect. No. ZS lit. Clair ht., on'and after Monday, lith , naf• jlmes J ABMS VIC/INCR, Prealdent, Urrit.s. or t'oPITROLLin Or ALLSOOOOI Virrnotuton. JOOO4lO. inee. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED I . IIOPOSAIN will be received et lON ern. until ifivo INSTANT, Incleave, for the ESE(VEION 01 , A NEW WOODEN ISTICIJUTURIC AT TLIE BRUME ACROSS 011ARTIZIKS CHEER 4T MANSYLKI.D. WI We rout leading from l'lttiborgb to Noble. town, to Scott totweblp. flan. and specifications can ba attest on applies Elan. By direction of County Commissioners JeLe42J.LteeT HENRY! LAMBERT. Controller. PHILADELPHIA SALOON • FOR sei.A.man In the City of Canton, Ohio, OTOCK, YIXTUU AN D LILT - AlSlOclitildNlTUltl: of exit tone, all new. UPOsr can calm tee rooms; Corner bonne, near the Court /louse and Post Mine, In the centre of the ally. Reason foe aelllng• en, engaged In other b.:eines& Ictorhe The Fountain Hortiougniil ICE CREAM SALOON Ln Wllklns• Hall, ?mirth street, near Smithfield, Ls OW °Pen. The brat 14..1, cool ll est and most Inducing FLOW hII 1/01111114N nAIAX/r1 In the State. band . Ler create eaten end confectionaries always on A ',me oarttesTuA an unlearned for dm mnd wit) aurenenee syglgy NIGHT (7m,,,,....d0Y) trout aeren till twelve o'clock. h;;;S "` aelt., and betTles. always on my=:hlo ataliAmp, (WWI, Manageress. BERNARD ivizir lt gm-j, alsofacturer and Dealer in SNUFF .AND ALL ADS of TOBACCO Amu itrratL, •• • SECARS, • No. 205 Ohio 5t., ikenoo . _ ALL • BLIT MAURY HAPPILY rrepteilventweeltb, age or beauty yeee tbe lore' °Jibe - opposite *ex win be Folioed by the followi elnipluseles. bend a_direeted etVrelobe ng Oreeepori, New York. OTELT ELT GIIILM AND., rEBT/IVIE :.e Boyd. wird.= addressed covolopa end e glost r I will lend roe foam lriOsablo InfOnnlitlew sp so w 11,ploa pny, Addrelnlittel 84rOitteray, Now Yore. je115031144 EMI NEW AD VE PUBLIC NOTICE WE WILL COMMENCE OUR USUAL Semi-Annual Clearance Sale fai2oo,ooo WORTH OF !CHOICE DRY GOODS On Monday, June 11th. J. W. BARKER & CO., THE HATES AT WHICH 'AE A. will Offer oar 11NTIRE STOCA. mby be iodAe4 by the following I..3tations: Good Filets, Good Mulles, Dream Go t gad Shepherd elatrisst 1.113‘e. At IliNe., Wide Bri , Drees Goods. in variety. (1.4 Bleached and ribleseted Nualing at DO eta. Doable anditingle Width D•ela Goode .41 /Sawa quality yarliwide Meting 113913. J. W. 23.13E111EM. • 39 MARKET 9THEILT, O ' STOCK OF SILK AND DUE: S 0901)8 Is valued at 5590500.78.000, d embraces an almost endlemsarlety, and *III be d as cheap a, Use above. sT. -C>o4 59 MARKET STREET. M ART IVAE T IEKEEPINIA GOODS gutted by the &Tan,. In LIM° torv%sVelf.remi union latotics. a. VIT. 39 MARKET ISTRZERT 1 ACE. CLOTH AND SILK GAR -3IENTB, for Ladle. and Misses, and Shawls of 411 kin Lon band la great varlet,. They will be 64.1.1/ CHEAP. 3ELADXLINTrr.••• SD BLARILET STREET. _ These. together with about everything belonging to oar branch of trade, may be found In abundance at BilltritthlNULY LOW Yittlclitn. utairms,niorrn WHOLESALE AND RITAIL.—TI3Is sale will present n meet unusually desirable opportunity for buying DE BIYAELE (1001)0 at LOW ritlltin4. air -Chad. will be sold freely and eneertally. ire w. 13.41.11LIKHEEL CNC), 59 Market Street 1612.44 SUMMER UNDERWEAR. GAUZE COTTON, GAUZE StEREVO. LISLE THREAD, SUMMER SILL, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. H. 11 . . MI7RII.A Y, Cashier Muslin. Fiat Jean and Linen Drawer; Great Shirt and Collar Depot, 72 B'SFR•B SST., Nearly opposite the Post Mike. gentlemen' Furnishing Goods, REMEMBER, Our Business h Exclusively GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING. lEURDOCK & PUTNAM 3,,a3 CARPET CHAIN: PUIN 4 COLORED, COTTON d. UNEN ALSO. COTTON YARNS, SSORTED NUMBERS ALL OR 1111:Wr QUALM, FOP, SALEM" .A.. 23.. 023:2:1LaCini idb CPC:I6, At Hope Cotton MW, ALIIMILII CITY, JUST Mil HUMID Bina Naomi. may be .ema And orden left mtlls U. cilium a CO., No. 133 Wood street. PlUaborgb. _ _ NORTH AMERICA !LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. widows and Orphans' Fund. .4b. 6$ Trititais Bt.. Abu: , tort PUDDDENT—D. D. morealus, CAILTARY—J. TINDALL, Medias" Examlaier E. T. cook, SPECIAL ADINT TOIL WESTERN 61 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AOENTII WANTED. TiaTNI:O4.3 wlownwi D. APDISJIO.I7. EAGLE OIL WORKS, X.toewromaocrtrillo., WICHTNIAN & ANDERSON, Kellner, and Dealers In PETROLEUM. 4).'lllNea REM " We" Practical Optician, Awl lilaindaaturar of Out RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Which t: lagn:ra gt4en and ihAktrminr In171:1 O. 1110 C. 2P , a-copo.r. Conn of !aka ud Neal &reek Near the stuipenslon my111:1010 ALLEOURNY CITY, Pit J. & PAIRLET. • • HAVING OMEN BURNED oil. Mr, 412 Liberty atrast, have reariovtlh#Voy . , Z Feed and now Busiliwast litaittwnr:l=l:4'o.6lkPPlCV. pi pppo- layal :WV • ' - $20,000 TO LOAN . ON DO, ND AND INONTNAGE,. Zooldro at Cot. MK. 3P3O7PNLTV. - tioetteator to Jao. P.it . thoteastilq COBineitial ' Broker, 18 81. Clair 81. ..01;b9 • ALLEGHENY CITY FLOM AND spAnsco isiercriam, 8. C. NoMASTER & CO., No. Ibb Ohio Sty Allegheny, • Wholesale and Osman Dealer* hi .11•1cobur, 3Peocl db CA.ibblza. Oath held for Wheaasuld We. lettolle COOlllll TM/MINI • r iOalr 7sl,l4tlXtl el FIELDING & an°, Manufacwcre mul Dealers In Ctuusitcom BOOTS, SHOES. & CULMIak No. 140 Ohio IN., Jiltesboy. • tkpaltiog promptly executed OR Um itutrteet CO- Moe. titiCKII aoo Seib. Seed Biedarliiii, mats ARTICLE, by • MCB4/P & ANSE% 0 , an721).670 151 . 4 hi( .1) . Ir JPATTERSO! ff; CO. MANCHESTER, SAMAIMIXtv Between Mervin , iireetAirid Ontaigr AI !Mutter a n .../6 : • Sat i ar ''Th r O ''' ' LIMN VA r allnit: ZONTAL.;vourga, Trais tr oMilgeatin " t axl Inches Mama /"041 fiv• • PitrOalltik asekt,umwaisci* CZ= 59 Market street. fib COCO 4100 CO des 400 DM MEM Torrther with a complete lino of Specially adapted to City Retail Trade J. DIAMOND, MME2M MIK) 1 MS ,~ ~ ::_ ~ 5;,,-fir ~ :''q ara BUY YOUR TEA& IN RETAIL QUANTITIES WHOLESALE PRICES, IMMO JESSE 11. LIPPINCOTT. Corner Smithfield Second Streets. Bret Oolong Ten Best Japan Tea Best English Ftreakfsst Tea.... 1,23 Best tootle tlysen Tea 11.00 Flue "Young Ilyson Tea. Gire our Teas a talr trtil .d you will be convinced they are the cheapest and best In CCM MEros soars. BOYS' BOOTS, "V6iiititie, Boots, LADLE' BALMORAL& GAITERS,LADIES' MIMES ANA CBIFXRUS' Boots, Balrnorals- AND GAIT ER S, . AT REASONABLE,IIATES, SOUTH RS atotilitsr Or choice brands, constantly on mod, islArriONAL ItOLN/ARIt AfthILIMIU /n tots to suit purchasers. , 1120* COOlOl3 W , U. =NM= COLHOUN & EDWARDS,. 11120)3110 AI AMU IN. SODA ASHAI4IIt2EMI CALS, Jro. 24 WV;orl Str eet. In sloe* I.mA landing In Philade/phi.. 200 tons.SodstAshi, Emetz•Cilutehlototi'S, and Crime sake 660 begs Nitrate Soda, Crude sad /Leaned: IGO itegsl3l Carb Soda (English); bbis.Venithntard; Conluson , s; ALtilg; AND DIANGANDSE, rritaw,il:4)47cll43l RICHARD E. BREED, 31:14E.CMILTEICIEL,. • No. 100 Wood Street. BRITAIINIA. AND erLy_zu PLATED TABLE WAIDE, TEA TRAYS AND TABLE OUTLEEI, disuse on hand. CHINA TEA CHINA DINNMEDS., OH/NA TOILET VETS. t:HINA VAn% • . . . OH/NA germ Na. BOHEMIAN WANE (0' Y DrSciarriOr; LAVA CAIIKANKETS, LAVAVAIS LAVA bPIIID NIL • =GLIB!! STONE WANE. or slllarletles, Wenn wholesale and retell trade. The ludo.; andnlDlSCoinnlete atdeAeret . rypg' In this Ilwahrtne elty - . • • • - • Cruel and ten= the sane as In the eastern eltles. =Mt prarren i tD T4l l / 4 11ilaiD 3 ,PAZ LEAMER Batik AID liOfit, Unantsc Rd .1 No. MI ISNLITUITIII.D bT., by HAR PHELPS & CO. AI.o, e‘uti Ant kierrXgrk Rummx. 09. Own Eteltizi g. kl_._"titill?ru n SFirdelL'jOirte aatu t L,- BELT notrKb. ote. CiaE.o3 lIIVaTo ""yl a r JO - OBS& GO OODEN &DO., nlanntaatartsa and Dealer. In Carboft Oil. Lamps - it Flitures, Ohandellera, Carbon Oils, &0., to. 04 liasket-Strect, , CkatiC, NUL: AND WOOLEN DYE' AND SCOVREIL 10=1 Mints Ilirlndow , asitahis and Chair Coveys Cleaned ihmtpegfauttd - wltbcn4 Nos. • 35 and. 37. Ildrt..Streca,.- Between Wood sad Smithfield, misliets72 =MMtTn9 BELLS! ilEFAll'4 1,11.14.10 M , - - Fairs, Skep,".Ciiii v llll . l4 doirci, J O E PiI_ OO PWELP;AVAki,'' 'Corn. l Wood Lost tleimod rlitedrilli .. " 1076 • lOU RArdukNltd , ISCIAMEd. ' • OyIES, BELL & co., Anchor Co* in ANCHOR a) PgIFVUS:ina.,•. • • • ohautzirriXilti, I zoitorio(o) amtensok WARDENAIIATOCELDEIC: .unoluram4ll , "-- ' .... .:; ,, CR 0 ANDS ET ots • t NORTH CAROLINA , . i . ona.er oftrinquesme.Nlitaiialaligoieß444 . • .• , Pittsburgh, ea, Represent WA.: HRWORlitbfoali Meet, 1 . 01146440Rb1.• • • la •C.. Ve.,l tarn T0; - 11V1117111.1z‘v04 , Mau .• ours 0r5rim0u5,...,1.99,..u * 4 RAO ". MiC O O46O ViVALTI 4 . II O; ber rae mt ;maft-t , B ottler,rwli,L4.r andM. oet• Weebe the I, , Qic 4 "` .""11NYIV io">•1l Dona of rW 0000. • . FFERVEIMINC" I ' • •'• " a ttall:tl.l..aia. ni.(1.41.4 •. . -.•VITRAT AIMINaeIa I ak• - 1 110,%:b01.116:4tiiiiiiiirSti IVWDOS,AiI 0:14 • IRSVboa4,4o,44NsiloO•irmr4 , 4 til l ` nii,MTIIOII.4I.O6OIIIS. - ;,—AzulkuumuwAn t 4.010.511Mrt.",' ancock'SC, PAtijoweri c .. *xi I . rsinha•- moo= gt oth i vnio cAtilliglancoa ; ,-. ...ljlv o l:fjpAtoitifict)iity, - ..,%. itrovi ~.," i ,Itg, ALPSZIXIF soon. jogilr . .: 6 0. 44 1 4 "AOOFIFIVII LopkAN-61-.. „..k , - $1 fr ," 4.. i. maw a ' • - ILL Elit is. vs fi ~.:5 Cry !ON WORKS JONES A LLAUGAINS M . X • r i r , 3131711X31:23C, mion•PAffillaziall CLP _ AMERICAN AND thin Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Piate 1 0$4, Bridge Irop; Angle and rr Iron; Guard iron; , Coal Sereen Iron; T Rails,l6 and 20 lbs. to , the Valli Tram Balk, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Rridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Balls andllpikes; Ship and Rosaltplkes; Railroad Railroad arlshliars and Bolts; Railroad Var 'Wheels and Axles; Street Car iiniiewaimit4 # 4,o4 Coal-Pit cii::Whivis . and,Auei l Patent Cold /Lulled ShaftingT Patent Cold Rolled PilskeitßOdig Mower and WARIWOUSEA D prrICE, 120 Water and 158 yrontSts. UEANUB HOUSE, Nos. 22, 24 and 26 River 81., Jel.els CHICAGO. ILL •01,95 per lb PARKIKEBITEG Lt3RIOATINe (DomOi(Domany Keep constantly on h••• 1 • impair of s Natural Lubri ating Oil, UP THE BEST CHLEVITLEB. E=l2ll Free from all Impurilies. Every Barrel Warranted, OR TO BE RETURNED AT THE _COMPANY'S .tddreas JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WIT/IT. IL NEITLS & CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts., b7ll PITTSBURGH, PAL, TM Manjma, of thnant onal Asyum Or , dim Charged n unteer wines,.authortsed •117 net of Congress approved . AarehM, - 1161. - •00 propoals ' On' en.. for i eernms by .: doesthati of sale. Thu premises's. be eltuala In one an ds uoyal nines. enema,. at legit MI ilereanf land and berin a healthy , location anduary °Dummy by,rallyesa mother/ rise: it is the purpose of the manners so erect, without dual. extensive alsll panailtient - - buildings for maid ATMs: ata4 Iife.aOUSIMeAS.WIII Mt JPN:Iy id, .1;0Xer42021 u n ction w. , railr oad In t,-.1'4417 b anegh s t ptglnt i ta i rs a zt ie t ot ates. rot .Alryita asked Menthe approval 01 , thallasraMerVacen pensatir.is:l En Wen tiE. Etta sumo? PEW.. - - .Pro is, - plans. spniffeitioni en estimates— , then ti to be dn , writing,' Containtor plot Ind dennfiPl4.ll , of arm.* smilteans and condi, (ions of transfer—couft" Ur nant:to.lllaJor Ei enerni Et. Y. BUTLlol,:attowelly.liss., on eV Ocfoni it* UlOl.ll day ofdne. infa. IiENJ., Y. ,8UT1.11114 ~ Prtstdent Board anfartagerS. Lzwia B. °anemia., Pecretiint t -- r - '-' , , - - .. , Papers ntiiieliii;pitbilalrtbe - Laws:Of thnthilted Main. nulawatfallr !rearested itt • paltallib . Mix three(,) cent j?rior fs, the Man at Jnne, WA, and sesuttlE.l* their blll, with copy of node(," se above dl. ree" 1 JC. ntrrion cn. luallor. W. **ll33lW ! . SORO OIL WORKS, I a_ c lIANYYPAOTIIIMIA of TEL' 1/ P OLEUM VAIRICATIPI lIIILL SPertly Lardand Whale Oils„ i ILO Lifillf, ?inflict OLL LB WIIIIL GENII Siandiud While Burning . Oil, No. WS Market Street, , PreTSI3I3RGH i , P.A. SEND WA ollealXl,llWli ,c c 3417.113 ORS-BRANDIES. LI v - p i Mpuruonow BENNER- C r rTPllllor yid Otard BrILIMUZ• very de dew-Brazdentatir Witte ErS119•11 Vll i olhtB sad me, a '.lii Colony Bawdy, lane 'mall %At Mack T. Annlannlrl. Mid awry, and Oto ed [ -4,,, . ) Wltf a i - Z i ezp i tram =v. , el v4I Y P = C I HI PCFP4r kW/1 • Mins, In Oates. ' Chun coasts danks,-lf ..., .. Sweet ala and Lisbon Wilma. chu i amend Wine s , Pln. ienl, , Bala Saler,: ' " la EX-4:114 llionoigalials, varina eau. 81 1e l entk&ky: 'Ci ntuicrit "" ; : r Y orir lar ' '''' - ' K. Ng do eY • ,arc- , . •Aballtil, It iclUlll4l3;crli t a. , COUDlALlTY,oso L ycipernant, Etinlata, ati. ' Olcrkifi-V 5 41 . A i ttkoe=Peelee. roreale ay e e lalladylle.4 WC alai And 2513, cOrnetUrerty iljr:M, ux • ••• 4.4 A r1.4.11 . 4.,,1..• J . • enT OF ALZISOIiZiSP g 3 Qo ' S i h o e u T e A p e r { u D U a n t cite_ in ei k ao 'of h az i , ithaln , MhelitioValle/r 'Dow - and tenr= goiant , T e arra r res=4.llliritialTO far' Impartegalatlimetanitallomaneion t JP Artit.. pald an or before hrOley AMY. • s rA tizer lent., If paid otter belb rz ellle SmtMy of r '' rc3 "l;*; lt tieD paid altar tbe tint day o[ , eeer. and mini , before tbe ant day of October no dedeetion 'will be made. Irpoldattpr the dint day or darde j ognkoi Assam Ars{ detrotAtiorembertAuraddiuteribenve peer mme.entll be added to and payable on thewee, wee, iesu a Mt h e ' nki l i;re getreilteritt_imotwar" bl.be leg irablild..tosether With titir i tita l .st., thied lbeteen..and vortaf • • ^ ,•ret.r.•••, D.-MALIPICitItON7 Oltytreme. CH= .g . 2149 1 ENGEMPAtAINI6I: t ` - • 'Luck scATiv a ippmciNic 9.5'11,;.; tauFnoo Boxtir or solio4Ntoots• siaDde by atts V icou ng or lie o *crr.•Afamito taiet r 4stdit.naturn T en4 a l un 4 l4 to s4 f=t l ° o et l e n ra l i s7 -Th b ' w - °„ M 4 OEMS PER P 0171510.- I .4 I PRInVATIVE PACKING COMM 13.413 . i. , lIIIMAIOWCP.Mer -- Not.Ntitud wAT,FlSitinaji.u.M4o* Esreerzr: , . 1 0 14,0 4 ,11 : Oa!teimo cylinder. 4 toots troke:4oMS jte Andy tritlif rtt loch stroke, to Km& . iN4 - 1, tope °rgola)) at tOe'llotakirilte . ~.,p;ololatregtrATltA#l4lnoiliw . . . . 11:WAL clay' ams-Alllllll6l#. e . .............te5t IV gom..-istium-.---qmr-to A- 111 5. , 4 -------i,:!r--= 2 7. f , ; 4: e.r.40t." — XllOl. Ili j. L ,..' I -+~~. l i~^ - _.~..r. AGENCY = ... . . cpALc,66.44.."-co. 4x , HICKSON;STOWIIItittIt ., EtArtor motored thelt.olflee td 814371.811bert3r Elitreoet o (Lateir City Floor Ji II 4IItECONDI/L0611 2 Are aow prepared' to fbiuteb' miocTOtottitooMMT Lump,. Nut .oml - or Bhtek, aT THJELOW.CSTALAILICICT AlllOll. • orders lett at - their attest,' or iddiroM4l to them through tho mall, min he attendedwpm:only. O W/ WI AIUM.B.O3IG. Inoghloghorkyanagannega r vijie 00e. ,Asio,x,A.Norsoroorr. or, , Coal, Slack, and Desulphatized Coke °Pine:MAIM - YARD. - ; " -" tomer of Butler sad la orlon; Orel-yard on Liberty bad qtyweeptreetr, liintb. Ward, audoobeeoudet, near 1 r LorA 00.. rittibutab;.Pe. ' `Faxelitesem4 Kaaufaeturersineopitedelfhlbeibebt article, of Goal, or Coke. at the lowest oat . Orders ler* it any of the Yardririll rederte r nt k SAVE THYSELF.. , Vellt. anct Cutter , . velebiated stchikett sitto'rz; . . The greatest Hondas eVer discoTered. The addl. lion; y ) itt uc tlzt . the hij, geitarifit%a=te:lttrz perfect solid°. to intentperanee. l .Previgros to his arlZTort i ala r eTetito .t aTlV=4:42llTlT4 teratlve. In diseasual Stestiacia •t e l, • of r pl,a 'blot:4. 4. lll 'l a ne dU lerte ' lst i s!wayso the " : a ssiiica!b 3 i - Monsen. to al Persona-adetictenlo the nse oracle, vtlsata..and narcotics; sdcn 'oak - alcohol and' matt' 1 1"°r*Pi t r i t 9 l a Erttr,'• t lV i sr = Ovestn, atpls a li oa OtVd ita:to for.flinalant i lndaebe No vin all nerou disesa, IM no equal a or e. L , Beayears nee o the ImPrifiea InitUih Bitters let St. BarthOlOntonNhhiesPlts l da May's Hospital,:: , Netriale and other prisons. has established its rep. notation, as • core for intemperance. and amlned. , for hike approval of the a.tending surgeonaln all tae hospitals and prisons through - ma - West BMWs. midi" preactibed now o n many. paysiclanlaDln vete practice, .tor persons ad soothe. ewge'o!' Merit tar ts and o l i de n i , w. r gt . pOr b l i s:p 7 in i. ll%; arToa 41 " .. ! , ..4 - Plis. no ' Wtl4;eels a, *gent; ' ' . , , TCiiiRENCEI zoyokas2 No. TO marketa., coiner acji.otartb. PIIYSIOONOMY n T..M:eat A MEN'Tv - jam ,cluner, • , _ , 14, 4LEszigtrirastram, " 'oinciioft.ll9l ,, outut street, Ptteibentl4 nee tot dile ilti`ll3lll4. 1414 11Ieteie "" UT three•etoif Thlet'-ft..eneejt;„;ertekkh.zteirtftr are; bottrelrratir--4AA4 thrOttge thitbtolulo..LOSWASher. attitliWOU 911.14.' not sate fpACII U V Lt. D. 'Aqua wood oar PeissoPoinla Ammt - lea tram the eIIT, oft 4 4 114414,theee Ist bealitlitt new aeon flittlitOr. and la.lre UIPMb.r . trig i r arra best =y4%4 , 1 tboe fruM . r. And siparasely Ude end the an= ess.pc.; 4 acres eacb, or bulerlAreqUAlLW -SAO MACRO i. adm1rabry,14.4414,10....4 1AVA4 , 4444444 • . • •.34 4401436 : ot limestone,' bra sitlernona ., 44llltr, Sod eau' of ken. 'The souls 0 115 ,- hill. CUs: 451241.1" either . ::111 t 1241.1A ngt1Wart44714:g-, male IlmuesMithe p ~..Vntoz) , a p GeteiV•Vullie ACItY.S. wen t sliseieuji*Ziti4:"" Ilifebtalttom'w PFar III!, sail aline I r. g Pa ro i le. greromrrtanw , etheiOvm the eft?. • Vet tertherpuseyee 44.044Ab0T111V1A44 WARING KING cam -mir4p ci p ana petroleum and • Its: ftduets, 4 Dna OZ&NZ Ir 4 ' „,i7._,X•rnein.1311714.1124114, X 9414 ' IDWARINC, , K INC 11, - • IS7 Widaket. LAN ottiliNearekloiiiii °radio, Ir. 4, ":4 batta of Obaalliar,illibortoutTraiikttaa'Paltalt; ills: , ''' , - • ttlitreata ono afaCaaarii Allay to Ito soirmix - ' awrzott or .- at'lll . iit'ai I ' i.t'ii ' .tiiidd Di_titiril l'-:.•;:...' ate, rairre lrViChl=7i: ' ' t AK° oo2 i ti. , ; - .4'. ' mot, That thii Courtaltaaa on •latakeetarazo barirr-'..7''": V= itg=4-41017:43ke=m,..--,,:" WeatanasvanuN Cipa7.l4o.titzect. aala .......az ar l*, ,, to a dlstasos or 144 zees loath of Jlratikl.buearesil- Obest.2at also, from tledgeolo,_lc staott,to:suma,--.-.....,4; alien RultoalltateA. h. iv ~.....sirennek 31aanat • atotW_Zanynme& ';," wad to Wooten , &ammo. end aavenotr - Altar ,','" '' from ltaltoa alms as lie weal ball . tome ,!'” ' 3 lowest sad besi thltlarttricsgairbtaftw .11 2 , ..a11d 2134,004 SUDaan hi ... .r.11.3fi.&0111, ram,r thoosto °Mao Caatttatti the :to. ~.. e eZrArs,p, b r r .rriti.VA .t i ozer,,enas as-m,...-;,.. ..i. D... UK . eni.l:lW ....A An: 1 ~,,e r . 1,1 - ;; , ; , ,..? , .. „,...,thhatillt ElK'Xvonoil it AWrtitilltanßqorrn. - '!*: 4 ' , ....atiosater,A.trury.....a. 14...g0,- ~ .-....: i., - .L .P r24plika!ilettil..,.. „alqi?rAm ,VAM.F.t o r - Tar l it li c sm_ , ..i.4,04.'.. r.ba X i. Attlitaol*o3+llTalt, aw.a. - -- -, . • -' - 4ç WAFTED-4200 t per Meath pai Y d = 0 w elt% to m i rc r irri our Era a l 1 1 1 A M i ta a g. tr I' MA 0 e b fa C e r ts Il ar. teilvel.4ll-10 - WANTED, ' . - • 40 Mules ead SO Ilan _ - At the Stable bribe PITTSBURGH. ALUM:ARMY AND ILANONE3IIO2 PASSZNer* RAILWAY ALM COMPANY, ltancbeater, &ALLENDER WARTED At 98 Grant Street, 3d doer. Apply. with reteroom to 11,200 W. D. BASAL 'WARTED—AGENTS—MaIe .suid :Female. to sell the Picture .. H01.12 AGAIN Aloo For the beautiful klatch Engraviw "CEILLIY4I ritAyzw , and ..FLIZST LIG/Gpo. DN... A.tut Amu can snake from Veto gm witty In Gerilor one of the best, Book& QIG, country Illn CAXYAIer Addr ess 'Terrltoty to nnt applicants. Apply Goon. . mosircr A. tELLIN, 15 Third st. • die Oven . 4241& 0 a ta tir.nye ,experienow bath 111.etheope 1 and Atutrma, Wl.b WM' to retire Irbm theproression, will send to any pet • sob valuableereelpos,lrtnn the use ofWbith any in. dustrious young man or woman, with little or s t capital, C.I.UMAI from the Gat day not Only matt eadent living, but in a very short time realise moderate fortlllie.‘ , address, with two stamps We return postage, • ta P. CEDISTERSTALD: Chemist, oa.V2hbarrys 517 mine St., Phlladelphla, Pre. • WANTED—AGENTS— 16 tek $201) iLii.: 7 4, 2l 4 72 l " u o r.: l 4.l.VA A tli S tereb s PAlLl Commot , vire kanilly goring- flachiMa, Intpereed and nce d. It will hem, tell, Mita. taut. bin makingd embroider benuMfally._ - only 629, the elasuo lock-Match, and !ally wurtant for three years. We pay Abe above wages, of ton, from Melee that amount eau be made. Adom is t, with state or nu. Al l lett i rn i tturarered promptly, with. calumet,' and.temm. tarialral hytt A room' Qi..4 Tames remsna 110=1 AND imex mug is WATT P'.41)31K11. - TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHAUL LSD, era.= rim a a Ni'aisso.on ~„ Warehouse. 91, Wood Sweets Weed door below Diamond , zirmisintati pAPEO lIANOIIIIOS FOR 1966. A greet collection of American waft Palk if or the first time to fee yeses W* E. G. 7.04 P 4 PER A chafes eeditetlon of the . Newest Preach Papers For weer mhl4 CT W B WALTER Pr WAEHAM: trOP psumon PArEBEL A NWif LOT OP Sta,' o ndard Gold. no Pa i ggs Now received. of basnfal dosig far Na •IOT MAW= fiIMEZT, NEAT- TrITT/G JOS. RTMEileS'at BISO COAL, CO ~~ R.KOWIrS OP. OZlridilidOPEß2 'B mha' muirrztorgeounir ' Extep,;cgd ponim, 4 n4l39tosiaingta HUMAN FACE DIVINIL .• _ -BY SiMalik.l WELL& With mar° thin PP.l.Thr!s"4lll-uiraC!".' rlitlW4ll.rr?, 'Ag , EZIE