The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 12, 1866, Image 1

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    THE - DAY ttiZPATE.
_ Irst4lllm) at
Ma !mirr.
(moo. •
MIL _." ti t_e representative
in Congreits from the 14th district, we re
gret to see, is having h sharp contest for
ro-nogdnation;Ltrith -the .cliances dnainst
Wm. EfOl'itten4ly:rotctr with Ito II&
publleaninirnity, ind - haa
laboredto pfornote the fnteteste of x 1 twd=
Ia diteinnati,a addition to Mr. Pads
new opera house, Xr. T. Handy, Fore
sea to builctaitopern lionBe :With „a studio
building corribinor,: bet Ween acts,
the audientsi;ciint - promenade through a
gallery of pictures and statues. Mr. T.
Buchanan Read has consented to supervise
the arrangement of this studio:
Tun ..linedintin'i Barean has dew one
thing that,Yill delight the democrats—it
has supOreaSed the Loyal Georgian, publish
ed at iningit„ by.the blacks.- The cause
is not known; ..-tratns the. agent who
did the johjs the ,satne One who forbade
colored people:to deco Tate the graves of
Union soldiers; the reasons can be antici
TABUS °floats, - hark:tin capitalist Of
Cincinnati, MI a lot of ground in a Caa!!
'unable quarter of that city. Be talks of
building a church ordt,for people' of 'his
color. As hots known to be sharp, and
the lot to% &gall, the Cincinizatiane have
a stupicitm ho - Wants'tO ten - the prejudi
ces of his vihitrpieighbora,to pecuniary at , -
count: by indtuting „pent to buy him out.
What right hatiti nekro` in a free country
to ben capitalist? The , democracy ought
to resurrect Chicejaellett Taney.
Oats- purchased' the'
Southwest Brandh3tallroad of the Com 7,
missioners Wail to pay
$324,000 down v which* hats ready to do;
but ono of the offonunissionerd refascs, to,
sign the conveyance, onthd crotinds
the property is worth mom thanTtemont
agreed ko vay,fo, z llo and,titat;tbe toad
sessas a million acres of laud; worth a del:
lar an acre,: on which-103 , 110t proposed to
hold mortgage %often= tliwbalance of pur-
Tar. Boston Pia: cpe leading organ of
Democracy in New Englund, has a South
C aro li na.r omrorilleriti ;who' thus dlS
worms •if ,ts 4s' •
"I will speak first of the'colored aristoc
racy of Qttariesion...l -
`The class is a tolerably large one, and
quite intelligent and' rafted. with few
exceptions the ladles and gentlemen are of
mixed bloothaudi ituiotig.. their daughters
are some of the handsomest women in the
State. And, why -not t For the beat
blood, so`celled--the blood of Smith Caro
lina's senator!, .goxernors, and old mer
chants—flows niinir !kits; 'and 'Su; Int,'
blood, in fact—the blood of her honest,
God-fearing, : „Ladustrious unmet
mingled Creelfivith tin select
society are men Who , Would . do honor to
say stabieri , . t There . are
shrewd merchantsfatoong.them."
Corn RESUROITIITS; who hails from
Austria and .is an. offiorr: on-the star of
Maximlll6l2; itrin"Washiniton„Mad has had
frequent irder-iiewa at the State Depart
ment and with - the Committee on 'Foreign
Affairs. A prominent New t York •
chant, who who amompanied.hins o Wasidng
ton, gave hiniis dinner,-Thersday, invit
ing :fr-nator.,4yei. , gpetdter Colfax,
Garfield arid Other members of Congress.
During Ilmilinner, It leaked out that the
Count Was .connected with Maximilian's
Goveniment, when Senator Nye, Speaker
Colfax and :others denounced the attempt
to establish a Monarchial government, and
declared it,Whe the policy of oar Govern
ment to sUpport•theMoiune doctrine.
MOSISM , :yp S Colfax did well in dis
cussing the ' dinner. In intruding the dis
cussion of politics they evinced s. discredit,
able sensitiveness that seems something
like impertinence.
Razes Wears, a native of Wurtem
berg, woHtedA Philadelphia in 160 u• He
left, in w‘pimy With an unknown man, and
was,aHlderlia's farm, a
few miles outer ' ihir" ffii hde of
Worhele,. st.'home, reteved a letter pur
porting to be written by him, asking a re
mittance to be sent to his address, care
Reading, -;9a,;t111:1%*
einberg, at Philadelphia, was inform
ed, and he sent a doxry letter, With draft for,
100 florins, eliiSfeeitie . Thi anat aitu
back from Allentown ; National-Bank;:' en.-
doreed in the name of Julius Worhele.
This led ditiiVair&tiof Ateeb-or trosepif
Hodder', Juno Ith." Said :Hoddop •had
charge of Kilderlin's farm,, and is identi
fied as the stnitigai Werhale'ciisitaileaiof
with. Hbddop Is a native of- Baden, and
eo smantriPMrTrOsteriSZl
LET= 12011-ANNIN,,'
Ciineefiletlea CM : the • Penney in Waif
read—fileeplair Mir -. Capssizon,Bener
Ibrolosient—Prlnsary` Stneeitless—Alted.
nei lid las
~...Prot hs peete-44.tria—Tisr.
Grave of likinrilly e
lb. Ararat Masa Hatay
In 'Saila anouctity—The Crops. dc. &a.
. . . - 4 i',l , 4l4oQtraikianalltb,. MSS,
OA Prhlay evening list; - ao tho Philadelphia
lfxpr'ase from the west was nearing tins place,,,
the sale of °near the sleeping coaches' broke,
and this car imiliegtoplcapAannicevioNts. aohl/P,
some lofty igatoging, _a itlititly, Me, MO of la
spring bolitiL Si - ernbarduisent where the
~. .
aceldent_ twitusi, is about only: thirty. , feet.
. .... ....
Hid it been Ihrit miontes earlier, the car would
~ , , . . , .
have been deittelkirlf pieces, With, &ball:sults
. . ~ .
to the occutants. - ° Se it was, bat 'fair, were
hurt 'cili al y dhl`.,thOsl slightly. A lady= and
gentlematO-Whome , as about retiring,'were
braised a iiMisi,'"*.Aich_r_liamstii. , of lA..
oOnductar or' the' , maitimino gxpress,
• =enlace% . drawn:from Ids probochs, and
theotberwise slightly , injured. -.011 Saturday
ndckles e suoceedat in getting the car Into
the shop, and Mattock. was clear 011 haturdaY
ayeaing„ On SatordAY, afteMbon a smash
of freight &Mitred eie. bianayunk. which -do.
tamed the ,Westscani, bound Mama on 1 lat.,,
hoar °ma satarchty night: • No Urea lost.
- About slzareake _ago Anne' PePar atilt went
into operatiotteld
tfue acunbp ang , s ilea
woks, andon.Pralreven=tthe bil ler
collapsedeerco .a not inlnr ttcs
man named‘JOrephindtkuitt 4ie was atom.
ster mai had jos hauled up and. was unload
ing a load ofrocad, whim the ••explasion took
-place. The.briekt aWI debris' , struck hint on
the side, brimstone all the ribs. , Whether inter
nally Injuredur not, was notknovrn. Pio other
sarlonr damage .
Saturday wee micanty election flay
and the friabOW 0 1 dot contending eetsildetoe
Wanton the qui ate nntlia late hour. floAlmut
seemed: to IC
H the litirorite_ . bore. i Pie .: - Wpn.' A
majority 'at flity4vo is 'oindaysberrch and
it is positive:a asserted that be 1:183 carried
Um county - e is,:lanit informed ,It finmetddi
Very few venous, passing . °through .lido
place have any Idea; olanai extent or idari of
thei place. Our' tot and jolly friend , Cwt.
John A. McpagelOcrollinstor.Of tlinialtoonsi '
Accommodation, on Saturday evening piloted
us Co to . what is called .11ospol 11.111,” vii ,the
north of-Me would-he city. The view from
here is splendid.„
_The site ha formal by, pa,
tarefor amity, notlif seven, bat twif hills anda
I mi n ti lt deelev Pespenelacksonty 'trivet to
MAU it perfect- , The phica is growino rapid
a. . t.....,ic la thouLlit , it - wfu reach
llama= racattyear. . effort to make
It a City lasia . winfer ,called. notate bare and
in floulaaysburs aro good. 311...10tin Woods,
proprietor of- thwrachange.- is building, an
glom andtlibtralso, remodeling Ids houso,
to rr - lakuuntier • trade.. 'Tic ;Lhilted 1
1 1 0 1 411, recently °penal. In thothnotra
burih by F. f 4 4.4kmes, kic., is unquestiona
bly t he beablieteL we have stoppecl-av for
Mr. climes vary - hindsoveito .454' vitstar
• day to onolafroun. , - yttlint-fioarY.
uiasernua, of
33, r- OPEWSO Co
whited rho- ginye ef. , Shitleit,.. filial,. =an
ima in this carunty.. illseritms wan-the Mee.
der o f big ~,, da,,, Magma is unmated between`
two pear I,,c a ayla ids own siaften, near Lamer
villa, and ta , tharkal :by it. shags: stoup, iii
scribal withers name and age. , .-•- _.,..
Tiro motes 4l e thle,Vozba 4 d 2 ino/einiseit
hetter than it do • wait the Inountsinn.
411 1 a, WU &Wee, iltautleipatol. ,-;X - 4°, '
,_..- i'-i:•,,,..4.7:1`, : :
,u' . - c 4 4 , 'O VA* .
Remit. 161111torlis—illy attention has been
tailed to an anonymous article which ap
peared In. your paper. of Saturday morning,
which Irina up as &Mews:
"And, grimily, would it not be better to raise
the Wary of the Secretary of the. Central
Board, and then forbid his acting as agent, for
any Mies of text books, and time preclude
'the:necesaity of, his insulttng all the lady
teachers abOtit the City 'isle) de not officially
endorse such series of boots."
The "%tam. who wrote the above, or the
One wholeft WO your Wks, and paid tor its
inaertiolt, is said to be named payis, a rest
dentof Allegheny city, a Man whom I know
not,•bnt who Is represented to b 1 the former
principal of a school in the neighborhood
whoins Director/ permittedidm to retire after
a shad pax*, in ectusequenee of his interfer
• witti tiro :text books adopted by Wow.
The charge or ilipllc.ation that I am acting
as an agent for iity series of text books, with
or without compensation, Is maliciously false.
e loth° latter part of Citizen Davis , edam-
Imre' appears to bo the vagarios of a diseased
mind, I. will pass it without comment.
Jona A. thozokstrr.
A Neatest Wonder
The reader of this, whoever ho may be, hi
simply requested to note the fact that all the
cases so which we refer in this article have
been cured in the city of rdtahnigh and vicin
ity. No one need be deceived In the merits of
this great medicine—we mean Dr. Keyser',
ItUrod Swire.Mr. The cures it has made entitles
it to a fairer claim upon public attention than
any proprietary me..lleine with which we are
acquainted. By its use the most loathsome
diseases have been gradually but surely erad
icated from the human System, mid the blood,
. he source of health and life to the living or
ganism, has beep completely and thoroughly
hurtled from all morbid and poisonous peril
cies. Last week we recorded a case of cancer
cured by this great remedy. There are besides
numberless Mies Or general 'debility, torpid
fiver, dyspepsia, kidney disease, dropsy, with
= alitt broIMMUS which have been cured by it.
A genUcentin oft Wood street, whose neck
Arm covered for years with scrofulous sores,
'has been completely reatorcil to health by Dr.
licyser's Blood Searcher.
"A lady, whetter 110 was covered with a disease
resembling cancer for sososol years, was on
: trrely cured by It. Another, whose head and
arm had been eaten tato by scrofulous' serest,' ,
was entirely cured by W. 5 than a dozen of
bottles. A man totally blind : from aerefulla,
Which affected his eyes, was completely ro. ,
stored to sight by the use of three bottle*.
Another man, who had bleeding piles for
eighteen years, was cured live bettges.
There fs no disease, Wile& therhlood la tainted
With pelsonotui and corrupt humors, that It
will not help: 'Ask foe- Di. Kayseri Blood
gearchtir, at 140 Wood Street. Price ono dol.
"lir Fa; bottle, or aik.bilttlea DO Illre flollskii. ;
It rquoires COnstlintion Old phytilipie of
unusual strength to resist the effect of the en
arildin, if heat of July Angus!. Unless the
system is toned iia - adatalndd by a wholesome'
stomachic during these oppressive months it
islikely lobe SO seTerbly debilitated este renZ
der It en easy prey to the epidemics which
prevail In the fall. wholesome stomachic !
where is It to be Warier' asks the reader, who
hO, perhapi, been told by fits phistelsas ttug
a little good brandy is
,a,eeiceiable etlmulent,
an4bes eought for thatoiiii ertiblei in vain.
It - ovoid be ea idle to expect whelevesencas
and parity among the Liquors of commerce as
folio forlalrstgaikof pugy woo State
ore or sziollot *Oran. -
Therein one TO ruesaree—l out one-'-for those
who vivid a Protectiare Manic 'mud biailltiAtir^
Lain lag! invigontnt. Let .. ttix . commence at
epee, Its the teriPt seanow all its be
tensity, a course or llostettbes Stomach Bit
ters. Ask the returned officers and soldiers
of the Union Army, who tuive used. this elixir
during the war, what theylliink of. it. They
will tell yontlast at keeps p the vital forces
under the wilting beam* lof a vortical sun
without vitiating the blood creating any
excitement in the lotion. As the
poet Cowper said of tea, .111. Cheers, but not
inebriates" It braces the nervous organize.-
Coe and regulstes all this functions of the
tidily. No other stimulant can compare in pu
rity with the Essence of Ryd, which forms its
halals, and the tonic , aperient and anti-bilious
.herbs with which it is medicated are the bast
of their kind on the fee of the earth.
Hostetter's nitiers
re sold wholesale and reta4l at very low rates
Leerdnes Dreg and Pateltt biedicineDepot,
64 Niaket Street, cornat or the Diamond
and Market, near fourth street.
The - Three hest knoin Willits, skillfully and
alagantly combined In an amber colored cor
dial, beautifully tranapartn4 the eye, pleas
ant. tO the taste and scarp Loth° stomach,
to Caswell. Mack 2kß - Fersis-E"hestdiorated
• Ellsii of Calistya
• Koch pint canteens One ounce of Royal Cali
says Bark, and each teaspoonful contains one
grain of trait. :llastniles Yornialied free to the
• profession. Cstrarshs., Macy &
i I ScatMltorecre,
r(IT sale at wholesale In Pittsburgh by it, E
'Bader" a co: f. Al retail by' alf-Denggista..
as Sameurr
Great bargains are now being offered in 8
roar Hata and,Caps,at the aftenslye and POP-
Itlitr Hat and dap Masi 4 tiFtlf nihrletnlng, NO-
M Wood street„ wholesale and retail. Custo
mers aro Invited Wean aad enamrailiar stook
as wo are selling at a great redontlon In order
to 014 i oat an our mewl, haft; and Wafture/Is'
straw goods. Alen% boys and children's dee
Felt Rots. Ladles and Kissel. lista' trimmed
'MOW Mile-M6 61 ‘ 12 -
Wo will commence to open on Monday in
to pew end desirable styles of Dress Goods,
stilted Settle mama gedfOlithlll season. - Also,
Shawls, Prints, Qinghai:es, Moiling. Tweeds,
Pant Stairs, de„ on, the . .norMeeast of
Fourth wad Market streets.
C. H#l6oll Lou d Rao
Blessing and fine. djeo, o beanWnl &non^
meet of Bair Brookes, sold at the lowest rates,
at Ilendtig's Drug Store, Pio. 84 Market street.
; s i Traveling Deese (goods
great variety for emits, &c., on the 'north
&sit corner of Fourth and Markat streets.
C. Ilsemos Lots & Mao.
Stiepberda Plaid,.
At 11. prices, on, the north-east corner o
Voarth and Market Axone.
C. HANSON Lova & Bao.
Ilteidins sad Irish Linen
Of the beet Brands at the very lowest prices.
on the northeast corner of Foartls said .117.arhet.
streeta. •C. flaxecoi foie & Rao.
13tylos of Dry Goods flow opening s on the
ELOrtheast canter of Fourth sod Siseket;
meow. O. Gerson Loved Mao.
, .
' Itastailburersi gleimesessathle ,
31edtetoes for sale at Fulton's Drug store, No.
108 Smithfield street.
White Barnires
Manic tinumndines, and Thin Summer (tooth at
Batt. 3 Ben's;
Sleek 811111 is
And 1'a407 Clottis Far Bacques at Bates a.
Lae* BlauSlam,
Shetland Shawls, all Wets, at Bates a Belts.
-• • bite and Colored llaroadlleo,
I , conn 600( 11 4.)w" , otaned.cs,ten ssot
ltoy - o Wm.*,
.koistom or a l l kroct s at u m o. a Ben's
A:complete aseartment at Bates & None
eves& ll*mains
Tha .vest, ai Gardiner's Opera noose Shoe
.: 41 0 0114 llar041" .
This week, at Gardlner , a Open. Holum, Shoe
Noisseushwr New end Nice
At. Gardlip3rhs Opora 1101 me Shoe Eit,ao. Seidl
Shoes for
At Gardiner% Opera Home Shoe Store
WO' Ihror Ugeut
At lahr4lnere Cogent Ilosum Shoe Atore.
• Kure Slew Goode
ar Gait Uncles Ofwirs , Thisu . ott,Sticiii; Stoic,
ittlaiiitners OpirlVOse Shoo atom.
ftilOt'lli iii itjl~~,
General Beanregard at Liverpool
Illness of Cardinal Antonelli.
he First -right t)ver the Border
from 81..4/bans
Yuan', Jona B.—Washington npne tale;
say: The Chairman of the Committee of
Ways and Meat. Omar°. to hate it understood
that the tariff will he thoroughly revised, and
every justifiable increase recommended.
The following lidditioriel nova from Europe
has been received:
Gen. Ite,nretrurd visited the Liverpool Ex
lunge on the Stith ult., whets , ho present. be
coming known, great interest lin:. clotted,
and the news room rapidly filled. Ile was op.
plaudeil ou leaving, awl I . .. Womble numbers
of pimple bldloweg him through the SIM...LS.
l:arguial. Annm.lii has been seriously ill
from a relapse of gout, but Is now better. lie
hob been tw lee veined by the pule..
A SL Albano dlspntch Ai lat! 9 p. m.Ol th
101.11 any. After the drat night over the ho.
ler there was illimontent among lie remau-.
and numbers ileaerteil on Friilayuight. They ,
being- no prospect of suppilea 0.011 I\ 11111111111
lion coming up the dLseoniunt Levan. , general
thitly bulimia) . morning General spear all
dressed the men, saying, the supplies itm.l
munition had been seised by the Unitea State.
authorities, still, be was willing to coil
tlximrthe advance, ant asked how many wont,
1011 Ow Ulm. Only seventeen stopped for wr, sr ,
from the ranks. This tllshearLenGl the heir
ell so Mlleh that he at once tleel•led to
s hin,
doh the enterprise, anti no Informed the men
TM, oYUCtlation of Camp Sweetly then eum
meheed. Ordure were prolllilig%Leti !MIMI Gri.ll
Sweeny and tiot.litetshon announcing the absai
douaiieut of bile movenaunt for tile preeimL
Tee match back was without order, tho mug
straggling wlong singly aiel Si grout., std .
Lluis . appear...l cheerio and with lull rime 11
their cease. At SI.. Albums triey were turiteilt
ml with traxiliportation by the United Slat.
Government to their homes. They enemy
pleased at the kindneen of the United Mau
Gen. Spear was released on parole to await
t St. Albans the action of the Unlte4 States
authorities. eon. Sweeney and Col. ablate.
,wore,on Saturday, released from close con
finement and pat on the limits of it. Alban,
It is said a guard of ten Yardarm, planed on
this side of the Canada line to bring up strag
glers, were attacked by mounted English
troops and one ruaukilled and threw wounded.
An affidavit was made.oeforo General Meade
that a party of British regularn undo a raid
acmes the border ou Saturday night and eat.
Lured three l• ennuis near frunkiln, Vt.., two
of whom they hung. Three rents., lying
drunk on this side of the line were seized and
carried into Canada also by British troop
Two 08.
were shot on Sunday morning.
The following orders have tram promulgi
Lod here by Sweeny and hialum.
Sr, Aussie, Jtine loth, liO3.—To W. R. Rob
erts, Prow. idea{ 4 Asada Brotherhood, ins Rot,
ery:—.9.32241 no more man to the front. Tine
strongest measures of the United States Gov
ernment have rendered somea impossibie at
present. Promulgate this immecntely.
. (Signed,) r W. live itesr.
iisxneastrrisito ARMY or lusts:co.
ALX•II6, J %Mb oth. 5
Tb the Senior liffleor with ,roups of A rmy of.
/rielanuf ,01 Malone. /Whams and Elzetater,
Situ In view of the Prtstilent's proclamation
and stringent measures adopted by thu
States emit/Writing/ to prevent rein foroemotits
ti r
supplies rescuing our forces Of. the Iron
er, destitute as we are of war nistertal,
not likely to obtain it under any present cir
cumstances. the General commanding the ar
my of Ireland mstructorne to inform you that,
he cornifileni it his duty to dlreet you to avail
yourself of the offer of the United States Gov
ernment to furnish transportation for your
officers and men to their respective homes, so
the object ot the expedition crannot Ito Lemont
plished at present. The amend feels certain
the soldiers of your command will continuo io
deserve the high character for good conduct
now awarded them by the people of the Uni
ted States.
bignon.) Jon, Ai1.11.1.711,
CoL of Engincorn, end Chief of Stag.
The Arch Traitor's Friends Allowed
Free Accesa to Him.
Appointments add Confirmations
lig,..eigo.rog, Anne IL—Mr. George Sh
of the counsel for Jefferson Davis, made a. me
Lion before Judge Underwood, In Chamber
today, in order to test the jurisdiction of tb:
courts to Virginia involving th rf power I
hold the prisonci to bail, It being , ;#Judielni
question with which the President has noth
ing to do. It Is stated that Judge Underwood
=premed the opinion which has always been
Insisted upon by Chief Justice Chase, that
long as martial law or military serveillesice
was enforced In Virginia, the courts were a
mere adjunct and eked us . aid of thehisiliterY.l
Mr. O'Connor, the Senior counsel of Mr.
Davis, was prestmt with Attorney General
Speed, and Ks-CiovjarnOr Pratt was among the
auditors. Judge.bmierwood declined to trace
else his power to twee a suitor babes.*
li e.efirpu
to tiling the prisoner before his Court until e
haff-reeetved from the President is relmonish
moot of tile accused to the powers of the civil
authorities, Mr. Davis being now spasm:ter of
war. ,
Judge Umlerwood reduced his opinion to
writing, which, boding beenVven t.oonnell,
Was taken to the Prffsident by Mr. O'Connor.
All further action In the premiers ls, there
fore, suspended until the future order of the
Government,. it is stated on the authority of
one of the Colonial that no application was
made by them to Chief Justice Cbasd with ref
erence to bull.
Within the last tirade's Jeff. Davis , friends,
professioual and otherwise, have hail free se
miss to Mtn at Fortress Monroe.
The pe.mage of the resolution by the House,
today, declaring that it its opinion Davis
ibmild be kept In confinement until tried, ac
cording to the laws of the laud, was superin
duced by an apprehension that he would be
bailed, as many of the members of Congress
had been led to believe from previous rupro
mintatione. .
The Senate, in executive session to-day, con
firmed the following nemination: Waiter B.
neaten, to be Collector Of Customs at Chicago;
James - W. Stone, to be agent for the Sioux In
dians of the Misalasippl, in the territory of
liakotah; Paul Frank, of New York, to be
Marshal of the Consular Court at lianagewie,
Brigadier General A. Gurney,
mercy of New Forkonew of. Selma, Alabama,
In forwarding a remonitranee of Union officers
and soldiers against the increase of the tax on
cotton States that twenty officers and two
hundred. M OO of his late regiment are in
barnit ta nnd at least five thousand northeruzi
titretltrvLionn of cotton. mostly
that e th i e i
culture cannot prove profitable with the pro
posed tax, he flay* northern men will leave
the State if It shall be imposed.
The report of the Board of Visitors to the
Naval neatiemy Staten the ooudltiOn of the in
etßation is, be highly satisfactory.
Ban for Jeff Doffs Metalled, on the
tireand that Elle is a Prisoner of Woe.—
NC. Willson will introduce the Freed
metes Moreau MAU with Amendment*
—Other 11Mem.
{VeenIeGTON CITY, June 11.—Tala mo rning
Judge Underwood, in Chambers at the United
Retell Attorney tletieral'a office, heard the or
piment* of Messrs. O'Connor and Shea, coon
sal for Jar. Davis, Why the prisoner should not
be admitted to ball. Attorney General Speed
replied on the part of the government.
Judge Underwood refused to admit Mi. Da
vis to ball on the ground that he had no au
thority to do so, the accused being a prisoner
of war.
Senator Wilson will report the Freedmen's
Bureau bill with amendments providing for
the restoration of the Sea heartily lands to
their former owners on certain conditions,
maul turnlahing the !coalmen now occupying
them with other lands.
Congress will not adjourn without Increas
ing or revising the tariff.
The investigation into the Merchants' Nro
Coital hank swindleis nearly concluded. The
Committee will recommend measurea .to
enable more summary proceedings In such
DAD quite probable the Bankrupt bill and.
the hill eeeeernieg the pas of army °Moors
will go over =YU next session:
A branch mint tmililing Ls . to be erected at
Ceram City, Nevada, at once.
A The receipts of Internal Bayonne in the last
I 'amok were ASAZIACIO
Trial mt .11elfessumee to 011ie&
- meet. A " "T to ."' N. Y.
rrOW ol i t ' org e lL piata o S tl n c=r l V:
Governor fOr.inn,,, n turl7, , ,
o tfitil . the came
it a r B4" "enaittaitesaance eg u qati
el:anion Irish Penny or??Lols. La.
Amended Freedmen's Bill Offered.
Resolution Concerning Jeff, Davis,
Mr. Fensenden offered ft bill to purniab [rm.:
urer, and pc4lnaeters for . lending and mfaap-
Vmpriating nubile Illgtlit3s.
her,sun called up the bill to construct
g - rophe fOr the Government, which wee
tponeil moth to-morrow.
Mr. Wilson reported a bill for continuing
the freedmen's Bureau, striking wattle fifth
and sixth sections, and Inserting Instead Boo
th/11P providing for the allotment of certain
lands sold for taxes to the freedmen, The
third section provides that all tile ptoDerty
hold In trust for tne so-called Confederate
government shall he net apart for the odors
lion of the freiimen,the land to be nurveyed
tutu lots of seventy acres each.
Mt. gherman ttitrosimmi a bill to authorize
the establi.slunent or a Repertory In t.iermany
to fl I LUIL 111.8.49 the physical, poltttczl, social and
economic condition, and the national resources
at the several States of the American Union.
Referred to. Committee on Agriculture /t
provides for a trending at Frankfort, in which
maps, charts, and alt Information concerning
the United Status can be ecmsulted. To be a
plane nr rendezvo. for Americana Germs-.
ny. Each State-er territory shall haves apace
Ranted, and a Superintendent Alai! ho ap•
vended by the President with the consent of
the Senate.
M r. lientlnoks in Croduotal a bill to amend the
to restrict the Jurisdiction of the Court of
The bill to publish the ofTicutl history of the
tw.•l lion was reported with 111114.1111111.111 th.
Mr. 'toward reported n bill to amend the
Herne Itallroad act.
Unnaorson called up the Kite sill the
IA arid Neosho Railroad. Postponed till
The Chair appointed as the Special Commit
lee I.) V 21.11111.: and report upon the condition
1! the tsll, , ,l.lppi
lIIM4OIIIOrI, aad Johaaee, -' -
The Joint ree.olt,llollltpvropriatingll64)" for.
lie fur 11na 10111,1 enplierd :ixoasalltirek' Aty.
lulu, at faint Lookout, wax referred to the
ti it dary t.nut at it tee,
rul bills were Introduced grant t eferred
r We executive session the Senile art
Coffrotli moved [be sitimmtruett I. 01
ttlev to toe:et:Lute the enleouut of damage:
d Dy the relorTl 111Vilni014 . In Peumtyl
Ith a elew to pa) lug the name
nr. t,rinnell rehng In debate, the reaeltalo
nen; Over under the rule.
Mr, 1000110 aTereil tics following preamble
1•1111 11,011.10011.
•' 11111p.r.t.:, The Irish people land their
I.reth Ton and friends In this country are mot
nt by a patriotic purpose to amnia the Inde
penile.c and re-estithllshment of Ireland;
' . And whereas, The active sympathy of the
people of the United States are nun - trolly with
all men who struggle to achtepo such ends,
0.1,15 en peaLAW When Ihnilitl:Plittßgi'l A ry OP
known fryzila of FMr. liCrvertmatuty sta , sun
people the 11 - 111/1 mice, they having shed
,0100.1 in lielenee of our flag In every mettle. In
which the Republic nas bees engaged;
And when., Tito ltrlttblt ROTernalettln
against which they are stniggllng, in entithal
vo ao other or greawr coushichation ftom us,
a. a [talen t than demanded by' the strict letter
a in toruaclariallair, TOi• the reunion that 1 lur-
og the late eontlitentsi war that I;overnmart
I,t, in effect, reptilkittittMaTalily".lkwer-titut
herons, while out repaint lou .inuaninin min
imisation for the thillittire t • our CAU.,, result-
nn from a wilful neglect of Groat Britain
luforce tau SAILM•111/9401iirept uU toe respoahi
tolitcy smut emlin to ht, the Jotfge•ln law ow,
And, Whereas, Tte irliSLVltee at the neutral
ity teaser IstS compels the Eneoutive thwart,
stout of this Gov... moil to disoriturntits
. . . . .
maid' harohlylent thoee oho hove ever
,een, mu are ttow, 41111.4 . fril3lo(tri and 1111.111V6t
of;thoott who hive Teen faftliluso, not only to
the getter.' prinelplea at .eouttty WhleLt ebottht
x lot tottweeli friendly btotes., but ales to the
wratkas law of their own nation on the nub-
Jecti.; thorefort• ire it
Rcuatred, That We uoata,maa on Foroigirk
Affairs tol I rustrnoted to report a bill repealink
• u ant apinoved ior.ll ,T)tlt, 1010. It being:the
local - :It ) law, aviator the terms Of which lbe
l'resideni.'s proclamation againvt the Fenions
was blue,. •
Mr lisle mo.eil to ley the preamble and
upon the table. ,
Mr. ltegera, of New Jergey, deemed.] the
ye-SA and nays upon that ihrithle. •
Mr. Ranks, of Alassitehnlette, Alhoe6; Of
lowa. and other members, weohed to offer wag
,zestions, but Mr. Anemia' having molted the
•irevlott question, refused to accept of the
-uggestlrm. lie, however, in. 1111.1 his resole
ion so as to made It read that the CoMmittee .
Foreign Arralin be Instructed to Inquire
:ate the expediency of reporting ectekti'bill;,
The House refused to Icy the reSoltifieni on
the table by a rot, el I yeas to 113 nays.
The Fiats were Moser.. (;ebb, haste, LIMo sail
me 1L
Mr. Grinnell stated that he voted yea be
cause he understood the resolution to be a ro•
,treat to the Adrumistrotlern The lionise re
f 1.1-ICAI to necmtd this dvmaild,for the previous
Mr. schenet, then offered the following os
scam . uw for tLc re.olution, and ducuand
the prervio. on.tton
Rewired, That the President of the Vatted
Rote., In the opinion of the House, should re
onsider the policy which lam been adopted DX!,
hlm an between the British Government an
that portion of the Irish people, who, In the
name of the Yeaislll3, a 0.2 taraggling Stir tlibtr
Independence, and that lin' be requostellto.
adopt,' RN nearly an praelloattle, that . • .
course of proceeding which *no pursued by
the Government of (treat Britain in the civil
war in tab. country liecween Lhe nit
and the rebels in ravalt, recognized both aB
belligerence end oteserrhog I?etenfeu Then' 4
atrlec neutrality.
Mr. Harding, of Illinois, sent to.the Clerk's
deak what be dwdrodto submit as a enbstitutm
for both propositions, declaring that the
course of the doverrinumt in repressing, the
£e Wan invasion) la Igruotabahnoi and diagnose-
Mr. Schenck declined to allow the substitute
of Mr. Hording to be otremd.
Mr. BtalkA 1..-kr,l Mr. Schonek, Yield:Hi a
motion to rot or the resolution and substitute
to the
on Foreign Atrmare, -pro
ma that if referred, the Cinondttee Wohlff,
make a:report._
Mr. Schenck yhilded tor that phrxicsie and.
Mr. hanks submi tteti t he
The previous Ineaticon mt a seconded.
• Mr. Hale tie Med I... Myths Solution and
embutliute on-tlie table.' -The motion VMS Mak,
b3 ir s' Abl " ,77:ll to
11. sort of come mini.,
Mr.'nneona obiected,and the questiOn was,
taken on lb. , jeterSOMIJOI.I,Iru drigtoldttisold--
Mon and Mr. Scimuck.s subittitute to the
on rorelgn Affairs, and thlawaa lamed
.10. by wens id, nays AI.
U r . [Lyle aumaninnttly,Mta porkeSoldrittilia.
nation, sent
and had read the resolution
which halo.' nudied.ll.o offer as a compromise,
as follows:
licrolved, That the honor and good faith of
the Holton States imperatasely domain' a Just
and vigorous enforcement el u t a e,.neittrall'y
that lawn, anti thin ddittititimo
oropositleri looking to their repeal, repisior
'or -
s 'motion. - • •
Mr. hangs (Meted a resolution, which Was
Adopted. requesting the•Frideitilitogtfolnmek ,
imito to the llousk. any Information whichity
dItCY - have roeuivedisfill,roferentileplitherdlell
pkteil of Military forces from Austria for ear-'
vice it, Mexico. ,
Mr. lirottmal Introduced a hill to =Mid the
Act of /day 11th, 18(1610itifae1iX thts3islahlts,
corpus, regulating pidieritt prochetinga cer
tain canoe, which WWI mai 'Mica .and.fatirrad
ur the Judiciary Comitulttou.
Dlr. Hingham intrdsineed it 301st reaolution,
relative to Mo.-purchase of Mplace fortaMrissa
olud for the soldiers, tvlneh wee read Ones
and referred to the Contralto:6 on Military At.
Mr. 'Raymond called up the motion to re
consider Mu) vote referring to the Conn:Linton
on Appropriations, the Senate Joint resole-
Lion passed April 111th, appropriating :.11131
negotiating trontlat - With the Irid let
of the upper Missouri and the upper Platte I
After a debate, which wtorpertlettetitedi
Messrs. ltaymond, iturielnli of DukOlain quid
Hubbard of lows, the Julot resolutitip WAS
Monied.. . .111111
Mr. Kerr Introduced a joint resolution to
prevent the further enforcement el the joint
resolution of :I niyletli, ttgrilutt vffieetti
and soldiers 01 the United Staten who haye
been honorably ddediaigod, , Which wasread:
t wire and reforrml to the,Cointelttee on, Ant,
tory Affairs. , .., 1..
Mr. Kerr also offered a resolution, Whieh Way
rulopted, instructing the COnintitteo.on . llllll--
tary Affairs to report a bill so as to [Windt to
the Government Hospital for the Inseam such.
persons who have been eOldiers or eafieri, snit
whose insanity is developed after tbetr•lie.
charge, but arising out of causes produced by
their service In the army or, navy. , _
Mr. 111 limns, from the Judiciary-Om:nit
lea, reported an act for the regulation of pj)-
point men?. and removals "from older, which
was read twine, re•eonnulttad,-,anik. ordonialto,
be printed. The bill . prOililen as follows:
'wile it enactetim(poreby
‘3 nacted by the - nuthdrity ' - bf 'the
' Iffmßle.
dna I. That no Olteer of the United !RAW";
appointed on the nomination of the'rrellt ,
dent, by and with the adviee and oonsent of
the senate, shall be removable except by the
ammo agencies which cone a rreteln his appoint- ,
meat' provided, however, that in case of Mo
ab day or misconduct lu oflleeocourring du
ring the recess of the Senatoorhoteithe intoMQ
eats of the public may make it necessary to
Utopian° the Mem:nixed until the Write and
oonsunt of that, body can be duly had and ob
tained thereon,
it shell he lawfulior the
ideht, cut the rocotententlittlon of.the Attorney
Gentralitn suspend thedblabled did defaulting
Officer, and to oommissitne anotherperten tea
m rf , rmn i t h h u o y d o uti . es of the pla r ce ,, , , ,
upon: and it shall a Lrf dtityatbe Treslari
•withMien days after the nazt Paitanw ou tu ,o
that Daly, toreport`tolt theiftietlof
pension along with the reasons 4liezefar. and
the name of the person so temporarily cora
uilssioned by him, or of such Other person as
he tray think Pro Put ?ti ..IlOminitip,lor- the
1. plane; and In ease or the reftuial Of %ha Or
to Concur ilithe removid, either tlye;:directi.
vote thereon, or byadvising andeonlientingtb.
the appointment
the ornmr who hoe been thus auspendml alma ,
theroUpcm resume the Avaeraisnwgihkrollielld
'Panel:lons its thoughthe earns haitatm been ,
terrupted. But in no case shell the rendered
rarer:be entitled to any salary pr compensa
tion for the Interval of time during whith Lila
functions may have been suspended us' afore
,liic. b. That In case of the reft of the Ren
ate tola.dvise tin/ consent to o rononaina
den of any officer whose term o service may
have expired by Its own inaltatien, the place
allied the rierstialt reelombiated ahalt be
re 1 and is hereby declared to be vacant
(real t e time of such refusal, but should the
Sdnate adjourn without action on . snob re.
nomination, either to the way of consent or
disapproval, the same shall be held and is
hereby. declared to be ewer; itninediately
after emelt adjournment , and - Mile CROW shall
any perbon who has been nominated by the
I , -I:U.Wtrat for any office anti rejected by. the
"Senate, or any whose nomination that body
nos failed or declined to action to the way of
consent or refusal, be appointed or commie-
3lonedny him after adjournment and during
thervieta of that body to hold the same Offices
' for Clint which he had been previously
election 3. That no cattier should be coast&
cinder{ inferior without the meaning of the
constitution, the salary Or OttiCaUrrsento where
' of exceed in amount the sum of one thounand
dollars per annum, mid in all such muusithe
11,3=o e n n rf lire r rrestent, all i lly ande on
irith i til
advice and consent of the &mate, aubject to
the asine conditions ana limnatlons an to re
movals and renominations as are prescribed
In the foregoing section of this act.
Mr. Dont.well asked consent to offer the fol.
lowing`proamble rufalressolutlant
- Wieasiks, It is notorious th Jefferson Da
vis Was the leader of the late bellion,and I i
guilty Of treasen Wider the la aof the United
titanic and whereas, by the nociamatlen of
the President. of May, Link said Davis was
charged with eoneplialty in the assaasinanon
of ?resident Lincoln, and said proclamation
has dot-been revoked nor annulled; therefore,
be it .
Resolved, As the opinion of the Rotten -of
Ileprosentatives, that sold Davis should be
zheldin custody as a prisoner and subjected-to
trial according to the Imre of the land.
Mr. liegers objected in the reeolution being
Iffr.l36utwell moved to suspoid the rules, so
as to enable him to offer it: , r 4
Kr. }Legere desired to ask a glibstion, but the
spoSkoh informed him that debate was not in
• Mr.
. .
Mr. Sefton, peribatoit in putting his question
to Mr. lioutwell which was, sitar ea could be
K bother he bedewed that Mr. Dweistutil
any ootopheity to the assasenation of Presi
dent thneoln,.and whether eyery. Impreph.
thoed, ntlnd was odemtheed to the oontxary.
Thnitheaker called Rt. itogere to order and
notifiett,him that ho must obey the tulle of the
Um:wealth tato his seat.
Mr O'Neill asked the Speaker whether the
matter tintrwas" titled Out et leder would ap
'Met id the Congrettedonal Globe.
The Speasket menet In the affirmative, add
ing that nxeselnUen was adopted In the last
Congress forbidding the reporters to insert
what WM said oat of order, but that no such
remit:Oen was adopted at the session.
The rvitelp/Ivm e Auspaodedt Fecal 47, nays M.
shd the xthOthtledr was toffetand'it was adOp-
. . ... . _. . . . „ . .
led by ;vote of yeas (Si, pays 19. The prem.
hie was agreed to witholita ilhrision. . • -
The following in the vote on the adoption of
the resilatlim,
reol D essraislly,Lßildwin. Banks, Baster,
noes. hitesalinoughaiu, Blaine. Doutwelt,
looms , itucklitrid, Dimity, Clarke, (Ohio.)
clerks I(Mansas,) Cobb, Conkling, Cook. Col
l. ~ HatiinT Davis, Hawes, liefrees Usu.
i.ily, Mettle , Elliot, 'Farnsworth, bitty ear,
r °lvy, tßulle d, Grienel, Griswold, Hale. Hard
i sig, (1111,noula Mart, Ilays,ltendersan,filliteyi
Ho(mes, Hooper, Hotchkiss. Hubbard, (West
V trginia t ) - .Hubbard, (Conn.,) Hubbard, (Ohio.)
J ulfau, heti°, Ketchum, King, Kendall, lanin,
Latham, Lawrence, (Pa.,) Lawrence, (Ohlo,)
lrian..i. Loagyear, Lynch, Marshall, Marvin,
snetinitg, piuKee, Meitner, Miller, Moorhead,
Morrill, Morris,Myers, O'Neil, Orth,
Pigott. Peghato, Phelps, tike, Platts,Pomerhy,
Fries, Haddon, (14.0 Raymond, Rice, (Mass..)
sawyer, Schenck, Scanted, Shellaharger, Sloan,
smith. Spaulding, Thayer, John S. Thomas,
i r , ThonstenA_
W Trowbridge. Upson, tau Arr.
wan, Ward, arner, Washburn, (Indiana)
alker, Whaley, Williams, Wilson, (lowa.)
Wilson, (Penna.,) Windom, Winfield, Wood
Napt—licsers. Ancona, Boyer,Cogroth, 'Eld
ridge, Flack, Glaisbrenner, Grinder, Horns'
huge., '
Johnsen Italullough, Niblock. Ran-
HL (Pa.) Puterdlaster/ , lntiguleaves, Stronse,
Tabor, Trimble mid It right
The Joint resolution reported on Friday last,
Inv Mr. Lo *nova, to pay • the 'Milkers' of the
l'idted States steamer Lumber for loss Of
elighbig atom the sinking of that steamer
from collision, came up as the neat bosittess La
order. after being amended sons to limn, the
tiouipensailon to such enacts as the edlioers
wore required by the regulations to provide
I lieuiselvos with, the joint resolution was re
romm Mod to She Com mittee on Naval Alli Mrs.
Mr. CattrOth free the Committee on Invalid
/w.. 10 reported a bid granting putudone to
Ahefitokl Ana. Salkora ot the Aar et 'Unit kl oi
these en wile [hobs:llan war ttuting
period, wh ich was read time and recommit-
lumens offered a I resolution, which was
adopted, mallet on the Secretory of War for
lleformatlon as to persons drafted In the Ph
Cengreptional Obtirlist - Of Pennsylvania from
rebruart• laill.who had been previously draft
ed and paid commutation or-furnished sub
. fir. Raymond offered a ttrablutioii which
was adopted, requesting tho. -President of the
United Ohnes to communicate to the Rouse a
lantement at She. prothrio,4 Of the lairs and
orilinanees aide late Insurgent States on the
shejoct, of the rebel debt, so celled,
Er..ltandan of Pennsylvania, offered a res
onation, which was ndePted• wleetilleff the
pay-ol Abe Reading clerk, Assistant Reader
and Tally Clerk to that of the Journal Clerk.
Mr. Johnson offered a resolution, which was
adopted, instructing the Committee of Ways
and Mauls to .induiro into thp expediency of
providing foc the erection tor a Hretproof
building in the prinelpstedo or town of wsch
Congressional blitrict, to be used for
mike and for the ofnoes of the Arekitemrs and
Collectors of•internal Revenue. •
Mr ElitgneaerA copied a resolution, which
was adopted,lorthe Ocppointineat 61 a 'lsom."
inittetrof one member from each State repro
' Fienteitin the Ro to Join suck committee
ai r
54 may be ePlmlo sai thepert of the Senate,
„ und report uppa,lb . patty of an, ad Areas
Were Congstatsif eniOrstivo. of Vie 4115,
Character and services of Lieutenant General
I S cott..
• • ' - 'rbetionse thenopusblered the. bill' ter Ott.
Wring to the inlairrebtitatiary Statestheir po
litical rights.
Mr. Keay offered a Substitute providbig Ter.
the calling of thb State Convention . eyi-orbe
fere January ite7, for the formation ot State
thinstitutious to be submitted to the- vote of
the people. Verson* ent Mod to vote :enemas
eleetions shall. .be sls months , residents,'
Intuits, irrespective of color, otherwise not
imiseetable to Corla.tees.. Titan, and then
oulY. ran Stttifts h7'.. reedmitted to the lights'
Imo privileges- . of Other State:
.Mr. lipaseau said that It was the fault of the
majority in Cora that the . States had not
Mug_ ego betel . datzlicted..? iRe defended ,
Ike President a ;lenglh.l.die ., referred -to her.:
. weraolve attack on the President and was
'"ii r. Grinnell grit leave; tel'inske a personal
Open hire made ttyll r. Itoeseau. Lie said If by
Mire' the President and. such a speech wore •
While in his defence; hp *Mild say, God asvo
no from such se ruuteettly, hicellerenti _brain'
less delenderjeqnatin. virtue, Weird um ail in
military. In” what volume was the rgentle
. Illia'Ws military:history to to found! "The rep
unction he got•in • Kentuedfy *as putted by
sending beak negroes across the Ohio or MP
slim' river, who hael•,avrain Lhe, river• foe
Pride , liberty. Where' had the gentleman
been In the great battles of the wart A
huedred ens oily luileli away. from - them.
Let him oak . ,Cleactui ,Grant,". at . any
general °inter.. , hie opinion":"Abont ilillL
.The. gentleman had Waxed &bourn( comtnan
ding lowa troops, bat a. Inv:tint officet. , frelh
. that Stele bad told hen it was aconintonsea.
presaion among the troops whim there was
aultement r that it was either a mlibit4or.
Gen. Rosman. He had not tel tromjil to .
...imminent deadly breach." It - as all ;pre
teem It was the gentleman blo wing - his Owil
Morn. The gentlenuurnmduced
him Mr 6rm
nelt, In a speech which he made lu New Xork,
et a Fenian meeting. speaking of him, as a Pit.
.Iful political demagogue, whose name he be..
.thaved was Grlnnell,and he had In -the same
2."lllll 99 s =3l. l 'i'g st hil.:s" th st.rel, m rt e- m r
ermine Ibr whom he could :net 'etpriischhi eon. ,
tempt` and there, sa i d Mr. Grinnell, in a meet
Sontempteus manner,there he standa, sit foot
high. au d even calling Miocene. buttoned op
gentird officer and.gentleman.,
after Minting - Ws • pailtion sev
eral times, bad. sok r eas o ns o, vicinity of Kr;
Grhinell, and It mighbly he expected.
, tlm,v,innerting under the Merits and enema so
tall h e
Irem./owa, but at this' me Mr.
and made the pclint Of corneethat the gentle
man from Stowe had not, in obtaining leave to
make a p rsonal explanation, obtained any.
right ko °late, the 3 , 1180 of:debate, - which
. ...pntrirof order the Speaker austamed, notify.
ini r Mr. Grinnell that:. Nnuttinraceed . Sri
o Or.
r.thtissbau Intimated- if speaker would ,
,net protect him, he woUld - proteet himself. •
/txplanations and .therinnnatlona followed
-and the House noon - alter adjourned.
ilidirteee-CordovaCaptives still .
ld.-Neeend Anniversaryr of IdlaSt•!
nillliante Advent to Neraleo-aeoetints
of the Overflowfin Med Elver Mee ,
Osin.tirs, Juno 11.-Ttlo Coruova cap 7,
duce are ,still held. liexiinllilan reade
effort to release' The • loadeli of Cie
Illoedlng party wee a fedets4. of Neat Orirsi•
once on Canby , . stall-' 4 • - •
The• Second antilverinu7 Of Jra 7 rold/lleti l s
A.rrlyel was celebrated throngbotit Mexico.
. Sod river letters give ,coutlieting aotiounts
or the overflow and destruction of prOperty.-
The floods are everywhere subsiding; and the
.planters are putting la cotton agsittaarest as
'the *atom recede. The 'Wipes of, a crop
iffeterological obeli - vette:QS ld the Can..
ire.of the cotton growing diarist, slime ANIL
latb, during the unfavor a ble . planting season
we generally for: the
growth, diere so than before recorded, ,
The bilsalsslopi United States aloft' ilixable . '
the test mitt of all now attorneys, and ittlitlltiv
all a uellticd bolero the War anarithere-011 the
t. •-... • ...-
4rappra. Mot voninellteo setneekedl
kiewXann,Juuell. — Swelnycle thoeventkag ,
papers Bay tne Conn:UMW , tO intOtivete sue
Memphis rlota.havlng returned, their report
be i f iadonboot, theArd4dle ot , trde week;
Their:information 111 wen 'lmportant Wm
be urbl3l 7131-"bm
LomeintidOeriet--The River le five rIIBG
Lea LneheWto =wet: The weather le cies;
Military Commandant's Order to De
lay a Train Disregarded.
11. S. Troops Leave Ogdenebnrg.
Gun on FL Ireatngtc,n ;gpiked.
Oonsinisoao, N. Y., June 11..-4 k special to
the New York Times says: Col. yodg ee , c o t e.
mending the military district of St.lawrenee,
sent an order to have the train which leaves
this place at HBO a. a. for the East, to he de
tained until further orders Dom him. The
kesin Wailaild till ME r. x. and then ordered
foreard by the Deputy Eltujerintendeat. Vol.
Yedges was` indignant, and threatened th e
DeptityBuperintendent with Immo:mm.l4On In
Fort Lafayette. Mr. Brown, the Deputy in.
perintendent, stated that martial law had not
been proclaimed on this aide of the line, and
he should decline to go.
The arms and ammunition seised from the
Fenians at Brasher Fails by the United States
troops. yesterday, and taken to Brasher BM.
• Don, on the Ogdensburg and . Lake Champlain
Railroad, to the eunonnt of fifteen wagon
loads, were. rescued last night by a party of
Colonel ',lodges left for Malone on a special
train at 4:40 O'clock this afternoon, taking with
bun all the troops stationed here.
There is now no force here to prevent a roe
, coo of the large amount of arms and mum
tams seized at this point. I would not be Nur
priSedif the attempt was made. I have just
received reliable information that one of the
finest guns on Fort Wellington was spiked on
Friday night. The Commander has endeavOr.
ed to keep the fact a profound secret.
Death, In the City iris Week—Seventy
woven front tkutte4llollo Diseases — Trol
on the lathlen Cone ee—Sulelde by
abooting—Feetlval Of Turner Semitones
—Weidman Decline to Crinthante throe
selves at the Exanalwatlen of Prost..
dent Roberts. ' -;
New TORE, June 10.—The number . Okdeathe
iii.the City the put week was three biindred
and ninety-three--seventy-coven from conta
gious dbieasew—an increase of twenty-seven
over, the • previous week. in Brooklyn, the
deaths during thopistliveek number 01100.
The trotting over Position Course tniti.after
noon for two thousand dollars, best three in
live, between Daniel Boone and Hambletonlan
has noun won by the former In three straight
eats. Time, 2:434„ 2:1.1% and 2:193i",
George libtrodutil committed suicide In tom
city this evening, by shooting himself In the
neck. The cause is unknown.
Thu 'Turner Societies of this city, Brooklyn,
Williamsburg and other adjacent towns, hold
a grand festival at Jones' Wood today. Four
thousand persons were present at the Wood.
They moo tved the Scottish Gymnastic Society
stud Caledonian Club. Dancing and lager beer
wore abundant. •
During the examination Of President Ro
berts this afternoon, John Gibbons, Patrick
CMS, William L. Cole and Bittrick O'Rourke,
prominent Fentans, wore examined, but they
all declined to answer questions eliminating
theniscives or the*used. Not the least
proof was elicited net Roberts, and the
case was adjourned I to-Morrow morning,
the prisoners being remanded to Ludlow
street Jail.
Shipwreck to the tialf—Body of the
,Ea tiered Dr, some —Volorea Soldier
"Acquitted of nomlelde.
GALvairroa,Trk.i.s, June 9.—The bark Wood
loader, of and from Llverpool, was wrecked
near. North, Breakers. liar- dock and rail are
under water. Some of the cargo tackle and
apparel was saved in a condition.
A steam pump was on boa t rd, but the extreme
ly bad weather prevented Shoci= 7 . l opera
tions. A survey yesterday reeouttamuleu the
condemnation and sale of the vessel and
. ,
Provisional Governor Hamilton left on the
7th for Wsatangton.
The body of Dr. Norse, murdered. near
lirorrnerville, has been sent:to Ohio.
Fletcher, t he colored sot liar accused of kill
ing, lielfstcm, has been acquitted.
The steamer Wilmtngton, full of cotton and
passengers, leaves on the leth for Now York.
The slaver picked up at sea sold for $l,OlO.
Exaothssttoe of the realms President—
Neinlo`e Poltl=-Initutellou Acetate
Board of Health.
Yon:, June 11.—The examination of
CoL Roberts before the United States Com
mission commenced to-day. Very little infor
mation was elicited from the witnesses,
Messrs. Gibbon, CuT and O'Rourke.
Gen. W. R. strong is dangerously In from
paralytic shock.
An thismctiutt was granted by Judge Brain
e a r t
tLyi te n
a t p h p vciactiion
y o f o fM th e S enguw . q
tine ouwansianng
restraining the Beard of Health front
using Seguin Point as a quarantine station.
The illjunetton is for two weeks, when thecase
will be argued.
Fire at Basilanle, Tema—Sentersieed for
Nsansvrt.i.r., Juno LL—A are occurred on
fisiturday evening on Broad street, consuming
the stores of C. B. Nichols & Co. Lose, M 000;
Insured for SMOG°, Charles Mace & Co., loss,
bto ti); D. Y. Moyer all, loss, a 3,0001, and other
uildings. The total loss Is a 60,000. with but.
The recent verdict sentanclug George E.
Pratt to the pentteuttary for, Ifteen-years,lor
,alleged moods thought to ho unusually se.
The DistrieTAttentey's argument em
bodied the prevalent feeling of the South ver
sus the North, enludtag the feelings of the
Jury against the accused.
Sheeklag Murder lu Maryland.
B.s.temroas, Juno 11.—A shocking. murder
was oammltted last night at Elk 'Wage, Balti
more county, eight miles • from Baltimore.
David White, sizty-rive years of a wits at
taCked ids house by two men and te ge,
aten to
death.' Ms daughter, who woe arcituied by his
cries, was also beaten and her ion, a boy. of
jotirteeri Yeark serio u sly injured. ion,
man was robbed of his watch and a small aura
ofonciney, end his daughter at forty dollars.
No arrests bare yet been made;
MUM aboi, by a Canstablo—laatlflabte
BOOTOP, Juno IL—A man named Conners,
lirtag an Bridgewater, was shut, dead, last
night, by George H. Morse, Deputy -State Corw
stable. The latter was called to quell a row
MO:inners house, where he new savagely
Malted aud fired In self-defence. Morse was
.Iliatitled In the act, and will not be prose-
Ship Cazioeuter'slitrque—Probable Com.
Nam Yonc,Jime 11.—At a meeting of stop
carpenter's tosiuy, the President of the node"
.ty indieintsi n compromise would be effected
liotweed the employers end workmen this
The steamer fispOleon.on the 3d from New
fork arrived et Brest on the 31st of May.
-Uomewact Boundreutikas,
, • .
W A.III.IITORIC. N.Y., JllllO 71.—An extra train
of eight ears loaded With homeward hound
teniang, paatied hero at seven o'clock , thin,
evening. Every train from theltOrth brings a
'few stragglers here badly darballagell and
very hungry.
litettabond Tebaeno E:ehamge•
Monsioan, VA, June 11.—Ties now Tobacco .
Exchange, on Thirteenth street, worm of Cr
roy, wasopenalltds afternoon. The Mayor,
•Common Connell; and a large poitiOn of the
business men of the city-yen/present.
A rscilheialitectuaraccl.
Br. Louts, Juno 11.—The Fenhin War having
ended, Judge Treat dismissed the Case of
L. Murrigon the Mallet Court,' an d It is
robable all other arrested partteS WM he din
Died of Dia Lade
WORCIATZI, fdAgOm June ii.-rWielrett.,
Wes shot by jag poilab';l4,st,nl4ol4llllod thu
uis; DERT A 4CREtS,
No. 196 soatihseid St., cor.
(Kotesnee NAOS:mash Street.)
m121:522. ALLEGIEENY, PA.
.... .
:ore Illtiotarth ittreginttaburab,,Pli. 601/1211501
all lauds, eltott KS, LOVsNwidovertd.oriark .
of Yvaeral lurnuhitis uoca. tukinsioaa.
oetasy midnight, goarreandcrelagestonlat.
Ulirwaltka—Ber. Pavia lien, D.A. klev. , :
1 illigotat D,D..
Timm !Coring. 1114 , ;, -, •;wag:s,l
Wand nowt ',factitious see Of *vulture,
este on the ellnd i t,
tit. hip" otAtt=to .
1.141: u c Lote dil trill apply it the Ihrdetti.
nt. ogles, at the Cetnehay. Mlle Penalta'
and all other business 'FM no attended to the Dree
Watehonve Of the underslgned, cornet - of redaial
5et51,1.44•04 street., Allegutssy- •
• Seeman , and oreastnter.
CernCillTranns rAnanyearat AAILWAT CO..
, - Prriesuncin, June U.
EnaVED 011 sworn" moat
nature, on eartt sotrig&n Farm , PM ra township, Al.
00. the inst., cit.E Liana
h altl e' ,
SISTeil Mrs old. .I.thoUt *hoes- A neer=• toward
will be- paid on the denser, of the above, at the
stables of the Citizens Pessenirer Railway Can
p.nri osys oafs °Mee, No. 171 Ye= siseet.
TIONAZ siummAcrlinneicastan. with
11,00tialtitaBeloks VerAll s •
m wl = l does not e Worumbai_ owe =tr Wore
*0 µkg es 2.. k. cad IVallle 'LDS taintey. Adams
tenl ival K uL .• e.lmen4 srmargy,.
. .
&thllltloakal Lassa Igattere on Third Page
Several new strikes on the Central Petrol
eum Company's farm, near Petroielkeeerre,
have been recently made. Wells 1i1r9.13 and
193, working interest owned by J. R. Eldridge,
of Rochester. New York, and Howard Bishop,
of New York city, doing about a hundred bar
rels each. These gentlemen have commenced
further operations, and will sink for more
wells. The Arnold and Phlnney wells, on lease
192, on the same farm, are now flowing about
11l barrels. Mr. Cooke, of New Haven, has
adopted the elide pump system In No. SEtt, and
it has increased Its production near double.
Braden well No.; Central Petroleum Compa
ny's farm, was struck a few dell, since, and is
doing 50 barrels. Wells Nos. 181, lit and 280,
mime farm, have Improved and doing largely,
they 'were strack a few days since. Mr. M. A.
M'Donald, of Cleveland, Ohio, is one of
the Principal owners. No, 814 has beau re
tubed, and Is Milking liist allow. Stevenson
flarmktlliecaittnuMitifi iintie,forth out of her
abundance the Oleageitions MAL New strikes
are occasionally made. A new wan was Struck
on lease 18, and Indications are good for a
large well. A gnod well is being tested on the
Wood farm called tae - "Doctor' Crittenden"
well, lease 68, and owned principally: by Mr. N.
Stone, of 'Rochester, New York. Since
toe great fire on the Egbert fern; the
production LS much greater than , for six.
months previous. The old "Coquette" well /15
now doing about 250 barrels, and it is said the -
steadily. The wells on the aide hills m o re
improving, and doing double
than ever before. Bennehoff Run Is the great
estarodneing territory, the "head centre" of
oildorado. On every spot to Pioneer new
wells have been struck on the side hills, and
all is hustle and excitement. "Hrinkidorl," o
new well recently tested, is gaining, and will
now do 100 barrels. Another well was struck
on the mane lease, and is making a big show.
A new well ,was struckbuit Tuesday on Jesse
Smith's lease, Church Run, between the Eure
ka and Herold wells. After pumping about IS
barrels in three days it broke down, was re
tubed and commenced pumping, -The Eureka
well Ls precludes about 50 barrels per day, and
the Herald wellin barrels. Three Other wells
will be tested In a few days.
The Adak Plle Asst=
Unless the trembles and bickerings concern
ing that huge brick pile in front of the Thea
tre, on fifth street, do not soon cease, we shall
propose the getting op of a memorial to the
Sanitary Committee, or some other equally
energetic body, for the abatement 01 the nut.
sauce. Mayor McCarthy entettathodannmber
of suits coneerningthe *pile," patiently heard
the aggrieved -parties, and titapoeed of the
cases In some way. Alderman Strain next ap
peared In the arena, and on Saturday gave
judgment in favor of Ur. Henderson, lessee of
the Theatre. from whom hir.Thackeray (a bill
poster) claimed damages for trespass upon
his exclusive right (as he has it) to
paste bills against the pile of bricks. The
end is not yet Despite the judgment of
the Tenth Ward magistrate, it seems -that
Mr. Thackeray on yesterday, proceeded to
embellish the pile with bills, and in so doing
obliterated, ortild from view, 'posters of the
Theatre, whereupon Sr. Harry Overington,
the Theater trolumrer , prosecuted hum before
Alderman Strain; for inallidous mischief and
surety of the peace. Thackeray was arreated
and gave bond to appear to-day at shear
ing, which he demanded. And dill the end is
not yet, for Mr, Thaolusray will to-day insti
tute two, three, or more snits against parties
contending against him. Messrs. Sanitary
_Committee, see to this matter, 111 some of the
parties concerned are getting decidedlychoicm.
lc, and it is feared the infection may spread
if the nuisance la not wiped out.
Jun OW°
• Michael Penner was tried in the Quarter
Scssione, yesterday, for the larceny of a pair
of boot.. The evidence for the proseoutbin
was apparently clear—the fact of the larceny
of the boots, and the gliding of them in the
possession of the prisoner being proven. Tor
the defence, however, William Mayler, under
sentence in the county jail for false pretenses,
(brought into Court), thinned that lie bad
told the boots to the prisoner foriieven dol.
Hie statement was en surprisingly pre.
Mee that th ere were doubts felt as to its coo.
romans, and surmises that It was "made up"
for the occasion. lie knew that they were
the same boota, because one heel was
higher than other, but could not remember
which had the highest or which the lowest.
There was a name, too, in the leg of one boot,
could not tell whether in the front or back,
but to be as near correct as possible, believed
it was at the side.. The jury took the case at
about t dale*, but had not agreed upon a
verdict at adjournment of the Court—the
- coming to a conclusion doubtless be
ing whether to believe the oath of Naylor,
the witness of the defense. This man Mayler
is the Mlle who figured in the ease of Mile,
seat over the river from the United States
Court for pausing a counterfeit twenty dollar
bill of National Currency.
The Great Western Gun Works
The sporting season Is at hand, and many of
our readers whip are about taking refuge dur
ing- the summer months in some secluded
country place, will desire an outfit for the
hunt. It is a difficult matter to obtain an un
erring ride or a faultless shotsfun, but there
Is a house in this city which has a wide repu
tation for the character of the wasisms sold
and manufactured. We refer to the popular
and prosperous Great Western Gen Works,
matted on the corner of ienn and Wayne
streets J. H. Johnston, the gentlemanly pro
prietor of this eetablisbment, !mows Just the
quality , at stock to keep In arder to maintain
the high reputation he enjoys in that line Of
business. He has some of the best hunting
weapons in the city, embracing the finest
makes of Europe and the moat improved
styles of American fowling pieces. He has
also on band and for sale, at reasonable rates,
all the modern improved side.arres, pistols,
• revolvers, carbines, dc., de, which he war
rants to be the most durable and reliable in
the market. The best qualities of fixed and
loose ammunition are kept on hand and sold
at the manufacturers' rates We cheerfully
commend the Great Western Gun Works to
the purchasing community.
The Gazette Bending
The pedestrian on kith street Cannot fail
noticing the . wondeffill improvement 'lathe
outward appearance of the Gsarrez
We entrusted the job of painting and grain,
ink to Mr. John T: Gray, No. 54 Handsstreet.
and the,ptiblic Will agree with us,
in itaihilf
that he has proved a master In the profession.
Gray uses nothing but the 'hist'quality of
paint and materials, and his work
rented to stand the wet of time.' Me has no
superior in the business of house and, dew,
paintingthis city, and his great success - de
pends principally upon the excellence of his
work. Ho keeps a large force of that, clams
mechanics of his employ, arid Is ready to con
, tract for and &den descriptione of pellet•
g ters are toast
the na s btriti
f,7=l":rmbPleg paintingl th eir ya".es
He lea fah!, upright and honoragte n
oneirith whom it Is a pleasure to have busi:
nem tiluisactiorus.
•- - The Titusville Igerder.
At the Coroner's inquest held on the body of
ne evidence wasedduced to show
at Whose hands he came to his death. =A ru
mor Is afloat that ne was shot by a rival 'for
the affections ,of a young woman' whom be
was on his way to visit. No evidence was
found to; criminate the rival. Bet certainly
the murder was deliberate, and no Other rea
son can be conjectured. The llceesh&l le rep
resented by those who knew - him best as a
_man of excellent habits and disPoeittuti; hom
esterel amiable. Be was about , thirtY years
Wage; had served in the war over three years,
in Company •D, lath Pennsylvania Cavalry.
He held the rank of bugler, and _enlisted In
Tittunfille., lie was a comer toy trade, and was
at the time of hit death the foreman of Mr.
Howe's barrel factory. His . father resales in
Somerset, NNW* county, N ., X. - ' '
C+art`s~C,O,olmmoa Riau.
Hon. Wan S. scowls pristatog.
Wcuroax, June Ahp,case at Joseph
Welsh vs. Hartley,Phlllps Coa; the Anti
•ftnand'inr plain= the sum of 404.35.
.reeph H. Mellon Vs, Alexander Russell et 11
The Matauff; with the steamboat Brilliant.
undertook to town barge up the Allegheny,
ran aground and was ten Into by the steam,
boat Peerless; owned by the defendants.. ,il••
'claims damages to the amount of On
trial. •
Aggravated Asaddt.
George Dyer„ the young inan accused of at.
a helnona outrage - upon two little
girls, in Monongah eta borough. leet,Weck, him
.made complaint belbre Aldernian tittalnote.
cuing Prank Blerdea Thotoli Westertth
having oonnalsted a fekudousassanit and bat.
tory upon him, provoked, it la .stated, by his
alleged infamous conduct. A warrant was
Issued fur the arrest of West and Blerrden.
Sea beiry.—The Titusville :Farad
ob= Wag Perpetrated eu the
JacCray farm, op to Petroleum Cell_ trib Teat,
Thursday night. Tdr. MoCrerwas of sad
the house 010, premiere wore 43/0 11 g=
lirOtherdri4aw.z Thai: had /our
.doiihrs sad, ittihiss. his unlow. ,Ths.
robber entered' W=:liititilrbing say , one ,
and' having ,rimditrettlUir r Viiititu scoreless
from the ogoots of chloroform, arritzwaed u us.
money and the weapon; and took . bluiseg off
without dotal:l4FL " 4 •
• • '
0m i41 4- v DOM Ta
it the.. lames at. a: wawa y-"
b ad,. =RAM tuna James-Barker,
:was tried. mad ooavloW.l.n 7 the At Bea.
slam, Yel#lrdsr• 84nte 'Maeforr.°!L - '
. . - ... . ... - ....... .
Lac** ... . ... ...
-, •• • #GeOritivfilihatiataid :•hlitiacnkf.:.
ji r . todwtallar the taroarry at tools frcna,
ahowar:sarptmtar; at Third:wardi
warC triad •• lathe Criminal:POl:art'
1 . 1. 44. 4.4- 11;TI-4 1 ". 1 4. , '. , 1• . : •.:, . -,•,. ,•••, - :••
. - - ... ~. .- - •.
NUIIIII=..raterrDOIIJI - We!/Aped tw44ll.. xayor :
116caren %
159043D1T10R8 ISSUED.-
o oi EMI ICBRILTS .115111-- & UAL ill.
The VMS= ti forwarded*AD.l l rusk. toe 00b
-4.oo3keirt la the isial•
, 11, , 3 t?„ .074Alyit, PAL.7,7:::•_•!•••
* 1,17
• e Pentane. '
The Ft of Pittsburg have -been MY :, ; ;
q uietT several days peat, as the "lead — era '
. t.
have I nil hope smee the government has
so cart catty teethed in cruahing their Move
ment. i Tney reflect severely , on president ,e.
Johnsen and Secretarreward, claiming that. 7
the opposition now made should hive Shows
itself many months ago. They state that
they have been inveigled into panellising
arms Irom the government, which were all
taken I, back and corulacated so soon as they
were tp be used m the cause for which the
authoittlee knew they were bought: The sale
. ...
of bonds has been almost entirely dlimontlna.
ed, wthlle but few recruits are being received
at li rivarters. , Private advices from the
Pittsburgh regiment In the field, state that -
the boys are all in good. health and spire
and elisions to have a brutal with the
casts. .We 'are plea-Wl' tb be able ter' min
diet tbo rumor to the effect- that lan • Daniel
Ferry had been killed, and 'Mr. Connollyeap- , - '.
lured In an engagement, Both.these gentle
men tuie with their companies atltultslo.,.Tiatti ,
Pitisb rgh regimontls ex - fleeted , heogio
to lalitlai. ~.
and w learn that they are to be toilette& in - ,
&Debi marinerhy their, fellow Fenlang, ilk ...;
' Veil ve received MS following coinMunies,;-
tine film Pittaburghars In the Fenian army at
Banda .
Beare, Jens fith,lfall.
Tb Al Editor of the Gaseflo—gr. , -1 noticed
In the alszsrva et the ith mat, a few. Items,
wnich for troth, are groundless. I attach no
blame fo your reporters, but merely wish to
Pittsburgh, the giv e f acme of the eltisens of
and all an Idea of the truth.
In the drat place Ilr,
.Tr.Ferryhasnoi .?...
liclwrtir7ui-EtuilaL Ir ared
nhriofi...nace, a° of
theme Pittsburgh
... .
were engaged In the
light either ofFriday or Saturday; nor was the •
flag preiented l/the tidier of P i ttsburgh to ,
the Fenian Brot erbood. captured by that/til
ted States a Atbo Lte4. Tile red Wain of Oar
1,1 edtuary Co, ,IMII bare a chance of captur-
los at, if they are eepahle of doing SO. '
Yontil/tc., J. G. D.
liussato, N. 'T., June 9, 1946. n the Members of the Cu lt °trete of the Alike - '
lfrotherhood of Pitisburoh, Greeting
We, the undersigned,lmilmra 01 the Mili
tary Circle of the Fenian , brotherhood of Pitts
burgh, forward yell this as a token ft respect.
to Lieutenant Daniel Ferry for isle kind atten
tion in performing his duty, us a true end
t,erfacer, towards the members of the
1111 ail Circle of Pittsburgh, and especially
for attending to the wants of the Irish . while
stationed here.
Hoping this article will be Inserted in your
Valuable paper, we am, Yours truly.
Jogs P. ,
Mann ,
Io na Dellatte. Jw.., .. .
I Dawnik - Oteltavr, -
, N. E. Egarakr, ,-- .
And many others:
Afraid or Her iestabantL
Mlizabeth Becker, residing In Alle ,
gheny, eallod on Alderman Strain. yesterday
and made complaint against her ttxusbatW•
Andrded Becker, representing that she feared
violence at his heads.. She mentioned the cast
that solos years ago he made a felonious
enult,appd battery upon_ her With a knife. .5
which Ile was convand sentenced Itry
Judge McClure) to two years and etslatia4a
huari . sonment In the Zzeten t t a itr l y . ...l Manly
log he=ally,inhia conduct hie f,EZ
that be will make another attempt neat her
life. A warrant was issued for his arrest.
The husband, previously, made Informed=
against his daughter, thirteen or fourteen
years of age, car assault and. tney, which
case the Alderman, from flans made known to
him, dismissed.
in the-Quarter. 94113/0111 yceterday Matthew
keep, constable of the First ward, appeared ,
seutor against Daniel Keel, for surety
-orthe ' The case was heard, but the
Court deferred passing' upon it until an
assault, Aktil battery salt, in , which Keep 'was
defeedant and Mrs.;'iteeiprosecutor, Nra11,114.,
dosedpt. Keep was found guilty, wherenpon
the Court ordered him to pay the costa: Wm
Neel bed preferred a charge of assault anti
b u s lbatteryGeorge Keep, (sOn of the et:lW.
s "IWOu the Grand Jury ,Iguared Ahe Ada ,
and Mr. eel was 'ordered topaythe costa. Mr.
keep w not present to receive. sentence MIT
, he assanitan,l battery on MrsaKeer.
OmmeeitliwaqThe Leta BundAY
stated that Rev. C. Cane, of CloOfoooti, on
100 000asioo of hi . arralgounentr Def.:to-the
United Presibyterian General assembly - last
week for publishing a book in opposittort to
tire recognised standards of the - Chureititle.
oared humbly that he had no intention:of
-running counter to the standards of the
2 17ro n z,..arid r promised , w a tt& tigi e feiturgr f
Going tlie gentleman Airline to whom their
itrtiele refers, we will simply state that,,he
in:ale no sp= c ar ed prombies of future
mnepdmont, openly that be re.
engnizeil none of the standards of the Church
a. binding on him, and that he believed they
ul no power to control his action.
Dried I:fp.—Thelsot is, that in the borough
or West Pittsburgh and -Tempera/nevilie
there is not a single tavern open where spirt
linens liquors are sold, license havi9g been
refused at the late sittinff_ of the whisky..
court" to all applicants. The result is that
the taverns aro deserted, but great measure, •
and thetal. who will mink by the quanta-.
ty, or take their demotions film jugs In pri
vate blades.
The. Crania Sacred Concert at the Coo
tirsdral . will take place on next Ayetinesday
evening, June 18th. Single tickets of winds.
Bleu total forts of the Church . (except. a ..few
yews which have been secured by the owner')
oar dollar. For ade at • Wamollnk a Bares
mu.sic shwa, at the office of the Church, and at
the door.
Itrakentan'lnLured.—A. brakeman on the
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chleago Railroad,-
named. Philly Fisher, wastlangerously LOured
on Saturday mrening,Mear Woods' Run,' by be.
log struck by a telegraph pole, erythe trate
asasin ite restdednear the outer!, , depot : !,,.
Moololight underatandl:
rangeraente are making Tor it Ferryboat ex
cursion. or Moonlight Flo-Wet, at ISevea Mlle
Icleed druing_tbiamonth. 7.1t - im designed - to
be a select aftlx,
.'and those...ln Waring" are
anticipating rare enjoyment Melba occasion.
.... . .
. Being appeared
eo7.i l le "Ader! i l li ertis t Lr i a, yeateraay, as cora
'datum% *gall* Selman fifteen, alleging ~ ',. .
I hat he (the ouxsusixlYhad threAtened tug Itte, ..
cud followed Alm with a poker: Ttie arteWi . , v.' ,
WWI Tlladei =WA hearing wilt belied sekiev.. - •
Iliad • gor a Ilearitiv=ittniblief7.l3alit o
charged f.:v7thdali;ir" beforeur Al=
ttir/itamed An d Leirnaninatas nriested-yas.
today ann held for a hearing.
• '"
ErnemOre Erneet.—Ereeef,; If.reeberlfeerer- ,
day Appeared before Aldtirman Tatlar.end,,
made oath agalrust .Ernsett IlfeeriJor[eibitzdt ,
and bar,tery. A warrant wee4seue.d.:{, re-
86 3191183. En:root. _
Fine Wa,tehe€s,
Silver and Silver Bitted Were.
We are le receipt daily of neer stylee et filll t D
fillAteth NA.U.III/letia,../Ce. • - •'-• •
0%11 and eee enr.slock. sad get prices. -
tnrott. li rCaErMo94
AT ,
'-locrsza.ra T. locritilsnr,
jOIiNSTON & EICOTT4 , fr •
4. ,:Thatißs fll •
Fine Watches; Clocks, Jewelry,
No. 914 LdiZETT EMMET,
Notttailbuziat4 3 P 033 -1 241 b.
witirtrocis tgl e grj: v et :Ork B ;:truie.
NEW e1L4(:)...13
-PIM ' ST,;':.100101104
- :
. . .
.....i.',... ,- .A. , :-4 , - ,- i.44
• - -.- . . • - •i:.,-. - :- - ;•.•-•:::..,?:::--:,.. , -•: - '406:
..•::-.:,'.....,,;( ,- .oitpetdte Old.-Tbestre,-
} ..k