VERY LATEST TEI6 I B3ROPE9N -NEWS. of London:dapped Paviettt, TEE - EUROPEAN CONGRESS TO MEET IN PARIS PRUSSIA, MISIBIAD ITALY STILL ARII 600,000 , Mitt :Mobilized in Austria. PRUSSIANS CONCENTRATINO AT GLATZ. Prussia and Italy Will Await the Conference Haw YORX, June 10.—The steamern Alio- IMMO, Malta, Denmark and Edenburg arrived. Theyaltuyra arrived out on the :Mb, ling laini;Clty of Parte and Wm Penn on the 'Mill; the latt.:: at Plymouth, short of coal. The government wahlimiten by ten on the vote on Kr. ilanylr`s Motion of instruction, looldng to rho better prevention of briber) width° corruption at elections. The consolidated bunk of London stopped payment on Sunday. liatueezr.—The Invitations to Congress are all accepted, and it will meet in Porn shortly. Prin.., Austria and Italy are still artiirv. The ludlati volunteers arc mouilizlng rapidly. Ate:aria has mobilleed dialbui men. The Austrian parks of artillery and siege artil lery are ready. Tun Prussians are concentrating ut Glatr. and Landsheet. P 1 violin and Italy will post pone hostilltliss till the Congress has proved a rallurn. The orders tor a second'; conneriptlon In Views produced great discontent. Italy engages not to attack during the con ference. Ropes of the war being avoided :ire believed In only by the minority. Paris papers say Austria's 00triponsutIon for the loss Of Venetia will be found in the terri tory on the Adriatic coast. Prussia to bore "°-' Elbe duchice '' ,and Denmark to have Nurth.r nohlessfigr—Ttio Milne province s are to he -Math, a Stet°, attached to the tiormanie Con. fealeration. 'Yee Austrian (Senora' Berilecke Issuott.lustruegunis how the troops are to be have in the money's country. Italy is rebtiild big her forte to resist the new artillery o( the AustriLLll army., which commenced marching ton Lulls Venetia on the 24th. Tnrjcey will cis, occupy tnerllantibitua principalities in cot." yuouce of the and French declaration against Turkish intervention. - . . STILL LATER. FAATIIIta POINT, Juno 10.—The steamer berelanMoril - Liverpool on May Stet, vie lion donderry on Juno let, passed this point tide Warning. Telegrams from various points confirm the statetnentathat Austria,Prims in and Italy hal 0 _ accepted. the invitation to tile conference. A Committee of the„ Federal District h.., also res o lved to accept - the invitation given to the Gerulan Cot ifedertition [tithe eon] t• none,. and would probably tdinft Baron Von liorplord ten, the &Walnut Minister for Foreign Affairs • .as their representative. Communications were Deing'ilderehanged for the arrangement for the day for the first ulecttng. It Lsstated test tha 411ft:rent Ministers el • Foreign Affairs are to represent their Govern ments. From Vienna, however, It to slated that AnStria would not be represented by Count 11Leusterott, but Prince Metternieb. Count Blamer, Baron Meishenberg. Various conflictrug statements were made us to t h e programme for the conference, and the terms Adterenee of the armed powers. It is a sunod that Austria categorically refused oil propositions relative to the cession of Vene tia, that she calls for the conference of the estates of the Duchies to settle the Soblesw IloiStOtti question, and demands that the Con ... gross ninth not be competent to discuss alty proposal for reform of the Federal Consul u tion. Prussia is also said to demand that the Con ' Terence shall not discuss questions relating exclusively to the Internal interest of Ger many, and that Its deliberations shall speedily prove that a real prospect exists for the pro serving of peace. The note of the - French Government inviting the Federal Diet to semi a representative to tiro Conference, is published at Frankfort. It states the object of the Couferenee to be a • diplomatic settlement of the question of betileowtg-Holsteln and Venetia, mud also of Federal reform, so fur as it affects Ell ropeoll equilibrium. The note concludes as follows, "The GoveraMent of the Emperor trusts that the powers who have made proparetions tar war 1,111, if they accept the pi 0110.C4i CO,l r el:leen, suspend their armaments tithe; sh,lls I. i scruple to restore their military estublislimeei to a peace rooting." There Is no Indication of a relaxation in warlike preparations. Many taousands of men are already engaged on the folettleahlotes of Vienna. The urn, headquarters were about to be transferred Cu Prague, where Field Marshal Macke will • shortly lospeet the troops. . It Is reported that a strong Prussian corps of ob_sersanee was being ooneootrete,l on the frontiers of Prussia nose SilLiea mud ilailichs. Telegrams from Kiel report an affair betv. the Austrian and Prussian troop,. it deaths occurred. An °Mend Inquiry Dad been lied'- . tilted. A Prussian petrel bad endeavored to inspect the Austrian troops on the frontier near NurJ3 od. A - decree had been issued at Florence for the formution of volunteers, two batallimes, • Bersibleri and a squadron of guides. The Austrian Government had ordered a forced loan of examoli of florins in Lombar.lo - _Vanilla. It is asserted in thellartin . that Austria was in treaty with a Polish he"- der, wile distinguished himself to the Pol: ei insurrection, with the View of placing him at the head of a revolution in Pt ussian Poland. The Mouse of Commons had a debate oe ?I r. Clby - e's bill Conferring the elective tram-b., on any person of Ilt education. Mr. stone opposed it on the ground that on g-d atat 110nrd test would break down, although he :o mitted that the bill was greet in principle. A general debate ensued without motion. The Dublin police bad arrested live persen , supposed to be motive Verdant; and to lints a.. slated btephens to baffling the detectives. The British returns for April show the value of tile exports to be over three and a quartet • millions starling In excess of April of lasi year. Finnuelul affairs continue to a atesay progress in recovery, end a grad , kal . return of confidence. •Eiatterthwates circular of the evening of 11)0. 30th says: The market for American securi ties during the past week has developed ex tensive sales of twith Government stock and Beltway share. ou English as well as co ntl - account, but this has barn more t bun met by the demand for export to New York. Vasty. LATZST or Tetsonsru To Le:too:I Dan- ET.—/Arerpoot,June L—AffMrs arc unchungrd. A meeting of the conference has not been fixed. La Busse and La Preens believe that Napoleon will preside. Latest VLA L01 , 100508611.T.-1.412 , 7)401. J4O, 10.—Lotton ; the. Brokers' Circular reports tee sales Of tile week at 8,021 bales, Mel adieu beet to speculators and u,Sos to exporters. The market has been buoyant, and pikes are Isp lqd higher tor American, and 3.4614.1 higher for other descriptions. The authorized 'mot a tiens are: Fair Orleans' 16;i1; Middling Or leans, Add lair Mobile, I.14‘1; Middling tioetic, /2‘.4difair Upland, IWO; Middling Upland, fa The sales toelay, Friday, aro estimated at 10,000 bales, lectuiltnn Lao to sg,,glatory reed exporters, the musket Moans gnu at the ad- Vallee. The stock to Met la estimated at 9.1.; 000 bales, of which 4ixi,nee bales Moe American. Breadstuffe are dull and prices easier. Pro visions dull and unchangpl. LfAHLOIS, June 1.-4:onsetsclosed at N7±{,t3,7n, . aumtAgF/ 4 ; Illinois Central, -isslces.'" WATCHES. DUNSEATH & CO., ea IF.l.ftb. 6t:root. Fine Vira,tehes, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Silver Plated Ware cffw..7 ol Call mnS nee oa r .1 ock and gel prices. L ADIES' AND GENT'S "Vir.a.rl6l3E-iiigE; ALL tiTYLE.S. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT 1i717XX.X... T. MITICILain - 527/51 Jeg WYLIE ST.. NEAR f IFTII. :17 , ;c7JOIIKFTON JOHNSTON & SCOTT, . . . DEALEIcb IS • Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SKVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 214 LIBERTY STREET 1"1:t-tallzmiurg.72, PoissaAri. Partlcalor attention cleem to atomizing Wear.., Clunks anti JVlfelfr• w.:.1 work warrtuz- NJ_ Je10c..74 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CLOAKS! CLOAKS ! ! NEW CLOAKS JUST RECJIVED AT TIIE pumni ST. CLOAK HOUSE ELEGAIIT CLOTH SACQCBS welling at 02,50, . =II New Cloak House; iiii-Fifth St., „• _Opposite Old -Theatre. 1 se allit,) Banker and Broker, VW Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All descriptions of Government Bonds Unwed, sund Sold on liberal terma• - London and continental Eachksigo sold at Now York rates. - - • • - • Gold, Sliver and Omapons bong* at highest Tatin, and Gold Ettatin issued on !arm York. MM ' :M ''.. V:r .. ;VITIM Ssspnoa - s . • June Isne, Gold alter having touchOd 'VA, last night,. opened strong again to-tiny at 1:rs;:,, and .rood at IW during the day . Now fork quotatiOns to-day for received by lir lt. Mertz NBl - s, 109%15-iSsia (old)1041;i11,11is, (new) Pr 2%,; 53; '1410 , 41,44,;. Clevelanci. a Pittsburgh road, &VA:Pittsburgh it Fort. N ayes., !sib. The advance in ti-AP has brought ant a good many callers, but the demand for ex port by bunkers, who straw osiosnst these bonds, Is heavy, and it Is not, MEW: shot any of these sucuritisos now lu trausst will he thrown on the maricet. Ten I orties null keep above their relative value, with other securi ties, which is owing probably' to Is,, Mel that the government, st is Paid, will place a Its e per ,rent loan on the market, and unsorti all I notating debts and maturing °bin:Misses. Seven ThrrtleS have slightlrdeelined, ors log moistly to Use scarcity of money, owl large lots cannot he sold alosve There is considerable inquiry for some of our lucid securities by portico wilding tor snake long Lavestneerste, at In„ rule, nat.,' tbs. , gen rug id,: its blends bum sm. , . uses, bought at a large premium. F.:tell/La Stook steak Is selling as In, leo tad for Ibusk of Merco;3 le :in for Allegheny, alit itos for Peoples'. Allegheny County super eettts ate irante4 75, do CamprOlnlae rive, The money market wits never more stills ',era in Wls Market than at present. The banks are loaded with government bonds' purchased above present rates, and dessoslts Are falling off, the consequence of es ditUirt , lalied trade. Other places do not. out the preasnre to the amine extent that we do's owe inveatin - enta In oil and oil territories have loch a large ninontit or capital that had h•ii recently been acquired, and hind net yet (mien proper ur safe Invairtatent.; . 6.o4:,ttke oil ex_ eltembnt ninny persons made wihl, aml might say, fottkish yenta - nu , . and lost y N o ostdoutto GM be toad° of tlin money sultan. dened in this ' way—some men give verely crippled, mid Other completely runic.!. —.Speaking of the recent failure In Philadel phia, the Pres, of Priday, 0a - 2tm .. The failure of it. behulte h Co. tool: the street rather by surprise on Wmlneaday, anti though they were ICUOwil to. Iw very "Short" in gold, it was belltreed up to the loot mo cut they would cover their contracts ON ( . 11 at tile Udlrblielfd figures. Wt. Untler,tami that the senior partner of the Unn Is ite v and lion 'icon in Europe for some Wilt., alit! Llt• 4,111. Werefore, in no sear be held aeceuatab:e :or hprecipitating it misfortune that alt presences ere might lutl-eavertel." —rrobahly Abe •moat important te,tture of the latest European news In tivat a 1110111014 M an improved feeling in We 0.(1.011 ttal l • 11.111 i foreign banking Li:Merest!, The recovery in +`baton IS espeCially aCceptable ss .t.euring prompt payment or a large amount 1•I Mlle drawn from this in April Maki earls tit May 1/ cotton shipments, which ltml been previously endangered by the London money panic and its effects in Mancla ter and Liver- pool. l'he advlees, altogether, May be 're garded as foreshadowing It further decided improvement in both money and COLLO.. in England by the succeeding:denim:lra. —The NeW Yorl,, Tribune, 01 says : "The reporta fn relation to the think of the SititropOlisitt Wilidungton,liave disturbed le xi iers in some degree and rumor a,. busy altn reports Of trouble with rruspoutltatte of the hunk in this and other Mlles. The de1421 . 1111111.1- Von of the Government to ithilraw (rout pet National banks the public Wolfe, k", a step in the right direction, an a s.:eurti some thing more than safety to the Treamry. 1. tt ill truce these institutions into name quiet -vat s, and Lake from speculators the biellite, Only now enjoy for satiating values. tioricw, ought at once to go a step [wither, and dlr, et the AsOstusit Treasurer at Now York to or ganize a sorting buretinot national tint i tint still send home everything not reoeen.atile this env. As the banks are Sow managed, there Is practically nu risteruption for the tua itt'lty, and the currency of an expioded .iiii dttistion" commands greenlawks tn., nattily than the notes of a living haul:. Mould not be done by auttsaociat on, id into unit should be I.l}lica inn bail,' went Any bank showing lvrnr.+ tit ing asked for grreatmeke Inu , 4' It, r:,- V 1112,04111 COll.-11.1:) piVer,Cti ti.ll! what It pretends to be, - as /40041 .1, —The New York Tr ibune Is evidently get ting iltsinttatfled; with Secretary MOMliough, tliou,di heretofore It ha. istoiel 1/, 111111 through good report And In . 11 n•port, to 11" tissue of saturday, we lind the hillf,lA dig • 'The alarm shown at every rumor. of troulde among the national bank - 1 1 /...1 very ..tgntil,•u:•t, and shoull teach borrow i i s C:41.11.113 1 e. It Is ell known that a large majority of the,- la citation. live upau eirCUl2ltit.ll Ilti that any attempt to make them rtakami heir notes in legal-terrier wouhl Lytn into liquidation by scorn,. tor the pre-nit, Sir. loch has abandoned h. 19 idiom to tog about specie payment, and is the load lag intiutiotost Of the day; but thin cannot Mot, and borrower toast be caret id and not WO much expeuded when lie return,. an he munt, to the prtuctples of !Ts toll tissue ,peech and his annual report The collet ry cannot /Word to 111.1/ l et , detonable paper and suoce,sfully compete villa nations paying specie; and to specie ue want return at not obit-ant day. The return,come by what mole it 111111, , ima , e great .11d re., to ill, who are debtors during the prOCI,,. tool ate ebligial to pay debt , with onset, laity du - Inking under tile apnreciatiOn of paper it. gold. Theuse of paper money by tine 'resumes during the rebellion wan o dioperato resort, and Cost has yet to he lion lie by tile (.1111- Stock and Money Matter.. to New York. Nrw Toes. .10110 9t11.--The thin I money article says the Stock market is ntt her uucc active than yesterday, nut ann. The cliques urn doing very little. New York Central clique are selling out aad the price is again lower. Erie n. i.,,, to sir and dull. The chief specalative interest eel, on Cleveland and Pittsburg and Non th Western, both of which are being manipulated for higher I?prices. Governments are linnet but steady at the closing quotations of yesterday. Money is very abundant, and the nrevallikg rate on call ia 5 per cent, with exception, at per cent. On the 15 , 11 InsC, the Treasury will add to the prevalent ease by the pay ment of millions of interest ou Then, has Leon more activity in -discounts during the Intel few days, e.pte.litlly inn grocerte, pa per. The rates for prime paper range at 5 per cent. Foreign exchange nominal at about the closing rates of ye•derolay. shows u slight tendeneY td react Iron the de cline of yesterday. The price hue fallen below the views of the navvy holders and there :1/3110511.1011 St• keep tine price about Liu, at Inset until the arrival of further new, from London. The total shipments of specie to Eu rope the past week from thin port were 71o; from hasten, ti1,e1.0271 from Philadelphia, $25,000. Total Imports of Dry Goods at this port for May was over seven and a quarter millions against less than four millions for the same period last your. 0010 cloned at 01^.1,21. The Psprets says: Sackett, Belcher it Co., large bracers, failed in consesidence of the do. fault of liwahsbon, junior partner. who had therge ut their au:diet/LI affirs. The concern lust 41f/r,OOO, a* fur an ascertained, the de faulting pang'. whereabouts Is unknown , The I iabillues lathe aria aro estimated at SIAM OW, dud ewsot good, bad and inilidurent, Von,- nee. The following are the closing prices . ;42 rower is.' l n ' t t , U , / ' 0 '; New lurk Central, lri'.;o9/Y.l trip, Mgt:, limo' log, ley...hone and Pitts. burg Toledo, lep‘Mtan. letirr-ri'....; North Wuntern,:loy.io3l; Yon Wayne, n , .ii4i.itsiti; Western Union Telegraph bin. It s i l bal l b commercial article suin market is tarty arid lenders Until It dltacult to use their surplus fund. at 54 . 06 par elbll L. Corn. uierchilpaper is wanted and passes at still Der sent. The Stock mitritet is dull and wuhout any events of speculative Importunee. New York Bounty Loan In quoted at California Sevens; Ili. Bank Shares are firm. At the one o'clock nail, New York Central closed at r+.;; Erie, VP..",; Reading, IOU; litchi gun Souther n at Tui...;Ailtnois Central !Dell in, ine-WY.; Cleveland amt Pittsburge, 9.2%; Cleve land and Toledo, lei-y.; North R estera, Annbc.rland Coal. 4.5!,.“ quicksilver, Later.—Erie sold at 02y'. Foreign Esc:hallo, clotted dull for the stenamern; bills at sixty days OIL London are quoted at ItahnSig.O,; for commercial, ICO% Llthbankers . do, at short sight, 111!..1,40/i0.4. I =l=ll2 fistviwortz,lllllo Y.—Beef Cattle —The offer legs tiering the past week wore GC; head, against 10athead previous - week. Of the re. cetpts 210 head were brought from Ohio, 145 trom Illinois, SS from West Virginia, aim 01 from Kentucky, ull over the Baltimore and Ohio Itallrow.1; 1 1 0 from Maryland on foot, and 1N left over from last week. Prices lc.lay ranged as follows, viz : Common at teNti.m . , and prime beeves at 00 per 100 lb., with a. few at prices a shade higher. The market closed very dull, with a downward tenden h cy. Sheep—The supply tills week NV as guest,rut n Pitiladelphht prlevs ow - v i elie t ti o n n a titt m no ,d t l u up. Bales were made at 00 1 /, cents per gross. MOgs—The supply ln market has been good, antl sales maabat. $13A5014 nor i l l Tlet strewing an ailvance of !,Lie. per lb ou the Insole figure. Blew York Aron Market New youg, Juno 9.—The scarcity of No. I. American has affected Increased attention to *etch Fig, the saleaot which bare boon large al pretty call prices. Altiong the transactions we notice about 3000 Mom Witness ClartshotTle .Im,ox ship, forgold and earrency, on private terms; sWe° do in 10t5t13447 for common to nest Maims; cud 5.0 do lengarnock, W 00,50 x ship. There Is very little American offe r. log; most rankers being sold close up, and Kimenlinwl of their productiOn, 110 W refuse to talmorders all; 10a tons N0..1 brought ell et Eliflabiltlitiort, but thists now an Inside price. Fromstore prices of bar are Very arm, witlbonly inikernto demand. however --an invoice of lOC toe. English common bar, sold at 16450 • Philadelphia Iron liarket. fouttarttrnlA., Juno e.—rig mew stoadydetnand, an advance, win ,aue,, of 15w [(MS I foundry at Ittsiatii Ma .2 at 1,40/2 '41;1141d fOrge at 350370. &matt plr romaine as last quoted. Blooms aro exceaatircly doll, but priocsare unabanSud: Jlanufactured iron— • the. tralltaatlOna - are -In amap - lota at fair , WOOL ' EMI PITTS'S!! RGII NIAIMILGTas Oilzcs ow THE Rm . :shut:an li:a. - Fcrva, / The river has been rising pteadily at this SA•rvanav June 9, lain. on o, e _ ret .. i Point oe i. d g n , r a ln t g oh th ic e h ro ti rt . y e -e i l t g w ht as ho . n nu rson thi d: g g o, las ith t Tile produce markets con tinue ' general th , eg, the 1 I . l , v . e rk fe s ot t s i...n ra in r zh t es he in r th e e h e . hrunit bee e n i, i,, by t th he e Au pic e. r little dull, nod for some. article; °rice` are . Shade lower, though as a tti ch i , ic a. tu c a vt t ;,,it io rn as :s_c are o s i i r i: o ht h , t,.. uni , l h o::: e n ,i n s i e n i l i l i [ r g ti o i i n d t . g bu lt t en sl y i , g t h l t o l i y 3 , lo b r t ur . hells, as yet, having risen i and we n". * quote good t. '" .I'.tlY prime RI ? bear of a swell of t e wo 'h o7 id three " I f ‘ ce u-P t rim'd in this at , i . tu t sugars steady, aon regal,. tale. at ltli. to in • t toddyst, a, to quality: I:' for stream, 0.:4 there have doubtless been heavy „ rn,lied,ii, , ifor „ A ., ce p, ~,id foi for Ili" rains at its head waters durhtg the past day i „, ~,,,,,,, pr i m , 0 ,, , ,,1 ltangooit 1,,,, I. quoted i ' The Allegheny wag falling aiPranklin on I tint°. Pot to loco Molasses limn at ...-. to s;'' or , WO. lit JW s t. fo , L „he., ~, ~,,,:rit i,,,,iti2 , 1,1incii,..,,,,,,giacii. , ; that ir po la t y ,,, ,.Wi w th o b th . r i ce . f v ee ery t o.lgepetrein.toctirmes on , eo. ,th, 4 , 2c , a d ti . ..1 i 0 y .c .r i , i ., , J , P , : , rea :„, I ~,,r i in En ,' n ° , „. S ,, a s t i n er r . d i ay bo n o lg r, h , t. ,,e Tx . rnbi panied tell , ln th to v r ery renta viv fo id r tit 7:o 4 ears Sheded. in ell t ator, at so. atot 5.10 , tit s all , day but towards 1 ,, ~,,, ye n „,,. ~t ~l, oat unchanged. sate of 1 thunder. '1 of 1 1 ,, lg se t r i a dng o , vu n elea n in d .g. tor ths ri o ni tom peax .brigo ls hheur o cy f deeame somewhat cooler. The arrivals since oar last report, include i ea ,::: : ,...... 5 . 0 ,,,, .13.. .: 1 1 ,0 t rr i n 5 ,,...,.. !! ,,r t , i .: ii , , s,a4.,tre:).tv,:aitta.dil ~,,,. , , t h ee , ,,,,l f i r io li l,s, l ,,, r r. n g t , :i ,i ~ ,,, ,,,1 .1 7 . 17) 1. - Litt - g.LI, i s ..c., act pe hilt tint hanged. Re- the Bayard, from Parkersburg, and the Tat:de -1 bur sales from store et , i „ ,: „,, 4 , ; fur ~,, tattah, from Cincinnati. The Camelia, ter On , ~,,,,i kn i t c annot I, was the only departzwe. She had a I 11, - 1,,,,,, ei1 , ,(31 1 4 ( .7 „„ hull - T i r ,',9" "" very fait Ire' ht lint . The Chieftan and laY , wfothr; nioi k it,. ( r i_ 4 for a o Inter. it:te • Flour Is pile: lino unchanged. site left for Brownsville on Satunlay even • pnoVinDiNt--Itaeon 5, arm, and some hoal- , "f[ , lers are asking ail advance. We quote tit 14% quite a number of the Allegheny river tow , tor Chou ',tors: 1:', tor 11.11theil aides; ion! 11 , , IStats left for Oil City on Saturday and Son , . r „,,,,, ~..„, , iii „ . . oo unro„ llama. Lori , irn ,„ day, and s e have no doubt they will get 1,55, ooreeege , i. e , 2 1 . !. ‘ 0 . ..,3 . m en , p ork i,,, d „, through with but little dinterdty. The Bril ‘sthtetak.m,upgeyteasitterdauaryinufgttehrne evening. con. and i hi p u h T r lr' ( ,E , —git Let lint steinly, s ills a fan . isla.°" " tidha'd°l retail ii cannel at $1.15 to Id ,P 0 per bushel, and , •' , 01n .. e ,,,0 0 . ft I:ffre t U w n . 1 1 * e nga i ed in towing coal v.;, .., , ,,„,i ,,, t: 1 1: , , , i:.1 . 1 5 i , i.:1 , ..zzl f t: i s; : f ,,o rnoie not bbl prime ' L . :1 0 , 4 , , ~,ero emoking he o h p e y a o lZg a e y tla t r e ginr , in' TT}, It- 2 1 . here hii no Initiroventent to note ..ii making preparations, evidently, for a In the demand, and the mat ke I. ernitinneil very v 7- 4 ;. .. dull; pt Mo. Roll may he quoted id mto 11 he F ora, CaPt. 11. 11. Devimiey, is next on • E G t i,-1),1 lid. anti tnarket steady, list for Cincinnati and Louisville and will n ilh regular sales 01 .:14-2.1. commence receiving freight this ' morning'. i Liii .., oe ,_ See. ~,,,,, , ,e th R. „,„„„ e t., -riling Capt. Deviancy is a very popular and exp.:in !at 164417; hamburg lot 0.1.2; and prime iitoo Fox- eneed steemboatman, end we hope he will ro tary at 21(II211. crave, as he deserves, a good trip. The Kate 011.—No I Lard 011 is dens with a continued Putnam, W. S. I:vane, Is clad, announces! for falr demand at sl,Kielss. - the lanai. points. HAY—Is +carer anti tiros; sales in a regular Th , , Lorena, Capt. Sate. Sherwin, Is filling up o it) from 040111, at len to en: per ton rapidly for St. Louis, and will soon be readyto PIG LEAD—Ie held tirml3 , et ICI. take her departure. DitlE I i P itl• IT—Peaches scarce and firm The Silver Cloud reshipped her Pittsburgh with sales at is to 19 (sir quarters, anti 114314 freights on the Leonora, at Cineinindi on, Fri for halves. Apple...arc. and nem but un- day, and put up a sign for Now Orleans. The changed. last named boat and the Citizen loft Cfneln- SP. I:Dz.—There Is a eontlntnal good demand nati for rittsbargl, on Friday everting. The . for Flaxseed, with sales at Kl.:', and . rim.d lot would biang 31,70. No dentand for Clover or Timot hr. dull lo st unchanged at 40 to 45 fun common, and at to tie fur prime. Messiengar bound from Kew Orleans to Cin cinnati, passed Evansville On the sth !nat. and 1 the Armadillo en route from Memphis to Chi sOlttal L ' ]t—ls eituinti wits at Cairo the same day. The Cin cinnati Commercial, of Saturday, says: Captain li. 11. Brown is 111 luck Windt, Be ' r.ETRA, LEEK, MARKET• rec rou m r v h e . d: dr d e is d dispatch yesterday stating that rrels of ell Ibe primped - daily out of the White Oak Well. 'They have Oren xor rut 1%T,, in V iton iiinnnTTS, t already filled is tank holding three hundred 1 , Pil enrin.T i June h i 1,011 barrels, in twelve hours, from the "Barker CID' DE—Thu t I ad, m 01.5.5 lots licen very well," a branch of thecelebiuted"White Oak." dull anal depressed throughout the week, and Capt. Donaldson and Capt. Scott, of Pitt*. burgh, passed tbroug n this city yesterday, en as romptired with lite sale part ol the week, route for St. Louis. The work on Capt. Dep ortees 'ere n shade lower. The resumption of unison's new mammoth packet, building at navigation and the Prospect of Increased Is, Pittsburgh, is Proaressingttnety. ceipts. together wait the unfavoruble advice's both teem the east and Europe, stave had their effect in bringing about the present stagna tion, and holders, who is reW ;lays since, were pretty firm in their v tows and rettutou LO make any cod - 0..4100.. In order to effect atlas, are , now s Illing,t4nd In 000keetesOis I. tens to Mi ll", at a slight reduction. It is true that at present tin stock In tubs market le °moven, lively 11011, aside front that In the bands of iteculalor., but there is apparently but little s inquiry tor shipment, unit many of our Cr , Ilusis are in cit.!, Neil supplied, while those i a 110 arc not, are holding off/ Is untleipatton of , pia t4r rat,. 55 0. sere unable to lour ot but one sale to-day, one thousand barrels, In bulk, ,at 11. It aas reportial tin" there Isa it ~v been ~ 1 sale at 13 ~but n e Were unable to bravo It ' Out, anti, con I sequently, cannot vouch for Its c orrisaness. ILL k I \l:D—The demand for handset otl eon , Coon s raillei light, tiotl the market is dull sta. a di oopmg tendeut ). As tot illustra- I tit's!, the snot oilers 10-day for Julie delivery, Philudelpilid, here l" to 0,, While ) este ril.y `there sa , a sale tit 41, and the day before that . .. . . • - • :math, several sales were reported at ti For ./ thy, 1 . : to 42 , appeared to he the 'rest of fers to-ilay, w tole a ft, dayo suloe buyers nolo olferma 13' . 444. • We can report a sale of Nu bbls for August, at 4.lbyy and tale was the only transaction we eouldrhear of. For Ilettledinte delivery on the ears here, sales wet . ..lllllde it urino the week at 3.0-435, tilt these tip lien could not be renlined to.lity. F' re , otl is more Ingurred for, but tvh have no Ito t her sales to record. N A PTIIA AND It•FsIDUL: There ht. heun no improved demand for Re-Wawa, thol prices mac br quot eti u shade Maher. Ke earl Miley ol 10 , 0 IbIO.0—:01 WO, at 0.3,25 am! 141 45,415. vore.l cat, hero. ln ' N up- Lim tbt,, is nollOok.; 401110 0 heael,r, and 41 is 01mply unposslble to glow quoLuti A itl2lV A l-s—The alloy nit of oil cry the AlM abet. River slat, our last report were tts fob . . 133.113g11ur A Pa:. cur. 31: I I. 115uvcr al J. L. strielcleL A. W. 15t1 Weaver t .I,lulns 5, W. V, Lug.. - au I FuJacr I Itro ....IWO slawll!tlues S. lu . . 719 j Wrl ntor, S. to.. luu TOLLI , . 101 I he %rook ...... . Total itoo o:ot , nye, ....Az Jan. 1.... I= Nen 1 1/ot , 01 too inorn io itteo, a t in.rdion• firsll.ll.l LOllllllOll Wade. loot:xi ion Or, at ilit/./4 . ‘tn for Extra t .1 qate; ",14,4 i ,1,9:t for Ertra t. Ili '4; th1p1i4111.475 for Yrinle lir:wilt% tool Ciiltlng shill. Whisky oet, ter W enter ti Wheat dull, tnil low, for 'llll. nil Inferior towwl au 1 trout Valet:ln ore waren and tend upward; at SL,U for Itiliinigo $1....te for ist On antrie I. ion: la:X . tor I..riutti New No. ': Alowatikah iI,RS for N. , / for toolinon. Co fairly alive at In slneiMe, ro for Now 11 sl ...tern; ' , Simi' do, , tor ono par e.: 11‘11CV 1.10, and closing its .14.4.4 e t i or wound Shipping, awl Newsom Yellow. Oats 'loll, Anil ilatie lower, with a gale! nuoply or New 11'.itrirn al 5.:4,9:i., ?throw UM dull, el t...3tV,,iti for mile, Kiel ilititte tar lo Wool. York mole attire anti Ureter, al Itet t intore for New Men. moil closloet gOtt,liO tuteir; for Old ' ilo, anti t41 .. ,..:40.3,50 for Printe, 0.1,0 tool liarrein of New Morn for Juno, my :rust Atigtiwt moil buyers' option, al 4:Z0, 50 4 . 4,in , tit-el stuarly. Batton ittnet, al Klee.. Lot Aleut.. Arend}. Lard snooty anit heavy, M. Int . /W.40, and :Waal; Mat. heavy, at 114'lle for Western, and tr,ti 101: for brute. ll= CH .Ino., ./1/1/1, 9.—Flour lion and grata. Wheat Brut and aoValie4nl : sale , . at 31,673. 4 4"1, , 1n for he. I t.orn aro, mei I.tvaneett fl It'; 1, 4 0.",1r for Nu. I. soil 4.417‘; lur Nu. Y. Oats quiet and Inclined orate; wiles at :Mr for I, toil !or No 2. Provisions otwatlV null quest. Bightelnes quiet at $2,2:1. Bonded freights firm, at Ittrlkt fur corn to Buffalo. ihree!pt Tr out Obis ; wheat, 9,1NK1 bun.; lit._ „nis i Ix,Vu bus. 11t1PIDettta —Flour, tool Wen., a bent, 32,1111) bun.; torn, 1.5.tn1u bun. !timer.. Coffee Market It a 1,1 v out, June s.—The high range of gold liss returilml operations the past week. In bcluded in the sale,, were Utki bags per filmy ugle on private terms; end me to tare bags, larincitially lots fromsecond hands, ranging as to .4 uatl.ty, from IY4 isP s e gold. Baia bsieLet has arrivei MI nee our lust review from gni, bringing hogs. St. Lenin Market. Lott,, June a —flour /Inn Km' un changed. Wheat firm; choice Club advanced to 41,341,00. Corn wcakened at close; iztroc I at, tw,tter; !Moen %Orli ahohalora ad vanced 15e. bloke; weak, no Derma, at 11E00=3 Itr Jane 7.—flour yulet. Wheat in- Vtl and nominal. Co/ n dull and nominal at ate for NO.I mixed. Oats 4110 fur Chicago; other itTion inactive. Provision, Quiet and unchanged. Pork 31e. Lard ate. E==l:l ew 0 I:Lk:ANA, June I.l.—Cottou firm; MICA, 1,40 u at :giek:le. Renelpta, 3V2 balem. Bank terling, Milwaukee Markel. Illt.wnurxr., Juno 10.—Flour ideally. Wheat for No. 1. 04ts doellhed If= 1 . 11 - 1,1111,1 1 “1, Pont tP.rne & CHIC Milo R. FL J lute COll4, .110114011 & Scott; 4 cars harMy, Sh her & Lang; 1 ;Ails eggs John Floyd & c Lambert, do do, & Woods; H boxes ;Meuse, im o; bert, Shiplen & no; 11.3 , Was flour, Shommker & Lung; 13 kgs lard, 1, 11 Volgt & co; IW 1.11)1s flour, ) Weer; lee do do, Newcomer, tip, & co; MO plgs haul, J (M en ell); 1 car pig metal: Bryan it Caughey; doz brooms, It itohison & no; Mils eggs, T C Jenkins; 3do do 3 Mimi meat, 11 ltea ; ears ryc, 1 1,111 outs, 1(/1 Mils flour, Cairo& Shepard; 2'2 Males hemp, II Gerwig & co; 2 hhtls tobacco, 31 Iley1; 1 use metal, .1 Wood & Son; 50 Mac starch, A rime kles & 00;1 kg. butter, Gnat's ic.,itor; Su 01/1/4 flour, Porterlleld• 1 cur corn, 1) N Courtney; 100 hbl• Hour ,T L Jenkins. CLEVELAND AND PITTBEDROLI RAILROAD. , DDE 6.--3,ar6 barley, .1 abodes; 100 bbls door, Pntrltt it sun tln; t earn metal, litralok dc co; I car lourmir,lll NV Itcgdon; 115 bids potato., uo uotoogner ; :elOrr, cbec2o, W Cooper A. co; 10 do do, W Gormley: 10 do dO, E ileazletons 00 61rn potat,xre, Blair & Woodsll22 do do, Pot ter, .I.lkon A. Shepard ;20 pkg. ilab, Wm Cwlr er & ax - ,; do 0.1, .1 I, Irruvo; 25 p&pl , tobacco, Lood,ort, titliptot t & co; Llo lons sOap, 10 do cu. dlen, is kogn lard, J l'orLorllold ,• boa soap, II al yen, At co; 10 do do, It Ihdr.o.l & 00;10 do do, 10 do candles, 1 l'aintor It. no 1 to hams, .3 Locuart; 1 car corm, Dickey & co; 15 boo oboe.. ICsux ,t on ; 3 I,kgn W Boole& co. 16 boxes choeve. Sbottutker & A. Lang; 12 do, C Jcm kinn,u do do, Vole, At co; It do do, A J Harr; nita rugs, lrudlrey At COLUK01111; Aa n CII I IOtOIIIIATI IL It. Juno, 9,-9 cars u heat, it Wallace; 1 110 do, II Itchemk, McCreory . & co; at ibbis flour, Wm Cooper & co: 1 car lumber, .1 Dill; I car stay. If Berr;pbbls eggs, T C Jenkins; X bells paper, Pitts Caper Co; bi sks oats, It Knox & son; . 2 bbls eggs, I pkgs butter, k Newlin & en. ggs,T C Jenkl.; 6 ;run but ter, C Newt. & eo; 54 setts hoopti, S steal & en; tfl sucks rugs, Markle & co; It bills paper, Pitts Paper to; ear talllfeed, I ear wheat, Dun IV ;Waco; 1 all staves, It Berri .10 corn, 11. Nona Son; 1 oar oats, Sturgeon Bro; 3du staves, ./ Carer & co; lOU bbls flour, seglonyer & Voskamp; lie do do, S Lindsay Jr & 00; 11 rolls leather, U 11 Anderson; 3 bile, strips, Gllmoro & Ltebler, ALLZOnri, STATION, Juno 1/-1 car staves, Italva & Robinson; I car corn, Owens Kennedy &Darner, 1 ea tu r tllletsl, Gilmore, Simpson & co; 1 ear wheat, Kennedy R lire; Ibols toma toes, /Anson & Itoss; I cur atuvos , J Ma x 1 cur corn, 31 Steel Bon; 100 bbls fl our, 1 ' Pet erson; I tsar millieed, Stewart & co;, 9 CUD, lum ber, J Melina.; 10 bbls flour; IV 1111auts d co; 10 do. polls, Mercer It Robinson; 37 ela rags, lit/tardy & Clark; 10 dos brooms, J Moon d co. RE-PLATING: LADIES, SAVE WOVE MONEY. By havibmg yaw 0141 Table-Ware EE-PLATED WITII UU.VEE. CASTORS, TEA S I MAI_TERS, YORKS, ICE TITCHERS, II spoons, CARR Can all be re-plated sedum:le tolia•Nio NV LAB NOV. TO DlSl t tp ouluo yuer, 4 . ,,T O1:1411411CM U.. • RIVER zg lo 3436 e :isyN pITTSBURGIR. BROWNS -. VILLE AND tiENEVA !S. MAIL 1..49- CI 3EC3IIT rim three daily elde-wheel .loaners between Pittehurgh, gtonongahel•City, Brownsville, glee's Landig, Grremboro. Genera and the 'tankard Oil lteglous. Thla Una b composed of the following stea • PAYETT mers E. - ......... ..... ,CAPT. Id A. CUM. TELEti . cArr. isueuzic. CAPT. Z. W. CANAL&C ^ ' , PT. A. MB ME MI • • . • •-•- 8 These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily at a. wOl., and 5 p. tri, except Sunday. when the departure ilw be at 1 , o'clock. s. m. The through packet for the Oil Regions will leave Pittsburgh daily At 6 p. tn.; Broirusrlliii dolly at ]a. m. Itx - rernximi—Leaves Brownsville Par Pitt:BM:llth daily TA. DI, and. p. m. Leave. lireerieVoro and Geneva at I 2 o•elOek; Rice's Landing at 2 p. m. The line Is compoeed of first•cUss side-whnel eteamere, built expreeely for the trade. They are com pa by racers of long experience, who will pay particular attention to the wants and com fort of peseengers. frig boats will leave promptly at the hour stlvertised FILEIGHTB RECEIVED AT ALL HOURS. . _ tar further P - t , " 17 . 4.n ?LIP, FIT,. A r t., At the Wearf-Boat, foot of Etrent at., rats unto. L. , COIN. Agent say3l:l3lCo Broartß LV aville, Ye. pEOPLES' Ath LINE OF STEAMERS, I=l Pittsburgh : Monongahela City. Browns illa and Geneva. Thiel Company will run a daily boat between the 1.113Ve points...l:upriser/1 of the new and splendid side-wheel %learners CHIEFTAIN. H. It. Animate commander. and ELF.T . TOIt. noneirr Puma.., roruni ander. (The Elector le now being completed and will lobe her place In the tine ID • Mr dart.) l'he Chieftain will leave littsburgh for alloll pute n Tut-SHAYS, THIJIMDATo and ISATIHWAYN o at ar. a. Ih:turning, leaves lieneva for Flttsbnrnli illsN DAY;(. WEDNESDAYS and IfitilisaYel, at. ♦. u. end Brownsville at r. Y. . . . . • . . *I he Company will have a flrst-class Wharf Host nt Monongahela cup and lilttabargh. Freight or e...lied az all boors. No charge for coninelindou on Hattern freight, Th le line will not ran boats on the Sabbath! . Per further particulars enquire on board, or to JOHN H. 1i0N241 NO LIAM, Agent, at the Wharf Boat, foot of °rant Street. rohlflimnd POD. CINCINNATI ANDaggr o t ST.—The dile passenger qessner. =! UM= Will leave as above on WEI/NICoIJAY,o or m. For freleht or paeotage apply on hoard to Av. ).:{/:00 YL I, AC a CULLING WOOD. nta It CINCINNATI Alir . s i gir mo t LOUINVILLE.—Tbe splendid Capt. DrelemhT, Will leave for the above luad all Intermedlate Port. on MONDAY. at 4 p. Yor freight or passage apply on Iwward or to Jes:e7s YLACK a COLLINGS{ 00D, Agents. LOB CLNCINNATI ANDEar ni g LOUINVILLK.—The fine steamer C AMELIA Con ..1. T. LYTLE, 11.111 I 'are for the above And all Intermedlaio pert/ of W t .1 1p.m. of,Entran'.. or to 1.11.(6 WOOD, Ants. LOU` CINCINNATI AND I.OLTISVILLF:.—The new and Me. rant passenger steamer KATE PUTNAM Capt. W. E. EVANS. Will leave ter t h e above and all Intermediate porta THIS DA Y. at 10 a. m. For freight or pzrAe . gniari board or to Je4 J. 1). COLLIN6WOOD. }Ag..b" I)EGIJLAR PACKET FULL WURELING, ALUM:VITA AND ZA-Velq- VILLIC—The tine steamer YMCA tiltAltAli,• Capt. O. R. 1121714., will lease for the above and all Intermediate ports ever, TUINDAY! at 4p. m. Returning, leaves Zanesville every FRI DAY. at 7 am. J. D. OtILLINUWOOD. Ascent. y 31:161:):4 LIALTIRIORE & ELAVANA STEAM ruir COMPANY. . . ALIL Y. BROWN d. SONS, Gemmel Assets. sEW )RLRAatI DIRECT, CAHXYINO TOR UNITIKD STATES MAIL. The Firstq.llass Steamship. of Oils line will sail so. follows: •• . "CUDA"-1,100 tone, Wm. Rollins, Command, on SATOH DA , LI BERTY , -I,ZO tons, W. d. Stafford, Command.. ex. on dATORDAT,June B Prom ROW N'S WHARF, YELLII MINT, At 4 o'clock r. y., pnvlsety, on tbedays announced.. Poe freignt or pas•age, flaring Ansuipassed ac. eoinniodations, apply to MORN Y M. W AItrIELD A CO. Agenilmats, 0 beta W. N. H.—No Hills of Lading but those o f the the Compa ny will be signed. Permits for tiro freight mast he p eveure Crow this office. No freight remised n, bills of lading signed on day of aitiling. f1P11.17 TEAM TO AND FROM LIVER. u , POOL AND ILIDLENSTOWN UnsiAxxo Driest week. Th. INMAN LINE, sailing EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CAIGUYLNO U. H. MALLS. TI en imld to and from Ireland, England, goo land Orrmany and Prance. en lhe Comp _cora Office.. • JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. • PRIVATE DISEASES. YOUliti, (We orPhiladelphiao No, 75 Third street, treats all doicriptlons of Pris vote Diseases with tuiparalleind success. Particular attention paid to lipeirmatorrhoea an I 11 teues of the Urinary Organs. His treatment An do s same being the most successful ever employed. e given hopes of a speeoy cure to the Aillleted. ldulles 111111nd ordlnessgogue stiperldr to lat other preparation for removing obstructions to tho healthy menstrual flood. No. 1, One Dollar per bottle. No. A, which is four degrees stronger, an &blond for obstinate cases, Five Dolfars per ,wire hours, ki w. ti. to It r y A., M. to 8 11. Address, with stamp, Dn. IOUNti, No. 70 Mar •t ea elttabprgh. le4tertindtwT A N ORDINANCE for the Grading of Ofsidasralks on Adams street, In the Borough snettester. !, Cl'lo.l 1. Be U ordained and enacted by the Be, ass. and Roan Oonnef I of the Borough tel MaxwAts tor, and it C. hereby enacted fig the authority of the earns That the Street Commissioner be atithorised Co natty the property tenon on Adam• street to have the sidewalks fronting theirproperty graded by the ern day of October, A. U. ISM. Ordained and enacted into a lass In Connell, the :it': day of Jane, A. D. USA SAMUEL MeCCNE, Burgess. Attest: JOIIN C. HAl:ram Clerk. Jelno64 p . C. DUFFY, IIIAIVUTACTINIEB OP Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Awl deal, In STOVES, HOUSE If URNIIIIIINO LIOODFI, IL WATER ART OW ICL L V.ES, ILS AND TOET No. 3.66 4131erataa.t Efillaraelt, =! .• , . Thia Howse la the Cbespeat p l us lu the city to buy Stoves and Tin Ware. Job K ork promptly attend ed to. my2o:bra PONSIGNSIENTS RECEIVED AND lJ FON BALE-Moarloads Potato., auks and htda 70 boxca Maul. Oranges; 70 do do Lemons; MOO Cocoa Nets; • IWO Pluo Ap_pirai 60 barrels Mega: AU do White Lime; N dozen &IMMO Canned Fruit; Burnham, Hotter, Lard, !to. W NTZEL at HBO., talttbil PM 11l Third Street. SUNDRIES IN STORE AND TO AILHIV x; a man No. I ata; • • care libelled Born: I car reach Blow Bo2•2ocis • • Loin IBM Feed; coo barrels Family floor; ao bushels Bead iluckwheaal Per Lnt; Prime Paul Hanel, BITCHA.BT, AD Liberty street. F ' `LOUD, AND PRODUCE. 400 bbl.. &elect batman Whatur and hprlng Wheat Flour; a aan , 99 liwatultau W h it. Clb—ha liteinton 1 car do h Wheat; 9 cm/Ira—to arrive: 3 cure choice Poach Blow roVateeS. For Uhl by 11. KNOX BON. myl3 No. 79 Diamond, Allairbent 1411EIVCS DECORATlONs—ran idou;dingsv (fold Usarls, Borders, Minn a, Le., otantliatand =NUN styles, 'rut arrived by steamer •.TrIpoll,•• for Bale b Jul ' W. P. auarausLi.. PAlllB—Embroidered mos winiParrst,tra° g Per W. it. h aital=" 4 lot . 17 Wood sttpidt.,_ ' " CKYres SH'OES, &c. DITIMIANYS POPULAR EMPORIUM, NEW GOODS DAILY. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, BALMORALI3, BIICKLE SHOES, OXFORD AND PATENT TIER BROGANS, SLIC- Pass. &c., A , • Ac. CALF. KIP. GRAIN. GOAT MOROCCO, GLOVE CALF. PEBBLE, CALF AND KID OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR Ladles, Gents and Children. ALSO, BOURN PURR/SUING GOODS—TIckIngs, Furni ture Cheeks. Glee's:as, Table 'Aries, Cheeks. Crash, Baltaoraluid Hoop Skirts, Cloak legs, Irish Linens, Shirt Front, Corsets, Shawl, Muslin, FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRESS GOODS, Glove , Hoalery, Stiapeaders, Neek Ties, Handkerchief'," Callan. Shirts, Daubers, Cutlery, Silver Plated Spoous. CASSIMERES, la tu TaN ETTA, MELTONS, PLAIDS and JEANS. CARPETS, VENETIAN BLINDS, awl SHADES. Private Sale!? Day and Evening. 55 and 57 Fifth Street. Inykkdawl , THIRD ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER Boots and Shoes. We are Receiving Daily ALL THE LATEST STYLES Ladies', Gent's, Boy's, Misses', Youths' and Childrens' Boots, shoes, Gaiters, Ba!morals, &c., =! d. A. ROBINSON & CO., 61 Market Street. mrm BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, At,. 89 Market Street, near Mb Another large purchase of BOOTS AND SHOES for bummer wear. We keep on hand • fall assort. most of every variety of Hoots owl kboes selected with the utmost care for USA market. We Invite special attention to our stock, as we believe it to be the best ln the city. which we will sell Si the lowest Please pces. Please eal at No. 89 Market street. Having bad over thirty years experience In the. bean... pin cannot fall to be malted. Remember the place. o. 89 Market street. Oci:e11) J AMEn ROSH. LARGE ARRIVAL AT ==l 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, TMLXII3 Th..9.1r, Of ALL TtIE LATEST STYLES OF Gaiters, Shoes and Roots, AT VERY LOW PRICER CALL & REE THEM M'CLINTOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STORE, A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL SUMAIRR BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS; .Had Balmorals, Jteit received, and will be sold at the VERY LOW ROT PHICES A either Wholesale or Retail. OWE US A CALL BETOOK PURCHASINU ELSEWREWE. • Lm&w.c.mna% No. U Market street, 24 floor from fith st mvl9 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Jiro. 24 St. Clair Street. A large and well selected stock of LAMES . , GENT'S and CIIILDILENS• GATIEBB, NAL 401 - ALS, etc., which Ast the LO WEST RICE& (s.pNhameod) JOHN SNOD NABS. VS FINE CALF BOOTS AND, GENT' GAITERS at milt J. W. CARNAIIAN R COr.: - S, 67 hiseket st. LADIES , FINE BALMORAL AND CONOBM tiAITEII3nt . mrito J. • CO.•S. SI Harter at. LADIES' FINE KID BOOTS at J. W. CAHN &HAN & s 3 Marko. at. LADIES' FINE KID SLIPPERS at J. W. CARN&LIAN & CO.•S /13 Market at. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c McCA.LLIUIN BROTHERS No. 80 FOURTH STREET. We have 013 bands a vet y superior stock of ur oiri:74MKP.ll;'.?l°"".n."ll:l 24 feet wide. PLAN() • AilD TABLE COVERS--Every kind In HEARTH RUOB—From the finer quality tothe lowest.pric S, A ed. CANTON RATTING, COCOA AND MANILI A IHATTINOt. MeOLLTAIM BROTIIKIIB. Formerly W. D. & H. McCallum WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received—veiy handsome--never offered in this country before—and at Rrices based on the ppresent rate of Gold & COLLINS, 71 at 73 Fifth Street, 2d floor, Nest building to U. S. e7tomlionoo and PostoOko Bbs4 STEEL WoitiCS. PITTSBURGH "TEEL WORKS ANDEMAON, COOK • CO., CBUOCESSORII 10 JONES. POYD II 00..1 Manufacturer. of tb beet refined Cut Ifiel Boum, uld Octagon, of ail mu, Saw Mateo, Hoe, Yur, end abut Out Steel, Usat Meal Inc REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, %TELT PLOW Wr va Pre mm Ai NPZIN6III, AXLE Ike. Cart and Common Plough and Spring Steel, Moe—Owner of Pint WI Sou streets, two bloats above the Monongahela Boon. 'Moil BLACK DIAMOND ismossimx. inrcomuss, PITTABIIII6H, PA. PARR, BROTHER Kanatacturlra or BLBT 1911JALITI UMIPID OAST STILL. Square, Flat and Octagon, or all Mei. Warranted equal to any Imported or manufactured In Oda wan• r %Mice : and warelionaa, Ho. le and Uil TIM, an and 1.12 B e e arena. PttlJbarrh 4•11,o Ina. MDT= W. D. EULER J 1 . . 1101.111LAJI LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. blasofacturers of CART STEEL; SPRIML PLOW andRR BLIWIRR 13TIKL; SPRING'S, .I.XLM. CROW PlUatmos BA Ma sir Office h. , Po.o. WATER STREET (op rs% KaN IM PUTT '" AND OANE AM WOOD OKADA Maatlacuured sad fot gala, Wholesale or Retail. JA.MIES W. ' WOODWELL, Nos. fa i go TIMID SIAM. Ompalte Z. Edmandson L C 0.., and mlil NO. 1 TOM= STR.NN,T. - Fon PURE 'DRUGS MES tl SFUGE4bI; PI arEX E :IOAIEI3, Tuna - Amps lI VAW ITER6 ' DE 'VAt t at a ' : iIscK NT :Luz - DIM% Le:, &a, • Ate., AM - TV . snows, N o, osti CWir.litregt. THE BEN FILANBLEir • INSURANCE COMPANY OF. TEI CITY OF ALLEGHENY. The Commissioners nano In the or Assem bly Incorpo f rfe e nt . i ; i •T o lt i tt LI•11 . 1 IF , renklin Insurance I ; il7.lan7tOr ottee of tee i'ill'alitiTATellitg BANK, No. 43 Veto etreet. in th. r3ty or Alleghe ny. on WEHNESttAY, then tit toy of June. IL. 11.. MM. at 9 o'clock A. . 0r5.... et which time end place Book. trill be opened to receive eultscrtp theTwTitTelgiVV . 9 (le oo or k tre t It. id lliTile " ,Ve ' . p ( lt a t:n Geyer, Hoer, f. Swart:. James IV. Hall, oateman tioe. J. T. netekdale, Joeeph Craig. Henry Geroge, John Haworth. William ehoonts, Wiloam bean pie. John Tafflrnet, Henry' Irwin I.;eorse Dosch , Hugh . Flming. Jonathan Gallagher, Arthur C . 1.011, John Romney. Iretrat INSURE YOUR. LIFE IN THE CHARTER 0A K LIFE INSUR triCE WAWA NT OF HARTFORD, CONN. YRS ONLY LIFE iNSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that now mates and pays an Annum CASH DIVIDEFD on. the trot and each subsequent PATment of premium. Its CARII CAPITAL, an ac cumulation 0T1M,1100,000, Is seetirtly loydsted In pub lic stocks sad mortgagca of REAL ESTATE. now In its leth year of business, and Las paid to the WIDOWS AND OILDHANS of Its members the sumo. 05K MILLION DOLLARS. To this date not a gle case of litigation has occurred, an evidence that liberality and fair dealing is a specialty•sellb this Company. rhe policies of this Company are not forfeited by reason of non-payment of premium after the second year. No payments required after ten years. but policies continue gamut through life. OPPIC... J. C. WALKLY, President. N. S. PALSIES., Vice President. S. EL W HITS, ticerettry. Branch tratice for Western Pennsylvania, where Circulars and blank. Applicationns will , be Yortibined. flit Fifth street., rittabtargh. i c itafl i t y s wanted f i b . 7 . a . Mtut2til.taste. te AApato FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE O. OF NORTH A AIERICA. =I Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, air Protection can be seethed in the Shove named and reliable Companies. fe=tly 94 Water street. (up statrs .) WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF PITTISBURAII, ALEXANDER NlktßiK, President. Wkl. I'. HERBERT, Necretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELDolleaeral Agent. Office, IR Water street, Spank it CO.'S Ware Ilona, op stairs. Pittsburgh. Ri W k i sl.l inAs h r m ag a ns st tatli k n n ma na f g P edb y n M M e a .. who are well known to the community, and who are deutrotineti by promptness and liberality, co main tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the belt proteetton to those who desire to be Insured. _ OTIIMOTO4II. Alex. NtmMk, , Andrew Ackley, R. faller, Jr, I Dr.,111 M. Long. James Mae oleY. Rees J, Thomas, Nathaniel Holmes, I Chas. J. Clarke, Alexander Speer. John R. Mcepne. Campbell IL Herron, Junes P. Hanna. C. W. Rlcketson, Irvin WM. P. HERBERT. :Secretary. EVSUBANCE COMPA- N- , NY OF IHTTSBURti corner llarket and Water streets, second floor. WE. lIAOALEY, Frestdent. WM. A. SHEPARD, Seer, tax - T. Insures steamboats and Cu trees. lassoes against loss and damage In the navigation of the Southern and Western Rivera Lake., and Rayons, and the navigation o(t to dens. Insures against lots and damagt by are. Wm. Boggle), Bantnel Beg, J.. Park, Jr., W. U. Johnston. 80. sFuaßnoe s, Borelay Preston. Ovorge Bingham PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OFT/Ci. 11. Z. COMMIS WOOD AND 111/TIL,TH. IC= ISM. Phillips, . " Card- John L. Rhoads. John Watts,Samuel P. hilriver, John E. Parke, Chuiei Arbuckle, laps. Ju. hillier, John F. Kirkpatrick. Wm. VIM Kirk, Frank h. 131sae11. Jllll2l. D. Verner, . U. Hanson Love, WM. PHILLIPS, President JOHN WATT, Vice President W. F. HARDNEE., necretary. lid i dy Capt. SARNO IRNMON, flen`l Agt. ALI..EGILENI INSURANCE CO. OF LITTON U BOLL —4.011... Nu. 117 Fifth !Hurt nook liloek. Insureshagaleht all kinds of Flee and Marino RIM. Acruinals. 1100110 W JAR. D. 11...101111t.1., O , IIAILt BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BARNHILL, 11,11.4 . 1.7114.1.11.1 , 41 SWIM Boilers, Oil SOIL% Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Ilridgea, Sheet Iron Work, Aic., She., CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH, P. 4. air PAIRIN G DONE Ppo3l PT I. Y. lurid:WM INDUSTRIAL WORKS. 0000110. HOLI—JA3IOO 031.800...E021=1 0814 HOCH M. BOLE & CO.. FOUNDEItS,_ ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA CHINISTS: Mmufactarers of LTEAMBUAT Ent- GIS ES, OIL WELL ENGINES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works, all kinds of le...nd and Marine EN GINES.made to order. From the well earned reputation of the Itantisar. Mr. JAMES lIELSUN, we hope to secure • liberal share of patronage from Steamboat handers and other, wanting good machinery. Our alto will be to do all work In the best manlier fors Ibir Compensa tion, nd to do It In the time we say. All kinds of CASTINGS made to order. Repairing Machinery promptly attended to. We can turn a Shaft M _feet long, and bore or turn • Polley Si feet diameter. SisrabonDuquesne Way, near the Point. Third Coundry on Third street, near Marital, Pittsbu e rgh, PA aplthind D , 4:3 5 , PCM WX:1:111 I ;1 :CS MODES, RYRIE a CO., stanufacturers of BLACK and 0111tEli OWLS,. ,V.L . ll., c. Dtvgists' Ware, BottleA4/ T er s rr i aT,l. s be s;een.tisolrte h rd and Grant .tracts, Pittsburgb ",ye. warrant our Wares to be superior to any man btetored west of the Mountains. Always on band, tilestrware of the above descrlpU: t o. Al!