The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 11, 1866, Image 1

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Yelinnin FA, BY
NO. I jll lO1 7 118 TIMIrT. ermsamma.
TIR YS :Attamt.minti.LhE .
the Nittobut 9 ii 6aatc.
MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1866
A IiPLENImi 111 1. STRIkE..
We learn from a gentleman just returned
from a visit to the oil region of W,,a Vii
ginia, that the "Wirt Oil Com pauy ale
own a large territory at Burning Spriogs,
struck in the third sand rock, nt meir No.
Well, on the let instant, one Of the largest
wells ever obtained in the United States.
When struck, it threw a said stream of oil
.of five inchea diameter, sixty feet high,
la tubed and turned successfully into a
tank, which was filled, by measurement, at
the rate of; seventy barrels of pure oil an
Amu'. A remarkable feature of this well is
that, after flowing forty-eight hours, not a
drop of water was drawn from the tank.
When our informant saw the well, four
days after it struck, he was assured by good
judges, and his Jwn observation confirmed
it, that it was flowing fifteen hundred bar
rels a day of oil, and no water, a greater
flow of pure oil than is ever known to have
been obtained by any well heretofore
struck in any region. The oil is of the best
gravity, and thought very pure.
The practical and efficient Superintend.
eat of the "Wirt" is Mr. John i O.teraon,
of Allegheny City, a gentleman well known
here as able, reliable and trustworthy. We
congratulate the Company on having " the
right Mall lie the right place," ion' chi
stockholders, some of whom are Cu, own
citizens, on the splendid well their perse.
verance has procured them, and we
many more awaits. their enterprise and
skill in the development of their large and
valuable tct ritory
TILE Washington Republican, the avert].
lied organ of the President, recently made
the declaration that a — ,qtecial vesMc a of
Congress was not r al led to settle the tennis
of reconstruction because no desire wa, ex
Pressed thereon tbat Speaker Prilfax start
ed on his journey . across the continent
'without suggesting a call for au extra sea.
Edon; and much More of like import.
Under date June 4th, Mr. Coliax replies
that he reached Washington on the very
morning President Lincoln was murdered,
for the express purpose of urging him to
special session. Mr. Lincoln wanted
to put the session off as long as I.o.Able.
mill if he called nay, he should give sixty
days notice, and would telegraph him at
San Francisco.
One or two days after the murder, Mr.
Colfax says he suggested an extra session
to President Johnson, who answered that
his sudden accession to power gave him so
many things to think of he could not Won
think of that. Bat Mr. Colfax 'torte•el on
his journey, not doubting hut an extra ses
sion would be coned.
AT the recent term of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions in and for Sullivan county, six
persons, Republicans, were brought to trial
on an indictment for attempting to over
awe a Democrat, one Peterman, from vot
. lug. Peterman was a deserter from the
draft, and the defendants held he had no
right to vote. They threatened, and some
scuttling and striking; ecenned, and the
election I.ard mused his rote. Judge
Elwell, Iteptihlican, decided that Peterman
mac a legal voter, but as there was not posi
tive evidence that the defendant, intended
to prevent his voting the jury brought in
a verdict of not guiloy.
t3o far, every President Judge who has had
a case tinder the law disfranchiaing deserters
before him, has denied its validity. Two
of the Judges are Republicans; one a Dem
Ur Captain J. E. Becker, who was
turned out of the Soldier's State Conven
tion in this city, a Reading letter to the
PLilnde I pltia Pr, ss says •
"He WILS only 40.1.1 I XII 're. the Ile,
Mee, awi never crossed the Pub,nwc. He
knows nothing of skirmishes or of battles,
save what he has rend in the newspapers or
been told by his mute courageous fellow
cidgena, who (might for their-country while
he and his political friends were shooting
them in the rear."
IN the Assembly district embracing Moe.
cer, Lawrence and Butler, the last two
counties hare already nominated one Lim.
didate each, as heretofore announced, leas—
ing the former to nmainate two members.
Mr. J. McPherrin, it is conceded, will be
retained. For the oiler seat the contest
seems to be between John B. White and
James A. Leech.
NAPOLEON TIT. is an "artful dodger."
Having stipulated the withdrawal of his
army from Rome next year, he is now in
venting reasons for keeping it there. It
is to stay—not to protect the Pope—but as
a corps of observation. In ordinary busi.
ness such stuff would bring the Emperor
into the dock on an indictment for False
GratinaL Montury's statement will at
tract attention. If what he says is true—
he is corroborated by circumstances--
the government at Washington is placed
in an unenviable light. Mr. Ekward is
none too good to act the part charged upon
TIRE Democrats start the campaign toi
Clymer by a mass meeting at Reading, Ju
ly 11. That ought taken, even . by
sensation paragraphs, as conclusive evi
dence that he will not he withdrawn.
Mr. B. P. JOialisoN, President of the
New York State Agricultural Society, gives
official notification of the existence of Rin
derpestamong the cows in the cities of New
York and Brooklyn.
IT now looks as though all the British
North American Province. would come
into the ConfederationF,hemc, and Lord
Monk, now Governor General, be made
Tun look in that England will soon show
by multiplied executions for trenson in Can
ada how hypocritical she has been in urg
ing 1 / 3 not to punish the leaders In rebellion
A oF.NT4tai AN Out in iceiwitska affords
evidence of his Conservatism in wiling the
Isiptiblican members of Congress "thaw
Wild Dahorny fanatics at Wuilington."
RECCFMT borings in Lebanon townaltip,
Pike county, Pa., are said to demonstrate
the existence 01 pure beds of anthracite
Tna. investigations by the liottar Corn
matey on the Provostillarshers nthrial arts
are very damaging an General Fry.
_ - -
Cs4oLuis. tsreported reaAY to nc
cep' the Congressional plan of recontarm.
—The surrender of Leg's army threw into
the of our Boyernment, thirty thou-
San n; pliskela of British manufacture.
These "Pero sold to a • speculator, and from
him purchased at double their original coat
by the Canadian authOrßiesk
e lan
tore Issue of June ,FilisT E DITIO N
4,h, over the idgirature of °F Citirtm," 1 ob.
.erve some remarks in regard to the High
..ictiool. I agree with the writer to one thing, I
rig: that there seems to be a good deal of in- ONE O'CLOCK, A. M.
wrest In regard to educational matters at ..-
present I would just say that the High iEARLY TELEGRAMS
evhool has attained snub reptitation to
make it an object of envy_to Its enemies.
The faculty consists of four permanent
teachers, who are coMpetotit and faithful. ;
The average attendance Of p pHs elll e. reed
'he number stated by "a alt on." The n um
her annually admitted is a ut seventy, and
It - requires four years to co plete the cetn-le
Chore taught.
The intent of those sett established it
was to furnish an oppOrtunit • to those of limi
ted mean of obtaining an e ciention, which,
lf nOlcoitheriate , goeka goot way towards It.
there are many,h ed a Ward school
education, sent. to "pr boots In the city
charging high prices to I. Itlon," their pa.
rents going nn the priest e "the more (NISI,
the more honor," consequently said public
schools number their pupils by hundreds.
. .
And so far from the course being "dry, life
less and mechanical," those who have good
opportunity of knowing consider It interest
and instructive to the highest degree.
The sciontlflo and Mathematical courses will
oompare well with the same to many colleges,
and the classical also. so far as the latin lan
guage I. concerned. And in regard to the
last tome In "A Cltisen'e" article,
sonally acquainted with the Secretary of the
':'antral lionrwl for many years, I woulti only
any, I know he w null otter no Insult to any one,
especially O lady, for holding her own views
Words of VII.I interest.
Will 1110 thousands who read columns of fri
volous verbiage every day devote fire i•io,safes 10 the persist.) of a few facts Which 001101,11
bv(11 nearly I Our teat is HwiQ., and we will
/nut our cOmMentary Into a nutshell. Wolk
; ...sans Led it - coll.) , the 03030 of all sickness, Ire
r nature he strong enough to retnirt 101 1 cur
ad ndilutencen which produce illness, of course
they are powerless. Seek strength, I inerefore,
invigorate and regulate the ...ern. When
he pit:knitter ranges from Ut tout degrees In
tho shade, the most athletic are enfreitleti
old the weak are prostrated. It Is at sech a
time that such an invigorator as IiONTET.
MIL'S OToIIACII BITTERS Is urgently net.-
What are the effects of tins rare Vegeta
',le Tonle? Wound that all who have known
its benefit.; could condense their experience I
Into this paragraph. They would tell the
nnealthy, to protect their health they must use
Inns great safeguard against the debilitating
nutlecucea.• Tinny would exhort the wrink to
dimardall nume.licated and inipurestini anent+
and cling to this wholesome and entailing
tonte and alterative. the shipwrecked tn.,
tier would cling to u raft in a stormy sea.
They would, of dyspeptic 111130 relieved, of
appetite restored, of shuttered nerves -
•Irtlllg, or headaches cured, of disordere re d
functions regulated, of hypochondria Mos:.
patent, of miasmatic diseased baffled, of fever
3110 ague cured, of liver complaints 11.11,3100,
,nt heat, privation and toll dolled, of hour: re
tnationte•l, aud cheerfulness restored. Such
+n . ° Ilion effects of HO II TETTE.Iiet BITTERS
- -
.Ikloasester's maters
re sold wholesale and retail at very low rates
Drills and Patent. Mestletne Depot,
t 4 Marko' Minot, corner of the Diamond
•e.l Market., near Fourth street.
We Notice That
Fleming, Druggist, No. c 4 Market street, of
atilt itiOn to Ills large stock of Drugs nod Pat
ent Medicine, has added the fluent itutlit les of
rluglish nod Scotch Ales, Fodor and Brown
•clout. As It has boon extremely difficult to
procure these articles In this city, we mention
ibis matter for the benefit of our invalid
Fleming also keeps a very select stock of
Parr Liquors for medical purposes.
Try n 41s••
It that delirious lee Cream Soda Water at th
Clow Opera Hoasn Dining neloon It is
nierst and coolest drink in the world.
•kJ Fifth street, mrientest variety ...Ammer
ISoote and !mimes In sty'es and mat. - alt ever
gathered under one roof.
The cozi..s
.dud most comfortable Dining rooms in ts
burgh, the Opera House Dining Saloon, No..
Finn street_
Hamphroy'• Etc moepsable
Medicines fur sale at Fulton's Drug Moro, N
108 Smithfield street.
AU the Delleaelee of the Seaeou.
At the °pent noose Dining ealoon, !so GJ
Fifth street.
If YOU pant.
Huy Silo., lb./ buy them nl liardiner'l Fn
Firth utreut
White IBartges
Black liranadines, and Thin Summer 1, 00.114 nt
Bates 8 Bella,
Blaek Pink•
Atol Panes. Cloths for Saertues rt Itatss &
Lace Mantles,
shellac./ Shawls, all colors, at Hates R. Belts
50 Style*
Eddies Mines, at Gardiner'. Ciu Fifth Arent
While nod Colored lllorsolllor,
Frt.b Goode, Just opoued of Batea & Boll's
50 Nlyle
3ltisses sl.cen ut Gardiner' , GO Fifth stroteL
■plendid MIRILIeIII
At the Opera House Dining Saloon
Now Shoes at Gardiner's iL Fifth Strata
Pan t %cults of an kind. at. Bat. & Hell'■
Linen (food•
A convict° nscortnnent tit Flat.° & Bells
50 Styles
Boy'. +hoo, at 60 Fifth attest.
Seduced Prices
AL Garilinnis GO Fifth street.
Lad sad Gents' pllthig Saloon
No. r 4 Fifth strilot.
Change of Military Commanders--Con-
Cerss Likely to Adjourn Without De
vising the Tarlls--Important Decision
by Commissioner of Pensions Attire.
.mi—Elroirress of Senate Financial Com
mittee on ihe Tax Bill—Aenater Nye.
triTra " n .. 11= . .17 4 m t rit i Ve d Stag
M the Attempt to Establish a
Monarchy on the American Continent,
and Doelace in Favor of the Monroe
IVAIMINOTON. June 10.—Brevet Major Con
oral John C. Holdnadri r la ordered to relieve
Brevet Major Genital T. H. Roger, Military
dontinantier of North Carolina and Superin
tendent of Freedmen's Adair. In that State.
Major General Terry, commanding the De
partment of Virginia, has ordered that all
troops be withdrawn from Chariotteville.
Thera are indications that Congress will ad
learn without makin makingc Of the
retie, not to speak of a revision of it.
It to expected the bill will be reported next
Tho Seereutry of the interior to-day &film
:Ed decision of the Commisloner of Pennions.
'An application for an Invalid pension for
the reason that the applicant was dishonera
bley disintlesed on a second enlistment al
thoUgh the disability Was incurred In the pro-
Vim,s service from which he was honOrably
dietharged. The Commissioner held that by
the word "discharge' en honorable discharge
Is inteadedoutd that. a dismissal under san
t/am of court martial se desirable, in other
language, in military prootedhars sad
The Senate rlpanclul Committee to making
rapid progress on Abe tax bill. The Revenue
Department Is understood to be strongly op
posed to the Allison amendment rotating to
penalties, for the reason that opportunities
would be afforded to ofricere to maks arintra
! ry and oppressive combinations for mercon.,-
1 ry purpose. GoininisslOner Rollins is In fru.
1 quent comustudeatitet with Senators on th e
subject and expeotthe bill to pass in an a o
vekltable 10r111 to the Department.
LOlllll. Rusurgufarn, s Ito balls trom Austria,
and is an officer on the -Gaff of fdaxlmlllian, is
it, Washington, and has had frequent later
views at the State Department, and with the
Committee on Foreign Affairs. A prominent
New York merchant, who 11.000133111Wied him to
Washington, gave lout a dimmer on Thursday,
beetling Senator Nye, Speaker Colfax, Mr.
Garfield, and other members of Congre ss. During dinner It leaked out the Count was
• connected tth Government,
when senator Nye, Speaker Colfax and others
denounced DM attempt to eslabltsh a monar
chial goventunent on this continent, and de
clared MU, be the pone of our Government.
103 support the Monroe e,
Three Thousand at Buffalo
Most of Then► Cuarn►ed.
Gen, Meade there with 200 Regulars,
They Complain, but .-re Yet Boastful.
The General Ottieerm to 'Give
Their Tarok
Fen inns Raiding Prominent
- Posltion to be Executed.
oilcans tot that there an• as many as three
thousaml Feu tans In Runlet. They to e gene, •
tgly 'tun I .nil Inte,li \ Iti Ile, tt awt.
trouble Is aoldelpatt,i, as not a panne, Is 1 hem
have arms or could get any here °umbel
of them learning that trausportot ton had hees
Turn ished by the elVernineet elsewhere •
song them, 114,3 applied to gene, al Ittirry
semi them home t ientwal hart i has lel. •
gruphcA ill General Nien.le for Instruet.l•ms
thin point. It Is Irony et•rtani ft Go•ernment
nut send them home, the) die iihriy L.
slay hero snug, time. 310 st of the men lint ••
no money, ang Iseneral liarry's order dI
eAtonhy prevents tram from LlAvelim; oL
A reeminotmtne” wt. Intuit. ;L Issly .tf
'guns tint lake shore hug es ruing. and del •
twat Parry. tearing that an attempt nught I•v•
Med. , to ermine, butt arntett bouts patrol the lak
tor some tnittanee.
The balance of the Fenian oilier, welt. )
tergny reimmeti on 11.11 ill three thoustimiSlP..'
AI a Los It, N. V., June 9.--General Meade iu.
Lamas! the /OHM{ ing•
All persons easembled at this Weer., In coo
-1 neetion with and It alil of the Penis. coma,.
I ration for the pia - pose of mead tug Calusulti,
are hereby ordered, In ereniatinec with Lite
President's pa atlarmaton, to ulemst (ruin th, • t
enterprise and disband. The nal•lt of the en
peditionary force will, an applivation to the
°Meer in contmand of the United states fire.
In giving the, it sines and remderwes, till cal
nu I.lw but they are linable to prov - na
their ll tentouportation, lie provided w 1111
transportat ion to their hoine, .out all t 'Mee,
below the earth ill tlehl °Meer, winart , unable
provide till, t• own ransportatlon ,on t, t rate
their parole to t o
Lae euterpt Ise anti e-
tarn to their leltlieni. Offieers abovs the mak
of (add °Meet, will to retrial - us! to give so' 't
Mond-, as may be satisfactory to the eiell aii
thotittes, It being the determtuatton 14 the
I sited states taaverninent u, preserve n
treaty, end the moot strlngenl tufwvirt, ha, •
tnic been taken to prevent all a...slime f it
men and material, the commanding troticeLl
trusts that these lora. a 11l lia,u
ether Of Calialllg the exped Mien, 110 w
ire yulotiy and peaeetably Maintioniusl, sad lac
ciattl.lently expects that all tlithae alto tut•
any respect tor the tintinolty of the Unite
states Leta ronlorm to therequirements or taa.
President's proelantal lon and of tail, it 111 , 11
not prompt a obeyed, a .1111,1,11 u.ll te
brought to hear to compel tubed ant,.
Gee, la. Maxus, Mat. i.en ,I . A I Oat, ./ (111 u 14.inhne, special
from Malone to- , lay sai • There ts
elluosieu I here u, elattiountes 'if knlat • •
are tut 1 . 0(.411.1 .Jllll4't 1011 to prevent idle h Fue- I
lans 11,141 coin Mkt to Alai.), t ta. O'Neil/ a
also there, and lien. Meade has reguada-4 rain
trot to come to Materte The ' , mishit and mud ,
parole until to-morrow morning hat, r.
saaseptist transportation ,urol X.-night
Murphy made an told res•
togs hone, By Ms ordetseveral lot l• 1
Lions II? the border sere atuandolo.4 e
are twenty-two hued veil Fenian. I tv., bur
,:reel Regulars in klitione t)urtru, ibe
view belt, eon ben. Meade and ',en, )Enron,,
ilederman, the latter Coll , , , !zilitept fit t
inteterence of the Untied "tat. • gott-en me t
and null: ~W e hey , . 'lO,l/ /111 . 1. , 1 ! , 1 Ih,-
Tet, and used for the 'inept's, of MI sea ant
hey encouraged as on to tha hug .•
Bought our rides front your 1.1 14 Or
given to Understand you mudarsertal not interfere e
rimy added: - This t [Ong a lint dead fir. t 1 e
will succeed. We have Our orders from uieut
sweeney, and non ea. and will {tertian. them.
If w get arllla sill rise, into a amide We
fight the MegUlars II they cuppeenN us. •
Gen Meade replied. "I ! ,
Nine gut 10.14 toy,
.hall light you to colorer , tile, modals/it v
A speeial to the Tr Ibunr from tat if rg:,,
lJthyll .1 light is Imminent IR:tureen
the Fialiatis anil sow, llrltl.,h regulats,
tweutt too lionualary line and Mgt,. Hill. Ai.
pearunees 111 11i:s i te that the itritish troops will
.Urrollant i lie I .' eulans. Numbers of discon
tented Invade,. arc still returiong to
ItorLIESTKR, June 9.—A company of
the Fifty-hearth New 1 ork I. , Latal Mllilh. wout IL,
Lltt., morning. Iq /I,lirs .11 I ..•neral
to the mouth of the ti , cllnessee, to prevent the
Fenhann from chptu ring the two I tastaluu
.teumeze Which 14,19.11 v acrot: 140; e • ;II lark.
tumoral Burr) hail Information which 1,1 Mul
to fear n kelzu re of thine !touts
- '
Nen lOUIt, June O.—An Otlawn hpecild nityn
• 1 eciiii - t-inartlid oi - unposed 01 twenty [unit.*
olliecre will be appointed a t Po rt for
trial 0( OD! FONNINN elLpt urtt4l at Port k, e.
convicted, theme holding prominent exeindlotin
sire to be executed. Fly., cmployecii tl/...!
Grassi. Trunk Italic ay he,
among the prhioners, 1 \ll4 1141 IuNIA. the) N 111
be hung. r b prt.onor4 who hold
nnl ponitlons are to be NCLICIN.I..I 1 , .
servitude, and placed In the fortilb tiOlin ..I
Sr. Lucia, time Xatninal 101 l of M.
llogan before he lU. s itgriei
to-clay. Judge Treat deeitleu to L. 1.1 I hat
gentleman In loud for the probable vi
olation of the neutrality law. rho oust or A.
I. Morrison, of Chicago, nits tin.. commenced.
W • . 11.14,011 Crr r, Jn nV 9, 1,99;
The Speaker - mita a loiter from the Se, tare
of the Treasury, transmitting n statement of
the ~mount paid fur salary and mileage to the
members of the .X_X X IX th Congress, which was
referral to the Committee on Aperopriattons.
The mileage paid to Senators wus 1111,10 s, anti
the salary 4Lne.,,7.lS—total,4ll=i,,ig. Thu mileage
paid to members of the House was $.9150,51, 1,11 , 1
the eatery $1,142,106--total, nerinlor
Cowusn reee IV od for mileage $11,121, and 5.,-
liter McDougal $10,1164. Senators Harding anti
Nesmith, or Oregon,reeelved for mileage
511,93 , 1 each. Senators Nye and Ste, art, 1•1 N
r , ntelved forinlleage It.S,trD each,tont this
was only for one seasion, being at the rate ur
611,044 for the Congress. The Sawatch user ts
tionators received for mileage il7lll etteh. Tile
smallest sum received tor mileage was 1,3
suer Johnson, of Maryland, 1017.2 u. 01 the tnti
(fertile members, Mr. Cole received for mileag ••
$10,3821; Mr. fligby gleAtn, and Mr. Shinano,
alO,Olll. The Oregon Welsher, Mr. Mcßride, re
ceived for mileage $12,531 Mr. Cole, the dele
gate from Washington Turt 1(.017, reeet red
•12,09), and Mr. Wallace, the delegate :nun 1
idithoe, $111,384. The smallest sum recutved for
mileage wee $64.00, by henry Winter DeA ts.
The Conatluttional Amendment panned by
the Senate yesterday wow reported 1,, t lie
House, with amendments, In snitch Its concur
rimer wan requested.
The Speaker announced that under the or
der of Lne House no business ,sea, In ortie, es.. I
ceps debate, as If in Committee of ihs: Who!,,
on the Peesident's unn nut nimedige.
Burlengh, of Itneotall, addressed the
Hoene In laver of the removal of the Indians
Iron, the mineral lands of the north-western
territories, and their permanent location in
certain districts In Dacutall and Montana.
Mr. Wilson, of lowa, said he was not well in
formed as to the manner In w Inch the Intlisit
alien's of tilts government itati been 01/11 , 1ucLed,
but he had been long of the opt Mee that the
Indians had been more Sinned against than
xsinning. flu proceeded 1,, read eats nets front
peeelles made by two Indian chiefs !WI., ten
House Committee on Indian Affairs, elturglng
ail sorts of frauds and vorruption against one
Burinigh, an Indian agent, am° tureed out to
be the preempt delegate from Dacouth who had
Just witireased the House.
Mr. Allison made a few remarks, repelling
the hashluittloits against thy President, the
Secretary of the Interior tote tile l olloollneo.
er of Indian Affairs, twittalmsl to the ',pet to
of Mr. Ithrlelgh.
Mr. Clark, of Uhlo, matte a speeelt the
totticat. of Reconstruction, taking 1 ht. t.
gr.slonal mew of Li.: questlmt.
Mr. Vainunda lollowed un the seine side.
llouLwell gave notice that on W odikve..lfly
neat the Senate atecndmeats would be called
up fur action by the liouse.
Mr. presen led n memorial from the
hoards of novae commlnsloncres of the Steles
of Georgia end itietsisslppt, In Lathan of the
people Of tintso blatant, eating isautaml
and assistance on the reconstruction of levees
one the Mittnlitslppl river, which wan reterred
to Committee 01 Wept, and Moans.
The Howse at half past three o'clock lid
Fire In Chilleago.
euluAno, June 'J. — Buildings Non. I.n and 193
South Water streetwere destroyea by lire
this morning. The heaviest losers are the,
FunnsylVartht 011 Cotuneny, stao,oou, guanoll
Bros., $lOO,OOO, and Ran Runtnrk, atl,ooo—funy
Phrge Emigration to United States
Spanish Government Asked to be
Held Responsible for Losses. LATEST FENIAN NEWS.
Finale of the Canadian Invasion.
Pik, Vona, June l e , — Additio na l noun by . --
the Afriva's maths:
It It stattsl the North Getman, Loytht, and
Hamburg anti Arnertenn Stearn Packet Gout- r WHOLE, OFFICERS AND MEN.
outset, will convey to New York nearly two I ,
hart•lrtkl thoUrantl I/I,llnm migrants. The 'ben. Meade Serenaded and Speaks.
• appruaehing War IS hurrylnk Germans to
leave their futliet land for a home In tails
the cholera ship, was 10 leave
Liverpool on the tlett ult. fur this pork NITER STATES DO UNTO OTHERS AS
meetingA genera meeting of averencl, [why .k•Co. THEY WOULD BE DONE BY.
limas& was
position of
the affair. June,
lo vino:oder the position et Ile ar of the
' company. and, it 111.1.111.. CO 1,141 rent, to ineef
resolution .
Surrender of Col. Spear and Staff.
Th.., the tstutpulty cannot, by reftatin
. 1 111.1111. Its ., 1111.11.11.
wthleithle to wind up the same vnlnniarllT•
A petuton Is In course of signature by the
111.11 , 111111 Ls !Inv re, Inf %ft ffered by the
1.1.111111R1111011t of V t1.1)11X111.1110.. it prays that the
spenlsh Goverente.,l shall be 1. , 1,1 resporwis
ble be the lesse. suf f ered by the subjects of duriu g the botrthardineut, nr Inebriated Canadiana Fire on a
111.• 1r.... 1,11.1.....1 by for- I U. S. ressel Unarmed.
fogner4. All open, .1..i1,11•••10,,, 24.1 ex
et omnierelal. The pelp ftlYther
pray that. an Intornatlonal M3o.ltlniethion shall
appoh.l,l .ef Ile tilt'alh,ol Iff tm
111.10 by the Trent:lt unereh MI. A ill, ruttered
fa their commercial Interustr
.4 letter 11..111 11,, for
Ti,,, leaving of Frohell • t•tuitation
1111 1., now been tixr•l., I lie II th Ltrettau
et. It II remain, ileAllll.l perlthl, II Will
„hdlg,, net 101 the pi1.. of lee Popo,
, tIL ugly a., a tory., (Ti °brut . % .11.11 in I.
10 ..v . 1.1. In In the knit:dem of Ital
Letters trout Vv... Wlrwu..ue LIU"
r,lgtat• Ittid nil 1.:11.111,11 n ue•11 , p..,•,r ill
'l.l 1.01.1 to 1 . 1.1110.• the native, el 100
Ili 11.13 the Itnlwa
emontantlling o•Illuer
VI ince Paul F.4lerlotz.v, 11.. v.:. In 1111. 0101-
y-lire t 1111/ . of 1.15 t4m, died al 14a at 1,
1. t'll Inc Intielling 1.••• .•: May
1114. oftkonl of the
• a s o n oeve•rnni..lll. 3.4.nerts 1.513 t
at. , to lag to get Una." omente In !nat.
Inn, 101 Ires.4t . " ern:tinny to floe 111 at the
peon, n tier, In. The last three rarely.. nee
irton the 11111.31.14 13 , t ill Ink too. .1, %e
it tt
Ito and lansgberg.
The F renelt 'rrno•-A t !antic bleat!, Nat :Ka
ter. l..•Illit:•11,y avilland ou 1M1C11.11111.3 .1.,..0.4.10
r the refusal Ann! ran Govern menl to
alloy the ateaten: 'returnee, containing re
e tat ita: 101 the Knaper..r Mrairnilllan, t 0 r •ut 10
IL WAN sold m u • to Paris
nv Itol lilt that I h.• aArf.miriitif.• of ills I:tir.”.
peon .signor.oriTeetual 4111111:
geo,nl xor
Isimut,ariinii.nt of I olparols, sit,iorol/p
The /Imes' lettyr s.qe v.,rdial
lia,olirie And ro
i•tt‘o• Nolo fgt Os, sno , •..•rnth.,
hil i , fsterisi it:izotne .10. hare:. islivels
no 111 , Fre.l.ll i,,11n liolvs. Ic
rrbokysi in sr.., tor n,+.
Circular from the State Agri
cultural Society.
AM la: TO tITOI:h Pt ItfN ttiElt&
.1 L. is a>,. . 1 111.• -111.11 , Inntt,el
I'rl,Blv.a, B
icts . has r prepate•*4 MI , : In o.llrtant, , •11,12-!
trotn Welt the lug ten, In taken.
••Vie,in In.rehy 4.0 Itnn, n t,:..11..11c,
rpret, el 0:•• phroen“t
ht. itotent;
• oses In the •Lattolte. ,:t New 1 ork an,l
In, itn,l enrnteltl) side!, I inirettn..-ers of
-fork l , ...1:1111111.• N . 11 1 ,11 It? I. 441 . 111,i fo ,
t 1 Ole .14 1 1 / 2 1.k ap
peuirnnee toy het - 4, Lb, .Irk 411111. In: nt
th , l oPteiratetl from the rt,t. The
101:1.11,4 t.I :11f - ,44.r1,14 1.13-2 wo to e. >l4 'Ulan. 11 I. N ell macer
,t h/L/ U1t,11.11 •c, IC 11, V f ,. 4111 , 11.
weer .11111.6
. .
• "II2•• IIJ, ( . 4011 ittrt it• , r ...MALL
I far (11 11211Mtli ...utf-riug from plouro
roluniu IN rtrarotel,...• n L1Z...11
,••/) protukl.l, het•l%
o slow hulug excluolod 1r... lUr rol
.• oirereu lot e-u.. 10 atbort•ll,, LAO
4..11111.1, tl rontlturruc3 - rtxlie 0.1.11 t louni
I.oudralont• on the par: or poruluwar,...
The Berea, it IrenyShlpboaml -Vl
nt t ISOOO6II era
Inland and 11a - torn. Colonte.e-Rat.lnn
Utterlenn Telegraph LI ne--A Pr oil."(
.sgalnnt Ten Per trot. Tan on Miner,.
1.1111044 Avant.' the Pomeroy Bill t.rani•
lug Yuhlir la ml f..r , ns ,„" 0 " no. Ns, 1,16. June 10.-AS 111.111111 . 11011 has keen
pros erne,. In 4 olorado.' ...Leo bi 1.1, I •10,01, of 111.• I,OIIIIM - 11,
11` t
‘l , tt / . 1,011, 1,11.1111,,1ne 011 nee!, In It
Ut "'" "le ."g.g" In ' h.. °rt . ...) . salt entitled Paul Falk vs Jackson S. :whale.
100 the 0.1140 I ,llllllole, 110• It• 1 / 4 ,11°V the Police
„r and others, Cum ntheiloners of the Board al La.
oha Lo leave until.. yessel, tie, taken. I eiso. l'he plaintiff Is an extensive ma. ahle
-1 lie sea:find and titled mates, 0110 arcre .11,01, Luny of and wholesale and retail dealer In, //1•-
•••11.•• 111 cranial condition, in,,. treprsrving. , ger beer. In Cl., atllitat 0,011 0111,h the order
aucouver's lalunil and Interim ...des of to show cause as grant. LI. tly. Valk avers
June (ill,(ill,represent that the !rennet ..1 1 , 011, quit he lit ,advise.' by counsel that the recent
c,lowed le empty and lanky are r. 111,1Ing In net of the Legislature, so far uo It prohibit,. the
give credit to either, without loop., gi.10%/10111- 1 .0,140 111 lager beer on ',twiny, la uneenst Pu
t ea, 'Thin state el affairs L. bra lona/. The aellon 1111:11.4,11 etAlllol4.ollfell main
•llNagrlo4 11.1414,0,11 COl/110 n
•1/ 0001 ° Icor the purpose of testing that , L uestlon.
Lmlneni tionnsel have been employed. and the
.50 EhgtlBll linairentl ciorupany, sII I/ pabl tesl rang 11 in probably Iw fully argiast during
up caipiLal of film
0•00111 II opee nu oftleci lot 111, , I1114•1.1 401 CO. I •
111111441 NeC111 . 111•10
Thlllo,ll 1111...11. • 1001, of Iclogruph wire tor I LATEST FROM NEW YORK.
1110 Coll}ris Iticallan-Anicincan Tolegiaph line I
eas in hits s 11111•• Laal c. Chief. .
,"„„,, Met. t'holern cs - ew In the City—Quiet.
.4eipa /Ws Point-Lager Iteer Garden
A I liconla 01, NI viab Ic 0 .0h1•••r , wt " „
gt• pctillon I to Is' tell, rarke.l pt' on nn nY•
hrola-lnig ~ ougtva, Yogis, June 111.-Three -
lot of ten pet cent. 0111 he gross pi. • t , bole rit are reportad n Iht• 111..1,1:01 .h 1 1'. nut'
001 11•11..1, I tau in the etty mug , ' , Manley. that of
"dining Sitcsics 41, thins, 2:30, I lI ls. hell, In T %eat lel!. street, ternileated
1c11.., tau NorutoH, Ins?, j tua 7, :AI other that or a Mali, 01 !Tesler street.
hallsr,ll7, Imperial, les; l Mel) ylel.le4l to proper treatnolnt•
lettor frt.. rirohla, stab., that Natters ill Seguln's point. romale quiet.
sevel public nowt lugsi,a, b ee n h e ld me, Ourtouices are expected the, libala), but
to couside, baba, •nr snug of a rtotou, charltetur umurretl, Low Ilia
',rang pr,a,J, node n . g „,„„, 0.• Vig,loLllol,lll the part of a force ,10tH
l'Ottltlroy 11111, .I.v. pr,Jpo.a.,., a grant ..1 theisi. The :'lnn Park Bear Garden was kept
public land (el in,. nap", ' aaen all do), the proprietor having obtained
the Colorado +tie' be building loads ;ii. 1..111,1,1•1011 regal wt
iron, the, to sal, Lak, aJiJI l•r ttsvol , ground that lager bee, , south as ,
man obi
InLions niece al - aadopl.Alapla, L ag the unal In thin vicinity, le not intoxleal ing,
Wel hy the territory 0,-,1.t Th. Park was crowalvd, and many got drunk. though no ,list urbance was created.
Fenlantana Dying, Ong-Promlatent Ro
berto Still In Ludlow' Pelson -Case,. of
Cholera Reported in the Cat, -Excite
ment at Oleg nitro Po: nl-Staten Island
ers Declare TOey Will liner Ito Quer.
amine There-Forthromlog Monlfeeto
from Santa Anon-Failure of a Oro-
eery Flom Thrtomb Fmberotement.
blzw y unx, June e.—Nothing nun trmspired
in Fenian circles to-day, awl Ihe cause is ra
pidly dying' out. Roberts 'i- in is
prison. lie says th orn rensen spore
bend soy violation of no to t lie IrfxL people,
find expresses belief In the fl luw ph of the Fe
nian mdse ultimately. A number of persons
ail on itobtxrLs, who continues to refuse to
ALMS (rem active co-operation with LW fellow
There are reports of several eases of cholera
sln the city toelny and Iwo deaths In Oliver
treet, though grave doe ht. are eotertalhed
as to the exact character of the disease. No
alarm Is felt here.
Thot excitement, u. Increasing at Segtille•
Point and many Isluedere declare they
willnot have quaraul Inc grimed there.
Next of
a Tuesday they held 1‘ meeting
to delimit, the authorities and urge ULat
some other plat , lat stileideid
In it few Mays Mmta %nua will nm.. a mani
festo tlnllttln y I/6 popltion : arid pollry,
mg Munn,lf In tutor I,r the Rolmlnlcan party
iu Mexico, and tin Mall lathy early awl com
plete triumph of the 1..1.eral eau,e.
oeneral Doke um veil herr Um.
afternoon by Ito: SpaniKil frigate t oil et 1.10
It is tooleretool the :spaniel, re , '-
joule of New York will soon rive loin a revel,
aackett, Belcher 21, Co., grocers, susputelnd
horn to-day. Tint r liahllities art...101,1.a Their
usiteta are said to ha twice that alai. Swan..
hurt,, one et the ,Ilrin, .0000011 y einhetzled
11,15.um0n and left for ripe, w hi, i, Is given as
011910 ot the (allure.
of the Richmond Gold Caen—
bros.. Deception PlaCtleo4-11ecinloo
to be Rendered Moon.
nw - Y. Juno 9.—A Ann • iter-itti gl yes
the 1l basty nt the M 011111113.1 gahl C. 1,40 In brief,
as follows: That gall was setts, ;I he Georgia.
The President tordurtal it Rail here. The: Rich
mond hanks, r; presented by IY. II IdeFurliint,
and John 31. niteml, at item-,
141-lists, Ch 111,11.1 We geld. pon their showing,
In the abstrice of olnalnad and
etispected to e :let, the t'te.nlrnt order e d She
dell very.of the gold la ll,' batiks loy the Secre
tary Treasury, provide.
that It WWI never seized nor controlled by the
cetillerato Government, Or any of Its officers
or tweets. The officers of the banks swore that
the I on federate Government 11µ.1 nn Interest
in the gold, and Just as It was shoat to Int
handed over It was found n gross dereption
had acen practiced told that this golf um!
other earns, g In all to Three hundred
thouttand dollars, nut all been In the Milian of
tine rehei CoultnisNary Lteintrtnient;- u nd
curled by one of IL" olatrers out of !licit mond
and a part of It leaned. Whitt ratnit'aeli hr
turned over to the ltlrhao.n,l batiks, w were
With hlm In Georma, to pay the masts whlrh
the 51..1,. of Virginia. give he 'ankh ter t
loan of this Iib:MI.I4M gold, to Ilsl used to feed
Leon army. The decision of the ease will be
swath:red ha a lea daps. .
Nett' Y DMZ , JUne s (tom et. Miami
Yeetifilnlay miummce the finale of the Fenian
Innunott of elklll4lll. The tight wing of the
Fenian army retreated from Pigeon Mill to
that place, runt the menthol, are preparing to
go home. The demoralization of the whole
force Is complete, aim both °Meere and men
further dilty. Desertions occurred by
wholesale, a n d alter a council of war General
`pent ordered a retreat to St. Alin... kohl
lorcerneute of arias anti niunitiona failed to
roach them. A itinitsuitton Wan carried to
Vermont anti stored in a liar., near the line.
where I lies will doubtless he acmes' by the
United Staten troops, who were marching to
tne border. tsmanterable plunder was carried
oil' by the men. General Spear nail lie would
Mace been allot than lea. o La.:asla lis
the wanner he hue. s ee wept
trltterly. Any Eenastoi alio h a ve no mune,' to
go home lilt! lie Furl .bee traresportist ton fly
tile I Hillel Government. Stony will
a II t !lonise, es UI opportunity to cO.
At Cornwall, 1. antela, on bat urt ay 'morning,
.ualve movensetale nor,• going on among the
Gdt l / 1 .i..11 troop, nlt 11 a clew n on
'.lnc I , en tail CO4IIIIII. S Stele lour lbutisond reg
ular. anti neatly that num her of voluto
teen, a ere tinder-stood InOVlng I rota
)10n I reol to entire-ulnae o I r on.i,
I . reacott. Strict woLe.b A AP. 11 111.111tILIIII , t ty
tour thou.-and troops there. The exeitement
In)plenaburg bud die.' assay General I
teNeili •
wise prevented leaving Pot natal.
, 111.•11c1,1 1,1 at. 119 i•le•titerl4lll ;
las:laws, of the F11.1111114'4 slot.'. ' Art tilery .
tmvierat Meade of rive"! at st. Ins '
Nati tiny es ening, was aerelOttiiitl t.) .
ltttgtl of the Third FiegoLios, nod Mad,' It brie: I
%poach to tile carer! thst the 'settlement or
(111111valty wouhl prove sollstoelory to our on
and oilier &ovum tuents, +Old show to the a te e 1.1
LOWt the idled States, tot with.lunding
ditat, were determined to On unto others
shey would be slime by, General Spear tool
, tart eurrentlertal to lolone I Idetrig.loll, or
re United State Agit,. Sonic °I the Fannin.
ote non ! to hove son.- rallied Stales
'lll. era at St.
Sheehan. ft Mil Ril MOO idate the retread had
....mmeinitel Tao eauipanten train Chinago
eft for ar... 1L W tL , tiltwtrrl the entire
anew would lie ori the way boron, Moudit,.
tiorning, not a itioditionsig the ..tattornehis al
..e.s. a hoarili ed yon Frida night, that they
ed. 1.1 not leave without a round with their
14.'1418 trotn ~ ,,ttlent,bar4 may the Ameri.
can t•lottp t'll.o/0 u w n On with tonall Oral ,
.01111 t13••.1/ . 1111P • 1 ootol hot , 0111,114,,, Who
• Lltuu,til. sht, v.A. , with F.,112.114 Tho•
I.o l :4o,QtAttr,L,lta; tint. onleroti to lit.,v,;t" or Itt:
Vti 1.11. TTfrillt, co
• tOicloi,4 nallouollt‘. Wlll - 11.41 theta on f
lnfi 01 utt anal me.; American vio,e,
E le viu, 01.0..4.0 1 . 114.• Fvll tans A t 1 - ..
10. t I ~ tn, nnil Ololt•nldhorg la MC ro•oon.
ill; rr
At.", .tat. 10.—i body of 'twin. .1
, .Lit rt•gllttant of 1 , rattan,
1 NO k01. , 1 nt 11.. ball le of Itldgest ay, w at ,
of L! at tit putt tlas afternoon by tli>l.llt
11.1,1 111 , , 0• 11112111 fro. till a i . t . p.i.
•t:i.tlll t” , ,, 7'll t•
whver be: 1/ , C,1,1 , 1 ',Wed
l'lte C11111.$1• •..rt• ad ually • leaving tow., and
a at•ti that by Tueatlay but. :t.a
a. lan Itt tb, LI s.
. .
Tu..lzoN - ro,•. .1. 141.-1., cry thing I. quirt at
alt pointa a tutchan front It,
toasoitutionality of the Law Prevent
ing it to be Tested.
Peiire A...mulled—lnnocent Spectator
It Itted—Dertroctlve
w rum e June , u.—While a drub k.
inn man was being conveyed to the pollee
io-tught, from 0 melee at East i‘oreester,
stone wok thrown at 000 of the ullleerx, hitting
upon Iliehead, whereupon LIM "Meer fired
a t l the crowd, lulling a man named 11. A.
Weikel. a cigar flitter, near She eye, passing
through the skull. Weikel Can mnrv,vo but a
, wort OM, He WA., it mere spectator. A
large crowd has congregated at the police of
gee and great excitement. prevails.
A 111081 destructive fire broke out shortly be
fore two o'clock last night in the building on
Main street In Charlwatow-n, mind its 0 furni
ture manufactory, and an there was a lack of
eater from repairs being made in the pipes,
all the buildings In the !tonere, on what in
milled the Old Mill Pond property wurulturned,
rellll , ,lng hOnseieNs sisty.ono families, em
braeli.g live hundred persons, principally
Irish geveral firemen were injure I, nut not
seriously. Thu 100 Is eintmated at $30,00U.
A New Party Orwanization—The
ted Mater Democracy.
NEn VORli, Julie tow.—A Electing was held
at Ilanonic hail last evening pursuant to ad
vet t me:mtt, to take steps for the formation of
a now party,lhavlng for Its aim and objects
the doingaway wlt h North
and small], and the manse] tratlon of patriotic
Acntitnent in all endeavor for &speedy restore-
I Inn of the Union. The nowt lug was addressed
Theodore Tontlnemn, and a merlon of reno-
In tons presented, renfllrmtny Lho doctrines of
state .anvermunty. It In styled the "United
Mates Democracy."
Yacht Capsized—A Pennftylvetnlnn
AI-MANY, June 11E—About nine o'clock last
evening a yacht, containing three toning men,
0 Idle on the Wits - 110111 COLZIII.I to Pakeskille,
collided with the steamer Dean Richmond
almft the a heel, and wascapsized. The
steamer wan stopped, and the Miol,Jno.
went to their xnetntxute, And succemled In res
cuing twe of them, tine 01 whom was a son of
John C. Fremont. Thu third, named Marvin,
frOttl pennxi lvanht, Was drowned.
Return at Silehlnnst Sol/tere—rtenuttner
Flyhm the Yenhsn ring helxeit.
Ihrriturr, Jane 10.—'rho Third 1111 d Fourth
Michigan Infantry anirad from Texan.
They aro rho last ol Michigan scgdiers thin
the schooner Dickinson, of Chicago,
come down the river tilts morning dying the
F t .,,h t e (kw, She was brOnght to and boarded
and examined by the Cutler Sherman. None
but the crew Were found aboard.
Cooenl■ Revowniceci
•S II soroS, Jane 9 .—The President ties re
cognized itaMoll Belts as Consul of Spain, al
Mobile, Henry Roaortburg as ice Coined of
Switzerland, at Galveston, unit Carl Frederick
kelol as Consul (or the States of unto, Michi
gan and Indiana.
Convicted of litneder
r+ ATI, t t. i .I uno In.—Tito second trial of
Samuel Covert, for themurder of the !Leona
family at Lebanon 1,1,10, yentorday resulted !n
n verdict of murder In the dr. degree. liar
rinott brother-in-law of Covert le to
be tided nasal
ilexlean Ministero's Advice.. from His
Government—French Officers Decline
Overtures of Napoleon—The Entree's.'
Exhibition of 11467—French !a tent• not
Pinspended—ilumors of Jett Davis Be
ing Balled—Mornee Greely and Oth
ers to Washington about the Matter.
WAsamovox, Jane 10.—The Mexican Minis
ter to-day received news from the City of Mex
ico• from which it appears that Gen. liazaine
assembled all the French officers in that city,
and informed them that Napoleon had decid
e,: to withdrow the French army from Mexico,
but at tile lame time, he would grant leave to
'”‘Y onleev who would like to take service, un
der Maximilian, in the foreign leglon,to do so.
He stated that they would be promoted to the
next rank. 11 Is said the °Mews had a consui-
Lotion, mud decided to decline this overture.
The Am.: rtes were defeated In battle at a 1
town in the State of Maxima
announcement. liars beeit made by Some of
the Parts correspondents of the American
prime that several of the most stringent pro
visions of the French patent law be ima
penslest during the exhibition of
ISB7, so that no patent right can he Infringed If
correctly secured.
letter has been resolved from Commis
sioner litickweth on the subject, in which he
writes that this Is an error, and that there has
been no suspension or mo dification of the
patent lows, or of any portion of them, nor Is
such measure contemplated by the imperial
Commission, nor by the government. Both
the laws and the formalities will remain unal
It has also been stated that exhibitor.] from
the United States will he permitted to display
for sale duplicates of such articles contributed
to the Exposition as they inay desire to the
notice of foreign purchasers. This Is
cable at all times, but no change h.
made, nor Intended to he made, th,,,
and regulations regarding foreign proslucts
imported for male. All such products will he
subject to the usual d titles and charges,
II was rumored last night that Jefferson
Davis bad been or was to he holiest, but the re-
Port coupt not ho traced to a rimmonsitile
source. To-day, however, it Is repeated, and
the names of Horace Greeley, Augustus Schell
and licence F. Clarke, of New York, and se,
eral others, are mentioned In that connecuon.
It Is certain they are now In Washington, anti
at least one of thettl h nu been La search of Judge
Underwoinalorho arrived here several days ago,
but It has not become publicly known whether
the effort no and hint him been stiecesafttl.
lodge rnilerwood is a district Judge of the
circuit presided over by Chief J make Chase,
nod hence it is wild an appeal will he made to
hoth,to act coneurr ently in the matter of bail,
and that fee
gentlemen are really 41 bind
theamolvim In the stun of fifty thousand dol
lars each, for his appearance at the next term
of the court in Richmond. .tell. Davis is
held a prisoner of war and not us a prix-
A' of State, as Iliany 1.10, supposed.
writof habeas eerule., if grantml.
would bring Min ler the control 4,1 the
Court. In other words release hits altogether
from the present military ensboli. in [lila the
nit - ement nimbi not interfere, as would
:lien be t a purely Judicial matter, leaving the
Guam to determine whether to or not, It would
release the prisoner cattail/ V. I Moat any I ate,
pi t ten by, or ' , ousel!, lon e ith the Presi
dent MU, I tilted states It niny lw repeat',
lint the Preside, h... nothing a - hater, to
.1./ s situ II.: oiliest 101 l id tail, 'I being confined
to Mose who are now herr necking to xi lain
'hat en.l
Incendiary rire• st Rdrhebter—Dmeent
by n hand of Dr"perstleee.
Item ti1i.TE11.,.111194 , 9 —1 lire wale Iwo
dine) . deer,ln this ell v lost night, Involving no
t amount- or loss.
; A hand of rive desperadoes, talippOriedi to he
'tom INfritlo. came here tact nlimt 9.1141 1114410
.leseent upon the hen-es 01 111-fame They
In one ease in etimpelllng their in
mate. In eitrrotnier up all their valuables at
I the month of the tolit.7.lem of their plot ilii.
The rnioti here 11110 morning
from their iesettrolon All - inns'. and were re
by the t9licenx, who goy e then, splen
' 'lid I ,ml:fast They spoke ly of their ell
! tertwittnient at Atl,any.
North (Wealth& to be lb. First to Ae
cold the New ('on ttttt ttional Amend
moot—Bank President Released on
FAV Yong, .1 line —lsrevials from Wash
!ington to the evening pupa,- y Protnlnent
North Anrolliiinns say Melt Nutt• sill tlecept
the new Collett 1 loon! Ainenilinent.
I. Iluyek, Pie.tilent ot 1110 Merchants' Nit-
I lonnl think. tins 1µ,9 rektteled Linder 3501000
Returning Ifeninnw at Dolton.
lloarox, Juno 10.—A +pedal train !ruin St.
Alban. arrive 1 lute Soo night and another
tills afternoon, M inguug tatogether about 1,500
Ventuna borax froto_lte3 Lerman/ border, all of
whom , •l - 0.4,1/ the lantellan line except a
few stray:,ler, Red alto are 3neluiled 111 these
ir tval... Tr: nsporiat ton n turn 1%110 hhl.h,l •
I . 111•••1 , laf• g - overntnelo The Fenian
o elelt 11l t Ism for the re
broolen rewlory Dentroyed by Flrv,
Tennv II kryr, 1.D.. Juno In.—Thu nt•w ex
irroave rtaanen facto, y of l; roan
anal ill' kvanav lllc sod Crawfordsville Rail
-1,1,1 freight non... ae re totally deatroy.4l by
Ire at five o'clock this afternoon. 1....+e of
roa. tivontoly 475 nun, Inaured for f21,5r0.
Thv low on the E , .a.n.svillo and Crawfordsville
hot..e IN not kr10%.11
(Addition& on Third Pnire.)
Nast Whet at Metiectkport—The Homicide
In I nniod3
The grand peoples( the trtually quiet borough
nf AleKeeeport were +hocked on ',lmlay tnorn
tag at the Intelligent, that a houdeale had
Ix•en perpetrated In then' Initlet. The name of
the titan shot Gallent Inv, n Citizen of
he tonrough, tun] a Ateautbnat pilot, and hte
r w as t,eorgo %V. I oezer, also a resldont of
(Jo, hormigli. The circurustan el, or the affair
as Oven us, and which we believe to he correct,
are it. follows .
Mr. Leezer resides on Fourth street, In the
Is - trough, stet on sat nr•lay night slept on the
Poor, the servant girl oceupylng the beil with
his u de, who was ill. Two lower panes of
glass In the window fronting the street were
broken out, and u quilt bong acrvvis to
keep tint the night atr. About twelve o'clock
I .eczer's attention wll.O tll cruct,..l tea hand
being passed through the window,
raining up tile quilt. Leezer rt cot to the win
dow, when the Mind disappeared, and on opens
mg the door be could Se
.i. person, but heard
rapidfootsteps as • I sane one refining.
Aof o'clock this bout o hand again appeared at
the window, raising the guilt as befor e , and
sits as quiet ti is Midi,. a a, Leezer spoke,
ask ing "x ill is theret” or "what do you r' remarked to Lin wile that If the. per
; again appeared it. would shoot,
sad al olive pct - weeded to charge a double bar
-1 :cost shot-gun At about I !tree ti•elook the
I movement at the w India. was repeated, when
Le• rer, xhn V. n ill welt lug, discharged one
Carrel of the gun, and from what followed he
was satisfied the>hot Ila.l taken effect. Going
outside he found a man icing on the sidewalk,
with his bead towards the street. Ito did not
111.'11 know who man was, hut upon giving
lb, and eollecthig some citizens to the
sped, discovered that I:Albedo... was I is. per
son. The shot. w itll which the was
itottgal, had taken ,fleet in the foreland,
portion strtking tio• lower part of the window
sash.titillentose was convoyed to Ult. 1,3t1i•
his ststcr, 31 1 s. Shoals, and died at
about nine o'clock on sunilny foretmon.
The object of tallent tail In aithetirlag us he
11,1 at the w Indow of Leezer's house is not
known. There was no 1 11.feellng between the
parties, and they hail bees conversing to
gether about 11010 o'clock On the previous
evening. The servant girl had, she says, no
acq uaintance with hi:ll,mnd bud never been In
COM puny.
Leezer surrendered himself, and was taken
before Justice .beano 11. Berry, u ho, oti the In
formation of James Melt. Snodgrass, commit.
ted litim to answer the charge of shooting with
intent to kIII, the commitment being made
nut before flalletittne's death. Leezer was
lodged In tile county Jell on Sunday forenoon,
by Constable. Eilmunnon.
Coroner Clawson has been notified, and will
go to bleKeesport this morning to hold the in
Deliberate Murder Near Titusville—A
Voting Man Killed on Ms Wayto be
We learn by telegraph that on yesterday
young man named .tots Doyle,
loft Titusville, Tensile/1 county, In a wagon, to
he married to a Miss Rattle Mattison, living
„ t h on t six miles north of that place, when
about two miles on the road he received a
rill° hail through hie body, which went In at
the loft side and came out tooter tile right
Ile fell from the wagon and turned the
horse loose, thinking by this means to call
assistance. Two gentlemen passing at the
timetcarried him ton friend's house in the
ceighborhood, hot before medical attendance
ould be procured, he died. The rido was
found near where he was shot, ov ittently show
ing that the urderer had been within
twenty feet of t his victim. A rival for the
nand of the young lady had threatened to
shoot him, and he to supposed to be the guilty
party. He bad not yet tame arrested, last
evening—but it Willi expected he would ho
before tills morning.
What we Illesol.—ln an Item isl 'batonlayb.
i 13.1113 we may unnitentlon ally have been too
severe upon the learned counsel (or the provo
cation, /1 C. Mavkreil, EN. Our Intention
wan not to have said noythinghich might
have given olTelme to that gentleman or Ills
friends, but simply to Illustrate how warm the
matter at 11319U11 WWI Contented by the eon tend
ing counsel. Mr. Mankrell dlsl his full duty to
Me client, and we slid not desire giving the
Impreaslon t path passion got the better of
his judgmomt.
Run Over by a Paaannuer Cnr.—Jaruca
Sullivan, ',eluding In Struve berry alley, fell In
getting Milt passenger ear,on Penn street,
near O'Hara, in the Fifth ward, on Sunday af
ternoon, the wheel of the car passing over one
of Ills loge about the knee and crushing it In
such a manner as to require amputation. He
was Laken to Mercy Hospital, whore Me Opel
ation was Deformed last night.
Freminrca.--l)n Saturda)• morning Casper
Helmuth, a carter, whale driving on Istcoolc
etteet, Allegheny, was thrown from his cart,
and fractured Ida thigh by the fall. lie was
attended by Dr. Myers
Removal.—liarr a Moser, the kell.known
archltents, bays removed their Wilco to the
Fruit Association Settling, Nos. 2 and 4 St,.
Clair strcmt. These gentlemen rank among
the best architects in the State.
The LoyDm of the corner atone of St.
Pacers Orphan asylum —lntenestina.
Ceremonies---Addresses, Maisie ...eke.
I The ceremonies attendant on the laying of
the corner stone of the new St. Paul's
I Asylum, situated on Tannehill street, Seven, h
Ward, took place yesterday afternoon, an.t
were characterized with all the pomp and .1:s
-play usual on such occasions. The hour as..
IiOunCOO for the ceremony to take place e
o'clock, but long ere the time millet - 41 cf . ° ,
of people began to dock to the spot, and got!:
nr in knots around the stands erected tot iln.
clergy and speakers, Until at four o'clock tau
assemblage numbered several thousan.:,
which, on the arrival of the procession a r. a
moments later, was augmented to fully five
thousand. The Young Men's sodality- or st
Paul'a headed the procession. They num
bered about one hundred and carried
a beautiful banner of white and blur
satin, fringed with 'gold, on Miner
Side Of which waved the National ein,ign
Next came a body of orans double it:o,
dressed in buff bonnets,ph In
white pinafores and
gingham frocks--in fact they were the most
notable feature of the process tun, and gave
palpable evidence by their bright
little of
being well cared fr. After the folk
came Lhe carriage containing the Right Rev.
M. Dornenee, Bishonof Pittsburgh; lien. Will .5.
Stokes, the clergy of the diocese, and several
invited guests. Then came the societies in
order as follows. The Society St VI.- ,
cent du Paul, The Brotherhood of St. Jo3seph,
The St. Pan/ Confratertdty The Sodalltv of
St. Peters, The Purgatorial Society of St Pali
]'hen society of St. Antoine, The
lnungling Socloty.
Tile United Conference Societies, The St.
Ambrose Society, and tile Societies of St. Al
phones. Each of the above bore banners and
flags, while several were attended by brass
bands discoursing ttxtigttlite hc
had the effect of enlivening thescene in a
great measure.
On reaching the ground the venous sock.-
tles ranged themselves around the different
stands—tee Germane around the noun h stand,
where addressee were delivered In (sermon by
Colonel Franc lo Felix and others. while the
Others collected around the north or mein
stand, which was tastefully tieeorated with
flags anal Partners. After a brief wall, Very
'Lev. John Hickey, of St. Paul's, appeared and
announced to tile assemblage that the Rt. Rev .
Bishop Domenee was present and would
address them.
On taking the stand the .818110 p expressed
himself as happy to be enabled, by the grace
of God, to he present ate thl, I ery interesting
occasion. The presence of the vast multltu.le
1•elore hits gave pop,lllv.• e t lint the
hearts of the people wt...., not indictus to the
tn Me pleading,. Of Irtne char y. which Is the
germ, the essence. the I rill 01 hrlst Jan I
ty ; lie felt nos more Lhaa ever that Ito. hearts
t 01 erun tenuity a mod tails ,1110 W the orplein
air the °Wein, to renotot untilielteted tont
Wit-110UL as hems. •• e not ileeoollo Ned here.
tosday, to ere, a 111.11tInnint In the memory 01
. d Istnignlshed n, lit ary hero; we have not lir
ienttilett hi) the toutolation of a palace tor
a prince!, despot. lauL ue have assembled lot
lay The eo rer stone of a temple dedicated to
Ihr Ken t high, which the twin slater of Hope
and Faith, Angelic( histshall
etc. et
anal where the orphan and the outcast shall
Mud an asylum from the snares that boort the
met of youth In the pilgrimage of Ilfe. A few
years More and Pit tsbnrgh did not contain a
single Institution of this character but to-day.
by the ald of the Catholics of this city, who
were nobly assisted on math) occasions by
their brethren of the different Protestant
denominations, he could now discern from
where Ile eilOOd the walls of three cimtabh•
institutions, s. filch hipi !men erected thr ri ough
their munificence. The Bishop, In eoneltlslon,
thanked his auditors for their kind and oeifer
',dial attention , and letrodeeed 110 t helm nt.
the lien. %VIII A Stokes, of, who
spoke In sutsttanee lot to we :
Ladles and Geo tlemen: Your good Bishop
as told you In briet the object for which we
nave come together to-day. The work
before you Is a noble one that of givin g ho n w
and raiment to the needy, and especially to
thuatt whose years reader them unfit to breast
I Ito storms of life alone, ft hue been said that
in nothing dons man imitate Divinity more
than In showint merry to his fellow-man, and
the same may be said or charity, which Is in
fact lilt a part of merey. To clothe, to teed,
to lost rust the orphan, Is one of the noblest
elssmttn to which man eould devote his
To day we lay the corner -stone of an edifice,
the lostory of whlch shall remain Indelibly
Inscribed on the annals of that hook kept by
the Mester In which the record of our actions
are plaeott, while In the breasts of those who
will receive succor within Its walls will the
memory of your philanthropy be ever en
Your zeal and piety as a community to too
well known to neell ouloglilng from me lint
twanty-ilve yearn since and your city torsi but
tiro athollc places of worahlp, with three
clergymen to attend to their congregations.
To-day, froth 1111: spot, you can count no its,.
than nine churches given to the honor Mnot
glory of gent, atnung a it telt stands a calloki rat,
n hah, although uncomplet.l, 10 the itritle of
our citizens both at home and abixeill. N
titan known what a day may bring forth, at. I
man knows but that—no matter how Intl If -
entlal his circumstances may now be—he 1.
ing to-day in erecting an asylum f.:r
own children. Your sympathy amounts to
nothing unless there Ls fruit from It. In your
: , yrnpatheLlc faces I think I dist:ern a deternil•
nation to assist pushing toward completom
:hat catlike, the corner stone of which we. are
about to lay. In concluding, the kpenker paid
a high tribute to those Protest:ante who hau
no nobly aided in Lib: erectiOn of sunhat. oulld
rigs In the past, and hoped that in thin in
nta.nce an In the othera they svould extent/
helping baud.
The Very Itev, T. Mullen, t. was the next
speaker, but before the gentleman had pro
ceeded to agy great length, the stand beneath
Ills feetgave lefty, and prevented any other
addresses from isong made. Thin wan to Ist
regretted, Ina...ince as that Hee C
t lirinty, former') :quintal tt of it beg
Went Pa. Vols, s pt evensand 0 Quit! ha. c
delivered the next address but for the acci
Alter the mishap noted above, the Bishop
lOnnegi Ills robes of office and proceeded in
sompan wit te following clergymen to lay
the ston y e
Very h
It h ev. T. Mullen, V. ci. Very liev.
John Hickey. liar, Walter Burke, 11ev. R. C.
Christy, Rev. F. Larisnu, Rev-1. Tracy, Rev.
.1. Pollard and Father Martin, of the order of
The stoneils a Large biotic Of gray stone, in the
centre of w 'deli in u chamber of eight Incites
.thare, into which was idaend by the Bishop a
box containing the following artiel. ; Ameri
can coin and postal currency; cople4 of the
daily and weekly papers ; speelniens of the
rents inbtlo.l.l by private s and individuals
during the war; a cops of the Annals of the
Propogntlon of the Faith ; n crucifix breviary,
and a soma of parchment a ith the following
written on it : "In the name of our Lord Jesus
Cl.rtst, Amen, In the year of oar Lord one
thousand tight hand red and rixty-six, lath
day of June and third stnelay after Pentecost,
the twentieth year of Inc Pontifltmte of Pope
Pi us tile Ninth, In the sixth year of the Bpi...J
itney of the ILL Bev. M. Doman., Bishop of
Pittsburgh, In the ninetieth year of the Inde
pendence of the faired Stales, Andrew John
son being President of the Culled States, An
drew Curtin thtvernor of the State of Pen 11-
sylvaula and William C. McCarthy, Mayor 0i
tins city, tills, the 1,11 lot corner stone of the new
orphan ssyl ore WILY in honor of tied, and
tinder the invitation of at. Paul by the above
Bishop of Pittlshurgh, assisted ity the Very
/I-v. T. Mullen, V. Rev. John Hickey nod
oral clergymen, In the presence of English
t. • I • Geruntit sneleties, brotherhoods, confer
confraternities and sodalities Of the
city and sulinths, beside a vast concourse of
citizens. W. J, Rena, Architect,.
After the usual preliminaries the Bishop
took the trowel, and with the assistance of
several others the stone wets laltl, alter which
the Giona to Ercrisia was sung with beautil
street. Tne Bishop then gave his benediction '
to the multitude and the societies reformed In
line, Smith and Teorge's Baud playing as the
email dispersed the second hymn from /In} ,
den's first mass. The whole ceremoul., both
in their magnitude and in the perfectness wit II
which everything was arranged, were of the
most imposing character.
The building itself, or which the foundation
ix already laid, is cruciform in shape, having
a front on Tannehill street of two hundred
toot, in the centre Of which is a Projection of
ten feet deep and twenty limed, the whole
having it depth of lifty feet. In the rear of the
main building and immediately oppoalte the
projection mentioned, Lo a large wing extend
ing back some eighty feet, which Is to be used
by the nitrites or sisters In waiting on the or
ohans. The lower story of the Asylum will he
f clear freestone, anti the other three of brick
faced with stone. It is supposed the building
will be ready for occupandy early next •um
mer. When completed it will coot the hand
some sum of 3100,15 P.
Tall 1111'i.
The site of the asylum Is beyond question
the most dmarable that eould have been found
anywhere, Its elevated position affording [a
uniftillleent view of the city, suburbs and Onto
Val ey for full five miles from Its Junction at
the point. Dcrides this the little ones will
harean opportunity to breath the pure air of
Heaven, unaccompanied with smoke and dust.
We append the lollowlug letter,. from ,listin
gilltlited gentlemen; expressing their regret
tor not being atilt to tee present:
liannistinno, May SI, into.
linen Sin :—ltwould give me much pleasure
to be with you on the Bel J unu instant, but my
engagements are such as to require my prec.
01300 Lure.
• • .• • • •
Pleaee express my many thanks to the
Board of Managers for this kind invitation.
Truly your friend.
I). 11.1).E.71, Seey de. A. G. C 116,21.
PITT.VpaII, May Jo, ISO.
Dear bar:-1 received your note yesterday . ,
informing toe of the resolution of the Board
of TrUilt.oos of the St. Pears Roman Cathollx
orphan Asylum. Inviting me to deliver an ad
dn.c upon the casussion of laying the corner
-0„ neXt: and it would hare
u•rrorth, pleasure to have accepted
the invitation. nut elreemstartees render tt
Impossible tor me to Mt present on that day.
Please express to your Board my earne
ymputhy xt
with the chantahle objects of the
Institution no nvo d
p nly .ot s fu ln u e y er; o l , lsli , for Ha cars
Ihmsen, Esq.,
Plimstemruis, Silty 'hi, 1866.
1 . ), fusses, Esu.—Deor &r: 1. have Jut vale
graphed to you my Inability to accept your
I nvitation to be present at the ceremony of
laying the corner atone of St Paul's Orphan
Asylum I do not know what I could have
ash!, had ciromnstunces allowed me to be pres
ent with you; but on ouch a time and with such
an object, It seems no rustlnesato believe that
It wOnld be given to a spPeaker what to say.
I regret that I owlet be present at the good
work, the mere thSt / think I could ahem in
the /shorn and pleasure of those whose well
directed seal and pious liberality do ao much
The edition Is forwarded widen lent mien
airribere soonest as the mail rein.
124. 13/38 OF FIVE.-
honor to religion by doing oo much Roy
humor taciturn
it au Boureel) worth while (or me to wish
on Pundny noble work which you Comm
next. The character of the I
cubic,Vittshnrch Aemarltv for the fat
ranpin,latneut ull they unalertake
ill yot, Inc the ham.r tatßlake knot
the grub lumen tits.UnitQal
the invituttou • ""d tat
• 'nl g'rztt.•ful
their Iluttertamnttol
Reverend Rt.lmp, T" the
friend, road trioa.a. v lanalen
.sett ; ,,,, matte
or sa
any .th him I
am, tear sir, re.sreel
w 11 La MO
your I rit•u‘l nod ..l•rh Ant
Jos It
OPI7ICIL Or (.01711XEL 'MX rt♦T,
Nec . A . YORK, .11111 e 1, 1,11,,
Irur Nir I regret oteeedingly that I
tt01.,..1 to deny myself Ile. pleasure or
tot, dor your invtutt tenteed last e
d ver
to eliver 1.1 address tie laying Or tie ,
I s t o ne of the Orphan Attylion ot I'
I I'rel inocli honored ts 3 vo, %n o ] rem
ilrmice of mu, and Iwg to
wteill you RII mace... 4 that •-lunul Ictuod
Nu a project., Tour* 5 - nO2l 1121 i).
L. Arhm.ten.,&c'y St. Pata'Jß,u.orph,.. Alm
Extensive Fire In Dritnienne Reran.
Two Tanneries and I'olll r
lOiqueeno borough was the Aeon,' of an (
ten.,' t• tiro on Sunday nftcrooon. Ann= t
of three nan, xon
4 Mono
trier] lire tannery
Hays S Stewart, a taro three .1. fra
building, front-leg on thank Lana and extend
I..tek to the Western Pennsylvania Railroad
what once wan the Penns, 11 an In I tonal
Ire, Which spread with itingt tc - trflll rApc.ll
•Coc communicated to the tannery of liars
Is,kruth, a two story frame. drat envelop)
a frame dwelling Intervening, and raged w
Ise utmost fury for about an hour. TIO.
.1 were on the ground with 111/I..nliti.
and the Steamer, did uesu
sel,loo. Tllll two 1.4.11111er1, Wrie r
; •i• rely deStroyed, alio the be,
ail lines of Andsmn Iletre and henry .:town
:ane e ea. 1111. taiinerien 1
1 3 n,tletl by Churn, itaker, dr], er, NMI n fruit
ds Milne ocenpust bt rnh 1., 31 1,1 11 3
'1 33 % 3 111131111 3 10 Owe 34.10/11• 3 3. 1.1". 1
flays It Steuart and Mealier to lisle liar
nth. The tannery of . Gra., mtaer s,
1,1,4 Oil tire, but was slaved w 'lliad nit', t,
treat damage.
The Item 01 flays it Stewart is lint lion 0
10,01111. oni which there in same
•miltlltloo 111 Melt - tannery wni
.111irt them oiore It "lint of P,UI/0.
w, St liekriil.ll tdmi • lone heavily. principally 1
net, on widen they liner un nine rtnee •
'1.5110. Their tannery wn...llo.lllrott for 52,600, an
nu. flare loul Imarance of 410,000 on II
essleuce. This insurance It Is estlinat
rover about 01/0-tlilrd of their los.
ea talons loot two kitts of tans, value
In Hays .t Stewart's tannery.
1013340331 wllll.ll wort. In the stables were gm
The lire Is supposee le• the result of
dent originating to the furnitee room in Ha
.1 Stewart's tannery. The heat was
great that It Is rittppOsed the vineyards t
liallml,lo opposite were mertously Injured.
An Abandonment Caue—A, Beate] of
A young woman maned .lane•AMallgb. Wen
tut he ',thee of Alderman Johns, on Saturday
u. tin labosi an Information against her hu
band, Aehiliald Al bough, for abandonment. I
he story of the wire be true, the accused taua
he a villain of the worst type, and rich' •
deserving of the utmost rigor of the law
Hrs. All•augh stet...that she formerly reside
lit u place called Mitchell, in the State of indi
mut, where, some two years sinen i kho forma
nc acquaintance of Albaugh, who W. the
engineer on the Ohio and Mississippi Hall
ow'. Their .qualittanee soon ripened In •
;din:lacy, and after a courtship of Losers
mit. they were duly married, at the real
imee of Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Altntugh's :nether.
• tortly after they removed to Lottincilte, Ky.
I , here, about nine months since, Sirs, Alining.
I the mother of achild, which died th
b day after birth. A few days subsequent
the death, Allinugh returned trout a
to Kashville, and learning of the dentine
ibis offsprtug fur the arm time, dew
o a terrible paselon and accused his
de of being instrumental itt killing the in
.ist. Of course she denied the charge, w here
her husband, although elm it. yet iii,
•i reek her several blows In she breast and
• tad drasged her trim, I lie lied on utileh
as lying to the titan'. s he lets her.
s /LS the last she saw .'r heard of him un
n nrrlved in this city on Friday, when she
eiarusal MA& be visa ilyh g WWI a woman
,011 I Sarah Nugent, In Birmingham. She
It - illetaly repaired to the station on Mu Mt
.., dram, for the purpose of taking the
• ors to go In search or Ailliatigh, aril
t e • net him face to face. She spoke to him
. .1 , nut •• Mood noticing tier lit stepped
I • • lilt ears and lett het. whereupon elle
t to the Alderman's onne and made the
Illation . stateol. A warrant was lamed
an °Meer , li+pntclitni to arrest. Al Insagn
1 lie brick pile inn Fifth greet, Immediately
i front of the Theater, has Leen the source of
dispute. James / hack cry, hal poster,
atom ed suit been,. Alderman Strain, against
Hamoter Henderuon, lor 1. respas. and ilatua
,•, The null was tried on .at unlay. Thack
i r„ tried, or did make it appear that he had
purchased the exclusive right to post Llll5 on
••.tall, or pile, Hem the liniltling con
actor, and claimed damages to the amount
no, sty Pillars for Henderson', litfriati-e
-meet of Ills right s . lie Henderson established
fact,thal he had purchmied the right to
bills 4,11 /11 4 coveted place train the
...ifs on the embryo buiLling. The Aloe,
m lerso gave Judgment tor defendant, hti. Lien-
slippery l'untooker ('aught.—The May
e succeeded on Saturday night in ar
c..t.t lig John Walls, a noted character, accused
.•I riot and assault and battery by John Freun
n.iitz, of Lawrenceville. He was Observed
~rll on Satunlay evening, but managed
•1 , 1.11, the police. During the night he was
• actal to tile garret of Watson's dnstillory on
...tiara street, nod there captured by ORdeer
but be agaidgot away, was recaptured
•11 the cellar fan adjo inin building, told a
hard time br o ke loose. lie wg
as dually s.uiresl
att. r a sharp foot rave, lodged in the Londe,
ninl MI Sunday Mayor M'Carthy committed
aim to prison for trial
leked.—Louhi Lipman was arrested and
c..ught before .lust. lee lAppert, on Saturday,
• - .larged, on oath of Fredet tek Lyre, with
kicked the latter in Lb, Injuring
a In such n t cheat tont he was loreed Lo
etualn tit Isul for several days alter. Al
ugh Juste, adulated that the
eul or aas a IA re, still he made Louts enter
an the sum or three hundred dollars for
appenrauee at Court.
.toy TrusupitoY by is I/Lorne —A ,ion of
. John Darling, aged Live or biz veai a, while
i•laying at Poor., Saw mill, In the Ninth ward,
Saturday, In endeavoring to get out of the
• of at two horse train, tell down and and
as trampled upon . by one of ihe. horses, one
f mg upon Ills hea fracturing s
lire. isdule and Kearns, a ho think tor will re
Judgment Entered.—ln too U. S. Court,
saturtiny, otttoo,
t. of 0. B. Carnahan
-it let Attorney, jud g e cut wus enter.l
Lei, 1.. liturtiett for $1,1•1 - 2 The do
end :tut vr. tnittleutled with Ihtt suortuer
vl.l Frank l'ul tiler, to an lull loin brut/gilt hy
the United States to recover the amount of
n,11,1 given MA security for the shipoieut of
lunntity of oil.
Pie,. ie.—The n 1 ve rsalist plc-ales are
and are attended by alI lovers of ht.
ocuolt, recreation mei enjoyment, The annual
nemie , unilay school attached to the
, •herelt t a ll ! be held a .MelFarland Grove on
linroday next. All are invited !o attend, and
day of rare sport and enjoyment may be an
On Proceont.--On aatunlay Charles Steven
recof tho First, want, was lodged in Jan on
ess, to answer charge of setting liquor
I thoot new.,
BenJaLnln Johnston, or Allegheny, was also
irrested n at proness and lodged an prison to
answer a charge of larceny.
Common neolcl.—Jmtleu Ammon, of Elva
liirtaingliam, has lottgett lu Jail one Catharine
fracey, charged with Mang u -coalman acold...
odttilt Meat for staaawit tool battory was
lodged twtaltint. her, as oath of William
Assault and Battery .—A wirers O'Connor
saturday made au information 'adore J ua.
Ire Barker agalest Jacob Taylor for astiatilt
old buttery. Tuo aocusod was arrested and
held lit gas/ ball to answer at Court.
Wateti 1 tffe?.—Cliario. Buil fir, I ..l:Large:ll with
..telti Mg a foriS tonal . " livcr watch (root James
01110.900 1,11,1110 4 J 11 COLO 111 itt..l for trial by May
or AiClAirLilly.
SCAIFE-I..nYOURC /LDE—on Thu rsony tnornha
June 70, In 1 11.11>delplan, by . I in. 11. Ilan,
..i1A111" If.. anal.., of
tt arcelln I.nfourcsac, kn.),
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor.
(Entrance from Seventh St recto,
AND 133 SA_N DENA 1' nT/tE.ET,
.1 :071 ALLEG/I.E.AIt,
ALE-. Agars,
11:TISTIMEEEELT..9.233Thri L „
No 10 Fourth street, nttsburgh, Fa. CyFrilte of
all kinds, CRAPEey (iLuVllX,iand every dew:3l).lou
of Funeral Furnistang elooos lurnisnea. Lotons
oponda y midnight, RearseandUarrlagealtrulabed
Itnranzwol-11ev. David Kerr. D.D., la
TV. Jacobus, 11. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacoby •
Stiller. Erg. Jes:erl
awl most tithturesque plum, of tleptiltnre,
('lto on two upLands, Intloctilatrirborth of oen
17, on the New Brig hton 1,01 4. Persons errbbion
to select Bu ri al Lou will apply at the Superlnton,f
ate, at th e Cemetery. Title Dentin, Pr f us".
and all other business will be attended to at 21,c C roy
Warellonse of the un Jtheshear dersigned , nosnot of 14s t,4
sod Le rma Streets.
• derds!sri sad I mam mi.