The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 09, 1866, Image 4

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Adeltlnual on First and Third Page..
The PIIIMMer Washiona.
Theexoetialveiy warm weather of yesterday
brought out the ladies In their new summer
attire, and U we a ...Ode critics we
should endeavor to .lesertbe the latest styles.
To those ladles, however, who have not yet se
lected their ...Kutner dry goods, we may ven
ture a few remarks concerning where they are
to buy their dress goods, knowing that it to a
matter of diMeuity to select u purchasing
house le a may so large as Pittsburgh. We
know ot no Lanier house to patronize than
that of hates & hell, No. Yirlitn sit eel. h.
hate just received a large addition to r
aleck et dry goods, which ettatiles them tObtfer
customers Soleetritie of the lute.t and bloat
fa-Lbourbie styles andpatterits. Their shelves.
are stoaitteg oeueuth the weight
chintz..., silica, rattails, ashcan and peace getroals
Of every description, which have been hur
chased sleet, the .decline ot pilots. A beauti
ful display 01 lace Cu, Lai n., gi,i to, aloes, Ves
tibule laces, table ilainankr, %snail., towels,
Crash. Litniepeouth quids, sLi itool dimity, lin•
en shirt LIOIALS, bishoaelehlehi slid other arti
cles ot adornuient will Iw found there. Every
Uey molest unit Us lutiotl stocked with fresh
goods, aad In charge of attehtis c. and miasma
cies kat. IL is denoted no trouble LO show good.,
anti the sleippitig cOlainilnlty ere earnestly
lh deal 10 cull in anti see lOr theinselves. it is
out, the oldest as sell as the mast prosper.
onun 01 the erty, awl Ureic exact system
. UVLOS W.lall&tred 119 the secret 01 their pope.
Lustyand sauces.
Machinists and engluvera frequently expe
rience lunch dillloully In obtaining a eatiefac•
tory quallty oY lubricating oil. Most of that
In the market contains gritty sulistance,
Which renders It almost useless for delicate
Machinery, and retards Ineteutt ot accelera
ting the motion of a heels anti pullet, There
lea firm, however, in this city, who mann
fueturn It very prime Will superior luliricatoi
(row Yetroteuaa, which In used extunsive.y on
nearly all the cities In the Union. We rec.
to Meseta. Bottom, Ktinew unit t,ottipany. 11l
the hoho oil works, olllce No. SI Ma.] tut sire.:,
whose card appears in another comma. In
addition to their celebrated petroleum oil in.
bricators, they mauitfacture and keep for sale
all kinds of white burning Olin, eye. 01, latu
and whale oils, heAti light. launei , all an
wheel gre a huh they ode/ to. tile lowest
Market ratan.
. Tile gentlemen eupOhlii
this Wei fair deal 11/ w anal honorable and
erntnently worlliy we largo .11“ of public
patrol.", y 3,311.11,1 to thew (tumuli qsarterJ
of the vouutry.
The Card of the old- and well known bell
manufacturers and bruss founders, A. Fulton.
Sons d Co., appears in another column. This
ifl One of the oldest foundries west of the
mountains, baying been established many
yeamage, when our city was but a rode town .
The bells manufactured by them are univer
sally used upon all of the rivers of this coun
try, and the, Is scarcely a village Murrell
within an hundred tulles of us which does nos
oontain in Its evil tower sue of "Fulto n '.
best." The firm manufacture bells of ell slays,
front the tiny little tea hell, weighing a tea
ounces, up to the monster church be/1 weigh
ing 20,101 isiun s. I hey also man ufaenire al;
deseriptions of brass !Mows bor gad, water
and steam machinery, w lusties for loconio.
Lives and stentrOmuis,..nd the most delicate
Of brass globe varrea which have hitherto
been exclusively manufactured In the east.
The firm is composed of practical loudness
men, all of whom have had nearly a life-tm,e
experience in their business. They are atten
tive, honorable and lair dealing gentlemen.
and In every way worthy of the patronage of
Ilse community. Air. W. S. / ytle will be found
in the business office, as usual, always willing
to exitinit the extensive demo - Amen*s of ill.
foundry to the caller, and attend to receiving
orders from putonasere.
CharlOtte Thompson—than whom there is
no finer or graceful exponent of the drums in
this country—was greeted by a fair audience
last night et the Opera Homo. At the mati
nee alb. afternoon she appears as Gertruae In
Little Treasure. In the evening the beautiful
domestic creme of the Cricket will be pre
sented, wan Muss Thompson as Fadet.
T. E. Jackson, the new comedian, creased
cinite a furore on his appearance last evening
Lt. singing till really very flue, and 1.1011illa•
that ere lung he will become an established
favorite here.
To-night ST. C. Gallagher take. a benefit nt
the Theatre, when an nnutenve bill in °dined,
of the Obnllllore and the Orphan.*
Geneva. • tu tile latter piece the beneficiary
plays the leading role. Of there will be
a lull house.
Found Drowned.—Yeeternay afternoon
the body of in unknown man was [min I float
ing in the Monongahela river at the foot ei
Short street, In 'root of the cOal I Lig I-Oul If
The body was conveyed to Dermot*. Lotto
where an Inquest was beta and a 0012
Mot of found drowned was rendered. la n
few hour-cafter the remains were Interred at
titlidele Cemetery the heat of the weather tea
Eel mating delay. A. deck nand named Nenli
Maul., a native of Baden
butler some
time pant a remittent. of - Cincinnati, fell inen
the blowier Nose Hambleton on lad. Tuesda3,
at be :sett of Market Otters and was drowned
The twuit inentofned above is supposed 10 in
that of itaub.
F. IFIg - tia.—A row took pitter. last TlFltt,
about twelve o'clock, at the William 1,11
House, on Water estreet., where n dance a
being neut. Joe Lynch and Thomas Farrels
wes e arrested an participator. In the discus . .
bullet and locked up.
Summer tuderwenr.—Murdock and Put.
Darn, dealers ut gent !eon. 'a furnishing goods,
7i t tub street, nave Just received a large .1.
damn to their tine stock of suMmer under•
wear. For uny thing to tiro liar, call at this
favorite house.
Amnion and Ltestiery.—Dainel
yesterday prosecuted henry GretlLS, n prlson
er In the county Jail, for assault and battery.
alleged to have been commuted on the 21th et
March last. Alderman Lynch entertained the
A Colored Di‘lllllo Arensed.—Alderman
Lynch yesterday entertained the complaint 01
Zlitm Lewis against Joseph Smith, a colored
Divine, for obtaining boarding tinder false
repre.ntations. A warrant was issued.
Fire A larm.—The alarm of the Ninth ward
fire yesterday was communicated to the
Ore depart meat by a telegram over
the lines of Reese, Gnat end Dull's rolling
min line, by Wm. Ramsey, Esq.
Yfenteneecl.—Daniel Farmer and John ahte
waiter, convicted of Stealing chickens and
"Dilly goat," were sentenced yesterday, by
Judge eterrett, to two years' imprisonment In
the Western Penitentiary.
Disehnnped.—Elien Prussian, Informed
against for keeping a disorderly house, before
Alderman `wan, was discharghd yesterday,
the prosecution falling to establish a probable
False AJarm.—The mann of fire last even
ing about ten o'clock, was caused by t e burn
ing of a traw•saeJ in the rear of ilowless
court, in the Ninth ward.
Commltted.—Herman Raw was committed
to Jell yesterday b>• Alderman Nicholson to
answer ei charge of false pretenses, on map of
G. W. Bookirien.
Fined.—Louls Heldman tram ftned i 5 and
cots yesterday, try Alderman Donaldson, for
lisvig profane ILlgnage on St. Clair street.
We nave received from W. A. Gllderafest
sty, IS Fifth Street, No. 4 of the Galaxy, being
the Issue for June 15th.
A N ORDINANCE for the Levying
eUtl •nd s cob cling of a Borough Tax, and for ap
proprra Ise the revenue for the rear A. 1.)..
etexicor t Be ft ordained and enacted by the Bur
gas and Toon COLLUCIEI of the Borough of iferreches
ay in Council met. ad it Le hereby ordained and en
deed by the aahorsly of the same, That there be
aro road. ter led and 0nce...1 from the persona nod
protect, lade taxable tsy law, a tax of rive di) mill.
or me doLlsr. on 110 last aunty asseasment. Mr the
t•e Of the armlet for the yeas A. It., loon. *bleb
an .bat be cot vele t he the asoborst• or the precept
of the catguts to the collector. and paid I. to the
Borough • avast:try.
roe- 1. 1 hat the amount of the tax levied and c 41-
!acted sr d paid into txe Bos °ugh Treason . , •.7 th lt c
authority of the afesesald. together WWI all ah
oy. arsdag from noes, penalises. estimates lot pas-
I. g sorest-. an ., sideswipe., and It. ea., or any ellOr
or • auras whatever, be and the &atilt. la
hereto appropriated for she year A. P.. RM. as fel
of, to alt . Fir I. es ths payment of the salaries
. 11 neigh ticars. that to say, Boodili
boded-or, Poragh Treasurer, Ultra of Counc il,
Lo.csb,e, area Commie ismer, Janitor, and also
for two... alalloflery. 1111bt, fuel, reeking of debili
tates. work on streets. Mating. dft,
t it v arx , ; . ..ltt . er isli n o . to . ..t , l e iney of
al • Bu.sugti ot hancheeter. • ,
• &LC. oat the balance Of the aforesaid revenue
then detaining shall Deane the safe It hereby se.
pro Boron
t the payment of the Indebtednessof Me
ale Borough.
Untamed and enacted Into a law In Connell met
the 54.41. ay of Jae. MOS.
bABL•L iltillßßE. Borges..
Attests ;Mrs C. Matexn, Cork. JeSsal
A N ORDINANCE. tor the Grading
of Chartlor Ch:•otuut., Franklin, Fulton. 11100-
hatuati bkrektk kind AtcCurdy'a/.0.101. in Um purough
0. Utollckholtr. .•
BICTION I. ..ted fterdainol and snaked ny . the Br et -
.rdtracr: " qf l ta by i re ' Xh&fl; " < rf j %
...I. that 1.1le• ocLar thee _MI Okl4 •ttoro
kutwotton..l 50 award .ho rool.r.ut Of I.tradlog Olaf -
Der 0t.0..t_ nom the Muth Side or Divvied meet to
• 11100.4. kottk, Otruek,:troto -aDaY
to • 01.1.anet, of 144 legit 100th of Franklin • reef:
()he1d...11l curvet, upm ped.0r1ug...11...e. toads
stole - 14'fauldittoft *heed 10
o•ok: Maohttton titreof uom Hopkins
*Duet to Wobtoro 00 000 s, j7.4Cdrdr.4
troth 'Ulu. ointet aifor
lo and boot Onto,. or kith t' oo i r
plated and outiotoottaily to -- 7
nd otter oho axle or the sold oo - --'
he shiae to
don Ihrotl/orsotty olds the sumer
Adt -, •fAsitut coo the attr ear )f
nrc t,
.A. UM. ttaltled • . 411..tct to relitkatt tq lir:it:Hog no Pool. gof ntroots la 'the ----
11..nc0 Alicabouy Cottot.t. l'oont..•• °" ' gh
.7 oinvO oho toooto.d Into 11 low eu. ,
Gibs .I.o] of Jobe. A..D.
•nAI Li EL IIoCUNIL. Borges..
Asst, JOuN C. ktuarrh. Clerk. ntwom
AX 0111.11 . 0.1 AN that for Ih /CT V illg
sob codectiog of • tax for the payroont q(
a lishausy to reriuou•tra.
1. Bel: ord.ohleilhrid misdeal:idol 80 ,
rat andtXCIVOX a
mon Counoli of the ikrosigg of Monaca
[sr, u..<l Ugh Combo anactoa by oeLlwrity of te..oroe,
T.... 1 torsi- be told: load. oasis... and coalrctid
•Isn the persous. oScupatiousd
. proocrty, Irrhyg
[and !slob a unto the Borough. ah of ilalschaster, for
he )ra. \ i A. D, MAI, a tax of owl (d) two po r
e et- on the oil the county aiareararot:
.. 0 , g i g . g Dor capita taX,f hvo (ssoo)hollarg.
•Ibe dada faits 8611: Cs/dro ved forthal head Applied
W.U. p.puent of bouutsca to •olubtaars got 11
• path* isiroalonalty lath an , actsOr tkigrgicaggras AIL
aasoldy of the elete Of VcrittrylCartli.. : : :
and, bawled lobo e leW, Id C0,1=11;11,1,
MI [my of Jtake. A. 0.• .1 1 01 . ~_ . . . .
lid SIL" EL DICCUNE;Bargoga.
, . Att.”.t JOHA• C. biAAYS4....r.berk. . = ~, jrAmer
:11.voulisru.wrow gri
s Norte .
.Lettero of Adobleibtreuort..upon rbe *wad
• CirAllt. rs. CA, late lS the Mr or 4W
; s. l 4ll4. gyE l tiy: Ira, .tt.•;4t; :•)r . j i.k " ZheOP4Otar....ll.
pet sow. io.olog•Cililrl. • against vudd caste ilia r •
rout UMW, duty uurbrr , U , rued, *pd Wow ladle ,
• loul mote p s T raer dn l lll, 4 l,423%
.•:-.P7 , 99 ,1 0.'', ,- ;.:..'...??.,,!.. 3 , -,. ._. 1.4441 ~. 1
P']El.. R. - 31.3aEtTrZ,
Banker and Broker,
118 Wood 81., near corner of Fifth.
All descriptions of Government Muds
bought and void on liberal terms.
London and Continental Exchange sold at
tiew York rates.
Gold. Sliver and Coupon. lxiught at highest
rates, and Gold Drafts issued on Nen , York.
a ~ ~ ~1" ~1~ y; . ~
Gold has still farther declined, being quoted
down to 1401 i, but It subseiimmtly rallied and
closed at /4_l',. The following are the New
York quotations to-day ns received by Mr.
P. IL. Merle: 1SSI•e,104).;
new, ItY4i; 10.40's,US3Asi; 7-30's, lio4. Clev,
land Jt. Pittsburgh Itailroad, iv.n.,; Pittsburgh
t Fort Wayne, 5'6.4; tlrle,62!s.
Large amounts of 7410 bonds are now being
offered (or sale at a slight reduction In prices,
and should shipment from the West enntitiue,
the probability Is that three securities will
still farther depreciate In value. The high
gold premium prevents heavy shipments of
5-30 s from Europe,and those now en route ran
not he kohl at present value of greenbaeks.
As an investment they will yield per rim',
and these who are ronversant With the
Live ea at our securities are putting all
their available means In these bonus, 0.1.1
posing ot their 7-30 s.
The high premium on gold . has induced
many parties to sell short, their duitaidtalt.
cash sales has had the effect of Iniverlng rate
considerably, assisted lo the more favorable
advlces from England The demand for cash
gold Is salt) to he light. and It Is to be pre
slimed that the shipments by the steamer to
lay will net exceed those of last Saturday.
fhe gold balance In the Treasury Is alsiel fitly
millions, less certificates of twenty-eight mil
which leaves the government about
twenty millions to be applied to the payment
of interest and other purposes, ant! hofore
July let, when nine millions become due on
IESI bonds, ten millions are expected to be re.
(VIVOII from customs.
Mining stocks generally are dull, and oil
stocks are almost completely out of sight
Bank stocks, with tne exception of M. ,t M.
and Exchange, are quiet and dull, but with
out change. Money market continues floor,
and this always has a tendency to retard stock
—The advises from the engage oil regions
continneof a rather unfavorable character.
The Titusville Herold, of Thursday, say.
"fill at the wells is slightly firmer than has
been forseveral days, owing to the creek 1.,
ing navigable. There arc several strange ,
I n the the market who have bought small lots
of from WO to 300 barrels (or the Pittsburgh
toarkets. We do not hear of any large opera
rs buying_ Whether these parties are buy.
ing for speculation or on orders th , es not up
pear, but they readily MO 54.10 their oil
cash down.
-Oil is firm In Petroleum Centre I 4-1,10
Some cabin have been effected In Fun k vine nt
83,74 The amount of oil which ens so Int been
shipped to Pittsburgh la hunted.
There IN a considerable amount of oil stored
troth in Pithole and on the erect vhieb will,
if held long enough, bring Imtter prices. Al
though there Is no indication in toe caster s
marketa rif an immediate advance, still tile
prvvailinta opinion appears to exult that they
will suddenly take a !dart upwards. Th.,
who l.ity 01l to come this way evince a Enna.-
aition to hold off until the Pittsburgh market
is supplied."
—The details in our Philadelphia exchanges
In regard to the failure of a prominent bank
ing house in that city are very meagre. The
Preen. of Thursday say,
The Third street community were some
what fluttered yesterday by the reports of
(allures among gold operators. Italy one
break, however, hascome to light, though
with many persona there is a strong belief
that others are in a shaky condition. The dif,
neatly arises out of selling too much gold
-short," and the diftleulty of making gmwl
their contracts at the present high figures.
The Notes of the con., day say..
The only serious result which we have
heard of arising from the reeeut ad, ones in
({ski is the faithre of the liouse of M. Minds
Co., whose liabilities are said to reach tae very
respectable figure of one m 1111 Mo eight
dred thousand dollars. The firm was largely
engaged to dr:lnv foreign bulls of exeitange,
and goes down consetimtee of It.. specula
tions In gold.
The ohipments of sperm toslav were fe1.07,-
SSW on naturday it is estimated that the,
1/1 amount to between four 0114 fl Cr mtnt xes
dollars, malting the total for the week be
tween eight anti nine million dollar±. Europe
mutt have gold, and to an extent beyond any
thing teat Our past experience can give the
least idea of. The letters of the Secretary of
and Assistant Treasurer of this port
are of importance to every business man, in
asmuch es they announce the minectiler
hick regulate the policy of the Treasury De
partment. tire therefore world do Well to
keep them constantly at hand for unmemate
-Itl visa of the heavy shipments of gold.
and the high premium It now commands, toe
New York 71-ibunv very appropriately re
"lied our currency been based on specie,
such • draft upon us for coin would have di
minished all current values from le to Z 5 per
cent, causing very general embarrassment If
not absolute stagnation. As it is, the result
is a sudden derangement of values leis ob.
closely di/metro.s only because the loss is
thrown on the creditor rather thus the debtor
interest a ,yet no less pernicious and demoral
izing. We cannot sober down the gunerst
nrincidto the ways of quiet, plodding Indust rv,
wniie the medium wherein raises nee coin.
puted, and debts arc liquidated ls no unstable
as to fluctuate to the extent of 15 per cent I u
eWe must get back to specie payment nt a
very early day, tiniest no nre Content to eel
tlo °own into a nation of gamblers, wherein
every business operation Ls in essence a com
pound of toteat-cloth and tnimble-rig. hot
indispenaable, condition precedent of specie
payment is a reduction of out imports till
they range very eonalderably below our cx.
—The Chicago Journal, of the ith, says
The active movement in Orate keeps up a
brisk demand for money and the market Is, it
anything. closer than on yesterday Country
banks are drawing largely, end the wants of
the mercantile community ere on the Increase
as the general business of the city In quite ac
tive. We understand that Groin along the
Upper Misaiselppi river in becoming blocked
tip at various points on 6CCOUTt Of the inabil
ity of the railroads to furnish end:Mien t trans
portation. Vale of Itself will help to make a
stringency in the money marYlt, as the ad
vanced which have been made on it ;are of
Morse locked up so long as the Grain remains
on um market. The mercantile demand for
money is met promptly by all of the banks,
but it Is extremely difficult to 00Mb:titlarks for
speculative purposes.
New York Stack sad Money Market.
Naw Toss, June B.—The Pest's Comm°, eta]
article says that the Loan market is very
easy and quiet ate per cent. Commercial pa
per is scarce and wanted at 6(37.56 Per cent. for
test class names. The Stack market is
Governments are unusually Inactive, Rail
, mesa shares are quest and rather lower. After
the hoard New York Cantrell wail quoted at
61 31; krie, (MN, Reading, 1,09 y.; Michigan
southern, 79%, Illinois Central, 1.3/l;
burgh, 61. 41, N rthwastern. 31 1 do. preferred,
61.4; Rock 0),,- (y ttr iu m , yoy .
toter Erie solo ' •
At the four cnek,,,kl;trard Western Union
Telegraph sold at mil - . Ilmeirellver, 31 , 4; Now
Tore Central,
rie, 63k; Michb,an
73n6, Clevelatie.wy rittaborgh.Bl.n.;
Ind -rcferred
hock Island, Mil Fort Wayne, 53>:i; North
western, 41%,
Money easy and quiet at 6 Pn cent, for "cull
loans, Sterling dull at I,g ta r, gold f or
first class bills. Gold Irregular,
Oeeldeoly lower, opening at 1,304,
uas'etued' and
to 1,40 5 4, and closing at l,re. Governments
still. Stocks steady; Chicago and Rock 1,,,,;„ ‘ ,.
3..%; Chicago and Northwestern, 3114,
and 'North western
_preferred, WM; Cleveland
and Pittsburgh, 82. Illinois Central, LAI; Mich.
lean Southern, 775 i; Beading, 1 Erie, ai;
Plttsburgh, Fort 'sync and Chicago, ably ;
New York Lentral, 67%; Western tinier, Tele
frt! l % W I i ; IPTZ . n7 . ,
015%; Seven-lhirtlee, ward netres,l,tilh
The CoironerciaPr mousy article ease that
affairs In Wall street are dull. There is little
speculatiVe interest in seeeire, and prices ion s
a re the moment, weak. The chief exceptions
I are In Chicago and Northwestern. Erie is
quiet. There is considerable speculation on
the street ,as to the :prebable cosrso of its
Governments are rather more active than
yesterday, and decidedly strong [oral descrip
tions. Al the morning board prices wore the
same so at the cleat of brunneSs yesterday , .
Money,bectomes gradually Ambler, and the
rate s °nese 12 generally five per cunt. The
bank are gettlng'slx per cent. in minor loans,
hut firs per Cent. on the larger transactions.
Dascountaare fairly active, and rates rather
favor the seller for prime • ninety days
paper. The rate is about live and' it; half per
cent., and for four months paper Manor cent.
The banks haveYMT generally rtlileVed.thena
oelves of Inuit late largo ,sureins of national
currency:through loans to leading Wall
street banking firms for six. days without in
terest, and payable in legal tenders. The
notes babe been neat into the Interior by the
TUTU borrowing them. Quid iedeetillettlY veak,
there being a reaction tram ailVeibie in
the prep:neat yesterday. Munn tom mlltlhn
of donble eagles I/reran:helve* yesterday from
the interior. F or ei gn Krehange dull mdweek.
There-Jo ffeelffeffiy Fiore. tiylliNid tor time
Mils. `• ' %.*
, r, Caleilre Csitele Plarectit; e 4 ;
Careerel,'.lline„/;•;-Ttle4ee0 recUitiln of beef
tattle at the Moon TordO 10-day are
its ear 41 . ears ,TeXilia eteere no
ticed in our hisue of yesterday Entered aule'm
foot tto.i4oit new; at.pribeeig ranging <from to
! for common cows and stook steeraErAng
u ' W g ttpleniaietti iLlAt e ni 41715 mr
good tO race g yes mailtet
, fairly on "neat chipping steers but for
; common graden therekee‘a* retlOotlon or fines
f. 5 0500 per 700 lbe, red few buyers of that altee
of *Lock The yarns are et-art 'full, owing 10
the accumulation of moo, aj tilt arrival of
the Ttuan cattle notteeel .130 . nar
'bolding off 0 genera"
!Joon 5 a tower...saga Tre , fflt.
Zinn 114 11 0 0 *Iir
"£.ul Baffiitlari . J`nhe L—W4'imittrate.anynt
selea being mule at 410C1(104 aaco in.the
tarter ernunnt&nattiofi% AB WO as irkits t ind
•IW r rertutpe_vms*•/otEs zulkY bave be. or
ery..entperton ad a t but Uenil, nO
.aortattMX. rakes tire - tenant upwara. .The
"(terminal nontinues: rut ma, • every ,
t e i tt g/t ;1 311 ? ..4.r„ .9 Pc1 4 " 41 404 1 441 w
: : .
0/1103 07 THI PITTAIIMIGO G.1771 . T.,
FRIDAY, June e, Ned.
The produce markets are becoming less ac
tives, a. the demand for most of the leading
articles is beginning to slack off . somewhat,
and sonic of our merchants seem osentertain
the opinion that business generally, and espe
cially the produce busincas. he very dull
and depressed during the coming enl-11.1,11.
months. The advance in gold has not 0111tre
elated values an mach... generally exPeeted•
for notwithstanding it has run op ten pet
cent within the past tea days, Flour ...rain,
Provisions and many articles have undergone
no quotable change staring the same time.
The principal cause for this is the Islet that
there Is no foreign demand, and the fact that
the grow trig crops promise smelt better than
during the early part of the spring, has a
deae' TAI rest net "peculatton.
is goad and unchanged at
(goat to for Northwestern and Club. Corn
Is In good supply hnt unchanged; we continue
to quote at :so to Kt for Woed and prime yel
-1 1,1,1 on stack. Barley is quoted at at/ to It for
gmM to pet no. Spring sale of Ant bush live at
kit l'ati Rock. heat at $.2,25; 5U Minh "Grey
bock" do sit 32,w; and kW hush Oats from store
at 60.
FL. It—re less its live tint unchanged. Re
gular sales frosts store at $10,50 to $ll for Spring
Nch,.., ; el lor halt Spring and half
illt4'l • 1.1111 sl2.,fti2?i for all Winter. Rye
Flout i- quoted di to at s6,Nagsa,7s.
is.iiss.—Boton in firm and looking up,
but an yet unchanged. The demand seems to
be conatoßt mostly tobhoulders and Canvassed
momr Cured Rams, and we vontlnue to quote
tit 14,410. for the former, anti iatjri', for the
lat ter. Lard Is dull but unchanged, at .1,214 ,
za. Mess Pork held at 432,50.
POTATOES—DuII but anvil/Ingest, and the
recet pin are again becoming llght, Sale of tau
bush Peach Blows at $1,15 per bush. in "multi
lot., quotations may be given at sl,kt per bush,
and $3,1154/$3,116 per tstd.
rtu LEAD--Sale of tit 11 sot
BUTTFili—There in no Improvement to note
In the demand, and the market conttnuen very
dulli prime Roll may tie quoted nt ht to :it
Etstnn--ilund 0110 unchanged at 124923—sup
ply fully equal to the lenient.
Clik.tint.,—.N ion Western Reserve it coming
in pretty freely, and is a Mtn., dull , but un
changed et MaTi:.
liAl—ls firm, with a continued fair demand
at VS to phi per ton,for Mir to prime Timothy.
Orrics or run l'ivrsnrnon OACETTC,
Intent, June e, flair
CRP OK--The report of a riot ill the river at
till City, and the curt add y of a resumption et
navigation for a short tints at least, together
with the fact that gold fins deellned to 140, hail
a tendency to make the market for crude even
duller than It was yesterday. anti with these
facts Inview, hold., s were mare us to
realize. We can report sale of d anxio almrrels at
14, bias retarnea, nitls, a
- stria Is'. Ferry", at
14, Mllkl 117110ilbiS Ain private terns—supposed to
have been at a fraction lest, than 11, though
a e Matey e the gravity was ratio, light
There .teetas to by MI til.guluid tornt.
and (Mr refiners coittinire to hold ettipme
off, in n
tiediatioli of Muer rates The ;Melees from
the east are hy11104•IIR encouraging, and
upon the a hole I, market books pretty blue,
and the indications (~r the bump, are not as
prom:sing, as tilt might lie
It FIN Eli—Tilt- 111.111 amt for bonded MI con
tinues rather light, need the market. In dull
with a .Irooptng tendency. We can report a
sale of (nut Lois tor tudiwallate delivery In
Philadelphia, at tool Mu for October, sel.
lerfe option, at is I esterday and the day be
fore there anmber of orders lit
IP 0 42 . nut toalay 11 was the figure that
could be Obtained. anti even at that no very
large amount could have Loon sold There L
beginning to be some little Inquiry tor free
oil, both fur present and future deuregy, gai t
C.l repOrt a aide of bri tibia for. August., al
St;Fittfor s,,,,tt•other, at tai; anti IfSior °molter
NAPTHA .tNli RESIDCUNI —Them fa still
some Inquiry nit Residuum, and We can re
port a salt, of ben Obis at 4433 per but, an ad
ranee nt ten cents per 111,1 eompareu with
the sales on Thursday. For Naptus..., there is
no demand It lot, ever, antra.. urn not snare
or a sale Rai lag been etineted for several
ARAM A A. the river Is again in good
navigable condition, we may expeet that the
receipts of oal , taring the nest le. day. wht
Intivt, larger than during the tea' days
past. The at revels reported to-tiai were as
W at; IF oMer Bro.. 2.10L1
Jas. Wilkens.... 110 it I' Logan._ .lOU
—ltotneo.... . . , liumatuit lnialop to
Ir.“ . to KR one S.—Cotton unchanKed, nt Is
{tads tor tulinllttut, chiefly at 3, rlout
heat) and Is to'..c 1.,0 tt Icr .Cutuluon gradess,
7.suerc.%n for extra vtatv; v(1..... 1 t0 for extra It
tr,all.i 100 1.,,.11 for traile brawls, clostng
. 11,k) ,taut, 2,3' 2,27 for wast
ers for common grade• heavy and
,• If 'WI' . 1.11 CV IA are
-,...t•ce and very :trot; 'WY' No. I .Nita nukes,
mut at tt ll,t /10 , 1 1,tna1n , 1..1 on pri
vate terms Rye Hume, at les.tste , tor western.
and 41, - .t21§1,4, tor Canada. y dull; nal.,
or 3,50 a nosh. Canada I::cst at #l.ll'. harleY
xl alt ttull. Corn Ito= lower; fair tautlitess at
decline; 724.9ik . (id unsound neanutted
ern, Sltts,•.,i tor ,101111 , 1 rafrAte for old tutt
ed western. Neu outs Ito Is; go, er at lilttlsse
for xe-tern, lento, t./11.1 are very scarce ;tad sit
,artelng, with sales Of state reported at +.1 . •
flouts ntot.lerntely active; Cahn Havana dull; Porto lbs., a3kyl . 3e
trotrum'lull, at llUetittic..,e (or crude, anti 41(4't;
(or relined In bona_ Pork opened boat, but
closed more firmly, at fi1b,50431,6. for new
mean, closing at 430.56; 40.49.0.:,,:,0 for old do.,
*nu 1024,2.14.34,30 foi prime; also 3,a51t blds. new
tures for June, July and .1 Ugust nutters anti
buyers option 4CSl,otts , 3l, Boat istex.ity, at Ire
iirtle for now plata turns, and 1,21:1.0,14 for nat.
extra nut_ai Beef flatus inlet., at 15-44fic. Cat
Meats nactututted, at llt„ull s e fur sat/oh/era,
and littlitlio for barns. Baron dull. Lard dull
and heavy, ut Butter dull and lox er,
at '22434e for 011.0, tuu1'.....41404.' for otate Chess.:
dull, at 140.3 i...
Cm< noo, J o u el.—F lour quiet heat arm,
nt $1,61,-,41,07 fur No 1. Coro dull awl
lul fi e.. eittleu nt 4 , 9,,,,t..50c fur 1, unit tottAti , }c
for No 2. On Ls nt itt433c for No I, n nil
21.1•,taltui for SO 2. t'rut&rtuoe Vino. 12 ittlivr Inca
yulus and etcadp. Freigut3 firm. Itteciiitii
-500 bbix flour, 2.6U0 burp wheat, 27,400 Curti
corn, linen (MA". biotin...lLA-4,0W bola
dour, 27,0*) burn Wheat, Conti corn, 42,-
mi busll
Ipg.urEtao, June fl.—Flour active; .10,25 ror No.
I spring, 112 tot red winter; $l3 tot Bauble ex
tra tie neat dull; No. 2 01,iirankle (dub, 92,0 0 ;
1,1,10 bets. No. 1 do., 12,16. Corn closes quiet
and enter; sales in the nm - long No. I Illinois,
at 73e. Outs and other grains quiet. Gaunt
freights dull—Flour, 3difffiSe.; wheat, 9,..,c; corn,
to New
• York. Luke imports—lb,:sei bus
corn; tuts. peas. Canal exports—/NXIO bus.
wheat; 4,410 bun. corn.
BnlOnle dllArket.
BI'IIFALO. June e.—Flour quiet and unchang
ed Wheat quiet. Cora dull. at Gee toe Su. I
Mixed. ()ate dull cod held et tee for No. I Chi
cago. Barley Bye and Pea" nominal. Port,
at Mc. Lard, at tic. Whlegy, at tr 2,27. Canal
freights env; boat, octave to New York;
Wheat, 10 t ; (..0rin12.,(6 Oats,
ton and toile. Canal et-porta—Whe at gi,147;
Corn 159,57 V; Outs 47,411 e; Barley 3i1,000
Philadelphia Marked.
PintanaLru: A., June B.—Flour quiet. Wheat
steady; Prime Red, at a - i,;legii.lo; Whim Un
changed. Lunt buoyant; lellow, at SSc. Coi
l./ quiet. sug..r steamy; t ttba. at 10 tt,a/o%o—
Provislone quiet. Ideas Pork, at $ll.
Lard, at Y 313 for Priam. Whlaky dull, at iri,t.s
for Pennsylvanian.
Mew Orleans Market.
NEw ORLZA,., June B.—Cotton stirrer; sales
bales low uildallugs, at 3303110; toosy's
receipts, NS babes; week '+ receipts, 442.69 bales,
against 1,1112 bales exported. Sugar, lb lie.
Coffee; week's sales LYI sacks prime at tic.
Gold stock, Ow; New 1 ork Esebange, pre
/Milwaukee Market.
lilu.wunxec, June h.—Flour dull and de
clined 26c. Wheat firmer e1d..1,":7 for No I. Corn
dull. Oato advanced le. ltecelpt.u—l,OUU bbin
Sour, 620.100 bunk unbent, I6,neu buull out.. Ship
bbl. flour, .53,0uu bush wheat.
Baltimore Market.
B•LTIY °rut, JUDO B.—Flour very ,4 Wet, W beat
steady. Corn settee slid higher; W hits, st,ee;
Yellow, lleo. Outs firm. Provisions:tiro.
Lard, lj2ie. corr.e and Sugar .11111. Whisky
unsettled Western, ►:,31.
/25T1 11:13
^T. l,oc Is , .luna uth—Flour huoyaut. Wheat
tors buoyant, Butter 67
_AI. °ate lower, .10@43. Pork. Bt4COll, Lard,
Witlekey, unelnngod.
Cincinnati 31Larkell
CIIII(XX X tin, June B.—Flour and Wheat dull .
Whiskey llrm;l2Sln bond. Mona Pork Quiet
at 31031%; sales 290,000 pounds sldes at file.
Gold, 40..
ppruhannuin, Foal. W• 4111, a CH10•00 It. It
June ec—lt bble bacon, Sturgeon d Bro; 2 do do
j Coblaps; 81! ear carboys
J Irwin; 14 bxti cheese, Putter, Aiken I Shep
rd; IA do do, II Dalzell d 00;1 ba bacon, Lit
tle, Baird A Patton; 2 saddles tole Ful
wcwo; II bus soap, A M It co; 40 bales hemp, LI
Gerwag 8 co) lOU olds dour, tr. Shepard; We
dodo, litiomager Langllootes lard, I , sellers
IL co; 142 eke barley, bouncer d McKay; in bile
apples, It, bbls potatoes, Lll Voids tt co; 37
bid, pearls, Bakewell, Pears A CO: 5 bids old,
attriestocki 6 bids eggs , I keg turd, Blair A
Woods; 8 ;Legs batter, Sturgeon d Br°, 1 11131 s
043 a, co. bbls Pour, T c Jen
kins; 1 ear lomber,•L Lungliaul; 680 pigs lead,
J 11 Candeld; 00 bbla hlghwtoen, Lambort,Blllp
too a co; 190 balm 11000, Stlghtuyer It Yoakarcp ;
1 car ataree, (habil& a 5111; W0111;1°1,, C Over
holt; 60 do do J Taylor a co; 110 do ;10, 1.
libliatutt; 07 do do,p7 Y MClAngtdin a. 00.
8 ban cheese, Potter, Aiken & Shepard; 8 bide
beans, T C Jenkins; lot water pipe, U H Co
lina; 601 Ws Made MI, John Stockdale; 10 it If
bole ChM, J 1) Dravo; 10 do do, Wm Cooper; 10
do 00, S COOPEII SO do do. Shriver & Lazear;
ear wraps, Iv •Hooreferl 130 sacks rye, Culp &
Simpiu - d; 111 bile otl, /I Floyd; bz bacon, L
H Voigt & co; 2 bblaeggp,, 1 pkg butter, Camp.
bell & Brown; bbl, egge, Joe Brown 2do do,
11 Peet' 11 tcce ebeeve, Pettit a Newlin; SD do
do, Grad & Belter,• 2 kegs pearl barley; Lipplua
colt; 2 cnrametal,Biluick & co;1 oars barley,
Rhodes; tears blooms, Park, Urn ittOi AO tan
cheese, 8
bile appleui,,WHWart a CO: 20 bids
lime, Plunkett & 00; 10 pkgreitlql, liartattan:
ALLEGIIII3Ir Bravos, Juno 8-1 car staves, J
J Salyut auboxes starch, s Ude : eggs, James
WI/anion; 22 bides, A Holstetne; 5 tads tallow,
P.llalzle; 1 case boots, Heckert; 1 Car.ndll
feed,loo bblellour, 11 li no]; - ! Son; I car corn,
la Steel A Sole; 2: Bare .ryth:#4lex Taylor; 1 car
staves, J H Helnplill1; 1,1 sacks flaxseed, 11 B.
Suydam ;15 bble tameithewart A Lapaealltaim;
do do, 24 bbb; ilour,Stawart &co; 1 car wliett,
Kennedy A Br,o; Ido S t eelen", Kenedy
Harper; 1 ear mlllfead, ,t Son; B page
butter, JObrißertaertia atritumber, 11 t; Boyle;
bbl eat, Inuaz obon dr co.
51 oiViz I
The river Is still receding slowly here, with
three feet nine Inches in the channel by the
pier marks last evening. Telegrams trom Oil
City convei the unexpected inteltigence of a
rise of nearly two feet in the Allegheny river
at t hat point, and accenting to the latest dis
patches it uas still swelling, with thirty nine
to forty lathes in the channel. The rise, we
understand, mimes from French Creek, and
the Clarion River. Here, the weather con
tinues cloudy and very hot In the sun
The Lent Leoti, from Parkersburg, Is the
only arrival we hare to report. The Forest
City, from the same point, and the Fayette
and Chieftan, from Brownsville, are due hero
this morning. The Tahlequah, trom Cincin
nati, onght to arrive hereto-day.
. .
At the Allegheny stiminboat landing quiet
ness reigns supreme. The Ida Rees is the only
arrival we have to report. She got up to with
in about thirty miles of Ulf City, where after
losing nineteen hours, the was compelled to
transfer her freight and passengers to the lit
tle steamer Tlilloute, and turn buck.
The Revenue left for Portsmouth last even
ing. with a moderate trip. If the Camelia did
not get off for Cincinnati last night, she will
leave to-day positively.
The Nora is next on the list for Cincinnati
and Louisvillic after the Camelia, and she will
be ready to take her departure on Monday
The forena is receiving freight for Saint
Louis, and will Inc ready to leave early next
The following boats are In port :Julia, Kato
Putnam, Arabian, Pine Bluff, Armenia, Leoni
das, Lorena, WO.Oll4ltA, Nora and Camelia
lb:sines continues rather dull at the landing,
the offerings of freight for all points being
rather 'imam!. The passenger trade has
fallen off very much during the past few
weeks, Reel boats now rely almost entirely on
The Leonora, Silver Cloud and Citizen were
advertises] to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh
on Thursday, and the Petrol's for White
The little steamer Petrolia N 0.2, in command
of Capt. Thompson will piyas a regular
packet hereafter between hiahonlng and Bra
dy's Rend, making canneetlons with the Alle
gheny Valley Railroad.
The Fayette, Capt. Coa, and the Chieftan,
Capt. Abrams, are the regular packets for
Brownsville and Geneva to-clay, leaving
promptly at np. m. These are both excellent
passenger steamers, and their officers will see
that passengers and shippers receive every
proper attention. The Chleftan hart a pleas
ure part) on board during her last trip, and
we have an Othlht the excursionists had a very
pleasant time.
A. tsars re awn A , TIZAVILOAT.—The hand:
some little steamer Fort Pitt, after spending
the w - ititei In Conneaut lake, arrived at this
port, all safe and sound. and took up her out
quarters at the Fort Pitt Foundry. She was
hrought armor! by those jails . good fellows,
Capt. Jetties Trott, el. Jo, Kann, nail Major
Jonas Small hey looked like a tiortion of
Sir John Franklin's A retie Explat in °smell.
lion after the fatigues at thou trip. The Fort
Pitt will liniately be put In apple-pie ar
tier, refitted throughout, and mime teal, and
then. oh and,-rNtantl, will be put up, and
rattled off. The fortunate an
will have
the satisfaction of ni lig Oct tif the hand
somest little pleasure boats afloat.
. .
The • incinnati (Wininerciai, of Thursday,
High wind prevalliid all day. malting the
river usually rough. The St. James, whsle
nuking a landing at the foot of Broadway,
was blown against the Argonaut N 0.2, daturg
log the wheel of the latter.
. .
The nose Flambletop extended her trip to
l'ittchergh thin trip. 'be le due hero on Mon
in elderly gentleman, named hooch, a Ger
man. a denier In Idr,J died Very auddenly on
the Golden Eagle. on Monday morning, and
ono tinned at Ylint Inland. lie was declined
for Clneln natl.
The late destructive steatplioat flre at St
1,1.11 s was, as usual, though t to 'tie tile work
or 0 Incendiary. It orig . nted in the cabin
of the iklallOrltl. t he hulk, of the itaiitona and
Raymond sunk nt the wharf. The hull of the
Ida Handy was saved.
i)trrsnuncri, BROWNS-. _
0C:11 , 31a3P , 1t,
WIII run three daily. side-wheel steamers between
Plttaburgh, Monongahela City, Brownsville, Mee,
g. Greenslepro, tienev• nod the Dunker.] Oil
Regions. Title line It composed of the following
steamera •
TT.l.BikaPti CAPT. D. BLUSH Llt.
These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily at 11
so., and 5 p. except nunday. when the departure
will Be al It o'clor . a. En.
The through packet for the Oil Regions will leave
Pittsburgh daily at I, p. m.. Brownsville daily at
la tn.
ItaTrusitmt-Leaves Brownsville fur Pittsburgh
dally at 7 a. to. and s p. to.
Leaves tireensboro and teene•a at IS o'dloct,
/Lice, Landing at I p.
The line 11 roropoard of arst-elasot alde-wheel
steamers. built eapressly for the trade. They ore
roottnaudea ottioers of long experience, who
'.lll Ds! Particular attention to the w•nts Sod row
for• of pas,ngers. ri.• boats will leave protoptoy
at the hour sAvertlfed
it LIU 111, REA KIT El. AT ALI, ili , T
At the WT•rf-Boat, tout of Ciraut to. Tittatoargh.
L. COLVIN. Agent,
pEOPLES' kat
(I NC"ItrORATr.Io.)
Piti•burgh, Monolagailicla City, Brownao
vine and C1e0....
Th. t'ompany will ru • daily boat between the
ahoy. points. comprised n
of the and splendid
side-wheel steamers CHIEFTAIN, It. It. ABRAM+
commander. and Ri..itrTOß, itonca,
commander. tThe Elector le now betsg completed
nod vrlll take her place In the line In. rev, days.)
The Chieftain will leave Ftttsburgh for all rKdot.
lr. a. Returning, leaves item,. for tit terhurgh
at I
9 A. M. and Brownille st r. Y.
n sv
c Company will hare a tint-clan Wharf Post
lionougahel• City and Pittsburgh. Freight co
oed, ed at all hours. No charge for comn.lseion na
Loners freight.
Thl• floe sill not roll boat 4 on the Sabbath.
For farther ta rtlenthan enquire on hoard, or to
J 441114 L..hibtlSttlfratt. Agent. at {Pa Wltarf
Boat. foot of Itranl street. nahlo:trod
. .
LOULSVILI.E.—The nplenditt p
I:3r; 4tearner
klrll 114; for the ateyee and LB 1itt . e 9 r1rteJ 141 7 , 47 , 74:'
110.0A7. at .p. m. YOT freight or paasage apply On board or to
pot:el, FLACK A COLLINUWOOD, Agents.
LOUISVILL.—The Moe ate-tuner
CAMELIA Capt. J. T. Lyme,
Will lease for the shore and all Intermediate pony
on WEDS En DAY. atl p. m. r
rx freight o i t;Erokre a attiza ,T iti v ,l ).. .,. ,..t..
LOCISTILLE.—Thenew and ele
gant passenger Hemmer
ATE PCTN AM ....... W. EL Eras,
Will leave for the shove and all Intermediate porta
THIS DAY, at 10 a. tn.
Poi . height or Rival: Ng .. ..1at , t1 board or to
). 4 .1 D COI LING WOOD A4"" '
REGULAR PACKET r si dir im e
AND ZAVESVILLE.—'she one weanter EMMA
WitstaiLil,•Capt. O. 6. bytrt.z, will leave for the
Moors and all Intermediate ports every TDESDAYI
at , Lp. in. Hewn:dna, leaves Zanesville every rut-
DAY. at I am. J. D. COLLINOWOOD. Arent.
WAN Or Clidlitvie TER,
•External Forms,
And especially to Uo
CZ E=l
59 Fifth St, Masonic HaU
Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Coven
Cleaned and Unglazed without unpacking.
Nos, 35 and 37 Third Street,
Between IVEruil sud
_ -
715111N0 TACKLE,
BABE BALLS—Now York Hew:Mto..
BAT% BASES. &rip scout no oas
136 Wood Street.
AN ORDINANCE for the Grading
or I:Sidewalks on Adams street, In the Bornugb
SICr/Ar7 I. Britt ordains:llolnd *nodal by. the Bor.
gen sod. Mon Cat.Mg/ el tits Borough qf /Lunches
or, and tt to hereby <unclad by the authority the
some, That tax Street Commissionar tiosuittiorlud
rair!Vt lthe 1/ lola re their I dg
DT shoe drat day of Oisioboy, A. D. tied
Ordained and enactod into s tow In 0.116011. the
Bib day or Jour, A. P. mu.
WEL IfsOtiblX, .d.r e ien•
Attest. 10111 r C-lIAILIMS, Clerk. 1 :c&ii
jAnA ti tAPIS,_
• surrotariA,.pia N O D RACLAU.
D . tay .. Ac. Ac. liCo TO
1111 OWN, No-Set. Clair Street. '
FOURTH liTIIEET. we have on hsuds a vary
superior stock of
‘ollritpM"rl.lo74:3 , -
Of oil7a44llg P et4ro e
24 feet wide.
u' ITEARTH RUUS—From the finest Quality to t he
lowest priced.
Formerly W. D. a B. Mee.,Bum
Stock in the West of every
thing in the line of Carpets,
Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and
Lace Window Curtains, Gold
Bordered and Plain Window
Shades, Table and Piano Cov
ers, of our own importation, at
the Lowest Prices reached since
the war. A line of Scotch In
grain Carpets, of our own im
portation just received—Ye'' ,
handsome---never offered in this
country before---and at prices
based on the present rate of Gold
71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d floor,
Next building to U. B. Custom House awl rostoalce
CO i 1 Company
Keep cratantls on hand a supply of
Natural Lubricating Oil,
Free from all impurtiles.
Every Barrel Warranted,
WITH T. H. NEVIN it cn..
N. W. Corner Third and Market :its.,
JUlre let,
CURRENCY him authorised the Nonni of Di
rectors of It,. liana to Increase the ('spiral to the
sum of TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, , 111,1.0011,
000, hi the issue of TEN THOUSAND ADDI
TIONAL SHARES. amountlng to VIT..: HUN
DRED TDOESAND DOLLARS. 1851.10.001.11,
The Board will estimate the amount to be paid far
each new share taken by an sdaition to the par of
Fifty Dollars, spry ea, y sloation of the rt...eved
manta and accumulated earnings, at the date of
subvert pile o,
Applications for Ntoct.lll I.e rrcel red until fur
seer notice.
Dr. S. Cutter's Celebrated Stomach Billet,
The greatest Ner, lue Vier dleroev rod. The add.-
lion. within the lan! ton tear, of Ire utter •N. e
Dlevoe yr, to ii,. i•lngllsh hater., Instr. It
perfect sidtdoto to I ut,utpe roue,. Pee clone to Id
thetostl of the N or% Hi, tuedletne wafore
the fengloat oeloliested Y. aO.l JM
terntivr, In dowser. of the rttotnaelt and ol rho
Horeb A
, null dlecineoe orteing from Inipodttlee of Inc
blood. n a ci, rt toe Is ais ays the r hot,. ot Ho.
utomsch, In all pets,. addleted to the nee of edit,
Manta and narcotic, Nucl. an alcohol and rnsH
liquors. upturn. morphia, arsenic, tonere., ,
It removes the mornol appal., or era, lu te
of I he
stomach fur etlmulant, In Headache, Neuron..
aud all nervous Altera., It has no equal me a N. r
r the.
Ten year* use 4, the Ituitrorod English Bitter. In
NI. Itartholomeet, Hospital, ft. Mli
ary, oeplts:.
N re.gate and other whom., has e•tanHetool Its re,
/nation, as a core for 1[114.n/her n ...v. and gat ord
for It the approsH the at tending Norge... to s,l
the hospltale and prieona throughout .rest belts!,
and Is prouribad noes ht . phteirtann in
practlr . e i. fo . r , f: t .r , :o . u . , sod:: te-I to the. It
ni l
1111 °' :. 1 1:1•711ptic kits. Nor, ttu n e ; r ol ' t r u e it t l . tig . o ‘ , and l
Nertons dlneanen, It has uo tetual. Wholesale and
14 , 1.11 Agent,
mrl9 an No 70 Mark. .t., corner or rte.
No. 100 Wood Street.
•Israye on hand.
i 1 ;! I'l BET S,
ENGLISH STONE WARE of all varieties, to stilt
erlisticeale And retalt trade.
The largest and moot complete stock of eyerythlne
in this line). the city.
Brice* end terms the same as in the easterh cities.
No. 185 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Who did not Boo.lvo a Lend Dow:illy
Can hays the 1111.111,collected through by. Apply
perecmally, or by mall. •p2e.coditlam V
p . C. DUFFY,
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
No.. 1443 C3l-raarat Ellikroot,
- • ,
This Houle Is the Cheapest place In the city to bay
Kiev. and Tin Ware. Job NS orb promptly attend
ed to. nsynii: Lai
1,11. YOUNG. (Is. of Philadelphia.,
. .
No. 70 Third street, treats all deterlptlons ul Prl •
rata Ulaoases with unparalleled success.
Particular attention paid to Npennatorrhoes sit I
Atseases or the Urinary Organs. Nis troatineot
the same being the most •ucceseul ever em pi°, ed.
lie gives hopes of a specoy cure to the allUcted.
Ladles will and his is rumenagoguesopsYlor to au,
°Cher preparation for removing obstructjon• to too
ocattny menstrual flood. No. 1, One Dollar pet
mottle. No. 111, which is four degrees stronger, an I
designed for obstinate cases, rive Dollar. per
tiOlce hours, 8 A. LO 5 P., M., a P. It. to lb P. a.
Address, with stamp, pit. IUUNO, No. 75 liar I
street, Pittsburgh.
Practical Optician,
Mid Manufacturer of the
Which arc ararranted to preserve, strengthen and
Improve the sight. For sale only In
"myI7AM No.-99 St. Clair t
In t of. Wills.. u tan Aim of rownms. for VKII
by all Wbole.als Druggists. Prepared by
/1.14T1117110.00E115. Obemist N. Y.
11101•111 J NO. b. 9/LATFI.II
Xlloan:Loa:lmi .9.1.1.ey - ,
11 m- allowUm Market,) PITTSBUIIIIII, PA
U.OO sandssulme Fresh Button
boTtic,l Cutting Cream Chen,
SCO bldg. titan Nub Bloir POtaton;
nX) do Piney Brooms, atoret
MOO po urs • ldear Jbla Bacon, In store;
I % mu t t:~ Country *rani to store;
51o , Bottp, In Man;
r 0 barrels prima norgbnint
MO bushel. lamsli
1 barrel pure Mountain Blackburn Wine
In store Mr mdlkby- 'IL MIDOLt,
droopos3 Liberty atrett.
FOB BALE-4 oar loads rotaton, sacks and bbl.
10 boxes Atnalna Oranges;
.ID 00 do • Lemons;
10)0 ()norm Nuts;
,iOCO Yin. 'Apples; •
50 barrel. Erg.;
AO -do NV itlea.Lime;
50 dozen assorted Canned Fruit;
Bonham, Batter, Lard, to,
1711 Third Strain.
~ • •••F =bids. Poach Blow"Pottioes;
dal do rbidatr'XidorlOur; ' '
KO bushels Vats; .
Ntristirii ruiigu.
min Alleglanyi
Pectoral Synzp
Cures 13ronelaitiR
Cures; asthma
MI Diseases of the Lungs
A 6.c or five y Var.' 11411.1111 urged by DR
rtrinliCNOu. JanoLri 11. IMO
DR. Kneen:- sty wife has been atfiletmi with It
by cough sod ifldloulty of breathing for fire or sin
years, whlrh. foe wsseral yearn had gra many
In rd In b.., The complaint has been her
editary and oh, lint been treated by revert' physi
cians without soy refl.. In DID state of her easel
procured some "(your PECrOII.AL COUGH SYFO , P.
I tonight, the drat time fifty rent bottle, which no
Ileved her very thttrl, }entirelylled and got • dot la.
ruittle. notch cured he. nod she has now n•
trace of the former disease, except neatness. I
and also stale that I the medicine myself Ids
cold and cough. The medicine cured me by tames
one dose. let press my entire satlef.tlon will, tin
medicine, ant roe are at bert_y pobliah LW! II
you desire co. W.ll. WILSON,
Alderman, Fifth Ward
PITS - ARUM.% April 24,1557.
HEAD THE Till:TH.—Da. KaYnatt.—l have a
daughter who has taken occurs.' medicines fora had
rough without benefit, among them Ayer's Chet n
Pectoral. I purchased from you • bottle of
Pectoral Syrup, and before she had used half a l .1
tie she was relieved. The Second bottle cured her
entirely of her cough. .10115 DARIN,
Rob!neon •treet, A Igheny.
rirrptarrion, December
SYR.CP.—I Ilre in Peebles township. Allegheny
county. I had a and epittnig. 'which emna -
me l about the rth of February last. and tom
eight mouths. I employed the best physletan•
In Iles country, and my cough conilneed unabated
until early In October. At that time I was aliV..l
to try your Pectoral tough Strom which I dbl, and
after I bad taken one bottle I ass entirely free Thom
the coughing amid spitting. I had despaired of e•er
Jetting well, and I think It should ue Known tone
thlo vertable remedy will , nt for others what It lus
done In my case. JOHN C. LITTLE'
W B. B. Enna. Peebles toarnablp.
Carton TownuniP, April 14, 184.9.
A WONDEItIti L CUlKE.—home timeago an old
neighbor of mine was 00,y with a bad cns!.
every one supposed to be consumption. o Its
relatives told me that he had totemevery renteilT
they heard or without
be his brother came to
life biro die. and all w confirmed In the belief Putt
be could not nor. I had about the third of a bottle
of your Pectoral syrup. which I gave him, and it en
tire.). cured blot. to the mtouishment of ail. What
makes the ease more remarkable. Is the extreme 001
of tile man, he being about eighty years old. I have
no oubl the Pectosal saved his life.
1111. I'ECTuRAL NY MA . IN 111.AItItI
VILLIC.—Pleare vend cue another supply of 'cum I
uable Pectoral SyAlmoct everybody around tie
Liu the cold..and are et/gull - Inc for "Dr. Keyeees
Pectoral by re°. ' ' We have ',old My teen bottles U.
•st week, •nd are now entire!. out. Mr. A. AI tut
and 111.1. I'. Mall., Loth of lilsierrlll., tuld act
Wey would out Le without It If their fkruUles. (111
fact, all who u.. It once want It Again.
lours, a.tyt.utfullv.
January 30, 1900.
l'lTTKlttlioll, November 18, 161 7.
an, salt:—Although not an ad vatate o Patent
u,ntcinea, lu ',bend. It afford, rue yleanure lade
arrityante to recommend y our llg.l 101iA.1.1$1 P.
As • nt....lltin, It la ',it worthy the attettliOn of any
person a.. Ito may in any manner be alltlicted with
cougha..Lolda atol hitaratnecr ol any Outland for tor
peculiar gustier...llona for removing all that di..
greenhie aettaatiott •ttendlog • severe eold.
I have been. more or less In my 1114, , affectell with
the eevereat of colds and hue...settees. At times my
throat would Jet/noir. so Mooed as to prevent my
In recommending this medicine, I tonal ulthet.ll4•
tingly thy that It e beet remedy 1 ever fo tod•
r the ;t r vt, i n s. or should any I sal Ilv
d saes no prevalent.
lours, most respectfully,
11.1./W AR!) J. -TONE.,
Cashier Golsen.' Deposit Danl.
linrungsruLlt.r.g, Ohio, Murch 14, 14/56
1 here used ,Dr. liegotd's Cough byrup for • I.d
toolgb of beveral yew, standig, and can cheer( ill)
aay It Is tlae neat medicine for n the same that 1h 0 . 1
tint Warn. J. W. Pitlelf..
—Du. IS xv halt—Dear Sir Excuse the dela!
of my scknowledging the excellence °frier Pectoral
toughelyrup sooner. I take great pleasure In may.
no that It Is an you say It Is. It knocked the nulls
out of say cough, and the worst one 1 was ever atUICI
ed vrlth• I have :sot used more than one-half oft ,4
bottle. sod I can and do with that all who are adllhl.
vol would glee It as fair a trial as I have done, and
thy a ill be pried to say, ••It Is no quack medicine.
would not sutler Latimer such an attack for soy
onalJoratlon, or at any cost. I amconfident I can
math, noire freely than I ever did. I shall also ay.
activist - ledge a debt 01 gratitude fur tuvecaing so
excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to use my
name to tills regard as you thinkproper.
- E. P. PRATT.
'Messenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, la..
N. g„ sg, no granger Wimp fellow-citizens, silo
.11 who entertain doubt. can cotninit me geraonniii•
It Y.
IsEIVO PECTORAL. MIKUP.-1 had been troubles ,
with • cough and cull for Severn weeks—so had ' , as
that I could not sleep. I had the advice and pa e.
crlptlons from three ol the best physicians in the
city, whom !could name, but do not ao so. I Anita!
procured a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, 'nod
cured me entirely.
(64' 110. it 6 Libert J. W. Atz g re, N. N
J...., 9th, MCA y
"liTOPTHATCOlibaliNti."—"How can I do Ur'
Go to Keyser•s, Waal stree get you, ttle of
his Cough Pectoral, and if that l o utcure your
erase must be desperate indeed" 'Ms Is • specimen
or the colloquy one hears every day In coldwastemag
periods of the 77 r. And we can, from zetplia
ritnent, cheerfull ea y concur In the adviser's admoni
tion as ittx••e, for we have tried the ••Pectoral," In
• most stubborn ca with entire reen. hest
two nooks Ingo we went se,
to Pittsburgh tu , with one of
the most distressing, contrary, unsubduault
coughs we ever experienced since our advent upon
this mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and la
borioualy for one whole wren, In any., ofq tiring it
out, but It was no go. In fart, It seemed rather te
have improved by pracske, and to have acquired
strength, potency and distresalbillty by the opt...
tion. this stage of the steer. coughed our Is sq
to Geysers, No. 140 Wood ett, procured tilm
cent bottle of the "Preterit'," lo ok It according lb
directions, and In forty-eight hours we were master
of the del l, the ouemy having un.s/dithmally
rendered, after a brief, but coequal mallet with so
formidable ad adversary as heysers L. 0011• 00110
Pectoral. —Brainatoriiia GliXger. /Mo. Is, /82.
I. prep at ed ace .old by
3P'ittailaisripa. poaa•,
Great Nervous Remedy,
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will relieve, withbuf*l. and often pernsunen
cure all Nervous Irri Le Willy.
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure Hystert
Hr. Keyser's Nerqous Antidote
Will CtlretTwi , ettlag of the Nerve
pr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure Nervous Heady ;be
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Anlidole
WILL Care Sierra. Cramp of the Bowels
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
WIII Core Neoralgio
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
!lure Neuralgia of the Yee..
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
WIC Cure Neuralgia of the Fitoutunl
Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Core Neuralgia of the helm
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Our Neuralgia of the uver and Right Side
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
NVIII Cute Neuralgic, lleadambe
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
WM Cure Paloltatilon of the lieu t.
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
WM Cute Palatn.. avd Weak.. of !UMW-
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Wm uuro litopPofro or Tiottrrints or Mellow
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
will Cure Tremon from Excessive Drink
lieyser's Nervous Antidote
W 1110 °m 1 1 1POotionctrlasis
Dr. Keyser's Nervoms Antidote
Will Cure Lowness of Bytetu
eveDirtia 114 sold*
140 Wood Urged,
Itoback's Stomach Bitters
Aner years orexpertence and trial, have proven to
tv, the best remedy extant for all com_plalnt• where•
tonic and btimulant are required. They never hit
te nd
the Impart vigor to the strung
and In allrespects restore shattered and broken
down constitutions. Noremedy tom been received
with as much faro, as HORACK`b STUMACII BIT
Costi vene
and aii Diseases of the Bowels
Blood Pills,
Blood Pills,
Scrofula, SyphWs, Skin Disease, Old
Sores, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia
or indigestion,
Sick Headache,
Liver Complaint
St. Anthony's Fire,
It Is admitted by our Most leveed pi:lranian. that
Ita. ROBACIVB BIVIEEI3II eon:Mine the properties
of grange bszative„ an cadent anti-bilious scent,
and tbe best stomsalo known to the world.
strengthen •itrni—,::
acute dilteAlle.S.
.-- - .
In the billousldistrlcts of the West and Booth
there has, for along time, been much needed, an .s
-tide of stomach Bitters, which, If taken in proper
quantities and At the proper time, era • are •f•
'retitle° of
Bilious Fever, Fever land Ague,
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
•ney Complaints, and all
Diseases of a aim-
Liar nature, and
me Batter
a pieventive for bilious derangement, regulat
tug the system, and statue tone to th e digestive or
gam., than any other - known remedy.
Now that the war Is over, there will be thotmands
seeking homes In the South. No person who volecot
his lift sbouldAro there without having constantly a
nand the lIITTEES, as a Wegnerd against epielem
and Maladies engendered lby miasma ant Wats,
Tian,lers to and all residents of, the rank
antra= of the "rest and south, and the
and Ito tributaries, chonld proelde
selves tbe
Ones me a knowledge seldom notated by Pby.l.
oink My long reeldenee In this city, and the m 00.%
of patients treated anneal) by me, are IntEltielli
proof ofsti
BPENAIUERHOLA, or Bevan Weakens: and
all diseases arising therefrom, are cured tp a moth,
shorter time than heretofore by my NEW VEUED.
ABLE EIEISEDIES. Medicines sent to any part ad
the Union. An letters tonst,eontain a stamp to pa
"t% b"rd
.o. P,
a trl
A J. W.'NSE t , atatrgh.-Pa.
I - --
,p,operm all order* should bandanna!,
Durrora (4 Dr. C. N. Mid,
Nos. 46, 58, 60 aid 62
tcas Cii414121, 0:
The Chief Came of Peetileoce
De U se
In th
United States and Frc by Letters Paten t ance. Prepared Pl , lely
by the Nee York 131s1nreetIna Company, at thetr
Laboratory, Nos. 268 , 800 awl 302 ltensi bitreet, h.
Y. Whoa. n. Cedar Street.
his Company organized on a permanent basis.
with Dr. Coe rtaret, the celebrated much Chemist,
In charge of Its Laboratory is prepared to furnish
Its DInIXXXPTING FIX iric for alcg rooms numerics,
annals, water closets, privies, cempools, sewers,
gutters, ships. railroads, hospitals, prisons, and
pualic Institutions of all hinds. slangliter.hou.nic
offal and tat-bol'ing estalumhments; all kinds of ma
nures (immensisfy In... Laing the value of the latter
to every farmer), and wherever poisonous and offen
sive gases exist. These agents. are deodorizers,
ptics, anttputrescents, and allalnfectanm in
tlf:e l : tenlido meaning of the worns. They remove
notions gasses and odors by chemical principles—
leaving in their places dealtfvil off, they are Ds
-BTrdYwns, and not merely atHorbentl (of poisonous
gases—not injurious to utensils In which they arc
used. The attention of medical and scientific men
Is directed to these disinfectants. Attached ar.
lestlinoninle In favor of this great discovery, which.
with hundreds of others can he seen at the Compa
ny, Milne.
I/Xxavxv H %1t.,11.11,41. Marvin XI, BM
. .
To the Fru/Wien:of e Arlo York InetnfecOng Co.
Dear Sir: it Is all it to represented to be. We bare
made many trials of dist niectanta. but now eon/alder
MU we hare found an article which surpasses all
others as a rdmetly againet all bad odors.
Nina YOIIII, April 9, Irmo.
the Prublent of the Nero Fort D4rinfreanu
Dear Sir: Wt. pronounce It, without exception, to
he the best we lisle ever known. Its effect upon
every matter is complete and Instantaneona.
. A. sITVESON. Astor 110115,
N. B. —Three DDlnfectants Sr.' used ht the scav
engers, under the ollritCllOtt of the Sanitary Pollen
of the Metropolitan Health Department. N. Y.
A TIIDMPSON. 42 Canan tlo.. N. P.,
treneral and Sole Agents for the United States and
the Canada:, to whom all orders should be ad-
Fur anlo by all DrugglAl4 and livorral Dealers In
the Cnlted titlktes 7.1141 nryl9:l/44
• (<5.,„?; -,f 4,
j41;5, 6'13
On this Continent
most sclentlfic Analytical Chmists.
. _
It Restores Gray Hair;
...It Prevents Hair Veiling Out;
... It Changes the Roots to their . , Original
Organic Action;
It Eradicates Dandruff and Humors;
It Keeps the Scalp Healthy;
It Contains no luJurioue Ingredient.
And In universally •accorded to ben Splendid Dress
lust and (Superior - Toilet Article. ITS 111:1IITS are
Ere!) bottle CON T A INS IMRE LIQUID than any
Other dollar_preparet lon.
NO LARGE REM' A 111 offered to establish Its
etHeemy, but NYE. Do GUA A h THU torefund the
money to any person who will bot ilea and
then .ay that our ReatOrnalle hsa railed to alto all we
J. IL. EiARRETT & CO., Proprietors,
Ment.huster, New lismpshlre.
Wholesale and Retail Agents,
Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Have yroved, from the mom ample experience an en
tire success, simple, efficient and rellatil, hey m
the only medicine+ perfectly mlitpted to populist t te
—so simple th at mistakes cannot he made In tmlog
them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so
efficient as to he always reliable.
- .
No. I egres FEVERS, Congestions. Innentos
1 •• WORMS. •i• - re .. • •.. .
" CRYING Cr•i.B., I. odd,. Jo
4 • DIARRHEA of childreo or sit
DYSENTERY, Griping Lug Bilious
Coll. 45
r.RA MORBUI3, Nausea. 26
7 " L'Ou OHS, Colds, Bronchitis 24
6 .• NEURALGIA, Toothache, Faro
I " HEADACHE, Silk Headache........ Yb
I " DYSPEPSIA, Rhino.Sionsae 55
11 SUPPRESSr.D, scanty and painful
" LEUCtilißlitliA, or Whites ^6
" CROUP_,boarig cough
is " SALT RILF.UId, Faysliseiss,
lions 24
_l3 .• RHEUMATISM, all rheumatic mans 23
3 " FE
FeverVEß AND AGUE, chili. and
17 ' PILES Internal or enternaL 40
IS .• OPTId ALMY, sore, Inflamed eyes.. 60
•• CATARRH. acute or chronic, Mete
20 " WHOOPING COUtilL, epurnedie
congh ea
33 .• ASTHMA, oppressed eg
" EAR DISCHARGES,Impaired near
sS rd ds
0116.Rie eaug,
3" DROPSY and Scanty Secretions
26 " SEA SICHNEI3I3, or sleknees Rom
Z 7 `` KIDNEY DISEASE, Grave 1.........
2s SORE MOUTLI. or Canker
31 " PASpasINFUL ms PERIODS, even 511.11
32 •• SUFFERINGS at Change or LI te.... sg
33 •• EPILEPSY, Spasms, St. Vitus` Due.
ces It
•• DIM/SYRIA, elcerated sore ago. 100
. .
Case. of gavials. In snoroceoesse od bookcase
plate 1.10 01
Case of 20 loge vials, In morocco and book a OP
Cos of 20 loge vials,lain ease and book s up
Cue of 10 bases (No. Ito IS) and b00k...........01
A. TOltal
Corner of Fourth and Woodree
B. L. PAIIN EnTOCK & CO., st.,
bolestale Agents,Plttsburgh, Pa.
/or sale by E. ISlNSll,93badthgeld streetq J(.3.
TLFASING,SSI Idarkeistreet, corner of the Illainono
Pittsburgh, and J. J. EAST, No. 114
Allegbeny; ideCLABAN & MeKENN AN, tOr.r
Diamond and Motet street., Pittsburgh.
COUGH !Wahl' Is -------... - -
warranted to be the only pro- ': 37: • • 'tit r t
u.kuoa k.o.r n to ours .. c 0
Cough Coughs, 00142, hoarseness, ~ , ....• .
Whooping Omagh, . •
,::,., ,
Chronic Cooghs. Consurop- 2' —,..., TWA
Han, Bronchitis and rim. .7 - -.- . ,-. '. 2
I 2IT A e g gM b=l $. ° Z.! MOREL
„.......andexpectoratlng, and Ll_____ •
larly suitable Or all .
WeeriOnt of the Throat and Longs for .1 1 . by
Druggists ayeiTwhere.
INYUorsa•zs AMIN.
DT has CURED thou. ,
sands ne lD woirs j a m se&tit i f if e., , !,,t4 4
PILFIL It glue/ Imuneutute
reße[, sad
Went cure. lg u lt ' ttgClj e .
hiValgaaritgal'—iplL '
cesita Dar Dottl.
—.--- .....
Dr 7aor tr itALli icua .AGib ud t;
oePlayo .. . __.
~.,,i and = , C z. ,4\ \
Fo 'D . r: T il d E
r . " ' 1
. e l °I
A li r .r- .
1 7 7 : . i t
3 1 - . . - . \ . k i
; ; ti 1 f 1 S r ‘
~,,reoueeret.ero.' Ulm acer
~,I. remedy for livspepla, C 3
or Indigestion, liar..., C , .p
.. 11 :
r.(1.,. - Sots •of Appetite.
Aridity of the Stomach,
40, ` :a •
nattneney and debility. It
la not kWh:Mohr; thererota, .. 43 ii i , a k...... "
pardmilarly italtedfor weak, ..
aerroas and dysnaptle per ' , illl‘
sons. /or Ws by all drag. -
gists events , . ne at el per bottle.
moql. UTIMI.ZII•Le Aq.....
tar the Oink WWI &seam era mtrew nature. In
from two .to fear Arm anentiiiiir wog .0.
trestateeti AllO, - M-IDIAIa Weeklies., and all other
413 = 0 Or genital orPrens end chef r ostweettou
wernateel or money rehooled.
Qioehooss-7 to ID a. rk, rug, ott4 two r.
Ammon totters W.erellit Patutotrart lone ea,
,111Pri4 , 11-Meata• 01114.1'
"ItiP " LIMP".
/54 "-OL I • "" arzaims_.
Ais t i xis miliqo yyoo4 aunt'
iv* am