The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 09, 1866, Image 1

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ri . M.14111 , 11)81r
NO. 86 Firm STRICZT, PITT1111:11l00
I:IIt avea...LCIIINNTI) BY 'C/A HILI Elt 41'12:
ihr ,l itt!J'butoit 6it,rttc.
governor Curtin ha, arv , inted Ch , trie , ' Soe S opera House
h tore is Lb e most reliable letrite In the
R. Coburn Superintendent a Common west
Schools for the State of Pennsylvania
is no to the times. Call on him at the Opera
TIM Waynesburg Republiean says the HOUse Shoe Store.
renomination of Mr. GE.ORGF. V. I
nEscs for Congress, will be tin • nimOtts/y Fi fth street, Clapp
126 and street, are selling Ladles pai
ratified by Greene Count morals for only $l,OO.
SECRETARY S E o - A ii it gsve a dinnerparty Itlansphre,y's Homeapthlo
on the 6th instant, and the Met that sundry t i adtclaaa for taco at F./ton . . Drug store, No.
radicals were among the guests was held 108 Smithfield Street.
to be of political importance
Wm. B. Clapp & Co..
-$5 arid 2.8 Fifth street, are selling Engllsh hest
31.11. GLENNI W. SCoirlEi.n will certainly I lug Congress Gaiters for $1,75.
be re-nominated for Congress in the lilth
District. Mr. De Camp, of Erie, and Mdi
r. Now opening on and Print.
the northeast corner of
Souther, of Elk, are his competitors. The Fourth and Market stress.
former recently a Democrat ; the latter a C. 11/.211110N Lora Rao
Republican from the start,
Dry Goods,
New stock now opening on the northeast
So small was the concern of the people corner Fourth and Market streets.
ofChlliOnd for Ur. Jefferson Davis that c.Haasos Love a Rao.
when his' Case was recently called only
New Dream Goad.,
nineteen persuus were in the Courtroom Lace Pomts and Rotundas, now opening on
Mr. W. B. Reed frankly confessed his '`per. the northeast corner Fourth streets.
tonal sympathy" for the "Stern States. C. Rawson Lore a line
man." But his confession was needless
Shepherd's Plaids,
t A h t e a ,, l . l
rt p r h ie e es am , t il rn atn er gi r o o a u n r d ,h doable
and kidetthlo
A T itGlrrwOwr p - rivate letter from
Arkansas, received by a high official in C. Dmisoa Loss d Rao.
Washington, states that General Steedmau
is carrying on a plantation at Pine . Bluff, One ease of Good
G Dark
ood Dark Gin irkams.
ghams, only to en
Ark., and that negrnes were transported ty cents a yard. at watt ABT S BA IitCLAT'S
thither at Government expense from At ori g inal Boa ill " Stand
lanta, Ga., of which State he was military
New Deem. Goods.
New Dress Goods of all kinds Just opened, at
` , bollaby and Barclays, also Sint WIN, of every
OS Tuesday last the receipts of crude oil description. Call and see the Stock of New
at Pittsburgh, by the Allegheny river, boats, at the original lire Hive Stand, 74 and
reached the enormous amount of 50,0:12 bar hi Market street.
rein. If anything like such an average
could be maintained, and there is no reason Me nnnnn bile Goode
why it should not, the oil crop of Pennsyl- Sun Unsherellus, Parasols, Lace Points,
Sonia will noon rival the trod crop in value." tuadae, Grenadines, Organdies, he., now
—Phaadelphio Bulletin. opening on the northeast corner of Fourth
and Market streets :.
No such amount of oil woo received here
The statement was the coinage of a journal C. linssos Lmc a Rao.
here that has systematically misquoted White iiimxis
The „l u c c h t : a p hi ss uu t
. StOe su a t white
is tioot th
city Le
t a, m
transactions in oil—some are uncharitable
to infer in the intetests of speculators. The : stiollaby and Barclays. Remember their stock
actual receipts were 30,000 birrels leas than I of White Goods lx an auction lot, and vet
60,000, and so our reliable reporter stated sold cheaper than the same goods can be
at the time. : got for to any other Imusain the city.
ACO IIIIESPON 1 or the LaWrenet.
Joursal says
"Thr 'rest and AO, th4t the
.Senator shall he take,. , ees t .
We say this without any prejudire to any
gentleman named, or to be named in the
east. We insist that the west shall have
her proper claims respected, and that west.
ern Representatives shall not be forestalled
and dragooned into the support of any one
by sly. shrewd politicians, snaking into
conventions resolution., of instructions.
This is highly improper --it is low polities'
trickery. The people will rebuke all such
partizan engineering. Any as ire - worker,
who undertakes that job will, we arc well
assured, get his fingers burned."
A Squirrel Ilunt by (4 Sill
I would - my something, but Penn street is
fillers with no many Dental 4rr., that fora man
to deal In realities he IN east in the shade. So
I believe it beet to keep still, do good work,
and go a squirrel hunting now and then; for,
with grim: assistance, business will attend to
tters'f. But let me tell you a little about a hard
pressure gun I nas I rylok Ittot week. It Was
not a pop gun, as sense might suppose from
the great pressure used against my shoulder
to push the load out. I made the pu minim at
Mr. Kennedy, Is Fifth street, and, of course.
being a green recruit in sporting life, I natu
rally felt very mach delighted with the rig,
(which I could very illy afrord,) and started
for toe State of Ohio, believing that to be of suf
ficient nice for a four days hunt without going
over the ground twice. Through the kindness
of the conductor I learned the locality of the
State line, and when to get nut. Then began a
spirited drive for any wild thing with hair or
feather.. I determined to look for squirrel, I
the first any, and BO pursued with a great
deal of energy all the apple orchards and ,
wheat fields I could see, but nary a squirreL
I put up at a farm house about seven In the
evening. Everything sippeared healthy, end I
was soon seated at a plain supper, which was
the best thing I found In my bunt. Ile was an
- intelligent man, and very modestly _inform
ed me that I had not been on good
hunting ground for squirrels. So, after
night of refreshing sleep, during which
my teeth could have been as easily ex
tracted as though I had been under laughing
gas, I started, with instructions where to dad
squirrels. In an hour's walk I was recanted
with the sight of one. I took aim and fired.
But there was some mistake; perhaps It was
pulling Or pushing with too much force, for
after the smoke had cleared up I wail standing
in another direction, so much bewildered as
not to remember which way to look for the
tree or the object aimed at, and on feeling my
shoulder found It somewhat painful from the
howl hall used In pressing out the shot. But .
having been a dentist for many years, I have ,
from second nature, become a very ph ilosopli-
Mal person, and to avoid all futnrn trouble on
recharging my piece, put in a double cituintit,
of powder, so as to prevent this hard work of
pushing the loads out. I had not more than
prima:X/00m another grey &Mine] hove in
idght.gave chase, and when within a hun.
Bred Sliftlifty yards of the gante I leveled my
gun and gave it Dust a slight shove, determined
it should do the most of the work, for I had
great 00nEdence in this new pun. She did
much more than I expected, for Iliad not more
than collected my few remnants of mind and
body when I found the most of me laying with ,
my back In the mud and head on a log; so I
oantinued perfectly cool, half immersed in
cold water, till I cOuld get up. Now thin was
• stern reality, se my pante would show. In
this dilemma I could not hare laughed with
out a little gas. I got fifteen squirrels, at a ,
cost of ten dollars each, mud now conclude
there is no fun inidanglaing gas.
WordSAS Vital Interest
. . .
Will the thousands who rend columns of fri
volous verbiage every day devout five mineter
to the perusal of a few ruts which concern
them nearly 1 Our text le Huta, and we will
put one commentary into' a nutshell. Weak
-near is indirectly the cause of all sickness; for
if nature be strong enough to resist the mor
bid trifluenees which produce Illness, of course
they are powerless. Seek strength, therefore,
invigorate and regulate the system. When
the eilleicallver ranges from In to ell degrees m
the shade, We most athletic ore entudded
and the:weak are prostrated. It 11, at such a
time - that such an Invigorator as LIOSTET
=IDS STOMACH BITTERS is urgently wool.
ded. What are the effects of tins rare Vegeta
ble Tonlet Would that all who have known
tL benetttl could condense their experience
this. DiWaltraPh- TheY.Werliff, tell the
healthy, to protect their health they must use
this great uleguard against inith'ffillillitaiing
Influences. They would exhort the weak to
discard all unmedlcaual and imp urestimulanta
ka.ittiltng 'to this WluilesoMe 'soul .nalailing
team and alterative as the shipwreck - rid' mari
ner would cling to a raft in a stormy son.
Theff-nntia„ of dyspeptic :pangs . relieved, of
appetite restored, of shattered nerves re
strung, of headaches eared, of disordered
functions regulated, of hypochondria dissi
pated, of nalastontle'diseased baffled, of fever
end ague cured, of liver complaints arrested,
of heat, privation and toll defied, of hope re
animated, Pad Cheerfulness restored. Such
are the effects of BOSTETTEIVIS BITTERS.
irospestor• Bitters
Are said 'wholesale and retail at very low rates
YlemiereDrug and .Pat.ent. Medicine Depot,
no. St Market Wept, corner of the Diamond
l!r" Bernet. near Youth street.
. . •
Bemis 41. Store, 43 Market ff tease.
Are conntantly tulrteelpt of Boots, Shoes, Bel
morals, ali PPeol,9XfOrds, Congress Gaiters of
all the latest area - atilt% they are 'ening at
the most m°a " a te ' ldies.S. Persons desiring
anything In this line aro respeettelly Invited
to call I?effife WirtquitrOili elaewhere and az•
anduri etonkend ,
HAVAPTou. Xhint -7
84ma a.91•612.1r ayla at um; Pi 4n aims Bboe
Hest Assortment
In the city at the Opera House Shoe Store_
Bleached and Unbleached Din.'ln..
hi., cents for Dorn' Bleached and Unbleached
Muslim, also Print Gingham., Check 'Pick
ings, together with a free line of New Dry
Gomls Just opened at Shellaby and Barclays.
('lre them a call and examine their Stock
before making your purchases elsewhere.
Remember No. 71 and 74 Market street..
Men and Boy'• Straw list..
All that immense stock of Hen's and hug's
Straw Hats, at the extensive popular Hat and
Cap House of Wm. Fleming, is now being told
at less prices than at any other House in the
city in order to close out our immense stock
Also Ladles' and MI.. Lista, trimmed and
untrimmed. For great bargains go to Flem
. Mg's, No. Wood street.
It I. se Expiated Idea
That consumption cannot be cured, for we
I have the evidence daily that persons In the
last stage are being cored and restored to
health and vigor by using the Rev. A. Wil.on's
Great Consumptive Remedy. Many persons
have been eared by it. Call and procure, or It
will be mailed to you, a pamphlet gtvingu full
history of this remarkable medicine.
Sole agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity, Joseph
Fleming, Druggist, No. S 4 Market Street, cor
ner of the Dasniond, near Fourth street.
The Seml-Amaznal Sale
Of Barker A Co., fat klarkit street, commences
on Monday next, Juno lith. This sale is
always regarded by their trends as one of
peculiar Interest, as It is always the occasion
of great bargains, as well as of the exhibition
of an unusually great variety of choice Dry
I Goods.
This .1e they Intend shall eclipse all t.hat
have preceded it, and we advise our reade?s
to improve the opportunity, and assure them
that It will be a rare one for buying choice
goods from a stock that has no rival in the
West for variety and cheapness.
La favor of universal boasting (a are.
tern often employed by others) of the eme
brity of this or that medicine, and we keep
our praise until we have positive knowledge
of the value or virtue of an arAcle. It gives
us pleasure, however, to recommend to our
readers Dr. C. W. ltoback•s Stomach Bitters,
I Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. The Bitters.
wo know from experience, give tone to the
Stomach, aid digestion and reinvigorate the
el MOM, restoring shattered and broken down
constitutions. There can be no better remedy
for purifying the blood than the Purifier and
Blood Pills.
Another VsSeeable Remedy
Some six years since, Messrs. J . R. Nichols
Co.„ manufacturing chemists, of Boston,
called attention to a new combination of Pe
; ruvimi Bark with the Protoxlde of Iron,whleh
j has proved a remedy of great service as a reel
torative and tcaile. Recently the same house
bays been led to prepare an alterative, or a
remedy designed to break up diseased action
; and improve the quality of the blood. This is
; a combination of &Jiro:mar - Ma, an extract of
; the root, and lodide of Lime, n new remedy
, of high repute among playalelane. The name
! of the Sarsaparilla aria lodide
of Lime. Thistmrill be a welcome 21.0C.U1i011 to
the Ihit of remedies of a high and reliable
character, which are placed within the reach
of the public. It to for sale by the druggists.
A HMV* Turtle.
Icatertiay we had the pleasure of looking at
one of the largpst turtles ever brought to this
city. It will be served up to-day at the Pricker
Dining Saloon, No. 71 Fifth street, next door
to the Postonlos Everybody fond of choice
turtle steaks, and soup that would tickle the
palate of a London Alderman, ehoeld call.
Thin saloon is the most popular and beet man.
aged house of the character in Pittsburgh,
and hen a large share of patronage. All the
seasonable delicacies of the season are served
up in the beat style so soon as they make their
appearance in this market. Fresh vegetables
are received every day from gardeners who
raise them especially for the Friekor Saloon.
A weitoonducted bar, where mild beverages,
such as ate, porter and mineral water,. are
disposed of, is attached to the Saloon. A num
ber of polite and attentive waiters are con
stantly on hand to properly wait upon the
guests. An extortionate scale of price. Is ,lot
established there, but everything is sold at
the most reasonable and cheapest of rates.
For a good meal, at any hour of the day or
night, give the Pricker Saloon a call.
Consonaptives Read
Cknisumption In a disease which has long
been considered as MAO or times, which donee
the akill of man to cure, and consequently the
poor eoneumptive patient is allowed to suffer
on for days and nights, withont even a hope
of cure or relief. This mistaken notion hm at
length been dispelled, and it is now certain
that consumption, when properly treated, is
as curable as any other disease. Thin Impor
tant announcement has been nroveu in very
many instances, by a gentleman in [bin city,
who has cured a great many e a s es or every
form of lung Abeam; even alter the lunge
have been ulcerated and partly destroyed.
The person to whom wo allude is Dr. George
D. KOYOBr, of 140 Wood street, where he nes
been located for the past eighteen years, and
within the past year lien had a private wilco
at 110 Penn street. Dr. Keyser in the proprie
tor of the Pectoral Syrup beating his name,
and advertised in 'moths:part of this Gazette.
There will be found oertifleates in his column
advertisement of well lkidO*ll and renpeetable
citizens who have been cured by this. Medi
cine alone. Indeed, if talleted ielth a
common cough or cold were to resort to thin
remedy at the outset of the disease, there
would be very few of those cases that would
end in pulmonary consumption. How often
have we heard in large Congregations of pee
pie, nearly one-half of them coughing them
selves Into, an. Ineurabts ..tilsea4e, when we
know that a seventy-Ave cent Anna() be Dr.
Remo. YeatarattlyritS wodabitl - srrested
th e 41 .1 W. anCtSittie-AST I WC" or
Central High Sichfxsl
MrAlias. Er - say.—As there seetus to lie is
.good deal of interest taken in educational
matters at present, allow one to flake a few In
quiries In regard to the Central High School.
Why Is It that after establishing the High
School and keeping It up so long a time at
such a great expense, 9pol/thing to SOMC
eight thousand dollars annually, it proves to
be such an utter tallurel Why Is It that an in
stitutton furnished with a good Calilnet Li
brary and apparatus, and a full eortat of per
manent Professors and Teachers—an Institu
tion which is upon to all free of expense, and
clahns all the Public sehools about the city us
to feeders—averages only about eighty pupils
a year, while there are private schools In the
city charging high vices for tuition, and rest- Gen. Sweeny and Col. Meehan
ing entirely on their own merits for their sup, ! Arraigned.
port, averaging frmu one hundred to four
hundred pIIDIIP annually I blunt there not be
Something radically wrong in its manage
ment? is It not because Its methodo of Instruc
tion are so ,Iry, lifeless and meelianieal , If the
II Igh School is to he perpetuated, would a not
be better LO offer such salaries its would se
cure the services of living, thorough and sue
cessful educators, who could at once con.
mend an attendance of three hundred or four
hundred puritill And, finally, would It not be
better to raise the salary of the Secretary of
the Central Board, anti then . forbid his acting
as agent for any series of text Ixatko, and thus
preci.le the necessity of his insulting all the
lady teachers about the city who do not amid.
ally endorse such series of books.
To Boyers of Dry Roods
At wholesale we are offering Inducements that
cannot be equalled either in the east or west.
Our stock is very Leary and unasually varied
in all descriptions of goods needed for the
Present season, and our prices lower than
those of any other house whatever, We cor
dially hiv Ile merchants to VS.:ULMc our stock,
whether tot the purpose of purehasing o not.
J. W, BAna•if
No. 59 Market street.
Clime Chandeliers.
T T. Ewing. t Co.. the popular plumbers
and gas and steam Litton, No 115 Wood street.
hare lust received a beautiful misortment of
chandelier. pendant., bracket, and oil lamp-
They keep constantly on hand a large ' , took
of water stands, bath tu b a, ilasti 11,4, , w blch
they are prepared to sell at tern low mt...
Plumbing and gas Cluing at tended 14, lii it care.
ful, prompt and artistic manner.
The (patent leather «Loo• and kid Low, for
seintuer wionr, offered tor sale at i e•i I cheap
Rohlnw.a'«, el Market «treat
Custotn made boots and about.,and shoes tit
Up top quality, are cilTertsl at N 1.1% low prices.
at ltobtamon•s, tit Market stiisd
For Boot. and Mhos..
to Robinson's, al Market street. A tarp..
stock Just receive,.
President Roberts Has an Insertion
plth the E. N. nistnel Attorney—lie
Refuses to Oise ails Parole--talloqui
on the Question of Hall.
New Tong, .lone a—President Itoberts had
an interview with Aetlug United stales Dise
trial. Attorney Allen thin afternoon and
ed to give ball In his own recognizance to the
amount of twenty thousand dollars. On being
questioned by the District Attorney be
Kneed to tO desist, however, from any fertile,
attempt to attain the object hr ha. been en
deavoring to accomplish. The District Attor
ney informed him that lie would not eidecz to
lila release on Ills own recognizance, if be
would give his parole not to attempt any fur
ther notations of the Sent nutty net. Mr.
Roberts replied that he would not promise
anything of the kind, but that, on the Other
hand, he would continue to do all in his power
to consummate hie object as DOOll to./4 the op
portunity presented
Shortly after this tonversation oz•Etreerdel
Smith, on the part of President Roberts, net nJ
that he be, admitted to ball In lan own recogni
zance for t sent y thousand 1 1. 1 11,,, at the
same time presenting the bond July mantel,
when the followingeenveraation ensued
lltstriet Attorney-1 object to the bond or
any nail, for, If released, he wlll,repeat the
violation of taw.
Commissioner—That euev•rtion s not pre
vent hit admission to hall.
~. . .
District Attorney-1 thltili it ought to pre.
vent his being admitted to ball.
Er-Recorder Smith—l su Dpos you to not
Object to the solliciency of the our.•ty
I,lstrict attorney—No; not to tls soMvls,r).
but I cannot Consent to any bond, a - hen he bits to reiterate the seta with which
Ito Is charged. I must still resist the applica
tion. I hose telegraphed to 111 ,, Itingkou, arc
unless ordered to the contrary, I shall Malik
tarn my position
The COrtimiSsioncr decided tot to take his
personal bond.
After conselltatlon Mr. Roberts still perils,
ed In refusing to allow any one to become Lip
security, and It Is more than probable he will
lodge In Eldridge street Jail to-ulgut.
Retrocession Act U Ito Ilona] -
Threatened Held by l..x.rebet Relaters
on a tionerrnli Fara. In Maryland -
Rod !State of silrit Generally.
Nre TOR. June S.-Washington specialn to
the morning papers say the Dintrlet Supreme
Court decided to-day that the art of Congress
retroceding Alexandria county to Virginia,
tram the district, was unconstitutdonal.
Re ports from Freedmen Commiss ioner sl,4l:, laud nay the ex-rear-I are s it
ling in the lower countlen t &Adhere 41 - ti-
h it State, and
threaten a raid on the government farm In
that locality. Measures have been adopted
to stop the movement. Reports from other
emotions south represent a very had state of
affairs, eapoclally enter attacks have been
made open the Freedmen's Buns.] at tt,
Cholera Cases_lei_l"er_york—Trot. ou
the Fashion Coarse.
New Toga, June S.-211dnighl.--21ra. held,
who washed the clothen of E. A Frasier, u now
death bus already been reported, seas Islet,
seised with cholera on Wednesday afternoon
and expired let midnight. Last night a t;.•;.
man servant girl in the .tme house was Id
tacked with premonitory symptoms of ti.e
scourge, but being promptly treated em con
sidered oat of danger this evening.
The trot at the I. Ilion Course this afternoon,
between Lady Thorn and i,eorge Wilkr.s,
mile heats, beat three le five, for 111,0 M, was
won the latter In three straight heat,
Time, 2:27, and 2:25.
Thu match against time, seven hundred and
fifty dollars against five hundred dollars,
that Blain bring Pilot could HUI trot n mile In
232, was done In 2:22 , 4
Reports ,From Washington—Preeldant
Opposed to all l'onetttottonsl Amend
ments—Dameirlog Developments Con
cerning Provost Marshal General Fry
—Jeff mauls to be Released on Hall.
sw Y URIC, J man in.—Specials from Wa.dil ng.
ton to the evening papern say the Nos-wool /n-
Indigent-sr Iles an editorial saying that Prato
dent Johnson Is opposed to ail constltntionul
amendments and to all conditions precedent
to the admission of loyal representatives front
the Southern Mates.
The loventlgatlon of the ProvoBL :darelca'
office to very dam:4;lllg to I,cc. Fry.
It to undenotOod that Jett Davi. will 1.” re
leased oil boll.
Train onlitemling nallroad Precipitin
ted Over an Embankment.
PIMA D61,111A., June s.—The mail tram. tram
Pottsville, due here at 7 o'clock yesterday
evening, ran oil the track at Valley Gorge,
caused by a switch being left open. The whdie
train went down an embankment twelve feel
high. The fireman of the train was Instantly
killed! Thos. Dornan, the mall conductor, was
frightfully mangled, and sled shortly after. A
young girl had both her Legs broken. No oho
else was Injured ezeopt by brulnes. Tlits In the
first fatal .cldent un the Reeding Italimad
for twelve years.
Report of the Relroortroation VOW
W sutiNoroa, June H.—The report of the lin.
00131KrUtlia0t1 Committee is Lengthy, and con
tain. a review of the grounds upon which the
original report was based. It answers man)
of the objections brought forward, and given
'.;reasons why the Southern Staten should not
complain at befog temporarily unrepresentau.
It proceeds to specify some of the safe-guards
neeessary to perfect restoration, viz; When
ever there shall be an equitable basis of repre
sentation, flied a stigma on treason, and pro
tection of loyal people against rebellion
claims, then they may be re-admitted to their
abandoned rights and privileges.
Ship Builders' Striate—The Employer.
Stand Sim,
New l tom, Jane ti.--The ship owner. and
th a meeting to-day, renolved to
stand firm against the strike or the caulker.
and shipwrights, and advertise for workmen.
Express Messenger'• Ride Robbed.
Kans.. CITY, Mo., June B.—Thu United
atatos Express Messenger's 1111,f(1, USA the 1.1.41-
ern bound train Of the Pacific "Railroad, was
robbed about three o'clock this morning, be-
Sweet. Lee's Summit and Pleasant Hill, of
cholera Report—Ample Preparation. at
Ncw Tons, June kith.—Reports from lower
quarto:an° to-day .120 w that. ample prepara
tion. are now made for the cholera down
Ilhopre . eggenseg Passage.
gait:Yeas, June IL—The steamer Santiago
Do .Cnbaeorthe 'Nicaragua tine , tirrived yes
terday. The vessel made the unprecedented
psassge. from Grovtown to this port in etz
days and nineteen hours.
901 ve rse LouUMW.
LeinevityhJuni 8. The river to rising
, siewly. witty Ave feet eleven inaluse war In
We °anal.. Wrenn! at noon 90 degrees. The
mislay dean
Recruiting in New York Stopped
Additional Arrestil at St. Louts
Univeisal Fenian Skedaddle
Attempt to seize Canadian Steamers
United Slates Government Furnish
ing transportation to Home
ward Bound Fenians.
file situation al the Front.
` I Ai Anti, June u.--tieneral weeny
and Colonel Aluchon were arrniglit,l before a
ell ll I ritornal alto forenoon The prom-0410ga
are pH% ate, no retwirterA hying initultieni
Nsw Yoan, tine a.--ill recruiting for Fent.
an. In int. It AaApen,le,l
Tip Top
Yt eAldent Robert, nl tho }et..
4,ttlet, /1:111 St. thriller Ar
re,ts hu,.• 1m4.111114,11.
r mnlne.l
F',ll taw, s ere err , -tin, evening end to
otelo.ling Nl •1 •1,1i1. state 1. entre,
e3labony 11 P ii, 111:,11, Treasurer,
s ntg. I , r. I'-. ' , Reilly, Coroner of St.
lows, W. t . Doyle, M. •••• ~• Conomr,
Oen. Curley, 40 - 111elly Adjutant lieneral, Dr.
John I' Inn, sertmel Erskine. All of whom acre
admit fed to ball. Inns ,hi,,.itg A n, cra
ter of the Roberts nong, J II Ige dully. Masses.
limb. and O'Connor, who refused to glee
hall yesterday, entered Into bonds to-slay.
Thin examination of Mrs. Iltufnn Wee contln
tied before Itte Cotten Stole" Menet Cent t
Cos. one, H S -11 Is officially an
nounced her, front the War Inspartment that
onr State militia is likely tone ertunnioned into
service for the protoetion and vindication of
the neutrality laws in connection with the
operations of the Fentuns.
ruirrtse June —lts. is stated that the
Vermont t entral Heflin:id have applied to the
orun I Trunk Karts ay for transportation for
Fe:thins. "slug lo the unleereal sktulluidle
tilt:: morning they nerd up all their mire.
Na,, l rout, St ~ June s—A epeelal to the
inhl.n. from Masa, W., today, says:
There are .1.3,001 l reea, including the regulars,
tinder arms, and the government In still arm
ing The action of am I titled ,Lutt-ft
gir Ce, great satisfaction.
Kt•t aux, Jane KL14.—.1 copy of the folio . ..Mit;
order bac this afternoon been furnfithod the
totegraph company to this oily, relatbrif to
118 A L 118711.1. T or
r LO June fills, Isle.
, :.mere( itryterit Se it —ln compitaneo with
instructions flow Kn./or General Meade, In
eirt LW of the power vented in hit° by the Preen
tlen t of the Putted States, the ti annportat
t(ver railroads, by water or other modes di
conveyance of any Persons or Material of a ar
designed tit nupposed to be denigned to V1(11141,V
the neutrality lawn, U. forbidden, The tot us over the telegraph wins. ol 1/ensures
evpher otherwise from Fenian, on inn,
tors relating to Fenian nweementn, L altio for
:widen. Ali perso ns sro warner that any O. A.
(toll or dtsregard of thin proposition, s ill be
treated as aiding and Nibottltw. the V1111111.01 . .i of
the Ina Commending. officer,. of the United
stales troops within the iluntr of thi• military
oared will cause this order to be wade ).not,.
Ile anal it I, made their duly to two that it, i•
proinoth and v lgt,rouni I Unforced,
As many at eight hundred and fifty Venial as
arrived in town to-siny, but though they dal
not apparently Intend to atop here, the above
tinter of General Barry well prevent theft
going eastward, no they purposed. There is
some wtdapering ot trouble again In taint
Borg sortie, (i. Y June ,—A supposed at
tempt to Raise the Canadian steamers Corinth
ian and Boa:nester at ...hat lotte, last evening,
was frustrated. Genera/ Burry, on being tele
graphed to for orders, replied that he had no
available troops to send here, and that the nu
thorities would have to depend on what old
eouhl be obtained from the tuil)tia and people.
General Dairy's force has been tent to Ogdens
Yaw Yeas, June s.—There Is no troth in the
report that President Roberts has been
ed on ban ou n recogniratire Ile lo still In the
ctiatody ol an United slates Deputy „ilartdial.
lee Preettlent till/lions 0114 t 01. Kerrigan
t g t 111 tic arrested at onto it any nuts could lit
retied to make &Sklar it against them. tie Red
stale. Marshal Murray, hating good rsasan to
10111evethal 0 plan 1111 , 1 bet. ts/tlvocik,,i 1.41 torte
the blinding in which he hint 1118 Orrice, rt.-
tnaltitnl there all last nigh,.
ST. ,ousts, Vt.. .1 woen— Pal SIVOOtIY
6114 Colonel Mechlin Were art II igneil to-day Lo
fore Culled States Corionistenner linyt, and
waiving esaminullon were held to hall, Sato
ny in twenty thousand dollars ant Meehan in
live thousand della,. The, r,inalt. In ettS-
Logy until hail IN given.
No tale elect of interigit has been received
iroin the front up to noon I o-t.ty.
linturos. June Al atns speelitl to the
Journal says: There were no arrivals'of k'oril•
nut this morning, but numerous departures of
the Brotherhood for their homes. Colonel
Hugh Ilonnellrel conarany of slit) -nye Imre
left for Springfield, and between eeventytil vo
and one hundred, who have straggled in Iron
the front and been loitering around town,
have left on the Lenin he Boston. They were
provided with transportation by the United
Staten Government, and were very grateful
for It They say that on noon as It becomes
known at the front that the GOVOIIIIIteIIt
furnishing them with transportation
M, that the Yenian army will be among Übe
things that were. A movonieut made on the
pnrt of the liritleh Government will probably
neaten the dispersion of the Pohlan Invader.
last evening there were eighty-three ear
loads of British regular., numbering seine
two thousand fl ve hundred, lauded at Far/mint
about fourteen nines from St. Johns oh the
Waterloo road, and nt point nearly opposite
the Invaders.
Matutts, Y. Y., June 8. —The ultuation rte
tu [tins about the same - hurt, at the tidal of war,
on It wan at the last report. In addttloin to Ow
arrest at General Murphy Mid General Metre,
MOW. an announeen yesterday, Vol. Reny, Cal,.
Glans, Capt. Easton tuml all tho prinolit
corm of tar army of the Irish Itepublle to tit in
localityairtnoly arrested and at. 110 V
hero unde were r
The Her o synelal front collingwissi awl
Kingston, C. W. roportstalarms at both plants.
Thorn is great exeltement among the inhale.
tants. lin enemy Is vlslitle.
A special tothi. New York Vriburte front Its.
sex Junction, I, °rotted, Juuu S, sap! th a t O r .
leg tom been distinctly hoard on this side of
the line, ifriparently In the direetion of Pigeon
Thomais Csopenter's hotel at Pigeon
Rill Just across the line, was torn down et. the
lonians yesterday, in revenge, I t is supp.oeld
for j , owing and defiant tspissdies by Mr. Cur
punter. The Sentar, are leaving in seuatis
for home transportation being furnished 4y
Maj. Gibson in accordance with orders here
Gen Sweeliey's..intil was Bled-this morni'tg
at thirty thousand dollars.
Nino tout of Fenian ammunition weir
scif.ed In Burlington this morning en rou e
to St. Albans.
Continued excitement prevailed in Fenian
circles all day. Roberts refused hall though
g.. 4,1,000 wan offered again and again by Ws
friends, and was at last consigned to Leinen
street jail. Crowds of Irish ere about thelatl,
deoounelng President Jounson and Secretary
Seward, but no attempts were made to rescue
Roberts. Thu hotel proprietors refused to re
ceive Roberta In their houses, while under ar.
rest, for fear of hostile demenstvatiods.
The President of the Fenian Brotherhood
has issued the following appeal:
"Brothers: Remember that we have under
taken a great and holy work, and we must not
falper tabileceetitiMenhig with use, he
manity Instiftes us, and Irish freedom cans us
wit Stand by your brothers in the front! Now,
in the hoar of their more need, press forward
with your means—it is the great want. Let
all your proceed:lnge thew how you respect
the lima and let political jugglers take:the
responsibility of prostrating the prisie Of a
great nation at thereat of despotism. If some
Of yOur leaders are relieved there are others
to take their places, and the government can
cease only through your own wild of deternd.
Col. Perrisan is still actively engaged si
Tanumanylind in raining bis brigade. - He bas
threetbonsand men and only waits for money ,
for transportation.
- -
Synopsis of the Governor's Speech.
W. June sta.—Parliament opened
to-day. The following is asynopeln sail a t.ov
urnbr'a speech.—Alter alluding to the it° w cap
ital buildings m an appropriate manner, he
speaks of the termination of the reelproclld
treaty and says papata will be laid before the
/douse that It is Imperative to fled markets for
the products of the country, that a deputation
representing British North Amerlea, vent du
ring the past winter to the West lathes, Bra
zil, &a., to ascertain the best means of extend
ing commercial relation , and report to be
matte In due time
Minding to the Fenian movement i.e nays
The threats and preparations for an attack on
Canada constantly, openly made by a body of
organised troops in the United Stater of Amer-
Ica, known Its Yeoman compelled Me since
trait parliament, by advice of my Minwter, to
fall Out for active service a large portion of
the militia force of the provinces. The spirit
displayed by the people in responding to the
proclamation, hes received the umrlted ap
proval of her Majesty's Government. The
events which have occurred in the last few
days, afford continued proof of the
necessity for the precautionary measures
adopted. The province has brae.
!needed by a lawless band of marauders, but
I congratulate the country that they were
promptly confronted and within twenty-four
hours Compelled to make a precipitate re
treat. deplore the 1055 , .( II fe and sufferings
entailed ultra, the gallant tasty of Canada
volunteers In the engagement which took
place, repelling so promptly the invaders who
attacked the country, and I foul assured you
wall not omit to alleviate, an far as may be in
your power, the miseries an wantonly inflict
ed on multi families; but while 1 grieve the
Individual loss, I congratulate the country
that the danger has shown Canada to possess
in the volumeel s a body of men resole - to peril
their lives in defence of the queen and their
country. Tile entire people have been Mu.
roughly amused by the recent occurrences,
and It moat now be apparent to all that the
whole resources of the country, lath men and
will at an yMoment be eheerfully given
for repelling any Incash ~. of their homes. In
the measurcei of defence which I have been
called upon to take, I hove revel veil unremit
ting support by the Lieutenant Isi.eerni mule
unending and Admiral Hope. It w also a
source of unfeigned pleasure to ark wow - ledge
the gallant di-roll." displayed izy the fille t ,.
fend men In her majesty's military ant naval
forces In Canada i ant happy to Ise enabled
to state that the President of the I' nited
States has 'bled ft proclatnallon declaring
that a sellatis infraction of the law, of that
country have been, and are being, committed
by evil disposed persons within the territory
altojurisdiction of the United States against
the British possessions of North A znertea, and
requiring all oflicers of Ills government to
exert every effort for their suppression. I trust ,
the course thus adopted will, ere long, present
this country - from being subjected to attacks
from citizens of a nation on terms of amity
with ("real Britten. The maintalftenee of the
force on active rag), which the government
arts comm.:Berl toratil not, has involved the ex
penditure of a /ergs: amount not
provided for in the last erasion. Ae-
Counts of this eXperalitera will be owl before
the Mouse, and I feel coundratt you will Bo
mefitately pass a bill indemnifying the Gov
ernment for the unavoidable depart ore front
the provisions of the Audit Act. The recent
occurrenera Allow the necisssity of oxtplaillig
to Lower t'anade the act to protect the in ii.firl
tants of Unit section of the province
lawless aggressions from the fudge-is of a
foreign country at peace with liar Slaysi y I ,
has also lawn necessary, for the preservation
of law and order, to adopt a course situtial
that taken at the present session of the i :epee
dal Parliament, for the temporary seams—foe
of the Andras eon"... I invite your Itntottlate
attention to then ecessary mea,nre.
I congratulate you upon the sat lsfaetory re-
state or the commerce of the mon try fluting
the past year. The revenue hew been
in excess of the oratmates its to enable Me
learanment, w about inenven tenet., to pro
vide for the heavy unexpected charge. entailed
on the country The poration win wiz the greet
Bie...tient of the union of the Prattlers of
ritish North - America 11/1.0 assumed, Is new
such as to Indliee the expertatloo that the
measure will be shortly carried {MO 51Tect. 1
therefore hope and believe It alit lot practlea-
Ids during the present wesslort to adopt seek
proceedings am may be neveantiry for complete.
mg the tieta.lls of the 15Alettle. As regards
Canada, 1 vont tire to exress the confidantconfidantOc
pouta W p
as that the new Parliainent held wal
ls these walls vi all not is- moaned to the As.
Reconstruction in the Senate
The Vote Thlrt3-t hree lo Elea en
Trio oat.•. 00 atiaeintillng. ptailkaincat all
.the, other loikl an•l took tip ibe
t.rticllon reaoltitiou at ten in inutea posit twelve
' , clock, the object being to noble to a Vote
upon it to-del• •
M r ohnsoo, of td ry land, procec.le.l o a.l
dress the Senate against the proposition
Mr A rthouy introduced a hill to emend the
set for the bettet organization of the pay do.
part tnent of the navy, widen was referred.
A memorial asking for Congressional HMI In
repairing the levees along the Mississippi,
was referred to a wired Committee of Five.
Mr ressenden reported a bill to supply the
deficiently in the coat ingen fll ad of the House,
which was passed.
The Reconstruction resolutions were taken
up. the pending q utuitions being upon the fol
lowing substitute for the second section olfur•
Isi by Mr. Williams: Representatives shall be
apportioned among the several states accord
ing to their respective numbers, counting the
whole number of persons. excluding tattoo.,
not taxed but wherever the right to vote at
any election held under the Count t utton and
lawn of the United States, or of any State, IN
denied to may of the male Inhabit...Mc of otica
Slates, being twenty-one years of age, and
citizens of the Unite,! States, Or In any way
at.ridged, exeopt for participating in the rebel-
lion, or other crime, the oasis of representa
tion therein shall be reduced in the propor
tion which the number of such male citlreas
shall hear to the whole number of male rill
rims twenty-one years of age In ouch State.
r. Johnson opposed the amendment on the
ground that it rvilueed the number of elec
tors. The purpose OILS ill give the franchise
to black meu. The Senators from Massachu
setts (Sumner) and others with hint, run tend
rd that Congress had the right to regulate the
I ranch ISO, which he denied. It belongedio the
States. It would reduce the number of repre
aentatlves one, or perhaps two. In South
Winn ft would be lunch swots°. The Nort h--
eastern States would lose nothing by It, but It
would dlsfrouratioe the best men of the Stint h.
Mr. McDougal also spoke agatt.t the bill.
fie believed there was as much regret in the
South as In the North for the error of
the War. There was no such thing Sc revon
strut-Lion. There mugs t not be rehabltatten.
Ile was in favor of Immediate anion, without
ly conditions,
' Mr. Henderson stalest at some *hetii the
remains which should influence hug to east his
vo e for the .lohit resolution.
Mr. Gatos said his view wits that iiulTrage Sc
orned to the negro by the abolition of slavery.
Universal.suliiruice was the only roewd y for
the South. The resolution was not quite
strop enough, but he approved It.
Mr. li - essentlen read the written report sent
Mfr. Johnson, on behalf of the minority of
the Committee, gave notmo that ho would
avail himself at as early a (lay us possible, of
an Opportunity to present a minority report.
The question nets then taken on the amend
ment of Mr. Williams.
Mr. Milian. modilled his amendment by
striking out the words °hold told& the Constl
tution and laws of the fruited States, or of any
State," and Inserting In hen thereof, "and (or
electors of Prealder..”
Mr. Lloward moved an amendment of the
original amendment of Mr. Williams by in
serting after the mores "or any State" and be
fore the words "Is denied" the wools "for
members of the lognilature." Disagreed to.
Mr Howard moved to strike out In the sec
tion, the words "or in any way abridged." Dis
agreed to.
Sir. Clark presented the following as a „0r,..
stitute for the fifth awl ninth sections: The
validity of the nubile debt Of the United States
authorized by law, Including debts Incurred
for the payment of pensions and bounties for
services in suppressing the insurrectiou or
rebellion, shall not ho Questioned; but neither
the Crated Staten nor any State shall assume
or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of
the Insurrection against the United States, or
any claim for the lose or emancipution of any
slave, but all such debts, obligations and
claims titian be held illegal awl void.
Agreed to.
Mr. Pessendon moved to insert In the Unit
Emotion, after the word "born." the words "or
naturalized," which was agreed to.
Mr. Doolittle then submitted au amendment,
the effect of which was that the several sec
tions of the Conetitutional amendment might
Ito voted upon by State Legislatures as sepa
rate propositions Instead of as it would be.
Mr. Johnson demanded the yeas und.nay,
and the amendment was disagreed to—yeas
11, Mly. SY Those who voted in the affirmative
were Messrs. Cowan, Davis, Doolittle. Guth.
de, Heruirtoks, Johnson, McDougal, Norton,
Riddle, Saulsbury and Van Wyck-11.
Mr. Davie moved to amend by ineltitting in
the debts guaranteed by the fourth section
the bounties to loyal owners of eleven, as pre
vlded by act of Congress. Disagreed to.
Mr. McDougal moved to postpone further
consideration - of the sabject until Tuesday
neaL Disagreed to.
Johneon moed to
ake strikeout in the first
Seetion the words "mor enforce any
law which shall abridge theprlvilege or Im
munities of the United States,e.whidh wee Wa
ng-reed to. The Joint reeoltdlon wee then put
upoitita passage.
Yeas—kiessrs. Anthony, Chandler, Clark,
Commas, Cragtn, Creewel Edmunds, lessen
den,.ffoster,GritUasi, Harris, Henderson, How
ard, Howe, Kirk weed, Lane, of Indiana,• Lane,
of hennas; Morgan, Morelli, Nye, Poland, Pom
eroy Ramsey, Shednan, Sprague, Stewart,
Sumner Trumbull, Willy, Williams Wilson,
and Yaies.-83.
huyr--Meares Cowan, .Davie, Doolittle,
Guthrie, Hendricks, JohnsOn, hioDougall, Nor
ton, GLIM_ ,e Saulsbury and Van Winkle. Absent, Messrs. Brown, Dixon, Nesmith and
TbeChaintiau s Pomeroy, ennoorMe4 thee Stm
Joint resolution having reee ived more than
two-thirds vote. had Iqt...e.t.a the Senate. On
motion of Mr. Harris, it WWI voted that when
the Senate adjourned it be to meet on Monday
As amended in the Senate and sent hack to
the /louse for concurrence in the amend•
ments '
the Joint resolution was as follows,
e,loint resolution proposing an amendment to
the Constitution of the United S tates.
"lierolreer, By the Senate and House of Rep
reqen tat Ives of the United States of America,
in Congress assembled, both Houses concur
ring, that that the following article be propos
ed to the Legislaity'', of the Southern States
t an amendment to the Constitution of the
1 , 0110.1 states, which, when ratified by three
fourth- of the said Legislatures, shah be rot
, isi as part of the Crinstltntlen named.
sz , . persons horn. or natm - allzed In
the United states and subject to the jurintlic
lion thereof, .re citizens of the United States
and 1,1 the slit!. wherein they reside. No
citizenssSlataa ela'itrj:l,l,lll;:fi!:tLekt,..l: gel aw torte any
immunities W c h o ) h f.
; State dclirive any Person 01 life, liberty or
, property, without due process of law, not de
,ny to any person bin Its jurisdiction the
! curial protection 0, the laws. •
Sec s •2. Representatives shall be apportioned
among the several State. arenriting . to their
respective numbers, minntin u tile whole num- I
ber of persons in each state. exelmilng Indi
ans not taxed, but whenever the , right, to vote
atny d e stine for electors of President and
Vice a President, or for United States}top,. ,
sentatives in Congress. exerot Ivo and Judicial I
officers, or the members thereof,i,, ,i e „t„t
any of the male inhabitants Of such State I
betng twenty-one years of age, and citizens of
the United States or in any way abridged,
oot for participation in rebellion nr other
crime the basis of representation therein
shall he reduced In the proportion which the
number of such male citizens shall bear to
the whole number of male citizens
years of age in such State
:Ice. 3. No person shall be a Senator or hap
resentative In Congress, or Elector of Presi
dent or Vice President, or hold any Office,
civil or Military, under the United SLAWS, or
under any State, who, having previously tahen
an oath as a member of Congress, or as an sin
ce, of the United States, or as a member of
any state legislature, or a, an executive or Ju
dicial officer of any State, to support the Con
stit talon of the United States, who shall have
engaged in insurrection or rebellion against
the min.!, or given aid or comfort to the ene
mies thereof, but Congress may by a vote• of
two-thirds of each house, remove such disa
Sr e. 4. Tiw valialty 01 the public debt of the
I nited states au short ac .I by law, including
debts Ineurred for payment of pensions and
bounties for servives In suppressing luaurrec
[lon or rebellion shall not be questioned, but
neither the rioted States nor any State shall
assume or pity tiny debt or obligation, incurred
In alit of insurreetion or rebellion against the
States, or any claim for loss or eman
cipation of any slave, but all such debts, obli
gations and claims shall be held Illegal and
The Senate. nt r. N., adjourned to meet
on Alain to next
Mr. Hale moved that the Military Committee
In pure Into the expediency of providing by
la, for the erection of a monument to Lieu
tenant General Seott, at West Point. Airreerl
Mr. Davis moved that the Library Commit
tee inquire into trio expediency of purchasing
the equestrian portrait of Lieutenant General
Scott Dow In the Capitol. Agreed to.
Mr. Hubbard moved that the Ranking Com
mittee inquire into the expediency of pros - id-
Mg by law for the redemption of worn and de
laced National bank notes, so as to obviate
the necessity of sending them to each particu
lar bank issuing them. Agreed to.
The resolution to adjourn Congreax on the
24tH of June war taken up, the question being
upon the reconsideration of the rote adopting
IL The vote was reconsidered by 5e2 to 12, and
the resolution WI. , referred to the Committee
on Ways and Means- •
Walker nitrolue.l u Alll esrulatlng
.Itvorrox to the Ul±trle•t or Columbia, yk Mob
true referred
The Senate hill (or the relief of Ilra. Anne
Uttaten was peseta].
The Senate bill granttug the right of way to
the Iturnholdt ttanal Company through the
public land In Nevada, wee pastas - I.
The Senate amendments to the bill to amend
the postal laws were nareed to and the hill
Cussed by both Houses.
- - .
Mr. Blaine reported a Joint resolution pro
riding that enlisted soldiers detailed for duty
ar clerks shall not be deprived of the right to
bounty, which wan
On motion of Mr. Cullum the Committee. on
Pensions was dtrueted to Inquire into the ex
pedienceof amending the Pension act so .4 to
e Issuance of pensions to date from
the discharge of the soldier or sailor, whe - e
the appliewtion has been 11211(11; within two
years of the diseharga
The bill to eptabliati an kilueational Depert•
ment In Kaothington wag taken up,
The report of We Itecore+f ruction Com
mittee%an preeentegl and ordered to be
Thy tonference Committee on the fortiflea
till!, hill recommended an agreement to the
appropriation of fifty thousand (toll/Ire. for Fort
Popham, on the Kennebec river, Maim. The
amendment was concurred in .
Among the private hills introduced was ono
for the relief of Airs byphra, daseendatit of u
slave of Waahington, whose land bad been
-ntiliseated with the Custis estate.
- . . . .
Mr. Thayer reported hark the Senate bill to
grant lands In CallfOrnla to Joseph E
Moneta, also the hulls for relief of Josephine
Elfralmth Woodward, Captain James Starkey
mil:M.lnel Henry ( U. Allan.
On motion of Mr. Morrill, it N . HS ordered
that the pramtelings to-morrow be confined to
debate, as If In Committee of the Whole, on
the President's Annunt Message.
The reconsidermion of the vote rejecting
the 1,111 to catablialt a Deportment of Educe.-
[lon run moved
Railing or American Micilaters—The Or
• . •
egon Election Union Men Cl 1m a
!Majority —Eartbeinake Shockft.
SoS PRnnCI,I • e, J ane toson Bur
lingame Minister to China, and General It B.
Von Valkon berg, Minister to Japan, yelled
yesterday In the hark Swallow for Shanghai
and Kanugnwet.
A Portland dispatch Hiatt. that the returns
of the Oregon election have not been received
from many prenincts, but the l'llloll men claim
u majority of 101 to MOO
wo severe shocks of earthquake were felt
this morning, extending from Sonora to Mon
teroy. The shock seemed the heaviest at the
latter place. No damage is reported.
Soldiers' sod Sailors' Convention.
Me., June B.—A Soldiers' and Sail
ors' County Convention war , held here to-day,
at which a County Union, auxiliary to toe
4141.1. e tin lon, was Connect. A resolution recom
mending Hon. J. II Kto to the Union Con
gressional Convention for this District woe
in:opted by :fa to H.
Cormaltattoo with Jett Davin.
FOIITRENS Wixom; Jut.. S.—William H.
Reed. counsel for Jet!. Davis, arrived yester
day from Richmond, and by permission of the
Goveruinent was m clew° oonnultation with
his, last night and to-day.
(Addltionnl on Third Pogo.)
The lanzette.—Persons leatrlng ine city
during the glimmer, can have the Gazarra
mailed to them by leaving their address at
Our counting room.
Absconding Thief Captured.
William H. Barker, colored, a waiter at the
Union Depot Hotel, was arrested in Reading,
Pennsylvania, and brought to this city on
Thursday night, on a charge of larceny pre
ferred against him by Thomas Uraham, who
alleges that Barker stole a coat, valued at
forty oollars, from a traveler at the Union
Depot Hotel. Barker, Immediately after
taking the coat, left for the East, but was
pars ued and captured as stated. He Is charg
ed with the larceny of eighty-tire dollars
frgui Scott Hughbanks, a waiter at the Union
Depot Hotel. He was committed in default
of bail, for a further hearing on Tuesday
Vemire De Novo
In the ease of Isaac Bell, colored, convicted
at the March Quarter Session Of burglary,
Judge Mellon Yesterday awarded a new
trial, toe motion for which was argued - with
much force over a month ago, by ox -District
Attornew Kirkpatrick, for the prisoner, and
District Attorney Dolt in opposition. The
reason upon which the new trial was asked.
was that the house claimed to have been two.
ken mass, was improperly described in the
indictment as the dwelling house of Iratu - y
Vlerheller, when the proof showed it to have
been the storeroom of W. T. Wiley.
Gas-Pipe Factory darned.—About seven
o'clock Friday morning, the Union Ciao-ripe
Factory, connected with the Union Iron Mills,
situate near Two Mlle Run, at Lawrenceville,
took lire and was entirely consumed, involv
ing a loss of *IS OM, on which there Is an in
surance of Sll,OOO la the Home of New York,
and Flinnax of Hartford.
Tenement House Row.—Mrs. Hughes,
Mrs. Donally and Mrs. Dillon were complained
of by Ruth Brown, eighty-live years of ago, for
offering her personal violence. The parties
Jointly occupy a tenement house in the Third
ward. After a hearing, Alderman Strain dis
missed the case at the costa of the defendants.
NUIMUBCO.—Streot C7ommlasloner Finn yes
terday mane an information against. Dennis
Laughlin for planing filth and offal on Penn
sylvania avenue, contrary to a city orulnance.
Dennis was arrested, but released on the pay
ment of costs and promising not to repeat the
False Pretense.—blery Samisoa .DPvired
before alderman Strain, yesterday, and
charged rater Wray withhaving obtained
from her eighteen dollars and seventy-live
under fele., protenhes. The encased was
arrested mutt discharged upon paying over the
Charged with Lerceny.—Robert Ander
son yerterday made an information before
Alderman NoLille, charging Philip Craft with
the larceny of an overcoat from the house of
the former, on Beaver street, Allegheny. A
warrant was leaned for his arrest.
Left.--Cerouer Clawson left last night on
the Steubenville Railroad, at eleven. (Pokier,.
with a jury, to hold an Inquest on the bc4y. Of
(hoer smith, the brakeman who vu ' =led
on Thursday evening, about sight kill" from
ibis clay.
' Hackmen at the Railroad Repot.
A case came op In the Quarter Cessions,
yesterday, during the trial of which the right
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to ca
elude the hackman from tile Union Depot, in
pursuit of their business, was thstkssed.
Phillip I triter, n hackman, appeared RA
proseetdor of lloyd Ittstit, police oftioer at
the Depot, for assault and battery, 'dirge,' 1..
have been committed a short while since
()Oise. It appears, entered the depot and
sewed checks for the baggage of a passenger
with a view to convey it to the Uonnellsvllle
Railroad depot. Officer Rook, seeing 'Jr se
intruding upon what lie mnierstood to he for
bidden ground, under the pollee regulations
of the depot, ejected him, and drew a !windy.
billy In oppasing the resistance offered by
Ochee. The defense, Wm. C. Moreland Esq.,
counsel, rvititended that the defendant was
acting In the discharge of ills proper duty,
in enforcing the regulations of the depot,
with which the prosecutor was rinlillnr, hav
ing been called to his attention by being fre
quently ejected front the premises. In this
particular case the baggage cairn by the Fort
Wayne road, but the hurt was established that
all the roads entering the Union Depot were
governed by the regulations of the Penns) I
EldirOnd. li. C. Matikrell, Esq.. counsel
for the prosecution, argued the right of hack
men, or any other men, to enter the dep.
and denntrol baggage upon presenting checks
therefor, and that the defendant was guilty
us indicted for Interfering with the prosetto
tor 11,1 he did
The ease rumpled a considerable portiOn 01
the forenoon and afternoon session of, the
Court, and was conducted with much spirit.
Mr. Moreland, In his brief addresa to the jury,
replied in forchde terns to Insoluallons
against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
'loin:Led' Into the jury boo, by which bin
(Mr. M.'s) feelingswere sone,. lint disturbed,
and ably rebutted the assertion That by the
regulation• at the Union depot the rights or
liberties of passengers or of citizens acre
unjustly abridged. On the contrary, they
were for the protection of passengers Inns
rude assaults of back - mon, anti the common,-
tY generally from thieves and assassins. r
Moreland desired that the defendant should
be cried by the strict rules of law, and that
any odluM which might attach to the railroad
company should not be made to operate
against him.
Mr. Macicrell °pitched Into" the railroad
company in •Imeat-e.z" style, and spoke of
some or the witnesses i employees of the rail
road company) tor the defense In derisive
terms, much Ps, severe, we thought, to have
the desired effect upon a jury. of sensible
Judge sterrett charged tbe Jury that rail
road Companiett were expect., and required
to make reasonable rules and reg,,i %ttli111:4, and
enforce the same, for the comfort and
don of passengers, and it salse. T.(
hat such rules and regulations should be in
the shape of by-laws, and the reasonableness
of them was to be Judged of from the nature
of the depot for e !Itch they were made. The
Pennsylvania icallroad company therefore had
a right to lecke such regulations relative to
baggage as might be deemed convenient for
the transaction of their business, and if the
orosecutor transgressed such regulations the
defendant was Installed In what he did, using
I. more force than was necessary. When his
Honor had concluded, 51r.kfankrell, after stat
ing the fact that in this case a passenger had
given the prosecutor checks for baggage and
requested him to go and get the same, asked
the Court to Instruct the Jury that tho passen
ger, in having the checks, had himself a right
to go and get the baggage, and that by giving
the checks so the prosecutor, clothed him with
the same righL Judge Sterrett replied that
the principal had no right to violate the rules
of the company, and therefore could not del
egate the right to another. Furthermore, by
the rules of the company, hacknien, such as
the prosecutor, were forbidden from entering
the depot.
The Jury had not returned a verdict at the
adjournment of Court
The case excited considerable interest, Inas
much as it was regarded as a test one con
cerning the right of hackman at the Pennsyl
vania railroad depot.
Dastardly Outrage in Monongahela Bor
ough—Arrest of the Perpetrator.
Thomas Roasiter, constable of Monongahela
borough, last evening lodged in the county
jail. on the authority of a commitment from
Justice W. It. Stouffer, of the same borough,
young man named George Dyer, charged with
core matting an assault mid battery with intent
to outrage Martha Howells, a little girl of about
twelve years of age. It Is alleged that Dyer,
who was employed as helper at the Clinton
iron Works, on Tuesday evening last, enticed
the little girt Howells, anti [don another
named Margaret West, tit atsmt the satne
age, to a seclutitsl spot, and at tern ottess
to outrage both of there. No steps were taken
in the matter until yesterday, when Thomas
West, a brother of one of the girls, sent for
the accused. and getting him In a room, first
locked the door, and then proceeded to admin
ister a severe castigation, a brother of the girl
Howells assisting. Dyer's face was considera
bly damaged and some of his teeth knocked
out.. tiubsequent to this Dyer was arrested, on
the information of John Howells, and com
mitted as stated. At the hearing the accused,
It is acid, betrayed ills guilt in interrogating
the little girls, who appeared against him.
In the Criminal Court, yesterday forenoon,
Robert Pollock, Esq.. a mererber of the bar,
moved for a eoutinuance of a Sunday liquor
case, as counsel for the defence, presenting an
affidavit setting forth 'the reasons therefor.
District Attorney Duff resisted the motion,
and the Court (Judge Sterrett) dmided the
affidavit Insufficient, not covering the legal
grounds. Mr. Pollock, annoyed doubtless at
his ill-success, Bald, among other things, that
be could not see any necessity for shoving on
the case so hurriedly, as the Commonwealth's
officer had a sufficiency of others folly ready
for trial, but It appeared the Court toward
melonand gu ns determined to hare on, be fore
top his elirnt to trial, unprrpored—or words to
that effect Judge Sterrett thought this lan
guage contempt flout and required speedy
apology from kir. Pollock, a refusal to be fol
lowed by committal or the issue of a "show
cause" against him. The apology was duly
made, the subdued attorney court-ly repri
manded, and thus ended an Interesting opt.
sods In the morning's proceedings of the
Quarter Sessions.
Flee In Allegheny City-100 Hales of
Cotten Destroyed—Wore ltseendlar
Thta morning, at about two o'clock, a fire
broke out in the cotton sheds adjoining the
Anchor Cotton Factory, between Isabella
street and the bank of the river, Fourth ward,
Allegheny City. The sheds were completely- de
stroyed, together with the contents, about one
hundred bales of cotton, and also a building
occupied as the business office of the cotton
mills. A frame building contiguous, occupied
oy Mr. Watson, marble-outter, narrowly es
caped destruction. Owing to the lateness of
the hour, we were unable to ascertain the loss.
. .....
The tire was undoubtedly the work of an in
cendlary. The names first burst out near LlM
bells street, and spread with groat nspitllty.
The firemen were at hand as promptly as pos
sible, and by their exertions a more disastrous
tire was prevented.
Dr. George L. McCook, Physician to the
ll,.ard of Health, reports tho following Inter
ments from May 27th to Juno 34.1366 :
4 (.,olore I
Of the above there were under 1 year, 3; from
from 2 to 5,1; 15 to 33, 1; 20 to 30, 3; Jo to 40, I;
4,0 to 30,2; 50 to 60, 2.
The diseases In the above casesmerm Apo-
Mary of Lungs, 1; Chronic Bronchitis, I; Con
sumption, I; Cancer of Stomach, 1; L.:hr.:de
Nervous Airection, I; Thyphotd /ever, 1; Ty
phoid Pneumonia; 1; Spasms, 1; St/11 Born, 1;
Accident, 1; Diptheretic Croup, I; Premature
Birth, I.
Pleaded Guilty
In the Criminal Court, yesterday, the follow
ing named persons pleaded guilty to Indict-
Andrew Patterson, indicted for cutting and
stabbing E. B. H. Gross, with intent to kill
and murder, put in a plea of guilty of assault
and battery. The plea wee accepted, and sen
tence deferred.
- - - •
James al•Cutcheon, of Sharpuburg, selling
liquor without license. Sentenced to pay
fine of ton dollars.
Gotielli Markny, of the First ward, selling
liquor without license. Sentence deferred.
Aruhold, for selling liquor withont
license. Fined fifty dollars and eons.
Whipped b 7 Ills Wife.
Ebon Leander yesterday appeared before
Alderman Johns and made an Information
against tits wife, Ellen, for assault and bat
tery. It appears from the statement of the
prosecutor that hls better half la conate.ntly
In the habit of hitting him over the head with
the broomeitialc, the result of which was, that
Eben bad several bump, en hie cranium,
which were well calculated to peace a some
feesor of Phrenolopy as to their origin
and nature. A warrant was issued tor the ar
rest of the belligerent lembime.
The ..Alerli" Base Ball Club of Mount
Washington was duly organised on the eta
last t, by electing the following otlicors—
?readmit—F. A. Dilworth. Vies-President ,—
W. H. Howard. Secretary—J. Jay Howard.
Treasurer--Stanley Loomis. The ciao meets
for exercise. in Mount Washington 001111-
weekly, It is composed of young 'nth Dorn
Pittsburg', south Pittsburgh. end Mount
Washington—who are alwitYo on the "alert."
for assault
Yr d ten Y fir ni ra m ils'h Margaret
Th. Coanti to C011...-111 the ease
. of .d Fr bu ed t er w ic ry k hel ,oLth e,
Hassler, to Duquesne borough, found a verdict
of '•not guilty,' and ordered that the comity
should pay the costs. How the county should
. b. m t r ua "L. ,,,if a lle in cle thi4 feren i re t -to the Judgment
of ••twulvo good and lawful men."
F o u.--dri Thursday night about ten o'clock
a man named Thomas Doran, while under the
Influence of Liquor, fell over an embankmen t
...waged street, In the Eighth ward, and BUD
uslned inlarJes of a very painful, though not
dangerOus character. Ho Was taken to ids
home on Pride street, where proper medical
aid was Obtained, and Ma inJuries dressed.
Paltailnk , Wenisci.—A young lady residing
on Ohio *Meet, Allegheny City, had her thumb
so severely cut by a emir of scissors which she
was using, on Minrsday, that. IL was feared
amputation would be neeeesasy. The pain
eenseqtudit cm the injary 33 so 'lntense that
kali:jaw will probably be the Mena,
The edition la forwarded umiak will roach the sub
' acrthers aorateaS as the mall run.
• General Aasernb nf the 12. P. Church
Closing Sego.' On.
met tit hall-mt.( +even o'clonk
on : r
14) w,..4 opened with
I .Y I.r 111.i.k t.
M " 1 ". , ". 'W.11°1111 , 1.4 Iho tollovvin4
Counte t., rttono..ttoto the Otto of Hornet
nintslons—ltr Illsrh,r, R. It.
E ulttot, Dr. t wt. tv. l.• Knave, John
otnniathe to 13k.• t tot !took of
Dl,lpllnot--Dr..l. T. P; t tt.
to .1 It t
Dr R.. ttrucy, Itt.v. N.. 1. R. 4,1 mno R., .1.
A pa pet(.4., et tug I t.t.olul Dula
InUchlng, the n proialattinh nt the Itelortued
Prembyterian t hunch 11,r uuit,
the Uulled l'reshylertau hutoh. and napolut -
lug a ( . MIIIIIIII,, c , O le , h 11110/Ilan
ntltier (..In Ihe lit for
Churrh. The D..,1a lung w ere fultwt• .1. arid
Dr. Kerr, Or. A. 11. Clark ah.l Dr. EiLvtOo Were
appotnle.l ~ 111111 e.
A rettulat Put nip, ttil.pleil 1 , 1 - . lloly inviting
Iluv. H o ti
Mt. gg, nutuolut yto En) pt, to vi t a
this yountry.
On unit ion. all Financial Agents were tee
ap oi pointed, unless tile terles shun nip.
pnt per nun In their places. A.seembly
Accident—Bey aecltlent of
an ezeuetllnety palcfui nature tank place vett
terday afternoon, 211,001 tour o'cloce, In the
N a Fatutort of M Itrd, Matthews and Coops
Lull 1 . 111- , Th.. irt I trt IL
'with Its woloncil h• •••I ourt,
on Fifth target. It app. • clog I.liich
was taken from a picot ion 114.1 illicit of the
factory fur two yearaand placed at
a nut prusaer, in allenilthig whicii los right
arm caught In the 1 1 / 1 1,111111 . 11 1111.1 a IL. 1111,..
ally torn from thu lir- and
Coffey waited Liu the lop,rti..l oy, who, at a
late hour last night, was sinking I.lplilly.
McCIANT./.. K -- 4.111L115- 4 / a evening,
J.... 7th. by Rev. W. I/. Ilovrard. 11. slated
W. John M. Lonnie. D. U.. or Portvyn,
1.1.< NI. 'I .1 N T 1.(• K and ‘'.• daughtor
••1 liar.... 1.11 , I•. all or till. city.
; 11. .11 11, ertin at
311111g,,n. WM. I 1.1 , •• •• ••••?g, Y ,
INAftetl...laught., • t i , . ~ ,,•I is,,•• 1 . , (U Alle
glie.,) City.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cur. 7th,
(Entrsnce•• venth
.I .. i . r . rb 33 la FIL Car
tny24:l“C A.L.LEG,IIE.Ii S I PA
_ _
N - 3:::•34ri=tTAE%.3EciELT , L.
No 166 Fount, street, Elttbnuret, P.. CUFFINb of
on hinds. CRAPES, 01.0 V Eh. sod .....rodesertpths
of Fun erol Fumes; ns trosn , • 00 - sibuen Rhona
'pen l• y and n 101, Hearse so. ll _ornshcbluttabbed
Ityre.u.4llC44—lier. 1 1 / 1 ,.1 herr, 0.0., hey. 14
W. Jacobus, LLD., Thomas Korth.. Esq., aeon H
41111er, E•n. Jen..c7l
ral and most picturesque place of Sepalture..
mie the itimands. Immediately north of Alit g hen
City, the Nevi Brighton 'toad. Penman vrishlnj
to select Burial Lots mill apply at the nuperintend
antis "Mee. at Inc Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
m.I•11 miner business will to attend...lLO at I.lll.lllrug
ol the undersigned corner of Federal
and Li‘aninek atreeta, Atli:entity
tilLtl. A. &ALLY.
secret•re end Treasurer.
86 3Pift.l3. Eiitzre.ot.
k`inc. Watches,
Silver and Silver Plated Ware,
Weare In receipt of new styles of 0431.1.]
CHArNS, PINS. EAU lis Skin, Be.
Call an see our sloe], and get price,. Je7
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
l' * ittinila' l2 X . 63:Ls W.4oXIAD.n..
Portico). ottention v Lo n
w roalring
Clocks and Jewesit. .v . work arran
FIFTH ST. UMW( 110118.
Sellilug• at g 52,50,
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
rll5 -- racaiii•••s-,. • -miiJ
Total I
$B, $B, $B, $B,
Such as other Dentists . harge $lO for,
No. 278 Penn Street,
Third Door Above Hand.
A full act o r $lO, such as others charge from 1119
to $l3 for• A fall act for from $l3 to $l5, which
,starantar to be better Mau ran be maim at any
other estatalabment In the west at navy/rte..
Call and examine his Speci
mens and you will be convinced.
Laughing Gas Free in Even Case.
For Extracting when Artificial
Teeth are Ordered.
Has Entire Charge of the
Operative Department.
11111 Ch. MACHINE,—THE NA-
L Mittll. WM:111N E waken, with otny
reep.horee power, en.(o4 epl-ndl.l Itrieks per day
with wen deoned edges and untforte 12110.. IC tin.
1111•41111 C de. not Perreem what weslaltn Awl} we
wlll take It back and rote!od the
sir l ork.
n n o e yi.n Add
n w re a s y s tßßMPlU4 Alrent, 1441ee,
II 00
1 et)
1 lb