The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 08, 1866, Image 2
t'ittrAburfih PUBLipar N.i.e BY PENNIMAN, REED & CO. P. R. PENN - 111A., F anors. T P. 110C.TON. I 111~1 . II KING. (u„.1...5s NF.I.SON P. itho,:n Fle,:,A). JUNE a, IHI6 I Nli):1 ftErl • 'l' MO ITIIIAS I=3l MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEAR" I=l SAMCYL B. CI City JOil AA. 13110 14 AI, ttmpton Tp LEHR nt OUVIIANn oUtiT. ALEX DER LAN DS. Clip. NRY SINIVELT, City It6ul•T JO•EPII 11. 4 , 1141*. Plum Tp ,12111,510 N G F,4)Rti E AM 1 LTO i, City. fit II GTL.It Or PO,l. JOlll% F 11114 , I.llllllln Tp. EMI=E !131=Se ••••••10•8. 1,1111,4.1•, Tp. 1.1. •H••I. I. I trli / 1.. N.. 11.11 Fay.•l•.. 4 81 %11 Vll.l K. l. It 1 n Tp. 14'11.1.1 • 11 1 1 IEII. Its.,. Ty H. \ 11.11.• 11. 8..1.13 =I Tai rtc...Atiz no And tne Democratic leau el- %.•It, it logaller by identity t. id~•nn and plain relative to 12$,OnStruf Wuen tihey entered into netrotiations It•; ~ 4yeration ..hey thought they saw IL way opening briore Ilium fur the torinatity, 01 a powerful party ,le , tine.l for rtine re , r , to ~ . ntehl the coliiitry To this tr.. ou, t !yeti nert,sary to Ilt.:ach tic of lidpublwans from 0 , - • • Itttittns A.- he re, .111,.: this result, it w .1e:eell.: heel U , Make a corrupt of appointing to public °likes. A' Republican, who wcrr• found no; to cot, chic with the President were to be tun, our. and other Republicans found to 1. the tilt and I - ulipiylng Were t. be put The Demo< retie lender, consented to tb, arrangement bee:Mist. of the ptte-pecti ye it V:llll4U:e ., it 1.1.4111 , 11 i.rty fuilc to t Prt•sidetic, t•-p.,11,n_:, MIMI= and Measures, Mil confessing, in ma❑ w. 155. Li, r,lian. r nn them for suppol should Tel teem a proportionate part,: potion in Executive patronage. They ea neetthle realty,: and disettittenti•.l Presently the democrat ir Ira deter.. evidenties that they were too, lihrlr it, cat under the arrangement into at hich they ho. entered, that ni•cession rumen. . Strength they anticipated, and which the s. he id to be indibpensohle in snleee,g, Ii pnittitrlr , nrre touud to proles , art email., to — My Poliey - --some r1,111111:1,4R1,11 ma o saintly and kindlineos of disposition others Iron% a foiliire to eontprcitend The miiy ‘latil/11 of -'nini and pohlirlll order; n oziwr. from :in itord mate greed atl.l ,•111, ,. .11111Emt. 1113 t ut••lttFltlinz. lint, it bet ;MU: t i V. rs IS is mill wt . , in, I, 11:11 . 1 • 11 , ,i/ ‘N iLli rep,' =IEEE n 1‘1,11.,..,11:10iT =MI i la:lure of the • .ht• e erin.ra.-; The I=lll=ll2lll lIMIE =I ~< LCOLICIII,I ,, LI I 1 3 rr. i=inn of al( w. all ! z much sopia.r. ' • tow Thf'y 41t•Illall 1 l!..1 the . Prt—.l tt•fl: ,ila:1C1):11111CLICe With it'll . % by rein., dig all ILli• 11 , ,,1S of I inenti whu nru ol:noxious to them, all t`.le.irt work otuw:it I. the jaeh till the I t it 1011, r.l t4r A Intlnii- r.Olon Smut. (1,11 most Inlhlealntl f . ,!' gt us threaten :I, Pre:,:thent wltt: tic: cc ii he oniiti:tt• re,l-1 0W... int von - 1 . 1,,t• thing, hair cOutbilit-1 to 'troth:, tht• IIIIIIIIIIM1111111111111111111!Eilll To a lull cotuorehet,i..ll 01 the Atua:i, ',lot It. Lie... int° Neliner hoir the country ii :‘ lieen zredtly in!then -cd he the in! nem,. lite l'resei. lit Wl' It . iii• 1)C111rWrIlLi. T:a new inchtinlehl will p, r.. h h,' wiri; ,, ri'y • , r morn nn :hi and Geri , i. a lair prncpi•c.! tt i I be ratified by the requisite num., ht:y, latima.ions have .r ,ppot , 11:11 the r'residect in 1,5 g incnoc tin, he wa• Zlll.iii, open ksue with Coil ott thi tuatto: If he shall arqui,-,•,• harmony will lie re ht. organizaiitm Ts.• or,y not ‘,, ,, ltrAnt of tl; , . . ..1•11thotl. look+ with dei Med fayn upon inderieni,nt ;bought and utt e r ourr. To child 1.1 ygitati,, nun ,ontrorvrsy, its proper nourishinimt is ussi,,n. IT has Llenionsti lard that it -sill ~,ersced by Presidential pres,:e i o u rrpudiuuoo of d”etrines. It ha, jo=t a , n u, in e hna:lon in constrain tits free cloM of hs own members. In the ttenat( an' eons*. of Representstives, this has been admirably illustrated in the fullness with winch each member has asserted his individual views, and in the readiness with wbich, for 'he sake of necessary co-opera tion, mebl:e grounds have been select , l iti fronting measures. No our , eUler - if to the exercise, by lice President, ol like liberty with other menibers of the party. Ilence, it may happen that in reviewing the Cir• eumstances as they stand, the President nosy draw hark, and close the rupture in the Reputi'icsin ranks. Ikti,:t,:-PLANTr•t The lack of trees is a serious inconven ience in many portions .51 the \Sestet n States and Territories. The first white se tiers deplored the absence of lumber, and were candid to locate. whenever pra •tiea ble, so ns to enclose more or less forest with, in their reepeeiive bounilariiiii. This is .Ir. the oniy aspect 01 the ni.itter Which scented to 110111 worthy tionitieratiou. A, Mal 1,1,1, and I,ie 6tianty n,unt, ki.estc uudcr axe : ithpof cwt .1 id ctinuges occurred. Tin • id 1,01 toe defored 11/U/C ILI:, by die, rap. Idly tined al., MI, steadil y diunuished in valiance. Th.. atntorimere becnfue. parched. The tendeucies all pointed to the slow cOn versiou td the /lIIU a ttehert. A long period might lc required for the I , f ,, ces s, but the result seemed inevitable. Tee earlier attempts at tree planting, whether for ,Wale or fruit, or both earn. bitted, were not encouraging. In lousy villages various sort , 01 trees, indigenous and exude, were tried for shade; but the !Lost patieut and skillful planting ended in di-appointinent. A corresponding failure attended, Or .tie ptopagatiuu of Iruit ofeiso Latterly sotteties have been formed to conduct expertmente and publish the re sults. Decided successes Lave been a. nteved. A degree or r r nthusiaam lor tree placates has . 111VULIg UK . tioute large knew., ..ave already been created, and the ebt,ooo -tux are Ont the transformation w , l'g. un mad western towue shit!' be al/ wareJ .0 sae a, and the prairies at Ire ta..ervals maul' be studded with lux. v.riant foiests. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Report of Springer Harbaugh, Esq. 11Tr,1,1 xr.n, lfav IT. 1,66 tiro —11 l t• NA I,la the .11111.•, im• ot,e.i upon the (Jot eraruent ilireetor, of le. Chinn Yati& Itai!road. I iu At the request of the V leti Pre,itieDt it it•.! huh 1.1 umaita. Nvlartslot. nt Ing I horr Salt/W.lly April u;o. , ven days ~n iLr liut of toperntivn a peraoual examination of everything mat would tend to give site an intelligent tea touching the condition, mating, mem, .ad progress of the work. On our to li mg the initial point nt Omaha, I found the Burnettizing buildings, temporary Cai House and Saw Mill, uonsiderahle construe ion material, and the low river base of tip Company's operations submerged by lite iiyertiowiag waters of the Missouri to au average depth 01 say from one to three teet. The general susiness of the Com- Juni' was interrupted or about two week., iayirom the 28d of April mail the 7th at flay By the near' management and ex ertions of Samuel B. Reed, Esu Gent.ral ! .. .Uplqintiql..l.ll, hi% 11,1,i/tlllr, ~s„tea.,the Company's movable proitel was, to a great extent, removed and Cl' ••ured, an that it was .111 , 1 , 0 , 1 , i the .6.1V11.• 11) , S to the contrasting iiiimpsny will not is- I very great, yet nt a tion-t,itirable rout 0: into and money I :LIU pleased to he able report the Coupany's permanent brick marume anti work +imps are snouted more elevated grounds further from the ricer, end not in site least damaged. 1 bulk it would have taken from lour to five tort more of a rise in the waters 111 have materially affected teem. i was informed nut the greatest floods known by any tat the present inhabitant. were in April, 183;, 11111 l in June, 15itg. [We vent was, according to their data nnd .ious, within about oiveu, at itigb tar :nut of 1,37, and wiana t wei ye to eigh teen hll' , n h:gb :I+ the nood of 1402 Tn arid lterrupti, to the Lubinetis of wr nm i bt a rettiirre net of mese tiverti receive the early Attention et tier iivard of Managers of toe Liimpitny. The Muschine and work shops, enzin Lomse, and I urn tables of the Company totaidt, erected, as I was Informed. an Inc tld t art Ledenicri Short limo hi 0 sty Its , 'toys, during lard tall and winter. which contain one minion ~ t ie hunched thous:tic (1,100,000) well bustled 'Tick, eis.rd st o n, toundations, and nieddlo rtsd., arc of Un most permanent character, uhd e ilu eui, iy arranged. The machinery to rain salllClallt for the present want oftht Cocultany, amt of the latest anal uosi to, proved I . 4.strthtion tin the 36 lust. I aectunpanicil the \art Pres:dent and and Consulting Engine, of the Company over the line completed road to a point near She , . Alreek, a distance of seventy list ;nth-. We found the line in good con d ition, an , it will compare fat °rattly with one newt . tainstructed Wc.tern road Al this pout the track layers under the Suptrintenden cy of General J. Casement, were t•nergoti catty pushing the work at liar rata or Clary , . quarters of a mile to Slat talk her day; ad Loaning Mars,tarn tut tent= acre being provided. so as to ',wren,. tile I rack laying for fort e. rvit I. I -.lnc, h•:17: telyglaph hats bean Jul/,, ;Ohl 11, • , r is now hiLlgicaslllg at tote rate Of :riots seven thousand feet par 'la). I coutiklcully bcliese the tir , dred issues will be c..ukik,tokl by :at day ti; June, wliervby Ha , :11, oftoll‘ turn requiring sine nuciaril a 111, 0: rO3• p. ht built - will he nnly romiinc.l with. Th etn•reetic koutratctorn , dcy prov),l,n‘f expvtil , iiir work. 13 y duv, and I: ia .uttot one urn and a•hatt to ;sett itul , s, etern' t• nty iour Front Swell Creel: I to t Sr y.tteur. Cou,u.tiug Engutert. to oe ••Loup Fork. — and. tit et u portion if lice glautrig on Ine oeond I,Lat Lila. I c.l DAL,. I am pleased to be able n, report that ns temporary bridge over this river is ,i0l11;•IC ted, and ready for the track layer:. Toe energy displayed by Met. s Dort au , : Butterfield, the contractors in due ia tit k. ~ well as by Mr. lit-rd, Geuvral Superin b•n.b.ut, and Mest,r, 111111 11i . .1. I). E nr i n eer.., .if•SerV.,+ b•ro./1 , 11•10 iron The March itt,il the last one May 2,1 . I . ht, toridDe fifteen hundred bet 'tug, with t•ii hems, three piles Caen, and thin -Se, ell tamts, four pile, each, in ail liintt• hunurt, and nineteen piles. Tlif permanent bridge which is intended to take the place at the temporary one is bet itt pusla-1 tat ward with vigor, live pier pile lountlattouv, and twit pile abutments are unveil. Tltt• masonry of this structure will most likely tie liut slant, transpetrted from the quarries ul tin Pappillor. I am informed no slime lois yet la.ea found between the E kharu and a 'stint on toe Bluffs. about one huntlre t and ten notes b e yond Fort whin , t• 9u,,p0ne.1 a good quality C»11 be procured The only briripnf_• of ally imnorzate 0 be. tWITII Loup Fork river and Fort Kearney, in our of our hundred text span, on er Wail river, about sevruty•five we,t of Loup Fork. The grading on Like second bile hundred mile, can and I think will he 1,) the I.dh ut ,lune A tiorp, of o.ogllo rr have been OUL .0 delloo.oly lure uu the third oue hundred udles. Returning to Omaha I spent several day. Willi the consul.ine, engineer, examining, the rner banks. anti toe Lllect of the tivertlow of the river holtont , sir several 'Mies tip and down tivi low a and Ne sides of the 31.iraout i. 1 In• proper si.a for a bridge crOninn,., of tas river, is a sub . itait of momentdus importance, not only to this Cony:ley, tau to the country, and to the various rail way. pointinz to connections with it, ami ii should be definitely settled at an early day, for the benefit of the %talons interests ins ulved. Surveys and soundings titer been made; the maps and profiles are being prepared, so that It is hoped intelligent conclusions may be arrived at. Of equipment, 1 find aliere are five Into. motives now on the line of n.nd, four more In transit, which, at thin time, I pre.,uue., have reached the line of roust --an additional seven, contracted for, to be hellvered by t.:e 10th of June; two first-class pamenger raw hes on line of road. out. more in truroitl. and two additional ones. be deliveredi n June; 119 box and platform cars on line of road and in transit between Hannibal and tit. Joseph I=l The Vice President informs me ihnt the railroad iron chairs and spikes it, livercd, in transit and provided lor, will lie milli (-tent to reach a little beyond the Push meridian, ray 250 miles from Omaha. The General Superintendent informed me that the ties on band and paid fur, from Inhabit to Grand Island, numbered llr,lt Ili Under contract front vials on the above and below Omaha, 13-I,lfOu Under contract on line of road, let 190 wiles, - - Crier rootract o 4 line of road, 2d 100 nulue,- - contract on line of road, 3(1 110) miles , being red cedar, to he delivered by January In, 1t67, loo,non Estimated to be delivered undl r vet • ba I contract, • - - Estimated to be delivered from con tractors' lands, at three different points, Wit. IIIS,II-4.11, Jr., Aduro• Err,. t rut,, 114 I:lol6irret, elri ALoo“ o, AdwrissernentJ for the IJAZI:I7 E. and nil Total, - - - 050,000 pap,' Ihrottylioril the I'vntell Nr. , 70-I tind Being sufficient ties tor the construction of um0d,, , ,. my . 2.3 142 over 250 miles of road. WIDENI. The Company is still put to serious In convenience for want of railway connec tions to and from the East. lun pleased . . 10 be able to report that these difficulties TWO l'Elt On their Capital ;Igoe. nt uovernineto tax, will certainly be obviated next year. Most men , it the railroads through lowa, pointing to i"re.iurer. A. F. connections with the Cram' Pacific, are )"i'n Seeretar, sntl Treasurer. making more or less progress, whilst some JI rr. tC3r kit A_l t T, are pushing ahead with commenduble Igor. The Cedar Itanids and, Missouri sitis aNu ogconartvg River Railroad Company, under the active PAINTER, GRAINER AM) GLAZIER, management of Jun. T. glair Esti ,of New 54 Jersey, have put their entire work,from o band St., Pittsburgh. Boonsboro' (its present terminus) to the Paints, Windom sin., and Putty (or Missouri river, under contract. A. force of .168,c27 f MAXI men, with sufficient Lea nn , k now LOSIT- - W - Itst dropped on Nt. Clair employed upon the work. All of the gra d- • Pederei street, on tanday, • OOLIJ aftenot mg on the first forty miles west or B„ 0 ,.. (soder) ontatrris. A suitable rowed sin be two' will be completed by the lOth or j ui v pew It returned in ti AZLITIC lie This embraces some of the heaviest w o n., t i r.a.!D —6.000 Ibs.recast, in store, on the line. The bridge over the Des Moines river, mussy a cu. l eso . fee., and including its approach.), OurrTON ILiTTI2III.I--330 bales, coustsument, fur sale by :,000 feel In lengtb, is completed, and , J.. DICKEY AGO. the ?rat it I. laid rive and a nail miles west nt Boonstiorti, - e2n,onn ties contracted ior, and being delivered: and s,xdu tons of non, sufficient for 1:u milea of road and brick,„ on hand at the Des Moines ilk er and in transit. intrdneon, I an, un,l,r 1,, \V \I• \I krr. E., t chip! Engl nr, Witk. In 11t•r0_,11. '0011:0•111 31,1 11.0. - . 0.1 11001.11.. I. the inica`. I 01i On l i Llit,ll I'llo IluX: (121 111 ,9 111h9 it. Mit+SiF.ll.l.l IS 111,1.111 T.ClS 4 illllltllO. veil hand, will, 1111. ,, 41 0.. ri11..., 11111111• iv 1.4.101 ri'lt(ll )le....iniri River :it tile t. 11111,4 0111 V ].0.5-hble. Tr, Ituilinzton anti Mi:siinri River !tail- Coillipally, I ani !Wormed. hate large for, at work. enn?Trtirting west. ward I :lin 111.11 infra rued that the Deg Moak, Valle) Ranriniii is making rapid „ ii .i iy e\l,ect to reach ill • 01 DC , )1.1111, within a few 1110.11111- ricaa Central Railway, or rather re organized, I Alti 1111.111 yd, Llll , hor contract front Fort 11 sync, Indiana, to the Missouri River, to rompltorti to Nutt' Boston, on the 111‘cr, in Otter years from the Ist of .Ittiontr). I,titi: and from thence to the Mis. ~ .11r1 ititrr cinhiu ttt rears thrreafter . I ant informed by Willis Ph e lp s , v, Ito wott hi, assoritttes are constructing the t'onecii Bluffs and St .1.,1, Railroad, that itte expect to he ablet.. .••nyioic their road within this Vear. it itttiMe of the it•g:11 difUCUItiCE , on t tit' Mkt:ollf portion to the litre can Ite oven .nu. a thin a .Loft tune. The ties tor the CBI it, road as: pro• riled, and one fifth of the iron is in transit could 1101.1eal'U of MU( h progre,s being made westward oi l the Duomme and Sioux t.'it,y Railroad. I '3erewiiii append a small limp showing the probable MD timiions, at au earl) day. tit the -eVt•rhi 11134 . -, tbrnnCu the State of lows, with the Luton Pa.•lf.t Railroad. Lint, wi.t lie feeders as Weil as rurei Vet, a trade and no or dinars Illagllllll.le. i ',plat: tLr toot -tom of :he future 1.1,t. of ili toad mart- Itiirto-tt itten. lie ttt.'iti. nn::..11 tin. a 0 1 t,....t a 0 Cis; iLiicrent :11.1 inyt,to:ent tit it l ert ttompltt , tei .tpet - new for irliproxpr,•nt, ' from wh.nt 11%. tv -.,utter ol rvrcutt, um, or lit•rlll,i liar Ireen to,Arnt,i thin 1 , 1:11111 - 0 . NVl. , !Kll.rol will lie in S 4 rns .it eastward. th,,y, I hm will not be •USluinCti an, r the crval 1hr. , 1141.1 klit• in taut Op, 11 , ti if.l" Iltr; in The r t ap iron ~re, I.,tk• t.t 1.11:lorn 4.4 ai, •Ty r11;- 1,4 r tl. T.l Lnku: 111111 tutl4--, . In t- , r lIIMIZIMEI OEM= o , 11111:, ou. hIl :cis r inl./1,111.c lor extth , Sing - ne, gro a! lin r.. •d . !urn:, t )scidtn..., dr, •tn .Sill U„ nmd, ;sure wiz sII.IS, , Urtli nI list-,line. rail tort y tie rto!hirs I , .'r WTI, su;kidying Mort . than n ,, r d.. one hail is' us. ,111.1111. 11 11%. c I . 1t vlor.lien,cern lit, and , M• 11, N 1,5 +i.• •••• Ir . KIRK. Ps•nn.r!valita, and all of Ills. , trade Ile,lrrnan ot rnil olotee htreels. Isevu cruated.rsin 5 • or 1 ., 00 55 • IA n, 11E- 11_55, J n [l. 7.15, 0.. 3111 I:16,111 , i ,u:,: I is.. Clipper uuor, of , ) , • .w. wITITZIIB..o t. I MeT now 1.1.d5,,. SOHO OIL WORKS. I /d• 0: unnstn: and nlne ,, lnqb.dn..; lire nIQ r'r copp,r takrn t,, t• ‘.1L1. , t11 500 VIII, • InoW Ki TI:,••• : •••••1 Ikka: - • 1 uI Elatp, :Al .1 uhl LOI ;•e1 I till, ! r, 17.1t.1 /3:•I kl 1110 L.iki . r.•tn, vt•i,,! NM I= MEM grt :sl,,:tis.v i, ii;, a: I =I Thi• ( , 1111.1.•11 , 11 0 1 , 11, z14:i04. ••• • a:ilc Wlhin the lino: •rd by thi• at a•••••liniv a d• • illyd prtdoatality ~ , r .hy ILe effQrt, td the nitt,k,l • N% un re.w eontetorlat. toe early t nu ,:e , tant plirtq t "Or 111 , 0.1 as,l a,tt cural stilt tht I,rat honott, th K i "1,1 :nitr ilm ihr nation. Itortto ,!iii II W 1 am lulurtued by the Vice President that fre , ploglunl , X;111111,W.I1 el Itiecmintry fin! out: bun IN - 111,e, 011 Hie Ite pi)bt, lane, . h•pv. ne,ue umde by f'rele.4 , or Lgglevnl nnol bps ti:enstant, ~r t I b•-ire ,1,1,1•••••: my ”bilgalluil, i.t.gint-, 7 I‘lJ.l lbi -es. is. "Ile 4.llup.any • , 11 I:14 ;lilt t sr UnilOrin 01, 1..7.y Lind lbe 1111,11uti:luti :bey I...incli) 'UI U/zUed lilt :Cnit. I [11,9 111,1:1 111 1:1 • ktn,‘14 , !,:e . 11•• un•l gent telnlnly Men: 1 It - Li It I t - ,n lLuuu,S 1 Di•Nant, , Si twin I kit,einup: ble.l 1 , , t. nuatla, Whot.• hear, 11.111,', till Money have been neVuled h. the eilluellet,..t . trim it• tint Tho• aur cow rllttit timely ti ;lir prunct. tutu It! 111 , . Is.,rk, s, hi, It i• It , I I ill I MAU -4 es -17.117711n1ify 11.;. , •„t inl n•tl.rn. lei l bull MN .1111 !> . I um. *II, ern' SPION , EIt lIARIIII 4,1 (;,1 I Dir., for II T. lion. .I.‘aLs Hem,tary of the \‘, I) 'tor lair in , orb,nt in:l 1 0:11:i,11/.1,...1 I ifent.ett, , Ipo I gel v ,trul 1,:w1L41.0 Peunp!lvnnln I !'r 3.13. u.n tyontlon luu 3:olobt.1 to lrr n.t. voreol to! .4/33..: 1 . 1111.1.111 g,, 333 he / ..nil In I:I mal Ut./I,lfttln of our otrutary. flantement of the 1•ubllc Ilehl of the United Mule, on June Iftt, DOM. MEMillii 1,7 and 1. , .• 1-,:t:l,Ltfl ~et rent t,-2+, Um. OM, ITLA RANO L r t; rOO - cant- 1,0,01, ."0 porary lom II . 1,1 - 1.01.11 , 01 01 ...ALI (-OM 1.110 ti ifi 401- i.ll , %i. /21 WV /1 1 ,111 . 4, .Su4 • n 3 .10 not., Mistun•J citcla not pc occit:otecl fug puy occ !cc • Fru, i•tgl • • ... W 2, 1 .1, 4 ,316 .1 tlepur.ll Amount In novo 2,79$ II 9 9714 450 76 • A mono L ry, Curr.•nry !r2 El= Amountof debt, leen Ltutt: In t Ile 4) . 000 lirl ' o rj egulna at a et:trt eet etat;',.L'Ajt.t.ft"o'3l't,'l:4 luatlc Duet., as It appeu t It tea Liw tn,,,k.• and etures :a Ile ~,, ,„ Ink ut June, Intel 11. Ole., e, , ver , lary of the Te,,, ry I ''()(' NEW AUVERTISEEIEiVTB l= PUNK A HD CREEK S.N Tr.tteltllsl4 vIL 1.1./iir A N have do lai e 4 a 4, Idestct ot . . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J AMLS T. BRADY 6; CO„ =1 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BANKERS & BROKERS, Dl AL AEA IN ALL KINDS or Government Securities, Foreigu Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. made on all leeesiltile points in the llulled Mates and Causlas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. EARLE'S PATENT STEAM PUMP. I FULTON, SON & CO'N'Y, 91 First btreet, Pittsburgh, luring 110 11 , 1, A gene 7 for Ihvse Pumps, In Di l'etta)), mula. the) arm prepared to fur sh ot al. e.ies. fur ;.utitplng Water. 014 lieurine. lhey will warrant their rump, to do more wort. at ler. t,pot•nete an•. trouble, than ant .nl., `'atop now In tn. •oarket. .11 Pump. lux l.• gist .allaf.eltott. Any person will, lox to Kiwi., a Pomp, will do well to call and ca n/nine', hefore porrhaalnlol%YwhYr, THE CELEHH tTED STEEL TOOTH HAY AND CRAIN RAKES. 131= a: th. \ t,PURSNE WAD UN and Ali lull' 1. LIT It 1.L1.111 . 1.E.11ENT %YOKES tn. I'.•nit.ntlai3, A !.I.E ti EN?. I 11.•. e I sL.. sr e wArrantea .uprrior to soy Ms dilue no. kind ever Iszt , olucoll Herr. WIIF.E I .IIAIIItOWCI. HA IJl , .ta'Za, 1.1(iII rood al • blNiz S%AU stal \ au•l CALIFS oaWn to order. ol Nast mutvrl al. and for .ale t lon rules. In ra COLUAIIit'S CU LEMAN. GREkT NESTER% GUN WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON, Fine Rides and Shot Guns, A Inn . NAVN And I , 41Z.h. A Cu.- It IN an.l 'N. k 11a. ri•X 'LT INT 22' I ON , MAh it LltlAi.. NlJl , •ary Con. ar km..• pa:Ong J tl.. brat ( (Inter Penn aad IV at tic titreetn, NOT/CE TO CONTRACTORS P kl.t I. 1 . 1: , .1'•.• I. wtil rcrelv•AlTT thr 4ro/er.1,04 t. c.. 121rtt .Al' lIY jc • cf . for r.l nolo k 4. rkr.k.or. st et from lett•Stewl, stt au.. 5, C. 14110.3 Iramc . salt Stauhroll” t. Irot, k It. • t ent..r. AI r I 11• I lier ,tr.. t fro., ..•utli kl 4” of 11Trtl- .trert c. , 5c11. rest - ecllry to a 41.•11, ..f 1.4 ..o,tl. or Vratliclin tetrera. • ! SI, ur I , - A I. I. trocu ustou a.k far west BUFFUICKEHEW & CO., I= fELLBRITED SPERM LUBRICITOR, rooltning PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. %per-in, Lard and Whale Oils, R6:10 'NUT I ‘IIER,. 011 11YlFFIRM GRFASI, CEIIM Standard Whits Burning Oil, No. 33 Market Street, =Mr! =El= KNII FOR A (1111( 1* LA R. WI It 'ft) lit I.DERS. I= prf. ItAILWAT. t i1,11.,...n. Jour , 1111. SEALED PILOPONALS will be r... • nut SI OAT'. Jun« ilkth, I. ”I r t. ompsuy. ENE El= t!, •i( Liorr,r.i• r i•. at..l riit,llicarliins of air , irki at hie iirtirai.rf J. W. Jar,. Arriliitet L. soil after Monday. I Ith VVR , Prraiirictil I , IIERN AND SALE STABLES MORELAND & MITCHELL, Nos 125 127 Liberty glreet, 11„ nt The It• l II]U prr•unal ntlentlou tu EN NORTH ♦.IIERI(' 4 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, idow9 and Orphans' Fund. Aro. 63 It'illians ?t. .rew Fork rIt1 , 111).).T - N.l). 111011.13 AN. .c KT Alt --J. V. 91E It !LILL. It. IL TINDALL, sletlloal ElALlainer El ,PECIAL At , ENT 1014 WESTERN 1 . A., 61 Fourth SI., Piltxburgh I=l J. LANCE. SILK AND WOOLEN DICER AND SCOURER Curtains and Chair Covers t leaned slid Reg - lazed without unpacking, Nos, 35 and 37 Third Street, I= ) ..t 4 r.11., A I.l.Eauxxv 1 11.. T7,lq J Ise it, 1., ( N OTICE TO CON TUACTURS. I=l hi. ALE!) PIU.POSALS wlll 1 reerl•rd 1101 °M. o. until DKIII INSTANT. inch • for the I=l I=l =Ell 11 11 :lir road lesdnaw rrosn i'lltelaargb to NonIL • ap, 10. 0 ,11 on applies MIME! uy dlrtrtion of t onoly rowmLsaloners. J.,. , -41,1/I,T HENRY LAI4II/011 . . LAINELPHIA SA LOON =1 7/ .1 113 , E4. lES.ALIAIIII In the City of Canton, Ohio, MEI I=l 11111=1119 I=l and in ii,, r.tt1,. , 1 the •-tty Itrason f r am rngaug..l In nth., bask..., Jc6.10 THE WARREN AND VENANGO comi•A h v.—The A tinoel Aleetink of the Stockholder& tit the NV An ISEN A NI, VLS A Nntt till, 1:W11 . A N Y wlil he held ktktin m e ,. of the • °mitten), No. f3ll Foorth street.Bittehorgli Be. no Kits BAY, JUN I, Mtn, XOO4 l at 10 o'clock 00 which time and place n President. Board of 1 I t-echo-sand other Oilleer• 11l Cill.en Mr the en- J. J. BII.I.ENr Prcoldent. .1. A. ti.lteiljtiOn. Clerk. - - 101 :011 ALLAseLI/tAlt TI BANE. / Ju A tte bib, mot 5 A T A MEETING OF THE HOARD OF DI .F. 4 Tolls or this clock, held this d•./. WM. BACIALEY hurinß tendered Ills retain:tall. as l'esoldrut, .111s11 CA R11.111E15. Esq., was eleptetl ?resident pro tem. Jee: WI U. W. MACKEY. Cashier. i nc li A l lt N n E . E rl i k e m FORt y at 41011 retina. H. IL, and near the /Sulu.. acre i , /maenfier hallway about threetfoortim of an acre, highly cultivated, wlth 1.11VEL....1hil of flee vomit.. not and roll water to atria awl bath Nom: good well of water at the door truth pump: %dm .arge orwt chtern. with pump. In the altehen. To be so d cheap. Apply atm., al Nu. 1441, roe ., t .i g lh d mandeld streets. and mgr. VIUNTItY PROPERTY FOR SALE A.l-131f.. OIBRIIEN will tell hl. property. on the Broarnavlde road, cool/Palau ofa rm ELLINu nuesk.. having eight room., wsth the neecnsary out-bat/ding, a neat tenant holm, ten urns of land, underlaid with cmAl.., a well of mina water at :be baca door. a . oven. and I,MO tree* b ed m, fruit. The property la within three miles ul Bir• in toghstu, Baldwin towttabfp. L.IOTATOES-2 cars Peach glows, to .aoks, recolvlT and rill LI oxii orlVltaklll SA4PUtitz...4. .10 EW GOODS: I=l PITTSBURGH, PA T. COOK, PITTSBIURGII, NEW GOODS!! R. A\ UN USUA LLY AUG Y. 6'ov:it or SUMMER DRY GOODS. JUST OPENED AT William Semple 's, Is() and IS2 Federal street, =1 DL.ZICK SILKS. PL4ID SILKS, FIGURED SILKS .llpaccas, Prints. Poil De ehievres, Irish Li nens; Shirting Shirt Fronts. Together with a roinnlete aaeortsueot of Soasoontdo atilela will be nold at Loa l'rlre, at William Su!niple*t.3. ISO and 152 Federal Street. I==7=IIIM=M A N ORDINANCE for the Lel Ong •nd 1.11,..11ng of a Ito ...Jail Tat. and I.r al , I.roprla.hlw the revenue •fro the yen. , hx....Tios I 1, It en-efoine.loudeund..../ur. T•. art 14, it...rough • .11 he..- I,ea met. au.. a/ se acerl, tJetewl by the aultvirety of the tw leVled an,. from ',no. , • 1 proper" mule laaahh. 1,.w, alas of or. 1r dollar. on ... t. loaf conn,r nt. uoe of the florongh for Ihr yen, A II . w 1,1 , thc pa , of the 80rw....., to the culled., •0.1 paid 1 to the .orungh rcaumery. 'lO4l riot amount of tr... le, led rut I c.. 1 Intro doaw aid lota nolough v th. authority nite afar aid, tugclh.•r with • eye analog front .Ince„nennulet.. 411111014,1", r3t ,g•treet,. aud 01.1rwwilt,11. f . ll%Ve . .11,115 "U... usorce .ourece reltate•e, h. at. the • Brrcuy tappropriaßni Com l yea., A. 11., OM. 0$ 1"I iUKS, Iu .11. Fir 1, the pan ment of th, , a,Ar.. of the B roußb U P, oars. thAt to ear. coacit.r. Borough Treawor r.C' of t nd onotablc. t Commtu cr. toner. • al—. for ho.•••. Ilieht. fot I, making or w.rl on the ...Veers, prlntln, and may olr•r a vio• n••• thAt Inn) , •1 .”. legit:utatci• cnr,ke,y on alt. ,0•1. nit.. .4 I:. sal. Iforou,la Nl•tictl,ter. 3. ual the ba1.... .4 11.. u,.4 • sal.; 1,...,4 . . {lwo rett".ltEing 51,1 or Awl it, 4,r I, a, proprlntell t the i.syment t :11 1kt.:1..c.s r t!. Aid 1t0r.,1,. and‘c , 1 ,• • the 4.6 Lny .ot June, A. 11.. IMIMEJIEEIMES A ORDIN AJIICE for lie Grad i nig n or Chart., l'hr•ttolt, Iranktlu , hal,su:nt.rtel , mot in 444. L.trougl. o r. essoo. I Wit toe s otatelto r oat nt reel- Are tutted... 4 to award , he eentrael of sstadsus I Ise to, et ',set front the ..sulls ride of eas etre .Ireet sO as ,•nur s•nars set !etre, t. loot , woes to s di•sasor f 144 fret Positls ot 1 , ,p1..51ts • o• t beet A•rert. front , edges I, so re P 1.• &dry: VuStou `street. trout W•stdoslon ..treet a.enso. Mants•tlet, etrret. front • 1( DLI.,. street to At swoon, assd Lode st otn Vol lullisteset al far ye. resoslree. to to- es` a.I Ore: 1,141 , 1 et. whorls gem e All be pl, and Outeb, • .on• Its - aat •nti •1,.. r .114 let. ui Ilsc •Al,l rout la tls, eau, to to- dont Iss cOnttstls, etch the poser gee no .1 InAt Art of Ae•ens It •• to the alio %tar , A. le., 15..• 'art. .l — All Art In re:Att tle rarllnß andof Pttreta In . the itorousts s i. lAurbee re, A Itestorny t,outtlt. Penns." so sown •1141 estarted solo a rest so f ter, t. . . th day Juu, A. LEL 11 , (1: N E, 11 ar, A•.lei: 4, 11 , e..rk. A N . OIII ! .INANCE . lor 1 11:r ley v n inc a 11,..1.• in toiktnnvin. In. inin I. Be It oraallsoil •4,1 g,•••• end MIC-14 , 1 14. 8.,....eye nan4 en.t.1...1 Iy,i.atiortty "I, h.• on the in ram.. ~,u palluni al, pro, and I,lng 11411. the 1t0t...1,ch of Manch.., Wt year of A la. win. a tax tven • tn. p. ,-nt. on the • on the. e$ • nnt• and • n •-anttat En, .•( UT. $115.0(v rhe lan! Lax,. to h. collneted forth, nand •I'inn•n to Int I.'olllll ul i.,11111 It • lO volunt,:re 1, Yale. lu r . .oforsult, talth au ant •.f the n. ate o' an In / . aslue.. awl eat. eel . st.. • cte ILt St , flay .4 June. A. I/ eAIII Sl. Med I .E. 80re... , Attest. C. U tut i I 'lees. 011131111AACE for .he Grading • • ipt,l-rmalks Ada .bi il•nrbe•trr. t bet Lbrnttret l.omnds.tuutr 4,1• 11 not3ry "to. pruprtly y/W1,1". A•ltsits •.. lIA, tLr fronl.ux th.r r), tt, ['rat tl.y of A 1.. /1,-, ...rd•liattl and enertr.l n 1;. .111) . of Aunt . A. 1.. IKE, ,A ME El. MO . 1 . Atte. Jim , . I /I 1111...1.1 11. COLHOUN & EDWARDS, MuttlD AND Di.ALlslt.• 11 SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, XV. 24 Wood Parra innore and landing In l'LOadcipCh 200 tone Soda Ash. K urtrs, Ht.:411101. b. and n,. Gold met. 300 bags Ni ral e Soda, I'rudv and liednell 150 kegs 111 Carb Soda ( English .; 50 bbls. cultism Red, Cookson's: ARSENIO AND MANGANESE. Of choice brands. counts:llly on hand In tots to suit purchasers CARPET CHAIN. PLAIN & COLORED, COTTON & LINEN COTTON YARNS, ASSORTED NUMBERS ALI. REAL JAL ITY. FOR A.‘LE lIT A. 3E1.. CJI2EI.X.AJZIIEIt des CPC) At Hope Lotion Mtn, ALLEGHENY CITI. JUST IBM HAILE° ID BRIDGE. Sample.. may seen and 4)rders w , lll II hiLlly A Co.. No 133 Woo.l strrel.ll , lllll,argt, Jr7,cl7 SUPERIOR OAR TANNED, PAT- Si AND ItIVKTICu LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, ?I an itrarturr , l Vu. JI. tIM ITII Flll.l , '4.. t.) HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. I= Cr tam 13e1 t A lwx) • on Lantl, superior ,uality of I. 0, LEATH^ H a n.1111111111)1(AN , RIVET, RIIII 111 • I1.l 11F1.1' LA:O. I, 50{,11 JOH N 10, JOHN ROSS & CO. WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Manttlacturers and Dealer. In Carbon Oil Lamps fi Fixtures, Ohandeliers, Carbon Oils, &c., No. 64 Market Street, .1.17M.18113171 7 1.( 31-33 C, PB. arlcso9,ls wT ALLEGHENY CITY FLOUR AND ESTC,FIL3III, S. C. McMASTER & CO., No. 11:15 Ohio st., Allegheny , Wholesale and Ilamall Dealer* in Food Ice .131. - x - vas,. Caah paid for Wheat and Hyr. COOPER PIMA. NO FIELDING & 8110., Manufacturer. and Dealers In CluArtoacin. Mliaexcla BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 110 Ohio St., Allegi.eny. Ite , palrlng promptly executed on the alwricel ti,t. BERNARD WIEMA.N, Manufacturer and Dealer In ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEDANS, WIIOLLALI AND itZTAIr , , No. 2O Ohio Si., Allegheny CI t ie7 . c. 511 •VO. n. r•ca n¢6. s. TALeh. 1 , 11.2.0 • Is TACK IMO. At CO., COMMISSION ➢IEIICIIANTS AND BROKERS IS PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, 1 Hancock St., Pitt.burgh. PIIILADILLPHIA OITICZ. 127 Wmakut street. mi IY:x77 MOWERS, HAY RAKES, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS ALL, RIDS OF AGRICULTURAL LIIPLEALEZITELNIIS To be had at 6. 3:/IRICT.ThanEiI, Noe. 28 .030 Ohio Street, Allegheny rerll:l.l:xerr:veT A LI. MAY MARRY HAPPILY, ir 4—n-respective of uesith,agr or br•uty and tile lure elm o plt Os ppies. e bend and i l r ie ged"tr byo ttebrr to VARA!! B. LAMBERT, Circ.:lll,o., ben lot L. LOVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE Itlrib, se , d an addressed envelope and ZS trots and I will send yutt some valuable thrurtuatlon that 111 pi rose you. Address MISS JANE BRYAN, 8748 Broadway. New Vors. bibm.l3:dd ver VOR SALE-11114 U AIL W HOW -7.0N re]. roNtilltEb., made my bossy and strolls; Cylinder 21 loch bore, four fm stroke. .10. variable out-off; IV rough iron Itly Wheel abaft Inches diameter. !Suitable for nulling /hilt or other purposes, Address STANPALE • .SITPL,EE. Bridynester Iron Works, trartkPird, Pa. . ILLEG IliF: 'II V 4 Of. N i Y liorn 1.. - ~.; 1 1it . .4 "11 ED L . A ""''". "" • . ... '''' ''''''` i • BRUIN IRON 11 . 0RItS '- Ant• , ,, In hand , Or , • - ...... 1, De. At.....,..1 re. .. •.9 EE p 5.1.1 mrlo m.:41 . .... •ult& ,alllO,ll/kr!.la.. re. 1 I • ;,.ICKtf., et, a %% ll' 111. oth.r . 1.4.4 for b,e!. and A! 'WIT,I.i n.1..1 r net ellO,l ,lints mrol of lirt 4.1111.4 In 1.1 At0.,111 1,•04 =1 . ill ~~~ [...1 icy ~i ~.. •:iil~ i .1. ~~t 1 . . world. c1..1 ,erlnf eqi frum 11 al I 0,11 °et oiled ctn tr sof o 1 of I.:t yr ei.lll ore> r Ih. 114111“ - land Pa elt Prop.. r. ti • } •I i I = , f r •I n , I; , . I • • . I 111 M IS ME 11,.1wm:• 4 • \l'•.r ten::\• .k• =EI = 11=111110 El =MEC I.l♦ nil. on 1 hr Form I I rn 0111. tr. ElTSpiOyrr• 6,f thr " r , l, - • t, 1,11: to 15. f..,,..v0.nx •S, m SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: I I 11 1 I; VI- F: MH.I it,si 1•1 r 1,1 I,k Al I \ MMM M= M EN'S BOOTS BOYS' BOOTS, I;~►4)t r, "out IL LADIES' BALMORILS, LADIES' GAITERS MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Boots, Balmorals Cir' A_ I S . AT REASONABLE HATES, SOUTH & ROSS , , 63 .71.111tiET REET. STEAM ENCINE PACKING LUBRICATIVE PACKING, STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES ,„ , n„,.allr panlet. Rave tni.•.l .I.And 'tea r•rx. n, "I: 1• hutrd, d en.lllll, r s• 1 .1.1” 00, c..isatry. 3nd tr2n, . Mlv4 Landr,d !1...V1ED It 211,000 FA 1 . 1“ s KM' N\ (.ls Ft, It la Nrot-c:a” •rtlel... 75 I'ICATS PER POUNI). LEBRII2ATIVE PAA:KING CONFI \lA\ I' FA."l'l'l,llli, T. M. EFT AL.2.7 . 1•01\1", Nir.. 114 and 115 (4 VI VI! or . The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON Q=M3=l9 1,•1.1,1,4 I. t K 1,1/101... erealo. aun onlo.•11•oo.rle.. alo • on h3n.j. • . A 1 LNF. ..1.111 cligap..l for the lass.ugl, .111 ./. VEI,) ii ,• Cr. fr,tt• an.l =I ;111ANT HOUSE, O. M. 19 MLIELL'Ir, Proper, orn.r of habella ledert Weds, Near the Suspension Bridge I=l J. & W. FAIRLEY t; 131: , 1t , N , 11;13 , O! .' T AT Fred and Flour uuslnras Ih. tP,mllOl,, No. I'r.N c . rare.T, opp. I, tit.. Ipopol of I% . . I, dm lON 8 . 20,000 'ILA) LOAN ON MEI AND MORTGAGE, to .111, rt.ily. Commercial Ilirolier, 13 !tl, (lair St. z0v..2: 0, 9 BELLS: BELLS!: BELLS::: Farm, *heep, Cow, Dinner, GONG ANT) HOUSE BELLS JOSEPH 14 OODIVELL & CO., oruer Wood mt.! , sts., T Ai. Es , FA MBANK,' At. AI.E.J. wT OLMES, BELL Si. Anchor Colton )lills, Pittsburgh, ANCHOR AN , lli , ll ,II) El INI;S. A NCID , It NOS, And IldTli 11,15:n31 W AUDEN & lIATCHELDER, Illit/KEltn IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, WII AL F OIL, ItIMI N, SPIRITS ENT!NF NORTH CAIIOLIN A TAR, &C.. IMiMeMlii=l Represent Wll. t.. W.AltllF.S, 113 Walnut Went, Philadelphia._ —-- _ J. C. U U. W. OLIVeII J. C. 111:EFUM CO., Manufac • arers or Santa and Itaapberry EiCO3:II.M. 1 07"8r EIIELS9I, Ititeptrerry, biro...berry and Lemon Syrups: Wittier. rchid.° Ales, Brown Wont.. Lager Wier and &Mani mane Cider: Clarr by tim_barrel, half barrel ut keg, Nua. 2 2 and 21 MARK F.T ‘T., near! Ind. Pitt>. burgh, Pa. Ord,. tilled and slapped to all part the tile coun try. on .burr notice. Jet:um:4la vrT CARR liicCANDLESS & ILATa P71140/1. CAik& • WHOLESALE HEALER IN FOREWN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, racz, 94. Wood at., (Third boys. above )/14unood Ave',) JOloli I'ITTEIBURGII, PA JONES & LAUGHLINS, w. 4 TED -- (.; t NTs Male and F. ma., to r .r-r. rtr, r r tore • F. 29L.T.033211.4G lEr , the Nl,'. E tug, I'l5Al Kit ' 11., • I A 11.11,11 . 104,1 k.; L.F 11,111! ..a.” 11, t I I ,‘, 111 1.. IL` 11, txtlog 4ND ('LAI R " • A !I / 1,. 7 I ntrd AATED AGENI Si—V/4 to Sqoo Bar. Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron: it r M. , s t.•mr.l and CV. nridge Iron: co in sr, , ,it.c.e Ult. ..Irltral..l .411111.11.,n.5t . "Mk . and T Iron: g.u.l pf.rfeet..d. lt.fft bum.l quilt.lslll b 1 .11.14 :4[14 1 - 111,kli I t only Guard Iron; msl.tutit rltty.l/ look sn.l fully war. ani 1 VII al Scree n Iron: roininitoAmi. from rehte,. wr lt T IL. (: a nil 20 to the ard 13 111 F Train Rails, punched and corn-' " "" • 'an eirrul•r. lt rin•. ter sunk; Boiler. Ilridgt. and Tank Rivets: Sails and Ship and Boat Spike‘: Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Holt.o. Railroad Car Wheels and Axle , Street Car Wheels and Axles: Coal-Pit Car {Wheels and Axle,: Patent Vold Rolled Shafting; Patent fold Rolled Piston Rods' . Itlo AV er and Reaper Bars, As:DOFF - II M. 120 Water and 155 Front Sts, 10 , 1 -F. Nos. 22.21 and 26 River St., DUST PON Ell f:\T Till. .VITED STaITES PRIZE CONCERT, 111VE BYE, 4.IVEN er)4' . ...; Opera House, Chicago, 1V1.A.."E" 13 13 t .I_ik , 1.13 GO, =I Alorid:ly, .J illy Wth, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES 1191= $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS ME Ini MEI 111 nlll,lll ill 1,. r ha, Dol a i11•; '1 ;tun, ; ; ;•:; •I .1, !I My•L ,1/1- t 1 11. 171111 I. 4k • r 4,gltr Lb. k.” 4 thr.r rt.tur 1.2 at •Lnc.r. and Li• W. ••• IC• t% Lirtl Llle InorL. hat, Age r,• 11h, li tzy..l• L. pro... 41.Lx1eacl.. an.l 'tamp ~• 1 !1 Jf~. + i ... ~1. r:roki mod EVE "GN71.1-2X-a 8E12.4723 1. r t pr..- r 11:4: I S., BRADFORD et CO., 133 DEARBORN STREET, lI.L I .L.: e .10.1ste le the Lintel u net 1 , ,t,q..". NI en tnneut Yue,ll , r1.11(1, • else. there will MEMBM 11..t1 t:. ttliorl. • I 111•'.••• I,r,t V..," Akrt M U. II , 111,1 g, in. N. h .1, 0.. Imp r*.; \S 01, hes. 4:l3lrago Prom. . P.r In+crting tills advvrelaement re ,I.lrate J. my?. 1,75 LIQUORS-BRANDIES. VERY SUPERIOR OLD RENNES , -) uRANuI T>. ry old (Byrd Brandi., Vey, do do Brandenburg Fre.. Brandi... In 'els,. N And IN'A: manna Brand). e yr, dbl. nerrv. ,Itaspl ;on n rry . lid I her r•. and "In ger nrandina, WIN K. Very old and ' , per lor nnermr .; Very awl Superb, Niadetra. VI.I, old and.ulw INdd, I•ret. In I 13 an, hr non. In cagey Jl•Vrt Ilalaga and I,bon i 11... g ,. ryen •eal Held sirkand ` Sider Spar inn Slur. de. rlne. WHISK F. V— , 11,1 lreonnunahyt, •arlous tnd Bon rby rt, Ind W 14 1 ,4, liIY and II olland, very ennernyr; Jarnale• Ruin, rely F Insynt L. gnmeine 4 Irepinadninl, K Sr. l'Nre Wbode W'ne Inr, - ar, I rnpnrl. 11(AVE mi.—Very n.rior. Vor xanl NI SI LLk..ll .1 KICK ETS(.N. 1.41 and 1-L3, evrtn r Liberty and Irwin .ta Oil' ( REdL ES 7 E G E.rT Other, No. 13.9 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, ilas for aele the low lag Real Eatat,., A large three-awry lirtak Run., containing leg. 1 large Front Coon.. 1. 11 , 11 no, a , a t.rny 0a 00.1 r.. 01 water and gag the 'ugh cult hulas.. Lot 'LI 0) Si feet. hituate on I 'beat ant .tre.:, .411.4,111,17 lty. Al. ItF. , ~r IX ABLE LAN°, ..Itoste at Edgewood ate 1, , n, the l'annaylranta Railroad. 7 Mica fr,dr , c.ty, on slilah there la a beautiful naw frant.. d wel Ong', not...arr. number or nearing . fruit u. the beat quality. and • gnod •uPP I ?" , nate, The darldng and 7 11,.. a grout.] Dr !Old •epnratoly it desired. and the residue In lota ot 4 arr.. oaten, or larger If requested. The above land la adult rat.. y located lor tointnees wen. =OEM 36 ACRES LAND, euntainmg Shout 3 aster r of a aplendid qus4lly, and easy m ae ver, the 01 the teat elnab, enitabo. vlther truing or gardening good tram.. , Inviiing a1,.1 born. and good aupply of ...ter. su ns, 3 mitt, rrheo Om elm-. on the I% a,hington lu 1. ulna LOWboliljr, hying part of the rarter farm. 37 Et-, well improrrd. and under. hire. etwie of c w.tis ation whirl, their are I.3lllllmarthg rm.l...wrmg gray- .011 , 1 tr , l iw teen ' and large. Dumb., wr !Newel, sipple wnti pIIIWI rroprriv •I,uste tht , l% "Wog ton rwad. twott tow oxitip..ix milt, from the. For furtlir r psrticularn lug .11re of the above agent. y tide, NATIONAL MILITARY ASYLUM The Mating,. or Of National Asylom for it. hargell voltmterr aoldlrrs. authorlred I.y Act ,of l'tnigre,o. approved Ilarrh 21, 11366, ask proposal', for .Ile. for Ahylortil by donation or hale. Ihr ,/,1111S., In nt stioo In one of the Lost State, , 1, .1 a. acre of land and he In y a 11ItItit3 lottlon and ea.y of zee," by railroad or otherar It to tn. purl.. ,of the managers to erect, without ' as lay, extensive sad perman,ut buildings for said , Ao' I oz.. and Its eatabllatiment .111 be largely ad vantage°. to y •ection or railroad In the vletul tl of Its locatio. •per,leations and estimate. for Asrlnm iii , luding detached cottages, •r also 5., the approval of the Roiled. Liberal com p. nsation wlll ire green fur the successful plan. Proposal-,.plans. speclncations and 1i e nest nained to he in writing, containing plot and d. acrlptlon of grounds and !tern. ndcondl- I tran.fer —MOS( he sent to Major General V. licrt..t. at Loweil. tl.lon Or orf. ec the 201.11 day of Jone. 111..N.1.P, BUTLXII.., President Unwed of Managers. ULM l• it, lit N. lit, ,vret•ry. Vetprro..lllltl,l t.i pubdalt lb. Law. ul the rutted tm., Arr , trully roqUe.ted to publish this prior to thy 'Loth.lona, l + ,ln, nod ,ott 111,11- 1111. ‘.lll/ copy of wake, as taro, di rected. fel:cs t LLEGUIENI TA \ES. a CITY i.F ALLEGLIENY. 'foe.% YUltalt•r• t/erlca, Juoe 7th. lata N the is hereby Riven that the Aelleasors have now WavedTrea.orrer's oOlee, the Iruplleates of Pity, Poor, (Illy Business, Yahoo' Ochool and Bouuty Taxes, and of Water Bents for ,he r ear Ma. and Mat said Tars sill now be received pm-sooner 0.1 Me Actual Assembly of February VM, la., and of April 11th, ISM, subject to the foliowluir reeularious and alloaunees, J • I e ul. per cent., If paid on or before the first dul or A ermar t. imr vent.. If paid on or before the first day of Two perent., If paid on or before the nest day of September. If paid after the first day uf oopwonuer, and on or Lauri: the tired day of tuituber. nu deduction will be Med, If paid after the first is of October nod on or he fore the first day of Ho. ember, an addition of tee per rent. ellen he added to and payable on the some. After the drat uf November , warrant. win he leaned to enforce the roll•e‘ 10 . O f 41 ' ' one bog otipald. tofeta, with toe percentage serrned thereon, and the eo.ts. fe7 11. lIACF6IIItOri, City Treasurer. 500 bush. Seed Buckwheat, A PRIME A ItTlf•I , E. for sale by One 12 Inch Cylinder. foot tarot, onii Upright, 10 Inch Cylinder, lath tool., In good order. Linn be seen In operation nt the PCT.. While Lcail wit flit 211Vja.":lit a.Prlgala . .lW A.HTz. D. L. FATTERSON be co. 9 00 WHO CAN BEAT THISTB9,O(). MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, For Two Weelii3 Only. Between Bearer s e tree me a r, lara ni d . Ohio River, II oflzoxwelltxto mate, for t r h az o 41facti, .um of o F f l3:lNr hsz lj b (T li i :. Orders for„all kluda of Lumber for bundlus boat Law, at Yo. 30 Market street. .141ug 4.1 , duet plank, lath minors' tr. roM • 0.0 DA.bIE.L RIL, J u. 1071 MEM 1:011 RENT—A lint-clam/ three •oorl BRI. F 11 ,, C5F.10.5 brbond Wu, . double •• ,y ,n t.c 4/I.i ROOM TO LET „ 1.111% • 111,,,11) 151, It r 1 r MeRANE 124 CON) efTREET WANTS. At 9s Grant Street, Ed floor I=l = FOR RENT :tar at a.irgnlit HID 111 il• h NI•• It F 1:1:1 1 3.10 t .talra =llllll A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM =I ' t yL ' II 111=1 WALL PAPERS, ,Sz.c THOMAS PA link:lL 11101,ESILE IIU LLtilL NAL WAIT_ TRANSPARENT WINDOW B:IADES TAB X. E ci 4CO 133 $l. arehouse, 91 Rood Street, Second door In 10% tri.un 011 d A . fe2 , lllm 1 PITTSDrIt.“II, I A pA PIER HANGINGS FOR 1866 I=l American Wall Papers. For Ow,• 1111 - 2) tltne y.ers ..rE LIS II PAPER rt choice sttlrrtlor ot the NCI'S est French, Papers For rate by WALTF.It P. MA ItSIIALI NV, pARLOR PAPERS A NEW I,IIT • Standard (401(1 Paper:3 Nov , rt of braollitil denigne for Parlors, no I= I= SEW LNG MACHINES WII E ELE 64. W I LSON'S 1112 FAR OVER FAMILN SEWING MACHINES. F. , lt CORDING The. aro- ,Irn oR WILTING voit HEMMING I=ll Ii P.m STITCEHNI; =Mr Salesroom, 21 Filth Street. 11,1. SUMNER I'o , r,... BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, I= 11mpir. awl I=l .pr. ,I , al a, it Iths hatl 1., •re-ak Ire a.ltalr,l arid P• r“ ripprerlat.l. It roil.- I=l PERFECT PRACTICAL 111101hE And Is afforded al a prlee wlthdd the range of near ly et, Lds.ll, In tho ,edol The 011, w prler..l Marblll4 u. the ,All,l the %I ,••• —the Inset n0.14./kly r. liable Feed ever c..netrueled. ALESNIF.N WANTED. 3E11311.301=1:12" cffs _X3- CZIOTAT MSS, =1:1 No. GS 3E-tram seitz-c,ct, .44 1 . 11 . 1', it A BANES ANT) 1! A Is; ti RS 13ANHING N, HOLMES & SONS i 1:11K. 4E) I' N 0.57 !I tRKET STREET, Pittsburgh. Dept•.lts reeel red In Per Fends and Currency. Coilections ma•lr ..n all the principal I , llintAl ,f the United Jtate• and Can a,las. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Communion. LI ErIZEI MICI UNITED STATES SECURITIES. United .stxtee Sixes of ISSI; o. Ora 6-Mo, Do. Fires of 10-41 I; Sovrn-'rblrllo6; 1,. ..rtineAto, or 4nOebt....aet.e. Ordenair/ , omliers IooICOI. or 1010:17 pITTS BERGH BANK FOR SAVINGS, Yormorly the DIX F. swVINGS INSTITUTION 67 Fourth Street Nearly Opposite the Bank of Plttshturgh.) IlAittr.llYD IN 1 , 5, OPEN 11.1' from 1.1 to 4 and ern b I.t. ~ .lvernbet. 1%1. 7 9 Welucl.. Cm! from Nov. Ist to Stay let. 6 to 5 o'<l.lx 1. 1304)” Sc., inrul•hc.l at the office 'CPIs lostltullup especlsAy ode to those whose toroloK are oportuolty accumulate, ~orlail deposits. Pft.ljy • ed • a sum which w he resource wilco negoled, awl bearing IPu-rest In stead of retnatulror uoproduel.lve. 110AILD Or 111A—NAGER91 (3-3EICJI , II.IG-ME: 8.135.R.Ft.-SI. VICE PILF,IDENTh, S. H. RARTDIAIV, JAMES PARK, Jr IsECRETARY AND 7 TllEAsUltli alr. D. MI. lier.c3.lM-Xl•l_a A. BRADLEY, I WM. K. .Inks,, A. S. BELL, V. RAIIM, JOHNS. DILWoRTII.i DYSLIE A RHODES, D. YDLLANsIst.E., JULIE hi'DTT, 11. IL tiRAHAM, It. C. SCHMERTZ, CHB/en/111ER EUli. SoLlcrTotts-1/. W. A A. S. BELL. mr.M.t.Ew OS COAL! COAL!! 'O-A-1,1-!-! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., tlevin A' rem ov. , ltuclr , Mlee to AT O. rile. 7 latts - c.ot, (Lately , ity Floor 111110 : , F-I'OND FLOOR, Ara pow preparra to forol.h ,ou4 Y.,gillogtteny Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT THIC LOW r.NT MARKET PRICE. Ilkor AII orders telt at their oak., or addressed lis Wt . EU ihrough the matt, Will be attended to promptly, CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, I , ICALLN I . NI Youghiogheny and Connell av Ile Coal AND MANUFM TUNER OF Coal, Slack, and Desulphurized Coke, 13=1 Corner of Butler and Morton. nrst yard on Liberia' and Clymer strts, hluth rtl and unhecond a t., near Lock No l'lttaburgh. (o. Families and Ilanulheturers supplied with the hest &elt of Coal or Cate at the lowest cosh rates. Ordera toil at any on the Yards will rat:erre protni attendon. ntyY3.b2a STEAM ENGLNES 1PC)1 , 1. IBALM.IEI.