The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 07, 1866, Image 1

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PCQI.I• .11...
No. N 6 firm L 4 TliltrT. PITT+I,nOII.
HY 6'12:
tiy~e , Nttbburglt 6a,uttc.
The change which the system usually under.
goes when passing from the summer into the
~tittimn. or autnrnn to winter, or from winter
IT is I iperted lb, Senate will to. la,
in tile spring end summer months, Is usually
reach a vote on I Ite . Constitutional Amend very trying on the constitution, asp...tally to
, h• rs,. of a delicate and infirm habit or bcaly,
and, aN It constxtuenee, many persons are trot,
PRIVATk. wittier.. from WaThingt di Wet with aches and pains in cartons Paris " 1
cry the as:int - abet. illitt Con:: re« will br , ,b. I the body "Spring foyer," or a feeling of lust.
ably adjourn by the E'ourtit of duly lute, overcomes the whole body, and there is
d ladles feeling takes possession of the white
ending with
, •:.btem, that is almost insopp h er,h;„ T here
torpor of nearly all the secreting organ,
S/ItUrday, June I!, die . oil' tally declare, a sluggishness of the animal organism
eXii<iftS of (told from New York were rat it Ilan needs some gentle stimulant to 1.9113 t the
er over than under $25,00,0(10, I) ur i„, •Itit rail functions in the performance of theli
the last month, the premium on bold lot- farted Intl.. There would , ls; o ver , v t . on ll t t , t ,. l::
pretty steadily appreciated; bet:inn g a: •* r l,in h n e g hl ' th e , l' an e' d ' it -if ep p t er' th o e ns ak p l a n i ' acting and the
2(4 and ending at 4Af, 'towels In a healthy condition. Hoe mnt
I stoolth could be savoit. well as suffering, .
A I.olll`AriY of liertnatis have established timely rne - irt to sat Ie .101 1114 , 4lieltle as the
near New park What they roll the — Amer ' herb and "" preparation culled
lain Lead Pencil Company •• T hey hnvi Sea
eal I.ahoratitry reher,•• ,•ounimunilo.l at the Drill;
invested a I itiart42r of a million dollarr.. I het - m
,xel tit et., It Is tine of th of Key s , e
few real remedies
the enterprise, and are (nuking as trots' ah . Ilia the .irk mun ean take with a err - Minty
article as any imported froni Europe • teat t lie it ill I.i• more than compensated I the
is the pioneer establisliy eo t „ n thin aid ,. the :min; co.t m llte immense bunellt to health
Atlantic rm. pentilti • I """
t. ""
e""‘""""d • i" the
r ••• V. hire elintatns more Italt.,
ofetgiv propertle•.
WHEN tilt! President tlolot-on tt tttti it h.. matte or roads and plants of rate inetll
liepillilleans out of oat, e tor retuning to - a l rOIIIO. gathered from itature's VaNI l
nlkandm) their prin-•Ip!••••• 1,1 In tray IL, it auti CA,. It youtalon Dandellon, iturthatk. Mc
party? Can the I •••rciit nano. one "- -P/o/ gerem,ar.apitz ills, Lan ender, and other plants
adelphi.4 Daily 11`,,, ,111.1 mat , .w l r.l, have wonderful all -rut, e
For whirl eke did the rryttittrill make- 11, h.! lonic pet tpertie s , no ttombinetl us tog et
onslaught op.! , the Federal °thee In•ldecs their togheat medical 43M:eh+, and nn sick man
of t ' i k"' the • V ` '`." that ' i
t -i t , : t t 'sk
•i 7; t hem s.t
doses "
lesto ul na m t. t cei
ch re nosV g a
ra n tnstt f tl it e " ;‘ " e• l l t. a '' n. 3 i
question, wanly tight ago, and it prtnleutly
unmoved which Is really marvel
failed to answer I rms. oftentimes have We aeon the pal* and
~, l iy-faced Invalid In a teat week, restored to
Mn. Ili-Veld-en Secretary:of the Trea • , he bloom and vigor of the highest degree of
nry, report% In t ont.rt • ss• t hat 6 r has paid I „4th. ice hare, soon the whole body tti
.•itti sores and ulrers, cured inn -Mort till.'
one Myer., a hrolter, t•ince February, *tin, the use of thin Itlca.l ,etircher We have
0 0 0 1,,, j 1,:j5.15iti.04111 iugat' , l kir goy. a-nnold and stuhltorn Marrs that would not 'I other ,tatter, in the Treatotry viii ," any other treatalent glee tt ay (OH
Department have I.ecn managed to. thi. w tuillOn nt haired verve ice ha'
, aIfLOVII piton of tw etc ty yews' standing cured
,aruple, the sooner Mr. St. en , ttt'le • 0. bait auger bottle, We hay,. known old
younger, anti hurries the article, oftrel long ntandlng ea.Sto Or rheumatism cured
peachment Lr threatens, the holler it NN it. We hitYtt seen the worst Cage!. of ticrof
uln. that defied all other treatment, entirely
be for the pockets of tax-pavt•r ,
aced by It. Wherever an alterative mot:Mine
THE Bon rd of Tiehlth ~ f the ('its' of Nee
g0, i,, 0 0 d ,„, , r t21 Is .
Lc,ok not fur silo nloren.,:;9.l%re.
York have been endee,,,lng, for Soon. ;.eo. 11. heyner, 140 Wood street, over the tam
days past, to n proper site :car clod •of the bottle, and On the United Staten statu;,
"tar top, without which it is spot - lons.
ern liospitnls. till' i•ltrirr In, Al! ..orte
- - -now—
obstar ice hat e lwer lad in the way Lc
Word. of Vital Interest.
property •owners nu Loney and Barrett tI 11 the thousand.. who read .m 1061114. of tr t
!islands, :mid of ire localities. The In eliug 1 ,111-10 - 11 .ge I •trrY day nlexote /tie 0 10 , 41,1
evinced by the., people I:us n that !inn, whlch Mn corn
wouldrnt le, the isn.d Pen.: NV i ;„;
over the whole land, than hat c sui tab:o IS indirectly the cense of all sickness; for
building,. erected for hospitals when aThe lone it nature tw strong enough to resist the mor
thee I,it ‘eree tutu valuahle end
, nnul Idttu, tees which produce Illness, of course
rt;e3, - are powerless n seek strength, therefore
Board have finally boUght sonic ou j Invigorate and regulate the system ' . When .
erns on Con,•.! I , hunl •he ; I nn ranges from .0 to VC degrees n
'i. shade, the most athletic are ont.feebled
toe weak are prostrated. It is at such n
.:roc chat suer at In 1 orator ua HIIPTF.T
4.,444444uu44 ~
44 . 44 , 1 , 4 ,
.Ithltf, ,Inen•inti Inst. What are the effects of this rare \ egeta•
Thollias Willintill-. Arn.s.,lln tt II M Tonle' Would that all who have knelt...,
Ikatiy As,anbly, Livia F' Me;!klittw ; is I,r tell o.;! , rondrnse their exPertem
is R.!, lona unto this paragraph. They week! tell the
• ..eanth), prole, their henitn they must une
Prothonotary, tel dolth tuns great nafeguard the detulltatlng
The monmation, were by Is untliar tole inlintences. They would exhort the weak to
No oop,,,ition Mr nltseanlidl unmedientod and impureentlumimun
t.. , t h i ts whMenonnw and 11111 ailing
Battingt;ot or Mr. William , . bat the hazer
received • • I ` , at , the .hlrovreektni mart
.er soul.] cling to a raft In a 'nanny nen
Butler County nionlollens nut they would, of dyspeptic pangs relit...ed. of
the re nomination of Mr unpeinte restored, Of •Inattered art en re
tong. int hen:lnches cured, of .11nordn.r...1
in any etch!. t ilo IIII,!,,i141r Ir
00, Jon. regutatnni, 111 hyrtoChOiltirta dxss.:
patent, of nuasmat le dtseanml baffled, of freer
,no mow cured, of liter complaint.. arrented,
sent, prtratten and toll defied, of hone r..-
Lllllll3trti, and etwerfulnent. restored. Sach
nre the effects of 110: 4 TETTEIPS
tioatettees Bitters
nee sold wholesale and retail at eery law rates
•t `lentil:tied Drug and Pktnnt Methane Depot,
no of Market, Batton, nomad of the Wanton:l
sad Mai ket, near Fourth street.
N, EN ANtr. --
loulilicaul of Iltk cr.unly r.
nominated the lion. Tirol,
Senator from tht , isren'y 'debt h dietriri
Mercer and Warnm have yet lo a. 1 on the
su ei t.
Mr. Utica: has ta i icti trite 10 Republic a n
doctrines, and and upright in
serving the inirrestb of hie curiAllUlll,.
This ecidenee of appreciation must hr
grateful to him.
W ot dor, It mean t It nieatti• Intd trine
that will permeate all the emmuotories and
depurating ti - gave of the Truman Issty, era
.lug and stlumlatlng them to eliminate all
the VINCI,I fool worn-out matter. as Welt do 1,,
•trenprlben the thlferent functions of life, Iln-I
13.1 , 1 Lie them ...Oh new energy Totter, at.
pelas, the various stun diseases, and n. en can
cel. has been cured by It Is the very
pr lux, of medltotes to help the languid its,
lestme.e. of s departing w Inter Into the boot.
THE, Stair Grand Council of the Umon .triey of spring Prepare,: at lo Keiser.,
League of Pennsylvania held a =erred ses '^ tar W street. Price, sl,to per Pertly.
siol/ yesterday, in this cily Every district n a a a i liaa.! mats t
in the commonwealth was fully repreotnt it a holoaale or retail, et overt ' , destrable sty:,
ed. The business transacted was of a rery tent`""or, ran ire had at of mMem
1.1 , Wood street. The stock exhibited for kale
itnportant nature. Among the resolutions
in Lille e.tabllslouent, for quality. beano y
unanimously adopted was the following price. cannot be ellrptteged by any house la the
Resolved, That In the Opinion of this -tip air. Firm lug has for years paid strict at-
Slate Grand Countii. the tam., of liberty. tent inn to the hat bustnewt, and it.. .Pared
union, justice and humanity requires that neither trouble nor expense ao supply the
the nominees of the Republican Union , Yrnlite of nib iiiitinmers recnmtnend
Party of this State shall be elected to office, readers to call alel see his stock before making
and We therefore discountenance any at apurchase rleewhere.
tempt to bring forward third candidates for
W. L. \Vs , “n, of the Re3o - vselll3
Lives in the lust LegiAtiure the Vonang”
and Warren diet het, ha., been re-norninated
by the lA-pnt.h, an , eq . Ventingtl eounty
Thi , tits - return to tiie
A Dltspacch
the several State and County offices, and .
F rota Bagel, June Corny.. that iinthusi•
denounce the canto as calculated and in -
tended to brine :ils:ut the election of thc f°°°ttt. loft that C"T Y"tera " " an
early train for Pittsburgh, to get a lot of Pit-
Copperhead candidate:, of the so-called
Democratic parry. ,
bsiik i s Jllbustitta, Gold rens, Wallets, L. be is
; syilin l y so cheap.
now lot onene
, 1.,..- roists, Rotundas, ,t4.—it f
—Gideon Ewing, residing near Hunter. ' int.. alio urn on Lite northeast corner Fourth
dots, Pa., was amb'.entally drowned a few :
~.,.;, vi . r r k ,,, g.
dap since.
"t 4.
C. Flarraoar LO VIE .t.. Ha..
—The Frisians have now a foothold in
Canada, but it wilt prove for many of them Drew• Geode,
a "six foot hole." At whole... Jan or retail, as etccap as they me
pereashed anywhere. Call and see then,. on
—Thomas E. Judge was shot dead In a Ihe northeast, corner yearth and Market el c
billiard saloon of Louisville, on Saturday
C. Hawses LOS' It ..R. olio.
night, by the bar keeper.
—Mr. - . Ralph Huntingdon, who died s it nnaphredra Hamoaptble
few days. ago, gaga the Massachusetts In- Medicines for wale at rulLon's Drug store, he.
stitute of tr.:50,000. IN sailthnoid street.
—The New Yiork Tribri It, receives One Lace Curtains,
thousand Republiean newspapers in ex- L :q t the northeast corner Fourth and Market
rihinge. Twenty of them suppprt the
C klawsoa Love A. Brio
—A night or two eboirloste Thompson,
since four hundred '
juvenile Fenian boys and girls paraded the tlamul, Motto, stank Rioters, Cogilmwell—Ph..
street,. of Louisville with Inainer-o and tographo at Pittoektil.
I.eove Your Adtdreatt
ThOrtini W. Cheyney, U. S. Asnettgor . At l'ittock`x for the New York, Philadelphia
for the eountie% or Chester arid Delaware, or CirteltiriaLl Pant
died very suddenly from disease of the .
heart, a lew dart amen 'Keller Outdone by Pli&Lock.
ljaltry, n pou,non n i n D etro i t, who has tlieltingle Photograph,.
got a splinter in the palm Or his hand, some
days ago, which produced lockjaw, from aoo Alooma
the effects dr which he died.
A tittle above cont,rarlttock'n.
—Dr. Whewell,, Master of Trinity Col. I Young America,
loge, Cambridge., left to the college tinf,trod t. at Plummet.
of 870,000 to encl.,. a Prolessorship and a
Scholariship in International Law. Mealy Photographs,
—lt is stated that the Czar has ordered
the release of the father of Komissarow, the
young man who eared the Imperial life, he
having been transported W Siberia in. 1855
for some political offense.
—The mpuntaltis in Washington, Mass ,
are being explored by scientific men for the VPli O Defea t , of Corneae at Penile
purpose of ascertaining their mineral ; —Reported iftZ. B. V r alrad by therime
wealth. Lead, iron find emery are sup. The 4iet AOst: j'e*rolV:,7-
pOSed to abound there In great quantities. 'erel EMPligem'nl.'
—Gen. Ittnier, President of the Board of ' .2.9CleitaYto6:fi:t ja"CaG-i—streX"eir4m:r''ri
Vera ern! MIL... to
nudism fr, invites proposals for Kites_ for . t'ulr"rwi,th Rist, L e d
national military asylums, by dcmation or .- I.t: r oona dli f e T,M a rti
sale. The premises must M., situate in a -the Marisa. Coru na„
lord • State, in a healthy location and con- ! ult.. at Panto Blanco. dev,,wat Aluerlee'ro:
Wit not less than- two hundred acres of
land. •
w rm r ;rt r r d be ki sl i e l tr ed er n by ang tlre xu s arm y!
' nealminna Iv about making a trig: to knol
-The iron Oar ~r the Adam,. Express alazrow
iiorupsay, w Web went through Irons Nalt I it vt. reported that . thecklatbdeacrie
ork MostOu nn Monday night, con Min r..7, l o b iflt he l d . sorrfrom hiuhabw
ed alsutt.s7,ooo,ooo.. Two trusty meson Sa.tai hosts. bcvorai other engagement,.
gees and a detective accomminie c d it., Landing to the . 8 4vawairo
atelbknoWnburglare were boo. n to be titi ! "- Tt.....imaTaittlavatm c • excessive.
lite train. but totind no ehane , for opera., i Psuruo musty, prove -or of the rayon TLiis
tIOIB. • care, tes
,--Leonard Rhin, President of the late The Koons Enmity Murder.
iitrints' National Bonk, who bus been CINC/IIIN•TI, Juno r,.—The new trial prod
be/ dn""*„. f Or the past. two days, was t f Lstusast Cov
. o . rt , ,„ o r a r L tho murder of the Doan
Lebanon, ohm, veater
eomminedli) Pnsma, being unable to pro
cure bail Ho is Wdardrumi uppu . . Two hundred Pei:thins left barn Lon night for
rata alAddla out b y Contx9Her tdark, char g- fr "" 4 "•
ing him as Presidqu otildd ttink; with •
Carolers. es New York.
141fally embezzling, abitraming and raiz- Naar
by ows, Jnna s
811.004 and ere i
Appropriating Pb* ItkOnmre Of /kid Baia. acacias abiders sir reprted.
VOLUME UM.---NO. 133
Maud fteareber
1 ntrcata.
. All the Jane MAI
AL I.kttonk'n.
Reinforcements Going Forward
lie is Enthusiastically' !teemed, bui
Said to be Despondent,
econnoissance by General Murphy
General Meade at Pottsdam
tit IL ih 11.Ai;
Martial Law and suspension of Ha
beas forint, Advocated.
Report or Fenian ..flovensettlx to
the War Department.
t . . 1.111 {t \F . 1 1111•• - 1 ,1 .11101, nltiuborlng fort)-10.0, 4-11 elt) :••-
, lIIN FOT rh.• r .•riznit i.t :•t
hrt.Ugh livro wlllitil im..t -
troll, toiler 1.1 n,.•, (.7.•. t.• t 1. , 1 , 1,r
- Eitztpatell
w re 0...• lip :no
w :111 grwlt entlitirlw,lii. Ii re1a.114,1
.•ney a: tin .01 II -5 rill•
atilli.37•lt .111.11 y Mad, ry I
Dliilllol.lll AI ,
\ el trimito.l
o• rIAO alch 1./ get ` ,.
nlltiutloil, An,l
vtc) eg..Llllg tl.e 11.3.11 tut.
( 111111 1.1,1 III,: It. ••••
r.att.l ht do,
e g l ib 11,14,
II N. 1 , J.,. •
11 is city lite,. II
St.rlh, Issstasl Is. r the I Ana
n,.• tr., it...
110,41‘1411.11,1t• gist i,
L 10( It 6.1,11. Ss. 1 •
it 11...1,11, 1..1, In. Is
uu•l vull t.I
et,-11 10 11, 111114•t,ti' ~t
Ilight ,:tv it
,t4r. eia ui a. 11,
t! puz po 11l out
.e Ismz
.1 tu.r.
• • o
I t,
11 1.. El).•tv
..f .....trra.ll NI . rphs p
Ufl.• fournu e, p.m
,10 11.e411l1fm. 1•11,1 tlll'y all re, 3:it...1 -nr. 11,
,•.1 - 0..u1.1 r•x. • •
,I,vreeti them
Ihr v wlnlty
ucuurn.l Ili - 4d. rt - i..: (C 1 ttot
VI • -lall I.2tv. - nl. /111,1“,
returm,l t p.lut frxmi
tt•.f vrar 11,4,01
roanu 1141. me
coctli.rence. aoll r. , ...r
AI tile r. , ..iorm. tot ..r
Murphy a isittritit..d. till. melt tuni:
1.,n13 -five men (Mtn 1.13 ^,3 11/1114,11.1 15 , •
Ult U../
Corupti.,lo•• t lir
tatter Artlllrr .11 rt...t fr,,un
but.,,...1 ..r.
Lb.. t ILA . ] . •et y I
Ili.rly-11,1: men 3..uttl, !lit...
,I,Junrsam•l 1./.• , ...•na.nt .1111/et
ornl, ban becn us.vatio.t 1/5 lot-tiff I a
One Toe.. ~'uric— The Ttore, rut
rkec aye lA, pro, ttsmaltuti cd martial in.
as..! P , lftperi.lo•ll/f til. WI It of 11,t , v,n0 .t •
pus art . ativ.teutetl of the .•pera
xeer F., 1 mu, 31,i zee
th.• I.ariattiattt /tut.
llit . t.. 10/ Lpialay. ,a .
let, ••( I litmnaal i. F. II ',alga Irk, of Nitit•
Lalitiy, cif 4,lvlelalltl. ./4,/,.
of I huffed°, 0 1 tira, ..1
Yt,rk,--aptur.,l put
Jail at Itll,llllo
J u/..... follow tug
of I Fen tan Luny 1,114,1 ‘• at+. eavw. tul .o-day'
1.1 1,44.::1nt,0;
1 , 1 Ifrevct ifr, Barstow,
—NlaJbr Ig, t ..nt 1. II vg,
abd LI/f .1 t, g tn. ;.•.•bi
•• 11, not a...v.:nib 711,1
worif COMIIIMLId.C.I by any one, an•llleuleil 11116 ,
they g.,•bg
own hto•b. NlJ.rnn,.n7n
..rgwilgatte an , l aim,: One It th.
re Ita d 11.. t,,•
vnt.tuated 111,n to, kg,
4:1 . 11..1 and gtneral.y d A It. 4,1 ,
(11.1atiertbd Ahnnt tire.) I,:ad II
Ihoil A. They ol want
•oatenr.., and were dep.n•ltng on tho
tor I.(.1 Ile ce.”:..lthrve.,l,lllll that nia)
rrYWN ha,l glint,
Dry ~,,t, .111,1.1 I ta'll
Rescue, eroveil front Too eAti sitti•
plied at Windsor with heavy armament met n
erew from the British frigate at quoit ~ Trn
powerful tugs filetamora anti Satellite are ale.,
aro - old. There • ntenntein will olinbiy ki.
I,eite Iluron, to watch the ((xi...sifted (
ex - pm - OM - el The Canadian ',0i1...,
tomes on the wesitent Looter are thistly In
The Seeretary of the Treasury lion
revenne cutters subject to the dities.tdoit of Dis
trict Attorney Ranch', who iltreete their tnirrei
modifiers to nee tnelr vessels, to onfolve the
neutrality law In thin ulstrict. One Of the
tiettern salted Deitay, destination unknown.
t. NI, Aar . , June 6.—A large and enthu-
Oast..r ineetlog was held hare I.o.lllKilt.
Addicts:tem were made by Mi. Fltkkernlil. of
OthOrB One thousand
w rained tseventy- flee melt have )men WAIT
fo as
ra ard from here-
Tortola', F . W • .ham K—Nt•ws from
quarter. ha. helm refhl refl. Kveryllong
quiet. The e xeltimmu I Is mulesellug.
A Warrant 1. sued for (be A rremt of
Al I,Yrr Z, N. Y , Julie —About 0110 thototan .1
Fontana are here under Generale Murphy anu
fletrertnan t.ennral Sweeny has left for st
Albans. The cresol Is orderly and Increased
by et ery train. Murphy has issued a speend
0. dm to prevent pillaging and disorder.
General NWOelly Ana gone on to luniralo.
train which ha, Jost arrived
from the west brought seven ear thudsnt
Fenian,. trout Potts.lain Junction. This adds
aLout four huntlretl to tilt force already
From tellable soothes We learn that over a
thousand more. will arrive herr within the
next twenty-tour hours.
Sim boon, Julie o.—iffidnight.—There Is owl
solernble excuetu..nt to-day among the Fri t to,
tiros its aishesublitti about Tammany Hall anti
the Roberts Headquarters. Attar - tiny lieneral
order 10 arrerit all prominent Fenian,
acted unfavorably for the Brotherhood. A
n .
wt. rat has been binned for the arrest of Prune
Idunt Roberts, and
_itliteed In the hands of Mart
.hat Murray, but Roberts, up to the present
hour, la not CUSLOtIy. Ho will probably be
arrested to-morrow.
_ -
Roberta hue lasued a characteractle addrtuat
to the Fenian, denouncing the eoorse of En
gland during out lute war. tie bide his fel
low conntrytnee he of good ellecl, and pre ,
dicta all will yet be well, .closing ua follows:
•'No mutter. fellow countrymen, how many
of ns may lad, our eatute alit triumph an sure
ac a Just Gm] lives, and Irishmen and their de
seentionts remain true In the goo it. 1.11 valor
for which Out race 11AVO been always.
Tammany Hall Wild cloned tnwilght, and the
lulls are none: w hat cji.reNnlrelgn , / 11 act ion
of noverunionL It is ilia, nue 111 111-
t.wl4 recruit? Worn rained to-day hw. thw ye_
mart enure. II It believed large numbers have
ally gone north MlllOO Mimday, itiel that
Moro will
It tx etorently reported (Lust prominent
noted Sutton 011101441 in this Oily hne been re
nee. ed from ogler.. Tat, reason In nut ststed.
Arrest or a ••Ilentl Cruller" In Cleveland.
•• " •
CLEvk.t.,(th .)., Juno S.—Thomas Laren,
State Tretutorer and agent for the fate of Fe
lon bon4 s . mud O'Neill, Head Centre of the
lAtrwn Circle, Wert- arreatpl, and are now 1n
przutrn. The tatted States Marsha, has pos.
sensate of the headquarters and papers A
few muskets unit knapsacks worn the only
to U. MM. found.
Mary land Cotailentloo oflll.7neonetltlonal
811 .111.
atzruenaa,...hdle 6.—The State 600Ventaost
of the unoonattlottal Union Party or Ma lanU
At AO= today. at they Fourt h gtreftt.
Thellre. There wee a large attendance and
j plat. gotnualasaa.
Arrival of the Steamer Africa, with The Fenian Invasion of Canada,
Two Days Later sews.
The Lots - % to he Entbreed
r Preparation.; Continued.
IV FIERKAS. It has become known to me that
certain evil disposed persons have, within the
territory and Jurisdiction of the United
states, began 11,1,1 set on foot, and have
en pro
vided 11.11 d prepay d, alti are still engaged in
1,;,..rp..d lln in eenstoan the —Tin " n " . pito - Ming and preparing to for a military .
- 71,, al L oxpedillon and enterprise, which expedition
Lill. morning wilk dates Oro
and enterprise is to be carried on from the
The .Uare aced Goss Prize/ID/it
It IA ( . ..rifirme.l that the I hrec neutral cowers• territory and jurisdiction of the United States
uanta the colonies, districts and people or
, eet , letttleatl tette,. to itmits, N lettitt, Fi attic- . British North Americo. a - Ithin the dote talons
fo t end lierimec, Inviting all illt. 1 , f1V.,r, ~,, It ; Of the United Kingdom of Great Britain end
~,,,,,,,m , ,,,,, 11 , ~,, 11 , 1,1
~, ~,,,,,•,.,
~ , ,„ls.
~,,,. "and freht , ntl, with , , which , said colonies, districto,
i eopli mit kintilum, the I. tilted States
.dhle. II :mike proinirniions ineanwSile ton
, arc at peace; and wheretut, the proottedlnr
I me.,
, tgs
aforefnafi constitute a high misdemeanor for
tby flepresefon In Imfghsh Minuet. /111.1 Cllll., ' IMlrlso by the laws of the United States as
inf Its• 1.1 . 1 1t111 1 / 1 ., 1.111 theft. An “. rather better well as by the laws of nations;
tIo•I in g : Now, therefore, for the purpose of prevent
i's” ''' es" L ' ''''''' s ""'"• --4 -"''''''seetal P IS H'eo I ing the .•nriyitt,; en of the unlawful expedition
:Imo , '" me'hor , geT: The , Ihoener ot o les OM . and enter Len aforesaid from the territory
L'l I ''"lffnoe , Intl assemble Mile , . Amlnto ond jurisdiction of the Called States, and to
:'''''''• le " ' lm es's' "I . 3 " - s no "`"M e e l Ift ee n• f tualiftain lii,, public pence as well . the nu
,il",'"' to " r " :I s . "' fen' at Prague that : tlonal honor, and enforce obedience and re
f:: I•estof , , ft , "l , s are tsteanoing sit the Iroslter• ; sport LO the las, of thy l'illted Slates I, An
t Ife lit uesele .1 ,,, ,rmil .+llll. 5 Mat lio.utli is I drew Johnson. President of ft., United ' Staten,
ms tsk Is "mmen w,31, the Italian , - , even- do .Iniontsh anti warn all good citizens of thu
ns• meleln monk In excite a reef-SW:km ~, : United Stales against taking part or In any
1 Way aiding, countenancing or abetting Sold
To , /0' on ' , III' of spar Is Esr"Pe tau., one unlawful proceedings ; and I tin exhort 1111
1111.....1,1 1 kl• 1.1.11ial loci ng on thy London stfwk , judges. magititrates , marshals and °Myers In
If i e ttoult"
Tl"' Pl'''. "I"
the eery leb of the United States to employ all
' : iir ,. . ll '• it , so ehosSeL: A op. - , ineir taw fdi authority and power to pr, vent
gt ye- appears to he assured, hilt war rut. tin tots lutil defeat the aforesaid unlawful if rocemllnge,
~' y:
.• plmired tof
f tad to arrest anti bring to all pereor,
A l'ai to telegram of t.llO 2.5L11 says. 'dent, . w h o tm, ~, e „,,,..„ ged ",,,,, in ; a „,,
..i ~,,,,,, arra dispatched yesterday and It. l ot o tt y, to „ ot t o to il to „ e , of ~,,n,,,,,,,,
ht 3 by ale 1 . ..n,, , ,11-.01, rruliell HMI it usslan tat. i i t , too l, o „ so th „,i, „ of t or ov jg o d .
het- to 11 , , ftif. 3 mums, rtoMitfoi if ofiol FlMlnieeff ' I do furthermore authorize and eta power
~,rit"' oosomblp IS o emigre. , 10 Itetthmot e I Major tOfnefral 6 norge li. Meade, COmtnatllll,
,tp,.t. toe .01,4 ~,,, of Ow 1....11 . , , a1, rwh.,l R.,,.. , of 1 i,,, sn in t “ ry du. 1,5. yr the, At
to ent.
tf ft. - thoi id the IL: , te, the Inuilies, aml LT' ploy the land anti naval forces of the United
If" , f'eltoltos 1L1M" ,,, 1j• It to expect. 11, that , elates, anti thl militia thereof, to arrt,t and
. '''' I ..4“ ,• ' ... ‘ 1i " ,6., ..t . -th'"t , H' La" 11 1 .'"' ' prceent thy setting on fdot or earrymg on the
I L . tweet. it the Ildev dloPoliiiit paw ere I" o expedition and enterprise stun:said
ef tg oe. . gmeoul, regarded as set I het, an I In tottthhott, It h ttr „ to r . I have t itt „. hoto us .,
.1 ie said that 1 thorns will eminent to the die- iiiie hand, and caused the :teal of tile United
, •!......1 !I'.. 1, 111.1 /11.11 ~1 1 ,1101, —it Tilt. Ini.l. ...,,,,„ 5,, ,4 0 4 .
"! ‘''' ''.".•,, • omittaiteotioo• Aceouliog Issue lione at the City of W.litngton ibis sixth day
1,111,11 1i... 1 . 1 11W . ..11S VllllllOl. ht. 110.1 'l'l'l, et June, in the year of mlr Lord one f 11 1, 11-
..11 ' •I11111 '• I I I ' . 1 "' ..1 . 1 " 11 " 11 ' l 'fs r., • ,, ' sand olght huntlrtal ei.11 , 1 els ty .11, /.11.1 ot the
I", I , TIIY" I r'fat 3 "oss , 11. ..,,, (o, ' ,he I ndepeiblenee of the I toted 1 .1 1./114,1 toe nine
: mutt , I . ,. .henT ~ 1 11, . .111111t,e. I.,,thA ..rk., t., drib
ANDIWW .Inn sts"s.
• 111 1/11LT3,..1,ta twat' l ichllll loss,• airett.i) eolli- , Dv 1 . 5,, 1.,,,,,,,i,,,,, ,
Whi it- -, w AR", :,,serl,Lary of , I4te,
It, if-duke Albrecht ifful miLlressed tiff of der .
:ft fay floi fo tln Austrian troops tufo, /1,. 1
ntroathat a., looked tut %omen of
up•of all earm., an 4 it
11~.t.: I bat it imattaniatdon Of it .tut, ..1
t .cti penalty a'a• ttlYeattlntal agalaun
•tallui./1 ,ne n Liana eal rndlnit tabusoltYlet• .11 tnc
t In%
it t
•tzsie‘l llf•t 'Elie Crown l'rlto, f.f Prtf..
tlf.• Itegf.uf• .Ifirtf, ft,
f l, llll.l,,tring him
w Mt.
Int.-11,lb 10 r•onvol,,erzotut
41110111 t. , TOr•et ul Merlin
I( 41,1' l`inl
I 4,11 nu 1...1.11.1 had app. ...1 • •:1
t. , ICI la the ,rtlao t), LIPok
. •elstge sns the Isstllats .1.1.• of Is, :5,
::.• I;...:u:1 orig
t • vtit. eprv.
... advantage. tin for lag.
/ • ' nod apiivelat:y no Itr .4.-
VI ILIA ••••• n •
o re no, ooe.o ten. o.
e 1.1 0 .Letto of Lorna ID
e. ,e-ti /•”...n. t. t• .5 ./Is.:1
ti,‘.L. . 16r WI W, I/Oro.l
.ry • . an.; looani Inv. 1 . r.n.0u5.....vhi5.111,
•f •.• tlomtr w o , ...ot•l earneetly rvlner ate ,
.n. .3t.1114”•/ for t tit. ll , nrwmalon of Ina ~ es•
illa.ll 1 . 101:4.11,1t et, the only run..., pwrlkaio..
.1 a.ont ana
...a.: r I{ll., : 1 . 51 . 4,[1.6121.01.1“
• Lho
Mr 1 , 1 .raelst toa.le onqutrlo. as. to the nn
llr• .1./11.d••nr rani hu could 'Ad It lily to
i otd • 1arrn.1. , 11•14 recent utatemeut In the
Inn Orlt lah li . uvertunent It thy, dul, 1,0 cillortAln the pronoualn fox
•uutteuu. aynd ettrueutiy deulred the prenet ,
• utlun ',nee. nut were without any sun
.; uno. ro Tne •precteo 1, - th. or the
for mcgoLlal lon are not yet
••‘• aunt - 1 t, I. antlelputed.
iu .11 fl urn in' tutu:tole on. held al Inc Ma:
1.,••lon 00 Oil. 151 n, nr...1.1,1
11. e 1A.,: Mayor, to In „Ku.ntr Ilu
ann. ut. of t f
A t rt.... 1110l,nitimll to Ogsorg•
tIro• rn, - tean , ft.aker
I'voryr•,P `lundre.ln:ll4.. Or tI4, nrx
.ai 4. lhr
1 , .a.. , rn • AN , LtI mile, prr day won
• A
iii away. Thr wnrx.. procetallrig.l,o
tt. , I t rtPtlli , / li,. lb., bluest Faxt,r,.
• • .
L... ••t a . .. 1••• t•• hol.l all the cuuutmatry rut•ol.•,
~• • 1•••unuul et.,l husltlttul ••u tuuti•l.
rt,,. •
.11,4 irtousitter 130stacquettuy Lias
t•• talc... about ilwr. hufulr•••l
•• i ..1 tbe viii ••tt),leLroth
. .
to••!.1 . 11[Il, it. 611) FL/6.1 engoire.l t,•
•,..,rpro,e, and , h o f , r11141 thovorat•
aoalo grtuotod It ,Orvey Of the wnt
I r,.1, ,tootottlotttY
I Nue.. ..{.1.1411-1, a bra, to too titillelo..l
. .
tth ir-Nopling Lpiesretno, so that the old cable
I 01/pi...1 at pinta a tulle apart. To
.I , •nk b. •11 . 19.111 .adsive greeter pocurs
nz.. r., ut r.a.atr.n atil only partially ~pal al
:11,e rn eau, ow tag to ',rust draft of watt,. Sto,
.•tor lturbor J uno al
, turf I n
.Iny lit two after tor Iteuthavon, Tr
.One,, ,43.3 wlll oompleto otaaltag 00.1
..1..000ti to lay the cable.
no prize light fur rha nhupu t ip tap. "en
)1 .• Attu ton. gra. 0 porreet Eni T 1. ., ta..n
....I little het nut Paid Spar for 0/t hon.!
I 0 q 01111,1„ 0 li , ” 11,. ) 111,00 k 1 1 / 1 11 , 1111 and
etTa I r en(11,1 in s .11 - 14‘ , , to the holly.
11/11 .I'lllo .I..ctawn uod patron. Ol 1.11,-
;.:rr ring 01 renernl
Lt. n1111111..11. h.l.lrrlai nrtatro' Eng
• ... great ft oprosolon The
•411 S ot II rnr sofw a continund drain of gold.
fool the 1,1 ,1 . 1 1,0 11l ;honey Imlttattes that the
11.11 Is inn y. 3. Ober Atututs LLIV Itstent. sue
pension,- are him Johns d ' CO. , of TAy
crooffi, I tolta toc rollout., with nobilities. lo the
amotot MI, en hundred sad :My it...a:hand
isolools, loot NV h.. re
I v., of
kmortenu cottol/ with ILI
/ad Itio, of oho lan harts! and (My thousand
or A .-- Sewn Itenastref f 111M:star of Forulam
Altar. IN,
had cc:fermi! in the ("art.+ to thu re
irk. in the English Parliwmont upon the
.suberflootnt of Valapurlso. Ur said ha haul
info n , oho' foreign governMgmta that Spain
eftuitl Ira rosouree for every kind of bow
t Of
avenge Wood already shaft If tho
fuel han rim ihiluo 4 Uhl-Wt..' war wlth Spain,
.h r• would continue to liCt Vl'lth enormity
anatost tlleut
Prince Charlee of Hohenzollern, Inn speech
4 , the National Ame.,mbly at Bnehareet, ae
,.eptod w It bout heoltat lost. and with all lin re.
•pon , ll.lJltle4. the limitiorlarah_fp conferred
n rum /I
him V the free act of the Ronmaln peo
AI •ho titling of the Paris Conference, on
tin !went) h, r h5. 1 . 6 ..t the
nettallatton ot .I . rtneo Charles MI6, of the
prlnclpnlitlen Thn COnlereneei•ortflood ftwelf
41111 ply p/wmiag the proton on record.
It t.,,,ta Wl , l France are maid to Wive declared
thoznenlvea oppoxedto LutAtrvent.lon In pri.m
-0.11, t,”
i.l I .11ay 35.—Cotton—Tlie regular
weekly report et the Liverpool lettortmar.
ket waa forwarded by the to in Mcotla.n.
Ilretplt.tutTa—r/all Illehardson, Spenre
report Fleur dull, and Wheat dull tut
st.uly IV, n ter Red, Ids. :hl.alOa. sd
I'te, Islon, tend dew nward. kilsland
Kruk k AleAnlIIT report fleet atoll And
01111 det•llning Pork quiet and steady. Itc 1101111..1, At a decline of ldapk.t. during
the week.
Nr..10r., t. iii ular mile! to Sugar (staler
:urfee you dull. Petroleum Inactive, at IN
dt• t , .r rtuimul
London, Mop n3--l. a.—ctstsdh closett nt
t`futrr. toroney; railed Stat es Erie allures, tly,,Ogt*,, Illtutila Central al
I, u . ..7—Evuning.—Thore was
general improVement th-day VW the Stock Es
g hang,. All atieuritien rather higher,
he large art ivala of apatite from America was
a•outs soarvo of the better fueling, and is eon.
(dared about to act IL.
Lairs( bg Telegraph to yuee-n•tomm, tiverpooi,
Woo 17 _con titiuni.,l politics aro UAGGangetl.
The qbperr, Atutee that no Oonfrreml Will as.
honiltle nnleAA A nAtiln Joins. AllstriAn cOnfietir
A Vans telegram states tint Austria will
cuss for question of corn pen.utiou under rer
nuu reppanieg the nature of com-
Sonontion. II b• .Litte, that South German
taten intend to 111n401.1.10 in neutral alttf i rain
Ili view of which ibrussfa 'will make no nlll
- Ills the North b.:ratan states, their o e
t ralit y being equally deitirous.
iteno to tiro agll.lll current, at r
Prussian troop A
s re advancing to the frontier.
The Etrusi,lx Journal States that. Kea/tali
a s acting is concert with the Italian Govern
meant, and endeavoring to excite a revolution
in litingar3-.
I.ord t ow ley had left Park, being anarnion
,,i by the tiovernutent for consulta
tion. 4 .
The marl. Sfoutteur coutirmo the dittpatelt
by the three noutral powers or 'YOtea ,for thu
an:tot:ably of a 'Commal. to meet In PttMitt the
oartte,t poaaiblo date.
nw Yuma, Juan n.—Tbt, fitvamor Moro
Castle tortngollavaua dates to tlAt 2 lustful!,
Tho 9paniel/1 Mlgato Isabel Catholic. with
Unneral Duna] on board, called for Now lora
the ammo day, ea route tor Sudo.
Gooneral Lottunde had taken pee:tension of
the government of Cuba_
A decree has been iesuod to gtve deeont
burial to thosis who died without the pale of
the Catttollo Übuzah.
thf Prestriera OF th, Slrtfra ni Arne
Trial of Jeff. Davis Postponed
till October.
RT. .11.1
:1I th , r . In-4rty
lirwl7' and Ilroun. c..nunof.l
• p”...t, SIT Ill•rmmsy, A4atolan
Isl.lnct Attor,..% tnove,l th.• pl,tivoiletl34,ll
t,lt• trtxl of DK,I. Vr+l
Th, r• , nrt
• tins
R/.1 won,
' • tit llo.uncrccy for uptlt in, In. Ili •11,11 t
••t(,;•ne thc Irutl of Act? !kat lc ro-4tts
IP, \l' I. xpot “:ct uerer n.,
• t , 1c 1 . (1,4w1t cf tho. cot,rt. now hut tc bcl.l trt
c , , , c , lclait.z. u.o• uincut ctatto prlenno-r
tf be pre the ucttut, of thc. court thc
flttorttey I.cnerttl .01111.1 not 11.1.1 come hcrc
1,1 try c:oln. Fop! Mt flu. del
cxlth ittpl ruch . • 'n Lt.t
I unneall 1.4 t I,lth 3 po.
11,0 . 24,1 lr lAA
Mrn•lv,..wr , r th, ronrww., tar Mr 10,,v.
t 111. 1'114,11 A N. th,
••Iv w: L , fllrt w rOO .that et. , npv tor I,
• "nr,II ha.! ,v•tt, hlits, .1.. t an,
. . •
1... , r1re•••
t 2,1 tl/11,,1 nrkl.l that 1 1,, .1 tugl
un. trlnn•s.l., thin
irt•ni tit , tint Itit—nlay m tic:Winer, When it
fr , r him, truil thr
tt . •lri•licnt,nl that hr
givn Ihn nu., toot :tt tont if /ft x blob 1 its
n 1,1/74.11..N JUne A. I*.
The tredentlail of Vi ( nl2. Sennti, fleet
.ne us re pre•entsd and lahl.hl
Tie bin rsorannistng tin s elsrleal tom. of
:!.•• 1 . 1,..11c1f
fn. Usent,t 1r....Aut...., Laken up
111 Ilone rssuno, Ish.n.rk, rn,rse of
FILIVII or 55.1,1 Ihe President's pn.lley tuul
.11 , Nrt of 5.J.111 . 11g tIJ.•
be guest/on n the attoptit.n Mr 1N.,.
I untruttnionl • as Luken. nn,l It .ss
7 e.gatnat 21
Mr Doolittle then ~ S tored an amendment
ollatlttiLlna the wer '•inale ellltet...
0-ale elector. , " adt/ gatrort 2t
Mr W hon. l .etltote for ti,, sue.
•e,.1 prochtlng LI at the !wale of rep, e.
nonfat ton shall re, appertlonol arta.rAteg in
I Lc whole number of male Inhahttante. eteept
La:FLAN/ Isolates, ovet 21 rearm of age; trot
whet, say are exellete.l from votlag Iry any
al the h eel. phial I tee formed open the num.
tee, In proportion to much reduction ~r ,lerml
4, I.r , pi in:v*l
Mr Hooper ieport.i, with amendment..., the
bill to vomit, safe keeping of politic cnoney,
usteil to distiurking offleero, w Inch war
Mr Hooper stated that an nuatmilnient t..
the National Banking Act would lie reported
to prevent Internal Revenue or/leers from de
positing funds In National !hulks. and re
qulrett them te send the money to the TPOII
- Delano offered a resolution iltrecttnif
the flanking Cote Emutw to onielre into It.
t. viatilienry of II tang a uniform rate of inlet
rpm% by Notional Sauk, Adopted.
the bill in relation to tile iiiirts of asn-
In giant Territory a PL. panned
r /10 joint resolution authorising the distil
lon Of aarpltt. eoples of the American Stnte
initiers in the custody of the Secretary of the
Interior, torus palse.l
Ti.,, resolution authons.lng the Secretor,. of
flit. Navy to accept. Loogisc Island ens later
Mr. holly Gtvorod I.
Mt itrantago it. describing Linsistie
find as three hurolrod and forty.ovea mores
of usnil hot trim throe toot hel o s. the curb.,
of the river lielaiviare, and a liondred
Clow the iievan.
Mr. O'Neil favored It. and Mr. Iltilihard
posoil it. No action wits tahuu.
Ti,,. 1,111, appropriating tot the -
1 tneont of the iil/USON for the row,
was rvisirtnil and passed.
The moil molly titken tine Ittimonst ruction
inualttrO4l to Coal:doom, 'ruins, and
Indian Territory, wan reportedßUA ondortiel
to ho printed.
itolotfor to Dlobaroing °Meer's—
Moro Co ➢tone)—sOQor Crop
at St. Croix-Alrotranoportallort of
!french Troop. from Nextro.
WAsnisoros,Jime 6.—The bill In regard to
disbursing odleers, passed•lo-day, makes It
the duty of every disbursing omeer to deposit
all penile money with the Tres...rill or Assis
tant Treasurer, and provides that It smith mon
ey In need for any other purpose the officer so
using it shall ho adjudged guilty of embezzle
The secretary of the Treasury hue received
fro two sources today 41,570 monoclinic. ,
mimes from Inirtitni who say they owe it to
the Treasury.
advt.. from ht. Croix any thesugar crop
will he Ilfty per . ct
nt. above drat of last year.
II In understood at the Slate Department
teat a contract has been toads by the French
Government, with the Trangi-Atlantic Steam
ship Company, flow mtrartimortation Of the
IlDtt returning detachment ol the Frond.,
army now In Mexico°, from Vera Crus, to St.
Pruner, Iu October next, and that Marshall
Intuitae In. to leave MOSICO with that detach
!senator Peattondon, at the emoting of the
iteerinstruetiOn Commit tee title Morning, pre
siedwd the Committee's Meal report, wlO.ob
WWI tweeptod. It reviews the whole nue/awn
of reeenntruetion, giving Lilo rens.. Winch
Influenced the men:Morn of she Committee
adopting the measures recommended bY them,
Heretofore reported to Cfnirresa.
Charles O'Connor, Lae., one of the nenlor
anu”../ for Jeff. Davis. and Governor Pratt ar•
rived tu the city thin morning.
Tho Unzetir publisilmA a decree de
claring moo:haat vessel,. null cargo., of coun
tries with which Austria is at war are not
liable to capture 11 the boottle power iiiisor vos
similar reciprocity--eieept contraband of war.
The cabs in euentlen the reattemeat
01 IN,
% memor w i e al diplonuttlque that the Aus
trian Olen re had boon embarked for Alexi
a. and says that they hays boon diabantled at
•earelary Seward has been prattled by the
Hryutlnh COMM t..
I that aptaass 4,eberal Dales,
lately command In Cuba,arrt, b or ..;
nn thewar e t e e,nor Isabella la Catolleft from
th ..... 1 „.., egke of Corral/nous NeW
Jersey—Legislators nod Lobby dlem.
hers ludtellid• ,
,i.,d one 6.—The grand or of
Mereor county, who nave
.been inve-stigating
the e erruptions •used lnliassing hills through
e I.,egislatere, presented indlettuents to-day
0.. .in, 11. c. Wagoner of Pi:Manic. C. M. Bice,
.I.ltaisoni Barclay Haines , of 'Burlington,
wul Dtiotha_llelemig, of Bergin. The first two
wore Members of the House, the last two wore
sat are knows as "lobby members." They
also made a general presentment on this sub
ject, calling public azten Hon to this mime and
also to the ktndrod crime of using money lu
election. There has been considerable ex-
CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. l ratted Proabyterisin General Aa(numbly.
Third /*we.)
(Additional on Third Pogo.; The report ~ f the t eniantlttee on the liken.
tory for worship and church Covernment was
The Gekette.—Fersons leaving the eity .
then taken up and a resolution instructing
d mhiker
, luring the summer, Call the AZIZTT6 the I,,,„hytere, iota
on the
mailed to then, by leaving their address at .4 aesiiiin of whether the e ge of mus,eai ju.tru.
our emaitlng room. 'Dents in the a orsnip of ihnl he allowed or not.
The resolution gave rise to a spirited debate
which was participated in lit almost the en
tire Assembl), pending which the Assembly. adjournial with prayer.
Eva:ciao SZSRION.
The Assembly met in the evening at halt-
past seven o'clock. and was called to enter by
the Moderator.
The reading of the minutes of the preceding
oession was lisvenne4l with, and the services
pened with prayer by Rev. Van Eaton.
The report of the Bintril of Foreign Missions
was called up In order. The tint Ore resolu
tions contained in the report having been dis
posed of at a previous session, the sixth was
taken Up. t1.11,i after being reconsidered was
finally adopted its retiorted. The seventh res
elation was reeonsidered and amended by I
striking out the word linnota" and inserting
"their Just proportionment," after which it
wan adopted.
The remainder of the report of the Commit..
tee wan adopted without alteration, when the
Assembly adJOunied with prayer.
An Exciting Foot Boce—A So ppoxed
Horse-Thief Arrested two o'clock yesterday afternoon an
ninn named Roger Corbett, resident of
iownship, rarne to the office of Alder-
Man botislilson, In the Fourth ward, and in
form,' that magistrate that he was atm= pur
chlwii in; a horsy it,m n man at the Red Lion
Hotel, owned John Lydi a , but fearing the ani
mal might have iwen stolen, he had mime to
usk the Alderman's ailviy° before paying the
lwwweY- Av Lydia was totally unknown to
tiring I. the Alderman advised the latter not
to purehase un tit it, a (mill nod out something
the rehloart,t,t.nt whereu pan
I t •;8 ;4 7 t l n
must eas lef l t On th o e f
MYR, nut in a short time after returned with
Lydia nut the altllnitl in lineation, which wills
loft staritilitg at the door of the ottleu while
the parties abovirnanted went in to arrange
the preliminaries of the sale Cornett then
t o the ' , quire that Lydia was willing
to Lake an oath that till. bore wan lawfully
Ills, anti that he had concluded to make the
InaUly, agairmt the opposition iif the Alder
man. t orbot t handed Lydia a note on out of
the flanks for one hundred dollars, which
was the price demanded for the borne. Just
as the partimi were limning the office, Andre.
Jackman, the prom tailor of it livery Sable
el nd
Pent, street, raw aermis tillf street
remarked Cl) f_.orbett that a gentleman
Imo nulled at the atables In the morning, al
leglng that a home with white feet Ilia been
ittoliiti on eunday night from Ills farm in
township. Alderman Lioiliddrum glanced
Immediately at the feet of the florae that hail
Just mien nol I, and ill...miring that they too
were white, called out Co Corbett to Catch Ly
dia, but before the request 0011111 he com P plied
‘k :lie latterr started 10 run down enn
street in the direction of the Point. Corbett,
Donaldson and Jackman instantly gavechtssc.
crying oul, ',top Um !" es they wont. lii a
iow niln cites Lyilia's pursuers were reinforced
by' some fifty citizens, Willie the street WWI
crowden w ith persons gazing with astonish
ment at the novel 100, race, tile cause of
winch no one eould tell. At letig - th the pnrati
ed was overtaken near Tonthuson's foundry,
ley torbett, who grasped lion so tightly and
held lion so tenaciously teat both he and Ly.
ilia tell on the pavement and rolled Into the
gutter when Alderman Donaldson came up
and relieved lot - bet t, with whose a...distance
Lydia was brought back to Donaldson's alike,
' , lime he restored the brie hundred dollars lie
had received. and acknowledged himself the
Duet • Ile also stated that lils name wits not
Lyn la, I ii oeurge slewsrt, and that he was a
married man, and boarded if its his wife In
the Diamond. After these facts bait been elic
ited he was committed to Jail to await a hear-
Ink on next Wenn...slay, when the owner of
the horse, who Lad' Litt . a low - 11,d of fifty
for his recovery w ill he at hand.
The worthy Alderman vy lils conduct in the
affair 'Mowed tnat he did not
long to t he just tee SWIM.," t • etlo.l of 111101
pounders, and is ,Icier, mg the eommendation
of the community for his valor 1111tI 111.1•Illeert.
The pen/an•-Important Letter front a
lesterilat there aaa but littio exeltaluent
I ang the VanianA, but Iha R , 1(11 of recrult
act. on% In a bratk mannt.r. Nearly fifteen
Inlet .lollar, wL/rth of the °ni
1, ,oue Itepulah. hat - , Ill' at
a aek. roma!, In the/W.1,1,0. The
hrothertax.l claim th”.l In a few day , . Impor
t Ant 111.4, N 11,1•1,
f tutu Ireland. 1 •
ion wal to 111, ol s onitneneed on the "ould
•al ' with the movement upon
t unada Then ntistuncrissold that our govern
...silt trfutossl li , 4.ils vet to the Itrstlsh autism.
!tier the prisoner- ouisturs..l o resolved h
the grroteat soy is) It, 4'll -nen, hem Piet
isoollshint that the ell , sr: of tins authorities to
CI thin, the M nl V ,l[ l.:lllmaintains:lg neutral
.) es a farce, and further +tate that cert ain btli onleials has r told tneir leaders that It
u hoped that the Fenian,. 14 fllthl succeed in
drau ma the nation Into dinicully with the
Itrltisit. so that lado could bennnexed to
the I sided tstalyiss. How fax they axe correct
.111 It,. uminn feu stays, but such cialcula
c,a appear utsfounilinu A detachment
4 troops Oils Ir. fora anted trims till. elf) on
, nl. sia) Ike
nt., [Woo. tag .i/11 , 4.” taut letter
entern:ity Ins lin. , .'II) the gentirsueu
o bolts it to
add, ruses! t aptaln Nolan a
atsd tr lit ..M. er, tint his stalemi•nt
4 all sirs. iss t• irriseci worthy of credit
Ist June 5, lona
unads litsrpays eats Paler: NV a alerts/n:4 here
nrl•la roil.ribl ar.. 20, In time tostAistst
,isiblr neld r Vs e no Int' hail a sharp
:nn nn../1 with the resit roata. our force cotinlsual
bun4rta! tarn, and that of the ene
my about (welts hundred We drove thorn
Stylist- it. In all directions.. We suessecdett In
rapturittai about eighty prisol/0., but owing TO
•e fact that we lardno roue °aloud place to
tnetn, hail to parole them sons/ after. We
raptured al. of the arms and equLpmenta of
the retreating fne. aiol Also the ins olOrnd of the
Tenth Its Mel, regulars."ill
LIS% up to siveryt us, tout vial expect
ed of them you: men as 4psiedlly ser
por.isle no e want dnur it, to share tbe hon
or.. of Kharlng the (;lorles of the field. Excuse
thin 'Mort note, as a e are under ver) urifen
orders Next letter will be dated from the
1:ellelne Isle, the newspaper re
ports are all i•loali li. C. Ned. AA,
Court of Quarter Sessions.
rt•tt. Mellon nod Brown
Wto•r,osv, June --William S Hermon.
ItufuN 'no" found guilty of I u.
.... : :toontole.l
fgt. h n con v Intetl of .I.i
Anil kottery and 'gen, r.neett to pay tt !Inn of fit.
.1011nrs and ,`05..
_ .
John horrilarri and John harher,pollee
ofhcera. ehar,al With loodault and !tottery,
al oath of John IV loonno, wore ae.; utt.ted, and
IL, lakiL. l l L.nlered to be dlrldod lonrvoen the
.le2enJou tr. and pronLa•utor, the• fortner to pt.)
thrro•fourths and the latter ono-fourth.
.1 NI , liowaltor was found guilty of larceny
and rent 411. led (or nentenee.
. •
Henry A. Jackson was placed op trial for
larrett) of a lady's walking coat. The
prosocutrls failed to appear, and the defend
nnt was discharged, the Court ordering the
prosecutor to par the costs
in the oast. of Jobn Pat her, charged with
deserting his wife Martha, llerentlant was or
dered to pat the costs of prosecution nod en
ter ball to the •11111 of plat for the payment of
$l5 per month for his wife's maintenance.
he Court held no afternoon session.
Pierlon• Acchlent—flinu Burled Alive.
A lea., 11111111,a A 11.1 Ult. 1:l1L1119‘113 met With
a very serious acrident yesterday which may
eventually prose (am!. He in company with
several co-laborers were working fu the enl
ist of susbriel ' , t un/rush. residence, on Seean. I
+treat, 10 the Elgh th ward. when Duo of the
wails raved ln, comb isstely burying him be
eath the stones and rubbish, from which he
was extrseated with considerable WMessity.
after being covered up for over t went v min
lirma, take,, t, , its Lowe t IthOrt
t ant, from the seene of the aye! lent where
r“iser sued Will mat an" "bt.1.110.1 and bin in
juries ilre,e , l It thought that he it 11011-
1,.1 intern all) to 40 , 11 no extent that he will
piouabiydie from the effects.
Home for the Friendless
The annual meeting of the Pateburgh 11111 i
Allegheny Home for the Friendlees will take
place th le erten, non et three o'clock at the
- Home," on IVasiangton street, near East
torn won, Allegheny- Addresses may be ex
pected, and slinging by the children. The in-
Mt Dutton In under the direction of ladles. The
more mention of their mimes is a sufllclent
guarantee alt. worth and merit to the benev
olent anti philanthropic. Among the Board of
Managers we notice the names of
Denny, Mrs. Dr. Dale, Mot. Dr. Trevor, Mrs.
Allan K ramer.
Arrest by the Illnyer.—hlichncl Seahill,
seventeen or eighteen year , of age, went into
a bakery on Overbill street, in the Seventh
ward, yesterday, and after caking the wo
men In charge the price of a pie, picked it up
linti walked out. she followed and nem:feted
Inan, when he demolished the pie over her
head and struck her with a cigar box which lie
b.ul In hi s possession. Mayor McCarthy, who
happened to be passing at the time, Paw the
/.oeurience. took Seahill Into custody, and
kept charge of loin until a policeman ap
peared. elenhlll was required to pay a due of
402.5 and costs. end In default Jailed for thirty
Inducted Into Office.—The oath of °Mee
wns administered to the County superintend
e, Mr. Douthett., yesterday, previous to en
t,• tiring upon the duties of his third term. Mr.
I , onthott has always been an effective Super
intendent, and we doubt not that he will con
tinue to 11111 . 511.3 tL course in the future us will
meet the approbation of the people and ad
vance the hest Interests of public education, a
cause for which he has so earnestly and ener
getically labored daring the past six years.
Plhonlder Dislocated.—Mr. Henry Wood,
residing In the Sixth ward, whilst engaged In
whitewashing ceiling in Wm house, yester
day forenoon, fell from step-ladder, dislo
cating his lett shoulder. lie also received the
contents of the whitewash bucket in his face,
threatening the loss of out, or both eyes. Med
leal aid wan summoned, the dislocated shoul
der reduced, andproper treatment applied to
the eyes of the injured WWI.
Charged Wish Actaltory.—.l man named
3lcPhonmn was before Alderman Nefflie, of
Allegheny, yesterday, on charge of adultery,
preferred by Ids brotherdn-law, John Men
man, and was held for a further heanng.
The parties reside In Sewickley, and the ac
cused, who Ina marrial man, is alleged to
have had if ll lll . ololr Intercourse with a woman
whose husband In in the army.
Testimonial to Condinetor.--hir. John
Kennedy, ootoluctor on the GonneLinville rail
road, on Tuesday eVelling, received a hand
some testimonial from friendfi, consisting Of a
purse mnutinlng five hundred dollars. On
the occasion of the presentation a supper, pre
pared at Kennedy'. restaurant on titnitnnlnd
street, was partaken of.
Amicably tietitelL—Alerambir Finney.
Bernard Byrnes, John Connowav and John W.
Henry, were complained of by Muirlea Roberta,
before Alderman Humbert, yeaterday, for sa
ba and battery. The 01.21 trim amicably set
tled by the /wound pilling the meta.
The Venaugo Net'opal Haok.—The re
port of the Venango National Bank reveals
one or two curious features. It appears from
the sworn statement of the bank, made Jane
try I, Irvin, that the government deposits In
:hat institution amounted to hut ninety-nine
. ..itousand dollars. Sometime in February the
Treasury Department drew upon the bank
for sixty-five thousand dollars, but the draft
went to protest and has not yet been paid, hot
when the hank fulled, on the t3th of March tt
wan discovered that the government deposits
hail Increased to two It emir,' and twenty
lave thousand dollars. The securities In the
l'alted States Treasury Deportment amount
to but fifty thotwa.mi dollars. It Will be some
.hat to convince the nubile that It
was ample or suillblent.
Enforce the Ortlitotnee.—Yeetertlay th•
train containing hundreds of imasengers wits
moving through Allegheny a cow got upon
the truck Wind by great exertions the ears were
chocked in time to prevent an accident. It
will be remembered that an accident of a fatal
nature occurred near the name place, from the
same cause, a few weeks ago. The coroner's
fury severely censured the railway company,
but said nothing of the negligence of the own
er'of the ...mils in permitting them to run
at large. There :a an ordinance forbidding
cattle from roaming upon the streets in that
city, and we do nm see why the authorities do
not enforce it
Before fatted Staten - Comnalmaioner
Sprout—A hearing was had In the casii e
illlam Chirk, charged with pag.lng it sport
tige twenty dollar Treasury note on John c
Shoff, yesterday, before t"nit e,l otaten I. tin ni
slower Sproul, which resulted in Clark being
committed for trial i, default Or VOW held
Clark states that le i ntend the note from a
man in - , named James McDonald
alias David McKee, and that he was not aware
of Its lining .31110. (nit at the time he Noised
It on Shoff
Persoonl.—Gon. John W. Geary, the Union
annulate for Governor, arrived in the city
oti Tuesday night, and is stopping at the Alo
,wrigahelit House, where he was called upon
et , r ay by a number of our citizen,
lie will remain le the city for a few days.
Col. W. R. Thomas, Collector of the Port of
Philadelphia, lion. L. W. Hall, of Blau . county,
, pealcer of the last House of Representatives.
and Hon. lialusha A. 'Grow, are also in the
An Alderman Preseeuted.—Alderman
h train, yesterday, took the information of Al
elantiel McGrew against David Neillie, Eau.,
Alderman of the Fourth w ard, Allegheny. for
larceny no bailee. The prosecutor deposed
that the act: toted received front him twenty
lollna, to tie paid to Thomas B. Hamilton,
Esti , to defend 131111 'altairew) in a cult pend
et to court, whtett amount he (Neat...) faded
1 , . pay ovot A gearing will he had In thy ease.
larceny am Bailee. Barbarn ,chneh
hard t made Information before Alderman
strain.esterday, charging Adam Bauerline,
brewer, restding in the Ninth want, with lar
ceny an bailee. The defendant l• accused of
retaining In lily possession and appropriating
to his own use wearing apparel, valued at
forty-flee dollars, belonging to a son of the
prckmtutrix. The accused was arrested anti
held (for a hearing.
Watetknouto Arrested.—A night watchman
named James Joint was arrested a nd brought
before Mayor Wl:artily last night, charged
with having drawna e
pistol on a crowd of wo
men and children on Pnn street In tile Fifth
cut while on for
Min Honor very properly
rotiulted nun tor onduct and diacharged
ini from the night force. tie will have it
nearing thin evening at half past seven
Of It. . A linglison, Esq., spe
cial reporter of the Philadelphia Pr, s 4, wan In
the city in ;ittendanoe at the Soldier's Con
ention, or the prortaxiinga of which he tele
graphed a most admirable report_ lie is a
gentleman of tine attainments and worthy of
the high estimation In which he is held In the
...ft reportorial. Mc returned to Philadel
phia last evening.
Messrs. Snuff and Tobsieeo.—We wish to
let tan denizens of our slater city know that
one of the best places to get a highly-flavored
and excellent segar is at Bernard It lseutan's,
:MS (thin street, Allegheny city. lie has, bin
stile a superior !MOCK of chewing tobacco.
snuff and pipes, everything essential to a Ilrift
class .tabllshment always on hand.
The Weather.—The weather yesterday was
artable m the eatt enlc—rnin, wind and su—
shi!. being so commingled that even the
weather-wise "ti. A." would lied It difficult to
determine limier what caption to place 11.. Ac
we perambulated our streets we noticed on
several oceaalons an extraordinary, now In dry
goods, 'ankh. wonderful to relate, the ladles
=1...r0il not to appreciate.
luttlrlg Ills Boarding lIIII.—John
Myers appeared before Alderman Strain, ye,.-
tut day, we yrunOCU David Mennen.
n ex-“ettiergeney lean" for obtaining boa:d
ing .. Stone's" tavern, In the Diamond, to
1110 amount of seventeen dollars under faint
repre.entaLions. A warrant was Issued for tin
arrest of the aneused.
Death of Charles Barriela.—We are
palsied to announem the death of Mr. (Mae. Bar
nett, of the Second ward, which took
place yesterday morning at the Mercy Ilue
poetil. Mx. Baronet was one of our most res
pected citizens, and leaves a large circle of
friends to mourn hie lone. Ile woo a leading
politician in tam Democratic party of thin
The Fentataa,--Since writing the item
which appears elsewhere, ooneerning tut
1110VOIlletliz of the Pateburgli Fordans, we
learn th at a full company of one hundred and
dye men will be forwarded to Ogdensburg this
morning. An When for the sale of the lad,
Republic bonds puts been opened upon the
corner of Grant and Sixth streets.
The Ile/Wyllie Repiggicon of Tut,sday
says. We understand that the detectives have
fcrretet out the Oil City lnoendlitries,sooll2 of
whom were arreseed this morning in Cleve
land. It is reported that one of them has
en In Meadville, and the detectives are on
11.• truck d large amount of stolen property
been recovered.
booth tr. Ross, 63 Market strut!, are con.
stantly in receipt of Boor*, Shoes, Balmorals,
Slippers, Oxfords Congress Gaiters of all the
Latest styles, which they are•aelling at the
most maltwate prices. Persons desiring any
thing in this lint are respectfully invited to
call before purchasing elsewhere and exatnine
stock and prices.
Mad° and Etatters.—Ann Boyle yester-
day m
oat before Alderman Albeitz
spy net Earnest Frew for i.sanlt and battery.
1 he pro
aecutriA avers mat Prow
, who occu
pied da pof In Union alley,
struck her ortion
violently her
in thedwellin bre g,
ast without any
provocation whatever. A warrant watt lesueal
for Ft ew's arrest.
Court. of Common Pleas.—in the Court
01 Co g mmon , Pleas yesterday, Judge atowepre.
sidin the CUB of lver Blackburn vs.
.1. W. Watson, beingO ai suit to recover payment
on a note for 1{5,000, wan on trial during the
greater part of the slay. After an absence of
several hours the Jury returned a verdict for
the defendants.
Arreated.—EJlzabetJa Shallenberger Qlins
Timmons, who was charged with the larceny
of clothing and table-ware from the residence
of )Irs. &tenter, a few days since, was arrested
yesterday and brought before Mayor Mc-
Carthy," who, In default of haft, committed
herfor a hearing to-day at four o'clock.
Feet glangled.--A drover,anmed Stephen.,
in lump ug from a cattle train at the crooning
on Federal street, Allegheny, Yesterday, was
Caught between a car and the post of a gate
at the entrance to the depot, and had Ma feet
mangled. His Injurica which are seveni,
were attended to by Dr. Thorn.
Slow .—Boalness In the Criminal Court pro
greasea slowly. The court was not in session
yesterday afternoon; owing to the fact that no
cases wore ready for trial. This w unusual at
the June term, generally the most busy of the
FaUltunlantle Neetag.—Tho Union It.
publics]. Meld a grand ratification meeting
Wat ening al. City Hall. Able, patriotic and
eloquent addreaces were delivered by Hon.
Galuatia A. Grow,..Capt.titorrie and others.
Leonard Ayer was yesterday bolero Al
derman Morrow on a charge of no.laaneo pre
ferred agains t dim by Street Commissioner
Flinn. WI payment of costs, and promising to
abate the nuisance, ho was discharged.
-- I. Default of natl.—David Bennett, no
ticed elsewhere an having been accused or
talnltut boarding under false pretenses, was
committed to jail by alourtulta Strata, is de
fault of ball In the sem Of pax
- - -
The Flee Alarm Telegraph. -Preparations
for tile construction of the lire Alarm Tole
graph In this city are actively going on, and
the work of putting up the poles, .le., will ho
commenced in u short Limo.
Assault and Ha &&&&& Strata
yesterday Issued a warrant (or the arrest of
1,40p01d Hart, of Lawrenceville, altalmil, whom
an information for assault and battery had
been made by James }toed.
Notice to an liders--in our advertising
columns James Verner, Esq., Invite. proposals
/Or the erection of stable buildings tor the
Citisems , Youssonger Ralway Company.
TWO arrica; • IFT (TED.
Tar edition le forwarded wvich will rime the Gab
., bees soonest u the mall 'on.
MISULC • F ni t l„ . E..l. PER 'men—.
7 "."• 1..101 —TI. 3lnnetteeter Pws.setcet
~.`"thv n Y ttat.t. teutl their !nth I ruck [inn,
up, ',le, RA 011,1 v, "11 Oh
It Is titrelght lint t oar- n tte running on
Ulf , benne!, atttett t Ito prt, titer the
,ttnntuttnunttrtt tetnt • thy road
In It nourlshtn., „,
Ctml , mttk.-1 est.,
Outing the sisd s lueh ssept sr
the City, s l•ttritv e0:11, moored
upon the Allegle tI) . ,!.. sost,mtoon
ldslge, sunk. Two .• s ••esrls lost
;heir lives in ittletum t••
from destruction.
Wiithdrn.— Ru:t ;win, the
3Myo an
r 1.3. Mr. 11‘11cnacy, negulnou
tautly cUy • ag.i.n.l Jug L . " • Pi"Prinl.u ,
habit. Irim orlo , , for nm - ronchlng upon
lhr ante, lin.. .4 In. Alleghenyrhil, /1.
It on WlLharawn, the inut., hal mg 14,.. Ami-
Cably nrrungt.l
RUlLkallf.y. A It4aLlll 01 "111 1. tied to a
heavy wagon took rr:w.t "II "W.. Allo-
Wool y, yonterglay, trhl It runt thor
onghhara at a terrible rate of ,poh.l. They
wore stopped butvre war. done.
II eld to Ball.—Guatto befOro
J untie° Barker, yesterday. chareed on oats of
Amelia Morton with tornicatton and 1.21. , ,,rdy .
Alter a hearing the aoer.B.l Ha. hell In East
t., answer at court.
Comznitted.—David Palmer, ebarged
larceny, biitore J ne.tte Inceurig.
ham, onomit, of Robert eanytic •. ciao com
mitted to Julll yotiterclay, by AI& Lush Arun,
for a hearing to-day.
Why Not Removed iii—The shade trees m
the Court-house grounds wt., trimmed come
time tango, but the trimmings remain in Piles
on the green. Why are they not relented
Improvernente.—Allegliiiiiy presents an
proved condition,new building, being
eructed In all gnartere, I nil onus being
xi novat.ed, Improvedand painted.
Touring liown.--iVorktuen tire busily on
yugt,t ear:b i z IIIA 111, Ohl 3lttoluntic street
ie. trlttg nem tt:,l ••14.git tit structure will
take the pis,' ttl t•Itl one
iron Sewers.— . m.
Intve luht rot,,
the ero4sing or till the •trottle running Into
i)1110 Avenue.
Blown Ikm n.-I , urni,.7 the wohl !dorm
estordny ditornoon a tralut. building nt ho
•ornor of Short Arkwl. and D 11.1110.10 'Way wel,
blown down.
011 on the Water. -The Allegheny nver
xviyi yesterday rovered with oil, no doubt. enun
.•.l by the wreck of some oil I,Uitt up the river.
fire.—The alarm of nre last eentung about
half-nn.; 04,1.11 , 1111,f by the
burning of tole of tdatylnati at the Point.
I'ottoellw TO-13ight -T.,
Illy 1 34. Ilul I. 11l tilly
Ferry Boat.—Tbere Is now IL ferry heat
'MN trig across he A Ilegueny river (rum Me
chanic Street.
From New Orlettat and Inns—General
tilddoto Fluffering from Ills Wounds,
and Will Probably ark to be He
\6w oru.e.,e., June —.inners! Sherid an lssued intern 01inerve sentt's
lint Ilan nu guri lii sitinliat. Mayo:
Maurine hung it nag train the I'itt Bull.
Twenty-Ilya thousand ration 9 were seal Ur
t People Ilis - sleit nn Heil river.
l'altea bilge DAM says the tent oath
• tintsinntitutioual
• .
The watern af II roe:atilt), The lower part of
loulntann In believed pertaimently lower. The
c re Vect, are ccecreot
The r:otteat. are wocr , tly preparing to call
..OLlVe•lif 1011 Itt favor of negro cntrrage.
e' --loenerat IV right
orolereol ten men out tot every Infantry
company - In he ' , Lite 1,, la• mounted antl ee
-1 ••rt to to•ncrul litotolo for the protection of
/..treau oftlecrs and enforcement or onions.
Kl4l,ltki vetttelcare aggzavale:l,
awl from are entertatteal hit have CO
he rellev col
Colonel Mann, soo of the ex-Confederate
!do/Inlet to Ignition. o retained toproneoute
lether,the eolore,l -oOiter W 1101110( /10/(OrLi
.1 . ..I rpm: effort th inn N leg to have the neeneed
reed by a • 1,11 t ribeettl benerel Wright re ,
bows to enrrender hltn. tend they threaten to
, poeut to the Preeeient
The sseat her le • Atci t eon.' tt lon of the
11-4,nr‘rlllll, .14111 e 4. clork,
E.. 17, HE 111 ,t 4 . 1. miler tictor,a• Scott.,
1.4 • tit,. 4.lglity-111111/ year , :(11.,
rulsr.ral nlll I/41v I,lel la. r e
In Lan regice4lll... TCI::
n 4 3 Tli• Irk ltd fatally
1 t.dtoattred.
No. 196 Smithfield St., eon 7th,
(Entrance from S. ventli Street, I
.E . XI" . X . De/ 331711. C?-S, PAL..
ral and roost pletornique plane or pu Itu re,
un the uplands, ltumedlately north one lle
,on the Neve Brighton Road. Per wishinp
t • ••• teut Loa will apply t the Superintend
sat ofice, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
cud all other business be attended to at the Drop
arehouse of the undersigned, corner of Yedetsl
and [..mock streets. Allegheny
kilbo. A. AiLLLT.
Secretary and ',east; rer.
86 Fifth kilitiroot
IF' i ut
Silver and Silver Plated Ware
't% eur In receipt drily of rirw rtyles of OWA)
Cti ALAS. 111 N, EAU RINGS. de.
Call and our stock And get price.
43-410. TO
DEA1.1.:10 4 IN
Fine IVOtches, Clocks, Jewelry,
X . ltitmilk:rtix.ial., 2.'emasum.
N$ 4 •:!; P e i ! l . , ' ,rl r s 4 1 . W e n l Jewelry. All iv ' ork a :::gn n t!
Selling - at .$2,50,
Sew Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
Orrict l'rrizyse PA,666.66,6u RAILWAY.
l'iTestarrtran. !use 6, 1666. j
reeeleod until MONDAY. June 16th, at the
othee of the Cittaeor l'Areenyer Railway Compe.Y,
No. 177 PCI32 street. for t he
Erection of the Stable Buildings
of geld CotnnanyJn the Baronets of LA...n . 130., Ilk,
according to plans nod specifications of the came
to In, set.. Al the onice of W. Neer Architect,
No. 21 hi. Clair Oh. on and after Monday, 11th
junctia JANE'S N'EUNP.It, President._
'run: AL-1111tC4,dACIIINE nlakt,,,ith only Bricks per day
veep drift cage- nod uniform lony.tna. th.o
m aclblue does not ,/ertorna what we clams for II We
.11l tale II bark ittul .rr hoot the moutry...Astare"
ti•r. York.
REQU A. tictSer‘i llsteht, I{l - isradr.;
1 55
1 I 5