CITY AND nIGIEBORHOOD. 3F-41. R IttErtlCZ, Addninnal on rilmt and Ml"Page.' Banker and Broker, United PresbyterLata , auueral Ammembly Vitro pAY—WIfTY.S.SOO7: The Atteembly met pnrknunt to sdienrnment and WaSI called to order or Ma Alafainter. Prayer was then offered. afterw hich the Min utes of the morning seanall woo rendand ap proved. The Criminatee on the hoard of Freedmen's Mission then handed In their reran, W,ltleh was read and, on motion, approved. h e re port was In Lao form of a IfOries retaduttone, thanking a mectficeut Provident.* for avor log, during Inc past year, the Work Of the Booed, which had Inwin crowned by a succes s far heyono their tunnt mingttlneoxpectations, and expressing shape loot la the future the Board will receive Lim aid and hearty co oicrus lon of the cloarCh. The chnirmao Of the Committee on Ittl Is and Os erture s hand/sad la the reportof the erimrolt-• tee, wtoeh wag read by the Clerk. Among other things It contained the vote of the vari ous Presoyterleavri the adoption or rejection of tne prow.edebanges ist the int, of &March troverurnent. The vole, a, antiOunceil, stood r Far the rharfe. 8a against the change, ire not vot ing, 5. nevero.l oommonleaticms were rend (row dif tomtit Presbyter lei euggeoting ra ultet tOns to tile book as it now stands. Alter n light debate the report Was accepted 11,1,1 the comma tae hoot on mothm, the rules were suspended and the ...port Ortlla Carnal it On the Board 01 Foreonu MI .14011 k Wan culled up. The fourth resolution of the report, which provides for the sending of young men who Imre completed their literary course to labor nassionarlos nu the foreign tield, war taken her. Elate hd that no yortn i r Mon would be sent abroad a soldier of Christ un til ran. theologleat Families had been completed, and lie was thereto, opposed to the aufamtion of t Ito renollt ith an. belle. inn 1 li/ti Ii lithe. lomat to tale lieu hen •11,11i1 disciple of the Slastes, Sind not a student of Divinity. Rev. Patterson thought It advisable for the gala of too Church to send out young men, a. pi ov bled for in the msolution, not that rage. ler modelers wouldnot be preferable, but La rae a of the fact tout such Cuitifiln tie 01 ~,,, nod, lir ant to favor of supplying Its.. hold emu such material as cats lee obtained. Ile Draught flint hitherto the time Of the miss:or:arose lam: been sum - mead, inasmuch he that it rerill/re., tutee yearn bemire the missionary eau locust, unclaurated and Ica/ n the language of th. country to which he le sent. Al length • vote wits taken on the resolution an.. It sits di:chins' earrled. TI a order eat the due —uelog the report of the tainizalltee on Home 31 lersiOns—Was theta culled tor by Stir Moderator. A dineggie moved that tile Assembly go into an nitro jildletill Centel - el/C(1 00 the report. A vote being taken. than motion prevalieel, nod U. Moderator imeated, the char In flavor of Ste. II 11. Blair. On motion of Mr. Itobert Mtundl the time allotted to each member for sp ess ealclnei ' eves limited to tire minutes. 011 tenth,lt of her. It, IV. Waddell tho min isters of the I'. P. Church present who wen not mcmhera of the Assembly were Invited to participate in tile COll rervnee. The Committed reported the following reen. [whites: Besotted, That the work of the Home floes demands tho special attention and sup. port of the C. P. Church. Resolved, That the Board of Home Missions Is entitled to, and should receive at leant on equal amount with the Board of Foreign. Ills :dons fur minden purposes. Rev. Dr, Harper, of Xenia, warmly mire.. tot the adoption of the report, stating that while the foreign Board hod asked for .100 A the Domeettli Mission only asked $40,000 to tie fray the expenses of the ensuing year. He did pot wish it to be undursto.l that he opposed the granting or the approprintßin asked Pot lip the Smolt of Foreign Mitroole, but lie merely desired to know it (ho Assembly meant to give all to the work abroad while the work at home needed aid so meet. lie believed at If proper support was given to thu home missions the field abroad would soon show the beneficial agent of snith a hoarse. Rev. Mr...iFtelin.reti hoped that the antago n ens whiali hail been tuanitested by the friends of either board wee only a seeming antaeo. nom, and that as both desired to advance the ork of Cheat; and as the entire world, irrik pectite Of nOuntrles, was the glad of operation-, a nelson of fueling on this question was +eel y deidrable, Rev. W. W. Wailell agreed With Dr. McLaren that tiler. should be a unity of sentiment tween the BoariO, in the object for whieh they labored aas identical. But, so far as hut Personal feelin.w.s were eoneerned, he was on favor or giving all the aid possible toward Lie cattail teoned of the heathen aliroa d Rev. Van Eaton also spoke In favor of giving oport to the Fortlign Missions. Rev. Blair of Calmonsiturg, thought thatthe Assent biy should renal. Isidore voting ilin m cum. stuns to the Missions. He though, that tu view of the many expenses imurre.l by the various congregations during the current ear, t Ito Assent hip should ret rime!, l No I es, expand tho expenses. To end the ;lobate a delegate offered ti e following substitute whleh {1,114 adopted. Rssofred, Timt the llome :kneeld. re c., e a liberal share of the money rai e sed for mis sionary purpose,. /titer tme,er the Assembly adjourned. Addy, 'William% 6: Ila;thry. With moth pleasure we refer nut renders to the card, In another column, of bi.lssrs. Addy. tt ~ a n -,k Bartley, corner of Sixth on.: •rtz.ll:olela streets. There gentlemen are ex, tenrively engaged in the plumbing 00.1 gar. fitting latainess, and have ample facilities for Carrying on their mile upon a large reale. They are all experienced and competent Inn. ICii i and their work Is warranted to prove eat, , lotruble and satisfaetory. They ha.,. Just been emu , led thu cont rum. of luring the piper and rurniskingthe lamps for the paid b. lighting of the borough of 31ancherter. in their ',tore will Do found a varied assortment of elegant sa t phon chandeliers, petulant, shades, lamps and Machete.. and a full lino. oi piper, bathing apparatus, rinks, basolt, pumps hydrants and horn. rile gentlemen vompri'sing the erm are lair dealing and hon orable. content with small preen; and air/door to please and satisfy their patrol, They are eminently deserving of public patronage. • - - - ghltienrnenrt 4 l 174 t roi —TheAlle y m roron i . : amgiathv, lug lust evening, at minor n.(11 In the Sand u.- k y oureot schoolhouse. told,, from /levet al communleations upon CMILNItiOIIId Stalj.llP, reC4•ll,li and read, no haglike. worthy of rt. port w an transuded. Deaerition.—.ll.artha TLilale appeared he fore A.ldurnma Donaldson and made a l e h a chines her hurband. Itachurtl Tisdale. for de- Conlon.. Mart ha atutea that during , Own Dint year rErbil be, trot reeel red 1S cent from her has band toward her maintenance. A warrant - R. 1.3 issued. Allegheny • Notional flank —J , }l ,m bod . , f n. ti E w sq .ii . b ie nn ia tr 14 ic elooted preeirle °s 7lt h ;:n nv alinonl Bank, sten nagnley WATCHES GOLD CHAINS. 'WE HAVE HAT RECEIVED A V NE.W 15r1.1021 OF Gold Chnliteg, Or TflE LATEST PATTERNS. Sir Call .ad arc Lhem aQNk9 ]BTS t acr.ns, 50 F I FrIiS7II,ZET, OPPOSITE MASONIC kI,A 15 y.O Fon. 17t7AELTC733/3113, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT THE CHEAPEST PRICES IN TUE (.'IT Y. c3-d' To WILL T. WILEY'S, SO. 6 WYLIE IMEEEI CLOAKS. &c CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS ! 1 NV 401,k_, A_ 13i S JEST fIECRIVED AT THE FIFTH ST. CLOAK HUSH. ELEGANT CLOTH SACQUES welling rtt $2,50, EOM New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St., Opposite Old Theatre. FAIRMAN & SAMSON, IJN _ID E` RTA_K__ER S, No. 196 Smithfield St., con TM, I Entrance fromseveatti Street,) 2: 0 2.X"r,ft.17317X1.04EC, 43, AN)) L 33 SANDUSAY-aTIMET, ALLUOILELIT, PA. I.4II.ILDAILE r 1 ~od moot met., bePtabute,l4 ate thautords hatrrettlAtelt noith'othilethen • to t .PLIZt the Tott'f,rlp il Aralgleltenw,PZl, eat.. office, et the Cemetery. ltle Deeds, refaills And ell other thudneal erIU be head stl r o)l.lm W•r•ts • of the undersigned, - Corner Of !dila .slid i.teeth '"" .4 .tn%414 . Alleibe/ 2 7 azuz. sooretaryttod yies;enrr;---.7 2,2 u I WILL PUUqUAISE ." ; , :;‘ .Z;C:t j:11:117147.0.74=t31. , And LuT ov Sty on yportkro rest, CUT. Tor Rueter partiOnfars, enquire of O. 8. 2111.iftfl. 41.006 xkiLLiZa 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All ideseriptlona of Government Dolma bought bad Sold on liberal terms. London and Contanental Exchange sold at Sew York rat.. g Gold, Silver and Conpona bouht at bi I rate.,, h4at nun Gold Dratto leaned on g New York. (;RA N —Wheat I+ firm and In :tornd demand but unenantred at .12,a, to for good ing, Irate quiet sad In good suppply; sale of I tsar print«. In elevator, et eeller to park thituivtiri also, small sales (row at tiO. Corn lot a little dull; ante o(l ears Shelled, on track, Tra•nar, Jana 5, 1865, w"' PENANCE AND TRADE Gold ha. cull further ud Vl:Weed, ”I.OLIIIIIC In New York at 144, and eloring at Govern ment bonds nithout quotable change, learn, 5- 'n, told) 101; ditto, (new) 10'9,; 10;44C5, Ad; 7-1M14,101.7.X102'i. Cleveland A. Ph tnburgh Railroad stock sold nt as‘l; Flit/thumb dt Fort - Wayne. 'K.,: Itennehoti lion, Coll) 12;4; Pithole Oreek, %;l'idtred Otuter . 47"..• There IN but little tawdry for any of our lo cal stocks. Exchange Bank stock I. In de mood, an is also, 2.1.. t fit. The inquiry for the latter, to In consequenee of an expected die!. lend. Oil nteleks am, vety much neglected, though the recent Imported strikes have in rimed 11 lilt le Illure Life hate the Wast Virginia Companies. Foreign exchange in quoted at for al) day Mlle, and short sight at 111%0 I ft Is this unusually largo demand for sight ex ! Omega that Is putting up gold, and heavy shipments are anticipated is • little strange that our government bonds do ! gut sympathize with the Rd ilLiee In gold, though by sonic it is taken at on Indication that the advance a - 11l not be siudalned. The diipmen Is of Elie Twenties on London are large, but they cannot be sold here,as they flalo :nailed at a certain agar., and legal-tenders. Jtxyc ileprecileted as an article to be exchang ed for Cll/11 or Its equivalcut. 740'n barely hold their own, though as yet, they have not drc/ined. --ohouid Mr. S iermah's bill pass, (says the Philadelphia Led ger) consolidating the short public debt, to the amount of some two thou sand millions of dollars, into nee live per Cost loan, the bonds of lhal will be the only si.x per cent coin-bearing stock on the market. The original Pive T wet, ties or I will he redeem able after the:mil of April, INC, at the option of Chu Treasury - Department, wide!, shads comm i I ted to the policy or paying principal, Os we!! its, in eciin. It is dOnilteti whether the majority of the holders of..tlie, hoods would elect to have them mini off abse.. lately. We know that some parties contend otherwise, and profess to believe that the holders or the short loan would prefer to avail themselves of privilege Of efinverting their tiontin 111. couscal.lated tiro Per Cent stork, ou an equitable hauls, se between, the contraeo lag paxiles. The total' Or thOOTICMaiI.IIIIII. Flee Twenties, of all three series, is • -• • —The ..x port ruoretnent..oj this country ll 0, ti Is ‘ attracng 'Ligon on.' A enlieltielet lest published hy the Journal t•c (loam. re. -bows. compared with POIWD forroir senate.. a a - Ole difference In the strtjunehts of the I, product During the lino lour mouths .rf there were Bent ottrqpnO barrels of pork, Ile,- 92.1,9n3 pounds Of c u tnettos, and 57,491.!tati of lard,,s3o barrel, of pors, of pounds or cut meats, and 12,h/f1,4` , 2' poutolN cif lard, in cor - espondlug time last. year. A shul• far diserepartcy . chttracterlxes viertousothe'r items in the romparittlyn, Atatemenn.triade. rho amount ot product billa Of 'exchange i. qultentuall. —The propose.] atnendrnent to the eternal a t tet, rotg Mom, e trolley to the tO hereqm ale ohe Conan ta t roll in er of th .en , ulnae the ban he to snake their report, in detail every month inhtenil of ~ l oarten,.-ueto. Lon, , and also requiregThe roports no -no i re on the first b ey .Inouwry, lord July and kdolpor, to Le OS meet; more in Joni! a., too eomptroirer 9( the Currency may pre werfte. Thu items "iequ!reil to, be aepa utuat-, SL.IVAi 111 crab report .{.l, Clearly defined, its , ; the monthly report roust he vended r oath by the President and Cashier, or el th, r ono of theta, and Iwo of the director,, and the quarterly report .13g a otsJority of -tire ti4re:C[or", Neu York toek and Money Murk et. tv 1 ita, Juan s.—lloney stend.l nor ement. ',slotting irregular and lito.ettled. Merchant , ' hulls are riot' dull at ~s . cited and higher. open lag at ndsimeing ileeltetug yi .115 i,„ arid clu tug at tic. nment rtoei.. lea active and rather vast,. Ercienta t.. Liverpool very fi. In :obi quiet, viol-k.,,.1141 and 1011,. ttliiiago a 1 1- ton, pai I•itts burg 1, , "err 11 1 a, 'Jr h ( i1e . ,,e0, 1 ,1 11ra.0 A Ito,k. 14eago N l oillau raid u , .• "s; J.prel«rreo, W'.: 111mneln Cal, 11..., Cleveland ,t PlUeloogh, 31.1e1.)1,(an...0ther), R. .i.ltng, arm Erie, as. .In. pleb, red. New k ark Ceutrul, 99. .1... a/ 1. impoue, 5-1:10, :regular, 11 0ZI, I V,2' • 0- to C pon.. 7-50,4,1 W. ..Atertl 1 ;norot 'rrleghtpll, 110, Cle l s. eland. Pitt,burgh Tim Post . . tuoney article say., . Pete marks, is en., nt ots per cent., .1;1i Winn! tram...thins at revel( per eelll ietper 1, el/11 Rearm., aml reit, are no• (Thane, The att.:Jr market shower ,341.,t•C 4441 mutton. Governimegui are rattly attApeatled, but there 1 mere .11spo.ition to 1,11 rOad Slier. ore Arnow, civet:tally brie. in which there Ls merry large Short tutor, al. and the stook is ricaree for delivery. After board New York ttentral.wae quoted at leN Agitii, and Kepi at ar.utitti.,it but tutor 'Eric Solli at 14 , , Tho report in the morning paper. that the Free ompany hadne .. goLlated another loitu with Mr. lire. for 4110,000, tool that three million:in( C011,•110•1, bonds had been dom.,- ted ae collateral Is without any [01 31.1141 ton in truth, The .lice nat Qr liorainnree eothploin amt. pi, Stub-T.reasnry fs p.iyfng tint yet"' large stnna • .1 notional bank notesut small mostly ten oolliire; rite banks tshigh hare large cheeks in. Oh.; Suls.Treosnry, receive in poymimt these huge bundles no taint. notes In unbroken minkages. The nunst.on with them is what LO with tbts enrreney. cannot nee them to pay their Mid% at illl- Clearlog House, owl they lileAt turn them into l.gat tender notes:for it most he renleinbervd that these notional honk Issues are u legal tender front the cioyentutent and to the bank*, but tire nut a legal tender truce the hanks. They must disysisn• of these bills La snme tray. She present method is to lend them wit bout Interest ter llve don a, to be huh! for lit green . hacks. Most of this hint/less Is dune with Messrs. Jay Cooke /c Co., who bare now mat, mllhous held trout tic banks bore, tor w h wit tufty 11.3' no Interest for the !nerve! pureed. Tile Imrdeu t 5 dully becoming heavier. The Petroleum and Mlnang stocks were gen• erullysstearty, twiny: Ignited :states, however, was heavy and fell off to 4,50. New oar, une the four o'clock board the following were the hales; Canton, ; I 1.1111- IrelinfsCl, ; Rprnce 11111, P,4; 1.,/nickallver, ISIN; Western Colon Telegraph6oS, Mu/ tposn 24%; Ilea York Centkal„..e.%; Erin, RP•.; Itctol• , 10g,1.9-,%. Gold clotted at l:s New York Produce Market. I Qulc . quinine ilv er Nrw Yong, Juno 5.--4.:Otton firmer and in 1, P /....dt,eatim..owitorc..l. from' - i good demand, at 17M3Sc for Middling; moult 1 .'. J Dere,. ~,,,,, spooned... fro all parts 4.11,400 bales. Flour more active o Rh aimrp powrierod and firm, at 423,2.5@ed30 for Extra state, pi,Cca ' " 'laffr. 1 10,00 for Extra R. U. 0., and $.1,05a14 ,D, for ( binsof 2.9)11ici... ' , aft Petra.. ......... Trade Brands, the market Urn?. Sal EPsom .•.. whisky qnlet and firm; WeStern 01 Mind ut S olS Rochelle M., , n , M+3,00, the latter price for .-xport. Wheat l Soda gcneralty quirt; common grades dull and Seirillta Mixture drmining, while prime futonels arefirmieholele ! Senna Alex . I Ku.' and un A... ksli her Milwaukee, 02,11. Rye to request soda .aer. Corn in moderate rogneAS . onol •• Ili (I,lb .. .... . Pnees without decided chane; au ad vanceln Soap Castile, ern 1, ine. .• , frelgUts imam, o ditnceity Inceiling exchange . . .. White. . "has . l.torw al)ettecked the export demand; eweet Sidi Its Nitre 72650 q for uncomm New Mixed Weatern. 010 Streohnist Powdered rcfc for sound din.and Me_ for choice high 01.1 baiter lead.... . - ...... alixed Western In suns. Oats Ifp2r, better mid Tannin-. ' um ' .c.t " - .. t 410. .., ,kir New Western, use , Tartar Emetic Powdered ( or 1n .. , . 0 d li. id , `.....1 glee acne mart liii , l Turpentine Spirits.... dm. Coffee 'inlet and not Sugar firmer; I' ra - I 'nil ......; 1, t 11, 1 1 .t] . .1 , ,......d lle (or 11 7 , ...b, MolllAseel 'lull, . Zink . Ntallolult, of P.*...'" ior Cob.. an , / . . 4, 4 8( k: (Or Porto Ric,. Petroleum quiet, at taii,ye for t Nde :nal AltV II ..,0 for 'Refined in Bond. Pork .isuk ~,,,, changed, ut a30,00630.te, for Nor. kir‘,..-7 au nt ...30,112 for regular, 1.V,...14iir,50 fop Old '4 .4 ' g, T 24,15 6 -21,50 for Prime; aleo ..,000 tads Newt::: fur , J 0 no, J S aly and. august, seller and 1ek5,,,,... ..,,1,,,,, as i2ial,fio. Beef metal y, atpreci.'. 'leen. lot Meats stately; at 1710 ta r . Bacon dull. .Lard firmer, at la! •.,c. .r dill!, at 2:4237e ter Western, an ' tte /to, Cheese quiet, aSll34 . .ain. Awe New York Dry GeOd• KagrDel. asap -toms. Batt, for St dew YOna,Tllne 6.-Tlia Dry GOOl2B market today strong and steady for Moat goods. Print+ are parttenlarly strong and Inek na though they alight go higher. Hoary woolens are also pute strong with a good dontund Tor the clottung trade. Brown etteetlngs—racinr, I Axonal: egg. 'A, 25; do. It 24; Appleton A 2.5 , t ; Atlantic A 02; Indian Head, Z. Sheeting and ban - ring Bleached—Dwlght,_ 27; 40. 45.; Home, :u4 + ; do, 07 , 41 Lonstlale, 9 ,s ;Wnmsnita,n6; Tuscarora, .r.p l y . tlra/tham, 34, /Bs—Brown Massaahosetts, 24. ' Slagle Humes ' genuine , Stn trademark tio.l. (126;hmna Matto 14te; N o. 3, ro, npop gun - t.4.—Thoutptuins Crown, rrencit Elastic aprrtAtj,9.sol9o. Wee Gawks - —llaydtak - er MBornia, 40. - Gingbants—. Lalcdonts, 21; Glasgote, - 2.51 Hartford, 215 ; Canter. n; Manchester, al. Paper Collars-Ste- tropolltan Collar Byron, No. 11600, Extra Con. roamed, Zpallver Cormdded,42oo Goldsmith, Go, Pateat Persperatiort roof Byron, 30; B Shakespeare. yettlis.l4/: lona' 30 per cent, to i Mounted Garrote, gle less 10percent. Oswego Market. Orgabo. Jane 11.--rionr unchanged, at SI O ,M for No.l Spring; alt for red winter, and .1.5 for ' bouble!Extra. Whestactive; N 0.2 Milwaukee Club Mgr; No. I do., to arr Ore §2,0.•42.,10, Corn andbanged; No.l Illinois, 7111,V11. Oats dub, Illinois Sic. Canal f reights noullnal Sorpl (or F)oalr; I for Wheat, and 8.4 for Corn, to ; Now York. Lake Itupor ;kW bbls. Wh eat; MAO bPsli.VOrn. Canal exUarls-16,100 bush. Wasat.'l2,SCO,briSh..l . l:Ornt..l,loo bush. Oats. t 0:_, Zip i . 73 hperm,l,leatulne.. 3 2o 6) .1 M St..Loula 111arlint. " - •• Tannoral hr. Locis June h.-Cotton. list. Plour firm , a What., W. 11 I ' t 31. 4 1 m 014,e, tot ' Singh) Eillu.4 949,12 for troopolo 12.14 - ( o r 9urnish,filah Asphaltum I 75 fille 200 tra. and 412,t0U11,00-TOraraloo. inelitxtro o l; 1 ' • " o , r llll 100 160 ,4 her higher gruder; NO,l , CIO 17,41,50; Extra do, ••• •0 • 0 Imaxhor .. 575 500 •• 81,10; Northern Vali, 10,01 t me, lOntOttliffh 0 Cmi.cli :1 00 650 •• Choice, .2,5441,71. Corn 51IghtlY Junin', at tUta - C o Pal 22544 4 op , Tao. Oat. tinsi , T, td. 414114.5 e. ~Porli .hachangeu. 7 .1600 e ISS 0/1 2Co , i • Bacon-Clear hides, lor Juno and July, at Zu. .' ' Darner.- 275U4 09 ~ .Wlllsky advanced to 01,24(92 25. W meow Etude -auteect to discount, accord. lug to the quantity ordered. P2ilLudediSlatis Yisrliell. ' " 51.9 to 519 6 40 PIILLAWELPIII*, A.-Pot roloilm dzilllsales . 6EIO . hx,ll to 10x12 6 la .500 bide prinic at Z l 2.29ntai'rettnod.l34 bona. 10 I 8115 te hi.cl4 0 50 b i 5 &Act de1re44.50410000.- y/ourquletlaupertinerilliou'imp; 8 85 0. 8.0 e; o=o, 9.501.012,25. Wheat qui9 l l.l Laz,lB to 14:14, 720 opting, V. 96, red, Ail; *Lute, i1r.,99. Corese• t 'ml 2 Lo i i.. = • 790 06,410441 es 7,110 bulk' 10110 W at 1011. coffee; 200 i gam to 161,3 g 866 bap or Rio win be sold 1 14 ,L ImetiOn' c. , '1•1 " 3 "'"' 1 17.V..4 in nix 24 945 , des., ' , Whisky unchanged. 1 10m10 to 64x20 /0 10 . , ... • I 1.11x38 to 110x10 11 re: 7, , 1 Baltlmot•e Illarboa —-- ;`Klartiforce,, , June 5,,, rgius,....Ftirar,..._ s ;_iflmj• ..f , :-...-s ., Potatoes 'in Detroit. attire .Xore ' nrlo. "Vniitb, '"wc; ' Kw- M l '' , °°: Dirritorr t June 2 .—Thedamaudlo not aetlye, Outs stoutly, at 730706 crrerlslOos soketAbut, 2 h, and tbeo are but (OW buyers and but few of prices-anding El Milthi. StlVl32,lo,_Re-trn,..l I fartn_g i ,coatasze. mete from • 75fiffr cents grad& , inc. eonee 9 Oat .pfs - 4K.aopre.,w, for 1" bblower. Ilre • note a sale of I ear of apu t Ttpinenx ticatzu*" . wcisten 4 muo.ut boa. PIT rrinusail eumitEnrrs Orrlor or eras PITTS,CEOH C 4 AZ131 . 19, Trf,DAT, June 5. 10%. The produce markets 'rem moderately ar t, c to-day, as there it tea continneal fair local demand for nearly all 44 the leading rommod itles hat nrteeta do not keep puce Iran gold, which adfaunonal to 140 an New York to-day, the highest point it tires touched for many months. it 0.1. and PO, linahela do at :CI. Burley Ia quiet, while Its, la o acted at si pock,. heal IS 0•11 Illa at per bash 11.1 P. firm, w till a con Mound lair local demand but ortresremain nneltanaed, or slll.lto to +ll for vrtag Wheat; 611.250,11,50 for half Spring a .1 half 'X Inter, and $12 , ,4121, tor all Winter a heat brands. Rya, Flour Is Siiib ling itt.56,500C,75, and Ilrni• li Kiivjajosii_ - .Encoti is firm hot unchanged —sales 01 :kW poIIIAIS SllollltloSse 143aiaan0 P 0131111,1 Ribbed tqles at 1;,,, and :SAO pOnnils Cult vt..e,l Sago". t•u rod /lama at =6=4. We can report sales at WOO pounds CaUlatatrad 1 / 1 - 1101 Beet 111 :V:: 111111 small Pales o f 31", Pork at 1.32. i Laid la quoted at it2i.xtex. I.VTA Pt/FPS—quiet nd linehartgeil. Rego. MS sales from Afore at $1;1/ to $1,30 per bushel, and 5i1.3.",4j:1,50 per 1.1 , 1, accord lug to quality. 141'7'7'hR-1/all nominally unchanged. pry,,,, R o l l may lir fairly-11110VA /AVM il.l saaseipta were umtsunllc large to-day, and the Market. ruled easier; sale , re pot.l4l at 2'210 . . . —Sal, at scales to-dav of I 2 IrMali ut sra , ,o 0' per ton, the (Inlaid., figure for prune Timothy. I.l.t4.:—Prltne Western litaierve Is selling at 17, and Hamburg at Is42a. MILL FEED—SaIe Of 1 ear Xllddllogs— bough. bya clistiller—at 11,70 per cwt. •IA LT—The de mom! If reported more aetive, and No. 1 I.s quoted ❑rut at 1e2,40, sr the cal SORGIIL7II-1/011 butnchanged. sales of orgotoon at 40 to 441, ann.! pri u m.. a; rz,41+,;,,. cEit - DS—Fiuxseed is in good 11,1141.1 at $2,05 No doniand (or Clover or T1n04410 . sefula. 0 11.--Palen of No. I Lard at 411,KW1,03. 11 0 , 111NY— , 0410. at prr PITTSBURGR PETROLEUM MARKET. OrVICE 01 TRE I'ITTAIMP.OII Ganyrra, Tycoons . , Jane 5, 1858 CHI: DE—The market for Crstle teas again tin unlll brisk tr.rhtt. the sales being nen. onally large In tine aggregate, left price. have unlergent , Itt ,not 11,1.• tvurr../- re turned and In both, /4ml 194191., blds ineltided The , lettetud fer shipment was sally«, and our Milner, art Itsysig prettn tree's . . though there oIS W illopositlon startoe(ied en the part Or some f (het. It , hold oft for loser figure,. Sales Is low of :Om bbl., In hulk, att.( Was returned, all al 14, 1011 111,, irrkages 1641 nt at free on bo toil earn( li n at 10 , 4, on ° not:1 0,0 free on llOar.l fur., unq tn2bblo "Anther - Ai 16, tad, relsrneil. Tito revelpta fontthough Mil ti( largeas priolicttai tpy SOll . , oho ;vitro in hope, that the arri uld ll te se ((Iciest Iy large In break des n the market RI. N Mt— There %At.. also an improved de. round no . loritled Oil I,HI ay. too so far R. we roll learn, Nut few pu s v mated, Which Vail Owin g . to th e non that our refiners Ire not nitro:ether suttiltled with t he 14:ore...tiered, :11.1 lwq hies, I here Is hut eon,. tkaral heels 11141 e uttering. Ivo can report rule,, " 1 ux , bl id fVP/so.l..edi.te dAlivery in Ftuindel -1.4 to, at 4 . 2; .e 0 for 'named lute delivery here. at 33.0,01 50 , 1 rnosie oellvety pod prn - ... s, early every broker in tlfebusloiro n up pea rel to have orders to hut , both for present 01.4 fat ore de livery, but 1 heir fluor. toentell 10 or too low to Ineot tho views el stller, .Free oil Ie dull 'tndtottulTht, (lie tlerrnont isona 11.1 , 11 - feted Rl most entirely to supplying' the luatnettiute NV tita, of Lim local trade. . . A I:RIVALS—Tar art ivak of nil by the Alle gheny River ,itaa , our la+t r..port... We, IS, 1 - 01. altd,trrllt I o 1.000 D I ton .lUD .. rh , het A (in, W. 1.. A:o iJ 1.. htek , kler . 11.crr , agrr •• 1 ow I Total PITTSBURGH DRULi 'MALT. I.l•FicE or Tflr Pprislir,clll li A 7 Frrre,l .1 rmr , 3, 14 . 4. 71•.-. ulportmit. elmnare. hive to not,. h, 11, tihile Itimnlltmeltli-rn: no,s quOtr Pule Lesil In , 111,1111i11e4 or . 2. - .01.3 lb., ml 17, , 11. I !ere q 10,11, bblby fu•relgil giso4lP ate 111111.4111i11y Scarro., and p, :1.,•• Cdr.' \ TUrtl/1 . 11 . ..!1 Rergar.ll. rt,lo• .•,, ~1 1, 0111, lier art 1.•1.-. are lught r, and 110,1111 ni I'll 411310.4, Afil:111f1,11111 55,11 ....ters, anti an +elvntiee fu prie., " Uric ..... . " part arts t(ric ... A tettivAl t trcr cent ( 'mate . A.loolllit -X•1.1It Flo,s l•r. \ Pot TIM 411111 I I) Born V, Refined... I:rtmstonv . di, 11 ‘‘ : 11.1 pa IL • 0.1 ep 215 .• ty, 50 •• 10 75 gl 1 50 132 1 1 35 0 5o • • 52 ' • 2kl CS .1 1 111 ft 100 • '• 44 Z. 5 .. . . arrtplietr, Itettut,l Chloroform Oottll iri.Lte.i Lye. Cilorn SubltluAte un Tartar !loner. Powder PA her ulphnrlc .. oon otloe, =I Roney. ... liydrarg Cum Cr,.ai: ... Ind me Resubinneu .imitper lierrlek Magnesia nett l:artsins.Le Miirpoia Snip)) Nttrate 'Over 1. t) oil Anti/1,11 het u for (.1 ...... . Peppetuurits sainiarms " intergrinni Opium Turkey 1311.3uNzrito. Logi WI PrnArnitt... . Red... Whoa.— M t ln n 5 r. IVI , 10 . I • 4- 4 7 ti If 4 16 4 75 PS 9 rm •• PE 3Q. g „ : 1 . 4:45 NI .. 4 3.5 49 , 311 501 if • (•. 20 ~ 4 7 310 XI ~1 1 t~t~jj 1 iui Y 5 ts 1 10 .• 2 0 , 1 14 2 70 Vo2 )2 44 14 +, X 0 141 0 00 •• 315 ea 25 - 0 75 glg e. ylo .• '3l 43 , 25 .4 7 u 144 7 50 211.11. 14 44 24 27 2, 5 , 0, ,I .. W tA, 4.5 •• 51 52 .. 31 , 1 4) 35 .• •.' i " 144,4 o lo I, - .. 21 24 21 84 i 95 .. 4 64 4 7,, IR oz. No 05 go 11,. 11 0 4 1 yo In 55 140 z ,b. 5 / 1 12 1 , Z. il gm' . 15 1,4 lit a II tP 1, .. 'slum • ~ .... a.,,:itii 6 fO. Blue Vitriol la 0,/ 16 •• Cam Wood .. " H. , lo • (.:Octiinenl flood.— . .... IM. t e 1 6. , •• T 4 1,43 1 . 1 ' ,. :• :P,:tl2 I Cud 'car . Ertraat LogwowL ... Wattle 4, 4140, Bengal , ` Spanish Float t , , I!,y 2 'AI /2 GO ' .• I tiO I 70 - I LLI.CI7, i . 1 -offw..l Cavil:peachy ' 703, ,t 11 - at. 0m1ng0..... 3 v; ..f. - i Idatiaer .naryr,) 14 ,, ,f . p 16 • • ! :lama,. Sicily, $0 li . o 111 • • Brandon, yellow.. rAINTN, 5 Chrome. green.— .... . le (7 11 Q. • Chrome., yellow ..... 28 ti/ " -linalLto. red............. . 18 44 9 , 46 'WA; " •• Gerrnnsite;a;. 14 10 Mineral l'aint .......... ' ' 3 7 4 Ochre Arnerir . an .......... . a French ...........4 4 .. Paris Green W te .Patent BLilack nA • 18 eru.nik. Mut, 18 ei 44j lc a Putty. . 7 ev s 3Jainish Itrc.wn Terra Glenna t 47 /4 4/) Venltilan Bed, Bag 4.4112 Vermillion Atn f'Llneee...... I 601 7, White Le Whiting 3 Whiad, Pare._ . . Vri 4 Lt 011, Pure.. 17 * Panay Brands.. 941* 1S ited Lead, I'u re IL ti ln Labarge a II a is %Inc, Dry 110 111 Oil 14' 4 CO 15 1.111.1 , Awn r•ltunines. oil Lard, City 1 1 7f; .• a Cincinnati I.lnseed IGS a I 70 " ,• Bolted. 1 Itl f 0 1 re ~. • - N46lefool ALLEGHENY' CATTLE MARKET Optics e) TunPOrTgArttrOl Gmirr . rx, l Tess env, June 5, ISUL i CATTLE—There was again a very good sup ply of Cattle on sale this week, bring esti mated in 1 01100 ' , timbers at nine hundred helot, and ii 11.1 a lair demand, the market , ruled steady, and full prices wet, realized. The 4 aide, in point of quality, were hardly an to the usual standard, and a Idle it is true, that there were some few droves of as good , cattle as have been offered here this season, and for which extreme pried.% %sere realized, It a also true that an a general thing. the of !crimp consisted mostly of rough and un seetnly oen and steers, and rotsteers, a matter of conrav, fur these particular grades, holders were eompelled to submit to a rtsluct ion. Our butchers enntlnue to buy rather sparingly, ids , len, rig that the tin not afforo ay the present exorbitant cvs, but the d t t letn p aml for I shipment was rather better than last week, and as will be seen ti' reference to • the report glitales annexed, Barney Grey lies been about. again, picking up till the good rattle to. cOnld COMO, nod he was assisted mOrneWILO. by I Messrs. Marks a Traartuan. Barney, s-hen he takes Ili,, nOllOlllO buy dm., nut stop under one to two taken out of the market, very frequently im parts a firmer feeling, and gives holders a little more backbone. There were fewer cat tle. here front Chicago this week, and More from unto than for several weeks past, and Included in the sales, will be found one drove front lowa For some time past, geed cattle hare been worth as much, If not more, In Clu , Cog° as they were here, counting cost of ! I ransportaLlon, few! bills, etc., ere., and quite a number or ores., ar e of the minion that the, ran buy to a belie,. advantage nearer home SHEEP AND I. .ISill , —The supply of Sheep thin week aas agate fully up to the demand, reaching eland one thousand head, thsintgli there we, but few left ever. As COlupAretl With last week, prices have undergone but little change, ranging from 4', to .5•,i, per lb., green, the latter figure only for prime fat mut ton, sheep. Included In the operations were toe lollowmg , Illackstock retailed 130 bead t at 4,5,51, to, Ss,isti, and Euler/el: Si Co. th Wool at 114,5arettit..5 per head. Lambs ate salting Fit from 50,,5s to 54 per head SWINE—The demand for flogs continues ex eeedingly light, bring restricted altogether to uppl3 trig the scants of the treat trade. In a retail way, prices may be fairly gli ell at 0 , to 10 Cents, gross, for fate to pi Itue heavy aver ages. TI I A , MACTIONS ist CATTLE—wt.,. n quirk to Refs, Ilia.lewood n Lo. IS; head of fairish lowa steerS, averagmg 1013, al 7%; Myers ,t Needy to Barney Urey Se head of ex tra fat steers, averaging 1301, atholln Morgan to to ey II bead of good steers, aver agog I3ou, at S',„. Motheli I Ids a. Eckert to urey Ist averaging ES , U, at s7 , S. Green wald Kahn to Grey 17 head of prime steers ; aversuing 12.5 e, nt Ni p . G. 1' (.lark u, Grey IS head, averaging 1150, atMerrick, Maas ft co to Marks IC Trau rman helot at ttl,;.. Thompson to Rothchild:4 ft. Eckert 17 head, averaging I'M), at —; lilackstoek to Ackley 3 bead at . Marks ZS Trautman sold . 33 head stoelc ~title to :Tart at IN Hook to Mark, Traorman I 1 head a,C commonish cattle, RAN., TIO, IN 1 ATTI.I,-11/STAIII.. reps, witl,l /- Kahn d.. 1 halal at 7 1 ,1150--ti Old heal of extra 4 , 11 e, eat Ile at 1.1 It% entge of Or. Marks Trali rllll/11 tat head at 7ln 8 M yen / Need .51 1,, , a,1 at 7', It, 1 , ; Italtellll,lt, ft Eck ert 22 at 7-1,44 ,1 . 0 1 1 . Hartman 21 brad at din 9; Jacob 11011telalde Se at Tht, to a1,;./55 Mar- Mt 12 head at 1, ,11.5414,50;31erzack. S 'toad 1 M head H t 706 , ; 1 retcat 8Ilan: , Si head at alittwta 01. :La at 7 1 111814; Liatirty Ulan: , 11 at New York Cattle Market. • The current yrecy at all the markets are (01 io4ov BICH, CA TI - Lefk—First quality. por 19 ; fair l" guud. conntion, $1..V4 11;; to lei nor. $1.411. Cows aNO Car.vas-- Extra, per head, 1,4;403; 13rsi. quality, 11730 M ordinary, ipdirios; eotro nom, (0013 pith inferior. $3 , 3445. Car cos—First quality, per head, 811 Q 13; ordinary, small: common, #4ls9; Inferior, iiioll per head,. al'@N; ilualitY. 1 , 14 , 07; ordluar3'. 65,5066.:10i eollitnOn. 5443,50; inferior, 43.7364,45. y, corn fed, per pound, leae light slot medium. 10(thitic. The market tar twof cattle has ended firmer :wain In, Weak, the receipt not being Rae fi Lane to the wants of the city butchers, to coy notinr.g of tht lexuand from licooklyo, at caule were ail lit an exeollent quaMY, and an a.ivanee iit pen piniml coo readily reallEeil, the beat cattle cooing quick at let , ,c. anti sine higher, but the hula of the sale. were •t There ware scarcely any luforlor cattle on sale.' All ',re shirt, and several handled niOre could 1.4: been sold at Jul; prices. teals are active at .7613, and sonn.t bring yet More. Sheep and lambs were steady, though the Intrthet !ladheen 171 , - PI - 0,4,i uli toe week. frog.steady. The to- 101 rectopts of all stocks, at all the ardn, for this R Pea, Were to fol lOW 4: Bente, 5117, cows. 1.7; cal calves, 1.491, sheep and lambs, 17,4 u,, Pnllzttlelphitt Cottle 215/trket. l`emAnohtelo, ./ 00e 4—The Cottle market I. flmderthlell 11CLIVC 01.13 Week, and pro. /0, oil toolotal lied ; about. 1 . 1.0 1101111 POW at prier/. runging from 1: the for onto, 1:101Il 1 5e for lair Is. good, and 1341 k. per lb for common, as to quality - . ' , beep—Are.o better demand; WOO head .old at from 644 , c•vntA per lb, gran,, a, to coital Wel . V l 9 ''' tt• i t , t 4 Sox •P N oiD 111.. 1. 6 . ep 6 448 •• LS •• I 14 a I 11, 4 . 25 a I NI (1) tuactuingeili trine head acid at the 41Urrrent yards at I !OM $14114,ne the lot lha tn. and u few choice at Oh. J utul a —Wheal—ll:ex No. I lc bcl cc ateady. "alt. ul Amber and t t h t ha. I anti lead Walatah at St.:10: Now - Amber. Corn ieaty, at ale for Nu. I atilt an•l lot icllow. filtta tic better. lip. quict. =SI IRPO/FITS 111 RAILROAD FITTAIIIIROa. FORT WA.V7OI 6 t roor,oo 11. It .1 trot. 5.--7 car. metal, Nordelr a co, 5 do do Itryan S l'aughey: 11 dr, ,110, 1110.15'1 trend Iron I. 0, It h. rht.c.c, J h; %crops, h Irt.lllin S n,, t o 1.1.1 s cement, II A Inltentoel: t.ot .1 hble, tolntron, I. Ludwig, 10 Ir. ellUem , . Coopet co, ill do do, y Owner; . 3/ do do, 01 W 11%01:1,5 Obis dry apple.,. 1. wart A co, 1 kgr.101.:144,, P FI !d01....n0/2,1 car tukrlet •.1 I/1001es. 103 cake. copper, C t. 11,1405 I . cor I,l rt lll .11 4 II MI I'4l water 1,110,, II II t.Ol - tun,. thalra, _l' Parlay. 12110 do, C EspY A Sun; 12 Ml. 011, II Iten Jr, Is Ors choose, Licar.loton; 13 do do, tirslT !Loiter, 6do .10,J. Contrt. ei 7.0 ri 7 4 9) 0) 9 7,4 , I 7. • CLEVELAND AND PITTEDI'DOD RAILIMAD. June car stares, .1.1 Halye, Ills lanter,ll 1,1 1.3 tle, 10 bbls eggs, T 1 Jenkins; 30 do du, IL Vela, It cu; 1 our barley, epeucer & 21clia); Idu 4.., Irate wright ; You 13b1s Scar, eh.. ri,raker At Lang; au do do.[ , Wallet.; 1 car bulk nne, t, v., bhls high ulue,,; - cert. ehlpion It co; 1 cur potatoes, Volgt It to; 'Cale. cotton. 1 Dickey .t co, 11 bbls stnegstr, HlgSee; lee hula flour, T C Jenkins; Ito de 00, SI LIDIDIEt; 100 410 do, linos It Hefter, 7 bble eggs, Blair & Vrte,die I car oil .1 Rea mer; bbls dry peaches. Volk . / & WO cal corn, /1 ROD Jr; Y cars 0048, 1 to corn, Culp it cites:m.l; 2 CUED rye, 3 ti Vinci; d co; 1 car bar ley, Spencer It McKay. TTSIICZOR. (Mt amnia; VLROI ATI It. K. Ji Pl mol.-1 ear oats. Heil a •Rltchart; 100 Mils floor, Graham A Thomas; 101) do do, Jas Gard-- net; ni4l do do, Celp a Shepard. I do do, Dan Wallace,: do irheat, Mo C roory A co; I car oats, 11 It jr; I do millfeml, Stewart A. Langan helm, 1 box baron, le ldeliolgh 1: 7 hbls eires, T C Jenkins; 1 tix baron, Meaner Harper; I halls tress hoops, nativist Skim, stock A. c••;. ALL GOB nrr Arius, June 5-4 ear/ Cheat, lien nett y Ore; 30 bblo flour, byre corn wow, /to paper artelc3, Illignia Alexander; 30don 114.111, lime..los Craig; in ilo vinegar, Wtn Sed; / ....I, , nneen, John Storer; I ear oilllfeetl, Stew art C eo, 30 Inllg chair,, Znikenil A Andregg. MO ignriewanr, Iteektlelrl d re; 35 dozen t.nnomx, W le Elliott. NEW PHYSIOGNOMY; HIG.X'S OF ellatilLtiCTlllit, A$ IYESTED THROUGH TEMPERA.M ENT ♦an External Forms, AGI) t..pprially In the HUMAN FACE DIVINE BY SAMUEL E. WELLS. With more titan One Thousand Ilio•trettlons. rOll MALE DT JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fifth St., Masonic Hall ..y, PARKERSBURG LUBRICATING 011 Company Keep constantly On h•nd a supply al STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil I 1 lEEE= Free from all Impurities. • Every Barrel Warranted, TX , F. RETURNED AT TIM CUALPANY'S .e/ddreen JAMES H. THOMPSON, Agent, WITII T. ❑. NEVI & CO.. N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts., PITTRIFtgr nly=vhn - -- Rtin, PA. am The F ountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In WIWI.' /fall, Fourth street, ne ar smishAeld, t now and m ost best fitted, coolest aud most Inducing FLOW- Elt GAILDEN ISALOON In the btate, losanwim, mikes and cnnicatlottarlea &way. On an hdl, A FINE 011.1.11ESTELli. las been enasked for the season, god will Piiin attendance XVILItY MORT: ("cent wung c *:iin eetrell 1.1:1 twelve o'clok. Beal ice fruit+, xud. always on hand. rnyWdble /1.1).8.11.E PLA.SWER=./.39 blob. calcined mac'. Xm7110) EftMall. C 44,14201. r7'yT! AGENCY In 60.. bottles. In the form „r POWDER, for .µ, by all Wholesale Druggists. Prepared by •nti 2.1 ARTHUR H.OGH.IIIII , Ohemist N. 11". t.l FtlEt SALE, At Minyale Slatiou, Pa. R. 11., tint y arroOteen mltioas' ride from the Union Depoi . TWELVE AND A lIALV ACltlrt. J. adiololng thr residences of Alec. Bradley, Esq., cod Mrs. D r Denny, and beautifully situated for a Country Res idence. JOIIN D. HAILE), titoek. and heal Estate Broker, Jot No. Ile /math street. PRODUCE /lOW RECEIVING. 2.oopourlda 1)11000 Fresh Matter; X 0 box!. OM. Cutting Cream Cheese; 310 bbls. prime Peach Blow Potatoes; 21:0 dome Fancy lirootim, In store: 2:00 pounds clear Jide Nixon. In store: inninds Bard Country Soap. to store; boogie BOWL Soap, Ic store; In barrels prime Burghum: NO bushels - Bleat] Beam: I barrel pure Mountain BluAlierrs Wine In store fur sale by 1.1. RIDDLE, Jai :Oa— No. 153 Liberty street. -• -- VONSIGIMENTS RECEIVED AND V FOR BALE-4 car loads Potatoes, met. and Obis 00 boxes Messina Oranges; do do Lemons; IRS Comm Nuts; I t rApilles a ; . IS do Vo l liiti; Lime: 00 down assorted Canned Fruit: Sorghum, Butter Lard, An. Pi J. wax". a BILO., 1418 Third Street. rEZZ2 QM B.,IIE—TWO NEW HOW. ZyINTAL ZINGLNEB, mule very heavy and - Strong; Cylluder 21 Inch bard, four feet stroke, with 'Oartahls est- offk Wroaghtlrost • - alkeel sha f t;. ineheS diameter., Suitable fue,ll6l kw or other varpopp,„ Address . STAInV Lit Eit7PLEB. • b i rld r*Pk.a.t7o o . WOrtS Art.:okford, = RP/ER NEWS. The river has undergone little or 00 change since our last report, remaining stational - . with four feet Iwo incites In the channel, hy the pier marks. At nail City, the telegraph reports but twenty-four inrhes yeater.lay,Ltit raining. and every prospect of a riS.. the weather eentinnes warm and unsettled, with a...a...maul showers of rain, The Lehi Leoti, from Parkersburg, who Illo• only arrival. She left time, with a mode rate trip The Nora, from w due last night. anti will doubtless be found In pelt this morning. The Echo, from Oil. City, may be expected to to-day. The Brownsville packets, layette and Chieftan arrived and cleared with very lair trips. The new steamer Elector, ladouging the “Peoples' line," it in expeeted, will he finished and ready to take her place iu the trade a Itn in a few days. The Glasgow, which boat loft here on satur.. day evoning for St. Louis Is hard a ground at "Glass Mouse," and trill probably have to romuin there until there le more water. Site Was over three hundred tons of freight On board, consisting mostly of glans ware. The Rota. Moore anti Argonaut, Wlitell boat s left here the same afternoon, will doubtless he able top, through. The Tahlequah vas advertised to Ira, Chianti for Pittsburgh ". 31"nd a y . an d o n . Silver Cloud and Citizen ale dmibtless ens route by this time from Saint Louis to this port. The Importer, Capt. Noss, and the Colombia. Capt. IL. .1 Porter, are anima need for saint Lotas—hot h neat and ennunod ions steamer, The Camelia, Capt. Lytle is tilling up Otewl.. Hy for Cincinnatiand Louisville, and will he ready to take her depot tutu Unfit:vetting or ti morrow meriting. The Lsmnora o.arrlv/eI at ino Sunday, from Pli ittaVrgh; and the circus boat Marietta, arrived there on Saturday. A short time stare, the Jame, Itaymorni un dertook to tow the flostona from Metnph Is to St. Louts, when the former exploded ber 1.011. ors, causing the loss of several lives. The Bes tow], In turn, repaired, aed towed the crippled James Raymund to SC: Louis. At the utter point both steamers lay side by side, oti eat urdav morning, where Chop wore burned. This is a et/Incidence. The tiro, it la stated, vas the work of an incendiary. STR A TABOATi pITTSBURGB. BROWNS VILLE AND GENEVA U. S. ' hciaierwo , -v - , Will run three daily side-wheel swanters between Pliternrgh. Monongahela City, Brownsville. Rho, Landing. tireenhoro, lieneva and the linntgra ion Regions. Thin line Ls compoftd of the following steamers - - - FAYETTE, ('APT. M. A. TELEGiCArIi APT. It. It EP. FRANKLIN 7, A It3lAt U A. S. A RIA LE. Th.... packets will lea, Pittsburgh daily at 3 a. m., and 3 at Bp, o'el co, except bunday. when the departure Ir RI be excel t The through packet for the 011 Regb.ns 0111 ieave Pittsburgh daily at 5 p. nl.. Orew ep., ills dally at ]a. m. It2rnolingo—Leaveli Rrown,ellle for Pittahnegh daily at 7a. m, anti a p. and Leaves lialmrt. and Genera at 12 o'clock: itice'• landing at 2p. m. Ma line la composed of drst-clew side-wheel steamers, built expressly for the trade. They are commanded by ofticera of longexperience.. who tilt ill pay partleular attenth h .n to te +ante and com- at the hour rot, FREIGHTe ILKCEIVIIII AT ' ALL HOC ILS. rum (lather particulars,nquire or 4. li e . itlllll/.ItTS, Agent, At the Wharf-Boat, foot of ti runt at., l'ittnim rub. L. C‘)I.VI,I, Agent, Brownsville. Pa. I= PEOPLES' LINE OF STRIVERS, (INet , RPORATLTL) Pitt•burgh. Monongahela City, erille and °envy, This Lotnpany will run dolly boat net,. ,grt. the 141.01, point.. 0.:Repe1...1 of a the splendid .Ide-wheel slowneres CII I EFTA IN . . It. B. ABRAM'. cono au n.nder. d ELECTOR. ItonenT PitlLLlrs. goinnlandrA. (The Elector nose being ro otpleted and will rake her plane In the line Ina few dayml The Chieftain will leas, kitt , tourgit for all polute on TliaslM Vs. TLIIALsIiATo and SATI" RDA Vs at Sr. R. Returning, leave. Bever. for ylitsborgh an ]IONDAYkL NV EDE EtiDA TS nod FRI to Y.. t v A. N. and Brown.ellle at 11 Y. 11. the ( otapany will have a grat-ellas Wharf Root at Monongahela City and l'ltLehurgh. Freight re. l. ell at all boom. No charge for conzollselop n aurtern freight, u To!, Ilne win not rot, boat. on the Sanhath. For farther k)artleolars enquire on bo:erd, or S. CLlVhlSokia3l„(gent. at the %A Into Boat, foot of (Irani street. tithlu:anol LOU CINCINNATI AND . , • LoCIS% 11.1.1—The fine pteano., *" CAMELIA . t art. .1. Will lea,. for the ahoy.. and all intermediate port,. on WEDS lOWA Y. at oL For frrlght or pas ye &ivy on hoard or to jeg Fl. ACE A t t.1.1h. • WOOD, AAA •. lk`Olt CINCINNATI AN D LOUIS ILI-E.-110. v, and rle • gant totsattiger stearin, ATE PUTNAM. leavr for the ahoy,. and all 11 21 , :n4,11/414 In THIS DAY. at 10 a. To. For !Night or maonag, •44ply on twar.! to JOHN FLA 4 :k4 Ir/ H. C0LLX44 . 44,4D. FI!!!. . 8 1;; and aplrntll4l pabsengt.r steam, I 4301UN1 A '",. It. .1. VititTEß. *lll leiter for the also% l• •Ild all la:. rta...llal.' I ... , on TIII,I DAY, at p. m. For freight or pas.age apply on 1..3 rd or lo in A WI nw. a, e nt T , 1;011 CA IRO AND ST. . 1 .0 - 7 - ." • TA, t , 1,-The splontll.l et eau., 111VOITTER ..... . apt. Noy, Will leave as snore on T 111 h DAY: at I'. h. For freight or passage apply on boar..l. or io Jef. FLA, KA t { - to Aa. REGULAR PACKET wr is t • FOlt WIfEELINti. !TIAN/ETTA AND ZANEnVII.I.E.—Tha Lae steamer ENLIIA GRADA It. Sit . .., wilt leave for the above anti al/ halermadtate porta e•ary TUE.hDAY. at 4p. lteturniughneares Zanesville every Fltf. DAI. at 7 sin. J. . C(iLLINUWth./D.. 11011tE:OPAT - RIC HOSPITAL AND lIISHNSARY OF PITTSBUROH. The Dispensary Department of ❑i4 Institution vlll be opened ou Thursday, May 3lst Poe the Medical and Sur',teal treat nirnt POOR, PR P 6 OP A Rt. t, and will bepn every day. , rarrpt tninitay) tar Ittprn thr hour% n' Ii 1,•I 'Li ot• I( .5. NI. AND A U It., tit the Hoe Its Balldlna, No. 1440 tcEros mt,EKT. a i ot Stalthtlehl. 1.1.1,11 ANA rITENDI V. On Monday, H. , '1 ,, 1MA.1,1"4, SI. 1 , . .• Nun D. HOWLEY M. II • • ltee ,y itay, HoNlyz:AD. M. •• Imrsda y, S.POTTIf.It. M. U. •` Vrlcty. 1 Hier.. HEW ITT. M. I). '• mitlurthwy. J. HAI/NAM', M. 1.. Hy tler. sdwinVlY:sork. I ' U V , J. 1 • Hurgber, M. D., T.1,29`b.11 R•ertutive Committee T HE Pittsburgh Homeopathic Dispensary. The originators of this enter prior. having u cured and stud up ronrentrot room. at' No. 02 eutlaTli NTIMET, foe I.rrmaneot nperatious. hereby give notlev that lials Institution Is now pr. pared to dispen.e Medical and Surgical aid OEM POOR OF PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY, frgs , lutloo. y, and .lUr Tin . ICS DA S, the 31. 1 1 Iepeosin hours 11 to I r. Suoda, zret.trd. until furthnt nut lee. A cornywterit Physician nod Surgeon .1i: 1317211: attendsoce- 13y order of tvit pruvAre DISEASES. YOUNte, (late or Philadelpista. No. ill Third street, treats all tieu-rtreton• of l'rl ' , ate Wastes with oat - atm/R.l°d same.... rartlettlar attoosloo 'paid to ne rwatorrhoea au I dlseasas of Out Urinary "trans. tit. treatutestt toe the same being the most rtteOutafttl alto em r, ~ • .; III•e• )' pure to the ofilletrot Laellit:• will auct hopertve e. ..‘ first. preparation for removing obstroctioits to luatttpen•trtial tluod. • No, 11. One both, Ix bottle. No. .4. which In four degrees stronaer. aa deal n od for owalttate asses, Flee Dollar> p.. leoStle. °Mee boors, a a. IC to 5 r. Id., 0 r. 11. to 4 p. Address, with camp, LA. YOUNG, No. 251 he I street, elttsburgh. IeCteLINIA - -- EAGLX OIL WORKS, fl!n,JQ7flTfl "cR2 - 3ret a 4o et - 17111c, WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers In PETROLEUM. OFFICE. !SECOND STORY, CORNEAL FIANCoi T. AND DUQUESNE WAY. THE BEST EFFERVESCINC CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, BOOT. F — Yr i d POPLL4R EMPORKM. NEW GOODS DAILY BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS fiAl.M , It 14 h AN! , I•trENl I'l - ('.ELF. KIP. I,IIAI N. c,DAT.)1,•10,1 0, WA-IVF ,•ALF. PEIDD I . I %LI , AND KID OF Y”IC Ladies, 4:entg and Children. ! , i 4 .0” 4 —'1'1 , 11.11,1, Fur - of - I [I., Cheek, •rahir Lino 1•11t•eks, 1{.111,01'.L. NI, It.. “p ',kir,. Cloaking, lrlkiu I bbir , F • Mt:ellun FA N,l 111{1'SS .nv... ”liars. Shirt, 1,1., l.riated `props. I MEI:I'W,', PLAIDS Fad JEAN,. A :KO. A 'WET,. V EN ETIAN MTN :,11ADE, Private Salt , Da) and Evening. 55 and 57 Fifth Street F THIRD A KIRI VA L SPRING AND SUMMER 134 - , , a - b.: and ShAut , r,... 'ruse Chief Cause of Pestilence Destroyed: viVe are Rereiving Daily ! nn. E. ('OURTARET'S VEt "I'l aeon yea by Letters ratent ALL THE 'LATEST STI LEs ',Red al. , and Frt/rt. l it re pared .olely toy the Sr., York 11Isinf...etIng Company, a street, their a Labor at or), iNt/R. :TA. MO and an Henry Street. N. . 11edar , tret.t. Lad ie , ". Tht. 1 ornpatuy orKanlteal on a permanent haeli, Boy'. • with I tr. CottrXret. the evielorate.l Preach Chemist, rharge .111 i Laloorator). Is prepared to Youllis• and Childs'ens• It, I /1,5 , . rt.' vr: irs for slek rom, nurveris, 11,04.,ri resspool, 'rarer, Boob, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, - fat.l.dling ....t . .ato,lttneri 1 . .. al. It Ind of nn.- ant ., setae of the latter r %. L/11 LOW I' lo ever, farmer and w La'r'vae pol, , ottons and offal, am..e. ea tat. These agent.. deodorizers. J. A. ROBINSON & tnt Is. tlr, ..nt!putrescent, 1111,1 Olsltift,tants In CO.•I the meaning or III•• ,V131 , 1f. They remove 15011011,....y. 4noi Mora I, enentleal prlnelples— ' I env Ilie In places h•nitliful am they are alt inn. acid X,Of ro,rely ob.orLante of pailamtona ga,,-ant In)ttria•u. to ta t• n+lls In wulch they are C. 'lnc at tention of tnedl,al and Kr:kande tnen ; directed to then.. Altarbed are t..rtimonial. In favor of ills great. 11.covery, with itundml, or others can In. seen at the Comps tly 's "Mee. JAEL, 111/CSY, AI-batty. Slarcb 311, 1860. T-'h• Pr.millent Usw,rift,t3ng Dear ...Ir. It to, 111 rrpres,nted hr. 11'e have thatmany trialor n ferlair ts, but now eouslder that we 11171' found an article which surpasses Mt ..then a , n r.linedy mralnet all bad urines. T. HirKnsEl„A co, NE. Ton,. Arll 9. M AT V Flit La '4' PIMA, I Al.l. A nELIEIF..II. ,f the For rork //taln p .,g v O& ., • 1.1.•ar Olt: tw , ..e.uneo without ex.•eptlon, to 111 - :.11 F.M 11E16 w l4'l' ever known. Its .teenupon M'CLINTOCK'Sa. I every matter comp. 1, letr.,, CHEAP SLIOE STORE, N -Th • emo r, under the elle , tln tho .‘anlrary Pollre Inv= of Lite rdetrepolltan lio,llll 111 , rtm, N. 1 aura t. A ifr."' "'• LI, A it N . . Y., A LAIICE. AA, Er I , IIES/11 .411 RIVAL n" >nlr ..gene.. her lea I%nited wtnlr. and t.anadas. .1 to whom NI or.lnn ehu old he ul up aea Nodr e.l. u) all I /roma,t.t anal General Dealers In I the Fitted 1 1 tateo. and ..'raise. myl9:aG4 SEIII,IIEB, BOOTS, SHOE'S, G.itTERS. . -• 13.131..ELVILMIPT"eit GI Market Street. LARGE ARRII AI. AT 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Ts 26 Fr ALL. TIIF. LA ri.+T • , E• ( 4 :Werra, !Shoe% and Boots, 41214 Val in or aLs • ./tt, rt , crifetl.uttl heettitt tht. VERS . t.tW • icslT r Itt.tall. • tOVF. ret 11E.VttlIF. PI Hi ft SIVt4 j ELSF.W/11.:111.1 ••- • Cam. - 1 • • e> .4* . 't • • S. 9 114:Act At r, rt. 7.4 lliN.r from INF W IIOOT Alb %DOE Nl'ol/1: .Yo. 24 hl. Clair hlrect On this Continent. • A ~,,,, ...., ....,, ...I, ,t.. 1 at..ra pr I.A DIE, , AND 1. , EN1" , on. , Int lil'r \a• (.111 /. H. hal mill , . . '' " ' •. IS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE A I.a, ••ie . which vri it I. - old st t 141. 1.11 W 1.:,.? ' RI( ga. i ap. . no. od i lo 011 a aN.iii .It t,s. taoat ^elenth Analf . leal Chenilat" It Restores Hair; VZ G ENT'S FINE ('ALF' ROOTS AND, "It Prelents Gra Hai ) r Valllug Out: /I\. REss OA IT If.II, at . - It Changes the Roots to their Original my la .1. N. l Ali • a 21A NA - . 41.'3. 3 Iliar34 1 44. Uri:l,ollC Action: 1 , ADIES , FINE lIALNIOILA 11. AND It Eradicate,. Handrufl and Humors; /r . . , ?:/.1o.:, 1...1., at It Keeps ti..: Scalp Healthy; ruy it .1 11. ( AILNAII AN AI. t.•ri. mi Marl..“ st. ' it Confab. no injurious Inrrredient, n f ADIES' FINE Itlll BOOTS al ~,d , II In 1., r,al.y aceonl..d to be asl.l.ndld Dresa lIITa " A ' W "RN "'HAN 1o ". 'S. ''''' Har " 't. iVSIW TN ' E "- Itj'i l i s? l. l ! " A"'''. IT' fl' • are lADIES' FINE KIDSLIPPI7:IIS at Av ., , , ...7 , , i , , , ,, , ,,5, CUNTAIN,M,IRELiquipu,,,,,,,, A A n'. t A aN AHAN I' t' ,. .a ~ Market rt. ' NI; 1...: % 11l 'I 733 '.. AV ‘ I I ITI ' ;+ offered to o. ref as eint 34 :r , hot is E In) tit:ARAN rse. to refund the motley to any la rauto sato.. w til oat n.. bottles 111,1 INSURANCE then sa) that our Itesturatls e Sao failed to do all a e iNsuitr, YOUR I.IFE IN THE J. LIFE 111 t ItTER .•A It. ILAILKETT & CO., Proprietor., .: ' N al It aN i I.' i '02,11 , A- Maucituater. N., Liationshire. NY OF LIAlt !TOR 10, I: iN 5 THE (tNLY LIFE INal itANCE courn NY 111 It. E. SELLERS & CO., All I.: Itli.' that now mane, 00.1 WO , an Ann.` 'ASH t ' V ' Dr "' on Ott, Opal 'an' , ear , ahhsegitehl ' Wholesale and Retail Agents, r p......,...., p-. 111141111 'ASH CA I'IT A 1., an 11 , euinedatt n oi o..ten..stt. Is securely luveattcl in polo- Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 11. .tok .1 , 1 mongases of 141.:Al. EKTATE. It Is nyvo•apa now lu I l 1.1) yr ur of 1,1 1.1111,.. and has paid to the •- - . - - t P.. r. AN I. .A.rii a ..... al,. II trey, the .. ti H trmpitnEylN I Nk. MI .1.1t.N lit .1.1. A IL, T.. tlitz dal.. not 4 sin s.le ea, of litigation has we reed, an evidence • that 11 , -rality au.t fair d. alitog la a •peetalty with HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. thin Cotropany. 'rite sa,.l, he of thin ( ny a, not forfeited by i.,,,,,, ',ores!, from ~t, mo.n. ample ~perl eov e on 00' .. ." . " . I . Y.U. ", P' ..1 "...". , l-1i ,, .c." 0 . 1 tore success, simple. efficient and rehab!, 1 hey sic lc. , ~. Paamenta ce , l ,, lreil an , to Yt'ara• bat the only Inn:linnet perilnetly wiapteil to popols, ier policies 1.1 .11l11111•• ~.....1 thr..ogli WC. —so simple Lilts [pliant. cannot ha made In usl.l, Oellt /t, them:.O harmless /4 to be free from dansmr, and so J: C. At ALKLI. I'i - ridden, ettelent as to ire always reliable. N. in. PAl.3lt,it Vl4, l'reeldent. `.. 11. warre, aecretary. CLIVIII/41,1 and Braorit (Meblane fuk Ap es p r Wlications wtern renniill n Iv h anla whet . . e rnished ' . RPs Fifth street., Pittsburg fu h. Airrnts wanted liiruutouo t ill...tate. Apply to ~ „,!,- . F. K. K 000 D ELL. ' , ls, Agent. FIDE AND MARINE INSURANCE (1), OF NORTH A MERICA PHILADELPHIA: A• 111011. 81.700,000. Hanford Fire Insurance, Company, • . • • 11,8143,000. air PrnLection can h.. secyrerl In I be ,Dine named and rt•llst.le Compoinfro. ft. 27.17 91 Water street. tun 'dairy .1 IArESTERN INSURAN('E CO., OF PITTDit l: ((6 tl t ALEXANDER I . r.blent. W.ll. r. HERB/CRT Ners:tary. APT. OF.l.ltoh N.KEL!, t . Arnt. trl Water stroct, Sputa o.' Ware ions, up stair, I'll twilit radi. Wil Instil, m k lods of Vire and rl ta. Maks. l A home Inelitutlon mattaittal by plr ,M C a lo. who are vell moan to the , onituunii), and who art delorMitted in prom tam, and liberality. to main tain the character 1. bleb they ha, e •A. 11,41, as of ferina the heat proteetton to thus, who drairo to be Insured. 111 alakwo ILA Alex. Nth:tick. Andrew Ackley, IL Miller, Jr, ' David H. Lcag, James Watley, 14..1 Thom., Nathaniel Halmos, Ch.. J. Clarke, Alexander Apr., John McCune, Campbell 11. Herron, 5 . 1 .111.1 . . Hanna. iii k"'".. % .11. II E.IIIIEICT. I , wervtary. VITIZEAS , OMURA:WE COMPA- N, NY OF VITTYISCIIi.H.—tkIi, cork e r .ti,k k , and water !drew., acme , ! floor. I= . . . . W3i. AtiA LEY, Prevnient. WM, A. SHEPARD, neer tnry. In rev Sur= tiosta and I vo.a. I v. vo tirea &gala. and Jam vire In ttienavigation 01 the nouthern sod Western Itirvrn, Lakes, and p , th Ha. and e navigatiiin oft 111.1,. BK.:Maioss and darnaKt by are 0 ItIICTORS W In. Bacsley, b. M. It ler. I n . I/ea, John Slut tsh, Jas. ar, Jr., James M. Loopor, W. li. Johuaton, S. Harlem,. S. 11. F. Jonra.l J. CAM W CU. Jr ~ Joshua Ithoth .1, John H. DS, rth, Barclay Preston. I Wm. A. Hod& !rd. George Ulughant. ele10:y __ __ . _ pcopmws INSURAM E CO. OFFICE., N. R. CORNER WOOD LA!) PIFTIiaTII. Wm. 1 . 10111p0, ‘ ropt. Jelly le'lltroode. Jobn t I Ott., spol. I I'. Shrtree, Jobe E. Parke, (loosen Arbuckle, Copt. 344. MAIV:, ; .lolin V. Kirk potrleL. V. u.. Vou kirk, / Frank. S. Meson. James D. Vetoer, ; IL llunoott Lone, K. I'M L1..1115, President NrAi l , ll .„ l o l , N r,, ' WATT . , N co Ilret.ltlcut IV. Y. GA RD ft/11;1y Copt. SA lIIES 11, /S.I/ON, Gen •I Agt. A L ILEGILEIVIC iLIiSCILANCE CO: , . 4 IF PI TTtill Ulttili. —Oftce, Nu. 37 SIILS stool Bank Block. lueureologotrkot all kinds of lel re and Alai - Inc ft.leki• JOlrs IRWIN, JR., President. N 1.. 8k.1 . 1.11ii, Fire Paesident tr. Serret‘re. so. WM. lIt.A N, tieurral Agent.. Inane. Jones, C. 4i. linsoey Harvey 'l,ll - 411, I'. J, flont John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Faitest...lL, FURNITURE: FIUILNITURE AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Ifarlufactruad and for .ale, . Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWELL, NOS. Ff & RP THIRD STRIERT, Opponlie E. Etlinnudzon d Co.'s, and NO. 1 FOURTH dTILEST. pOTATOES-700 bushels prime Peach BlowPetal-15m. is istont sue Mr oak fry HITCHCOCK, IdeCREERY CO. Vireo a 49 ,1.40cit7 , §HOES,,ste ND'S 1 . .10,1. A N. I. U. S R . C. BORLAND, No, 1 caves FEVERS, Conga..lons, Inflamm ,/ a tion .11. 2 .. WoBAIS, Worm Fever. COD e. 2 •• CHI INta LULU .or Tee-long of in fnte • I . DIARRHEA uf children or adn' ta • DYSENTERY', Griping and 1111lue. Coll . t a •• Cleasi rHA 11013R1Js, Nausea......, 2/ ; •• LC, talln Colds, Brooch. is. . . Id b • ' NEU Ittt l.lilA Toothache, Fare de A 0 •. HEAD A• It 1.., 31 , 1 11, &dub,- .3 0 • • D VSPE PS IA, Billions Storstaril 70 it - bllPPlthon hi>, scanty and p finial perlod., .. . ... . •.. : • . I.h LH vitßli(E. A. or %I bites :a LI tßoll P. hoarse neigh 11 if • sALT ILIiEL - 11, Eryslpelsu, El up- Ilona 11 11 • • RH ) 1. all rheumatic palms a• is •• FEWER ADD A1.1.r., Chills and core Ps • : 14• 1 5 1 ITALT1 r , ' s ' oce r , It'd.. sel ey . s r 19 - CATARRH, aeute or chronic. trits us • • It rliftir !NG nt •t, f,fa. ~,,,,,,,,d i, ' .ungts Z I ti • ASTILM A. oppressml •••••• EAR IILeC If A Itli ES, impaired ricer- Mg 9 • DM PSI , euslarat.d glands. ..., 2.1 OF NERI L. SIMLA - IT l', • physleal usket ss 0 .11 •• Yee S I CK&W. n or TAN Ve " s "' fl um rid lug n • hlDli..El DISEASE, Graet1........ 29 • NERVOUS DEBILITY, seminal enstsslunnleroluntary dist hmges n " 114 , 1115. MOUTH. ur Caulayr_. ..... n i r l .• .I • TI,IttI2 . 11-SYMP ~7``'.l ` with 4 Sprucra al 3: •• SUFFKILINUS at Change of Lire u 89 •• EPLLEPSY.dparma, lit. Virus' Dan ces is 181 •• DIPTHERIa3,, ulcerated . ore Linens. 113 PUMA Cabg.B. Cases of in orals, in Morumeemeand book' emu plem $lO 0 Lase of SI large vials, lumorocco and beet 0 u t,uo of 99 large vials, plain Case and book a u Case or 10 box. Mt. Ito 15) and Imo .k. . -. 8 U A TO ILREACE, ee Corner of Fourth a nd arket strts. 11 L PAII2a EbTOCE ft CO., Wood at Wl:edemas° Asents,Plttaburgh, Pa. For sale I' y E. IMlNER.V.Rmlthtleld atnets, .1( se PLEMI .li, WI Market street, Corner rd she iyisamos e l Pittsburgh. and J. J. !LAST, No. 181 Federal sane t, Allagheny MeLLABAN g. AteN.F.3. I% AN, oorner , . Diamond and Mark e t atreet, Pittsburgh. I"STIIICEJLAND , S Illellillno t , ( 000 I-1 BALSAII It • ----.. , r warren Led to be the only pre- 1; . :- ...044:10. ' L o r 'u i :ta ° , scr,wlnanuicluZ I; CO' rl t st st Asturna, au s aping Cough. I •'• ' i Chnunie Copghs, Consumfn - _-_-, - N ei Con, ktrottertitis and Croup. r 7 - ••••.`l , '7. 1 ,13 t i l ' ile r r r t?..l7l2 hfeTl'ingH, Honey ORM ' ening and expecteratin, and i • ••••••8 pa Ucularly mutable for all ,••••—•- affeetlona of the Thro4. and Longs For sale le Dmggibte everywhere. It. IL SELLER" & (.3.5. Ilslyd 1 WuOLIMALL Aciath /-) I STIIICKLAINWS PILE REM EDY has CURED time r:l'D( L .l A i rD — yatia. - gr,AT ,-;:-,,,;.----' rILEa. It glees Immediate ~.' • ~.,.• MAI 'l5 t• ', relief, and effeots a Derma. • •• ' l' &Alt neat cure. Try it dUret y • : Ll , l , . , it Is warranted to Mire. ~ .1 .r . ..:,. . . -- For ask by . 111) *.egua., ~ ,F 0 i L E 9 cents per bottle. • 1 K. E . S - 71. CO: oel3:lysi W titmassaLs A(412141/3 DTSPEPSIA.---Dr. Strickland , ' TUNIC s• a of mated pr. venation of .can . 7 - kr ' and Herb, with anti- Ack 1 Ht.'s\ acids and carmlnatlee to acre ngthr n Use stomach and ~:- .3 na rem. system. It la lacer- ••••• v tale remedy for Dyspepla, C:, r Indigestion, Nervoll3- il!/:1 nese, Loss of Appetite, Avidity of the Stomach, , ~• a/ glatelenry arid debility. It ,stra) Is not hirhohone. therel _ore. d r, partleoluly suited fur weak, '0 t acne. and dyspeptiC per- .:' ; , none. For sale be all drug gists eve...v....5r, at 41 per bottle. ~ ..12 I 1 E. SELLER!? a (Al. W ..... ....II salt..,. FORTY YEARS PRACTISE (Jives Ins a knowled IN SESITAL DDISEASESge seldom aecalreg.l by Pitysl of (Jana. iIKT Welt residence in ads dee, and th e amount P mita treated annually Dr Me, are 11 . 11 / 03. 'd proof of my SUCC.A. SE MATORRUCEA, or Bum. , Weeknent, and all dlseaset alitlng thererron, are cored In • much shorter time than heretofore by to ONEW VEUET- A BLE REMEDIES. hlrdS o. '‘ .01 '''' any Ml.' the Unloit. Ailletters must contain • stamp to pay nee hold seared. (Jr g r r" rn T .. ' e li e ngiiErT r AtEET. near Diamond Address. J. j. 33'. DEANTILUP, .D. Hos MI, Pittsburgh. Pa. 1:11321y - W. L. JONES. AgPll4 1121=132 MAULCroftli John 11, NleCont. Head, Charlee Ilafo, ('apt, Wm. A . k.a. limo. 0. McGrew. Robert 0. Davit. pitivitE DIEUEASES. 01•71 CZ ZsiX PEEN STREET, near Hand. For the cure of all disease!, of a pdsate nature, in from two to four days, by an entirely WSW and tap treatment. Al., Seminal Weakness, end all other dleeucs of the genital Organs and thelryteventlon waria'nted or money refunded. oinoe houra-7 to 10 A. as,. 1.4t0 and ?We P. P.4dress letters W.. 211314 re.a .fret (WA-NOES AND LEMONS. DOW prtym &remains Otangem Lemons, 1. 9 !alive and for aide ILLRMER & BROS., Dim WO add WS Wood Meet. MISCELLANEOUS. PENNA, SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH. PA PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO PTT - TSBURGI-1, PA CHOLERA DISARMED! ! ! \ w3aLias MEDICAL. DR. KEYSER'S , Pectoral Syrup CURES COIiSURrfIOI Cures Bronchitis 1 CURES COLDS, CuresLAJs - M:uxi..El CURES All Diseases of the Lungs ""1" DR rirr.urn.m. • , • u, Pieto. liarxeiti—ale wife ha. into aßfleted with it by c llß ough and dlalculty of breathing for five or la years, which, for set eral years batik. had gra ',tally inert:team.] In violence. The 50mp,,,,, edltary. and she hod been 1,11.1 ed by •CW s, tti ph} &- dun. wit/10..1r relief. In this state of her easel I procured some edyeur liEClONALt,iUhilist p. bvtlight. the first time day tient bottle. which in Iluv.ed (whichry much:}entirely ld antid got dolia. attlie, eared he ene bus now trace of the former disease, medicineeaknes. would also state that I used the myself id a cold nod cough. 'the edicine cured me by tag top one dose. col express meentire satisfaction with ti medne. ana you axe at he'll. to publish this if You dealre W.ll. - WILSON. Alderman. Fifth Ward Yir - rseenali. Apri/ 24, 1557 READ THE Itxrh.ti:- I h•ve a daughter who has taken several medicines for a bad purchab u aF , l .u o m n g y t o h u e m . s botue o t; he: LI Pectoral Syrup, and before she had used hair ?out tie the was refieved. The second bottle cured her entlrely.of her gong. 1 N Robins,. street, A ,gbeny. , Dmber 31, A IittEATCD - R DI" Prrealnman KEYSE. ece R . B PECTUEA 81.' REP. —I lied to Peebles torrnahli, Allegheny county. I had a cough and &rating. which tom menced about the ath of Fehroaty loot, Mutt - ledConlin eight month, I employed thus best. phyabhan• In tile country and my cough .1311m/eta nuatrord until early In October. At that time I eola adv.ard to try your Pectoral Cough nyrum widen 1 Old, at d after I had taboo one bottle l tam, entlrult Res Rom the coughing mid spitting. I had .Itopti red of es r getting well, and I think It abould tee anorrn 1111tt Chia valuable remedy will do for others o 'llolll hp s done In my rase. JOHN C. LITTLE, Witness: D. tl. Knun. Peebles township. Panto. , run/matte, April 14, 1143. A WONDERFUL CURE.—tioniu time ago an old neighbor of eLloc was re, y 111 with a bad cougl, which every one tupposed to he consumption. relatives told me that h« hart taste every remioly they heard of without benedtt hit brother came 1,, tee him die, anti all were eontirMeal In the belief that he could not live. T had bout the third of a bottle or your l'ectora; syrup, which I gave him, and It en- Orel, - cured him. to the a , ionlahment of all. Weal makes Orr; ea r< more romartable. Is tee extrema age of the Mae, Le being shout eighty Friars old. I have no doubt Oat Teetotal tared hit Ille. DR. KEYS/U:li PECTORAL !SYRUP IN IILAI.LB VILLE.—PIease send me anothersupply Of your, a uable ecetoral tiyrup. A 1..; everybody m ound us h the cold, and are enquirluir for "Dr. Keyser's Pectoral ctoral SYron." We hare sold sixteen bottles the let Week. and are now entirely nut. Mr. A. Allot .4 ILI.. P. Maher. both of Blairsville, Pa., told us theywould not be Without It In their famines. fact, all who use IL once want It again. Yours, Jeopeetfullr. J.cary 30.4 see. J. o. WATTERSON .1 BONS. TrenCitn, Novemr Dn. KaTog n: —A &though no ti a t n All :orat be e o ratgltt l. Stea Ines, lu general, It anorda loaf inde• seri ha Lie to recommend your PEC SUMAC. SYRUP. As a inetll,lnet, It la well worthy the attention of o any Pereou ho may In any manner be ettlileted Iv a cughs, colds and hoarseness of any klntl.nn.l for tne peculiar qualltlcallons for removing all that 41... greeable sergedler a severe fond. I have been. more l. I u life,taltected Rh the se, ',..tof I . ollld and hoaraenesa. At thaws my tit root dteonVe ao cloned an to prevent no speang alio, a whitener, and by taklnges. fere i•ogga of the above nyrup It would relieve me entirely In recommending thin medicine, I pet e rm ultesit•• tingly say that it la the be. remedy 1 ev So sod, p irporti on to cum the above, oar should any !amity Irewithout thin remedy torn leaf. our , owet reapectfu ELW Cashier Ittsens' j E ant,, Ohio, March It, Mb. I have Inca Dr. kicycer Syrup for a Ltd rough of acceral yeara •taladJog. can cheert r.v It Is Ito beat to:dirtne top the rraer that I h Dia evcr takca. J. W. PILICO. COI.. PRATT A ,it lilt. K.EVSEN, I•Yr•it , •11aL SY the delay of my acknowledging the exceldinee ol Sour I'm:torsi Cough rirrupsner. I take grat pleasure In say ing that it you say It Is. 11 knocked the noise out of my Co the wont one I was ever &Mkt ed with. I have not coed more than one-tuff of 4 bottle. and I can and do wish that nil nitio ed would give It no fair a trial as I have done, and thrywlll be proud to say, — lt is no quack medicine. would not staler another such an attack for any oualderatlon, or aty cost. lam confident I reaUle more freely tha an n I ever did. I shall alwa ca ys n acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing so rot-ellen tareeily . You are at liberty to use my name In hle regard ak you think Pruitt , . E. F. PILATT. Messenger Common Connell, i t y g b„ ygh. N. 11.—I ma no straits., to my fellon , lttsees..ll.l all who enteruln doubts can consult me peraoually. ANOTHER NEW CERTIFICATE.—Du. Ly- SERns PECTORAL SY ICUP.-1 had been troubled with a cough and cold for several weer a—so bad its t that 1 could not sleep. 1 had the /Weft. and pz crlp Clone trot.) three ot the be, nh, la the city, whom I could 011111, bfl •tot .• • • I Iluady procured a bottle of your I . •I, W Ihlguedl u la eared ins entirely. 210 Liberty silt: N. No. re,lTlV.'l;t;Sllg•lnte. January nh. 1060. OtLITOP TH A TCOLiti Fifa°. •• • 'How CM) 1 do ILP • GO to Keyr•s, on Wood street, and get • bottle of se hi. Cough Pectoral. and If that don't cure you, ease must be desperate Indeed . . This it a soeci Men of the colloquy one hears every day In cold-eateloug periods of the year. And we con, froth actual expe rtment. cheerfully concur in the adviser's adruoul ' [lon as above, for we have tried the — Pectoral '• in w a most stubborn case, with entire success. 'N ear two weeks ago we ent 1.0 Pittsburgh, with one of the most distressing, contrary, mullih, unsubduable coughs we ever experienced since our advent upon this mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and la boriously for one whole weed, In hopes oft tiring It oat, but It was no go. In fact, It 'reined rattier tei have Improved by practice, and to kikve eeklntred strength, potency and distresslidlity by the opera- Mon. In title stage of the .we coughed our wry Keyemr•a, 14U WoOd st eet, procured • Elie Cent bottle of the •• I • eetoritl, took It according la An - retie.., and in forty-eight hours we were weaker of the held, the enemy having iiticonditionally rendered, atter a brief, hut coequal conflict with .0 formidable ail adversary as Keyser's famous Cough k'ectoral.—Browareflis Pile per, Dec, 14. OR. KEYSER'S PECTOR L SYRUP Is prep sted .pd soul t. 7 DR. GEORGE H. KEYSER, No. 140 WOOD STREETßlo.l.a_rigliL.'aa. En Great Nervous Remedy. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will relieve, without fall, snit otter pormaneutrY cure all Nervous Irritability, Or, Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cur,• /17steil Dr, Keyser's Nerqous Antidote Care Twitairgeo, the Yrry . Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will pure Nervous Heads -I.s. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Cure Nervous Crump of the Bowels. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WI it Cure tieural g i• Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Cure Neural g ia of the recs. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote iWill Core Neural g ia of the likened . Dr. Keyser's NerVous Antidote Will Cure Neural g ia of Use Heart . Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cute tieural g isof the Literand ni g ht nit', 1 Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neural g ic liestlatte. Ikr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Palpitation of the lieu t. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Fattlinces and Weakness of diontaci. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cur. SloPPitite or Fluttering of the than. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Wilt Cure Tillman from Egemtee Orion. Dr. Keyser's Neevotts:Aittidote Will Oars linoc!c#,ndrtaair Dr. Keyser's Nerv*m. Antidote win tare Liinleas of Spirit, iwpsytaa.: yebt es DE. GEORGIC H. HEIMEII, 140 wood street, littabanip, PN, - , readikwr _ Ctt2=M!