iThe VitiOrittth Oak - rttt I PUBL/SIIJEC.D AV PENftihMAN. REED & CO. F. 'R.PF.NN'IMAN• jigatiters. T P. TIOUSTON. JOSIAH KINO. Eiinalneaa Siniksgera NELSON P. EKED wEDICESDAY, 11 - NE 6. 1866 UNION REPURLIUN NOMINATIONS. I I==ll MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, I= 15./YEIIEL B. CLULIET, City JOHN G. DROWN, Hampton Tp CI CR% Or OTITTI ATM COr irr: ALEXANDER WLAMDS. City "IPA BY SNINELT. City JOSEPII H. GRAY. Plum Tp. 1011311.4.0,1 - 11: 44 EOM: E lli AMILTO City. ni BCC TON nr 1 , 01( JOHN F. DHAV.. Mullin : JOHN P. GLAMN, City. I. NoHOY. VAILNON, Ti,. SAMUEL CH AL/WICK. Conlon Tp. R. A. COLA H. E. O ELIJAH PI.TER. Tr, 1:1,011VI.E 1. NICK Li:. North Fayette TT TUI. MEXICAN IMBROC.I.IO The Declaration of Independent-v, smol t ; other etthent;al trtithh, assert,. that it is the tight of nor• people to niter or abolish the to of gore' ntnent to Which they hart beer, aneustonted, anti has in a a Lol ./14- , I :La old government to institute a new one, or ganizing its powers MI Spelt n baSiS as shall vo them satisfu•iion, whether it please: , other: or not. This right pertains to the nctotan people in common with all others. It is not the province tit outsiders to call in question what they do, much less by for to I,lll,lrain their choice Mr. WamtniLlion, in his. F a r e w e ll A.l - laid down some wholesome &virtu, , which in directly applicable to this pour!, w nen he admonished his countrymen hi beware of entangling alliances with tid • eign nations. t d all ciiilrwc - iirdvi with for ein power., there is cleat it none so absurd and misehiscons as a standing engagement supervise the foreign relations of the nations on this continent. Beside,, !Mill 1111 engagement is repugnant to ,ettlea policy of this guvernment in an other inspect, which in to r guizu nll ,; without stopping to to quire how or wily they were organized This policy ho, had important results hit h orto, and will t ontinue to hav'e so 1011 g a there are despotvons to ho overthrown Hl)* popular government, to he et up. Mr. Moicnot: in his first annnal messii r -r, rnilrl attention to thi. Policy, and van his zeal or it to such esireas that hr CM. tout a ,hip of soar to noise along the Soi•:1, American oontinent • for the express poi. pose of hunting Up governments that nut Is-en able to malt, :‘ it i/tust i t thviro•t ref-tenet Lbs prct is word. or, • a.tiln con', t informmion ~n rtt.ry in NVllleh Slut,. at I. iWere,l It 111, 1 , 4,4 prof t.; • . 1// war altwg tll,- Sow!, A u,, , ri,•au ~5 with instruction% to touch at ditfio. i,• points, and hold communication with ti., r ztatinp ituthortittis—trilh Linist in •• and iireiroifari, A.•rerrigritp." T:co was rather — running the thiihr into ihe ,er , und;" but there Wtii ‘ priucipie at ti,. e the matter calrulate , i to f',l in any 4.414-n,an N 11.0 had I lrn 111i0 Litat hluic 1010 W II 1: Conrrrvati,da, In It irrouln annual nw 'age Mr. NON itOL 1:111t ne I in this 6111.1 p( and laid down h.b rule, which was 'l' holder tht (,••r• rnwral 4:• Ihf GOLC:' ..?1•• .IX le. cult.rate _trientEN This is a 31ctoroi Doctrine., which it will .to, a , the luntttee. men soy, tie to. There are MI:10ra ni•on the air that is r %ow , at Waabington, claintiug to be stmee- men, are intriguing to frame and set up a government for the 31exicanh, with Gen eral SANTA ANNA its herd. Now . , it mils, hi. admitted that General bANTA Au sun. reedisi better in adu.iniirtering the govern ment of Mexico than any other' Man who has tried his hand on that perilous under taking ; but even he did not siteceed no well as to have his example held up as a model for admiration. The fault was not in him. but in the people. Thee are lacking in all the solid elements of character essential to national greatnusi under any form of gas. ernment, and most of all in those degrees of mental atol mortl development imlis pensatile to the permanence of salf - got ern . meat Nor do we know with what greater propriety Ixtiit icfnns at Washington can 115E , 11131e to frame a government, select it, chic!, and impose it in thi• Mexiei,ns, than politicians at Paris am! t - weer this aspect th, intrigue in highly tiennuroble, but when it is seriously I , r , posed to in yen , many millions of dollar., iu thin speculation, and hue add to the bur dens of our own people, which are carried none too lightly now, our patience beet/WA quite exhausted. Mesit ois essentially on archical. Unrest, ambulance, Is not timely a chronic condition of Mexican sswiety. It in its normal , Plunder.•r„, tt.ieves, cut-thrnain— are these I he material , on which to expend synqoatiy, and out of which a staid(' and reputable government can Ire educed? General SANTA ANNA t ' tt A statesman of more Wall ordinary breadth of understanding, and solidity of purpose; but did he, in his belttl tIaSS, Make a gov emu:mill under which treaties were mired, and personal rights fairly prot, cd? Every body knows he did not: and that the fault was not his. McStern in "a bad egg,” and hence we would not invest a continental shin-planter in her behalf THE I...sONWTITUTION A I. AMEND MENT. Reports have been CllrTellt for some • days past that the President was disposed to a.-- cept the new Qonstitutional Amendment as modified by the Senate; •sad that, in con sequence, the hostile elements, at the ~a ltital, whose existence all good men de plore, would soon mingle in fraternal con cord. We See 51, evidence that such a' consummation is iiheiy to be realized. The Senate will pas, the joint resolu tiOne, with it, substitute for the third sec tion. It is L.:I to presume, from like tujnbt ions hitherto on the subject, that thy ma joiity for the measure will exceed two. third•. In the substitute the House undoubtedly concur, for the radicals of thnt body regard it with greater favor than the original proposition. The third section, us t passed the House, was both itaprnetica ble and temporary. By it, the right of rebels to vote was taken away till after 1870; hut the enforcement of such a provis. ion Is impossible. The Senate sultatituto cute oil the heads of all the tall people among the rebels. It excludes the rebel leaders from political power, and is both practicable and perpetual. It is highly desirable that the President should concur in Ibis amendmept. His concurrence, and act isQ_inflUence in sup..; port of it, would secure Its adoption, with comparatively little delay, and make cam- , plete the renthration of the Union Within a year. • THE LAST MOVEMENT ft ~,,ems 'CCM '4/ that th,• Irish people shall perpetually be the dupes harlatans and adventurers, and cc;'-m! tiiat r ble enthusiasm in misdirei ie.! and r 7111 - 31: • lug efforts to re-establish their not lonality. Every man of cool judgment in the ljuitcil States has yen from the lieginnin,tr that the Fenian movement, so far as it aimed .it the liberation of Ireland from Flnglislcdom. Mation, was purely chimerical, sad could end. only in disaster. Irish men and no men were bewildered by the intensity of their emotions. What, at most, were sits ply means of annoying the British Got ern merit and people, their steal transmuted intu revolutionary elements of so potent a character as to preclude the possibility of miscarriage anti disappointment. l'ndera leadership combining experience, tact, t , ability and daring, this annoyance might ' have become serious and expensive, but could not have arisen into proportions dangerous to the British empire. The ' actual leadership has been of a totally fercnt stamp. So long as the duties con-* aisted mainly in receiving the coutribu• lions 01 liberal but weak-minded servin g men and acumen, and expending the larger part thereof In luxurious living and en.pty display, the chichi of the movement were fully competent to the parts they volunta rily assumed. But for the delicate and or iluou, duties te devising a plan of offensive operativas,hold jag out a reasonable asstir. WWe or on -eels, and putting that nian into execntion, they iverc altogether incompe• tent, Head Center STEPTIENS, in hi, Pidirtilel phis, speech, made these ',replant obseren tiOUS7 "The men in Ireland ought to be ton suited as to the. Meant , Whial should Lc CM ployetl fur their liberation. In Ireland their organization is larger and more pow erful than nay similar ronsturacy thin leas ever existed in Europe Or elsewhere, and Will undoubtedly aritmpligh the end for which it s-in tormil, ii id , triihnien in this country do not disappoint shout at home. General Sweeny, President Roberts and all other ranters ia favor of attacking t'anitila would not be sate for sin flours iu Ireland, where It i, absolutely netessary fighting should lake plain; this y.e.r ur the organization will dissolve, never agniu to be reunited." L$ Every body sees a raid into ht ahi I give the British trouble; but boa it will .sontribute to free Ireland doe; not appear Horrible It.. elation. oi I.lle Ilefort the MYSt. The crew of the chip Culticaw, of the Black Star line, Captain Russell, which lately. arrived at New York from Liver pool. reveal a tale of horror ahmodunpuml leled. According to the statement of some of the seamen of this vessel, trout the time she weighed towhol, on the 22,1 to March last, until the 16th of l as t mon th . when she reached New lark, the e ten - were:el jested to the most loam! kiwi of treat!. of The chief perpetrator of the outrage , re dieted on the tunfortunate seam , -n was the first mate, MUII,OII, the , •: 11.1:1111 r•Dc• , ,Uyq.z• tug this cruelly, and a•ernlntt to i•np.y stn t h e very first day id Ili, %ot.ige. in the Menges - , tile mate hum 6tal a un.:th out of the rigginl: lie tell on do des tweaking several of hi: r 1,,, th,• ll ~ ,n1 ashore, thus eseaping ;matter has In. On the Kane day nnwher knot Led off the yard :MU a ill, a harl,isn, I,y 35.113.,n, but he I , ,rtunately ~tvcd 111111 self eutrhing a rop a, he le;! .In,oh po ,, r wre4:ll ke.l .tour 31,1 stumped upon w hornhly that - mug hr..,-ncr. lie• bade lon cioltrail, In - well anj ,• was Ise .-osnne voyage that lasted more than title Ony... Every day a man wa, kreeked doer a owl, marliulal, or, spian V.Kbane,rr All) work WWI to be Motive , stand by and knock is first !loin dow w ho Fa ye ,jrn. nr wearines-. and are, it o • others to redoubled exertion , by blows upou the back u bar was not in his Lams lie carried a small weapon made of iron wire, abflitt the size of a cane, the mark:, of which or. ill iirid sod festerine welts on He- ha 4 many of the Mee. 1111 C tiiiOr W/0 , f.elected 1.... - I;•.:l'kir nhjerl or his tientlishnew. Iln was 1.41 upon the deet, and IWCANA. the err w ;title,' to heat 16111 with ist nil., rope, and ~ticks, tinder threats. of Piffilltir punishment Mr themselves if thee refu,,l. Mcn writ kicked while at the wheeL srm haa hie teeth knocked out by a marlimpike; anoth er Imo knocked down regularly every day with an iron crowhar or giant 001, Ot.lip• on, and .numberless other .1111-11g,S were committed during the voyage of Illy days. When the Mtn arrived in port they weft cv were,) with cuts, brakes and Af•ar+ fro nn head to (tot, and It Ithed noire liki 1, , t runs trout the war than OW merehantman tos -friturilay a free dinner to the uegr.o came flif near tiolutrilfus, Leorgia. A large number were in attendance. They were told ressed by et-Prvlsional Goren nor Johnson. fie efampared tliein to i descendants of Joseph in Egypt. They had heen halm ed to slavery, and after many years Wereninth, free. The anmstors I. the negro sold him; they were put to trial and kept so; since they have gleally in crcaseki in number and intelligencii: after two !Mildred years of probntion, the pi gmies, by the titaness or dune and the prov idence of God, through the instrumentality of men, have gnined their freeilom . which a ill remain them and their descendants forever. Ile travised them to lie industrii ons, frugalurni frailest, and to be careful shout making inutraids, aua reduce them to writing, if portsible, and abide by them. flc had seep rapid advances made to high ,,e,ivitlration during the past year. They should be charitable, care for the aged, and build (diuretics and school houses. They should obey anthe laws, and not take re dress upon themselves. The civil start,, were open to them. He advised them to respect all the legal arahorities, and try to to light all rime. Tine Vovernwe it has declared their freedom cur, will thnin tole it. Their rights would I'm protected. Ile loped slavery would soon 1,,,, ,„ move d , from Brazil and other countries, 1.11. d the world would then ratite for the civilization of Africa. Two negroen spoke alto, Johnson had finished. A LETTrat, received ni Washington ve terday, from GoVernment ofliciulc Lo. erpool, England, says: "The deglared value or British and Irish exports shipped to the United States dm rini: die Iwsrter ending Starch ttlst lasi, amount ed to (7,240 M 7, (3 . afimi,157,) against the same period last year, .C2,6.i:t,t100, $l4, 152,392.1 This does not include foreign pro duets, blllll as teas and silks from China. spices from India, wool from the Cape, Se., brought Pi England, and from thence ship ped to tliis country. Every effort is being made here to extend this lousiness. They are w forking for a repeal or modification of our present tariff. " The manufacturers here humx• to bring this about by agitation in the United States —particularty In the Western States--to be done through foreign hottses and agents. iu Philadelphia, New York and Boston. • Our own people will be put in the feregmund. Our wellled laborers cannot compete with pauper labor here. Whatever effort and money can actsimplish will be done." SUICIDE OF AN ACTILEHN. — Mrs. More land, wife of Harry Moreland, an aetres.,,, who had been performing ut the Olympic Theatre, yesterday evening, at her place of residencetm Girod street, between Philip pa and Circus streets, committed suicide by taking chloroform Or laudanum. We could not learn positively the cause which led her thus with her own band tc usher her soul-into the presence of her God; but from the motors coming from those who knew her, we tt'mk there can be no doubt but what domestic trouble or jealousy wa- s at the bottom of IL Her husband, who is an actor at the Academy of 3lnsic, , had be stowed WO airestions upon another Woman, thus driving his wife to desperation. We slicnild judge from her t wip s j id was about eighteen or nineteen years bld. —New Otieunn Picayune of the 22d. —The Metnphis Argus " wishes to God that the ttiftera . were back in Afri.a, fu hell, or any other.seaport, town, including Boston." :lodging from General Stone_ man's repirt, 'the Argue followers barked up I.l:eir words with deeds dttring.the recent negro msesaere. The Door for the Capitol [From tile Sp ringtle I.: M»>l•l Th.• W. 1 .6111t1.:: , )11•:• ,,, r for t h.. near C41.;(•,i WzistilLgt, - .,, is 1,1 , 2 f1it,,,44i xt wt.! , • “:17 . 51 !..s•11 Ptr N‘••: 51, ”1.1 as us 115p1. I tt., .1 riv. prk, nit ia, 41 ea. 11:..1 r:tri Uld frau, M ( 1/, r.f. .• hasill :. I.• ha cichi panel-, tour nH a sick-. rc.spei•t ively pe:iee .ut a ::r, the sit Vtil ':al/ 2. a' Ita• go.tip or IV clan ita.:l,al alai LIS huffily, re presenting the ootiditioti of the e.auit ry at the vies, et the lievolutionary j struggle. Next iihoveis ihe ovation atTren ton, 111011 II Se,ollo representing the tration or he oath of .Atioe, and ertiwntrig this seekon the laying of the eora,,_ I atone of i hauling. 'r e war ' ' side ha+ tir , t a pa11..1 g the „1„,,I et - deadlv strtto--a Itrltiah grenadier I armed, atilt pearatal faro ier, near a rude to eat y arJlllO, already :nl.l a runs_ t th.• ground, while .dl hcl ft Ve.allatl:4 W 11.• is seen handing her nistat4d 11.. trusty ti chock, in ease he whetild need it. Al.O \ - e tlie:is the Flit yonett'barge at Treli then the Itelqtke tit, ioilornt Iw•e Iry 11 . ze.hinguni. at 2doninnuth--antl Madly the Uvula et tient:rat 1\ urn.. 'Die magi repre,titing the reprimand L ot is a striking oust env asffington had itl,ays, sasp.,•t ed Lee of thsk,N * , and .e i this mound that he iind not wdy curry out his express hilt Lad all ' tinily ordered ~,e1 , ' , n, Ho'us'ed a most cow ' artily retreat. \Vashitigem is swell an hav ing ridden rated] z. , where I/ OA, a I I re, and I ising la the stirrairt of fin mitlith,ters a rt•lq/1., that - th.• traitor's head moth as Let.'s to chiennin tins Ins swerd. It is .asst Unit this Waco thr oaf' • laStallt, in I. hh it 1V:04111w1 Q a NI as k nom in 11,0 nil rage even I ..mlewing sill : profanity. The ,ffigalar In lig about this par:4,lar 1,,tv.: , clr. w;ts ..c t'ia‘t - di...gill:l •. .11. :my in tier ern melt, /..111115i. NV • t 110,11. .1 vw• 1.11 nn , • if .•1U%.1./16•• a 11, SOut h. Yr•t it 1111,11 %% rthlustii ;inv. n•j•r,...•ntatiri • in ury p. rs..n of Itnkert the jeknel. An Ilia (At It n lialled 13 Him Nelglkb,n - in Ark e and a Halt Mirk I row /Humph', 1,331 S:11111,1:1, evenin.: ulll . Ollll ter otentrrti, 1,, an.) ft ball tnil, , trnln Ott , rite, .0 the ' , kit' la Iltr• river, In 1NV1,13 LW. .1.1 anti well.known ,itize•ns. Mt. GMT:II4)Ir i.nkn, winch. reFultrA in the :;Innning of 1....air—G,4 mortals an.l ',II:2:1111. The ..'aels are thi,e. rented ;or! hitd Cier,tUtill.ll4 Olt '.11:411..,, 11,4 t Al, G. It r,at a Later I Mr. L. cm :he suhlet, Nvl,,:: I. sent word hy Gaff !Alai ii Ihe gt • ulh.rttall R'ntlld nier , l thl. 514,111 W1W•1111i1 I tilt, Mttntittlic. and Litt '0 Itattrond, th mitt, hail tors !tall try ...ottlt it tettitcAlt: - , t;t.II -Pta 3:1111t.• (.‘%n :111 io• t srrelt•t. .hot-• ::n 54)1t,t . itiet oar,), • t - t, t .1 th. th• 1 :toy 211110..!h1t , Nv , ; tt rlct•••'. anti 10,-lit 1.1 tht 4 .:t I hi: :tt:t Gaol A 1 lit , 11 . 201. !Mt ,:rt; ant-hi•t. , •ttt au , ! attettli.t 1 ..1; 111,— , •• , i1 -int; .I..ttittt, 1,4 k, r0.111r1,0 , 1 1.. 1,•a110 I 1 i. t.;:ta att., k, at tit, . t ltittt =I 111,1 pro, ' 1.03: ;r: .1 01. M:11 .i 11,1 1..1. 1,11, 11.: h I ;21/t ME =II 11111=1110 MEI I=l :Ii 4 .1, F... 1..• • ill c•t :11 why, 1; bnd , u n , rn 111 .): o.lry, 1!kt• ran t Lt. /LI .11 . 1 011 30. 11,gittn, ,ink rt , .: .1,.. •1 I:1 In 11, Liwrt. iimak ..! nv I Is 3r1 , 1 gr. +tl . 11,1 —I -{llll . lll. f“ro Icl timt It tipnn A .30, 01 .1:41 kit.. 'lli, the, u merits: !wan: !Tin i n orh: in nigh: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 11"1/. 111 .% ~ 11 lit, , 4,4.4n,1 5.4 re .1. r. •no 41he., cod .1 vf 'II 1. , nv rurt , , , ;.I r; ft EMII=2 ptqwr tho , sgh , itt :I, i. 'rz,..11 N:,/ r • L 1' A /111LETI 3. I. OF 'IIIE 121)A It() or ill ^ o ENE pIITTSIII ii4al ORATORIO SOCIETY. e=leil =MEIMIM ~1.1 Ste, ll'i..ldeal CM I HENNSI LI ANIA FAILIE PROP . EP. . A:Prat itriCY !runt h, .:44 uirdr lat,, id al :4 h. •hruhher, . 11.. how. le :ar hdh. 11,,eher.. rf u, lota rhe her, Ont., ,1110, 1.4.1.cred pate Led, • ••••1 order. TOT i 111 A. Jrr hi Mar., merl. 1' TILE ANNVAL ELECTION of lh.. nwei.c.lor• .11 :Ike . ./NII . A.SI. 111. Wt.... tlhrh , .n. r•• • III 11% tho. AM. e. 17... • ' Ash .1. A. .ht,ll JJ , 2I , fon-- Ye an. I. U. King. A. J. nivel...J.lllu IS nl JiAnc • Stockloltlers of Pic.% N`g.l' IX A !Slit ,A 1.7 NIA SUF . Al"- lA, SI, t ...NW., arg• •• 11.1,-11 nnAllod Slat $llll n. i.. 1.1 nil lg.a gginighliV•a I Inn-, . It. , g•gg gls I rant ,rg on :AA I - ..1/ Al. Jmtie 1.641 I, 1 •J el••• k , I'. tO oonaiglor IF. I. ann. t•LoeA Autoper., • to• .11. of Qin: 'Cann. Donn., In accordAln, in. ).• I 4Lltlmrlailw anta a 1... tar rg 4„ tgrea.t.''{Heir apaai mgg. I 11,/,10/N I'd 1n. ,- Anti Jay of spnl, angl iggr ! nno. Men lag preag i• .1 I 11.1-, ~ .1'1111,.. 11... I..E.Ontii: wi 0, I ELL, All aaati NA. :31.11g• , ['Ai.. I'. C•lt.ns. NOTICE TO COYiTRACTOuS. vit. , porim.;• mlll n.. r'"'"" " u " L " lath/W.. for {lse A A %F WOODC.S 1:E " THE "" "" I . A 'ltaS 1:11 Elt, Wil'ilIZEI=EI!!!!!! On Lh, l'lttatturnll to Nonlen love, N.K11,.11. 011 11 1 1 1, fly" 141111 k I It 1 . . contrnller, J. C. emrrum it . I . C. BUFFIUM & to., Mal utuc . Lyrri, a. I eakaa:lAL. 1717.A.T3E3FL151, Itn.,pnvrry, ,trawlu•rr, and 1.,n0n not r% of ,tholre hu rgb, r talc I awl stilype , l to all part."( o n .„. try. OD • hart u0.1t., 4LL MAI MAILItY li.4 P PILt 1 1 ..reapeeti... or and ,h,. I of the uppoOttt ...A oar& he ,ais“•.l by the lollov;;;;K, I ellslrliA Mien. ~ n .l • .1: 11,. • P.eLo CAII.AIIII. La.11.141:1:1. Isreenport. %vie 1 Wt. I 'LOVELY ta ll ltLm AND FESTIVE VE kV. y se .1 a whir. Sr re/of.c anal, eeula acid . ' will foe owl )•Il valual,ie Infurfr....tion that .111 roer you. Addreva Ditto JANE /111.1 . AN, 1410:1 , Neve THE WAILILEN AENAIN - Do 1.1.1 L -The Annual .11..etIng of the muckholder. of the ‘l . .11IRL , AA 1. v ,00 0 I "KVA NY xlll be held al the Oiloe of the ~o.rany, I:19 J Fougth str..rt., Pit tibora b.. Pa.. on 11W:it/AY, JUNIK. Zlth, thhii. at 10 o'clock al Which nine antl.pla , r a Prenlarbt. hoard of a. 10. rectors Alla other "tire,. will be . chosen for the en. 54111 g yen!, J. J. ti11.1.1...5c i t 4. CFMJVUlieofn, Clack. 301.021 ,OST—Was dropped ou Ht. Chile or Vetleral street, Suntlai. a ti 4 .Ll)loantet Clutter) 14REAVTIN. A aultable reward will be paid II reinFbc4.l l ley= L • - - NYTATOES-2 cars Peach flows, In pack., received and tor sale by_ F ETZI.II A AIt..IO•TRONG, .1.3 eornet Ataritevoind First' orrelv. •--- OATS -- 2 eat s prime Oats. An EA lur ' for sale b I T ETZEn. a ANIUSTI102:(1, Corned bracket and neat atrocts. VEAT BERN-4 1 bagN Feaamrs . en steamer Palestine, to arrive, for salt !frt. • ISAIAH DICLUZI 1 Co. LE4.O---01 pigN tO,,in ....n,"rordaT6 Li" 1 ,I ' l A If DWI= a Cu. p k v.! . •]'a3:11 . 4 4 2 111411DPME1M1+1134'/A, DIV:VIVO =1 118 kiiirzi J4MES T. BRADVA CO., laucces.or, t., Jones 4 C0.,1 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts I klt ozALIRS ALL KINL , b OF Government securities, Foreign Exchange, This (Wednesday) Illumine. Gold, Silver and Coupons. EI:LIONS made no all access/ Can points In HEg , the United Stale s and Canada, Je6:cso Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ANNUAL ADDRESS. _ . FORTEN DAYS , The Annual AdElreso hero], ll:e A MEM A IN * STITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY. Kill ONE MORE MINCEa Oit Weaneiidny Evening, June Gth AT MASONIC HALL. 11‘11 • 1,...,1, to e.mmence r . ;e mP tD III..YERS OF DRY GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, , Are hiooliT notified that a npeelli Mooing iv:II he To Make Ptarehattes Cheaper NA:',',1 1 A71:"„„"% i ,";:' ) g U. th Ever. Infiti, at 15110,4.1, to convlder the pY. rogirleti proseepting or 'Wonting oat Act ot Ai.einhty. at— pros eti the :Inn day of Aprll. 1666, rostitleit • • ri A• authorizing Lila Penn., Is anis Sail Manntatit,rmg Company to 121C,W.e. tin Cr Capital bt,.. 4. • A no., rv. 311 r in, ton.iia r. • •200 .114FFEILENT STILES OF 1/ItEhe ditOlte, all acco cocci red daring the taat ten day, cheaper than we have offered In file years. al price. a, follows: ItCnc., 31c.. 37 ~c.. 50c...11.1.c., use.. NIS. and $1 In , 3 , " ' , l.e. , I'S K-115 I.F 1.2115 price of the NAMC till early In the Spring. 14 PIECES OF BLACK AND COL- Suitable For Doi 's Wear, ,m,t5,•... alpt Dr...en. ,t0r0,101.4,1F ctmaper Iltsn 100 PIECES ALL WOOL CASSI- M Sne,nr, cmt, Alen and Hoy, near, liar and dark. ,pit.ndld •tylea. as l.•,as 7 n 7 • •., #1 and #.1.,151.1), y ard. M Inn ten• -Half Ilk, price utncly do), ag, BOOTS AND SHOES. TABLE LINENS, TOWELINGS, Is APIs INS, Po) 11 , 1. , ,- ,.1.,•. Shnllng !Anew.. JAMES ROBB, nhe-tln, nnd l'illow I 11, W... 4,7 and Burl Ltn en A i.. 1 Tr•Si hag Solt.. Hunt:, t , •111, M nrs.lll3ca, .MO. S 9 Market Street, near Nth i..n. I MI. WOVINO 911 i as, and all 1i0n,,,. I 'A., 1.0.045. V KI:Y. , En 1 4 I.IF.AI' A notl,l tarp , 111.1,11.1 . Of 11.1 qrr, ll'rF rnr :rummer %ear. e keep ..n hind a full ann.ket , rtut of ,eery •nrlet, of It..otn A. 300 SPIIISIC A:SUMMER SKAWILS, . 1 " .ny wI 3 l'r • . Non e .la I 11 " :: . 1714 " ...:1t v t s lo from Import.. r•' tale.., Inclu.ilzag nano, real . price.. I' at No Marl...lel 111,1 u 1.. I 11..1 U, *1.75.12. t "" ° ' os 1 . 1 :: 4 11 4 :1 . r17 4:‘•r • lcn , e In IC rtonot fall to no salteo. llomemher the plat,. s.o. 100 BLACK SILK LAUF. POLSTS "!""‘ ;50""' LIQUORS-BRANDIES. 100 SILK AND CLOTH SACAtEES, I It. '1: OAT 1!. xl; new • nt 0,1 ,, • from $4 $ (5. ERW SUPERIOR OLD lIENNEs `,Y Crrr antwwior old fiord and d a. dr d•• ItrandrtrioArs Vieri• .nd In ,, int ..Ar. of I, n att.l In••. sl.•a 11-•12d• Wm. • 111/,11. jtant , /.. Irl , Ilran.l). • It IN tdd a• danp. L•.r `hrrrn Vr 0 old and ,opa r;..r Nlsdrlr, Vt., old and ,ul - •• r.or • lwret. In r•4rr. Lam Orr , . , n. in r aw.• • ,•• er nnd I , 114,12 pal., Wne, ,rrrn .rea• 11. 1.1%irl $4•l parklans . 4:lngtr If LI FY lid lirnrt,al.• • on titrant.rn 01.1.,ntr•. 11122.5. slid 11—,land. • • r. Jonflur• hum. • r Ahoy - nth. gtnnlts• • , eILI,I l'rprrrtn:rit. in• run. NVl.tir IVlnr r. I I . rt• Iror eI.I L. 1111.1 r. 4 I: • dal And $1113.. corn., I ito.rty nt—l 1,...,, ATION AL INILITAIIA AsILL M TOE VER I REST MALES OF KID • BA LMOR A L AND HOOP SKIRTS, Vwn, .~f•:Y %\I. , •:;; GRIM & Y,.un_ I 1r nu U. MARRET STREET TIIE HE FRC% KLIN INSURANCE COMPANY • Th• 11 ar• Itar. %c.c., Arr to for 11.. "r•• • ; • • 01 , Tit'. • ITV .rlr AI I It V.,A Copgrarx, ay Soren ark for el It • for Arrytur, 4trylllol, or aro I'lo r , 111,94,A1••11,-1. • nomr-.1 .ite 0•1 or A error:. yranals. • ',tat ha In M 1...! ••• •`III4 • ••' • • 2,, r,•• •, .1. r, I :•• • •1e ••/ [4.414.11 •I t•ff pt..l 1.• In a ,at , ...par, • 01 A, •a lo irt anal,...y of a t rat Iroa.l ir. 11,ro loy Iloilo, of I: A LI hAI. I Irh It la t 4/ e a.lttinirera or ererl. El A h.- Ao t'l "II , " •Ir ,- I• ‘ l,- 1 .3 14 A.1I II L • I t frnol amol ,rtaato 1•14:••i ort • I 1 '• • 11 ,10.1 " •II of A 11 snil Its ea. 0,11/or, ro .argoly a.t• 3.1 rata . • lga: wan. Al retch thaw ' vaatagarour to rlk srctlrrel or rel,oa.l Y.l 1.1 y 44, Marla .1 , 1 Yr ••••••• , race's, arotrarr , t• I" Ir>r - a ;lon ~..y1.11•16K, eat.: I nourusa, Plata, ape.-111,(lope ..•illnato• for Ars !rorl r ells Ky.,. cioorar. I, r 1.1,, atopLyrrr lrrolrotlng tletarlool ar atr.. •r) 11 . I ‘raor her the approval .4 I, /Loral,. 1.1:a ra. r .$ I • ralg, cry trr.ra , a {II ye l•ar , for ••11reati•11/ plan. .I„ya Wrlll•cy J . .1111aor rop•al, 1.1 00 air.. Java,. 'yr Pk, J.tho £!., TagFen. 11.f.07 dr. uuat4.4 iO too it ..Q13 . 1411r/r • PI " ‘"""."1. • ‘„^„"...'.7rt:".4'.:',;•21.1.,M.1'.„-,°;;A7.7.r • • V. ttv soi.orrs,ll, NIA. , • • , h lon '4lOO • ADM', WII,LIAMS BAIITU3I, d-•"" V. Irre.alderrt Hoar, 1.00 e.t. B. ul st • cL. PILITTIVEI3II3II.O. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. Core Sixth and Smithfield Sts., FX.X•IrE3I3 CrIII.6XX, PAL., AND Cor. Beaver and Chestnut tits., MAN('HESTER. A kin•l• no Water, 0,4 ao,l,Peolon Fla - tares kept oa u0n...,, non.. Jr. illlll, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY. r RAND A SUPERIOR ~fTOOD FoIZriIiCEPEA, AL ,rpl• 111.1.!I TIJNIVN, If TI , IrANTB, HITKETT LLA 1., I.lNt , LEAD BATTITtIItS, rll. K , %%ATE.II 4 - I,ortF.T3, W A.ill , TAT, U. Ac. a their Warere,m, 'o " AA A SI f Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, 1: f:I . A :lobe pro.p, *or A.11;:0, by mail ImmrslLately akoa«a Lu p IE4I/LIIP/11A. NA.LOOS FOR tE5.A.2.1.33 In the City of Canton, Ohio, I= 11 , IttilTI'ltE of rah! ItoOs, CI new. lifoo. =1 011ie, In the r. ntre of the , Ity. Ile loon 1,:.rIII En, am ettfraff efl In other je..5,1U I/HOPI:IAA LA FOR GRADING AND d'al - rtal.s.rars IYrrICG. t' try try J u. gEAI.II, rut/PUS/J.l will pi recrolved al 'lda oracallatll ritil , AY..4tll Init. .9 u • clock. It_ for rkfll Ps Inif and 'n rhlriff the following al alrrol9 and Alloy.. elm Irwin Ave.., Iron. Wener el 11•01111 e to North ay.Attio, Mar titre, t, n o m nom. Ilbio lo A rery surest: Abdill liCteet, (rem A Ilrgliem y avenue to Indwell Street: Hemlock If tree,. from the yoint where. the patina now term P.eaSc of Esolonsflo street; Ilatleo's Alley. from ork .treat to the kill, Young , Alley. from r stroll to Uay alley. Al.u, her Ito 1114 Jark.•..o atrrel., from J'aalare Lan- L/ A/111.1101 alloy. Its dlreet 1..0 of t hr. Ftr,.et C1M1111110.11.. J. !..c3.s IL. 11. I. IIANCI.a. City l:aalroll,r. MEE 1. , . JAZ,. 4 , 1 I 0 ILlitil'ON ed. SCOTT, IoF.ALLIth IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., I= P'eoria3a3L. rksr - Particular SlIPlll4Olk given to Repairing \1 etches, clock. and Jewelry. All work warraut- HEN trf . MLLE. MERORANT TAILOR, SORTHYSSI COlOll 0/ PBSA & St SLUR 81HERI, llestres rotrtrn thsstits to his friends and the pu Itc generally for their Mistral patronage, and wou i ' d respectfully inform them that he has Just return tut Rom the r.aatern niarkent with. large and weft .elected s h oot of FINE WOOLEN GOODS, resptqly4 l ,2tpt? ol [ llll l..ZuEN•B eirnma DISSOLUTION OF lA-PARTNERSHIP: THE FIRM OF CURLING ) UO - HT.... co. 411,1 cTl.soired no Ihe 31st day o p f at.l ° an n :l' 4 „ , t2nr.iff?.`l% •11.1.1, iranyierred his luteryst assignee of A. 11. Curl h . tie all eialitiadue to ~r by said Arm. taEORGE F.O 41n ' I)lTalar.l,3t: lone, 4.1 CARR MCCANDLESS & CO, (L•rs Wasopt, Omen £C0.,1 WIROLESA_LIF7 DEALER IN - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 94 1717cocsizt at., (Third house abort. Diamond Mier.) JeStrEl PITTSBURG/I. p C. DUFFY, • auarrAcTurecn ov 'Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, And dealer In STOVES, 1101.alE uQODr 4 COOL KM plip TVIGFT ArAlg;£23, • Q • xvc:+. 146 dovrazztAstroot, Pr.rlloll/11(11.1, PA. TM* Hogop la the la the city to bay Sthaea and I. la Wan. .14.,Wratk.. strompuy &wind. od to. NATtE;b3I THE STATE GRAND COUNCIL 5 UNION LEAGUE At to o'clock. In Ow 0011.11.,N CoL NCH. CIL ANI PROF. VSI. TOD ARTILUTH, UV ST. LOI THE sTocianoLorats OF THI PENNSYLVANIA Salt Manufacturing Company I=l 111=1: SCREITER, 92 I clalLic.l to ituttllsh the of tho l'ltltrti I 8 1.e., stre trttp , Kln.6 Wm. I .111nrw , I. 1., nn 1n. , . .I pm pl. Kim., • I I;sray., .111np . .krt. M..... It. It l'hirago. 111. t rl tug tI,. rti..tut..nt re lIIE NEU Spring and Summer Medicine FLUID EXTRACT AD lei I=l I I \ (lt r. . 1 1 lodide of =1 0, W. PETTES, BCE lON, James R. Nichols it Co., MANUFACTURING CIIT 111741413, xis?. ALTC1.1..)1712:1 ELIXIR RERTIVIAN BARR Pro Wilde of Iron, Tonic and Restorative, I t•vt.aratlon. AItILL A IN c.hl Itt a Ito?: Wit Ft prea.-Itts one uI the moat prompt allerattro agents, so a t.,rn, capab... elertlng toll action upon the alattan. and this to ntluutc sad pleasant dose,. It Cutlet,cll 11,..1 the altrrative. reactor at, or tonic effentsoflodilli. are exerted zoo, decided/7 when ml:chard with other alteratives. In combination% and the. arbaparithaseems to total perfectly all the tar oratot.. rn.qulsltiona. The (lets Vat' CI 11 olosemed when 1.1. A ITII 11.U15111 551 LIME." in taken. Is an Inert,ao of miopett.e. allowing that It has tonic prop. riles °la marled Character. Its alter/Lt.!, el- Nuts are manifest In Ito ready comblnation with the blond and I Isoueo. Hale, arrolnloui women and chtl.trtm Inaprote rapidly under Its use. and the vi tal fnnctlon• assume a healthy CouditiOn. 111. neltntrahle adapted to a large nomher of citron ,alY,tiono pe , ollar to children. It :•••I to them . tooth by the Ililhlnene and efficle....) I :tied, to., elf,rl 311 , 1 the toettaant. attract., I. rm of the remedy. II may to , Oren for • tong period whet • co:lett...tonal Intlnenees a e dealred. slit no mpusnance. or dintlo•lina,loo to Ilk, the xyrnp,,ter.-1. In \ -S , •.,,lnga, Hip-Joint . and D15t...rt...0.. tto ,pine, It allot,' be ply i ertlatently , nsoderatt doom,. 00111 relief Is In the Spring of the Wear, and during the Warm Weather, The ac.fttnin:•tiou of morbid r.4atters in the is) stem , ern, to be. tnahll'est Ind y trotablemoine. Las.ziode, He cton.. ad:whet, Bolls, Co•lt ver t enrss, Loss of .tppettie. rains In the Joints. Indigestion, etc.. arc vcry Nothing root devised is better atlapttd to exterminate or off these affections. than ibis new combination of SARSAPARILLA WITH it 11/ILE Or WM& prtpurtl..n la, 11, vr whit-4 appro..ronates to it. n.l on Alterative, or Blood Purifier, lea ear te, ,, re /tern placed within the reach et intw4 ell. Indeed. It In an euLirciy "Lew and SClXtittr ronthinntlou, In no respect regenthltng anything hitherto employed. The opinion of medical tueu concerning It, the description of its chemical character, therapeutic •ulue, manner uf nue. etc., are given In a circular, Which can tte had at the More of any and all Aril class Druggist, For sal , In I . ll,lturgb by ell !tr.:mgt.... FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Combined with iodide of Lime, Sold st ,LowlLides at FLEiUING'S DRUG STORE, No. 64 Market St.. Pittebnrgh ra 18:salt:uWIr CHINA WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, ISMILIPC>FILT/EML, No. 100 Wood Street. BRITA NNIA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE NV ARE, TEA TILA. lit AND TABLE, PUTLEET, athmee on hand. CHINA TEA SETS, NA DI NESE SETS, HIS A TOILET SETS. TON A VAs ES, CHINA SPITTOONS., BUHL MIAS WABICOF EVERY ur.sciurrloN, LAVA CARD BASKETS, I. AWL VASESS, LAVA SPIT - 100BH. whohsale ENt.lthil S end TONE /rude. WARS of all varletles, tone It !stall The largest end Most complete stock of eeerythlng In this !the In the city. Pelves and term. the some mein the eastern ettlee. yr: sal WARING. & KING, CONIIISSIOI ISltcnors AND BMUS 1,1 Petroleum and its Products, 4 It the UES.VE Wdr. 3PITTE111311:1-Ft.43-33, PHILADRLPIIIA. ADDREss .WARINC, KING iSt at Co.,.. vow 777 127 IT.Vtgaki mi.M:Vgbps, ( .9 . 4 "5t. Vg."1711:67. 1 4TORDili 81 r2d. ' SFIARZit euNcENTRATED KELE. ULKd. tr, ie.. UU BROWN,BROWN,No. S St. Chair Street. LOTS L'it SEVENTH WARD x•cowa. yE cr.‘ LOTS, =by Ito feet, fronting on Dtnnid ,fle Street. K LuT IC ny nat feet, corner of Bedford and Kirk patitek attests, fbt on otor tetras. Enrtnl re"( JNO. S. SITA.TYKB. .rx,;tdo:tei Corner Libitrty et.* Dlrtlll2oSid • osEl HOSETT---A, largii..tOt AU-Suns ifoo)ust r, , elted, suitable tbr brdranti, ae. Aiso, Couplings and Pipe ihrniatted, at Noof. PI and Clalt street, by J. it rivazee. IALEP4MEN WANTED At 9S Grant Street, 3d floor =9 IV ANTED--AG=ENTS-117a to $lOll PER tor ge.7.tletvetl, and ja Io ervu ha re. t.. td., t Common: ro eel avd w ltllstaric quilt, bin hrahland rubrolder beautl). Ve only a $91,, [Rking clanti• 9. and - inn, sr. sitt 1 thr., pa the , M(111, , •11, fr,to ts.un F a A.l rea, el./VW. or .1.11 vu . ritnt t r•ah , r.omo. .435 South FIFTH PL. It tier. promptl?, wltl. eLreullr• and I. rtor II n I 0 FOR RENT—A first-cluAs three al.ry t11:14 11. .1 SIC parlor, newl) room,. hot. And , ol.t 00 hat,,,. 0. Ar e a,) .I.:ca. "rd.., Chon,l , ..ter, VI: hots., At 1,, a:, at a I.ttrg.n. ,•pl) to lIIT , RKEIZY 2 1 kl 349 Liberty . ..rect. up s.lrs. MEM ROOM TO LET. A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM ==l Enquirc At GAZE rI E , R]Ttlt. myr.nll7 WALL PAPERS, te T110:11.tS PALMER WAJA. t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES . prlce $1,3 • and ntm:np TABU] OOVI7 R B Warehouse, 91 it ood Sired, Second door below Dlwroond fr2,6md PITT% I . A )APES HANGINGS FOR IMPS, • american Iran Papers. For the !fret Um., In eve years .I'E/f" EXG.LISII Pa PER A choice aelectlork of the Newest French Papers For ”it, by pARLOR PAPER!. Standard Gold Papers rvarl veal, of haaotltol draw, for Parlors. al =IQ SEWING MACHINES "REELER. WILSON'S I.32I[EPPLC) , CriIiM, FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ..znlnlnntion +lll pro, that they Are tha• host Nlichlur In Salesroom, 21 Fifth Street. W3l. SUMNER & CO Till L BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Prontoun,..l by all att., bay.. scan It It, yltripi, at ll= It Is a• r 11..cti•e and 4turat.le as'll Is .Imp/e t Mad .t• Itt.doranle. It Its. hot to to,ren to ue atchulrt.d....l o•••.I tt. It coot- PERFECT PRACTICAL, MACHINE And la afforded at price vvition the rang• of near. I, every !molly In the iand. The only low prire.l nail,. In the I'ollo.l Stat., IlcenAetlOo na• the Wilk:ELF:It LVII.o.IN FEED —the best and only rellahlv Fed ever convtructed. LES.II N WANTF.D. minsampa:ar MIL C:1 0 1747311,191, WHOLESALE AGENTS. No. 4373 Firth Ektre.ot, I'IT I e Ult 4., H. PA. RA_NKS AND BANKERS. BANKING HOUSE. N. HOLIES & SONS tio, 57 MARKET STREET, Pillzburgb. f , epoel reeefred :n Par Funds and Currency. i'e.tlerthm. Lunde on all the prlnApal pfdnl.t. of laud United SLAtes and Canl.l3.s. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on tammioaton. attotalon paid to the MOM. 1124 Salo Of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. IN CLUDI United !Stated Sloes of 1681; S- s, 1)0. Five. of 1440, 1)0. Do. Cen115. , e.1.,113.1,0yte...e.... Orders end Vouchers bought or - oliected. 1.111:11 COAL, COKE, Sze coAL. , C OAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having rantovett their 111, to No. 887 L.l.lnorty Wel) , tty Flour MIII,I D FLOOR, Are :row prejoarett ft.nlAt ittttl Youghiogheny' Lump, Nut Coal ey Slack, AT THE 1.1 , W ENT NI A KAKI' YR! (2 E. All order.. 1.41. at thrtr °fact or t o iilVtilthrou.l. the mall. will A. steAd, A Cu promptly, CHARLES H. ARMSIUONG, Youghiogheny and Conndlav: lie Coal AND Me% C. FA(•TGIUII OF Coal, Slack, and Desulphirized Coke, Corner of rtutltt and Morton; lira •ani on Lllierl and Clymer sLttets. N Stunte onbecond SL ß neu Lock N,3 I, PttiSnorgb. Famines and Manuta.ztnrers .4)0...1 with the best article or Coal or Coke at the lotell rash rater Order, le/t at t/ oh tll.• Yard , will receive pencil t attention. NORTH AMERICA d LIFE INSURANC3 WREPANY. Widows and Opium' Fund. -ro. 63 William M., rete Fork. PRESIDENT—S. D. 3101GA1 . 01C.I.ETAICY J. W. MIDLIAL. R. M. TINDALL, Iledblal Examiner, R . C 0 K_ , SPECIAL AGE: , T Volt W.STERN PA., 67 Fourth St,Pittsburgb. AGENTS WA NTKI.). mr.X Li J. LANCE. 11 SILK AND WOMEN DYER AiND SCOURER. Chintz Window Curtails and Chair Cavern Cleaned and IReglazed vithout unpacking. Nos, 35 and 37 riird Street, Between Wood owl tiodthflol MEM •.wt,sx,.. s4z. n. n ulic McCLELLAND & Co., Corner Federal ant Lteock Streets, .da-T_,...z.zuct-azgxas"sr, Wholesale and }Mail Druggists, Dealers la netts, Oils, Vanlthes, Drat& Una's, Carbon 011, eta , Stnalsrl and Patent .111.4 e Icates. Their stock Is large ,nd well selected, ant wlll be sold as low ss say hose a the west. hmehheal I) . L. PATTERSOI & CO. MANCHESTER NW MILLS, acid Ohio Myer. • MassObimet. Pa. -• Vida" for all ktrola of Para Mx Within/ boith ladlitt . troth ',leak, lath ollorre &o lonia WANTS. al= FOR RENT 'UuLESALE AID DETAIL DEAL II IA A groat rotlectlon of WALTER P. MA RSH A LI. $7 SV, awl Jtro =9 IDZIMIIINIII=IIII CORDING. 1,, are elth.ralol, F It (MILTING, FUR I= unburi v..l{ STITCH INC:, hey nre 3814st,]Dily._ r , OFFICE AID YARD PrISBURGH, P