Tll IAILY GAZETTE. Panr..ii ED 134 PENN IMAN, REED & CO., =I Y -.. ygAit. AT NAIL., fell WIC SU, I.6ll\'l,:tv itT.CARRITtt.. N'ittsbut9lt 6aultc. WEDNESDAY, TUNE 0, 1666 UNION LEMM/K.—Tlit Suite Council of this Or.lct thig k morning at 1 , T2 o't I.tck, at the rooms of the Colt - mon Coen cil the city. A nuahla.r a the pri,llll - tarn Of the Slate art• Loft• as lit•le• gate, THE 5H1.111t./0.. l'oN111: - T1 , 11. , 1, 111111 l:1 . ! I It • is U. city. yenerday. was, in .eye r:tl re.pects. a not. tdc body. All of them had :wen actual ser% we in the Not a I. tr of them Lore honorable scar, s o u k , of them had been maimed by the .tcyt h, of battle. Many of them had writ. ten their names imperinliabiy u the annals ttf real war. Nor were these their only di,ainetiun. In personal appear:de e 'and la wring , in aptitude for and in g ent nil ihtellittenee, the onvcutwu al.,,vt• the :iverttgt. Cnrivorati.lns. It era, cv ,ry Way a uarL, un4etiilily I= In ;In Hey. E D. 'Mt 11. , I. I. D derealed In Die , •lecz lon 10r I'l ,, trwitir of Theology leria n T In•ologiel I Seminary at Chicago. Ms a ,•.I alott••las E ,vtiluneuts sloll,l In tI,J• ol hts :AR, es,. iii' friewl, in the l'hur, l l. aml Jwitsuir thervial. hate 1.113 t n At 'wrong wan committed, iu the In:J•te.i -I a had qystem, whieh then In hi 111,,11,.1 Csray in thecJlJlfficaj (Crj le= :as in political This wrong It,. at Is-en Thr (ienersl ..I,,tnhly, in -ion at ,J I_- , •J,lass hated the 1)0J-tor in t hair of I.Jcology in the t May t.luca}zo. IN lit 1.1311111c111 yual tiw Uvu.. to; the It. U Le he, been :tlllll,l. Ill) atll 111.11,13 "Pp int , ' i Tot. P. hat Pr,ideut removed from Ihe l'o.tma,,rstoi. at Ashland,. 4rt uelkilt Caidairt Levi C at of tht 1 . 291 h l',uusylvania r' e.iment, L•.ailant !!le Tb , plllo.l, ntely wordol4 d .0 I b.• ,vhC. tiffht the, ht, al I;, 11111,,kn. !t1 eonsequence. h 111, II rn- I lllill rippled er.13.111, :1b..: a \'":II wetantla.-;nr. Fi 011 t)1 lilll 0: 1 .Islll3ild The peree.n gelecled coo.' r of SI.. ry :I n.l kill li3V , :11 k• ,n. .' I. !. mint I:44l.l.crin.mis lit in,: in I,lMtml to tun mt. 1, Ntr Com AN :0 I ,,, tioni 11,+114‘. I- :1,1- 11, Bch .. ,1.1 n o t •My y %Lit iliteiesting. and 1.1.1,11 1 111 11111-11. been cuing On at ILr fri.ediht Arl - ISor, aU, tII hundred and 1.0 t eouple= hate ro•.-uh,rl, inn 1 - ..:11,h•k Lt Ie rc ti; a t••ntie .t !,./ 11)10 • tli, I.'d con, acuu imrt 1I- tnna LI Up ‘ircn, Dnt a c ho Were No'f i, tcally married . Such %sere ~uitit loth to wilily a ith the order. regarding their relaitonr, as haying been practically rmaired and wnr tilled by time and faith' id observance. bul the) were all re-Married, :ad of emu -4: much excite merit and mlny grotesque scenes were the iesult •'- .Iccr .h , c4 This is only no incidental rat of light, revcalior the horrorz of :tliuu.t a b(111.0111 Yet our eotemporary and all of it- , 111.11 , 1 main,ain the; rent cani.cation eon Lett Itc .itturoplt t lel ti Itltuut ritc , l pron ior the care anti cleration of four tail hutt..t Bouthet - n population. 41% MP.ri!,t I ;‘ , ..tilt ,ianed the =I =ll And it he' fact was fitly ,nnnnui:tT , d In vb,trit it y to all par:, owm,tu Wealth __Ju the afterrason "I that day the i Lan isburg ;rap/: tht iorurnor for riot doing what hr had already done in the premises. A grain ,tf .I:sere ti oa p or treat value in :nab aelng a public Journal. THE Evv. Fergt,on, ot Zunesvllle, 'bin, was expelled fru,' the Ind lino! A4,onbly ut H. Louts, beratt.e nl deimnatory letter W 7 tten by hint to the I Ihig, reSlVllirlg the Hon Sam Galloway. The reverer(l gentleman madf. a very humble apology which, In a secular . w null pace been hold entmol attth.factory, 'out h 'Milo! save him I - r is reported frria Washington that Secretary 3fcCuilneh has made up his mind to obey the law whit forbids the appoint meat of rebels to office lie probably thinks it an act or cn siewension in him to obey the laws. Perhup. Mr Ste cent'. threat of impeaehmes. did good after TIII:Pou MUSE ex.c..e.e. us. When it shalt irlrtn a toleraby derctit regard for Truth and Honor, we-shall lx ready to dis cuss public i i uestions A nil it. but s 1"1:14 .s it wr,ist.* in tinal:' ignoring IN01). Rr must he ronntehi T • ilizeu of Yitebusgh owe General Moorhead 3peetal thuks for the admirable nor LLi which he ,lefettrietl their Utter in the 'n'tntott r.rrr ronnel brine Hall mad bill it expected tan the Alexandria, Loudon awl Hazinediir• Railroad will be runn i ng order to P - rmwell the latter pan of the present mutt., the brim., went,. Broad Rim noting nerdy enint,tot,.,l T he work will be pushed nrvard to Leettlturxt with vigor. An engiteer ii now , urvey. ing I lin roue fora nilroel In run trinn Wlneht , ter. to ttlalcni,Va This wail give Baltimore eornmand .f Ile. Sbenanti , mll Vail,: Intik, awl take I away froth Alex antlri . a until the Mantisa, Nap Itailtotel is reltullt Th. Cleveland 1.0/14 r takes strung ground :Against 1.114 . itelitea nt Mr. Spaulding, nolahr of I °tigress from that klintriel. It noun that I,r has no Via uttcnal a .ingh• word a Congress in COD tictututtutit or the l'res - kut • tread, ry the Union party; whip h r has, in express n•huked the Unitu usu iu Cling re , , lot their oul,poken It, Mr .lottu SOlt. The LOlder ttt come, is opposed to MI Spaulding's r,norniriton. —The locomotive susenutentient of the treat inJiuu Peninsult Rails uy has ap iotintitti some nailre, a I, tave Ise n twel Ve, 1 211te,11. and eighteei :ears in the con, patty's employment, loth post of ellglllo. drivers. Considering the3itneulty and ex• Euse experienced in feting driccrs from nglund, and keeping then In India, it is gratifying to have the propect of turning native Went toliccount in hat departtnenL A very sensiltre move or the part it the Nupenntendent. --h i± sunotnarett tram Nasttialtton that We Demo, stir merutims t COLIgTea hove resolved to sitlidraw ttoirmoral support" from Mr. Johnson UnICHS to makes a posi tive recognition of itkila tcomitristion of I lie offices Demociatir rftralit; re suires material VOLUME LXXX.-- MB CI'T'Y ITEMS R.. Advertisement references et U S. Prize toncert *lOO.OOO In Cirpenback. To I, given In Prizes ranging from p.un ilocophroy . % Hernoopthle Iced - icicles for Aoki at Vultou'e Drug store, N ilkt Smithfield street. Persona 'Wanting Tickets ahould apply noon, 118 but few tickets relatal anftol4l Battkleg Sponge • th - the beet description, and lowest rat al Flernlng•e, Drug Store, No. RI 31n1 evt I: , .men.ther the place. The Concert taki. pineentWabanh Avenge Hln k,u 114 re bllOi nersong van wit nevg Nev Dress Good• A , lsrptell to the preaent selmoo, on the north O.( corner Fourth and Market streets. C. LUOV&I/Si . LOVII lizetizee to Urn. 1Z30.000 In (ireelsbark. in I Prize Coneeit to ell Onto Illinois, July nth, %wing and Summer Dreas Goods. ramta, Ittutuolu, Ar• , dust t,euml au nort , must cot nor Fourth uni Market C. mason Last .t no, Number of Ilrket• Issued. Fire hundred thousand, tile c11111 . 4011/11, tjf Wlt is II W 111 ,Iran' 111-11,1, =I I'rint , . Tn•k .1...n.un,l ! nq.l%. and al ptpinilor price, on otn, r Fourth nod Murk. rp , t , C. lIANsos. lit, The Ihrlan loe W II: ink.• ',tot latter the Cortc,tt, nn•l w':l''l -.awe, Intended Loy al l'otrautat Ire Ittplat•atatattti ft ttatt . litt at tadtt =I Sou I.+ thr ttmu 10 buy yo rn ur , urnmer Hat. m.l up, You Nk find an 1me..11 stork ..1 lie lir. Hass Hat nn , l t.up 1.41 I CT! 111111112=11 11.•• au.t ql raw 1 whlu. ~ ,n 1 Ilutl µll the 1t t' a. llnt, [2l uu,tl and , . i in fund that nt thie: nd P"Puhr hmt.r. the 111• T are •-•% 1,1,, than at :tn.. ether 1,1,, in the 1 1filf, of Cirorral .gent for Pitt.borgh nald Ile in lt,. lIMII =I ft Wunrks. 11.11 Ct. I=l • ..• k 13 L. U. lk..b•.s 1• ft. nrrarpt 'nine altr/h. N 1 cur,. ',c h. for lo•auty or eNerti t••t1 111. , 1,4,1/lu anyl I. tier I uritt,l ..11t ~ , L oto,ll‘.l. tit : 111 1n 1• .Imn,t•-.\ 112A10,s ts worttif' It It t• a .•: Annther. pleturu I \tr 11,rn, the .1.6,1 1 ertin tllng • . 1)10 01 111 c 1,1.14 . of a wril-knocro \ tleglolV tr. Itlo-rtze otr *tattier:: i.e., ogt 'ph, lel irately eoloretl. net: tie 1. 111, The i r .. et:l.: hi nanny other 4pnettne n n."l * the tthlnthertuf the h...thitte ...mid .1r 4tt van in and elre.ery 31„1111.01 . -111,er - tor of photiqzr,i.lll, :,• t.,' t.....tat,l).llmetc, 11, 13,+,1 r,,a,onable prtvc,. for phot.trorrnplss I=l CUE= =I t I tho,g,tnet who ron.l rolttmn• of fr% /401.. verhiage every fay devote dm. rather , . flu pere-mi of a Pa farts which eoneern then, nearly ' 541 r tent is 11,11I1s, Anti ik wili ”tir,otmuentut tutu a oulaluill. 11 - ruo.- :- dullreetly the ennse of all alckneas. fot ; nature Sr %trona e Id resist the 1110, telt pmatoce Ilinen, of course Ih.. use powork-s. .ink %ft - mirth, ther , fore, , Invigor and th ,Mate the 4`..4,121. W 11,1 the hn:,- atek -Steer ranges froto %.0 tort degrees r the %Wel, the moat athletic are en ferld.•o anti the 'Kea.]: are ',rust rated it 1% at a lrh a time' that %h. naioshrOrator an LIM .. .TET- T' , it's , T". 11.1,11 BITTER,' 1.% urgeotl) oat arc Lae effect* nf tilts rute eg: la hi: "I mite' that all who have known Ino•nt rrool.l condettona Their ex per11.1.,1 thtrattmph. The, would tall tor to ',meet tan, health thy moot gr , •nt safettunrrl tutte.lnst the drh,:ll nt rig Intim ta.-og They erooln exhort It,. wroth In n al: ontnelloat , ..l an I Int porn...Um ti tan,. onrl ollatt trr 1101er-rms. and . 11.14.:::11g ton IC 11,1 altr•rolnr. tor II nvr woinid cling to si raft in n stormy v. Tlivy a oult), of dyettept lc fetrige relies 0.1, or appetite reetrov.l. oh:lite:el :iv, • re .trung, of headache-. eared, of dl .ordr•re•l function , . regulated, of hypoclienririn •11,-I• paten. of min...mantic diseased baffled, ••f f•-% vr lino attn.: mu/rod, of liver corn plaitile at I of heat, privation and toll netted, Of hop. , it:- animator], and elantrfulnorn restorod. our the etre:.t. of 1111,7 ETT Eft's HITT El= Svc mold wbolennlc end retail ut very low ratii. • I oK • N Lning and PuLent Medicine U.•pot. iiitivet, corner of the Dtatreee rtod ll uekot, neor Yourth .trout. One Prize of 0130,000, 14143 lo . ize of $lO of one of 5,10.0, one 00l 0,10), ow and twenly-tiVe prize, of OM ea: . 10, tw mt.p prize. of $5OO eneh, mond twenty' of $lOO ract, FROM ST. LOUIS. Venial, Excitement—One Hundred /Mew of Union Pac./11e IlastLeoted Ikpoopleted. el. Loris, June is facia el‘ats merit anioug the Fenian.. here. A taro, meet. was hail nt Alozart Hall last night, at s hinh a sonienlitce of thirty protnineht i It I tens were appointed to raise funds' for etir purposes. 'tremendous meel.lCg ha Leh,g held lit the tau rt 10-nl,ht Rini the utmost enthusiast° prevails. It le Iddiev,dl flint thv efforts new being made wl it result In a lIll:nn iif the "'Mahoney and Unbent. and s s e:ray sings It is expected another !ergo delegel din will leave for the North iisdroorrts , and that "I. lxinits will furnish three thousand MOD In all. nnral lirant:e Loudly arrived Item today tine hundred miles Of the Union Puerile Kad en... wt. completed yesterday, adding tide. itunilreil and eightyitliren =Met. of eoutintiou• ...Waxy wof L. L . Ouln. Th company are now running , one hundred end twenty -.lx miles of road; Including the lintel mice nod heaven a ortn urtineh, and VI .rt 1414, latter pert of July. rh o onA Sehoid Prealiyterlan My w journ..,..1 pc,. Ix t.", 140,5 otlrr ral tam From I Inl7. Nta I one, Julie 4.—The Trgbum's 1.1:13.14t enrreApOntien •ot), Tlir. kof filling up in progretining vi:fy wi-11 The are working like 'waver, t 1,13 lurtilleuthonn, while the Vetiethal. urr eocukug OVI 4 I to Jul the Italian army. • • ealabeya a mob, Incliul by ib, ur i,b b meats, shouting tuna Of "Down with tutor Emanuel," ^Vita Francis and riot- Aar Seditiouscries, broke ° pun Clio public pitons and sacked them, and then rioted for several hours tft boated a liberal Qua:tuna FROM RICHMOND. I= =1 i~ i... II EE =III lIII= MEI nal or) Iv =ME ""'' ' : • 11.• 1 Li“. ..1 1 6 6 • 11: zwatl •, • pro 11 I , • 666 • • of nr tIIN 6 . 6(41• 66 111. 6 1”...,,•••••1 vici . . t 1 . -14,11 t., I i .) ea I I li PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1866 CMG RESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. =MI June;. Nlr ;‘, autliorlze 1:114, - Int to le:Lie 1111.1 pre ikol it II minrral 1 1 Irtiled Up tonreollai t... peu,oh Ihwhitth: caneit Ixp the bill tO increet- , • 11,.. rh, "I the Interl, Department. • ,t.“l at t inn to th, rowol toh of I W., made up cm th.• ~rt ttiv, rlet ka, roldort , l titu Uutt.,e lor tht. I,l.qeot LA Ilvo of pafliugera tae tug on .tottlnhottte on ‘l . t.,.l.•rct 1• e 4 . 1, lin r ler v es l l to IR. pruttott Znic• "'clock thi , Reconstruction re,,olo t:ou v. a. titken ulr MT VOi•ti 11,k U.' riIJOI del:vel a writ k• i; 11.,1t.0.1 thmmopmmtl amend men, t . „ I .to-ttlut The to 0.1114, •,net-- tont A tt- ,ittto autittolment proposed yea trttlat b, Mr. Duni at, a, a subittlnte for the socott:l soLhot. Atter the mutat. to he taken 411,1 CC. euelt towttitettlitg cen,us, represent , at ye,.hull he 1,14/0111t4 . 1/ 011111110 the several , tau, a Mch may be inaluttett within the Unaurt, accurtling In tbt numb', In each State of male electurs over twonty-one years Of age, qualttletl by the Ma's thereof 10 choose mum 1t the toot•I numerous brunch of its logl.- 1,1112, atm shire , at t tax shall t appoottOtt I I tlitt several elate,.aocortling to the value m rent and personal taxable pro', • ty -1111410 In earn .4 1itte, not belong- ror lo llr Mute or to the I Wired ',Lulu,. TI. r• \ alorroil “trri poryluent of ro.nrOtiOlis ought lo l..rrrrr .11...1, mil: Ito - ' , lv-, of Nruiloaro eriorr.r•orattorr rrirght Irr Irr• E•111kIlge,1 lie Arrort.l rt 1,1.11 .1,, I It I, 11/ . .1% :Nll , l 101 I Iro r right r•r -rottru4l lot lootri,+, Oar, marr u lAIIIII.I rlsr, rorder tto. south,,,,• rrrrlor•orl for Ito , -,kr• of trollttrral pro% r•t to trr• tr,Or ot roan: L .. to rtogrotrrr, ro• x Willlng to vole frrt rt. 11l rrollor‘rO poor. tor rr orrx trr•lrrrr tOr• , •11,t11 . ..011,1 .•i'•• t• rt.r• rtirporroo ion rr: rotorttr, rrilyport 0.11,1 tow 1.1. r ,rottr• rolopt ion. i.l .1. ..tII.I 1,11,1) ...ti11... I lit' I ..1;0111.1 t.l.c tUt L/1111)..1.1.1- II am, Illutf It von, ikol "Ile 111,1 .1/1, MU' , I/I to h Ibetlar 11111111 AD. Ilea ,pettAVl A - 011,1 ••,• agll,-,1 111.,. and htlig ILI ytt to 101. tinlVt-I,ll.l%itllntip• 11.• .taletl r•PNOItIll..11n , Wlll , ll It .41.1”;11,1 •••••.•1.111 ••I 1.. 11,. I nl••.• t. I', in. 1 vircnl 0I 11, I ~111 •.1 • . man timenaarai at mach .• a. • i•, y • .•-•••., n aa• •••• • 1••• itilana•ny•ni •-•• ••••ii NOverlsur, in LI •ouLJa.rf, bLplns. , !LILL, In January lu-L.untialt.arnvrtla ••-• •. lona Ila 1,. •I•laut..'a t. herr I• iP I.lllla, Lunk la,m 'O.l IIIyTOIL. Il ,f 11 +1 ~. .01,txtiml 10.10 ,titoolutill, monsil t.. , t • , tl't 0.0:011, hit- I rltusple.l Li.i. 1 1 1,.,11) 111,, 1- 1111.,/, ~/(1.1;11 1 /1 11, .• tot • xt.c.ll it to ru,ollott It t 10.10•0.1.10 I.tits .01u ,11,1 11.... 1,01 0000 1. , .4”111“111' . 1 . over 1.1.10 . j0ur.t., OI ilktue • t,:lei t . co Dunk , ”wo.l sc.oreo. out of nit. -:...,11.1114, It v.. , a 111110 at ttul.lllpol+o. of 1 ,11, ,1 1011t./11,[11 1 Slate. tIIO ,•0 Ign,t etl, 11 1120...110.4 il) t 110 t. r,l litrVi - t•TiTneitt .n n. .rw ard, =I IMMO I or Lb.. =I * 5,., dv, A. =TM= = • • ~•••, • a"....61 “pt•latiolui,s: .•••• •••t 11111 l g•••grrt,lu.•••••,1 1111.::‘,1 rr,1:114.1,1 I )+•r e-r - Ut 1,14.1.:1 , 11 N•>rl9 11, 1.•• 1..111••1 1 1••• 1 •1 •1341111111,1 ;7 1 .1 , 1 1 ', M. 1 .A: 1 111. .••• •••• • 11‘, 1 1.1 Pli (I, • 1.1 11.1. • • // I 4 1 / 4 ./(11 1. 1 ...114.1 a. ttlif.Oh 1 ../. 11 1. • lu xvlo.•tl." •als, F Roll l' NENSEE. 1 - 12.. 14,441-on 4 MI.. 1 . Ibr rot. 4t•Nelll ti n- ire.nlasa. l•r1•44o4, 4, 4111.114, !Mart. el . lt.• In, On • he ~..,111..t1 11,4, A.:, • o, !to 114., rr. , ,n.,. ••../, \ n.. 11 , ••••S • !ftl ~./ , f /1. 1)1 Tlj'l::...°"f"!' . 11{1 ,1 111!1:Vr11,(1!a'M N. In •4,111twt0., 4.41 n,or • ~,-••• ‘,l 11,0% j 1..? 1.444 .1 I)? .1.• kinti rrnnall month K'.., . I • 11 , ,at. mt,ting vawk Inia here I,P -n,,41.1 The t'l•inalniss In,.•l•sirs - 11.111.,r• pail 111111 1.111.." rag e4l Onanr.l egurns 4. , ../ .0, ILI 10 the -Ito.t:ot- iotol tow 1 , 013111, to .1.-totto to , . .1 It, hoLtpokght - hour.. They 11 , 111t111u. it pet lenoe,l ,0001.4 Sit the ,11). 0r. , 1 lift , . It , gl5 it otootot, topttgol,t., ulot it. : - it, I moo ttro -toot otto• to to-. totiritty ioo tot:toll for 11,, on o: .0 0 , 0500 1,1 “ olt to. ;.1 pr1,.1,1y lo rool, •t g tot, tit 1 NOtitallOU u I ~,,, • 10,totol ::ritothio 'II.. I: 11• P 11. Ills log derttioignoinet. Thu til , 01 I Itoright \. - tag 1.111 , 1 1111/4 t,. tritott tight Maui inm the trot. , tot .11,-1 stir 4. 0 , 11-1111.0,1 l,,1'1:1l,,1'1:1,t, 11., • •ILto ot t me rig t Tvt ••,1”." 011 11,1,1 ,/ttl. , root,. flog. runt I : ,itlir.illl iiirootgti Isere lent It tet '•l'1•• - • •1 :of tb , 11154:4 roillt, COUlpO.• t 00,,,, ho•ot Vot It. I Vioc Lr..l hero: to-.1:t1 :tool •. 0,.p..1 I good of unhet, 1111.1 rout Itytt 11, I ...Inn, lOU 11111011011t1011 %an Irectian BM M:l===l ):1I .11111 U 5.—A large Rol! entinvOloitit oo•oo oo• t'v•nisos bald Its the (non firms •apholtyr. mooned Won iit.heio-r.ofthe progrint stn. patt.- 1 lo.t .I‘l worot ohosing froth an iot iil slip I olio, °von Litllfornio, to old in the 011 , 1,.• ../ I i 1-t. 1.10t...hi1:n0, About war Thr Intl , q "intro risv en lie strattirr Frisson 'len its mina' Onnlght from 1111,1:111111111, N Imre she his, hy Lien. Berry, unit .epolta /10 l'illsllC, their. online of that govern ',l l% ashinglisi the Frill., prlarniers here :stye nossi i rive-sat tomight, the men on their re,,!„ mot flirt emcee, on V.Xle o. iit 'tnl. n, halgnn alien eii soliserilat thirl they will not mine srais flier:ram wito I'm There are large ot Inman.' in 1„0'11 loam itlirotel and menilwr of conning' fella lie that sin a P. and something 0111 doni r sine Distant thunder befog hydra 11.1, h., it Unit :1 Intl Ie Is being fought I' N. 1 rtheter for the (howl lon Frontier. it.- • :A. -1111 ronnovny of I: oiled Mute- tJoele, from Enet port, Monte, passed 1111.1,01 here leeley thr•f. unaAlun fron tier. t ruin eve to 41 , 4 , 11 L untlrod Fontana lett he tl,l I mnattlnui frontier Ivy the northern train h.toug l'huhuncerele, June s.—Twontoreeetro. Welled with United ittat.w troops, pwised Up 10-. lay on the II udeOn river, en route for the seat of war, Recent Government Sale• of Gold— Mntement by Secretary of Trememy— Public Dept on Jnne Int. WAill 1 X•rrON eTTT, tune 5 —The ,e,flary of the Treasnry, in response to the Flon-0 ntiestlon concerning 111, sales of gold In NI., 1 , ./ ir in May. report. that the:Et was sold Oft,- . opjo-oi. paying C. M. Myers, the agent, for sell tog, oneAttigllth At. one per cent. The rates at the goVI wad ROM a as 13..35,11:00 ut it'el:shtlll" at 1-0 1 ' 40 ,,, 0. at SchotahtSsi ; Lt1.141:0.011nt 13II,;. These were the only -ales since Ft - Or - nary, '1 in coin in the Treas or). it Flab tun! been accumulating, was held 'to rival Ital.: a tttkrtl.l. to payment, or to to•.l:,ll..terd of Neatly etnergsmey to an extent -fleet unjustly busineas, and especially the interest of the laboring and produclng clamse-. I They., we his nottructions to Mr. affect, I and his le er tter of explanation which was also I submitted, shows they sere full, cam led out. I The Sales In February amounted to Arleen mutants, at , tt. pranourn of between thirty - en unit tbirtiteight per rent., and were made on account of apprehended politlcnl conflict tour. 'rite Kale. m ltlas o• mad.. on ainount Si unfits °ruble Ilnantdal intellmehee feran Europe. On the receipt of the toms new., ltrought by the Cuba, the •ate, Ut•rt. continned natter an itcllVedelniLliti, I and it larger amount disposed o f than would have loin the CU. II Wt.itl 1,,11111 •• reachu.s Mr. Dyck in Unie euwend; bet the t•ev.- rotary Is 'satisfied with the proeeedings, an a suspension at that Liam would hate caused a panic Though regretting toe heavy sales. be says the act ton 111 Mr \ ail L o ll: , courageous and jtonciutt•n... t- I , hant, :lad hunker+ tit New lot h 011( . 111 111 title opinion. The following. is a she ..r the public eiiite,,of the iitteil States on the Ilr 51 iteartug oil. liiteriist i elqll. ?tuntie, oeht. hoses 5 .. 1 per cent. henels irl ,4 -1,;41,1500. Oct per rent. Fire-Tweet y Totral iletot hearing iti119,5e2.5/9,180. n, in ~ on ring I.,urr.uvy lotur•trit. Six pt, •1,1. 0-,4/,1100: Tr•liqo.r.L/ V I , ••., • . • .1.1 WI4l/A.od •3I 11. th. Ut.11.14.4., 41-1.1,11 . 3 - • • •••..' yew . (Incuttlotantl In t e rest Notes, 411 , 2,1112, I, Tn; et, Atavon-Tnlrty Notes, ►6,11,..^21,... 411 ht4tlit. , l debt but rre,lll,l 101 11:13111001. 4414011V2,,-.1. .101.1 local mg b., 1111.4.11,4, 1'1,113,1 +-WA Il act:Mut] ,urieutry. 'Aib IN; gull oert.lllettiuA of, tt,ul, T. 1411 , 10.1., 11,2, ; 91% , 7.k. %Illotlnt Tret.ury 1 0111. 71 Trtui-t:rl ctir,rtry, .115 :rl-1•,...1, 310.p0111 oi In 111,. Tre,tll,, #2.67, . , 111, '14401110;18 u corn , I ...tiltement Mtn .1‘.1,1, a- ppettr, nin Inn U/111 t ..o.nrers . return,. In tin- .11,pol rnent on tln• 1 , 414;114 , 1.i lit on 31e( :icerelar) tbr Treasury. Torpedo Pnlbnt for Oil WI•11.. -D4,11111411111 by lite Pat. at Cousaniwslonur--Cosabr ntalloun by Phi , Senate. N..+ 141 , ,,,, Jot". 5 —The .1444141144.10.1.41 411 Vat... 11:• 111, 311. 1)00414.41 •itt,..l“, .1( 444444.11 Intrt.ol 4111 prat:U.-al ..pcntl.4, In the, troletit. I. 4 5 ~./tE s 4 -44•4......-0 to I_, L A It. 4,, 4.1 \.4 I.l'l, 1.4 r .1 4nry..%.144 ett , t4l .11 t..: 4 VII, I. 11, pm ..1" . 1,1110 011 10111, V. 1311, 11 - 1.• .411:. 1,01; (Ilt.) 1 pi 1.0 .U.. 110 c tc•urcl • cc!, pcirco lincu . I.lArt it , t•!, Lr I o(11.1 /.01/11in • N:tv••11:0,1 21.11/11.1.1v.i ~,,, / 1,/0:1 .)I • %.01111101-111,:lnrt 14 I.v • I,•• 1.0101. I .ot I I tv.., ri Filth 1 , 1-f •I Ir Now 1 ork M..nutotet..tlolg ,L,• L, of !lir . . Ii • /3A .4.lin I • I ryltnt - ‘•:,..rg. II tl:.• lork. at i:•: 1, of 1,:• rs:q. 1:::Itall =ME =ECM %ea York Irv... , \ FJ‘ txtr ,at :lb y,rvv t I. ollic 1 I p 1, .1111.• • t • I metal • 1 min -wor • I ..••••f.. 1.4 u. elt :i• •. 011 , til .. , .••Idr, ,tt .t ht.t• ft t•tts a • At t 0 t ....1vt. t • rowkili, not! !II Mg .ten( .• •loss, ttrt .1 , 1, , t ott ttt q.,431% at, R1,4.4P1.i% th, tier!, ritt•le •• •••• , 1,,••1, •-a•con.l • tp. II •44,.51a II•• m•••••••3stiAr,l vre•nt., o •I lervl. uv v. (rola, Eh. n Ir ktur 4,onn r f 1 1.4.‘ , Ur , I • w • • . ••trug,ti..n ....t ‘r 0.n.11,aa, t.• ahoy , . 10.rge: Yl,n . • he. r. onv•h.r.•l,•: , 1 0, 1.iln't 0.1 intr. 0.n,1 lEEE= td • Ire... fru,. Mr In Ortoon• II: , •. - 11,1.1 :EN • :1: :I.: .t flit . mans , ltno . .r.oa• no ten., 1t1,11.i nolo. Ko :1 1.; .• itta, I ntu 11,try ti,at o.l.$••• 4 , 41, .1 1. 4•;:, ,nnts,,,...nipltt..! Lb, Mayor 11.,nr0., ••fos , .: t•• 11.•$.1 t Lo• ~ ntt 1• fn.-. lie .•1,1 t Lug tovAr. t ••111. L.. t1.14, , LL... tuvtlt No IL oneltutlon Alert, ett est In Jeff M 410' 4 awe—The I•rIvorooro nett to he Qlt.n to the Ilelto•It ose , phen• Net rst, tol S. , ••• 'ln •vcrling , o,vBtrutisont tts regnr.l 1/ , b., • stuo tito•ni 1. , 11, itrlt Lsl „or mtg.:, 1.% vtirt,i, = r:• , I1i I Musl.l • In • .1.. rt‘enl tO-414, 141.11 11,111111,d 011 = CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD = I= 1 '..• r—. 0.141 it I 1 roo,sls, 11 of Ilso Bornstgli Muss , 1, S , i, lust ••‘••!5 , :.1., In 1 ',.• `,11.11 ht/11,1Ing 1'1 . 2....tit IL, pet hivaiwt Ittrl...urd ogi•-• 11.1. 1111111”1,1 rir llrr prt.c..,llllg .•s.. es wl nn.l Mill" IPS M it 11 . ths..•.s. ..... mitteo, 1 . 1'1,r/ I /oat C.llll r.,,1, tine ph" ssf g:t•lt. 114, •str•••.t. a :1 11, Ih. It, song!. hum. TIII. near. 1-01011111 Ce I rpu lied won. *4,1111,11,A. Nr 1,11, ft".releoll• 4..1 an (PM11.11.0 In I lnv,rt .1 I the gra'''te (11.(1.1 P.1.(11, of L.lll - di 11 10 3 . ,31,1 (M. Ho• .I d lllllll l•.. nn II Inn 14(11k noold .Into. /e1,•,1 k 1.,1-11011 1110 ran kiln 1,, I neon 11, In Into , 111.1 "Ire ta•14 , 1 aent oa% ud, I,li atnt Mr Mel!. iiiii that l Inn °retinal ~,,, ~,,, ird pre•pate• Lpt.linaio, 101 °lv gt otg tool pa, 11,4 eel I t.,Ount, hat - Inn'', %I annul I 111111,110 l ran kill' .etr,•et9. 11(01 All (or the glitelltor 01 We ..1.141 5111111 ,, nu /. 1,n1.1 ninl, till u,otinn nl Mr. Intel'', attopla..l. Mr. 1 . 111.11 e, Inn ran !leaf th. Finaio 1;00111111- toe be aulltorlEntl to 40.11 the lenrotigh loln nl nnt leen than 01,3.0 gaol, 1.11.14,..11 kirk move. Ina I the Commit le, (11 . - (W 0..., In•lt to eport nn ,Ilnanee no 111,. 1. , Iles r 1.1 t,t l'ar,ont An O.+ prnntntl,l nrnl rood pro rlellnlr !or tht tnel trot lon of Ill'. lan vent. Joni 11% el doll.", rtwita In, fur inanity lenrln." Mewl ann min let net An "r•lintirlore . for Ow laying oil Ina of flve 111111,4 on the .Inllar fen thr ol Ito. nolongli Wan 1,1,1 lime, mot atterowil. Mr. I•ltetp3 tooveo that the I jerk 'et lottEroti -0,1 to prepare the borough ditolleattet for the enftelog pear. / . 11.1Vgi. Mr. k Irk pre/tented at 0 rolluanee lor the grad tog of rho eltiewalks o kaato ,truer. The +treet l'ontu,lrwenter prpnell tt.t hi " hi " for work .lone on the SI./ eigh ttu rins fott the month of May, amounting to rho 4ttto OIL 1111M10-11 Of Mr /I Ilnll . l a warrant. ttas La sued lor the ,bt the hill On inotion Meeting of the Temperance Leogne.— Th.peruncnLeague of Allegheny city hold a tuntitlng hod night in Dr. clack's Church. Adtirtesetet were ihilliteresi by M,Criti w on_kno„ „ urnwr s , 4114-1 IL eeriest of r1,0i1)• toot., wore pu+rrl i . strongly condemning the action of certain parties who are at present advocating not Interest of the liquor tie/dors In this unit Allegheny city. Themeeting Was our of the largest gatherulga of that enarar , ter that has taken place since the organisa tion of the League. Accept our Thanks.—Captain t.. Wash !moon TOllll, Of Ilartisourg, 11/011.80 accept our thanks tor the favor shown us at the sol diers' Convention, of which he was one of the Sear&arias. Through his kindness and cour tesy we obtained great assistance in making up our report of the prooeedings. ,erg:.hut A. A T t, Apt. ATIM t f t . 7: b : 1 1 , 1 . 3 . 2 . " , 1 , 1: .1 1 , 1 , ?InI.• ~;. II Ti, " FT T M1r1.11) 1.16,1 II •.on I; I.Leul ('TI Ln,. I. 1. 111.. II 1 rv, It I,rtaltli nl llrrtr•rt U MAU:. r 11 T .1 1, 1111 ME Al n-•,. ~. ~ SP‘JI,It r,t RE SOLDIERS' STATE CONVENTION, "National Union of the Boys in Blue." Fente.)lsania'. Gallant Sion. in Council _ 'Jilin and Hartunn,t, 1.1.4 to the Itele aat, speech of (;ell. 41.1 Mil T. Owen-- I'lw liewltltioi. (hen. Geary Endoned Treas.. I. a Crime and Must In Punished Spirited .teldresets and (treat Enthusi :um-- state Organization nr the ••Natlatal Culau nt the 1t0)... in Blue" Ali- Junrument. The Conventton m honorably discharged solciterS and sa Mies of l'ennsylvania assent. 1,1•41 In Ultr city yesterday f ( irenoon, pursuant to ( um. Alma Jutlf iv ..l oin,. o• eloa.k, the del egatett. having Mien collected Iron) the VartallEl hotel, marched through the itroet,, escorted hy a brass Itand, and Illlttel the guidance of staF'r Generals .Inures S. Negley, of 1.111,1 coon ,toot Joshua T. of Phihnielphla, to the Academy of Niusic, on Liberty reel, the illati•e•vittotOtt for the C omen Lion. Soon after the delegates were seated, and sufficient order prevailed, the Convention teas called to ntap r Iry General Negley taking the elm,. Captain ti Washington Fol., of Ilarrlsintrg, w. chosen temporary secretary. reisolution was °tiered flint the delegates to 11 1 , L7ooVolltloll ph lge t/11,,V1V1, to ( . 011- 1"1111 to 11+ regulations. t.eneral °sell I.llollglll the resolution m11,4,- 110011, as all true sold lees who participated in Itelkeeeltittg.. Witni etle,ltiee thetnittiet, hot Ild (hereby. Alter St , llle tht4ellitttille the elettltlitailth Withtie.ett.ll. A Aolnrnltlee on Crodentinl, vonalstlng front oncli ongrennlonal 1./tstrlnt. gun nopolntnnl, Luta List three SergonnLn-at-Arms, II Itptalu Itrnlin..l. M. Carr !Lod Sereet keep order mill event the intro 'ono of ontnidel. 00,1,11111111 Ihrn took u reresm for Imlt mr, to ~ait the report of the Coin mitten nn I w on Credential' iniving con eluded their repelled the follon log delegate,. 1,111110,1 in seat, ' • )4r(114 , iphlo--.1 J.. 11 J 1,11,111 T /wen. /en. II 'l' W It. nip..., 11a). Kiln - nunl lie el, .1 `. tapt. Ya,nner, J. 1,, T. Neill, Henry Thoulpson, to I. It. Hlle., !def. 11. cieear Hot, ef le. Cap, Wert Mel H enlehle, Capt.. A flunk le, Seret. .1 Ntenteitli, Join, F. Murphy. IV Minn, Niager, NI, It Nat Levering, 4,, (I,lllani 11-liinntlny apt. W W. floltk nun, In. It rat', eergt. it. Vice man. union Ism,- ilv In, Lieut. .1 , I liery. Na.inuel It. henry W I Is !Ink.. Henry H liit,e4l,l, lie. /, e org e I . er. 1,1 Ntc, Itrgneon art. III”filtt, I apt l,otorge Brown, Mei", .eteenive, I H , ullne. I, t' Invade, TIIOI,III, ,ery.•11.11I >turr:,,, ittrl,Vrt 1.ti . 111.. J. . air Sri 1.. , I It Itlehlittl P. 'Ls apt.. ut,•• NtLylor, .\ 11,,, lVin I: . I tV I m 11 1' , I.r.tek. II liruc., I!. SI SS II 1 1,.1 .1..1,1 I' 14.1- I,‘ , .1 11 t 1.1,•ttl 11 , 11 PtAt,.. I': L14../ , 1". 11 I.nitt A 11 ; t . 1.1,0, .1 ;,tr, xX 11..1,141E,, 1 nl,l. 111,,11:61 IS XV ~I lenk 1. 1 J 3,11, I Pt, I.ltll A. I I IS lt,A I. 1 . 7 .s.tte• Ho • ' 1.,1 .1 11 Si., 11 , ,,,01a.1 ! X 11.1 11. , 711./Itstu ,l! 161 IL HL a. Nvrg. 1. I . • F.. WI-- .1 z .1,11:t111 NII,II. apt. 11 F lei, 11,11 .1 I. Pit,Ml•• 110.11 r) 1 , 01 .. 31. II .1 N I, - . I.Io•nt I 11. I%z 1... ol It II I'll,, II NI IT I 'I, . 1 I' nte ,•.- I . I t 11 . • L•JI a./ I 1, .• ‘I F••. z H . ME ' lt n trt "- Titt ' , Itt• t:t. Invtuter. n. Mtt.,prt I it 1.1, WII/ NI. t.c.•11. tr., . tit: .1 tt Ntt•t nnit,ll. t:e.n. A I„ rttert.t•tt, ‘l , l Sit - t tttluttl, f Megrats. npt. I. xi, kilKore, Lolrmel It S -4 " I ‘. J• iV Lt ft' R . Ant - 4 N.. , 1 3.1 k er. 1 -41 i lo N. 11. iM•111, ..I ==E I.not Vl:A.tLlngton il I 1,, •••014 , It Ma) J.t. • 1,11 I; I 7:: u+ IAII F. A tt ,q t 11 A. I'.Lie+. •• •- 1,• •It t t . Itr!tell. /...1•••••t$ ••••••:, 1,11. .01 NV IV. ~,,,, • 11 t t 4. .101, I k rtuz6. .• r , 1 .“.; t.Apt Nat . ~T En,nituger, LI %' t II . orwl. It I. . :ap l ~, , .7 1.7 \ apl N l'unnyraeker ft, c• 4 NIA: NIA! .I,..eph “1 A St I% A 1,11,1 I. W , apt ,t•til al' - ttl, ti:14111 tittl tst. 11, litt , ttll I stt,' 1••k0t,.. It \ t yrt. .1 II 1:‘ 11t1.... 2,1, \VillItt114,1(111 .4 - 31.kjut J A Rime.•111,. CApta .1 Ham- • • •4 Jt . W.4O ..I:Ltritm I Nll4l 1i St II 1/141,14g, lit.ntnr. I.tnirten- Ant t•. • , tla. , I IV ./tumlhait tI II I• I rl- -4. .1 i'nptaln A I'. nrit/nr, Nlnvnr. t nptnan .1 It. N 14.111.1 Nagle, Ir t.Thri.- 4pt•121 J Boyle, s .t. I.,,,nasst T 1‘,41,,Prwl I l,r, lust 11, (.11a- I.a.rrett, 01, I 81 , 1111111.1 ttpt 1%1,113, it t/Tt,`l/. W.111.11,4l Dengl.ll, hAs, ,;11,glurr /... , ,s,ver• 0,1 NVIII L1,F.,1%.11,y, Thom?... t I.lton,- Ant .1.....t0t t. nsnming, M lutt ;sex, 'V T W 4.., .in. I .Mori 11. I t_l4lt 11. I ‘11011 ,, 1•' I art T I• 111 •r, ,141 npt I / II ..I14.) H. t It ',W...., la, I 101,1, RE=M=MI =ISIIEMMEiM • LI i. ‘V Fit • , ./ %V r ay, NI aim II .1 ic.•itl I'ifr•r, 1.•1 W. 11. ❑luir sho I' t apt V, Hutchinson M 1%,11141, = M=Zl=93! 12:11 , pnkrutet. , par,. lames T .1., V/Illti I ,IIIMIII, W 0 Mcl Rlll[ll-.1,1.. 11,13 41 • n I fin or , JISMI, Me ( .l,Van tri —Major F. M. ,•hrgv•lt. gennt Miller, I tow \ Ihtv, / , /y..;1 . 11..ral • I ph ant. filjttt - .1. M kl trattttitt, t aplaln t M Maim .1 11 upturn A.-. Fun , ... ' .\:111 ' ::;I t" ' M /•..ittitttt tit•tttl 11.11 , 1V1:11e, t ttlottel 11 I Mt Wm 11.'1,1 , I 1.'1111•11,11 ~, M m Mt %V /i/,11, Frt. M TI 11 /11111, 11 NV e 61==1==1 Alvin ~ 010101 4rtrier",--lie no , t x Ittatti \t',yrr:•n it,wit Captain Jo thti 1. Ilityllett. l.apt.tan It, bald, l'otyttilit !II W. (Alcor", Colonel H \11• tt /• o uter ttillatltt Beth I.owltt, .1. W. Mortltutt.. 10,,,ttutty tint/ Sum:me/wt.! .-stlt em), T. I.ttlw. A IlltdtatetHe, Z Mtou.“.l :i+lt • attl. H. 11. Illnot, Uptrm•—F. 11. CriLgo, .1, kink, 010 .1. A ((01'11 n, t net. It. T. 1 antphelT l'.‘nt. k L. Kent Frte--T'nl Itt%ent, 'apt . .luny t.rultaln I nl/1 F. Wagner, Lent T P. env., UAW. N I. V ? t e n / ' ;aber/e/el—Tttl. 11.. Ileaderattn, 1,1 I. 11. Parke. Capt. K. 1 , . Zinn, lapt .% . Wertz 14. Boyer ./efeersett—br; Ilmehtild, Col .1.1. Slittetln t. art../ T. :Malmo, Northoinp/no--Itrig. teen. selfrltige, Copt Edward holly, l'ttia. linnet.' .1 Reeder , Lieut. Chitties l'hi•lstty, I.leut Joseph Corostock Ororrleiti— It. It. Fleming, Jttinet, !toss Win. Hemphill. Wrstotoreiond.--Capt W. It Coulter, It. Col lteertre A. Anderson, Unlit. .1 W. Graham tntrsler. Urn.llWll.ll that tin! report of the 1 011/111/tlef , 011 're, limtlals he accepted, and t hat tile delegates w h oa., names hnd linen read t i e admitted to seats Mccj. Harry Wtotc, of Indiana. moved as an tt dment that the .lelegates whose seats been contested, be admitted to meats in the t onvention. AdOptl,l, I“l.ll4eolative, . nanentleti earned, Col. Aileman 1110,,11 that a commtttee of thirty•tlll,l6 IM lippotnied to draft resolutions espretat e or the ...nee of the Convention tlen Eider, Or Lattetoiter, said that he had offered such a resole/km before the Commit tee on Credentials had been appointed, and consented to Its being •iefurrtsi. Jul. Collis moved that a COW Mate': on her tnancilt Org.:Dation he appointed. schettek moved no amendment that lie temporary Chairman appoint a Committee ou I'erl l / 1 \171.11. OrglinlZlltioll so consist of one member from each Senatorial District. The motion, as amended. was adopted. The fellow/rig named gentlemen wore an nounced as the Committee: sergt: Anthony Gifford, of POLladolphts, PRIC E THREE CEN Limit man, T J. Kei (apt. A taw F 11 7, regor.. , Lobo .7 I 7 7 J.L111.,,,.11. laol Meconkev. flr Ti. .7771,71 11. Ktttley, Wm. hell, 'nee Loman, t apt ...rod .1 amigo pet. Gen iseorge /..nn. Lot 11..711 IL7'kev. apt. Ain thy' ?biller. torn. son. tten. Clots. 'tarns... seret. Jost I apt. John 11. Walker, Capt. It I. s. 11. 177eas. Cant. .7 A swartz, Lt. bern, 17r. E . Kitchen. It IV.. 11. shirk. Maj. W. II . ..op. Copt I , Jas. httscSowan, ('apt. Itobt..l ner TI. 1 opmatol. Gen Ftsher yelled up his to appointment of it Commatee ot ft ome from each Senatorial 1 7 Resolutions, I. which no m tntttee lions offered to the Convention sh !erre, without debate. Considerable 71Iseusston as to a in elo7lllllllll Of lb.. (01111111110. , In. ha, man."( Dauphin Co claimed Whey Mullen for the appointment of 1110 prior to I fen Fisher. and therefor rat that he eats entit led to the Cha Lien. Fisher staled I hat he was /01 to Inc chains/Sash:lb .11.1 ma himself no, 111,1110, 01 pi la, bun ...entitled to It. nueeig offered 11, before recess, and 4, 101110.1 to /1111001, terefo .ol4 re, only cello (dent. lielnohl, of Lancaster, tht Ftstotr entitled to [tot chairman. tern Pennsylvania was ably represe temporary chairmanship of the c Lasiern Pennsylvania would he ho, the permanent elialrrnan, and he It .1101. ally tit 11101 1.1.111C-4Ster old totard, - shentl7l Itr retfilli.e7l Pig tote to her sous (asen. e llstier7 a of the 1.1.717711 tee on - Resolutions ens elll 1117,41 to 11114 10.11.11 wio.. r.l 1 . 11101.1.01.. 1.101.01 A. 111111 1•01/101110 . Eh, chairman 1 ,(11 ”111.u.1 1,, 1,4 ' ItY slating that he bsd , to •d t Its ehairmati ot the . 0 ,0101, ~ BiIItEMIZESSEME Oen. Jas. W. Bother, t 11:11111m, C.lll, Col. Wm. It. ,1p.“1,...1. II • F. It. Bluglittint (en. .1. F. Coi to/Li. F. Suoth, 101,1 d !thorn. ter II , nip, dol. IL. r. Mason, Cap Boyle, Copt. 11. 11. Hinds, tom. Th.. itpt..l. Alerrill !Ann, Col. Samuel J. B. Melly. loi. 11. 1.. Allemon, Ide • Boor, Add. A. C. Heinolll. Capt. (tins, tot. D. W. ItoWe, Ma). E. M. en Longhorn Winter, C.A. W. 11. Bialy( W H. J. ILmd, tom. S. b. Col. I'. M. Bayne, t apt. Hob, Poll( Jae. (sttnekti(F, Tlh,,P. Whit,', Col Copt. C. N. Flynt. Coptath W. It. done, of Caitlin,. muted to road the following tesolu. ed he the 4oldiers Of 1.01. .ria referred to the Committee on re /i,Jo(to/, That an our enin...• (or and Cleo Pr(snlent in me de selves in favor of that grout and c and soliller, I bran),ono the faithful - .soldiers' Friend, - A. Pennsylvania, and we re.(11.,1 .03 10 111 , . 1'11.1.10,0i Convent ton Li , I' names of ((intern/ (it ant 11,111 1.1,1 is.fore that body for notion, t o highest ' , mews In the gift or th•• Lornmatee cm Per tonent InetAlt. report its ri whnth 0 President—Oen ./...11118 T dolphin. VIC, I'r. -I. ts--I 0•11 10. 1,111,14 iti uee Pi ate Thom,. Copt Ye , .. t , c ol. Win It Thoulao, 1( Cones, ,Lpt Hobert V.,111.4.1i, lit Maio, .1.1.11 C Harvey, lien.. • i d tt in 11 -peat:mon.) oi sithHt,) I' it.itrel, 1 apt. Henry Connor. Bert on, Lieut. Hal r) - sdrinkler, Brenneman. Copt II It Hopkins, Boyne, I ol John h liontnoon, Col ti.orug. W rot. Ideal. W .apt John. I' tutu, per, sergendo It(vt geol.. A .1 Ei11 , ,1t,1.11 0., le , , I Hal rtson All. n, Copt oi ',deo() Clark - , cr.•ti,,r,t,-4 %Vitml,lngt ,Itnt .% .1 I.ravh, ,11.1 J , .litt “nriell, I leut T Ree•l Mot 1., to ad.) , , 1/ 11r to hut 111,1•ITLiM 01:14. op; l'llliestlelphla, • X:lrg belt) , ,atneral t, .•hatr, w 1..ce1, It atll,i .tn,.. , rr h rrnic• rot .r mmy noun tot u,yotli n niii itO• I• i I.lp . lav a.. h ayr hotorol Y.. 1 , 1, 1, 0,11101 It $1,1•11. t.. 1 lit . , roolt,ttaneva u.n.l surrol/11 entl nnun • tent I) tot ..13 . Jun that this on,ent Is 111 , 11111,, ,Ad in Penns) It aunt tot tnn IV no ore you 11101 nie assetuttled Is !run otty, the contluel 111 IA i/1.1141.1 ril 1116 tilo• nay Itnve ttnuetrtall,ed It ! •nthltern, who II) eoneyrt thy held t o eal the goveratnent tut •••I the rent 'taunt, nutter n Welt ) 1 01.10 yt..t pruittete tit,' Not to l..rtit , ur 11l Int rotlttee any TIOW 111111 di, Itz, 11:1. •Jj 011.• J.,1111i1 11..1t tJt. N• • pt .1,11,1 tint Ile: II e :It el the a lir tie t tiattef r, 1. and the prtnelinee evide, :iiteid el :tray: Ineorportarti -.Cat Otet tin" peace titan he at lastir It tor} stay oulpiete Thy tout, sotnew hat 1,1 . 11.4.1 it V\ ill\ t we tn. Thee 1,41 have to fear II thief are t ta principles akl. trasllClont of our ghi tit they ' Mtn they wlll tin fan:thine,' a66nlrutt thorn Y . proven to the whole teekelil nrea Wing to . tilerltlet: your ure a contifty, and yen acre trltaled 'if the I. ohm, and it tin LI July, 1.63, on the itLeint of ctertyshu our ithert) anti tIIO honer of the dr jeopardy, .)ftu proved yourselves 1.14 task of 4..tirlng the one and other, why uta) younot .uctett ate ittl ,111 Let leri the hand of ant n e hie loavtl.ux plooti, I w toy life he it true to h.. nountry. general alsnrattler of the rail of the lion, all honorably illacharged vtrv , tn, Usti to attend and lei pro the beet Internet. of tile tohllers anti hot the duty of thin Convention In preface:tee 101 the iyue -.eater , W It log the whole strnfrgie did all In hi . . -ripple the 0pe1 . .t.101114 of the IntVe OA efforts It. ..11/1.11,1N the rehellto i • heerlllg I. it ianntnoll tit: that Iota: Mien 01:1 elected d•ollliad I tint upoll Cheat a Id. II ndoro the tuagy eat olaZened L in lauted hionnLant, tt annals:hie and we know . atilt , it: lien niraled the prowteta .if Pen ant att ilends of Cater. 'cent:rat inntr)t 1114 i:011.1liet in thute terra/ tine endeartal Wan:cif 10 tin 4111/ all tnen et the state. EINELEIN irlilla'llo Owen referred LO tOpit'S Interest 4 ,, nohltern, lit—the men 4,11,11,4 4.0 ttlown and orphans; eq..' tutantlen to volonteerstand the grant een of honor and profit to those who faithful to the, country ou the 0. and comet att.l an follow, Who mh. ternnee to the rallying ere or t W hat lit, shall bind together the h conoert or Letton shall make per peace conquered by your armed Th ho hy their Kaill hare made the name immortal, and the officers whom. yommon suffering in a co have united them together with 1 suer! oefforal k.follis offered the follow “Ite.totortl, That the delegates t vention pledge thenteolves to eon endorse the notion of this Convent The vlattemnii ruled that this :he ?tittered on a 11.1. 1 11, 1.1.11k1 Its not co the rt•solution that all re,olutlon the 10ut...t0 lon •Inila he referred tnittee et debate. Tht• itsulnt ton u opimmed I:wrh, of Berl, %.I.lregurae.i It . ~ toll neon the lutegtlty of the de rbe repolutaal, atter :wave ,haya io.t aaanialoualy adopt,' by a 'rho (...uvent 011 Mtn 1.011, nap half !Oar o`rlark. Thn tonveution re-aonotatard roar o'clock. Brag. ,jen. J. 0. Uri. regular aroQ .Unionel T. E. hoer, 1•v.19 %...mtvvrs, Ho t , Carthr, Mayor of the city, t.oion 1(10111, Major Patterson allk the latter three 10121 xl.,e requested TO take 84.L4 (Oro. Cart. , torrte, .1 I'Llladelphot, thanked Allegheh) QUM, y tor tit of t Pldlintelploa dole ate, a tnented Itor 4 , 11 het large Union The 1 ouyo ap.ntton w vallo.l detn tor he .oldier,and the hero of Lou tat n ,hould he our next tiOvernor eotnea trout every gravo fill in motion of Capt. IV. It. Coati titers stets, organnzatiou was r tn •• het tonal I ninon nt the Boys in Btu Itrlsittn, nit the regular arm dresses the t eintion. Lie was g sylianta's soldiers tail taken steps Ice to, protert the liberties of the en tined they will oppose ell a 110 are country. The tnen ah., earrlett th the proper politicians of the no when they east their ballots innlted snit it ill be a foregone eninelustnn. Col. heatly. of Boor, reads tin speech. The tete struggle bad pr the people were able to govern II and revivisl, lit the heart,, of the p principles of itepubilcaulant. lie n the nettle, “pays In Blue," a name take tractors everywhere 'shudder, Iteved that on rusurrisitlon morn note tineltrlei ould sound, ,uhl heel L1 . .111103.1. Ile thought if a Auterielin Tribune, we should also tartan guard, and If tl eases to t. odious It should not tie try rewardln (Great Applause.) The speaker Gen. Geary's glorious .111111.1 u y serve whit lied never tllnchent, and who (ruin the conservatism which had 10. valuable Ili ea on the ( hickaltotuiny Gen. Negley ICU Culled 11pOtt unt the Conventton briefly but clock mat be was always ready to ag the en.II or Ills eounl3-. Alter POUt further speuktug Lion ioljourned tilt eight o'clock. CVIININO ,100.101 , The'on vent lon ressoiSenibled o'clock, when Lien. nether, ohairma following report of the Committee w hie!t was tulopteil an a WOO great applause. W e cite to, We, the representati Soldiers era ratios of rettneyivan bled in etelVelltele, in obedience recognized and formally acted upoi out the Common wtst•th having brance the iuifferinga and [rud e the soldiers and sailors of the Unto successful struggle against the gi hellion, and toting determined to p th„ greet prior !pies established by coil sanewled by the blood of our f • rude., do resolve 1. we return to the Omni. ler of the universe our sincere an. thanks for the crowning victory v to our efforts against a rebellion for its object the destruction of our pubile. That the tender care exere • Goifetament and the people for th