DRY ,GOODS. TRYMMO NEW GOODS: Now tar trroitE. Ohs at the most computto and best masted stocks LADIES' AND MISSES HOSIERY rjurgthi: tae N. Tory reasonable prices. Ladies' Gloves, Itltasca Gloves, Gents Gloves, LADLE' AND GENTS UNDERWEAR, L 811 k, *alto. Canto Merino mud Cotton. d ootoptnt oatortotoni of Alorrison's Star Shirts, Acknowledged by all to he the best ilealln Shirt l the Market. "Mt r utailaliituTig LVTION AND AIERINtr hALF 1108 E LINEN AND FADER DOLLAR& Gent's Heased !Jaen Handkerchief. A BALL LINE., AT F. H. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street. W. GOODS Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street The attention or NYholasale and Retail baTera Is dienotad to Ilia list ocarrivals Ta=117a..9.1r. TANS, .NECK. TIES, tIVEI L ALGAS BONNET RIBBON'S, BEAR sliukrm, m tt a WIAARS,. PTB.R ., COLLARS AND Lg ES (-OLLARti AND L I MN I3I , LLAJOI AND ' YEN . OUrre, BLANILR SU•VE •OZBS., B I M , BUGLE Taus- HOSIERS Ma L 1 1 rAN - CY SItE DRESS !PII I IIP I S L A l ll Bt l ialtAßE EACEB 4"' NAVELE GRECIAN BAIiciAL.N. IN - READ kICTS, to., to DaY ar". 12", a- RICRUIL CLYDE & CO., nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. m 7 3 JOB. HORNE & CO. 11.1.178 JUST 0r ICED A.NOTHER Large Stock of New Goods SPRING AND SUMMER, Among erblea may be found BONNETS IN ALL THE LATE PTI - LES. JAPANitnE qtP.74.lt. !RI Dt N, DERBY, 1-1.1 LOLL" BEASrDIC and other °vela , . In „BA-. .411.1:47 33C T. . 11l b 150 1 ,1 .41.5trnb.., ahadea: BELTS AhD BE. TINtit n;OUNAIIANT . .—SETn. AND BUTTONS; .OEIVCAL TBLUIDNOS AND BICADI3IILEIi: 111. DALLION 1.N.T8 AND BOTToNn• 1 3171PUNZ AND CLUUNY LACE. EMBROIDERIES. FRENCH CAMBRIC S. TS VAl E E N riai l ite a D 6 l4 VLAVIT 1ig241437": ' , KERCHIEFS 941 Mew.: DR•S.I 0411 4 21' AND CORDS AND TASSALS; ISEICTLAND BRAWL —allcolors; KID 1 . 1 40V1:8-1he Lost makes: OLOWF.S AND ROSIE ItY In every variety, SPURTS. DERR' 11E4, SUarth VEILS PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS AN I. aIIET FRGNTS LINEN do. do do do LADIY2I' AND GENT'S UNDERGARMENTS; SHAKER ID DS, DLIFLEK 1111,LIFTIC SYitrn-q, DIE FULL LIME OF .rorzo.rs. P'FILXCJ3e7B zacsiar. Wholesale Itooms Up Stairs. Abs. 77 and 79 .Warkil Street myaaUird DRY GOODS! ARBUTHNOT. SHANNON & CO.. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, 11[0.115 Wood St., Pittsburgh Invite theattention of Merchant. to their Spetaxiyatock, otter which they oer at the loarestoaatern ...lees for Coollll. Dress Goods. niefatrzeit, White . 4 6foode...Flanacto, Cloth. Maid. aerie, Sonnets, .rweedA. )Alt![ t• AllEt.ll*.l% .9114MMENILI, 13 ,41 4...A15n AND 131toWN ;SAS 11 " 17 tOLTI ?Mg,, C ? EloderY;67lolres, Shawls, Balnior morals, .Notions of an descrtp- HOnr! 1170 . ,,arvientar attention pal 4 to cmders. A liVeill= l"'Pu Trn, "'"" :l:2 Penn. rISWood Street, plittaltrttrigh. mino norm, SHANNON di Co. c. ataniritoT..P. T. SILLIMON.../. 0. iTIPIXTSON TlTUltata NEW GOODS! , RACRIRS & CARLISLE, te6. .apti-oet. VOW o,l2Ung a elejfalt aosortakoof of alkreQuill; Ombrarf trite fitioit styles of DK . FLA T fet'i'Llt . K NVif ca l Yielfa l le ng •Mbetbre e, •PI ( PraTe l lit Tiat • Wig have:net • peiiel a beautiful lot of • 1 1 / 4 1. DM :Ur LA - CM AND ibeirKTINGS. lea •••1.1 taitateLdi artawrioa ter:i a' d aplawlidaseor nese . • ~Alll.l2Sailti • rei Nll WERTZ DILBLIN GLOVE& WOW/Lel r • new Neteed•wre and Mewls shadow. *wawa:maw • ofwew color, lb KIL tiLoVKA Illr•OK - La d leCTlS—new germ licit co l•Ata &Actin...is: of A. 4 Met , • .c IkIlL wit Eli'd CO r TaNOSZ: web] ;.4 a/IMM LWOW' Tlfre. , soAlvirs: BOLL" li 1a.r../104E.relDWEN1WiuS• 9ADZKAIXILINOUNDED- To:Aerauiti tik and Desilers. LaceedevAiwpariatank, now wen alocked .N. 911 N LINN, well we sa aliVainuee Zed or West. ht" kGricCIAL CARLISLE, I9:.ciem iorltharrAcrum -1,,0 cob/PANT." BRADLEVn,,DLIZT•KK eI.biPTIC SKIRT at htsauliederera' 1.4644. t • SPRING DIEM& n" 12 11 J.Wr i 5091714 a eflopleta assort =cut of the leattak,Noreltlio!, aolootod from 91 lateet lmponatlone , we ere noir ebowlni a veribliplar, STOOK , • . DRMES, . t looiadiaraatlilacplc;atteala Do , ' BATES & BELL, "04 , . at rtrrit intact. • Vr• ' neg&NEWEAss 4 k , P 4) , .; ... , CLATVAILEWCAIIII4 00.0 • p.dam 4,744", WtsiitiOrgeMtnirr,_ ;-' 't.: - - . ~!:.,', . _i, ..' 1).". . !.. ...,, • • m a ter itT:l4g . Vasa iiii , ;. '' •" 1 r., - ,Z4V-o''' ;;'r_' .i y 4'~ ESP gilt !Maki* Ciuttt. NEW GOODa I MONDAY. JUNE 4,, 1866 - ADVIRMING RATES Establizhed by the littaburgh Press STANDING 21.&*.ga. etteutn, slide Ltnes, Mobs Words t the /Awe, er .11-1 Irstkaidwe• hit Um_ .e. eico =zee ['Omelette.. rade time. rive times one week... Set en time., tight ...... lue times rem times..• ............ ... eirvert thou re et re Clem, 2 "reek' three weeks ecr7m . '"' z utzu .... &months ...... year ORANGWOJC ONCE A Nrs Ammo:WA . rwo menthe ''''''' rhree months Ms month o. Toe ._"""a"". CM AND NEIGHBORHOOD (4DDI27O.IPAL ON FIW PAGE.) THE WESTMOREL MID MURDER. Probable Parrielile,Son of the Deceased (inaviTll, toe Murder, Arrested a n d id Cu tall at drimasbarg— Farther allculars. In the Gold : as of Friday last we mentioned the fact of the finding Of the dead body of John Shale, on the Stlctilt., on his farm, in Cook township, Westmoreland county, under circumstances which led to the belief that a murder had been committed. Joseph Shale, aged about twenty years, son of the deceased,. was arrested on Friday and lodged In the Greensburgjall, developments canning Inset elfin to attach to him as being the murderer. Wo have OMont he y following e fuller particularsldsMans. d Els th S ee eon s was cite khouse et ogether, the elder, Joseph, having a six bar reled revolver, fully charged. Joseph took a cireultous route, firing the listed when selmr era(' from his brothers, to Is alleged, although at the Coroner's inquest one of the boys, mil , teen years of age, testified that his elder brother Liu/ not parted company with them during the time they were gone. lt appeased also in evidence that on Joseph repining Ills brothers two barrels of the revolver - were empty, but he only accounted for one, raying Max he had fired at a "chip monk The next .morning Solieeph walked,. he states, twelve miles to consult a "fortune teLler, ,, liring near Laurelville. as to where the body of his father could be found. lie stated that he found it, by following hei drrectionson two o'clock in the afternoon. This story ts not believed. It appears that there was some trouble no :seen the father and son, in regard to Donn ty money, received by the l atter for enlisting ln the army. He had sent three hundred and any dollar's to histather for sate keeping. The enlistment and re...lying or the butinty money was agatuet the tether's wish, the boy being under eighteen years Of age. He was to nave been married on Touradne of last week to a young ady, but the father, not approving of Ike watch, rufnacd - the son's request for money, nayt g that When he (We eon) became capable of taking rare of mousy, he would give him the amount he asked and as mug: h store. Mr. Shale had over tutee hundred Sol lars In bonds In his possess/cat when he left toe house, but they ware not found with his body. Mr. shale was etruek by S. wo balls, Ono en tering st the eyeand pathlng olit et thn back of the bead. and the - IMber entering beck of the ear and passing out on the oppoalte aide. It would appear that to throw up his to it hand, atter receiving one of the balls, as ono f his angora was lacerated, probably oy the ball which entered at the eye. - Decanted was highly rem resisted for bit Lion es ty' withethe accused mot to .•aid to have been. mild and reckless. When refuse.l [smithy tweeted ruit.thilikatetOres in the toe,, of Ligonier width the - Antler was 1,6 io pay. The circumstances are strongly against the boy, but eaye Our 00 176.pOrldelit, ••1 for near further comment until edditlonel ollffilente are Pude. tiltat !have mated may filled upon as correct, near as sue h hinge can be when collected from en excited pi:lout/Ice in aceentry town.. • One thousand dollar* reward had been offer ed for the arrest of the murderer, Mrs. Shute. the wife of deceased, herself offering flee undred.dellare. Another account is • that Shale wes while 16 th e act of puttlngtip fettne, and that the imamate must have held the weapon Mom to the bead of his vlettfs,a part of use explo dee cap was found to the head. The, son un der arrest la stated to have [emitted be ore the Coroner's Jurythat the 'fortune teller' told hint that his father had been killed 03 three men who had been lying In watt for him for flutes tame. The Jury in their verdict im plicated no one In the crime. 8111112101111 .t the Register's Ogee. Tim followlng Wilts were, admitted to pro• bate and Letters of Adsdrdstration granted, at the Register's Ohm damns the numb of May: WILLA. Decedent. Executors. - Estate. Robert Mahan Jas. Crawford.. $ 3,000 Jacob Ackerman........ 3.00° Conrad Miller we Thomas Cald well . l Jae Bryce and Tone Fawcett. 1.50 a Alexander Robb. ane Robb 1,31 e Thomas Miller ... J W Miller A V Mt Miner 'MOOD ar Margaret Irwin .. J Hlrwla.and Cbss Schirarm 3AOO Mary Ann Hogg G E Roggand /no T Hogg... 90,000 James Gllrer as 8 Oliver.... 1,000 James C. Keel __Eliza Jane Neel /dap Fcronlka Engel._ ...Aenry.En gel. ... AM Jolm Beatty . .. ..... ..... 50 Hogh Rowland ....5 Hannah and l Jno Rowland. 3,500 !ATTIE= Or ADYTIIIBTRATION. Decedent. Adminbaretor. Estate. Conrad Miller Cath M Miller . .. 6 eV John Wyble -David Wyble 500 Arabella Graff ChristsrGnig..... 10,M0 James McShane... ...... Aims McShane . 0,000 Andrew Shaw Wax G Shaw Jll.llolm. 3,1 W Jane Rolm. MO Charles D Eva. Ann Evans .... ... slO George Miller W A Passavent. . 200 Adam Maugar..........Fred Meager . . la to John C Jon. Jame, Morgan.. lox Robert H Andrews Moat HAndraws. SO Mary Beane Robert Neill le. i,ato Chas H B Catlin Martha Catlin.... Su Lawrence Pfratikled.. John Hartman . . MO Morgan Bobertaon-.....Joseph .A.lbrie. .. 10,000 I booms Cane John Morgan..... 510) Wm Howe Win V Evans SW Catherine Velentlne...Coarad Beal.— . 50 James Hawkins... -Mary Hawkins... 1,000 George Weaver ..... ....RI Barkhammer.. 500 6tllll Pressing Jo i r ir i . ents Ainiinst *b* ♦ 'rule Das Dem grantea In the Cultod Suttee Clrenlt Court, Mint Won of Messrs. Ilam Ilton mid Acheson, requiring the Con troller and Preildentsof the Select and Com mon Cm:lnane Othe City to ahewer the follow n Interrogatorlem Pint. What tanner Vernon hands on the Mb day of January', 1 el And what dispost• ?lon has been made thereof Second. What monof said city have been eceived aloes sal ute', And what d. s. I Weill°. has tr. in made thoreof 1 Third. Since the ettt day of January. ISM. what funds or said city have been under the control orthe rinance Committee of Councils, or any uttivr.committee authorize, to set• le with . Judgment creditors of said cnyl and what utspovition tom been madeof such fondsi Fourth. la there any fund now under Ilia control of any ootonittice of et:minutia baying authority to Settle with Judgment Otedl ton! of said cityl It so, state the amount of that fund and in abate coning. WEI . , . Fifth. ninear th eniiiob day of 4anogryi-lilad, lust there been any Mad out of whieh the fo egoinaltidgmenta and unsatisned balances might have bsum paldi U so, why has that (mut not, been applied! Sixth. Why have not said Judgments been Seventh.. fl any provision been made for the payment...lf said judgmental if soortato particularly irks:, provision bail boon canoe, and where made The to terroa stories will bit answered Indite Uwe, after whine .we presume the attornies for the railroad bondholders will take steps to coerce arrangum mime payniont. ont, Logan:haws of the oompro- Select Free knuirsidenseat. Cruder the auspices of the Iron City College, at their Lecture 11a11,. earner Penn and St. Claw streets,. on bfanday evening, Jane Trofassor',Butabtogs, the original, far-famed 'l.lglttri In tattillir'„i4:% of New York City, will repeat, his noard,„Wondorfol and hum:krone anzernutoneht given : decently With such tiolnikilied intern at the Cooper /minute: Nay Tom. pitim_Lostions; ent= new ono °l.t a sl4 Ab cmognig with' IT game of. Pa and wit, ima properly called the seam. thniebthe age entihlad ' , Hew York City." To Pc. Pala_ veiny blarepartoire of forty astound- Intermintion of meznp,. Those an0,..z0l tog' &Skinned—Blindfold Expert. dun:Mg' rebitleg tickets will do you to cattto4o 7 t. the above Collego and open thew. u.. Lecture at elgbt. Boors open &Lissom. Lobes espooligiv invited, Awns As Boston Cburter.-.. ullis Irish =la 11 =1 167 , 1 ;: n tra locum to Barney &maul would toe Made t t °rabic Startle told ig:k az t isATori sae . at* cow,a the Appehriniisilis $ 1 " 1111 9 , ir Cianaras„ The, follbwing 4se plate, of clerks In the BurroYor Chinep a 0 1.,„ ileez Theodere cuoi,, c at , Cori& °County; A: P .xinstroolo, ,natkli4 to Wm; nvatur.Andliirirk-;*434114 41 . A..tiabl. well, Blair county,,WillitaHMTUSelltrn. kit! county X, W. Blundln, elnhia; L. iltek/4 somerset ocrruitvf Alfred Tyhurst., Huntingdon countyl A. B. Yodel', county; P. Meth /rake. Dauphin % r -L. Stroup. Philadelphia; Saninel Ake. Bedford county; John It..Shriner; Lancaster , edVity Samuel Hamilton. Bearer county; T. J. MICK, Meammger, Dauphin Malty, iseisieeedirerltargiteeeealn the Vowel*. • fluter Beetlosts,ewliettn•day, Pater_-teillaV, • • • hated at the Asko jam; 'op • latttek, 6 1ariliaPOreaklikenaN 40.7 e tamepa brca oiuukaiga r ythica: k. ere sent= • te the sate, leattteueTraoti •t • • 4 'non nekon crver!by =M= 11a.12 t.•ii t., week I week I week Tones - re. C. W., Juno 2-1215 r. a.—Last night the forces at Port Colborne were aug mented by the arrival of the Toronto Univer aity company. Early this morning the troops took the train to Ridgway. They are under 00 command of Colour] Booker, Colonel Dennis having gone on an expedition down the river. Terms miles from Ridgway nation the Fenians were found encamped to the bushes. The coi n limn at once attacked them, the Queen's Own 00 Ming the drat shOt. The light now became general, the volunteers driving the Fenian. cc A number have been killed on both sides. The 00 volunteers behaved splendidly, rushing at the ." retreating Ferilans with the utmost gallantry It is thought that the Tolerators will at host hold their own until the arrival of the British regulars and artillery. ra Brevet., June 2-0:25 A. IL—The latest news OS from the Fenian camp states that the whole 03 ... Fertlan force is moving. It is stated that the bridges across Frenchmen's Creek and Miller's Point was burned last night. Telegraphic communication with Canada is open. • Niagara river was patrolled last night by the United States steamer Michigan and tugs Har rison and Farrar. Canadian accounts represent that the Feni ens will end themselves very much disap pointed in expecting aid from their brethren and friends in Canada. Burvsto, June 2-11 :50 s. it —lt Is understood that the patrol tugs fired On and to pped several boats laat night, trying to ach thd Canadian shore. We learn that the I teutiod oroclaniation from the Fenian leaders to tile people of Canada, le now in the hands of gentleman of th a city, and was expected to have been Issued yesterday if affairs had war ranted. English troops now occupy Fort Erie. It is not yet known whether the reported fight it Ruigewity was with a portion Of "animas who Were at" Fort Erie yesterday or another party. It is understood that the first Erie Fenhuss went down the titer. Ridgeway le seven miles up the lake towards Port Colborne. It is stated that the steamer International has arrived at Fort Erie with troops from Port Colborne. It Is reported that the Eng lish are retreating from the Ridgway fight. There are no particulars, New Toes, June 2.—A dispatch from Alba ny say.: Governor Penton will issue a procla mation to.day, warning the citizens of the State .tgainst countenancing the Fenian i ve rtical of Canada; also. that twelve regiments of militia are to he sent to the Iron' ler, erawn from the counties or Niagara, Monroe, Onon daga, Ottleego, Jefferson and et Lawrence. d .patch from Montreal says it IP reported 'hat the Fenian, have seized the arias at Itou.e's Point,and were rutirchi.,g on tee British fort at Isle Aureola. Also that the Canadian Government had been Informed that tne United state. gunboat Sliceign has tater eeptud some Fenian relnfOreeMente to those at Fort Erie. British troop. were marching from Hamil ton to capture the Fel/Mae at Fort Erie. A buffalo dispatch ttays the Michigan is pa trolling the river from Black Rook to the bead of Grand Island, with two armed tugs, with orders to sink anything crowding during the night. A dispatch, dated Frenchman's Creek, Can ada West, at 1:30 yesterday, says: Fifteen hun drd Fenian. under General O'Ne, cruesed the e Niagara (t om 111311.110, captured il Waterloo and Fort Erie, tore up a small portion of the track of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rai iros I. and cut the us/epitaph wires Montag to the Canadian interior. They then itetved den the river toward Chtypewa,balting at Ft stlOil 11M11.9 Creek, where rumors prevail./ of ti.e advance of Canadian troops. Breaetirorke were hastily conatructed, an the Pentane were put in line of battle. A man had Juet Mate In wounded in the leg. halt m Leiters were pushed to the front, and den king columns sent out on double quick, and e.ery prepanitlon made for an cog gement. RUTLAND, VIMMONT, Juno N. ltss a. —About 130 Feniens passed through here this morning en roes Noe th. They were in charge of offi cers wesrleg side arms and were mute as ngarde their des‘tnation or o f bus front parties who arrivlal on the same train with ttom, we learn that they Intend to nogg nit St or near St.. &Mena, and titer.- await farther ituaraellOtte from the ...etude der of the arm) of the truth Retablie In Canada. MettmeTt, June 2.—T etc cousiderable excit em. et h a over the Fenian neon. N eat - ly three hundred men have lett here lot Calm. da. Sheet seven hundred piteeed thrust°, Indianapolis yesterday fur the border. Dis patches from Columnus deny the rep 'rt at the purchase and shipment of arms and au, munition by the replan* from that city. 7a 600 ea 1000 1203 22 00 3800 2 SD 1 I 60 i 450 5 7 04 5 9 00 5 1650 II 300 IS I is 12 1 c OO 6 1 7 10 I :: I 2 St oo co 1: 00 i a coo sa co aco 14 taro 4500 3600 24 Jeff Davio Allrwed Comp Leav ing Ale iwuu rla uo Aernaint of Hens, Tairev—Poetava•lers. 10c0...e fax—Par don of Kinnard W tow. gre. NLIR Your., June . I.—The morning paper contain the following apocial gtilpatelme from WastilugtOn : It is said that there la a prospect that the HousisJudiciary Committee will make are port next week of the result of their investbrib Ilona as to the alleged complicity of Jeff Davis in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln. Much of the testimony recently taken has been h reference to the antecedents and chsraciter of the witnesses who are relied upon tomato tint a case against Davis. The testimony so far is damaging in the extreme to the witnesses thus relied upon. Most or them are shown to be abandoned characters and villains of the deepest aye. The citizens of Alexendria are moving be yond the corporation limits to encase their outrageous taxes. Independent of the inter. nat revenue, United States license, State and county taxes, the city expecikto raise 1M0,01.10 Out of a population of 8,i30D whiles and bieck, Irothirds of the Mores are ear rent, and bun, 12.1 la being driven from the place. The Adams Express Company having been twseste ed .50.000 by the rebel municipal authorities. is among those who are leaving the city. The Treasury Department has issued a cit.- , cuter anti sent a copy to every postmaster rib ! relying aver $3,000 from his 0111C01. rtktfillrlug him to show that he has paid his Income as.. ti rover .1 Rater hare applied for a re-Issue of their fourteen year. patent. The last day for filing arguments In opposition is Monday, June sib. The Uttited States District Court will meet yin Richmoud on tionday, and the case of Jet/. DAVIN will he tailed p. D , strict Attorney Chandler will more Its Continuance to ta t , Oc tober term. The oounnel for Davis will then ask that bail for the prisoner he The President has pardoned Richard s. Cot, of the •Dlstrict of Columbia. Mr. Cox was pardoned. antler the tenth exception of the Amnesty Proclamation. excepting those Iron! comes eneral amnesty who voluntaril t he ftle their hin a border State to aid in rebel lion. it Is said that Mr. O'Connor will he In Rich mond on Monday to appear in the trial of Jeff Davie_ It is not expected that the trial ' , rid go on, hut O'Connor is to appear for the mar. pose of claiming his right .o bad If he Ls not tried, and to he set at large under this boll. A steelier statement is current 1-12 J 04.1.0013 nit ales. The Cholera In New York—Seven llon dired Emigrant. Detained at guarsn tine—attempt to Burn one of lb SOlsm • Newt roan, June 2.—St the meeting of the Metropolis Board of Health • yeste•day, 'Prof. Bch°lts, from the tOommittee whine au re. titently oppoluted to confer with the quaran tine eMnailsalen, and the Oototamslonerri of emigration, retuned that the Joint commis. elon sought ecerywhere for a suitable epot !hereon to land unattested em.granta ho may entire In cholera ships, but the tabard. tants of Long Island, Staten Island, end the Sew Jersey coast am dangerously hostile, and ...Moot under any eircutristannes surrender an loch of their soil. Mr. Bergen remarked that Lilt for the mer chants of hew York he last Leith,' &tun 11l ItZ have 09.11•Cfl an act enabling the Board to el, copy a suitable op O. under the right of emi nent domain. Dr. Swlnburne reported that more than sagest hundred emigrants are in detention at onanintine, and th but week they attempt ed to burn one of-the ships. He further added the alarming statement that If another cholera ship arrived today he could not provide no commodations tor her pa:men/gem Forty thousand three hundred emigrant/ arrived at this port dm Mg the month of May, and th e seven hundred not counted above came in we Cholera ships now lying In quarantine. General liteadraaa's inweettgatten of stile Freeduseu'a Bureau—A rouble Between Whites and Blacks eaglet patent. I New Yoak, June 2.—The °arms. o. p ndent attending General Steawman's loves tigation of the Vreedinenis Bureau &ailing nays : The investigation ands considerabw Improvement an the workins of the bureau Lb°. localities as compare g d with Its opera tions in Virginia, North Carolina and booth Carolina, some time ago. A British American negro from New Brun.wlek, attempted to found an empire on one of the Georgia 1. „land,. but he was soon deposed, by hts super for Of the Barean. Trouble appears to bo brewing between the whims and tthteks in Florida, growing out of the skies of rebel , hinds for taxes. A repeti ton of the lifein pllls and Newborn riots Is feared. STATEMENT OF THE HEAL ES. da)T ~ AVINIId oo the 30th .00 0. 11, 1866. A. 051419. floods md Mortgagee, boterllest Me on Real Zetate,) ..... 40 B. 0-20 Hoods 70,404 00 1(01 Bonds 24.0300 heal Estate 401 r rt, 1.1 1 , ...j.A. , . , 31 .:Tia) 0n abort, 2,1140 Mice 1 , Etrolture 165 04 cub axis To Total 030,842 LuisiLrnis. Amount duo lauptiiltots PAM 71 Amount doe DiSpoaltors. Intor-o at May lit, MG G.4/0 Sp =I ontlugeat Pond The above le a true statement. A. A. UARAINII, Treasurer. T ba..D.diteed Acadian, - tnneurlttee; .%111•4 the Booty or the Mar Union, Inaßenda. itertjtagee and securities. and courted ,ttrsppb, 8.4 lira the oregoloh statement reelect. • .• OA AND. Resat -Treat-WV T" . Vigge li sila-sr. B. CMINWItAIitI4 - . at' fionere'7l4l.et: lice;rl, teirligrahlt; ilaarkrt.l! datlttt. int ' ele. " news 't" Datteette la thlettsithrtion at SLX VCR ONNT.jper pa mete th e ..itar In WY and wmar. rhfrly If not - 4 - rirrri, ww be sawed go th. Pri.rl and compounded. _Data VIONAVZ AteDeldta an the /stand _Data darling ,OpenteeDeXhd,Ja, to Welockp, at,youroft r gimrrifoltrtturrit. 05.111%1"q‘411* 07`711 ~.:, ;~_~.`', ~~- I S%fa OUR EARLY TELEGRAMS. TUE FENIISB. Fight in Canada On Saturday—TM% Fent ... Rotated by Canadian Volonteera— Large Lows on both alitita7—Brldge lioresed—Reata wired Into by Untied Sante* Teaseir—Losstati troops. at Fort Erle—Proelamaaion by (los. POPLO. • of New Nork—ll AAAAA a to be sent to the Frontier. FROM WASRIRGTON. ins,sw 60 RI 244 76 w9,8€1 a = THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN TILE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS MRS. WINSLOW'S QUERN HAIR RESTORER not only In MAME. net In VlSTrib. la the Rest nate heat ever offered to the Poblle. An lnlalllble IlArtiOnnit and razaasvEn of the Hair If faittoully apptied. it Is tao flair Dye. It acts 411 - icily upon the rOotwor ten hair charm. lag grey hair to its oreginal life color; arrestinq re . in an ae decay and falling oat or the hair; ercule P sf. lag scurf and dandruff: is curing all hump.of Or sclp. it will Charge dry and wiry hair to soft and luxa. :gent tresses. Io It imparts a 11/Dare' fragrance to We hair. abert, If you throug h restore your ball, as In youth. and retain it rife.. MRS. WINSLOW'S ALIAS HAIR RESfORER. Price el per bottle. bold by all Druggists. R. E. SELLERS ei 'Wholesale Agents. _my/Ikb= IgrPITTSBORGH tiLiW WeEtail, HUBBARD. SRO. & CO. PATENT' GR eIarrITPACTUICIAB or ITND I Warranted CA/3T STEELO SAWS. CRCULARS. Li °rever deserip- On. AWL Mule), Crou-Ont, Gan t and y all saw moieties. All kinds of KNIVES and _SPRINGS, made fro= Sheet Cast-Steel • Extra Relined REAPER AND ROWING KNIVES. &a Eir Werth.. and Wotaa, °order WATIII and Shostr 13-Mtagre, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid gre-tonttang. of in °and Drillinl E dOre :' KT ' mese able rates. notay Ur Wdl . IlattlißlLL a co- Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers. Noe. 2 0 . no. 24 and 24 Penn street. •celired • large end furnished It with LI , . moat approved machinery, we are esarsd To manufacture every deactivator, et DOHA td the heat manatraurAwsanadatliarhminceßleta! PIPES LOCtIbit.TIVE BOILER% OUN LEINTSAFTSO,,tiAIkrrT PLA_Nllp ITA_NA.WILILERS lIRIINIES,T3bOAR P 8; and sole menufeeturers oi BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILLER itestairlue lone on the shortest notice. 440..tt e . „ LAKE SIMEItIOII COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS PITTTbB Ultlif I I PARK, hicCUTIDY tt C blanutneturer. of SUCATEUNU, 811A2.18. 0. 03. ANL BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COTTER BUTTOBS, RAISED STILL BUTTONS; /WELTER SOLDER Alk 111, th Tkara 1.1%,.. 4 '441" In METALS, ,I TI ua band, TINNZILT . 11 ACUANE13 anif - 'I%U - TA. La ll tre luroye, No. t*. fru= and MD annum STILS.IIII, Pitt. but g Special order. of Copper cut to any A area catte.m. mrzwydewT - 14 • 1W1B1111134.11N, REA is. (V., (SW,. maw, to fnutisson. kUnte nIIIIAIU. WAIHIROI WODILS. roundlet, se stn. tlinbarirk. Jlanufacturvra of Bt , AT AND STATION ERI t.:141-14111'1, tITATINTI 2 I 'Mg 112 / * AYIT L th At; d u ncAtt zT iona fi N4. i,t A i N i k and Innos, h BOWEN so- Ag t• fur Olt YA.8.D . 13 FATE NT INJ eCTOta. feeding boner. L 4" -JOILIi COCURAIIi e. BRO., • atannfacturees of MTh VA ULTYI ANL tu.T'ttn tab, IRON BAILIN WIN DOR UTTEEtd, WINISUW UNA/WS, No., Nos. lin • CCuN IJ and NI TIMID eSTNNET, Dettreen Wood .1.1 Martel., Cave,. hand a variety of anti patterns. Amoy and plain, suitable for all purposes. U' Particular attention paid to enclosing Una, sots. Jobbing done at noon nolloss. ala 2 rAtir - BIARRIA44E AND CELIBACY, an Esaay of Viarning and instruction (or Young Iles. Al., Litseaan •nd Abuses which pew trate the ota.l powers, sealed sure moans of relief. int free or ch.ae In letter enealopas, fi. h.., Dr. J. icrl././..h 1111U..1131)... tiedrued ds solatlon, Philadelphia . Pa. turZatslusterT. 1 . 41 r• SENT FREE.-.A Papaptuet of tokaaenoo Kan guarded 4 bear " Old and ,at tee tet a 4* Wit eAre., .411 be Ae li d aratk w : l' CV. ata . 1,1"°"°. W. tt 7. - - POLITICAL re-_ll-1[1.71110N REPUBLICAN EXEC ' Ti Vs eb•liniTTEL of ALLnUMEN tbU NTI Pt/ it p.O/4.7. Jo H • W. RAOUL b..L, Claslrmbn,-Lawrsacaslils. • I'T w N. REIT! •.. ..... ....../sinpnrwnewths. tbEbbnlia 4. 1.11L.41,1nE Pittansrgb nLE .1.. L. PEAltnliti... ....... ....Lowssintn• • 41. M. WILLS.. ........... ..... .••.... Pittsburgh. i.• .1.. T. M. II • 4 NE. .......... __Ross Tasman/V. A.. 4. 0 .T.i.•.1/ 731148..TrVi1: . 1 -A tiekis u r;li l . E il tiqeic ....... - ....... Likoh.. L . Lit.. J. B. (70P ELAND . Ellasbel . C. C. TnYLUIL.,.. .... _... .........cHasssporl. JAE U. MCIMIAIi. . .....UpperBt. Clair twwnship. JEN. eb. E. AL 101711(1.... ...Robin ..si Township. JoH 8 )IaIC.F.L.V I, .. .... ..11. - 11111zu lownsig. niEUPGE WILaWMI .1 ,, N ATHA N Is E. EL V . .. ... ... .11,1. Washington. • wan ibic.n.wow fiestas To. 4. It I.: 40,03 Libert7 To w ns hi p. SIELC titbit VERNER. ....... ...Fislawl.l Township. b, M. P. WILLEn.• . Coll In Tonssbip. JusEPPI n. 11, TL11.21 Pttanntsis. W. B. Ne..LEY. - Pnatrins, Union I'ousty Convention. Pirraiwzon. Juri• lst, The abut. Committee u.li merit oa h %TUNE/ u June iota, _lrak at 2 o. olcrek, /2.1 x. ...al. the °gibe 0 M'lt. H. NEOLE2, Esq.. fault, nab gad 1.11 . 0 n st rote, Plttahuta H . let tet2 JON W. )11101TRIA, Ctialroaa. CtO2It+SEeSIOS£L CONTEATION, 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of theta COlkgrc**lol.l6l Utstriet .re ioquested to meet at Lb. o.o.4placie• or boldiriA elections In the earls. W ord.. Beroasitts sad Townships. Da said Matelot, On Saturday, August 11th, And elect TWU DELEGATES from eieell election .11,•trIct, to meet In twenty (000001 in on TURA. UA Y. AllleUsT 1411 i. AS n/ o clock a. m., for the poryinie of placing In nom/nation a candidate for r res.. The primary election+ intowemile wit/ be held between the hour. of four and six o• i c p iocik, and fothe da .nd boroagb• between the hours of ur and war ren o'clock r o. In the wards and but on wi e. thelltections aeon' ho by ballet. and In the ieti•Lipa by ret•nelng or b• ballot . Sy order of the i , intin it tee. Noatuiiivx' W. J. 131LIWURE, Chairman. U. scut ..N. illitilitoftda t, PE UNION A, i. - f l e l eted Treason at LE the poll GUE . In [bt °ill( r de e-or. cent.. for It. defeat In I.e. Every old member Lime to the Obi.. party, to Its principle. and IMM- Oc ea, le .in•itornou partkapete eleltlelg levet ,nlre. °I. king litlers, /WO capealelly •Cla4cgate from 1. •0C01013■3 t_Ponell to he ota on Vostell tobleo to ...able in Pittsburgh. on WYDNiaDAY, toe sth day of June n• at. Potroot Urother• evert !emeriti of count,, demands unity of action. Fell Low Itual Clove op Lt.. 'coke r Prepare for baltlol Norrspop.rs Womble to 00 tome trlll - 440 to rt l .ta and notb.c. El•order 0. C. _Y. b--Alleabett• ILloonty Council a l l (8 meet Or We I) • r.050u1, !lay 30to, at 10 o' clock, • W, a the P.RE.WENS' 111/Ull, to the Ilsolmt Holum. 01M:b. 'CONGRESS, 2241 DLSTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD 'tar tort plume blinoritat tbsdbpossl otbls Mends. o response to their can purls on h in name l• noe presorted by them to candidate Orb anoints. he for Congress for the rid District. stall:et to tir action of the Union 1/AOIW/can Uottatr even- ~i[NfS.Yr7t~v_rl GENERAL JAS. S. MERU Is A CANDIDATE IN THE 9MD DISTRICT. mtmlmd r4sl -- CONGREBB.—The (Hood. of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY prevent ht. MMe to the Convent:on or th ninfou parte, _fur eois.inetide se •eaueldsee foe 0.4 mhl . err. It the 2-4 Illatrinl. • NUTICEE3. 1.7% um= . KOMI raftli,CoX,X44 11 t0w.15., Ihmorefit.ret CM, Yfoprietdra. tit E Wp11 , 1.0 3108 T RESPEC FULLI szfiatumo Mkt cupsideration of tbe following CO/Cili (a trnstsallaricioill fneemy we hero fldulle =totalled that • postponement w.,01d lar enuatif...d.lla WSW'S. te,th.Pitha° and dararbrea, nametf, that we. prefer Dispose of all the Tickets and giTe the Public all the.frizesy. than to hold a Qua. lily of tacketa (as proprietors pooally Jo) med.-0.0,n) aubfium oar chances of. drawing the arge.prlnes. I he drawa nrunbem .wril be pnbilabedln the Chi cago daily pupa?. .1 good as drawn, and when the drawl., le °Tar oaeh agent will be furnished wi th a G./towel, dot of the drawn namben. lo view of the abolullsossearbleh we hope will prove etaloantly mitts re. . ?i • WE HAVE •PORTP.ONED THE DRAWING - 17NTIL ZICE .• 9th Day - of 'July, 1988 . . • mynbbill WIo6lNg itHADIVIW & CO. U. e. CtUrrrilt HOLT*, r dirt oiifisindun IllinVirgoil'a Witch. M AVEN NOTICE IS lIEUEDT ' t ha t . ocalsd Propagate,. accompanied 4/1"1:0 Pet wur ,, antees, according to forms to heufurnisd,olt agr. pi imuion hi this wilco, Trill be noetvert thematonts tll le o'clock as , oo Molt/AST 71.1110 DAY 12114Ubill. • liliaT. for the supply or the MARIO It atiti_riTd.L,!; near Ms city with t h e artaelea•a,PEUl73loh, : 1111:131CiNit. .30.. estimated. in -Mad forme.. The. gulmtitior Mated , are estimated with neVerenoo .to tho usual amphora( plasmas la thallospital, but the United btateareserro.the right tolatansom or less or said articles, simordamilbss theTaurg heats , Mails required. 1r the unielessiellrereant the Mose pltal aro 001.,1, theindgmenaVot.the..physielinaiat. held h ity, end adapted to the liorpl i V 0111 ' be al gertg to relent the raih",. other articles to their stead:and ett cbans mpg •,-; tractor 01111 any excess In the COatOVer Ule COntraOf prices. State. Inssake ' s {hit SIAS ' o r the proposals for the who* e or as y portion or the arti cles speelned. OHAB. W. BATUIIirJAIII, lituwegor and Agent Marine HospitaL rfli2awdtd N CITICE. PfIiKERFAINENG PART of'the ' pl..e Dropenv Ina &de Isla out Boyd & Allan a t - pledd i ti Viaists:V d p I moites "" orti_ br 0 0900. 1. ARS) . to W. tt * .yl); U. I.o. 2lzlot tl, it gall% aorn-r of Dlnottotut an &Loom), at Loam+ . tßatetet id : 464 °. • uonoms4" D . L. PATTERSON & co. MANCHESTEC' SAW 'MILLS . -- Bisweepitiiiiroi".i:;:t ewe °lli. isiwti; Order& toraU lAnners-res: btOrnit 1414 ttg i v i reit passkosith • ~4 ••.! • - .•.-„,_. .r.,,, .. - '.-.- —,'...• , -• ,, ,: t - , ,„.„. ' ''..,-,-;--!-',..,..,•-7,';A:%; ' '' ' ' ' ' ''''' .l: " . ' - ' 4c4 f , .4'r ' . ':• - •.'..,.-1 , i. , t ,,,,, ,,_,,, , ,, , ,....,.........„ .„ ELEGANT RESIDENCE' B'O ri. The bandnome re.idenco of ALLEN KRAMER, situate on STOCKTON AVENUE, ALLEGHENY CITY le offered for sale. TM. house, In point of conymf In or th ts. ci eon ventencm and elegance , eons l to a e ty. The Lot has a front of fifty feet on South Com mon. and extend, back Slit() text to Water Meg. ntabte, Carriage 11.tuae, eirape Arbor, and every; thlkg In complete order. PoSsESSION GIVEN LILIIEDIATELY • The FURNITURE le the house Is also offered for sale. Apply to JAMES H. HOPKINS. 103 Fifth Street = FOR SALE .T.A.A.14.G1-33 The First Reformed Presbyterian Congregation of PI nit:mix-0, (Dr. Dohol.aa. Pastor,)offer fur sale their property /created on the corner of Plum and Cherry alley., and nit 93 feet from Liberty nreet. The lot It t2O feet by 145 feet, on which are the Church Building. and a Tenant Bone of 1 rooms. Inquiries may be made of, or communications ad dressed to Tilos. SMITM , at the Fourth National Bent, or to 11. C, MILLER, 133 Third street. onl:alaatW7 FINE RESIDENCE Z . O.R. fiIAT3D ; Lrge IN ONE Ol THE EST PORTIONS OF ALLE ULIEN Y vITY. A I and thoroughly inished lire - storyliatible Li la Dwelling, containing 14 rooms, spacious and ry halls on both floors; pan tries. closets and a b 4,lar proof safe. The ample grounds surrounding tee mansion abound In choice grapes and troll, and shade trees. A Diable and (Mach House, with other nut-buildings, cambiaa to make this a first -Mass ridden cc. For particulars, apple to h. B. BRYAN, Broker In Stocks and Real Estate. my 23 57 Fourth at., (Lturke'• Building.) SEWICKLEY commix SEAT 37. OR ES.A.X-881. A anperlor doable twowstorg Ltmck ...welling, with Baal 0411 . 1 .1. enntainlng twelve ro,me auu bath. with niar..le mantle. and general guild tini.h. eb..ut cue acre of &roux . with cite:naive grape Flier and tool Del. tree.. Live ii.lnu.e.• wad: tkwlcklcyvWs tatlun . ..our y tralua on the e. F. W, a C. IL. B. make ti 1. ascol•aot,nta..ar of the :tearer suburbs of the any. Apply Sc a. a. Mut lON, Broker to Stocaa and lieu labtalw, mlkt •al Fourth atreat. iliurke•• k.; ACRES OF LAAID, WITELLN THRICE MAN UTEY• WALK OF HOMEWOOD STATION, MASI. R. IL, 3POR *11.42i.3L.11. rEIMUI LIBICELL. alcaLtaTEll, AZZ AMA CO. ATTU'S?: k. Ytl AT LAW No. GM ' , rant west, rittsbar FOAL AND LIME PlitOPLa. 1 you OAL.n.—vn 14. citettbealrille Lionrua, so•von Inn. livm tae CiLl. LAINTALti IND UN 16 HUN DRIED AN D NIUNT 1 • Al,kliso, steamand Water Plunging .1.1 [um MIL, ant nines Sac I.l.proveztica 41. y ...IL O.lol{l Set.. of MA L. wl Moos Mt 0.1 outface aLgiunlug tno oburo. A/au, ' tau Irafpaa al movrawe Otaglogi, (lontra+ nonsvocl, ounlausigng itl neros and aorea IrOr.forgner partloolara, coymine W ii./..AAN WAND. (i.gppootto Lae tlattlodrl) ho. Ind grant .greet . }'OR SALE. rOneX3BIUS OMEN ♦PEW 28T A Delightful Residence In M'Uure Tp rh. oulUvatic rliro gooci :VI tugs on tlla promise.. Fur Looms, coy.. of JAME.S T. SIIIIPLE, Heal Gnat., oruker and Illatiraion yexti. 11142.1 Act. s. rAtanni A.Leglualy. FOki MALE--S /Farm or 216 acres, alma. la Ilato lowa. lap. a/lagoon, county. r. be Imp. premolar./ aro a lerweaory tralue beast, Ito els room. kltebea, a la.ge glari• tiara, 11. ar arel ofber out-Oulidlaga; good arr euard; sorra 0.1..1,1 Kea In scud oast.. or cul tivation. tiro 1. or Lie oar, ouallt);• ^gamed for grail. or owe", no la all nagarlaid 1 / 1 14 Leal, • very large amount of Lees. Umbra, Pao aeoalala glees meOlatel S waren/ant to elearehra. ...owe. aurae, Sc. Yur f ortuer par.latusro, quire cal II M. Iv 'NEU., de al Age., bit.. 00.11 NVEllat atroet. alfrhaae L'ua !ALB—A, Brick altuate uu Woatbau A eau., Autguiny cutLasiLug aerau rwmw ba..l, room, auu a waned at. ttc. aaa. but nun cold water, and a, luau 4au, w tu wood conuttion; lot 11, by IA feat. Moo,. I nod. adJuaulag above, =ai by LA r.ot. to aO, atonu. Ilia - ua ptauted / d e fruit trera anu yrrapc alua, a Con • anicsu res/denve tor ..ay Liman doing Maslow bum city 115 and fuL particulars, apply on the jUttllbes tO autcHELL, 13 Wong= fir. , AM-Etway. OEM 14'0111 BALE,—SEWICALLEI ilEkit..E. — Taraty.•l2 atm. of laud to • ala i ti ilw* : 7lll g7ggtV4:l,4l4 hith " T vtylo. cellar onder the whole booze. tlood stable and myriads donee. klacettent water. Fifteen intnantat rnat tree., Wending afar). variety. Tame acres la retreat trees near the boost. Cold drapery "'4"'"da'S ("""b7gtrealill'll'ntE Stook and He artate Broker, 80.. lid Velma ousel. MO _-BA.LE . —A Farm or 108 acres, - In Lllzalset4 to•rwallp, A./egnenT ..unty. •ear the 1 ourthogbeny river. lbe IntylvVement• are ...wed Lo[ House • good Barn, enable and are out-bilUdlngs; gen•latir Boo.; t ts ,, oral•re•li ALS sclnsal..arrd; ern. of t•lon•kono. under vet. &bunt feet 1111,1. the uppt yelp 41 w. lee •ety con•cniant l.n• riym. 1. m Wed Om. ~•• vitt, M.) •Id 4. oalt atkd ulsck •Itmt .tht•r trriltaltly-ps.; I 0 ms. Luttliet - D•rticu uttl; WW2, 11•811 &mar ages., m.. 0 1 • rourt.. sum t. mtitmel LOB SALE on EXCELIIIIGE--That very de.trurie auoaLL7 outt, toucan as • Yleu. sot aut**,•` altuallett 10.• mura true UM WV, 1% sato. tavoitolo '• *taco., 14( oases from La. . Warty, furq•eny tela./... tol LeutruiLl O.ao, cunt...Mg 1 134 %m00d, I 01 obi.. I. ,•oLetl .11.1 .rult of us* bout culL.ctluo and traat 'Attu, azrc• crtpa Laraylotta,e tunue, latosati %wawa Iwo bum*, soval istaoll.4. Sc. pLoy Ou_ S. IteLattl L.;••• • LU It earl% *L. it Lai 01 - 12 — VCE AAD IMPIt O VI:D I'kL4./111.5.0 lii LP I La% oLr.aoa Ur SALL. a .ALL. t '7l l u 2l a ` l t . at ,4 41 I.e 67m,1. d.L.at ov Lu•frOtauttr.. %.0.4 attla or rldo**llDu linqulre ut 04,1. r,nWILL4 kluelwood tltattoti. or $3 inam, qui Street. m 7111•11 rlllabuLt/11.. ?wan.. FOIL SAL- plearatit countr, at sill. VW. , al A flr., italinout, ....half LV toile Irmo 10 I lk I ustiurg l'enosyl .are. 4 Land • one oe. Do eolui nlalnlna 11 10010!£11,1 Or unaterla .4t'.UV seal tb. hu-Art .1 La UtrosaUt Iv* uain, or the %NO*, to • alt par. IV Au**, For !wilier Ittfortuallutl, oat, Lot U U VI XLL, tio7aut 104 rupna or on tb• 4. 0. tut% U. kVA MALE, THAT THHZE-STUDY DEWS 13WISLLINU. Yo. lel tkeetel street, tontalraeg ektubt room. sod attic. free and wets.. up mars. ftss..ge to kltehen. JUAN U. lseitay, Stott sod Heel berate Broker. Or/ Fourth •treat. rWB BALE-About rouTir BUILD AU LVl2l,w yousi ladd but by 41. fin![.tu .nd tElysellon Wousl . y.Uuss, close Cu halysymy. Ten.— slosa .100001 closto: balabee bes busy paymentm Its asusliy. sospros en. L....et/lag with cublce 111b bayl•aY.Y. ur 01 4 no Ulu Pr•bus.* slte : LEULY. .1.11111. 1 1.1- n psea.ant location. frouttng on Mahon and dope 021..11.01arel from Contra said let fulmar. sour choke lot, of ground. .erla. el. ca lio t ldlud Mon Ms. Washington 13 Met On 'buifutnet.itift, ggoud itta.2"ZS 1!t0 HT I D. al Marled at.' "ricr U54311r." plAibtor, Back tUralta w .ltras, &tall, and tsafibala, tre e trtt.btirretVrilitt Z i t . r :Ottlero . Z. C . VI: • mrtba laPiratattoal tams, de. apply at the new • IlLatage att4 liwitance tallater IL DAT rata auttpr stmt. LwrrentlerVlta. faREE 2 . lo4inveLt.- f....Argatta tillfartlMMlT & BUNS, M MAD; it. OR MT. VlrwatiLhoTEr EV.,.o,7llVam=- M.1ara147.16.,k4.A.47, 112.1. A.W1011,4• Itukavas. AUCTION 13ALEEL ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT TALE. D' Aline of en order - of the Orptutn.s Conn* , kete ro ott ita n b tyL i th ß e i re ar l , ll ui l be % alt o :rod et potato aalw clar.lsth dal , of June. /866 .1 r trthe following real es•ste o Frengs Istsg.itetrr, ait 3:cUsea ' eVlVl:rot; 1. 1, % E h nt tha west. byi ro. ut . o lt tcr a :olll i bl ann .l7 tZ:Z. , l,...b..withera., owda Aro atm, . t t ii+grf Int , TMU lit • d ksea s o m ezattrot oprtits o d all then f water al the house and an orchard of errograt, Of ft? kin r d d g m ' a t Dortlo./. The faialr /a aseod , ogn HWrs4. - cijnysittosr and Iles one _ 21011.4 of narla of 9 ... poll-half A i t r irafg:7 4 : o :l?:,:f a lgs ter.ge it to town vale. Any person -will please call on Tho mas • al trte lion of sale, and 11e halmgnithl by rear, speared b l b re m 2o 4ad con=g r :t 0110 0, icy _ wett Mum 1 . 1 1 6 =1/Lb c i /littruf.st,=2 . l s: l iardirrin i zr ordazorp tc ,„,,,7 payMb:ll Ifo'LLliii[T, Clerk. I t4y GENBIWII < - mittrarnsa unix .11Loesiwkilo John ft %aro,. assilhoompumS,WisT., t '7` Swart Jtfn aitisrm". 41140.11 ,' , • OPERA 11016 E `•-• MJ-4.MIZR THREE NIGHTS MORE, = THE GREAT CONJURER and DISTINGUISHED PIANIST, PLIC>I3.IO ELT 333111aTaMmit, Hu been retained at great expense, FOR FOUR. MORE OF HIS POPIJ LAM AND F aSHIONABLE EN — EII7 AIN - MEET& Sealant MELLOR'S an LEBER•S. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. L 7 . 88 .1...21D1E,5•a Ica . MENDISIZEIoN Lam night of the engagement of um& EirriE HENDEasoN. win viii itOPeM DIAVOLINE In the EBEINTMLIST EMEITZLERLEII; NES IgIiTIEENT 82 EITURIFLE/ O Jena vrELAT ENXESTIEMER, R, TRE BIRTH OF 017PID• ETTIE HENDERSON AS DIAVOLINE. TvARIETIES THEA TRE—doIe Proprietor, By. TERRELL CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. MORE NEW ill AilLeAt o ilta g r . 0 THE VAHLE TIMgitZIahe Champion (4 0 , p. m of the JOHNNY KEEGAN. the Champion Jig Dancer, WILL APPEAR EVERY EV I*/ THIS WHILE. .ysO: SB BILLLAJIDS! 331.90.."1:77Mtea. .121L4114u x . Respectfully VAIIMAITICCII to his friends ap t the pub , Bo genrradv, that he has oust erred blenew and con:mullions BILLIARD 11..0.41 i t CORSER, , y LIBERTY AN The starsE, epithet a from les. tin!, Tabl new, and wuestauct ed In the most approved d elegant inyle, and .11 the appurtenances are new and w replete. Ry er .. thing which may conduce to the pleasure and pu e .E.. ment of hl• neurons tell! he afforded. royl,:wW 10:.)1 0 f-ilmr-101 JOHN w. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. ..i .. x - rwiems•criß.43l MX, PAL. myeo:bm B. C. NACESZLL J C. DI COMBS. MACKRELL & McCOMBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. W. J. PATT10(101.. ( 71 / rA !tow.? 1 311,..1 . ST AttLnwney-.1- #. J. & HILL PATTERSON, Law and Claim Office, PITTEIBUILCid, PA Pensiens, Local and Government Bounties, Back Pay, erlse Ilcney. Au., collected. OFFICEEB' ACIOUNTB ADJUSTED. Collections made. Deeds Letter/ of Attorney, Nu. 4MA ie., written, and all legal boot ees promptly attended to nlytsuasa CLAIM AGENTS. ARTHURB & RIDDELL, No, 135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa •ALL DISONARRED VETERANS Who dad not Receive • Loo•l ?aunty OR THEIR HEIRS, Can nave the same rollasted through sta. Apply p alty, erson or by man. aplerendeblawl, B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent, V. 81.,fiAN. COM" Oleo, No. 67 Fourth Street, (EIZOOND FLOOR.) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made aunt claims are settled. and then by; • =tolerate hse. toga:hos JOHN A. STRAIN. 1 AX.3a10.1=1.21e020, Justt. e of the Peace, AND POLICE ILA.GISTEATE, Mee, In Filth St., opposite Cathedral, PITEXDUkitia, PA. Deeds, gouda, llostilaaw%lediixAtite. Dspoaltlona and all Legal Ilesluau executed with promptness and dispatch. WILLIAR JANCET, NOTARY ESTATEUuTIVE OF THE PEACE. AND HEAL AOE2iT. Mee, corner of Butler and ilsaro rrrrr se, LAW RE • cEViLLst. ot=ljdEft:jethe to :oh; lV:4ZTeuiTh d e ;I ! taiL4:ALlAcknow lensit ' aut of all kinds of Legal Justice of Liu reliLLldAlrotj,s'r4,‘NlClal, Y euTVlrtmle E HFJ,TAa ~ MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Penney/canto 4venuc, Foot of be Inession cid °Emile Urdu Street WILLIAM F. 80313, NOTARY PUBLIC, 0111 co, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. ..7.7...., CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, Ne. 60 tiILaNT BT.. YITTBI3I/8118, PA. airCoranitssurnor for Ohio, KOMPCILY, West Virginia. Minoan ow* other States. naylkaW VI MIT ARV C t 4, PENSIONN a... BUUN TIER, Baca Pa I' , amt At CUM. rJr or 7 description, collemod by Lbt Stlinti u ber, al a ,.... . Co o s rag roam rt.: Pet titlloam Au..., at 1.. btamorul atrom, camomile Um Court am N. B. ISsar rZT kR KM L. saa. p. 6111:11.6. KEIL & RITCHAIIT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •ND DICALENN IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed. &c. 349 LIBERTY OTREET. my 24:er PITTSBURGH, CA. WILLIAM- buce.sor W ALEX. Uug LK, . . COMMISSION AND FOR WAR DLND XILI77MIL , OI2ICALItoTT., " Yo. 102 SeCOlid Strret, Pltt.burah. pa. /61 - Agent for the . `St. Louis — Lesd Vine sod *teet Lead Work, Dealer In Par and BAH L eHOT, HEMP, 1110: LA Y, Se. Conslgneeent s see Itelted .4 Orders prom p tiv alof. tny3l:bn4 ==l DAY. CELtiIY FORD, Conseni.salon Merchant, And deal.! Ph...META 111-0011., NOVIL AT IiuRAP PHA n, and all kin& of Itolllot 181/1 mu arils.. 6 •relionss and (stare. Nos. 386 and 3fin N r TRuu ET. b Lora. e ifl Ls had. Conalan men ts rottelted. ya:i and r. oaraNs J KARNIDY W. UAW CR. )WENB 3 KENNEDY & UARPEII, CUM Stlaillttla Hi:HANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In rtittittliA A ft I ) 1.8)\18671() Plll.ll fr., SALT, FLOUR. 81•TTEK, Viten, lU. TATIALB• a F nd In horlaions and Produre go n• erally, No. TO EI/1 RAL .4 1 / 1 EAT, opposite tn. Railroad Depot_ A1..1,011E11, I •. Flew W . J. STEEL & RHO., late en. rrr e- T • 1110 & n'teast., 1101 , 11 E • tiAISIIneIoN 11e.itCHA1.18, recr/ve and aril Flour, turn Steal, Oats And Corn, Bran.. liiserr. Lord, Hutt, r, 'ir Kegs, Purl, llreen And Ur, Iruits. I . .itAires, rlal And lAnArs bred, YeAtrers, lnl harrrio,.ll..er Voles, Litre. null, de., &c. a - artier., Att. Oiler raid to the Sale at( Furelen And Itutuestic Fruits, Au Third street, riltaburgli. len:seri CHARLES C. BALSLEV, Produce and touhxdrosiou iderebrint, Warehouse hi, Lll3llll 71C STItICET, Pittsburgh, Pa. 11bolesale isaler to fluttcr, Cheese, Lard, Eg Pork, Boson. Beaus, 'I sllue. Feathers, Brown, Potatoes. Hum. .a) Urled Fruits, Green Friills, Unions, Flour, yrain, ciu.sr seeds Timothy deeds,Flax deeds,'Same and Youlto. Particular attertlon Risen 10 Conalituxuenta. J AM., GU M ' BANE & .414,41E11, cOMIMISSIoN anct-ti.Lprts and dealer. 111 FLOU R., ti guad eItULII.II- if, o4,eund street, between uo t and Sualttleld. Plttsburxb. Mot.. MOSTLIt JUN:: •161.....1.0. h.l . r.nflD WEE& AIKEN & aierenants. d dealers in Foreign anti Domestic Fruits, Flour. Gutter, Ulireae, Potatoes and produce gr nrrat, u. c 6. LI it t STI:LEET, oppuel.e. Passenger y Plusher/Oa. or, GULP.. one. attar...HD CIILP & SLIEPAItD, Cominission Pro Men:name and dealers In Ylour, ttratn and - duce, Nu. 547 Llnettystreet.. Plttabe-gh. Lltoice brand. of Flour (or Baker, and ?amity use constantly on hand. Particular attention pal ti d to lling order afar flu - chandler generally. oclGly LITTLE, HALIFIJD & PATTON, WhOlellaleOOCert . , Commis tun aterchania,and dealer, in Prodnce, Flour, 114uu, Clieese, Fish, Lattanzi and Lad OIL Iron, (lotion Yams ami all Pittsburgh Iron, generally la and 114 becond street, PI/tenure, or . t. P. SSC/. Tuba. raTc W— BECK & Co . No. 286 Liberty steel, Pittaburgh, I 'a., Wboleasle Merciunu and dealers in Coen tgn=e(l,l7re. / 11-1:1 Santo eese, Ash, se., TrLd.e., ° l , lo., own; al:: Omen .d Dried Pmts, &e.. 8515 and Lime. late Y. 1EDYMJUL.......1. B. Itttlitl nivlD. D. ILETYI.II. hiEII(BIER at. BROS., (Successors to Selmer a Azdert,o,) Wholesaleirealers ID For- FFo.lgn traits, Lad tlplced, Curderthanery, Sogara. ireworks, 10" Nat. IS Lod /ZS Wood Street. shove MO Pittsburgh. DORY. /Mot. ANDREW 6140.1. - - I.? KNOX & SON, Commission 1.1•• Lesion In FLOUR, DUAL; RILL FEND and PIN/DUCE generally. No. Ts Ulainund. opposite City Ltall, Alleglemy Jal7:lyst _I 01311 E B. CANFIELD, Goir oL ission , F and Forwarding Ilierctiant And le dealer tr, Western Boners Cheese. Butter. Pork, Hamm, Flour, Flab, Vol and Pearl Ash ealeratus, Linen and Lard CW , Dried Fruit, mad Produce Generally. Nos. 114 and ISG Front street. Pittsburg Is b. 1111T111 A. 0/L417. ~IIAFF & LIMITER, arehCao PRODUCE tt.n FPdggh.4 War... No. 211.5 Liberty street, Plitablirfti. F. roan L nounir•-• LDWaItD HOUltr...Wat. IL VOMIL. JOEM I. HOUSE & 111108.. aucces- Sons TO JOrth /. amiss a cht., When/rale tir am and CoMiniaeltin Merchants, sonrer et Smith field and Water etrrets. rittoburalf IMO . . JAMES DALZELL at SON, Mane. facturers of Lard on, and Commission Merchants for the purchase and sale of Crude and !Maned Pe. troleum, Nos. m and 70 Waver street, Pittsburgh. Advances made on Coneignmemm. CEIODIAKER LidliG,Whollesali dealer* in Ilrocerlea Flour, tiralu, Product Pro elsiona, Cheese, lult, Carbon No*. , r Wood threat, tutor Liberty Street. PitUbcridth _ *shay FrM - MEMTIiI BOY'S CLOMILNG. KNICH EBBOCILER, HARNEY. G.&RIBALD . A. and CUTAWAY SUITS, ICERCHANT TAILOR, PTIVIIBUBEFII. PA., ==