II .r-0 ft _ PIIIIIMREIp BY P i § efMAl4 'R EED &CO min - - P. t PENNlZlAlrlsaitors. JOSjAVVIt i Na ir' Haziness IZlftli!lkgers. NELSON PWRACIOr ?&ONDA JVNE 4,'1868. tRITOS?REPIIBLICO4 , MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, 07 CIIIIIIRMA,D 0017X71". SAIIIDEL itt.'IDtIII.LICY, City JOUR 0. , 811.01Nflettamptnn Tp ,: , cran t i op trtittrakli cocrxtr: .A.Ltisaroza 1111/.4,NDS, City. ==9 .11* . iwrzu: 301lEPAL U. GAIT, Plum Tp coloosszoxxm GEORGE HAlt MO %, (314. DIMICTOB. or Poor: J9IIR P. DUMP.. 3113111 n Tp AT : JOUR P...0L4P43 SSZ, ILSICLity. Tp. iNUEL CHADWIC ty K., Tp. CO wuxukiEVAL rstßa. figs. Tp . GEOEUE- ValtiKlF:s,..lfortn Fayette Tp WHAT IS MEANTt Early last winter we came to the conclu sion that P resident J0112;80'1, Secretary BEWARD, and others, who were acting With them, meditate itreachery to the par ty that coofided in them, and to the prin ciplea they had professed to cherish. The lapse of time has only served to strengthen the positiveness of that conclusion and to augment the intpregnability of the evidence by which it la fortified. . We are not so Incredulous as to judge men by the motives they avow. The true test is the scope and drift of what they do. It is easy to assign specious and plausihlt reasons for actions. All the great historic criminals, who have preyed on nation , rather than individuals, have done this ay it often happens That bad men are no fully cOnsclous of the dominion evil motive have over them. Ilanng determined tha• a parta.ular act or, policy would be benefi cial to themselves, they cast about for rea sons to appease self-reproach and toanswe. the complainings of others. Often they deceive themselves more completely than. anybody else. JOILIVION, SEWARD, MCCELLOCTI, WELLI:E, BLAIR, DOOLITTLE, MEOW, RAN DALE, and their associates, embarked in e scheme to demolish the Republican party. and build up unother—a sort of political mosaic, composed of rebels, copperheads, democrats, and citinservativeßepublicans-;- Which they hoped -would control the GoV! IMO:MAAR many years to come. These men were notall smutted by the same mo tives. Some of them had doubtless attained through the successful prosecution of the war all the ends they contemplated in en operating with the Republicans. Some, whose highest ambitions had been bathed, cherished an imaginary sense of slights and humiliations, and longed for revenge. Some were moved by lust of place and power, and thought this the surest way to clutch the coveted prize. And some, throw u by a fortuitous concourse of affairs into v.. sitions nature did not fit them for—easy, quiescent people, surprised at their ow it luck,tind eager to, retain it—were swept along by the magnetism or Master)" et wills always exert over weaker. It would be absurd to expect these tarn to sow their purpose, and disclose the meads by which they were resolved to ar. compish it. Principles and policies were put forward; and adroitly urged. But, V. degrees, .it became necessary to make a. show of hands. No man who has given attention to political management doubter to-day but the President has a definite and cordial understanding. with the leading. Democrats, north and south, nndis acting harmoniously with them- SEWAIID,. in his Auburn speech, wimitta as much, though -he strove to blunt the edge, of the ndmission:4 wreathing it with 'dainty phreaeologies. Ihat, then, remains .fin Republicans?. NoThing, except to stand by . thelr plea and: maintaiwtheis,honore -The de cbitntli Prl/arelpl4 - of the party are not less true than before because of notable defcc tions; nor are they less important to the welfare of the nation. Wel Caine into ponerthrintgh their defence. If adhering to them, it becomes necessakytOgo oat, let na do it with tho grace and dignity becom. ing sgteat party. t : not, believe the :Republican party [a clemit tecdefeat; and lewd of all inTenilailvati*. The omens are nut in t i'latdivegtl° l 4, - VtOtiCiappriaof the Com raonwmilth the titlingvennie that the titttittoani.,ate tailing luttliwg,piepaiiiitor., to the tali riartpaignrtutdhwan- to'irin a brtillantyietory, There May:l,3,l'6w lag- Far iH aiiirioieheads, but most oith ese eventually shake elf their lethargy, „ E „ griefs, end 'tale hold with their Corm., eirneatiedia. , We heard last. year and year before,ft gooß deal of the dangers that en virtmed the Republican home; but resultb . piiiied Mese croakings to be without loam elation. Precisely so Is it now. A magai_ ileent triumph awaits us in the fail. Let us &ea:rya andtajoy it: DVRING the debate in Parliament on the bombardment .of 'Valparaiso, some or the speakers liteelghed with .gteat severity against the attack as a barbarous and cruel act- .- 13 nt 2dr, Baillie-Coehnine, who has a moat unhappy faculty; of . reeollecting some Wiwi which hitt countrymen have done, tired a heal-y9qt at the crider Secretary, Layard, and, the other critics of Spain. He reminded Mr. Layer(' that it was only butt year thatlio rate in his place to defend the bchitbardraent of the AClen.seleas town of Kagosinia In 4apen.. Not only so, he could remember- many debates in which honorable mernbers itailittStiiicd the Ism, bardment of. the • defenseless cities.lle told.thenelluitorLireklisb -tatinoek-bad bom barded Canton, causing imetense loss 01 life; ?eealteefiiirAntul poprringveret pot ; ad mitted into the city in full uniform. - He referred to the wanton deetrufi l iutt of Pekin, when tliitliArloVs'paliteewas . sacited, and ProPort3 to the aintiunt ot millions of Petuldir , Was-iLt - an :iteilof Vitridaftsift de stroyed. Good memorlearnay be pleasau; but Mrc-F. P c4nu - le ' *3l4 tl;ei7iitztikietinS tO some members of the Parliament. • Wirerr the nOthltla../Oe or ItteKEzfiTY tray before the Senate for consideration Itfr:• ()well antitothke . d'ttriti rtijii:tlon of Ll4l gauge:n:lin' toe , Afiratuttorthe rn .Itletrjet would :con- the .Republican party nearly fiva4tonsan_44sea. Re atm stated that : Ilia, _ie;ll,l,ll QC W ARNitAlir - TOR as PelitituttiV 'Woad coirlhh . party threollittAind - votes:' Jlfr. Cowan 'la the .7:iiaLt:.F-EzvrOcieingentpoz4ll4tii toilgtviiii?Or•pibrego43, l l7l,o2,ol?:publio I. *tprql :haling the: the • Tzu: Zititionit,TitiCke*grAusiPectrieljaA gritiavnullsitemtonjo 045,1.!.hoVcdoni,..tk' put oTar:the,Pretidlit'ollr9- -, - - ana tc 41.411, iilii•onrealiwatitedietoofir - . .- SIEETING OF RELIGIOUS BODIES Having already giv#n a brief.syuopsis of the proceedings of the Clldi Presbyterian Genernt4sse*blies uP to the third day, we resume at that point. Immediately after the announcement o f thePOnatnittoes on ByttOditztlArteports and the reading of the Church Eitension report, Dr. firebs•reported on behalf . . of the cont. mittee:, appointed . to seleet, psalms and hymns and prepare a book with suitable Aunts. The result Pr their labors was the "Hymnal,' which has provoked so much criticism from, and against it. Dr. Krebs referringtO the names said, that although not absolutely new; it is desirably distinc tive in this day of confusing common titles in the rabble rent of cornets, flutes, harps, „makers, didchners, ancLall kinds of music, sorrowed from .Nebuelndnez.zar's orches -ra in the plain of Dora, anti, "the commit .ee were prepared to sustain the report with arguments and examples sufficient to till ft wheelbarroW. Whoever, said he, owns the book will make a fortune, and I had rather this General Assembly should own it than any body else. Considerable time was then taken tip discussing the Louis. villa Presbytery case. Rev. Dr. Nelson, representative from the New School As sembly, being present, was introduced and deliveretian address of the most fraternal Itharacter, to which the Moderator, Dr. itanton, replied in the same spirit. Fourth ! day. After devotional exercises, !eport of the committees on the Cburch Extension Society, and. Publication Society, were taken up and alter discussion were adopted. A memo rial from the Convention of Ministers sad ruling Elders, held in St. Louis, with the name of Rev. Dr. Howard, of Pittsburgh, se President, was read and referred to the Committee on Overtures. It represented une hundred and eleven persot4 Dr. Van Dyke offered a paper as an antidote to the memorial, deprecating the continuance o • .he strife between the Northern and South ern Presbyterians, which was referred to :be same committee,Dr. Stuart Robin son, of the Louisville Presbytery, sent in a ,caper, which was lead. No act ion was taken. Fifth day—Report frcm Commit 'ee on Bills and Overtures considered. Re tort of Board of Foreign Missions read, from which we learn the Church sustains missions in nine different countries and at ill stations ; have employed ill ordained missionaries, 9 of whom are natives, to gmher with 8 native licentiate preachers. there are 17 lay laborerefrom this country end .74 female assistants; 140 native teach ers,!with other native helpers; 427 scholars are taught in boarding 'schools,, and 6,4:3.3 in day schools. Them:anion chetrehes have a membership of 1,193,,0f which about 176 have been added doting the year. Three deaths 01 missionaries have oceurred Idaring the year. Tile number of missionaries now employed is three more than was reported a year ago. The total receipts' of the Board are r 207,526.65; the expenditures $210,376.92, leaving a balance against the Treasury of $2,849.93. At the close of its consideration, the Louisville Presbytery case was resumed. Without reaching any action, the matter was laid over, to receive the Rev. Dr. Vermilye, dele. mte from the General Synod of the Reform ed Dutch Church, who addressed the Assent. bly. Sixth day.—Shortly- after the opening of the session, the Assembly proceeded to fixilextext. plarnnf meeting. Cipeinnati, MUM:tore, New York, Dinellle, and Bra' Palo were nominated, but the first place named was selected by a large vote. Com mittee on 'Foleign Correspondence was ailed for, when' po. Dr. Cosh, of the Free Church of Scotland, was introduced. ‘rtus occupied eldest the remainder Of the morning session. itSOOADEN Third day's session opened with a prayer meeting of some length, In which earnest prayer was made entreating they assistance of God to aid in the deliberations of the Assembly. At the chase of the devotional services, the, Committee ,Ortlitintittrial lief reported • that $8,300 was/ 'contributed, this year, agaltut.l3,6oo the previous year. / One hundred and Mit . Petions were helped aniainseforty-four the year before.: Committee of Conference, with a similar Committee of the 0. 8. Assembly, was or. dered. Committee on the Judiciary, 01 which Judge William., of this city Ls a member, enquired, If after taking testi mony In the casa of an accused person, may, they proceed to pass. Judgment there ortailthe were present, or shall he be left strilltly limier gees/are for contumacy. It tree decided idlivnitlyely., Judge Foote suggested that the views of Life body the stoß of the iron:airy -were!eapedell. Cont. th.30,1106:11 ited':itad''Cudired to report. Committees announced much of .he 8444..el l z d eter of the other body al ready" pub . fourth day- 7 The usual devotional exercises were held at the open ing or the session. Rev. Dr. Harper, re - presecitingthellnited Pmbyteriartfiltureb, AeliVered on address, to.whteh the Aiodera tt't.retponded inappropriate words. Fria , di:Gluon of the/morning 60651111 was de 7°teit t i4eudderiek,ille report on Foreign ilism°l ":" *porton .Church Polity trite .resented. A' , :the afternoon session report en Church . Erech aetavas.reed, recommend /13g the abaudonme* e n tim s y s t em °m ans , and the adoption of that 'utdonations. A Ise, favoring Ultappointruent et General Bee mta'7' !•r• N. Y., Vabseleeted as the. next place of • meeting, owat io t hi r d Thursday of May, 1867. i iflh dity,_A t the Pray7,C'9/04,id"The ,opening,me seasien,/tnesubjett was the- evangelization' ofthe world. Find' thing preednted when the Assembly commenced thelmslness part of.the session, was , to hear. the reports of the delquitas, tO the correspondingbodies. ,Reports were made of visits to Congrega- Meal, Cumberland Presbyterian, and oat. er bodies, Rev. Dr. lifeCosh, of the Free 'Church of -Scotland,/ addressed the gum bly at , seine length, to, which the • Modera tor replied Melly. Retruthader of the 5t4,... ohm. was 'spent disellsallig the - Church !Erection report, on Or - loan; "as the Sue fitiotl wife t yr9 3 fairaClWil to :thist .prin- Hixtb day.—The entire,morrithe aessftua was devoted to considering the re. poxyon EreOtion ianily& principle' waviettled, as rceonr trigittlelhi the ' - Ekuniniftee.i.o. give dons- Hone instead of 10an5,.% , a 'vote of Yeas 189r,rtays- til e absent-2q. The - totem-stir hf tkAalb Sehoola occupleit. airtiose• the en ir , 4 1!9194 4 `VAidrL', :atiort Church.reettrilart?nmtition of - Judge:Wilgates, of PHiailltgrhllkitalinalliadopted by a large. Majorify:''' The seventh dap was an excur il*to .Philftgapb- -• te 4pr01?5,/ &cola et, . - 44.4 , seigt:.strteav a Saud 810 ,57 told brProtegeor suck KA! Aiditib i d.rg-. . 11 1. cocOthiln, OtttoutWorfetAtuva, be cou, rr.uiwoll a modimit.;.. - Carlyle as Lord fleeter,-obierving that althougiv.he had.enroTe e d . itiAgste'the, Vt lie ttiv vo 44 a, °baleen; ko-ptrui iliakiierzipa us anent/ ,ychi!! lie him:dr would talle,eo:ol4, W i4 lOihiellVradlit'soliei, Of ide ‘frie.Ofie, ho were trying:to Frew cerloto c00p:1.9E4 19r, the 2etti Plq 4 9e4!'i - ot tbeLvolextf t 4mign i , ipkagfitieov; ...rwill ism noththe of ,On '. 44.4l3 olcencrtontlitkot. j.,Tt,* Idte AueLrian befirre.ua,4w Dalin litis'izari. iattomicutAkiky - 4,-_- .rit , tc! Vit/4 130-1: '''}' Z' ' ' ‘t-i.2f,i W a ys .C.' $6 - . ~ ....14 W .-4 “..1 ~. -. ME ME OLD SCHOOL. EIZZEIEM M!MM IiENERAI. NEWPI —Atlantaiis to have a theatre. —The Fenian news is portontious. —Senator Wright is couvalestnnit. —There are two thousand licensed dogs in Cincinnati. —The Soldiers' Convention assembles here to-morrow. —Cardinal Rosti, the librarian of the Vatican, is dead. —The Sanitary Committee of Philadel phia are busily at work. —A boy two years of age died in Detroit from the effects of fright. —Mary A. 1 1 .11 Bostine die.l in New York at the advanced age of l is year. —The Democratic State Convention of lowa will meet on the 14th of July. —Ono hundred witnesses have been ex amined concerning the Memphis riot. —Three children of emigrants died in Detroit of either the cholera or ship fever. —Bourcicault has . written a new play for Mr. Jo. Jetfarsou, entitled "The Parish ClerL" —Mrs. Cloud, of Dearborn, Illinois, died recently, leaving a small tatnily of 160 to mourn her loss, —Harriet Hostnan's income is set down at $15,000, all of which site chisels from the original rocks. —Dr. or Duke Gwin's imprisonment and release hid nothing to do—so his friends say—with the Sonora Colonization scheme. —Pattick Connolly and William IP('ile were suffocated to death on Saturday in Philadelphia, in a cesspool they were draining. Toronto dispatch states that La ifinel re publishes the announcement that the Pope has declared himself in fayot of confederation. —Judge Erskine, of Georgia, decides that the teat oath, as applied to lawyers in the United States Circuit Courts, in the South, is unconstitutional. —Gen. Fremont has sent 4.M25,000 to Washington, by an agent, to pay the first installmdut of the purchase money on the South Pacific Railroad. —The Ron. John Wentworth, Just re li turned here from Illinois, says, to use his own expressive phrase, that "my policy" has "gone up" at the West. —A. delegation of Phila•lelphians went to Washington a day or two since, to ask the President ar.l Gen. Grant to attend the Flag Reception on the. 4th of July. —V. Hugo has lately received from his publishers $50,000 on account. "The Toilers" brought him ono hundred thous. and trance—not dollars—as published. —Senator Lane, of Kansas, rose to a personal explanation in the Senate on Mon day end denounced as false, charges that he had received a bribe of twenty thousand dollars. — Michigan is to be to the United States i u wood, what Newinsile le to England, and Yennsylvania.to this country ntnoal, or California and Australia to the- rid, in gold. -A. rumor is circulating in Germany that, In case of war there, Gen. McClellan, who at present sojourns in Dresden, will he appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Salon army. —De Lave, the acrobat, proposes towalk a wire stretched over Niagara Falls,'carry ing his wife and son on his back. We know a good many husbands who would attempt the same thing. —W. Veirs Bonk, Esq„ of Montgom ery county, mad Frederick Stone, Esq., or Charles, have been litatied as conservative eam.idates to represent the fifth district ut Maryland in the unit Congress. —ln Utah Judge Drake has denied the right of the Territorial Probate Courts to naturalize foreigners; and has himself re fused to naturalize tdreigners who practice polygamy as being in TlotatiOn of the act 01 Congress. —Colonel Thomas A. Scott, Vice Presi dent the Penns) . ly:4llld Railroad Gum pa• ny, notifies General liana - sup that tree passes will be issned to the delegates to the Soldiers' Convention to be held at Pitts burgh on the sth. —A machine is now in operation in New .lersey peat-bog WiLiCil tunic out twenty• five tuns of pressed peat per day. Tue peat is pressed into bricks, and comes from the machine as hard us bituminous coal, and much neater to handle. —A deeperutts ntfair, occurred in Pulls, Sy.„ nay 2eth, between Charles Hilton and Noan Alexander. Alexander stubbed Lithos, severely but not dangerously, and in return revived three pistol shots, wounding bun very seriously. —A grist mill at Middleton, N. Y., op. pears to have been "dealing death around the land" by infusing lead, with. which crevices in the mil -swnes were tiled, into, the dour mad-meal which It produced. Thh' consequences are quite serious. —The cholera on board the Peruvian seems to be of a pectrliarly malignant type. There were thirty-eight trosh rases on that vesael yesterday. It must be .remernbered that this vessel was not over-crowded, and lta ICCuchti condition is described as being cleanly and healthy apart from dlselsc. --The programme for the European Con gress manatee proposals 'Mal the Schles wig •liolstein question tql,adlimittaxi to the decision of the inianbitantat. and that-Ve net.a be added to Italy for n certain corn,- ~diem, Italy guaranteeing the tettitioral authority of the Pope within its present —The project has 11,11 started at Chica go te.dhspone of the Crosby Opera Home by lottery. The plan tontemplates the per. chase of a large number of the lineal. paint ings ID America, together with a myriad of engravings of the highe.4 order, all of which will be diettLbued after the manner et the Art Union, the Opera itself forming the grand prize. ' . —London is moving in response to a proposition that a statue be erected In that city in memory of George Peabody. A public meeting to consider the project has been called by the Lord Mayor, on the re commendation of many eminent merchants. The benefactor of the London pan cer tainly deserves , this honor at the hands of the rich men of the metropolis. —'llear" Miller, an old hunter 92 yenta of age, was in Reading last week, having walr.ed trout Maiden creek, u distance of twelve tulles, lie is a resident of son• tingdoa county. He wears a beard about a toot long, and as white as snow. Be has ltijied in his time 70 hears, 00 wolves, and AO deers. Notwithstanding all this, he looka as if ho might lITC twenty years more. ' ,—Att . 011 leer in Virginia, a gOuluate of West;Point, has Just been rom pialtuid of heibre 'the Freedmen's Bureau, for beating the. mulatto mother of his 1 I children wfor [hobend with the broonistlck, alit! bar other cruel t4eounent of her, though she is about to, prenentnhtin whiz their twelfth child. • Ra justifies hinuelf on the ground that, God ilaspiacefibithat the head pf the household, and he is responsible for keeping order, in it: NEW ADVERT'+• W3l. B.UVORAiIf, Jr. 'Actoma cow 84 2 , lfiii ri an nitlhorized :A r oci4 ,loroccre ollivoitfarmentit for the GAELI72, 614 niher sKipm throughout the Uniftd Btate4 0614...q1 1 5,,W . /AU DEN AND NENANGO COMPA Atm. ° MP. 0 .41. et ' the Aje b u t :;,?,..z. ni t y .. id y i our th Wee.. Pat,bar t b.. zetha . ::::rd:igr,T4:l; l rr:Y ll l;6 l r d 4 ° l t n.- irtoirr.s, .1. .1. (411.LF.8P1E4, r,c2117:13t.'- j. J. U . NItUUeUN. Clwrk. THE PARTNER/imp HERETO. Ftatt.Y. ealatlasr between • iIuRNIAN HAUPT AND JOHN Y. tPMPTH, At Pittsburgh. Peank, toidet the tit ttu.. Ot.l. V. & OlhOtaritoors, &e.. was thl* May absolved, by mutual mment. ii!Cp.:ltstilM i a [WT. MEM --- ----- --- ArtELlLY.Ciiiie It, Vie pretufses .....poratm, 1 tiruble, on Itlenday lin, 11' bbIALI, ItED COW, intb .star In her face. The owner 11, re9orsted to soli, prove pronrrty. joy char.ws sag tab, her l ' 74l4lWarBoll, Ma y bibb, isnt . tfkg . f._ , ..i:: _ __ ,i 081 1 —Was , airopped on Stu dap. 1 ~."...? t, polowl,teet, on adradai,, a (ii# .0 qiiriiet. 1 ' , Cluster, hitt alitPili. Asallabla, retard will ,be FeI RE P ,y.p.o.R9 4OI, APPPPISOPP7Cono , : ~.. wyn r • Mali tiECORAIIOIIII s, Itiort.diiraa" (1010 aiadi; titird e i. mi t , • • 4., oral:matte and maierdvd7ler; hitt 'arrived pi maarea.v:Talidill.94orailla i r ....,-; ~.,tri, -1, StirnMsJ 4114“09 0 .- _ I On gagazatiltWV444ll(thiLT!, FUOMPAMS&MaIIqO-14004P0110 ' . "P• Pffilga -thelttastiunkth ort#M,Flo, el wawa* • VrettILVI II . y ll rf t • -•=7'`''n :71 ...,0%;1117,4 .10tt ti# 4 rtitaXt , ixturr uMriltnitatttfa2=k2.l or r ," war Amu— sa eit. liar atm ;by 2; all: NEW ADVERTLSEDIENTS. .NEW.AZERTI-414.K.EN-TS. JANIS f'4lllAlErditil - 74/11. ~ nullitin. (succO.Zirisin uric o...* to 8- 400. ieo.,)' •tdrellitrf parilla. _LeMokand itarptitl77T • Corner Fourth and Wood Bisy -165 :: 1 " 2 :Z." 7 ,..:1 8 .`,717rr..751V1T,VELT:0V1VT. IMNKERS &BROKERS"- Cider ;lder by tbebirrelfbalf barrel or tea. r r itd 514 . Ml6l &ET oT., neardeeend. tta neer ells! .d Alpert? le all Parts t•c coon- PSALM. IX ALL 81X08 07 I try, on short no tee. fe..l:ol:d•nT Government Securities, Foreign EtKohange, d. Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on all acceeeltde points In the United Scans an 4 Canada*. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. FOR SALE. At Militate Station, Pa, R. R., 7:0.7 T. 71.7 iT Ill' Tle,alll the Union Depot. Dtdo7,T o d' f , e 't en " itintry n s ' a i n ' Z'ed E lo g rVego M" ll l l: Hence. JOHN D. amidst?. Stock and Neal 'fatale Broken, Jet No. IDS Poneth street. BELLS! BELLS!! BELLS!!! Farm, sheep, Cow, Dinner, GONG AND HOUSE BELL& JOSEPH WOODWELL & CO., Corner Wood nod Second l'lttsbOrgh, AGENTS FUR FAIRBANKS' SCALES. Joy dot at V.X.ECILTI'OII,B NOTlCE.—Notice Is ...a hereby 'leen that Lettere Testamentary u 'Km the estate of bARAIK Wth.tiON. late of Atom torn. ship. Allowhony twenty, Pennsylvania, dethafed, harabeen• duly gran/A.l to the andenterned. All venouindebted to said estate - will make pitmen:it, sm eaving ethieth will present theta. prop erly authmilleated,for mittlemont, to A. W. 131•TCEWIAltr Ezthator Jellbe27:w . T ADMINISTRATION NOTICE . The underelgne,,l ExecutrlX dece a sed, t will and testament of JOHN' late or the Cite of Pittsburgh, hereby fitly... netted to ail persona hernia Maims against. the wale to „Ire cent the same, 004 all per one indebted to the estate to wake payment, tom` counsel, TOOK. hi. Kan • ettALL, at ni. Whew lld Fifth wank Plltabarght lIARY J. u'NWILL, Executria, N 1 Oster 34%54 IME IN THE COURT OF COMMON A PLEAs OF ALLEUnENY CvL NTY. No. 630 of J not Term. MO Notice le hereby given that application bas he made to the oth! Court for • Charter of In {lop of ...TEE E•P IBM BOWMAN I NE,TITUTE, and that the Original Articles o. Aosoelati. the la my °Met., ata4 that hales. attractant Cause be nhown to th• oontrary, sold appllcaLloo w =I .A , 01: If. WALTER. • jo4:oU,oT Pro,hooolarr. N THE COURT OF conimoN I PLEAS OF ALLF.A.4IIE.NY C.VENTY. No. 115 "Lome h Term, 1M39. Jona% lea& Notice It hereby rte. it that eerie proposed alterat I.MS and Amendments of the CL ter of .. THE , HERCH HOME A,OCLAT/OH have been Ulla day flied I my °eke, and that a sm.. will be •]lowed by the Court Inuit,. null. =I I= BZEIM A STATEMENT OF THE CON D TOW OF THE BANK OP PI ITSLIIIItO Fal OAT MOUND:O. June 1, Ifal: MENNE , . Loa, Discount. and Cert.lll • cities of Loa sod .ndebtcdo....% U;na 1,3 Beal R. a te rnital Stat aesdti Bod,.nd Bent SO4,oili t 0 n rou Slock•and Discelisules &L 318 a T/ Dne by other Bales Bak Notes, Checks, and T ressorT Nola 6615 61 Specie 1 • V. 050,6 to Capital Sh.ek Profits and Earnings. Dl•idends and Hostler's! At- 244 Dtte to other Wink. Cireulatton Deposits St639,MS SO Th. abort statement Is correct, to the best of toy knowlsdne and belle'. 111001EBIIRG, cashier. !worn and calmerlbed this let day of Jane, 184 before me. =I 8. &KITH. NaUtry Pub CARPET CHAIN. , PLAIN & COLORED, COTTON & LINEN ITE22 COTTON TARNS, ASSORTED UMBERS ALL OF BLOT QUALITY, FOE SALE DY -A- 407Eizcazno At Hope Cotton anti, ULUNDI CM. HS? ABOVI RAILEM BERL • tiamples may be seen and orders leR with Ni CHILDS • CO-, N. , . 123 Wood watt. Putaborgt, le2:ert THE OLD - ifiNll STQCBIRB STORE, FUR ALL THE BEST ELME6OF errocv. IlteS, raw armee, errocanitiN HALF 110$1E. HALF HODS, UAL) Met, utorm, oLoyza, acovl23, LACt nirrs, LACE ifirrs. LAve. URDERS ITINTS7 DZRBnnt"' DLIAWSFIS, DILIMXLIS, DEAWait-,• Oft TO P A.l4ilg OLD STAND STOCICINCi MEN. No. 24 elms 22222 r. Nottirlt RIVRICA LEFF, INSITBAROBOOMPANY. , Widows 'tad (*Otani> tad, ". 63 Wittiaus Bt. Xsw. York. Pbt 9 lumst-11. D. DOIWAIL rEC:InaIIT-7. W. lIIDERILL. 111101.14 4 , AIIMUsaI Embalmer. E. T. COOK, SPECIAL AU ENT FOR WESPZitif Pi., 67 Fourth it., Pittsburgh. AGENTS WANTED. MrIPASS\ _ _ MOWERS, HAY RAKES, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS ALL MINIM OT ADDLICOLTIIIIAL /1.10M1121, TO be 014 la tak. rsvcramarn3, Nos. IN and .30 uh/o three:, Allegheny. wygelelemerarT A.O. A. gees =so. A TACK POND. CSAAS. TACK 8110. & CO, CO3IIIIIIISION lIIFJUDIASTiI, AND IIItOLICEDI ' PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Hancock St.. Pittarttrgh. l'huArkix.rai• wish; Mg Walnut ante. 111119:A77 A. D. EAGLE OIL WORIAS, AA psalm ZsaonvinpanucrervilUe l . WI,OWTNIAN & AiiDER&ON, - Refiners and Dealersln ETR OLE U or VICK. NEC4IND STORY, 002NEU II A Neuell eiT A hi t) M.II.O7IIEBNZ KA.X. t07111,..33 JOHN IVIEVRIL - W, ' lizkorpr.tepthltra: cote AND WELDLENALIC IiNV AILL DEALER tS ,s.s.t. 'wale ai TOIU4%JO, SNUFF AND SE GARS, 312X4.12.<1 /194.Veitot. J. & LUMLEY -- Hiri r gaftoit,tm r thri'rr ~.,Fred and Flour Alfaiintis 101beWorlrbeuse No. 368 PENN STREET OpPO- Dte the o w Depot of the P. T. IV. JO C. It. B. • vAlsbfl; • 820 000„WQ 'LOAN . FUND AND MORTGARE En q w,spr arr. apiztivr-sr, atoms.. to Jae. diceaud,) Commerend linker, 13 ID. Clair Si. - • . Y.: c. nolo, 1171110PAOrMI Or Tine raPlirnejilitniMett Iran Ware,: •04 dealer In eTOYXL I HOTTB g l7 , , pniNiamse cioutmorteramovini 2011,1R,ARTICiaos: 3.4.43 43 , 2 4 1tatke ntreerti PrthattllttatA.' . TAN Muse le the Ctielliititteelfilltildity to boy /linens and Tin Ware. *Job yietirlird FOY MOO.' ed to. ^mowq. „.,',;;..4001,61114TFUL MUTH 4" SHAFFER. CA W AG EAvp., , toipa 1014.i..t.0.2A 4 u pi tudowo,m rtsbu4oll4, mr.... be 7 : 11 WIOSOI;j:1V.:YIKIII4 SOR SELA.Man In the City of Canton, Ohio, STOCK, FM:TURES A:so, FURNITURE of said house, .0 or, House esintstns ten rooms: corner house, near the Court Hoorn and Post Unice, In the ecutre of the elty lleuon for,twus, g ,, K In other btu Ines; Jetinc3o NEW PHYSIOGNOMY; OR, SION'S OF CII4II.ICTER. AB lIIANLIPEBTR.D THROUGH TEMPERAMENT AND External _Forms, And espeelallT In the HUMAN FACE DIVINE. BY BiIIIFEL E. WELLS. With more than One Thousand Illustrations. FOB BALM BY MEN P. HUNT & CO., 59 FlMb St., Masonic IlaIL cars . /11 r 4tolig VITEiII SUPERIOR OLD HENNES , SY BRANDIES; Nora as old (Bard ao do Brandenburg Freels Brandies in n 11•.; • Vintage. of 1.9 . 8 Catawba tiran&Y. nine yeah old. Blyeklaarila . szo•rrr, ‘• lid Cherry. and Gin 4111:ary oittand Superior Sherries; Very obi and SuperiorNtadetra; Very old and buperter Pori; Claret, ease*: Ch*tob•rtan, In nikeit n•met Malaga and LW:ion Hine.: ebaimpiligu AV; nes, green eeed; Helduck. and tilliesry; Siarklinf lio.elle; wc,%fery‘—triflitonopanbels. ...wino, grades: Old Boorbert• i Old Santa Whisky: GlN—Old Holland, er,y superior; jag Pam do . 'very Old; &booth. genuine Swiss. CM PAVITt 4' e " V ' oL.Pd% N.—'" " for rl r. iit & RICKETPON, 4781 Mid corn.... Libesiy and Irwin .t.s. .1•2:•11 IMMENI NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. EXCILLVGB SL7I tvX.O. BANN or NrrelAClloll, Jeoc Ist, Wet. THE compTitoLueu OF THE cußntscr hth anttuniged the Board of Di rectors of this Bank to lumen.. the Capital to the thus of T WO MILLIONS OF DOLLARN, t 52,000.- 0001, by the issue of TEN TllueliAND ADDI TIONAL dtt•REN. automata, to .FIVr: 111.11, D RED THOUSANDDOLLAR-4, t 8300,000/. The Board will estimate th.. amount to be paid for each new there taken by an addition to the gar of Fifty Dollar.. a pro re, valuailon of the reserved motets and accumulated earning., at the date of thescrlption. Applientione tbr Stock will be received until for. ther notice. By order of the Board. lelte7wT H. M. MIDIRAT. NATIONAL MILITARY ASY,LUNL 112311 Titan waiters of the /National Asylum for die barged eo/tanterr soldiers, authorlaml hr A. of (, barged approved Marc don at eank aoli Mr Mt. for hollows byion or sale. he premises moat be situate In one id the Loyal Mal , . comas. at least 200 acres of land and be In • Maltby location and wry Waco.. by . railroad or otherwise. Ma purpose of the manage. erect, without daisy. calf-mitre we pernobbot Wildness too witho ut asldeitte. and lb establishment will be larsely ad. 4 en o t t alLeits . kix.y section or railroad the vlet Plana eprellications and estimates fbr Aerials ballslonge, Inc/Wing delaebed cottage.. ar I also caked or the approval at the Ceara. - Liberal com pensation will be stew follitetimioesaltd plan. rblimeale, Tama epentlM7b and animate s theEnt aime d io be In we contalturig plot and description of grounds an perms and condi. lions at transfer—most be atm, to /Major Gwent) It. T. Ilbetsu, at Lowell, Si.,. on& oaf. re the 20th day Winn., MS. BEEN, .J BITTLZII, Pregide linens U. Bybee-ea. beciwt ni Bo ary.ard oflianagera. Papers .311 CW tet pahllaitthe Law. of the United State. eta reeptctftWl requested to publish title three (11) weeks prior tfo the 20th of Jon. , Lid, and rend Thar ant. with ropy Of notice, w above di sabled. . Jet ma 1101IIICEOPATIIIC HOSPITAL ANDZISPENSiIIiY Or PITTSBUROR. The Dlapesamy Department or MU institution .111 be opened on Thursday, May 31st, 1 1"0 . 011 1 , ' Filet P . Vit TM' IVTITII2:rort F t7611 . 1 krrk. 8 134 4 /Vil4 °` ,l7l,i A' 'a:llZ „mit a& ak 0. 146 bECU. D CHISET. •13 TIIT.MIXe Arrximrs.-o: On 1 .1.,..1r y , aprstANK,..N. D. I) Lvdv. it.rOSTtE, "• matirlq,ttn.Ll2s31 r Y:itt:lD: H "' ' 7 i/ 0 Morin e... , 1 14 4 . 1 aw.. C. Btteghee, DO.to. N. D.. ILleetttire Committee MI Pittsburgh Bonteepathie Dispensary. The originators of this enteshrtm, haring se cored and !Mod up esomarrient 700111% et No. fill et:OW{111 STHZ ET, Ihr permanent operations, hereby slat %atlas that fill. tuttttatlon Is now pre pared to disponse Xedit4a an d Burgiesi JIM EiIICI3 POOR or PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY griltolll4, 00 and •Rer TUUJIMID.A.y, the 3I Ittutenalat boar. >i to / a:EihFlVEirgli Surgeon olu t. elpthibal w. KREBS, Icf. DEALER, 53 Diam o anal aLley, pistsburs. h .w.r f OR PR%Pea% brzig*, uv iVl4 4 tddifki.it , UUU ...". AT. D1E4 . 410.) die., lit? TIY BROWN, No. Si St. Unit Street. rpm • ..:3inFor • • • DRODUCE , NOW RECEIVING. I rlD:Z d tgZct r tlar n (Ytt il t (*been; We. prbrioPeach-li.ow .-otaloes t =er, ZIT :lany lt , rnt . In store; olt b otr eig %Mtn"' bs,gife;arbfbtobbtatif -81ablatrann. 111 Clore for .alp by J. :en ,Fo. Jls3 Liberire.gow -Dv 17," l'irs" landonan Bd_lodlat'Oes: I second. Wit 0 , 111 ba) assaZa Bacon Olden, ..1 P 45#1.117 A. 13.33♦ BILSPARD, dlnd PLOUD, GRAIN Alio PRODUCE. too Mo. Watt Mauls 'Mato. and 3ptlng Wheat hour; , ' 1 cat . ears altwattkoss - Clao..ti k rleratoc;• do . at; cars Itys—to atch •Whlta Whe nit , . . „3 rl,944lreac4BlOLinkitall r ' 10671 -- mgo-micjimAi br Pitrlßlßrinitg IA atoll 111 l r .41Urklzbinur-A- YtttpfTt 'B EIVAW ' '''""l7 4 .l 4M4' 613 Iti".3 ••_ „; •••• 3 islnerldl a CU van..t. MI -• btrattlit( 1011333 +•Pesati•l3(nr•Potauft. IN ortorti awe Tv m7IOaHITCHCOI3e, 132033... 119.v3. • . pLy „ •,, 3 9 I .4,lrtir Iteet rtaa. bble. -Litil j eattffierlot utile ~• pt , . A NRYA. Ctulaaare, G li wTOlvi;-u . 46l).lbealoti 'wmilx,H4'oriro - bikb6torigue aIOI7O.II,tI,I.rAND. ASBABLIMIte,CIOLLINIk- w induravaw—mw e eideta., Maim (x7lO U. iiia..tara, :.77: 4 _ 1 AD DISEMENTS. ' : :ANEW ADVERTISE di S:' C IliON CARBONIZED PENS C ROAD Y & NICHoLs, IiEO. B. DROWN A Co., A. R. GAY & Robton: S. a. SIMPKINS & CO., B. & P. LA WRENOI I . New York: IVISON & PHINNEY. New York: J. C. & W. K. HERRICK, .New York; BARNES & lICRIL New Pork: WILLRUR & HASTINGS, New York: NATHAN LANE & co., New York; ARTHUR & CO.. New York; CORLIES & MACY, New York: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia WILLIAM MANN. Philadelphia; HENRY ('ORES. W. Phlladelpllln: WM.II. CHRISTI, Philadelphia; KELLY & PIET. Baltimore; J. MURPHY & Baltimore: 8. E. TURNER & Co., Baltimore: HENRY TA' Log, Baltimore: PHILP & SOLOMON. Wanklogloo: FRANK TAYLOR. Washington. 228 West Forty-Second Street, le „ . N .1311M7 "E"01.11....12L. MCA'S BOOTS BOYS' BOOTS, Youths" Tgc,ot LADIES' BALMORALS, LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Boots, Balmorals Cr A 'l' ER S, AT REASONABLE HARES, SOIMI di ROSS', 63 MARKET 82 /ZEE nlrn:toi SAVE THYSELF. A CURE FOR IIiTEMPERINCE. Dr. S. Cutter'. Celebrated Stomach Bitters The greatest N • rein.• not, discovered. The addi tion. within the last tett years, of I,f:utters Nen. rine Dit.eo, err to the Yugliph Ritter, makes It perfect antidote to Intemperance. Previous to his dtscovery of the Ncrrimi, this medicine was before the English pantie, cclehrated a, a Tonle and Al terative. In dloraxes of the Stomach and of th Bowels, nodal...sea arising from Impeditlcs of the blood. annelid: la always the choice of th• litornach. In all persona addicted to the use of ettm- Wants and narcotics, ouch no alcohol and malt liquors, opium. morphia, at,eulc, tobacco, tie.. aa " "movl. morhlll unnettte. or craving of bin stomach for stimulant. ill Headache. Neuralgia, anA all nrevoni. tilt...ex., It has no equal as • NO, vine. •0 the linproyet English Hilton In St.. r rit 7riTolom oar err's Hospital.. St. atary's Hospital. tictegatil and other piteous, has established its nut.- station, aea cure for Intemperance, and gutted fur it the approval of the a tending surgeons in al trio hospitals and prisons throughout Great Belt to. and is pruscelb.d now isy many ptresiciand in pri ests practice, for person. audiersci to the rise of othapivants and sedatives in Paralysis, hi. Vlius' DAnce, tipllc Fits. Nervous Twitching*, rid to Nervous It has fls, eq.l. Irbolosais and &Hall Agent, A. TORRENCE, trularal So. 70 Market st., corner of Fourth._ Ir. uovr•uou COLHOUN & EDWARDS, I.IIIV6IEM AND DEALERS IN SODA ASH AND CfdICALS, a"o• 24 Wood Street In atom and lazillogiv Philade/phla, 200 tons Soda Ash, Kartre, 27otchlnson•e, tad Croslieltrs make 600 bags Nitrate Soda, 760 kegs HI Carb Soda (EnglLsb.); 60 bbls. Yr al lion Red, Cookson's: ARSENIC AND IMINOANESE. 4/f clwlre brands, 444‘4414141y oo Mland, In tots to suit purchasers. OTEXIII ENGINE PhCIUNG. LUBRICATIVE PACKING, 1011 Tall STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES; An amide reconsto.ded Id all the railroad com panies, TV.o ver thononenly Med It..d then gam etal use on two hundred and Ely of ran roads in thin counn7, and Oa trial by or, OTC hundred other. ADOPTED BY 20,000 STAThost:lly It is a drat-class article. 75 CENTS PICA POUND. - • • • - • • LUBRICATIVE PACKING COM'T, SOW: a 1 Ax U.FAL`TUBP J. M. SEVE..ALIV.I4c,I 6 T. lios. 114 and 113 WAI Eli ST., PITTSBURG Li. isrLl:b2l J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, And Manufacturer of the RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Which see warranted to preserve. strengthen and Improve the sight. For sale only by J. MAW/NM 0117.1.30 No. 5111 St. Clair Street. WY. 111. 11.2•• J. K. X . CLZTAANII , 5.1.111. 11. pad, McCLELLAND & CO., Corner Federaland Lacock Streets, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealers Is Paints, .011.. Varnish... Drthga. Dye' Waft, Carbon OS. ete , Standard and Patent Med icines. Then sink Is arge and Well selected. and wall In sold as low as any hens. In the well. BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, Ina or. bow... I. flu. lbno 0 , POWDER, Mr a. by all WWlUrals Drug'lsta. Prrpared by Kati:DaARTUUR nopuus. °bawls& N. Y. GRANT HOUSE, CO. M. 61.1131EILIV", Pircup.'ir Corner of lobelia and bolero! Streeto, Near the Suspension Bridge, Ei= C=E3 P.x.E.cerows NOTlCE.—wherett. Lettere Teatime.lai y aeon Um rotate of hlta. ANNAN ALLA bit late uf Linton torrniblp. Alle gheey county, demised, baring been granted' to the ndoes*. ed. all persona Indebted to mil estate will please make payment, and time having Manna Le Pi eioint W, m to tho„anderele tied, properly au thenticated, fur sate: melt. mylillaMeddKE L ashn YtOoUYOI, eEncunTp . 110L111108, BELL R co., Anchor Cotton Mills, Ptttsbufgh, 111 .A.NUPACTIMZEIS or AN CUOII (Al mit..E:ETAXI/8. /iliCilOft 611EETIN6tt, ANciwit le/ 511iCATL\li$,_ And akrA wAIWEN HATCHELDEM lIR. , RICS, IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM . , WHALE OIL, _ll.oo/N, tsel/LITS TURPENTLVE. NOIITH eAItOLIniA TAR,,*eis Corner ofrlnspitiM WAI*A6MILItcock SU, pirtaleursh, • Itkpreient Artd. b. WARDEN, 113WillutistiinI, Polladel phls ___lYll"74 S _ VOIC ALE- , -011. TANK & WALL Iron for one Taut, h by 18 frOf . .: 21qt:softy OE barrels. Abu. the Iron /of three eflbolor BUIla lifirlbot oA . t2l3hutt. wit!! eapaelty each to hold Wu Also. one second , band Bond tt Barrboin'it No. -2 Steam Pump, With o .atraolt y for p u mping 90 (Wont per clinch, Ana) , t. BATCHELOR Cors 'earn. anD4ggartock i.,L'lttaballe" r b. MrAgt: Bvibirorkinum. 600. bush. Seed lackwheat, A PRIME ART/CLE, for salt DT AIcELLYE & ' ' 124 Sr CONp ilium, _QM STP4.4.:E4raIMs . : aii . 4 %at atlN;lte - prl th O F 4l l 2 4on7 ,l, !!!'sr Iftgf. ?eke, - a..4.0b - S r , 1 :-Cato beget. la operatlau az% a ricriaa:.;.,jilltdle.,,;, • Warlu, 1114 River AVena, y.tusEerucut., itAsi,sTr&SJIMAETZ. 1137110:651 S9,OO.WRCAN BEAT THISIB9 Do . I',varoC Weeks Only. waling L good. razimiP,Atkladtllol)l. 'of 1:14,ovell'alll small aaaileli/Nll .413,44414;3arket, Street. lams . • -. DANIEL •111 CA: 41-• 'cur • JE, 'Host. , • F9R' 1 41 1. 1 ;'R E Ntirri ll r., ii; " l ie yr' bl'a •..4 1 :- , *Tonc CytylgeraylsnAr.--Alr...to..x.r?„gkvill 411 Tesr,=-xLvAlpgrtil.r7;4s., W ilQr .th. ' ‘ l Ma 1,4:62116.;; Al i ittril tr o tea Kir.. — "' ' ,; 1 3 ...'—' arai d a tridetwater Iron ',arks. irrsulatad. Za. =9 PRINCIPAL DEPOT, EMI =I JOHN CROFT, . 11.7041; 1E87.1.71R d6EAV, flake., - No. 139 Fourth Street, Pittitmegb, Hag lot sale the following float. Eatate: largeee Brick to tin. _rooms, hallo; Ito= 300111 on ern gloor aged I a Dreg :Boni het and cold water and gaa thningh oat the bow,. feet Minato On Chest "l,l;393°V.lT f 4 41 VLaILE LANmi .altuate at Von e Yee ants ` =mg; ni* from. eelling, ttOh otheneing fruit trees of the best quality, aieteseeetuetr :0117 , ;;Irt..1;;1 1 ,1= • Td tittle t7tI D k i n Tit abe 4 acres matt, orlarger if requested.' 'TitegtOorii lamb la sulintrathy loaded for trtudnng men. • 30 Actin OF LAND , o , etaterareabout eer • f limestone, ota splendid ...MY. god intl3 44, " ts nen. The going of Int" drat Ga., ,gnitaitic niker ror farming , or gardening .3 44 04 trent° derailing sad bath; `and ekdod suonty of W. 1... sit uate 3 toile. fr om , the eity, 00 the Washington Pike, to Baton toentaktp, bet% pan of. We Vatter farm. 37 ACBES,:iiniMniprored. and ender &high shoe nf e ntilg i rti-on , wkk*Uoir ore.l.Sla bearing cur raid iniA i,:dee- hearing v=p+• , /...., %CO 44 " 4 /rd n ArVi n od . tunrood, In non township, 01.0 tromthe ror forthergesnloolarrlngalre of theabotesgent. • 3333 .• 363 . • • MR= g C 11,40, WAiltiititigt. . RICHA,R4, E.. BREED, xistrebvinmil±a, , Na 100 Woiid Stieet. BRITANNIA AND BILVEIVPLATED TABLE WARE, TEA TEA Ir 8 Asp TABLE CUTLERY. alev, a en Land. ' ~..... az ' Pa t e 131%r rrB at ol 6ancli.i,si a las.' ierraerit B o lisanAN i.. olisailf J . u lSt ErRIPTION, ....,.:, EtV..iTi r iniNs. : ENDt4ax4,WDA _B m tAtrorAll warletteli, &Arndt WiTtrlti VeVani i rcairiplet tOck C crytlan In thlenne Intl* city.. " a " g Prim7lces end tem., the ume ea In the e•Estern tides: The 1 1 "oititiii Horticalt -- . . ICE CREAM EALCION , In Willa.' Iffen,lourtZl:me;"4., sothfleg. //1' ETthISASAriArMAt'IL-rtve•o4 PLOW are........"..x9pp,ottes shwa!! ott . . A PINIIDULDBSTAALAAS*I44rita.' Igunman and 1.111 ON'ltenteentbul . mein ~0 , . Ilk " :=, ! . "n ' l 2' . ' s u bmic gh. : ll Y l en Vann+ • . J. taJtoll. SUZAN II WOOLEN. DYER4 , I IO ) COVREIL .4450. Cida oloiltirk4i t".4. lo 4l 4ll 44 Calera Ik{, aid 417 iShic Wive, mii.cefg wow ool 2ool #l 4 odi "" ' • • . 1- .11111010 - 111C r a, tow . • - " . :4 410 / ,, P ; eataell:011 ti - At • • ~twx LAIE" i•;• O f" , Ns NUN" MTh JONES &;,LAUOILINS, 12 TTJ3BVRGi.S, = AMERICAN• CIAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard iron; Ceal Screen Iron; T115.,A6 and 201bs.to the) ard Tram 'Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Halls and Spikes; Shit, and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; RailrOfid)fish Bare wadi:Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; . Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods: Mower and Reaper Bars, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 158 Front Sts BRANCH FIuTISE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. MD pOSTPONEMENT THE U.7fTTED STAITES PRIZE CONCER TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN AT Crosby's Opera House, Chicago ner.AL-Ir 88t1A., 1866, win be postponed unto Monday, July 9th, '66 on .nice occasi. HALF it MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES Will toe preeenteol to Ticket Holder., Including $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS The postponement is an unavoidablenecessity, Coot to muck a. conr,quence of the number of tick ets yet unsold) as the positive ileCassliy here Is for the Iper registration of those already disposed of, which au has been deist. d in consequence of the neg , itgenco and care!. sines. era portion of our Agent. In making their proper returns. We advice tut panics wanting tlekeis to send for them,ellho„ 'W ut delatlas we have but a limited num ber yet on nand. e wish most particularly to im press Timm . he minds nu oar Agenta the importance of their making their returns at once, and of recti fying whatever errors may have crept Into Weis re ports heretofore. We will say to chose sett ing for tickets, that If they should all ne sold an the time their order is re, elved, the 'coney will be re.urned. No aPtilic•tious fornow ag sae sale of tickets will be onsidered, as we have no more than sufficient tickets ttiAlthOse Agents we have al ad rey appoinieti. are for sale et the prin cipal hotels, Wilt sic stores In the city, a.. 1 at our mike. 111:11)earborn street: a price jt.W each: sent by mall on receipt of pricesad stamp (or re turn po [age. We Welts the particular attention of perm. wishing to order tlektustit mall to the followlug SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES Any party procuring • club of 5 or more a for tickets, and forwarding no money for the s will be showed the following commission els IPIT3III WXIjL eammicrso ,Tletets to on. , addreas for.. ...... ..... 4SO 9 UD ............. ....... 17_99. BS 00 to every case send :useame and Postoellee ad dress of eseb separate criber. Money by draft PostoMme Order, Express, or In Registered Letters, may be sent at our risk. All communicar loms should be addressed to W/G42INS, Blesnronao et to., 133 DEARBORN STREET, cille.too ILL The proprietors Will donate to the Lincoln an. be on lllomment Lands t4ao also, there jell 000 reserved from tbe person drawing lb slll. prise. for the game purport. lion. Major Dan Mace, Es-11. C.. of Ind. lion. Ira J._Layoook, of Mans.. lion. Wm. lecangwell., Lyons, lows. t_l ' llgyf:Qll..;,%Sill: Jacob Forsyth, Art. M. S. IL lt. Chlcago_, In. M. Kroo berg Co„ Linp.ra or Watches, Chicago. Proposals for Inserting this advertisement. re quested. mylisib7h AGENCY PARR:MTN LITBEIOATDIG Oil Company Keep conatanUy on Band a supply of STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil, OF THE BEST GRAVITIES, Free From all Impurlfies. Every Barrel Warranted, OR TO BE RETURNED AT THE COMPANY'S EXPENSE. Address JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. H. NEVIS a CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Stn., myDbiIWITTSBITIIGII, PA. WADTK WASTED.—A rhr oolvertivow. a chrtat t of twtoni . Zve ytorit asperienew both In Kum. and ARV Trullqm ta.mo.te isbolltinormailosallan, willvben swag,' Po , son coltmble recipe., from t o use of *Alen may to du/44°ns young man or woman, with Mlle or a corolla!, eon mote :Few in, first day not only on er eeolent living. but to a very short time realise moderate fortune. address, with two otignaps for return putogv., 'a. P. CiIEaTERSIE.L.D, Chemist, in733:b6Pris 517. rune et., Phliadelpnla Pa. w _ _ ,A NTED - AGEIVI'B--sla to $2,90 PER lbShall for gehriented, and &It to =Ter ladles everywhere, to Introduce the Celebrated Common nviine Faintly Sew., ha. htne. Improved and perfected It will hem, fell, alt. b, until, el& , braid and e ['mitts r beautlloßy. Price only 6`.110, innklng the vlstal lout -st.teb, and lulls for thrte Val at WV pay the above wages, or commlanion, from istilnh twice that amount can be i i,, Ad tr.a, with .tamp, or can on C. ciOW- Est & :salesroom, ho. Sts3 Stall& F.lrl Street. Philatielph.a. Ps. All lettera atmarnrott promptly, with circulars and terms. myzsb44 FOR RENT - FOR BENT—A first-class three story BRICK 110VB11105 Second street; double parlors, newly papered; ten rooms; hot sod cold water, gas, baths, dc., ±e.., all In ntee order, Carpets, Blinds, Chandeliers, Oil Cloths, de., for sale at s bargain. Apply to HITCHCOCK. 31cCI1EERY CO.. en) lts:1,11 340 Liberty street, up maim 80091 TO LET. A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM IN THIRD TORT Mr GAZETTE BUILDING Zuqulre at GA ZETTE COUNTIN U ROOM tn,17.A117 WALL PAPERS, ,tc, THOMAS PALMER WHOLESALE AIfD RIM DEALT IX WALL t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. TASL 333 aovraaMl Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, !Second door below Diamond Alley, re2cemd PITTEI6UU3I/. PA. APEEIBANGDiGS FOR 1566. =1 darer ican WWI Paper.. For the first time to fire ream wrs W' E.TGLISIN PA PER • choice selection of the Newest French Papers For sale by IV ALTRI?. P. MA MIA Li.. 0,1,14 fty W. pAnLon PAPERS. A NEIt 7 LOT OF Standard Gold Papers Now received, of beautiful designs for Panora, at No. 107 BIA.ILKET BTHEZI"EAR FIFTH' Jos. a HULIRES a BAU.II TOBACCO, CIG 4.20,000 HAVANA dt PRINOIFE INGLES, IliCLUDlfiti Cabanas, Pasta gas, Pl gar°, La Espanola, Prince of Wales, Cabarga, Arguelles, . And varie ty qor I s rb Pr" an d FISHER BROTHERS & CO, IMPORTERS, No. 452 8. Gay t., Baltimore. .nrau..97 EXCELSIOR 70131C(20 WORK& R. & W. JENKINSON, MANISPACTCRIZR Or sit KINDS OF TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGABS, O. 0 FELEICAL STREET, Third door Prom Stispension Bridge, ALL. KEMENY, Pit. Branch Store at Salem, Ohio. tor.tilbla . . CO -.. 43 6EI R. B. JEFFRIES, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARB, No. 6 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgb, Pa SW A large eseortment of ME E244"llAint PIPES said elMolithierTUßACCO of the best quality kept on bands. te77lbb77 GEORGE BLIMEENSWEIN, DEALIic,!N FOREIGI ASD SEGAIIStHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., I+7 4 ifilhervems:Lia. Street. (Manx corner of Liberty, ) torH:bli PITTSBURGH. PA. I.:Jategivr4:l WHEELER & WILSON'S xnerr.3ptiorlymazi FAMILY SEWLIG MACRIAIB. CORDING, They are adallr.ble UILT I NG, T hey are urtexcei:., Ther are unapproachable. FELLING, They are nesarpaased. ... • . ifTITCHILIFG, They are faultless. m de.... xi g o at i a n tr t i e tizirt prove that they are the best Salearoom, 21 Filth Street. J wit. /MINER & CO. •1 BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Prot:tom:teed b7all who hare seen It tha sitirpl% 'machine now before the penile. It/a se effective sum durable as it to simple, and as Practical as It le durable. It ham but To be eon to be ►dmlred, and clued to be appreciated. It cont. Lines the elements ota PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE . And le afforded at %filet. lettble the range of hem , hine to the Mtlte_d_htat • Ileeeeed tons the i'VEIALKE WILIS Teal —the ben met oat, reliable Feed ever conitincted. deradtEdlettlf Wd-I•TED. ZlENtlkistlr micavcrins, ATei. 618 WBOLIESA.LE ACIEXTS, neintilasi . - refits Melt: COAL, COKE Bro COAL! COAL!! r °Alm! HICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed Ito r eto ilt7Cie OEM X-aritetteilt3ir Eitierette Mum City FLO= Mtn. BECOrt 11 P Ltp ft, &meet! proitep to matfett Food Tooirtt!oghony Lamp,- Ant-Coal or Slack' AT THE LOWEST 1114:132CET mat. •Eill v ribvrderiteleitt' their (ere or addreteed to tht m ihroc4b the matt, Will be attended topromptly. CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, MALES IN Youghiogheny and Cloonan; Ile Coal AND 3LtNIIPAOTIINEII OP Coal, Slack, andDesalphunzed Coke, OFFICE-Fan YARD, Corner of Butler la dn Yard on Lite:ty CVLott e o tf" b ;ugh, ra: ."*""*. d r Pavanes ono aiaaataeta.rera voppl led with the be article of Coal or Coke at the !owe.% cash rate.. st • attention. Orders lea at any 01 the Yards Ire torn ' WARING .& KING, COMIISSION MEM OD ROMS IN Petroleak and its Products, ' 4 1"2 1 1 . 4 4.; PIIIZADELPIR• ADDErsa: WARING, _ KINC & CO., itrabilass..-14.th:. ................ ........ JOIM ZO 114 44)111.ri ROSS dt g soccaerculim—i " WM. N. OGDEN .6/ CO , Manufacturers mid" Deal in tarop, 011 l i allgig& _ ‘• 7r. X 41, ;, erg, pik6;1 1 0114 • 14 • i a r flOriAkiii!iittei#4ll l figialainortaPz.-•