The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 04, 1866, Image 1

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vunt.islivii BY
No. ENS Ihrnt Btu" Prrtszarian
'ma Tsai!, BY RAIL •8,00.
lite - Vittsburgh (44uttc.
MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1866
Tune have been three hundred and sev
enty firea in New York during the last five
month .
FORT Enta, which the Fenian% captured,
not a fort, but a small town nearly oppo
its Buffalo, on the Canada side.
ME Presidential Guillotine is briskly at
work in Michigan. Among the prominent
victims is Mr. Joseph Bennett, assessor at
jr is now authoritatively stated that the
Government will not be prepared for the
trial of Jeff. Davis at the approaching
June term at Richmond—the ioference
from which is, that the trial cannot come
off earlier than October.
delphia Inquirer predicts that the Cleve
land and Mahoning Bill, and the Puts
burg and Connallsville Bill, which pasted
theltouse on Thursday last, will not get
thraih.the Semite. Doubtless •Ylue wi,ll
js..tather to the thought."
Tm Republicans of Lawrence ~aunty
have . re-nominated Hon. G. V. I.awrenee
for Congress; Wm. C. Harrison for Assl3lll
- Samuel Taylor for Associate Judge;
Jacob Haus for Prothonotary; and Asa
Ecklee for Commissioner. The resolutions
deplore the contest between the President
and Congress;but assert the authoiity of
the latter.
HumpJamey'. klensoapidale
11(0.11010eS for sale at Felion'S Drug store, No.
108 Smithfield street.
A C Superb Article of Maim. WI
For table use, for sale by the b.ottle or gallon,
at Flaminilpriag Store, No. S 4 Idaraut. street.
Proprietors of Resturtrui . lts shoNd boor I.lthv in
Be On Abe Alert S Danger le ar liana.
This has been a sickly season. The medical
faculty prophesy evil In the future. They
think pestilence is on the wing for America.
Suppose this to be true, what is the beet do-
Tense against 11.1 REDOUBLED NERVOI'S
VIGOR. Thin is the only protection against
PANIC, as wellas against the PRINCIPLE OF
INFECTION. Why do not those who predict
the epidemic 'propose an adequate preven
tive? There IS one; n tonic, nerrlne and alter
ative, competent to shield the systermagnlnst
the subtle elements of disesse, whether they
float hither on the winds from distant lands;
or rise like vapor from our own soil, or are in
corporated with the universal fluid. This
UXE PREVENTIVE, of which there is no
duplicate among the compounds either of the
Old World or thitt New, is
Remember that it is a specific for all the
complaints which lay the system open to visi
tations of deadly epidemics. If you are dys
peptic , it renews the vigor of your digestive
powers, gives yen appetite, and restores
your cheerfulness. IC you are nervous, It in
vigorales tryery fibre of your nervous system;
'trout thisbaiie of the brain, where it begins, to
the oitremWa, where It terminates. if you
arm billunisilt. disciplines your unruly liver
arabrings the action of that organ into bar-
MOO', with the'latss of health. It is, in short,
an itatigarant and alterative so powerful that
Nature, with Llostetter , a Bitters for her ally,
maYbittiletlanee alike to native malaria and
foreign Infection. If this enemy we hear of,
this finesse which is desotattng• Europe, is
really bound hitherward, It babooves the pru
dent tapul an their armor, to clothe themselves
with invulnerability as far Mbomou mean
will prgult, by preparing the system for re
abstaxice irittrilila pure vegetable antidote.
♦iw ►old wholesale and retell at very low rides
at 0 . leminars Drag and Patent Medicine Depot,
64 Market alt set.. corner of the Diamond
►ad Market. near Vourth street.
BUYSI3/I—At the residence of his Went., fool
of Bortlog% street. Lawrenceville, Jour IDI, at
o'cloca A. to.„ f'IJARLIE w9n of 4,
C. and A. NI. ilutfnm, aged I year, 9 months and
to days.
The funeral will tate place MONDAY. Jane HIL at
I r. 11. Carriages will leas- W. 11. Berner's, Irt
Grant street. for the h,•ate, sr e. L.
AIicELV ZEE —Alher slat. r' s residence. on Ohio
Arcane, ELIZABETH. wile or Hugh H. Kase, a,
In the 3t6 year of her age.
The Mends of the family are Incited to attend
berfatteral on TUESDAY, Bth 1.,. at I o•eloelt.
SEDWICK—At Antler, Pa.. April 7th. Inin. alha
She died to great penes, trusting In the merits of
the Redeemer. Althongh *he never forecall. nulled
with the Church. en, reason. which •ppeared to
herself at least jastifiable. yet she wits deeply sensi
ble of her last condition by nature-and et her need
of salvation through faith in Christ. She was •
diligent student of ihellible. which was evinced by
bee readiness in quoting texts of Scripture in her
ordinary conversation. Sheleassecastomell through
life to attend daily to secret prayer, and as years.
Increased, her closet exercises became more and
noire 'spiritual. until she usold ex - claim witb the
apostle. ..Tbe Spirit itself heareth whine. with
r spirit that we are theehildren of llosi." Vet
here was one. 'parted' her Watery, Matto her last
nomentashe regpetied. and that was, that she had.
ot anulsa public profession of religion 1, 9 seniting
with the ebuisvh, and "letting her light shine be
foremen:" bed being one•swetedly mat upon a bed
of netnews. shm coueluded that It would avail bet
little at that late hour. tier character shone most
Meetly in the following particulars, • blus. was very
affectionate. Her attachment to kindred and friends
was very.-strong... When a person had gained her
canfidetwee, that person might tell F.uuna, though
forsaken hy all the world, or at host until she had ,
tbeßeitaf reasons for believing her mos admire had '
bt'en misplaced. else was scresu.usirhonest. For
thlairalt of character those 'die-knew bee best ad
`mired her most. It has. been truly Kale, "That an
honest man la the noblest work of God.• • and
nearsa any ono we ewer knew, was the fell nun.'
plengent alba.
I 'She via rentarkably istellectwa. And her mind,
, thowh very vigoraim, *foretell balanced by social
and pored facultless, that glee her grufflciriclti
character. that was admired ley all who knew her.
ivnttad_ thlzstefor kiumlegge as "the bean
Baal, for water brookS,•` and amen., Miring' had
..oppenitiltlea, had satiated that Mint until she
was'etudintd cireulate with aignity among the
ma l st IntelleetUal elutes of soeiets. and to convene
,27: 91 ,7 - No e ever torus
woussusta be entity of immrmlity, o o n r even beard
her speak Irreverently of sacred thin's. She would
atiter,lterself in- engage In ex.l atoulicateut
not eo
dletrotrtil musallty. She preferred to be on the e
atde.- nearer her Companions ran bear testimony
rotten statement that she frequently reproved the.
ftlgenicagigist In practices whirl, her tender canon-
WORT sceOnMer rd. and s . s ell
i llij i the
CIA% ig f ea r eptl the rov:gaeueltVi t ta /for%
th e weary brain engin! has
the endured In prey/111 . We comfOrts far our . gallant
Inildslide;* it
she hal s Voste to her reward, and in
her . death weesn but feel that one of the
rat w e adte li lrifhl h rt i s =v e lorgal l v . ...b i ft c 94."rid.
REV. W. 11. .TI.BULEA.
No, 4 9 6 Smithfield St., car.
Manama fromBovent4 Street.)
D 133 lIIANOtrstIY erritKET,
•er124.:1132 • 6LLNAIII:RII,
" stettr..v..z.VT'itt:`,Tl2`
"" A °:o 1V1.1:: Nekton Oa ['emu* A lly
W i l l weet Burial Lo&i.l3l=pply at the buperlntenu
abra not e, at tba . Title Deeo3, Permits
sedan other bushiest , will be attended to at the
Warehouse of the ander ed, 'corner of Ifedeno
auftl.essack Straits, ny
4•11.111.L.T. -
Secretary and Teem. re-r.
PURI v . .. AO*. lops.
¢,3Mittig at 62,50,
Ibitize; 49 .. fifth fit,
. OPPOSite 010.14aiTO
• 4
A lAA A.
d4 ':
The Invasion of Canada
Slight Loss on Both Shies--
Contradictory Reports.
Great Excitement in New York.
66 50,000 Fentans Wanted This Day—
Headquarters, Canada."
Br ar Ate, N. 1., June '2-2 r, 11.—The after
noon paper. pubiblil the latest news from
Ridgway, 'dating that the ClLllatll6ll voln n
leers are being hard pushed by the Fen inns,
and that a number have peen Killed on lota
Ftom parties who have the best means
of information, It Is about :much:Wed that the
Fotilan 1110‘,1111)Cit Iron, this quarter in a feint,
and that Vottadam ia to be the bane of nab,
piles, land the rani point of attank is i'rescoti
i.oneral Barry, who has taken command of the
frontier, says the Govern moat will do the
most to preserve order and prevent Inert
'dons into Canada.. It is stated for a fact that
the Fenlan leaders encourage their men by
saying , the American Government is tavern
Me to them. They will ilnil oat their mistake
In til t qua.rtor. One company or regnilLTS ar
rived ere this noon.
'Serval" N. Y., Juno r. gentleman
Mat' front the other side gives the following
particulars: About caght hund re,l troops, all
volunteer., left Port Colborne tit 5:30 this morn.
Mg. They took the Grand Trunk R. R. to
Ridgway, and' Inasehed In the dlrec Gott of
Stevensville. TheY;Men encountered a force
of Fontana, now said to be the same that went
from here to Fort Fria. A battle ensued, and
,he Fenians were worsted. Our informant
states that two of the English troops wero
killed and a somber wounded. And that the
. - - - -
Fontana suffered to a greater extent. At all
.2vents there were about sixty taken prisoners
and brought to Fort Erie. The i s eserwein
arida° has been rebuilt. It is reported that
the of the prisoners stated that the Colonel
Commanding the Fenian told them to save
themselves the best way they could.
A gentleman JuSt.flinkthe other side re
ports the follow Ap p le 'Cobb. from,
Dunnville, with rFenian prisoners'
taken at Ridgway,. as. Wog at Fort Erie
dock at three o'clock P. a., when a body of
about tsva thousand Fentans came over the
. • . •
0111 anti geed 11AO ttie tug. The tug hacked
unto the stream
T , and fired two shots while
[Muting down. he renians then attacked a
eompany of volunteer artillery posted in the
wren. After a brief resistance, the Canadians
wavered and finally gave way, retreating
down the river bank, rallying at Limas. The
tug iteamed down, keeping abreast of the Ca
nadians. The firingshortly ceaaal and the
Canadians surrendertal. The affair lasted
Omni twenty minutes. The Fenians did not
recapture their men. The fight R. witnessed
by alarge number of Demons on this side.
Laren--The force in the Fort Erie fight was
all volunteers, consisting of detachments of
the Welland f.:lmal field battery and a Donn
tile company of about eighty men. Captain
King, of the Welland battery, was seViirely
wounded in the legs. and will hare to stiffer
amputation. Two other velveteers were
wounded, but none killed. it is reported
rents neonate Was kilted, name not given.
LA.TSIL.—Trio .E.rprer. publishes the follow
ing list of killed and wounded Venoms Thos.
Liman, Schuylkill, l's., bayonet wound; 'rhos
Rafferty, Cinchinall, mortally wounded, in
the stomach. Canadians: Ferguson baw
-1 held Port Colborne, severely, to theleg;John
Brat - bey, In the leg ; John llartshon, Port Col
borne, severely, In the thigh and below the
The Fenno. ' at last accounts, stall held the
place, but the force le too email to cope with
the British regulars and volunteers now on
t he way from Chippewa to the scene of action.
They had reached Black Creek, a few miles ,
from Fort Erie. The British force consists of
-the .17th, -111th, and 111th Royals and the Royal
Artillery, and several companies of Canadian
volunteers, making altogether not less than
2,1a0 or 3,000 men.
LATE:IL—In the battle at Ridgway, neither
roe had artillery. bat emus of the Canadiens
are said to have bad repenting rifles, while the
Feniuns were armed mostly with ordinary
muskets. Col. Starr, of Kentucky, fa said to
lie the one that gave the word to the Inenians
to scatter and save themselves. The number
of men on both sides did not exceed .2,00.
The accounts Of parties why did witness, or
1 pi °tend to have wits eased, the battle at Rote
way, are conflicting. It Is almost impossible
to get a true account. Some still assert that
t “.. he d Fanlan s s=l , ll=h2g;lt r h y e Canadians,
Laves -Arta C. 5.—A fight at Fort Erie is nor
, 4 ideroil certain to-night. I can learn of no ad
dittoes to the Fenian ranks in the last twenty
tour hours. Surprise to expressed that no
news has been received from other points of
any demonstration. Somebody has failed to
come to time, and these 'fort Erie Fenians will
be aacrinced, as they has% no supplies and
meet he hopeless aptly enemies in this region,
as the British torce is concentrating around
Nee 't one, Juno 2.—The HeraltP4 special
from Toronto, C. W., says: There seax the
wildest excitement on the airman when the
news of the battle appeared, and busineme we',
entirely suspended. Private dispatches are
constautly arriving announcing the death of
Scene well-know citizen, and cause gener
al gloom. as one after another fella in defense
of his wintry. ThdrOperatOr, telegraphing
from Port Colborne at 11 o'clock, says r The
battle commenced at eleven o'clock and was It
pretty smart affair. Our men are retreating,
but there In no doubt of the result before even
ing. Qom a number leave been killed and
wounded on both sides. There are ominous
rer[ St. Albans.
rt i r Min
a.—The volunteers have fallen back
upon Port Colborne, and Intend to fall back
upon ht. Catharines, if reinforcements do - nor
arrive earn. It is reported that the 16th and
4th Regulars and a battery of artillery have
reachrei the battle-field and are driving the
Pentane before them.
The Telegraph's Montreal special *aye that
reliable intelimenou has Mien received that
General 'Sweeny is m position at st. Albans
whit a large torte.
The. operator at St. Alberni saya be cannot
get any reliable information. The reporters
for the Boston papers say there aro fifteen
hundred men under command of Colonel
O'Connor. They have no arms In sight, hut
have orders to go into camp at Fairfield, five
miles above St. Albans.
A later dispatch says the Queen's Own has
lost nineteen killed an 1 several wounded.
Another dispatch, from an operator below,
says that the Fenian a in large numbers, arc
at Malone, New York, opposite Cornwall, evi
dently bound for that place, twenty-eight
miles distant. Ez-111. IL P. Daly is circulating
a petition Lathe Government to proclaim mar
tiel law.
ST. Aznsars, Vt., June IL—Detactunents of
United Staten troops have gone hence to Ma
lone on Ogdensburg and Rouse's Point road
and will pro ba bly picket the frODLIOr, Gen.
Mahony Is expected tomignt with more Mas
sachusetts Pentane. BO will take command of
the troop. from that State. Gen. Liam Spears
Is In chief commend, and the Iranians will not
move titmice from this path.. There are but
few in the Lowe, which was as quiet as any
I country village on the Sabbath.
A special to the Herald, dated Ogdensburg,
N. Y., June 5, says: Three dimes of arms were
seise I at the depot here by the United Staten
Deputy Marehal,. - thls morning, consigned by
express to a party at !felon°.
licrenzo, Jane is stated there were
about one hundred volunteers captured by the
Penises. There were three Fenbuis killed and
two Canadian soldiers. Capt. King, who is
doctor at Welland, will probably lose his log.
tie has by permission been brought to Buffalo.
A well kntrien Buffalo Fonlim, named Rally, Is
SO badly wounded that he is not expected to
recover. The Fontana are now encamped at
the Old Fort, and picket the river down to the
village of Fort Erie, a distance of two miles,
Watch fires can be seen and apparently a/g
A United States Revenue Cutter has arrived
this evening from Cleveland, and another is
expected. tznownl etply. The river is patroled
and orders given to Are on anything Ltiiyytug to
cross . but the Smarms noir in the'neighbor
hood 'express a determination 10 cross at all
hazards. A prominent Fenian asserts that to-
w omen' he a big eay,and Important news
win be: hoer"' from other points. When the
Fenian gobbled - up and drove the Canadian
volunteers at the OctF Erie light, the specta
tors on this side cheered lustily. There Is a
doubtful armor that Colonel OrNiell was
slbuy wounded. ,
' ,yr...Ley June . 2 . rem present appear
aneen, and front the present pontoon ef the
English troops, there will' be no engagement
to-night, but tc appareulay ultaToidabk,
early to-morrow. .
Wenntsaros CITY, June 2.-rA. hundred Fo
ntana or tannic& W ashtugton this week fur
too emene of war, and an additional number
are preparedio,loll9W: -
The Fenian boluiguartein M tide tits birth°
sale of the bonds of the Irish Republic has
closed for want of paixonage.
New Yens, Juno 2—Ainisnelmr•Gfnat• oz.
intement permits. here respecting the mra
sloe ni cattails by the'Fenittni. - it is repOrted
that one thousand armed Fontana loft the elty
to-daYior l ands ,e and that dye 0011IIIIIIIVW1 ,11
depart for the minder during the wanting
week. it Is believed- that the Fenian. forces
were receiving ofd from the disloyal portion
of the Caradisuipepulation, and that the • nit ,
gressiou movement fissions been planned aim'
atilt* entirely succeisful. , . Many enthusiae;
tie Irishmen think most important results
will follow the hinasion of Canada.
The actual ildrunglar of Matted= organise.
ttot~ampenalhlflsanohgreater than that of
the opposing British forces, and that ft will
sweep the provinces before the present month
Is over. Stephens' tulherents are greatly cha
grined at what they regard es the too early
striking of the blow to liberate Ireland, anti
declare that It will embarrass operations In the
Green Isle. Secret but, energetic efforts are
making to recruit troops in the city, and it is
reported that Mt ge SUMS or money have eel
ready been contributed to the enUse.
A man is marching in Broadway to-day, ear
rying a hoard oil which are printed these
words , "Fifty thonsand Fettlans wanted tills
day. Hentlftlierielli, Unmade."
t.n AIS V, D one a.—A dispatch tense Lockport
I his evening says about one hundred Vanians
left there inst. night for the West. The people
of Lockport are driving to the frontier to-night
in nntletpat ion of witnessing a battle between
a body of Fenian and British troops, reported
fifteen hundred strong, early to-morrow
morning. Thu Fenian% there are very active.
They have been engaged In raising molted'
to fore sect men.
Another detachment leaves at midnight for
thee:cello of war. If the leaders had funds,
I hot' say they could send one thOttaand men
forward In twenty-four hours.
Prominent Fenians here say that they an
tielpate ntirrtng new! , to-morrow, but decline
to even Indicate from what quarter It may be
Kt a; k... 11111.• 2.—Two companies of Fen 111..
Irmo Baltimore, nerd It company of sixty from
paQsed through this city to-day
1.1111,1 for the border
Fenians Evacuate Ft. Erie,
11. S. BOATS.
Col. O'Neill and Staff Prisoners.
No Artillery and No Reinforcements.
Bt: yr:ILO, .1 one 3-O A. M.—The Fentan tome
ecnonatoil Fort Eric last night, anti most. of
them attempteil to reach this shore, hut only
a small number succeeded, and about seven
hundred were gobbled by the Unitml States
boats guarding the river, and are now prison
ers under the steamer Michigan's guns at
Black Rock. The English force under Colonel
Peacock are non in possassion of Fort Erie
without a skirmish. The ultimate disposition
of the prisoners is a matter of uncertainty,
lilt the British Minister has beau telegraphed
to. Colonel O'Neill and staff have beam cap.
It is reported that a emelt Fenian force left
this neighborhood last night, destination II 11-
known. Those that tried to reinforce their
irienda at Fort Erie were prevented by the
United State. picket bouts.
We have tionvelsed with some of the escaped
Fouler., and they say that having no
soil they positively assert that they have had
iiOncd and finding the English troops w ith
Armstrong guns closing round them, with no
prospect of reinfoteements and no supplies,
they concluded not to ho gobbled, and perhaps
:ut,o it lsv tltthit eilth ose;augtti M% o l4 toii, ts,yth),oui : . A
men were completely worn out having fought
two Wattles, (though the
Fort Erie affair they
only call a skirmish,) with little or jimthlng to
eat ad no sleep. It Is pretty gellt rally ts ,
tiered that the English were Ridg
way and driven noisy.
President of Merchants' National Ban%
Arrested and Required to Gilts 0200,-
000 Dail—lnternal Revenue Reeeipes
for Ray—Rations Issued to Destitute
People in Arkansas—Great Destitu
tion and %offering . In Alabama.
W seals oTOls, June :I.—Leonard Hayek, Ante
President of the &let etionts' National Rank,
waa arrested to-day on a warrant charging
him with all the olrenCi , ennmerated In the
1111y-111 . U1section the .I , .ational Currency
Aet. Thb nflidtiell was made by the Comptrol
ler of theft: orreney, who charge" tinyek with
having teken and misapplied Irlo,otal by pay
mg It to L. P. /1.3,1120 & Co, or 11 . 111, ..r., on
law fully and without author/I). Tide apeeltle
charge of the misapbrOpristion of the ailment
Is made In order to Pia the amount or esti.
Another charge :against Liuyek to that he,
without authority endorsed as good, a Cheek
for lell,tste on the Merchants. iiatlonal hank, on
which the person who drew tt received - that
amount of money, Hayek knowing at the time
that the person had no funds on deposit, nor
any claim upon it, Huck appeared before the
Justice with counsel, but he waived an exami
nation. Thu Justice required $2OO, hill, and
Iluvek to-night, in custody of an officer, le
seeking persons to become his surit.... The
Justice subsequently reduced the bail to
The receipts from the Internal Revenue this
week were over hi,ooo,aoo and the total receipt
lOC May amount to nearly g.2 . 2,U50,000.
The Assistant Commissioner of the Freed
teen's Bureau In the district of Missouri and
Arkansas, reports the number of rations esti
mated as necessary to be Issued to the desti
tute during June, as folio us %Puttee, it 0,000;
froedmen, 11,0 IX).
The agent of the State of Alabama for the
distribution of supplies to the destitute, tars:
Gentlemen of prominence send up the most
earnest and touching appeals for an Increased
4opply of focal, and represent the wretched
and ••I:lTeringcondition of their people. This
destitution, which has so rapidly increased
since January, must continue to Increase
rat her time diminish until something can be
realised Iron Me present growing crops.
The Funeral of General broil—No New
task's of Cholera—bleneval Health ar
Good as Usual—lneendlary Gang—De-
Departure of Twenty. Nteamere—Blrti
!Mooting tautest. •
Sew Vona, J nue lt —The f uneral of Lienten
an t General Scott took place at. West Point
yesterday. The ceremonies were very impos
ing. General Grant took part In the proceed
ings, ooctiny Ina his proper plenti en in t h e line
on loot. General Meade conducted the order
of procemlings. Distinguished army and navy
°dicers were the pall-bearers. About live
thousand spectators witaunesed the scene.
Bishop Potter assisted at the religious ernes
monies. Commit tees from both Mouses of Con
gress were present. There was a 'Sage attend
ance of distinguished men from all professions
and callings, including deputations from I.:fi
tment Congress, from the army, the navy, and
teem many municipal governments. The fol
lowing wore the pall-beurerr, Vice Admiral
Formant, Rear Admiral Palmer, Commodore
Ringgold, Major Generals Cullom, Townsend
Sanford, Van Vllet, Deluneld and Atelim.
The remains were deposited In the Cemetery
of the institute In a superb collie, shrouded
with the stares and stripes, and received a
salute trine the cadets.
There are no new rnses of cholera in the
city. The two reported to have occurred here
were sporadic, anti cause no alarm. The gen
eral health of New York is quite en good as
usual at title season.
The frequency of fires In Now York has
deemd the belief that an organized band of t ,
mmdtaries in to the city, and the police are
strewed to be particularly vigilant.
Twenty steamers lett this city today f.
foreign and seaboard cities.
. .
The contest for double bird shooting W Ist re
sowed this morning at Palmyra. R. Newell
won the first price, W. H. Cobb the second
and Ueorgo Idarsh the third. The Forest.
Club, of Buffalo, curry off nix out of the cove
prism given for shot-gun shooting.
The Freedmen 4Mmtnisedenere—lnter.
. .
eating iGooferenee at Andaman 4.i.-11n
mnisity and Kindness of Lase runner..
AUOUETA, June S.—Goat. Steadman and Ful
lerton bobs an-Interesting conference this af
ternoon with the freedmen us the Springfield
chore!, A number of prominent citizens were
present. The commissioners stated the object
of the interview, and risked the freedmen to
give their views pro and con. The freedmen
testified to the yindness and justice of their
late masters. Speeches were matte by Gene.
far:adman, Fullerton and Tillison. The Frerxi
men's Bureau in Georgia appears to be better
adiulnistered than In any other State, and
equal jmtice is given the freedmen before the
civil courts.
Important From Gen. Grant—WlWl° to
go to the Frontier—Gen. Barry la Com
. mend at Buffalo.
Bursae°, Junel.—Liout. General Grant pas
sed west this noon. He sent the following
ev yy mto Gun. til e ols _lei
To Major General Mfnwle,
U. S. A. Philadelphia—General Barry Is here.
Assign him to general command from Buffalo
to the month of the Niagara river. The State I
authorities should call out the militia on the
frontier to prevent hostile expeditions leav
ing the United Slates, and to save private
property from destemptlon by mobs.
U. S. Geefrr,
Lieutenant General.
The Cholera at New York Quarantine—
' Twenty•Shrirowilatseelloceived on the
Hospital Whip—A Case orYellow Fever.
New Yoaa, June I..—Twenty-au now cases of
cholera were received on - the hospital ship
from the' steamer Peruvian, and there have
been !twelve. deaths eine° - the last report.
There are now 104 cases in hos,pital.
The brig Bertha arrived today from Ponire-
Nit lost two men on theaasaim and had one
sick on board of yellow fe p ver. The etek man
remathing on board the vessel, there beingno hospital tor that disease.
ram' ?steamboat. Burned et St. Loafs.
ST. Lollus, June I.—The steamers Ida, Handy.
Roston an d James Raymond, the two latter
Aistßantied, were burned oq the upper part of
'we'll:Mee early thin morning. The Mandy was
owned. by the Atlantic and Misalseippi Steam.
ebix Company, valued at seventy4tve thons
an dollars, and lammed for flftyalz thousand
dosser. in Ctnettmatt Offloos. The value of the
.other boats was not ascertained, but It anialL
Anew at LoaSaville
L—ltiver falling
ifita fcmr feet la canal. We Inner
,9 IMO~'I i 1 till YV 0!,
The Number Captured tour Hundred
instead of Revco Iltindred-initrnr-
Bons Concerning their Diiiposition
Anelously Awaited from the U. R.
Government-Not Considered gale to
Take them to iltiMolo. neneue Being
Feared-The 'Niagara Hirer Vigilantly
Guarded-Report.' Feeds= Force at
Point Abldo-.lleporteol Arrest of the
Buffalo -!lead-Centre - -List of the
Killed and Wounded in she Toro En•
Br rento,June 3,1 r. have trust returned
from the United States steamer Michigan,
which Is anchored in the Niagara River, about
four miles below here A large flat bait is
fastened to her, under her gene, having on
hoard about four hundred men as near as
could be guessed at, but not as many as seven
hundred,as first stated. The 'officers are on
board the Michigan, under guard.
Commander Bryson, of the Michigan, Is anx
iously awaiting funtructions as to what he shall
do with the primmer, U. S. District Attorney
Dartis is also awaiting instrugtions from
Washington as to their Mapd,ltiOa: It la con
sidered unsafe to bring them here, as an effort
might he made by their friends to release
There is considerable excitement, in this
city, but It Is the general feeling that the Gov
°run:pint have done their deity, and the peo
ple are glad that the Pentane have fallen In
American hands, rather than have been caps
lured by the British. A force, elated at from
3.5 e to bile men, tried to leave hero last night
in tugs and fiat boats, probably to reinforce
the FIIIIII/114, but owing to the excellent ar
rangements which had been made by the
United States Attorney Dartes and General
Barry in organizing the picket boats, they
NV ere obliged totrn hack.
It Is reported, bit not confirmed, that a force
of lenians have landed at Point Abide, ten
miles above here, In Lake Brie, and some fears
are expressed thatc-Collingwood Is the point
It is stated that P.O. Day, the Read Centre
of Buffalo, who Is known as the prime mover
of the Fen lans;in this region, has been arrested
on the other aide. This in not oinfirmed yet,
but we know that the United States Attorney
tied such Intention.
A Grind Trunk Railway official informs us
that a onoormed officer was arrested on the
Goverement road in Canada, supposed to be
General sweetly, but of course it Is not.
A portion of two British RWments, the Pith
:rid 17th, with seven companies of volunteers
:Ind two batteries, nOvroccupy the entire shore
opposite here o repel any fresh Invasion, but
there will not be any from this place.
By order of General Grunt, General Barry
has had Ills military district extended, and It
note embraces the northern frontier, from
Lake Erie to Oswego. A largo additiorml
force of regulars has bean ordered to report
to him hero. A portion have already arrived.
Previous to Gen. Barry's advent as Comnianil
er on this frontier, no concert of action hail
Immn agreed upon, though United States I/bi
n-let Attorney Mertes did all In his power, but
by thecomplete system of arming tugs and
picketing the river, the Fealties have been
frastruted from reinforcing their friends and
making any further advance ntani Canada
from thin point.
A Fenian General Lynch, of Chicago, art . !,
eil In thin city ten Woluck last night from
the West, and took command of the men here,
to reinforce their friends on the Canada side.
These are the onto that were turned back.
The f , urfes. gives the following list of killed
and wounded in the two engagerrienta, which
le as correct as can now be obtained: ;onions
--Liward Sculby, Cincinnati, killed; James
Gerriglity, tincinnuti, Ohio mortally wound
ed, anti left on the tield; hlic ' hael Porter, Buffa
lo, slightly wounded;
an Bally, Buffalo,
wounded in the breast, and lying at" the limn.
of Airs. Stunts,: Thomas Gilborn,
Penimylvanla, bayoneted in the neck; Michael
McLaughlin, Cincinnati, Ohlo, In the eye;
John Lynch, Ohlo, to the thigh; Thos. Welsh,
of Wilma, alightly; Thos. Rafferty, Cincin
nati, 0., in the abdomen; Th.. Madden, An
derson, Madison moiety, Ind-, in the thigh;
James Reiman, Louisville, In the ankle;
John Ryan, a boy 17 years of age, Terre Horde,
. Um 11300(130[1; Matthew (*rent)... Cincinnati
a:minded in the hand, Micheal ;Laity, Tonne
stIVI, In the arm; John Lynch, in the thigh; Mi
chel Rafferty. Louisville, in the eye; Leut.
col. Boatman tn. killed; Copt_ Richard e. King,
Port tkilbourne Weaned Valley, two wounds
in the the ankl e and Joint, since brought over
. .. .
tat lbstredo, and leg amputated by Dr. Minor,
John flebersoti, Port Colbourne, Welland Val
ley, in the knee; John Brady, Welland Valley,
in the knees; Wm. Taney. Toronto, wounded
In the knee; Malcom McCheerio, Toronto, kin.
rd; Corporal Newborn, Toronto, through the
dl •_
The following additional le reported: E. K.
',orogen, of Buffalo, wounded. eleven or eight
men of the Buffalo regiment were wounded
.urlyunly. The lonian loss le about twenty
live,. the British about fifty, among whom were
n ntimoer of officers. Five of the lith tog).
moot, from Kentucky, were wounded. Capt.
ittchard S. King, of the Welland Canal Field
Battery, who ivan brought to this nide, had his
foot amputated by Pr. Miner, of thin mtv.
l..tratt—e p. Meade has Met ar
rived in town, which looks like a confirmation
of my dispatch of yesterday' that a general In
vasion along the border Is contemplated. In
fact., it to conceded by those to command bore
that the movement in thin direction Is only a
blind, while the main attack will be MIIIIO in
the direction of Prescott, with the object of
'miring on Ottawa and capturing the cent of
government. The rental.. In town are yet
lindismayed, and say thee will have the place
y et.
le r. .—Thr City Is alive with remora to
night. Not much if any reliance can bo placed
on them, but It in said that the Femme are
thick here and more coming, Certain it is
I hat ninny strange faces can be SO= on the
-tract and threats have been heard that they
the Fenianni have not done with them yet.
What anthoritv the ' , onions have I don't know,
but some of them seem to be confident of bear
ing Important news to-night or to-morrow.
The prisoners are still In the open flat-boat., at
the stern of the Mulligan, arid as far as can i.e
learned, no orders as to their disposition have
been received. The commander of the Michi
gan thinks ho hten got an elephant on his
It is understood that a portion of the British
troops on the opposite shore have been ordered
to other points.
The Fonians killed et Ridgeway are still un
buried on the field.
General Meade left this evening for Ogden!
burg. •
There is an unauthenticatol report that as
many as eve thousand men have lett Oswego.
It is stated that tile commander of the Brit
t:sh tomes at Fort Erle made a demand on
commander Bryson, of the Michigan, to le.
liver up tile Venial, prisoners, but this was ro
fused, if course.
There Is a rumor on the streets that the Fe
nian:, captured by the British on the otherside•
will be shot tomorrow morning. This Is un
likely. They wII i probably I. cent to Toronto
tonight or to-trierrow.
Laren—lOXl.-1 have the authority of the
commanding oMcer of this district to state
that no demand has been made for surrender
to the Brinell commander of the Fenian pris
oners now held under the guns or the Michi
gan. By tomorrow morning the number f
p r isoners. will be cert....torah!. decreased, as
all those that can swim will oubtless try- to
get ashore. There has been a Fenian meeting
hero this evening, to which the public were
not admitted. The result of the/deliberations
lire not known.
It is reported from the other side that a
number of Fenian stragglers were found and
shot, but this is a mere rumor. It is also stated
that some Fenian* wore found hiding la the
house of a Catholic priest and the whole party,
Including the priest, arrested. Tqe streets ma
Mice with remote, the most of them ridicu
lous and shatird.
lien. Meade while here issued a general or
der, giving Gen.:Barry full command and au
thority in this department to make such dis
position of the troops and to use all means in
his power to preserve neutrality between the
United States and Canada.
Des more, June 3.— IL is positively affirmed
that between two and three hundred Fontana
left this city last night on vessel towage. We
wore unable to learn their destination. A
great number of strangers are secreted
throughout the city. A demonstration in
AMMO direction re undountedly intended.
A large quantity of rifles in the Merchants'
Dispaudi warehouse was seised tonight by
the United States authorities.
lic re:see, J une B.—The following is General
Me adtes order
Brevet Major (lateral parry..—General orders
will be sent ou from fleadquarteni, Depart
ment of the East, assigning you to the com
mand of the District of Ontario, extending
from Etle, l'a., to Oswego, 'Y., both places
included,. headquarters at. Buffalo.
In advance of the order, and accompanying
ynstructions, I direct you to use the force id
our command to preserve neutrality, pre.
venting the crossing of armed bodies by cut
ting off re-Inform - Month or supplies by seising
all arms, ammunition ac., which you have
reason to believe are 'destined to be used un
lawfully, and taking all measures pro.
cautionary and otherwise, to twerent viola
tion of the law. For this purpose you will
move the forces under your command to such
points as ate threatened, and you will employ
vessel!, tugs,
riveri anean be procured, for
watetilngthe mallet° abort:sand taking
all such niceisures as, In your judgment, the
emergency requires.
Very respectfully, tirantoe O. Iddrmint,
Major General Commending.
Na,. Yoga, Midnight, June B.—The intent•
gene° of the capture Of the invading Fontana I
on the frontier, had a depressing effect on the
sympa linters to the city, although enthnsia*
tic Irishmen declare that the invasion is by nil
means at an end. They say that a number of
armed bodice will cross tile border this week
in spite of all °aorta .to the contrary. The
town Is full Of ratnore Of the Fendannleaving I
ere for Canada, and of Mainsail over the
p rovince In a few days of disaffected Milkers.
Tile general belief hero, outside: of Celtic Cl?.
clan, lay.hat the threateneathrialition will have
no further retins.
The leaders in this city say the operations
in the vicinity of Buthdo were:intended , es a
feint, and that all has been accomplished In
that locality that was expected. They alsO
say that tne grand movement has been made,
or soon will be, Many miles distant from But
. Belo. It is even stated,..WithconsiderablertOn ,
.11denee1 that fighting has been . * progiees ld
another quarter to--day. It le Well known
here that the recruits for the Aldan army
who wean tam this clty, and those from other
v.-ho passed through here daring --e
past week, went up the Rome and Watertown '
road, This strengthens the belief that more (ADDITIONA L L.v THIRD PA GE.)
formidable operations than any yet developed
are contemplated on the northern frontier.
I%e Pentium here are sanguine of ultimate j The Gasette.—Persone leaving the city
enecess, but are not very comm unicut ire. during the slimmer, can have the Gszerres
WORCMITRII, .lane 3.—A company of mailed to them by leaving their address at
eighty Pent r,,
ane under command of Capt. Tree nor our counting room
nor, left bore this evening by the Northern
railroad far the front
Wssnizeros, June 3.--One hundred and fifty
men are stated to have left here last night for
the Fenton army.
r. eta, ( Pa.,) Jane 3.—Three hundred Fenian+
embarked near this place for some point In
Canada this morning. A fleet of seven large
fishing boats also left Barcelonia for Long
Point with Pentane and twn..
A1.1,1f1", Juno 3.—There has boon great ex
citement among the Fen tans here to-dav and
unuseaf activity. The news of the capture of
Colonel O'Niell and his force appears to have
given renewed energy to the different organ
izations hi this city, and meetings of consuls-
Litton, attended by suing of the most promi
nent and influential Irishmen, have been held
during the dny. The presence of (lettere)
Sweeny, he having arrived here this morning,
has added to the enthusiasm of the friends and
sympathizers of the army of invasion. General
tlareeny has been in consultation with various
gentlemen at the Deletvan Rouse. The object
of his vlstt here is of course a secret, and his
destination is also unknown. It Is stated,
however, that he st ill leave the city tonight,
and It Is he will proceed northward.
A preolarnation will be issued by the Gov
ernor calling out the troops State, tilt shall be
deemed necessary, for the protection off
State or private property, or upon the rite st
of the General Government.
General Sweeney left on the night train for
Pcitadarn. About a car loaf of Fenlans, cow
peeled of New Yorkers and Albanians left for
the west on the same train.
A trams meeting of the Stephens and Sweeney
Fesiimis is called for to-morrow evening.
POOOBILIMPNIM, N. Y., June 3.—A squad of
Fenian. left Mattowan yesterday, a squad left
Newburgh on Friday, and a B(11.11/d will leave
here on Tuesday or Wednesday for Canada
•• • .
New Yeas, May B.—An Ogdensburgh dis
patch this evening to the 71mer says there
are six hundred Fenians at Malone to-day.
The Collector of Ogdensburgh has been In
structed to collect all the boats on the river
and guard them, ono put the heaviest gm.
on the cotter. There is no excitement at Og
Arrival of the Steamships Her
mann and . Marathon.
Pending Questions Between Prussia,
Austria and Italy.
Fsw Your, June 3.—The steamer Hermann
from Southampton on the 2Stli, and the Mara
then, from Liverpool on the 1.1 and Queens
toe n on the eel, bvue arrived.
The London Pea of the 2.1 d publishes u Paris
telegram stating It Is definitely arranged
that representatives of Franco, England and
Russia on one side, and Austria, Prussia and
Italy au the othei, will assemble at the For
eign Ministry in Paris under the Presidency
of M. pronyn lie I.flinys, for formal], open i n g
the conference to solve, pacifically, the pend
ing questions between Austria, Prussia and
It Is reported at Paris that Lord Cowley,
British Ambassador at Paris, will shortly pro
ceed tot lenna.
The London Herald/own: The Congress for
conference ran do nothing more then adjourn
the war, unit , s one or the other of the combat
ants become exhausted under the burden of its
Tile ogicialjournal of the Vet says that the
Congreas Is agreed to by all the powers and
would meet on the
According to some anthoritles, Austria
evinced a disluclination to Join In confluence,
and It wig assorted that should she ;waist.
she would be represented pro tern by k.lartland
and Russia Terre in, however, no indicatiou
of a rehiSation In the military preparations
by the several powers. am! au almost move,
'eat feeftng wav - that a pacific isderion was
h° rlllea le ll ' lissues a decree that in the tomtit of
war, merchant ships belonging to the enemy
not be liable to capture on the high sea
by her war vessels. This measure Is only to
apply in Jammed reciprocity from the enemy.
An entrenched camp is to be constructed near
Vienna as a point of concentratum (or the
Austrian army. The Austrian Commandant
di Vienna issued a notification warning the
Inhabitants against attempting to Induce en
thittnents in the Italian Volunteer Cerps; also
against Incng desertion. These offences to
Is, dealt with by martial law.
IL was continually asserted that Austria re
fused to Mecum any proposition for a cession
01 I etieLlS.
The formation of Italian volunteers Into
regiments commenced on the 21st of May.
A Vienna Madmen mates that the alliance
between Prussia and Italy binds each to rap
port the other In sass of attack by Austria.
Weimer, one of the government Informers,
was Stabbed at Holstein, near Dublin, by a man
named C'Connor, recently returned from
America, whore he nerved In the confederate
army, mud was seriously wounded. The at- ,
tempted assassin was arrested.
The CatUe Plague has appeared In another
part of Ireland, the county of Waterford.
Fusses—The Monti., de Arnie says : Sever- '
al Journals having spoken of military Prepare
clone in France, we are authorized Ito declare
all such rumors devoid of foundation. The
reconcilliation between the Emperor and
Primo Napoleon is complete.
A modilleistioc of the French cabinet is again
sioken of. The ministry and public Instructor
w 111 probably be changed.
Sram—The allusions In the British
meat to the bombardment of Valparaiso ,pro
duced, It is said, a great sensation at Madrid.
llottsxn—All the Ministers have resigned.
Cape of Good Dope AWN - Ices to April 17th state .
that Basuto was closed.
Advices from Melbourne to April 26th atats
that the tariff question le settled, the govern
ment consenting to the separation of the tar
ts from the appropriation tittle.
The recall of Uov. Darling created great ex
A Calcutta telegram states that the market
IN much depressed.
Prince Charles, of liohensollarn, makes a
formal entry Into Bucharest on the 20th.
' The Porte has decided on the military oe
copationof the Danubian Principalities.
Liverpool, May Ercning. Cotton—Snlem
for two weeks Like bides. The market is drill
end lower. Speculators 'and exporters took
1000 bales. The Manchester market is flat.
Breathitt:LlU vet? dull; Flour steady; Wheat
inactive; Western Red, at 120 341010 s Sd; Com
mon declined 6d; Mixed, at file 914/300. Pmvi-
Mons heavy. heel dull and easier. Pork flat
and considerably lower. Bacon inactive and
declining. Butter de 11. Lard quiet and firm,
holders demand an advance; American 714735.
Tallow inactive and tending downward. Pro
duce—Asher, inactive, Pots, Rs. Sugar dull.
Coffee. no sales. Rice quiet but steady. Lin
seed Oil quiet and steady. Resin dull and
tending downward. Spirits of Turpentine
steady. Petroleum dull and nominal.
London, May 22— . 1 p. m.--Donsola, S&NOS7;
Ilvp-Terentles,644426s; Erie, 4.20421; !dumb ,
Central, 73..476 1 ,i.
latest We Queenstown Liverpool, May le-p. m.
—The European crisis is unchanged. The
statement that all the powers have assented
Ma Congress IS premature; but IL is confirmed
that invitations halo been sent out.
Cotton firmer; sales to-day 10,000 bales to
speculators, and' 2,000 to exporters. Bread
stuffs Inactive. Provisions kit.
Leaden, May W.—Consols, filiN,oB7 ; • Five
Twenties, 63,5% 42 ,
; Erie, W43S;
Central. 71P/A76%. •
Ex.'Semen% at Coney Island—liejpert
Mosul* to he Used for Quarantine—
Deaths in Few York Lest Week—Blew
Cholera Cases as iturantine•
• Nov Yong., June 3.—There Is great excite
ment on Coney Island in consequence of a re
port that it Is to be used for Quarant in e. The
Owners of the property said to be 'elected,
Will, It Is reported, cause a forcible resistance
The number of deaths last week in New York,
Showed a material decrease over the previous
week. The improvement is owing to greater
rare and cleanliness of the city.
Twelve new oases of cholera occurred today
and five deaths on the hospital ship. Several
bad cases occurred on the steamer Peruvian
and thirty cases were diarrhea on the Portw:
mouth. The yellow fever patients are im
proving. Dr. Bissell says this Is bad weather
for cholera patients.
A south-east rain storm prevailed all day.
United Motes Court itt I
Darla , Counsel on Bond sod
A Seedy
to Proceed with Itissii r, "
tion for Bail to be !Submitted.
gicusioart, Juno 3.—An adjourned session of
the States Court for the Charet of
V ire info will commence in this °ley to-mor
row. Judge Underwood has noeyet arrived,
but is expected lu the morning. n
J. T. Brady, of New York, Iv
Philadelphia; end George W. Drown, Of Delta,
More, Assouiaie Conn.' for Jett Davis, at.
rived th i s morning and are stopping at the
Exchange Hotel. F. O'Connor and GrmiTe
Shea wilt arrive in reday or two. The manse]
will announce the ir
, readiness to proceed with
the trial of Day end In tne event of a post
ponement will a u mit an application for ball.
District Attorney Chandler will probably not
he plesent at this session of the Court, owing
to the severe illness of a member of his faml
ithijor mtnno ,, g y, Associate District At
torney, will represent the Government.
darrsten, who was
n Ira',private aeore.
ln arrived eie this from New
Telefono tweeeotreting 1,,,. rote.
corawast—twilla_b gestaihrs tied Vol.
umeer. eleat to WingWilln-CagliaL
C. W.,JunO B.—The rents= are !
copeamo ttag here force. No demonstra-
Mons have been medal*. them yet.
Jdo Anne regiummtoof mau
lers. ab out vdtblemond'Yolnuteers, and taltee ,
batterleb of neat artillery, add sixty men and
°Mears from ,the war sloop Medea, now In
the harbor hme; let here test night as a Na
name Brigade to protect
sailerCornwal Camel;
andw Mina n u mber of are winnow,
There are two men-ofwer on the wey from
_...~ _.._,._.,.<._.~.~_~_~..v_.~____~
The T. P. General Assembly
The Assembly convened at nine o'clock on
Saturday morning and was railed to order by
the alotierator, Rev. Dr. Kerr. Rev. Dr. Don
aldson then offered, a prayer to the Deity.
Rev. Dr..l. T. Prestley read the report of the
Board of church Extension, giving a detailed
statment of the operations and labor of the
Board d uring the past year. The report
congratulating the Assembly and
e th n e de t d !hu lY rc t h at large on the vigorous growth
anti strengthening of the Church by the exten
sion of its field ot operations and Increasing
membership. The report was received and
referred to the appropriate Committee.
Ten o'clock having arrived, the order of the
day—the reception of the Commissioner
free, th e old School Preabyterina General As- 1
sembly, now in session at St. touts,—was
called for.
The Moderator then introduced the Rev. Dr.
Donaldson, of the O. B. Assembly, wh o d o .
livered a brief address, extending the
gratutations and Christian fellowship sr the
body he represented to the l'. P. General As
sembly. Dr. Kerr, in behalf of the A.ssetetd,
made a few remarks, extending In return the
congratulations of the Assembly to the body
represented by the Commissioner. The speak
er especially congratulated the 0. 8. Assembly
on the position taken at Its present session on
freedom and loyalty, which he declared not
only reiterated the deliverance of 1818, but ren
dered it indollible This position could not
fail to unite the two bodies more closely, to
bring about a happier, better and more sill
dent co-operation, and to enable them to pre
sent an unbroken front in the army of the
The order of the day disposed of, the Rev.
D. G. Bradford reed the report of the Board of
Education. Rev. Dr. Clark submitted the re
port of the Board of Freedmen's Missions.
The reports were referred to the appropriate
was p
report of the Treasurer of the Synod
resented, and retorted to the Finance
• ittee.
- - -
The clerk read the annual report of the
Board of Publication, giving an accottnt of the
operations of the Board donna the past year.
A memorial to the Assmbly from Rev. W.G.
McCune was presented. The memorialist is
the author of a work entitled a "Review of
Church Fellowship," one chapter of which re
lates to communion. In that chapter the au
thor is charged by Presbyteries with "deter
mined and persistent opposition" to the testi
mony of the church. The memorialist con
tended that the memorials from the Presbyter•
ries had not placed a proper construction
upon his language, and entered Into &defense
of his.position at some length. The paper was
returned to the memorialist, at his request,
to be retained by him until after the Judiciary
Committee had reported on the memorials
from Presbyteries on the same subject..
The Committee on Foreign Missions sub
rxirtial report, covering resolutions
authorising the immediate reinforeisment of
the missions of India and Syria; that a com
mittee he appointed to nominate, at the earli
est moment, persons suitable as missionaries
In these fields; that It be ascertained, if pos
sible, hefore the Assembly adjourns, whether
the persons who may be nominated are wit
. 1114
awn-T kJ;.
that ev i,c D ., r. ,,, J l ..D e .
terms on the Board expire at the present ses
sion, he re-elected, and that Dr. Cooper be cho
sen to till the unexpired portion of the time
for which he was originally elected. The re
' port was rocommitted, and the Committee in
' structed to report on Monday afternoon, at
two o'clock, the report to be made the special
order at that hoer.
The report of the Presbytery of Wabash was
read and referred
The Comm Ittee on Religious Exercises sub
mitted a resolution fixing the time for bold
ing the Conference ou Foreign Missions on
Monday evening, and the Conferemm on Rome
Missions on Tuesday afternoon at three o'-
clock. The report was adopted.
The invitation to the Assembly by the Alle
gheny Temperance League to attend a meet
ing of the League, to ne held on Tuesday ev
ening, which was presented on Friday and
laid on the table, was taken up and accepted.
It was resolved that the Assembly dedicate
half an hour each morning to devotional ex
ercises. the services to commence at half pact
eight o'clock.
The Moderator then announced the time for
Use meeting of the various committees, steer
which the Assembly adjourned 'mail Monday
at nine o'clock, the afternoon session being
dispensed with.
Before the Assembly adjourned Rev. Thos
Beveridge offered an impressive prayer.
The Democratic Commity Committee.
This COMMIttAO met pursuant to notice at
II •. a, on aaturda3; at the St. Clair Hotel.
There was a full attendance and all sorts of
projects ventilated and discussed as to the
course to be pursued this fail In our County.
Quite a number of outsiders were on hand,
among others Mr. Joss li. Saw v ea, of the now
Johnson organ, the "Republic." Mr. Sawyer
attended, an he said, pi:natant to invitation,
and pitches in wan nut suggestions. He was
In favor of a conglomerate ticket of the com
posite order. A little of the Soldiers League,
rather more 01 the Liquor League or "social
reform" ingredient, and a moiety, as Col.
Diehl croo' any, of the unadulterated Demo.
cratie tincture. This mixture Mr. Sawyer
could take himself and prescribe for the read
ers of his imper, the Republic. Besides he
wanted no delay. The Convention should be
called now.
Some of the veterans In , the Democratic
' ranks thought Mr. Sawyer was entirely too
"suggcstive," as General McClellaninsinuated
10 0110 of his Generals. Haw recruits in the
party, such as Mr. Sawyer, should take back
seats for a time at least. There was no hurry
in the matter, and it was not usual to call a
Convention before fall, and on the whole Mr.
Sawyer bad better mind his own affairs. This
view of the Mae met with favor among the
old-liners, and Mr. Sawyer lett with a very
largo flea in his ear, the calling of a Conven
tion being postpcaeil to a more convenient
season by a decided vote.
iDlefrabehieement of Deserters In Peen•
sylvanta—he decision by the hopreme
The Supreme Court has adjourned without
having announced a decision In the case cc
neatly argued involving the constitutionali
ty of the act of Congress disfranchising de
serters, and It la not likely that a decision
will be pronounced until the meeting of the
court at the end of June. The act oi Assem
bly, which Governor Curtin held awaiting the
decision of the court on the constitutionality
of the act of Congress, provides for record!
and Ilsts to be procured by the Adjutant-Gen
end and to be furnished to the clerks of the
reveal• Courts of Quarter, Sessions In this
State, which, as presented In the letter of the
Attorney General to the Court before the ar
gument of rho case, will require all the time
before the election, ana are of great Inver
ounce to persons marked as deserters and who
can procure evidence to give them the right
of suffrage.
It Ls suttee officially that the Governor will
sign the bill, and that the Adjutant General
will commence the work kt once. If the Su
preme Court decides the act of Congress to be
constautlonal it can then be carried into ef
fect under the act of Assembly.
F.neroarbing Risen Forbidden Ground.
William McHendry, Regulator of Allegheny
City, has lodged a complaint before Mayor
Itl'Carthy easiest Zag a Co., proprietors of
the Sable iron Works, in the Filth ward, for
filling to the river hank opposite their Works.
Under an act of Assembly, approved April le,
1858, commissioners, together with a sur
veyor, surveyed and sparked the ordinary
linen of high and low water marks along the
rivers Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio,
from a tins crossing the Allegheny river at
the northeastern line of Sharpsburg, a
line crossing the Monongahela opposite Four
Mile Run, and from a line ci ossing the Ohio
opposite the month of Woods' Run, and
around the shores of all the islands in bald
rivers within the limits stated, excepting such
parts of the shores where llites had already
been established by law. It is the line thus
surveyed and marked which defendants are
charged with enorouch i n upon. A hearing
looked had is the case ay. The result is
upon with more than ordinary impel--
wpm and it is likely - that proceedings will be
instituted agalnet Other parties for like al
leged encroachment.
A Wanton Act—Cse Demolished
Between ono and two o'clock on Sunday
morning some persona, as yet unknown, took
one or the cars of the Minorsville branch of
the Pittsburgh and East Liberty Passenger
Railway from the Station at Minersvllis i and
haullag It to the top of the grade, immelMate
ty in fronbel the Hon. J. It. Moorehead's resi
dence, started' It down Centre avenue.
The car soon attained Nfrightful rate of speed,
and on reaching the curve at the intersection
of Fulton street, jumped from the track, and
Came in contact with a new brick building,
owned by Mr. James B. Hill and occupied by
Mr. Biebs.rd Oliver, breaking s heavy stone
step and shattering the windows to atoms.
The car itself was totally wrecked. The per
petrators of this wanton and malicious act
should be speedily brought to jruitice.
Thief Recaptured
During the prevalence of the fire at Lefay
ette Hall, on Tuesday morning of last week,
officer ritterick Ponder arrested James Reeler.
en alias Dougherty while in the act of carry
ing off a gun valued at WO, the property of
Mr. S. R. Reed. The gun was recovered, but
the would-be ROM managed to eseape in the
miurd o
o th ff e ic e m P n nd e a
r w e hc p h t pre M i clOdl.a rOn
at the Union Railroad depot, and taking him
before Alderman Humbert he was cofamitted
for trial by that magistrate.
Alderman Strain lodged a commitment
against the eame Individual for assault and
battery, on cemplaint of Patrick Kenny.
Court °Sabers , Appottsted.—The Judson
of the glandes . Sessions, de., on Satsirder sor.,
pointed the •lollortng Gl:doers : Cries—John
Patterpon ..Tipttaree,„ for Ignartiir ileenioner
and Common nent—J Lorimer. John C.
smith. werreurldellaraine, Wm:Boston, J. Mo.
nwaThe. Robert Neely. M. 21. - -:lta rt raill;W: - Ji:
Charlton. To Oland aipon•Granet Jiary.4tdin
-SOesenar, Jolla Ituhoop, J. B.
Intense Fenian Escltement—Another
Detachment to leave To-day—Volun
teer. Arrielng—important Order From
General Sweeney.
Yesterday there woo great exclterneet
concerning the Fenian. Knots of people
were gathered in different parts of the city
y engaged in canvassing the Canadian
invasion. Some bitterly opposed the move
went, believing it an insane military attempt
through which hundreds of human lives
would unnecessarily be sacrificed and no goal
be accomplished. others, inclined to Fenian
bon, were enthusiastic in their laudations of
the "boys in green" who were to establisn
Ireland upon their owe account on the soil of
Canada. do Fifth street the excitement was
intense. Everybody was anxious to learn the
latest particulars from Canada, and the now.
paper offices were besieged with &exit)us
crowds of Mile:dans. The Gazette bulletin
attracted such an excited throng an used to
gather upon the reception of important in
telligence during the rebellion. The tele
grams giving favorable accounts of the Fe
nians in Canada were received with much
Joy and satisfaction, but those of a different
nature were set down as Canadian falsehood.
The Fenian Headquarters were thronged
with Irish citizens all day, and a number of
brief, stirring speeches were made urging
them to sustain their bretheru in Canada by
men and money. Upon the table some thirty
thousand dollars worth of bonds of the em
bryotic Irish Republic were displayed slitt
inurchasers. We were informed that a
co g nsid p erable amount Waft rea li zed, at least
sufficient to properly equip a detachment of
men who will leave to-day for Canada.
The battalion which left hero last week are
now Upon the frontier awattmg an opportuni
ty to got ov er into Canada. Their friends feel
very anxious concerning them, es the expedi
tion is doubly hazardous, sloes the righ isof
war will not be accorded them if captured.
Notwithstanding the great excitement pre
vailing In the city there wits no disturbance,
which may be attributed to the close embargo
kept upon drinking saloons. Fourteen coun
trYtnen armed with old fashioned, muskets,
arrived on foot yesterday, from some of the
country districts, and registered their naarkel.
nsvokulteers for the freedom of Ireland, it
. . -
oeYtOmit is accomplished througn this hostile
movement upon our peaceful neighbors in
Coott Li. the people will be greatly surprised.
important °riser from General Sweeney
has been promulgated, but as it is of a milita
ry nature we could not learn anything con
corny:tett, farther than that the campaign to
to be kept up, and that more men and money
must be tnnuednuely forthcoming.
In concurrence with the expressed wishes of
many of our citizens the Opera House man
agement have succeeded in re-etrigaisma the
great magician Robert Holler tor three
nights more. During thorned week the houses
have been crowded to over-dewing by large
and fashionable andiences, which will doubt
less be the case for the three succeeding
nights. To-night he performs his womlerfn/
illusion erditleni Anthodoglossns, and to-mor
row evening his great delusion of the Spiral
Sack, which is said to be beyond all ommtion
his greatest act.
To-night at the Theatre the grand spectacle
of the Seven Sisters will be produced with all
tam appliances and scenic effect that has made
it On former occasions so attractive. Since its
last production here it has been entirely re
written, and is now replete with now gags and
sallies well calculated to awaken the sensi
bilities of even the most morose.
At Trimble's Varieties several new stars will
appear daring the week, in addition to the at
tractive company already there. The enter
tainment is first-class in every particular, and
for their enterprise the management deserve
a liberal support from the public.
A Onnasubtal Cloud.—Bridget Conklin on
Saturday appeared before Justice Ammon, of
East Birmingham, and preferred a charge of
surety of the peace againt her husband, Thom
as Conklin, who, she represents, Is in the hab
it of beating and abusing her. An officer was
dispatched to arrest the ungallant Benedict,
but on reaching the house found him• seated
beside his wife, who not only refused to al
low the officer to take her husband into custo•
dy, but threatened lithe limb of the law did
gof quickly vanish, she wo uldassist his Lie
arture with a certain piece of morrow in
er possession. The said piece of tuorroeo
• leg a large six, the o ffi cer thought it misla
id° not to further interrupt the twain in the
.nJoyment of that felicity which usually tot
owe matrimonial conflicts.
Hearing ha a 3 nbusne Case.—A hearing
In the .1.110 of Adam Bette, Patrick Roach, Ed
ward Flood, and Michael Cochran, accused
with maintaining a nuisance on their premises
to Mansfield, was had before Alderman Don
aldson on Saturday afternoon. John Mellon.
Ego., appeared as counsel tor the prosecutor,
Joshua Stevenson, and J. 8.. Miller, E.g.,
for the defendants. Several witnesses were
examined on both sides, when the proceedings
were quashed by Stevenson withdrawing the
suit, on conditions that the nuisance com
plained of should be abated and the defend
ants pay the costs of proseeution.
Wondernal F.sespe.—On Saturday after
noon, to the vicinity of Wood's Erin, n boy
aged ftfteen or auteen years, twe did not learn
his name) jumped off the express train of the
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail
road, going west at the rate of about forty
miles an hour, Just as the Accommodation
train coming east was near at hand on the
other track. Fortunately to relate, the boy,
in rebounding alighted between the tracks on
his head and shoulder, and, as the Accommo
dation was passing, regained his feet, without,
apparently, having received any . injury.
The New York "Albkm" writes In very
high terms of the new pens made by Barnard;
they say "The extra line pointed pens of the
carbonized metal, recently made by Charles
Barnard, of London, are the best pens for
'posting" we have ever used, not excepting
any. Barnard's extra floe points, although ex
tremely sharp nlbhed, do not cut, through the
paper, and make an extraeuillitary clear and
well defined stroke. To all who appreciate
an excellent posting pen we can recommend
Barnard extra fine "carbonized" pens."
Bold/era' League.—At the last meeting of
the Soldiers , League, the following officers
were placed in nomination, to be voted for at
the next meeting. For President—Gene. J. B.
Sweitzer andes 8. 8.11. Young. Vice Presidents
—lien. Cha Barnes, Capt. B. W. Morgan,
Capt. J. F. Slagle, Soßona Keefe, Capt. Robert
Pollock. For rl Seeretary—Charies F. ISPKenna.
Assistant Secretary—Charles Seibert. For
Treasurer—John H. Kerr. Trustees—lieneral
Barnes, Gen. Young, Cap Pollock, 8. Keefe,
J. E. Robinson, Philip Nall.
A Buzzard Caged.-Benjamin Buzzard,
an old offender, was committed to Jail by May
or McCarthy, yesterday, for the larceny of a
pistol valued at th e from the gun.mith shop
of W. G. McCartney, on Fifth street. Benja
min for many years has led a vagrant life,
subsisting chiefly on the bountAeff genatous
public. He has been absent froth. the city for
some time and had but
F orjus etUred when he
was placed in durance . or a time, at least.
there will be one Buzzard securely caged.
IKtcked to the Hemel—Louis Kautman
appeared before alderman Taylor on Satur
day and made oath against Lords Hardtmey
er for assault and battery. The deponent. al
leged that Hardtmoyerovithout any Just cease
or provocation, knocked him down and rick
ed him in the head, swearing at the same
that he would kill r em. The origin of the
crutrrull was lager beer, of which both had a
fu i share. A warrant was issued for Hardt ,
moyerOt arrest.
Another Car on the Itaampage.—At a late
hour on Baturday night as one of the care on
the Pittsburgh and Manchester Passenger
Railway was ascending Federal street the
coupling pin broke and the horses becoming
r thundering
from the ear It wen thdering
down toward the Suspension Beß with ter.
Able velocity. Before any de e wad done
the ochtloctor put down the b and, to the
satisfaction of the inmates, e car was
*emend of Poeket-IPleklog.—Alexander
Denney' was arrested by officer Seth Wilmot,
on Saturday, and brought before Alderman
Strain on a charge of having picked the
pocket of Alexander Murray on the 30th of
last month. Murray, who is the proprietor of
a saloon in Market alloy, testified that on
tho night mentioned Denney picked his
Docket in the Diamond of $1:31 In default of
{l.OOO ball, the accused was committed for
The Musical ihmater.—Tee grand open
ing concert with the mammoth new organ of
St. Paul , ' Cathedral will take plane on lion
day evening next. On the Thursday night
following, ueorge W. Morgan Esq., the cele
brated New York organist, will display to its
best and greatest advantage the beautiful and
varied effects of the musical monster. The
choice seats of the Cathedral have men re
served for both occasions. •
A Man Abet and Sidled by His Wife.—
A man living in the mildly-of Fallen Parlance
Clarion county, Pa., was shot and killed by
his wife. It seems that the woman was caught
In a eriminhi act, sod ho abused her eeverely.
On Wednesday he came home drunk, when,
ea:separated by her fernier abuse, or perhaps
fearful of its repetition, as he entered the
house she took up a loaded gun and fired at
him, killing him blatantly.
Salt tm Fayette Comaty.—The "S liver Oil
Company" in !Making s well for 01l near Ma
sontown, in this county, struck a strong
stream of salt water which is likely to prove
quite profitable, Over three hundred barrels
of excellent salt have already been manatee
tured, The works are not In opera s p at
ibis time, bat It is the intention oftbea
ny to carry on the business extenal"LY'
Assault with a Hope.—Jatie Zu gOw
Reused before Justine_ Linpart oa tarday
and lodged an informetroa . against Edon
Trovidi for assault area tw ,tWitr• Th e Prase
entsix states that Ellen Oman bar With a
piece of a lOttute4ne oa tile oad, which, be
sides giving her oonsiderable pataat Menne,
left several scan= benne and neck. Aware
rant was issued for the anent of .the accused.
Desortion.—Patrick litutan was before.Al-
derman ntrahs-on Saturday, charged wltivile
.,tto, ee th of his wife 'Bridget
who, to her deposithni, stated that during the
L a m, t hree mondui.the accused had not con.
tributed a cent to hefiztaintainance. Patrick
wee held to ball for Me appearance at Court. to.
answer the charge.
coarsting Theati.—A strict guard fa kept
over the Iranian arms at ttei barracks in Erie
city. Many - or our* citizens redly saran to
think that mem project on loot to regain
them by, force
• adarami.—aldermani Varna ainak ..
• daY, iaM William math for WM MOW
K. imanniatar.
The eDIANI torwanted crbleb will reseb the set.
scribers ioaDelit as *be mail rex.
9INOLE corlas. - rs-As. ...... so
Ih intY-tteesind Penny?''Tanga Volunteers.
The members of the Regiment assem
bled on autnrday evening Jane 9d at the
Council Chamber, to take tee Initiatory stela
to attend the Flea Presentation on July Atb.
The meeting nat. well attended. all the
companies being well representeAl. An or
ganization was effected I, 1 ca lling Gen. J,
Bowman awed tzar 1.0 the ~i , r, Pita apt/Cant
ing Lie it. Wm. J. Patter4on
The following Committee, were appointed
On Transportatl•n: Gen. Rewinds
sweitzer. Lieut. Wm. Patterson, sail Capt.
Crider. Capt. E. W. Tlmoney, Sergi. N . B.
McCuney, Sergi.. J. J. O'Brien, Clout. Wm. .i.
Patterson, Will. Black, Thos. Wilson, sad
Capt. John ti. Murray. were constituted a
Committee to procure the names of those
intending to participate In the celebration.
Newts. McCurry, Clawson, and Geyer were
appointed to procure a snitiibb• banner.
tin Finance--G en. J. Bowman Sweitser,
Jeremiah Murphy, Co. Sergi- J. J.
' , Brien, Co. "(le' C. Dania, Co. ".t;" Capt.. E.
W. Tlmoney, Co. "X;" Setgt, H. B. McCurry,
Co. '(B;" Corp..l. Sherlein, Co. "F." Mtor
trnnsacting some Important business the
meeting adjourned to reassemble on Friday
next at the same pima.
A Scrap of Local filator7. we and the
following bit of local history in Sandy's and
Foresters' "History of the Violin" it says:
"Steiner the Tyrolese—who came after the
great Cremonese and Brescian makers—receiv
ed fifteen hundred acres of American land on
which the thriving city of Pittsburgh now
'stands in payment for the construction of ono
of his superb violins." •Real estate has advan
ced since the date of this sale to such a degree
that if all the violins that have been construc
ted since Appollo brat touched its strings on
the Parruwian bight, were piled In ono huge
pyramid, they would not purchase one tenth
of those self same acres alluded to by the WO
Disehargusd. Anthony Treinecha., the
young man arrested as a deserter from the re
gular army had a hearing in the United
states District oourt,s on Saturday, and was
discharged. with the condition that he should
pay the reward due for his arrest, viz: thirty
dollars. He was released on the ground that
he was a udnor al the time of his enlistment
--having enlisted without the consent of his
Mulaide.—John Krollman, a Herrman, re
siding in Erie city, committed B.leide on Pri
day last, under peculiar circumstances. IL
seems he was engaged in whipping his wile,
when an officer interfered and attempted to
anent him. lie got away, however, and ran
into a privy and before he con d be prevente d
blew out his brains. He Is supposed to have
been partially or wholly insane.
Generous Donstion.—Hon. B. Chamber
• .. . . . . . .
aln, of East Randolph, blew 'York, has recent
y 'made a donation to the Allegheny College
tat, one
Twenty-three bozos of fossils Wive been re
eel Ved from Profesuor Ward, who tuts recently
returned !rem Europe, where he has been
making coll.tlons for I he College.
A Great Excitement seemed to prevail on
~ .ocust street, In the Ninth want, lamt oven
ng. A crowd of men, women and eh Ildron,
Lumbering hundreds, wore congregated, end
*mottling unusual /women to be going ou, the
intern of which we (allot' to iwertaiii. The
I,ollte were not about, and the turmoil sub
.idettwithout their interferenea.
Serious Complatot.—ltesklentA of the vi-
Mnity of Itidge street, Allegheny, seriously
complain of the stench arising from offal and
filth 111 the ravine on West Common, which
seeing to have been selected us a general de.
posltory for noxious substances.
specfuly ask th e anthorlties to do theirduty
In the premises.
Corner-Stone Laying - Postponed.—Ow
lag to the ilLmgreeable state of the weather
yts , terthiy the laying of the corner-stone of
the new St. Paul's Orphan Asylonx, in the
Seventh ward, was postponed till next Sunday
afternoon at two o'clock. Extensive prepara
tions have been made for the occasion and the
mnemonic. promise to be unusually
het Fire to Ills 4:elk—Peter .1. Fundy, ar
.itded a few deys ago, in Titusville, Venango
only, on a requisti lon, to answer a charge
f committing to rubbery In New - Turn, set tire
o ills cell to the fork-up, m Manville, with a
slew to make his escape. The dames were ex
inguLsked before obtaining headway.
Serious Polsameo.—That portion of the
Central Skating Park (old Fair Grountito ly
ing Jost outside the Inuits of the city, is a
poen of stagnant water, nod they
ource of
tering. complaint. Whose I.oltinesti in it to ate
to this cholera-iireetillig pool I
lAghtning Caliente tor.—Professor. 1l utch-
tags, the world.renouned calculator, will give
)e of his unique entertertainments at the
mu City College this evening. lie Is well
.orthy of a visit, ee bbrmathentatica/ abiLtlee
cc wonderful. The admittance Is free.
Not Agreed.—The Jury in the coo of Can
neid h Poor ye. Jake Hill, et al., on tits' for
-,,sera' days last week, In the Court of Corn•
ion Pleas retired to their room on Saturday
at noon, and up to the hour or adjournment
had fa il ed to agree on 2L verdict. •
An EdMortal Comet —Fred. Watson, Esq.
.oinet-like-dashed upon the city during the
past month the four most brilliant numbers
the Leader that were ever issued. We are
sorry to learn that his connection with that
' ,, urrtal ceased yesterday.
Broke Her Arro.—Yesturday afternoon a
I i.tle girl named Annie Milner fell into a cellar
Centre Avenue and broke her arm. She was
Llama to the residence of her parents, on
Roberts street, where her LnJuries were %rep
rly attended to.
Mg properly the lest day of the March term of
the Quarter Sessions, the ,recoirnizanoes of
about fifty persom, who Into fatted to appear
were formally forfeited.
Further Illearingp—in the matter of the
appacation Corm injunction against John P. -
limit, publisher of me Jtepob/te, wltnesseli
wore examined in the Court of Common
Pleas on Saturday. A decision will shortly be
Mayor's Office.—The Mayor had.alnotoeu•
"cases" to dispose of at his dtmday morning's
Court, H. McAdams and William Cain were
tined twenty-five dollars each for disorderly
conduct, and is default sent up for thirty
Commences TooMy.—The Juno term of
the Criminal Court commences to-day at ten
u'eloolr- There are in prison sixty-threo por
tions swatting trial, three of whom are
■ristrtet Court.--In the District Court the
argnment Itet will be taken up to-day at ten
Midloll with Chau.
eunitaorots June 3.—The Department of
atate has received an official dispatch from
Pekin, Waling to the extension of the privil
ege accorded to vessels trading along the
coast of China. To those which ply between
t hat empire and Jamul and Seygon, the only
port yet opened, on paying tonnage duties
once in four months. The number of summers
now running regularly between Shangtate and
tie. Japanese portals Ave, but the trade em
ploys many more vessels, and 11113 concession
wul be an advantage. A score or more of
small gran are plying between the two coun
Pickpockets at den. Mcott's Funeral—
s:en. Groot Relieved of His WAWA
nod Schuyler Voilez of his Purse.
New Venn, Juno 3.—Pickpockets enjoyed a
golden harvest at West Point. on Friday, on
the occasion of Gen. Scott's funeral. Many
distinguished characters wore relieved of
money and valuables. Gen. Grant, it is stated.
lust his watch and Schuyler Colfax his 'Male.
Penton Meeting in Boston.
Bofrros, June I.—A meeting of Fenian. was
held title strternoou at the headquarters on
Hanover street, which was quite numerously
attended. The speakers made strong appeals
for money, asserting that volunteers were in
abundance, but wi thout liberal contributions
they could not be sent to the front. About two
thousand dollars in money was raised.
4a-cold Chains,
air Call and gee them at
3:ll l r r iEr. db 00.15,
ci-co To
at three o•eloek. on the urm an.. op infnen meet,
Eighth Want,. within three minute., 'Walk or Con n
Haute, will De mold two bandsomelyjocated tom.
having a front of 4l feet on Forbes Street; extending,
back eighty feet eight and a half inches. to Linden
street:. on whletku greeted a handsome two mtOry- , -
brick dwelling haring Mille ball,
_harlot'. dlntng
romlac c h r uit and want home on One - -
Thoroughly talabed tlambera an .
The. ? li n otr;!'fs W iZi l i
througuout with pressed brick, wood worn 0r...,
perioncbarammer, grained and. Inimilblibk. thii•bemt . •
manner, anew eallings, hot and Mild *Abr. and,.
other conveniences not: utually,finind.r_
meits sod PM*. tow d fence and stontrfoungligon.6.,‘,.
Ti) porde* dbmiring a conithrtatitef dwelling
...,,. Vauter SCUS4I . ,
44!befora teas"lpfltrgor pArlo4isk; on tao:SE3
: .
. •
~~ „k i 1 _
ace..—Saturday be-