CITY A1111).-XEIGNBORH00D (ADDITIONAL ON FIRST PA OED • , . Eighth Restored Assembly of Me Church of North Americo. FIRST DAY. Yesterday morning, at nine o'clock , the As sembly yenVirflßClev. k'. Churrn, religions exercises the Roll of Delefilates vres called, and the fol lowing gentlemen anlmered to the'r names : PVROZ, or. NEW TOR.C. Albany, Ker. 11. P. 'McAdams, Mr. - Christ; Mole, Rev. J. C. Forsyth, Rev. Thos. L.„. re gro, Mr. John Reid, Mr. W. G. Corbett; Boat m,..liev. Alex. Bpskim.D.D.,, lir. A. Moore; rtlalndoniti Rev. J. Van Eaton, Me • 'Cares; Mr. R. Johnsen, Mr. MoVOIF.Dc..- , ;Were, Rein IL G. Wallace, net , . CI It A.Vt r i l o2, B ilr Means; Second N od,lt Mr. ew York, Rev. M. IL Blair, Patterson, Mr. .1. M. Wallace, Mr. John MeGay; Vermont, 11ev. ThomasoOd ' wine, Mr. John Wilson; Philadelphia, Rev. W. W. Barr, Rev, James Price. Mr. Wm. Getty, Mr. Thomas Stewart; Stamford, Rev. John nogg, Mr. - Mitchell; St. Lawrence, Rev. C. V, ebeter, • • rtasr crime ova . l4;;;Mblr. . „ - Allegheny, Pe. Rev. W. A. Meßensio, Iles. U. Stingenn, Rev', J. 1.. Fairley, Mr. - DOR, Mr. James McCandless; 'Sutler, Rev. W. I'. Braden, Rev. Wm. Galbraith, Rev. J. B. Clark, 1). D., Mr. A. Wilson, Mr. D. McKee, Mr. L. G. rarVI.Y; Cleveland, 'Rev. D. Goodullie, Mr. IL. E. Murdoch; Detroit, Rev. Wm. Robertson, Mr. John Corbett; Lakes, Rev. J. A. Bailey, Rev. Joh J n ernigan, Mr. T. C. Cochrane, Mr. Wm. McLean; Mereer, Rev. C. Consmlnso Rev. .1. Pattecautm, D. D., Ile, D.ll. trebriii, Mr. McCandless. 71,011 07 rrrrt,ntmon ltlcriSpring. J. A. 1)'l; Mr. .1. 0. Carsem; Cl artiers J. G. Carson, Ray. W. A. M`Connell, Rev. D . Little, Mr. D. Phillips, Mr. William Graham, Mr. William Mania; Conemnußß, Rev. W. D. Collins, Rev. .1. C. Telford, Mr. James Tfirritnce; Frankfort , Rev. D. W. Car son, Iter..l. W. Witherspoon, Mr. Wm. Fra sier. Mr. James. Nelson; Monongahela, Rev. J. G. iloyd, nor. D. R. Kerr, .D. D. Rev. F. A. .lintehleson, Mr. Morgan Elliote,Ml). D. Friend, 'lll.tsJ. li.Cannen; Westmoreland, 11:'111. Me llanstrey, O. Kate, Mr . 11. M. Jamison, Mr: J. M'Elroy SYNOD OF OHIO. Mansfield, Rev. T. Arerthurst, Rev. Coon, Mr. J. Brinkerhoff Mr. John Anderson; Muskingum, Rev. Wm. Johnston, Rev. J. C. Mnrelo Mr. J.• P. ..1...11.1e, Mr. IL - It. Forsyth; Steubenville; Rev; i_da.key; Jr., Ile, Joseph 'toyer, Mr M. O. Jr:l'M..., Mr. Macto” Wheeling, lter..l. o.Johostam, Rev.Wm.W ten nrt, )Ir. J. W. OrlI), Mr. Alexander llam- Moog. PB,INT F NOD 011.T11:604r1C8T Cliuuret he , ne, R. It. Csuripliell, RAM J. M. Waddle, Sir. !il. limner, Mr. Collicri Indi ana, Rev. .1. F. Untetonsoo; Rev. .1. It. M alkar, Mr. b. Greene, Mr. Wm. Weir; Michigan, Rev. J. Ander.on. Rev. J. W. Buchanan, Rev. J. C. Whorl:her, MT. Thor. TlitallaSon; (MM. Ito , . J. Sem:tiler, ]tor. Jo,. M. !lotion, Rev. .1. C. 11 , Cone, Mr. Rola. ?WV Ude. Mr. It. C Stewart, Mr. W. o. Rohl; Sidney. her ii. 11. Thoultemn, Rev. Iten.j. Waddle, Mr. 5..1. thont/le„ Mr. W. Morrow; Princeton; Roc. A. It. Raultio: Millito Inver, Rev. Unica logics; Itny..l. It. lien, M. Robert M' Nee,, , Xenia. Rev. Thom. Beveridge, D. 11., Styr. It. It. Ewing, Rev. W. 11. Raney, SI r..lomeph Morrow, Mr. J. 11. ohelby, Kayle. Bloomington, !LOS W. B. C Trnegartle, Chicago. 10,.. W. T. Moffatt, Hoy. S. F. Thorml.loll. Mr. D. M. Dobbin, Mr. S. B. Shelby; Kann:, Bev. It. 1.. Ilnltlrtilge, Mr. John Monotou.ll, Itov. S. M.lllll/, 11Cr. D. G. Brwitord. lICV. W. H. Ilarlittpan, Roo. .1. I). Foorr, Mr. 11. 1.. Thompson, 14 r. Si. 11.1eIntril• non, J1r..1. It., M. 55. II Itemlionotll Wink Istan.l, Rev. J. A. Edit., itev..l. hicCalit.- ier, Sir. LI. Warnock, Mr. 11. W. Ilnyn; St. Louts, Ron. T. D. U., ix, Iton. M. Si. Mgrlingt W Incon lan, Bey. W m. Stnlttt, Sir. Wto. carnpben. Ksltitis Ov lOWA De/unique, Rev. it F. Bonner, lies - . .1. D. Beard, Mr. D. It. K I rim hxl,, Mr. lames lAD.; Keokuk, liev..lailles grown, D. 11., Reit. W. 11. Wilson. Rev .1. X. Vionti;lir..l. A. liendersOn, Mr. John Itonalds, Mr: .1. M. itehrOrtson,'Le Claire, Iter../. i. Folton, 'Rev. J. G. Colt.loll. Mr. W. Nli•Connell, Mrs B. td. Dick; Nebraska, /1.1. V. Proudilt, ttr. Coo. Snyder. The delegates then proceeded to ballot. for OrrieM's to serve ,Ppring the sevvvion, anti the folloiv Mg result Mister/dor. Rev. Dr. D. It. Kerr; Clerk, Rev. Ur James Wrest ley ; Assistant Clerk, Rev. W. Si. Barr. int taking the chair, Dr. Kerr thanketi the Awsensllly for the honor dime him, stating that the p session Was illy Inest tent that hail everresent emir . I since the Uniting Of the Church. The freeing of so many pc 'Rena Who Vern until a short 14,ipe vibes Wahl in Troullnge,.lm. , l widened the ;Mehl - OD labor to such an extent, that it Stns inmenttively ne cessary that some steps should be immediatts ly taken to meet the wants 01 the eloirch in this respect 111 conelusion„ bc hoped the members would Conte to Die work before them with the spirit rd true Citrivtlanitv, and that no wicked ..r wordly thought would inthienee their netton in any partamlar. When the Moilmartir had tlnlsheti niv inirmlnctory dress, Ito, Dr. Harper, of Xenia, Milo, the Secretary of the Dme Bits/don Board, read the report of tint labor o performed by the Board during their late • TIM report was quito lengthy and occupied over an ilOor in reading. Anotlig °tiles things it eontaintst full liSt` pr appropriations grant , 1 1 1. the several missions, togetht r w h v 'l-1 et the udalsters apponitiel as tea , :ve new congregations that during tic: year had became edlf-vmstainlng, and wont, therefore, need no further assistance from the Board. When, the _l'l-ailing of the report had been fintstie4, the Sixsteintor sug.gc,ted the pro priety of dispensing Wll.ll the reading of all -other reports, an business of Importance re-- the immediate attention of the Assem uly. A committee, B cell... Ming of Itov. J. C. Boy.l. R,v..1. rown end Rev. R.. I/racily was then appolitted to provnic for Lilo pulpits of the. PLirttaloiuf t rg h h e ‘ l e t l oin rCiefl es .F_;o1ov. n Dr. D s aolnes, :mmeekee parmlsvion to t rea of the g por M of i the Board l The jperiniseltni was granted, and too report, consisting of a 11111 review of the labor per formed by We variounforcign missions during the yenr, was laid on thatabldhiatil theattuni ing committee should be uppohited. Dr.-Dales reettestellOn view . ,Of the umnyartlitonS labors doVolvliih m lam, that, be shotrld net bart erer-MO Id his present position. ' Thu itev..ftmes - ilrown, of lowa, moved that further reports of enmutlttoes he postponed pntil the reaular hours fur meeting anti ail- journincut were dyed. On mutton,tite follow ing hours Were agreed opals: :The morning se.slon thhegln at nine o'clock, to reinain ses , lon milli twelve O'clock; to re-assemble at two o'clock, and adjourn at tive o'clock. At the request of the INl.lttrator. Rev. Thos. 17siveridge, of :en ia, tJ.,took the chair, In or derd to expedite We husttless Ottopre the Assembly, Mi allow Dr. err time paro list of the various committees.. The Clerk then rend reports from the , Presbyteries of 1.1041011,.Ar- Kyle, Stamford, at. Lawrence, Delaware, 1 , DM, Preshytery of New fork, Cale donia, Dig Spring, 1.141 IS cstmorciand. The hour or adjournment having arrived, Rev. Dr. Johnston Maned a fervent. prayer CO Thrdne. of Grace, and. the Aalicrably ad journed, • - • APTEUNOON Tbn Assembly reassembled at . 2 o'clock, and Nyno opened with prayer by the btoderator. DI. Kerr. The reading of Reports Of rtesbyteries woo thee rtionned. ILeportg wete'read from the rmsbyterie.. of Allegheny, Chanters, In diana., NAM h. Shinny. Frankfort, Lake Buffalo, Stenhetiville, Wheeling, Cleveland, 'Musk', g um, Chillicothe, Wehtrm, Conemaug it, White ]tiger, Monmouth, St. Louie, Bock fri end, Keokuk, Le Claire, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Egypt and Scalkete. An invitation from tile Temperance League of Allegheny City; inviting the dela. gate. of the Allffetnll)y to attend a meeting of tins Leogue,Lto be held on Tuesday eveni , g next. No action being taken on the invita tion, it was laid on the table, and the Modera tor prdeeeded to itnnoone the names of those he bad nominated to Servo on the Terme. Committees. and •Beattria.. The following arc the IlarliestkpVetl: NTAND pr I O NG COMMITT“.. tin Bills oral Orectures-Mintsterts - Jamo , Iltown, I). D.. John Van Eaten. IL. 11. Ewing, J. C. Boyd. Elders-Wm. Getty, Joseph Kyle, W. alcuonnell. JudiclaL-Minliders-D. C. Ids alms, D. 11., Jam. Patterson, D , .1. Y. Shoulder. E lders -JoltsH a eld, .1. . Dull; Joseph Kissicil, i. Shields. fbrrespondcocc.-M IL Johnston, H Weir, m. Elders---. 1. 11. iI tactile son;1). M. Deck. ,Vanities.-Ministers -.1. P Lytle, Andrew s:onion, IS. R. Campbell. Elders-Joseph Mi- Councll, Bugg /._ Thompson. DCl'o4oll[ll Esereixes.-hlinisteris-Alemtnii , Markle, D. D. D. W. Collins, D. U. litudford. Ehlers-b. G. Terris, Thompson Burton. FOlOnere.-:11 tilyo.en-11. H. Thompson, Mat thew Clark, 1. A. lhilellinsOn. %Worn-Wm. McLean, E. E. Murdock. Foreign Miations.-.lllnlsters-James Price. Samuel Millen, J. G. Carson. FA/lora-D. Mr- Jos. Morrow. Home llistiorts.-1111.nistetti-J. C. Forsythe, W. S. Moffett., Clark Irving. Elders--n. 11. tinelby, J. li. Marline. .Prefkloten.-Afiltialera--Cyrus Cutarnina. llcliatton. J. F. Hutchinson. Eld ers - It. Forsythe, Jan/es IL Fiery. • ' • Church ltstensiint.-Minliiter.-.1. H. Kdie, Wm. Er wi Johnston, 7 J. Y. Ashenhurst. Elder,.-- James n, 31tiralinni. iglakk:falosa-kfleinters-,Tho4. Goodwillie, D. S. Little, W.. A. McConnell. Elders-J. N. Wallace. PubliCorluo.-Minlaters--C. Weirder, .J. McAllister, Jon. DOyd. Eiders-A. 11. Elliott, D. M. DOlildn.. On motion, the reports that heal .been read were referred to the apdropriate °MOMS thee, The committee appointed it) prepare a new veraleit or the Patilftla banded In report, which, with the papers accompanying It, Were Infernal to a *velvet cOultnitten. menmrial front the Preebytery of Wheel . ing na, road ni relation ton revlalOit of PALM:I)- (34y, which ./111 also referred, ll motion, the cOrrosnotalence with 'the Ohl sitiarresbyterlaus wan made theapeclal order for to-ilay at ten o'clock. A memorial accompanied the Muskingum Presbytery report, In relation to the etooluct ing a Of Rev. W. C. Cone, of Cincinnati, In publish- liordi entitled "Clint - eh Fellowalop,o whirls lin enfant, fig.,/ "open COMMORtOII.'• which 1414, rect oppailtionln the discipline of the eV .. The ineutOrlal concludes:by re. onestine't • Aliseinbly' to take the zameasktry constitutiOnal steps so bring lilts to trial le nity the church. Toe memorial, on motion, was refernsi lathe Judicial Committee. The committee appointed at the morning ' session to make pulpit appointments for the city of Pittsburgh, made a report on follows, PITTROU Rau. First 0, p. 4:bares—lV: J. Rondo ; l.itt 1014 n. in., J. C. Treeedele; in4jci g. Second U. P. Cherub—DE J. Prentley , e, n. to., W. T. Stellitt; 3 P. m., J. L.. itObertaton. Third P. (Morett—Dr. John G. Drown; Rev, Thomas 'Lawrence:7,4 p. m., J.Tr C. Fourth, U• d I'. Clotreb—Dr. Gracy m., Gilbert Small; 3p. ru.,fistrice Price. vita, o.l.,otttocte,:iter S. 0. Heed's; le% a. m.,. Barr. MA:, ThortipeOn; 43.4 ' to., Wm. Johnson. Punt Preenyterlan F. Scoville's; ttlii a. rm., S. 1.. Robertson; P. 4. 4 C. FOraytt.e. - a •," ," 4 :4 Sixth Preabteibtii &web; Oldlcilibel-trin g, J.' Wilton; 10% n. tn., Rev. U. G. Bradford; 11:ganrta 1 1 :c 5 l c iTtter4n fr z •Incebus , - :- Liberty a. us.. P asl ' ar . ' 3 P. m " .1" 11. P'l3.. Ye... MIKE/T . l'Z, .Liberty 'street Methodist Church—S. F. °rinds as ,no Prrrartueoli (JAZiltrrl, i ' Jones, plater; 103 , 5 11.. tn., W. Kneeling' 734 li. , Banker and Broker, I, Fitte•T, June 1, IArZ. i le., Bev. D. G. ilradfOrd - ' The produce market continues fairly active First Reformed—Dr. Dourtlass 104 a. m., J. 1 Y. Astgalipatig; .2,74 P. m. Wm. Wtshart. ; 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. , and steady, with a regular demand for all of Cbrnitht .MethOdist--R.iv. Snyder's; 10n, a. the leading commodities, but there is no quo m., R. K. Catrell; 7 , 4 . p. ni,. W. C. McCune. I Al! descriptions of Government Bonds ' ,hi e e b,„,,,.. , 7 , va lues. ' Cause Baptist —+ i. "m h i n ''' Dn ''; i u % ' m '' bought and sold on liberal terms. 3 ohir Hogg; D.; p. m., 11. - L. flaidritigo., ultA IN— Wheat is firm and in good demand London and Continental Exchange sold at but unchanged; sales of Jeans northwestern ALLZOIIMEY. New York rates. at ir - .1,20. Oats In good supply, bat there is a First C. P. Church—Dr. Presaly%; 10'4 a. m., i I very fair demand, rid prices are well sea- James Brown, D. D.; 7 , 4 p. m., D. S. Litton. , Gold, Silver and Coupons bought at highest : mined. sales at 5565 e in elevator, and tu from second U. P. Church—Pr. J. 11. Clark's; 10 . i 1 rates, and Gold Drafts issued on New York. , store. Corn Is quiet and unchanged; we cite m., Rev. John Robertson; 3p. m., Rev. IL B • sting- 7 .741a zn Rot , . d. G. Carson. 1 - . __, _ .. or two niece- Fine, to arrive. Sale of 350 bush -Third G. k . Cllreli—. IL Kerr's• lox R... 1 FINANCE AND TRADE. ' ! Rye at al, and 3T, bmih 1111cl:wheat at V.1:2 3 ; Itelt..l. C. FOrhytion s p. m., ReV..I!P. Sankey: I also, 30 bush at name figure. 7'4 p. m.. Rev. It. IL Blair. i ' FLOCII. firm, with a continued fair local Fourth U. P. Church—C. A. Dickey's; 10.7 a. I lamas', June 1, litrw.. demand, and paces although unchanged, are In., Rev. R. B. Evarigi Bp. M., Boo• D. C. For- I A. the New York F.Schange and and hold ! well sustained. Sales in a regular way from sytho. . to _a, ~,, respect to th e . store at $10,50 to all for Spring Wheat:lON: Fifth U. P. Church—lo', a. m., Roy. 11.. G. . r""'" wer elr'r"' sllt4 for half Spring and half Winter, and *lx Wallace; 3p. ru. W. B. Keeling. memory of the late Gen. Scott, we are without 11l for all w inter. We enrn report sales of . tome First Reformed—Rev. John McMillin', 10' 7 1 our usual dispatchei, givine quotations for 800 to IMO barrels "Star Mills," to the trade, at a. tri., Rev. H. it. Blair, , 1. , p. nt,, 0. Miller. First. Presbyterian—lliot swlit's, 10 1 4 a. m., 1 gold and government bond, 11 Is sold, how- 2.10-eder,:.l,ll,lviaroed,9o.atitydn.piti.rooLd., ~,leileni;‘bglam,"ri„ort. .1. P. Lytle; 7f,,, p. m., It. K. Campbell. I ever, that advice. have renclitel New York of , ~,,.7 , ,. •i Baver. Street k_l . etliedist—Rev. Aiken's; 10', 1 heavy ,hiptocot6 015-'2 O hotels front Europe. Phut - ISM:VS—Bacon Is firm hut unchanged a mt.; Bei.. 147 E.: wade; 7 , 4 p. In:, Rev. It ly• Thin, If true. will have a tendency to depress at 14.443 , 14. N for shoulders; 170317 1 4 for Itibla..l McLean. ' ti. I g0verm ,,,,,,,,,t 5 , run up the premium on Bold . Disciple% Chureti--Jos. King's; 7t4 p. m., , Shies; D orf Plain Sugar Cured Hams, P. McAdam. 1 and 33.4223 i, Canvassed do. Lard is quiet I and ranee usi linproveil ileMillel for foreign I but steady ra 22' , ,fik1l for prime city. Mesa nor/mmHg. I exchang,e. Shipments of cottOn . might have LaWrenceville, W. If . Andrews , -1014 a. in , ! Pork Is q,uoted at 0450033—fu1l weight. i POTA OES—Quiet and unchanged. Sales B. A. Browne, U . D.; 7 1 .7 P. tn., same. Coe, counteracted this, but the English market Is In a regular war at sl,t)l3l,3trper brothel, and tunnion service at 3p. m. stmulity declining, its the stock aertimulates I 53.4003,70 per bbl, as to quality. Birmingham, Win. Coleman's—lir4 a. ni., Jos.BUTTER—The demand is again less active, 0 cotton, which 18 selling In the home mar J . lifeHatton; 2p. m., D. W. Collins; 7. 7 P. in.. "r and the sp Motive fetting seems to be sub- J. V. Prolate. let at about 41c., is quoted at, Liverpool at ti,,,ng. it continue to quote at 'r for prime Idanchestw,'.4l- D. Clark'', D. D.-10 , 4 a. in., 12;4 d., which, with difference of exchange and j ltoll, altho gh ho ders generally sue asking JosialeSideMment 2 , 4 r. in.;.T. I , John Son. Other charges, leaves a largo difference I 37r. GS-1. dema I, and fresh poked may be Two or three gentlemen named above stated .ti that they-ImA lando apPotutments to visit the ' fairly quot dat .2 25. country, but the Assembly refused to excuse CHEESE. , -Wes ru Reserve is selling at 160 them—giving them this privilege , however, to 17, and Goshen Is rioted at 31SIV-.. secure the services of other mualstors if they a n d Herring ere firm with sales at wished to do so. ' ' so to $5,2.5 per half bbl. White Fisk stilt at After prayer, the Assembly adjourned to meet taday at nine recloclr. 4'9 ;l..Y.fl r S 14 a b r4 bl t;okl is in active demand at C_ ov er lit,tle coming tn. No demand for Clover or Timothy, as the season is over. MAY—Sales at scales to-day of 16 iOIIA/11 at c 24 The Fire Alarm ignTed.elegreph—Tentritel !S We learn that the Committee of the City Councils, Messrs. Brown, flare and Ogden,haye closed a contract with Messrs. tia.movvell, Ken nard .5 do:, ht.Philadelphhs, for the'construe lion of a Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph in this city. Mr. Gamewell, of the contracting firm, Is at present in the city, and will at once -mceed to work. A map of the city, giving he location of different boxes, can be seen at o. 0011LathAt Stteet“u.p etnirs,) and those In suranee'Agents 'and others who may desire private boxes. may find advantage by examm 'nibiet.t.lommlttee deseeve great creditfOr the prompttiesS and energy alth which they have acted, and we trust their judgment In tile :Wont:tort of a system may Prove to Or vorre h r , anti for the best. Common Pleas Court. lion. Th.. alelion presiding, lama, June I.—J. li. Canfield and .1. W. Poor vs. Jake and others, This was an action la trover for a lot dr Imnber. which Matti( las allege Delongtatto-thum and in their I ....session In October:lBls, The plaintitTs al lege that the defendant, took possession of lie loather, run it to Cincinnati, and there ;old it pp lying tine proceeds to their own rise. 'tine damages are laid at live thousand •dollarS, which amount ulaittliffs sank. to re coker4 Motert.ooltler;ldarthall; nrounth, and appear for pinintilto, and Messrs. 1.- • as end Drown for defendants. On trial. lifsurttwood'a glargevalue for May eontahin Metardru of the Confederate W er for lodepen nonce, part 11; Gtpsteit; The Negro and the Ne ero 1.111.11sts; sir Ltrook FOSFlbtook.e. part XII: Out - Plan's or. I.lltorty and' Neeeselty; The Ixed Tales of loft.; 11 1,4 hlajortballk., scraps of Vera. from u Tourist's jour nal: The Ahant. PoMiens, or, Universal set- Wag made Safe and Easy; The lielone Ilia. For sale by tl'. A. tilfdealeuttey, 45 Filth ,Creel; • Tnr. 614.1-•!LANs cALbs F.4.4.1,.—8y Mrs. Olypbant. Phllailelphls T. Li. Paterson Bros." For stab by W. A. ealdbnfenney 45 Fath -treat. Relenaad.—Janait Braithwaite, on the 10th ult., %vas eiimmitteil to Jail o-)-Collector hubert iloal, of the Fourth ward, AlleirhenY, ro- Fusing to pay his taxes, amounting; to 5c51.3.1. Ile retuserl_payment on.tho grouni that he ate . 41 SD. s tetertlet . ?, 'With thaw he , ure his telecom, he applied for the benefit of insolvent laws. The Court relented him upon giVing liall':for Isle apnea/ante 'at a tu t tire time. A !ter enisde.—The orchestra of the Opera I toti6e; together with the Urea; Western Band, :tave us hournd musical treat this morning ai .in tarty by appearing beneath oar w Pl iat. and performing souls of the most be witching musical compositions we heard. Unplug that their souls mar i.e ever 11 lied with inelmly, we return them our thumbs for the comp' anent. Corner-Stone Laying.—Tbe corner-stone of the new St. l'aul`n Orphan Asylum, In the r,cventh ward, will he !hid m It 11 appropriate eeretmules to,norrow. The .ery ICC 4 conducted by Right llcv. Bigeop Domenee. ult Adandle ra dretolus wall he.dellVlar andod by, ltdv. J. It , rhiladelphm, Rev. Gorman, of Now YorL. hummer fillottithlig.—timy h Logan, fuitt mble dealers In boys , clothing, No. et. 'lair street, have on band a spit:mild assort ment of Light gurmetlU "ear , %which thliglitrer at Veillow prices. Roth gen tll emen personally to the muniustoneut their business, wig are eminently deserv ing of public patronage. 'AidiWenianiretyloew Office. —William Dar er was before Alderman Taylor sesteritay, iiargen by .hcott tiughbanka, of th e nI ou Ist.- et !WWI. with the larceny of a nOultet-latok tntatning eighty-five dollars. I post a hear g, sufficient evidence of guilt was not an iseed, end the accused was discharged. 1.. N. Commissioner Ap,pointed.--Judge Al`Candless, of thu United Stoles Circuit Wart, yesterday appointed Hoary P. Phelps. Eso., United States Commissioner at Tltus rills, Venango county, vice IS. S. Burgess, .Esq.. rev:toyed. Air. Phelps Is a son of lion. I - tomtit Phelps, of Armstrong county. • E. Roberts, the young man accused of forging checks of Bernard Gray upon the Allegheny Savings B (funk, had another hearing before Mayor AI, ...artily yesterday, and was finally committed for trial. Reoovertns..ttielaYtt Madden, the colored ,oy so severely burned at the tire on Liberty ,treet, last Sleek., we learn Is rtCOVOri.g en der the skilltal treatment bf Drs. W. IL Childs ..nd .1. A. ilurron- alachaxlcei.—The jurors In attendance In the Court of Common Pleas, excepting those empannoled In the case on trial, were dis charged yesterday. A new panel will be present on Monday. - - Selling on nunday.—nlnhou Gruber, of Om Fifth ward, was lined lUtY dollor Nloyor Sl , Carthy, yestorday, for mailing liquor 00 Ouriday. The “Wtilaky Conrir continued in se.- . Mu during yesterday, attd at adjourn menda mnsalcrable number of applicationsi cense remained undiapssed of. Son 4io IL-11a the ease of. Darr & Myers vs. J. Charles Dicker,. Esq., on trial in te Comon ['leas Court on Thursday, the plain h tiffs to o k a non-stilt. Lareeny.—Alderman ilumbert, yesterday, I:antetttect one afarlee Doughar sy 1.0 Fed er charge of lurceny, preferred by S. It. . INDU WORKS. =Oll AI. DOLL...aut.% NICISOII....IIRNTIII 01¢1t. .HUGH M.6OLE & CO.. rot:NM:RN ENGINE: BEILDEIItat A NO MA -1•1111i Itire; btatatfacturers of tiTF.AII.IIIIA.T lii Nyea. Kt, WELL. ENGlllilen, LiICOMTIVZS t o e c oa l Worke, order kluds of 4..4 and Alartne kiiisMada to . EN- Fr the well earned reputation of the Manager, tee. jAntFIS IaIIiLSON, ere hope to liberty { Therar -patronage from Steamboat Intheler., 404 w.tlng good machinery. Our aim ll be do all wort In the best manure fora fair entaptasa tion, and to do It In the 1.1100 we say. All toad. of CACTI . , Made to order. Repair - Ins ilinellinery promptly attended M. We can turn si feet long. and bore or turn • eulley 3.lfeet haft akielthop Way, near the !'riot. ,ru.mtlry oil Third street, near Market, Flttaburgh, splot emd • ARSENAL 116ILAttli WORKS. MODES, RTRIE a. CO., fdanutartnrers of BLACK aud ditEEN AltE, Dragglara . Ware, Bottles,Demijohns. C oats, de. Warehouse—No. 141 WATER 'STREET Women etrathauld sad Resat streets. l'lttsbaradi warrant oor Warta to be superior to any man ora.tured west of the Mountains. Always on band, Ulassaare of the above drauarlytton• All orders promptly attended to, Partleul. attention paid ta private moulds. aulkly lima.. P. Cukt.ths 11014 as WAlolef COLLINS Is WRIGHT, Brittonic, Crass and threat Metal Workers, Brlttonla C. - tore, carbon and hand Oil Burner. and all dlnere I styles of llritteala used by Wass MAIIIIIACUIretb. yrders promptly tilled. No. IV BILCON I) STREYT . ri,..nrh, Penna. I,r, os SEVERANCE, No. 5S WAVER D. STREICT, Plitsburgh,msonfaCtllleYOr EU' GEE SIP ETS, WROUti lIT SPIKES, tuMUIOU and sutras , ' of every description. Particular lazed or shaped Spikes sad Elects, lass or 111.11. made to order at short notice. A good Li pr Moat constantly on hand.. FAIRMAN & SAMSON, UNDERTASERS, No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th, (Entrance from Seventh Street.) irPrZITS9 331Cria.Car ME, AND 133 SAS:DUSKY STREET, suy7.4:br ALLEGIIIENY PA • ILLDALJE EENIETEILY.A ru ral nod co ,yst, plcturcaps DVlaoe wr 1/nsSis.,. • to "u°•tchrgatil:r.tirl° aats Lot/ APPILI i t th ej...VP Witne '' WV. 0110....4 the Cosoeterif. s; renal se and stn. Istolues. will be attended to st. lbs.Dros Wllnettottte Of alms undersigned; earner of l'edesai sud LAsenek etrcete,r . • it A, =Lairs •oocrotarf 414 Trelloo ref. UdAII CURED Freph .0 pply or the celebrated Star Brandfkagar Cared Dried Met and Breakfast Baena, Pat received from Cinclunati,and for sale by or a n e two, at Um 'amity G j er n e t tir . Tow Of' my= corner of blkestk lki A.IPLE SUGAR-16 MAL Granu. Ak.A. inted klaple Sugar. and boxes tat., for I pttiiGtlSTl PAPEICIRAVGIN - G7l: au assortment:a( lOW PArgiCe, With outbelel. to arrive nett vieck. ry.l4 •r. #4#l95l*LL, 511V0i04 ortot, • against its exportation. We hove nothing to send abroad. now that the English so much want and ate bidding no high for as gold, and as we can better spare it now than at some other time, perhaps the sooner it goes and pays what we owe the better. To this end the Vew Yore steamers on Wednesday took oat $3,1.:6400. Our local money and stook market remains without decined change. Bank stocks are firm, and hi. &. 2d. Ls in demand at fa, with bet little offering. There Is also some Inquiry for Columbia Oil Stock at IS to , but holders generally are asking from 20, upward. The ingaln• Is owing to an expected dividend In July, which it Is thought will appreciate the value of the stock. Railroad sto eke quiet an 41 unchanged, and the same in true of the hal - Eine of the list. —There Is some complaint of the policy 01 the (so vcrnment in selling gold at such a June tn re of . alleirs as the precool. The exchanges between this country and Europe require the shipment of a certain amount of gold in liqui dation of balances. In the absence of other exchanzable values. the gold tenet go forward whatever may be its price In currency . If thst Government clutches Its gold, and thereby forces up tile premium, it undoubtedly Canso. , the shippers of specie to pay a higher price In currency for their gold, but the same time it eompels the buyer of exchange to pny a pro portioately higher tuonnt for the hills the) m n re it payment of imparts; so that If the policy of tarring up ties no:110nm conferral ally advantage upon sellrs of gold, that gain would he the than set °Why the loss to the buyers of hills. The truth ' however, is, that the course of the Treasury In thiS Matter can do u,'thlog towards milk log •galil either ilea, Or cheap, in the proper sense nt those terms. The duetuat ions In the premium on gold bust 4-o effect upon the colon of gold, iI compare,. with mmllml:ties. If the prim of gold 11 forcedthclutrrioitdne pots to of irreenleteki Is so far reduced; so that tile seller of gold a !In gets no more real value In greenbacks than the seller at 1.71. The elder nowt to be aimed 1 at by the Treasnry in the matter of its one- plus gold, ts to dispose of it and at such timer. as to keep the pet:mien] cullable possibla In this way the commercial nubile may be sikTini Moen of the Inconvenience that arises from violent flnctuations m the value of the circulating medium. —Notwithstanding the immense sales of gold diming the month, amonisting In the ag gregate to thirty millions of dollars, the See rotary of Lira Treasury has still on hood about e forty millions, though we se It tated In a well-informed source that tile ofllcial estimate of the whole amount of gold now held in this ormntry cannot he over a hundred millions of insithil of three hundred millions, as has been calculated. Tim use we have for specie is very little beyond the demands of foreign creditors and for customs. In other countries, where gold to the eurrency, it hr.h a value wanting with us. If It were a part of Our currency, or the basis of the paper circu lation, we should retain enough to bring the paper nn to par, with gold, but its thin is nn. fortunately not so, owl thins not iippeor likely to lie the case for son. , time, there are few or no inducements to held our , gold product at home. —A dispatch from Washington, anticipating the reply of the seetary of the Treasury to the call for informati re on relative to his sales of gold, nays that Mr McCullocit's agent In disposing of the Specie was Voter Myers, F-sq., of Wall street, whose commission sales IA an per cent. Hence, the n red figure of "1:,';" for the Treasury gold Mr. Myers , ao counted to the Treinairy at tad anti the .1.1 eighth Fl cent was for his services no "agent." It only remains now to answer "what ninoinit 51 gold belonging to the United States has heel, sold since the lot Instr . In reply to tills. all thud can be said IS 101 joisitlvelanni is that oilers of the T reastiry 'Acre to "sell ato,- 000,000," but whether these'Q orders were coon termanded before the w Mile amount was Itht ' trweedvoerr, likatr"=.ollkßl7rireil; the “flovernment agent" left the new he hail run through tne thirty ifillilOnf. New York' ri and Trade, Sew Yong, June I.—The Gblanarretors mon ey article says: There were quotations on the street of New York Central at tecti, and Erie at alWift6l- 4 . There were also a few transuatlons In Gold at 1,40Y,F31,1.1. The only husinetts of Importance has been In foreign exchange. The demand for sight hills on Parts h. blet. 01.1131.11ir artJvo, with a cnrresponding ad vance la rates. to time hills on London, trans actions are large. The sit iptnents of specie to morrow appear likely ti, aggregate about three million dollars. Albany Cattle Market. Ate/SV, June I.—This afternoon Cattle wet, sol.P4c l b. live weight cheaper than on Wed nesday, inatlKe 11. lower than the ruling rates a week ago. Total receipts, including about I,ooahend of Stock Cattle. amounted to 6,000. Prima ranged from ateiglot4e %., but thord were none In the cards that would bring the outside figure to-day. Three-fourths of the sapply was made up of Illinois corn-fed neer+, averaging In weight from LOW to 1,2:4. Sheep are in good request., td.C.0 63,,e for shorn and ,bite far unshorn. There IA a supply o erne. flogs are drolly hetd at 1.0!<,(1)10. Now York Wool porker New Yong, May :21.—The market is quiet hut very firm for line fleeces, which are wanted, and being very scarce command pricini rela tively higher than other tirades,ornll1 0,1 grades are taken only to a modulate extent, and prices are barely sustained. Foreign is quiet, and the tendency is, If anything. to favor of thl buyer, though line wool to hold firmly. The sales comprise 100,00 lbw State and Western fleeces, manly within the range of AS alTic, lint Including wine coarse tote as low Us epe 4F; Ms pullet,: 15,00 a nos Texas, V 031; and KM nalos Cape, part 29{300, gold, and part 3s currency. Oswego Market. Oswsuu .111110 I.—Flour steady and active; sal. No. I Spring at 310,25; 312 for red win ter and 315 for donlite extra. Wheat more active and unchanged; No. 2 Chicago spring 41,45. Amber do, SAW. Cora In luw er; No. I 1111 no, 72. Oats held at 31 for western; Canada 31,20. Barley and Rye source and nominal. Canal [might!! dull, The auniunt of flour and grain on the canal for tide water, (rot, Oswego Knd ittlinliO. yesterday noon, w , ear as Can 14: certallied, was to follows: Flour, 1,644 barrels Wheat, 1,11.0U0 bush; Corn. 142,414' hush; Oat. 623,140 bush; Barley. 9,000 bush; Peas, 11,001 bus Cleveland Market. cm:sat...a, May 31.—Wheat—Fair milling demand and linchanged. Sales lake hush Sn. I MllWnakee spring from store at W 2,03; 2 eitrti Ito do at kI.MX; I car Sn. I red xi inter ori. nate terms; 2 ears No. 2 white winter on n p pri vate terms. I;oM—quiet., light demand and unchanged. Sale I ear No. I rutted from store at tills.. Oats—lMll and unchanged. Salem I car on truck at 4:ie; Icar from store at Inc; I cur do do at 47e. Itye—More inquiry but un changed. Sales 3 ears No. lat aid from store. Barley—quiet and nominal. Toledo /Market. TOLEDO, June I.—flour quiet. Wheat firm and better on Western grader; sal.. of New Amber at 5.5,240. I I;Mti. New White, s2,ssigit,ai; Amber, ff 2,60; No. Mi lwaukee. $2. Corn open ed lc lower, and cloaed Pgc lower; salt. at WV,, 7iine for No. 1; and 58c for No. t. Oates steady at ktri. Lake freights dull and to united. Potatoes in Detroit . . DI:TWIT, May 30.—The I lel:mm(1,10 fair, with rates rather tending downward. The large shipments made of Into here rather over tocked eastern markets, and they are quoted Street rates toslay fur pertelibloWs range from 75(Pitl. We note sales I bbls Of the same lit fr2J.5. Philadelphia Rlarkel Yu ILA DS:l,m A, 31010 1.-..1.,,,r01e,5m firmer, crude 2562.1i1.i: relined, 10 (0.1 bond, 4 1 221. , ;, and free 5400. Flour dull, with u declining ten dency. Wheal firm Corn firm nt m. NY lilulty unchanged. ProvlrlonA quiet. IRO ,Ile Market. atom tr., .111111' I.—Cotton—Sulen of tif Ly b of Middling at 34e; the market arm nomi The neexipts of the week were 't.lB b against 25abales last week. The elports 11,:lo bal.; steek 14,94 a bales. uold 13,501:r. Chaelzonall CINCINNATI, June I.—Wheat dull. Whisky good demand, at se,e4. Mess Pork m goad mond; sales I,suu 31 of Mr new, it whoator old. turd,tf...V. lilt. chiearco fig...lL., Co o'boo, .lone I.—The D0ar , 11.4 Traile being closed, but llttio Is doing. AV bout dull, ILL tor No. I. Corn 5'2405a0 for No. I. Clanrleston Market. Cn•ritesron Jane l.—Bolton dull; ?diddling 37c. ' The receipts for the week I,nlo halusi exports, 4,04/Ohmic. t;old 137.. h Market. •VANIT All ' Juno I.—Cotton quint, et 300. The receipts of the week were 3.449 bates; ex.. parts 3,9e2 bales; stock SU,ral bales. pCLives..urD & TrrrewPwan MAIL BOAD.— June 1-100 bbls goer, filmmaker & Lang; HP doe brooms, J Canner; s 4 balesootton, Holmes Bell & Ewes 1a hams, J 11 Parker; 10 bra can dles, 8& - co;17 Haw cheese, A & J Kerr; 15 do do; Potter, Aiktal & Shepard; 5U bbls oll; C oar wheat, Person & col 8 ears metal, Ntmlk & copal bble potatoes, Vole. a. co; iv. do do.T C Jenkins; r4sdo do, E Hemel. tom 70 li:e,lMCkwhea.ll Boa Jr; 50 bah' bblli fiShi 0 CI HaHleyl /Al C Purdy. • PIT EIRBUBI:H MAIIJIL STK . • SAL I —Tho demand fs improving, and No. 1 still quoted 11rm at 51.40 on track. Soll.ollllM—Sides of Forman at 556G0. ASHES—pearls scarce and firm at 14 , 4. NO lovement in Soda Ash or Pots. PITTOBUROR PETROLEUM MARKET. O►►ioB OP TOE PITTBEICHOE tifaiTTS, FRIDAY, JllllO 1, 1866 CRUDE—There was again a moderate do mend for Crude to.lay, though the transne lions In the aggregate were not as large a yesterday, and prices have undergone an change. sales of SC bbls at cottoned; 150 at It 150 at 19 packages included; 4151 at It,j, free on board, ears; 1000 lAA. in bulk, to ar rive, at 144; end o—on Thersday evenng— at 19, on wharf. In so addition to the above, i It is said some sales wore effected at ye, packages included, delivered In Philadelphia. .Late ads vices from till City quote at $1,500-1,75, though we are of the opinion that the last named fig ure is an outside quotation. la:FlNED—There was rather more Inquiry for bonded oil to-day, and this, as a matter of rourse, produced a better feeling, but there Is no improvement. We ran report sales of .500 for June delivery, at tffs free on board ears here; 900 for September, at 101. o. li.; 51.0 for Oc tober, in Philadelphia, d e li 500 for Sep- Welber. and 500 tor October, vered on care here, on private terms. The recent dullness and stagnation could not well have occurred at a better time, so far as our refiners are con cerned, as the great majority of thorn have all the rill sold they can manufacture during the next sixty lays. In free oil there is nothing dol ng, and paces are entirely nominal. AS L—As the Allegheny river is agate in fair navigable condition for oil boats, it Is but fate to presume that the arriVaiS within the next few days is 111 be pretty large To day we have WI bids reported lee W. P. Lo gan tor Fisher Bro.; Mk for Vandergrift Ce—total,l967 bat rels. PITTSBUGH WOOL MARKET. Sot much of the new clip has been brought into this market yet, with the exception of small lots of course wools. The season Is late, owing to the cold weather—many growers not jet having shorn their sheepliand some not through with wash Mg. In the country we hear of considerable rains, recently of the old clip at 50 to sir for flue wools. It in yet too witty to name with certainty the probable prices of the new clip, but from the views of manufacturers and dealers who are now In the tweet rtsiting easterners, we learn that about 50' to 5.5 e will tie paid for fine wools. linen importance will attach to the condition width wools are put up. Heavy end badly washed wools will 1101 sell readily w intent the usual di Our dealers are offering 3.5t0 toe for coarsescount. wools; to to hoe for medium and fine, and 53 lo ice for elmlre clips INFORTN HT RAILINALIAID TITTPROROU, TORT W RTN• t Cstm,po It it, Jultu I —I ear metal, .7 Wood & Son, 21 barrels ait, I otgt & co; I cask cheese, I.oole, Balm dPatton; la hoe do, It Robison & eo; 19 do do, Potter, Aiken & Shepard; 'AV boa starch, J D Dravo;l77 sks rugs, McCullough, Smith t co; A. bills oil, White, tiro& co, 14 Ithds tobacco, Weyruan, Itro k co• car barley Z Wainwright 2 cars stares. J V;lya; 2do do, Iletnphlll t en; 2 pkg. tobacco, C C Atkinson; I ear nom, Culp & Shepard; 11 bge leathern, W F Noble; 2 ca. barley, Spencer St Iteliay: 1 cars metal, Naulek & co; 2do pota [ORS, 910001111 CO; I do barley. Spencer d. McKay; 3 tibia petroleum, Graff & Reiter;: kegs hotter, 1 bbl eggs, Shrc var & Litoenr• 107 bias dour, Shomaker & long i tears wheat, t Wa11444,, I do do, Littebe;wk, Mcereery & co. ' - P11113.1,71.H. COLUX.IIOI , CIECII.II/11 EL It June 1.-31 ball. paper, Paper it Co; I 1.41,1 malaise. 1 beg coffee, E. Benz'clan; 6 barrel. ;wrap., Elnemin A Son; 81 1/1111,11PS WILIOWM Mooney; 2 bales broom corn, Wm Mardor? A en; 10 pkg. Ilea Atwell, Leu A co; 12 do do, .1 Ibirk; 13 1011. wudz., 11 Sr. Jr; 5 bbl. egg., M Rankin; 19 do Co. T C Jenkin.; I be. marron oil, 4.4 A Kelley; 1 cur wheat, U Wallace; 1 car onto, S 11 Floyd; 1 do do, Kell Itllebart; 4 do do, Wm Bingham. 1 tar rye, 14 1. Finch; .370 barrel. flour, .12-4 tier:liner; Y ran; corn, W .1 Meek; 1 ear mlllfe.l, Kell S Ititelutrt; 100 bbl; flour, 'Barney Demme, ALLEI.V.7, STATION,June 1-1 ear corn, .1 Craig; I. cars oats, Oweim, Kennedy & Harper. 4 ear. wheat, Kennedy ft Bro; 100 bilk flour, It Knox &leo; 11 kg. butter, 4 bbl. egg ., elmiz, Son coil ear corn, IL d. A Carson; 8 kegs but ter, 11,111' eggs. II Lonz; 110 oil 14141. .1 M Henn. MB; 5 9111. eggs, 11 Lon.; . 54 bp; millfeed, S. 11 Morgan. RIVER NEWS. The river was swelling slowly during Thurs day night and yesterday, and wan still swel ling last evening, with four tent in the chan nel, by the marks. The telegrams in regard to the river at Oil City were somowlaat con flicting. Ono dispatch reported 44 Inches; an other 42, and In the afternoon, still another, three feet and falling. The weather yesterday was cloudy and warm, with Indications of rear The Leal Leoti,f rom Parkersburg, was the only arrival trom below. The Forest City, from the same point, and the Fayette and Chieftan, from Drowns - a - 111e, are due hero this morning. There were no departures aside from the regular packets. ThS.Roht. Moore, for Cincinnati, will leave to-day, and the Glasgow will doubtless get off for St Louis this afternoon. The Columbia Is also announced for St. ionic, and will 1,0 ready to take her departure early next work —provided there is water. Several of the Allegheny river tow bouts left for (ill City, yesterday, anti come of them. we understood, were unable to get over the War at "Sane Mlle.. Doubtless the rise - bad mt got that Mr down yet. None n( the pack ets made any attempt towards business, ex cept the Echo. After getting no steam and taking on comddemble freight, her Captain was hesitating towards everting whether to go Out Or not, in consegnenee of the reports that the wider was again felling at Ott Ctty. PO,lOllO going op the Monongahela River Wit. evening will (Intl two excellent bents at the Monongahela landing, the Fayette, Capt. an Cox, d tire Chieftan, Capt. Abrams. These Imule hare excellent IIeCOMMMIntIOne for pea' eengors, and are In charge of courteous and experienced Offleers. They leave promptly at 6 o'4:leek. Capt. Robert. Robinson, of the steamer Kate Robinson, is now at his home in Allegheny on it vita to his family. The Kate Is now loading at Chietnnett for Memphis, in command of ot.Sloink. Mr. Wherry cull retains charge of the Mlle°. The Nora was advertised to leave Cincin nati for l'ittsburgli on Thursday. anti the tit men and silver Cloud were loading at St. Louis for tuts city on Wednesday. The Arnie olllo arrived Louis on the Seth. LEGAL. OTICE.-I.enters of Administra tion on the estate of ROBERT M. RIMER, lair or Alt hen) . City. deceased, have this day beet, gmluted to the undersigned by the Itegiliter of Al legheny county. All perms.. Indebted to said estate will make pnunpt payment. and those having claims w 11, please present them, properly authenti cated, for eettlenient. ALLEN CORDRLL. Adm'r, my 1,,,L0:s ho. 41 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. _ . ~‘.IIfOINISTRATOIES NOTICE.— . Leiters of Administration upon the estate of CHARLES IL H. CATLIN, late of the City of Al legheny, deheiuked, have In-et, granted to the under lq the Register Alleheny wil l cou All pert having claims against sold estate il.pre t them, duly authenticated, and those Indebted will make payment wittiont delay to the subscriber. nivoi•a7l:ll MARTHA J. CATLIN. Adm.., AIOULDEDS' AND KITCHEN 333ELT-.1.10 1 V171 12 11, SCYTIOS.S AND SNATIIEB, BOX MAKERS , PLANES FIBBING TACKLE, RAGE 11)11.1.8 — New York Hera'Allows OATS. It ASEB AND BCOII6IIOOEB 136 'rood Sireet JAMES BO WM rn)2l-ws LOTS IN SEVENTH WARD FOR ELALT—sIN. nEr EN LOTS, 96y ice feet. [routing on lllnwld dla turret. 0 N 1.1.7 T hy "J:10 feet, Colmar of Bedford sod K irkpatrick ',treats, for sale Ott tsar terms. Enquire of JNO. 53. SHATTER. • n33 0 31:1461 w. Liberty at. & Platoon.' ay. CIONSIGNMENTS. KO bush. Peach Blow Potatoes: 00 ble. de du .d. au Pine Apple, to Loxes prime Lemons; 100 boxes Pi. B. (Meese: ZS dozen Caned Tomahms: I sccund-hand Wm; SOO pounds Bseon bides .. , Received and for sale by arrrydr., AIKEN a smormlll4, piCTILTRIES, GAME, FRUITS, LA-VIM:APE d BOUQUET; Pictures to (101 d Frames, fbr 0.111 decorations, for !ode nqs W. P. SIAILKFIALL §4AIIII)ILNEtr — OO cases one-half kJ and one.Anartet cans Sardines,Ast received and for sale by ILICYII6 En t BUM., may Boa. 111 Mid 1111 Weed Mein. . _ _LETTER. LIST. SrEATILBOATS. • _ .......____ LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS 1 PI'T'TSIRICHGLI• 1111014 - .r. remaining In the Poet °Zee at Allegheny City, .1 VILLE AND GENEVA 11. S. MAIL ••-••-• I Pa.. SATURLIAT. JUNE ...., iSM. To obtain any of Giese letters. the appllcant most PA5.C733.31111T CICI7I3IEP'E r • I call nir •• silt /,ttere.•• giving the date of Gill Wlll run three clan, - rideheel steamers between 11. and pay oeilt CENT for advrtising pi ti. .i. n oigh. Mononaiii, illy, Bow, 1 111 e. ib,•• 1 POPULAR EMPORIUM,. If not called for within erne month they will be sent • Landing, Greensboro, tie emit the iti [tied to the Geoid Lotter Other. Regions. Thls line Is Coin p....4..1 of the follosong 1 Fitg.X Downers, letters by eirre - tere. at the reel- steamers, donee. of owners, may be std..ti nap by observing the FAYETTE. .... .....• .. .. ...... CAPT. i•S• following PULLS: ; TELEGUAI'II , APT. D. tilltiliElt. , 1. litntiter letters plainly to the street and number, FRA.NELIN 1' 0 PT. 1, W. c A lilt At' as well a• the Post Vete inn state. GA LLATIN I 5 or. A , i.i. i'A ELIO', • 2- BSA° letters with the writer's Poet Office .1 , 1 ' These packets will tear.. l'lttO:urch dolly at sa. ..sXdre. street and numbe Men them plainli alit, full ' to., and hp. pa, except Sunday. ie .. , •ti the departute name, and request chitanswers he directed accord- will he at s o;i:log l .. a s . (mei. the thi th , , , ,th. ,th i„ee 4n. tiers to strangers or transient visitors In a ' town orelty. whose special address may le• unknown. sm. BOOTS, SHOES, ehoeid he marked on the lower le ft Mimi corner. with silt.EXTVngX4l—Leares Brownsville for Pittsburgh V . o.:e ' o h r r a s it u g d a Fly at 5 p• M.: Brownsi Eli daily at the word "Transient.• • dilly . 4. PLACX the postage stamp on the uppsiieight Leave. Greensboro and looney , at L. n , i i oe t i I howd corner. pod lextrs own bet wren the -tamp and ' 11. ice •• Landing at 2 I , i • ii• direction for tend -mocking without interfering with The Ilne le composed of ,rat-class side-sent , I the writing. steamers, built expresely for Ow trade. They 5 ,•• I 0 i ~. Kt ,. ( . K is ~, l't 0 GLOVE N. a—A PEPICKST for then aTens of a letter to the, coin inauded by °lnners of 10q CIPPri ,, F. , • FF.. , . ' ,ALF.. F4 - .lillf .(' AT ' M"P , ' . • , .E, I•kI.F ANI/ hill tit writer, If onelahned within PPM,' 1,11, or len, . will pay particular attention to 1 le ..." .. d ' on ' • EVERY lelibeiterrloN. Futt ',Men or printed with the writer, mime, let Of - I fun of passengers. rim boats will leave prompt,' gee. and State , across the lett-hand end or tio• en col- ; at the hour edrertlsiiil op, on the face side, will be complied with at the . FREIGHTS RE , F.I V Eli AT. A.I.L 1,10121:S. Plitll prepaid rate of postage. payable whin the let- For further partlenlars. enquire M ., . ter led elivered to the writer. krire.itil. 1,1 te. •• 1 1.., I J. 11. ItO It F.I. Th, Agent. A 'Hope Wlt 0 At the Wharf-Boa, loot of Grant et., Ilittsbargh. Abrams A .Hoskins Wm trlioneer Wm ' L. COLVIN, Agent, A•hurts Rev D :llagy Wm Oxley h Jos tris3l:Plee LFPOwIISVIIIe. Pa. __ Adorns Jacob lialeyW W P i p iia..b . 1 Askins Jos Hatch J Peters Kate EOPLES' Aggy L Intl or red men Aowol lint lil Avery Mr I Porter Gli . LINE OF sTEAMERS, Artatin M ,Ingram David Parkison Jno Abrams Capt. ,IrtrinCaptWin Packer .I. ', A.mberson W , K Price hi 3 I Armstrong P Kane Chas Patterson St A ' Allen 'John .Kelly Daniel N Powell hi B iKephartldnaul It Itarndollar A 'Kelly Eliaboth Rodgers E Best Sarah A • Kenrich Jno Razor II Bates SS Keen Jan Randolph .1 1 110 yd J L ---- Kelly ' Jenny Rath JNV Brown J Kelly Jesse Richards hi Brody hi 'Kennedy Jos J, Riddle DI SI , Bard M M.l ;Kerr RII 'Bose Martha Brown Mary I L 'Rubicon Jos Boyd Wm !Law Anna DI , S Black Wm . Loyd Carrie ',Brous Jit ' Brown Wm "Landis Soluen (Smith Semi Boar Wm I Llnor Jennie 'Smith Slt BoyMOr V Ilaure John , Sanders tier, Bohm J C . Linn J ,smith G 0 C Leppert I. F 'Sterling I. 1 Carbot A C ,Lyons Mary .1 Slim Ellen Cross Carrie , M Skephart It Caldsbaugh C '.Mattson Christ swain Anna Clarkeson D iMillenberger S Spencer A T Campbell D , Moore John Sloan J W Callon F. Miter S H ..hmita 'rhos N Clayton Geo 'Martin Lewis sterling hi Clary II GI Marshal Mat Scott DI A Cook Jno Miller IV II Swearingen hi Coble. L Mull:whited W ISintem N Carr Mary It !Miller Mollie ElSmith W 101 Cowan W lii I Mc Spear Wm Col.took 0 3 I McCammon A Mumma It Collins P E ;McDonald C F. Sloan S. Barn. Crawford It 'McFarland C sylavun Park Coleman T 'MoDortati Datil T ChoneAbiey're , McMillan ii W Tinsman NV It D 'McGuire AI. Thornton E Davis Abso I McFarland G 101. Thorns T AI David Emil ' Molirau Sli Taylor Mary it Davis Ellx.bOth!tdeM.lllein 800 Tru Veil Wi liaviallarnson McDonald 8011. W Donaghy Sue McCloskey S Wtl•mo •toii. 'T Dorman Jon DI 'McMurray_ . Warren J T Davis Th. ,McGerty Tlios Wllllams Ait Donahoee Rued McCro.y bulb Wells .0 A 1 F McGrew Story Wallace Datil FultonAndrew.McKowen Jur. Wells Daniel Farley Amend I MeClury Mary W lateen 1.1 zr I Filbert W E ItlOCOrnilestsl A Winey Elicu'll Fairman itemilliloGlil Marg 111 Wlllie lama E .McCulley Such th and A De- Gilky Crisay ;McHugh Ito.. 'welter GrayCathertno •Mc W illiams Wallace II a n'll Gibson E ',McCarty John .Wenstrort J ii Guyer Henry McCune Jennie Welter Thos . 2 Guytonliarvoy I N Wright Luc ;: B 'Newhall .0 Wright Dlar r y liarbaugh Ant: Nelson rhos WIG: em II A I Litton Henry 5 Neely Mr Wood W 11 Hopkinson Ste 'Sealer Ratcl'lli Wells Rebecca Hilbert LWalker A. son LlOngli Mollie Urbison Cath li llnlingaDrMS2 Owen Edward hitting .1 ss H Hamel. N It Orr Wm hi SAMUEL RIDDLE .Postmaster. BANKS AND BANKERS. BALNHUirG HOUSE. N. SOLES & SONS 134151 , 1:03..e - rst. N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. 1, a Par T.nd , aml Cunene). " Vir. 4 t t tr ' er l Ot r tn for nest Manufacturing Machine dlp•tlou. made ov dl the principal points of the I Mtcuhttm Star. United States and Can. I..rst rertnlion Ira host Manutarturlng Machine STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES' , Bought and Sold on Coma Union. Particular attention paid u tua pertlue and B tale of UNITED STATIN BECUItITI =I United States Stn do es of lent; Do. 4-3 X, Do. Tly. or 10-r. I• . to. Scree-Thirties; Do. Cert.ldeates of Indebtoress. rs Orde and Vouchers bought or collected. ptiOly . . DOLLAR SAVINGS HANK, No. 65 rVUNTII IiTUAZT. CHARTERED IA ISA& a n U rtli I'l=y from 010 "X;111 ',"7;nto w N' d .o;:m .a bse.r' Pt, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and for, a. ouvemoor tot to May lit, from t to b o'clock. Depmits rewired of all sum s or not leas than Out Dollar. and a dividend of the profits lectured twice a year. In Jane and December. interest MY been declared semi-annually in June and December once the Bank was organised, at the rate of six per If not drawn oat, Is placed to the credit of the depositor al principal, and bears the same In terest from the diet daysof Jour and Lime:taw', compountilm twice a year without troubling the de sitor to midi, orevert to present M. pass molt. At W. rate money will doable inks. than two.' years. }looks containing the Charter. Hy-lows. Iv ies and Annotations, furnished gratis, on application al the once. Pagittnltice-43E0liltk ALBAKA. Vito ralinlintorat John U. Itackofen, Robert Robb, Ben). 1.. Fattnestock, John H. Phocuberner. James Herdman. Jame. James lielkoley, Alexander npeer, dame. B. D. Deed., Christian Yeager. law IL. Pennock. A. M. Pollock, M. Li.. W m. J. Anderson. Calvin Lomas, John C. Hindley. Osage Black, Hill Harrel. onaohk. Carrier, Charles A. Colton. m. ouglas, John E D am, John J. Gillespia, S. Haven, Peter Hunker, Hiehmd Hays, TaxasuitinClialtL tincnsranr—Jali. H. D BOEING TOOLS. 1)ETI1OLLI !MACHINE WORKS, FL. s3i. No. S 2 Otero Street, Allelibre7. Manufacturer of IMPROVED BORING TOOLt4 AND PTITUNI MIMI) IN SLNILINO OIL AND SALT W ICLI A. Particular attention invited to Ws Patented pp:mammas in Jars and Joints, mule of - Juniatta U. h., and Low Moor Iron, Is standard b lurss l an es numbered, so that. parts can be ordered all ma te4r .i ph. f rig i nd s p ec . i Lt i oet r e . t . st those who may wlshit Anon. and Inimbine wet) made to Orders by mall mO attended 10. lam pa r preed to grant lleollll. to oth er Manolltel taxers for these hatirovrasents on liberal terms. 17 Allegneny I'. 0. dot), 0 0 H. H. WICK 1( DRA.UGHTING. GENERAL DRAUGIITING OFFICE .41.33.401. Peaterzi.t Alyze2i.c33 , No. 13 lit. Clair nt.. near Snu.anaton Ilr H. P. ezNimai ear, 01,1 1 gniMed • Meal.koce, No. 1.7. Bas alreet. del 15 VENETIAN BLINDS WM. G. WRIGHT, DIA.NDT•CTIIIMIt Or VENETIAN BLINDS, No. 56 Federal St., Allegheny City. SirOLD BLINDS DONE UP AQUA!. TO W 'p• .rodOri . _ CO-PARTNERSHIP. JAMES B. OLIVER becomes member of our Arm dating from April 1210, bran. APO tt2le of fir m unebAnien. LEWIS, OLIVER it PHILLIPS. 1 . 11 - 111121CROB. May MONONGAHELA IRON WORKS. LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS, L.OIIIIFACTUELE.IO OF C.rri,reand The Bolts,: until and Ws.bers, Wagon Skeins, jPiow and Wagon Bons, • Bridge & Machine Bolts, :Tuyere Irons, I Cowen Moyers, :Pipe Boxes,. rought Iron Hinges. •nad bons, &rt. Sir Warm. AT BOOTH LTD og Neal bionoa - LA BR IDOL. AREHOUSE—Water wad Market Stile Pittsburgh. royal:AM 582 , 200 WILL PIJILCHASE INEMEEZI 751XL-ICCINK.3:I II 2 I73II .T.EMET- 2474 : 24- LOT 24 by 90. on thartlers street, Allegheny City. Fur further partlenlars, enquire of O. 11. TOWER. No. 104 Fourth serge, my15:a2211 P RODUCE NOW RECEIVING. 1..110 pounds prime Fresh Butter: 201 boo. choice Cutting Cr..,. Cheese: KO bbls. prime Peach Blow Potatoes; 310 doom Fancy Brooms. In store; EEO pounds elate .11de Bacon, In store: 500 pounds Hard Country hoop. In store; 100 boxes Rosin Boar. thstore; 10 barrels prime norgbaol you bushels blmall Ream: 1 barrel pure Mountain Blackberry Wine . In store for wale by 11. n't DI) Jel:el3 No. 193 Liberty street. OIL CLOTH! OIL CLOTH!!—For Booms, Hdla, Stairs. Tanis, &a.. Mal: patterns and whittle. Also a fullrtment o &c, f Window m Runlet, Omen 1111 Cloths of all asso widths, Shade Fix tures. c., for sale, wholesale and retail. at Nos. and 5 St. Clair street. by J. &H, Pfluyin s . _ 1/ELTING!! BELTING!! -Leather and Uum Belting' also Uom Packing. Boor Cas kets. &a., for sale Si reduced p in.; Lae. Leather and Rivets always on hand and for sale wholesale and retail, at No. Mandl:3M Clair street J. dH. PHILLIPS. ( lAT MEAL AND GRITS.-6 fib's. Imo kilo dried mane end One Oat idea, put reaelyeasad fur sale by JO H Nrel or single pound, A. ILP:NIiHAW, • PM Comic of IJberty and Uso4 .tre at, =1 Pittsburgh. Mogahela City, 111CONVVIS.• vinen on anil tient,' i. This Company rnn a daily boat hrtyreen the at.% e pints. comprired ~f the new awl aplemlid side-wheel o.easts. CIIIKeT , IN. It. R. A huAls. commander. and F.I.F.CTOR. Rohr', roam/ander. IThe Elert or la now being completed I will take her Ware In the line In A few days. , 4hy Chieftain a,.11 IV, r l'st,loorgh for all ples. on TI , esDAYS. Till , ltsDA To and S aTl' RDA YS at sh. a. Returning. leaves ticue ea ror t'l[tebnr 1. on MON DAYS. W EDN ESDAYS and FRIDAY,, nt 9and Brownl.. at 11. 'I be Company w I a first Wharf Boat at Monongahela ctiy Ervlght re cel,ed at at! hours. No enarge for COMIIIiSSIOD un Eastern freight. This line will nal run boats on 11. , Sabbath. For farther partlrsoiani ost board. or 1. , .101”: S. Ct.FS I ',Olt Agent. at 11,e Wharf Boat, foot of L: rant ~trret. suLlO:Suul -- • - FOR CAIRO AND 5T.;,...05t 4 oci , —TL. ,pl,l.ll,l,ttatu. r 1MP0RTER;.........._..... Will leave as 11ligrV, 011 MONDAY. at 4 I. Nt For freight or p34..ap , apply on Pnartl. fir tp fo2 al„ai K k Ag.•alr• PEGULAR PACKET g ik sW e e . wHELM", MARIETTA A ZANESVII.I.E. — The steamer EMNI A GRA RAM, Capt. C. H. aTt . 1.1... 'alit len, fart e above and all Intermediate ports a vary TuESDAY• 11.\ SEWING MACHINES BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced all olio hate i.e., It the amplest. machine no, tor fore the public. It &it ono cittratile ui lit simple. and as it In lineable. It hat-1.1110 he ...tool In he admired, and needto Ire appreciated. It rotabine% theor it PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And Is afforded at n prler with", t h.. rani• of TIC: \ I y every kindly hi the land. Thu. only Inv. prlce4 .Machin• In the I ni1...1 butter Ilct.n>ed “.ne. the 10.' IN I. LEI , --the Test and only rvllabig. Feed ever construe..l. WANTED. _ _ F .10: 141r-ait -70 = •AP f= U) =1 No. On Filth ISitx , oot, Ilk y16..1 I'IT I,IIUIIOII. lA' GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES Have been the FIRST PRE5111.1.115 at tb following ?afro for the year ISM: M . . Premium for ben Machine wort at Penns tate Yale. Pint premium for beet blarhir e wort at New Yor talc Fair. Pint Premium for beet Family Machine at t)li to Pale. Viral premium for best manufacturing Itimhlne Winconct n State Pair. Fir. Pr.-1131am fur twat Manufacturing Machine I.avrrnnee County Val, Ps. lira, l•remlum for nest Mu`laine for gene - tat bur 1..4 at Lawronm County Pair, Pa. First Premlum for twat Puully Machine at Bunk 'aunty Fair. Pa. First Premium for heat Manufacturing Machine lucks County Fair, Ps. First Premium for best 'Manufacturing sad Saudi dating at bnrlngneld Fair. ttn,o, First Premium for nest Mannfanturing and Pant Machin at Palmyra Pair. N. Y. lint Premium for boat Manufacturing and Tonally Machine at nuflolit County Fair, N. Y. First Prembain for nest anufaeturlng and Family stacking at nanyler County Flit., N. V. lint Premium for hen Ninthinn for all earl.... at Aliegheny County Pair, Pa. First premium for brat Mannfactnring Machine. I Ilegheny Fain, Pa. lint Premium for trest wr ft at Ailey:ten County FaAr. Pa. • Awn wherever exhibited. ocr.:nodva No. IA Vltill otreel. PllUaureLs SHAW to, CLARK'S Trt/CP3FLONTMIa SEWING MACHINES. 40 Ma ohtries SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are manufactured without any complicated machit ere, and therefore ere not liable to get out of repair, u 4 are perfectly adapted for curry deAcrlptlOA of Family hewing and Tailoring. We do not cities our Hackled,a with cheap maehl nee, an we have taken off Patentee prices. Tney 11E31, FE1.1.. STITi Eli, QUILT Iteerried v tiorte, Wheeler Wh oop, (drover .1 Baker, and Bachrlder. AD of our Machin , are warranted flee years. Ali EtiTti WANII tf- H. 1.050, Agent, 112 tenant street. nearViton, PPITSPUEIOII. PA. o== Henry 4. I.yeen, Purer A. klealeirs, John Iderenen. Walter P. Marshall, John M. McFadden, Jahn Orr, tten . l7 E.. L i 2rairszlt, m Ale:ander Ttrelle, William Vanklrk, Wm. P. r ia= "4 A. COLTON. AIMED . MilreAw STEEL WORKS. pITTSBURGEI STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK & CO., WUCCESSORB TO JONES. BOYD & C 0.,) Ilannfacturers of to was relined Cast Steil. &loam, Slat and Octagon, of sll toes, Saw Mates, lion, 101 l and Sheet Cast Steel, Cut Steel foe REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES. N'tEET PLOW WiNtaFi, PiPRINON, AXLES. 011iCUULIts, etc. l'eurt and Common Plough and Spring Steed, (Moe—Corner of glrat and Ross streets. two bloots above the Monongahela Mouse. BLA.O -DIAMOND EIiT3EI3BIA 1217CIIRJECl/3, Hl= QUALITY REFINED CAST STEEL Square, Plat and Octaann , of all slack. Wmwantfal equal to any Imported or manufactured In this coun try. .1191 - 011loc and warehouse, No. 149 and 151 Elrat, as and 121 Pasant! stwowas. Pltomursh ssri .I - - - W. lIEITCiI - W. 1,. PE. J P. 1101.1,11 , 1 LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. Manufacturer. of CAST STEEL; 'WILING, PLOW mod BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AXLES, mow RAM, kr- Kr-Mice, No, 08 WATER STREET Gm .[alts), Ottuburgh. PA. DRUGS AND CHERLICALS. SPRING OF 1566. HEMAPANKA, Thle article la axpreaaly dealgood to purify and restore the blood to a healthy condition, by which St lOW ut,A mud all Diseasea of the Skin are effect malty removed front the ayrtton. Sold In bottles at 50 cents and St each, by SIMON JOHNSTON, app ,•nrner !Smithfield and Fonrth Street. J. SCHOONMARJER & Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE IN 111.T.t. TY A D, BLUE LEAD illt OlL lI OUND AIINELS /N OIL 808 PAINTIN , Mo. Oa 1217c>cs4a. 11511:reeM oes:• On CASES CASTOR OIL, •Crygtal; Just rucelvod '"4 I""r tZilriE A. ELLY. my 24 Wholesale Druggist. K Wood street. 30 :12ASE ust r itill , /1 ( RTlr; OAK LEAD GEORG E A. KELLY. my7.l Wholesale Druggist. K Wood street. 4U KEGS FRENCH ZINC, in Oil, )u.i . recelvcgi and fur sul , e by GE .RWO A. KELLY. tor 34 Wholesale Druggist. 37 Wood street. Pi BULK. SPTS. TURPENTINE must re " " r 1,5 UEOROA A. KELLY, ..4 Wholesale Druggist, 37 Wood street.' poNSIGNIIIENTS RECEIVED AND rem ss LE-4 car roods rotators,sacks bbls 50 bates Messina Or ange*; 20 do do Lemons; KW Cocoa Nuts; lOW clue Apples; 50 Lam'. Eapro; 50 do NYlilta Lime; 50 dozen assorted Canard Frott; Sorgbam, Maier, Lard, W 3.11T11111. ad 11tH/., nibihtt .410. 193 110 rd Street. BI_J_CICRH.F.IT-400 bush. Seed lustre In k. co.. nos ' • • • ' 340 Liberty street. FUIt N N I:oollB—Ticking Furni ture Clo,k, I:.ngltmp. I.lnrm, Crant, Balmoral and Illoop 61. tr., Cloaking, Irish Linel, Shirt FronL, Comet, Shanqs, Muslin, FANCY AND IHINIFSTIC DRESS 11,lery. Sooenth.r. r Ilmndkreht..N. roilars. .v i)u-trr.. ”ctery. or Iv, Listed Spoons. CASSIMERES. SATIN ETTS, NELTONS. I'l.A IDS and J 6ANS. Also. A. F. CHATONEY, I= =I PARK, BROTHER h Co., llanafaoturena of elb OC:110. (BLOOD CURE.) BOOTS, SRO , z• M'CLELIANDIS NEW GOODS DAILY. GAITERS, • I.3IORALS. SHOES. oXVOItI, T .NO PATE VT ISIVJGANS. Stir &c.. Sc.. Sc.. Sc. Ladies, Gents and Children CARPETS, VENETIAN ItLIND, mwI,IIAI,E, Private Sales Day and Evening. 55 and 57 Fifth Street EZIMEO THIRD ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER .13ootes and Shoes. We are Receiving Daily ALL THE LATEST STYLES Ladies, Gent's, nor's, Misses' Youths' and Childrens' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, &c. =I J. A. ROBINSON & CO., 61 Market Street LARGE ARRIVAL AT 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, TBIB 3,-a_a,..9r, IrF ALL TILE LAT>•'.AT STYLES OF Gaiters, *hoes and Boots, AT VER LOW I•AIC'FY. 1 ALI. A SEE THEM I= M'CLINTOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STOR E, mfc tr!. Federal street. Allegheny. LAUGE AND FRESH ARRVII AL SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS; amid! Da'morals, Jost rreelvelL mad will t.o sold at the VERY LOW PHICES, either Wholesafe or Itrlell. GIVE US A CALL HEVORF. PI_III HASINU Y.LskI.WH ERE. J. IL & W. C. BORL AND, I= NEVI' HOOT AND SHOE STORE, .ro. 24 St. Pair Street A largrand well sele,trd mock of LADIF- , ', I,KNT . i• and U All MRS. ItJas./It- etc.. whlrh will IA • old al Ow LOW LET 11-ICES. (ap,Sl:6:noodl JOHN SNOLI . ( - .ENT'S FINE CALF BOOTS AND' 41,;(,N1i It ESS IiAITERS at In) I'.l .1. W. CARNAHAN A CO.'S, SI Starlet st - I ADIES , FINE BALMORAL AND GAITERS at InTIS J. W. CAIINALIAN d. CO.'S, NISI:. 121 lADIDS , FINE KID BOOTS at J. , J. W. CARNAHAN A. C 0.13, Al Market At. I. "L -ADIES' FINE CARNAHAN KID SLIPPERS 13 at. ai ICO. NI Market OIL WORKS. WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFEILNG CLII CMCCE.A6-DITY. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA JOHN WATT, President. HENRY N. LONG, SCC'y and TreAs`r. WORKS IN TEMPRILINCETILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Near Fungengion Bridge.) IdANUYACTUBSRS or rtritle WHITI -EVILTRWINA3I Brand--" Lucifer." This Oil eanno be excelled for blaming proper Des, Color or dre tent, and tsput up in well seasoned bar. rel., suitable for HOME USE, or EXTOHT. tor, DERS SOLICITED. DiaaL , rolis — John Watt, Hobert Lea, U-U. }Hack, C. It. Herron, C. L. Caldwell, H. H. Collins, J. W. Porter, Bob'. Wallact, D. W. C. Carroll. pal:6mnd SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We are conatructlng, and wll keep on hand. pertor style of cox:r_. zusrcii-imrEsts WITH lITIBB A COITION OR TUBULAR BOILER. We Incite partite needing engines gin a tb t la i fil i. i i rr a no can ,TltßEand see tli , em,sprit er lt7W Ater _l CI legt n HXMFIfILL & BONDED WAREHOUSE OE PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot of Balite and Harrison Streets, Brooklyn, It. T., Storage for Relined Petroleum, Tanks and Barrels. Bee Clrostars. Offlos, No. 95 BEAVE74 OW.LIT, New Tort. eea•l7 £MEB WILKINS, BROX= AND DL 13 IN CRUDE AND REFINED Olar Lest, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh t ror attention 2 t g a l p= B . egs u"n i ? respeettatte smelted. Pommes Box G. steMY GioNIMRRCIAL OIL WORKS. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Constantly on band and for ..lo AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES I3=l = W AI. 1101.111ZA !ARIES IRWIN & CO., IIIAWIJFACTUILERS OF OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. oft:too, 3.81 imreariz.apt WALL PAPERS, ,stc. TH - 0 - 3LA S PALMER if UMW PO WAIL ORALIR 11 WALL. .P_A__l :› iEl TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES •N II P. 3. 33 L it 00 V37 R 6 Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Anond door below Illarnond Alley, fell:end PlTTSnußon_,_rt i, ppm. HANGINGS FOR 156 6 . A great collection or American Wail Papers. For the ant time In fire year& .TE IF" EXOLISII Pel PER A tholes &electron of the Newest French Papers For Bale by WA LTER P • ltklloll Ll., 0,1011 4r" HAY._ HAY! 'TIMM HAY!! THREE CARS BALED TIM.OTHIC YOU SALE BY SHOEMAKER & LANC, 7:7 And 174 WOOD STUEET. L IMBIRICATEIG Off. -70 MIN. of ag anterior .1 75ioleanlammy Y. commis. PENNA. SALT NIANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PT TTSBUR GTI. PA CHOLERA / D!!! DISARME N I The Chief l'ati.e of Pefehlenee Degtro3 etit DR. E. COICRT ABET'S DISIN PLI•IDS..ecured hy Letters Patent In tho Polled Stated and Peal. e. Prepared solely ny the New York I ristriferi 'no Company at their Laboratory. Non. 16d, 300 and :an Henry Street, N. •illler, Cedar ,treet. This Company organized on n permanent basin, with lir. Courier.. the celebrated Freneli Chemist, In charge of Its Laboratory. in nrcintred SS furnish inn DIeISFEArrING rid' ins for sick rooms. nnrzeries, urinals, water closet , . privies, veaspools, sewers, I gutters, ship, railroad., lodpitalw prisons, and pa of le I , neitte . l , letle of alt tlo ts. , slaingtstg:h . oeses. ' ;1 6„'r,llttearr:rWia'cly"file';'ea'zin'ir' :ran ait ' „ l . l , k ,f to every Cornier). and w here I et. p 01.1130. and orres .l,.• gar. , exist. These agents ore deodorizers. lu outi.eistlcs. natio. re-cents, and ,11.11ifertants ! the •clentitir meaning of the wore'' hry remove nOaluen gneses and odors ettcrelcal jathelpire— ilen,lng their Oxen /WE /WU/ mr. they are Ur sTm ' , nits , and not eeeeel/t ,the , yrb.nts tor poisonous ,I4 , rtr not Injurious to utensils ill which they are used. The attention of medical and scientific torn ir directed to these disinfectant , Attached are tertlinonlak In favor 0: tills grunt ,Ilicorery, which. with hundreds of others can be even at the Conine it y °thee. DEC,' k`• •E. ItANT. :P. 14a. fh• Prc•cl. the Atu, Yorr, Disdnfrefrnp t' s . hear sir: It Is ad It In represented to be. 11 have , mad, many trials of that nfect ants, but 110 w VOllSider lII{ we have foam] au artode whb . rorposses ail other.. a rained{ against all bad T. Hi Cii. NOW Yong, April 9, IMS.. 7,19. the .9* re , 19.rk t 9 o• rat: We pronoun ,. 11, n ex,.epllnn, to 1,,. Ow 0,, we 11.5". ever knuwn. 11, eih.rt upon ver, mat ter 1,. contplete and hanttostmneons. 9•. A. -11'N.Thl/N. Astor House. N. It.—Thew- flt+turect ants or.- usett by the x,mv ',tiger, under Lim dlrLetionlil the Sanliary Punch .4 the Aleiropolltan Health Department, N. 1 W KLL TItN. is CO, And r and Nat' Agent, for the Untted State. And the i'snmda, it, w horn all order. should bn ad- Far sale loyxl 1 , r0g,41.. , and lieneral Dealers In the 1.1111,1,1.311, and r :tontine. tuyl9,moi - ;31ELEPLY1.30TT'Si -rs Eran / \ O - ff <€' • On this Continent AND ,AS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE most belentttir Analytical t It. tt,,tk. It Restores Cray Hair; It PreN cuts Matz . ingEt hit; -It Changes the Roots to their Original the agile Action; It Eradicates Dalai roll . and Humors; It Keeps the Scalp Healthy; It Contains no Injurious Ingredient. A nil In tint v..rsally Accorded to ben h , plendtd Ores, Article. 110 NII.:1;11`n are Fee PST A INS ll.tllE i.itjUtiltban slit otTere4 to e,tal,7lsli It. WED , . ~1' • to r, loud li d e hol Ile, an t , icri bay our Re•toratl;e Et. do all tee • J. FL BAILRETT & CO., Proprletoro, Itanchester. New ilempehlre R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa cm= IfUMPIEREY'S HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have proved, from the most ample experience In en tore success, simple, ellicient and reliable. 1 hey ale the only medicines perfectly adapted to pepttlat —so simple that mistaken cannot be made in mils,. them: so harmle as to be free from danger, and so trident us to be asa reliable 0101, No. I cures FEVERS, 0.010 550015 a, 1.5 5 0515.- 0.5 Y WV 25 •• CRYINII • .1 I. m nt 1 fo 11l x 5.14... to.. • •• 1. 1 1, /1 5.11.15 1100110 S, Nausea.. ..... 21 7 " 000 1 118. Colds, Bronchi th. '• NEU Toothache. rate- Relic • " HEADACHE, 5100 freaduhe.. ...... DYSPEPSIA. hill, Stomach-- 70 • •• SUPPRESSF.D, Kant( and liniutul pertods 2 LEUCURIIHCEA, or Whites 25 13 " 010101', hoarse cough . or 14 •• SALT RHEUM, Eryiiipelas, Kitty- Ron. 7. IS •• RHEUMATISM, 511 rheum:m[lsookm U 16 •• FICYNit .Ni)A AGUE, China and Fever 17 •• PILES, tater.% or maternal 10 is `• UPTHALOIY, .ore, ioninitcd 010... NI ID •• CATARRH, acute or chronic. tun.- Sv •. COUtilt, scatantodic Zr '• ASTIAVA, opp mernied 50 02 •• EAR DISCHARGES.Impatred 2 •• Dlrg . SY, in lure e I lan 24 ' EN Eli IL ' ....... cleat . 2 •• DlTtig.YTitl ...coot( Secrittion. •• SEA SICISSESs. or Bic I. nese (torn riding 27 •• KIDNEY 1116EASS, liraveL . 211 • • NERVOUS DEBILITY, seminal 500551.5115.150/oloptary dlschallss6 . 01 " BORE MOUTH. or Canker 14 SO • • URINARY INCONTINENCY II •• PAINFUL PERIODS. even with Sp 60 V 2 •• SliFFEßaarna IS OS at Change of tai la •• EPILKI•SY,Spasma, SL Vitus' Dan- .31 M •• DIPTILERLA., ulcerated sore Goon DM TAXILY Oases of 30 vials, to moroccousseand book com plete 410 0. Case of 20 large vials, In morocco and b00k...... eO/ lase of large vials, plain case and book e3ll Case of 10 bow (No. 11016) A. and boo_..k.ENIVIE,3 • TOB.R Corner of Fourth and Market streets. IL L. FAH N ESTIKIK & CO., Wood at.. Wholesale A.gents,Pittaburgh, Pa. For tale by E. MINEB.,/eNmlthaeld street.; JtIO, VL,E.MiIs 41, 04 Martel street, corner of Lhe 141amon. 1 Pittsburgh, and J. J. EAST, No. 184 Federal dense, AllegboUy: McCLARA.N MOS 15.1 i NA N. corner et Diamond and Market street, Pittsburgh. STRICKLAND'S Dellilluo. 1 - )1L COU1ill HAMM! is warranted to Ye the only pre- 13 ' — 'll rou 1 - 43': • paratlou known to cure . 0 . ge., Quids. - Y. Asthma, WbooPiniS o LTlagft. • • Chronic Cougbs, , [lon, Bronchitis and Crup. A'• Being prepared from Honey and Herbs, It is healing, soft- - ORI e p n ar in t g u •nd t l e y o x s p itabe 13 f 4 r aanld I• altsctions f the Throat and Longa For gale hy Dreigglets everywhere. 11. E.'BELLEBS & CM, 11.1 yd IW/10L8.1LL.13 Many_ I IR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REFI EDYha.COREDthou- £3;:tN4.7.1".31 sands of the worst cases of • , It L 1 ND ANDBLEEDING .47,44, t's PILES.It gives Immediate „:„y•nr. , . ,- • , • relief, and effects perms: s It care. Try IL dined!. •.' r It Is warranted to cure. For sale by all Druggist. at -‘o'it' 50 cents per Dottie. ==l PIATSBORGH , PA a. a. t............ in 161.1 r. Stri_ckla nil , f oelltlyd W1101.444.L Z Anti, a __... DITTSOPNEPIar.:IIIAA oco.ZncePu- vv . 1 21divx. .Uls nti.. A NTI 4 acids and carminative to r . e s ce apshen the stomach .d A „.7J . ne rvous system. it Is aver- ", ~::::•,, ~,, re/n.17 A. DIMKP I*. CI .10 I or Indigestion.. Net - YO 4 - nes., Loss of Appetite. . Acidity or the dtornach, 4 Flatulency and deblllty. It . 4 0110,. Ir on ) Is not alchoholle; therefore. .:,01,,tv. particularly suited for weak. . particularly and dyldmPtie Per mom For sale by all drug t"" "'"."1‘.." " el er2 - A l iletts a C. nen,. consel. ba sass,. FORTY YEARS PRACTICE IN SEXIYAL IMBEASES elves me a Intowledge seldom acquired by Phial clan.. fly long nesldence la OM city. and the amount of patients treated annnally by me. are safdtiont P r VirlariTptlV4k.A., or ge nal Weakness, and all dine.. arising therefroaZ are cured In • moth shorter time than heretofore try my NEW VTAIET- A RIX HEMEL/WA. Medicines sent to soy part of the Enloe. All letters must mitten • stamp to pay return postage. Correspondence held elated. Of bee, 65 bIiITIiFIELD WYEEKT, near Diem° d Address. J. W. BRANSTRUP, M. M. mails Bus SM. Pittsburgh. Po. pRIVATE DISEAEIES. IT= for the core of all diseases of a privete nature, In from two to tom' .1.7 n, byan entirely new and este treatment. Also, Bernina] Weakness, and all other diseases of the genital organs and their swevantion Cure warranted or money refund e d. Mee boar..-7 to 10 A. N.. lig to 2, toe ama r. Adren 'num W.. :NM Peter street sermon • MeGEM AND LEMONS. nnen prime Memnon Orange.; Lemons, To nitre and for Baia by RZTICEIL * BROS., Noe. 120 sad CS Wennkstmet. CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers