The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 02, 1866, Image 3
Nwifk..PA N O'I•IOE. 017101= Yates Costruqu Wiciarm Eatiiflnstr lc CU., .Priet.uu. t WE VAG '. I IOST MaSPECT .llllty,Tatmanneectbat to eonilderatlon of the l'.:.*Liceoessataultwo trustaiiiisfactory) vanidly con Chided th at a be equally advantageouu to tgenrai e e ' gj °one Oa. of that Me-prefer to Dispose. of ail the Tickets and give tite•Pliblie'•all the Prizes, th*i to hel4 ► quaitlty of tickets Cos proorlotors anta ny othe l doyana thereby calla:me our chances of driwitiizes. lean arge sra number pr s will he priblished In the Ch I cago Malty papers so soon its drawn. and when the drasclog,/sover each ageot 1,0 fornialwd with a COnipielsllat of the drawn number.. 15 view of the above reavnts, which we hob. all/ prove esalnontly satisfactory. WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DRAWING UNTIL TILE 9th Day of July, 1866 CZ= WIGGINS. )31tAD FORD AL Co NOTICE The Public are hereby notified that SO 1101 Ch of tb . Channelof the Allegheny Pavel As rano between the SECOND and Ysl: ICY! PIERS, from the Allegheny CDT r od Road Bridge, now being rebblit by the Pittsburgh, FL Wayne and Chicago Rail way Company Over that Pis,. between Pittsburgh and Allegteny CM NECiSSARIL Y OBSTRUCTED Uueing he lime of putting up the uew •uperatrue tore of the Bridge, probably for a boutfourtnontli hum tto First. ofJunc. A. 1)., 151 X. W A. GAII,UNEU, Chief = NOTICE.—AL delinquents w it . hare ne-glhetdd and ntllrd to limy thc.....Lawn made on the Capital titoct. of the WWTLEY CHEEK OIL CO., and now ortr due, are dteretl nottned that unit,. PlLy.op:t.n or before .1 LIN ft tat. On. prop- I l o n r y th ' e "" : InyZ:Caor STEEL, becrrtary. DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS 1 NOW IN STORE. Otte 01 the most complete anti best assorted stocks LADIES' AND MISSES HOSIERY to be boned In the (Ile. al very rearooable orlres together with a full lane or Ladies' Gloves, JflLases Gloves, Gents Cloves, LADIES' AND GENTS UNDERWEAR, in Bilk. Merino, ()cute Merino end Cotton. A complete casonment of Horrigon's Star Shirts, Acknowledged by all to bo Ibe best h 13.1113 Slikrt In the mark. t. GENTS` FANCY NECK TIE 24, EINE MILK MIIMPEN tUTTON AND mlelcllic I. aL.F 110:4: LINEN AND PAPER c“LLAEm. Gent's Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs =1 '• F. H. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street Nim GOODS Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. The htteullon of Wholesale and Retell burets dleeeted to the 161 of arrivels I= PANG, ' NECK TIES. PARASOLS, BUTTEICYLI ES, NUN URNKELLAM, lIIDILICISONS, BONNET RIBBONS. t STAR SHIRTS, PINE LACE (NR.I.AUS, PA PEE COLLAILS AND PINE LACE &WKS'S, currr, LINEN COLLAJZS AND LINEN COLLARS AND CUEPIS,' COPPS, BLACK MK NETS, SURPESDEIRL BLACK BUGLE TRIM- !MIRKY andLILOVES. ttS, BLACK sILK BATTS, NANCY SILK DCESS NEW STYLE OF HOG BUTTONS, SKIRT, at ono doll.. IIL.K OUIPUIII: LACES and it ball. NEW STYLE GRY.CLAN BARGAINS IN PUPS'S, DRY-GOODS, HEAD NETS, dc.,, Aa Ac., de.. dr MICRUM, GLOB & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 Markel Street. .rra DRY ,--GOODS! ARBUTHNOT. SHANNON & CO.. WHOT,MATN, DRY GOODS, N 0.115 Wood 81., Pittsburgh, invite the attention of Merchants to their Spring stock, sehteh they oiler at the lowest eastern ',alveoli:re Cosh. Dress Goods, Detainee, White Goods. Flannels, Cloth, Costa nacres, Satinets, Tweeds, FARMERS. OMECHANICI4 , CASHMERES. Bt.SAORED AND BRuNON MIISLItib, PRINTS, GINGLIAMO, (Mlles& COrTOSA.DES, ac.. de. Hosiery,Gloves, Shawls, Balmor morale, Notions of all descrip tions. Sir Particalsr attention paid to orders. 411iPliersoldoods oonstantly arrivng. .artnLil and examine our 000,1 .50 d Prices. 118 Wood S, Pittsburgh. ARBUTHNOT, S H ANNON A: CO. O ..UCKYTHBOT..IO. T. Mall NOS.,. 0. STLYIOO.O.:I inyLS:66ll NEW GOODA I NACRIIM & CARLISLE, No. 19 Wittka 6trcrot. We are now opening an elegant assortment of I .BW GOODS, embracing the richest Myles of REAL LACE GOODS, RICH SILK PARASOLS. ELEGANT PARTY PANS. PINE BONNET RIBBONa, NEW B. YLE DitEMS THIRY INTO% REAL GiLTIP1,1110: LAcr.s. BUTTON/i. We !weep:tat, penedn beantffill lot of RZAJ, CLII HUY LACER AND INSERTINGS. We would lot .tea pecial attention to a new and aplendld snot ,non fa t e ADI ES' /It • V AND Wltl'a'E BERLIN CLOVER. GLOVES in 1 g new Petrolsom and Havana Shade., An itillOttme as Of new colors In KIL) GLOVES, Ing,AOE, : MlTTS—new tytea; • A most CO optete assortment of LAPIES'ar.I CHILDREN'S etYPTON HOSE: GENT'S P::•11: SHIRTS, Dimity TIES, SCARPS: CULLA DS. HALE HOSE, SUSPENrits, UM. SEEM Alkan.,,,* LADIES' f. , d GENT'S GAUZE SIERINOUNDEE VEST,. To Merchants and Dealers. Our. Wonlesalo,Departtnent, nowwen stocked with sem ithlocln tha NOTION LINE. which w offer to It. e.Traid, as low as any house East or West. e 31/1011.1Thi BcIaILILLISLE, 19 -Fiflhlitreel, Agegle for the “LOCEWOOD HANUFACTUR . P.O COMPASIT." BRADLEY'S 1/UI'LEE ELLIPTIC SKIRT at itanotactorera. Prices. • N EW SPRING DRESSES. Having just received a .mplote assort ment of the 'cantles Novelties, selected from the latest Importations, we are now 4u:rising a very 011010 E STUCK NEW SPRING DRESSES, 111E111410g many derided Novelties Istlie #3.' mid Material, at very Moderate Pates. BASTES & BELL, StIPOTH STIIKIT dueWittobtugh &talk. SATURDAY, JIIII - F. 2, 1566. SOCIAL LIBERTY. Discourse Delivered in the Central Presbyterian Church. Pittburgh. on !Sabbath arternoon, May 27th, by tho Pastor. Key. N. W. Jacobus. D. D. The Gospel according to Luke, 11th chapter, 234 and Slth verses: And in the synagogue - there was a man which had the spirit of an "unelean devil, and cried out with a loud "voice saying, Let us alone ! What have we "to do with Thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth. "Art thou come to destroy us ! I know thee "who thou art the Holy One of God," It was the peculiarity of our Lord's time , that in order to show His relation to the King dom of darkness, devils were allowed to enter Into men—blind devils and dumb and lunatic —showing their hand m their several demon iacal Poa.sessions—and these were not mere diseases, but personal agencies entering into men's bosoms and working their several forms of destruction.. So soon as these de mons saw Jesus approaching them, knowing well the bencilicenee of His mlienon, and how lie Caine tempo out evil spirits from the hu man breast., and to banish Satan and his hosts from the earth, they math, the air ring with their hideous outcry "Z.& us al..' What have we to do with Thee thou Jesus of Nazareth! Art thou come In destroy ! tre knots thee who thou net au imp One of God."' This was simply their plea for seen/ liberty. It was a demand of this foul group, that had snugly quartered themselves In the breast of a poor ereature, to be tel atone, and enjoy, undisturb ed, the liberty of possessing the man and snak ing him rove and gash himself—making him throw himself into the ere and into the water. be wonder that the presence of Jesus, the great Deliverer and Restorer of our humanity, should set them crying Out for freedom from Ills Divine Interference. lint lie east them out! Ile pronounced that such social liberty was a vile abuse, an awful usurpation, because it was a devilinh conspiracy to destroy man kind. un oneoccaalon, there met Him tt pair of men possessed with devils exceeding tierce. comingout of the tombs. Anti when they Raw Jeans, and knew already that He would cast them out., they craved of Hint the low-bred lib. City of entering Into a herd of swine. And tlits was granted them, as their proper sphere, If they must drive some creatures or Other Into the abyss. Liberty, In the widest sense, Is freedom from restraint. In the broadest Idea of the term we nay a muss IS Inv when its , Is at liber ty to do as he pleases. In the lowest applica tion of the Wont, one is at liberty when no uiperlor power controls his choice or nation, and he pursues his pleasure without the hind ranee or questioning of another. This tuay be called that natural liberty which a man Las, outside of social - regulations, by virtue of which lie goes hie own way, takes his own courses, folion - s his own impulses and tastes, without being held tinder any bondage, and ammialtie to no master. The savage hue such a liberty, and roams in his native forest with undisputed right. But when we advance a stop further, to what Is 'dainty a higher notion of liberty, we collie within the sphere of social rentrailite and regillatlona. We find the social compact such nn organization of Individuals under laws as makes every member of the organic whole amenable to the statute, and answerable for all his conduct When we enter Into aociety for mutual support and protection, we relin quish somewhat of our naturnl liberty for the highest ends of social liberty, under the snered authority of law. to order to hold the evil-doer responsible, the well-doer agrees to Is, himself responsible for whateverthe Rtutute ordains, so that, u-bile the natural liberty of man, In the language of John Locke, is "to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative author ity of mon, but to have only the law of nation for his rule," this is simply the liberty of the savage. The rod Indian knows no higher lib erty than that.. But the higher idea, which ensues upon a more advanced civilization and culture, Is that of social liberty—the liberty of man In society, which to the liberty secured by statute. "The liberty," no John Locke has said, "of being ender no other legislative) power but that established, by consent, In the Common wealth, nor under tile dominion of any will or restrnlnt of any law, but what that legislative shall enact according to the trust put la it." And here the main idea is, that a true social liberty is begotten of law. It Is no longer the liberty of the Individual to do as he pleases, irrespective of law. The law, which all have agreed to venerate and obey by the very con stitution of society—the law, which is itself the writ tee constitution of society—withont which society has no constitution, in fact or In form—the law define, the sphere of Libor. ty and axes its coedit - Irma to the tudtvidual, and binds him to the obedience under penal ties that are adequate for its enforcement In this connection and under these condi tions, liberty is jest the freedom to obey the low—to do, not as the man himself might please, bet as the law pleases- And, held with i these sulutary bonds, society has Inc pre. teetlon and guarantee of law, against libertinism and licentiousness. Rut there Is plainly • still higher notion of I iberty than all this. It in the supreme liberty of doing right the liberty of serving Gal, the liberty of moving to the sphere of the Divine pleasure, enchained by the fetters of sin, and freed from the debasing thraldom of Satan. Tills is defined in Holy !Scripture, as the liberty. wherewith Christ makes his people free the glorious liberty of the children of God, by virtue of which a man is reprised from that galling yoke which is on the neck of men by nature, set free from the shivery of.passione and the oppresSiOn of liana, NO as that one feels him gel( a freeman, in sympathy with God and angels, rejoicing in God's law and delighting to do duty, as the highest exhilaration and truest pleasure of tie soul and the body. Un der such an inspiration the freed spirit, goes to daily duty singing, and luxuriates in the Divine aerelee—MiLlSClOLls of no compulsion, hat of the most pleasing play of all the men tal and spiritual powers, elato with the veer": of Divine freedom, and like the psalmist, re galing himself in the pure fresh atmosphere of God's commandments anti singing "1 will walk at liberty for 1 seek thy precepts." It is plain, thee, that oven individual liber ty has neoessary Ihnitatious ander any law which alma at the well being of the individu al, and the protection and defense of society. We see how it la (justly enough) that a min is denied the right of damaging himself at his will. )low, though Me life may seem to he his own, )-et the law pronoeuc m It not him own to tract-lace It at the whim of pas s i on, or or tlae hand of violence. How, Muter all civilized law therefore, the not of silleide is wilJudged a capital crises, on the ground that the law which seeks the Individual well being, does not allow any man, even the meanest—net even the most Wort/11.n, not even the Most wicked and injurious member at society, to take his own lila And so, whatever tends most plainly to lie. troy lite is the proper subject of legislation. The law steps in, wherever it finds an article of commerce to he specially fraught with per il to human life, and It I egulates and controls -• • • - • even the storage of it. it does nOt.allow pore. der to be deposited In your midst., where a spark may blow up your dwellings and des troy multitudes of lives. Where a secial agent Is discovered, like nitroldpeertne p , for example, having such explosive qualities, it comes in and forbids the presence of It within a certain limitof population. You may judge this to lie oppressive upon your Medium If yen deal in the arttele, but the law, neverthe 1, restricts your liberty in the manufacture and stark, and storage of whatever Is mani festly a death dealing agent hi circumstances of special exposure. And so. the apothecary is limited by the law, ill the sale of drop,. lie may not sell lamlanum, arsenic or other poisons, without taking special securities against their help g used to destroy human life. The principle is plain. The law is set to protect the individual even against himself, to secure him if poi:slide, even against his own evil passions and principles, and habits, that would work his destruction. It does not al• low a man to count his own life, in each a sense hie gum as to involve the right to destroy it at his plensure—even though it were by slow poi sons that would most certainly result in ouch self-destruction. The law steps in, in such a ease and with a divine authority, It utters the command, as front the very brow of Sinai, Thou shalt not kill. Shalt not kill any one— whether another, or thyself—not even though your life be deemed to be worthless—mot even though you have been adjudged to death by the law for some capital crime, thou shaP not take thine own life. It is no right of yours in any circumstances to do It. But the same principle extends to the sphere of social Marty and sets up a /Imitation there. It interposes first, Its prohibition against unanner aft-may tend. to dedrol/ soCkly, does not allow society to commit suicnk. Here again there may be complaint against any such interference of the law es oppressive. lint is It oppressive when the law controls the use even of a man's tongue, and locks him up among the criminals. heartier* of slander and perjury? No, for this If allowed, would soon dia. Integrate the social fabric. And so all tha So. chil crimes of the Dticalogue - theft. adultery, and even Impiety, are aken In hand by the law, for the conservation of society. But men cry out against all this tialL'Yiallithal In. tenet yr., a on their rights. They even do. nuance it as an abuse of government, to re strict. a man's social relations and practices. As If the banding together with others In crime would sanctify crime, or authorizelt. It this very Consplrany soli. consolidation of erten° which makes It all the more formidable and perilous to society. The great Mormon Iniquity, reeking under our very eyes, with its font abominations, in the face of all ' rpotation and of high beaten itself, Is a lt plague. s on the face of this ostra cises itself by Its own sogcia l eneration. heresy. it puts Itself out of the sphere of civilizes' society, as the social system of the Sultan votes itself outer theaocial circle of Europe. And yet, men arelaid clamoring for the same kinds of license, and fan calling upon our and judges to allow tin= unbridled liberty in of society be social practices, though the very fo,d ai l on . uptiarned. and tonal anarchy and corruption be the speedy sod sure result. Arid isnot/tor llntitatinu,s ooo ndly,whleb is set to social liberty, is on the Principle that no set of men has lo inclulyc, al ter nxpnue of other trien's tights. Peace and or d er are the Mallenable Vint Gra family or neigh borhood, and disturbers of the Peace, whose practices are "riotous, and who break in ~po n the repose to which the public are entitled peolally ou a Sabbath or at night, these are held amenable to thelag. To preserve the peace and order of society, the low o site cial guard npon such , tutittigenees as tend to tumults, mote, liglaas, murders, and outrages of every The plea for social liberty that men ha yb a right to Indulge themselves is absurd, whenever this indulgence hi seen to demoralize aoOtetY cad Moitoto crime, and entice the =SET ) Ct; l a r iftra u ll ' rr t Tem wi n ctdor. br eak pie ts lain. We are prepared now to analyze this plea of social liberty le Its application to the in inarticatlng drink. This is not the only avenue of social crime, but it is well known what a Mighty agency of disorder and iniquity It has bectlinerew its 'Pant Oinellln. cry of evil works with most controlling power of mischief In the community—how it is, more than any other thing, the direct instigator of suicide, While it is puttmg the deadly cup of poison to the lips of our youth, destroying husbands and fathers ; yes, and wives and mothers and sisters and daughters-111;e the Angel of Death in the dwelling. of EgYPI straing down the beloved nrsteborn. If there be any greater public evil In the land than in temperance, I challenge you to name the mon ster. to It not most not °does that this in that Devil, whose name is Legtol3, who stalks among the tombs anti lives In sepulchres, end no posver on earth can chain him , Not even re bellion and treason that have culled for hems tombs of sons and (Athens. a saeritlue to that mad ambition, have immolated so many vie thus. Call the roll of the 300,000 loyal dead— bury them, with all honor—write their epitaph of eulogy They have fallen in a noble muse. Their dust Is honorable, But Ihrsc—the poor besotted, bloated victims of the brothel—who have died in the gutters of the street, or in the members of wealth, reeking with nith and breathing pol each of them Fh nd e ai l b l li rs '"l l ' i b l ' e 'l i tY'. i sn lartso a‘ill :eh m ilm an insg d 'P' another hell in his own home--count their number, and you have not done. You have never done! The list to swelling daily 1 While you sit here. It le s well ing yonder by Sabbath excesses which the law seen.. SO impotent among us to reach and con trol. If there Is any public curse or mischief which is a fit subject for legislation, It la this. Look at the army of traillekers In the fatal poison ! It is tenfold greater than the army of the rebellion. It comes upon an with wea pons that deal their deadly charges more widespread and more fatal in their effect, I know what can be said in extenuation, and what is said, that, the toss IS not of _need, the abuse. That they who drink without shameful excess should not be held responsi ble for these, whom they abhor, as we do. All, but the law cannot so nicely discriminate. It most legislate for the evil doer; and the well doer must yield somewhat of his liberty for the public good. Consider bow the law is cheated, and you will see that It has a right to be rigorous. Consider how difficult it is to procure informants against this breach f the law, when thus the evil doer is expostin him self, and yon shall admit that there is la e non able of i_ rigor. Who would think It that theseon able drug stores, whose eolored bowls or Pork ling silver fountains ire glistening sr 11 at traction at tile corners of the streo who would think it that they have become th chief snare of our young men, enticing them to take the deadly poison under a fancy name --dealing not to them from the ISPia fountain the intoxicating drink under some fashiona ble gu i se of the trade. Who would think It that this sacred art of the apothecary should lie so desecrated and damned, and that some of those Men NI ho are ant to deal out the care ful mixtures for restoring impaired Inedth to the invalid: and who, on account of their art tieing counted a grietepublio necessity are al lowed the privilege of t ratite on the Sabbath day, should, with unbl.tling intputlenee, cheat the law and deal ont the Intoxicating polSOns to make drunkards of nor young men—to do strew the peace of households, and to Insinuate the most deadly ill.ase Into the frame of blooming, vigorous health. if I hail a rclath'e that was a prey to such a devil ish device, I would not !dumber till I hail brought the apothecary to justice, or till I hail Outright Justice to him. The profess ant ' ought to purge itself from Kuril Malpractice, and society ought to spew out such from thew midst. social liberty is not the liberty to de taut-nitre society. Anti the club room of flora lon, or the beer saloon of the crowd, or the wine chamber of the rich, Habits to demoral ize soctety, and to do its part In dratroying menu character and business and breakout up their homes, and sending toe piaison through their generations la transmitted habits of drura. And after the shocking experience of our land, beta:wiling' only more and more shocking, can the law maintain its char acter as the nneurlty and protection and defence of society, and not lay a 'droog hand upon the trunict After all it can done or can ever do, the law cannot prevent the use or abuse of the article in millions of metes, It cannot follow a man to that closet of his home, or of the hotel or brothel, where he pays Ills secret devotions to this beastly idol ; and drunkenness will stalk abroad, after the Ins has done Itit utmost Who would belies ,• it that men would clamor against our present license law as opine...lye and tyrannical: What do they want? The liberty to drink what they please, Si hen they please and how they ' , Sunset NOt only this, but the liberty to iaLikv; its - anthrax by the unrestricted sale of the artls chi, and to have the deluge of Intokleating liquors bury what, remains of sober and ludo.. trious habit In the community The livens.. law, an It now stands among us, does not stye license enough to such to prey upon the well. being of society, while there are a few left win are not entrapped in the fatal snare. I nu (dear that society has an Inalienable right t. protect Itself against ilninkenne., an, iagainst whatever feuds directly to promote drunkenness In the community. If we ha, the tight to anti ourselves against the robe . Menden% so as to prevent the burning of oil dwellings and the destruction of life and prop erty, we have a right Warm ourselves against an Invasion of the whole army of IlltelUper :thee as en army of retention against all law; and government, and of treason &gaited society. If the law proposes to lame penaltne against the Importation of cattle to prevent rinderpeet, much more may it prohibit the im. portation of Neon, to prevent Lite greatest social plague that hos ever cursed hantanity. If even u barrier is attempted to be set by time Ina' against the introduction of cholera leer our land, because of the terrible havoc it won. make In our cities, licculime of the prveions lit'ess it weiiiii sweep away, then I know fllOl why eat. m! pe ran ric may not mail ought not Lola 7huronfutell with utmost rigor, earns to confine It is ithln the narrowest p.altde spa., s<. as t o keep it at least between docks and in the steerage of society. Tne spirit of the law milkeo the pub/c nesd the proper bests of application for dealing In the article. And hoer Many rill:Lim:Dere arc aerated In limbs eveumunityl Does the hay Ingle given number of rooms, and a given number of led!--enotogh to inaner a regimeut—make the liquor selling n neeteraity of the public' We have been cheated long enough wit a Such deVices. We want the oath of respectable men, whose oaths are worth the having to substantiate the pica of public nocesaltv. We invoke the ministers of Justice to protect us against all false and groundless appllcatlon,. ' And wherever it shad. appear that the only en ; tertaltunent really furnished for man or beast is rust, let the appileaticnt be denied. If 1114,11 will drink at home, In the presence of thee families, the law may be powerless to prevent it. lint the law can prevent the opening ol saloons on every corner for the truffle, and the law must prevent it; and all good citizens must aid the law topreveut it, =rants we would have the madmen tented loose uponLue-leD to blow out the brains of the Innocent, na well as their own. It is well known that the liquors which are now dealt out .11 beverage do not tat much ralexteute as madden the vlatint And when any class of men claim so unblush ingly the liberty of making madmen out of sprat°Ultima surely the fathers and sons and brOl hers will ' take the matter in hand to pres vent it. You have been asleep, while the hor rid °rifle: •If this demonists have been kept, in midnight navels and blood, in all your streets. Look at your newspapers. how the murders multiply. lions any one doubt that the honor selling apothecaries, to whom I have referred, can in, can out, and that a large majority of the saloons and halls of intemper ance, which Men Suave Manual to call "he ,” can be closed Ira by the proper exertions of good citizens! Anil when liquor sellers 'need for public sympathyras friends of sorbs I Idlest c, Will, does not see that their aim In many ease is the liberty of intbruthig men for their money. What business Is so Infinitely low es that of soiling the drutikaril his .I tam, and ,ending himistaggering Into the glitter, all for a aline or t wol The bar-keeper in your sleigh borhood, who on Saturday night last, drew a revolver from ender he, eounter and blew oat the brains Of a young man who was there for a tiring, only took e shorter method if Intl, der, Wtm he not really . worthy the gal lows WI hour beibtlf, all lux hour after he tool shed the blood! Ile was busy making scorers of murders, and seer. of inn iaterei-ii heahlen ilignielf. 1% heti an outraged father gave his son a public whipping on the street, the other , • day, in a neighboring city, for drunkenness, It in saki that hundreds of spectators ap proved the deed. lint hundreds more would bare approved him if he hail turned biz lash upon the wretch who Was In ttio habit of sell ing the son the tntozleat Ing drink. lint the urea of frarrtom is to be enlarged' G/o -nous Philanthropy.' Now that the shackles of negro slavery are broken, the shackles of No briali and of public rnonilel# are to is broken also—that ti:l - Jubilee of the race my he pro chinned! - - How, can men have the effrontery t. decry such wholesome legislation as of resolve, when, notwithstanding the harriers it has been able to erect against the Indul gence, we aro a community of drunkards— drunken lawyers, drunken legislators, drunk en phymiclann, drunken merchants, drunken mechanics and drunken clerks—drunken men and drunken women and drunken children. I maintain that thin which Is pie:chat for under the sacred name of socks( !Welly la seek,/ slavery! I demand to know what is suck a ty rant as intemperance! What despotism of monarch or eastern autocrat equals tilts foul and pr u dish ilmrpotlatu of rum. The cruel bondage of this habit, of intoxicating drink, how it dooms a, man to moat debasing servi tude, puts a yoke on bin neck and lettere on his limbs, which would degradea brute, makes dm worse than it ebuchtelnetzar, whose beastly hair and claws wore beauty and glory In comparison of the nauseating, beastliness of the drunkards of our day. Tel sic t hut such restraint laid upon social liberty pi not uorpthitent with a republican forth of gewerstrOenti ,Vilere has Paid that when complaints are freely bear], deeply considered and speedily reformed, there is the utmost bound of civil Liberty attained that wise men look for.” I am eatisiled that this eommenity ought to rise up In Its might and demand that lieripr selling be abated as a pub lic nuisance, as a moral pestilence. 1 am clear that intemperance an every shape ought to be made odious and Infamous; and all the troop of caterers to intemperance—the whole , ! rd—ought ho e lb ou-frowned ra dugwhtn o b f ythe dirnudnk - nantpublic. laitretive laws tigveth is effe ct, that they brand the article as a public curse. lieyond every favorite brand ft bears the Stamp the bravo of poison. They refer the ll eerple of selling It to the men who decide in eases of life Mid death. What higher function baseonr in kilns at law, than to pronounce upon the claim of men to deal In this Madden ing drt Mel What perversion of the sacred name of liberty In It to call social drunkenness by the name of sookri liberty! Does not the row and the carousal of the hat room, the dgbtmg, 'wearing and stabbing that belong to the fear ful orgies of intemperance, brand it as the moat fiendish of all tyrannies In any respectable orntimunity. What if such a Combination should get possession of the Ms . - Making power among us and frame a license law after their Limes of license, how long would your property or your Byes be safe I now long would ybu Wish to lire In such a so ciety, any snore than in Bodoni or timeorrbahl Just and wholesome law must forever remain the basis of Libeirty. The clamor for that Lib erty which is lawlessness, would seek to plunge pa into the slavery of unrestrained IL cense and vicious habit. Buell An Idyl or Lib erty as counts the Sabbath law an oppression, and the License low a despotiam, does not Properly belong to a republican form of gov errinmAt. it Is bred in the atmosphere of finellfli Weeny, where the peasant Is lac,- lessly a slave an d is cast Upon mush low leant gone* as hill lot and portion. But here, where every man en j oy,, the high freedom or doing 0 attaining the highest rewards of well-dohig—here anataill, our free Institutions —lnt he home of Liberty—la the Temple 01 a sringed Liberty , 'where,. the (sodden. of Vic- AoroPhlla at Athens, she la anted in her ISeeteran hence is without Wings for oak mg another ellme—bere, 1 asy, la w up, banla ~ sp .orldherty and o.!ponootem e le the grand in: Miable wnaulan . o alal Liberty. The virtue, kW, tOrriCo a tyrao—a do pot—a demon--and whoever ministers to the public immorality, ministers to the social slavery. Christianity is therefore the great Liberatcv of men. Jeans Christ has come Into the world to break every yoke-to set men free in the highest sense. It Is the spirit of Inddelity and Atheism that calls for social Liberty in the sense of social License and li centiousness. It is the spirit of a low material ism that ignores the son', and eternity, anti clamors for the largest liberty In sensual in elgence. This is that same demon that stalked in ghastly feature and shrivelled form through Ito French Reign of Terror. Men, usdkingefter their own I UM-admitting no acom.ntability to God-claiming the right to self Indulgence at all hazards-owning no law but that of their own passions-these arc the men upon whom the law has ever had to sot Its watchful eye and ley Its powert ul hand, for the protection and conservation or society. You may he. ware of them. Social Liaerty properly under stood Is the Liberty which Jesus Christ alms to establish in all the world. It comes to set tile irell rid nal free from the tyranny of de praved lusts-and then it advances to sot soci ety freo-free from demoralising principles and practises-whatever they are-of theft, profanity, lying, fraud, evil speaking, adul teryonurder. And when it is written in the or exerience of most or that dr uis arent child of most, all of the crimes p mes named in the Decalogue then and therefore, it erects a barrier agains t this dendisn foe of social liberty and social progress. And just because Intemperance is the mightiest barrier that Satan has ever in all his craft, erected against all benincent and christian efforts to regener ate mankind, therefore christianity proclaims theta man has no right to be drunk-and no right to entice or encourage others in drunk enness.-beciense drunkenness Is the Tory es sence and cream of demoralization. Christi anity proclaims that a man's highest liberty is the liberty to do good-to get good, and to to good; and that the highest truest social liberty is the liberty which Is guaranteed by wise and wholesome law, and which is the lib. erty to obey law-the fib erty to do right-unter. rifled by the clamors ot evil doers, who threat en the good-anti who would riot on the dead carcass of all true Liberty, under the sacred pies that just and rightful law destroys all their liberty. Whose fault is thati Their Lib erty is the liberty to do evil, and it most be destroyed, or all morality and religion must go under, and the very throne of God Himself must be overturned. Only ask a moment what Is the social liberty that is needed In this worldt It is the liberty of living Ina society where there is no crime, no lying, nor theft, nor profanity, nor evil speaking, nor drunk enness, nor lewdness, nor murder; where all the haunts of the drunkard and the apparatus of debauchery and earousal are put out of the way, and where the maddening cup is contra band. What is the true ideal of sooletyl It Is such a high grade of morality as shall make every man secure In toe passeasion and enjoy ment of life, health anti property, whets the rood shall be unmolested by the presence or in fluence of evil doers; where all shall contribute to the welfare end happiness of society, anti the inc shall be undisputed in its authority and commute'. That would be the ideal of so cial liberty, because it would be the supreme liberty of doing right-of obeying good laws and of doing 90.1 in all circumstances, and where the atmosphere would be truth and purity without corruption. I look beyond-within 'the veil-to the highest style of society In the un iv erne, for which all Christian agencies and Influences here aim to prepare us. And I see there a stwiety where there Is no thief, nor liar, nor profane swearer, nor drunkard, nor in enterer, nor any saloon of the drunkard. And [herr, is no sorrow, nor sighing, nor death., it pain, nor any more tears. And that is the ...AWL( (Abell!, that every good man is aiming to attain. SPECIAL NOTICES, ~al:1 THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS 311123. WINMAJW'S QUEEN HAIR RP::•1•411{ER Is I,WEEN, not only In OAKS, Inn In vlicrults. In the Rest stair Restorer ever offered to the Public. An inlallibtr itokrouou and 1 . 1.4.EVYR or I. lair iffalthfully It is no Hair Dye It mess rectl) upon the roots of the hats ehoot ng grey heir to Its orlgtool life color; orrosting p., nature decoy sod falling out of the bolt; eradlent it, and 4antlroff; sod rating all boom.. of only. It change dry and wiry hair to .11 and Ina laid crease.. It imparts . delightful fragrance to thr hair. In short, If yon wish to restore your halt - , alt oath, and retain it through Ilfe. use IVINSI,OWS QUEIII 11118 PASTORE?, S I per bottle. roll by all Ilruggist.. R. E. SELLERS & Wholesale Agents. rATrPITTSIBURGH SAW womias, HUBBARD. BRO. at CO. MAXUTACTIMI.II.II OF PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, °fevers depterlp tine. Still, Staley, Como-Cut, Gang, and et Otisei &meth,. All kinds of K N IVES and SPRlNtiti, made from sheet rot-Mori ; Extra Refined REAPER AND M. K N IVES, Ac. &rehouse and Worn., corner W•Tnn and •11.11 . 0T11.11., Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-tonthing. gumming Awl straightening Circular Saws: also, repairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rate. apl2l:lf. atr WM. a&RNitinots CO. & Boller Makers A. Sheet Iron Workers. Noe- 20. ZS. 94 and 26 2.69. street. Hay mg secured a large yard, and furnished It with Me most approvedmaehinery, we are prepared to inmufacturc every description of BOILERS, In We wit manner, and warranted OrittAi to any made In the - *entry. CHININEIN, BRILECHINti CE BEM STRAM PIPAH LOOOSIOTIVIL BOILERS, CON tiENSE.R.B,_ SALT BA-N 4 TANKS, UM 0111.14, AILITATURS, BETTLVieI PASS, BOILER IKON, ?Midi sad sole manufacturers w BARNHILL'S PABENT BOILERS . Bewaring done on the au:lt-MU notiew aws•tr g LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' PITTTSBUItIiII PARE. DUMMY dt CO. manufsetorer. of SHEATHING, aRAZIMICS' AND iLT cuppEß., PRESSED COPPER porroms, ICA inrilf STILL UOTTOIIn, SPELTER SOLDER. kis, Rot...tyro sod dealer. to METALS, TIN PI. ATE SHEET IRON, W Av. gkitunantlyon 1.00.1. TINS ESS . MACHO Es. and TOOLS. Ware. 11(.141, No. la, Finer and I.9,PeacuittoPitt*. :Jonah. Special order. of Copper cut to any desired pattern, . nryStilydßeq RrJOIIN COCHRAN & RHO., Manufacturer.of IRON VAULTS AND VA LILT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINIXIW •lIUTTERII, Wllll DOW GUARDS, Re., Nos. 91 nt,COND and Ms Tittitti STREET: between Wood en.l Market, have on band • variety of ueer patterns, ra d rttrill'r Vtltroti.:llPt=lin g Grave Iw 10. Jobblog done at snort notice. Gra nt IgrMAHRLAGE AND CELIBACY. - - nu Essay of Warning and Instruction for mlag rt.. Also. Diseases ektid Att.., which the /131 poeyrs, with sure mean, of relief. ot free of charge In tralyil letter envelopes. Ad- Itr. J. sEILLIN tloEttlrytjp, Roam. lon. Philadelphia. Vs. my=tl.4:n& "V. NENT FREE.--,I Pamphlet of Immense Importance to itt‘, old and rovinroving, married and sines, of bolt sexes, to g, fire try ailtlmmlnp, with stamp enclosed, th e Actmic, A. KENDRICK - CU.. Ilex 73, Boston Post Ofllee. MrXtly-dtie POLITICAL L. - .W - UNION REPUBLICAN EXEC , ouN T v irVE VOMIT - TEE OF ALLEOILENY MON W. IMETI".,7•ChAlrmsn,-LAIrreuceVIIIY. •A PT. W. N. ERWIN TempersoccylDe. ItI,E Y. GI ,RE Plosburgb. MN. A. L. I'MAILNO% I Awn:Reseal!' WM. SI. r. M. MAYNE A. N. WATSON.. DAN'L L .1.)/ . . J. B. 0.4.F.1.Af1L, Mot( cosptrt. .A (. II . 3: 4 VIWVIAI' tipper St. Clair Township. :KN. 13. H. M. Y 01' NU Robinson Township. !Will AIaKELV g. . ... ........ Wilkins Town• All, I: HORDE WI LPON Pittsburgh. ./t/NATHAN PEELY Mount Washington. JAMES DICKPON..... . ...... —Neville Township. A. H. lilttltnt ,Liberty Tow nahlp. Al MAI - It/It VElltiltll. Raltlw la Township. Wlll. l' 11ILLP:It.. Collins Township. ./nIt:1•1 . 1 A. lILITI.F.It iltSsbargb. ,W.SII.IIIy Chairman Union Connty Cuovontion. W. B. Nlitii.EY, Plrrgavrtraii. Jo. Ist, IsGa. The %ben • Conan2lll•Aork. na r eet . . m. an St lig o li o att T o M."'Nnl.: corner }Vat and Urea' sort' l..r""bu iie. N W. kl11)11EI,L, Chairman. CONOLtEsSIONAL CONVENTION, 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of the Dri Congressional District ere requested to meet at the I.llltl plates Boroughsof boldlog elections In the various Words, and 'Ytrwonhipe. In said Distriet, On Saturday, August Ilth, And elect TWO DELEGATES from each election district, to meet In County Convention on TUES DAY, AIDIUNT 14th, at 10 o'clock a. nt.,_ for the purport. of placing In nomination a candidate for lMgmss, The primary elections In the townships will be' held between the holm of fottr nod sin o'clock, end In the wards and boroughs between the hoar. of tour and seven o'clock r. r. In the wards and bra: oughs the elections shall be by ballot, and In the townships by Wareing or by ballot. )3y order of v f.R . T . iiialtif a ill i k We. A woznstrri. It. W. THOMAY. my24:616-ddwV IHE UNION LEAGUE, that de. Mated Trenson at the polio In le6J, will re-or ganise fur its defeat in EVer7 old Ellelppor 'oe to toe Union puny, to Its principles and neat- Ine is Ins tied no participate In tail meet ings. electing °Steers, hoe erttly a detegate front Is local In/anvil to the St ElMfideotillell Which Is to assemble In flail/erg , op WN.DNESD AT, the eth day of June next. Potriot itrothers, every interest of the country lieu - muds unity of action. Ball into Due: Close OP the reels: Prtipare for battle! Newspaptrs arm - able to the cause 1.111 give In floe soil egs. ti order V I'. . o.—Allegheny r County Council will meet C on WkDS 1 1 :21D...Y. Mae ann. at to Mock, A. K. , at tile FIR v.m ENS . ill the kleitket 'geese. 11117i:ittit, • ItgrCoNGHJESS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Haste( placed himself at the disposal edible Mends, i n ! wreskig'gratePtitteithrt:tlaTod Iggrut!! li e ut. for CtlElittltt for the a DIMACI., subject to the action ofLhe talon Itopliblican County Conven tion. aplttc tap - CONGRESS GENERAL JAS. 8. NEOLEY HI A CANDIDATE IN THE MAD DISTRICT. mbetitud rgir CONGHEISS.--The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will Present his unmet. the Convention or the Union party, for nomtuation ea acentlldate for Coto Um Sid Distract. •_ " • mhligivrd • FINE RESIDENCE N • CIP.IEL 03.ALT-i-E1 IN UNE OF THE BEST PuRTIONB OF ALLE OREN Y CITY. A large and thoroughly finished Iwo-story Double Brick Dwelling, containing It rooms, mmcious and miry halls on both noon: pan tries. closets and a Mil s la r proof safe. The ample grounds surrounding the mansion abound In choice grapes and fruit, nod shade Urea. A build. and Coach House. with other on t - huildings, combine to make this a first-class residence. For partiettlarti, apply to b . li. BRYAN, liroker In bunks and Real Estate. myth 47 Fourth st., (Hurte•a SEWICKLEY COUNTRY SEAT FOR SE/81-a MI. A superior double two-story Brick Dwelling, with back hulloing, containing twelve. rooms and bath room, with marble mantles and general good finish. About one acre of grois,, with extensive grape arbor and good fruit trees. lire minutes' walk tram gewlckleyville station. kloursy trains on the W, & 17. It. D. make this as convenient as any of the nearer suburbs of the city. Apply to B. B. BRYAN, Broker in !honks and Heal Yatute, li:Zourili street, ilinrkes Building.) 61 ACRES OF LAND, WITELLN THREE MINUTES' WALE UP BONIEWOOD STATION, PENNA. 11. R., N • C:,lrt rERIIS LIBERAL mumesTEß, UAZZAM I CO _my % No. IN Oran I. oreet, Pittsburgh. COAL AND LIME PROPERTY FOR SALE.--Oh the titeubanville azUrean, seven miles from the city. CUNT/LINLNU UNE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY. Steam and Water FSLX.A.CHES, cue improvements. louring and New Mill, and other Also, steno Mighty Aare& of COAL, without the Surface, &Waffling the above. Also, two Farm. at Stewart's Station, on Central Hallman, containing 140 acne and 12.5 acres Yortfurther particulars, enquire of W iLLIAIn WARD. (Opposite the Cathedral.) No. Ito tiran t street. FOR SALE POtiIhICSSION OWEN APRIL IST, A Delightful Residence In M'Clnre Tp The Lot Is in the highest elate of eultivatio • Two good bin lags on she premises. Par Wring, enquire Or JAMEs T. SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker and Insurance Argent. mht. No. at Federal street, Almabony._ RtIPR SALE—A Farm of 216 acres, -E situate In hum township, Allegheny county, Ps. The improvemenm are a two-story Frame House, with sir rooms anti kttchen; • large Balm Barn, ee by in, and other oat-building.; good Or card; 176 acre. cleared and In a good state or cul tivation. The land Isof Me nest quality ,• ell adapted (or grain or truc k , sad I. ell eedeeleld with Coat, a very large amount of Locust timber. Po.- cession given lortuediately, convenient to Cherebes, schooLS, MUD, go. For further particular., en quint of G. H. ToWEIH, Real Estate Agent, No. 104 Fourth street. my 17.120 _ port SALE—A Brick Dwelling, situate situate on Western Avenue, Allegheny City, containing seven rooms. ba th room anu finished At tie; gas, hut and cold water, and asters. hall, all lu adjoining; lot .11.'s by . 1.25 feet. Also, Vacant Lotthe above, by DS feet, to a 20foot street. The lots an. planted with feels trees and grape vines; a ron•eulent residence. for termsetleman doing loudness In the city. Fe cud roll partieumrs, apply on the pr em...., to MITCHELL. tuyN/1b77 No. 13 Weat rrn Av.. Allegheny. _ L'OR SALE.—SEWICA.L.EY 11ENCE. - Teetmere. of land In a hih statc cultit fut w on, ott wlstelt le • two-story cra ne drellluco!talus Iron t,. ooms; built In modern style. Cellar linder the whole house. flood stable and carriage tgouse. Eseerlaltat water. Fi ft een hundred troll Cr,',.,. Including every variety. Three erre lu forest trees tear the boue. told grape r and abounding In •kru leery and flowers. Jotter D. BAILEY. block and Real Estate Broker. tad= No. IM Fourth Street. ~'OR SALE—A Farm of l6S acres, n. In Elisabeth township. Allegheny county, 1'.., near the Youghioghen use y river. tire Improvements are a Hewed Log Hoa good Barn, Stable and other out-boildiegs; fenzins generally good: welt •atexed• lla acres cleared: veins of Limestone , the under vein abedOs feet thick: the pper rein ' feet; very convenient to the river. i t is well tim bered with the best white oak and black %veinal Bieber Price gel per acre For further parties, /are, enqulrt. of O. 11. TWW ER, Real Estate Agettl, No, 104 Fount. street- L'OR SALE Olt EXCIIANGE--That very dot's-able Country tear, known as • •Pleco.- ant Home,'" oltuated four nines from the city, It, miles from Laughtiu•s /nation. th miles front Last Liberty, formerly the residence of Leopold Sabi. contelning acre. ot ground, a acre. of which is planted coach unit of the best collection and In great. variety, 2 acres In grape.. Large Cottage Dwelling House, tenant house, two barns, mend atabling, Apply to B. McLAlli CO.. 1= Fourth st. RESIDENCE AND 111PBOVED PIILMPE 1./F 11 , TEEN ABB Egl YORNALE, AT HAZKLWOOI), four tulles front Pletentugh by Connell•ville Railroad. Flue /STONE O.LIARR and geed vein of COAL on the premises. Will be sold entire, or fLvided to /mit purclmers. Kudi al re or (1110. K. FLOWER, Heartwood ntatiou, or 03 Diamond atreet, y ideals gitteburgh. Penna. L'OR SALE—A pleasant Country Reiddenee, at EDO WOOD !STATION. Pennsyl• rude Retires& one-half tulle from W ltklusburg ; 17 scree of Laud; • One new Dwelltng containing rooms, And collar underneath. IVIII mil the house with th or Ore acre., or the whole, to anit par chaser. chaser. Fur further information, call on U. 11 TOWER. 164 Fourth street, or On the Pre o l4emb J. r 3. I — ,`Ort SALE, THAT THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 147 Second , itreet, containing eight rooms and attic. Gan and water up •tairt. Range In kitchen. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Reed Katate Broker, torM No. 102 Fourth etreet. . VLI OR FORTY BUILD- Zhu LOTS. In plan laid out by llggialia and myself on W mot 'a 'tun, clone to rallOnada. Terms— enrol I MIIIOUnt down. balance iin 11 44 1r 4 . 1 . no' 000111. A, Improved Dereilltig. with choice thro Wien. •nd I Title perfect,inquire at my oil Tool Worker, Not. 01, .t 1.041 Ohio street, Alit.- K W hoo, or ofd /at as Vic K sais, on the premier, ru) i-alk H. H. LECK V. FOR SALE—A two-story Brick Dwelling of 7 moms, ball, and vestibule, three yean with lot 42 by 120 feel, eltnate on Ewalt fstreet, Lawrenceville, all in complete order. For arther information, terms, Ee, APIA/ .1 the ite.l Estate and Insurance Wino of IL S. PATES, trib2 Butler street, Lawrenceville. - THREE TWO-STORY DWELL s. !NU HOU4 I En on Franklin Street, Allegheny. Each bouse tat as ball and Lille room., Foe price sad terms, apply to Mr= n. CUTHBERT & LIONS, Al Marton at. TWO DWELLING HOUSES ON WAS111:4071.114 roll SALE, with homed!. r,t,e4.r rivainndi.orinsarkl,„eti. la MINN, hi Market at. SKIRTS, COLLARS, Fic. To GENTLEMEN. At the latest OOLD RATES new In stock at our GREAT SHIRT AND COLLAR DEPOT, No. 72 Fifth Street, A splendid line of SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR COMPRISIAU GAUZE COTTON 8/111ITS, RAU% E. SHKuhn'IRTS, LISLE THREAD s, SUMMER SILK SHIRTS, MUSLIN DRAWERS, FINE JEAN DRAWERS, LINEN DRAWERS. VINE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, YA NC Y FRENCH LAWN SHIRTS. LISLE, SILK AND KID OLOYES, LINEN AND SILK lIDICYri., ENOLISH AND YRIENCLI BRACES, Late Novelties In Ti Together with the most complete line of Gentlemens , Furnishing Goods IN THE WEST. As our busluas Is exclusively RENT'S FURNISHING. we rarely fall to Weasels that line. Remember our number, 72 319.113 a. eltroest, Nearly opposite the Post 011 ice. m WAS MURDOCK & PUTNAM. ..rcuceet➢c. Pittsburgh. Ito.. Tow nebir vyrnelqp. l'ltt•biargh i tti g t ,„bcitt,, PIANOS, ORGANS, 8u)--. T lIIIADUEBY, NEW TORII, AND Schole(acker I co., PhUodelphia, PIALIVC) . The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. utezralvz. b . y .4:zno=v,,,, t grg g. t e h r o , onrhy and quality of Lone, and thorough work tuanaldp. Theaetnntruntenta have for yeani .ken th e Ira gra"C=l . 9l74` cy nu reraf ° !tripul "'"L rfo Ze t th :re= than any others. All warranted for nve y years. WAINELINK sk BARR, No. 52 St, Clair Street, Plttabargt, Pa. jits pIAISOS! PIANOS!! !farms. KICW STOCK OF Knabe & Co.'s and Baines Bro's. Just received. caeilLorric BLUME, toyi3 43 Mb street. Bel 1•3:t.144.V.1 HENBY G. HALE. IdERCHANT TAILOR MOUS! CO= Of NU k ft ELM SUM! PrrIIBMIGH. PA.. Desires to rein= thank/ to tan Mew" "d the ynpp lie germ:sh l. y tor Moth liberal petro reetfri l 7j.rProa them that he ilrYntrit y are. d t i . l oc r o lern markets with I large arel,wall Fine Woolen Goods, exunahtzivs simu y~ ; 11=2 The largest, woo, desirable and valuable REAL ESTATE, In FARMS, ROUSES, Re., ever offered for sale at one time In the Slats of Delaware. The subscriber, wishing to change some Invest sodents by selling Real Estate, will therefore offer sell at Po e Auction, in the town of SMYRNA, State of Delaware, at PDXWELL'S HOTEL, on Thursday, the 14th day of June nest, To commence at 10,440' clock, a. R., a part of his Kcal Estate, which. of its kind, Is not aurpasowd by any In thla country, as follows: Noe. I, I. 1. 4, II and are Parma handsomely kited up and Improved, containing each from MO to and acres. All hv Peiwb and Apple Orchards, and are within 3 tot rullea of the town, near the Steamboat landing and Delaware Railroad, and the Syrna Creek (geed navigable water) front. several dl' the farms. NO. 7_, a tract of /lamb Land, sue acres. No. a, the Lib. Kilns, Sheri), and Office, with two acre lot at Smyrna landing. Nos. a and to, two large Granaries, capa ble of storing IS to 9)010 buehele of grain, at Smyr na Landing. with an acre lot to each. No. 11, a Water Lot, known as the "ship Yard," at Smyrna Lauding. Persons arerequested to examine the properly before the sale. Plots of same may he seen prior to and at the sale. Title good to each parcel. The terms will be, ono-thlrd caah and the realdne a credit or annual equal Instalments, extending to Orr year.. Detail of the term. will be announced at the sale. Handbill,' eau be powured by applying in the subscriber, which gives a lull description of all the property, and the subscriber would refer to the Delaware papers also for Pill accounts. GEO. W. CUMMINS. ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Indiana county. there will co ffered at public sale. In the borough of Blairsvill n the Friday , 15th day of June,lB66, following real estate of Francis Hammer, late of !Sorrel tosrmilip, deceased. Bounded on the north by lands of H. Repine; on the east, by lands of S. liacCrea's heirs; on the west, by lands of limp, 11111 .1.17 o.: on theth, by land. of 8. Dixon. Con taining 101 7.1 50u 0 acres, more or leas, having there on a Two Story Brick Dwelling House, a large Log Barn, with sheds all around, and all the necessary out-bulidings. Also nu 4•Ncellont sprto g of water at the. house, and an orchard of gralled felt of va rious kinds, In good bearing condition. A good portion of thee fano b.l tilifiertald with coal—one bank open and In working order. The farm is a good state of meltivation, and Iles one mile north of Itlairsrllle., with a good township road running through It to town or the Railroad Station at B 11•121.- V Mc. Any person wishing Hammer the property, will please call on Thomas J. . Ilving on the pnmelsee. X. Or 001..- tt -On, cash, on the conreena by hood and morttim T e o. f sale, and ll ibe balance In one year, secured g. Hale to comnienceage. at one o'clock r. 0., at the Ev erett House, In the borough of Blairsville, and to beconducted by Tobias and Thomas .1. Hammer, 1 Administrators. 11) order of the Coon. Loyal:ben A. 1.. IdeLUSKY, Clerk. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT AUC . TION. —On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, June 7d, at g o•clock, on the, near the Shari. - burg Bridge, and on the Ilne of the Citizen.. Fas aenger Railway and Allegheny Valley Road, ad. !Coining residence of A. helly. Esq., will be sold the valuable property of Cap t. J. G. Saint, ise Fourteen building troming on Citlzen•' Pa.. Imteger Hallway, 22 fret hy 101.1 7 . one large lot 173 by ROO. style.wich storyi a eUittatantfilly bolit, modern two brick dwelling. linlshed throughout in the best possible manner, containing eleven re.rns; also, a two story frame stable and car Sage house; also. asummer kitchen and wares house; grounds laid out with gravel walks, with quantity of ebolee fruit trees shrubbery, de. Also, two lots below the Allegheny Valley Railroad, each 100 feet front. and extending to low water mark. This property should receive special attention, It being of easy access. Terms easy. my .I/11 T. A. ARCLELLAND, Auctioneer. FURNITURE AT AUCTION,—On FRIDAY MORNING, June Ist, at 10 o'clock. will he sold the entire. funildernent of dwelling No. 0 Seventh street,comprising Spring Heat 00th, Wainnt bola beat Chairs. Rocker to match, htahog any Sufanem. Chairs. Lounges, la Hig and Low Post Bedsteads, one set of Cottage Futniture, Carpets, 011 Cloths, Blinds, Stove nod &stores, Gime and goeemware, Au., de. This entire lot of Furniture is In golNleontlition. having been In use bat a abort time. (neyllo T. A. MCCLELLAND. loot. HOUNER AND LOT ON WED/ITER ST., SECOND WARD, ALLEMERNY. AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold on the premises , on RAT ukusy. June 51, at 10 o'clock, the Bring Howie N 0.107 Webster Wrest, containing 7 rooms and hall, and the home on the same lot. fronting on Asylum Vo le& zrjl n itt= el o r ‘ o . on . .l r . e Th a is , Lolls hi by 110 feet. MYIO A. LEHEIATE, Ana. VNGEVE AT AUCTION FOR AC COUNT WIIOII MAY CONCERN.—On FRIDAY MORNlN ti tiros,Wa , I Co.. No. 5 Seventh l re wi R. ll b sold te, pay [relent and charges of enua IL Co.. and Engine, complete. in good never been In me. neyllo T. A. McCLELLAND. Anc --- DISSOLUTION OF CO-PAIITNERSHIP. THE FIRM OF DAY & HAYDEN tuts thin day been dtssolred, tbeentire assets of the arm basins been purchased b 7 DA Y , brABOY .t SrANG. T. S. DAY DEN. Ptrrsbuttort, May lath. laf.4. CO - PARTNERSHIP. The underslaned haring purchAsell the entire stock and assets of DAY ftIiAYDEN. purpose con tinuing the business of the old firm at Nos. 43 Woo°. and INS and 104 Tutu.° SYNAIrr, under the style of DAY, M'ABOY A SrA ND. J. Y. DAY. .1. L. IVA BOY. NUIDIAN SrA.NO. In announcing the ove chant e, beg leave to say to the trade that n o shall continue the businees of Manufacturing and Importing IiADDLEUY MAUD W• RE In all Its branch., and desire to call special Shallot to our own Manufacture of STACIE AMlth of all de . criptiona IRON FUMES. WRUUMIIT PoitT 111 Th, ac.. &e.. which we the to be the beet In the market for this and the Western trade. We shall at all times keep a toll and complete assortment of everything in oar which we &hal be glad to tell at lowest market rates. we Ityho giving prompt personalattention to onion, patrotts pe to merit and receive a liberal share of your ge. taFc.:b3. DAY, SPABOY SPAN(. ijilrirr BOILER MORROW BARNHILL, 11 ANIII , CIVII83,1 OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridges, Sheet Iron Work, CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH, Pa. ar•ICY,PAIICISiIi DONK PROMPTLY. my . 24:b= CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, Youghiogheny and Donnellevi Ile Ooa Coal, Slack, and Desulphnrized Coke, Corner of Butler and Morton: first yard on Liberty and Clymer streets Ninth Want and on Second st., near Lock No t Pittsburgh, l'a. Families and Manufacturers supplied will the beat article of Coal or Cotoat the lowest cash rates. Orders lett at any hl the Yards will receive pr b ompt attention. GEORGE BLIIINEENSOHEaIf, REGAIN, CHEWING TOBACCO, smoking Tobacco, Pipes, dm., No. 4. filleovetaatla Eitreat, (Near comer or Liberty.) torn:bit n. TACK TIM°. K. TACK TACK BIRO. & CO., PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, lia.ucock ht., Pittsburgh. PLIILADELPIIIe OFPICS , 127 Walnut street. mylke7 50 DOZEN HAND SAWS, `Dleston's,'"'Speer Ja,ckaon•s," ••Taylor's,• JOSEPH WOODWELL & Cursor Wood and tircood it., Pittsburgh. AGENTS YOB FAIRBANKS. SCALES. triyMdavrT crirm LA PIERRE HOWSE, • The anbscribers haring leased thin favorite House It has been REFITTED AND PURNIPIIED IN AN ELntiANT KANNER...I Is stow prepared with the mostitertect appolutment • for the reception of guests. The drat position among first-class Notes will be maintained In the future, as In Um mat. mtaittaitt BAKER PARLEY. D . L. PATTERSON & CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, Between Bearer street and Ohio Rim, Manchester, Pa. Orden for all kinds of Lumber for taaldla, bou mining /ea plank, lath aaillngs to. mylana 011.-10 bids. No. 1 and dd bble..No. 111 Mr. fOr• al. glint LILUSEISWILCX 4 Co. AMUSEMENTS, PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lamm AND MANAGER ....WM. HENDERSON Successful engagement of MR. I. E. Me.DONOUGH and DRS. ETTIE HENDERSON. THIS AFTERNOON..III be presented ..11..M.RELIELNA P01:743FM EVENING PERFORMANCE, the Musical Farcical Burlesque of the /816MINTMMT MMISTEFLES; IMMITMIN 49X8TIE7R8i 8171C7M1 4 17 162181TM:Mm. OR, THE BIRTH OF CUPID. ETTIE HENDERSON AS DIAVOLINE. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES THEA -. TRE—Uole Proprietor, B. Tal)1111,- - GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. MORE NEW STAIRS ADDED TO THE VARIE TIES TROUPE. TIM HAYS. the Champion Clog Dancer of th world, and JOHNNY KEEGAN. the Champton JIP Dancer, WILL APPEAREVEHY EVESINO THIel WEEK tom: two BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! 3 a B 42ia Respearelly •nuouneer to ht Wenda and the pub- Ile generally, that he hue lust opened Ida new and coet:tedium BILL ItEL CORNER. UP LIBERTY AND irr IAR . CL D AIR B tny T M REETS, entrance Renter. Clair. The Tablet, arc new, and normtruct ed In the most Approved and elegant mile, and all the appurtenances are new and complete. Every thing which may conduce to the plemure and ealety mem of his outruns will be &Corded. myty AUCTION SAlai. GREAT SALE DELAWARE LANDS 11=171111 AND MANUFACTURER OF OFFICE Altil DBALIR 1N Fi68161 AND DONISTIC ITPTNIIIIRGII. PA SEMI= COMMISSION AILMICIAANTS, AND BROM= IN UV THE MUST CELEBRATED MAKERS Philadelphia. PL TREBING. &c WELDON & KELLY, PLT_TMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS ♦ large itleortme et or Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, kr., I=! 184 Wood Street, near Sixth. m,m;b7 NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Can be Ittragted with beet quality a HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES AT SHORTEST NOTICE AND BEST TERMS. E:C=T3 JOHN MAFFETT, Fos. 127 and 129 First Street, my 17.1.10 PITTS" TURG3II. PA 11111MIANT HOSE, Cut la Imegilim to suit purreuere , aad ntt.l with =on HOSE PIPES 113CIRMIE1wiT151. IiBALLEY, FATIRV7.7, & CO., mrv. No. 167 Smithfield Street. T. T.ZWIDre w.. LONGDO prxotamirm, GIS AND STEAM FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. SHEET LEAD. ZINC LEAD Pim ., BA.sum WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, Soneetsors to Addy & Hwerts.) 13277:548 No. 165 Wood a.. Plt.loboriO, Po. WOOD PUMPS; =I IRON Tvt3.311=004, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WAN BASIN, WAN STANDS, xydraulic Rams. Brass Work ,of kinds; Mock n Pipe ' • ! .{o4. 3antat rive. as; 0 0 0 9 up kt u TI K : . o u t . titga and ° Leather " ' lit; dh.riPUohe hertt oh:atm:MT oTttgl t4""4 Addy, Williams 6c Bartloy's CORN CH IILETH AND 1311111.1FIRLD STU. PITTSBURGH, PA ~~: Yy:~:1~~j~~/:~a(U:Is~.yy~:1 NEXT TO POST 017101. N. B oit TAll n b k y lnds or repartworto rzio . olla7 Jalmochntemovilm PLIIMBIND, GAS AND STEAM! 1/ITTING, I I ALL ITS BEANCRIES, - - t rttl at ZezLeenced and piscile ae tr e r e.i g RAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. snowra BATHS, WATER CLOSETS, •. . onstantly on hand and made to order HYDRANT*. TATE k SEVILLE, IN., to FEDERAL STREET. Allet i g . n .thua. tt i r LIBERTY BTR CARP =OI 444: McCALLUM BROTHERS No. SO FOURTH STREET. We have on hands a very superior stock of ..EL.R.X.O 311FXICT (A OIL CLOTHS, emir. aeasoned, from I feet to 24 feet wide. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS—Every Igsid in cum HEARTH RUGII—From the finest quality tothe lowest prised, CANTON MATTING, COCOA AND DLANILI A •c. MCC•LLOM BROTHERS, Formerly W. U. /i. H. McCallum. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of everv tr in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received—very handsome—never offered in this country before—and at prices based on the present rate of Gold bIoPARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 7S Fifth Street, 2d floor, N., balding to U.S. Custom Mo.. and Postalnee ebl4 UNDERTAKIN - G It . T. WHITE & CO., U NDERTA KERS AND EMBALMERS, Manchester, Wood's EMI and vicinity. Ilbehil Moon's at Itaneester Livery Stable, Unmet or Bhelliald and Okatilers streets. Hearse and Carriages furnished. noHnlyd COFFINS I COFFIN% t MITALLIO I YETALLIC ILAIIOOA NI I UNDYBTAYIN6I MABOGA.III7 I 07 , 1DMITAILLA9 I UNDIEFITAYIN6 I 110111€117 11WILLIAuta, tlaulertalcar. (Meg No. la FOURTH BIBS= n i=7 , 4 thworzatr i nnr, proujt=l . l ;„ be-4 at reasonable tams. Auzz. AIKEN, trixraztzosinuiszczaa, Ao 154 yoeetwarborglßPi. 00771M8 of Wopx kinds, CRAP W. , mck t. or n 0..., 7 Moods rieramiteath.'"= eadielet iv. Z7Laritirm . r r w. d, m M. Jacobus, D.A. Thum BIM/ Meg., Jacob H. miller Mn. Fin *lf :-.11/.1,p ell 0141 Buy YOUR NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, , idtta, ALT J. a. L.IfiIEIVR ety and Iltoss,Xo. Itarkstbareet. KKDICAL. GREEIVILiCKS ARE GOOD. BUT OM'S MITERS we: Aw l Kobuk's Stomach Bitten After leave or experience and trial. have proven to he the beet d stimu ant rem are extant for all complaints where a ionic anrepaired. rheg never tall to strengthen the weal, Impart vigor to the strong •nd In 011 reeperte reetore ehattered and broken down constitution, No remedy hoo, been receteed with 6213. as much favor as ROBACK ItTtillACll BIT- ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS r4i-4 :arm SICK BUNGLE 1 Ccostiveneetsi, wind 411 Diseases of the Bowels DR. ROBACR'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALED r=l Scroftda, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sick headache, Liver Complaint. Rheumatism, FEVER AND AGEE. St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, BUT It la admitted by our most learned physician. that DR. itati•ClL , B BITTICHS eombine tbe properties of a gentle lazativ .., edgelent anti-bilious agent. aad the best stem known to the world. ROBACK'S • BITTEIth@ book! be used by conyaleseentto strengthen he prostrat i on which aheay (0 1i0... acute diseases. In the bilious longs'sricts of the West and South there bas, for • Lime, been reach needed, an ar ticle of stomach Bitters, which, If taken In proper Soothe es and at the proper time, are wire pre ',e of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indlgegtion,Jaundice,lild- ney Complaints, and an Diseases of a aim- ilex nature, and .411. re Better a oseventive for btitdne derangement, Mule, log the system, and givens tone to t e n dlgestAve or gem, than any ocher known remedy. Now that the war Is over, there will be thoounds seeking homes In the !Smith. No person who values his life should go there•without haring oonstantly at nand the BITITh„ as a .feguard against eDident end maladies engendered by and pointed! water. Travelers to and all residents of, the null bottom of the west and south, and the valley Illisalastbpl and its tributaries, should proVide selves with the BITTERS. PRINCE, WILTON ICO., Bauman to:/r. C. 1. Mad, SOLE PROPRIETORS. To whom all should be edtlzeosea. Nos. 56, 58, 60 awl 62 EAST THIERD7'STAMET,7 cloaratz s o 04