The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 02, 1866, Image 2
. 4 00. • yrer , , 04149b*rattr • rT.Cri'T! PQNNIMAN REEp 8,. co P. H. PENINLY&AIIrit er .; • T. IP.IIOUSTON, JOSIAH , IMPA'c2L' ffELSON , SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1866 UNION R,EPEOPCAIL lIOMNATIONS. TOE Ou'VEßllOlkt MAJ. GEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OF etnrsirtraAk.6thivr. CM= arllfUri. H. CIATLEY, City cisms OF couirr lOIIN G. BROWN, Hampton Tp. 'ctritra trediteniod corm.: AtiILIMER ulLeans,City. NFIVEIGY, City fl) 3I JOSEPH 11. GRAY. Plum Tp. • - COVIVISF TOWER: GEORGE lIMIORIIJTON, City on:mm . oli or roof,: JOHN F. initkVO, Malin Tp AtifAX.4l": SOHN P. GLANS, City. GEnlittiE WILSON,PItt Tp. NABIOLL Tp. R. A. GOLVII. WILLIAM PETER. Rose Tp. GEORGE T.'I(eREE. North Payette Tp MORE PAPER CURRENCY Comptroller Ct.,. ohs recently proposed to increase the already swollen volume of Traporeurreney by adding It 100,000,000 to the present issue of 'National Bank Notes. Not supposing the scheme had any chance of adoption we casually protested against it, and let it pass. But it now appears the Finance Committee of the Senate are in dined to report favorably on the proposi tion. We therefore recur to the matter. The details of the National , Banking sys tem are defective. Undue advantages are conceded to bankers both against the gor. vemment and the people. During the earlier :stag - es of the war, and, in fart. all through it, capitalists were in condition to dictate terms to the government. The e availed themselves of all the power of their position, anti in no tnstance.more complete ly than in - adjusting the provisions of the Free Banking Law. Indeed, using lan guage in a definite and proper sense, that system can be called a Banking Bysten only by courtesy. It is rather a system b enable capitalists to obtain double rates o interest on their money without either tin risks or the labor of legitimate Banking But this is not the point we desire to press The government has committed itself to the Policy of contracting the amount 01 paper Currency afloat, with a view to grad ually work back to a Specie Basis. This is a Policy dictated by sound statesmanship. Important beneficial results have already been developed by it. Persisted in, it will, within a brief and reasonable period, bria r ; the finances of the government and the business of the people upon a correct four dation,' when calculations for future ope rations will drop out of the category ,d chance, and become subject to tolerable certainty. This project for more Paper Money is a virtual abandonment of this . wise Policy. It points to a new era of in dation, uncertainty and speculation. It may subserve the plans of stock gambler. and other broods of people by pre . ing 'on the community; hut it does not a cord with the interests of genuine prod cers in any department of legitimate dustry. It is to be hoped that members the Senatq . and House of Itepresentativ will semis this measure carefully before tiii vote tin it. If they do, it will pass into t or things rejected. IMEEM3 The later arrivals from Europe bring TN '. suranceit that the Great Powers' have open ed negotiations with a design to 'settling existing complications without a resort to hostilities. On both aides of the Atlantic, people of a confiding toiapenunent build high hopes °fa-diplomatic adjustment that shall sectu - o the ends of international jus tice or at Tenet sparethe effusion of blood. We do not takeso comfOrting a view of the case. If the goverwnents that are prepared, or preparing for war were sincere in the spy, i. ficationa they make of grievances and of thoolkject*Whiclr thilv Wish to gain, no great difficulties would he experienced in making satisfactory explanations vad agree _ ing upon 'fair grounds of settlernent. They are not sincere ; nor are they de - _celled by . tentualyrotestations: Each one of-there his a • coveted objet to attain, which it is not willing to avow, hut doe, not mean to forego. Of what use in talk between such contending parties ? It gives then Judaea; for hatpler preparations, and for such an inspection of the prospec tive fields of military operations as are retittfalte to a prudent eulcubition of proba bilities. It affords opportunity for detect ing such identities of feeling and intention as may lead to fresh and unexpected emu biaatimitu the any. shall actually open fur a coalition, the parties to which con trol an nornistakable' preponderance of force, - the parties which perceive in ad vance..that they - mist be driven to the wall, and there he crushed, if war opens, will male the best terms they can. But if it shall appear that the strength is so equally balanced :ts to leave the matters in dispute to be decided by superiority of military ability, enterprise and courage, Diplomacy may at Well lay 'down Its pen and shut - the book. What the larger Powers are after is not an tunics* and honorable adjustment of ditre'reicil, but a new arrangement of the map of Europe in accordance with their schemes of territorial tiggiandlsement. REPQPin:1011•;,01, ,SOLDIEBS. Thrkitkinocrita Peinsylvaiil4.:who jeered and ridiculed the brave defenders of the Union through all the dreary and peril oufflefira 13f:the - war; stigmatized them as "Ltstcomes hlrelingsi" refused them need-. ful encouragement Sind support; denied them the right to vote in the field; and in maniMlipt Xvitys showed tltoir dislike and couteMpt; are now bent upon taking them under their exclusive protection and pa. tronnge._ I%lB...tit:lnge - of front ipe`an von spieuoui - nn to excite inquiry. Are tio Democrats-ashamed.of their. foriner course? If they are, and really believe that the vet crane of tho war ought to monopolize all the (Muff,' why do they not repudiatO Mr. CimitEn, and put a soldier of reputation for military services is his small The fact Is patent Flo everybody that they like the'siblaltrif - TIO better now than they did during the war, and arc only anxious to use.thein Ibr sinister and unworthy ends. In this endeavor they are destined to sig. tmlly fail, The soldiers have neither demanded nor desired 'B 7 monopoly of the - civil o)Qees They have quite as much sense and discre tion. aa,l4l,Fr classeti,..of .citizeus. :They an deritsiiitthit: . thu republiiluis need of other `services ttuniiheie l of a rit.Ultiif clia'racter, and that . t c hose other servicesrun entitled to • a thtirthaiif• reArtitio: • Individual cases of 'disparagement may be pointed out t4e'ptilitary , Alossota among 'eiviliaes; hut, aart body the soldiers havp bee's wall treated by•the rePablfeans In the dispense.- - tikriciat! . .Y4iiii. wq4 - iii . l44iTecoMPP 2 int: the 'Atitlitet qbfiatiq and SurTeyor , Getteral ere bottrawiterions• ,soldiersand.were-obosen-last.year. In Al- I The Science of-litsrdng. legheny county, the present Sheriff anal PEOPLE will kiss, yet not one in it Mind- - red knows how to extract bliss from lovely t District Attorney are soldiers. The reptile I lips, any more than they know how to limn candidate for Gavernopis a soldier. t make diamonds from clowned. And vet - So are the candidates for Cleric of the Court it is easy, at least for us. First, know whom you are going to kiss. Don't mistake, of Quarter Sessions..and for Register of althea L tal - east.lran i m may Wills. One of the candidates for A want- •to top Idle a troll for a Its alto smack good WOll.lll 41 . 0 the WWI:. 00 the ear. 011 the bly is, also, a so! tier. What is true in this corner of her ..r on the end of her , particular In Allegheny county, is true all nose, or kii.s.k oft h.., w m e ,fidt. Th e the taller. Ile • over the Conimouwealth. There has been, lleomo id be • should have a clean face a klle I ItVt• 011t1 and there will be, no slighting of the sot- mouth full of expression . . Don'Lkhet'every- tilers On the part of the republicans. This , body. Don't sit down to it; sa u na up.. Need 1101 IW 11.11:11011,4 about getting m weak plea of the mercy will prove as crowd. Two pernontiare plenty to corner, potent as it is baseless. I and catch it kiss; more pertains would spoil • ' the sport. Take the lett hand of the lady in • your right; let your list go to—any place out of the way: tlintw the left hand gently over the shoulder of the lady, and let It fall down the right pride, towards the Isdt. Don't he in a hurry; draw her tn`ntly,b.vilug to your ! heart. Ili, head will fall lightly upon your shoulder,—and a handsome shoulder-strap it inakes. ton't be in a hurry: send u little lilt•down your left am,. I ler left hand is in your right: let there be an impression to that, not like the grip of a wire, but a vi al e chlsp, full of. electricity. though, and respect, Don't he In n hit rry, Iler head lies carelessly on your shoulder. You I i are nearly heart to Iteart. I took down into j her half-closed eyes. Gently, yet manfully, • press her to your bosom. Situ firm. fie brave, but don't he in a hurry. Dor lips an; atilliad open. Lean slightly forward with Your head, not the body. Take good aim: the tips meet; the eyes close; the heart Opelki; the soul rides the sl',r,ns, Leollllles, and SOT nova of olon't be in a hurry I; heaven 011r1114 before yon; the world shoots under your feel, as a melts, !lashes across the evening sky ddon't be afraid the nerves dale, hefilee the nisbereeled altar of love, aw zephyrs dame with the dee 411111e/11ml dowers) the heart forges its bitterness, and the art of k inning is I).‘a ruts N o fuss, no noise, no fluttering utelsquirmlnglike book impaled worms. Kissing don t hurt: it don't require a brass band to make it legal. TUE SOLDIERS' CONVENTION. On Tuesday next the soldiers of Penn sylvania will hold a Convention in this city, for purposes which have hitherto been tally set forth in these COI,IIIIIIIS. It will lie an imposing convomtion; . not only in num bers, but in the character, abilities and services of the men composing it. The names of most of the delegates from the re spective counties have been announced. Many of them have already taken their places permanently in the history of the republic, and will stand, garlanded with gratefhl recollections, so long as civil lib erty shall endure. We mist the reception of these men, and their entertainment, will be commensurate with their descrvings. THE President's organs at Washington pitch Into the Senate and its new scheme of Constitutional Amendment with a de gree of vituration that conservatives ought to avoid, if they would act consistently with their professions of moderation. e=! —Probst is preparing for death. —Cholera excitement is on the increase. —Senator Wright is ill beyond recovery. —A Fenian skirmish may he expected soon in Canada. —Young ladies in New Orleans patron ize genteel drinking saloons. —Edwin Adams is pronounced to he n poor actor by the Philadelphia Press. We beg to differ. —A couple of butchers at ludjauapolis have been mulcted in the sum of ttl,Kln for false returns of slaughtered cattle. —General Fitz Henry Warren, the newly appointed Minitter to ("natant:,la, receive,: Iris instructions and left for that country. —Bayard Taylor and George 11. Boker, the Philadelphia wax poet, are going over the Plains to Colorado for a summer excur sion. —A New York paper says that ex-Mayor Kirrgalatul has purchased hunter's Island, cputaining an area of 280 acres, for about $200,-000. —Henry a. Raymond expects to suit for Europe on July ith to Join Lis family, with whotnite will spend many mouths on the Continent. —Lizzie McDaniel, a young lady living at Spencer, Owen county, Indiana, died last Wednesday morning from the etteets or in • haling vapor from Costar's rat poison. • —Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, and staff, and the heads of the State Depart ments, are Invited to attend a presentation of the Pennsylvania flags, al Philadelphia. —Arthur Sheldon, the newly married young Indianian, who was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years for mail rob bery; has been pardoned by the President. —The records of the Surgeon General's office so far accounts for the deaths of 266;000 Union soldiers, with n large smount of records and documents yet to is- exam ined and entered, —McMaster, of the New York Free 'nail's Journal, lauds everythinz rebel iu America but the leblans. To Mini Iberr ix atrooean of difference between the flbrr ty f Treland and the independence of tb South. --Ernst lira, valet to the Saxon laden tale, supposed to be au illegitimate son of Napeleou L and the beautiful and notori ous Kilmansegge, —ennunitted suicide et Dresden recently. In appearance lie dos, Ly resembled Bonaparte. SPECIAL CAUTIOW.—MrS. Win slow• cloth ing syrup has become se popular that sari• cots parties have put out articles caning them Mrs. Winslow's. Please take notice that the Mrs. Winslow of the sootlung r ap is not tantneeted with any other article. —An adopted dnaghter of Mr. Rusher, of Springfield, sixteen years of age, was killed on the 211th by the careless oat• of a pistol to the hands of a hey... Ile pointed the wnopon ether. not knowing it to be loaded, and discharged the contents 11110 her head. —The father of G. W. Page, the Indian ehild-murderer, irttnessed his execution unmoved, and after the body had been sus pended aSitPli to have it given to him, The Sheriff replied, "Not yet," when the ten der father said he thought they "kept it Imaging a (1-4 bong time." —ln Durham, Me., some rimmuilrel en. tered the barns of several citizens and cut the throats of more than twenty borer's and oxen, leaving them dead in the stalk. The same rascality has occurred for several successive years ? and the farmers are now determtned to discover the offender. -The consumption of champagne annu ally in the different countries is thus set forth by a French writer: In Interlea, 10,000,000 bottles; Englarid, $,000,000; In dia, 5,000,000; France, 2,500,000; Germa ny, 1,400,1100. The other countries utake ttp a viand total of about 30,000,000 bottles. —"There's our Jeremiah, said Mr. Shel ton; "he went off to makeltig living by his wits.". did he succeedr inquired his friend "No," said the old man with a sigh, and significantly Lapping his forehead, "he fall ed forwent of capital." — The pirate Semmes was at the Senate yesterday ,Wred sent his card to Senators Johnson and _Saulsbury, who held inter viewS with him. He has coucludecl to waive for the preient his claim for a par don, but has a petition to be permitted to exercise the functions of hi e judgeship in Alabaina. His petition is indorsed by many•prominent' rebels —A lady write= from St. Louis to the Catholic Tekreph remonstrating with th e editor for some remarks not over Na n o. mentary to the "poor Indian." The edi. tor, in reply, says he had no idea of unjust ly assailing the Indian, but he feels sure "the sooner the Indian is In Heaven the better it will be for himself and his is hite neighbors." Very likely, but it costs the Government a good deal to send them there. It is the most expensive way of sending any body to Heaven of which au thentic history gives an account. —Some qualities of petroleum are excel lent lubricators for machinery, but people are not always careful bow they use it. A calico manufacturing company of Massa chusetts, it appears, has just had a consid erable quantity of goods thrown back upon its hands, damaged by petroleum oil, which was lased lie a lubricator on the looms, and splattered on the calico. It also appears that washing and bleaching would not eracliente the spots. The publication of this may induce those who use petroleum lubritators to be more careful in guarding against such accidents. —The little speech at Auxerre, or rather Jim little addition made to it afterwards, cost the speculators in Paris over 100,000,- 000 dollars. Some people lost by it whom it was probably a pleasure to Napoleon to pnnisb. M. Fenry, for instance, is a dep uty, altd the president of the Credit Min tier, As , deputy, he had the impudence, the other , 'Any,. to shake bands with 11. Thiers, anti the latter's famous pence speech. It was 11i. Fenry who urgently solicited the ' - .Eniperer afterwards to visit Auxerre; but Napoleon's speech sent down the sluices of the PredltFoneler So as near ly tO renry;. —A. fashionable youpg. man Is now ar rayed in - very tight patitii, so tight, that in the effort to sloop the person -thus ,dressed feels -himself unexpectedly ' iitraightetial; sack oats are so.sbort Oaf ill*, somewhat reseintile.Pmilor's sound }ticket; the vestbutton dose to the throat.- In addition 'tO these, bread turii.Over the 13611kb:floe:are style, narrow - rimm e d bat, constitute bisetress hi - tiost „miles. The prevaletAt color itibroyxh,' eo - fo be - f as hi on _ Able. every dandy must be "done brown." This calormariestront a reddish hro* n to a bilndlehrovrn. - 'Rimy of the inMit :coate,, vests andcmiutt.of the saueemlor Sad Tragedy in Kurniuerildle, ❑ihnolx— A rhydelan Commits Sulfide. A smelde took place in Summerville, a villag,e four miles north of Fidelity, 111. MI. N., a physician, anti Postmaster of the I place, had been • on rather too intimate terms with a Miss C. Suspicions were aroused, and spies were sent out to see what could be found out. The two lovers were found in the Priadoyterian Church, polluting the hallowed sanctuary. Here where many a devout Christian had bowed in adoration to the (:eat of love and mercy; these illicit lovers bowed to the gnu of des truclion. They attempted to deny the charge, but the case was too plain a one. When Mr. S. saw that his deserved infa my was fastened upon him, he became mei anclioly—complained of being unwell. 1 presume that hi', in view of the disgrace he had brought upon himself, faintly and neighbors, thought this world should no longer be his home. On last Monday even ing be took a fatal drug, which ended hi , life about noon. Fie leaves 3 Wife and three children in rather destitute eircum-- statues. The Miss C. has tied to parts un know n. There ila VI , been three suicide. near Summerville in the last three years. (lite was occasioned by the trouble of the late tear—the 1,11141, or one is unknown--the eauso of the last I have just given. RELIGIOUS. 1 , 1 it ST ell ILISTIAN ('Ht Bell, ALI.F.tiIIENT CITY, EXI . ELSIOI( RA LI., or.rnpr Veikrnl uO4 Lamk Pvt.., Jo slag! K U. Set, lees at lON a. In. strut nt PrayOr Meletilaw EV ENIN4I at y o'clork. lel 10 — RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Preaching In Ott V I ItAYTINT Iteti by the Pato., s. I.irtiEtt-sON, es ot-e VLORD' , It Y ttot o'rlool, a- th. and 7 ht P. .• Stet:mpg , . hod the public arr. v4 , 1,11%117 Invited to attend. Shath Inc.e tt2 WTHE PI.IPIOILTTIII CONGRE .:A I'M,: Al. win hold Public IL, • vorve A 1 A 411 , 11111`./!'. on 1 ,1,0 ;11 •onoo&-TO.dit.“11.t.W. tnntornth, Jun.- 1, HENRY Ps..tor, •111 pronolt nl 110% a. and 71 V. I+. inn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM. ttl U 11.4 , ✓r., Adams .Krpreir ulna, 34 kV 13 Street, to an oni/".ricri.l Ayr's( to rev..., Aatv,ti.....v. for M. 47 .4.41.7 TE, and .rt other pap,' throughout thr L'aitod Matra and Mo etarkrukt... my"-5.612 WARREN AND VENANGO s 1 UIL 1,7(th1P.1.N V.—Tire AunuaJ 111.991ng of the 91ocaltuldttsof the V 1 AN ILEN AND VEN Ahaio 1.7019 P ANY will tu , hold at the trinee of the Nu. 139 Fourth street. Plttaburgli. Pa . nu 19'999A Y. J V NIL nth, Ma, at 10 u•elos-t A. Al . sarislen tt9, and ranee a President. Posed o f I. I reeler, cod ocher atAlimore *ll l I,e cholas for the en. r"1:11:,"9 110XILEOPALTIIIC HOSPI 1. TAL. -The Vlttoloaror.l 110‘1,xrysibic Dlopenan r, locato4 at Nu. W.l Fourth .creel. an lomat., (foot sot yr.,. rie, and I oleo& tow ool) all th e •outoi or the poor of the Iwo rale! 5.04 wlelally. We Com mend hr sopport of 1 tag !sotto... oilier* to all ell,- noble persona, bettering, (rum the char aeter of not reutlemen hating the sour., object in eho , he• . 04 having their naaurah.c. that vosupetent owl well sicliteo ploy.lelars% 004 atorgeolis hay h byelaw-eared. It will prove IL decided surcri.. Wo have ...woo ne departmellt• del oleo to Mos purpuw. and hoot theuo neatlyold comfortably Otted up. (yIPHANS' COURT SALE. 14 rlrtnr of An or•1•-r of the r{ L,oo. I ours Allegheny County, to wellree,l, I trill expo-. Wale al Vt,nd••r or °filer), On Saturday, June 23d, = On the. preml... the following dt.nrilred heal P. tat, the proverty of the •••talty of .leaPtOongb,y,tvc•4: int.—All that lot of ground . In lite Borough of F.iirahetn. Lot No. IS 11 1 the Plan of Additional int.. lald not to eald 110.u0A13 lirgintting at . int. on ¶llll 4 ll 1111, b ;Moller Lot No. 44. Mid run ning with the amate it trot to Tanner's alloy.and running with the anon. b 0 fort to llniberrr Alm; then,. wills ti, name 120 feet to Thild stunt, and -thence with the gamer/Ifeet to the plate of 'begin ning. , - Not No. 46.1 n mid plan. Beginning al A Pro , ' on mrret. throat ley lot Inc formerly p of Ewan E.-earm. fret to an alley. th ence by lerld , alloy 64 feet to lot tor fortnotly}of . Wailer; then, feet hf lint . of .ant lot 14/ Third .trort; thenro iq Third 'avert 60 feel 11.110. place or twgialtll4. TIMM.. on teat each on tine of .010. and Mdse., anal confirmation of 'Mr. JOHN E. SHAFFER, Admlnfigirstor tle bouts noo., of Jess.. Doughty LACE EIHAWLS, SILK S. CQ I' ES, CLOTH SaCQUES, Ic , =I WHITE, 088 & CO., 25 Fifth Street. THE PARTNERSHIP HEMET°— . YOUE rattling between II IL HAI AN HAUPT AND JOHN Y. NMITI I. At Plttoburieh. Penna.. antler the Item name of J. T. eIIIITH d CO.. as ilanurant notes, An., was Otte day diesniyeA, by mutual consent. ! , 1 . E.t111 6 /1 2a N ti tt i A . UHT. May 10th • DM —lettlert If YU EllA BASE DA LL C LUIL—The• Of the HYGEIA BASE BALL CLUB Are owl fled to meat At Die (Mae or WM AS TER. ,1 A Z.% E VI) , on HATDRDA le, June 2 , 1 al 2 co r 1 . ...Ct.:01 4lendnoee reAnerted let ca Hy order of Illy PRESIDENT, . _ FOIL SALE, Al Milivale Mation, Pa. R. R., TWELVE AND A lIALY ACIVEIL beautifully alt. oaten for a Country Itraldunee, accessible both by rail and a good .Irlulng road. JOHN D. BAILEY. Sleek and Iwol Estate Prete , . lel .Be. 102 Vuerte street.. IITILLIEIG SITE FOn SALE—In plensaet Woollen, fronting flu Mshon and .lobs streets, 111111.11 , tart from (lifter avenue 55,1 Pwiseti ter Ivor choice 1.10, of Around. Prier 1.500. Muffling lot en Mt. Washington. XI fees on lepton , street 1,7 125 Ilrep. Pelee erg). ta,,,lee building lots le Phorpshorg, ln good Ineettens and at low prices, Apply to Jel, B. CU . /1111E1ff A MONR, 51 alseket st. ST/1411[7,—Came to the prentimea of Bee). blonde. on Mutant Intl. NOMA. lIEIP COW. With a star In her faee. The owner Is requested to rah, Prot e property. pay filar. en and take her away. II Y.N.I. TRIM E. PLY - Seat/40H, May Nth, Mk -uoyalltetS IOST — Was dropped on St. Clair J oe Federal street, ..11 Holiday. a IJOLIJ (garnet Closter) BILEASITIN. A suitable reward will las paid if returned to lietnTra OFrlrr, m 321 • SPITTOONS . Gum Spittoons, band, and a reaular supply of (lota Dods always on band, at the ludla Ltubbill Depot of J. &11. PLIILLII . I3. _ley Nos. N and NI Pt. Elate 'treat. power. nosElt—A ' , large lot of liam ElosaJast reablYed, tultabliefor bydriata, • Ai. coupliaaa and Pips 'furnished; at Nos. SO lubladdl. that, street, by .1. it 11. PHILLIPS. ji i- 9011C11 DECOlLATlONS—rtin t!‘:i:Rllinuga for sale by W. P. MAILSIIALL. r li ico reinfs —Embroidered us. n imitation., in Parer sind I°4 l ° o ' 4 1.°"°"" W. L. V Wood Wag. 11146iLEAD--181 pigs to arri ve by ralli for rale :try 1526.1. A R 11,101KET 'at 01 /, t ,:to arrive by Ndraltvior,iPloby ISAIAH ILICICZY ilk. CO. NEW ADVERMMRPSTS JAMES, T. BRIM & CO., (Successor. tots. Junes & C 0. ,) Corner Fourth and Wood Ste, BANKERS & BROKERS, 0...1.11.15 IS ALL R1N1... Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. 01,L ECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United Males wad Canailas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ELEGANT RESIDENCE 3PCOP/I. 181Z&5.321. EC= I=l I= la offered for sale. This houae, In point ot comforts, COSlVelliCaleCl and elegance, Is equal to any In the Mit . : The Lot has a trout of My feet on South Coto moo. and extends back 240 leet to Water alley. Stable. i'arrlage House, ((rape Arbor. and every: thing In complete order. =I Tho FURNITURE In the house teal. dfor .ale. Apply to JAMES H. HOPKINS, 103 Fifth Street. CARPET CHAIN. PLAIN & COLORED, COTTON & LINEN CEO COTTON TARNS, ASSORTED NUMBERS ALL OF LLEST 4UALITY. FOR SALE BY 8. S. C21331M33.191 ttsl CNC)" At Mope Cotton Mill, .11,LIGUI1Y CITY, HST IBM NIRO BUDGE. Sampler may be s and orders left with CHILDS een CO., N. MI Wood street. Pittsburgh. .ler:en TUE OLD STAND STOCKING STORE. I=l =1! MEE= I= I=l I= UN I , KIVOIIRTS, t Uri I lITS. DRAW VACS, DRAW VCS, URA W VACS, 00 TO I'l LE L, I==! No. 14 FirTH !STREET. STATEHIENT or THE CONDI .. TIoN THE IKA_NK or ri rrsti FR, ...I 110.11 , :. J.. , I. Itall FIESI2 =CM =lB eaten or Lean and ttotelstedoems ..... Itttitt%l States howl. 604,01 U. Veal IC r atel ttroutel Hest 4 11f1 latttcks Axel _ lacellsts tas St. tt'a Due by albs,l62,2 lB lttnk Notes. Cbeets. ata.l *treasury o. leo peel I= ~ . I'rv.ou awl V.:truing. ^ J13,r . ./ trit..l.l att.l t4sispen,i, nr. 47.7711 41 I Irrulall ..1 De palette *: GO.3S 1.0 wtxtruietil is currret. to lh< twat O[ m 7 lutiorle , lste aO4l HOSEILIESIG, Cast.ler. Byrom na•l .obirrlhe4 tbl. 1.1 Jay of Jane, IBM. F. SMITH. Notary rattlir IZIM NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. 11 %t it a.lnA N 11. II or I . ll . T.Krivill. 111 - 114111. J une let. IS. rpiE comirreoi.LEß OF THE Cl' EitEN Cll hait allthotile4 the Donna of lll rect.iro of thi• Bank to incrrane the capital to the 46(1 T kit 1.L.10N8 liOLt.AICt. 1.71,000.- Otto, 1,1111. of TEN TiltJt'SAH it Alllll - SHIRES. *mounting to FIN' e HUN !, EEO THOESILND Attn. Isl/0,1100). Onar,l will vattruate tha anpornt to be paid for aaeh new abate taken Py • addition to the Po. of Fifty Dollar, • pro rata • alnallon of ttn rreervr.l wonta and seenronl•tod earning, al tbs date of antearriptlon. A ppltrattohoo fur Murk .111 Ived until for the, outlet. I= )4'1,711. MURRAY. Cashier. NATIONAL MUJICAIIII ASYLUM The lianapr. or the Na.Minal Aarlown for die • barged volunteer ouldiera, authorised ly Act of Congress, approved 'March 21, latt, Mk proposals fur it.. for Alyterns by donation or Sale. Tb• premises snmt tie situate In one of lb. Loyal States, onts.n at least :Co aerew of toad and be it. a tonality lonstlon and easy or/Wee/la by railroad or other.. • purpose of fir Managers •rect. without Oahu. extensive sad pert/Innen{ building. for soli Asyluma. and Its establishment will be largely mootaerrom tormy section or milroarl In the otelot tt of Its lonation. Mon, .peclileation. and estimate* for Asylum beliritnes, ineltodltogr tictaeted cottages, ars aim a.ked (or the approval of the hoard. Liberal com pensation well he room for the sueecsatul plan. i'mprmis, plans. onocilientiens and Inalinatro Or grit named to he In writing, containing plot and description or groond. and [terms and condi tion.oflran.rer—utust b , sent to,Maior General L. V. linetast. at Lowell, Mao. a r actor ob. Stith day of June, MIL F. eIUTLICA, President Hoard of himelrer.• Lewin 11. Uri. naL, IMeretary. rapers entitled to publish too Laws of the Vetted etztes are respectfully requested to publlee 411.4 r,e 3) smelts prior lb the Wth at Jun., MR, an send their Wit, nrlth copra,' dotter, ...tote di _ . _ HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL RZPENSUY lIE PITTSBURBIL win M eg lll on ipermary DereAment of lido lootllinloo Thursday, May 31st. Yoe the Medienti and Surgical treatment of lite In ntIL, PILY.b and will be open el ir) day, leteept bonilay. between lbri boom of I I 1 , 01. 1, 1 1 1: A. 31. AND IA Al.. ni the tlol It +1 building, No. 1 46 SECOND tiTintlCT, weave ATTYKDINtI7 In Monday. H. HF OMANN. M. I). ' • Tuerday, M. COWI.F.Y M. D. • • Wed/lend/ay, M. I.IOftNJP:AII. M. D. •• Thorsda y, o FONT :It, M. 1). • ' Frlday,l4lo/1. lIEWLI7, M. M. '• malorday. J. NA ILNABY, M, U. By order. 1100. Judge McCAntHesa, I MaJ. Wm. Prow, V.111•In FAq., I N. cote, .1. I`. ilurighar, M. M.. Nweeollre r•ommll.l./ OEM THE Pittsburgh Homeopathic Dispensary. The originators of this rntorpriae. having se cout soil fitted up cou•enteut mount at No. £t you aril tiTittiCT, for pernlllllool OW! . AM.., hereby give notice that this institution is now pro ton. to dispense Medical and SiargicalAid ORM POOR OF PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY, r . ra . tntlotn,, on and after TIIUIL3DAY. the 31st I.Pipeuring hour. 11 to 1 e. N. daily, Hundays exeepted. malt further notice. A competent I'llyslelan and Burseou wilt be In at... Jane t ,. 117 order or rn719:1011 BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES Roina, 89 Market Street, near sth Another large purchase of 81X , 113 AND 4110105 r , 3r yammer wear. We keep on hand a full wart ment or every ••rlety of Boots and noes selected wilts the tamed care for this market. We Incite speenlattenUan toner stock, es we believe It to be the belt In the city, which we will sell at the lowest torten. Please call at No. 89 Markel street. Daring had Over thirty year, CiPeriellea In the business. yrro cannot fall to be salted. Remember the gloss. 111.. ro Martel street. tjet:ell) JAWED NORD. p c. DUFFY, 1 . • bIANUVACTIMICH or • Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, And dealer in IPtI . IVES., pous* YU itli/Itikiltiki uuu»3 1..01 1 1.1 . 14 . k kitTlWlW, " No. 146 CArrirWcat lett root. Firrionniu 11, PA. This House I. the Cheapeskplaco In the city to bey etneea and Tin Ware. Job Work ProMPtlY Ottend 4'd In. trirAhber.i liacEiLifoß TOlsAppo R. & W. JENKINSON, twwrrACTUltiß or ALLICINDS OP _ TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARS, NO. O rEuzum, fiTRLE T . Third door from Suspetudots BESISS, ALLitinEXY, PA. Brandt Store at Belem. Ohio. t0724:b110 11 , 101 b. S. SWIM ..... JXo: . g.'pt. b tT IN & 8 HAFltit* CARRLIZE A.ND 'ICARNEI3I3 mAxurAervarsAl'• Mitaxmoacici. (Below the Maket.) rrrrentru9n. myffiapthe wM. KnEns; ICE DEALER ) 5 Diamond eilleyi-Piitalsorghi air. lid ins lett here or at Eland Wont Bridge vita robinprO it mpi atbution. Wagons non &In Pittlinirg Ind Aileitileari niyaboto A7EW ABVEHTtStENTS V. ift,LELILLREPS CARBEINIZED PENS ARE FUR SALE BY CROSBY & NICHOLS, Boston: GEO. B. BROWN A CO., Boston: A. R. GAY A CO., Boston: S. 0. SIMPKINS& CO.. Boston: B. A V. LAWRENCE. New York: INIBON & PHINNEY, New York: 3. C. A W. E. irriliticx, New York; BARNES I BURR, New York; WILLBUR I HASTINGS, New York; NATHAN LANE & CO., New York: ARTHUR A CO., New York: CORLIES A MACY. New York: J. B. LIPPINCOTT.% CO.. Philadelphia, WILLIAM MANN, Phliatteighla: HENRY COHEN. Philactelphial W.V. MU-WHY'S SONS, Philitalelphio: WM. M. CHRISTY, Philadelphia; KELLY A pIET, Baltimore: J. MURPHY I CO., Baltimore: S. K. TURNER A CO., Botha, HENRY TAILOR, Ilaltimorr: PHILP &SOLOMON, Washington: fIUNK TAYLOR. Washington. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 228 West Forty-Second Street, NEW IoLe YORE. WHEELER & WILSON'S I3LOWINLCVIT3EI7:3 FAMILY 'SEWING MACHINES. you CORDING, They are admirable 808 QUILTING, T hey nre onexcelkd HEMAILINCI, They are uoaPpra.hahlr FELLING, They are nneurp•ssed vim They arc faultless. An evnmlnation will prone that they are the tart Machine In the world. Salesroom, 27 Fi th Street. I=l3 VIM. SUMNER /.4 CO LIQUORS-BRANDIES. ITERY SUPERIOR OLD RENNES , el' lilt ANI:LES: Very superior old (Hard Brandies: Very do do Bra:Walla rg Bruns Erandire In Masa. V inta,..c. of le n 00.1 Win I.a Hrabdy, nine year.. old. Blackberry. Btaapborry, Wlld Chrra and Bol ger Brendle... WINE" -Very old and t•npr_ro•r riltrair • ; Very old and bol•rrlr Very oil and auperlor Port: Claret, lu ease., I Inustberloct, in tsars: forret lilalsita and 1.I•bon Winer. Chem ['sign - Wides. green teal ibrblank and Biller,: rit r g k enel lk"' ne . . N 1O Ey—,nu 1110.0ligabel., aele.• rradr. Old flotirbun: Ohl Virolch Whisk BIN —OM linliand. ray superior, Jamatra Bum, ray .1,1; N. K. do airsToth. nraninc Syr I•s. Caltl)lAl.;•—itope. r ..ept.a:ant, •e. Bury White Wine Vinegar, imported. 01L—Very su.trier , il l • For said by 11.1.1, it i 1111 . K 111 and 2:13. corner Liberty and Irwin •i 1.1 s. 114:1; .II ,I II SI I ‘ ..1- IT ',' BOY'S CLOTHING. JUSTstn A VERY LARGE IRETROPOLITA ft, KNICKEIII3O('IMEIL 11AltNEV. GABIBALDA. and CUTAWAY SUITS, FOR BIIBEMER WEAR, tbe Nearest NtElos of CA:4BII3EBE and LINEN (UMW& which w• am Wang al the LIiWYSTM All I= eirAu early .111. respecthaly sollotted by GRAY & LOGAN, etys,e,. JOHN CROFT, REAL ESTATE AG EA*7', °Mee, No. 139 Fourth Sheet, Pittallurgh Du bar sale the following Neal Estate: A large three -Alory Brick Douse, containing i., rooms, large halls: front inter Oral door tisnil as lieng Store; tot and cold wa and gas through • oat the house. Iwt 211, by 11 fuel. situate no Chest nut stiww,,,,L A1 q b % P .1,1141 * 131..E LAND, la a • Itt l ett Wion, on the Pennsylvania ' l2.3lr l' oati t 7 miles from the city, au which there is a beautiful traitframe dwelling. an 1 a lats.., ututilier of bearing Mica of lite host to:Litt:, :Dad a good 'apply of wain,. The derelllbg and 7 beret of ground,will he sold .parately if desired. and tho residue In lota et Sacra, each, or larger it requested. The above tang' Is adlnlatiry located tor business men. ALSt MO AOItrYSOF LAM), eonalnlog about S acre or limestone. of a splendid alify. and easy rule ems. ?he soil to of the ant i Masa. suitable for farming or gardening purposes; good trano deviling sad bars, and a good supply a. star, sit Unto g gales trom oily. on 110 e %••14Ington in Milan um p. being part uf the Carter arse. ALS; 31 ACTIES, wen improve& and nadir • high stal or cultivation. on rhErh their *iv 1.103 bearing rue rant bosh, so Deanne gray., , t 0.•• tar , ‘ r. pear tins, &ad • large number or peach. app l e Ism plum trios. ion roM 1n Zart . :: l7 : lll r i ZnA l i t le ' s 70/ eblia r7a.her particulars Intitilre Of the above agent myr B. F. BROWN, Loma Claim Agent, 11. S. NAN. COM., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, isECOND VIMO R. I Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Itottatiesi, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. No chute made until claims are nettird, and than hot a modetato roe nly23.tra COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, SHIRT & CO., HAvlng removed tbelr onto.. to No. 1267 Lit, cert - jr tElit:reekt (Lately City Flour 3t111.18&(Ott) VtAxlit, •re nog prepared o tunshila good YoUghloghcmy Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT THE IAINV EST le AIM 11l CH. la - All order* lett et w il l b e or Pairrose.l them I hrouxh the mall, will be At td ruled t o p rompt! R. B. JEFFRIES, Idannfaetarer and Whe and Rein Dealer in all kind. of • TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEOARS, go. 6 Rt. Clair Pittslet, Pittsburgh. Ps eat of lilt EITSCILAMiI PI P KS and Sk j il l AM t ti " grACCO of the best quality kept on bends. invZS:l,7O 11=CIIMMI wIIIIIIII.AN EAGLE OIL WORKS, sawwwoma.oesrialo. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers In PETROLEUM. Of7ICL. BECONDSTORY,COLINNX 11A.NCOC B. AND DIMUCHNIC WA }. myto:lo3 JOHN 'MEGRIM, litAiiiir'Atrnaikts OF AND WHOLEHAIsIt AND BATA'S. DEALER IN ALL KRIM. OP TOBACCO, MIME! AND SBGABS, 48 32Eriaaa latareet. A general assortment or emoting Tobacco, Pinot and Tobacco I aches alwar on hand. nifll; .71 WILLIKAI, C. LEE, I=l COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MINZEOVILCIEF.A.ZO'r. No. 102 Srputid Strict, Pittsburgh, Pa. girmrant tor the 11.1 U 1 jG Loed Pi •. LOI . I pe and g{IOY HE 1i.i.,1,W41..„ prom • It). sumt ° gpZcstiNr J. & W. ,11.18LEY. HAVING Millf : 111141WED OUT AT • n ""' 4 / 3 LI.IIIY-FW. teasortel their Feed and Flour Business • To the arehouse 306 PICNR 6TBEILT, appo site the , o * Depot ofbd r. 7. W. 0. It. 820, 000 TO LOAN ON BOND IND MORTGAGE, tnquire of CAN, TUG NIMIPINVIrp alucoesior co Juct:klW, dseemed,l Commercial illrolier; 1$ Sti flair 8;. PEANCTOr , I 6O J sacks , -in ete A.! sak-br - , ISLIUMICOLIT 100. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BERJCIN IRON WORkS: JONES & LAUGHLINS, PX.r7C0333171 = L 4 G-Mi... AMEIHCAIN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron: Coal Screen Iron; T Bails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the) and Train Balls, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Nails and Spikes: Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles: Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting: Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREIIOUSF. AND (Wilt F. 120 IVater and I 5 Front SI& BRAN( If HOUNK, \os. 22,2/ and 26 River St.. 1•1111•A10‘. MEN'S BOOTS ICola 1304)t S. LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Cr _A_ I 'l' 1 1 . It S . SOUTH & ROSS' , 63 JtI.IIIKET RF:ET. SAVE THYSELIF S. Cutter', (:elebratell Slonmcli •• It. IS 111. 14 . 1. 1 •W.', t. 1 utters her Int to th. Don't, Pd.,. a I,•lll.lllpersuee. Previou to Ids !hoover ot tln. N0...11n, this medicine a nt a.fore the English "eh hrshst as 'font,. Al lei, 1 , In I I of the ntontarh and we Hon.', and diseases arislng 1'r...1111p...1.1es of Inc A. a n.da Inv aln a, • tin. 1•11011 . 4. of the tout.l. In all prr—dts addi....l to the use or .11m- AO 41 narcotics. atieh an alcohol and ina.l Moors. onion, morphia. arsen, tobacco, I. . it es es then orn - hi appetite. as Inn of the stotusont for In a, Inn and all tint - sous al-. ases, 11 Ira. no .41031 a. a Ni r , Tett ), ars o Ito ea English Bitter. In M. Ilartholtonen • Hospital. nt. Mart tlospltal. Nest gate and other prisons. 1... established 11% rep. utaton. as ur , for Intemperance, and gaintal for n the approt s 1 of 11.. ail. nding .urgeons In 3,1 the hospitals and prtsisus throughout Orval 8rit...111. and Is prescrlinal I 1 , 1 man, 1;1..14d:tn. pri• ate prat.t.,., for pershaa e•1.11,1e.1 t., (bel./ at iMplaintll. si•dl4l.l Vs In Paralysts, Ist. Vitus' 11an...t0 did. , Pita. srs ntlelilngs, mod all N. , rv.sto. is r.. It has no equal. Wholesale and ItsLtall A a 5.... A. TORRENCE, in, 19 So. 70 Marl. t corner of Vim n I COLHOUN & EDWARDS, IMPOETERS AND DEALERS IN. SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, In store awl landlng lit 11311.3.1e1p1a 200 tons Soda Ash, Ilulthlusntrs. and Cro.Reld' s maLr 400 bags Nitrate soda, Crud.. ay.l Itvane..l 150 kegs Di Curb Soda (English); AO bids. Te union Red, Cookson'.; ARSENIC AND MANURES& 47 St. Clair Street. or choice brands. constantly on band, toter to suit purchasers narr....lY4 STEAM ENGINE PAC KEVG STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES An article reconitnondwil by all tlin railroad rom p..., woo Iwo thoroughly %clod it. and lain gen era] nun us over two loindrod and fifty of the rail oads in thia country. awl on trial by ovcr handrcil othcra- A Twirl' r. It li C 10.001) tITATLON RV EN- I N It it a rat-clan • article. 75 CENTS PER POUND. LUBRICATIVE PACKING COATI, sTANToIy, Sot. 114 and 1 WAI c:ar. bT., NTT:311111W II y2.,:tc.:4 . . zl-vt-,cocloca HAVANA & PRINCIPE CIGARS, Cabanas, Partagag, Figaro, La Espanola, Prince of Wales. Cabarga, Arguelles, And a variety °ruttier brand• of various situ. and itualitlue. Imported and Air sale by FISHER BROTHERS & CO-, IMPORTERS, No. 52 8. Gay rt., Baltimore. mrawr: RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, W bleb are warranted to prcserve. strengthen and Improve the sight. For role only by J. DIAMOND. No. %ISt. Clair Street. m y 17 ;a. TUE BEST I 8 oz. WM.... tu toe form of rOW DEit, tbr sol. by all NV hololoole Droggbas. rropared by Chemist N. Y. noltv.n..l FARLOR PAPERS A NICK' LMT MY Standard Gold Papers Now received, of twauttlal tirolgna for Parlors, at GRAINT HOUSE, 0. M. 191311231.1 r, Prover Corner of babella and Federal Snub, AI.I.I:ORICNY CITY, l'A. IZNECUTOWS NOTlCE.—Whereab -•-• Letters Testament. upon the Rotate of Mrs. A NICAII A.I.L AN, late of Union township, Alle gheny county, deceased. having been granted to the Alle gheny porton* Indebted to sold estate Will please ma ke payment, and those having datum to present them to the undersigned, properly au thentimsted, for setth event. YOONII, Hamm tor. myaLlibsiuldei r Wuliington Pike, Union Ti.._, HOLMES, BELL & CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, ANCHOR (A) MEETING)). ANCHOR (H) SHEETING!). ANCHOR (C) MEETINGS And BATTING. CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, VILIALEOLL. MAIN, -SC/11.1TR, TUILPENTINE. Comer of Duquema Way & flanaocAc St.. Pittaburgh, Pa. Itepresetit \VM. O. IVARDEN, 113 \Valera street, rhtlealelpllts. m7le:e118 BUCILVI HEAT. 500 bush, Seed Buckwheat, A PRIME ARTICLE, for mio by • • One 12 lush 1.411nder..1 1 401,Stentel one I:ll . 4lAbt. W I 10 Web Cylinder, 3) nch - stroke. 4, Orden rrd Con be eeen.ln operation *kiln •enna. 14 e Le ad " 41 SV E.MA I! AI111ATK, TVWAILTZ. • in 710,461 ' • I=l BOYS' BOOTS, LADIES' BALMORALS, Boots, Balmoral s AT REASONABLE lIATES, CCRE FOR INTEMPERANCE. .Mo. 24 Wood Street LUBRICATIVE PACKING, I= J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, And Matinfacturer of the EFFERVESCINC CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, No. 101 MAILICICT bTILKET, NEAR. FIFTH =MI Near the Suspension Bridge, I= WARDEN & BATCHELDER NEU WIN IN =! AcIIABE as AIRIER, 194 114 CORD tiTIIEST mMtb,6 STEAM ENGINES ISAI r Ta3EL 1634va r ADIv AIiJIS C,c481 - 1 PRICE LIST GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., JESSE IL LIPPINCOTT'S, 25 Smithfield Bt., Corner Second. 15T—WE sEipt. ' , tor Coffee, Hos,4e4l4ad {]round et .15 et. per lb. I:t,c,d Rio ( 'mire . .... ... ... ........... 215 do do C holey Java Gone.. 40do do I.l.trd 1110 Coffee .33 do do Call at JESSE H. LIPPINCOTT'N, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets, 011—WE SELL Ilreue Sugar 1.1 lbs. for 81,00 Yellow Sugur...... ............. —Pi th e. for 1.00 t:ie.:.,,m'e1,1zwug.r...... 71, 4 It forr Tall A Cotfre t‘it{rar .0 lb. for 1,00 Crushed 60gar3_3.9 lbe. for 1,00 Call It JESSE H. LIPPINCOTT'S, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. =E c a rt Cacti. Tomatoes. AN con j a per ca, 45 do do do earl( -:a an n a . IS=l . 7grrtd , 43 do to do dart Cana 14 - 11ortleberrldt 45 do do do dart 1 . 11116 titre!. torn 45 do do 010 dart Can. Succotatli 45 .lo do do Call at J4 . 43F. H. LIPPINCOTT't , , Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. 4TII — WE SELL 1.,.e o 'allay's Woman's Irlend Sonpl4 ct . pc r lb. I t”bbln`s Electric Soap la do ,i.. 1 . ..t.c10r .4 liarnalc•• Mottled Germanl4 Au .h.• N... 1 ~.tap 6 Flu .1 0 Call st .1 ESSE, 11. LIPEINCOTT'S. Corner Stoithlield'and Second Streets. STII-11' F. ',FAA, A ,•ry floe quality of Oolong Tea at 41,25 In , o '. The Above In told In other houses In this city At ....•.$1,50 to $1.60 Pt' I. Young II ~m T. a 1,50 to 1,75 do Finest Young II) son Tea.... 2,00 do 0“long Tea 70 to 1,10 do Ylnekt Japan Tea I, do VI ne9t iloperial Tea 2,00 do tine Katgllkli Breakfast Ten. 1.25 Jo 1•01 At.II"..S.SF. 11. 1,I1 . 1'INI:OTT•i, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. (STII —NV F ' 4 E(.I. ~.,i r,, rap 75 eta. per ,rallou I 1.1.... (widen tly rup $l,lO to .1.) 'l"''''Mal""' . ...11.ito-1 , .. O. l l .f i n'l NI :( 1 ; . 1'74: ' • all at Corner Smithfield and Second Streets 7 1 , 11 -11 E SELL Dried Pi.3l•llr, quarters 10 rtn. prr oottod Dried Pearl., halve , 145 do do Irletl Praehe, 0 red •111.0 do du Layer ICalett... ....... ............ 535 do do 5Y,111 . .1 Itabdox 110 do 110 F.llO in i; ( • :; rrin LA IN tit du .10 (1., .. • ..16 .10 du all 'at r—sok; 11. ' I.IPPINI,JJTI - 3, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. . FITII—M F: SELL Pal .oap, for Toti..l 30 eta. per pouml floor) . Snap. for Tolint 641 rtx. per Itf. do/ A:zon.l Soap for Toilet $1,410 prr .loxen. t all at .IF:st:. 11. I..It . I . INCOTT'S. Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. =1 111.11.rprirl.'s Int . :Wild.. Baking row,l r I lb ran. Ml 5 114.6.111 K, I tkriv,lll..l .to OA. pL, 1.5 JESSE 1.1v1 . 1N1 51 17 , . Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. a, warrant...l to give n2.l.loVatclion. 1114 i will thrin free of charge In the elty limits. • CALL AT JESSE H. LIPPINCOTT'S, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets zu) pOSTPONEMENT U.VITED STATES PRIZE CONCERT, 1111= Crosby's Opera House, Chicago WEAL:Ir 2Estl.t. 1434343. I=l Monday, July 9th, '66 1111= HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES I=l $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS The postponement Is an unavoidable necessity. I not so marl, in ronserittence of the number of sq.. yet unsold) as the muftis, necessit y there Is for tio proper registration of those already disposed of, which bar been delayed in runs enstence of the neg ligence...l carelessness of a portion of our Agents inmaking their proper returns. W.' advise all parties wanting tickets tosend for them selthmst delay, as ore have but Malted num her yet on hand. ‘f e wish most particularly icularly to im press upon Ilse mind, or oar Agents the importance of I heir making their returns at once, and of recti fying n hatever errors may have crept Into their re ports heretofore. We will say to those sear log for ileActs. that if they should all be sold at the tinte their order Ls rereit esl, the money will I,e returned. applle.lons for new ag.ncles for the sale of tickets will he considered. as we tnave no more than sullielent tickets, to supply those Agents we hare a:- ready appointed. Tickets are for sale at the prio clpal hotels. book and MUM(' stores In the city, aml at our otter. 1:0 ISearbor u street; pricy $l.OO each, sent by mall On receipt of prier and stamp for re tort, potage• We Invite the particularattention of persons iselnr. to order tickets by mall to the following SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: ro",-"JAInp. ne ) for tine sa m e . 011. allowed Line tell commission t la: W wWX.o SAND "'wk.,. to one address for • .:to 85 CO In every ease send the startle and rostortlee ad dress of each separate •tt nsorl her. Aloney hy draft. Vostottlos Order, Epr oress. sln Registered Letters, rosy be o r at our x risk. All conaniuttleations should be addressed 1 =! 133 DIZARBORN STIMET, CUICA6O, ILL will donate to the I.lbeolu awl L; n otH . ll ro fo r n ' o " rn r. ent roods 4p..0X; sl n so, r. t w he tu re , w th fl . l te o' V.Olo 3 reserve.l from the pert° .1 iial,uoo prise. for the same purpose. : firm. Major Dan Mace. Ex-M. C.. of Ind. Hew Ira .1. Layeoct, of Kansas. Hon. IVni. Lettingweil. Lyons, lowa. Mon. Joseph Knox, ef Hon. C. tiraveeSmltS, of Minn. Jacob Forsyth. Agt. M. S. H. K. chleago, 111. M. Kroutiera 6 Co.. Imp' rs of K stein, Chleato From/Bala for Inserting this advertisement re quested. mr-Sibrs AGENCY PARRYRRBURG LUBRICATING Oil Company Keep roustanUy on hand a nupply of Ziiii ATI j, 1 A2l Natural Lubricating Oil, =I Free from all Impurilies. Every Barrel Warranted, OR TO BE RETURNED AT THE COMTANT'S MEI@ .Address JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. 11. NEVIN & CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA sny29. :1,78 The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON • In Wilkins' Hall. Fourth Street, near Smlthaeld, Is on open The best tilted. <001.4 od s nine( Inducing FLOW ItAILItEN eiAt.telN In the Stele. lac cream, cakes and confectionaries always on baud. A FINN Oftt lIESTNik has been engaged for the season, and will be In attendancts NVENY NIGHT ieseept sands)) fr.n m seven tlil twelyol,cck. (test ice cream, traits, and berries, always OM hand. III) =:bto MA DAME RIME. Managrr,t? 11. J. LANCE, SILK AND WOOLEN DirlEIL AIIID,SCOUBER. AURA Chintz Wllldota Curtains and Chair Cover. Cleating! and Resisted without unpacking. Nos, 35 and 37 Third Street, Between Wood and Elmlthnold, ttlyta;a7z pl ' i'TiHlo6olt, PA. I= N TIRE. REMAINING PART of the pl l = P lM for tili'V°;oll°Z`l'; erw .,„,, for govloatAL En. or for city._ real .lrote. JODI). 449 a. uoyu, of the OM. of Liggagg . t .. - at 0 ,1! actmli , os a. Dtaatorl and rpperty. tr e.ower rt. Olaf/ Ifotel. LE. 141 5 4ar - - - arms ItuTcHleoti 0u...6111/1 Itsinmin s T, rmsbolits,*. Hs 18 AA MET ING or-TELE-troc Bora:m.llS of tlits Coatcpxoy-wIU WK.& TEMVPIgrat better wi al "ne IV "' an r. media 0. WM**, Illill WANT& D, Several Good Solicitors =I Sa l lc. X 311111111.1. 2 .05.33.00 C 14::. Apply at 67 Fourth IAT ANTED. - A St RE., FORTENE.-• The adnerttneg, a therni t of Iv" espu rience. both In Enron.. Any. fie!, ,01.011, to rt., in• from the pron.", I -1..11S:111e:04e non. 11..• 3:1 \ ill- ,18141rIon. youn Mall Or onoi n. ul tl. apital. can ol3k g t• froth the lir, cilt.nt Lot In n very who wader'. (..rtanc. ...ohne", with t.., • rcrorn posMee, CHESTERFIELD, t I•••mist. riis:l::lilsi t Sir Crum , •st.. Philadelphia 15. WANTED -AGENTS-6.74 to $2OO PEI?. NIUNTiI for gentinuml, and 1164 VS for Indies. everywhere. to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewlinr Machine, improved bind, nd perfected. It will him. fell. stitch. 9 0111, braid null embroider brae t indlynd roil a l rf an Mat), making the elastic lack-stitch. a y ted for three years. ,We pa) the „ ii owe. or a e013111112:4011. from which twice that amount ran be made. Adores. with stamp. or call on 0011 - EMS & CO— Salesroom. is, 2.53 booth rIFI it , treot, Philadelphia. in. All letters answer , promptly, with circulars and term. lia7at.l4 FOR RENT FOR REINT—A first-class three itory ItIUCli lii 1t , 61C105 beeonol parlor, newly papere*l. len room, hot and %obi .•Si,. bath.. all In hire 911n.13, 1111 ( for sale at a bargain. ApplY to 111T1 McCREEItY Cl 4 1.1.1 :149 Liberty •tr..,t, up ..talra. )001,1 TO LET. A. LARGE AND AIRY ROOM Is ilium GAZY.TTE 1‘1"11.1)1N1 Enquire st UAZY.TTE 4 01:NTINI. I:0"M ut}17,117 PROFESSIONAL. JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. .171913317.1 = UG , S. P.A... MAGIERELL & McCOMBS, ATTORNEYS &. COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. to y 24 tin J & HILL PATTERSON, Law and Claim Office, =I Pez”lcol, Loral nn.l I;ost rument I:ountles, Bark Pay. Prl/e Sit 0111,: &i... OFFICERS' ACCOL NTS A 'MUSTER. Collection. toml, I. .....1.. I, {ter, of Attorney Bond, Act.. ‘t rltten. a1..1 ull Ichtal t.u.l to,. promptly Attetolv.l t... 111 V !9:1. • - - Joys A. MTRA IN ,S.X.YZINIXII.IId.9.Is7. Ex-011icio, Justice of the Peace, AND IND.D MAGISTRATK, mire. 11/ Filth St., oplamite Cathedral Deed.. 10,nol, Mort A, t now le•Grnienlm. po,dt lon. antiall L.ogal tited A lilt p NM/ Etnt,s Sod lapalh. `.WILLIAM- JANI ' E 1, NOTARY ILEA!. ESTAT . E AGENT. vortter Butler and Draro •try...., I. AW It E E. 11.I.E: atlontlou given lo the purch:L., and salu of Heal Ir.... Late. Iho eollect i„,, ' and , ha wa . para. Iva and ark now lodoment of 311 tlndh of Legal Cutlyayahcea. WILLIAM JANCEY. 0.11, of the Vrar,- and N“tar• ruldle EILTSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Penrasy/ratafa avenue, NI of the Eitension and opposite ;•iterl. WILLIAM F. ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. my 17: a, CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, NO. 1.11) L.RASf ST.. CA ile,Commissloner for Milo, Kentucky. NV vet. Missouri am . other mate,. my111:.2., at every description. colleuttul oy the subucrther, at the following, l'ensions x kl% all other Claim,. $1.60. Attoniey at Law, Diamond street, oppouite the Court House. N. 11.—No charges arc made II the claim does not veered, am! all Information teen gratis. _ L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ovri,E, 118 r/IASION 11 STIIEE'T, O DP O . I . 18 . opr tlionbe 1•19 Rua PHYSIOGNOMY; N WAN Or CIiIIaRaCTIEK, AS MA \L EsT ED TLIII01",iH TE ENT x ten la I l'orzns, And e.rt clSlly 111111 HIIXAN FACE DIVINE BY SAMUEL B. WELLS. =1 II JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fifth AI « Magonic CHINA WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, muwcait.Tmi.i., No. 100 Wood Street BRITANNIA AND SILVER I'LATED TA PILE RANK, TEA TRAIN AND TABLE CUTLERY. a Drava on-hand. CHINA TKA SETS, CHINA I/INNKIi CHINA TOILET BETS, RINA VASES, CHINA SPITTOONS,. BOHEMIAN WAKE OP EVERY OKSCRIPTiON LAVA CARL/ BASKET!, LAVA VASES, LAVA BPITIOONEL W ANY. or all varletles, tomtit wholesale and retail trade. The I•rimst and most complete stock of eccrytltlng In this line In the city. Prices and terms the manic as In the eastern cities. WARING & KING, C.OHISSION MIIt(II4STS AND RUMS IN Petroleum and its Products, 4 D fig UJES.XE iffra PX7L . rIEII3ICI - 1.1.633C. =I WANING, KINC & CO., triVl7:n4s 127 Walnut nt.. Ph 11• JOHN ROSS a CO. WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Manufacturer, and Dealer, In Carbon OH Lamps tt Fixtures, Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, &c., No. 6.1 Market Street, PITIVENIMIXTEL C3/-33, PAL,. utv 15,a79:4 Emir WORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .ro. 63 11^Uitato St., Abu, Fork- PRESIDENT — N. D. MORGAN. ONC.:INTAIII—J. W. Dux, 01..1 D. at. TINDALL, Medical E.A.sanlner, E. T. 0 0 , SFECIAL AVENT FOIL WESTERN FA., 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AOENTS WANTED. ms=l:b.s.l $9 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEAT THIS:S9,OO, For Two Weeks Only. I am selling a good FRENCH CALF NEZIN ROOT, of of own make, for the mall sum of NINE LANE. at No. 36 Markel street. my= CI mum MIZEIM! DASULT. YEA, JR.