The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 02, 1866, Image 1

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to ritisitim. lIT
- aro. Salting &num% eirresolatu
-I ran rmiu.. figh o o.
Pik lifftM li ts T "friitlimputs....... Is.
• Takeo by Force,
A railroad conductor likely to get Into trou
. .
bk. by carrying away ti Pittsburghor. Dr. M.
M. Gtl eyte bag been misting for some days,
•lmil4 it is tbought.ho Ls browsing at Cireenvn le,
there by a ralircoul eOndaStor. The real
;r..7 . ,Taitto of thin geolleman., as o ,partner of Dr.
4111, at the white house, will make his speedy
'return impgrailve. Dr.Ellll has been overtax-
ed with the langbinggas trade in conaeytienr.e
, t a.
of the above circumatance, and threatens a
, vigorothrfrosecution In case ere Is 'not im
t., mediate restore/Icm of this timable per
,2,-;1.. 2.. _ ! nage. - 110 Penn street uga ftbe world. '
ate* deeds end Nov Prices
'U tile Concert MtII Shoo Store.
Federal itreet 1 =Federal Street 1
Giants, Boots and Shoes.
lrftie Assortment of Goons.
At Couoertflail Shoo Store.
Grand Opentbq
or Gaiters wlx day, at
Yawl Shoes anti Gaiters; at ttLeellatoeles.
All OW Late alyleio - Glitters,
,A.L.McCllntock , a, 92 Fotiertil street.
And bny z ioot Gaiters from McClintock .14.
latest styles or GaMink, at McClintock's.
• 'Wanted !
Eveilbody la call ends see McClintock' s Galt
ere, floats and Shoes, lit 92 Federal street.
• ' "'bat. ibis public SAY
seUs the best and cheapest Galt
'einia the tiro , cation..." •
. . ,
• adistgiamegrir ffc mompthie
ideciteines log two ag fulton's Drug store, No
109 Smithfield stieet.
Laae Curtains
At all prlees'oritbe northeast col ner of Fourth
isieldtUrket atieets. •• • - • .
, C. Bassos LOVE: ot Duo.
Lane anintlen,
Mink Innllcn,ln3, on the northonnt corner of
Foarth find kinrket street«.
'lT.Anana Love & Bir.o.
Suitable for the present season, a good assort
ment, on the northeast corner or Fourth and
Market streets, „ .
liAlrztow LOVE & Boil.
tliftif find Citrk; on
,the . northeast corner of
FOurth and Market streets.
C. ILiirson Lovs L Bso.
ues Eloodx.
A complete stock on the northeast corner of
, Nourta and Market streets..
C. llwasok• Love a 800.
Illuisitna and Print.
- 'lll the Best Brands, and. at popular prices,
on tie northeast corner of Fourth and Market
C. fi11.0 . 3 LOVE St DUO.
Leaner' French ilorrocco
_ Sewed Balmorals, 01,11 only, to be found ot
Cotibert Hall ShOo
Best tZoodet
In the elty nt Concert Roil Shoe Store, No. CO
Filth 'greet.
Ladles, French
Pegged Ildloret for 111,00—very cheap—at
Concert lialll4die Store.
The prices of Boots end Shoes at Concert
nail Shoe Store, No. Co Fifth street.
Bargains Litt. week at Concert flail Shoe Store
No. 60 Fifth street.
Ladles' Floe
Lasang Italmorals for 4"_',00, at Concert lin
Shun note.=
apllOll4Ull MOPOI!NE0 1811 k Gore Cologres
Forene dollar, They ago a choice article
'Dineen Halt Shoo Store,CoFltth street.
Boots sad !aloes
Of ft superior quality, at Concert Ball Sh.
Moots and Shoes
Cheaper than before the war at Concert lin
Shoe Store.
Every pair of pegged 11110 ea ROW at Concert
Rail Shoe Store, ennui to three months' her d
. -For Hydrants and Gan
Our neighbors across the Monongahela would
consult their own interests by couferrthg their
patronage upon -T. T. ,- .Ewena Y CO.,.Plumbers,
Wood street. They do their work In good
style asui at moat reasonable rates. d !online
of wash stand; bath tubs, basins, di., on hand
Mid PM side alicrp;Glito them a call for any ar
tike in the way of chindatiers, brackets, pen
dants, globeaand general gas fittings.
Goid Advice
Reader, if yon. want a sewing machine on
which you can depend, don't throw your mon—
ey away Ms agynf the cheap thitlga now offer•
ing tntho,marhet. Get a good machine like
the Wheeler and Wilson.-and 'your purchase
will always give you satisfaction; but buy a
bad ono and it will be an endless source of
trouble and annoyance to you. The Wheeler
and Wilson =aim needs no puffing. The
public Anderstandlte merits and tiny it
preference to all others, a fact *lath goes
far IP ..prove lie superiority. Sumner and
Company, No. 27 Fifth street, are the agents
for this machine hero. , .
Where to Get Good IPbotodwaptis.
pee. WL:a directing the attention of our
• readers to tbdifoperier quality of Pliotearriiphs
taken by the well-known artist B.L.U. Dobbs,
dt. Cleft-Street. Anybody can learn to take
■ sun-shadcwr, but everybody cannot - learn
bow tb treat s Mauro after the iniiiresidon it
Obtained. anh hence the decided difference In
the quality of "pbotogisphs turned qnt. Mr.
Dabbe has In his employ a number of Inn-class
artists who understand. thoroughly every
branch of the art- fle pen:nits nose het slope
riorplctures to leave Ida establiShment, and
through this system has obtained a wide repo
"tatken for his gallery. fie has upon exhibition
a number Of specimens select& without die.
ernalrittlo,. which wlli more than favorably
compare with the work of any other artist In
the country. Isis rates are very re/tamable.
and persons desiring truthful photographs
any Of thelatest stiles should call upon !lbw
Sib On the Alert S.,llwager is at Baud.
Titfishes been a sickly season. The medical
factilty:.proidiesy evil in the future. They
thlak4onStilmierfla On tbe wing for nmenims:
Suppose tuts to be tree, what is the best de.
flaea agal lid, fit REDOUBLED NERVOUS
VIGOR, nut Is the only protection_ lowest
PANIC, BA well is against the PRINCIPLE OF
INFECTION. Why do net those who predict
the epidemic propene an adequate pre,_
Orel, There Monet at/sale, minrin et end atter
atiTet pawpaw:am shield the system against
the subtle elements of disease, whether they
goat hither on the. whitish= distant_ lambi
.Ymxtse like vipOr . from our-own Salli , or are in
efirPOrated with the universal fluid. This
TONE. PREVENTIVE, of whichmere is no
'du - plicate aMOnfethe compounds either Of the
Old Wildtha New, Is
'.119.57ETEE0 s'yolutou EITTEEs.
'Remember . that-it is a specific for all the
complaints Which lay the Systain open to visi
tations of deadly epidemics.. if you are dys
peptic , it 'renews the vigor of Your digestive,
powirs; . glvei you appetite; and reatOres
yotir cheerfulness, If you are nervous, It, in
ilgorates every fibre of your nervous - tryttem
from the-base of the brain, where tt begins, to
the extremities, where •It terminates. If you
are billi9ne,4t disciplines your unruly liver
and brings the action of that organinto,
moav with the Meth 01'LO:dill: it is, In short,
an invistirmut and laterally° so powerful that
Raines, with llostettar'S Dittuan for her
zany tdildefience alike to native iniaarin: mad
foreign thlectlan. if this anti* we beer of,
Oda eugeitiie'witih hi - et - biassing Europe, is
really Poland, littlierward, it behooves , the pro
dense° Pill Wormer, to clothe theinselves
,with invnbierabliity as far as huinau means
,Vah,"l244:lAPM4rl9.g tillisPllenlfor re
' with this pure vegetable antidote.
- -.. ,00 1t .P. 4. Fe4 1111 -
Are 501A1d,P440.4.1019541 ixvary tow sous
s oqa idm o Drtigjala 1.14,111)0414111111 DOPOtI
Me. Ed Yuba. Areeti. mom: of the Diamond
adiktzketolear TIMM street"
1111•IMIUMN1011 ittel• I MM M MIA
riots for ChelPeople.
We wish our readers to distinctly understand
that there is no 'lwuribug business' done at
the Steam Dental Entablishrnent of Dr. Quincy
A. Scott, No. 278 Penn street. third door above
Hand. Ile advertises ;extensively, but he
,tears exactly what he says. He is a trustwor
thy and reliable man, anti a skillful dentist.
Hedon't profess to give Laughing Gas free, In
order to entice people Inta his office, and then
charge them extra for Hod has been done at
other establishment& in this atty. He ale , . 0
ptsgetycity free of charge. in every ease. He ex
Wahl& hUmbere of teeth daily, without the
sgghteet ~'and makes no charge for ex
tracting teeth when mrtifiatel teeth are order
ed- He gives a fhb' set of teeth on vulcanite
with beautiful gums (such se other dentssts
charge $lO for,) for eight dollars. A full set
for $lO Which others charge from $l2 to SEI for,
and a fellsot for from $l7 to $ll which ho will
guarantee to be better than can be made at
any other establishment atony prwe. Ile is so
well established in business that lie don't con
sider It necessary to publish references, but
for the sake of those who may wish them we
will state that ho can refer to thousands of
the best families In the city and surroundiug
country, including Ministers, physicians, law
yers, merchants, bankers, and le fact people
In evert. department of , business.
Dry Giriodal Dry deeds!
As the summer days are with rut, oar lady
readers wilt desire purchasing a supply of
choice dress goods suitable far tbe season. We
know Of ho better house to patronize than
that of Bates d 8011, No. 2i Filth street. They I
Tikee Just recelyed a large addition to their
stock of dry giirods, which enables them to of
fer their crungattenselentlonaOf thelatest and
most fashionable styles and patterns. Their
shelves are greening beneath the weight of
prints, chintzs, silks, satins, miliros and peace
goods 6t. every description, which hare been
isurchased since the decline of prices. A beau
tiful dhinlay of lace curtains, gilt cornicos,
vestibule-Isms, table damasks, napkins, tow
els, crailhOioney comb quilts, striped dimity,
I filen shirt fronts, handkerchiefs and other ar
r. tries of adornment will ho found there. Eve
ry departinent will be found stocked with
fresh goods, and In charge of attentive and
obliging clerks. It Is deemed no trouble to
show goods; and the shopping community are
eirnestly invited to call In and see for them_
selves. •
Progress of Chemists . , Mad Med leis..
Say what wo may or new inventto ns and nor
provements In the arts, those which relate to
the healing of the sick are, after all, the most
Important. !tut few 'are free from disease of
soma kind, and those connected with the
bleed, Or circulation, are the most persistent
and troublesome; therefore any discovery of
new agents calculated to restore health to the
blood, ought to ho make known. By refer.
1 . 1100 to the advertising department of the
paper, a notice of Burs:mord/a with /calcic of
I.:nu will ho found, which is entirely a new
cmuoination, and seems to be admirably
adapted to meet the want spoken of. In its
composition, several elements are blended
Which must priii - et efficient in restoring tone
and vigor tcaKe 'worn -erislem, and in expel -
the waste or effete matters which are con
stantly accumulating. it will be seen that the
combination is for sale In this place.
Bawe Bell
linvo just opened a large stock of new Dry
goods, which they offer at Eastern prices. All
the West styles and• patterns of Summer
Dress Goods, and materials for traveling
.1 ryas cs, tvn tie fon d at. No. 21 fifth street.
E. Pomeroy, of the La Cream Demo
crat, on Illishasek's Ettatera.
C. W. Boltack, " Cincinnati, is making the
hest article of Illtte now . manufactured In
ihu United States or ebiewliete.
Vie have used them for three years, and
would not be without them for almost any
money. In the spring his Stomach Bitters arc
worth hundreds of dollars for keeping the
stomach 111 order, anti cleansing the bloat
from Its accumulated impurities.
It Is not once in two years that wo endorse
or-called patent mefleines, but Itoback , s are
worth all the praise we cut bestow apon the
ThelPlnee to Mu.
The place to purchase your Dry Goode is at
Dates it Dell's, !ro. 21 Fifth street. They have
a fresh stock, which they willidispose of at the
lowest prices.
One Hundred Ootta
Rowan( will be paid by Messrs. C. G. (.lark
Co., for a medicine that will core coughs, colds.
croup, whooping cough, or consismp.
lee cough so quick as Coo's Cough Balsam.
Sole agent for Pittsburgh, Joseph Flaming,
Druggist, No. Si Market street. ,
llonae to Ameslam, as Mariam -
The house and lot No 107 Webster street,
Allegheny. will be sold by A. Loggate, Auo
tioneer, this morning at ten o'clock. Sce
auction column.
President Johnston Invited to the Ge
tropolle-The Equestrian Portrait or
General deott-Gen GranPs Coal:desire
in Ereddineit's Serena Commission
ere-Solaers FleekimF to Washlitilon
for Clerkshipa-Gern. C.O. Loomis ap
pointed Internal Berens Commis
New Yong, Juno I..—The morning papers
have the following special dispatches from
Washington: A large number of prominent
merchants and business men of New York
have invited President Johnson to visit that
city some time In June. No political algid&
cane° is attached to the invitation, and it is
probable that it will be accepted.
The famous lifealso equestrian portrait of
General Scott, ordered by the Commonwealth
of Virginia 1ut857, which they refused to no.
onlit when the General declined to heroine a
traitor for them, is clothed now, athlis decease
with additional interest. It was painted by
Edward Troye, a native of California, an at
tint of considerable note. 'The General eat for
the picture at West Point, and selected Cha
pultcpco for the scene. /t Is the largest eques
trian portrait ever produced In title country,
and le now in the Capitol at Washington.
At the regnant Of General Goleard, with the
execution of the Departments of Texas and
Arkansas, the conamlasionership of the Freed
men's Bureau,' has been pieced In charge of
the several District Military Commandant+,
General Grant. has sheen his confidence in
General Howard's former; At liemMie
atonal's, by giving therrit.he entire military
charge. • , •
These= of 13,079 was collected In Michigan
Suring the month of May,lor trespays tine on
Government time.
- The monitor Illantonomah will proceed to
'Russia, isontioyed by the steamer' Augusta.
The two vesselswlll subsequently form u part
of die EurOPeallaq_uadrom
The hands ottry the Departments are seriously
assed the Union iers
floc embarr ldng to Washingtoncrowd I s
search of sol clderk
ships, which it is impossible to confer. These
won have been put to the expense of going to
Washington by false representations.
General G. O. Loomis has been ,appointed
Assessor of Internal Revenue at Detroit.
A contract has been concluded by the Gov
ernment with Adams Express Company for
tun exclusive transportation of di moneys and
securities belonging to the United States.
Parties representing the wool interest are
auersigreairsitranupttee. gin before the Ways
The Senate Committee have agreed to re
port thellisgara Ship Canal bill, not expect
ing to rdeiit this cession however.
The TreIOSITY disbursements for the past
mends have boner War Department $1,710,9n61
N T s ifuteru i tg " ar e uilVe r e s TesWilay discussed
the Mexican question, Gen. Banks presenting
n resolution strongly realNrsaing the Monroe
Doctrtne. it wait proposed to sell Mexico
arms and amuoltlon and to take bonds in pay.
An orlon also was made to have Congress en
hoe laexicansso,oooAo loan. No conelti.
sten Was reached.
Fooninit of ben. Ikon
New Yens, June I—The lambi] of General
ty vnt will be conducted m sample military
form. tile cadet* taking th the eof
pos honor.
There will he no sermon or oration Thu Eplo.
copal burial serTice wut bo L . ha d sad its as•
oil imams chanted by the 5•4 4 4, a i m :-
waffle will be enshrouded le a sub flag which
was presented solne years ago to the flag,
.and the body aril be dressed In the full unl
form,of a Lieutenant General. The xpocial
committee of the municipal boards end the
members of the 'National Guard went up to
West Point on the Daniel prow, at a c od och
this meriting. The officers of Aim Navy Ya r d
weal in a steam tug.
Respect to General Soigt—General Sins.
• pormilon of Buslaces.
licw Voss., Jtme L—Dispetellea from all see
lions of the country annotate° a general sue
peusion of business., display of national colors
at balf.mast, tolling of bells, and Other funeral
observance. is respect to the =Mary of
of Lieutenant General S On.
WASEITAGTOS, J tine business whatever
was transacted in any of the public Depart
ments to-day. and there were no ?niters - SS
the President's , house.. Minute dims Irate
%red about the time the funeral of Gencitak
Scott was taking place at West Point. '
Boston, June I.—The Custom-house was
chased, minute guns Bred at the navrlard to.
ilsg . ,ll . ),2ssaxids of common dads idsPlarce at . ,
and othare:presidium of mourning
rere=was cm /mount isf the death of Gonstral
They Resolve to Do or Die.
' Wild Irish Chem" and the "Green
Flag" on British Soil.
Greatest Confidence at Montreal
Horses and Provisions Impressed.
Failure to Improve an Opportunity
to Seize the Sußpenaion Bridge.
A Battle Expected To-Day
lirprAr,o, Jane I.—Several regiments of Fe
clans crossed over into Canada last night, In-
elading troops from Kentucky, Tennessee, In
diana, and a regiment from Ohio; also a regi
ment from this city. They crossed over in
canal boats. drawn by tug., and when nearing
the Canadian eldo. neat up wild Irish thee
with the green flag quitting.
Colonel O'Neill, of the 13th Regiment, of
Nashville, is in command at Fort Erie. A large
number of persons are viewing the sight from
this shore. Colonel O'Neill threatened to trey_
onet a man who attempted to appropriate to
himself the use of a large woolen shawl found
in a public house. The Fenians say that no
lepredations shall be permitted. The approach
f a mounted Fenian caused great terror mei
,xeltoment among the passengers and crew of
he International ferry-boat, to the merriment
of 1001 - ers•on upon the Buffalo side. Notwi [h.
tending the vigilance of the authorities in
his region, the Michigan Is under steam, with
oorts open, and the city is swarming with Ca.
,z flan spies.
itO , II.TER, June I.—About two hundred
men said to he Fentans, le ft this city last
sight with BUMns prepared by Fenian man
agers; they had tickets for Rome, and prole
ohly were di.tined for the St—Lawrence ro.
glees. They had no antis. The Fenian load.
twain fins city are very active, and more men
will leave to-night for the Canadian frontier.
Tor:come, C. W, June Le-The reported can
t are of Sarnia and Windsor by Fenianals
iroe. Everything is quiet in those tolaccs,
The military authorities hero ere on the alert.
and troops ate moving to the exposed points.
Ilosros, June I.—Tam comptanea of regulars
left here thin forenoon tor St. Albans, under
command of Col. Livingston.
An additional detachment of about one hun
dred Fenian% left, it to supposed, for the Cana
da border. Fifteen hundred men is the alleg
ed Fenian quota of Massachusetts for the
present enterprise. A newly raised Fenian
,uvalry regiment, under command of Colonel
Icortol, late of Mosby's guerrillas, in part of
the expedition from this city. Fe:llia n nay
that General Fitzhugh Lee will =animal the
cavalry wing of their army of lorasitin.
Sr. Atrial., VT., June I.—Three hundred Fe
n tens arrived hero to-day. They are scattered
about town to groups of three or four, and have
Imola no disorderly demonstration. The au
thorities are taking every precaution against
disturbances. Any developmsnts that occur
trill to frustrated. It la rumored that covered
hundred more Pentane will arrive here In the
next twenty-four bourn.
Finsres, June L—ln addition to the Feeler,
cavalry regiment, the Third Fenian Infantry,
Col. Connor, I,Ve strong, have left this city for
the Canadian border. Transportation for the
cavalry regiments was paid through to St Al
teens by a citizen of Boston.
ti vasersa, N. T., Juno I.—Quito a number of
Fenian left this city last evonlng anti this
morning. some boned eastward and some
west. The officers connected with the move
, ment are baldly engaged forwarding
mon. Qmte an excitement prevails hens.
ELMIRA., N. Y., 'June I.—The sth Maryland
cavalry regiment and part of the Fenian ar
my of in vfmlon , under the command of Colonel
Bennie Donnobue, outset! though this city to
day, en route to Ogdensburg. They number
about sixty men. While waiting for the train
test they got into a fight among themselves at
the depot. No timidly weapons of any kind
were used. Verymany of them had their
heads badly damtured, and flood ran quite,
nientifully. The men 41513 mostly young,
many of them were in the rebel army through
out the war. They had with them nix cases of
muskets, eight boxes of rations and ammuni
tion, marked IL D. lisekly, Potsdam, St. Law
rence county. They were very enthusiastic
and sanguine of success .
A report from Corning says that six hundred
Feniens neatest through that village to-duy en
route to Buffalo. The news from Canadwere
aced much excitement among the realms
Pon a e KeI.POITT, N. Y.,Jene I.—Seventy Fontanel
fully armed, p a
ssed through bare on the mid
night train last night. Moir destination was
not revealed.
OATERTOIVY, N. T., June I.—There were no
:a:Cessions to the train of Pentane from this
place when they passed through this evening.
There wore only 1.10 to P 0 in the train. About
fifty-flee more paMod on to-night , . train.
Boleros, Jrme J.—Major Mahon, who served
during the war mine Ninth Massachussetts
regiment, has been coternhisioned WI a Briga
dier General to command the Fenian volun
teers from UMW Slate and wil
I leave for the
border to-morrow morning. tis supposed
about IGO Fenian. left by_tbe northern train.
Moirrairet„ June I.—The greatest enthusi
asm and confidence 'mortals here, The whole
volunteer force of Montreal has Imam ordered
to be In readiness to move at an hour's no
tice. A forte Of volunteers has been ordered
to St. Johns Immediately. The whole regular
force of the province is under orders to move
t a minute's warning. Tho volunteers exhi
bit the greatest dimity to proceed to the
Thrrtiorr, June I.—Alt la quiet hero. lateens
excitement and activity prevails over the riot
or- The military are ;rapidly gathering
Windsor. We cannot learn that the Verdant
in Michigan have any hostile intention
against, Canada. Two revenue cutters. at an
chor here, have steam up, ready to move at
a moment's notice.
BUFFALO, Jane I.—Two companies of th e
fah New bra are guarding our ethane!, but
there is no danger of tne Pentane troubling
American property. They seized a number
of horses belonging to the Niagara itailroad,
that were pastured on the Canada side, bat
when Informed that they were the property
&Americans. the horses were returned.
A dispatch - from Port Colborne states that
there are lota of British troops there and more
The Grand Trunk ferry boat has been order
ed from Buffalo to Port Colborne, it .is semis.
nt. to convey troops from there to , the Mee
po i ,
A large Fenton meeting was hdid thiS even
ing at the Opera house, in this city.
Pnoviuracc. (11. 1.,) June I.—Flage here are
at half-mast to-day.,and bells wore tolled from
one to two Wolothirin respect to the memory
of General Scott. ._-
TOnonTO, C. W., Juno p. m.—The city
much othlted by rumors of a Fenian
rav v : ry
doa oft Fort Erie. Prom an early hour
this morning volunteers have been hurrying
to the military rendezvous, and are sent to
the scene of action. Telegraphic rumors from
various quarters are (muting in very fast.
Many of them are without the slightest foun
dation. The cit warlike Is Waning extras hour
ly. The note of preparation is every
where beard.
The frontier has oat hem invaded at any
- other point uto the present hour. An eu.
gagement on the Niagara frontier is looked
for to-morrow.
New Tons, June I.—lt stated at Fenian
headquarters In this eityrtnat the commander
of the expedition against Canada, just under
taken, le Colonel O'Neill, of Nashville, Toen.
The enian circles verity through all the
Provinces, and are understood to be acting in
conceit with their brethren from the Ameri
can side. This, it Is impposed will to
overthrow the confidence of the a uthor i ties In
as y endear Jr to resist the invaders by the aid
of the militia. As for regular troops, there
are but six thousand of them, of whom a large
proportion are In full sympathy and (allow
able with the Pentane. There is. therefore,
reason, according 10 01901a1 auWorittes here,
to anticipate an early uprising of the Canadi
an population, mid a fraternizing of the Brit
ish Reimers with th
the barricades in 7Jr b f k k i. %V. ti o u =l,
that not only the Irish Inhabitants of the
Proyineee.bUlthe.Primeti-Cartaduins are eon
itheteth.with taw conspiracy. and will. at the
rim& Ahab, add their co-operatic:la. it is
lizilig e rig L it t Ore=t
t this occupation of
while a decisive blow wilrbri l d=r a m.
V i i=t • orthe - British eire in plonk
Us Oat, *MI WO mayexpect to oak
t he lower Lt. Lawrence respondmg at an early
day to the call of the Pentane.
New OBLZANS. Juno I.—The Pentane are
making arrangements for the transportation
of a number of the Brotherhood to the North
by railroad, to in the invading army.
New Yeas., June I.—The Herald's Buffalo
special says : It appears that the crossing wan
effoeted under cover of the night, by the
means of four canal boats and two steam tugs.
The elect AVIL.9 said to have made two trips,
which would have crossed a thousand men,
which probably Is the entire force now to
In this vicinity the Invaders. were impelled
with guns and ammunition on the America
side at the moment of embarkation, but they
were all uniformed. It is sold that they ware'
commanded by General O'Neil, late a colonel:
in the Federal service. Tho landing of the
forces on the Canada side wan unresisted.
They immediately proceeded to improee the
horses of the citizens and provisions, and ea.
tabled] a picket line.
A farmer was mot on the highway, te
rrified to surrender his home, and drew a pistol
in defense. Ho fired one shot, and was quick
ly riddled with bullets.
Dr. liimption, Mayor of Fort Erie, was Wait
ed upon and compelled to furnish provisions
for one thousand men.
Another report says: Mr. Kimpacin went out
to read the riot act, when tholfeniane fired on
killing him instantly.
Rumor repOrta that three Canadian citizens
were kill during the morning by the:Pent
ane. The advanced pickets of :the Canadian
troops are now stationed all along the river to
prevent the crossing of roinforcements.
The Suispeneion bridge is strongly guarded,
and careful scrutiny is made of all passengers.
There is no possible chance of any succeasfel ,
Issue of this invasion. Had the Pentium !re
proved the opportunity this morning they
might nave nossessed themselves of the entire
Canadian side of the river, from Fort Erie to
Fort °uteri., it is now too late. They me.
not retreat without a fight.. There will prob
ably be an engagement to-morrow morning
if the Canadian officera muntleat any Inten
t lon.
IM M 1 ao tune I.—The detachttiele7
supposed Foshan. which 'left Now 'rock I.
..ven Mg, arrived at Fott.sdam •In due time
t ram. They were under excellent sabordirt
iron on the way. At Fottadam they quietly'
broke up Into small squads, and after a brief
time retired to dream of battle fields on the
morrow. A large force that had previously
arrived were hardly noticed, so closely are
they kept to quarters. There has been no
F.:llan eruption here. The Canadian author
ities will permit no one to hind" Ort their aide
of the river tonight, no that the ferry-boat is
laid up, and coMmunicatton with Prescott
night trains on the Grand Trunk Railway
cut off.
Sr. Jonas, (N. 13.,) June L—Of the four Con
federate candidates for 'York, three wore
elected 10-day by a majority of live hundred.
The A nti.Cenfederates have lost all heart.
There is most intense excitement hero this
Tom:into, June I.—At tour o'clock the Feni
ant were within six milt. of Chippewa. Every
body expects a battle to-night. The uprising
here resembles that of the Americans when
-.muter was fired upcu.
A New York special to the Tribune, from
Clifton, Canada West, says the British forces
have marched to meet the Eenians. A battle
will take place to-morrow.
The Fenian* Breaking imp Camp, Des
troying Arms, cud Scattering.
Brl/FLA 0, Juno I.—Parties arriving from the
vamp late to-night, say that the Fen/fans not
having received the expected no:model:as to
them strength, and hearing of the approach
of the British troops have broken up their
tamp, burned their muskets, destroyed their
ammunition. and left in squads, ostensibly for
raids, but it is generally thought really to en
• leavor to get beck to the United States la a
short space of time. Gen. Sweeny
was coap
lontly expected but had not come. To-morrow
w ill prove whether this is true or not.
Il.ktrmons, •luue I.—Thorn las report of the
Vanillas leaving here for Canada, but It te Im
possiblo to say how much truth there le In IL
Twelve Hundred PDXliall67 l . l .l Blase.
tered—Tbe war between 'Wit'usy and
Ns. - Your. J nee I.—The steamer Morning
"tar, from Rio Jandiro May 4lb, ltahnia May Lb, Pernambuco 11th, Para 17th, and St„,
Thomas on the 13th, has arrived here.
The frigate hilsquehannab left ltlo April
zith. for New York. The Unned.litillas gun
boat Shamokin and the ship Onward were at
Rio. The gunboat Bienville Irould lest e St.
Thomas on the Bah, for Pones
The news from the river Platte is important.
There lam a fearful slaughter on April 10th of
twelve hundred Partignityans, who attacked
c he Brasillan batteries an the Island opposite
I tapirs, Ten thousand Itraz Mans crossed the
Paransem the 16th without op posttion, drove
the Paraguayan skirmishers, defeated three
thousand, next morning occupied Shapira,
and captured four guns and Thewhote
allied army were transferred by the 19th '
the Paraguayan side of the Parana- The Ptir
aguaylum abandoned their t.unptinve Miles
so the road tont:malts, and retreated to that
fortress, on which the allies were marching.
Twelve thousand Brazilians, under Porto
Allegro, had ercesed tho nprer Parana and
reached the railway from Villa nun to Ainkcien,
within thirty tiles of the capital, fintnalta
.-annot be held, and a speedy end of the war is
The Braztlian Imperial Assembly had con
vened. The Emperor's speech called special
attention to the currency.
The Custom U 011.40 in Santa Collimate bad
wow.. up. Twenty persons wore killed.
In RioGrande del and the old sliver mince
which wore worked by the Jesuits have been
Coffee at Itio declining. trolghts dull. Ex.
change on Loudon lower, the bank rate being
rarther Conceiving the Defeat at the
Spaniards at Pahl&
Nat, roue, June L—We have some further
Interesting items relative to the defeat of the
, pankh fleet at Callao, and the present iamb
den of the two opposi ng forces . Tine govern
ment of General Pe is more popular than
ever citron, the tight.. The Spanish vessels bad
Mien lying at tan Lorena° l m en t, out of reach
of the Peruvian batteries, but somewhat an
nhad ooyped
that some
t hey were under the necessity of leaving their
anchorage and patting to smt every melt.
On the 11th they left Callao and moved south
The United Mates streamer Wateree picked
np u brunch about the Ith ultimo, loaded with
cost, which the Officers were on the point of
making fuel of, when by a fortunate occur
rence ono of the blocks of coal broke open, and
a loaded Mg-pound Shell was dhstrovented In
side. On Investigation the load of coal was
found to be freely tntorspersed with such dan
ger,. materials. it wan doubtless Intended
by the Peruvians for t w i n e use of the Spanish
A grand celebration of the victory at Cellos
took place at Lima, on the lath General
Prado trasordered all hrush subjects to leave
the Republic, under penalty of perpetual int
The Purchase of Aims—Col. Roberto
sod Marshal Illeurray at Lo ner-
New Toot, June I.—A. letter purporting to
have been written In Tomas and addressed to
Colonel Roberta, I•reatdent of the Faulting, In
thin el , p, concerning the purchase of arms in
that State, havng been inside public by Mar
shal Murray, Colonel Roberti eaUed upon that
°Ulcer yesterday for explanation an to bow he
became posseseed.of it, as ha (Colonel Bob.
urte,) had never seen It. Marshal Murray ex-
Disliked that It was addressed to Box NM, the
box of a merchant, opened and handed over
to him. The Fenton boX In 1141. ThineXplit
nation Colonelltobertn regards as vary MUM
isfactury and , very unlikely, and also taken
the Marshal to task for making the letter pub -
lic. claiming that, by no .doing iduatis him
self to be In the -deride° of England;' Retip
peala to the people to frown down any tarn
poring with the mallet in behalf of England
nuttiest a down,. and alio
against a portion -trodde n
off the citizen. people of this coun
try who have sealed their lalty to the Union
with their blood open lively oy batile4eld since
Ito existance.
The Cholera at New York iltuarantlao
of a Revere Type—No Cholera ID the
Nsw Yomr., Juno L—The cholera Which in
now spreading among the passengers of the
steamers Union and Peruvian, at quarantine,
aPPears to be of a very severe type, but t
facts will be better shown in a day or two .he
The report of Dr. Bissell, deputy health offi
cer at quarantine dated yesterday the dist
ult., says that dace the previons report the •
admissions to the hospital ship had been fifty,
and the deaths seven. Seven of the parsons
who died were from the Union and three tram
the Peruvian.
tY e learn that the reports of cholera in this
say, published in a morning journal, are
without fouhdation.
Commis' Exequatorn Restored—The
Passport DU—Suspension of Sitnlssess.
WAIIIIIROTOS, Juno 1,-The Prealdesiilas roo-
stored -their ozoquators to the Cousins for
Sweden and Norway at Now York and Now
Orleans, be being assured that the charges
against them of unlawful had unfriendly con
duct wore unfounded.
The President has - approved the bill limiting
the granting passports to citizens of the
United States.
Business is suspended in the Government
and municipal departments, and dace are
everywhere at ball mast In moect to the
memory of Lieutenant General Scott.
shipment of Fenian Amootunnioi Mid
CINCINNATI, Juno I.—The (Ammar lat's Cal
umbna, Ohio, dispatch anym Font . hundred
and fifty thoosand round , ' of ammunition
were shipped from Shot Mace to New York,
one hundred and fifty thousand rounds to
Chicago. end thirty thousand muskets to Buf
falo, wtthlu the must few days, which, It is re
ported, worn intended for Fenian Use..
Governor Cox yesterday lemma} 4n ; order
mustering not the National tiderd, and. also.
all companies that will not reorgenlso under
the new militia law.
The Cholera al:lblaraufizAe
New Yong, Jane I.—The cholera at Quaran
tine to amid to be of n very malignant type,
and le piths Melly confined tothe Bermanibis
bangers. A re* °nue cutter la &WAIF be
stationed to the lower hay for the. protection
of the quarantine retsina, and to prevent the
yeaseugere detained thorn from escaping to
the shore.
libelers Report—sew Cases
Nam 'toady June te - Pr• BMWs report .too
day shows that fifty-nine new canes and
eight deaths from cholera have occurred pit
board the Peruvian and Union- dace
90 . ryeaving ninety-seven cases on the both&
ltlarkels—Sonla Anna to Call a Nation
al Co loo—loyalldlty of confede
rate notes Re-afflnned.
Now ORLEANS, June I.—Cotton (cable; sales
LAX/bales of low in Iddling at :15iptic. ro-day's
receipts amounted to 590 bales. The week's re
ceipts were 4..612 bales against, t., , A0 last week.
Stook, 10,000 bales. Codee—week's sales, 3,7al
s'ke; good to prime, 204kAltic. Gold stock, 524 ,
7t. Rank sterling, 55. k:xports of the week.
The (auras Allmster, Igelsian, writes he Ims
determined to ask Santa Anna to call a na
tional convention.
Thi, Supreme Court refuses the appeals in
the case of the Confederate Notes, re-uMrrn
lng their invalidity.
Suspended Chief of Pollee Adams resumed
his °Mee to,slay.
' The general opinion is that the growth and
prosperity of New Orleans far exceeds gen
eral expectations.
Presbyterian Assembly at Rt. loafs
Sr. Lours, Jnne L—Dr. Brooks, 01 St. Louis,
made an able and Ingenious speech last even
ing against the proposed seven of the Assem
bly in reference to the Lenity!lle Presbytery,
and Dr. Youtes and Rev. McFee spoke on the
* same side, this morning. Henry flay, of New
York, also offered a report of the Committee
on the Constitutional grounds, anti Dr. (tarty
• fide a brief speech in favor of km substitute,
.ffereal some days slate.
!At:eleven O'elock, the resolution Came up.
The amendment of Dr. Humphrey was laid on
the table by motion of Dr. Thomas, and the
ot oLl o .sL. , l4nriey taken up and passed
by atote'This substitute condoms the declaration and
_lotlinonv as a slander against the Church,
- sehismatital in its character, and its adoption
by any Church Court wan declared an act of
rebellion against the authority of the General
ASsembly. It summons all the signers of the
ilficlaratior and all the members of the Pre.
kehory who voted for it, to appear before the
next General Assembly to answer for their
eenduet, and prohibits them from sitting as
members of any Church Court higher than Ja
Bei CM On Until their eases are decided, and dis-
Sallies any Presbytery that disregards this ac
tion of the Assembly, and vests all Presbytery
authority in such ministers anti elders, it said
Presbytery adheres to 100 action of the As
/On motion of Dr. Monforti, these members
excluded under this substitute wore allowed
to retain their seats In the Assembly until Its
adjournment, which will probably be to-
Delegations for West Point
New Yong, June I.—The steamismus and the
earn of the nucleon River railroad took to
West Point this morning from this city, a
large number of persona, the steamer Daniel
Drew in particular, which was much crowded.
Mayor Hoffman and the Common Council Com
mittee, with General Grant, his family and
staff, and Adjutant General Thomas as their
guests, took passage nu the vessel. There was
a large number of our city military officers,
and the regular army was fully represented.
The Congressional Delegation went to West
Point in a special ear of the Hudson River
railroad. The President of the Senate, Mr.
Foster, and Mr. COLfax, Speaker of the flume,
with the Committee already named, arrived
at the St. Nicholas Hotel early this morning.
Tbdarrivals from Washington included the
beads of about all the departments, and par
ticularly those of the Military Bureau.
Skoog Divorse Cane—lbw Flour POilten
lug Cam..
New Yuma, •Tune I.—ln the Strong divorce
ease in the Supreme Court, to-day, Mrs.
strong's counsel made a motion to compel Mr.
Strong to pay the counsel's fees In the new
trial. and to have all proceedings stayed till
such payment was made. Witnesses were ex
amined and arguments made ut length. The
Court took the papers and reserved decision.
In the case of poisoning by dour made at the
mills at PhillipJburg, Putnam county, various
persons Injured cla i m damages of Marsh, the
Miller. It is stated titres hundred person.,
within a radius of twenty mato, have been
poisoned more or less. The lead need in
cementing the mill stones by process of ter
tnenttnx and tasking, became carbonate of
lead, which did the business.
Return of:Mrsg. legr. Devi.
FORTILEPH hie:saes, May rii—M.lll. Davis re
turned here this morning from Baltimore,
from Ler prolonged visit to Washington. In
structions to give Mr. Davis the freedom of
the Fortress had been mailed in Washington
to lien. Miles, the day before she arrived
there, winch teas the main object of her visit.
The United buttes District Conn was to
hare met at Norfolk to-day, but adjourned
and meow again to-toorroy,
The New Tariff 6ill--Inaliellm7 Commit
tee and Linenlia's A 4 ssss leaflets.
Juno 1.-14 IS said that two
weeks will elapse before the Committee of
Ways and Means will be ready to report the
new Tariff bilL Tee 'louse Committee on the
Judiciary is still examining witnesses with
the 'doe al_ iit,Corpring whether Jeff er son
mole was implicated In the assassin ation or
President Lincoln.
Firemen's Muster ni Poughkeepsie
Potanzrzersiz, N. T y Jane 1.-The first Fire
men,. fawner In this city since the commence
ment of the war took place to-tiny, and was
'Vita enirtod by ever 100t4 people. The Cataract
Steam Fire Engine. No.I, throw two streams
one hundred and ninety toot perpendicularly,
and one stream two hundred and twenty-It ye
feet horizontally.
limeendlartun al Albs.. 7
ALassr. Juno l.—There were incendiary
dims In this city, this afternoon, in stables.
Two of them were discovered is time to pre
vent the destruction of property, and UM
third consumed a now stable.
Epirropel Onassislieu .t Louisville.
LonsviLis, Juno I.—At the Episcopal Con
mitten. Rev. George Cummings of Chicago,
°litotes] almost unanimously, Assistant
lashop of this Diocese.
Myer at Lowlaville, June l.—Rtuer falling slowly.
With Your feet la canal. Weather rainy.
the Foialans-:lloparture of Troops-
Ptttaboralk Battalion on the. March.
F;everal days ago we stated that Gen. Sweeny
had Issued an, important order to the Fenian
circles throughout the country. Front the
telegrams published elsewhere, concerning
the movements of the Brotherhood, the nature
of the order will be understood. It was an
Immediate call for troops, for the purpose of
invading Canada. Pittsburgh was called up-
on to furnish her quota of one thousand men
Within one week a battalion of three hundred
and ton able-balled men were re
exulted tinder the green flag, and are now on
the march to the coveted land of Canada. They
took their departure yesterday morning at an
early hour in the most sutra and quiet man
ner. We doubt if there were ton parsons In
the city, outside of the Brotherhood, who
knew of the movement till they were gone.
'Many of the recruits wore men advanced in
life, but the great majority wore young and
enthusiastic Irish citizens. They were com
manded by a well-known military officer, and,
as moat of them have bad experronce in the
Union army, they will doubtless make
d spoilers. They were all attired in citi
zens dress, but we understand that, their arms
and uniforms await them nt Ogdensburg Now
York. The work of recruiting for a "pleasure
trip to Canada" goes on and it Is stated tha t
three hundred more will be ready for trans.'
prntation to-night. The bonds offered m mar ,
ket have toot with good sale, and the Pentane
are as jubilant over recent events as though
the gigantic undertaking to free Ireland had
been courguninuted.
We shall endeavor to seep our readers post.
ed in the movements of this "wing" of the
Fenian army, as all will feel more or leas In
terested in the doings of the representatives
of Pittsburgh.
Mat week, General Sweeney, with Other
Fenian military leaders, was In Buffalo, and
we understand that his plan of operations was
finally discussed, adopted and arrangements
!redacted for carrying It into execution im
On Monday or Tuesday evening of last
week, a council of war was held, and Its sit
ting continued until three o'clock us the morn
tng. The debate upon the queldicm, to do or
not to do, was long, ear neat, impassioned.
Genenti Sweeney decanted thug something
must he done, or attempted to be done, in
Canada, whatever Its result, in order to tee
the the order and all belong ing to it from rinr
grace. Ilia desperate arguments provaticu
against a feeble opposition, and when the
Council broup the die bad been east, the
prOgralnme or Canadian Invasion lard out, the
Orders for striking pronounced.
An attempt will doubtionr be made within a
day or two to cross at Some point. In fact, the
preparations must be hurried, or a force of
United States troops will render it impossible
to premed to any leng th . The different
points in Canada Slave been telegraphed In ro
gard to the affair, and the local authorities are
taking every necessary measure to defeat any
attempt that may bo mad') to throw an armed
force into Canada. We look with some im
patience for further developments.
An Outrageous Assault..
On Thursday night about half-pact Moven
o'clock, a man named Chiladen Miller, 'Worn
named by his wife, wore assaulted by three
mon, On Bind street, near the head of Wien
son, in the Mkt(' Wanhand most shamefully
beaten and abinfed. Amonling lo Miller'.
Tui tut a d i gen
w rggly,
d n t itu ry la h m e to coonco h l. s w ig: antl
turning by way n yncyd's hill when the attack
was mH a e . The object of , the' , villains, it
wan to get possession of the woman,
who, in th wi vogglotO defend herself, had her
chillingg liter a lly torn from her back and her
face and bands *crotched and torn. Miller ra.
calved a s evere blownver which e-with &stick,
of other blunt weapon, left en ugly
am], of perbflpfl two inches. The cries of lire.
Miler atfranted the attention of two men
wse were returning from Wass florae lit
gu t otnaanx, where they are employed, whq
Immediately ran to her assistance. On their
adpci p aV o tll wn e „ ll Oo i n,r o id i ra e lled in the direction,
hiswife the
_Minute weratqtalfr
:Pr: 4 Mo_ itodgers, cemintt,
teii a few (aye siace;by Commissioner Spred.
grault. of ilg,eoe haft, to answer for passing
terfeit money, was released -from the
_ty ail-yes j baying provided the
'requtrea security for Ms appearance for trial.
Laying of the Corner Stone of the New
Ettilfee—ipstorteol Record—Addresses
by Rev. De-Riddle sod Rev. Herrick
The ceremonies attending the laying of the
corner stone of the Third Presbyterian Church
edifice, now In coarse of erection on the cor
ner of Sixth street and Cherry alley, took
place yesterday afternoon, commencing at.
four o'clock. The weather was thin, and at
the appointed time a large number of persons
had , L.actilbled to witness tile proceedings.
When 1110 tote arrived the arranged pro
gramme ~ f exercises was carried out.
t. IS vocATION, 11V Rev, Travevill.
It. nisroan AL nEvollo or TUN Council.
Mr. Richard Breed, Seeretary of the Hoard
of Trustecs. read the Iddorleal record of the
Church, as follow,
In compliance wlt li Inc wishes Of nine per
sons, who petitioned the Presbytery Of Ohio,
the Third PrOttiWtellll4ll rl arch, of ffittsburgn,
Penreiy }yenta, sear organized on the 19th of
March, Ixa, by a committee of itmee, viz:
Itey. Drs. Fmncls Herron, E. P. s.irt • and A.
I). Campbell.
The Chnr . ell then embraced thirty.ix mom
here, VIZ
James .1. Gray,
Antoinette - Hale,
Edward Hale,
R. N
Henry Rigby,
Hannah Illgby,
Jane IlighY,
A. Holmes tinge,
Jane C. Hoge,
Jane Irwin,
W. F. Irwin,
Leverett !Casson,
Nancy Kamm,
William Stewart,
Elizabeth st. Stewart
C. P. Wetmore,
Eliza W otmore,
George ', th ree,
Martha Aline°,
Moses Atwood,
Harriet Atwood, '
Mazy Bracken,
Daniel Bushnell,
Elenor Bushnell.
Thos. J. Camels.
Jane Camnbell,
A. P.
R. M. Dawson,
Isaiah Dickey,
Richard Edwards,
Catherine P. Edwards,
Fredrick Lorenz.
Mrs. F. Lorenz,
W. M. Semple,
Margaret :"emple.
After the organization of the church, the
congregation met for religious services, tern
porarily,in the old Court House, Market street,
Rev. ii. A. Biter , D.D., statedsupply. In
June, MR% a call was extended to Rev. DAVID
H. Itroots, D.D., of Winchester, Va. He met
his people at a prayer meeting, held in school
house, on Liberty street, in the succeeding
November. 1115 formal installation us Pastor
took place January 16th 1,154 in which oftice
be continued until March , 1857, when, at
his own request, he was dismissed to take
charge of the First Reformed Church of Jer
sey City, N. Y. In October, 1857, Rev. Essay
KENDALL, of East Bloomfield, N. J., was'eallod
to undertake the pastoral office. He
his labors in January, 1858, and was formally
installed as Pastor, July with, 1858 . In the fall
of 1861 he WI. dismisse d to accept a call to the
Secretaryshiplof the General Home Missionary
Committee. In Beptember, 1882. the congrega
tion united in a Call to Lt. , . Helmick JOHN
!Ion. of Troy, N. their 'moment Pastor. He
began his labors In tie following November,
and was formally installed Juno nth, 1.9 z.
In June, PM, Richard Edwards was cloned
Ruling Elder, having been previously ordained
to the Mince in the First Presbyter lan Church.
In January, 1a34, Frederick Lorenz and Moses
Atwood were elected and duly ordained. In
January, late, George Albree, It. A. Falinestock
and Thomas Campbell were chosen and set
apart to the sacred office. In September, 1850,
T.. R. Livingston anti Daniel Bushnell were In
Bite manner elected and ordained. On Stay
ln.ll. 1 , 35, Beery W. Williams anti James J.
Gray. On December 17th, 1105, Benjamin P.
13akewell and Joseph F. Griggs were elected,
and on Juno 11th, 1863, ordained to the aaered
°Moe. Of these Meninx Lorenz, Atwoal,
Fahnestock and Livingston are deceased. Mr.
Campbell resides in Wisconsin. The present
Elders arc: Richard Edwards, Henry W. Wil-
Items, George Albree, Daniel Bushnell, James
J. Gray, Benjamin P. Ibakooell, Joseph F.
IFlSecember 17th, lan`l, William Thaw, Wm.
G. Warden and Joseph Alhroe were elected
Deacons, and on June litn, 1104, they were or
dained. 11r. Warden having removed from
tics city, the Church Is at present served by
Me.ars. Thee and Albree.
• . .
Thu member.hip at the organization num
bored thirty-six. Total membership May nth
1166, three hundred and forty-nine.
In April, 11333, the foundations of a church
building were laid on thb corner of Ferry
and Third streets, Pittsbtirgh. In August,
L934,the building was dedicated to the service
of bed by Bev. Francis Derrell, D. D. In 1357
extensive repairs and alterations were made
on the edifice. on tne list bf October, PCS, the
building was totally destroyed by fire, which
originated in an adjoining bedding. Before
the succeeding Sabbath arrangements were
made to occupy Mozart liall,on Seventh street,
es a place of worship, until a new church
buildinitelfoldd be erected. Alter a subscrip
tion wits secured sufdelent to warrant action,
proposals for aplan of church building were
Invited. The plan submitted by Messrs Sloan
lord of Philadelphia, was finally adop
ted. It called for a church edifice
I the Norman style of architecture. The
tlntract for building th e same was awsu deal t
John Ketchum, of Philadelphia. 'rho new
building ill to be COLITCIy of stone. The con
tract price is one hundred and twenty-two
thou rand five hundred and fifty dollars. Ex
treme length of building one hundred and
ninety-six feel 141.5 tnehase extreme breadth
one hundred and four feet. Dimensions of
main audience room: length ninety-one test
six inches, breadth seventy feet, and height
atty./seven feet.. The cost of entire buildin
, ith lot including extra foundation work,
Heins, side wall, railing, organ,
and other items not included in the contract,
w,ll probably reach g.E0,010.
to IMO it was decided by a majority of
church members to sever ecclee hustles.' con
nection with the Presbytery of Ohio, Old
School. The church then Joined the Presby
tery of Pittsburgh, Now School. The majori
ty who favored this change of ecciesbutical
relation assumed the payment of a debt of
twenty thousand dollars, and returned to
those who preferred to continue to their old
relation seventy-five per cent. of the amount
they had contributed for church purposes.
Rev. Efurrich Johnson read appropriate se
lections from the Scriptures, Silt from the
second prophesy of Hugged, and next from the
econd epistle of Ynal to the Ephesians.
This reverend gentleman, the former honor
ed and eneeesithil Pastor of the Congregation,
and now connected with Jefferson College, de
livered an able address.
The next In order was the singing of the fol
lowing hymn, (written by Mrs. Rev. Herrick
.lohnsen,) to the tone of ''Old Hundred":
An earthly temple we would. ruble.
Our Gal and Saviour to thy praise. -
Oh, teak,' thy gracious presence known,
While here we lay its corner stone.
Within the bowie which now we rear,
Deign, by Thy presence, to appear;
tin all Its walls, oalvation write,
From corner stone to topmost height.
And when this temple made with hands,
pcm Its fins foundation stands,
Oh, may we all with loving heart
In nobler building bear a part;
Where everypolished steno shall be
A human soul won back to thee,
All resting upon Christ alone,
The chief and precious corner stone.
So, when our toll Is o'er at 10,St—
All l may abor it there by In both teM
wo P rks be Pa Oh,shown
That faith bath laid this corner stone.
All things being ready for the laying of the
corner stone, Rev. Johnson spoke as follows
The Cherish of the living . God tuts but One
true corner stone-Jesus Christ, tried, ore.
oleos and sure. She can build on no other
foundation. "For other foundation, can no
man lay than that is laid, whit% is Jesus
Christ." lie who Laid the foundations of the
earth and Corner Stone thereof, where the
morning stars saltogetner, anti all the eons
of God shouted for ov,bemme Himself the coo
ner atone of His mob. Ile waadisallowed
of men, but chosen of God. The Jewish buil
ders refused to recognize .Him, and to build
upon Him, but He has become the, head-atone
of the corner of a spiritual temple, that
shall be eternal hi the Heavens. Unto Ulm
coming, e,e unto a living stone, all belleting
souls, as lively stones, gathered from every
peopie sod kindred and nibo and tongue, are
built up spiritual House—null In Wm all the
building fitly flamed together, groweth unto
an holy temple 111 the Lord.
Thus is • scnpturally and beautifully set
for S to ne figure of a temple and Its Cor
ner the relation between Christ and
the Church. Trtisting that we constitute a'
portion of this spiritual temple, we meet to.
day, to ley the Corner Stone of Our new
ehureltedinee, and to symbolize In. this out.
ward and public service, the relation lintels
"%re Is ee e n tan h e r n i t t litn d be li e vin ghilinusce
thee ohserved. There are many mostpreetons
truths, of which we thus testify our hearty re,
caption, and In which we thus proclaim our
unalterable faith.
By this service, we make public declaration
of our faith in Jesus Christ or the only panda
[lob of the Church. We recognize him as the
Rook or Ages, the elect and precious Corner
Stone, upon whom alone we must build for
1 eternity. We rest our all bore. We stand se
curely on this sure Word of God, that "other
foundation can no man la)," and he that be..
lieveth on Him shall not. be confounded. We
renounce all dependence on ritualistic observ
ances, and ceremonial forms, on srlestlyinter.
cessions, and the offices of e
the * Win . a
moral lie; sad a good reputation , and mtd pro
claim our belief In jeans only as. the remade,
Won of all the hopes and comforts and joys of
of the people of Clod. Wetestlly to the fullest
extent our acceptance of the scriptural truth,
that there is no Other native natter Heaven
given anions wen. whereby they Min bogeyed.
We declare, moreover our belief. a Him as
dinar, by the laying of this corner stoner We
recognize Him as the lichip !tone, upon which
all the sOretriletUre rests-a , ernierlOnel pee
tonal God , end Saviour, In whom. we believe
and trust In the unreserved coMmitteent of
Dunmire% to Him, implied In this recognition
t- of Christ as the foundation of our topes for
~ time and eternity, we aeknowledge that lieis
, the Lord, Mighty to save.
At the same time, we set forth oar be li ef-la
His fiessassito, We testify that Jesus C or n
I man, aa srelltig• truly tied.. ‘For th e
Sto r .of•ite baba
t ir e fts m it t rl i . 2 . a p art
t` frig of
Ch=redLuied hUnlanitylthe lode'
won b l is
ack to HOd,thrOnghtheattractlvepoWer
of Christ's cram Since, therefOre, -We who
belleniese built On *Units He
11 1 .0 Zallato
like us—of the same nature with the stone,
that rest upon Him — mud have n rent h ama,,-
fly. Hence, in laying this corner stone to-day,
we repeat and emphasize our faith in the fun
damental truth of Scripture, that God nu..
manifest In the flesh.
We recognize in this service, moreover, the
necessity of our moral likeness to Christ—of our
being made conformable to Ells image. For
Christians are tile stones to be titled on t his
corner stone. Being laid upon 111 w by faith,
we are to have the form of the corner stone,
bearing such marks and fashioning as lie, and
more and more of Ills likeness, until each hu
man soul is made a polished and pure and
spotless stone in Zion's walls, and the Church
appears the completed and perfected temple
of God.
We also publish our belief in the mule of
the Ohureh by this ceremony. The corner stone
is deemed the chief In the structure—that
which unites the several parts of the building
together. So it unites all to lllm-es the cor
ner stone of His Church.
Each human soul, whether of Greek or Bar
barian, Jew or Gentile, bond or free, has Its
place no a I/0119110a stone In the walls 01 this
spiritual temple, through on ion with rh rust
In film all the building, fitly framed together,
groweth into an holy temple in the Toro Ile
has broken down the middle wall of parti
tion. Ile has made both one. Christians of
whatever name that are built on Christ, con
stitute the one temple, ell laid and fitted One
to the other, and locked into 011 e another in
faith and love. This is the one Church, the
only Church, and therefore the arm Church.
needing no papal head, no priestly hierarchy,
noapostolical succession, hut having her head,
and rule, and rights, and privileges In tilts
Whe bath had all things put under his feet,
and who bath been given to be the head over
nil things to the Churchwhich is Ills body,
the fullness of Rim that Whitt all in all.
Thus we publish some of the most prontons
articles of our faith In the laying of this Co,
ncr Stone.
And, as of old, when the handers laid the
foundation of the Lem ply of the I,rd, they Hang
together and gave thanks and praised the lord,
because the foundation of the boos, ~1 the
Lord was laid,ro now we lift our tong ‘d thanks
giving and our voice ot praise, invoking the
benediction of God upon tars cork of our
There are some Mantling here who Well.
present when the foundations of the first 110l1•1 .
were Mid. They saw its walls go up, and
joined in Its formal dedication to Almighty
God. For thirty years they worshipped at Its
altar. They can boar witness that the Lord
loved the gates of that Zion; that this and
that man was born In her, that to many a
restless, burdened heart, lie gave peace there.
and that sometimes a glory tilled the plal'o
like unto the shining of the eon of God on
Tabor. Before these hoary heads are bowed
to the grave, and these fathers and mothers in
Israel go through the pearly gates of Gal's
city above, we trust they may enter the gates
of this new temple, and see wILII Ils precious
answer to the petition we this tiny I,rlng to
God—that the glory of this tatter house
be greater than the glory of the former; that
Ile will make it from generation to genera
tion the dwelling place of II is Spirit and the
birth place of souls, a favored and holy tem
ple, preferred It) 0101.1111118 to the tents of
wickedness, anti whom Christians shall love
to meet to celebrate the joy of their espousals
with Jesus.
Toothy we lay the Corner Stone. May we
all be spared to see the completed structure.
and to bring forth the top-stone with shout
lugs, crying: “Grace, grace unto It And
when work and worship are over in the earth
ly temple, may we end that we have been
building for the skies and for immortality. and
that we constitute a portion of that temple of
God, of which Christ Is the precious and sure
foundation—that house not made with hands,
eternal In the heavens.
A copper box had been prepared and an
aperture cat In the corner-atone for its recep
tion. The contents of the box were stated to
be a follows:
1. Bible.
2. Historical Record, including lists of the
officers, original members and present 'num
bers of the church. and members et the Roard
of Trustees and 13uilding Committee; Ids°, a
description of the plan and estimated coot of
the present structure.
3. Photographic copies of the ground and
second story 'ohms of the church edifice and
of the view of the church edifice in perspec
tive, prepared by the architects.
I. Potographs of the Pastors and others.
5. The Presbyterian Historical Almanac.
6. The New Lurk Evangelist and American
New Presbyter
.York daily tipe
5. The PittsburghClty p Uirectory and daily
The cornernione having been formally laid,
and the copper box depoelted, Rev. Johnston
usaistlng, Rev. Dr. Riddle offered up an m
presalve Dedicatory Prayer.
In. THE 003,,3,01.
- Praise God from whom all blessings now,"
was then sung by the assemblage, which dis
bursed after the bene,liotion by Rey. Preston.
A Beftutiful Work of Art
There is now on exhibition at Wamelink &
Barr's Music Store, St. Clair street, a master
piece of pen work, which, in beauty of design
and artistic Oniob, excels anything that we
have yet seen done with the pen.
A rich Arabesque border, forming a reel-an
gle, surrounds a fine photograph of His
ness, Pins LI in full pontiflcials, above which
ere two reclining angels supporting his emit
of arms and a scroll bearing his title, and un4 er
'math Is a photograph of Cardinal Antonette.
Both are surrounded by beautiful tracery, In
which are emblems of the Church. Below these
lea family group of twefity persons, embracing
the parents, their ten children, and those re
lated by marriage. On either side are two
angels standing on postumente, on the tablets
of which are represented :be Eastern and
Western Hemispheres. In the border, appro
priately pla ced . are exquisitely fine pictt,es,
copies from the old masters, of the "Immacu
late Conception." of the Murillo, "The Holy
Family, I! "Christ Blessing Little Children,"
"St. Peter at Rome," and a copy of the I'll
- Medal, presented to a member of the
family by Plus IX. Surmounting all is the
cross resting in a figure representing the
Blessed Trinity, on each WC of which are
Adoring Angels. Stretching across the top
are the words, "Gloria In Excelsi• Dee,"
In ancient church Illumine/Led manuscript
text, done in Gold Blue, Black and Red. This
of Itself, Is sufficient to reflect the highest
credit on the artist. On the right and left up
per corner are figures of St. Peter and St Paul,
underneath which are appropriate passages
of scripture. This l• also In illuminated text
and a remarkably fine specimen of Pen Work,
by . Chas. B. Barr, executed by Chas. Fiede
of this city, and is Intended to be sent to Rome.
Mr. Fiede has no superior in the United States
In pen drawing and engraving on stone. Pre
vious to his coming to this country, from his
native city of Hamburg, Germany, he execu
ted similar work for members of the Bevil
Family and others, always receiving the high
est testimonials of merit.
The International Sculling Watch—Let
ter from John Ilanaill—Racen to
take Place on the 4th arid bib of July,
on the Tyne.
We aro permitted to snake a few extracts
from a letter received by Capt.. David E. Hall
from Bir. John Hamill, who accompanied
his brother James, the American champion
oarsman, to England. Ho writes under date
of “Yiewcastie-upon-Tyne, Nay Inn," -and
Friend D. According to promise I Write to
let you know how wo are getting along 'ln
tie • i Ilinglaud. We ore in the best or spirits.
• • • We have seen , ail the rowers, and
arc not afraid so far of getting beaten: I have
soon Kelly and the buster them rowing, but
not one that could row-any foster - than MON,
say from thirty-two to , thirty•four strokes a
minute. We are pretty sure of a fair race
hero as thopeople don't like theideaof Kelly
bootleg Bob Chambers. So wo did well byeom•
lug hero. The river is very nice, and we like
it well. oThe races will take place on the 4th
and Other - July, and if we don't win it will be
clarions to me, Chambers and Clasper are
doingalr.they can for us—in fact, the people de
sire to give us all' the Information they can
about the river and all other things that may
be or penal:it to us.
. .
Ton will find enclosed photos of Harry•
Clasper and bill son Jack, and also of Cham
bers, Use ex-champion. • • • • •
Out champion and Laughlin send regards to
all friends. Itespeettbily,
Jour Helena..
The photos alluded to can be seen at Capt.
Hall% billiard room, corner of Liberty and St.
Clair streets.
The Soldiers' State Convention—Meet
ing or the Committees.
A meeting of the several committees, up_
pointed at a meeting of sell:Hers& few days ago,
will be hold In the Firemen's Hall, City Buil
ding, this afternoon at half past two o'clock,
to consider what further Urrangementa may
be necessary for the accommodation and com
fort of the delegates to the Soldiers' State
Convention to be held in this city newt week.
,Beside the persons composing the Commit
tee mothers who feel interested are invited
The Convention will be very largely attend
ed, and It la to be hoped that the latch strings
of our good and loyal people will be out for
the accommodation of the distinguished visi
tors, salt is believed hotel room will be inade
quate for the number of soldiers that will ho
in attendance. The citizens will be requested
to display gags on the occasion, and extend
every courtesy to those who defended the
country in its hour of peril.
The Committees having the arrangements
in charge are alive to their work, and win
leave nothing undone In the way of hearty
welcome and agreeable entertainment to the
Cadets...—Throttgb- the influence and kind
nese of some of our citizens, and 01 Gen. Rus
sell, the Western University Cadeta have Just
received for their use one hundred SprinOeld
ridesorith an equal number of luxoutrematits.
Tiso Western University being strictly a State
Institntton, and neither directly nor indirectly
denemlnational, de p end i ng. for I t B 011 10P 0 fl on
thellherality of our citizens, and rising rap
idly , respects, well deserves this encour
agement. These rifles need In drill
nearly every day, and it 13 believ.ed that from
the large number who receive instruction good
advantage TAU result In calm of &demand for
military aid. The thanks of our citizens and
the students are due to those gentlemen 110.110 efforts they have Doerpro
Itarnard's Carbouilied , Peas must be
come a favorite with the writing Public. We
1111v0 tried everything yet made in the form
of steel pens, but have met with nothing so
pleasant to write with se these. We have tried
them thoroughly, and toerefore pronounce
our Verdict accordingly. They are, from their
preparation, far less likely te corrode than
any other steel-pen, and write smoothly and
easily. s
J W very cheethilly enderse them.—
Lotsfrotil ourna4
The edition Is forwarded which will reach the ..b
-•aribers soonest ei the well nra.
tlI Mime:
HOLE COFIEtt, PEN ptAlt--...
CLUBS OF • •."„, .
CLUBS OFTENAN trriViteani.
Alderman Strain's °Mee
Ann Mann Lag, and !Lary Dangh wolf, nor
an, In a .-alcam In Allegheny, wore before
Alderman Strain, yeaterday —the former as
pronecol rin against the Lacer In two canon of
n,sanlt and battery, and one at larceny. The
woman Monolog allene, that the accusott
tick and ahn.ed het on two occasion., and
.tole live dollars from her. Held for a hear.
Alexander Ewing appeared hefilee Ile Hanle
rila4l.l rata and ralleed H warrant 10 i.r laau
ed for a Jew clothier, of Starlet et met, for
pawing worthiess money En mg alleged
that in payment for an art tele he
grit e a fitt) trreentiatelt, and limit he re
eelved in change Iwo yeflrlllkee• her dollar
bilk, one on the Ohl etty nod the other on the
Lrittv ford 0l honk. The Jew, witnee
nntue NV nut gleed, appeared, redeemed the
hills lout so the nintter dropped.
Anthony Trentch, residing lit Birmingham,
ems arrested by officers Biters and Cl/proles,
yederdwy, on a charge of beiug a deserter
front the regfilar army of the United, States
lett log enlisted with Stator T. Williams, in
city, in IstCi. It appears that after enlist
ing he was permitted to go home, but failed to
rot urn. lie claims to have enlisted with an
honest design to serve in the army, and says
that his lather, after hearing of Ina enlist.
et, declared that be W. under eighteen
yenta of age, and would not per
him to re
rirn to the recruiting office. The ease wall
collie before L. S. COMlllinSioller Sproul this
torenrwm, the accused giving hail for his ap
Cultiog . Norsspe.
At John Wall's saloon. tet Liberty street.,
Thursday night, a difficulty •weurrmi, during
which a man and woman were severely cut or
bruised, the former about the head and the
latter about the body. They were taken to
Peter W inters' shaving saloon in the vicinity,
w here their wounds were dressed Officer
t.ettrge 11111, hearing of the affair, endeav
ored to gain stone account of the trouble,
hut the man, w v hit/ name au James Ido
attrey, refused 111 tail wllO Sell. hieleelathini,
Or to give ally part mulars w nal Vver. No fur
ther steps were taken in the trwtt ter .
FATE esA VINO 3TITUTIoN, on the 30th
of April. 1000.
onda and Mortgages, (being nest
lens on Reed - Estate, I ...... .1C16.157 rn
0-20 Bands 70, itx,
ISM Bonds . 2.u. , 01 a.
Rea. Estate
latorret due. May lat. •
U 1.11.1 reallual.,
lAA 11l LiTil7l,
ta,Funt dm. 1/••ponllor, .... it. 71
Alll mill 11.•p0e1t..,. Ittl, - -
13.1. May lot, .....
:lance Cuntinuent Fund
. . . . .
A. A. CA ILKIEK, Tremor,.
'T'wundersigned Auditing Committee, rtave
looed Inc Books of the institutlow the Bonds,
lo gage., and Cecuritlea, and counted the Cash.
tet end the foregoing statement correct.
W3l. H. SMITH.
H. CHI Lltet.
ttgglcg.ittt DP HE
Pi ..Wdont—lsa, Joa as. Vice President—W. It.
N hulk:Dor — C. It ftaltgOillt TOLD.
a. VeTL.ES—Hun. T. M. Howe, Hon. .1. K. Moor
;,lsaac .lones, C. Ilte•Aw, Voegtie, Jacob
Inter, Hervey Childs, W. it:Copeland. Wm. H.
to I • It.
I ntereit allowed on Deposits In this Institution at
IX PEE CENT. toer annem, payable to the Depot
tor In 11, and November. which. If not drawn, to Do principal and compoended.
In tereht couonetteev en Deposit.. on the Ist and
'4l. Jars ,r
l c
ttpen for Deproill train 9 A H. to 1 o'clock r.
v 1.3 : also, 011 naturdai evenings from 6 109 o'cleel.
O•VICr-63 FUUKTiI CTItEET, Pittaburgh, Pa.
m. sa:b,
Gold Chnin*k
*g Call and ewe tem.
30117.72V9E8T1EE cb 00.'1511,
G 7.0 TO
Selling 8t X 2,50,
New, Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
. old Theatre.
13eantiful Gloms,
$B, $B, $B, $B,
Such as other Dentists charge $lO for,
No, 278 Penn Street,
Third Door Above Hand.
A (nll bet for 810, such as others charge from
sit for. A fell set for from $l2 to $l5, which
vt, pearantre to be better than can be mane at any
Cher establishment in the west at any price,
Call and examine hh Speci
mens and you will be convinced.
Laughing Gas Free in Every Case.
For. Extracting when Artificial
Teeth are Ordercd.
DR- J. sc4r)ir-r
Has Entire Charge of the
Operative Department.
PRICK MACHINE ~---1111 E 116 k.
TIONAL BMWs fdLAUHIS X mak,o, withoa,,
two-bone power 34,000 sol.naid Brltta per db.,.
with trail dookettlettera and uniform lenetna r sot
rouhlue date not Perform what we Maim for It we
arlii take It bark and refund the money.
ABRAILIIZQUA, Bennet Agent, 141 Broadway,
Yeah fort2ibtafTTll
-• 111 00
Aio El
i li, I