The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 01, 1866, Image 2
Ela B VleVittAt • • - 'II • rvaiisii filt PENNIMAN-.-REP &CO. 1.1 ‹att .‘ i; t a BeArEMENiMAS=.7 , , • • • Tordineln*"'' MEM 2llXDatir. UNION' IigiIIBUCU'IIO.MIN&TIOTO. . NIit;JiVEIVIOOHN IN; CEARY, . . - ..... , ..,f 4 STIg-VBC l 44x_._* ,, city. . 0/,‘ , 01.11[71 . 01911,0. ampton Tp • ;1; • ilkl2lZ or ourniage votraT: -"•/111.121WIMETrilMatiMON,City. ug&siosnlvotit. city. •-• ` ll / E . 1 7S 11 11 .. 11 L 1 1 1. ;T inzn " •‘:IONFrit k muumuu, cur. .".-Moiorort. or 700 E: • :40pt.211 P.: DaJerto* Xittitu 'Tp. GM:WM • ,usemssoiruaos; Pitt Tp. 911.EVZIALVILADMTOK; Collins Tp. R. .11....COLILLLI IDEOR4 I II3 I ‘,S r e I3 II/7E, NorU . Fayette Tp ,•• '..,,,,•••.. • PI 6 4*virAtILDADOUNTY. • • Mr., - 1:114e4r W''Ttlabx is a gentleman of " and character, but is endowed , tli only a common measure ;ettaideratandlnuand culture. ,His home • 'll,oiraspox,;ppon ;the Susquehanna river,, at 43tttndlngyt3tone a few"tidles below the , rl l -;:tb.Centifitfaitifthriving borough of Towian .i.l4st.Thi.i)tilowed'the fortunes of the Whig -.:-party until it was dissolved: • ' 1 His political associates failed to disc.:Seer • '1441141.310 Constitute natural '-greatnctet, or 'Wren the lesser qualities which „ 'retacteyttiniutieridocablo -in .the perform prildie..funetions. cin the other hand, he was possessed by an ambition to eiiitunyentlnature, , and heconto a states- Anti, Oen:ince of judgment induces in hlia . ott nitcondbrtable frame of mittdt -A.:tenni& self-consciousness oVer masteterr hint. He became, discontented, • • 11_ cpiiielousirsiacting , At.- MA:to-appease his disquietude, be was seat to. the Legialaturts..for.twu years in, succession sia, so fell-out that the Mu. Tamps :Wit:Lusts occupied a scat in the 'Ho* during the - same two years. Agree ing m sentiment and opinion on public qitestions, -11 r. Wrx.taams, as a vastly 0. ',4terhii-intrilleistual force,ser . attracted Mr. Tnacar.that , :holorilved around him, in en 7secentrio.orbit,,as a satellite. As a mental •attidi.ilist..Phencunenititl.preseetted was Is -1. terostingt as a political appearance it *alb thoroughly rittiolotut. Titacr did not so understand time matter;_end he -became intensely desirotis of. Setting tu 'the breader and more exec spinner's field or Congressional life. The . MetPublietuie thought they could da:lsetter, in the person of Mr, GEXIROB itANDON, and film their candidate. A_year hr more previously, that gentleman, as a mem bet or the State Senate, had voted for the repeal -of the Tonnage Tax on the.PerM • 1,71 'nude. Railroad. 31r. -Truer raised! a ,clanorigairtst . 31r. Ltxpoar on account id r vote; and ihtionneed himself as an in ;`".:dependent Candidate.: The -- Democrats „ :. .jolned ,in thes-''clantori:rittad adopted lthr. Tigiclynithstqsd#lg Iris avowed aboli• tioniatit., )Ir, LANDON, two or three weeks '7, -1 ` Withdrew, and -the can • rass resulted in llir.; Tatters cle4tili. This was * ie,ars ago. In the House of .14pniseritAtives lie acted with tietilost - ---toopoll Bring of The Republicans. e ( "xs ago At TftAcr was again aji indepentinnt candidate, with- deureratic support` Wits4feiten oat ° oftoght by . Mr. Ur rams Memcun, who will, doubt, to t - But Mr, TII&CT'S ambition has . not _yet: entirely tonatuned haelf Enamored Gl -oOrt lin !Ole* Vrtisv. 14g1P,?..a0- Of thn admiration he elicited, lie is;!mii96 tore-appear An that stage, '''Andin an entirely new character. Aftef hi".g*K4'9llPanzof flataltf,,g radhadi - he Wants;lf 54 mg.* lion of him, to miiprise theta, by acting the dinservallya.7, esponsid.the President's Polity; Withtha aid of the democrats, on the 01_ of May, he got up a meeting at thd ttfiatisetist.To'paLW turee,; lid twa k ituiti it 'horde in That crowd. fie; iii#832031•11111itt10:*011•40",41•Pf which 444 8 # 1 4 , And a 'Mild Savoring ` ' of common se..thie:A strtag oli Witithitlons :Were ' adopted, endorsing the.' -Pmksl9ltofieg4tio • 41cticm of Con-i :gists; tOnd !the hoth the -I)lguliitiag Witt Conven ) , thi4l3; 14d, mten.nitnei eipftyp*lon of V, eeig'in`Zirdeilhit"-altia. 'nation! i f .612, Ineetini were appropOstairsent krpubli '.7c4l.on..totht Eloomtpsrjr..coltiatibEtn, the ;: :organ -of Senator :-Bupeatatm.:,'" As the iiittettna n Ns, l lpi c dotlig4 6 4 l lPlitiOnStill l for tedlti6iciii&-millihtrright shop was se ,-;' ioitettio.gtha(itia,the;iltga. • , C1;.'",..-f3lterlitallaitaiiiiict,gove any appre •.R.,t'!2hunsionsizetederitixteßradford,tounty. Mr. `' -puts is played, Out, and , ought, from • tog4O 1 PO; sub sheet' „. , side. But he vic.t won't:,; TlJektiiiittiltlirito that "when PIC _ • imatameriVeat,;:ttlicuqt . lrould die. ' .&a:iso lOngdr practiced; ; must.bealliwedWattlla Aire. ' " Mfg = ma. ' ..',.!Iti:11:01k1P-Igantirel* , V.iiid!'it -01.4" to orgr. ~... ' ~,ai•PI 'AI:, ;81'0441111r oslllEd 11' grel4 'IL N might, i . .oii,w*°, i ?ro 11r „•w„re karekr: mouda7, ent,4olP. A (gob." ...kolt9'L--their 4,•:, .- f. ziala • .Ido 0f,..114-, add : 1 0 ,re '---:.•.''., -13 IgiLtio- 'Mirada.: • ' "TO' kat'w.- ••• -• ' x r- ' trAt* 11-nd ' down.' t this ' - _, *k",l';'•-,; 4: Aw"tia. ixiti. . - i t ' 4.1 1 tt'i 'Z. :..--.--.- elf .)'4,,gillOxi;-6 . fl eetaill 7,•::" rv,.% -I,4letiriturei,,, ,'•,, , :1.,' nfeet,liii'idd °;.O l,i„-:).: ~,.,,''tilfiCCl :.!;,•;,---1; till:4'la° pottage, to lia .I) +Of 41901"'" ' 9 k-:f,,,i:,fdriii,,,_z_._.„ft, „Birch „i,iitibelpl! ' '',llr.-I.,l,_Okk,,lirtittig.,f the g_ll-011004'-wrialtigiq i-/.".:''"-7-11'''' Mitre - 0 tie andn,4 mu.' lc eirt 7.7lthg a 014!Td.4": of d—syll lll - - -.F:O' I _' ' - ,-• .:1 - s' i-- t „VA r_poun.„oo26CA •• 0 . • e' "0 ,rltrq.• c°°, ":41413 teres4-Eintiti _,, !„„..t.lieaiir o ve r Nit. ~: ,•;' ". ,r---,,,,, , : --Pe,..,. - Ali?-ilier._•-‘74mr ~ ini.att,,tll°-' -•;' - ; ' ' , -•,,,,:dwet.,..witt3 ~ irith •,,: ~, , ,•,,_,,-... - Id 'l',.. ,•,...., , il,,„leret -:,Klrseiarrapridemt tcal 'OW, iitat ''' '4'l letiou' ° ". a.., -aen*,trd,hloll,44:lol ' adinfi.'B I'itir'' -IL :- .-,-,'• 111- I ' '"'`'''l'angt*M--'- Ingt. -OrEl ,A VAI •t- 1111° , milmit- itir,,elgretiellifott iii -76 IV ''''lincl"- -RI- • mriOalt,Aill'te,rtdorteet r i .---g. ~.- ,',,,. noble : ut,.. ea. c, „*„",: ''. •L,eue•LT N „Allt`wt--,tile mme 7 ,Szi,.„, - ....strt . thet; 40 i06121,-"ph4s-"I ''--,- IL . 44 ----, r June the •-,IbP hiy-two_ , , it,.... ,- ' 4143 °.... this country ti f A. ' ' 71-the," feel t zietPc' rel 0 ',,,..' L`a -.1-:-- '----r="--Cit- , , Irk cola r -Gen°, Ip^:L, A 1 ''.= F:itfitpc 91.1r-7: -DeemflAr'' ' rnic '" :.;: t. ,-...- - :0.2.card,i41. 0 tus -g. - - te.rB%iCOL:-,, .;-,•-,';,:,:',-, 'Yjiatie-111/4 therm phre,cll7 0 ~,ku -,t - i ..-e,-- D u,,,,h 8= the (get, .4i,-,... the SAP! iii;, „log -...,17-'i-,-t. l/114-.Th-IlaTo'' ,_/-11 .1"'',(011/i(1 t4allhlftg;;, ....- „.,? , PI um. ..1.-,,•'', - .1,--,-mails , then te g0t,99 itt,..„, ..- '..,' I. mss~- '''a - ' g"pept44,,, C h urch ; -'-' `ltsit, 7,--t ~,,,-.• - :„.icinttgo „.., .....-':_ •-• ,„,-_"-ic4,,iget'--- ~,,, iii ig- gen i-:.‘-' ':,`• '..,ziCa- , ~.,- '- . ,'m re ....„t•- of Ah , -tie' •,,,rt ,`:,--: ,',.... t0c" ? ,,,..z .„.", - - ' "r:' 'wan; —71,-dids 4k. m o te .•-• 1:.,- ... '1 ittik s'f...-7ic-*Lt•lon -I...,_titieti'Pti,i. ~...,':4 ~ -, ,441)17,;iibi3 i)°,1,..a ' 'lll'l3 ' reCeit 'llly' Itto If, ',..,4,30ty ./A1 'l;,,'''il.i - %, ' -- vatl4 • .. , Or tet , .--, ,- '-'..1:4,e- tlel7he 7011. ~.,-:--il,tfl .-- -,,_-4: ::-.., Der,tuel, it _ that yth,„ liiitat,.4 ,!..----,,:s ~ .t, , ..".A..)- :..".'-ilttitipp6lo- P.tho it!,‘i '.:-_,,i; i":111--.-.4-- :o...X''7' cOPut 1 ‘02111'!'!‘YILI.:.: 4.'":.' s. . 1 ,7:--.%!,.;0g1..- '''',-"-•_1.•!‘"'" '.(•.,.;':ili,'-' ,T: 4,ae;ri,61411- q !1 $ ; -;' :-:•:‘ r ck:v.F :-1., ',, ,t-4-• 4. -0- 1 TaLlisiCsxt.rizaci.vea says: "If -the-people of - the South knew the damage done them by the rabid newspapers which, , they support; as we know it here, they wbuld very quickly compelthem to chansio , their tone. In a politicaf.point of vietr, these papers are in a lafge - measure responsible for the treatment the Southern States are receiving at the bands of Congress. But they also prevent the BOuth from obtaining those means of developntent which she so greatly needs. They prevent the flow of .qapital regaled in her cotton fields, in her manufactories anti workshops, by her mer chants and traders, by her railroads and steamboat lines, for her public improve mcnts.and the service of the State. They binder Northern travel and intercourse, and prevent the tiow of labor and emigra tion. 18ao This is a virtual confession that Congress, and those who sustain Congress, are actua ted by a wise caution. laistliing can be plainer than that the tone of the Southern journals, excites uneasiness, if not alarm, in every thoughtful man. But the Times seems to assume that the Southern journals do not truly represent the views and feel ings which prevail among the masses of the ' Southern people. We see no evidence that thisassumption is warranted by the facts; but much evidence to the contrary. Nay; we see that the censurable tone of the Southern press has increased in intensity just in proportion as the President has pressed his peculiar Policy; and to the hopes so inspired that it might bo success- Rd. If the President would show a deter mination to concert with Congress the needful measures of restoration, the notes of defiance and threatening which now dont from the South on every breeze, would sPzedily be heard no more. Tice*Chambersburg Repository says' "We assure the Pittsburgh Gazette, one of the most faithful and able of our Pennsyl vania Union journals, that we are more than 'content to resist the preteusionsof all aspirants for the United States Senatorship 'whose antecedents indicate that he could be corrupted, or who shall hive failed in the progress of the canvass to show beyond all possibility of doubt where lie stands and how be will act.' 'lt is just our plat form, and-these columns will maintain it at every hazard. We would trust no weak or selfish ambition In the Senate, with the spoils of a reckless and abandoned admin istration to be given out for two years of his term, and we shall resist the election of any and every man who could under any circumstances afford to prostitute himself before the. blandishments of power. We have men whose attested patriotism and undimmed fame will be a full protection against perfidy, and none others should be considered by the Union party as proper candidates." This is exactly the answer we wante d and expected. If this shall be accepted all multi as the right position, and from which no departure shall be encouraged or tolera. - emelt good would accrue. Evety poll . tician, reasonably familiar with the aspect of the whole Commonwealth, knows fall well that Indications exist of trouble on the Senatorship question. At least two dis tinct schemes are concocting for the elec• lion of a quasi Republican by Democratic votes. It ought to be understood that any Republican who shapes his course specially to placate the Democrats and make thou willing to accept him shall be ruled out as undeserving of consideration. That is our grOund; and we shall stand on it to the end. Who else besides the Nopositor stands with us 1 "ixtrex," writing in the Armstrong Re publican', says : "Massachusetts, looking to her own ag• grandisement, seldom changes an able, true and faithful representative, and wrist , tiffently her 'Senators and Representatives have been remarkable for their power and influence over the nath n. At this time It would beTtmisise and impolitic for this dis- Biel to pursue .a different course from that of the Bay6tate, especially as we have a faithful,lnnest, BIM and Upright repiesen tativeln the personof Ilon.. Tawcsa Wit,. Liams—yin orator of rare power, a states reittrof superior ability, and a man worthy of the confidence of .the people. Since he entered open Iris ofllcisl. dutleN during tilt , present,,session,hia record has been eQ clear, his spite EA loud for freedom, hit power against usurpation so marked, that it is my solemn impression he should not be .changed for any •other, •aa 'his place could-not be easily so well tilled." The.Detttieney in the Wheat Crop. E. D. Mansfield, the statipitin of 91110, in a crinininnicatien published in the Cincin: nail the o c r o m nnwheat erupt exaggera lien; we think the wheat crop of Ohio for 19313 can not - be accounted above kW ari average crop. - Inditnalii nobvery Mfkrett in ltilorttidlidon.. Illinois Is better, but +silk "4111 1 ,144.1. below a full crop. •Kentuelty from all accounts, la about the aunts ati Ohio. It is probable that the more North ern States areln-better , ennclition, but on. the.43t her hand, they do- not prodnoe nuach.., , On the whole, we must look for ii large failingoif. 1 12 two or three -States WO can Maly,a Aiderable accurate estimate.; "Th.e,ntP.liree millions of bushels may be the fair average produvL Wheat hithte Staid. If so, and we have bat half the bcerage 0 , 44 we have Uric more' tilattAilev'ert Millions of bushels, equivalent' . to two million two hundred and tiny. hut rola of flour. In thireatimate the propor tian *fa half crap la atisamed, and each one Willdlejudite , Ihr binisaf about that. 146,POidilt OA the falling elfin Illinola th44.entuely Janne third, and in Imita te onehalf, we have a loss in these States °tlB PCIP,m - Pfll4 3l Lelk • '"fite whit% brodneflotikialit In ISO was 173:1Khtirtittishehtf of Which the font' Saito" above; ennmeratcsit' prtdroXsl 6.1,00,,0b0 buabiasvotwhich the four Statairribitivo nmarattd 63,000,000 bus rely. It isnot..too much to count the toss in theotber .Weeteualitatee 41;000;0001 and ,thus tit; Central West will have a , clefleieney, lu of forty' Millions 'Of barrelti of tour ;11pilatill f - Dto would not eXakiglifrikttltlie asap° way, f r om the:tenthnony. of oompetonb , ohaervbre, to estlmata that totalilons at irititto*ass;At the same time, this la . Vibe said otithtfother hand.'• ThettrgHtnittOisl PePartiuteit esti mated the crop or irligia in Lica at 19 1.000,- 900941,11#9kiEtitleh,h1 an Incresseee lbetr set /24.4,1fV_14.:11,U41118.he correct the nrclinntr Cromopitkinrotld.bu 212,000,0 M" A &ago , tion of .lo - o,ooi , oolrwbrild , WO a dentilency of 33 , titir , thnt;otin What 3hborop,shouldbe, but the-crop of 11560., othestit estimate: am correct, there I Will he attempt supply of wheat 'fur the ictitrotryy trat , aaurplris tb export. our Ostinti4e of 4413 tats . CentWil %Meals too small." - - t -A: ,Winertunr- Eamon's •likrstritkNek.— Oereeilvill kit Yin& the time ' we met our, }sweet Kitty in the center or a vast wildor sj,:eliPzekr...brairs,in..tho,ohl• Buckeye - Hiatt.. "ileirMfeswere anblnek alts'tbb berries In . her kiamm,euld•iiii trrllhint aS thnse - oe the Co; tritd*hattbriOk our her head; bot!,lipii %vitro kuktrild;ltatifstic_Xlty White, .exeopt 'll hrosal,p.gomkanagne fruit statoOreaChing .. rarn. eanta ear. ~. wrens!' , (WIT emhe look avety'r OnentrivbasketiWas - full' and" we elsittst.',bat iiihillnantat to fill that ar rici44l.4l4,y,,T,,,breon *boo , iiitielslng the ranglrailf•litan woad alornnuelroster. er,‘,isuria.-rutty had! , surls glostfy and I den--heetniiis brushed • oak eheolcif• wit Ithought very. ottani-Imi It seemed mom e boVl,,,aecid,optal. _,Sksznellow, too, Aro Wore lilWaya .fit,lvOlar:Upaci time same. elnkLur,,' an d i ii."Attsiisrltptywere men - close to ours, 'When, Off ftlerfOd toll fitgalc.: ' At 'hat - Kitty's. tips COV..etV.'o-090 114404 4 . w abealn.t au{ .1.4 90RxiIir.intn.her smooth white brootorusat tweindtgnantktinklcsi, inktklatr:a.vthltskp,"-i aid.ShO third' the etherds terairOut.l4e ittl,tlono, inottifV;'Nttllfneiktintuughty fel- L°*:litP4,ll7leli WadiJunlMo Ned and ieinitals* meady,tosar ttintlie t*tia nu_ Wh_tY. "fir caught , Trio this way,", ann.naralas“ mafetitaehod ' ours' and' Nve .Mt li'vhdens - urrtii . infr3itthitreglea'!:ktoni_ hear4'tru tainfdiTpigciA dO.ittand 0. peril Yryas toed IFsOk. - , • "...,, „, ,• , -••• :. I,s ,-,-.; •. • . • WM , : ad.. - • over,-..ihritttlinciirti. on the . - ida. ,or being jnotAS pgftlity,iiii r4;iot, oar 7 WshVal nest aaved*lligill*A#lag and no thlintht"w6ilsi'lhenr f orar w ahi.plaoad 'both her hands on -ourahouldei-and tern. inglepinimetyounghteetowarditftitirksitlit. Won aro a dear snort bwsi n paTiet ~ vo;;-., 3ng,tebt-taiirhtVlilioNertelywirrois, , Aiii - hvit'dat hiiiikv:sl44. o o 3 l • *.o seemed -,instng ent.„ OinitiLttuJp3Lenkial . ier, .17,0 1 ip .. . Ingsugr: tv.-4/.i,,,!.:.,,...::,.; 1 I : I r cr 1!!.'..!!.1...Y.13"vq7_;,?.fiTY44,T,1#3,.16.4,-: 'tbeen. rirtilXfsqa !at y ungL tQ ,Z y v.= • fiENEBAL . 2 I I6We —lrish bulls are dying from the rinder- I - ; JAMBS T. BRADY & GO„ post -William Billings, a. pioneer of Cincin- (Socee.sora to S. Jones .%C0..) C nuts, is dead. I Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., —When complete the Italian army num-' BANKERS & BROKERS, hers 430,000 men. • —Ted'. Davis' ill-health arises Crow being too daintily kept and fed. —Mrs. Jeff. Davis left Washington yes tenlay for Fortress Monroe. —A new and dangerous crevasse has oc. curred eta miles below New Orleans. —The State Tobacco Warehouse, in St. Louis, was sold at auction for *132,000. —All the gags at Washington were at half-mast on account of General Scott's death • —A man was arrested in St. Louis yes terday for a murder committed thirteen years ago. —Last Sunday afternoon the treashry of Green Luke County, Wisconsin, was robbed of $BO,OOO. —The Executive Committee of Mvey• land Conservatives was in secret session yesterday, at Baltimore. —The young ladies, bless 'cm, are hav ing their beads all coiled for the spring— like sweet little snakes. —ln the financial system credit is the principal muse of disturbance; for it is by credit that its equilibrium is most affected. —lt is believed that Napoleon's "Life of anal*" will extend to four volumes, as the second only goes as far as the passing of the Rubicon. —A lad named James Bradley was run over and killed by a street car in Cincin• natl. The driver was arrested on a charge of murder. young lady, named Rusher, living in Springfield, Illinois, was shot and killed by two boys who were carelessly handling a loaded gun. —A. young girl has died in Calumet from the effects of a rape committed upon her by a human monster named Wool'. The vil lain is at large. • • —Jemmiti Donnelly married a girl in Buffalo, last week, atter live _minutes , quaintance. He must have been a five minute patent freezer. —Eight hundred delegates are expected to be present at the Contentiod of Young Men's Christian Associations, which is to. meet at Albany on the let of June. —ln some business where swearing to returns happens so often, an oath beconus a trifling matter. The following is the Custom blouse midi: "Take off your hat,. hold up your hands, .wheipppagodaymulc —There is something exquisite in our countryman's reply to the European tray - cler, when he asked him whethi r he bud just come across the Alps: "Wal, now you call my attention to the fact, I guess I - did ',ass risin' ground." —one of the Loudon beer brewers paid hecuse duty last year for more than 3:i0,000 t barrels, another for more than 400,0u0, a third for more than 4511,000, a fourth for $ more than 550,0(10, and a filth for more than 600,000 barrels. These five brewers togeth c c paid $150,000 license duty. —lna personal altercation, at Fond de Lac, Wisconsin, between Major Comer:it C. n. HaMillon, late of the toll:Mem - arm), and IS. A. Baker, Cashier of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank at that place, the former was twice shot by the latter, but his. wounds are not very severe, and are out Ekely to prove fatal. —.A committee of one Iltindrod infittcu iiil citizens has been appointed in ( inn in anti to colttgi. Wilds for toe erection 1,1 Pike's proposed new Opera House. The plan is that the requisite amount—{ls o , ooo —to' raised by the sale of tlekehiiit seventy live cents cacti, good lor leo year, and ad tattling the issuer to one dramatic enter • lat/nnlent —A letter from Berlin, says the Natchez Democrat, received by a gentleman iu this I cite, states positively, amt John Wilke, Barth, who killed Lincoln, is in Berlin, playing nu engagement at one of the thi, I tree or that city. It arias that he e tprmios I i much surprise that there should he so much , credit attached in this rountry to the story' of his death. All bosh. —General Tecumseh 11 Sherman, at a banquet a night or two ago, St St. Paul, Minnesota, took OCA.:ItIti011 is, lie I• 1 ptalition to the Southern c met. hie said Port Royal hint been denounced as a fail ate, hut, if it were the host word he ex's., t ed to utter, be would any it was not a fail ure. No expedition, with the same re. sources, in the late war, produced one half the results, —ln a criminal court in London, the other day, William lioliineon, a cripple, who could only walk by weans of cotton.,, was uonvicted 01 alvaling a Watch in mai. day from a gentleman who was looking into a shop. it came out during the tried that the prisoner had been convicted sev eral times before, and that, although only twenty-eight years of ago, he had passed seventeen and a half years in prison. NEW ADyggTEgEffiNNTS W.,II.IIIARIIitLY, Jr., Adams Erfrrasx (.jibe 34 404 Sircet, t. an nalharlsed Agent to rears. Adrertasements for the feri-,ARTFIC, and aU other papers throsipAssitt tie Undies( States and the Cbria.daLA —.----- - THE PAUTNEUSIBP HERETO. 3061 dalsttlik between 11E1111tAal EIAU PT A1:11 JOHN Y. 8 SIITII. Al L'lasborgli. Vanua., trader the Om .us(. Of J. Y. tbILTHI A CO.. as Manufacturers, Lo., nos this day dissolved. by la utnal consent. BEEMAN HAUPT. J. Y. 3111 Th. Stay 10th, gIGEIA BASE BALL C LU IL—The imbibers 0100 HYBEIA BASE BALL CLUB I Are Toil End to meet at the Lair Oflica of AteMASS • TER, OA EL A 2,1 & CO., on 4ATUIcIi AY, June 31, al 2 csiclotk,'r. M. Punctual attendance/nested. tly order of the PRESIDENT. jet:c9 FOR SALE. At ➢lD h ate Station, Pa. H. It., TWELVE AND A lIALY ACUES, beautifully nailed for *Country Unildenco, encomlble both If mil and • good driving rood. /OWN U. BAILEY, Stook anal Neal Fatale Droner, No. 102 Fourth street. BOOTS AND 8110E8. JAMES. ROBB, Jib. 89 Jr - arks( Sireslrnear Mb Another/skim porehlse 11&01 1 3 AND WOES for mamma Wears We keep on hand a Rill assort ment or every variety of Boots non Ohara...cried with the utmost co re r fo r r tb i l r s te:s,lrzue.',;ll°. ou r Ire w n ill se .' II at the lorrroi j Pl ease halat No. 10 Market street. /laving hod over thirty year,' ezperlenre to the business, yin, wnut roe to besuited. Renterubar the phse7. at Banat etreet. Alllta sVSll._ WILLIAM C. LEE, slam. o 03 n" 14 . 'COMMISSION ANII,EDILWARDING ihENDIRLosEEIS".NT . No. 102 Keened 1 4 teeet; Pitablegli, Po. f pott:arli n ene i s i . " DYT, tita, FLUE OI.A Y. E tsAro so kited and Orders P7 3 " { J. & W. PAISLEY AWING NEDIYJT AT tAUT 4113 Llbehy street, hare rtonoeed their ' Feed and /Sour Duststess litAin r :VarpOs 7 :'," . tt7.l 3 P. P r l V: ?s l ii.T r il °P Pc " slysidss , HODOCE Sloll' DECEIVINUi *. il.O quaff. prime Fresh flatten ROO Ices en:deep/ea Bre . ..Cheese; to l s i shi P PanegrrootniAt7tu UL re t,' . A. pound clear Jlde Baeuu. Mature: NM pounds Hard t.ountey Soap. In store; too bones hoses Hoag, In store; 10 homes prima Sorghum t 9/0 boatels Bmall Beane: / bent) pore Mountain Illankberry Wine, 111 store for sale by D. 1111/111.E. Adlell No. le3 Liberty .treet. kewEpt ON'PENNISTLYANIA. AT EBEE.—AII srhoi am lutorested In the assess• -Meth made - tor the'payment of the 00. 0 of ...Pe , log th e rower Peentyleaula Menlo, WU pieMit 11140 t in the adlee of atop Rripuotor, L et 11,01olock JUNE , at the /*gees! o wexoemottee, hese oer report.. mysltei . 'STAtStslitanle to the premises P 4, otAw.U.Atinabln. ore Monday last. SMALL UeU COW, - ;With aster in her flee. Thu broiler le requested to tow .prore . property. pay open es and take her , • " BENJ. TRIIIIO,E. i r irriAtteent, May 0110.100.—ro7stibeO It = ter;yriuciiiiiinied gt. Clair rederni lame. on'aund l 74- • 11 tlOt.1) (Miner musterOHEAWITIN":' 6 suitable texard "'AR 110 ,0 0 14' re ed G.littrit 00=6: ury* , : fir : • • ai l; tivvi 101144:110Ven. Pk:tures, "4" 61 ,1 4V b Pit n Va,!CP , V" , W/.70 TROMPABIII--Elitiriildeze l dfittn AWAV"tjaarVicrgZusti- ft OT W 9p4-,1-1 • 1 DIALERS IX ALI. RINDS OF Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on all acessalbla putntl in the United States and ranmias. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. NOTICE. Orricit OF A sSESSOft or I SYSltitat EZVENIII, 0.1/reflort Dixtrirl. Pa.. 'yt E Mar Stet, DO. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT yet made O. their INEO3IE RETURNS for the year lons, are hereby notified that after Ito NTH JUNE, the Ateletent Assetuere will be directed te mete eseesenicets on all delinquents, according LO 94,11.13 lie luturnal Revenue Law. HENRY A. WEAVER, Assessor. NOTICE TO STOCHHOLDESS. EXCHANGE NATION AL BASK or BIT - 1,1111,10111, HTTTALtrlfull. June lit, 1303. TRE COMPTROLLER OF THE "' CURRENCY has authorized the Bop it of Di rectors of Oat Bank to Increase the Capital to the sum of T WO lIIILLIONS OF UOLLA.III3. 11112,000, 0001. by the Woe of THE THOUSAND AbDi- SkiARF.S, amounting to FIVe. 1117 - D REli TI7OUSLN D DOT.I. ARR. (2500,000). The Board will estimate the amount to be paid for each now share taken by an audition to the par of Fifty Dollars, a pro rain Taloa/1013 of the reserved plollts and accumulated earnings, at the date of subscription. • • Applications for Stock will be received antil fur tber notice. 11l order of the Board. H. H. NI enabler _ _ . _ NATIONAL MILITARY ASYLUM The Mauagers of the National Asylum for die chn.rged volunteer soldiers. authorised by Act of Congress, •pproved 1., MA, ask Lunt/a/ale ror alles for Asylum. by donation or .1, The premises must le idttutte In one of Ille Loyal btat contain at least 500 acres or land and he In • healthy location and easy of access by railroad or otherwise. It la the purpose or the ui•nagers to ere?, without delay. ostensive and pernasn..t a kor sat: /asylums. and its ealantishment alit be argelyad• •Intopmotis to any section or railroad to the •Idal ty of US lOr Mans, •peclflcationii and estimates for Airdrie./ bulliitngs, ineluding detached cottage, Sr asted for the approval of tin. hoard. Liberal eau, ion will be given fur the atineessfbl plan. P Vr f o ' pa. ' M., pia.. aperstleatlnus and eiltiMetl 11r., named to be io writing, containing plot and deacriplion of grounds anis bermsand condi- Mons of transfer—must be sent ...Major arileral it. V. ECT(..r.II, at Lowell, Moss, on or oef. To the 20th day of June, Pecald.t lloaril of klanagers. Lea i s B. ,eeretary. rapers L 111111.34 to publish (be )..ere of the Vatted Etslew are ~,,t fullyrmineatsql to publish this three (Sr sects prior to the at Jun.. Isar. snJ vna thrtr bill. with Copy of nolleit, as abotr G 5 Jel ROTS CLOTHING. JUST RECEIVED A VERY LARGE METROPOLITAN, AMICK EIRDOC HAIL\ EV. GARIBALAA, and CUTAWAY fiIUITS, FOE BUMMER WEAR, t.f dam Sewed Styles of ASSIMENE and LIN RS Irbleb len •re sl the LOWIC3TIIAII - rr NU( ES. iliff - As early call Is respectfully Fullelled by GRAY & lA)GAN, 47 St. Clair Street =EA JOLLY CROFT, RE4I. ENTA TX AGEXT. Mire, No. 1311 Fourth "Itrect, PitOburgin, llas for sale the following Beal Estate: A largr three-steel Itrlrk containing tont r own, large hallo: Moat room on tied floor oat , / an • it rug Store: hot atoll cold aster ti gas threogli: on , the boat.. let 'II, by IA feet. Mutate...l4 tots not rtrets. A heal.," r'im, ttg V ALAI LAND. sittaate Etigetronti Sta . ton, on Mr ern ballm from ttir too tomb Mere la a b e nem frame dwelling. ant a large trombtri . of bc•rtltg frail. trees vt tae Imat qualt 7. •114 • ro.l snort? sold The 'Melling and 7 acres of ground alb to sold paralely if desired. and Ma realdua (slot+ of 4 mres melt or larger to ratmcsied. Tim above land admirably' loCated lot bualacm men. &UP., SO ACRID+ OP f.ASIU: eobtattitnif about $ acrels r r time, LO'. of • aplendld rprallry, aml easy or lev ee.. Tbe *oil i• or the erns era., suitable fire her for farming or earrientrag wawa.: good me ira.lnelling Sad barn. arra gOod supply oereatur. sin te miles from the dry. ihe Irr aiblorrldu lu Color, township. bel ie parr of the Carter farm. Altbr. 37 A l' . 1100 Improved. and under a birch math of esslll alma. rru which their ate 1.20) bearing lf , Mill boraxes. be•ring frap.l VILMA, ILO st•or Peer trees. mart • rare number of peaesl, an d ol fYu Ire.. Property situate on tbe or e Weehl,blYr Wm roar!. to Mout* tonn•bip. 10111.1{ from the erly. Our further p•rtleular• Inquire of theraurroeirrn‘ m rtlEd HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAI. AND DISPENSARY OF PITTSBURGH; The filspeoser7 Department of the institution win be opened on Thursday, May 31st, Poe the Medleal hid blotl.l treatment of the POOR, 111.=. OF (MAMIE. .4 will be open ••orry day, loseept N a nd ay ,) b et w een the hours of II U . 1.1,0(.1i A. M. AND IA M. et the m m eeoet beildlue, No. 14d MECUM D IFFREET, Amore andihnold. Miran:Lam ATTAXDISO: On Monday. H. HOFMANN, M. D. • • Tureday, D. COMI.,V,TtIi. D. Wedneaalay, L. M. ILO lINIZAU. M. D. • SFOST Se M.P. • t l t ' sql d tnt; r , Ti.67 . 11 3 /11 . 17,4. P. By order. lion. J ofte NlMModle. I M.J. Wen. Prow, Edwin Esq. If. COW, al II J. C.'s:l.odr. M. D., " sorribbC Ita.ntiro Committer . THE Pittsburgh Homeopathic, Dispensary. The °deflators of this enterprise, haring ...- eared and Illicit up ea IlVentalit. rooms at No. 0* FOURTH lITICNET, for permanent operations. II ereby give notice that thin Institothre Is non pre pared to dispense Medicaland Burgical4lld MED POOR OF PMSBURON AND VICINITY, rratollottaly, on end after 1111111.15 DAY, the 31st l i. spenelng betas 11 to 1 P. M., dolly. dundele incepted. until to notice. A competent rhyetelen and Bowan wllt be In mew:lmmo. Ify older of --datt ~3 iyrnem OF THE MUMS EXPRESS COMPANY, ivrantiltrill, M.)illh. Mn? lad. We ofe authorised to announce that the 1:1.' B. Mint at Plilladolphi• Is now ready to receive orden for the new FIVE CENT COIN, In sums of from Fifty to One Thousand This coin will 'be read yfor dallvery In !snout one month. Orders malt he accompanied with U. 3. or National Bank Notes or Drafts ou some National tank at Philadelphia or Ntw York. payable to the order of the Adam. E5p...., Company. The Express charges on all soots of Fifty Dollars and upward will be paid by the Mint. myßattial 01.0. HINGRAhI, Agent c. DUFFY, r.ncrecrvuxn • Ten, Copper and sbee* Iron Ware, And dealer In STWIOJCS, HOlidE 01)00,WATt.111:001.1i.liii AND ARTICLES. 1.410 11211rotaat PiTTIaIIURGH.. PA. Thle Donee la the Cheapest place to the city tonna Stoves and Tin Ware. Job Work 'moronity attend ed to. nialidite3 EXCELsion TOBACCO WORDS. R. it W. JENKINSON, Of ALL SUNUP OP TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGATIN, NO. 6 YEDEICAL wertrwr, Third door Iran iholDenedon Midge t ALUM HUY, PA. , YAtleh tse inirtbatl Triolun N. ..... N. BMWS& SMITH & SHAFFER. CARRIA6R , AND - HAIMESS MANarAcTluitgals.- - ralumna.cosics..4l.l3.ey,. (Below the ltorkoto TITTSBUBUII. PA. myar;o4tos WM. KRIEBH, '- ICE DEALER, 35 Diamond attelh PiitenT9h. Alirtlreon Jett no , . or at 4pail Slreci Bridge will .receive prompt attention; Wagon' naming in rlttaturgb anuAlleghonn TA9l,a+4o =lll 1=;W: .IF I 4OII. OIUUW3s. . Ono 12 Inch Cylinder, 4 foot Croke: One I.lprignr. `lO, Inca Cylinder, -- nr inch 'stroke er.od order. Can beaten lirelynratlen et the reline/ White Lead Werne..l.3 ltieer Avenlvh, Allegheny, . • YA.1314£3414,4W.137,4 . 14444W4kgr . ,Z. . inmos , -i . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fgf-umos F O ALSEPCBLC EXEC UTIVE COMMITTEE EGHENY COUNTY POtill.l4ol. JOHN W. RIDUEL.L, Chairrosa,-Lawrenceville. CAPT. W. N. ERWIN Tetopernncevllle. GEORGE F. GILMORE .......... ...., Pittsburo. OEN. A. L. PEARSON Lawrenceville. WM. 31. WILLS ... Plltrimrgh. COL. T. M. BAYNE 1t...4 Town.l.lp. A. M. WATE'N - ....Sewickley. IIAN•L O'NIELL Pittsburci , STEPHEN H. GETEIL•...... ... ....... All..cneuv. COL J. B. COPELAND - Ells/... tI.. McKeesport. . . . JAS U. MURRAY ' . . .. ....... St. Clair TownsliLp. GEN. B. H. M. YOU N ., : 11..bin.on TON 1.111, 1 . JOHN MAKELVI... ... ........ Wilkins Townoi. GEORGE WILSON Pittsi.nrgl.. JONATHAN NEELY...........M0unt Washlnci. , n• JAMES DICKSON Neville Township. A. H. GROSS 1 limn) . low unn.p. MELCHOR TERN Eft.... ....... Ralthrl.t Tow nAtI i / WM. r. MILLER ....colltn • Tow‘u.l.ll. JOSEPH A. BUTLER Plit.l.orich Ny. li. 5 e.1.1.1'Y . .f.tutinnan Colon County Convention. non. done Ist, nos,. The above Committee will me. on SAT C ItP A June 91.0,_ MX _at 2 o•elock, r. sr.. at the 'Mee .4 WIK. B. NECILE , Y,corner t' MI; and tirsut streets, Pittstmegn. lel ,et 2 JOILN W. Iti I/DEI I. Chairmsn. PUBLIC SALE MET OLD DR. SHOENBEROER MANSION LOT, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. Under an order of the Orphan , ' Cann of A negllo my county. 1a... 1 wlll, ou Friday, June 22d, 1866, At 2 o'clock, r. u., upon the td s. sell by Put, no Auction, that 11", , i well-known Douse and Lot of hind, formerly the rerideneu of Dr. PE TER !MOEN BEltliEli, dee'd. In the PIM Ward. Pittsburgh. Pa., bounded by and fronting on ' , nit street one hundred feet. more or L1..11%, ou the west by Adams street two hundred and t wetly feet. on the east the same distance by lot now of Monogr is Blair, EN., and on the north one hundred Aet. mote or loss. try Pike street . the house tieing s I double two-story brink Dwelling. with out build ings. The property will be sold ne whole or In parts, as may be found most advantageous. A plan of •nite division may be semi at the oilier s od HER GER &03 Water street, or st the office JAIL VILEC LI .2 tilTh. No. lit ti rant street. Terms at Kale. which will allow a liberal credit A part ot price, deatred. Possession pilv eu A pri Ist. INI3. Jet:nib:Ye NA it All F. SIIDEN it Plttl Eit. AN N ORDINANCE Relating to Ye .,... tiler Lleenae In the litirongti of Tem [...ran...- Mlle. SECTION I. Ile II ordained by th. 1,,,,, and 1 , ,c,. C:oernril e1,f11,.. borough .4 T.-raper...T./1e to 1 . ...• , • al neertosbletl, lad if is ...Acted g or nth", Ity 0/ tat fame, That a ll ,lily firm• or corpord- Lions ow - tang vehicles that nee the street* or •I• 1 Borough are here by required annually. no or 1.1.0 the first day of May, to take out license nor 1.1... 1,.. or their vehicle or 'elite's..., under a penal.• oil dlo not eseeeding twenty dollar. lildbLior ... , th ...1 ,•• - cry Mature v. to do. Provided_ That this .• . ilO.. shall uot be so cototrned as P. author.. the coder Lien of license from farmers lionaloa o'l , prod.... to market,or fkurn eitro.hge're or trasslls. .., pas. through or driving' On the erect., or .01.1 Irtor0.11 , •• . I or trool the Ownerof any vehicle", ii•s Swan.% or occupation of vil/leh 11.... entirely With,. . the Borough limits. 001 - .1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of said Borough to lostue said license al we 1011...11. rat.: For n Vrblets having uns 1..., the sore ••1 three dollars, Is3l. For a Nadel. hat Ina two hon es attached, the ono of four dollars. I $. l . For a• • • oleic bar tng three lions. altsehol. W.. suns or 11.. dollars, (1.01. ad for a Teldele ha , log four or I h o rse, allaChe n d. the sum ..1 Oa dollar., (Ann 50.1 I for each an I every Ikons. whith he ma.' ~ a:1:. L. shall Issue • plate, Ims tua noosed inerent. 1.. ono. . b. r Of the license and th• year lor which it is ts.s.••l. ' sod the said trossitrer shall. In atldlllol, to ti. au., . 1 rates. exart and ',Telt.. from the irrr..... sr is rson• to art.m lloenee ma. he g ranted. the on n of t.. uti One lnts (Ti eta.) tor plate. ...hi 'I res... r I shall e re.Tls. Ilse I. • entun• of all I•rocsed• of .111 hect. M ~ . n 3 . And d is aerehto J...., •.....h r. ri.., ~ )fr.!...n 1......1 u.,.1 I.lse proso.oso ... 0... ...i. lore shall .late. from the ilot lay of Jai. u• r 1 .1 the /tar for teh It la Issued. ordained and enarted irsin . Is.. ,I:I...(1. 4. •-4 May. A. ..., Itaii. haNIUF.I. CA 111, All ON hors... Attest: S. 11. 31101.• ti, 1 . 1, rl. or. ....en. ). 1... AGENCY PARKERSBURG LUBRICATING 11 Jo i I C.Jontpztiiy I , keep constant!) on hand sa .noppl!, of STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil I=l Free From all linpurilaes Every Barrel Warranted. lit: HETI.. 11,.. F:lr AT TIIF. Exi.r.hbr: addresse JAMES H. THOMPSON, Agent. WITH 'I. II \ EVEN' .1 N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts. PITTSBURGH. PA. COLHOrN W. kt [VW Ulf COLHOUN & EDWARDS, IMPORTED AND MUD IN SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS XV. :14 Wood Street In 'lore and landing In 11111x.1..Iphla, 200 tons Nada Ash, Knrtr'v, tlnrcltYurou'a, and Cro.lleld • trial 300 bawl Nitrate atida, (`rude• and Red 750 kegs DI Carb Soda (Euclid' , 60 bble.Tentillan Red, Cookson'g ARSENIC AND RUMMER. Of cholev [usu.!, roo•taull7 on hood. In iota to atilt purchasers 430,000 HAVANA & PRINCIPE CIGMIS Cabanas,Partagas, Figaro, La Espanola, Prince of Wales Cabarga, Arguelles, And • varlet) . of otber brands of various by an , Importel and for salr by FISHER BROTHERS & CO., IMPORTERS No, 52 8. Gay tit., Baltimore. mroh.,7 B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent V. S. SAN. COM., Office, No, OT Fourth Street, (SKCONI , FLOOR,) Pittsburgh, Pa. POlllOOlllll, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. No churn. muds until Oahu, Arc settled. and Ilia , tint A mode rate fec. mytn COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their oMor to 1 , 47 c•. 80'7 Millk:por - t3r Elltzra.ot I Lately l'lll flour tdIII, I !SECOND Yt.ttitP, CRE3MMM Aro now prepared to runlet good Tougldogl.. n 3 Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. a -J II ordure trtt et their odlr., or oddroeer.t 1. mr9S:tM R. B. JEFFRIES 9 nnmat..trze.rstvillezpoutsid ltelull TOBACCO, SNUFF AND DEBARS, No. 6 St. Clair ilireet, Pittsburgh. Pr ";Agfigr"lll7WM 19.1 1 ",1?"' n '"' Vad.. „g44;:v = EAGLE OIL WORK% Xam-vv-rozvoolv - Lll.o. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners anti Deniers in PETROLEUM OYFIAJ 6. 811COONDSTORY 00i 4 it Mt II A N (70 FT. AND JOHN•MEGRAVIT MANUFACTURER OF AND WIIOLEbALK A N I) ICATAIL DEALER IN TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SUGARS 483 Saud - illgtrefOt. A general assortrnant'of OlnirkingTolmeen, and Tonere° Poncho* alwaye on hand. my1:1:1.1 $20 , 000 TO LOAN ON BOTWiID. MORTGKGE, tar.2l4. XviOTT,r, akicocasvr to .1130. rerttl. decemd Eagolre of Cimmercial Broker, 18 8131a1r St. ITEM WARDEN & BATCHELDER. BROKERS LE • CRUDE AND. REFINED PETROLEUM WHALE OIL, ROSIN, RPIRITS TURPENTINE, • NORTH CAROLINA TAR, tn., Garnet aellstaa p nsa• Way rgh, Pa. & H k 81., lit a aba Represent WM. WARDEN. 11l Varna Men. Pnllodelpbla. • . tnylent4l 8 9 , 00y1i10 CAN BEAT TiilSTs9 • 00 - For Two -Weeks Only. soiling - a good PR 011 CALF NUN' ANOT. of m) , awn oilalio.lor the melt am of KIRZ Dot, LABS, ethic.. aa Merest street. girth , Dean. PRA, J W ADVERTISEMENTS AMERICAN IRON II ORKS. THE U.VITED ST4TES JONES & LAUGHLIN'S, PRIZE CONCERT, P1TT1313171A.G. - 31EIC ANEMIC AN AID C LAIR • Crosb3's Opera louse, Chicago, Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron: Bridge Iron: Angle and T Iron: Guard Iron: Coal Screen Iron: T Rails, Ili and 20111,4.10 the 3 and Tram Rails. punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets: Cut Nails and Spike , : Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes: Railroad Fish Bars and Rolls; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels a nil Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles: Patent Cold Rolled Shafting: Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods: Mower and Reaper Bars. \V AUKIIOUSE ~FFII . . 120 Water. and 15$ Front Ms. li HUI , F.. Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St.. MEN'S BOOTs 'Vow 13c)ot tT. LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHILDREN S' C: A I ri VI It . SOUTH el ROSS', G 3 ..71.1litiET S 7 BEET. E THYSELF. A (IRE FOR INTEMPERANCE. !.lowactt Ititter* mass ti.•••••to.••• • 11,•-pil al -1 11911 u _"I 1Q H.rl. i ~ ,•nn r ,1 F,ur I, lITTSBIURGUI Yamkyr, I,lllt. NOB ,-, 11 UTIONI 67 Fourth Street, • • N early 1./pllo , ,:it f ..r i: 4 4. a lala Ba of Plttobbtargla.) xe teC.:. 111`EN DA ILI tree. I) to 4 c.clock, •rol ett IV F.Le.. II 111 , A 1" F.VENtNti: . • froze !lay o'duct, awl Mom No, !LW,. liy•l.alea, rereleheal the oflre gnat' , Thta Instiln ton esp..elalty •ofre to 110.. whose e•rning (I. thr . pg.rtuutly to secontulate. 1 . 1 aL Nt .I.ooAlls, all) sated.. n sum, mitten will b. • torn un nn.l benting Interest le ste•,l or renialnlog finprothictlve. BOA11.1)Y.S1RIA AGEILS, rltl.lh. Cl-317(-I , FILC:kE A. BERRY vi. r. rui,ii,KNlN. K. H. HARTMAN, JAMEI.s PARK, Jr M.:CI:I:TAM A NI , Tu6Abviti.ll, D. E. INtr.€333INT—LIIY. A. Hit Sl.l EY, I IVM. K. SLUICK. A. s.. 1,K1.1., V. KAHN, .I‘.llN ~. 1011.Wt 1 11.1 J” , 111.' A RHODES, 1 , 0. ~1 .1. A NN1 , 1..K, .1011 N w.. 1, Fr, 11. H. ultAliAll. H. I'. MIIIIE:UTZ. •111t1 , , T,.1 11E11 /Xi:. au-II 11 . 011, I, W. IA. A. HELLtu ,, .11F . STEAM ENGINE PACILENG. LUBRICATIVE PACKING, STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES. An si I reeono me.u.1.1 I, - nil the rxllroad con , un.• ha% e thoroughly tried A. 1.4 1.10 gen. eral us.. °ter t hundred and an 0 a the r0u,15 to LW. emiutry. and oti trial by over 0 , 0 hundred other.. ADt , I•TED BY 21E0110 ATIONERY N It ts > Orel-vim. article. 73 CENTS PEN. POUND. LUBRICATIVE PACKING CONVI , SJLE NIANUFACTVICEIM ErrBIvINC:) , INT, NON. 114 nod II IA WAI El! HT., 1•ITT5131.1:6 11. tra _ _ rl=l McCLELLA,ND & CO., Corner Federal and Lacock Streets, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealers l'alnta Varrilaes, ILlye rilatta, Carbon , etc.. :itandar ti and Patent Med icines. Their /Lock It iwrge aud welt ...elcted. an I will tie sold as low as am "c". ntylata.ll RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Whlett aro to prerrrvo. stronittheo nod Improve the right. For nolo only by .1. DIAMOND. myl7:eart No. 22 Kt. Clair EZZI CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, labor. ttnoi..e. In me form of POWDER, for by all Wholoonle Drumenta. Prtp.roit by ARTHUR ItOGEILS, Chemist N. V. •,.2t:1n,1 PARLOR PAPERS A NEW LOT lIY Standard Gold Papers Now revrlvrd. or Iwltotlrld dtwigor for radon. 01 GRANT ROUSE, a: M. /43110133111i1e, Pa-cog:ea- Comer of Woltz and Fedora! Streets, Near the Suspension-Bridge, A. U. •11U11 PXECIUTOWS NOT ierw—WherlßLlS Letters lleotstoontary upon the Mande or Mrs. lIANNAII ALLAN.Iotc of Mom. townahip, Alle gheny county. decuttrod, itavlog been grouted to tho orelwsigned, all perSone indebted to 111011 estate N Iwill please make paynteuL and timer haring claims to present them lo the otelernigned, properly att -- Lbentleateti, fur auttit men'. IlEltra ARV YOMM Exemitor. myafebarolaw Washington rite, Union Tp._ HOLMES, BELL Si co., Anchor Cotton MIAs, Pittsburgh, I=l ANC11(111 (A) IiTIEETINtIN, A NORM (B) sineKTl NUB, . ANoUult (C) SUER - TINOS, AnA lIATTINci - - 14 , 011 SALE—OIL TANK & STILLS. The 11 . 00 for one Tank, Vs by 16 feet; rapacity iso barrel., the Iron for three Vylinder 13 feet l ong yy plea with, a capacity ea.h to hold barrel,. Also. OneWerand-hand liarrison's 340.4 Swain Pump, with a capacity for pumping SO gallon* per minute. Ain: . ly 4 tit i i ozzi BATCIIELDER, Co,. rogues. WAY and ilancrat st., PlUsrargh. nay:muse BOYS' BOOTS, LADIES' BA DIOR ALS, Boots, Balmorals AT REASONABLE HATES, I 11.. Nrs, to- me , liclito• Ar I It .It At, EMI ' ••' nal ° •I a \ I I Itatt..r. NlAm, e.?3 , 11i•11 ,. •1 n. r.,1,• ME MISEMI A. TORRENCE, BANK FOR SAVINCS, J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, =I EFFERVESCING No. 107 OLARKET STREET, NEAR JOS. MU, AI.LEGIIISNY CITY. VA E==l = BUCK H HEAT. SOO bush. Seed Buckwheat, A PRIME ARTICLE, for sale by DIc1141;14. - & ANAER I my3ObTO 144 tiV.COND trrrErr. pnosalvE S SAUL 2 can Pesch Rl ).74tgois au tra..k 3 913 prime StieJe Obit himelelstort' - L • Wari= 43 ::::%.V.Vektiitt7 ; IratitY , XlCLiqlti • VarZ 215 4014 it7 1 6 , i4 La Of WiTigallWo4.. u. NEW ADVERTISE pOSTPONEMENT. IV HAVE BEEN kill'EN AT 312 Air 13Ettit, iace. 12=111 Monday, J lily 9th, '66, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIIES WIII be prt....ple.t 'll.krt ittcludi.g $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS Tht• postponement Is an unavoltialdt nesessay. toot re) ou consequence of the nuttsiwt t.f yet ttusolti) at the positive tweet's] . t there l• ror tlo proper registratipu of those ',Dead, ttf. which has been delayed in consequence of the Oen itg.•nce and carelessness of a portion of oar In making their proper returns. Wt. ad, De all parties wanting to semi for them without delay, as wt. have but a limited num r yet en hand. We wish - Moat particularly to 10t pr..6. atom the minds. or our Agents the Importance of their making their returns at once, omits( recti fying o hatever errors toe, have crept lot° their re ports heretofore. UV,- will •ay to those helloing for Ilt.tets, that if they should all lw sold at the time their order is vet rived. tito mow., 1. he returned.' Ni, appll,alloas for new ag. uelea (or G.' sale of tickets will In considered• as we have no more than sutlielt ht tickets to supply those Agents we hay , ' o'." ready oppottned. Ticisets are for sale at the pritt- Ipnl hotels. hook 411111110 , 1 C 10 the: y, anti at our ether, MI Dearborn street'. puce SO.l. ettei , scat hy ots receipt of price and stamp for re turn po tsgc . We lits ite particular attention of persons wishing to 0rd...., icitets by 'nail to the following SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: allaovad tha Ingau I/ WE NAT-XMAI, 6371J7 D , 1,, x. 14, n .1 rt 1 ,, r 9-1 'A • • tvt 17 he 2b . am • • Inert Newt the name awl .Irt.s. t.l rich mit...trltter. Nl•dtcy Irt draft, 1'0..0111, Order. Expretkt, or In 1te,r1,1•1 , 1 1., ter, tax,' at "at rka /01 1,111,111' n 1 ,3 t It.lts .11 , ..1.1 be !told rr +sell to I=l 133 DEARBORN STREET. 1111.' Atio. ILL. '1 Ito 11 .1-glate to the 1.111, , 1n an.l lt t..rt• V• 1 t (rum LILr. Jrnwing tho i.pootc the ,1111 , porp“.r. ittlrLitAr,‘ • 11011.M.0 •r• ILntr Mac... •M. ,r 1 Intl. •s( hatiNaft. M al.((lug w , 3 • h rf !Ora,. Mini,. )I. It. , 111. \I. Kroniwn., .t %Vat , 1'61,,g0. in.trting till. ..Ivritlntiorla re In v,: tot , NEVI PHYSIOGNOMY; .SlO.l'S OF Cll,l R.tICTER, I=l TE Nll_- 1 11:R_A_ T AND Externza F'ornis, knd In OH HUMAN FACE DIVINE RV SAMUEL R. WELLS. Cl= FI)Ft SALE 111 JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fltltt St- Masonic Hall CHINA WAREHOUSA: RICHARD E. BREED, IDIC,P<DOR.T3EI3EL, No. 100 Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TAIII.E W ARE. TEA TRAYS AND TABLE CUTLERY. slam, on hand. CHINA TEA SETS. rill NA DINNER SETS. CHINA TOILET SETS. t'IHNA VASES, CHINA SPITTOONS 13011EMIAN WARE OF EVERY*DESCRIPTION , LAVA CARD BASKETS, I. AVA VASES, LAVA SPITIOONS. Fist:l,lsll STONE IV ARE of all varieties, tomtit wholesale and remit trade. The largest and most complete stock of everything In this Ilse is the city. Priees and terms the skein as In the eastern cities. mint a.SB WARING & KING, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND BMUS IN Petroleum and its Products, 4 DUQUES.VE war, PrrmrI9II33ICMILC3-8. PAL. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESA WARING. KING & MT Walnut St., Milk JOHN ROSS & GO. WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In Carbon Oil Lamps & Fixtures, Chandeliers, Carbon Oila, dgo., No. Of, Market Street, P1T 0 70191331171.1.C3F3EL, 14,12..711W vier XOIITIII ABIESICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. Jib. 63 'Williams St...reto York. PRESIDENT—N. D. DIORGAtI. sECILETARY —J. W. DIERR.W.L. It- M. TINDA.LI., Medleal Exantlatr. E. T. COO K SPECIAL AGENT FOR WESTERN PA., 61 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AGENTS WANTED. ID :.41 A N ORIIIIVANC IE Relating SOL .I... Chapter Twenty-Third, City Code. Sat-non I. Be if ordained rend erilaeled bylhe May or, .4 idernten, oted Catiteraaff ratstrprgli, Is Becket .end Choneron Chuartte ossendite4 and it it Amoy f enacted by the autk.wity of Mr tame. That the true Intent and meaning of OrtUoance 1n relation to Tbeetres and Ilzhinitions, Id that:the license lee of all show.. oxOlialttOrta, tir gerlbrontners of any kind triter...ter, for which uo license fee Is presided, .11.11 oi the rate of one dollar for crazy Ave .Crenti. charged for scats of the highest price. • Ordainedand enacted tetenitwit Connell/4 this 1014 day Of May, It. li., ISOt. JelifEs.llo.Olll:T. Presideal of &lent Council. Attest: K. K. Moulton', - =22l== =UMAO STEEL... President Of Common Council Attest. Henn Mell.sarza. Clerk of Common Council. I==l The 'Fountain Ho~tionitural ICE CREAM SALOON In Wilklns'.llsll, Fourth street, beer ticeatidled pe u• The bent litted6 imolent a u nd moat hoduclug FLOW (111RDXN rIALOUN Iv that-nat.. iII9I A FINE (NE IIEETRA has been engaged for the wlll W In attendance EVltta ...ElO/11 . 1 loncept . Stinday horn 11C1,1/ tatelvc o'clock. Bela lee crcana. nntl bertlev, always 'ha' Panel. tuy•Fl:ldo MADAME RUME; Minigereas. H. J. LANCE; SILK An WOOLEN,. DYER AND SCOURER. ALB% Chinni Window Curtain. and Chnii• Corern: Cleaned and Regiazed nlannit tinpaekingl, . Nos, 35 and. 37 :Third iitreet, Between Wood and tatitlettl, . mytkert. • PI'rTBIIMGra PAITCEI IYOTICE. rruig: FJPICAINING -PART , otlitei , -L F aratr r ig P etiM i ntt ' ' ' 4 C. 4l4, ll ,72 late-p trod d for gar dattlarg • PuFPrAor orsfoot Ft- Arnett: Apply 10 W*. b. ittlYD. $ 5,14,0 .2 1. .kuriqp..thek -a.llfollent'tornrr of IllAtiol.. 41 , want otrooto.. Ar to•l4l(ldAltlY:ltitlfarpOltAlto• .property, It Lcroyits rt. 014111.1oteL si , ,paylnliddr, • urylcs iparcuisox Ou. AarpAt UM al.. t ' -A•drrtUrtmold. aray 14 PIM. 5,. A BLEEFINO 7 OF , TIIF'STOOK • • ....HLERS otAhla.gomprirridabeilie,t4Al.lo •ordre Company, o, C s =ort.Ntoyi je fa ir OW .11X .411111111114' , Firsilaso .-1341. r - iwirstioso , WAN'PED—Thrm ) Hrs . "- Jou it mildtr—K SAILORS. A Poly hotomon the boon of and It. or o , and 6 and NV. M.. It ItOmi Ko. AZ thiton Depot Hotol I for our day only. WANT} •„ - Several Gooti Solicitors r=l Lite:, 123ueriaretasoc. Oct. Apply at 07 Fourth Starlet. raithUbil — 0 W sell E t i rrl i e f itTre •••110.71/t e AßAlrr i. aia„ Mmch "CHILD'S PE A YER • ¬ •-FIRST LESSON •" A far/ good agents cart make from 1)10 tat:Wile? day to taking an agr ivy for on.' of the beet Books In the country— • •titt• NT A N - D ititt f• Akli•A1031.•• - Choice of Territory to tirat /vont - sub.. Apply soon, AddresS tor..f7 - 1 - A. ELL• IS 75 Third Wert. - W•11%141; ANTED. - t B th U tonh E t ttp il a T ty-1 1,1411 e .E y ran expel - Sure, both in Europe Rita Anterien. visiting to retire from the prole...Apo. will aendoa, to nuy per son Iniu.Altic recipe., front the 010 of which any hi -trlon• young man or V . Orrlan , with little err ,-aplt al, con make from the Srat day not oil an e . •df .' emient ti r i ng. hot ti rery' short Om.- resit, moderate fortune. Addrese, with two -tamps return postage, • 3. P. CHESTERFIELD, thentle tay3olOrres 517 t-rune_3l., Philadelphia,' 0 ., , t .„, lATANTED-AGE4 , OB- tv.,k _ I . Ell MONTH for go tented. and ladles, everywhere, to the ~ Guthman 0,11110 Family na Machina . • unit p...rreetr..l. "MO hem. fell, stitch, teal) and embroider beautifully. Price o. making Lim elaatio ImA-stitch, mid lull) W.. I.or litre.. yeir, W.. pay the 01,0 v wages. •• , 011.11i,i1.•{ 11 11, frillicit melee UAL ammo., eau ho made. A doreesh stamp or rail on P. MAW- E it. ' Salesrooms. No. 255 Mouth Fl F 7 ,H •treet, Ilutadelploa, All letter" an,wered promptly, w'll4 moan la re and terms. my 251,14 i i GENTIS WANTED FOR OUR NEW Arik p EA tor R gFitl. ,f WORK, Tnc ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OP TUX lIEBELLION3 litrofe, Patriotic, Politico!. R , m.n r.i(r. Urtmorowe On d Troincal. plendidly Illastrated with over 300 has Portraits tad Beal:Vital Egravioov. ork, for genial humor. louder pathos, start ling interest, and attractive beauty. stands peerless and alums among all Ito competitor's. Th Valiant and 'irate Hearted, the P letureaque and 'Dramatic, the Witty and Marvelous. the Tender and Pathetic. Thr Soli of Fame and Story. Camp, Picket. Spy, Scout. ilirtulac, and nice.' Startling ,1 wonderful Escapes, Farm,. Words and Deed.. Woman, and tho hole Panoraa of heare here thrillingle and startling', portrayed d manner, A, °nen itistorusi And romantic, ren dering It the most ample, sod readable hook Otiat the mar has called fort h. Disabled officer. ano sold ler., 1' 'where, energctlc young 11ten...1 all In want of rofitable employ et, will Ilnd this the best chance to make money ever yet Offered. Send for circular. anti sec our term, AbnitanS, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO:, No..aOT MINOR ST ILIIET, I'IIILA.. l'A Jel :CIA FOR RENT FOR'REINT—A Brat-claw three story PRICK 1101 . $E IUI byroad street; doable arlora, newly papered; len rooms: hot and cola rater. gas, Want, Ac., &c., all In nine order. ,rp,ta. 611nda, Chandeliers, Oil elotha, Ate., for ale at a trarttain. Apply to HeeTtICEI:Y A CO.. 399 Liberty street. isp stairs._ - - ROOM TO LET. =MI A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM IN TRIED ,To,olty ,t, UAZETTE ILULLDINU. Enquire OA ZETTE COUNTINU ROOM. to y 17.117 • 14`011 RENT—The Lot on the cor ner of Butler and Allegheny streets, Ninth Ward, together with the old Brick Depot enlldtng thereon. 'Lhe lot has Da feet font by foet deep tan alley. Will lease it (or tine ur ten years. Ail plo y to Uat . DARLINUTON, at No. 37 Firth street. second door. mtattf TO-LET.—THE THREE STORY DWELLING HOUSE, nesr the Bridge, Fed eral street, now occupied by rs. o•liars Waltham, containing seven chambers. 'tree • parlors; dln nig room, &Welton, wash and bath room. Under suitable arrangement.. with tenant, a .naldern bin portion of the furniture 'nay remain In the house tort:ale W. ItoBINSON, JO.. Allegheny. PROPESSIONAL, JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW; No. 69 Grant Street. Mr•XTTIE433.IOIR.C3 I , PAL. mra. It. 111, J C. le 0.11111 NACKRELL & McCOKBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, Prir"SIIERGII, PA. my-4:bl 7 1 11-14.1. ;No .' ia ' 4 l 7!:l4l ° c, ". 113 nAarflr. IV. J. & HILL PITTED, 44k, Law and Claim Office, renate us Local and Government Bounties, Back PuT, Priee'tdoney, Be., collected. OFFICERS' ACCOUNTS ADJUSTED. Collection! , mane, Deed, Letter} of Atturney, Monde, Mortgage, de., written, awl all legal Mal nem promptly attended to. yl9tan3 CLAIM AGENTS. ARTHURS & RIDDELL, N 0.135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL DISOHARGED VETERANS Who did not Ileaclva o Local flaunty; OR THEIR HEIRS, C. have tbe.4toe collected Omagh us. Apply PereoeellY. ocAnetall. &MN . eod bawl' JOHN A.,4 I BTRA IN. dirairIIttPLZIALALMT, Ex-0111010, Justice of the Peaces .e..ta? POLICY. YIAOISTRATE, Mee, 11`,2 Fifth St., opposite Cathedral, MC= =I Deeds, Boit , ln, BortWes, Acknoirledenenfd. Depositions nod all L d agal Badness execs d with promptness nod dispatcla. tnytOuLll wit IL Lula JANCEY, NOTARY PUBLIC, J Clinger. OF THE PEACE. AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Wilc corner of Thaler and',lntro streets, LAWRENCE o, VILLE. of l LV l Ellil e gt o ht giie.=,llol=ll'.°Zl7ht Isle pars.lon and acknowledgment of nil kinds of Levi, Convoys... Wl7. LIAk J ANC:EY J natter of the Peace and Notary Public, Ofill.ieE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN VD CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue, foot of the &lentos sad opposite Chatham Street tny221•99 WILLIAM F. ASIJIB,, NOTARY PUBLIC, Oliko, No. 93 Diamond Bt., Pittsburgh. utyl7:ali CHATHAM T. EWE G, Attorney at Law,. , No. 00 GRANT RT., eilTasusem. . aiirCommiuloner for Ohio, }Centric Rag, litosouri asul other States. myletAli, MILITARY CCATINS, PENSIONS,' 8011NT17.13, BACK PICT. arid lUl a ttart Claps 11 or arrdeactipttea. T i lltertbrAblea o tter. at Wen; It g • Attorney Diamond Idreet, opposite the Coen ate. N. B.—Nechargea are mutt taaelalla ANlOnot. etweed. and all Info peen vattt. P. STONE, . ATTORNEY; AT UAW, orscz,.ll, nusgorip 4THEET, totToldl.4:thi! ittolol, Pltgatntb: IiZEJIMI FT6549 sti iorti im GHEEriuottgia AND . DEDDINQ N.Z.LE!LN'Tffi • • 11 Mara 11% 2.. ‘ NVlllL Y HTl i tH a trit t LVlTrrr ' Ma at Oa Oakland Ureanbouses. JOHN A. MUNDOC agrOolaand Cara run to the Greenfly.w ewer inmate.. o.7l.a.mdiar NEW _ MISS KATE BAUIIOI. 1i Lae dock of General Negtey soperlOr pe /fa m t n ttlrlea. Sow ready foe sale at, skitilzodarr JOH* B. &A. RllllGYOen. , BOOMELSTATIONEtRY, A THRILLING /11001 i. foliticalEcongiay offrophect 4111ispeetal referii ea to Ita itistloif to tlielltsio* •orlbeilanutth and the Chit, Military alutScaleiLso, UWllOl,ll'l Empire, and or it. bat :4 74 3114. carepeayirri, weltraiLlV4,l4ls lea 4tll4[gritu proptAlcZy ,I=ll7l Alunaliatriktetti pl%!etrated rortaiiit. WON{. 7l b app. or the p Tor ado • the tier. . ; 2 • -1.6):715 VlArth streat". 1•1:..,,., I A . - , • ulaiel h cit , -041 % IM 11 Ii OM CI PITTSBURGH, PA