The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 01, 1866, Image 1

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lir - DAY
No. SG Rrra tkrawr. rrngsffsaa.
r ilia
,ERvaD -68,4)°'
IlwVittoburgit 6auttc.
FRIDAY, SANE 1, 1866
In the House of Representatives, 7ester.
day, Idr. Trtsnozus Srtrvinva called up
and passed "a bill to 'construct a line of
railroad between Washington 'City- and the
Northwest, for' natienel purposes." It is a
bill to authorize the cceistrnction of the
Pittsburgh and Cottnelliville railroad.
&ion conservatives in thie..eity ought to
fi their hats, anti . 'entice obeisance to the
toesterday, on the passiaige, by_the Rouse
resentatives, Ofthe bill to authorize
Cleveland and , Mahhning . Railroad
Company to extend Its line to Pittsburgh,
the vote stood : 77 .to 42. LE Bum, or
Olho and SCIICIFIRLD And 02 , 1gn., or
Pennsylvania; :made the •principidop - pasi.
tion. - COPTIOTIi, LAWRENCE, `Moon-
Stan, SinVasi and AlpitutaWs voted for
' the bill. All the other members from Oda
- ,
~,, Stateagainst IL' - Mr. Moonwein said that
the *pie of Weatein Pennsylvania de
manded the passage of the bill, or one of a
dmilarimport, that communication might
be facilitated out West.
GENERAL L. P. Atrmaoan, the Indiana
Son of Liberty; who was convicted of trea
son, and sentenced to acath,--:which sen
tence was commuted to Imprisonment,—
. recently•finished his term and went home.
At Bluffton, la., on- Friday last, he re
ceived, naturally enough, an ovation at
the hands of the democrats, as a sort of
martyr to their principles. He made n
,speech, in which he abused Lipeoln, John
son, the Union soldiers, and almost every
body' except rebels and copperheads. The
Chicago Tribune gives a full report of this
speech, and - adds :
• "General Milligan's views of Itoconstruc
' lien coincide 'with those of Andrew John
son.. He holds that, no further 'legislative
action is hecetisarY—all that Is wanted is to
tell - the Southern States to come in with
their Senators-and ' , Representatives, and
the work incomplete. . .He holds the same
views concerninz_COngress that are enter
tained kir' the President and Secretary Mc-
Culloch, ' although he does not call them
-'''•"theselnen," nor does he use that elegant
Indiana pltraie, "Constitution tinkers '•
. Nevertheless, he coincides with the Seem.
taffy of the Treasury:in reprobating in se
• Vete terms the attempts of Congress to
. , amend the Constitution . The only way be
- (Milligan) would consent to amend it
would be by establishing more firmly the
doctrine-of State Rights. Here again he
holds the views expressed by the President
'in his veto of the Civil Rights MIL In
demi; the points of resemblance between
the demoomey of Indiana and the Johnson
party are so, many, that it is hard to toll
' where the'one ends and ihe other begins."
Tux Constitutional Amendment gains
atTengtliliolie lile4te, and will probably
pasiliefotnt the week shall close. The
Housti , wili cone in: the changes , made in
the Senate. Most of
. the Republican mem
. hers of the two Honks desired a more rad
- scat measure, but yielded from a desire' to
promote unity of action among themselves,
and between the Houses width° Executive.
Thin; the door for reconcili,stion with the
President ban been er.i.ile7l.. lie - Las been
appealed to by Ttepithlimn members thus
to secure ony. Possibly he will. It
Ito s not, there is a strong probability
Southern Suites will accept the
Con,ititittsimml plan, and close out the great
, TitE'Repubilans of Cambria county, on
Ifoniiay last,• nominated for Congess
Daniel .7. Morrell (subject to, conference;)
for :Alicialy, John 1. Mites; foi Associate
Judges; Johu„Williarris and Charles B. El
lis; for . Register and Recorder, Win. A.
lieDermitt. The Convention
Resolved, That we are proud to know
. that the late union Convention of the State
-or Pennsylvania took no step backward,
but held the flag of our country fu1..1 high
advanced, wilk liberty inscribed on its folds
• that the platform of •the Convention meets
...with our , entire approbation.
TAR St.. Louis DispateA says':
”We have received intelligence, of an In
' , dtsPutable character, of-a contemplated en
: lerprise against the and liberties of
i. the. people of Missotui, which" deserves
inree .and soleoui consideration. The
: schema is one to smite down the people
and subject them to a hideong- and trump
portableAlespetism,' under the false pretext
of enforcing the law: An army Is being
!abed, right now; for this purpose."
The Governer and other State officers
are it the head of. he movemeot. Timid
•people need not be alarmed.•
Bone of Hain, a colored organizo-
Klan at. Memihla, being desirous of. parad-
Ing*the'eth ot,Tme- the anniversary of
ihe4roectpation that city by thana
thitui,l trooptr;6irlQindwarne..l by the reb
el palisOltol to do apiprked Mayor Eaam's
pekniistion. That died ofliciai
II • fat' th
ed then.. tippdo — eft n, w eo ow In
dorsemenl4. "The gona..of -liam and all
pther.isona can do jutt a 9 ' they please, pro ,
vbied thayilo'not !mak-Civil law."
Congressional:9lok, was eagerly
fagWonling, yo-ske Iran indotent
on to *President .7ohnson, made yea
terday by Mr. Thad. Stevens, of Peiansyl
'; s';'• MtlrfliTit;
• better it'lL'lnuyilotbeen York ,
Would/Vt.:it tie an improvement, also, if
g. 0. . at least; of, the "Indecent allusions"
' tp-M ' r...fatevens` In the 'amseivatlye news
paliera should be ”sefipreasedt).
'. -- ;..Tizettec4inin health of Judge Tibor',
Z 1 0' iluNnited`States District 'oo4it for the
1. ::.; Northern' District -of,Ohlo,fias iaised an
t :,erpectatldnW:a vacancy, either ly resig.
)...,..I . ; itationior otitervihsa, that Is creating some
auomumee t. d i v eit ! i F e..l,. is rep.. q.
d .t.,
the ' Bonorag urn
ei COlinta Delano, Rau
li;:il3*iltilg - iiiia‘ Tail A. Bilipdutiare
icituildatiliforthe sxpectel:vitY• '
York. Worl d grcttl§, - OPPlqicnis
cief,he' : l4sbieeni Republicans. „It says, fit
- that they acme iftheiNiented to gci
= tiieofticiii; but do not meat! toTelefoi'Deim**
iimnaeditzi . for Ociegreas.- If flint
au Impeachincit, aone'ef tbe persons ,
(tired te citudonbticta liable to •
pri te left
; linceilklio! t r!". 4,,,81•1, z.yellfitZmyri:
taiN To ` iideri,.diiyAt -.....r7- htm
• ' '-'l' - -:" . 0• 0 ..41/ 'etoinn t. otliOrs, bad - to
t f- ',,•; - 134 1110,uni, peicyarriongs .
4; - and 'go 9 .
.. - PPM 1 it - :_will 'il!lii*` MrelY
• frre."..rale- , clreray
' UtrN:.:/iiii:"
tijixnalkdently onoecied ;iluit under the
26111- 7 100 ch mod the , Senate . on
intercoupojpetWeen We
-.' B* 6 o Oltaiibtaiiists beeirairoc4attlip
i G,lta:::lfiii4iPs - stiiteuient to Congreits
- of he c0n#!4 2 1 ,14 a -2 e*tints and their
ilubordtvuttes in the **ellmerf's Aortae, is
cfot si'complete answer top thk .report of Qat
rel idtali o s olll3 n/Wi1 4441 440.4.. , :"
, k-- •
;a'- -
w ~,~.~ .-~.:
- , ,
Boys' Illatotra for 15e.
At Concert Hall Shoo Btoro.
Boys. taboos for 16e,
At Conceit Hell Shoe 'Store.
‘!""es for 15e.
At Concert Ha tkbe Store.
Soya' l litioes for fir.
At Concert HaltSboo Store.
Boys,' Shoos for 1.7 e.
AI Concert Stioro.
Itoye l Aboos
At Concert Etalli3hoo'store. for 15c
:Boys , Aboe• for 16e
At Concertll 1i stioo store.
At Concert llall Shoe Store
They warrant ovary pair they sell.
Gears Broadway Walking Shoes,
Very cheap, at Concert Mill Shoe Store, No. in
Fifth sweet.
All 'Matra Desirable
In the Boot mad Shoe line can be bound at Co
cart Run Shoe Store, No. be Fifth street.
Are selling at prises at Concert Hall Shoe
Store that will astonish the oldest Inhabitant.
siery handaolne gents , Congress Boot. and
Oznonl Ties In store to-day. Concert nail shoe
Than al. any time during the Mat twelve
months, at Concert Hall Shoe Store. Come and
lt•■ sn Even Thing
That you get your mooey'a worth, at. Go:sli
tter's Conttwt Hall Shoe Store, No. fia Fifth
Tots will Hod sus endless variety of Boots
and Shoes aL Concert Hall Shoo Store, cheap
est prices In the city.
Those shoes that will not wear oat, cost n
more than any other shoes and look better
nil GO Fifth strnetl
At Concert Ball Shoe Store are of the moat
superior quality, made to my OWn order and
warrantee superior to any in the city.
Have you seen those elegant custom made
hand -sewed French calf loots, at Concert
Hall Shoe Store, selling cheaper than you can
buy them at the manufacturers. •
ilampkiroy'm He mosepthie
111.e.11olnes for saki at Fulton•. Drug Store, No
L/9 Smithfield street.
Cheap for cash, on the northeast, corner o
Fourth and Market streets.
C. Hanson Love I Bao.
A good assortment, on the northeast eorne
of Fourth Sod Market streets.
C. Reason Love .5 Bro.
Dry goods
In great varlety, ou the northeast corner or
Fourth and Market streets.
C. Haase' Love .t Bar.
Dress Goods
Nov opening, on the northeast corner of
Fourth and Market streets.
L. lisksos Lova ft Ban.
Rave inn opened a Tory cheap stock of plain
lawns and plain iffnahams—all colors. Cal
and see thorn, GI and 1 Market Direct.
ikathe bought as cheap to-day at Shellaby &
Barclays as they could one week ago, notwith
standing the advance In the last few days In
the Eastern markets. Belem purchasing your
muslin, prints, checks and ginghams, cal
and see the stock, at 74 and 76 Market street•
Cod Myer 0111 u the world, numufactorecl from
fresh selected livers on the sea coast- This
oil is characterized by a sweetness and purity
peculiar to it alone. its reputation Is so great
that it takes the lead of other ohs, and is
universally prescribed by physicians. Re
member to ask for Hazard & Caswell's Cal
Liver 011.
411.:Akwra.r. 11Acz d Co, New York,
Sole manufacturers.
For aslant wholesale In Pittsburgh by It. E
Sellars & Co. At retail by all Druggists.
mit= raidt leGm
Moat Extraordinary.
A few flay. ago we rmorded One. Of the most
extraordinary mires ever effected bythe power
of inediclne.,ltira. that of a lady ,in England
of rancer,.arldeli ilairenten or the nose, part
of t h e °t e r h . .eh
. 4 "eh, Iffhi .a general Impair
ment of r h
im ealth. .Wo now refer to another
sure of a little girl la this city, whe,nitor erne
years of suffering, wholly unable to exit,
wldirdiaevoli being able toweite shoes on her
feet,ls now restored to health, so ea to be able
to go to school for the post seven months.
Still another of. a , eleven years of age,
who, from a year 'aid, was elf Sated with sores
on the bead and neck, The hair of the head
became matted . Mgethor, and her situation.
was Featly deplOrabls.. She Is now well. Most
persons who take an Mterest in such matters
will renietriber;tbia. cane of Mr. Boyd, who is
now an active end intelligent partner in the
extensive JgOntiment Marble and Slate Mantle
Works, at 313 Libtuy street, Pittstirgh, who .
is a living Witness of the healing virtues of
DaAcznasailitteein Say nuns.
These cases were ell cured by Dr. Keyser, of
Do Wood street, with hts Blood Seamier. One
of the little girls alluded to, wits, perhaps. the
worst manor disease ever known to get well.
As aunty:* thirty ,ulcers and sores covered
the various parts el the body, and the bare
twines were 'visible water the play of the
muscles. Dead 'pieces' of bone were continu
ally workederiddischarged during the, use of
the tnedielitel' By its powerful purlfyingprop
erties, the ',lfyirtetit put on a new action, and a
new ciMilsteney was given to the blood, which
drove out aid Jiang the noXious humors and
supplied -
thelrstena healthy pans, and a
proper use of the functions which keep op
and animate the powers of life.
In Tranhullulif, flak for "Dr. Keyser's Blood
Searcher," and take no other. Look for the
name 9 1 "Dealt- &eyeer" over the top of the
bottle, Bold by the proprletor,l4oWOod street,
and at. Geo. A. Kelly's, Pittsburgh and Alle
Be On tie Alert! Banger Is at Hand
This 44 teens sickly season. The medical
faculty prophesy. evil In the ,tuture. They
*lnk pestilence lion the wing far America.
Suppose this to be true, what Is the ben de-
Seam:l'4Elfeet 'lit ItEDODBLED POLEVOIIB
VIGIOIL Thlehrthe 'only protection against
PANIC, as well all sunhat. the'PRINCIPI,P, OF'
iNPECTION.. Why defile& thone 'Who pediet
the ephliqulc PrePele an aaeatlate .Sxrvon
iiviet Therein dna ; atonic; horrlia aria alter
tqve, competent Wilted the systetitismated
tie subtle elements of disease, lnither: they
neat hither on the winds from distant, lands/
or rim late rapes train our own sea, Or are in:.
emporated with they universal dna Mid
oarE razyzarivrA or, which thailif no
duplicate aMozut the compounds either of the
tad World or am
. 31pW. Is 7 . L
.f - ,ficisterrenre sTokkainA al.w.vt.s.
- Bemember that It la a ipecitle for all the
ereepleintswhirdilaythe systeut, epee to visi
tations ofdtildVepldruales. It you are to-
P I PPt4° fP.A4 1 11 6 . v ! il t °,•ll9 4 In Stmetipatuaso
powers,gives ' , ,Vou appetite, and restores
'your cheer - harmed. It yea hre nervous, it to:.
ultpuutas every, fibre Of VIM Perm= system;
trod the bade of the hriiti.WParti it begins, to
the'extreadtlea, milers' it terminates. It you
aro tulltutta G st `,o,plpilzrai *intuits uly hi
and taingelho action of that organ into har.
Mold' with the laws Climatal: IV ft, in awn,
an InMfotuutt and alterative so powerful that
satare.yrith . .lioatetteni Bitteis fait= ally,
'may bid thadiuMilike ".•to native nializia sad
foreign :infection. If this enemy welear of,
this -411801.10 which' is desolating r Xiirioptii.:'h,
really bound hitherstittl; It boltoUtialf this**
tient to pia I - atfimur armor; to chitha'ahanuadvcif
with . 19 ' ,13 41riblftik Id far asbinitaa.',liiesaa‘
wtil:.p*tult, hlitoriTallkir 21104 7599t** to
isl a.
942e,w. this jun* vegetable antidote. -
',.' :•• ~ ;''* l etieWVellitters
Ate igatlyr end Mall at VirillYwistes
at negiligil and Patintllfedleine .
NO. , ea Makin' corner - 'Octl. " a
li" 4 / 1 1a4via t " Noma stria. --..- q •
"•-', "--.-.- i"' ..1
'' - - , ~i..,.
"•_*';''.7., , a-- - "':" • v '.",.,, 641i6;4av,,--"-'
*Pi Waiwiim'az
Boots mud Mao..
AL New Lot
The Goods
Dres• Hood.,
Dress Gooall,
19 hellaby & Barclay
Standard Mosllan
Purest and ISweetest
The Best Yard Wide
Twenty-eve cent muslin in the city, Just been
opened, at Sheilahly ,t Barclay's.
Black N 114•
On the northeast corner of Fourth and 'Aar ket
s t'eoto• C. Hens°, Love & Duo.
The Neehrity Life Insurance Company,
Of New York, as its name imports, fs conduct'
ed with a careful regard to the legitimate oh-
Jest of Life Insurance, fecurity. Office No.
Fifth street.
Keeler* Potent Pieta sod Tare Neale.
At Pork Brothers' Steel 'Works, shows the
weight of waren and the weight of the load,
both at the same time, in plain figures, but
separately. It savor all mistakes. Nothing
equal to it.
Coi•■ D7•pepdn Care
The calif remedy ever discovered that will
sorely and permanently cure dyspepsia, Judi
gestlon, sick headache, and enable dyspeptics
to eat hearty food without fear of distress, can
be obtained at all our drag stores.
Agent for Pittsburgh, Joseph Fleming, Drug
gist, No. 04 Market street.
ebeap Hats
A large and fashionable stock of all the new
and fashionable styles of lints and Caps, at the
extensive and popular house of Win. Fleming,
No. In; Wood street. Gout's Fine Silk and
Cassitnere Hata, French Felt Hats, Men and
Boys' Fur and Wool Hats; Gent.',,, Boys' and
Children's draw• Hoods and Misses' Mats,
wholesale or retail.
Of all kinds of fine and medium grade white
goody, such as plain, barred and striped goods
}amulets and nninsoolra, plain and striped
swiosen, mulls, brilliants, victoria nod bishop
lawns, &c. An auction lot of the above giants
Just opened, at Sholiaby & Barclay's, and will
he sold very cheap. Call and con this stock, at
the original bee hive stand, 74 and 70 Market
Mr. Charles Barnard, Clerlrenwell, London,
begs leave to inform the public of the U a lted
States that be is about to introduce to their
notice a new pen, recently made by him,
led the Carbonized Pen, being rendered, from
its peculiar construction, less liable to corrode
than the ordinary Steel ,Pen. Mr. Barnard
feels confident It will be used in preference to
even that of gold. The point being extremely
sex,tli, it is peculially adapted to rough and
unglazed paper. With Arnold's writing fluid
or red ink the Carbonized Pen has no equal.
Panama in a State of Excitement
Defeat of Spaniards at Callao
Now Your, May 31.—Since the nailing of the
last steamer, Pa name ham been kept In a state
of excitement by the report of a revolution
being nightly expected. The preneut Govern-
ment is so unpopular and feeble that, with a
force of only three hundred soldiers, it is In
hourly dread of being turned out of power,
and it can only keep itself in office by the moot
stringent measures. Great disappointment
bus been felt by the residents of Panama that
President Mosquera did not visit the Isthmus
and see for himself the evils of an adman bi
tration requiring a standing army to impport
against the ens pepsin.
The last steamer frnu the South brings con
firmation of the defeat of the Spaniards at
Callao. The Spaniards received a most signal
defeat, and have left in terrible disgrace, tt.
said for Montevideo.
Prior to his departure from Callao, Admiral
Nunez, the Spanish Commander, addressed a,
communleation to the British Consul, saying,
in the usual bombast in which ho writes, that
having chastised the province, he now leave.
the waters of the Pacific, ready at any time to
return, in the event of Peru again growing
Insolent. it may be added, that his disimich
does not contain one solitary truth; that it Is
entirely fictitious.
Trade on the coast is brightening up again
and will ion all right Ina couple of months.
There is no news of importance from Cen
tral America.
Guatemala, has declined to Join Chili and
Peru against Spain, as have also Salvador nn,
Cotta Rica, and very sensibly, too, for it would
be of no use, their mating a declaration of
war, when they are in no condition to tight.
Forty-nine New Cases at the
Lower Quarantine
Yaw Yon. , Slay 31.—Eleven now cases of
cholera are reported on the steamer Union,
and thirty-eight on the steamer Peruvian at
the Lower Quarantine. The number of sick
received on the hosp:tal ship, May 3/th, from
the Union was forty-gee, find from the Peron'.
an twenty-nine, of whom fourteen died
illennaboat Explosion on the 11l iiiii el ppi
—Loos of Ltfe—litentner Snagged.
Maarten, May 31.—The steamer City of Mom.
pipe, from New Orleans for NI. Louis, exploded
at the foot of Bock Island, forty mum below
here, at eight o'clock tide morning, tearing
away the forward cabin and netting the. boat
on fire. She had twenty-eight cabin and sixty
dock passengers. The following are among
the loot: Mr. Smith, of Evaneville, Indiana;
Mrs. Donne, of Deagle's Varieties: Mot., Frank
Perdue; bijorg. e Britton, Steersman; George
Hanger, St. Loots; First Engineer, Harrison
Fox; Second Steward, C. A. Lfambleton; cabin
boy, James Robinson. The following were
scalded Mr. Wskellele, St: Louis; Mrs. Sel
don, Jefferson; Samuel Has , Second Mate,
leg broken: Nicholas Burns, Second d Engineer,
T. g o l) . 73l( . en; y Bm pe ith,
.Thtt E .u n p gi p t . i tly ci
We; Steamer St. Patrick brought up the sur
vivors. The City of Memphis was owned by
the Atlantic Steamship Company, veined
at ninety thousand dollars, and uninsured.
The steamer Prairie State struck a snag
south of a bane in the Arkansas river, on
Tuesday night, and sank over her lower decks.
Sho Was owned In Bt. Louis. She will be raised.
There are no further particulars.
The clothing store of Mr. Ullmann, on ewe
street, took Dire this morning. The flames
communicated to the commission house of
Rose & Company, and M. Wolfe. The
Use spread rapidly but finally woe chocked.
The loss is thirty thousand dollars, mostly
Detailed Amount of the Bombardment
New Your, May 31.—A Panama pacer fur
nishes a detailed account of the bombardment
of Callao. It appears that after the failure of
Nunez to make any serious impresalor. upon
the forte, he directed 11111 tire upon the city of
Callao, but the valuable articles had been re
moved before the engagement; and although
three thousand shot and shell were thrown
into the city, the injury indicted was tritium.
After the bombardment,' Admiral Nunez ad
dressed a singular letter to the British Charge
Affaires, In which he say. Having - ohm..
timed Peru for the unjust provocation given
by her Government, by the bombardment
of Callao and the attack on her fortifications,
of whose many and heavYjill i lts
only three
I•e r r i ggff to the drrl
to Itsauchorage. The l unTer a :
,signed thee honor to announce that from
'this dateblockade of Callao raised, and
:the sqtradron leaves the waters of Perm at the
came time assuring him that if the Govan,
meet of Peru should molest or permit in
juries to be done to Spanish residents in Peru,
the naval forces of Per Catholic Majesty will
return to these waters and revenge the =me.
The heel had sailed from before Callao, and
Ooziness was being 111511MOLI:
Antes; Ilre In In. Viiair.
at. Louis, May Minding on Market
street, .opposite ttie Conte House, known so
Wyman's Bail, recently Jemmied as the Met
ropolitan Theatre, • Ana several adjoining
stores were burned` to-night. The loss , is esti
mated at $60,000; partially insured. •
The loss by the Are. on Wednesday night is
=oh larger than was at drat supposed.
About 2400 barrels of whisky were burned.
The total lou by the Are was over 4e oo oo o ,
mostly Insured .whltdry The flovenm
ient tax was not
pald On the .
Pre on of • flew Tariff ISUl—Expers.
a te Meteors' of Government
NewYsw Took. May SL—The evening pilers say
a new tariff 01111gproparing In the Treasury
Department. ' •
An army surgamijaat from Texas siva,
gloomy amounts of antra in that State.
Advises reeelved by the Devernment' from
Germany, mdleate a large return of United
'States bands within Me aeXt. lOW . months, In
amsequeuee of the unsettled condition of al%
Aim in Europe.
The :Teat oath In 1 6 1 enegleul of Cull•
igueue *augment,* the Oonativoilee.
. .
AtroosTA, 81--le the ease .at W. Lew,
oenteatotg the cesistttntlonallty Of the Test
Oath attapPlhld tuPtturerti In the gel tett States
COurt at savannah, /ad _Enkui. today
ogled that thelbat , Of Congress approved Jan.
ttenalth 104, toter as It wee unfolded to ap
ly to that oasts, letePtlgueUt to the comellte l .
tOZ the Vultettilgate
- • S.l
SENA 91110 k.
Appointments Confirmed by the Sen
n/sr—Wheat Shipped from Europe to
Americo, the First Instanee on ac
cord—Quarantine Ileaniations—thir
ty-ave EiLllion Dollars of Gold bold by
me Government Mince the Ist nitimo
. .
. .
—genera on the Timber Question.
Wesel:soros, May 31.—The Senate in eau°u•
Live session to-day, confirmed the nomination
of James Wilson, of Incluina, as Minister res.
Went at Venezuela, William Faxon, of Count,
tient, to be Assistant Secretary of the Nar::,
vice Foster reelguod, and the latter to be an
additional Secretary of the Navy to aix
mouths under the recent act of Congress.
Thu Senate also contirrnod William I'. sin
so long sad so popularly known PS Master of
Transportation of the Baltimoro and Ohio
Railroad Company, as Collector of Internal
Revenue for the Third citorict of Maryland.
Edward Fox to be Judge of the Cultist States
District Court for the District of Maine, a n d
Jamno L. Smith, of lowa, to he Agent at the
Moe and Missouri Agency.
Our consul at lAverp.ii writes, under Auto
of Mar 181.1, "borne two weeks ago I advt..l
you of the shipment from this port to New
York of some eve thousand bushels of wheat.
I now have to Inform the Department of ' , tato
that the City of Cork, whieli sails to-morrow
taken as freight four hundred and nittett
eight casks 01 French wheat flour, valued at
one thousand and forty-nix pounds sterling.
1 think this Is the first Instance of the al Ip
rautit of French dour from thin port for the
United states, and probably the first time
flour has ever been shipped I. tnerchantliett
from Europe to America."
The secretary of the Treasury has addre...
ol a circular to Collectors of Customs oireet-
Mg attention to the Joint resolution of COI:-
gross, approved May 15th 1856, awl the art of
leornary 25th, 17119, repealing tptaruntine and
health laws. nays: "You willoelthout
lay, place yourselves In communication with
your teapeetive State and municipal authori
ties and mil them, so far us the force meter
your control will permit. In executing such
quarantine anti health laws anti regulations,
as may be established by them, to prevent the
Introduction of cholera Into the ports of the
United States."
The following is m official translation, from
La f. , rciffer newspaper, of the .U. of May-
"The embarkation of Austrian volunteer,
for Mexico has been eountermanded. There
enlisted have been ILlsobargod, and the ma-
Jority of theta have Man enrolled In the aruly
of the north "
The Attorney General has decided that the
act of Merril 11, PM, withdraws and appropri
ates to the claimantit, all tile lands
within the Ilmita of the Stmeal Minch In Lah
r-mum, where the claimants may estalillith
their rights according to the requirement, 01
that law This decision has been sanctioned
by the secretary of the Interior, and become..
antliorllatiNe 4.leLerlnlntittOn of it,,' ques
tion, and will govern all carer COMIng Up Un
der the art 01 bull. The register and receiver
at eau Fratietsco will he luttruuted accord
Ihe Commiewioner of the !Land cilhee
Corted a circular, calling upon the Sir,evoi
irencrul to report the number of act,. of so
trerous land and Ile location under their su
. pm - on The report of the Secretary of the
reetoury, with reference to the sales of gold
will probably be sent to ~ ..:011gre.o On Mon‘lay.
It Is stated It will show total sales itinonntlng
to 11.00ut $35,000,0U0, at a pretntum ',We the
drat Met., of .Ipor cent. Also, that no gold
wan .011 in Karen and
. Aprl, for a les! premi
um than 27 per cent.
A long and exhaustive report upon the Dm
her question of the Wert war to-day trans
mitted to the House Committee on Vitiate
lands by Judge Edmonds, Lorninisviioner of
the General land ufnee, in reply to a call for
information under the resolution oflDlhresen
lative Donnelly, as to the expediency of sid
ing experiments In promoting the growth of
fermis on the Western plater. Judge L.I
monde slat., that the vast Western pleb..
anti plateau can only be rendered habitable
ey panting foes which will fertilize anti
moisten the soil, rc .ftern and temlify the cli-
Mate, and protect men, animals and crop.
from the desolatinc wisid• of those regions.
Therupply of timber In the Western two.
thirds of the Union Is shown to be very mea
gre. While the prairie region Is cant In es
t/nit; WIII.IO our population bad arisen trout
three to thirty-three millions. we have gone
through and surroundeb the primeval forret"
and now enter upon the margin of the groat
treeless waste with our original store three
fourths consumed, the demand accelerated
tool the consumers to lumease from thirty
three to fifty millions during this century.
Extend the time arty years Into the next cen
tury, and enletoi WO commence to grow for.
erta, we may he driven to the use of boards
tree Snell. wide, as In Lallnu at the present
time. Is It not apparent that we should al
one., cease to needlersly destroy and com
mence to pruritic° timber.
The Commisitioner thinks the object cannot
be accomplished by granting alternate Bre
tton,. of land, us the homestead ant already
gives land upon the condition of sell/V[IIOUL
for the cost Of planting and caring fur infant
:bream. Alternate sectional grants would - be
an Inadequate consideration. lie Is not, pro
,mred to recommend any general system to
encourage the growth of forests, but think@
one may be matured after free discussion, and
ohelk information is compiled an to the extent
f natural forcers, Le., a hich is now being pre
pared by the agents of thus °Mee lie chimed
a - I h three snap:11111On,
First. That the Homestead act he so amend
ed es to chime the planting of trees by the
mailer, Second, that Laverne/Mil Survey
ors be required to plant the semis of trees
adapted to the eltruate artemil each establish
-01 corner; third, that grants may, with pro
priety, be made for the purposeof demomtno
ting the pmetibllity and feastbdity of growing
forests upon the great western plains. Ruch
an experiment. would .U.lllllllO Intl, Wont en
terprfee In that direction which, after all, is
the only reliable and efficient power for so
great a work, and it would fin - ulna facts which
might aid In the development of some general
One Thousand Stand of Arms Seised—
Great Sensation at lfortotto—Sweeny
Believed to he Desperately in Earnest
—Government of Canada Censor.' for
Withdrawing. Troops from Dm Fron
tier—A Blow Abons to be ittrnett—Fen
lane Collecting on the St. Lawrence—
canadlan Cabinet Called and Allots
tern IlUrryhag to Ottawa.
Nsw Yos.s, 3lny 31.—A special dispatch to
the Herold, from Toronto, on the 3140., says:
The /May Telrwroph, oT thin evening, illen
dispatch from biontreal to-day. saying Ono
thousand stand of arms were seized at ht. Al
bans yefiterday_. concealed iu a box marked
machinery. When seized they were Llllrlled
over to the American nhtherltles at Burling
ton. The sensation created here last night in
Thu Thlegraph says that the lirent Western
Company, winch had received notice to i.e
ready to move troops, have telegraphed to the
Grand Trunk Company to allow them the use
of their rolling stock.
Col. Dune this Morning received Orders from
Ottawa to notify all corps in title district to be
ready to move at eneu fur active service, if re
quired. The city, during the morning, loci
been rather excited.
Canadians now admit that Sweeny le desper
ately In earnest, and will attempt invasion.
The Government is loudly censured for with
drawing the troops from the frontier and leav
ing the border towns at the mercy of the
ToaeTO, May 31.—The excitement Is In
creasi ri ng and voluntocring has again cow.
Lacrimal with energy. The news of the deter
inliudionof the Government to call out the
volunteers caused great reJoJetzg. There is
no alarm, and business Is going on as usual.
Tho entire press unite In the belief that the
blow Is shoat to be Wrack. Rumor says Cue
ioniatur are collecting
on the line of the SL
The Cabinet has been called together, and
the hilniatura are hurrying to Ottawa,
The Eming 212egruph has a reliable special
from Hamilton, saying that at 11 o'clock the
mops there wore called out by bugle, and
preparations have been made by the Great
Weston. Railroad for an einergeney.
It also has a dispatch from BMW.", dated 2
P. a., saying the Yenians are constantly re.
ceiving additions to their numbers. They are
vbry secret an will divulge nothing, amen%
that they ars going to California. It is believed
that /Sweeny-has sent unarmed men Into the
province to rine at night and seize the arms in
the tiovernMent buildings on the frontier.
liowroa, May 34—Two hundred able-bodied
youug men left the Fitchburg depot by the
&zIo train thb afternoon. They were quite
well behaved and unarmed. Nothing' could be
teamed of their 'destination; but report says
they were Fontana arLl had tickets for Ogden.
TOHOATO, Slay 31.—The reports that the
Great Western trains have buns stopped or
Interrupted in consequence of the Fenian
movements, are incorrect. They continue to
run precisely an usual. Thorn Ls very /axle
excitement. The military authorities ore on
the alert, and all neednil precautions hare
been taken.
Further reports of the Fenian alutivlty in
New York ahoy the total amount, In the trot..
sury at present about seven hundred dollars.
Marshal Murray, at Is stated, has received or
ders to dUPPross all Fenian movements.
New Maven, -May 31.-on6 company of Fe
ulnas, one nundrod 'Mang, left hero this
evening, bound North.
Decoration of Graves of C :on federate 901
Mere. '
ILicamoso, may 31.—The floral decoration or
the graves of Confederate sOltilers bufind uF
Hollywood, for Which extensive preparation
had been made, took Place to-day. Business
was suspended In the city, and nearly the en
tire white populationrepaircel to tbersdnotery
during the day, to take part in, or witness the
memenal honor. Thine was no speaking or
formal ceremony. The proceedings passed Mr
quietly and without mecidunt. •The weather
was clear and delightful.
Suicide at Poughkeepsie.
POtiontSEPSls, May 31.—A young man mint
ed Jacob Anthes, committed -suicide In this
oily Ude afternoon by blowing his brains ost
with a revolver. The cause was embarrass.
iaeut,ln.huainess and love. The aflhir lies
orcate4 owasicktrabio exatte. 9 s
tV AgNINGTON, !Illy 31, tile,
Mr. Ramsey, from the Naval Committee re
ported a resolution for the relief of bemeral
Forbes, contractor for the building of the iron
clad "Idaho."
Mr. Wilson, from the Committee of the two
Houses on the death of Gen. Scott, reported a
resolutton of reopeet and veneration for the
memory(of the deceased, and that., at a furth
er mark of respect to the memory of the de
ceased, when the two Rouses adjourned to.
. 1 .5", IL ne to meet on Monday next, and that
a .lohtt Committee of seven Senators and
lane Representatives he appointed to !more
eet Congress at the funeral of the Lieutenant
l' moral.
the resolution was adopted unanimously.
Tno Senate agreed to report a Committee of
Conference on the bill to amend the Pension
The Tax Rill was received from the Ilonse
and referred to the Finance Committee.
The Reconstrinition resolution Woo Luken,
up. The pending question WOO on the substi
tute for section No. 3.
Mr. I/0011Mo• moved to amend by Inserting
the words "voluntarily shall hay," before
the words "engaged in Insurrection." Reject
ed, by in itgodt.t 30.
Mr Doolittle opposed the auction above sir
en as a new punishment (or un olTence al
ready committed. Ile objected to It no mak
ing no <ilstlisetion between these who were
toned into the rebellion. and those who votino
tarylly entered Into it. It woes founded In In
justice, nail 0 otlld lot anti ought not to re
ceive the sanction of the southern states. It
was probable that theresolution would be
passed, having lanes agreed mean In the concur,
toil II 5e , , , , nod to him ilhailittieo that the Sen
ate ought to pause, before involving in like
fehisionotit both the guilty and the innoeent.
Here was another 0 1 1 JeeL/00 to the pending
Section. it annulled till the pardons and mu
m:of ms granted by the President by authority
of Omicron., under an act of -Only tat,, tern
These onstlon• restored LIR., LO whom they
w era extended to their full rights an citizen, ;
Mr. Johnson said the Sopron:le lour( had j
Sithstittittitily so deeldoel.
Me Grimes avid what tie. Doolittle held at
true us to ilmibillties for ertine already coin
mitts:if. The object of the section now peed.;
log, however, was not punishment for what
ads paid, but it preventive against what was
In the (Mere, It being Oloble that they
who had rebelled once wouldpresn lin so again, un
less some prmantion was taken to prevent
Mr. Doolittle read from the President's Am.
lienty PrCIIMMUMI to show that mil pardon
and amnesty, and restoration to full rights as
Miamian, wore cranial under It. lie believed
If the present tong,.s had permitted the
loyal nepresentatmes from the :south to take
their seats at the beginning of the session
Unite.l States hoods would be tun per cent_
dither than they neenow, and he !unloved
lumber, that If this had been done Maximilian
sould be out of Mexico.
Mr. Doolittle morn) to except those who
dilly received pardon anti amnesty. Itejected.
Thy enetion wan then adopted, by 37 against 10
Further consideration of the subject was
postponed till Monday.
The Chair announced the Committee to at
tend the fitmentl of hen. Sault, It/1
M.., Johnson, Lane, lot Intilanao
liar IN t: .s Anthony and N.rnith.
Mr. Is,
introduced a hill to amend the
Nntional , urrency set, authorizing the loose
of one hundred millions notes additional to
the three hundred millions provided for to
-notion tit may WO of nuid net: providtul, not
aver Ire millions be Ineueti within six month
role the passage of thin net, anti not over tit
11/111101/0 per thereafter; and provided
any existing hank applying before iictober
approval by the Camlltroller IVO 13
good etaisiM shall have authority to becouly
a national han , k; and provldevi 0100 that bank.
of unimpairyd capital in Staten having the
!east rairnhtle amount of circulating notes,
Audi have pi - cheroot.° In recolvtng much alp
'hority;and ptcrrided the entire amount
if , . to National ban. eonverted from State
trankh shall not exeunt fifteen millions, and
preference shall be gluon such Staten anti Ter
ritories ns have not only Recur.' their ratea
ble proportion of circulating notes no as to
actualize the apportionment of roue hundred
but ulna amends the National hank
but to lc-quire banks in New York, Boston
vild_Plolatlelphla to have is. hand al all tones,
In inn ful money of the Unittul 'dates, nt least
twenty-nee per rent. of the ar j gregate amount
of it. notes in circulation anti deposits If ny
lon. twenty-tire per vent., such hanks cannot
sunk,. 'onus 0, .11J.. .clouts. or pay dividends, I
until the rtnoitred proportion le adjusted, pro
titled that clearing-bowie certificates be deem
ed lawful money.
The act is JO no amended as follows. Each
association to +elect, euttiect to the approval
of the Comptroller, an unstrilation in New
York, lioston and Philadelphia, It. which to
redeem Its circulating notes at par. It le alter
Maenad by striking out the exemption front
State taxation.
- . .
Mr Grimes. from the Naval Committee, re
ported, nail amendment, the bill to define,
number and regulate the appointment of offi
cers In the nav The active lint of the navy
to be one Admira y.
l, one Vice Admiral, ten Rear
Admiral, twenty-five Commodores, fifty Cap
tains, ninety Commanders, One hundred and
Identimant Commanders one hundred
1111 , 1 eighty Ideutemints, one hundred and six
ty Masters, one hundred anti sixty Ensigns,
and in other grades the number now require,
by law, Including the retired list, the tofu'
number of }tear Admirals Is not to exceed
After Ezenutl , ..e w...xlun, adjourned
tin modon of Mc Wilson, of lowa, the ...n
-ate amendment° to the House 1.111 to facilitate
commercial, postal and military communtra•
tiOn among the several vials , , were taken
from the Speaker . ° bible and tont:at-red t o.
The hill, therefore, has mooed letth Houses.
Tne Hoene resumed the consideration of the
bill to promote the construct it•n of 3 line of
ruttroad from i'lltsborgh, Pa. to Cleveland,
Ohio, which was under tlineuasion when the
morning hoer et pired
1 coorday Mr. i.e Itlond uncle an argutoent
against the principle or Congress assuming
such authority as Is propo°l In this toll and
that reported yesterday b Mr. Stevens to pro
mote the construction 01' a line of roiiro..t
between Washtng - ton anti the Northwest He
did not believe that Congress p 0660104.1 nor•
°reign rights over each, State in evert essen
tial particular
Mr. Schofield opposed the hill, contending
that the proper action to be taken h,. Con
gress would be the passage of °general Nil in
stead of et. special one.
Mr. Moorhead argued In favor of the bill,
and expressed the hope that both It and the
bill to eonstruet a line between Washington
111141 the northwest would pass.
Mr O'N fell opposed the bill, arguing that It
sus unnecessary, an the State of Pennetyl van la
Lad always bee t !Mend to the neighboring
-tales in regard to Railroad franchise.
Mr. Eggleston spoke In support. of the bill,
end Mr Coffroth followed on the same side.
The debate was °toned by Mr. Garfield in ad
vocacy of thy. 1 , 01. Ile toncludtst by moving
the previous qUeSt.lOll, 1/011011 was IllieoMl.l
by the Hoe,. The 1,111 was then passed by a
vote of 77 to
. .
The following billo, etc., went Mkon trout
thu tablo and opproprintoly referred: To reit
;Mae the trammortatton of nitro-glycerin(' or
srlyeertuo oil; for the relief of Commodore
Tiaoneto Turner; the Sonato's tonendmento to
tile noun° bill to amend the pada] lawn; nu
tborizlng the appointment of Examine:, to
ea:amina a site fur It (reel; water basin for iron
Mr. Lynch moved that the Joint resolution
he put upon Its passage, and moved the previ
ous question.
Mr. Le Blond suggested that it shonld be re
lerred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Lynch explained that the proposition
WAS simply to examine N
a MI for Iron clads
near Portland, Me. it WWI Intended to detail,
nor the parpose, tiOISIO navel °Ricers near that
Ration. It was simply a matter of Inquiry,
and he did notsee any reason why it should
tw ,referred. The Joint resolution was read
three Limps and passed.
The following were presented: Several
acts relating to the District of Columbia, and
several pri Vale bills approved for the payment
of bounties to certain Indian tribes; provid
ing for the payment of certain military forces;
to protect Am •rlctin eltmer.s engaged In lum
bering on the St. Croix river, in the State of
On motion of Mr. Pike, the House proceeded
to consider this bill, and after some discussion
It was passed.
The speaker presented a message from the
Senate on the Atlil)E4et of the death of Lieuten
ant General Winfield . ..Scott, and on motion of
Mr. Schenck the concurrent resolution provid
ing fur an adjournment until Monday, and for
depntatiou of Congress to attend the Mts.
quilts of the departed soldier, wen agreed to
Mr. Horsham, from the committee of Con
ference on the bill amendatory of the pension
tux, made a report which was agreed to.
The bill reported yesterday to promote the
construction of a railroad from Washington
to Point of Mocks, was passed by 65 against. 37.
A re:1011.1th)11 was 1140140 d that the Commit
tee on Pensions inquire into the expediently
of increasing the pensions to the widows of
deceased soldiers and authors of the recent
war In proportion to thb number of children
under sixteen years of age.
A message from tle President was received,
enolOalug further report. of Isl3llll. Stoedwan
unit Pollerton In reference to the operations
of the Preeduieu'a Bureau. Referred.
A hill wee introOtmod to enlarge the powers
of the national courts as to process.
The bill to reduce the pay of °Mears and reg
ulate Paymaster. of the army, was debated.
Adjourned till Monday.
The House Committee to attend the funeral
of Gen. Scott are: the Speaker, Messrs. Schenck,
DonningiMaraton, itoesean,llinghaish Altoona,
Ketchum Hanks and Sitgreaves. Mr. Banks
Ili In place. Of Air. Blaine, fuensed.
lloopenolon of 01111111001111. In ti f
lionerni Scott—Stalktug Shipwright,.
Now Toss, 3L—A Committee of the
Common Connell have. palmed 'resolutions re
questing the suspension of hualltesB In the city
today In honor of the memory of the lute
General Scott, The Mayor and other city of-
Ilelala will proceed to est, Point to-morrow
11110rUillg to take part in We funeral eererno.
•• • •
The striking shipwrights Andy pleolle at
Jones , woods to-day. hi, thousand persona
were present, and speeches were made sy
tale log the strike
\ C \)b
Elver at
Louisvict.s, May 31.—Tho River le falling.'
slowly, with tour feet one inch of water in the
A Largo hay laden sae ennk, and to obetruct
mg the channel.
Newspaper Nan Kestswed.
!Gs, You'', May 34—Sidney Howard Gay, for
some years menacing editor of the Tribune,
his resigned Ms position, but stUl retains lus
VOW onion with claatjournal as Watling writim.
neoliog of the Impartial Suffrage
League—The Resolution,. PreverrseO.
Borrow, May 31.—The Impartial SutTrue,e
League held amesting in Flinchl.l Halt at noon
to-day, at which Governor Bullock pretilded.
The meeting, though not large,wes enthuslas
tic. A series of resolutions were presented,
which declare: First—That the same spirit
which caused the rebellion still postpone,
and it may, unless Con/tiered, prevent a bent(-
' leent peace. Second—The consummation of
the work of national security and safety de
mands the earnest Oceoperatlon of the entir,•
loyal ptopla Third—Thanks to Congress for
its coal-moo firmness an fidelity in resisting
the admission or rebels to Congress. Fourth—
' The true Omit rine of reconstruction In that de
feated rebels have HO civil or political rights
which loyal men are hotted to rosnect, and that
loyal Men wlLlwitt regard to race or COlOr,
are entitled to r.,ual rights as citizens of a
gOvernment which diinves its Just powers
!row 'the et/rowel of LI. governed. Fifth—
The restoration of political power to
the Authors of tits rebellion would be
an net otllllletrallod political folly.
sixtii—The ererritte by i ring re , nn o f t h e po wer
to exclude the whole pe4,llle el the rebel States
from ropresentatd.m Involves tin, po wer to ex.
chide a part, and to admit a ham Seventh—
The right of Congress to prescribe the'
cat lons of voters for I.lle election of President.
tiro ?resident noel members of C00,ff,,,,, is
i , Ssentlal to tire harmonious working id our
republican system int.! to the very ext tt Lenee nt
our republ lean govern meet. Eighth—Section
al animosities had their iirigm in denying
equal, civil and polltieal rights to nll men he.
fore the law. .N in th—A call upon emigre,. to
carry out the priumpies of the foregoing reso
lutions is made.
lion. 31r. Metier. of iiettnegy, Col. NU/it.,
of Ten noose, and ex-f.overnor itoutwell rime
1.110,11, In a upport of Ifni 11.1 nines of ill
resolullono, complimenting congress and
verely denoumang President Johngon.
frimbyttwism Asommbly ni Pit. imul
Rm. Wm. Eimgmami of Zetimmille E
, T. Lot' is, May 31.—Rev. Wm. rergumn,
Conorossloner from the:Zanesville, Ohm, Pres
bytery was expelled from the Old School As
sembly, to.lav, w ruing dm offensive letter
to the Ohio tii,str - rnaan, and for w [deli he would
not make a Sal IA alltOry 0,131 a nation. The
vote for expulsion was very large. This is the
orst ease of the kind that ever occ rred. The
motion for expalfilon wan made by 1/r. Krebs.
Into. Wand and Boardman spoke In the Louis
ville Presbytery rime. Tim Assembly deckled
LO take a noel t olc ou the shove sane at
o'clock to-morrow
From New Orleans
Crew tJKLawss , May 31.—Cotton easier; wiles
of nine hundred tales ,r Low Middling &LIS@
36e. To-alay'e reveipte were one hundred and
el/icy-nine Endes The weather confirm., bad
for cotton.
Morrison's drug store, No. 1 . 2 Magazine
street, aas burned at midnight. The loss Is
eight thousand dollars. It was insured for
forty thousand dollars. Tne adjoiritng stores
Isere had ly Injured.
The Vera Cruz steamship loaves on the 7th
National Tobscro Fithr—Eploeopal Co.
Lon. , ruts., May 31.—Al the National Tobac
co Fatr the nrst premium wan paid fora hogs
head of leaf tobacco, grown in Ilan county,
Kentucky, cold for ►t,du per pound, the highest
price ever paid anywhere.
The Episcopal tonventlon was spent to-day
mainly in an attempt to elect an Assistant
bishop, with no result.
lt.A UK, tu.u, TYAY., Nlay 31.—A grand tour
fitment for the benefit of the widows and or
p.m, of Gonfederatos was held to-day. Th-
receipts are over Ato,uol, Tho flint prize for
tilting at rings wan won by W. A. Elliott. Mr.
Mood, a Ymikee competitor, who tled with El
Hold, was to disconcert.' at the last run by
the ilerlsiro cheers that he lost the prize.
The Latent Fenton Rumor
Br "Alin Nlay p. m.—lt Is rumored
that the I. imams intend making a raid to.
night on Her Majesty's dominions from tlils
quarter. Nothing reliable Dar transpired.
Telearnkph Exten.lou
LANCAYIT.II, N. 1.1., May 31.—The American
Telegraph Company have this day completed
their White Mountain line to they town, and
opened an once here and at Whltestleld.
will b. Cloned To-day
• New Yong, Itlay 31.—The Proaluee Exchange
will be closed to-morrow; also the Custom
house, Stock Exchange. &e. Very little bus:-
lION. will be done.
aysterloa• affair la Westmoreland Co
--Napposed Deliberate Murder.
We learn from W. W. Keenan, Eno., of the
Greensburg 1.4-rm.entl, that the dent body of a
citizen of Cook township, Westmoreland
county, we, found on Tuesday evening last,
mister eireumatuncts. which lead to the belief
that a most foul murder had been committed.
The name of thr man Is John Clinic. lie left
his house In the morning of Tuesday, for tile
stated purpose of looking at his Holds, and
not returning for ‘fltiner or supper, thin pro
longed absence caused his family such uneasi.
news that some of them %tuned in search of
him. They diner/rerun his dead body, and
upon examlsmtlon found a bullet hole in his
head, the apparent sense of death. No weapon
was forted !wax him, so that the idea of suicide
in not entertained. Great hxclternent exists
In the neighborhood, and the affair in shrouded
in mystery. Mr Shale was a well-to-do farmer,
about forty-Ave years of age, and highly re_
spurted in the neighborhood where he resides.
Itolmrt Heller 14 drawing large and fashion
able audiences at the Opera House. He is im
mense either as a musician or magician. Ito
handles the piano In much better style than
the Inmost. Gottschalk. In his second eight
performance he la wonderful. Indeed we
overheard a profane gentleman remark that
'•Oil Nick" might be all--, but this conjurer
in Heller. Do not Otis,. attending one of his
entertaigutents, bon will at the same time
be afforded a plear,o,t hour's amusement
and an opport toots 01 seeing a fashionable
i•ittsburgh audience.
At the Tbinttre Mrs. Ettie Ilenderson 1.1111
.1. E. McDonough are drawing very large audi
t-MOM Their =Ling In .LCOIIOIII. 111111 the man
agement doter,un great rival! (or the manner
he caters to- the wants of the ittamtetereent
loving community. The stork compu.ny at
the Tneatre is composed of none bet good ac
tors mil the carts of all are adinlraole
Trimble's Vat.Sethi; Theatre is as well pat
ronised as over. The boys know where toget
the full worth of their money and patronize
Uncle Ben's popular place of amusement.
Tim Hays and 'lenity Keegan are gr. d cards,
sod alone would ho aullieleat lutist tuent tc
crowd the house. The Varieties Thttatre
well managed anti we are pleased to say in hi
a very prosperous condition. If you desire
rational, mirth provoking entertainment go
to Till/Hiles
Court of Common Ilona
lion. Thomas Mellon presiding.
THUano•lc, May 31.—1 u the case of Wm. B.
Rows vs. the Peters Crook Oil Company, the
Jury returned a verdict In favor of plaintiff
for .1,217 22..
Reasons for a motion for a now trial in the
case of Cochran vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company—trial last week—wore filed.
.1. R. Gerrard vs. Aloise Kempf. Verdict for
plaintiff fo Sett 42.
t vs. Jacob Smith. Verdict for
plaintiff for pi 11.
James Crookhoso vs. William limigson—not.
Lion 43 recover o.3l33pcosatfOn for work and
labor done. Verdict for ktlahlt l l7 for 104 78.
Barr tt. 'Myers vs. J. Charles Uiokms et st.r.
with T. 11. Smith. Action to recover amount
allcgod to be duo for advertising for Rossol's
Peat/Moa of the War. On Trial.
B o y.. Clothing and Where to Purchase
We direct the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of Messrs. Gray & Logan, fash
ionable merchant tailors, No. t 7 St. Clair
street. Tliey have Jost received a very supe
rior stock of Eastern custom-made articles of
boys' clothing, which they offer at manufac
turers' rates. They are not dealers In ordi
nary "" work, but having adopted
the boys and youths' clothing trade as a
specialty, they are particularly careful to sell
nothing but the neatest, bait made, moat nub
stantlal and durable of articles. Tau business
is under the immediate control of Mr. Logan,
who is a gentleman of good taste and pleasing
manners. Can in and see for yourself the
beautiful stook offered.
Berated.—A man,
whose name we did not
learn, was engaged yesterday forenoon In
making an attachment to the main water pipe,
on Congress street, below Wylie, In the /birth
ward. lie dug a trench leading from the
"main" to the abutting prelates., and had all
things prepared to make the alkachment,
when, by an awkward 1113t1L1011 with his filek,
he broke the pipe. The water deluged forth,
almost drowning the workman, and such was
its force that a gate, some thirty feet distant,
was forced from its hinges by tile water etrik
ing against it. The hail of the residence of
lieu. Reed, immediately opposite the excava
tion, wee drenched with water, which found,
its way to the collar, pretty well submerging
it ere the flow was cut off.
The .-Vilitaky Court.' continued la session
yesterday, and adjourned without furnishing
the list of applications for tavern and eat
ing-house license. The court room was crowd
ed with applicants, their witnesses, and par
ties remonstrating, including a number of
women. A goodly number of attornles wore
also present attending to the interests 01
those by whom they bad Well "retained: , In
common with many, we believe the 'preroga
tive of passing upon these license applications
should be exercised by a.Special lioard, in
stead or the Court of Common Pleas, who are
their legit uite suAl
imiecateyntl em
ies ployed In attending to
Illeorderly.—Adam Fry was yesterday cam
milted to Ad by Furrier. Lipp - ort for bavinic
acted in a dliorderly and riotous mumer a
evenings anion while attending a party=
The !Inver Cake Basket AtTait.
In our "localizing" some two years Aare
we remember to have foun I occasion to refer
to a by no moan's clever "dodge" which was
resorted to by the reputed proprietors of a
panorama to pull the wool over the oyes Of
the gullible portion of the public concerning
the "gift" arrangement. It was "Russell's
Panorama of the War," and tee place of exhi
bition was "Concert Hall," now the remodeled
"Opera House." The advertisements an
nounced that at the close of each entertain
ment "gifts" would be distributed to the
holders of tickets bearing certain num
bers. A member of the bar, as It ap
peared, was assisting to "run the ma
chine," and his connection with the ex
hibition led to the ronclusion that he was
joint owner with one T. B. Smith, who made it
convenient to vacate the city without liquida
ting claims against him. At one of these exhi
bitions among the gifts announced to be "giv
en away" was a. silver cake basket. A certain
other member of the bar concluded to visit the
entertainment, and it was arranged that he
should hold the -lucky number for the "sli
ver cake basket," funnelled "for the occa
sion." The number wee called, "here," said a
Teutonic disciple of the law, holding op a
ticket which had been, a.s alleged, slipped into
his hand as he entered the hall as a "deco
head." The elegant silver cake basket, alter
being exhibited to the admiring audience, was
imseted late the custody of our German friend,
alio, to all outward appearance seemed over
joyed at Ida good fortune. But ' here was the
"dodge." The basket wont to make up the
household goods of the alleged panorama pro
prietor, nod had been lent as above Indicated,
"for the ocrasien"—a perfectly understood ar
rangement existieg, to the effect that the bas
ket wee to he returned oy the drawer,
upon whom :diem, had been enolned,
in order not to Interfere wit hthe
delusion thus practiced upon the audience.
This affair was pretty well Veatilated at the
time, and led to u rule being nerved upon the
alleged panorama proprietor to show cause
why his name shook' not be stricken from the
roll of attorrdes, the members of the bar ap
plying for the same feeling that a roan guilty
I such conduct was unworthy of association
In the profession. We had almost forgotten
the circumstance, but, dropping Into the Court
of Common Pleas, yesterday, we found on trial
the case of Barr it Byers vs. d. Chas. lilehon,
Esq., the piebalds suing for the recovery of an
amount due Ahem for advertibing Russell's
Panorama of the War. From what transpired
we judged that A. Weidman, lie,{., a witness
for plaintiff, was the brother member of the
bar who drew the magic basket. The Mee
was tried before Alderman Nicholson, in the
early part of ISM, and IC in Court on an appeal
from the judgment of the magistrate an favor
of the plalutilfs. The interest of the plaintiffs
are represented by S.Scheyer, Jr., Esq., and
these of defendant by Maj. A. it Brown. The
Cabe iear on trial at atlimumnient.
Died from Hi. loMries--Coronereo In
We have already noticed the fact of a young
man named Franz Joseph Cbrtst, residing
with bin parents in Mulberry alley, Fifth
ward, having received a severe injury to his
spine, while attempting to turn a "flip-flap"--
a sort of acrobatic performance—on Monday
afternoon last. It appears that Christ and a
companion named Andrew Brady, both em
ployed at MeClintock , s saw-mill, on Meehan-
Ica' street, were playing together In anew-dust
pile, at the mill. Christ got astride of the
neck of Brady, and turned a somersault, or
"flip-flap" alighting all right upon Ms feet.
Ile tried to perform a second ono, but was not
successful, having fallen upon bin head and
neck. Ile lay motionless, and Brady, who had
been in a stooping posture, arose and went to
him, supposing, :it first, that he was making
fun. lie was soon undeceived, however, and
discovered that Christ was really hurt.
After flaying water sprinkled in btu lace,
thatN revived, was cartiefl,liome, and Or. Ahl
summoned. The lower portion of Ills body
was paralyzed, Indicating , that the injury to
the spine was of a dangerous nature. lie lin
gered until Wednesday midnight, when he ex
pired. Coroner Clawson held an inquest
yesterday afternoon, and the jury rendered a
verdict that the deceased "came to his death
from injltruni received whilst playing with a
companion." Christ was in the, twentieth
year °flats age, a cooper by trade, and but a
week Since finish.' his apprenticeship,
Rumored C. of Polmmo/toff.
A young man named Michael Henry, resid
ing at the corner of Washington street and
Poplar alloy, Sixth ward, died yesterday
morning, under circumstances which led to
the belief that It was a case of poisoning.
1.. non Inquiry we learned the following facts:
Henry WWI twenty-eight years of ago, and for
the /ast 64.111:1 years had been laboring tinder
Insanity of a mild type. In wandering about
the streets he would pick up substances and
eat them. Upon being taken ill very sudden
ly, his sister expressed her belj D ef that he had
eaten something poisonous. r. J. Hopper
was called, and after examining into the case,
gave It as his opinion that no poison had been
taken, and that the sickness and death result
ed from chronic nervous prostration. There
was no further Investigation, and the remains
of the ,1 ceased were interred yesterday.
Paying the Bet
Two well-known gentlemen of the city, In
their eagerness in advocating the claim of the
rival canditiates for the Republican nomina
tion for Sheriff, grew so warm upon the sub
ject a few days before the meeting of the Con
vention as to back their opinions of the re
sult by laying a rather novel wager, vle:
A. agreed, if Ross were defeated, to i 4 heel
from the Diamond Market to the resitioncefol
11. two apples, Mr. B. to wheel the same to the
residence of Mr. A. In case Cinley were de
feated—the wager to ho fulfilled between the
hours of ono and eve o'clock r: 31. on the
yesterday. Mr. A. having lost, yesterday af
ternoon delivered the two apples on a wheel
barrowpit the residence 01 Mr. R., starting at
one o'clock sharp, thus interfering with ar
rangements for a demonstration on the oeca-
SiOtt, a brass band having been engaged to es
cort aim on his way.
U. P. Conference Meeting.
Meeting of the United Presbyterian Church
(or prayer and conference, was continued last
evening in the Rev. Clark's Church, South
Common. The services, which were of a high
ly entertaining nature, wore opened by Rev.
Dr.{,Clokey, of Lenin, Ohio. After prayer
Col. Clark delivered no impressive address
taking for his subject the tort, "1' have set
Watchmen on thy walls , 0 Jerusalem." At
the conclusion of the Reverend gentleman's
discourse, the oongregation Joined in singing
the 117th Psalm, after which prayer was
again o tiered and the assemblage dispenmd.
Today at nine o'clock the regular hostile.. of
the General Assembly will commence in Col.
Clark's Church. The session will probably
last ten days.
ee ng of the Oil Benner* Association.
The Petroleum fencers' Association met
yesterday at twelve o'clock, noon, in the
Board of Trade rooms, William Frew, Esq., in
the chair. Tho Committee appointed at. a pre.
' - loos meeting in relation to the approaching
V - ench Exposition at Paris, reported favor-
Their report was accept.] and the
CO.nmittoe continued. Mr. O'Connor, from
the Committee to confer with the Man a gore
of the Allegheny Valley Railroad and solicit a
rednetion in the present rates of freight, stat
ed that owing to the severe illness of ono of
the Committee, Mr. William Phillips, they
were unable to report.
On motion, the Committee was continued
and the meeting adjourned.
Third Church Coroardtone Services.
—Many of our readers have doubtless noticed
the progress of the new church edifice (Third
Presbyterian) corner of Sixth street and
Cherry alley. The corner -stone will be laid
this afternoon at four o'clock, with appropri
ate ceremonies, should the weather prove fa
vorable. A brief historical record of the
church and congregation will be read, an ap
propriate address will be delivered by the
Pastor, a hymn written for the mermen will
he sung, and the laying of the stone will be
followed by a dedicatory prayer, doxology and benediction. Dm. Riddle a nd Kendall,
the former Pastors id the church, are expect
ed to be present and to participate in the ser
James Robb'. Shea nolll6o.—ln another
column will be found the advertisement of
Mr. James Robb, Boot and Shoo Dealer, 1104 - 88
Market street. Mr. Robb hail had an experi
ence Of nearly a life-time in his business, and
keeps just such a stock of desirable and sub
stantial geode as will render satisfaction to
his customers. Ile uses mush judgment in
selecting his goods, and at., fair prices he sells
boots, shoes and gaiters made to wear, and
not to be disposal of at cheap rates. Mr. Robb
is among our oldest and most reliable of mer
chants, and an honest, falr-deslinggentleman.
ror well mule, fashionable pedal coverings,
we suggest to our readers to call at his estab
Yesterday's Rsee.—The running match
between "Jennie," of Pittsburgh, and *War
ginla Belle," of Greene county. on the Oak
land Course, came off yesterday afternoon m
par announcement. Puree glee, twat two in.
ilve, mile baste. The race and puma was time of
.. .Jennie" in two strnight heath, time of
each heat LUX. There have been several In
teresting • and well contested races over this
course during the week, In alt of which Alle
gheny county has maintained ite Prelate and
supremacy. Its stock has been nested y the
fastest horseflesh that could be brought againat
it, and It has uniformly came out-ahead.
Btallelova alsachteL—Thfee men: named
Mathew Chambers, John StevensOn'add
Clem Jotmston were Drought :before, Mayor,
McCarthy, yesterday, en &charge(); inallolems
mischief preferred against them by - Hobert -
Donaldson. The prosecutor alleges that the•
nartles 'above named Dulled down an on
house bolos lag to him in the. Third, "wart.
After a hearing the defendant& Pere hold to
bad to answer at court,
An Enterpriallng eountryOz
ehmige saja that they have been reliably la
formed that the Coroner of Buffalo, Now
Yorl ban held an Inquest on the body of a man'
found floating in the's:lvor ten different times.
At the conclusion of each - inqueat the Coroner
throws the body in the river, and after a few
days hauls it out agion,,'74le- object is to re•
celve addittonal fees foßaejiplyry swoon.
sun arey.-aire.Nreeelielir*rir ireienre
township, and a colored , women.-whaee name
we could net learn, was knocked down and
run over In therdamondeeterditv, while et.
crirlang roarkat, now Were serieuelf *NM.
The e<11(1131
te.rtbers soOl
O or
-• • ' •
Members of the late 119th PenatiViVILELM
Regiment bold a meeting on Wednesday eve
ning, at the Pension agency room. In the Cue
tom House, for the purpose. of mating 14F
rungement. to attend the flag preseutattOn
at Philadelphia on the Fourth' of July. Gen.
F. H. Collier wits celled upon tip preside, and
Capt. S. C. Scheyer chosen Secretary. Gen.
Collier, Col. John Snodgrass, Capt. W. 1.. Her
bert LleuL Samuel Harper and Sergi.. Scalene
Keeffe, were appointed a committee to make
such arrangements as may be necessary to
I secure the attendance of a delegation of
toe regiment, with authorityy to amour and
tot with similar committees from other West-.
eta Pennsylvania regiments. The meeting
unanimously voted to take part in the demon
stration, and the Secretary was Instructed to
communicate with the members of the Regi
ment not present In reference to the matter,
After a full Interchange of views the meet
ing adjourned till Monday, Jane 11, at. 734
o'clock, at the Pension Agency.
We are requested to state that Capt. &Amy.
or will receive the names of such members of
the Regiment as desire to go to Philadelgla,
at any time between this sad the sortmeet
ing, either by letter or by person.
Warman; from Incendiaries.
Certain proprietors of manufacturing estabs
thihments In the Ninth ward, yesterday re
entre.' anonymous notes Of warning, Inform
ing them that their mills were to be destroyed
by are on the 15th instant. There one be no
doubt hat that neighborhood is infested with
a gang of villainous ineendlarksi, and their
letters of warning may ho very important.
The pollee have apotted certain Individuals
whom they suspicion with starting some of
the recent Ninth ward liret. Their is a prepa.
rations of powder and lead awaiting tho fret •
person discovered pleading atter night about
some of the establishments there, and the in.
condbiries should take the fact Into mashie.
ration before venturing to kindle another
Fire.—Yesterday Inorning about seven
O'clock a shed attached to the residence of
Earnest Slyler, In PecosylvsehL OVMM%
caught fi re by the upsetting of a stOve, which
had been placed in It but the day before. lip
the exertions of the neighbors the Are waa
°oppressed without doing any serious daub.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cm. 7th,
(Entrance from Seventh Street,)
xs . r . rnriecistacriq.4l3l-ime,
my24:t32 A.I.LEVIIENY, PA
ral and moat plcturesqunplace of &poisons. At
note on the uplands, Immediately north of Allegheny
City, on the Mrighton Bead. Persons wishimr
to select Buria l Lou
will &only at the Superisteri d .
antls office, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
and all other business 0111 be attended to at the Drug
Warehouse of the undersigned, corner of Federal
sod Launch streets, dial. eny A. ILELLY.
Secretary and Treasurer.
G - 001 d Chains,
Caro TO
Inrzt:hio NO. 6 WYLIE STREET.
- . ..., ~
c ,;11___.:....::
:N -- wAv ir,c).Aiics -:, ..-:"!',:i
CLOAK llousti - 1 - -
Selling n,t $12,50,
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St., -----
Opposite Old Theatre.
DIES, &c., £c., - OU TO •
BROWN, No. 8 St. Clair Street.
fire bush. Peach Blow Potatoes;
bbs. 1 do de
alo Pine &pigs,.
30 boxes pr 6 LCZ6O66;
10? boxes W. B. Cheese;
dozen Canned Tomatoes;
Saa poosda Bacon tiles, •
Received and,tor sale by
&yid Liberty street.
FOB ha LE—. car loads Potatoes, tacks and bbl.
ar, boa. SLelialas . Orsoseitt •
93 do do LetuOlS:
IMO Cocoa Nuts;
ico, Floe Apples;
SO bar do lsWhite n
Limit, +. •
50 dozen assorted has Fruit;
Sorghum, Butter - Lard,' at. .
W J. Wrihka 105 W. " -
zabituf ho. t VlSlrdhlrett.
GRAIN IN STORE sui4;toarrive:
6,000 bush. strictly piths, allatieShaa.ClubWhe
to arrive;
I,SIO do Bye, to arrive; •
1,003 d. prime Shelled Cora, BLOW Blerat.Ort
2.000 do do. (Sub Wheat, Ldtk. •• • - do . 3
Far We I,y tLTCBCOL'N, ,-;
No. al9 lAbortrlitave
OFFICE UP I TAXII:S. • • •—•arrithb'. '
1,00 bbls. *oleo' broods Winger- and Spring
Wheat Flour; , ~•
3 cars Iflbraukce Club—in Eluvato.
.do White Mutat; , a
cars Rye—to • urlso; . • '
3 cars choice Peach
For sale by B.
u 5705 No. 70 Dissoool," 7 .ll
lIBLS. MICLIEttrikCIDJI*77 i i .
SOO Obis- Pesch Blow Fatalism; • • ••••:-..
100 do rhundx Mills Iflogrj•:'. •
/,000 Wre /1123+M
ln store and for talc by_
No. n Yoder:LS:street, Allarhonr•
%441 P IL Y era t zira b a r gts1 1' .itior3, 4 —ttai ga rU e e t.
from el/writ:Wl:and for - 47 th e Crap'
0 1. b. " , ".'b° P"at"tUtfrag:
lap2ll comes at Libirly.lthilthind
Aix i . t ,„ d iftpu, &Isar iand Allaget
wriiroa l it stn.
PNGLISH, PAPER:-111AN - 67111 74;
Z t t{ ral .°l3 ,_ re rirfatiPM rA ! . 2143.
uw . 24i W. lialtslieLL.ll7lVood-itnszt.
-. ~ .. - :. 7 .. - -4-,h
POTATOES --700 bushels ~: ibirliste ... .., ',, - ;...5.1,
p hltiow Potatoes. to Store and lora:do by -,,,,, , --, r - , ,,,, - Ja i ,,l,s
HITCLICOFE, Atte ititERY a Co.. ,", . - `' - . 4 . , .., ..2-, , t , 44,..
... ,
,_... _ , _..,1 449 Liberty street: , • ~-
,-''' ',.....1..,,Ari
fiUCKWIELEAT-4,00; bath. - fieled- :- - , : , ., , , , ,, , ,,.. , , ... : ,, , ,A,
Buckwheat, is Adore, to lots to salt, ..,..:,.
~,=,'.. ;1 - , ' t ,, ,,2•,zi ;...., , tet,,Sei
tamettevelt, Idee.ltE.Etti it tal, ~ , , A
.. ; Z , -,,Zx
nirinewc.,xops.26o, itet utl
z ---,
... 3 , ?: , ,.5; 4;.! „. .. , ic) .1 1i..‘k 4- . .
Wham. Hrat , (1 . 4% . _ „ 31,.10aLL491,,;„0,4•§4,,tp,
41. - Ibblig: for Ittr: ; V01; 1
airalar ti..cuzlalto...-7',. , , 7..- , ,4 ,
5-e.3, , ,,
.11111%,*200. !Mk t. OL-Abe , lbet , t , ~..,
~i _ ,, ..t, . .
~„,3111„;.11,(07314 11.62481 Xt,, POLLlatil.- _ • ,--,, , , • , ,t,
...,, ,
''' , ''..':ii. ; . ' •'? ".
EMU) 011.--10 bblit.No, , , : Amt.
bbls. N 0.1.111 atoie tar we ,
PIRIOCATING OLL-7111 bblp, ox
the oupetior.....Notneeie
• • EMILY Er..cotaaaw:r
Sty? sx'°'
-150 able: Calcined
TALLOW 0.11.--16.14115,: - 4store
for b m. by thAulLincxxx *
PEDAIt BOARDEP-2004Eletiklik,'"/-.
aril's tarsal* - 11111144 DICKEY:4
VOTTON-18 _bates to ortlye -, bvt4„._< , .14..„,,A
ajicanresa, or pale by MAUI' DIUBILT &CU, k-,0,1
AEARIUTS-1.50 sacks 111 slam
1 4 NO bt • 111 4 4411 DWICArrO-1:9•:,
,•Zb ,
y al
..-~ ~s,~
„. ,)
U 1
A ' , ..1:
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