I • .Banker "rue) Broker, 118 WoOd M., near corner of, Fifth. -All . 1 1eacriptIons of Govornment Bonne bought and sold on liberal terms. London and Continental Exchange sold at Noir York rates. Gold. Sileeeand Coupons bought at highest rites, ana Gold Drnlle homed on Near York. t34,i I I iIjiANCE AND TRADE. W EDS eA OAT. Mar 110,1N,0, • o el h.:so n ~uip,,,t. compared ns t 01381,4 New Tor.l4,Kainli Pi VMS' yester- day's quotations. Tilbi was OwlegYno doubt to the heavy shipments to coveritewier drafts bounce in Liverpool and: ikindon,tnat were, . force or ciremostanee,,- Atnpen.d to "r' pena. N otwlthstandineihhir(„o m gold,thore , isetendermytowtterlthrer rotes, and, war or • • peace 1n EttrOpeoloolione en wall street will be POWeilui chotigh to run up tho premium again taiw;lisikei undertone of the Market is decidedly Hr. I'. It. ]tortes New Rork quotations to-day were as follows : Gold, ii,-..ja83 4; mer.. 1095.; Itln's (old) 102; non , / 011 313.4.40•400; • large amounts( of 7-30 bonne are now being offered here. This may be attributed to the nu des advance In them securities, Which Indecee holders, who look upon them as a tom wary investments, to realise the high pre- Alum. Thorn In. also a cohttnned good de. forinOney from trades-people, who can _,.- nut dispose of their goods as fast as they .would like and meet their engagements with 'their eastern 110684115. Thera is a continued good demand for new Fiye Twenty bonds at low flgures;but as the • ' nest steamer will probably bring batik a eon . • ltidemble amount bf those bonds, which, when thrown on the market, most necessarily de. Preis. thillr value, If only for a short (. ( In ourlOcal stock market there In but little doing. City and Co nti bonds are In demand, ' ~httt tho extreme vl s of holders has a ten , Clancy to retard 0 rations. Rank snares Ottlet and firm, whit insurance stocks time very (Inn. 011 oeke are also dull and negleCted., este oft wo shares "Marini , ' was reported to-day at _par ratio, 101. This Company, it is Wild; as two producing wells ore:their property near and other wells being put down. Columbia is (Inlet and unelutnged. RIM RE FIR —The advice, front the Venango oil region,. arehy no Monne encouraging. The Tit 1111 V II IV „lte;a111, of Tuesday, says : • :• The petroleum markets hare commenced to give w Crackho till - being freely offered on tlio ht }arti cl ehere Is almoltwaly no 'demand for the even at these figures. The lide Whims 'Oxon Europe are anything but enctitiraglng, and the tendency Is down -wards. There to no neccssit; for anythlng ".. 1 1kbripatile;us when oil fails to the.ncialitior e Igasiketa3 there Ia little danger of Its going Much further, its speculators will be Induced to come to at these figures and buy to hold • +liar arise; The - hope of maim hi Europ e has lialitymtised and a large animal t otoil stored here.tor,thitt market, will, as it necessary eon -ifeittueace; threWn ,on our hinds. Our re , fineries ma} - be temporarily embarrassed, but .„ the immense pressure caused by this surplus - Wl/10pen new elituanals of trade which other - ittsetelghtlinve been neglected. --A M611110.14= Was adapted In the House of - i...Bcpresentatties on Monday, directing the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the what amount,Of gold belonin to ilic tint d States has liceneold - under g his g author nee the let lost., and at wind rate* rOhO es of the agents through 'ahem such • Meted, and What rate of retain is wired by the Department BE =MI= • / cat on e Cella]. is „e e It the rallw ii , Market . „ active. le rallied i 0 • ' ..'i • ego liesiniess. Stich a souttA Ether upward tencienc selling ut Adler the session reached It. f ite. aim= .tra,,tig:„T, e • 3fl 117 to t .:.seal a depressing infinence opts the whole • • ..1 3 !?anti , prititts were lower general . ‘` .. =, l t r .4 t rila ti/ i Erift fell to Witt , -'on the ro =Mires° to tio. , The Itilltecilailephs list was higher this after. • notki.t The Pi:U . ol6nm and Mining ii furs Were gene y lower. , :.' AT. ' , 'e iNal sale *slay the pric rootlet il were: linmp. 0,00; summer, 66@ ,25ritrate, - ' p .t, °. '• " e ' ; ' s, e gh 4 & - y 5 1 4 11 . 0 5°; ‘u; d v. ' : B,4 t . re?gi l ili ' the prl ii except for In mp and muff ' ' tear, are lower, s. i , ;,,, 4 . The .Pri . ones. article MIDI til news ht i th 6 Persia given an Improved poles, Is the Sete° o , • itl. Thu effect islie ns than . ‘. Vali antleitii I, en , llercrumentio, or widen Ltrestments al dernatel le vary an lye. i The loan market is Allid7 po i l me . with ate el • =ore aniniatron t • '' rtri f i t erts ar ea ',1111.1 ibilhogdshamilmlive. The twine! I laanixe is la Erie, st filch he, wit uncial fro 621; Mel ' evening iota The closing price th morning . after the hosni was: New Yutk Limit sold bp _.- to 977 , ; .rzia to .12, and P,ittaburgb to It - - At this pile O'LIOCK calLthe market he rely,. „or Jewel', Nrio selling at ill. Later, Nile sold at 61X. l'eti oleum Mocks —Benneboff, l'• ti lifinlint: tan, 10; United. Petroleum ' , karma' . i Dente • . liog,•, 14,15 r Webster, lioi %Meal 011, 1,10 • New York and Allegheny, 3,tn, l'ithrile, 2, se, '..., United Stites, 5,9 e. , Mining stoclrs:—A iiih Elmore 1„lie; Consolidated Urea Gold, 1 Z, 10 11; olth stoeks:—Adaine. MOO Weir IrolD 11ry'tlootha Mar et. Yong:May 341.—Tito Dry Coo market toolny In firm at the advance, wall n nor 11 7 g)71181 t Mt l fr in Tneefl ' e l tifiri f rt r .it th ; 2/.4 Agnutle, Agiookotg‘A Z 1; Appleton A t44-Attatillo; A..V.;;,-.Augueta,•B4 d wa y. - 2:34; Celoor. Oh do. A Zl;Cehosset,24 Dwight, .A r agill Cll 4 l 47 l, l ! g t Uilelll ) lll4ft t lit, "l (.? l . l Ponyi; 1 1 .11 Sew Drew, 33; do, 27; Iletne,.oot,i, 40. UT 1 klope,27;Jotnbs, Langtloa 31; to. dot.= . Lontelnle, 32; Monellle, taithl:any,.llr Newburypoll, - , 3-1; lintinarreor. Duis.ou.lB; itts; AlCo.rippa . r . ty,.U/sAliunp!on,lo; /Anultoo . ,; Meow. nog, ii.:l;merrittoro f ; 1 1/ 4 ;lo. c Ali t fi r in, rim) r. 1319;ritritiZtiit'i•Ictory. 'erirralti:;t4,:: h. I=S chipicii Pattie aliirisei( j . , ' ' oit4 ,Gifii 7 1110irtik.4"Lio fresb reeelpts:of Beef 14e-toitay, et • the Union . Storks Yin! ..i..1‘.1.1. ano,-lit , Addition , to-'wbfee,"l4 tout were; , A Yell jn. Entered sales in heod,ae ;oleos .... 4 1 1 944Wrir 012 5:10, 1 Maing. for common , etoek , alarms talgi3OWiti V 524000. for medium buteb, .AClretrZsi!Lerit...mWl-•r;834345° ' M r °4 1 9 e..:, 1 / 4 {eZbelfl/ After. de ''.only moderatettdotire, th e - ,:. - - - amettettrypiltelitd being. enfticient - lzaroPert. mttobtfleiPll4l- -"ViAiree etlYettltelease. ad, ''nand film - ...perloo.lol..).Tberiltporable 4 ....,,..0.,„..m. owir Wk. have infused' bettor -- ',"splrttylegto et, and. shi;ouldttke ;piglet - .411 . 1rirti5..,.1.1=1!%.1N: iltrl4 imm st,the010110; triiitaeitoiatiotalall ..P s A...":lrfts , Piiiiie , u 2 .. 1 .“,,J , .. 1.g.,..-;-::,, 4..1711 4% 4 , .v 1 ,..4'.4;:f .. .411i4 . . 1 ':: • • • " , . RIME; NEWS. 1 __________9ll.2l l oilOlLiES. _ . • --- Olinda or Tax , PintWinciaGAzirrrii, i The river rose a few Inches r4min during WOOLIIIIIDGE OLL REELNING Mud/man/xi liar 80. 18,6 . i Tuesday night and yesterday frrenoon, but There have been Ildr.Tiew characteristics In the PrOdUee Marketilloola3- worthy of special I lent evening it w e. about stationary, with C1C,31.P.A.24-Irs ... three foot five inches in the channel by the notice. lhedernand for most of the leading cm.3lo ditleaoolif.tneeit fair while prices have I marks. The weather yesterday was clo u dy , OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. , . and clear nt intertyals, but very pleasant and undergone no come:lel change. • GRAIN i tin can report sales at elevator of favorable for out doer business . tazlT-hti-zolivg7;-..„.,,,.. 15 ~.,,,,,rs.,,zrorthwom.ero Club wh o ., lot $ . 2, ,,, The arrivals from below Include the Forest per balms'. oats quiet but steady, with City. from I"arkersburg; Yorktown and Emma WORKS IN TEDIPEHANCEVILLE wiles' , at 65 to 575 on , task, and 03 to rt e No. 3, from St. Louis; and the Robt. oore, from suite- use in a retail Way Sale of 1 ear from Cineinnati. The Forest rity left on Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, 3 . 6,1 from . oro ~,,,, . n or . b , fi rm, and .b iied time with it moderate trip The Fayette and a quoted at 60 tole, na toquallty—sale of I ear prime Ear at Pa. Rye ho still quoted at el. No 1 1 n,overolent In Barley. . Chleftan are due here from Brow usville this morning . ..at! both bouts will return again this evening, leavtugat 5 o'ciciek.. I FLoCil--la quiet lout steady with a ~.,,,,,,,,,_ The Lerma roports having comet lop aver yesterday, drawing full three ...,..._,...i:elireaumenalon 'triage.) HA N UYACil:ltglOi or PURE WHITE Lied f.oir local debuted, and prices remain nn - ! "M " Ilmum hoterred, et $10,5e to $11,2a for fair to chole 1 feet witheut rubbing, and we are of the opin_ ij i-,i* IN 41.4 r 011 /• breads of Spring Wheat; $11,50641,75 for half Inn that a boat could have left here last 11/.1 , Spring and half Winter; and $12,50 to *l3 f or . 1 fling and noun through drawing three and a Brand—" Lucifer." %Vint°, Wheat -. Hy,' Fltour la selling tit g0i,51 . hal° f°. t. X 1,75 per blot. 1 The cargo manift.ta of the Yorktown toad P ROVISIONS—Bacon is firm and looking up. Emma No. ll will he found elsewhere'. We nOWtmote at • 14 :4© 14. 1' for Shrmi 'lero . 174 Mr. Wet. Illackstork has resigned his pOl5l- Thin Oil Como be excelied for burl:dog properties, eeltir or On teat, and lo pc( lip taw ,ll srasoned nor '' lion as clerk of the Nora, and arrived here ro;ls, seeable for 11099 E 1.7b.E, •r EXPORT. (Vs - fork Ribbed' Sidas;ll2 l for Platn Soigar I t its . So ol.it iTg.p. , Cured Barns; and =Cr.' , for Canvassed 010. yesterday from Cincinnati. He reports that the Nora wax to have left for Pittsburgh on c.'ji“. Herren , 1%.., , 1- El--- [-L., .-- Slack, Lard Is selling at 25.0.4nra for prime city. Mess , Porter, kr•LX.W.ll.l; ce ,' L.V..j ! ..C H ai.r ( oll l . 'h". J. W. Pork ft held at $32.,&51113 .per blol—full weight. Tuea°l 'vening' llAT—There is a contanued fair demand, The ate Robinson and Armenia en route . j•12181.111i from St. Louie to Pittsburgh, arrived at Cie- - ~..._: and with limited arrivals, prices are wogl 1 ~,,,,,,iiiirmi.. 50i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,k4 1.,,,y Of 15 level s - , BUNT 4i. to $3O per ton. vertimeol to leave there for OM, port neen POTATOES—The demand coutinue. rather ! day. Among other items of freight, " floe Ar- . lignt arid the market Is quiet ands litlile I ~.m l n i„ ?,.l , ir reported ret having three hundred , PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, dell Mit =Changed. Saler from store at EIS.) --'"`" ' run " r °. L, Pusisengers anti shippers should bear in mind Foot of Balton and Harrison Streolo 14 , : : !!1 2 3 . 0 li tzer bosh, and $3,40 to s3,ao per hobi, • 1 t h e Fayette, Capt. Cox, nod the Chlertne (apt N of .N. y., ' BVTTilt—The oletnand is a little more tits ' Abrams, both neat passenger steamers, leave Storage for Relined Petroleum, Ilve, principally apecelative, but there Is, as ' for nr.... .vlne e." C ' ene v. 1 • 11 • 1 evening at 5 yet, no Improvement In prices -201.0 25, surge ° el . °°k _. holders asking 24230, for prime. NI e extract the following river items from I n T..nk,„; Harrel .. 3,,,,, EGEl.—gearee, and In good demand, anti T uesdfirs thbriefinti afmnocr,en• Opt/Mee, No. 95 Bid V959l.l°TWiTi new York. fresh packed sell readily at .26". M. The last arrivala only report from lire to oeS•ly cHgEgp,__wanrom ii.e. 4 a r , bi, ~,,111,,,,,, ~, t?, - • five aro! It half feet water on tilling Soon liar I end the Grseey Plata, and eight and a half (set OR OIL ENGINES. SUPERI - 17, and Goshen at 216:22—but little Goshen In lon the shoaleat born along the Lower Ohio. „ market. DRIED Yin:lT—Peaches scarce and firm; ' The low water is tompelllng the larger Maas " . ~ rlo e r t r , e ,„: o o n f etorcting. sad we keep on hard, ~aie. at Iva , for gon.rior . ,o,oo 24025 for prime , first-earner. to haul off, giving place to the • small Masa. Tho t '. T. Dumont took the place ' linlVeli. Apples may be quoted at „lige!, for Cirr_. Matz 03,X.MamuSi or the United states They Ift the !outs old; and 190-.. t for prime bright York State. BEANS-IMmanti bettor; males at dilorfe ink Vii r ll . Mtlii Lille. Pp., liaugiiimek oleo leaves RITRIR A coriox oR - TuBULAI 101111, per bush—the latter figure for prier° small fur °. °, edrmadaY In the Place or Efil the o. bt. Burns, In the Memphis and t. Mein- White. SORGHUM—Is dull; sales of prime at 55(060. anti P. O.' , c ernPfmr's Lino We invite parties nretling engines for tbla porpos Th e ow nsßowe and finis_ Mom. hiii:,•:11,,,dd10.,..p r1.: 1. ., 1 1,..., , d, :,'....., r,., (till ,717,:iir,,,q,,,, rEicI.K.,I7,IO:I•ZA. 1105lIii Y.-Stall sales at 3 , ...,64. owing to ter Attrigtot—,Sules of Pearls at 14f4," cts—an ad- The Kate Robinson, from St. _ charged IMO barrels flour here. j AXLES WILKINS. The hen of the new Wheeling packet. n. [ "., . H. liteloton, were agreetilily surpriimil feeler- I' I ay, by no elegant and costly present for their 1 new steamer, in the 'Mope or a magnificent ' lIIIONZII AND DNA ens plane-hone, from It. FL Ileolson til l i iiineroy, the gentleman after whom Curs. Russell and • CRUSE AND REFINED OILS . Dal 1111104 A thew packet. , our enterprising oellow.eit Oven 111 r. Phil. H. Sill's aloek. D.9 .^.. 0 W.Y. Plit•lb.nr. Clown, len located a bulletin loard at his ' bakery, corner of Svommore street and Piddle 1 17 8 1 ..45, .._-__."" . ."°n teen to th e ale and .hip Landing where will 100 posted the price n r ....r. o 4 ...mom and Its products. consignor,. gold seven times, and stocks four titneadally, r°""Xun 't ...d. " °a . P. "‘ l n. H .. I. L .1 ' 2 ' 17 for the convenience or steamboatmen and . COSISIEIICIAL OIL WORKS. - I , aslnesti men In the vicinity of the levee PITTSBURGH PETRui.EuM MARKET Or/inn mr. TUB Prrrseenon f+atierri, WPC, PAPAY. May 30, 15.141. Thor.. is no I niy•rovement to note in the de mand for Crude, either for present or fatale delivery, ar•l not w ithstan•iing the supply Is light anti the receipts limited, the market Is excessively dull and depressed, though prices rentain nominally unchanged, at 11, bids re turnesl, and 10, byte included. Sale of 55 bids (good gravity). at 10.4: and nil ibis Multli•s Ferry till (light' gravity l ut 13t.,. The ad vices Eby the last foreign steamer ore regarded as • ery tlasenttraglog, While the reports from the weltaare very roullieting. 'There is no dis. 4tilslng the fact, however, that the Fetroltann , nuttiness looks , decidedly bine at present, and what Is worse still, I here are no Ind le.tions or tiny immediate improvement. ItIIFINEII/—The demand for hooded 011 eon- Unties very leech restmeted, for present Ps well us future delivery, and as payers do not I seem oitsposed to take hold very freely, and cellnebt amnot overly -anxious lase'', bust /IP,. lolls COMO to a eompletr eland,lliad PP lIPTC 401, 4 414 4 10 0p0rat104 to renolll. We art, Mgt:daunt of several lots of rot barrels 1.41.11 PAPIIIg been °gore. for September I very In 1 . 111 l udelphia, buyer's option, at 17, but at litst coon nta they lmtl not gone throligh FOY i 41P411 de liveries tllere Beeats lon be little or Ito nq tilry, end, In the absence of Wes, we omit (notation, Free oil Is dull and entirely ;cowhand AftittlrAl.S.—Tile arrivals of oil ermtinue - ery light. Capt. Hugh Alchelvy received 31$ Inertia from OH City, and Capt. J. T. Stock ale 53 tibia, anti firmer, Burke S Co. 214 bills, rent' Smith's Ferry'—making a total of faS arrels. New Took Produce Market. NEW YOBS, May Xt—Cotton dull, heavy final 113 . 2 c lower, at g 90410 for mithillairia. Flour rather more active, at SaJlarzt - Pl,eo tor Extra 'qate, V4 40 t:0• 14 1:: for Ifxtra round hoop Rhin, and V 1,90 for trade brands, closing steady. Whiskey active and firmer; wootert., 170 lads. do. In bond at tp,l7. Wheat firm; prima With Out decided. change at a 440 fur unsound Chicago Spring; $1,75 b for unsound . Igliwant le clu, fo • 4d,07 r : holee ne w N 0.2 Milw ankle, and 10,150 - 2,1.% fur prime new 50.1 11111waulrie. the hitter prices RTC extreine. Rye quiet; western, ite. Corn opened aeh le firmer, closed gull And I(Ve lower, at 7 - 70010 for durnaged new mixed w e teritoltic for nOnnil elerallar: .11 a2gatifie afloat, 'Codfafia , a....e fof" western yellow , Aar: for handsome n hito waster" anal fdar, for old mixed wcatern. Out u shade firmer and quiet at BOW:4:400dd scurf,. and nominal. PetrOlauto at g70.1:7..,.: for erode, and 430 .10r refined m frond. Pork heavy at $110,50a 41,21 for new less, closing at Vie,n2t; cash, 4.2.9,.475 for 01.1, and $240 4 -1,50 fur prime; also, 42-10 Ohio new mess for June, July and Au gust, sellers' and buyers' option, at Iteef steady nt about previous prices. Beef hams aril., AI 647(tra. 'literal a/ mar. Cut meats .-tes.ry. I*.f a ryl3ll for slioulde.a, Mad a l l 14 1 0 for Mune. Lard /9 , qtrt . ..t,tio; small 'ales at Butter heavy, at 304fale for . 'hi°, anti finffigle for State. .211.m.e :Inlet, at !=2ERI .1." 0 g IlAntacant - rospeet.” ra! fttul Ma etaom to Ix! in- Lary ph:times ev. It to not eyed lo It Is the Treloury *O.Or , fall lii, 1.4.1th-wow= •N, the price 12.0 taws, Anti with innu nixnatra In pßeti on II most Inni on gold unto.• of our I t I hat there tattoo of we,presuree ,txre *horn.; i legal-tender . The CM• .ming front rorevourea for It' notes will which will h Will hesc turrency null life. Falling tc. Txue•astagr • ..... 1 re. I, 1.. kW 1 w• le illp ;Idly growing I,outednaiding . to he re to convince ell: t '4 Volt?.; ny It On dt - arc looking vituoillties . "igen in the r to mind .rtionuble per the foreign o lg r i "l t. 17 Cate 1. ~..% r it l i ;It o !: II:, may re resfeetenbly irecede. It fier the In a, some ad ere will lc. mud, Which .speculators Poto,to.•. 0 31 ay 2:.—The market is very dull , IU3 11.11 110,10 tittering that 1' have hoots dile to hear. We do not title k they wouhl command anywhere near getout ttttt s ruling last week, but as we are Imelda. to state a defi nite prier, we gut, no rates today. C taet.aawrt u dlay 20.—The mut - Let has ruled steily all the week., there being a Mir demand * froth the local dealers and. on orders from fallothe pile.erean realised e thou r points, d tot th receigh quotations s otations are tight. . Have varied but little from the tigures current .tt the date of our lasteekly report. Wo quote the best descriptions at $3,11563,75 per obi, from store, ata1X,r063,60 on arrival. The Leek been Dons durably reduced. Chicago Market. ' 'Cute Au°, May steady. Wheat Arm at 61.t0141.1,r,i1 for No. l, and t 1,1 9 ,41,14; for No, 2.. Corn firm of 1:3/ . 17kl%e for hio. 1, and N., fit eke (Or No. 2. Oats steady al 11 9.0r.r..%c for No. 1, and 2akkl.,;e for No. 2. 111gdoelnes ae live and kl'm a1../„..8 (or Bonded, amt 10,Z1 for Free. Provisions filth. 'Frefghb. quiet at 14@ It lie on torn In Buffalo. Receipts-5,500 bats Flour. 22,k1u bushels Wheat; 990)00 bushels Shipments-9,0m1 "barrels noun PACO bushels Wheot; . 27,000 bushels Corn; 174,00 U bushels Oat.. troubles in . proopectlve I ourgrxmt. I to be 11:10rt , aro trading , :ituiziog be lose no time be remern dig ' o .' 4: I ce- of golbi • Burr, to, May 3e. —Flour and Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn closed Inactive and easier. Outs,- Buie, of Chicago without certifi cate, at 44e; Wisconsin, 47c. Barley, Ityti and Peas nonunal. Whisky inactivo. Pot k,quict, at 11.31,00. Lard, 25.4 e. llama Freights firm; wheat, 150; corn, 13c; oats, 1 , ...r—t0 hew York. canal exports—Wheat, 53,e^ J' a; corn, 94,55 hush; oats, 34,100 Mutt. Oswego Market. -Ww., no, May M.—Flour nuelmitgoil, at 4lu, for lip. I spring; 2,230 bbis Red Winter receiv ed; at. itErfnir 1/oehle Extra. Wheat dull; ho. I Eldwaukee Club, tr..,90. Corn quad. Lust night T;SOD bushels of No. 1 Illinois were sold at 73c. Oats quiet; {Vl:astern held at 35c. 'Bar ley, Rye and Peas are scarce and nominal. Canal freights tinehanged. Market, gn a thra !quotation paning and ji gun. Shine Is aV r irfx ° per itial I - eit.o g indebted ; ail to the• ex AI injereet rate. ibo hitivior late Clue!usual' Lumber Market. CINCINNATI May have nothing ne tO recor4 rine market. Only a fair 1111101111 linabcen teetived by river, and the sales he log about equal the receipts prices are steady We quote pine $33 per thousand tett, as Lb: rafts run, though some purchases have. beet. Matte at VS. Thu rates trout, yard remain reported In our inst. ..: * 7 Toledo Market. • TOLLPO,III,ay 30ri-flour quiet. Wisest uctivi Jun4l'434o' better; hew - white lifielligun 55 .Umber; 2161,40; Nu S Amber, $1;27; No. 1 3111 , irlicitsle,gt,oo. Cart" netlve nhit 11 8111141 e bent,. ut clotsu. Oats fitcwiy. Luke freights dull um Market Siti'l.otriir,af ay att.—Flour eastersind not quo tably' ins et. Wheat ' doll and unchanged. Corn lower, itte!d4ehig.- Oats drooping. Pork ttnehanged, tali= Iftwon unchanged. Whis ky u4vanovj to Mew. Orleans *arklit. Naw oniawxx, Mny So.—cotton ,unobangcol; -wiles ISM Wiles tit Sot/37c; to4api reoctinek, trajea. bank Starling, J. Ft.;lghts to Now * K ora y s Afp , 4 , .; , toLlvertool,V=L; Lt./41yr°, I. ineltAllrAjOAD • Orreittnioll,4 • ol42..W•inin E. Came., IL. IL. '/Jay'7o-1 car wheat, 1/Iteboock, 11cCreery ,t co; btlelio;3l Wallace; Ido aditeyel tor Arm vi‘trouir; 2 do do, A ; Taylor ; 1 do corn, /5 Ilea Jr cles .1 ref., Cook;ilfro Aso(kS eke old meal, li Ites,Jr; bbls flour, Knox & alcKee,• it idols to baooo, 'llL:lleyht ,do rlO, J lir Mu Maud; 1 car metal, .311mlek A co;1 dodo, J Wood A don; 137 tads palatine, 11 Citterioa; 1 ear rye, 1 Wallace; 3 . dodo, 1.11 - tioneedy; tear naves, S J Ilalya; ,: I car , f . wriexat - 1 12.1.3. aft,ncg.crii bide done, AL..traort. & Lang; Fdr r t:., had, _Dickey d collet =tidies tobacco, .1 Murphy; 3 2iaaeledo; A J Hoots; 91 'colton, Park, A co; Icor corn, AlcElane A AnJort 6 ski, rags, I 31; E Ileaxeltdn; 8 bells barley donr,Pen nock-&-Tottent 9 ters'eheeee, - I.lrulif & &otter; s', pkgs mealillegay &Eno; 2 WIN - bacon 4 kegs lard, T Jenkins; 8 bxs cheese, L II Volgy co; 55 bbl', crone peproleant, J T ,Steckdale; .1. ear Icniner, - 4J-Iloff; I°3 Ohio Howoornar, One it col 7U Obis winks potatoes, L II Volgt A co; 125 do do, T C Jenkins; 2 cure ;octal, ]bran `A Caugbey; lea bins Moo, King ;t. co; 5 care metal, mods& en; r. bbls 125 oleo potalo9B. J D A C. Irxestrarel.COLllNC9l7/1 JUIDCIatIINTT Ably 36-1 Obi eggs It W Rankin; I c urouts, W W Berton; Ido mill:hod, A J flu ban; :ID Obis dear, ,knort, & Orr; J car louts; Coxp bell 1 'Drown ;lepkgs collars, It Iturtluy 5 boxca tools, 11 WolfeJr; 5, do do, Logan regg; 24 I idols rake, Emil Sclailk; 5 bbls oil, W. Flutter , en; lei Oats, MU) Bin g ham; 'bills pique, I Tittabiesth Mice Co; 13 Ablereggo, Jliabrainf; um; bbd letnon.,2 nage latd, ,445g* butter, .Graff & Itelter,7 - - • " A.L.l.Xtimary kfrATlOlf, jiday Wigs to bacco, 4 lifildletlte bbhe our, J kart;Tcne wheat, Kennedy A ltro; to se, C Ltiarry, "..2 oars pOLOOGS, J Orals; 103 ks do, neckflefal A .oc4.4l.x..tatis .I)%pwens 4 7Ifennedgel earn •wtsirds;'slClng; I tto do; - .1" oyern; 1 tiblegger.A . Kirk & co;.7,bales lierehe &ao;.l6.tigs oornettedj.Bl akburters... .. BertOri, itle att,T • . .., - naromrpklrr R , IVES. , , .. . . . , ^' a. ENNA N.,3-ILII , Ake. ticniLic, ',Knox a'Scui;ls7 bbl, do, shah:akar Xi-liacPie odartirabam a:Tianaiahe"hhds 'tobacco; J -OrszJeri Ss has alleekkuml. WWl:tap he Darrel, .atas, ir il.Collintiateihrsioratra.searieit; 1 buiercat,o,u, 'W.IWPg . Xllllll 2o .hilla metal. S Ihigacadt; 4 , baleir*.hran ; il tbonaghlun az' bbla rind, .1 Sloan. _,,,,' • • 7 lir..UShii4l4 l'aiiirralrli. -- ' , ofiltabills, Jail Bosnia/ i ili WAN liquor. Isaac Siaiip - 2ralips up. WitiAl'eltitE*- it tiMi l a h ns % dtivra, t 11 t i 1 goopaNheekiklitpla lard, pp Shrivel. a'axiacsiri 3 plias biftaft •-Jaltries; 0 bags reather,,,t, Diakvahipalaiiirc £ .9)01f Aunt; gO bola cur; Su rew: - - , ~ Gi 11' WM irirrsat HGB rim ' •-c+3 db C,CI. IN TUE 0111.11 ANS, (VERT oil' „ , I I N b LLEti DENY CI i I'ATI", PE, in the eino - , A,Prd.'111472 IiVESII T I7IVdg, "2711`1, "4: CROW ter to the est.. ol bAItA II .P E E LIit. detea os.t• BARS, .4.c. No. 3, March Tern; inur, It rt. of Pareltliin or VA. Air °lnce, No. It WATER BTRICET (up stairs}, nation. Pittsburgh. Pa. IYEI so Etleabeth Finite, Martha klerarland and lIS . ile Seaton, ;Sarah F. Cnover, Jost, h. Melsarlan•l. ' '' ........ ....wewea5wwieitmwe,,55, e ,,............ ~., 'h"a'' 14'1" lic).'"'''' l'nnen i " ' r I DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ilia Miele, and oarah A. Licbtenthaler, noon I . l clitentbalt r, Samuel P. Lichtenthaler, Martlto ~.."--„........, .1, I . l eliteittltaler, Liss., Lielitenthaler, IN Ililato it gridd."4 OF 1866. Llehteuthati r. r elidri ti of May Ann Livid, othu b ier and Bari Ann I.lehtenthaler, Ina:nee-1i Mary HEMAPANICA 7 Ann eteete, rely. Ac„ of a ald deeeased I ou are hereby notified Una an Inquisition win N held, in pursuance or the rthos. me n 1011,1 vont in (BLOOD CURE.) partition or vat uat L% 011 the prembo . In liouseryt Till /1 article Is expressly designed to purify and township on Til UK, tA 1 , the ?Ist day of J MI, A. li.. 1%6, ..t 10 o'clock. 4. a., to make partillm restore the blood to a healthy condition, try which IV:to and among the hires of odd deee.ed In on 1 1/1 IV/FULA and all illseatiet. of the Pare aro offer, ro=u,..lls, 4 4.7. g I ' d. '" ' &7, by .. t he icr,„‘,', ' Ural y re in o • ell from the sy item. bold In bottles at and place yen MAY nitro If you tlsta proper SU cents and bl each, by JOK `t if bTICW A RT. alterid 1311Fat1Ire's Orrli a / SIDON JOHNSTON, _ PVlTSChttott, Mar htli. Pert. f to) 10 irereevol any Corner Smlthfit Id and Fourth litres la _ f N THE ORPIIANS• COURT of Ai- SEBOONNIARER a. SON, -k• I •g•lketty County. 1 . 00110.. 111 the Inatta rot .1, J Eallteot Woolinan Giliboon. derenord. b r o./. Ilan It • T' ItTA ',. ‘ fto ' lttt r {{ n ut ri 1 117 H r oo V t "l t n , k Pittsburg' White Lead Works, Wood, David W. littler and /Jitney, w in _ Joho McClelland .til French, Ills wife, Washington puRE Warn T;F: A 1), . 1 . And Ellen M. ill. wife, larojanaln 1111 ~01,. William I itlesou s Benlamln G. Woml. sod 1• !series E. It poi, ...I Hem, ia. ti 00 4 , i, their i ther ,th„ . , ELLIE LEAD UROUND IN OIL run PAINTIN D . t'. Hutt., Rot., belt, of WrnOtnan Glb.ori, .1. OIL BARRELS, ceased -I'ol4 ATn hereby notified abet an Livittlultlon will IN,Tds. as laTokceell nelticerert. be held In pun sauce of the above mentioned writ , Mahe T. or • latlon, on Mc premises in Pitt Township. on 11l it IDA Y, the Ittn day or Jun. •,)1 i ( AMES CANTOR OIL, 'Crystal: lori, at loolci.sk A_ at., to make partition to 100 . 1 ..' ,, ....t ou elt ed and for sale by a ~,,, la lite itelra of said dereakt d, In ...orb n,,nn. • (3 EtiltlAt A. K ALLY. and Its such 91 1 / 1 10et1011 as by the laws of . 1, 1. I on.- iny2l NI lodesale Druggist, r Wood street. monwealth la directed. &v., at a - Mehl/me tiod play. , you may salami If you think propr.r. 3O (:A sES CIEARTER OAK LEAD Jitfill if. tell.WA HT, ...1...Ha 111. t rt t, I i ol and for sale hey biltourr's Oriret fi, noshing!, Miry I iv., It/J/11i, K A.lt 1C1.1.1 , usydtlaw.lon th ,2, Wholesale 1 truggist, 37 ti 00.1 street. .‘ ... T )1 . 4 11.5ie,N ALL OF REA I. E!4TATE. All iiiEoh FRENCH A. in Oil -.. —/ly vietneof an order of the I mret -h br Jost rreelhed and tor baler i Pleas authorinin. Lawrence Wincliel. ( onnutois I of Gertreldeßoellner. a lunette, to 011 the Interest ln, 20 of said lunatic, and an older of the orphan.' I ourt _ 00011 GE A. h F. 1.1.1. Wilh l e bhlh iiregfilett, M Wood street. g A G. shqu.t.., ,- 1 BITES. SPTii. TURPENTINE toil ati,leittnlltliTTAT:.,'ll',"d7;.:,"xn,l .11eIrs at taw of sh nuclei. d and for sale by John roellnee, dereased to sell the interest oi t.. 01 tIEOIIO2C A. KELLY. Mora, of, In and to 011 the following real estate. toy'24 Wboluokie Druggist. r Wood street Ottrite In /Etna, abater township, Atiegiouy ryolh. ••••••=..............„................. __. ty, fa.. to wit: Lots Nos. 20 nue 21 In 1 / I VIII A„_11111,1041's Aral litimi of iota, fronting On thr 111.1 i / i PAVERS. Turnpike or Plelhlt /toad SUIT feet, and es 14,0114 g - bark lin feet to Locust street, at Public /mit, at the J. a 't-rektin J 111 II AVULIKII C(ittel 14000 4 ill the City of Pittsburgh, on St T. S. It /41,11. 01.8 AIe I7 II34InOLIAOJI. UILDAII, May Will. IRS, at ino Hoek A a K 4 cINTYILE, McNAUGIIER & CO., Terms, cash — purchaser to pay for dt cil and stamp. l Ara, LAWRENCE IS IN(/HEI„ Commit. e I Wlll attend promptly to A. (1. Met/UM/E. guardian STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, mil.lasr3wri/ A LLA ' 'OBEN"( COUNTS , es-111 the apliCottet of Common Pleas, in On matter of the ' Fttrnishingand Laying Stone and ....o. or the aI,IIdIII .K 41.1 1.14¢11 A lio4/41A41011 Brick Pa vementil, of A itt.t..2o. 1.+,,[i....,t,;:d0r Iluer Perallo A u• I , , I And Repairing the same: Curb Moore Furnished ISlM ' Ve ' Lklon " rl'est and the Cort"dl'rer7niOlenTlier.: na r 1. , , : . 1.. ~A t l i s 4,. ti ratting and Cellar Digging dons. of to he phthikhhil in ohh h " .. P.Jfifir Prthbed In tar ' Parties tresitlng anything In our line will bare alt} of I itlaburgh and county ter Ali. egheni for . thole organ attended to by addressing Os throngb least three week., selling forth that .. ^PIA kali , . the Allegheny Post Office, or by calling at No. 200 has been mods to the Court for the pu rpoo of grunt. ban ,, usky street, Allegheny log the Building and Loan Aqatw•intlon of Pitts burgh a Charter of Incorporation, and that OK itratiseli!!.:lPV7llllMref Ifel b `Vatt t rt n lat . .l CO same will he granted at the next term 1/1 the &nue, unless eaceptions Iten•to 11131\11 be 01,1 lie proper Lime. From the Reviled. JACOB It. {VALI ER, Pro oltl.litivrao,, onr,,ii!.?.t..ereatedr,wlll please take 1101.11 G. IttitGalo Market A. WI 61)31ANN, tptlilaw3retl Attorney for the Sass... Milo. . ALLEGHENY COUNTY es.—in the Peturt of Cottontail Pleas, In the matter of tnt tliiPheation of the Mechanics Minding aud Leno, Association of Allegheny City for o t'herterof Incor poraio. No. let, June. 1864 And now to wit, April I-I, thin, Petition tiled and the Court direct notice there of to be publialiell In one nowypaper printed In the city Of Plttsborgs. for at least three pecks, setting forth that an application ha. been made to theotlll for the purpose of granting the Molding and-10M, Amine/ALM,. of Altos-, ny City &Charter of lueot ration. and th at the same Pill be granted' at the next ten toof the Penn of Comnom Pleas unless ex hs;zaii,ntlrrArt.Vlit. Pen, tit,tilot'veronitiCroTrot'oitwill " IANN, 1 -Ait=ilawihr,l Attorney for the.Assoriation• A DnierisTitAvrons , or Adinlitti on of Joll BO LTON, late of Alle itit ghe ra ny on City, ihe deceas eatate ed, hoeing been _gnu:ilea:to-am otido”lgned. all person. Wow. , themseive• indebted to said toaste 'dram: ; mat; Immediate payment, and thou. hating claims ' preacut theta, properly mull. nitrated, for .1,- to either of us. or Ir. 8. A. it W. n. Pucci twee our attorneys, at No. I s le llfth street Pitt.- burgh. Ahl • L BOLTtift • Barttlorly, I/88er en., e a ., pt litlawdess , Admire orJolut Mame, dec•d. THE COE/At OF COMMON A-PLICAS or Aileighotly (Monty, `fromil October Ten., A. IL. ANA Libel itt Illy,. eto the flonda Alaiyhtiony. Mcllstslin rs. 'Mean Me. To oceAn Mellatici IS, the alrorr naw,t rot: Y are hereby untitled Iv be rind appear at the- ay attorn, of the 'Above named CoOrt, br held at Pittsburgh, nu the YI/LST MON DA t OP J it fs x, A. lA, HNC then and there to answer the complaint of the Ilitatlatit.. Willis= T. McCasiiii. and show mune, If.auy you have, why his petition for yorce ahfrulo nintrilnoralf not be grantea di d. :Aprlllist; A. U., JOHN UTE:WANT, Sherdt. 1261.—alatilawiltw - - fEIIrIMOR'S NOTICE---Letters .a.ix • ttiluentary theitito, of JACOB Lf A Vs, Istb s to MIMIn Xurrnablp, ,egheuy county, decd. ed. hay Ing7,beelt glade the undervigund. -pedonifkruildnrullinme. Indelned to said ....tato will , Wend , n.) fin-LW -gloat ro per y Ilmort Intritselsplanorlll pro,/ ,sinem. yantigen ifeat • , fir sedlernent. '5 the nntlertlgueo, a" Trus• . .peetiiintletoounsy r ,orp P. A. W.-6. Purr/dice, AU,!!IV't l'",Pjail:fir(lPll4 tirg,"kilitbo74. Trooped, Butler Co., Ts. 11(rAtifiVIIET3NEGR9lintEIVE?iricia riom.fultim .stkvel k21.0.,•ch.vi, thaility rlttatotrgb. A l EersOus Interested ore hereby nOltded that the . ,be nor, Itiewiraltr-the,nborit mentioned street' hie handed temelor rottoett on ofadtesinuep is, ruilasa-mareismout.; are , not pant within 72tU/1V yttalt from Ants data, • Ilene will be Med therefor *tablet the welpertles, wltti Interest, cost, 'entree& J. Y. tb , *lll4l, Otyliotteltor, • luntaZt , ; • ISM STEAMBOATS. IJITTSBUNIGII. BROWNS- . VILLE AND GICNRVA jaw coci . m ... w .,„ jr, AT THE LOW E— , 4T MARKET MATES Will run three daily slle-wheel steamers between • Pittsburgh, Alonongaluda City, Brown., Ille, Ple31:11,, • YA TyLrK TELEGUAPII Cr?. I!. 111)1;113:IL Wt.. BULB.: KRA N ......... ......CA . P"..Z : . 31 . Alt 31 Ar : a rasa... RAI LATIN ........... I'APT RI II K jar... Wire all VV . & These parketa will leave Pltothurgh dally aa. LOh tn. and a p. unitay, a hen the dri/art ure 11 ANI/TACT/T113:1IS OP will beat o'eloek. a. in. The through paelet for the Regions will lertre OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA Pittsburgh daily at I, h. Brownsi Ille daily at 3a. it, dailylcirrtniNlxo—Learea Brownsville for Pittsburgh C,1115.C11D5143 nittakrizal2lt at I a, ISM 0 11. Lad p. li Loadln (tenors •t 12 o'elcielti The Ilue coni - ponol of first-class Dia.-wheel steamers, built expresaly fur the trade. They are STEEL WORKS, commanded by gler:rip of long experience, wt..o will pay particular attention to the wants and con, piTTSBURGLI STEEL WORKS f a irit i ;f i tai:i r iety r e , r4 :,.... r ,i tie boats will leave promptly FRE:It:II4S ItECKI VIED AT A I.L HI11:110for rltrtner . ''''"cuLsr.'ir.megiTvoll"B Agent, At the Wharf-Boat, lout of Grant at. t i , Ptted/lurch. L. COLVIN. Agent. rny31:1,100 Brownsville. Pl. IJEOPLES* LINE OF STENIIERSI REAPING ANII63IOWINGMACIIINES, (I N~~ AIL I'I~NATT.I ~.1 Pitt•but-ttlt%lllanottlith.lit City. urn BTIME.I. PIL°AZ-14.7:"''"P}21"48.AXLr-IS. Thlg Company obi run a dally host Ingo ron the Chet and Common Plough anti Spring Steel alms, pow,. romprleed of nn' w :old 4,1rn.11.1 .Ile-wlkeel .deamer. COI/EFTA I.C. It. It. Ann an: eomma nth,. and 1..1.1,:,•Ti.1t, ll.maiir Film, e• :Tr; V;':11,..,. 1: - .rr h prit,:cit."'ig ~.. '.';' , :' il•„';:.'',7l,"::'`,.. ) --.7 , d7 The lailettal. will leave 1 . 11,1 m rah for all polo. LACK -DIAMOND on T 1.7. VOA Ye. 711.1:VDA T., an./ krt . /WA le LI at 5 T. a. Keturning. leavem Ilenrea for nillehursb on 111 , 3 N DA YS. W /WS ENDA YS and Fill IIA 1 e, al 'l a. M. and Brownovllle at 4 P. N. 7he Company will bare a ores-clue. Wharf Boa, at Monongahela City and VI/labor/Os. Pr. late, N eedled at all boar, NO charge for rut:tint...lon on Eaotern fteighi. Tide lino will NO& rms Imata Oil the Sanhatle. For further intrtleulara enquire on Imard,r t.. .14.11 N S. C ~N Ni N6ll a 111, Agent. al M rWharf Boat, foot of Gran/ time, MIA .1,..”? ' - BEST taUALITY ILKFINZI/ CANT STF.6I.. lEw9ULAIt PACKET A tall=l ~, AND Tit I , ', im , frar2,tAivrr... —7---,„„ e, til.tr'' Fiat l o"d rte k :l L"°" k • an or I " t!rlini.l l'h'l7:.:Liark. D UARAM. ,s ald• ( 5, it. Smid....' Wr iell e y r e rt.l . Ntt ta ! y.. ° . L"Y "n" or " " ..' re 4 n above and all lutenniallant poor. per , ry 'IT ESD AYI Fit - Oelec and waren:maw, N bu rs '.nd Harlin, Na aall-wa ri ' l '. .. 1‘.": ati'.'''''.l".'i'l!.l V .7 : l lVl:ll/1 1 4 ‘ ;117Z, V : t . t- .._..'"'- .P 2 g."". "' '''' '!" I "." LEGAL. DED WAREHOUSE OF PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Vonetantl) on hand and for sale It. C if: J. H. 151. A W A NUER.%ON, COOK & CO 04 UCCEAS013.11. TO JONES. BOYD A CO. r i a n n t rlZ:it , o k r . e7 . o . fth , neat refined Cast Steil Bquare, awl bhcet east Stelf, ror► UMee—Cornerof PIA-M. cad Mos trreta, MN), the Monougabo m la A House. 8ri.33/Z/Ma V . VCOMA-Mr./111 FIT - 1 . 315L/ HUH. PA.. PARR, BROTHER at Co., Illanof.lartro of RYIT[n . W. IL IL CLUB. LA BELLE STEEL STORK 1P HASH IHAIM THREE CARS BALED TIMOTHY HAY, FOE SALE Ey SHOEMAKER & LANG, oso 1 72 •od UI WOOL) STREET. HOTELS ..._ • _ siUrfIIMEIFt.-STETNON HOUSE. LONG Elia NEIL SEW JICLIAgy. This new cud elegant. Hoag isill e l opened for the sellMitun or about the ISIO of • • next. Phis hoLel ,ni t Is particularly Arranged Mr the . on of Moline. Rooms Cull In: secoreci for too. A trtplicatiou at the Astor House, New I ors, l'ycp c ," dl' A, hT KTSOSI. On list toll, of A pelt toe Abeliclocillem meet at the Astor !Gon. to •lew the plane flit lo cate their nmms. A few shores of stock remain on clispocced of. Partici. wishing to a UhscuriberAo do. by application 10 .1. IL CORIAILRI, Thiasurnr. 153 'lrmo IS . AT . Newyork. toil Mood _ _ VIELVETILN BLINDS. . . INN. 44. livniGnr, MA NUVACTUTILIt OF VENETIAN BLINDS, No. SO Federal St" Allegheny City. arOLD BLINDS 110 h 'EQUAL To NEW O rn ,„111.1GARS--1:10 bble.CotTee Crush. et! &mar: Crushed, Powdered and urn. Sugar, for .de toy ISEI il/C11,9 1/1109.. mySl Non 191 and 1781 W.`""-. ea and 1911 WooTaini.et. 13IETURES, GA NE FRUITS, LAN DSCA P 9 d BOUQUET; Victor. In tiold reenact, fur Nall decorallOna t ivir maltsby tomlo . P. MARSUALL. SIABDINEs—aII eases _one-half 13 and one.qoarler cane Harlan. lust received and for indu by 'Loral Ea m t( y 9 Noa. 19 and 123 Wood street. RUTTER-3 hail bbh . elkoice •••-• Roll Uglier Joel received and for .ale by Ma r AKILITHONtI, Corner of Marital awl Fled MAPLE SUGAR-16 bbls. toed Maple Ungar. ant/Zhou.. Uakes, fur sale 4 , n1714 tLIOICNIAKER a LA.4111. 173 and 174 Woo.] Street. 3IICSIWIFIEAT-1500-lbseh. Seed """*"`414 9, 17a &VP, .111 . 3. ~1) 13 411/buiierty went. ,iASKET WILLOWS-4a' btlladles try .! ° ! ' mf g from DIM"11;11111111. I for. sale. BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronouncedhy all who have rcien It the slmPleat machine now hefore the ImbIlr• THE ONLY LIVE INbURANCEI' , OIPANY IN It Is as effective and durable as It I. simple. and as practical as it is durable. It has but to be seen to AMERICA that now makes and pay. an Annual be admired, and used to be appreciated. It mon- ' CAcil Di viiirFis on :he ors, ard , avit . ..belt,. blues the eitinentS of • n . Trouni 0 f P , on , lunt. Ito , A•sli i ANTAL. an se- PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE ' l; ' =:-.ltl: ftf..-:"T ,1 7.:";.•!. 1.7 'N'A."; . :`T".' 4 '}L" P . - .. now In its lath Tear ~ ,5,. ....Vnc... and hac paid to the And is afforded at a price within the range of near- wt InsWc aN 0 j. O , 0 “ N . 0 f it s r‘,..‘ntu.r. the sutn 0 ly every family In the land. ' I `NS: MII.ID,N In , i,r..1,... 1.„ ,b,: d a ,,. n o , a ciu- The only low prlemi Machine In the Flitted Mat,. ale ease of lltlcwtiuu ca. occurred, an es 'deuce licence,' to .ics tbe WHEEI.EIt A. 1111.• ,N VEEIi , that illwrailte and lair dcallng Is a specialty with —the host and only reliable. reed ever constructed. tole Comi.any. Sir SALESMEN WANTPiIi. r T" P"I'"" 'hi. '."..""v an n" .;1i r.1 . ' , ‘ ; ' ,::,1 . PENNA. SALT IVIANUFAt TUR% CO. zabinermit.-sr del 3=1.0•0173319, ! . Z 17!" g r .";' , :;':' , :W.7: n r;l 3 ::7l".', l L'', ",?..' ~.., ',,.,, WHOLESALE AGENTS, : policies continue good thrn,Elt lit, PITTS.BITRGH. PA. NO. ea xy.rtii Eit - x - oc , t, i orrn Lm. J. C. WA 1.E1.1. President. ' mytaiaZl PlTl'clit:lit.ll. PA. N. S. rAi.mEm, Vice President, , S. it. WHITS.. cerretary. Branch Orin, for II e.t.rn Pennsylvania,rc where , ' circular. and I,IIM. Appllcatlonc will in' furnished. 1 ... OS Fifth street, Pttleberich. Agents waxitlid throughout the Clete. Apply to octs:ly ~ F. F... (44 k 1111,1,1.. nig, Agent. LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, For Families and Manufactures After twelvc years trial. ft has been demonstrated that the lAb2h-STIT('Et Is the only stitch suitable or every variety cif ewwi.g. THE WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM, No. 27 Fifth Street. .nn WM. SUMNER A: CO GROVER & BAILEws SEWING MACHINES Rave I,e. emu . .lett the FIRST PREMIUMS at th following Fairs for the year 1E66: First Premium for beat Machine work at Penns State Falr. First premium for beat Machlre work at New Yor State Vale. First Premium for best Family Machine at Oh State Fair. First premiums for best manufacturing Machine Ohio State Fair. First premium for beat Manufacturing MachineMienigan State Fair. .ost Premium for beat Multi factoring Machine WOcotoln State Fair. talswlizt.Po:eclogrfo Agb r eal....Mannfacturing Machine First Premium for pet Machine for Renewal par poses. at Lawrence County Fair, Pa. Pleat Premium for best Family Machine at Pock County Fair, PA First Premium for best. Manufacturing Machine Packs Ft:.;11. Manufacturing and Aaiun Machine at Springfield Fair, Ohio. First Prertanm for beat Manufaeturing and Farnll Machine at Palmyra Fair. N. Y. First Premium for best klutufactnring and Family Machine at Suffolk County Fair, N. Y. First Premium for bent Manufacturbtg and Pamily Machine at Schuyler County Fair, N. Y. First Premium for best Machias. fur all Purposes. Si Allegbeny County Fair, PA First premium for best Manufacturing Machine, Allegheny County Fair, Pa. First Premium for beat Machine w rk at A ilelthen C° n a l wt r irre Ti, v j e ' : - e;thi 01 ted. No. 47 WOOD BTIME7 u=f.'=ffm prZ l :eodßut No. IR Pl6h street. PlttaborKh SHAW & Cr Axx~e SEWING MACHINES. 11114%4013.13a0113 SOLD IN TWO DAYS, Are tnanufactnred Without any complicated to.hle - err, and therefore are not noble getoutof repai r . Yamnit perfectly adapted for every desertptlon of raeully Hewing and Tailoring. We do not clans our Xl:whine with cheap machines, as we have taken off Patentoe petrol. eo Toe ILEM, PELT.. trriTi BIND, r.,1111101 EIL QUILT 8. ( Raker, and Itarlaeldicensed v ...we, er. Wheeler A 14 n. lirover 11- All of our Marlon.. are warranted Ore years. Ali tbITZ WANITICLL IL.I. lA/N Aent, m L 2 tirau street, O, near g Flub, P BOOTS, SHOES, &c. M'CLEILA_ND'S POPULAR EMPORIUM, NEW GOODS DAILY. BOOTS, SHOES, BALAIORALN, 111.1chi.le HtiOES Foul, AnD PATENT TI Cb . ltdotiANEl. s1.II . • "Efts. de., de., de.. de. ( ALF. KU'. (ALAIN. LOVE. CALY. rEdin.}:, CALL' AND KID )? EVERT DIEseicIPTIoN. YOH. Ladles, Gents and Children I , I3BINTIBHINU GOODS- Ticking, Furni ture Cbrck, tlin►hams. Table I.lnetot, Chock, Crash, Balmoral a n d Hoop SI Ina, Bloat tom, 1,1.1 Linen, Shin From., Corset, Shawl., Al Udine FANCY AN!) 1/011RSTIC 1111 KM G. tOlls. I: ~,, er, Hosiery, tlusimuders, Neck 'lles, Ilan.ll..•reltler, Collar, Shirts, Dumtern, Cutlery ,Ilvvr rl4led Spoons. •ASSIMEILES, yATINETTy, m zuroNs, AIDS stud JEANS. Mi., CALLPETb, VENETIAN BLINDS. and !MAI/Eh Private Sales Day and Evening. 55 and 57 Fifth Street. w THIRD ARRIVAL or SPRING AND SUMMER 4!) 41) Si Et rid S hClot'o3. We are Receiving Daily ALL TUE LATEST STILES Ladiel4 s , Gent'N, flora, iPiNCS., Youths• and Childrenw• Boole, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, Which we offer al VRItY LOW I'ILICFJ•. J. A. ROBINSON & CO., 61 Market Street LARGE ARRIVAL AT 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, pmxxat r3.4L-sr, ur ALL TFIE LATIisT STYLES "F Gaiters, Shoes and Boots, AT v - P:111" ww PRICER. CALL a SEE nizef N'CLINTOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STORE, m F.: Federal street. Allegheny. A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL SEMEN BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS; alsed Da[morals, Just received_ , and will be sold at tbu VERY' LOW - 11217` P 11.10 1 ,15, either Wholesale or Retell .tall i pl u t . ' CIA I.L BEIrORE PU Rl' II Ati.INU J. IL & W. C. BORLAND, Idyls No. 99 Starket street, 2d door from sth st 1300 TA AND 8110E8. z.a.nerzses R.4=1,313126 . ) Pb. 89 Markel Street, near ant' Second large perch/Leo of BOOTH AND BHOES Ude Spring. We keep on hand Rill assorteiret of it,el7 Variety of Boots ouil Mimes, selected with the utmost eareforltila inert:et. We le•lte special at tentlon toper stock, as we believe It to he the beat In the city, wltleb we will. eell at the lowest prices. Please nQI at No. 119 Marie/ strecL flaring bed over thiftgicaci experience le the tnieleess,goo cannot. rift to be milted. • iteleember the placeo. HO Market street. (mole) dAllifb , S NEW BOOT AND SHOE SToIRE, Xs. 24 M. it2air Street. A xlected G Nlran!lV HMI ATIVIX Viag, l llUr. GUT:9'l)l4'x BOOTS AND RNAHA-.19 J. V. CAN %CO.'S, 83 Market at. AJOIDIP FINE BALMORAL AND CIONGR KBB HAITERs nt. mr9 J. W. CARNAHAN t CO. •& 83 Market it. LADIES' FINE B.ID BOOTS at .1. W. CA.1181.1.11A. & CU.'S, $ Marta at. LADIES' FINE lUD SLIPPERS at W CASSABA N t C 0.91 83 liark&C putTNEs--itoo Legg Gent prunes; bblo. Turk keg, Zente Comm tA All strimeArer, Put mtt•eddrlin ram :aye Nos. Mind =Weal stzeih, CALL, AND EXAMINE AT A. F. CHATONEY, GYNILEA.L AUENT X 3 :ME . FILC:Ir'I;r7EMO GAITERS REMEMBER noon M. 1101.....1114. I rlLSOfr...llUNTirdi onn. HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. rbusnEits F.Atil NE ntrI.IIERS AND MA. fisisifacturers of OTEAMBiiAT iIINES, OIL WELL ENI3I A ES. I.OOOMiniVES for Coal Works, all kinds of L.nd and klarlue FN GINEAmatIe to order. From the wall earned reputation or the Manager Mr. JAMES NELSON, we hope loliberal slum of patronage from ootahuat r builders and others wanting good machinery. liar aim be.to do all work In the brat manner fora fair coml.:is.. lino, and to do It In the time we air. All kinds of vAtrruvos mode to order. Inn Machinery promptly attended to. We ran torn n Shaft M .foret long. and bore or torn a Polley At feet diameter. Pmirtihop ituquesnc Way near the Point. Coundry on Mini street. near Market, . _ apinalnid ARSENAL GLASS WORAIS. MODES, RYRIE & CO., . tda x lifturera or BLACK m4d OREEN (11..A1E, primaieta' Ware. pottlee, Heed Johns. (la. noial . C. We/ebonite—No. WATEII !STREET, Let Ween timithdeld and (Irma streets, rittsburghl a`rftte. WinTant our Ware. to be superior to any maxi. °Pictured vrert of the Mountain. Always on hand, tilassaare of the above description, All orders promptly attended to, Pa rt icular attention paid to private nttrolds. USN.. P. COLLINS B OnN Wail! lOLLINS & WRIGh T , Brittania, Draw and Kneel. Metal Worker*. 1011 00d4 OW' tan, CILIOI3O and lard 011 lbarnera.and all 4Lflereat Ririe. of Billiards rued by Glass 112101311iCtIlrera. Ordqn promptly filled. No. In SECOND BTILEKT, Ylltstm res. Penns- oe7 Jr .; SEVERANCE, No. as WATER lof aSTßlCiirthalittrmobiktEnxtlian =Bll=l very .f:gilt k o n r " olaaped Spikes and Ire!", large or small made to order at short notice, A go o d ar , ortnient mowtanUl on band. WILLIAM M. 'BROWN, (Late of thafirm of iSSOws 8 MOaltOW. North . Haat earlier of Third god illorpFs Street,' mazilJm.‘,oJ4 INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE Co., of Hartford, Conti CHARTER 1829 . PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHI LA DELPII IA Annol■ on Jon. I, 11364, Capital 0 goa.ooo Anvesccrued stun PPrentremiums 9710444 Ilimn. Unsettled Claims 1,0h6,1.1111. s. Income for 1/64. 416. 11110,0un Losses Paid slur. lutN 6,1011,0u6. , Perot.' and Temporary Policies on liberal terms Ch... N. RumLer, laser 1,, Tobin, Wagner, Edward C. 1..!.., Samuel , ("corgi. Nan , . Jacob R. Smith, Alired Fitter. George W. Richards, W. Leal, CHARLES N. DAM:KEIL, I . r...inient. EDWARIi DALK, Vlee l i reeldent. JAS. W. lit ALLISTER. Scr•y pro WI, LM .1. l i t.gglN, Agent. Corner and 11.1ro1 strcets. AND RIARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A NERICA. PHILADELPHIA =l3 Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Assets, ifir Prot.., inn ran hr secured In the above named and reliable Cotnpanlva. R'. 1.. JUN/ak. Agent 427:17 W Wat,r street, (up stairs,) WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF PITTSBURGH, ALK..2iA N lIEU NIIIII7K, W.M. P. HIM/IF:HT, Si.cretary. ritli N F.LI J, General A¢ent. Wan., birrei, ,pan‘ fo Co. •9 Wart House, up Hairs, Pittsburgh. Will Insure &sng! all kindss of Flee and Marine Risks. A home Institution gml by Directors who are well known 10 (01 . ( .o ml:tuna . ,v anil who are determined ti) promptness and liberality, to main tain the character which they havemmed. 01- frrlng the best protection to those w Ri ho desire to be minced. CLEM= Alex. Nimlet R. Miller, Jr, Jansen Ille.Anley, Nathaniel Mime Alexandereer, Campbell It. lierron C. 11. Ricketson, eat, WM. Y. HICHBEICT. Secretary. ( IITIZEN S , EVS CHANCE COMPA v Nl' 0 V riTThltl2 Itt. 11. °Mee, corner Market and Water Streaeta, Seem./ Door. WM. l'Ati A 1. F. V. l'realdent. WM. A. SII EPA HD. See, tan.. ins Ires Straus Malta and l'at pow.. f t I nun. againeL loos and damage In the navigation ohe bon thern anti Wentern Rivera, Lakes, and It one. and the Igation tse Sea, Insures against lora and damag. by tire. , A win,. Ackley, t //avid hl. Lehg It h ee .. l J. TCI krhorn: Cke . . JOtill It. McCune Jam,. I'. Hanna. Wm. Haff.l Drltxt-rons: Samuel R ..), ea 1S M. Hler. John rlitt ton, , la. Park, Jr., Jentes M. Cooper. W. U. Johnston, S. llarlsatt,h, It. F. Jottes,l 1 • .al , lwrl). Jr., Joshua Rhodes, John S.llll, WI, Itareisy Preston, I Wns. A. Hoag •rs. t....orge Blinthent. d.lo:y I ) EOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OPFICK, N. K. CORNER WOOD AND rIFTILJTS. =MEI J W o m. Phlllloa, rapt. John 1.. 1th0a,1,.. I nalnunl shrtr, ban., Ash., kn. .il•t111 %I tn. htrl, Frank S. James U. Ver.inr.Lone, ." W5l. 1.1 111,1.L1'+,5. Prnablvnt 31/lIN WAIT, Vine l'reahlent W. F. ()Ain/NFU. Secretary. Intl:IC Capt. SA3IP, tIoRDON, AgL A LLEIMENY INSURANCE CO. Bank 111. .k 1 1.. 1 :FSHLIR(111. -Ogle, No. a: Fifth atrent Insureelagalnst all %Inds of Finnan.' Marini. Mak', .111 H N 111{1'1 N, J It., Penni.lent. JOHN D. idt:Cuttli, Vine Paesident. C. (4. DONN KLI.' Secretary. t apt. IVIL DKAN, Hence:ll Agent. DI lIIDTODS lama( Jones, John D. nteCord, C. O. Hoseer, George S. Head, T. Nang? C.llda, Charlea Hays. .1g H ust. I neon, Capt. Won. Dean, John Irwin. Jr.. 1 lieu. D. Aleut.,.., H. L. Fahneatoek, Hobert H. Darla. FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES CUP NEPHEWS 11 IANUTAGSOII[R6 OF HEAVY ORDNANCE AND ALL FUNDS OF F4EAVY OA3TINDS. inno Btl.4l.l.4Anlt'N'eltl"l n lta.l .6 %(.4lLL W REPAIRS attended to promptly. As harototore. the best materials will always useil at this Foundry. Attention Is called toNEW FI.Y WHEEI PATTERN and increuell onr racilitles for fitting up th same. nottlyd JAX. VALLEY STOVEL. WILL. WOBES. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Ocoee and Warehou oppoelte Mannfacturce a great variety of COOK, PAHLOK and HEATING EITOVEe, among which are the cel brateil Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves: alto, the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal or wood. and the unrivalled Star of the Empire, for wood; Mao. Arctic, Grates, tender., Sugar Kettle, Dog Dons and Hollow War generally. 111115 . - A. BRADLEY... ...W. YABILIRE J. P. BRADLEY /ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacture every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES eacona which are the celebrated EUREKA. TIMPIC &ad TALI/MAY (Ctotladtovel%) 1 . (.1111ANd, VET. ItRAN and LW/Min/Ed (Wood Cock atocca.) Also tautacture CRATES, GRATE FRONTS, drx. Office and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on liccond street. r MANUFACtErIigi§ INDUSTRIAL WORKS.- ME HOUND AND SION PAINTIA. ri T T 11S011011, 82,457,549 O PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO PT'PTSBURGTI. PA CHOLERA DISARMED!!! \ The Chief Cause of Pestilence Destroyed! DR. E. COURTARET'S ECTIN It FLUIDS. aecured toy Letters Patent 021,- 1 . 11/ICCI Slates and Frau,. Prepared solely nY no , iSio•zr York Disinfect ins Company, at their Laboratory, Nos. 21. A, WC and M 2 Henry sy r , e ,„ Y. trfllce, a 2 Cedar Stem, I nil. Company organized on tt permanent bald, with Dr. Courtaret, the celebrate., (remelt Chemist, In charge of Its Laboratory, la prepared to furnish Its DItidifFICTING ift.t . t9... fo sick room, nurseries, urinals. water Clot.ta, r eesapooln, sevrers, getters. ship, railroad, hompttaia. Prison, nod Inidttullons of all Mods, ahnighter-homae, °nal and fat-boiling establiainnents. all kinds of ma nor.. (iaintoomein lactic...Mg the value of the latter to evo.ri tanner>, and wherever poi...mous and °Mo nty.. gazes robot. Tnese agents . deodorizers. ontlarptien, antlputreacent, 11,11 and disinfectants In .. the ..entitle meaning of the worn, Their remove nottoitz V. 3015 ond odors lit 011•1111Cai pringiplee— le.. Mg In thmr placeg ..../I.l4frotthey are 02. Hi Ivan, and not Ma', /I/ bor not injurious to notell they, ob..d. The attention of ...diet./ and iiclentltle men I. Trusted to these dt-Infeetants. Attached or, testimonials In favor u. dila great ollseoverv, which. with hoed red, of others ',II be arra at the Compa ny oflire. 81,750,000 si.a%us.ooo DEL kVA. 110 r.. March fai. 71 15. Preerldent u./ t/. en Telt t hfro Dear It Is atilt is represented to lie. lie hare made litany trials foundedo tsittri...tants. but nom, consider that a have an article which surpasses all ethers aa a rdinedy against all had odors. T. ROENSEI, ,IE CO. ew \ April it. Ital. 71 the Preahrtitent ojthe rt• I.cu Dear 11.1 r: Ice It. withou aret/tie, 10 lie the be.it.ivi. hare el et known It. effect Upon r‘rry platter is complete and Instantancoun. C. A. a'rETMON. Astor !Anuses N. B.—These Disinfeetant a are used by the ea, envers. under the direction or the :lanitary Pollee of the Metropolitan Health Department. N. I . triVY.LL & TUOMFMON. t 7 1 [Dan 5r. , I ;etiera/ and lb Agents for the United Stet su n,. Carulat:lo:lo whom all orders should deennell. For sale by all Druggists and general Ilea the States toil U.;j el 3 On this Continent AND Ts so PBONIALINCED BY THE A roost scientific Analytical Choulso. It Restores Gray Hair, It Prevents Hair Failings( nit: It Changes the Hoots to their Original Organic Action; ' it Eradicates I)atirulr and Humors; It Keeps tue Scalp Healthy; It Contain no Injurious Ingredient. Am) Indrsal accorded to be a Splendid Dress- I nir a Superior Toilet Article. ITS MERITS are INSIDE THE BOTTLE. Every bottle COSTA LIQUID than any other dollar prearation. NO LAW: It p r IWAIttoS offered to estahllall its enielter, hut WE lIU OUA liA TICA to rewind the onno ) any pert.,., ...11l nee t bottles and hen ,ay that our Itestora; r ha. !allot to do an we J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor., Manche Ater, Zit, Ilampahlre. R. E. SELLERS & CO, Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. rora:ata 1111.1111PIIREIPS HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have 'roved, from the most am p l eekPerieneeen re. tire meets, simple, efficient and reliable. 1 breast, the eel) medicines perfectly adapted to pollute; t to —so simple that mistakes cannot be made lo uslaa them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. No. 1 ewes FEVERS, Congestious, Inflamma- CKII , tion 3 •• WORMS, Worm Fever, Con 25 C01ic........ 2 CRYLNG s COLIC, or Teeming Ulu . tant 4 • DIARRHEA of children or adults.. 2.3 6 ' DYSENTERY, Griping and Bilious Coll .5 6•• CHOL ERA MOIDIUS, Nansca....... 91 7 " COUGHS, Colds, Bronchitis. . ....... 76 8 " NEURALGIA, Toothache, FM'," ache 9 " HEADACHE. SBA 'A Headsche........ V 0 "DYSPEPSIA, Billions Ilitornartt„ - f1 it " SUPPRESSED, scanty and oduild perio :5 ds 2 " LEUCORRIMEA, or Whites 25 13 " CROUP, hoarse cough 14 " SALT ILLIEUM, Erysipelas, 1t...0-boe. boe. 2/S 15 " Eli EUItATIS.SI, all rheumatic palms 25 10 " FEVER AND AGUE, Chills and Fever 17 " PILES, Internal or extern.. ea ul .. OPTHALIP Y, sore, Inflamed eyes.. be Is .. CATARRH. acute or chromic, Mau , 20 " wilifor IN u COUGH, spasmodic e 60 21 " 21151 MA, oppressed ....... ..... IR 22 " EAR DISCRAIttIICS,IrepUrraI near -1" DIVI'SY • d 1 .4 ' dENERIII"I,IIteLASM'd,ei;(4I.IIOII weakness 2 " Dttorsi and Scanty Seen/Dons-- 2S " SEA SICI) NESS, or sickness Ito= 27 i• Klellika. DISEASE, Gr av e 1...,.—. 1121 " NERVOUS DICRILIT7, semlniti L involuntary discharges N .' . 8011 E MuUTH. or Canker 02 ri ,:: FittlyAll: 1 1 0111131Ntet.'",,,,h " 32 0 . tiIT S PITITINtin t Change of Lite-- a . .. EPILZPAI,Basn ' is, St; Vitus' Dan iti •• DIWILERIA, ulcerated sore aorta, lii u utael. Cases Of 30 vials, Itt r mo nty rocco to ciatiand book com- Cam o plem 0 te f 211arge vials, In morocco and book a 0 u cue of 20 large vials, plain case and !r00k...... 4 u Case of 10 boxes (No. Ito 15) and book. . a 0 A. t 05.ii.6, - •ii.. 1 11. I..e?",ZtirN°44T.ll TU. ' : tvlo . r.l '' ., "' ji... WAll i r s tAcu i l i tilt , t alr rg 1.,. Pa. PLEMn i t, b /L farket strett, :true of the irthti l gt; latabhorgh,:trli.lxithitliaTl,,i9kr.liM'ederal stretil Din e r g norliind kle ' rket street. l'lttabugh.. eeee'ee" r - Vor, . Eirrinciu.ANips-itieliiiiiiii7; -.-- . COUGH BA-LhAM Is - --- wasmuited to be lhe only pre- I .?...,''.-. " , 1 . .. W.,. paraUon /roan to mare I" 41, a til 4it Vsretot Co lds, ir910 " 471. 1.1 .. - ' -... Chronic Coughs, Consuip. _,.._ N..- 11013, LIMMIllit• and Croup. — ," -- 'i` t VIII c P r e e b a, P lrre i 1= RT:01! M ORE:` [......_ V d ag.Val(itlg:t r .r kf; ' 2l affections of the Throat and LAME. /Or We LI Orogen, everywhere. 12,7 fd N. E. SELLERS i VII., I WROLEgALS AIDDIT lA, EMITICILLAND'S PILE nem _ EDT has CULLED thou nada of the worst cases of ' , air i Z ZA"i= " :.. - - -- BLIND AND IMBED! Nti i ~....iii 6 . .0 !.q. c r/LIS. It gives Immediate • --... ....• relief, and effects • worms- - :.r.......,, .e ' ..., tientTry It directly. ilif.rf 10,..Pittr,. It Is warranted to cure. •--,, - , . y'r" - ff For Sale by all Druggists, at i . , 50 contaper bottle. i Pll S it. Z. • I WI. iz 1.-- ' 4.elklid ii LIOLESALII iaie.l , DTSPEPS/A.•••• Dr. strickasold' iroxic, sl a concen gtiteil breparaUon Of !toots ,e,‘,14,7 tagn..rt., with anti- "\\"\1.P4,17\,, a t% IA & ' Zt i o ne t : T h e ..!,? .z #,, erroulystem. - ~ t.....-... Lath raniody for Dyspepla, cz) .10, or Indigestion. Nervone. nest, Loss of Appetite, , a Acidity of the Stomach, Fluttlency and debility. It oh, ,‘Q Is=iLlijoybzw:g.,/a, ~0•A A: nervous and dy•peptlO per. - . NOP& for sale by all drug Deltic. gbita iFferawa no at 822. k. yiej , ", , a; co. 0015,1 kw ..,LaSALIP 401to•rr ........_ pOII.TY Era - AS ~. PRACTICE - - IN iIP.SUAL DISEASES 0 1 (utak go e • It. 4 0 tuldniwilequirod by Physi cians- 'lly long " ..iuu ialiblt dty. and the amount ot , l a tienu ea . annuluir by me, are sunlclont ,pZol= mourEs. or Sexual West In . aad ill 'd i seVa ' lrs ia t TV:A:7T SticV ' Ml* Iv D I E S. Me:cities ant to any part et the Hann. All lat ter most contain a stamp to 717 r".7tiflgrinSaWrlVG bilisru'rL - M. , ' I. W. BR.A.NirRup. N. L un d isagr • ..I , Don Ird. Pittsburgh. Pa. • .1 1 1RIVATITIEAStS. O A. „ comps Ts). P ENN STRSET; Dear Hand. . • for, the Mire dull Meeks!s or a Drivers nature, In Roar two 'to stair dem by as entirely. ainr and oafs ereatmentf . ..dim i Seminal Weakness, and all other dLetaillea w nigenital craw arid thetroceventlon Cans ted or money refunded. A M rS o atenWl.D MA. m P ., e nn t w o ao. nmtl 4 ear• . . - . pES ANDMEMONS: , Prim! iftwa. Only:nice!: ANY " "famous, e 4 for Fele bY os la d ne:w.o4 stres4 • Returning Trains grave In Plttsburgt Mau Line First WaWei:nation Ammoniahalm' Banton Acconsunalation No. I Second Wail's Station Accommodation... Johnstown Baltimore E ...... zp Philadelphia a Express New York Expreta Tided Wall's Station Accommodation.... Braddockcdt, N o o. 4 a 's Accommodatin No. 1 Accommodat:ou No. Altoona Accommodation and itmigranl. Day it:uprose Baltimore Exprezz will arrive wlfh Lzpretw, at V. st., on Mondays. he new Union Drpot Hotel. occupy!. upper stories of the Depot Building, lan. thr ;cartel/ a. acrommodaUon of the Ira. 'outlay. A capacious Restaurant is oi thorn!, day arid night, Sundays exceptc NOTICZ.—In cast Of lons, the Conapar themselves tesponable for personal to and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. For tickets apply to .W. nEcKwi_r At the Pennsylvania( entral Itallrottrl Paa t Lion, on Liberty and Wuldazton street i)rrirsnumu, -a. WAYNE & n RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND a Nil RAlLtamai. Inea. Rammer Arrangement. f 0110 On ws, v and iz:fter Slay Nab, MR, trains a /Mmame' " Erp PM- O, mM/. I CAt r em or go. Olene r' L r out.l rew Exprew I 2:10 a../t. I .51n real. Ill . : 4 . Lt I FIL=I,7,LTLItI; Er t 4 Plttabor a• P., ' It. If: C. e lt a . W. — .1:54. it.. 0:10 I e. Y. . 9:10 P. M. Flat. ESPREtI2I-0;11. P. m. C. dP. IL, It.-11:04 A. 0 .5:40r.b. 9:loL.rare AlleAbeoslotMAT,ON TRAINS. r New Huttnerum-9:00 e. 0.. 11:50 4. Il.; itocatesratt-2:23r. is. C:00 P. L. NOW PAHTLIL-1:30 P. st. V Xconowir —HUM r. ifILLL Rrtorutag arrive e. 71.viv.T:T., 0., 0:151 u., I'. 4:22 P. 1 . 2.93 A.ll. C. a. P. It. It - 0:W e, tt, Union GICOM.IO PARKIN, T,lcket. A t arril i n, :m Mite y= P. It. :WPM/ ttetteral Task PITTSP3IIIIIGII, COT*" LUMIII.IB AND CINC/N., NA•ri keAlLitu&D. • te and E r rair'ffit •I'UELEI TO COLUMBUS, Ana tbnagqii,oll,ukTut On awl after MONDAY. Buky 2 L ra fo l i tr o.. w o l? Leave *lrk a: r•L Fut l.tce ..... ......... ««.. 2 Repreas 2, Way Aneotranodatlen..,. Mansfield Aecommalla 'a* lPolSteabenallln Aecommod.n 1)I7TSBIURGII AND CONNELLSYILLE R. It. • ArTani O Springn mtd atter THURSDAY, MARCH The trains will Imre the Depot, od Water streela, la follows: LAM Pitratet Mall to and Rom Uniontown... 7:1:0Al West Newton Accommodatfon Vint McKeesport Areciten.....ll:ro A. 0. Second .• 10.00 r. 0„ Sunday tlnnrch Traln to and 4:10 P. 11. , from West Newton . LIMP. at. M . T'are'ePlalTLLEl3l3E cca7-le Yißg.2l4l3l.ft AALLEGHENYIifigim . .VALLEY itAtrAccietp. • (MARGE OF FM& On .0 aft r ~. r. ,---D -1.-elrirc4 uliczin I :irelriqtitoVi6, Re pot, l - ,.7' " . ' ..... Lerma Arrinsr; Mall, to and from Maton.lor: .01On A.M. Stilo P. 11; Ex p.... 4o do-... 440 P. At. J0.1)11 A. Y: node Works Accomodation......-- RIO A. If.' Kisktmlnitis do ' ~-:•' IMP- 3 .. --- FLrst Holton to ~. II:0 a A.:llt. WM/4 M. Parnas.u. ' do ....11.110.....t. SA011).. Second Holton do .. . tap. at. B: 6 r. id t Honda - . Munk Train, to 'at:Cl . • • from SodilWarkt • .11C411PJ.Y. 10:00.1. X.. _ap.lt . .B. H....A.0UT0/ir.. Supt. _____ BALTiNOHE' Alvi HAOA rA • STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ALEX. BEOWN SONIip,ONN /gals, FOR NEW ORLEATiIi DIRECT. Carrying the. Vatted :States Nail. raiwlrst-tnaas B sestistilp. of Mb line arlll nil as . , "CUBA ,. -4,103 tone, Mint;incillins, 40amtisa4 on "I.IIIE RTY .- I,Zetonit i gg: prom BIiOWEIVELAICP,DatiII At o'clock r. on the doxiannotto For lireignt, or:pasta°. laming onsurlninirdi connoodotions, 0P0 , 7 to - N. 88. —KNN O li ll Y fiL 3 radi F o i r E ba LT :t a tios Co ;[ tbrt. ". • ly win be dined. Permits for the gretiht P.Un tit hay this ;Mee. freight reek Wit , n or Wing Wanted on oar or autos- spitty _______ Q.TEAIII TO AND.STiOn LIVER..) rum. exttAvizENsToViApeeLAND)teieelk.. week. The lieW Ltharm EVERY SATURDAY, , may -WIDNES:DAY. csanyixo tr. TI ate mold to aa.„,archt !r et ie d , Beet , land ilenTy attcw6a2 6.14W1: Ditk 16 ' ligeat, • prosumiy,arar. Ui CANE AND wow oiimmi Manufseigred.and for/LIN Wholesale or 'Aetail. - JAMES -"It; ivotinwier.4* • :NOS. 47 fa THIRD STRICT OppOate E . Eatanndion Co; tad • NO;. •i',OI•I*TEI _ rosin' mina .....Alllllolfr 11111.11, JOSEPH SC SON; surraVicrisre ..-11,24f0172•ti.. Voik%eiclrdirbrzir and Mahogany. of Weir darn. manlleCn....-aan., ranted tlnal Ili quality and {toe to say miaabstatl the au', and vol. ast , ,acriameastd• mow : LAME% ~OV RI i.,24 wart .. RE,PLA-T/pal Allnalt,i lW n 34 . . Ma sa, OUTOIM TIC.A. • %itiztaiioosi t rITIJILLICA, 9111,1 i WIND tvolitititol ... pm* S.AND IMO ? • .. iisIuALL , TO Mr..., : AIL, wmall.Xla;,, .-.--:/. " ;, .._-.-, ; ~ ; ,N0;.;41,At..4311,1•treee,,t TOztlyzial fiAlitM Trudu ara Pl t COWIN. f u r tier. J • the ay atadelptits And !on.i U T arrsuce tlampanic!s,2l,..sum.pqnter op,p jo i iv Eturesitb 11 9 3 41R!` !bird Immo* ram w aniCl PAßD Of - --.,-k. ‘:2:11r Nil l .', - . 'B,II,II.IROADay. 4 , ------,-----------"-e ; 1866 SIPRUIFG Dr • ASULLNGIMISN'Y tWIII ChTETVavAte cluq ""f l On mid after SUNDAY, 1ia41 . 1:‘,._ leave the Union Passenger .. u t, , ,10 rAtv , 11.•Mtr,f.trt.4., i e .m .„i f l,o .r.Tvg , lng?,°:..AT. i I : - .. - ii.M.,...,' 41 7.4, 4 tw. ti.r . v...4T ; town. 10f t 41 p. n .• Sia delills.t n Y f. ' ' '. l ' ka.l ffihAVlllVPhila p AV1.4 1 7:4;e1 I a i T o ;t2 ' , , . • VIP =m a' r 71 70: Wl ' . " if I plidadelph la at 10',10 A. Y . fly iris I are traustermil at Union Dew!, Wer directly tog rpr:46 tnall kn . dIVII IL. thrgizttAlAt A. P.S P E ZMPI — Leart ! at 4:10 P. W., stopping only At nitwit ' Andy. at Latrobe; 6:06 P. NW /Doom Harrisborg. 2:85 A. a.: lialtitnore,• 7:11 York. via Allem ea n, 10:10 A. at. via P 7.10 A. IL, And New York,.,yfa Phil , 12;05; Plt I. Y. Sleeping Cara ran tri Lin l 'ittabiirla , toßalttmont i = b lT . 1 ,.1 I • Se. Tom, le Allentown. FAST LLNE—Leaves Pittsburgh at MW'thaf gli7A." se n L=gri b llP•tt26 A I moral 1210 P. 0.: hew York,inla Atli Plattalltl i t 1,. 1 g 0 . 1 . 0 .: and he . thinner. thetilatadotestr train.. ihmlaciltsa.n A CCtittiIODATIOILTRtAga DAILY t tildkaTalTi:Va. 2k•Ykti, itiar?DA22;;Sji: between Pittsburgh and Conemauen. a nd at. Blabsville Intenwethm with trains ~0 Branch and West P eurimennia Rallros I ALTOONA ACCOMMODATION—Da soodaysiat 71.50 A. 11., storm,Xatagreg' between Pittsburgh and Al amnection with trains on the btatut r Pennsylvania litntrand, ilbenstang a t ~,,.41, Lad liollldayslOnnv Branch; Wait's Accommodation, No. 1, daily dal's) at 6 : 30 A.. ' Wall's Accommodation No. 7, daily f jays) et lo:60 A. li. ' Wail's Accommodation No. it. daily d Ay.) •: II:50 BrentloCk 'I ACCOnlmplall st on No. i, d undsyat at 1:40 A. li, Won , Accommalation No. 6, daily f diA-I:llTaornlitOdatluxt NO. if. dolly ' daik,f l 2lj.a ost lU iVe p i U rOodatlon No. 6, .13117 :. I'M Church fiat . lea, ell Wall litstird day x10:15 A. st., and arrives In Pituti A. M. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh . and arrives at Wall '• Bulbul at gilDp. THE GREAT SHORT UN VIA lITSUBICIRVIV ( 'INCINIgAII, Louismi Gen , ' Tliiret Ticket Agent:ltlon Funravn TIME ME CM y Wel Gil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers