*MOM: N.OTIcE. 0 0 o ifr.t UD o o Pit , ip. p C , O i ts t r:r, ' VV't r.. 'illi rTl. 01/LD . ' MOST IVESP2CT rvu.x....c. that .to consideration of the I t r oIkiWISSICOMS Wawa trostaatiaacory) reasons, is twat Mull . ) concluded that postwisentent be eqUa l:rttritTrggr t e e We PWl._l6. and Dispose •of all the Tickets and give the Public all the Prizes, % than to bold a quantity of tickets (as proprietors tumidly do) and thereby enhance our chances Or , . .' 4 4tlP4a l ra I ggn r i2`;:itt be ablisobed 112 the T h ca - duly papers as soot as P draßTl. and Twitngs over each *gent will be fu ruislied alynetellslof tbe drawn numbers. • In view .Of the above reasons, which we 7/ 11 'Prole eminently satialactory, WE HAVE POSTPONED THE JAWING . . , • UNI3L THE 9th Day of JvlY, 1866 wlG4jEflt, IlltAlOrma,_& mrx=w4 NOTICE. The Public neeipeTrebT notifle4l that .o ranch of tht Channeof the Allegheny Rivet hetteeen the SECOND and YOUIIIII PIYQg Rom the Allegheny City end of the Rail nonflOrldgn, now being rebuilt by the Pittabuigh,ln. Wayne and Chicago Rail- way Company Otertbat Hirer. between Pittsburgh and Allegheny MEI • NECESSARILY OBSTRUCTED During the time of potting up the new stsperattue tor of the Bridge, probably for about four mouth from thu First of dune, A. D.. M. ILL A. GARDNER, Chief Engineer n1y16;w23 NOTICE.—AII delinquents who have neglected and tolled to pay the assessment Made on the Capitol Stock. of Um WHITLEY' CREEK OIL CO.. OF r irrs tw Liu 11, and now or, doe, are hereby nodded that tlle.. they pay np on or before JUNE lat. Mk the prop fy of the Company will be mild by th . erednors r the payment of the leolernednuas thereof. enynßubs THOS. STEEL. Seerrjary. L i : . tlm..z, ..*iFiIVMI NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! NOW IN STORE Doe of the most complete and best assorted stocks LADIES' AND MISSES HOSIERY to be laced in the city, at very reasonable prices together with a fall line of Ladies , Gloves, Atlases Gloves, Gents Gloves, LADIES' AND GENTS UNDERWEAR, la Bilk, Merino, tianst, Merino and Cotton. A complete assortment of Iflorrison , s Star Shirts, Acknowledged by all to be the beet Muslin Shirt In the mark. t. DENTS' FANCY NECK TIES, FINE [OLE SUSPENDEus, COTTON AND MERINO I.ALF HOSE LLNEN AND PAPER LX/LLA RS. -Gent's Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs. I=l F. H. EATON'S, El 17 Fifth Street. \ NEW GOODS is. 78 and 80 Market Street. 111011tIcn nr WholeLaic and Retail buyers 1 8,141110 the list orarrlrai• TO•.DBY. KECK TIES. lIEITTARFLI ES, BUIRR.II4WitI. tITAR IsHIRTs. PAPER COLLIES AND HULK tj C I t l i / L KF A S, RS. COLLARS AND iK SILK NETS, BEULE TRIM- MEMMtlbl CDFFB - : BLINPF.BIII3IIB, HOSIERY and lIJ LOVES. LACK LA MITTS. NEW BTYLK OF 1100 SICERT. at one doll:. and a Lalf. B&ILOAINS IN DayooooB. !Lc.. &e.. be :FY SILK DRESS 1 / 4 4/Ull l 61M LAC Es 1 1 STYLE lilt ECIM: N(ETS. &e.. &e. WM, GLYN & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. CRY .GOODS! ARBUTHNOT. -SHANNON & CO.. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, . 110. 115 . Wood SL,Tittsborgh, 'leveller the attention of Merchants to their Spring stock, which they oiler at the lowest eastern Vetoes for Cash. Dress Goods. Delatnes, White . 000dei . Flannels, Cloth, COBBI , erea, &giblets, Tweeds. PAttillUl3 , altlCCllAli ICS' CASSIS:MOW, • • BIALAcHED-A•tiii BROWN •rIIIA 7V6ti tr trA.lll3, Hosiery'.Gloves, Sha;is, Balmer - descrlp . i •.‘ ~ ifif-Partlenter attention paid to orders. _Jfirlieirtioods cone ssity arriving._ _ and F estHoodsuaine ear Hoods an d rites. It* Wood A , Pittsburgh. ,AIiBUTIMOT, SHANNON SS CO. C. AIIIVIMMIYr..W. T. sostiroi..a. O. sirrionisoir mytbnia NEW GOODS! NAOMI & CARLISLE, ZITcP. 19 Wirth Street. We are now opening an elegant assortment of . ',.. tqtyr UOUDS, embracing tire richest etyles of r '''',, REAL LACE MIURA 'NUM AMR PARASOLS, , I 3 ta l iggill En T ETIrIiV7I " , , liCr i,, NAll.". u r i ll x igr Ao TALll , MINUS, '' TINE &air,. BUTTuNs. ....„. , • ..1 . t.5i5i...., named a beautiful lot of ' =4l , CLI'CIGIC LACES AND INSERTINCIS. A 06.., We orould In v,:ta. staialai attention to a new and es4id adapt isms!, et,_ ,e I, S--' EL.. r &ND arELIYE BERLIN GLOVES. ...la . ES In t I r new Petroleum and Havana Shades, ..-uaa aesostatem erne+ colors to KID 0 LoVEIS, ELAM LA.:4 IDITS-neor styles; .IkussstAia ~ p letsi assortment of LA. IEB , 8,1 GHILDLIEbIiBVON HOSE : till NT.B P.:4 li tiltiltTl3;DPJl , TIES, BCa I IPS: (JOLLA ::r HALF HOSE, 8 'ENDERS, UM BRIM!. Ati,_Aa • LADIES', .d DEN T'et GAUZE salaam UNDER , '- To Iferchants andbeiileii. Our W,Siisale . Department, n well stocked with ere. /thing in tne NOTi..,N LI NE , ~,,,k b lee Offer tot: e Tradt an tow as any -holm X.,' p t ,wen. ISACILIIM & CARLISLE;'... 19 Fifth street,' -; 4' AgenD for the "LOCKWOOD MANVPACYDR PAO COMPANY." BRADLEY% ourw t a ELLIPTIC !SKIRT et Manufacturers' Meta. Diiii SW( DIUMS, AO UM dela : received & complete...sort . meet of the leadlecNoveltles, litlected level tie Isteei ImpOrtatlons, we ore now showing *very CHOICE STOCK - MNCI •DRESSES, .111e.hdteg scuuu:!oldc_ itrl dNareltif o l d o s : e De `p ".' and 4 , 1...1.... ' MS =NM , . . B A T•l3 BTIIUT. r-x.rcksat gilt Nitlioburghltingtite. THURSDAY, MAY at, UM& AD vaa7lini Establipled by the pi RATES sburgh Press. TTER. e lNt W i d. to STANDENG M I"4!l%ardiacrOVerr. 7 " . Tilli: t • TWIT' !tea Pireelt I L L ee: Joe 211110..... v.. 76 rim 416006..... ........ ... I 25 s m 1047 L 1111.58 7. 20 71Y9 tfznes 2 80 SIX 512204, 090 week— 300 9CO 150 100 ieSCII tlaca 940 fittittf= 3 75 4 10 FeO 51tnea. 4 GO Eluren Moe. 4 76 r•keiVe time., 2 week& 500 9ZS 960 275 ['bra, reeks TCO 600 X6O Zaa 1.105 mouth 9CO BOD 460 ICO Two months 15 00 ID CO 760 600 =W hs. IS 00 12 00 1 900 800 33 00 121 GO 16 60 11 00 , itgreliz 154 00 00 00 St 00 IS 00 CHANGEABLE ONCE A REEF. One 12100554 11 00 1 700 5 IDI 400 lAro mon th s— ...... ... 17 CO II 60 IWI 0 7.5 rhree montlu TACO 10 00 12001 BCO Slx m0nth.............. C (X) 28 OD 21 CO 14 Oa 'l73e regc..-.....—.. 72 00 45 00 28 00 24 0 CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD (ADDITIONAL ON FIRST PAGE.) A Pollee 011Ieer In Limbo, Officer barber, one of the police employed to preserve order on Fifth street during business hours, was yesterday brought before Mayor McCarthy, charged with drunkeuness and dis orderly conduct, on oath of .1. C. It. Gardner. several witnesses were examined, who testi fied that about four o'clock yesterday after noon Barber Stopped in frontof Mr. Gardner's, lathe Opera Mouse building;and began talk ing an a very boisterous and disorderly man ner, which had the effector attracting a crowd of spectators to the spot. On Mr. Gardner re monstrating with him ho ordered that gentle man to leave and also gave bin, an intermit leg piece or information to the affect that he (Gardner) had no business on the pave ment whatever, as it belonged to some one else. After this barber lat., but in the course of half an hour returned and again repeated the disorderly display, whereupon Mr. Gard ner had him arrested as stated. . Alter hearing the evidence, both pro and eon, His Honor gave the accused severe re buke for the manner in which he had been act ing, stating that in consideration of his being a pollee officer—whose duty it was to suppress disorder, not create It—he would be compelled to impose a heavier penalty than he would otherwise do, and ho therefore ordered Surber to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars and costs, ~ vltich he did and was discharged. Injustice to officer Thornburg, who to em plOyed to act with Sather ha Fifth street, see think it proper to state that hir. Gardner ex culpates him from any participation in the disorderly conduct- Teem the view we take of the matter we cannot see what need there is for either of the officers mentioned. Be side our regular police force, we have some thirty "specials," whose duty It Is to kep our thoroughfares freed from obstructions and disorders, and we think they are fully com petent to discharge those duties. At. Actor An Trouble Benjamin Trimble, the proprietor of Trim tile's Varieties on Penn street, appeared before Alderman Humbert a few days since an a made oath 'against Charles O'Donnell for false pre tense. The deponent alleges that O'Donnell rented the Varieties for Last Friday night, for the purpose of giving a performance there, for teliteli lie was to give Trimble SIC.. Before the curtain was raised on the night in question, Trimble Inman led the money, and refused to allow the curtain to be rolled lip until ho would be pall. The presence of several“roughs - behind the seeneg, however, altered Benjamin's determi nation, and the entertainment was proceeded with. Althongh, us Trimble alleges, there was OW in the house, tile defendant refused to give him a cent for the use of the hall. A warrant was issued for O'Donnell's arrest, but up to this time he is still at large. ••Knock DOwn — on the Wharf . Tuesday evening. on the Monongahela wharf, John stone and Patrick McCollister, haring had %dispute, concluded to settle the same by the use of arms. The following wt. , the result Patrick was knocked down, nail his nose mashed , and was otherwise damaged. Failing to obtain osatisfaction" with his muscle, he sought redress under the law, and applied to Alderman Strain to this end, mat ing an information against his superior in the art pugilistic for assault and battery Stone was arrested yesterday and held in 000 for a hearing. The prosecutor, nreertilng to the ntattrkent. of W m. tiarvey, a looker on, wasthe ittitrere)or, in striking the first blow, alld n tornuallon being made against him, I fnr antt and battery.) be was also held (or a hear ing. cborch rePtIiVISI The Girard House line received a pleas ing and entlinsh.tic "dedication" at the hands of the ladles of the First Baptist Chareb, who have been holding a testi vs.l for several days, to the newly fitted rooms. The festival is still in snece.ful operation, hot close • to-night, Anne dinner will he served to-Any, from twelve to three o'clock, and from the satisfaction with which visitors have hitherto been served, we shall expect another large delegation to-day. The evening will be given to the disposal of a large assortment of fancy goods, at., while Ice-cream, eon fee tiOnery rind other delicacies can hardly foul to appeal to the taste of the visitors. The oh pct. is a noble one and the, ladles deserve ev ery encouragement.. Tobarce, Flutdr and Cigar* The attention of our readers Is directed to the advertisement In another column of It. B. Jeffries, No. ii St. Clair Street. lie mannfac tares tobacco into all of Lts numerous toren, for use, aria his brands of cigars, snuffs, chew ing and smoking tobacco, are Illtivernal favor ites. lie sells either wholesale or retail. lie has on hand a very superior stork, whirls he offers at rates which defy competition. A fine assortment of plain and fancy meerschaum pipes and cigar tubes is kept constant!, on hand. Mr. Jeffries is a fair dealing business mon, end, as each, is worthy and deserving of a largo share of the public patronage. Few Base 14.11Clab.—At a meeting held In thb city en Illay Pith, a new Base nail club was organised, composed of young men tre• longing to the legal and medical professions. An election for officers resulted as fellows : President, henry J. Gourley, Esq.; Vico Presi dent, thmrge U. Christy, Esq.; Secretary, Dr. E. 8. Cmbsuetter; Treasurer, Joseph if. Gax tam, Esq. Executive Committee—MuJ Gen. A. L. Pearson, N. W. Shaffer, Dr. Daniel Mc- Meal, Jr. Capt. Samna Puilweod, Thomas A. Cain, C. S. Ammond, Esq., Dr. W. Snlvely, J. Gassam, Dr. W. l i . Daly, WI. Thos. Bayne, and S. A. Johnston, Ewa. The association in tend Inaugurating the season by a friendly match game between the legal and medical members. Ordered to Remove is liouse.—John Mc- Marron made information before Alderman Morrow, yesterday, charging Street Commie. stoner Flinn With direlicUon of his official du ties. McCiarran allege. that there Is a cer tain brick house on Second street, in the Eighth ward, bulls on the street in violation of the city ordinance, and that although he had notilled Flinn of the fact some days since the lattgr had failed to act In the matter. There will be a hearing in the case to-morrow when the problem whether the officer an cuitesi has the power to remove a house or not will be legally solved. Homeopathic Hospital.—To-day the ISt perteary Department of the Homeopathic Hospital, No, 141 Second street, will be thrown open for the medical and Our Teal treatment of the poor, free Of charge. The Hospital tir 111 soon beformilly opened. as it is the first in silt Mien of the character organized here, the politic shoull do all In their power to support sad sulitain it. We snail again refer to the character and object of this praiseworthy and ettaritable Institution. The Dispensary De partment will remain open for the treatment of the poor every day from eleven o'clock till noon. • "• THtttt7 IL E. Chnretu.—A series of en ter lahrnients are announced to be given in Trin ityldethrslist Episcopal Church for the benefit of the Sabbath School. On to-morrow even ing l will lec and g 11. lusCatinns on New the el subject ofture educati ive on. On Thursday evening of next weak a concert by . the Sunday School will do given, and on the 'following Thursday evening, lftli proxirno, lecture will be delivered by Bev. W. 11. W lat hing, on the "Use, Abuse and Beauty of Eng lish Words." Tickets for the oourse, or three entertainments, coax be obtained for one dol lar. Single tickets, fifty cents. The **Whisky Costrit..—Ymiterdav, the :.0111, hrin• day fixed for the hearing of op plimillons ler license to keep taverns, eating houses, and to sell liquor with other goods, Judges Sterrett and Brown were called upon to exercise the ditties prescribed under the Lew. The applications numbered nearly tau hundred, in the disposition of whieh the en tire day was occupied. The examination of :Witnesses wits more than usually rigid, and re- Ninstrances were presented in many cases. Triadtadges will be obliged to sit to-day, In Ortatt-to tikiSh the . Co w We are glad. to announce the fact to Otir readers that ?ems Charlotte Thomp son, the Bleat Pittsburgh favorite, will Begin a brief en v ent at the Opera House ' in a few s Thompson is an wares:. of ability and y in the fullest sense of the word, arid dories her stay among us, we hope rile Will receivekie reward due to merit,. Altered Ineetillary.—John Osterhalto has been lodged - In Lilo county jail, hay -Ing beeeeoraittect.ger trial on a charge of w nt and anialiciatialy firing a hay stack, tno nroperts. of 11 $ IN MA:Corker, cane inn tee ( lostraetion of-the same. Jasuce JeeePhMilbatittf finowden4eirnehtp, was too committing nta i tt r u.a e. it Lacey Pleating_ and the heirs of B tßeeY_LlT r a , ,,,,_- Were before Alderman Mor row ',target]. on oath Otatroot Corn missionir n ! .I nuisances on their poen:Lisp!. Ixer h were discharged on P=o" o [ eum". aidpromising to abate the CO. t • horeeY ,or the Peeee.4,Richard Ilavrman yesterday a appeared l ef= Alderman Hum. and matte oa th ap 4 . d.row c„ne for suretroi - tho PasYm. ‘ebrant was issued tor talnipiVarrest 141 2 14114111111 "& 6 ' Pe4itta dlspateh ro "IT " 4 " 343.41k s Is announced Marta' "eared barb/ Yell ham been iktrClWYW4l37l6ggf WaVYIL ~Wi&1 brie 4'-'t 414; - 0111 RELY TELEGRIMS. FROM WASHINGTON. Santa Anna•■ COinnalasion—lnterview With the Mexican Minialer—Cleenlar to National Bank Itepoinitorien—awala taut %vernier) , Of the Navy—Aellou of Steadman and Fullerton—Connect log Telegraph with the PostoMee De partment—Volorado Admission 11111— Jefferson Davis Ill—Charges Against Bureau °Meer*. • New Torts, May 3tl.—The morning papers have the following special dispatches front Washington: The results of the Commission that Is here in behalf of General Santa Anna, may be smumeaup In n few words. Col. V. Rivas. not Mazura, and Bats., arrived to the city on Wednesday evening. tin Thurs day they called In u body upon the hiexlettn Minister, Senor Romero, and had n somewhat protracted though unotliclal Interview. On the following day they presented their corn plimentS to Secretary Seward. In the fore noon of Rotunda? , they had another tide:twit* with Senor Rorticite. On the afternoon of the same day Colonel Rivas called on tile Mexican Minister alone. Ho visited him again yester day and to-day, remaining an hour or more upon each occasion. What transpired ill those interviews hail not been allowed to be made public. It is known, however. that they milled on Romero its Mexican cll. I,oits, and that they were received by Mei in his In dividual capacity. It is generally believed that they desired his permisniou to proceed to Mexico In the interest of the Liiimal gov - eminent, and tt is also believed that tomeral Romero declined to commit hineielf or the government he represents in any °Mend lu:in ner until lie lout bad lie opportunity of coin munienting with its head and learning his wishes. All the statements are inere specu lations. Mr. Raiz returned to New 1 ork yes terday, anti Col. Itlytui mid Maze ra will proba bly leave to-morrow. I Mr. Hooper, the netinglchairT w in of the Com mittee on Ranking and Chrrene no engaged Ia tovostiguLtog the condition f tho National Rfullot, has canned the following circular to be addressed to each of the National Banks de signated as Government Depositories :—lty authority of a resoltitioll of the House of Rep resentatives, you are hereby roll aired to pre pare and forward to the Committee on Bank lug and Currency a Stat.ollolll showing the amount of money standing to the credit of the raited States in the Treasnitv thereof. Also all sums standing , LO the credit of any ,Ushers- lug officer or of any officer or agent of Lily Cultist states, stating the name to the °nicer or agent, and the amounts to the eretlit of each, /ns appears by your books ou the Orin dos of May, Lin. Faxon, lb lei clerk of the Nary Depart ment, has been noun inured an Assistant some- Lary of the Navy. vies G. V. Fos, whose mane le sent to tile senate us .tssistunt Secretory, Under The act alp pre. e,l cot the tit II Inst., widen Rinds the iieried lath, -ii months, and will mishit, him tO visit Europe in his capacit The tonci• -pistial says. There is the hoot authority f o r denying tile report lit souls Of the papers that itie proceeds of thy recent sale of gold by the socretary of the Treasury have been applied tel the purchase of boron - intent bond, The Congressional committee appoita iod to follow op the ttetton of Steadman and Feller ton Is beitig made ILp anti will leave for the heath the ,if tile week. The Prsittatioder General will mend to the Senate In a lay or two a reply to tho Semite resolution of Inquiry as to the expiallency of connecting telegraph with the postal system, under the ilLrection of the Postottiee Depart ment. lie will show that In his Judgment the telegraph system cannot be conneeted with the postal service with advantage to the got imminent, and will give at length the reason why It would not Ile proper and expotilent to connect the Iwo system together. It Is not believed that the Comrade Admis sion 13/11 can command the necessary in t. thirds vote. Mtn. Jeff. Darts loft thin ninrning for For• tress Banns, valle.l thither ha a letter Irvin Dr. °Doper, staring that nor Itushantl ws The till...titration and t•harges agains a t lbw Bureau orlirers to North t arollna hays been prepared. tat the cortaulastnn an VO.l t a. not been appolute‘l. They are to meet In Raleigh, Juuc 1501. Election in Albert County. N. B ,T. Joan. N. IL. Mnj election in Al bhrt comity wits held to.clay, and 1,41111,1 n. the two Conlinlerute rand Mahn; limn, let Ur 3.1- ed by t. large majority. co far !Air riri 01110 , have moulted In Inver of eight onlicierabei and no antics. There is Whense evuttetuout here over the deutth of the Confederate Humbert, killed on Friday morning. The murderer has here ar rested. The New York Fire Alarm Telegraph Deelded to be tareliable You. May M.—The Telegraph t'ote• (MUM of the Board of Eire 4 01111111,-.lteeue e 11..1.14 , 1 egratent Llo• preeeht telegraph Ayr:lent, which I. very ourella hie. The titre, box %Totem eonsittered more prelemble, Arrl vol of Moppooled Fenton.. at Butlltlo . blind re.l 111,1 nail to ho Fellinll%, arri% tier. 111, '1 rr I.lg Itltti .I . 4•ret I,llil 1.1,1,111,L. ane he Tbere lit Ile MI) . 111,i, nit,. of n rat 1 (nee •. , ,er t or SZTATEMENT OF THE HEAL TI , , ds, of A pr,P. Booth and Mortr.,,.. f,toK. lien. on K. U. S.ISO Bond. Itexi Ezotate . . . 400 Inivntu dn. M /". itA.V.. Ornec I , irn . 1.11 1.1 A 1111.111 Y ,. Arnocm, du, I, pi...U.,. 4 , 0 1 iv. 'I Amount di.. II• 1...•1t••r.. I=l The above I. a tr,ie mate Went aam=! . Th, un.leraligr..l Auditing Cutsmltto.r. ha , • • s Nonnook,. th, we NMort gage,...042 2 . 00.1 . 11.1., and cout . l,d the 3.1. and thut the Inrt•rottlg • atruwut , orlert. H :3NI 1 H II 11111.1 k, M' it. 1 , 11 . 1', ANTI. OFFICF.It, OF Tll /L: ITUT 1•1. t • %V. It ...tai. F•1II , I1..r F. 11..11 %I h l . Ptitater. livri • y . 11. N% tt, Smith: - • allowed on :1.1. In.l.tutton SIX I'lol. ,'EN T. r A/111”111. pa)•I.1, to In.. 1....... ltur In Msy and r. • hlols. 1r •1 II will t . M . add,' to the prlesalpol mpoundetl. I ntereet c0m1....1C1, 013 i I - 11,.. 1.1 Flay& nt l e. for T)t,...1t (tom 9 A ;„ „ . V1 , U141 ,Tlll.. r. DLSSOLOTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE FIRH 011 HAT HAVDEN hu thls dat been dissolved, 1., 01 the dm h•elna been purchased hi+ 1 MAIA I 1 I . SA.AIO. 'l'. I, " I'i rrtnr 11,111. May 16th. 1.1. • CO-PARTNERSHIP. The IJ haring ptarellenc,l ~t, on IllOck and assets of DAN tr 11AYIPICIS. con tinning the business of tho old Ono at Nos. I. WOOD. Lu , l 102 and 104 •OrIIT.L . T, Untie! lip .trio td * DAY. tl • A10 , 1" .1 SPAN,. .1. L. .1•A1101. NORMAN hI . A O Nti. In annottorlng the abovechanse. we Leg lent, I.• ea] the trade that we mall rootlet.. the hoodoo.. of Mannrartnrlng and Importing KAM/LEM HAIM/ IV la. In all It, twanche, and desire to roll pt dal attention boom' own Ilan st far lure , of %TAO t II A3I EO ofall dmertptions, IRON A IlEs. WROUtifIT VOLT BITL, 111 , 11 lieee to be the hest In the market for thl• and the Weetena trade. We shalt at all time. keep a lull and complete assortment of everything In °dr I In.. which we stall Le glad to sell at lowest MA rl,q By giving prompt peraona I A11P13.111 to nrd,m, we Lope to Merit and receive a liberal 'bar, of you. patronage. • - DAY, M'ADOV A. SPAM; CM= DISSOLUTION TILE FIRM OF HAIEN R. 411111 co. Is heenhT dissMeed by:mutual nn. I, the Intere•m a t ALLEN KRAMER and El) W AHD LLANM hering been mold to ' , HANK ItAlllll and GEOttl4E W. MAILMAN. Tim nusineas trill be continued unifier the same style of MAILMAN, ILkll.ll CO. ALLAN LLAJI EH. EDWARD It a HAL 14E0. W. II Alibi AN. IfItANK HANSI. W. C. MACIWM. W. YARN Uld. PITTSFICI.III. May nth. ISeid. Vt'e cherefollyrec./m00...1 r r.nreeasnro In the II NAN L/ MAHN E., and •ollclt for them • continua nre of thn patronage no Il In-rally stowt.tl on the lIIe n ruk . A. KR A.I4FOR. X. HAHN. DUQUESNE WORKS. Hai 1 m Rahm& ('O., ILAN CY ACTI.P. Or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles. Plow, Spring and 'A. B. Steel, &e. WA ItH1101.:13E N.. T 7 WATER STICKET 1.1 11e. burgh. 0,17 al/ CO-PARTNERSHIP. I ARIES B. OLIVER becomes a MY :lib, of onr firm. dating from April lgth. Name and odyle nr firm unchangrd. I.lk Will. OLIVEIt PHILLIPS. Pprfnormtn, May Pith, PICA MONONGAHELA IRON WORKS, LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS, • 1•1ANI•• ACTT! REAR or Carriage and Tire lidita, guts and Washers, Wagon Skeins, .I . log . and Wagns Bolts, Bridgr & Mariiine linital T uyere Irons, I Coach Screws, Nye Bonen, VV r- -VA iron Hinge.. Sad ite w 01001 AT SOUTII Kra. or Lw Ti 6 MONO ASI IL- La BILIDGY. NV A ILICIIOUM ester and Market S eeeee . PlLtoburgh. mylind4 U. S. cotton Hoe On Voter M a yeam:lton / broVaTtor /5 Orrice. lot, 5 NOTICE Id lIIEREBY GIVEN that Sealed Proposals, accompanied by proper guar antees, according to forms to be furnished on op lineation to this OM., will iso received thereat, ne at /0 o'clock n., ou the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, for the supply of the MAXIS X HOSPITAL, near thiscity. with the articles of INlOVltilors, MEDICINE, de.. estimated In said fun.. The uantities stated art estimated with reference to tq he Usual number Of patients Is the Hospital, hut the United States reserve the right to tate more or less of bald articles, accordingly, as they may be Le thally required. If the articles delivereo ant he Hos pital are not, In the Judgment : vilyscian. the hest quality, IMO adapted 10 t oopltal, he will be at Marty to reject the same, to purchase other articles in their stead. and to charge the con tritetor with any excess in th e cost over the contract prleag The United States reserve the right to accept the g r'P : t t f :l the lesirtee. whol es Sure eyor and Agent Marine Hospital. topi:hwdtd :141 :lel 1p 111 (a) 1:1 111*: 4 1 111334=110:1311P1II 341 THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! 311tb. INYLOW•S 91 :KEN HAIR RESPI.R Ett Is 9 LI LEN. not only to NARK. but In Vluirts. lu the Best Hair Restorer ever offered to the Public. An In landde lIISTORSX and PHAfiEIIVAH or toe I lair If fait Pretty applied. It i 8 Ito Hair Dye. lr acts directly upon the roots of the hair chang ing grey hal. ti. Its ortgrnalllfe colt, arresting pre mature au.l falling out of tbe hair; cradle at log court and dandruff; and coring all humors of the scalp. It sr elin go dry and 'girt hair to soft and luxu riant tresses. It Imparts a delightful fragrance to the hair. In shorts If you wish torestore your hale. as In youth. and retain It through life. use IRS. WINSLOW'S QUERN HAIR RISTOREL !'rice 91 per bit Ile. Sold by all Druggist( R. E, SET.T. - F - RB & CO., • Wholesale Agents 13E=3 PITTSBURGH SAW WOItkI, HUBBARD._ BRO. .1 CO. ateartTACStrusas OF PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL OAWO, of every descrip tion. Mill, Maley, Cross-Cut, tiaag, and all *Want varieties. AU kinds of . N.NIVES and SPRINGS, mad. from Sheet Cast-Steel; Extra itenned READE.E. AND AD/WlNti KNIVISatI. de. SP WareliZtuse and *was, corner Warm and SCOOT &Meals, Pittsburgh. Particular attentiOU paid to re-tunthlng. gumming end straightening Circular Saws: also, repairs 01 all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. •PZIT Mr WM. BARNHIUL b. CO.. Boller Makers & Sheet Iron Workers. 11160. 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn %treat- Elating secured &large yard, and flan:dished It with the moat approved machinery, we are prepared to neat every description of BOILERS, In the best manner ,and warranted ends,' hp any made In the country. CH LMN Ers, BREECHINti, FIRE BKlid, STEAM PIPKS LOCOMOTIVE. BOILERS, CON DENSERS, SALT PAN% TANKS, OIL STILLS, AtiITATOILIS SETT LINO PANS, BOILER litoN, BRilitiES SUGAR PANS; andsole manufacturers dt ItARNIIILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing une on shortest notice- delii•tf LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL ANC SMELTING WORKS' PARK, McCITILDY & CO. Manufacturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' AND COLT corrrat, PRESSED VOPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPELTER SOLDER. Also, Importers and dealers In METALS, TIN PLATE SHEET IILUN I ITIE, Constant!Yon hand, TIEN EILS' SLAV, Mart tints.. and TOOLS. Mar inets.. No. IE FIRST and Bacon It IiTNISTR, Pitts burr:. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired tay2letyd.taT ROBINSON, SEA &CO (Sue. coasts.. 10 ROBINSON. MINIS A MILLER/I, W AI WA! OA Founders I nits, itteozurgi2. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONERY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MA CHINERY, tiEtt 4 l:lo SHAFTING, CASTINGS of all description 0 TAN KS and STILLS, BOILER AN I/ SHEET IR ONW K. . . MMSMWMI IgrJOIIN COCBRAII ac BEIO" Manufacturer* of IRON VAULTS ANI) VAULT 100)/SIS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW WINIStiNV UL1A21.16, Ac., Nos. 101 nEtstiN 1.. and 116 THIRD !STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a varle4 offeve pattarna, fancy and t Si, suitable for all putposa.s. W P art ular /suet:Won paid to enclosing Grays Lots. Jobbing done at short notice. 1 .... t5 - IIIARIIIAIWE AND CELIBACY, F••,, ,•!" Warning and lost rnetion ft, )ono., Sinn A 1... 1 ii.keßsee and Ahur... t”..11 the • tut] With •un. rek.f dot tr.... 0r tharg• 111 sealed lettef ens plop., A•l• • .•••••., ill. .1 'Os 1.1 110I'011T0}. Ilo , .ard As_ oelation. Phltadelputx.. In. to r-11•1.11 to ee T. lar SENT FREE.--A Pamphlet Or ImmanSe Import...nee to It. old and Co n n( marn...l and tingle, or trot'. sexes, will be sent free by addmrslng, will -eta.? NglelOsed, the Agent, A. KENDRICS a CU., Bon 111, Boston Pool Often. •msleelvdtror POLITICAL. , ONGRESSION4L CON ENTION 22d DISTRICT. kr I" liF tILICAN VOTERS nT the t I,t Het sre ran t t hr pia., • 0 holding electio o met ns In s astoss U Boroughs 5.1.11 Townships. is On Saturday, August Ilth And fd, TV.. PKI.E.; A FRO front estel, eivetlon tlla,rte met, In Count., I,at null*.,ttn TUE, PAY, tardiraT 1 it al in o•elork aat— fur th. purl'*' ar of It.-tug /13 111 1 / 1 111111111/11 a candlolatv for ongreatt. "the poltnary oltollon, in glot Ittatnattlna will Ito drill eta, en do. Odor. of fttut att. •Is t and In lb. reard• and loottonalo. 1.1,...,1 the hour. ot r nn.t .4.1. t. entol r r. I, lhr ward., and nor• . I‘,a, asa.l In the tr , utarulnx At • rd.. r the f olundtt..c. W. J. 4411.M..uE, F Alai: UNION LEAI(I'E. Ilia, de— . fe......,1Trra.,014 .1 th 4rti, r..-or fAllile' for defrat In c Ibfin. lensher ten. t•• party. 1•• prlnclplen t.. 1 nom ”.• • In It, tlrd parttelpat.• In rallls.g theet. Ing•. elnterting ...111.-ern. and enpeetal,) Acsegate from • . • I.ral t.. the 'tate 1.1,nd ‘N.uncli which w.•• inhie ID l'lll•hurglt, WELP.:ESI.a , , 411.1.. y of June n. pt. Itrother, ery ot the eutstr. atetio, Fall list, .t up th. ranl.• Fre,tr, for battle! =I s 7..:,P,'„•,`, MEE Rr . of l: .t I'. S. n/legMenT l'onnte Connell will me, on f 31.4., al lo Hoek. 1. n„al the YII(EIIENS' It.;011, In the Marl, IME • 2241 DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD tog pia rA ltitn,lf at the.llaponal of 111$ friend. •n their call made on bin.. nano. I non pr.,. aid n 3 them as a ca.n.11,115. tar . min ;km for I °aro... tor Or Dlsirlrt.. sol.)net artlon iii iti Unton It. ,oblican County Con nu i Inn. sp7: , tr MIZE "'CON GI HESS GENERAL JAS. S. MEDLEY Is & CANDIDATE IN THE 111211) DISTRICT tat.. I vn.l r:#7"'CONGRESSI.—The friendN of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY W 111 pr.,,..n1 his n•lne In the Conventleo of We yarn y, for nmnlnstlon oatLvanilltlate the , 'on• R v.. to Lim 22,1 Mos - act. tu1111:11w41 r BANKIIIIG HOUSE JOHN D. BAILEY. Sloth and Real gatate Broker. inyihtola No. nrl Yourth VOR SALE--A pleapant Country At El . ..Win'', tT A I'lW., peno., rani. Railroad., oue-half hainahurg: I! se of Land; a fine nee Da ening evittalnlng II wsoma and cellar under°. ath. IV sell the h0t.... ith three or live acre., or the a hole, to etlil our c'hoser. Por further Information. call on II Tow ER, 164 Fourth al reel. or on the prenilsea. J. s. Deponlis received In Par Vends and Currency. LI ollll.etono made on all the principal points or the FOR SALE, f States and Caas.l.. N, HOLMES & SONS 3Etzta33.3.e N 0.57 ItIARKIET STREET, Pittsburgh, STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission l'artleulas attention paid to the pota"..kue and sale of CAITED STATES SECURITIES. DIOLUDINO United State. Ellnekor Do, do ie2Co. Do. lel re• of in-40.; rieven-Tblrtleu I Certificate., or ndebtosenese. Order. and Voucher. bought or collected. Danity DOLLAR SAVINGS RANK 1 No. 65 YOUILTH EITREET. 12L=I ally from v toto'clock, also on Wednesday an l . i i Pe S n al ' u t rday evenings, from May ill/ to November Ist. from 7 in 11 o'clock, and from Noventher in to Mai o oar 6 to b o'clock. Irepo•I to received of all sumo Of not Ira than One I/011 dividend of the profits declared twice a d y e e arre d I ns e J m a i n a e n e n n u d a l' De n e mb ne and s tDernemt b has ben e It' hank was organired, at the rate of six por cent. 'ICI:ie., If not drawn ovii, U placed to the credit of therleia.sitor as principal. and heal. the same in terest from the first days of Jose and lierenvber, compounding twice year without trwuld .1 the de ositor to call, or even to poems lilt pass 'rook. At title ra.te money will doirble Ia lesktban invitee years. llook• containing the Charter. Miles and Regulations, furnished grotto, on application at the °Mee. PalrArDner—OEnltlift Vint nutria/axis: John U. Baskoren, Hobert Robb, Ben,. 1.. Xahnestock, Jobn 11. tilloenborger James Ilerdman, James Shldle, lance McAuley, Alexander Speer, Jim... 0. D. bleeds, : Chrlatlan Yeager. Isaac M. Pennock, I A. rd. Pollock, 11.1.4, ?nun W rn..l. Anderson. Calvin Adams, .lobo C. Mooney. Geo rfie Black, E A l L fi nso u lr( l J a rirrur, Hhar!. Colton, m. 1/ongle.s, John Evans, John J. tlllleorple, William ave rater H. Han,,ker Mallard liars, MA . elecitrrAttT,JAß. B. I) BORING TOOLS. pETROLIA MACHINE WORKS MailarZ"Sr, 50.151 Ohio Street, Allegizenf ofamante IhIPUOVICD BOBIINU TOtterer OLli. AND PLICTIlltif USED IN SINKING OIL AND HALT WI:LIZ. Particular attention invited to Ms Patented proves...Ma In Jam emd Joints, made of Junlatla U. 8., and Low Moor Iron, In standard sites, and number...J. so that part* can WI ordered by mab " IVe r' ati furnish iu r n . o ‘ pr l P V7eteLe, ni e n t:ere n l l l Dew who may ' , Man at. ' " efictllam and .machloe wool toad., to order. Orders by mall promtly attended to. I air. prepared to grant !Mansura to Mbar manutemin toms Mr these Improvements. liberal terms. Loa 17 4 AI . I 2 eLtettar. tl. B. it. LEUEIf STARCSfiS sTARCEIUS tumee Watt Madison Pearl Starch: IGO .• " " Corn 60 • • Oatrego SCumeenr titote •• •• Fur sale low to the traO t r i at j aageota, MIA LANG, m.T/4 Gland 174 Wood etnlit. FOB BALE. 7241..ZL43E1 ratCYP. The First Reformed Presbyterian Congregation of Pittsburgh, (Dr. 1.)0n01.,5, Pastor.) otter for sale their property located on the corner of Plum end I herr; alloys, and but 93 feet from Liberty street. The lot is 13) feet by 111 feet. on which are thy ehorch Building, and a Tenant House of 4 rooma. Inquiries may bemads of. or commonloaldsna ad dressed to TEWH, SMITH., at the Fourth National Bank, or to ft. C, MILLER, 133 Third street. navittal/tarwr FINE RESIDENCE IN IJNE OE THE BEST PORTIONS OF ALLE GHENY CITY. A large and thoroughly finished two-story Double Brick Dwelling. containing II rooms. spacious and ai ry halls on both doors: pan tries. cloeets and tobaralar procreate. The ample grounds surrounding the mansion abound in Choice grapes and fruit, and shade trees. A /stable and Coach House. with other out-buildings, combine to male this a first-cis. residence. For particular, apply to S. S. BRYAN. Broker In Stocks and Real Estate :ay= 07 Fourth it.. t Burke Building.) SEWICKLEY COUNTRY SEAT A superior double two-nosy Hrici, Dwelling. with hank bulltilug. containing twelve rooms and bath room, with marble mantic, and general good finish. About one acre of groom., with extenelvi. grape • rtior and good fruit trees. Flee minute, wall from newlctleyellie elation. Hourly trains WI the F. W. 3,!. It. It. make this sacolll,lllellt as any of the nearer en barbs of the city. Apply t• S. b. BRYAN. Broker In Slacks and Real Eotate. myt 5; You rlh street. (Burke. Building.) . . g l A1C1111:8 OF LAND, v• ‘VITLLIA TIIILEE 11INUTES' ALE' OF UOMEWOOD STATION, PENNA. R. R., =l3! to r.S. No. Os Urelit street, Pittsburgh. COAL AND LIME PROPERTY Ylllt SA LE. —lin the Steubenville itellroau, seven miles irons the city. CUNTAINIAu Lori E 11UNDRE.11 AND gIGIITY. - - - SU ACRES, Steam and Water Flouring and Saw bill', and other AMC improvements. Alto, *boot Eighty Arrio. of CL/AL, without the Surrare,Wu shore. Also, two Partus at eitewart'a Station. on Central Railroad, containing 140 acres nod 12.5 arros . Vor.further particulars, e4ol i n i i . r i tAf m WARD. • (upper.). 1114. Cathedral.) Nil o. Ilu •tree 4. FOR SALE. I= A Delightful Residence in Ill'Clure Tp. The Let Is fa the highest state of ealtivatioa Two goo.' Swinge, tin the preuilsen. For Lena*, easittire of Real rotate Broker and Insurance Agent. mhtl Su. at retteral street, Aheghany. I, • OIISALE—A Farm of 216 acres, situate. In Plum tow uehlp, Allegheny county, rrt. The Imptovement• aro two-story Frau.. House, with els I,ton. mei kitc a hen; a largo Hank Baru. eo by SO, sod other out-bonding, good "I - - chard; 178 acre, cleared anti Itt a good .date or allun. Lie land le or tar hes; quality • adapted nor g - raln or meek. mad Is all underlaid a Ith 1 oat. a net - ) large mount or Loco, timber. IN,. mslon ale en luom rt ollatel,. con' en lent to churches. sellout. etc. For further. particulars. on ‘pilre of Ir. /1 T. , It. 'teal Estate Agent. NO. LLL Pourai rat., rnyl7,s, , I,'OR SALE---A Brick Dwelling, •It oat. op Pee,seern ',entre. Allegheny l't,, cunt...lag me t room, loath room ants tlnishrol t. tie, Lan. heel and cold , water and a, large .hall. .n good contlitlon. lot Alen, • V ao.ot atljohtLeg the shore, t,O lert. to a Whorl street. The lots an. 41141..;4 . / trait tee. • s ol grape !nem: a "honer:2le. remittent,- for at, Oohtg th.rit). r to ter anti full parl,culara, apply on the premise, to ?11'1'1 11E1.1.. In) 1 211 1,7 N... 111 r stern Allrgll. II). WOK SALE.—SEWICKLEW IRESI- .. 11E141 - .-nt)...la a of land In •high ,rn /111, I, a two-%tory 1 1 1 - .. me .Iwrlllng. r,,otn, hula Intn.;,ll.ru ellar nn.l, r tr Ytitren n.4o•irt ti pll/i includlogo.s..ry nurlety, /. Irn In It.. I'oltl grnpvry 3.‘l , lalr..nu , ltng lit •nru1.1,..!) and err,. oif lI,F T. muck and Rtal E•tati• mfh N. Ft It NAI.E- A Farm of lAN acres. ElutaFri.lt t0e...61N AIF OF kv cFunly, 14 nrar the TFogllloglarni tusprE. , ;:n.lat• arr a Ile. ..t1 rl, ,tahle , . ~Lber nu t tea.. lencleao gn, rail) good: vie.. al. red, Jo, a.. r. t 10. e 01 I.t.ne.tooe, the under vela about teet thlek. tl.. upper veln Ire, eery rt,111,1/.11/ 10 the rive, It Ls well Ura l...redwith the to.“ w I.llw oak and marl walnut timher. 11ram....m per aefl . further parlicu Col re 11. TO 11 LI:, Oral Fatal... Agent, N. 104 Founts otry,. aW FOR SALE Olt EACIIANGE—ThaI rery dealrahle notary Neat, Luna nla ••rleaw alit hlorne.• • .healed lour tulles from the rite, 11/114.• (1 - 01 u Laugh In'.alaltos. 11, fr..u. I Linen). formerly the nr.i.lence 01 Leopold Wald. , ontaluing Its aacre...lgloo:ol, $. acre. of which is planted with troll 01 tn. loat t• Mention and lu great •arlety, :wet, tu grapes. Large I..lottage Ilartalng Iluu.rtenant house, two harn., good Atabling. ,to. Apply 1.0 11 Alcl.AlN .t. VAR,'" FOR SALE—litiown as the -A- 01. hallrum. containing 170 acre., &neat 1(10 of which aro Geared; tu Indiana count). 4 lolleot from the ot) ae at, The improvement.. c.ma1..1 or • L.A.ll.l all E LYWKLLINt. 1.11./10K, lamide Bank liarn. I'd/ring Hoene. ge. Thera lo a 7 toot ‘1.1.1 of g00.11......1.1 on the lartut also. a nue Mill brat. Termseasy. Inquire of .1. Y.Mrl.Alllalll.lN . No. :IVO 1.16,rty mirt,t, Pittsburgh, Or of WM. iilitELia, In thr vicinity. ap2.5:1m.1 VAILM FOIL SALE Containing lln wrox. %INK, In .71. Clair township, Wyst morriand elnset t,, ir) from :V," ?10rri.... 11,• imy snout, . ..1 a PHANII.: La, atom,. X.: Iv, (tout, 20 •It.op. tonla)ning nv, riouin• and a good r.. 1141. Also. a gtooll /runic &tarn an, ...11,1/ inchat,l containing chnl, I .1. 1. .51..1.A1 , 1111.1N A N“. 1.114,1) l'ittshurgh, Vi •.(A.M.A*l"rl.lr..lVra, m the premisca. IVE LY TUE couxTßi. E Al.. IS 1111.1.1N1, FOIi,ALE A I ILAZELNYOOI , . (oar 111i11.• iroon tonorgll fonurlle 100 ItaltronO. AI ‘, qUAlcitY and good veto of 11,1, on Mr protuleoot. WM to, .old enure, or ti,l,lc, wig!! purrhabor.. Enquire &K!4. K. ri.llWElt, linAchtoott 0031100, or ltd Diamond II:315 ritiebtogli. Penna. FOR MALE, On the corner.( Mulberry and Vrerbill arvels. (tot front on Mulberry alrek t. bn 71 feet derv. lIIAT TIIfIEE-STOII 1 11111 Ch 115 P F.1.1.1N1i, No. 147 Second -treet, containing eight rooms and attic. idts and water np +lair, Range In kitchen. 41/lIN D. DAILEY, Stock sod Real E. tats Broker, mr_f, No. lin FIIIIrth street. nWELLING ROUSE ON WYLIE AT/LEET FOlt SALE.—That large and well en lobed threestory Brick lewellimg on Wylie street° near Fifth, Oulsbed In modem style, containing I. remits, kltebsa, range, hath room, but Clll cold wa le,. and gas trilibughou I the bulltling. Tills is one of illie most desirable properties for dwelling or bugl eru purr.. new offered for sale. Poseesion April let. Term B. reasonable. Appl 10 J.10;11 . hIcLAIN & C 0.,1112 Fourth street. 1 1 , on SALE-About FORTY !BUILD .. INO 131103, In plan latil oat by kit. Ificliain and myself 011 W01111 • e • close to railroads. Teruts— loall amuent down; lial ll,' un ..aay perm/ulna an nually. choice eitrubbery and mull. Title perfect, Enquire at my ill Tool Workm NO.. 00, 01 and SI Ohkvstrect. Alle gheny, or ufJangs NlcKAtri, on the premises. myl-al2 It. 11. I. ECKY. I,`Olt SALE--154 acres of Coal, situate In Smith township, W.hington county, Penna., near the litre of the Steubenville Rallreisel, at Midway Station, about 21 tulles from the citc. For (nether particulars, enquire of 11. TiONVEI Real Estate Agent, No. 164 Fourth street, or to WIL C. CANIPAELL, on the premises. Janntf VAI.UABLE ('ITY PROPERTY Felt SALE., consisting of a lot of timund hav ing front On tiff...oKM etreet of 50 feet, sod Co. tend% beak 230 feet, on which are erected two Amine Il w cilluge, which now rout for Hie per year. Here 13 a eafe forests/mitt of 10 scr.cent ap24 13.11cLA I N 11.fu., 1.2 Fourth street FOR SALE—A two-story Brick IMelling of 7 rooms, hall, and vestibule, three *tent.t, with lot IC by 100 feet, situate Ewalt * Lawrenceville, all In complete order. For further information, terms, &M., apply at the Real Estate .d Insurance InAce of (I. 13. BATES, mll3 Butler street, Lawrenceville. Jae. D. Kelly, Hen Henry . Lynn.. Heger A. liehulelra., 4obn •Watter P. Marshall, John H. Menu Men, islut Orr, Henry 1.. Hlng•ralt, WM.E. tinhmidt.l Alerandel• Vmalrk, Wm e. . P. Woman, Ham Whittler. A. COL TON. mr.spe. MlLdAnri, THREE TWO-STOItY DWELL -IStl HOU, on Iranklln Street. Alleghny. Encl. 1,00.0 roe t ball and el: rooms. For price end terms, apply to my 23 a. UIJTHHSAT & Blnitt, 61 Market mt. TWO DWELLING HOUSES ON -. MT. WASIJINGTON FOR BALK, with Immedi ate ponsen•lon. One lot of f r round on Mt. Wltell- I faa .on: al" ;!..9.ll7nYtEn , ;4 Irk argVioti.rti r !' WALL PAPERS, Aro THOMAS PALMEII HOLISM AD IMAM HAUB 13 W..4_1.1. PA-1 3 1311 t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. AND r 1" AL TarlEl OCO liT Warehouse, 91 Wood Blreet, Becond door below Dimond Alloy, fe,t4dimil PITTSBURGH, P A. pAPER HANGINGS FOR 1866. A groat collection of 4merican WWI Papers. For the first time la five year Jrz IF' EXGLISIN P4PETI A choice selection of 'be' • Newest French Papers for estle by • ; • • WA.LTIIB. Y. 877 MAH ll7 Wmllltror FOR SALE. r FCOrit. /38M..-IEI IPS:7,R 1911..1.33. ~`OR adLE =II =9 JAMES T. SAMPLE, I= OPERA HOUSE. MAN • G Brilliant gotten. of the I=l DISTINI;UIsHED PIANNT ROSE ELT lEEMI.a.T—.E.Ft., iirProgretnme varied each PS-I.'llllg. Rceerved Scats for stir at the Music Stores and MIME =I Ynrquettl•... Yamlly Circle purrs BIUIELG H THEATRE. )1. IIENDERSuN 75 con lb. I Dress Circle 50 cent. Fourth Right of the ( . ..1041..f . .f of MRS. ETTIE HENDERSON MIL J. F. MeDONOUG 11. THIS EVE N I NG, will Ita bre...rated the great Irish Drama. written by the renowned Dramatist. IJlon Bourct..ault. C ) Cri-ai-AMMITC 8 .A.WTT; on. THE Bill OES OF liAliltYOW EN. Elly Hr,. Ellie lieudv,on. Hslcr 1a ,• opoie-n . E. McDonough. The Itsuager I. Weaned to announce to the pulalc that the henutlrul ....lac Play of the SEVEN SI.- TERS pr.“l,4,ed. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES THEA, THE—Sole Proprietor, Bev. Tittsatte.. CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. mottE s ENT WI AKA, ADDED TO THE VALUE iitt29lE29l TIM II A I'S. clic Ctiatl2Ploo Clog Dim.er or lb. world, laud JMINNY tlu• Champion Jig ranter, WILL AI'I'EAREVERI F. XENING TIII.IWERts triq.V,IWO VOC AL CONCERT, • IIVEN 111 THE PUPILS OP CLEMENT TETEDOTM, :IT .711.480X10 On Thursday, May 31, on which °cranium, beside. operatic prim and popular ballade, will be performed (or the drat time In title city. live pieces with violin and riollneello igato. and two songs sung In The sale of e ei:11 red nests will commence on 'rues nho , with, at 9 o'clock, al the music store oft'. C. Mellor .01 0.. al Wood street, where programmes may also to had. • • .. lA., open at 7!, u•elock. Conacrt to begin at Nt to a o'clock. my24:b 13ILLIALIDS! BILLIAILDSU 33...A.X.5.M. Respectfully announces to his friends and the pub lic generally, that he has lout opened Ids new and LIB BILLIARD Ittn)ith, CORNER la , LIBERTY AND ST. (LAIR bTKEETS, entrance from M. Clair. The Tables a, new, and oonattuel ed In the roost Approvt.d nod tolerant. etyty, and Sit the appurtenances are new and complete. Every thing which may conduce to the pleasure and enftlY ment of his patrons will he afforded. myl7:a4l AUCTION BALES EXECUTOR'S SALE or VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY .IT a ucrlowr. MoNDA Y. TUESDAY, WIIDN ESDA T and TII V. May Isth, .T.A.b, 30th. and Itat, a Ma ao., Hall A uetloil Rooms, 55 and 57 Fllth at.. will r... wolol. 1,7 order of 1 - ...x,1tt0r, the ,aluablc 1.111171, ME,. 07 EDWARD r3IIIII . SI).ti and Dn. It. B. Pto These Libraries comprise rare and Curious vol umes. many of vehlet Cr.. now out of print. The Miscellaneous I.lnrary includes a collection of many wort,. ..f interest to troth the student and the gener al reader. comprising History. Travels and Biogra phy. erh.nee, stol Art. and General I.lteraltire: partial of (lid Newspapers, Ina good state of Nmurv s number of volume. in the original— n. lfreelk and Latin. In Mi. cnection may IM tuentioned Voltaire's Work, complete In yM vol ms; also. a vole ph•te .et of ito,seati, in the &toot le. ee.:4,111 . 1 / I :found the recognised standard w-ork• of the proft,sion. erson- unable to be pre.ent at the sale can learn their .u-d. at the Auction Rooms. or If residing at • distance, rAn ha, their orders attended to by tusking known their wlslie• through the malls. staiognes ran he OiPLAITICII Icy application at the t ...Wogßoom. Mao.oith. 11.01 Auction House, or VIII hr to 1, mail to on; adalreKe nurninhou us. kaeli evening', Catalogue will he open for exami nion on the day of sal, my' T. A. 110(' I. }:LEAS " - GREAT SALE DELAWARE LANDS The largert, most desirable and valuable REAL EnT ATE, la ' , AMIN. 11017nEn, dr., ever offered for sale at one time in the State of Delaware. The subserllx.r, wishing to change some invest ments by selling Real Estate, will therefore otter •ted sell at Pololt- Auction. In the town of &MYRNA, - Nate of DOWVOTA/11. at VOX NV E. 1.1.13 HOTEL, on Thursday, the 11th day of June neat, Toeornmeneo xi pis •. xi.. a part of Ills Real Estate_ which. of Its kind. Is not surpassed by n) In this roan) ry, follows: Nos. I. 2. 3, 4. baud S. are Vann, Itandsouto ly fitted up nod intinverd. .•outalttlug ,alb trout sin to ILL acres. All have Vortela nod Apple itreliarilit. and are wlthln :to• mile. of the Urn, near the Steamboat landing and I trlawarr Railroad. nod the nntyrna Creek igtiod It " - wrt fronts sr, eral of the enrls. ho. , • tract of Marsh Laud. Atm acres. No. 8, the Liao Kilns, :sheds and °Mee. with two acre lot at amyrna lauding. Noe. I. and to. two large tironariea copa l.. of storing Li' to bushels of grain, at limyr na Landing. with an acre lot to each. No. 11. a W•ter Lot. know nme the "ahlp Yard." at Nmyrn• Lmoilug. Persons are requested to examine then roperly before the role. Plot, of saute may be seeprior Anti At Ult . Imlain. ,111,11 LAI each parcel. The terms will tor, ono-third cash and the residue of annualequal Instalments, extending to her years. Detail of the term. 11l be annonnced at Ito. salt, Handbills can he ',totaled by applying lit the nutoeriher. whleh Ore,.lull ileacrlptlon of all the tiroporty. aunt the would refer to toe see paper- also for full account. my 72:o0:1".1,, ADJOURNED =EM=I ORPHANS' COURT SALE. .Irtor 1111 order or the Orphan, Court of India.. ...linty. there .1111 he utren.d at public sal, in th.. norongh or Friday,lsth day of June, 1866, the folloaing real er.tatu of Fratwl. Hammer. late of Burro tow n..hlp, durctaeti. Rounded on the north by luid. of 11. Repine. on the east, by lands of C. atet'rua, heir, ou the a...A• by lands of Graff, 11111 Co.: on tin• stouth, by lamb. of rt. Dixon. Con taining 1111 7-10 acre, un.ru or less, honing Mute on alio° Slot) Brink Dwelling House. a largr Log Barn, wlth allude all around. mud all the tit.eussary ons-nuildlnga. A 1.,, an uteelluutspring of water at the. hum, and au orchard of grafted troll of ra don', Lind, In good hearing eonditlon. A goad portion of the farm In underlaid with coal-one bank open and In working order. The farm Is in to. good stab. of cultivation, and Ilesmile north of Blair., Ulu. n Ith a good township road nning through II to Conn or Ito. Railroad Station at ru ßlain, .111.. Any per.on w1,.11111g to look at the property. will Ora., ail on Thomas .1. Hammy r, living on thy per b.:. Tenni, oft.t.ine-lialf coal, on the rortnrcua lion of sale, awl the balance to ear, secured nt bond and mortgage. Sole to commnce at one 11 . 014 v ~. a.. at the Er rett 11000., In c the borough of Plain° Ilia, and to be conducted t,l Tobias and Thou,. J. Hammer. Administrators. It, order of the 0u rt tuyi!iibid A. 1.. llyl.ooKY. Clerk. WOOD STREET LOT FOR SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans• Court of Al legheny 'aunt), the undersigned, 'trustee Ito make sale In partition, will expose to eubllc hale, on the prem.., on Tharosday, May 31.1,11466, At o'clock, o.,that eacant LOT OF GROUND nOtyt•te on the Ea: side of Wood street,adjoining the St. Charles Hotel. commenting at the distance of eighty-tit e feet .001.1orardly front Third street. ro and haring a front of nineteen feet on Wood atreet, and eskruding back still feet: late the property of Lafayette Winettiddle, deceased. For further partiCulars. apply to THOS. SWING, Trustee, No. Or to A. M. BROWN, Attorney,lsS Fourth street, No. Ile Fifth street. nwa:law.lbaruPiedtd VALUABLE PROPERTY AT &VE- T TION. —On NAT OUIJA Y AFTERNOON, June 24, at 'A o'clock, on the premises, near the !sharp.- burg Bridge, and ou the line of the ettlzerw• fan seeaer Rahway and Allegheny Volley Road, ad. loin - leg residence of A. hell). Esq., will he sold the s aluable property of Capt.Snt viz: fourteen building loth, 'routing on Citizens' Fes cengur Railway, We feet by IOU: one barge lot IFS by :SOO, on Which Is erected n substantally built, modern style, two story brick dwelling. finished throughout In the best possible manner, containing cloven rooms; dm, a two story frame stable and carriage house; elm. a summer kitchen and War. Imehe ; groundh laid out with gravel walks, with a quntit) of choice !Telt trees. shrebbetT, go. AlSo. toolots below the Allegheny Valley Railroad, each $OO feet remit, and exumding to low water Mark. This property shroud receive special attention, It betegof cosy serum. Terms easy. Inyito T. A. IiefiI..ELLAISD, Auctioneer. FURNITURE AT AUCTION.—On .14- FRIDAY MORN IND, dune Ist, at 10 o`clOcli 111 be sold the entire furnishment of dwelling No.. 41 Seventh street, romprlsing Spring Scat bent, N alma Sofa Seat Chess, Itoeker to match Mahog any Sofa heat Chairs, Lounges, High' nd Low Post Bedsteads, one set of Cottage Furniture, rP Ca ets, Oil cloths, Blinds, Stove and fixtures . Glamand thmeneware..tc., de. This entire lot of Furniture Is in good condition, having been In use but O. short time. (myibti T. A. MCCLELLAND. Aunt. ()USES AND LOT ON WEBSTER A.A. Si'., SECOND WARD, ALLEHFIENY, AT A UCTION —W ill be sold on the premises, on SAT CROAT, Juno tld, at 10 o'clock, the Brick House No. IM 'Webster street. containing 1 rooms and ball, and the holes on the name lot, fronting on Asylum lley. containing 4 rooms. The lot is 21i by 110 feet. To be sold in one lot. 'Corms at sale. ' myso A. LEILIGATE. duct. ORSES AND DIUGGT AT ADC TION,--On THURSDY MORIN at 11 o'clock, at Masonic/tail Au A ction Rao N lms, G, 65 and 57 Fifth street, will ilo sold, a pair of well matched Mares, broken to barn...moue Mack Mare sell broke to either saddle or hornets: one good stout Family Bone. Also, one Too Buggy, in good condition. mph., T. A. MeCLELLANI.I, Auct•r. STOVES, GRATES, TO ROUSE BUILDERS AND MOUSE KEEPERS. STOVES, GRATES AND RANGES. We respectfully Invite the attention of the public to our extensive moiety of COOKINti IfTOVIM, GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, COOKING RANG ES, an. Hieg recently Increased o. faelliti. for man ufacavturing the above articles and greatly Improved our styl. of URATE I , llo.Nityr Inisticed one of the BEST CUOKINI.I RAN to be ad In the comtennity, we Ask Ski In need of anytit ID our line of baldness to give us a call. 3ERMOSSEEIX-Ma eel CIO., No. 235 LIBBItTXBTILEJLT, hiallafeetniere ofAbe Celebrated T11111M.1.11 and BLACK UAll. COOK 5T01703. eollrtjel 110:i.kqe):ynymaell GENERAL OFFICE Bad Noset4Dat 41.ffiesolr, Na n 81. CIL& al., mar Bwrititak23l4o. H. P. 132.111614M81EL5, Civil linenon. Residence, No. 12 Ray street. PLUMING, &c WELDON & KELLY, W. It. LEAS PLITIVIBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS A large a.„,, t , r0 ra of Chandeliers and 11,,, ekets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheektead, I= 161 Wood Street, near Sixth. my.V. INTC:Orri3II. Private Families and Hotels Can lx furnished with Leal goal-ILT of HYDRANT HOSE AND ETES AT SEIORT EST N(YrICE AND BEST TERSIS, JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 122 and 129 First Street, my.17,..c! PlTTsnyotan,PA FJYDUANT HOSE, ===l HOSE PIPES JRC BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. YLU3WING, GIS IND STEAM FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. SHEET L E .D iuT ZINC, LEAD PINTA.. BASINS. WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. NIN7I73IIIMTSSI cC GICO., (Sussessors Co Addy & Ewes.,) my 7 :ea No. 105 Wood .t., Pitt gough, es. WOOD PUMPS; I= IRON PUMPS, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WISE STANDS, lay draulie 11.41,m.5. Bra. Work f kinds; Block rim i TOD. I .contains; ,-o Mods of On. and Leather Bop: Ho. Pipe, nonolloirs; lass I . lpc and FLscorea,ogaill descriptions' kept conatrantiv oo hood At Addy, Willliams & Barticy's =I PITTSBURGH, PA. BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER ==! N. B.—All kinds of repairing done promptly. All orders by mall immediately attended to. Jai mod.m.temowana I iiIIINDING GAS AND STEAD PITTINU, 11l ALL ITS Iiff.ANOBBB% Carelially attended to B experienced nod practise workmen. A tine assortment or GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. BIiOWEB BATFfg, HYDRANTS, onetantly on ❑and andlnade to order. . TATE & SEVILLE, eft, so F llggilll'AfPlTutil e fiP, rIW w. g b m 411 Amrdly CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &e UM M e rf/M l a li NoThane Nry superior stock of 1 091=11. 6 3BIEMDT Gt. Of ol or o u r lart . lon :421e s verrar d. ad e gg mita ; 2l feet 'ride. PLANO AXD TABLE C OVILES—Every lazed In vac. NRANTII BATOlit-From the tbtein quality to the Ic ZaF r AItiATTLNO, COCOA AND AtAN'llle MATTINGIS, de. McCALLUM BROTHILUES.A. , ; A Fannerly W. 1). &H. MeCanute'''. 1 WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---very handsome--never offered in this country before—and at prices based on the present rate of Gold MoPABLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d floor, Nee r*. building to 11. B. Custoinliouse and Postale* Ond lINDEIRTAMING. T. WHITE co.„ . • U NDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, ktanatester, Wlead"sitanaild Collin Matunastitasteeeter Livers Stable. learaerea antelela and Martian street& Hearse and Carriage. thrulsbed. nolOdyd COFFINS 1 COFFINS! • IIZTALLIOI 11141.110 6 / I .lllr 1 lILETALLICI NAIIOGA.3I I IiNDLUTAIIINGI UNDSICTAKI3teI LIJ '4'4IJU HOBERT WILLIAIin, Vadertalter, Ottlee, No. 1$ FOURTH STRZZT. Undertaking to all Us branches Main laying oat and furntahing eremning natal:7 'rd % tharoper Interment, promptly attended to. splendid Hearse and Carriages always en b.-4 at reasonable terms: ALEX. AMEX, 17.071:MCFMALXCZECEa„ No 1.1 Fourth stiWtalturlth,Paa' 'COFFINS of all k do, CILAFILN. 1145; Sad everednice= of Funeral Froth UOCkl. Itlll2llDed. war: d Ja CODUMEW 'TIMMS BEng Jatab Miller Zao. • Third 11.1 g 4 z fit o 'Ai %rellzi 1r011:1111iOTI9N114 Toys, gaskets, J. Nraazsxasrmspo, osiz.., B:l.otaarB .- varietyandritaijraoin,ioines'aiseet. C 33 iziMT, I nYY BRENVT..9 -, BURKE & CO., , . ...„, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -,., AGENTS FOR THE if Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Works, Ample Eitorage for Crude and Refined Oil. Libig- t al cashAtiValle. made on consignments of Crude or 1, Refined Petroleum. Yards forstorage and slap- 1 mem of Crude OIL at Lawrenceville. Dirk,. and W archon , Corner of Duquesne Way S and Hancock street, Pittsburgh. myleialq PST2II JAS. Y. SITCLWIT. KEEL & RITCUART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c. • :14.9 LIBERTY JT REM PITTSBURG IL PA. 1213113 i1)!i1 1141". CRAWFORD, Comm &sato ea Merchant, And dem.. HT d iw e i li ft, i ; „ L k I , '" 1.1 1;111F, T f .. tl i e ' 2l i ti ' ' Zl ß k ° ll 6 .e, aDd .1„ -- ,,ouoi.e.e Warehouse and Ofeee,` . p.o. `.""`" .`"'" c Teo. ET. Swest,e to be bad. Conalgrancalasuticited. .7 12,1 . d p' w. satulta. OW ENS, KENN t.DIF kr. HARPER, ; 111W131,10E Ci1313111,,L0N MICIICIIANTS, use. Weelesple Dealers la Vull.E.ltiN AND DUN k,ITIO PHUITs, SALT, FLOUR. MITTEA, Eties , r 0 ". TATUES, ro., and An rosialutu and rroduce grii• orally, ,o. 76 FEDERALSI IDL6T. oppoette the , Railroad Depot, A LLEOURfteI, ' A. Agents for the sale OR. Y. 1. litte•s, Dolmen A P. Ethrours and_ J. Kare's Salt. w 0.,). ..... . EUMBECI J. tiTSZI. W J. STEEL & tiltou P1L1 . 11.114 E I'O*III24.SjON AINItCIIAIIITS, receive cud sell Fleur, Corn Meal, Vats arid Corn. Beans, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cbee , o4 Faet horn, (11l Hart Lime. had, sc.., .I.e. ParUcular attentibu P palei to the tale of Foreign and Domestic. itrella, lie. 138 Third *trees, Pittsburgh. Pk.. (18.1014 IliAnisEB C. BAI.SLEY, Produce and Columniation Merchant, Waruhuute No. 231 LIBERTY liTittlET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale d dealer le Butter, Cheese, Lord. Eggs, Pork, lon, P Beans, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, otatoes, HUM-. ley, anted Fruit*, Oreeu Pruitt ' onions, Floor. g O m ni, Clover heeds, Timothy ho rde, Flax deeds. Name and Poultry. Particular atteution giver, to Produce Couslgumetits. mmullt CZ= Alii. m'netni d S. ANHUI M ' BASE & ANIEM, COMMISSION 't MERCHANTS and dealers h, viAiu It, GRAM and ritoDucE, ik.vona b..twon ROO.l wd rlllaborgh. nplLly CB Thos. rorran ..... JON N 816.214 8. A. adWrPARD 'JOTTER, AMEN & SIIEPA.B.D and S ° :ntrel'rnit,"M"::: if d tt dv r,' l M::scr,'F r rAl I'osBBBol and produce generally. No. WO LIBERTY STREET, opposite Paarenger Depot, W. Cl7Lr. OTIS 841.P.,...D & SHEPARD, Commission 1 Merchants and dealers In Flour, Grain and Pro- f duce, No. all Liberty strut. Pittaburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Baton and Family um constantly on hand. Particular attention pald-t0 Ailing order star Merchandise generally. oday t• ATICEE, BAIRD &. PAT'PON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, an dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese , Flab. Carbon and Lard Oil, lron, Nails, Olasa, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh ufactures generally 13 and 114 Second street. Pittsburgh. WV. P. DSCCk runs. KIT oos.L WIZ. P. BECK Si. CO, No. ISIS or street, Plttobnrgh. la. lionised° Grocors,ro l amlasion Ater chew,. and dealers to Coun try Produce, ProvLslons 110000 Lore, Butter, Eno, Cheese, Flab so., FrOdoce, Flour, Grain, liew - 4 , Green and Dried Fruits. to., flan and Lime. jr: P. AZTllliat J. Si. 1LETM.1ta......W.Y. D. Bin. rtETICIER Sr. BROS., (Successor/ Romer & Anderson, Wholesale Deal". algal Fruits, Ruts and dplees, Confeetlone Fireworks, do., Nos. FM and Cl. Wood d Fifth Pittsburgh-. soar. nor KKNOX & SON, C iILERCHANSandiDo.d' MILL PEED and PlLD''' Diamond, oppoolte C . • Ja17:13-M. FOR BIIIIIIMO, • Of the Newest htyles of CASSIStEHE 000118, which we arc selling al Oar LOWEST MA EMT PRICES. igrAu early call le respectfully 8°11011441 by GRAY & REMY G. ILULE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTHIOSIEt 01 PRNA 3 8L ME MUM PITTSBURGH. PA.. Dellres to return th.ks to Ids friends and the pub 110 generally for then liberal patronage, and would reapeetfully inform them that he has Jaen, return ed from the Eastern markets with a logo andorell 'elem.d stock of Fine Woolen Goods, irm u t a t i e v d itt? ratTLEsnms sktigQ, THE BRADBURY, NEW rOIIE., Ain Schomacker I Co., Philadelphia, 1: 1 I AL. CO Ey,. The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICANDRCAN. . Acknowledged by the best untainit talent to the United Mates to be superlortotoallothell la power, puritr a and quality of tote, and thorough work ntsettstnunents have for ears Math thw gane i r d eor t fi r all ent l er ri ten, t r e the - !wAls than others. All warranted roe gre y geors. r WANEILIIIII, ' . 2 , 8.11111, No. 12 St, Oak Street, Pittaliegli„ ' PIANOS! PIANOS!! swrues sTo9 - 8 the ' Knobs) & Co.'s and Hiiinesißro% iturt. 011elti?TTZ myl2 111 l street. Bola Mgenti• $2,200 mm rataust MinxCaN..l:pl73;ix a m a xzw And LOT 211 by $4 en chanters street, Allegheny City. For Anther partittedays, entittlie-or 2 9T0 r 44 Sq!***:7ollol4F i 2etit, A. C.A.WTOILD. 47 St. Clair Street. mr2D.bso PIANOS ORGAN z "Bro. A TWO STORY 0 LI