= eihr - 44tiOurglt 6autte. ; PUBLISIIRM DV PENNIMAN, REED & CO . . T. P ncrr 73l t.___7o , 1 15 ' Editor* f4 B 1 I' s fi 3 rt , Alauagers, ”TintitSDAY, MAY 31, 1866. VNIUR ItEIiSLICAN i ' t..4....5.1. • FOR. 4titt, VERNOII. t MAJ. JOHN W. ttAltirr or cultnnoLA,Ari CO 2Qi7. • ° linsthrr senurL B. CLIILEY, City. CLIME, OP Cur: JOBIN G.4e4osviE, Fiwni"" cizaft. or,pnnua s lit ALEXANDIM lIILANIM. CI [y. LEEN Kr ONIVX.I.V. City. RVIISTEI" JOSEPH U. GRAY, Plum Tp. GEoRGIS IlAn/LTO:11. City = JOHN F. AMATO. Xtfllin Tp ASAMLIII.V /OWN P. GLANS. City. emosecit 'WILSON, Pitt Tp. `NSBEITILI:LUADWICIEL. Collins Tp. ' IL A. COLVIL.,.E., City. "MYER. Ross Tp. thur.unfax Y. MeIISE. North Fayette Tp MEXICO_-TIIR MONROE DOCTRINE. General 6A.NTA A.2qA is in this country, and in negotiation, more or less format, with the Secretary 01 State. Some ac counts represent that he came here by in vitation of our government, while other reports accredit him as-an agent of MAX • tumws and the French. Battered in the intrigueS of polities, he is capable of acting in the double capacity of negotiator for two parties, at the same time keeping his eye Main& in his own interests. Evidences abound that the attempt to grail an Austrian dynasty on the • Mexican stock is a failure, and that Maxtultun will goon have to put off the purple and hunt up the chances of resuming the ducal coronet be relinquished, The inducement , Which chiefly led NAPOL'Eliii to invade and conquer Mexico were frustrated by the sup_ pression of the rebellion in the Southern States. The enterprise was always un popular with the French people. Latterly the Emperor would have rejoiced at find ing a valid excuse for beating an honors btu retreat. Now he has matters of the first Importance to attend to near his own 40111.iDiODS... . Meantime Congress is entertaining a proposition - for the increase of the national debt, by endorsing the booth of the va grant Mexico!' republic, or or advancine thM.eto, in cash, a handsome number t'-ef millions. Much foolish talk is Indulged, . • In Congress, and out, concerning the en forcement of the Monroe doctrine. The truth is, all citizens of this count!s who understand what that dOctricie really h., see It has been 'deprived of 411 practical consequence by the - progress oil events. Mexico itarted in its tepubllcan career somewhat auspiciously; anfOciently.at least to cause hope for its future to predominate over prognostications of evil. Monroe had ' doubts. lie saw indication§ he did MO Jilte, and apokeof them. - What he hopcti has not been realized. What he faired, ha , : proved true heyond his most sombre fare' battings. The Mexican republic has not been a success. It has dishonored popular 'gOVernntent. There is Small ground for hoping it will do better In time to come. Iu 31outtou's day the United States was 'weal:. A small thing was a tnenatc. Now. we are thirty-four millions of people, anr , tlonot stand in awe of any foe that ma' rite up against us. ' The right'ofn nation to organize its got '.:err:Orient to suit itself is a position few men „have hardihood enough 'to dispute. NA '., ,; POIXON 111. elands to be Emperor of the : trench by their will, accurately and for declared. He did riot scat Itlsstant.- -..-- List on the Mexican throne.until an elec tion had - been held, which he could appeal . to as validating that transaction. In form, , sat least, tlth Mexicans consented. Whether ttieio was actnal sitManee, as well as form, ' : certainly adinits a,tiebtile; ' /Lit,oo,l Many of the people of this coon . ' try, wile do Mit like monarchical institu tions, were content MAXIMILIAN should try-his hand at governing Mexico. It was , 'Worth' while to see if imperialism wassail'. "elently potent to make .the people of that ~, , ,vitan.Ntppy Fat:Entry desist from the pastime 'Of Milting -each otheralbroats. It batibeen 411 forms of government have proved ineffectual 'to that end. Of --what use, than, is it to spend much ,symlsa. , .414 easliniou'imeli a population it would certainly gratify American feel. hiVe 'the trench anti Argitrians ~":' - drivefi=cnit 'of Mexico. Oen. Onus- has n'actring _fOr months. taist to take hold ! of, that job. Doubtless lie would do it a, dash and\finish - that would be ax IfiTatattag: *lt cost less to .letLlbmw Ivc thmuselvekent, But, after they shall, be .ono--what. Mien? Can Ssmis BXhti li Mexico out of its conditiOn of chronic' - ire rreetton 9 Can anybody? We have NO , falls in the possibility of accorriplishing readit" Hence; under the !light•we ti l ftirru t iltaVe, we do not look ,favtinibli ; oan any scheme for investing the creditor cash tiniLliThited States in Mexicanl .' politids.- Vire.dOnot,helieve it will pay Indeetforn incline strongly that nothing win pity In Mexico but sweep out the preseiit popu s•itidon Mul.'start anew.- it may be thereat nicatA tWaahington arc acting upon , in formation:Fraley withhold from ordinary • nll%, hav' got to pay the National fiddler„: Finch 111 the tlitir; for their own ' 4 '411016010n, they had better shoal up 'the' grounds on . whiph they,are.proceeding .. to cimsittilofeletit pants like those worn by jj AVING UEFA BURNED OUT AT rit elf,arid - att old fastdoned indLan "wain- .. 413 When, . rivet , bare removed their pun t ' or silk, whieh comes just above the Feed and Flour Business knees. Everything Is said to hang from ' o she Warehou e .'o. Sae P .Y.2(' STII :ET. n the sheulders;:doleg away With tight lac- I' u., the new Deplit . :tr ittt• e. v r . w• a csit. rt. '"*°- log, and alleged to be very conducive of .1 , Y 1,1 * , 'health. WILLIAM C. LEE . •—A novel method has been adopted by Successor to ALEX. (JORDON. , Superintendent Landon, of Troy, N. Y., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING to 'clean ant two houses of ill-fume on [ Fulton street, whielt . bare long been a nammisroorrALivrx.. No. 102 gerond latrect, Pittsburgh, Pa. gricioui annoyance to neighbors. A pa trolman has been stationed in the vicinity , sa "- ..,., irsf ' ru P tl t . b . ' tt . 4 ' l ' .., T i ' s " Ait sltZiaL l r,;l;, ' of the premises, provided with a note boos snot . , tent, Filth.' CLAY, ht.il gl.igrtruen, ..,... and.pencii, with directions to take down " dr "' "" 4 ui"eri prompt . aqat.itst the namesof every person, both nude and A FREE LECTURE — Al Excelsior female, seen to enter or emerge front the '''''' O. Ilt l i l tlit 'i l.Vr n li . T a u . , rl l . A„Y s. Ev rtl i titsVi.n premises. LTENLNI4-"LoiL . ttnei Mar l . a.'• beats 23 id-. I lose, 8 o'clock. FICIDA Y. a P. 0. - •Maternlty, • -The National COrrency Act re,l u.; res . 5, Indies only, Sint at 3r. a. • •lian hood, • ' to rnt.ll ~. 1/11 Section twenty-four that the mutilated ittnir.i„.h:TaTrstftVit'itlz.ri'irt'eglitZ's""l.; 1 notes of the national banks shall be burned WI t...t.urday, arts (I,?na sA. L. 11 . 11.6 r. w. myr.fistr; when returned to the Comptroller of the i-: 1 ST. P. V.—Former Co. tr.:ous t/arrow:li.,•and unless Congress shall see tit VI monde, will plea... send at once the nanaea ito amend the law in this respect. these and present rceldenee of those soldiers who were rdateirennftabe . deittritied by the new pro- regularly detailed to mine In the Color fluent. q cesi4 cailtdttilsisceratiob, and now in sue- ROBERT 1.. Mtn, late Col. (Itst P. V.. ' cessful operation-in t he Tr ta u my.:l47 . . ~_ 1- ff ry Depart- 071 Chostnut *L., 1 • 1111.1tIpto... 1 ment, and applied triall Uovernruent issues. I OST — {Vas dropped on St. Clair —The burial ground of the Union sot- ' '' r r";'.r,t1,,,!".4,;f1,1 re."" - 7 , 7 . 1::; th ` , r " ::' , ;: a ": - : 1 4 ti r " , e . t. 1 client near Wushingtoet, at Arlington ~, '"d ' i r f '" e ' r t rp i turnell to 1.r., C 774. iiertliit. loy2s ik.lollB - Olt the actuth, , and the Soldiers' i Alit) OiLLIO bids. No. 1 and 20 HOMO 011 the north of the Capitol, are via- Ibid.. No. 2ln store for imlis DI fled by crowds during this lovely weather. t.,,,,, ISAIAH DICKEY it CO. They sleep in ono of the loveliest spots in # j AFORICAI'ING OIL - 7' Islas. of ‘ tii.ioDistriotl , lJAs is gallant - General said a "uhe superior ••N Weenie • ' HEN RV H . COLLINS. this morning r "Whenever I fee! say doubt j 6 , ....... w_ TOPS__ — _2oobe „ a „i n u tl N l;tl I as to my course 'it,gainat 'treason, I always ' ' visit theettivotmthr:t' it le good place to' Pan Tot. ~ 1 01 1 it._ • _ I get Cllroo.9l'!Akl)6ll°Y.'" „.0•A.I. STONE-00.bbls. for sale b . ) , i , , , , ~ • sJ mfr. 4. = • • ' !JEMMY 11. Ot4LI.IINII. -1111:141ii RIM clamor for an early journment at Congress should remember I ad, I elaillEl l lT-200 bbls. of the - b - & - ii . qualillw.. 0113 , 43) 111:li ICY 11. co WASH. that eve of the most importan; meatturesof ijitiliAltti..4V-140 t - bblit. Calcined tha Seetdon yet remain to be finished: The 1. 11,../...y. 4.430 • lIIINILY H. CoLLINS. Tipt - hilli the Reconstruction hill ? the AP- 9jjy OIL - 15 bbls. In store lakoliriatien bill, Ilio Freedmen s Bureau J. tort's'. by 15.14A11.010.2.HY • Cu. /Aland the. Equalintkm Bounties bill. CAEDAit BOARDS-2000 feet to .Pnatnfdiree flyearlsofront•the -late war, end. forinie by ISAIAH DICKEY • CO. ' ,. -2 . -r tiiiPresident h ..i 11,. Authr9. therefore , inadditina to the ordi- Onr An r ilaw . ,, j t bh. ' t.„ ~._,., ,_ ''' A s ., Pi ,•• nary legislation; besides' Wee . there is a riliteitidkintentioraaAingifthe entire list hovid:atitinCet.sinkidalied business of tra -4f_ftg9lo IppolAtli• ”.. •-w. ~ 1 MO kaltltrtt.oooll4l - 400 cor partly passed. , , •,., ' .+ . l 7 rir . c.eli.r.i ( 4 . J-0.7 , it; ..,..t. SL. - rin Je ,( u it iii., - .-i ir , i J ." • .0 . • WDEN , PaEsIDEr .3 onssoN commenc ed turning republicans out of office' be:, cause they would nnt'abandon their privet pletyand betray . tliar. - party, he Ryas not . , -careful to eelect soldiery for preferment., r\ tie' therdelightNiltn broken-down politi ':l,illnitio,i.trait'le nomiiitifed';t good aumy ' or "IfiCin: :Vito Fenno; called a halt on his guateoind . then he resorted to thq soldier Ileseems to have said to !hi:ltself, t.`l,3ilte4)olitiml hacks, but the Senate "".ittl stuiid.the.nt: The Senate *ill .not,,, Attiti to reject soldiers, and so I %siihlltli+`at-them: 'Not that't cane for sol- ' titers, but. I I am bound to have my .own ,any iu spite. of Ow -Senate." Jar. u;ilf' . rirovii HIJC4:6SSfuI, and 11;315. fsr 2 .44gre.:iilrmdy 'begins to apppar. PttEsitme.t. Joiinpli once said 'traitors birck wits,' ar pclmeirlll7lgYtti,ixt - effee . t. When , - crxis Pt'oPoiO4 by act c i ktoogreg to disfTatichiso - ,, certain classftOt trnhyrs, that is, to corn- Ilion) to hike -sexy 'ln the ncaFti !C , ) ,Ergaident: J0t0130944 ,, *fitt,..Ahe objection that the trgtila!i9p,'Oc.4ltcniga was 1 one of t h e . .I*.r . y ., o:rigitW, Of '9.e motes. Last 70k . :Ai(c„Pe?1 , 1P,4*.i. 4 0,r0u 13,1 1,y a di l'Ont:;ifo4;: iFseitted to diefrort - clatso re bd s nzite ; inlipentof thoSt4fddiin.sl)tntion. of his -ppiii ., ;.bloxiirA.4o94.:lYltlitwertelfucea VfhYT TheytitOtOg*ikol4A4° `!treason ;ought to itede-Ntotui." • 1:13= —Shad are plenty this season. —Carlotti:Pattl Sa tit Florence. —Andrew's air Op is not a success. —ln Italy th war spirit is at a fever —Deserters' widows or Iwirs receive no bounty. ~ • —Thi Tennessee Legislature has ad ourned. bonds are .offered in the Pitta- I linigh market. —lllrs Cobb is still a regular caller at, the White House. --,West Virginia oil territories are look fag spin the markets. —Two works on spiritualism have just been published in Russia. —The Governor of California has a sal ary of $14,000 a year in gold. —Tom Morrow, aguerrilla, was mar derud In Texas a few days shave. —The Mayor of Erie has leas authority than an "Emergency man" here. --Chas. J. Saxton, of Bostou, attempted suicide 4y el:Julit las throat, in Washing -4414 last week. —The Cleveland papers call hand organs grinderposts. In Pittsburgh the name would signify more. —Broome, a Pittsburgh artist, is en gaged upon a marble bust of Bishop Alex ander Campbell, deceased. —The Sen tte rejected the nomination of Wade Hampton as Postmaster at Pitts burgh by twenty majority. —The "Fifth street organ., which worried the Dispatch folks some months ago, has been declared a public nuisance in Titus ville. —A grandson of Curler kas been up pointed a sub-Governor of the Bank of Frame, with a salary of 40,000 francs per —Samuel Downing, or New Hampshire, and James Barnbam, of Missouri, are the only surviving revolutiot.ary heroes America. —The health of John Bright is said to be failing. The death of his old friend, Richard Cobden, appears to have greatly depressed —Mrs. Pollard, wife of the editor of the Ricluound Examiner, has made an unsuc cessful attempt to procure a clerkship in the Treasury Department. —The largest. theatre in Boston is pro vided with a fire-proof curtain, to shut oil if necessary, the auditorium from the stage It is agood Boston notion. . —The Legislature of Pennsylvania, in 1764, passed the following : "Re.arrd, That no member of the Legislature will be allowed to come into the House bare footed." —Colonel White, of guerrilla fame, lur ing been elected Sheriff of Loudon county, Va., reached Washington in company with his military co-laborer Mosby, corking pardon. —The redemption division of the United States Treasurer's office last week redeem. eel and cancelled fractional curremy amounting to $450,700, besides other Gov. ernment securities. —Mr. James M. Seovel, it is said, will run as an independent candidate for Con gross in the First District in New Jersey, in the coming election, the Democrats hae lug agreed to make no nomination. —The City Council of Indianapolis, yes. terday, voted an appropriation of sl7.o.ffito to aid the construction of the Vincennes., the Danville, and the Indiana and Illinois Central railroads, the money iodic distrib uted pro rata. —Edward O'Brien, a railroad a atchman who left a switch misplace:Al and thus caused an accident by which two lives were lost, was tried last week in Newark, N. 'J. on a charge of manslaughter. He was found —The Council Bittifs Nonpareil Iles Ill.` following: "Official—Married, at the reel. dence of Mr. Ben Janis, in Marshalltown, lowa, by the her. Mr. Willey, Jae Raced, (that's us) and Miss Mary c. (that's more of us.) —A. nue-armed beggar, who Ice. been working on the sympathies of the Wore Ter public for several days, has just lieeit discovered to have an zinn, hidden e 1.,. his body, under his clothing. Ile was fined for carrying concealed anus. —On Saturday last two scoundrels were killed at Shelbyville, Kentucky, be the i citizens, who were tired of berag bullied and imposed upon. This is an elcellent beginning, and should serve as an exanipb. to the citizens of many towns in Kentucky. ! —lt is nok stated as a fad that the Re publican working strength of the United States Senate will hereafter be thlrty•four in a body of forty-eight. That it will be thirty-three is beyond a question, and the passage of the amendment in sonic form is therefore assured. —A gentleman of the town of El Paso. "Illinois, has just recovered a verdict ia 53,125 damages against the Illinois t'ent rid Railroad. It appears that he was pm ofT the cars, and kicked by the conductor, on , account of some dispute about his ticket. The• cause of the dispute, however, is not reported. —Two car-loads of strawberries now nr. -rive daily at Chicago from Cobden, Anna and Villa: Ridge, on the Illinois Central Railroad. There is an area of over three hundred acres of strawberries now ripen lug In thbi* three towns, and promising the heaviest. yield that any season has afforded. —OA the morning of the 3d instant, from half-past eleven to a quarter past twelve, Birmingham, England, was enveloped ill almost' total darkness, and again at half. .past-.four p. in. it was as dark 'as in the middle 'of a winter's night. At both pe riods there was a moderate fall of rain, With a littlC wind. Keble, widow of the late Rev. 'Kale, died at Brookside Connie mouth, England, on the 11th inst. ' in the srtme house where her husband died. The Landon—Star says that on the removal of hir husband's laxly to Harsley she begge,l that his grave might be kept open fur her I One 12 I,lo] Cylln(Ur. 1 foot xtrokos, °or Upright, she shOrildnot be Tong apart from him. ' 10 . soch . C . ylIntltr.. 3J loch BMA . , yt , !uel C 1, 1 9 , 1;w., , p , 0 , ra40 . u 0 at Lb*? I vont, Ni LIU ~,,4,- It- h i:projecte4 in California to supply Wt yTeC K, 11A3ET --- T .t WAHTZ. SAn FranCisco and a dozen interior towns R O . Bl With water from Lake Tahoe, which lies KREBS, , in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and is, I " billiteeglundred feet, the highest hotly I ICE DEALER, of water ever navigated by n steamboat. The lengtirof the aqueduct, if it is eaten- 55 -Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. .ded-to' Salt Francisco;*lll be two hundred ' , c'ere ICI, bore or at Hand ?greet Bridge vrlll rrnvive I.rompl ;at tentlon. \Vag°. runnlng PlLtsborgh nod All •ght.ny. nil, :Lois --The ladies of Lansing, Michigan, are J. & W. FAERLEY adopting . i . new style of dress. It appears W I MPFNMWEIMI! The Emperor Maximilian seems ti have got tired of the Confederates in tut service. Henry W. Allen, Ilrigattiea-General in the Coulederate A.rtny—a year Governor of Louisiana. and since the abandonment of the cause of rebellion in the Truus•:Thssisslii pi Department, ~lit er of I.ll,llerienn Tftn, died in the city el Mesa, on the 2'.f.1 of lust month, awl was Mated in the .Itneneau, Cemetery, in lull I 'on federate uniform, on the following day. Some objections were modem this dentine.. in death to the Govern ment he cursed in his life, by our Consul, Mr. Vlttertaturgh. lie at first obleeted to their burying him in uniform iu this bury ing-ground hv theside of all the A inermans who have died for the last eight years. The cemetery Is the property of the United Status Government. Mr. imerbourgh withdrew his °Wootton: , and signed the !femme when he saw that a genera/ tv,w would be the result if be did not. Three days beliire the death of AI r. A lieu, Maximil notified Gen. Magruder. Surveyor-general at the Empire of M and Col. Maury. W 111: was then at the head of the Foreg,in Emigration Renato, 1:11 110- C:1111W of ha+ fa.111111..8 11 1 / 1 10111, 111 Etirpe, that they should return their 1. , rt fort fin the Ist .4 . l%tny. and that on rornnnt of the lack of sufficient revenue, these mines should be discontinnoti. The sou of the defunct Cotiledertiey has 140110 .10w n at hint. Johal Earle left or II:11311:1 10, 1.15111 ask he learned or the dl. , ef the I 'onftsierntes from ofilee \\*ma , is tie` last le lin ger, and he g.e's to the nib 41 Sutiv,ii by the steamier Manhattan. 'file 'Mc Al,llll Times, I, v w ill of ii,,' hue owner, has 1.1111111111 111(0 the 1111101 S Of JOl.lll N. Edwards, one of .ioe Shelbv's soldiers. Ile is also the reeelpient inency in bank and a third inter es' in the Conklin Brothers' great nterivan Circus, now showing at Mexico. Mr, Edwards is a good writer, and has had con siderable newspaper experience. lie Will support the Empire, but discard Iroiitirad questions, 1 !! , Mentlii, May I till, the first illvision of the lN'arrett and Franklin Itailniad was iiponed to the ptiblie. This seetiun is fifteen miles in length,;aud extends front li - elm-ton, ut the mouth of the Brekenstraw, on the line 441 . 1.1n41 . 1111inlelphiss nod Erie Railroad, to Thlenuto, 111 l .idthe most important points in 44ildoui. The immediate vicinity of • i iil vont,. 1i0n . 111 . 44 , 11/4 . 4,104.4111 1 401 4 barrels per diem, with many a ells in pr. and Ole amount stored in tanks waiting for the railn 4 4.l nbOtil 11:4,000 linrrels when it opened. The gratinntnin of the remainder of tin' road is nearly eintiploteit, mid not.l, ing aall delay the venipletien of the road as fast as the triak <lin in' laid don ii, all the materials being provoled. A large force is at work, and the seoend divisiso to Vrst I Ihlony will Is• tinedied in about two This is 5t1,44, 44 very 1111[4,1.11 4,11 prrxlll ,4 ing [4441111. .1 . 1144 w 15441,• 1,1441 1,, 1410 etty - 11111444114441 in July, and there is every reason 14 , bell, Se that the road Will be the 1041,1 141,1114.411,14 4 w iii. Stole syl, snit,. both in freights noel passeni.iiirs It passe, n44 , 11ir Ilse volley nt the A.114 44 ,z11 4 11y and has very favorable grad,,, neit elirValtir,44 4 4. The rhirl 4.4ligliner uud 4, 11 , 441 - - I,llteinltlil of the and Is N. P. 11 , rtnerly of the Reading Railroad. ..V.o-r), —General Van (let 0 ha, just returned to St Paul, Minn. 7 (tutu a tour ot in s p e , ;ion through the Upper M inn ef.,t \ alley Ile reports that 11)1• suffering, of the Indians durine the last n inter, from gold and hun Cr.g hare taught them the extf ut of their dependence on the Government, and will tend to keep them on friendly terms with ns. The proposed treaty with the Sioux will engage their attention 1 ,, r -one time, and there is, cot - 1.4,01,11y, ecene reason to hope for a quiet summer In view, 100 v ever, 01 the e xtendin g 1,1 our settlements northward, and a possible repetition of the horrors of Ime s _', he thinks :lost t n o compa nies of ...avalry should 1, sent to the State to insure the seeurit3 ot ins inhahitant, --A trw dns , sins, two amid , n nolte• named Holloway, residing in Low Erie sous,!,-, I'a., Frt el, ell the ..111/1 tot S,lOOO n 111,11 till'y one:-3h,1 about ll:eir premises. Two ruflnin:, knowinc this. broke into thf• house a night or 1551, with the iuteliti:.n .11 rohhinc then, of their money. The Incurs refs,-es: to tt II our thing about it, w Is: n LL. I.tirgiars choked theta to inalsr then, n ou ld only acknon iedg, 1110 05 u - hi,h they had 'won 1:0 :r I),, TO:trs hi` .111'! 1..11 Till'y iyyer peen arrested. and, !wing hit:ll6lh,', afe note confined isi I he' Enir hit ill await trial. • A .1. 1 1 1 , ,1 .011. id 11... 0111, hin n • A ' man Ira:, Levu 1 .4 1 1 / I pCIIMI to 'nut not ni writ of lutheas corpus to art isnssessiou of r Riff The writ is niinen tin to the w ite's mother, nhu in chargnnti with unlsos lullt detaining t lie innly fru[]; the nu in, of iin•r loving inu,lnannl UI CO111,e • the ill' w as giN cu up. si litnteupoin ill-nstu rind I inn in:mural nntlitnnr rune , . that very t , .t of Cl/it:ago wnufd ?s - at the n•xpn•nse on ' late suit In I , f ,, Ver isn , session of I heir i we, —for, if titer have any inan.in.M.ir t weakno•ss,it is for the wives Of Other On I pie Tun G.A., in statinz that Mr Clyno r did not run hi, sent 111 the Sett ate to esettpe a •one on the eight hour an•l yet, by the 4own ' , honing, Mr. C.'s letter of regignatinn winw sent to the Semite the ,ry nr.rt day apt, the eight hour bill had passed the Ilouse. It loolitt very to nay the least. —Re u ling J.U1,1”1, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS B /AVU/L-I Jr, Jr., Athrutz Rs pr.. Uffice, 3.1 Fifth t• Lin Mlle. Ag/(7ti Arlecrtisements for Me AZ 1,77 E. and 911 other papers throewluna thr Ihtitrd Mbstra and the Cirenada+. inr15:1,12 - • • S'TRAY.—Caune to the prenalue% of 8t.n.1. Irlmble. on Monday Inot, a ItMALI, REM ( OW. With • atar In her Par, 'fb. owner b. rC,lll,4ted to rail. property. pay char. r, and tai.' her awn,. BENJ. TIIIMIiI.P:. noir. May :Mb. PHS..-myM.P,S UNGINE AT AUCTION FOR AC , COUNT WIIC/51 Juno Y CONCEItN.—on ICILWAY AIORNINC lst, at 0 , 10v1L., nt WatOun, Whllv . nroc A. Co.. No. c , ',nth wsll be Rohl C. par Irelrbt , Lugo, of H. Co., and 1,11 ttuinplo.l.., In good conellilAn. nocer been In n.c. Enyzo T. A. M ,, •1.V:c1.A ND. Anr•c . . STEAM ENGINES FOR 03.9-T._.331. - - 11i-ifi bates to arrive by ~ ./Itallroul, tor tato by "ISAIAH DICKEY &CO. P'EArat,7B7-I,°.l4.Vtlety-ect'e. qov.torkavyytzocoaQvii: JAMES T. BRADY a CO., (Successors to S. Jones & Corner Fourth and Wood BM, BANKERS & BROKERS, /N ALL litlrDS DP Government securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. CULL mAle nn all ILCCesal We points In the Untied SLIP s and I'ailAist. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. puBLIC SALE OF FARMS AND I. LAND I.n JY.YY Elidtln ToWNSIIII . . I'.,.italit to an order °l'm,. Court Common Pte. nt Ilechrht County. the onderalgned. 111..lerIn 1,,t11 lOU. will el post. to 5 , 11 i. on the prein I ne, Olt Thursday, Juno 28th, 1866, tr•elook 11., purport, (' and I, In the parti tion of the !teal Estate of N% %l. Ltric RIK, deceased. , •linste on the EllsaPetlitown road, it nilies from 1•111.1orrgIL and II rulles front F.lizatterhtow, ad joining lands of A. Sterldell. Latge's her, and others. rurpart C on tarns 17bacres 101 perches, on which ,re erected two Irwelling Mosesand a Barn. Almost the whole In omit:Mold with Coal, easy areesalble. Purport IS eon tams sr acres n perches, the larger portion of Width is nest-clans bold out land on Peters l're,k. The "Lowrie Carat" Is known as the best In Lefler/Km tos nahlp. Tgnu•—tine-thlrti enob' halattee In three equal annual payment, With I utereat. t"r "!I7:l'7.Virj% • • neler. IS t' Or to Jos. RALKTON and Jan. al n ' Tp rOy.11:n117 HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY OF PITTSBURGH. The Diane natal' Department of {lila Institution nut no opeutal on Thant(lay, May Mt. For the Medietti and Surgical treatment ..f the POOR, FREI, Or CHARGE, and ill be open every day, le xeept Sum!, .) beta ten the hours of 111 'C OLCK A. M. A N 11 Pd. ou the Hospital Building, N. 110 SEENIa I ) ' STREET. aline am ithfletd. 111VHICI ANS ATTENDING: 011 Monday, 11. 11,1FMA NN. M. 11. • Tuentlay, I.EY, M. IL - •N edneaday, 1.. M. M. D. l'hornla y. It. rt. FOSTKIL. M. D. •I Friday. 11EWI'l - r, '• onitiraay. J. BAIINABY, M. IL Hon. ,l tidgr.llellaudlesa. I 51aJ Win. Frew. Edwin Mlle., Eng., NI. l'ote. 51. D., .1. C. dlirglicr. M. 11.. ni72:1:1w2 ‘eilalliVe rommlttfr mg Pittsburgh Homeopathic Dispensary. The originators of llits enternrlor, having er ror... 4 and tilted no rsonrentent to. .ns at N 0.112 1 , 01:11.T11 STHILLT. for p. rmanent op.-rations, It emits give notice that tit, Inelllotton Is new pr., pared to diAprnse Medical and surgical 4id IMEIII POOR OF PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY, ff:tnitou.ly, on awl after I'IICH , DAI', the 311.1 I , ,pensing houra II I M.. daily, Sunday. evrepled. A e.niwicni ais.l ,surgrup wlli 4• In 3tlrn4lan., It) ...1., 01 11. 1,4.1011111, yHARA BOILEn WORKS. MORROW & BARNHILL, Steam Boilers., till fttUtn , Agitatura, Tanks Salt Pace, Ganometer, V. rutight Iron Itridgex,Shret Iron sAr.. CORNER LIBERTY AM) SECOND STS.. PITTSBURGH, V.I. N' REI'AI UINt. DONE I'itoml`ll,l'. sny2. CUAILLES H. ARMSTRONG, Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coal IMI , 11 INUYACTVIII. I: OF foal, Slack, and Desulphurlzed Coke. =EI of klaik r sod hrat yet'../ mwlt lytoet 'att.ant, ant/ at Lk So I V 111..., h,ra. Mknor,lo.rt r• 4n pill 4 .Ith thr tow., art..-Ir of t oal or C.c. at Iltc;ovr ea•la rat•-• ae Ord. rat a at an lul rite arti• sill rec,ive prow, JOHN ROSS & CO. N Manufacturer. and DralcrN lu Carbon OH Lamps tt Fixtures, Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, &c., No. GA Market Street. M . 1 • 2 ^ 1 • 13331:1"3FLG-Er., ( )1FEICI; OF TILE: ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, ram, ttui1. '.. .1,1n7 Ztb. par, an. ad tlsort fed to snoods,. tb st Um U. S. , lint at I , ilraaldt.hias I. now ready to rewire onh•r• her the d FIYF CF ..T 1 OTN. in •ramti of front Flay to One Thonsand Doll•ra. This coin will h. redd/ylor dells,ry In ah..utonr month. rder. mt.t In arron.panl,l with U. S or Natidnal Bank Notv• Urartx ono.. .ratio nal Bank at I l tilladFdpbt‘ or ?lir, York, pa, shh• to lb.' order of the Adatn. Expreas l'oinpatty. rha IC xprrs. charges on all sli. of Flits - Dollar> and upward will he paid hi Use m 117111. tny, C. DUFFY, Y • =MMIIIISM! nAwrrAOTrAril or Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, And 41..0., In SMVEN, 111.1Unr. 'URN Isnitiu (WOW , . AV ATER (VIOL ER,i /Ls!" ARTIOLF" No. 146 4 113x - a.a. - t -19troot rt - rn. , 13 t• Ito it. - - This Itottre Is the Cheapest ;Once In the city to Int • Roses oo.t Tfit Wore. Job Work promptly attain " t o. Irry - N:lott I.2IWELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON, • MAY t'YAC'TI ItC 0/ ALL 6111UA Oir TOBACCO, imurr AND SEGAM OTF:DEKAL Maiterr 'MOM door from BoOpenotob Itrldsr .1 Y. Iltrwarl: Store at Salem, Ith to. 111[1 111 PA. r24: bin • _ SMITH & SHAFFER, CARRIAGE AND HARNESS MANUFACTURERS, 1 es. mcomaci. Alloy, Ilrime the Market.) PITTSOIIIOIn, PA. Inyaklreent GEORGE BLUMENSCHEIN, DEALER IN FOREIGN A3D DOMISEIG SEGABS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., ra ca. 4 ilalc •v . za. t 113. ES ibrocrt, (Near comer or Llborty, PITT:MUM/11, PA. Al c:. 11. TACK THICO. K. TACK ....11 , 11ID. CAMS,. TACK BRO. & CO., contaussmy ALKIICIIANTN, AND BILONERN IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, 11Uncork St.., Pittsburgh. I . Bl.lz.norxrul•Orbncx 127 Walnut ntreet, toyNsar 50 DOZEN HAND SAWS. OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKERS • bpi., •• • •11,peer .InrY son's. • "'Taylor' s,• AT JOSEPH WOODWELL & CO.'S, Corner Wood and &scowl sta., I'lltsburgh, AG F. N•rs Fon FA f/LIIAN lorts:dArrT GRANT HOUSE, C 7. M. ealEELLilt, Corner of labelln ad Federal Rade, Near the Suspension Bridge, dtso ALLEGHENY CITY, l'A. LA PICEA/1E HOUSE, Philadelphia • The se twill here having leased thle favorite House It he. been lIEFITTYID ANL/ PURNIt MD IN AN NTYIA NNE/1., nod Is now prepared with thy most perfect appottenonla for the reception of Th e cyst posit lon among grateeilass will be maintained In the future, lit the part. m RAE KR VARLET. lEclegroirrs NOTICE.--Whereas t.otters Testatuentsty upon the Est Otte of FIANNA/1 ALLAN. late of Union township. Alle gloinY county. deceased, having, been granted to the usidetaluned, persons initehtild to said estate will please make payment, bed those having el.°. to pro.. them to the undersigued, properly au thentl.tril, for settlement. RICUMAICIP YOUNG, Executor. milu:bB7tAdwl Washinptan Pike. Onion Tp $9 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEAT THISrS9 , OO . For Two Weeks Only. lam eeliJeg good FRENCH CALF SKIN !NIT, of rayhwta make. fee the mall Earn of NINE DUL. LARS, et No. 36 Market .tenet. _MTV, DANIP.I.3[I:A. Ju. B UCK 111 HEAT. 400 Aush. Seed Buckwheat, A PUMA AILTIVLB, for sArelry .L . MeltiA*E& ANJEJR, ist4. IirECOND WICKET, CM= NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' GIRARD HOTEL, Cornet Third afid Smithfield SIN. , Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, , 31-AY *frU, 30212 .4.7 , 1 , 3I FT. The Ladles of the FIRST RA FT IST CH U Itt'H hold a Fair nod Festival at the above place 3 days and evenings, for the sal.. of FA NCY and U/5 EFUL ARTICLES, It/eluding 441111pII1til assortment of OHILDREONS' CLOTIII fSiTA No. 1 DINNER still 15e *erred each day of the Fair from 12 to 2 o'clock. Tlrket• for rale at the door. •ToIIN CROFT, REAL EsT.ITE G E.VT, 011ire,No. 139 Fourth 9trect, Pittsburgh, for sal , the following Real Estate: A large three-story Brick lions, containing Loh rooms. large halls; stunt roan en first floor used a. a Drug Store; hot and coldter and gas through out the house. Lot .s by it fe wa et. nituate on l'llest "".at';`,7kEnji,'°‘','2.,.ctl:`,liii.E Edgewood Stailon, on the liennsylr le Railroad, 7 miles from the city, on which there le a beautiful now frame dwelling, and it large number of bearing fruit trees of the ben euulity. and a good supply of water. The dwelling and 7 acres of ground wii/ Le sold separately lfdeelrr A,and the msldne in lola of 4 sera, each, or larger If requested. 'nu. above land adttlirliny located for business men. An.lin 36 ACRES . OF LAND, eon...lnning shout 8 acres of limestone. Of n splendid ~1111 i II , end enony on nne-- em. Tine 101 l 1. on the firm suitable either for farming or gm - Jolting Purlnnke B : gond rrialr dwelling nod horn. nod • goon! Suptslt con weer, sit unto 3 mile. from tine et lc. on the 6 e.hinglon to Union bowmen:llp, baling part of the furm. LSO, 37 ACRES, hnproved. and uud..r a high elate of cultlVatloll. on Which their ars. I,:ax/ boarlng en r rant hue... all bearing grip.' vine*, IM standtrd pear tie., and a large nomber of peach, avid,. and Pint. Properly situate on the /.1 , 1 1% {{Rile road, In Scott ton neldp, front tine city. for Scriber p‘rtleulan, Inquire of the ahoy., agent. my3,:bBB pARK - ERRIIIIRG LIIBRICATINO Coil Company Keep eonbtantly on hand a supply of STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil, I= Free from all Impurities. Every Barrel Warranted, on TO nE RETVICNED AT THE. COMP.; F. X PEN SE. Oddress JAMES B. THOMPSON. Agent, I=l N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts., PITTSBIMGH, PA m)N:b73 PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK =MEM CC>IIIIIIGLE CORNER WOODS FIFTH STS. Capital, Discount• iltall7 At 111 .1. 11 Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points of the United States on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITIES iara. lush* 01.1:1C1 Et•Dact. "Fri. PH' A. PATTKELAOS, I.IOAEPII 11. HILL. JUSL • PIiU I Caohler JUStiPli AselstAut Cashier. INM=I J 13111,6 A 1.1.6 N .1;11ilil'ATICII HA, I,tmrKIIA HT. Nl,l NIL li. 111f11N N. 11" I.n II NV I. N. JOHN 111F.1.1.0N. 0.3 . 11 Nal TT - IS /113 , 4 t /41%1 COLNOUN & EDWARDS, INIVIITERS DEALEM SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, Jro. R 1 Wood Street I o .1..,.e landln, 200 to Soda Ash ‘ll.l r 1•••, • 14 • En., 500 baps Nitrate faida, 150 kegs. 11l tart) Soda ( Etagli.h) 30 bldg. lienillan Red, Cook, on's AILSE'NIC AND MANBANESE. Of choi tnad....natantly on hand, In lots to asstt purchasers nay=l•4 -120,000 HAVANA be 'PRINCIPE CIGARS Cabanas, Partagas. Figaro. La Espanola, Prince of Wales Cabarga, Arguelles, And .g all tle~, Imported and Wr aalo E 7 FISHER BROTHERS & CO-, IMPORTERS, No. 52 8. Gay rt., Baltimore. B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent O. 6. SAN. coM., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, (BT.COND FLOUR„ Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. N diorite mule imtft claim* are vettleth and then but • atodersteleo tay23:LOJ) COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON,ITOWART & CO., ifs 'nil yetsoYeitSSOD °Woo to Cil67 .7-.l.lbortyr Eittroot (Laiily City Fluor Mill. I RECUR D FLOOR, Are now prepared to fotolea good Toughlogle n Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT TR. S LOWEST MARKET rums. Air MI orders left at their °Mee, or whircereels them through the Mall, will be attended to promPlff; nylLS:telb R. B. JEFFRIES, Illamarsettrzs . =ll/ITivir:akad Retail TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEDARS, Na 6 NI. Clair Street, Plit•burati, Pn .. taa t lazimprtlocut of lir Elitifa lAt7ll l On Loma. finIACCO of limo tarot II 0 mrYs:iki;•opt WK. VIONTMA A A. D. Ap Or.IISoN. EAGLE OIL Xasikvirrcizac , ol7 - 1.1.1c... WICHTNIAN & ANDERSON, licAners and Pealerg, in PETROLEUM. onflot. sKCOND STORY. EVILN E C LI ANCOL• BT. AND DINUESNE WAY. utylOatat JOHN DIEGRAIRT, AtAiSITFAcTuRED. OF AND WHOLE-BALE AND 11...TA1L. DEALETt ALL “IRON VY TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGAIRS 443 MlCasscil I Street.. A general amortment of Stooling Totowa), Plpe and Tobareo Pouenes allray• on hang. Inyzi tun $20,000 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, Enquiro of C 3-. 7X. Itlorteteor to .100. Patti, tlecessod,) Commercial Broker, 13 St, Clair St. WARDEN 8 4,BATCHLELDEU , BROKERS LW • CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, WHALE UIL, 11031 N. lit'lltlTS TWIPENTINr. NORTH 0.4.110L1NA TAIL. &V., Corms etthaqsusase Way & Ilanebak Mt., plittsborgla. Pa. Itepresaut Wit. U. WARDEN, na Walnut stoat, PDlladolphls.• mylitatT3 pot rHALE—TWO NEW 110 M. ZuvrAL vsmus, made retry henryand strong: Cylinder 114 bleb bore. row het stroke, with variable uht-uff;lV ruught Iron 1 0 1Y1Vbeil ehaft: 12 loabes diameter. Suitable fur Rolling tont or ether purposes. Address IST SUPLEE. nridgeorater Ir onwork. Frankton!, Pa. roVetbSil L. PATTEOSON tr.CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS . Behreosi:Pettier street and Ohio River, Keinobeater. Ordih tor . iil hludeof Lapkber for WU I g Wing. deer. lUahlf, lath /*Mho ho b° tam= Unica ilurcumx tin. asp itsranne Cm: rtinantritau, Ilay Nub, MEETING OF THE.. TOCli 1104DEItn of . flonapany 14111bcrikeld at It °Memo!' tbn Company. nat .4P- al..%Parsee Win , . an TEITYAI,JpAn,II4, ..konn. ri _ . "Initi 3 O"" • Jll.l l .lAltgAr. Wotan'. JESSE H. LIPPINVIT'S, 2 Smithfield St., Corner Second. MBEI 3 I , -W I.: ',ELI. uart Cm" Tantator• .......20 cents nen. Can tlort C•n• Pearl. s 4.5 do do do oar! , 'n ns Mar t t...rr1.. , ....... 13 do do do oart Can. W hortlodo.rro.• 45 do do do uart Cans (11t.4.n , 'orn 45 do do do mart Cans linmots.ll 45 do do do Cali al .1 s nnt: 11. LI IP] Nt;07 . 1"8, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets AGENCY 7FII - -N E SELL Dried Peeehes, quarters . 0 et.n. per pound I Irtrd Poncho, hnl re. 40 do do Dri...l Pen , hes, pared..... .... .10 do do Lap, ILldalos.. ...... ..... ......... 145 do du Veedlain Ramis., :10 do du H ilitii•il Curran... 1.1 do do Turkey l'runo. 20 do do V rent.ll Pluos• 10 do do Call at .1r...,E 11. i.iiPlNcorrn, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. . .. Valli. Soap, for Too,l 10 On. prr p . oond !loopy N..: p, I.tt Toils t 00,1.1. ~..r It: 130 Z A mond B..ap rut Toilet .1 00r, dwen. 4 . 411 at ax,,k: 11. LI i'I'INc.oTT . N. Corner Smithfield and Second Streets. . 61/.ligkj.lll-1. lark:ll4r Baking Po „ wolo r I 11, ell], 6. ItorLing•s C. - Iva:lrd tio .10 5 us. pkg Call nt .1 C.SSF: 11. 1.1..1•1N , 0TT`5 . . Corner Smithfield and Second Streets kai.l• that sr. warranlcil w ail, satisfaction. a will drileer Ilielln free of charge In the city Limits. ('ALL AT JESSE H. LIPPINCOTT'S, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets M 4 :TT, - - $500,000 LIEN'S HOOTS MISSES AND CHILDRENS S% V. UEFA, 114 _Ai._ I T I It S SOUTH el ROSS , 63 01.1RKET 87REET. TIIIVNELF. A CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE. Dr. S. Cutter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. Tlta,tttate,t. rt es et Morn. t.. 1. The total. tloo. 111eio tlo. 1..1 It it or llr. Ito 111...t0r" to 11.• ottll-1, ittakt..ll WOO.. ccioltreltd no a Tottic awl Al. ratts e, inof lb.. Itttut.nacb and ortbt Dour:, 0,1.11'. nrl.tog from t0np..411 Irs or the I.ltool. A. .t rtlto 1. alnet.. do- choir,. of the tomneta. to all to.r.on• ntitllrt...l 1111, or extol °arr. torlt atrobol sod mail Itgooret, .tptot. otorldtLt. artenic. tobacco. Ao.. It nom,. tt 11,,- toorto.l attptettle, or crovltot of t i llo Atom/win for .11111,11 i ot . Neurni tntl to-r,ttu• It 13.1.• no ...Intl as .Nor.-t to, Tto Yvan; use o .I.llr Itnprov..d Entelbsh Bitter, in St. flo.plial. At ary l a Hospital, 1 1. t i and otli,tr . I.n.estnlillohed Its rep '• a etler for latrintirronce, and grained for it approval of tbr/LT tending surgeons in all the hi.pltal*and prtron• thrinighout (Arra:Britain, an.]now 1,0 sloop phi strians pil -1 air for prn 1 on• a.idlrted to the iiKe of •Ilinpulants an , l -r•lat,l, 1a I . nralpds, St. Vltita• lian•-e. Kislllpllr Fits. Icenvu4 Twitcblag. and .11 0n...11-ra•cs, It has no equal. Wllulcanly and Ri tall A aria, na.171,..t. No. 70 Malty( a., collar of Fourth „STEAM ENGINE PACKING. LUBRICATIVE PACKINC, lOU TILL STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES An article recommended by-All the'rallroad corn panics. who have thoroughly tried Cit y arid It In tali eral use on over two hundred and of the MI roads In this country, and on trial by over art hundred others. ADOPTED BY 210.000 ETATIONERY EN DINES. It n a Erst-ciao article. CKRITS PER POVED. LIIBIUCANIVE PACKING COWIE, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, T. M. lerX , ...s.=.rcassr, No,. 114 and 113 WATER ST., LITTSRUIRiII Wldt, J. iLANII..I. 11. 11 . C.Li:LLAIC13-23A11.1.17. MAT. ItIteCLELLAND & CO, Cornet' Federal and L'aeock Streets, 11XatanGir3EL13135rliir, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealers In Paints, mita Varnishes,' Drugs, ll?Yr- Ilituir.. Carbon Ull, etc., Standardsltd Patent med icines. Their stock Iv large and well selected, and wa' ho sold all /Ow as any house to the west. Anti Olenotarturcr of %Ise RUSSIAIf 'PEBBLE' sirportal9Lies,. Which aro wevranted to preserve, steer gthen and Improve the sight. For sate Ohl f by J. DIAMOND, No. SSA St. Clair Street. MEM piEn,EsT • • • EFFERvEsCmc CITRATE . OF MAORESIA, , inn form lOwtictz. , for tall U) , an Whou.ce Prutgl.U. rre4.r.d by ItooußS, ObetaLvat N. T. pAuLon PAPERS. 'A 'SEW LOT OF .Standard Gold Papers Diorr rtTeOo, of beautiful designs for Parlors, at No. /Of. MARKET STRKET; NEAR FIFTM HOLMES, BELL lc CO., Anchoi'Cotton Alias, Pittsburgh, ruiar ary(ng ' *xenon (A )SIIMM G % ANCHOR (H) BHERTINGS. ANCWH( (C)„ 8/, nod HATtING. , uccl• I 441111115 A LE—OIL TANK & STILLS; The Iron for one Tank, ' 10 by ler feOti tatriclly -530 barrels. • Also. till, Iron for thretllnder ; 13 . rett long end klgb. WIWI a capaeltr• nob to Stills hob! VZO barrels... • actlion's SteaAo,o. &coma-Nand Guth! . a 1-ingypitallomuy Steam fanny, RIO copswl ty iorp per Mitstitc. APV A ti c o nAN k ojoroam.or.g. , . • .rascb WILLUn jANcET,_ SoTAily ..11.111TIOZ oh' THE *MACE. AND REAL. 173 TATE AttF T.. Ofitalt. cornea of Iletle;' Dtaed OttSetkl, LA , wzbug.Vii,te. epeelid stlentlon given to tbitlittrelliae and onlo of nom Entato, tae collection °Clients; and the pre- Per.hle and nolciittooloilgmenA kdtuls Oe4pt CativeFances- J Rettce °MO reoen ntldZrefo47 rola • nlyntl PEOIDECE FOIL SALE. 41 oars rnnall,Blorr•rotatens On track &1.1.. /14_, , • 3 env. prime Kininntor; 1 prima Ear Corn on wank r. • 2 .• Vets to *mire on &O. - eviont allinventtiltrect..„ moos ze.Litmo POTATOES --700 trushett'priiile Peach Mow :Potatoes: An •ttweltniticirmle deellitiarara on* 3-19 . 1dbetty Bisect. NEW ADVERTISEWENTS. CASH PRICE I:IS, A T OP GROCERIES, TEAS, &C,, = Star Correa. Honntrd and Ground nt 15 els. per lb. tivod ILto Coffer .lo do Choke Jar, Coffee To do , do Iluanted Iflo Colley .3:1 do do Call at KSSF. IL LIPPINCOTT'S. Corner Smithfield and Second Streets, =1 • Brown Sugar - . .'ii'S. to 81,00 Yellow Sugar ..,, m.. for 1.011 1.1 hl Yellow sugar..... ... ...V I. for 1,00 1' Erna Sotgnr 0 , -, II)s for. 1,00 A Coffer Sugar 11 11, for 1,011 Crushrd Sugar w., th.. 11. r 1,00 calla. J 1.1 , 1, 1 1; Li. LI.I . I'iNCOTTY., Corner Smithfield and Second S.-reels. MEOW! . . . 1... he ..nklny•h Whoote . • Fri. Ild SOIII4 ets. per lb. P0bb1..... Elertrle t...ap. IM do do Proctor A k1.h.....1..•. 1 I 0tt1... ro 14 to do No. 1 Rohl° loop. . . G do do Cell 01 I i1.t..-.K I. Li I • IINcoTT'S. Omer Smithfield and Second Streets =I . . .. . A very due ~.Inilly or Oolong Lea al "1,25 per lb The mb,,,t• I. void 1,1 other houses in Mla city at 81,50 lo $l,Oll per lb Young Hyson Teo 1,50 10 1,73 do Finest. Young ii ',On Tea.... 2,00 ,In (Adobe Ten 70 to 1.10 do Fluent mnpan Tea 1,411 do Flnepl Imperial 5r,.•.. 2,00 do Fit Engll,,h Breakfast Ten. 1.25 do ( n aillo. J r,SSE 11. 1.11 . 1 . 1 Ni . toTT'S, Corner Smithfield and Second Streets fill-wr. 110.01 Syrup 7r. rte. Is , gdlion Choi, ~.ddys sy rui , $1,211 do do ripdyt !dotaste.-- . _I Call at 1.11 I INC r Corner Smithfield and Second Streets UMMEIII/ =1 BOYS' BOOTS, I3oct•s, LADIES' BALMORALS, LADIES' GAITERS, Boots, Balmoral s AT REASONABLE RATES. A. TORRENCE, J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, JOB.I2....IItIEitIZS & 10w.% NEW ADV)i:RTIUMEwrB OSTPONEMENT THE UNITED STaTES PRIZE ''CONCERT, •' RATE ITP:E*O/VEN AT Crosby's Opera Om* Chicago, IKA. - 32" 130t34, 1.86 G, IVIII ire ix.elporkr.+l Monday, July 9th, '66, =I HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES Win Oe presented to Ticket Holders, Including $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS. The postpoettment Is ars e noidable necesaity. (nut so tenth COU.INUCHIC of the number of tie/t- eta yet unsold) as the positive necettatty there Is (of the proper registration of those already disposed Of. which has been delayed lu consequence of the neg ligauce and earelessuetts of a portion of our Agents In making their proper returns. We advise nil parties wanting tickets tosen4 for them without delay, as we have but a limited num her yet on hand. We wish 1711.5( particularly to Im press noon the minds of oar Agents the Importance et their making their returns at once, undo( recti fying whatever errors may have crept into their ro porta heretofore. We will say to those the for tickets, that If they should all be sold at time their order is received, the money will be returned. No sPPllcations for new agt ncles.for the sale of tickets will be emmidered, as we have no more than sufficient ticket. to stipply those Agent , we have 11:- realy •ppolntel. Tieeets are fur taleat the prin cipal hotel., Beek and umbra stores In the city, and at our Mike. itel Dearborn street; price CIAO each; sent by mall ou receipt of price and stamp for re turn po•tage. Wo en t era l particelar attention of peraons wishing to ickets by mall to the following SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: Any party procuring club of sor more n for tlekots, and forwarding Is. money for the ea will be allowed the following cononleston, ate 1717121 17171.3[2141 eimaitria . 5 Tickets to one address fur •'! 50 In every ease send the name and rustofilee ad Ireay. of each separate subscriber. Money by draft. llostofiler Order, Express, or Ilegintered Letters, may be sent at our rink. All communications should be add retard to WIGGINS, BRADFORD de CO, 133 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL The proprietor. will donate to the Lincoln an, Douglas !town:lent Funds i,011); AlsO there sell he 0.. non rrserred from the person drawing Lb 1103..0() prlsa. for the same purpose. Hon. MaJim Dan Mace. Ex-111. C.. of Ind. Hon. Ira .1. Layrock, of Kaunas. • !lon. Wm. Leglngtrell. Lyons, lowa. Lion. Joseph Knox, rf .Chicago. Hon. C. Gram... Smith of Blinn. Jaroti Yorsykli, Agt. ) l. 0. It. IL, Chicago, 111. Kroulmrg .ft Irop'rs of {latches, Cbleag• Pste d roposala for Inserting Ibis adreitiseinrnt r. que. mylsib•fit N EW PHYSIOGNOMY; OIL Aria.rs OF AS MASIFF.STF:t, THROLOII TEMPE:RAAIEN AND External Forms, I= HIIIKAN FACE DIVINE. BY SAMFEL B. WELLS. With more than One Thousand Illustrations. =EMI JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fifth St.. Masonic Hall CHM A WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, ThaPICIariLIC7IIIR., 1110.100 Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE WA RE, TEA TRAYS AND TABLE CUTLERY, always on band. CIIINA TEA SETS CHINA DINNER SETS, CHINA. TOILET BETS. t VIKA VASES, CHINA SPITTOONS, 13 OH ESILAN WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, LAVA CARD BASKETS, LAVA. VASES, LAVA ENGLISH STONE WARE of AR varietlon. tomtit wholesale .d retail Made. Theist-gest and most complete stook of everTtbing La thl lite In the city. • Prices and tern. the mme no In the eastern eltlea. myl7saM WARING & KING, corium!' mums AND BEMIS IN Petroleum and its Products, 4 1117CEVIE.CrE Tr./ r, PIIILADZISEILS. M)1)14E28 WARING,. KING & CO., CUM:II IST- liValstut St., PhDs. Npirrrpi AmEnrcA LrE'D.INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .lb. 68 11181iat6 81., Mew York PRESIDENT—N. D. MORGAN. NEV.LETARI—J. W. BIM:MILL. R. M. TINDALL, Medical Facataluer E. P. COOK, SPWAt. AGENT FOR WESTERN PA., 67 Fourth - St, Pittsburgh. AGENTS WANTED. • tsrALbS3 4N , ORDINANCE Relating to ChaptetXtrenty-Thlttl. City Cbde. • • =nos I. Re ft - ,...haink.tatbv U. May. or, Aldermen, an d , t'd Went( Pfttatarsth, fa kteleet and (Ammon detnielle 'ancotroled, and ft fo hereby conchal lts An dubber Ma same, That the ttlie Intent and mooning o Ittnerdlnance In relation to - Thentree and Extdol btu,. Is that the license lee of ehoza , „,entdbltione, or performenees of eny kind h ail .6 be :Aldo 'VercborTttilniMlot?oPeZdtgle, cents 16.871:4 fornmatcof the highest. ri ce. e "l itjTr Z d r,9l,V• l lrp . "7: 1 - 11 Couttella,:tddp , . •I . .wanamtetanill Attests Z. 11..11101itr"V.4"4. t ce!t°ol. Clerk of deleetOonnell..., . . eu ment*f C Tli CM 369 n 721 U Attest. Linn li °mad, win 4 • ,th 7 au:l4 Cleric of Common °mind'. • The .Folptain .Hortionitural • ,ICe'eREANCtiALOON In aP,IIYIL• 11111, Fourth ettreet..ear t sbiltWiev. la, The bout tittgl, coolest and tout Jo:norm 1L0W... t: 4I VIM=I Cg i gtig e :rt 'll , rar. on , , FINE dittatESTlCA.,ban been engaged/or th e season, end wtll.oe•le ettepdthee 'NIGHT tenon , ' Sunday) 'front' eetett liiC dielve n'eloet. mod teo . steam, lzetddr,ellt'nerFtest' ~ • ••• thrmitao , '• • ,Jitibext.uttirk,ltitiikkeress. !4Pfcie, • • sMSOD.wooLEN • . DYERAND SCONPREOL , Chintz Window Curtains and Cnalrreoleral Cleaned and Repined ivlthomt aat0 1 19 Lang. Nos. 35 and 37iThireStreeti . •• • Between Wood and 6oattbdol4, ,F.l' • • atylkitV VITOSEURati PA. rircwrlcE. TUE . kEtilLik2llo o . PART of, th e aVerdAtier.i4l , 7 b l % VD , maltrial t urging 4, 4...,ea1tr of ni-0. 1 1:1 p.pen t , I. ow, rteut.LLE..eivuo VAF. f.; s ,:y d • iee,atig&ft pry, 44 pr i r Withritra t T 01 0 14140 Ali 01.ter eillittAtL at et , all , waVSLlWlT: STIVOVIPIV c! T n i t 71: r • tre r• T ' 6UIVFALTINGII, Or."? P • Older ado OtOtiriclet , iit,.l6l4%Cl!shr ma: .? rigelltier . Xte la fi r er. Aral -- )1 , w•tAA' 4:).* - 14 tr..< j..a j CIAPALEAL awaited- c AN Ztsanna bit ^ ed xesr.,{vefputa fox.!,m,by j bl - - ' +Owl A. RIM MPS • 47 :e. Convii or winiromulaimNa . - WAN IVANIVED--AGEN'ril-Male and Y.... 4, to sod the Picture • •110112 . 1 . 0 tor the tocacaltd Match Engraving. "CIILLIM 'PRAYER" gma , WIRST LESSON." A.tew good agents can rnair...Opipt r r dAy 10 tAktnd au McV.AV IIf 4 irCAIPAINI g . := Terrltary to ars; applicants- Apply won. Addrem My...B:ITP A. SLLIS, 25 Tntrd street. WANTED, • A COMPETENT STILLMAN. Good references required. No other need apple IreurNo e anl. No. 4 1.1.111P5. Way. Inquire of W ANTED.—A SURE FORTUNE.— The advertiser, a cberul-t el twenty-nye years experience. both in Europe and America, a hating to retire trout the pmfeeslon, trill send to any per- SOO Valuable recipes. from the use of whlrli any in destrious young man or woman, with little or no capital, can make from the firatday not only an es. relent living, but in a very short time realize a moderate fortune. Address, with two stamps for return postage, - S. P. OFIESTEIiPIELD, Chemist, ..myalthGerTS 617 CrunO At., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED-AGENTS—S7A to t¢2oo - F; H. MONTH for gentiemed, and 431 to 1173 for .dlea. , everywbere, to Introduon the Celebrated ~motiliense Family bowing Machine. Improved , 4,le k efeeted. It trill box, fell. stitch, quilt, bind, Lid r i r at; ', .. °lY" ,_T:a Yeare. We ;ay the abOve irags7or_ front-eldel, twice that amount eau be made. Aduresa with elanip, or call on C. BOW LEM & bales, a, 21 0._113 South Fir? All letters answered p,l2.xpLltiy, wtth e1r.1.11.1413L1tUn11.. AUX:ITS WA.NTER Pots oxyg NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, The Pictorial gook of ANEODOTES AND ENGIDENTS OF THE LIEDELLItoii, Heroic. Patriotic. Poßand, lioniantte, numero and Trupt,,gt. Splendidly Illastrated with OM HO fine Portraits Beantiktl &palings. whts work, for genial humor, tender pathos, start ling ID wrest., and attractive beauty, stand. peerleu and alone among all its competitors. The Valiant and Brace Hearted, the Pleturesune and Dramatic, the Witty andfdarecious. the Tender and Pathetic. The 801 l of Fame and Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, Scot. iouac ' s and Mere; Startildg Surprlsea• wonderful Esnpes, Femoral Wards and inedl of Woman. and 1110 A hole Pax:wrens of the War are here thrillingly and startlingly portrayed In •111.• terly manner, at once historical and romantic, reu_ lens It the most ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Disanied ollicera and withers, (Aachen, energethe young men, and all In west of profitable employ ment, will dad this the best chalice to make teensy ever yet offend. Send for drculan and see our terms. ADDIIISEA. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., No. 5071.111 SOlt STD/ANT, PHILA., I . A. mylante igwT FOR RENT FOR RENT—Ai. first-class three story BRICK lIOUSK 10.5 , Second street; double parlors, newly papered; ten rooms; hot , and cold water, gas, baths, de., Ike., all In nice order, Carpels, Blind'', Chandeliers, Oil Cloths, do., for sale at a bargain. Apply to HITCHCOCK. MeCßF.tilly Ss CO., tot 21:ball 349 Liberty street, op stairs. ROOM TO LET. A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM IN THIRD bTORY .07 GAZETTE BUILDING Euquire at GAZETTE COUNTING ROOM O• 1117 1. 4 `011 BENT—The Lot on the cot• nee of Bottlersod Allegheny streets, 'Ninth Ward, together witttthe old Brick Depot Building thereon. The lot has 141 feet front by 103 feet deep to an elle,. Will lease It forgive or ten_ If years. _Ap. piy to NI el. DATILINUTON, at ho. 37 M sl=eet. second floor. mlOttf TO-LET.--THE MELEE STOIIIIr s- DWELLING ROUSE, near the Bridge, Fed eralstreet, now occupied by Mrs. O'Hara Robinson, containing serer, bed chambers, tame parlors, din ingroom, kitchen, wash d bath room. Under suitable arrangements wit h n • tenant. a considera ble portion Of tae furniture may remain in Mahatma. my4:4138 W, 60111h8ON, dit., Allegheny. pi*qat:7s,en in I JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street` mr . x . r . resl3l:Tirtc3l,l3, rri Jill: WO U. C. MACKIULLL J. C. ICCONIIII. XACKRELL & McCOMBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSIIIIRGiI, PA. 1:17= W.J.4, 4 ' 74gtir, ' ' 1011,1 . 15 r. IL J. & 1111414 PATTERSON, Law and Claim Office, PITTSBURGH, PA Pensions, Local and Government Deanne., Back Pay. erlso.ll2ney, &c.. canceled. OFFICER'S' ACCOUNTS ADJUSTED. Collections made, Deeda, Letters of Attorne7, Ronda, Mortgages, &e., written; and all legal bush nest, promptly attended to. utyl9:alts CLAIM AGENTS. • ARTHURS & kIDDELL, No. 135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL DISOHAROED VETERANS Who aid not Ilectl•e Loent Bounty . . OR THEIR REELS, Can have the some tolleuted through us. Apply personally. or by mall. aparrealalsarrF JOHN A. STRAIN, . ..9..X.7:11111X;t21, Ilx-Otlicia, Justice of • the Peace, exp . rptaca-mealtMuLTE. Office, 112 Filth St., opmgf Cathedra, rirrtnaisall, • PA. Deed.l Bonds , Mortiraiino. Acknowledgments. Depositione an an Legal Bnalaesanxecated wlth ”romptaass and dloatea. myl9,ain gusTscie 9. MORROW; ALDERMAN Airi , " CONVEYANCER, PentssylvaritaAAvenu . e, Foot et the &kirk and opposite Chatham Street romene WILLI/14g. , ROBE, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. torms4.4 CIIALTEWI T. EWING, Attorney at, Law, No. ao 4311,A2CA' ST.• /1774Burrau, PA. 4a-Cornxotesloner for 0140, .X.e,x4ucky, Menu, ithadarl Ric other States. mylBka9 tILITART • CLAMS, PENSIONS, ig ß(Kr4ll93 f lA .:7ol'eaggrlT' z 'int u eLog= g erf i g un,. . , rm. 0 . 011, ot blantaint street opposite Um Court Bonin. N. Woos are an ti tbs'olann does not timed. awl ntl 'up:munitio nags. solity g.lfiTo) ~;- A TIORNEY. /MAW, OTP/08,1411 DIAMOND' er nmet6po_isite the ourt Rove" PlUaloauxh.,Ps. Isznatmm h TROPOSAta`'' e ' . . Car or.A.Lisotutenroliay:Mtb. Iffa• Stiteilintdejfatii;!ilhi'MAlr re foth in.t., m., the Bide" walke-roartng the CotEunos ttrotizuhl: Itltlas ' MTV gir btr..TC 4 .Per.itulaTklllN tor re-lay -1.7„,„,,„, , eci ptc owure eretror SlibruthalitlaMM the a hard Welir i tirtia m kreitehel • 4m17105 -4 1 /CGRAw..r.q,cuebtcommassionta. - it. B. lelf.A.Nlaa,,Clty Controller. • • fimeombiltill'ESolll4tOle (MICA } N• • Yr TIMM.MOU, Alga 241:18fle. OVibt 'comirmxivons.., aftd~oulortioo a? too 44 7 / 6 1.1 .01.1.-Rmo. - a- PLACItI. wilt be meoeleed at thisoXlloo . ontil MON.. DAY, tbbiblth.hiy alb. :MC .•• • • pH -inuelis_prana. rains Rego.tor. MP& Alt) (self 4 V) :VA A GIT7I7OVEI3 , BEDDENifiI -)1 • ) NMAAN.Aipffi.:i toe 1L24110175Z .Alkrir TC l7D " ae o l t 14'.1 well Tr " "be Otkland Greet 141 'vr." roe • an __ • - Jourm.. , algal:ma =alt . ) . 1!.‘:!!!”%plo . " preenbouses ever 'NEW VERBENA; pAPHM. A sue Nast pli Ges 1 0 1 t 1 NetetiEntellor ne 17 ey RSNNA- ( amisskte pa w roe we th...lamalfsaourr ez i e wriinainher I:1 1 ( 1 ) 0P --.1.:4.11 A THEIRMEMaiiOOIO I - -Ti virth,c • . POillicateconosypilyephety Witbspothitatlier Ita - rilatiowlb leeWog v ! or the ta2u. and the 01•11, 11 11119uxselt_recteetat•,., ‘. two alitarzatitganyamputedrousitm Lst va gag ItlMEPirrlsst Tooletadqtraniirman.of7j-A, mtl=ferittyp. trjaMMinman-...;y, toleaM4 , tag 37 4 V al lit . &.io l pse it Aattctrem I POTatAllWrlfti*PX ta t 'lettA 'Mk ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers