The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 31, 1866, Image 1

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No. 816 Finn Brazre. Prresuraan.
gt NVIIW B IK WA? .11.1"18:
ItY!CD BY CARE151t......59,12
ght (Vittoburgh tbazette.
THURSDAY; MAY 31, 1868.
The Allegheny County Con ven tio , which
assembled on Tuesday last was composed
of thoughtful, loyal men. Tt' resolutions
expressing the political et ...A of the party
are toned in the true wint of patriotism
and forbearance. R•ITY Patriotic citizen
of the county carn ,..t fail endorsing them.
Th e candid a t es ~ominated are men of ster
ling worth and integrity, eminently deserv
ing of the riffitage'of the loyal masses. We
have pl a ted the tihket at the head of our
semzuf page, and a brief Review of the so
ciarand political record or the individual
candidates will not be out of place.
For the office of Sheriff, a very impar.
tent one,- SAMUEL B. CLULEY has been
nominated. He was born in Philadelphia
in 1826, but at a very early age came to
this city and made It his home. lie learned
the carpenter trade, which he successfully
followed for a number of years. Possess:
Mira naturally gifted mind, he abandoned
the trade and became one of the reportorial
corps of the Pittsburgh Disporrli. His
connection with that journal was of the
moat pleasing and satisfactory nature, and
the warm manner in which our neighbor
advocated his nomination may be at
trlbrited to old assochnions. In 1857 be was
chosen_by Sheriff BODY PATTERSON as his
. ,Dnputy y - *Melt pitisition lie held up to the
dote of that official's term of office. Sher
iff Parransox Was succeeded in office by
JAlrint L. GEATIAM, who reappointed Mr.
CLULET as Deputy. In 1860, Sheriff GRA
MME was succeeded in office by the lament.
ed HABRY Wooos, who, upon assuming
his duties, retained Mr. CLULET as Deputy.
In August, 1863, Sheriff Woods was sum
moned to eternity, and the community
strongly urged upon Governor CURTIN the
appointment of Mr. CLULET to fill the va
cancy that; 'occasioned. He consented
to accept the office for the unex
pired term, three months, and permitted
the widow of his predecessor to draw the
emoluments- accruing front the office. At
the :expiration of his brief term, the
present. incumbent, JOHN H. STEW ART,
Esq : ,was chosen by the people his succes
.;:sOraillien,imtrance to office he acknowl.
edgettthe:abilltrof Mr. CIXLET hp eon
ferring upon hint the office of Deputy Sher
iff, which position lie has honorably and
faithfully filled up to the present time.
Mr. Ct.truer is a Tleasant, affable gentle.
man, a firm advocate of human liberty, and
a faithful, trustworthy member of the Union
Republicartparty. Ile is immensely popu
lar With the voters of the county, and no
better than could Itave been selected to lead
the ticket. The public interest demands
that he be elected to an office in which he
has had such ripe experience.
Per Clerk - of the Courts, also an impor
taut Office, the Convention wisely conferred
the nomination upon an empty-sleeve pat
. riot, JOHN G. BitowN, Hampton township,
late of Company II ?.(12,1 Pa. Volunteers.
Mr. B. warn brave and hodlant soldier, and
received the wound which render, hint
incapable of performing manual lalkor
the Battle of Seven Pines. lie inn gentle
man of good business imalinattions and
scholastic attainments. lie won for him
, self an enviable reputation as a clerk in
Provost Marshal gpsTEß's office of this
- district. He is a plain, unassuming gentle
man, and numbers a host of friends. His
nomination conclUsively proves that the
patriotic masses are willing to recognize
the claims of a wounded soldier upon their
gmtituiffe, anti to acknowledge in a sub
stantial manner the services rendered our
flag in the hour of-trial.
conferred the nomination of Clerk of the
Orphans' Court. Mr. H. is a thorough
gentleman, and in every respect worthy of
the nomination. It was given Win as are
cognition or his unfaltering devotion to
the principles of the party. If elected he
'will make ariattentive anti efficient officer.
There is not a more popular roman upon the
ticket than Mr. Etu..kxDs, and lie will poll
a very heavy vote.
HENRY SNIVEL , / is the candidate for
Recorder. He is a gentleman thor
oughly experienced in business matters,
and no wiser selection could have been
• made. At present he is employed as chief
clerk in the County Controller's office. He
is a true patriot, and has ever been a work
ing member of the party which places him
In the field as a candidate.
Tonal"' H. Gust, of Plum township,
late private in the 105th Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, has been nominated for Register.
This brave gentleman enlisted in 1861, and
served with honor and distinction until
wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks, in
1862. He was shot in the leg and render
ed a cripple for life. Mr. GRAY is a gentle
man, endowed with superior business tal
ent and is a ripe scholar. He will make
an energetic and capable officer.
For Commissioner °aortas HAIM,
Ton, has been nominated. We *eel
that Mr. HAMILTON- is too well known
throughout the county to need any word of
commendation from us. He is a firm, tin.
flinching Republican, and worthy of the
outline of every" loyal voter. •
Jortee F. Dttsvo, Mifflin township, has
been nominated for Director of the Poor.
The Convention,' :in selecting Mr. DRAT°
for this office, took into consideration his
goodness of heart and humane, Christian
character. If elected, the charitable coin.
infinity may rest'issured Riat the duties of
the office will not be neglected. He is a
staunch, reliable Union Republican.
Perhaps the most important4ject to the
people is to secure intelligent and trust
worthy representatives in the Assembly.
They should be experienced,' stireWdinen;
men who fear not doing theft' duty and
whose integrity is unimpeachable. such
have been placed In nomination, and we
doubt whether better citizens could be
ibund in the county. Messrs. GEORGE
Wastes,' of Mu GP.OROR Y. Mc-
Kim, -North. Fayette township; WILLIAM
PRIM; Rosa township; R. A. Cotsimx,
city; Bennet Cnsowics, Collins tO w naltip,
-anillorcri P. Grass, city, are the tmidi
dates. CoL. ions P. GI-ANI3 has already
served three" consecutive terms in the
House of Representatives, end being
nated for the fourth, speaks volumes 4 74ls
fitvOr: lie Is abundainty - qualified to eep
resent our interests, while his Integrity and
honesty of purpose Is above 'suspicion. Re
is agreat favoritowithhis constituents and
will poll a heavy' inte.':'4llB Political rec
ord is clear-and unblemished,
:The name of Ron. thongs Wrz.sosT Is too
titinfis 'to require, any
.biographical sketch:.from -us. Re has al
-1 wnyit been. reeo6fzeil as one of the most
active and rellablibuipabens of the Union
served. with` honor far a num.
ber;Or keirfiE ; Lit' both biinelies of the
po x vowel* la llnirepriftientapip of tho'
. .._
s ec od Ward. In 1860 he was electelli EcoArD tiolimii
, otier Magistrate of the city. In that ixt-
_ho numbered fop himself as friends
i I
all classes of the community. He possesses j
rare executive abilities, and !perfonned the FOVR O'CLOCK, A. M.
duties of that office in a manner call 'tinted -
to win the approbation and esteem of the Jma TEST nws
public. Re will make a model Represents- 1
C 1 Pe.
, EL
BY .
SAMUEL CHADWIcE is also well and fa- '
vorahly known to the public. In the fall I ---..--
of 1859 he was nominated and elected by I
tilt Republican party to the Legislature,
and served one term with much honor to _
himself and credit to his constituents. He : Orders from Adjutant General's Office,
has long been identified with the principles!
of the party, and by no means will he prove 1 OFFICERS DETAILED TO ATTEND THE FUNERAL.
the weakest man upon the ticket.
R. A. COLVILLE represented this coin, ! Wnsaini.roir, Mity:ic —TM following 'rhea
ty in the Legislature in 1894. He were Issued tonic.
proved a trustworthy and reliable member, 1 ii,,,,,,. ~ 1tTK1...1. 1 1 - 11 K A c 11,
. .
A15.01,}1T1.,,r..., '...14.111.•1t..
and as he has labored hard and earnestly ! I Vmmiligt on. May :le In..
for the party, it is but mete and j us t th at „ i (;,,,,,,/ ta-dr, S. . 1 3.—with protean. see
row the st'o'ne pct hict annotetees to the
liberal support be given him.
' army the death. zil Wll 1 . .. 1111, New )ark , oti
WILLIAM PETER is a fair representative , the i„,,n„.,.iiinti, i n,i „ it , iiti,, ~,,,,,,,,,
of 1111, German element. lie is a butcher cum 1111 l ali./...r. 141,1,1 I . l e l /1..1111.111 I.ollr.ral VS la.
by occupation, and an honest, fair - dealing, Imo scot!. 11. , hl. , lory , Part of the iiintiew
trust - cont.)" gentleman, possessing sound of the
e i., ",r' t t i ' ,..,S,.. a1.11,01' t,',YN'-','-"Vanr,rtl,l7l,i`,:
thinking abilities, and will make one so
, long- Eotermg the army J. a ‘ JuJ
of our shrewdest Legislators. He has al- ! l i ' s.t i t ' i
_and Nett hir rise
„7„. t ,, 1 iT , j;,'.”. nu,
ways been a strong advocate of Republi- ' 11-I.7„%r;',.i7,tritiow:,',''„ii."'inwt):itLt,il";.,r,',"„k„`:`,
can principles, and if elected it will Is! ; `colt was assigned to the L
or the
7 . ri s t . l4 - ‘ . g I,ltirteoisr,vsitit-e, te10tem5i0:,•,1%.,?.0:,!:.
Ids advent, into office. ne is a German
with good English education, iin d w ill i contentinuer-m-chter ~ r the army 11.1 Mexic o ,
, the execution of n plan of Llit• camaign, the
make a very efficient legislator. 1.1 11,4,5 A 01 Wtllell WI. I LBC O II/1/I. l l‘. 11, 11S v./11-
, 41.1011 Wilz hold, and whirl, entaltlfnhed 1 / 1 8
GEORGE Y. MCKEE, of North Fayette ' rerutat ton as one of ilio first sohllets 111 liw
township, was a member of the last Assent- tAti,..
t t ,. t.t r ett , t k •ftt e l
reiltrT,jer3,-. cioneruse,t;ineinon,
lily. Deserved his constituents faithfully, its'. tesen ref
Its estimate M his liLrilliiti:Lnser
4ml in return hasagain been placed ill nom - I c:e";:e4estee'lalr',"its.‘,Pcs'tren"tdti!visote'tlot I'llit'.'stt't‘r.‘”-ItT•
Mallon. He is an upright gent leman, and ; Lui'silii7i.",';',:oi,',!:',lin'il,:i i',i.r,r,„,•,,,,,..,;";1;:th,,-.„4,!zr,:
if honesty of purpose, devotion to prim'. I Mimi, reverence and s't'em Whleli. won 1..
the, or attention to duties, go to make lip a ' ifitTittl: tihneetshtigeb="a'n';;Ttrt a it " rt=t- ' ;•:a ' lt ' ll ‘ ti . .
perfect Legislator, Mr. 31,•ii Kg mut justly gi. j ..",t?,`,.'f)rr" ) %-i ii; r ;V:,` . .'r",„",i'e ‘t'rmr't V Z.',"“ t l ..' i n';.
!aim the title
them, Oho hove reverenced him 411 long.
Thus, i'''' IV ill l i e Perreived. the ticket I r;!;:3‘,-,rlz.,..imea"r"l.ll°,!tts".u.a.7lttattlige":l7kl.l3't.:L'ar the
has been made up of the best representte I ',T . : "7„'h%"t' i it:: I n " r ",,:r a ', ''",:!i,'", o 71 th " .
rof the party, and the wine Men Wlll/ . 11(...te. nt hiterritln of thirty minute., from
the choice for the people are entitled in7r,ll4:r",..':::,%.;:(.'o''',k'n,,r,i;' 1 .1,-",",‘.. ZiTtL I C
i.- gratitude. The nominees are minn- ri . ,,:ittVili t ,, i t , i ''" :i!; 'i r 's' i ii ' ii. ' i a i ' i :l . ' ,, l " 7, :r.Z.
. elements of strength, whi,h would dar . ill ~........ a n,, the nags a 111 Int kepi Si
•ven Seen re victory were our roUnty less ha n t i ' o ',%:;; t i ,`„ i t n , l f t - the tiny
1.„.„, 4 „.„ i „
loyal in its politics. E. U. T0wn...n.1, A %ninth. A 401144111 ~....
i er.i.
Humphrey's Hemoupthle
Mod jet.s (or sale. at Fulton•s Drug store, No.
lea Stottlatle/d stroet.
aanlln• at Old Prices
on the northeast corner ofFeurth and Mar
Let streets. C. Ilatt,os lin e S Bee.
Drew• Good
-• • .
A complete line for the present rett,ton, on the
ow - Lae:tat corner of Fourth and Market oftreel.4.
Maxey. Fine French calf,
Esona, made. hand sewed Boots, at a smarm-
Ohio prier, at ~ rern Itouwe Shoo Store, 60 FIO.II
The nay to Slake hooey
Is to save It. Yon can sOve money by ha lag
your Roots and Shoes at ' GI Murata street.
.1. A. RllllllOO .5 t Co.
. . .
heap on the northeast vorner of
Voorth unnl M 4L1N4.4.6.
1100000 horn
res. floods,
Wool tootorttnent, on the horthett.t eorner
hl }'.,4llth and !Intl:, .tret•t.
L. HAMMON i.. 1% P . it HU,
.1 A. ILoblinstanet (1, C.ll
. . . •.,
"1 Market street, Pave Just received is very.
Imp. block VI Merin 800., blioeb,
Itahmoralii, he ., which they ure willing :it Very
low prices.
lion. , In Allen - bony at Auction.
Mc brick Lone, 1a %Vebeter etroet, Second
ward, Allegheny, with lot ‘.N.rxloo will Ire cold
by A. Leggate, Auctioneer, on SaLn rtluy, ut le
One of the Beet A ewertments
of Melo, Mbnes, hays, Youth.. and
Children, hoots, Shoes. Gaiters, lialatorals,
simpers, oxford Ties, Buckle Shoos, elm., ot to
be fount] at 6! Market street.
J. A. liOtllreMON R CO.
otir friends In search of anything in the
Boot or Shoe Hue (Drell at 3. A. Itoldnson d Cm's.
Gl Market street. They are selling a very
tinC article of Alen's hand moored calf hoots,
for night dollars, and all other goods In pro.
An infallible en re
For diarrhea, dysentery, and cholera, is
found In the medicine prepared only by Jo,.
Fleming, droggtat, Ho. St Market street. In
view of the approach of the cholera, no [surli
ly mhonld be without this valuable medicine.
Sold only- at Flew Idles Drug /MO Patent Medi
eine Store, So. 3! Market street.
23 Cents, 23 Ceuta, 25 Cenlr
Now )1.11.
Nov, Ipen.
Now Open
At 14 Fifth ntreet, Now Upon
At CZ Vlttli !street.
Al. A. Evans A Co
M. A. Fenn
Entirely Original. Co.
Entirely Origtnwl.
Twenty-five Cents
Twenty-rive Cent.
Or one Dollar.
Or One Dollar.
Is all that is asked for any article,
By this arrangement you may get
A Slyer Watch for $1 00A Gold Weaola for $1 00
A Sliver Plated Tea Ael torsi on
A Silver Plated Castor, Better Dish, lee Plteb
er, Goblet, bet or Po.-ks, Cake Ba.sket,
Jewelry, Yana Opera Ulnenee, Table and Fla.
Cutlery and a great variety of other goals, al
to be disposed of at Twenty-live Cents or one.
Dollar eaeb.
Call and See.
Call and See.
What's. Cents will in.
What'_. Cotta will do.
At GI Fifth street.
At 63 Fifth street.
Be Ota the Alert f Laufer In at Heed.
This has been u sickly season. The medical
faculty prophesy evil In the future. They
think pestilence it on the wing for America.
Suppose this to be true, what is the bent de
fense against ill ILEDOLIBLED NERVOI'S
VIGOR. This Is the only protection against
PANIC, as well as against the PRINCIPLF. OF
INFECTION. WAy go not those who predict
the epidemic propose an adequate preven
tiv.Ll 1 h Ur, - is ono; a tonic. uorylito and Wt.,-
alive, competent to shield the system against
the subtle elements of disease, whether they
Sant hither on the winds from distant lands
Or rise like valor from our own 8011, or are In
corporated with the universal fluid . This
ONE FilE VENT' YE, of which there Is no
duplicate among the compounds either of the
Old World or the New, is
Itemmtber that It Is a spsmille (or all the
oomplalniashieh lay the system open to visi
tations of deadly epidemics. If you are dys
peptic , it renews the vigor of your dlgmUve
powers, gives jou appetite, and restores
Your cheerfulness, if you era nervous, It In
' fliforates every Mire of your nervous system
xtthe base of tho Brain, where it begins, to
the erotnitles, wher - O JL tenullittles• If yea
are billtotts, it disainfinis your unruly liver
and brings the action of that organ into bar- -
loony with the leaser health. it Is, in short,
an invlgoiant arid alterative so powerful that
Nature, with I tostetter's Bitterii for her ally,
may bid dentate° alike to native Malaria and
foreign infection. If this enemy wo bear of,
this disease whiCh is desolating Europe, Is
really bound hitherward it behooves the pr.-
chml 1 0 rug en their amen., to clothe themselv es w ith th " dh OrahilltY ao far WI human moans
will preaolt, by preps:Mx:the system for re
instauCe with this posy teestable antidote.
Heat etteeillitters
Are soil wholesale anctretail at very low rates
at elesalars Drug auttPateret Medicine Depot,
NO. St IfArAmt, street, corner of the Diamond
aDtAlulret, near roarth streeM.
Wan DEI, l;K:e+ ./rrn it, /
WAS/LIS/dna. May /an. s
t_s)sria/ L , "der No. .2.5r.-1 P:rtneL
The following oftleers are , letalled to pro,,ed
to West Point, New York, to at ten.l the rinser
a/ of the late Lieutenant General Wlntlehl
slant, on Friday, June Ist, at on e
Brevet Major YL,,enLI I. Thomas, A , ll.ltUnt
General; Brevet Major General s. neti rl v
Inspector Bret et Major i/eueral .1
Dolt,/ Inige Advocate io.ueral. Brevet Major
Deneral 11. C. Melgr. Quarter Ma•ler l/eneral;
Brevet Major //eneral 4. It. Eaton, I ninnalsna
ry Geller al of subs/stern,. itre, et Major Uen
oral J. K. Banter, Surge..n to.nernl; Rrerel
Major Unneral ft. W. Brice, Paymaster //erten.] .
i Bens et Major General It. Dela/11/Id. I Ittel En
, glitter; Brvet Major no
Uhief of Ore naval I dnance, Major /onun-al Lt. f
ant, Chief ot Burnan of Refugees, J reed Men
ld Abandoned Lands. Map. t.eneral E.
Hitchcock, Vol nut-eyes; Brevet Ma /or lonieral
A. E. rhients, .Arrlstant CO1111.1...” / , etierni
ntanniNlt•lnn•; turretlttlijor /.eilerim.l
Townsend, Asaistant Adjutant General. Into
Chief of /Mart to Lieutenant twuerul scot/.
By order of the roeretary ../
R. D Tor Nn¢3lo, twirl
The Departtneol announern to tie. A yvy arso
Marine t °rim the death 0! Lientenar I:eneral
WI/rifle/LI semi, of tyje nlusi states army.
This illustrious ollleer departed t Ilk. at
West. Point, New York, n Ihr aril Inst at
re, en vita; • r In honor ./i thls ..Ist tn.
011.10s1 /..s/nersal, the .1/mi war/dant of the
na'Y - Vordr and stations all! , !insa 1 he dogs of
their several consul/Inds to he bonded al I/al/-
tunat until sunset, 4114 rift.nnn Min t
In• tired nt no , l , lltin. Juno.
Om) .4 the fun ,, ,tl. or on 1.1./. •Iss
evil/ or tills order. or ,-.3..n0w.••n: l ,r
Tlt1:%,IlIles. SI
T , ile room of I.loolv. /111 /11 . 1 S Ir • , II
arraomal Mkt. ill, •l lilt)
II( ro Imo, .1 Ihe
I lllted Mutt`.
art, I.y 0r.1... 1 of lllto o 1
directe.l in N. Mose.' tlkat MI) nms 1: of rt. ,
..pcm for Me memory of the Flag*
of rovvntie out term a ill Is' i+ln.m..l at half
11. 31 , ( ~L I tiSm.'y of the Tree-sq.
Two Deaths Yesterday
Reward Offered ror Incendiaries
biesbinar line Exploding appa
ratus Experiments.
Ncw 1 one, May 0 dcatl, nom ch.!.
era occurred In the city The ileren,c o 4
were John rit No 11 1.11.:11) •tl:•rt,
Male woman nam,,t Corrigan,
A meeting In lavor of sustaining the F seise
law was held at Cooper Institute to-night It
was largely tat/F..1 , 1,.'. Aititriwnes were made
by Horace tireeley, lion. John Sirmwm, ./.
11. Dunn and others A private circular ass
read, addressed to liquor dealers In \ea York,
deelfirlng that they numbered len thousand
voters, and asking them to pledge thetnnely...
that they would rote for no 1 11 1 / 1 1/dlll.l. not up.
posed to the opproaelve law.
At a meeting of the Metropolitan Fire Com
missioners to-day, a reward of one I lionnaild
, dollars was offered for the <annoyer). of the lit
; cenillaries who tired the Academy cif Music,
and the same reward for any other Int-end.,
ries dietovered in the next nix utont
There was a trot over the Union Course
afternoon, the beet three In five, for too thou
sand dollars, between LaLly Emma and shark.
Time 2g.nity; ti.Td; 2:Vryi; 2:2M4: riga.
The Commissioners of knigration, at tile
meml-monthly meeting, complained of Irregu
larity of the railway agents In overcharging
emigrants and Luring luggage passing through
t.tle warden. The number of emigrant. ar
rived to the present date thin year was
sinefanwful experiments by the neonut.marine exploding apparatus were mode this
afternoon at Williamsburg. The append as was
submerged for an hour and a half, and trav
eled the laid of the river In that time. A put,
Ile exhibition will p. given In a few days
At the meeting of the Mil Ipwrsghta toslay In
this (IV they resolved it/ adhere to the twig].
nal purpose In their .trike.
Paper Circulation on the lot of Flay
NO More Anatrian Troop* for Meal
—Appointment* by the Preeiden
Muster Oat of Captaine and Pay
WASHINGTON May M.—The amount ut ;ewer
circulation on bitty Ist, lane, was Leint.htis,47l, In
cluding the national currency t0Zi,414,119,1i
State circulation Mysie,ente 11nIted States notes
5.4 1A,P14,315; fractional currency , 5.N,192,01 7 com
pound notes $1tr7,012 1 1 I• one 41111 two years
live per emit. notes .11,0311910.
It Is estimated that ten millions per year
will be IiOCOMIary for the payment of the guar
anteed bonds of the Pacific railroad, the total
.ttinate being The balance of the
unpaid claims of the States under the act of
Jnly 27th, 18111, Indemnifying thorn for wur ex
pensea incurred, amounts to .I,' , 'Aci,lB7. The
estimate fur tinadjusted claims of individuals
ou tile In the Third Auditor's oillec,lls VAIL
MS, In the Third Auditor's °Mee the claims
In the pity and bounty division nre mitlntated
at 108,000,000, on account of recruiting service,
$12,104; for moneys deposited by recruits *24,-
l1t4; in the Ordnance, Miscellaneous idol Medi
cal branch,.l 17,1.27. All claims lit the Record
Auditor's adieu are $18,156,109.
The State Department learns that no A us
trlam troopshave been sent to Mexico, anti It
does not expect that ally will be sent.
The l'reatchunt has directed the following
appointments:—Col. Andrew .1. ' , niter, A 1...
nor of Internal Revenue (or the fifteenth lib,
kriet of Pennsylvunni, tit plum, of II rue BUD.
ham; Cyrus IL Lewis, Asseasor of the first Din
trim of Michigan, viee Joseph R. Bennett.;
Maxwell bladdin, Assensor of the 11PC411141 f
triet of Ohio, vies.larneti Puller.
According ton special order from Lite War
Department, about forty Captaln4 and As
sistant Payinastern, their servleee being no
longer flooded, will tie mustered out of service
within the next few clays. They wl resolve
no non! pay until the Pay Departme il nt is sat
iettod that they are no longer Indebted to the
Putted Staten.
Tournament at Clarkestile, 'Kentucky
--Colored Emigration Society Organ
Nesorn.ta May au.—A grand tournament
' wlll take plat-eat Clarksville tomorrow. The Colored Emigration. Society, recently
chartered by th e Legislature, Una been organ
ised by the election of the following cancers:
President, General George N. Thountst Vice
President, General U. W. Johnson, flooreLary,
F. It. Chatham; Treasurer, Anson Neilson.
Too Fentans—Another •Mrare"—Prepm
ration. for an Emergeney.
Busvimo, May 30.—A dispatch from Toronto
says: In consequence of news from Buffalo
of arrivals of Fenian., the military -hero •re
on the alert, and preparations have been
made for any emergency.
Earl . Clarendon on the Situation
Proposals to the Proposed European
Embargo on the Italian Press
New Yeas, May 30.—The following addition
, al ailvices are furnished by the latest arrival:
In :he Houle of Lords, May IS, Earl Claren
don. SeCretary or , Leto for Foreign Affairs, In
response to certain inquiries relative to fors
e'en affairs, stated: t•lt is Impossible to uggra
" vale the gravity of the crisis. I can reply
that both °Metal nil confidential communi
cation, are In progress at this umment. I can
seareely. yet, kit, them the character of
" negotiations, but they are gang on at this
meement. tool I hope that they may result in
ting together of all the powers of Europe,
both of those who are neutral and of lima°
who are arming, but I cannot held out a hope
I that they will terminate ill penev, although I
think ti meeting together of all the powers Of
t Europe may give some hope of an amicable
issue I Call only sat that no effort On the part
to living
about stall It result. I believe, also,
[nit this is the troth of the Emperor of the
French, but an the present state of these corn
noinications, to which, ash have said, I cannot
glvi• the name negetualons, I think it is
Inexpedient to say more."
The rumor of a European Congress foe thi
settlement of the tient.. questiongain
strength. According to the fridreeminiee Brior
of pia ) lath, the programme for the Lotigrrus
embracer, three prOpOsals, namely: let.
the bleb imortg-lieisteita question be salon
to the deelnion of the inhabitants. Oh. Thai
the prOposo.l presenttsl by Prussia for a cetera
it the Ovieral constitution be exam/nod In a.
tar as it may relate te the equilibrium of
to rope 3d. That imetta ha ceded to Italy to:
a certain COMpennatirkti, Italy •truarenteeini
anil reeognixing the temporal soveragnlV o
the Pope within its present limits The an.
Legalistic powers n 111 maintain their arms.
nients hiring t.lie nitting.9 or the Congress
France, i'Ligienil and Rossi. will propose that
a l l
pending questions shall be diselisSeti, Ile
leg the Italian question.To thin It h
pr ,, ,,ai e that Prussia will agree, bat All.
trta's itillt,ton Is vonsiderisl very tloultUti 1.
.The Mlle. - lug is the letter of tiarlbakil me
! veitag the eittnnintol of the Italian troops:
ovrren, May I I.—l accept' with stneere grat
itude, Ihe arnsrmetnents you have tenth, and
whii•li his majesty ha s s,u t et timed with re
.peet L, the ettrpti of I c.lunteers. 1 ant thank
ful for tile vontidence reposed In me by in
tre Mg to no• the command. Ire my inter•
prefer to the kmg and express to him my
felings. I hope soon to
, participate wit. our
•.f Ore .
11 l e . whets torn . in m . compli ic shlng the tiestinlea
1 thank l e 11 for the courtesyyou have
ii 1111' ill our 'Mouton [cation.
igned t GAitti,titi.
Ali Iplth•tkil .1 et. re, Issued at Florenee e
I hat the t wenty volun teet hattadions M a forM
tell regiments anti wear Garibaldi's re.l shirt
soil yap
The Itslien press was prohibited trot
tislting not intelligence of military
Report of General Stonen►a
i% .111 ••%,It I' , Att, o. l . — The ..4...cretary
.1 ' 1 1. , -.1ug.1,, 11, ilou+r, In corn
1111,1 ltit r....plut ion of that Nal), the rt
of tieheral Mcnern an relative h. the ,
Ileurphlo r,otm. The latter ray. that up(
tareaLlualloa hp the a tomb Imelonerx 11
• -
- - -
pears there were klllrvl ontrlght twenty-fon
negenes, 1 ,011 01 . 1 1110[11 n , re dlscharged rol
•I:er. The Third 1 olortil artillery had been
Oa 111u011 at lieurplon .111114_111 ILI. organization,
rre not ler the hest
• I - :one hoe I :imbers of the men bast
h o :he) •ni 11% big in cute Mere
It., t 1 0111,1101,110 Ilia. fort, In sr Mei. the sot
.:. r. sere star loved These soldiers 114.1 been
an, m the Instruments to e mourn the orders
of the government , agent., each as 1 , 1 1 1311 . 0a1l
worst:al'. bureau agent, ati.l 01111$,.
•111,ntly fled been more or Ipso hr ought Ireet
ly In coulma • tiro tan breaking portion of
I (tic vornmuntt c, and the police. *hien to tar
trout being eralipmesl of the bent Mass of real
: dents here, but principally of Irishmen. *the
eonsader the negro Ills esatnpetitor and roomy.
Nl.lll - 1v negro ~ ,I dlers hare from time to (lair
• hoer, err...tent by the pollee, arid many whiles,
In menu Of the police, hare been ar
! e ' Sted Iry the negrong, and In both ease,. those
oar:stn.! hare not nufrequentiy Inren harshly
I treated utter frly big the particulars of the
It. roirertgl ...bowmen concludes by saying
The r once. were rut, of the ix - riroo,
1111 - 11 and the rabble and negro haters In gen
eral, • 11 11 a sprinkling of yankee haters, .11
Ind 1111 end encouraged 6) Lll3‘lll\ 1. 1 , 1 01,140.1 and
office hunters, and most of them under Influ
ence of whlskgr).
It appears in evidener before the GOlrruils-
Kron that JohniCrenghton, ((moraine of the city.
made 11 , 11,04 Kit to the rioters, In • bleb he Said
"IV.' .{“, not peeper - Isl. but let us prepare to
mean every negro son of a r. ---•h out of town."
1 art fen paroled C o nfederates Were Mired up
• 111: Lin : rioter. 011 T111 . .11 Iv and Wrilnerelay,
Inc large proportion ol the rioters being regis
tered oters. style: commenced the incerpli
arion on Wednesday trlglit remains to he de
Nit/menet, May ki —The iengreaslonal Com
mittee have already ...entitled over a hundred
untie:cies In the Riot Involitigatlim, and are
priesiedlng rig:iron:fly. It will le .Otte :fay.
before they will complete their work.
Since the burning ot the f o r
lionsea at the time of the riot, a [adding of
soffit:lent caparay for the accommfalation cif
bill, fir n scholars ban been erected
by thy Freedmen's Bureau, with the name of
idlneattlonal Inatitutc, and Was open
ed to-flay wit!. a 'food deal Of ocremony.
pee,,,,,• re made by isenerstl general itnrk lo and tither. arrangements are lining
nimie tar a grand eelelirattori by the
here of the fedora! occii patine of the city by
l'olon troops, on the 6th of Jane.
Interesting Account of the Presenta
Hon of the "Tanderbill."
N kw 1 onk, hay . 10 .—Cornrarstore Vanderbilt,
In Ills letter to the Strretary of State, acknowl
edging the receipt of n memorial gold loodal,
gives the following in terenting ttearnunt of the
presentation of the 'learner of that name to
the Government.
Ott the lath of his rein, ififft, I received at my
residence in this pity, a letter from the War
Department inquiring If 1 would undertake
to prevent the Confederate steamer Merrimac
from coming out of the harbor of Norfolk, and
urging my Immediate attention. An the dan
ger wan Meet imMtneitt, and there was no
time to be lost, I answered by telegraph that
I would go to Washington the next day.
Opt the morning of the I7th of March, called
tine War Department, whore 1 UMW for the
dolt time Mr. Stanton, the neeretary of War.
lit, requested me to aocompany hint to the MA.
°entire mansion, where I was Introduced to
Mr. Lincoln, to whom I was then portionally a
stranger. The President asked me if thought
I e 0 ,114.1, with the a.d of my ateamehipe, do
anything to prevent the 1110 IX from get
ting out of Ilampton Moeda ju t eplied to him
that It was my opinion — that If the steamer
Vanderbilt was there, property manned, the
Merrimac would not venture to come out, or
if she dint that the chances were ten tp one
that the Vanderbilt would sink and destroy
hor. Mr. Lincoln asked me to name the
sum of money for which k , would undertake
the service. I replimi to him that nothing
would Induce me to become a speculator upon
the necessities of the Go verntrient, und that I
would not mention a sUrn aa tine value Of Ills
Mettler, but that lamed mains a gift of her to
the Government for the service proposed,
The Preshi out replied, .1 accept her." I left
preintsiug that the l'anderbilt should be
fit underonroe, properly equipped and of
ficered n Illy direction, within three or
lour days at the farthest, and she was there
within the time. The requisite Instrument of
transfer was subsequently executed by me
and transmitted to the War Department.
tintall.pos at Porto Rieo—T9e Rebellion
la Mt. Domingo—Preside.' Bases
Going to Leave do Country—Rewspa•
perteeolattoa nelppreXPleli.
Sew Tons, May The steamer Cubia
arrived to-day, ng bringi Havana dates ol to m the
The mil ,11-pus COTIt Wood at Puerto It and
hallspread to several places near Ponce.
though it wan decreasing ut the latter place.
The nays President Hams in unable
to put down the ,evolution In mt. Domingo.
Ile hen determined to leave tile country. This
statement, however, is doubted, as the royale.
Lion Is said to be on a small seals.
Great preparations ore making for the re
ception of the new Captain General.
e el/vitiation of the ("renters of New York,
In H Th ava na, has been mippressal on account of
an article against the Censor at Havana. The
Cuban suluddy of three thousaod dollars to
the (runic, been suspended also.
ST. Lome, May Co
storage Ware ilOllBO
of rroomon Co., on Elm Street, between
Second and Third, containing three hundred
hales of cotton, four hundred - barrels of dour,
sixteen hundred barrels of salt, and two hun
dred bales of hay, was burned to-night. All
the contents were destroyed. The loss Is esti
mated at gle,oooi Insured mainly In Eastern.
companies. The United States Hoarded V/ are
house, on Third street, connecting in the rear
with the burned warehouse, belonging to the
same ores, containing flee thousand barrels of
whiskey, was also consitiorably &waged, but
the whiskey was Saved.
SV ASHIRO TOM, Mny 3n, I,4in
Fe. ATE.
Mr. ti rimes reported adversely on the peti
tions for an increase of pay of naval officers.
Mr. sprawl° called up the joint resolution
for the payment of certain Kentucky home
guards, rolled Into the United States service
to repel a rebel invasion under John Morgan
In PM?. Which was passed.
Al one o'clock Mr. Howard called up the
reconstrneLlon resolution.
Mr. Anthony Finked that the Senate insist On
its amendments to tile West Point Academy
Bill, and call for a Committee of Conference,
The amendment, disagreed to by the Henan, le
a provision that In making nominations for
admission to West Point, members of Con
green roan name five persons from whom
selection shall be made upon the result of
cow petatlve examlnatiOn The Committee of
Conference w ordered.
Discussion e
followed on Mr. Howard's amend
ment to the Iteconstrnetion Report.
Mr. Doolittle moved to amend by inserting
the sortie . ..Moiling Indians not taxed."
Mr. Cowan wanted the abed "citizen" do.
lined, and thought It belonged to tho States to
Nay who were citizens.
Mr. Johnson said the Senate was not to be
informed that very serious im.tionn had
arisen. and because of them, hail given rise to
much embarrassment ns to who are elLlZelift
of the t !sited Staten and what are the rights I
which belong to them as such. The object of
Mr. licuroriPs ameminient was to settle that
question. Ile thought, therefore, that the
roam Mee to WllOlll the RUA Ceti was referred
and by whom the report h been made, had
acted very wisely In delinlng what eitizennhip
w.. Ile knew of no hotter way of accomplish
ing that than the one a...tented by the commits
tee. There want. definition In the Constitu
tion, an it Twin stands, tot to Wllat constitutes
a citizen of the United States. That was an
open 'mention in that instrnment The courts
had decided that ally man iron In a citizen of a
state heroines ipso forgo a citizen of the United
states. But there was no provision at all as
to how citizenship ran exist, except through
tile ineillurnshlp of the citizenship of a State.
All that the Constitutional Amendment pro
vided wim that all ominous born in the United
States, and not sublert to somolforeign power,
shell ho considered citizens of the United
Cl.,' h s,
t a n a
dn t ee a e t s swao I p d
o Ne v en oo
he Home definition 'if whet eitizereship
Mr. Johnson next passed LO Lhe amendment
of Mr. Doolittle, and expressed himself In fa
vor of It. Lie 11011011 the friends of the joint
resolution would adopt It.
Sir. Howard multi that the great objection to
Mr. I ioolittle•n amendment, was that its effect
would be ll ep nattrulize a who ald
tax.. to
silled, withll
Mr. lndian. p
Trumbull, that
the Indian tribes were foreign powers. They
were treated as such, and on regarded by the
Constitution, a bleu conferred 'power to treat
not only with foreign nations, but with Indian
Mr. Doolittle said that Lhe wOrda proposed
In his einimiluient were In the civil rights bill,
in s provlsion stnillar to that which was now
proponed as a constitutional unientinient,
The civil rights bill undertook to do thin same
thing which is now proposed hero, in deelar
big which shall be eitizens.
The 1 otionatee of Fifteen, rearing that this
declaration by Congress was without validity,
mile , . a roostihrtlunnl amendment should be
brought fora ant to onion, It, trought proper
to ninon thin amendment.
Mr. Fesilenden desire to say that in all the
-cantor says on this seleeet in connection
with the Committee or Pitteen, he Lis drawing
upon hen Irnsiglnation There is not one word
of eornsetnesn In all he nays.
Mr Doolittle, said he ',mid take lance with
Mr Fesooilen on that point as a 'mention of
Mr. Omnies said that Mr. Doolittle's charge
was not 001 v on Imputation upon t he Commit
toe of litteu, but an imputation upon everj
senatar who voted for the Civil Bights bill.
It was au Imputation that they had voted for
a litli which they bel he meant no ns
Mr. Doolittle said such impute,
Den. lie Meant to imv there were doubts on
the eoristltutionalfty of the Chill Rights
' Mr . Fessentitm until that no surd, doubt In
regard 1.41 the lii aught:. bill s ore ever en•
tincissed In thy Com butt id Flftcen. During
all the discussion in the Committee the sub-
Jeril awl not mentioned.
After sum,. reinarlis OjMr saitisbury, ttte
yonn and nay. wive dettouitied on the &drip
thin of Mr. I loolittle's aolenilmen L. to Insert
the nerds - erei•iitlng Indians not taited,••
which al m disagreed .10. yens in, onyx rt. as
follows. Messrs. Liiiektsles , Cowan, Davis, Ike,
little, trithrie. Ilendrichs, Johnson, blelSon
lilorton and
Mr. IV florin offered 11 1-011,1rrent resolution
that the Mllitnej Conottil WO Of the tno houses
constitute a Joint committee to take Into con
sideration the message rif the President an
itotincing Gcucrul •oett's loath, and report
list steps should be taken by I ..tingress to ex
pre. Its appreciation tii Um character anti
publiy seri Ire. of Illy late Icemenant
thoth u w l ngooL I
AM ro 1 no,
t u l i e ,o nhhonA dopt t o o
Lion of 111: flou,e lot, I lotted ) toteduy. r-
Mr Hendricks newts' tii amen. the above
hy ittsertlnif after Usi wen! "shall" and before
the ...flirt • haveengsged," the words "dur
ing his term of oftleo.
Mr. Hendricks, in advocacy of this amend.
moot, said that an °Mend 11.1, was binding
only .luring the term of only.,
Mr. Guthrie told he ass opposed to the 9003
1.1011 0 1 . 14 11.1V10(41d, 110.4.30 01 prescript ire
character tocl he would vote for the amend
mentM of r Hem! ricks, 1 .34,11111 e it mottle It teen
Mr, j(1111111011 spoke In favor of the amend
ment of Mr. "Londe - Irks
Mr. Sherman believed that rimier Mr. Hen
dricks' amendment, all who cosigned their
omens would be relieved from the Ope,rutlceu s
of the third section.
Mr. Hendricks cellos i fur the yeas and nap,
1.1 the /Mention of his amendment.
The amembove t was itisagrecni to by yeas, e;nays, M. Those who voted in the allirmative
Were Messrs. Huckalow, Harts, tinthrie. Hen
dricks, Johnson, 'fiddle, sunisbury, and Can
Mr Johnson moved to amend the seetton by
.It Ik Mg out the tennis"or at Member ninny
r.tate Legislature, or as an Executive or Judi.
vial °nicer of any State.' The yths and nays
wero demanded on this amendment and It
ens disagreed to by y-tras 111, hay. 12.
Mr. Johnson moved to strike out the words
"having pnwtously taken," and insert the
words "at any time within Len years proved.
Ing the drat of January. DIG', hat taken," The
yeas and nays were demand.' on this anti it
was illsagreed to by yeas to, nays 32.
Mr. Van Winkle inquired If the last clause of
the section referred to a general aemoval of
disability in Individual case.
Mr. Howard said It might h.
I toalied either
in general or Individual eases. was 101.1321-
110‘11411 lithereetlollol3. 1301.1 r In 1:41114
Mr, iiitulabery moved to amend by Inserting
the words "In each Ileum.," in the last line
the word.' "And the President may, by the es
erelse of tile pardoning power." The yeas
and,nays acre demanded upon thts,,iand It was
disagreed to, by yeas le. nays V.:
Mr. Doolittle addressed the Senate In tipper
shine to fle pending section.
The Senate then, at live o'clock, adjourned.
lir. Blaine, worn the Select Committee on
the War Debt of the loyal Staten, reported a
bill to reindinrse the States which furnish.'
troops to the Union army, for advances made
and exponent Incurred In raising the same,
Mr. Klan. said that after conference with
the members of the Committee, and friends of
the bill, be found an indisposition to eonsider
the hill at thin Lime. ire therefore yielded his
own judgment, and moved the bill be recom
mitted to the Select Committee, and that the
Committee be continued an now organized,
with leave to report during the next session.
The motion was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Blaine, the Select Commit
tee on the War Debt was ilbudiarged from the
further consideration of the bill to reimburse
the State of Kannne for reunion expended in
fermi/Ming troops, and it was referred to the
Committee on Appropriation..
Mr. Stevens, from the Selma Committee on a
Military and Postal Railroad from Washing
ton to New York, reported bank the bill to
unthorice the building of n Military and Postal
Railroad from Washington to Now York,
which wan recommitted, with a notice by Mr.
Stevens that ho would call it up in a week.
Thu bill to promote the construction of a
line of railway between the city of Washing
ton and the Northwent, for national purposes,.
and the bill to authorise the Cleveland and
Mallordug Railroad Company to continue and
eonstruet their railway from Youngstown,
Ohio, to Pittsburgh, Pa., and make it a mili
tary and post road, were reported, but the
morning hour °spired before action could be
had upon them.
The Speaker presented a communication
from the Secretary Of War, transmitting the
report from Major General Stoneman, con
cerning the recent riot at Memphis, which was
laid on the table.
The Ileums resumed the cotialdoration of the
bill to provide for restoring the States lately
In insurrection to their full political rights, ,
H Mr. Brom:Enroll,. of Illinois, addrenned the ,
ouse. Ile sopperted "thoroughly mud corn-
plutely the report of the Reconstruction COM
On motion of Mr. Schenck, further consider
ation of the subject was postponed until next
The House then proceeded to censidar the
action of the next Special Order, it being the
bill reported by Mr. Schonek from the Own
tnlttee of Military Affairs, to reduce and
estabh t
soldiehe pay of officers and to regulate
the pay lis of rs of the army of the Milted
Mr. Schenck detailed at length the object of
dm bill, and rounda b outp the present
cumbrous and modeoftmiculating
the pay and allowances of officers. Ile 1041-
ented several amendments which he desired
to offer to the bill. Thess...were to make the
pay of a General 06,000, MA all of the Lieu
tenant, Generals el 0,0110; to allow to officers. iq
lieu of the present longer By ration, ten per
cont.. additional for every live years , continu
ous arid Manna' Service. The amendments
were incorporated in the bill.
Mr. Blaine exposed the inequality of abol
ishing commutation of rations, showing the
coed of living at Fort Bridger, where the Gov
ernment had contracted for wood AL fifty dol
lars per cord, forcorn at twelve dollars abash
el, and for flour at eavenly-flue dollars a bar
rel, and W here, lie said, a Brigadier General
could not support two hones and two chil
dren on his pay of 0,600. Officers on the Utah
expedition mold not have lived on double
their pay, if they had not been allowed corn
mutatiou of rations.
Mr. Farquhar inquired whether the diMeni•
ty could not be obviated, by allowing rations
in kind at distant posts.
Mr. Garfield admithat that woud ake
a great dilfarenee. lint there was n o much
Provision la the bill.
Mr. Thayer observed the bill. tie held It to
bOniantreat in Clue country, covering each a
vanteratent of territory, the experuma ally
ing must differ widely in afferent parte of the '
country, awl that In equality hiel been always
remedied here, and in other countries by mak
ing the government theurchaser of the ne
cessaries of life, and fu p rnishing them to
officers and men as part of their pay. Theoss
abolition of this system would work the,gr
out inequality, and common sense and com
mon Justice were against the proposed change.
Tho Speaker interrupted Mr. Thayer to pre
sent a message from the President and Sen
ate in reference to the death of Lieutenant
General Scott, when Mr. Schenk expre nethe
hope that no other business, would heed by
the House to-nay, except to concur In the rel.
Mutton of the Senate dit ecting the two Com
mittees of Military Again to report what
method should be adopted by Congress to
manifest its appreciation of the high charae
ter, tried, patriotic, and distinguished public
cervices of Lieutenant General Scott.
The resolution was concurred In, and then.
on motion of Mr. Schenck, the House, out of
respect to the memory of General Scott, ad
The Ship Carpenters' Strike—Confer
ence with Employee. and Employers
Nninfested—Eight Hone System Innis.
led Upon and Decinreo to be the Sole
Isene--iseeininf of Erie itailrood Di
reetore—Anbire of the Company—Res
pect to Gen. Scott—DlMori Court
Trial Decided Illegal.
The ship carpenters, now on a strike here,
have adopted a resolution that If the
bosses appointed a committee to confer with
the trades, the latter would be ready to meet
them and hear any proposition they had to
offer. The mon spoke In very decided terms
as to their determination to obtain the eight
hour system, which they declared was the sole
question at issue, wages not having had any
thing at all to do with the strike.
The Cbminercial says: At a meeting of the
Erie Railroad, held this morning, it transpir
ed that th? . tresent floating debt isf the Com.
puny 411 ,000 toreo as otherwise stated $1,100,-
WO, in ad Won ich the Company now
owes to Mr. Drew, two millions of dollars. A
loan has been comparatively recently con
tracted with Mr. Drew, under which the Com
pany hypothecated the 11,000 shares of com
mon stock returned by Mr. Drew on payment
of a portion of his loan from the proceeds of
the sterling loan negotiated by Mr. Pearson,
so that Mr. Drew now holds 28,010 shares of the
stock, beside an amount of convertible bonds
as collateral, for his loan of 4d,000,000. The
President, Mr. Borden, assured the Board
that In the event of the earning e q ualhe road
continuing to the close of July, to what
they have been May, the company would be in
a position to pay a dividend upon Rostock,
although we understand upon good authority
that the road made a clear loss of .400,0 W upon
Its March Crank, and $3OlOOl upon that of
April. Whether the inipposed dividend is to be
considered as playable out of Mr. I)row's loan, or
from profits of the road, we are not Informed.
The public have, however, a very strong opin
ion that the Company is dbiposed to continue
Its old policy of borrowing money to pay Its
dividends. there would seem to be very good
reasons for supposing that the enormous sales
of Erie stock dming the last few days have
been made for the purpose of raising money
to pay a anal instalment of the loan to the
Company. Of course It is to be presumed that
the stork sold was that held under hypotheca
The Pow aays, on onlcial authority, that
there has been no over inane of Erie stock.
The company expended for materials and sup
plies $3,000,000 during the past year, to which
they add :rem comitruction account,SCo,ooo.
The whole Indebtedness la /3,030,000. he con
dition of the road I. highly satisfactory. The
earnings were 1.M,009 a month, and the expen
ses materially reduced. The company will
pay a dividend - on the preferred mock, and
"?ItZet'elo"momnoononCtoin"tigri 'l'm toda ' y t tlepted re
lotion!. in respect to Gen. Scott. The Cou'rTs
adjourned from the same cause.
Judge Ncleon, of the Supreme Court, has do.
livered a decision In the case of James Egan,
a prisoner In the Allmny Penitentiary, that
the trial of a civilian by a military court in
time or peace in illegal.
Kentucky Democratic Convention
•' " •
Lov isvittt, ?day se.—The Democratic Con
vention met. Seventy-tive delegates were pres
ent. Speeches were made by Gen. Ward, Col.
Kinney, Geu. Crittenden alai ex-Governor
itobinson, the President, who characterized
the Convention twit mass meeting. A motion
to invite even- Union man to participate was
Ecen/no Sessions—Speeches were made by
Generals Boyle and Whitaker, Flnnell and
11. Carpenter, denouncing the rebels and
t i o v u ' ri ng f '" A P P=I Ic to galling roarls Clerk of
vials.. were ultiniatety reconciled, and agreed
to support Balling. Thu Convention passed
resolutions unlined by endorsing President
Freedmen•• [Wrenn In Georglo--Bln
Cargo of Cotton.
A terms . .., 1,i.... May .li.—.4;enerals St4,44iinati
and Fullerton, a no have been Investigating
tile management of the Frecilinen's Bureau
In littorgia, will report favorably on Til/son's
administration of affairs.
The bridges ea the State road have been re
paired, and trains are running.
Thu American ship Hudson cleared from
Charleston yesterday for Liverpool with one
hundred and this teen bales of Sea Island, and
three thousand eight handrail and sixty-five
bales of Upland cotton, the largest cargo of
the season.
North Carolina Contention--Continittee
Lo Waft open the President—Colonial.
Largely in the Majority.
New Pons, May :o.—The North Carolina
State Convention con 1.111 lletl Its deliberations
yesterday. A resolution to sell the rights of
the State in certain railroads to responsible
parties was referred to a Committee. A reso
lution appointing a Committee to wait upon
the President, with n view to early restora
tion, was made n special enter. There aro
said to bo seventy strong Union mon in the
COTIVUIItiOn. and only twenty-nine of rebel
Tornadola 11111 l ia—Arrival of
Troop. at Mew Orleans.
NICW My, 30.—A tornado swept
dratructively o v er Jackson, Miss., and in
jured the State House.
The Third Almtt.igan volunteers, throe Mtn
;trod and forty strong, commanded by Gen
erals Houghton and Stinnes, and a large num
ber of other officers, have arrived hero from
Brazos. A for troops are left at HroWnto
hpeetel Pardons by the Prestdent—A
Rush ea the Tresetury.
Weenie...roe, May hi.—Tbe President this
week bas granted three special pardons tinder
the amnesty proclamation.
Recent orders given by IlLrerent heads of
departments that desbursing Meets shall re
move all public moneys deposited to their
errant in National Banks to the United States
Treasury or Sob-Treasuries, have created
quite a rush on the Treasury.
The Public Debt. and When
Wanneirrox. May 33 ) 0.—A letter from the Spo
was or
re ta of the Treamir to Hon. John Sherman,
dered to be printed by the Senate, to
gether with the accompanying °Metal Mate•
meat from the paper* It appears that the
amount of the r i ubllo debt redeemable May
lot, 1537, In snug 4.1); May let, 1868, $107,4115,25e;
Slay let, 180:3, (690, 338,131; May tot, 18703 4148.0003-
000; May Ist, 1871, a1W.,024,600.
Wales of Wool In Blew York.
Naw Yousi, May Mt —The offering of Cantor
um wool this afternoon was fairly attended by
dealers, manufacturers and others, from Now
York, Philadelphia, Boston and other
towns. The quality of the wool was not at all
desirable. The pest quality brought fair
prices, but poor dewriptions sold low. As a
whole, however, the sate was satisfactory, and
all abated was sold. The price ranged from
7 , 4 to Mc cash.
Thirtr-five Deaths from Cholera al Sea
Nsw YORK, May 20.—Thosteamer Peruvian
arrived froin Liverpool with seven hundred
and fifty-eight passengers. She lost during
the passage thirty-five tram Cholera. Twenty
eight is now sick on board, who will be Munn.
(erred to the hospital ship.
Plasenehttaette Inexpeetn to Gen. Pieotat.
BOSTON, May M.—A resolution was unani
mously plumed by the Masaaehusetts Senate
and House regretting the death of General
scott, and warmly eulogistic of his life and
eminent public, services. The Legislature ad
journed to-day One the.
nobborle. AS Matansenne-Imperialists
In Possession.
1 1 14vswoass, May 21-11.obberies, murders
and pitubser continue, and revenge on both
The Imperialists hold the towns.
Funeral Ceremonies
- • ' • • .
GAILDNIttI, Me., May 30.—The funeral cere
monies over the remaina or the late illahop
Burgeon took place thls afternoon, at Christ's
Church. Blahop Clark. of Rhode Island, de
livered an appropriate address.
MicwAvaea, May 30.—F1our dull. Wheat
dull and declined :®]wales r.t $1,17 tor No. I.
Oorn advanced. lc. Oats steady; AA lo for No. I.
-" ' •
B HAW — MARTIN--Ou May Ztls. by Rey. H. B.
Reed, Mr. GRAJLAM SHAW, of Pittsburgh, to LI.
AGNES MARTIN, or McKeesport.
BIBIIOE-611AWOn May Mb, by Rey. N B.
Reed, Mr. FREDERICK HISIMIY, of Allegheoi
'City, to Miss ANNIE SRA W, of Ilttsbui
_ _
VISHER.—Gn Wednesday, at !mart, at her
reildence, No. 334 Beaver street of disease,
after a lingering illness. Mrs. MARGARET ANN
YINHER, In the 54th year or ber lige.
Notice of funeral will be Oven In the afternoon
(Ohio papers please copy.]
No. 196 Smithfield St, eor. 7th,
(Entrsuee from Seventh Street&
M o I T i t TS 3 l3l7.l=l.4Ol-ZIC, PAL.,
mr.,111:0 ALLEGMEIFT. PA.
h-hral mad meet pletaresque pleat of &nether% sit
to ...tot ituetallsota will apply at the Itepestatena
seva *aloe, at the Cleraetem Title Deeds, Penult*
and oteerbastness wlll be attended to at theDraj
Wangs:auk of the,. oaderstraed_ led.
%ad /Alma anau, Alletheiej o r
usu. A. CII:LLT.
Ilsormuy aid drama.
CITY AND WRl___9l/3101tH00D
More Arrests for ullltovlnir
felt Portland Notes
United States Commissioner Sproul, you,
day forenoon, gave audience to two me.
named John Gill and John McGurn, who were
ushered Into his presence under accusation of
having endeavored to pass a counterfeit
"twenty.' on the First National Bank of fiort
and, Maine, at the "Cornucopia," Saloon of
Frederick Wei -98. on Fifth street.. corner of
Union. The facts as represented were that
the accused went Into the Saloon on Monday
night,ni called for suppers, and after partaking
w offered I t was pros-I ded ayment, according to their or.
, n a
dollar bill on the p Portlandthertof
hank, the Insr
keeper "changing" the same. Subsequently
the bill was discovered to be counterfeit,
whereupon Mr. Weiss determined to secure
the arrest of Gill and McGurn.
Ysmterday officer Andrew Moon, of the May
or's police, succeeded In arresting McGurn
who slated that the (the eounterfolt) :.
longed to Gill. °Meerbill
Moon, with °dicer Gr be a.-
ben, afterwards arrested Gill, whilst on his
way to the "Cornucopia;' for the purpose,
he said, of re indeemg the bill, having as been in
formed that steps had been taken for his ar
rest for passing it. GIII, In endeavoring to
"explain," made contradictory statemen,
and whilst In the enstody of the officers, atsd
mitt.' "guilty knowledge." After a hearing
the accused were committed to (all for trial.
In default of hall, In the sum of three thou
sand dollars. Hugh Duffy, Esq., counsel for
defendants, Intends making an application for
reduction of ball.
Temperance.lle Connell.
The Council of the borough met on Monday
'ening. Members present: Messrs. Carna
-1 ban, Garbett, Smith, West, Ilershberger and
Burgess Carnahan. The minutes of the prey
lons evening wore road and approved. The
Burgess was authorized to draw Ills warrant
In favor of the following:
Anderson, bill of printing • 950
Jas. Wood & Co., bill of nails 8 00
Thos. Ferguson, placing lo g o on culvert.. ti
W. A. Herron, Clerk of Court, docket
fees, costs, &o 10 7.•
Isaac Wilkinson, 3.4 days' work, at ti
per day
Addison Graham, 1.4' days' labor, at $2 00
per day
3 00
Thomas Tully, days' labor, at 142 per
4 00
Thos. Hershberger, 1 day hauliug 6 00
Wm. Dairen, 14 perch of stone at 142, y.
lei ;
ir ll lperch 4 at el, .114; 2 gays'
labor 2, 54 43
Ell Slifer, Secretary of State, toes for a 50
certified copy of an Act of Assembly,
relating to vehicle license, 1 15
Council went into committee of the
whole to examine the sanitary condition of
the borough, and enforce the ordinance relay.
log to the same: Messrs. West and Smith,
from Alexander street on the upper side of
Main street to the line of West Pittsburgh.
Messrs. Carnahan and Garbett, from Alexan
der to Walnut street along Main to West
Pittsburgh line. Iloralaberger and Burge.
Carnahan, from Alexander street up the
Steubenville pike to the northern boundary
along Main to western boundary.
An ordinance wan passed relating to vehicle
license, and ordered to be printed.
cm motion adjourned.
Convention of the G. P. Church.
The Convention called in connection with
the United Presbyterian General Assembly,
which meets la Col. Clark's Church, Allegheny,
to-morrow, met in the Second United Presby
terian Church (Dr. ,James Prestley's,) Sixth
street, yesterday morning.
The Convention was largely attended, and
the exercises were of a highly Interesting
character. At nine o'clock the Bev. John T.
Prestley, D. D., was called to the chair, and
after Hinging and reading a portion of the 10.1
Psalm, prayer was offered. The chairman then
I made a few remarks stating that they had as
ssenibied forprayer andconference in rerd
to "the necessity, means and inaueuce, oh a
true revival of religion" "the state Of the coun
try " and the "present dementia on the United
Presbyterian Church, and how they ...Y be
met." In the course of his address he appeal
ed to the Convention to ask the Giver of all
gravf.".l.ait:r3Vionussonrean",tl. 7,l.iA,!atiell fol
lowed In brief addresses on "true religion an
opposed to Mine." A very able address was
then delivered by Dr. James Prestley on "the
necessity, means and Influence of a true re
vival of religion." At the evening session the
"state of the country" was discussed at
leße th Conventlon will re-m.41.1de to-day in
the First Church, Allegheny, (Dr. .1. T. Prost
ley 's,) 0 hen "the present demands of the U.
I'. Church, and how they are lobe met" will be
brought up,
The Fire Alarm Telegraph.
We learn by telegraph that the Committee
of the Board of Fire Commissioners of New
York have decided against the Fire Alarm
Telegraph system In use in that city, deem
ing it unreliable, and prefer the "street box"
P syttem of Gamewell, Kennard IL Co., In use in
hiladelphia, us the most reliable. The Com
mittee of our city council, Messrs. Brown,
Ogden and flare, Into whose charge every
thing pertaining: to the erection of a Fire
Alarm Telegraph in this city, is given, we
take pleasure In stating, came to a like con
elusion during their visit east, and have
concluded to contract for the boxes cued by
Gnmewell, Bonnard a Co.
Merlon. Accident.
An accident of a very painful nature occur
red In the Fifth ward yesterday, which may
result in the death of the party Injured. A
little boy named John Crud, to company with
two of his playmates, suggested that they
should play circus. One of the boys got, down
on his handsand knees, and young exist pro.
cooded to stolid on his head on the back of the
kneeling boy. While in this position, a third
boy pushed Grist over, causing him to fall so
violently to wasa Immediately con
back was
broken. lie Immediately conveyed to his
home In a court MY Penn street, to the rear of
/throes' grocery stores where proper medical
aid was procured and his injuries dressed.
/Incendiaries at Work.—An attempt was
made yesterday morning at an early hour to
tire the furniture store room of battler, Close
Co., co extin g u is hedP and Wayne streets. Thu
fire was without doing any dam
age. About the mune hour an attempt was
also made to burn the residence of Geo. W.
Leonard, on Cherry Alley, near Liberty street.
We heard of similar attempts in other parte
of the city, but in all eases the efforts of the
incendiaries wore ineffeetruu.
A Geed Flrm.—We would resectfully
call the attention of our readers to h e card of
lifetime. Kiel & Richart.ComirdsMon Merchants,
In another column. The dim is ono of the
best in the city to do business with, and we
heartily recommend them to the attention and
patronage of the public. Country merchants
will find at 949 Liberty street any thing
they may need in the line of grain, dour, feed,
and Seeds of all description.
Investlgaslng Cominlttee.—The Commit.
tee appointed at the last session of the State
Legialature, to investigate the Alleged traria
lent attempt made to shove the liquor bill
through that body, met yesterday at the illo
nongaela House. Considerable testimony
was heard but there was nothing adduced
ing to show that bribery. had been used tor the
purpose named. The Committee (will proba
bly conclude their labors to-day.
- - •
Disorderly flonse.—Patriek Frail yester
day appeared before Alderman Taylor, and
lodged an information against two women
named Ellen Moran and Carmine Callahor,
for keeping a disorderly and diarepntable
haus° in the Fifth ward. Patrick, though
Frail himself. is determined to am his own
word, that/rod women shall lind no friend in
him. A warrant W6B uisued for the arrest of
tile accruted.
Flire.—The .trong wind prevailing last night
fanned the smouldering ashes of Lafayette
Hall into new life, and this morn lug about,
three o'clock dames were discovered laming
from the ruins. An alarm was promptly Oren.
and the lire department was out In full force.
No additioual damage wsa done.
Maor's Coart—Ton ' , drunks" and "dieter
dallies. wore disposed of by Mayor MeCarthY
yeaterday morning—aeven were committed to
Jail, the remaining three paying the tines im
To be Closed—The Young Mews Mercan
tile Library Association will close their rooms
on the fourth proximo to, remain closed for
ono week, for the purpose of renovation, eta.
Illosphemy.—Alderman Taylor yesterday
issued a warrant for the arrest of John nein
der, charged with blasphemy, on oath of Peter
rined.-13evJamio Singerly ens fined four
dollars yesterday by Mayor McCarty for de
positing ashes on Third street.
At the latest 0014) RATES now la stock at our
ziripo2 Fifth Street,
A.ple.did Hee of
I DRESS tstirdmirrs.
Late Novelties In TLF4I,
Thltelbexwith the. may completellaa Of
Gonglemons' Fornbadog Goods
IN TTY W EST ourlvalaan - teiiizelnatattly
lEN - TIM lINISILLNO. we *rely fall• to please in
that IbteAtreatber our thud :a6 iir .
Pauli oillioiltlhe'Poit Lhsa. • "'
turfelairlaiWth ' ILURDOOK • PITMAN.
The edition is forwarded which will reaaa the .1y
scriber. 500 n... ths nail rea.
4F7Call•n4 Der tht • m .1i
3 = o TYZWEsztLeormr db c,c:o.'ss,
C3l-0 wcz,
nly22,ltin NO. (1 WIF LIE STREET
Selling nt, M 32,50,
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St,
Opposite Old Theatre
NEW AiivEßTisExr—s
DISI . E.NBAIrY.—There will he a nieetlng_of the
above al the rooms of the Institution. 02 Fourth, tiltunion's Building, I Hid EVENING, at
o'the lock. Tbe eor artbutors, and all Ulnae friendly
o y.ll
to above, are reepectguay invited to attend.
.-, IC NUE. —MI who are Interested In the usess
me at made for the payment of the routs of repav
ing the bewer on Pennsylvania Avenue, will please
ne. 2
et at the other of the City Itenording Regulator,
at o•rleer P. a. JUNE 2d, lorg, at the request
of thellouontee..
to hear their report. mySl:cl
two-borer power. 30,001) splendid Bricks per dtty,
with well dedned edges and uniform lengtns. Ingle
machine does not perform what we claim for it we
will take It hack and refund the ey. Address
A. HEW] A. tleneral Agent, 14 monl
Neer York.
. _
W. 11. LEAK
;;Vi;ortirillt 1,4 . 11: i 1;1 , 1 . t I *V I, of the 13 rest Conine..
Eitel n lent of the great
A human head changed to atone!
To-morrow evening benoll of Mr. It. HELLER.
programme. for haturdarei matinee,
nen the price or mintlasion wilt he milliard to
A N OUDINANCE to authorize the ,-.1
(trading and Paving or two Alleys and the P.
It.-paring[ °rim:twin Street.
:in, I. Bo it ordained. and enacted by the Mimi anti (
Omen.. Ponneibref at ,fly of Alleghen and
h re, enacted by The atitharay Y.
of 14, mine, That
it to
the Committee ...streets. be. and they are Oar'
a•.thortsed and directed to to , lt, and receive yropo- ..
s at for the (trading and Peeing of loons Alley
1144 Church Alley, from Pen 7 street to Ohio ' street. 41
ne.l for the Re-paying of Jack son Street, from' Pas-
.• Lane to Shield.' alleyand to contract therefor
with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their
sec. 2. That for the (tarp ter of defraying the coat
r.......... 47/
14 expenses of the said onproments, there be.
la hereby levied, a special tan, to be equally art-
sessed upon the mveral lots bettnding and abutting
n;o n Menai(' alleys and street respectively, In Pro'
1/..rtion to the feet front In them respectively com-
p. tsed, and bounding and abetting as aforesaid.
sae. X. That m soon as the cost and ex ... "1.
I , lid Improvements shall be holly ascertained, Rahn.
1... the duty of the Street Commiastener to asses. and I
:(4/0111012 the same among the several lots bounding k
and abutting upon mid alleys and street, re- ;
•oecthrein eeeordlea to the rule above Indicated, ':
n 1.1 therm/pen premed
Orr make demand and collect
t I .e sarne, according le eions of the Act of the . 4
L emeriti Assembly of the Cominonweallit of Penn- .
s, Iv solo, entitled "An Act dellntng the Manner of 1!,
eellecting the expenses of grading nod pacing of fits
streets and alley . s of the City of Allegheny, d ! an for ".
^l4z.°l.W.7;:,,Ltrelftahnefo?l'llign7.fe M at ' i n g l i7 i ' l-
tilm with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be an I
tile woe 'wherey repealed.
Ordained and enacted Into a Ivor thia, the Ztlt day
of May, Acme Doming, one thousand eight hen-
drol and sixty-11x.
a ti4tezrtttcxw th7g.ka select
PteelSe• 8 N .
- - of% Deo.won Corumo.Ecor".
e . 0e
eel,. anal.
T.,& J. T. lITANCE,
Illerchint Tailors and Clothiers.
14ve Removed to the-New Building%
No. 1943 Liberty Street.
Owing in . the lateness of their purchaus for the
SERINO TRADE (the senior partner being now In
the East) they are prepared to exhibit goods for the
TIONEI that goods have yet reached.
They ave, ond <Weigh to keep,
OWN MANUFACTURE,and EQUAL In all respects
to CUSTOM WORE. mhareawd2mTE
To Ix had at
saßana • s,
Nos. gig and 30 Ohlo titreet, Allegheny
Opposite Seventh Street,
u 1 723:b1:2 . ,:111,R,P
&XI bash. Peaeb Blow Potatoes,
Wu bins. d o do do
alu Pine Apples t
91 boxes mime Lemons ;
100 boxes W. It. Cheese:
dosen Canned Tomatoes;
1 second-hand Wagon;
SWpound* Bacon Mei,
Bemired and for sale by
380 Liberty street.
FOR bALE-4 ear losuls Pointe., seeks and bbl.
SO box. Messina Oranges;
110 YO
C d ocoa Sl ats; Lemons ;
1000 Pine Apples ;
ba •
buyels Eno;
SD do N bate Limo;
BO dozen assorted Csaue4 Profs;
Sorghum, Batter Lard, de.
W . 4. erital. a BMX
/So. 138 Third Birch,
__ IN STORE anittoarrive:
6.c00 bush. sturl,:rtlxpr.bue Minnesota Club Who
1.5 m do Rye, to a;iive: j•''•
1,030 41.. prime libelled Corm luriti
LoOS do do Club Wheat,
rortledgy IldloTOVWll7itilgßYS'it.
tIFFICE STAIII.B. 4 • 49 •• lb"lr m.
POR SALX-45figh
NOBti 00 acres. oft-eseel
oer Land In Jedfirsod C0,i,16, , is otter-
NI at the low price et et,per altelk,Ltege block, at
Building Lots to the Nana Waal: 0 1:1 14 .1telttaChn.-
ex Depot., Just Shal* s, tor a largtkatatatuttirLug
„uot•thmeut, by . streets add. alley; •
0 . 1 4 13 41g1itt . 0 . t oarak:
In the Eighth
Plt to B. stai.4ll , l & 'cu.,•zu roulrthstra.°-
600 -Obis .select brands Winter and Bortng
3 ears 1111•14fe;
do White Wheat;
earsitye—to arrive:
3 can choice Peach Blow Po
Far sale by • E, Nhlt 31U4LJh BON.
mill No. 79 D4330/33. radeahirny.
100 BB L& MICHIGAN CIDER; 80:11:1b1s. Pesch Blow rots
USI do Ilia:six pilbls flour;
eau bushels Vats:
LSI store and for We by_
own bi0..78 Federal street,-Allselell7.
;3•ll::pfajrategletbrjrt,e,ll3.t acw ar,BTxl4varl..4 rebel 74
from Ctucingatland Ibt male by Um 'tluerce ‘l7
gle Am, AS la* YAWL* . ely.nlhant, of . .
- 0 A. ,ll . l atraßil. .14
arit Conalr of Liberty sitf;lisfid most, 4.
...,` <.
SI 5