d Ei 12 En =2121 1 3 13. 311:ERr1^Z, '• .11anker a::L1 'Broker, 1 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All 4.lescrlptAone of Government llontlB bongta. and sold on liberal terms. London and Continental Exclukogo add at New York rates. Gold. Sliver and Coupons bought st highest rates, and tbslS Drab' issued on New York. FINANCE AND TRADE. TUZSDAT, May 29, 18134. Gold opened at 4e114 in Wua York todny• and ream to 1135),i, caused, nei doubt, by the heavy erport deniamil. Mr. P. R. Mertzis New To:irk (intentions to-tiny were as follOws Mb &l'o, h&li•ile 10'2.M", 10-10's, SG; 7.tge, llennehoff oil, Pithede Creek, United state*, 111.4 Gregetry, , gold, Our local money market is working easier fen those whose credit hi inng standing: other. Wise,lenders aro careful. Bank stock, are in. geared for but at lower rides. For Insurance stocks, there seems to be no demand u hat, direr, and it seem, impossible, almost, to foree exiles. oil ',h arm , very dull. and with the ex ception of Columbia.are seldom mentioned. Since Government bonds have advanced And London Facile:me is easier, for vo day halls, there seems to be no other ground for ,the advance In gold to-day than n minutest lion of speculate., who bought pretty largely last week at from IT: to 13e, hoping to run it .psaMcluntly to enable them to sell out nt prinit. The demand (or gold is coreparat . Vvely light, and there is a greater diapostalon fettled on the part of those who belt it during and showed distrust in our government securities, to sell. There are large (tams of money, ready now to invest in 740 bonds, but the present :sites are evidently not tempting enough to make capitalists invest in them, yet the ease In the money market, at the money centres, may Stimulate the price still more. 'tailcoat, stocks arc entirely too much iii• fluted for anybody but members of the New York cliques to venture In. The "corner' in Cleveland it Pittsburgh seems to have been broken. Considerable money was rent 'zed by Pittshorghera who held this stock. Port Mayne Is also higher, brit the stork is too largo a "bulk" to be engineered with such ease as rho Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Thu advance le milling and oil stocks in New 'York teas lost again to-day, Movemettaefteet way in tbeoe stocks ore of short duretton. It takes but a small capital now to buy up large quantities of this place of. stocks, nod 11mm,, who arc able to bold, and conduct their open a tions on thus/mu principle they - tut.] set other business, will, no doubtt, ultnnutoly realize their most sanguine ealleCtat lons. —lt will be remembered that there was an evening exchange at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York about a year azo, which we- forced to suspend operations by the force oh puldle opinion IL now seen.; to he reviving, although the tintnitcllons aro Matto 5.,/, roe, as the following from the Wend, of ' , ride), Latinate.? Oar reporter last evening noticed a large crowd around the message board or the Col .-Led States Telefr spit Company, and app, each lag to ace what thereto attracted them, be held a. carefully quoted stock list with "soil" aral"held," rates "op to 74 p. m." tat le ing sharp visaged mascullues roamed amend. andconselous of the irregular character 0: . their proceedings, they conversed in tones whieb, - liko the curses of the Mande, were "not bond, but deep," while at mtervald long little books were whipped Oat of interior pockets. and rapid pencils transcribed "10 Olt to ire. • tral at::;" "S Erie- tZgt New York Cen tral, StIW . or slo,too American gold, Sp a ." The entry Made, clap went the books, end the surreptitious speculators relapsed into mem Glace and idleness. All this was done more by sighs than words,. and proves that'"if s mot's as goOd etre wink to a blind horse," Is, is a whispered Inquiry and silent eye response as good to a night speculator, as the VOct ter- Ous yellings and counter bids to a legitimate day.breker. Without questioning either the lealtimancv or reverse quality of these very quiet and mit of time sales, it is but fitting to chronlele and cell attention to the revival of the - Evening Exchange." —The NeElbeny Oil Company has declared a dirldent of twelver cent on its capital clock of two hundred thousand Oellrrs, and the rtm her 011 Company (Mlle° In New 'York) has do . tiered a dividend of five per cent. • —lt seems (says the Philadelphia Ledger). Mike recent panic in England were a judg ment upon the ruling classes of that count ry who have each nnfricrelly feelings toward. the United Stalks. For too past Ave years the London joarnala, with but few exception, - basis been predlciing a financial codersc in this country, and laying the scene at New York. Day atter day they stave thought the r detected the lurest symptoms, and so told th.er readers, and at length the panic ei.ein—tr N • not at ew York, where their 1101 s, want, - have placed it, but I.t their own door-,o don, sweeping like wildfire through tee gnat • metropolis - and dethroning the money to on all aldtvi. It seems that this and the tarn • • that.' - Dr the faze of the great disaster ameri can securities exhibited such wonderful stead iness, were Intended as a lessee to those a lie :have ao long wished evil to the United State, —The Ilerehatita' National Dank of Classy o has instituted Suit ugainst It. 11 atettings Bad - ger; Alpbeua C. Dadiow, and Cietavlos F. It ol ger. to reooree -- damages labi at 6•15,0o0, in a • . Vas of trespase on the rises This matter. a till which-the financial public are acquainted, it seems Is to be settled by the CourtaE. 11. Bail - ter Las. slao been indiutod for obtaining • money under false pretenses. —The Novi York Tribune, of May Pith, says : .Tbe • proposition of the Treasury Depart -Meet. to estabilati , t Sorting Bureau , ' forlcit- Alootdbank notes attracts considerable attain . - Mon,' and its effect upon the money market is diIICUII6E4I. If It lb intended to make a general • demand upon banks, which In the opinion to -.. the Secretary ban too ranch Mrs-Math:et, but . one result can follow, arid that a contraction of eireulation,wlth wide-spread Ityoldatloo and a good deal of coutmercialtilistreatt The R i g u o a l e gia tenders loes am ill ' a r' t th ' e c ' b m P o re" u r rin y thing like counter 'redemption 14 -thiblatt;il upon, many National hanks will be forced t o Wind rip and sell their government stock, AS sailing iny large amount of Five Twenties 13 the last thing tae Secretary desires to bring .- about:whitish!, liveper cent tending Belielllo to • in abeyance, little fear need be entertamed of stny vigorous sorting of currency and rodemp. [Main greenbacks. There la xi good deal of 'conservative talk and rumor from e Dr .partAment, but its whole action is la the line 'lon at espanslon, with small pros ct to change before the meeting of Congress. , .Mew York Stock stud Money Mar • et. •_Saw Yong,. May 20..—The Post's mono art 1.• ' — cle say", the dtoek Exchange are the h rm.- in g case in the money market, and the • etit . i. • ty in all dfocriptions of government .• •ut I - tabs, for which there's an increasing debt:dui from investors, savings banks and monlrn • in slitations.' The loan market is easy, and both the disposition and the ability to lend Art.^ much' increasing th at meter rates prevail. ••The cement rate Ls f 1 .16 pc r cenL, but 6 , anc r ptcd certain cases.' The "Meg market is dell btit steady. Gov ernments are be ttor , espeeltilly the 7-300 slid the 6s of _lB4l. "Itallroad shares are without ••• much change in prices, but the tram :talons art heavy. • Erie is lets affected by the eons..- , Lien rumors of the bears, relative to Its Minn- Mal condition, and the price has fluctuate,' . from 60 tell, before the rind re.,,rniare•es,,lou. Mich an CentraFwas.,quoted at 97; Erb., ar ran. Michigan Southern of land an ' Plttsbnrgb, at 9144.— • • After the flottx&New Tock•eirritral was !ion. • tea 93;14; Eria,_Wl'iMilliigan &lantern, Cleveland and•Pittsburgli,•9s34; Nora h Wet;- ern; 10 1 ,11; North Western - preferred, 36 , 4; for' Wayne,s6,...;-'olflo and idlsairolpin Bertlfiente.,„ f, Cumberland, 4514. ••' Later—Erie sold at 60y,. Foreign Exchange - Is quiet; bills at sixty days en London ay.; ti , krited tit. 106%6109%, and for oommerclut, • '01.109,41 for Iran kenPdo ut short slght,3 Pal el I; for short sight bills there Ls an nal" , anuttuffl., • • ' The money market is (inlet, at 667 per lt. Sterling' quiet at B 1 10,461(0 , ,1.. Gold Is wlth o6t decided ctiunge, °Robing 5t.15114, advancing to 136 , f,, and closing at Government stocks more active: and is bet ter. Freights to Liverpool moderuccir waive ,aod, without material change In eaten. StOcks dower. "Geld 33744. Pittsburgh, FL Waynmand Cideafifa.ani-Chicago and Beek 0,13„•; Chicago -17Orthwestern,?.0: men:Arca. 5141;1111.nols - Codtral, 1,19; 3110 Igen Cent9d, 3M 1 ,41' Beading, PO; Hudson, 11317; Erie, ••f: do. „preferrnd, 67 , 4; 'Bow York Central, • ";%; ' Cleveland and 'llttaburnh, in 1,4 4. Western , , ion Telegraph t Company. t 1114; Treasury 1-7 O " Series la 3 ; do. 3tl 110, 1 4; blissouri 75 77; h ie ' • and Anoka ppl , eertilleates, 2SK. At the." O'elock cull, the following were a: 7,ffincipul Sales: Quicksilver, Mli; Marlkan ....Prefe37 o dt '094' . ; Western Union "Telog poi . • COmpsay, New Ink Control. 9754; Ilne, ' ""313,1; Beading, 106 g; rdichigau byuthern, 71.?",; Anekhdand, 90;„. Dispatches. from Loudon represent Cat there was some doubt "boot the resat:intl.° of 8k MeTtOn Fein's 31ankIng Roane. 'rhos •• dtdol Parthdr.That the dlllicultie4 Of the concern had been greater than was generally sop- The Mairket -for Petroleum and Milling 0U0 . 6.41 Wag +lull fond lower this afternoon. • trolcum stocks; Bent:choir Ohm S' 10, Electla OU, 'S 5, I,M; lis.celstor, 7 2 ; Central, 2,6 0 ," Malted SLAths, b 3,14,3ra Now York' and „,40- 1 e6 888 7,3.115; Pithole 83, VG. Min ifur • 'atoeksf , tentolldated Greg Gold. 8 3 , 4 .7: DoWneVille, 40; Baru= Gold, ail Gob Oold,tOaS,3llll.lk.and Parmiee, b,30, WO. • . Bev , York Market. • Slaw Toni t.tdai V.—Craton quiet at 12c (.r toddling; Ba l s a Or 111 Imek, 340 t) baler celptt at all - POrta 1 11:1 bides; esporte baler .12,a10 bales; stock doo 23,70 e. Flour dull eUil seenteen grades 1012 lewer;lcs,h)Gil,7s fur Exilr•a - state; 1 0,40ge,.9) for common to good sh Soule sr 1=43 eXIU'u round .110.11 01110,sad 4 _1;1•406 bralldr i ClOil i li.attg 1 , 1%; . 74 hisl fySo i r Orin k i it w afll . l% L. ; p_ntntiaaw I,:delivered, and Sae w I - , ;Barley and Barley Mult Jun, even ~ o lssentallrila; but closed heavy and 17/Wito for damaged flaw tinned weets•lo ; !Seto: Sound de.,elosinfreau andall iSedsse ser .sresterii yellow; eteuh.O!tu ler .Old :taxed:wet ern In store and delivered USW: Oats Ilea • I and 115 . lower; Wes western SettSisco; 0 very scarce :suet notalual. Petroleums 111111 i. fi(l47 , ,ic fur crude, and 41;/12„.4e for refined " loud, , -- Fork. opened Eller; 'Put shooed ben anti iltorypitifiat am,l3criO,S7; noir mess closed • at 136.70; fur old do., and $211k2430 slorprlete; also 5,210 tilde. new mess . for Juni}, Ailatiat and, Sept unner,selier anti hug -harts-00nm. at*90,14%1120,75: Beef steady at pre :=ll phone. Beet_llaina Erin at Slidsoo. n Valet; eat meets, 1•13467• Wen for should -2ers;10101.1,Nel18,0 Syr minis. £5OO firmer at `mite—W; small Sala , at St!No- Salter 'dull and heavy at nhttn/o for Ohld, and : 21011 0 foriStaid. dull at 81010 c; • • / 7•144. 4 ' • errrenu ROB 11W111;Vn; Osonox or TRII P1TT611171418 GAL err., UEBDET. May 2 . 3, IbGC, The produce markets , wets reit arkably quiet to-day, the demand for the leading com modities being very much reotrlcted, while prices appear to halie undergone no quotable change. The weather containos very favor able for the - growing crops, and already the recent genial showers appear to bare stilled t__ l 4 ol lPeeldatlre feeling th breadstutis hick wasjust beginning to Show ittelt, and ,he gQene rge rn a l nr , GRAlN—There was not a single transaction ta Wheat Molay that we could learn of. I.loh rmay he fairly 'lootedat $2,11a.1.,•fft, an to .tal tty tarn Is Mtn with a Mir dentand at 5' to td on track Salen of than at t„la, 1,, 6,1 from .411 , 1 c. hye Is 41111 quoted at . movera,el,l In Marley. FIASIAL--Is quiet ninth unehattmst. sale. at tple,ao to for spring . Wheat, tI i,:ot . for half Spring anti half Winter; tool 11 . 2 G , alit 101 all W tater. sale of ts. tads ',Kota at 411. Rye Flour Insetting at 4..,,:Awee.;:.. 1 - 1111VIsIONs—havon. uttelutaged far ehoultler, 17 tor Ittlaatcl sales: . 1..1 Plant sugar Cured Hams. IMO . 2.3 for Van vtwteil te. L.sr.l to selling at to 'll for roost ' try, a wad tar oily 410. lint little inquiry for Mess Pork. rt./TA TOEs---Tho alumatol oontlnues loth, unit. the market is WI Wt. un.la lit ti ,• butuerbrosged. ' , ales ITOIII store at to SI,X, lie? hunk. loot 43,45 to $3,6.1 per 1,41. as to quallt7. 111"TTLIt—Tho demand is ratio, better, but there Is 110 Itoprovuntent to valves, and ue cont.:me to quote at to 26, for UOIIIIIIOI/ to prime Moll. Llk.h.--Steady and In good demand, and fresh packed sell readily et ggikkezl. DRIED FlMlT—Sales of new crop York State Apples at per pound. Peaches may he quoted at IX/ to .2.5, for quarters and hal VV.N. EE,E—la coulmg In pretty frtel, and Western Iteserve IS welling at It. to It. 11..1.1 —Sale• at to►4l per ton. SORG/lUM—Is dull; snles of prime at s:stplk/. oELDo—Flaxsetsl to In WallitOli at, i 1,16. 1101111XY--SEIIIIii sales at 1111.—tisles of No. 1 Lan] at .I,srslit 1" 2, g nototl at 42,40, on track. PIITSIIIIRGH IrETICILMA6IU DI MA NIA ET V►►lol PISTBIIOIIOII 14 ALM 4 ,II. Tl:W111/11 - , Nl/13 . 119, 1,166. There is no Improvement to note In the de mand for Credo, and the market continues dull and weak, though prices rrntalu nomin ally naeliang,ed at 11, fails returned, and Ip, blila Included. Sale of )73 bids, on the spot, at it: and WOO, to arrive, at il, The demand for shipment seems to nave snlainted almost en tirely, and as our refiners scent to be pretty well suppled, they, too, are buying very spar ingly. It Is true, the receipoi have, and still are, very meagre, but the supply, It is very meagre, is 80111SiVilla in ex ecs, of .lidnumlottt those who are so ontortu mte us to have the article on hand, find It very dldieult to dispose of at market price. REFINE:D.—There bias not beer, it single transaction in bonded oil to-.lu . that we could idiot - of, and the market Is ull and weak, though prices are uom,unliy unchanged. Phlladripam th.dveritt4 way I.t, quoted at 41': ;or J atm; 14 for July; tor August; 4ild 1 , 1'; for September. Sales yesterday at the for sNitember, free on board ears. here: and !I tor October. - Free nil. also, is very quiet nail dull, and there arc no establishul quota tions. \AYTIIA ANI ILESIDCUM —There t. Koa: Mlle Inquiry for Ite.itluum, and %% u 0,1,1,0o :111y hear of some small onles at #3 to 3:;,:2-5 per finfitha I. utterly neglected, as w tOt.lw are of to single sale having been effected for /tooth, Alt Kt ALS--eapt Wllklna wan again the lucky raceiolunt of an arrival 01 oil 10- •la 3 barrel., and Mawbuiney Bro. re ....dyed 17., making a total of igla barrel, for the twcnty.four bourn ending Illts afternoon. ALLEGHENI CATTLE KAREL:T. °refer. oir -rue Prrrnurrnon ttitzarrx, Tempos - . May { CATTLE—The supply of cattle on .ale this week was fully up, if not a little In excess of the usual average for some time past, but with a perceptible haprovement in the dm an compared with last week. the mar. Itet was active, though prices ruled a shade lower. 'the bather\ generally spealung, bought more finely than last week, and sev eral droves were taken tor shipment, and a blle there was apparently a much better feeling manifested, we reel satiated I n saying that the protlta realised by drovers were very hood fat retelling cattle told at from to gross—souse: extra at com mon to medium gradestmay be fairly. uoted at 6 1 e; to Ty. There is a thsposttleu .ruin ifestetl in cerium quajter, to and fault w ith tor the present high prices of cattle. This 1. simply absurd—the sheerest nonsence. N., nne dr/pre-macs extreme pricer for cattle more than drovers, and, In many eases, none surfer inure therefrom than they de. It is it well known fact that they arc often compelled to sell cattle for less mdse} here than they pay for them in Chicago and other point, lu the far wad- /tans losing east of transportation, feed Mita, lime, etc. etc. ,- • . r•lthlt.".l . AND 1-111116—There won again a very fair supply Mabee!" on axle thin talk, and watt only a moderate demmul—rest 00..1 .dmnet entirely to supplynng the trains et the pea/ tnua.,—t he market ruled a little dall.ami eon, 15+ e• 1 1.1 ilea a eet.l r•e• are a .1132.1 e 14A, er. ,We quote 1111111Cli .teeny at 4 I c•. 11 Anti 410011,i I/a),o1,1 at from flttii or #.4 per head. liUGs—i Inert is next to nothing ]lolug an this ehiSS of titOek at these yardA, as our peo ple seem , to have n.:larded fresh pork nor the Orel:rent and tAlictli to eating mut ton, n 1,11 , 11 t. regard.] an being fatten more healthful at thin season of the year. In a retail way, a aunll number obangeal hands at I/ to 10., grteis, for fair to good ifiVerages. nat.. 0 pill E.CP. Emorlok & Co. lo Pot. r Testi is/ head clipped. aeoragnig 07 Ilia, at :I; kitueriek k-Co. retailed .si head-at 4 to McCracken 1. , ll ee. limit, averaging ti-1 Ilia, at Sc. itynil, tiaririn and Jones retai l all stitutchliti head V AL 4to se. Mitchell cold erner & Co. iie head of good 'wooled sheep et tie, gross, but sal* stigueutly the seller gave the buyer a pintail sun. for to be released from the bargain. At:PORTED SALES 07 CATTLE. Haziewood, Reis & Dolan to Warns & ('n. 72 bead of prime western steers, avenging 1210, at 14,60. irtiruarn sold Ilaslewood, gets & C 0.19 head of efimmOrdsh cattle at 7,3).--uon- Aidered about Sic per cwt more than they wen; worth. Emerick & Co. sold Warns & Co. .0 head of very good Mato matte at La, crick & Co. to hbamberg Li head, averaging 1150, at 7 4 4. Emil} & Fowler to Bellstain tl head of extra cattle, averaging late, at 19. Crouse, Merrick & Co. to Marks 0 Traumata 49 bead of extra Illinois steers at b 3.".. d Co. re tailed tat head at I to 8'.4. 14. Carr retailed head for Tantom al.'e.V.rbitss. Ilarttnart 19 bead st Jas. Martin hi Maul at 75,0Seyi. Mer rick & Rood 152 head at tiNCin'4; lireenwalti & Kahn at bead at Id s y; llyurs & Needy TT head at 7(03t.A. ltothebilds & Eckert 49 head at 7to ttt. , s. Marks & Trautman GO heat at 714 titu_v; a. Lafferty 95 head at Stk,itstz.i. Crouse llama n 1 bead at E=:=l New Yoze, May . M.—The current prices for the week at all the markets, are an Milo Cattle, let quality, per bead, .1m,00,g; POO; Fair to Good, $16,e0a18,00, Common, SIA,- 00416,00, and Inferior, $14,e0615,0 0 , Cows and Calves—Extra per head, Vr,...ti; First Quality $754 , 814 Ordinary, ek5f1,731 com mon, S *oo;lnferior, 04040. Veal—t irst Quality per pound, IleLle; or dinary, 104,11 e; Common; 6929; Inferior, Trtse. Sheen and Lambs—Extra per beau, tcroo; Prime Quality Sfax; Ordinary, $3,5t45,50; s.:Cm2Mon. 005,40. Swine heavy; corn-fed per uound, 111 @io~j s c, light and medium, le(Slo%e. The market (or Beef tattle bus been alto gether firmer this morning, and prices ruled fiicesl,&/ per bead higher. The advance tees merely the result of short markets, the epee ataton having odained the control of nearly all the supplies en route, thus obtaining com plete control of the market. The hulk of the offerings soil at 1,15'4617.4, only a few selling at the inside mice. • Vents were in good demand and higher. Sheep and lambs were In moderate demand, Mil prices somewhat lower. Bogs In moderate demand at. our ouotlM no tots/ receipts at all the stock Duds for this ...cock wore as follows: flee yes 5,0/9; Cow s, s4i Veal Calves, 1,875; Bheep and Litrobs, 13,U53; wine, 11,015. Detroit Lake Etrb Market DrTIIOI . r, Slay 26. —The prospects of the fish orinen are growing better, but the tradescorns to be Improving at a still greater rate, espe cially fOr white, which seal= to keep down the stocks. There aro nO large acentradations above, and only light stocks here. As there is id) prospect of a decline in either mackerel or pork, It le fair to presume that the di Wand (or oitr lake fish will continue active at pay ing rates. At present prices they are cheaper than ullDOst any other article or food, while a /urgo close of consumers prefer them to any thing Ow, anti are thus afforded is luxury at a rust epttespontling to that of one of the ne ctsentrlMiox life. • Theiastardes wore :MO packages trout at IV; 101herrin at a 3,75; and 300 white at fq,:3. The demand fu g r white is better than for trout, but broth are improving. The number of packages received for the week is about 1130 e. IMPORTS BI RAILROAD. llTTsstrase, roar WAIROI A CHIOIIIO It. It. Buy Z.-17 bales cotton, liennetly, Childs A co; 51,1 n eggs, Muir & Woods; ),Z Oct. buckwheat, C II Leech; I our metal, J Kncal .0 Sons; I cur potatoes li L !burs & co; I ear barley, J Rhodes. 1 car potatoes I. 11 Volgt Ir. co; IP) 101. ifirkpatnek A Herron; 100 do do, II It lov.l & co; 100 hbls bighwlnes, Lambert, Ship. ton & co; I car unlaced, J Glenn; .2 do do, Boil uttei t urt, bbls lmeon, Little, Baird & Pat. , too; 11.0111 , 1 s flour, T C Jenkins; 127 do do, Oho ) maker A Lung; I err staves, Guthrie & VIII; 2 dodo, II Langnern; 19 bgs) unllfecd. A .1 Ragan IS bids eggs, 1. Volgt co; tat sks potatoes, 14 sks & Woods,' idol tobacco, .1 M Muriland; 110 bids potatotw, Stevens & co: 0 ears wheal, Liggett A co. Ctwer.J.san AND l'errlsneiton 11A11./to.J. May ).9.4-24 sks burley, W Beek & eo; 42 sacks wheat, Illlcheock, McCreary & co; 3 butes wool, S Liarbaugb & co; 10 bAa cheese, 11 Rid dfe.lo ilo 110, L U TWO, A co; 12 tails chairs, Ilatunier & Lanier; I cur corn, Mebane & An- Jet; 1 do do, Dun Wallace; 142 Obis dour, maker it Lang; 3 curs wheat, J S Liggett it 00; tr 4 bbla are clay, J B Lyon; l9do dot A Evans; 110 bids potatoes, E HensleLon; begs do, pkgs sundries, Tolgt & co; / car metal, Bryan & Caughey; 2do .10, Ntrulek & co; 63 Ohl., 195 sks potatoes, /'otter, &Ikon A Shepard; 70 bbls do, 11 lien ,r;'.)3o do do, II Riddle; 33 klub) ba con, 1: SeJlexatt co. Prresnuncu. Cot omens Aso CtuorasAex U. It May t 9.-1 car turn. M Steel a Son; ado do, D w.dlace; tel bdts paper, Pitts Paper Co; 4 bid*. %au,. W Hanlon; 2 pkgu meat, Graff a Rol. er; ti Mlle hocu,Jan ktcllutclietult7 pkgs .100 Sidanc;37 utecl Anderuon, Cook A 0012 bele lard. T C Jeuktne,l bbla bacon, liar. .per lecanor; 41 aka bedew, Sturgeon A Bro; lli Webs cake, E Schalk; 1 car pOtatoeu,GUtuorc, eltupsOn a cu. ALLEVEISNT STATION, Mnyr 19.-110 bbls pots. tees. Owens A Kennedy; bildstobacc .., ki Gleason; 1 bade, ILE J H kits lard. StewartA cots bble whiSky. B ARalineelocs au etio wine, W Baum; b cue bekall butter, - 1 - Osrisego Market Otra - zoo Mny t.l.—Flour active, at 410,25 for • - ------- ---- 7 - 7 -- 7 ----- No. I Spring, 412,50 for Red Winter, nail $15,u0 PEOPLES' • for Double Extra. Whilst quiet; No.: Chicago ..a, Spring. SI,IS; No. I MilWaukee Club held at trAlO. Corn quiet'. Freights—Flour, Jae; wheat, LINTE OF STEADIERS, titre; corn,Se—to Nee York. Lake Imports— Flour, htti blils• wheat, 4.500 latetti corn, 1hi,551 I 1:Y0)1[1'011AT gii. i bush; peas, 2,0110 bush. I anal Exports—Flour, ' 1,7J0 bbls; wheat, 23.:nie bush. ! Pitt•burgh. v il i tio a no . ::&a:,..ela c ‘ F a i . ty, Drosraa- Pit. lioiala Market. ' Tills t otnpany will run a daily Inert between th• Sr. ',Orig. May 29.—Flottr steady anti no- above points. eumpro.en of the ng w etn-1 hplentll , l chnutre,i„ %%Aleut eardet . No. I 1:1111,, i 111,7541,7-; stile-wlwel steamers , 111 F-FT A IN. R. It. , ,L ea as Fair Fall, eLung - 2,15. Pr,.“., Icl , ii ryi., , r I ~rtt root mantle, at2li r E , ... , E ., t . :' , l; r titt, n rit!.. , ll , T , Pio %Lie., tare centg It 1g her, at til'hi'i,e. "at. ttritlol, RI -0..... T ,,y ? a , : F . e 2 . ,!_ n_,_.!., L . 2... ... 7 . ,y , a i5 ,. ,. ..:!1; , •, 1344'''' Turk "th . "-"' . " ' .-",'"'' "'".."-- '" Yta " :!td, , ltA7n r iitliTea . . ", 'l'.'l.l.i:urur-i, 47inlialn ' tis Clear aisles aoianee•l to lia oclti'.,e, •-hattaier,. 0” T u I/A V,. Tlll Rblra Yu anti riATl'llltr. I'S 14e, 11 Lasky strong, at ie2.:U at 6 g a. Returning , lam. ti roe V s for t•lttobursh -....- aa. 415 N 1,0 YS, 'W k.I , NE , ItaYS and Flilltli 13, Nee Orleana Market. at 9 a. M. mod itrown , vlll , ..t 11. at. it,. ~,,a ny ~. 111 have a tir,t, Ns harf Bow. N .i , ''..•,,,,,'..• M.)" ~.. -.o ''' ,.. e ''' ' ' S ''' ''''' at nonamhela City and 1'1.1 , 10/rah. Freight re halo- ot :to., intddltng 4011 i at 3 , 037, till . ~,„ , ~, u ~,,,,,,,. N., ,•b a r ge f,,,,,,,,,„1„„,„„ 0 „ loc. To-41a) ', i e...,..titt, 177, linlen. 1 . 11, i oceipl, E,, i rio freight. 4F\ for r, to r ,l a y s ~,,,, 21., i n .l e ,. 11..gai/list '2,91 , Tel 11n, ',III not TOD boat, on the Sabbath. , 104•1.., 117,1/11 hales, 1,1.1,, 9,:..11 Intlog. Bank FL , ~,b .., tiwil , osr. ,- taaor‘. a , . board , or to ..t o , t.,,,, 1.7,10 . 1,i,it, N o n ) ,”I„ ~,.)",,,,,.. ~,, .i• It N r. i ....ir,,l‘t.il SiA. Agent, al the Wharf 11 , •at, an . ne t.rant ntreet. ruh10:11mol 10, ntail, . _ . To g Aio.y dll. Wheat null \Vitae 311elllion, New firm, anti I'l. I 31tled ut tko ,r; No I White, ell,pw i.tl int. II).- n•-3i 7.k . llu NO. I. lake Freiglits null aotl nominal. BI . FY May• trio r lour null Wheat quiet. GOl . ll t11,1% - ) it.: i a not driatintoit sales No. 1 Toletlit'nixed at itttt,it Oats, din o,,gn No. I held at Pe. Ittwitty, itdles t h. sago at 45; Canadian, t 1,0(. It) 1.1 unnit nal Pork kid 14,11 itZ' a. I=l a - .MII rk May 'l . l , —Floor at 41. t ,, r exta,. M ..it lower, at $1,774.1,7•• for No. 1. (a l it. Ilrm. for No. I. ( ern firm, at ;1.. I IteectieLs-1,7110 wheal. iomaa las oatx. Slllpsllentg.—..%lo fimar,..43, 0 0 0 110 W RIVER NEWS The river rose at few inehear again Oaring Monday night and yestertlax , but lust ravening It war,. apparently al a stanal, w ith three feet In thu channel, by Lilo tom kr. Thus tar, the 914,1 n 1A hilt or Lb. AlollotlgtLiMill. 1. Illy Alle gheny 119 ) . 1 1 1 hot. not been affected to antex tent. it is thought that there has laeun slight rh.e alnrve, out we are of the ..p11114.11 Ghat 1111111321 Were i.II V. 11111 amount to clinch 1 lie weat more her yesteralay nun Cloudy' oAarl unsettled, with 01,11411111111 Nll4lWl . a, of rein. The Len I Lent i arrived and cleared for Park ersburc,as did ahniohe Fayette and Videftan, from Itrownsville. Forest City la doe here from rarkemburg tills morning, suit will leave again at noon The Argonaut nod Glasgow are still recety tog frvlght, for St. Louts, and w 11l leave on the ling rise. The f...nutellth 1t I> thought. will 40011 COlll - loading fur Cincinnati. The Citizen arrived at st. bottle, on Sunday last, and the Nightlitioile trio+ advertised 1,, leave there for filiteiiiirgh on Moniltty. The latter boat will iloolitiess re-islilis her Pitt.- burgh freight .It Cincinnati. The A rtuenlit and Nate Robinson were All - to leave llneinitsitt for Pittsburgh on Monday. Thu Ckaramcrewi, al ll la) say s The R. R. Hudson only reports thirt vdtuee in 8111.1111erh11,41.i. Met 1-.111,11ft ! , ;o. :t of Buil Creel, nail Ilota: Moore at the toot 01 Menne: hassett. The llutl.on r , ....,1111.3 her ct. Louis freight on the Nen 1 - oak. The Havana wail hate report pass ing the Anna atttoutal on Lilting non bat yes terday. title aid' lighten oil, however They toirtiOart liu arrived from burgh t (ori),lßhl holt, .1 6. Liao...our will load the Imperial and law. - tiorzra firm for St Limit ant st.. Paul diroot. soy.. Our friend 11,Irrsartl Hart, no 111,1 Of the Until nierclal, Clue cued to appear before the proper ant Onnties, yest er day In answer to the shut ge of refusing arreozurriordallon no los boat, In the shape of a stateroom, to a nein,, on her h i ts trip from Dovall's hint( Is this pore , •. The ddruar.res are lard at four thousand dollars. .Ittorney for tin• prosecution, W. 11, itorgun, OIL WORKS. WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING ID 0 21.2:10."-/Vir , OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. I..HN WATT, Preal.leuc. HENRI' M. LONG. Cae•) awl Treu'e WORKS IN TEMPERANCE'S' ILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne ti ay, =1 MANUFACTURE-1:J 0/ PUKE %HITS iEr.u-i_vx_riNec;,-- Brand—" Lucifer." This Oil canno 1.. 4. accile.l for bum." proper - Ht.., cot., ur :..I In put up au bar.. ruin. dultalve fur 1141111.1 L:ml... or !.']llan. NH, - ..•i I. I /T1.11.. - It•Uu .1.x1.0 11 •I t, Ituuort C Horror, I . 1...ai. , ....11. H. H. Colllun. J. W. Vorter. Hob, Wo.II sc... ;1. 11. • . I •f n•:I. BONDED IWAREBOUSE PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, root of Baltic and Barrloon Plirreto, Brooklyn, N. y, Storage for Refined Petroleum. " .9 1 4 -'* (f111::, 4 1.%717 1 1;id - VialiTtiiT. New Yort 0c3.17 SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We ve econetracttng, •od wU keep an baud pertor etyle of COMIC. 7EINC3I-3LN131115i IFITH lITBE A IMION Oft TOBILig BOILLA, to laavni.leL.,a,:rtg:,..net+collgereviftrarinrs.thpAl 'YjA2lllMil"rMirfill,L a. Ci J.11.31E11 IWILKINS, 11110EXR AIM DL II nll CRUDE AND RfFINED 0112, 6hoas, Duquonske W.Y, Mesh (t1.17,.".'„ b . 11 ; 0,0.04401 T 1141110ted. Pootollot 800 10. at 112:1, COMMERCIAL OIL WORRY. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL Constantly on band and fur sale AT THE LOWE- 4 4T DIARILET RAT E.,4 WV. UMW JAMES IRWIN At CO., NANU FA CTIIRE ILb 07 OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 0.1:111cuo.1.13 TlLlCarls.tat ISt., DRUGS AND CHEMICALS SPRING OF 1866. HEMARLUITKA, (BLOOD CURE.) Thla article Is expressly designed to purity auff restore the blood to a healthy condition, by which SCROFULA and all Diseases of the Skin are effect ually removed from the system. bold In bottles at au tents and SI asa. by SIMON JOHNSTON, ap7 Corner dscnthlleld And Ventral Streets. KEGS FRENCH ZESC, in Oil, " I:t11 1 161' Kr : LLY, 1021 Wholesale Itru gg lAL W u ... tree s, RBLS. SIFTS. TURPENTINE. Just r '" h " and for tale bIIEOILGIEA W KELI Y uy24 Whahn .. hd. , u.irsrl.t. 07 ood sCreed. CHOLERA DISARILED 1\ The Chief Cause of IN.stitenco Destroyed! TIR. E. COURTARET'S 1 , 1.1.11/S, ...ennui by Letter,. liatenk In the United blit.el and France. Vreparril eniely uy the New York Illanifeeling Company, al thrlr Laboratory. Nu, ad. .1 and 302 Henry Street. N- V V. "Sic, Cede, ritreri. This Company organfeed on a permanent itaAls, with Ite. Con etaret. the celebreteri French Chemiet, In charge of its Laboratory, Is prepared to rare lab Ito !lor,: 'ste YLUIDk for Nick room, umeric, urinals. water elute., tteaspuola, sewers, nutters. ship.. railroad, hospltam, p er and offallo.lllollooa or all kinds, alaughter-itton.s. offal awl fal-hol.ing calatelairme nm; all kinds of ma ures (fratneuselp Inert:tains the valet. or the latter Eo every (scoot t, sod sr Iterever itoleonous earlerten ,lre gases colas. Tliebe Agents an. drodertsern, antiseptics, antiputreacent, and dialtarretanta In tite aelentille meaning of Iho worns. 'I lacy morn .40 lons Ka... and odors br real i•rinciplea— ,cas lug tr places 1.'410011 rtlr; they are en nritcerlelu, well nor ...rel., rilxrc,beralx,ol poisout.e. leptrioen .11. natl. lu nelch dory arc Open. tbe as tendon or medical and aelcittine Merl Is directed to mese diaintectantos. Attached testimonials ilk raver or this great discovery, which. with ittovireds of oilmrs can be actin at the Conine n y'ss oMee. sw Coosa, A 1.1.,, !dumb ill, 18611. President tithe Aes. Yorle•Disenftetin it Co. Dear elm it is atilt le represented to lan. We halm waste loony trials of dist ntrri sit t.. hot nose conshil-r bat we Lure found th article which thrbasses all others mt • mimed,' against all bad colors. T. 119E:INTL A CO. NtW Torm_, April 9, 11914 To the President of file Neie Turk Preinfeetisto . • Dear elf: We pronounce it, without eAreptlou be the beat we have ever known. Its cocci y ' Km every matter Ilk complete and Instantaneous. tj. A. tiTe.Tellii, Astor nous e. 13.—These Disinfectants are used tit the Hi ;av engers, under the flirection 01 the Sanitss7 Pe Ile. of the Metropulltan Health Department. N. Y. VuWE.LL TiluXtraON, Cimut ST, ; Y., Dtheral and hole Agents for the United buttesnd the Cattacm, to whom all orders should be a daemcd. • • . Tor sate oy W °mu,lst, and ;Genera] Maio/ . l tba MLitt CI tltlltol and Canada&• PII 9 F •6I I=ll Battullo raarktll ma:mrrrxra = =;=MM STEAMBOATS 1866. SPRING ARRANGEMENT jdONONGAHELA RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, x...a.crizrawr ciconaaro ,- sr, Will run three daily side-wheel steamers between 1 . 11,,rgn. Monon,shrln City, 4trownssille, Hlee•s I .tn•lmg. Urt.t.n.horo, ticne, and the Dunkard Ull tea gegi,.n.. This II ne Lco mposed' of the'rollowing mers. AYE ' F CAPT. IL A. TELE6I4 t.PH CAPT. 0. lIIIOHER. FRANKLIN CAPT. Z, W, C A ItitAC UALLATIN F'AI'T. A. S. CARLILE. These pueketsPlttaburith daily at S. wil , l ht and at Sp. o • tn el , nek, nnnt Sunday. when thr departure, . . m. The through parart for the 111 Iteglnna wlll leave PIM/burgh daily at ap. m. Browunvllle daily at a. in. Ilgrunglgo—Leave. Brownsville for Pittsburgh daily ate a, m. and 6 p. It I.gavel.sollng Greensbo l r p. l and aii Geneva at 12 n'elOtal 's al Leas ea Itonougani la I Ity al l o'elook. Ino llnr moninou'il of flrst-olass aide-wheel steamers, bnill ..x.pressly for the truth, They will ; he commanded by whets. of long estivrienm, who wil Pa,' Pan Bular mien Ilan to the wants and eon, at ionthe o Loos assen dvertisedgers. Pile boats will leave promptly a Freights Received at all Hours. For further partleulsr, enquire of WILLIAM MettLIWY, Agent,. At the Whit :-Boa, foot of limn, it. littuliurgh feinamil L. coLris, Agent, lile. . R EG VIM It PA CK ET A i :W i g FOR IV II KEIANtI. btAItIICTTA AND ZANk>% 11.1. K. —The GUI, 140111.1 EWA A UHA lIA 11, 'apt. I.:. 11. ItTi'Ll... will leave rot the afoot, and all lalerme.tlate port. rvery TOILSDATI t 4 pt. In. Iteturolnx, loaves Zanervilln •every yut. DA I. at 7 am. .1. To. COL LI Nlt WOOD, Agent" SEWING MACHINES THEE BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Vronotlnevil by all ,ho hare ecr It u Ibr .tutpleat rnrblne now brfore the public. It Is*. effective auu durable- as It attnp/e. and a. yru.ttral as It l• durable. It bas but to b. aern to be admlrod. and u.... 1 to be •pprocialetl. It emu - blur, the element.. of a PERFECT PRACTICAL MACIII%E ' And In afforded at v pelt, within the range of near ly v. vr, larnlly In the land. lltv only luv/ prlcod Machin.. In the rolled Kates 111 coved us. the \VII ickl.l4ll YEEI) —the bent and only rell•Lr.e Veen ever ronatructed. EirSALE,IIES WANTED. MIZI4LIELFILIr clef XL 41:=WINTELEIN, VrIIOLESALS No. 438 N•litla lES itr c• t m y1.;a1.4 rirrstit:ittin. P. J ock -STITCH SEWING MACHINES, For Families and 'Manufacturers. After twelve years trial, It has been demonstrated that the i I rett•ITTT( . II I* the only etlte-h .attahl• or every varlet) . of Brain/. I=l THE WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM, No. 27 Fifth Street. W:11. SUMNER It CO. BOOTS, SHOES, &c TIMID AUDIT AL VF SPRING AND BUMMER I3oote•i rand Shoes. We are Receiving Daily ALL TUE LATEST STYLES Ladies', Gent' l / 4 , Hors, Miontes %oaths' and Children.' Boots, Shoos, Gaiters, Balmorals, &c., Which •e oth r at VERY LOW eRICII:3. J. A. ROBINSON & CO ., 61 Market Street. my,; LARGE ARRIVAL AT 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, 7C3E1X.19 Of ALL TIIE LATEST STYLES OF Gaiters, Skov.; and Boots, AT V EUT LOW EIEICES. CALI. & SEE THEM IMETEM M'CLINTOCK'S CHEAP SHOE STORE, ru222 92 Federal street. Allegheny. A LAHHE AND FRESH ARRIVAL or SOMMER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS daid Balmora la, Just received, and will he *old at the VERY LOW EST PIL/C ES, either Wholesale orCH Retail. GIVE US A GALL IJEFORE PURASING ELSEWHERE. J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, o. 98 Market street, 24 door from 6th st. my 19 BOOTS AND SHOES. a - .sakenEues ROSS. . 7 ra. SO Market Street, near sth' Second tufts purchaseof BOOTS AND BEIORS hprlng. We keep on hand a full workmen' of every variety of Boo[. end thous. sclectell with the utmost care for thls market. We Invite special tt tenlion to our sunk, as we believe It to be the but to the city, which we will sell at the lowest prices. Please call at No. SI Market street. llavlnr haul over thirty years eperience in the hominess, p c as annot fall to be stilted. Itementher the place, o. Market street. lapin) .1 A MP% NUN I. NEW HOOT AND SHOE STOHE, .Po. 24 St. Clair Street. A. largo and well selected Mock of LADIES', I: ENT'S an4l-(; HILDREfi 8' All tab, HAL 01t b.,(7,1'k : 1 111°4 2 . 1. GENT'S FINE CALF BOOTS AND CON GRESS ti ',ITEM at m 719 J. W. CAR a ARAN & CO.'S. 83 Market at. LADIES' FINE BALBIOELLL AND costi It ICSB ti ALTERS at mill] J. W. CARNALIAN A CO. 'B, 83 Market at. -1- ADZES' FINE KID BOOTS at 1 J. W. CAItNAJIAS & C 0.14. B 3 Martel at. I ADZES' FINE KW SLIPPERS at J. W. CASINAMAII a BS Market et. BORING T4:*UL rETUOLLI ALLCILINE WOllllll9. R. S. X.5333101C - Ii", Mi. 32 Ohio street. Alitabimrr ilanorketorar of IMPROVED BILKING TOOLS. AND TIETURII MEV IN SINNING OIL AND SALT W ELI raroratlar au Prow:ment In j entlo an Ll a ng , tld to b i, LA Plume , r oor Iron, gin i anda e A r . .l ° 4l,l,ti numbered, ay the part can be ordered ay mat, or letwzp . hyrd 0.1 a pen ecl fit at all times. a. belong, mall Dien. to Mom ea no may arlr. Loaned and machine 'lrma made wonder. 0 era by mall promUy attended to. am prepared to grant licensee to other mantilaotti turn bar these tropronallentsOn llberal tonna. Bog Calle% early P. O. dai*.ammits - • , IL It. MIDST _ • Harms. SUIIIIIIIEII.--STETRON 1101111 E, LONG BRANCH, YEW JERSEY. This new and elegant Hata will be opened for the Is e ra o rqtri: l o a r rilt u r t aliWt S itttiS i rTiol= "' nunßooms be eecured for taa. ojealiptleatiori meetd.the Astor 'House, New lora. I" t; A. TETSON. 00 thr Beth or Arml doon*til.ldent mat the Astor Noose to view tbr piatir and rate their room. A few eharre of ateeirrernalti un dis,VA.:;irt.fairbiliego4o.bper. April:as Oro VrarrY. . 4 ' . 4 4,1'11,4 1 3 MEDICAL. 111 IE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA CO.SIBLN ED WITH lodide of Lime, PRZPARILD FOR G. W. PETITS, BOUGIE, James R. Nichols IS Clo., MANUFACTURING onmanwea, 1866. I=l AnCellfe4mAoktif:lll:f3:4; WITH Proloxide 01 Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a Tonic and Restorative, = ri=2l The new preparation. —P,A.ILSA I•A RILLA IN COIIIIINATIO/I WITH lODIDE OF LIME,•• presents one ofthe most prompt alterative agents, Ina form capable of exerting full action upon the system, and tills in minute and pleasant doses. It le conceded that the alterative, resolve., or tonic effects of lodine, are exerted most decidedly when associated with other alteratives, In combination: and the danaparilla seems to Estill perfectly all the favorable requisitions. Tito first effect umally observed when ••SARSA PARILLA wrrn lODIDE OF LIME" is taken. Is an lucre...of appetite, showing that it hes ionic properties of* marked character. IM alterative:ef fects are manifest In Its ready combination with the blood and tissues. Bale. &mentions women and children Improve rapidly under Its use, and the vl funetlons assume a healthy condition. it is admire.) adapted to a large number.' chron ic or acute affections ;occultar to children. It Is suited to them, both by the mildness and efflciency of Medicinal effect and the pleasant, attractive form of this remedy. It may be given for a long period when co3nitutlonal Influences are desired, and no repugnance, or disinclination to take the syrup, encountered. In White-8..110 . g5, Hip-Jule' Dis ease. and Dlsbprtions of the Spine, It should ler giv en perststently. In moderate doses, until relief to obtained. In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather. Tito acenteniatlon of morbid matters in the system ...ems to become manifest slid very troubleaotne. Lassitude. Headache, la, Costiveness. Loss of Appetite, raha in the Joints, Indlactation, etc., an: very common. Nothing ever devised is better adapted to tie terminate or droe OS these affection. than this nrw combination of SAliltAl'A HILL". WITH lODIDE Or LIME. So preparation Mr It, or erhich opproronatr4 to it, or ow Alterative, or Blood Purifier, Ono two Won been placed enftAto the roach of tis col big. Indeed. it le an entire. y LW and atheNT.rie combination. In no respect react:tinting anything hitherto employed. The opinion of meolleal men concerning it. the dncription of It. chemical chancier, therapeutic value, manner of nat. tic., are gi fru in a circular. which can bo hod at the story any and all Orel clam tirciggiala roe eale in rittalmrgh by all Druggists. linffilearg FLEW EXTRAGT or SARSAPARILLA. Combined with 'iodide of Lime, = FLEMING'S. DRUG STORE, So. $4 Market St., littaborgh. Mr MIN: vrr FIUM'iutETM HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have moved, IN= the ramt ample expenemce an en• tire mamas, orraide, elbelent and tellable. '1 bey are the only modletass perfectly adapted to maim r —so !Waldo that Inlet Mee =ROO% be made la ust.4 them; en harmless as to be free Mom dsumrer. and to Marient m to be alsrays sellable. cos No. I cares TEMpI. Congestlous, Inksonna- I •• Wit3l3lB, Wowin reser, collo •• HYING COLIC. or TeotOlag at 141- 1141144 ........... .e 4 • DI A oi clai.iren or ohoig:.. I • DYIddiNTK/IY, •. I I d 'IP /1411 C. . .1 7 '• .1.14./1.1118. Cold. 11r00cti111......... II • • N HAIM lA, l'ootbock. race •• 111=A , 3(14., NIA Headache Itantitth U . *0 :4 b a=tidal Periods I I •• LElNNlltalltlf.A., or White 5......... •• (34.11/I_lttoarse mai •• SALT 13111LUN. Nrra n /pelas, Et ap noea It lb lIIIEVILATINII. all rheuntatlq pains 21 11 •• iNVIL ANever A 1416 Atillt, Corns and II glkairr. e tee acute or chronic, lode- WIJIMPINt/ WUUIi, apaesondie 31 NAB near ••• ISti l' ill EK Y t en t lar i el id sl , f4d , s .......... weakness •• D 11.01•111, and licaatr • .• SEA 810111110.8. 9r dances Ram tl.ll 17 •• Ward. • •• /SERVO 8 DEBILITI'. seminal tt. 111riliA‘'./..)1t0g disehaskat ) ot (Lager . , • •••• PrigOlt ROIL. W ‘, e ( ii K wltti II •• eltrtrieLVllB at Mania of Um—. 33 •• zp LEPSY.IiPmna, M. Vitus' Dan ces iv ••ulcerated .on throat Vases of IP vials, to nioroocoease and boot com plete 010 0 Case of ID large vhala, In moroceo and boot-- ed Liam of 10 large ends, plaln case and b00t...—. 5 o ease of 10 Dom* (No. 1 to II) sa i d book. . . . tt TOMliji i.Cr Corner of (earth and hlartet streets. U. L. PA.IIbIESTOCK, 00., Wood at., Wholesale Ad..nto,Plt.burigh, to. &VIVI radt ill e= -- t l reerofg Ittatnargh, attt. A t A ltgaliT )i bl E ltilleral .tram, Vial l :Vgirt Martel Meet, ilttatergh.. "Mr " rot. WnilafiWiWs Blellllluo. couga hitLakm to warranted to be the only pre- ;••!,..” t i c p,.% oration known to nue ! cabs, Warmness, A 44 : Boagh. • . Chronle nus, LiOtllUtElpo NO Bon Broncaltle and Croup. - • . 'l/ prepared from HOLI.OI IT ti n heeling, ..ff" MORIN; eninit o andrapec i t . o b rring, .:1 1 .1 • nation tbe Areal and Lungs Per sale t• Druggiati evarywhers. B. 1/... SELLEILS CU., 1141 yd IWnoLicnuat Again Dni D STRICKLAND'S PILE REM - T haa BUSED thou sands of the wont awe of .4 BLIND AND DLENDINU It gives Immediate 4 .• • relief, and effeats directly. .• : nent cure. Try It directly. In 7 . It la warranted to care. - -4 Tor sale by ell Druggists. st Wants par bottle. 'I EL ! ob. oclatlyd WIIOUTBALJI Aunt. T *lmes's. Dr. Strlciralan. - E TOXIC. si • mace.. rtstad.preparation of Boots end Herbs, with anti acids and carminative to ItrAt u ben f cr tain rem era it. edy for ar digestion. erross- . 1 5 neeL in Loos of AV= Acidity of ths 8 Wa rt l aWilel e tt l eA4 N C.)- panicularlymitsotilbr weak. .:.0 r 4 nonvous and donnas pm, sons. Persona ler ail drop irists ararywasts $1 112 Dm bottle. not.. L .SELLERS atm. ymt.•Llt zy y al 34 IL:W:1:41 PITTSBURGH STEEL WOURS ANDERSON, COOK • co., 011:10018501111 TO JONEB. BOYD t C 0.,) Manahan)yrs at Co best refined Oast net Mime, Plat and Octagon, otallslsos, !law Plates, Boa, Purl and Shoat Cast BOW, CIII Meal Alt REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, MUM PLOW WINGS, NPRINGII, AILIA. GOICOLA.r. dte. Cut and Common Plough and Spring Steel. Ottoo—Comet of Mktg ato i g , kwi streets, two bloats above Wke Mono eta noose. .47141, BLACK DIAMOND iseruma WC/R.136, PARK, . Maui MIT QUALITY aqua" flat sad Olt equal to soy Imported or U TlkrUffiee and mama p sod Teldeeoed st reets. , t 010, airrita Mu= EVArtlffial BAIZSA 4 in tirbosigh. Pa. xltho n nt boidiennw„, pOizorwAWNl INSURE YOUR LIFE IN Tim, DR. szysEws CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford. Conn. Peat:oral Syrup THE ONLY LIYE INSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that now makes and pain an Animal : DIVIDE:YU on the drat nod each stitmequent payment of peeiniunt. its CA. VITAL, an se- cumulation of Ent.01.400, in securely divested in puts- Ile ntoulin sod wor , irag iif REAL ESTATE.. It is cs now in Its 16th year of business, and has paid to the I widows sap OILYIIANS of Ito inembere the sum o ONE MILLION DoLLARS. To thin date not a sins gle ease of litigation has oimurred. an evidence that liberality and fair dealing la a specialty with this Companr. The policies of thin Company ere not forfeited by reason of non-payment of preiniUM seer the second . year. No paymentsreimired after ten year., but Pennies continue good through OFFICYHS. J. C. WALTU.Y. Prt.Alden, N. S. I . ..ULMER, Vice PreAdent. . . , -. S. 11. WIIITK, Secretary. Rranch Office tor Western l'ettncylvanla, ..sere Circulars an.i Muck Applies 110. P . M he furnished, OS Fifth street, 141 .tt.htifith• • • AR me asntad Vel=gl=4=° CHARTER 1 829 . PERPETUAL FRANKLIN IaU2I!I=• . M=IUIL3A . O PHILA DELPII lA. Assets on Jan. 1, 1864, • • 82,427,840 93 Capital .... $ 404001) Accrued Premiums PiLott/, Invested PretoMins 1,055. M. Income M Unsettled r 1E64 Clatrur 6,410. 30iil,t0u. Losses Paid Sitletle2ll 8,000,0 IX). Perptual and Temporary Policies on ltherul tem. DIIMCTOII6. Chas. N. Baneker, Isaac bee. Tobias Wagner, I Edward (J. Dale, Runnel Grant, George Pales, Jacob R. Smith, Altred George W. Itiehande, Fls W. Lewis, STD CHARLES N. AN C KER., President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Creeldent. JAN. W. hIcALLISTER, Seely pr tent. J. O. httEFIN. Agent. 115 Corner Wood and Third streets. FIBE AND IMMUNE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A AIIBICA. PHILADELPHIA: =EI Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Lsut.. Sir Protection can be encored In the above named and reliable Compaulea. = RM . :ly M Water Weal- Can Main .) • WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OF PITTSRU ALEXANDER EIMICE, President. WM. P. RERBEItT, secretary, CAPT. DEMURE N MELD, fieneral Agent. Odle, in Wilier sterna lipsag freo.'s Ware House . . tip stales. rltlsaurgla Will Insure against alt kinds of Fire and Marine Maks. A home institution managed by Directors , who are well known to the community, aud who are determined by promptness. sad liberality, to main tain the character which they bare molumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be allured. Alex. Nimick, Arideelr Ackley, R. Mllice, Jr, I Darld M. Lung, Junes McAuley, Lice J. Thomas. Nathaniel Holmes, ' Ch... J. Clarke, Alexander Jobs R. McCune, Catripbell D. Herron, James P. Hanna. C. kr. Itlcitetson, nts3o WM. P. ligMßElLT.Seu . slary. CrTIZEIviS , lIVSICTIL&NCE AIT OF I'ITTMECTSOLI.--Otlice, corner Market and Water streak.. second door. -- , . WM. HAGALEY, President. WM. A. 311EPAIIII, Seer, tary. Insures Steamboats and Cal goes. Pastures against to., and damage in the navigation of the Southern and West.. Rivers, Lakes, and Layout, and the n•v gallon tte Insures agahut loss mad dannyrt byhrs. oeaWs, '" Jas. ark, J., NT. O. Johnston, It. .barkortes,i Joßhodes, Barclay Preston, tioarrre Machu:a, pEort.E s s LNNIVRANCE CO, . • , C. M. Ater. Juba Mut tort, amen M. Cooper. A. }larnao L, J. Caldwell, Jr. Jotted. Dllwt Mm. A. Rode'''. delete =I Ash Phillips, f . sfa. John 1.. Rhoads. Joho Wait, narnanel P. posher, Jobe E. rarl.. ba rley f•rhi•t. Jae. Mill, J . nisn P. Kirkpatrick, Wu,. Van .Ir, Pr*. J.1:1011 U. Va.raar, .'• lioneon Loy, rini.Liph, JOILN WATT, Ice President W. Y. (lAEDNZIL. hocrothri. Jull,ly T iapl. 6.01E8 1,010.D0N, Gong A4l. ACLEO INSUILCNCE CO. 1 1V PI 77 Vll4l sterol Bank Block.. liasaresingslust all kinds of Tire and Marine JOHN !MIN, dn., President. JOIII.I 0. McCOILD, Ince Pae•Glent. C. O. DONN KCI _breretarr. Capt. WM. DEAN. General AgruL DZILIMIIIMN Duo Jones, John 1). .110 Cord, C. Is. Mawr, I y liworge S. Head,, Harie.B ChtLIN Chle...Hays, T. Jp Horktnron, Capt. Wm. Dean. John Imrln, Jr.. Geo. I)..llclirvw, S. L. Falmmtora. 1 itobrn.ll. D.VI.• • : FOUNDRIES. rue FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KJAP NEPHEWS KAIIIITA.CII7II.IIaIa OT Burr ORDNANCE, ABU ALL =MS OP HEAVY CASTE - NOB. tlpeeled attention paid to ItOLLIN E VILL WOHXI IMMO' MACHINE/1Y and RETO IMPAIRS attended to promptly. As heretofore, the best materials will always • rased at Oda Foundry. Attention Is called to our NEW FLY WHEN! PATTERN and increased facilities for Milne up th make, noSayd WX. W1CC1L.......J0L1X ALLBX JAS. L.. II'SILZ. VALLES ' STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Oates end Warehouse 301 Liberty Street opposite finsittatield, 1111anntactarea a great variety of COOK, PARLOI and 'MATING STOVES, among which arc the co - °twitted Allegheny and It Coal Cooki Stores; also, the Autocrat and on Sentinel. for coal or wood. and thi , unrivalled Star of the Empire. Mr lewd; also, A hes, orates, !coders , Sugar Kettle., Dog Dona an Hollow War generally. mha a. ananurr... ...w. VI.IIICI 13X .... ...r. B. nnTaLasi /ETNA. STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY et CO. Idanntacture every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES A NVAL"rl&ratizi.nez-v)frAc SHA TI d IKO N S/DES (Wood Cook s m tov) Abe GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, ske. Moe and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streeta, Ilatsburgh. Entrance on Second weed. 14:1 ELANIIPACTIIREWEI. piDUSTRLIL WORKS. MOH w. 1t01de....1.1E8 tilitalatr...llllFrlai MUCH M. BOLE & POUNDERS, ENGINE BUILDERS AM/ MA. CIIINISTS; Manufacturers of rTEAMHOAT MN ICS, OIL WELL ENUINES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works, all binds of ir.nd and Marin, EN- GlNEls,made to order. From the well earned reputation of the Manager, Mr. JAMES NELSON, we hope to secure a Ilberal share of p tronage from Steamboat builders and others wa inane.] machinery. Our aim will be to do all woe to the beat 11114111er for a fair eotopeass tjcaritell t it mthe time wo my. All kinds of NG made to order. Repairing Machinery lPromptly tended to. We can turn a Shaft m feet ong, and re or turn a Pulley 33 feet diameter. grirehop on Duquesne Way, near the Point. foundry o Third street, near Market, Pittsburgh, Pa. splOdded ARS AL GLASS WOR/ MODES, RYRIE d CO., itanufaeGarers of BLACK and GREEN GLAM.• WARY., Druggists' Ware, Bottle_ ,s etniJohns, Cats bouys, arebouse—No. 144 WATER STM:ET een Smithfield and Grant streets, Plusburgbi warrant our W area to be enperlor to any mam utactured west of the Mountatzts. Always on band, Glassware of the above description. All orders promptly attended to, Particular attention paid to private moulds. neatly _ _ BIN._ P. COLLINS COMM WBIGIIt VOLUM & WRIGIIT, Brittania, Bross and Silent Metal Workers. Brittonic oas. stylesarbon and Lard Oil Burners, acid all dtderest of Brittonlo used by Ulm Manufacturers. Orders promptly tilled. No. 1M MCCOMB tilitZET, Pittsburgh. Penns. • OCItIV BETERA.NCE, No. 58 WATER imitE Ey. Pittsburgh, tsisnutscturer of BO) Lint courmon acct rultrossi of every dm:Motion. PanICIAIr aild or asPid eptheu nod Rivets, taro or moll, rondo o Order at abort noires. A rood as. oriassot coons:Mg on hand. .. Il af wmccuti H. =Ong, mate of thearii or sairaig - ntosisow. um= AmpBluH:l'Amu ß. Normilanoanmet Third sad Mulcettfuew , its pa. MMDICAL. CURES DASUMPTION Curets .13ronciiitis CURES COLDS, C•uxels.,elJs - o:mi:m CURES All Diseases of the Lungs A Cue of five ye... s_t&nctis bred by Db. SEE% PS.CTOILAL STYMY' in. KgVexu:—sly wife has been adlleted With It by rough and dilliculty of breathing for five or six years, which, for several years-back, bad gvs.lually Increased in violence. The complaint has been her. edltary, and she had been treated by several physi clans without any relief. In this state of her cave/ procured acme of your PECTORAL COUGH SY SUP. I bought., the first time, a ilfty coot bottle, which re tiered her very touch; I then called and got a dolls_ outtle, which cured her entirely. and she bite now at trace of the former dhwase, except weganess. would also state that I used the medicine myself SO cold and cough. The medicine cured me by mato' one dose. I express my entire satisfaction with lit medicine, see von are at berttp publish this WM • you desire o. . WIC-WM, Alderman, Fifth Wird Pirranunon, April 24, Ira. RIAD who h a s medicine. hve daughter who has taken several for . Liao cough without beuent, among them Ayers Chem" Pectoral. I purchased from you a house of you Pectoral Byron, and before she had used half • tie she wag relieved. The second bottle cored entirely of her cough. JOHN DARIN, Robinson street, A 'iligheny. 431,750,0cr0, 111.55a,000 Pirralsondn, December SI, A tiItEAT CUEF. BY DR . KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP.-1 lire in Peebles township, Alleghen county. I had a cough and elating, which cos. moored about the 4th of Februaty last and cow in ued eight months. I employed the best physicians in the country, and my cough continue° unabated oath early In October. At that time I was adv.. to try your Pectoral Cough Syrup. which did, as after [had taken one bottle I was entirely free Stag the coughing and spitting. I had despaired of est getting well, and I think It should he Known BO this valuable remedy will do for others what It ha done in my ease. JOHN C. LITTLE, Wltatm: IL M. Kann. Feeble. townaldp, PATTON TOwNattir, Aerlll4. 1841. A WONDERFUL CILSRE.--Bonie time ago an of neighbor of mine wax ve.7 11l with a bad cougt( which every one supposed to be con s umption. relatives told me that he bad taken every remind) tiler beard of without benefit: his brother came tt see him die, and all were confirmed In the belle! that he could not live. I had about the third 01 a ho , tie of poor Pectoral Byrum which I gave him, and it en tlrely cured him. to the smtoulehment of all. W tualea the cam more remarkable. is tea extreme age of the man, he being about eighty years old. 1 have no doubt the Peotosal laved his Ilfe. JUIiN McOINNLS. OR. RETSBRIIPECTORAL SYRUP IN JBLAI VlLLE.—Please send me another supply_ of round a! liable Pectoral Syrup. Almost everybody around tis has the cold, and are enquiring for ' •Dr. Keyser , . Pectoral Sync." We have weld sixteen bottles the ast weer. and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher. both of 8110.11110. PC, told no they would not be without It la their fan:dues. In fact, all who use It once want It main. Tours, Jespeatfttlir. J. S. WATS - ERROR SONS. January IR, IMO. Yrrisnunert, November IS, 113/$l. ff.wrisant—Althocubnotan advoeate of Pato% Ithoicines. In general. it affords me pleasure hide. acribable to recommend your Yff.Cat.tUAL• nYltil P. Aa • medicine, it la well worthy the attention of any person awbo may to any manner be afflicted with much. colds mid haameness °rimy kincl,usd for nu Peculiar qualisicatlons for removing that disa greeable ae rotation attending a severe cold. I have been, more or less In my lifs,(Miected w the severest of colds and hoarseness. At times my throat would Amon* so closed as to prevent my speaking abo Syr u paper, and tq takinga few ..2Sej el the above lt woul d relieve me entlrely. In recommending this medicine, t meat unhesita tingly say that it is the best remedy I ever fa sod, gt r ang to ta7'° n°l°° o porting train remedy a bov e , = -. so prevalent. gouts, most reapeettally, /EDWARD J. JONM, Cashier Citizens. Deposliltztik. hysiritKaill.LlC,Ohlo, Karel 14, IBi Gave nsed ,Kr, Keyser,' Cough Syrup fora lad cough ormeerel years standing, sad can cheer l say it la the beet medicine for the min uNcr tract, fv,Puict'it.". int Arr AND DIL KEYSER'S PECTOR AL KY HU riST Esai—Dear nir: k:scuse the deity gig acknowiedglng the excellence of your Pechora Coa Syrup sooner. 1 take great plegure In say ing that It ball you say It Is. It knocked the molar out of my cough, and the worst ono I was over attlici ad with. 1 hare not used MUM than one-half oft bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are smite ed would give It as fair a trial so I have done, an,, the? will be proud to say, •gt Is no quark mediclr.e. would not sutler another mat an attack for au cushier-glom or Si any cost. tam Confident I can rcathe more freely than I ever did. I shall always acknowledge a debtof gratitude for Inventlng so excellent a remedy. lon are at liberty to use my name In this regard sa you Gant Y Ironer F. ill Arr. IRgaertger Common Council, girtsburgh, 11 N. o.—l am no stranger tom, fellow-gigues. sea all who entertain doubts can court me personalty. E. 7. C. A.NOTRER NEW CRILTIFICATE.—Urt. ELY SERKI PECTORAL SYRUP,—I had been troubled with • cough and cold for several weexe—so bad ra t that I could not sleep. I had the advice and to e eriptions from three of the best uhysiclans on Ms city, whom I could name, but do not do so. I lean, procured a bottle of year rooters! Syrup, Klima cured me entirely. (Signed) J. W. EIUdONTON, 248 Japiary eth, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, lira.taw. .43TOPTRATCOUGHTNII."—•`Row can I dotty" Go to Royaers, on Wood street, and get a bottle of his Cough Pectoral• and if that don't cure you• your ease most ho desperate Indeed' , Thls Is • specimen of the colloquy one bean every day to ohlti-caterung periods of the 'ear. And we can • from actual expo. thrng, cheerfully concur to the advise_Vs admoni tion as above, for we have tried the "Pectoral." in a most stubborn ease, with entire success. hgr two lOTA, ago we went to Pittsberah, with one oil the most distressing, contrary mullgt, unsubduable coughs we ever experienced since our advent upon this mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and la. Seriously for one whole week, In hopes oft tiring It out, but lt was no go. In fact, it seemed rather ,tc hags improved by practice, sad to have mew:lmi strength, potency and distrosslblllty by the opera tion, In Mg gage of the siege. we coughed our wry to /Leger's, Nu. HO Wood greet, procured. dig cent bottle of the Pectoral, •• took It according tit directions, mad In foray-elght boors we were muter of the field, the enemy Oaring untunditionally sur reuderad, after • brief, hot unequal MORA WWI SC formidable ad adversary as heyser`a famous Cough Ceeteral.—Brosimatile Clipper, Dec. 14, MS. DR. KEISER'S PECIVE .L HUT to pre az an 4 sold nip DR. GEORGE H. KEYSER, No. 140 WOOD STREET I~ittsbu:•sla. Peaa~w. THE Great Nervous Remedy. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WILL reNeve without WI, and otteu Perutut tl7 curt ale Nervous Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WILL Cure Hysterl Ur. Keyser's Nerpous Antidote Will Curt TWitathif at Oa Nam Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WLI Cure Nervous Beadacto Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Cure Nervous Crump of the No Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidotal Will Cure Neuralgia Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Cure Neuralgia of the race Dr. Keyser's nervous Antidote WM Cure Neuralgia or Oa Sum e l Dr. Keyser's Nervous AntidOe Will Cure ii.urora °run Hun Dr. Keyser's Nervous Avildote Wlll Cure Neuralgia of the t•hrer and Right tlld Dr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote will care Nestreigt. g em ." Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will cm Palettell)oh of the Heat Dr. lieyseetaiervons Antidote Will Om Telethon mia ireelrateas ofStonsaet Dr. Heyeer's Nervous Antidote will Aura etoPPKG or Muttertog or tar, new Dr. Keyser's ?Jerson Antidote WinTramatifrom isecialve MIL* Dr. Keyser's ilfeereivarilidob3 VIII Cue Itypothendrlags Draieyser% Ifenous Antidote *ni Curs Lowness of Spirits 7,rioniutt4 sad sou h . DR: (mown 8. =MR, tito weed! Wrest. r • 1866 SPRING riunisi l- t.v. A ne ffinnt alt 4l B. -THUIa DAILY T "B. lallr On and after SUNDAY, Maj =h. 1. V. D .Z7.1. 11 leave the Union Passenger Depot, wriera9 n ...- Moon and Liberty stave% as follows • DAY EXPRES4—Leaves Pittabarsin ak9:lo A. Y. Hopping at prtnelpal stations. Arrives at Altoona at 9:10 A. 11.; Tyrone, sto: YB. ClitiloGrate. 100. A. N.; Lock Haven, MO 0. 0. ti Harrialeng.l 1 diar, is.•. Baltimore,: SAO r. x.: New York, 'ls A den te...o, 10:41 r. Y ; Philadelphia.; user. at.' and New York, via Phitadelphis,lLElClr. CINCLNNATI =PH ~. .-I..earea Pittston gh 0 : 10 A. 0 .. Har , Pind at Dearly Wats:lons; eitoatcs,t at 2,44 r. B.; Harrisburg, MIS 0. 0.; ardent. at Philadelphia at 12:40 A. 0. By this Hue passenger* are transferred at Unio oepot, West Pidiadetra, direatly to Zs:tress 100 10 for hew lore, reaehthg there at _ . PIIILADELPLILL EXPILESSI-Leavesrittsborgh at 4:10 P. a. stopping only at principal dationi. Ant es st Litrobet COD P. N. ; Altoona, inal t . x.; Ilarrisbeirg, 2:01 A. iL; Baltimore,' TWO A. si.• Neer York, via *Untie. n, 10:10 s. is., via Philadelphia, rag A. AL, and New York, via Phibuiripsda. at 12;06 P. x. _Weeping Can ran thrtzlig t=ga . nom Pitiaborah to Beth:nod and 0.• Nee Tort yin Allentown. PAST LINE-Lesvos Pituttongti at 10.(4) r, stopping only at principal stations. Arrives at Al toona*. 2110 A. M. zlEtarrisbarg,* IBM A. ii.; wit t. atonal 12:20 r x.g .Nevr York,' via anent:re I. 4 r. . • Plilladelthltt ItIO IP. X.; and hew YOrk, els ritliall . 4l= 4 , a 6: P. X. iLiansr. 04.2"' litatir a olla , Midas, thsudays graft - A CC 0111 10141102 , 1 TRAINS DAILY, SUNDAY , ENCICPTEb. 'JOB NST , Aers ACCUJILKODATION-Dallylexcept tionuaysi a t tan w.i.etopplng repolar stations between Pitubm..b. an d cowman*, aid cot:meeting at Blairsvill elntersectiOnwiln trains tan the Indiana lir '" .h Wcst Bathos. I. ALTOONA ACCommODATION -Daily (except Honda..) HMO_ A. stopping at all remits: ant lons between Pittsonrgh ImoAu... A nd making elms ommection with trains on the Indiana Brandt, West Pennsylvania Ballroad, Irbensbarg J.Ctea.on Rail road, and Hollidaysburg Brandt. Wall's Accommodation, No. I, daily (ekonld nn daYsl at into A. a. Wail's Accommodation No. 2, dolly texcept 00 °- • days) 01 1 Wall's Acc o mmodation No. 2, daily (except Sun day.) si 1150 r. Braddock's Accommodation No. I, daily ten , oPt Sundays)* 0:40 A. is. Wall'a Accommodation No. 4, dolly (exospth on - days) at 4:60 P. se. Wall's Accommodation No. 1, daily (except Sun days) at 6:00P. r. Wall's Accommodation No. 0, dally t.erpt a nn dog, at 10:60 lea. .Wall Station erste Sun day at 0:12 A. tr., and arrives In fintsbutah at ...os A. 0. Returning, leave. Pittaborgh at 12:0) r. r. and arrives xi Wail's Station 00140 P. r. IVITSB118.011..161.01•17 11. IMO. iteturning Trains itnire in Pittsburgh as Wow.; Past Line ..... MID First Wall , skitition Accommodation 8.2) A. y. Benton Accommodation No. 1 7:30 ♦ N. Second Walt'. StatlomAccomsamiatbm.... CSC A. H. Jotuistotrik tar A. N. Baltimore Exprem. Pl 9 PhilaUelpitla r. I. New York Ranters.— I:rA P. st. Third Wall'. Station Aosonsmodatlon sell. r. Wail , . Accommodation, No. 4 4 00 I. n. Braddock's Accommodation No. 1 6:60 P. xi. Wall'• Accommodation No. I 71'0 P. at. Altoona Accommodation and Maltreat.. 10:60P. N. Day Express 1100 P. M. Baltimore Esnress will arrive with ildladelphla It :pr.,. 51 2:06 r. IC, on Mondays. 'The new Union Depot lintel, occupying the I here upper stories of the Depot Build Log, !snow open for the zarzenar. accommodation of the traveling eons. moony. A capacious Restaurant Is open at ALL Boons day sad night, Sundays excepted. Nonce.—ln case of loss the Company will bold themselves responsible for 14P-11011/1. baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding .100, For tickets apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent, A li t o b iZ ViZaltrnlit•ZT."';g2r" .pITTSBau, WAYNE !I RAILWAY ANL seitatomS. „ • 1868. Rummer Arrangement. On and eller May 20th,.1566, trains will run as fellows viz: Lein./ Fbr Fbr F/Lee/i For Pittsburgh. Chicago. Cieveland.l In,. Exprees. A. K. Espress ..... 2:14 A. M. 2110'&. 31. 163 P. 31. Ea-pre55.........2 , 10 r. 6t. DM 1.. K. CM P. • . Mall 1:45 A. N. 0119 A. M. iilo A. Y. For Newcastle and Erie 110 A. Y. Returning, arrive at Pttlahurgh: P.. Pt. W. 6 C. IL W.—M,VA. Y.. 1110 r. 13.. e. P. Y.. tile P. !xis Itx.enoss-6411 P. Y. C. &P. IL IL-11:05A. Y. arg , r *XI r. A. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. Leave Allegheny for NOW BalonYON-9:03 A. x.. 11:60A. IL, ti 6 • P. K. .d 6:00 P. Y. lioctizarik—tEr. Y. tinw CABYLI-3:33P. K. EoonostY-10110r. N. W.LsyiLLn-093 P. Y. Returning, antve at Allegheny P. Ft. W. C. R. W.-4:16 8:16 A. M., PAS A.Y. O. 11:131A. X. OFORDE PARKIN, Ticket Asmt, Delon Passenger Station, Pittsburgh. Pa. A. Q. (JAWELBX.IIIII4 Ticket Agent. Allegheny Clip. lny2l MYEB , General Ticket Anat. prrrenunGu_,co- NATI agaiii I.IIMDUS AND OLNOLN- B.M.OAD. TO COLUMBUS, And all the principal Oltlse. WIVM AND BO' On and afte r MONDAY, /MAY swath, Imes, Trains will leave Imal arrive at the UNION DIII 0 on follows: $i : •' s !or s 11 , THURBDAY, hIADCH LEK The trains will leave the Depot, manor o 1 Lois . Wafer streets, as follows: Lerma dr rte./ spa !Veto's Mall to and from Uniontown... 7:00.5. at. entl Express, •• tx)o P.Y. h:O3 West Newton Annormadlition dila r. First MeSaesport Aceont'n 11,Ce A. id. G:MA. N. Beeond • • loan r. tiraiildockia i:10 P. Ai. ents Jr. au Sunday Chereb Train to and from West Newton.... ...... 119 for Eleke . e .R Pfl Esitfittn..pt. ALLEGHENY VALLIGT ILAJLIIIJAIIP • - • - - • BAST. F • On and after THURSDAY, Arkrll2.6lh., trains will leave and assist, at Depot, corner Pike and Usual streets, Pittsburgh, as (allows:. Malt, to and from Maharani.... 1%00 A. M. 6tear. In. Express, do do ... ISM r. X. 10:05 a. X. Soda Works Accomodatlon.... 8:f0 A. Y. Klaktnaratts do .... It. 1) r. a. First Holton do .... 1400 a.. x. 1110 A. X. Parana .us a 0 ....Itaoy X. Zan n. If. Second Hutton do Saar. mt. , . 8:61, X. Sunday Church Tram, to and from Bata 'Nock..., • ,I-00 r. 10A0 A. la. opal BLACESTOISN, Supt. BALTIMORE AND HAVANA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ALEX. BROWN & SONS, Gen'l Agents. FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. Carrying the Vatted 'States Mail. The Firsassnteamettp• of Ma line will mane follows: "CUBA"-1.193 infs. Wm.:Boffins, Command, on KATIIDDAI, "LIDERTI , -1.250t0ni, W. J. Stafford, Coltman& ori en WZDNIMSDAT.Iay Prom Bflowype WHARF, PELL'Ii /VENT. At a o'clock P. u.. pereleely, 013 the del &llllo4lllleld. Por frlgi.of Porte. nsiting vnturptsiel se "m'rillocrilEYffron.aito., Agent 4 18 newt% waMilL N. IL—N o Bills of Liding Intt. those of the Comps by will1: signed. Peron: fee Ma frelith,i :Abe Mt l,2l;llWAlnt.A.T . tifit ; --- inugtr STEP OOL M TO - A AND 81TEaNNNSTO DEWNDOWEIVER OLUMAND) twice week. The LNALAN LINE. sal/MC _ . EVERY SATMIDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY, CARRYIN9.II4. /UM& TI au sold to and MO 'lreland. Enema, don land Honestly and FMK*. en ttleContsenro Olken. Jon. DALE Agent, Bnolithaiay N.Y . F°IiNIT°EE £3D VANE AND WOOD OHAIIIB. Manorootartotalor for sale. Wholesale or -Retail. JAdIeRS W. WOOIIWE' Opposite E. Eiittaindsaa *Co.'s; our ' .LIMUMMIUrma. OREM MEYER & SON: Mann- Manners and Wholesale and Beau. Resort M PORNITUItit THU Ite.lllo. N 0.434 MOS tiT. MalitY C lith and Matataltni. et irman , andwar. Maw! art m quality =nadir e to any SOSltabdist er the al 7. 1111G1 wtt wt. GS MaGGlibie LAME SAVE ToinamoNET. / 3 / having Iva/ OM Table Ware . , . cuartma. jai I.lM—WArri irmg..o, ma ; eiTcHwArAs2l,6;m". Y'''` ban ell be re-pl ~t,a owls oarIAIS /MULL TO 21111116 a , . ' ' * - 247:7 EM.: Llebtetzeot• J GARDINER I IFT/N.* . - tler u ' ths TrankUtt, PbUddelptdd add' maos ans Ifoutiren ansier UOD w. .th621:521 sliEruulans MN:reran or FT.III WkNiiggia CHI AUO CLEVZ.LAND drITTISBUILOII THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE CINCINNAI 1, LOIII9I7ILLE, INDIANAPOLIS,' sr. wvim, Varta. rts.o. Fast Llne—.... ...... 11:10 a. ht. 9%.1 Mali •• 9 J r. he. .. .. . . r. m. 0:50 r. 11. Way Accommodation. . Y. 0:10 r. a. Mate.fleld am 10,10 r. ht. 1:40 P. hi. litembanTille aecotemod , u .• 9:10.. ha. 8. F. 801311, Eletig Ticket Ageot,Jtheaben.DlX. M. D. OTIIKM.I . J.UU It. Delon Depot, Mi.! OM =I STEAMSHIPS.: NOS. 97 41t 99 THIRD STUZIT. NO. 1 TOUTMA /IMAM:XT. ::"s:e l MNl l 4gdel scr,•puomp wire szivics. YOziwti,*(wir-,040j • . 1 1 Id El E=! (;*. ‘, i 111 I; S.`. , ~~. ~.. ~; 11 • # ; , . t. „ f::-.04 t , f , std i ' 'il 1 1 - , *I - 4 : C :':',4 1 ." •-Z:-1.17 - % :4 I_,- y 11% 1 f;: : •': : ''' • I '' t, i 'II ~..,4 ,_ . .., iis