The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 30, 1866, Image 1

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WEDNESDAY 'LAY 30, 1866.
this illustrious soldier died yesterdaY
forendon, at West Point, fhil of years and
Italif honors.
ric.wru3 born at Petersburg..' Vai'•lttrur
18, 1780; studied law, aad followed the
prOfeision for a few yeas. .4_ 1808 was
• , k made a Captain in theanalY, ,, , t he
of 1812-15 he greed,' dis t i nguished him
self, and rose to tse ninkof Major General.
Be was off e r e d and ,iiedixted the post of
&tannery O-Vrftr...: In 1832, ho led a eam
paigp agsfest..llM Saes and Fox Indians.
In ifla,pie ITU engaged in the Seminole
war, , whieh . - - dragged along for several 1
ytars., An 1837 he rendered important ser
"toes on the northern frontier, during the , 1
danadiatt - . , ortthreak. In 1839 he acted as
Pacificator on the northeastern Boundary
Question. 111 1841 he became Commander
in -Chief of the array on the death of Gen.
biabOrtii. 1n.1846-48 he gained addition
al lustre by the conqueskof Mexico. In
1859 ho was the whig candidate for the
Presidency, but wusunsUccessful. In 1855
the Brtvet rank of Lieutenant General was
revived in his favor. In 1859 ho went to
Oregon and settled the question of bounda
ry with the British authontics. in 1861
he threw the weight oP his grad name on
the side of the Union, 'and personally di
rected the military arrangements in con
nection with the first inauguration of Mr.
LINCOLX as President. He remained-the
military adviser of the new administmtion
till Nov. 1, 1861, when he retired from tic
tive service.
Few men have had the ability or the op
porttinity to perform so many great sem
casfor his - nation. • Honored while living,
his memory will be held in lasting remem
brance by his countryien.'
DO SOP AGILEE with the on; mereial
In respect to what is "underhanded con
duct" on the part of public men, anddon't
want to agree with it. Mr. CowAn got
the Senatorship from the Republimais on a
distinct profession of political faith. As
soon as he obtained it he began conspiring
With their enemies. Presently he was
bound insidiously advocating the doctrines 1
of those enemies. Soon he did so shame.
.lestdy. All this. while he was stalking into
the caucuses of the friends lie was betray
in& And claiming- a 'place there of right.
Re kept on doing so until, recently, those
outraged friends shut the door in his face.
For months past he has been acting in con
cert With Ids Democratic colleague, the
Democratic State Committee, and the Dent.
ocmtic County Committees throughout the,
Commonwealth, to overthrow, if possible,
the Republican party. All this he has
done, and is doing, under pretence of still
being a Republican.
• If a man should obtain the signature of
the editor of the Contnierciad to a note for
one thousand dollars, on protestations
equivalent to those on which Mr. Cowes
got the Senatorship, and should then use
that note in as flagrant violation of the un
derstanding as Mr. COWAN has his great
office, we think the editor would hold the
titan who imposed on Ideate be a knave.
Ile don't feel disturbed at the conduct
of Mr. Cow Ali, bemuse lie is trying, in a
feeble manner, to imitate it.
Elemphis de a / a nche, under the in
spiration of " My Policy," discourses in
this.Chrlstian way:
"Can any one tell us why it is that radi
allism and its unfortunate acerbities and
atrOcities are searcely ever heard of in the
interior? Cau it be explained why it is
confined almost exclusively to cities and
towns? The answer is ready at hand, and
Is two-fold. The radicalism ee se will not '
venture to settle among a brave people who,
though law-abiding, will 'tiger no innova
tions upon their social forms. Radicals
never go beyond the reach of the nigger
Bureau, and. therefore, as they Cannot spit
their cerium in the country without haring
their filthy jaws slapped Gy Southern gentle
men, they take care to remain within the
protection of Me ebony line. This is one
reason why radicalism and as eras do not
exist in the country. It would be un
Gov. Bnowni.ow writes to the Nashville
Press that the people throughout East Ten
nessee, with the exception of a few locali
ties, are quiet and peaceable. In some ca
ses discharged Union soldiers have been
killed by bushwhackers, who are believed
to he returned rebel soldiers. Lying re
ports-of the persecution of former rebels
by Union men have been sent to Washing
ton, and persons have been scut by the
Government to ascertain the facts. Among
these Commissioners is Gen. GRA:cogs.
The Governor says nine -tenths of the peo
ple are,forthe Franchise law, and will see
that it is carried out.
Tag Republicans of Beaver county nom
hutted last Monday, its follows: For Con
gress, Geo. V. Lawrence; President, R. B.
Chamberlain; Senate, Alex. W. Taylor;
Assembly, M. S. Quay; Sheriff, John S.
Littell; Register and Recorder, Darius Sin
gleton; Clerk of Courts, John A. Frazier.
Legislative candidates were instructed to
support a general railroad law. The Argun
says the Republican cause is now stronger
in that county than ever before.
IZE New York Tribune says
The Baltimore 4marican states that
Roister Clymer is to be withdrawn as a
candid* for Governor of Pennsylvatia,
and Sante one put up instead whose record
will. not turn the stomachs of such "Con.
servattves" as Cowan and Doolittle, who
'are partles to the arrangement: This is as
it should be.. It is not fair to Gen. Geary
to lot him run alone. D o put up some
body who can make a race, sad not let the
eloction go by default.
TEE Senate Finance Committee have
agreed to recommend an increase of Na
tional bank capital by $ lO O,OOOOOO. We
are sorry for it. As n partial offset the
Committee ham also agreed to compel Na.
tional banks to make redemption of their
notes at points to be publicly designated.
Tux Louisville papery report that u ter.
rible fire occurred in Pittsburgh, May 20,
consuming seven hotels, sixty dwellings,
and seventy stores, and entailing immense
loss. Pittsburgh has been unfortunate,
certainly, In the matter of fires, of late;
but no such fire has ha ipeued here.
Tim "Conservative State Central Com
mittee" of Missouri have decided to post
poto3 the State Convention of that party
from June 6to July S. Ormuthation is not
yet effected, they sa .
Mn. W. D. Snow, United States Sena
tor elect for Arkansas, not getting his seat,
ban taken to transporting oil In tanks from
Shaffer's to Now York.
SENATOR ROOK, of tho Warren district,
Is canYassing tor a re - nomination. A
heavy fire is opened on WM In the Tit%
vale Herald.
GEN. Loom( has engaged to stump Penn
aliyania for Geary.
Bales a Ben's
Soots and Shoes
crt a supe r i qr enstlty at Concert Nall Shoe
Store; No: 60 Fifth street.
Memapbrera nomeapshle
Medicines for sale at Fulton's Drug store, No.
.108 &titbitsMatron. '
One Dollar
Wilt bay a pair of Ladies' Lasting Ceagreas
Garters at Concert Hall Shoe Moro, Na COF
For Soya.
A very elegant stock or Casslnterns, Luken
Goods, Plaids, In the new stock at
Dares & Batvs.
Of Ladles , Lasting Congress Gaiters for ono
!dollar at Concert nail Shoo Store, No. so Fifth
Dress Goods.
good aabortment, on the nortnenst cor
ner of Fourth and Market street..
C. Hanson TAMS & Duo.
FFoe•a Flee French cam,
Custom made, hand sewed Boots,: at n reason
able prlce,at Opera noose Shoo Store, CO Filth
Within the teach of All.
A pair of lasting Congress Gaiters. They
are selling at Concert Rail Shoe Store, No. GO
Fifth street, for one dollar.
Bell's Pure Old Rye Wkl•kY,
A superb article, strictly pure, and sold (or
liiss money than at nay other place In the city,
at l'lemtog•s Dreg Store, No. Si Market
Beyond Comparison.
Those Dollar Gaiters, at Concert Hall Shoe
Store, No. GO Fifth street.
nate. dr Ilell,
No. 21 Fifth greet, have opened au eletrant
line or Shawls, Silks, Drosses, Mantles, Lice
CUrtaing, QM Cornices, Money Comb Quilts,
A Bargain.
•t pair of thoso Congress Gaiters for one dol
lar• See theta at Concert Ball Shoe Store, No.
CA Fifth street.
Dream Good,.
Cheap for cash, on the northe net corner of
Fourth and Illartrot streets.
e Dyspe ptic.
Can have all his Th
woes banished if he will but
use Hutchings' Life Exhilarant. Weak sto.
mach, feeble digetrdon, distress after eating,
romtlyo holotA, billousoose, low spirits, wIU
nnu a muster in .the above compound. sold
by Dr. Keyser, 14n Wood street,
The rona
Will ilnd Ilutchings• Ne Life v Exhilarant a sure
remedy for all theft suffering; and persona
who, from the Injudicious use of liquor., have
been dejected, and their nervous system shat
tered and their constitutions broken down,
Sold by Dr. Keyaor,llo Wood faxen.
11 .tebieire Life Ezttllevant.
0/113 dose will remove the disagreeable and
distreSsing effects of Wind and 'Flatulence,
and the moment the stomach receives the In
vigorating effects, the distressing local and an
palatal feelings ATM be removed. Sold by Hr.
rieyser, 110 Wood street.
The Atm!
Can have health renewed by Hutchings' Life
Exhiletrant, which is infallible ms a reluve
tient, and will restore wasted strength, with
magical promptness and wonderful permit
nonce. For old and feebled persons It has not
its equal. sold by Dr. Keyser, 140 Wood street.
The Victim of Liver Complaint
rvitl discover In nun Clings , Lifb Estillarant a
ionnd panacea, unequoJled for Immediate end
Permanent otreot in this distressing complaint
It likewise renders the mind calm and cheer
ful; It rejuvenate, and restores strength with
magic quickness. Sold by Dr. Kayser, 110
Wood streat.
otchieg. • Life Extallarant.
Ladles of weak and sickly constitutions
should take the Hutchings' Life Exhaarant
It will make you strong, healthy and happy
remove all obstrnetions and Irregularities
irate the mun.strual organs, and restore the
bloom of health to the sickly and wasted care
worn face. Sold by Dr. Keyser, lie Wood
UntoWogs' I.lter Exrallarant.
Is a rejuvenator of unapproachable and Inim
itable excellence. For nil nervous diseases,
no matter how produced, ft must be consider
ed an infallible specific. It fa also a cure for
afflictions centering In the liver, stomach Or
brain. Its mission Is to bestow strength, vi.
Wily, 004 physical ability. Sold by Dr. Key.
nor, 140 Weal street.
Tito Daily-lA-112,1n its city article, says The
bank's return show an increase In the week of
ten million pounds In the advances nu private
necuritlea This unprecedented amount
proves how enormous has been the prennure
ter accommodation on the part of the panic
stricken community. inasmuch, however, as
s groat deal of this borrowhig WAS merely pre
eanttolinty' flee million pounds have icon
added to the private dors:mita, and the in
--....--- crease of tt7,00" pounds in the eirctdation, re
cotta mamly from the desire of the country
He On the Alert 4 Danger Is at Hand 'tankers to neeure themselves against sit nee
This has been a sickly season. The medical
t 'in tifi7t67c;:t r : ln t i o b" c 1 r n t•TL ' t I ri ' n l t b h
u r i,a ' rt n ., for tr. '
faculty proph.y evil in the future. They wo o s [ part hoarded. The ronerve of notes
It think pestilence Is on the wing for America. reduced to thirty thousand pounds, no that it
Suppose this to he true, what la the beet do-
~i n qt7ornit.ti.iin t he bit:Z er 4 f , ,,n r,: . l . , , , g s , , t;
tense against itt REDOUBLED NERVOUS current babince, to force ' the bank of Engtonl
VIGOR. This is the only protection against te avail ilaelf of the authrwiratitm contented
ifi the recent treasury letter. There seems to
PANIC, as well as against the PRINCIPLE OF
be now a fair prospect that the haus will
INFI-CTION. Why do not those who 'predict tide over the crisis a Munn violating the lam.
the eplll4 rule prof.. an adequate proven. i The ..IX,uoe pounds of ~,,,, ai,,, hon.,. a t th .
:Ives There IS one; a tonic, nervine end alter. I„,b.l:::;:,‘ ,tri,1;1:1,:x31.„„e.),,,_?..
alive, competent to shield the system againnt era of precaution. '
the subtle elements of disease, whether they ~ .ie additional ...Pensions are reCoried,
ding the t 'nen ml Commercial Bank, the
float hltber ou thy winds from distant lands ~i l e ins e., ,y ~,,, Banking ~,,,,,,,,.,,,,„. ~;..,
or rise like vapor from per own soil, or are In- Frazier it Co., Indian mercans, At•
corporated with the universal fluid. Thin On tile lath the tone of [
the Louden soar k et
GNU PH ft'. VENTIVE, of which there Is sie , ~n:7s,fann-;C0n,b,,,,i5," „„ C° .,„,,, r , i r i t s ,,,n, r ,, m r ,: r ,.;,, n l i gn',,t f i ' ,T,t
duplicate among the comporinds either of the ma. bills weie In some lasts.. Mace st .•
01,1 World or the New, in per rent.
irslt,.ds,rrs'n:,lnt.„l,llrranff, 8,,r‘n:',1%.;-,...',...,
Remember that IL Is a npecitic for all the Oar„ purella ' n ' eti "" ll . ,7 the stat i' en. • in ' ot her
complaint. which' lay the system open to yini- Stock. there Ims been no change, and quota
tattons of deadly epitlemi.. if you are dye- • Corm nominal. ho
Peep., it renown the vigor of your digestive 1 May Is—Rommo.--4..0tt0n,,, tosien bli-day, 5,0051
powers, given you appetite, and restores bales; mxtrket ,1011, with little inquiry and
weak prices; Middling Upland. are g noted at
your cheerfulnea.s. If you are nervous, It tit
• land 12'.‘,1 Breadstuff. !inlet ProVlsiOn
vigorous! every fibre of your nervous system; ' market dull.
from the base of the brain, whore It begins. to i LorsiVin, tiaturday leassimg.—Consols closed
the extremities, where it terminator. If you .t .7@.,174f0r moneY• nierleali ecrities—
,. ; Illinois Central 70,„(071'; Lilo,
are billums, 0 disciplines your unruly user i-ir,4;i4.5.
and brings the action of that organ Into ha r-The following la the newn of the stealanhip
many with the laws of health. It ln, In short, I "ti . T 111 ,,,d,
an Invignmet and alterative too powerful that ;a,,,,,,„,,.,,l;Ttrittiel.nrai',,,,ina;,,ioo,i.‘er„„le„,j,„'
Nature, with Hostetter's Bittern for her ally , send p: It! the Austrian note of Hay il li,
rimy bid dellance alike to native malaria and . ' , MeeAddict_ therein declared all disci:.
atiestiOti of dinannatitent a ens,...foreign infection. If this enemy we hear of, il n ,t i.
this disease which Is desolating Europe, In I The Ylerence ttorrespondent of the
really bound hitherward, it behooves the pro- I New. nays: HefOrs 3.. the it i 1
sll .. ' lli hs nl,
'" •
dant to pat cn their armor, to clothe thumped v„s !,''''TlT,s.rij,..,'„de°rfrn,-antl,,:q 4 , 1 ' , ' , ' , “ , ' ; ''' ,; ' ' ' ,r, n i'll''
with invulnembillty as far as hatnan ineaun will be commenced by the entrance of tars
will preinit, by preparing the system for re. 'odd' Int. ' ... C I A.
distance with this Pure vegetable antidote.
mftli.:r.ll7 t l' f ' tu rr' iy: P tr „. re l"nt"r ti t'b tLr.. "" : " ' w "n"
y .11011111 m,
licrsletter.• Hitters of liftpe that after all, pence may be proxersed
Ate sold who/elide and retail at very low rates The King of Prunsla I. known to be p l
ant tat lag
it .. ),,,j ar . D rag .d Paton, ii,,,,, c ,„„„, ', pot,
i t, , ior ,o e
b igd more as the efltHal MOMtlfit Iti,
\0 84 Market sweet, corner Of the Diansoed L,,,,,,,,, per try,
.fiff ata.—Lirerpoot, .Ssfiturd.r,
0..1 Market, near Fourth street. Et...snag —tnat t lier a Lnntlon batik, tl Europe
1, an, sus ))'
secant?. are generally dull and
The Reconstruction Caucus—Pension , lower closing fiat. Their are rumors of ad.
Debt to be Guaranteed—One of Mon- I tittlOinti anent:MlMl. In mom Merelal eireles It
by's Men Asking Pardon—The l'olorn• In generally stated that Boult. , Fatalist, ,V. Bran
d. gnestion.
i don, or Liverpool, a 11l show ample .net n and
l'itrw Yuan, Stay 21.1.—Inspatch es to the even_ I nave twenty nhillings in the pound.
~. 1.., ~ 1 . ...:.,, tin: caucus of Itepubbean nen. i I;; TIM nartp,s,l;i,if
stern on the question of rm.:instruction a. , congress are coeflicting. It Is nab, that A tin
concluded this morning. It In said they to,. trla lies renamed to min. No direct tiegotia
aniumeely earned to strike mu the third see-
. t.i i ci g ,, l r int.s, , ) .. e: n ni , a , d4lren n s , e ..l .l to the Courts
Jon, and substitute therefor a provision line The Pails bourne wan Mot,
and run tee cloned
thing the diaqualitication to hold other. An- , at 30e.
It was rumored that
. a sat - Irma ry conflict
other ainendment provides that whenever 1
State compiler with thin enact anent Its roper s , 1 ,',"1 , t" "" Pine " inn'u'! tn, i in ""i-Sn ' h ""
rent...Alves shall at once be admitted into ton- . -.." a'''. 1, •.'1.
The lin I.lllties of the F.uropean batiks a
South until IS71) to the &actuator) of the °Mt 0
I.siitsT —Naga: rilluory slate that I.:stil It lea
holrlern In the rebellion, espealalty those 'rho , hurt shut. "' e " . "'" e 'si
I it.ortel the United Staten service, bet thin
can be be set, aside by ats o-thirdti vote or ton- ' Presbyterian Aommtibly nt in. Lools.
areas at any time. '
by, Louts, May sl—ln the old School ,hnnein.
The national debt., created for the payluent I my the appeal ef It. J. Breckinridau war 1,t1.1 bounties anti penmen., fa to be constite- : ashie, aml the report mi the aliment° ?realty
:tonally guarantmnt.
, nary- taken up, and devuted by tor. W. L. Brock
.. New leak, Hay' G—GOneral Hagen leaves I inridge and Dr. Humphrey In opposition, unit
Washington for the West to-day, andland , Hon . t. Clark In favor, but no action reached.
thonly cross the Plains to the Pacific to, die- It Is said that IL J. Brucklnridge will urge his
charge of his dull. as Inspector of the De- appeal no further, In to nseqiiol,Co of the An-
Autumn% of the Platte. , senility deciding that, the synod of Kantateky
Colonel White, an action member of Itiosby , i, i were the only respondents thereto, thus pre
g, pantile band, la In lyn.ahh, g to n seekin g par. 'tinting hint from Inltletina jainishMent upon
don, with tann- PfOlipeCts of dueness , He h. , disloyel men.
nets chosen Sheri Loudon county, Va. The New School Assembly adJourneti sins
An enterprise Is Eelg Inauguratesete settle thetas/ night.
ra colony of whites and Meeks at BTOVIMII, number are now waiting , Another Cholera tittle Reported—Nonta
Navhl Oineer Lyme!), of Char/eaten, haVing ;
declined taking the IroMelad Oath, Secretary Naar Vona, May nt.—Titere Is an 11110111elal
tO Walt fns Day mirr a m a. I report that the steamer Union, from Liver-
An effort Is being made Co- mata,,eit ate the I pool, s ixteen days, has arrive!' at quarantine
Colorado adMiaSiOn I HIMIt101:1, with mn! to with 434 paasengers Thirty-three loathe of
pita. the bill over the Prethient'n ceo,. The I ellolura OCearred on the passage, and fifteen
Tribune's special says there la little prospects ... i ce' , " still on b°aini.
Of Iht success.
Gen..ihutita , Anna la expecte!l lu this city
dully. Apartments, have boon prepared for
Envoy from Peru =evolved.May kl.--deaor Itimed. pr o .. y -
vented his credentials as Barely from the Pe- , Mehooxier Wreekedo
ruvian Reptilaressing the friendly do- May a/.—Tho schooner Angeline
alas of , 4*pr
rop Laza" er. Pres Went Johnaan was wreaked North Point yesterlay more.
lisaoviing rocAprolag regard. • i lay. 011 0./ito was And.
.. . _
... .---NO. 126. ' 11 : --- I ----------11 . 1 • . 1. " " ------
Last Moments of His Life
AV., Pouts, N. Y., Nay . 2 .l..—tionerol Scott
Bled at nee minutes past cloven o'clock this
Morning. Ile was out on Saturday afternoon,
anti then ellowtsl no signs of his early demise.
On Sunday he began falling galW fast, though
none of Ills physicians expected he would ex
pire at such en early day. lie was perfectly
ronsctoits up to the moment of Ids death,
though he had lost Ills voice Rome two lieu re
previously. Ile recognized the Chaplain of
the Post ten minutes before ho died, and
clasped his hands In silence.
Exitrarrivx Mansion, i
. ~
The President, with profound sorrow, an
nounces to the people of the United States the
death of Winfield ftett, the late Lieutenant
General of the army. On the day which may
be appoint.' for hla funeral, the Executive
Departmenta sof the Government will ho
closed. The heeds .4 the War and Navy Do.
partments wilt respectively give orders for
the payment or appropriate honors to the
memory of the doe eased,
The contested Fishing. tirounds—gee
peocity Treat—PeabodY Plumate I
London--The Lampoon War—lgegotl.
tion• for a Conres no liopes
a Peseehil Solugtions,
—Heavy Sumps..
Siena Continue.
Pima Yeas, Dlay 29.—The steamship Persi
from Liverpool on the 19th via Queenstown o
the 20th, arrived here at 7:39 o'clock this even
A Trieste dispatch says the naval anthori-
Meg refused to grant a clean bill of health to
vessels Intended to convey volunteers to Mex
ico. Without, no ships are allowed to leave
the harbor.
in the House of Commons, Mr. Watkin
called attention to the reciprocity treaty, an ,
saw danger in assembling United States s r
vessels en the fishing grounds, and cormorant
the conduct of the British Government.
Mr. Bayard defended the Governmee"
said they were not responsible for it.
nation of tine treaty, and were fully a
Its Importance, but the American Goverut.
would hear of no negotiations for renewal
He deprecated the speech of Mr. Watkins
calculated to arouse boatility. He noel the
American Government was actuated by friend
ly motives In sending a fleet to prevent thin-
The Lord Mayor of London, by request of
numerous eminent Merebants, called a pablir
meeting to asc e ntps to raise a statue is
honor of Mr., in London. ,
The satiation Of Continental affairs in un
changed. War looks imminent as ever.
Marshall Benedict banned the first order of
the cloy to the Austrian army, expressive of
firm confidence in the army and the Justice of
tile Austrian muse.
Military preparations are reported from
rumens quarters. From Italy, particularly,
tams Is exceedingly warlike. Franey, Eoglan , l
and Bawer are concentrating measures fur an
Enropean Congress, but there are little hope:.
of a pacrde result. Lords, admitted f. t :rol . on i t e tt . . if . n . u s se lc. ol .
Liens were passing, but expressed his convic
ting, them. were no hopes of a peaceful solu
The money market has sensibly subsided,
securities generally improved. still, heal y
Auspenslons continue, and it Is feared there
are many more to follow.
Lirerpool, hblairdap Morning .—llretidstuM.--
Ittuhardxoel, Spence Co.. and ot hers report
tignl market, owlng to :Ile financial crisis,
Wheat unchanged fur all artick..
Wheat ha 3.11410, hl per .IYi pounds. SI I
Cent 3u(591, 4k per 455, pounds. l•rovislons—
Itigland, Athya andtlarda. Bruce a Co ,
report Beef dull and tending downward.
Pork slow of sale and easier. Bacon octet
and about lower. Lard, It dearer; Amer ,
mui 701:7L5. Cheese steady. The Brokers' Co
rnier reports generally steady. Coffee very
quiet. Petroleum Inactive; Reflood . .to.
London .Market.—Borings, Bios. a Co. re.
tiorted BreatistulTs steady at the late rates.
sugars Inlet at .5s lower. Coffee dull. Tes
dull. Petroleum Zs 2igd.
London Money Iforkst —Tbe weekly return
of the Bang of England Was the meat extra
ordinary ever publlshal. Although the
bank has not availed itself of the pnvilege
grunted by the suspension of the bank char
ter, the agoras In the statement exhibited
unprecedented vlolemi changes. The di'
crease In the bullion was pounds r
In the notes unemployed 4,219,103 !mends
C. Morton-Loy x et Bea.
Arconw Jon
- -.,- ---
t. He
live to
.1 do not Intend to put myself
00 record against the right of COOgramr to
that. the time comes to take action on
that point., I will be reonly to do so."
Mr. Le Blond—lr my colleague in favor u
the report of tile IteconstruelLat Committee
Mr. Ashley-1 WM voting It.
Mr. be Blond—And keepingo the Stab
out until the eomittions are complied will,.
Mr. Ashley-1f toy colleague bud been listen
log to me he would not hey° asked the 'inc.
otoutl—Thou why do you yield Iht
~110.1 of nearo suffrage In that report.
Mr. Ar.l.ley—ltecuuse I could uut get .t.
Laughter.) IS not that Intr.
In conclusion Mr. Ashley appeal.. to LIO
louse to tree, this the OthOr measures
...ported by Lie etwoutlttee un Moeunstrue
Dr lit
It. t
Mr. Isefrcen, from the Committee on Bank
ing and Currency , made an adverse report la
relurenee to an Nationalnd of the
bank act, which w ame as laid m
on ent
the table.
Mr. ge, front ths - ontinitee on relief
Affairs, Dod reported baok t ti
he I,lll t for the relief of
Mr. Ntubllng, Lima Admiral United Staten
Navy, which wan referred to the Committee
a' the Whole.
The Mourn ut tour unlock adjourned.
inn agalant Cholera—lr/Ma
Treatiew Proclaimed.
WASU 1 MII - 011, May 29.—The President 'has
approved the hill authorizing the Secretary of
the Treasury to make regulatiells against the
mtroductlon of cholera.
Thu treaties with the !Milani, at the Coun
cil tirounds, am the Arkansan river, in }Led
proclaimed. They contain pledges from 1.1a41111
tribe to maintain peace.. 2111 disputes are to ;
be nettled by arbltrutaou,
I W aSari.GTOS CITY, kiiSY 29 , / 866 .
Mr. lone, of Ranges introduced a bill to
donate public. Janda to the several States
which may provide agricultural colleges for
the education of persons ot African descent,
which was referred to the Committee on Pub
lic Lands. /
The bill to grant the *lnoue and St. Peters
Railroad the right to bridge the Mississippi,
was Viten up,
Mr. tthandiar mowed to lay the bin on the
table. 'The motion was negatived. The first
question was on the amendment offered by
Mr. Schofield to strike out of the seventh sec.
tion the following wordie and shall provide
sites and buildings for the purposes of educa
tion," clown to the end of the section, and in.
sort in lieu thereof the words "and shall hire,
or provide by lease, buildings for the pur
poses of education whenever such eseoalation
shall, without con to the Government, pro
sod shall furnish such protection as may
be squired for the safe conduct of such
schools." The amendment was agreed to.
The Reconstruction resolution was taken
op. The question was taken upon Er. Julln
son,s amendment to strike out the third sec
tion, which disfranchisee the late rebels till
r Mr. Johnson demanded the Yeas and nays,
and the third section was stricken oat by a
unanimous vote—yeas, 43; absent, 6.
Mr. Howard Intends_ to offer several amend
ments to the paroling Recenstruotion resolu
tion, They are
on tho as follows .I—Lnsert at l
ning of the first words
thes born In the United States aod subject to
jurisdiction thereof, are c itiz ens of the
United States and, of the State wherein they
ao r o
rdin tin , 8000 t. rOpmsentatives
thinotased robub3 ex
tiectiOn 3 being stricken Out, the following
le proposed in lien of it: "No person s shall be
benator or Representative In Conress, or
etcctor of President and Vice President, or
hold any °Mee, civil or military, under the
United Slate. or under any State, who, having
previously taken an oath WI a member or Con
gress or officer of the Cnited States, or as a
member of any State Legialatureor as an Ex
ecutive or Judicial officer of any State, to sup
port the Constitution of the United Stateti,
shall have engaged in insurrection or rebel
lion against the same or given aid and com
fort to the enemies thereof; but Congreas
may, by a vote of two-thirds of each house,
remove such disability'" The other sections
are substantially as before.
Mr. Saulsbury said this was the flrat notice
the minority had received of the result of the
causes held by the Majority. Ile therefore
moved the amendments he printed, and
the subject postponed until to-morrow.
On motion of Mr. Fessenden this order was
entered and ordered to be printed.
Mr. another submitted the following amend
ment, ioton led to berpropostel as a substitute
for the bill to provide for restoring tal the
States lately in insurrection, their political
rights: That when any State lately in rebel
lion shall have Willed the foregoing amend
meet, and shall have modified its Constitution
and laws iu conformity therewith, and shall
have further provided that there shall be no
denial of the elective franchise to citizens of
the United States because of race or color,
And that all persons ehallbe eqoal before the
taw. The Senators and itepresentatlve• from
such State, If found duly elected and qualified,
may, utter having taken the required
oath of mike, be admitted into Congress as
such; provided that nothing In this section
shall be so construed as to require the disfran
chisement of any loyal person who is now al.
lowed to vote.
. . .
11r. Sumner introduced a bill to enforce the
sinnutmeat to the Constitution abolishing
slavery by scouring the elective franchise to
coloreil ritiserel. it prorldes that every. WU*
Len, whatever ruce or color, shall have the
right to vote at all elections, have to the con
trary to be void, and proxidee tamishment for
The railroad resolution was talmn op and
emended sons to allow compensation fur malls
and troops. Adopted; 24 yeas, awl 15 nave.
The hill was then taken up out. of CoMmit
ie. of tho Whole and eferred
lila amendmen to the Senate.
Mr. Cresswej moverd t, do.
feared yesterday in Committee of the Wiwi.,
to provide that emigres, shall have power to
alter, atiletiat, or repeal this act at any time,
and Maas agreed to.
The hill es amended after disensehm by
Messrs. Sherman. Sumner. Cowan, Johnson
3.11 t/ Udvlej pahsetl Over the fonovrixtr , mare,.
thew... Messrs. tinekalew, Cowan, Creswell,
thivis, Doolittle, Fesserulen, Foster, Guthrie,
Harris, Henderson, Hendricks, Johnson, Mon.
rill, Norton, Saullsbury, Trumboll,
tan it inkle and Willey.—/e.
N. May Stevens. of Penn
al, tree, the Committee on approprta
.., reported hack the Senate einvitiluteole
thentntary Amulet:ay appropriation MIL
e e tile amendment., were non -concurred
and a Committee of Conference ••keet.
The ball to continue tri force to amend the
Precalmonfe Bureau bill name up as the tleal
truniness In order In the Morning hour.
The Douse seconded the previous question
en the bill and amendment.
The next question was on the amendment
offered hy Schellaberger to add to the
sixth neetion the following: Provid that no
thing In this act oontalned, bowoed
to urfeet the right of any person to recover in
lee proper courts, any title or right of posses-
Mon which such person may have In any of '
the lands held under said order. The amend- I
tent wan agreed to.
Tee next quotation was on the amendment
offered by Mr. Davie to add to sections the
following: "Anti the floweret conferred, and tee
duties enjoined by the act hereby amended
be applicable to all person a or names
referred tar in this Section, and acts Or parts of
:Leta theon.lnteot with the provisions of that
aft are hereby repealed, and to ntrlke out oil
the remelning sections of the bill. Thu amend
ment was rejected by a rote of Si to re. The
tell was then peseed, 9il yr.
on [notion Mr.geltenek the thonite amend
ment to the hill relating 10 the appointment
et Outlets to the Military .I,ationny was taken
(rum the Speaker's tableau,' non -concurred In.
0,, motion of Mr. Cullom, the Senate bill to
revive the act of February 9, ISal, making a
grant of bind for railroad gni - pawns to Ark.,-
ins and Missouri, was taken from the Metal,
table, read twice and referred to the Com
mittee on Public Lauds.
The Mouse then proceeded ten the considera
tion of the bill reported from the Committee
on fteconstrucuon, the Will of April, to pro
vide for restoring to the States! lately In la:inv.
teetion their full political rights.
tar Ashley addressed the House In support
nf tin, Intl. Re h that te taes whih
tad retained their Co nstituti o na l
relati t on. c to
be coverionent were the only Constitution
.l governing [moor, In the nation that leaving
tat done the rebellion, they bad the right t
meter the law of Oat lons as conqueror. to I
molt 0011Ant101:114 or, 111 the judg-j
1011 t of the majority ot the people, w urn no
misery for the national safety. Ile favored
tieh an amendment Si the bill as would re
Omit arty state upon Its ratifying the pro-,
iised Constitutional unientleliellt Matelot of
wetting its humming part of the Const 11.11.
011, lie referred to the noticeable fact time
lienever Ica), ecnatorn elected from the late
del matt. were not unblueheng
bele, the one, who was, was elected fir
tong tern, Willie the moderate one w
kneel If,, the short term. Alluding to ti e
10, 1 t,f tneltgnatiOn raised all or erfehe cone try
shot the report of the lievonetructlon Cote-
Mee., he challeuged the pointing out of
01 history when alter putting
en such a rebellion, the conquerors were
making proponll.lo. so Wild, so <emelt
,' merciful, as the proposition of the
'll of fifteen. lie expressed Wenner
. mtrengtherillig Ulu Winds of loyal
flie South, by giving black men tile
d. With the ballot In thu hoods of everi
ne In the South, the nation weeld it-
rebellion, safe from repndlutlor
Without lithe nation wool
le from
to (rum
•1 be safe
Blond dosirtol to nak hlo oollwlt
wa.a In favor of negro auffrage
Mr. A neley—"E verywhere."
:11r. La. Blend—"le the State of Ohto e'
Mr. Aeltley — . Ever) whom."
Mr. Stovene—“Me a Ilttlu more oxplielt
Itlonol--..‘ ory good. Dons my 0..
•lultn that Congreas has Lino power
that right on Mu negroca In tit
att. 1
lain next addressed the Mouse in re
o the disqualifying bill reported by
natruction Committee.
conclusion of Isle speech, on motion of
n, the further consideration of the
toattioned till to-morrow,vete, then railed lip u motion to re.
the VoLe by ,thi.h an amendment was
o the senate bill to incorporate Lite
if Columbia Canal and Sewerage Com
n motion of Francis Thomas the
postponed tilt Friday neat.
Horning hour Mr. t eNelll_preScrit
lal of the Philadelphia Board of
g the favorable action of Congress
nun before the Senate relative
thin to the Naval Neatlemr, and
lon that section which tilie h cts
oval cadets be made from te de
'qualified naval apprentices who
sot less than one year In that on- ,
~tally t
t iOll of
ng an .l
!American Citizens and Europosin Con
sertpUon—Shlp Canal MU—Appoint
atones Continued-
NEW Tone, May 'M.—The Department of
State learns from the United States Minister
at Paris, that if naturalized citizens of the
United States, liable to conscription In France,
but tor their naturalizatlen. will report at the
Mairie ot the district in which their names
are enrolled, produce their evidences of na
turalization as citizens of the United States,
.td ask to have their names erased from the
scription list, they will probably be deliv
ered from all difficulties or apprehensions m
The bill now before Congress, authorlzbig
the construction of a ship • canal
from Pass Alen tre, at the month of the
Mississippi, provides for the incorporation of
a dredging company, who are to keep this
Pass open, not less than twenty feet deep and
a hundred feet wide ht high water, and are
authorized to charge all vessels drawing over
fourteen feet, from eighteen to twenty-eve
c iv ents per ton for passage through to the
. .
- .
Tbc Senate in executive season today, con
firmed a number of Internal Revenue officers
for the Southern Stated, and Theodore J. Mor
ris, of East Bridgewater, Colleetor for the see•
ond district of Massachneetts, Cession Fair
child, Marshal for the District of Wisconsin,
John Cummin, of Idaho, associate Justice of
the Supreme Court of that Terntori ; also the
following Consuls; It F. Ferrell, at Cadiz;
Willie P. Mangum, of North Carolina, at Wa
gaski; J. B. Smith, Louisiana or Ransas,ut-
Athens and Nicholas Peek, of New York, at
Port LCilliß Mount'.
• --- —saw— —____,
From New Orleans.
Haw °outage, May ts.--C:otton feeble; sales
of 1,718 balm, at .V.037e. Bank sterling 50661
to 5.3 e.
lin the Supreme Court, to-day, Durant and
I Bruit, always, Union men, argud the validity
of Confederate note. as the ten o r of twinge,
i eat. Judge Campbell, Confederate Assistant
I Secretary of War, and Moser, Confederate
Jetigc, argued against Chinn. The Supreme
Coo t
000 deckled against Moses Fos claimant of
the 'idea - reptile mill of John McDon
leangh. The cities
lustmoe and New Or
s were defenn. Judge
toil. Ayanui di.
il. The majority nay the proof of the ha en
is undecisive, the testimony of Nath
an Case incrodltable, and other circumstances
suspicious. The plaintiffs counsel, Pierre
Smile, is disappointed.
Another crevasse, a hundred feet wide, has
broken through bolos, the city, on the right
bank. The Opelousas Bantus(' is threatened.
The negro°, would not work yesterday. Red
River meaty, Ouachita and Otheitltfayala are
vast oceans.
arri The steamer Bolivian, from Liverpool, has
Louisiana country papers give sail
a r e of the flood end distress. Provisions are con-
slantly forwar led. Thecorn meal anti cotton
of twelve Parishes in devastated. Work is to
The Bonlynay crevasse is progressing, hut
the floods are nigh.
Gen. Baird succeeded Oen. Canby to-day.
The Steamer St. Louis, ham Boston, has ar
G•tvr,ros. May 2 7.—Sales of cotton for the
week, i 150 bales, on a basis of lie .Posse.
By call t
L a i ct verpo ive;
ol b
. I steam to New York, %.
New York Dry Goad* Market.
Nsw Yong, May 29.—The market is alit
strong, and shows no signs of tailing off
Many styles of desirable Brown Cotton,
CAttosindua, Denims, Brown Drills, and
other heavy goods are scarce and difficult to
get In large oruintlties. Brown Sheetings—
Pacille Extra, 24; Lancaster, •M; Atlanta, ....2..4;
Amoskeag /1, 24; do. It, 21; Appleton A, Vit..;
Atlantic A. 25; do. 11,34; Augusta, 21; Bangor.
21; Broad way, Tlia.;; Gotmset, 24; Dwight A,
......,• Indian Head, 21; Laerel 11, 2.1; Medford,
21. Nashua, extra, 21.,i; New Market A, 31;
Salmon Falls .1, V.; .10. C, ~. .t.; Stark A, 22....;
tinperlor I. A. L„ 40. Brown ath.—Amoskeag,
24; Boot DIM., 22; Globe, V, Massachusetts, 23:
Pepperell, 24. Blue Checks—Haymaker, Mt..:•
Kennebec 1240), 2244; Lanark, No. 700 10; Park .
Mills, No. 70,414; Star Mills. No. aOO, iiiin Work
ingman, an. Prints--A.merlean,lB.,Wloo; Amos
keag, 104; Goober°, 21; Garner d Co., 21, Ham
ilton 20; London Mourning, 1714; Lancaster,
/7@2.4,. Pacific, 20. B.lchelonds, 17 i linnlgoe's
Frocks, o Fancy, 19@ak. Hoop Skirts—
Bradley's Duplex Elliptic per dozen hoops,
4 1 , 46 . 41,rci. Paper Collars:.—Shakspeare, 40e.
tillit—Loc, less 30 per cent; enamelled Garrote,
240, leis 10 per coat.
Cnteaoo, May fl-Flour quiet. Wheat dull
and docile.] ler.N.; #1,65}11611 , (or No. I, and
al eat' Loa (or No. 2. torn quiet at 52 , 40530. for
No. I into quiet at 5.2}}):32 , ..ic for No. 1, and 3o
Ite for NO. IL Provisions arm. Mess Pork
zulvanced Sec., at all. Freights steady. BO
c2l2cits-6,030. C bbls. Flo; 37,300 me. Weat;
,o p oo bu norn; IZ,OOO ur
bus. Oats.l nhlpmehnte
-12,0un bids. Flour; •>;,coo but . Wheat; la),one
bus. corn; AM) bee. Oaf,
-altar Chamber- Meeting of Maryland
ronaerratt vela.
BALTINOGY, May Z.-The }executive Com
mittee of the conservative Meg of the Union
party of Maryland met tole morning In title
may, The attnnce wan mail. on. ont
gomery Blaire, lontmastere Burnett, li
and M Ex-
Provost Marshal iliumerburgtrere present. A
roaolut hen was plumed excluding reporter, and
the public, ted In and the preeeedlnge were con
Wisconsin ol Cosm
SlAmscs., rAil tor
?day 2,...— i ention.
The El & hth donna]
Con vonticm of the tVlstrasln Editorial amo
elation will be held at Janonvillo on tho 9th
of Juno. Chan. Seymour, of the Laoroase Re
po/Simon, will deliver the annnal address.
River lista Weather al Louisville.
s, May ,M.—Ecrwinu.—ltyrer ruling
with four feet three luchea water to the canal
Weather cloudy and cool. Mercury 6/ degree,.
The Prhyer. Meeting-
Sad Conference In connoction ielth the Gen
eral Assembly of the United Presbyterian
Church will he held in the Second United Pres-
I yterlan church, Sixth street (Dr. Prestiers),
cn Wu Inesday (thin , et I, o'clock; and on
Thursday •, h., at n Welock, In Dr. Pronely's
church, Allegheny City.
Cheep Groceries.
We direct the attention of our readers to the
very Inducing list of prices published in
another column, by the well known grocer,
Jesse. 11. Lippincott, No. emithtlelei street,
corner of Second. Tlus Is none, our first-class
grocery and tea houses, and, as the proprietor
possesses unusual adroo taw. , for the rear.
chasing of weal., he Is rumbled to sell at s. but
appears to le. ruinously low primes. lie has in
store a Is.ryre Imo fresh stock of the best of
groceries, which he is prepared to dispose nt
at ratos per enivertbotruent. The ptireli.lng
community will gm! Mr. Lippincott a (air
Sealing, honorable gentleman, and Iti every
rovt•ot worthy of their patronage
Inrenttuatlng Committee. Thu Commit
tee appointed by the Pennsylvamiti Leglila
turf to enquire Into certain charges of bribery
against thy Allegheny county mean bere taus. m:aided yesterday IT linen,,-
gnhclet city at the
House. It wilt be remembered that
titexxierni`ers were charged with hating re
ceived sums of money to secure the pasting
of the liquor law. A few weeks ago n partial
examination was held hi Harrisburg, but
Important was adduced. Many of the
I iquor ' , eiders WM, been tillbl/1231/01.1 to appeal
before the C. ditruittee at its present session.
esterday four ltnettses were examined, but
nothing of importance as ellalkyl:
Rent Estate Semlnes Raolt.—We publish
In another column a statement of the !teal Em
tate Saying. Institution of thl, city, omen No.
a Foerth street. There are few more reliable
ml banking h l Atltlltlena In this
city, and a lucre glance at the figure,. will hat
tfr he mastmastmastdoubtful of the fact. Upon small
or 'large opelai L. Interest will he allowed and
payable aelnl-ann nail r. Such inatitntions are
calculated to encourage industry and econo
lay, and their ex Intellect 11111 working entrlle
laity like ours proves all Incalculable tamellt.
Wu fully recommend them to the confidence
Or the humble. columunlty.
Errntans.--iii our report of the Sole.
Council proettedlog's yesterday we Wady°
teen i
y credited Mr. Conrail; wth In
; t,solutlon providing for an appropnation o
12,000 to the Good Intent Fire Cow patty. M
. 1. McLaughlin, who im always uon th
alert for the benefit of his coturtituepnts,
be gentleman who succeeded to bringing th
toitter before Couneila. lie make the come
ion !daddy becauve Mr. McLaughlin has la
awed incessantly to benefit the Good Inten
.oys, and we awarded through ;thank° th.
•nhill to another.
Meeting ot the Piantlary Commit
The S anitary Committee met hod night ace°,
ding to announeument, but wore tumble to
I ettnauet hesitat*, there bunny no quotalll
presont. We would reepeet fully urge the
tuernbers of the Committee not to allow any
tt it lel pretext to aeon them &Intent, aa their
art - vices at the present limo le indispensable
to the welfare atill neulth of our city.
Cbarired with Arson.—Justlec Jason!
Miller, of Snowden township, ysterday roan
aaitted I,ahn Ousterhattss to the count)y l t
wait trial on oath of IL (2, MeCorker, on a
charge of lilccorket alleges that tl,
aOCII,OII 111(1 M . Info anal maliciously net fire
CO, and 01 1 1.80,1 to he burned nown, a haystack,
tilt, property. of MeCorker.
The Male of abeenrea Meats Mr air. Tett
toss's Concert is going on briskly at Q.C. Mot
for tt Co.'s. The close of the musical season
by our best amateurs excites a general Inter
est. It Is it kind of family gathering before
parting to go to tho country where tho fair
weather summons us. Let n o all meet there,
Valuable Property direct
attention to the Sale of v aluable ro u t estate,
at Sharpsburg, on Saturday next, by T. A,
auctioneer. propy is a •
in trebly located , within easy The
access of t
the city d
by ntilway, and will no doubt command a
ready sale
Aselseill end linatery.—.l. W. Basset yes
terday appearea before Alderman Taylor and
eharirod Peter Miller with assault L im atry.
The deponent states that Peter bit on the
bead with a temr-glass. A warrant was Issued
for the arrest of the aroused.
A Tip Top Peix.—Pit have reelevee from
henry Miner, 71 Fifth street a gross of Ester.
brook , . famous college steel pens. We pro
teen to be aiudge of the article and pronounce
this pen superior to any We hove ever need.
N. B. Cluley Nominated for Sherlif—John
G. Brown fur Clerk of Quarter Sessions—
Alexander Mande for Clerk of Orphans ,
Court—Henry Naively for Recorder—Jo.
seph H. Gray for Register—Georges Ham
ilton for County Commissioner—John P.
Glans, GnomeW ileuu , Samuel Chadwick,
George Y. McKee, It. A. Colville. and
WHllim Peter. for Assembly—Extreme
Radical Resolutions Adopted—Reselatimui
Endorsing IProddent Johnson Laid on the
The delegates elected by the Union Repub.
Deans to the various districts of the county on
Saturday last, assembled in convention at the
Court House, on Tuesday, (or the purpose of
placing In nomination candidates for Aasem
lily and county offlces. The attendance was
very Largo, every district being represented.
At ten o'clock, Dr. W. J. Gilmore, of Upper
st. Clair, rte Chairman of the County Execu
tive Committee, called the Convention to
order, and Bald; "Gentlemen, is it the will of
the Convention to have a temporary chair
man 7"
' Mr. John MeDonahl,2d ward, Allegheny
W. 11. Nogley, Esq., of Liberty, and Mr. John
F. Draw>, of Mifflin, were nominated for tem
porary chairman, Mr. Dray° declined, and,
on motion, Mr. Negley was chosen by acclama
Messrs. Solomon Schoyer, Jr., of Wilkins;
Samuel Hastings, Third Ward, Allegheny;
Richard Fife, of Snowden, nun David Aiken,
of Liberty, were selected as temporary Score
The chairman requested all who were not
members of the Convention to retire, in order
to give the delegates room to move about, the
crowd within the bar being eery great.
Delegates were celled upon for their creden
tial.. The following were presented and
.'irst Ward—Geo. Wilson, Abraham Fryer.
Second Ward—Thomas Steel, T. Ewing
Fou .
Third Ward—W. B. Neeper, A. W. Smith.
rth Ward—Wm. W. :Meer, John II- /fare
Fifth Ward, lot preelnet—Geo. Caughey, D
Fifth Ward, 2d prtminet—Thoma.s Harris, B
Sixth Ward—C. Jeremy, Joseph A. Butler.
Seventh Ward—William Mayo, Albert Moore.
Eighth Ward—E. D. Thomas, H. E.White,
Ninth Ward—W. Ford, W. W. Wills.
Tenth Ward—Contested.
First Ward—Wm. lichee, Isaac A. Reed.
Second Ward --John McDonald, Gco. Parkin
Third Ward, let precinct—Sam. /lasting.
Wm. Scandrett.
Ga Third Ward, 24 precinct—D. C. Smith, C.
Furth Ward, let preeinct—john McGraw,
Joshua Patterson.
Fourth Ward, td precinct—E. F. A. FauMari
bor, Louis Moult.
110 8000LIS.
Manchester D. L. Patterson, J. W. Trimble,
Duquesne 2 G. Monti, Ed. B. Coats.
Lawrenceville, let ward—Z. Wainwright,
James Robinson.
Lawrenceville, 24 ward—Chas. North, A. D.
West Pittsburgh—Ed. Sprung, J. V. Auth.
Monongahela—itlehard Perry, N. Brookaw.
South Pittsburgh—Ed. Perry, 11. Moorhead.
Birmingham, let precinct—W. Doyle. J.
rc liirin '' Ingham, 24 precinct—Wm. Graham,
Chas. Markham.
East Birmingham—Wm. litttenszwl, Geo. E.
Sahf Mt. Washington—D. 13, Ferguson, George
Sharpsburg—J. G. Comstock, M. A. Bennett.
Temperaneeville— (Contested.)
Se wiekley—J. T. Sample, Caleb Gray.
Tarentum—R. F. T. McCall Wm. Evans,
Ileliesazabeth — port—c. C. Taylor, J. 11. Berry.
D. Surber, Samuel Walker.
Weal. Ellzaboth—W. 11. Lynch, Dr. McGrew.
Pitt—William linrrison, W. B. Murray.
Collins—Samuel Crawford, Robert Thomas.
Baldwin—Thomas Horner, M. Venter.
Rosa—John Blair, Wm. Detre ,
Upper St . Clair—Walter Foster, John Gall
Calon--Jsuntn Slacker, Thoe. Walla,
Scott—Henry Eaton, E. C. White.
Wllkins—Solomou Schoyer, Isaac Mills.
Chartlers—G. W. Westerman, Reuben 'Leese.
s now - den—R.ll. Fite, A. Douglas.
Lawler St. Clair—Louis Fritz, John INT miser.
South Payette,.—Thotuas Coiiioo, Thomas Al
Mei:tom—Hugh S. Fleming, Charles Harl
West Deer—John Ilet;111, John McClelland.
Penn—Joseph Hughey, Joseipilt Stotler.
Elizabeth—Ben Course]; S. Eon.
hilfrliri—J. F. Drove, Alex. McClure.
Robinson—A. MeKee, Wm. Glass.
Moon—Wm. tiny. J. P. Ferree.
East Deer—J. B. Edmondson, H. Thompson.
Fawn—Wm. Nesbit, John Hunter.
North Payette—Daniel Hoffman, H. E. Mc-
Neville—George Colo, John H. Hamilton.
hlarsholt—George Neely, William Zlrtxman.
flarrlson—T. J. Stevenson, J. J. Miller.
Peebles—Joseph Bayles, R. N. Burchfield.
Liberty—D. Aiken, Jr., Wm. B. Negley,
Versailles—J. J. Lorimer, S. Brown.
Jefferson—S. Chamberlin, John O'Neill.
Finley—A. R. Burns, Win. J. Armor.
Reserve—Wm. Wettich, A- Aurents.
bewlckley—Elias Reno, A. M. Watson.
Crescent—John Hamilton, F. McClelland.
Plum—A. Merl:ink - In, T. NV. Stewart.
Pine—Thomas Graham, T. J. Marshall.
Richland—J. C. Plumer, A. Harper.
Ohio—win. Morrison, Jacob Robinaon.
Strler—J.S. Smith, R. H. Miller,
Franklin—James Duty, Isaac .
Hampton--C. a. Osborn, A. C Neelarsony.
Patton—Tbornas McMaster, Geo. Linn.
Indiana—W. W. chow, Quinette.
ideCundleos—J. Wallace.
bar, mOEvcw4infg;itt. aopfpSolrt7nden7VirPcoltt
mittue of three on contested seats. Carried,
and Messrs. Ewin g, Joseph A. Butler of the
Sixth ward, and Ben. Coursin of Elisabeth
appointed as the committee.
The contest., sesta were those of the dele
gates from the Tenth ward, Pittsburgh, and
tile borough of Temperanceville, the dispute
being relative to the time, and manlier of the
orgimixotion at the rimary meeting. The
tonimittee retired for p thwith to consult.
Mr. John McDonald moved that the tempo- ,
naryoeicent of the convention be permanent- '
ly chosen.
C. C. Taylor, Esq.. delegate from Mcßects
port, moved to amend by selecting D. R. P er-
green, of Mt. Waimingtori, T. J. Stevenson, of I
Harrison, W. li. Iceoper, of the Third warn,
Plusimigh, and D. Aiken, Jr., of liberty, as
Mr. John Cliflllan of Upper ° Clitir, moved
to amend by addhi th..
g the name of It. a. Fifth
of Snowden. Aocepted.
Mr. Ilugh S. Fleiniug, of McClure, moved to
further amend by adding the names of those
who acted as, temporary. Secretaries. Accepts
The amendment prevailml. and the motion I
as amended was adopted.
The Chairman announced that the Conven
tim,„..res now prepared for business. He un- I
joined upon the delegates the necessity of I
preserving harmony, andselecting good men
for the races to be tilled. Outsiders were re.
queued to retire and keep from within the
bar, in order t h at the delegates might not be
Mr. J. F. Dravo moved the appointment of a
Committee of eve to prepare resolutions. The
Chair, as desired, appointed the following'
gon entl
IV . eme
R. Ford, n: MessrsJoh . J. F.
McDonaldoa x nd J.
M. Wat
It was ordered that all resolutions intended
for presentation to the Convention should be
referred to the Committee appointed, without
being read.
It was moved that Mr. John Hamilton, of
Crescent, and Mr. John Wallace, of IdeCand
i(MS, lie allowed to vote for their colleagues,
.who were absent.
Mr. Hugh S. Fleming moved to amend by
making the privilege general. Carried, anii
the motion as amended adopted.
nt Aiken, Jr,, moved t hat the chain
of t, at his conenienee, a County Ermxecau
tive Committee for the ensuing year, and rt ,
unested that he (Mr. Atkin) be not placed on
the committee.
Mr. hiellonald moved to amend by requir
in nMr. Aikin to serve on the committee.
motion fort e appointment of the com
mitten prevailed.
Printed lists of the various unnuidatea for
Sheriff, Clerk of quarter Sessions Clerk of Or. I
'Mans' Coon, Recorder, Register, County Com
missioner and Assembly, having been brought '
into the Convention it was suggested that I
thuy be used by the clerks as tally Mats, and
that the noun! formal nominations of
be dispensed with. The list being read
Mr. Samuel Kerr, of Elisabeth, objected to
its being used, for the reason that the llamas
of certain candidates hod been placed first, for
the purpose of better soli/serving their
interests. There might be adnitional
nominations, and in looking over the lists
tie observed that the name of Mr. Allen Wall,
a candidate for Recorder, had been omitted.
lie preferred the old plan of doing business—
tile taking down of the ironies of candidates
by the Secretaries in,
and In the order
, wore wore presented. Ile made a motion to is
effec, which was seconded.
r.l). 11. Ferguson, who had furnished the
printed list, dlselahned any particular design
In the matter, other than to nave the Srete-I
ries inconvenience In the discharge of f their I
duties. Ile took the list of candidates sib
printed in the Worette, and did not know Mr.
Wall was a candidate.
The motion of Mr. Kerr to do away with the
printed l ISt was carried.
Mr. W. R. Ford, of the Ninth ward, moved I
that the Convention proceed to nominate COll
- for Sheriff' and other °dices
A delegate suggested that each °moo be dis
posed of Kmarately, anti offered a resolution
to that elTeet, but withdrew it upon consider
tog that much more time would bu occupied
by this was of doing.
The nominations were then made. Five
names were presented for Sheriff, three for
Clerk of the Court ut quarter Sessions, nix for
Clerk of the Orphans' Court, three for Recor
der, seven for Register, three for Commission
er,and etuosi for Assembly.
Mr J. F. nin
Dravo move./ that nomination of
Assembly candidates be deferred until those
for the remaining offices were disposed of, In
s elec
order, as be said, tepee every opportimity for
ting a good Assembly ticket,
The quest A
ion being put, the ,Chair thought
carried. division be
Dravo bald: "Let it iro; if d ing el called for, Mr,
egates aro More
anxious Le get home than to secure •
ticket, let It be so."gOod
Then Chair again addressed himself tothe
ontalders, and appointed Memo. Koh
Perry, Richard Thompson ant w. Thomas
a committee to prevent their intp„,
Mr. John F. DrrivrYwas nomlnataz"bs:
motion for Director of the Poor.
The Convention, on motion of Mr.
took a recess until one O'clOoll.
err lit.trOON messes.
The Convention re -assembled at one O'clock,
Mr. Thos. Ewing, Chairman of the Committee
on Contested Seats, mane a report to the effect
that no irregularity was pparent in the elec
tion of David Sims nod WI-Warn Simpson, as
delegates from the Tenth ward, aod therefore
recommended their admission to the Cony en-
Lion. In th e Temperuturrille matter, the com
mates said it appeared that one party organ
ized add had polled a number of WWI before
four o'clock, the regularly appointed hoar for
the opening of the polls, and that another
meeting was organized, at the proper time.
;and that bp the regularly OrganiZed meeting
James W. Ballentine and Thomas Ilerabberger
were drily elected. The committee recom
mended that these delegates be admitted to
seats in the Convention, to the exclusion of
W. N. Erwin and Jacob Smith.
aThe report of tbt commlttep was adopted by
decided majority.
IL was moved that the delegates now proceed
to mark for the different c andldates.
Mr. J. F. Dravo moVed that Mr. William Pe•
ter, of Boss township, be nominated by a.-
cln motion as the "German representative" on
the Assembly ticket.
Mr. Thee. Steel spoke In opposition. In sub
serving the interests of the Union party, he
recogniz e d no nationalty. Let - the g. entleman
named take hie chances with the other candi
The question was called on the motion, but
vote appeared so evenly divided that the
chair was unable to decide, and the yeas and
nays were called.
The chairman suggeated that the Conven
tion might as well proceed to mark, as the
yeas and nays could not be called without
very groat inconvenience and delay,
A delegate moved that Mr. George Wilson be
nominated by acclamation for Assembly.
Mr. Steel moved that Gen. J. B. Kidder:, be
chosen by acclamation as a candidate for As
Mr. Dravo withdrew his motion, and the
call for the yeas and nays couldnot, there.
fore, be insisted upon.
The delegates then proceeded to mark. The
names of G. w. Coffin, for Assembly, N, Nel
son, for Clerk of Orphans' Court, and Satnuel
Neely, for County Commissioner,. were with
Mr. Steel offered a resolution that hereafter
two County Conventions be held, one for the
nomination of candidates for Legislative, Ju
dicial and Congressional candidates, and the
other for the nomination of county officers
proper. Referred to Atte Committee on Reso
lotions, in accordance writhe resolution adopt.'
ad at the morning session.
As delimites would crowd about the places
where the marking was going on, despite re
peated requests not to do so, the chair annull
ed Chas. Jeremy, of the 81x - th ward, and John
Megrim, of Allegheny, a committee to make
them "stand back." The committee perform
ed their duty satisfactorily.
The districts numbering seventy-eight, and
the delegates one hundred and dfty-sia, the
number of votes required to nominate was
The t
seventy-nine a maj
annoty over u all.
firs liall ot woo
three o'clock, as follow.:nced at half past
von 811ELLIPP.
Joseph Ross INI S. B. - Young 5
S. B. Mules' 64 J. WK. Buodgrasa... 7
Charles Barnes to
Neither candidate having a majority, there
was no choice.
•John G. Brown... .09 W. J. Gilmore 16
Joseph Browne ..... 40
•Jotm G. Brown, of Hampton township was
delared the nominee. The announcemeat was
received with applause.
E. •Alar. ilibtOOB 89 ohn M. Lorimer...2
M. Johnston 43 H. S. Snowden
lillands was dec lared nominated.
Aloe Henry Srovely 73 McClure 50 IJ. B. Copeland 34
No choice.
Joseph H. Gra REGISTILIt.
y 30 John Small 55
R. W
R. Homes 27 David Cornelius—JO
. Ramsey Mt Allen Wall ti
WIZ Forsyth 1
No choice.
(Six to be nominated.]
* Samuel - Chadwick. Ee William Peters...., 54
Alfred Sleek 54 J. B. Iliddoo la
IL A. Colville 56 John A. Hanks 54
Goo. Y. McKee 71 Josiah W. Ells 8
John P. Glass -75 Haus 73. Herron .... fd
J. A. Hutchison 21 Geo. F. Gilmore..... 60
David L. Smith 58 D. Shaper
Thos. A. Howley.... 40 Hu g ........ 21
John Murdoch, Jr.. h W 36
•Geo. Wilson 87 Goo. H. 7114410 ..... 44
'Samuel Chadwick
Wilson, of Pittsburgh.
George Hamilton.. 100 1 Chas. Pugh ro
Air. Hamilton was declared nominated.
After the ballot was announced the name
of J. Mg. Snodgrass, tor Sheriff, thoee of
Davie Cornelius end Allen Wall, for Register,
and that of John Murdock, Jr., for Assembly,
were withdrawn.
A second ballot use ordered for Oherip,
°order, Register and four Assemblymen. It
resulted ea follows :
loft 11112.111 - 1,.
Joseph Boas
.8. B. Clnley 59 1 Chas. Barnes ........ 6
MI 8. B. M. Young 4
Mr. Clnley was declared nominated.
Henry Salvel lICOMIDZE,
Abdiel M'Clare as 1 y ..... 791 J. B. Copeland 21
Mr. Snlvely received Just a entlielent number
or votes to nominate hlm.
Jihreph H. Gray
No choice.
.58 R. %V. Ramsey 26
. I John small as
Alfred Slack ASSEMBLY.
4a 7. B. libido°
R. A Colville 5 - I John A. Danko SI
iiGeo. V. ?delft, 'B Josiah W. Ells
John P. Glass 66 11. R. Herron.. iiS
F. A. flinch t0n.... Ge. F A.:limos(' 7a
David L. Smith Si I). 5haffer............ 15
Thomas A. llewley..l6 i thigh Woods
Willlans Peters .... . $7 i Goo. R. Riddle 1
Messrs. Peter, of Ross, and /denim, of
were declared nominated.
During the ballot, the chairman announce[
that It had been concluded to postpone the
mina meeting announced to take place in the
evening, and leave a future Limo to be flxol
by the Executive (Committee. The postpone
ment was in consequence of the receipt. of a
telegram to the effect that Gen. R. F. Butler,
whose presence wee expected, had tmen obil-
ged to forego his engagement The dispatch
received (from Washington City) was as fol.
'7k W. B. Begley, Big.; General Butler an_
were, ho grieves to nay it Is Impossible to
come. Re leaves for home to-night on urgent
business. Taos. Wriaassiths
The Chairman alb* read adlspatch announc
ing the death of Gen. Winfield Scott. Be ex
payiredmorni at West Point, at eleven o'clock yeste
dng r-
Alter the second ballot had been annotmeed,
a variety of motions were made, among others,
that the two candidates for Assembly having
the highest number of votes, Messrs. Gilmore
ands Wats, (after Messrs. McKee and Peterl,
ominated by acclamation, and another
that the soldier candidate for Register, Mr.
Gray, be likewise chosen These motions wore
laid on the table.
Mr. Steel then moved that all candidate
for Assembly, except the tour having the
highest number of votes, be dropped from
the list, Carried. Messrs. Gilmore, Glass;
didatSlack and Colville therefore were the only can
third s to be
e voted for. The chair ordered a
ballotbe proceeded with, for Register
and two Assemblymen.
Ur. A. Arent, from Reserve, auggested that
an the committee on Resolutions were ready
to report, they might now be heard as many
of the delegates might go away, owing to the
lateness of the hour, at the cloy., of the ballot
ing. He moved that the committee be called
upon to report. Carried.
Mr. J. P. Drove, chairman of the committee,
read the following resolutions, which were re
ceived with marked alildauite, and adopted as
a whole, with but one dissenting voice
Rewired, Tnat the Republicans of Allegheny
county cheerfully endorse and ratify the nom-
Illation of Major Genend John W. Geary for
Governor, WWI will labor with earnestness and
coal to stmore the election of this brave and
patriotic son of the Keystoue State.
Resolved, That we heartily aoproVO the Plat
form of the Union Republican State Conven
tion that placed general J. W. Geary to nomi
nation, and will adhere to it as expressing
fully our creed upon the political questions of
the day.
Resuitvd. That the people of Allegheny
eotinty will sustain the course of their Rome
sentatives in Congress upon the R.ecoustrne-
Goo question, amt that the action of the Re
pion, an unblica d n
the p
MMUS with our heassarty concurrence_ age or the Civil Rights 11111,
Resolved, That we heartily endorse the dee
laration of Andrew Johnson that "treason is a
crime," that It in the "highest crime" known
to the land, and ought to be punished as such,
that "takers ought to take back seats," and
"that treason ought to be made odious."
These patriotic utterances and conduct at the
time, In accordance with them, caused his
name to be inscribed honorably in the history
of the Republic, and gained for him the admi
ration and confidenceof all genuine patriots.
le e s, p the removal of Republicans
from ollice by the President, not because of in
ay, neglect ueglect or mallet...nee, bet be
cause they will not surrender their profound
he t c onvicions aal basely betray the party to
which and they both owe their elevatiou,
involves ingratitude which cannot be excused
or palliated, and which provokes tne condom-
Wittioll of every man of honor and virtue.
Bezoll.rd, Ttatt an enlightened adjustment
of the excise arid Import duties, discriminat
ing In favor of American industry, will silent
late and attract capital and sk tiled labor, de
velope the resources or the talon, repair thew twos of war, fortify the public credit and
serve to unite the people of all sections once
more in the bands of concord never to be
Resolved, That the unfaltering devotion of
lion. Thaddeus Stevens, during a long and il
lustrious career in the cause of freedom and
humanity, his hatred of treason and traitors,
hiad his fearless advocacy of the right, stamps
m as the man above all otnegee whom woven
trust as a leader le the crisis.
RCJOiVeti, That the highest and best Interests
of the Status and the people require the enact
ment of a Free Railroad Law, under which
the resources of the various parts of the Com
monwealth may be developed and the growto
nod prosperity of the State he
M promoted, and
ut the members of the Le
county are hereby Inew gislature from this
w. vote for and
promote the pasaage of such a l aw
Resolved, That we owe a debt to the defend
ers of our flag that we cannot repay. The fal
len heroes who offered up their lfvus that their
country might live, shall be remembered and
the living shall be the recipients of our ever
lasting gratitude.
ReseZvat T. the course of our Represena
tives in Congress, Eteasra Williams and Moor-
head, meets with our cordial approbation, and
we will stestain them In all they have done,
and hereby exprAws our abiding ocatfidemoo 14
their ability and fidelity.
Resolved, That the County-Comm Mee be and
they are hereby directed to hereafter call two
cutinty Conventions, ono tor the purpose of
no minating county officers and the other on a
/ afferent ‘isiv, Ju dicial tin Legislative. Coo
-1 riess„ tonal and candidates.
VW..AA That this Convention j
with unfeigned regret of the death of
i ~._°, Vi'MZILLD &err , the history of whose
c., enunata
iv in betudi of his country will live
As ffing_ssilie /11Mo, Amn nation endures,
opted the tgo, R. eri ..
array, of Pitt township,
sandßaOlVell Tbsl Ai deprecate all attache
upon the 'eshient or upon the majority
In Congress, th at ben:, r epresentatives of our
p o t ty oheuld be treaded with fairne and
that all attacks upon either are well sowscula
ted to Induce distraction and hostility in our
party, and invite defeat.
Remised, That In President Johnsen we re
cognize tho drm patriot, the profound states
man, and warm defender of the people In all
sectioss of the oonntry.
On motion of Mr. Arent, thee° resolutions
were laid on the table, by a very decided vote.
The third ballot was, nowt/proceeded with.
The name of Alfred Sineli, fOr'AsseffitgY. was
withdrawn. The names of IL W. Ramsey and
R. D. Dames, for Register, were also with
The ballot resulted:
n voean,.
John P. Glom ..... Aeg
A. Colville 107
Geo. F.Gilmore.. ub
Meters. Glass and Co Mlle were nominated.
*Josep G ray
... 103 1 John Small
Mr. ray w y
an declared nominated. 43
The Convention animal:led at nix o'clock.
te°11:11./Nui"ft7H°.°71B111.'1').' Rsy IMh, test at
to MIna " HELEN M. JUNES, of the format. plac.
ADAMS --011 Monday evening, at 11 o'clock,
The funeral will take place from his late,
on oyle street, Allegbet,y, Go Tinsel;Dar moan
tvo ß . at le o'clbck The Mende of the family are
raaPactfully Invited to attend.
No. 196 Smithfield St-, cor. 7tb,
(Entrance from Seventh Street,)
F•IMI T I923* Crizt.C3V,IEE,
Gold Chains,
SasCall snit see them at
3Z/1721713313.40M1X sib CilZl.OlB,
, f Collins, and George
were declared noxrd.
Selling- at $2,50,
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
Opposite Old Theatre
Ulm Of the most complete and best assorted stocks
14, b ,suL""d with l : flg . : l"enr "`""*"°' prlooa,
Ladies' Gloves,
Misses Gloves,
Gents Gloves,
Mtn, Mewlno, Gauze Morino and Cotton. A
toploto unorttoont of
Itlorrisonls Star Shirts,
Acttumled/red by all to be the beet Muslin bet In
the tn.-hot.
"111'.ZE .
Gent's Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs,
F. H. _EA.TON'S,
.P.ILLM'ES Vitl,/, lE, 01170
A new style of Fence, manure/eared be the Onion
Pence Oempany. The beau
ry of design. combined
with lite perfect protection of all it• parts from do
my or disorder, has Ell en It that Justly
wh o
name "The King of F en To To all those who
are In want of a feuce that shall beautify their lionte•
and remain man inheritanm. to their children. we
ask a momentMcomider•tiou to the following facts:
Firn the inanufacturloX 01 tMa fenc o . we me
00 unsound or tomeasoued lumber.
6,0.5_211 our work is done liy machinery, Is
ugly ti th ed and driven together with le. and 011.
"'zimmg—liy novel method We whole Is detailed
with doom:con:m g of the beat white Mad. oil and
sand. giving when complete, the appearance of t.
solid granite or y a w n b stone.
as Fourth—When p euti section la supported by
sidlustable iron brace, .d rre arum
• hewn
atone bun set Into the ground at einnt depth
to secure It against the aetion of from; all the
ps !mum
or connection• me substantially secured try
clasps and so perfectly cemented that decay b y the
accumulation of water Is Impossible.
Flnd—The gate. ends and corners of the fence are
" p w ri ' ittus b" =l;
binge& anu mach upon yustati:e ' c ' at o clics so that
they need never bc out of order.
had wi
th s but net lent , all them advan t ages are to be
tone thrui•lied, fence setup and complete,
at a price not exceeding that of a
for an Iron fence. good stone base
Thom wanting ten. will lin/ It to te ch. advantage
On examine samples of different sty/es of h is thrum
at the Warehouse of PETEIMO.N.
_eartilibtl 45 Federal street, Allegheny.
1d.2 o'clock, en the premises, near
the Sharpe
berg Bridge, and on the line of th e Citizens' as
a flan
waY Mid Allegheny ,'.
lthing residenos of A. Kelly. mei.• xi.. be 10
tthe eathable Property or Capt. J. trim
outrtezbni lni trimi
by on telii2lm; one
mndten al w g ttfir
w h&ead substaXa u 4
throughout lac toeVIZa/rcman;AlOnaltt•.,'
eleven rooms; also. atwo ...ory frame stable anticarriage home; also. a mourner kitchen and ware
huse; grounds laid out with gran el walks, with a
Valtattly of choice fruit trees. a/robbery &c.
two lots MI. th e Allegheny V alle y Railroad. each
100 feet (rent, and extending to low water Mark.
in pf,p,ro abouid receive special attention. It
begor easy accuse. Terme emy,
T. A. BMCLELLAhD, Auctioneer.
011100 titrrentoon 99. Ann itxrcititto
err-reibrou 1 T H E
13th, j
EIOLDEII80: tEn Company will be held at
Oftlee or the qoutpanr, No 2I• Duquesne Way, on
rELDAY A Jona 11 14 .t akeatOak, r.
Illy= Man PNILLiPS. Secretary
pLUCKWHEAT--000 bush. Seed
Buckwheat Inotore, In lots to colt.myiU 1t0C9 1 ,4.91` E CO. •
349 Liberty stre et,
pOTATOES=iIoo bushels pelliae
Peach /now Potatoet, In store add for sale try
The edlUon 4 forwardedyntel lON rosob the sub
slathers soonest as the mail ren.
CLO S O F F ••
KS! CLOiliiii ! !
17 Fifth street.
Is 3
1 lb