THE DAILY GAZETTE rtlarmirrni) Br PENNIMAN, REED & CO., No. 80 rgrrn STUNNT. PITTIIIRTION TXIMLIS : AIR TX HT MAIL , 48.00 CH 0• gx, nravtu CARRIER__ lA. he Nittoburgh 6autte. MONDAY, MAY 28, 1866. Idit the Howie of Representative -t. on Sat urday, Mr. Stevens submitted a proposi lion that certain Ml:leers of the 'TreasorY Department In' appointed by- (tom uKerit resolution. In urging this proposirmll he used very strong language t,sords the President and some of his Seer•mries;even going so far as to hint that ' ,licks of im peachment should he brought forward with. in a week. If Mr. Stevens believes anything ha.s been done deserving of impeachment, it is hi s right and duty m bring for - ward articles to that end. But violent threateninks only damage him and his friends. As see read the Constitution it does not warrant the appointment of officers in the manner proposed by Mr. Stevens. Among the masses of the people there is just as strong a disposition to hold Congress to rigid itecotuitability, as to hold the I'resi• dent. W HEN secretary HARLAN , was asked to consort with rebels and copperheads to Overthrow the republic an party, he frankly responded "I have been fonr times elected to a seat in the United States Senate by the Legis lature of lowa, as a representative of the Union party, and as a member of that or. ganization l was appointed to Oa oyiee liO4 , hold. To betray the confidence thus re posed in me mould ben manifestation of in gratitude 4.0 dishonorahle, that I tun sure no intelligent member of your or ganization expeets it, nor eon it be expect ed that I will do or say anything which would, in my opinion, tend to diride, treak• en or demoralize the great Union erganica. tie,, until the purpau s •r" its creation shall hare bee,. /It aceomplished.." There spoke n high-toned gentleman, who would not do "an underhanded thing." Will the Colnmerrbil and other adulators of Mr. Cowa...s, make a note of what he said THE DEMOCRATS of ilh lei , a:sembled in State Convention on the 24th inst., were tender-footed in their endorsement of the President. hear them. "We st ill cordially :loud actively support Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, in all necessary and proper men<. urns, to carry out his policy as directed to that end, and especially in securing imme diate representation in the Senate and House of Representatives to the eleven States, now unconstitutionally and arbitra rily withheld on the degrading condition of inferiority in the Union and negro, politi cal and civil equality enforced by the Fed eral Government." Which, being interpreted, mean , . so far te , the President phi) , into ;he hands of the Democrat,. iu their effert,to regain po. lineal power, they will applaud him. and when they have gained thei r end, they will "whistle him down the wind " TWE Nashville, (Tenn.) Pe”. vay, "My policy" is sparing no effort to rebuild the old pet faction, the Piouthern Secession Democracy, in order to :secure his re-elec lion to the Presidency. which lit the • , ttle object of all his labor • "Arrangements are being made to secure the representation of the eleven Southern States in the next Democratic conVC11(1011. The Nen York Drily _V,r• already ir culating 1114 a campalgn document in the South, and it rnoote.l In influential .iunr. ters that Iwth Fernando Witort and Voor. bees Will lay itrong ,•:.nditia'4., for the Vice Presidency. A man by the name of Curtis is now traveling through the South as agent for the paper. which he furnishes gratui tously to those who can't be induced to pay for; it. The. Money for this enterprise is believed to come out of the city treasury I" " New York. THE all of the Republican Central Com mittee of Illinois for a State Convention. is addressed to the "Republican Union voters of Illinois who are in favor of keeping trai tors out of the halls of Congress, and of as serting and maintaining the right of the loyal people, Ihrough their Representatives in Congress, to fix and determine the eon• ditiou on which States lately in re b e llion shall be permitted to participate in the gov ernment of the United States." Tilt. Republicans of .lunia to county hate nominated for Congress, John .1. Patter• son, (subject to the District Conterencea Assembly, Henry H. Wilson, (subject to the District Conference,) Associate Judges, Joseph Pomeroy, Lucian Wilson; Prothon• °tory, John M. Thompson; Commissioner, Jacob Weiser, District Attorney, Jeremiah Lyons; Auditor, Thomas Morrow. US 'Change, in Cincinnati, on Satur day, a resolution was offered to the effect that the action of the Chamber in ISR2, requiring the members to take the oath of allegiance, and expulsion of those who re fused, was rendered unnecessary, uow that the rebellion is at an end, and that, there fore, the disability be removed. It was accepted and made the special order for next meeting. TOE carcrs of the republican members of the Senate to consider the Reconstruc tion Amendments has had a beneficial effect. Conflicting views will he recon ciled, and the measure put in such form as to secure the unanimous support of all the Senators who art with the republican party. Wnim: the national authorities banished Mr. VALLANDIGUAH the dentocr Its were enraged. Now, they purpose to raise among themselves $50,0450, to send him to Europe for three years, until present politi cal complications shall bare ceased. 11..s.xturLtAls and his empire am in a bad way. His European backers are likely to have employment at home for all their time and resources; and this contingency will leave him no other course than to ab dicate and leave. Tn Washington serenade was devised' to constrain all the members of the Cabinet to accept the President's Policy, or to af ford a pretext for removals. As unity was not secured, removalsmay be expected to follow. THE FINANCIAL REVULSION in England resulted from the multiplication of enter prises purely speculative. It retuaiQs true evermore, that "the) who make haste to he rich fall into temptation and a snare." THE republicans in the Senate hove ceased to invite DOOLITTLE, DI KON , and COWAN" to their caucusses. They have, nt least, a suspicion those gentlemen will do "an underhanded thing." AUL ROBERT DALE OWEN 11RA been giving some foolish and mischievious hints that t renewal of the war is contemplated by the republicans. Nothing can be Earth. er from fact. ST. Louts has taken a fresh start since the war closed, and shot far ahead of its rival, Chick , . It now claims 280,000 in habitants. Times papers say it Lae rained there eteadlly for a week, . VOLUME LXXX.--- CITY ITEMS Bates & Bellew , „ .00tla. Humphrey'■ Elomoapthle for sale at Fulton'n Drag store. No la. Smithfield street. For Boys. A Very elegant stock of Cassinneree, Linen GriCsts. Plaids, in the new stock ar lisrrn 1:12=31132 All trlath. anti qualities selling low. •ut the Northeast corner of Fourth anti Varlet =I CRZZI Csaalmeres, Light 11./lii dark, on the Northea,t corner 01 Fourth and Market etreeta, =9 Lace Circulars and Points, Mack and White, on the Northeast eonnee nt Fourth anti Market street, r os Lova ICCI=TeI2I In great vacieLy, just opened, on the znotb Cobbe-nrner of Fourth and Market...tree,. 1 . . 11.1.11fiON 11,)N I, a . iilt. RISIIIketOI. One ease, I.t arrirml and selling at about half price, on the northeast corner of Market I= DEE! Bates & Bell No. 21 Fitth street, have opened an elenant lino of Shawls, Silks,, Mantle., lam• Cho-tnln4, Gilt Comic., Honey Comb (lull., Mnr.elllea Guilt, I=l Prudent persona will not be without a bottle of cholera mixture in the Boller, or a bottle of reliable liquor, for eases of emergency, both of which can he had at Fleming's Drug dtore. NO. Si Niarlzet. Remember the plan•. ==l In out notice. in Saturdny's etiltion, of lit. Quincy A. Scott's method of extracting teeth without ram. we intended to say the, 4.4 Al IT ans./war in tritten it has produced Injurious rj ret Jo, instead of there is but one case, Ac The Doctor will guarantee euttre safely in seert mw.. Itelnetnbice his number, X:, Penn street, , third door above Hand. lie gives a full set. 011 011 1,111 it, , . with beautiful gums, for eight. dollars.— /i 4 milt it rib Pose Iloatetter'm Stomach Bitters ilea 1 the following letter from E. lionrne, o well known citizen of I . ll.taborgli, l'a. =MMERICM=I , .11rssr.t. Hosteller aSmith—Gentleme n : Dur ing a visit In the west lost fall, I contracted chtlls and lever which brought me to my lied and dually terminated in typhoid fever, and eonfliii..l me to my room for several mouth, dm tag which 11100 I was physically so pros trated that I almost despaired of ever recover ing my health; having entirely lost my appe tite for days, Oct being able to eat n morsel, added to a iiich I was much distressed with a reeling aerisatiOn In my head, and passed Many sevies , front debility caused by ey prOstr,L to condition, brought about by the (vv.. stage of illy condition a triimd reconmirtided rue to Use ;our celebrated St,. rna , :( Bitters, led being morally opposed to the me of stimulants In any form, I at first hut afterwards yielded my preindiecs and, alter taking the medicine for set weeks, its directed, nip appetite Mtn riled :M eral O milli It t um rapidly regaining my former strength and vigor. My sleep, (from the loss .1 which I had sullered much.) lab net er been seller than it is now, and the reeling rents :too (bet. , alluded to,) has entirely lett me. My tam vi., s hien Were much constipated and Irregular, are now quite natural, and In fact I am glad to nay that I teal myself a new Irian, and tender you this testimonial of my appre ciation of your valuable preparation in order that others suffering as I have may avail thence:lees of its virtues, which prejudice idevente,l air from enjoying for no long a period 'I !nay also mid that my physician, atter seeing the beneficial client your Bitters nail on me, r(ssiminended that I use them rec. Marty I ours, very respectfully, E. Boyitsr., No 46 Market street. 11(rnoleilter.• Bitter* A Et sold trbo:esai a and retail at very Tow rat' L I onntam . /4 Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, AO. ut Marcel. atteot, corner 01 Use liio.moc.r: Il6,lket. near lienrt, street. FROM It ASRINGTOL The Indictment against Jeff. Dash,— Statement Contradicted—His Trial Not to Take place Before Fall- -App euttons for Pardons Dtatinisbed—lies titation of Freedmen from Texas— Collectinti and Burying the lead at 1101:11!bier, Va.—PintMusa Fair for the Benefit of Soldiers and Sailors' Or phone" Home. W Asti !NOT Oh May M.—There enema to be good 111 thor t y tar denying the correctness of the .tatement Thick has been extensively puldished, that a new indictment against Darts has been drawn up In the Attorney Gen eral's °Mee. .since Mr. Speed's return to Wash mgton, and that Judge Underwood's meet will he withdrawn and a new one 5.1.1. stituted. It Is not Improbable, however some changes may be made In the lndlctment pro. serated by the Norfolk Grand Jury. The Im pression still eSiALX that the trill! will not lake place before fall. Applicants for pardon are not so 1111111CT0119 as they were a few months ago, but those who apply_t - sersonally are none the less Ur, fort LI ate. Pardons were granted to-day to thirteen persons of the Classes Included Ln the first and thirteenth clauses of the amnesty proelanur Lion. General 'tpragne, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau In Arkansas, has for warded to the Commissioner, under date of the fifteenth Instant, a communication from Captain Abell, a superintendent of the Bu reau In that State, which says that the freed men arc corning in almost daily from Texas in a destitute condition, and report that an archy and despotism reign Mere. Many are driven from their homes and families, and MOOT have been shot and hung for expressing it desire to enjoy their rights as freedmen. General Sprague, in concluding his letter, says that it is very probable the report is ex igerated, and he la of the opinion that It Is, although Captain Abell has never shown a disposition to repeat sensational rumors. Tile a orb Ines engaged in collecting and tins eying the soldiers and civilians WOO tiled In tile service, in wail about Hampton, Va., report that they have thus far re-Intel red in the 7CIII - at Hampton, the remains of about 4,(ski leen. As most of taisse men tiled of wounds ur disease. in the hospitals near Fortress Mon roe, their names, rank and regiments are all known. Active preparations are making for the na tional fair (or the benefit of the StlllOre and ioldiers' Orphans Home. A spacious building is now fn course of erxtion at flue luterser- Lion of Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street for the fair. litt. August has detailed a number of soldiers who are acting as carpen ters. They commenced the brulding this morning. FROM NEW YORK. Cholera Report—Plead Center Stephens Asked to Define lila Polley and Ac count for the Collected for Him self and Family—The Caucus of Repub lican /Senators on Reconstrortion— the Government Liable for the Finn Value of Notes of National Dank 14. Nwir Pons , May M.—There have been no deaths recently from cholera on hoard the hospital ship Falcon, and the patient. are nearly all well. The following it lir. itheiclps report “1101,PITAL Snip, May 25, lain. The report of the condition of the hospital for May OLh is very meagre. No admission, or deaths; all doing well and anxious to ta. discharged and weed their way to the fertile valleys of the West.” Nothing of importance transpired to-day at Head Center Stephens' headquarters. ft is tented that the circles in Manhattan and other districts have resolved to discontinue giving any pecuniary aid to Mr. Stephens till lie de. tines his policy and readers an account of the lands hitherto collected t.. r himself and his family. The evening papers say the proceedings In the Bepubilean crenate caucusrevealed the fact that more than two-thirds will sup port the Constitutional Amendment in tmslinedtOrm. The third section viii proba bly be stMalren out. Probably a substitute for the whole amendment will be offered In the Senate. Medlars Doolittle, Cowan and DISOII RCM not Incited to Lake part in the caucus. 'Lleroco4lll. 001101111 Grant and wile intend visiting St. Louis and other portions of the West next week. Treasurer Spinner, in a communication to the !Jerold, says that,according to the aet of Congress, the Government An liable for the fee value- of all notes of National Banks, and Mat no case lift,, arisen 10 which note-holders have buffered any loss. In other words, the 4.tvernment (Ines not ant In the capacity of Jo lit lrllblot of the National Banks oil the hOlders of their notes to pay the tatter suet, earns tas it may realize from the sales of the securities of the former, but It Stands as the perfectly secured endmaement slavery circu lating note leaned by a National Bank . Capture of a Murderer. J 40 . 1,-11 - 1 .1 May V.—Terrill, the murderer, was cantered by the citizens of Shelbyville yesterday and sent here today. lie reeelved three Shots before being captured, and It IS sUpposcd they will prove mortal. A man named Baden was also captured with him. A Lb ird associate escaped. ,A rumor prevailed there that a large body o( Pentane moved northward from than Clete ity to-night. Their destination is unknown. tnellmaa A b eeonded — Lirreitments in Fenian Bond., LotrisvlLLz, May M.—Ben. 8. Board, council OLIO of this aty, has absconded. Ho 1.4 sold to be guilty of forgery and fraud. AL Nashville oversl,ooo was Invested In rentaa beetle /an alert Several Tel per- On routs tar the tiorthstn Aaiun THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. NO. 124 ffolo num. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M THVI LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. IDDITIONIL FOREIGN NEII S. The Prussian-Austrian-Italian Aar. CONDITIONAL TLEATA BMW AI STI;1 AND !TALI Military Exemption for Money Abolished. THE RINDERPEST IN IRELAND T 11,• Fiwinciftl (`rasli MORE FAILURES AND SUSPENSIONS Financial Panic %Wadding. FINE\ a ATION UNCIIANtiED 11.1 M, May "21;.—ThY fol low tug n. It tonal IIeWS Is I Me steamers :amount and A toe rlea A Milan telegram of the Isth states rrgl tnents of troops continue to arrive. SIX thotisaml were expected altogether. and will tot removed from Frivol! to Padua. Depots for the Aunt man alit terry servlee In Venetia have heen established at gents. and avonstd• erable force Iv stnlioued on the T) Ile. The Vl-1111 1 .1 1. to be raised to 24,010. Gunboats have ht-tin statloned and many tor pedoes sank In the r uter harbor of Venice. The nntlerpost had apintartsl In Ireland. Several Fnonth Journals reeetved 0 artong for representing that the Government is pro voking war. The In France oars many communtmdmos have been exchanged between the labium, 'luring the suspense The depart are of the Vienna garriamt for Itohernla ban eommenoed. . . . The substitution of money for military e emption was abolished. lovresv.—A Berlin oomatch of the 101 l sitt. A conditional treaty of alliance was signed on Saturday bet wren Prussia and Italy. The correspondent, between the King. of Prussia 01111 the Czar In believed to have here tmaneeted with the creation of the Purl, et Warsaw, and It Is declared the 1 tar lots not Interfered in favor of peace Vienna date , of the lOU state that an impe rial ordinance will shortly he published, de. M ating Inotebant se,,h and range es not Ilahle to capture Aust rim; ves-els of war, .tulply bectoose they belong to It pain,' with ahich Auatria le ut sear A Florence telegram nave apectal decry, - Mtn been islet 1, ordering all uoldmr4 of th -ccond cavalry of ISt! to be tncorporated the regmar army. They have stlrcenly been culled to,t her lor two 1111111 , he •If 1;1 TM, henatt• a ppros by a cola. of •, the hill gr.:mita* the looolltlve nttruo, l l HMr . ponetr, 10 r 0 o, the publit• -.Met y Tbe thlnt, •hat It a formal prop. ?hohld made lot a Europt•lth “notrt•— llaly tltll.l ltecop: apt. LW. , C011g1111"1, That 4h.• may T et.", Arthr•,l :ttot tha (ht. ettnethak ~f rot, Itt hc• pr. , gramme Of thelong, ,, , The- , , on.ILI ton ant .s..enit A Milan telegthiu .Lunn that t othou 11 . ..1 Atoo elan Author% aerated at Ventre tor defence of the Lagoon., and rruter. were lastt ui ed to or Z'Ltyaly of I ' . ..klO hoatmen, tor tran aurt i luullero to the191(1.11.1 of Late. Twenty-two thou...nod Auatrautru troop, OfIAS cat through the Mosul , A Trues, telegram sac. tho %quad ron haul left the Bay of Lazront. a nl Mkt n al a imaltion In the Adrlatli , tot peen Amore and the Biland of liruaaa., thereby elo-Ing tuulf or Trtonte and threaten in g t erub Trieste, Poltuul and Futenne. A Frynkfirrt. telerliTn MA% crvotton r. ..h,lrtly lutrniltice..l 1,1 the n ft , t the 1:1,..ti0n of the frder..J %I 11/. It v• Z &Lad Ra....t0t,1t, that i li. , tr =swam T 11 4 .1,11.10,1 Virn , sl T , lll 'l.- 11 •11 6,:xa•ty at], tail no fre,di lallureltue,t. enunidering that the presence far 1110:11.) . ha not mitigated. ant that the ”. tiot eatraor.ll7l.4 17 !Hit, it Well haro In ell pa. 1.1 unetampal, it Very in, °raid.. The f...lobet.i Tues.la3 et 'ring rvistrt• a .its. cidetlimpt ovenn•nt in the stork exchange, and the foreign stock isesp....tails. buoyant CM, col. for notto•y, 1.1 I,u at 2 ! r v. Tile London Aropinsio . 1 ;II VI. of the eN enthe of the 15th antlol/11ea, 111.11 the hank of Eng. land lind raised the in tweet for advances on stock to tweis e pet cent.. In 1 . 011S01,11VCI• the great pressure for assistance in ltd. II Inpr on speculative arettutd. On the Stock change the tle maul I Po ti aocorunf Hon Was settee At the Bank. the Intr.-tors are striving finot not in intrtuge it,, har lt, I,; taking tot vantage of the pout, granted them by the Stovetrutneni. Hallett, I , Menarly ,C I 0 , bankers, and t,rll - it Ruston, stock Brokers, have s uspentleti Serena! [allures have neon repOrtedfrom - epol. The liaittlities or Wakefield, Nash A 1.0 .rf. anti of Penny A o, ,:140,0A1, w lilt as set. of only .C3t,ost, Lel.. VIA 1/.)44 171/4.-1 .. 1' .• lave for the Derby fu-Mly a4l, u 44 Lord on. Bribery cult wit). e.evon.l and l. ltuanc thin:. Tama) -tom hone, ran. The stmonslnpe Nialta and Ern, from Nev. York. arrived at ljneeninown to-day. The war question le unchanged. There are. however, Inure pacificiimere from Parts, anti the chances of all Bo ropillll I conrcen are 1111. proving. II naeerieit that Prto-ct are] Bali nave atkeenteil. The Auetrian rep:). on. ¶ll.t ramet veil. A Trieste VII 01 the DM. •a) , til.. All , - tram rolunteets about to proceeil to Mexico it In stated, sail under the French flag. Fermis Brim , r.l l.ip erotic!, hut, suspend...l. Their liabilities lire heavy. but Ile itisssods eousitlernbly in excess theteof. tither stispeb sions are report"! Liecrpooi, Mott ottos .lull, vltl. little inquiry, and prices a eek, the sales lot two nays reacheil Ir..MfO bules, of shirt specs. Intors ated exporters took 1,:.r. bales. Bread stuff's stonily. Provisiocs inactive, i•Seept Lord, which is rimer: sales at 7UFCIii. Landon. 3/.1, St.—Consols, shiois7i., for money: Hee-twenties. G:i%ty., Erie shares, 454440. Illinois I estral shares, 77,A. The r rrr.l nap , The C.1.111P1 of the I Idled States relatlve to the recent Fenian nglinClon In Ireland hll.B heen roost 41.1.1101110,0', _ . It le believed that the eat tie pluale• viii led extend lot. Ireland. A Berne tetegrani say-: like Italian troops who have been stationed on the frontier et the Palatine, have keen withdram n to the !fierier of the kingdom. A Merlyn telegram state. that the "over, Meats of }las:aria and Kaden are in at, tor of armed neutrality. A Gotilentz dispatch say's: The all and !tit Prussian finny corps are to be enneentrateu there and at Wetzltu. A Rio Janeiro telegram of April . 24th says: The operations of the allied arms . upon the Pursues arc being elgorouslx pushed forward Exchange off London New Int k, y ni Itootne hem arrived from I.lverteml nn t h, met gllPolletOWn en the 701,. The City of London was ont on thy rdh ‘IIEI Nova Scotian on the lath In luta, llnueus or lot liannott] the bombard tnent of Valparaiso had teen noticed In tern, of Indignation, but the nentrallty of the gril l-II A.dtutral au., defended and fully endorsed by the Government. The Logical. pr sni people loudly denounce the net at Spain. ess An nthgnatton meeting at LI, erpool ado pled resolution of pr des, and also reeohations en pressing_gratitude for the exertions td co t "m -alodor° Rogers, I ;Med States bury The tintir Willi panic octant lll•ti .1111/..111P1Y 1., sulatitle. Many ditTleultiess are yet anticipated, nut It in believed the effects are lens. dinasitrnus than former panics. Leading securities were decldedi,, Improved. The discount (let:land at the Bank or England continued extremelt, large. The ~,,, alual rate remains at ten per cent. There is also 101 active specie demand for the continent. There tins he en CO schlitional suspension% to. Liverpool. The Continental situation remains an. changed. The military attitude .at the %afloat; pun er n Is threatening. It In reported that Ithimarelc receives 1111/IV a rrnlngs oi Imminent &SIM/0.111/I.CM, It is scatted that A nettle Ina tow weeks will Hare nine thousand 111011 In the neld. I.tirtre bottom of troop, sent flout V lenna, had al ready effected a St rategie concentration MI the k rustwart frontier. 1..,C11).00L. May lg.- Morning.—The 1 ntton market has been steady, with fair trade , he mand. Prices et American anti long stapled Cottons are rattler m favor ee sellers. ?did dling Up11.11111 , 11/01011 til :1131151 1341. The 5/I.lla of bionclay and Tuesday amounted to about 13,0 w hales, including 3,001.0 tor exporters and speculatlon. Tracts at Maaelicster yesterday wilt on limited tuntle. The prices ollereil were getter ally below the views of producers and little actual business wi. transacted. nrearlornlTN,-11.1clutrdurni, :.kffeueer d Co Bruce, MeAulliT, and report flour quiet, but steady. Wheat lu steady cleinuncl, at full rates; Winter Real, I?' 3.1011....41 per tx:ntal Indian Corn arm and In good demand, at :tune Sus 3,1 per 40.0 poundr for mixed. Mann Meeting of Fontana—Cane of an Alleged Embeasier--Ilomicide—De cease oral Catholic Clergyman. New Tone. May V.—A Mann Meeting of Yen- Lane was held at Cooper Inst Rut.. lard night. Stephens delivered a short address. The case of Cools A. Colon, before mention ed as an crubender of money and securities to the amount of forty thousand dollars, from Duncan,bherman & Co., wits before the Courts y l7tle ' ll 'l' ag . POLland, a tailor, wan murdered last night m a tenement house on East Fourth street, by William Cornutak, his late em-. ployee. The latter is still at large. Item. Doctor Piss, pastor of a Catholic. Church in Brooklyn, died yesterday, aged silty-live i rotats. PITTSBURGH. MONDAY, MAY 2S, 1866 CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Nearly the Entire Erna hide Aithes_ Consideration of the Tax Bill. !'n"" Rl. tlt.wl ;7 . 1, May L•on iltLy, ['LC • • now raging t t•lzy. Nearly the °WI, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY DE eatll ni the e, :1 1% :11,Ite, The Ins , tnormous. Amon;: the buildings already NOUNCED BY MR. STEVENS. : enn.t.urnod ar,n hotel , , Orly dwelling, and -.evenly-nye strirti... I nein(led in thli4 SENATOR COWAN AN APOSTATE. flout are %ine tbe finest e-hilithilitnents ill the elty. filt• 111, 1. , 1111/I.l , lltPti. I. tin- . . . possible to est mate the loss. -__ A rider iliApatch pats ilown the Ins, at nee Ilion, and Insurance Si one hundred thou- Mr. Stevens Threatens .to Arraign si ll dolls,. The following :ire among the the President and Subordinates principal sliflerid• for Malfeasance in,l and While, niermintile building, 4.40,000. Insiocil l'. art: Fox, Fidler 11.114 i C "Ml,ll- ni , !limb,. si;ii,notr i Insurainie *l2ii Itonsmi and i inninin3. pipe works, 1 ,30 . 10 0 , , Insure , ' ~ o,lXiii: Alri lil WI, Mt. tools anti tillillig loss I i la. \ I EVIFENIENT 1N THE 11111 . St. h',,,; Ilielinp anitliaaimn dry goods. iin,isini insured VV.), il:lrf•illi.•M.CASlCriille 001142.111- u hardware, I.3li,irio. Insided Slii,soi ; NV ASHINUTON CITY, Nov . .N. IW , , i ViLLIAIII* anti C1)0, 440,11110, In..urstive i1r.71,111,1. Ilill'SE. The oil ,Illpiiing . port lon of the city slistainvil no loss. Over 1,. families are homeless. 1 he linsineSs of the mornin g hour was ills -one 'lensed wltn. I Freedmen'• Courts Abolished in Ten i.n motion of Mr. Wilson, of lowa, D .. the sett- ' .see—P:lmo Marrlissres Lemtlised—in ate stueretnient to the House ball relating to vesthmtion of the Memphis Riots passports was concurred In. The liii] has Progressing. therefore 101,3041 both Houses Mini rtzle t May - I.—tieneral .1 S. Alcorn, Unl- I l' tr.. "'" of Mr. D.Lv., the senate bill ,' l e l ' o l iri a t . ;:l, o ll s aU o l 1 1:::i "htii:,lifiririWil"7l::V,Pli'ili' has granting 1.1 in the ismst ruction of it railromi Freedmen's Bureau. for a ; teacher In a freed lind telegraph line from the Central l'aciliC ' nen'. ''h •••• I nt Friar'., fe int, Si te.i".IPPI• Railroad to California to Portland, Oregon i 11l the Ireed to r tt''' r""'l'. in Ton .""or" ' err as token from the Speaker's table, read' to - day .ltlblb•hed by tine . Assistant Coin In is t a jet , en , re terree to the c omm i ttee on the ; sinner, the his of the Sti4le inaking i'olored Pao I tie Railroad. • persons ,1111petettl. !Aline. I, In all rivil courts ?Ir. Brownell introduced a halt° provide for I a t, "" e ' Ott ''''''''' coin pot log bounties of veteran voltinteers so l Thr a tell rights hill legalizing slave inerti as hi protect titter rights. It was read twice agoiK giving their children the right of I tito•r and refernal to the Committee on Military 1 Lance, and 111 u king ail !pers. ins, % 11.110t11 r ,n-air,. it proposes to mewet the heed „, giant to color. equal hero, e the law. hoe passe ed dollar veteran bounty front the ~..p„,,,,,0 bath branches of the Tennessee Legislat ore, of what bisto ho deducted, under rho bill to '9 4 heroine ' '", ' " -.l "' . aqualizo bounties. ; The C ongress halal (.ow mit toe are purse,lll S yir. (idler ~rre r„ d „ ~,„„1 , ,,,„„, ,„ ~,,,i , ,„their Investigation vigorously, examining trom lea t„ tliteen win ne,,.... illl11). Every fa adoptisl, requiring till. Secretary of the Int., „, re .„ t „ mre ha t ~,,,,e ;„ I ntot . tnet „„, as to en. i•illty Is ollered them Ily ihe Pitmen,' for mak pl icat mos for tit re-issue of till' Duchies pa- Mg the no/ a try thoi "Ugh. lent for v.1.'111.01. .......- _ ?Ire 1- ”" r "" tre . ' tt P.-t ".1 .v .".. "wit' . P" ,- Ifrotie oath Email Opened—French nonal oxpiallittlOn, ref racl log 10 et , ertalli ea Troops Lentins Mexico. IVIII s 01.0.• rvEriarkr W WO' he had made inn it' Atintso roe, Slay 27 • Tlie Department of ru n mng ,1,11:ile. It lew weeks since. retie., ill, oil the character ot Cot. McKelvey, n , ceerty state a bas official informat ton that the Dote. appointed I shed states Marshal for the West- ' rl . l Q/D y. r""tett I of tirtizi , , ri , blYist to "Pen t•rh Distr . !. I of Pennsylvania. , the dpitst w Ise trade to ...1,11, 0( all nations. Sir. ay, „„,,,,,,, ~ ~,,t o, „e „ ,, a joint rear ", • The - 01 , 4.11 in g of the \ Innate, Canal eaunot lie tin,, ret ,.„,„, t,, the ent , e , of pith"", t\'. tol " l.°r. ."uch 111ogil ‘1 , ,, , ,1. )I ....,1.• to 0 1 ourt of Alain], which wiu rend ". rrt''' , "'l at lb. i t elatrtrnent of t „ „(1.e.. t . e „,, „ ter , ,„, to the , ~.„1 . ~,,, ( •,, n ,. N tale ri•porls 111111 illy rt,,cll I rittinporl strum-' I ' er Ithinn left V eral rnlz I', France. bar Ing on 11111 '••' - ' " . , lo tin at Mr - C.nok. the Settote mak- ?"", w " . ."( log further prto 1,1011 for tho to, or. For , 'too 010 , ePotreo. : , n the loth tnPt. lttn 111 ataenal ot Rook Island 1111... French st. F rant, art Foto! there nt., was taken Iron, the opeolpel Fold, real (role "" red Is , h ., ,„„i nn f ennn‘ i „, ,n n „ n Plpty of the nle al the foreign antl tory .t.gsttro ' fifteen °filet,- •If the ..1111. corpt and of the The lion.' Ni mat mot t 11[11101. , •••• of ;the 1•111111.,/1 14•1 p whole on the Qtrtte of the 1 i, Mr Ilnwen m the (hale...and reaumtol the ootlnltli'l MAIM 0/ rem° Nee. Orierkautt thee:az 1 , 111 NrwOmthatet., 31av -.1 he "woollier., l'amtle Mr. Mort from the Lommtt tel nt Wayn r „ . Mean, ',ported a new paragraph ntr thatallw• .101111. amending eetzt ton 110 In toe ext-ting law. and ' In The Lever CrAIIIIIIr.I , II, A or e lot 11 had been tewerved -orne day. Rine, 11 ngtan 0. to 4 , 4 I t ll l`` ,lll ' 4 ‘ 4, Pee r'n am, They Intee , !taw A I mentor tat and 10111 p.temnicera and LIMIIA ealtroutia. canal.. -wraith., and eoaeh muapan. ,, , t ie ded t httt -nett rompantea shall liner the right •t, witi a lox to thelr farm.. , th a t Lotted.. pm-port.: I m mutton m Mr Ftfrnaw nett, the !nat. pro v hto wx. tft rule lc •ml rind the amendment a° T .. uottnied a a:. agreed to. NI, notch If te. m. , t etl to mid to the amend intim a pro, nui that horse railroad...hall hare Etre at at Loot. the right to all tax to thoo fa, .1 - 7'1,.• Inrg. 1...1..4a, M:. ..tea' en• tln,nght It null lit much hot- Mame of Peter I. DION. Mnin .treet. anti ter to let hotre railroad companteis have their extenlitrii J.' , ' I, In, man'- , hurter. amended. -to that they .hould charm. o ut .t.. thlg..lll l'f• 11 , ought , than lot this , ti . 11,11111. • :nr 111 Add 401 OW IR> The Insurance I. mil:noun 11, laalgeal.o am. mitmitil. in- o t . r D t ., A ,• 1 1,4", tnr tn.nnyroino:ll olv ...11 , 1 ',iv. 1 etty ••• r.-u NI: Davi...poke In tarr.r of il.• u th , y• .11.1 in Itlets., tx:,:ou.l,,toptinie” •t. t u upon El, imra,,tt apt., amandinent Arrival of atentnere Frani Enrope With bit I.vntli 0ff . ..n.1 an amendment exempting 2,900 Ibni...etiger• ' 4 ‘ 1"'""."'""" n pr t i to l e in ru".- h... Vitae, Nine r. The nen..., St:m... •—nn Breme„, art . , I, utl, 'ivr t fi,.lll ... 11 pw0....1 .„ T!,. 1 , 111, amenclim iny . t o particular. ord. Important astern-drat•;.f eyer, tlt It, m.tng int, tanking nit of the word - ,tivotiol - from the sontetnie protilla • I • liat..trrlv/••1 ..1.. N. a I ,rl,m. itlng o,llls to h.- it here lager beer, en'., manufactured \V title lbe N(.0.10118 relating to disllllon were 1 ,, e2n.r.1111 Niteedman null Fullerton In niter on itierntinn. Mr. Conklin Eltaltetl, tieOrgi. n1 : 1 er IP( LICO It , Mt V. tlAnt a„, \ .14. t. 4 1 , .. , rtilnitian fuel nattritti Itimmelf in the Linn- ,li,„ rpt„ 1I ttf NVni 4is 1,, protret the in - x. r„ r rt-t- tif 4.1.01 , 11-1111, ,it - 411.1,e J.ivk .no I preptit •net.rt tottnetten t ,I tnn t• rt intt;''t ft-nt tt rtn , t , t. e , ” Irent ttn.ttntt ttt ;tn. It.ttr.t, rind ntnitl.tttnt et • • 14 t Itnll.4uno tilnet4ti, hien It r,.• , 1 • " „ . s. A Httillt,oal eeet ton WfiNtraert.nd rarn Pre•thyvertn.y. no....enttbly 10 ...0 . ,,el whole ..t May rt:.• %ets , pal trete tee- 1, r,11411., metal uteler ,r 11.1.11 of the en t /re atuout:t of e , t,... " h statement to I, deemed 1% Ilftil perittry. , th „, the ,„„„ 0 „ The ietrituel‘Plt Morrio.ll nr the • ch.ting law wxo.‘ AtllClllloti w 21.1 te make it' t,Lketus 11.. ~Im.k. t 1114.1 tip li• (0/11.V1 , { ist Petal. 32 Inn. II ".• R e venu. , ,t 4 . oo ”: l) l . ). z . liNv —.l 11 ,, . today t y. "tut. onti" , ;,./11:11. Alt," a. 1.110) I out:111,41one IN, 6-1.0,0,, .lrr,lght r. of 11,1•1011 S, c1.f41.1 Ihe sulaxy ol , •:/.11,11gN 'lnn 1. I.oNN Neventy-IIN.• NlNN•lail CommlNNimier wit.N changed from , houNan,', iloilur. purtl) Mr %111...41,,, Of lowa, 1)}. I , . l.thotiOn t.l LIlt• ( ommitte#, "ffer.,l x , atrn. rt 41.11 toot, +ttttrtotot to ottrulutr legal proo,,ltog. tta "Lc,. May •27— trk.rol I: tile act whirls wit, it•tortteti. nu, tatol rtlota arrive.! MI. morning on the Ms , tetra., 11/10,41 to amen) tllu Ittanter T Brady. for an Otto, tow Itftth a. Lion by tarn:lag out the wortitt ° Ulu It MIL Mr. 1..... ' • ..,,,,," y or rho. 'I regmtiry IA L. relylititho .. l- _,..... ,1 to lippoint .1 In hi. department ! Itller rot Lortloville. oho ,tlta.ll Lri htyled touILLIM, , Iner, - -and in- 1,,,: ::., it : 1:, May Y:.--ILlver tglltgg .Ir"iti . -.."1"4 ''' I".” "t th ' ." ""' ,r '" . t Y ' '',". .Ith lir sr feet [i.e. Inebe. water Ln eann I :: ::, nIOU”.. 41 :. 11 •: :, :, ^P,,,L, . M.M... West her eirklid y : merry eighty deg meg. _..... NI, , tev.t...n.mal , l I an: •‘•• :fly Ing pat r , .11- Dereoure of no OM Settler. .t.I . :•• t h.' ~ , vtiary ...I In. It eg.gry where it • • . . 0. 1,, a , ..141 Ile has she nd,' Kalil that he Ism issue a-, MIL) ..:, -Calvla YIOtL . IIL,, on , a ill ILppotnt no ono to Lance vrtio will not sus- . of the first settler. of this cite anti a proud i Kin the pelt,. of the President lie. this fleet hanker end citizen, tiled to-iiaL Inornlng, .I.unctly se informed a member of tior il ituse who called upon Illm for an append- Bridge Partially' Burned. u' Re asked Min ahother the anticedeurn o e epplicants were Its favor of 1.1,0 !'reel- n A , 1.1 , 1 4 1. 1t..., Ma., Y.,- The intster3 end of dent's policy, and when he declined to en- In.- "1. , llatrbiblirg breige Lidui.le.troyed by willinto, he said, .1 VannOt appoint, and I tire ids morning. will appoint Ile tour. Who does not support the ' _. polic3 „rate President." The b runt Wen . referred to en aptettale Senator from that re- CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. :Lion Find said, °I will consult him when 1 l _ make the appointent. and I will appoint no -1 .41 , 1)17'10,N4L r, V THIRD PAU £1 ~I, nor recommended by hint " It is there fore for 1 1 - [li , aise to let the 'mite of the count, y ki,,, ,11, lier officers are to be snort- Fatal Accident-AlineKilled mind Two lot aced to this iletct mural., of I tie settordinates Jared. .4 the Preeblent. If we 'lobe: viand by them, , 1 , M. sehullman, a wagonteaker In the em they will not 0100,1 be u- nod thee ought not. p l oy ~,,. ', viva, i .„,,,, , 0., m,„„„best„, ass It N lane that we buill up,. Wall tigultist soch IL reality as this : it hi 0 ,ir,,,,,,,, tr, tinily.. 1 mid:mil,. killed int Saturday untie, the fol. hsve already ascertained that tour of the Sub- lowing 4,i, 13,..t.1are: Ile bust 1....” in Man ordinates of the President have made the ehe ., er ~r , „e ~,, ~,. es„l „,r, turning ,„ mum declaration. 111 wen. a little younger, " and 1 altnil he In Ita mk, I think I would lot basshone. in Ross township with a one 1.101,1 e I hose id - Seers knois that this Is a gratin Inquest wagon in of Into her When In the vicinity of the nat.., Intro u inch Men 0 lio are 1,011- of Jock's Ilritliket i he seated himself with his dol 1,1 a short riletance •.` Le firth,. shell I, brought up, and theft - cases reemi his reahlen e, le ...elitist to another Tribunal to try them. 1 h.veiteintinit- A voice "Good "I Iwo SODS-Who 111141 accompanied hlni-on top t Sir, WI. ale ~ ,'ream[ to our own Interests, to' of the load, intendinglnterests, to ride the remaltoler our own dignity, to the interests of the cowl trD ,If ‘l.• deed .001,1 by those WhO ,•100,1 by'.of the wit,. tie had gene Ind it Shun distance as We mull. Lake cure that no mole patron- In alts umanor WllOll One 0( tile hoards slipped age shall 5 ,0 pet tut° the bands of ally man to forward and struck the horse on the back, he n bn , e i l. ny i.w eli.[ . It Is U..' that frightening 151 n, so much that he immediately s e"h e ninnii .14 let one friends 'Or in .' started till "own a steep decliely with frightful k now that they are In no longer. that they shall ~,,htity, throwing the two boys from . be ,Seri need tiers, ass ' he ) . "i-..). by °in ' their seats Into the riati. The youngest g rans-.beculise they are not to•ds oft recreant „1 the ~,, „,„„,1 foss: teen, t e ll h ent . e ih President. iGrent . excitement., I have au- ' th e 0 heels which passed over Ills stotimehr.iill theta, ',llama! len that this Vel . y dal' this j string him so civic ele that be will probably die emll4o 11. been token by the 6ecridary of the --if he Is not already dead. Pit win d, the elder Trea..nry, !Lost 11e has declared distinct-1y [hut o f the two boys, also received Injuries, which, in the state of Peensylt ant., he will consult although nut fatal, are yet of a puteful nature nobody hut a reereant4iFbedete senator, who The frightened horst:still continued Ida flight, has betrayal 11 I. party and In. eountrl - until reaclituft u shut penrve In the road, when EVeitutiolid I ~ . ' lite wagon upset and rolled over an euthank• kir 'ter'eu .. . Oa ., n , a l ^ , tood a. referring 0. . merit burying Mr schnillman beneath titer/dicta senator to,. an, of Peunaylvania. of the wagon and Its contents. Several men who Mr. .pith inquired whether the gentle . had seen the runaway, hardened at once to ex- U.+. fro. , N'iin' , 7 l, o 010 souso ro , going urge 01 i I rlcate him, but on the removal of the wreck It amendment seriously. 1 WI. ,I lacovered that lee wits dead. lily right Dlr. stevens declarer] that he was, l ear having been cut entirely off and his head M r. Sledding replied that Inc am/11l ,rtotISIV , horribly retched. Oppose IL ~.,,,, I. oroner held an fief twist on the hotly 31: . !it 11.1 a'a siostial that theW.lllloll.l,l 0 Y051 , ..1 , 11,, When IL vt.lllel ~.r Movident ILI death lode Pc *sylvan,: had accompllsh,l hie liner we , ~,,l,r eAt s ...,.a.m.s. As,. pose in ablate speech. -....- Mr. Ha the attention of the Gotland - °, to the Constitutional objet tone to the pro posed amendment, though he did not know tilt' and eMintry merchants generally °vie ins, I . ll cY 0 to , likyn anY weight. 0 11.1 the ilk - nicer much .10111,11 y Its attending to atlver ii"guininid gnntiiiinnn from I. '''' ' Y ivniiin ' . 1 isienents. anti seldom knots W hlell J.llrnal The only powers tied the Constitution reeeg e,ert en „web, of het ieg , the pewee e r „,,_ e ill prove 1110-t ailValltageOun foe them to point meet wet e the President and the Senate, mitt - fella,. In most large titian there are es heaths e t departments - in' Preeidr." i ' iniiii i "'in' courts of low ' in , tablished ad vevertising agencies, which pro Mr. m evens argued that the powition of the or ltivaßlable benefit to the mercantile special Commissioner was not en office in that munity. In MIS city, Mr. William Bingham, sense. totigre , ,, einnid deputinte a Commis- • Jr.. at tine Adams Express company has tine blotter of its own body, or any person selected ee,.folly established inlet, an agency. Thor by it for erform the duties ittinosed upon a "nighty potted the ell - vitiation and stand hintrial (nurn Itennoin,•r. Ho repeated that the ling of emery lOUrnal in the country, his sem '- secret ary ant the Treasury had insmmied to reg- cs will prove int olualelo to the ant Ver..... u hate hit , Patronage by Polittes• mu , not by • Ile is anti honorable, talr dealing and trust wor. U r but connected with the interest or tit ) gent lonian, possessing tine conlidenee of lie anee• that lie was Proslitul ing his enter to all who Wive ha/ business transactions with unholy purposea, itnti that. it was time to put him. lie In an authorized agent to receive ad s, atop to that state of things. . ve.rtiseniento for tne Gotrtre lOW other pa yi r. Delano exposed the w eat:1108S or the re , iners tin rougholit the Mate and the I ntiatitte. salmi to referentse to u special I.(onullssionet We cheerfully eronmend him to the public. not Twin g an oilli er, by dueling the language of the section Itself, and asked what 111141 the Steallug Pipoon.. secretary of the Treasury doss to deserve stick n reproach or to provoke such an attack( William Parker, with a friend, as is alleged Was Inc to be denounced by the gentle.. n went into lioltzlielmer's (tormerly Frickersi from Pennsylvania beennew he entertained (ltimo, MI Fl I/I reef, Sot ur•lay, ant eons truet non i eallisl °funk., ditterent Iron] hie in regard to Ite for a meal, which was linly set op, hut for Nlr. stevens--I do not denounce elm for en- ..bleb they seemingly forgot to pity, and were t ' r "' 1 " 1 " "").°"" ° P ink... 4°m6 "" . ' him otaardingly hailed by the mon at the ilesk for pro., nutting the patronage of Government th e steps teem the mnorrea „_ as all other opinions to bend to hisi• eon retreat. I wring the parley ,bard words Mr. lalono itskeit Mr. slovens for the amt, and Jostling, silver simtins, Marked rit y which he noulb his statement, and In- ~ F ricker," dropped (ruin Porker's clothes. Omuta! that the Secretary tlllll M 110 SUal There be wits held In coatody, a charge tux:tarot lon. of larceny p oterrett, ontltile accusal, in do- Mr. stevens repeated substantially his state- L . ALL. ox 11, won romml d for meat, but dechneil to give the name uf his In formant. Mr. Mame moved to amend the rectum by Justice loneey.—With pleasure ice direct giving power to the President to appoint the th e attentlout our. readers to the curd of otliter in iinention by anti with the consent or IA Illiam .lance}, Notary Public., Justice o f the tumult, the Pence aim lieu] Estate Agent., corner The Ilouno close: the d e b u t, u p on th e of Butler and Drava streets, Lawrenceville. tion n nl nmead mop ,„, hen Mr. thine Ashlo Iron, attending to all matter... Connected drew his amendment, and Air. Stevens, weer- with his legal e..emb'alens. he gives sreelal training there was no qUOrIIIII present, and altentlcni to the purelmse and sale of real that there was u majority against him, also estate, and the collection of rents. Justice Iv It bare W his amendtlirtil. 'several other Jemmy is favorably known to the community amenthnents were offered In the dame con- ad correct and 110110rablo gentleman and nectlon and withdrawn under the Same air- any business entrusted to him will be care cum.tunees w Ith the understanding that they telly end prompuy attend. , to. All discrip• might he afered In the house on Monday attn. et legal conveyances ere drawn tip In r.otwith.utpding all these eetnpromlnes, now- the neatest and most correct of styles, and ever, the Committee rose without reporting are warranted to stand the test °Celery. back the bill after placing the Special Com• miSaloners salary back at the original figure or IMAM—. Al o , slosk tau Haase adjonra4l4. GREAT FIRE IN OIL CITY I= Ro-cornmittcd.—Peter taet, accused of abandoning his wife, has been recommitted for another Aldermen Strain. Another Travedy —Escape of the now derer —Coroner's Inquest. one of the pror,kell anti reckless notrrlet , that we have been called neon to re old for n long r inle, trrol, place nn Saturday alit In t Borough of Temperanceville, nit the south side of the 3loncongithela river. The tieare e • lailnw. I nunt nine Cl'elOek nn 'At II a toting 111411 named Roberti, Ine•mtpstia .111 i seveoll otner , , entered the tavern ‘y r; . t . r i I e n s ,„ l . l n u t,. Cite ,ii st i t , w m.,, lt 1 ,,. / i t r a . u ,; anti them. subsequently the party— vith the ea ception of Hebert,, wil Intros: from the rest and storel nit the farther end of the eounter—be , Allll.l l e wen. or tiered to leave 1, Mrs. -.rein This they refllgel I &lin, ' llenl -1. , w-1,0 atoMt be hind the bar, oirew revolt , tint tired two shots into the crowd, w Moll f,,,„„„ toiy strriek no one. He then bred eta Roberts, who fell to the there without a groan. File party who had created the dint urban', fled Immerti ately front tine scene, nib! Stein, .» ht. unitll,lo leg, made instant preparation for flight. Meeting tan, boy. In the street he engaged then) to I . OW 111111 n rocs the river. which they dm. on reaching Ili. side he wont to: dined' , greenery 111 the Flrst wool, where he borrowed do e llar, out of which he paid the boys tort wends earl, am! --Meted up Penn street, since hirl) time nothing 1)1, been heard of him. About half an hot, after the shooting had taken place the men who hadarcompauled Hobert,. to Stein's house returned and found him lying just where he had On lift ing him 1111 they diserorered 1.11111. Ills face and bosom were dyed in blond. and that he had r ~, n shot to the right temple, about ail 11101 Illa/Ve the eye. lie was /0.1 /I at lee though on- , able to speak Intelltglhly. A litter was pre pared and he was taken to the residence of into I father in Monongahela borough, where he r•tplosi a little irefo-e clever' n'eloek. news of tiro oecurrenre did not reach Ihe authorities until fully an hour after the perpetration of the deed, when Mayor Mc- Cnrthy, with his mutt promptness, hastened with several of his police to the spot. There they lest - not of the ulyst erious dLsappearace of item for the hest time. They, however, arrested a man named John Kropp °has John STllll.ll—Stelll . 4 bar-km-per, and hedged Wm In the tombe, where he still remain.. hie( of !Mlle.. Hague gave is the following description of the murderer, yesteolitv, which, on 11114111,1', we learn to he very accurate. He Ia fiv e feet sin or seven Inches to bight; florid cotnplexion, light sandy hair, nut hoot kers, and, tar w .Ltd 41 , i before, lie bad but one leg and we a eark substitute This peen- Hardt we 'link wig insure hi. speedy up turn, aoni , tininntion to be wished for by every good entire', Coroner , horittin stisterday held an inquest on thy testy of thetievettsetL nut owing to the Net that. and t titTny had not fin ished their /to., work', the Inquest Was ad- Jodrocii to tneet at the Mayor's °Mee at three 11,114 . k 11,133 Last night 1 , n1C1.1,1 Minure, Itiglev and Scott started on different trains lit pursuit of Stein. The Code of honor In Pitt...burgh—A C •rt Chnllenwed to Fight a Duel. Ittithin R tillon, a a ell known nnil reapeeta ide gentleman, engaged In the .klleghting river trade. In some manner gave umbrage to Joirentuth 1.1117. TM. latter, to carry Out high toned hire of honor , ri sant to have ad dressed awl ilelivereil in person to the Cal,. lain the folio,, Ing eltivultai• cant si a I will meet !inn to-mori roil nny tune or lila,- coo may itenigunte anti light :,on it duel. int trina hare the tileilee weittains and the plat,. 1 tat can re :ily aml li•liVU the amia et at the Rol Lion i Intel or at smitiria drug `tore. =l= .11.1 100: I he writer of tile nele •zient the till of honor, or of glvlti him Iv, ..pp.rtur,.l% I.olllog n ollet In 1,11/1, .. , 11.• took the wirier and hinter inim in repairing to the trinytirri MTh, and lodging nn against Lut, The .IE,I .11: 1101 .•0002 !,11 liearllig 10- , 111 v Tho part v. l li Lotz played, to .Imitar rot. we .1:ttlIti• !nu. Of Lit ute, to tot• ttvntl :11011 lle y, pr.l :••il • 1111,1 hnt thlth II tr 1110,121,1 .1011, n An undergo 11311,1n011Ment 401ItarV colllim•ment the penttentiar). for a term not demoting three o,r- IVe aro va , r3 lell I.'llllol to the L..llef that Lilts area Mt.. th e wrong !.0k Disgr.eertal Riot ,hotit 1,1 %, row took ping -, In thr. , 10.1111111 g POLl loon of Peter Uhr,te, It 1 . 111 townnhtl). whirl •lonl In the Altnin, total .leloolltion of the itortotnre and Into n,111,, The orlgln of the follow. It, I= . n-n , ted slot sie: tor tete, u hick they :le p.m, piekeo up a Onto nib: struck the large looklng-ginss behind the Itsr. shattering It pieces. This einelnet exasperated t triete that he tailed several friends who were ,ainlbig by to Az.. Int kiln in eJectuig tne rowdies from the house, whereupon Dunlap— who appeared to hr the chief spirit In the riot Lurk one ot the ley-etanders, August ~c loutlt. a set ere blow in the fare. This was the signal for is general attack, And for several nt , outes the row raged with fury. length brixte sneee,led In driving the rioters trout tile hopse by let ining at them 11.11 old musket, minus 4 lurk,SV ft, In her eagerness to rescue her hnsband, had brought from Om ,l-roon, No arrests have as yet been made. -Nam ateallatt at Fire, W ray. isibarconist, due of the suf ferer, by lice fi eon liberty street, on ustuo ilaj morning, Worms us(lint his loss will arilOunt to shied upon which he has no hisorance A iionskierable portion of lds stock was saved from the dames, but being placed on the street, much of It fell Into the leityls of thieves. Pilfering at fires frights city nits buctitue a source of much cs,mplalut, and the character of the tiremen suffer thereby, its persons are wont to accuse them Of truing the thieves brass ago we had fire wardens, whose special duty It was to protect property taken trom burning store, and dwellings, but for some ret.on these officers have been lost shrill ot, anti the law Or ordinance on the subject totally disregarded. As some members of the are department ore now engaged In framing Mr ordinance for Its better government, we suggest that this important matter to' taken tido consideration. I =1 li might be said that vvel) man owes his duty to his wife ond family. to insure his We We have knosti several eases whme families have tweit bail in annual cueimantainces after the death of the husband or father, slalrqy be cause they took the timely precaution of in suring their lives. Ilad they neglected to tin this their wives and children would have been lett in poverty. Insure at. once. Lose no time for life Is uncertain We refer you to the-clued of the North American Life Insurance Lon, pany. know lag It to be a xtauuch and reliable umnoration. Their risks arc taken at very lon rates and their policies are 1,11.1,1 promptly. It requires no Imager ton to collect Oman* from It us it is nun honorable, trustwol thy nasocht- E T. Cook, 1(7 Fourth street 10 the agent for Western Pennsylvtunliv The King of Feneen.--There Is nothing so beautiful about a city str rural home as a neat, pretty tens,. It seta Oct to wonderful ad vantage the place, nis matter how rough or common It may be. But beauty In n fence is , ot all that Is required. It should be stout and durable. Now we have in our mind's eye a fence that is popular and soon willbe Limo.. It is the h Ing of Fences, manufac tured by the 1 - mon Fenno Company of i'ains vlllc, ttnlo. It is Inside from the best of Bat her, and by a process used only by this com pany is rendered a perfect imitation of solid granite or brown stOne. This (otter should be seen to be appreciated, and we would that all the yards In the city and homes In this country miera surrounded with theta. Mr. Peter Peter son, 4 Federal street. Allegheny, has the agency for them here, and persons deslrot s of seeing samples would do well to rail. The irlsome.—We solkosl the fact the other lay of the commlttol, by Just i.m Piper, of Mi chael Sit!liven for an offense which the Jus tice failed to designate in the commitment. in satorday his man-esti iP, Mr. Piper, being advised ot the ham nattily, sent the Warden of the county prison what he believed to be a proper romMitment, after consulting the most approved forms In the latest digest. Ac cording to the last commitment "yiikie is chartied, on oath of his wife, Bridget Phil tvon with being crazy and tearing hur hair out of hur head and bur clothes off Our back and landing bar badly." Justice Piper dispenses joiner in Peeples township, Allegheny county. A Disorderly Case.—Athuo oxenhort—an individual who ban frequently figured In no. lice reports—Wlas before the Mayor ou Satur day for acting in a very disorderly manner in the saloon of larch Ituckreiger, on Pennsyl yawn avenue, on the night previous. In the midst of bin disorderly demonstrations he was not upon by number of persons, who ad ministered to him a Severepummeling. The Mayor at first Imposed a flea of twenty-nye dollars upon Adam, but finally concluded to it fifteen dollars of the amount, in consid eration of the punishment he had received. C. M. T. Si.—The City councils will hold their regular monthly meeting tills evening. Among other business to be conaiderod will be the enhJvvt of the Fire Alarm and Pollee Tele graph. Messrs. Wm. A. Brown, of the Select, and John 11. Liam and Wm. N Ogden, of the common Connell, composing tile Committee appoLated to take the matter in hand, will make a ieport, giving their views and the re sult of their observations East, whither they eat to witness the operations of the tele graph. The nature. of their report has not transpired. The New Five Cent CO IP . —By a notice in our advertising columns it will be seen that the United States Mint, at Philadelphia, is now ready to receive orders for the new dye cent coins. Orders must be accompanied with National or Government currency, or drafts on responsible New York ur Philadelphia banks, payable to the order of the Adams Ex press Company. The coin will be ready about four weeks Lumen, and no order will be receiv ed for less than fifty dollars worth. The Mint pays the Express char es. Big Thing.—A private dispatch received yeeter day from itunkard Creek. states teat the "Bobtail , ' well in that region Is now pump ing twenty barrels of oil per day. Thiel., le mons for that region and as the stock of the company owning It is held by but few individ uals, for them it Will prove a big thing. PRICE • THREE CENTS Roomlt of the Primary Elnnn The elections for Delegates to the v m , Republican County Convention held on lay evennor, MT very quietly mnie of the polls the excitement ran high, hot uc failed to hear of any rihtortiler or confn 41on. Wii will venture no calculation as to who may reeeive . nny of the nominations In the gift of I he C tot iOll, which morrow. The contest for the shrievalt V at tracts most attention. Messrs. ts. It , Inley and Joseph Roes are the pronunent candi dates, but It Is unsafe to say which will pr,ve the winning man. Here are the returns so far as we have them, `lest Ward—Geo. Wilson, Abraham Fry.. :second Ward—Thou.. Steel, T. Eslogs. TlGot Ward—W It. Berber, A. It. Smith Fourth Ward—Wto. Soser, :lobs H. Harr Ward, lit pr.lnet--Geo. Caughey, 114,' 4. . . Fifth Ward, 2.1 precinct—Richard Harris, R Thompson sloth Ward—C. Jeremy, Joseph A. Butler. seventh Ward—William Mays, Albert Moore. Eighth Ward—E. B Thomas, Henry White. !Ninth Ward—W. It. Ford, W. W. Wills. ===t3=E==l MMMEM . . , . Waid—lolin McDonald, rico. Parkin 'Flilrd Mara, l.rt preCllll.l—,un. Mwit.ltign Win. Third Ward thapg Fourth %var.!, kt prreinct—Johls McGruir, .Joseph Pattimon. Fourth Ward, '2.1 pre,lllel,—E. F. Fnulhauber, Louis Moull. soorous. Manchester—Patterson and harper Duquesne-4.h Moult. ho. Coate, hawreneevllle, let ward—Z. %Velum r; ght, W. llosuek. Lawruneevffle, 241 ward—Chu, North, Wm. Smith. Temperaneertlle--Contested; t wu sets of del nitrates. West Pittsburgh—Edward Sprung, Auth Monongahela—Richard Perry, N. Brokaw South Pittsburgh—Ed. Perry, hi. Moorhead. thrtningham. Isl precinct—Wm. Graham, Chas. Markham. Pormlngham, 2.1 precinct—W. Doyle. I. Boehly. East Birmingham—Wm. Mittenswl, Geo. F. Slocum. Mt. Washington—D. 11. Ferguson, haoub Wilbert • TOW ,111 . s. Pitt—William ,W.Harrison it. Murray. Collins—Samuel ilitmeoird, Robert Thomas italdw In—Thomas Horner, W. R. Verner. Ross—T. H. Bayne, Wm Peters. to Upper it. Clair—Walter Foster, John GIIIII !Mimi—Jam. Marker, Th.. Walsh. Scott—Henry Eaton E.G. Waite. Peeblos—Liberty, W. It. Megley, D Aiken. Schoyer, boor Chartters—R. W. Westeman. snostien—it. it. Fite, A. Dougl as. Lower St. Clair—Louis Frets Jacob Musser. south Fayette — Thomas Collins, Thomas Al eitunder. MeClure—Hugh Fleming, Charles Hart County Piuperintenalents Me publish below a complete lint of County superintendents of Common schools, elected on the ilrfft day of the present month. In lIIIrt v-three counties the old Incumbents were re-elected. Easton borough elected a Super- Intendent of Its own, under a special act passed at the last 413.40011 Of the Legislature. Adams, Aaron sheely, 3)001 Allegheny, A. T. lot belt. 4 - 2,00,; Armstrong, J. A. Richey, lteoOf Beaver. Janie:lJ. Bead, 4:01; &Afore, N. W. Fl -her, $1,10X,; Berks, J. S. if mentrout, E. Eiflet, $1.00); Bradford, 0..1. Chub tairk, 31,0.0; • Bucks, H 11. Hough, 060; Butler, .1. 11. C Coln foam; Cambria, .1. 0 . Condon, 31,00, 1.1 It. Jolumon, , arbon, B. F. I,lll Tord. fc•lmf Centre, It. M. Magee, 4700; Ches ter, W. W moire; 41,200; larlon, IL S. Kelly, ftsfsh . Snyder, 41.01); Columbia, C G. Barkley, Vol; Clinton, A. 11. stager, ItaCce t cowbird. 11. D. Persons, 41,000; Cumberland, .1. II etieltlnger, 4700; Dauphm, 0. Le Rona WI; Delftware. J. MtCracken, 41,00 U; Elk, J. Blake ly. $00; Erie, 1.. T. Fink, 31,1.0; Fayette, C. C Wft v nn, 11.800; Forest, S. F. Rohrer, $250; Fra . nklin, I'. M. Shoemaker, 40); Ful ton, .1. S. smith. Slain . Grecue. T. TOM), teOP. Huntington D. r. Tussey, 40100, Ind:aim, A J. Bolar, teal; Jeffers°, .1. W. smith, SLUM; .1 on tam H. W. Floyd, You; Can ...ter. D. Evans, 41,70, Lawrence, W. ..111Crack en 4100, Lebanon, II Houck, $760; Lologh, E. .IYoung, 41,10N0 I. II 2,11, Armstrong, 41,Afe ; Lycoming,.l..l. Reef *Lbw: M'Keam. C. • ,orn berth Mercer, .1. 01 lller, 141,W0; 1111111 in, M Mohler, 3.C, Monroe, .1. B. Storm, 40210; Montour, W. Henry. 4710, Montgomery, A. 11.111.41. 41,f00 t Northampton, kV. N. Walker, Northumberland, G. W . Bengt, 1,01, Perry, rtg Of, 3100; Futter, J.' W. Allen, Ws, Pike, E. S. Decker 01.10; Schuylkill, Newt:, an to; suy.ler, IV. Moyer. s oo +l;. S omerset., N. B. Critvhflehi pot, Sußlvan, J Marttn, 30)00; sunquellannu, W. IV. Wateon,49oo; Tioga, e. B. fries, 41,00 th Union, C. V. Grundy, $.5001 ye 'tango, L. U. Dale. $1,000; Warren, C. H. Ltmi ney, 31,010; Washington, .1. C. Ullchrist, fgase Wayne, .1. E. Hawkr $1. , 100; Wentmoreland, M .1. S. atthews, $ 050 ; Wyoming, W. Lamont, WO; York, S. B Beiges, $1 D; Easton 80, TOLlgil, W. W. Pottlugham, 41,50. =MEI Bent Ilia Wife.—Anulo Collonn and her husband John do not seem to appreciate the bliss of matritnonial life The former ap. geared before Justice Pifer, of Peebles town ship, on Saturday, and brought a charge of assault and battery against her seemingly un worthy spouse, alleging that be is in the habit of hosing anti abusing her. A warrant was issued and John was arrested. lie was re leased on entering ball for his appearance at Court. In Danger.—During the tire on Saturday morning last, on I.toerty Stmt, the UTIUD Depot of the Pennsylvania Etaßroad was in danger, as the neat was en great that the paint on the eornlees dropped off in flakes. Mr. Butler, the depot mastor, war on the ground, and quite :titre in getting the appliances about the depot to guard against tire an a shape to be of service. Charged with lieephig a Bawdy noose. —Mary Ackerman appeared before Alderman Taylor on Suturday, and made oath against .lane Morrison for selling liquor on Sunday anti also for keeping a bawdy house. Both parties reside In the Fifth ward, the house being situated on Liberty street. Jane will have a nearing to,i.ty at ten o'clock. Bill lard•.—A very exciting game of billiard played at the popular saloon of Captain David oorner of Liberty :Lod St. Clair streets, on Saturday. This saloon to daily growing more popular, and has for its pat rons many of our bast and most respectable Of citizens. Too Much Beer.--Gerartl Holllton WIL9 brought before Justice I.lpp, of Birmingham, on Sunday, charged on oath of John Keenly, with assault and battery. The offence consis ted to Gerard throwing a glass of beer over the former. Held to ball for a further hearing. Robbery.—Seme thieves entered the Jewel ry store of C. T. Roberta in Ebensburg a day or two since, and stole therefrom a num• ber of revolvers, gold pens, pencils card cases he.. A reward of nay dollars Is offered for the arrest of the thieves. Domestic Winew.—lies. Herrick Johnston to announced to deliver a lecture on Domestic Wines, to-night, at the First Presbyterian Church. An the learned lecturer is ono of our moat gifted pulpit orators, a rare intellectual treat may be anticipated. Meeting.—A meeting of the Allegheny Lib rary Association will held this evening in their room In the City Building, for the pur pow of electing °Meer. to serve the ...zing yen, ladles are liartieularly invited GO at tend. The Lender.—The Lender this week is a plcv, able paper, Ono of Wat,oll'S beta, It banal.. without gloves some of our contem porary e•lttors, and combats with decided pluck against what it thinks erronoonsipul, Ilc opinions. On Profeenaff.—The Clerk of the Court on aaterday issued a process for Adam Oxenharf, to answer a charge of felonious shooting. In default of butt he wan commltted to Jail. Peter lieltenhorn to the prosecutor Arrested.—Huger tlart ouu f theparty who resisted the police while to the discharge of their duty a fem nights since on lined street, was arrested by °Meer Dressler. lie was committed to answer. Mien Hair at the Elm—Thomas Kendrick, accused by J6llllOB K. Latin, of stealing blaukete at the lire Cu Liberty street, on Saturday morning._ was on Sammy committed for trial by the Mayor. FAIRMAN & SAMSON, UN DE RMAKERS, No. 106 Smithfield 9t. , cor. 7th, (Entrance from Seventh Street.) .1.31 D 133 SANDCSAY sTREET, y24:1,..12 ALLEGILENY, PA.. • 6-6 ILLIDALE CEMETERY.--A ru ral and most plercenrc plaCe of Sepaltnre. alt- note ,00nnt n et. srfs jog to select Burial Lou will apply at the Superintend antis OMCP. St the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits and all other basins. will be attended to at the Ursa Warehouse ol the undersigned cont of Yedetai and 1... a streets, Allegheny DEO. A.. &ELLA. Secretary and Treasurer. I.FF It a ICrCRI SON VIL nap litsinriTiG Co.. / Drltalountill, May lath, 1164 y AMEETING OF TILE STOCK }n.() EPS of this Company will he held at to Oake of the Company. No BS Duquesne Way, on FRIDAY. June fut. at 10•010.1 r.a. mytDalio H. S. I.niLLlrs, GRAEI IN STORE and to arrive: 5,000 bush. strictly prime Minnesota Club Who W arrive: 1,510 do Rye, to arrive: 1,1a.0 do prime Shelled Corn. to City F.le•alor; 2.000 do do Club Wheat, dodo Jodo Spring Barley, do Jo For salt by HITCHCOCK. 11•CNEERY 6 CO., No. 360 Liberty litre, OFFICE CP • T AIRS . my:7:b 100 BBL& MICHIGAN CIDER; bbla. Peach Blow Lot oes: 0o do rbcordx 311114 Floor; 00u Ounbeta 0o00; 1.0:0 barrels Ball, to store atd for sale 0 WF-278, b icsarszoy AJWIR. BM 70 rodsrol striet, Allegheny THE,WEFILY GAZETTE TWO EDITIONS ISSITED. ON TIMMS MOATS AND NAT 10111DATN. TINE. rdlllesi Is forwhrded which "MI reach the soh seri he rs soonest se the mall run. TILFLIV4 • SINULF: COVIES, YeAa. CLUB , : OF Flyt; eLtItS ~F TFN ANN) FinTARDS. LADIES' GOLD WATCHES w.. E.4l”_narne.l a large and well seta nel gj.'4 , 1,0 LD AT( II Kb, with beacntl . ENnItaVED 46 Fill STREET, OrrOSITE ILA.BO Ylc HALL FOR IoPATOBI7B. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT T II F. PEST PRI , EII IN THE CITY. =I CLOAKS ! CLOAliti ! ! NEAP C L.() AJEC S FIFTH ST. BM HOU Selling Ftl $5 2,50, New Cloak house, 49 Fifth St., 13ANKING HOUSE JES.Etaa33.4srat, Nu. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. ,t o tr i, t t s .t it io n . re n t;lz l e:l in Par Vitals anti t'u sited Stateb and -1 lnanatilat,lnn principal Pnrirn"''a'"ana STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Pan.,lo: attrotlon pxl , l 10 the prarawte and ...le of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. L)o. do . Do. Flyra of 10-10 s, I..rven-l'lllrtle., 1)0. i'ortlfloal.... Of I hole, and Yoor horn hongnt or collvetell. 1 ) 0 ILL.AR SAVINGS HANK, No. 6. Y))URTH 6TREET. • • . d )43 I , n . t a r ! , ll. , from v,n t. h . e[ to a a y l o W N etl y n e eltd ay 4t. from to 9 o'clock, f and from November to LO Mar Int. home toe o'clock. I.httooJta recolac.) or all aome or not lettm than OM^ Doom, and a dividend of tit. prodt/ declared twice t Ar. in June aild December. Interest lase been declared semi-annually In June and December emete the /ulk tram organtse.l. at the rate °Cali per cent. • - ear. , merest, If not drawn ant, is P laced to the reedit depositor as principal nd bears D e cember,- terest from cue first days or June and compounding twice a year without troubleutt the de p,sltor to call. ur even to present hia pass nook. At this rate money will double In lees than twee re year. Books containing the Charter, ByeLsws Hales and ii-gulations, furnished gratis, on appllcatLan at the o lice. Phanmeatr—GEOßGE ALBILE.E. nten Jolan G. Backofen, • Hobert Robb, lienL L. Vaburatoek, John H. Shoehberger Jame. Hardman, Jam. Studle, James McAuley, Alemander Speer, James Meads, Christian Yeager. laage M. Pennock, A. M. rollocc, M. 11., TIM STNS, W In. J. Anderson., James D. Kelly, Calvin A cams, t Henry J. Lynch,' John C. Blndley, Peter A. Madelra..ll Deoege Black, , John Marshall, Din Burgwin. Walter P. Marshall, A'onso,A. Carrier, , John B. McFadden,; Charles A. Colton, ' Jahn Orr, Ni m. Douglas, . Henry L. Illug - realt, lobe Evans, . Wm. Z. Schmidt, John J. liillesple, , Alexander Tlndle, William S. Haven, I 'A illlain Vanklrk, Peter H. Hunker, illeharl Haye, 1 I ' laac ."'" e W'lal W ar' . r. Tagastinae—CHAßLEß A. COLTUN. SacnsranY—JAß. B. 1). MEELI3. pan:dawril UNDERTAXItG.— R . T. it HITE & CO., - U NDERTA KERS AND EMBALMERS, Manchester, Wood's Run and vicinity. Comm Asoomanallinneeatenr /Livery !liable. Verner os &Manta and Chartists streets. Hearse and Carriages furnished. noloilyd COFFINS t corrois =I tI2iIJERTAKIN 141 Undertaking In 111 It, branches instntendlifi, laying out and furnishing everrtnnur negegsuy far the ler e rs; re ' r7:g d g stl * Ways oa b• -4 at reasonant terns. defy ALEX. ALKEN, No 164 Fourth nrect, 111.M:trot, Pl. C0r111305 or kind.. CRAPES, (31A-IVES. and .4)n/description or Fun eral Fornnsulng tion. torrustilen. Boma Dread. F and night, Hearse and Carrlnges tarnished ItErtngscsa-ILey. Darld Herr, 1).13,, liar, ri Thom..l , Lug Esq., Jacob FS Miller. EN. 2911•4 BORING TOOLS. pEirreoLui. MACIIEVE WORKS. Manufacturer of IMPROVED BOILLNO TOOLS, AND PIXTURI USED IN SINKING OIL AND SALT W ELI .S. Particular attention Invited to his Patented poeetnenta In Jan and Joints, made of Juntalda, L. IL, and Low Moor Iron. In standard slam, and numbered, so [bat pans colt be ordered by malt or 4c legraph, and mood a pencct 11l at all times. t: afro fttratib ropes. G.t11211.g. small tool., Re., to those who may wish It. Enenoa and machine wok made to order. Ordure by promtly attended to. I am prepared to grant licenses to other manulattlAl toreta for these Improvementa on liberal terms. AM 17 Allegneny P. O. dellhamw it • HAY! HAYS! RAT!! THREE CARS BALED TIMOTHY HAY, SHOEMAKER & LANG, •Deo In and :74 Wool:, STREET. I'LOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. 200 bele. Intact brands Winter toad Norio' Wheat Fiona: 3 oars Milwaukee Club—lu Elevator: bet do Welty Wheat, 2 cars Bye—to arrive. can choke Peach Blow Potatoft, F sale by B. /LNG.% a SON, For No. i 9 Dlatoooo, Atlegheoy. sOCARCHI STARCH!! 5,0 Ooze, Watt tdadlaon read Btaraht an • • Unrego Bine" For tale tow to the tratall 11 LANG, mill Mend al Wood ',vet. OILL CLOTH! OIL CLOTH!!—For a..., boar, 1.01... uf tut erns sad w1,1,i. Ai.° a full aasor , mout of W,u4oW oluadea, tireen ClOth. of alt wioltuu, obadr if turn.ea_ fur sal, wholesalt sod rutaal. at NO. as tads et. Club . Strelf t. 07 J. & li. I'HILLIPLI. rIAT MEAL AND GRITS.-6 11111D6 Fresh kiln dried mane and One Oat Meal, lust seised alltd for male by Mb bsrrel or single po ud, D dulito A. kLENastA W s my= Corner of Liberty and limo' stave'. h o — n Wed .11apt ilj e ll eeard l it b s T. it.; h r r aala i r raw ARA h. Lk, a L. 1.2,1.4. 17. aid 114 Woo street. 1221 DECEIVED THIS DAY-40 Shia - I L.Drtate York State, Roxbury and Brandywine Ho d , now In stank and for Ws try myl? TOM. WATCHES "RAND OPENING! GreallY Reduced Prices. Call and set. them. 11 yn„ .., neznnthing Ire. rj171%7,3311..9.•X•1m , db c,c,o, TcyosTeole.r... C 3-0 pc, WILL T. WILEY'S, MiZIE NO. ti WYLIE STREET CLOAKS, &e JUST RECITED AT THE ELEGANT CLOTH SACQUFS EEEII Opposite Old Theatre. BANKS AND BANKERS. N. HOLES 8c SONS Bought and Sold on commhision. INCLUDI United States 1 4 1‘ es of 1.1: MMWM=M MEM = CIM=EII lii ROBERT WILLIAMS, Undertaker, Office, No. lag YOURTR STREET. 1:T1V7:13133F1.7C,E1..32C1311PL, R. Wu. Et 2 Utile Street, Alleghenr, = HAY I= ei tw ill 133=1