NEW GOODS Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. • .71te attentlfie o flVheletale'iwi ftet an 10. re dle o c i.d 10 the Ittt 0,1 , •I . ..73 .EL'ir . r•itli,, ' , N , :li VI S- , . b r intlli q k ', I , I'M'ItFL , ICS. itpx?..-r 1, &100 s . ' L i ~' . i ' V , 1 ',N,.,,, PINE. LACE ( N.H.T.AR , ,'I'Ari , .( - , i• - ,'j,', 0 \N Ell' 24 - tgi elg rA'k I , i ~Y E115,,L,...,- A , BEZrZA„.. ~ 2 . ! ,.. 1 1,,`.' 1 7. '''b: °• LA %p. Bl• A,h I,l'.l.r:Ei d13t. ' 11.Z.,..i.i'... 1. 0-- ' . ATINII.IS, 111 4 li- - ",.. K - 11l TT , FA 1.1t1:.!•i NEW et . 1 ••K Of , 11..0 It l'TTlni.m. MiLfrttr, sue do I: 1 !.: liit ',111?-131,5,refUl,,II*AL4ill. 1 t e1r 1 14. 1 411)5t. II EA I 1 S. ET, .lo , A. • ) liCOnt, GLUE & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. mytl . NEw TurviniNcm Slew Style Dress Buttons, New Style Marque Buttons, Fancy Dress and Sacqtae Orna ments. Fine Dress and Sacque Trim'gs, English Thread Laces. Guipure Laces—all widths, White Blood Tassels. Colored do do Silk. Mohair and Cotton Emb'rs. Fancy Colored Embroidet ieM, A complete line of Bradley's Du plex Elliptic Skirls, Young Celebrated Ron-Toll Skirts. and others, now in Klock: French Corsets in all sizes, Nam.) Colored Corsets, Werley Corsets. AilTll A FULL STOt K OF NOTIONS, FANCY COODS, ETC., .IT 111-110 swILE. At Lowest Cash Prices, at F. H. EA.TON'S, 17 Fifth Street DRY GOODS! ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 115 Wood SI., Pittsburgh, Invite the attention of Merchants to their Spring stock, which they- otter Al the lowest content Vette!. for Cash. Dress Goods, Detaints, While Goods, Flannels, Cloth, Carat nacres, Satinets, Tweeds. VAHMISIttI• k ITECIIANICS• CAS,IM VHF:S. lint, A\ll Rico W.,: St 1t , 1.1•,,. PitiNTs. "lAN:HANN, Cif WCall, co MO; MM., &G.. Shawlg,lialialor , morals, Notions of all descrlp , 41 - earl d .-ular Alte.tion paid to order Ate- ~ Le o Call an•%ect,lnf..rur and //15 Wood Street, Pittsburg C. ARHUTHNOT, SHANNON al, CO. 10,11., W. T. KUANNON J. 0. 5TE1•011,“,.% __- TER' GOODS! JUACRUM & CARLISLE, No , . 16 x..t..rux IStroot We art. ".,. 4•l..nng r: lag the rt.r.t 110ofW REAL LAI F. P A FOOs Rfe..ll SILK lit ItAIitILFI, ELKO A A l' RTY r VINE INSANE,' ItflOttiN,.. NEW 1 e.F. TRIOMI N REAL LACE I , IIIC 1•FAIII. HUTTUNS:, . We have oat opened • lwantiful lot of REAL CLUNOY LACE.I ANTI I NSIERTINteS. We ...phi nelendfdatenar Intl te.n e apeetal attention to a new and , LAinv..i. HUFF A NI) WHITE tiLt.V EN In the new 1 . .1 role um and Ila‘ an• shad". An noon naval t of new color. In I%IIJ En, IILACK Lack'.MlTTS—newatone; A molt annsplete illesertlnent of LAI lES' and I'llll. OREN'S I'OTTON HOSEZ tENT,'S F: MORTIS. DERIII: TIES, !SCARFSL.Aj: V i lir e LA RS II kLF 1111 SE. bI'SPENOEIES. tIAI7/.F. AfERIN.kt'VTER• VEST, To Merchants and I)ttalerv. "or Wh..l.,sair lb.partment,lloW steeked itn e erythtn, In the Ntfl'ltpt`i LINE. • hlrle otter to the Tra.l• at low as any house Emit or IV e.t. NUMMI & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, Aaeula for the "LOCKWOOII RIA-NUFACTI.7B - coMI.A MIA DI. I:T% I) tiPLES ELLIYTIL t. , KIRT at Mann fart. rera• Prices. ulna NEW SPRING DRESSES, tiar lug j.t recelv'ed a complete assort mt. or thr leading Sovoltlen, aelertocl from-the latest Importallons, were now &bowing a very CHOICE STOCK NEW SPRING DRESSES, I tholutling atamideclOell Novelties in De rr sod Alamo - tat, at re , 7 Moderate BATES As BELL, 21 FIFTH STREET CAI4R IIeCANDLEsS & CO., (Lars WILROR, CARR & OcA,l Wb.loullo dealers Io 'UREIC?! A NI) DON PNTII DRY GOODS, No. Of Wood lurreL. third hon•eabor. !slimmed Allot (Wel/n.llll k..ilD t toptilu s i ix. a ike) :kJ • Boum - . rough,/ Clothing, Chi/die/es Clothing. A Large Stoelt Drell the New and Staple Styles, at No. 47 St. Clair St.oet. Gnat d LOG. 11.11: RENEE G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR., NORTINIBf MINIM Of MA & BT. CLAM OfUM errnitimum, re., gr "...,. .:tTft 7 Si•V'tlterral h' s7 l 422.% a , n l l .7: m f,"2,, reskettully Inform them that he has Jus reurn ed Of the Plaatern markets With a Uirge L andwell selected stock of Fine Woolen Goods,• minutkirV4tAon.t3ENTLEMICM'N 139.7 BORING TOOLS. pETW!LIA ;!IPLIAGIT.I. WORMS: R. g. Ms.= Ohio Ntrost, ALl'ashen', Ilanntacturer or 4MPRUVXD SWUNG TOULd, AND PimTUNA : USED IN SINKING OIL AND SALT Particular •Itcatiala tattled. to MA Patented V.ll.. a f t liVaae ." l , e ... 4 D AP. w u = r u. so o a t parts —be onlered byTkils wi. at w ra . gt, =1V: 1 . 2 %d a t. pe t xgt at t. 0.4 e, wbo may wbb and machine Irina to order,. entail busialltraatratior4llo, Inrerifin=elta op ;Sea aag B jZi J=t i k , mP. U. ghe - rittolturgh 6aufte ily - pIFTTSBURGH s woRKS, FAl NUBS Tc. A . Ril j i ni gG u a g 1 ,E-N" Rt CIECUL VSL• 111/1-41:1,,,, t ,,,,,Z. c, Co . RELIGIOLIeI INTLLIGENCE. , The Trial of Jeff. 2111 in Tintiolo-le p 'n ".--tir" a‘gb" ".` B r i e f te l e ---.. have already be en p nil, 17.1.7.V.Ce %In, „,, N,,,,,t ,„ I ,;,; „ Tr . WV . fiAil,T,,, .13,TEKL‘SAWS. ofeveri"oZr.E: nit .31.11:1:1,..alrot. acit.ti...4, (7,........:....1.7.11.ia! ..,,air,,,,,ri,,i_7'7.l.l,''..ii‘iii.Zli:&iiv,ro;,i,: eo"rn:ir:".:7lr.riA:nli; ~,1 j ot i ,:(l . , d ii, ,,: ot rO;i - 0, :i,,, 0 i t d i n a g . d o I; ie t I w i e School 1 1 .; ‘ , :. I :1 e,ii,"elirl'ln:mih.tEitilSs:llll::rteYSi li-i I i i'si.. " ',' l '.;;..;'f.. N 7:;:".L."'.1.:n"::::::‘:'::.:: • --°'ilki.too 1:::::::::Z. Dohf::::":: :::::trol'relli:t:l:7:iti'':pb: _ rf ._l 3. a; , tine . a,. ,Cna lr ' i or mimic liyteri all toilet at St. Louis, orgarti 7:lii( I T , le , ti , Of Moderator=, ete The I; ' l - SeltoOl lonly convened in the S ir, l'i I ‘ ,„ l 2:;.ssee n r F il h. ' m "" - c.. 1 :: " : ,7 n2„. :l rlC"' n '''''''' ' ,,7,: r 7 7 .`2 4l7. .4l" -- : 1 ! room, , ris- , --liiiiiii apron- I krterian Church on Thursday of"' I 7 in la""d".' A'"'".""'"' last week, .... n. ,a.l immediately after the opening seri ''''. Y'''' true v2zii-ii tri-I'iinf;.ill.rrre'r,‘nvi7l"Vg. Or Will, nA ilit t rin-LL & Co. Boller Makers nf Dr. Lowrie, the retiring Moderator ' il l' n ' , n i ttion,:le'irTh'eaisi''YN a Sheet iron Workers. win dentate , u„,,,,, * :.,,... =, 24 and 26 Penn a ' perfecting the organization, Bey, It. L. ts pootion,:.l7i r riTl k l t i' i l i l,"" 'lent • Daft In conseqn„ne e oh t ' lle 'l ii l t 't 'lr S"r