The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 26, 1866, Image 1

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ne Pirrn EPrifxrr. PrlTsinnzall.
MC A A. B S T ERVI I I; ' :I: - ---
. B ' o
Nittsbur g h
IT is a matter rtill. 1 1.1.,!:411. iIE
the Union Rei)uhli4:.n rll..
held to-day be well att. ;
but loyal men be elected as delegat , ,
forthcoming County Convention. Vole
only for those who are known to be true
and faithful to the ever living principles of
the party. Tl.e delegtde. must be fearless
and outspoken men, for they will be called
upon to rebuke the members, of the party
who arc assidionsly at work endeavoring
to weaken and destroy its power in the
State. In the gubernatorial election much
willndepenst upon the character or the Con
vention'to which younre now called upon
to elect delegates. Do your duty and see
that your neighbor forgets not his.
Tin: Payetiville (N. C.) New makes
some plain statements of the nature of
Southern loyalty, which people who have
read President Johnson's and Secretary
Seward's inculcations on that subject, will
do well to peruse We quota . :
"The men . who took t hesc oaths, nod
who bream,. till pens of the United States,
and who have boon obedient, and faith.
rut and loyal to the Lao',. et, n.. 1 ~r 11,...,1
ric nth of the Government of which rises
are.aubject , They oere defeated by the
United States in an a:tempt to perfect a
long eherialied scheme, which must Ica r
resulted in the greened !main and advan
rage to themselves They weer to mat.,
and t. hey could feel nothing chir thni,
terness for those whose triumph was in the
rain of their hope , . :sail the 'Misting and
crushing of their aspiration's The de not
toe, li,. K, rerene ht ul the United States
he • 'Star. :old Strip.'.', eNcif e , no emotion,
or pride in their bosoms . for they have seen
trailin , in defeat too ort, , n, aS their star
ry-crossed battle flog waved victorious in
the Summer sunlight. •
They hale Ito veneration for the Govertt
e‘ent,, t,. I.irr. ft, Mr flay it,, fr.
r;//,.f,e , !he inter, et,
11 tin rider
earhpe,7ed hp. ne t one , I they
had the power ceillesleruc‘
before th ,, y en , whipped they wollltl
establislud it, and it is reasonable ti, believe
that if they could establish it new they
would de so hut for their o:uh.of allegiance.
These , attic., were le the etteet that they
would support lie I 'mist itetion, sheehl
they ervr Tr-quired 1,..1,, more, should
the Constitution be subverli•d, /4e, e,/t/ e ,
are ii,rl It with.' lig."
I. this
reauuu• lily:thy? An• nun, 111
this frann• Of mind, fitted to t ❑ k,..,. at c
I'm:wry:is' , The Pre,ident think ! .i they no
iVe qltutild he glad to airree with hitti. Ilut
T E \..w York 11.,,rid
Toe TOILTURE Afr .IFiyeynstiN r)N \
longer a niatt,r of newspatiet ru
Inur that the I rent ment which . 1 t•Ili . 1 - S.It
11115 rect.ii,,l during hi. int areertt
lion in Fortre, Monroe 11115 been sod,
to break down hit, t
sod to pill
111111. After tweiv,• mouths of iii - Otruett.,l
, ndefillg, in ilinnillent
II tile law. loot been 1 holy ex.a - intedupo i ,
Davi- he would hay, Qiidi•ri•d drat li
Month, •Igii.
stilivring of great rriminnl. tiny hi
, Adoltrlble; but we don't inve s t largely
MExtillirs of the Union Le.,,e. urr. 111
1144.1 in :r.t , 'uertuhnwt 4.1 1144..\ unnal Mee
lug .11 . the Stale Crand C. , until of this p
I ri44li.• erder, t.. he held In thh city on tl
Bth day of June ensuing, occurring im
mediate' v after the State Convention of tie
Soldier's Leagues, which is to be held her
on he :db. There will undoubtedly be :
large attendance from all itarts of the State
Indeed sonte of the most prominent men
the State have promis e d attend ance a i
ready—inehnling the disting , lished Presi
dent of the Order in this :Abet,.
TnE itepuhlican members of the Slone.
%pont most of the day yesterday in CRUM:
With it VieW
keeonstruction Amrndtucai. Mr. S mime
manifests a disposition to the still.• sort o
impracticability by which he doforitod tho
Suffrage Amendment some weeks ago. It
would t well for that gentleman to learn
a fair deference to the opinion,: of 1,1,1
p tale,
1iF:P0127 4 . have nbtainvtl vurreney that
Mr. C. A. I)nua ha , tendered his reeig
nation as edttor to the rhiengo Rtpublira n,
and that establishment is soon to change
front and espouse the President's Polley .
The latter part •'of the rumor is denied by
the Rept/Wean; the former is not.
A WARRINGTON 'sprrial to the Pttiladel
"The friends of 'My Policy' are not sat
isfied trttb the speech of Secretary Stanton .
Fearful denunciations of that officer are
heard on all sides, While the radical organ
here says it is the calm and dignified utter
:feces of a statesman."
Thu Wheeling hartligene-er, of the 2:ah
:net., soya the vote on the Con:anat.:mail
Amendment, taken the day before, wee
large, tad ccrosir♦erally lc•lew the regist ra
Lion and the rate of I sat. The recall in
no one county had been received.
Trim Democratic paper of Elk county
urger it, party friends to unite with the
ionservative Republicans in supporting
Colonel Carlton B. Curtis, of Warren, for
Congress, against Mr. Schofield. We
glicqs the Col°ll , l is not that sort of man.
Trik telegraph again reports; that Gov .
'units has been tendered a ro reign
mission, Mitch as we should be pleased at
such recognition of his services, we think
an stir)] offer has ever been made.
Tut; bill eqnalizing Isitinties passed the
House yesterday by all almost 'ma n imous
cite. We congratulate the brave tnen who
are specially interested in this measure .11
the result so far.
Tip. Third Annual Meeting of the Weal.
ern Institute of Homeopathy commenced
.0 Cleveland yesterday. Several iihysi-
Hans from Pittsburgh and Allegheny are
in attendance.
Tim Senate yesterday rejected the nomi
nation of Mr. SAMUEL MCK. ELVY for Mar
shill of the Western District of Pennsylva
nia. The government is not exactly a one
man machine.
Tux chances of Mr. D. A. Pinney bring
the successor of Mr. Culver in Congress
nre intpmring.
Election In Weal. Vlririnin—tar=e MAW,
Moo for the notification of thaittnenn.
tovall Dlofrtsuchlting• Rebels.
Winona:to W. Vs.. May 25.—The election In
West Virginia yesterday, for the ratlJlcutlnn
or rejection of the Constitutional amendment
disfranchising the persons crumgml in the re
bellion. passed off quietly.
The returns froin the interior cannibal come
in very slowly. Fall returns received from
eleven counties thus fur Indicate large major
ities for the ratification. Wheeling ally and
01110 county give three hundred majority for
Damages Awarded.
BOATON, May the Soperior Court to
day in the case of dames Mnichean ItgaLust
Dr. 11v:try J. •Proadite, ford amages for
gully mediae. the plaintiff with• the letter D,
(deserter,) while ortuninlng surgeon In the
Provost Marshal , * eilloe, the jury returned a
rardiet of *l,OOO tor the plaintiff.
~ 1 10 :
GrisdnAlt..l at Doll's Mercantile l'ol•
Imre. Plttatitirall, Pa.
.1 iugram Jr., Burrell, 1.,,..
1. A. Este, Allegheny, P.
w. R. , iod ey, hlel;onnellmville, 01,10
Wm. P. 11l fteii, lifeConnelbville, oble.
.1. • larinier, Vktutiers township, l'a.
.1. A- (:rove, Jr., St. Clalreville, Ohio.
anitiel Mathison, Bakerstown, Pa.
John M. Gartahle, MlBrain, Pa.
B. It. Elliott, Newark, (thin.
P. G. Barn, Newport, Ohio.
Samuel Flint , Bradenville, Pa.
0. W. l/avls, Bowling Green, Ind.
It. B. Ilea, Newport,-Ohlo.
J .1.. laid Bamberg, Nea-v.011,11.a.
Harry White, Pittabargh, Pa.
I. N. H aniphrey, Middle])Ott, Ohlo.
G. W. Benedict, Rutland, Ohio.
A. B. McCartney, Sharon, Pa.
J. 11. Colton, Marlboro, Ohio.
.1. Blair, Pittsburgh, Pa.
John Kinn.ley, )r., Navarre, Ohm.
(leo. Schaffner, Butler. Pa.
T. It. }Cumin, hionontrahcla, Pa.
Jon. F. Wileou, Warren, two. •
I'. S. tlowen, St, elatraville, ti
Alex. Martin, Allegheny, Pa.
Wm. TrUnipeter, Phillipsburg, ril.
Nr. C. Grhnea, New lantamoras, onto
/I. B. Coldamitb, Weld Newion,
C. It. Johnson, Girard, Ohio.
J. IL Calder head, New Atbene, th e,
/Motel Holotnnb, Orangeville, t
Ciarletopher, Amboy, 111.
Jae , . Johnson, AlleghenY.
.1. B. Flurnphry, Middlepurt,
E. It. Stoop,., sewieklerville.
11. II Steenrntl, (',.100 Mills,
Matthew Hoses, Ir., Jolinstua n, Pa.
B. r. Dompae,Shtrieyalmrgh,
I) M. Met arland, Canal, Lewisville, O h io.
All of whom pare4e,l the usual search/en e
aniliettlons ,0 the College satinfavtorily, an
whu will no doubt hereafter .Iletinguish the,
selves by an honorable prone ioney in bn•une+
grwinato was awarded the beau 111.1 .1
' , lonia of the College, as a erellen nal of
prolleleney, ht i ad entry. Cm, of 1, e_, ,.,,
1 11 11 , 1 deport ne• et during 141 111,1 . .11 ..111.11
23 centak, 2.' ('nt, 2.1 Cent,
\ I p
At f reef
At uz Ftfth st reot
fit, A. Evans A Ce
M. A Evans A t
Entirely (h, n4l
Ent itely
I lr Ont. I tollar
tr Ilne Dollar
I- all tiltt i. tl-ke.t tor Rut art ,t
It, tlii. zirranKt•tnotit yoll limy get
A (ltd.] Wntrlt f 1.1
A ,11,1 fl tV
A •ll,er Plated te:i tort!
A ',II ei Plated Ce.4loe, Batter pi,.
Cr. ',I of Fork, Cake lidYkel.
el, .
Fan Oie.ra (:lasse., Table ate!
Cutlery ant it great eiei) or •Iller goody, u
to be ellapo,e.l of at rW ar t - tity-Ilvt. Cent+ or on
Dollar earl.
1111..1.z:it vitt • will ilo.
Wilma iio.
A New 'Soule and AltereWlve
It Is gratifying to satire the progress which
sc /UMW is making as regards new eurative
substances.We have to out advertising 101-
tunes u brief descrlption of It new contbinas
lion, which Is, certainly, so fares we can J
oat .r great value. it is prepan,l by regular
manufacturing chemists of long est al lashed
reputation, who have far many year+ suit
-1,111!.1 some of the most beautiful chemicals
used in 1110111Chle and the arts, and therefore
art. worthy of confidence. At tills season of
the year almost every one feels the need of
'rune male and restorative. some agent cana
ille of eradicating humors from the blood, and
re , stahilkiLing the tone of the systent. What
can be better adapted to perform this times
than the sarsaparilla and lodide 01 Lime. The
, atNaparilla break, np elmou.scti action. the
I,llnt. act& upon the liver and 1:111n, n, and
h ,. lirro.v.res 111, s mate of bone:.
rrefml vOlislnnat
The Presentation of Flag•
Plo •lu:). 4th . promisee t.. h. :1
grand sillase Efforts are being made to bee,
oormty represented. The regiment, what
is , left of them, hare held a meeting. at which
It w,V, 111,1111,i to go to Pittnek's for album-.
1:1.111 l'ens, Wallets, Kitiees, ate.
- . •
The rush continues fur these cheap Al hums
Si Planck's
!lead t entre St ephemt—Photon at I'i tto,k
An the late !looks at ?Moe kln.
Beller. St narl Robson, Erne!le Mo.l
s hotta—Photos Lt I • ltttkck'r.
\l, the Jinn' nu - Intl:11er at ritn - wt:',
1 ou ng America—Photos nt. Pit took's.
Base Ball tiul , lo at Pit tock,g,
• ..
All the late Dallies and Weeklies at l'ittock's
!title Henderson, McDonough, Monk Sisters,
liau Al!ldierto, HOggaarell-11101.03 at Plltoek's.
Pocket Hooks at Plttock's.
Faithlortabio. Unto.
No part of a gentleman's dress is more Im
portant than a neat:and !meow:di:kg - Bat, and at
no pinee in the ray can to , ,found a larger an , '
better selected stock, than at toe exten,ve
and fashionable Hat and Cap Mance 01 Win.
Fleming, No. Ltt Wood street. In addlthan to a
complete stock of Gents• fine silk and eassl•
mere hats, !dens' and hops' fur and wool flats
Gents, YolltilB, ne.lehllairen's plain and fancy
straw goods, we have a large stock 01 all
the new styles of Ladles' and biases' Flat,,
trimmed and untrimmed.
The Original
itememtx•r that Dr. Spencer, No. 1.54 i'enn
street, the originator of Laughing Gan in Pitts
burgh, makes no charge for Nitrous oxide
Gas. This safe and pleasant ann•sthotic Ml -
ministered by a physician who makes It his
specialty Extraction of teeth and all other
surgical operations performed without pstn,
perfect safety and no had affects. Artificial
teeth, substantial, lifelike, perfect in lit and
finish. Call an! examine, N 0.2.54 Penn street
No. 'lst Penn Street.
Why Don't Yon Wootton It?
A note was left on our desk yesterday signed
"Housewife," asking why we had not notice.[
the Ingenious invention for lifting pot s,
kettles, stove lids, plates, pie pans, &0.,
now being sold In this city by kr. Robin
son. "Iloimewlfe" Is Informed teat we Invested
nnarter In metal, took It home to our "better
hall," who says she wOuld not be without one
ono "for the world."
Children Haring Worm..
1,9111 re intuoullate attention, as nugleet of
the trouble often Callyey prolonged de tees.
Brown's "Vennliege Comfits , ' are a chin pit
remedy, and will destroy worms without In
jury to the child.
:tole agent, (Or l'lttaborgh, Joseph Fleming
f , rugglio , 140 . st Market street.
Jets{ Retarzted
Prom the Eastern Ana/lona, withat large ate,
or extra hoayy Black Milks, Shawls, and EatlcY
Dreatt Cootln, in which we are offering very
great bargains. Call Boon and Nee the Kook or
all klntla ornery goods at She/laby Ilarele>/x
71 and 7. Market street_ original Inte Il Iv,
89 00! 89 00!
Who eon beat this 7 For two weeks only.
um selling a good Fremeh calf-skin boot, of niy
.wn make, for the small sum of nine dollars,
t N 0..% Market street.
Itetsn, J
Household Furniture nt Anetiou.
The furniture at No. 11 Lacock !Arcot, Fire!
ward, Allegheny, 0111 he aold on Monday, May
. ..tath, at ten o'clock. A Leon arc A urt Innen r
T he Pl.oe to tra Tonna,
good and neat fitting Gal
tare, at lefeelin tack 9-2 Federal street.
ll mphrey's 110moapthle
31.etlielnen for attle at ralton , n Drug' store,
ft• ,ailtlalohl arca.
Every Pair
Of ,il.OOll warunted at the Opera /lOUs(' 81,00
Sten., No f. Fifth street.
Jost the Thisag.
Tlaosie neat fitting owt.„, ,
rcaerul eitrett.
Fresh Arrival. er~ Day
G.itere and 15hoos • at Ideeitnuwk..,
Federal street.
non's Belinstobsynreg,
Bat go ttng see McCllntock's stook of Slm.
and Gaiter.,
♦t Concert Ilan Shoe Wore
You get the to st goods In the city for the least
Good Boots
And sloe. at No. 6(0 Mb street,
-- NO. 123
. T. ES'IY/1111 A- I 0..
.. Iles appointed .
• , r , Pn (Tared In re• •,.• ratio., (..r all Porte
I‘ ,I IIIN.•TI, CI TV, !day [.. !..... ...' cis'l'l.3 ” ,.."1-.1 " 1 /.: !', Or ( lark . ' Chore
ink work mei Gs, :1..1 , I , urn ell
SENATE s•:::1:. r . 1 Ile‘rherry. The . 1 . .edr , 11 sr
ellitilkly 11011 1 but tire lte-I worl,tori .11:1 ad FOUR O'CLOCK, A. Nl. Mr Si orn'l :: troth: ed t • ~,,, !,,, ton ....alio, ••Ire jr .p er. mter which the !Mai
thmr um k ta guaranteed to give 'stir isfroddon
______ - --- - upon th .111us:dent for itiformal non fa: to u hat / •'!' e '"'"d ," 11,1 he ll.• h'l Ins` Ihg .ppr•"l'l,
They have a superior stoek of (torah:lle: s.
ertto e act ton 1: el take, place naler Pic tee ' . ''' 'll''h"t- °"''''''' of ht ' "' a l" U
l'entlantS nu l l Itracket, on hand and for sal. ,
TEIE uTEsT NE ~,',,,,...,,..„,,,,,,,,,„,. the ~ : otilzat ion of persons of 1 :::::'' - ' I E! , 'O!•ff. s
at very lon priees The - .heel 111 sheet Imel,
xi, (3.:1„0:, '' : : :: ‘,.',' : ', : , , ,w' f ' ;:t 'a r ' .. ' i ' i t t e t d res(d hl ton le.:';n.l(!t(trj It. ~
1 rn . . - nnat • . 11 , ..1.A/ 1
heol 71/IC, 11,11 p!p4, , ,, basin, 1111.1 ...foals.
. :Ust
__....._ BY TELEGRAPH.
, en 1 1 1•0 1 .11 111::,•1 ata.alatlnenta. The 'vv..- • 11l I I 11 '. 0 1 , . • ... ........... • -• , . 1 . 1
It Is Not True.
lion a • :e., um,. th e ~,,,,.„,1,,,,,,,, ~f Al 5,„,,, i t ,t:: : : , / , : , .i 1 , 1 1 , ,, n; 0 ff , : , , I • • lat•ft.... ... ......... . 1.10 r
11-4 reported, that people have to stand on the
I",e c th.ct hereafter In, he sup. Ht.:relent of ,-,,,,,,,, tr ee ) 1•1 ~,,
• • • INd r
sidewalk and dots-step ;it the ottlee of ittQ. SOLDIERS '
SIII & Gillespie, untthle to gate adtuttianee BOUNTY DIL L. ! th„ ..„,,.t al, Ana..hans• ma) he PeleCleil r rout •Sf t . r , t ' r ( t yrKa.f l ::: „. ' , : t
~. I . • . . ..... Dar
i 1111)' I'ol'll,llr the are, It was di , agteed to I. ' ' e n ding u I! • ( Ili{ 1P 1 :
unto others Dirge out to make room. lint it 1,- non, the delegate rrt ‘ rt l n l i ! rar . t... l U.... e ' n 1 . 0 ( 1 1 1 "' A
Ale lien zie addrest.e.! the Board a 1 sofa
Yen , . i`n ,IS The Jontri 1, ../1.1011 an,
true that thus rooms are erotrde, .ittlly with
lit pasnerl.
length on the con:111don cl Ila enclotot 511,
meson, seeking their sersflocs They extract Pa%%ed the House hy La [Juan- The 'tett ''' . the° ht Lifihrhe't h."' M'"ldae: shuts !n [suit slate. :and rel„... . •
ied 'trees.
eeth st ithOut the Allghthst pain. anti glve.
littf ,y :
Ili' grauting of as large :tiptop, !...tonts ri.
limit% Tote- 1
, eaUtiftll 4.. ts of t e nth fat 1011 c10i1.r.,,, t t Whit e
: Mr. Donnelly. of Minriesora :enrol uced a '' h h' posrobly he spared Iran Ili,. fun l en t
1 hill to I.lo , ol t ry, Ih o ~,,, ~t (r,,,, ~,.,.,,,, thr,a, 111 alalolll. . the) loss au 'mu,
1008 e 214. 2.1 U. _Jr; Penn ,tret•l•oppo,lle Chra.l
I the Western phials, a hie!. , a./ ',ad to tee and an.°lUll ” 1 i:,,a, tint n'ff Or r., "" ".°"" then '
M E. I lotrelt
Inn. road Ithernl aid frost. those u hose :hitt I
th e
to rite Lointnitt o r 1/11 Publie Lands
; Mr• ituhltiost. or iroy,,, Introdnee,r 111 hill p., wm , to ddl In propasesting tim,intere4t, 11l the
repeal the restrictlon, on 111,• ~,
1.,,, 1„„.., , rl:d• II %I lent'. - ..: :_rrttro mg of the approprin
. inch prohibtt the earrring ..f fran12...1 book- ' '''' ''' ' '''''''' ''''' '''''''''' a "-'''''" ''' "I'''
r, ,... ,, , . , , ,, , 1 „...,,,n,, , ,, : ,,. .., ,,,,,. 7, , , ,,7 , ,..i n ,,,, , , 5 0ir : i5r . ,,,, , ,, , : , ,, ,. :, , ,,, , ,,,, ,, ,,: , ,,,r:., , r, ,.. : , 2 , ::
r:,,, ,. , ,, , , ,, , ,,, , ~ ,r.:., ,, ,, r , , , , _, , 1,1 10 Illc chest 1111 the meetings of ale
Irmo••1 t.t. changed to the lecture roots of Ile
1„-,„ 0 . Fourth Pruner Mee. .11 r Inekey.) rip the
' -elbotion le•ing put I, x . t 110•chatr, it was negally
met! Com Mil tee
run motion of Mr. Pertmln. .Ire Senate coil, lod IfE a in,rac n.,1",,,,-•
orents to the amendatory Ilalla , 01 the , i°'”-" ' "I to "°"•'
'' ' t ' "° °:et7..kliieird the"
, Pension lows Were 1001-Coll ''' 1.11 In. nod a •
I eormitter: of confortm • • t . The moning . The Its nett decor:ring to sliornment.
hens .. , pired_ll , -.1,t , action on the blll. nod it 1 .1 Iter prayer try live (1. C 11.331. 111 Mere,
wenn a—
' Pa , tile :Minn., ol rite 11)111 . 1101g session wet,
Mr. 13 ooper, al 31. b., Irian the lainnlateo read alit lIIIIII.a ed Th. , grin or appro.
on flanking and Currency, repro -led in hill to • print ions man then re... t uned, the • follow tea
I ...Mire and regulate the unite keepingmf 1..14 it -11m• hal ta.: 41,11
motley entrusted to disbursing Idtlears of the \ [...rte., Kans.__
United States. It makes It the duty of le ~..r 1,1-a.,horper Mrssion. 15n11,11,1 100
, thsbersing «Meer of the I tilted States, eveept ( (slur. liall,l,
those connected with the Po+t-olliee l/eintrl- Fremont, \ Chi 11,/,.11
1110111, 11111 - 110: lull' 11111/11(' 111010, 1•11101.11.0 to , Hoek Morrie. \ eltrashn :15,0
them toy cltibonthutht, to .7t•ho,•it It all h
. Vtt. 1.111, Net/tasks, .MO
Tn.:roarer. or some Ansi/stunt l'reituurer,,tr lrteiti,ool. Isatt, , ,g, .. .. .. .. ........... MS I
the United Sl,lllo s , 11110 10 draw - for tile saute , t 1 .tr,11.1., \ c hrask a .
.. irt ti
ns May le• rerinlreti Mr payment:o4l4l where rrtt neon. •chra-k;,... . , ANt 0
there II no l'remorrer or oot Tre:,..„ :3 . r. • %Vest r art -Font 111 .1 reel. N. 1 ..• .• . IWO I r/
the seerelar3 of lite Treneury may gi•t• sm.. ' "I'lle gr•titt mg oi tile ithes e
in tmgronermi
mai authority in .nt mg for the 0.110.411 (1( 1111• • et,r, after:mem , e1 . 1,..1.a1, there being you
public money In 11 11 V ialler us. bur M.pository.. :alerol•le dimate 011 011, 1 rnarn 1,, , ,n1et1 • AIS
Mr Schenck. of 1 .1 m., 1 rout the ( 011111111100 Ire prayer !wing otr, t,l to Rev. NV In.lVishart,
on Military Affairs. reported harks ...oleo, , of I 1111,1ro, 1 / 1 11101n. 0111 hoard adjourned to
tutu for !h.: Imunry 11111, Joel nee ett the pre( .- ulcer .1 h.. i 114,1 11,1..11 0 . 1,1041: 1' 0,, IVIII,I tl 1/.
1.0,1,1 4011 , 40111. II 11 tell an, .+1 , 011.11,1 hy a lot.. , •I Joon II approprtatetn, nt ill et: matte.
of mality-One In 1.11 Lalt 1 -hIA. TM: ttrminal hill '
drfEers front the substitute In this, ilml the '
Reformed Presbyterian Stood,
hitter requires a dedimiton of and Slate
bounties. I Vlllelt the termer till not require. : Tht: la nerai , ylllOl of the Inefornied Pretrlty-
M , t ' e lte.c:k being req.:sand ir• firm" fully I fermi! Chili , It, in hull has 1 , 4,11 tn session in
0411101 n the clittertmee 111.1 Ween 01, /,1•11,111.
bill and tile sul(st auto std: Tht• trubsccite : ' e h h. : t ft°n• 'l , ' the Pan , weck: n. 11 ..1 , 1 , 1
made no promulen On Immo 3 to mlottt tile-. • !foully on 'I 100 -.II( ttfteratort al 11l e recloek,
- the COllll.llll lee 'haiku., 1 1,1.. a gaterttl j The Inatter or the iad 1 flealion or the .ttottt
thing. titt - 3 - had no proper elialn agaltad Like
till. 01 the ell le sell, ~ e ns 111 nllllll 11,1 n ine
Min - ernment. There might tn. 41111, 1',"011- I
•nu 1 oak. May 2. , - -The- 1 . 11 , 1.,1c.. 11 . .. rt.!, tlon ill mows Inhere teen from unselfish fir ! to Make une or hymns au a ell . the one Min
i': odd anti .• ,- 1/ . ore net plea.r3l 0 lth fhe •ner- h. 11 1 . 1 1, motives went 111 1.1 the army In plan, .l red nll.l fins Irible Psnluo in the warala 11 of
~ ,. , : !. . r 1 r , e ., ,‘ . ; 4) , , , ,, , ,, , ' , 7 , ,,,./ :...: i 1, 11 m 1 wa, .1 Is., ssod of great length. 'I he Mod
r• 1 00/1..nafts•ht,
::: i 'Elie Icon 1-4,te ;Marne, .(•( red 1,1V,13 1,110,1 1 I'olllo 4111,1, lie 101 tom e rare or In, toughnor. , yule In , 11 , , I 1 11,1. lon Na.. Illleat) for the nun.
ot an 11011 r ,• 1 onver,,tion bet teen the hdltor : h'""if
: neat. ort, and tut:toy-mite trgarnst.
, _lfter sone. disc.,lon, a tool ton 10 11,011.1,- i 'Uhl' .111,11,1 111 1 . 1 , 1:1110I1 10 °ramie. 11111141
, i n l l.l G 1,11,11, '• ,l '• ,1 " hi'', it the r°P"rl ' .1- the vote ordering the neon ottesl ent 1 0101 .1 ; .It some other Martell of the Presevlerian
1 i: :::: 1 ,: 1 1 . 1 , (• ., , , i; . ....3 1 1 ,,,, n lz
r, 11 1 . , 1 c e1 . 1 tc o tt , t , r, o f t r, , , ..;: s rt, , f , r , t a rt n oLt ,. :
11:•,1 5i r1111 ,1 1;v : e1 . ,:.. ti 0 1. .31. :... 11.:1 l ,5 - ,.. ay I , f , •( , ..1: 1 1 ;11 13.2'; : ; TIII• i iii.:,111,,,..,1,1,,„,,:1j.i., r ,• • •• • !1• ,, r1 ,. 1•1: m 1a . 1,1
dollirTilif r r all 71 , 1.. a tr , 1 ,. ..
1 coaainenl •Iot•-. Ile I:- rerarle.l lo 111111' 911. 111 ! The Minll.,• 011.nI Info 1 mOllllll,, , 1 1 110 I, 11 , report for 0::01 at 1 1 1111,.. a•i;ll.S,a'n'tho'rlzed'
. ,
seers ~ on, port , of llit• eottut ry triter.. 'lt roll, sit Saw on ill Ihe 1 lin 11 . .1 , 1.1 ; L . - a, lia Ila 1..,1, 111.. .trlieflon. to llegales
now t. amnia, sto n el.,•l trod. pet I icnintrl Tl.l a., 11, ,h,,1,,,,,, 0 of 1/ 0 .1, 1 0 11111, , 1•11111 . 17/11,. 11 110r1' suprtdm. emir,. ore now in
win c h needed to feel loe bitgliting 4.11'1,1, .1 l'he .Ile 3.lpartial 31 ten ,rust, 1..3 mg 1 seusetts, O. to what they , 10111111 mut on Ho,
the ..1 to 111110: their aeoplo Inn reall.mig progressed tiliough 1 u cite 1111,0,1 .111 ring till 01119.5.1.
: ...use 14 the , •nortnity of then' crane and the , m rs
I The [trot c•I rtn.l normal 111•11,, ~ Iv. cr,,...
~,,• -,1, of a 1 hornets:lt tepentattee. 1 did.
i lord, 1. 1. .+lll 11 Prole.,or I • •teele. aglialat the
401 ' 1 111. • thl l, 1 11,..• not rte ..' th e ,111 111 Ir 11 1,11 Mrs. (Invite ni,0111.0 --Jeff- Allowed 1 licenser, 0/ ewe ) , olng 01,1 to the Plnlncler
: aid. 1101 1011 fle why. and porn leularly thrf-rf I the Freedom of Fortress. Illionroe. , John. Prestodery, on neentent of their ligretteal
. ',eh has, been . :Ulla 1111/ [111.• , lot Ina ,• 0 11 , 10 ~: 0 „,„ ~,,,,„. m,,,
....,:__:„,„„,„:„,„, • hot •
s prouthitotted through the Bonner .., Me
I !hen. tort! e , rnipmt the rebel orniseriptho .11 1 ; „ 1 ,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,„: „ „ r „ r „,„„:,,,,, 0 , „,,,r„:„, c.rendor on use -1119,3•1 ot Psalmody. wax, rls
1 t:t •es. :ire tutc•ll less 0..e.1 to ansfept i l l " I la 1.1•11ei-a SI tie- 1.• ~,,, .lefr. 111,1 ~., 0 0 1.,.. /1,11.0 hack to the Posmetem o tt ...tont of
, rittert too a muel lalt Mohan I loom port has • . , .•: ,
„.. ,: , . , _. „ : rectum:al 011,1n, / .11,,,.
~,1 1,. .
1 ,
1. ^..,,
1 , 1 . 1 ,, , ,,,
sob .._., , tea , 111, 11 . 4.. 4 111111 111 1111 101 1, 10111111111_ 1J
1 1 1 11 11,, 1 1 . ""1 11f ~„ ~,,, 10 , 11 „ ~, ( ~,,,,,,,, ii,,,, 11l „,,,,,,,, A ote, 111,1'10 tiog Pi e shylerles to pro
: and sword.
, Allesert.l Sam 11114.1 11'1 0.10, hi, om/1 . '' sti l egamol thase who 111141 1 011/114.41 the ot:tler
11. terrum to tile temper of the Smiling:l'u led- : „„„. :„:,.„ „::„„,,, „„,,,, s0 :„ ::„, p„., „,,,, :
,_ /if the (Mundt In the nett tet of Psalmody ult.
plc. her emit. kill thrd 111.•3 nr.• Flinch 11••••-• .1 1....
1,1 1 1 • IIII1 , 1 , 1ea•• with Ilan :,1 taIN Hole ' , 1031.
1 ao-e•I boa In iprthg I ht•th ...It t•.• t.• 11, proper :
synoal ruliournetl, rider passang 11 111,1 - 1 Y
1 I r.....• ef 111 1 11.1, Vocal 11., . %et.. 011.• ye. i sm.:, I
, vote rlf thank. to the Illtslrrgil. tal II 111 1118
X )enr .r... - aa.l 1 1.•. the) , ern .1 / 1,11 1: 11. da ! S un'h v.r.iin. stni". ""‘ ^ '''''''" , 111111 1 Incinnati Pennsylvania Cenral, and
Ill ( thine. \ou thee" 1 . 01,1r11 1.10.111,11 , 11-1, as 11 1(0, 0 , M., n. Th e 1.0111 1•111011 1/1.1 li•• 1- ./111, 1 allrund, for pausing deleg, al I. tulle
' itat,, al 1111 norm, some el the t er.,.1 ge. ro, to-.ill 0, 11. , 1,1 la, Ifll P‘ n, ‘lner , A I h r " - hIr1• • 1.1 n•eet In 11.. t•11.,{ ill New 1.11111 ‘.II the
et ,1- he 0.1.1,1. ate helno mg Near nal doing • s tr ,:. iron, roe -rm. Wor - 111 ..., s he It. te. 01,1,11 (y,„:„„,, : „ 0 . „: Sh ts .. ISIS.
1 all 111,1 1.11,1 to l d 1,1111, 1111• 0• 10 0,011 1 '....4 ,1 / 1 111,11.1311111.- 10 te,,s, fa, ~..,.....1,,,a,
I,ltle 1 te•lr .0.1 edudices tol m eontorto ., , 11101141111,, tor lie .113 - .11. re los . I led e lied. ~,,,,,,i ii 1,...,0 •0 .,,,, : ,,,,, , ... r
an Lag.
1 /Wit' r111.11,-. to 1 Ile ch11.1.,.1 , and. 1011 0, • da. •Ihe 1 tnt. n t-ieg•l lal Preselcitt - %te °
!Fah Journal I -A Beale ant Engine.
111111 - .101,1401 111111 1 1 1 , 1.. Taylor bin
Mt- 1- ~ e al tilt end., ..,..: ~,•1 t i,. , t.l pro erto :
I'• m e es,•reistr t g 3, rood Indio :nee, but, ht. re I- a,. 1. in t mope I. op. tattoo. lie :11.0 COlll- . Wl. nl . l. 111 . 1 1• 1 111.0 111 0 1 11 !rime! es , / 1111 n.Y e
:led. 1...: is 1. I nhe re,. had!) . Ile II contltrelln,f p.m.,. tom Irma,' t - ltria•lsllal no,. ' 1 1,1,1,01. ,),,,,,,,,,.„, •••,.„.,,,,. „ r th e „:::,,,t, for
atnuelt eery dntis from what I luel rea. I
late I . .eglish 1 , 11.1 . 11•1 , . /1 011. 111 111111 WC' 1,11,11 n
1. , P11, front Wlllll lo• bar saidor the time. of the G‘,..,0„., ill ~,, 1.,,,, p , y . yuk,b,..„..
, Irrend. r. 1., .11 ',pg..° he aokild \ 0 Man . / ~
re. pot ticulors conc., long the nutlet onteri
• % see,. ! dote,. I or h e
the south 1. 4 . 1111111.01• Of exere.”En let. It par , ' , t ,'" he 'et - . YU " , ,'''.. ' . !". :• d '' t -- no mill, champ... l t 1 . 111.1.. The NeNV 1 .141 1,
ot 011. 11,111,14, for gr.l that he tu, hut ine ''''..,."" f '...."• - nr''• f a l eat Pot- '
n0r:‘ ,,,,, i ,, , ,
~, : („,„ „ 1 1 1,, 6„, ‘ „,.._. :,„.. „: ::,,, :„„ „ ~, 1„,„.. la, ...... .1( CI, Ot I , /1 gl'olll 110111 01 11,1 Spit., In
foree.l I.l.l,llleseetiv n. grtolgalg ‘l.l pernte- 1 P.'' , Mh ' h h-thh• h .' "'he'd Ito` uncranorr an trementl of Itt.. first appear:ale, 011 1'.1.011.1h
. in it. °fleets t os s to Inc hardly realord. Among "' eh 's.' !°'' hllll ' ll- g('111'1 '' tee '''' . «Meru- They .re f.VOrnblv tmproused wlth
The 111,1 she %.01-1. ot the rebel :trod,. ~,cad t.. " .+l ; ls,. . , ''s...eiffcerY• anfr Ma croek- - -
1. to. tog. met state that his pulls are entire
‘..•eet a: raat. act, illeKre In 1 Ito I ,s.O •i, , • , 'Y 110 . , 0.
atter 1 hart I ho, who , :ail nx. home The a..
: ly 0114,001. front the 1,11.1, or TOW Ing al Eng.
Erni... Pr/seams al ("ensued'.
nom ... parremool) httrer agate.. Idte. Prom, •
att•l ./1•010, ha, 11.1 . 1,41, 11 - 1/11 I,l'lll. Wllll 11,
,„, 1 „1„, 1.,,,, 111 r 411,11.. la• 3..11 , 1, 1 h , a-e I••• d'..,,,:. t .•. ,IV , Mn, '..., T:0 o•onlaa •la a 1..!. ..., , ..1, a la. .'1. , 1 . ,1 11110 11101 I tellm ri
..,..,,. ...4 f.• 01 1 11,, .11111/11$,' L1....a.• • 1 11r01t111: 1.1r1.41M1`1 , ' hart:. d"11 11 Fen:lot tort. ~,, reel ••olite r•1,Ito. " 111 1,1:11.1011 to 1111.
1 ”1 0 -n11.11,1 ;1 N 1 111111/ 1011, • SOl.lO 'lll , l 1.0• ' , Pi ~,, t° Ihe."'' ": ' 11, • , "11 1. ...- 10314 ,1, 111. I,•ns the same Hips,...),
. lodelm. nom hal ma ,11, 11 , .1. ;.,..•1 1 1.• 1 .•-•Ia I 1 , , ."ra al 1.•. , •• L. •ra 111 a. The 1 1,., .m,
.1,,,„ . ii,,,,, , ,,. „,, 1, 11,1,1., ~„,,,,,.,..
I. • t IN, 1crat...1. 0 n 114.1 JIII, Ili,. 1.0 l x et, I.n 1. I .10 , -1 ,• I. 10.101 •••-• 11 10.1‘,1111•11 1 1.-Innrroar
.1 ar1.•.1 aa I an.lon Ilan ma/ 11 111,i al 18/ Ic
-I'olllll/Cle the 00111•11 , Ith the 1141.1 111 The 11011 A,
, 1.111,11, 1., 111 ,111, 1.111 ta 1 , 01111..-
Ills er tit Lottl•• 111, if art Artily. FM, . tri gni Into Immlon about
In 111, 0 01g...1,1.10101 la, 1 , ranl . !he lona a:
~ , ~,,,, ..„,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-,,,,, ,
~,, , len e , elar . l4, Joel . tll nest go to tire Sp/trurnos
certain Inert totti certno. palate , ro tiro North , L. ' ''';',';'--• ', -
~, -„.,,„ , „ olth e Eln 1 heir way to kelly'rt !louse. flauthl
1. somi 3... to .1. tocalcolahle in Ischref In mak- fhE• II '`•,! '''he • eet hhe ' Ihe •• "" - •-'''. 11:,111 ..
Ink the Mt, rehel, belleve I hot they dry
: rust ♦' ' 5 1 ..• t` .. I t. ,- • fh..crY
at nallalt, Ina In. 101110/1. lean the aittrae:
. Inlic 11 enttt led to rule , as ever, nal that If , .i............,........
1 ions la 1 11, barge :My on the T 3 In: reb i d not
they writ mtly .1.11.111/ by what the) ore pleaued , ~,„,„.,
n ~1 raw 111 in rims, las exercise, oldi e it wt.
l o can their rightM, the , : .111 hare help r ,,, ,,, 1.;/.1. - y AND NEIGHBOR
1100... L ..,.,,,,,,,,I 11011 110 , 01110 1, On the Fyne 011
I lie \ aril, Thl,, ..1/611 Illeantly added 111.1101,1
- -
l'ltorsOny. ire en prouses Ititns•if every da3
' ,eon '' , lo I.II E Ph‘Tl.,, aver . 111- ""'" the " lell° ' : f.l frif /7'/.t.•'.1 I: I ~ y 5,,n /z/ I/ 1..1 I, I. more
wall the Tyne coarse, and har
J slam., or the rebelled,
' 3111111.1 definitely settled tart 1111 , shall be the
/Iv w Its round... that the Id rge n 1 , 0 ,1115 ..[ ,
, . ater..l I.olllll[ol ion "
Ihe southern people would -r „ 1111'1 their yr - • l'itlrents of Troy 11(1I In Connell. !
' ,.. .;; - " ,,1 .;',7 1 ,:', 1 , 1 . 11 , h ;;•^:“.;rtg„ - ,.','.„';',;,,','.:',"`.,:,;,,1,'",;:;;;;,-,, : , ~ ...........g ~, u- 1t1 , 1 ,,, ", T o ° s till I A Publisher In Testuble--An !Rift:metier
Asked For.
only Im then. alame. For hint +elf, if be hml I t ` e. "'''• t " h "f'"O': “" Thttr'"l.l• el ehth.---hir•
helle. 1/-1 , 1,1, suer Ova, ,ring h e 113, 11 1.1 or. ((multi A l lelllellaill. 1 • 1 ,•. 0.1.•11 t. a 114 311 /1, , Mr, Item - lett. W. Floyd mode an applica
he 1 . ''' ,4 ': II '' t t "'" lurk Se" ' '"'" ki n'tre't : semetarr --4: lax , Mt. Prrtht, cortselerntll.. Ipa 111 111 V . 1 11.1g11` , or The (murt of Colmar°,
. t th h : tre g !rtt4 t the h " hth .'" " "g et. f the is, i t 11 tr i tr. t •:, erm t• 1 In their ve ' c
0 „, 0 , 0 , 0.0,,,, ~r (.0,, :: r e: , 0 ,,, y , t r 0n „, : ,1 0 00,, 'f,- r a a' tcn : 1 ools Tester-day , for an 1114 1 / 1 11.11011 10 restrali
prrwrren, said pen. n;ront, mos.. 1.: kept in al: c. 0., a coottotite , rennet - led verluldl 1 hat , John id Hunt, pintltsher ef the Repohmtc, rib,
r in. prlnewal point,. 111 tun South tor aooietime ;ti leo Intl err. •I wit 1, 11•.11. Waller 11 Low- ' to, Johnson organ, 11001 oporaitug the stet.
to 1.010... TWA Wlll be loocen.otr) to repre,,, Ne e wain
„, ,,, i , ,,,, , 1, , m,,,,n .
roa,l ,
the turbulent:o of it class of the south being 1 •
, 10 l migillt` OM,/ 111 run 111,1 11re...8, 111.111 Ch 11311 1/001
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 ,, ~,, ~.,.1 , ~,,,p , ,,,,,, r „,...,„, „,,:l I ~,e n.JVI., .11111 4011111111 al dny note .Ith ; Te l
on the third floor of the btribilng Nu
ttluo 1.• preteet the rufhts 11/ (111. freedmen . h. , 1 out eharge. 'rhea ye:ll.l.l[U tales , twortad .11 Fifth st , rover IMP, A !Sell's.) Mnr t:loyi
are looked upon with deep outre.l idy tt very th e op e n i on Ind .. r , I ~, , 1 u 110 on the owner of the bull:dam objects to th ,
,le on and a••r re',. 41 .u• off , . e on, o f ,
Intrgc proporrom of the people.
Macho; of / the engine 114 the building, 110,
the 1 41101711 M Pie. 1 01,1. X,
therfr.: rys tor the Injunction to rentrall
i`resbyterints , tssefuhlles al an. L. 0,1,111 11 ' That In east:or any reel the sheriff' would at the detendattr front a orktng the ture•hinerx
( toe, u /11.11 1,11041 Ilti real a J r ,••• for the • .3ssu er rostrata Lim application the Court °rile
SY Lo a u In, 11111 y -.'_a.-The subject of tile: re. I •"..
.. • . ~ ,
„, ~ ,
~,,,,,, _ ,
._ ~.„..„,
unto. of the Old and Se , school i•hurelte. • '” ""
' ".“ . "r"" -'""..`""'
'"'""'""3. ,‘IV,i e`IL'r11:0";::.1.'11?.r. ,11 1 I6•'.'
lee Co urt. 'r l ' if " ol
• , „.„:„. , 01 ,,, r0 " upon ::, 1 ,. ~,,, 0 ,,,,,,,,,,
~,,,,,,„„:„, I mot, tot ; pt In ola of ta•ar 11141 2.1 !bey nnoual 111 1
, ' , a I. 1( appointed beputy sheriff; nll,l dose Ilk If hly the matte: will he ‘I iSpesell of on Sat
: 1 / 1 -0113.. The 51011 ...greeted to for Idle appal 11 1.,,,,
.,,,, In 01a..1, its) raltolie aelA Were V00.111110.•11, 111.11 day heat.
. : ~1 7 ,1 i 0 " , „1 , " 1,,a, ' 17,,,,,, ' 1 " . "` ;:i 1 , 1 1 1 ' , 1 ,1 r "' ‘ , 1 , 11 ,, i :::1,7,7, a , ':; 1 i',',', /IV , •1011,1 asunre the eft:iv:us that th,f lull pl/11. We understand thal the Repubfle Will Ire
oh mem of la. should I.: Inflicted 1111 111 r. I shed nu Itsunl.
.11/1 sehool A/emelt/Ir, Who, alUer f.onsultation.
thatso udending A moth,. waa mole
'II eery ~eel' re-union desirable and mart Ma, a ' af. ' , , , , '.olloing, ii ,,. I , „ i ~.,
1111 tile, are to 1 eleirt measures for Its seemnpllslis l' i f oi. Pl,' ' 1 r 0 , 11 ,,. , „ 0 . n. ,', f , r " , '„ 1„1 . ;
1 ; ,1 ri',a,,.....'nf,,...,10,11,,,f17.1 I
, 111. 111 the 111,1. Goll,nl In • , 1V011111".
mntion by or. ,
aadyk.r, , bat o a , ca „, a, , , be allowed nulmo n t , he . inirtir t .t , arranging no,(lr
ertrldt Assernhiv be 1.11.31 to
: ono the l'nem. I V' '.'"l •i' b f. ,''',,,,7.
, t ,l, f ,' P" b ee ., ,:,'," ra e ar r a h , 1 ,,, 1 , 1 .
i7a I. 1,1 ' del the te i' frt ft ' he ' "f"flUee "Z"c‘:1‘nii1:111-tree'ns'ic , 1 - 1.1 ' 1 ' „7-1 c. „ . 1 the erne: ing
4 , 1 . 7,
~. 10p,,,,y a o lli ... rg , e ,, n l ti , i n e;rl l : :. j.. , .. 1 ; , r1 . 1 . . , rTa i t , u s
, aa, „ a , tam, a 11 irll w „,, a ,,,,,,
;,,, ,,m ' a.. ''
.', or 10 . 1 1 1 1 l ' a „ Boa ' ar j ' a
r ' aig , :-. % ,, T . 1 , 1 l a s: r , : , .. , ,. Thin
, v . i r el . n ,. l ty
. 1 , ... , 0 :. 1 . 17 . .n .. v
and lsllllo , 1 , ;y e
speeelte. relative to the Lontavllin Presbytery 11 , ._....,,,, , ,..„ , ,,„- t r,, ,, 2„,-, , ,,.,.
' ,Ine. 1 / 1 1, latter tali.. the ground that the '
the citizens of Troy hilt have la sou
ti that
A. `"v."'"T 1 " 1 ` n'' HO.' ''''' h‘er're the ' ‘' - "'nee 1 we fori. ourselves into a committee of Mem,
of the Synod, and net directly 0.111 the Veen
, i at 1011 li, oer mutual pis , tis.tton, and that we
Imre om• el wir 111101, 11111.01111,11 11111111 N
A •t 1,0.. (4 pet not le on the state
' / , 1 11 11, who shall he assisimh I') a• 1, v i•i,i
ul the ronntry wan panel by the new School
amaano „ a
rori) , by a
1 „ a ranter. „
Assembly. toolay.
three for MO pnrllol.ll,ol hroming tro pout., all
The nes 0•Imol Assemill 3 1 al., 11,11 es...rale.
~,,,,a r, ,,,,,,,,, tar ,
to 1.1 1.1 1\ 111.11 Ira. Mountdin. todnorrou
i if....11 , 31,' That ire will not tolerate the R 11.11•
lof 4115' 1/4411111'111: , 1110111),1111.1 11 I' request 01031.
11110 have heen guilty cif lill.l otfunee to rll-.1-1
front it 111 the Mime, 1/1111 We 1,110011 all per
sons reeling these plaees against indulging
In any oliaor.ierly enntluct, /11111 /11011 111111 011,
0111 he Nll l / 1 .11111.01/ it. Wll ne.e.e.s In ease 14 any
soch violation of law.
Resehed, That all persan, ...mug or afro-
Joy tug grolimis /4.1 1111'011e grolllllll.l 4.1/1 110 111-
1111.11 U for 111111111.6111111, t 11 11111111110.0,1110,04 I.IIIV
10.1'111, n 11111111411111 t 1111111.,, fort, to iniunlam
order, an shut peaceable fullriens may attl.llll
to I hot r usual business without fear of their
homes 111.1111 Z 1,1h41.11r11C11 111 their absenee.
Resort...4i, Thal all fines reeelved by 1 111 , In
formers ,11:1:1Itt• tog,' it,ti to 11.. school (mei 11/
113 pre..enting 1 h.. :1401 0 1,011111 111114, 11,•
P.M/ 000 1110 1101 II • 1011 to NI 1111.10/,11.00 1 1 s
heleg oppaseil to pea . „able pereem 1 .111111,4
T 1 0) /11l I for proper amusement oi. 1,1,1,
1 1011.
Pitt}lbrlrrh GA% Mai, lug's f'ompany.
apt! al, ~ k:
Ihu stock 1s orh•lMint
for +ol),eriptioth
ill rettlrl, r.,1 Pt V. 10 ll'
10, 11, 11.. ks a h 1 0 . ,1“-th: at the "III(
(hi. In.nranee enthi.:thy. No :0 I. 'nl
I:noalo from Ole 11.tolorn Auction..
opelle.lnt , h1.11:0 , 1. A itnr,l3,',
,ut I 01,14. Ni 11.
'fin , nepithhtion oenittors toljottrntol nt
.•a, ;1 h , .,,,'aft ernoon, for tho purpose of
going hon. q 100141.11110• I, o oo l.lirtletion propo
,tinti, to-tend or °optioning ll,e debate on
(hot .mitten in-lo,' II tr r thuaght that. jail
.1„„i foellltateil
t.. pr ote , 0t....110t . Inotetel in . retying uncut
1 101110.11/ilOll IP.n,
tontileting views hi ripen
In the \en - lark evening ropers
tint the ex-pirate isertnneg arrived in
, ushinstnit this morning% In !my., :In
let% WWI the l'resnlent.
" etrort IN being 1111.r1., II rhe oonoenl.
nil parts--, to pant pane The trial of Jett Dart,
till t tic 1011 Th. , orrongent ton probable.
The Prifelory ileetivwx—lnkporlant ?Ong. I
nion !tenni.) won-. will lonen, 1.1. , ot ...toted
place. to 1•40.1 .lelegatt, in n the trig I
(.:cninty nnvento,... It 1. a molt. r norm- I hi% V irriV% on the sittuation.
taw, to the emir, rano.. tinily that I! e .Isle-
Rutin. ehnotin -hozll.l 1.1.•. nit. I hetro-eive-, I 0 no•
for teen to , •.111 mite -.•r, the inter - ell, ti..•
part,. .1 Innor Ihe many in the
Pohl for pliblie 10,..t tn :gin .Ite o tow Hon
01,l nn;, pot olio ir the nt 1.11
ne 1,1010 111,1 ,Ifo.lll 1 100/11,11 grotto.
till after lIIe non 1 nott.,ti Il lot,t•
nun!,ilee, cr. me teel .01 111
Joel to no rittlent ton to ll.° guton
an,! poo • 1 :11011 the pnt.l,.. .it the
well-Fon, it 00,1 11.:10hit 14011 .11Id 'loo' ill,
,1 Joseph t ...hi !dot ket -stret.
Ili• t... - tint .•,
and whlen ore Warr:ono.] in .rat 1t..,,
411 lily,. 11,41 al
l or,•lounit'
' of Print 111 11 ...,
1 rrlu,,rit
1.1 • 1
:111,1 ;WC:, Irrr.. 1 ;11041,, III: (row t !.. "I
lion. 'II he Fit 111,
1,1 al !Itr nrlgi li-e• 74
\ u . 1%
\ osr .. n
Twenty-tire., rut.
o%er Ten Thous/tad
her:as:ls, 11:1,1. had tooth sostrartrd
chat rt et:. at [soh tat F. .unpin.
Roast nl Quitss• %. :soot:, No :
!urge,4hin t•nt aihr:l,:stro.s/ng5,11,1
Tic ths: ors:strata
Ira rat, rotor to tootthrt, of Id- Is st 1,11• a I
claim In has isran Isans ails: I. :a ra, s ,
heallh. , :sogis a hills a s - .111.:sosl ha a 11. •,eihr.
In ell ras.t posit teeth a ithout lass lo a f ,.,
I tt tab 3x il,'loorsaosad !as Os: h
for luanstract atans, .Irtlahlal Tart 11, that los rst
fitly VOIII pet I ,• '.. 't I, t at s :I , and r ri•
tells, Of the it Igk.lll,i :1) !he pro Ile °II,:
gush tort Is. ors vtor.ststla, for 11, -mail
eight dollars. Call nod et:saline has sqserosses,
and sash a 11l :as von, 1111,a that In' v 111 s!:
Fifth mtreet
Finh street
exact: Ile ad Nl`l• •or ill Ott,.
that Chet .• r. 110 bus..(l. +N"1.11.1,/
I 1( 11,
•10.1 t.•
I..augbing tire tout 1!,,',
Li.. pll!t• ..:1•1 I ii• at •
1...h..' to all I . •i, ti 414..
Oen.. 1 . .. • •
000 r alarre ,PA
Itgoolletter,. Stomarls Ititter,
11...a.1 the tollou trig letter from 1.. Ilona or. .1
%sea knou n i'lLI/e•11 1 • .11 , 1ourgli. lia.
PorvaiMay loin,
Almert. llostrfOr Stnttli—lientivm e n Du, -
In* ./ j, fell. 1 mom rt0.....1
chats and fever wh lilt lit - ought in, to any Inn!
and 411.01 y ternanuted In typhoid fever a.MI
confined Int. tortiy room for •1,1,1 11141111hs.
analog a larla Unto ISA 41, p h 1•1
so pr..—
I rated that I alniord evei
tag m
y heath: hat the entirely lost my nop. -
tile for 'lay, not Imam; VI.
added to Willl'h I um. anuelt olod rease.l • n
reeling serouttion in nal head, passed Ulan,
deeply.— from deldlat 1-n11..0 h
nay proetra Le condition, Imough almalt h) Ihe
fever. At thlw stage of my moolitlon It friend
reV 1 .1.111.11414-1.1 me to use tau, celebrated at , -
Much (littera, but being morally opposed 1.,
the toe n! [tan nlunts In ant form, I at 11,1 dm
ma a fterwartle yielded my preaollf.....
ire c taking the tneatalne for several
wee LW dted, my apprtlte tetnrioal and
wall It 1 um rapidly raga/ulna, my former
of stgth 1.11 VirOr. My sleep, the
b e I mo.
whieti I hail antlered Intleh.) baa never en
tad ter (lien It Is now, awl the reeling sensa
tion before allitaml to,, ham entirely left me.
regular,M eta um, mord. eonetipate.l furl
II rten'sol.l• I, ;lac natural, tool ,11 furl I
nil glad to say I but I feel myself a new man,
and tender you till.. 14%011100 tal Or m appre
elat.lon of t
aim. othersU , 1.11‘1.04.1 to epurati I ord.,
Nutlet ire am I on
my n
thetnaelve. of Its ...trine, who+ li
prevented me from enjoying tor so lon,
a perl.l. I may also 11.0 I-1 tiler an) ph} elefan,
after eeellag the beneflmal elleet your Ratters
had on me, reemnanelolml that I use then. r
ninny Ylllll,, very re..peet fnl IY,
1 .. , 31arkt.1.
Hoftlette , r's Ritter%
!lola wholesale and retell at very low rate.
It ~l ernlng's Drog and Patent Med 'eine Depot,
♦e st Market al rect, corner of the lea:11one
an•l Market. near Fonrth atredl
What We any Eret% Tea
F ••41., ra I .Irvpl tOr liaqotk, ,111.1
Go end Mee
31 , 41intock'n Gaiter, 1 , ,1‘,11 ,11011
Ilistinfortion to All
At Federal street.
Fe. 11.1,1 street
Story of lieception nod Crime-Rase
Emu Met of an Italian Adveasturer.
New yotts.lllne t5.-The !Miter Nem, Make.
public 0 story or deception and crime SrLltiiii
:net with. It appears that when Mr,. ttenera I
&stoat. au famous as the /01.411. r of no•ial a/1,1
(.01111011..b1e lite. In Washington daring the ad.
Ulln intrittlon of President Jut:knot), Malone a
widow In a foreign land, alto returned to flit-,
country. Taking n p her resident.; here, sh e
adopted awe of lir, greed-children, It boy and
bet, and with a c oMI/1-11,111.41 amounting to tit
leant *lmo)°, Was lit Ing very happily. At
length an Italian adventurer, named Ifourga.
nant, wan employed as a dancing . mast.,
for the children, and they took seen it lik nag .
to him him that they prevailed noon their grze!.
mother to al/ow Mtn to be alt; educed 11.. lin, i Pardons by the President-No Rooney
home. The moult wan that In. mart 11.11 Kr. or Aere.e...s of i'.Y Allowed 11l
Eaton and bllCCel.iivai e, f,rittililly in getting Widows or Heirs of Deserters.
possession of all her properly. Nor did he Wns it tve ton, May Ti - . elle Prmodent has
ntop hee, but prevailed upon her to p 1.,. te , pardon...l two /.rotlit•rn it /...-, were convicted of
his charge the ProltertY she hail let ..purl ter ,I, tE , I tog the ''' rile law by making cigars
low grand-children, (401 Ir if . loch ht. Mel the 111111e/111 It licenne, an.l 'Assisting I lin cancer.
Intl line 1.1111 //1•11aai. lit: 1.11011 nil at, a erh inn. who mad, the arr es t
rupting the girl, :onl linally sailed stir kti• me. Ii hit. 1....11 Titled by t1)0 semen! ,Antiltor of
hot Wednesday', taking bee will. loin an 1114 1114• T14.....1it, W1111..1. 010,1101011 hus been stmlalic
ife. Ile left a note for Mt, Kanto, In a hici. .•.l lo the second t oniptroller, that no notint,
lio told her lie had cons ertini all all prop,. I tot to tectiam. ..t Intl will i.e allow'..! to thelnto cash, and . nolo allow her tan et y t14)i1., vi 0b., ,i m heirs of Jut s n it I, ideal, ale, al ant
her week It Out won't! keep the mallet .talet tine. desert...l trim. the stork, of the l'nited
- -....-- 'fall m li , r matt., host short ti. .lenertion,
i5,..,,,,.. 7 .1.,...,,,,,,,„ I n sii,..bin g s. ee ,. it„,,,,,b, notwillintatellitg lie MIL V 111,, /11111 ,, e'1111.11.4
Influence for Protection - Senator -',/ . ell I/111 the 11111.• 0/ his enlist moot I „I.h t.
Cameron the Leader-Ene Administra- lo slut I ' l bills new I strurc t"nitres, lilts poi , .
lion and rlexican air/tiro- rattan Ito. '' Y 1 . 1 . 1 "1 111.11 , "MI all tisssrlerh ltd chelotleti
eelpts. . //1/01 ilte 1,, ,Ii lam mit,
From New Orleans. YORII, kitty . P.l n:
-Sinlabia n
. the evening '
paper!, nay there 111 a powerful Pennity Ivan lit •
lobby here to Influence legislation in fiLVOi ..f • ..t , w tMt I'.^e M. , .2,1 • - • The , deamer Holly
protertlon. Senator Cameron In the leaden. 111 11 his" Sal" I• l, stf I.
The policy of the Ailminletrallol/ In rexperl 1 t 1 . 1 1 1111 01 "Cot t iosi • i tow HlMlling :Etre.
to Mexican affairs I. gradually e
asmnelnit a Tosls , ••'• l't . 1'1111! were 1.7 0 0 haled. hie
different ndupe, 1.11 , 1 U 114) 1,11 , 1 1 , 1 a t.tingre•• 't et 1 I icrelptn, ..,:its bales again,. 1, h 4 halm,
sional endorsement of the line, . Idol In
','," •
~: , : . . 1, 1 . . ; ”.:::,,,
.I'.3:''. L ades..
. 51 9' . .1‘ ,. , 17 , , , i , : r m k 4
rite,' under strung Ito:sou/v. I •iiii 1 n ithatige I A
" he Ps.rirress !Oaten that, front Janitor, 1.1 la,. I. ` 1.11 . 1 . 1 .• '. Ost ' ,l st A PremillS.
"Vtime of the EMMA/4111 /1/“ , (1 , tine hand: roi III; P I
~ I ' ~ . .t .: '' .: !‘ . 1 ' .. 1 . ,. I l' 1nn .t. . : ..14,1)
~, ,.. , 1 , .. 0111!‘ ~ ,,,. 0, 1 :
I "U"'""i
' ..".
:I ' 1 '7' I. ..',' i' ,, ..i. , „ - „„" t i.."...,',„„`ri,:!,,,T:w4:
Ir. a lonvy, of wiled. fifty linninatel lead been 0 " w
neat to Ireland, LIII. remaining , il,l' 1i1111 , 10.1 "'''''''. U"'' 'a'll ", ~step/ 1.11 , 1 ai1 , 1 , 1/ , ' 1/0111 , 11-
,11, / i at ott. -mil. 111 Lll/' 10,1 11V1.1 . 1.01,111 ry Itii.l
and thirty thouniont being spent hole
- - -.0.-
title, tom 11...m1 dlntricls, Iliete is sc.trecly
Colored People In Passenger Railway no,
Cars. i'lic hell , o. et Menem have gives way, and the
whole o ..... ,I, ~ I. submerged Irmo Aulehito- 1
HA 1.111110/tR, May 2.5-11, the I nit.! states ~ .
1 ~,,• , s „ . •
Dlstriet Court to.nity, Judge titien d ec id e d a ~".!:
lie +11. 4 .1.1114111, in pt iiiii intim whet clt In not. Worthless Hank Note -Micluel helly,
petition lot sot inimieLlots against 14 ../It pi,- ~,,,,,,,.
Ilving in strait berm . alley, yesterila 1 . everting
timiger rallroutl. tor ii. foxing to oho. the p...
Ilthrour, A. A. Bradley, motored, to ride to s u rd Verdict of Damages tor lieftmlog to I o y ilVe " :2arg h T,Tp " , ‘ , ; % "l i:,. ! , ~\ w " ,,, e e r ,T47,,,, n'.1.`„", t 1 " 0 . ,':
oars The J oda , ci '''' , ' , e'l this. the '‘`' lets„ ” " alns Revenue Stamps - Dr.
Int hell having been broug ' lll aga mit Mtn y
In the petition did 1101 prun.•lll. /4 I 14ea, i.e the
flakes a Trip to the Aerial newtons. ' Midget WI/fwd. Upou a hearing ' ill Ol t pl. ' ,
V. 0110040 Uri lon of the Moot by way of intone
%,„,.. y„,,,, , )4,, ~.•,..,,,, ,1„. t•,,,,,.„1 stales , Mal 111 C Itllialatlate did not feel Warraned In
holding the nommen, i 111 , proneentrik not beim;
I ion. Th e petitioner to Lilts l'a/111 t.littrus to Int • •
Districts oui . t t0,1113' the.inry rettonett a Yen..
a la. yer from llonton. The /More.' people
dn.'. of fourteen hundred dollars against Ilan. , by any alltlllll.l curtain that slit , had reguived
generally protest agaltint his men se as an um
caned fur leterfcronee In shale IN•luilf.
Imp 1 1 , reters, hotel proprietor, forrano, to the hot , ' troth elm. plc: I.'w., di.-
-an- ant, revelator atuntp,, to receipts of tummy.i t'harged•
Woolen and Cotton Milts Damaged. I , l'. ,110111011 Aiello., with three others, 1
~,,,„.„ M ay ' Ti.l , , .„ , . made au asnatt ill hls Attn.", or flying old". I De. Sculpts C.. "' .. ..r, Sermon.-11'
1....A. ' - '''"‘',, , .. '"'''- " .' 4 ° . .'''''''' n from Cl,, I.lly this afternoon. After retnata hi e . ' spotnal request, Rev• lir. Nash/t, editor of the
'nil rattan, mots of oltuon Long, at irariey,
all hour In the air he landed at Astoria., eve . 1,1 " 6 .11 1, "...a.. Aci , "^" ,, , a ll, repeat his
solvers milon from th.a city, were damaged by „..,,,,, di ,,,,, it. ii,, (nand !tiara lay In flush i na . Cent ennary mermen, Whlall he delivered before
, the Pittsburgh Conference at its recent :10.10,1
lire LO the extent of too thomooot dolt.» .0-
hettil.av against Cl,,' stand, but has no doubt day. About two thougand harms wore mu- „r ILL, ability to „artgata the air at Washington, Pa., in the Liner!). street M.
plop:al In these mills. The kW" is Lk:111,011 to
Mt fully covered by tniturance. y ' E. (March, to-morrow afternoon (-Itit) at three
Extensive Eire In nettle , o'clock. Isis expected a large concourse will
James River Bridge Completed. •
here, N. 'l%, May :, - The extensive Path .be prekent.
Ittonsuarn, Vs., May '4'.-The long bridge sooleu and saw-Mills Is ore entirely destroyed
aeruss the Jamas river, on thnlino of the Rich. i by Pre Mils morn mg. Tho loan probably Will
MOMS and Petersburg Railroad, „erected In roach one hundred thousand dollars. It Is I:m
-olar*, of the bridge deetroyed I.kmAilio. in April .y partly insured. The 11, is thought to be
or last year, was completed tro.dar, , he Work of on ineendllr),
inn. I:
• ••••
IC It. 1:1.r.1' s.
NA llfllllK,nitA May oho Porter nehl hR
I. r
tte, r ritl anThett hy the Prt,liltlnt rrloort to
.‘n.lrcb . 10, 111. 4 011, .1r ~ br lb.. l'resb
1.1..4 I • n rt • tbovi..l front the bp.ney
ht. "tut, l ' enitetitmry by'the Comm...bun,
!lout In+ltl Minn, ttrbl iVall Iti.pfbrito,l
ft ' ar.lbn.
Tll. - 13.04bLlnitt• Mt/114111y
" 4 Lober NM!.
A great Fenian, meeting Ltholight wee
by .tames 111,11111 M. Jr, Of Note York.
Nee. from t he Interior 01 Ilontgln repreeent
aftrimiltoral prtalnela nearly ruined by the
heavy tell+. The a heat crop I. a fill /Ir,• 1113
OCCI,III/ t Lif• • roe,. Great tle •oltotirm ore.
tile, nod horolrihln of famlllem ar e de etllote
of forel
Tlii•••ropq T1 , 1!11,41.00., !Jack witrel.
Ind( „ „I or a !nail i%nntl , tputotl. Corn
rt.l ton arg•
Tnn meritna.rx Lt 11011“ Orr, .1 14.
, 'barging. 'Ehu .•itt lit,lthy. 1111,11:14,4:4 derll.
- - -
The Pirate Semmes Seeks an Inter
view with the President.
lI S N, M
The Mom() toll mad..
to-Mte he WI almost Imantmooto
Tonnewnee item..
11.nttlerott Syrian at Fort Wayne
Tbe r.. 11 0 ,, log ~,o i n, a ere adopted by
the Lutheran Oyinol, In . .e.olon al Fort ‘l'aye e
; Indiana.
1 i /i. - +•./, ~t, Thul to Ihe tolllions 01 bombigs,
rho by the vielositudeo or war have been NO
soddenly and nt ratigelv translated Into a otato
ot freedom, 1 tie coontry owes Ito alma !when
/gent and paternal gaol taitobi p, to the end
that they o infer no detriment from 10Tiert. 01
IIhONV, hill to! HtrOligtilenlui, /onnriietog and
oslotiol, to e bleb great •Inty the l'hurels 01
debug 1,1 - 141. 'annum and mind nut be found tardy or
Remo/led, 'l'liat o e oho, In the i nllghlened
awl Ypolltall/Nll. NVlll,ll.'lll 1.1 iiiN 1N,,,,14, or
tiliN land, and of all other lam!, in nig...o,-
200 as of profoundent morrow, liei•atog• 1.1 the
s Inlent death of Prennient Abraham I.ineoie,
ar •me . 3' a+ a Pati lot, a otatestiian, Roil
tint 111,4 heed typo tit ' a Phllanth roped., a e cher-
o f
111141 revl,l% (Old whose Invaluable mervleigi
to Oar nation, and in Um came ,ir It.. 'intr.,.
log and opplavegol. we omit' ig er hold In
gra tend tut.) affectionate rlll.lllMlinltlle,
---- -
in 0.41 Twenty-11,-e Dollstr..--John and
Ole wart were the IMO., Of lilt, i
who committed Lite improvokett and
In lloll asnanitupon llntot,
t heater, Oil 11.11 . P , h1% evening. The{'apent
I Lie night le the tomb. , and 011 1 . 1 . 11111) . 11101 . 11-
log Mayor McCartii3, after dilating upon the
aggravates ,tat are of their offence, I 1111104e11
tine of twenty five liollarc each. They pull the
amount and departell,dotsialea c with atitieter
initiation that 011 Ile, neat Vlalt 10 11N/tee of
nbil!ITIVIll they will take heed of an officer's
room:et to behave thonicelvec properi, nl
- Of sic to the ran° 01 AI, 1.41 W.
artily altar king 4ttltl hriitally
Dutikard l'reek.—Tlic damage done by
lire to toe Bobtail awl Vaudegrift •lln on
Bonham! Creek, has been fully repaired, and
the wells are each now pumping between
sight and ten barrels of oil per day.
The I'. P Amu-a of 311•Rionot.
N 1,4,1013.. nf the F. I'
, o•tn . dy
t 3 torts,' I ay
Dr ueorge 1.. .IteCttok, Phyttteittit 10
Ilthtrtl ttt Ilttull.ll, reports the tollowth4 int
frrnts Slay Irth to .May
0 IVhlttr
i .1• 1111L/f, • I rish
111 the atnrv, l here n ere un.ler I year,
t 4, 1; rto um, To :11. 4, .*I.I
The anen 01 lit,. 0n0 . .. en... e n wore a n r
low. iir•rrr . L.linense.::. Arnie Bright, dinoto
I. , •,,trn. 1 . 1111/INO. I. t. onshthlttloll, 1 PM,
petal i t erllolllll,, I. Typhoid Fever, 1; Congi
tl.on of the , Ionno•11, I. mice. Apoplexy,
Anton In, I; CongeNtlon of tbe Ream, Par
11101 1 / a , 1; Alltr;v44lo4, I.
)( ohlord.--IVillium itleCook yestorilit) up
poured before Alderman Taylor of the Fifth
want and itsktia that a warrant be Isom.] for
the arro-it of Itnamed Fredrick
suspicion of having robbed Mtn of
...iv hundred dollars anil two silver watches
V 1,111041 at PO. !qv( took. who is the proprietor
of a !warding house on Liberty street, alleged
that on going to lied on Thursday night lie
placied his N, allot in a elitist of drawers with
the watches, and on arising In the morning
ilisemvorsal that it li as in Paing together with
the watches. Ills suspicion Immediately fell
111,011 Knoll. ho Is a I maid er in the prosecutors
lion.. A warrant was issitisl MT the itrrest of
the tsve use, I.
Another ..Nhower. - -A num, g, vitlg Isl.
SUMO as W111(140)1, Disp, WILY Sri..Art' yeas
terslay at tiro ••I 0 loin Depot" ft the Penusyl
van lassltallnassi, for /lltenipt lug to noes n coun
terfeit io enty dollar note on the ring Nation
al Ranh of Indianapolis). lII' wt. Liken Into
esegotly by Patrick AlcPerrar, tar - splayed SS an
Itt the
and lodged In Diu tombs.
!laving been Laken benne t nines! Stares Com-
InCeslotter aproni, upon hearing s ties evb
dens, as to lsguilty knowledge" asna pretty
ssonelossive, the Oven:sell having tussle seven
bee n to pacss the note, sand after having
been pronosinesal to he is.connterfoit. waft
rossisnitted for Tint, is) default of ball.
Important Itorittton.--In the Circuit
at Wheeling the Jury at wurcle.l $1,1:50
.lion ages in the 111.41. 'f Ileums Wilson vs. the
hapinow t a nd !mit, Railroad Company. Mr.
Wilson shell he for alleged
eolltnio damage
which he sustained hy reason ol n
a filch otneirreil iin the road time ago,
he lielog a panseicrer olot of the trains ut
lie time, nett pimping olf while the care were
finder headway to -ince himself from the con
nociteneen of the collision which tramOillately
thereafter occurred.
Mayor . % Office.—
re Maror McCarthy (suffi
ciently recoved front his rheumatmm to re
sume ills duties) had nine tombs customers
before him yesterday morning, which he ills.
posed Of according to the extent of their dis
orderly conduct and drunkenness, tthe indi
vidual wan titled two dollars for committing
unman, in the Custom House yard.
Dull.—The genial weather we have been en
joying during the last few days seems to have
hail the elfeet of mollifying the roughs of our
city, if. 1.111111011 as there is almost a stag
nation In police bit mess save a (ow unim
portant and trivial caes there Is ntng
Oreak the rain, sur,nity s arm: . potion o
couhirts to.
Men and Grid& fill Iturned.—on \Ted
nesday life barn and grist mill of Harvey Mc-
Murray. near I lie Pigeon Creek road, in Wash
ington county, about three nil Ifm from the Al
legheny county line, were destroyed by lire.
There Wits an insurance of 11 , 2,500 on the rop..
ert y, wit wh, however, will not cover the p loss,
lic-committed.—Charles ar
restml in Ph Hedy/Oda a short while since, on
it charge of forgery, brought by Bernard tire;, dealer, of Allegheny City, had a hear
ing before Mayor McCarthy yesterday Mom-
Intl, and was re-e O MUIIII,4I for another hear
ing on the let proximo.
Piteneh.—Yenteralny, whthe
Woesi street, In the vicinity o a f the Firstoesing
byterian Church, our nasal organ was assailed
by a horrible stench, arising front what., or
where, we email ma ascertain. Can ally of the
denizens of that locality tell i.e the cause!
Fined.—Alderman Johns yesterday fined
Samuel Clinton five dollars and Costs for har
ing maliciously committed a nuisance on the
property of Liss.° Sehuity. The offense con_
stated In dumping a load of filth on a vacant
lot, the property of the prosecutax,
The Dental Branch of anraery.
al When an artist or mechanic labors hart and
or .ttaliorisly, during the whole course ofalit„,
h to accomplish any result or become porter,
In any branch of scion., or industry, he be
'l, , ant., an object of respeet and interest to the
enure community. lie has not wasted his
life pursuing lain shadows, lan Ims Incessant
ly toiled and studied and wrought till he has
• accomplished an idea, and can claim the till,
Of artist or mechanic Many years ago den
' tistry trio. hardly understood, although even
back to the remotest ages of antiquity it was
reeognized as a distinct and important branch
of surgery. The English eel .01 of dentist!
wits established in the eighteenth centun
but up till the early intrt of the nineteen?:
• the art wan •ut little known. It wa4ot., w
believe, till iss 7. that a set of false tee n th wt
wan ufacturtsl in this country. awl et - en the
the wearer was regarded a very foolish pe
sonine. All till rigs eseential to personal appeal
n and comfol , howarer, soon become
popular, and from that date forward grad.
ally grew Into favor, artificial teeth. And s
likewise. the dental art became much belle
• understemd. in. the great subject
preserving the' natural teeth was made a
war. t of special importance to the fraternity
among the dentists who laboret
hard to earn for himself a lasting reputatio:
In the deittal all, one fellow citizen, lir J
Cu'oll• +q.t.... , to have been recognized as on.
of the '.s beers iu this branch of surgery ir
the twantry ..ver thirty years ago, then ?
young matt entering into life, Dr. Ncott
voted his study ie. Inc pale , ri of the rof..
siOn be (-hose iolopt, Ile rapidly established
a reputation as a dental surgeon of no and,
nary alillily
I fool taned hig amon the
fraternity. lia seri lees.are now h
.•steeme g d
valuable in the 01110'nting departnent of the
well known dental cstalili.hinenit lir.
Quincy .1. 40011, and 'moll of th e o w
gentle:llam lira.l .colt has part liatlarle es
lahlishisl a high and env MM.. olattatian as a
Her of teeth, an W. :ell ice to perm.. a bra,
molars arc tailing prove loghl, advanta.
geniis. Iconnection with oat lea team, Ifs
1111011 il.•nt Int ry we might too I:ocrty
directing 1 lic attention of our leader, to
the denial estahlisliMent of Dr I,linev A.
scot'. It
is one of the moatcomplefe
the character in the clLy, fool mini. km
1111. most ezeellent of stirgieul denten:. ae
pmployed in its various depart merits The r n
atients are Am...octal and re, rive Ills
best treatment. If teeth are snood and Ca
preserved, D
r. 0,1,11 1.111 not advise their n
extraction, tor if there Is a possibility of sav
ing them hi. can Seel/ a long lease of them to
their possessor. The mechanical department
is well managed, and antheml teeth are mun
ufactcred In the hest sty la at rates as lom 101
they advertise. All work is warranted, awl if
our readers desire having a ileimycil or aching
tooth extracted, u falling raw hilts!. or a dura
ble, new Set inserted, thl.3 . can do no better
than by calling apon I/r. quiney Semi, Iso.
l'enn street. Ile is a tel iable trust worth;
man, and Ids universal rine is to glee such
satb.factlon /am patrons that they will be
eerlain of sending to him their friends.
'l,•r. I 'h , ludrlphlu : .r. 1. Lq , yiur,~U
Anfang the many alum,. of ` , new
vby the treat Rebellion none efteeeil
elf her In s !tumor teal...
Fl sr.male lry /'lark, A I 0.
A VLF:A PM: enE Queen'. En,. 11 hl MI
111/LC:1011 speaking' anti spelllllg •11.
nl, 11, D. New I ark life' Fitrigef
This 14 an !Lam ruble expradtion of Ina.
euruelen and vulgar-6m, in the line of I lin Et:r
-ile:II language. Not only' writer+ and public
npeakera, but all per+olls who situ i Onnet-
I`d , /L
Ile,ad elegancy of ex pronshh: will by pront
r mole l by L I e it n ry Inner, 71 Flftli at reel.
We havereceived from the pill:Jo:her thy
June nurnber of Prank Lenllo'n Lady's
zine of Fashions, the heat pf,ll,i‘e,l,l in that
department.. Alno, No. Ii of the lialary,
lishell fond:001y, lo K . C ,t F . I'. canrrh,
New lore, still de% :wed to literature.
Entail Camonity.—ltobert show, of Weil
Creek township, Mere, , county, met with an
seeldent last Tuestia> evening which caused
/JIS death in less than Iwo hours. lie had been
hauling with a tram of young horses, and
when returning front the Med with the mull,
wagon Itla tellln heel... frightened ant! ta,
away'. The loose boards on the wagon beteg
thrown tor he team pin:lied forward on the
doutdostreos. lessons entangled In /IV I MC,.
an II WWI thus urugged and hs bead batik
crushed tool formset I. lie lived I too two hours
after being rescusd, and was not eonscions
during that Lime.
Thursday elgt I, aline t
eleven O'otrrek, x gentlnnuta aecouttent Nene
young home [root the Theme,. tt
aeottted on Penn 4treet. In the Ninth watt,
In y three :non, or rentals, to. they 111004:110 I.e.
They spoke rudely no the women, nearing to
k nrotnion rhe W. 4 going, nal when her
,13101, trated 1, nit thorn,
woma n
knoeked down Mt tan.. The
shouted loudly for utisistenee, IA hell the 00. n
artily denutps nod.
County Teachers' itenoetntlon.—Thi
AA...octillion will hold it session to-clay, con
niencing at ten o'clock, In the Fourth War.
School lion.. An address will Ire delivere
hr lie, Si. A. ' , lively, after which a Ilsen
xlon will follow upon the utility Oi teachin
the nclence ofceliktlienlek oar publi
'cl !, oud There Will he other exercl,, of at
Interesting character, and it no to he hope,
there telli he a full attendance.
--- -
Alleged Nedoellota.—Plkoehe Fritz, not
ye eighteen years of age, residing at Brad
tkYiels, yesterday appeared, before
Alderman Strain and made an information
eft•rging Albert Adams, Ittnng, in the Caine
nelghborhxxl, with having seduced her under
Ins/anal, oh marriage. Attains was arresttsl,
inti gave bail In the stun of 41,mm for his a
pearance for a hearlng on Wednesday of neat
•lilektnt Ont.—ln our item yesterday, or
the eharge of assault preferred against Mr.
Heinttmld foul urn Milton, Alderman Humbert,
did injnsuee to the ace tined. They used no
violent, whatever too nrds the man, nod did
not kink hint out of the store, its stated. Mr.
iluimbolil anti his non are peaceable and goon
cuizens, and (net aggrieved that they 'Moul
have thus innocently have tignred In a pollee d
Sunday Selling.— William Georgie. propn
-11.1,,ii the Napoleon-HMI.% in the Diamond,
Wll.l before Mayor McCarthy, yesterday learn
ing, on a charge Of selling !Near on the Sal,
bath day. After a hearing, the Mayor udjudg.
cid him gorily of the offense, and Imposed the
prescribed (lee of fifty dollars, which hr paid
1 T ,t.,1.1
40 t
Beat Him Wite.—Yesterday Michael burn
an WWI committed to the tender care of War
len White for having. fret' uently beaten and
bused his better halt, ItrltiFet. The com
lent was made out by WHIM], Stier, Justice
T the Peace (or Peebles township, and HAN
no of the queerest legal documents we hare
ver Meet,
Felonious Assault mutt Batoy.—J panes
Headley, Benjamin Beadley and ./ohli McGuire
were yesterday brought before Alderman
Humbert, charged, on oath of George Phillips,
with felonious assault and battery. A hearing
will I.e bad in tile ease tositty, at 2 oteltwk.
From the statement made by Phillips, we
doubt whether any assault was made
Let IL's See.—We have had no rain since th
Inn. 4Mr city weather clerk, ••t;. A." has prr
dieted that It will rain Irmtay, and ••ye local
of the Chromate says he "observed an minion.
circle round the moon . ' lain night. In ens
predictions fail this time, w•e migge,d. a "dry
ing up" on the weather question.
hen It Took ElYeet. to an 11
.Ini W ry, nit offlehil of the Interns!—ln reply
Revenue lit
rem& stoaten that the joint resolution of Co
glens exempting 'rude petroleum from in
Went. Liao eireei on the .Jth Instant. All eruct
petroleum, therefore, sold and delivered fro
lung ItfLor that lime In exempt from ditty.
-- •
Dlontriel Cogari.—ln the muse of Neal vs
Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company
on trial for several Iluys in the District Lauri
the Jury rendered a verdlol. in favor of plain
tiff for Moen dollars—subject to the opinion
of the Court upon points reserved.
Fire itt Bramti•vllle.—The large plaiting
till of Auttery, Cromlow g Coon. at Browne.
Ile, was burro.' on Frith*. morning shout
tree o'clock. The lire In supposed to hare
tight from altar - tugs abont the furnace.
415,0o0; It.uranca, $5,00n.
Took a NomoSa the ease of .Jone
S. Welter d Krebs, taken up In the Coalmen
lens court, before Judge Mellon, on Thur
ay, Judgment of non -snit wan yesterday en
red against the plaintiff, having faded I.
rove a definite Contract.
The Nolalent' Convent Wedna.
lay next our Soldiers' League trill hold a spt
cial meeting for the election of delegates to
the Soldiers' State Convention, to ho held In
this city on the sth proximo, and also to make
other arrangements.
The 1391h.—The men and members of the
I:aala Pennsylvania regiment will hold a meet-
Ing ut the Penaion offine, Custom House, on
Wednesday evening nest, to arrange fur tr.-
tending the flag presentation ILL rnawioi ph in,
on Jobe 4th of,inly.
Two Charges. -11. S. Price :mule two char
ges against Jacob Weaver, of Manhesr, yea-
terday, before Alderman Humbert, o te ne for
surety of the peace, and the other for assault
piano t tt o-na y.
Alumni& and Battery-4. C. UUtellfiOrf
vo.tortlgsv before J ustlr 0 Lipp, of Hlrm lag_
on oath of his sinter, Annie Gut
•udorf, with assault and battery. The accused
na arrontod and held to ball (or his appear_
cc at eons t.
Very Mach Neett.l. Chief Enghteer
Hare and a tea members of the Fire Depart
ment are preparing an ordinance, to be sal,
milted to COCUICLIS, for the better govern
ment of tire companion.
Arrah-net-Poirae.-0. Monday night Ar
rah-na-Pngue will be presented at the old
Thent re—Ettle Henderson appearing at Arrah,
and McDonough as Shaun.
Library Election —The annual election
for olllceni of the Allegheny Library Aseocia-
Mon will be held on Monday evening bet ....en
coven and nine o'clock.
We kiwis received frommax
43 Fifth street, No. 9 of tLo Illustrated Galaxy
ono No. 3, of Frank Leslie's Ctuloron'a Friend
Book 11iotleem
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
KIITY a 111 1 ~,,,, / 1111 Lb iNItA 1 El Ebl \ 1., the
Ptth or Ma ) . . • e'eloel... an the 11..11 of Spi n ,,,'-,
Buildin g . eon. r or Firth 1.1 5111.11111.1.1 )1r1...13
rhe friends onto. , 31134 ,re tot .1...1 t. attend. al
Ivry bop..rtatat Totit n , . .. 111 be, t0.,1
I'm- t "sill i I'EF .
A FREE LEFI'FINE -At Excelsior
-.. ;!.: `u i , :;1ii. 1 VY?,..",:i ~;.,? . .'j .',;. ` u l . F. "T•iiii i ii \ ,; ( i.',:'i
(I% t t l ' e : . ‘..'; ' ( .Yo t ..b .l . * "l.'lli s ltl'a r t r .'l' . rn . .. \ 711 . ....11'" .. .
to hid..., only, and .a at .- t•ltiatahood.'. to au'en
only. neat.. to last So 'tat., Paarenologleal nonaul.
t atbon.. al d a.lvirt. at tn.. liftiN I 111 017,4: front now
t tsaturtlay, ana fro m ..a. it. till Vr. Y. ntO'7:thl7,
VOTI('E.-411 delinquents who
LL hate ne t tlerted all.l balled to pn, tho a.setolurnt
:node on the Capital Stork or the
and now ortr due, are hereto' unlined that male,
li.ey pay up o n or luttore JUN K lat. la.. the prop_
erty or th e Company wlll Ite 30111 by it, creditor+
Tor flat. payment or the In.lnnt...lnnne thereof.
anytM,be,4 THOS. STEEL, `teeretart .
MENT.—The rnetnitera or the (Ein PENNA.
ING flea/. 10 mak,. arrangement., prt,aratory to
the Philadelphia Excnrston on the Ith ofJtely neat.
tny2-1.b.?-^ JOHN A. DANES, late Colonel.
.. The adve rtker. 3 o•la.sull t or twenti -live )ears
experience. both In Europe and Auterlita. /1 if/111113
L.. /ell, tr io 11,,' prure.edosa, will .tend to any pa.,
ton t alualde reopt.... front 11,.. 1 13/. I.( 3 111..11 311) 111.
.1,1331.1011, 13.111/3 man or woman. with litHe o r no
eapital. 1. 311 3ia.kl. rt... lilt. 1 11, day atua onli an eg
t. dent 11, , In,:. but Its a it ry •Itort Ono. ittalt,e a
moderate fortune. Atltlre., with two •tanapa Poe
rt.lll /11 ito,lagt...
I• IiE B TF.ItYIF.I.I). Chemist,
no s :47 rrunt. I•lilladrlpria.
lort))), Ii NI, •rtri, PH CONCI.I r.
iltAbrip RD A. PrOprletOrs.
.. aononor, Mot t.. vonaldermtinn of Ito.
ingeogrto ,3 .1 Iro•I -ati•f,-lorylrensoum.
‘.. 11,1. final's ..o..•11,14,1 t
Ito, pol I vo, tin 441 , .11tage011• to Ito , pohlle an•l
narorl, thol pruf, r to
Dispose of all the Tickets and give
the Public all the Prizes,
than goal Illy •ie lan proprleturg
usually therrlii enhaiter oul ehanoto, or
dram tug the Inrge prlae-.
The Iran nuinberm u ill be polillaheil iu Ilte Chi
cago .lolly papers noon 14 drawn, and alien the
drawing over each agoist will be furnkbeil With
complete list of the dram a numbers.
In I lew of the above rnin, VI Weil we hope will
pniiii xi...factenory.
En% ../ Witil.2ll4, 1 1 1111 1 1,11211 .1 111.
3F 1 1:3 - L
-7-a IgET
IFt4-itittifial CJIr unipy.
$B, $B, $B, $B,
Such as other Dentists charge $lO for,
Third Door Above Hand.
A tnit Art for 810, such as others charge from $
815 for, A fuli net ror Cron, 811 to $ll. which
guarani', to be b.ltter than ran be tn., at ACT
her vklahllahlairal ih the wear, a/ any ,a-gra,
Call and mainline his Speci
mens and you Will be eonsineed.
Laughing Gas Free in Every Case.
For Extracting when Artificial
Teeth are Ordered.
Dam Entire Charge of the
Operative Department,
t .3rA
rl mA.Tusuuvre.
reatth ma.-
te Orr. ~,,o Ls the mall ran.
corir.s. etcrit Ka 8
rLt us EN AN t•rw,,unti,
Prom-Iring To - Morrow.—The Rev. .1 A.,tte. Illjnop, u Ili preiit'll rinit
rot. rl PreArrtortstn t'llorott oc Ihl. rlty, to
,Rht,Uth 1, of to' ..0t,t001,, A. Y. and
I . .1 Itafter.on. of Ifrookty Y ork,
>I Now
rrol. F. II ;gloo., formerly of tho
Ituil elertrl 'rove hurt•h. Of IMe
Prot..., Theological
v s . M epee, rg, 1. rank:in eollnty.
I riend Vl4it here among IS
The Delegh;* th,tieh, toatai, will ho
Lehi in the mil,
wean Cho
hmira Mar and sm.,
In the townships. (I,llr an.: .to, by hal
lo! ni marking, its may la.
Epiloptie woman walking along
at. I. nor .(reel, yestorday, I "to patty with
her huilaind, W{1.44 'Win,/ I,ll.•ptie
Canning numat• excitoment. ara.
placed in v. my, rhigT and remov,l.
ROV. J. A. K4l. 1 , . 11.. of l'hfla.lelploa,
frill preach 11l the E angelical Lutheran
Church. Seventh Rtreet., he 271 h.
Hour . ..ff . / wry ice 10'y A. V.. 17 1 .. E r. v.
1... vent.!e nt.! large 511.1 wl.ll <elect,'
~1 LA DIV, TCHE4, with twautl •
NAVF:I.Y.I, sot EN I; A I , EJIG NS. at
Great!) Reduced Pricy':
'lll sod 51, 0%1,1. tr ,0 .otnetbios,
1 : 31 : 1- .D.T/SIE.A.T3ZE c - 00.,
ill/. 11 , 1'11 STREET. 0 1 . PoSiTy MASONIC BALI
1 U17.41..a. C 7 ECM el.
A I 111 Y llf k PIII , EN IN THE I Y
eLoAks ! ('LOANS!!
I-4;W CAL< .1 A lEic
Selling at *2,50,
Opposite 014 Theatre
9th Day of July, 1866
No, 278 Penn Street,
I 16