egittsburgh 6nefte, PUIII.I,SIIEID uv PENNIMAN, REED & CO. F. 11. PICNIII3IAN, Ed."'". T P. 1100STON. " JOSIAH KING 1 NP2.SON P. R 1 D. m" " .r. KEI N ESDA 1, MAY 23, ISM I= MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, E= IMMEGIE33I3:= This instrumentality trom its nature nod service, is temporary No man of ordi nary reflection and discernment ever pro fessed or imagined it would or ought to ire come permanent. It had ils origin in an anomalous condition of :Whirs, -which the founders of the government did not lot esee, and for which the Constitution made no Essentially en-emosynary in its char aim, it wad: the same Unman exercise and :in amelioration of the Zir power. It was an «sc of niihtary authority for a benefi cent end, which would have excited aston ishinent in any earlier age, and became now only because of the cone drier development of civilization and the more perfect. infusion of Christianity, as II working force, into the life of the nation. At no period has it keen exclusively or t Melly concerned in the betterment 01 th e colored IteOpit. So far otherwise, it has doubtless extended material relief td a (triter number of w bite folks than of black Nor is it claimed for it that its methods have always been the wisest. It teas crea ted not upon mature reflection, but to meet a necessity so I resting Its not to admit of delay. Some things had lobe done at once. :limit methods had to be adopted as the ex igencies suggested and allowed. Nor vet claimed that all the officers and agent, of the Iturean have all been fitly chosen. In no department of the military service has there been felicity of choice that honest and capable men have unibirtni lallen into the place, they were best tilted to till Inilced, it makes patriotic c h ee ks nosh i vet, now hi think what losses, snort• liars :1011 Jisastcrs n et- incurred through .11tvtr incapacity entrust-worthiness ou Ih ~.t rt ,It • 41 ,11. • military men tuteupying the ItcOittst ranks; and in these respects a t .otal many eivihans, whom chance has units n into positions nature and training net, intended them for, have nothing to hors ot Not a few men bentre whose names curtsy write. honorable, Itecautte the Rack. of politicians have translated them Ifoill :Then, of r ulgar industry to pOSIIt 01 influence anti power, have as many silts, Loth tot omission and eommissiou, to an swer for as they ear, well attend to. Some rascals, employed in the Freed• man'- Bureau, have recently been over hauled by Ilettcrit6 e•TEA.D.MAN and Ful.• I 1.1, rot.. Every depredator hunted down n..iuy ~M ere of 'midk employment, is a gain. .1c -t now we should esteem it highly heue hr I'd to ha the President put Stlinr Iyny t-31-1 titautatt, upon the track oh those maielites who ure buying up mem. hers nl Legiidalures to tote Inc Coiled State, Stators in violation of the priori plc- nu which they were chosen, and agat,t the clearly expressed 'Wills St their t ttti.l;tut-Itts. Common stettlinp, 101e114111,. 11110 a comparatively christinn grace Sr Itt:1 Itrouglit into cnutrast whit (lint 1.4111 01 In ...gin.: t! r i' s , we do in intend to en IHI 1 i;.;11n011e prosecution of officer -01 the 11111,:in in which the Administration is reported to !re concerned just now. We refer, of (nurse, to the recent order to ar rest all ()Mitrs of the Bureau who are en. e,' in the working of lands. This pre , eeerling t.:lreicntly energetic, if the pur pose is simply to degrade the Bureau; to "maio• is Odin us, - ' rather than treasot. Mott ..;ei, a bile military law is so potent in OD ILO persons may be arresie.. without i.l..nce ar suspicion tat - wrong ia•,.....y is pertinent how anti happen -, ttiat it in in other TCSpeCi= weal: that .11,1 SEES )n DA ems cannot be ablected to its treatment it , in_•, t %% I, Anil here wc may as well remark tits: the promoters at the Freedmen's Burt do not entertain the idea that any class, either of blacks or whites, in the Southern States, an. to he Ling kept under guardian • ship. The blacks must necessarily take the ordinary mime', in the battle of life. In the long run, if they cannot sustain themselves, and carve out an honorable destiny, they must go under. In this par. tieulai they are ,ultjed to the same physl• cal and so, ial la ivy which bind all other of human beings. Nor lutes those who, ftom humanitarian or other consider atious, take special interest in their case. 111111/4011 for unusual solicitude. There are indications that the blacks will.take care of themselves fully as well osthe lower orders of the whit.. I ,,,pulation of the Southern tit air= a ill nrosage to - provide for their owl: security and advancement. Slavery tit pressed both, b u t in the rebound it is not intitroltaltlo that the blacks who are popu larly 'supposed to have sunk the lowest, will mount most rapidly. =DM! nations on the other side of the A Janne are now perturbed from various (to Ilit• continent the question of pcarr or war creates the most intense unrest. [Lai). Aam ria, Pries:sin, the lesser Germnoi.• Spain, Pruner, are all disquieted. There seems to he a ueneral mustering 01 I,lljjfvreat elynunttA that may discharge 11.111.4,1 NT, harrole,sly into time air, or shut, the whole coutittent as with the throe, of un earthquake--which, who etur, foretell' Great Britain has been deeply agitated for nenitha pest by portents of insurrection in Ireland, and by tierce discussions touch ing a resettling of the basis of representa tion in Parliament. Latterly, a sharp ii 1117,1 1 ,131 stringency has been added to the otla.t tti,cornforts. According to the tele. graphic nttviees laildisligd yeaterdny this stringency lin, eitintimited in a regular panic. The rate of interest, which Is an sec:nude measure of the pressure, Las been raised to a most extraordinary point by the Bank of England, and the Ministry have felt constrained to - counsel the most ex trente Measures, on-the Part•of that institu tion, in order that relief may be extended to the business eommunity. A good many failures hive occurred, among them that of I'KTO &BETTS, who were largely interest ested in .A.tueritan enterprises. u n d er , or,thiary circtunstanees so formid able a financial revultifell is (;rcpt Britain could scarcely fail to produce a correspond , ' in,..-depression in this country. But, for-. tenatr.l3 4 , toitittAi" IfiVolloe6 not, Just now, rest on the accustomed basis- One of the necessities ntoicOnipettlitatlOnit of the war was the abridgement of, mercantile credits. Never before were the business men of the United States, Ms a- hedy, on so stable a foundation. They LaVe not been lling goods ea time; but thr cash. They have made large profit's far beyond former exampid. if they tire o'wing' abtoad goods, they either-have - the funds with which to mate payment,., hara,the modifies still in their warehomex t nit side the commercial classes there has been a steady and healthful clearing off of delitedness. The aggregate of liabilities was never so small before. The Banks, as a whole, are under el‘tst reel \\Atilt' banking institutions have been greatly mul tiplied, in consequent e of the Mt rodUction of the national sf,teni. there has not been a ratable increase in discounts. The banks have not only most of their capital invested in national bonds, but hate consolidated 'the major part of the avails of their circu lating notes in the same seenrities. Specu lators in stocks may, in some instances, be iu bad condition, but their collapse, like that of other gamblers, excites no commis :cration, except to the degree in which they may involve other and different par lties. •The Friends of President Johnson." EDITORS GAZETTEI-I read a report of the proceedings of a meeting held at the , Sharpsburg bridge, on Saturday evening. .The notice calling the meeting informed us ;that '•the friends of President Johnson" would assemble in that usually quiet sub ,orb, on that occasion. I was curious to know the object of a meeting call( d so mysteriously, and in such a quiet suburban place, and awaited the report. I observed that John 11. Saw Esq., whom I last heard addressing a i.upperlnad meeting in our sister city, was the first speaker. lie "confined himself," your reporter stated, "to a defence of the recently appointed Federal officers." It seemed strange that "the recently appoiu'• ed Federal officers" required the defenre of a Copperhead stump orator, in the midst of their fellow-citizens, but strange things are taking place now-a-days. Ex-GOce [nor Johnston, ( who wasn't made Collector over the river, but wan, with a commendable family prudence, has procured the nomination of his son-in-law, ) followed "our John," and held his little audience for some time, after which a se ries of resolutions were unanimously adopted, favoring ''our policy"—as Natty would sue. Your reporter failed to inform us in re gard to the particular point of veracity raised by "a soldier." What was it l ! would also like to inquire as to the Mem bers in attendance at this ineetill,7. and who they were. It makes little difference nt Washington; the telegraph or mail would doubtless carry intOrnintion in re gard to the large outpouring of the people in Allegheny county to sustain the Presi dent's policy; addrestwa lay John 11. Saw yer, Esq., and Ex-Ylovernor Johnston." hut here at home, we want to know the political complexion of the people who at tend these. meetings of office-seekers and disorganizers. Can you inform an Is:gums:lt 9 The meeting alluded to was made it of Republicans who were anxious to hear "My Policy" discussed. The great major ity werein favor of Congress. Cheers pro. hosed Mr JOUtitION wey feebly given, While the meeting enthusiastically gave their voices in three rooting cheers, pro posed by a Radical, for Congress. The point raised by the soldier was upon the army record of a recently appointed Gov• went official. The soldier was right and the ipeaker wrong. A Vienna Tragedy—A Whola Family Drink Poison and Die to raortkpe grace. A letter from Vienna emitains the fol. lowing intelligence 1 oncerning a dt•rtl of a !most Lit paralleled horror, lately cunt mined in the Austrian capital " Francis Tuvora, well known here as the originator of pleasure excursions to various cities, lately organired a party to Jerusalem. A fixed taunt was paid Tuvorn by rash traveler, Which was to cover all es pellsCS there and lock. Having got the party to Jerustlem, Tuvora found himself, in consequence of the unfortunate result of some speculations on 'Change, Unable to r toy their expenses lark here, and to Meet ther obligations. Not appearing as usual a the ihoraing, his resuleu,e, alter 4..11W clay, was broken open and a ghastly sight presented itself. Tuvora, his wit, his daughter, !Teti 19, and two yotmger sons, were found lying and sitting at and about the table, where tiny had taken supper the previous evening, all stone , dead. Ho had administered them poison in the beer. A note was found signed by one of the boys, but the body of it was in Tuvora's hand-writing, stating that, linable to endure their father a disgrace, they hail voluntarily put an end to their lives. I'u• vora also attempted to poison his two youngest children, aged respectively seven and eight; hut they refused to drink the beer and were saved. l'he general impres sion is that the family have been foully murdered, and did not consent to die with him. Thousands of persons followed the family to their graves. A further deplora ble street of this tragedy occurred yesterday in the suicide, by shooting, of a young as dc'. of the infantry regiment, Baron Iluss bach. lie Wits engaged to Turcrra's Haugh. ter, and since her death has been sutfertn t r, antler great depression of spirits. In a farewell letter to his comrades he states that he cannot live without Ins Lonisa, to whom he has pledged his faith, and goes to join his spirit with hers." Tragedy In Immune County, Indiana— . Meth:tenon of a Young Lady—The he. darer !Ibot by the father.. The telegraph operator at Pra ncesvilie sends us the particulars of another New land-Evans tragedy, which transpired in Jasper county, near Rensselaer, on „Wed nesday. Add,son Parkinson, a wealthy Farmer and stock grazer of that county, highly esteemed In all the -relations of'life, discovered that his daughter, an interest ing girl of fifteen years of age, had been seduced. She confessed her guilt, and di truigml the name of Newton Guthridge as the author of her ruin. Guthridge was a tenant farmer on the !anat. of Mr. Parkin son, a young mnn of about twenty-live years of age, rather good-looking, and had hitherto borne an unblemished reputation. He hail been about the homestead more or less for a year post, and was engaged this spring in putting in a crop on shares. fm.• metliatelv upon learning of his daughter's ruin, Mr. Parkinson arnica himself with a revolver, and proceeded In hot haste in search of Guthridge. It was about seven o'clock in tile evening, and the young man was in the barn putting up his team. Mr. Parkinson called lint to the door and shot him down. Three halls took effect, killing trim instantly. After committing the bloody deed he announced himself pre tared to abide the law and made no effort to escape. The affair has created intense excitement in the neighliortiodd, where the parties are well known.—Lafayette Cour- Hayl A Lucky Steamboat Engineer The Calf° Demorrat tells the following Some years ago, 11. W. Taylor, a steam boat en ;ineer, wooed and woo a French lady, at that time A resident of Kentucky. Making their home at Smithland, in that State, they lived happily, enjoying the bread which was earned by the sweat of the husband's brow. Pursuing his busi ness of steamboat engineer, Mr. Taylor, during the two years immediately prece ding the war, worked upon the Cheney, then running between this city and Colum bus. When the trumpet-blast of war start led the nation from its dream of peace, Mr. Taylor entered the service of the Govern ment, and continued in it until the noise of battle was limited and quiet had returned to the distracted laud. Be had no hop e that fortune would's:oldie npon him, and i was astonished when, in one of her mad pninks, she made his wife orient her favor hes and lavished tipon her raver= which she neverexpected to receive. , 'Only u few dayssince, the-mail brotight Mrs. Taylor the news of the death of an uncle In France and apprised hcir oUttie pleasant faet that she had been made his heir, and was Con .tetinently the owner of it fortune of f.:30,000 in gold, and real estate of great value. Mr. and left - tairo for his loin. at Smithland, where he will Join his , and immediately proceed - to Franco. —A farmer In Staffordshire, England, lost some cows lately from the rinderpest, and got an Idea that he was suffering from the disepse himself. His medical adviser, who was a wit, agreed with . him end sent him to the apothecary with is sealed prescrip tion. Both patient and thtqmst were rather astonished at reading : This man lias got' the esttletilatutet,Sakm.hith Into the b ac k"yard,andashoot , him .accordint to the 444. of Parilsritentl t ^ k • I= Algeria is illtigue,l With locusts. tienat , ,r Mason, of rebel notoriety. rt Ely arrived at from 1-laVaiiil Allyn, nr Lrinkiafla, at his own r.,,uvst, wa , burit,l in full (',.niedernte uniform. City. tired in licr , litTerent -, try incendiaries, a few days :Igo. —One hundred young men are preparing, for the Catholic priesthood iu the diocese of Philadelphia. —The Republican candidate for Governor of Texas is E. M. Pease. .1. W. Throck morton is his opponent —At the ;market in Evansville, Ky., a butcher named Keeper, killed, with a cleav er, a man named Lacv. —The tide of summer travel to Europe has set in with even grear sweep than that which followed the cloy of the war. —Joseph Lannigan, a smi walker of Detroit, fell out of the seconil story window of his hoarding house, a few nights ago, and was fatally injured. —The Collector or Internal Revenue at Columbia, South Carolina, keeps displayed in his sitting room a large and elegant rebel flag that ran the Itlnekaile. —Two women in shoplifting in New Ilavem Thursday, taking goods to the value of it-100. They were watched and arrested. and the goods recovered. in Virginia river, Arizona, twenty miles above the point of navigation, is a ledge of pure rock salt, one hundred feet high, sparkling and clear as CUSI.II. --Senator McDougal says Brumidi's pic i are in the dome of the capitol—the Apoth eosis of Washington—represents the Father of his Country turrounded by pretty waiter —A mau jumped out of a three-story window in Wheeling, Va., a few days ago. Ile was so limber that he did not break. Had lie been sober he would have been —The ex-rebel General .1. B. Gordon W:IS iu Atlanta, m.l,orgia, a few may, since. I[c is nnw engaged in the lumber business in Brunswick, and is mining a remunerative lousiness. French Canadian, who was running away front his a iic , tt as .o smitten by con. tau a Ctioagii railtlutti train, that he tried to beat his;brainsout with a monkey AV reach. —The expen,e: of the Irish lielallqic n Vettr to have already eaten lip the receipts, and a fresh appeal is made to the supper. turn of that government to subscribe to the Fenian bonds. —Two counties in Calif .:1111a :ire expec ted In iirOlitito 141' year , II It WC double the entire yit Id of the United States in 1800,w hittlt the last eettans puts at 1,7011 • 000 gallons. - -The rholtra nedies 110 tinigro,4 hen:, hat liti the Continent it I. ttwitletting front tin torwr, tout tilt: nitric Liss of I.4erntan emigrant: who brought it to ua me eiltilltl gcring England. —Admiral 1%11ke , . of the Trent seizure, has bought a larze landed property, in the heart of \mlll Carolina, including earn stir troll St tot.. awl is engaged in getting ready In del -Plop it. -- !teary t' Moss, of Titil•Vlllt• Ileralif, NNW- tattlilltt-.I to the bar of Craw ford nuttily a law days ag!! Ile should be ashamed of 11int.,elt air Chits disgracnig the proje".ion of (be quill . I onstittnional amendment changing the time of the Stair eltetion troth spring to fall, Was brought before the Coniteetkut Legislaturr last year, and is to be tinnily acted upon at this session. —The raid of the Fenian, on New Brun sw his was more dististron, hi the hotel keepers of Eastport than to the sulijects, of perfidious Allir. n. They went off leaving tteer $l, OOO in hotel bills unpaid. -- The St. Paul, Minnesota, papers state that the rush of emigrants to Montino this year is enual if not in varttas of old Cali fornin times. The Cloud and the Paul are even thus early crowned with emigrants. —The eclehrated Colt will vase ha,, final ly reached a conclusion in the Conneciit ut Supreme Court, awl Judge 3. B. brwly, ~ 1 " ,1111 Coll, heel,.-.I ei to• estate, 11..1W 11 Ilti the tat t that acodyil in the mill tit Ott the I,titieSt to hint. worth dens tau, were killed last week in Philadelphia by the dog_ catchers. In the whole hunch there was not a quadruped of the apparent Vail. , of a liir any moral tounlities he might pOSS , CSS. The dog catchers are doing good Dusiness just now. —The soldiers of Maine held a conven • ',lon at Bangor, in that State, recently, and ; adopted resolution, declaring their wild. tilde upon national affairs, favonug the Otinalization of I/Utilities, and rondemning ! t h e prat tiee of passing by the soldier and giving, office to persons of doubtful pat dila:Sta. —A. new c ity slaughter house has been ! ere, hal ut liridgeport, near Chicago, in tended for the entire slaughter work of the ' latler idly. it Is twit hundred and seam I ty feet long, one hundred and seTenty•fiv e eel wide, and three stories high. It has n daily rapacity for working r.IT twelve lum drell head of cattle, two thousand hogs, lint] 011 C thousand --The Governor of Idaho has conclude:l3 a treaty with the oughtte Shoshones. One bundled and fifty chiefs, headmen, and women made the council, representing eight bUndeed or a thousand Indians, which was held in the heart of the Indian corm try. By this treaty he says the Oughot war has been extinguished and all the land• rich in minerals, known as the Oughee mines, are ceded to the United States. —At the recent Convention of Presidents and Superintendents of railroad and steam boat lines between Baltimore and New Or. leans, held at Richmond, it was resol red Lind through tickets be agreed to from New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Atlanta and Augusta to Richmond, Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia and New York, on the lauds of prices charged for similar tickets via Western and Tennessee routes. A sys. tem of through checks front New York to New ()Heaps, and Intermediate points, was devised. NEW ADVERTD3EBIENTS A MEETING IU the El" 11n11, Allegheny (t 4, May 21.1, the tonna "l Per. ve ll rl , no. ..1 lh.t. for the 'OIIVCIiIIII J. W. HALL I=l3 CONILLUASKI.OI..II. 13ELZOATKN: F H. ~ P.VEIe. I JOHN HEATH W. l'n,k(VEn,, Pr.:20411L1. InrlS:4l6 A. 1,-130 A TR, %eV tAArj MEETING OF THE VII I LIS or SOCIAL LIDNIITY.—A meet- In, or the Mewls oreoetal tilherty. will to' held SE LANK'S BU/I.DINti, third door, ner or Fifth and Smithfield street., on WED cor NNSOA K VENI NO, 31x1"31, At VI o'clock., to take Into eonsldelstion the present chetoannuients on social I lbcrty. attempted by .n-Called Temperas., LesorseP and otliers. liereral w.ldreeeea will he de hi erect hy able speakers, in the Ntorllerh and tier man language, 1.:1114 ha VT/EX Or REFORM ASSOCIATION. myttl far EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 P'eminsyiraniaaressur, Foot of the Fatenion and opposite Chasm Street FOR SALE, A GROCERY STORE, In a Rood situation for neatness of Any kind. We with to retire from the business. and will sell our surds and (I roccry equipmnts, or If other noon, of desired. It Is a good lod e ation. Enquire of • HOMIER & (10., _tern:Wei ISO Penn Street, Illtsbursb. raOR SALE.—SEWICELLEV REBl- DESt'}:.—'Monty-sic res of land In a high state of cult !station, on which Is a two-st./ry frame dissau a g, ,ontalus. twelve rooms; ball' In modern or 1 e• I:01.r under the whole house. Good stable sod earrlage house. Excellent water. Fifteen hundred fruit trees, ineludlng usury variety. Tlareo acres In forest trees near the house. Cold drapery squatting in shrubbery and Sowers. 011 - JOHN I/. DAILEY. Stock and /teal Estate Broker, n/Y2t_ u..lfe Fourth Street. Inn IIIU 1. micuIGAN cumuli; 6Wbeshels Oslo: I.oXtberrets Balt. In stare aid for loan OT OWEBia, KEN NEDY a A ItPER. my= so. 70 Fvflersl street. Alltsheny THREE TWO-STORT DWELL -1N; 1111178FA8i on Franklin 'Street, Allekbeni. Ench house contains ball and ••six rooms. bar price snd rn ."' t ". PClAiittlicayr k BONS. 61. Mutat 51. TWO DWELLING HOUSES ON MT. WASIINOTWVORSALE . ;ItIy LFme o possaailon.,:onnihn orgrunfl 4 o! Wlo d b • rem: .izeaTia i atri.=._Vei.ctrittarvr,. 41 MEALAND • • FresliAllo drlNteekl,c , Anifth.ll Gist - NW. 3iM, reetirsdlud farvale by the barrel or 11141,-Damm*" sby . . . • JOHN ItZIN&L,CW-1 ,,, a . 1 7= ...tigt•l6artr-ligd I a".A 1 12 3: 1 0/ 1 : 1 3a3343m1aval WA t4 - 0 - M WI 341 IP JAMES T. BRADY &TA, (Sucressorli to S. Jones & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Rs.. BANKERS & BROKERS, IM=l dovernment Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. JILLECTitUo mode on all accessible points to the United Step• and Canada,. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. 0 jArE, HE UNDERSIGNED, De• pol.l to, and el - rations of ICItA If tit. ft • . - . . of the City of Pittsburgh, take pleasure in cer- Wein& to the public that In all our transartions with tilts nrm In es low 10 the ampenslon, end In their settlement with us, the m y have the part "(honest. honorable. Mph-Inded gentlemen. ar ranging with us to our nitro satisfaction, and If they or any of the firm should heenabled to resume Ini• Ines, om transactions with them warrant us In commending them to the confidence of the commu nity: S. O. It HODF.S, Elisabeth, Pa • M. It RANKIN. Pittsburgh, Pa., .1. 11. PORES. Latrobe, FoSTEIt. PERKS, WRIGHT & CO., I . 6llllpeb'g: P 11. 11. HENDERSON. New Castle, a.: It & A. CAImON, AJltehelay City; HIRAM wr,,wE. Beaver. Pa.; I. R. "N KILL, Pittsburgh; M011.111:51.11, do llt N'L O'NEILL,. do JED. T. HOOll. Conaclievlile, Pa.: Itot 11'11 couLTFAL lireensnors. Pa.. THOS. HotiE. Franklin. PO.l likNRY I.A.MBERE, Pittsburgh. Pa., JAS. P. WHITE, McKeesport, Pa.; A.. 1. RAKER, Pittsburgh; JAE, 11HOWN. do H 1116011.5. MULVIHILL, l'Illobtogh: W. W. WATTLES, do .1. 1.. READ. to meatiouisT Roux DEPOSITORY, Pittsburgh; A. A 0. H. CHAMBERS.- do W. P. HUNKER & CU., THUS. BROWN, do I= KRANER - ik BANKING HOUSE This House is now open for business with Sttac)c),c)caca Unincumbered Capital, Under the tuntnns management of KRAMER, EDWARD RAUH, FI.OR EN CB KRAMER, J AHEM W. ILAVITT AND MARCH it NlNtirt. at Ulf. old stand of KRA MER A MAIM, Itsuk It Fifth Wert. The patronage of the huslottosa public and the Mende of the manager. is reancol i ftilly solicited. T FAWCETT, Trustee. N —h !LAM KR h. ItA TIM have deposited Rh the K RAM Kit A RAIIIII RANKING fiOutilr. the amount admitted to he due their depoaltora, tultieot to their cheeks at eight Or their re.ppellve depobitor.. THOS. VA weirrr, Truatee. TOURISTS' CASES, Portrait's, Pocket Books, roley's Gold Pens, Blank Books, n. bond tool toady to order Bankers' Cases, Scrap Books, Leifer Books, Invoice Books, Stationery of every description. MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., I=2 AI EN'S BOOTS BOYS' BOOTS, N'ota tit s" Boots. LADIES' BALMORALS, LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND DRUMBEATS' Boots, Balmoral s MEI (4r A. I 717 11, S. AT REASONABLE BATES, SOUTH & ROSS', 63 MAIIIKET 82 BEET. tuyzi:us Li... 01.11iNt N.. ........ NV.. ftilV•Nt9 COLHOUN & EDWARDS, IMPORTELS AND DEALERS IN SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, .4 1 0. 24 'rood Street In store and 200 lons Soda Ash, Hurter. Hutchinson', bud Cro.ncld'b make /00 bags Nitrate Soda, Crude and !leaned: 7150 kepi pi Garb Soda (English); 40 WILL VlVnltilan Red, Cookson's; ARSENIC AND MANGANESE. Uf cbolou brands, constintlj on bowl, Its lota to ault purchascrs. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. I= Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. yn:b7 dikvs-,cpc,oc. HAVANA & PRINCIPE CIGARS, Cabanas, Partagila ) Figaro, La Espanola, Prince of Wales, Cattarga, Arguelles, And • misty ofotbet brands of aarlinta •taea and qualities, Imported and for eby FISHER BROTHERS & CO., IMPORTERS, No. 52 S. Gay et., Baltimore. nty22:agl The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In flail, Trourthittreet. near antlithairld, to non' open. The beat titled. coolest MIA mo at Indinelng FLOW ER rIARDEN SALOON In the State. lee meant, cakes and confectionaries always on hand. FINE OiIESTRA. has engaged for the itSOll, and will Ite In attendance it VEtillf le e aven! sundayi frrna seven till twelve o'clock. hi .•t tee cream, emits, and Lord., airways int band. hi A liAltr. Itll if F.. Manageress. $20,000 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, EMMEZIII Gr. ILLE.IPErINVir, (Stmenioow to Jon. Peal, detaanda Lbmmereial Broker, 13 I% Clair Bt. myr2:6o POWITII 41 . 10. AI. BAHR OP VITTSUMOU U. N. government Depository, - PITTPIILItaIf, May 2.11 t., 19YB. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF this Bank have ads day declarell d 41tricland'Of Form (4) PEAL CENT. on tho Cnpi tnl Ntot k, o l ti o t tif u. tlt s ti ea t t atte of j:le toot rr i :ai n r3;l4l;ll r tarleci, for th with:Le otO r :vettal h e e r: r t (my9l:b3) U. LAM WILSON, Mallet. NOTICE.--WitereSia Letters of Administration net .the Wale bt; LAWRENCE PVILAN FILEA, late of neacrve totenallip. Alleghe ny county, deceased, have been granted to the sub mber, all persona Indebted to, the aLd. clime to Eal=t i rell=. l trag e a -Cod . th ,t o ll Present ., that), properAntar t nit'itt eo n; Alma Spring Medea Rea, leeserre' r rHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY cautioned against negotiating founnote of EIGHTY DOLLARS, illgO) given to toe by SlitOpoi Ifuogrnvo twosears go, tire same having been Itrat Or tataalladitllln the past Oaooth. • tay=rtai HEILBEIIT Wee, TWEDDLE. ' • SUGAR CUREIrIIA3III•--4 _Fresh non!, attire telOOraked elatilrabd liddir Corea. Dried Reif and . Itrpatron; Bsoon; ' jrnlt reenlrtd' eloolninatt, and fot aslo•by tho , tierce-or OLT Agin ham: attire dandily , tiroenty Um* of ••• 'OHS 43104811/Tri ,, ' , . Corner of Labertf la a3loati>.; NOTlCE.—Whereas ray Wife CIS DA has tat my bed and hoard. without any . Just cause or ',roe - oration. all pereon. are hen by no tined not to truNt or harbor h., on Iny yonount, so. will not he rrepon,lnle for any debt • of for ..out r:o I • Ing after Ibis date. JANIE: , KIRK, CITY or[NY. May 2hl, lefel — ln)23:nt7 FOR SALE, = DEUR IN ToMAN AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., No. 4 Bovoatla. (Near runlet of I.lhcrtv., ovr=l:Leil l'A. Children of the Yantis. Avenue M. E. On We corner of Mulberry and Overfill streets, SO feet front on Mulberry street, bT TO feet deep. JOHN P. BAILEY. Stock and Meal Kltate Broker, No. ICU Fourth •tree! COMILI SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT BY TIM Sabbath Nebool I=l May 21th and 2.5 t h. AT THE I•EN A. AV KNUI ierAdmfission 23 cents. Tickets to be bad at the door. terM:ol.s ALL rEivirs ARE HEREBY WARNED not o SWEEP Olt PLACE ANY RIIIIBINII OF ANY KIND IN GUTTERS OR SEWERS, they will M proeeeuted for eme. J. F. HUNTER, m)' 3:b12 Street Commissioner, First District. GRAIN IN STORE and to arrive I, bush. strictly prime Minnesota Club Wheat to arrive; 1.300 do nye, to arrive: I, reo d prime Shelled Corn, in CC y Eli, aloe, 7-000 do do Club Wheat, do do • 503 do do Sp . irng Barley, do in ; For pale by HITCHCOCK, 51•CliEHRY ( 0- - No. 349 Liberty Street. OFFICE. lII` etAIRS. F °" PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY Guoos, GOBIBs, NRUs. 11E.+. TOILET ekoA SUPPORTER., SHOULD ER ISILAcES, PATENT MEDICINES, SHAKER HERBS, CONCEbiTRATED R.E.NIE dc.. ac.. Gt.) TO • BROWN, No. S St. Clair Street. mra:b6 NEW DRESS GOODS ''' Jess( receired and for sale by WHITE, ORS & CO., 25 Fifth Street EXAMVETtIIt'S SALE VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY Jr .4ucTio.r. ====9 MMN=Ottll" athommErgs . - s,flit Han A in•tion Rotnne, Siand ST Filth ~, will An mold, by order of I , :xecutur, the valuable. Mit n- UM: , of Col. KI)WAKU 51M1 . 60:4 and Iln. K. K. These ldbrarlea comprise rare aud curious vol umes, many of so Melt are no w t out of print. TM. Miscellaneous Library Includes a collection of many wort • of Interest to hole the student awl the e.t.a.! , al reader. comprising Hilton, Travels and Biogra phy; Science. and Art, and lieneral Literature; partial I. pcs of gild Newspapers, in o arsel stale of preset, .1 ion • number of volumes In the originat— e' reach• I, reek amt Lallu. to this cormeetion may be mentioned Vol talre•a Works. complete ku ol- Ili••• • complete set of itosseau; In the Sled. leal catalogue will he found the retognised standard works of the profession. i'ersons enable to he present at the sale ran leave their orders at the A Ora 14.13 itrusate. or If residing a 1 • distance. eon have their orders •tterided to by making known their wisheu through the malls. Catalogues eau 1u ontalited 47 application at the Counting Boons. Masonic Hall Asrtton House, or will he sent by mall to any address torntatteu Os. 011 evening'. Calalogee be open for r tun nu 11,,, on the el•y of sale. myla lIVDRANT 1108 E, =1 Olt I. WS(lb, lu .lilt purritakern, •tid At fret wI th HOSE PIPES BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. CO-PARTNERSHIP. J AMES IL OLDER becomes a member otnor arm, datlogfrom April nth. Ittn. Name t\DO style or Ono unehoopro. LEWIS. OLIVE!! & rummy?). P.rrnnusau. tiny that, IBM MONONGAHELA IRON WORKS. LEWIS,OLIVER & PHILLIPS, =GI Carriage and Tiro Botta, lkltt; and Washers, Wn elltelns. , Ptow and Wagon Bolts triage d !Lachine liolts, - Pnyere Irons, , llosca Weenies, • Pipe Bowes, is rough, Iron Hinges. /nsid leo.. de. Nottliz•Pr. Comei 'or Wells id Federal Weds, Near the Suspension Bridge, my19:00 ALLE,GBENY CITY, PA. FAIFOEI,J . NNK'S . SCALES. Pitts - burgh, Ageney, JOIN: WOODWELL & co., onseritsiad ind f3riond Sts. MY11:6159; , 1 , 1aT psuit f oit PAPERS. •w NEW LOT or Standard Gold Papers Now received, of beautiful designs for l'urlors, No. 107 MARKET !STREET, NEAR PIPTII U rntiWillittinr• W ar ° 11 ,Ef OrirtArOCE. 4. nu m.? u . t . 4.vz ),OArt . fti LYIUDAN,Juna Ist. Ist o'cloc _P..11157• 11 ... , 12711.:•90 U. C. rBIL/4111.13scretary, =I TI.. i•. 11 Ikf •nd Retail hurc, t. WANTED—AGENTS—To cans ass 7 T every City, Town and State, for NEORstIll• IN TILE FAMILY AND 3cllOOL. EXCLUSIVELY AN AUEN('Y RODS. The large work — Lessons FA vs. N Et' li T 1 F.E and Prayers" Is held slut...Mr as a Subscription CA It is! , 1. , . it (ITT traWLI Es, al', I'M liIII.LLAS ,Sitittlticeilse. Book. For Clmnisrs, Siring particitLam, bans of E.'S NEI ItlitltttN . S, ,SCA it MI lltTa. agency. etc.. address SCHERMERHORN. BAN FIN V. LACE COLLARS. l'AElllt c DLI.AIt, AND , CROFT d. CO.. Pnbllshers, 430 Broom. dn. , . FINE Lack: IlliliFit, COPES. LINEN ci 0 LAIC.. AND.LINKN COLLAUE AI. I, l' I' r•t. ! COVES. ! New York: or. iter. W. T. WYLIE. 54 N. RUDA street, Phlladel plat. lII.Ai h Sll.l. NET,. lell'si•E sltEles, ' MINISTERS disabled from pulpit serrtre, l'A5- HI, (t cis Itt i.LE TRIM-IIiUSIRRY 2.111 ti 1,41 V E,I . ' , ill Ni.t4. , ill.A ( 'X 011.1 i MIT TS, TORS whose sitters Is Inadequate for support, STU- F A S('Y sl LE Illtrtiiti NEV STYLE OF lIDDE DEN rs who wish hcaltlifhl and IVIIIIIIIrratIve soi -1 SKIRT. at one dollar BUTTON,. Rl.' hI.CI vi RE I. ACES , and a holf. . ployin.t for vacations, and ACCREDITED ROOK. 5 F - W sTY LE I: it Eti % S BAIDIAINS IN AGENTS. will Sod this valuable work In demand. DRY tiotiO3. I inTitisitaws DEAD NETS. &e., de. At.. to., dc, ILICRUM, GLIDE & CO., Nos. 78 and SO Market Street. rity IFTH LIST of APPLICATIONS for Selling I.ltitiors, tiled In the Clerk's Office up to May MIL 1806. Win. Sloan. lot ward, Pit islartr,ll. John Dietrich at l'o.. tavern. let ward, Pittsburgh. 10•. urolion. tavern. Ist ward, Pittsburgh. Phillip Luther. tavern, Ist wail!. Pittsburgh. .lamer Met oil. tavern. Ist ward, T,t,' , urgh. Frederick Welk, tavern, lot ward, Pitteihrgh. Henry :e1m.... tavern. lot war I. Pittsburgh. Win. Poi leek, tavern. Ist word, Pittsburgh. Dolttrith Mashy. [seem.. let watt Pittst orie, Isaac Vlichestain, eating house, w ard• Pitt b L if. Andrew Werner, rating house. hit ward. Pit towg. John Seifert h a Co.. ether goods. Ist ward, Pits it', Rota Laverty. tavern. 2,1 ward Pittsburgh. John Mulheron. tavern, MI ward, Pittabilrgh. I' . Hartman, taunt, 2d ward. Pittsburgh. John Brown, tavern, :NI ward, Pittsburgh. kieorge llooseliwonder, tavern, 24 ward.rittsb`g. Samuel H. Mat. tavern, .2d ward, Pittsburgh. P atrick O'Dea, tavern. ad ward, Pittsburgh. Patrick Gallagher, tavern. ad ward; Pittsburgh. John DIM - , tavern, 3d ward, Pittsburgh. Peter McGee. 8,1 ward. Pittsburgh. Win. Koch. eating house. 3d ward. Pittsburgh. I iav Id I lawood, other goods, 3d ward, Pittsburgh. Benjamin Trimble, tavern, 4th Ward, Pittsburgh. W. N. Clieessnan. tavern. 4111 ward, eittsbungli. Sauel Mare, tavern, itli ward. Pittsburgh. Pau m l l!aperton, rating honor. 4th ward, Pittsburgh. Hobert Woods .t Co.. other goods. 4th ward, Pitta N. Met 'illimigh.emith &Co—other g 00115,40 w•d P•gh. J. Adler te C.L. other goods. lilt ward, Pittsburgh. 11. W. Beaumont & t ottur goods, ward. I' all John McDevitt, other gtrods, 4th ward, Pittsburgh. Mieitael Lang, Lavern. 6th ward, Pittsburgh. Louis Kauffman, tavern, .Ith ward, Pittsburgh. Javan fox., taveru. rah ward, Pittsburgh. . Adam Tuns tog. tavern. ath ward, Pittsburgh. Abraham Greenwood. tavern. Silt ward. Pi tlebnrgh - . • John O'Donnell, tavern, Sib ward. Pittsburgh. Charley itMarts, tavern. sth ward, Pittsburgh. Ira A. Church, tavern, GM ward, Pittsburgh. Wm. Brown, tavern, alb ward. Pittsburgh. Thou,an lielly, tavern, 6th ward. Pittsburgh. H, i•revilawalt, tavern, ath ward. Pittsburgh. Joseph blankly. eating house.. fitit ward, PI tuMnrgh. Sledensticker, othur goods. Sth ward, Ilittylb•11 Raymond Schittnauer, tavern, Mit, ward. Pltt.irli. to ids, tavern, 6th ward, Pittsburgh. Peter Kallenburn, 010 ward, Pittsburgh. Edward Duncan, eating bonne, ath ward. Pittsb•h. James Campbell, ca_ing house. Gth ward Pittstilli. .1 itueareigel, menu, Ith ward. Pittsburgh. Tressier, eating houve, 7th want, Pittsburgh. John 11. Deittler, later,,. alb ward, Plttaburgh. i.,orgu 1110, tar,.rn• nth want, Pittsburgh. Henry Itobitser. tavern. Rh ward. Pittsburgh. Thom. Boyworth, tavern, flat ward. Pittsburgh. J.ilin Diamond. tavern • nth ward, Plttsbugh. • . • . ... • . Kate Richey. eating house, oth ward. Pittsburgh, hie. en fain e, tavern. lath want. Pittsburgh. stichael tug ern, anli ward, Pittsburgh. Rinehart 1 1 Irieh, tavern, 10th want. Pittsburgh. Elijah Hall. tavern, 10th wsrd. PlUoburgh. Daniel !inch, tavern. tell, ward. Pittsburgh. I 'asp, (Inger, tavern. loth ward. Plltsloorgli. lieu. Rifleman /le tavirn, 10th ward, Pittob'h. A. Mama... tavern, 10111 ward, Pittliburgh. - J. It. Dickey, tavern, 10th ward. Pittsburgh. J. hi. not/Ilse, eating house, loth ward, Pittsh•li. Mlrlia..l Gruber. toting house. 10th ward, Pltten - li. John Kessler. toting halter. 10th ward, Pittsburgh. J. J. Bent.. eating house. 10th word. Pittsburg - h. Erederlek Sflinltilt, eating house. 10th Liam!, Pitts. Wm. ,Tartan, other goods, luth ward, Pittsburgh. Win. Basing, other 1.71.11, 11/th ward Pittsburgh. I - . L /übing. eating I 1111 l se, 1,1 ward. Allegheny. I/. Fans, eating honor. Ist ward, Allegheny. J. E. Ilendrleks,ratlng Loose, lot wont, Allegheny. Johu Wilitims, eating house. lot ward, Allegheny. Xaver Higher, eating bons, lot word, Allegheny. Jolla Coin, eating honor. lot word, Allegheny, John A triads. tavent,lll ward, Allegheny. 1.e.. W alter. tavern, II ward. Allegheny. 1 - has. Foool/inder, tavern, Zvi wawl, Allegheny: G. Lightmp, tavern, II ward. Allegheny. Alit,ooy Hoffman, to Ord toned AneghellY• J. ker n ,oven,, nd ward, Allegheny. 1 - hrist. lleib, tavern, al Ward, Allegheny. John Payer. tavern, want, teeny. Jacob Anderworth, tavern, ad war Allegheny. J. J. Volts. eating house, II ward, Ileglierty. Jacob heltimer L eatlng hoUse. 24 ward, Allegheny Mary Einnerle. eating house, 2.1 ward, Allegheny Itichard Ilsown, eating house, ad ward, Allegheny John Afelnlyre, tavern, 4th word, Allegheny. John E. Rueltner, tlieTU, 4th wo w , d . Frances J. landgrar. tavern, 4th ward, Allegheny .1..1. con tavern, 4th ward, Allegheny. Thos. 11. Weaver, estlnghouse.4th AlleglienT• AnnaFroellehs eating house. 4th 'Ware. Allegheny. =I . - Joh. Nitrite', eating house, 4111 ward. Allegltrus. Eton, loser, eating house, 4th a - ard, Allegheny. Attain “int.s.-r, hoots, 4th ward, AlleghenT• rand. Enter. eating Loose, 4th ward. Allegheny. John Klaus, eating tome, 4th 'want Allegheny. Wm. Berge. eating house. 4th wand, Allegheny. Jos. stadeiman, eating bonze, 4th ward. Allegheny. Anthony F.rming. other goods, 4th wed, Allegheny. John looney. tavern, Birmingham borough. Frsocis Fisher. tavern. Birmlogbarn borough. ihninick. htsguine, tavern. 11.1multighate borough. Mary A. F.rtsman, tavern. Birmingham borough, Valentine tiochring, tavern, Birmingham borough. Christian Stange, tavern. Illemlngharn borough. Herman Ammo,. eating house, Birmingham bor. Albraeld., eating house, itinutughant bor. Jolla Nasser, eating house. Birmingham borough, J. A. Lippert., tavern. East Birmingham. Wm. shuns, rating house, East Birmingham. Ernest lineal,, eating house . , East Birmingham. Peteresting house, Leal Birnalughain. Bold. . Taylor, other goods, Eavt Birmingham. liotolob Fisher. tavern, Duquesne borough. Chas. Cruiser, tavern, Duquesne borough. Henry Whank. tavern, -Duquesne borough, Jas.toms, Lawreneevillo borough. John Thomas, tavern, I..awrencerille borough. Hannah Donaldson, e. house, Lawrenceville bor`h. lieu. Baton. eating house, Lawrenceville borough, H. 'Schmitt, other goods, Lawrenceville borough. than. isrob. other goods, Lawrencoville horetglt• Jos. A. Fulierr S. Co., ot goods, Lawrenceville bor. E. M. Bingham. eating house. Manchester bor. 3. M. kich... Snodgrass, means, McKeesport her. A ugust Brame, eating house. McKeesport borough. Shaun], Hosing tCo.,. olkur goods, Mclieesport her L. Listolmy.,otber goods, blegersportborough, kisrtin Freels...lett. torero, Sharpshurg borough. John Uochrlng. other goals, 3, Pittsburgh bor. rt Thos. Carroo,. tureen, West Pittsburgh Monolith. Ile.). J. Breton, other goods, W. Pittsburgh bor. Edsverd Myrrh, Tarentum borough. Francis Fit:ger:dd. o. goods, Temperanceville.bor. Frederick Kant, 34. Washlogion borough, Christ. Fromm, eating,house Baldwin township. Nicholas Leceglarecti, Collins township. James McCollister, tavern. Collins - township. Elisabeth tavern, Connie township. Frank Bopp; tavern, Collins township. Hobert Stniarbrd. Worn. nest Deer township. pros. Fehrang, tavern; West Deer township. Jeremiah. Witiker,oating house, Elisabeth township Orlando BC IL tavern, North Fayette township. John Holfelthir, tavern, Hampton ttisenship. Hictibel 3tippne, latern_, Indiana township. Henry Leiter, tavern, Liberty township. Henry McMillin, tiveroL MIMI.. township. ThomasLorith. tavern Milo - tolnishlts Wm. Thorpe. tavern, ALUnittiownettipil Christ- Diersteln, Went, while township. ti.rge Altineynr, tavern, =Ma township. Runner s La . ...{41 Mccitire.township. Jacob Eckert. tavern, mcClute 41Wrallip. Daniel booby, tavern, Met:lore township. Mcrae' Uhler, tavern, Patton township. ' I J. O. Hommel), mvern,litt township; Josephine Fleck, tavern • rut township. Joseph Letskus, rating-house, Pitt township.. tlntondorf, eating house, I'Ll township. Joseph DicElhany, oiling house,Pßl township. John M. Mueller. eating horse. Pitt township. 1 T. F. Breen, other goods, rut township. tiugh Durnin other goodrelatt township. Joseph Lotink, lavens...lieservelownsblh, John Lett' oio eating lionse, lteservotairrnship. James W.Tldbati. tavermilobloson township. ' Michael Leonard„ tavern Robinson township. James Bryon, tavern, itobloson tournMaliv • • Bro. - V .13 nrneTt givern...ltobinson township. • Janoutiorbey. Invern.Boss.township.. John Bhutto. tavern. UMW township. - James Ville. tavern, Blehland, township Tomer, tavern, Richland township. Christ. Heber, tavern, ohaber.tawnship. Lasorenro Winschei tarena.bittaleveteWliship. John Lets, tavern, we... St. °tau. township,Ann Kelly. tavern, Lo wer !W.V.:lair township. Richard Butler. tavern, Lower bt...tilair township. Coo. Goldbeck, tavern, Lower Bt. Clair township. Otv,. Letter, levers, Lower St. Clair Jacob Ott tavern. Lower at. Clair township ogsl, Fischer t UO., sting hoes., Ulatrtp. John It. Mesa', eating house. Lower at- Clair to. Jeonett Bennett, Worn, Union township.. ~awes.strick meur.vy, ~awes. veso lll . l towniblh. Otumtr Auhcny, tutors, Yersalliell LOWnstdp. Thomas Lawrertec,girfern, Venalllea TOWniblp. David Bayard, other goods, Versalllee to*uship. G. Fry, tavern. Wilkins township. Ezekiel Reese. tavern. Wilkins township. Sarah Robinson, tavern. Wilkins township. The Court will sit on WEDNESDAY, the 3CIUt day of May, teat, at to o'clOck A. IL. tar hearing the above applications, ' Applicants will Me their Donde hr any °Mee be fore the dny or bearing. Ilet11011114r611“8111101t be Mot On or before the day or bearing. Certificates of Licenses most lie taken out alter eve and within envy. days after having been grant ed. or they wall be revoked- according to law. • • mY2I . WM. EisEON, MEM WARING, & KING, Petroleum and ' p its Prodiets . , _. ~ I~ZTTJ3BQRQ; S.._'PB. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS: WARINC, KING & CO., uryrtmus 'Private IF'amilias, And Hotels, Can . be fdrifetied , wittrt6l. gilalitY of HYDRAn.gOaRAND EVE 4 AT nuourw orct OtorirEsi, JOHN •MAFFETT, Noe. 127 and 129 , First Street, pg ll ll7liniiittAt' e fta; HOP/Pit 4E141.1 41 1 6:cOti '." Anchor Cotton Mills, Pititibirsh, :,toritf.view t . "-- izqlclicw,,a).ls l 49ol4o l C : : , .61.140004.01) liktEiTiNGau ANCHOR IC) SHKETR7eS, * • - • cud BA2ThG. JOS. R. 110611E8 b SRO TO-DAy, CtiIIIISSIOX EMUS 110 BRUM Li 4 DitilafIESJME Mir; NO'S'=~.?'-r+. Dr calllattat iivtle, y v l 9 XV ANTE I i—AGEVII— —MALE and FEMALE—In every eimady efsd tofrfurbtp, to ...II our nr a Picture "Fiona AoaLsi." Agents ate matins from g...) 10 WOO° per day. Also stew .tarrits can% ma tor .41nAgr . . g BIS fjost.T." and — Snafus,. AND MG CAMP, •• Apply td, or ad- W. J. 11OLLAN &CO., ntyl-wass 73 Third .treat WANTED, A COMPETENT STILLMAN. Good references required. No other need. &DOS'. WAWA() S HIND. No. 4 Dogonsne Way. Inquire of myr.•r AGENTS WANTED, MIMI NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, The I • letorial Rook of ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OP THE REISEILILION3 Her , r, Patriotic, Po/Bleat. Roatantfe, Humorous, and Tropical, Splendidly lllnstilled silk me 300 fiat Portraits and Beautiful Papalino. This work, (or genial humor. tender pathos, start ling Interest, and attractive Ismety, stnnds pcaricas and alone among all its competitoni The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic, the 1F Itty and Marsden. the Tender and Pathette. 13 1. c i L e n 01 B " I It- Famem . an '' , i d S B l i ia • wonderful Escapes. Famous Words and Startsldg Deeds of .Woman, and the hole Panorama of the War are here thrillingly and startlingly portrayed la a mas terly manner, at once historical and roomette, era. derfnit It the moot ample, brilliant and reafiable book that the war has called forth, . . theanled orracora sod soldiers teachers, opergelle young m e o. and all In 'mat o . l' profitable employ r•ent, end this the hest chance to wake money ever re. offered. bend for etrculare and ere oar terms. A ooatfia.. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., No. 407atINOR STREET, PHILA., PA nlyHmet.Aver FOR RENT FOR RENT, AN OFFICE ON THE FIRST FLOOR, Within One Ifondred INnis of We Lost °Mee. FOR RENT, I= =99 M, liwzrrrx OFFICE ROOM TO LET. A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM N THIRD ',TIM' .01 , GAZETTE HUILDI3IO = COZZI FOR 'LENT—The Lot on the eor- - ner of Butler and Allegheny streets, Ninth Wend. together with the old Brick Depot Building thereon. The lot has 144 feet front by 100 feet deep to so alley. Will lease it for floe or ten years. Ap pty to It st. N. DAIILLNUTON, at Nu. 37 Firth street, second door. rehdttr rib-LET.-THE THREE STORY DWELLING ElOUnE,near the Bridge, reds cent street, now occupied by Mrs. O'Hara Robinson, ngiontalutng seven bet( chambe, large parlors, din room, kitchen, wash and rs bath room. Under suitable arrangement. with a tenant, • %maiden,- ble portion of tue furniture may remain in Motions , . my4mlB NV, 11.0111Abtili, Jim., Alleitheol. PROPOSALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALS') PROPIISALS will ho received until MAY 2Grii, for Grading and Paving LAUREL. ALLEY. In the Borough of Manchester, from the north ride of Spruce street to the south side of I.o• cost street. and from Me north side of Chestnut street to tne erouth ride of Washington street.: the paring to be made of River Raiders and (Rayed, and the work to be done under the direction of the Com• mittee on Streets and Borough Regulator. For further Information, apply to the undersign ed, at Phelps, Parke a Co.'. oface, Manchester.,,, tnyiTher. WAI.N. KUIE. Ctutr'o Of COM: pitopossius FOR PRINTING PAPER. DerAETIICET Or STATE, / Den/Norsttu, ltz.. May MI, PEE 711 pursuance of tho provimone chanter eighty-four of tito Revised nt &totes of Mt% grade Stole, prop o .ale will in; rec, It Rile De pennant,. until o'clock on the 311TH DAY OP ON F. next, tat which time said proposals *lll he opened.) for furnishing two thousand reamsof printing paper =12.1. and In other pects not to be leferlor to the paper tarot/heti f or s the one Ile last mission of the Legislature; all of said printing paper to be delivereol tothe Secretary of State; at the State Moult In Springfield, liiinole-Acti roams to be delivered en or before the brat day of Decem ber oust, .500 reams on or before the dna doe of Dmoary next. and 140) mama on or before the firm dayof February next. The person or persons to whom the contract le awarded will be remelted to give bond to the tio, crone In the penalty of ten thonsuid dollars, coodl- Droned that he will falthfrdly furnish and deliver the said paper In bled, quality and quantity, at the time, place and upon the terms named In the eon tract, In pursuance of law; god also, that he Of they will tarnish any additional amount of paper that may be requirod for the use or the Stale, upon tha sameterms and of like quality. altenerer requested to done by the Secretary of State. SHARON TTNDALZ. nay2lmB9 Secretary ut Maori_ - - - - NOTICE TO coN'ilt,i( - 14)11N. Sealle.l Proturoas will to! t..,...; dl+l il) tbo guider signed, until MAI airn. ,or tut te redlug of the following streete mos soicy to the liorough of ldan• cheater, to wit: • - Fayette Street, from nearer street. to Walton st.. Vollmer Alley, from Fultou street to west line of Poßeb pies. of 10101 - Fulton street to west ilia all,4kiZileittroto Felton street to west line • of ramesplan of lout hiaohattan Street, from Ohio avenue to the north line of Flemings property. The said grading, nog the diem:nation of all nut plus excavatkins, eke, to be dune by. and onderthe directions of th e Com mittee OE Streets and the Re- , cording Regulator. Poe Duller information, call upon the. under signed, at theorem of rani' A . Co.. Man chester, or Wis. Recording t i patur. Allegheny City. WILLIAM IC myttma Chairman Street Committee. U. a. CO TON 110PSZ, Pont OP PlTTeduntoll, f bunverron's OeFtea. Ala) 11 •1351. NtvncE Is HEREBY GWEN .that, Sealed Proposals, .accernhaalit byeil . ttlotO , antees, ucordlog to t o to be ter ed.on apt equation to thls *Moe; will berneelve 'there:LW; tIl ID o`clock.m,, thts.PUIST TtItheIDAN 1N! NEXT, for the simply of tbeINAIUNE Mein , near this city, wifh the articles of itlecllant.tßl..; MEDICINE, -de., estimated' in 'said Tartan Teta • quantities stated, ant, esUmaled, with eateroacnlO the usual number et patients in Um Hospital, - hat the United Maws reserve. the rtglAteetaltonxrenne less of told tertlele . atcordtogly, as they may te se- Wally required. lf thestlicloadennerenaithe Ma yne' are not, to the Ntde.eit of the, physician, el the best quality,' and adapted to the'llospltal, Le ENO.. se Liberty to Taiga the Met, to port other articles to their stesul, and to change the traelorwith sew excess In the 001100YRT COALTW prices. ,The tinned Mates reserve-the proposals for the whole or any portion of the g* des wpm:Med. MIA& ItAILVIDUAIIk ' *Surveyor and Agent * a ria /forPillu. pROPOSAILII will unt . har.lll;: x torkillf,74%"olllif lithe 1101/Blii , Wills Meat: Ward. Plans and sperldesllons. can; WOO. °Mee of E., B. AIWISIOW No. 111 Fella. Avenue. Sra t ' AV-tilUdl4 ' ' saylets27 gunman Cont. 00 Mir nroPort/. LARGE ARRIVAL AT 92 Federm sUOGAlleghonY, wzrzolly 01 ALL riOt•yrEsT STfLES OS Gaiters,Fi and ifHoots, ,. AT , E „ L owL riIIOES. OALL. 1. BEE THIN BENEARLII NTLIIITOCIPB CHEAP rOE WrOjiry. I:I3=EME=2 ILIUM -J. u. iiVirsi.A.Ne. : S. DisrCe- SCCLELLAND & CO 1 ,Corner Federal lad 1164' fltreeA, WltplaaalaarargetallDrutglata. Desleie i'a , bl.l}, 1611 e. .Verniebei t bluffs; Carbon t)11 ete., Meatball bbd b - !Ones. ,Thelr stoee Wings .nad web Inflected, sad will be eobl as low AD ; 49ty, noble be Um Wash: INI 0 rr cim., THE EVILUTEVIR PAST %VW plendi for gardening purposes or for city real donee. bly toliPlia. b.ilfOYD.rat.truaolects Kirkpatrick & Mello corker of Manon& arid lima streets. or to StiIIKKRO ALLESCrot : Kta - Prawn'', at Lower rt. (Plaletibtel. &Vitale • WARDEN & lIIATLarEU r , knoxsictr Dr "' CRUDE AND'REFINEVEET_ ,ROLEURE vni.A.LE BaaufwarisiTs ainumecnris. , ! Nuarri cAstptati47o4,,erse" corner of IIM 1116u:oak 111.4 ttsburgh.7.. .12e.prema 'VAL VIT/ILDEZ4l.ll*alnitart Philsdel , sullealtV'; CiAlap aoz jl"rKli s, R 11"1141111:" ` -111. RAKES, TROWILS, , HPZO. 00* At 130 WOOD STREW. AD 0 37 11 .'7 0 • JA.1168 ATlrnsprioNl • BABE BALLS, BATTS, , BASES, and everythiot to elt 4ltti Clab,111.130.117001:1 ararrLi g , , Jeaxs2sowa,fli ff loossaLET WILLOWS—mA m lirreli ' .) landing from FrirtZLAT rts M=l