11 Li DAIE - X -GlardurE. • PUMasitED IFY PENNIMAN, REED & CO., No. BS hinir , 8761:ZT, l'lrrestraaa. SRAM .•ZR YEAIL BY MA1L..... . Nut wic EX. BREVE!) .... ...... the Wittsintrgit 6azett WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1860. OEM. STEADMAN was suddenly con verted to "My Policy." Less than a year ago he arrived in Washington from North western Georgia, where he was then serv ing, an ultra radical; advocating the taw lute necessity of conferring the right of sulfrage on the negroes of the entire South. It would ho impossible to state more strong ly than he was then wont to do the wisdom and Justice of this great measure, or to ex {dint more conclusively the error and danger of reorganizing the political corn. enmities of that section upon any other basis than that they should be exclusively contmlied by loyal men, white or black, as Andrew Johnson once expressed it. A TRAVELP,R, writing to tile Chicago J”urnal , Rape, "At Pittsburgh a splendid improve ment has just been made in the shape of a new depot, built by the Port Wayne and PemusylVititia Central Railroad Compa nies, for the use of those roads, Not, how ever, for their benefit exclusively, but also for the convenience of the traveling public. For connected with, and forming part of this mammoth depot area first-class hotel nod a restaurant, where passengers can al ways find such refreshments as may seem needful during either a brief or a protracted sojourn in the smoky city." The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in this improvement, has set an example which is deserving of Imitation at all important railway eentres. IN Wisconsin, a man who had served in the rebel army got elected Justice of the Peace. His predecessor refused to hand over the hooks to him, and hence an opinion on the ease was drawn flout the Attorney General, lie said : • "Having served as a volunteer in the late rebel army, you have forfeited all po litical rights under the United States Gov ernment, and that Government can alone restore them: Having placed yourself in the attitude of an alien enemy to the Uni ted States Government, you cannot exer. cise the rights and privileges now accorded to aliens who are not enemies. Not hay ing the right to vote, you cannot hold office." THE President has met with poorer suc cess in Pennsylvania than in any other State. He has not had a single vote in the House save what he got from the Demo crats, and thus far has not received the open support of a single known Republican paper. He is of course much annoyed at the barren prospect. The fact is, it ist ery bard to make a party out of patronage alone,. and the engineers of the President in Pennsylvania find it so every hour they live. IT IS stated that Attorney-llenernl SPEED has no confidence in the legal ,or. reetness of the indictment against Jxerxn• so's: DATIS. In the preparation of this in .tniment the Administration was bound to employ the best pmfessional ability. It soma not to comport with "My Policy" to have the work done eflii•ctually. Better pardon the great criminal at once, rather 1.1 1 / 1 11 hare a mockery of a trial IN the Presbyterian GenendANse.:lll,iics at tit. Louis, the main opposition to re union comes front aged members who have curried their griefs along the journey of life with the young. A. notable exception is found in Dr. BIIECKIERIDOS. The younger menhersof both branches strongly incline to come together. "It isa consum mation most devoutly to be wished." A WANFIINGTON correspondent says that there is, at the Capitol, growing distrust of Secretary McCulloch. Ile is regarded as one of the bitterest enemies or the loyal majority In Congress in the Cabinet. Be sides, there arc many strange rumors afloat as to financial matters, while the general conviction is, that the work is rather more than the Secretary can stagger wider. lx Washington it is reported and genet.. ally accredited, that contributions have been made by wealthy rebels of Baltimore, Washington and other Southern cities, of large sums of money for the purpose of corrupting members of Northern Legiala tures into voting against their principles for U. S. Senate's who will support the Presi dent'spolicy. • A rzw nava ago we stated our opinion that StrMOILTOIi Frt:o came to this coon tri MAO get. u 4 p Arich tut , excitement over American railway securities as would help him out of linancial dialcalties; and thathe had notsucceeded. We gave some of our reasons for that opinion. The fail ure of SIR - Morrow is now announced. ALTHOUGH hundreds of thousands of documents have been circulated among the people to induce them to support "my policy," daily intelligence from the States, North and South, confirms the prediction that the only * success that would crown such efforts would he the successful expen diture of a great deal of money. Tim Washington correspondent of the Rochester (N. Y.) Denoerat, under date of Washington, May 13th, writes as fol lows : • "Leading Democrats assert Ain't. the President big mined net to nominate Lieut. Glen- Grant to, tile position of Gen eral unless that soldier shall give in his ad hesion to the policy of the White House." Nrwimllltons of &liars In gold were sent out of this country last week, mainly to pay wages to European manufacturers. In th4 lßi .d i n arYCondition of monetary Pr' fairs, so vast a shipment of specie would have gone a good ways towards producing a financial crash. Tux Oregonda teortland, Oregon, sensibly _ "We-,copfeasto ,thfuldng. that ihtkparr, which carried the • Government wei through the late terrific struggle, is good enough for us, and that we have no desire to go searching after stralke Gods." THE impression grans, ground that the Senate will strike out the third section of the noise plan of llecoustruction, and adoikt.the residue. Practically, it will be found impossible in most southern districts to keep rebals from voting. ArrEat.Becr °nig Szw.san's nalunsthsr ‘ President is to be serenaded_ and make speech.. The members of the Cabinet are to be milked in turn, and are expected to respond by endasihg the President's ideas. Monona, &maim and LANE (Kansas) will vote for the Constitutional Amend ment with the 'third "section ant? That will (Willi the prediction we made of its passage in that shape. Ton President's supporters in Virginia ere writing letters to the jurors, dieted Jeffer.on Davis, threatening, them . with lyncti-1: 1 .4 tinlesetlid rdiYie the glatc. Timm. arc assurances that Gen. Ferry - satll tplar tott , elected U. 8. Benatartrozn chiatibetkath • 5.1,; • "' 4 e=== .ImAitvio:4,',lzi mumphroy 'ln HO comapthle atedlefors for sale at, rulton.s Drug store, No. les stentoleld street. Appreciated. The Boots, Shoes and Gaiters sold at South & Boss', RI Market street. They Go Away Itedoietng. Persons who buy their Boots and Shoes at South & Boss', 63 Market street. Only 83.00. Those One high eat Gaiters (or ladies, at South a Itoss% I Market street. Highly Delighted .. • . Customers who buy their Roots, Shona and Gallen at South lc Ross', M Market street.. Traveling Dress Goods. • A goal assortment ern the Northeast corner Fourth and Market streets. C.llAksos Love & Itno. .44 Ingham. A splendid annortment Just opened On the Northeast corner of Fourth and Market inn. C. Henson LoctA Mtn. For Conirreftm Gaiters, go to Itoblason'n, No, GI Market street. He has received a beautiful assort ment, anal will dispose of them at fabulously low rates. Loco Circulars and Points, Haws and White, at all prices, on the north east corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. !lassos Love & lien. Dress Goads, We feel confident that our new stock of dreas gocsis, now opening, is the most desirable In the city. Remember, we are now on the north east corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. listrsos Love &. Robinson In Advance. A lot of those durable custom mad • One boots Just received and fur sale at eight dol lars per pair, at No. 61 Market street. They are cheap, but must be sold. neown•a eVerndface comets." This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found to be safe and sure In eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Re sure and obtain the Vermilligr Comfit which has been used with good success. Sole agent for Pitsburgh, Joseph Fleming, Druggist, N 0.64 AlarkoL street.. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Read the following letter from E. Bourn, well known citizen of Pittsburgh, Pa.: Prrrar non, May 10th, Iser, Boetel ter Smith—Gentlemen: Der Mg a visit in the west last fall, I contracted chill, and fever which brought me to my bed and filially terminated (n typhoid fever, and confined me to my roots for several months, during which time I amt physically so pros trated that I almost despaired of ever recover ing my health; having entirely lost my appe tite fordays, not being able to eat a morsel, added to which I was much distressed with a reeling sensation in my head, and passed many sleepless nights—all from debility caused by my proetra to condition, brought about by the fever. At this stage of my condition a friend recommended me to use your celebrated sto mach Bitters, but being morally opposed to the use of stimulants In any. form, I at first de clined, but afterwards yielded my preJudires and, atter taking the medicine for several weeks, us directed my appetite returned and with it f am rapidly regaining my former strength and vigor. My Bleep, (from the loss of which I had mittens' much., has never been hotter then It is now, and the reeling sensa tion (before alluded to,) has entirely left me. My Irre bow la e r ls a r w e h nicohw were m n u a c t h u c r o al n , s a t n i d a Indf aand am glad to say that I feel myself a new man and louder you this testimoniatof my appre , elation of your valuable preparation in order that others suffering as I have may avail teetuselves of its virtues, which proindice prevented me fromealo t ang for so long a period. I may shoo add tmy physician, after seeing the beneficial effect your Bitters lad on me, recommended that I use them reg ularly. Yours, very respeetftilly, E, Roming, No. 45 Market street. llowlettee• Bitter. A I I mold wholeaala and retail at very low r‘te• • t hesaingNt Droplet:ld Patent Iledlolne Depot, No II Market shoot, corner of the Diamond •nd Market, near thumb alsoet. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. Details of the Bombardment of CAW. —The 1 4 11.1111111111Ndf In no Condition to Renew the Attack. New Vona. May 21.--Some details of the tight Tt Callao are published. The Peruvians had nine batteries, mounted with thirty-two poun der guns,• 300-pounder Annstrongs and io. pounder Blakely rifles, besides the iromeleds Leo and Virginia, and three Warden gun boats. In less than half en hour the Villa do Madrid had her motive power deranged, and was towed out of the action. The Berengnell moved out twenty minutes later, having re ceived heavy rifled shot near the water line, leaking badly, and was obliged to ca reen to prevent sinking. At half mist two the Blanca and litesolumon retired to repair Injuries, but soon returned to their former position, and with the rest of the fleet, except the two first named, continued to fight to the end of the action. Boon after the commence ment of the battle, a Peruvian Indent, con taining two thirty-pounder Annstrongs, was blown tql, dltimantiLag the guns and killing and wounding every one in the vicinity. in another battery a lan-pounder Armstrong was dismantled at the first fire. With this excep tion the fire of the Peruvian batteries was heavy and well directed, and every moment became more fataliand destructive. Soon after five o'clock the Spanlarda retired, the batteries firing till they were out of range. The last gun was fired by the Monitor Victoria. The Peruvians are said - to have lost sixty killed and one hundred and seventy wounded. The shot disabling toe steamship of Villa de Madrid killed eighteen and wounded twenty one, and it was thought therefore, that the total loss of the.Spanfah exceeded that of the Peruviana. That vessel had eight stint holes in her sides. The Blanca was struck forty times, and others nearly as many. The Me mancia, being iron clad, Mime off very well, but one eight-Inch rile prOjectile pierced her five and a half: inch iron plating and went partly through the wooden bar-king. She was fought seas to receive the fire at an angle, hence her plating ceased. the shot to glance. The officers of the Vanderbilt think the Span ish are in no condition to renew the attack. They bail only solid shot, so there was but lit tle Injured. FROM WASHINGTON. onnuottou for laterual Xovenue Col lector figfeel-led—Appointment of Mar ftnal—flemovol of Wafted Mutes Courts rom Norfolk—Moro ?ructions. Cur remy—lP'ardoulos of Repel.. • • Wes uttrorox, May 4 4.—. W. Prescott Smith's nomination as collector of Internal Revenue for the Third District of Maryland, In the place of Mr. Finley, was rejected by the Sen ate yesterday The President has nominated John Lyon, fataer of General Lyon, as Marshal for the Southern 'District of Illinois. The reason fOr removing the United States oourts from Norfolk to Richmond Is because there is no fit place In Norfolk to hold them. Prepara are makinto issue three dred thousandtions at of f ractional currehnucn y this week, to take the place of a similar CLIXIOMIL mutflated and to be cancelled. Commodore Loan Stnith, late of the rebel navy, f was pardoned on recommendation of Senators Stowart,lfye, Mel:tenpin , Reward, Chandler and others. Also, Henry A. Bragg, an °Moor lathe rebel army, on recommends.- Con of Senator lienderson and Hon. J. J. Blow. West Point Appointments—Serenade to the President and Cabinet Arranged —llerebants. National Bank 'uremia. gallon. New Thor, May fil..—Tfio' spociaLs to the evening papers nay that the President has ap pointed to West, Point Jacob Bell, J of New yArk_, Kele and Thome, Townsend, of the District of Columbia, and Douglas Grant, son of Meutenant General Grant. The, sarenseerto the Preggighait :and Cabinet is arrnged for to-morrow he llonsepomm on hanklg e l the the Preelecat ofittee the Merchants , National Bank this morning, when ho admitted that ho thui Government bonds le _Me poeseargon. which ho regarded gm private property and that he had offered to agisnet the difficulty by Raying - forty per cont , of the money deposited with the bank. Freettsiteum ortk C 4 e eer* lm th e—Merelrse.Ae. IS ofe Det A aseee 11 1e7112,-Chtherals Steadman .find FullortOntikatn intermeirat . Savannah on Saturday, with representatives from the African Methodist Church. Three of thorn de clared in favor . of the oontinuanea of tho Freed scum's Burehle, awl three others testified io malfeasance of facers of the Bureau. Generals Steadman and Fullerton have gone to Florida. intaigter Expeditioll. Has? Pour, alai no it;..:.ortro boats, loaded It B,lppQapd. , wl tel amui,alllostod Wulf nit on Indian Island last Ui ghtiluld'aevennl roundel 'of shot .roro sistutlad— The British war steamer Niger Masan frOto Campo Bono to the a. " 34 " " UM, Whe nAlte renlans retreat ed. No furtharpartlonlarsas yet. 1 , 1,941 llisseinami. • Ciscivary Atray....22Ll,Tho Sixth street. this nioralne: ehiShOyea' Derenhaws harness factery,Cooli Yarnell's extensive steak stables and severs] otb or Loss about OW. • bullainga GOMIIANOT I I./904. itnnied. AZILLANDNIA. VA.. Ally XL—About seven thousand cords n aUGOTersamint' wood were horned last g night. lb 4 •IIMP was Wrtinguiahed thls Morni. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. SECOND EDITION. CONGRESSION.tt PROCEEDI N GS. , (Try AND NEIGIIBORIIOOII. WAsilistrroxr Ctrr, May 22, I,e; G. 1 '. SENATE I !ADDITIONAL ON THIRD PAGE.) . Mr. Wilson reported a bill for the equalize- 1 Scene. in Our City A ter Dark. ion of bounties. It gives every soldier, with- Not one perhaps in one hundred of our sit_ out distinction of race or color, eight undone. ' liens has any idea of the amount of crime and third dollars per month, deducting the bout, wretchedness that exists in our Midst.: 6pcml ties already paid, and excluding altogether . deserters, and those who have sold or bar- ing, their workshops or places of business, and the entire day—as most of them do—in tereJ away any of their claims. their evenings in the quiet enjoyment of the Mr. Williams introduced a bill to grant domestic circle, they have little or no oppOr rolands in aid of the oen.struction of a railroad , from Salt Lake City to the Columbia river, , Lenity of knowing anything of the misery, which was referred to the Committee on Pub. : crime and wretchedness that is only to be lie lauds. Mr. ood called rip u seen on our streets when ode greater portion Kirkw s e" In relation , to public lands in the South States. It pre- iof the population are wrapt In sleep. We, in yidlls that the public lands in Florida, Miss.- ,ob Capacity as reporter, must needs be , sippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama. • will abroad the greater part of the night, and In I be opened to mettlement under the Homestead , 1 Bill. Not Moro than eighty acres shall be set- , our nocturnal wanderings what eights we nee, t tied by any one settler, and the price of any 1 if..placed on paper, would scarce gain ere pm aselsoros, Slay '='.—Tho bankrupt hill I one patent shall be ftve dollars. 'The bill Was ' deuce from any one. Mere on our most public provides that the District and Circuit Court Peased' thoroughfare where'll day fashionable belle. have jurisdiction, that any person owing debts I Mr. Sherman called up the hill consolidating , and perfumed dandies saunter carelessly the public debt and reducmg the rate 01 I along, wo often lind some wretched Sight amendment that the coat ahall not exceed two 1 along, perhaps cold, perhaps htmgry, In the over three hundred dollars, tiling a I'm{ lon of interest on the same to five per cont. The , —some poor outeaat—wandering aimlessly Inability to pay, and willingness to surrender I per cent watt adopted. I vain search for Ott , and hariy. Last his estate, shall be adjudged a moot, and 4 . , , .. S' erman explained the bill at length. I night in the doorway of one of a warrant lamed for the Merit!' to essa on . Clark moved a postponement till to- I ill an assignee Is appointed. Th till. of our Banking institutions On Fifth street, row, as be wished to speak In oppesition i we discovers a woman crouched on the cold assignees are defined. It provides for exami— It. It was postponed. 1 stone steps with an infant In her arms, and nation before Court of the distributiOnS of the Tile 1411 Mtn:aimed stiPpl*U . tary to the : sot anongnelothing on her pereon to protect caste, creditors to ahem prorate without pref. acts relating to the Treasury °Pertinent was : heraelf and offspring from the chill night air. erenoc each wages to clerks and operators pun_ referred to the Committee on Cpmmorce. 'On questioning her, we learn that oho dry SW a month. Tile bill making further preirislone for an • came from Canton, Ohio, and sueon Igor way The order In the dividend is, !lost, the costa 1 armo r , a t Koch Island was passer,. I to Camden,'New Jersey, where she hail some of the Court; second, debts Loth,' United , The bill amendatory of the postal laws, pro- friends. She had a ticket for Philadelphia to States and Slate assesallhents; third, wego., I viding among other things, that letters shall • 1 theP I• la lia 1 1 boa hat • way 0 onnsy %an I row , n fifty debts having priority by law. It provide. Ibe returned. free of charge to the writers; that ' f ifed on her arrival Ot few hoursl, before> In fifty for the discharge from all debts after , , nos ey orders shall be good for but one ' yea • ri . n is city to make the conneetiOn With the compliance, and prrold. a punishment Mr ; i',,,K ti n tbat apecial agents for the collection of 1 eastern train, and having nO motley to pay for fraud. Seven days conferment of Judgment , ran ., s h a ll g ly s wads, w as p,sed . LC otninodallOnm at a hotel until the and fourteen fourteen for commercial paper shall be en After executive session the Senate ad• I ' th e re of the next train, afro was obliged to ro• act of bankroptcy. The act takes e ff ect for 4 3 „,.,„ ed , main In the streets. OM inquiry as to where officers after the promulgation. No petition HOUSE. her linsband was elicited reel e save a to be tiled before the first of November next. t m ikl„ oeb. n , m. I ed ryland, Introduced a . flow of s tuaric, fro th which we I . to sup. WM to amend the Civil Appropriation 11111 ' pose isVe was one of that treating class of an. ts ISNI, giving the Secretary of the Treasury men 'talk° hadloyed not, wisely, but too weill /fewer to appoint Collectors in certain cases She refused to go to the Mayor's °Mee, say-; he bill was passed. Mg "No, PH go to the depot." A gentleman \ The billi e s tippoint an Assistant Secretary Intasing, having heard her story, gave her a a the Ns. o act clarion the absence of Me. , dollar, sod volunteered to accompany her to Fox was med. f the station. she accepted Ills kind offer and The Bankrupt hill] was then taken up and i the last we saw of her she was going down after dismission a frultless effort to postpone, 1 Wood attest In the direction of the Union DC tut bill was passed by re yea.S f 0 ill nags. , pot. She Was a young woman, and from her oldr. Elliott, from the :select Committee on j deportment we judged that Rho had seen Freedmen, reported hack the bill to continue , brighter and happier days. In force for three years, and to amend the act I While at the tombs, last night, we noticed t 0 [!dishing the Freedmen's 'serene Bill. , something pocriller in the steady, earnest stare tilittle the hill was being read the morning 1 with which a woman In one of toe cells re hoot expired, mot the bill went over till to. gli ' nted., and thought to speak to her. We idairrow I did no, but our answer was a vacant look, and Str. Driggs Introduced a bill to pumah At- we supant 5110 Was deaf. We learned, 1 torneys and others pli for a ithaolding monies , however, from Captain Lewis that she was a I collected for °deers, soldiers and sellers, poor eras; woman, who officer Ithigly 110,1 which vo. read twice and carried to the Com- found wandering In the streets. From the educe on Slithery affair.. time she hail been incarcerated until the pc,- The Blouse wont into Committe, of the ; riot °roar depart]] re she inel never uttered a Whole, Mr Dawes in the chair, mu resumed ' word, lint only sat mute and motionless, as consideration of the Tax Bill, commencing tit 'we observed her. the paragraph Imposing a tax of two emits u , ) . ".. d 5. e. "'" , U P''' Wh ".. r. tn- . 1.. I. '" ,I Nusbblea f anal, an a !Mortis—Probable /PVIMI. I Homicide. The paragraph Imposing a Mt: of 5 per cent. , on all manufactures not otherwise provided I At a picnic on Troy 11 111, Reserve township, , for, was, on motion of Mr. Stmltling, amended ; on Monda quar t, adin dg the following: Provided further, ; y evening, two boys got into a (fie., brown e5,,,,,,,0 net eootthem ~,,,h t, „ tot , . eel, and while battering away at one another I be Ruiner% to aMx of 7.i per cont. ad enthrone, 1 lo.eld Miller, reanlitig on Liberty street, , and no more. Tho paragraph in reference to Fourth ward, Allegheny, endeavored to Iwo, 1 workers In gold and silver wan , on the motion 1 of Mr. Kelly, amended by ading the provi , rats them. Sillier was passing at the time In m that the stomping orovialon should not I company - with two young ladles, Mary Hick app 111 ly lump Um re-working of old gold or sliver i man and Mary Dougherty, and while In the 1101 o r tar. art of parting the boys, n young German, The paragraphs relating to tobaccowens amended i , Witting as a new paragraph "on I immed G...einge WYgotd, drew a kaire an , ' I stnnklnFr tobaccoomectened, stemmed Or hut- stabbed tom in tne ttbdomen, indicting . red, a tax of See per cooed," and by guiding to , uound welch it he thought may prove feta the words "or smokin g Lobo,. of ail aieds,•• 1 Miller uas conveyed to his home, and surgies. the word. "not ...urned, nor stemmo, nor , attendance procured. Wygold was found 1 t.iittml." Tie tat on this is twenty cents per , the officers who wont in penult of hint at •• I pound. • saloon on Troy 11111, Very notch in On motion of Ile. Schenck, the latter para. I The wepon, which seas found with Mtn, we griqth Ira. amended by reducing the tax from ' an or,l hurryon. . 10, with it dirk tibiae. lir NI. wenty conts to ten ton. per pound, so that it taken before Mayor Morrison, and intormv . uow read s ..,,,, to mg tobacco, of all kind a , that fur assault and battery With Intent 1,, .; , not iitreetenell or stemmed, or butteO, meted_ Miller !teeing I wen made mistiest him 1,3 N ,• mg that Ma.le of -tents, Or 111 part stoma and 0 I 1 le.inan, Ile wit- lodged ol the Alleehmif Imitations thereof, a tax of tee cents par . to 1115 ter the eight, end to Yenthrdlie merit pemn.l.•• in g was committed to jail to au all the result of Ihe luillrlehh NIBS Ilicknion and Idiss M i • M Y''' ."'"d in '""'"' t II; ire " r. " . 4, In Dougherty saw the ocourrenee, tool were pot.- inn\ of ditties on manufacture.' hotraceo, a lax Illh e in their identitlmaion of IV ygoiti as the of is enty ruts per tamed On tObaceco in i 1 ,,,,,,„,, „. 110 „ hi the sta b bing. leaf The amendment, w. rejected. ; Mr. Seliellek If. 0 ,41 N. a Stllealtalle for the 1 paragraph relating Oh cigarette. or small , •ia Excited Teuton eiliars, the " mun '' uie " l. i ' inew ha t " i. " flea • j lliont four o'clock ye.derday afternoon, a ponied in too House pnweedlngs of the loth , • or German, Minim( W. Earnest Popo, entered the lonalderable debate ensued, when rho tot- noire of Aldernian Jas, St. Taylor, of the rum 10 . - Ing mot . .. Me-tat to lid. amentiniott , . ward, In a high plate of exetton.,nt, and ao was ccept...l. ini all other cigars tour dollars , in, li. and to per cent ad valorem, excite 1 mantled La thototam of a Stentor to see the sive ot tax. pro. bled that In assessing maul m a ll .mgottrate. tilt the appearance of the Alder ad valorem duty the tire. Len dollar. 'taloa- . sbe 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in ~ y , M T , rf ~, E ng , e n, 'ion shall net 1.• assessed, N itiomt coming to a t rite th e 110,,„,, 1,„-, i , a to make a statament, the tiorport of s, bleb. so . near aa 1.0 wool understand was . follow., F: r , 011110 Srssuon.—The Tax bill was di/reuse , 1 eatordaut altinivy after , Itnner au Irishman cut. e l gersend thtaM oo , 'Mr' , ~aken- ea- rh. 1 mimed Malloy, entered the Drover's Borne, on d 1 . , ... 50 was pry '.''''''r. f 1 ..b..Sil Deming f Penn .tromm. in the Ninth ward, and ceor I loope r, Morelli, tirtswold. W.lmurne or , a gle a m of lwer which he got. After Winkingdri Ma i vi m'tituttit•to , and Paine , A '°,.... takti , , the beer he Woke the glass, and picking Uth on 1110 closing amending . , Wu that c i garettes, , ~, i l l ,. ,i„,...„., struck p op , i n t h e 1,, small cigars, cheroots, short sixes not In 1 with It The latter politely Inquired why he value over eight dollars per thou Sand, a tax I d hl so, ae h ee , m a t h , „ fl o o d hi m a dd in t e n t,. of tour 110115 " , Over iir°l " " li a r ' P e r thou- I man, an d threatened If he infra t clear out im sead, forty per cent ad retu rn ee additional. mediated, te glee bile further chastise- M r Morrill u ill offer an a...tree. , iwitul.- mem. MeS. Wuldier, the wife of the proprie_ log the same dote. on all imported claw, os 1 tor , •1 the bonne, then Interim-mil In behalf of domestic Providing for Inspection , vet nation Pope. when Malloy very ungallantly struck and fraud. Brokers, banks and banker, ,had her in the breast Tith. was too much for Pope amendments to It to stand and he Immediately hastened Lo the Mr. Cooke moved to add to It the following . Alitormem's office, where he preferred twe porn*, 'ChM. VA of assardt and battery against the llg -1.11.1%-ithii, that In the estimated sales of greenly° colt, one (Or striking Min with the goods, wares or merelnuidtse, tor purl e s of , g h ee , toot th e o u ter m e ~a nut an g t h e f emale tilts stet lon, way sal. m made by or through whicil Pope acciarini to tie stn act of imrlvalle.l aitothor broker uPon w hich a te. loo' Imo. meanness. A warrant was Issued for galley's In shall not be [unheated and Inch:Med MI , rest. sold by the broker for whom the sale was 1 made. After some discussion the amendment I wits reed to. Mr. ag Griswold mewed to amend the paragraph relating 10 carnage:l, Ac., by striking out gold watches and golel or silver plate. IteleCted. lir. Morrill moved to strike out the par, gun 1h unending seCtlon hr. of the present law under schedule A and 10 aubstltrito for It a lutratfrePh wideti pOse. cifx of tun watt • nal f per cent. ou r ai lroad sa., ateamboats, barges, canal horde, mall coaches, Ac., carry ing passengern wattle the tinned Mates, whore the receipts excited "Lute per semen, the tax to he ealculated on the gross receipts from pin passengers and Malls. After somedlscottelon, the paragraph Was Passed over Informally, until the ainetititacint could to presented. To the paragraph relating to telegraph cern panne, a proviso was added that no returns Mint IN, tat required of receipts not imbJect to The COMM Ittee atter ddepOsingt of ton of the bill down to the paragraph ou = rose, 01111 the Donne at ten o'clock ailtoarned. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M THE LATEST NEWS. BY MARAIS THE BANKRUPT BILL. Synopsis of its Provisions - - • EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES. A Bill and Written Report Presented. W want:zeros, May 22.—Mr. Wilson, tram the Committee on Military Affairs, and the Militia to which was referred &Mate hill, So. 207, to provide for the equalization of noun ties to the soldiers In the late war of the rebellion, pre sented a bill nada wiltten report. The report says it has ever been the policy of the troy ernment of the United States to keep a small standing army in time of peace, and to rely upon the patriotism of the citizens to all the ranks of the military forces In time of war. Tire experience of three quarters of a century has amply vindicated the wisdom of this pol icy. Every citizen of the United States liable to do military duty, is Justly held to owe the Government In time of public danger, in re tarn for the protection given him, his blol and If need be his life. W bile the citlzenflpuTfl, military service to his eralatry the Mani ) ," In return Is sacredly bound to recognize a tly reward the military services rendeSh, by the citizen. SPEECH OF SECRETARY SEWOR P• Arenas, May . 22.—Mr. Seward addressed a largo meeting of the fellow-6Lnc. 811 follows: My fiend Fremetit.---Siree we Inat met, the national condition has undergone some mains rial change. We were then on the verge of a serics of elections throughout the States. The leaders, who no pertinaciously claim to Ice democratic, organized with their actextomeci machinery and evasion.. Toet/ had wisely ceased to denounce as a failure the sear for the Union, which had at Imt become a glorious success. They thought to undermine the dl stinctive party of the n lon by effecting a new-bore actin ration for its chief, Andrea. Johnson. They seemed MIIIEIOB,II. prove their devotion superior to ours by committing themselves to IS O.In suort hint as a candidate for the Precedency They inscribed our administratimi mottos of reconciliation upon their newly wrought Inmates, and reorganizing their straggling linen as well they so hastily could, they vehemently charged onward for a partizan not a patriotic victory. What led the Democratic leaders 10 make this change, was the striking, I may call lt the marvellous phenomenon which was J 8811 thou exhibited on the scene of the recent rebellion. The whole disloyal community In that blighted and cies.- fated region, orienting the conditions of (cas ual amnesty and the invitations to returning whic h were proebstined by the ad ministration all ut 1414, nmouneed pr e in. ciples or:wiltd and the policy of secesocce sad disunion tendered m a new covenant of loyalty, seated with their males and brought , forward with alacrity the remains of their , tong cherished institution of slavery, and cheerfully threw thetn to lie burned upon the constitutional altar which they inni no newly restored. These use smote.' changea is the attltucle or political adversaries once no obatinate, natu rally enough excited suspicions, Jea lousies and apprehensions among loyal and tried Union men. It was the eta OWNS of William of orange, who, having in civil war put down the fortes, afterwards found it necessary to vole to repenting Jacobins and Paphsto the right of citizenship. It Is the emu which has ever cocurren, and winch must forever morn occur, at the end of a successful resistance to rebellion. "How could Democrats and rebels he con verted to the support of a triumphant Union Administration?' This was the question every where put by the zeal°tu leaders of the Union patty. it seas at that moment that I answered that gnestion by linking others, namely.: Wow could Dernoenns and rebels assiti being con verted 1" ..is It not their conversion that you contended for and that you ,scow desire r' I expreseed the opinion that the condition of ;ware with its new reaponalbilities, must thenceforth hoc In good faith lamented. I advised prompt and complete reconcilia tion with the restoration at once of the con stitutional symmetry of the Union. Rejecting the ungenerous suspicion that the rebel, and their deunscratie abettors were only changing their pohtical strategy with traitorous pur pose, I argued that with few and marked ex ceptions, they were now to be remitted and accepted av fellow citizens and brethren. I urged this would be onely clone, force the tried frientin of the adminiat ration, 11,U1OVIng milted arid harmonious, and tons reclaiming their Justly required prestige, should them selves promptly and Mitifnaxlmotialf teeufe to the nation the enjoyment of Oiclerly desired peace sad incliapermahly reqtairolpr peosrity For a time the friends of the Union acme upon that policy. Clectlons everywhere resulted in the defeat and overthrow of the Democratic Organization, and placed the administration of Soo rein Johnson beyotid the easels of clan ger, at tonne or :thread. The worlrof recon sumetiou has outrun expectation. Indeed It has never had a parallel In human afflitra,with Internal commotion and disturbances less serious than those which sometimes attend und popular elemom.ctions In a tree country in time of pro Heretofore the disloyal people of Tllghtlit, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, , Florida and Texas, successively, nay, almost simultaneously, assembled and adopted new conalitutiona in conformity with the Conan- Union of the United States. They upturned rebellion with all its far opt . ..ling roota and all its nanaonotut buds, and they accepted and ratified the mauling Congressional Amend ment to the Constitution Of the United states, which abollahes slavery thenceforth and for ever. The people uf these States have at the same time chosen, by free and uncontrolled Suffrage, Governors, Legislatures, Judielary and municipal authorities. (The lateness of the hour at widen we re. eel ved It, prevents su giving the remainder of the apeech In this issue.] FROM NEW YORK. Additional Particulars of the Late Fire —Large Amount of &Ws Received— Ithigintent of itoecie—tisquest oa Fres ton K lag's Body—The Verdict—ad vance la Gold—European Arrival— (Wick Voyage. Now Tone, May 72.—The Academy of Mille eras valued at MAO, and was Insured for 110.33,0ue. and the scenery for alo,ooo. Maretsek's loss la MOOD, and Grail's eOO. ieither la In sured. The University Medical College was Valued at $40,000, and Insured for MOOO. Wor cester's piano factory was toyed. 7he loss on iline's factory has not been ascertained. Thu lire was doubtless Incendiary. Tho Total loss will not exceed if It roaches a million dollars. Private advice. per the steamer Cuba indi cate that a large amount of live4wordies was received. Her shipment of specie to-morrow LS expected to equal that of last Wednesday. The verdict of the Coroner's Jury, on the body of Preston King, rendered to-day, was that he Jumped elf the ferry beat while /41101.. Mg under Insanity. The Post nays after the Government brokers retired to-day, gold wont up to 151.56. The steamer! Pelrrie has arrived. She left Krent on the 12th and brings Paris papers of the 12th. Mho han made the voyage In ten days. FROM ST. LORIS Old Sicholil Preibyterinu Assembly— Proses& of Dr. V The Louis ville Presbytery Denounced. ST. LOMB, MAY the Old School Assem bly to-day, the protest of Dr. Vandyke against the action of the Assembly in regard to the exclusion of the Louisville Conunlesdoners . . wne ordered to be recorded, and the Commit, tee, with Ira Wed. as Chairman, appointed to anewer IL The report of the Committee on Foreign Miamians shows that the ]bard boa ntieeinne in dinerent countries. The receipto for the year were .207,4103. and the ox. pendituree .210,600. Nearly half the churches of the denomination lulled to contribute to the eupport of the Bcxtra. Both money and teen are needed. Don. Sam. Galloway, of Ohio, consumed the Most of the remainder of the day In replying to Dr. Boardman's speech of yesterday, taking strong grounds against the conduct of the Louisville Presbytery, and dealing trenchant blowe againet dislOyalty In 6124 out. of the Church. whine° occurred hr thils°N4VricgfocalAseelmi 'Mae Presentation of nett on the Poulin of inky. llamunamto, flay, the regular army ottloara who commanded In PennoryWards rem.. Imelda, that can be spared will be prmorit at. the Au present/ an l'ltiledelphle, {Oa _the Fourth of July. , FROM BOSTON. Geo. IL r. Roller Closeese Idaidr!VeOend of Mafteoebusetil• m Is—Olutdouarr A rod serwary—ludependeol Order of (good Templar, .110141,.. May 12.—Thu Senate elected to-day General U. If. Butler, of Lowell, to be Major Genc"al of the Massachtmetts MIIIUe, nude the eallttla organisation. The American Baptist Mientionary roam bar commenced Ito anniversary meetni go, Hon. Ira Harris of Now York. Preoldesit of the aoelety. The PmsMeat Math: en interesting addretto. In which ho Indicated his purpose 01 reThein tirg from the ° of Right Worthy G Moe reed Lodge of the Intl, Pendent Order of Good Templar. In now In tit, Boston. The , meeting la Itreeldt.l ovhr by Hon. S. D. Ilrattn'nb, - 6I Wlseurnoth: goaresoutatlves from nearlyall the Nortbern and Western btatusom well WI tram Gan cam.- dna, are present. • • • • ~- ; • The Cottle Plague—lto Appearance In Central America Comeauleted—!lore Rebels Pardoned—bottles to Holden. of Cetifamilies of indebtedness—Com modore Boren,o and the lkombordmeit of Cll.llao. W ASHIZIOTOX, May . .M.—The inspector of Cm. tom. at Panama nays: The cattle plague rintlerpent ban not appeared In Central tuner "' The President yestAirday pinioned 11. Pal mer, a rebel trenersJi Clerics E. Mould, post ;Alen thief; J. W. Bowling and George Coates, naught in smuggling. All oltlocrs oa leave of absence visiting WriolltsagLon are required to report at the Jutant grummet's office. . Willem Tripp was ecufirmed Surveyor Gen eral for Dakotah. Notice in given to all holders of certificates of Indebtedness due In June, July, or August, than, that they will be paid, if presented. this Month. and cease to hear interest thereafter. Commodore Hodge:a:Writes that he received notice of the blockade of Cabot', with four days for neutral,. to leave. • Ho gives a minute aecount of the bombard/meet of the Peruvian lotteries by forty-fife gitils,tye Mpounderx, Ellakoly's, and four 3 0 e-pounders, Armstrong's, on iron turrets, with sand ba. The Villa de Madrid withdrew, the steam escaping freely. Both sides fought with courage. The Scan lards ezhaustedthelraininurillion; The killed and wounded on land were eighty. The Span iards obviously were badly punished, Their less is unknown. The fear of impeder:no kept the Spaniards at long range. One sent. picked up lu the harbor. Dr. Peek eliered his assistance fiat wan declined. Dr. Johnson was told that Admiral Nunez was badlyTwoUndod in eight Places. • Prom New Oriel/Ma— Light Pariah.. overflowed-11*K the People Without Food—Minrialita *Mow elelplail. N ow VELLAANO, May it —l:lght parishes aro oversewed and hilt the people are Without rood. aOhlig from this elty. The fly r oafs crops le extenelve. .The .4ed flyer have fallen nit by the Mlielseippl and will not overflow the Southern country. • The mortalltylle great among the negroes In time South wappar.upoirtpbes,.l9blto Jmopito are working oh lOW, of the Plantations. The freedmen are uncertain, and the people nay none will be loft In twenty years. Palatal Appropria=l3llll - Nlaned—Na. iriwiriar Amount, 81.3,379,600. W nom moron, May 22.—The Y, estdent has al,. proved the Testa! .11 - pprOtalatton aggregate amount of appropriations le 143,370,- too, of whichWOOS goes for the sir months mail service between tan Francisco, Japan and China, and MO,OOO tog :thO, ol 3l2MsAti)ls* portation between Atklititon C 0 Mot the marine transporiatinn44ween4few 7ork and gun Francisco. . ... . . . . • • : Pe 0 ...!9F.-, Pi SP,./ . 9. 0 - 1 .?... -.. .. s astroiose, it Drn...l.43itunyer r.lvfge.;')ln. .datiendont trnlokaanaldsteo far..;al m, j ustalk man, wag e1M.04 'yesUrday by 1 ont... cerer Coif politer, lefig,lo *mute' - 4 ' • • 7 Plumber. and Gas Fitters. ith much pleasure we refer our readers to the advertisement, it, another column, of the well known and evtenalve house of Weldon ,t Kelly, No. Pit Wood street. We paid a vials to the store rooms yesterylay, and found them well clocked with chandeliers, brackets, pend ants, lamps, plain ttrid fancy glob., Medea, tram stoves, pianos, hydrants lead and iron pipes, and In short articles et every descrip tion usually kept In ouch houses. The me chanical department of the Arm occupies it large four story brick building on Virgin Al ley, rear of Fifth street. They employ none but the best ot mechanics, and the work turned Oct by them cannot full giving the utmost eustlidaction. huiers. Weldon Kelly attend to ail bnmelioa of their ha/deans In a Carol of manner, and their rates are reasonable and maim-rite. They are prepared to stook the storm; ofuntry dealers with chandeliers. oil lamps, heat prices even lower than theme of l'lllhalelphia and Now York houses. Being obliging and energetic,the trade will lied it to their ml vantage to bestow ups. Weldon & Kelly a portion of their patronage. Com=Murton MorchattL The consigner of produce or merchandise la always anxious to secure a ti ustwOrthy con glance. 110 wants one who will watch his In terests., and have a care that they will ant aut. for through neglect or otherwise. For thin reason we take pleasure in referring our rea ders to the card of Leary Rea, Jr., commis.. man Merchant, No. 9.5 Liberty street. flu is worthy of the utmost conlidenee, and through watehfulnais and energy has soncealed In es tablishing a largo and growing trade. Mr. [Gm stands high In the mercantile crimmontty, and Is regarded as one of our safest, most pro dent and successful of commission merchants. We commend him cheerfully to all neriums laving any consignments or other trauma, JOT. to make In hb omelet /MOM' business. Commercial Broker.—The attention of our leaden to (tweeted to the card. In another ooknn, of 41. M. Petty, Commercial broker, and Real Exude Agent, No. Li St. Clair street, Mr. Potty deals extensively In stocks, bombs, mortgagee, notes and every description of negotiable paper usually handled io the finan cial market. He ban large capital at his coin mond, for Investment, and persons desirous of either effecting a low; or of piecing their money in securities of real estate or personal property should favor Mr. Petty with their patronage. We elieerfully naiuro our readers that they need have no hesitation In confer ring upon* Petty a share of their cnetom, as ho is attentive end trustworthy in every particular. metric" Court.—flon. Moecs Hampton poi aiding. Tirssosv, May 21.—1 n the case of Henry tier_ wigand others vs. tioorge ii. Anderson, the jury found for the plaint VS. EllzaJano ve. Pennsylvania Salt owner Metering Company. Thep/ninth/ le the owner of a farm in lin:wham. township, adjoining land of defendants, and alleges that they are tatting out coal underlying her farM, some two hundred bushels Wring already been mined. The dorm/dente claim that they per chased the right to the coal from a former owner of the land. On trial. McConnell and Woods for plainti ff , Veech and Bakewell eon tea. Cross Plultit.--jno, Linder, a resident of the Thin! Wertl,Vesterday appeared before Alder man Taylor and charged John MeMundy with having committed an aggravated misault and battery upon him. A warrant was isound and the accused arrested, when it was discovered that Linder, not MeManly, was the party ag grieved, and the former, therefore, inetituted proceedings against th ei latter for an unpro. yoked assault. The case was settled on lan der paying the costs of both salts. Lawrenrewllle Plection..—The election for Burglars of the borough of Lawrenceville. took place yesterday. There was quite a re. spectable vote out and considerable interest manifeatail, but everything passed off in an oniony manner. The eleetlattresultad intho success of .1. C. Dorm, E,sq.. who received WO votes against 2b 5 Ingfed . .lßrAis opponent, .Banluel McMahon, Esq. The - successful can didate was electe d upon a citizen's ticket. Malicious Mischlet—Jestlee Former, Rim of West Elizabeth borough, yesterday -committed David Moog= to' the countyati for ma li cious iniashluf on oath of Tohn j Taylor. 3ho offence consisted In the dorm. ; dant having .on last Sunday broke the win dows of the prosecutor's house with 'stones. gaunt' sad Stasters—tilmon Killian was yesterday brought before Alderman Blorrow. Margot with hgVhur onntaltted. an assault arid battery an dehtl MeAdarns, at Eliza - !fur nace in the Ninth ward. Ellhati was held In I= far a hearing today. .. . . . .. • - Ofialwaled;-,.. Ye:stein:lo a . neaten by .folut Coyle, 'Esq., fora new.triel le the ease of Win. latlet , oecortatelle the United awes Dlettint Coda, on DICIIILIay,. 'of . panto counterfeit .nationallnackey7was awe , . ?dude wut bei eevieneect co•asy. Abducted:At-reit& of the Alleged Abductors: • Mike Lipman, proprietor of the circus now exhibiting In this city, and an employee, earn ed linker offal Bates alias Buxton, were arres ted yesterday and brought before Acting May or Morrow, charged, on oath of Mrs. David son, of Cinclunati, with having stolen her daughter, aged live years. ThO:ClretUnstanCen of the ease as given by the prosocutrix, are as follows: some five years since she was living in Cincinnati In rather indigent circumstan ces, having a family of live children depend ing on her for seaport, she being a widow. At length she gave min of her little girls to a Oi ls,. Steele, to rear and educate. Subsequently she discovered that the guardian of her chird was a disreputable character, and Hamilton county application to the Court of liamilton county to have her child restored to her cus tody. The application was granted and the girl was restored to her mother who, a short time since married her present husband, Mr. Drividson,who Is connected witha weekly paper In Cincinnati. tin the night of the list of April Mrs. David son placed her children in bed, and after lock ing the doors securely, retired also. In the morning the little girl referred to was miss ing. Suspicion ltramediatelv rested on Miss Steele and the family physician, Dr. Long, who were arrested and lodged inJail. The former confeased to having abducted the child, but stated that she had sold her to the Carpen ter of Lipman's circus, whose name was Ba ker. The mother, learning that the show was On its wup to this city, started le pursuit and arrived hero yesterday morning, when she canoed the arrest of Baker and Lipman. Al though active search was made for the child, .to trace of her whereabouts could be discov ered. Lipman entered ball in the sum of 350 for a hearing. Baker wits linable to procure bail In the sum of 51,00, and was locked up. A hearing will be luret In the case to-day. Heavy Robbery—Tobacco Moro Cleaned For some time past our city has enjoyed ojl 1.11111131110 freedom from the denredatiOßS of burglars, and we had been led to believe that the thieves had either all been sent to the penitentiary by the net criminal court, or had quit the city for the city's good. It ap pears, however, that we have a few burglars at large, as a during and successful robbery was committed at about one o'clock yesterday ] morning, on Wylie street. Through the nave int grating of the vault of the tobacco afore occupied by George Metzner, some thieves ob.. tabled ingress into the cellar. They proceed ed up stalra, and by Lemma of a "Jimmie" pried open a door leading into the store room. On • obtaining admittance they Immediately pro ceeded to take stock according 1.0 their own ideas. They helped themselves to several hundred dollars , worth of tine cigars and chewing tobacco, They next burst open the money drawer, and obtained a Igw dollar, in torn scr ip. The proprietor had pasted upon the inside of his show cases some twentyllollars In gold and sliver coins, which the thieves approprlated. They unlocked is rear door and,made good their escape with their stolen plunder through aback alley. Mr. Motaner discovered his loss yesterday morn ing, upon opening his store, and immediately made an Information of burglary .against some person or persons unknown, helot, Act ing Mayor Morrow. The pollee have no elite whatever upon which work up the ease but they will Ilse their bee tendeavors to discover the guilty perpetrators, and we trust soon to be able to note their capture. Rooth and Ross. Market Street- The card of the prosperous and accommo biting shoe firm of South &. Ross, No. Cl Mar ket street, appears among our now advertise li meats to-day. It Is hardly necessary for us to Invite the attention of our readers to this hence, as IS is universally recognized as the place to secure pedal coverings nt exceedingly low prices. They purchase all their stock from manufacturers for cash, and are thus enabled to successfully compete with any similar house west of the mountains. We looked through their house yesterday, and would not attempt to describe the varied styles of boots, shoes. gutters and slippers we noticed. Suf.. tice to say, they have an elegant stock en hand which has been selected by Mr. South with the view of suiting the Pittsburgh trade with auhatantial, durable goods. Their profit. are small and so are their expanses, and the customers have the advantage o both. Polite and attentive salesmen are al ways on hand to show goods to all who may favor them with a call. They are daily re ceiving new goods, and so soon as a new style appears in the East, they are introduced here by the hem. For anything In the boot or shoe Ilea, from the tiny sootling to the Immense mill brogans give South a lions a tall, and i our n - onl for It, you will be tuttlwfleil with their goods and pleased with their prices. ==!! :err srer Rosso, and Anettl Gallettf are the two great magnets of attraction this week at the Opera Rouse, and Judging from the ap pion,. bestowed upon them nightly, they are destined to become favorites with our amuse ment lovers. Mr. Robson Is a comedian of more than ordinary ability, and since his ad vent among us he has well sustained the high reputation that preeeeded him. Au a terpslcherlan ertssf., Gallon' is, in. our estimation, without a rival. To-night an un usually attractive bill is offered by the man agement and we of course expect to see large audience present. i.to II mem s and her trained horse Sensation are *till drawing large crowds to the Theatre. Last evening the Revolutionary equestrian drama of 'Legit, Eye , ' was presented, Miss Hudson appearing in the title refr;ft part., in which her daring feats of equi.trlanship were iispley awl to the I.st possible advant age. To night .. i . utman the Iron on of 'l;7' will be produced. A Sewing lsaC4lge Woeth Having. The public are always interested In good sewing machines, and are willing to be told of the superior merits of ono over another. In the question as to which Is the beat, we beg leave not to take elder. nut we do know, that the famous Shaw Clark's machines are all, and a greattleal more, than they are represen ted to be, by the proprietors. They combine every improvement, are drirable, easily work ed, are of plain construction, anti ere sold cheap. They will stand for veers and perform snob work as the hand never could equal; and when not in use are an ornament to a parlor or drawing room. They hem, fell, stitch, bind, embroider, quill and do everything_e pair of fair hands will guide them to do. Tbonsands or these -machines,are.{ in use, and we have never heard a single complaint Against their superior character. IL li. Long,opposite the Cathedral, Grant sticet, Is the agent for 1 138011COCHLOGIS, In this city. He 19 a clever and accommodating gentleman. His card will be found In another column. Grain Merebsuote—The grain business at this city has grown to he a very important feature of commercial Importance. Among the heaviest or most extensive dealers In the business, the lirm of Ilitcheock, McCreary d Co. stands deservedly high. They have cor responding seehouse all the romhaent grain marts West, and al very xtensively with forwarders and merchants of the East. They store NI their grain in the granary, on Libe street. here th handl e d danger from fire, a r ia where I tcan be with ease and expe diency. Their (Alice le up stairs, fi .3.349 Liberty street. We refer our readers to their card in another column. Camper's Inquest.—Corouer Clawson, yesterday afternoon, held an inquest alma the body of the unknown woman found float ing in the Ohio river at Di moat. From the decomposed condition of the body It was pre .sutued that It had been in tho water several months. The woman had brown hatr, tied up with cord, black velvet sample, black alpa ca dress, hoop skirt, two pair of drawers, and a pall. of heavy shoes over dark stockings. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts. The body was dooently in terred at Disanont. New !lode of Po rettastni.—liesterday Dr. Gilroy, of Alleghcny, cola a horse to a Gorman butcher on Ohio street. Attar the sale had been affected, and before the money was paid to 0 llroy Ibr the animal, the purchaser Jumped on the back of the horse and rode away. Sev eral hours elapsed, and yet the butcher did not return, whereupon Gilrout an Meer unon tk, who, alter a The search, stmoooded in capturing him.ase was settled by the butcher paying for the animal. Mann Sleetitna,—Thero is to a ho tomight of the "friends of social be libert oe y who are opposed to the workings of him temper. once letigueS of the county." Wo Understand that the liquor questlon Ls about assuming a I political shape. tis proposed that the sub. Ject In dispute be fully argued, pro and con. throughe public press. The meeting will be held I nSelene , / Ilan, corner of rim and Smithfield streets. Caved lo.—Tho coal-vault beneath tho pavement In trout of the reildenee of Mr. }Mattel, on Fourth street, caedin yesterday evening about aLx o'clocir. A'portion of tho Arcot outside the curb end Into the vault, lcurrying with it one of the rail e of the Oak. and and East Liberty Passenger road. The care are therefore obliged to bo etopped in front of the Mayor's °Oleo until the read If reparcS. Pug! ii Butcher.--John Metzexerttch er, resident So East Ilirmingliam, ised nie muscle yesterday upon Jacob lium_phrey, a colored teen, driver for the American Worke r for which, having been - prosecuted Defers Jus t:lee Ammon, lie was required to give ban for a bearing on a charge of assault and battery, The earthse were driving teama and came In collude% hence the difficulty. Itunsway.—A ee . lee . a‘ attached to a wagon loaded w ith empty egs took fright yesterday afternoon on Federal street and ran olf. The driver, who was seated on the top of the encmid in. jumping off without liningsusta any injury, savant slight sprain of ,the ankle.. .Tito mules wero captured within a short distance of the BUSPOnSiOn Bridge. . Severe FaS.—Lou isa .Whitney, a girl, resid ing in JetrerSon county, Ohio, while passing along.(irant street, near -Liberty, on her way to the railroad depot, yeeterdar, ateSPed uPon the rirni. or an orange, and elipning . • her head, receiving a samara acaip *On on. Dpferred..--Tbe bearlag in the ease of Zoba fieboter,.scouted of committing oassiutulton4 1384 4 4 7,-. 1 4P00 a child- of John Ryan, Lb Tam. .Ro,nosytuo. boa, by meanest, been derorred Aulacatassairabi until fialurdayirbok ,feJ Reformed Presbyterian SlYrioel. — The General Synod of the Reformed Preseiy. tartan Church met in Xenia, Green county, Ohio, on Wednesday last. On Thursday, re ports from Presbyteries, and other Ilia Pe t, were received and referred to appropriate committees. The report of the Chicago Pre*. bytory was presented on Friday. The contents of the report are likely to give rise to consid erable 1 /ISCIISSIettr- It requests that some mod ification be made in the subordinate stand ards of the Church in regard to the matter of Psalmody. It asks also that the Synod will take immediate action In order to enter Into organic union with other branches of the Presbyterian Church. It complains of the in adequacy of ministers' salaries to support themselves and their families, and urges upon synod the importance of giving a deliverance on the subject. That part of the report 'which touched on the subject of Psalmody was referred to a special committee consisting of one from each Presbytery t. , to be elected by the delegates presen eve understand that mostly all of the Pres. byteries refer in some way or other to .the se eject of Psalmody, sad It is likely to lead to a sale range of discussion. Soldiers Claim Agent. To tee returned soldier, who has manfully Imperiled his life in the cause of his country, it Is a matter of Importance that his claims upon the Government for his bosnty, pension or arrears be collected at the least cost to him self. It Is important to him that he defos not fall into the hands of dishonest claim agents, who openly, though legaty, swindle him out of the best portion of his dues. In this city our claim agents are,so far as we know, all honorable and fair dealing men, and the so!. 'Hers' pecuniary interests ere carefully guard: ed, and honestly attend.' to. Prominent, however, among the honorable agents stands our friend B. F. Brown, lateitary local claim agent of th e United States San Commission. Ile now devotes all of his time and attention to the collection of soldiers' Government claims, and through strict, honest and fair dealmg he secures a goodly share of patron age. he soldiers recognise in him a friend ge , and a nSuch he Is entitled to their patrona. MP °Mee is in the second story of No. W 7 Fourth street. We direct attention to his card elsewhere. The Troy 11 1112tian!ohlsag AJEstr—Hearhog =EMI We notice elsewhere the facts of a serious stabbing affray which took place on Troy 13111 on Monday. Wygold, the party charged with having done the cutting, had a hearing before Mayor Mm risen yesterday at two o'clock. The evidence addriemi being agalbst him, he was committed to JaU to answer the charge of assault and battery with Intent to kill. Jas. Miller, the young man Injured, la slowly re covering, and la thought by Ills, physicians to be almost out of danger. Alderman E. N. Morrow.—The profession al card of Alderman L. H. Morrow, of the Eighth ward appears among our new wive, tisements. Thoroughly schooled in all legal matters the possessor of an Indomitable and energetic disposition, and at the same time careful and attentive to his dntles, Alderman Morrow is worthy of receiving,and capable of Performing, all business entrusted to him. He makes a specialty of the collection of soldiers' claims, bounties and back pay; ho attends to all civil business such as collection of a,- counts, drawing of deeds, mortgages bonds, Sic. and die penses Justice in the criminal law wit , h a fair and impartial Judgment. His entice Is upon Pennsylvania avenue, at the end of Fifth street extension, and immediately at the foot of Chatham street. We earnestly re commend Alderman Morrow to the public. Will Yon lamoke T—lf you will, purchase your tobacco and cigars at the favonte place, No. 4 Seventh street, near Liberty. There you will find the best Havanna, the finest flavored Prinemes, and the most aromatic of emoting tobacco. There also you will find the finest of mecrshaum pipes, the prettiest of cigar tubes and the latest styles of tobacco pouches. Mr. George Blumenschein Is the proprietor. He knows his bush:toms; and has established a tip top reputation as a caterer to the alootian ap petite of man. Give him a call. Peace Diaturbedl.—Peac ln th family ( f William Georgie, of the Na e poleon e [louse, m the Diamond, was disturbed yesterday by Margaret }finely who is aeensed by Mr. (1 n with threateing 'bodily harm to his daughter and striking a child with a wash liacin. Mar garet was held to answer for surety of the peace. The ease transpired before Alderman Strain. Pfingst Woodsy.—Tho picnics given on Troy HUI, on Monday, by the German Lodge of the American Protestant AssocLation, and a Lodge of the Garabaldi order, were In COM memoration of the annual festival In Germa ny, known as •'i'dnget Monday," or Monday after Pentecost. biquest.—The body of the man fOtind doaa lag in the Ohio river, near Cork's. Ban, on MhMonda,y, proves to be that of the man Jones o was drowned on Friday last. Al derman DOnaldson held an inquest yesterday' morning w hen the jury rendered a verdict et accidental drowning. - Bse Ball Bate game of base ball a between the Enterprise mateh Club, of Alleghe ny, and the Hiawatha Club, of Kittanning, was played esterday afternoon, on West Common, and res u lted in favorer the Alleghenians, the. Hiawatha,. being beaten badly and quite For Trtol.—Alfred Wilson, the Young MAP accused of feloniously taking possession of, and driving away from the Theatre, a horse and baggy belonging to Dr. Rinehart, wee yester n day committed for trial by Alderman Strai. errimm and John Ocommttied.—E. C. S hictiovrn, accused of pil fering from Evans A- Co',,. gilt store, on Fifth street, were yesterday committed to jail to await their trial at the next term of the Crim inal Conn. - - Arm Broken.—tin Wednesday afternoon Jame, lk , wden, of the Sixth ward, was thrown from a wagon, and sustained a compound tracture of the left arm. The casualty occur- red on Penn street, In the Ninth ward. AbsestL—There was no business of any kind at Anlerinan Donaldson's °Moe yester day, the 'squire belng Inquest an day at Cork's Run, where he held an Inquest on the body of the roan (Conlon Monday. dirs. Battles Is the name of the woman committed to Jedl yesterday, by Alderman Strain, for surety of the peace, on complaint of Thomas Iloian. The accused " lives an fiplane's court, off Fifth street. Dlaehartre4,—The business In the United States Marlin Court having been disposed of, the Jury in attendance for two weeks and two days were diseharved yesterday, with thanks for their promptitude. An Ancient Couple.—Yesterday one Mat thew Patrick, over ecvouty yearn of age, took unto himself a wife about ten years his Junior. alderman Lynch, of the Third ward, perform ed the ceremony. From West Ellmbet6.—Justire Ferguson Riggs, of West Elmatieth, has oommitted for trial Daniel Megban, charged, on oath of John G. Taylor, with housebreaking, throwing stones, fie. Severed.--John Moore, n little boy, while using a hatchet to a lumber yard near the Allegheny river. yesterday, acci dentally severed two angers from his left hand. - -- - Not VertEled.—The prediction of our city weather clork, that It would rain In this vicin ity YeatereheY, was not verified. Thu atmos. puce . ° wan more Indicative of meow. Coming.—Prot. Hobart Heller, the celebra ted nocromancer and pianist, pill commence a brief engagement at the Opera House on Monday evening neat. QM! HOLDSHIP—On Howley, the 21st lost., at IUI4 o'clock. A. at., OEAIItHE W. litiLDSidlP, in the 31st year of his age. Funeral on WalthisDAY, the fad inn., at three o'clock, r. i. , at his late residence, No. a 7 Ander son street, Allegheny. The friends of the family are invited to attend. 2t lIMITNUS-011 Monday, at 4 o'clock r. at., JOHN ANTINGe, the ISM year of hi, age. _Funeral wlll take place Front the residedte of his father, JAM., Hastings, Spring alley. The rrieed, of the tinnily arc invited to attend. • • • BLACK—On Tuesday, 3Lay ISGS, ILIZA, daughter of ttro late Jotut Blank, of ltronnsburg Pounn. Funeral will take place from the residence. of Mrs. M. J. Carothers, Boberea street, two doors below First Ward *hoot House, Allegheny, Tina (Wed nesday) arrianzroox, at 2 o'clock, The friends of the family are invited to attend. mmEmuitii. f4ILIMAILi CEILETERY.....A. Am ....M1 and most picturesque Vico of &palm. alt. nue on the uplands. tnunedlatalr north otAlleghenY to wleat tla i teaa t tpth it t i on Boma. nations Ids/Ulu ant's Dram. nt th e oethesegPildnieZer="4 and all other haiku:as will pa . attanded to nt the Dram g a11 .... 14 ,,, L „ . . fi 1 i 1 1 e rig e4 1 1, corner of PedersU SU. A. Y erzu.r. murmur, and Treasurer. I A :lei! itvv) 31 igrILAFAYETTE v4111.-...WED LECTUEE NESDAY "XENIX°, "lay 23. 32E2 BY • OR. O. WILSON, OF NEW YORK. SubJect—`llSMlX AND CUOLLEA." • 8 Doom open at 3 o'clock; to commence quarter to cloc rorEMI ggirk MELEE LECTUR AT YEA,_ TUESDAY, AL* ". 2. TTE , ILAFA H O. L B(FOWLE ILLUIWPAY on SE of No Y w or — k. on SEER/ ItIOVEMENT. . fitlluttY and the° Coltare. Sesta, tltellis. Phrenological examinations add advise.' at MO. NONUALINEA.II4II3IIE, daily, from 8 A. 2.. t o y ,r. this week only.. • • mraima VENE'T'IAN SL 4 1111110TA.Maimx01. . VENETIA N- :BALA N D $, No. sfll.l"niticral i Z a in m e r tmlitraw ... 1.....L._.... L.. rt... __ i ~... TtlE WKEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. ON WEDNESDAYS AND AIR CRDAYA. the edition la fonrarded which 'ern meth tb• eeribere eooneet as the mall rim. SINGLE cortzs, PER CLUBS OF PIV . • CLUBS OF TEN AN D WATCHES. LES' GOLD WATCHES URA.ND OPENUNG: We hare ,lest °potted larte and well selteLN_ grEkNIMPIAT VangtttA.VETATlTOblaNt Greatly Reduced Prices. Call and see them. If I:eu 'rant to see aomething nice. .713117-I•7IELMELT3Et ci2l acs., Xerl7o€o2.l3l'lli, 46 FIFTH S . TREET, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALT mylo FOR vurapcmcminiii.% CLOCKS AND JEWELRY; AT TIIE CHEAPEST PRICES IN THE CITY. CEO IPC, WILL T. WILEY'S, my.-2:1,10 co. 6 witlE STREET CLOAKS, accs. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! NEW 4CI.CP_Ek_TICS JUST RECEIVED AT THE FIFTH ST. CM- HOUSE. ELEGANT CLOTH SACQUES Selling• at $42,50, MEM New Cloak House, 49 Fifth Si., Opposite Old Theatre. ELANUFACMUM3. pDIISTIUAL WORKS. 11U011 Y. BOLX....JASIES bitigOir...lllTATlft Ottn. HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. FOUNDERS, ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA CHINISTS; Manufacturers of bTEAMBOAT EN GINES, OIL WELL ENGINES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Werke, ail Mods of and Marine EN FN, made o onler. Fro EE m the well earned reparation of the Manager. Mr. JAMES NELSON, we hope to secure a liberal share of patronage from Steamboat builders and others wanting good maehlnery. Our aim will Into do all work in the best manner fora fair compensa tion, and to do it in the time we ray. All kinds of cesTimis made to order. Repairing Machinery Promptly attended to. We can turn a short M afect ong, and bore or turn a Pulley S/ feet diameter. 4S - Shop on Duquesne Way, near the Point. Foundry on Third street, Pa.&pie:Send ARSENAL GLASS WORKS MODES, RYRIE & CO., ifsnofsetemers of BLACK and QUEEN GLASS. WAILE, Druggists' Ware, Bottles, Demjohns, Car between areoust— D it ATEIt STREET, Smithfield sod (ru t streets, l'lttsburnhi itns. warrant our Wares to be superior to any man ufactured west of the Mountains. Always on hand, Glassware of the above description. All orders promptlylitended to, Particular attention paid to private moulds. na.V.. Y. cow-Ns 110kcin WEIGHS IOLLINS tg, WRIGHT, Brittania, Byas• and abaci. Metal Workers, Brittanla Cat- Lori, Carbon and La rd OH Burners, and CI dlllerest stylm of BriLtanta aged by Glass Ildanotheturers. Orders promptly lilted. No. 130 SECOND trrarizz Pittsburgh. .Penna. witty ATTORNEYS. CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, O. GO GRANT ST., PITTSBU RGII, iiifirComtnlsailoncr fur Ohio. Kentucky. Wert Virginia. Missouri anc other States. myl6tafk LI . ItLICHRELL., ATTORNEY AT LAW. O. S. Licensed Soldiers' Clutha Anent Bounties Sur Wounded Soldiers collected In fro ten to twenty day. SirOftlee, No. Se Grant stmet, Pittsburgh. Call with Discharge and two witnesses_ au 27: MILITAR ES, y BACK CLAIMS, PENIONS, st sA. BOVNTI PA Y mid 'Milian, Clams eve 77 dasc 7 lPLlon, collected by the subecrtber, the ibliowlog rates, els : Pena ons, $lO. all otha claims, SAM C. C. TAYLbk, rney at Diamond Wee. oPPoett A e t th to e Court Novae ' ~ N. B.—No charges are made If the cloim does not ucceal, and ail Information gamen gratis. splay L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I, 7t i al l ittlagri7k. U P l L TErEr . 'TAW"' SHIRTS, COLLARS, ace TO GENTL EMEN. At the lateot GOLD RATES now In stock at our GREAT SHIRT AND COLLAR DEPOT, No. 12 Firth Street, A splendid !Me of SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR, CONTRIBING GAUZE COTTON SHIRTS, GAUZE MERINO SHIRTS LISLE THREAD KEIL/TS. SUMMER SILK SHLRTS, • MUSLLN DRAWERS, FINE JEAN DRAWERS, LINEN DRAWERS. ALSO. FINE WHITE GRESI SHIRTS, FANCY FRENCH LAWN 'SHIRTS. LISLE, SILK AND KID GLarifiCE LINEN AN D SILK MMES., ENGLISH AND FRENCH BRACES, Late NovalUes l 0 TIES, Together with the most complete Line of Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods IN THE WEST. As oar businem is exclusively tIENTISEUILNISIIINCI, we rarely Pall to please In that line. Itemem ber our number, 78 "E91.21t.b. Btroet, Nearly opposite the Post (Mee. znyc2avr lm W&S MUkt.Docii PUTNAM HORTICULTURAL. GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PIAALZOWEI. An Immense stock of very select snd ell own ANN/ iICDt.I3iU 1 . LA28, for sale at the (Would Greenhouses. JOHN It. RA. iltiltDOC Oakland Can rue to the Greenhouses ewer minutes. tort :luLisa NEW VERBENA, MISS KATE BAUM. A fine stock of General Nehley's superior no kltss Hata Paton, now ready for sale al the Oakland Greenhouses. mylilmd&wl• - JURY: It. &A. IIUJIDOCkt. MI7:IM jAir THE MATTER OF THE OPEN• IN 0 AND WIDENING Or REDFORD STREET, from Fulton street to Erin street, in the Oily of Pittsburgh. All persons interested ars herebr notified that the Report of Viewers in the above mentioned street has been handed tome Iv, cotte.tio. of ...mem.. if said ustesments are not paid within TalitTy ,411.11,11,friohm.ptrohLop.rd,te., ..lier.Newod.ll,l:lllitdtherefor arest, eon nd fees. J. F. SLAGLE, City Solicitor, myista74 TN THE lIIATTEJILLOV THE OREN.. or SHINGISSEITRKET, frotoliratannetteet to renneylvarda avenue, /a the City of Pittsburgh. All persons Interested are hereby notified. that the !import of Viewe ban d ed shor f o v ea tioned street. bee thtt day beeto me llcn of Ma eeDentente. If amid aateatmenta are not paid within THIRTY DAYo froze Me date, Item will be lied therefor ngaltutt the properue, ”eeaaeo, with In erest, emits and fees. SLAGLE. City Solicitor. No. 106 fifth Street. CEEB 82,200 WILL PoIiCHASE A TWO STOUT - 1 3X1LICcux 1,17‘7211:r0 ci• And LOT 2 {07x4 oo ehiqt!.. street, Alleibeny Olt? . for turthoy particulars, enquire of G. FL TOWEL N0..164 riutth itreet. aryikaZ AIIFIVPRODtrer. F iL°ll/t ' ' GRAIN kap: bats. eutacilour • brands Muter arta twin s . Whom F; . num 111hraakee Club—ln narrator; ear do Watt. Wheat; earsßT.—to matte: . • • 3 ears eltolee Feaolt Blow rotaam Far SO. by • • R. KNOX SON. , No. 70 Dimond, Allegheny.. WW 4 l l P 4 mnikemoliwk and ATAAOmpar sasartmeat And . AIM !OM Britiad titeektoa Dore. s e: Purr.. liiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIMIII' • -41. so. • ::::: I IR: