Tiftoburgit 6autt. PUBLISHED DT PENNIMAN, REED & CO F. B. NIZIMMAIC. l Editors. T. P. OUSTON. j aL IA go n N IL P 13 um I e• 1. illan•g rs FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1866. FOR GO VERNOR 1 MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OF CUMMINLAJD COUNTY NOTICE TO ADVENTINENN. NetWe Le beret,/ Oren that berealter all rain . BUNT stivertLiements received at this omcc must% paid for when handed In. except In the eeee Of iehn7 14 YefttherN whose bill. will be rendered dn./tale. IS Motel. Advertisers will Ple.me nothe a note of this, es the rule of cash permeate for ad vertisements of the character stated, will be Miler ibly enforced. • • •• • The pries of onr paper is TIMES CENTS at the counter or from newsboys. Served by carriers at PI rrms CENTS per week. WHAT WE THINK Mt IT LAS' full Sir MORTON' Pero and other British capitalists made a visit to this country for the declared purpose of inspect. ing railroads in which they were largely in. terested, and of projecting other roads of formidable magnitude. A blowing of trumpets went before them, and the ac claim of expectant thousands welcomed them. Soon intimations were dropped that vast enterprises had been conceived, and would be matured with the utmost celeri ty. Hard after it was announced that tin Morris and Essex Railroad cf New Jersey, and the Reading and the Catuwissa of Penn sylvania, ha a, been permanently leased by the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Company; that the Catawissa lease had been attended by the transfer of a right held by that Company to use the Philadel phis and Erie Road; and that unemployei Charters bad been secured, by the same in terest, sufficient to make a new trunk lint between the East and the West, connect ing with both Philadelphia and New 'York. Not long after It transpired that gentlemen of the Atlantic and Great West ern had made large contracts for coal land. in the districts to be developed by theca new schemes. Upon the opening, of the Legislature al ni.t an inconceivable number of hills were read in place to incorporate companies •ti construct railroads to intersect either Us new trunk line or the line of the Atlantis and Great Western, or both. The excite ment was intense. Cool and sagacious railroad turn, °MAI& this particular clique, exchanged signifi cant glances, and shrugged their shoulders. Their conviction was that the new seherin }vas devised either to enable the Englisl holders of Atlantic and Omit Westeri stock and bonds to sell nut advantageously or el, to raise such vast sums as wool, complete the old projects while advancim the ilea ones, and so tide over serious dif ti, ult Till, 111U,11 i< certain, that while the British capitalists were engaged in thee tour of observation, an unexpeeted tire was opened on their rear in Europe. Such rep resentations were made touching the nisi of ronstruction of the Atlantic and Great We , terte railroad; its running expenses; its present and prospeedve income; its de pendent, on the Erie Railway Code. puny, and the fresh competition I; was bringing on itself; that phlctorit potlmileook, that were exixected to eepon wide, were obstinately closed. A gentleman, whose presence was desired at Ilarrishurg,to harmonize by wise counsel, altl tinihorielithe esprit:nut - tont, rival inter gists, was reported to have taken his depart lire soddenly on a pleasure trip to Cuba. He was not heard from in Cuba; and there arc strong suspicions that instead of going thither he went nt London. So much, a; lease, i , t-t•ltn through the fog and smoke that the grand project for a new trunk lint did Doi ~ .11:tilSe among legislators at Hat 'blew is, last among capitalists abroad. The ea,le e mild not be obtained. Men minty Mel not see why, having invested ninny millions In roads that were paying none too well, if at all, they should advance as many millions more to build a new lint which would compete as strongly with their old nice as with the Pennsylvanit Central. At thitt print an injunction was applied for from the Supreme Court to restrain the Catawima ftom assigning its right to us, the Philadelphia and Erie to the Atlantic and (treat Western. By arrangement, the validity of all the leases were included in the stone proceedings. Judge Read heart: the argument, and granted a temporary in junction. The matter will come up, thi. week, before .ho full bench at Wilkesharre. In form, the Atlantic and Great Western will doubtless resist the granting of a per manent injunction; in tact, they want to have it panted. We so judge 1. Because they have totally failed to raise the money needful to prosecute the plan of which the leases were a part, and without which the leases were compara tively valueless. • 2. Because the same rulings which will waned the leases in this State will probably cancel the lease In New Jersey. These leases, in any probable event, were about as foolish agreements on the part of the Att.:intl.: and Great Western, as people having a reputation for wisdom in the con duet of annini ever walked into with their eyes wide open. :1. Ilccauw• Sir MORTON PETO, in his late report, made at home, stated that he and his associates were on the best terms with the Pennsylvania Central. 4. Bemuse the Atlantic and Great West ern Company have ruade a proposition to lease, to the evtent of their own business, the Philadelphia and Erie Rodtl, which proposition is satisfactory to the Pennsyl. vault% Railroad Company, and has bees, Cent to London for approval there by low ties in interest; which it will most likely get. This proposition, whop reduced to a legal agreetnent, will identify the Atlantis and Great Western with the Pennsylvania Rutin:tad to such a degree as to stop colli sions between them, and lead both to desire substantially the same things. —We snake these suggestions for the ben efit of business men along the talked-of new line and those of Pittsburgh particu larly. The upshot of it all is that the At lantic and Great Western people here never had the resources wall which to build a third trunk line, and now, owing to their fresh, though (*untrained, affiliation, have no Wish to build it. If additional outlets are to be constructed, and especially front this:city, our own folk must put their shoulders to the wheel. Tan Sour" TAXING BIDES—This is the way the Nashville Timetinid Pre.. talks: "The conte.st between the President and the people is virtually settled; the latter am destined to pa the victors. The Northern States, will, over 25,000,000 of people, will - Oft' a solid col•amnagahtsrtheprogranu ne dictated to them from: the Executive Alan- Sion. , :We rejoice for the sake of the South, with bias' eo n bright and glorious'a career be fore her, under the. Inman° and enlight, cued control of peace republicanism, It is for her interest, .as regards immigration, capital, trumnihetures, education and gene ral prosperity, 'that the policy of the .Presi- Ant ati94ld,be signally defeated." MORDIOND(IM The Gentiles havenotonly invaded Utah, hut become hold, even to Eit!achy, in as patriarehial institution." The ridttit, which Is the Gentile newspaper, has evinced a degree of radicalism quite offensiVe to Mr. Blucunv Yocm+ and his fellow Conservatives. The editor has been scolded, alter the most approved fitslii„, has been denounced in the choicest billings- gate, and has been ferociously threatened with various dim afflictions, from simple cow -hiding up to bloody assassination, and all this without abating his public opposi tion to the nameless pollutions of Mormon society. At last, he has been forced to sue. cimb. There are terrors before which even devoted martyrs quail and shrink bark; and so Phis editor has suspended over his bead horrors which appall his sturdy spirit. Just see what is denounced against him, and how he trembles in prospect of the impending doom : "We stop the press to give place to the following; 'Now,' as the lark said to her young ones, 'it is time for us to leave !' We could stand the 'bloody hand' and the 'ske daddle' of other warnings, but the follow ing gets us. Just count us out!' " SALT LAKE CITY, April 9, 1566 "Hr. Editor Videtir:—lf you don't quit abusing Stenhouse and the Mormons, we'll come and marry you. We don't 'mean blood,' and we won't stand to have Sten house maligned; so you look out. CV' 27 MORMON WONIF:N "We weaken on the turn. Will some one take our place? 'i7 Mormon women" ! We apologize. We don't edit the ridette—Stenhouse is a good fellow—a bravo man—and he C, a look a dor in the face ! Beaules, he never did borrow a pair of brass knucklers. '27 M—' u Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable sinners! Don't shoot this way' We are not the man ! '27 wives We'll go !•• Won't Congress hurry up a Constitution al Amendment for his relief? An Unpublished Anecdote of Li11(.111 Anything told of that great and pled mau, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, will be read with interest. The following anecdote is related by the New York correizpondent of the Cincinnati Commercial: "A good, and what is better, an unpub lished and authentic story about Mr. Lin coln, came to me the other day from a 'reliable' friend, which may as well he set up on your types now as at any other time. Conversing with lion. James A. Briggs, formerly State Agent of Ohio in New York, one day at the White House, the late Presi dent said in reference to the rush of otlice swkers and their ingenious devices to secure his attention: ' Why, Briggs, I believiNthere is evert a system of female brokerage in .ottices here in Washington, for I tun constantly beset by women of all sorts, high and low, pretty aud ugly, modest and the other sort. lim% yesterday, a very handsome young woman called; she would not take a denial, was admitted, and went to work soli( iting certain oilier for somebody supposed to be her husband. She plead his cause dexter ously, eloquently, and at times was almost successful by her importunate entreaties. By degrees she came closer and closer to me, as I tat in my chair, until really her tare came so near my own that I thimglit site wanted me to kiss her. Then my lu dignation came to my relief, and drawing myself bark and straightening myself tip. I gave her the Koper sort of a 10,,k anti , ad- 'Mrs. —, yon are very pretty, and its very Lellipti rig; lilt 1 WON T.' I.outhern Feeling A prominent citizen of this roomy, now on his travels in Texas, writes from a Southern city to a friend, as fidlowi , "I find the people, that is, the old resi dents, thoroughly rehellinne. In my inter. course with them thus far, I find just what I expected, a profound contempt for Pres ident Johnson, personally and politiially; and a purpose to support hi• "Policy, - for so other reason than to break up the repub 111.11 party, restore umunditionally the Southern States, and, with the aid of the northern democrats and conservative re publicans, organize a party that will place the government again in the hands of the South. This is their bold, though, I fear, not impracticable scheme, MC LESS CON - GlIESti SHALL STAISI3 VIRM. A rebel of Kentucky thus expressed the idea to me. 'We intend to use the renegade demagogue, Johnson, who, without any sincerity of purpose, did so mud, during the war to break down the democratic party, and sold himself, Arnold-like, to the enemies of hi s ~ ountry, to organize a party on which will combine every faction and element against the radicals. Then we fall kick kiss into Contempt.' " Ttnt Richmond Examiner declares that "the men in the army and navy now, of Southern birth, expatriated themselves in regard to their States when they determin ed t.o remain in the Federal employment; - and - it fo lows up this insolent denunciation by the still more insolent assertion that "the Union will be a weak and pitiful force that shall fail to strengthen itself by inviting us.to our equal share in the naval and military appointments." Thus the groundwork is already being laid of a % construction platform that will give to the military and naval traitors who once fear fully betrayed the nation new opportunities for seizing defenceless forts and unarmed vessels, and it may soon become an avow. ed feature of "my policy." STATE lIICEIT9 7 " as contended for 1•y the Mewls of "my policy," mean the right to go out of the Union, to destroy the Gov. ernment, and the right after failing in that experiment to come back into the Union to destroy the party that Hayed the Govern. went. =I - 4 . great deal of discussion is being had in loyal circles of Washington in reference to thelate indictment of Jefferson Davis, and (mite a number of the most talented lawyers express themselves as strongly of the opinion that the bill in question is wholly worthless, from the terms in which it is drawn. All of them agree that the in dictment found at Norfolk one year ago is infinitely preferable tol the one just pre sented, and that the bill originally present ed in Washington is better than either. —The opening in the Morguura levee is about four hundred feet wide, with a depth of ten feet, and that at Grand levee full half mile in width. The combined flood of the two crevasses must speedily inun date the Most productive and best cultiva ted lands In Louisiana, all the way to the (lulf of Mexico. It to one of the greatest disasters that has befallen the sugar region, and coming directly after the ruin of the late war, it will bankrupt thousands. —The constitutionality of the act of ('en gross disfranchising deserters will he ar Klied in the Supreme Court at Harrisburg DeXt week by Mr. M'Clure in support of the act, and Mr. Sharpe in opposition to it. The case excites much interest, and its do. cision is of vital moment on many pounds. The bill in the bands of the Governor will doubtless be held by him until the court decides the question. --An interesting and important decision touching the responsibility of common car riers has been decided at Milwaukee, in which the American Express Company are to pay two hundred dollars for damages done to a eremona fiddle while in transiscr• union, notwithstanding attempted waiver of responsibility exceeding fifty dollars, ex pressed on the Company's blank receipt. —lt is understood that the Surgeon of Fortress Monroe has complied with the in. structions of President Johnson, to flunish a special report upon the physical condition of Jeff. Davis. The nature of the case has not been made known, but there is reason to believe that it does not speak in very hoperul terms of his condition, and urges a less rigid system of confinement. —The railroad running Erma St. Louis to Springfield was sold on the 18th inst., to John C. Fremont (Or c1,300,00th Seventy seven miles of this road hate already 'been completed. Its owners claim it will be worth $12,000,000 when completed. Four or five millions will be neeetutary to finish IL --Commissioner Rollins has decided that an individual astending'in any business befOrq..tUly department, for vrbiela he does not reoeivo Pay; and 'which is done as an act or niendaluP: does not make Lim a clam age 74 nOt reclaim a. gccuse. • 1.tNE11.% NEII Si Pox. has broken out in Johns INT —Half n million artist , now re-41e in Italy. —.k1.1.41 ha, ,l.ral by 111. war MEI - Invundiatu, uotk :tll through the country. —Thurlow Weed Brown, the temperance lecturer, is dead. T. Monroe has taken hi, seat as I Mayor of New orlenns. —A. matrimonial tilt—Tilt vs. 'Tilt, u New York divorce suit. —Next July will witness the last effort to lay a teleghiph ac rose the Ocean. —President Juarez of Mexico attended the reception at the White House. —Nearly nine thousand bankrupt, oe current last year in England.' --A recent fire in Salem, Ma,., d es troy ed $lOO,OOO worth of prottert c. --The Prince snot Princes , of NN ales arc to attend the OXforil Conitnelnioralion. —Henry Hayward anti. ill:a:Wily killed in Boston by Inning ihniugh a hatchway. —The population „r Alliance , 4116", as ascertained by a een.u• just taken, ia3, - .27t1 . . —A holy in rfichl, had her eye put out I.y the explottion of a coffee Franci , thillaglnl, or n, way, drown ,1 in Ihe Oknemangli l.r acci dint. —Another ottierr of the Fretanuen'h itureau hes been murdered at iNteridian, Miss. —N fatal disease among l a mb, h as a p. peared in the wool growing Jistri, is of Washington ,eenty. —The Treasury Department rev, tied last week over two hundred applit allows for clerical appointments, —Louis Napoleon is opposed to the brew lug war in Europe, as II 'nay interfere ith the Exposition. --A farmer ploughed up a near Frederick, Maryland • and os , oistantly killed I.y the elplo , ion. .k large new gy 111113 , 111111. with ample 1111111111 g iit1 , 1111111406,0 j. 11) ht. cslab• lisped in C 1111 11111:Ili. --Some like lndinna roulnly, l'a.. a night or t,s,. -ince Nurh prolwrly war: —Charles Lund) wu. inkkkuntly killed in Lill' N 1 OodS near 11 ud,4at, Nkkw lurk, Lc Ilse accidental kli.elkalge rild• Di e kik k k,w k _'king Ikk It Ikkarrik , l she is in :kklynnee el twksi 1 kuu.4 wilt, do not I, lure mkt 11 aft,- inarriakr. E-chnnin burned to death hy the enido,iou of a red oil lanw trhich he WIIS tilling :tear n fit, Jordon lthode,, Ilunt.ville, I Ihnol., is the ohle-t inan 411 lit State. II i. tai yearsllllklllS 1 , 111 le , V gray hait liors.-thiel es and desperado,. have been lvtiched to death in Si. t 'Litt county, during the past few W 4,1., _-- ' l '. ic , lieu of Ii y the omit , ti lit, In 1.13‘, , 11 week. It is lu•lirtr,l 031 311 'oil, will elll3 nule tr.on Ili, FR 31 Ilrpa rt u,rin 111 a Ir tut now in -., u,• • It trn.k, if 11,• run L • , ..14,111, ivinlove I ;.•tii•rat ILO\ t i.11.,11 chief of th.• 'can illg in lilt• nruil.ll.l• pi • r,ic mill ti N(111 yawns, awaiilttg the ..1..,111, of narig,atioll -It is rilloor,.l 111..; 11..11 ovoper, 11l iVali• II U.r3 to t h. l'r,-I.lc pt. kill shortly st .1 .1o1),,•i) -I)r. ,Nl', Lllll, 1% .laughtrr. 1)3 , by jury. Thr vcrdici up•et. with approv:hl in w Il lh,nl. 111.1 `h her,thr 111 , 1111 c occurr...d. —A 4,11 - .Lin,•,•tilla of r,1,, 1 , and Ih•olo. I rat , wn, held at Chattatmoca n 11,. a at %rho h :ro, the lA , . tti Ilto• 1. n I ran c hive laN‘s. —The Senate has recalled the notnitm lion of A. H. Sloattaker, n Phila.lelphitt i,olitieiatt, in the plate of General .11)1111 IL Taggart, a soblior ot repute, it. Ceollect,,r of Internal Revenue in Philadelphia. —tiwindling by telegraph is in v,,gue. The sharper watelies the html arrival. a nd telegraphs to the leant- of the traveler Mr funds, signing the latter's name to Us' men sage amt lifting- the letter when it arrives. —l;ellCral Fit/. Ilenry Warren has re signed his position as a Suite Senator of lowa, with the intention, it is suwxised, of accepting the office of Minister to (Mat, main, to which he has been appointed. —The Hon. Thomas Craig, formerly of Curlew county, died of CotiStinlplion the 4th inst., at los residence in Allmitowm aged 42 putt's. Lie was four year, a Rep resentative n 1 Curlew and Lehigh comities in the State Legislature., and three years a Senator. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1--- fIiORINAIIIOIIIII4 FOR °Fill.. CP:Hs or tile. A 1.1.P.1/11 EN 1 LIBRARY ArS SOCIATIoN. to nerve for ont• )env r,tulng. For 1,4,1,1..nt ----JOH II tit iN n.: • • Vice .. A. H. ENHLISII: •• t-er.relsul I. LEW:ATE: • • r. Merre lary W 31. HAMILTON, •• Trrasn .....•1. N. AVILHIIN; •• Itirretor. , ICOHERT LEA, .1 A.ll EH td r 11 111 EIL 11liF.1, 11.1 DOLE, IL. ELTON. JAME, LOCEII A HT, Ilk,. J. R.l LARK. JOH 111 111031 .• Allllll.l', . . .N'll HEIA 1 . 1,K, .1 A.II CA LOW F LL. J. H. 1:0 RH. I.leotlon to be hold on the Fouirrti MONDAY IN MAI. 11, toy 1.5.:141 NI,MINATLOII I'O3llll ri()rricAE. TIIE Iit:RAINING PART of the ...,arge property for sale laid out In Boyd Allen plan of lot., 1.11110. .old In lota or by the tuna. ,pen dld for gardening purposes or for oily real dew,. Apply to W. N Bun), ofßre corn, of Blatnond nod Brent streets. or to Biel - IA ILO AL. LEN, on the properly, al Lower el. Clair Hotel. AL[. PEBBO2IOI ARE HEREBY WARN ED not to !SWEEP OR PLACE ANY ItURISLISH 01 ANY K IND IN (lIMEILS OR IiEWEIS, as they will hr nroorwtalecl for emote. J. F. lIVNTER, y17:a411 StreetCominll4,loner, YyxlDl.trirl. WILLIAM F. ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Nice, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. soy I; W AItDEN & DATCHELDER, It ItUKER.3 IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, W *IALI Ii II„ !Mel N, 61 . 111.1 TS TUILVENTINE, li~lrf II CAUOIAN A Corner of Duquesne Way & Hancock Mt., Pittoburgls, Pa. P' yl. U. Vi AUDEN, Walnut xlreal.. 11.1 V . 'll . _ }'OR SALE. TIIF: KNTI it Id A , 111 NY.I:Y OF A Spoke, Hub, Rim and Handle Factory, I'ILINCJVALLY NEW Address 1.141 X No. 273. itesallug I. myl7mA" FOR SALE. 200 ALE BARRELS, In good order and nearly new. to hc ..id many Address at NO. 11l EAST PEA.III.. tSTItEAT, CIN =I FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Sn this. polt,l. brand, Wintor Ind Spring Wheat Floss; Scars Milwaukee tlith—ln Eno stor; I ...or do White Wheel; 2 ears errit e: 3 curs choice Peach Blow rotatoe.s, For sale hy B. KNOX & SON. mph No. Si) Diamond, Allegheny. REAL ESTATE WANTED ,FOR CUSIX)I7B./M — A Dwelling In Allegheny, In good leestlon, of 8 or w mama; o Suburban Itefil onee. Wi th large Im, near IMO of p,menger rail way.; .Dieellmg and lot In Telltil Ward, a Nell dente on rennatretti three-story Brick House In First or tieeond War ,d• a Small House and the atty. CUTELBEHT a MEWL Ed /Market et. RECEIVED TATS DAY-420 Obis. p rtattl York Stsla, .111Mbory and Brandywine Itoreete, now 10 store add tor sate er coyly L. H. YOBYY. D BUCKWHEAT BUS• 8 " d f acme ur .alc GT. L. U. yol / Door In 7, 17 SAlNTS—Beautiful pictures of 144.1711;s: ttrigirottli.crlykiltasrulmrs- timpr. UASKET WILLOWS-20 bushels b=rim icy, sale by myl/ ./SLUR MILEY 6 CO. " ' KEN S. " SE till JADES T. BRADY & CO., CM" wAncnousu (Sne , essors to S. Jones & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts BANKERS & BROKERS, I NIN'I,e• Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons I 01.1.E.111 , N5 mull on all acceetllda point.. In the I.:1111,i Stat. 4 and Canada, Interest allowed on Time Deposits. 14 .11 DRY GOODS! ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON It CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Invite the attention of Merchants to their Spring stock, Which they oiler ot the lowest eastern prices for Cash. Dress Goods, Delatnes, White Goods, Flannels, Cloth, Cassi mereh, Satinets, Tweeds, P ARM RIM A SIEC II ARILS' CASSIAS - ERRS, II I. EA 1, H CO AN I) 112.t/W N MVSLIT,S, PRINTS, al NORMS, PH RC SS. • L UNALBS, de. H Osie ry, Gloves, Shawls,llatznor- Morals, Notions of all descrip tions. SIO - I , artlenlar &Woolon pall 10 asl - NewGood. constantly urrlvlnig. ad - Call and t. %Junin, our Good. awl Prices Ili Wood 8 ... o t le...Mb • =1:1 C. AUM TIINOT W. T. SUANTION J.O. svcrapreox MOPOSA LS FOR BUILDING ERS. 'rvsll , l I CIL • • l'll 1 or A 7 May If.to, 110.1'05A1, will Iv. reeelve4 iris ontli if o'clock, r 0.. on MONDAY. .214111 Inman t. for etinstruellog a Prick hewer In the bed of the Ventuylvanla Canal, beginning at the 0.1 111, iof Anderson street, thence a estle•rativ Slot/. the line 0( the ealt.l 1140 feet to the cithal Bag., in tile W•rd. , allhre of Moe et: %Iwo., SOlll toward:, atom I the line of the canal IMO feet to Ihi All. glieny rl. er. II a ralihre of tight 11,1 Ilat r0e11..11 of a Sewer froru Audrr.on 31rr r t to toranthassltrtet. elynK lie 111$. ..I ..1 tyro fte.:. For the r0n.r0...0n of a Brie I. ! , .t.w..f . of rout re.. ...,11nre, AI Ow pun. about refl. l. n•alli .4 Hrl..orn •tre. 2; them . , war,ll) ent. of Dylan... for al. da.anea. an... ra.,l to atm 4or 1,.. ross.trut :loss of et Itrlvls :es.% er. beget, otos: at less soltsrssortion ur selelo and .f.llreceseny et sower.. les sloe ...wood 1\ aril: Shone, isoutliwarally sII esef esso rooter of All. ethers) • tents r 24se foe I to the os ctn. so lereolsessees ..srs henc...l°oX fess' rout , ' Itra.lseso offlsost us Tr snout ....vet, Ito u.r 4..114 Ito e rule, oflets ssrtlie fe es to M. refstro of Ite•ele •1 root . rho calllsrs . of like .14, 1 - 011 et psseut to toe tbonser Itssarlf •tres I rase, soon's, west] fir so She writ Slim of Irwlse An, our, of she easillore lour foes; throes esootte-rafarr•rdly rsfse fos t 10 r• rull rot ..tirt ree s•• nor. ot thy call lore lit nye 1.4 1: Illen,lllolllll,l.ld,Prdly le.! 1114 1,121111.• or pr. 'rut r NV s.l s ous ..... ss. Ito .01tor of ~t fret. ops ninth.'an he us es se Mr offloo —1 %N . 11. Os II C.f . . Isltl, IforstrOUse Itoeesse.tor. toy t• Ist It. It. I , {(.1.11:1h. ley t r seseee-e (11 i ( ) 11)01.1.AIIS. se .f•J • Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, AL 31:3. 33 11.2. a MCIECIr 1111= .41 Lower Pricer than they can be bough( in this city, I=l .1. R. & W. C, BORLAND, I=l 1101'S CLOTHING ll'oulh's Clothing, l'h Ildresea Clothing .4 Large Mock of all the New and Staple Pll3 les, al No. 47 St. Clair Stmot $ L0G.d1.4 `TO/ HS WANTED I=l =I I= HAN, W.. 3 r. iwymvi,t,Lli 3/A 1.1,c 111)111 E.T . 31A F.T HATE,. ROBINSON. CO.. VS Fourth Street IMO J. DIAMOND, Practic•al Optician, =9 RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Which are warranted to prese strengthen •n•I tinprol Th.. sight. Fugate s.nly by J. USAISONti, nivl7.3:Si No. 2111 St-Clalr Street. := McCLELLAND & CO., Corner Federal and Lacock Streets IEIC 3EI Pa ., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Itcalers oil., Varnishes, Drngs, Vre [Mart, l'arium etc.., Standard and Patent . nes. Their stock is large and well selected, awl will he sold as low as toy house la the west. ingiing.3l BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AG EST'S FOE TUE Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Works Ample Storage for Crude mid itefined Oil. Liber al eaali ativanets made on consignment...! Crude or benne , ' Petroleum. Yards forstorage mid ship ment of Crude Oil at Lawienraellle. 1nt1,., and iYarchons , Corner of ituque.ne Way and Hancork. street., Pittsburgh. U1)111,1411 w 10 Ilrbl AY A. I, AP OKIIIiON EAGLE OIL WORKS, Lcacvroaaoovlllo. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON Ittlinerti and Dealer". in PETROLEUM. OFFICE. SECON DSTORY, CORN ER !TANI 'OCR ST. AND DU(4I: MN Y. WAY. my Mass THEATRICAL 110131ERY. A FULL LING OY SHIRTS, TIGHTS, TRUNIS, &e., AT w.8a1x...44k.5rg9 OLD STAND STOCKING STORE, No. %I Filth Street, 13ILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! DA-17•17Z) IL ZICALI.IL. Respectfully announces to his Mewln and the pub tic generally, that he has lustopened his new and commodious BILLIARD 1410515. CORNER Di' LIBERTY AND ST. CLAIR trreciticrs, enernorc from Bt. title. The Tables ore new s dirld c.l In the most approved aim tier% style, and all the signirtenances are new and co pipe. livery• thing which may conduce to the pleasureabd enloy rocut of Ms patrons will be Worded. MYITI.4I ROUTE FOR SALE. A ROUTE OF 400 SUBSCRIBERS tql the PITTTISHUItGII elllNlitY LEADER. for sole OCI rossoimble terms. nose! at Lilt other of the I.Nwhish, from It, A. N., stall 9, r. U., for three ,1975. myl7:us3 GAUZE UNDER-WERE. WE DAVE NOW A GOOD AS sortment of GAUZE VESTS AND DRAWERS, For lictatemon, Ladles and etilldreti'l Wear. J'BUTII/31 P=l=CaBlC", OLD tSTAND ISTuCHINC; STORK, No. 24 PDTII balmsr. BOCK BEER! BOOS 33 - Erirnti A splendid stock of RUCH 11F.Eit, and LUNG will by Riven at J T. If RYDER'S, No. 30 Fut mill NYnxicr, reeemeneing en FRIDAY, the DU, Plill TEDIRE DAYO y MAW HOLMES, BELL & CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, ANC:IIOQ (A) BIBEETIBlat). • ANCLIOB (B) )311EET1rilili, ANCHOB (C)IIEETINOS, And ISIATTIBIi. mylb:Aß) CHATUAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, NO. OU UItA.NT tIT., eITTSBULtUtt, PA- AfirCesatalastoner for Ohio. KesitnekT, We . Vlrglnon, and other States. m7lo:alfe TIOBBINEP ELECTS/IC SOAP—The best and mosteounondeal Laundry !Roan In um, c No o .r r:IVI I I/k b' Tn . 111: : elt i re a s4 4a . tti c no i m o m rde e lni r ron i ny c tbe Pualad•lpbln Continental Ilote ' 4.1.1 i Preston :Laundry Co., Pnlladelphla Alms House and num belles* uttkers. /tarsals In any r inittirun rnstorers' prfeetr__ +44-I;,„iduasidoree4. myis RICHARD E. BREED, XMILEPC>3Ft.T33I . I. No. 100 %O(►d street BRITANNIA AND SILVEIt PLATY! , A 111. F. WARE. TEA THAIS AND TABLE L ER). wny. on 11.0.1. CHINA TEA SETS. PITT[. A lON NEB NETS. CHINA TI M. VT SETS. ‘IIIN A VANES, CHINA BEITTOONS, BOHEMIAN WARE oF EVERY OEM BIPTIoN LAVA CABO BA.hET., LAVA VASE.. LAVA SlOrlouNN. EN4.1,1811 ?STUNK NV A ICE of II rarletlio. wholesale and retail trade. The largest Mill 10.1 gtock of every, Wog In 1111. line In the oily. Prises and urine the same an In the em-tern 1.116.1. in 17: ale _ DISSOLUTION THE FIRM OF MAILMAN, RAFEII I. Co. i.bor , •bv 11e,ulved h) mritual ron•ent. the totoreate of ALLEN KRAMER and El AHD ItAIIM hevlng been .old to FRANI( lIAIIN and liKokttiE W. lIAILMAN. The Ido.lnea) wlll In• onntlnnrol under the same stylo of F1A11.11A , .. KAII.II A CO. AI.I.F;N KRAMER. EDWARD 1:AII)I. lito. W. lIAII.IIAN. FRANK ItAII3I. NS'. I'. M A ' Kt' 111. W. VAR:. M. Prr - Nnrnou. May 16th. We chrertnity recommend o r.lntlo . Iltoh ANL) eTEEI. 131 , 51NE5.5. and soliett for them aoontlnuanee of the patronage ,o Woo.. he oa tot on the late firm. A. KUNO:IL. E. It 1114. DUQUESNE WORKS. Hailman, Ralim &, Co., ul., 1 - 111.01 v! Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles. Plow, Spring and A. 11. Steel, ti.c. II'AILKIIOUSK-Nit. 77 WA TKIISTREET ml 17 al, THE DEARIM TRAGEDY. ni.tr3ted PORTRAIT OF TIIE FIEND PROBST, TIERS OF THE SCENES OF THE KIM, He. Pr relit-. Ma 11,4. =I STEPHENS, the Fenian Head Centre: ROUT. E.MJPIE TT, O' m., Box,: I', Map of Ireland rtlit 'ALE 1,1 JOHN P. HUNT & CO., RA ilfta SI« 711/141111ile Hall n rl 'I lIE BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, MMEMIE=I t• a. rfireittM •• it I- •/111pi, 111.1 'ERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And afforded If a prn•. TISPIgt tte•r vveroth t rarnlit In I lantl "/Ir. tr low prle• to al ol arlsl,lL. I 1.11..1 . ..taro.. 11 - v0nt...1 to ot. toe II Ir l% 11. - F KED lo•tt and only re lend • ‘•, eontlro..to 40,Al.F.SMAN 31EIA2MPIL'Ir cts 3E1LC:1017173E375, .IKI4 A 1.1.: AI:Fr-NTS. No. GB M . lrtal. gait - 10 4 0 2, 1111111 a2l rivr,ut 10.11. pITTSBURGII LEAD PIP} Sheet Lead Works aatr to order and 1,1 i 1 1111111 an Ille. ,nn ,BAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD, At lA)west Nlarket Rxttem I= Plumbers' Material, Brass and Iron Cocks, Steam Gauges, Steam Pum ps, Plain and Galvanized Iron Pipe. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No, 167 Smithfield Street. T. T. [WWI. pLUMBLNG, 'IS AND STEII FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON AMPS. .HEZT LEAD. SHEET ZINC LEAD 111`1,, SINKS, BASINS. WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, 331717 - 131 0 61 - JEI 00., =I =I OEM NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels ♦ Can hr fornihtted with beet quality of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES I= Ry calling oo JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 121 and 129 First Street myr:e4o PITTRULTEIGH, PA. WARING & KING, COMMON MERCHANTS AND BROKERS IN Petroleum and Its Products, 1 0 rievuEs.rE Ira r, 3PI'I"T/E533101E1.401-3EIC, PA. 19= WARINC, KING & CO., =I El= 2,200 WILL PURCHASE I=3 3EIRS-(=nN. DOPI+3LLIN Gk And LOT IN by 80, ou Chortler,. stroel, Allegben: Illy. For further porticulors, onion, or U. II TOWER, No. 164 Fourth street. tnylsA= BOOKS. STATIONERY, gro. A THRILLING HOOK Political Economy of Prophecy, With venial reference to Ito relation to the lllstory of the Church and the Civil, Military and I:celestas- Oral History of the Roman Empire, and of Ita last Emperors, the 'Facer Is amileons, with an Appendix on the Pope'. teat Ratty elVal, and the Finnan of the milieu of Turkey, prophetically and hletorteally demonstrated. Illustrated Portaalts of the Nit trtil'or!.( creaVlA; C irot ncolumall. For sale by • Sc. J. C . ItEmt. mil h. 73 Fourth turret. RE-PLATING LA DIES, SAYE YOUR MONEY =1 E=l CASTOM TEA SIVI I KITEKS, PORK% KM TITM EASICE.% RN lV lITt.III ES, OAKS KE . c,.. .s be re-Plated and made to LOOK AND VP SAE EQUAL TONS W. AT A exam. COST. JOHN IL 0011. E wzr.4.. No. 7 St. Clair street. INSURANCE AGE NTS. GAumEes,n corn* ,Agent t e 'V , e.. mNn pa nß W m Dlea Third stratus. W JONES, Arid forth° North ford LAIZIXO=nr.,,FgtVIINAT7i2P" WM. A. SELEPAIRD, Secretary of the Citizens , leasielusee Clrlepany, eornelet kik tl A Nll WATCH 411112/111. wokrio: SIININLEIL--STE'rEION §101:79E, GONG 8 - 11.A.NOH, NEW 4F.lthElf. This new .4 elegant Hotel will be opened for the won on or about th e lath of June next. Thls hotel Is particulfin astarirj We the comfort of families. fat " Aior l ll.7:ae7N:r VcTrt e ZT. the o%. On {4 at. of. April .the stockbelders meet at the Astor Boa. to view the plans and lo cate their rooms. A few shares of stock - remain on disposed • Dee. do eo by application to J. ICOLE%. BrOadWay, • • tflifittema WANTED. DRY GOODS. TRIMMING& CLERK WINTER—With some NEW GOODS! .11.1ittI. to 1.. I , •sn., hI• vtoploy. r. In a., 111= -IS E' N vAsTED A COMPETENT STILLMAN referva"— roitilred. No oillcy aced apply IVAI2ING A Kl'L.. N. 4 Iluquosn.. Wn, In 011 e of mrl a!: WANTED, 33 t=l..e3Li=t r: xw - 436. , In a ',iv,. F3u,:iy goo , l 11 , 1 riling House, by 'IWO YOl. No ars of w , [1.1 lublln. 1.14 re.. IV ANTE') AGENTS-I'o can yam 4•vrryr I, 'I l~l•tale, wmc.,llll. is THE VA NIII.I A tt , AN A EN , 1" Hrl4 PI, ' l h• ..I.esovou. • 1 . 1 - ,t, • I. 1,1.1 sTni.l,, a. !sul.r.wrlpt lon Fnr 4 1,111:‘,., particulars. terra. of • 31cy.Ir )11:1IMERHultN. BAN . T 1:10 Hr-.r e • lurk; ..r. W. F. \\ YI.It ,54 N. 010(11 • 1.1t11.14 ki I from pulpit service, PAS.. wl .....•• •.11,1, 11 ill3.ii ~n al.. for supp..rl. sTU -1.1..!• rn who w , ..1k healthful and r ratltrcm pluim..ut for. 11.1,. :in.l Al CI:KDI TED HOOK A 1.1." NT,. will nod till, valoahlt. work In demand. GENTS WANTED FOIL OUR NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, rht rt,ttrtal Itook of ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS E REBELLION:. ME= Splendidly jlinstraled nigh offer 300 fine Ponraiti and Beautiful Envaliuzs. Thiswork. 1.. r ,seni $1 him., tender natl.., Mart- Ong It,rt all enellye 11-a oi y. stands peerie,g and alone anno, all 11$ romp.. iltors. Valtant and ktra,e lit :yr:mi.. , Pteltareaqite and 11ratuall, the U lltr and Mar , . lot,. 11$$$ T$ and Patio:lie. it.. Hall of and Mary. 1. amp. and Meg, MartiOlyt Stirprim, Wonderful E•ent 0,. F:111101114 an ords d Deed, of k% moats. gut Ito '.hole Panorama of Inv War nrs ilere ihrlltinyly And ,tartlltlyyly portrayed to a luny. , terly 11/1/111. r. at 0111, Illstorikal and romattlie, ren .l. 1111, It Ihts 010 , i 311101, 1,1111,111 l •1141 res.lahlt - L,.., that the ha• eglied forth. I sl.aole.l on...ern and soldiers. t.aehera, nerget.ss young no,. L/1 LI nil v. tot or protitable employ no tat. *lip rind 11.1 , he hem elan,-,- to male money set oilared. m $l.l tor elreulars and nee our Ann:tam.. NAIJONAL PUBLISHING CO., N••• 507 MIN.,It n•r ILE ET, PHIL A l'A i1:46 FOR RENT FOR RENT, =I =I A. 1.11,.. M. ,A/1111'1I DOOM TO LET. A LARGE AND AIRY ROOM =I 1.-I.quir , 31 uAzEiTv STING VOR RENT—The Lot on the cor t• Rattler 30 , 1 Allt.glseny Ittrvett, Ninth NVartt. tog, tl,. r ss al, the .14 1,1,1. Ilepot Building th,rt-tto. l'tor tot Ikat. lil r , t•l front Ity ItAt dvatti to. too alley. tit Ira... It for Ots or,n yea?n. Ap p., to N% 31. M. ItAItI.INt.TON, at No. 37 TO-LET. THE THREE STORY lilt mi.t.ts" nt ar the BrLig.. Fed eral -tree, meer oven pled It /• tiara eun vuutellol, M••lchnintwr, parl..n, glin , re..., Lll.le.u. and bath turn, L wit r v,able ,rrang. n .it, with m tenant. noei•lera. 1,1. NI 'inure xeLy rental u tntl.t.houw. lily 4,1. 10 , 1t1 Jh.. Alleghet.3 • AUCTION SALES ~,,',El'4l.liD SALE OF k AND 1.01, AT Al;t"rlten. — llu sATultl.A TKUNOW.s. !Ins I.th, at 3 4,1...1.. nil.. prriine•. thr P.ron ...un- Turnpike, n.l. r•in.int , 11.11111 • knit Fallll. 1$ LI, Holliflng .4 linrden Lot,. n llnsd A I A All. plan. 1 111. , rarn oppnrtunit) 1.-, the Int , bring ..1 gond •It.. All , l 1011 I,n min tar.' wall Cr.,!,, Inc It lrtultig. Itridgr. nn._, In.—thud card, and the balance. In I and Zr.,,,.. all!, ,ertu.l by Inuit and tour, ltn, In) 1. 1.k.1.1.A.1.1D, AII - \ ARSILAI.'S SALE. —By A Irl ue I - II \ endltl , mlou . l 1.1-trl,l t “urn the t:a to,l miles for the rto t "I Penns, I, :kola. a.] to nzto- •11.<1.4,1, I .1 l'tt Mit, ht• St.•sh.thtat • •Itt h • • in, t• .A ,itart I mini tn• sahl t;t 1,...1 1,4., Ito a ...I - tn.. on..••• of t•l• : anti ma, I% at m m ; tor Ilea., )1t•ato•• sand., J. ~ IMMMUi= A. MUltlic, . Slarblml WeNt. Pa EOM PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEA 1.F.11 1 1 11(opthAL, will hr recelvell until MAY 46T0. for tlrradlug nod Paving I.A OREL ALLEY, In the Borough of Manchester. from the north std , . 01 bprttee ttreet to Cl,, sonth side of Le u. street. and from Inc north 61.1 v of Chestnut to the +oath side of Wat.hlugton street: the pa, ing to ho lonic of River Holders 0101 (travel. anal the work In he dour Ituder the direction of the Coul• utlttec on Streets and Borough Regulator. For further Information, apply to the undurhlgh ed, at Phelps, Parke • Cd. s Quire. Manettenter. 111 yl7 ..t.O WM. N. KINK. Chair, of Com. OTICE TO CONTRACTORS.— ...rated Pt-epos:Us will Iw reeclved by the under .(Igned, until MAI 21111. tor the tiractlng of the 1016.1 V Yug and alley lu the Borough of 11111.0 • ettnvter, to wit: rayet . te tt.treet, front ly i sve r street to Fulton Lt. of ro Fkner Alley, from olton ',ref, to west I I l' 2 'rlo a ct . l Fulton 'tree, to west Itno o 'Aeu;lNnrtillt,eott, front Fulton ..reef to west line of rage, plan of lota. Manhattan Street. from Ohlo avenue to the north 'lnc of Fleming•l property. The said gradingnd the cliapusitlon of all e Sc.,S plug ea eat:Rion., e., to be clone by andunder the cllrretion of the t tee on Streets and the Ye e., rcllng Regulator. For further Information. call upon the no der copied. at the oilier ot Paint & Co., Man ricester. or VI 11. Sic Rennet Recording Regulator, Allegheny City. WILLIAM N. Klatt, usyl4:a3 I 'lsalrtuan Street Committee. LI. 5. 1i . 550%1110L,C, POUT 1 . 177.1, St Orricg. May Ist, 1160. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sealed Vroyousalis, accompanied by proper guar antee., according to forms to Inc furnished oil ay- Wit-Ilion to this Wake, will be received thereat, un til tO o'cleek 0., on the 1 , 1 HST TUICISDAY IN JUNE NEXT, for the supply of the hl Altl LIOSPIT A 1., near tills city. With the articles of I'ItOVISItiN, MEDIC IN F., .te., estimated in said forms. The quantities stated arc etitnated with reference to the to,iial ntimber of patients lit the Hospital, hitt the United States reserve the right to tate more or less or said article, liceordtuirlY• as tam' may hr tie (nail) required. II the articles dellt ered at the Ho, vital are not, In the Judgment of the physician, or he hest quality, and adapted to tho Hospital, 111. will he at liberty to relect the sante, to purchase, other articles their stead. and to charge the Con traetor with any excess 11l the cost over the contra. pri Th ces. e United States reserve the right to accept the proposals for the elude or soy portion of the arti cles specthed. ( - HAS. W. BATCH goLlitt, homey. and Agent Marine Hospital. inp7:2awdtil OFFICIt OF CONTItoLLEIE OF A1t.1.20118.1fT CO., / Prrwsnintati, Mai lath, PIM 5 orricE TO CONTRACTORS.— Sealed Proposals will tre received at thiv office, until di, INSTANT. Inclusive, for Straightening end Securing the !triage over Chortler,. Creek, near die month. on LOU lino between Charlie's and Rob inson Townships. In conflation tarnished on spoil .lion. Ely dircetion of County Commissioners. nlyili,l32 II EN ELYController. - - IMROPOSALS will be received by I.llv ( . 011101ltlte on City Property until SATUR DAY, May for 11111. DING fill. litlol/ T IN TEN let NY: NOCSN. Wylie street, Sloth Ward. FFLos and specifications can be seen at the nuke of E. h. fittiltliUW, No, 714 Penna. Avenue. .1. Y. fiteLAUfiliLlN, trtyleta= Chairman Cora. on City Properly. WALL PAPERS, ito THOMAS PALMER WIRILEALE AND WAIL HIV R LI 1".A..1P.E1 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES 49.. 13 IA 33 CO 17 33 Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Second door below Diamond Alley, feNtGrod PITTSBURGH, 1•A PAPER HANGINGS FOR 1866. A groat collection Or almerican Wail Papers. For the first time in live years XER" BAWL'S)" PA PER * choke kleettou or the Newest French Papers For salo by WALTER F. MA USILA mhl4 R 7 Wrod bcreer FIRE GOLD PAPERS, Fbßx - Of the NEWEST DEMONS, at 107 Market street • .1 41 Jog. B. 11130118.8 i IMO WALL PAPERS _Or ALL QUALITIES, AT No: 107 MARKET IITREET, NEAR FIFTH I= SAW D. L. PATTERSON & co. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, Between Beaver street. Mal 'Ohio River, Manchester, Pa. Orders for 111 hinds of Lumber for building boat sldlog. deck pima. lath minute dr. sonars Fdi BBL& MILL GREASE; ra W . .111t a :11,1 Oft. • ',MB. D.LZXLI...■ aut. mra sad 70 Water street MACRUM a CARLISLE, No. 19 Final. filktx-oot We nee n”er ..q•ning an elegant "..""'"" W 1.4.111, en.l.r..ing the richest et) lee of HEAL LAt'E (MODS, Men t311.K PARASOLS. ELIO:ANT PARTY PANS, FINE. BONE fn . RIMIONS. NEW NI YLE DRESS TEIII.IIINeIS REAL OUIEUItE LAtEs, MINE PEARL PUTT(/NS. We have ;net opened a beautiful lot of IIEAL CLUNGY LACES AND INSERTINUS. We would Invite special attention lii a new and splendid assortment of LADIES' BUFF AND WIIPPE [OMAN til.siV KS. IILoVES in the new Petroleum and Havana Shades. Au assortment of new colors In KID U LOVES, BLACK LACE MlTTS—new styles; A most complete sasortmeut of I.AI !ES' and CIIILDEEN 'S COTTON LOSE: iIENT•S FINE SHIRTS. DERBY TIES. SCARFS: COLLARS HALE HOSE, SUSPENDEEIi, 11liF.LLA11, Lc. •, LADDOs• and GENT'S GAUZE MERINO CNDEI/ VEST,. lIIDEM To Merchants and Dealers r Wholesale Department, now well stocked a De everything In tue NOTION LINE. which we °Her to the Trallt its low so any house Fast or ‘Vest. MACRIIM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, Agents for the . •1.4)('KW001) SIANUFAIn't7II - ta)All'A\Y." BRAUI.EY•tI DUPLEX EI.I.IPTIC t.ligHT at 3/nuufucturera• Price, laynt NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Huff Colored Gloves; New Style Printed Skirts; Floe Embroidered Skirft French Cambric Bands; Ladles' Linen Collars; Ladies' Linen Cuffs; Croquet Skirtt; Fancy Ribbons; Plain Colored Ribiwns; A full line of Ladles' and Illttees' Cotton Hose; Gent's Cotton Half Hose; Crotchet Edgings, And all the Latest and Most De sirable Artftles,just received. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth Street mpr2 rITTSBURGEI, Monday, April 16, 1866. I'ELROY, DICK ON & CO., 54 Wood Street, NOW OFFERING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE lEPPC:IOOI3r. OF DRY GOODS ra - c=o or' ic, w 13, At Low Prices, for Cash, Iwo fr BUYERS FROM WESTERN PENN'A, EASTERN OEIO, an. D 4: :re ARE INVITED TU CALL. LIE=3 MEM GERMAN OPERA MACRUM. GLYHE & CO., Nos. 7S and SO Market Street, Have received a line assortment or FANCY GOODS =I rrl. .• Viva" - r - FINE IVORY FANS, In White, Blue, Merle{ lad Purple FINE SANDAL WOOD. FANS, REAL POINT COLLARS, Fine Lane Cellars and Handkeirchleft REAL'HOUSTON HANDKERCHIEFS, Imitation Guipure Handrfs, URI AND LICH 'Cann lUD& Wholesale Buyers supplied at EasteEastern Prices. rn N EW SPRING DEBUG. Ravins Jon received • complete assort ment or the leading Novelties, selected from t h e latest Importations, we are nolf „ ow i n g a very CHOICE STOOK OF NEW SPRING kiESSES, . including many decided Novelties to De r. and Material, at very Mederata Trim. BATES & BIELL, m b FLY 111 STREET. =1 C AMI /MECCA/IDLES 8 !c to., Liarefinr.sos,7o.Lii ihr 00.4, igVairjo:Matarrii2= _ „PR, I%mi[ig ci9ywßlT. UNiTED SiAi'ESl PRIZE CONCERT, Crosby's Opera Rouse, Chicago, MAY 25,1.566. 12.17000 Valuable Prises, valued al $402 576.01de23, swi r ll be presented to Ti oo cket Hs, lueludissig 8100,0 in Greenback.. NUM HER OP TICKETS ISSUE D PRICE This Is the ',meat lodueement ever offered to the public, out ticket out-of every four drawing' prize. II I=-11 1:1=1/1 .. . 113,0. 1,.".,:..,...11," r ...Do 10, OW 20 do do lal each 0....11:0 al do ato 10 each 1..:90 lal do do each 2,110 ..0:1 .10 do 10 each 2,030 120 do do ' each 11,1 * 0 1 do Ita,l.l.•nce No. ~".:Waba.llAven•e• 10.000 1 do do N.. WI Lake street.... 0.000 I do .1. No. V Newberry Arc.. 5,041 b do Collages, 011 gultoo, near ran -11 na street 10.000 2 do 1 ottage.. 1011 W. Llherty and MI 51'. Indiana ...eels.. 6,000 :1 do Cottage., Ito good locallIV)• 0,01.1 10 .1. City I..tr, SN. each 5, da.) o I . lanon, ...leach al 1.1, €ll, 'I.O Pueth 11,..10) 01 d 10,011 n ... 2.0010 g. l g .t . : ' f 11 1 ` '"11W I ' each. Id 1.:1:2 I;lanlrNVat,,slii 150 In Amerivan Hunting ever tillvor W &Aches, Ild6 each.. • . .... . ... 140 do Patent lever Cllves Hunting Case Watches, $.lO each 6.1D4 50 do Diamond lilugs. $lOl each ..... .... 5 ,0 1 11 .01 do 110 1 1 10 a, $75 raelt.... ....... 3,701 50 du tewititt Machines, $lOl earl/ 6.101 50 do do do $75 earl/ 0,743 5, do Oliver Plated Tea het., •7 5 ..ch • / 1,70, ILE do Silver CaNiors, $l5 earn 1,101 10.001 do Albums, $5 to Co each 51,725 10.101.10 'Fen and Table opoons.s2 to $4 each 0.1.00. 10.00 do Gold I.lned Goblet, and Cups, $1 to sseach 2/.155 10.0.0 di. l'alr Cents' Bold r4eeve Buttons, 4510301 =OOO 10,1100 do Gold l'e us, in hoses, Id to 11c1 each 01.311, 01.101 uo hogra, ley,. :,I,d IPi i Paintings, 41 to $5 1 • 51,750 1.0 do Family Bibles, $l5 earl, 1,51.0 11 .1. 1 .,CJ6 do Clock.. Rooks, Cutlery. $1 to 1110 Carla 27.01:0 The draw Ing a 11l take ',lace, aft , r the Concert, on the .take td the Opera where 1040 Opera.. nw It oche it. A I onialilltee will he appointed by the audit:ller 110 ..operlu tend the nano.. All purchae era and agents wid Ire remitted with correct lists of draw log es to /IA published. Parties holding tickets will retain there until after the drawing, and if their nutting, appears In the liet of drawn note her, the, will forward their tickets Inndedl- 1\1..h . , with fell direction as to the shipping or goo‘i , or tootle), Tickets are for sale at the prin cipal hotels, hook and music stores in the city, and at our °Mee, 121 Dearborn street . . price $l.lO each; sent by mall on ret•elpt of price and stamp for re turn Postage. Wit Alit HELIABLK Ati Y. 011,1 NV A sTED In ea cry ). town 1.11/ village to the Celled State., to al great Inducements are uttered. bl'h:Cl Al. TEltkib (I.l'll ItATF..., , ,—Atir party proeuring club or or :nor, toil,. for tickets, and forw 11:. 1114.110 nl' the same, will he al lowed the follow big cointnlssion, riot we will send Tn•kets to one address for $ 4 MI 9 00 •• `• 17 fit • • l• as% •. •• 03 • • • a 1 CO 11, et ery ea, .end name of molt subscriber. anti their P. addrra with loon, county null NAt.' In 3lbeley drnft. P. Order, Ex press. or lit Registered Triter, may be sent at our rt. k. All communications should be addressed to W lall.o S, BRA 111% , rl & Het Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. % %I. Drawer, t. 912. 'l'll Is Icrs fur sale by our hi eneral A tp.nt for rgh mel % trinity. Uhler \u. G. FOURTH street, 1 . 2.1 doom Room :No. ft. • ' o ne proprietors donate to tho Lincoln and DuglaS Siollllllleut Funds tr,...0; also, then WILL Ire ti.ollo reserved from the lemon drarring the itn,htlti prize. for the antepurpose. itttrenr.Nt.,, . lion. Wilkinson. En-Ocustor, of Minnesota. lion. lieorgc V. Lawrence, M. C.. or Penn. Bon. Moo. ont Ka-Uot eruor, NI is. lion. Wm. Mgomery. Ex-M. C.. of Peon lion. Major 1.1.. Mace, Ex-td. C.. of Ind. lion. Wro. Lewren. Lyons, lowa. lion. Joseph Knox, .I' Chicago. Hon., ()roves Ozulth, of Mhos. Jae.. M. S. It. M. Kronnerg 0.. Importers of Walenes, Ch Whio yew Orleans, 1.0. nt,7.tf. ♦ND NoTicr e The Public are hereby notified that w much rattle Channel the Allegheny River A. rtua between the AECOND am] POUliTif PIERS, from the Allegheny City end of the Rail Road Bridge, now being rebuilt by the Pittsburgh, Ft. Rayne and Chicago Rail. over that Inver, between Pittsburgh and Allegheny NECESSARILY OBSTRUCTED During lire I hoe m ii 1 ,op•rotroc• tore or tLe ;ino.•,.st . r..Mr months from Ira First of Joao. A. It., NOTICE The undersigned, Commissioners named In the Aot of Anseinblf , entitled • `An Act to Incorporate TR PITTSBURGH GAS SAVINGS COMPANY; Approved the 12111 day of April, A. D., 1955 will oven Books and receive subscriptions to the CM:Ma noel of said Company et the alter of the CASII INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 57 Fourth street ON TILE Allsk OAT OF KAY. A. D., 1806. At to o'clock 0. 55. NOTICE --The undersigned, COM WWI:mere named In the Act of Asseaddp. erttl tied ''An Act to locoroorete the ENTERPRIZE INSURANCE COMPANY OF prrranticus," Approved We Tlth day of March, A. IL. INK will open Book t. 4 receive subscriptions to the Cool teL Mock of sold tiompanyoon the 19th Day of Nay, A, D., 1866, At 10 o'clock A. the YOURTH NATIO NAL BA N K, In the City of Pittsburgh, from. JAMESC o'ON NO; WILLIAM PHILLIP; WILLIAM NAOALEI, C. W. ItICKP.TBON, JAWS HERMAN IL BLIIMLK Lcuaitals, aptgdmd =a TM/U.I.BIIEN NATIONAL Kann. t PirsSsui.Git.histrob MN Irda. i ir.. NOTES OF THE cus,,wroaD UNTY,BAN K. Meadville; OIL ciTV RANK. I; _VENANtio BANK, Franklin, and Pk- RK liAl, Tit srlbc , will not hereafter b grated by this lisa. m ar UEO. T. VAN DOREN, endnor. (pmemeolum AND nmumnNo Gair.TolfirlairEtadtitrilukargu,r* " eale al the °lathed Otherthuthea. JOHN R. £ A,. MURDOCH. Carl run to the fiteenbousee everLlS minetee. myltimd/ArT ORNAMENTAL HEDGE& Aintrican .eltrbot. "fa afisd llewlod Spruce. For ante by the dozen, MX or 1,00% at the PITTI3- BUltull ICIDItt&F.IIIIF.S. miletwdOeT JOILN B. & A. MuIIDOCH. NEW VERBENA, • MISS KATE BAUM: A rine clock of General Nesters miferlor new VERDELIIA, lAlaa Kate Baum, now rea y ferule at the Oakland Grmenhotaes. mylatudAnT JOHN K. A A. MURDOGB. • • prrrogiviten NURSERY AND ese - Tiiii la "so: • 151183ERTMAIN ASID PLOILIBM se, &diets ottentlan to tbalr egnensiverillook a trait ua ornamege tram erfeszteans.V29•Tion atuirmu , ' 117, 414: ladshi me. ' ' itemising ;STRALYED-EMAXIC STitAlliEl.--aroke into illie 7 inclicaw. - is scraot tan pubscrttla tts .. t.lll . ll...i=klep A ps.l=.lhulMan; ra„rwizawitto- :f .gi t tMt i tte n tle s tir i jt . 531 , 2,1: e om g o .la i:; backt,d. Itoth of ttit4tWropttl."4ll6 I. dented tower° pronn e Myilma r y • • , •• • , p SA", • •• - ]• • STO - L ( • BEWAIL]) EN --4,11 t• Thursday alibi tast4 • ftesetbe• reirto es_ g; tor. DOIlglaa;• llonat,Waselustett ea Uezz•• itUOOIC. 11te bortorronearly.new.botthe . ratapk, were brotes doelt MOO It r atßokel.W T 0 Jacking.. The above trovortit.. ; :?_, =Tien or or debrel7o sr ther 41031.1 i Ltrety Mom, ob. sr .street-10. • residence-ovule slitolottl?,erollt ;STRAINED OH STOLEN.--Strayed., . ; OClnkajltOlea frOlit the . 111i10.11:preadele... wiriviricwabi44 .4/1;11: CalVty,..4 41 . 11.141 WW . . =I 500,000 11.00 each LIST OF PRIZES: too.oro corm MEE ~~ C~i~ 4 ~N :+?~~ way Compauy 11. A. IiA.ItUNKIL, ChletEugineer WILLIAM PHILLIPS, JAMES O , I,'ONNHR., INO. W. CHALFANT, IL RIDDLE ItuSERTS, W. K. MUSICK, THuMAs SMITH, . c 0 (wpoomi:*3ll lEEE 12:3=1