The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 18, 1866, Image 1

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rill WCCIt, 811ANWED By CARR 188.......
ire VittsburOt 6auttr.
HARBAUGII, Government Di
rector in the Union Pacific Railroad Com
patty, has just returned from a visit on the
line of its operations. Ile reports the work
as progressing vigorously and satisfactorily.
All that money and men can do, is being
done. Mr. HsnnAcon will make an offi
cial report to the government in a few days,
which we hope to lay before our readers. .
As the successor to Mr. COWAN in the
Unites} States Senate, various gentlemen
have been mimed; as WILLLANIS, CURTIN,
The contest will narrow down to two or
three names. Mr. COW AN is operating
with sufficient vigor, I
mu without .liscre.
Hon, to secure a renewal of his term. lie
does not look to Republicans for support,
for he knows be is not regarded by them us
being one of their number, nor does he te
gurd himself as belonging with them.
Neither does he expect the Democrats to
elect him if they shall chance to have the
undisputed power to choose whom they
will. What he hopes is to secure :the Mee
lion of a few mute Republicans to the Leg.
islature; enough to give them the balance
of power; and so force the Dem:tends to
accept him. The scheme is pretty enough,
but it will not work.
rION. JANES, and E. Me.l 17 N ,
Esq., aro announced in the Buller
American an candidates for Congress in
the 3ld district, subject to the decision of
the Republican Convention. This is Mr.
\S' IT.I.TAMS . Ft dist rict.
The Kittanning Free Pre,rs states that
Mr. Phelps declines being a candidate for
Congress, and that it knows of no person
in Armiltrong who is at present aspiring to
that position. This seems to put Mr. Wit.-
Linxis's re-nomination beyond probable
IN the 11th Congressional district, Mr.
Johnson, the Democratic incumbent, will
not be a candidate for renomination. Ilia
health is so bad that he has not been in his
seat for seven weeks past. (if course he
will be succeeded by a Democrat. The
nomination is conceded to Pike county.
Mr. Henry A_ Mott, formerly Canal Com
missioner and State Senator, hopes to
make it ; but a sharp fight has been cont
inence(' on him, and he may fail.
FEW MEN, on brief acquaintance, have
impressed us more favorably than Colonel
Jacques. The; charge brought against him
at Louisville, of being concerned in an
abortion mar, which resulted iu the tenth
of Mrs. Williams, Was rt (Tool blon to bin
family and friends. Ills acquittal by a jury,
not likely to be biassed in his favor, is ex
tremely gratifying to them all.
A CALL for a third party nominating
convention has been issued in Somerset
county. It bears the 11f1111C8 of several hun
dred citizens, including all the prominent
copperhead democrats ol• the county. It
pledges nu eurne , t rapport to A:...putos
.loilmsoN. The. quar , tion 1101 V i. , W)1:11
become of the second party in Somerset?
SIX AIOSTIPt At:o, Dr. Palemon dohn,
editor br - tlie . Bloomsburg Brwildi7 - ,to, eras
appointed !tsses.ot of the Mit di:grict of
Pennsylvania. lie could not, however,
support the President's Policy. lie has,
consequently, been removed, and a new
paper has been started to advocate the
principles he could not.
IN the 21st district Mr. A. WILSON TAY
LOR and Dr. THOMAS ST. CLAIR, both of
Indiana county, are named as candidates
for Congress, subject to the republican
conference. Mr. FuhLeat's friends are
confident be will yet oust Mr. DA WPON; in
which ease they hope be will be nomina•
ted again.
USW STEVENS will unquestionably be re
nominated for Congress. Indeed, it is
Probable nll the Republican incumbents,
except CUCVER and MILLER, will again be
candidates. PniNsx has a chance of suc
ceeding Cm.xEn.
Ras who served not less than nine
months in the army, or who were dis
charged because of wounds or sickness,
and the widows and orphans of such, are
exempt, by law of the late Legislature,
from the payment of all bounty and mili
tia taxes.
ThE, Now York .rriboack suggests that as
the democratic candidate for Governor of
that State-next fall will have nothing to
gain but'motorlieti, he should he brought
out early, so es to have a good deal of this.
TUE, Lancaster Intelligeneer, .IAS. Dv-
CHANAN'S home organ, is out In favor of
COWAN'S re-election to the 11. S. Senate.
We do not wonder Mr. COWAN finds ap
parent approbation in that quarter.!
Tuff war cloud that for weeks past, has
overhang Europe, grows darker. Finan
cial diathrbartOeslitiliears are
entertained, may cross the tie, and
lead to embarassments here.
Tim; SVheeliug ; I:tiAoieneer predicts the
sweindrig &UM:Warr - of the radical amend
mews proposed.: tw tbo' Constitution of
West Virginia, at the election to be held
on the 24th inst.
Tit Hon. Juries R. Kelley, Speaker or
the-late Hotuas•of' Representatives at Har
rialmix, is in a fair way to be promoted
to the Senate; ae the stieCesaor of Mr. Hop
kins, Democrat. : r
. .
Dui: recently appointed Post-
Master at Harrisburg, is a delegate to the
Soldiers' Geary Convention, to he held in
this city, and was appointed with hi., free
THE Republicans of Juniatacounty nom
inate on the intit inst.; Cambria on the
281111 ml.
Does Advertising ray
: Atiaierictiur. tin Is In 4 , ilOt.• fully under-
Stood or pritcLiced by nine4enths of our husl
ness community. ..Idany merchants are so tar
-.behind thosplrlt of the ago as to have a dread
.for the expense °Counters' ink. Without Ilea
nation they brand the polio of liberal solver
' Using es ruinous. The ones:W.loe *fast
. Angawayf however, for this an age of 'or°.
=AI K ere rt. ° 2tlst b lir ` nut' ,y1b:"11
merchants of tiro' - city who years ago eons .
:UMW' aisatemi jedleions and extensive
• advertising, and- are now reaping , the pronto
lt,•weibig rimation
Gardner" the ene e and presperOus propel.
, etor Of tancert shoo Store. A•law years
• ago lie • venal - into our midst's. conapaintive
if-ranger " ;but So4Sy, eentleattOU wlth
':,11141 Store, 'Misname in familiar
to every Man, woman and child in till., nee.
lion of the country. This in costly accounted
sleds:AO establishment
astounded our citizens. lio Ponds/wed and
• • 'inept on band astoek Of boots, .shoos Mut gai
ters not to be surpassed , in that
.. A Senna. , loony +Mete= hooey - be established
10syprIbeis and, loSt,' Dot by no
-,:Meanstuttletiatelementrof Ws modesty he ad-
LIO st.illat,tddiever In the
.VOW; of adrartsans, and as Its necessary
" re
led:ireit,•.eoup,wlthrbo quantityrnitaliV
~..Uoell*faviilikell Nom aMong:the pros
.' motmsep_resentativo togratants of- he city.
Strirsynosee MTh( stseetat watt filled with
dsseepticisr of pedal snratings, tszL , h.
t :?:- 1104 $ 4 NI .S 1 F. r. l ° IL •
Humphrey'. ilamoapthle
Med Ininoli for sale at Ftilton's Drug adore, No.
ioi Smithfield street.
Capt. David E. Ball has jest received three
more new billiard tables, which ho has placed
in his upper saloon. The Captain knows just
how to please the amusement loving portion
of our city, and the growing popularity of his
establishment amply proves this assertion.
Ms room., located on the corner of St. Clair
and Liberty streets, (entrance from St. Clair).
are among the most attractive billiard places
in the city. We earnestly Commend Captain
Ilan to the patronage of all who enjoy the ra
tional game of billiards.
Paroist nod Nweetest
Cod Liver Oil lathe world, manufactured from
fresh selected livers on the sea coast. Title
mil is characterized by a sweetness and purity
peel:Mar to it alone. Its reputation Is so great
that It takes the lead of other nits, and is
universally prescribed by physicians. I:e
-aten:tiler to ask for Hazard cod
Liver Olt.
Sole mauufacturors.
For sale nt wholesale In Pittsburgh by It. E
Sellers h Go. At retail by all Druggists
The Great Wefat
Homes of the sturdy fanners alio look
about them over the broad prairies, and see
for miles their lands and granaries, are often
rendered desolate by the death of a beloved
child from the ravages of the deadly t nolo.
Coe's Conga Balsam never fails to eure n, slid
is the best remedy In the world tor Colds,
Coughs, and all throat and lung diseases.
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is the only remedy
known that Is certain to eon, Dyspepsia, In.ll
- and in fact all disorders proceeding
from the stomach and bowels.
Sole agent for Pittsburgh, .losepli Firm Itl I
Druggist, No. Market street . .
Shutt 2..3 Celli% wlll 1)0.
The newest thing
In Pittmlnirgli.
The nun (hit thing
Twenty-Me Cunto
Ix all you want to make your
first Pnr.•lmse
You are sure to last scone or our goods, if
you only step In and see at what n.stonitdilngly
low prices they are sold.
hundreds of articles of rent value carried
away daily, by delighted customers.
A list kept of the persons taking the most
valuable unities, and their residences, whmh
will be shown with pleasure to any one wish
ing 10 see it.
About one half of the people of Pittsburgh
and vicinity have visited us within the last
two weeks, and we expect the baill.llCo right
along. m slagtteed
To prevent or conquer dlsease Ix a grand
aellievenieut ; and a+ surely as bullet and buy
-01101 will destroy, sosurelt welt HOSTETTER'S
BITTERS preserve and prof ono life.
This is the 010.9 t trying period of the year.
The slainina of the strongest yields more or
less to tileronsatiotng temperature of m
tiler. Vigor oozes from every pore The
strength of roan passes away in Invisible va
por, and weaker woman becomes relaxed and
nerveless, It was to meet such difficult les that
Hostetter's Linters were given to society. It
Is to prevent the evil consequences to which
nn unbraccrl, depleted, debilitated orgtmixa
t lon is liable, that they are recommended as a
stanza Tonic for both ooze,. Old people die
of exhaustion every clay, who might have kept
death at hay for years to come, by an occasion
al resort to this powerful and harmless vex ,
table stomachic.
Nino tenths of the community, rich as well
poor, war). continually. If their hands are
norm ploy ed.l heir Ore hmt. head
or 1r ,Inore—leg b. the tital enel Cie-:o.
11111-cite toll. not tone the ryololll with Hos
ietter' o s Bitters and the wear and tear of bassi.
life 01111 x, cOloparutleely Unfelt 121,11 In
the most opprer.d‘ a weather. No languor will
hu experlietierd, for ItA last 110 the vital fort,.
.;re expended they will he recruited and re
sewed by this healthful restorative. As a aum
leer In vlgorant ills indispensable to young and
old. Said everywhere.
I re sold wholesala and retail at very• low rates
lernina , a Drag and Patent Medicine Depot,
,e, ai Market su eel., corner of the Diamond
an 1 Market, near roarth street.
Virglap. riilon Coosensino—Remnrkr
' of J. Moor Botts.
asntairok, May 17,—The Colon ,tate Coe
volition of Virginia mel at Alexandria to-slay.
There was a large attendance of delegates,
among them John Minor Botts, who said ire
was iself-cOnctituted, for be came from Culpep
per where there wee Union men hut they
had hold no meeting. r lie did notknow it to
he it fact, hat lie believed that be was the WO3
mun in the county who was not ...thorn." of
icing seen at a anion meeting. lie had come
in, however, to make their her one - more,
sod would leave it to the Convention to .3
whether he should he considered u member or
The chairman stated It was neceasary for some
one to vouch for Mr. 80LL.., 1, he know ,
thrithe bald faithfully served in Mc Dan WI s .
an •e
nII, he
e w rs o t=t e i n ul i t ' l r it e h ' ar ' lm
Is "
bin titiLit. faithfully. Mr. McKenzie said there
was no trouble In regard to Mr. Botts, but It
WWI other pergOns fie was Inquiring after.
A delegate from Frederick county stated that
the Union voters there numbered about all
hundred end flay. and that recently about one
hundred and fifty Northern teen had settled
in that county.
Mr. Clement.., of Portsmouth, spoke of the
late clam ion in that city, when the disloyal
persons forced the Judges of Election to Close
the polls, and he ated that tile UIIIOIIISIS
could poll a M votes against MO by the
Tim COtatnltteo on Permanent Orgaulaatlon
raported l the following filet of °givens: JOllll
Mteror Bette, President; Meagre. Wavle , Mc
Benne Burnham, Wardwell and V A. drar '
Vico 1 2- realderds3 and W. .1. Cow Ina, A M.
Crane and G. K. Glltnor, Soerelarlea. The
report was adopted.
Ti,. Army 8111-44eneral Gennt Urges in.
Passage—Freedmen's Korean I...esti
gatlon—lntrignm of Nanta Anna.
Maw Tong..bittyl7.-Bpeelals to the evening
papers nay the President has sent a mosnago
to the House enclosing a cnmtn unleation from
General Grant, asking for the immediate pas
sage of an army bill, assigning as a ',resort for
this request the fact that troops are
needelon the frontier and at the South. Ho
also expresses the opinion that the troops can
not be withdrawn from the Soma with safety
for some time to Come.
The House Committee on the Freedmen's
Bureau have agreed to report a resolution
for the appointment of a Joint Committee of
Congress to investigate the working of the
Freedmen's Bureau, to travel through the
Southern States, to take tostitnonv, and to re•
port to Congress.
The rumor of the Intrigues. in N 6 1ch Santa
Aura is concerned, has prompted a general
destte in Washington to have Juarez ailed,
but the 'memos of the proposed Mexican loan
la very doubtful.
Beano 'Of es Hinfider—Deeislon In She
Lamm Henderson Case.
401,14L1.E. Ma' 17.—Ignv. Theodore Clapp,
natlie of"Mabasette, and fur ninny yea,
a I; nliarinn Minister to New OrltAnti, died here
Wile evening.
. - -
The Jammut publishes an. elaborate °phi ion
'of Snilge Aland UUU.tTd, flf the United Mates
District Court, relative to Isham Henderson,
concluding that the Executive and Legislative
depart meats or' Me' government having •le.
dared that the rebellion is ended, the Court
cannot assume that it coattail.; that this
*pardon furniabee DO eoi alien of the political
status of the Inhabitant-sof the Staled lately In
rebellion; that Oda Is a (location which must
answered elsewhere; that the Court wits
,ta order the arreet of-General Davie for the
uppitrent contempt offered the Court. and that
ho having resisted the order of arrest, is crim
inally responsible, and that Ills case will ho
presented to the Grand Jury,
Asylum for Disabled O n ed lieldlerw—Clalin
Agent D.
W seoisorott, May IL—Among the I portan t ,
questions to be decided by the hoard of Mana
gers of the ASV= for Disabled Vol unther sol
dierssare UM =abet . of asylums to be eater
and whore Waled_ what kind of I 1,1-
loge shall be erected, what officers shall be ap
pointed, and what their duties shall he nee
rotary lihtuton IN Of the,Opinlon that the unre
el:timed and forfolted , pay of the army, which
now belongs to this Asylum, amounts Lo near
ly The ClB,oou,Oth,
ommissioner of internal Ilevenue
cides that a claim agent. is one whose Madness
it is to prosecute claims In any of tile execu
tive departments of the Government, or to
procure patents, and that a parson who prose
cute. said claim gratuitously cannot be said
to mato the preseetition of Clams his busi
ness, and need not take out a license as claim
Vivittnts Union Convention,
ALICIAZDIII• VA-, May 17—The uneondltlton.
al Union Convention met at noon, C. It.
Wardwell of Richmond, Le the Chair . 'Wm.".
M. Botts was chosen President. lion. Horace
Maynard of Tennessee addressed the Canyon..
Mon. The 141401.311.00 was very small.
•• •
The Tempefunee Came
NEW Tonic, May 17.—Tbero wax n grand lies.
poranco MUMS tang Brooklyn bud night,
addressed by Bev.Yioochnr, Bev. T. I. Cuyler
.%.•-;•.- •
JIM nerria gird the ASIIIMMIIII/11000.
17:111' investigation con
gorglng-DaYbe cumplpitfy th e 0.91111581.18U01)
THE LATEST NEWS ' The Sugar and Coffee Crops.
N Kir Yong,ilay 47.—Agivices from Jamaica
to the 7th inst. are received.
intelligence had been received in private
communications from England. that It was
likely Sir Henry Storks would be Contirmeil fin
Governor of Jamaica., In the room of Es.kgrov,
Eyre, who would he Il n lneriately recalled.
Col. Hobbs, the otllcer who commanded the
forces sent out against the blacks during the
lute disturbances, and at whose orders some
of the most horrible atrocities committed by
the soldiers upon the negroes were perpetra
ted, bee Commltteil suicide. He had lately la,
come so seriously deranged in mind that it
was thought advisable lie should return
to England. Ile left Jamaica on an Eitglish
Steamer on the list 1i1t.., In the custody of all
neer and t wo soldiers, but on the day after t he
Mx nor sa,.. Alllllll. 1 . . t 1 vessel sailed,widle walking on deck, attended
W e nhh 'in at i M "j g by one of the soldiers, lie suddenly struek
7 '' ne "• E. -U. Nte "'"" , " t. low's till:, MILD, Jumped overboard, and was
in v of Ile long deli)' 10 the lower Il i on. I drowned.
or congr e ss, In agreeintl upon a plan for the Mrs. Gordon, the widow of Governor Gor
regithicalration of the Army, suitable to our I don. left Jam.. On a visit to hlngland,
p rewni ti " " r e e t" neeenit .t . response to an invitation from the anti-slave
for early net lon. induced to pmesent the , r3setnneti . „ r i he J anincr o committee. Strange
matter le yon eilielal Iv, soil to a.l , the at lee- If 3 may. she was passenger on board the SWIM`
lion of Gong,. 10 11, htflini - IoW that When Sh c t ge oe l phi,„ w h o , i ii .t. o p e d
they have he mat tet rainy before 1111,111,011, .reamer
hi .10 What shun ld hr &11, n1,01..1111. en,
Tile partisans of Governor Eyre who be -
At the present lime sett Mutants are spring- ,
hexed that 111, rendered great service to the
lee' nit with ti lt e n e e. i the dielrivl of g ,
Colony, In causing itnndreasof innocent blacks
reentry 11.11Whell 1.110 .111.4.111Uni 1 - IN - l-rtillti the to be hotekt.t.L.Li,„,..,, doing they
ra i r ,
l'aeltie Ogsmn, where heretofore the Indian annoy 111 enter lit prneent bum .," ntesurno
was left it, undisputed poser sloe. Emigrant. vial In aeknow lodgement of those services.
err 1 , 11 , 111111.1 10 these settlements and to the Notwalistand Mg their efforts in three parish
,;old tint so f"l it R eek y e ' er, 'arrangunints have been made for holiltng
vallgible toglis ay. The people ilock Ing ll, ineet legs furtherance of the projegi. Eyre
these regions sire citizens of the I'of ed states, is reported to to ve hail healthogoinplele
and are entitled to the protection of the G '
0,-ly , o . t . e . trnted hoot
xt ry
end hotly.
ern troint. They are developtilit the resources
In Cl Thomas, In the east parish, In which
''l Hi " toits g reet ieitttel ' i g e • hius the disturottnees oectirred, the plants. are
making Ii the interest as well the duty to
..ote . tintentg e
canal el' I,Lorertl r, the
give them military protection. This nukes a
ga m
r estates. The crons are fallin behind the
greater ' twee went afilxslslpnl tie- I y Into expeeted, fro lack of hands g
to rut the
gessary than oas ever heretofore required.
rice callus. In ether
pe.t . tete.e, the
A .nall etilititrY 'er e " i n rin i e ' red le tin gar is expected to he good, and the Chinn crop
states lately in rebeihmt, ami It venom for this vet, has been larger than lug, men
foreseen that this form ill not to- required
for smog , time to corns. It is in In: holof.l that
fly elt
1 ., 1 igh n l ee
need n •gru l. t I
this not hr ti-ceo-Ito In en wire the g entry, 011,1 many or these have realised hand.
laws, either state or eat 1011al. but the „ 00 . ht . no, sale to the crops they i . e. .
tif-t• Of sentiment entremliirisl by the great
L ... just g athered In. 'rile prospects for east year
war wide! , has raged for will um- , this head are very cheering.
the presence of a mII ditty force necessary to
gtve feeling lit nanhl lay to the people. All
'll""eti el"
try wl II Mel tills alike To unthition order ,
the thiverntnent has been 1-111111•01if-.1 10 I
retain voineteers all ill,- while. Till' VOI- ---
unteers have become dissatisfied, and claim
that the contract v. ithyleltl has been , totaled I Fleet Concentrated and Soldiers
Ly retalning them after the war was "vet lt, :
reason of ditnattsf.titin tile) are no longer og on Furlough Recalled,
use, I every one now remaining tit Ihe ser.
Mile might tut well isi glisellargisl at Mire. Tllll
Urgent Necessity for the Pas
sage of the Army Bill.
W A.III,•TON, Nizly Pre:,Went sent it
lonssagn In ihn nueloslng 11.0
full,,\. lug nommunient Inn from 1.10.11. 1. enentl
rolnre.l entente., ha. equal right ill cimoLlot ht.
d1,0131 . 10,1.11t be ha,. net done wo. floe THE GENERALS IN COUNCIL.
ell% the extutleg laws euthorize the retention
of 1 his fore.', even ir they sirii content to !
main t The Untlest State. 501.1124 11:10.e.)
promptly a hill for the reorganisation ot the w „„
army, which, In my opinion, as free from ; •.1:11.,•••-‘••• th e Wire Puller.
objection as any great metumre could pos. 1
natty be. Besides, It would .nonlj the
mi"""""' rwl ufxlte tun r.
V"'". tea.
thote.and wldltionul men to er the piesent •
organisation, but gives is large number of
bile battalions and companies, and the pnbl lc
guarding route+ over the plains 1 and
giving protection in the southern atalea . - otra/110/11 Of Frame Defined.
demand Inc occupation of a great number or
weds. For many of them a small company is
just as cflielent as one with more men would ; New Sono,
May 17 r r ib m w,
be. The bill before t ongrss, or the one that
has paawal the Senate, gives an Incr••••••1'•1 Italy, vortcslnitnient of April :kith, °Pn+ ids
number of compludea, by •Ilminlshing the letter 11,0. within fortnight we shall be
number of the rank and tile of each tidii•PlinY• Involved In a war. The allandoned fort r••••s of
It Is an ex•••••••lingly :app rile mea.ure
Pus particular. for it provides for the Inerenec It. remora 1, being fortin ,l 'mate. the Peet
alien ocsgssion requires more men. The eon,. eoneenlrate , l and all the .0141142 n; on f arlongl,
patty Is I,lle ot g ion Thal recall...l,l.nm, the re.erve of the
can bemost. a oboe' materially Juju, log and ',14 All paper• are the
dlrkelp:lne atoll ealriene). IC:titan 1111111 i The •ienerals--• • ishllnt. In,'
The helief that Congress would act pr +I- 11101., l'ettineago and rellti—are ineo
ly in title matter if their sitention •ca. i hied in iiillitary emoted Everyloaly prepare.
to It, has Indite.' ILII, 111 re+pectfnily ask • •oli ; tor a isr, and .1111 they II y l 0 Nlittl IL , rearm,.
atten non to II If you agree With 11111 111iiily 111/1/11 the Austrian armutnetti.. lo
Matter, I Arlllllli 111,0 /LlO4. If )on deem It prop- N3i,vill.lll the great wire pullet, alto at,.
511111 attelt enilorftettienl. a. 'on pushed 111.1assoel., and 11111, pantes las Marino.
may tar pleased to make, he Mal betel e • on- I ra. at, that Austrla cannot avoid aur
great. through the Speaker of the lien•. Ti,,' Venn.. vorr....potolent uI the Var.
Very r._Ype,y our 0111 eel • 11.11 t. /Mew say, .I.usl tan is placing herself in 11
u• IT, Lieu!. (Jr n. .tare of complete defence In I lie Quadra atera(.
l'r•suw are arriving trom nil point., arid
.ut mg Poncho., a and 1...gun0, the
.a,t, 11,c
for tre-e,. crena atel A. 1111111.1
0111 , 11 Al, mot..ri,Al and .ni• t d... Tio•lil 11;cl)
f ron.let• ot more than t. hundred
C/Allll.lll artery, i 11,413111 spare Kn. at al,
tile 11,1114 1,11(111'1111 Ortnlll and Mantua. The
'insist:tn. have erecte.l ',Munn.and ea •
tr.:het...Ma, unseat Witt Ins slropgly arum.'
The altiadrilateral ts. therefore, an Immense
entrenched camp. whore all the advantages
will N. on the side of the defence.
N.,.. , 1e0n ha in
Ile 1111 elt.e•ltlon ..r ,`" pr
.1,1011 1.11 Vl,lll, toward. 111111 :odd the rote
t er eithz German pea er•• to the French I.egt—
I hrongh Allue•tot of ,rate
II terwe and decl-,ve. declaring pnclar
volley, an hone,. nentralliv, and Pot tre
dom ..t action for the ernptie Italy, the Em
peror .ay• 111 flee lo 1114•0. e too own cor.e.
•ut Ital), A ...trot, usieLt take on he u
alone the riot. of am. The statentent gale
rise to an animatedne In the cert. Lev.-
haV, 11, Tel lee find
Isle. `twee t• t
theme 1115111i01, 1 .
Investigations by Governor of Idaho,
W A.11,••103, /iA3 The ittivrnor ot 1.11-
Ito ha. Ittlilrecti.eil n /el.! r It, the el e
of Indian Atlturc i Informing him tot Itictoaciii,
ere of fillltie ol.steeti q• 11 thr
Mit of Yilarch, tahMe tilt. city.
'war Wu mouth of YtHlllj,.. t. rottk ,tti It. ,
ROW` Iv., by a hurt y .1 t t i.• a. lif !that°
tt onnry. lie cowl mit, 1,3- I..nylag,
"There were but t tt gen% n Mole.+. The le,
were women aml minarets The Vmutedlat tt
art t lers--miners—thimeted against the
darters, Mint their .tut erne. 1., 1 shall 1.0.4
n n
In Ft few PhOWing that the i
aluri were deltmeolea" told peaceattle. 11
anything with nerve Id/ bring tin a general
Indian w liV. it I+ ins! inleh arts In-.e
Ve gathered On rest et the trite. and
placed them tinder the mnteet Inn of the mili
tary tit this lutist. Th.. ‘,011.0f11,11 hlgh.
And 1 have all 1 can it, to carry not Ott 111.
tOn. MgltlnSt the depraved 11.01 - 11 i Yen
111 en( e‘ I Nees I toward. the 1. 1 .00 aat Intha
Things had: tlrmendnn., btit twit the
Intel to the eintatry become+ pa rabic
I shalt 11.101 I Ise tmithled water.. Inn
t lett I ha vu examined have I found the re.l
than the aggreata tr. Int artably the Ire nibie
nrrings tenni SMO e fiend PM (11111114Ze Of bent
white Melt.
I VIEN I At_7si
Bead-renter Stephens Plaling Out.
Queer Items in O'Mabony's Books
New Inns, May C.—The Interest erented by
Mr. Stephenv' visit to this rely events to le.
rapidly pawing away. This morning lost 14..
MI the 11140 Celt tre, tat his per
lore an the Mott...l.llton Hotel. Thou wbo
pith! him a vi.. 11 same f:11111pOiell 1.'11101,311y of
the °Moen. of the late Fenian lleed•lnarter. In
I. soots !sullen. The prowl OM lan.loees trene
meted Is it. reference to the poet and Ns: me
finances. Mr. rimphe ue lase positively Moved
to give the preve the Inutnelal report of Its.,
Committee whom ha appointed 10 r. none
t he !rooks of O'Aistimacy and Some of
the Mo. 101211110 U the Looks were of an e r t ro
ma diary character. Numerous Items entered
es scraps, involving large amounts of hoot y.
oupear W have been paid for sending spies to
the Roberts Ulto.ll,lgS.
Succesm or the Imperialists
S• 211 FIIANCIEWO. !day lA—The Imperial Con
ant! of Mexico in thin- city, has received official
dispatches, vin Acapulco, announcing that tine
Ltherals, after their defeat at alleitorteinan, en
nientverml to rally, but were surprmed and
eompletely routes!. The occupation of Tanis
tnro, by the imperintiLata, is officially repos - nod.
There in a general deftresmlnnon In Molina
,torkx; Ophir„ino; Imlterlal, I,_'t; Gould
Curry, tn,lYi, and A I pita, 2,nkn.
Letters from ollf !tell confirm the reports of
the Itepuldicons under Nun ocrupyling Pone
had Flax in, but nay they 1 - untanned only Wren
days, leaving out the approach of the Aus
Tho .11,riro Eadildlc sayn while Diaz was thus
Operatiln pt 011)/ltnt, AlVarni. uttnelled AM
pule°, het way rlech.ndiy ropelseil.
The Imperialist (Amoral Ons loom olsllffell to
abandon els eampalmi In ~Inalu for Molt of
;counter)• Mtn/WC
Prenbyterlnza General Anaemialen.
Sr. Lone May 7.—The IMneetti AMSOIII illy of
Lho Old habOol Presbyterian Chorth mot at
lie. Cho reh, corner Pints nail Wainat
xtreetn, this rooming. Tim npets lag nernma
wna pm/ached by Or. Lowry, of Nen Tmk.
Throe candidate, reprerem flog different par
ties, were nominated Ice. Mialeentor, with the
following result: IL 1.. alanton, IL.; P. It, I,nr
ley, 7fe, S. If. WllsOn, Is. The number of Caw
nilielioners was two 'hundred and fifty-nine.
'rise New school Assembly met at lir. Nei
eon's Church, corner of Fourteenth street and
Lucas Place, The opening sermon wise preach
ed by Br. Chew, of Itheisester,New York. Prof.
Hopkins, of Auburn, New York, wan entree
Moderator. Two hundred and one Cumin's
stoners were present.
The President of the Mobile and Ohle Rail
road, Major E. Withers, of Mobile, Kell a dele
gation of gentlemen representing the com
mercial interests of that city, arrived u.tlaY,
and are guests of the Merchants Exchange.
lillseLeeippt Valley Fair.
New QatusSili, May 17.--The Mechanics and
Agricultural Fair for the Mississippi Valley
opens November MU,. Exhibitors are solieltml I Orannizaltiorl of Diatibled• Soldiers'
Mein the - whole country. A large amount of Asylum.
money has been raised and the grounds are to W Asti inflTolf, May 17.—The organixatlon of
be handsomely adOrned., the Natiutuit Asytum for disabled volun-
The Empress Carlotta left Mexico for Corm- Leer soldiers, ban been completed by the clue
eoa'ori thollret last Iwo of General Benjamin F. Butler as Presil-
Smith's plan for draining the valley of Mex. , dent; lien. P. J. Ostereanee and Georgell,
lco bulked accepted and a decree teemed. Walker vi ne pre.den,, and Lewis 11. Gun.
I .1.6, decretary.
Rinalenary Annlvermary.
• . .
Republican mayor
Dowrow;May 17 .- Thu RIIIIiVOIVAry,nikt tug , .
of the National Baptist Lit)l3/0, ghlatollary nr- I WII . .LIA w. eon?, 11717. 4 -The • popabli
aaalcanea stow beinglitild'llllßls city, and 'eletted, Wood, /t479r9l l ster. ,
wIM oacalube 'ante Jaye. I day by Witsajazity. ,
Suicide of Colonel Hobbs
gr. Gantlittone on the Future
of America.
1 , 011ia,%, May I In 111, !louse ( .aninona.
May , I, 01 r. Idatistotte made his anneal finan
cial statement for flip ensuing ye.. 'lie esti
mate- the ernenilitare at 1te1,.2 . 2:01.1. fool the
1.,1•1 , l/.• at tlait.:.;tonst, lea% log a surplus of
M In reran - Hug to the American
deht. aae.l I words, marl tomes. that
I Ilona we future of AUlrrirll,llol far It- nll5lllOO
etateenetl, w 1101 Wt. - 141141 Ith ant
ntletrnootnent. I donot Itollele that the
allcount/Lute only ho the
A theriestt people. In tt tiatalerste time It will
1,o1:40.( within trey emntl MIMS, and flay
w alai WO 14 persons nos IR lag
to. ffatael uiingl lher At till. 111011/V:li Alner6
lea 1.., I b..ltevil, put nig VIII the
..tnottat of the r...,1.1111t. 4.1 the I 1.11.. , 1n1mte. ,
og.t 11.10. I apprehend, than ahont eighty toll.
Lions of MOlleV, the largest stun ever ralandlu
any country (of the ourpo.em Of 4 eetittul
\ Asu, May 17.—Tho hip been 0/ ,
nerv,•,l tr. u.l,v or ftolting and prayer by prl,-
rlamation tn.. Mayor, In ,terorvianue with
preriounly publittheal hocounts that the l'rent
dent ordel cif the day to be en ohnerved, ou ac
count of the near approach of cholera. Late
la the rifternoOnit a Its,thwynorea that :lotto..
day tn! born than Alentistatent by tha ?rent
John rOrlerfleld, formerly it IPILII)41,,
old emililenl, we.% tart , SLOti un,l 1011ged In the
penitentiary, It In minim etl, ~r
bring im pi mit.' WI tin eh° connpfr rs lu Qt.
time _peed!)ny to the iirstl,Of
ereenlent Lincoln.
Vire In the Weed•—tneent,Loas of Prop-
litarox, May li.—About lour thousand ace,w
of woodland were burned over the present
weak, prim:loftily In the umsla of Studs 'eh
lciontnet. One duelling houto In Neat
011.1 W Intl was nielinloil in the destruction,
an s d a large amount of corded a‘ oat!. TIIII 10.8
of property urnm at Sae,ooo- WAS
duration had niopped spread
leg. There wore heavy rains In the eltdulty
last night.
SohLora' and Bailors' Convention in
Ihtioloa,BlL, May 17.—10 tlio 'whiten' and
sailors' convention, today, ttevoral rotiolu
tlllllli, tor a political aliamattir were preaential,
canning a political ileintte, which Watt ended
lay their Wins cultured to the Coniunitito tni
tiro. Tayster, for the Committee,. ralrOrtZ
.1 u draft of a rou ut 'tut 1011. It provide , fur a
norm:went organization, and (or bolding an
nual InClairtgrt In thu month of May.
Victory Over the French In Meilen
IV Antos , : ros, they 17.—Adv ices have berg
received front wan .l tan llontistu, the Capital
of the Si at e of Tobaseo, containing the trifle lilt
report of Colonel Mender. , the Level nor of the
State, of a Victory which he obtained Oyer the
F relwlutt the lowa of Join a, Olt the lick of
A prli. After a short battle, the garrlfloll of
Joint:tat surrendered to Colo/101 MOrlfiet, with
their cannon, arras, nolumultion, gut. The
French have lost in that way the only point
they held In the State.
Ship Carpenters , Strike—Threatened
Removal of the Ilespliness—Ald for
N va• Yowl, May I.7—The ant: eof the ship
carpente. +, Mourn, and
_eaulliorri continues.
Entoloyern nay II it i With 11111(h longer tiny
will remove their ImAlnimin to Mbar arts.
Thu Itverage aM .. t revolved weekly MA
all to the caulkers In from $1,5t0 to V. 2,000.
Tim working Cation, 11. In said, aro Mena
to contract e loan of .2.50,D0U for the striker.
MLlp'••Crew iyreretott
Ronne annied
New Yous, ldtty 17.—Eloyes of tho crow of
the ship Emeort, from Liverpool, ore under str
rest for mutiny, for refusing to do duty at the
The molt house nttaehed to the brewery of
Betz & Co, West Forty-fourth street, Wtus
burnt to-day. The 1011 s is from Cy= to
(Oh fully Mamma.
AY, MAY 18, 1866
The lUII tr prohibit the carriage, shipping or
transpOrtat tun of nitro-glYccrine on Pas - e.g. ,
mtitsels tor ra PILSOOII.
The resolui on to appoint Comm ISM ioner4 en
examine (Cr n fre.-h writer basin for the navy,
at Portland. Me., Nlay an amendment
to Inelalt. New London, Conn., was toted
A hill to grant lanile to aid In the construc
tion of a railroad from the Central Pacific
Itailroial, In California to Portland, in the.
State of Oregon, will lIIINSeti.
dtpi0,,..0 le appropriation Mil wit , taken
tip at one ,m link.
Mr. Sumner withdrew the amendment In
creasing the salary of Mr. illinter.Clitef Clerk
of the State Department, to (0,500, and otTereti
a substitute, creating the ofllce of Second As
sistant Secretary at that rate from the first of
July next, which was adopted by nee ma
On motion of Mr. Sumner, an amendment
was adopted, that LIM salary of a Minister
Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary
shall be that nen minister resident, except in
countries now represented by Envoy Evt raor
On I [lntim of Mr. lioekalew, the appropria
tion for aeeret aervlre on enntingent Inn,l of
the etepillonont w red need irtnn VO,OOO to
*I an. The us
then plinfnt.
r..., West Lola I Academy 1.111 attar up.
on anlnn,lnlent, reenTrinten,lnel by the Fi
nance Uointniltee, atoklng out nnn,lry provis
ione of the 1.111, the effect of which amend
ment, Is to leave open the few remaining
vuennettot In Calletalltps at West Point ler the
loyal men Of the Southern Statea, was adopt-
Mr. Wilde submitted an amendment, In
tended to be MlOOllll4l Io the 11011.• resolu
tion 121, proposing an aendment to the Con
st.tutlOn of the United States. It is as follows:
Art felo—Sectlon let, No State shall look, or
tallOroff ally law which shall alirldge the
iledOnar immunities of citizens of the Untied
States, or shall any slate deprive any person
of life, 11l lerty or property without the due
process of law, nor deny auy person within its
Jitrisdlet lon Ibe WI 113.1 prot cello,. of the laws.
Nee. 'I. No Mann to pernonn, an to any 01
whom,the right of nutrimmt, ttny ti
In inerino
nation lt madmade, allull , 1111'1 t1111(A ill the
Luata of represtatintion, attics.. such ti inert in 1-
nation be In virtue of impartini 4111:1111111,L1011,
foontiotti on ottelligcnce or property, or Ito
unt• of a to usage or participat Ititi in the re
buollion or otitur Primed.
e. S. The public Juba of the rotted States,
Inc S luding all ilelihs or °litigations wniclo have
boon or may hereafter be eentructed In vale
presiong the rebellion, or in carrying on Si,.,
ear in defence Of the 11 1011, or tor payment of
bountlee or pe11410114 incident to sueb war,
and orovitleil by tom, shall be Inviolable. and
shall not be tatzahle by any State; but debt,
or elongations e tell have 1/0011 or may her,
after lie Imo. red In aid of Innurrection or of
r agttiuxt the I ailed Slates, and elation for
lanieeeteat.l4in for loss of Involuntary or servile
bor, anal I not be 1.0.1,1 by any State, nor by
the United State..
'see. 4. That Congress 11111111 have power to
mintlnn, byl4pm - or at
mote legislation, the pra
t-I,4(ms Of artiete.
Mr. ill - lines introduced aJoint resolution as
follow 4, which was referraii to the Committee
nn \ aval
Resolved, That a resolution, nipprovesi .I sly
tat, lanh regulating the ineestinent Of the
naval panstent fund, lon, /toil the sante is here-
Ity auteuileit, so as to reouire such portions of
the said fund Ili 1,0 thereby ordered to he In
vested lo registered securities of the United
:states, to in, mule ot' permanent loan to tho
roped States at it per coot. Interest per an
num, 10.0010, payable on the first any of dais
nary and the first day of July of eget, your;
provides], that ',thing hereto contained shall
lie construed to 11111e11,1 Or alter thy afoi could
exeept as far as relates to the
mode of Inviostotioti
Mr %Mon offered :to 1L111,11411111 . 111. protubit
mg Ito, appointment of men Milli hut served
to lb° 1N4,4!i army or navy, from tie Nns'n.l
Aeridetny or an . 104.1,1 Wunt Point.
Mr. 1.M0111.t.M moved to hitter( the a ant
voluntary." Itletigreint fig:LIMO :1.
Mr Tnonbull ttliertnltonionlinent Unit no
nney in ' , totes n tli-irlet, not represent
edne In Congress nnnn IN. nO,rl n hilt. Statem
and illetrh, tire totrepreeettle.l Itninirreeil to-
M . 4 ante n. at en t toil
the Inn
The von.nleriith at to the Futoling 11111 ie.
Mr FF,S.4`llili 11 to
1.11.• Fitneltrig It.ll, 311 a targ..•l 111,•
rtn.l4lol,tiOn 01 ll.'
Mr Daweso 14 . 0 1 hat he a mild eall up
to-tuorrha. tb gaN e eontente.l eleetton otoe Fel.
let agnlnal I telano
Mr. Kan.en, tt out I Ito l'ittutnlll 00 on 1 ttrrtage,
etghts and Measure.,u
prted 1,111. to 00.
norine the of the mot rie.y.toto of trend,.
hd Indaal eel ing the ,Lortotar, of the
I r,tro a
fertileh eael, '1 ate It one ...I Of
-I.delata u.,ad, and Ine.aanre. ni I Ile 1001010
-1e111,1.• anti dn Lie inedddieeN o 1 a eight. of
‘lonotninal ion of grandne, and 10 aistho-
I lan the .Pro.iclent to anpolut a overt& coin-
ItiOtatem 1.. (AC Ida.. the adoption of a uni
form to - linage heMeoen the Unttml ettatua and
foreign e,,trittrio, all of orhielt arero palmed.
Mr 3enf froth the .elect Committee Oil
the hank I artla., repot toil a new tool:rapt
tll., lie •4a1,1 aan the one originally rc
port,l hl' he 1 otnnilttee Mot amended by Lite
Holum a lilt stoma , other aniendlnentl, Meeting
ONeell(di n Mad.. The bill, after an
•Idanatinn by Mr. Jonek, aunt...over tilt the
tiouontg of null Tneyaln).
he , sertate tall amending the taa to pro,. to,
tor the 1,11 l the de:1141011v od the alterl
!gate...wrote.. I 011,1, 1.103
Th. -gOOOO iOOO ro.olorroo evtano: the
Ulan (on ent”d !led Mit the 11,1 oet lion or the
w o,dr, i•Aoirh.
The Itoune went Into Committee 01 the
h.•le MI the tat 101 l
31, the petition of the
ellizesh. Ire, h,klen fhreateo.loo of
t fur -gate !emits t.•retire I their tercels-
Lion, which ASIA 1...11.rred to the Committee on
Bent. Al.o, a heti:lon of the citizen. of
.Iheela chum,, Sew 1 ork. :sling the rend.
,h•trthell uf tlit.. tacitt on dit..s, itnien win» re
(erred to ti,, Committee on Why. end Mehhh,
. _
Mr. I.a.flin 141:vented u pelltlon on the name
unhteri, from the . - Itleen• of Jefretumn count).
New York.
it,, Schettek presented the petit/Oil of twen
ty soldiers of Puller comity, Ohio, for the
equallmition Is3utitiea.
The I'm.e went into t morn ittee of the
Whole Oil ,date of the Union, Mr. Mitoses
in the ellen . , nod resumed the consideration
of the tax 1,111, corm...m.lllg with the clause to
impo,e a spemal tat on anet lancers. Th.
',graph is regard to the proortetors of gift en
terprise. wen amended hyincreasing the Ape
-01..1 L s , from 401 (0 3150. The hearing in re-
Rani to miners gave rise to Vales 'durable de
bate, Messrs. Stevens, Heily, Meitner, Bidwell,
and Ilm , per taking ground against the Lax,
sod Messrs Morrill, Ill:dr, and sehenek, de
Finney the Mfbilt.o wits CIORMI On the para.
zrepli, and the t mom ittee was brought to a
s n hielt wits on the motion of Mr. Stevens
to sti „alt the paragraph. The illation a 1.4
agreed to. and I lie paragraph in regard to et
ourrirtv era , auteioltut by adding tile
ords 'and agents," and by increasing the
mIEIIIIIIIIII IMIIIIttAMI of tinniness from ItitSl to
sl,lion per annum of draynten who own one
dray or tenni. 'I he following aas inserted as
flow paragraph . °Grinders ot Cotten or spires
shall pay Slam any person who manufactures
or amperes for use and sale by grinding or
other proome., corr., spices or nutstard, or
ail 1111 unttml coffee, or inustaard, or Itny
article or eomponntl intended for Ilse In the
adulteration of, or as substitute tor, coffee,
mustard, shall he regarded its a
grunter of coffee or spires under Una ant; pro.
v hied, that any person who snail roast coffee
for use sod sale shall be required to pay the
speelal tax herein impoeed upon grinders of
coffee orsplees.”
At the close of tho portion of the bill button
tog tile special tea. trio following proviso Wits
added: ol.rovltled, filet the ileyment of any
I.IIX lu tilts net levied or provided, shall not he
held or eonstrUed to exempt any person car
ying any trade, business or profession
harem Apr:Oiled from any penalty or punish
ment provided I,y the lawn of any State or
carrving ori SUM, trade, business or profession
althm anal! State, or in app manner to au.
thortae the entnmencnment or continu
nation Of such trade, busineas or pro
fession, contrary to the laws Of such State, or
itt plates provided try municipal blot mot
titian the payment of any tax be held or con
strued to prohibit or prevent any State from
placing a tiuty or tax for State or other pur
poses, or any (note, businais or prOfoulon
taxed by this act.
On 'notion. of Mr. Thayer, the paragraph
amendni section ne of the present law was
I mem I e by adding the following "In any
pan of t the entry within which is embraced
more than one collection district, the Secrets.
ry of the Dreigerry In hereby ovtltprized to
pnt all the bonito(' warehouses In spell ports
under the charge Mont. collector of internal
Revenue, to Im by tam designated, and the
collector so designated shall have entire
charge and control of all matters connected
with soul; bonded warehouses."
No other material emendmentv wore adop
ted. The Comm Met utter Ofspo , thig of twen
ty-three pages of the bill, rose, when the
!Meeker presented a message of the President
of the United itates, transmitting a Commun.
Motion from the Beeretary of War and a letter
from I.lentenant tionerttl Orant, relative to
the necessity for the legalaticm on the subject
of the army. The Lieutenant OetteraPs letter
to the Secretary of War wag read, after which
the message and letters were referral to the
Committee on Watery and ordered
to berinted.
tar. Thayer desired to Inetruetttudt4ommit.
;co to report back the donate bill. but the
House remand to reomendor the rote re.,
(erring the message, so as to enable him to
move In refer with Imo raetlon.
The House adjourned et hal r.
A Radical rovimmeter Removed.
CA lao, May 17.—The removal of 001• moo, a
radical loontinii,tor of Una Ottry t la announced.
Col, Graham to named is htunnoonaaor.
Twostr-. a military prlaonora, from Little
flock, 'mewl to-day on tOnto tO tide ',mitten.
nary at Columbna, Ohio
DuMilo Market.
111 . VVALO, May 17.—Flow; ltxtra State. VAN
Western And Canada White, $11.014. Wheat
In/votive and nominal, at about COO for No.
Mllwankao Spring, Corn dull; No. 1400. Oats
dull. Parlay tiller Canadian.•, 80e. Whis
ky, nnininal. Pork, $.31,60. lard, IP.4e.
Taxation of Government Rond•
New pone, idny 17.—A Waelaington special
mays that tlo limme Oomtnittee CM Banking
bas under considoraCion a bill to exempt from
taxation ell Government Poona in the pones
alon of National Ranks. '
Film as Troy,. I !. , ' X' , ', ' -
. .
Tnoi May 11..—A , larile Immo', tenement - 1n
West. T roy, owned by A.l). Collins, and neon.
led by a number of families, wan destroyed
• Oro earlylida morning. A obild tWo years
• ' '
p d pertehedin ttn) daMen,
First Annual Convention of the Protest
ant Episcopal Church in the Diocese
of Pittsburgh.
Tlie nnventlon met, accenting to adjourn
ment, at In o'clock yesterday morning.
The n-ual services, including communion,
then took place, the Reverends Spaulding,
Whit,* Taylor and Smith °Notating. On ins
Wont of I mlismedtion. the President of the
Convention, Bishop gerfoot, was M 10.1,1010 be
present, and the 11ev. C E. Swope noted In ills
stead. After 11,0 singing Of Several beautiful
compositions by the choir, tont the calling Of
the roll, the Convention tnliournett, the hour
having arrived.
The Convention re-unnotnl,ltni nt half-punt
three o'clock, the RAY. C. E. Swope prunlding.
lne report of the Committee on the right of
clergymen to ..eats in the Convention aas ,14,-
clared 1 order, The chairman of the Com
mittee made a verbal report, stating that they
had rev lewal the list of clergy reported by
the Bishop and fomid it to . correct in
everyparticular. They therefore hogged to
le discharged.
The Committee 011 the solinlasion of lay mem
bers made a report sulatant Italy the same as
the preceding Committee, anal also asked to he
discharged. In both Melee the request was
compiled with and tile CommAtees discharged
from further labor In the premises.
The President then informed the Convention
that the beat business in order was to hear
the report of the Committee on Amendments
and Canons to the Constitution of the Diocese
of Pittsburgh, but In view of the fact that
their beloved Illshop W. present, despite Ills
Illness, and ready to read his address to them,
he thought it might be wen to cusps nd the
roles that they might hear him.
On motion, the rules were suspended and the
Bishop proceeded to read the address, which,
on Recount of its great length, wears unable to
give brit a brief synopsis of.
The Bishop, is opening, reverted to the
circumstances under which he had annum-
MI the duties of the Episcopate, and the pro
gress made in propagating the interests of
the Diocese since, the prospects of which he
declared to be at present very propitious. lie
then passed an eloquent eulogy on the memory
of the late Bishops Potter and Bowman, the
example of whom during their long and uses
rid pilgrimage on earth he hoped would not
Ise lost on those that a Merciful Providence
had seen tit to spare a little longer on earth.
Ile also reverted at some length to the necessity
of establishing a goal and efficient female col
lege In the Diocese to lie under the immediate
of the chnich, wherein the females
of the Dior:rum could receive n good secular and
religious training, without incurring the crier
mous expense of going out of the Diocese (or
that perpose.
The lienwood school, at hew Brighton, he
thought an admirable Institution, and hoped,
as It had been of immense value to the church,
that It would as soon its possible be converted
into u DlOCeslan institution. That the church
needed more clerical aid he thought was per
ceptible to all, and ho hoped that God would
imbue our young men with the worthy desire
to heroine shepherds of the Muster's flock;
that their services, which are on much needed,
Might be given to glorify Itim who liveth and
relgneth one Dad and Father for all time. His
connection with the college of Hartford,
Chan., lie Was happy to state, had been
severed strive he had taken charge
of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and he
was therefore at liberty to devote his time oX to the discharge of the onerous
duties appertaining to ills position as their
chief prelate. But be thought It fitting here
to return his sincere thanks to the clergy of
Connecticut for many kindnesses received at
their bands, and also to declare that he
should remember them with feelings of love
and affection as tong as life hated.
Ile reviewed miunteiy all the label. be hall
performed sin. he had accepted the Episco
pate, and et:MC/Mind by stating that there
were at present thirty-four churches in the
Diet:ram, with one Bishop and twenty-nine
di the conclusion of the Bishops address,
which was listened to throntliont with marked
attention, the report of the Committee up
pointed at a previous oonvuntion for the pur
pose of ascertaining the amount belonging
to this Diocese yet remaining In the
treasury of the Diocese of Pennsylvania was
received. Owing to c serious causes the Com
mittee were not prepared to make a final re
poet, and therefore legged that they be con
t Intleti, with the 13.4iliitIOntOf two members to
the number that already constitute the Com
Elnvcrs.nbuenberger and -woro eaded to
the committee, u bleb was continued indult -
The Committee appointed to prepare a (mi
st itut ion ant iminimi for the Diocese of Pitts
burgh then p mien teil a printed report,consist
log of twelve articles and twenty-two rules of
order which wait I ratimnitted to the Conven
tion he the chairman of the Conant/too, the
ilev. C. E. swops, who slated that he supposed
the delegatm knew that thcycoadil not adopt
the ConstantiOn at the present...talon, tint
only approve of it, If 1t met there sanction.
A delegate wished to know why the constitti
tlMl nl.O/111iLlvd might nut Pe adopted at this.
Mr. t•WripC ItIINWI,I4I that int, conatitutlon,
under Ns latch they were now acting, would not
allow them to,fo so.
Mr. Itmmot said he was surpriatal that any
member N1...01d dotire a new constitution, the
old one being Mai inbor 01 the best legal mlnda
that have lived during the last thirty yearn,
besideu being hallowed by the memory of the
past and the names of noveral of the host
rhurettnen that ever exlsted. He holed noth
ing would by done hastily or on the spur of
the moment, and that the report would be
laid over for the nwent and made the special
order 01 the day for to-morrow.
In reply Mr. swop° maid they hod no Paten-
Mon or desire to hurry anything thrum - in, hot
de,dred a full and open dtseu nie.. tn. the mat
ter. In preparing the report they bad pro
duced nothing °Mutual, but ha to.pcd that
they had formed the ronntitution oroposod
from the beat maternal obtainable.
Mr. T J. Manual said It wan abaciutuly we
ceenary to adopt the eellAtitlitleit Dew.
Het. Mr. Teichudy, moved to
resolution with Mr. Broom's, to theelfect that
Lho rotadltutioh I. taken up, article try article,
tomorrow morning Immediately after Nor
A delegate wished to offer 11.9 ' substitti te
that the mrlstitutiou be taken up article by
article at once. The chair overruled the sub
stitute, and a vote lasing taken on Mr. lire
-1101,4i resolution, as amended by Mr. I'sehndy,
It was declared curried.
The election for members of the standing
Committee being now in order the Rev. W. A.
Snlvely moved that candidates for members
of the committee be taken up one by one la
order to avoid ill feeling existing either by the
majority or mi,ority.
Considerable 4{14.1,41011 100 k place on to the
propriety of proeveding at once to an nice-
Lion, and also ou the propriety of moving tae
names of the nominees printed before ballot
The lion. W. F. Johnston 01.11011 to know If
any further nominations to those made yester-
day were faludssable. -
- -
E. S. toilden desires! his nen:tete be stricken
off the list of candidates. Although he was
wllhng In serve the Diocese in any capacity,
he had not the time to give to the business
of the Committee.
George W. Cue was then nominated in Mr.
Golden , . %tend
Mr. Josiah King thought that the mere fact
of the tickets being printed need not have
created such an opposition. He thought in
order to oxpediato business it was ruttier ad
vantageous titan otherwise.
The vote on the motion to exclude the use
of printed ballot* woe therttaken. The motion
was lost by a large majority.
The Convention then proceeded to an elec.
'ion for members of the Standing Committee,
which consists of ton, live clerical and an
equal number of laymen. After the clones]
delegates ban voted the lay members were
called epon, when the question of whether a
parish bed a right to one or three lay votes
as misty!, the illsetemlou lusting for some
ten minutes. At length the President decided
In favor of allowing each parish three votes,
and unless Its appeal was tondo front that de
cision curia should he the Cabe.
An appeal from the decision of the chair was
Asked, but was ruled out of order, and the bal
ing proceeded with. 'rho result of the vote
was as follows:
Urn% r. s'woUe
Dr. Preston
Mr. Oruntidon,
o Mr. White.
Mr. Spanlaing..
Mr. Futter
Mr. Pon •ck
Dr. Page
. 4 Mr. Peet
;lon. T. IC llowo
L Sh nborgor.
T.. 1. llre oton
E. 8. (iol on
(ion. (LI „Coss ...
lion. T.. Illghato
Josiah King
F. IL. Bruno?.
l.nbal i
is elem.
.. .
Scattering . 16
Beton, the vote hail been announced the
Unit. W. A. .etvely moved to adjourn, and that
the veto Unannounced the Unit thing on the
convening Ot the eonvention to-day. A vote
being takep, air. Snively's motion pruvalled,
and the convention was declared adjourned
until to-daf at 10 o'clock a. in
)Itholerale Day Goads.
The card \of Messrs. Arbuthnot, Shanncin ..t
Co., W holesale Dealers in Dry Goods, appears
today in .ur advertising columns. This is
ono of our; oldest and most Tellable et bald
ness arms,' d ono Which has ever received
and mart • a goOdly snare of the patronage
of this seat of country, Purchasing their
goods from 'first bends they aro enabled to
offer anperiOr attractions to the city and coun
try trade, and inletietisfully to compete with
Eastern houses. TUsy have just received a
large invoice of superior Foreign and Domes
tie donde, , whipit •crubraees every variety a
dress materials, Channels, cassimeres, tweeds,
'Matins, cambric-3,- ninths, jeans, and every
thing ainalls claimed in the dr/ . .gfirnini l ine of
business.. They make a specialty Of.hoslery,
gloves, shawls, and notions of every descrip
tion. City trade, conntry.lnerellants and pod '
diem should examine thelittiell.OEMasara. Ar
buthnot, Shannon A Co.; and compute prices'
before purchasing their g,ooda frOldklaatildi
neanlYataeM..:4llebal Sot , :
ley, orentaus driver, was before Alderman
atralnPrestotibayifOrthreeteateg James Mar,
tin with bodily hann. Hewes beld in s3oWror
a %Mani( •tailtorrow.
An Old Man Marries s lt!rd Wile, an d
Alderman Strain, of ttie Tenth ward, yester
day entertained a Case a tittle out Of the visual
order. Hanle] Logan, over whose head sixty
are summers and winters hare passed, called
upon the magistrate named, and represented
that on the 9th of March, In Huntingdon,
where he resides. he, atter much persnasiOn
on her part, marriml a young woman named
Ann E. hunt. The marriage proving unhappy,
after the lapse 01 a few months his de
parted his household, anal he lost all trace of
her. tteecntly,.nowever, he learned that she
was domiciled in the borough of Birmingham
with a young man named Peter Greet, and
living with him as a wife. Behoving this to
be the case, and that his wets, had taken unto
her self n second husband, he desired to
Institute criminal proceedings against tier
as well as against the man who be claims
has usurped his marital rights. Hr accord
ingly made information against Ann E. lac
gnu (as he calls her) alias Greet, for bigamy,
and against Peter Greet for fornication. IV Kr
tutus were Issued, and the itemised In dne
time brought before his magistracy Alder
men strain The alleged bigamist Is quite
handsome, and looks as though she might yet
be in I. er teens. Greet, who neemnpan led
her, and to Whomßile appeared quite Innately disrmsed, Is In . manhoo d 's
prltre, of good address anti genteel appear
ance. The necnileil gate hail for their appear
ance at court for trial, the young woman In,
Mg held la VAiti. and Greet. In Ipllo. If the ease
C 0111,41 to trial , w e w ill he It the tip
pets, mice of t he :incased and accuser, dispari
ty of age considered, will not have great
weight with the Judgment of the court, should
the facts be as represent e d
A mu senaetst ss..
At the Opera House, to-night, the
Little actress, Emilie Melville, takes a benefit.
She will appear as "Nellie" in the great new
play entitled "Day Dreams." We are pleas.'
with Miss Melville's acting beyond expression.
She throws life into all the characters she as
sumes. and attempts nothing in which she Is
not perfectly easy and at borne. A few years
hence Miss Melville will be recognized and
appreciated by the lovers of a faithful repre
sentation of the drama as a star of tile first
magnitude. She is well supported by tne tal
ented stock company of the Opera House. We
are pleased to learn that Mr. Leak, the enter
prising manager of the Opera Mouse, has been,
thus far, pecuniarily suceessfeliy,wil he his ef
forts to cater to the tastes of the commnnity
for a legitimate drama are fully appreciated.
At the Theatre, the magnificent Leo Hudson,
with her wonderfully trained horse "henna
tion," is drawing crowded houses. As an
equestrian actress, Leo Hudson stands at the
head of her profession. To-night she appears
as "Dick Turpln," a role admirably adept.' to
her high histrionic abilities, and one in which
the cunning of her noble horse will be fully
At Masonic Halt, to-night, the fatuous Buck
ley Minstrels will give their first performance
this season. They are among the oldest as
well as the best minstrel troupes traveling.
They have ignored the patent thread-bare
Jokes and sayings, and present an entirely
original order of programme. They have
ever been favorites with ilttsourghers and
no doubt Masonic Hall will be crowded to
night upon the occasion of their first perform
MIKE LIPMAN'S rebrOUA (niters Is now trav
eling this way. They will make their grand
entry in the city at 10 o'clock next Monday
TWO Attempts at ineendlarlsm.
On Thursday morning between twelve and
one o'clock, as a man named Jan. Morrison
was passing along Barker's alley in the Fourth
ward, lie discovered a lire in the loft of S.
Skinner's stable. On rushinglinto the loft he
discovered an old broom burning, which on
examination proved to have been thoroughly
saturated with benzine. The lire was extin
guished without doing any damage. About
the same hour the watchman at Tomilason's
foundry, also in the Fourth ward, saw a light
between two board piles in Leonard's board
yard. Thinking the circumstance very un
usual, lie hastened at once to the snot where he
found some shavings and fine wood burning,
having been previously sprinkled with ben
hie. The watchman heard the hurried
steps of a man leaving the board
yard as ho entered, which was doubt
less the villainous incendiary. These facts
show beyond all question that there is
a set or clique of scoundrels In the community
who for some nefarious purpose wish to de
stroy the property of our citizens. It IS to be
hoped that Justice will soon overtake them,
and their presence !thin the walls of our peni
tentiary is a consummation devoutly to be
w whet , for.
A Well Conducted Jewelry Ronne
We are always pleased to notice the pros
perity of young men who launch into business
and through strict attentlen and energy silo
ceed in braiding lima trade. The firm of Den
smith k Co. is composed of Just seen young
men. They now stand deservedly high among
the first clans Jewelers of the city, and drive
as large a trade as any similar house in the
west. The superior stock of Jewel,: whirls
they have sold in years gone by, and which
they always keep on hand, has done mach to
wards securing and retaining for them a full
share of patronage. Their stock Is stilectetl
under the immediate supervision of air, in.
Dunseatia, and nothing in the jewsli.y
from the brilliant diamond to the chaste gold
ring, is Inferior to what it Is r•4lresenteil to lie.
They deal In all descriptions of Jewelry,
watches, precious stones, canes, statuarles,
clocks, musical boxes, opera glasses, and in
short every article usually kept In first class
e.tahllshments of a similar character. Their
store is No. 56 Fifth street.
A Illgh-lineded Outmge
Alderman V. O. Johns yesterday had before
him Robert Fowler, a resident of Pipetown,
Eighth ward, who wasacrused of having been
one of two or more persons who attempted, a
few nights sitter, to commit a bookies outrage
upon Ann E. Taylor, resoling near the tuft
gate on the I.llnersville road. The woman
represents that the door of her dwelling was
broken open, that the villains entered, took
hold of her anti conveyed her some distance
with a view of ravishing her. She made out
cry, and her screams attracting the attention
of neighbors, her assailants decamped hastily
Fowler was held in the sum of eight hundred
dollars for his appearance for trial at the next
term of the Criminal Court.
A man named Patrick Kelly, an employee in
Itrnsh's Boiler-yard, met with a severe acci
dent yesterday afternoon while at work on a
thousand gallon oil tank at a refinery in the
Ninth ward. lie and a fellow workman. were
engaged riveting the aides of the tank when
the head of the rivet dew oft, striking Kelly
In the temple just above the right eye, cans.
Mg a painful though not a dangerous wound.
lie was- conveyed tone of iCEf of Dr. Murdock,
where lila Infusion were deemed.
The seagolding around the house that is now
being Guilt for the Allegheny Fire Co., on Ir
win street fell yesterday about two o'clock,
precipitating four Of the workmen to the
ground. Their injuries were not of a serious
Welsh Ilaptlet March.
The annual convent:len of the Welsh Baptist
(;notch was held in this city, at the Ross
Street Congregational Chinch, commencing
on Friday of last week and continuing until
Monday last, when it tullotoned. The Conven
tion Is held annually for the purpose of attend
ing to the ecclesiastical business of the church
in Western Pennsylvania and Ohba Among
the Welsh ministers present wore Bee. James
Pomeroy, of Ohio; Rev. John S. James, of
Scranton, P.; Rev Jones, of Cincinnati; Rev.
Prober[, of Youngstown, Ohio; and Bow. The
optics Jones, of Pidiadelphits.
Death ny Drottning.—Yestorday morning
a man, whose name is unknown met his death
I y drowning, at the barge landing of Messrs.
Monier Wood .t Co., on the south side of the
Damon:fahula, opposite the POW.. In at
tempting to land an empty lint, he lost his bal
ance, while 'tending on the side of the boat,
and fell Into the water. Before asslatance
could. be rendered he was drowned. Shortly
before the occurrence he said the flat belonged
to the tow-boat "Coailtluff," and stated that
hp desired to tie It up at the landing. there to
remain until that boat came for it. The man
was apparently about ,forty year of age. las
body was not recovered Last evening.
Patent Litter.—One of the latest inven
tions, awl by the way a most aerial one, is
what is called "the natant stove after." It. Is
an Ingenieuely contrived instrument and will
be found most useful in the kitchen, for lift
ing end etuptying cooking utensils without
»oiling or burning au A "live Yaw
bee" did a brisk nagsbi on Filth Street yea.
tarday in daposing of the article. Meads of
tamales, get one by all means. it Is well
worth the price.
A Volunteer.—While our urbane friend,
Torn. McClelland, was engaged In auctioning
some goods, yesterday, a mon named James
Sullivan entered the salesroom in his shirt
sleeves and volunieerol to assist In the sale.
ilia - services were politely doclineAby Mae.,
but Sullivan insisted on taking u band in the
busineas until necessity compelled him to be
removed to the tombs, where we saw him late
last evening quite repentant.
Another Cane.—The proprietota—m,
Evans and Co.—of the gift score, on Fitth
street, seem to be greatly annoyed by miter
ing from their estahlichment. Yesterday, one
of the clerks, Fred. E. Foster, made lalormil-
Lion before Alderman Strain, charging a boy
named William Tacky with the larceny of a
rule, valued at twenty-five corita. The accu
sed was committed for a hearing,
Taking the Pitaad.—Kenneth Hamblin
yesterday, while limier the Influence of the
ardent, lacked over an apple stand on Kraut
street, scattering the stock of the fruit vender
in all directions. (Meer Sorbet took the dep
redating Kenneth to the tombs, where he Las
plenty of leisure to rewiew Ma bad conduct
null euggeat grave and radical reform.
Severely Burned.—The wife of Michael
Lipp, nag , Justice of the Peace in the borough
Of Oldninghata, was severely burned on Wed.
nesulatevetting by_the ignition of petroleum.
Jibe:very Imprudently endeavored to replan.
iaki a lamp, while Sighted.
Vaiirrtiniteltortis -Nicholson, Mary Gori.
mile; and 'Margaret Ardley, were committed
to the county jaU,yeatimday by Stayer Morn
-soli, for terms ranging from ten to thirty days,
for the yealai oftextoo of 9tirranz7.
The militlon Is tormazded which vrill row* the sub.
scribers stemma* as the mall ran.
Powtponed.—The case of John M'Claren
against Marcus W. Lewis for assault and bat
tery, came up for a hearing yesterday before
Alderman Morrow, and was again iMatoon.l.
From the evidence given at the hearing, we
Judge that the Captain was really the party
In lured and that IPClaren was sinning morn
k 4n , r , l li e:lagainst on this occasion. From
our g • of the many trials the Captain
is .nileeted to br can . we cannot help wondering that
rutaln his gm . nial manner on Jul °ma
430 Mortality._ in. Geo. L. McCook, Ph,'
stolen to the uonrcs of Health, report, the
number of death s In the city for the week
ending May 131 h. us Ite.v..ttlevn, of whim num
ber eieren were children. This Is a very fa
vorable report of the lies.ith of l'lttahnrk. and
in rat i o to the polmIRI ion of other places, we
eln lm ours to be tic healthiest city In the
Kicking In n Door.— Altiormarn NV_
dolma, of the Seventh yestord,,, to.
q aired imitrich Formhulse to enter Malin the
lam of $9l), for RN appearance at Court to
answer a elmrge of malicious mischief. It to
allege) that ho maliciously . kicked In the door
of Patrick Ryan, a eltisen of the Seventh
Awannit and unitary.—A Teuton named
Jacob Fe'linger, ye4terday made oath against
F. Antler,ton. before Alol,,nan Lynch, for mi
gault. and battery. The ea.e terminated by
earl, paying half the cost,
The Ileeelpte.—The :inionnt realised hp
the exhibit lon tit Thayer t Noyes' Clreus, In
East. Illinilnialutn, on Wednesday night, Wag
ono LIMUSPOIII and fifty &flint..
Ineorrigible.—Aiderman W. 0. Johns ye..
terdny rant all tt oil to Ito House of Refuge Hen
ry Fulton, n lad,. for IneorrlglbUttY. On COM
-I.lllillt of Ills parent..
fompleteol.—The repair,. to Second &Creel,
it(1138, WOrt , completed yesterday, and
the obstruction to trate! is therefore re
Building a Newer.—Work upon the sewer
authorized to be constructed in Montgomery
!avenue, Allegheny, has been commenced.
tionainations.—Elsewhere we publish the
nonthintions tor oflleers of the prosperous Al
legheny Plaine Library Association.
Railroad Opening
LormvlLLe, Kr., May 17.—The Lebanon
brunch of the Nashville 'Railroad was •opened
to Stanford to-day. Our city &ether - MOo.
hoard of trade, nrel n large number of citizens,
including ladles, outdo a tour to Stanford,
rebore they wore sumptuously ontattzlned.
New Yong, May I7.—Great excitement bas
been caused among the members of the Feni
an Brotherhood, In Brooklyn, by the dlacoy•
err of s large defalcation by a prominent 0111-
cur of the order. The name of the defaulter
Is withheld for the present.
ALOICtt—LITTLE—On Thursday evening. May
17th. at the First U. P. Church, I, the Rev. W. h.
Heed. Mr. HARRY rt LtIIII and Mies MOLLIE M.
LITTLE, both of thin oily.
We congratulate one young friend. and wish them
ail the happiness and )oy lotaglnable. We hope
the current of their lire. in the future may flow as
Peacefully and unrippled as It has In the past.
AI the largr and elrgaht .llhplaY of
American and Swiss
No. ti 6 Fifth Street.
IrIirPUICES l/ R EATLY REDuce.n. myth:ma,
CLO_AKS. sgze
Selling nt $42,50,
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh.
Depoelte received In Pm. rends and Currency.
Collections made on nil the principal points of am
United Mates and Canadas.
Bought and Sold on Connobtakm.
Particular attention pald to Um padaliase and
ale of
Untted Staten Sties of 1861;
Do. do 6.3:18,
Do. Fla. of 10-10 s;
Do. tleven-Thlrtles;
Do. Cernficatex of Indebtarommeaa.
(Yrders and Vouchers bought or collected. jalntly
('Dee daily fro m 9 to "o•clock, also on Wednesday
and !Saturday - evenings, - from May Ist to November
Mt, from 7 to I) o'clock, and from November tat to
May Ist, firm 6 to 9 o'clock.
Deposits received of all Emma of not leas then Ono
Dollar, sad a dividend of the profits declared twice
a Tear, in June and December. Interest has been
declared semi-arosnany Ind une and December stone
the Bank was organised, at the rate of six per ClaiL
filte . l2lt, if not drawn oat, to placed to the credit
of the depositor as principal, and bears the same In
termit from the firm days of Jane and l a member.
compordading twice a year without trout,' the de
positor to caU, or eves to present lila pass b ook. At
this rate money will double to ham than incise years.
Books containing the Charter, By-lnofa. finbea end
iteulations, furnished gratis, on application al the
Plignmstrr—GEOßGE MAHLER.
.7011.11 O. Backofen, Robert Robb,
Beni.l.. Estustrtock, John 11. Shoenberger.
T.11:11 Heldman, James addle,
James /dearth,. Alexander Speer.
lim e u. D. m 4,1,, Christian 'Yeager.
lime M. Pennock , A. M. Yolloet, M. IJ.,
W m. J. Anderson. James D. Hely,
Calvin Adams,
John C. Bindley.
tiellene Black Henry . J. Lynch.
rater A. Madeira, '
John Marshall,
Hid laurrrin.
AJo oIA. Carrier. Walter I', Marshall.
John It. McFadden,
cha ' ri ' es A. Colton, Jahn Orr,
W m. Douglas, ltin•walt,
Jobe Evans, Wirt:. ticlYt,
John J. Hines - pie, . Alexander Tindle,
William B. Haven, William Vankirk,
Peter 11. Heather . , Wm. P. Ws.,
Richard Rays, ' Isaac W
Tititasernms—CHAlLLEb A. COI,TO
BakinirvaliT—JAS. R. D. NEEDS. iaXialAwlr
Formerly the DIklE SAW:4OS INSTIrCTION,
61 Potsrth Street,
Nearly Opposite the BOUM of Plitsburgb.)
Citaimenin IN no.
OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, &neon WED
tit to Normal:et lit, 7 tot Welock,wed atom Nov.
lieuy lit, to 8 o'clock.
f Or, tarnished at the oaks
This s.
Invtimmloi a csneetally oft' to those whom,
2= l .l4l(lri l tt e , Qlle tl V P Pa t. V: ' Mr TrtrlA i ll t a
a memo when nee d ed, a nd 'l7 nt/ 70 1( w Olere"
stead oyrem alr ix 4M L: t , in t ri o r=iz olaub.
.7:71 " 1:14: U L A :Z : 711k7.1 30 7/0 1 . C :, I . 4 .T o 64 l :lt i lir v it TT 7lo . DEE:
It. R. it. C. CIO O LIITZ. _
clllatlTOl HER BUG.
Souctroaa-11. W. A. S. BELL. middles
f-TILLDALE COMET >r - 116P41.
A-ILnd and Inost'Dlotureggile JAI Pr. tietUntyth
'gry — ,, , th be lr d ll4l=,l=nl ",. .ThT:
to lielleet B&W Zola will liteoly ihe" hoperlutelia
'autellieeatthe Oweetway. , Titlititatett, renalte
mai all other baslaese Moat Wilma
iViat= ca or the and= Ooraer .ar YeOna
•••41 50
:::: I It