II DAILY G.IMM. PENNIMAN, REED & CO., NO. BO Tura emsz7,.pnwumi, 0 Emit -rtitor rya wits agaivaD B r cumaiia.77.7. la: ittstitudi Ciagettt. ilht l'EttraßDA.l", 10,Y 77, 1886 IN our. ,report of the yeas and nays on the CcaisigutiOhttl Amendment, the name of the Hon. TIIOMAS WILLTANS was alto gether omitted. He voted yea. SOME ITEEEN AGO PRESIDENT Jouasoti availe4:- Maui& of several, occasions pub licly to declare that lie held in detestation the treachery of TYLER and FILLMORE to the political associates by whom they were elevated to the height of power; and that he should' carefhlly avoid following theit example. A correspondent of the London Times, writing front Washington at ahout the date of these Presidential declarations, details minutely.. a converaation he had with the President. ,His letter has, within a few 'dart; pnblialled in roll in the New York journals.. He..statcs that Mr. Jona-set atlntliteid to tdm that his object was to drivethe Republicans out of power, arm to loco the control of the government, fn'altits departments, in the hands of the ate rebels and their northern sympathizers. Every carefill observer of events knows that this is the end to which all the efforts of the President tend. It is easy, there fore, to estimate the degree of sincerity with which he professes to be fighting his quarrel out insitlb the Republican lines. SECIIRTAIty STANTON did not, either in Cabinet meeting or any where else, give his assent to the Presidential progratrune of reconstruction. The report to that effect was prepared in the Executive Chamber and sent to the Associated Press. This re port was followed by another from the same•quarter, stating if the Secretary was not there consenting, it was due to himself and the public to come out 'and say so. It Waa limply a trick to draw him into' a post: tion vebarolp could be charged with "de nouncing the President." It did not suc ceed. What next? ' A FORM.EIt slave has brought suit before the Freedmen's Bureau at Nashville for damages. Her father was a free man of color, and married a slave; Mon bought her. A child was born before the purchase of the with. Afterwards this child was bought in the name of a friend. After the death of the parents, this friend claimed the child and ttie property to-which she was heir, and held them.' Hence tht. suit. Verdict for the child. _ - Tits President has vetoed the bill admit ting the Territory of Colorado as a State of the Union.." Ir, hia annual message to Congress, at the opening of the present Cession, this saute President earnestly urged Congress to pass this very hill. AT New Albany, Ind., on the kith inst., the Jury in the ease of Dr. Newland, in dieted for the murder of the seducer of his daughter, brought in a verdict of not guil ty, a feeling that justice had been done prevailed Against the letter of the law. 15" Wass a rebel, condemned hy the laws to "take a back seat," wearies of that po sition,-he gets nominated to some high of fice, and has his nomination reported 10 the President with an application for pardon. Then the pardon is sure to issue. DANIEL .1. Ilotturd.i., of Johns town, is immed by a correspondent of the Huntingdon American, in connection with the Republican nomination for Congress iu the district composed of Mifflin, Hunting. don, Blair and Cambria counties. - - , Mn. G. NV. SCHOFIELD is haring trouble .. • in securing a renomination to Congress from the Republicans of the Warren and Erie district. The Eric Di:vetch says it will not support him under any circum stances. ALBERT B. SLOA NA I: F:1, has lien ( . 011- firmed by the Senate as Collector of Inter nal Revenue for the'first district of Penn sylvania, and JOSIAH P. llErnrcv for the eleventh. TEE Soldiers' Campaign League. of Hun tingdon county have appointed LT. W. B. ZEIGLER and M. M. LOGATES delegates to the Convention to be held in this city June sth. TUANKS.—We arc indebted to Col. John P. Glass, member of the Legislature, for a pamphlet copy of the General Laws pass ed by the Assembly at its last session. THE real Union men of the. South are taking a bold stand against the President's Policy as fatal to the best interests of the whole Country. HON. 8. P. IticCaLmonT is announced as a candidate for Congress, subject to the usages of the Republican party in Venango county. Tire Titusville Herald urges the Repub licans to nominate Mr. D. A. PENNEY (or Congress imthat district. Tuz. Republicans of _Lawrencecounty Rominate on' The 28th Instant; of Fayette, on June Lth.. Tat Republican - nominating Convention for Beaver county, will meet on the 28th Mat - • Addlamas WOrelgn News, per Jaya. ,:Lrantroot.. May ti—Tere to left Queens town to Wi t " steamship VET of Washing' WV. ttiPortod to bare passed Capo Clear hod craning. The politi cal situation Continues critical. PARIS, . 1 1/IZ _5.—T he 3ferionial Diplom:4w' denies that amnee has made energetic remon strances at 'Vienna, relative to Austrian anon; *mental in' Venetia, and says that the illepatc sent VC Vienna on tha aubject, wits couched Inn Una Most cautions Orion, and solely requested coundesitialexplanationsinvefting the °Went of.Anstrian priarationa: . The AustritutgPT. atria rerll protesting *mid maintain e *strictly Oaten ve attitude. France aOcuPted them euphonius, S2:l d the result was nmutual understanding, mx.raing to which Austria undertakes ' , Jilionld it attack Venetia lielependentlY or-armee, Mt to se cure for herse/f. any or the eventual restalta of victom without the diplomat:to inCon of France. IC I& asserted that tenantonoct of Austria in menacing Prussia and 'ltaly. th to' foroo England to assent to the. consaatio n of a Enrolxiaa Congress. ' . .. !pita Raeleste4—Capt, Fox .41shim WAsnoromm, ,—Thel . Postal . aster . den orarbas, during th e lest month, ordered Post. °Mess to be aromL44l, as follows: La:Virg:ma, 43; North Caro 50. Boutlveandlna, O: Ten. , moor=NA% Z; West V lally4Audairm4mit Ws. 318-4.lstatm• 11; le; Arlmul. corpt: Box. dudstant Secretary of the Nam will crop. the (mean in the monitor Mlantono. mahnOW to Jenson, adipreSent to theEnSperor of 'lttutell on res olution of - Congress congrummitlnw Min on MS ammo from 11113 sastztsttga. illapt:Foxidll also ozamtob and report upon the eonditton of the grAndPal.P4ooo,loCEuraPeti - • , :Hansa f. 1 1 1 1111136—,tew .. Ysr~t-CelteewnWp New . YOki, "M0y...10.4-A.! Am • oven red In Brooklyn: thht morning In she cotton , Inking astabllstonant ofJl.ll.•Nlanc.bard A. Co: The whole building , laattulcd bY , Jrllht.•• Sodirroick" and Yen Brunt circles, was dest ro yed, togotki. - with. the; Or a Large Anuantlry_saYea . 'recent aro la New Turk., ane /ass on, e +took and machinery detrain" , .thodsllod. clo/leasr, od.Abe bullartor, awned by ;Chan. - )f,e4s4H,y, ten • thousand= dol- Mr:SinythAr a nited u the nollocionstap th is inatei infon lwr tAtere two • kZ• no oirannoir ert" r g" o thosnin„,;,,J e , ilito . urpriattagp.opeettecoar.Europe. Nzierci Z rib"' Iliiikmitis . itsiLls'asamai, taktlUag, °;"2":lE434lllreolsamo . • . . . , NVIWAIVUI3 rigmaphrey's Ireatimpthle biedielnes for sale at Fulton's Drag store, No Hs Smithfield streat Children hosing Worms. Require immediate attention, as neglect of the trouble often causes prolonged sick ness. Brown's "Formßug° Comfits" are a eimple remedy, and will destroy worms with out injury to the, child. Sole agent for Pittsburgh, Joseph Fleming, Druggist, Rio. 84 Market street. A Correction. A correction of o word tn m 9 article refer ring to Dr. Sill k Co. The word find, "palled," should have been lust "filled," TA extract a tooth to retain would seem a strange coarse to those wishing to save their good natural teeth. Dre. Sill S Gillespie are very sirllfal Dentists, and the tYPographleal error made does them great in justice. .texas It. Idenss. • ExtentHre Wholesaler Hat Stott, Wereccanmend country merchant-s, and all who deal In Hats and Caret,to cull and examine the stock of Hats apd Caps at the extensive and popular house of Wm. L. Fleming, No. 1.7.1 Wood street. This estahllsbrnent has the most complete stock of all the nen' styles of , Gents and Youths' and Chlhtren's Felt and Wool Hats. Men's and Heys' Straw Goods, ,Ladies. and Misses' Hats, trimmed and'un irimcd, to he found In the city. Itanoon Ascension Postponed. Owing to the inability' of Dr. Sill, the dent ist, No. 2141 Penn street, to supply with laugh ing gas the monster balloon advertised to ascend yesterday, the ascension has been post poned. In Justice to Dr. Sill, we would inform the disappointed community that It tens a matter of ImposSibility for him to keep his contract to supply the mammoth balloon with gas. The extensive reservoirs wore charged yesterday morning, but before noon there came hundreds upon hundreds of suffering Parties to have their teeth extracted without pair., and soon the teaching gas intended to Innate the balloon was exhausted. Dr. Sill re grets the disappointment, but ho could not turn the suffering mnltitude from his doors. If the rush at his ostablisliment can be abated the promised balloon ascension will Gike place at an early day. Peace bath Its Vittorfen. To prevent or conquer disease In a grand achievement ; and as surely as Mal letand bay onet will destroy, aosurely will HOSTETTER'S BITTEItS preserve andprolon g life. This Is the most trying period of the year. The stamina of the strongest yields more or less to the consuming temperature ofnlitisum mer. Vigor oozes from every pore. The strength of man passes away In Invisible va- por, and weaker woman becomes relaxed and nerveless, It was to meet such difliculties that ilostetter's Bitters were given to society. It Ls to prevent the evil consequences to which nn unbraeed, depleted, debilitated Orglllll/41- tins is liable, that they are re l. ollll.2l2dCd . as a Seamen Tonic for both sexes. Old people die of exhaustion every day, who might hare kept death at bay for years to come, by an occasion al resort to this powerful and harmless veze table stonmehle. Nine tenths of the community, rich as wet poor, wort continually. If their hands art unemployed, their brains are busy, and heat wort: Is as depressing to the vital energies muscular toll. But tone the system with Plot totters Bitters and the wear and tear of broil ness life will he comparatively unfelt even in the most oppressive weather. No languor will ho experienced, for as last as the vital forces arc expended they will be recruited and re flowed by thls healthful restorative. An a stun men Invigorunt it is indispensable to young and old. Sold everywhere.. noel etter'a Slates,, Sri , said wholearild and retail at very low . rates it , leaning's Dreg and Patent Medicine Depot, \o SI Market si loot, corner of the Diamond I. l •l2.larket, near Konrtti street. THE Money Realized at Jones' Woods. COL. DOWNEY DISOBEYING ORDERS. NltiV or X, May 16.--i Stephens was engaged to-day In refs/ lying deputations of various circles in the Manhattan distrlct, town of whom presented Mtn with subscrip tions towaraa the Fenian cause. The amount realised front the demonstration at Jones' Woods yesterday, was about three thousand dollar/5. This morning Mr. stephens deposi ted the amount he received Mace Ills arrival In this city to one of the leading 1,11.111:s down Mgt/ It Is stated that the lease and furniture f the Union Zones, headquarters NV Ile ..1 0 11 Immediately, (or Liu:purpose of raising money for the Head Centre. It eta rersorted military dentsil to-day that Gen. Sanford had expressed his intention to Institute proceedings by court martial against Llout. Col. Downey, for a breach of or ders In permitting his command to parade yesterday at done.. Wood_ Gen. dicauregard eat a passenger on the Scotlat.o.day. He goes to Europe lu the inter• eats of the Louisiana Railroad. lindlon• Quiet on the Plains—gamine In at Livclikpo De Vent lelondO—No Cholera erpool, astusommr, May lA—Governor Cum mings, of Colorado. ex...wild° Superintendent of Indian Affairs has arrived in Washington, and .sports to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that perfect quiet has once mile° been restored on the plains, along the old emigrant route. Contmissioners on the part of the United States are about entering Into negotia tions with he upper tribes the Cheyennes, about Fort Laramie. The Unltod State" Consul at Santiago, Cape de Vert] Island, writes to the Department of State, under date of April 12th; that In quence of a continuen state of famine in those islands, the Portuguese Government has de creed the entrance Into that ar , hlpelago, free of duty, of corn,meal, rice, bran, dried and salted meats, and lard, •un Di the end of the present year. Our Consul at Liverpool, under nate of May Id, reports that there was no cholera In that cit lelsistant. Paymaster J. J. Philbrick, of the United States Navy, arrived in New York on toe United States simmer Massachusetts, on the 24th of April, since which time nothing has been heard of him at the Navy Depart ment, and fears are entertained of his safety. The Department am State has received ad vices from the Vice Admiral at Porto Rico, under date of Starch 213th, relative to an order dated March 20t1t, from the Captain General of the Island of Porto Rico, wherein it Is elated that vessels shall be permitted, as heretofore, to oomn in at any hour Miring the night, but not to leave the harbor at Ponce, or at any other port of Porto Rico where exist mounted batteries, No vessel, either national or for crign, without excepting steamers, mail or coastwise vessels, will be allowed until further orders, to come in during %Impish t. Circular to Customs collector. Wssuisoreir, May 16;-The following circu lar to the Collectors of Cuatoma on the north eni,northwestern and northeastern frontiers of the United Sta tes has been issued from the Treasury Department: • 'Washington, May 9 , Itrio.—Much annoyance Seems to attend the enforcement of the regu latiorm Concerning Invoices Of Importations from the ' Canadaa and New Brunswick try railroad and otherwise, and panic idarly in the case of Importations of small yams; Whieh are vary numer ous, and frequently tmacoonapanied by proper invoioasandeonsulturcertideates, and whereas the time and expense required to obtain the latter are so dlaproportioned to the value of =aseffect to rener the pro:Motion of ices l and certificates d impracticable; and whereas, second, the provisions of the first sec tion of the act of )(arch Ed, 11363, chapter 702, statutes 738, In cases where the production of invoices 11 impracticable, it empowers the Secretary of the Treasury to authorize the en try non such terms, and in accordance with mach general or special regulations as he may Present. You are therefore inetructed to admit to entry by apprisement, goods from the ahoy. named provinces, that are unac so_luniuned by Involeee or Consoler eCrtin s-"et If net the result of fraud, and tha rla coil or titspreixrrtionate s ea expen wean .°VthetiLould be incurred ln obtaing the smirit a , 17 . •ry important duty, involving inctedonl tar r buc use e lgiou uaenlody the that of Deus • restrietkma, ••the • special atten" i '''---/ienhasi is called to the neces sity' ;of the utusist nand carrying ta" M U/ AMP: 1 1111W eeeet, .not eatend its operations beyond the precise limitation s and cotifiltiona prescribed. • (Signed) • Mceortocu, • "(Watery of the Cream:my. Wilda! - ems' orMarer. aregeortal Elnesseti Defeat. WASHMOTON. MAY /15..L.Onelalnews from the Mexican, Goeeenenento e t e e ra up to the Mat Si n d b eewrecelved by Senor Rome. ro. Juarez not been ablate go to Chihua hua, In consequence of Meknes*. but bu wu B making preletratlon to leave for that elty. I The news received at El paio, Erom chihna bus, was to the. street that Commander lithos, t h e ream* ,ataear continand at:Durango, had been defeated by the eterman Vie= and MeX4MO. • New York Cbotors *.port AsirrOnn,.lCal , /B.—TheighnusbOlneerw its porestatematalnes the port " „ 4 . Oar or deaths /Ann ehmera ocenrred on' atm Itolabhp. , All are well an board the y NM "",* l l4 - = THE PITTSB. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LATEST 'TELEGRAMS. THE COLORADO VETO MESSAGE. Window Glass on Free List BILL FOR EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES W Astor:ores, May le—The following Is the President's message vetoing the Colorado Ad mi.lon 11111: To the Senate of the United States,-1 return to the senate, In whicti house IL originated, the bill which has passed both bounce of Congress, entitled An Act for the Admission of the State of Colorado into the Union, with my objet. tions to its becoming a law at this time. First —From the bent information which I have been able to obtain. 1 do not consider the establish ment of a State Government at present neces sary for the welfare of the people In Colorado. Under the existing territorial govern ment, all the rights, privileges and in terests of ethe citizens are protected anti secured. The qualified totem choose their own legislators and their own local officers, and are represented to g Con by a anti of their own selection. ey mak anti execute their own municipal laws sub e ject only to revision by Congress, an auhorl ty not likely to be exercised unless in extreme or extraordinary cases. The population Is mall, some estimating it so low as twenty-five thousand, while the advocates of the bill reckon the number at from thirty-five to forty thousand. The people are principally recent tel tiers, many of whom are understood to be ready for removal to other mining districts beyond the limits of the territory, if eircum- ' -Lances shall render them more inviting. Such a population cannot but find relief front excessive taxation, if the terri- coda! system, which devolves the expenses of the executive, legislative and judicial de partments On the United States, is, for the present, continued. They cannot but find the security of person and property increased by their reliance upon the national executive' power for the maintenance of law and order against the disturbances necessarily incident' to all newly organized communities. Second. It in not satisfactorily established that a majority of the citizens of Colorado do. sire, or are prepared, far an exchange of a Territorial for a State government. In September, lard, under the author 14. of Con gress, an election was lawfully appointed and held, for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the people upon this particular munition. Six thousand one hundred anti ninety-two votes were cast, and of this number, a majori ty of three tlionsand ono hundred and fifty the was given against the proposal change. In September, Ina, wit host any legal authori ty, the question was again presented to the people of the Territory, with a view of obtaininga reconsider ation of the result of the election, bold in compliance with the act of Congress, approved March net, lsat. At this secon election Vail Vete. were polled, and a small majority of 155 was given in favor of a State °rpm Iratlon. It does not acme to me entirely sate to permit the last mentioned result, so ir regularly obtained, to outweigh the one which had been legally obtained In the first election. Regularity and conformity are essentml to the preservation o rder and stable goveniment, and should, as fat as practlcable, alwaye be observed In the formation o( new States. Third. The admission of Colorado at this time as a Stilton Into the Union, appetite to me to be incompatible with the public Interests of the country. While It is desirable that Ter ritories, wben sufficiently matured, should be organized an States, yet the spirit of the Con stitution seems to require that ybere should by an approximation towards eterMlty among the several States comprising the Union. No State can have less nor more than two Sena tors hi Congress. The lament, State has a pop ulation of four millions. several other Stale s haven population exceeding two millions, and ninny others have a population exceethog one If this bill should become a law, the people of Colorado, thirty thousand In number, would have in the House of Representatives one member, while New York, with a population of font millions, has bin thirty-one. Colorado Quid have in the I.l.sqoral College three votes, while new lark hats only thirty-titres. Color:al., won't: have. In the Senate two votes, aline New lark lax no. Morn. I laeq salt lee of this character have already occurred, but It la believed none stave happened where the in equality was so great Where such Inetillisllty has been allowed, Congeal -9 In auppceed have permitted on the grounds of some high public neerensty, anti under circum stances which promoted that it would rap idly disappear through the growth and de velopment of the newly admitted State. Thus In regard to the several states in what was formerly called toe northwest territory, lying oast of the Mlastasippi Their rapid ad-. van. in population rendered it certain that the States. admitted with only one or two rep resentatives in Congress, would, In a very short period be entitled to a great increase in representation. So, when California was 011 the ground of commercial and polities) eXigenelk.S. it was well fore seen, for that State was destined rapidly to become a great, prosperous and Important mming and comnierchd community. In the case of Colorado I em not aware that any na tional exigency, either of a political or com mercial nature, requires a deposure from the law of equality, which has been so generally adhered to to our history, If the information submitted In connection with the lull is reli able. Colorado Instead of hicreaslug his tie tithed In population. At an eleetimi for mem bers of a Territorial Legislature, held In lo,s4ivotes were cast. At the election before mentioned. in isle, the number was 6,192,whi1e at the regniar election, held In lAA which is assumed for a basis of legislative action at this time, the aggregate number of the votes was 5.005. Sincerely anglers for the welfare pros perity of every yTerritory. and State, and as ell as the prosperity and welfare of the whole Union, S regret this apparent decline of population In Colorado; hut it, Is manifest that It is due to emigration which is going on from that Territory Into other regions within the United States. which either are, in fact, or are believed by the Inhabitants of Colorado, to bo richer in mineral" wealth and agricultural re sources. if, however Colorado has not really declined In imputation, another census or another election under authority of Congress would place the question beyond a doubt, and cause but little delay In the ultimate reception of the Territory us a State, if desired by the People. The tenor of these oblong°ne furnishes the reply which may be expected to an argument In favor of the measure, derived from the ena bling act, which was passed by Congress on the 21st day of March, lAN. Although Congress then supposed that the condition of the terri tory was such as to warrant its admission as a State, the result Of two yea.-s. experience shows that every mason watch existed for the institution of a territorial Instead of a State government In Colorado, at Its gent then, atilt continues in force. Tee condition of the union at the present moment is eficrilated to Inspire caution In regard to the admission of now Kat.. Eleven of the old States have been for some time and atesti!' unreprosenteal In Congress. It is a Common Interest of all the Staten, as well those represented as those Ir7reseuted, that the Integrity and harms y the Union should be Teetered as com pletely as piesslble, so that all those who are expected to bear the burdens of the Federal Government shall beeonsulted concerning the admission of new States, and that in the meantime no new State iihall be Preleature ly and unnecessarily admitted to a participa tion In political power which the Federal Gov ernment wields, not for the benefit of any in dividual States or section, but for the commor safety, welfare end happiness. As "mew JouNso VAsunraron, D. C., May 16, 1866. The Poet's special says The Ways and Means Committee have determined to put window glass on the free Ilst. The Military Committee will soon report a bill for the equalization of bounties, giving each sokiler, who has not received his bounty, one hundred dollars per year. This wili re quire the appropriation of two hundred mil lions of dollars. At the fire in Brooklyn this morning, Bn- Ohasuin & Lyons tobacco factory, etocknnd ma eldnery, were damaged by water and smoke to the amount of ten thousand dollars. About two hi:Mitred persons are temporarily thrown out of employment. NEW ORLEANS ADVIOES. The Blatent Rebel Gwyn, TOOMBS CONN TO EUROPE Nsw Oal.aaaas May 111.--Banator Gwyn has arrived. Ile was released on parole without any other condltlolii. Ile refused the oath awl to /mice the country, He Is vuelting Ws friends today. The trial of the (imbeds murderers to pro. greening. Morels a great crowd awl excite ment. Mr. Wilmer, or Vlminta,ts the favorite can dictate for Bishop to-day. The fiscal budget for the years 1065 and 1006, exceeds for duties alone thirteen or General sne lefty provlorm year. Toomb Ifavannu for Europe on the 10th. The augur crop this year le estimated at half a million of boxes. The stock of sugar In Havanna Is heavy. Cotton; sales of twelve hundred bales of Low Middling at s.l6Sie. Today's receipts, eleven bundrodand thirty-three bales. Gold 130%; Sterling 42; New York Bank Checks % per cant premium; rest unaltered. The pwt quarantine establishment has been tarried over to the State authorities. General Canby orders the Board of BUIVOY posts to be sent to headquarters (Or approve/. The Bpireepal Convention is organised. gaerstary Seward at Auburn. actuaw, N. Y., May 111,—aeoretary Bawd arrival la this city from Wastunatoalatt wan lag In excallantbeelth and - spirits. He Ig ye . celvtaitthecantstitliitiatui at his neigbbarC and friends today—the.aunivanaty stxtrafttiblelli day. • • 1 _ x ~~~Sr.C+se~L~~ f sy.-'~"''~;.:~r-~ :'Cif4•si:=.v~s.~ - R.v~S`.'-: Otis.",: LATE FROM CAIXEDENLL The Foil Goodwin Massacre CONTRADICTORY REPORTS ABM IT SAN FaAsmara,, May 14.-11 Letter from Chas. Hamilton, doted Williams , Fork, Arizona, April 29th, seems to central the massacre at Fort Goodwill. Ile states that the massacre occurred ten days previous, and that of two companies Of regulars of the Thud and Four , teentil regimenta, consisting of one hundred mim, only seven eamped. Thereanabcder were murdered and scalped. The Apar-hcsreaped a ri c h harvest, carrying oil arras, ammunition t, stores, de. A number of supposed friendly Indiana were admitted into the fort and supprised thegarrison. A tribe called the Ilualopes had murdered one man and corn milted other Outrages In the vicinity of Wl].liams , Fork. Lieut. Cervantes; of Cmpany A, with twentyeix men, attacked the A=e 4, B forty miles east of Camp lAnc=out 7.4 th, killing twenty-tWoowou five, and captut= upon o. trzullitir partLra pi ~ .'"11 an Th t e military ' authorities - have information from General. Mason, dated Apra =IN who says nothing about the Massacre at FertGood win. A letter with'a late date from F Clip; credits the report It Is now fm_ pt herd that the 14th regulars could not have reached Fort Gibson before April 28th. Dispatches 1 - e -- calved at military treadquarterstrorn General . Mason, dated April 110th, say Ute reported mas. sauce at Fort Goodwin La Without ,/oundation. The steamer Americo Merry, for San Juan Del Sur, sailed, carrying one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars treasure for New York. . .. . Mining stocks are weak. Ophir, 6001 Impe rial, 12S. Yellow Jacket, 717; Norcross, WO Itelcher,=; Chollax, IMO; CrownPoirit 12,00. ' CONGRESSIONAL PROCERDLNG WAHHIN Gros, May 16,1868 SENATE. The Colorado Admission hill. Veto Message was read and ordered to be grin tod and laid upon the table. Mr. Win intro Lisduced a Mille fix the tary peac e o eatabhment oethlillnited States, which was referred to the Military Commit teo. It provides that the army shall consist of five artillery and six cavalry regiments now in the service, thirty-seven regiments of in (entry, and the professors and cadets of the military academy. The companies Shall eon. stet of aim y-four privates as a minimum, and eighty-two as a maximum, to bo enlisted five years. Section nineteen of Senator Wilson'ebill an. thorixes the establishment of schools at posts, garrisons and permanent camps, for toe in struction of enlisted men. It authorises the Secretary of War to detail suitable non-com missioned °Macre and other enlisted men, and the post commander to net apart a suita: tile mom or building for the purpose. Section twenty prohibits the appointment In the army of a person who has served In any capacity In the military or naval service of the rebels. Section twenty-one abolishes sutlers, and di rects the Quartermaster' departtnents to fur nish such articles as may be designated by the inspector General, and sell the same to sol dlei at cost prices, if not paid for at the time, to be stopped from the next payment. Section twenty-two repeals all laws or parts of laws meonsistent herewith. Mr. primes said of Mr. Sumner's amendment that ono of the gents to be benefitted by the above was Mr. Ilarvey, Minister So Portugal, who was the person who notified the rebels that Port Sumter was about to fired upon. Ile had also recently written a letter to the Secretary of State, advising the President to eject the present Congress. Mr. Wade sani the charge of haveb e n s uncalled for, and ought not t trodneed here. It had nothing to do with the question before the Senate. As to the accusa tion that Mr.flarvey haflgiven information to the rebels, he (Mr. Wade) knew all about it, for be bad Ineestigated it. Mr. Harvey had • done nothing in the twitter that was not ap proved by the Prendent and his Cabinet. Mr. ressenden, speaking of this subject said, If Mr. Harvey had written the letter he had seen publiahisl, it was exceedingly and un neceuwaril impertinent. Ile (Mr. Peissenden) believed Mr. Harvey know who he was writ. ing to, and that Ito expressed no opinion in Congress disagreeable to the Secretary of State. Mr. Stewart offered a bill to transfer the In dian Bureau (rout the interior to the War DI. , piu - tment The senate passel the House bill repealing ; the act 01 the thirty-sereuth Congress in rola , um; to passports, with en amendment that hereafter pannpotta shall be granted only to citizens 01 the Untied States. Mr. Kirkwood offered a joint resolution (or the appointment of a committee to Inresti ' gate the war claims of lowa, Referred. eo A Joint u row:Mutton t Oa. in pumped to Vi stnrponil the llectlo of a direc tax West un til the first of March next, indent; her acc rginia unto against the Coded State are sooner adjusted: The Consular and Diplomatic Appropria tiou Bill came no. Amendments were adopted that all foes of Canania Or com mercial agents not mentioned In the schedule, be accounted for to the secre tary of the Treasury; that all fees of any Con ott Or eorrnneretal agent exceeding 4a,cio in any one year bo paid to the Secretary of the Treasury; that titles of diplomatic represen tation in Hayti, Liberiaand Dominic° shall be Minister Resident and Consular General, with out Increased salary. The Senate adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Wasliburne, of Illinois, reported from the Committee on Commerce, a bill farther to provide for the safety of the lives of gore on steumships. lie.sts.ted that i r et:: tattled a section to prevent rho transportation of nitro glycerin es, end also a motion tomodify the construction given to the existing law in reference tocrude petroleum or coaloll. Thai construction, he salmi, prevented the ehipment of the article, .very much Interfering with commerce. Time bill was read &third time and passed. Mr. Myers, from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill to authorize Delia A. Jettobs, admintstrntrlx of Jesse Fitzgerald, to _aptl ir y for an extension of a patent granted hith an improved method of dressing tree oldie. The bill passed—yeas tem, and nays IL Mr. Myers, from the tame Committee, re. Ported a bill authorizing the Commissioner of atents to hear and determine on applications or an extension of the patents of Wm. Mann, for 1111 ifklprOTOMent in copying paper and of Jaw, senaett, for an improvement In tred- I dies, they not having made their applicatio I ninety days before the expiration of their Pm* n. tents. The bill was passes. Mr. Broinweil, from the same Committee, reported a hill extending for su•en years.. from the sixth day of December, lush the pa tod. of Thomas D. Burrell, for an Lm moot In a c mro shelter. Mr. Dawes, of idazsachusetts, spoke m °pep. eithm to the bill, saes leg that theme was no information 'Dilute Ice Donee as to why the , patentee had net Ihreadr safficlent profit from ' his patent. Mr. nroomwell smoke in defence, and In explanation of the bill. The hill was paesed• The morning hour having expired, the speaker presented a communreatien from the Postmaster General, transmitting, in comet'. once with the act of Congress of July td, Pal, abstracts of offers received and contracted made, and allowances made to contractors for additional nu - vice, .to, Laid on the table. The Ilouee went Into - Committee of the Whole on the state of tho Union, Mr, Dawes In the chair, and resumed consideration of the tax bill. The paragraph &mewling section 74 of the I pretest law was under consideratkm. 1 The amendment Wasadepted,strikingont the allowance of a half penalty for the Informer, for a ssessment monthly of the sales or whole sale dealers within the year above fifty thou sand dollars, Increasing tax of whOlosale deal ers whose sales do not exceed fifty.thotwand dollars, from fifty to one hundred defiant fix ing the Dix of distillers of apples, grapes, or peaches, manufacturing fifty, and less than one thousand barrels per annum, at fifty dol lars, and dollare. those distilling tees than fifty barrels, y Mr. Ingersoll offered an amendment Increas ing the license of distillers frontellXl_to SLCCO, the object being to put down small distillers, who are Inaitlngilentrahand spirits. Mr. Stephens opposed It, enggenting that lime license should rather be reduced to W. The amendment was rejected Twelve pages of the bill sore disposed of, when the Commit- tee rote. FE)M==l:l The Hence lion-ermourred in the Senate amendment to the ant regulating the place for holding the Circuit Court of the - Molted States within the district of Virginia, and naked for a Committee of Conference: on motion of lir. Banks tho Military Com mittee wore inetrneted to report what meas ures wore neceseary for the further protection of the dead soldier. of the "tinned Staten hurled within the limits of the insurgent Staley. Adjourned. . RoaIIMITIIIII N. Y., May Ri.--Judgollmalley In the United States District Court, in semen here, has ordered. an Indictment quashed oval:tat a party for making of Income re turns. He holds that. theact of iSIS does not make this an Indictable offence. The an of Juno 30th. 1805, duos however, make the offence Indictable, but all who made false re turns prior to that date, escape underr , this do. eiston. Contest for United states Maxtor fro Connecticut. ?few 114yErt, COIM, lira The Emma balloted to -day for Uniledteallenator with tho following results O. E. Ferry 1141 It. D. Itubbalt lai U S. Poste; Thos. I L Seymour, 1. The crenate voteeito.morrow. Jeff. Davhs• Mess lll ls—Mpeclal Moister,. Ponrnass Monson, May atithorititr tively understood here as e result of Sears. tory McCulloch's late vis thnt President Johnson has directed the surgeon of the post to make a special report on the health of Jett Davis. Taboret, elaualisetory Se tbo United States Illstriet Court, yesterdaY, /I. D. Carr.atuin, Eno__ United:States District • Attor ney. Bled Dbol against a tobacco inannfacto. sy, formerly owned by L._ b De but now the Property - of Thoersch d Co , . The libel includes:3,o[l2pound, of cut and dry Ina quantity of smaiw, and - tded In the manufacture. Tbe . W • ehl teheteet was seized. y Win. Little,En,rlnternainewentie poi:lector for the. 2:d , Lostitsti for neglect on the part of uuhtirooot to mike= thePrePer re" turas:Wei:od tilOl4OrAMWO2allild . ~:~ ti ~ _, .. CITI' IND NEIGHBORHOOD. iItDDLTIOIG44, ON 7171121) PAGE.) .o. —.......___ Fi lantinal Convention of the Protes tant Episcopal Church. -.. FIRST DAY. Th trot Annual Convention of the Protes tant piscopal Church of the Diocese of Wes . Pennsylvania assembled yesterday at flv cloak- in Trinity Chnreb, Sixth Street. Th nvention was called to order by the Rl,gh everend John B. Eferfoot, in the chair. After Mg the object for which they had I ease .. esi, be offered an impressive prayer— in w is those present joined in—to the Thro 'of Grace. asking for guidance in the : work fore them that they might do nothing that - dbe in deviation from the path of t truth d rlghteonsmas, but that each act sho donnd to their own Emir Muni benefit and t he honor and glory of God. At conclusion of the prayer the ehaLr.in-, form th e convention that the first business. was appointment of a Secretary. The air having the power to appoint, the talk) g gentlemen wereaepointed &me. .tary• and =taut Secretary--9. Greenleaf Fuller and N R. Huey. A to stated that in the absence.ol. the cam tee from the Parish of Monongahela , he re q uested to ask that that _pariah be tt into the Episcopate .• •.., .• . On cm carried. • The - Caring list of churches *ch were' dee .at a former convention lobo n union with diocese was then called and the del egateerfarm each requested to hand in their eredemltisdas ALLZONENT COUNTS'. at 4 ly Church, Pittabur h. •Pard's Chu= e. " Allhe. St. Andrews "' Pittsbu eg rg ny h. SC James' " Pittsburgh. Glues - " Mount Washington. SG Luke's " Charlie= Creek. 4t, Mark's " Birmingham. CMvilry " East Liberty, 9 Peter' S4John's " Lawrencevfile. s •' Pittsburgh. St,litephens". Sewickley. i p salorraoso COUNTY. 8 WIPP Church, Kittaning. Trinity Church, Freeport, ' • EAVES COUNTS. raktfara gll47:l3lllo'agenrtlV: Christ Church, New Brighton. BUTLER. COUNTY. St:Peter's Church, Butler. . CLBAILYINLD COUNTY. St. Andrew's Church, C'earfleld. CZAWPORD COMIT. Christ Church, Meadville. St. James' Memorial, Titer:a/le. Mini COUNTS'. St:Maul's Church, Erie. St. Peter's Church, Erie. NAYNTTE COUNTY. Chinst Church, Brownsville. Gowe " Blensilen. Trinity " Corinellsvills. St. Peter's" Uniontown, INDIANA COUNTY St. Peter's Church, Blairsville. Christ Church, Indiana'. LAWYMNOR COUNTY. Trinity Church, New Castle. vllan A NOO COUNTY. Si. John's Church, Franklin. PrAinn anion COUNTY. Trinity Church, Washington. winiTnniallilAnn COUNTY. . Christ Church, Greensburg. , The Clerical delegates are thirty in number, 1 their names being at follows : Right Rev. J. B. herfooti D.O, Reverends William iladderly, It. Avery, James Brown, Morrison Itylbesby, Thomas , Crumption, Will • lam Ely, S. Greenleaf Fuller' William Hilton, D. C. Jam.. B. IL Killikelly Samuel T. Lord, Theodore Lyman, Henry Mackay, David Page, Calvin Parker, It. B. Peet, Will. .lam Preston, John Protlieral, Henry Ludlow, George Masterly, It lehard Smith, R. S. Smith, W. A. Natively, 1. F. Spnaldlng, Cornelius Swope, I. P. Taylor, W. P. Ten Broeck, M. A. • Tolman, IL E. Tschinly. William White, and William Wilson. Each parish being entitled to the lay dele gates making ninety in all the r oll of thaw delegates were ordered to be next called by the Secretary. About thirty answered to their names, when the President announced that a quorum being present the next buainess before tile conven tion was the lamination of officers to be cho sen by the Convention. The following gentle men, were pat In nOnnnation and unanimous ly elected. S ceretary — Rev.itroeek. Treasurer of the convention and Christian Fend—nos IL Howe. standing committee--Rev. C E. Swope end' T. Ten ilkoeck. Board tiz Missious—RL It.. J. i 1 iterfoot and Bev. IL 8. Smith. Treasurer--Geo. IL White,. The hours for the convening and adjourning of the Convention was then axed at the toi letries times: The Convention to remain In I cession from nine o'clock a. N. until one o'- clock r. a., and from three o'clock r. a. until six s x. A delegate requested the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution to hand in their report, as it was now In order, as well as that of the Committee on Unfinished Business. The Chairman of the Committee to prepare amendments to the Constitution begged leave to state that the report of the committee would be ready to lay before the Convention at an early hour tomorrow. Johnston offered the followin: Resolved, That in order to expedite the g bin. Mess of the convention, it would be advise- We to call the lint of delegates without regard to County lines, and the order of their admis sion into the onion of the convention. A delegate thought the resolution objection able on the ground that very few of the dale ttblet.to tell the exact Itte their tes present k bid be Mr. Johnston bellrevell' org a nist objection triv ial, Inasmuch that if the delegates did not know the exact uate they roma easily learn it before the reorganization of the Convention. Several amendments to Mr. Johnston's res olution Wan offered, but each, on being put to • vote, were lost. At length a rote on the resolution as origi nally offered were taken, when it was passed by a tall vote. The Convention then adjourned to meet to day at ten o'clock, when religious services wilt take, place. Hydrant flee and Pipes. We throat the attention of our readers to the card of the old and well-known business house of John Moffett, Nos. 127 ana 149 Fired street. .Moffett Is prepared to furnish upon the shortest notice the moat superior hy drant hose and piles In the market. flaying hwl longexperie_nce In the Winkles., ho knows Junt the quality of stock 112 that part ic. ular lino which Is serviceable, and persons desiring such articles will consult their own Interests by conferring their patronage upon Mr. Matfett. They will find him a liberal, fair dealing gentleman, content with reasonable profits, and anomos to dispose of nothing Used._ ut the best qualities of the articles adver- Bloody itpeetacle.--enthertne Sollruike, re siding In Birmingham, mode her appearance he Alderman Strain's oMce, yesterday, and at tracted more than usual attention, from the fact that her face and clothing were bloody. The occasion of this was explained by leer bringi ng monist h a charge of assault and batter y husband, John bollnake, depoain that ho struck her Several blows with hie flat, One b i d% she received on the nose, ening It toreely. A warrant was loane dfor thin disciple of the AL 0. W. 11. Kicked In the Bye..-A German named John Hell yesterday charged a certain John Irwin with having knocked him down and kicked him In the eye, Injuring his ontic to such as extent that be is unable to see even the largest object shwa. J ytace Ammon, be fore whom the ease was brOught. stated that althongh the Injury was all In the eye of the defendant, he would minim POO ball from In for his appearande at court. All the par ties reside in Boat Birmingham. Court. of Common Pleas.—llou. E. If. Stowe unwitting. woreSDNIGIDA T. May 16.—The following oases disposed on Benjamin Conrsin Chance Barnes. Alter tho ease had proceeded some time, the plain tiff took a non-salt and the Jury was dis charged. ye. Nf i r m. da i tiFtort llVl e d r r et in nd favor ” of plaint u jff for $230.00. If tooting from fi sus Mora Joseph Philter was arraigned befeseAldermen Strain, yesterday, on trio charge of stealing a clothes brush end a poutul Of coffearram the gift store on Irtftlrstreet John A. Scott WU therose cutor. Fisher protested tits innocenc e, and opened teat he had purchatmi the articlea at another atom. Ile desired another hearing, and the magistrate accepted ball for Lb' ap. poem:nee on Saturday next. sidinDistrict Conn.—Hon. Moses Hampton pre g. waniirseer. May 10.—Tho Jury in the cane or Perry Drown and others vs. Jake BM ana others found a verdict for the defendants. Luke D. Davidson vs. Lowrey Droner, ailtiPr of David Sampson, &coed. 4vUsm to recover - balance duo on actiount at the death of Mr. Sampson. The Jury certified a balance of $lO4 duo plaintiff. Fegry Publle.—Wm. F. Babb, Esq., re cently appbitited Notary Public., lies estab lished Ws °Mee at No. 09 Plamoinistreet. Mr- Robb is an obliging and attentdve gentlemen, and bankers, broker", attorneys and others, nayy rest enured that any busbies' entrusted Alin will receive careful and prompt atton. We aard - rnay bo found elsewhere, Held for Trlnt.—John fo u r a he , proseted by Darby leDonough assault and bat tery and MeV orthe Daseeoras given Shear lag before, Alderman Strain, yesterday, which resulted in ble being beld -to slz hundred dol lars for th i rs mane° &ILI next term of the siding ,43x, TnesdayWilli Doty, ron Yen Dream street., in the Eighth ward, bad the great too of his left foot severed at YEP/Ilrett!s factory, where he was eunplo ed. - Jae was luaidling an axe, whith Slipped 'relatifs gratTastdlbaiapen 'pet, agleam _ liode—T a flatland Synad..at ilia Luta: - aran Chaiah.ot.thapalte4 atates*W.assambla 'fta Vory Waineiinalans,l94ttorror • • ~.,.,--<...z,...~"' ~:Y,,~-~.:. -..:~ ~2st.~x..:~2n',i^-Ste'.-'~a-c~.'`,._ A Family - Jar. Mary Otto and ner suse, John, residents of that usually quiet district known on the map of our county as Birmingham, have not been living of late as flesh of one flesh and bone of one bone should do, but have been in dulging in a series of squabbles that have had • the effect of marring the bright blue of their connubial skies. At length John leithle home, and after remaining away for a few days turned In company with the borough tousle- Ale,William McCully, and announced his in tention of taking to auction the entire fermi tare ot the honsehold, there to be sold for his eCtelusive benefit. 'Mary determined that such should not be MO case, and hied herself at once to the office .of...rustle° Saulsbury, where she made an. in for sur formation against McCully and her husband ety of the peace. After a bearing the defendants were held in Out each to kw,' the cones toward all good Citizens hat toward the prOSOOLItrIX in particular, (sr the space of one year. And so the matter ended. Plumbing and Gas bless's. Essons & CO., No. 165 Wood street, have Jest opened at their ware rooms a now and elegattt stock of chandeliers and pen dants, for balls and parlors, watch are con structed in the latest and most fashionable of styles. They have also on hand a fall line of sinks, basins, Be., which they are prepared to set up In stores, counting rooms, or dwellings. The firm It composed of practical gra and steam litters, and they employ a largo number of mechanics, who thoroughly understand all the branches pertaining to their tmalness. Messrs. Ewens & Co. are agreeable and oblig- Mg, and will attend in a proper meaner to all business entrusted to their care. They deal exclusively In hydrants, iron vamps sheet lead and zinc, and lead pipe. The prices for mannfattured articles and labor range among the most moderate rates, while all work so warranted to be durable and satiefeetory. Persona needful of anything In the plumbing line we dlrect to the firm's advertisement In another column. notloo• Argued. Before Judges. Sterrett, and Mellon, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, yesterchiniiieldo- Don for a new trial in the cagerotiffaili Denry,' convicted on ian indictment for receiving' goods stolen fromights' bat more. on Wood street, was argued , by J.. M. - Kirkpatrick, Taila for the Notion, and District Attorney Duff noinst it. The Court reserved its decision. The motion• for a new trial In the case of Louis Heed. convicted 01 burglary, was also argued. J. Kirkpatrick, Esq., was counsel for the defendant, District Attorney Duff rep resenting the commonwealth. No decision. Improved Sanitary Condition.—The streets present quite an improved appear ance, since our newly elected street commis sioners have assumed the duties of their of fice. Street Commissioner i Hunter, than whom there is no more active wohy or in dustrious city official, has gven rt abundant proof of his strict attention to duties, in the present appearance of the lower dis trict of the city. Through our advertisino columns to.. day he warns all persons against throwing or s garbageewers or of who sweeping rubbish Prudent into the gutters streets. keep ers will take heed in time as Mr . Hunter Is determined to prosecute a ll persons violating the ordinance. The Fax:none Russian Pebble Flpeets ele.—Perao. with weak or falling eyes are generally much perplexed to know where to purchase glasses that will preserve the sight and at the same time prove comfortable. This want Is suppliml in the now famous Ruesian Pebbles, manufactured and for sale only by the well known practical optician, Mr..l. Dia mond, No. In St. Clair street. A trial of them will satisfy any person of their excellence over every other glass now In use. At this store will Wad be (omid a large and varied as sortment of opera glasses. thermometers, bar ometers, and all such articles usually kept In a first claw, optician establishment. ----- - Niesling Gloom nod Queensolosre.—Jos. it. Dickey, proprietor of the El Dorado saloon, on Fifth street, made complaint before Alder derman Strain, yesterday, aviinstJohn Webb, a boy, residing in a court off Fifth street, wi th having stolen two glass rake Stands and some gueensware. A search warrant wan issued, and °Meer Wilmot searched the Douse of the father of the accused, without, however, find ing any of the missing property. The glass stands were found at the houseof the parents of a boy named Fairman, who, it was stated, - had purchased th em from Webb for fifty cents. Webb was held to buil for a hearing to-day. Wortunate.—Someboy says there to a spe cial- providence for the protection drunken mon de., wardg officer Bell covered, in the Fifth Market finnan, a man helplessly drunk. He took him to Alderman Taylor's otliee, and upon searching him• nine hundred and tw outy-six dollars wale found on his person. He was a farmer, and designed leaving for Oil City, but missing the train, he went to a saloon and indulged beyond his ca pacity. He was detained until ho became so. bor, when he went his way, avowing his in tention to •drink no more." oil and Commhaelon Alapaha nts.—The card of the ostensive and well-known oil bra. kern and commission merchants, Messrs. Warring a King, No. 4 Duquesne Way, will be found in another column. These gentle men enjoy a very enviable reputation in the mercantile community, and both bola= thor ough, practical, and experienced bustrum men, they have succeeded In obtaining a full snare of the public patronage. Their corre sponding house in Phdadeiphia is Warring, king and Co. We mostebeerfully recommend this firm, knowing their business qualities and character. --- Put out the Lich L—Last night while the play of liareppa was In pro,,ess at the Thea ter, a young man went to leave the house by way of the centre entrance. During the late warm days, the pennament doors had been taken away and green von Wan shades en bstlu, ted. These the young man ran against so vio lently that ho knocked them off their , L loges, and against the chandlier hanging nln the vestibule, completely demolishing it. Of cournetho lights were put out, -- Anniversary Eleeting.—The first anni versary of the Episcopal Board of Missions took place last evening in SLAndrew'S Church, Rand street The ceremonies were very in- Wresting were attendance very respectable Addressedelivered by E. S. Golden, of Kittanning, and others. In oil respects, the anniversary was the most agreeable affair of the character we over had the plessare of at tending. The Morse Case.—Owen Fitzsimmons and Frederick Hines—accused by lifichnel Kelly with havingobtaincd thirty-three dollars from him under false representations, viz: selling him a horse for that amount, and representing him as sound, but the contrary Droving the case—had a hearing before alderman Strain yesterday, and were held In SMO each for their appearance at court. Pined for gelling Liquor on Bundy.— At the request of the East Birml ngham Tem perance Society, John Jarrat, the constable of the borough, appeared before Justice Ammon yesterday and preform! a charge of selling liquor on Sunday against John Marshall, the keeper of a tavern on Carson street. Marshall was discharged on the payment of $5O and Btoppedl.—The work upon the Duquesne borough branch of the Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Manchester Passenger Railway has been suspended in consequence of the rails n ot PaviAarriveiThey diayet 74r lve earlyliatweckn'he „aving(o street has been removed as for asoandusky street and stringers and eross-ties laid. Did Pot Go Up.—Thoae who were looking for the balloon—ourselyes among the rest— announced to ascend from the Union Skating Park, Allegheny, yesterday, were disappoint ed. 2ho Cause of the nonaiseenalon, we learn, was the failure on thetert of rrof. Stainer to secure the requisite quantity of gas. Sayer'. Oftlee.—Five besotted 'specimens of humanity were presented' befbre Ma Honor Mayor McCarthy yesterday morning, mad four of them were consigned to the tender mercies of Warden - White. Ono individual had worn. aloof. changa.kfter the night' carousal, to li. outdate the usual assessment of "two-ninety: reit from ricwfblik—A laborer named George Duncan fell from scallblalsas on Pennsylvania avenue yesterday afternoon and broke bla arm. The Injured =II W . An a hod carrier and at the time of the accident hint a heavy load of bricks on hia shoulder. Ilsintay thaws Providence that he escaped thus easily lihnoworay.—A Loose - attached to a baggy took fright la Federal street, Allegheny, last evening, and rau for a ecaudderable dis t/taco before be was chocked up. A man who was In the buggy was thrown out and considerably lalurmi. We did not lawn his name, ------- 11 /nosanee..,Wiiihnn McKee was yesterday before Ald. Traylor charged, on oath of J. aterret, with keeputgaad maintaining a Dub aidslinee. A warrant wee placed In the hands of °Meer Bell for the Arrest of the itemised. Fire In Alieithony.—Yesterday about noon the roof of a dwelling In 11 . 1ntOalei court, Allegheny city, took are, hot was eatlngulah ed without doing any damage, save that done 4 a few buckets of water. 81111 Raffbring.—Wo regret to state that Mayor WCarthy is still suring trout rh maim, so mush so that ho w l s scarcely LI ". discharge thu duties or his outgo. - a ta Argument lama—judges Merritt and Mel lon were engaged yesterday In going tlunugh the argument net. of Me Conn M. Conunon Pleat and Quarter bet/dont. Tot on Trlgl.-Tho itisecii the Union Pet roleum Company ve. George Ktng and othore, In the U. 8. Circuit Court, 4as net yet been concluded. Crepe Is* ed.—The -cold weather of the bun two dale.and the stem of tlnnday.dlit great damage to the ft•alt crop through Out the state. Rich lag* Cortains.—Whlto Orr and Co.' 25 MitreMet, advertise, as idetreeekvedi mune very rig& embratdered lace eerlaiac, . • Rataed.--The ooal barges sunk. In the Mo. nongaheli,mear Dam Ng I, by the wind Mg dorm on anneay last, have been =Med. . . Gridlsle M Paslag.--The bOrOpirtiaughestsmadvisrtteastar sealed for the gradln4 ag4 paying4C4 ey, s • ~F: " ~~ x?y,~~~,~ :t e r ~.. SY~~:r. _.. ~r'l Four Bora Were =Med by the police, last evening, for malicious The case is rather trifling. him GLAIIBLE-On Wedneeday morning, Kay Ifith, NETTIIt.. daughter of James Gamble, In theleth year of her age. The !emend wilt take place from the riladesice of her father, No. 14 Jam. street, Allegheny City, on TIIIIFISDAT AFfIOIOOOX, u t o'clock. MIMMKEah'S . prILLDALE CEIMETERN.--A rnl and most gZbareetvilit gam:libßeopteltngt; lifeliew Brighton Rawl. ° Persons wAhlhe to t am ea &mai Lou apply at the haperfritend not , . alike, at the Cemetery. -Title Deeds, Permits and all other hem wUI be attended bat the Droll Warehorme of the underalwhed, Corner of Pedesaa and Lemma street.. All_estr sr. A. KELLY. Ilearatars and Treasurer. ABITTERIKENTS. WEB! HOUSE AG= ........... Br!Mani orteceas of MISS EMILIE MELVILLE. BruZ4=4l,°.l,llll.9BEZa.,tr:47.'Yit,7"' be Daughter of the Regiment. Josephine (with moss) ......,Miss Emilie Melville. To conclude with the bevies,. of P ocahontas. Pocahontas tlle. Emilie Melville. grldyr evening beneflt..of Slybrit Idelvlllc. The " Jattralef WAS 3fEEW.J.E MATINEE. LEGAL: PTHE ORPHANS' 'COURT OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. PENNA. —ln the 'nat ter of theestate of SARAH STEELE. decea•ed. No. 3, March Term, ISM, Writ of Partition or Val uation. To Elisabeth Steele, Martha McFarland and McFarla n d. children Sarah F. Conover, Jantes S. McFarland. children of mld Martha McFarland. formerly_alar tha Steele, and Sarah A. Lichtenthaler, Emma Lichtenthaler, Samuel S. Lichtenthaler, Martha J. Lichtenthaler,-1.1.51e Lichtentheder, William D. Lichtentlmler, coildren of mar) Ann Licbtentba- Iznand ft=erly Mary You are hereby notified thatfi elrl :l lnquisition will he held, in pursuance of the above men lotted writ of partition or vaimMon, on the Promise., R.s.". township, on THURStrA V, the vlat day of June, A. D., Loge, at 1 0o'cloce, A. L. to make partition to and among the heirs of said deceased In such manner and in such proportions As by the laws of this CAMtnoncrealtn is directed, de. at obi. time nod place yon may frtllV ilfi.yg‘TlSV/lißgre.riff. Etriznum•B Omar., j PlTTSconon, May oth, 7860, r Myl o llatrtbed IN THE ORPHANS"COURT of Al Estate of Woman Olheon, - del ' a2t;. m lt t o te , c, Marc h Tenn, Md. Writ of Partition or Valuart.on. To Mary F. Wood Wm. H. Wood, Frederick A. McWetlad and Wood, David W. Miller and Nancy. his wife , John his Ifs, WW Johnson ad Ellen 0., William z 11; wile Be amin ib.on, Gibson, Benjamin G. WOM , and (Merles E. Woo,, and Emily P. Wood, by their Guardian, D. C. Halts, Esq., heirs of Woolman Gibson. de ceased. You are hereby notified that an Inquisition will Sc hold In pm... of the above mentioned writ of c,aoV,Ligfp.o.r.'"rTlTJA ,I,le'r.P.,f,e°ll7l,fin,g;:: 102', aria o'clock A. sc., to mate partltion to sou among the hetrs or said deceased, In manner Mnadoo rtlon re. b ., T a i ttr ' r l dat s ti o m f e " acc " .l Com you may attend If place you thine proper. JUIII 11. wrzwAnT, Sheriff. litnr.nreva OFYIVE, Pittsburgh, May I. trot. myuclaardaw -PVIBLICAALE OF REAL EN'FATE. —By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas authorizing Lawrence Winchel, Committee of Gertrude Soellner, a lunatic. to sll the Interest of mid lunette; and an order of tile Orphan.' Court Gf Allegheny county. authorising A. CI. McQnade. uardian of the minor children and heirs .t law of John theellner, deceased, to sell the interest of said minors, of, In and to all the following real estate, situate in Bum, Shinier township, Allegheny coun ty, Pa., to wit: Lots-Nos. S 3 000 21 In David An derson's lest ion of lola, fronting on the Butler Turnpike or Plank Road sixty feet, and extending back 110 feet to Lomita. street, at Public Sale, SATs Inert Rout e , lu the It, of Pittsburgh, on I.IILOAT. May 888 OM. at 10o . chwk a. 0. Term', riMil!littierNlVgarld:grattr.P. A. G. Mot/CADE, Guardian. mrhlaw2wd ALLEGJEtENY COUNT Y the :tptpCourt of Common Mem, In the matter of the i aation of the /34 . 11 . 141 . r 0 r i d Loan 41.1..,,,cf1at10n No. ‘ lo, "r f t i t n n t e o . r ?e,e. And nor o t r o p ?w r i a t: April 21. ISM. Petition 'llea and the Court direct notice then - of to be published In cue newspaper printed In the city of Pittsburgh and county of Atlegheny for at least three weeks, setting forth that an applleatlon has been sonde to the I'ourt for the purpos e of grant ing the Building and Loan Association of Pitts burgh a c harts, of incorporation, and that the sine will he granted at the next term of the Court -9 exceptions hereto shalt bo filed In proper "Trwrn the Record: JACOB li. WALTER. Pro, th J e olarr o natoterested rein Please talmLuotice of nic r of Court. t A. WIEDAIAIiN, aeM:law3trol Attorney for the Association. IN THE ESTATE OF JETS AN—• DEBSON, DECEASED.—In the Oghans' Court of Alicia.y Couty. No. =, Moot wenn, 11365. Anti now, to wit: April MK the ohn NI ay, Jr., Administrator of Jentima And e rso n . de ceased, confirmed absolutely, and on motion of flastplton & Acheson, Attorneys fo r the Admira- trutor, the Conn appointJACOlS P. BLAtiLE, Esq., Auditor to distribute the balance is the hands of the Accountant. BY TILE COURT. Attest: W. A. Minnow, Clerk; All peAars interested are hereby notliled that I relif,'eat o em for lettlYitTr Plfth street, on 21A.TUILDAY, MAY 12t1, 1811;at 2 o'clock, P. Y. J. P. SLAG LE, Auditor. aplatttdoaw lIIILTHE AlleghenT COURT County. OF N. ZA.S of COMMON Term, A.D., MA Libel In Dlvoi et from the Bonds of idatrimorty. William kicCwslin vs. Susan Mc- To b 1.18114 AIeCASLIN, the above named respond ent: You are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of the above named Court, to be held at Pittsburgh, un the FIJIST MONDAY OP JITNE, A. D., 18fd. then and (her answer the complaint of tht William T. MCC:69IIII, and show Z4Taltor.i.T.°ll,l,°7. "f,,, °; i ztis e n t ol k t:: for ° dl- Strair.:l"H. WlTWAlfT,gritrrl. April 21st, A. D., ISM --ap2l:lawdivr A LJLEGUENY COUNTY the AA Court or Common Picas. In the matter of the application of the Mechanics Building and Loan AasoaWhin of Allegheny city fora Chartcreflneor pen:dim:a. No. 144, 1860, Petit J o u nM . e d and t A h n C n u ow d i t r o e c w t ino: A c pril 1.1, there-- city Pittsburgh.n one newspaper printed in the of for at least three weeks, setting forth that an application has been made'Lo the Court for the purpose of granting the Building and Loan Association of Allegneny city •Charter of incorw ration, and that the same will be granted at the next Lerma the Culla. of Common Plcsauttlem "gok.rtiltheletet:oillt Jrafilnlirer: /Wk. Pro. the above Interested . will Viliakillink" amt3;lawlerd Attorney for e Association. A DmimiThictiplLi NOTICE.- -Letters of Administration on the estate 0f.701% inberBOLTON, late ofhAll,egerviatz,diee.=,.hkijow. th iT "sM i e t a ° l:td e ebted to said .8.6 will please mike immediate payment, and those havin g claims wilt prom= them, proven, ..tb*.elmt:A A @gr.. tiement, to either of us, or to 1 2 . 8 pit t . b a..IN . A . Ph mtee i‘ our attorneys, at N o. .AII,L Butroeizot,Brtta burg . Lutesster Tgtc hs : iaaiEr, aplodawdew naTm° t tl ,g ‘ "etomv 071 /.n, d;d. COVVl ri r Ons -- 1111 the matter Mo nt e account of David Chess et al, kir. grentoo.r.of k i). S . tegilug, A, itticeased. At . No. 7th,_A. WU, Jrtion the C n o ° uTt. ' l o ppo *i heiAV AWiLlfin. Jr.. Auditor to audit the account and make distribution. WV THE COUNT. From the Record. _W. A. Hsaaux, Clerk. • The Auditor above named will meet the parties le olhce` No, b 0 ecrenien for rho b "rittr.P g 7t"t t' Al! uLtDAY, Nay bth. A. 1).. ham. 2 Welockfr. Y. wußwiawd 14. UAW " Jr.. Auditor. _ IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLEUHENY COUNTY, ot March Teen. 1/388, N. 74. In thematter of the schema of H. T. Cof fey, Adadnlatrator of Harry.wv, deceased. ;to di.trie;rtbl l .,°% In the hands of adnunlatrator, summat i ng to 11 account Med. Notice Is hereby elven that the Auditor above lured will attend to the duties of his a‘ntinent n the F/RBT DAY UP JUNE, A. 1)., t gleNo.l4o Fourth street, Pittsburg a n t h h to eloe No. lt A. At., of said day.myr:LawdawDAVlD lIITCMIC. WLECIUIVIVEI NOTlCE.—Letters t zll2 r.M. , :li b ."raZttry_actg L B .l l4l . ed, b ' avlog been 'mho. to we n undetutnnods o. all Persona itnoWingtbeinaelees indebted mesh! estate will please make Immeelate PaYment, ead them itlggittllg4===glll4lll"4:: AMA Z e t.itiinC 113 aka liZeiltUbT 1.11.11 W . lar d Akee it to r • Min= .ErtilD itj Tfor LI ----" icE...._olr lin g Tenementary on the Estate ofJOHN H. LEirzyZ, Int. or indiansTn., Allegheny Co.. de eased, hare bran petted to the and All p.n.5... knowtng unwires indebted to col d es tat. walitlease make/woe taps ant, and those haring Cielinatelli present lent, p rm roperly authen • tiontedfor settleilient. apliielarden W3l. V. EVANS. Exec.r. . _ NAG - N - ESIA. EFFERV ES CINC CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, aby l.frwa.tirjarzcifipararT;Eß.4l:l; IRTIMIt LIMIER& Chemist N. Y. soZleandi • UPHOLSTERY. 1' CIPO OURiBIST REETIMIWIATERT 2OIOI7 mrNo. OS FOan URTH MEET,keni NICAII wOOO.-Alla nastbers m muticture and non bands ererr ankle IA their Una . . 71E co oostantly or. witu,Voklaumillelik reathgr uadat tOwing Me& All kinds of jikanii. Muds 2 A4.31x. urn istiviagaitlvion Wag to all orders /91 _ pßinvieff—itoo kegit_Ger% -. tdaa,;....anatk .• a " xi Zama Cazamta.° All prime laar4al.. reetn d _ simwood street 1 SMMIE4O eltftrtcrVentlayeresaftrdin a- il - a --- n - eal"a lldr Ro e , BWo D street, ~n ''ter ~.r~cti"v:.ct. ~ .cs!~srv-'~,,~y„ ~':r;~.'_'.d.. t'r~4~k2'4.t:.E~ TtiE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. OY WITTINICHDAYSI AaD INATITSDATAI. The edition Is tonrardsdiehteh resat Ye seb. eerthers soonest as the mall inn. rause SMILE COPIES, PEE SA-- 50, 21/E I UTTNEFA-i CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! DIED. CJI,Co_A_InES FIFTII ST. CLOAK 110USH. ELEGANT CLOTH SACQOIB Selling at $2,50, W. H. LEAF New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St., BANKING 110178 E. N. HOLES & SONS 33 . 1 5t. 1 113.e.1'EL. No, 67 MARKET STREET, Pittsburg*. 02: 0 11 0 7 r.la d o l iSifht°=AVIcXaMcii the United States and Onasdas. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Bold on Commalon. Particular attention pald to trio planatabe and Bale o UNITED STATES SF,CURIITEB. LLNO United State. Sike lN s C or 1 UD 841; Do. do &ZS. Do. Plans of 10-40 c Do. Seven-Thirties; Do. Certlflmites of Indebtorkie”. Orders end Vouchers botorot °reenacted. jelibly lOLLAJR SAVINGS HANS., No. 65 FOURTH STREET. len daiICHRIToE REDIo k 8 Wednesday and Sa turday evenings, fr om May to to November let, fro m .7 to S o'clock, and from November lat to May Ist, from 0 to 8 o'clock. Deposits reeelyed of .11 sums of not less than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profita declared twice a year, In lane and December. Interest hes been declared semloitintially In Jane and December since the Bank was orimaisial, at the rate of gin per cent, ' I year. merest, If not drawn not. to placal to the credit of the depositor as principal, and beios the same in terest from - the Ors, days of Jena and December. Iretompoulading twice A year without trophilkas the de ter to can, or even to present hie Rasa book. At rate money will double In less than Orem° years. Books containing the Charter, By-LAwa, Itnies and I lrgniallons. furnished grads, on application At the °nie. PuSaussurr—OE , est John 0. Backare w. Bon). L. Pahnestnek, James Heydays. James McAuley. James B. D. Meech, hew M. Pennock. Wm..T. Anderson John C. Rhey, V i tlefitlßlack, Ch . Carder, arlrs A. Colton, Wm. Douglas, doho s,ltespla, William S. Haven, Peter H. Hanker, Richard Hay —Cs, T im.astmesHAßLES HZCItCI,III"—JAS. B. D. WOOD puniirs; VIR.CON - PIMPS. 3 Zrlr3=ll.i.AL=•w6, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, rly dra, nal° ]tuns.l Brass Work -of all kind • .onolO.l . 1 1 kinds tRir k "V I T """" po up u ngx; _ea ex. Haw; kept oaou Addy, Williams di Bartloy's CORNER BIXTEI AND SKITIEFIELD 13113 PITTSBURGH, PA. BEAVER STREET, MARQUESTER NZ= TO POST OPPICX N. B.—All kinds of repairing dorm promptly All orders by mall Inman/lately attended to. .JalmoMmtemovem • AIiAS PrH Mt STEAD' `, irk r ial. " rnrar.o=rOr" d " d Pr " u " l OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. MOWER "T ATER CLOSETS, onstantly on nand and mode to orderHYDRANTS,. TATE & SEVILLE, Xt. ® FEDERAL STREET, Alletke r nA until mM ktamrst. Azd LIBERTY b'Tli :I,ZU CARPETS OIL • CLOTHS, McCALLOIII BROTWEIRS No. SO superior s HOURT toc k H of ISTILEET. We hare on bandsa rely 40 ALAW 0 .13 0 VIZT4:3- Of everry derorlption and every grade of qualify. OIL CLOTHS, extra well ...Looped, from a feet Lo PIANO ' o l4 A e tr use. TABLE COVERS—Every kind in MLULTH 111/o*—Brom the peat ClAgitY Loth i" drUj i gniA.TT.lNG, COCOA AM) 11.A.N11.1 A MATTLMI9., Sc. •p 4 4 WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stpek. in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Coy: era, of our . own importation, at, the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own Im portation just received ' —very ha ndsome - -neverolfered in this country before—and at prices based on the present rate of Gold . NtsPARLAND & COLLINS, 71 3; 73 Fifth Sweet, 2d doer, Next betiding to V. S . Custom Rouse and Posioake able lcEr man IcEM BIZ PER .L.SALE . . The tuidentignedhait i lhi gl ee Home fn , Collins township, near Torrent. ntauon, - rit. I. R., Qom Isl to ,1500 TUBS ICE, which he offers *bp sale, • either In balk or' hp the ton, deliveredin the lisp. t. Attn tient ..ht e rate et/stop:or Isle Denise,. +One and !serse , Isty.lo;lwil a 1 1 . . e '~6~dWiaww?~' ~~:.. ? r~i.~.~ca~=a<+-y.X~ —=c_~.:~mr...,... ...:. '~ CLOAKS. &a. JUST RECEIVED AT THE LIKED Opposite Old Theatre ~IIGE ALIII{EE =Z2 Hobert Robb, John H. Shoenbeeger. Axnder Speer, Christian ]eager. A. Id. Pollock, H. Kelly, HenH. Kelly, Henry' A. Lynch, John Marshall,Lef A. Madeira, Welter P. Marshall, John B. McFadden. Jahn Orr, Elms-'rah. m. E. Schmidt., Alezmatler tvwtam vtml*rk Wm. P. We, mane Whittier. A. COLTON. IKEEDS. PLUMBING. & £LL KINDS QT SfeCALLITH BROTHERS, Formerly W. 11. & H. McCollum.