Wittoburgh Olaztftt. WEDNESTikr, Mil" 16, 1660 McOLVIN & CO., .111.iiikeiro;'and Broik' era,. Ito. 75 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, imagni In all kinds of Government Becuritles, 0 old and Silver, tincture= liana Notes, Forel= sad 'Domestic Z..mvbanire, etc., etc., etc. Depal received In Par Ponds and Currents. In terne, llowed on time deposit*. Collecttous mule In all parts of the Unltkd States on most farontble terms. tirdera' executed with Watch for everything in the heathens at the Boston. Few York, PhilSaelPhin. andrlttstaugh Brokers• swards strictly on nomads gle raw °e V. OtEira & CO., C . YOrk,.J. COOKE CO.. PlalleAelphlz; Messrs. C. D.,lt T. R. Kite =NB. Bosteon. FINANCE AND TRADE. TIIEsDAT. Mar 15, iff4s. /30111- Co=llolol to fluctuate considerably, being qubted at t 3 an ICow Tork to-day, againstl3o)4 yesterday. Governmont bonds firm and.a shade higher; lfigres 1 69 1 5.5 r5. 3 0 % 740 , 0402%. . TOO failure of Work, ldeConeh & Co.. or Philadelphia, on Monday, was followed to-day by the ;Mammal= of Messrs, Kramer & Rohm, here, the formethelng a branch house of the *latter, and it was the failure of the Philadels. phis omic ern, that brought about th o suspen sion of.lfoisra. K. & R. We are without par ticulars; though It is stated on the street, that Megsra. K. .t It. will be able to secure all their fispealtora, and open again in a few days. This house is ono of the oldest, and has always been considered one of the most reliable banking inatituticins in tile city, and the suspension created considerable excitement in financial circles. There was no movement In our local stock market to-day worthy of special notice. Rank stocks are In fair demand, and held very white Insurance and Oil shares are dull and weak. The steamer City of Paris. with dates to May 3, brings somewhat discottraglng advtces respecting financial affairs In England and on the continent. The still threatening aspect of tits European situation has a demoralizing effect upon the money markets of London and Paris, and forego securities continued to de cline. The Dank of England has advanced its rate of discount too per cent, the effect of which was felt in Liverpool in a decline on cotton to lid perpound. On the 3d inst., con sols closed at tßtg. Oliffz,. American, securities had declined, in sympathy with the prevail ing panic. live Twenties closed, on the 3.1, at 6801;414; Eric at WM:Mt and Illinois Cen tral at 7781 ft. —The New York World, of Monday, says "The accumulation of unemployed funds this city seeking employment in short or tem porary loans threatens a plethora of loan Ode funds,Sichleh will certainly find rent in the hands of speculators, probably In stocks, us the easiest to get in and not ot, unless the Treasury Department inaugurates, without delay, some movement which will employ the fands e„ liirovernment securities. Large sums are hogging for employment at four per cent to stric tly drat-class borrowers, and (Our to Live per cent comprise the range 'to those bor rowers who command We confidence cf the banks and money lenders. The legitimate trailing of the country will not disturb the ease to money until the demand in August and September for funds to move the crops. If Congress Intends to pass Mr. Sherman's Fundinghttl, We sooner it bets:nues a law the better, in order that the government may avail Itself of the present extraordinary accu mulation of =employed funds al the money centers. The bill ought to have been passes and in operation at the beginning of April, at the very latest. These remarks as to the prompt passage of Mr. Sherman's bill are not intended as any expression of opinion a. to Its merits.” —The following interesting facts to refer ence to the national linanees have been tar nished by the Department to the Committee of Ways and Means: Treasury receipts for the Areal year ending June 313, 1r6506630,56:„1M--. divided as follows: Customs. $51.11,N,e00: In ternal Revenue, e 519.4414,0007, Miscellaneous, 135,113,1 X. The estimated receipts for the cur rent year ending June 30, 1666, amount to 0511,- 067,0. M. From eastern K, 11001...2a1,209; from Inter nal Revenue, 1=,8120 and from miscellane ous, $.19,C53,303. The monthly average of Cus toms for nine months la 414,011,000, and I torn Internal Revenue, —With the ttdvance of exchange there is some export of gold again, and the impression seems to have been formed that the piernlum on gold will - continue until after the pew% went orate duly Interest unless Life govern ment should become a seller. The specie taken out from New York on Saturday was by the lloro.stx11.122.(00, the Etna `;O0,1“1, unit the Aret" iii&l,MS—making a total of 01,01't.,495, and on Saturday previous $371,751 uas exported, principnliv in hellion. As the government has.been Intyl^g, off Its 3lay dividends. and sOlllO or nor bonds fare been returned trolls Lit rope. and sold al a good profit by reuses or the advanced premium on gold, It is reason. able to uppOtle that the export of specie re cently Is elderly...on account of the foreign holders and dealers in our securities. Since the let of X1aye11.1 , 01,01.10 p,rold Interest has been paid lint on the pabllc debt at New York, and .t... 1,767,010 lists been received from customs, the paym en LS living in ....Sees or the receipt s ex actly i5,150.00n. Nearly all the tllshursernenis bowev,r.Ave Laid in goldcertificates of deposit, of st inch were otits,..sml lug on the loth. In the meanttme over a sill lion and a halt of tom anti bullion has been re ceived (tom California. —The Chicago Paveddienn; of Monday, says "We call attention to the statement In our live stock report, that the hIIFIt2eFS of the Stock lard Rank, at the Union Stork nrds, tor nyek Just closing, reached the Cam ofii.l4o..iot. This statement In manic on the anthority of Mr. DeKoven, cashier of the and is given elmply to convey Rom., 141 e, hii vILMIL of the isve stock trade for —the Chicago Errfung Journal, of Monday reports money matters In that city, as fol In : The week Opel. on a comfortably eney money market, notwithstanding an increased demand from (:rain operatorn. The inquiry from merchants generally Is comparailtly light, lend even smaller than before the ooen ing of into navigation. Deposits are steadily increasing, and a plethora of Tammy in the mutae of a feu weeks in not improbable, notwithstanding the ileteellEe shipments 41f currency width hate been made to New York daily for the pant nix mouths, for the purpose of making echarge. Raton of leterent art., hoe ever, arm, at In per cent at the hanks emit at itgagg per tent on the street. Slew York Money sand Stock Market. New Volta, May 15.—Gold clewed at $1,9.-'O4. It la supposed that the Government. sold about ♦lOO,OOO at $1,31. Exchange moderate at yl,e:ry. The Government securities were rather tim er tOwards the close, and especially on 10-0 coupons, 5..11101. are the favorites at present. At the product, exchange there Is a continued depreasion in the market for wheat and dour, with a further decline. Corn was firm at the la.t. hoard. The 'market WWI strong on nxll - ays. Petroleum and mining shares unchan ged. New Teak, May IS—Monet easy at 1,45 per cent. sterling firm nt 10./1,-;611.r.%. Gold lower, opening at 1:7'...1„ advancing to and clos ing at 13.1%. GOVtII7IIII.7nt Mocks are gdeady. Freights to Liver - Kan are without decided cnange. ntocks steady; littsburgh, Fort Wayne awl Chicago, 100; Chicago and North Western Preferred, 59M; Cleveland and Pitts- SIM; W.lahlgan Southern, Reading. 1074; h' Ilridson, 11G; New York Bounty Loans, 31;4.:rie; 75M; Mariposa, 12; New York South ern 29, , ,,; American Coal, C 4%; Pennsylvania Cool 140; Spring Mountain, 45; Central, 43; Mariposa preferren Western Union Tele graph, Russian extension, Western Laden Telegraph, n}}',,; quicksilver, 504; Alton and Terre Manta, 75; anted Buttes es, 5,13c0n. pens, 1,02, 1019,;; do 'C.s,lol.fTreasury 7-30,, 107%. 'The market e as strong at the 4 o'clock open boar.l. Canton, 6AK, Boston, GlMi rritxdCu lan. „; spruce, 4M. quicksilver, AM; West ern Into,, Tuiegrapn. el; New York Central, ..1.1!/,',; Huth-on, 1697 Ent-, 75. Rending, 07 , , Chicago and Roek ' I nland .0; .11.1x,ouri 0-1, kn.,: pitu,hern Clevelan d and Toledo, legt 4 ; t'hieago and hook Intend. ex-dividend, s -0132; Northwestern, 2%; do preferred, 50 , ..;;; Pitt burgh, Fort Warde and Chicago, ItrA. = Now YORK, May lA.—Cotton firm auil more artier, at tilaWe for /diddling. Flour opened steady, but Closed dull, and legit:lc towel. at sS4Wi r s.,7o for Extra State; sri,altillo,rin for Eatro B. 11. and WAG@BM for Trade Brands. Whisky quiet in bood,at $1,26. Wheat opened steady but closed dull and nominal, and 2Fyic lower, $2, . Prime irld Amber Michigan to arrive scam frOM Liverpool 10. Loot evening one boat loud of Now No, Mtlwatiklo Sold at V...,071.4. which In now decidedly above the mar ket. ILye quiet, at leo for Western. Barley and Barley Mali dull. Corn opened a shade fliNnar, but closed quiet at yesterday's prices, inane for nsoutoli 824 , sie for Sound Western in store and delivered, and 75er for Damaged. lints dull, at 40 We; for New West "eni riiV/44• 610 for Old Ao. cocoa,. dull. Sugar dull, at hialli‘e for Cuba and II '<,e for Porto like. Molasses firm, at MitriZe for Porto Rleo. Petroleum easier; Crude 2sc • Refined In Bend liti , Asi4 le; do for July at 46r.A. Pork dosed hVa v r, 4-71,754:431,1a) (or New Mess, closing at $311.75 fur Iteentar; $2J,73,§30,tal for Ole do, and fr24.Niitiri.io for Primo. Also SO barrels or New Mes , far \l ay, aline and Joly, seller and buyers optlrn, Rt. . 4. :7re31.25. Beef steady, at Pre vious prices. Beef Brims quiet, at Cut Meats :le., at 12...:A1i:/1 for Shoulders, and ill 15, r‘"- Ilam.. Bacon quiet and stead . : Short Bl'ibol :s 4 TI 4 N. Lard quiet and steuil‘ at sellers' optlorr. at Via • ( i nn e r hew-, nt 39&41c for Western, and &Setae for State. Cheese cull, at. 'Km,. New York Dry Goo , slllkgaek e t. N s YORK, May 15.—The market is firm and - steatly. Sheeting and Silirtina, brown— pluton A, 21; Atlantic A. 211.4 August a gor, 19; 13roauway 22; Dwight A. la; j;,,;,." llcad, 21l'; Laconia, 21; Lauark, 17; N es ,. Sot A, 20; OregOn D, 10; "'actin , A, 21 ; salmon Falls A, 21; p, ark A. 20; do M, 18; do, N. In, bleached—Nay Mlllei3s;Canoe, la; Darlki,,„, 27i; Forest Dale :r3; Harris No. 1, ;is; Moms, n%; Hope, al; JaMalitOWlS, 2.='; .1.4111,7,00 n, Lonendule, 11; New Market A, 21; New York .111111 s, 42 , 4; Palace .51111 s, 25; Fortnum:all 1:, 10%; Iteynelds AA, M; Watastata,As. Prints— American, 17; Amoskesg, 15"!.; Cocheco, It. llnuers,lo;Eplpire, /0%; t; A Co:„ 18'4; London !dooming, 15%; Laurel, la!,, Mer rimac, lb; do IY, IS. Sprague's Frocks, 19; do Fancy, 1$; Warairdtta, 13%. Corset Jeans— Washington Salted, 26. ShfrtS—J. W. L. Stan dard Dress Shirts, No 2.5,:per dozen. 18.00; No. - 150, - No 210,.1i)_ ,00; ;No. 450, 4000;Na tea, 4.,,30. Miirket Sr. Loins. May 15.;-COttOn depressed. 'Wheat dull end unchanged. -Cern advanced (rum n 5 In 75r. Oata .orlesrmst-44¢1}47c. Pork, bkcon, lard and irlikikranchanged. PITIMBIIROIt Orman or gins Pwrantraan Gizirrrs, Toni:tat, May 13 , 18 ' 4 There has been no new, cbaracuaristics in , the produce markets today worthy of special notice. The demand for most of the leading eommodtuts continues fair, but there is no special ex citement, and prices have ender- ; White nol,ositablieluinge. GUMS-Wheat is coming In pretty freely, but thereli not much offering, the most of that arriving now luicing previously been • - sold. We can report Osale of cars prime Wisconsin White at {4'l. Oats in good sup. My and doll but an? nged; sale ot Scars o—prlme I cams Oats are quoted ; ea r tlhic' higher. l,orn la scarce and fir; .21111 of , 1 ear pillar. Shelled at 83. No movement In Iti•Uftsu—r Har ley market Is leas excited, but there is a continued fair local demand, and prices remain unchanged. We can moon regular sales from store at prices ranging from $ll to $l3 per bbt for Spring and Winter Wheat brands. Rye Flour is scarce and high er, being held at 0u,500,75. rnovislos , s—itaeon is steady, aitti very fair Jobbing demand at 1401.114 for Shoulders; 17017 J., for • Ribbed 5ide.•421!.4 , 0—'1 for Plain Sugar Cured Rams; and fiir Can vassed do. Lard is quiet at for prime city, while Mesa Pork to held pretty firmly $310V.,50. POTATOES—Not en much excited, but scarce and arm. Sales 61 pristie Numb Blows In a regular way from store at $1,30 to $1,35 per bush, and $3,76GL per bbl. DRIF.D FRUIT-111 scarce and firm but un abangea sales at IS to 17 for Apples, and 18 to for reaches. „r• RUGS—In fair demand, but prices are irreg ular, being quoted all the ma y from 17 tom. BUTTElL—Continues dull and In good sup ply, but nominally unchanged. Primo fresh Roll sells at from 23 to 27, and trainmen do at 23022- • isEßDS—There iv but little inquiry for either Clover or TimotiO Seed, the season being about over. Flaxseed is in demand at 31,410 ($2,63. SA LT—tAmtinnes ;very dull—in fact, there Is scarcely enough doing in the article to estab lish quotations. Sales in a small way Mom store at 110.,43(M150. HAY—Baled Hay is dull - and rather lower, though the supply is; limited. Loose Ray Is selling at from - $lB to r.. 5 per ton, es to quality. fltaMl NY—ls selling at 40•4!.4 in .mall lots. lOILICS—DoII but unchanged; sales of Prune small White at 42,73 iSor bushel. OlL—Sales of No. 1 I=ll at 11,55. PITTSBURGH PETSOLKLIM MARKET 0/1071 01 TEI Prrrearaart aelliTT TL-1-.0..T ‘ May 15, Ifo3. CI2I7DE--The niaret for Crude was remark ably quiet and a little dull 10-sin', the demand being very light, both refiners and shippers bolding off in exportation of a decline, and, notwithstanding the stock is light and the ar rivals limited, holders seem more anxious to realise. We can report sales of 100 bbls (Z to a 7 gravity) at 15 1 ‘; 170 do do, (40 gravity) et 10; and NO Cm to 37 gravity) at IS. Quotations may be Oren nominally at 15 to 16, bbls ra turned, and 20 to 21, bbls included, and these may be regarded as the ex tremcs of the mar ket. Telegrams from Oil City to-day report Crude at 03,50 at the wells, and V; at that point, though we are of the opinion that but very few %layers Will be found at these figure,. REFINED—There was but very little in quiry for bonded oil to-day, anti with very unfavorable reports, both Irmo the 06-91. an :1 Europe the UldierttlooS at present ere by 00 means encouraging. It is said quite a large number of orders for export have been with drawn since the arrival of the last steamer, end some parties who were anxious to con tract a few days ago are indifferent now shoat entering Into near, engagements, though this may all be for cffeet—possibly a bear move ment to break down the mark et.yet there Is no getting over the fact that tile market L., com paratively speaking, very dull at present, and it Is equally true that the advis e s by the lest steamer were very unfavorable Tame was not A single operation today that we could bear of. Quotations for Philadelphia delivery may he fairly . given at 42 for May; 41 to 4.51., fur June; 44 to 44% for July, and 45a43 , ., for Ace Tust.. No movement In free ott. ARRI VALE—The arrivals of oil by the Alle gheny River store our last report, were es follows D. M. Edgerton—. On Jas. Nllksu„ 1:4 W P. Logan 10+ Oro. Uhl its Barter too J. Strickler 17 Fisher Jr. Bra 901) Total 445. ALLEGRENY CATTLE MARKET 0/IICE Or THE Tervarrenort G AZZTTZ, Trasnwr. May 15, 11436 CATTLE The offerings of cattle were rather larger than (or some weeks past,rench log in the aggregate about nine hondred head but with a very good demand, both for home consumption and shipment, the market ruled nem and ;trims have still further advanmsl There is no disguising the fact, however. that had it not been for the presence of some IWO or three shippers, who bought pretty freely, the ruarcet would undoubtedly have been a bard one, as the supp l y , wonld, in that event, have been considera bly In exss of the do mandmutl holders would have Inc., compelled to make et/1. 4 0.10n, As It sva.4. holders. not withstanding the advance. did re•t ren la, anything beyond an average neon 1., an lb, a earth/ emit them more In the west , and. w, matter of vourse, they st ere obliged to put up prices hero. As will be seen by reference to the sales. good to extra fat cattle sold from x,ad - per pound. gros, rem moo to fattish stork may be quoted at rd., to Among Other buyers, litemen A to. bought 10 car loads for shipment. trd, and Myer. a Sealy and Greenwald A Rahn, also,,hought several timers. . . AN D L.t TSS—The olTerinizs of sheep were rattler larger than last week, llud with a supply fully up to the demand, the nt.trket ruled a little lame, anal, If anything, prices 11 shade lower. M Lafferty relarted head Hipped, at re,t3.'".%; John Simmers ILI bead at to 7.40, for clipped and wooled, loadur hena sold IS head clipped, averagi ng s 3 in itter. at 1., In addition there ere .1 u lie II manlier of sales made, the particulars Cl which we were unable to learn. lambs, of which thy: ' , apply was larger than usual, sold at !MAI aj to $44 per head, aceurallug to size and quality. II 048--There woo nothing done in this shot of stock, there apparently being 110 detrandl whatarter, and, In the absence of side., we omit quotations. The Inquiry for fresh pork is usually eery slight at this season of the year, and this year is by no means an excep tion to the general male. TIZAItHACTIONS rs earrtn—wlititrs stn. Glass tt Lafferty to Peter Klemen A Co 34 head of extra Illinois steers, av,erattlii g ,),;. England to Sliontaker ffr head of eon, mon ish steers, osvoraging 11401 • ILA, at (Sr England to Greenwald St hallo head of go, t. I IMinnie steers at 7.35. linglewood, Refs a Co. to lemon it Co. 3ii head a good steers, aver 1tag!.450, at 84. Marlin to Ilyers X Needy St head of gond gratin of also, same to same, 17 head atltotheltllchs it Eckert to Klein en ir Co. Pi head of good western steers at Marks & Bro. to Klemm] S Co. 35 head at ett.. Merrick, lleas .1 Co. to lileuteu h Co.:11 head of extra cattle eat 0,15. "Inglewood, Reis & Co. to Klerneo a. Co. 9a head at 6. Greenwald .t Kahn to Sheinberg 3t head, averaging alaaill 19Xi, eat r3'. E.mlll h Fowler to Crouse Lk Haas 10 head of good cattle, averaging abOut 1101, at S. TICANSACLIONS IX CATTLE—JILT/L/1. (Aiwa it Lafferty 3t bean at 736@8%. Hanle weed, Rots .t Co. 6t head at 15,10,04. Itot.h -chiILLH Eckert 33 at Ty. 3814. Marks t Traur man a 4 at 71-434134. liana .t Crouse 55 at 7.i684.. creel, amid it Kahn 93 at 7to Hy. Myers Needy XI et 6,906Q01 . Merrlek t Dead 55 at 74gp5!,... P. Hartman la at 7,60e7,90. Emerick 6. co. 25 at 47,01.ia. L. Shamberg 23 head at 7,00414,31. Carr 21 at 7.9f00. New York Cattle Starke* ew May 15.—The current prices for the week at all the market. arm Beef Cattle, that quality per head, $1745)18; fair to good, $11,50417; common, slt@ls; inferior, $llll/13. Coon and Calves, extras 1' hemp $854585,50; dent 1 75 85 9 ); md Mary , 4531 t .a; man mon , $5O filer; Interior, 8248g15. 1 cal Caicos, Coot quali ty, per pound, I it)l2c; ordinary, 10$811e; corn mon, ; Inferior, &We. Sheep and Lambs, extras, per head, Is.B4,leLprime quality, $768; ordinary quality, ;$5,505050; IlOMmatt• , V 4.6 kysL,fil; Inferior, 11450. ito - ine, heavy corn fed, pc, pound, 10 1 /, light and medium, 10 1 „„ef, 10..,; still-fed, I 4. The market for Beef Cattle war firmer ander a wort; active demand, and a material falling our In prices showed an improvement of front ~ /.4flc per pound, varying from 818 to 410 as to quality, mainly m the hands 01 speculators, 'alto were compelled to sell their droves at -mule decline from the commencement of bus- Ines, \ eats were In fair demand, mainly at ;ft Ile, bat some at Ile. Sheep and Lambs were In fair demand at from"! to $lO. Swine scarcely 4e high, thongh In fair demand, at from 10 to 10 , 4 e. The total receipts of all stock, at all the yards for Lulls week, ware as follow.; Beeves, 45711 head; Cows, 07; Veal Calves, 1,70.5 head; sheep and Lambs, 1.518; so km, 0,000, Pototoe 114 Detroit. Dot zorr, May 12—For Saturday the market lea , , been quite active, and rates have been very firm, with a Might advance on thert of one or two buyers whose time for fil ling contracts was running abort. Itataa-u,day have ranged from 8501,5 e for peach Wows, Me Ole being the chief range at which they nave even bought. INIPORTB BY ILAILELOAD, Prrrsarkon, Font W YISZ it Cnicsoo It. It. May 16.-15 hie map, W II Smith A co; 5 do do, Pubnestock h rei 21 do do, E lleazelton; 15 ;10 in, Lambert A siltpton; 8 caddies tobacco. Megratri 20 don Ob., E lioarelton; 51 Mils flour, Knox A MOE co; ii bids butter, J K Smith .1 00; 3 bbIS !Ina, Blair Woods; 4 pkgu bacon, lard, Kirkpatrick A Herron; :37 elm rags, McCullough, Smith d. co; T2O Shin potatoes, IV A Green, II kegs lard, Blair a Woods; I car corn, Culp Shepard; I pkg I;uttor, 1 do egg, Nieek; 1 car potatOes, J A Bartley; bbis do,:W Brigham; 80 bids dour, sks few, w Patterson; 10u bids dour, E CLEVISLAND AND PlTTsaviton linstitookn. 31av ;5.-100 bids floor, W li Hagan ; 100 d0d0,./ '7 airley; I car lornbor, .7 .0 A }lava; 2 cars blooms, Park, Jiro d 00• 12 bbln oil, linnep. W,ekei S esn sdo do, U Thowner; 2 Cars Cnrn, Mont.. .0 :Ai bUls flour Kirkpatrick .0 Herron; 00 do do, N ewcomer. GOO it CO; WO do Myers & co; 9 boles cotton, Taylor A 11 , r0; 12 closes tobacco, 51 A Jones; 7 tcs haulm, .1 11 Parker; 2 Wu. tobacco, E Mcgraw; 0 bones snap, ll dv. candles, T C Jenklm; 54 bundles linanner h Danler; 2 kegs butter, E 11,azieton; We bacon. Strtyko . Lazear; 1 car oil, U lily; 171 010 elletne, L H Volta A: co; 2 bxs bacon, 4:1 P Morrie) 4-Z. pm Wahoo pipe, li It Conlon. GoLUXI4I7II AND COMINICATI May 11-4 curs wheat, Gilmore, Slm_pson & co; 4 do do, .1 S Liggett a (.0;2 do do, D Wallace; an do, littaltceek, McCreary a me alHbarrela door, ,lio Gardiner; I cur corn, 11.1tcbcock,-Mo- Craery a co;) do do, Unlp & Shepard; Ido sta.u,.., Joan Moyer; 1(X) btas dour, Gay, Burke & co; 1w do do, A lion How.; I care stacc., .MOCrotelt, L'Airtnnua & ooflarolleleathor, Geo 'i:demo:l;n aka barley, Meaner & Harper; 6 ske. scrape, Finecue & Son. Aj.4EGIZZAY STATION, !lay 15-130 tuts potu_ toes, Glhams, ell3lllSan 110; 100 bets tkmr Knbsdt Eon; 310tble.pouttocs, A Taylor, t,gO barley,„(i.Uoc3l.333aks onto V U helloestY; It 4 bb la potatoes, Owens '6 - Kennedy; 3 care wheat, Koziol:sly &tiro; I tax oats, 21 Stool bon: 640 do, Glltnoro, 61inplloa.1 co; 40 dozen broopporJuwala. Chicago Lnmbar Market. Cairene, May 12.—The demand for cargoes is active, and as the arrivals continue light, all f PEOPLES, offerings are promptly taken at full prices. aka Sales were 85 m strips, beards and fix.4's, at $16,75 m lath at 1. 110 in 2'4 and jnit%, at LINE OF STEARE,SS, els—cold previous to arrival. 100 in mixed boards, strips, joists and scantling, at $15,25. ' IINCoItPORATED.3 150 m boards and strips at 617—sold previous to arrival. loom mixed boards, strips and lit• : Pittsburgh,onougaholo City, Brown.. mansion stuff, at 05.50. 50 in common mixed, Ale and Geneva, at $1:1,50. as m stongio4, at 4,5; oi to-utianOK anti joists, at $16,50; m lath at 0, I= Cnirwoo, Iday 15.—Flour dull. Wheat unset tled and irregular, opening at 61,700)1,71, and fell subsequently to Sl,Gral,bl, and closed at about 41,11t0 , 4 No. 2 stoutly at 41,19. Corn firm, at 51'5.0 for No. 1; and 4704. Y• for No. 2. Oats steady at 32 , y6.12.).i0. Provldons firm. Freights steady. Ileconts, 1001 e bbls flour; 101.000 bush wheat t 43,001 bush corn. b:hluments, 75,000 bbls flour; 171,100 bush corn; 50,000 bush oats. BoOhio Market Brat, Lo, May 15.—Flour active. Etudern State, $0.50; white xx sl2(Cli. Wbeat quiet. corn active. Ya110n ., 1:7; No. 1 04065, mixed 60002; rejected wiz, Oat.. quiet. Chicago IS 448. Barley quiet. Received ear lots at NO. Pork .31,50. Lard Freight% to Now York—corn 101%0114. Canal exports—wheat 'MAIO; corn 52,501: eats 1:1,:t75. • Cincinnati Marko* Clatatriccri, May IS.—Flour and a heat In moderate demand. Whisky dull, at $2,23 In bond; m ° ,= o duty paid. Met. pork dull, and held at 431. 1L50,000 Ibr. bulk meata sold at 120. lbe (or shoulders and sides. Lard In mmler. ate demand at 52.. Gold itilwatalitec Markel. MII.IVAI,KNIS, Mar 15.—Flour that Wheat tlrm, at $1.73 for No. 1. Coro quiet, nt 500. (has steady. Receipts-I,IW bbto . of dour; 15,taki bush. ;;f whOot; 1,71 X; bush. of Core; 11,000 bush. of outs. SlslotaxetO4-1,400 hblo. of flour; 2,0110 bush. of wheat. Wilmington liarket Wii.lliloVrotr, May 15.--Crude turpentine un changed; otOrlLs advanced and active, at 010 11.2 c for No. 1. Rost., 007; pale, $7,250 ,, . Cot ton, 3to for middling. RIVER NEWS. I= The river, we regret to say, is agitin reced ing steadily at this point, with •icanl four and a half tees in the channel by the Monongahela pier marks laNt rren big. At MI lilty the tele graph reports two Wet, Which shows a rise of six Inches as compared with Mondayi , i report. The weather yesterday wits clear and pleasant and liniiiness,apprirently, sits a little more lie- Live at the wharf. The lAtni Looti, from Parkersburg, wits the only arrival slue,, our lust report. The Emma doe here Irons 7.31,' ills on Saturday eight, bas Milani to tusks her appeurunee t et, and we have no knowledge of her w hereabout. or the cause of her detention The Silver Cloud, for st. Louis, and t for Missouri giver, left last evening aWI Ali the freiiht they eoule take on the a at,r. Tho Fayette and Chieftan irritant from Ftrownsville on Monday night, auti they both left again last evenlng They are both tine passenger packets. and are In charge of car. ful and expeatenced °Skiers. notsvillgattibling they belong to ear:n[l,l.lN; lines. capc. Con. of the Fayette, is acknowledged to be one of the moat popular and affable stearnhoattneu on tire a enters waters. The Leonidas, in command of Capt. Frank klarratta, le receiving freight for St. Lotoe and all intermediate 50101.5, and passenger , and shippers should bear alt. fact to touch % The I ork town arrived at sr. LOUIS on hal ut any last, Rod the Emma No. ¢ was ad, ertosed to lease then. tier Pittateirgh On Monday. A Now I St.l.-1 estertlay . ar noticed a nea Idea being tested, tor the generation of etcatti, by all iii PIRCe of wood ur coal. Captain Hugh Vital, an old river pilot, of this ray, is the Inventor, and he seems eons 'Went of outwore. lie has had oxtail Idol, constructed, with fire st ails, smoke .twig, safety valve, de., at the brae foontirt of Mr. LettatlOn, lead the matter is now being tested. 1.1. plan le about as follow , . i t large reeel , olr, containing maul Oil, le Macs , ' In the rear Of the hollers. at nor point Letween that and the stern of lite hoist, If Licadge. Pipes lead from the rowervoir. under the tallier, with large burners attached, which ean be lighted-with a instate Stop-cocks are pined In the tub, ft to gong./ the flow at oil to a cer tain Quantity lie claims for this le ven tine economy In various wartlt doe. :I Way With firemen, coal heaver, .Re. The elm, oecupled carrying fuel, not to say anything of the logs Of tl me and Jabot taking it on hoard, van be appropriated to freight. This a large Item to a steamlmat, and lie calculate. that, II oil costs five dellare per gallon,ll w 11l he a caving. We saw the model luting tasted, and our opin ion to that It ran is operated seceessfutiy. The ;abler 10 ten Inches loug, gad three and a half I olten billiameber, with two flue, it him one burner, and It trik es there teasiii.nfuls of oil to raise ',Wan, Ictillt. bier will shoe lib pound. pressore. We shall hat e more to say of the invention wank—lN. , . Albany Lou]. :tin. Monday'. Lon innat e The river hostsea twelve liteln,l timing the twenty-four hour , ending lust night, with seventeen feet hem , to Louisville. There le six and •O• e. halt tee% the canal. Thu Lower Ohio to in lin e n clgalde order There ere tee! .‘tel lalDng Cuutherland. The tr . owl lime. Mier, !rent l'lttelelrgh, wet ,none Ile. att . !, Ti' \O ra dejetrt I• d - r.el, np, .1 I! 11:11 , , , I 1,111 ..!- at 1 . 4 '•I1' I //-./111.//:1,1 11 , , / 1 /. 1//0 - , 41,1 1.1.11 It/1/1 let . r,e-t , d - the I rei 111.11ig . hidn I.ted.. and - .1. l'alll. Three ot o.rges pOretineed by Lapt. It:Ocher are 11.1.111,1 .11e Judea, RICH Rodgers, and Itt/V. =l=l trrival and Departure of Trains. roman, Ivacno cvntral it ellroad. Depart*. A rrive*. (lay Ir.xprins ..... s m Mart I:SOsn, Aroom•c, 7 - 5. , a 11l F.., I.the 2.10 a tu ..7117 , 1111140 EIV'S m 1111 WC: a m 12:10an. AC., No 1,. 7.5 n am PhD 'a &sprees... •in pm.Lt Ateurn... n. dl •tn Johnstown ken. 2:to pen Johnel'n Arra.. WSJ a ni fast Line 11 , 01 p in 1•1,...t Kenn Mah..l2.T. pm let Will ACCOM... 9:-4.1 a Jo Baltimore h: sp•s pln 'AI • • 11..1 9. .51 Wall Ascots... Y::9 p At " 4:5n pm F.. wets.. 2:12e p 4th A• •n. WOt p Walt, Ann Noe 7.u0 p Vent. An . n No l. 10:50p tn Altoona *mom. IA Etnlgt 7ratn...10140 p to The church troth I•aVi./1 Waite' Pitation every mtsplay at 4:15• tn.; retosslns. Inane. littaborgh at p. m. e4l4slumWll. Columbus sucl Jo us yo. Arrlmo . f set I.ltp 2:90 a In Past Line .... WI a rt. N aft :91• to 41211 3, , F0 p tiprrse cm pm . 1:11J • m iteutwnvllle Ac- itrabi•nville durnanriaLlon .. 4:16p to commu.latlon ..14,:1U • m Pillttbotalb. EL. Nithytse mud Miens:b. Deptrta. Arrtoes. axpt•ne • n. ex prt:•• 4 12 • ut C x pre:, :Up m E.s.prn•• V:ln p ta exprEas ...... .... 2143 p m Up,. ..... ..... St.T. p 4. It•I; 7:13 • tn Hall ..... ........, .:14 4 pm 'Whe.tllng Xxprs 5:I• p tri New Prlnhton Actntututolatlnn italllr• Ant-glleny lepta at 914. m., 11:W :4. in., 4:3: p.m., awl 5:444 p.m.. Yormester. 2:16p• tn.; Sew l'oello, 3:50p. m.; Kenn tarp, 10: 80 D. 01.: W.o.4lViiie : 3:60 p. m.... .• . . •... - . rittaburrh, llieveland wad Whirellng. irrimirta. • Arrive*. Capt.. .... 2,21 a m faller++ pm ta press . ..... 2:50 p m F.xpers• "'lallm Mal BiZil • m dl.e.benVine AOCOMMInIIitiOII lure+ AlleglivvY at 1 . p. pa. Plt.tatrar,-,.13 sod Uonnelbsylille. Departs. Arrives. Nul - .00 a m p m • - .. . . .. ...aprons J:rse p sn. Expresso ... ...... .1001 a to %V. Newton A e•rs 6. 11 pm' W. Newton As , ' is ii:M a 111 id IdeKeespert..ll;r4 a W 141 OfeEoespor... 5i . .50 a an 2t .. ... 10 rsea in 2,1 Ilraolslook•s Ac'n CIO p m Braddock •• Ae, 5:45 p in Church Trolls.— I:Cep oi, Chords . 1 rails...Ao:o3 • m AllWileLly Volley Italirsain. Depas.4 rifrea t . I oLoll 6:4r. I on . Etprress 11:00 a m It:press 6:10 p m i l Anil 0:10 In 11/ L0C0M0411.111.111. 1:10 Os an A.ooOMM.lillloo :011 a m Pittsburgh mod Ere ILallroad, to Oil City and Franklin. Departs 10. IC Ftsprem. 7:48 pm I No. T 7 Express.. 0:52 a m Vls. Fltteborsit, Fort R'sync sad Clarogo, sad Bearer Valley. Rruarnavale Boat--Grant and Water Sta. Arra**. Depart*. .1:00 pm I NAB to 6:oopm Harmony Stage, St. Clair St. e d re p. Zn. Darts. Sutler Stake--. Ne. S St. Clair Street. Arrives. /Apart*. Walitivs. ilantan Stake-..tiareVilittal Arr I) , part, 24 p. m. I CaPs. m EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS &LIVERY STABLE, I=2 Jet.INIEI4 DAIS it SOIV, Proprietors. tiktNIBUSSES AND CARILIAUES furnished for all 'rains. Alto. ClartDwell for Prow..ls, •A'roldinga and Parr", at 'hurt uoth, and reAsortablo ratea. BTA • fiLY O PEN DAY AND NIGHT. roa:lrd SUNDRIES STORAGE, ON FIUST FLUOR dTU .• ELI, A It. J A IlEh DALZELL & MAN I= FLOUR! FLOUR!! 3W role •• W bte Floor, 1 0 0 •• "btu. 311110•• do lett •' "Ilarlolnet' • • do ILO •• • •Itrattt•s' • Si Louie Floor. tinate brands delivered In ottprr It. 1., If dr •I red. For nale by li Nu), a ar7 70 Ittnutond. A lonzieei y FINIVERSALL CLOTHEN WRING- Y.ll -The heel In t 0... 31..111m only Wring, wile ct'it'• tall and get on , on trial and s. f.a11.0,1 Far sale ul Nos 16 and C St. (Nair street by .1. 8 Il PHILLIP , . Agents for tills I ttonly. 011.--40 bbls. No. 1 Lard OIL z, •• •• 2 lb) WU • l'ure Duck Cruel, Lilt, Oil etore awl for eaD• pty.. mine .1.1,11 ICS I , ALZELL & I 0., M nod T , WAI..r • . 1/ELTING! DEI,TINGIS — Leather .1, ...in. ' , Wog; o Gun, ru5.1.111,, kcts. rte.. for %nle at reduce.) uric.; Lace Lean. r nA itlyets ntway •on 113.11.1 ar.l for aolle, whologa, and r..t.e.11, at No, liner n, reel .1. & 11. l'111).1.11'8. - NOTII:E TO GI.ASS AND STEEL 31ANUYACTU5E.), - PSIS arrtre-on aceam er Import., will he maid nt Louts pct. es, Cr, Iglit included, If sold 1'11)3.10w wharf 011 or brio, arrl cwt. 0,y2 LtALAI.I DICKEY & aItIVEN API'ILES-50 bbls. y,k state limn Apples, Just reveler.. told tor 4.10 by JNO. CAN FIELD apt; Nos. 141 glad 14s seeouo .terse, MILL FEED-1 f .r alg SeConds; 11.1.140 X tION 78 Illsanoud, Alleghel y, i orialb by ILI) COPPER AND Blass. S boxes sod 3 Otters Copper; 3 bas. end box Now Landlog from steamer Vote... for sale by ape IbAIAH ISICKSLY MO eA ASH. Yoo .aks Caton.. Bons Aogb • S 0 .lb Rolm:0 .10 Just reotived and Lot Ws by . tpLI JNO. B. CA-NYLE.L.I) STEAIIBOATS This Company will run it daily boat between the above points, comprised of the oew and apiendid elde-wheel steamer* CHIEFTAIN. It. IL A imams ootnumoder,d ELECTOR, ItohanT commander. (The Elector Is now being completed and will take her place in the line In a Pew 40714 The Chieftaln wilt leave Pittsburgh for all point.. on TUatiDA Yil. THURSO...TeI and SATORDAYti at 6r. a. Returning. leaves [lanes for Pittsburgh on MONDAYS. IV NON EIiDAYS and FEIDAI at 9 A. it. and Brownsvllle at .1 P. It. . . • Ibe Company will have n illrat-elass Wharf Boat at Monongahela Pity and Pittsburgh. Freight ro eel, ed at all hours. No charge for commieslon on Latent freight, TMs line will not run hoots on the Sabbath. Our new Wharf Boat will he located at the root of Pram stront. -ynyto:Sold 1866. 1866. sPRING ARRANGEMENT. MONONGAHELA. RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, UNION LINE, PBO32IC3EFT will run three daily .Ide•wheel steamers between I'lM/burgh Monongahela Brownsville, Aler's Oreensbore, Ueneva and the Dunkard 011 Raglans. TM. line l composed! of the following steamers, Tt:da l FRANKLIN. . A.IIALLATIN.. -.CAArT.PT. S. 0416 1 # .....0 0. 103011110 t. ('AM. 'L W. 1; A.RMAC .(' A rr. A. B. CARIALX. parket• will leave Illt•burgh daily at Na. d a p. tu, except /tutelar, when the departure will he at N clock. n. the lllllFt^Rlanr will leave rT , l7 , l " a " ,Ltrx. r i:.' 01. Brownev ilia daily at MarnaßlNG—Leaves Browner'llle for Plttsburgh flatly aty a. m, .ndp p. tn. Leave. Greensboro 1.,11i Gener• at 12 O'clock; Rice's Landing at p. on. I,cares Monongahela City at it olelook. The line le composed of first-cleat side-wheel steamers. hnlil expressly for the trade. They will i.e commanded by °Meets of long experlet,e, who will Puy Partleular attention to the wants and com fort of passenger*. the boats will leave promptly at the hour ad remised Freights Received at all Hours. For further wart:lsmenq tire of WILLIAM McELILOT Agent, At the Wharf-Bost, loot of Oniut a. Pittsburgh L. COLVIN, Agent, feisaind Brownsville. Ps von it:A IRO AND ST. L 0171.4. - T he q•lrmlld rlcavcr I= I= leave for the above and all intermedt•w ports on TitUlt.: 4 llA Y. at 4 a. en. • • . . For freight or psaaato apply on board or to nit It VLACh S COLLIN I: WOOD. Arts. VOR CAIRO, ST. LOUISs a gEt ANT, ST. PAUL—The urn , stestne WM= WIl - . . l leave for the above and all IntorrnedLate ports on Thin D.Y. et 4 p. m. Tor frelglst or pa.sage apply on board or to mg: FI.ACK C01.1.INGWO(41), Agents. AN() ZANEriVILLE.—The One steamer RAUL& ORAIIAM, Capt. C. It. Kiri,— leave for the abo, and all Intertnedlate.porta ever 7 at 4 14. In. Returning, tear. laneaville every TRI- P n.l. .7 J. D. CULLING WOOD. Agent. BANKS AND BANKERS 13ANKING HOUSE. N. HOLES & SONS Mt isaals.e•ris. No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Iv,II..,T.:IIV.I.°S;fht . ";;ItcTLICA,7I'.Ii the United States and Came:las. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. rartlealar ateention Todd to the puretoupe and do of UNITED STAT SECURITIES. =I =tt=3 Ftv s of 10-itm Do. 14,1,e-Thlrti..; (Nenlnv... or I n•1vt......em. t , r4.r. awl Vow.II• bwz.iti or f 110 LLA R RAVINGS BANK, No. 65 FOURTH sritr. CHARTERED IN ton daily torn 9 to 2 o'rloct, also on Wednesday esturdsy ceenhas, from May 'St Novelubes i. from 7 to v ve.ock. and from November Ist tu May .st., frOm lo olock. lebosi . rectired of nil sums of not loss than lion •••1 • dividend of thy protli declared twice •7. or. to J une and December. Interval has born dee' .red semi-annually In June and December mace the hank eras organised, at the rate of eta per neat. Aterest, If not drawn out, Is blared to the credit of the depositor as principal. and bears the same in t...rest from the tint days of June and ii . o , c r -esttovr, mcn poundt ri twice a year • ithon troubl the dm poe Dor to call, or eveu to preacal Ala pass colt. At Lids rate money will double In less than Swoon. years, Rooks eoutalnt ust the Charter, liy-Laws, Didhh hod itsguistious, furnished trails, on nppllcation at the onSco. . . rims.lnAtir-IiEOI7.OE ALIIREF. rn.toirarre: John Li. 8.-toren, Hubert Robb, . . l;ro). 1.. pshossiuck, John IL litmentoorger Jan. , . I ittli6l.l, James bhidie James McAuley, Alexander !Slicer, Jams, i. H. blocria, 1 Christian Pewter. Isaac M. Pnnock. I A. M. Pollock, M. U., MMEM ,r:JUines /?. .Henri ?J. ;.11.5:` =113=2 John .. C. .. Medley', Peter A. hiliai-i, ti.,, rge Black, John Marshall, II lit It rsala, Waller P. Marshal, A' ouro,A. Carrler, John B. McFadden, Charles A. Ponca, Jahn Orr._ H. la. Dough, klenrr 1.. Itingssalt, John ;Keane, Wm. IT.,Behmidt, John J. Gillespie, Alen - ander Tindle, l'oter H. Hunker, !Beha! liars. P W . II W I= 4 TALARCAAA—CHARLEN. A. COLTON. BtclurrAnr—.JAS. B. D. MENDS. )ailulawr KERCRANT TAILORS. HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, BORTITWIR CAME OF PON & BY. CUE BEffili PITTS/JUROR, PA. Desires to return thanks to Ids &leads and We pub Ile sr nerAlly for t hell Illwrol patronage, and would rrspretfully Inform them that he has Just return el from the Eastern markets with • large and,wel/ selected stook of Fine Woolen Goods, Peculiarly_ adapted to GENTLEMEN% OIRINU AND IMIEMEM WEAN. REMOVAL T. & J. T. HANCE, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, }taro li•mosed to the lit,..2.lollditt, No. 196 Liberty Street ovrlng to the lateness of their nitrate.es for thO SPRINU TRADE Wl...senior partner being now In the Kest) they err prepared to exhibit goods for the Ctit3TOM TRADE at the VERY LOWEST QUOTA TIONC that goods have yet. reached. They have, and doeign to keep. • FIUPEItIOR iiToCK OF CLOTHINt4 FOR MALE, OF OWN )lAN UFACTUEE,And EQUAL In All reepecte to WORK• mitlteowilain FT EM! ICEI ICES! ICE!!! SILrER LIKE ICE The on.leraliene.l has In lily Teo Holm, In Colllns loPnablo, npar Torrena' tItSIOII, PI, IL. H... from 1.4 l 0 1500 TONS 1!: R. which he offere fur Ither In hulk or by the lon, delivered In tile city. lime I. a rare ellance fur lee Dealer*. loin,. and lIMEMEINI Lal= MIZZI MAGNESIA. TIIE BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, In e or. bottles, In Lae form of POWDER, for sale I.) sit Wittriernts Druggists. Prepared by ~...,3A . I I .T IIVEL WOOERS. °hernial N. V. ENGLISH PAPER lIANRINGS Anrtment of RED PAPERS. with old without bol d. to arrive nest week. tub:4 W. P. BIARSIIAI.I.. tR Wrw,d Groot. A IAPLIE SIJGAR - 16 blots. Grano - laded Staple augur, ild 7. bores Cases, for sale by 111 I m OEIIA ER a LAND, toy 11 112 and 174 Wood street. • ‘Z lt --- UGAS-150 bble. Coffee Crush er), aura, a bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Gran ulated I , tl gars, for sale Ipy 11E2MEt1R illttra.. NOW. lee and Ito Wood stroot. SARDINEs—OO cases one-half k and one.nuarter Gans Sardines, Jost received and fur sole by ItEliklElt A li sr. VI Tioe.'l= nod to Wood street. PICTURES, GAME, FRUITti a . I. ANL/et:APE it sal e ctures it Gal rramen, for srsdl decorationa,for by nays W. P. MARSHALL. p;EED BARLEY-400 bus. clean Bred Barley tyr sale by rub= alettAbLE 8 A_NJER, 124 &coed at. POTATOES--4100 bbls. Prince Al bert and Peach Blow Potatota for talc by tubaJ. GANETELD. POTASH -12 casks No. 1 Potash In mare and for sale by JNO. R. QAtIrIEI.D. FOUNDRIES. viE FORT PITT POIIIiDRY. • fIIARLEB UM' NEPHEWS MUIXIIPACTITESED OP MIT ORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVYCASTINON.,_., R ,,, Special M A CHIN E RYp to ROLLINVELL WORK BLAST .d RETOR REPAIRS attended to prompt/y. As heretofore, the best materials will always • esed at this Foundry. Attention is called to our NEW PLY WHEEL PATTERN and Increased facilities for fitting op th not:lyd MAIDS, wit. le [Zs— JAR. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Ocoee and Warehouse 301 Liberty Street eppoelte Smithfield, Illtnefretares great variety of COOK, PARLOR and REATlfill STOVES, among which ere the eel. cheated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Stove. also. the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal or wood, and the unrivalled Star of the EmPlew for wood; also, Arch.. Orates, tenders. Sugar Kettles, Dog Iron. and liollow War generally. snbh A. enthan.m... ...W. v.txuar ...... S. intinixii J EI`NA,STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacture every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Amo which are the celebrated EUREKA, TM/ Pl 9 CRAMALL-SRM ((loal Stoves* POMAN A, Vt . and IRONSITIES (Wood Cook stores./ ` A manufacture GRATES, CRATE FRONTS, dor. 001ce and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo streets. Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street. at:tym OIL WOBJE3. WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING C 7 CI72Ia:P.A.N"E". OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JON WA, Pident. HENRY M. L ON GBen amid Trexo'f. I.23ILPPLC7O7IE7Z) WORKS L'll TEMPERANCEVILLE . SEIVIAG 31ACHMES. Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (New Buspenalon Bridge.) 4O MeEtte32.llll.oS KAN U FM:TUBERS OY PURE WHITE SOLD TWO DAYS. • BURNING- OIL. Are manufactured wi ikon t any eon:mile/sled mxhln cry, and therefore are not liable to get out of repair, Brand—" Lucifer." and are perfeetly Admitted lore% cry description of Vannly Sewing and Tailorin. We not class unt ' Machines with cheap mach tut a, as Cr hare taken oil This 00 canon be excelled for burning properties, prices. color or et test. and tup In well sesettnett bar. Tney EH. YELL. STITt . I), EBB loil rels, suitable fur HOME er CH I I.T I.lcyn.cel Wheeler A WO. DElta,t (taker. Barbelder. Dinscm.mti—John Watt. Robert Lea. Geo. Bieck, All of our Bach... are wan - anted Ore year.. C. B. Untrue ,_ C. L. Caldwell, H. Collins, J. W. AGENTB WAS al.). Porter, Boni. Wellxce, W. C. Carroll. )aelitirod It. A. W• 1111.10 WAVING ilk KING, 11=ERMUI COMMISSION MERC HANTS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS OYFICX, NU. 1 ntryuEsNE WAY, P2.1"7433131171=1.41:3- XX, PAL. tyd BONDED WAREHOUSE Ut PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Foot et Bolily and ILerrloos, Streets, Brooklyn, N. 1., Storage for Relined Petro/Ruin, In Tanks and llaerci.. See Circulars, 4far• 01Bee, No. BEAVER NT/lINT. New Tort. oeVay SUPERIOR OIL EINGLNES. We are constructing, and wll keep on hand perlor style of coxx. mag - ca-rev - Eiga CH EITIME i COEION OE TUBULAR BOILER We Invite parties geetilng ethgrthes for title 1 n r p e. to eal. •11. i pee thew, von., 0,1" 1•11iX &Oki O'HARA nTREETv. veer City Water Works. 41-AChISTOSII 111 , -.11P11111.L 8 V). ~tOMMERCIAL OIL wont. PURE WHITE BURNINC OIL Constantly ork band and for aslo AT THE LOWEST HAMLET RATER JAMES 3808za AND DaAsBB IN CRUDE AND REFINED Ohl : Mill's Block, Duquesne Way, Pittsburg. air pecial attention glees to the sale and ship the o S f Petroletun and Its products. Oorudarnment roapectfUlly aollatted._ Poatonet Soo 141. alata:ll WY. 1101./liu ...IS j AIDES MWIN & CO., I=l OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA 4:311140e.,1/51 Masalmealt let., N P.r.I . 7IiBUROII. PA. __STEEL WORKS. pITTSBUBGH STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK A CO., 15=1 Mum facture. of to but refined Cast Stcl,l tSgnare, Plat nod Octagon, of allots., Saw Plat., lios, Yore and bike. Cast lincol, Car. bicel for HEALING AND MOWING MACHINES, STEEL PLOW WINOS, SPRINGS, AXLES. CIIIALIOL/LOS, aus. Cast aad Common Plough and Spring Steel, 011loe—Corner of First and lima streets, two bloat. above the Monongela Howse. WM BLACK DIAMOND 1„1.0 b 1 , 1 I PARK, BR(YI'BER di Cu., . , BRIT QUALITY It/SYINED OAST STX,EL. • -. 13q0are.1"441. and Octagon, of all slam Warranted equal to any niVa.rted or manufactured In this coun try. .12 Mc 8e asnond d r streets- 0 1t 4 t 9. rachsu. 1151 •r 1, 4 ORO. IItITICR W. D. RIRLZR J. i 1101.1.11 AN 1 A BELLE STEEL WORKS. ' • FILIECLIVIILVIL df CIO. !LT niNri Aclrsitl E NEtlg, MY: &UV BARS, Le. air (Niko, No. 90 WATER STREET (up stairs) Pittsburgh. P. ITE FraNITURE ANL) CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, FlanufacturedAnd for sale, Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWE L NOS. 171 a 69 THIRD STREET, Opposlie E. Edtransalson a Co.'s. and mhl NO. I FOURTH STREET. ithlirtim =out - ARTHORN = MAYIM JOSEPII NEVER & SON, .Mains !autumn and Wholesale and HMI, Deanrs In FURNITURE YNII CHAIRS, No. Of TENN ST. •twrre the Canal, have on, hands a lassos assortment of FANCY Ali U PLAIN•iInISITUag. in Walnut and Mahogany, of awl, own tuatualnetisre. and war • ranted equal In quality and style to any suanrifasin, sr ins say, a nd wtl set' at reason:table haloes. .• INSURANCE AGE NTS. JGAIIJDINER corruv, Agent ter . the Franklin, Philadelphia and Baltimore: a ce Companies, North-east owner WOOD aad Third WL. JONES, Agent for the North • Metrics Mate of l'ensyrrards, ka rt ford loannina° C ompanies , 9 +WATILIt BTILEET welt. A. SHEPARD, Secretary of the 911151;Alfirtiligtt."' “.r'e" I:IPiLbLSVMY. = `r. , OURTII STREET UPRO) _ 0. as FOURTII ISTINET. mays Woon.—Tbe aubarribens ronnatheture and keep conatantly on baud. every article in their line. vist Cornices, tir. curtain (loud*, Comforts, Feather liedet Mat mews. ot all kinds; also, the celebrated Pal.olo BpMag Ped. All kinds of Shand., Blind. apd ieree Protept. attention le 00._ Ao_all orders to 11140 g aas4 Lanus aowaStata a t a s va4 LOCH-STITCII For Families and Manufacturers I= & J. H. SAWYER, I= =I Manufacturers of FITRNITURE. rii Z,DIVACSCSIAEX•i:O O OI I * . SEWING lIIACEIENES, After twelve years trial. R has been demonstrated that the LOCK-STITCH Is the only stitch suitable or every variety of blessing. I= TH S WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM. No. 27 Fifth Street. WM. SIT :VINE* & CO _ apll _ DROVER & BAKER'S SEWING NACIUNES Hare been awarded the VIIIST PREAULTAIIS at Lb following rain for the year Iteo: First Premium for best Machine work at reline BOLO. Fair. First premium for best Machine work at New Yor Btate Fair. First. Premium for best Family Machine at Oh BOOR Pair. First premium for best manufacturing Machine Ohio State Val, First premium for best Itannfacturing Machine Idicnican State Fair. Premlornfor best Manufacturing Machine Wlliconsin State !'air. First Premium for best Manufacturing Machine Lawrence County Pair, P. First Premium for best kischlue for gene - Is' par macs, at Lawrence County Fair, pa. First Protium for best Family Metal. at Buck County Fair, Ps. First Premium for hest Manufacturing Machine Bucks County Fair, Pa. First Premium for best Manufacturing and .amil Machine at Bpringneld Vale. Ohio. First Premium for best Manufacturing and remit Machine at Palmyra Pair. N. 1. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Family Machine at Suffolk County Fair, N. Y. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Family Machine at Schuyler t'ou y _Fair, N. 1. First Premium for hest Machine for all par - pos.l, at Allegheny I t'ounty Fair, Pa. Finn premium for best Manufacturing Machine, Allegheny County Fairs First Premium for best Machine w rk at Alleghen County Fair. Pa. And wherever oihtbitasi. A. F. CHATONEY, I=2 urir:undsis No. IS Vlrth street, Pittsburgh SUAW be CLARK'S R. H. LONG, Agent, 112 °rant street, near Filth, l'lvreauttrau. nolo „linerod CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &cc %ICCALI.LM !MOTHERS No. SO NT RE ET. We have on hands a vvi y superior ntock of C3I2&_F , CX.3EPr'XIV - G- I , lP' de,...rli ition awl every grade of quality. I.IL LOTUS. e. %Ira awn tumaonegi, 11,1/1 3 I eel 10 24 fret 111110. - DIAN , / AND TABLE COVENS—Every kind In use. IIF.ANTII RUGS—From the finest quality Willa COCOA AND MANUA A MATTI Nos. aIeCA BLUM BROTHERS, arel I Formerly W. U. H. McCallum WE OFFER TRF. LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades,. Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation prat •received---very handsome--never offered in this country before---and at prices based on the present rate of Gold McFARLAND Sr COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d door, Yuri Uutldlog to U. 8. Custom House moll PostoMos mit:o DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. SPRING OF 1566. HEMAPANKA, (BLOOD CURE.) Thin article Is expressly designed to purify and restore the blood too healthy condition, by which SI*II.O.FULA and all Diseases of the Skin are effect ally removed from the system. Sold lb bottles at 50 cents and SI each. by SOWN JOELNSTON, nil Corner Smithfield and Fourth Street& GEORGE A. KELL*, I= Jech 37 Wood Street, OPPOSITE THE BT. CILAILLES HOTEL, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, pT4.-*-711.ra.i. , ' , 5vi._46 , 41 PAINTS, OILS, VARNNIIML UYEgSTUFTS, RC She Retail liesineas will he continued ne tosoal at 10. al Federal :street, and curlier of Ohio and Pe der al •Lror s , c• • SCHOONNLIKER & SON, Pittsbargh White Lead Works, puRE w lull: LEAD, M=EMto=== VIL BAIiBBL. No. 68 1717c.c..11. Eltscaot. _ _ 10 CASKS POTASH, prime, lust received and for snit. •"• • ' DEORIIE A. K ELIA, myl Wholesale Druggist, 37 Wood strut. BRCS. PUTTY, in BlaGderel, lU Just received and for sale by ' ti EOM'. K A. KELLY. myt Wholesale Druggist. 37 Wood street. , ;)(1 TONS WHITE LEAD, in Oil, .. 03 - , Just received and fur sale by GEDID.E. A. KELLY, my! Wholesale Druggist, .1; Wood arc... 1, 1 - RMS. FLAXSEED OIL rec'd aud fur sale . by GEORDIE A. KELLY. mYI Nirbolcsale Druggist, IC Wood street. STEAMSHIPS. BALTIMORE AND HAVANA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ALEX. BROWN & SONS, Gen'l Agents. FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. Ca rrying the United States Mail. The Steamship, of this tint: will nail ma folk/WE, UMA • ..-1,1101 tons. Wm.!Molllna, Column/I, on r•ATIIIII/A ' toilet Stall'or.l, Command er, ou WE:O,4EBOAI', May 2.6. From 11111,1 N'S YELL'S 1 . . tINT, Al 4 o'..locti 4.. It., prvelto.ly, ou tlaytionnounoNt. For or pouatre, it/tying onottrpasaeol nc commodatiot, oppl, to If EN It% L. M AItEl EL S & CO., ArceoLa, 111 n•ltAtt'a It MAJ., N. It. No sill, of Lading pot Owe.. of the Compa ny will ito algtiod. Perust. for Inv freight nova Le procorsol front title °Moe. No (might rucctrtot tt , r 1,111. of holing t.igotol .Fit daY of .. 01,1 tOr• (4,TEAM TO AND FROM 1.11 ER kJ POOL ANON II KENSTOW N "Oro. wreck. Tlin INMAN LINE, galling EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, C ARMY INO B. MAILS. Ti ets bold to and from Ireland, Englarol, deo,. ilermany and France. the l'etapany 'e Oakes. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. PAVERS. 1111c1ALEGHER & Co., STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, • {VIII attend promptly to Furnishing mod Laying Stone and Brick PaVementii, And Repairing the same; Curb Stones Furnished and Bet. Aire, grading and Cellar Digging done at shortest notice. Parties desiring anything in our line gill have thcir order* attended to by addressing us through the Allegheny Post (VIM or by calling at No. 'AGO ilanitusky sued, AlleithenY. lirlfWV./1 P Z i e7,l4•We. Mil t r i lirtit vie. PLUMBING. &ct WK. LORGDON EEC= pLIIIIIBERG, GAS IND STEAM FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. =I IMMIX= =CCM I= WATER CLOSETS ABB WASIISIANDS, E 'VEX'S a Co., (Successor. to Addy & Evrens,) rny7: No. 16.5 Wood at., Pittsburgh. I. WOOD PUMPS; =1 IRON - PUMPS, IEIC3r3ZSI . I.AL.NTI 9, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Fly dra,val ic Brus Work ;of all kinds; Block Ttn Pipe, i Gods P eintains; s kinds of lien and Leather • Hose: . ripe. C•nuplings; tine Pipe and Fixtures. oftail descriptions' kept constantly on hand at Addy, Williams & BOley's I= PITTSBURGH, PA. I=l BEAVER STREET, MANCHESTER I=l A'. B.—All kin& or repairing done promptly All orders by mail Immediately attended to. ial.eudm&e:ever.M. - PATENT LEAD PIPE Sheet Lead Works BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No, 167 Smithfield Street, 1/are on hand and make to order all Orel or LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. olt 7 P L N 'IB ETt 4 Att t its itarcHLTEA" fti m llatre n e e tUo ... by : i neneed andretleal GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. llOWlr.li BATHS, WATER CLOSETS, HYDRANT'S, onstantl7 on band and made to order. TATE & SEVILLE, '4c. 59 FEUERAL STREET, ANsMn4, turgb And r... 1 LIBERTY ITLREET. . 911 m :941991y NANIFFA g • INDUSTRL&L WORKS HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. FOUNDERS, ENUINE nun.rmit AND NIA CIIIN IST's Manufacturers of CrEA.MDUAT EN GINES. IIIL WELL ENUINES, LO4OMOTIVEN for Coal Works, all kinds of 1,11.1 001 Marls., EN- N ES,Tundr to order. . . From We well earned reputation of the Manager. shareAMES NELSON, ire hope to secure a liberal of patronage from Steamboat builders and others wanting good MOGI Intry. Our aim will be to do all work In the hest manner fora fair coroperout lion, and to do It 10 the time we say. All kinds of cAsTmos made to order. Repairing Machinery Promptly attended to. We can torn • Shaft foot long, and bore or turn a Pulley MI met diameter. siurnhopDoquostic Way, near the Point. out] du on on Third street, near Market, Pltiunurgh, aide:6lnd ARSENAL GLASS WORIUL MODES, RYRIE b. CO., hianufactitrers of BLACK. and OREM GLASS!. WARE, Druggists' Ware, Bottles, Deco!Johns, Car cop, &c. Warehouse—No. 144 WATER. , STREET between liruithdeld sod limn street., MUM:invert warrant our Wares to be superior to any man ufactured west of the Mountains. Always on hand, Glassware of the above description. All orders promptly attended to, Particular attention paid ta private moulds. au/3:ly SEVERANCE, No. 68 WATER L'. STREET, Pittsburgh, manufacturer or WILKE Itl VETS, WROUGHT SPLICES, common and =growl of every desertptlon. Pam:kar lased or attaped Splice. and Rivets, Large or ma s 1 11, made to order at short notlee. A good a.. sortment constantly on band. BIN.. T. COLLINS 110 MIN WARM' • •• - • IOLLINS & WRIGHT, Brittania , `•-•, Brass and libtmt MOW Workers, Brittsula CsaL tors, Carbon sod Lard OR Burners, mud all Oil:Serest styles of Brlttaulaused by Glass Maoulkotorers. Orders promptly fi ll ed. 2.10. 1119 !SECOND !STREET, l'lttsbu rub, reurt. 0e7:17 PA!, 4 ;: tel:wili ‘; I :1 prirrenuacin BANK FOR SAVINGS, Formerly the DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 67 Fourth Sired, Nearly Opposite the Musk of Pittsburgh.) CIWITILII.E.D IN ISM. OPEN DAILY from 0 to lo'cl.k, and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS Rom May Ist to November Ist, 7 to 9 o'clock, and from NOT. tat to May tat, 6 to 9 o'clock. Roots of By-Lows, dc., rarnisitcd at the office gratis. TM. Inatltutlon especially olle to those whose earning are limited, the opportunity to accumulate, by small deposits, cosily saved, a sum which will be a resource when needed, and bearing Interest In stead of remaiWproductlee. 110 OP MANAGERS, RESIDENT. lairrs(Ja r it.ioV-IEI ..611.. 314.1EICEILrelr. vans emmamers, S. H. HARTMAN, JAMES PARK, Jr SECRETARY AND TILEASURE I D. 311. 71/L4333.307Xf A. BI:AI , LEY, A. S. BELL, .4 K . K. N Met," I F. ItAbild, JOHNS. RTH, JOSHUA RHODES, i U. FoLLANSBEE, JOHN' SCOTT, H. U. GILAHAM It. C. !SCHMERTZ, cantisro nnu ZOO. SOhicrrOtut—D. W. lA. S. BELL. nalaitlyea Wifi 116 alAt) 61.10 CLAIIII AGENTS. ARTHURS & RIDDELL,. N 0.135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ALL DISOHARGED VETERANS Who did not ROOOiVID s Local Dounty. OR THEIR HEIRS, car. Lave the same collected tlarousgb us. Appl/ la - tonally, or by mall. •p2wcodtellsmrY A THRILLING BOOK. Political Economy of Prophecy, With ..pecial reference to Its relation to the History of the I 'torah and the CIV&I. ltulur7 and Eeelestaa liitin4ietetitisels',".tio':lTtuhreelt'lilna^tionleol''sui.Plier'ithsaain"Afitipt.enlitszt an the nirio'• lost and the limn.. of the ht 114211 of Testes., pmp etically and hlstoneally i....nptr.ted. Illustrated tip Fortaalts of the Na t...loolllV Fainlll - : a Chart of trio emirs! of Empires. Moroi of theticoly Land. ito• EY the [tee. R. C. itehtmeall. ror sale by IL A "), tnyl N0.78J • Fourth street. HAY. HAY! }wets HAYI! TBREE CABS BALED TIMOTHY HAY, Von BALE IIY SHOEMAKER & LANC, 177 and 174 %MID STREET. HOTE7,B, SIIIIIIIIIELL-STETSON I.ONO BRANCH, NEW JERSEY. This sew and edema Hotel will be opened for the Beacons on or about the lath of June sect. Tlllu betel la I,srticulart7 arranged for the comfort of families. Rooms Can be secured for the season bff application at the Astor House, Now York, to J. P. M. a C. A. STETSON. On the iioth of April the stockholders meet at the Astor House to ricw the plans and cats their room. • A few shams of Stock remain los , dlsposed of. Parties wishtn_g_to • übscriba eau dose I.l.s li n 'A rsrY j n;k r'. C"IL". 1866. SPBI3f au PINNBTLV AI M i I M. IL DAILY TRAINS. On and alter SUNDAY, Ar . 4 7. 13d6, teUp■,lll leave the Union Pau u. t, eatikerot Vega. VST(Til4l.lV—Learft rttsball; at AM A. N. stopping at prMelpal stations. Arrives at *lkeda*. at 713 A. Tyrone, 613 A. x._„. (Bellefonte, OM A. a.; Lock Haven, ti(le P. N.ll turnibm,l 1;10 r. r. Baltimore, Ma) P. 11.1 New York, fil l Allen. town, 10:25 it. as • Pbiladelphia.lll4lor. w. l anal haw Toth via Phlldelpßia, it 1011 r. al. CINCINNATI ....PH=S—Leave• Pittabmiai at thln. A. ak, stopping at snarly all stationa; Allootal.T at 11:40 P. harrtaberg, 11:60 r. arrive la at Philadelphia at 1110 A. at. By this line pimento dre tram:starred at Union llerwit ‘ West irectly to Express train for Lew tort. ramping there at6lOlA. at. PUELADELPHIA EXPltindtel—keavearltisi raga at 4:10 P. W, stunning. _only at principal swat eau Arrives at Latrobe; few r. t Altoona, 13:30 r. IL; Harrialmrg,lls4.. t Baltimore, Tiad A. a.• New York, via Philadelphia, 11•01 P. is, els alleniewl 10:(1)4.. IL, and 7.1: A. M. %leg Cars run through on Ms train teem t o Baltimore and Philadelphia, and to New yor eta Allentown. PAST LESE—Leaves Pittsburgh at 111,413 at„ Mendel Only at principal stationo. barites al,An. tonna a ill 0. m.•rialmrg,• 8116 a,. a.: Palle ere,..tnme Pht r l t al 5" IMuilvetterrwins, Handays eset42 . JOHNirrt)WN ACCOMMODATION— Daily (except sunday.) at 3,60 r, r., atonal= .1 rnanlAr slot between Pittsburgh andConematteth, and conuet 111 g at Blairsville Intersection wits trains en theta 11rus Blount. and West Pennsylvania Itailrosok ALTOONA ACCOMMODATION—DaIIy (excel[ Sundays) at 7(50 a. r. stopping lit all roan sted ix. I between Pittsbureb lad Altoona. and makina cto e connection with trains an the Indiana iltaudb, 11 a st Pennsylvania Railroad, kbensburg A Cresson Halt. d, and Hollidaysburg Branch. roa W Accommodation, No. 1, daily (except n - days) ,t ciao e. n. Braddock's Accommodation No. 1, dally (ex.rei t Sundays) at 10:50 A. r. Wall . s Accommodation No.; daily (except B it • days) otlligl Y. Braddook's Accommodation No.; daily (ex Lel t' Bun a) at 3(40 P. N. Walla Accommodation No, a, daily (except I is days) m 4(50 P. it. WalPs Accommodation No. 4, dilly (eantptS u - d Tt ) it t l e' roj.(Mitodation No. 4 dally (except ti day a Tha at 10:60 fta k i i r: . ;eaves Wall Station TTTTT /. day at eau A. 14.. And anises In Pluabutab att. :16 A. B. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1110 p. a., and arrives at 91 , all's /Ration it e.:00 r. a. Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as follow at Mall 1:14' A. Y. Past Line 2:40 A N. First Well's Station Accommodation 5.30 A. Y. Brinton Accommodation No. I I= A •. Second Wall's Station Accommodation.... a:5O A.N. Johnstown Acoommalation ... 1:60 A. N. Rraddock's Accommodation No. 1 1:03 P. si. Baltimore Express 1140 r. N. Philadelphia Express 2.05 r. ■. Third It al's Station Accommplatlos..... 2.10 r. N. Braddock's Accommodation ho 2........ 540 P. M. Wallis ACCAMMOI/MlOl2, No. 4 7 . 00 I'. N. Altoona Accommodation and Emigrant.. 10:50 r.x. . .. Baltimore Express will arrive with JAW:lntel' bla Express. at 2:05 r. Si., on Sundays. The new Union Depot Hotel,occupying the three pp stories of the Depot Bulidlug, Is now open for the aSrecist. accommodation of the traveling com munity. A capacious Restaurant Is open at ALL. 110011 b. day .d night. Sundays excepted. cl r N L ei—ln ease of loss, the Company will hold them elves responsible for personal baggage oltlY., and f an =Mint not e xceeding ISICE. W. H. BECIWITH, Agent. Al SP Penneylvanla Central RAI tread Paggenge.r dia. Goa. on Liberty end Washington senate. PITT'SBURGH, FT. t , -.27=........ ..- WAYNE & CHICAGO ; -1. .....-..-- -.was. , BAIL WAY AND CLEVELAND st PITT:DIU/Still ICA/L_WAI3. 1865.1 Winter Arrsxmontartt. ILAS6. On Id after November 15th, hag. trains will run a. follow , via : Lemma , 15, F,..r., gu t PateDurgts. • Chicago. C 4 r.. and. ll . hreloto Eiprets 2:20 A. M. 2:50. >l. .. ... .. . . ... N. Ea - errr 1::S r. hi. i 2.%0 I' 31. 2:30 e. 34 Expecer MALI , '',ls ' 0:06 r. 3,. , 723/ A. 111. ; 2:00 A. a. I.(0 A. r For No3rcastle and Erie e4O A. ri Itotorulng, Arrive at Vltteburgb :' P.. F V.• .Q. C. It. W.—1:20 A. 11., 3:10 Y. Y.,. 31 P. Y. tc- XI , OP. Y. • C. & .. It. It.-11:12 A. N. 2:20e. U. vaor ACCUMMuDATION TRAINI2. . .. .. •- - •. Leave ..t ,, llegheny for New ruouron-9:00 A. N., 11:50 A. Id.. 4:20? anV 5:001, M. Boca' TAU-2:06 P. N. flw CArrri../.-3:50 p. lA. &cONO*Y—,O:NO Y. a =M=M I I:I Returningourivc, at Allegben7 P., Pi. W. C. R. W. —7:a3 1r A. 2:30 P. at., 4,30 P. u. and 12:101 C. a P. It. 11-10:00 A. U. 01.6 . EUM PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Union Potecoo.. 18kktlott, Elltaburgb.r.. . A. Q. CASEE.LBEMEY.CAW. Aice. Allegheny Ole F. R. MYER, fiencril Ticket Axont. pITTSBURGH . , CO-awami LUBIISUB AND CL2 , ICI N NATI ICAILHAJAI). THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE = TO COLUMBUS, CINCINNAIt, LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. wine =ISZIER=!I MONDAY. MARCH 121.11. 1(188, Train. will leave and arrlv It the UNION use( T as follana: Derarts. At riou. ....c .• .3:IX 1 . . 1. Feet Lin klm I . . . . . .. Ltereck kni/P..kt. 1.1.P.k.m. litekbetiklile Accommalin...4.ls .• le:IP A. 4 B. F. SCUT L, den . ' Tlitt . e.l. , Al i etdVW i ni , itl i t 4 l), Ticket Agent, llolon Depot, l'lt L.teigiN PITTSBURGH ANDasargia ... CUNNELLEIVILLE R. B. Spring Arrangement THURSDAY , MARCH l.Svu, The trains will leave the Depot, venter at Ross and Water Streets, as follows: Letrvel dr Mom PUteburph. evtt.+.•a• Mail to amt from Uniontown... 7:00 a. Y. glao r. a. Express, • • 8:00 P. X. iu:CO A. X. West Newton Accommodation CM r. Y . s:ag First McKeespOrt Aeeom•n II:00 A. Y. 6:UI Second •• Braddock's 4:10f. Y. 6:40 Y,lts Sunday (thumb Train to and Qom West Newton 1:1:0 P. at. 10:00 For Tickets tDol.y. E t. E1.(.3. bIoIALLENBERGR, Ag nte. W It. !Trout'. Boot. 1:=1 A LLEGIIENV . • . (in and attar TllUlth IA 1 orll ',tali. tral will leave and arrive at Lb poi, Pike and Canal straeLc, Pittsburgh, a. !biles,: Lcarcr. Ames. Hall, to and from klabonlng... LOU A. N. 6ds/ r. Y. Express, do do ....--- ... 4,03 r. a. 10d6 4. Y. Soda Works Accomodation.... 0 1 o.s.s. Klektrninlllo do First Bolton do Barna, us 10 ...AIM A. B. 2:CO P. 31 Second Elul ton :10 .... St= r. IL 8:40 r. It Sunday Church Train, to and from Soda W orks I:00 r. 35. 10:00 A. 11 5p3.3 11. BLACKSTONE, !Supt. MEDICAL. HUMPHREY'S HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have yroved, from the most ample experience an en tire success, donde, edlcient and reliable. 1 hey ar the only medicine, perfectly adapted to mother tee that 77 takes cannot be made In natog them; m harmless R 3 to be free from danger, and so eMcient m to be :dorm, reliable. can., B. No. I cures FEVERS, Congestions Inflatoma tloo 26 2 •• WOR.IIS, Worm Fever. Colts •• CRYING COLIC, or Teething of In hots . . ....... . 25 1 • DlARltgii. of chilhier; 434 r 24 I DYSENTERY, Griping and Bilious Coll a •• CHOI xltA 91011111.19, Nausea.. 25 7 " COG Lille, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8 • • NEURALGIA, Toothache, Ira.- 28 0 •• H Sick Headache..... ., 25 0 " DYSPF. Stomac h 25 11 " SUPPIIEO:32. , scanty and painful 2 " LEUCORRHGSA, or Whites. 46 13 " CROUP, hoarse cough •• SALT RIIEUXI, Erysipelas, El op tions 2.5 15 •• RHEUMATISM, all rheumatic pains 25 16 •• FEVER AND AGUE, Chills and Fever PILLS, intern! or external so OPTHALMY, sore, beamed eyes_ so •• CATARRH, smite or chronic, moo_ en. , 20 •• WHOSIPING COUGH. spermodte 0 couggh 50 A irlt D 113CHITAVimtisiretitiesir . - 11 25 2 S t'D /C l:r ! ijftd l 'tL C l 7 '' ; g Egti l!6: , oLZd o ty r sickness hem 44 • • KIDN Er DISEASE, go 44 NERVOUS DEBILITY, seminal za • 0011 142 ;;Pd.Vri:Ze d r ................. 6o • • inlvv•R INCONTINENvE .. . pAIRFUL PhRIODR, even with Spear. 602 gINVERINGS at Change of Lite.— MI EFILEPSY,Spasins, St. Vitus' Dan eel ( DIFT 1 HERIA, ulcerated sore Ito oat 100 PAMILY 0.6063. Curs of 30 vials. in morocco °wand book com plete 01 /ow. of Ni large vials, In morocco and b00k...". 810 MI Uric or 'Xisrile villas, plain .se and book 6 110 Cur of 10 hoses (No. 1 to 16) andboot. 2 lb TonsleavuE, Corder of Fourth and 61.ket streets. _ Witc_rie_sele Agent, Pittsburgh, F's. For ssic by E. IluNgat,,Ctinalthileid street.: dieS. FLEMING, Si Market street, corner of the Dintnomi Flttsburgh, and . ..1..1, 'LAST, No. 104 Federal street. ) 1; 1 1 1 :41rd r inI c A C I TILL ISTRICKILA.iiik nie g munHio,. S COUGH BALSAM b , - --7--- lirareantell to be th e only pre- 1 ,, t. t i e gralon Colds, to cure AK: .• . A.rgmt WbooploQ Cough, Cll4OlllO C 01113113, 3;012411/111.111 . 0 lion, Bronchitis .41 Croup. , • - Belgg • and gi;: s t p , e ll ht131:411-, Oyu IX ' the Throat or nod Lungs For .11 b, l DraggMs everywhere. R. E..SELLERS & 11 12:1yd IWI.IoIMIALs Atiga2 STRICKLAND'S PILE REM.. P IL E . DIC has CURED thou- Bastes of the worst CAMS of I....i.tesgs-sF, BLIND AND BLEED/N U , ••• ". ir • PILES. It gives intmediste relief, .d effects • perms- eat cure. Try It diroc.Uy. •Itis Is we:muted to cure. For sale by 5/1 Druggist.. p Si 50Xlents per bottle , R. . •• wr tt • eels:. • ROLIMALP. AGENT& 1 iIIfSPEPSLC.-... Dr. StrlClLlantef n-- , TONICI. al a conceit- , , 7,7,... „-,—......„ aTtr a lTrEs or' 9:l% f rat •OWII., acids and arialnatlve tgi C,„. ..„ 2. strengthea the stoinach.and , .., nerve,. system. It/a soar- - "Sp. Mtn re...dr for DaliPeDini cI .it. ,or Indlitztlon. ner i tze i t . I Tat, of t o le Vomach, ) 0, p„ A '. Flatulency and deb nILY.' It %,,/ ' Isnot aiehottolle; therefOre. ®s` particularly atiltedforweek, ...c l o af . L u rinsa,W . yet bottle. Pau n • ... ig. x. SIItLLYIIIS 411 . 00. - •- •