Mie Vittobitt9lt tai tzcttc. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1568 YOE ti u VIEUNo II : MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, crNIRENI,A AU COUNTY UNION STATE CENTRAL COXISLITTEE 'Devi at the room* of THE. NATION AL lINION =I AVEDNIniIt IV the lath lin, 14 May Inet.. al thre o'eloek r. le. The nt trod:tiler of evrry member Committee is earns ftic I=l I= NOTICE TO ADVIERTINEIZO. Noun , h.retn oven that hereafter al! rhAs- IMES advertisemente received at this onice must he d for when handed In, erect. it ' be c.." 01 :hi yearly advertisers, whose bills win ne rendered esrterly, as reseal. Advertisers will please make note of this. as toe role of ease tieTtsenta for wi lier:Caesar:Ms of the character stated, will be Inflex ible enforced. The cese,,, ar our pis, is THERE CENTS et the Counter or rosin POW.Oo, Served by carriers lirrEAN clu+rd or , ...ft. _ EJA/CATION OF LABORERS Si l o ng us 1, large majority of the lama tr mg i.X.Ople of the Sontli were held in slat rev, labor was ne , ressurily entct•mrJ deLtratling. nutl it w tirt ftodtiontatie for the dominant enAte to maintain thou the imarer the toil int: million. were reduced 1111. 11,114110. M of ltrum lattM. , the better Ito them :aid f. their smterior.. nob 'aid :cal writ ten in a vein of pseudo hutnanitarmni , m, of the ativantagcsof ignorance to men and women who had to Mork. It ltluniciltheli tnniceptibilti l M 4 , and co made their hard lot more endurable. Nor lion made between white and black litho rer,. Indeed., for several year- before ;IL, re hellion named tan it Wa , ,I 01.1111.: maintained by man:i loader• of Southern opinion, that all labor:Ts, un matter what their ought to he reduced to liondage, !or their own good and for the general wel It tea; not tit be CI V, 1,1 that will: till overthrow of Slavery all these Wort , . serdituent,.. v•ould Vani,, from tla herds and hearts of the persoll , NV to' el ,Cr ',Shed them. ltddical transformations is I lie thoughts. and leeling, of It stile vi dual du not Tring up in a day: much I. ill Inre 111:0 , ii , of people. Mental ant. 111"ral t• 1114114 e, (111 a broad scale, al, of -Its' development. It not wonderful thore titre, that all Southern people have not ye ill come to appreciate the good the re is the widest possible diflusivn Of taludation. The Paducah t 6 ) //scdtd out tide the suggestion of a Mississippi eon- Pauporary that it is a int'astilcot utility 10 educate as speedily tr, possible the dill). rate freedmen. It trbjects becalire an 71111011 M Of ettUctalioll that 'Will Make the in-Millen intellectually cultivated members 1)1 the community" s ) l)olll I,willtat of millions of dollars fur school.) And )a))1) besides the loss of tulle taken troll' tali, awl devote , ! to learniut:. That ,0111,•:% hr d. ark ii is. Bin Gill :mother ut,i, tit.n 1114 , 1; ahit h is, that 1.. h tie the /An:Mimi et' the bin. ks. ....Id I r treat them better titan tile pm.- white , ' there is nit of blaming the blin.' la.e.su , e they do not see, but it h. plait. • nmiel, that di'-parity Mould and mtgli: te-tt:e r. Lc ( . n1111,1111:: hilt-- it 1, us.l prgpiß,,,tl in ~orate I 11 alodll.llllllll'll be, Isa-t• they a rt Ma. Lm he. an, tlity are human it... Heraid does not swotGtr it enes..., 'tcaching thew to ie.1,1 ~nd %vat tlo them 00 gotttit''6 tho ..t.tt.un of t.'ott i•••• re.!accd 110. 1 , Oil' ' WV(' ai Vs :111(- r-. fir, urg, :Le impolir) oC I....chilig a y 1:11,r cr. tu 3.31.1 tenU•. It rays “l's talk about educating thdt drudg , . i. to tall: without thinking d:1 11 te , ,tt to teach hill, 11,13., V it f. write. is to ruin 11 1 111 a- a Iltl-trey Thutrs of tt.enc !Live already been a.; most ru itu .1 y Th••y have, dui tog the pa, 1.• .• .1 ... I ." • 1m.,•. Ir!! , 11 , svi-11 , 111 of th , drir new -,run n uhill. c in I. ,alt a lint sententa,s in tire spelling lank or in anew-paper, has given them notintit v , ^P her above plowing and di4trilr 11111.1 r them +rhnl.•lr•, men, 'gent lentett,' and ..ontirmed :hem gnu wally as duty ragaltonds and thon atgl, outtore,-. It ha, nuole tht yowl alit icdorina; population in the al ~rl.l and a thousand fold Inure idle and insubur 1111111.,•. "Europe 113, 11.3 %a. 11.111111g.31 her tabor ern, anal Own. ran oat ie Lnunl 1111.13, shah eztrnt ,d ~1,1 Europe a class or while 10 3,1 i•T's S.l tut assume half the• airs or the neap. , of America. Who ever heard of a Fr,-n, it English lalo/rei calling himself I trentit man' - Ent:lad provide-cork for her laborers, and lurid-lie , them, by met:Lusa her church , with moral and religious training. She totes not give them Wages enough for `cdo ,i t tiou,' for tiressing in tine clothe, and tt• set If as 'gentlemen.' We must learn wisdom from old mottle , Eagland it. this respect. Give the ne,7toe.. work. :Intl urinal and religious culture, uric it is all (hat may bil ,, rens requ ire, trot at that any CO , 'dry ,iii , i ./r/,rd bi yi^ei. I ryci ii go beyond thin you destroy the tat ire Whenever the negro in this country retell I tit tint' this, and ceases to be a labor r, will beeente a nuisance, and will be lot tied out of the country. He is only al' ble to the eountry as a druge. Wit r eea,a to be that he in an incumbraner "Kentucky has taken aunty Inc Loutish steps on this subject. We Inn Denuteratie party will have 5.211.7 elms 1,, r4seal all such laws, and hereafter Vie all.i set for the ne.zro fur exactly what he Noi a mu, Southern people have Rlruad) 01,1AtInc.1 from the dominion o. tht tic atotur.l prt•Jutliee , . In time the udor urs of utental darkness in the Southert, Statt , ae to the Northern Will "one to st.l the tollv or their t-our,. N HERE E sTA We do not hold it to be au,ng the earth. itat virtue.. W. iund hy a party, "right to Herein !rum want. 4,1 out ememporaries. But it so that ott the q uestion or lieeonstruetion ai Itr.• thirty within the ',arty lines, and tilos., 0 dissent from 11111' position are oatuidc Let us anneal to the record. The last lie• publican :state Convention, alter carefuliy imisidering the whole twitter, laid this plank. in its Platform of Doctrine: "liewletil, That the work of restoring tlic Into insurrectionary States to their proper citations to the Union, rte.-es sarily devolves upon the law•inuking power, and that until such action shall be taken, no Slu e :y in insurrection. is entitled to representation ill either branch or Congress; that primary to such. action the right •., of Con gress to Investigate for Vtself the condition of th e legislation of those States, to Inquire respecting their loyalty, and t o prescribe the terms of restoration, and th at t . deny this necessary constitutional pow e r i s to deny and imperil one of the dearest rights belonging to our repieseatative form of government, and that we cordially apin . n „ . ., of the action or the Union representatives fromirom Pennsylvania on this subject." That was our position before the Conven tion assembled. It is our position now Ou this point we have no hesitation in affirming the Convention reflected the ideas and will of nine-tenths at least of the Re, publiCans of Pennsylvania. Those journ als and indivipais who dissent fromaie doctrine are dlsOrganizers; not we. TII E Colorado Senatoni deny having giv en pledges either to the President or mem I= A \‘',,ditnjdrin special tele•-rani ii• New I.ll'. 7 . 1 . 17.4 7. 1, makes thi- 0.. '.urn of the presidential policy . i•Wit Mao the authorn ot i ' lo 1 Johnson, among ipr'. , struction, ordered till - -i t ' " I railroads and railroad nmum.h. Ir.!) and nutdetialt• to an i not non,: anoint., In Southern hein• im credit, lie di , • ti tl U. quarttirmastid ill elan - tie to turn • iiroperty, and take the iiiirch,es: note-. , payable monthly. tip to Iwo years. the vol rr ,„.ris thilA nominally cold, lict ui tar sirenm reality 000 . 11110. lit room • the notes, a. they r i dl slue, rrrr' tot paid, and it was never in tended they should is paid. They ati• tinder protest hen , to niiilions. Tde (joy ; ,raia,nt hid Is rhanel int.rl gap I.n pro) , eft.. all in Hebei hauls, than Inas 1.1.•011 eou e•llliieti lit large letrt, ill part le, 1 hanged and the Mauer of N, :itch I. plell in defiant disregard of the contract of p' chair . . The Presilinit reins,. to p ierlitit protieetlings 11l compel payment, or 1. , re. 00Vol - tuts-a—shin of portion or this alto/lint I lie public propt•rl . t N. , Inge of sense eau doubt as to tl. meaning of this Con , erNali , lll miNt have prodigious deselopmenl in the inthvidual who cal sn^t I lOW Pelky' with such appendages. Tan Untlerwtod to tic jury that in Meted Jetferson Is, has brougheout all the reconstructed new-pa p,rs of Virginia, in furious vituperatio n. upon hint. The Petersburg fed,' tta We have tried to do justice to the cider!. blasphemous, cowardly, fauatieal, ghoulish, horrible, ignorant. t knavish, inamihn, ,Wenlllllllnie, noUS, renal, witless, extraVaCalit. yankee tern whose `charge' We ne despair. Tie truth is rte an' ml equal to the m casion The Riehniond 141,j, Slturtla:, last • •. It. inn t h e person of Undcrivotel, Ile .11. ilirial onlet• Inas at last land tor the first time) been disgraced in Virginia, our is , - pin ill take no shame to themselvt null lit , is he a Virginian, nor does he hold his office liv authority or consent of line peolde of Virginia. A va;aboud t'roui some Yankee State, and the appointee of power which was doing at the time all it • tiuld to crush the people of thi,. State, Laid chose ilitl l as an instrument useful to that end. his history will east no had on tie ,taittless ermine of the State whose the birth place, and ID.W 11.1UfL3S the Of Teter may lle taken , p,1111...11 , of II •,lla kik ll it I - OW rt•-itlent's dt•N hi has Wash.iu.zt , al la vlhal . sou - n• Iwnniy thousatni in the United States, of whom lit eight u; nine hundred re,,uire by the Senate. There are to ve,rorm removal- among: the rest who are tie all ing rite adtniuistratiom tile being made out at the Postoulue I.artment." • I'rtan thi,s and utl•er lu.tinau.n kilometer, kiviiient the P0...1it. Geze•rhl inteloh- to Mai, a\ t , I the aulii,,rity l I.l_ fpom lift• l•i Lile IS, U.lll , relliN. In ` r hots •. the c,•unlri' ri,i;...111 iti= . . ~I.p:ay. of lake prt ~ 11k• I , I:1.1'0d 1,4, - ;t1:-, they an- 1.1 ill_ 11, Thr.y .tre 1 . 11 c) .11 , • lir thvy do not join ;rig the Iteptil/ilvan it l'ril ate Luc Pre..l.lc id ~~.. ui l,lrnn .l iv th,. ... •1 - 11ee.2, :..•iii, 1,41 , he lee. lell ,e 1 ire, t ehle ~e.r• le M ~-1.,.,,• c • etteltillglileti In ti 1.. e 1, rn. o• 1 the %% i, Iria .i r , .l 1 11U tle•l3 , is resy-a1..,... I - , Icl ...,t t • !Ile. M lett piuriml r 6-w hiett toc• • 6 • • o 11:••:111.. t.i. , ,,ge ,•1 r.-cei,515,.; Il.c. a... .a Ile imoritiolion , nct. stated I.y ... r rcoel.....litelop.crarc. and we are, I i o •r.•• ~.tc. ~,iiiis, l l, - .1 to ,:• the t., t- bet.•,..- , •-, • - wi.,, , ills f.tivii.. ooze , of ~,,o , ..,, ..s r.,.., 1r.,. Lisa i5[0v,..5..../1 1f:W.3 ,,1 4, Da,. reell tile i reli , t3 V,in.s: ,:‘, 11,4 ,I Li ee in ,1,..11. latt as tie , '.,,,,,,,, ,'. , a ., ". , 0 A , N: ~,,i,, • • • .• ..,el-1 I—y, -"rely tine .., er,ii..., „tut ...11,isteni sapporS, of t 1,. ccel.lon, ow. ..., ot tit , . ii i.e.ilel, mem. "I"' 11 / 1 1 . " 1, 11, toIted lc , 'l ,, eeiniel et ilk, Presaieta mid his puller, We iii,e I 'iii.'il" ''''Y •"i iler , ••". Thi• el.l. r !.. ..n 10 I. :an 204 re,peelit the s ulemntial ...an • I 'fa ,- d ill , ±"lnt;:..., •' it , ,ftili. ..n.l lo ate „ tt , y of it „, tutp ,,,,, t t ~I „ ,,r t we now preeevd pa) no nt unto ed him .1. - . n a letiel t . pit , Le rerr,illee. ;eel killed 11110 t•riiiii(lo•Loher Ist to.\ pr.! Ist, NI r. Joh mn, I , a,„ rill itlit , N 03111, Elliriiith I, the elle r , ht . . 7:. , , ,, ..! i i .. ';: . .:7 ,1 1 , :::' 1 7 ,,, c 1. 1 :: , ‘ , ' i t, 1 t 5 t . tt‘ ,".: . : r r t .' t ' t "„"'..; 3 sumo, iii (ler ninny hill, •I her iii lint i• t o . ',gat h,d,,,,, g c oo •L wit Ist to , 'IL. 1.. , • 1• 11 ' -MI: 11, Land a1;a11...; I io• front el Is 1,.,. h.• gets ill. al .1., . I•els. 11l is. N. r 1... 1.,,, i ~,---. in , mei, It ne..:l, , a. , -ticking 11l it til.• ~,,',. out Settle,. ii, trete) as ti, UM' :II edie e ntercd the chil.: •h. AO, ,and I',111:4. IA Ille of day by 11 keie IS el A !ill ,11Ver e. 31111, I hillii initiri•-s. • , r, us le• , alts :l. 'in 'mi... wn" .l ' l'"'"" i I if: A'. nut: a'. , !Icing "Idp a ill ,00li k when fie v asstid atador, ant stilietili.Wily! , , . real . t .„ . . , re...) ler a I trip t it, ,hip in noel. lgi. at his Maisel., :1 he first therfileill I from two i,., ,, ,,, , , 1. ii it 11331 t ie ...1 arrange, which _NIT. J. i0n1.4 on ill th•• inormng--so t' , , . • , 1,1, ,hustle , freed testifies, 1,111 pair Of Ilan- s ', a. ' l, gave., ..n.l controlled in Its att. net drawers, after which he 1111 1, on I t i, It 3 .. , 11,, erl4, win Will he 4.41601 Inr a ltat ,a,ekCIS, which are:generally ot grey yarn, to lam ifa• in the air line? lifea his tl ll l•Pers "ha It Fa, of ru-tt'un I , m - Tilt: remain , of the wren ,hie -.Miler , : iith•ons. Woollier 110 also puts on a dress- ~,, n , „. j 5. 5.,, ~ ti _ ,,,.. 1. 1,.. pectic.]',, tug gown, or In What aliallt , f i 1,14 110,1.... mad , , , , 1 LITI . ' 111 ille Celvbra , ...l rairoad e %1a...10t0n manly elie.st are protected, We itrx• not in- ^ .., ~ . „ I sent out by I ',nerd en th hen. in I ~ ,.!,11..,.. !.” t... 1. However that may be 11 1. 11 , a I trod„ 1111, Me bath room, where be shale, hero m"l''''''' l" C . l.lftl , "'"'sllll 'illd (heir riately marked and performs his miff IllefilS, tasking goner. graves approp ally about Italian boar. Ile nukes extreme I A kink (111111/•een years obi, front ithrilit 'ire 111 111. Wells, 'which are very handsolti. , S N.l sth , 01,,i„. name,! Luer ,,,,,, 1 ., 1 . 1), lee. , h i nd of his finger nails, which though abort, j been arrested at Ilunt,ville, Al:Maim, in are rose 'Morel, Hall are cot pointed. I male attire, and lodged in Jail. Site Ira, 1 Lswing got on his chalets and pared Ms • for . 0, Wllia :1:1,3 lied to the !Willi . 111inms I rose e.dorect nails, the Pr,sltlent retires. t•f to , private apart Merit, where he read, the regiment. I roll' I clothing W 111 be I arms!. 1.1 newspapers and "writes those remarkable ed her mei she Will lii. -cm home. ~ I, lol'llaagoa whia , in , l'altafuuncaten from A nor 1 ,- ..MY-NT rya.. Manger:lle.' in the . i. time to time to uia friends, the Itacheals early part or the present your to procure c.• There he remants till to oselock, wall no • from c „. grc ., . National 1ii .. r .,,, Law, I LL , 1 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , P ., 7 1 . ' , . , .. h t: , x ., ‘ , 1 11: e 1 d',...„.7.117;11 great t it , :' llin i,,, g s ‘ , t e,l y ie r i , , , .., , , , nie prospect that the petition I,li,hinent of brall a a litiout sugar, and ..11 big black eat, the PruY' n g ''', l . 4( ' " t '.' ' ' , - in - laverin. of its master, w hi c h a l wa y s sit .. Bureau, witten was signeo by an the prom he gravely on the desk, at the left of the ink- • inept Insurance Corporations of the north, ,tand." From to to II o'clock visitors are : , ill be grunted. en' rt, civet!. At 11 Mr. Johnson breakfasts i 'rile Immigration now Ilse Mg into the 't e +l;h his nullity. "An egg, boiled potato, a , Northwest from the East, the South and z i „nine and it few peanutsconstitute his gore pc ' is unprecedented T,ie rillal ,„ Wll./1 1. repast. - Whether the peanuts are .'• ~ • F :an ; tram, from Inc ...Sr ha Ural Wall imlui dea ore, I row'Or roasted the intimate friend - fans to tell us; bin he says that during , grunt,, ninny of whom are of the better this Irui,oll repast "the President Is very : }iii-,. Illitioin receives Many of /heal an in.y, and does not allow anybody but him. i permanent setters, and many go to -anl to talk." At noon precisely the talife ' lowa, Wisconsin, Minne-ota, Missouri, is abandoned for the Cabinet meeting. or ' Kansas and Nebraska, and some art 4.,u tor the reception of delegations. At 3 I their way to the new gold and silver re• o:el• ck in the 1115eflietill Mr. Johnson goes 1 gions of Colorado, Nevada, Montana and nil: iti ,111::., either ill Ole grouncts of the 1 ! d a l, Witte House or the streets of 'Washington. , „. Ile luta it rapid gait, which is more hice a I , if'' , :"111' , ..150 •hl'ikial C"urt of 1 -''''''" trot than u wet - Land there are few persons 1 has just decided a can, involving the lia whom he would not ieliVe behind in 11 foot bilities of a Life Insurance Company, on a race. "lie has a corn on the little We of 1 policy of 0,000 in favor ofloseph Eastbrook the left foot, Whithcan.ses him ranch agony, 1 Jr., late of Camden, deceased. The in. but the painful results ot tilts intirnitty lure j sorrel Was in health when the policy Was 111.11 " - " t " " 11 Y ' l° ' we '" ln g °n that 1 made, but Ite,,ame debilitated and eventu• i.tri.rur no , A than on the other. Ile always 1 ally deranged, believing It demon pursued -dookes Its he walks; but "since he has ~. , • . • lift tic him to nic k ) him take his own . :s•en Precident he has not permitted him- 1" finally —if te chew,- such hi s d o tt e ,g„, ~,,,,0 committed suicide Icy shooting him" of the propriets of his high station. sell. The insurance company refused to At .1 0 ' ItilH.L ilr comem in to dinner. This pay the sun, insured, but the court declared is the hearty Meld of the day, and in order otherwise—defendant, being ref lei eel if I le get up gin appetite We president drinks pay the ixil icy and it. 257, expenses of suit. a stout glass ca whisky beforehand. lie spends the same length of time Si dinner a.% Stsck the arrival of Mr. dames Stephens, at breaklast, but with an interesting differ- on Thursday last, quite a change has iiassed ence. As we hay. 1:K.. 9 k in the morning he over Fenittnistn. Ile, as "President" of monopolizes the cellVerytitilifli in the alter- the Irish Iterhillie, has assumed entire rou t-oOn his hilliiiiitfli reftelilit V, him the trol of affairs. The I!' Maliony has been incidents and rum or " ''f the cl-o•Y• the say- ding hated, and b. billowed to his retirement tugs arid s loingisofC4lngtetin, and so forth, iiiiii„,, i by if u sing_tilitria , ustieletti i ir from ii i the chief. Ile eats 'stile meat, especially pork, Mr. (S tephens ' l etters am spet.r es are very the inrafirion or the trichinae, "buthe aileron -•ralis, profestcOS a high witeein for fried . curiou,. Ile Wes!, the air of a father gee' t ,.,-,. mid is oii i iiw a t ,d with L ., irre. ., ti _ I eyeing a faintly of rather obstreperous coil isle passion for rico pudding. - its eats I arch, or of a teacher laying down the law more bread than most amerieans, and " 111 I of good conduct to a natter pervert.: gen so miner he stuffs himself with corn andl orationill litiloiht, and, iii. rebukes are re, watereresses, Which he considers to be far- volved with all humility by those to whom arable to Lhe renovation of the blood." At they are administered. 1 '• o'clock the dinner is ended' with a few 1 -- - - glasses of port anti sherry, and "a great ..,,,, of black Detre. whleh he imbibes al most at it single straLlow." Now he rot urns to his private roorn,W here lie reads the newspapers and his favorite Isvoks. The authors he prefers are Plutarch, Mr, Punch, Itobinson Cruse°, the Arabian N wilts, and Young's Night Thoughts. At a'elts•lt he Lakes tea, and at ...goes hark to work aria in, WlllOl he generally makes inns self ettmfonahle in 11115 shirt sleeVees. The ' eoliee out is now brought in note more, and ILL midnight • when the President usually goes to lost, it IN ititillyN empty. Ills sleep is penmen I, an. l, as he himself saytt,he never ,j m unri, '.shish is the sign both of good hualth and a good et - m.46.3110e." Ills friend also derilares that he has never been heard to snore, and that "au angelic smile now and then wanders over his ap„, w hil e Moe . Theus clones his eyes and pours upon hint his restoring balm.”--anatrgo Btplotimi, S .eEN Dl kW aT , w,,rk in Alt,,,L“ thult I,lliing unlo)rt r,abors to Juuet & c 0..) Tim Ai tht , in Ow are abort at an Corner Fourth and Wood Ms., ; 11•1 rs,‘lt ,11- ft :N . ., ,t:ss.ll Llls Pl. , 1• BANKERS 1.14/..L.EItS 1 , 111 or F:1 1:... t 1 , \ : 1,•1 f t:...11 fis 4,, man ,ittos;om • Government Securities, hallan 11,a1 had 'o 11 irllthl Foreign Exchange. uation unkLown Gold., Silver and Coupons, .k ooul cation o IU 11.r1,1 fl accesell,la points in in Now l,ok 11, United ,tat, and t .16.1M.5. It.so\ vv. Rail, are clioap and rlonly i n interest allowed oil Time Deposits. Lotto mark, t A„,„1:, I/FIGPOSAI.SWiII be received by the •. 11111., unity Propene, until 6ATUR- Euroisam lo A r ta, rue GOOD IN• otrttyt, Sixth Isl, eeen at the Lid , 01Int ry ,sk, 0, E. e m‘itteu , W, No. VA retina. Avenue. I ',anti " v. N.. 1 , .11 Sunday evmurm ( T. EWING, A NEW armory is to Lc Luih in Roston ;l is summer. It will s:;(.,tee Attorney at Law, TIOIII THI. 104 , 1 :nlvicv , frg,in 41. rinall y :In.! l'alY in "I a dr , idedly n 3:Ilk , , nara , ~l , 44-conuffi,,,on, cur oluO, Kentucky, triot A kat Ato .11 Rs ill I aoloris IL liAs dt ci.11,1 A OfOsIA. Allc , ctol As.' °IS , sc.. , so ICLALS , that pistol. , art Rol no 11--:.r1:) lig:1111/ N y ABBE% & BATCHELDER. IS elltrolls. BROKICICS IN TOE 111 '' 01. r '', 1.1, ' „ .al "li . l'''' l 1 CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, [Win llo• renn-yk anis tow, last 111'1'1:,WHAL.C. 011., RODIN. SCIILITs TURPENTINE. , l'a , I I 1,1i....N0RT11 CAROLINA TAlt. AC.. , TUC: Tlecrt . hurt II • riTiltly ,1,,,tr,,y,1 c 0 . ,... - of o.grat r litr , it . liwaca.k lit-, I, ~ i n 4,t, a l Al emplii-, arn. In l.c rcbclll Al 101,..0.At Al NI. o. WARDEN, 113 Walnut street, 1't51,..1,1pi11.5. tnyl,m2+, .1.‘,11 , 1_. , 1*-1.1. t.:. killcd 1.) in wg run , W . n•N c,. H Ikl • l. LELA ANI. sAMI. U. UNLIT. recta' ... 'l' ! runt :- , iai, , .u, I'run-yh nutu 160 .11cCLELLAND AL CO., ssss,,s, ,$ $$ ~ ,i:s, • .$,. $ ~ , toruer Federal and Lacock Streets, A. /`" ", m "" 1 '" 1 " ' ' ""'l' :Liu- t h "', ', I " T' . . ..A.I.A.T-430G-332E1N , r, Pea., .I,ao y 11.1, t‘i ,1.,t.:c...ti0n 01 l`lal Is, , .-..-.... ir.)n) that rileto,nls til a Wholesale and Retail Druggists, TO.. : , ....,.,..(..r ) ... 1.... T.,..,.. ) ...., ',',,1 1 ,1".", "r'.„ 1 .,';'.V.',';0..''.'5t'..';'.1'.."..',1":1;.. 1 1.'T."..!1.'...;Z:;: 1111 4 . 4 11 y I ~.. , t!c, -um- vi , unt.,1,11,, Illtttl. V ~i neb- ; ,,, tr "tt., In I.r cud w , "" , r."- 4 . i - , rt 111 be hold as Iv.. a.. so} louw, l u the west. I rtalt lin kllt , h It Wilt', en. I tta y1e..2.34 AL""'""• BREWER, BURKE & CO lel. Login :1 11100 p,..11 COAIAIISSION MERCHANTS, IF .II 11.1.• .. 11:6 rI VeIIIII• NV:, it' AGENT , FOR 'FlIk: l" 'r 'lsla. it Pacific, tilobe and Liberty Oil Works, mi.Ultl ft .111/..• .1 mill.. ht,141. 1.11 Crud, (.1.1.1 Itrllue , l till. I.lllcr. A l't iti. Auala.tti ‘Nar 10,-r has jU , t al" 16, , 1 111 M !COW the went ..(Cr.ada. At Law. , 11....1111, • Mt \ tic 11, ral t..ir\ Ai...1, It. G. to-nut A \IF \ r ILltti arrie. rl Iki 11:., 4.11 .1 1.1,-11 , 111. 0111 tlll.ll. Mlt:\ 1 Ile purport id tin.7,401t tuo , huh yet tran,t,ir, (;,N l tiAmicia:LAlN rc its 111 c Iti•pu!pilk :di nu intil.tt (;,, urn . .r I. -1 . 111 ,utle, %r ound, rrcrilyd iu , A•rs ii.t. A 111,11 , A 6.11,,L11.11 ti lilt' 1.111,C of N1:14 , ~ 1 1t• 11113, And Ws, 111,4:11111y hliol tol 11, llllptiolsql S. Ttild h u Pat .:110. ILL 1,113,;:.14 .1 0 1111 .1. CI, 0 & 1 , 1 , 5. 1 ,000 ul I 14 , 11,, 311' 11 tell:, A toLoREI , 1:n.;1311 , 1 r nuy i•. a: , (I in ColunPn:-, A :I ..t 02: the =I IBM Tirr. : • ..11.t t staple SI) Ilvs, at• " t tll . 1011,113: No. 47 St. Clair St,oet. . ; 11,11 I* 8 1.(161.1.11' ‘rill, 1,1 I Otllllll it i.) k - Ttov. k,iq, •1 p:,, I.t‘ ..t prg iii Lun~•i :OW 1 .41 n ;-‘.ll .11kt :11/.. ". iN I I =lll kni, .6.1 c-I ir•i,i t II it: I. .•• I till ! NN b I I N • t•IIIIIry •)1• • r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • w-ritisstoNAuT HANNIVERSAIIII [MEW," CURL 8.-Ths Ann. td sary of Ow Board of NI liddone u‘tlin bloon,ou I pots bursh. win to held In BT. ANDItr.W •0 CIItAW Hand street, WEI/NE-SD AY ISNCNI SI, a 1 7L, R Addreasea .01 1 be lot toy Kt,. Rtflaano S. 8411111. of Uniontown, Ps., lePorato , hoLos.N. Estbott ktittaaning, and Ker. Trlotlas . `oinniCoL , D. ClOVOland , V. laTIG:aS lir VICE or Cos - rnot.tan or Au.so ENT Mai 100. ItOn. NOTICE TO CONTRA.CTORS.-- S,acrd Prop/pals trill be referred at thin sales, until !Bar I N sTA NT, Infinitive, for Stralgbtrulng awl nonunion Um Bridge over Chartlers Creek, nrar alto mouth. ota the lino Between Cbartla•rs and Rob inson Toonaldpr. Latonnatton loralrbed on appli cation. ID directron of Comity Columtssloners. .iyinmsl HENRY LAMBERT, Controller. _ . 50 ROES. BIILL GREASE; 3. No. I Lard 011; •• Extra 0.1 Lard Oil. JAS. DALZELL 6 SON . I 0.1 ant! 79 Wilier alrecla N E WADV ERTLS E IKE NTS . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JAIIRS — i. BRADY ft CO„ T HE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine. OM= 'AGLL OIL WORKS otr-11.1c•. rtignance. ,11,1nnlInItIon 1,.. .yr nnetruuttrd. In Wl,ltn-55w.1,1,•, Hin-.1,,,nn 1 WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Definers and Dealers in 1n.r1.141 , niJ , , 1,1 16..4,3 , du.... t,.. olnnlncd PETROLEUM 11110:KU It A Ni'lit• h A ti II litr. 11 Al. tll - _ TUEATRICAL HOSIERY lout' ~ SHIRTS, TIGHTS, TRUNKS, AT x=.3Eri7m..a_z , rgEs OLD STAND STOCKING STORE, 11ON'S CLOTHING ILK It 1,1 A Large stock of all the New and II.• 3 , \ OTICF Channel of the Alleghem River %1. 4I a %, •-, Ilk,. li• 11 ^••1~ nr attld Chira4co PN "[mum ME I Ht. Prou•otor..l 1., al • Ito pk. , / WI., kr n. 1,1•11.. 1• It 1• a, •••11.•tt, •torable .ts trnpl , P, .11..tur•tble It ha , hot to It.• ••.en ...It .•1 to t.• spitr.rialc.l. It'l•to .1... th, r:i bent A ••( a • PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE l• aelnr.lB , l at a het., .I.lh the range of near , rler• lu the laud. /toll low ireiee.l Mach!l. In the I .11. the NVIIKEI.EIt Fnel, he nrel nuly reliant , Feed ever • - ohatrurtn 4l airr,t,i4ai WANTED. SEM2IErlat."7" clb 73. 01717ZUSI. WIIOI.Ii4AI.K ACIEItTI4, & BROKERS I= NO. 21 Filth Street, Vonth's Clothing, Ch ildrete q Clothing mi 1(111 • gitl nf lb. Itail NECESSIIIII,I filtsTßl =6 n. th • Fln'.• I.P k BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, I= C>. 191C1,001t, I . 117 , 111 ICI; fl . I' WILITININ, MANILLA Wrapping Papers, iioolsS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 6:011): AND MADE TO oRDEIt: COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY, Foley'm Superior Gold Pens. MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., mylt U. PIYTtI ISTREKT. THE DEARING TRAGEDY, Prolue•ly PORTRAIT OF THE FIEND PROBST, VIEITS OF THE SCENES Of THE MURDERS. ha. bv, Paper. ceutn. pn+t-pnitl, on =MEE FINE 1.110T01: RA I . IIIC PORTE A ITS OF STEMMAS, the Fenian Dead Centre; ROOT. E.III.IIIETT, 0 , 1le1B10.1"111', I= Map of Ireland. B 1 JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 FiPn M.. Masonic Hall. _ . 8.-2,200 WILL PTUCHASE I= 3EIFILICMCI:,IO73ELLI,XZWCar A tul I.OT 21 by /0, ou Charlie, Menet, Allegheny COT. For further pat - Uvulae, enquire of 0. H. Ell, No. 104 Fourth street. HOLMES, BELL & Author Cotton 111111 s, Pittsburgh, AN. Wilt (A, SIIV.i.:TINGS. ANCHOR (I!) SEIZETINR.II, ANCTIOR 311F-ETINON. And IdATTIN,:. BOCK BEERS BOOS .1 aoletolld etock of IJUCti itEEit. &tot LUNCH trill be gtvro at J T. SNYDER'S, No. 3D FOURTII STIMET, CommenclnE oiL FRIDAY, u,e Iso, EURTLIREE DAYS UNIX. ..... WANTED- 41: t:NT,i—l'o caul:lst, T .. , •r. ;.. ,n.! WF , It -.IIIF IN THE A • I) 1.1--.lv 1..F.N..1. , • I nrol Fraer.. — 1,, I. rrY 3., a 8001.. For term , of ,torenry. 11E100 1:11.1(N. BAN , , VT ;. 3:10 •1,01 lodide of York; It, . tl. LIE 54 N. 11,11,1•1 , .1 FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA I= I'ItFPARED FOR G. W. PETTES, BOSTON, James R. Nichols & Co., NIANUFACTVRING CHEMIST.: MAITTFAC rh ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK ESE Protoxide of Iron, Which ha+ beromr. floorablv ++ + Tonic and Restorofirc gy l'hyn,ra., r 1,1,1 /,i.,111/ , t ',rt., i , Th, new preparation, —nAlt..../.1;A1t11.1,A I I'OSIIII N TIVFI WITII ',earn" one of the moat prompt :Altera. , n• Ina form capable of exerting Nil ";"'." system...l Ws In minion and plranant . 1 "0. 2- • le C011C0.14 41 Intl It,, remilvent..i Rana r ton c,. of /011111, etyrteil ince" wt. ontaled whir nllwr nl lrrallt en. In c0mb0... , ptl ihe Sarsapaellla teem. 1.. Culal nerllci 1p .111 favorably reiinlallilona The Aral errnet uhually ..b..•rt1,1 when ••Sliti, PAIIII.I.A WITH ('till IIE rtl LlME"iaken• an Inertia.. iif appeti, •Itue lug tb,l it tot . - proportion of 31 toalktul harartyr. Its auoratl.c frolf ore nosulfuo in I, ready combination Allis I blood and llauor.. 110,0. ,erurulotot n ..I..ldren Improve r. 11.1111 under lIN u.en td thr 101 rynctlun• ounonse • I.s.ultl,y It Is moUnlrultly alurgynurol oho O. or 1 , 11, AlTerll. , nu ! n It t. , thutn. 1,4 11 1,1 the tr.lt,us ys rs•yl s Inch sof 111,11.1.1 M rib, end the pleaslul. u, , ractLsr 1. of the remods. II May by• glsro fur aloog lu.: who:, .n'oeto es .Ir. .h.l-. all.l In the Spring of the Year. and during the Warm Weather. Thr 1.-.ttznill,ll4kn of tworbi , : an x, in 01 , • 11.-lattscht-, 0.01t11.1,A, 1.•••• rat, lb. . • ,ry onmnon. Nothing r 1. ~ , et ermlual.• or dro. “it than n..w .m.lll.luni ton or 'A WITH tqr LIM/. ••• Alterative, or Blood Purifier, 1,1. , 51. it y .:•1 11.1,1111,1(1, 1,1 IL- !rl 1 hitherlt• tnien•yrd It, c•plo• •n • ..,..al ,••••••• ernlN: ••, •In4ertrf ,n It• , hets,..al • hit ant• r. 11•rr•p...1 th. .1,•I =I TIFF: ( 01111' OF I AL.I.f trttYNl I rr In. Sisrrlr 11 ay a I arn la two I I 1 • $ rue . said count on tr 1 1,, • art •ri k trt,. tlrst rarz I tr. •rlent .11..1 rly 1 , 11 larrt hat Inc n rat In ..1.• 1 • ••t A l• •tarar n , r. Ilsln r. Or to nor Porst all Ist• rr•al And p.••• r ' tat, to pr turtrrf r- hrtrirs II I •r dent • tau,. r $. SI 11, .0 , 1 • and llr rrHe r Ara no. IP arr. rf SI rratuCu!!!.r ras by a rod t.-11 • .ICI• irriasor t. I II • II there rlprul 1 tto roll). !rut inr..m• zr. ta a "L. tr. airport thr prtltr so • 1,. clap. h r r re •rt I ..rite r sur part ni lint real .••• ; .10 for In, r•r •nal eupport tlsal pal I I plat point. 11. ary It herrn sr.. , utor Ir• ••1 1 s.r• ot Arlorlt.s•tt rah tr, sett,/ the a . la nn. rr irmt- I 1 r Irr John I shall, ,f t r ate Itralr sh that t...•lent rrenrd a tto tnr train thrrr ot tinarnd •rtuatr 11l p1., •1 larr , Xl,O rr'r r l r S tr•t ' r " .„, l r Lan! $r I • herrn. xh the•upp prtilloner and dr , th. iart t •alr r.. 1 r and psartera thr pert t , Frs. St or lir arr.. I . t Ihe ...I Sohn Is. one Alltrelnlstr.rrr mum the or ••111.IP romp. Lunt ',two. tor lro rrair. of the r•lnalnlna parr el sal•tr. a' -Lahr rrlha the flit .1 lot. of cr. Oind 11,1, 1,1 I sol, for rupp•rrt tlrl•rtr. r 11l f the rat•l larr 1.1. I 1,1,11/.111 In 1 I. rerrlng that raid I earls SI ought y II•r• a , IS • Lantro • .111,1.. Illtlo an that Ilrate r AI n • •.111rr. "sr. at Portatntruth. t•sr or, r, rstrlo, • r•hrr. upon the Urrurt r. dcr And nom Sl•y Inr4 1.• Inc nr. sent' •tol duly . tr I rprt roar. r rrrt Ana. a dal.sr, $ +IP' It . J $ abaft. , Ire ,• )d I Irroghts AIS olner •rd r Ant, 51 • rrlf. Irstulllll// thato to hr. nu.l apprar court our•ATI 'WA Y the nail day of Mar In , • al 111 elas I trouts , . when Int ran. will trr cranl..l WI •PP •n se •Ii • •••Il lo the contrary, run! 11. , rurl •rII rt. t that not/c. glireir 11 1 / 11 . 1,1. • rp•lcllng .11 of the 1 ounty of Allratt. ray hl pat•lllation II s the ttornl l ltrnit t. sr d cl - ra three Itme• cart tr u ts• • Yothe return ay Sd that ue ropy of ralrt pa- p. r rontaluinc •sr It oz. a . e l O In rens rotrl r•r. ,r 1 to each 1.1 raid partle•. 111 1 1111. r Audi st A. liinnarra, 1 r erls 515 1 1 )01111INS'ELECTIIIC SOAP The A nest and munt cronomlral nnn.lry Soap 11, •rt..vbdr.r'l or washlng manlnur nrcessur• If ,led arrorrllttn to dirrctlont Rerun - rm. nded rand Ira. 1 tr . , the Ishlladolpltta lalnttur nt al nett I r the ['mato. Laundry t;.+.. Phllatrlphla A Im• Mauer sod 111 tp, [writ it.• other. Vor 'sir any •quaullt), m fartursr• pill. by J:4O A. StENnIIAIS MT'S Corner I.llrrrly and Hand atter slart boars Watt Irtrasltaon Pearl Stmrch; • • • • lowpro 4 •Ioa• . ' • ern Vor *Alt. to. , to Inc VA.!, by the migenta. ,1101 CM A kr It & LAN", 111).11 171 tori 114 Wm.l reri SHIRTS,. COLLARS, 8.!,c TO GENTLEMEN At the latest IItILIIIIATyS now In Stock at La, GREAT SHIRT AND COLLAR DEPOT, No. T 2 Fifth Street, I= SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR, ohcriunctio I. A HEE cmilTON ..A VEY. M KID Nil bitlytTp. LALF TIME All nEllttTn. PUIIIIE.P. SILK NIL'S LIN DEA W Elth FINE JEAN DRAV FAR, LINEN DRAWER:, *LAO. FINE WHITE DRESS FANCY FRENCH LAWN blilltrn, LISLE, SILK AND RID it LoVEA, LINEN AND SILK K VS., EN' LISH AND rim NCI I ERA( IL, Liar Noveltlec In TIES, Ingether with the moat complete tin, or Geullemens' Furnishing Goods IN THE WEST. As our hurlocts e ly 15 F.NT'S EV RN Lwe rArcal' lo Plence that line. Remember , .air numlne, 78 Filth 331Crcoot, Nearly °pinnate the root ORR, tul3.2owlmWES MURDOCK & PUTNAM. FISHING TACKLE, &c. mmc DI ON HAND. 3P1A3.1E1C2D2 - O:3V IV ILI, BE THE SPORT DIY Tit E sh.AsiiS Fishing Hooks and Tackles, CYJE%Sa,EI P'CIoXJZIEA, Files, Heels, Lines and Baits, JAMES BOWN'S, my4.6./1.6 136 W(%/1/ STREET GARDENER'S IMPLEMENTS. 110 ES, It AK F.:4 AI I:111 W ST It KIT. J A M ROW myll:Wl4 ATTENTION! BASE BdILL P.LarERS BASE BALLS, DATTA, ItABlth, Mid everything to rig out a (Ault, at 136 WWI) hialf.E2. myll Vl3 STRAYED - -STOLEN sl TßAWS. s ubscriber, —Broke tn into the township, enelos .-, ure of the Peon near Unity Church, on the 7th of May, lust., a DARK sOIIItEL it ARE; about It hands hign. h ore years old; to with foal. Alai at thee time, • DARK SORREL IROLSE; appears otiold 'lon llng old; la hollow neck. d. Both of them shoot all retol. The owner them away. is denired to prove property, pay Charges and take ELILAK ETES STOTLER. toy lenstel& teT $ .20 v ftE mr,4 1 . v y ARD ., h -On Mr. Douglas, on At g au t nt " k.hl m ngto b n e , P I? ;AV BUGGY. The buggy Is nearly new, lint th e horse were broken nod (lash board knocked toe by • horse melting. The above reward will be paid on fnfbry Inatiou of oor delivery of the boggy at IV. B. J ACK bOre 'S Livery Stable, on Fourth street, or at the realoleuco of the subscriber. at Mount Lebanon. ntyl43.sdeeT Un. D. DONALDSON. §IZTUATED OR STOLEN.—Strayed oor was slut. froan_tbe utlerl,lgee o d Pre a ntro T111 ' 47 1 81 1 E ' er& 1) ('VNN, h Ore ' 4.a tit zea l ot, ' g calve. A Oberst reward will be Dahl for heren,- er .fOIIN MRRIS alyniag i'eusi.Tor psalm MD= WANTED. DRY GOODS, TRTIMINGS. PRI4 - 3 CONCERT. , „ .._ __ -------- UNITED STATES AI.ENTS-- MALE antt N Ew GooDs I . MACKIN & CARLISLE, 1%1 0 , 10 Firtli. Eftroot- 1 PRE CONCERT; ~% 4NTEP --. fl FFlf AI F -1~•. I=IIIMIM MIME HI Sl-TERS ~,11 = 164,11,10 B , r •tra wt.! !1:1 myll,, ENTS 'WANTED • NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, The Phrlorsal 800,. of ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS ' OF TOE Filf. , l J. i .i/ Intratei vith m«r :thil tine Portrails and Prauqui isivalitil, TISIa ertorl.,ittt tl tt nth, pat It t„ -.a .1 ItK rt- Int, rut,- tot, At statola pr,riva, atl- sl•tat• matt, all !Ir tatu.pt ',tart, lit Valiant .1111 Drat I- 1•-ct art u ;L: LL I Drntutlr, tile \\ Inv anti Mart t t••its. ttt. Trader Intl I . l.hullt•. I:,,tt- --tt•r -lartitttr ttzttlertut E.-cat •;-, Aluttott ttttl-. Itattl. t•f %, an. and I:t. I . tit .1111144 .PI ar Sr, Itcro ttrltillevly .11.3 Ittwty pttrlr.t`. .1 .:t ata• • . ler, It:antler. ut t•tit. I,A:tannic. rt Icriug It tile 1110,1 1121,./e. let 1111-till ari•l It 1•1 1 0 k 11,31 the war It•tt-t-111 , -. r-tr, h. It. ..voted ollit-er- an t att1;11. r, at Itrru, • Itt-rut ...• Ise an 1 al. la asm? or t•rttittaltlst rutititt,- vt ill 0,1 Iltt• 111.- -t mak.- tttut:t s I user yt tt Ilt rutl. 111 I , Pr tt, uturf -ttt ttttt NATIONAL PUBLISHING . CO., 5 ... ,rl/7 N115. , 1( •-'1" ISF.F.T, 1 . 1111. A., 1•A, tr y 'Lab ,t FOR SALE I,'OlllS/11.F: — . 4 plea Colicary ATI. ow.- hat f fl“nt . 17 ~ .ranlnlnz 1 Ltd ..rr r, tll -t .1 t lio.••• w.r.:t hri•.. 11 , 4rt • .r 11, 1., tun pm - - 1,•.r OE, . 11. I 17. Von, el, or op!, prrtrt-• •. no,' Ali .1. FOIL !•ALE-Abc)tit i'OIITA 111U11.1)- NI. 1,11:L ,111.! 3:t•I 11. 1.1. , til FOR SALE. Lb33GE LOT •I Prt.,b) It rlan t I , r. l'a -to r....tler 1.. r 1. rn ...I 1 ,, I Ilt,. VIII. at th. Y.o.rtit •.r t.• It. . MILLER. 1:1:. I 1111 , 1 itivt I'OR SA Lk A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE - t. EMI .1 , I= =II ISITC:1040313. 411=71 0 F FOR SA LE::: 1. - 11,0 t IR n AND 0 0 DS 6 1 u1,141•:$ .1 I'. t:. ”:11. 1: OR RENT The Lot on The cor7 • 11 Id. 31. est `to. '.a r Ftftli • I'IIREE STORY A I l \l 1.1.1 11 . 11 o. t.,. I r•liara Iturltlttsou. er lArtt• L'itict t r uly nr11,... 111 • 11111 i A tvrtant cotesltlr t r3- NS 1,111 st- , is, .11: Allretens. is 3 t• r SIIIit tar , ,tr •st, 1•:•5 air ttlalltru, It. . r 1,11 1 11 1 4.,1 1.1 1 :tr. A1111 , h1 . 4. ll"rt.es. "rm. Ir•trr and 111. 4..111., ”I" sI ir ttr—rttrt 4 1 .1 bt• 11,1114.4. r• ul'J. —Wit,. tr. rah :It 1 0. SIM 111.1, [ILI ,{l ot fltr:11, pat, rrlar ; f eu.: 6, r •, I.: . .1,3 -SVII-mt1F.1.31, 515119, I'll !Latins-34. AUCTION SALES IIL ITII.' RE, (' AII PET%, ?Rlll - vit.i•t. ST Ell WANE. AT tl . a ll 11,11 A oItNINI4. Mayl7o, at k. oa, 11,1 1 h o'' Aar lion lira ~ No.. nll • .1,1 •trt. , .t. all: b.. .old Largt. variety of oral Itru,, , . Ingrain. an.l ID-lnp a ort•. Floor NlALting, ..,of a o..at Parlor What- N ota. 1111011 Tabir. Hat ant. S. al and nalrs and Rocker, Hl,l, awl Loa. I , —; and I , 11 1 v.. “...I,t..atte, ('rib.. Loa., tr...., 5.11.110111 1 1110, Fano 15 11.- .I•Pw fl A. tor... Floor I. Patent l•lothen 11ryrra. 1 . 1.1,1 Tv, alai I atolt and Fork, Iv.. Slot. four olegant 11111 Flat... Fren,n Plat.. Mir and a numb, Engtas ings. T. A McCLEI.I. %SD, Aar, ARSIRAE'S MALE. — fly virtue .0. of Wr It of v1..111,311 Klponas blvd out of ...purl II tn.. l m.ted 0141, for the of Pota..yls a.... and to Int directed. I will rtll , o r at Pahl,. o, FRIDAY, lb.. 101 l 11A Y lly Slay, layn allhr AlleQlll,lll . Wharf, In till 1 Pltlaborgli.llK,ltainlinat ••kt , 4111.71'." her Tarklr, A 1.1111,1 .1111 gurulturr, the raid .tearer • lag 1.1.011 nt.lx.l and takot Ina et.t lata catilc 01 rollla.leu, ctrl: and nn. al the. Anil ...Means. 1ta”..11 & 1114116 .11141 Al, sander .1. Inlnter. 'll, sal. till hire pla, at ll o'clock on salil day. Tenn.. rash. uo,c.rolllynt Mad, a.r.".1•1 A. 511111l)ilt . H I . Nlar..hal Weal. Plat. of Pa. I U VIDFAD NOTICE.—At a meet , A . 11 ; roli II I.lt.Yue Pt,' It 1 . 1.:tt CENT."I"nd . tlt , laretl ota 1e . r , 411, 01 the slx moults, 1.15 of and Idler the I,lh lust J. N. DAVIE/SON, IF ATIONAL RANK. t ' I I kSII.,V. 1,4. 5 DJDEfI).—TIIC Promidelit and Illret.l.•rs 0(1111. Rant, IllVe• Ibis day declared dividend ,d Y 1 VIS rM.II CEN'I.. free r Isotern• I tat. Ott 5.,41, ..2 thy pn :o.h. to 11, •locl.,l,taltlt., OIL ill t'... „lent. 11101.2..1 . 11. Canhlt r. 01, - It A NV I s F 1 41,41,,, 1t..., Slay .- nIVIDENDThe Board of Di rceloro of Mk Compato have (111, slay della ailr , l% Id , Da a 1 , 11 , 1 . 1 ENTS upon each ahare the t'aptinl Stor.h, out a M.' t...rne.l protft. e p1r...1 rod.. of thr Inet month, free of I.ovort e2it v.h.l Strtte. tnxe, payable to awl after the loth Inst. W SI. I'. II I.:IMF:HT, mr1..21"1. Seeretztry. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. — , scaled Proposals ...lit he revel, 0.1 l.t the tinder slotted, until MA Y to. .or the t.ra ding or t i n e follow kilo streets and alley lit the Itorough of .1.1 ti.• chesier, to wilt gneettc Street., from Beaver street to Patton .1. Foil:nee Alley, trout Fulton at rev I. to west line of Page's plan of lots. Page street. from Full 00 •trel . to west line 0 a Kr •• Riau id lota, s. ilopklns nte•o from huh Pot street to we..l or Page's pl .111 offor mithattan Stroet, from .1.10 00, sue to the north Moe of Elton tog's properly. The sold grading, and th, 4:v061110o of all sor il rse seas. %too,. .4e.. to ty dons by and under the direction , . of tlo. Committoo Streets and the Re cording Regulator. Yoe (nther formothoi, coal upon the 00.1 er slotted. at the eof PIMA , PARK A Co.. Mao • Chester. or Ws, :11 , 11 en itt.Y, Recording hog Wow', Allegheny Clly. WII LIAR N. Chairman Street Committee. • ii • S. C ardst 11, 1000. i`olll . (JP PITI,B( . 11011, t r.TOil'.. Ora - Mk. May let, 11rk3. NOTICE IS DEICE:Bi - GIVEN that J..• Sealed Proposals, accompoo led by proper outr an...opt, according to , PIM. In he furnished oo ap plicallun 11 , this ofl7 will be reeelved thereat, 1111- 111 10 oclock 0,0 the It 'MST T ESDA YIN ./ E NEXT, for the supply of the AI AMINE IP .SPITA 1., 'icor this city. with the nrtleles of PROVItiI. 't. MEDICINE. Ate.. estimated In said Wins. The ...tattles ototed are estimated the ` No to g own.. of patient, t in the pital, but the United Nt•L.te rc.erv« theright to take Laura or loss of said •• accordingly, as they umy ac tually required. II the article, delivered Ist the Hos pital aro not, In the lodgment of the physician. of h e b e st quality, loci rolopt.i to the Hospital, he will he at liberty to refeet the earn, to purennse other articles to their •tood. nod ea eharge the eon tructor with ouy.e ace.e in the cost over the contract pert.. The 14 oltml Stoles reserve the right to accept the proposals for the a hole or any portlon of the arti cles sio•ci S Ord. ell AS. W. BATctir.l.lllt, urveyor and Agent Marble Hospital. uttilt2owlitsl ...WADES, etc 11 D. L. PATTERSON & CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, • Between Beal or street and Ohio River, Manchester, Pa. Orderdeck kill& of Lumber for banding beat siding.plank. lath ratline he. myraom L CLOTH! OIL cLerrntl—For Itoouta. U 11.. Litalr•. Tabia, ••<.• of and widths. Also • full odisorimcut .I>f Window !duffles, tire on 011 Clotho of all widths. hhad• fix ture, 5 , .. for sale, wholesalt , 2,6 =EOM KEAI. LAS E HUAI l'A n r‘wry FAN FINE lIIIS . RIltlll, , A, NEW St lt.F. Dite., 11, 111111 N • UKAI. “VIPUItE 1.10 ES VINE PLAKI. We have ;ust opened su,kuttfut • ItEAI. I. Li NUN' LACK, .1 Iro.:zi .er, ,111111. 3 . , " " 0 %Vt. V,,,ul,llovito :roo•IsI .&ttentlnu and Al •-plrndl.t moorttnent of L. 1,1. [nand. A I/I AND W MY?: It VRI.I`, GI: Vigo Ie the nen Pylrokolln nod II An asinrtment of ue , rolors In ti 11/ I, LIJ V En. lII,ACK LACY NIITTS—non A most rompletv ae.ortment of AI I FIS' and CHI •ti COTTON HOOK; ENT . s FINE JIIIICI`o. DERBY :51 A UV'S COLL A IV , HALF' sI•SrFN FRS, rm ItitELLAS..to A and uENT's t•A ZE NIERINIJ V EIITo. BIM = Ith r% err thing In the . k offer to Ow 'rm.!. •• low as noy hoone Es. or art. ,„ T e i MACRUM. & CARLISLE, ~r•„,. ?lAN( t \,11.1t .,311.AN1". • 1,1:11.EX PI.I.II•TICKIRT xt llauufarhirru' NEW GOODS Roil Colored Gloves; New Style Printed Skirts; Fine Embroidered Skirts French Cambric Bauchi Ladies' Linen Collars; Croquet Skirt b; ! Fancy Ribbons Plain U4Slored Ribbons; .4 full Ilne of Lailieo and Misses' Crotchet Edging", And all the * Latest and Most Dr hirable Articles. j Wit recoiled. tlif ME I= MEE =I `. It FOR RENT DIVIDENDS PROPOSALS SAW MILLS ete,nt x•aort , t•ot f To Merchants and Dealer), NM= 19 Fifth Street, JUST 'RECEIVED. Ladies' Linen Cliff% Cotton Hose; Gent's Cotton Hall Hose E. H. E_A_TO_N, 17 Fifth Street pITTSHURIaI, Monda), April 16, 1866. II'ELROY, DICKSON & CO., 54 \Vood Street, NOW OFFERING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE MI NOTIONS, At Low Prices, for Cash, Iwo = (*) fo =i=YA DETERS FROM WESTERN EENN'A, EASTERN OHIO, and WEST VIRGINIA ARE INVITED TU GALL B. M•KI..IIOT JAS. Dll'fiSON J. T. BiIANE apl7.llnd G EILIIALN OPERA lICRUM, GLYN & CO., Nos. 7S and SO Market Street, ate received a fine 19301' Illea I of GOODS I= itpri.El.l=l.llk. NiSZLeLIBCPI'S. EITEIMMiI FINE IVORY FANS =I FINE SANDAL WOOD FANS, REAL POINT COLLARS, Fine Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs REAL HOUSTON HANDKERCHIEFS, mitution Guipure liandkis, HIM AND LIGHT COLORED KIDS. Wholesale Buyers supplied at Eastern Prices. spf.,•• NEW SPRING DRESSES. Hiving Just reoelred n complete x”ort /tient the lending hovelttea selected from the letest et we et'c eow ehoeting a eery CHOICE WEI,CE NEW SPRING DRFSCFS, Including mmay decided NoveMen In De- sign and MaterW, aL very ylvKlerzle Prices. BATES & BELL,, Al FIFTH STRE, ET 044111 MeiCANDLESEI & Coy MAIM ND COO Wholesale dealers to TURICIO.I( 'DOM 1123Thi — IMT Non". Nt., ck. =I Crosby's Opera House, Chicago 31_%_.N" z2,+,1t466: CIE I t 1,000 V nilualkle ••••10ed at 8 41, a 575,15, will he Prebe tiled to T.lr ket Holders., lueludtug 8100.000 In GreruberLr. `•1II it Tll KET, IS.NUEII =9 rVer 010 , 4.1 eV try I.olll.drAwir, LIST OF PRIZES ,r.e .1.. .1., ... • , 1., . .1.. cf.. /1.1., each An 11..1.1. 11, N...strcrt.. .1•. Nr „lair: ~n„. ..,1 t OH Fillloll, Pl., illa street .1...1.x1 110 al Nl. L.11,...rty mud Sal R. 11.1116 .10 1... t•. earl. ~,, :03141 Pllllll.O, V. each ...... la,orr tCl;t/ earl. . tslAt .1,, Ul¢ noutl .trhea. .Sl'='. 01l ....... Alt,rl ,- nu 11,111111 g C 31.1. ails %Vaten... 1157.1 each 19,04 1, .1. 1.1,C,11A, ilutatlng ...... . 11,000 A-10 syo . ch.. . ..... do do VIII, V.. earl. .I.i t. mg \12.111 a. 41.11 ca..l. 4.. do do $l. l . each . . . 3.711 al .1.. , Platedl Ten cut, $7, ea. II .1,1,0 1.0 .1. ,Llver Ca...., .... .10/ do A thumb. 9.1 I, 910 0201/ T., mad 1 a1.1..,1.c0nA.5 2 t...b . 11 . 11 ....do 1...1.1 1.111(.11 liohlet A and I•nict. Isl 21.134 $3 ..ach 1 1 31 r I ts• 1...1.1 4 , ..1 it .... ..... ptito 0 n (.“I,IC rav 11,115, 1 wl 4.4 IP. +$ .M 1 .1.1. 11 h I,grat In, A clo Family 1111,1. , ... I. . /t0,.1.., 11111,1. 4.1,4. crz. ; Mt, IT , Pulls,14••• 1111. :.prointril r, ot• 1..,,0rpr011, n ,nrr•rt ri•tF"r lng a• nt4,lt-nett. 1•4.. n r••tmlip thFin until 111, tiravrlFF, An Ir On, nn in tin . 11. .trann n.nntbkr-. the, n no.• I a;: :F'l",Vll.‘"rTin •,or ..ninn. 1.01 F,sl,:artn.rn 81.10 I . ol'l‘l na no :lin, r ..... n.l pt QI prier nLnil' Pn,Fgr• ,On AS nEI.I F A , •l`.!, %%ANTE!, i,ery Inwn I . lrn, in tint I nana wlnno ti nl• Et IA _ .11 1 .•; . ;;;14.r F., A Etl i v ol.etA, party ;r;•;•terli, 3; ;m1; ;;I' 11;;• ... I, al .. .1,; m‘• ml.l e.11..1 ..... r 1'..11k 1..., r... 1) and Int to .11. M.N., .Irar. I'. . .trtler. Es tt, • tt. tt, 11, R. 1.411 ,, . ma, at our Al! •,11111i111111N1 1,1 & ,1 r0....e.1..0 •I .. 1.11,1,3 - Im , ru rI. l'libag•., I•. 1 . Draw er, Tit h 1.. burgh and vie Intl ). 1,1 Mr.,' Rm.) , The nr.•prictor , will donate. It I.lnoln end tl•ptglas Monument Flinch. Moo, there will .11 , 41.iM0 r,...0.rvt.1 from the per-on .Irxwlitg the t , -)1 .•401) for tbc Etll3,or. Hon. i.vorpt V. Lawn net. M. 11,1. Ales. Randall. E,-I.overnor. lino. Win. Montgomery. lion. Major Ilan Mare. E lion. Win. i.rtling...ll. hyou., lowa. 110n..1u5.. I'. lira.... ,rulth . tI room , o Mm.-• 01111.« g oric“”, NOTICES \ OTIIL E The undr,lgued, l ,Teant,bleners flatted In tile Act or A +neml , l) er titled • •Als Act to incorporatc ISE PITISBLIVGR GAS SAVINGS COMP.ANI," 13th t.r ppf A prll. A. 0.. 1.1. ~ 1 11 ul , e3 klopplop putprreepive ,111.P.crIp1I.pug to the P:maltal Sowt •pf l'orapett♦ at the PIA, 44 the INS I'ILANCE P.I.OIPAN No. 57 Fourth suer{, l'lttp.hurKh, ON TOE PAII, 11A 0/ MAY. A. IT.. 0360, Al 10 o'clock WILLIAM 1 . 1111.4.11 . th. JAMES PI•CONNOIL I .INO. W. CHALSAN'r.. (. 0. BIDDLE 111 atrum°"" °' • W.A. NIIIICK Ttthsts. 6311T11, oT lc E—The (*WO tulablouers nntrd ,tot A.o.ontni, cult tied •`An Act to tt Incotnnre tt tc the ENTERPRIZE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PI1TSBUB.O11," Approved the 27th day of March, A. IL. ISO, will open Hooka and receive au inicri {Mono to the Capital Mock of said Company. on the 19th Day of May, A. D., 1866, Alto o'clock A. 11.. at the YOURTII NATION AL BANN. In the City of rittaborgh, JAMES 0' CO 3.3 Ai OIL WILLIAM I'IIILLU'N WILLIAM BAll C. W. MICEEThON, I .IANIILS II EMI/NI A 77, K. 1311 MILE 13011ERTS, THAI:M.IBN NATtONAL PetTenhaon, March 2stb, leba. THE NOTES OF THE CRAWFORD COVNTY,BAN K. Meadville:OlL CITY BANK. 111 City; VET: UV BANK, Franklin, and PE TROLEUM BA ". Titoorille, will not hereafter redalemad by Rs Bank. mhN;rf GEO. T. VAN BOREN. Cashier. WALL PAPERS, Sao THOMAS PALMER WIIOLESAII eill &B4AIL JAWS Il WALL PAP.Fat TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. rAL XI x. X/ 0O 'U 311 FL - Warehouse. 91 Wood 131reet, Second door below Desmond AlloTe PA fete:Crud Pi TT pAPER HANGINGS FOB 1666. A wrest collection of oltlteriCan Wall Papers• Yor the first time In Ore years Amu - r...mraLlsor Pat P ER A choice selection or the Newest Trench Papers For sele by FOIE GOLD PAPERS, irCIMM 3P426.l=LlsiCilrt-181. Of the NENVISr DEMONS, at 147 Market street. JOS. R. lITIONEr a BRO. • pfll WALL PAPERS Or ALL QUALITIES AT No. 107 NURKET STREET, N Edit FIFTH HORTICULTURAL. GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PI.a.AMSZTNI. An Immense stock of very select and well Grown 161tERNHOUtiE A.NO /MD oINO PLANT for sale at the Oakland Orecnbouses. JOHN IL & A. MURDOCH. SO - Oakland Cars run to the Greenhouses evcry_la minutes. :Imdiksrr ORNAMENTAL HEDGES. atnerican arbor ritzy and flemloclC Spruce. For Sikle nyythe dozen, WO or 1..000. at the PITT*. MI Roll r: Raßttlfal.. rrytawd&rer JOHN R. AA. MURDOCH, NEsSt VERBENA, MISS KATE BAUPA. A fine stock of General Negley'S supertor new VERBENA, Miss Kate Baum now ready for sale at the Oakland terecutlonses. myl arnd&veT JOHN R. &A. If HILDOOII,_ PITTSBURGH NURSERY AND ktlithei l kAMT; l , l"` ' . statszuM m btlioffurls , " * Ntams tkillat attention to their extensive stock of mow, one orsameatal trees. er.ireeln. Irtsl 9 g r o a2 ". k b Allgrrgli . Wand Passenger . Can rza 1.0 UU Oreenharriror telommtartaiir • p war. G. WRIGEIT, Y/¢4II&CTVSit OW VENETIAN BLINDS, A 670.4.g•x554., tatimilikuicity , . aroLn Bizava DONE Ve EQIJA.I. TO NEW. ,00,000. 91.00 a h L I. OC 0 11. .1 S. KO 4 /0 41 MCI 1 Liun , • °la =Ea MEI WALTER P. $7 AIA ILSIt ALI., Wl.l Street. Jon. H. 111.:011ES 4 )311.0 0