The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 16, 1866, Image 1

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No. BE Ilrra Snuerr, rorrentroon.
be Wiftsburgh 6aufte.
WtDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1966
MR. H. I. HICEIMOND, of Meadville, liaf ,
consented to ho a candidate for Additional
Low Judge in the Sixth district .
ELI?: Pnom..E ure noTkinf: of the erection
of wiwer-works of sufficient capacity for
fire as well fis domestic purpose!,
I'IYOOI.E is C 1/ILIIIILVVi , r the• repeal of
the exciv duty on crude petroleum. A
new fare hue come upon the oil interest
Mn. B. L. SEA6O, an editor of Atlanta,
committed suicide at St. Louis, on
Sunday Inst. Love, poverty, nrow and
misanthropy the cause.
IT has been aSeCrttilled ibnt the Govern
Will lose between two hundred and
three hundred thousand dollars Itw the fail
ure of Cutvitti, PENN Co., the Nt.NV
York bankers.
T 1: Mexican Republicans at M itshing
ton fear that Santa .lana's return or s e , rr
tart/ ind hates that on his
tam to l i siexicolle may replace Maximilian
by n niiininal Republican tiovernnield,
guaranteeing the French debt.
Tot 1; ft ion men of Texas hove put iorth
a declaration of principle, holding, ...nee,.
.ion to have been null and void front Ibe
beginning, and ihat the dell conic:tried In
give it vitality au ght In he repudiated,
while the minion:ll .11 , 1)1 ought to be 'laid
WE joyfully give the President thanks
lor signing the amended /, ff•co.‘. rwri. ri m act,
intended to protect civil :mil military olli
eers of the Gov,erninent from malicious
prosecution for acts committed during the
civil war in disilotrge or duty or in filicdi
mice to orders.
ritou . .ct:XT Nu•N‘ York lully,clutri tuist
uhuny tiaaL lln.rP 1.. t • i.e , a a ca , ' ni n•lk
( - 1.01,•ni iu ticti rit. cur Ituir'uuur tLic •iurina
Tlouy uil.o • attirtn I laud ilu lrn4 of itivrt•,.•
110 WI lui iu.or.kur., tt lu up-tuudly iulu•ceultu
ra, ILt rr 11/1 , arl ua llt Lc, a
a di1,11111111,1
IiEN. WADE liAlIT•lt,!, h., re. onily
D, 'Air, the Southern heart' . I.y
(3enerrtl Sherman pith burnlnL: I ~hnelsin
S.mth i'mt(htni AflidEVilg, this( II 111 Ilia
llf person, resident thi•re nI Ili,- !DIP
nl the ontltusrati,,n, that 10e lit,
were li;_ltte.l by the het,,re 1;ii• 00
10.uttl entered.
A l'‘ , l Si. Loin. MI SIM
day, undertook to kill Itinitts lty -hunting.
110, 1111. II yen not let hi tt ,
marry los thingliter lie went into :4 luny
Iter yard, and iontnieneed a preliznitlaty
pea Pet, n lieu three or it yminz friends
orprised hint, took away hi , pistol, and
advised hint to elope with the gill.
THE lieptlbii,llll State t. iniimittee meet
at Philadelphia tii.lay to organize ibr the
gubernatorial campaign. The Committee
was fortunately elnewn of intelligent, en
terprising and experieneed gentlemen. We
ceuuuc the , predielloll ti,at the GUIP. 44'111
be condurted with spirit, and that the Con,
tnittCll. iiiit recede fritin the
mk e n I,p the I otnention in its Platform.
Mit E. H. i'rt , i , lrtlt of t h e Pe
troh•un, Ilauk, recently unnomiccd Itin,
.wit' a- a Roptiblivan for tht•
i,dittur.• Cr:lwfortl county.. Thi,..lrcu
411.1( it phut 1 , 1 - 014,1 i ' rom many
/mu, or TitUsviile, urge the odium o
thii failure ref that institution as a reason
why ilr should niii , tllll.l 3 , it candid:tic.
Tlw euiliirci, the protest
A impular requisition has Item' made on
Ale Jostmt 1. CM.4 , 0 to allow leis name to
lie 0,, I tor Representative.
Triu. President has been making a stump
speech to the British people, through the
intervention of a correspondent of the Lon
don Tunes as reporter. In this talk he free
ly admits that the tendency of his Policy is
to bring the relied element at the South aad
the secession element at the North inn
clogs. en-operation with each other, and into
power In the national councils. He aiso
indulges in the folly of denouncing tie
men by whom he was elected Vice Presi•
dent as disunionista, whom it is his duty to 1 ,
lint down.
Ttlr. Nashville Peexa and Tibitlt reports
an interesting conversation which recently
occurred between a Mississippi planter and
a rebel soldier of Tennessee. The planter
was declaiming against the new &saclike
law by which rebelA are prevented from
voting in Tennessee, whereupon the soldier
replied as follows
"I can't blame the Legislature for acting
as it did. it did nothing but what we in.
tended to do had we won the tight in place
of the Yankees. If we had held Tennes
see we would not have allowed Union men
to vote or hold office, and there is no sense
in my abusing others for doing to me what
I lain fully determined to do to them had
circumstances been different. I don't deny
that it is pretty rough to be denied a vote,
but still it is the fate of wur, and I know
that we Confederates were determined to
disfranchise all who were against us. 'We
have no business at all to, complain,"
A lIOOD many Kentuckians fought on the
rebel side at Atlanta, and were killed.
:s nu' living Kentuckians, now resident in
Georgia, have sent an appeal to their no
tive State for means to bury these rebels to
a cemetery. So fur, we see no reason to
object. But the grounds OD which the ap
peal i. urged does not snit our views of re
construction, however satisfactory it ma a'
he to COLlServuti yes. Those " truplesm though
illustrious sons" of Kentucky died in a
"manly defense of a aacrol cause." Ken
tucky regarded them as the "pride of her
heart," and "the world would hes p obloquy
on us should we fail to signalize their deeds
iu a manner becoming the gratitude of
southern hearts and the gloryof southern
arms." "Their gallantry will be written
on the future page of Kentucky's renown;"
and if the money for the proposed cemete
ry is furnished, "It shall be expended in such
a manner as will elicit pilgrims from afar
to Worship as at a ifieeca shrine, the place
so sacred to the memory of the loved and
The Gettysburg Monument
The contract for the erection of the Get
tysburg monument lunt been awarded to
James G. Battersea of Hartford, Ct., at a
cost of 00,000,
The monument will stand upon the crown
of the hill where the cemetery Is . located.
Artitunalt, in semi-circular slopes, will lie
—the bodies being uow buried—the honor
ed dead, each manbeing separately maned,
and - 6e men of each State together in see
rims The division between the States are
marked by alleys leading from - the monu
ment to the outercirele ; the collined rows
are divided by cOutinuons Intake; blocks.
six inches in height, upon which the name
- -
and regiment of each soldier, so tar
remained, is inscribed as far his prop,`,
I Toe monument is twenty tlire, • ,:
square at the has€ and fin v
height At aturies of the litise at, f,,,, r
buttresses, eaelt supporting, a
in a sitting posture. The, statu e , are a ;
legorical, and represent respect i ly War,
History, Peace, and Plenty War is rep.
resented by the figure of an American sol
dier: who, resting from the conflict, relates
to History the story of the battle and the
names of the honored dead., :while History
with her stylus and tablet writes down the
imperishable record. The corresponding
statues symbolize Peace and Plenty. Pence
is represented by a mechanic with the im
plements of his trade about him. Plenty
is typified by a female figure with a sheaf
of wheat anti ploughshare. The, lust fig,
tires indicate the industry and activity
which shall succeed the ravages of war.
and the abundamie and prosperity w hieh
are the crowning results of the glorious yic
tory Isere chieved.
Upon the rielilv moulded c , lrniee rests
an octagonal plinth, hearing
the coat I,i arms of the United State, Ito
the sitar tirsite and encircling it are Mgt,-
le, at stars in relieve, repre.ctittng
the States a hick remained loyal through
out the fiery trial.
The capital is tined}' moulded, and sup
port , a three-quarter globe, uman Which
, -1.1111.1 S the CIIIOMSIO St:11111% 1111(411 ft•el high,
representing the Genius ot Liberty elasp
RIZ Within her left arm the fold; of the
.kniericatti rlag, while in her raised right
hand -he holds the victor's wreath of lau.
rep The pedestal is to h e made fine
h hit, granite, and the statues of white
Atiterlcan" marble.
That confirms my long entertamed
/ hfivC Often seen flaunting .4'4,1111,
all Other dental entnhllshmenL. of Penn Mrem,
and the other dap, to your, nlisenee, I/IN r.
ttrompnotTering nnw Onnrinnc t,r,:
p, ucd tow to t % into a free rat e , tab1i , 11 , 0.•..
:tetl• till'y C/10111 ton rite their onri emit pii
nientA Netatiiii:, tint,
prenteil inynelf, and 1,1111111,1 ll.e thin. nnit
tny nattett.lontatt, on retaretnr, to oteteme•-
near., twn teeth were not. tine .4 them, ender
your treatment, wOul.l have been oivltal, tot the
one y.. hare list palled I , . ..uttletent te , le
tem, mt II the people 1110 f. 14. gtae tip
mael total. to ~ .tt.port latightnu to it t‘ .tear
ta teet.teet.. ' , tool, Illn,sh rove tree Itet I
I II hI ~ 11.• tt 1 on i -, •ri,k1111) . r•
.10. tint It it TV1.1 . 1.1:11,,, :mil
' S., and t 11 partrii, viive t hi' gi,t,
•••• • ••
the I.''.
~, • -r•rvd• all lvt•th,
:h u onl,l hk , nl %.,•1 /p0.1t1,. It
Pence both its Victories
•1 pro% onl or 00,,, , 11.! •II•ea.•
1 , 01 . 1,111,111 . and to surely an bulletand 11,-
11M xi I; dent rny,
non rely wlllltrisTETTLws
111 TT I. pr. rr,o naolpro/ung
!he' m0..l Irl pedal or
rho ...lamina of Ihe ...trorigrert anoro
nSA to Inc rompr:ruturo 1t11.61,11-
nier vigor oozes from every law. The
strength of man pro.srs tie ay In
Cr.p and a eaker W. 111,1 1147001114.7, relaxed al,
It erVeletis. It vas to meet such diffietilt les that
1.-letter's /titters acre given to script) Xt
.s to to event cite roll consegnen tes I,+ an t n
an en braced, dept.:le.', debilitated ~1 1.7KEL .7
/on Is I/10.1e, tlott they ere recommended as It
este..P.Tox . for both sexes. .11.1 'wort,
cznaust am es eft day. a Ito might have keel
:Path at bay lot years to come. be an occasions
141 retort to ills 'mover Cal and harmless veg.-
1 , ..e stoma.. ni
pt./. k ooia gully. II their litkiktl 11.11
1 111.1 • 11.1r1:11, •). their busy.
intie•nle: t .1 I Ind tone tile •i.stont wilu r lie
(.•II BMA . , and ti.e • ear anti teal -
IIe•• Itte w 111 tmnparatively unfelt err, In
the :wed nlipre , , e n..ather Nillae.Ku.
!at expel - Hewed, I'm ne lust a- the elle.' (ten , —
,re expended they will tie recruited cod re
new ed by lh Is healthful tcrttnrni IVO. A
neer Int crorant It I+ Ind ettiett.thie to young and
old. 0.1,1 es (dye here.
Nlosslotteen Bitter..
n cy. sold a. holen,l kind re !Ain 4t very low rm.,
looting , a Dreg Bill Patent Metictnaliepot.
cvi Market i eat. corner al the In/kimono
and Ma ket, scar rOurtik etre,.
Vl'ltal 9_ C'ent.. 14111 Itt,
Tho SIC bung
TIII! /11,1 lung
I i I' IttAlm 1-01
y-et e Lem,
le all poi a‘tot to took,. your
ilret purr., n•e'
jou are sUrt• In Irallt. $OlllO of Our gr.., If
31011 only .I.op In anti see at what astonlslith_iy
IOW prleep thcy are NOW
11etidre•ln oi article. of rytil t:in cat
away Onily, by flobi.fhto4l rI.IOM CM
A list kept the persons Inking tar n~o-t
reliottile articles. WO their resolenues,
will be shown with pleasure to ant y one at is,-
log to see it.
About ouo half of the pooolo of l'Ittol.11:o
slob, ay have visaed tt, within Inc
:wo week+, and e e.pect Mt: balance
:clout;. mylilAtov,l
, ololler- who 1111Vg• ~e rVeri in the nemin. of
the Urilo Andrea, mothers, everybody th..t
has got, a Cold, Croup, Whooping Cough,
or I. tr011hiq:11 xlth arty lung or throat com
plaints_ we ailvLse you tonote COr*, nigh Bal
sam, t etteapest a n d best cough preparation
lmtite world.
And when you bare the Dreifepsia,
tronbl, fl Wllll COnstlitation—the great 17µ1...
of health--nr any troithle of the et/feces!,
botels,ll.l Dyepopela Cu re leauffnllall.l. ,lf
eolfe agent for Ifftteburgh, Joeuplf Vletriffig,
Dreggeol. No. Market site. 1.
Nprlna- and nommer Good•
The well-known store of Al. John %Veit,.
Merchant Tailor, Mo, LIS ➢o , ler„l street, Al le
gbeny , has been lately ntted 0,, I, a saw as
sortment of ni.ring and 'tonna, goods. 71,ee
iitoolt line been well selected, and emit aces All
the nulnherleas artielen needed (or gentle
men's garments. A large stock 01 ready-made
;mints, uoutw , veata, do., will also be retool in
In his establishment. Ilia stock of f nre ish in g
goods eanatit he warp...tut. Iteration ilasirluit
to poreitake a good cult of dealt., would so
well by giving Mr. Weier u call.
Thomas W. Yew> It 4-4.,
:Tactical Slate Roofer., and Dealers in Maori
tan elate of variona colors. Mika at Alexsur
.ler Laughlin , . near the Water Works Pitts
burgh. P. Residence., No. 7s Pike street. Or.
tl era promptly attended to. All work warrant
ed water proof. Iterething done at the short
en notice. No charge for repairs, provided the
loot' is not abased Atte. it la put on.
Alt the new styles of gents' line silk antl,ao
- flats, rents' youths' an., !sty, (100 felt
nets, men and bm, b' straw goods, lame,' and
names' fiats, trimmed and untrtnimo.l, at tin
first class flat and Gap House of Wnt h 10 1 / 1 111,4,
10. 1.T.1 Wood street, at the lowest t+rlts•s,w hole- and fatal!.
Carpenter Jobbing !Shop
!laving returned after an absence 01 three
}mere in the army, I have re-opened my shop
for all aorta of lobbing in the carpenter line
nt the old stand, Virgin Alley. between sm"-
301 d street and Cherry Alley. Orders solicited
and promptly attended tn.
Elgin nooses and Lots
On Beaver and Franklin stroots, Manchester
neer Passenger Railroad. at atteLlon, on Sella,
day afternoon, at three o'clock. See auction
sales on second page, for advertlsement—by
d. Leggate, auctioneer.
Litadaara Wood Searcher.
I hereby challenge any person to question
my right to manufacture the above, and offer
the same for sale at my now Stores, 107
9014 Street, and opposite the rostofflee.
J. M. Ft LTON.
_ _
iterehants' Batton-alßank Faßor.__
ji.,eagigationa of Sba 'lease Commit-
Nrar Yong, 9' /s.—The, Port'. Wasbington
ssppeeceial sayste dovelopments In the „ifer
euts' National Dank failure, under the in
:inastigation of the_ House Civazul l tioo, are
vay it Is belle,, j,
ea Jori of the
.Committee allirepOrtiM,ii!tued.perati Ling any
deposits In hattonal
lmas, but If this proposition falls, stringent
regulations will he Adopted.
- NO. 114
The Govern Selling Gold
W 1.11100.T0N. Pret n: [. •:4
[thermion returned the Colorado hill to the
Senate with his oluect ion, Ile doe. net eel.
.alder the ectal[llitionent of ,t State government
10 Colorado at inn,ent neeescary Ile the aek
fare fit the people there. The population is
small, and some estimate It 119
title the adroolit“ of the hill reckon the
namber at 1 row:1500ot° 10001. It Is u Isat 'As
lat•lorlly estahllsh,l that it majority 01 the
ettotena desire in are prepare 41 for the change
of a Territorial to a , late government. The
thud objection is that the ,t,l aioe[lon of Coin
rado at this line'ac a State into the Union ap
tpearl; to Min to be incompatible with the put,
ie lilt, rigg , of the countfy. Innlee,l 111-
ereacing. elm - ado hitc decreli4ed In popula
The P.,. says:
.. ensle surpri has g pressed Otis moornto g hiera bI
he report se u
hide Is
sael to tie supported by lthilsunt:thle evidence,
that tile Government lots lieen selling gull to.
du). The eireet has late. to it the activity
anel depress the mace et I.overnment
t les. 4he foreagn houses a hien have sold
.hart w wit tile t lea to Import them, have, Ty
(111+ attegrreetod polley .ft the Treasury been
probably aided In the, movunieht. It IQ I
I.4.rted I ht.t in,. t00 . ..r0e...tit las sold no gol.l
nelom but the Influence of the sales lit.
depressed 011. 1 , 111, :0
11 111,. 1110.,1g0 ...MI to the House to-stay,etmeerhong Magitnillanlq discriminating
age conitueree, the seer...tar)
en /
doses a copy of It fan:mondani lon Tann tile
olleetor of L °stop. ol Brownsville, in antrli
of I,t loft s !natty of an or ler promulgated
t.fe it y it 3latamoras, leo, to the etreet
that all goods going 1.0. tiss,lll• Irmo that
ett). or "min,. to Mutant.. as, front Prowl,—
Ole, should pay .i tit I,•s. Th. order Is rept , -
to fa. In c Indict with the ;f01k.% wide!!
lot tour )'eats 11.1,1 lit,ll that I
.1,1 ion, tinder which all goods 14111,01 g Matt,
MOMS were freedf fluty, being her.
bee sol i t
go tato the Interior ...t
Nfexiell, or hgving rl, ten:a the)
mere ...sported to a forfagn vonotry they
0111,1 to have Ifeen to onequatter of the I
lull duties.
As t ht. ro , o 1..41 al!ego.i too to P
tontl r,41t0
lial. M I
. 1,,0 , coit•olc
otl IL>ohjett to ht• A •loo•rott 11,11 hottignlnlt
II to I Endo Itno , illy. but ht. hol• , tttle•
hy N 1 hitt nuthorhy. w lo•thor porela lot al ot
ot 100 It o poooolgatt- , ! 1 hot
:n him .apt tl, r 1,11,41.11 of tit, .•olor
angor mot fear, that Ilrott n 1 tlo ti 111 d o
ull t Itu•ino.... of 511.N.11%), i..•1,.r.•
11111. li 15 , pi..• 4.y dot rvt• 11..-
• lilt' t. I I
1.'1% , it t h.' a •
!Agit' 1111,1._
an tl.l tr. •zl , l- a, I' It
I he• .•ff , • I
I :tie .•••t
..“1‘• nth] 1,1.1.401., 11 1 1 .11( . .our a:, 1..
i tho ..f hag lad nh.l Nlitolllo,-
11.• leo, I•••ItIntl, 1•...• th.
h . ., II ov nt.ul.l. ~ •
+lll'lllll 1 111 1 ill M. 111114 1 1,1, .! :1.114 all
'III', 111 1 1 1 1,, 111 ( 11 .1,1. liil 4 :pi
lot nll I lit•lr gr.•••••t1,- 1h.,...
The .4 7 ampic. , oc:,
v Id th..” O. o • 1..• 111,1 1,
.4 NI, al,. IL, 1t...,
whil , 1111. •,1.1
the K 1 ,101,11.11 1111 , 1 111 )1,1 1,1 lii ..!
1 hrt,thlnont 1 21 XIII\ 1.-1 1 11 1 .11, i 1 1
1 .1011-- that 111.•. 11 1 11 1.4,•••1 li l 1 .4.
41111,1.1.. ”.h•tt•,.••l Lt. .I.c
11011 if
ion 101 :t. plat, 01 t . 111.11.
Intel s. 11 4 1 1 .1111 till, 1:1..1.
..11,1.11%...1 I hr .11,
tit Vitt. h•t, n I I.
A. up,
NEIIIIIO 110 - 111 P 01,111."
T. Minor Botts Proposes a Plan
of Reconstruction.
A utr.lrs!, a ti , . rt. !r I. 11..,
AL Lleleurc ot LILL• I'rL,LILIL ILL y
3lettLlL, L. n 1 lb ,..1,1 Ltl I
pasotago. of tiLL• Amoy oil] LL•L.,L,LI it 11111
Thf• ,I'‘ er, , e.•141 tht n. 1 .1 . i:t.
oloradir polui.nion 11111 uct.. that 1./1.
Pr. , 11.1 , 111 Wlll approN e
Jo h', 1 11 , ,t4. 1111•,r r••(
on•I hlt It h. , ha.- .1-nt
of t ungr,-. Ile r , Ino pr
ptknni(ni A.. Ornt
propo.,. o, 1110., a la a ,
an oath to be taken Mil 111,1 t nt, t•
years an,' undo., kilos they "ver oanttittri:
bad anything te , It,' r e etk•llion,
Cie) t'au noldany n
, tat,' , Vn•in rt I
tula LIA, to take lee". ut
ur under. a I4‘, c - annot take tlie lint ~ a ll., tit,
!Ley acknowledge 11,. •• „f 1,1. 11 1ta1,..
tal , .. and inn s llnnsval !1., an I
1t..0 'boy 44111 iuute, the flag ul
a:lu, 114, .apt, the ',tem....M. of Ina. ,41,
11, • .4 t4l, ell 1.0 10y1L/ 101,1, t 1.11•1 n tit• Mere
elttl.•rdlivun or nit% .14..41..4 Into t 1..•
The turrultl” of I:1.1-ulndt 41:4 mu.. dam
.Lce rue •rh , ”. , 1 otu ,, 41!,
Tref, rwr 1.1. - ,` s.‘ clt broken
shorn up 1,, CIA, :Liu! ..:1:41.1 - ta of LW, u
'rio•urtiolc., a% cry
Art Relating' to iodl.elni Proeh.edloge .
NV y/ , n;5.,...1, May I;.—Tin. lo;Iou 1. Ins
..11 anh•thlin, no t :elating to the
.p... 1 till)
pro. e:11:oxy. ei en...ey arhl aptos:••1
P.i4 it pr , IVIoIO.
re. 111 . 11 , 1 tinpr.yonmeht ,hole. or at, Iv.,
.1on•., of ornltte.l to he .lort•• .Ihrotg 1.• . I
.lon by an ofhcei perw a. nod or I.)
o; ;thy orrler, .: of ••rha., gene., by In. y of
War. of by ;my thllltary to. I thteil
, tatea lhaoltnv the tottathand 0) the depart..
thent..list Oct. hr place with",
:Ire, ithr.rAyo,nerit uao madh,
011, Or .1111iit,1 10 to' , 10,14., elth, I y the he,-
'e, 4411 , ...r 1.. u :In 111 , only, un- 0.1d.Te...
l for 11. , 1,1 It b. , $l.) oth..
erper held
anllngut t ot og 1.10. eh., ',ail
be eld,an., are reby .leelare.l to
.Is.). inch°, (lie put iur he t of the fourth :yr,
fifth lit, of the sa.l4 net of )lan-It
for all p0rn0..., of .telet,e, trati,fer,
r 1111.111411,1 proehleo them", billno Inch
~ler ninth I , iLa•
in u /1112, l I/IS IA MI ti .1111 , 1•••••
to Any .1)1I ar.lon lot any net ot Obi It
tf..l to be liOne 111 , MI.
n 11.1. rlt if 1...
prOiillel; 111 clhl Isle,. 1111
Wji!, proof of the het hew , •1 •.: . : ... I
. • ..
et••,,, of t ht• WIII/e. or If mitt 1, ) 1. - .rptt.1,,11, Ilse
I•lotltit . t.. , •, of Lllt tplegrittn put fowling to
vittAttett, trout At Illiiitary 0tt1t...,, khan I.' pr,-
pp/ ',WWI, IliPt1 , •• .•I 1... til.lit . rptle . .l%,,r (ii.'•
.111, nal •.t +IA I, ,
))I pro , lto • .1, -..."1.10.1y ..%
•11a.11 lt•lii Ih
Tim 1 - 11. tn! nl 1 1 !n!it'nl trintt
into the of 111, t ` - t luny
irrniat , l alley the apik aran , •• 01 Ihn aen - 1 , 1-
,at ttn.l Inrllllne 4,1 al, plea or ointa defnnse
11l Y:al,l , oil ri, ill n,.‘ • ..rnt tan! toilet
1.. to the [era, •n. the upparitur.• ro
Imed. and ta,fars a Jury is eat tutuueled 1.. it,
the 1111.1110; Ilia he rein roritalnml shall
lie hold OF ittorltigr too ...Mt 01 men removal
after Janina...l. in Lint ntatn ours; nor ohnll
It Is. neermitry in the Mate (.liar]. Lo offer or
give surety tor the filing of repo, in Ihr
nitrd mate. 4 Ireult (mut, bill Oa the Illlng
of the petitions verified Ile provided In 101.111
r. ft Ism:Um', The further proceedings In the
mnte Court that] eause, and net he resumed
00111 a rertilleate under the seal of tho mO.l
orell t our:. of the Ceded , Latnet, slating that
the patltioner bus failed to Ill,: cop let in the
ud Llreultl.nart as the nest L 1,114,171 1//1/41 111,4/,
r fi l e slate Lour, shall, not willi.taeding the
pi:forma:ter of all t M ug. rim Mr.,' tor terr,
Of to l all plotmed
lel tam in mmior Km-eolith. belore
mad rortiftestr I. pemlueed, then In that .tst .
all me f urther proceedings 0.01 lie veld and
1,0 Vire!' L. tuft all partrillY ' Jptlgr.ts, hill ert,
and Label rnnannitneln . ..forlh promoting there
m ..y oio: tnert.ol, tilt. , ]lt,!table in
11431 g11t1.1.1,1411 . 10 the Ilan). Intill
feeoo,,reli //). all art ion la a Court Of the Slate
having proper jurindletlon or la a Circuit.
Cal the I must state., foe tin . DlNti let In
n hint. annl4 further prm embrig. may halo
In: or iJere tall party, ...Meer, or ot 1:10
.en s so offending silo!! In, 1001111, Mai ullun
rocevery nf damages In either eourt,
pariyarlm In pluintltrediall be all lo double
osts It It made the duty of the Clerk of the
State tlourt. to 1131thill Widen nt the pope,.
and fibs in the 011.P0 to the liar ty 1111G11 1011.
Ing for the removal, and upon the refusal or
ni - gleet of the Clerk to furnnth such eoples,
the wtid party may derket the ease In the Lir
cult Court of the l'ts :Its/ Status, and there, up
on toad circuit, Court shall love J urisdlet.lou
thereto, and may upon plOOr Of 110011 refusal
or neglect of tar Clerk of the State Coert, and
trism reasonable pollee being given 1,11 a
pluluLlff, require him Lb lie a der/at:aloe or
and ilpOn in default, logy order
nen suit and dismiss the MAO at it, eouts of
the plulutlir, 0111011 illtualsfal shall be oar to
any further suit touching the molter In COL,
trotersy. .
♦'eto of the Colorado Illll_lletophl■
itloton--Shorman's Fondling . WA
New Yvan, Mlty 15.—The veto of the Colo
ratio It(II hes been written and signed, and
will be sent to the Senate atter reading it to
the (ablaut.
Thu Pust'n epeuial sap, Thu Come li e.on
the felempbla riOtb will start for that place to
The bill heretofore introduced by Senator
Sherunut to red UM the rate of Interval. wi the
national debt, and for funding the some, Wu
reported back trout the Cennuilttee of M Inane
to-day with an amendment providing that the
expense of disposing of the bonds shall net.
exceed one r rout. of the remountspeae
of. Tee origlnal axed the at two
per cent. for preparing, issuing and dirpown g
Of the bonds,
irta r I
r \ la
rltut i.,
. .
a' t, i• r'lla 1./ 0.1 11 AI It, I I j.. , rta I
%.•/IJIt int t..l.aaal a bill 1, inc,rporille•\ Olt". / y I/libn
rnlnn 0 0
I”1 nth.. Ittat.l and rt , tersaal the Woo./•
ipur4,l3 by btepbon*
•Prrolatr, tat the lit.", L.
NIT , ~to.h.n, aakiat leave 5 , , - %..out ti.tah,ah•
lea naa. I ;a r.
~ ' lntl, . ,' •lireetinz the - aa.ret.ary '^. , a'n , ii..'
aa - cannainna.ate to that 11"uka. J""r". ina.h• a
ta, Ler any aftlitaration tiaa hten ("r .."' ill e ta t .
a• La, Itundao joittrnl. for a eul Ws he'haal tvenine.l hitt I ttti,
c.nntataaata.l Irt.h !th , ratlon.
„mn. rl , llll t roantr, .an 1 Ilse hi ar:
, fiat 111/).• ulTect the Damn " u 'l `''andn l "l"•r; 4, eraiht
t• patent %mild hal.• on the /IV
..{L. count! t. .n 11• , an h, .1.0,
Sil .lencka, Ith.ale ottp.rte, to the '" u " . ",""" 1^ th , 1 aay as i t
11/. I. in, eived 1., eat lit :tam 1,"",h
that the . wor • " 1"."1. ..... t.. hal
aakot for inlorination, mod it eoul,
e, T... the txentlo-tuan's Jenek.
L;rn .I.llfP I repwrotion• for lirerptioo Norenora
••.pj••••1:t. Esoicranto Nero lurk I . I.ove it..,
the net.
Iloilo,of Net:r.a.,.l.a, a.lo, 1 t Si,,, I.
th Nita. hal, ~musk, an, Otugnaa, 5•5 h. `air/ILA 1
il.`• .1 , IP L . /tI/1•• II p COrl. \lO4 a- 55 • •
••• Tl. , •zil z,rohilat. thn LegtrApilve 11 , •i,
(r meta YOll fer Hag .P 1 ala.ut Si a t...
14••,1 i,-1 [Olin to ptuts The
it • 'll.lll ;1
• k to-. 13
"t to
Itemlt!. 11.• ff 1/n1 V.
Rio' ~ 11.4. . •
Iv,. nit. I. 1111 , 11•1 nt4,to.
“ ..nlr,o, ho have
,1 +3.1.03.
•.c ,
"r In.. terr:t.oriv.,tn.l .tltut to, I 1 , ..trtv.1 .of V, donl
• pal.] fot tsui• tuay TM.
. I ..frt•rNon Pat Ti- n.ttort• 1 / 1 ,.••
. tto• Ilury 441/tb ,, iLY I,"M pt II , 1. krr 1.11. thvi l•
•••111••11, II pr,t1.11,11A t•e
•• /1.11 II rot', •pr.lo, In r..t . !.
huh .1/ ill aNt. I :tc.•
n .1, the I,l,Litt. It
• I r Il.n it.
..... I. tot follour
entail etl, '1 hal Within Ilia Ciro at Salem. Mina,
idle. a ft•reitaitl, there than let ...Noel "A •ii.NI i - • Nit, ,• 1 Ili, to v. re.' here
.v t , vti hi, elite to viti . et,- . i„. I. it• o4ta, a Ito i ttori 1.,1 the I i ale Moak
• o stiles Itticalist• of t•rite, tn.] ii pet stai • n I•I Ile e.:., Sat:torah
hoots-, tegiethei
~ ~,,,„„. ~,,t 1,,, , ,o,„, ,ill ttt a„ to ii till -ei el til i tiiiiiit, 'I lei Lao lege Mainly
1- , At I, ••1/114.1 of coe,,ritss oi of the kit.. Ilitli '' , •:.. , :. , g ... 40 , grt•mt I y tlmlst ago, h.:
,”blinA of 1.0, i et, lion., ar.,..... tO,, 'o 0,1,, " II I "t 0,1, ....ill., .11•
tl. i nottiootmen I with the provigtess or i 1., • ....,1 I ,1.• , .• ~ 10. 14 remit,t ~,I 1., 1 ~,„.,„ 1.,.”..
• . Mt 0 lieU•10 declared null Aril viatl
lite loth Avalon entitle, I!, Territorial iiiv- i,. , , .... ito.,, i
vet IMO - • m 11, altsenee of the tie; ~ .1. 1 1,0 ,10 Nominations for ('annul t tont/rolled.
tit I, ti pti, en , ml to the he vertior's Salary.
111. li ittai•S tnoV,I Lott...lna by 'finking “111. th . r,„ ‘ „1, ' ,, ' ,. " , ‘1 , ' „ k , ' ,..., ' . 1 .. ' . ‘ „ :.., - . 1 .!" . ' :I i ,",.Y. 1 T . 1. 5,
~ , , ,,I.
Me Slat, -MUM/. net atilreetseil the House In
,„ ,
~, k.
~... ;',:;: k . , ' ,
„, i l,, '
..•,,, i .
~1 . , . ..
i. " ,.:,, : , 1 ,
g i p., or het tonentlreeitt. lie dig ant In- ~,,,,, „, , t ,„, ~„ , ~„_,,,
~ ',"" •
ti 1 her I ~, ,bee.. hail the imoWet - to oontrol , I" ..
•11., 10 , in the torrnotteo In 'opted to Ili,. -..-
/Wit of .11rrage Its , foretng 1,0 tho all.entillto Three l'eritotan "'lent to Death.
hilt the reripteintlolity of the passage or Lint I hosEn, 1.. hey I i.-- The Omen , ti I •
tentitut lentil 1010 , 101100111. from the Repo 101 - I
men lin i e ., o , ~ 1,,,,,,,„, i,„, ~,4 , ,,. 1 .,,, ,
~,, to i iie leantxTaLle party, 110 10111.1 IT would voting hallos nal Mr, liarliatie aert• ettahle to
~• p0i...1 very difficult to inalio till. Iseetge be- viatope, tail more [lest
hv the flame,
te,ti taut milt) 1/01nneltnth et/11,1 . 011nd the nr- I
• :On Of l 110 n011•ot 11l mn Important mon..rtret. i
!ignitor 111 I 1 Defeated
lie OAHE' for the pant and Ilnyl, on Jib 11.111' ltd.
Inent. Thu torn sas taken and the alloottl• lloores, Nay 13.—The 1 , 111 . Ileeno, and 10..
notliill toi 10 . 11.01,1 It) ,1.a., Ml" 11.),,, ;:t. 1 . ",, /Mitre 11l U. , ' ' , OW,' 111 Iltoaint !testi:, to i t ._
tented In the Hoe,. melts) Ity toe large sin,
hill 10. Moll pa... 1 by n vole of 11.10 40.
TIM. Ilttli," MI-
"111. 11110 l nllllllllLett of Ilse of 14. ' t O W. ....a..........................
Whole nit the gatte of the Union, rellinaell
ll ill uonaltlertiliott of the Tax 1.111, antl mooed
h",gti tei,N.tit's'lt,i'it'.'''S"n";;t:.4ilnotio"; ,-I,7l7 : l" a i n i d " l t re r ,:;tl. l T '' '' ' ''. - ri,'"77"7:::7" " l '' ' ' '.-• '' '‘ ' l ' d '"'‘
~,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t tt to t . ht., T., ~,t i 0t p ,,,,,, i t yen ing fro. pa. lieu. to , loon '
to wilnr,.
lioto dlotllll,ll for inn's W. 01,1,1,, to eo.IPI lord Byron., giiii roe., in three nets, nu11n",.,„,„1
n",.,„,„1 h o ot, and a varle t ; appal , ' 11Contottl. ~..,I tiM),..,,,,,i n ,” elr the oh'lld Horse of Tar
ty for I!". tweed;. :server far persna' use, ono
tar" as 1...ri0t - it:al it, the world-ninn...l
Lo n.I 'L o liiiii, lan' "I"'IIII11,5,1 "'"'‘...ZI•IIIII,II, tienesti tart itetresti t Ai /I . e. Lot tII 00,10/1 ,t e ll. tl"
provide,: the aggregate Illart.t ',hue of the ~,,„..,,,
... "m..,, p ,.... " w .. ,k,.,
, 4„ 1: ~,,,
,h,t•ik Mhill 1 0.1 ...1......1 V., tuvl 1,1 all autroant i, „t lint „,„„.„ 1 ~,t 1 1. 1 , ~,.....,„,„ ~....,...
nol t Se...lnt/5 . /i' , . I r°,l '' , ""ii "" i '' ,, •‘coad Vius 1 a hen we nay that !dia liaison ha,
liimi,li", !"'"line' "A• 's"win"g. P rJa i ".° in till , eharietig at
ility elate the attar,
Insnoi 10013 or Impletnentr of a trade or pro- I ~,,,,
~,,,„ In eve!, 1 , ..i.e , 1 .11e IN equal loth°
InS^lttli Intl went, than Ont.
I •I I Itleill I ~,,, helot., her, an.l novel. "nee llionit
Mr "sibloel, se t a:tatted I it, toiling of a pr i• ' „, ~,,,,,,., ~,,"„„„,,, „, ~,. „,,, ~,,,,..., , I „ . ,
I inn I hil ' her " '''''"n' '''"- '""'"'''" n "'•''''' the situation - (roan the hog liming of the play
In the Allmon, On 10•001011 of riots, of volot, Lea t
LO Ito elo.t. t h e .. Cepoaleitly sipplitteltal
Lite proviso tvas not inserted.
'lust evening Ihe liiity nits nttll pet upon the
The elautte atnentholor, to the third section
,_ stage, 111, the aline parts tiretlittiltl) ...flail,
of the jor.-.‘•111 h• , ~ ~ I netolect 6 .. f rodna. , g ~I ,oe wilt appear thin evening in the 811110
the 'HU. of 1111. rm." 10 ittottln Winn l• prillnlYly 1.. play. lin, Mahon matinee too stattatlnv tit
onthl for taxes, from ?Ulu 10:,/ per /sew.
tetra, mint ~,, ,modem lir :Or . ..trite., a mini chaise et,
lest:nisi lit,,' Ollng rieetlOel forly.foor of the , lievai Doug, Another large soulleticsi
pre s ent la
eetew v ...LK to II a provlsa that greeted the winching 111 tie Emile Nlelvllle last
a lien it snl may liner lawn 'light., 'II Ihi' I I I I ‘Ii" lll 'l''''', ' , nil iltihtlng (rout in case (tut Lott statement was litlee or the enthusiasm created among her auditors,
fraudulent, such assessment shall not be re. I the math , a decide hilt.
milted, nor shall tasen or duller, eolleetsol T '' -u ighti " i s. I.l.Pi'in , IL , tat, of her bent roles,
tinder .411th assessment be recovered, refund. mut lilt bop., IWO . t o rt
that the auditorium
ed or Judd bank 1111.001 11, 1,,,,( ,w,,,,,,,,,,, ,),- will la, panked.
return Was tint Inlets or fraudulent, and dial
vont/du an antlerstutemeiat or an undervalue- Thu 5...... . °1 P... , a e eiirilliin to st•
anoon.' LlOnja.lllll3. Ito° cr fourth and lust, New YOrlti
The Chianti/tee progrnnunli In the bill as far The Amer lean hews Company.
The gni." button. t•onsptenousln the former'''llcif .p i e n a n ker r' p " r ' esentetl. a message from the inanhers Of nil, nerlea, In 1,,,,H, ~,,,„,,,,.,,,
tent l' 1 d 'i e ' ' r ‘ li t 121. :11.1411 " n r g en a e" r report p o t i th r t ef
fi ' ilii i i7l . l l e n giet o rt t' ; : t l o n u t elt l e e iii r 1 tarpons 'slgOn " nt I effect, n"'l ' thus. of
i hn U r wit dual
Lary of In answer 11/ the !louse
tint, dit the till, tot lay, to refei4.lloo to ulerka for sale by John I'. /Dint.
employed In the Department of State, and
transmitting a report from the Secretary of AUTSIII Flowing ..illi• Phllllps Well, in the
tilt' TrenanrY Its answer Its the House resole- Venoms° regions, the proporty Of the TnOMJl
then li b the iiii or May, concerning ilherisaints. eon and C0nti...1,1311)11 Conipatlie", in clay or
Lions y the so called Maximilian tioeurriment two Oboe eounneneed new tog and IS now
of Mexleri astionst American commerce, or' yielding four hundred barrels or oil daily.
against vommerce from particular American All the other wren, of tins company, la the
parts. lteferrell to the i lOmmlttee on Corn. , nelghborbOool of the Phillips, have increased
their yield.
Messrs. Bontwell and Le Mond Were crirrused "'
from aertico On the special committer/ordered ; The nay Itirep.—We aro Informed by far
y the Mown/
,yeatordn-, to lnyeatigatu the morn that the reeent frosts have materially In-
Altoophhil Mph!, and Aleihrs. Broomall tool Shred the bay crop, which , / 111, It Is rupposeil,
6 1 tauklIn were appoints/it In their .Lead. fall far beldnit, high In quantity and quality,
The House ibehl ii, lN' lrs 9d• 1 the yield of lust year.
purrsillqum. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1866
R at•rn Wrcrots, Nay H , -The' thsni I,oin '0 - 31.
NV '.,1/O,; „0 Ma .1 ~ Is , . lan NV.ltkle In the , na:/ wait, , tt, dr,. 1 1.•
- 1 • AT F the alt Ideal ea rrell,B In se, era: 'stale- a . ,
, i , rritortsin, and to the le/drill 0 1 d... 1 '/' '•/
. M'
I a'
" l'An ' r''''' ' ' '" ni ices and directs Illy:
01 1 h.
1 /du ... -thiend 11 '1 .1, 0 I he • 011 . , 1 l oh "I 'I usrence Itt toe unit/n.l hated a, 1 , 1', , -1,, I - /I-I
, ; ;
..', 'i
: :,...;:::,::,
~',, ;:, ' , , , . 4 : : ,. : :. , 11 , ; ', .;::,: , ,, , , ,. . , .: L ::::: c :
~:::.:: '.: : .:. :: P ..:1:1,,,,,,,1%,..i,,1 i . . , ; . i i , ,,, , , . t n: ,, 1 , 1 ,,, ,i i ii i 1 , 1 , 1 t1 , 1 ,.., 11 1, 1 ;r 1 , : , i , 1* . 1 , y ,
0 11 , 1 i 11 , 1 . ,1 1 1, , :,
U". '... ,, i11t Thl: reuhitithig tine Ica
' ."'' "'" ',","' "I n : " ., " , " , ' "r''''''''' ', "" ,''' , ,"" ' 1 . 1,1 /01,1 fifty 1 1111;1011, ,11,11 Iry nwiortlon..d ti
• '' '''''''' :1111' ''''''''''''•
'''' •''
' pt , ,,,, ton to the t n'arill 1 Ilt• annasil plinths;
".' ' "'• ' "'''''." If'' '' ' '' ' '''' '" ' I " . ' '"'"''''''''' I kat ti; agritrul thlalriutultteteturing and nth,
"" ,' '' '''....
ti;. I 1 - - - .1.11.1111 gay.' untie.. that lie wohld, ta, :,;',l'.,,,"',.',''`',:o'Nm..":,l'i
m....,,,. n0.,,,,ii 1,,, 0., rot . ..laid ruction lye.- , ' "
1,,,,,a, trot, int. Ilain.e,BB.l pre, Hutu. to a "I" '"," bil ,', , If Vrnei , :•: o ' , '
• s ,lie a, early 215 posalPle. 11 others he, .0 Ite ....tahltshed ' O 3 the d .
tic 1'
',lnthull relstrted a 1,111 to regulate the trollet tircoi . .loll4 11, 11,.,1,101 nittaltt,,,,i t , t
t „ m ,, i ,t •
tO.. tin , ' 11.3 the idaee for bedding the Unite/I
, ' ,. ' , ' , ' , ‘ , ' , 1 ., "” , ' ,. it ..,„ " _ " ,_ ' 1" . "'' ‘,. .7 , '''' , ' . 1 ... mia:e'' an / xces:
5,,,,,,, (;brill' court in l ' lrglithi. The place Is pr,,,.,,,,,,,,,';`,,'''21":
,', ',..,„.‘,,,‘.
.10.14etl train Norfolk to Richmond, and the L , 1 ,, ,',, L ,
in.. c
~.. ~.`,,,,
... t , " , . :
i (111111 In fixed far the but Monday In May and ~„‘ xu, ,,...,.. ~,,,
u • I • 1, 111 11 1. to tlO ,
' I iecenther, Thi.. hill wits passed editettou snail trill, ..11,-1
. only 1., r liCalatlng nolt, ,Lit. In 1 , 1. t artaal Mtn
, .11 , 111 all; horlziatt the aPlionffnieu, n ''"' .'"' the Trousnre In I• • • •••• '• 1
011101181 'secretary of the Navy, In take the ~,,,,,,.„ ie .: • ' ( 8 . 11. • ~, 1,11 aectitin 101
'dare of the present As,lstant secretary. who , '"
~ alstat Europe officially, was passant. . . 1 elan Pram... t.,,,i /11 „ , f . izat.rsi ni
The Jona rt ...hit lon to prevellt the Introdur- additiottal hunks, Kolar/di, . /dell! he elvvn,
!Inn or allolern, into tilt, I. lilted StatoB Vlll5 115 Inv as practicable. to such existing Mucks In
then taken up. good refute us shall , Ignify it desire ti. the
A ft., discus:oon, •Ir• Sumner's nines:oll3l,n t ' Comptroller Cl' la. ea°, ettell into national
, t i ti ,
i s , ..ia , t - e i Into
s , ik , p
fa n 0, 5ti , 1 ::.t i t .. 1. ;7 0 . 1g A s.
IVBS mlOl l lOll, and then thn resolution proposed han k , ' II .tt.tlottol• the operation ❑
of the pris..
IL. 11 Siiligtiillte (Or that or the lieu', wtis re_ V 1511,11 af. thlt Intel sal itl'i,llllll net of done do,
the 181 lice. ifts
) .I , ..l 3 n it ti , s a l u i 1 1 ,1 3 ,,,
n a!a ,,, 1 i t ,n 1 , , ,,,, t ;
, f .,.., , , i , ... 1
to , o
i, i
Mr. Iletideraoll Moved tOsulailttllte the "VW-
rotary 01 the Treasury for the Preiedent, ---
T h 1 .. ..„.1,, t , h ,,, h , A .,, sion , xoir. n.vik.
I .
s herever those words occurred,N
and to strike ..7 ' '' ' '' ,, K. Mai ; I:..- /...../f
-nut the porn., al the bill anthorlzlng the t?.... n reettlved late last itiglit,Philadel p
sunl the fel hia ls,. lag
, ... I., , 'dent
t ,,,,, ,,
, or n fl ). itt.„,,,,,, naval can,- :rout IVasltingliont Thal the indlet merit found
1 ,,,...,,,,, .
lie p,,,,,,,,,,,„„ i nLy . ~,,,„. ll' 11141 s'euk. at Norfolk, agftthst Jefferson Davis.
' are In iteiurrection, to enfOrevtluaravlttne meg- n 'a e a that ha , IM, or the 11th day of 'la,.
Illatlana, and Insert inataad , m1[110,11 .3' to the I t s. -1, ill the city of Itlehinoml, Wait force o;
I . resitletil to .1 treet the IteVenne officers, alto 1,11 ' 5 . nnitisyrull3', falsely. force
1111,1 1
1 ,tin....t s conititundlite Revenue 1 utters; to all lrnitf'r'"'"l7 enn 'inu”, i niagine aud littend 0.
1 ' In enfot eta g -toll ifttarantine and health lows, nitre, leVy 01 11 11,11 . y on 4 Jar, ins./ re/ 11,/ and
0. nese tie oevtanni, 1 I Kgrood to. ' , hellion rtipf 111181111 e I ailed :dates, and di of-
' "II 111.tion of SI r 1,1 Tun titi t ,, It 5.,,,, pr0,,,1 0 ,/ der to rum “n•t into effort Ills said 1
that all 1111111,11 V 11 , •rei , v vratlled shall expire ttahortnis deshos, he rand;d a great 1111,110 in!,
, Ih,. t.,, lit j.,,,„,., , , .I.
..1 1 , 01,01.18, who are al pruPent 11111011,011,
"" The 11 . 01151 , 1 , 111 then passed by a rote at tff ~till 'lnd arrayed Ina uarlike manlier, dnl
1 to 11. 1.11 ,, a) :and trnltioronalv a..ssenittle and gather I
At three "'Hoek a riii1,..,,,, w i ,i, ~,,,,,,t ilii - .11,11• ,tag et 111, against lite thittetl ~.I es,
tint the l'resl.lent letotng the 1 olorado hill. and 111 . 1 i a s t arlike, hostile tied frith/a t ,.
r,„•11,111••prevvIlt 4111Ugit1Ing an, discussed 11 ' an ''''r array' and .11 ` . Ineet 1 h e niselYe• B VBIII-1
1 ~,
Ihe , all.l 1 nllO.l Bta•on., nl % mnrlea, ',tilt tar, 1,,
'" TIII. Con -alas appro. , rittiltin hill wa.. 11111.1 n I . I, IIV a( allnplaina• tit 11dellty of rant den t e , . I
~,,,,,„ 1,1, ~,,,,,,n.,.,,,.. s.tri Davis sad against 110'1...pi:dilation. lanai, 1
n 1
ill 1 ; 1 ',';',.` , ; , ' ,,, 1 i i
~,,, t . ) , .. ~
~..,,.„, „ I I n ,. dip., v. and I.os erallie . la n 1 1111; aaltl I 11111,1
4141. + all.l again, 11..- •nt al- tic . 1 .v .. .181 , 11.• ~ 1
`' 74:e n 1 " 1 . i .. ,:1t 131 , 1 heft., the Seltal•. E.I. memo. ''''' I ''''''l I " n' e. i n 'o l d , ',-., Id 0, ehat.
Hal ~1 the lanstslature dyir Iliac, for the es-
taltl sat:tent ..1 a ltranet, it In that Territ..- I)enth of olt Rebel It:a110.--%ttlt for tient,
.. y. ,i,,,i, ~,t , referred tile doninnitee 011 1 / a ttun trew - Ettfratteltlnetate tt ll of Wl:tette.
I . lllllner.
Also, a tnentra 181 1,111 111 C , atine maul... ask- s r „ b„.,4 ,flay
,5_,,,,,.‘„,i 1,.,0,....,..
~,,, lot an eatenthat of the situtharn houti/IItH r„ 0 ,,„ , , ~, i t ,..„,,.,,,,
a. .
.., that l'errttore. TI.I- was ' , remelt Iti the ~ ~,, ~,,,, ) ,,,,, ,L ,„ , , ,,y
, I ,L
w u ,,,, 1 . , ',,,,.',. 1
ta :ante.. on Territorle•,
s itenta• he + 8 ,111 , 1. a. itd f.ut „ t ,.
T.,• ~,, laid ,sits'„ tin• 01.11/110 Jan 11.1.1reaw , t , ‘ , „,,,,, h or
~.„,.. „,...... ,
._ . .
,u 0 , .
. : 111.- vn•arrl . 111 /nti.. , 11. 1 / 1 , .kv., dated ,11,11 ~.,, 1. „.,,,.... ,
z ,,,., :,,,'..",,;",,..;
5 !: , , ; ,, , ,,,L n .. r : - .3..„._
_.....1. 1.... la Ihe t name. , tit the 1 nand ataltn.„ ~...,. ~,,,, la.,
„ ...,,,,,,..i. '
a 1,11 tit., 001..t....1 ... 1a• priLde d.
.101111 NI, Way, el I:0 i hurt% 3fa,a, hate!(.,
MI Trat`mil, from the Judi , how l' aal , llll- ~,,.,,„„L „ ,n , ,, ,
..„,, ~ s, 4 , 0 _, ,n,,.,,,, _ ,...._
1 , need a hdl t , rhange I hue 181.14a1 al, :„., ~.,,,,,„.. n ,
~, ,hg.,:,,,, ,
„,,,,,, : ,,,, , , i ': ,, , ,
I lira .. Itanla.g Ilse I a :10 , 1 - ante. 1 :oar1 ~, Inn a, van. rat two rlnv of tb, ....napnanal ti 115,,,(
1 a.,,,,.. It viatnve. the 01,ten [rani NlarnaL j.„.
~,.,,,,... . ,
1•P I: aaallan.l. 811,1 la., ales tiles 1.110 tan, 1 a , „,,,,,. , n; (I r : ,
„`, L .. ;,,;`,;,.,.....
~,,,, 1 , ,,,L , I ‘ , .
ena,n,nav:ll,4 Ihn rOn al se- 4 10.. 880.11 •*3 lit •
~ ~
0 p IiP1,111.,• . Nl , t , , 'ot 1 , , e.lther AI: - Ise !'.II. v . Sat ninal It ; ton.i., • s * If:gala
,oh ~Ing .11 , 1 1./. • ' •• 1 I .'e l u. w ., In "If ' l , a t 0 , cation.
,n ;I, ,Ite ...a, Iltly. adopt
ta, 0, - , .... un - sli • - , n •"''. d'ul chic 14.1 . PPI WI
111 Ila I ..ngre•-• ol I la• 1 •1i7,1
i-- t1.11..1.1•.fi11-1011. IV , pilitiriell.
'laLi-- lor (lid eon aneillsement n 1 a , nan.
11, aan ‘1.3,1, iron. the I, llltaitter all 11....„„,._
~ , • nian rn.' a 1.111 1.1 red , ,. ,• the rate, Or _
- •
~ t
~,,,,,,,,, ~,,
~,,.„.„ I „,“),„ g i i„. Imutettote Fenian•lientltto-Ttle
~,,,,... .. tteshony Itol/erts 1.111113,1,11 0 I a
4Mt An ”:11.• , t.ItIlerl, wl,lOll ! I
rp ,• ~ , ...I ..1 •1 t..;aninv •t the 1,0/all al.. .
..Inne ,a t en:a n 1 .lanr 3111,111' Si , lnc.-1 Mat 1
it: . 1.10111F !me liannialed tallaweal tan . I an n :n1•1 a timer pc ~ ~
.. P • f,, pri pa 113,v. 1.....a11ig,-.11, . i ii ,ti :•.Z1 ,at ~ l i••• -
tip :orq
PI 14/411, , •I
l it Ix t ot r 'o ••• iIII4C Iiho• ill I n .
l i
• . , ..u.l tsi.,,a,tot• itt- ‘•,i•lt ht.
‘• n• t..”:1il ly n.l
ere lv ,t.l vtr/. t•.:
nt,a, 1.• ,•1
re r. 11.4 one t 1,3.i1ng '
!,int .t. I H l llo 0 , ./A 1 , • x
to N g,
. woql,l rialL
7i1.1 , •••,..a.......at0 un• !he he-t Ilona n %O.freaft of the l'et,ldent of lb.
-age h,•• o enor.! .1 read o 4: for l' tl4
Pilaff.. of Columobia.
.Feot Legal.l u - \
—TIO • •o .n 1 tni. (It e,
... ' x ' - ‘ e ' o r t t he , tuna le .1p .11,
I''s. toll a4.l,e,sn Of she
oho.. tee. of , •e10.,1k, to the Ongreme 1411. 4. LI., he .111 prote• . •• 4. 11l U,•
•1 the I 10z...1 , tatee, tek - ar.l 1.. Ihe Uan•tner fm,joemeht of his t.v10..• 1.••• for, g ••ron:
0C.1..E1 ot 51, i olh IT ua- t ere , red 10 the 110 rroaf lp
.cdeent fret
.oeolo e
5 ,
55 .
• : Ito. • L.
.... "„
n• A -:::—i!th‘e rt one of the
~,„,„,.,,• •
eol .a,l nllel t
n, ur /I toe “to., th the
Oat-, .0. , 11•...e0tr0• part ol Ilie
..r 1!1.• .11 , 0 ' s tall', .111.1 lt11)
1..1. 1.11..) .11 .u....rr0, Leo.'o o.ive ratlll.,l
- an.l ton 1
•:loi io t a , ,uol tau-. Iti V./W..1,11.11 011, 04 1111. I.
-enato, au , l IlepreNeatatr..,. 111.111
tate, 0 Inur' .1 , 11, eleco,••1 and lunhfle.l.
:ter hA, Hoz taken the e , i.r , uth. of 0:- go.
aoholted 10 tee. .1 1 SIII
!hat lots ,tnte, Its.:11 tot.
hooeln ntereohtnroto.. 1 ottetJt•lth, 1 of • k BAnk
...1 .11.• e-tatOlah
favor a e•oo, ;
•eel , - ,loto .t.:rrage 1.11 111.1.11. :I I • 11.1 I.en
1.•.1- ' 0 11.1.11 1.- Ho' tan
I •••
11...111 . ..V one V roc, 5••1,..• ble•L
1111 I
.r. prt . settlf,t /1 1 711 • tt. ul. 1.1. t•
3.1 t•1t.... t... 1 I; trot:..(
•,121 / ..• hr tt 111.
.n.. 3lnt n•I [14,11. will 1 1 11,1.1.11. I (III 1b...
....111 tog It.
- .11111. :HMI, 1.1
1'1,1:1111 ,11'/;1,•/1-
I I . lk 111..111 (.1 •
Fran. irw Orlenn•
• qt
\I r I J.. ,
1011, IL: iv t•ol
FM 110 1E11;00000000
i, r, ,; ; , ~V i.
lie loitiler, ltnta• Contontloo
large• :111.1.L,
flit•' • i+itrUs sr! yr.
10itt.1..1 uivt., 111 tlr.
arts will !iv w.•
itri. t tly Ilull for 11;.• ‘ , lll. n
Z lUill 1 , I la. n.•,1 Tnea•t!ng of nur Lvagut..
tlon 11l It.• Inkr•n, and t [lnn 1%, mnal
IBC aloi, U!, till' arrange
II abeam Corm.. in the Cumin on Plena—
Ent I atm en. Of Ya lnor• In (be Regular
Niers . Ire.
Writ.- or hnl „ •n..,„rice. c 1 , r, tul cably y
1, c0 , ...1tc1ve• , lorrelt, I'
1,, I hal TII,• first WILM Is.tle.t 01) I
applienl ion TliOmm Mnjua,le , 'lhrou
Io rrt hrtel 211.1tinde, a MITI,
ritge.1...11. , ..n. enlisted in the regular Xtfl,l
Of (11, t 1131../ •tftll, laa.p.r r
r. Th.. etill4tr.l part) ail. pre
ent lit court, atal in r. (,1:. in..utrl.
11.... he er.lkte.l sottinCartly, tt.,tt is,
......rph.l.n.hts parent,. hetth; and that t
n tan 1111.11 ..... apiail..l.•.l lan hurl Ilea]
its pre( ert etl rethalning 11l I In. 4.•
• .1a
th e •terrett heft:upon .11a.b...1 II
1,, un the gr.nind I Itul I rulalor It', 11l
, 1 1, :4.11.110111 ffl Iflf- ho r', and therrrpre 1111.1
I• gal right to the eth..toalv of 11!.. twraon TI
5. Irl. LI I let
the eu,
um. the relator In Ilse net
/..1111 I'l 11, pet mon that her
NH, hail leen. Inal hr 1.1 1
ff.l 1111110 f I nff•l 1. f• VNI
..111 par..t. , ..'l , .n.eni It appear..l I.) pr.a
Ina, he tral het', ...ignatur
0 , - 'nark I Ilf IL f•./11,41,11.1., ..11f 1.1111,11, 1.1
ifft.l fflgt1:1111 , .. fli 0.1 1111114.1 V 1.
11 , f. 1,11, -1. 1 •11/1110!. ftllffl,
11.4 w r it 11 1 1 !..• t•vli If orlf .ff ;f• 41114) . A 1 1 ,1114.
111 , f/r,leff In 1,11).1111 • In 111lf ff,Viot•
1 Irt filf•li f I.f h.• ill: 1 .) 11l
'lllrl. flff I. 11,11, 1. , ...ft/1 , 11,011 Ififfal I to. 4.1..3' hi , . I..if if ff. iffil! feffl v1110)1411. ft. SO.
Iff•g/i/ rff f'..•l riff ff.. the tpili , tnerit
, 1.'1"11ff 1 01.1 , 1'1 , 1 liffl.l 1.111
iffly for 1 , 1111111,11. 1.. 1/: 111 11,
It'u, oliffflf It f ifilliil.l /011 lifif
I.t het 2.
trfl I'l , f,ll- lin- g and ha 11,.
1. t P 41 I a ••1
t :urn!, a . . 1 .411,11-1,1 i4ll 111. 1 . .
',ft, 111 1..0111,1.ff, -111 I• I. apptarr.
t. oa 1 ,11.111. re.pot..le,
It I I",i
tl -.1 , . 1:•o: -p ,, rl a I 01 1:”.11ii :rot,
rt 1 1.1••• , l, ha
I kt,)
:L.l‘ 11t.. •111p1n. , n1. hut 1,, 4,,u,
1014. 1111. .1.1,1/ El, .pf ;11 , •
At , oul tI.H 111/1 , lite 10. wer.•
le •
-1;.., t r,f :,,..1..1. th.• •11 - 10, , Itint
v...r.• I.wir t!,
v r :
A: h, 1..11.
r.• , rl.l
, ' ' hart " ,', IJI.:11 tort tem 11,
14,1 •1, itt•tal
th , in dri,, o•t.-I to
1•.1, NV, X- Th.. i•el.kging
tvs.- '• , t , t 4 P.. 1 ,tllllll7 1.0
tillal.:Cgt, 11
0 ilia. Kn.,. evf 11”.•
An Old and Itellnble House
I ,d1,:•14,...
,I;rlcan7, I pron.;-1,,
t... -t
• et o,t Int ti etut 1,01 ttp tehi:thertftit the itt.,ll: enal
•,.•.J 1 , 11, :,1111T., of year- 14,r ,, , In , int 0
phew, lit l'ltelort. the pre.ent pet
tett, The -.toreLl)" drive. it heavy and resper.,.. I et, ti ate! litinostee,,,, almost
%11l ino-tore.i,,g the trade In
y, Clem es, et, .nl the city The .10v0
4 , ••• skl I •.teerilot ton t, ..f 10111.. gloveHein.,
!t,1.. vn.l ,f t ok, n
heat neat hoo..ier .LO , l 1/eSI 1411 goods.
err:. ,"l
v.I trt.l. I 11, pert..Pnal +niter
"Mt, Ptoertelf at ..tovlt .o n ( ' loot
argain. ott trt , an ohltithed
t roe , 11 0 /tpehi rd mato, A mtniNtr ot often
n.h" .tatennien eon.tatit.:y in otten.lanee.
alt h tun, plett.ure rerottoinotnd
•lr•aler and the etty trade ;ft:tier:Ally to,
tth the., potrenitg,
Court of Common Plenty.-11‘,”. E. II
ow, pro•slat
Int salt, Ilre, I, 111 tn. I t.I Pt It t ]lul
IIII• Pentt.) llutllu If +Ail I ...I
r." Ilia int I IT. 1 .llagt.e. I
amend t
'I'I,, .t,,t anti
I tic :let! lerui.
Merrlck St Ito, go v , Frank li,ntek.sorvlVlng
a: Int r ot tike tir,n of Frank h Itenjatstin
t , . - k Artloll It rvv 0,311, alleged to be
a.. t t7".t Itor ra ot
tlle tti - i, i, n lire tie
nt,, x I t o ur e I , tll , lter, err lirt n Co-
itlttlntlff. , for Colothvi T. 11
Ill' for :11n0tt,11,,T110 , . It :11,1 t. , “;., for tle
11 t.llAntny t •
r lien 4.1 l,t - ctl/Aclll I. pi tnn tott.c.• of In tot
Itul.l st town-11pp 11'.1 1,
I pinto, trt, itoht.ri WonAIS
nt a.ljout 'lntent
I'llll,l Ntate, l'lretsill Court.
lon 11 3114'4..11e5, pre.. .ling.
11ay -1), I 1 t
try the t to I him(
Pot tot /into toicipmny N 1
:set too of (loci:tient 1..: . ro.l or
tolielminit the property ot la
`• ',mot y It Is a narrow strip, lintina
ed by the tiel'lthlnek tool Ilvehantin raring,
U is eonsolio(i :thimble my ott territory
eseirs Inimele mod rie tamp, represent the
platnlitre, Il omlitnn rt leldsoo tool If. !ley
(lrk. (or Vonansith the l'lte evident,
to the custi hissing I'l',
tt cool:1,11ot at tollout
enobl. %. 111 1.1. 111a.1.. In Ll,lcily
Drmax by Who another column
well he found the yard cif Messrs. Meilmiand
111111 omenny wholesale find retail ilrifilgifits,
Allegheny. This house ranks Ala ))) g the mast
mpel:, on that Nide if the river. They sue.
veinfnllv compote with Oren ciligtgial tii the
.tent• 'unmet. In thi. lit y, fts. I, through el,
right ilemling and tient reiniutiable of prices,
lane sec:ceded lit Mindful; bout j.
litnitens. They hang on hand u large and
freiih stock 01 dreg., oils, yore
ed.", nod eferything usually kept In such en
tableilenents. Their store I. upon the curlier
Faidernl tee! I.nefick streets, find ire cheer.
fully recummeutl [limn to the trade....
Difteharged from Contody.—W3lC Ut , lily.
arrnst for passing rounterfsir
!nolo, n bars nottral, was discharged from
• )1,14 sly w yr,onrlnty, it uppeorturr to the satis
action rf I . S. Corntorooonor Mel:and - less
:hat t it. el It as lilt sufficient evident, or
"guilty kuowledgn" to warrant Ills dote:Mon
for I ;gal. •I. Sict:urtly, Esq., twin-surd as
I . nonssl for tilt towlwn.
Bank :Note Reportor.—Tho old and roll
/ sloe National Back Nine Reporter for _May,
published Ily Merit -, .1. Fli rlaarn & (lute
latent lets !welt lull upon our futile. It
es u correct report of the various financial
larlures of late, anal VOlllailus carefully prepar
ed Ib4L n of now cOOnterrelOi. the Reporter is
Invaluable to the handler of money.
Inquest held.—Yestoulsy morning Coro-
T•r Llnivson held 1 LII tomes; on the 1,0,1 v of
homas Cain, the than alto fell through v the
hatchway or the rallecstal depot, In booth
Pdt,allurgh, on /Honilay attornoon. He expir
ed about two o'clock, having ourelved his In
juries ids hours. The jury found that hl,
death was accidental.
Annanlt and Batter.y.-11, appearn that
John Campbell and hfß wife Catharine do not
line In world of arinshmo at all timer the
latter having had the former arreded (or an
'mulling her en four different °emulous. The
ungallant John was committed to Jail to all
suor for We Conduct at the neat tem et the
quartet heaSIOUS.
Slowly but Pluroly.—Tboas tousles) alter
ationB and Improvements to the Monongahela
Mouse are progressing slowly but surely, with
out very material inconvenience to guesta,
the hotel continuing 011011 11.1 UMW. When all
things aro complete it bo one Of the most
comfortable add best appointed hotels la the
E. N. District Court.—TlWay ntt.s itcstg
-111.0041 h. Lite ritottrivt. I.til or jury trials in the
h Inur riot Vron•-•
V 111/ICI p4o,F
~•, „~„ . ,
.1 -
111.4.14, Conn
•tzt4,, F.. . ph,'
, ,It•II.IILIa111.
. 01 l
ki i
n nrAl
a .t
1714. named Thomas McCoy has
het, an the habit of visiting the house of Mrs.
Polmson On Etna strut In the Fifth ward, anal
acting in at vers . ritataaus and disorderly Imagi
ner. McCoy n t .
ar..natal yeast,: clay tat Lit l• n
staner or Mrs. Peterscan a Alto I•rtamht belade
Alderman Taylol, who caused the defendant
to enter bail In the stun of {nhe to keel. the
Ire w.
Wlttaalennn,—Tho eitarire 01 malicious
Itoinch ief preferred liefore Merman! Tay tor,
Ity Itobert Locichart, against James Reynolds,
John F1.11001;1° and Matthew Hughes—small
boys, eldest eleven years old-Ims boon with
-11, 11 sound drubbing the hands of their
ref.:lira-five parents tieing considered adequate
punishment for their offense.
Slight Fir'.—Lust [
ight, 'about half-past
eleven unlock,slight fire occurred in the
dressing room attached to Lafayette Flail.
nionien were promptly on the ground,
but the dames were fortunate/y extinguished
without their anststunce being necessary.
Dinebwrized.—Patrick Duffy, whn was ac
cused of haVittg inu.d.u.i a live dollar counter.
Port uotti—knOWuig It to be seen—had it
hearing yesterilay,hefure Aldertuitu Humbert,
and wns discharged. The evidence not
sulnclent to Warrant the presectition. ua
Attempt to Emmpe.—Three of the Cadiz
hank robbers, while being cooveyed to the
Ohio penitential yby the Deputy sheriff, on
Thursday laud, tried to make their en. ape hy
jumping from the Cara whlluto motion but
were caught.
sus:way Sielflang.—ltosana Harem, residing
In the Seventh Want, fiy Matilda
Kininerly, before Alderman strain. yesterday,
of vending spirituous Honors cut SunilaT. Site
gave 1.11 torn hearing to - day at lon u clock.
Comnaltlesl.—Alex. Wilson, the man who
51,110 the horse and ntiggy from the theatre
door a few evenings since, was lodged in the
county ail lust evening to await trial, In de
fault n sl,ooe bail.
Piurgeon Decd.—Dr. J. T. Adair. who
scrve.l in theUn ion army during the reheilion,
as a surgeon, died on the sth Mow., In Indiana
~onnty, of consumption. Ile ball but recently
returned from Tens
Sent to Jell.—Robert White, u resident of
Collins township, *as lodged In Jolt yeatenlay
for refusing to pay the bounty tux, the levying
of which ho declared to be en outenge.
Mayor's Oftleo. — resterda morning am-en
"ease." were dlnt , Cetod Mat Ma y
yor MeCarthy'n
court—four going lou jail and the remainder
P, lt•bnrirh laco.nollre and Car nark,
7..7. I,- 77 u reinlttdam 7 7
1:w fird rnatotfacturtnst c0nt....1Y '`,`
kkot.ot ik 4,11 Ink found (Ito blat
works. rolitttrt
nti:-. r k.. stek•l nornurnftures and
... .. fat ,Ir,s oontributing
tostly to no•-ksIkkkkk nII our tklllzens
-01 toaklnz utk
ko: koo s:sro Iri
konkkortrf tk:::kor kkot uto, I•.otoks!. tkroo kkor
,r :A.,. rn•repe,•• 11. if :$l.
lhotigll u, tik.• prokknt of: Ito :rokk
1,4 •11 4 ,1114•-444, Wr .1 . 1 , 4•111; :41441 4 414 i :44
hi• 1.ak.1 144141,14,:, ot.k.r
Tikk- Loskorl, n'Sok!
'n rt•ltior,k; ,rl.lll 44:II ;441.,1,141,1/1,
,tre 4444.411/I rkP ' o, •
• 1110, I k”111.1 . k,u nl
1 ...1 w
F . int ry
1 .1 1 , 11/1,!
i 1tt,",•1
•et. lot‘ :or; n
fwl . l.h•ey,
t.v.,y ml
. 1-1.. 114 i n/me,.
g1..,tn0 .1 Iron, Ti.• !Actlcy
:iv, a OP 11,.•
.. .
111 hn A.
Tht•lll,ttlrtilt. vnLat,.,..
Si 111 L01.1t.: .:11111.
vLsj,l,, Tiorto,..l
h nnull mollll.ll'r~ l l, c l
1 he
111 . 1..00, clever genii. 01 it.. 1111,1
the word.
Tbe Race Con,.
Tuklnl; 0.l rnuntKc ~f
11.0 fin.. 04 0111
el, It r. p/11.1 %1.11 Tn Perr), ye-lf,lay
11 1.11,. :I /.1.4 tottli rov2t.ii. to 1',111,1.•
pro..peet Mr fruit . ~..1 hogolatim•lahe, ..f
aplev, ele•;1•10, .111.1 parrs. The peach cr.,
will sion •-•••;•.;;• , t 1 a heat looked a ell.
nthets 1;1 e+oritt t- - , a ragged ap-
Ilet , allf , l A rr , P .A. at PerryNvllle,a-e learned
that the Park, located a .11 ,, rt •Ilvtaneelter. , nd
the village, WWI h.1 . 11111./iV opened at 0.,.
o'elnek In the afternoon. at whirl. time there
ould be a trotting match, 1,, harnesi, tor a
•te t of harm 00, to lwatt artle•l to the
fastext TOLL: hy the ItrOprletor of 1.13.• Park Air.
Itoltert tarno.on. The rare track halt a th:h.
and Igo - Inch., an ()ill orehard, in the ceth
re of a 1)11 h thee.. i••• a knoll, fr hints r
eau tilt male om a
- I.y mond.
Three entrie, a ere 11111.11., bay Tuntro,
1% , ,n, buy by Peter Met:oral/Lek; nor
re! noire, tt .1 no t onmo 'I he raee hielt
.11. t /Ito, ho, WOl oy
the liar mare It Al: light Ilvuts.
.; I There ...ere 41 it Ile a fluusber of
I•, t-.;ttrher.• e..eit. • far e eo•,1 I
iihttie inoro• ;AL:totted 'l'', 1.
e ;am intrtor ravel who,: we did .114,
o w 11
A l'opatlAk Sex Irsir Machine.
\ dimes, I to 11.. a lye, ti. 4.111.,
w.011,0r I , lllf/111. of the poi.olmr hurt
1..11 r11-
,1112.1 with wfitch t i” opt • ral.r.d.
n t laat•Lto• valaablt• T 1... er,-t, In
1: n g t . l
t, / r t;
lrit t
et!).. ,":"..dt
f, 110 IW litlicd.
wa11..1 at \ FifT -1 t••••t• lb. y will
.• I.r l.) . au I 1;o•
I. :1 I h Z.. 1113 y CU.].
la I ttt topp ret•lnt e
T. - rtnu• e
Ulu nighl iilionf tuli
ah.l %101'11 ,lure for fn..
ight. 1114 rf,lll,lt has rea.lily granted he
finale Calmat') of the Oaten. Will , t
Of he- hear' iiihnyhd 111,0 to itectivy
office it.t rh , tnl'urt_At eieVl, o . lrlol,
nr,•lfr aftera 'hurt which
, ruhril to hare the effect of :fittring his
utiper,ina,,huch lau legal, tO abuse
it• aptath. 0-10 g 1 ", hrofanu
cue htognfige in the Whuli• ..ucahnlicry. At
rith 'l'.•r• 11 al: tu
ll,t 1t r, warn of mei
Bridgr ISM 1114 r Torn Down
Wr• A 1,.• ti. Oh." :Nt•C - toraay th it !!
echaul•!‘ ...!!!!!!!! !!!!!!irr. a !!!!!!!
11,+1 , 1 t . •
11 , t, tit 1111• the •1.1,-
\ (err:.
Proferklonal /II: I
:a/1111.1 ret/e
e..l 1., la. eft,. to No .4 ,
, 1:1 41,11.1 •1-,lni prof,t.,
e Ile e , (Aelitti,-Inher ler One, Kentucky.
irft .11\ Nll-8,11171 nll.l 01./iel .Late-. ate ,
11 alleekl till , ,Ile :alt}' se:ill I le• am,
all t..-
rea.l an 4 clif , "le.ll/1 the r. ram Cl'!, It,.
Iw et grace 1 , 111 no• rt.l Mr hwln u e tie.
entr,l.ting er
to 1/1111 tinny rs-, •
,nat tut, elele-t.
About Ilse o'cli,k ve-tenlaylll,ll'•, •
i0111141“sue ill tin
Maaket .41 t.• aron,e
111111 tne °lnner, .11,covert, that
. 11111ki1ii it, in tart ma- /-tn! -to
Intl4,he ,1•111 r 1 Tinde the Inn, .pl ••tla ardent
that .1 h.a 11. tun..
taken to boarding hon., •.a
hy, a here he
m, a left to ”ober lip lln per..nti aas found
a wallet
it.nnla and t tea pape
Irons Artn.:7•Png r.
rroln which ma. , a1pin0....1 that lie hallea
%eve rt t.
3 l r a o ir s u
Lo r a e s'f
h o in lk
.I,e OL so t, n
10 .
nest, been seriously anboyed depravled wen
Or./ WOllll.ll 111/OW. their neighbor.
The are in the halal of I:ladling fires
in the w!eels, n loch 'Orion. damage has
.suntattosl on several Dee...non, It i s
propos,' by ..01111 residents to take the
law In their ow n 111111 , i, And boleal swum:Axil)
~ I nn the Intruders. An organized effort nail
at :east In. made to apprehend Cheat.
Tho Engle On Works —Wlth olrs.suro
relet our readers to th e card or W,gitt...
tutu A. Anderson. to be !mind i another i ol
nein. 'I to. Egle aloch la) are
lir pront lator a s, Is Ont. of I Ily znost extens y ive
estalillnlitnentn of Its kin , . 11 sue we=t. Thosea lit here •
don°wl~•ititle firm alit
agree Ith us In sat ing chat they are :saloon
the most elverr, heliume and gentlemanly men
In the oil badness,
Law ye.... I ltnarrelima . .—Daring the t ear
, log ..r n Crwn nt the otlleu of one of our t - It\'
Clty yeaterthay, the anomie,' In
dulged 10 StlVert• persona/ language, ehltn
ling, almost, lit a “kitoek 1101111. - I steattk
the other a smart I /101 e lit the flee, anti la t t
rte about to 410 the pugilistic In their bent
a} le, when Some ' , eta:tons present interfered,
;ht. I.l . CVollilllg 1 , 11101. eyes, bloody noses, 3.e.
To be l
ainObatruete Chief .
51 tU. A. Gardiner, who la erintentliti t n the
aotwertlnti or the wtst.len bridge Cl the PdAts
burgh, Vorl Wayne and l'hictq;o Mill 10./ ,oret
the Allegheny, into att iron one, boo givntt no
tice that the channel he is er lli Ist tits
si rued eel mild Lite ettinplet lon of the work
11,111,101 June In to vett as the date at a (del.
tl.e 01 , .,1 enet 101 l will es - nausea, e.
A nother.-4. Turley wait yes( ertitty Ilrl stign
latiore Alderman Morrow, on a , tithriot of
hat nig wsittooly oustructed .Irthur street, in
the Seventh %Van]. Ttle proaertt tur was street
tirnmissitinet who seems to itt ver the
of haullug op violators of City I w4linances
After paying I he cmsts AIM, prom talng to reintwe
We oltstratitiou Turley has allowed to go
The edltlon Is torwuded Wen wW reach
sort hers soonest as the mall ruu.
CLUB++ t.l ,
I:IA 11, rrY T .N ABU I:l'W;iltVg:
11.nklroz . Sn•peralon
~,,~ ~ ~, r' ~~.
COlll/11., , ,1
, 11 . /1111Itl
4 01111,
parlit •1
llt—srs. Kranter n•
t•njoyett thn
t}'wlttch too. not In,
-tate nintrafr, .1 ten
ly !m.o. %vitt nue all at,
11l In again tit bunine,..
• • ult IL I{lolll, partly war' y
"I till• trw. who.o
.1. : • V. h 201 t
I ill l , tti thropic
to.mallerlott Merehnute. I. var.
net Lu ,t 1 0.. Colole is
Mitrviitutitiit unit lirviits lot the I`neltic, l:
tirk, itiiiivars in nnoi
The iniirviiiit it, vinnionnlty mit
It It il 11 I Isl. firm. hey ll
t. .1.0 1.1 (1 , 1thll: 1111,1111
l'lnty navy worth. tor the s torug
vtuilerelined tionsignmen
strnniti. t utak , Asti.
hese ee lt
t re , te. te hem I!: hit euritfully
Jittlivi n i sty nt tiinilett tit r Ana
.1.15141. !ha til I I
st t 7 . :it it ,yrage t not
l'olsl the PromII) --) c In:, , Irt•r; Cc
Il tssi”n4.t . Fl Patricl. NlcAnitlty•arre
a sl.linnna~,•.Nl..
1 ,:l. •k; .t
I ail nora-ion t4..;rls, ,11"114 str
hich , 1••• 1111,1.11”:11, tho
nlOl I,rs hail 11,
rt It .1
:rott. 11k; ..‘ or I liar
ulnx 1,1 .1110 11.1. t• ek% 4'l :i9•1%l p
tom 01 I lie SI ref,. •.1 .let,
thc A‘or is1,11,11•1“4.1,, •.1.,0:1".1.1.1,111•,11,1,1”
, tr••l+ •0 11l lilt. 11,c e.l,llnr.
Oil Itriilaor,—Allimivlr. hinny lirtJke
th 1111- -land 11111r0
!11/111 /11• ••I
perch, 11ri
t•orttel nf Al.l
TIIPY •len! est. h.:s , 1 - I.h• relth
I %
, t , t u ;: i
if•h4, of hot h 01,111111•1, lirthe, 'lt
sery hen, y roi.r lx .
-..iii ‘l"
%Va. den, 113 0 1. 1 1,4•1.•;p11.4. The
4.1,1 ,t ill he hnhhl, atml.
Preterter.—Y.,” t 0 01,100
I 00. as 01:010 hel'ore t
Mall 1111,11 , 4 I lot: le. 310rI:,(III, :144.11., In
I 'Ken., 10r hiving 0.51.10001 100:/ey trOn, I.
pro..eutor ',111•1 , 111,n rho
./11•1M11.0 111 list , hors, in I
potseeutor lor the -,00 tWtt ~.•pret . t tn itu ,
1010. it gond let 071,:inil. niit'prOir
t, 10 .00 , wut atlniot, 50 )0511 :0
f.',55 I, ill, APpelir:lll/ . .•:1 • I'l,l t,
Street t'str%
1.0011.1 hr' tol , l••lttr./.•114.1 ta .ttlt. Of the r
M:slMitt•, 1',44t.1.11W1
ti.ttlWil it/0k ri ight. Iltl.l 011 , 11. , 1faint.
1 ,, t at a 11.0.,•1,111• rat.. ”1 speed. I,til
fil 11W P 111,41,1110,
1\ a) ne 111.1 :I,•ago r:.llrou.l. where twv
1,4,1 •.1 r.. 111,11,
lio.ll, I 11! , • eat..,ng -es. -
layed Iran, lint hint, 3:1
A Yen Trnisr—V, volztitt
perfect 1,1 ilit 1.rt110c.nnt.,.11,1111
the Irk,
11,11 Tn..,
Ouirl h.. yell It!Ill, 1.•,v !...
~: 1 I. tr,
4.111 1,1 , 1. It
(Aire nargt.
wiort• r
1•1., u:1;) loaf teitool,
.•11:ef, tt• (11. , •11.trat..1 frotn
Iti1,11 . 1• 111,14 1111./11,, , 1 Ile s . . 1,12111) It/
'l'h.• of
31olirt, alll.l 1110.
Feloni”rt. A••nitlf an"
named I.llt, I
riff' ht . ,: 3 , : he no.
il.llll 111 t . • .I/10i ti . , r: .1.11•,11,
Found 4:n 1113
InrNtlrilc 1 • 1 1...
rr• , unrlo. 1"• ‘‘. •t;, trrt.l
1 .... p Von.. ....I •
I, !I t!loy tt . ..! and w,,.•
knd Men art the parr of prudence
when the follow their example.
11 mot - Ur,!
.1 ,, l'lng . l,lllog 1011,,
do wed Fren, Mororeo , 1,50
. nod II r.,,t11,
lidren'N MAIM, thcKte,
11,111 ch ainpe
11PRIVIRS110/1L ea./1
31 in,
BooY~ fi►tl `lio4').
A 1..j P 171 ! ",9' ; "' :,..;. 1 .;i: ' ,.: ' ,; ' , ' ;; '''''' '''' "'"
IEW 0C I ,()
Sell in.... zit 82,50,
New Cloak House, 19 Fifth St.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
No. Si Placket Street.
turn YM 111 3 0 11 , Eiti ES;
IaiiVALE.NcIA LAcE TitimmED µErtl;
CORSETS—Nein, Satin and .Eto 'moldered, at
hl :Market Street.
• .
ral and most picturesque place of Sepulture, sit
ste on th e em e nd s , Immediately north of Allegheny
CitY, on the 'Now Brighton Road. Persons wishing
to select Burial La. will apply at the Superintend
MlVlVOrfiet. at tne Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
and all other busluess will he attended to at the
Warrbouse•of theundersigned, corner of Federal
and Leaciock streets, Alieglieny
Secretary and gremiurer.
liege Gexon Prunes.;
3) bbls. Turkish
3) kegs Za.gte tiltrants,
All prime new, ,Irast v cd and Ass We in
it BR.,
mfl Nos. 176 and I^..S Woed str OS ert.
11E111:CiT—Olbest quullttea,freeli,
eecuis saJ for 1 Slit hy_
I t/prm th ,
1 1:4:111
the tril.• !inn
, CO of I