arIUNION REPUBLICAN COLN T Y CON YEN The YlttiOn Republican voters emuegheny ..•,•,/ • - 1' reffoutoo to moot at the places for notating eteettOna, In the sav e cal WardS„Boromithe and Too:1011M on PATUIt- DAT. MAT 26555, sad elect two delegates from each election district, to a Comity Convention. to be held on TUEbirAY. 29T11, at 10 o'clock A. 2.. for the pniT 2 ne or ...i/n.ting • toady Tick et, 1221 trannacrteszett of may be prar.Crs,:ron!nisi toterre that portion or Alleghe p snort ty:ng to the an Vongreattlonal trios krill, he eame time and elect taro dele gatesholm each election district, to meet In Con vention. at City Hall, Allegheny, on TUESDAY. A Y 21k 1 T1. at 10 o•clock A. 0.. for the parpotte or nOrril na Ong a candidate for eh:ogres+ In sold district. The primari elections In the townships tri ll be held betwenh the hours of four an 4 sit o'clock. and In the cities and borough. between, the hour. of four l'l':e"elveQ4'4:l•lttl I. .by ihatli".tc."ernstl and treT:f altips by marking or by ballad! ' It]' order of lilt Committee. W. J. Chairman. Wit. A analtanN, IL W. Thom as.. }s rrrctaries. :-)"`"FOR CONGRESS-28d Alle TItICT.- The Republican. of that pore of eny County north of thn ricers will urge he re-non gh ,)oat lon of HON. THOMAS WILLIAMS A,t ..Ir R..prrcr.ntatl Congreos. b. fore the Convention ~.m:Jeal to as on May 7,111. mtiltc • 163 - "CONGRJESS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD . Having placed lolmsrlf at the -- sposal of his friends, I Fillt name Is rel.4l2l.edi by slat, %talc for nomina tion, for I•onrest far strict, sulniect to Ilia action of g the Link County Conven t lon an7:te IW-CONGRJC: GENERAL JAS. S. NEOLEY IS A CANDIDATE THE. 22D DIIVI RICT. friendm of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will present his name to the t'onvenilon or the gress In Union part the Ilistrs y, for uotol et. usition As a tanillitiite io C r on- IgirFOß 811E111E1F, SAMUEL B. CLULEY, t , ;3161 , ..,;t v.. t r u n :11 . e . ii . .ition of the CHARLES BARNES, I, te Colonel Math [Leg. In. henry Artillery and firer. Brig. Gen. I:. S. A., to the :tenon of the Union CiiiirentiOn. uihZw F rg"FOR JOSEPH ROSS, Of the Flrxt Ward, I'lltsburgh, will he a clad Ast.. fur Stirrl R..utkl..rt tbk artlou a the Unlo Republican I . ..unty l'unrrn II In. ttthlu:hc Ir.r"lFOlt SHERIFF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, Late Colonel Fourth rean+ylvaala Cat airy mll2l:te rgy - FOR SHERIFF COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, of AtefLet . sporL, Gale of ire fn. ran rti.ll , lla, fur Sheriff, eu1.11 , 1 to th , lien of thy. a • tANt/Illg I,, anly I cOLIOn. • Ulllll ASSEMBLY. REV. F. A. HUTCHINSON, ,11 Nortlk Fr.y, n.1.1n., ilk.• nre,nt f . 4 man) .11,1. fri.,.l• c,lat• :fled C foll,:atv for tr,v 11". onv , arlott. hl ASSESIBLI, DAVID SHAFER, g,-;•"-II.'0111 ASSEMBLY. COL. D. L. SMITH, • I if /1 , 1117,11e11Y ( . 11), Lu.II bo• a candidate Sir A. Li . ly, 1,10,1 101 l In nc Ilan of Itcpul.ll ... A.SSEMILLY. JOHN A. DANKS, err Eli., ,ern;, e: lint. ft, - ,,0n of the I'll,. 11.1, It. a ~uuty DO 3 AssEmncv, JOSIAH W. ELLS, tlf I.l ll ,l turglt, muttiect tu a,. ttet,,,t t (t• the 11 (•nn ( utt:st y I,4l( ic(J—ron ASSEIVIIIL V. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, Will calloll•In. for .tihirrt to Anthin Ils.. Ropullicati ar.2.l:te ' - s — FOR SSEITHIL SAMUEL CHADWICK, lit Colh,ls Ton n,hip, be, mrandolall. hi). snlovrt iht a. 1,10.,11 t:ounty I ..11Ver.01. al L4tr-1,0111 ASSEYIBIA, MM. GEN. J. B. KIGDOO, Formerly of the Wet matt I:77th 1•a. Volt.. and h .1 U etortol troop, and W.•lltltli, nerve, Ir.. of El. h^... .111 I, emoll•tate for A. h• tore the Itetothl iran l'uonty Coos emit., nt.l7:te E . _ . I"'FOR ASSEM I=l HON. GEORGE WILSON, Of PILL Tow.lalls, will {)resent hie n.sate =saran, , ur Agw,..1,1), before th.• ouxi Itepubl eau .anti' Convention. esitnte PITT TORNSITIP. Ec46' COUNTY CONIIIIINSIONER. SAMUEL NEELY, SR., Nlsuchester. (rontwrly or tit,w lel, ley township. I 111 W. n candid., for County onnole•ioner. sub ject 1.. the decision of the Union Itepublican County t vett A1.124:14. Egl-COUNTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE HAMILTON, Of Pitt burgh, eutkh ct to the .1i413 of the Ohl Itepuhtm.o County Cortveutton, W'COUNT I COMMISSIONER. CHARLES PUGH, Of Maorhesier, will boa can , ll4att• for County Com Luinsi..arr, sullrct to th, action of the Union 14. puulienn County ( 00l en! lon. tolin,Liwtc . _ - • - r .- I , OR CLERK OF ,THE OR 1 lIA !iti . ("QUILT. CAPTAIN E. M. JOHNSTON, of Lawrenceville, (12te of mach loot b arm at the battle of the Wildernem. will be cowdlilale for the above °Moe, cabinet to the deel lon of tl., liepolilleati County Convention, tor: t • W - FOR CLERK OF Tim OR ran ~s t ALEXANDER HILANDS wtti be a esh.lhhtte for Clerk of the Orphan.• t. 4 part. sit I,,ert to the deehtlou of the lle,tubllenn I:ootsc, Convention. tn pt., _ . . .. . IarFOR CLERK OF THE OR PRA NS' COURT. JOHN M. LARIMER, Of Citartirrolowniship.giultieet In the a,twn Union Mepublican room Contention. tnyi:E.• Q 3- FOR CLERK OF THE OR PHA Nti• COCUT, EB. WILLIAMS, /R., "!`"ll't' , lay-Fon CLERK OF THE OR PHANS' 000101, HORACE S. SNOWDEN, Ur Pittsburgh, mildest to tau decision ..1 tile Coln Romanlvan County Convention. pr:iv "'CLERK OF TILE COURTS. JOHN 0 BROWN tit Hampton Township, late Private Co. If. WAS / 1 e , g1 1 .1:entl•11. Vols. .ps:tc 1-9" FOR CLESg OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, I..te of tird Pennsylvania Volunteer. and 311, Penn sylvanla Artillery. linnYeet to the decision of thi If Publican County Convention. Ia"FOR CLERI4, OF COURTS, OR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, or Upper st. Clair Town.blp. 'FOR DAVID CORNELIUS, of Allegheny City. (late Cstpt. Vain I's. Vol e „ I sot, Gct the decision of the Linton Republican County C on vention. nx Tao., 114 y - FOR REGISTER, JOHN SMALL, Of rltteburzh, subject to the ehtlou of the Onion Ittpubllean-Chohy touveution. afC..l:tc . Itgir'FOß REGISTER, JOSEPH H. CRAY, Of Plum Township. (late of Co. E, Pa. Erg., woonded said disabled at the battle of Yale Oak, subject to the decision s f the Union Republic...l County Convention. apla.te IFOR R. O. HUMES, Of Wrenn:. Borough. ninteet to the dentsinn of theltepublican County Convention. anicnte FOR RECORDER. HENRY SHIVELY, Of tie Beventii Ward, TltUborib, will be a candi date fa the above odic% subject to tbeactlon of the 0.14 M Itepablican Connty Convention. ap26.16 _ . ilgrFOR RECORDER. ABIDIEL &I'CLURE, Of MlLllu Township; Will be cuinatdate !e Re c.rape, eutgett, to taa - aellon otlll,e Unlon Republi can County , Ocrieventieen ' - aP24:to RrFOR RECORDER. I..J.Ati ' tOettitr • Of ElizionvilszAnuldp, for z o n%cr . to - 4 ot-tticsfyi s. 4,1139 . • privsnrusli THEATRE. Lzsezi IND dLuchorall. LIE D k:BON TUEbD A EVEN I NG. May at?, Iltr• Great Equestrian Actress, MISS LEO. Irunsoar, MA ZEp r:* ; SIR THE WILD HORSE 01 , TARTAity opzEßA „.. nousc. Hem,. crowded by the elite anti beauty oi 3 • 6rCon•l night of the Charmlog American Prima Denim, MISS EMu LE MELVILLE, Who will appear In Iwo .d I.or 1111111 imperJonntlo, and slog bererel of her TUESDAY EVEKINIi. 15th, will by prr,enixd otra AMERICAN' COUSIN. Clorvnee Trenettard. Knillie Prev loos to which the Opertlit Come.h.ttl. THE RUSTIC LOVER. liteg:LEY'S SERENADERS, (Orgenlzed In Roston In Intl) AND THE WONDERFUL EMPIRE BOYS, 41' Commenclog Friday, May li. tn, for P 4 N EW PROGRAMMIS—NEW Ity the Inlmltnble Vomedlans, _ . fILEUOP BUCKLEY. G. SWAIVE HUCK LEI PETE LEE AND d Ali E BUDD. . . . ite only Coropant now travellng ..1111 new act.iegn - Every Mlngtrel hand near acts. but lbc PEI[I , OI.I them. Doors open at 7. Entertatistnent at 4. Ticket-. 33 cents. Hewn leat., 50 rent, nATITI(DA UItAND MATINEE. for M. ben.- fll of Ladle! and Children, %ellen a•Inilaaloo o I:I be YS e. nta. Mt. DAVI,. WAIT FOR THE COMING exlR ACT SIR W MIKE 11 , IPMA_N 'S COLOSSAL COMBINATION OF CIRCUS & MEMAGERIE! wall 1:11,1b11 at ?slit IMIL on RED LIDN Lill. 2L, 2.141. 2.1[1. 311 , 126 D, and ALLEGHENY, [DIAMOND 'QUAIZI. FRIDAY an.ltl ATURDAY. Ma) .and Great Sextuple Combination, IMMENS E PAVILION, And for On - e - Price of Admission, • SIX DISTINCT SHOWS: LENT'S ROBEIBE UItF:AT NoRTII CUB, or ACT ING BE AIN FROX EALI VoBBI A. eil- Uh • ATRU •Be. , A( • RSI) HULL, Th.. I ..lobrau..l BEDOUIN ARAB TRW' I•E, TEN( F. y . sToKEs• STUD Or TRAINED HORSES AND PONIES. Mead the following Cataloger or distinguished ar. ii,tbroilerQ. bloat Esq.. Equestrian and oat,. do t Iron. Eaton Clone, the great blaster of rile Haut Leote of Equestrianism; Master titstries Flat, the fearless and dashing Itareback.Kider: Mr. John Foster, t low, allot Je,ter. the New York fa late or Itarnton'a Museum; Walter W ent. worth. the great ',aloe atonlatand Boneless Mar ,el; Juan Castille, wlth his t:btoel of Educated Dogs. H. t , ardner, the great lo rams Ile turn lc ft I. der and Equt , strloth. arlesturiol; Marl". Ho. Irigt Ni and Drollerist. John Holland In lots go at original art on the "Columna Emplral.•• or 111 p. Q. Introg h beu ul and highly trainedeStokes: Trick Hot-se. du And cin y'./ o ie tono• a m. llm Madden. the inimitable (irotrequr. e rt. i Tat. Iteqonin 'lo A rat , roupe. or I • hildren'qf the De dolay A. osen, Mooey Jett told Aleph Gluon, The Holland Family. John, , Addle and George; The Mllson Blotter, Hooray and Charle, in their super-perilous arts 1 111 the Traps., and Hari rontal Bar; Messrs. p. W. Lowrio, tenr,aso Brother, Johnny King. Johnny CI, Allen. the u It. pun and orator, and a host or Acrobats, otooqi., t:).111•51, Equine. and 00 quart,. trial orlatol. , iol.e• nod Slat M . , I • 111 . 11., the Yuan , tarsa,•l grne..rol Jam., and .I• .nt.• lgr qla , ,in 14 ,111 111/1 011,1 , 10 1 11 , 1,1. h 1... mllll lit. ,111 r ponit s •Italt," and "Li 11... • Among lastly features or th”.. °Boss., Et I. w itt the IARAND PROCESSION. \‘ 'ltch arti enter the town at In A. N. The l'ror, 'lon alit 1,1,1 tov Capt. F. A.IIENIVII•d BENOW N /If E'rlo,ll . ol-I IA S 01 . E.ILA BA NI), drawn hrn >plendld tram ,of Andalusian Hors., In the beantlfui au4 elaborately decorated Car of It 1,11 be hallooed by the )I..nitor, a faithful and east I model of the (bean Following this, will come the eton of Actinx Bear, Nicred 1 ,- rfornitna Buffalo, ac. rron pc Bedouin Ara., , larrayed In the wlld fan l set le gannent• or their N•quad raan ce, ands wore or More of Knight. mid flames, colic appareled d sidendldly mOunted, eumpleta Lliii °rand Free al - 1111,111 on. Adults.ton, 50 cents. Chll4ln n under ten years '45 cents. Doors open at and o'clock. ruyl2:l4l•ls:ls:oDai.-21:2.4.2`.1 BOOTS, SHOES, Ste ADZES'. GENTS' CJB=Z+DFtM]N'J9 Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, 13 .A_LMORA__LS, Eiliracoarss; cicc3., lIIcCLEL NIPNi AUCTION EMPORIUM N us. 55 . and 57 1 4 "ifth Street. , lALEN Y AMP VLVF.?: I NG.. ar,2l N 14.1; GOODS A SPLENDID STOCK Ladies', Gent's, Misses', and Chil- BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, or ALL IHE LATEAT 87 . 1 LEB, alcriesir cox. - Erriamaa Aor J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, 61 Market Street 25,000 DOLLAR. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, mh=-48tvrter BTS3=I M1.41%M.321GEC,1=1L49-lAla TO BE SOLD TIIIS MO TI! At Lower Prices than they can be bought in this city, =I Cala awl, and pmenre bargsins, st the old Id stl.l of J. Be & W. C. BORLAND, bnl? No. bb Market street, 24 door from 6th Bt. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EVEILYIIOI/Y GOING TO 92 FEDERAL STREET Boobi, Shoes and Gaiters HEST AESORTMENT IN THE CITY. Lowest Prices. ENTRY PAIR WARRANTED AT M'CUNTOCK'S Federal street, Allegheny._ NEV SPRINGGOODS . — J. W. CARIARAN a CO., No. Esß Bassrllicee.sape rea t, Have now on hand an catenates assortment of LA LDIBB',.I4IBB/LS'. BOY'S and CHILDILY.N'S Boots, Antoci, Gaiter*, Balß►oraln, Sc.. Sc., sales any um ass so ass no th.ap as any other Coosa 11,12.540* CaQ anslallininn, at no. Si Rarket street. al= =REM MEM ==! dreme For the cure of all dlrertmes of a private . nature, n l r n from two to four days, by an e ‘ nt . l , 7 . ly ne . sr a s i tl treatment. Also, lien :anal k , 1 other dlseues of the genital organs and their prevention Cure warranted or :none/ Othue hours-7 W 10, U. UK to Ann Address letter. W.. 250 K Fenn street taolr PYRITES. rEai SALT idANUFACTCRLICI COMPANY WELL BUY PYRITES, On, Sulplinret of Iron reansylvarkla Bait ItlnovOsaurlng Co•. Oelee, Corner PiltStreel and Duenesne Wp mblear MEM GENERAL DRAUGHTING OFFICE Bad 12/JABBZUB .44;029.07. Ho. 12 Bt Bt. 0111,31,..,near Buspendon Bridge H.Y. (igfaX4ll.llBl 01•11flailzma• mulls No. If _ FOR SALE-FOR RENT. COMMISSION MEMCILANT'S. RANEE AND B. I.\ frytir VittOuvoit (barite. 0111 1E 1111 A TEIII3IIII S _ - • • 'Oft • • • BANKING HOUSE. tgrAVER'S 4 9 —Are you Sick. • A M and rotnWalnng• Are y , ,a oLlt order with yont cla im derengt r and TGur TI.:}:DAY. MAY 1";. 1'66. FROM WASHINGTON. Nude The,- .raptonta are edtrn the Prk - fade to ,rlon• , (17 creeping upr. ~ k n. and Own, ay. rt• ,In.k • ly of the ritztn I.ler „,...-L.!,T:tr. _ ,.. th n„,.. ~—..,,„, H i fi 1\1) \Elmo Rii()))11 blood. and let the fluid, more on kno•tostrurt,.l in • health agatn. Tn., •theloolat the far, tier, ol the _ body Into vigorott• art, Ity. purtfy no , m from ~ ,i, ,/ 71, , .\.11. ~ k /7/Z.17 I. I, 4 the 41...tuctbook r, bleb make .135,a.,:. A ~HI a• - t- LIT , a•Pm ,, TI , Tr. in the ,e,,lv • and derange• It. name- 1 •I Innt•ll..ns. The., of T.t r, Ile, ed. rem, opou he. elve, and oho •urrounottng organs proshoong Juror.. for the Jane Term of the l:rim general aggrat at boo.. , t,fferlr.H and .1. rat,. n. , tit. Mal court. While In 1111, eonolltlon. lake Ayr r's l'lll, and...,. , how ill ..r I; 11., t . ..0.T. the natural a. - Ilon ,t t.• , , '...” ''' ''''' I' - "'''''' '''' ''''''''' a, •Iln, an.l w:ZI, I. t, I ., •vaul fea ling 01 11, a• 111 ,1,,.11.. ,II110111•11 le ..orye on I 11 , .duos le, 111 1 , 1 1,.11. WII2I t., ;to,. .. , ..,koa lot on thox trlt la, • n ., ~„.,„,,k (~,„,;,,,,,, o , ao ,: . ~ ~,. „„, : I.o• El tln.rial I. eio rt, I, lt,elt , enttriCtlfses en lb' I , e , alb , r'oo• do '' . . , toolo° ''''. 11e 00 0 0 Le ' Nl , lllLay, HO proximo : Jrur., r Tllt - , rx, , , , , ti, , zr. I aa,T•l to o," 1 orbitruet Inn. and do rabgo ,ent or the natural tun, "HAND , Col:, 11.•,a ~I th.• ta.el, the , a-. ranbily and many of \r 0,,,,,,,.., Thre , o..fnerelol. soeor„, ..,r,i, yp tle in •iirt ly cure.) tol Hie saw. liar an, Nun, nlou 'to ••, i • oh. to el, lot s • •kly i ' •• ' know fl,, t 1r. , . of tliexb Pill• will neglect to ,IllobT ,;"" :.••,"'„ . 4 , ' . ,I ~ ~' . ' .2 ' ,,,),!.• '. h• r, wh, n null , rlng from the , Ilsorolerx the, , o.r, • •.".'... '''''' ' farmer, • ''''''''..''''''• ill i•h 11.. !koala, Ite. Eon! , V 111 3 ,11. 1,, 1nnt.,)". 11,11 MAI I Tllf.. a., MM.!, Fifth U ttrd, Pats lull., °nada/Las. ladmeamo Derangement of the t link owell It I'., gknt., McClure tp. 1.1 , er. I non, rtiek... I on•flhatloon. Heartburn, 1 Hole Babe.. eixper. fourth war 4 Ally. librunoatta , . Dropsy, worms and Su ppreetilon. I. t :no; • I:., .11,1g1,1., F,eurtli ward, A lIV 1•11,1 taken tu large doses. Davi 1 homer. small r • al. : : 111 y ar , Sugar Coated. no that the most ...eosin, I ' ','" T l' oo 'll . ' • l•k I. • "'. cee , e ,„ . the ,„ e . th , the. „ , °e,,,, th, te ,., , ( lard satn In 1 .C., t t•r , lmt ward. d r ills. . De, In. i ims... teats/tet , stsoen,l ward, All,. porgallvt. m,shrlete t et dlacoversotl. ATER'S AGUE (•URE. I ~tll Jots., fartnef, , Indiana tp. I.l;;ltits Stelrew S , farmer. Mrt' tp. For Iha tweedy ma, o; /arse - mitten( Pro., or FIT,' ' . , 'mollies .I,llln It . elo•rk, Fast Birtnatgleall a P n eAg i trrat Ilsoaltser, ttr L ' aii:rts '"llF rorst ' ertr. dsvlcti: . Lat.,. John, aro. er e 'Flo Ird wut 01. I'l Ito . • 'nu Feeers. indeed/en. V. tot.le rtaA , of di , ... , ~e - 1 Lat-to a JOllll. I kat. :tinker, Noah ward, Pals lonranng in ABM,/ drranynnem, ranssd nk Ms Mrs. ; 1.1 , tie 1. NI., Supervisor, Collins townoltits harm r,./ spasm,/ le c•Kintrlea. Alta sant Win. 1..--rollins township This remedy 11,. rarely failed to cure the ,• } Ph i l ma n ta. h g 1,4, N inth ~,,,,I i 0,,,, , 2•4•0 of t Mit. and F,•,tor. and It ban this great 01- I Phlllipa 4., I, , ma First ward, Ally ..5. ..' ” v "'"' r ',... m '''''''' ‘• '"' " .'"'"”.. 11 1 . • , 11. M shoe mod:, ' , III! ' I P Ll.' the taup!alnt without lulu, to the tuttlent. It ''.•-• ••• . '. • ' '''' ' ''• contain,. no ~,, int n o . , or o th, r ,I, 1, p.ri.rt‘. auliaLan,, I lt.rharti, 11. W , roller, Ninth ward, Pitts. nor does It hroduee itultol.n, or au) 11,furlous effect , tai ',pollard, miller, l' ppm' St- Char whatever. shaking broth, rs of the army and tile T . 1..a .Ills., easpentor, Third ward Ally. west. try It and vou will endorse Mese as.Lert.l,,n, \\ * Hike! Arthur, clerk, Fourth ward, Pitts. Pt - apart-I by .1, I. t 1 Elt d ci L, Lowell. blase. THAVeHat , ~r Rugs, ant sold by H. A. FAUN EaToc K•Snt IN & CI,. a 1,43 • by all ItruntriaLs. u ,,,,,,..i.,..`,,,. Alas Adam, NllO maker,[lmmingham. • I Mere Jas., farmer, Snowden low ship. Third Igr LAKE SUPERIOR Adams David, Maser, wrd, Pitts. Brn un Fredtk, dilogist, First ward, Pats. COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS IBlT,',!;:'l."::::tr::"nrrer,,',l,•",,.nr-,..'„u',7,,T,','„'iNi, nothle•in Fre..I..IrUICH..T, lit , ervo• tow nallip PITTTSBUIIti H. Bong , 1 A., AL It., Franklin township. PARK, HicCIIRDY & CO. , (.1.—., .lolin, InhOrer. Third ward. Ally • , Hlltr John. sloreHTewr, Atn,ltoll township AI ankraeturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIEItb• ANL) 1 I ,Iflk I 11l i.t.pher. laborer, Manche -ter. 11l 11 . T Ci 11.1. En. l'ltEssEl , t ”I'PER iturr ,, m.s. c k ~.10.- tlutolla•THinn, Elght.l. ward, Plll, It AlsEl/ sTILI. II,11•DIMS. 'WELTER SaLDEIC. '" `l. . 't • ' Cattipon,l A1,•.x.. taner, North Payette tp. Also, Imto orb', and dealero In mETALs. TIN PLATE, SHELL' I mat:, WIRE, by. (... , nglantlT oil 1 Dl:Mil:pi Ilugh,glassldOwer,Nitalt warcl,l'itts. nand, TIN N I Its• MA,II INES and IS s oI.S. tx jar, I Duff Henry, fal - txter Patton township. house, No. 14t. Stitt:Tana IaItitICOSIO aTnitiTs. Pltta- . Etl7l,llll4lson 1.. ll_ Banter, Float I tear. burgh. sheet& order , of Copper cut lit any dewed 1 Elliott Andres., farmer, Patton township. patio,. Inr&f:lyd&H,T F:re Janie., T. 1., farmer, I inter SL. Clair. I:4W — PITTSBUI{GLI SAW WORM* them 1.. farmer Robin., t . I :::,!:..?!5'..'it.',;;;;,.., blacksmith, First word l 'l' !Us. HUBBARD. BRO. s t. CO. 1 ,11,1,11‘ .\. J., taborer. Seventh ward, Pitts Heath Henry, tanner, Jellerson town:1 1 / 1 p. MASI:TAC'TI.; Italia Or 1 Hughey .Itateph, farmer, Penn township. PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS. ) .loHn.t..ri 11., painter, Fourth Wltril, Allegheny. Warranted CAST STEEL SAN'S. °revery deaertp- I .loohnston Wan., clerk, NIII:11t.111:„1:.rti, P 11.4.1,111,411. 111.11. Arl4ll. Motley, ( rose-1 ut, (rang. and all other ; Jones Thom... ,ferrynotn, klanchester. V. ,,, I ll•S. Al: kind, of KNIVES and SI•RINioS, male from ; his:..‘,T:P;;".s".T.t'ti:titit'•':•',"".. E'ghth card, 1.1110. she; t easi-,o,1; Extra H an .81 . RE Art. It ANN/ • Si , 'WISC. KN I VEX , . be. e ' . • ' keeling Joowton,, oat meal:hank, Lou tors t.t. lair. oar War: lieu... and W.Tka, corner WATCH and hinter.- Willman, farmer. I 'llllllll t 0, 1•11n111p. Slil/111 . STl(...rh. 1. 1141.1 g h. lattlerty Robert, —, 1 hirti ward, Pitts. Partirulta attentluto paid to re-leothlng. gumming ; Livlttgaten .I , l4eph, farmer, Man. ` ta rn , t nn ' i .rl 'ql . h.'lllng ' Irr•lar Saw, a 1... renal' , or all i 1...0",,,,. 511 , 11.1,1kutcher, Thad t! Pitt.. n , " , n ,:t ; ' . . I ""'''ing £llll Drn ' in g ' 1 " . •' r... ,„'"T1,. L " O Lott }cuts Jelin, carpenter. Thit ti wurtl, Pltt-. °.•'-'' l Nlorrpton •Itaties N , gent.. I mirth arol, l'llls Ilir" WM , HARIVIIILL A. CO.. . Mahaffey Mark, fartner, It est Item. ! Nick, Ihp Id -, Lamer. Ver,illes Boiler Makers &„ Sheet iron Work ers .' ''''' ""` . I ''" .l ''''''''' m "''''''''• I Ne‘ in t 014.11 /.. Merchant, sowiekley. Now. 20, 22, 2( and 211 Penn .erect. ~,,,. ,1,,,„ 1 ,1,, ~,,,tl,,,.ttaa n , I it, ward, Pat, Havana. secured a large yard, and furnished it with an ; as,, ~t api,e„s,.4 , 5 „,,,,,, , w ,, ~..,. ~,,,,,,,,, ill 1 . •,,,ike1l I .II , hat ter, 1 odllns manufacture every descrinuoh "I It , /I I. Ell, In th e 1 .1.. r. ' And".". n u'wlrr, North F '" Ill, ' best :usu.., and warranted e,p,a, to n, ...5,,..., .., hoey Ham i•on 11., Mauer, Fr:till:lm. rabuntry. (AMIN Ere,, Il)iEhulllNti, ('mad,. ii . ..i.s. Rolm .lano- Inerehuni, -,sent 11 wart', Pill-. :TEAM PIPEs list atMoTIVE IntILER.s, is's: ~..i.set w ;11....., (mans. DENSEIM, SALT VANN, TANKS, I'll. ' , nu,. . h .,„ • „1„,, 1,,,,,,,, seynali ward, Pats AIxITAT”Ita, SETTI.INt/ PA Ns, Intl I,Elt 1 11,15, „"; '," • , doneISHIIKIEs St'l.All l'Akos; and xole manufacture, ILL,',:;;„." ..... " . r . g , ' „, ' 1 . :1 ' t ' :,, n i . '1 :::::,;:,171 ' . 1 ; 1 , ;. ‘ ,..7 r' , ; . 1 1 ' 1 1 , 1 , ', BARNHILL'S PATENT BL , ILIC.Itz. Kup.l.ltlll, dune uu the kloortext notice- ~,e , .., Th, lost ,ot t 1:1 t , ',I• 1 00 , ,0r- o.tonsonotted to ap. WROHINSON. REA /m. CO., (Sue- t " . "" ' , h .L.1. 1 .. 1 .u 6 t. m"d"1 "1 j'"'. I"'" ""1 eeasors to RunlN4o, MINIS & SIILLS.IB, .. e l beep WASHJ.NOTON WORKS, Fonstderet & naeldnixt, Pittaborgh. Manufacturer. of H ,, AT AN It ST.ATInNEICT STEAAI ENGINES, ItLAST ES 1.1 `s Es, MI 1.1. MA ( lIINEICY, ll EAlaNtt. si:Arr,... I ..ASTINt,s o f all deacrlt , tlons, , 1,1 I. T A..s Ka and aTILL.a, MOILER AND SHEET MTN wi 111 R. .B.Agentg ritritllFAßD'S l'A TENT INJEcTnK, or feeding boiler, FirJoll2li CO('IIICAN A. lilt°, )i,,„(,,,,,,,,,, .4 us, V 11'1.TS 1511 VAULT I /Is okts, I Itt o`, KAHAN.. II IS n..\l' ail Ul"LEIra. WIN Ili,W tit:AM/a. &c., NMI. A SEM tNII and 66 THIRD ITILEKI'. between Wood and Market. have On hand a rarlett or --- • au, .n. 1111,,. ""*.`" *1 - 3lLitql iOIII.I I t encloalng brays Lois. Jobbing dont.. short notirsi. .42 ligtr SENT FREE.—A Pamphlet or Immense Importaati... to it bid and ::T:liii n . siisr , ri a rl ,l as , sit single. of ani *vs.-, will be Agt•AIA A. KE.A a ati: Post ntratilvilat ATTORNEYS 11 . 1;. MAC KRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW V. S. Llearmod Noldler.• (11.Im Aire.L „ Rounlies n fori , Vnnotie,l n..dlern rollerind In fro Sir , , ffi r. l'lttnnurgh. Call n - 1 , 111 , ,,1tarn, and ~ an n • MCIIASTEILGAZZA.II ( 0., ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW! ‘ll .• 4141: 144 I the 114,14 •1444 15.411 . a,/ . Hart / on Ulu • 441 . 111.4444 1,e2 da 14.• re not,le a: .llae y rt•ht ••1 al.•1 at 1,11 plit. I. k 1. 1i.,• Special aft ,, ~,,n I ' , -.4 4 1.4 411 14444414.44 , ;I. .t..nat of croppths, Tltler, exam:m..l 4444.1 4 4.1144441144114 !xl'vn;sl . l- •. In, 11111,, All4l %, 1.4, 4.4 4,441 . 1 ,4 4 ,41, W.. :11.• I, ~- “, ,1" veer, def. - mm .11, colleri...l ti,a ~ .i.aerther, at nit!, be fullowlog rates, via. Penal. , 121, $lO, ail Labe, „,. „,,,,„ claims, $l5O. c. TA LIM, Atur,,,,, at .1, 14,•,4-4•444•44/ .tanely gle*" . t• oPP II .IIIe the Court H oak, B. — N.. charges made If Ili...lab:a floe. oot A Rig For umeeed, not! all Information evert gratis. P.: 17 Ysrl a. :4:ltoltioed :Lot 1 hat Isom, the ran- L. P. STONE, 1,11,•mlo ••••It.llng a 1 wooly-H.l, ATTORNEY AT LAW, „Loon. ,„111.• Park fr... 11, 4 . 11) . 11,04, ci 4 4 141 . 444 feet laity, feut 4 4PFICE, DIAAWND ,00poalto 1., I. :II els!, lona Cour %House PlEcabargh, PA IzZoArnhe X =. l..ttaslk3 , ua-gh, BORING TOOLS • 11..• 110,1111: .1111.110111 M. l•S, and w -•• 10 ar , lllll- 1)1FITIIOLIA MACHINE WORK& ! .. 1 the 1 , p11., port. and ! fixed rartrnhre•, each lon poondo of powder. It la 111 co-, N-1 nap,op Indlog the cost of the Iron, ILio,toto Tho.. g n foreiger,' an Iden Nu. 82 Ohio Ntreet., Allegheny, iof the .t, le of Stela plebe, no are capable Or lltr:1:11,t oo•oo,trr. 0 100.• r,. Afnter No. 136 110.1 street, Pittsburgh. Pa m I HATS, CAPS, &c. 1566 . WILING HATS. is 66. Met:1()111) &: 41- -1 4).., 131 11^00111 STREET, \%.h to rail •pcelal allentlon 1.. their lark.. and ..plendl.l of Hats, Sr., for Spring and Sum mer Wear, 823.3333.43.14:Nead5i "Pax-lot -3r. LA1111::n ItY. RIO' 11'1'r3. A Is: Dl,. t: VS I, a/1.1 kltATt)t. IIA PETI, straw Goods Vf «vrry descrlptlou 1.0 roll all in•lev. MEDICAL FORTY YEARS PRACTICE I SEXUAL Woes me • knowledge seld N om acquired lIISEASSM by Physi cians. My bmg residence In thirdly, and thews:went of patients treated an r nually by me, are suincient proof of my success. SEICISIATORItIIIEA, or Sexual Weaknenr, and all diseases arising therefrom, are cored in • much shorter time than licretolon2 by my NEW VEIIETs ABLE REMEItIE.S. Medicines sent to any part al the Union. All letters most contain arum'. to psi r d e 4. "" t.s IV - fir b : 1 •Ir"f17411101{"If Add MS., J. W. BllANtiTliul., Box WI. Pik/sin:rah. P. pRIVATE DISEASES. OFFICE 253)4 PKNN ISTRZET, near Hand. DRAUGHTING t • ittwbnrttvla STOVES, GRATES, &c HOUSE HI ILDERN AND ROUSE KEEPERS. STOVES, GRATES AND RANGES, t , respectfully invlte the attoution of the public toOIIC c xtensisc variety of tiOl/IiING wTOVE.P, GRATE gIioNTS. VENDERS, Ctn/KINli gr. Having recently Inertia/tog oar facilltics for man it fat:tart ag the suove articles., and greatly lmproved our styles of GRA TE FRONIP. anti Into one Or the ItF.ST COOKING RANGES to tie hail In the com oo mun n , y, ask all In need of anything In our /1 of usiness wc to give non call. • . 3121XEREMIXaXa elb C l O., No. 233 LI ItElt-TY STERET, Mattilfeet.brono of the Cele b tett TRIUSWII said BLACK. C/A (It toli hTt/ad. sull 10l PLATING LADIES, SAVE TOM MONEY. By having oar Oki Table Waft HE-PLATED WITH SILVICII.. CASTORS, TEA BETS, WAITERS, FORES SITCHZES, /C2TEkiSPOONS, 3 Cart el PFpillailalellade to MAL L AND AN EQUAL TO SIEWJAOTHAN SHAL L N4,(u.,.. C.. w AST E . LL E : — No NIL Mtno., - _ _- MAGNESIA. ---'--- EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, In 6 or. bottirA ti the form of PtittrPitß, for salt by all lllWl.ftste leregglale. Prepared by 02312. A8, 4 THV11. AOGEILS, Oheatiam a . y. ,:lbli 31 a OA I=l= 4♦tr tt - tt xat.. 81,7 0,1100 67 , 586,001