TILE DAILY GAZETTE. ....., PIIIII.IsiaIf.D By PENNIMAN, REED & Co., No. 86 Turn 81.66zr. PirresunOn. ___ ___ _ ?MIMS : Illit WE njaVil).iir6i.iniii ~, . ..11k,00. 1 VOLUME ',XXX. - IC(). 113, __ Is. • cite V„..sittsburgit 6,aztttc. ; -..-.• THE Ilie.tican republic owed French citi. , zr:n„ tj3.000,000. To collect that atones- Mi . I I r"- ---- I wa ,. 0, pretext for occupying the Meltic“,, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1866. jterritary by French troops. ."- - .:_.:—_-- I Frerwlt claim that the ( It,- . , TOE Senate, yesterday, rejected the nom- 2111,000,000 fran-- . illation of Mr. Wm. F. JonaaroN as Col. ' , anima'' , le,to r of Internal Revenue for the twenty. I , .et,tittl district. THE BATTLE FLAGS. Thr General Committer, representing the military divisions of the State of Penn sylvania, 'net at Philittl&lphia on Saturday to make arrangements for the presentation ref the Rattle Flags to GoyernOf on the fourth of July next. Iltincral Davis, from the Committee on Programme, submitted the following,which was adopted Firat. On the second of July, that the flags whirl, will have been depevited in 1/arristmeg should be brought to Philadul phia by asguard of honor, composed of the surviving enlor•bearers and rolor-guards ul all the rwirnents of the State. Seremd. The flags, when brought to Phil adelphia, shall IT deposited in .emir appr o prints hall mail the time of the preskmin Lion. Third. A military eS,,rt, with appropri ate music, will he provided to iirocred with the nage and their guard- of honor to Ind,: pendenee Fourth. A proper person to la , selected to pr, sem formally the flags to I Gov Cr,,,,, their Arrival at Indepenklem fifth. SIIiI:11,11. music, voval and ingtrit mental, after the ceremonies of the lion of the flags. ,qi.,-(/‘. Thanks to Almighty (toil for Vii tory and return or pefte-r. 1., t 1 11t1Sig . .kft•••• the :writ al of the nags in /1111.1m•IlderICI• Sliiktft` n 4:11‘,111,11', cal i, and niter the ending or the e•r,lll.e, 4,r reception a national Sahli, %111111 be tired, to which end a battery shall be stationed i ti IVashington Square. ...Vi . 4•l/.. At the conclusion of Ihr 1,1-121110 ny, the flags shall be escorted to the hull from whetter they were brought, where they will In kept until returned 1,, H ui Lure and dep , isited iu the . of (In C. ininonweall Teuth Th e committee, in order in carr) - o Imitt thi programme, region mead I III• allointrlir•III col lir .011111Ittici, ;it lailgotli, 14. a wi,m 401 01. I, , f•tII I 11:1,!, 1. , h.. (;,,,r1),,1 The following namod w.•,.• ippoint,•4 111 • . nveral standing Pol,llllille t ovIIIITTKF. (IN TRANSI•oiti r., Fir.(~liri.inn.(;:ncral TywtalelM. (;r! i;n•ok, :id. lien Franklin; It Map I1;1• n6th, (;..n. Nagl, tli Arni , u,ng . Nth. Gon. )I . ,•('m wit k. ( II N T)lw.. I 4 "iv- 1::Ii) 4;1,1 31:;clill I 1,11, ua l .l I( N (',)l. T .r. Nth. (;,•11 Swell r !!tr 1,, ••): ltri ) Wil. I ;( . 11 •\ I ..-A1.1" tom st rri Aim.% (Itz. W n. T t T I.•r l'4ll. \V. 1 1T .( 2...n.11.-ec ._•)! 1 . Inns Itid(111.. E. H.• (..•t, (' l. I,ript-r, Col. Wilt. .\ Ir:ty. Gen. W 11 Ihi (1,•il .1. I. nG. I ',1111.1 M . M ,- G1.•,,[. II harry 1% hifc• 1 - I',N. I. I ~1%/11 II I r 11 . 1, •121,1 'r (li.n. 1,1 11 , • , 1 , 11' I',•1 .1 1' 1 1111,.., 1:.•111r31 I..•ipt, PIT TTU\ The fnit,. ing Illnl,l wpm appmnicd orniit, to incite the Pr,irle•nt 1111 ,41,•,11 Staten, G,.11, rII 4 ;1'4 Ili ( ; ;: e :ni•ral v\\ hit nral Jo Itr.: ( I y , 1 ,, (ti.1 (4 kV. A 14.‘ (.aptatri 1'1111,44nd" l'ul (11/(inlinn (:en. ()trim tieiVeli that the otlicer, of navy. N.ilorc alltl ilk:trines IN" in% 11..1 prat it iikitte in the presentation Ur nil' ilaz , Arr,ed t" • re prevm.t e r eere i ne r 'L.', u. Iss a ge,srd :tele', eine nt . and liii eurely it. huilet and hay s a e : a tll de: t rey, goeirely n ill Ilie-11.ITI-.ln. itir "0 i I ', peeve-roe andproleup ll re The+ e. the most tryin g period of the y• The siatailia of the •trongent yield. te m .• ar. 11,. to the emmurnitig temperature 010191,1iner tiler 1 ater mire, roue every per,. 'IL', g reti g th Of man panne', away in itivedl•l/ i per, alit weaker omen hecomem relaxe.l 11..4 nerved,,.. It wim le meet knell difficult'', ilea Ilegetter•• Bitters were given to ..timel 2 .. It Is to prevent the evil commoner:see s 1 1l adial, an unbracial, 'leplettal, debilitated orgaior.d tion In Jolla,i that they are recommended a. a. "'All' POLII 0" s e lf ll Ua rooir for both fortieri. idled people do, in bringing forth ft ult. of 10114040,i eNery 'lay, who alight have keet. death at hay her yea, to r. 1j..., by Sin is . saisisiri- Loq Thursday Richmond performed the Lt1 b r i ti , 0i „, , , r , t ,, 1 „ 02 . 1 3,, l i k e. powerl al and ',anon., veer. dUly Of de, orating the gnash of its rid izen•,• w lie fell while fighting to uphol,l the late Nine tenths of the conmennity, rielt ae wen rebellion. So ton w e de riot care to object. .-. Poor. work emit tonally. If their Indelq are lilt the "Light infantry Blues" ro•sisted on - "n'ml ' l ''''''' ' h. "' b """' "r" bung. '" d h ""'' medng to the 't ital madam. 4tA the occasion, and then adjourned to the, work en, ,er ~,,,,,,1,,, ;.-,1 n ot to ne the iayateni W ben- in tettorh, hang e , where they occupied the Ritter- and the wear and tear it!) of Moe .' in [clinging the rebel "heroes, — and drink- :, """ life will t "'''''''''' -hily ' l3. "nr"lt even '" The t. tho most oppre,,oee weather. !co I.inglifi r . ;S I spirit i mg from "the (amm, blue bowl." l experienced, Mr aa tag a-. the 1 dal lerm•- , ll WII hit the rebellion w ai. conceit , 1 are tor - pewter! they will his reernltial alai re •- ed, lots been revised by the presidential I 01 1'ell T'S• this lltlalfill'll rt•l'll . 'rllllve As le "Ill" i riser In vignrant et II Indispennahletoyeangaml 1 old. Sold everyn here. Eloaletter'a Bitters Are sold wholesale and retail at very low rates at I. Into Ingle Drng and Patent Medicine Depot, No. al Market int tot, corner of the Diamond aaJ Market, near Fourth street. Col I :las, moved that a history of Ile flags Lr tt ritten and forwarded to the At pttant General-of the Slate, to lie used a. ',evasion may.reouire. Agreed The presentation will be on e or the inns grand and imposing pageants ever entietet iwrore the peook of this Cornnisnwesitli The lostory of the, battle flag., if pro i s by written,will present a Story deep, in pathos beyond the reach of fiction. I=ll Dn. NEWLAND is ou trial at New Atha ny, la., fbr killing the sedueer of his liitighler. Much interest is culturally- felt in that vicinity concerning the result. It looks as if he would be itequitted on the ground of temporary insanity. There is a very prevalent feeling that a rather who stff feredsuch a wrong ought to be sufficiently insane in kill the villain. bust' TourEr has written a long letter to Senator Sherman, to prove that he did not icatter the government vessels just Isititethe rebellion. We do not wonder, 38 events have turned, that be is anxious to I shake off the load of infamy that rests on him. Rut the Nets arc too strong to he prevailed against by awns words. N important suit is in progress at .t adi :mations. It was brought by B. di S. Soot ti n , [Kiri. pitchers, against the Indianapolis i atel • int.hantiti Railroad Company, to re 4 , InltaLge to pork b y detention on the way to New York. The, defence is that the government took possession tit tite road for the transportation of troops Tat.: Mobile lirgigter and the Memphis A rye* are disputing Whether lionnitT C. J.EE or 4.l_N nll F:l4' JO ILE SON 811.1/ii be the candidate for President of the "State Rights Deinocraey'' in 1868. 11 .InPrkst eON Dec P: shall 1u IleqUitted of Irtmwtu, he Will (II el• them both in popularity, with that ilk. :MESSRS. CIIAPPKV. and EVANS, Senators elect front Colorado, stood with the radicals in Congress until the bill for the admission of that Territory hs a State was fairly through both Balms. Now, they are represented as pledging litemsalVes to the President's Policy to avoid, if possible, a veto of the bill. THE Chicago Republican says that Hon. A. Cummings, Governor of Colorado, who passed through Chicago on Thursday, on his way East, reports the present population of the Territory at from 15,000 to 20,000. Tim miners of Schuylkill and Schuykill county are on a strike. Coed is ecilovr In price that proprietors do n-pt mind a sus pension of business. ____ ___ _ THE MeAiian republic owed French cif. • ONE BAY LATER FROM EUROPE. r`,`;', `,',': ~'*:`,',`,!,',?',,:';'::':,,',"„':, ' ,",.'[..111.41;1'.‘-:.frl',:'TU,' ' t ' ' - 31" ,: i o 'l l ' •!,.! ' lt 72 ,the crt tl orni rumen',. ,rr n A Z f * ' I ' CI ;11! e l " t- n o, rr;, .3.000,000 To collect that tuom.r rEill . I ITFS'i TFIFI'IIIIIS .1. .14/1 . 1. -- r-- Mi. --chance tn.., .1 Iha . 1"' "II"II r '' '''' .. ' 1, i• .. . wa, th e pretext for occupying the !tlexican I.lmt the AM ef ., oltit ion cont.:Aped an Alf, t , '' .' ". •r .4' F. 7 , la .: •• \ %,,,, f al an ~, igrauts. Ina all, kon , 0nt,,,,,, for uMII. II e me n ' ' , t ' •'' . I ', off '., m-ercu. la : .•- terntory by French troops Now the FROM WASHINGTON. Cholera Imong German Lin' otteetn, :t deaereed to Ire dealt with ' , l - la 11 er, ar• , t,,1. , L1tt , 1,1r1..• • ' -_—_. }ie.,. Freer claim that the debt has run up to ' The opotkr decelf • fl that the re.rent -2111,000,6M francs. Indee,l, :cone of the TLI. GERMAN-ITALIAN QUESTION UNCHANGED enul,l not Ire rulf4l Oat of or by 0.r:.,111,./ttdr,,;,,n.thr. ' , ft -- lo: r:, , P ,oroptitations result in materially larcer, , Cholera al Halifax Sillisid(4l. ___ w h i ,..,, , , ,, ,; , ,,:, , ,:i, , , , ,.;, ?,, , , ,, ,, ,,, , ,,, ,. ,!:, . , : 0,ii,,. . ,r , ,,,,,,,„., ~,,, ;.„• ~, l, rot/sidereal ut alouftsul. Thp err gument ef ll'''' al,: ' ', I (A rl figures. T)li, only probable way of 1 nitti I Tile( -EaC:ri-erflaMlL /16X,Ear 1 3.42/ tea- the .ai d from (I,z, w- an at g • tt men tlo ralle.l ~1•, .ea I dation seems to be rt cession of some of the SENATE CO NFIRMATIONS. ' ---- 1.1/1 1 /10114 C, but did nut torten the dueNtlon of toe the 1,,,,,,, , ~, Pat immentan law prOVIIICeR. I 1 It, {I El, 1 ., ., 1 , .11ut 11.-The stenutro M.- Mr. me then. , rutted the queetton ot the rt.- , „,,,; ~..„,..,.. ,„.. ,„„ .. • ____. . otn I IF rrpool on the 3,1, ,a, London e'r".;`,'. t'r re .' ffi .l t t'ltn't !hat , Ite,tloll Olt 1111 1' I ;In h 1 1 .•' t; ..: . , IT ' DeSligilh of Santa Anna Mistrusted. ri,‘•ser"refo' the Fltt, Itaa , -00 tel. , Point On ,note ,talle“1. LI:, ttft,rt.'F-t-f'lt...,t rule ''' of the 11 0 11 NO, am! - tn . , V, I I 1 . 11. ' 11 . • "1. :V, 1 ~,',1,",T;;;,',2%,,".,1,' ‘; tor QUebee. Ilm al x teer, are one da/ late, that the f ree/11%ton forty-to ter la. reeetved 111111 0.011- 3 , lcAlurtro.. 1: \ (.. , , f•,' \lllrieur '111,11A• ---.. The / /learner Ilelvlta from 1,,,,,,,,,n0t on the Ir I ' V ' I ' L .• rg - 1 b t It.. re,..ottit , en. I, . Irthtft /IVllehtft'totsr.,,,•,Autf•l'ri' . 1-:l'l. l '' l '' ;,, ' • I ''''''‘'t ; ' '" THE HABEAS CORPUS ACT APPROVED. zd r ' lr \ '.. ''”l'' b.. been P.l 1(1 . '1, ' , Mt the 1 Ad10p.',1r1t.,:tn,:i.,Y,...: that ' ' ' i . -r7,714' Ti Intel 1:,1 .. I- ' cholera On hoard.T" 0 death-, 1 1 1'1 111 red la- ' The `puaket mute that the repoitumth ' .01,,, e, ; ,,.1;,, ' ,.,•, j,,,,,,/, ; I -„,,„, j,,,,,, ',,'' , 1 , ,. ___, U I. I 1 ~,, ~,,,, n„,,,,, c,,,,,,,,,, 0wn (~.. 1.1‘ . 4 rpo,, , ;I ,ire . not lte l f i er,• the 1 , 10 . ,17 0 „ ~,,, i , . ; , ten, . 1 0./1/ . 1, , l i tt.( le, .1 1 7 , , ,,,,, , , 1% N ~r,,. .1„,,,,,,, at '''''''...:''s• Ito ' I i -T, ' ' '' ' l " .l' Iln h,0,(- r 1,,• Nat lonal ne t/tried/it, 1 ille have ,I, , el. d e, ~,t.r:%l'U'r r tt f_ t f ' rrf: t t"1::'• t'itl.,.:riU(tott; t.l e t a., "'• ; ' , ' M!ftotft;:titrulf:s f. t f t l l l/ t f: to tes•l'em; itlutele g a, :1 1,1 fa , . nude' date of Al ay 7111, e elf., the , Inc. to .a„, f ,e, mat, mulL,lll.loll t hrong!, - . nu,. , r. ,t I 1.11,1 app.,/ efl. 1,, Pllolerit has t•ril ,el 3. ti ;yalpe." ed from the ~.... Ihr I .vernment. ha, ~rde,,l ~., r o il e.‘ „ 1 3, 10 SC ht . lllCli. gt,,,, , 1101 10 . 1 !ail,' 1, 0011 . . tts 1 1• 1• 1 Report,f hem g 1 ,11 111 .1 11.Prp NI It hillr. m A ii guarantl7l4 'lotion. not unll,, the. le,t u err): f atththalro, of all UerMan emigrants before 1 I",;:iroT7li . 4 cra5 ni v a r ,... ‘ ,, 1 g 1:,",,,, 1; ;,'", ; ; , ; , 1 ,, ; , " ".."- I 1.;!..7"ri1,'1:i I ‘: 1 .:"! ,r , :',I 1 n 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , , II,;;,, In'lllt,'l'r.l.,;',;l,!" no cahe lath occur, eil collet in the elle ra It - that, .tdmiaten to Englund The choler a I M/. I t harclogretorta that ho Ft oak! like to rr r•ir ' ;,,,',,, I t% t ' ,.,,,,r 1 ;r 0 r. t ., ‘ ,,..„ 1„,,,,. jj,.1,,,i 11 ,,,1 ,„, 4. viclnltj nook , its !init. appeatranee arnong the German ' the resOluthfill cute,. In i.; Mx. ,chencl, 1 $1.2.f0r on nll lel 11 1, during . Jan urtry and Fel,- I rr/ T u l t ' f ' .., St °/,'‘',';,•4:111,?,-',l,',',s, , ' , ' , ' ” .-- tlt, ' ,, ' , ' , ' ,, ' , ‘ t e liailn, ':„.';'',,- t.V:I-'.rtllttf,ttfh,flottlltett.l6lltirSZe.'tittrttritreni ', bl S. I tt A r t l e 0 flay Ott Clftrte:-17101/701% '';;'/I.Utlc'f, r i . :n s l 4 n lrt:;;X 1 ; ir tr t e c c , t e t n n, fn ' t i r. I ; :::‘,', .1:, ; ' , ' ,.;• ' .. s '"-,,'." , ,1.7,,,, !"..,?,',,1..,",a1t,1,'1.;,;,fi,"-e;".”' , it 0,,,,,,,. ~, 1„.,,,,,,,,.,„ i„, xi i n j,,,,,, R,,,,. Umber end pepper, aro! .to - oomes 11 11 art F , tngt.F. , Into tlllt tit pelt.ney . .. , .r ..7.p.:, , , ,, 1i . n ri.. J. J . ,, 7 ,1 , ,,,i i • or T,,, ~..,,,,, ~,,, , sj, .7f,, pt 1),,r1-1,,,,,t,1/., " , ' t l ,l " , r t ' t t , ::: , 1 1 7 1 . rd " , r , ;,`,..' ..,011„114 n','2'':'',"•,','''„'V,:,' ""."' for IL . e "-.lll4”reltitattn" 'etuftriftlito"utttr'etlt:„lt'lle%t"nr„- Poatr„` s' „'2 ~,O.t. 41,'!,'`k",' oiler ' ' July '' 10",,` i'.;.`,.'.'" '"-` "` i !,",': I',',';,„lin.!, 0 1. 1,1,-,,,, '.. - 17,'" 1 r d .,'",,',"r7r,',.' t '1,!,. ,„. i 1,.. ~,; V,„,.1;,.,. •i . 7:' j',,', ".,-;:;"...-,',,`:„', ';',,'',;', , i t i ,.. 1 . i t ' ,.,..,, t 'r lL '' ; hap telegraphed to the Yrellell The resolukket un. rejected; 1 . 1300, 45. to, -, rtotor ' ortrrotro t C tr,:tl. A:: 1.;....gr0.,,(3",,,,j,,eer,10,.,1. Saw ' ""' : '!' : "P “ '" l ing t ,on '''''''T r k"'" ' " ' . ;',..:‘1.,1',",,"i‘:,"1'1t,1'tit':::r..,-,:.,•17:7.'.' h"' ''""-- The morning loan 11,4;111g ~. r„are„, Mr ",",la, "1 ,, ,r' 1., "2 • .; ;, ft, tir";"t‘' Ittt.trterrifirt,"t et ' '' -1.Nti:."....\.,.,,,',';''„!, ,',,k„,r,' :',',„„,,„e„ Mn, et, It ' ' I ' lle rar r. Bourse ate, erten'', u Ith an ad - , I , neres, from the %on, In Lit f;f: ,. on K11.1110(1. ,::::'l'it't'n?l'ra.rllnilo't'f.....ll-;,1111:;',,.... r: ', hi: I ic'ilf"l,ll:;., ,!:,' .. " ;,1,‘ " ,;,1!:, ' ;', ' :;,' , ,'.'''',.:,'„l,.:,' ~::111,,,:).;h:,', All..- ,• /.1.'. [ ,11,11.;, ‘" 1:::: ., , ,,,, 4, May 4 , - , ; , t ~ t ott - The h.tlo. ol the :r0;•!,';11,..'11'''‘`:,;11,.,1,, 11 ",,,1.,:,2,',..1.111;`,:t1'.:,"„ i',7„.e.:,;;,„1,:„",,1,',;,",;.;„:;',,„7;,",.;.,',2,:„,i..',,,'.'',,,:,';',1.,;:111; ,- - - P , ' , . aa,l I - - ,ii - , ~,,,,- -.."'Y''r "I ..:‘,,,;:k„,',‘,',",,',•'','‘,1j I.,..ito.to"'Z:44lnlitltt,";!s'.nl'evl'lntrn- l ' ,l,ll ' ; ' . I lnn,lt,r:l„.,"'•:,ll'intle‘,‘l'‘'!;' h ‘ la r''' fir : l t t " t ' l ' it ' c l •;; . l '' , '; -: 1 ,""" "'lc, gal to he di na a tot tlo• , 1 t11.4i...!:,,,1:411.,1.,,M1„..,1.,Te,.„,, ~ , , ,l a t ;, ; .,;„ ~ .; o ~..r, „,,,. • hat ',tad doll WI 111 11 drunter. of 1 .,11 per lb till , 1111,1 on the table and ordered to be 'pr, idol. I "I'''f'l,',.,t,'Aary fo the -pa,. t,,,, , to, one yea, ~/ n,,,,, ' , ,, , T . I, i,. ii.,:, ,0 ' t•or, ,re,,,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,. e,fe„,,,,,,,/,) /..(1.10,.1,1,,T;;•,,,p,t,,,00,ut.it.,,,i'1..;,hetua11., p,ix,t,:ffll/3,-,, ~,.i,,,i,,:i ~,,,.,,,; ‘, : k o = g a t n. t . t . , :. 0 1 , :;/ , 1 ‘ 1 ,,, 0t it, Ivit , gc, of- , ~,,.., ',el., t ; ,, ,,t; .1,0 In rh, ult. 011 1 1• 1 • • • ,1 1,, 1,, I 1 11L',',..1,1),1,:,',d, 1.::,1,t,',",','',„" !;t;','','•'. t.',',lt'it,',,',,,il"t'in.',„6,r, I.llrape),-Fllnt.",t +,.• I 1'r -trotter,. The uttirli el nieesolud, Thal Ihe 11.,,, I f dm I\ I haulm . I'''' ,• l , l . , mltt t 1,. nth., „,, ~„. ~,,,,,,,,„, lon. l ' erfa, ( we. R t,rtilln, NeZctir .. k. ' I 'q;";';'; LI " " a " d "" ' ha"4 "' l I '''. "I" lailawtao . Re r rr lal';'. Ir"It; III" '' ; e";;; II;"t tat 111. 111111, Ilr1•1/1,1110 1.1“1111 ‘, II II It qt, (01,1 111, 1 • 1••• 1 ill /4,1 011101101 it. E letcher, Top , Fge, I.f Hoye. , '1""111t,1ri,;,,, il!,:';‘,‘,l?' ~n , ' , l „ r j ,,,,',:'d i I, i 1 . 1th r,,, 1" , ; ',,' I I ";;, '14" ,..1 7, 1- l';",',„ ',',7 1 1;„' ' ',,-,';.',.' ,i.',;' , „' ,' . 7, - ,1, - ~,!!,, li 11 1 1 .1,11 1 1 , . lit ll II t-pen.ott ton of Almieht, '''' '. , ' 111, Mn. I t The '..""'"(''''l,'` 'Pe',l., Il'il, .1;111 ' MA, • 'In•l•"fIl The tftecktAitt-nartt , l ' lt I ' l. ' l ' . 111' 111,"11.111111M1 11114 ;I'lll, "' I' PlOl /1 - 11.1 1 1 / 1 ' II I' '''''''n't ' h3E In ....11111. ,111 , ' 1 . . I' , l ;Flit loth,. tit ',.. lllhlllg, 3 , ow baten ol • Ler ' . tie., ~ ~,,,,,tren r ha, the,,,,, ',/,',,,,, du, a •I'' a" '''' ' ; ."'"I "I"' ''' r" "". In-",."' to ../ l',o-plent “1 I.h, at alt . ..au.at liunk ; 1,..;:o ' - ; ;; gr..- 111-1111 to t . to , llono , , :111.1 1. , hereto CC/. :1'1'1"; ,‘‘.111i,.,,i,',"; ~',;,',','',e,",'l' ,',f.l: (A."..!,....,•7:11,1,t1,1,,rN;,','•,nejt IMO 1 • •11 1, I I,: 11 P" 11 11 1' do ne_ 11S I' ll''''l''r '', I . 1 ile 11.,,,, to, Le' mat ket Is lint, with n ;10- , aoi ".1 therefor r hoc The M. t 101,11 11 , 1111 111 1 , 11 1,, i Ile aided that lie 4 1, ,, e1.1, m , hap- . 1,,// 1 , prep 11, „,,,,,. . 111 ,„ ,„ ~„ , j,.,,t I, of r,lie ~.,•nt ta 1% afloat,' ' I 1 j'a„',:','-;,,t,:,".1fif..,:,"ti f"Pt:/g•ent7nre' tifVo'frornit:.e loeed at tr o, efl n rePolntron of f• sPor'dflo. hot 1 lt lo Me 1, letel, lotf' F. F l'; it t. ;Fe lota wit It ...E -1 fear 1 hat Santa 11111a', 1 1 1 11 111 01 0O1•1 VIII 1 ) •••••-, ~,,. 0,,, ~,, ~,,,,, i•Pr'".. V."' .".'"'"'“. 4l "" ' l ' r'',,” ,^ Ca o'l,ol, return of the Mud. of Em„-laret ilttftfrtLl.',Vot,'ltf7l;•,/I"ttVettftiltlill,i'f•lftta.;:::•:',lfltlift'lltltMt•ribiliLZ ,r",,Y,'"'",t,'"l'.l 'rt."'"'"'" t" 'll'nt ' " ''' ' .4 ' h 'it Ml. '''. Il'' "'ay r' l'E" , Ma • ""Illalt 1 •F u' "'au- ; -.11,, ,. . ~ 0,., ~.a.,,,. 111 IP, 1 I 1 1 11/ 1.11 X.:1'1,1100. A ran- he 11,,1 111. mir,...1 the ye 4,11 n, .1 11•••••1 1 ,1 11 , 41` s. j:;g„',,, ~Z:Ir,„0 ~y ‘ i,,, ~,,,,, ~, , ~i. ~,,,,,, s , ,n,'"irt,',l,',‘:,',',l,'"" I'"Ver"."."' .."..."'"' '". th" , /, • 111 1 . 1 1 11 . , ,t 14. 1, l • S • ", - . .1/.. 11l NO ~, 11 1 1 1,11, 1 1 1111,,,,,,,,,,,,1.1,1:,1.1111b) ~ , ~,, ~, .., 1., .• ~,,,,e, ~ m e „„,,,, lost „.„ „,,,, lewd. i , ~,, ~,,, th ~ ~no ~,,,,,n,, '.'". rn ' l' ' '"1 ”'"141 ‘• "nth 11:1 r ' 11 1"1 .• "." r • `- .",',l'll.'t"; iili'l'lr;\ r:. '..i-lin'll/./:.ll,,f:eff: of % fon loon. ' , hurtle, for Me repf,lP It il /II I, It 11•11 /11• 11311 .Pll- , ,0,iht,,," ,T.p",t'',1,1,71,1,1, 'l,o‘;',"'',.t;trtittl;,,a,"",t,tlt,"lpt 's,p7n'tll:l't,,',t,':; Ili'. ''l/1".•711, !,:'1'11"14,"1711T1'11"17:::1' l l 1 i e t . 4 4 " :: ' 1 ' l . IL r• t 01‘1V11‘1"11 •, lonl. L he ., ' , l t . ~t P t , ' ; ' , 1 . '" 1 Inter t i 'ttt , t" '," K r'( torn 'lll . l I , ' , ,I ”.". ... 1,„ , ~,,, ~„ ~,, n, „ 1 ~,_ ii„,, , t ‘,.,;,,, ~,,,, ~ , 0,, . p , , . ~ 4 , , /t{ i l. :::: ,.. 11 . 1 , 11 if 7 , 1: , 11 , ~ T . : . g , ,1 ~ , 1 . 1 ‘ ; 1, , ,, : , , , 1 : inn, , i ~, i;•ircei!”,,ariciffel,rotrelt,:r. 1 11'01 1111, 1 11,15,1 tol,l.llthr turrang before SII, ~,,.„ „,,„,,,, lattll', arrillt, ,•111,1 111 ,` 111 N. 111. 111,1 I ~,. t „,,1,..„ 1„„,,,. 00 , ,„ ~,„ I ~,,,,,,,,,,. , 0 ,., , ' 1",,,,1,1,",:',.:„;.4.,,,,,h,,,,,„,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,i ~ ‘, 4 4 , ,4 , 44 ~4 i, 4 4 4 . , 111 f 1,11,1 111 ylll,llOl, . thn ,- 1, ,ht IFtrol. ~ rltllan I, ""II.;,;; I '"I I , I " . .1 , ,. " I ld '";. n-' "" f :1""'" "; I''' mach h 0 . . •// 1111,-. .11111 1111. l',lll-I, 1 1 11, 11 /11 1 11 , 111 11 1 1• 1 • 011 Ito; plutohlo. It , 1 11 11 M. --I. IS .t.oh h ;, ;;; ; I ' d ,„, , "..""" ''' "l" " , t 1 """; a , I" , 'lett"; • Th,..0,..,•,,,,,,, 01,0, 1 , 1 0 et 11,. ' , SO k hal 1 ..1 , 11 , 1 1 11 1 11, 11l 111 ino, I 1,1 , 1 llt ,• 11. nil Le blond, of ',;‘,',i,',,,', e;.'[,;,,,,!;,,a,"„:„(,1",,„1 ,I,Y,"l't,h,:,htl,','.'•:,°,;:t ‘‘,„,7_ is ' , " "; '''' ''';'"';'%; alter" ha '''' Tl ''' 1;0- ' 1 ' ht.!, r . and 1 Ile•If am ol goel lot the ( furl inent Moo dent hap glglied I 111. mner.l,o 1E0 , e,, , ono,- ~,,,,,,„,,,, ' The ',run.: „no „d „ant. to the fr., p on! t:r, r , ' , a t ;,:: ';',',a,„-t.,,1:1;1,P,", I,;:,Tt,'!„*"tit..:}'•a. ",, am The Ifet e. intended to mob, the cl, 0 m , ~,,,, ~ ~,,, .., , ~, „1,,, ~ 1„,. j,,,,,,, , ,. : ~,,,,,.1.,11 wer,.,,,,,,,,,,,..1 ~,, atho ,1,,• ',that, ~,,,,,,, ,p p , 1 ~ ~..: . . . ..1 i, ." . " - 11 ,, 11 ,4 , I n i 4 l , l, f l : 4 ' , t , „ o l e , ,', :,4,',',,',':;: ,l r' .:: r „, 1 , b, :,:"7, ' „ ' ,7 , u , ' , ' , ” , I . ~.,,,,,,,.. ~, ,p„, , Imo, f 11. rha met 1•• t, •.,... , ttllll / I tlC , 'lk al aefon I,ff the f .....:11,10 I, Or t :1, 4lf • , 'r , 5 ., ,, ,„, ~, , ~.. . 111 1.1 . torte' •IV 11 A ,LO In the .1 e.plor rg,• ~: datv ~1 ',."...,',•,'.',.,';',‘,-',/ „,t,,ill..,tr,",','„.T,",,,,ll:lll‘.'irrP•'.''lt''''-I'''lll'l'll, ' '171'1'1.111'?.”111111/",-,' 1' Al etc 1 T.,,::',,,....."1ntel 7, 1 ' 1,1111 t t 4.11 ,' " ' ''' In oh/41feet, to rode,- eat 1,,,,, -reap, • ude, I • , 11 INo 1 . 0,1 Ir./Angel fn 1% 1/%4 1111.1 MI.LIII I A 10 , 1 11,1 111. 1, •i 1 , . Ii• ,111 I i• .. Ile.se, % Vantilfurne, Rom eel I and I e Alen., ' ~,., „ , „,„ , „,,, „ ~., , ~,,,,„„ ,„,,,,,, I, ,„„, ,„, ~,,,,,,,,a , , , , „,,,,,, ~ , ~, 1 , , ha% e Ifeml alflnfulted Il -IP'''‘l(' (''llll.llll''' h•' 1r.., It 'lt lO.fttlf , 1•••• t ..., .., (11 1 1 1011 :tame 1 ,11.- a •• hy ill, ration:A :nu ef .1,,..,i. IPII , 141 t MI:1111111, RIO! 11, t •••11 1 ,141•• 1 1,1• 11 . 1'. 111 11,1 , I 11, lii , ..., .„ ~, ,„ , ~ "„ 1,1 1, ~,,,I, 1,1 I ~,,, .. . , ,p 0n...1,111 /II •,,,, It. / here I • Iner, 41, , I 1,, ,•, r air, 1 i 17i,11','•11,•.,' "I'O'1,1!::1'1,1•ii",.;:i I'l' l% ‘ . " ; : t,, 1.4 1,11/ ` ! "., • •1 al , IV, 1/ I , 1 . 1 Sal 1 wt.'', 1,1 1 1141 I, 1,,,11 1,1 tit,..l/ 111 , • • 1 111 1 , 1 I 1.1 ..1 1 1, , • , ti ILI` ••% ‘l , l 111 I 1, , ;toned r , r • f TRE pe p lc of Cincinnati ,keein moving earnestly for a railway connection wiah Naahville, Tenn. A delegation iron• the latter city was received at (1116 MM! on Saturday, in furtherance of till, oh, STERLING KING, a rehei spy-, ha, Isasune a hor , e thief, committed by :tarring himwelf to death. He In take nourishment unli,s a coin of the charttei: against hint could I Nin rut slat 11 - 11 S ngain nn lewday, 1111, time nn v,t pn.ft•rr. ;,y 1100 E. 0.01 ill 111, •1101 0:- S. NEW I'ONPETTIA decline 11Z, Ili, 11,,1 in cinillectinti AV Repti:011.:111 noniinatiou lot'('ongrr. !ferret th4trir t. A s . ; TEO, ti.12,11.'w C"NvE NTI 1:1.1.1”1 PililatlVll,lllll,l,lll lit•Xl .I.oy j 4. 1 :it 111,Na/1:L1101i,II 1111. CITY ITE.NS nave You Bern I'o I lir grrul +tile if AllO 100 1 , .•, rk .•r Alarket st ffl O mph y lioltit.nr.l 1 4 1 ,. ..he11...4, for salt. a( 1 , 1 tig 11.1, rift 11 utreel ort4l gof.ls :it he nI I.y t. kel , Murkt•l .111,1 rgains. 4 un un.l .1.101 ,iroa4 (4 . 00 th. at , 1..• ...(1.• 0( a: ((„,k, O . „t 0 re. Markel .1:001 •(.(01001(01 harvair.. (uli 11101 A. 1.! .114,4 trrw•tts u[ .hr , tl.• ‘.l alto hy k, ,k :111trkot all an,l I;El=1 . . 1 :1f,1 f ff., for Indio.' .fin-.;inn I, lad 10,. • !il lit I li• flf lu.. hat or Sr fif. Firm) iz 11 : tre4:i . All I hut new .tvle, ft If fl I rani 'if, I aff.l fifft rlnf Iffrff. It 1.,. than :u.y hoff.f.. it, Illy. rflr. At the 4iehoti Male Auelion 1,, teorkl, at Barker k , •t .areet, you u ill ilnet 'Fable. Lent ken-, !Mil, •.4 Tniere noel Toe - . 1.,, 1..1 other • heceitee.r 11l l'aveng, It anti other housekeeping good-, Brerse glck —VernalifUlr. Co.utit," .10113 f' raatobilmtiaati 1tt , 1 , 44,t1 nue, 1,4,1 tklly.latlain,, anal 14 , ittt.1 ta. 1., , re t mlientlor,lp , rl lnl Irom ite .mr•.• to oblam the Yerm, tr 11:1•k1 /1:1. , he. 'll TII,H ti 1 . , t-fmrgh, .ro.,•p!, Flo Nun io•n3 n.— Th rt, ti ow 11 tclti) , ,, :,1,11; fully 21:I. 4,,,,1111 4, 1 itt 11.11 INIL,/l:/nl I y I rezeparent r tM Ihr ey. , et to lA, Leete etel t.eeeptehle to the .torthe eil Me , k 1:0 Ferrt,Pleb.l.herer 11 clr et t al hark. EMVII 1,1111 4i.11t11111,,11• danr. of 1(opi I f Hark, and 011411 teaspoon fill vont:dn. on gra.a , ampl•••• I rniAls,l frev 1 ,, 111 io - or"s.ioth 1. A . M . Nr.I., ‘. - pc A. en.. Solo 'AlunotlActurto,, 1. 1. or ..Al.• i•i I. i ...Ile, A t At PrugglAt... t0t12.3.Tt1xv..0. Pent, twilit Its Victories Nprirkir and Writemor (Moths. The well-known It Loro of Mr. dole M end, Merchant Tailor, No. Federal street, A lle gheny, b,,0 been lately filled up with a new as sortment of spring and summer goods. The stock has been well selected, and embraces all the numberless articles needed for genii., men's garments. A large stock of reagydnade pants, costa, vests, de., will also be Reuel In In his establishment. Ills stock of tarnishing good, cannot be surpassed. Persons desiring to purchase a good Mllt of clothes would et,. wall by giving Mr. Weler coal]. Thom.. a W. Parry Co., Piaetical Slate Roofer., and Dealers In Ameri can Slate of varlo. color.. Office at Alex:to . dor Laughllnis near the Water Work. 11 , 111- burgh. Pa. Residence, Mo. 78 Pike Street. Or ders promptly attended to. All work saarrant , ed water proof. Repairing done at the abort! est notice. No charge for repairs, provided the .roof Is not abused alto : It In put on. sChrpenter Jobbtog whop flaring returned after an absence of throe Snare In the army, I have re-opened my shop ler all sorts Of }oblong In the carpenter lino 01 the old stand, Virspn Alley, between Smith field street and Cherry Alloy. Orders solicited and promptly Oterolad to. WILLI,IIII FORICNIT. Th. 14,./. Pre.tersWWl% liody round. sinv Atlanti piny IL _officer }sonny, of the c in Beek (rfrpottlyn) l i olice, Bum morn g Beek the body or it mi.. tool ,fig hi t" the gap front Buttermilk channel, ithil front It. uppearanim ,t was bellevtal lat the the hod). Of the late Branton King. Sbbse,P,..nt I.lv polottv..ly blebtlfind by Preston King Weluiter, Mr. King`, nephew. Mr. LY decker, and other,' of the Custom Mona, The Coroner will uold nn inquetd on Thurailay. -or-- Ann".."...7 Celebration. I.l"Asnineros, /tn 3• it.—The Sabbath School union, composed Or 33 Protestant schools, NI'S teachers and 7,oooecholars, celebrated their an niversary to-day with six bandit of music, nit- Lionel flags, emblems, floral decoration., .te. They proceeded to toe Capitol grounds, where they were entertained with vuntl and Instru mental music and addresses. The spectacle was beautiful and Interesting. • An Explanation to be Demanded. ESPTPOIrr, Al" May lA.—Acting Admire/ &WV heaPtat len hcre in the Che erotoata Do Soto to demand an explanation from Cmdr at St. Andrew., in regot-ct tot hiog ioto the pleasure boatotr Itobbenatone with, party of Americans on board. Puckers! of Mon.fleorre aw irer. EztazoO r N. C., May 14.—The retnnuus of n George E. Boger were followed to the on. nrazer tez.lay by en tonneaus° ono:sore° of THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Dui 1, refit,(' I= .1 II 1. NI a La 111 II t I= ME 11113 =a FROM NEN oRLEINs %ND MEW°. EEO Deb!ruction of Growing erol "[IVOR MO, ROE IN 111 . 4:1 It 4 TED n..ou • triug u mt, eeroofulNlee:ll‘.. 11• Nlr,•, hi. ant ~.,,,kll4/11 tho w a I , r I% t 1 If> 71444: 5tn,1,,,L14• k.! 'tzt_ G. ll n.' rfrltt F or, ./a.,• 't wHI .11 Ice tn.,r1,,, 1..,.....r;t11 , mv. - 4i1,1 .•. ..ri %,•••in.....114.3- aro , urrli',g 31.r1,11 .1 .i.• If•Aa.. rorEll /., amity ttl ‘4lt.• t ,1520, n tn. tr Ntec,e.tn ~.nfl^trl 1111 , 0,11 .•, rnot 1,11 i,a1111 1 : , 11. t o rt•lurnt rt.:" .:1, I..ur rtla, al a. The. F re.n. h .i aort het 11, icryt. to n,te• n 11h nuel The 11,1 al, hure at, s OPERATIONS OF FREEDMEN'S BUREAUS Ileporl. of General,: k'illlerton and hletlinan. ion p.n.,. 0 , 11.,1 I, t,.• 1 ...I, I.'n 10, v..•rd ••. :P. •. :. \1 it fnall t/..-, 11, ~ ,,,,,,,,I ion of both 11, jr.!t 1.1111 '14,114/ '. ... 1 11011. %, .M . .. 1 ,ii•IP,J4I 11j/.lli 1 , ••• r/: 1 V I'l '''`'''.. ''' .• li , . :1,43 14,...,1 h. at rot. mit /..„ . Oahe,' In the 11 - - glol , 11. • lo: .1 ..../ Inns, •ii,r.l:/t 1,.•,.,4 r.•....:-.. and l" e " i ' " l " -. trota.• o the Ct.. .anon , .. Ina ' 4 i•i'lii l.lilt i ` id l ' wide!. he prop ,a- adni. 14. .11;.4,,. ,11,1.. . 10 1111 :" . •. ill.: r• 1t1.1.1 ,0, 1 /1 , •• .,1 ,1: NI/ 41 r, , ,,,.,, m., ~, illll+llviit ~/ 11,.. ”,,,. ounl then nottd. Ihe hid repeg 1, .1 t., ii„. t„„ 10 ',eon nt V , ,:t ~,5 , . . 7,,1tt1.eh.1( ilikl:l4)., 11 .. .1 i , fr-m ..111., I to• ae, • . ~...1 on.,t mid and r• ....ire each ,1,11 e.... add, ion to the re„itiretnent of 1,. 1 on , : I 1.0(101. 1:-.‘ I.IN, M•• .o .•,,10. to tin. 110.1.0sed ia, ....he. .1., aggreine I ...lit pa,a, ...; .I..idi m ti on ii.g.. onn .. ~/:.1 .1,1r7,/lr //11...0,M // 4. ! liol.,,try, /14/1.. ,-,1 -1 / ~f t •4,1 :10 rendo - nl. iof 1., ..r.„...-rial a ..... int, ~,,,ag... p., .i... 0. ,11,, ~,,.1 (111, 1., A , e lln ! , ••1,•/ 1...1,e to Ihr ~, ,1l h 1,. 0e..., , , 1 .. ,:ii,-,..,g 11.. I ' , 1. , :, 4 .1 ~.•“•I ' .U1 e 11.1, 1. , •11 i .Lt /1 Pr, • ! !art.'s ttild !ad 1,,,, It, - .0,, I 1- 1.01 .1.1, o. I 0..10.-al ..fo. i . 01.1. , rai to tint, onatildllgt.und n ~,,,,„ of a t, a h., iiitn.,,i. d ... inn,. low. tlini-nto 10..1 extend 1., 41111•11,11111.11, 1.1,. ! /1,111 rPI 1 hi. :`,l. , , \ pr.l. la•:. r,, :01. ..c,,..” ...;....,,,t,,...n...",.i - NI., :11,i, eraul ," ato 1.-".• 1g. ,....dd., dlTri t ,no In toa t., nog Th . , it ...d. Myatt y and In- a ...a . on/pelt-0 to ....1 done• 11. 11 atioe I. to la. ,airt..i. nail.. 1,1. 11 0 11. e. imilco• ~ It, al rp,.... 11 /ill 11 red ..1 Inn, a a1.....1 wictlrig for the ndotn lon ..,,,,,derntd, :mat hal agent on the.a e:Leien • 1 1/111 Pilleti Inlet. to I /14. 1 4 /11.11:11111011 1., 1 1,.. . -- . 1 . 1 .- •rther 'nate, and 1/01,,../.../ 41/111 , 111 I.'ll 14. Atlepting. at Ilatitorintttnn ,n.i ~ • •, ,. n., ,. 1 , ~... ~.•,,,..4,nft hat s Iqade. ',rept., Mi. Novi, n / . ...11,-,1 up Lil 4. /rill to anthot 1,,, : iot t rueau all, lion. Frank Tit, ..., Ine, The 1, .....na 411,1 Si I.,•Ll'r, TI.:11/r0111/ I. o‘lll.any , I, arne/.1 Ind lion. t ut sin 1 Tholuit, dr n 0 , .ai ut nall net .. l•idato. &lO+, the M1.0..0.11/111.111. i .11-. "" e d . !....,"..' “' ".."'""V.I. ' l.l • "" " Wootee. 'hu'h. nfter a dtai naaltim wt. imat • 1 1 ` , .. , ot 100 'ld , • pone.. -- www- Mr ainri-In Ina I, into op the hru In pre.- . tionornt Mirk lox vent .Lnliirgling, vri,t. a tnotiog pr., ntleal %%. ~ /11,11110‘. Me, 1 1.•-II 1..- 1.., 0 slat,d : TIIO hill Pu . taken tip and toad Ni lengit: , i ..Olue of tile ne o.o l.llp,- 1 hal . n•ral an i,.. It . onal•ittal of Int ty-alx .0v• tiOna, and IA ft..- inn, ~,,,„4 „ , ,n, n,,,„, 1, 1 ~,,. • ti„,„,. t,„, " .1 14 11,1 I', Prevent " lan g.iing iin the N. " , ‘" , " , atieli oolitic:01On Inta reit. li.••1 11, la - 1.0.• Ileintr f 1 0,11111, 1., pro, along for a rigid , ysteit, of . m ,,,,, -.1 , n and exiiruinuiton of 11l veasela plying -ama /a., a eat. lite United SOLI,- mei foreign f.lllll, . QURrTantllle Report. t t Iga 11 ',If.art art ion :h.. , -.11 lira, in,a,,,,,,,... t i ll ! NTIM 1 ~ .L. MaN it -- Tao dead 11..troni ; 1,..1. ........., rt.... ra have ouentin.l ni .o.itrat t. n1111:1' 111. 1,-. %/Iv; t• ..arit tit. -, nrl 4 /11. Lilt: Ne 0.11,0 ad. ; rn i wi rl • No n e w I'a-••••^4,, r11.'1,,../, ' 11.111.1 1 im........,........... f1t.1 . -1.. 11,.•11 try arrang,l 1.•nI.- 1 , •, a lin., •Ine , •ling ..1 ; fn der of Ihe 011..ydent, Itrinthim :',l' Ijlii'''',.‘" '"."l."l",.'"'j ' ' ' l ' ''' ''''',U i ' ' ''' l 'l r :' Hifi IND NEIGIIBORIIIIIIDr ..,,,- ~ ,101.0 ..,, ii., hi"' tI V-Inli l w l 1 1 .. "I l ' l ' it. " a t i err.. -....,',‘;:niit't:',l I,',?it'lr'n' td ' rt ' l ' .., ' 6w Melt io:t ' the Fenian leader , In Unlon ', Anal, I . . .1 1 1 1 1 , - .ind 1.•an.1 Commie,. 1., I t itorvp,a, a Mel. a n• 1 I .41,n /r/i/N IL 'IA' 7'llllil , 1'.4,; t. 'WU . g 1 ,, Lb" , I ~,", "0' f a ‘l ,, moat . .tai lid,' roinl ta - 14 /. ,111 , / 1 g•eerrrl Ito Ilse t ,1 0111ILL1,.• 011 • t/PC 1. ! ,1 1/1111.11to. 11111 there appenra It, ,• .1 .nu 1 , ,,,,t,,. i ns ~ Fn UN Aerident - Minn It Mod term meal elfort 011 the j1:11L of those totere-t.•l m, Ind., id. i,,,,,,,,, n , ,i 1 , hp, ..„ ti n ,. ..,....,1 to alippteam /01 the fact, of in.• 1 f, , ,,, , ,,,,,1 1,,•... or h; "von, ~,,,,,. 1 enterollt, - ittlernoon an ...cid, t .... urr. It t t..ospotql tto- at. , ~ , . .n. t lint Ihe Ileini . ip.orgn ti'riebt , co the I nitaal State. 111, , the ratli-iia.l .1,1,1, 11. aont II 1',1,1,ra1.,.• direetrea. of LIM at. SI.I• rhood n In, • 1,11,1 , 1/I Ich 4 ... 11 :4,1 In Ire :lion :eh i reel to Ito. J..- • • •,,,,,. in„,,‘,0,,,,,,,,, /,,,,,, „,,„ b „.,., edn ern „ 1,1 tIo.. hide Mir f, - the le•roll I of 1,.. 1 .11/ tar V 1 0, /. , T.10 . 1.. tt ,, , bill it, quiet the to 1.• I, .„., ..,,,,,„ ~..„,,„..-a,,,,,„,/,„. a.. , ,,,,-„. yip,. I ,„.i.„ p,,,,,„...,„...,.„ ....,,,,,,, h e . i„, r ,,. „. hp... „.„,, all In 11...de:0h or ~ young to in 11 .1111...1 1 1 .1,11.1 dollar., I r. In t nano. lt. the Wneor. , l NIL- ! read la ~..• and tel. ergcl to the 4- .111110,, on : a+ ( atn. It itpin•lo a 1 1,1 tag,. 0 In. wit, Lon. 11.11.1, ot 1 lio- city. i Pr ligue 1.011.1 Clninia ; alao .. hill I'' toil lint- ~, ,,..1 .... antehnine 111 the depot, .111.1 i .tile 1+ rei.... led In liii, ex/0,-4,1 her Int en.. Oe. t ht• i i,,,,, ST,,I ,i,,n-hil, 0,,,,,,,,,. • -, • 'lnn to parch an.f• , all tin. aim alnl. and other in - . 1 we. n I 1 - i.• United SIM., and th.• aandw lel. l ' iltin d 11 1" 1 . lo o, '‘l`i ol in 0-- I nl•r tt t• 1 / 5 mon IttY 10 kV 1 , 1 4, 1'1111-i. /I'ol,l 11. M4/10,111., • it 1.11t11.J., St I, te - le an, read I,Vire .1101 1 1. 1.101 141 to teem, of an elevator non, In/. V/,/.1311 /roll 1 . 1411, :4s 11.• e . ..11.,1 lifter ....0r..., the foul imien Conne III" 1. , the Mini aters , tot alitionom 1 on Fratiela Train. 1 Mr. lion nellv ml rialneed ii . ..11 To ionetni 11, . Mr "invite/1,1,1 Ibe enintillt tee 1;e 11. pi at. , ~,.,,...,„,•,,, ~....,„ „„,.„ ~x , ,,,,„ ~,, i.,,,,,, nh, ... tnra, the liiir.l • nory l ageg e, et. a ,tI. Tim r iagiot 'III 1101)0. an . !Tort 1/, pr,goe the : Ito. ••••,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,•iy 11l ra.,•,,,,,„ . ~„ „..„.„ p„, 1:1101 no Ilis south ...de of the 1,,,0,j0, ~ ,he ...tient now nVil that , 10. for L/11. 1 / 1 • 1 / 1 . 0t. .4 . tin, 40,,,,,, p. 1,,,1„in . „,,,, ~„ ..,„,,,,.... 0 ..,„ r 1., atm .., a., ,1,,, n ni.,l (~,,,,, sai„l,. ~, the Fenian endat.. The Mollal niun•ion on . 1, 1 ,1, in th,d, „,„ „ ~,,,,„,, 1 , 11 ,1 ii h , tie , ~e . „ ‘..et of rediing n ho, ~, ~,,,d,„,,,,. i 1,1„.„,, avventdienth lib eel, for - meriv I Monet li•aininia I 1,0a...ht.... h i , a 1, 0 „1„ h„ ~.„,..‘„. 1,, , h.. /.,,i, NIA I/1 Iho nutet. a ny, 8. 1111N:11W him to hew tonylN head/ono ter!. haa hem, In ru 0.41 ovnr In por, n/ nnld 1,, .f.11,..1., Inntrail ~r agt lenlinral "9""it".”"ii "" 'all '''•" "i ii.•l'.°" i" ,l. ,„..,1.,..a , ‘,l„, j.„., ititeath revelveel at.,-- or aeletolne eollegea It wee rned twit.. ..,tt , n r "` ti '''`: h . l ' s I"'"d 'riki"."""-' """'' o. al appllentionn tor the Id :mare: "r Lin I ca-,.• rnl,-,,,,1 ,f, it, ~ 0nn0,,,,,. on pn1,11,. Ln,.,,,.. al ., Mb], 01. .00111 ✓ lle vv.- plel.f.tl elp lust 411 11, ILe hrotherlmod held Of the prote•rt t . ~„.,,,r O, 0 . „.00..0., 00 , 0.1,,1 e ..... t„ , 1•11:, um] the loodt part of I, I. head mond Ale atopliettii perempto: dy refnaes to 1101 .1 ~,nend II . ‘, . 1 ,. 4,4 ., '..,,, .4., in ...„ ~,,,..0 „ . I . t. t•rcialp.., in. 1 . 1,,„,,.. a „„ , „.„.,,,,,,.. „ mu lb,. m ,.., - ,.. ttht r ,,,. t . t. ,, th ,. th ,. th, , ~,,,,,,,. ing IL 1111.411.10 for 111111 to ~ .r1 11, hail n I, lOot. aIIII In I 13. a building wherein ..... Int.lV ..trerl 1 , 111 of ii railroad and 1ni,....,,-,,,,i, p„„ 1.1,1' P roto dnitead ' ,4 ... h . q. , . ~• 1111 1 11.. I quarrels Owl their orig.,. hours At Seven 0 . . leek, a 11, i. a.•Na a 1/ / 11 ‘,11 , 4 11,111 I. lee 111141 01 . 11.1re1l lo ft, Unn 1 101 1- • ' The inciletntoni 4g - ritual Jett'. Davis Sup- le.• on 1 . 111•111 e Ito droads. Mr. rotten intro. l,filiiiii,,.//,,..,.11ien1::',„1,et 11,0e,,1i. 1 , 1t• , , 1t • p , m , . , 1”; a , ones,' a 101 l to provide tu t ibe constitution of _ ~.,' ~.. '., "-", " i" . ' "'‘ '' "" ' Ile, from Pablicatlnta. 1,01,E..,, Stf ,, noe. AI 0.-1 . 1,1 / I .. dintely on ,i,',",,,1,,'",!',";',/',/r/'.6,,,,""V;,'/Ir'inf,:,,y'''iibl,i'/11.4".4!„0::”.,..:.rand. 1 l' 8 1 1,11 ' ,' ( ; i t n ‘ 117: l j r , I t ‘,:.',: ' B ',3 :li " ,! S l 0 .1 1‘ ' : 47 ,. :.: l ' N.? I I ;: •rt 1 I he adftnirnment of the I 0 ited states Lot - riot . , L ,,,,.,,,,,, n. .t,w,_itand referred 10 the Laillidtlee on tem, ' di. " , li n "'I On 1,-,iwl lve. in ill ' 1.- ' , .il , -....- I ,nort, In Norfolk, on last Thursday Judge l'oderwood left for Wttalthigion, It. c , `• .;,,,,'". „,,,,,,,,,,, in,,,,,,,,,,„ 0 ~,,,, ~,,,,, s °m.0.., 1.,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,, Slag ,. so . wer, atal gave Inirtieni"r in'itrinstirm " 0" iii" Ciiiik pat.licirltlng the appointelent of ito a. 1.111 hand ri . 1 0.,r, of t• • of llie Conti. to exhibit 1,11 110 person ns net. ....yr . ..tory ot trio Nev.- for al I 111011 the from tin, , " 1 h."'-' J"gi' vt"' SOD, the Indietillant brought agninat .legt•t-rot. or ., or done ,/,‘,. lee ~,p 1, ,,, ,,,/ ~,,,, II„, A,._ / prealding, tin, .mgagtal during g o teroluy. 1 .'l':•‘ti‘vlon.r.•llll...; ,'-u'l't',..l',' ; ',o tt t it l' a . i ' n ". l% . ;• s rtr o i f lat ' a il i t ol l i ir t e t . / .. :• ' 1: . 1: ‘ ; , " . 1 _ ,, , t 1 _ 1 . 0 . 1 . . :" . e _ er ._ e .tOrs , ' ,_ tif . ilto ,. x i1a ,, v , y ,,, :,‘ n. ,, n s t . l , l e ir, ,, 0 , 1 , ,i , . t i . 1:: , I 4:0 or t r he 1101. 01 .‘1,01.„,., 5..„.„„ ,•,, 11. it The Cleric of the I nun, art Mg ender the l'i.e'!,.'„'•!_nr.: ...r,•:.i.i'd.e.:, In .. „ li t .. _ “ a „, ~,.,,,, 1 . :oh, 1,-,,,, e 1,,,... e „.,. / ~,,,,,e . ,,, i. „.„ e peremptory ordnra , Judge L . 11 1 11,W1,1111, pox i- Z.:1.1,1,1',7 r,...„.„..,1 7.4 r , ,, 1 7 i : , „;„...":,.,,,'„. ' to . llllll /0 1 ~,,,,, aaro,,,, ,tI, it ...til , lively rettlnf, In O,IOIV nay otif• t....ee it. opponi 1 1011 1 141VINg Imen niatilfested, ; 1 1 , 0 iin, allegeo to have 1,,,,, sostoined to plait Ma), 4 .etieral a ll enter went North la.+l e•veg. th'en'l:l7l..t reaolution Wll.l, 1,11 motion or. ' , kir. • trY a properf y, on Pellndyl, an 1/1 AS 00 lie, Thir 00 the sterner Thou.. helael. :•11 4,1.11.. referred to the Conon! Mee rot Ntivol 1, „ t ea , by ,1„ r gin li, ~,,, or ii, vino, of 111 1 thilra. •wer en', net., nt 11, en pen,. 01 111. 01, 1 1 Al, • \S inil "."• “ i. V " • illtri.nineii d . ',..nets- ' i 7: cal ' ry otr the lei a loch foranto Ii /1111114 1011 111.1 r ., IF I "ig Ilse I Olt/ tuttl,ti on the Judie- . , i ,, „.,), io ii.., r i ver ei.,,,,, tar. le , hi . „ eke , InrY lan I .'l Il lr" Ini ' l the e. l ."lii n i w-I , Il i Mil lade_ , 01m, an that the channel of 1 111,1 ll Vale pOll T. 1, / 11. la.. ..' lll . 1." ''''''....".. bit.- L... " . .. "! "Ith... lit' 11 , 1141 a,. the ef t It Ihe ennal. Plaint i t 0 Ile. 1. 1 ..... re ol 11' ll PP n it , 1 ing I.. "er. ann clatium that In porett.ing the e attal. or na i l , , to make till ortleltd t r tisla to he 11-11 111114/1-41 11l ... he the .i.„ , ,,,,,.....,.... 1 „. „ .0 teh. ,„„ ,.... ... „ 0( .... r • - r,lii Ti,,,,., .n 11 . 11 ,111111). /0 tl,t , 'lOO, 1,11 eo of , „,.„.7,P,1111,1 iboyer„tear,• bald for the datuage, go , it ls lots I•o• I „ noained hy the hrt , ak mg theroot. C. Magre mr. ate, to. ', ed the folio.. Ing 1 , ..,. ~,, . 1 ~,, „ ~„.,,,,,,,, , 11 1 „,,... U ,,. ~ , k•aq., for plane tilt, and .1. 11. llatopten, E 5,,,, , qie Itailroull Cloopoov. '2ll , ~,,se wits not cou lag- 1,,, appointed by the speaker, whose ant i ' • : I Lied at adjournment. a -Usti he to pt., ~ ,1 without 111 111.14,,,41/ y .1.•- , ' . • lay t., Memphis, in the sts.ic of Tennessee. to ' --sis ',',rite qn 1111,,, tlirntnri 111 to 1111 matters ~,,, A1...nu1l anti Battery • r it e) will the i ''''ellt iiloodY lt'. tin doll. Margaret Cunningham v....tort/11y nppearial . O r. 0 ii". neural "" Ito bat hunt,, ""d P"rt."..". before tl.Mrntiot .‘ Pled/. id the v1(11, w .1 arty i.ll impose Into Lire °rho., progreaa and -- ' ' . /11. , tern, Mat lim of Ilif• ,limns ploreed slags, the UAW charged ti'llltitto iltodon with havoig i.- 11111ina of I lo• parties . tigaijed lit thern, the saulted her In 11 1111i.illier not at all character.- Met ri of silogly g • rioetrated, lift number of l i t o f „ ge„ti,„„„„ . killed unit Wounded, the 411101/lit tint' churn, In the course el the heart., Si,,, .. 110 tor of loolo.„,„.,.,,„ dentroyetl, and report Al 2 b • the leap la a glgniille speeintelt 4114 111111- ,h, f),,L. Li, U,,' 11011 Se, 01111 the. Sergeant . 140 Celt,' declared her iiiteuthM Or making Ail/IA or hia deputy, 111111 a stentigral,hur of tai. William Imp. Ohettier this wits lin alltisloll tO e I louse are dire,. tad to ite.eom pany the auld . a Ituildotothle tot-pawl...ream e ntertainment or ',in,'" tae. ,all the e'ilin".-...'''' thinnt thin, inve"l- not we mild not determine. hut we think not. 1/.1.1011 rata,. oe paid oat in Contingent The ,time„l,. ~,,,,,,,,i.,,,,,,,,1 ~,,,.,y a /„,, /ironu,/, rand of the 11011.4 e, 1111,1 11, said Committee oil talk by Minimal paying over five dollars .1,101 havt• polyer In send fur persons and pit, ad eosin, whiell Ile Ohl very rellmtan 1 Ty, while 1 le*;l7. li'ar`l:l7,,eg.Won...Tt..,.,3"tto.M.e,:hlMil,tethr ..,,htt,%th_ twltre,,bilsror:inecat,,,rll.,,,v,,t,/uoritslii,oorti. 1itit,t,..„,‘,1,,5,1,a ter oft 1,i,t,.,rt fleaso ex toontood rho ttive.atlgutlOn to Chat- fixing the penalty tit a larger figure. anooga. i ?dr. I 'banter, of New 1 ork,dellred to erteml li t t„ 0 .h„ r„,,,,,,, mesa , ,,, ity the inam„,, in I.tureny.—E. C. Stall appeareti yesterday Inn io.dlalit, Arizona. Neither of the too before Mayor lif`Carthy, and made oath elittrg last propmittlons were passed, tool the resoln- w ho ao namol Dorn with larceny. Stall, Um: its otTertql was adopted by yeas; . 1;', nays, 2 . 2. (p it sitlesMan In the gift store of Evans A Mr. Chanter offered the followinin Co., N 0.03 rin.b street, testifies that Durnburg Resofred, Tina the Independent, pixtrlol le ' entered the store yesterday morrilng, ant, and vonatitittioniti etalt - ne of the President of after walking aronll4 examln Mg the slued for the Unit-ea States, In MOO king to protect by the a While, he selected twit. nek-is, valued at ! veto of power, the rights of the permit, of I Ids 10425, and One ady's purse valued et twenty- Union against the wicked and revolutionary , live Mints, and placing them In his pocket, ~ , o f „ (0, 1,,,,11,,,,, anal Mini, 1,,,,,, al,„ , walked out, forgetting In the meantl me to pay rneeta with rho approval of this limos", and for the articles lie lied taken. fl Wes 'l'r7;r;l::iol"itei9l4iihe:°:4 il7ketl:r 'h777f'bl;er"B. n ßes , Ilatthls nstbelloves theirels B:t:.—Ye,orliy forenoon, on tion mows kilov.tu to be linnet:misery -and atteort- , Of Zdarena 'W. ticheson,Eaq. C. licyttric or Ise atltuttOMll, and hereby dfreets the Chairman , nango county, tens admitted totirtietitie In the yf the cimzunitue buying Charge of the Isn• : Vatted State* Circuit Cotul.. . . . . N!, 1 nag, 31,Ly I! —"I he !!(11,!.; rer.•!! of •••d• In. o. .n and Sort). darr.l.n... pi1td...h6.0. .1111, 1 . - nglliv, and w • Li•t11.11 Of ~ 1 11.• of I n„ •ago•nt• A - 110 NI, Of rob!" rrtlr•lr y rid Th.: y, ( .111,1.a1... oznolnll.l. hal 00010 h phe tiLtr- that ag. 0 Ihp of tielr po.itlot, 1.1 01 , 14., and t.• %Lair. • Theli• 0' ' lo lut •07 .... of 1 rw , 2111,-,f+l tow ard• I h.• th.. tor It,. lullln 11,,. fart Tho ntl,l:,:kr) ponillty wvi t;.•• n.l t of nti 11111 rv•lus, mak Ing ut-re-ts, pn•itig il,m,! It'! 111. ,ling h,w` T11...10101, of 11 0111011., n. 01.1•11.10. Itginiti.l I 0,10 110,111. 11 (111...111i.er- 111 . 4.10 101 1011011,0 iii. With I O rIDilLlO/1. It Might 1..• 81.1 e to I 0':11, t .• k t rwonim, V I'ON (W. 101( inhtithee, till ofrhqw...io jr,ot 1 hf. knowl.4l ot 1110 %V.. 1,1. , •1:1,41I,1 that Ih, whi,h nt:t.t r..f..retio., to II of ot Ili,. Bum,. In Vi rglnia, . r-to.fetutter 0f11,2r- COMII/untling 1110 trooi.. of 'I duty 101 It may • , 1111 1 , •• n..e,,,srs. to twrlorni COnDeCtIC2II with the free.lttlen, 1. .1•1.111'. 11 1 . 010-11.1i10 to North (sr. San LPL nam'et Tit venie,..tr—Forglan Matter. 1 01: ]lay II -- knitit i• • buil not ilmii•itreil 111, to u, ,. tit:. Inv It It,atti, ntu not 1, 171••• r• I f,i)OrrOU aLft , rno.ol. w tv.n 11, will make tiii Me Ilea/ it/ or Jeff Davin. • o seox, May 1 . 1.-11. Is 00.1crstooLl RV the re....01t. ary cc 1.. hat I • ccaclen t J , PIIIIIIIIII ham .1 ircetc.l the of .00 Pc, 1.. make a ..... lal rcporl rI ht. 1c.0.111, ..1 .1,11 (bus Is, Uw II In ef , 1111 , 1., II y Im ttl i lr/0/4 hc 1004 twelve Inuntlo., 11, , 11111.11.11,11, Intrnp/00,. ‘l.llll chittlgiog 01 11., rl.nrcult.l Isis cell ha.. ent 0.1 I. lin front 4 ThjOYI/I‘.: alny t-11/10, 100.3 than L w.. hot:, u brok 01.0.0, 00.1 tl.Ol 111. 11.001 Ic. 1111110 g rapltlly. 110 0, 4.10./001 CA 1111,1, 11, N% Zhu niLw.o Ica int' letinont vac 1...1 11.0, nt than„ ! pec.ly ILctlcli 11... 2,1• w I:1 .nun inflow. 1 , . on. Acroaw vane Buono, Ayres. tharrairtiny flllll the Pat ritiais— Ter rl nal Sr," long, Alav I - Ito hat v April datos to . Mareti eth, and Rio Almon, to itth The Vars.piayans nail, it Was said, croe, f.ii the Parana at I, ondltarim drivon bark tin: outoptints mid Wm, advancing against. the Brarilfun army under Baron A legro. honeys [tyros wan vinited by a terrilin bunt. one on the Intl, of March, (lowa 64,- -eral houses and doing groat damage The Italtin eager Market Ix dull !trick at Buenos Ayres, but rather imsta Oral 11/ Fires to Louisville—Heavy. Loss. I , ortsvlLLe, May 14.—Ten tenement build ing. on Fourth and hulk M. si rents %Vere bp roed this morning. The loss IN fifty-three thonsuml 'l'lio Insurance WWI twenty-four thousand three hundred dollars, lirhiclpaliy in home companies. Eleven o'clock p. m.—A ere Is now raging in tile premises of GOOrigef nr01.4011, ritim ht.! , int .Murket street. The total de , druction of his establlshtnent Is feared. The contiguous buildings wf l ho destroyed. New Work Hank NlntemOnit. • Raw Yoax, May IL—The Now York bank atatemont shows: Loans—lncrease, $2,647,1a3; Specio—lnereaso, Vfi...k4va ; Circulation—De rewel, .732,41 N ; Deposits —lnereaeo, 4719,W; Legal Tnder* - -theyeaee, $3,830412, IMME= rn ,4 th ,trrill I :is tic v.,111 - - --- PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1866 :,,,,,,.. st. r.• :kgatL, .., r.•nt tp. 1 . 1,1-. I hal.. Tta. ......11.1t, 21111,1111111,t, 141 1 / ' 1 .4iA11.1 mid Ft iv. r ~,k t11.1....11., t. , ttn..ligte 1., f .•.• „ ,),,,,,,,i,,,, ~, ~. ,k.f,•,,..,. :11,1,1 1 1 1,1111 LIIi.I I•t 1,....1., I.t , t wrr, t.nl 1,1 , .• , I n•• 11.,,, dr."....1• ~.,.1 tI“ .I.olv , ro , ltte.t. .. onl'/111, .• ill 11, %11 1.. 1.1 P: 1 / 1 ., , I.t11 11. 1 , r.f Ipt !I ... , 1 h. 11. 1.1.1, to , 1111 - ei.ltt.. Titn srr, two,- :., irl/i ' ll ' ' ....' ''''' . 1". 1 .3, i 1 "' "1.• ''''' ' , P. ,... .. , . , " \ ,P - 1 .... ing ~ I 11.. , lii [Oll, , ...,,,,....11,st 11 t-trut•ll“..., to, ~ v. ith.lr .vv , l ~11 1,1 111,11 ..I Mr, 1 “.1, 7.1 tt ~. .., o !tJ . ....t 1 , .... - Nom 1 :0 1,,, .in...01v 1,. oot.t:o. a. 1,,,,,,,, ~L..t.,,,,, 1 .,,,, tI. t ~tztillltt,•.. “t 11, kti ,,, 1t.... A. . 1tt..1 t!... 1,, 1n., , a1 .•....- rt•l N 1.,.... to I , ..tisi.t. v. h..the: R:,l •11,,,•111 1114,111 ,,t111,1 OH 1 /11' 1111 0.'11 1 ',a/ ..• !, . 1 1.'31 ..1 I'. ne 1, •,1 1 1 . 1 P 7 , .. Pi , l'lti., 1. ,t,'• :lir . I, pat. i. ..“11,1 ..1r , 1P., .•1 st .11t. cl •,,, .t. ;:, -t., ••• ro4lto , ts, .tt ti. , . t:. :I pyatt. - /I !1•LbUi1111l1. =EI th•li rt, ~,,, •igt Ili. it .11.pu.. I,sll \ tt , I il .t• mat thv I wtot!nnd " ' 4• U I t tis), .1"1 wt hell., 4,113101 1,. ••• rkr[l, tt, r,,,;.•••1: tz.tllOn (ll' no Unit /Io CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. tif . 11,: 11 11 , 11.111 i t•va 'll 1 \ -,1 1 lie• 11 1,1,1 01 •1 , - , ‘, :at at),l Italy 11 , 11111141 me „n, 11 . 1, 61151,', :' 1, Ma) 11, I ..•• 31‘ I . S IT •••••F, ins* t ru/JI:ou ,! M iolnt re.crh— IJ , C% "I q • . - H.111.747 II:,• 111 I rr t ,t,, 0,, lot (Ile Nei- ;tlwro, lot .ti. =3 I 111: pl:' II I! .• • ,Lt.,. te , -Enorr'•%, ~~, ,~w,~.., MEI it I . ,f =1 LLB tt.•tf An r•oiwno.r.•.• "y th.• I, I 1 1 11,diTtn-. SEE Snit for Dlstmtgen, 6 •.• • Tlia: .h1...i• r”. ,t•r% nu , .11 I !1.•,. I/11.111y. I /..•211 nto i•I /lan L 11.• I. L1L,.1 .1.• , i • iII .•.I ..f ik. a I I f ,, I 111 11'1111 , •1, t, 1,.i I rg•ttl a• on ial, l ), 4,1 ,r 11, 11 (11.• .{-..M•I'11,111 4 Mili:11/•- P.I /lc 'lf 1%311 1 .101. i, I :Ind I 'N ,Jr• 11. J t., r. 111 ,11,1. „. . MEM I- Igic. 11 I. M. .144, ahl ..f.t:34,- 1 , .k, (.. ‘ltlirt,••• dol,n 14.444 444. •1 ,1411:, it , 44r,,, 11 i.• . mrat , l. ti, T . . M 1(.11:1 WI , 4444, :11,4, .144.4•;414 I .1 1:13,i4, ,-, o4,trt 114441 k and 144,4! , 41t4, 4 • 4 11.14). 1!..• .441,41,14 • • ' i /sit: ' El I I ll rt, . 1.% I i/111 •11) 'II M, .et:., el tee ' " ."• • ••• '• """ "."""•" . 1.::.[ • •' ...1.•I ~ 1. , . , '.NI, 4..' , 1 . , • I M k ) t ,•,.ttztttot.t .e tt .1 .6 ... ~p.,., .1 ow , . 1 , - 1 ll'l I . s - I tit ,ll, 1 ~,- ', Irrotof./. tosik hv 1.. E 1 1,1 AI NI (../styl bl II o t.11.t.. . e d Al !..' . o it .• . ,7',1h.•1 ~ ,, , ,,„,,I ~t .ll v heto/rt 11:/ r..t,..1t ~ ~,k 1V,...t.10y Thro,kluctrt..t, ‘,..Nttutut.lt..eott. a. 1.1 The, .1 , 4 , 11.. t, •.7 ... , ..71 - tut v v.... ~010, ‘ , M,.111•3', ,1. 1‘ 111, lived I'l, cm: - tn.! 1t...../.., ~. it I ~,. ..,r.I. It It I -. ..t•1 4 1 1 . , 2 1:I1.1.•1! I 2 1..",,,1.`0,1 ‘ ‘1' ,, 1 2 1 ' '.., • ..•.1,..., NI. -•-t- It , 11,1., ~,t. L.,. 1t.... , 11,-...t. l pit?, • . I, ••:.:11 .. 11, 1.172 1 / 7 1.1.4, 1. c,,1, , 0, l'. , :M: 1 .. .) .1 %V, 1 .• ..,,,,,, e a„,! },,,. ~.,„ , . - I , '', ',' L....pm, Irtnr,..nt o .m1.11:1,...1. ..,...,... : ,t,.... ~•, I, , .. , ~. r...:11.1tn, I•. 1111,... ~,,, ,I ,nt 1t.. , tn . ] .:net :nn 1t......1.,•.t..... • i• , 7 r.. 01401 111 tore, f 1t ..,• .t . .,..t, .4 t P t. • : ' 14: J.•... ' ,` 1 0 ~ , ' 11;1,...,01.3,1( "11114•1,,:111. 1....,•1 t 11 ..F.li r 1 LS I I / !la., '..'... II H.. , .Itol If.thtt pan) S. 11, I , JII Or 11. Villt . M1.'. 1 ' !!,: ' , • ::,:,,,,.. ' :,,,, " : ";! , ." , :: 7 ::;' , ' , '' , '. , :r:i....i1.1'....`.. , ,r;:: . ic.i . ,"t'.1.'.‘,,, n1 , t ,,, ;h',.,'.7.°,:„',.,.1."',:::. " , .:;:::,v„';',i „ ~,, „ ,71:‘,.,., : .. •.t Iti,- v 01.,. ...1,..1 , 12011.3.121111 y .. ,, 1tt11tt1.....,1 11. i.• ..1.1. , 1,00 11)1 I /,,,,, :1,1,- 1 , 1,, 1511..,/ • .11.: :, :I ....,.011,i bilil,. Mr 1 fly of thy net of 11.. 1. ,.tt - Itititt . .• .tept tt tt, II ..:1 . .t.) It. ,'..- ~ .• tt..1,•,t, K1 , .. ,-, 1,.. . 01 . ! llt.•rtx of thoir ,Ilart../....1 rlght, for tt11t.,.,.1 11.. .1.,1 :tot .1....-tr.• t 1., 7.44.1”,,, but Im.l 1 . .....11 I ~,,, ~,,,t nt.,,,,,. it,,,,,,/ Tn,. , ~,„., 1,,1, ." .14.. Ittttl ,t, I t ttltt , tt It , ' t ' ,,,, tt , I" rt t't 1 01. , flint thy. ettniplittre,,,,t, ~ .14, mot tr, . 1,0,111011 Me ! , t.llc 1,1. •1, It 1..• fo•tn.l 1tm1..,•:, 1., the tu ,i,.,1„,,,t ~ rt„,, ,j,.,„ t„,, , ..,,.. „,,, 101,, 11% , t ,,, :11, /." , r,. ' .,,, , ',.. ~,!,07 . 2, . I,lfllleti 10 till. l'a. , t th,, " ~.. A.,:do -Intl.! 11,. 1,. ,r.t 1 11,.. I I le prie.o.eolity, . i teen penillti o , co the sotj rem, ! our! to' pen, ot ; ,y 1,,,,,,,, ll 1., 1111( 1,, ,,,,1 ot berm.. tile 111 It , any- of .. May 1 ertn jilt, preeent j of the roam.' 'mutes t trutt ( o art. w tom the plain tars stilton! hat e trier right to pre. eed to trial Le - j I" tot it a Mr, to aio Male st - ht . 1114.1 .fr not the company had "tni-iseol io abased . it, har. ji.i. j,,,,,, ...biros, Es.„ ot this !my, !ant .1 tta- it. ft I.al,„lffb. F.....„.. of ltaltanort., ittommred 'lt for the co mplain:tots and oletenteled that t hot i • '"- I..site lA. )1 in ...corde wtt II tlte . rob, j '•f yozfrt. I.n.f. 'I littf. II:.• f•f„.... 1.4 . • trio at illter• • .‘ HMI N 1 I: Lowrie Inc rr . sporfola fit., cilf.."-...1 . " • . 11.0 motion, entitendlog that ..neon a courm j a Itti- ...old he contr., to the mart.., or the emir!. I " •"i j The order simple deetaleol that the 1..4110 l l. 1 1. • 410111.1 le. 11111.1 e al `llea terni o von,t, but tho BOOTS AND SHOES. ''• uettal t min shoold he MM. ol arter so. 11 pu- j 'rc . neding, u ott e Loot lo r fore the trd. Ile ff . J fi...0,..„ „,„,..,„,,,. ...,„....j a l . 1, „,„.,,...„t„ „„„ n _ I I ADIES ARE ALWA VS SENSIIII.E ni: i 5..1 In the c.f. living' alunint on account ! ''' If of turkey.. Mr. Latrobe Jdie, ; that the ertmplam ante were entitl ,tided to ;au early and prompt trial Tim ' .l ' rase hati been tlehtytool trout time to time, 11.1111 j In ; Ile thought the reepondents hurl been allot, BEST GOODS FOR IRE LEAST :RONEY 'I ; ample opport unit) Ii make preparations nor 1 'tr MI Ire spot,. at fIOCI/e length In reference !I In the loam, tan, of the 111.`43. Involving as II J j rail intereefe In uha II not only the catzens tot 1 FOR THEIR BEAUTIFUL FEET, I Y ; Pot fshorgh nod Balt tolore acre emotermal. Mil j the populatinu ut the enure 11Ortli-We.l. „,,..,1 that If the ease w deluded, nor,TIM ' And Alen act the part of 'prudence ' ...um t.• forthcoming anol lire; !tont front Con n. ria11.,1114, -pia.intlferialltlorilllfflf.l.l.l.l.l.lly . 'when the follow their example. as men (be made to labor for that ohjoa.t. on The tn.! from Point of flocks to Italtitoloro ' r 1 ul4l now tattler .•on tract. Ilex its willlng. holt - ' • reffr, lii allow the ease to Is' poetponed mita ' .- . the ..eselori of the (Mort at Williamsport. 1 !'„M"L'shl"4,‘r'fi:litag t‘i...(''''''"l',l::,l IM” f" ripe! "'"'"' '' CO'VERT 11-11,1 SIIOF STORE, Aft, the arguments of 1•1 1lIllbel had been l I r / A .n . one f lif.loo, the (Mort Iso-mel an unit, dire,- ! . J ito: that the beam .to the Mmense and abuse" ~.,. . or the chartered privilege.. he vet down tut Nit Jam, Meloinin uas re-elected Matto, ' trial at IV llltamsport on the Nth ot June nevi. nod Nlessenget The I our( adjourned omit thlN Morning lr, ley T1ff...1 Mar, Ifalnior al f f... - 11„! the f If., inn II f ' , triter,. moicee ; Ti,_ .-.... . . t ley unit 1 illiples :ivied . 1...11,..... , f:nllrettng et let Inor--Ilaborne Corptne.— , • Ttn , n irnint ,,, ' of '',” ("rem, at"' In"la,- I Yu • iLerfluy. Iflloll I /1.. alllolfirlt. oit Mrs. Cat.. In ' "a' n''''‘'''''' ri. '1.:1.."'" l''' ' " t"o I t ine t...n.gron e set lnig , yea h that her son Joolm '!I Ohl , retit "ontletnms ''''' ll t.tn. , a rnl'n'''''''ln" Cosign, o, agen sixteen rs, Mid beim lariat- ' Ilefl. , ~..,,, , ;, ,, , , r , I el/ In the regular army of the United males, I \lca .. th.. ' 3. " .. " 9 licit rill Ell• g" : • '• r'l "•'•-••-••••.•••• 1., ( art. A. t.... itmattb tecrolting riffle!, at this ; - Alleghenj. IV to t NI. Yu. hy. I i mpseene. \Vol. i joih. .1 oidge Met audit,. of the If„.(eal 5.,...„, ' Iflti hr, S••ptun,...in:...i•ll intro, X I:„..mrrtf l'f . If I „.„...., „„ .. 0 „ „, ..„1 1 . , 1 ~, 3,( 10,v, E i I .1.. Fn. Ilaltrarfil. ''"eln'r. V' n ". "' • '''''''''''' 'I ''''''''' "'" ' In- g ( tainted it on e ra ot Mate. corpus, e maUM . rt ic l m'. 'r. inn 11- ''''''''''''. I"'''''''''''"' '''''"l''' fill. °Meer to pelsluee 1.110 l/OC 111 eourt will: a j ''' "" '''''" Ltt I lc. Itt'ln.ll. J"."'" '''''.''''' 01,j " ...1. """ Clew 10 his fllefflllllg, The tirlt *a, Made re. I Wel Lad.les ecompany nun itt two o'cbsck. I Bet-- Hr..gatth. tV I nin tr I and TIIOIIII. /11 Little t”rnabli" il"" njt"ru i !,•,,,1•,..,1 Their r.,lgnallllll,ll, Inelelleee Of file --Or-. A ,, ;;;; ,,,, ;;; , ;. j jj . or . „.;„.. jjj „..„,, j; „ re„. vat_ I Anchttr l'otton Ittllbt—Tln. el: well amt reliable cotton firm of Holmes, It A c“. Iniiii‘,,", ..1i,1,::,.:1;':4,,1.`;.1rt-Z,, „ j.,„„,„,;„ jj.„;jit,„ r.... i hats their carol In I...lay's 1.4110. ll,hll 1 1 11 /oel- total l"ll . 1. . )). ) ''''''). ace. to the arrest urn ma. named ((11l :a tt re- Inge 11111 . 1 1 1 1falill.reff at the Anchor of Mille „.„, j j j . e; ;,, j „j j or ~1 p„in.„ 11,,,,, , t„, „.jjj j .j, are ti Mel) . kllO.ll throng/font life coountry. '' ' ln I ' ..'"'" ''"'"J'' " '"''' Ir.. ,j;„, j„„ijjet.ojjed 1 1,„1 0n,.,1 for ;,,,,,,,,l, and i and _Moth occupy a WWI rfuik fair en portorlt) 1 at th , I'llter) The 'Menu. itt f ttifilleol Ale Itomoe In the dry' ntnt'iu Markets. incesrs. 1 1011.,,, ' ht.. action min ,tt ! II Wee reliable and amaminnelatlng CELEBRATED BAZAAR Mr UM, 111e..1 Itruip Ihe sersion Jot the A L ., min of th e jojj,jjj„,„ „n„,,,u.L.1„.. elation, stated that he Intd a 1•1011,e,lt,101/ I 111.1 we eboorfull) n,ornmtuni then, to th e 'l Xl l, litglllf of the 1 1 ( . 1.illls N 110 had 111 chat fe. I Pub'' , tont Tilt - ALI._ If I , tlft• (1111.1 for Ow reit. f or oltsaloleol tit-omen o In c e llu of the ea,. I being rittolt• 1,. 1 .1,, 0fif Ito Pe Ibm ".(°h —Ye.,,,,1a1" .Litetnnou 13,,..,.. • ..... 4 1 .. - 41,,,,,,,,. .1.4... L.:... an