The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 12, 1866, Image 4
RIVER NEWS I ME llnt I , A:11 t II.• I ' I. Ut • l her :) tbc t he , I r,l a 1k ILI, , q , lll ht i /1.0 . 1: %." , I 11. , 111111, t t ,0111t111111.! npl 1: , k1)1 h1.1111,1(1, It r It it,r,,11,,1!1.• :!. ,):. !ti`t lINr/.. I 'A 4•4',1 slnd t .1 • Mil t•'. "Ur. I'k• tit' 01. t. ~ti.l , , lIM MI =MEM trrlcal and Departure of Trains. l'emommy I ...tea a emil rya! A.rm.. .ay ,n iv Mal ME .. %1 a. A I•Isi A I; II s.I 'lB ••'' I II In II s H''• ' r't , '.l 1)1'1 I 1..4 It PICKET &gr im & I F.. 11 \lll4 F I I%l'. MAHIFITA •1. St.., II lir hIIY I,IAIII s „, II AlkAl''.,rt ..111 t r•.• „ "•„ 7 t ruppy, Ciill,ll 11,11 .1 1 •1 A) I • u, Olit•burgh, 4 , .1•111.1n. wud Clurinnntl Arricoe. ••-• • ui rat t 1.111 "• ME pH. tram rgh, Ft. NI Ifj 1.111 d icrtios, A rrse., f =MEI E 1 , 4, • 11, , tt• ••• SI sr , l, Nr F•rix...14..., I / 1., ,at... r•srall F. 1 ~,,,, v... /um.* S. M..1 , nr../..1. , . r:1 Ir..u••i r.ol Mm/t1.4 M• I. srtm.u.l. ft.rr..rly VI.• • ~ u• •11., •••...-1• sr,•l r,/xl. A. lA' 1:1,n1.1....1., 1t1,.• it• ri.1.(1•.,,,1. ...Am., •• 1.irItt•Illba•••.• Ms,. 1,. ny ./. I. , ..•trutliMrr• 1.,, 1.....nt1.a1rr. NVII:lato II _ . .., v , Ili I ~ ri. ntl.,.r. ...11.M., ..I Mar, Ann I. , ItIo•/..3.- .. 14, r,. - I:• ~ u. •• w• . .... I, . t... , ...,- . , so, M..r, ,/,:. 1...11 . .. - uth...rr. roaluvr., Mar. PRirohnrgh. lito,rlnat4l and Whoellug. 1 •,. al • :It r.r, n•alf.,.: . 1,:s• su 11..,u/4111•ou ./.,I ••• Prmaartr, Arrit.s 2.2.1 a tr. . t:pr•,..l ....• . • N,' ME :111 II • 1., 011.1 II •tkele ,flporli..l, am IL, the srlirt 11. %WI •Io ;11 . , I N THE 012PIIANS' I•01IIT ot •• ;AI NWI °taut, n,.•1 a In r. rII 01 Par, itm , rr alltsrtl4,l. 1.. aim Wu, If Vt I. St ...el Ow% ‘, )111.1 N 30. till •• . A .1.1. era,. .... ai• m rglrk • ~„ oth.l rraz, _lre, a•lkis....t ..11t.strarleto and E ' rie • i n ‘,‘ I\.‘, ;:t..% lily Antal Frank I I tz. II 4 irs • .FaIMAS\ 1 . 1 14.60 t, • r t.• I f• „ MIMI 11•11 ktm rg 1.11111 Coua.elllnt yurl r. ME MEI=ME •rt•r•1141.•4---Cirna l stn , l Nat., • lisrnacaloy Alisgro, hi. Inir Pol. tlestior ht.eytt....ho. 3 ht. t lair Mtret.t Arr 11,44.4. j.,,,-4.. W inals 111..1•cs P 411164%- -- 111iarv% 1 .1 ‘ 11.:.1.1 Arr...., / 4 .,..t.1. I )II 81.1C.5.i LE OF REAL EsTATE ... ~ Ea. r 4 .444,4,4 4 e 1.5. , . 44,4 14.:. 4 4•14411444 44 r 14,41. h 444 444.4414- 4- ..Al 7, 4144,4•4. I 144....14 4,14, ci tr. th 1414.4. .444 r ' •4 ACELSIOR OMNIBUSILIVERY STABLE, JAME% GAIN 4k .o'l, Propriolora OHS 5ri . ,, — .16 A NI, CA /WI A,.1.}1/Art..l” Arul tl I ALL. 01°Y.Y. I , AY ANDS 11. . 13011.1.NG TOOLS 1.4:TR01.1• MA( NINE WORKS R. NI, 32 Ohio Mt rm.', A Ileig hem) VI r•ru(a , rnr. r f 1 a11 . 1f..•1,1,/, Itr•ICI.\I• AMP Ylll tit* Um) JP NION(1 AN1.,A1.1 %V • „, . Iri. I'xtent..l .la, t,,, .„, SE EMI ES ra 11 tt.•II pr••t.., a/16-11•1. la All; lot 1.e.,. 11, IPTOVV1•4,11Allon 1,...,1.1 turn. it,s Ail, n o i 1 . . 0 H. N. I. CI n V J AMES IMIAN, I=l 111PROU111 BORING TOOLS, sl . •it 4e It. Fll I ok • t.. , 1 It 1\ ltl l' I.t.h A•%1) klitoll NI., No : LIG V. 1.01/ Ft reel, Pit tNtoil rg It P. 4 SAVINGS BANK I )1"1"ES1111 Itl.ll BANK FOR SAVINGS, ,rii..,: 1, 1,111 - All‘ll, l I\.llll 1111 s, 62 Fourth .street, :Yearly Oppontir the Doh h of Pl...burgh.) I . All Ali. s”.l-111 1:1.,1 go WIIO.II LtII)A ILI) 1,110 C3r EC./ "Ei. CA- E A. MI MI.XII-IEIL "1r I. lE3=l =I r.l ftr 1141 A ',le Il:r.A-1 . 111, It 1Z). E. 111/1,01Er...X.W.1-2.1E21ir A !MAMA.). V, h s. 1 510'h I F. It Mill. 1 , 11.11'.M111. .o,lll'l 1111rilrr• FM.I.AN . 0 ,11N -1,1. 11. 11. ,11AIIAM. 11.., ,1011.11'14. 111/1111111111111211 ENIIMICI=3 INSURANCE BEN FICA I.lli 11041.111- Ah. UNII . ANT ..4 1111, .111 A 1.1.1 ,Il 1 . I'll. 111 to A, TflA;• IN. , 1,, s“.t tit 1 o, 11• F - , IPA 1 tr.. I ktli •pt MK). II MO • 11... , artz . 11.1. ix, man . ( 1 . :11 • g; T:kr: 7 rl 1 . 1/1 „ lier 10. • A , t. ' l l / " CLAIM AGENTS cLA A4:ENTS. ARTHURS & RIDDELL, 0 .135 Fourth Street, l'ltlsburgh, Pa. ALL DISCHARGED VETERANS Vito did not Receive A I.orni tiounty OR TREIR HEIRS. Arply P,• SUNDRIES Agtiorted ftlzeK, tor HENRI' II !!!1.1.i 1113INEI , A1A11,14:11 PEANITIE:II 100 btoln. Ire , l! f!•I a.I. t•T II F.?, HT II "! l o o 4 sA T I 4 1 4 eTiti l l ' t 7 lll ° Po L STEAMBOI± rEoPLEw 1a a. 21 "- 1,1 \1: ou NTE.I Eits, 1..Lk;1 \ • l•kr ..n•I 1 , 1,11,1 • t , s " ' 3 " ..”. ty And I', = DM SPRING ARRANGEMENT MONONGAHELA RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Genes a, UNION LINE, C'T.T.._Mel" • .. 1 .1• 4-, I1. 4 r11114,1“./.. • A ' "' • 111.. AWI 11....• W ".w ••• , 4 ‘rt l / 4 A scrovE Hoitits. 14.. r igr ' 41.. r. s Al . l, lr. 1•114,111. 11. •..I 4 A ItNi 4 • Al . l A 111.11.1 11. ril r. wt.,. tr.. d..pni 114. I I 1,11, lour. , ,!, •: .I.• • • ... rtl II 4..„ 4.1.113 I' =nu= MEIN RIM Ito EGESEMI I Freights hereiled at all Hours. „.11.—. 7 .', , I.Y►li 41110, ST. 1.01111.4 1.4 [NMI , 14.1.1.IF:11: Eli LEGAL. IN Tli ORPIIA NS' ( . 01 ItT 0 1.Y...111. tv 11. t, M I. I Ô. .f 1,4 =I • . milicatitar ,1 .11.111 11,•••1 /.11 1 • 111,1,1,11 ataa I. Oar. " r :to\ I• n t•t% • ft.( attal t• t• •ttttt the •t 1 1 . 11,41t,1t t •trt I. I 1:1t.,1 Al., In P•tlt 1.11 :11 t.„.1, A , VC,:•;;. * tt NI• 91 A I.l'. t •••nr•I•lt. •• • - - • - LI.E4:IIEN V 1 OINI'I . oni., In Illy 1,1 "IN ti lIE STEEL WORKS, 1111 1 .1i\ta‘, "" ." 1/ITTNIII 114411 NTEEII. SVOIIHN IN THE lENTATE:OIr JF.IIIMA AN- A It•t- 1 .1 ..,E11 14, tlbe .!I nit ,! Flat vbl.l prl:om • .•ori Ll , apillata 1.• a, .1! . lleminsa a Atl!“14 , )• / A.l".mi• .1!11.4 . 111 11•1-1,1,1 i lal 11 " AN , , Mantilax!lamer • th La./v.11,1,14 bat lit,. :a. "" n".11'11111' ',1":11:./ • , ra ME ~,.•XV REAPING AND 1111.111INt MACHINES, ri';•' . • - A , I NI AI 111, 1,4, NTEET PLOW WINON, WI, A 1 L1V.14 :11,1 V /1,1,1 111111 1 , 1. A RN, eit, '•V 11. Till: I'OIOF N. 01 , 11111()N ami I oulmou Plough and %piing Steel. rI.E.A, .1"I1, • , t 1 1., 1,1 . 40 1,111,, c. 111 1111 ,1 1!14 1.11(1 4 1 111111.111.1 A try .11 11 Iv.t. 11...1..14.1 111. 1 . . 1., no•ner ..1 11.• 111..1n1.11, 11'1111.‘111 Meg 3411 n. al, Ins 1..1111... lot .1 .11 .111 s. 11. tai S 1 A WV, Avl A. 11 . Ivll. nial 14+,11., A 1 1 11 .,: E4: . 111 , .. 11 ; 11 11 , 711:11'1(:414 :.; !Ea! ",.,„ sod • • •• - I ~.'::!•IY„''atVI;1‘11:7:.:Ir::1,,1-%".;:n.rufasl,l1It::::1.1„"ti,°L",!:,`,:',. ..r Ye .0.1,, .1 ,111.1.•1 Ip, l•I • ltu rvn Mll ,I ~,••••• r nkereyt .. KICIA•11 J r all./1", I I 4 BE11.1.1; STEEL. VI ()It HSI. /to, 111. ~./r try, / 1.11.1110 i / • • / /.• tilt .1 Ir. prop. r 1 91.331 . 1"11111.4. cfb C)C3O. /../y Ile. .1111 WI 11. W AI. 11. It 1./.. A :' liln r: .111 t• .11.1 r.n A v 1•• T Ilso A LI/AILS 4, /kr .11/./I /ee, yr. WA VER 111IIKKT 11/ / / rtnlrsl, Lrurre com IN !silt vromits• 0714 'E. - I•ll4e M gla. t/f ,111 / 104 { ,11, 1 4, 111).. 1, 111, .// II" , In ••' "• FURNITURE. „. I.' lll N IT I ItE • ..• 81 A & 11/ ••., „, ..//. /I 111 1111, 11.11yt, I•tt/ ANTI 10/r/T1 /N. 1 1.t;' • CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, A LI;Eltfl,ENY.C„(11.1.11111'11:11s:;.. hlc .ctila.r.. or AI terrll//, At No. .I 41.1. It T, In. A.. A rid tor, ... /4. 41.111 1 WE rom Il,r IlYcr/Trl W. A. flEirlti.s. I lr I editor shore nateteol❑ ineel the partlen iu for the toortoot•• ht. appootatneet. 11 hi , naive, Si. WI ltrent oreet, rottrhoorgb, not SA'l • l' Kit AY. Mat 'Oh, A. li. • Inert, at t ctotelt, e, tt. spleltelatett tt' t•. 11/1W it INA. Jr., And Ito, TILE ORPIIANS• COURT 01 , . A 1.1.F.t0 II F.N Y COUNTY, March Term. h., No. 74. Ito the matter col the neetton l of H.l. t nr ley. Adminletraltot otl Harry Worele, •IverAneol. A n , l nee, A twit DI. toetS, the l'ottrt srpttol Pit lint. 1,1 V I It 104111 Y. A ot•Illet , to ollodellonte the Imlleen lot the hrodo of tttlhilnlo•trator • erre: Jing to erenurat N4olre Wivrn that the-Audltor mmeol will a...n.11.111.. dullvt 011.1. •ptollittowist .11 th.. FIItST I.A y JUNK, A. It., Om, at Ida dl. r. N... 140 rnurtle l'lLl•bur,le. at In ..1“4.1. .1. M., of *aid de,. 11$,, DAVID ILITI 111?.. 1 ECIUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Tr.lantrrerar, ni Ihr r-starr. or JA , OII 11A1 - ., 8111111, ~0 1.141111. Alusgloror e.'outety dr-reaa • .1. I , at , ng grant,' Lite tiilderolAtte.l, all M ingthrto,. tro.. 1, 1 , 14.1,t,-.1 to told rrlat,. Alit pl.-a lp 111. r Itootedlalr. pay .... aa d Itnt log ,tall tato, • .111 0rt...-1,1 lilt 111 proi,,,lt 1..4,41. for .A.lll,,tarnt. to he 11 1 1 61V,VAVIC.I. Pre orrt, 11.111 , r .4.11.. or to rt. A. & W. S. l'orrlao,e, A Itarke“ I.arr, 116 KUM .tro.rt. I . l . tr.t,orKlt. KIM A 111, It lIA Vlt, apl9-.lave4ltter Pronpert. Haller Co., 1110 ' 1111 :E. — Whereas rtt*tt. ,,, tort too ft.. P:stalt or JOH N 11. I.LVE V V.II. late or 111 4 liana All, belly Co., dr rra....ll, hat r lwrit grunted to undrralgueA. All Ituowltt, them Iron Inolelit...l to anti! .. tato will lA...anomaly Immedlair payment, alto those 11.11 lit vial..'tlll procat them. ptoperiT sulpelr tleated, for aelllettltut. 1.1015:14WdICII W.U. V. r Y. IIIFIAIN 11. I:. ni 1., 1 , 1, nr In, •,••• • 011“, AND Al.l. I k.l^ HEA V.I . A lIL ,t. ..rpr A. lort '• P t,. r " "11' 45, R`,:.n:.;r t r.' 1 rN liKrt +m %l"l Faulno. .r. r r eik 'COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Among 141,1,1 R, thrr . ..1.,,a,01 Kl.lO h.... I Ito o'll at, FA 1.1,101 k 0 II•“.. 111- F KAN 0,, IRO N`llo',ll‘l I A 11.....,1-111. dal!) at CM ATER, (:Ft ATE KIt()NTM, ht otl3, •,1 ll n.i s. u 1 •r, aLI• [ CI 0 The1[1 .. ...9.1%.717 - , i OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA I .11•F1.1(.1 Atr• r,, et , I Hr.* tl,llll. l'n WOICKS IN TENIPERAN4 El ILIA Office, Nu, 2 Duquesne H ay, MUNI BONDED WAREHOIL SE 01 PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY, tool of Baltic and ilarrheon !stro. , l* Brooklyn, N. Y., Storage for Refined Petroleum, d. T. 121 Harr. 10. tl., 1, Ir.,:art, .1141 -1 / 1 70, No. v 3 11KA V Mat ItTILICXT, hcn vo , I , c.11'17 SUPEIRIOIt oil. /7,NGINI:s. nr. coml. lictln, stol r.ll loop on Io,AO pre for 0 X I.n MIN Ci'r XIV 313 Slid WIRE A CAIIIIO4 OR 11611.41: BOILEL Inqu,t,n 1,11, I. 11.• ye av _ 111,111 • 111/.1 • COMM Elt( IAI. 011. 111,01ilt, PURE WHITE BURNING OIL VI I'll IL LI 111 EMT MU ET II vll 4:111,:h SWILIKINN CRUDE AND REFINED Oka ; air• w. rr, Dirly neon.. way, 1.11 /Urf.,1%.1 glvt.ta ttio a.l in*.ut or Itn rum:v..4lW, r...llolted. I . um Lcilve , 14.4.7. w. 1.4 I A 71111.:t4 11[11'01N /N. 0., MAN FM II Itr , ke OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA 4 0211c,e, IEI 33a4pcx-Ix.ot / A.., If If SI.I P.R. I, I Cr ..f rlrpt blow" atm",u,. him.ymal...l> BLACK DIAMOND Wholesale or Retail. IA NI Ex W. V41)011VIVE 1.1., 11111181 JONILTII NEI an NTO,. V lONA Kit lONEPO NEVER h. SON, Mann • factorxrea p nd Wholcaale and ttetal, l/ea,era In gt/ItNlTUttr. Ya CilAlltrl 1,, 01 I • aNN ahem. the Canal, have nu 114.1.111 large t P A NCI' AND PLAIN VtIItISITITIIIC. n Walnut and Mahogany, al thelroven manufacture, and war ranted .lual In quoting sad style Lo any manufartur vr tbe city, sad mil sea . at reasonable price.. INSURANCE AGE NTS. GARDENER COFFIN, Agent fer J • the Yranklin, Phliadelphla and 11.1111nort !n. f r u b w: tr l .. 'arlap . nuke., hortll-4,61. corn, YI VW) 114Itl W L. JONES , Agent for the North • T ric t 4at ;l4!f „ ed eA:noecnpn WM. A. SHEPARD, Secretary of wa YLNKttTA'AVA'4l747'..eigv'"r' aieuswo w. nosaltin - _ - T. 110 11‘./ I.44IUIRTEI STREET El PROILSTEILT No. NJ FOUHTIItiTIiKKT, N.A.* Woort.—The subscriber. manors/Imre and keep constautly on hands veer, article lo Welt. lime, vlz; Cornlees, Or nament., Curtain (food., Comforts, Fea th er lied. Slat rano, of all %Mid.; ItNet. ta. earatthd Patel, epriaz god. All !Ind. of phand:, icx. FOUNDRIES FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES K\AP NEPHEWS I No. 196 Liberty Street KA.`,l , /, HEAVY ORDNANCE, 1“! \ 1.1.13 SiTOIE WOft h, ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Office aud arelinuixe. 301 I.lll,triy S oppoolle Stulllll.l4.ld. (2) Li-Ma' Maoufactlin. grt•nl varl. It I 1111 t, l• rbrale, AI:. I NI Att.l 111. • 17 Nit. (lair Slrr*•l. GRAY ez LOGAN A. BRADLEY & CO Ns/Mrs. - I,r. try vAttl,V Oil WORKS. WOOLDRIDGE OIL IDEEININ4 1,1 V. Al I Pr..a..1..n. AI.MCSIII l.. , NU. 6....'1 tI„1 'fr• as, I=ll 'JAN I' 1 . 1 . 11 K 14,1111 ItUIt.ININ(,.I 4)11, Brand —"Lucifer." , anno t.e ~••• 1 , 1 111, 11' ALL. 1t..r..11 I II II r, 11.1., 11 un..l Mill , ll. 4 .Slll!ii 311Itl II I=l PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS "I . Yr , K. F.\\.\\ ..1 . 1.1" ES .13 T 5 3EL CA- =STE •! '"* -. i/ I ”notan 11, lin I.•intl au .I 1,4 *ale J. U. hA WiEet I=l =2IIM A Nlll6.lttlioN, (11/ flit d IYI,, (SVI fn21.1011,1 8 , 01, ti,,, si.urA it PENSIONN I'z, h :itt, I I• 11, I •, tk id. , rll'r rislus i••• 1 n,14: nrr .• sToN 1:, 1 11112"..111197-a •CFP4O.I.ILIEE. PARK, Mil/THEN A l'o I=l leCtrl QUALITY ti.k.PINF.III'AMT :41'11K1 Manufmr.rool.seol For .,, & 59 THIRD bTIIKKT NO. I r"u11111 ISTIt M. pr. UPHOLSTERY MERCHANT Te.ILORS. IZEIIIOII 1. << J. 1. MINE. MEMO EMMIMUM GEN., (VI 1K rsr x 31-3 .1 3. C) C' 13, -ErFt C rest Asithila NEW SPRING' STYLES lIIENItY lIAI.I MERCHANT TAILOR, 50K1HIRSI (likNER la 1111 1 Si . G6.11R sium Fine Woolen Goods, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Sze. \lr4 41.11 11 11110T111:1t, No. NO 3a•l' X. w 01 , 1-4..11 TIII: 1. 1111.1:sT Stock in the West of every- • thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since ' the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---very handsome---never offered in this country before---aud at prices based on the present rate of Gold McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 241 floor, I , s STEAMSHIPS. BA LT!. I: IND HAI IN 4 STEAMSHIP COMPANY %LEL 1111011 \ %gent, FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT itau the II !ailed Slale% Ml= N lc Ni s :I'4l IN II) FICO.'II 1,111 It - EVERY ',ATURDAY, EVERY IVEI)NE;;DAY, .. ~..~ ` , . ~~'...,,. , i.. ~..a, r ~ . ,~ .i .. Jitl\ G. DALE, Agent, 14 it road , N.l' AI"PORNEYS . MACKRIF ATTORNEY AT LAW I.lremaked Itolillerog• i Inlats I‘IeIIASTEIt,GAZZANI 6. I 0.. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW .Yfttsl~iaa-gh, I's " " • "tat . • r .l\ • y tit ATTORNEY AT LAW, ?) . .t h . lIY 111 5.111,,, tr r l M.otowY 1 . 111.YL11 ry HATS, CAPS. &c. 186 ( i . SPRING MATS. 180; 114 •( ) I I) A: 10( >. 131 111'0(11.1 STREET, Halm. /or toll/ and Stem mer It 'ear, ‘1.11. , 111.1`.. 111,1 11111.1111.. \ 111 'III Ea - t - x• Et - vv . Goods Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote ilfr N. (soon l rsorp... 1... Ll° MEDICAL. Dr. key er's Nervous Antidote voiricv I IRS Plt A I - rt t it; s.. .1 .444.. 4444. 44 444 w 4...f.(4(440441...!4t144A441;441,41,./11.%4,0,. ; Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote 1011, Lin.. •rl.llla. ;nowt, of pall.l.l* Irpnr..l mime (1 1 , In or.. arr. .14111. H. Hr (...xtror W.(1t11. OA. 111111 Dr, key ser's Nervous Antidote 11.. .rt..11.r 10c. I. rri ..r. ~...ra4.l‘ HI Ito. oltonacl 11111. lir r..tolor. or, N ( 1 . Flit. I Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote "'“ r° I°lll,o l+ l 1.1” . . ‘lr l l l 1111 ,111,, er% li,„ 0)111111,1(1.1r r . .111).t. I. Ir., ~,,,,, HI (011:1( " * 1111 ` l'. rata.l . , Dr. Keyser's Nen OUS Antidote All'E DINEASIES. %% 11/.lllr serrrarg....r/ r If 1011 01.1 1.11 , 0 1 11. K Wly 1111.1( writeut v. 11. .r Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote lu N' .11i 1100.1 Act. ror 110 cure of all .11,2(.... or; wls Al• onror... from two lo /OW 11,, 1n 1111 ..11,1) 11. 1.1 41 .4 . .A1a Dr, hr). 4er's Nervous Antidote 11./1“11•.11L. K. tor, 41. A\ll. 0n 1111 "M. - .11AP0.0..A of I.IIP Kroltnl lo It pr. r.r. 1.0 .p11•14.or HI the Item ( of or moor( refp hours.-7 to 10 A (r.. I•,no 3. .rt. ...1 to r nr, Keyser's Nervous Antidote &dart.. I W.. 250 , . Vous *We tri I . .rtr FAltzto..t. anal We,lttror,* Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote v .111 ft Z1011141,1.1' Y luttorlng of Mr Hoar. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote W 111 (,in I'/11.121..1 iron. Ka rll,Olll, Drink Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WIII evn. PYRITES rill: PENNPiIi IA AMA SALT 1 1 1ANITAll'UltING 4OMPANI EMI= P - Sr3FLI'I'EI9, Dr. keyser's Nervous Autidoie • \Y 111 ure Low... of fiplrits Steliviv levet. 4opt • Iron co.. 001.4 DR. GEORGE H. H.EYSE.R, Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Wa I too wood street, PittAntral' p astailitr m. 1222.111,1" ( ' llr4•v I {l'4l.llt•illi All I►iseases of the Lungs , sr,. , 114 bred by I , lt I K. p 1.11-rst I hFI - .Elt I , OEII i i l.l4l ' , rtio. wlts I • r I 1.• I t•L.n “e].. I v. :titr-F•IN rt.l h 1 . 1.. 1 , 1:A A , l I' IN 111. A I Ll S. I! Ar... i,.1 r ouppl , .•I ~•tir • • , I Az r . !Juts 4.'1 r ',Te I/e / Mr V. Slafig . 4.1 Hlair+rit:i. Nai.••llt. it ir tr JrIpa,tILIIS. I!u.h. Lit ".. 111 Kit P PRI; Al - DI, HP l• " "' "f I. I 1,1 l• N.,1 i." ,11i s. ask/ ivr rA v•Y . rei, -so hs.l • • l. •/ nig .!‘ L./ 1 1u • LOA I,oli %% 1 L. I alla.urgfi, I ••,r1•1 . 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A prll 11. 1 , 1 , . ck , q I sala th• th1.14.i " st, m.o.' re mark:al.:. l• (1.• I• • 11... l•t 14k411.1i .1101: II ••.d. l/I ,11 gi 1 =MEM i+ VirrSlSt. r ;, 1,)). • ;').' . " ) ' ! . . n , 7,1 " •-• • 'I: t))) ) I) • I ' ) t • ,/.1- All•ll.•,irtt ati, alt.l I,r Lit lor r•.12,1”ig ak: . nll. • .•1 lo 11. • 'AV lit., II I. 'n-+1 1 1.115% Al'll .1. .11,1, • I• 4 ! lo • ti,4 , 14.0 ..•it 1% t I. W. Ptf.trit. NE I . 4,1 ISIS 111, .11 • - ' " '"' Pit A I - E. Igrr ••114.1/1 , 1, IN cll. I•,lt. I a. Mffilli I. pit at .101 so. by No. CIO WOOD STBEEI 11 111 I',o Ilystrtl =ZEE Prepared and sold by RAILROADS Nil).. Alt I ‘ xl r. • : • • •1 kN, k 1110 1 I K • , 1 I,AI 1 F‘i I. ~at., ,l , " =ME •1.1 Nui 1 • • BE ME 11 II )111"I'SIII I .6, 0 1- r.,-ON. /:411.10•A to ingi•r %TrNll.•,. El =NM Ne...../ iti yl It r : • purrsint ufai, THE GREAT SHORI LINE ROOF II) 1 I=ll II 1.1. 3111\1111. 11A lid si 1.111, I )1. 141.11 . %% lltai !lig A rr.itigoLuffil • 1021121=1. '," 1: • 1.1 r 1 6 11 It• I • ig#ll4li.iiiP 01 11111:. ....sun r Tlll I, . • 11 Lli I X I li MEDICAL. tf . 4 I HI NIPIIIIEV'S 1: NOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS So I r r, \ r 1 1.1 10,11 F • ~ , •Irru u .lull • 1 , 1-, • t 11 1. 1 X I I(T ) I.IA. . jas;l nisrrn•i a. 1 ., .. 1111..0. •••ae,, 1.1)1. IlailMMiall= IM I 111,11.,1, Vt..% It ANIP cf. , •• /1A1,11..• , , •• AIA 10(11. .•1 . • h AI( Pi, II ZI • I •I I.•h. ••1 , 1, > • ,?1,..1 7., 1,1:11111, • • ~1 1".11..1 111 I. t, =GEM A. ibitILENA .1.1... V. SI I SF IC. C le, r..,••1 I /cc ,/ I, J . , tniptA 101 )H. S'I'IIICKILAND'S .1 I 1 .1 II k 4" 41.11 . .11 , t. 11,1/.. )11P.0 —••••=•••,,, ./ 11{tl• , . t • , II • (kpla:! —.--"'"- aJ•••• 11,•,•• .•I rlcr.•4l. &A, • rc 1 . 0 ..• H P • I h h. t to , 13 1y•I IN it 11 , a t a auat, I 411. s'l'ltlt ILLANIE4 1 0 11,1: 1111 , 111. ~ EDI has ('II It EI I 11. of ' sand, of the wor,t , a,,, 0t...."!;‘,1713--.9, itl.l NU AN li HI.1.11?1,1, I. i ' ' , :I v t 3: 11 1 . 11. F, It girt., 10 , ....ti.t, .." . - rt.l.-1. vuol ,-ff, , ,,,, a , ru. ~I . ,' .ar. k , ' i 7 rn i ::f r ;lolt i A r i ' l„ i t, ' • •• "Y 1 V:1,.. l. l- Put note by all 1 trogat•ta, at is r 1 1 ..,1 ~,..,taa 1,..r hot, It. K •33.1 It , - 1 CO. ut-13 ly.l Si 11.P1.., I II Aritilt. 1 / WSPEPNIA. --- Dr. istritklauld's I,)Nit al a cond,n- r....._-". rtated .razat lon u( Itoote and 11, e p l, w Itb antl- C ... . \ l i k/ VI,/ acids And xrtnlnattr. to str, ugth..n Ibe rt..... h and ~_ ..., nervous 3 atern It Is are ...... et taln ' , mad,' for Iljapepla, C:I .itn i or Ittallatoatluit, Nervous ness, Lom of Appetite, AI lolltr of the tlWmaeb, (J., , V l sthll t.Y attd debility. It Isnot aleboholle. tbel.rbta, 0 ihiN, partkviarly suited for weak, nervous Lad dya33eptir par- 6:0 auna. Vor Italia by ajillt - tag- --. Etat& evemr ,, -.L. •rwijoarl . l.tUe• 001143 is. z w gitair, I. Cltii Ift/JI , S41 • 1011 , -I. 1,1 EH WE ENE =MEI