51nt.911 ti;actte. M )Al'. \ S 111, 1:4;6. I= JOHN W. CEARY, It Ipt.LAi COV NTY. CENTRAL COMMITTEE to ru Util.N hes Lout rtrre•t, PlAllaaletplLl, on If WI &IV or Mn •t threw mttelitialica. of evvrT member .IIIKDA N. Chairman I= TO ADVERT'S F. RA [WOO that hereafter .II TMI.OOI . note reeetied .t till. ortlee onnli andel' to, except lu the ease Of Intilo will be rendered I. Adv....1.11.r, will please mane . e rule or ~•1. I , .Tmrot. for .1- elsoracter stated. will he Innen- paper i. THRICIt CIENTe et the b , ~c 4 .1' carrier: at • wt,,• 11..1 . 1..,1 1.% 1111 Ii 1 •1 1 111.1111111%.,11 , 11 fad Luui•.tit - It 2, it. r I k ""ate c11,1C.1 I. .1t• :I , all ultra 113: I, 1113 II lOW NVVI, in I \I rcine :L, Mr ( . 0%, 1N k.-kkk. .111, tom. Ilk. IkkgkakLl =MIME • - In .SMVSS inort. limn ••••• ha% e tillurt• :tut! til N it :Ind In vlind I lie it lit tsl,- ,, ,,L1 and In~l~li~ 114:trellicll Ih.•n• tin. man) tht•lit air I=ll Sc late, not, al 11.a,11 'enwmntrativa and ini.ll c. waking, al way.. cinirtl4.l. lill, ~1 11 e% cry Sena. ~t Un• Syttal. , 6u> Matti. . :111.1 t•i y 11.oilit it a 112=11211111=1111 1 . 1111/I k). Mr.o)wAs. Nll Br, K it halt 1..12 , 111, .11 di% i, .ki Haturt lx•ru It is nut ;i I.y ,orrk.- a 16.• Dart ot 1.. I "al.:, 42. Mr MI ttittito Al It, Itrtitt titlo• jttt to roltol It•atiortt Itolto, thr 11.11 111,11 in In F:11 In Now, li. i. I:1611 itnr lIIIMEMMIIII .t 14,yal itaptll.ltcan Lr tpperlki,a4l livinocrat. 111 SSUILLq I hit SeL1:114: I PIS' I ill 'gain, anag.lni,m l hal) I Mr. A Niiiti.Ny -islc•ithu rebel •], ,41 far AS he had I,ower NVIL% I /1/14,/•1•• i” I/I /1/, •- //.• C 4 1,, UN sn• wcmhcr• 1.1 a I /0i Li ....11 lin,yl can in, and are emillw. 1,111 , 1:1 'ow • Mr lir( 111, =1 ll= 1113131111 ME 1,11 I 14.1)11cluoM ••i.1.puh1i...11 candid:oe, .1 11., lo•gt,lailm• Iw%! fitll Uu• /1"11, V , ••• nt a-hin,eh,t h 1., help bet. hael, h/ help it, pot Copp. t livad at. is ant :all! , at Ilarrisleterg to give kul ril the. Se•nat,rship mhc....ut4 rat - I: +,run al rf 1.11-31i4,n of Ow rvbel t tic Pi,sident in this r 11, 113. c.ontn.l..ver it Ilrssrn. Cox .. :and 13, 1. N.• mn. —ILA I All intent , , pririor,,e, arid r h.rve. , letertis rt t.. •py ,nn Iteirtrhli t., prin. i Mi. I A hunt, fur Itt. ,;rl. 31r. ft l . i K *LEN Why .1111%1 MI . RI K A 11)114-1. taken 1n....)11aC a Dr-nom ral and eel ietvel ivf.s 1.1” ploy rat it leaderm ',it the• re. nnr wr• Al,. I. ti whn 11111114'1y the first year nu- ready '•to ittatwil Northern hilIP and Val IVIO, BIM M. moNt important ap- Leu• art tile men that Vr A • :Iry nhernli Hp with .1 Ur Illtf In the IMPubli ordinary ought -s‘ittly L. I.ring in 1 .111( 0 11 u• Itr•pnldicmn party, an d ~rty nil the daniat,• th,•y 7, majority iii the Senate I . appointments to °Mee lei nitwit _ Executive Clemency Again. You have been informed of the extension ..1 the Executive clemency in the case of Frank Gurley, late a member of the Con ' federate fraternity, who during the rebel lion, murdered in cold blood Major Gener al Edwin McCook, near Murfreesboro', Tennessee, while he was a disabled pris oner In his hands. Genetal McCook wasp brave Officer of the national army. Gur ley, the recipient of the President's cour tesy, was a notorious guerilla, and too rout a coward `to face Northern steel or Northern bullets, and waylaid, like the ,imin.ori assassin, his victim. He Is a true type of those who have been receiving from day to day the pardons of the "sec ond Jackson." net,' he le•rfectlt - salts ah "I the party they where vacancies or tluth, raorigroit , 1 111,, dimoti Nand for nu is made live-wise the 'lilt the President on lie nor, the President than es. All such nominees, lII= will I et.titirthed. But the President 'rentitette the) stand Isuarer to him, his nonlinres Recently, five desperadoes, found guilty by ti general Eourt-martial on the charge of murdering United States soldiers In Charleston, South Carolina, and sentenced to he banged, having secured the influence prominent reconstructionists, in order to save them front justice, their sentences have been remitted by order of the Presi. dent, and they are permitted to roam at arpi e ; notwithstanding the protestations of Unio n men. —Cerra/Tom/race Philwklphits Pry, Lome Orgill', in a careful , 1"rtili,1111,1,1,011, itl 111,01 - 1.1 11.44•Iosing the pen of er in its authorship, , the President would use rite tlw Southern delepr ie s (' , .utrress, proirid - h•d "uld secure IA certain 'oiler in the Houses. Mr. r weans! by ir friend, con esti.. Ile answered with "Do you think we ire ' Mr :Strove in is a di- Luis ran always deetu it Trim Richmond Examiner says the Ken tucky papers am expending much ink and space In the sheere,t nonsense about the resolutions of It recommends them to devote themselves for awhile to the ten commandments. Kentucky has two afflic tions that she will never get rid of—theres. elution/ of '9B and Garrett Darin: g he means Rfauttflican of greot . t 'A , [ l olsl.l.litilt.Cd wit Ii tit' . Pi t•. 1.1,111 1 , 111 for turning OUt 01 tare it _neat consistency and purify and putting Lti los flitter it. person of facile und comply om disposition. Said the President—"l din tot rotation, and i- but the begin ning of what I na.ao E!,,.•' Ito doe, not mean Mr. Cows shall rotate, or any men of that stamp; only Republicans Who lire U -110 to their principles. Yet the Presi dent's dctemiers talk it, if they felt a war was made 011 tr i m.lie has commenced a war 011 thc party that honored him with its onfidence, and promoted him to be the Chief Magistrate of the nation. Ile seeks the line of that party; or, at least, to surren der it, bound hand and foot, into the power ''l the rebels. Resistance to these machi nations, fidelity to the doctrines and tradi tions of that party, are counted as offenses against the President. An intelligent lady friend, resident in Arkansas 10r 111311 y years, In a priN ale let- lIMMII "The eoutlition of attain: in Arkansas i 3 tas lavorable as Six months ago. The reltels who, at the time of the surrender, uould have accepted any terms from the got eminent, would take nothing from it now. luid are clamorous for power. I of ten ark what the end of all these things still be." This altered ton e is the legitimate fruit el My Policy. AiisASSINATIoN OF AN A "ENT ill , TIM BUItnAl . 1 °flowing dispatch was received yesterday by Gen. IoW ard, dated Vicksburg, May 4, 1:461i "Au assistant suf.-commissioner of the bureau, Lieutenant .1. B. Blandig, was as sassinated at Grenada ~u the night of the Moth 11 it. Evert• effort will be made to for r. l mit and bring the imur.ier.•r 10 j11,41,1`. ' • l.lwtt op .1 ‘s, 01/n, FRANC!, BEA lit and his son nitgium•r% I Inlr P.l+lina4tyr (7enerni ) are I ath 1,4•1" , 'U the President. Montgomery, walking in the eorrideri of does not hesitate to one, that the President's Policy shall he OW war will int re-opened within -Iv mouths. Mr. Banrn,ll and Earl lima:ell. li will he remembered that Mr. Ban. oll's allusion to England, in his comment orati‘e oration, in February last, on Presi dent Lincoln's death, called forth it good teal of rointueut. It so touclital, it seems, the sensibilities of Earl Russell that he wrote Mr. A111111:4 a leaky, pleading not ,f Mr. Ibincroft's impeuttliment of hi moll. The letter wan sent, by his re .wst, to Mr. Bancroft, who replied, quo ting Earl Russel's letters and the speech re ferred to by him in justification of the as sertions of the oration. The sum and sub stance of the correspondence is, that Mr. Bancroft asserted that at the commence ment of the late civil war the British Ste rectry of Stale for Foreign Affairs made I to send wr.rd through the palaces of Europe that the great republic was in its agony; that the republic was no more; that a lteadstoue was all that remained due by the lawful nations to "the late Union. - Earl Russell, in his reply, says: "Soon af t, r the news of the resistance in arms of the Southern States to the gtoernmutt of ;he Union arrived in this country, a mem tor "r the House of Commons stated in his .lace that the bubble of republicanism had I 1..4. I replied in the same debate that :i.r• bubble of republicanism had not burst, , 'want that if the curse of slavery still hung the United States, it was England I Lao had made then, the gift of the poison d garment which was now their torment. fact, 1 have never had any doubt that a holier the United States consented tonere I:ttion or pursued the war to extremity, the cveat'western republic would remain, hap ft,r the world, a powerful and iudepend nt republit•.- 111 4or) a% Hey kett by 13cua.rrat, It is worthy of remark that the less the oendes of 31assachuseft0 know about her, .i more bitterly they attack her •• • wise a man as Andrew • Johnson Is not curately acquainted with the history of :.at coAntinonwealln. Fur, in his Instruc 1; ye nail eloquent harangue to the "sob d.ers - and "sailors," lie forribly asked, if t:illay's rebellion put Maam9husetut out of lie Union. , Any one of Ins audience micht have answered "no - On historical, I• d nut on imnstitutional grounds, because the Mass:whom-Us rebellion, as Mr. Johnson' if Shay's riot, occurred under the tam leileratioli, a year or nuire before the pres ent Union was formed. So, too, the Pere Press of this city alludes t • Massaelin.setts signalling with blue lights the war or Ist 2. The story about the lights is not well authenticated; and even if it were, the blue lights have as much 1.. do with,Man,aellu 'setts as the loyal exploit lio,bert Small with the steamer Planter b 110 with the patriotism of the Peer Press. The story of the blue lights is told i nectieut Federalists on the shores of I. pug Wand Sound. If the prejudices of the t am distinguished -4,areell of historical information we pure alluded to had only permitted them to in ii oil-, into these fuels, their ignorance would ion have Miele them ridiculous. But prej mime and ignorance are always found in oi hearty no-operation, developing and trengthening each other_ Met, who try to walk on the narrowness of impulse and passion are constantly tumbling into the thud of bigotry on the one hand, or the mire of stupidity on the other.—Derrnit North" and ••.South" in Germany • '11.4• rationale of the difference between Pruesia and Austria may be stated very hrietly. One country is Protestant, the her is Catholic. Prussia, as a kingdom, not much older than a century and a half; Austria claims to have been a monarchy Gar ages. Protestantjyrul.ia desires to be greater, glorifier mr - more powerful than Austria; in short, to be the ruling influence in Germany—it Is a strife between North and South."Wrussian policy would turn Germany into Prussia; while Austria would prevent this, and make herself the predom• Mutt power. Prussia, which is badly off , I for seaports, wishes to annex the Denise' 4Duchies of Holstein and Schleswig, but •-Austria, which occupies the former, will not consent to be turned out by Prussia. Tlie.aiin of the House of Brandenburg is to obtain not only the Danish Duchies, but also time Kingdoms of Saxony and Hanover, and the Duchy of Brunswick, all three ad joining Prussia, and being Protestant, as she is. There urn a few other Duchies, also Protestant, upon which Prussia has east u desiring eye. The coolness between Pru.iti and Austria simply arises, there lore, out of u struggle for power, and, 1 , 000- er or later, the smaller German principali ties will be absorbed as they are Catholic or Protestant, by ii•onthern Austria or rsortbern Prussia.—Philadelphia Prom. mt. Lopig,rlicadii mu clamoring alit., h.; ❑to onlitions! restoration of the It l.e.s to power and against the civil rights bill, no Union soldier can forget that Formes like those described below, in a re tent letter to the einrintuiti Gaulle, are transpiring : "The whitl'. people of Augusta, as well other hints South, having recently . made great parade in decorating, the graves of the tebel dead with flowers, while the graves of Irnion soldiers were passed coldly , by, the colored people of Augusta deter mined yesterday to repair the omission. Accordingly they assembled at one of their school houses near the cemetery with flowers, wreaths and banners. Their Leathers, white and black, accompanied them, and in peaceful procession they marched to deposit their offerings upon the graves of the nation', dead. A more touch ing spectacle and one which will appeal more forcibly to every human heart, was seldom seen, but incredible to tell, the procession was met at the gates of the cent etery by the mayor of the city and a strong force of police, and despite' the remou• 'trances of Captain Bryant, the cut reaties of the teachers and tears of the poor tic groes, was sternly refused admission." AS oftimr in the Union army writes from Austin, Texas, to a friend in Memphis "Two men were taken from their houses, in Bell county, a few days ago, and bru tally murdered. They had itirtnerly be longed to Major Speed's command, Second Texas Union cavalry. Thin has caused considerable excitement among the Union men who left the State and entered the Uni ted States army, lest others living in the border counties may share the same fate. Another Union luau was found hung near Waco u few days ago." THE THIRD CANDIDATE FoR GO% EII.NUIt . . --Prominent Johnson men from Pennsyl vania now On the ground positively deny that there is any serious intention to plam a third candidate for Governor in the field. The fail that the two great features icr the report of the Joint Cuannittee on Recon i4ruction nivel the appi oral of the mass of the people, without distinetimi of party, is poor eurintragetnent I . .nr a new in-tram-La tiim, the main object ct which is tii do c-at the Union eanilidate fir (inventor. T K 1.01,1011 .tia unity rtes.,,' thinks nothing is more absunl than the habit of inking a month's vacation as the only re laxatiou of at year of incessant toil, and says: "To alternate a long spell or exces sive labor with a comparatively short spell of excessive repose is about as rational us to maintain that ;1 man who takes a bottle of neat brandy One day and a quart of wa. ter the next, has been drinking brandy and water." THE Copperhead editor of the Peoria (III.) Democrat, who counseled the assassi nation of President Lincoln, writes from Washington that it was at his request that the President removed from the Peoria Postolllee the editor of the Republican paper. He also writes that every Radical Federal office holder iu that district will be removed. Jinni 6. SA.xx has prepared a new vol. tune of lioems, which is about being pub lished. One of the I,oerns, entitled, — The Mourner a In Monde," has the following verse. Iler mini had the hue nt the rent. (How nicely It tlt tett her ethane!) And the wrief that eo hearing her breast Belled corer in lellionet of crape. TUE Democratic prem are dealing out in strong doses for our behoot the present w litical opinions or Gen. John A. MeCler ard. Dm ing the war we heard of Mut of ficer as men do of u dram—when beaten.— Driruir Trib. TEIE two tocrnber,, of Congress who op. po.ed a resolution in the 110 Use of Repre sentatives, congratulating the Czar of Rus sia upon his escape . from assassination, 'sere two democrats, Ross, of 111 ., and Am. c‘aut, of Pa. THE cattle plague is being rapidly ex tinguished in England. The prohibition of the transportation of rattle, and the summary slaughter of all that are diseased, is the medicine administered. PUBLIC NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F.—The New Odd YELLOW:r HALL. In Trtnrwrisneel rill 1.,. De.l./WA rEL, with pprvitrlate eentrn.rale.. nu .ATI . RIJ 1" N FAT, Ms, st o•cloet r. n the anspl,e, .tr KT. I •LA I R LOI/li E. • 0.3.1 C.. A t Int InvltaLwn I. beret, • %le tut.mbvrs of t urd oer gruesally to parde tni tn. Ina. By the Col.:ante, 1 111 ET ANT. Pres . 1. tnyY,lttl EMI LECTURI Et - ".." - LOll*.E AND INAIIIRI — A - G - E7 by PROF. 0. S. FOWLER, OF NEW YORK, At MAN , NIt HALL, ritibAy •NIP 51.PNIIAY EIIKNING, May Ilth wt., lilt. at n co , L , eIL. 'EL-n -ets 183 en•sts. at the dour. r. se . • tla . rorrlonal ron.llans and a. 1% Ire as la. heal LA. Imslara, niarrlage, 2 , .. daily. (rum to 7. at 1 of lll.Relougaltrla /Ica... tall at 011ef an [lila trrase Ilbernolgiglat. PIC-NICE, PARTIES, PIC-NU: AND PLEASURE 1., 8FLT23319. THE JON ES• PERRY I 'O3IPAPIY In prepared In earry Pie-ask and Pleasure Parties Lu any Id. on Mr rise°. n 11141.1 the Alit bevy County. Apply et the Wharf Moat., lob of Penn 111 •p3o:Zw.I HA% ICE ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! NILVER LIKE ICE The no.leralgthsl bar In Ills ler Holll,e In Wwnshl P,near Tortens• :Station, I . a. IL It.. from IU to 1000 TONI' , ICE, which he offers for sale. elan, In hulk or by she ton, slellseretl In the city. Here Is • rare ehmare tor lee Dralers. Come sod ser lt. Adders', I:kri, VINI.K Y. su)lo.l.rel Wilkins I% U., Ca. PROPOSALS U.llOll Hose•s. Pon? or poorruon nun. / :VI al sr out' •• Ureic a. May lot. /sea. ( NOTICE IS BEREBV GIVEN th at healed Proposals, accompanied lay proper riser •utees,according to forms to be furnished cm sow Ovation to Mir olnce, will he ruceive.l thereat, un til 100'01o/A ay, on the IrIIitiTTUF.SDA YIN J UN 10 NEAT, for the supply of the AI AMIN le Hl UINTA 1., this city. with Use articles of 141.0 V Dill 'N. near EDP 'I N ft. gc., estimated In said forms. The the slated Are estimated with reference to the usual number of patients in the Hospital, boot the United Mates reurve the right to tato mord or less of said article', ...roofing!), se they may be ac tually required. If the artlchre delivered at the Mos paid are not, In the Judgment of the physician, of the hest quality, and adapted to the Iloopltal, h. will be at Illwrty , to reyect the same, to purchase other article. ILI their stead. and to charge the can traetor with any e scuts In the cost over the contract p T h e s. united !Mabee reserve the right to accept the Nnproposal, for the whoi• or any portion of the au i epecided. ell AS. W. BATCH:LIAM, mpT:lttosultd Itenteyor and Agent Marine Hospital. inARPEN'rERS AND BUILDERS, Ila.mor NOTICE. that until the jOrii by MAY, Sealed Proposals will be received by the un dersigned committee, at Boblestown, fur the aloe puss, of ALENUILUiriII ItODINtIOM UN USJURCII, anemia. one mile south of Nublestown, Allegheel county. Dear the Pittaimegh and Num benville Railroad. l Also, will be giVPII for the oar of the contractor the old belch church, which len .0 feet and 321 Inch wall, containing m peso of excellent maierlal. Draft and apeclecations can be AnAn n byller stalling at the Pail lu NoblestoWn. y thri Inlbrmatlon can be had by calling on the Nev. J. GUINN. near Noblestown, Address to Noblestown, Allegheny mionly, Pa. WIL lt. iiii/RiIEAJJ, apM.2wd.terN neeretary of Conionlttee._ Orri(r. or CoirrtuMi.an of ALLY.OIII:NY Co., t I'ITTSISUItiaII, Nay 2d, WA. f • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. denied Proposals will be received at this °Moe un til lyith Instant, inclusive. for building a d'rtift ARCH BitilLitiZ across Woods lino. In IfeClute township. on the road leading front Allegheny City to Beaver county, near ge.kart•• taverh. Plana and specifications can be seen on applica tion. By direction of County Commissioners. mylt.tred&wr HENRY LAMBZIET, Controlic ff'tl DYSPEPSIA, AND FITS. FTS--pA W nt Y s s CU o ß wma o e hnosew di n st ae Tr ing i s c e o i o n n FlTS—lforelgn and Native Herbal prepsraUons. —pubnibed by DR. O. DROWN. FITS—The prescription was sliSeuvered by him In —suck a prtnritilelltial m anner (hat he cannot FlTS—eonscientionsly refuse to matte It known, sui —it has cored everybody who has used It, having failed In seinglo ca.. It Is equal -Ir sure in cues of Fits as of Uyapepila; and FlTS—the Ingredientu_nsuy he . obtained flown any 8 1;u e gglist. SENT gREk. to all on receipt of Is lt.T. " ttiriii a /Mi1 , 219r: H A = PlTS—street, Jersey City. N. J. mTmabniwT MON.§ . k ts . j_ZOARDING.—A tew gentlemen van he accommodated with board and room; slut a Phyrlelsocould acoommtolated with room Addldble for, °Mee. hoard and turd room . Itirvot, BOX 561, with pl;uper nem, peons ANDBOADD:—EntIiii lousiMmtl 6°0=1;45,55.am: wild, Ird . sod wife , in alm7, ba • goo or the Paisente r r Itailtrar, b main& ..r r , ".„„ vita. Kellareuoard: d mlaastr [K~g.l:~:~+~;i~1+a:~i~ (10,1PARTNEREIMP NOTICE.—Wo General this du associated with us u partner and General Musser of the !foundry ond Stachtne busl aux, in which we are now ensued. ?dr, JASLICS NELSON, former l y . of the well-known thu of J. Nelms! it Co., and Stackhouse .-&„ Nelson of thle sit). . WlTlSSUilenA.pril li t, IEOI. —spit:stand NOTICES. IN °TICE The under-1en...1, Commissioners named i n th, Act or Asstont.l,. r nUtle .1 "An Act to IncOrporsts . THE PITTSBURGH GAS SAVINGS COMPANY," Approves tilt' Etth .Is. or April. A. U., 1.6, w ill otteu books and reculcc suobcrtStion to the Capital Stock or 101.1 t /11,11.11 r at the office of the t:ASH INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 57 Fourth street. Pltteburgh. UN TUE RI, DAY UP MAY. A. U.. 19G6. At 10 o'clor k WILLIAM PLIILLIPS. JAMES O•CONNUIL I /NO. W. CIIALWANT, L RIDDLE ROBERTS.. r . """"utt I W. K. SLUICE. TaUltd.S SMITH, OTI CE--T he undersigned,l3orn intaalotiers named to the Act of Assembly, enti tled • •A n Act to Incortiorete the ENTERPRIZE INSURANCE COMPANY OF rrrirsittnun,” Approved the 7:71h darer March, A. It., MK rill St op ock en h or mid Cooks andommm revelry so thi calptlona to the Capital yoen the 19th Day of May, a. D., 1966, At 10o'cioel A . .at the POIJKI;k1 NATIONAL BANK, the City of l'lttaburgh, Penna. JANE It tiON molt, PHIL LIPB, WILLIAM IiAIiALEY, - C. W. MCA KTSON, JANIKS HF.IILMIAN. It. lIIILDLS, ILOBERTS, J apt NOTICE. ~1l persons interested an. hereby ootslied that the undersigned View ers• appointed in view and assess datuages for the opening if MAVIS ALI.r,I, In the Second Ward, alleghtny. froin Webster Street to Pastisie Lane, will time, H the p remises, on VKIMAY, MAY litit, ISM, at s' O cloct U., in fulfill the duties f their appointment. JOSMPit FLEMISH. AILTHUR HOBSON. HttlitAB HALL. MEM NOTICE.—The bolder' , of Lou pou "mid. Issued tiy the Fourth Ward, All, glo} ity, Sebool,floard, for the payniunit orison.. les to volunteers, are hereby notified that they will be redeemed on presentation to the Treminrer, LtUlt, Ea,. at the 5,0,1 National Bank or Allegheny. ILI/Crrst will not lie paid on them otter atay 4th, Idol. H. B. apiifilwil Pre ildent of the Board. T/t....1411N K.‘1101•L BAN.. Prreanneon, March Uth, ltaa. I THE NOTES OF THE CRAWFORD CIA:INTY FLANK. Aleatkrille:OlL tfil City; YEN Al4llO UANK, Franklin, and PK- TkIULEIIII will not hereafter Le regnemed by this hank. intela,tf WM. I'. VAN DOILEN. Coakley. DIVIDENDS b'lloit NATIONAL RANK or ALL/0111.AT. May MIL labi. THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECT a OHS of this Ilauk bare this day declared a 611Y1- 46.1661 of VIVK. 1' Kit KNIT. on the Capital block, out of the earnings of the last six mouths, payable no the 14E16 Inst. I 66,” etntneut tax paid by the Ban, inyild6l6l .1. I'. KILEIIIKIL Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—At a meet lug of 6etors of the A LLPA>II Kb V ts AS t /EIVA NI, held ' May 7t16, a dividend of YOUII rEic CENT. a• declared out of the profits of the alt mouths, payable on sod after the 1.1.11 Inn Turf nt6.l J. N. DAVIDSON, Trras•r. - --• . May 7th, iraa. DIVIDEND.—The Directors of 11 the I . KI/1 . 1.Kb• NATIONAL ItA NK ha, this day declared a tilt 141.61 of LOT. The Pleat Itelbrened l'resbytertan tnnirregallott of I • lttahorgh, (Dr. 1/01'llLag, Pastor., offer for sale their property located 0..1 the comer of Plum and Cherry alley*, and but 20 feet I Liberty street. The lot Is 12n feet Or 141 feet, net width are Ilse Church Building, and a Tenant Moose of rooms. lowliest, ma, helnagle of, or cualtenunleations ad dressed to THOS. SMITH, at the Forth Nallonal Hank, or to It. C, MILL NH, I:1.5 Third street. nail:M.4lra Free nr Gosernment Tax, parable on denten.). }. ' OR SALE, reye:ll,l F. M. UISIIIJOIS. evader. I=ll ATKINAI. BANK Pirronhatath 1 Late Pitsburgh TrVil inhny, I t ISCEIII, May 711 p h WE. PRESIDENT AND BOARD -a OP lit RECTORE OPTIiI!)RANK have thl. day tieciarytt a dividend of VIVI PER CENT. on the I 'Ayala' Stott.. • ont of the emu Inge of the last .1.1 months. payable forthwith, free of Durant went tax. rutin:3o JOII ND. Itt I.LY, Caahler. . _ I Ito ITT Di Attu?: BANK or riTT•ltz (- 1 • 11 - rsto . 1411, May I, INS. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK base l hl• du, declared • di, Wend of BIX to) I'lilt l' EN T. on the l'aglLal IStoek, 001(11,. , groat, of the la.t ala tnoutha, payable to fitockholder% r their legal repreown.tlve, OK or after the 10th los o t. myth/W.121w F. J. MAUOVYIN. Caatl. 151tC0,10 MATIONAL. Bang[., _ t TI:I4I4DAY. MIIf lat. St.t. I DIVIDEND.—The President and Dlrnelors of this Back bate till. day dvelarril of FR'S PEI: CENT.. fm of Clover,- anti tat, out of the profit, of the . last Ma month, r.a:at."; . . th,t;.;lttgl - ' d - i 7. iwiick•J:=."' Gr rItK ‘V.TNICSI LS, K/0,1. COMPANY, 1 1 ITTALly Imll, May Ist. 1,16. 11111FIDENIL—The Board of DI- A- , rvetor , ”! Ibis Company hate this day .teetar tilt Wend of FIFTY erN T2l upon each share of the I .appal sto. k, out of the earned peon!. e Weed rise. of the last /11N womb., free of Gan-ren own! and Kale tale:. payable to atoekloldere un and arts, the !OM met. WM. I'. El EMT. n.ylaw .1. Secretary. A.~1.L N Amos RAMC or PIT - 1,111.,10/1, I'ITT,III7IIOII, /lily 1,1. DAL THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF' a. 88. Bank hare declared • dividend of FIVE: BEI: CENT. oat of therat-0114r of the lasi nla rnaclths. navaltle forthattb. The l'alted Male. tal ta• paid toy the Bank. It. N. MURRAY, Cash. BOOKS. STATIONERY, &o. CHESS MEN AND BOARDS, Portfolios, Pocket Books, Pole) • w Gold Penw, all slars. war- ranted; Blank Books in Store and Made to Order; nolihß r•TATIoNICRY or V.VEIII =I Meek Books on all the Banks. MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., I:EalailiME:ril THE CUOLE RA Price Only 10 Cents The , , rlg Is, History, , 'awe, Prevention aud Curer CI4OI,EU A, Will. an avrount of Its Progress and Ravage Through the World, and the Isle," and MOST SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT, Redone., Ind Approved by the SlCCocilaeLl Wei,01,1113,. By a .rsto Fork Physician Pelee only Ten Vents. For Isle by JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 59 Fifth St.. Masonic Mall. . m ye . A THRILLING BOOK. Political Economy of Prophecy, With special reference to its relation to the History of the Church and the Civil, Hititary and Ecclesiae tient History of the 11,iman Empire. and of It. lost the ory, Emper the Three Napoleons, with an Appendix on pii'e last Encyclical and the Finnan of the Suttee of Turkey, prophetically and historically demonstrated. )11custrated by Plimsolls of_ Na pp Icoolc Family; • Chart of Um cohnie of MinTleres; Map. of thelltoly Land, Ac. Hy the Rev. E. C. myl tichimeall. For sale by J. L. 1LF.J1.17, No. 78 Fourth street. 0:4 I) oNIFIVIera!:1 AN ORDINANCE Relating to the enforces of eutoin Sanitary measures. liu - rson Brft ordaturd both. Burgos sod Tom Conseil of the Borough of Temprettnereilt. fa Conn oil mane nd That hereby enacted t h eir author tty ss/ the shall not ha lawful foram person or persons to place rouse to be pieced on any street, by-way, or alley, within the limn s of said Borough, any de. toyed or decaying animals or vegetable matter. or any fool or onenalve water or liquid or liquid., or softer on or near their premiers or residence any fool or offonslve cess-pool. Sewer,' muter tor out house or maintain or suffer within their residence anything which may be detrimental to the health of the neighborhood or borough. Any person or per uses so.offendiug, shall. goon doe conviction before the Burgess or any magistrate of said borough, be need In any sore not exceeding twenty dollar. (CO). the manse fine to be recoverable as other lines of like character are now ractrverable by the law. of this Commonwealth. . • • ordained and enacted Into a taw, thb 6th day of May, A. D., MM. 13AMITEL OAMNAIIAN, Barges. Anna.: li. H. nistiCal, Clerk of Connell. mytkat 3i 3; - 0 OW:)* • WM. G. WRIGHT, 11146.XOTAOTIOLER OP VENETIAN BLINDS, No. 00 Federal St.• Allegheny city. et ULINDIS DONS Ur SQUAL TO NEW WA .od SAWS, D . L. PATTEMION* CO. MANCHESTER :SAW MILLS, Between Beaver street and Ohio River, Plasebester, WI. Orders for all kinds of Lum ber for bulldlog boat • Mag. deck plank, lab ratline On. VILA 4 ill Di I WANTED --(4erinan and Amer'- .T esti INILIVITORS few YIUNT-i 'LANS LIFE AND FIRE INS I.IItANFE NMITR. & KIND. Ar Oa, 23 Pint, street. enroll - - ViTANTED — A Furnished Room, • for a 1.1 MOLE GENTMA withn nee =Mules wall of the Cost P 1 LE ,111 re. Addre , ss •• i niM, • ' Hui - at.. my r . A ,,, G ory N meatyT N L . E and 'so] In, new ph-lure . 41 021. ° A n gel ' itV'sr . .; m.ling trine el.ro In $1:5,110 Per day. A 1.,. a revs Agente bi eauvaas fur • .61(.6.,r AND vv." magi •••.51it.11.11.‘,...,D111NC.,1111• Apply o ad , W. J. ROLLAND A .1.. m; 75 Thlr WANTED—Good Agents u NeU • SHERMAN AND HIS I:AIWA! , AND 1115 CAMPARINLJ, (the fat' Jest 001',) CILLLD'S PRATES., FIRST LESS , . (match We t:m.o4nd TIIE AMERICAN INF • 1 OILS. These are better vr with them Enng , agent, can do with them than will,a ..ther offered to the rutin, For full Darticulars. AO' to or address ABll ER ELLIS. 75 Third stn L Pittsburgh, Pa. mbrialydalawiliTW VijANTED.—SI,SOO PER YEAR • —We want ADENTS everywhere to .11 our IhII'ROVED TWF.NTY- DOLLA R SEIVINIi MA CHINES, three new kinda, under and upper reed; warranted Ave years. Above salary or large commie- Mon paid. The ONLY Rubble sold In United States fur luau than get, which are! olly Unman( by HOW. Whwlsr & W 141,1 t. Ortraer & Baker Sing, & awl lietehaldcr All QUILT cheap Macidues are IN- IntlntilealYNTh CArenlare free. Address or call up on SHAW t CLAIM, Biddeford, Maine. deindeoduawF nn2l:ld FOR SAL 1144111 SALE-91,600-1019A LAND —Ft , tilt MINDRIA) AND TIIIILTY•FoUIt A(7HY.IS OF LAND, situated near Webcter eity, Hamilton county, lowa, Hu the line of the racibe D Hnlirond,t In offered for anlc for SIXTEICN H At- DNE It o . A ItS, Cala, It pia reitaced on or before MONIDA T, 'Hay Ilth. After toot Mote the pier will hr $ll,OOO. Apply to or addrest `VW NEIL trees OrriCx. apJU 1.4X1R SALE--A Valuable Country Residence at Edgewood !Ration, renneylvania Railroad, one and • half .11.1 from Wlll:lnstotegt Eleven uires lacperches of Land; a due mew Dwell ingntalhlng tea n uns and cellar underneath: Frillnd oiler conve niences on the premims. For Nether Information, rail at No. l Firth street, Pluelturgh, or on the premiers, noTidlf J. S. NINO. I.'oll. SALE— A piealiaztt Country Resitlynco, at RIM Wtaill STATION. Penn•yl• vitals Railroad, our-half Mile from Wllklnsburgt acres of Land a fi ne new Itsrellittg containing II rooms, and oc her ontlertmath. 'Will - sell the honer with three or live acres, or the whole, to soil per. chute, For Amther Information, rah on G. 11. Tow Ett, 164 Yottrih street. or on the ',motleys. .1. A. XING. VOU SALE - About 'PORTA BUILD . !Eft LOT`, lit plan laid out Mr. halo and me.ylf ott W0...1 • Roo, t.. trllrnado. Torn, antstil sottotut ilowo . Oaten., oh ea.; pat inytit• :W /s 0 - .13 . Alto 11nproird 1/welling, hruldwri 1104 11,111. 'Fatly prfect. 1 , 11.,111r.. nt 110 1111 Tool Worn, Noe. M. .0 and at Maio Amy, All.- limo',or of J • la•lft, on Inc pr•ntisys. tut 1-2m.1. It. 11. FUR SALE. A CHOICE RURAL RESIDENCE. WALL PAPEItS, The substantial frame Cottage htatisloia on Y..MI THOMAS PALMER as moue, ear School street. In Allegheny city, wilt] {lllOlllll3 kW R RETAIL HA: k l 9 elianalwr, n parlor, dinlng room, library anal a •,..tel on• hall on first floor, three light mod well ventllat -04 MAW chamber, and kitchen and Lath room WA_I.I_, 1 - DA_FliEj Inset bolhling. The stew from the front In eaten- , ire alldh nnunrl. a analog tee thre ee """ TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. and the city. The surrotroilings are pleasant. the AND neighboring houses being of like it.icral style ano . AL 0 40, VFA Ft lei character, and all ht., lag opaalooll ground.. hand somely ornamented with shrob trees, ,hruldrery and Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, flowers. Second door below Illunond Tin horse rants', In the rear of the property fegt:Anni PITTSBURGH, I'S. Maltri the fotriMunlrat lon with th, lit.iness rent P APER D HANGINGS FOR ISMS. •sy, thus combining the adynnta,. s of a , ItY ult. , the eumforts or a country borne. A EirSt collettlon of The lot Is about 70,•Vr rect....ending to Item...ea ,drert, Lwrn cultivated, and roulains some •up..• Amer qt 4 n Papers. Mr trait. Apply to for the mBllllllO In Ore years S• ItHVAN. Broker In Stocks sod ' Real F.,tste. E.VG 1. IS II P. 4 PER ap=lf 67 Fourth street. I Iturkr Building .. A chute.. selection of the F ORV SALE--FLOUR AND Pllo Nesecrd French Paper's DUK BUHNE,i of neer ten years staning. In a gtewl location In the eity. A doe opponon it, For la, by Pnnlu l.ol7es:eel to any person 'wishing to r are In the • WALTER A Id., 7 ' , spot str,..t. All Colutounleatlots. strictly inhl4 confidential. Address 1 . . 71 1 0. PIUS burgh. I.: GOLD PAPERS, FOR RENT p LET, A. R. !MIMES .1 Hilo. BWMn RUITAIII.I.: FOR LODUING. WALL PAPERS Riotuire at 52 tiTRE KT. below Marko', tuDad OF ALI. ljt' A Lyn E., AT 1.4 5 0 R RENT—A Frunze House No. 107 II A ItliET OTII FFT , NEAR FIPI'll with seven room, *Dust.. ft , ,, tulles from thr anD DS , . R. II P P. , ll II 1 110.. city. on the obi Washington road, a GPrth atordrn. teeth-at water et the doge Yor forth. r part,. - tars, snowier It. TOW LK. it, sl E.tato go•nt MANUFACTURERS, No. IG fourth r reel . Fon RENT—The Lot on the cor- INDUSTRIAL "{YOURS, net- of Thaler and Allegheny streets, Ninth a. Ward, together 'slat the otol Brick Depot Building thereon. fbr lot has I. feet front Iry feet deep to au alley . . Will lease It for Ore orr ten years. Ap ply to NN M. M. IiAitLINGTON, at Nu. 31 Fifth street, .e and dour. tuNaf _ TO-LET.—THE THREE STORY DIV 1. ^ .I.1.1(oill 11.11'hE. ur the Brldg. , Fed • eral street, uovroeutipl.-41 by Mrs. tellers Itobinoon. en:ash - dug seven Vol chambers. large parlor, din in roost, kitchen, trash and bath room. Prober sui g table arrangement. with a tenant, a ...hirea ble portion of tneThrulturr inay remain tu the house. soya W. Willi Ant IN, in.. Allegheny. • MILL & TURNING LATHES Volt RP-RT.-The subscriber orient for root bin Water Power Saw Dill. sear Swissvale Station, Pa. IL It., together with Turning Lallien ittlaehrol. cal. rotated for turning Mai 11nots of stuff. Alan. to,, Dwelling Douses, OGO nr four nod the nth, of el, rooms. with touch ground as may vr•nteol. There to "rater sollklent to run the nearly all COP year round. Immediate possession ran Is- arl v • CO tlo. and OUP IltrulLe silt/ nit ro. ttttt For further nartleoolsrs, ennui, of tort:Dr.! Swissvale Station, Pa. Railroad. AUCTION SALES. 1()0 I PT , 9 l l ' At i t i ' V T 4 l 4 „ N Nni!A GARDEN Tr.li NI II IN, Malt st 2 o'clock on the premises. i s Boyd dt Allen's ssn the estate of James Al len, dersegi, n the Brownsville Turnpike, ad joining 1 t. ,. knot's • milt Yarns, .111 be „old 1011 brouliful Building Ansi Barden into. The., lots litre laid out In Outs 01 ZI by ims feet, MI by 117 fest, and In half acres, with nide streets, and ars spe • really adapted for cvenient Ittlattlete helm but ten minutes' walk from the Birmingham Bridge, haring ts line clew of the city and surround ings. Poe gardening purposes they are unsurpassed, and to those wanting cheap houses they •re one. Tgews—ont, nod cash, and the balance in 1 and years. Twenty-one dollars to be paid at the tin.- , f porchaaing. T. A. IicCLEI.I.A ND, Aunt. ARSEIAL'S SALE.—By • lilt ow of a writ of l'euditioui We s t. the illatrici Court of the United Plates One the ern District of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I wlll eon, I . at Public Sale. on FRIDAY, tilt. Isils DAY OF MAY. 11M6, at the Allegheny Wharf, In the City of PitOburgh.LlieSteataboat ••11111flk Tackle. Apparel aud Furniture. the said steamer haring been seized and taken lu a 0rd.!.c00., of collission, civil and niarlibrie, at the toll of 'Mesas, Russell A Means anti Alexander .1. Slat., The sale will tale place at 11 o'clock on said day. Teruo, east,. tiorernninnt funds. A. CH. I. Marshal WeaMI.URD Dill. O or In. 14111RNITURE, CARPETS, MAT- I TINO, Re. AT AUCTION.—Pin THURSDA Y MORNING, Mae 10th.at 10 &Mock. at Mason le Hall Auction House, Non. 56 and DT Firth street, will be mild a general variety of Furniture and Household Goods, embracing new nod second hand Carpets and Matting. Teellian Blinds, Fancy indow blunter, Mattrasses. Bedsteads, Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Refrigerator, Patent Cluthea• Horses, Dining Room awl Kitchen Utentlia and sundrie• L., nenierous le mention. min T. A. MuIIi.ELLAN D. A net. VINE CARPETS, SEWING MA- A. CHINK, AND SEtiAILS hilt, A UCTION.--tin THURSDAY AIIORMIHII/. May at 11 o'clock, at Matunic Hall Auction House, Al and 07 street, will be sold , lu connection with FUrniture and sun dries Inirerliftli, 10 pieces Jittigllall Brussels end VelveL Tapcal. Carpeta; Yearltirdlaehines—varlous makes 10,000 Immortal brands began. myl T. A. kfcCLICL HORSES, MULES, BUGGY, AT A UCTIVN.--Ou TIIUItaUAY Mi.:R -NM/51. May IS, at 2 o'clock, at Alamnis Mall Auc tion house,s4 and 57 Flllll.l.reet, will Ise loth! 2 Matched Mack oc Mok horse, I medium clod M Horse, suitable for fettully or phyol.dan's use: I Boggy and Harness. my* T. A. Met'L t:LI.ANII, Auctioneer. HOOTS AND SHOES, DIVE GOODS, At...—Sale at No. tea red. ral Wool.. Allegheny. on rIIIUAY MORNING, commencing at 9 o'clock. A miscellaneous stock of Übods will ho sold aa 01101, consisting of Moslins. rant Muffs, Miran 0001 i., Moots, Shoes. Molten. An. , .5c.. to which the alien- Mon of consumers Is In•ited. m7lO A. LYMMATE. , Auct. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS) COURT OF ALLEIJIIE NY COUNTY, PENNA.-10 the mat ter of March ta of SAMAR STEELE. deceamd. mot- No. 'Errol, 18M, Writ of ram Ilion or Val uation. To Elizabeth Steele, Martha -McFarland and chi aton. Sarah F. Co. Jam S. McFar land children of aal.l Marthanover McFarland, es formerly Mar• , tha Steele, and narab A. I.lelnenthaler, runna Lichtentbalet, Samuel S. Liclitatithaler, Martha Lichteuthaler, Lizzie Lichtenthaler, William D. Lichtenthaier, A edildren of Alan Ann Lichtentlia ler and Mary nu Lichtenthaler, founerly Mary Ann Menlo, helm. etc.. of cold deceased. Too ore hereby notified that an Inoulaition will be held In ponmance of the above moo toned well of partition or valuation, on the promises, h Reserve tosbtp, THUt/Al, e list day of Juue, A. U ., mak at 10o.clocz, A. 0 . , 10 make partition to and among the iteßs'of said deceased In sorb Manner and in 'ouch proportions as by the laws of thle Vommonwealtn la directed. alc., at which time and place you may attend If you thinitnroper. JOHN 11. STEWART, Sheriff. finlnlll74 PITTSCOIIOII, May Ith. SM. 1 mylOanwined VIECILITOWS NOTICE.--Whereas Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of kl AT• TUE W 11.ENVEESO,N, late of Elizabeth township, Alleriteny county, deceased, having been granted to tne anderslaned, all personrknowlug themselves in debted to said estate are requested to Make Imme dilate nayment, and those having claims or demands ugalusr the smut erste u vrill present them without t r i , ekri n gritillY e ttn ., Llgteo. to the subscriber, MATTHEW IIkiDERSON, mytOgitar Executor. PAINTEIRS. WILLIAM H. BROWN, tLate of thearm or ilkowa a MoltzoW. BOO= AND RIGA PALWITA *alb IYteonuir al Thlol sad Mark“lmita, MEI DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS,Rze JOS. BORNE S. I 0. HAVE .11381 ort , • I II AN II IHF.I: Large Stock of New Goods SPRING AND SUMMER, 14 0 3:1. ETS LI. Tny. LATE STY LE, JAYA NESE 1:11 . 6V.Y. • 5E.1,11 , E and orb. r N.•%. Itir. NTEr .IEL AL 9L - ` 13 . ItF.LTS AND IIELTIN(o, ~ K NA‘IENTS—sIiCTs \ AI. Tlt i:15111 . 8: 311.D/0.1.10N :.ETN A N 1:l rroNo. AS!) l'Ll'(iNN• LA , E. EMBROIDERIES. FIZEN4 Mit In. • LINEN I oI.LA KS. AND c 1.11., LACY: TICINIVIEI) , VT, A NI. 1111 E Vs; ILAN DK of All r; 111tMS5 AS) , ORlni AN) ,liirri„‘ A \\'l.:-all K I „„‘ s. liI,VES AND I RI EFiIIEES. DERBY TIE+. , E,1 . E . 41 , 1. Its l'ArElt , A.l. A E. , , lI.V , A • LIN F:N d.. LAM kKEIL E,' AND)II, I. NORIC "AILMENT:I, 1101 .hllll,. FULL LLVE OF .VOTIO.I'S PR1C72719 1-2COVIT lileolesule Room I p Stairs -Vox. 77 and 7'► ✓hark(' Street rnywrltavr.t TABLE: LINENS, =II HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, NEW hPltlAt.i GOODN W. W. MOORHEAD'S, KWH hAIBRIIIIIERIMR; VALF.N , IA ADF: Tltl 11 .11 Ell4P.'l'tl; AND VA LENDI A I.AI. E 11IIK VB.. DIX NV. LADE I oLLAR.,; ILA IN AND ENIIMOIIDD rftUNTh NEW BOULEVARD Hoop sKurrs, COILSETS-VIAIR, riatlu And Embrultlrrt.4l. At SI Market Street. AIN FOR PARLO RI9. Ur uw N 31 1117 Markel "rel.' HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. FOUNDERS, ENGINE RUDA/FIRS AND MA- N Manufneturv, or eI . F.AM 131 , AT E N Er, WELL EN 4,1 N DR tlmoTivr, for 'oal Work., I. Ind, or 1...3.1 Martoe EN - MN ES, tonti ord.., -• • . Erotullac well earned replibttlon or the Manager. Mr. JAMES N KI.SW, ne hope lo :.e,urr lines.' Olin or poi nonage Irons Steamboat lowilderb and other. wanting plod enschmery.Man will bell. do all w ark in the- toe. manner fora role eolnponea non,and to du it in Ow time we .arr. All kinds of CASTINGS made toorder. Itepairlng Machinery ~motupaly at tea.l d to. \l'c ran en a Shaft Al feet on In AI h dl on Mlninenne Way. lirsr the Point. found my on Third :Areal., near Market, Pittsburgh, aplaSula ARSENAL GLASS 'WORKS. MODES, RYRIE a CO., 1 31.3.3tarlpren. of BLACKam! OILKIIN ULABO WAKE, Drksotliot3.• • MAU. 1....mth.13., Cat bxll3, Ao. %%errltumst•--No. 144 %VATIC!! 14TREET et 3.33.313 5u311.111.3131 acid Urn. . war ant our Ware, to he superior to nay man u factored wry,. or aboveunin, A livale On band, tilaysware of the description. All order, o Iptly attended to, Particular attention paid t• p r elv " ale moolda sooty SEIVERAVUE, No. AS WATER lii sTRZET, Pltteburxh, tnannfacturer of 111/114.b VETS, Vf SPIKES, common and ratirote of every description. l'artleular sued or shaped Spit es and Rivet., larg, or entail, made to order at Blinn notlee. A good ae martutent constantly on baud. V. COLLINS itt.mmt WuIOLT !COLLINS 66. lIIIIIGHT, Brittania, Itrami and Sheet Mehl Worker, Brlttanla Ca. - lora, I'arbon and lard Oil Burners, anal all dinereal •tyles or Britt:mitse.l by Mann blAnnfacturarn. Orders promptly Iliad. Nu. IM IiECON STlltlerY, !Mt taburnb. blanna. ATTORNEYS R . BIDDLE ROBERTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, °Mee, No. 14 Cirant Street, mr4:1141 PITTRIICItt4II PENNA REMOV A /4. M. 13,1 = 1.0‘717.1 4 a, Attorney al Law, Hu. remove.l hl, No. 114 M. 1.11.13. 191tredot. my,/ HOTELS. sUIIIIIIEIL-STETSON HOUSE, I.IINI/ It RANCH, NEW JKIINEI. This ew and eltgantHotel nil! tn. oppnetl Nr Ili. ac nn non or about the lath of .Inue nail. Tltl9 hold Is particularly arranged tor the comfort of fanllll..a. Rooms can be &reared for the season by applleatlon the Actor HO., New York, to .1. 1% NI. 6C. A. fI.TSON. Ihr Nolll or A poll the stoskholdsr. red at Astor lloura to view the plans and le.• cato ttaelr rooms. A ft, ,hares atork roittalu 1111. .11 , troacci of. l'artlrs wlahlna. to stibirrl to. ..an ... y aPPllralloo to .1. I/. COMA M. Treaannrr. ?low. ay. Nu. , York. n01:141..0.1 13=111 • GROCERS - JOIFN JOHN ri.ovo & CO, Wholesale U Roc E I 1 Wood mud Ml.llwrty PlLl44olrulk. Pa. soW:lrit SUNDRIES. 1418UOTINIE— Just received a sup ., ply of Itular•/1 a ors. and exerilleut arl ttf dirt for Ittfaulaatal anti notartraltia, put lip In ape pottistl packalt., moil for Nola at tht• Fatally t.rocery Stoma( JNO. A. RENSHAW, mllO Corner Liberty and Runt streets. PICAJLED LOBSTERS—Put up In quirt alt.. Jars: also £cosh Lobliters in tile and two pound cans, for stile by flee dozen or single cult, by !NO. A. RENSIIAW, nolo Corner of Liberty Rand streets. TA MA 11111i1118—.A. fresh supply hut -I- reset,' tal, in pint and imam Jars, for sole at the Family tirocery More of JOHN A. itaINSHAW. no in Corner of Liberty and Ilsoil streets. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR I. . K, alltoated In East Liberty. near to !Maud lone. OD by O. Houses are two stories and built in goon style. Offered low and on easy terms. Apply to P. IteLALN A (1. =Fourth sweet. PRUNES -11.00 kegs iffeen Prunes; 01 bide. Turkish .1 o Al kegs Zantb rurraols, All prime new, Just received and Ibr gals by RATHER R BROS., n!yk Not. TM and 110 Wood street. QU . CIARS--150 bbls. Coffee Crush ed Sugar; 75 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Gran tatted Sugars, for sale by ItEIMEIt L UHAYS., ear _Nos. 130 sad UN Wood Wei's. SZARDII EN-410 cases one-half and ouv-court,r calls Santln.. tnat reeetved and for RE kit 4, HMV., tnyt , aioa. 1.% and 12a Wood direct. - --- PICTURES, GAME, I-TWITS, LANoscApie TIOUQUETI Picture. In (lob] Feuer., for mall Jecorstio e l _rdeelc by V mys W. I '.AIAItSIIALL.. 11NTS—Boautlful pictures- o f the twelve Apostles. suitable Ibr alter decora tions. fbr eale by finyei W. P. lIAILIRIALL. LEATHERS--10 sacks to arrive on ,reamer Cam. for Bolt Oy aB ISAIAH DICKZYJI CO. frEIIIIENIL-01 best qualities, fresh, T r ': 454445 al ' ak " 4l "t e /16RY H. CZZLINIS. PI r u a. 111111 A inong bi.ll Ma, be round 121113 SHEETI.Ms, TO If L 8, A r azinsim WHITE, ORB & CO., 2 Fifth Street No. SE market Street .ham la ..+.a DRY 000D$. TRYNEMINGS. OE SPRING DRESSES, Ilv`any wsi I . ,,,tved • rotnplete mAsort tn,nt Irst NnteltleN, Irmo the latest Importations, We are now 111==121 NEW SPRING DRESSES, Inoltufing intny d•rldrd N ,, Toillan Its Ile nigh end !lt•tnrlal. al arty BATES & BELL, =I El 3o.a.zicow'ta, 17 Street, I'L I: Pa 11.480 LS, UMBRELL4S, S (TX 9H✓IDES, 1101 IS the r lIF.AI.TI tr AGREEA BLE Ski licr witt„Lima poritenlarly adapted to M. prevent faith lona hie al y of dregatisi-.o• •Goiler Lady'. Book ,• • ' • Frau Vityliton Maga7lne. ••Iteniurryt'- Monthly Magazine of Faahlont. " • •Le Bon Ton, • • • - rt.. dot r or Fash ion.” and the FE1,11101) at I Pile, of the Nowa 'lN V. RON tilt'( AND TRIMMING RIBBON, I= I= I= I= =I =1 =I NOTIONS, TRIKMINGS, EMBROIDERIES. CA -4 0 0 03C1091, Otto., Jost receirrd sp•l will bv sold tkt low rate. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth Street wys GERMAN OPERA -MUM, GLIDE & CO., Nos. 78 and SO Market Street, I=l 1 4 `_A_ INC 'V (l-CM .11-)S I= CIO.I. 2 3EIFLEIL ISMILAL IN CloN. ME= FINE IVORY FANS, lu tl twarlitt satil Purple. FINE SANDAL WOOD FANS, REAL PORT COLLARS, Fine Lace loflars and Handkerchiefs REAL HOUSTON HANDKERCHIEFS, Imitation Guipure HandkTs; 'HITE AND LIRA? COLORED LIDS. Wholesale Buyers supplied al Eastern Prices sew pITTSBURGIFI, Monday, April 16, 1866. 1111110 Y, DIMON & CO., 54 Wood Street, NOW OFFERINC A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOOK ICIOff. DRY- GOODS (ED N CO IT' I C:i 1V lel , At Low Prices, for Cash, " BUYERS FROM WESTERN PENN'A, EASTERN OHIO, and WERT VIRGINIA ARE INVITED TO CALL 1.. H. 11'F.I.IHjy JAS. DICKSON...J. T. YIIJNK spl7: lln.l NEW GOODA ! • New 113tecodo!! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. All the Novelties. FRENCH, GERMAN & ENGLISH GOODS' DIMS AND SKIRT DLIMMINGS; NEW HAIR NETA AND VUILN; WHITE SKIRTS XIS ROD IN BLACK: ILEAC. MALTESE AND POINT COLLINS. LAOS WILMS AND VEIL ALATEILIAL; REAL AND IMITAT/ON CLUNG LAVES: BLACK GUIPURE LACER—new street NEW STY LENBUTTONS, for Dresses an 4 Coats: TIES AND sealLYS—new styles. A poll ainortment of RID GLOVES, SILK AND Lintz- eLovics: HLAMERI, sa-urcs, consuls; Kittimouncems, RIBBONS, anti PANtIY GOODS AND NOTIONS- The Ism. wlll and ninny fumy arti nese. before (Tenet In Pitts cles awl now burgh. Merchants Bupplittd at Eastern Prices MACRUM, a mutat, 18 Filth Street. CARR DICCANDLIESS al; C MAT* WILSOW.I3I9III E 00..1/ WWI kI3IIIIMILCI littstraTl24 SKIRTS. FASHIONS 1866. RE( OMMEND J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Or Double Spring SKIRTS. rhev *III not PESO tte Hutt: to like the :Ought tiltrthit, Arkhonledged Its all Ladles, throughout the length And breadth or the land tu be the mobt IN:elect and Agrremlite SKIRT ever tut rul ed. And uur•lualldd to klegwnS e , kle.llette, Light nett° t 'outrun alol Leonomy, The Last New Style IS THE CELEBRATED EMPRESS TRAIL, 5c,.."(11". and Fa•ltion Itttgatittes or proclaiming the yr . SCVEHIMLITY of these CELEBRATED SKIRTS •l Wholesale la this City by OR•EEll HORNE A ut/.. ARBL"EHNoT. ...HANNoN d HACKER A.. ARLISJ,K, CARR, MerANDLES, I to.. JAMESON. McCANDLE,, .t MeELROY. DICKSON R GLYIIE ell., F. 11. EATON, And other leading IlooNeN. and by the E celuslve Manufnetorers and hole Owner. of the PATIENT, WESTS, BRADLEY & GARY, WAREROO3IS AND OFFICE, 97 Climikibers, IN o. Nos. 79 and 81 Peade Streets, N ENV YORK myktift,lTS.t PRIZE CONCERT UNITED STATES PRIZE CONCERT, =1 Crosby's Opera House, Chicago, MliA.:l( r.‘, 1.,7466. 115,000 V•losble Prlaes , valued at 11493, M 175,15 mr,ll be Presented to Ticket lur ,You to careen ber 4s. NII.IIIIKII IMF I'l4 1, 4 1 , ED I'lt II K „. • I'll. Is the g rent., iodecvmv...t. v•er offered to tile peblic, one ticket .out "I' every) our drawing • LIST OF PRIZES 13 lit In (sees hack s do du do do do do do do do do ~,,, . 25d0 do ad iso each 0 1 , du do igsa. each 32 , to d.. 1., 4100 earh • 32 do do la, - r e :A! ' 3ai do do Sill 4 . 3 , 11 ~ 3 ,1_00 17l do du $.". earl, . 3, talil 1 do Itesl.l. ne. No. vv.l 10 shad, A, en'e I do do No. lan Laic.treet ...• 5 . 0 tX 1 1 .lo No. .17 New, I.••frV . • MAO /5 do l'ottages, on Fulton, mr Pso llns street .. . . 2 do I'ot tow., lAA 0.•• . and (Al W. indlana reels. . 2 do Cottages, (Its good t ~,, anti). 10 do 1 . 114 Lot.. Vsso . . 1111.. ao do llama, *tun each uo do j 0•11 earn 10 ao Melodeons, each.. . . zro Gents tiold Watches, 1100/ each 150 do Ladles) l / laniond Watches, $125 each 10,250 Itsi do American Mooting line Silver Watch., $75 each 11/,=l 250 do Patent Lever Sll, or 11 tth [lag Cone Watches, tat t.. 11 5 MX , to Illatuond 5100 SU do do 21 Oa, $75 each .1,750 60 do 0 els Int Machines, $lOO each. . 5.01:10 bD .10 do , Itseach 50 do Silver Plated Tea tots, $74 emelt 1.750 100 do Sliver Ca.,tor... t . aru •• • • 1.00 10.121X1 do and , $.6 to $lO each 55,725 10,101 do Tea and Table upottauto 0,.± tacit 21,010 10,000 du Gold idned 110140, 0,11 'ut,s, $1 Sa each ..... .. . . . 21.115 10,01 a) do Pa w lr Groh"' (sold Sleeve Buttons, ri ssearn • 'Z.,' COO 0,1,00 dloo It b a ,' ll ' itirg ' g7,ll 21- 010 at.,o HO do 'fatuity al& roe!, 72,094 du Clocks, Boole, Cutlery, ad to 520 each Total 5i5 LS The drawing will take place. after in. Concert, on the stage of the Opera House, where MO Open...a ran witness It. A Comnsil tee will bepp./Mod by the audience to voperlutend the safer. .411 purrltan d agents will Mao polled with correct lists of lirawing soon as published. Pamirs holding tickets will retain them 1111111 after the drawing, and If their nuntiser appears in the. lint ~r oirawn numbers, LIM, will forward their Octets Immedi ately, with full direction as to the nitipping of good• oroneys. Tickets are for nal« at the prin cipal betels. Hook and music ntores in the city. and at our office, lit Dearborn street: price $l.lO each; sent by roan on receipt of price and stamp for re turn stage . GOOD AND ktELIABLE AGENTS WANTED lu every oily, town and tillage In tho United States , to Whom great Inducements are offered. SPECIAL TERMS OK CLUB EATEs—Any party procuring a club of sor noire, unleva for Hetet..., and forwarding roomy for the same. will be al lowed the followingcutninlavion. viz: we will eend 5 Tielti•tv iu one address for ' 4GO to 9 00 • • 17 10 • • 2125 • • 25 • ` • • CO in I.very ease send the nntne or en,h sithserlber, and their r. add)es•, with town, county and State In NIL Money' hi draft, 0, o r d„ , press, or in Ite•gtetertd Letters, malgent el o.r risk. All ''''" n ' "4-`ll= hold. g.ll.ligiitill t'4o. ial Dearlsarn street, Chicago, 1 11. P. 0. Drawer. 5,013. TICKSTS for sale by our tinuerst Agent for Pitts bore, and violoity. Orrice No. 67 FOUNTII street. (II Boor) Room No. a. The proprietors will douste Co the Lincoln and Douglas _Monument Funds VOW: also, there will b e la,uoo reserved from the person drawing the g&i,to:l prise. for the hame purpose. tunriatrusesa : lion. Wilktnitau, EA.Seuator, of Minnesota. Moo. (Ovalle V. LaVrretace, M. 1"., of Penn. Hon. Ale.. Itandell, I c .x.ficavernor, or Wls. lion. Wm. Mont ery, Its-.M. C., or Pe nu. lion. Maine Data e, Its-M. C.. of tod. Hun, Wm. Lelling ell, Lyons, Jowa. lion. Joseph KM, ef Ch len°. lion. C. Orates Pt Oa, of Minh. Jacob Forsyth. Jig M. il. It. It., Chicago, 111. M. Fironberg . Co, lmporters of Watches lane s Blausell, Whiled Co.. Raw Orleans, La. . m .ttf. ". HORTACTILTIJRAL.• _____ • GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING W•X..814-9E.8. An lament.. tloekvery [rant and well grown (1 13KENHOUnt ANO or ttLltt,tNtt 11..ANTN, for ealn at the Oakland tirennhoneee. JOHN U. A. aIURDOCH. Sir Oakland Car a ruu to the lirernhutisea every 011114 i... iN onyt:lmd&wT ORNAMENTAL "[EDGES. American ✓lrbor w'u and Hemlock Spruce, lot sate Vu L l i getg; m " kt the Pirre mylastd&wr JOUN!the, IIUItDOCII. New suss KATE BAUM. A fine stock of. Oetieral Neglers superior New YRRIARNA, Miss 'Hotta Baum, No ready fur role at the Oakland Greenhouses. JOHN B. & A. MURDOCH. piTTSIMUIRGPIRV iIMENVIES. %to .Iset. Afardeia. .- AfOREIXik1 311 1,1),ItIBIB, Pittanzib. p n . exurnmare stqa or frodi =O 4 Maw. ilaMmilwasmadgreso,. •rlttaWrlM tirlszataZroliiniltior Amies,baus Mos •h 500,000 81.00 ••h f... 10.040 . 14,049 4,000 . 1.003 3,000 2.1410 01011 . 10,4,0 1..(W In, ow =3