The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 10, 1866, Image 1

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ausseLL ERR Fn -r, Editor+.
0. as Pirrit tirurxr, Plrrginntali.
itik.14;11 1 411; BY .d.,Laikc
toptithle Mede•tne fbra•le at traitor''.
Store No. Im Stn llhll e l ,l et reet, three
lthovo Fifth .treat
Pink. Mop am* Itolli
nn oponed
lln the northeaAt Corner ut
n.I Market Mrvet.
. ILA:C.4ON 1.4, X 1C KR".
trlk kI • 11. M 4,11.111/11: I‘l/ the nortlienAt
I.HAN NON LON.. 3, it.o7
lllnek Thibut Shawl..
I 111,‘ !lit, Jost Opened, 011 1111
M•I C. 1 .10 01 Fourth anO Alnrkel
1. II ANMOIi LovrA
nod Irlaropewl Orgedm lo War
Thalering wafer 14 toil, film
I , rltv I, ito A non the flirt pr...
Lire Fairs lit-ht 11114 .1(.11,4,11 nt Achim.
lundtzoo, and has hunt enrried olr the
zr At the Slate F:dr hurt lured id Fort
uhttr, with I.lliv 1 tV4. the Ente3
itower. hot at' Itnd it Wel,Llll.l Or
• Ilwanlvd 111, pi . .-I , •reueo over it Ala
winllsioqnn 01 lnelve stop, and silltor, `Putt thlvuniage of the Ex
• t oth‘d ,l rgnoo of the krill num.-
1 0 , 11 , 1Nt, ita the ,Stare MCI
4 1 1!ZeS11011t Of 111. 1+6,04, which atra .l~uui al .
le.ara,..itNilly mad
~,,, and pl.,
•I - 11111 1.ClitIlY Ulla en.-
S . dinerfority, and
L I Id. do inand Ilia( the mµnoraeldrer..
411. in.. 0.: Id. ally a,. 'am,
1.1, 1,.,“•• • .11 111.• al-,
.1. lb., - ”rde•i, 1.) 1111 In,. te , ion...-
thil 4•11 , 1 ,11/..1.. M 110 111. / 0 1 . 1 1 11, 4 1. 11%-
11, nn)
ent, N1.,-r•• ll /,taitil/itk t Barr, No.
ti t'114•1, lire tn,•rl lug with great sue
u nude of these superb instratoeuta.
musically csluetteil hare purchased
r that on f.,ls y teiit lag all tither itches,
the ' 44 'olll4re Organ •i tfle preference
ail also Ire, t hail any ut het
The Gran.l Ncrrrt
1111.1 1..1,41 1 1 .41 1111 , 110111.1011 1h to
a hind ( Ilney, ..1 tlln nnl) theory• at
I:n. Inn. itatin ;••a••• lor Ito bush, II
x 1,0 I .1 -I 1.. ch.' Rea
P.l mi. I, 51,k4
up as you 1 / 1 ,111.1 111'118 n tottering
Ale pabulum lin Studs is u Tonle M
itring him up out ilept h. 01
1111 lieepmoleney.
V/Tat iii.l ETTER . . FOrTE/1 , .
11.1 tom,. t rli 11,l ooty tokt• them
two.' In years, vt It the pos.,.
hart.. TIo• rtnitteltletl vitul powers
It to rrnl,on.t ettorgt.t.lettlly to thoir
I .11te . .1 gnu.. I, to cruet 11.. itluiles
s :1 $J rt•lr,illing• 111
Llw lilt Iv, nze
T!.. r.. I , no .übstlt,il.•
all their place. Ite•ort to lb /S
er Nonni Toa
118.1 that in I , ...pc.paht. I nte•rniil
• . till Allen low+
• , lit Will pro.lllVl.
the gt,...1 I nevi that Invaxittbly
tin , ••• ,, Ilent Invtgontlth
Howl ritteen Qlllerw
liolttenJ, rWd retail M. very lOW iltles
utt 11 .. 11.1114 t 11 11 1 10i111:1110111111,111,
I+l ri / vt.l. eforni, Of 11111 1 / 1 2.111011.1
°or tti 1,11 1 ,01.
.1,-. a 1.1 Nkt. Ist mer t. 44444 w.
1.1. 1 1..1 .14 tr. , 411 Al
\... .Ir,vt, All.
kly st 11.. w
.1 gothls. Th..
•• UCH sold
. I
11. , .1...1 tor gt.ittl,
.nt.. A Inrg , ..t,r•k 4.1 rt•ally-nut.l,4
1111.011,1. 1101 murk , i 1 furnimlimg
1 , -r•oriA de,lring
,110 01 110111un WOlllll 110
0.02. w. Parry ea
Into Roolere, and tWelero In Amen-
I various colon. Oltiro at Mesa.-
lin's near the Water Wurka Pitta
Ittetalenre, Platt Or.
tlly attended to. All %ere warrant
roof. ItoptUrlna done at Uto abort
?to charett (or Topton., provided the
abutool WI, It Is pat On.
rpnoter Uob DleR RI; et.
nurno.l after an xl.itenco Cl three
• nriny,l hare ne-ninnetl toy chop
of lobbing In the enryoutur line
and, Virgin Alley, between Smith
,ml Cherry Alley. Ortiernnolielte.l
*try llee/InC• lo N.•n Yerk
1,, May 9.—Thu fiftieth or Juldlec ;
Um. \,,w t orh Imlmlay school
lint herr rc9tcr.lay afternoon In
to 'MIMI., corner I+l' Flflcenth
9ml h avrnue. The anniversary
It9l ht9l evontntt at the FOarthavr
erlun church, Rev. Dr. Ferns pre
analtrnotry of the Amer
retch I:111 1111:11.11 L: Wok - place
at t he Preobyterlan church, corner
.1111/. and Nlneltmoth 9tre..l. Ser
otrit9. a p
nd r. , aont lIIVItIe
u,llrn.~. rt,il of prot,...
,onday 101,1101 11111,10
I 1nce99.91.
try of the American llishionary
celehnstal for the Orst Elm."
at the Cooper Union, yestenlay
ildrences were delivered by Stator
liceitrol, of the Freedman', Iln _cv. ry ord Iteoehm.
tb anniversarryy of the rive Points, celetimtml yesterilaY i
111101100 of over three hundred
gramniar am, geography.
n Tract Society held their fifty
'retry meeting In Irving Hail, be
eetaiiic mod attentive audience.
re delivered by Ito f. Ur. %"erme
ilf.l- clergymen on the 0000 ion.
al Ilowurd made a speech, which
:ouch appledem. it lit cginternpla,
Roston and New ford Tract so
re long I.e united
nem] minaionary meeting of the
Melety of Nee York wan held
a the Meeker atreet ehurch, at
v. J. 11. Hartzell, of IlntTWo , de
,lctruna on Denominational Ad
am to the runitl prtacreas of Col
the Dotted Stow.. Short ad
rna,l,, hy L. W. Crowell and 11.
'ter wince tin, live. 1,. C. Tomlin•
I agent, rend 111,, report , chow
receipts of the Society to he
ream Inonroe—lir and Mr*
.10. one, May :.—nlnee the arrival
ho• e, Mu: has tenderly looked
Ing rani, of her hunbancr's health,
It b. nahl, an hope. of his ulti
nituuld ho he attacked daring
by one of
ertnit en t fever and cong.tive
141 health of Mr. In ac,
ratlvely good, and in only the
tumult that be Isan been entideet e 4
nany fears and doubts
/dulled rto lautylly upon till mind,
lunnl lie very notable change In
ee during the feud year..l inp Obleb nun to hare met. In
y 6nr held no neanion no yet.
r Probst—Ulm [Math War,
nt Send to Him.
, liny Tlx• I nn tll wiirennt
ion of An Wine l'rolist, on Fri
o( ./ nn,, lens received I,y the
01 11111 g.
reolooph ways q : The prisonerseeming
thhoth/COCCOLIL uietly,
ono% cd. lie hod previously told
that he believed death was the
for Ills erlines, and that Ito Was
Cr No person except Ws con
llos ed le visit blin. Today
, o Probst laUtlmi In this Goan-
rom Havana.
,y steamer Columbia,
e sth, bus arrived.
.reamer In Prance arrived at
sth, and left for Vera Cruz. ahu
it troops.
re killed by LllO explosion of the
Ung dock at Havana.
Ls still at the Inf.. of Pious.
Stars a n d Stripes arri% rd Iron
eeseive at Llano,
he bombardment of Valparaiso
or tine fleet to destroy (-altar,
lerable excitement.
ea Itobber phsebant.d
nY [.amber, who wan
d with being connected with
ince bond robbery, way Ca
commissioner bolding Mar
otticient ovidence Or probable
.e accused for trial
Trial of Major PauldiHg
Gold Claimed by Richmond Banks
cec,.. .05.2.., .Abo.
\aw leak, Ma) as—The tkrolit'a special
say.. There is no longer room to doubt the
Pre...lent action oil the Colorado toil!. ills
Intention to veto is unmistakeable. The prim
eitial oltjeetion urged against It in retewted to
he the Matting and unstable character of Its
population, although there are others suffi
ciently valltl
The exenetnent connected with the stispen
dion el the Merchants' National flank lias
comparatively subsided. An el:airline' ion
hex been going on for two days, under the
auspices of the Government., and in not yet
The 111111tar1 Cenoninslon, l'omvened by n
, kireenil enter in the liar itepartutent, nun
in 1 1111,/, block and organized for the trial of
iettim Paulding. A ten ielLineon, Were ex
oomed, and the Court adjourned until to
It in materally believed that Brig. tie', Mann
will be appointed Collector at Chicago, vice
Luther Haven flecessed.
The following were yesterday sent to the
seaie tor confirmation to offices lit
olo it . Brig. lien. Cmssion Fairchild, Wilted States
Marshal; Mr. Gillett, rtantunster at Fennell.,
no Brigadier lien. E. S. Bragg, United :Mateo
District Attorney.
It Is rumored in military circles that an
or I er d ischurging all volunteer general officers
will emanate Inn few days. Moot of these of
ficers bohl offices An the regular army, and In
consequence of the expected offer they viii
only be reduced to subordinate intuitions, and
will not be entirely mastered out.-
The United States Treannrer yesterday an
thorizeil the ohipment of 143,000 In fractional
orient, to different banks.
The %curs' special denies the statement that
there was general distrust of the bunko in
aolungton, and says no run has been made
upon them.
The same special nays: Secretary
lough, who mash, u trip Fortrmi;; Mei,
and Clack. leaving here on Saturday and
turuillg on 3lunday morning lust, had, while
at Fortrese Munroe, It moment's troll versuLlon
nilJett Dares. There was nothing of spee•
11l interest lit the interview, the Con VOrSltil Olt
4 elllff general and quite brief. Mr. Davis in
14/I enjoying very good health.
The i.ei erne/ion has finally determined to
hold the mild 4 . 111111i0d by the Richmond banks
as belonging to therm sonic account of the
reiraire ot w bleb I have given already. The
',rootsto imtalilleb clearly t 1101 the gold
oclotiged to the socalled southern Cone iler
acY, and wee on deposit x Kb the bunks, sub
wet to the .Irafta of the Confalerucy.
The 71ribun.'t special say, Tile Corneas
vloner of Indian affairs Is making arrange
talcum to hold a council with the Indian. on
the plains at Fort Laramie for treaty with
thesis d telegram received yesterday troto J.
ft. Taylor, Superintendent at Omaha, sissies
1 1115 I twenty thousand Indio. Will attend, and
leslres to know allot subsistence am .fur
itished them.
Th.• ,te 'oniMIL tee, appointed to eSarn
me inle t,, te present telegraph system liar
called iiwitt the Postmaster General for a re
lowa in regard 10 the expedient yOf connect
log it e the postal system. The PI/Mall.
ter General is now engaged upon 111.4 repor
and will have it ready to submit to th i• Tun
mitt., in a few ilayts. Until It Is read no lie
(1011 cl 111 taken by the Committee.
The President, pardoned 5..1. Offat
etre, Irwin, 1 , 1 having isitinterfeited money witl
the inie.,t/011 of it.
tienerut Rufus ingals has been ordered 0
an Inspection tour of military posts throng!
16111.13,, 0,011)(1i. Oregon, Montana and
Cal inn-tint,
The opeetal Committee on the Provred Mn
rhal's Bureau, have pleettst arerelut lot Ilia
then . proceedings shall be kept sect am.
The statement that the matter wag likely I.itat ,
tlmppetl, that was rirvolated Irmutt.
or Mr. It rv, in slightly toeurrevi. The matte
will be thoroughly prolartl.
II should be known that the redemption .11
vlslott or the Treasory n 111 roeetve Oudot:se
ofinultinte•l ilatl,llll,l 111 stint
alliotlutillg to over threat dollars. rat unin
packages of that t 0,,, are retc,ve,l that it I
thought people art. el the opinion that that I.
the 1111111
Wwn .. NI, Atay report. 1.1 the
aasiatant Commie,.lnner or the Freed inen'e
eau to Lhe Coininiaaloner, now being re
..t for the month or April, slum a rmb
I limed Improvement in the relatAgme between
the w I t ItO RII , II blank rams in 1 1).AM/ea recent
ly In rebellion. The Iremlmen Been, to la. gam
mg a more norreel notion 01 !heir responalbl
itiee to a ell me mi. - heat, In their new /Amme
ter of freedmen; and Where they conduct
thetweel yes inoffensively, the whiten. ere In.. more Illegpumell to treat them konlly
and heal justly with them.
JoiTereionvllle, Indiana, ban boon announce,
ttio principal devil in tile Quarternntate
Department place of City Point, Virginia
I lisrontinued Captain It. C. ltutberforil, A
9. M., Ilan boon placed in command 01 the 11.•
The President onlereil warrants of pan!
tI. be LAIIIO.O to nine persons to-tiny -1s" fri
lon blue., fatly from Mississippi, one
lieorgia, one from Alabama and one from T
nerNee, all property owners to the amount
•ty Yoke, May a.—The Posits sperm./ nays
that the denaht In the House tnellcateut that the
thin! amendment to the constitutlon., pr-.
powtsl, will be stricken out..
11t , tre..1 , 44,,n.1en, Sherman and klorgatt or
the Senate Fl.mtsee Committee, ant known to
faro, tho 101111 bill.
- . .
The tArmovecnif's special says that the son
ars, Finance Comm'tics, haw llgrO4ai La raise the
salary of the Treasurer of the. United States to
six thousand flys hurnirral dollars. Kati the pay
Of the Senate Clerks to nine Pamir.] dollars.
A special - to too ',futile paper says tine Scores
tory iri-War ordered General Terry to regard
the peace proelatuation as doing array s ith
martial in.., In Virginia.
The Valparaiso Bombardment
New Yoak, May 9.—The atomiser New York,
from Asninwall on the 24, arrived bringing
California mall', of too 19th.
Panama advice. state that the news from
South America In unimportant, matters bar
ing remained perfoctly quiet shim the bom
bardment of Valparaiso. All the Spanish fleet
except the Ven•stiela had sailed for Northern
ports. The Danish Consul General sent a note
to the Spanish Admiral, saying his Govern
ment would hold Spain responsible for the
damage to Danish property to Valparaiso.
The Admiral refused to receive Ms note.
The bark Clara Mclean° bad been burned by
the oMcers at Venezuela.
Immediately after the bOmbarilment of Val
paraiso, the English Minister wet requested
to vacate the premises occupied by him, and
no one will rent him another house Ills
name wai also stricken from the list of mem
bers of the Club de la Union. Only two lives
were lost and el,ght ens wounded. Several
churches were destrpoyed rso
and one 111111 tl rod end
fifty-one government stores, valued al, half
million, anal containing upwards of eight mil
lions of dollars worth of foreign merchandise.
Five hundred and forty-live thousand dollars
will repair all the damage to public edifices,
whilst the balk of the loss will fall on foi °tim
ers. at Callon, preparations were actively
making for the reception of the Spanish n ee ,
by the fortifications.
A letter front Spanish admiral Enema: to
the Spanish Minister in Washington, given a
; different version of the negotiations procmd log
the bombardment. Itreciten that Minister
Kilpatrick and Commodore Rogers proponed
a emmation of hostilities and peaceful nettle
. went to he signalized by a reciprocal mint,
of Chilton and Spanish flags at 010 811.111(11110-
' ment. do says
' I regretted this arrangement, acknow lean-
Ina however good the intention that suggested
it, and stating that the instructions of my
• Government were so positive that notwith
standing any difficulties I might have to
overcome, and should I go to the bottom
of the Pacific in the attempt, I must hare
from Chill the satisfaction which was due to
us. Moved neverthelesi by simmer° dealt, for
reconciliation I would take upon mynelf the
lumens° responsibility of not requiring any
other satisfaction than that contained in Lite ,
arrangement proposed by
Spain, to Engla nwhich d and
Prance rind scented b y by
would add the restitution of the Canatiagun„
with its nags, arum, and crew, m return for
the prizes and prisoners I had in my power. LI
Subsequently he was informed by the Amerl- si
can and English admirals, that they could not
remain passive npecGdom, and that they
in iritt be compelled to oppose him with force.
My miner was, that the question of right
dee n ((((( belonged. to my Government, but
that as an officer I should obey my
orders, and that whatever might be the
attitud e aesurned by the naval forces then in
the buy,however reluctant I might be to come
to such an extremity, however formidable
those forces inlaid, be, no earthly enneldera
lion should tintsdn me f the dlneharge of
my duty tie represenbt a o that both Rogers
and Denman approved hi tletertuittatiou,mid.
subsequently both nppro csl his thud answer
to Chilies proposals. Ile tulfla, however: it
wan Ilconlidently expected the t omes of Eng
land and the United Mates would oppose the
New Trim culiantea.
BOSTON, May 9.-/a the Mute of the Common
wealth v.. P. 0. J. Smith, convicted of suborde
nation of perjrfry the ventlef has been set
aside and a new trial granted on condition
that the defendant's counsel agrees, In writ
ing, to allow the testimony of the prlnatpal
Governme nt used tnln ell
tf l
utate trial. deceased aloes the var.
dint, tO hO
Proposed Telegraphic Communication
with the West Indies Islands.
audience to Methodist Confer
ence Delegates.
W SU !NOT ox,tilny g.—An ofrimal decree from
the Government of 01,111 declares that neutral
vessels which tin Lento with the ships
of the Spanish sq or which furnish
them fuel. provis ms amnion ition or any
other supplies, will • e Permitted to touch
4,f load In c any port Of the RePtt'iiie•
Thy Deartmiffit State has lecn officially
intortned by, Spanish Government. that
fo.II coal, tlitt; amt of the Mill. of Chili
declared to 1 , 0 . cott rr • War by the com
mander ot the Spanlie ' ad in the Monte,
will only be conslderes such contraband of
war in case of Its !WOO( dispatched from Chaffin
ports for the enemy's ships.
The Pewtottlee Department has made y eon. 1
traet for the con veyanee of the malls from New
Orleans to Mobile and back dolly In suitable
steamers; also to carry the mails from New
orleans via Galveston to Indianola and book.,
ail lee iles a week, in suitabe stemshis.
The Presid ut ent lios aollrOVO l d the a 0111 to p en
courage telegraphic rommunientiOn between
the wilted states and the:West indi 9 wands .
and the Bahamas. It provides that the bite, •
national O Telegraph COOlumnr, Corpora -
led under the'ows of the State of Now York,
their silecessors and assignees, shall have the
dole privilege (or fourteen years to lay, con
struct, maintain and operate telegraphic or
Ultlgtostle wires or eahles, In and over the
waters, fON, IMILMIS, SOO,s and lands over
whiell the United :suites have jurnalletion,
from I lie shores of the SLitte of Florida to the
'shoo of Cuba and the liallatoms, Other or
Loth, and other West ladle Islands. The com
pany shall, al the time, give the United States
LOO free of 15111•1 Cable to a telegraph oper
ator of Its own selection, to transmit any mes
sage to and frOtO Its military, naval, di
plomatic or eonsular agents, and the company
shall keep all Os 11(1014 open to the public for
the LhOIOMIOOIIOII, for dolly pablicutlons, or
markets, eollonerrial reports,, intelligence
mesceges, dispatches told communications
and forwarded In the order in whirl, they
shall be received; and the company Khali not
be ooruuttod to charge end collect for MOE through any of its submarine viably more
than the rate ty1.50 for messages of ten words,
subject, however to the power of Congress to
alter and (let. mine said rate, Provided tint
the international Ocean Telegraph Company
shall, within the period of three yeursfrom the
passage of tins act, cause the said submarine
cable or cables to he laid down; and that the
MOO cubic or cables shall be in successful oper-
allot, for the transmission of messag. within
'the said period of five
,years —otherwise this
grunt to be null and vold. Congress rescrves
the power to, at any time., alter or repeal the
above net.
The President has also approved the bill ex
tending the time for the completioa of the
Union Pacific Railroad, eastern division, un
til the 27th of Juno, 1%6. The time for co o
pleting each succeeding of one hundred
is to be reckoned from that date. this bill al
so extends for two yetrs,t 110 time (or coin
mcncing and completing the Northern Pacific
Railroad and all Its several sections.
The President to-day, by appouitment, gave
an audience
theto delegates of the general
conference ofMethodist Protestant church
now in .10891011 in Georgetown, North Caroli
na, Alabama, Virginia, Marybunt and District
of Columbia only, are repiesenttal, it having
been said that those appointed from the other
Southern States tin - toot the MOW., to pay the
expenses of travel. The presiding officer of
the conference introduced the 41ele
gut..a severally to the Pr.tdent. remark
ing Dint they hail unanimously adapted
come to pay their respects to him. Alluding
to the fiery ordeal through which the Southern
people had passed, he needed not to remind
the President of the dinieulties which 011 V I
-1.01104/ LOCO, Ond the Poverty which they err,'
now suffering, tlimigh this tolglit be ascribed
to the small number-of ministers and delegates
present at the Con Terence. Ile might continue
lus remark., bin lie feared to trespass on the
Pre..l.lceit's indulgence. He, howver, rayed
Oat the blessings of Almighty God e migh p t rest
upon the President, and that the loot wool.'
give Mtn the requisite a - Lefton and strength to
peril/rut 418 Importasit duty. To ibis the broth-
ren responded with an vattond_stle amen.
The Yrtssident thanked thanked the dria.
gates sincerell for the romplinient they hall
mild lino by this visit. Ile 'rested the prayer
they had of at nod he heard,,,,, 1 ared
by Ihe Pox t. rlo Inch 11 win. 1.1.1,...,1, lond
that all hoe cat effort.. oh the 0011 lerenve would
he crowned with aneevaa, lie hoped the day
was not distant. pow. stud pronpalty
mould Le restored to undivided country.
W 111141,0 N 4'171'. kitty %I, Ixei ,
Air t handler introduced a bill LO regulate
I Ise Lrhasportat lon of Sltrisislyeertne, aisle!.
Ave. referred to the ult lee on COM ruereeAir .
Henderson In tral east a blil to alginate
appointments to end remoi al* fromTi,. Th
'all a ornere.l w lie prla'ed.
it provides that no person aph test to civil
attire by tire President mad eon armed by the
senate shalt la tati
roVaLle by the President
utile. Um same in consented to Icy the Senate,
provided that stierntsers ot ibis Cabinet may at
any time Ise removal by the President witlicut
the consent of the Senate. If the tired Lorna
of any .Miser, however. esp., , during Inc
reress I ti the Senate,t Ice l•riablent may appoint
suevessesr, whollistiall hold often until the end
of the next rove o • 000 ling steislent of Ilse Senate,
simmer supers...dal. a hose
aiipotistnsen bat, taniterresi on the
President or head 11d DeparthienL *lone
s in a s
any time by the same.
The President is authortzed to temporarily
es.pengi del keg recess, and by the ithriee of
the Attorney looteral, any Inetatil'etent, cor
rupt or dishonest Enrico leaner. and allimaL la a
tittecessor held office until
r i m- thrty mays the
the eons Melleeinfill t of the ay i tile
aenale; the facto to tie Mal before the Senate
within ten slays after mall commencement,
the Senate to exercise the power or
ern/firming or rejeettng fetch s union.
!doll and appointment. Ni, tdapetirlisi
ogleer to receive ermipemeition during sus
pension. In ease of appOilltMellia Orneu
the Pxaident widch the Senate rejects, or 011
tell It neglects or rot tarsi to take aetion, such
onkut shall be vacant anti no salary allowed,
No person rejOetegi by the Senate shall 'Penguin
appninLeci by Da President during the ram.,
to shall the Preflitilan nllpnittL ally person to
till a vacancy happening during reams by
sleuth, resignation, expiration of term or oth
er tassimity not depending on the will or no
tion of the President
A bill 10 Incorporate the National Theulng.
bcal Institution of the District o r Colombo,
an passed. The obja-t of the institute in th.•
...lee:item of PI /101,11 men for the Chrbith,
Mr. introdueed a resolution hairnet
, log the Finance COtiltnlttee, to report 1111011
the 11X providing by law that no
pubilc °Meer shrill deposit government Delta
except in rho seri-treasuries where
asch exist, and nthe United States Treasnry
In Washington, ar hieh was adopted.
The Douse resolution appollnlLK n Cola-
IllitnnOlotr in eaten a .Its for lin! New York
platonic, was passed.
The 111 l u, prevent the Introduction or
eimierti was taken up.
Air. Grltues, front the Naval loommittee, re
ported, with an amendment, tie lilt LO pre-
Me for the butter organization and pay of
the Department of the Navy.
Mr. Morrill, from the Committee of the Di
t :let Of Colombia, reported a bill repealing Lb
clly charters of Washington and treorgetowr
at provisliug for their government by COL
Mr. Cowan spoke In defenCe 01 the Petal
dent, for show hewould nay to the rienatil
Get your Dittman/ and live hundred, or fly.
thousand If you want Dime, of the leaders wit
Jeff. Davis at their head; we are realty re
Mr. Doolittle, Ina brief otters:ll, reviewed
the relations of the Pre...Went to tiin Union
party, alleging that ho wets millet-nig ill the
lialthuore Platform, open which he was
Nye made 1.01110 relnarlitleoflll2lollllll,LOry
it, President's exerche of the pardoning
.or In the tune of rebels.
.V 11.1.111. action, the Senate
Mr. W ilson, of lowa, from the tommittee on
the Judiciary, reported a 1,111 to repeal the rki
netlion of the act of the Thirty-Mrentli lion_
grass, relating to passports, which repealed
the thee exng law in reference to persons
liable to military duty. The bill was consltie..
ell and passed.
The House then procceeed to the constlera
telt of the special order, it being the constitu
tional amendment reported from the decon
struction Counnittce.
Mr. Broomall, of Pennsylvania, sold It la to
be expected that the Joint Resolution would
receive oopcwition from t h e lair,ll.ol.lilllit MD,
1.1-UMW; It W. LlierCtOrll .01e. Li, Wialq4l ar
gument Open them. It was to 1., elected that
the six Johnsonian new etniVerLif to IhnuocrutiV
would Volt, against the 111.11.1r0 COMIIIMMIng
with t he gclalonian !rt.. New 1 ork (Mr. Itay•
mond) I coiling with the yolk tlemun from
Kentucky (Mr. who hail the disease In
the mildest and meet .11A1/10 fens. Oil
argument W. useless. There mum there
fore be thirty-nine votes against the ineailure,
ild he would there should Ise no more. So fur
treason being 111.10 04110., It was the
at popular Institution Of Um South. Troik
a has liven made popular there, and loyalty
Ott laste made (allot..
Mr. Shatialin next took the door In opposi
tion to the measure. lie Apia the first ptepo
sitlon contained in the measure struck at the
reserved rights of the States; those rights
which "lie founders of the lainstltoLlou bo.
Bored essential to the existence of the gov
ernment. It proposes to urine dente thorn
rights and concentrate all power In the gen
eral goverunient. The second proposition
disfranchised the people of the States wide!,
had gone into rebellion until the chains of up.
preaston could NI riveted on ihein through
all time to come. If these pimple submitted
to the terms sought to be Imposed upon them
they ought not to come back oi the Union, and
ought net to hold place or position as free
American citizens. They might have been
disloyal but their history showed them cut
an inferior people. They hail been overcome
not by numbers, but hysuperior wisdom and
bravery. Ile admitted they had erred, but
they hail belleVed they were right, and had
acted on that belief,
Mr. Itayniond was the next speaker. Ile ex
pressed fibs gratification at the ReconetrUetletk
Committee having submitted their Solielxie '
a whole, and illustrated the danger or submit-
Ong only one portion at a Wee, by reference
to the recent coarse of the British Ministrion
the Reform bill—the Ministry having corn
si the session a Clear mniori of
xty, w hich majority with
had dwindled down
five because the Ministry persisted in bringing
forward only one portion of the Reform
scheme. Ile expressed his belief thatall State)
to be affected by the proposed measure should
be represented, but be did not hold It to be
essential to the valklity of Congressional as
tion and of Constitutional amendments that
they should be thus represented.
The delete was further continued by Messrs
McKee and Eldridge. In the course of scale.
oily bet el, Ilesarn. Wilson, of lowa, and Ray
mono, the speaker state d understOod
it wan Untended to bring the measure to avoto
to-morrow, and that there were thirty gentle
men still uedring to speak.
In the couse 01 11r. Raymond's remarks, he
eexpresses r ationind Of the measure, exeePl
the third section, lie also alluded to the
eagerness with which Mr. Atevens uta....led to
the =ingestion of the name of General Grant
Ito a candidate of the Union party m lee for
President, us giving assurance that there
would be no dissent in the party out that sub
!eel when the right time should come.
Mr. Eldridge spoke against the Joint resolu
tion, and denounced the lieetnetruction Com
mittee as having entirely disappointed the
Mr. lichee supported the measure, He pre
mised to emend Mr. Garfield's motion to re
cotentli with instructions, by striking out the
second section, and {inserting the following:
"All persons who• !vet untatily udbered to the
late inSurrection, giving old and comfort to
the se-tolled Confederate Stott., are forever
ex. luau.' Inuit tunilltio any oft., of treat Or
p. sit tinder the Government Of the United
Mr. Bouts ell denounced the Democratic
party, whose position every traitor in the
:alum and every syntpathiser with treason In
the North sustained; and in this hour of nu-
Donal peril, It was their NMI misfortune to be
compellni to admit that he who secured the
suffrages of the people for a second office in
the Government accepted the doctrine of the
Democratic party. Ins
Mr. Routwell supported the ineanUre before
the House.
Spaulding, Miller,Elliott anti Shelia
burger spoke In favor of the .joint resolution.
Mr. IVilson, of lowa, calledßaymond to
task atiout some supposed inoonsiStoneY be
tween his position on the pending measure
and his position on the Civil Rights bill, which
Mr. Raymond, acknowledging the interest
taken in Ills record by the gentleman from
lowa, explained to be no Inconsistency at all.
Mr. Stevens gave notice tied, at three o'clock
to-morrow he would move the previous ques
tion, and ask It vote on•the joint resolution.
Mr. Bidwell Introduced a bill In relation to
Round Valley and other Indian reservations
In the Mate of Callforniii, and a bill to estab
lish post routes 10 that Mate; which were read
L lee iientileuelitTprinetelf
t . l , lNrr e titi eheeert the
elective franchise in the terrliori es of the
Unite,! Stales and tile inimlsslon of now
States Into the Union. This Was read twiee
and referred to the Judiciary Comniltte,
Mr. Cullom in tnal tic.] a bill to regulate pro
ceedings before Justices of tho Peetee. This
wax reed tn lee mill referred to the Committee
oil the District 01 Coiniebu,
Tho Speaker presented it letter from the
Attorney lknieral trateonitting a list ,of his clerks, Sc., compliance with the Haute res
olutlea of the 7th of May.
Mr. S. L. Thomas presented the petition of
the citizens of ilattimore, Maryland, engaged
in the montane ire of gin., ware, praying for
increased eon imported glass are,
Mr. Conkling resented - tile petition of citi
zens of Otzego county, New I ork, asking for
the naaangn of laws regulating interstate intin
calico, sad 4111.1 X were all appropriately re
The House at half past four took a resells till
half past seven o'clock, when the ecmstdera
lion of the tax bill is to Ise resnruml.
Er ENINa nesnion.—The consideration of the
tux bill commencing lit the 7th section, which
reiers to the regulating, annensing and collect
ing of the tax on isittoil, was reatinteid.
deveral amendments were made and in
stead of Imprisonment prOVlded ffif Meet - hue
pin Jury In relation to the tax, It Was
aniontled no as Lo rem!, shall be subject to pun
ishitimit prescribed by the etietlug Ntattitee.
seetion elghtb , relating to tile saute mut
ter, 1111 luirk)rtualt, amendments were mode.
Seettou ninth contains u large itiluilier of
panigrapbs, amend lug in lie tap, swtions of
the existing IVVOII 111! net.
SLOVelin Owned al lention to the !ninon:int.
Power reposed In annen.-ors by the act to lin
pose lines 01111 penalties tor alleged violations
or fraud, and mentioned Cube easketees to Il
lustrate his West. He moved an amendment.
to 1.011111 in at the 11111 i of dm paragraph amend
ing nett lon 14 of the Invent is,, ProvidiNf
lbs ill lieu of the remedy now provided,
wherever frond is charged to exist in any reuA
torus, a hell the party charged 011131 dens-111e
truth! and 114 1112011 11 . 1111, the proceeding.
ton analocrole4l and l
NO It 111'011101 lo the District
t mot of the 1' n l t rd states te eover the 41114 1111 l
11f tellidosol ot I moil 1001 Elle nothoty.
Al an 1010 N colo.olord rit,• prop.-
sithao In 1011,1 1•111, 10 103111 INIII 141 110[0,, isy
11.34.4110r3. In ono UI 11w othomona a goons].
did not oOw , amt there eousequently haul to
be a rail of the Ileum , . 10.11Oeuthere, 11 mon%
than 11 unerton, afoovered to their 11“.101.1. ancl
the consideratnin of the hill was rll.ll 111011.
The paragraph siil4.llllll oi sectla 01, twenty-L.O
01 Lao us.biting act., the salary and
bun. of ASL/11211110n1. Thiagave
to a varloty
of propoaltlon, hut 110 1111portalit chpliges wt
At ten o'rlock niter having
411 m m -welt Of ni stet, page-, tier nil 1.1.3
/hone ne./.
Treatment of Jeff. Davis— B Aid
for Frciximcia—ifenicon Advice..
Ng. 1 0 0 K, Lay ~—Tlin FortreSA
011r1.0 letter ;0.011, 1.1101. 31112111-
Mel; report,. that the prison treatment ...ten
ded to ./.r Davis In nrinecussarily „pewit
According to the reports of the by
n.l. Bright In support 01 leroed
men's 11 .- 41,141 n, 1.01000 011 the. ?Atli
.C. 0,0111111114 sent to EXeter nail for that
Mllll 1110r0 WILA 011 tile way.
a Hayman letter Me:Ilion:1 the reception
of the intend anon 5o neat at sail hollin
11.51 of the ..etory over the Liberal." at fdett.t.-
allam on the rith.
Th, report that lite luiperlaii , te hall Orr
pled Xictottelon um, COWlrilll.ll. A in, to to I
Ipoed It the Empror, doors and
M u s
Tin. ,.
Elnpuror e ninixr on it tit ‘ievoting
n h
tone mainly I 0 1.111, MIIIIIOI6I condition •I tl
country, and examining the plane luf N. la
glut, ileraon.
Cumin iIIIIIIIOP Sti NOrfOik•
F 4, 41 . 6{104 Moe not, laity it —The Military
Cowin Lesion has [wen convened by order
brunt, and le now 111 Mesnlon nt
Not folk lay the purpose or Investigating the
eutiees w Inch lee to the recent riot in that city.
The Proeetelings will be eonducte.l wit h~sioned
doors 61.1 the 13videoca will he
directly to Gen. ti runt. Judge Underwood ar
rived at Norfolk this morning, and opened the
United elates l'ireult Conn. The .Judge de
-1 iverea his charge truday.
From New Orleans
N °steno., May 9.—Cotton *ales were
2,lsu Intto. at 3l ryay, Toslay's receipts were
3.211.a1cr Sugar and blots... nominal. °old
Ito. Sterling 40.
Private elreles ere severe on Sheri lan's
to the /tecon.truction Committee, and
charge of gluarrelsonseness tttuwg
I In rallealolla Northern capital Is
.1 not troubled.
Ten advlege represent the cotton crop all
being large.
Blew York Matters
Saw Vona, May S.—Judge Barnard grunted
an injunction to restrain thu 110111th Board
from remov LLlVerla tV uwldugrcn
The steamer Now York brings front Califor
nia over ono million dollars in treasure.
Somt Pearson, who swore out It warrant
against Bun Wood. John Morrissey and nth.
ors, for alleged lottery swindling. now Comes
forward and swears that. he was misled, and
did not know his first statements to he true.
•J ir4.‘lo :Or Cf:%
Aesintav nv Mess—As the Opera season
(Ira near Its ring. I ill, Interest in It appears
to I it, reuse. I I I night there was 15 large an
audience us I yet been present at any per
n and touch larger than WOK of the
and leneus at moist of the other pieces. The
llgOnOttel Is Iststorical I y familiar to most of
our reader., and resented In the form or an
opera, it In frill of thrilling interest. We did
not think the character of Margaret was
brought nut forcibly enough,
but arch as IL is„
the part was well sualainmi by Milo. Nadi.
We cannot speak tun highly of the manner In
which Mad, Johansen, Mile. Mamba, Messrs.
II Immei, Hermann, Formes Wlsnlleh and oth
ers performed their respective roles. A lack
of fatrill ler music In the Opera caused It to be
less interesting to many of the audience than
It otherwise would have liven, lint that wits
their Inlmakrtnne.
. .
To-night, the Nat night but two 01 the MIL.
n, the line opera of slarber of Seville will be
prevented. `tattirilay afternoon a grand Mut , -
lime willbit given for the benefit
TIIIATELIL—YaIIkaa Locke in drawing fair
houses at the theatre. flu appear,. to-night 1114
Patch" arid “Nathan Ttieker,.. Llee of his
best ailantetatti.
CI Iters.—The circus still vontinues 10 draw
•rnwtlrd afternoon and night. Sat
nrday evening rinses tile Nee)tee.
woo". iloceot—To-night Will proseoled
the"( .P 1 (aeon Brothers" and sEartreotes.“
!low U. Voile.
The legislature at its last session passed the
following act regulating, the mode of voting
at elections, Voters should make a not,' of ;
All (lounged volt,. of the several 'mantles
of thin Commonwealth, at all genoral town
ship, eetelle 11 lite! Special elections, are hereby
!Intranet authorized and required to vote by
tickets rousted or partly written, or partly
piloted and partly written, severally classl
lied its tollows Ono ticket Shall embrace the
MUM. of all Judges of courts voted for, and
labelled outside“Judielaryi” one ticket shall
embrace the names of all Slate oMeers voted
for, mot be labelled "State;" one ticket. shall
embrace the names of all county officers voted
for, inelndhig other of Senator and members
! Of the General Assembly If voted for, and
'gambol, of Congress, it ruLed lot, and be
labellel"conty ;" one ticket shall em brat,' Ltm
ttttt nos of all u taw Ilse 1p minx.. voted for, soul
be labelled otownsh one ticket shall em
brace the names of all borough oltlcers voted
for, and be labelled "lion/ugh!" and Mel: close
shall be depotilted in Rep:lrate ballot boxy&
Orphans' Asyluos.—Tho following Board
of Manager's has been elected for the Alleghe
ny Orphans' Asylum, to serve during the en
siling year : Mrs. Harmer, Mrs. tieneral Rob
inson, Wilkins, Mai. Logan, Mrs. Camp
bell., Mrs, It. Robinson, Mrs. Child,, Mrs. Jilek
lain, Mrs. Tunklrk, Mrs. Holmes, K. ROC.
in/1.00, Urn. Moor,, Mrs. Thaw, Mrs. Ilrunot
Mrs. Hay. and Miss Lothrop. The new Boars[
of Managers ‘O r in meet this afternoon at turn!
O'clock for the p arm* Orgeol , im , ,
• - •
'lRal'road Grilse Removed.
The goneral °Mee of the Pittsburgh, Fort
%Faye:tit Chicago Railway Company has
been ved from Filth street to their new
and bettittlfal building, corner of Wayne and
Penn eiLt.
The and Pennsylvania Itailrorul Com
pany ineorpomtim in the spring of hill,
and th work of constroetion commenced hi
theta rand of 1/149. Under the presidency
of Gen 11Filliani Robinson, Jr., the work
was p re ed forward with great eneriry arid ra
pidity, nil on the Ilth of April, ism, the road
was° cil for indite between Allegheny City
and C . Tillie, a distance o f ono hundred and
' WI Its " Tor m g i l t r e ,. s. Port Wayne and Chicago
Railrea Company was formally Organized In
the eltyt of Pittsburgh, on the Nth of Febru
ary,. by the tionsollilution of the uhlo nod
Penn canto, onns foul Indiana, and the Fort
Wayinatmil Chicago railroad companies.
Forme time after the opening of the road
the o e bemirs. was principally transacted
In the Ming In Allegheny now occupied as
a depot!: The President and, If we remember
i t
aright 'Borne other oftlelals hail an °face for
someir as e on Fourth street, The Company
each ' inrched a lot on Fifth Street, and
urge A large building, the general office Mi
sname' as transferred there. But even after
eallin into requisition some rooms in adjoin
leg c ties, the accommodations were Med..,
(plater the increasing business. The remit
of all that the Company have erected it wag
nifico. building on the corner of Penn and
Wardell:streets, to which they have now re
m° heir general business. Thu elilice is a
x is
credit' the munificence and liberality of the
Cam yas well as to the City. It Is In the
form o a square, or, more correctly speaking,
rpa ellognim, and Is Pa feet. long, 46 feet
w Me, end three stories high, soil cost $150,003
i f
It is a Very model of convenience and com
fort. IMMetliately Oh entering off Penn street,
au toOr bulletin • board meets the eye, on
widen' tractions are given us to the rooms in
which is heads of departmouts will be found.
On W - first 11.00 r, Moms No. 1 and 3 are oecu
pled by .P. ;Shinn, Esq,, the Genentl - Fralgtat
Agents.l by J. K. Shinn,Esq., the Agent for lost
freigWa 4 by manifest. clerks; a and 7 by J. D.
Laynge Esq., Superintendent of the 11h.stern
Divisions, and 6 and 8 by the Freight agent and
cashier of Penn station, Messrs. II: H. Ruble
and Wye}. Gibson. On tne second floor No. 9 is
occupilid,by the Treasurer and Secretary, and
ImitterliatMy adjolnhig are two rooms for the
President and Directors. Hera. 10 and 11 by J.
N. McCullough, Esq. the General Superintend
entisud hls auxiliaries; Nos. 12 anti 13 by the
Gen en 4 Ticket ngent,F. It. Myers, Esq. On the
third BOOr,room 14 is fertile accountant depart
ment:Si is the private Mlles of W. it. Harries,
Esq., e Comptroller; In is a store En ginee rfo
statioriery;lB is the °nice of the Chief
and arehitect, Messrs. Gardiner and F.
Slatapilir, and 19 is a mom for committees. In
additiOn, there Is a spacious attic wnich in used
for filing away the books and papers of the
sompaey. The vault is built from the cellar
to the third storv, and there Is an npArtmerit
ou each Boor for the deposit and safe keeping
of the Company's valuable papers. The Mold
ing, the first story of which I s of beaut t ful
stone and the remainder of pressed brick, is
fire-proof throughout. The deers are of iron
and cement nee give no sound when trend
Ou •
r oce this morning will not allow no to
do Jus tice to this magnificent structure, nor
have fate room to mention the names of the
contraetors. The architects I sure
Mosersond the building was erected u nder'
the suPeriu tenilenee of W. IL Barrie.. Esq.,
the Comptroller, upon whomit collects (the
highest, credit.
The removal of the Fort Wayne office to its
present locality must prove highly advanta
geous fa it brings all the railroad ofilees auto
close proximity, and must greatly facilitate
the transaction of business.
Thia is now one of the best managed and
moat Avosperous roads In the country. Gen.
Geo. W. Cass has devoted all Ills energies to
Ito nianagemenl and the advancement of its
Interests. He Lad many dark and trying ,mss
in pass through, but he has pierced the clouds
and note enjoys the clear sunshine ass resrant
for hienntiring efforts, and justly merits the
title of a "model President." Those wits wish
to get full Information in i egnrd to the organ-
Itf viTry"v .
I l' u e irWr " o n a l tPa " n n ip "d rOt t' ie l gf a a l o t l i fi l t e ri t •:i
and now own' by it, 811011111. procure a work
entitled "history, Organizution and legal pro
ceedings relatfve to the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wai - ne and cilium° Railway Company," which
was written by ben Cass and published in
11:3. It. is a thorough extonlnatlen of the af
fairs of the corporation, in which the writer,
rather too modestly an we thank, conceals Ms
own 0111111011 f services ill the varions liege/LIU
tIOII,I tied transaction of the company.
We desire to expre. our oldwitions to W.
IL Barnes, Rini., for tlie, facilities a ff ords. ns
glaring Our Viet for obtaining the above Items.
We have mot hitif both us Secretarytool Como
troller of Mini:6.llMay, sad in f`3,11 pO - 4111011
he has t1)10 , X11 the I.MICIIII: Of a gent lemon. We
are ado under many ohilgat inn. IO F. It. Illy
i•rs, Egg., the llenertil Tielott Agent, tor cour
tesies Shown us iluring our 1 init. fir hlyers
is always at his desk, and tlO matter how deep
ly inyolvoti In best?... i•tnd be always Seel).
10 twi lls reedy tort,: every In in tit,
power wituiiiiiiiitein,, :toil pat lone° N i, nude willful °nicer ; and t ..... ii more cheerful
.tat lilvasant Ills fe e " w../111,1‘ ectistatit suille
W born Admit We lineope Cholera?
It 401,1 , 1 10 Iko the prevalent oplition that NO
Or,. to have the I . llolofll 111 till, ell.) durtitg the
minting summit,. lint :L. 3 . 01 we 111,0 men un
able 1,, learn 1.11/01/ what reliable 'lute,, it In
imeint /Inner peOple are ranting about for a
"miltre in some wilderness. s
of shaile,'• vi here the rumor of chol
era may not Marl, their ears. So firmly hits
I his ohm heroine einheiltleil in the pithier
mini, that into of our permanent merchants
yesterday rellosnl to soli a reliable emintry
enstoteer n I/111 Of g... 19 .. 011 Lone," staling
that Haul after the eliolera bail pavnell an ay
he haul tleternile,l 10 dO strictly molt busi
ness, Strange that sensible mon art In
such a manlier. Weittitlei• that tier country
cousins are taking ailvontitam of our fear+ of
the emi IffOlirg4: Ti,,, .10/0 , ./sso l . /le/Oorof,
having an eye to business, nays: "The season
w lii oars he here when the inhabitants I/I the
Mum, will go &s ant to seek the cool breezes
among hulls :mil 111.011iltil., 111111 to relll,o
8.11C012011.1. f./111 Ibr ear, of 1.1.111.. life.
With Proper nolneetuents hilt! out they wl/111,1
110 111'011t took lit monism. to Johnstown anti
owlet the mummer roan the at, our pl'ettar
usque hills whose forests wave u ltit green and
even evergreen foliage, int w hone at tnitspliei 0
zu pure as purity Itself. Shottlol eliolerst or
other Mitt gortrus dtsiaons %Intl the cities, n
have 00 doubt that many visitor* will make
thin tunnel-alit town their titmice of a summer
residence. Litt the people oil prepare to merge
It a safe and pleasant vii y cif zef uge front the
pestilence that elks 11l 00011.1111.1 . 01.111 V. 11.1111
the results will be equally advantageous to
tliumnelv s
allll.l strangers." When will
Johnstow os n
ble to boast ot to find claw ho
Welloinarg Union Chap.!.
It will to retunnaltere.l that Itev. Clark, v.II
for of the tklu,d I'iem,s, was In the city sonic
Lisle Miler soliciting ...I for lb.• ereetlon of
°lmpel in the nourishing tow, of Wellsburg,
West Virginm. During his stay a number of
musical amateurs !trainee,' "Judas Matteo
tti...l4," Whinh proved a grand success. Wu
learn that Dm new and beautiful church is
nearly Out of debt, and IA It 111 , 1?“1/Ir place of
worship. Lectures have recently been given
by Hera Jones, Herr and Clark, to aid m clear-
log it of uebt. Union Chapel, Cincinnati, of
which Rev. Alexander Clark is the pastor, is
one of the most nourishing congregations in
the city. It has a membership of about four
hundred. and Ito Sabbath school has Just or
ganised a mission in the western part of the
city, for which a collection of 61,004/ was taken
up at the close of a sermon by the pastor a few
Sabbaths since. The mission Is uninagal by
the young nonillion. of the church. This Is an
Independent Methodist Church, separated two
years ago from the M. E. Church. It called
Mr Clark to the pastorate, anti the relation is
not subject to the Itinerant rule of three
years, to continues to edit the Sch.( Visitor,
which uow circulates ZIOAK) copies.
Onion yhet.l7—.4;opresrheadit Routed.
Unosrewic, VA., May 8, 1601.
Keg. IIAZICrT6:--OUr borough 010121tioll came
off yesterday. It Was warmly contested, more
so I aan any election held hero for many rears.
Early In the morning the Copperheads milled
their forces,
Buttboatng that they
WWI would sweep
the borough. after the day over and
the collet made, It wits found that the Union
Itepobilean ticket had a handsome majority,
a gain of thirty votes since last Morel,.
'McraWs show how the current rues." It.
Attorneys Panned AwayS=lllring the
past ten years many changes have occurred in
tin, bar of Cambria county. Within that po
rind there have died, Charles li. Myer, Eit.
word Hutchinson, Charles I). Murray James
C. Noon, (killed at Yrederlckshurgd Slichael
Han Mugholan, nuil Philip S. Noon. To thew
may be guided the names of lion. Moses Conan
and Abrithant Morrison, both of whoni hal re
tired from practice a number of years hoforo
leaving the "shorns of time." Judge Canal.
died m 1811, aged Over seventy yours. Mr.
Morrison died In PM, having attained the tut
vunced age of ninety-throe years, or more.
Railroad Arrident.--Jiri. Welnh, of Derry
township, Wentmorolatiti county, Willie return
ing home from Derry ntution on a freight
train, in company with two other youtig men,
employees on the norm, notoc nights ago, at,
totoplod to alight from the trot., anti Jumped
on the north track directly In front of a freight
train going the Other direction, which knock
ed WM 11031'11611d 1111311311 over WWI, Its till two
other train. following immediately after. Ho
wan terribly mangled, none of him clothwn he
lug left on him, except a entail portion of 1113
shirt. Lie died instantly.
e aro to DOLO the fact
that George • 11
C Whristy,pleased w
idiom a inetuber of
the preSs gang, but more recently a gallant
son of Mars • has been admitted to the bar.
We have known him for some years, and al
ways found Mtn an obliging courteous tontle
mum, and we predict that ho will make his
mark In the new profession he Lisa Just enter
ed upon. He has opened an office at No. MI
Grunt Street.
mini Note flook.—bouni day. spice we
llioned the feet that a local reporter bad
lost or mislaid his note book containing vela-
Mtn papers, end asking its return Lo this taco.
It has not yet beau forthcoming. Should Lho
tinder attempt to trowel on the "pruesetio to thin
book we lime the ronduetors will put him off
on at dark night whore there 19 no tavern
within UM miles.
Admltted.-0.1 motion of T. M. Marshall,
Esq., Wm. Carr, Esq. was admitted to prac
tice Carre severed co;arts of Allegheny county.
Mr. Le a young Mall Of 11110 taIMILS and
oxcellen Le Ind ilicattOns for the successful prac
tice of law. Ile entern upon Ms professumal
mover with the best wishes of Ills numerous
Pr•riple's 11.1mr.—Tha statuurC Ineftaha of
this tine arta at tint wharf and will leave
rka Saturday rivottluy mat on her royatlar
court Proceed log.
C. S. DISTRICT Cori:T.-11On. WIISOM MeCand
less presiding.
Wens .0A v, May , th.—The Court assembled
at the appointed hour, ten o'clock, when the
case of the United States vs. James Alton was
taken no. The prisoner was Indicted for pas
'Jag a counterfeit fifty dollar greenback upon
George Smith, tavern-keeper on Hilton Street,
Sixth ward, in Febniary last. The prosecu
ting witness (smith) testified that on the nth
of February the prisoner came to Ills tavern,
called for a glass .0 beer. and esker: If he
(smith) could change a note. Ile prfaluced it
Ilitl7 001111 T greenback (offered 1n evidence
and identified), which wit neasschand for
him. The prisoner received the full amount
of the change, and paid live moors" for his
beer. Half an hour after, ascertaining the bill
to be counterfeit, he 11111110 information against
Alton before Alderman Merton. of the Eighth
want. Alton hail been arreste d previously,
and at the magistrate's ofilee Meade,' over the
money he had received from Smith, and asked
to be let of. The prisoner said he had been in
the army and had received the note In ques
tion from his paymaster.
Upon crOss-examtnation, In answer to the
question whether be did not testify, Le his ex.
animation before Commissioner l, that
lie identified the note by a "little Wa r" upon
it,Smith replied that "lie might and might nut
have said so; told the Commissioner that there
leas a 'little tear upon the note." In his ill
reel examnuition. Smith said that he identi
fied the note by the letter and number which
lie took down upon a piece of paper at the Al
derman's office. Ile sent his little girl (twelve
yearn of age) to Gardner's drug store, to ascer
tain whether It was good er bad. Before she
returned he gave the change to the prisoner,
1 / 1 1.1 after so doing he went after his little girl,
met her at the drug store, and learning that
the note was worthless, returned lq his tavern.
Finding that Alton had gone, he at once per
sued him, doe,. Decatur street.
John Stein was in the tavern at the time
Alton °reduced tile fifty dollar bill and asked
change tor it, and being called on the stand
corroborated Striates evidence Ile Joined lu
the pursuit of Alton and assisted In arresting
him. At the time the bill was presented, An
drew- /frets, a tailor, pronounced it genuine,
but not being entirely satisfied of the fact,
Smith sent his little girl, as already stated, to
the drug store to make further Inquiry, mean
while giving Alton the change he desired.
John Faris testified that on the 2.1 day of
February—four days prior to the trunsaetion
at Smith's—he saw Alton in Lawrenceville,
and risked him if he hail "that note yeti" Ile
said he had, and produced It. Fans said he
thought It was good. Went to Savings Bank,
where It was pronounced counterfeit. The
note offered In evidence, Fans said, was the
same that he saw In th.. possession of Alton
in Lawrenceville.
Mr. Cameron, for two years Clerk In the
Custom House, (during which time he has
handled tut/lions of government money,) tes
tified that the note was an imitation of the
genuine In every respect, but the execution
end general appearance was bail.
-•-• '' •
I COMMON PLEAS,.—Judge Stowe on the bench.
• The case of Ilittfum h iiehew vs. Guthrie St
,Sill, heretofore tenoned, was concluded yes
terday morning. The jury found for the plain
tiffs In the sum of 6579.10. The next case taken
up was that of Jacob Smith v
favos. Gardner
seta - niter. The Jury found inn
favor of the
pi,inurr fur the sum of $ 2 1.70, the full amount
• claimed.
Day nun- Coral—Judge Williams presiding.
'1 lie case of Lyons A South vs. Rider &Clark,
noticed brietly on Wednesday, was resumed
yesterday morning. As stated, this was an
action to recover damages sustaleml tiv an
alleged breach of contract on the part of the
defendants. The plaintiffs own a. refinery In
Allegheny city, and on the 2.1 i/ of Slay, 1864,
entered in a contract wlth the defendants, by
which the latter, as alleged, agreed to furnish
all the crude oil, fuel, etc , used at the refinery,
on condition that they would be appointed ex
clusive agents for tile sale of all relined oil,
benzine anti residuum produced at the re-
ILnery. They were also to provide bane/s,
drayage, storage, etc., for such oils, and as
compensation, were to by paid a certain com
mission. The plaintiffs on their part agreed
to effect an Insurance on the refinery flint
stock, and to give the policies in the hands of
Hitler Si Clark as advances upon tile oil dell,
mat by them. Thisntract 1 1 / 1 1.11 to remtlu In
force until May 2341 c0 , 11015. The contract went
Into effect and continual In operation until
November la, 1564,1111t1C0 which time, as tillefL , i-ti
by plaintiffs, the defendants have refused to
carry out the covenants then entered into.
The plaintiffs claim that by tile nomfultill
meat ol the Contract, they haVU64.11.10C01.1111-0111,1:
LOCCII.B.O operations at their retlite^y, and that
they have suffered damages 10 consequence
to the amount of twenty-live thousand dollars.
which amount they seek to recover by the
present 0(11,111. The 111150 IS still on trial.
The grand Jury came Into court lit half-past
ierell. and returnal true little, Ina is States, vs. lii•nry Ina id Jones
lelll , l licorge 2 .1.4 . 011.150 g I,u 1/IL, c
rrel, oon
eriell treasury time in the denomination of
ten dollars, dohn Momaner, prosecntor.
United N411C9, vs. Win. Gans, passing coun
terfeit. national carrenso_y Lwinsty dollar note
nn Ilia 'First Natititou lank of Isllanaplls,
Gat. 11. Mousing, prosecutor.
Untied states, vs. (Merge ranter, passing
counterfeit trusl-sllry went, Boller
This te, prosecutor.
This bill was returnal 'powwow.
Henna. Entered.-011 itiontitty night the
duelling or a family earned 24yder, Merited
e the bezel of Win Allegheny river, near
Wet) `, Rios, wan eine/M thlm es :Leda
considerable quantity nclAing. Clothi, wear
ing Wt.' about si,.tyrioiluee I n nony
earrieti iitr. The operations of the thieves
aroimed 1111! 1 1 1111:14,p1, I,llt ,Oeveeklll4
esaping with their booty. hey nine attempt
mettle '
w e a l a
bet belonging to iliv
reetotveed LII4. MOMIIIig. heir
supposed trim I 111. earritui itwav their
plunder in a boa t.,.tv• a new skig owned by a
Man In Ilse lemity was stolen during the
ht. There it ne yet no eine which
would lead to tile apprehension or the bur
Ilitsiommee—The hole In the elite walk in
front of the Allegheny tit. Works on debt gut
street is a nuisance and should be abated.
Weeks Imre imased NI.III, It Wltei 0111'110d, and
Iron, present appearances IL will remain there
all summer, Should a private chive° main.'
lain noon it aulsance on hin premisen, the
Street Conlinhisionci would In, after him with
.. sharp stick." But It In said that corpora
tlonn hare so ilias,, bone° we suppose they
are not to be treated :141 other human "ohms,
Mel Yeaterday.—The various brunches of
the Methodist Church In the United tltates,
opposed to being ruled by Bishops, met yes
terday in Cincinnati (or the purpose of form
ing a connoltdation. A number of the clergy
and lay members trom thin city are In attend
ance. Be shall keep our readers advised of
the proceedings of this large and influential
Jnoily of professing chrtstmns.
Good Bomaln.—Thoso of our renderr eon
templating the purchase of lowa land would
do well by giving immediate :Mention to an
Vortioolsnont on the second page, headed
For Nale—sl,6oo—lowa Land.'"l'he bargain
ofroced to a good one, no may tin learned on in
quiry of any one acquainted with property la
that part of lowa.
Qualllfleel.—elen. A. L. Pearson, on motion
of lßstrlet Attorney- Carnahan, and John Me-
Canty, Esq., on motion of Major A. M. Brown,
were qualland and admitted to practice In
the Unita' States Courts yesterday'.
li It N WOoll—ch, Mar Sth, at the restslence of
her parent., Montgomery avenue, atter a tfitgerlng
illee M A JANE littE.ltti W WD, In the 20th
Sear of her age.
Funeral on VIUDAT LOILNING. at 10, o'clock.
and most picturewtne place of &prate" gn
me on the uplands, ImmedlaUdy north of Allegheny
City, ou the - New Brighton nos& Persona wishing
to ...leer Burial Lots will apply
at the Berrerfidend
anCs office at we Cemetery. Title Breda , Permits and all other business will a n attended bat the Dreg
Warehouse of the undersiged. corner of Bedard
and Lemont streets, Allegheny
Beeretary nod measurer.
R. 33. T41:04:713.1r,
Na. 62 Ohte !Street, Anewheny.
Mantilla:darer of
Particular attention Melted to hts Patented
promamets tn and Joints, matte of
U.and Lew Moor Iron, in atandard alma, anti
numbered, no that pa rt s Ten be ordered by inaL
taluar mph, and Mound • pertact tit lit all time,.
We also furnish rufwe, belying, small tools , dte., to
those who may *tali It. itiftnies and machine leo
made to order. Orden by mall promtly attended to.
ate prepared to grata licenses to other nuntalaeln
tnrot. iOr themlaattroreanattla on liberal term. Nor
1741 , 1 . eLhozr.
Dealer In all kinds of Foreign and itomealle
Hardware, Cntlery, littliatutins• Material Also pity
p.rticu,or ntletaluil to the a Mina 01 blatalm, Stela
tila, teal Poltava, Canceling Mumps, Crlittling Itst
[um tl.loactra, &a., at
No. 136 Wood etreet. Plttobargh. Pa.
No. 135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa
Who dad not Itecthre • Loco! Bounty
Can basis the Caine collected tbrough as. Apply
pnrsonally, or by mall. apatroostalatrY
. _
5... 7 Extra Choke Ewe User Cheese to store sod for
sale by
Eli Liberty litritet.
MPOTATOES - 300 bbls. Prince AI.
055i.114............... ax..•-•-....,,,--.—.- --
I _
legheny County. Penns. In the Mane/ of the
Estate o W °olio.] hnon, 4e/sussed. kin. t.March
Tern, Writ of Part:Won or Valuartion.
/r/ %lacy F. Wood. Wm. H. Wood. Frederick A.
Wood. David W. hillier and Nancy his wife. John Franc,., hi. wire, Washington
hn.on f?'" Filen It.. hi. wife. Ilenjamlo Hinson.
t•II sort. lieryantlo dod, and Charles
E. Wood and Emily I . Wood, Id their tillarillan.
D. C. Holtz. Esq.. heirs of It Ow Ilk. Opt i on, de
You are hereby notified that in Istuni.ition
he held in port miner of the !dud, 'mullioned writ of
partition or ValliallOrt. on the premise. In Pitt
Township. on TilkSlin Y. the nth day at lune.
Pair, at. to a'mo'k U.. to woke pmrl Ilion to anti
llMOtag help of ealtl tiereaertl. In c i tro n mann,
and In such proportion as,by the lan/ of thit
inonwealth Is directed. he., at which time and place
you only attend If you think proper.
Sfralltsr's Orin if. 1 1 1rtstitieph. Hay,. 18k:
—lly virtue °fan order of the Court of sm i tten Plena anthorlitn re Lawrence IV inehal, Calla mitten
of iiertrudr hoellner. • lunatic. to evil the Interest
of aald lunatic; and an order of the Orphans' Court
of Allegheny unty, atitborlaing A. O. McQuade.
Ottani]. of the. co minor children and heirs at law of
John Pool lan deceaord to soil the Interest of said
ndoors, of, In nod to all the folio, log era! estate.
nitnate Etna. Shale! townahlp. Aliegheny coun
ty. Pa., to wit: Son. , alasd (I In David An
derson's Ural plan of lot,. fronting on the Both
Turnpike ate Cl. Ilk Road slat) feet. and ex tondina
hack 110 I'o:et to Meant re.. t, nt POl.ll. Sale.. the
Court House, In the t Ito of 11, :dotealt, on SAT
171tHA Y, May 51st,, Icor, at to 0•,.1,,,d, a. a t ,
A. SttJAl/ E. livarallan
my2,lsarltssi elj
Court or Common Plea, In the !nate Cr,! the
application or the Building Otet Loan Ott.Ofhltloll
''N'.9.'ll7r.enteo,rAf,!--,l'nr,iofilntorP's'yri.j:l'A'Pril 21.
t. re /Woo died and the Court direct notice tiler- -
or to he publish.' in one neerdpaper printed 111 the
city or Pittsburgh ant county or Al l egheny for
'cast three weekei *citing forth that at, applleetloll
lion t e en incite tolliet'ourt for the lin'di:n
inghe Building and Loan Aalieelat i ion 11
burgh a (hotter of incorporation, and that the
same e wilt be granted at the ,teat tens of the t
1111e8t1 exceptions hereto than be filed In proper
• .
From the flet - m.l: JA(`011 l'ro.
o n r e d i4t o ti i i:e i k , te , it rt erill p 1... take notice of
afigtHawilwd Attorney for the Ansonlatlint.
DENSON. IlktE.A811:1/.--In the Orphans' Conrt
of Allegheny County, No. Meech Tenn, land.
And now, to wit: April I.& the recount of John
Way, Jr.. Administrator of Ja-nalina Antleraon,
ceased, confirmed absolutely, and nn motion of
Hamilton .t ACII.OII, Attorneys for the Aiilll4l6-
(rotor, thc l'ourt appoint nI.Ad
Auditor to dietrlhute the balance In the hand, of
the Accountant. BY Tat CO UHT.
Attest: W. A. HY11,11014.
All person. Interested are hereby
lb meet them for the f • """ that
en t, nt the office of Vt.Ye-,sß,„"i°los'.
Mb /street., on HAT UIMA Y, It A.l'"'.'nt
J. F. SLAG LP, * Auditor.
PLEAS of Allegheny County, No. iStl October
Term, A. D.. INS. Libel In Dlece ee from the Bonds
of platrilx o .7.• William McCaslin vs. human tic.
TO nrasyr MCCASLiX, the above named respond
ent: You are herebythied in he and ppear at
Use next term the ab notified
named Court, 1. , be held
at Pittsburgh, on the Fifth Moth HAY JUN,
A. 0., BIZ. then and there to answer the complaint
of the libelant, William T. MeCaslin, and she,.
cause, Ir any you have, why his petition for a di
vorce a Mural° marrinionti should nut be granted.
.1. MN H. ISTW
April Mat, A.. 1)., Nast.—aial E
atterdswAßT, Meng.
No. 74. In the matter or the amount .411. I. I 'la
rk:7. Administrator of Harry Woods, deceased.
Anil now, A prll th, tons. the court appoint lion.
DAVID It ICH 11: And itoi distribute the hAinlre
In the hands of administrator, according to amount
Notice Is hereby given ibitt the An dltor above
named will attend to the duties of hts appointment
on the FIRST °AY UV JUNE. A. 0., lard, atl.
odic, No. Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, It In
o'clock A. IL. of said day.
Teatantentary on the ektate of °JACOB HAYS,
late oral Ittlin Township, Allegheny county, deceas
ed, hat Ina been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowltigthemseit es Indebted to said estate
111 please Make initneistate payment • and those
I claim* will present them. preperti mimeo-
Cleated, for settlement, to the undersigned. at l•ros
pect, Butler cuuttiy. or to Si. A. a W. S. Perris/pie,
Attorneys wt
EII IPA IS li;tflit street, Pl:tatter/Hs.
HAS S. Executor,
aplOilawd6w Prospect. Butler co., Pa.
VXECUToWS NOTltlE.—Whereas
..-sLetter. Testantentar) on the Karate of JOHN
LEFEVER, late of Indiana Alleglieny ,
res,il, LA,. been granted to the Iltpler•iglieil. All
prson, knowing lionize], es to kart
ate will pirao mato Honied late payment, nod tit",
hat big claims wit I pri ken L Ito tn. properly athen
tic...led. for settlement.
Aptitilawdmw {{"AL V. EVANS. Exec•r.
_ _ _
Rum artn's 00 x lo oPirrenr• unit, it
Stay 4th, num,
that tbe following aecount. of Executor, Ad
n [strut/rt., ttuarsll.l,, haVe been dilly
In said Register's Mire, and 0111 he presented to
crrpdhans ourt for eon 6r/oath. and allow am,
on AIDS DA I'. June nla,
Final account or C. herr, guardian of
John 11. Kerr. 1/11,•,1 Feb. 27. 1 , 60.
First and final liccount of . 1 111.1.... N. Herron, ad
rululstrator of 11 Intain Priers, 114,..t. Filed March
1, I.A.
Final aecount of 17. Brady 11'1141ns. 4.< ern tor of
Margaret Darrage, decd. Filed M are It 1. In6o
Final secount Donaldson awl Martha
lionaideon. ot Job ilyrout, ,1/•/••ri.
Filed March I. lattL Final account or Mary M. Fried. .1.111 harm,' v.
of ( 0 .1.111rb Fried, decd. Filed March 2, 7000.
Am•ount of Anna Stinson, adruluistratri of Rob
ert DUO., dre • Et. Flied March 5, Ituin.
Account of 191111 mm Robinson, executor or %Anti-
Inger McDonald. dec'd. Filed March 10, leo6.
First and Anal account of John 1,. Hull. executor
of easnuel R. Lowrie, dec . d. riled March 15, heat
Account of Josiah Aber. acting ekeentor of Jacob
A her, deed. Filed March 17, Mi.
AM.., of Peter Oates, uhuinistrator of Mary
Shedder, cc doc'd. Filed March isegob' , Final amount of J sines I guardian en
ry h
IL, Maria
Pan. M. and 131111 AM 3. Patton, Fripti
Ylual Marc Al,
'.7=' , 1,141'.",°.`N!"111'
Filed slarch "_I,
Account of IL. C. 1 ./nierlck at.] John Mn,,, Jr..
soinilulstrators of Joseph It. Luc gaol, decd. Yilect
31 arch
Final account of Agnes , Donnhl and .1. F.
]l,Flied af ' areb Bien, of hoinas Dorralti, doe•d.
Account. of Heorge Renlsenbangh, administrator
of Clatherin,.. J
-noon deed. Filed Mnrch 2:, Pugh
Final &COO
. ofJohn It. I.y tie, eierutur of Ga
ntlet 720,t0r, tie2,l. Filed Aprll 0. Ism.
vceonnt ofJohn N. Lytle, es, etrior or Call
/trio • I tutor. deed. Flied April Oct.
Ft, st and final account of Samuel aud John Ntrver,
vdnistrator of itenJairrin Sarver. dec'ti. Filed
A gel l oti l anZl final out Marna et A' Height
surviving administratrll of Peter ' Bright, / 1 0. , 1 ‘ .
Flied April I. ISM.
Account of John Pollock, dec'd. guar/Ilan or John
H. Adams and David W. Adams, utinur children or
David Adams, decd, as Ole,' by James Pollock and
A. M. Pollock, administrators or John Pollock,
dee 'd. Flied April 11, 19100.
Account of MCA. Armor, administrator of WH
IM/a Armor, /loc.& led Ar 1500.
Areount or McA. "'m Fi ar, ex p eon il
tor of J ant: Forbes,
deed. Flied April A 1064 -
Final account of c.A. Armor, administrator of
Liavill Moody, deed. Flied April 0, 1366.
Account of David O'Connor, administrator of
Honor, Kano. deo•tt. Flied April 5, WA.
Account of Robert MoAro, one or the adirdulstra
or of Henry Oro., decd. Filed April 9, MIL
Fi s
nal account Of .110ixtrt AlcHer, administrator or
Samuel MeAnoulty. deed. Filed April 9, 100.
Account of Henry W. Lang. adminlstrotor of John
K. Lang. doe•kl. Filed Mears6, 11166,
Final aceount or John anti Ann Mears,ati
minlstratora of Thom. Hutchison, deed. Filed
April 11, 15011.
Account of Jo/lent. Walker, administrator ut
nob Cavil, who was guardian of the mined children
of Alexander Mcerricken, doc•d. Flied Aprll 11.
11001 OCCOUpt. of David trevf, guardian of Andrew
...lal."J f 3t
ay row, guardian o !sier
ra Applegni.e. Flied April 12-, 'WA
First and gnat account of Peal Mcllwarno. exec
utor of Mually MeCallister, dec'd. Filar
April 12.
Account of J. W. Cook, administrator of d.. U.
lied, deed. Flied April 13, MLA
Account 0(11. S. McKee, one of the executors or
Frederick MeKee, dec'd. Flied April
Final account of John Cunningham, to sell
real estate ofJohn McFadden, tita'd. Filml April
ohnt otin Callan],Jr.,f I ml
'nor eltiltiren j oIJ actin Sclierargj Evv,dl.l,llellhApril
14, USK.
Finalunt of J. W. V. Wkite. galantine of
U acco
. Greer, nduor child .f Davi: Greer, deed.
riled Aprll 111. INK
Final ACONIIII of James Cug. Cine w exert:
tor. of Mary Mates, dre•d. Fl m ied AMU Of
In O , Med.
Nevond and noel ,refund. of Eillmsbetli Mandl ton,
executrix of W illiam Dunn, dec'tl. Filed April
Mut 17.
Actwont (MM. C. Borland administrator of Dr.
C L _llaver, dee•ti. Filed April lost.
First account of William I/in:glass vs.:Attar of
John Kautin, dee'd. Flied April is,
Accpouh Noble nt oflol,lminorll Aiken, gardian
ble. deed.
Martha an
heirs of u Henry o
Piled April 01. 1050.
Account of 11.nriette at. bitinn and William A.
Whine, executors of William M. &tint., who was ex
104.cutor of Mary it. dee'd. Flitul April Is,
A atit r, l:l ' i t F ?o r r A a d o7 t i t 4% 1" t hl7r i .!I.Errfesct• Man dd,
' ACt.C.I . Ita of C. Colentatt, guartli. of David.
Mucus, liarab and Jane Lettish. minor heirs of tt
11aut accountd Filed April Z„ DWG.
Final of Jane Marks adininistretrix of
William Alerts, deed Filed AprZt
First account of Mary N. &food, guarril•ii of Christopper,
and I homes Ale Nano,.
Fines account Josoph attmlehotratut of
Jenny tlottrd t Flied April M, Usts,
Final account of Rebecca Mill, atludnistratri a of
Militant 11111, dee•ti. Filed April
V 1131.1 AP-Count Of George. him. atintluistratt.r of
Anton Kim, dee . d. Filed April Es.
Accountof Levi Lewis, dministrator of Edward
.1. Mettles, der'd. Plied April 2,, iwst.
Account of Calvin and Jmnes Porters,
ton; o f JaJnes Powers, dr c'ti. Flied April
Final account ofJetnes Christy. trustee appointed
1 1 11 lite Orphans' Court to sell real estate of Hobert
eatty, decttl. Filed April M 100.
ritial account of John I'. Kramer, gre.r.llan of
Maly H. Worthington, Filed April :al,
Amumot of Duncan Ifainliton, one or the teeu
torx of m t stes, nee'd. Flied April 30, MI.
Account of WIIIIBIII Holmes and V. 11. Eatoil,
eeetorsof Charles Brewer, deed. Filed April Ilu,
Account of Wllliatu Holmes, executor of Hems°
W. Jack on, .iced. Filed April:lu, teen.
Final „,ouet ceorge unman, nitniniatratur
"(Lewis Soydcr, tiec•ii. Flied Illay I, wk
ssi,s jinni account of W. G. Hawkins, execu
tor of 11. A. iMactrer, 44_4,11. Yliesi May I,
First and Coal account of J. H. Matti, ns.,s u i„„
Moroi John W. McConnell, decd, ',n o d m" I,
Account of William Carothers, noting c Xrell for of
churns Carothers, deed. Filed Mn, 3, Ines.
Final account of itusina Hinny, mint inistratri x
Bainnel Henley, decd. Jelled Ma y 3, lersh
nupplementary account of H. IC. McKinley, thi.
mlnistrator of Samuel McKlulry, ilec'e. Plied
March. VI,
• • •
w"•'°°"` ' 1 " , 14,12 0 4.Pi.t4,.', 4
47 , !,?'"At,
aTT l Mlt tore
Account el Masnle Simi tia, nth:slabs trusts Pir
JaMesti..Mtiatin, dec•ll. Flied may a, Wm.
Mrlaal aceennt of Rev. !angel Manna, executor oy•
ElLsatretb Naylor, tlee'd. Yllett May 3.. mea.
First account id' Darolula Useen. admhilstrato ,
d r
of the estate of James M.' Ustlagber. deo •d. Yll
Ittay:,l,. Med.
It :s :}EKVA 04 :A :11fraterY=71-1
OB WBDNEHDA Y . AND BA 072.1111 Y.
The ettlcton U fcetranledmhleh e U rialkibrillut
se/then soonest as the mall run.
The, know where to go to got the
Ind Men ad the part of prudence
when the follow their example.
Women. rq,ui.i Moroer., Liaintoralo
Iting . ll.ll Lasting limiters
10 Fr,01.1, Illorovdo tirtsor•l. . 1.50
!le n
do Vine ItalmorAlb
•I•. Stout Slaw,
'lllltlmn'. Fain) Sh. 4
Witlvil Mont. n b.. .11 llleleu t I lt , ltiectuon t to eat!
qt riiv NAI.IS l/F
Itoott-4nnil ShcoctsiA.
Ati T ;Uir' , ' ,l rii"..Z s i'72.'".%:l;„' l ,:;il%:',„;',7`''',,n.d '''''
CLOAKS, &c .
N r:W CTI_, 0 -,i_riS
t'f;el 1 ing; att. :$2',5(.).
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth Bt.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
;AIMING OF 1,666.
Tlon arl ink dvalpent..l t" nurlfy and
r*.atorr. ~,,, .1 L., by which
1t 4, 1 , 1:1.A and all 1 , 1 as,. r I.ln.Sklu ar, effect
ally rt . tn ,, llr,,n, tke ,01,1 hoLllea
50 cents and SI each. lny
3p7 Corner Sznitt9etl and Fowllt ritree . ts
WHOLEISALK Dicutiuis'r
Xto. 37 Wood Street,
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
1. M3E1.V.
PAINTn, U 11.4. vAltNisil IiyEISTUVVS, &C
Tbo !lotall nnsln,•n: will I. root lolled as Usual at
Ma. to rodoral street, and curna•r oblo and Fader
al al r0..E.. A II,alo•ny. 'Loy3l-Iyd
Pittsburgh While Lead Works,
.No. 6g IZAToocil. lEfitroot.
CASKS POTASH, prime, just
received awl for sale IPV
n yl . Druggist. 3711 street.
d PUT'FT, in Bladders,
sfju,t I and ror slit. by
my! A. KELLY,
Wholesale Druggl.t, ood street.
9() TONS WHITE LEAD, in Oil,
4 . , - , .105t received and for sale. by
Wholemle DruggisGEMUtl
. r Wood street.
and for sale by KEllltliK A. K K1.1,Y,
my I Wlsolceale Druggist., Wool atreeL
It . T. WHITE & CO.,
Manchester, Wood's Stun and vicinity.
Co Ulultootonstaisneeitter Livery figeble,
Verner cos Shenleid and Ohartlers streets.
Ilvmrse and Carriages ferelaeed• nolo:iyd
BOHEST WILLIAM), undertaker.
n o n ku
aoJ to. t
iv l nr t . L , l .
enemy7l. ir l , n o
o f - 3111:Titi treater and Carrlasse ahr de as
-.4 et reasonable terms.
MXlVrrrn - ki
No 164 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Po. COFFINS of
611 klo do, CRAPES 11141V11.14, wt.:nth:sex tt
of Puntt Purnhilatlg 000. turmanca. IL00;01
operele. y an/knight, Ream: kud Car rto fuhe6
411 .ex0t04c6.14-Itee. Dovol Rem, 16/., Roy. 611
W. c. 0., LED., Thomas Ewing /166 k. J 64111 b
Miler, Esq. 4611661
ft... k.d . Lam. A..ortmput al
1:10/1131C HAKIM,
No. 2$ 004 3 Ohio NL. Alleighenl
1,11! HAY!! HAY!!
1 , 1111. 1 1 / 4 LE. Br
S BIRVAIII, Broker in Stocks,
NTRlerr, Warta 's Braiding,/ boys and sells on
DIL AND OTITEKSTOCKII, and (.4ifinelntEm:
=PIIT '" IIrPOWLIE/elialLlMlTele
War cononnalone charted In [bow elllre. °Me*
executed for sale and puncheon of /Coal Relate.
M a
U:4 r all kinds of Hal !..”!