The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 09, 1866, Image 1

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PUBLrAIIRD la THE 04aliTTR AllBoolArme,-
No. Be Nirro Simorr. Prnntolion.
PE R rgAg. BY MAIL •
PE WitiK, 86RVED BY **
. ''
' . 118 11 ) . I
At lase than market raLes Mlctallare ,
nn the northeam
corner of Fourth and Market ntreetn
U. II ANPAIN 1.0% k ,t Ran.
iireustliocs. FROM WASHINGTON
New nod If eoutlN!lex, on the nortliftnst
corner of i'ourtli and Market •ftree.t...
C I've &
The best good. In the ell) for the t floury, on
the emit:mist corner of Fourth and Market
streets. C. II A 1,407 C 1.001 it lino.
-ism- -
Colored Alpacas,
All shades, very cheap, on the northeast roe
nor or Fourth and Market streets.
C. Ilsiniox Lova & Pao.
lidorlany'm Wong Meax Yer.
I hereby challenge arty person to qUestio,
my right in manufacture the above, and etre
the same for said ut my new Storms, 10; 1 , 1111
field sheet, and opposite the Postoniee.
J.ll. F1:1 TOM
Ncw I 011.6, May h.-The TM/uncle B as
r to speeial bite. The doom of th e
, chits Le' Natioind hank continue open. iiii
, "Meer.. remain there making pet/Inks
Suture redemption, but with no pimp/.
1 Inn n+' Chlc to fultill therm it appears
It is no Exploded Me*
That consumption Own. wli.. on deposit from the Interim
cannot he cured, for Wl' partmeitt on amount
have the evidence flatly that persona in the 1.0.,,,,,, 1,,,,part,,,,,,,t, ne,,,i ...., tit_r
halt ata. arc being eurel and restored tn , Mottle. tutor 1.,,,,,, ~,,,1 1,,,1,,,,,,, ci
health and vigor by u ing 0 Rev A S 1 I e '44 .
'-- '' . '' n ' - # 19 ,1 6 11: l're.tir). Depart men Dire 111,111 sand
Great e" '"‘ial'e Kernel' 1.1.f1 i . l'' I n "" Mrs, and other Pat masters an/I Quarter,
have been cured by 11.. Call unl procure, 01 1 / , 1 ., e,, , 1 t i . , ; tothl, $,K , ,,,,,, ~,i , pi ,
Will b. Waited to Lou• a 1 1 . 111 1 1111 /ll My l"g a lin/ , hall+ above the : ttttt ilt tiere/0111 1 y tor tin
blau,,. of this reinargable unslielne
demotion of the Staten of the hunk, al
Sole agent 101 Fitt...burgh and vivo/ay, . 1 ,._ ' .1I 40.1661, leaving a loss for the too erunlen
, V.47,1n0, without having cource to st/
sepli Fleming, Druggist, No. al Alat bet street
reroer or the ib mio'f ll, / n' l l“ . il 'urth 14 re"- lTt!tler'oc`ia7,rneu'gr= r i te. tr'e `n'n't l ,`... ng:'
bank, nr the bank reout erlng or having ii
thing In dit the general insets of the conc.
The official inquiry now going on will
I dem/mo-ate the nillolin t of the private
molts, their liabilities on 4 1 .44,,
, Information f Baltimore Intl lentos 1
nothing of any amount will be received ir
, Rayne, or Payne .t Co., of Italtrinore. The f
' ore of the Alerehatits' National Bank I
amused a gerrenti feeling of disaatisfact
ong depositors In other Instlletions, s
to-day quite a run was made upon , 011115 otlo
and a largtsainount of deposits have been
tuoved to Jay Cooke'N, the First. National, a
to the United States Treasury 'rhyme am
other suspenslous, however, an/1 it in :
nouneod by Maury it CO. that they will resin
L0441:11 0 ITO 11 .
On May nril, there w. In the varion+ pub
depositorlisi V../.4,5t1,710.:10 There are tooet
stunt securities held by tomeral lminti
amounting to 1ia1,114,51,10.
The Inspector General ill the Freedniet
I Burenu in % Irginia, 11. j 1141 reported to ail
Assistant Commissioner at Illehoo.l, the 1
sell of a thormigh the... 11
ale ion of ale :oral
of the freednien in stole. of Nil lell lie hi
Just completed ran Inspection. lIIn report r
the u hole i+ tssumnßlivelt favorable.
prosen le the rarinll.l Mien,' sehools general!
well attended, and the prejudice erholii
against the frerslinenoloa ly hot sterolily , I
irtlngshing. The sanitary eendition Of th
freed /nen has so tar Improved throughoet th
State, that all bunrau hospitals hate her
abolished, the employers, In eonipllaiter• it
I In. Groin of their labor contrails, furiushin
the re/tn./lc tiuslical attemlanee. The deman
for labor greatly exec./Ms the Itipply in rail pot
. tio. of the state. rho wage+ of the oral
lertslivien .erage Mout tame, dollars pe
i month, Including food, quarters and medico
Dispatches from North Carolieu reveal ler
ther arts of malfeasance on the part of till
•111., of the Freedmen+ Item/ ii is that Stale
tolonel Whittle/ley, the COniliii•sitilier for On
. state, and severe/ or his subordinates, wal
theassistance of Mune Maamtelnisetts Milian
oyasta, It Is alleged, hate Seen 01-Cori:red
j running plantatuma on private ac /I
working delinquent or disonierly bark
ies an on
then / for punishment. Sevethi arre
st+ have
ebeen 11111114. and mote will be, it is reported.
ha imitate Louttitittee on Fiddle Land+ have
senti itnportati t measures before t limn,
a Melt will be reported In a lim /lay, looking
to an early development /if the N /nth a te.
several leading radical up , n are here Sir -
lorence with them, alliong
limn 1, a Mt-
/Moo Is
A 411drein.lty. eon
re., who le urging leghtlat ion to la,re tie
A specialty , fie erimpletion of the road min At i . ll 11 110 Iliiy.
inir tot/cern, ld, Ai 11 lett [mikes an Ontlet In 11.• lakes.
'rho Commissioner of infernal Het mitre, In
II lettt of reply to a gentleman of ittaralo,
Our Grovel less New Tort:, upon the 4 1.41-ISIOII of Judge stel-
The best of Sine., entree, Chocolate, AIR, tiU',:ei,,,‘,7,1":Trii,,V.,,,",,1.:, V,1..t.1.t..,:,'. ..'1..,i3,,,i,
ta I/I, Am Call and see how we sell them hdd don nby • J
mtg.. Bm/tiles:Las Mitte i c:;.+l/s ie .
New Gods,
a Melt i ll' thinks the .10/11re ought tint to
aid to t asselemr,stipposed. Im 110
ken as thereto ot that District, us Judge 'rail
Arriving daily. appstni to enneer in the opoilori of liadm
Arriving , Salty. 11 Ilinlley. 41 , 4 10 110. 1011.1. .01 111.1 kmg a .14.0101
A large line cif end - N.114 104. the 1...1:4... 11.01.0.- ....” ..... ."ta• ' l°. ' °°t "'‘' ° '". ' "."... "°‘ r ' .-
her the litinalivr, 41.3 Fif lii ',lx, -1 cipini. Ile Ihe " I r. , ' ''' Re "aaM'Y' ' alaa' “ l • I''a
a ' I'
/ . , it e , callet 11.. Ha atithoi,i. /// / pl.-I/mt.
/Mors House
zo / •-•11 l'im ////nni•• t% aslitnethe ..,..i•I ,i in A I lif
I•resillent ii. +min, ti,- hot item Is .thi mg
Toe Grand Niernri. . Un- Intereational Telegraph / .iiiii,n, . 1,.
The grand secret In umdtmti o n , t o I,l p two,/ Elul tinned Shah's mail Cllii,
Nature. Sr sr., is and Rso „, rv-these are
1 ,Z, 1 ,:„„,: ar 0 , „,1.'„1:."„7,::; bun,,,,,,,,, ` , '" 'L",:, i 4 4 ,.":, 1 , 1 ,1,.
the alpha mei Omega of OW 0 may )henry 4if 4 ore whoi failed to make lII*. proper 10(101,
Cflre that h. 4'olllllloo wrilhe 140 11. bast, I i 111.• TlOO.. 1% 11 , 1111.0.011 "ii,etill ma). neat I,
then erVolis systein I. .Iml lei r4l, the lam les ','L1,,,U..,,,nr0r,.:::.':,'""at ti " . "" 1 "" "..4."'
it tinr
atSal all. all, have einsinirsi t 4.1
weak, and the mind, like the, Ina state- stilt• m the I ode 1 1.41 itt• 1 I , ll4l.riet 1;4 nirt .1
rd p4rtial collapse-what .li Imm t 0 do/ gm New c ork, nirniii.l SI 111.40,1 I 1 1,11,, i...ttini
mgr.!, tor the reriivr, 111 the val.. of Dm
son textiles textiles a+ the answer
top. The suit. nand/el one hundred ntol t Wen
-111,1.1 aI • r Toga M AT. It-two, acrd a strong ai rat tit counsel bus 1.0011
Brace blur up . you woold brace a tottering It -two,
1.3. The plaintiffs, among whom gre
ediece. The pabulum lie need+ in a Tonle Al- 3 .,Vj.::i1 i T ,1, 1 ,', r ) ,:"' " M. F. '‘.r.. ....I " t h''' "r
terative. Itring Situ up out of the depths 01 ' General Sickle+. a 110 at rived here ye-der/13V
Debility and De:menden/T, with several members of li. stall none lll,lO-a-1.00,
1.00, hull an amen les P1(11 tsar, imust 3
WITII lie, 1rrr.614•4 111 ,6..
Gen. Meal./ report. affairs gradually no prov-
They cannot Injure A child may take them ing tu the State Tee labor question is well
111 dorms sultel to its years, without tile possi. ' settled, and On/ lawless operations In the
1 ,,,,,,,,,,,, , north WMIIOI.II pen/00n( the Mate have 1 , 11.43,1.
billty of 1.11111 The enfeeble/1 s vital
Imil `I MllO .
having derlltieil the 111 , 0110 1. ,
are as %tire to reSl/011 41 rilergetieltl 13 5.0 their the Hag., will probab/y I . etiirti to the coin
action ati the wilted grass is to meet Its Modes mama of the Department of south Cat //lola
under she v i raying and refrealitug rain. In rimy roar, May s.-The emosis,,,,t, specie i
all easei`td dehliity the lilt tern me absolutely , ,"`Y,'
~,,,,U•,:),,11.7,117,%,A""r7.1. Ch. "'""r I .
required.; There is no aubsti Lute or sumeeght- J t!tre.lf Norfolk ' . It " is utitnmden- against
acorn that will till their place. Resort to 1.1 4 E, J nourn Chase it 111 not pmside at the trial
. The ii to/hinging/I Key trbl.N. tra 111 t) I 1.111. 1.-porl
omit wonderful of Modern Tonics,
I of the ViLhinet 1 . 1 1 , 10.81011 011 ihmoustruetion
Aso Art wo.r. se %Yet 1..
as from the highest .10ilree am/ that secre-
Bear in mind that In Dyspepsia, Intermit- . Lilty Stanton.. oppositi to the plan was as
tent Fevers, Billious Illsorders, and AlTectlons .."' ,. ''''.. l .. th."' ' l. a nt .r ther ' .•. '" 1 ""r•
01 the Nerve+, no other inedleine will produce (MA13417=1. V . l.lit i l b t i ac in t l b „ ' n ir 1 ' .17/! ' n eV.: non c e
one tithe of the good effect that Invariably J lull, omtloi. were !Midi, 1-0 1.10. 1 , 110.1.1. e X
101 lOWA WO use of this excellent Invigorator • csiPting bond+ from , tatr an a .armor ,a t.-•
and Corrective. Sold ererywhern.-.V. 1 - Fri- j
bens, Oct. la, M.S.
Alloslelter's Miters i A N OTHER CANADIAN SCARE.
Am sold wholesale and retell at very low rates 1
at ' , leaning's Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, I
NO. 84 Market street. corner of the Diamond ' Fenian War Vessels Reported
anal Market, near Vonrth street.
Spring. and hummer Goods. Georgian Bay.
The well-known store of My. John Weler. --
Merchant Tailor, No. PM Federal street, Alley ' N.' ' aaa ' May 1.-A
" 71 " 1 L " Lae
gluing, has been lately littial up with anew as- rY°la 0a " "and ' " Ito 'LY '• Thera
*or - Uncut of spring and summer anode. The
wan a panic hem 1.1. May night over tile Fenian
stock has been well selected, and embraces all , reports. holes have "r"." Irma "a " the
the numberless articles needed for gentle- MM.' and 1 ' a: e l ; 111,,U;1a,,‘e*,,1L,,' ~)71.:,',711et,':,.„',',“`V,:;.
men's garments. A large stock of ready-trunk+ I vessels In Georgian Ray, heading for this Pont.
pants, coats, Vesta &C., WU/ 11.1110 be fonrol in Intense excitement followel Am all the velliill
- Ids establishment. Ills stock of furnishing tr.°l,,raStree „1',`:,rit,h,r`.,„f„.r'nm.,1„.h;.;_,,d,;;.'1r,.,,;",7",V,',".. ell
to goods cannot be surpassed. Persons desiring 1 IZOII I / 1 1131-11(.11 0111, and the 1011.111. poolllation
to pixel:lase a good suit Of clothes would oo ! t' t-v rtided Ilie street.eil nigh' mid to-dirt settle
, aso haeßy frightened that they hat e buried
well by giving Mr. Weiler a call.
I their valuables.
- -
The Dry Good• Trade.
It Is said by those who have Lbe bast right
to know, that most knots ni gess!, are selling
at loss !halh the rOM Of proll netion or lawn,
lotion, and that Vesiratfle grosls are scare,.
w the eyeept lon of Sheet lugs and Shirt fogs.
and flat u ffonNeo nonce of t h in prices Call
ant go lower, and may advance. If this he so
It is the part of wisdom for those 51,0 are
Wanting to make purchases at once, and rape
daily so, as the Meagre. Barker lc Co., M. Mar
ket street, are offering a mammoth and un
.l./11.4.1-atted stock at eery low prima Buy
ers, both at trifoloSale and retail, shoal.' make
a note Of this.
The Virgin Geld Molex CompnnJ.
As will be soon by an advertisement of this
Company on unether page, the large anti val
able properties Which constitute Its basis are
offered to the pnblic on such enntlitions and
twcompan led by sneh fair anti equitable fea
tures, that the Company trill at once eitutromul
Itself to the confidence not only of the nian
nimlorate means but to the capitabst.
Already a large number of subscriptions
have been received. 't lie list Is rapidly filling
up, and It is expected in a very short tune 1,,
Issue notices to subscribers for their first meet
ing for organization. Those desiring to avail
Themselves of the opportunity of securing our
one or more of the remaining Sloe "original
Interests" In this large and already powerful
Unapt:my, should at once send in their suis
2.3 tents! 2.5 ILe' Int.!
What. 25 rents a 111 do.
What 25 cents will Je.
Ail in las ion l rcr
A if in ission Trot.
Every lereelk I . CeeiVl , l 1111 l re! than their money's
worth, [loll \LS a ttttt tter nt ceeterne,
F:reeryleenty in delighted.
hver3 Iroly IM delighted.
War N ea—The Death Ifseord of tato
Loyal altates—Lose of Life In the ILega-
Lae rad Volunteer Armlet,
The following table, shows the total cas
ualties lir action and front the effects of
wounds and disease, in the volunteer
troops furnished by the several States and
Territories, in the regular and colored
troops, and other organizations, raised di
redly under the authority of the United
States, and the aggregate number of tro o p,
raised under all calls reduced to the three
years' standard:
x > t.
4: - ..,' , , r6 , -514 ,
°v ; ; g-!0g
.`" - V ;,.g..r.,V5: F ;
: 3.F<7.°
, E
. ea
: * !Er3 ,
0 . ZP.: i
Halite 2 ;" 5 . 5 14 - 5 415 ri,kal
li Ham ,
pshire I,GGI
22"' 24z, 4„,
. 494 074
nfuschunetf.s.. 0 . 0 . D 7, 9 00 13,933 4,9011
Rhode Island 470 1,073 1,05,,, 17,874
CoalfaceLleu 1..... 1,902 3,2131 5411 50,514
New York 11,445 17,107 31,552 Sefl,UXi
Nes Jersey • 1,011 2,,wsr, m a , ,,,74
Peunsyjyanlit .10,184 11,09 u 21,374 36! 55+
Delaware . 310 Di se.
,x .,
Maryland .., .. . 710 053 1,361 awn
Din orColumbia 55 244 Y. 19
,500 I
Ohio 11,3. 1 7 i 14,215 =1 11
,1.,M5 =7,976
'aeus 6 817 13.313 19,un 1.52,253
Illinois .... ...... ?i,906 19,1034 9 1,842 2194.4
Michigan 3,m7 81429 12,425 80,,az
CV imooroOn 3,518 6,955 1034ne 70,355
Minnesota ay+ 1.374 2,94 10,015
lowa 3,441 0,042 12,001 58,152
Ban*. 1,2:31 2,194 3,191 18,1154
(.541ifirtils 92 M'J \ 391 7,451
West V 10311111- 1,21.3 1,M2 33/25 lAa3
Kentucky ...... 1,85 i 5,315 7,199 70,318
Minsouri •
3,3,...5 7,346 9,711 85,192
Tennessee 2,1.= 2,103 4,475 12,07;
Miss Nalpill ...... .. . 09 60 . .....
Alabama. .55 i3Si 3.15 .......
if . inri.,. . .... ila 102 271 . .....
'Texas 43.1 278 311 . .....
North Carolina.. 54 8414 917.1 .
Louisiana 22 712.1 WJI
NUVllArkansas 384 51.5 92-9
4111 . 10 2.2, 045 •-• . •
Oregon 67
Colorado 667 734 109 937 ma . i,.iiA
Indian Ten' Cory 374 614 700
Munn:wino Ter 107 135 az
Dakota T0r...... .... /0 lo 111
iiebreska Ter- 14 123 137 391)
New TexldoTer. = 160 183 1,011
U.S. V. iPeniten t
- Rebels)
lianeoek , s Corps
of Vetenins ... . 9 44:6 415
Misstssippl• Ns
ran Br= v i. ;; 248 /85 433‘
/14 ',MO 1,2104
•Anny.t. 3,047 , 2,833 4.101.
glo C<Rer ared Troops.. 2,991 -25,301 it);1001 .
--- ------ ---.
TotaL - wpm' 7m,41,p01tD
14 3:52 .366
Firth street
it:l Fifth street
Reported Cholera Came Untrue
New YORK, hi/1y M. —J(11111 .1. Davies, Ii M. of
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the
State of New York, (TONI in Brooklyn thin
morning. Ile wan also at the time of Ills death
I lirand Scribe of Untied Encampment, 11011 ro-
Pmsentative Stites body In tho Grand Lodge
of the United . Ile had been a member
of the (trier a .1 [tarter of u century.
The rumor which prevailml yesterday to
them effect that an unknown man from Alhany
had tiled of elation,. at Belbow /lospital,
proves, on In vestigat lon, to have been without
foundation, the person In queetion lint ink
filed from hernia.
The health authoritlen artiof the opinion that
tlll4there ill HO appewranee of the eplcilMlie yet 1,1
Judge Clark, of the Between° Court, has
grunted the application Boole by the corpora
tlon Counsel to open a Judgmeot for thirty
seven thousand dollars, given in the ease of
fteorge 1.1"11., against the ell v. for work alleged
to have been peen wolfs! in the battery en
Estimalled Lows, ..gafro,oot
Cutt,utt, May x.—The Imililings Ikon.
CM/ Mt South {Voter xt., wore MC.4troyeil by fire
Mkt ofgght. Thn principal lumers are, McCor-
Mick & ettliender, oil, paints, .tr., 01111,00;
4iekertion and Wulter ti. (ittrilcm owlt:
era of Intiblittrk OLIO lOD. The insurance will
corer the
Choler* Nhlp 11.eport—Barh Nlllll4—Con
neetleat Politica.
Ninv Yo sic,ll.nyA—The health ofllcer's report
ehows three new cases and three deaths from
cholera, since the laa return. Hixty.Ave non
valeiCunt patlinte have Isom transferred from
the boapttal ship to the ship earslogaLleavi°4,
only forty•eeven la the
T r total
of deaths by cholera is dftr•
The bark Anthrop from Clonfugo for Port
land, sunk at sea on the second from the et.
feats of a heavy Kali. Grtpt Hill and the crow
were picked up by the schooner Wolter Rat.
etgh and brought. Lotto. port.
The Legislature of Connecticut will moot
thisleet a week. probably Cu Wedueeday evening,
front the
to e United states Senator for sir years
4th of March nen. lion. Wm. A.
BuckLugham,governorfor Ilia Met wren yeare.
tien. 0. /4. Perry, formerly representative In
Yo land the lion- Lafayette S. Poster,
incuturtent are the rival candidates.
Assesleaps Vlslthos• Europe.
Wssauprrost, May 8.-r The numbs. of Ameri
cans visaing Europe Is libown by the amount
Of 1 1 :88Pb b fr luuel by the D epartment
tlrm Laved 11:123 tfulgigt"XynpiellyTomus ave
Merchants' National Bank Failure
Colton Suit.. al Savannah
After the reading of the Journal Mr. liar
field, or ow", moved to postpone ite special
order, being the ConstiLtillonal Amendment
reported by the Committee on Reconstruction,
until the the bill should be disposed of. Jr,,
said IL would be a national calamity to have
the Lee bill delayed.
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, hoped that no
noel, disposition would ho made of it. Ile had
no Idea that the down stun of the Constitu
tional Amendment would occupy two or three
days, and it was not the ptirpose of the Com
mittee to have the other two mesvures noted
on until It was seen what disposition the Sen
ate would make of the Constitutional Amend
Mr. Le Blond, of Ohio, Calit. , l for the yeas
and nays on Mr. GarllebPs motion, saying he
wanted to see who were in favor of laving UM
necro the preference over the trn,p.ertint
u •-- -
Mr. :intoner, limn the Commit toe on Forage
Relat ton, reports 1 the Home, loint re-ole
thin relht lye 10 the attempted essitiod rug lon
of the Emperor of 1 :11 , 4111. Wtll, an additional
section its an Irmintilment, requesting the Pres
ident to lortearil n copy of tile rnsolutton to
the F.lnperor of Russia. Tho rarrolutlon as
allo•i.led Ity The Con - mitt. on Foreign Affairs
it r letssed.
. Clerniller, trom the Committee on TOW-
Me rev, reported the limbo Joint reeled latch, to
preveht the ntroguctlon of cholera Ino the
, ports of the Clniteg States with an nmemltnient
aS a shls.l.ll.llte, viz, The Senate resolution in
trodured by Mr. Rarthstry as an atnentlmerit by
the leriellttee.
The substitute reinis as follows Joint rest,
I alto,,providing 0113.StilltIlle 1'04111.1011s
prevent the Intend to
ict ton and 5p1,1141 of the
Ashn, cholera.
I ' l /1 R
1 ..{“ti,1 by er ad 11°,0. , V Rep', .1,1.
~. k ,/, fh , notet :V. /Nhir, vot A , orry - ,c, In (~,,,,,,.,
oxxes,/,,,1. That. it shall ts• the Thtl 01 1 he see.
retail of \Ver. rill! the co - operation irt the
Secretory ot the Navy and secretary of the
Treasury, whom' concerning action shall lie
i llrecteil li) the 1 0111 MUM] -In-Phis' of the
.truly and Navy, to an enlei ag. and of
syst ern of unarentint• sautes the introduction
into Ilos comer, - or the Antal cholera
Ile , throug Its ports of entry. nliereve tho saint.
111. thrael,l by ',evidence f the 'Ohl
1 10041.4 e lu countries having direct cdoimercial
intereouree with boiled states. Al he shall
the, onion, Ilic ent.ablklenent of ',tintptrycor-
Ins to or, ent the sperm! of said disenst
rote Infeeted district-. adjacent to or 'ruti
n the limits of the I 1111,1 ',ate, 111111,
hat said S eeretartes ere hereby m0n5...4
.0 the means ut t huh °inn Millet to' earl') call
he fen ..1,1•. 1 ,1,, i ,10 11, fourth, that It shall
Ile , Itlty Of the saferetarl . of Stu, to
pet, cor responTellen S1:11.. forelizil powers
hose proxinely to the Untied Wales wlll el.
angel the introduction of ARlatic elarilent
110 11118 country through their port, or terri
gy, holiclt lug their co-operattau With tilt:4
itvernmeht io such etrort. ill prevent the in
...met 1011 of 201.1 , 1,115 e ow, 1111.1.1, Itsits 11 , 0-
11011 shall e o .llllle 111 !ors Irmo I passage
Tit 11 the beet.' 3 1.t11.1. of 1/o, llllso, A. r,
The,,, Ito longer.
111 0 1 . 11 log hom expireil and the ~,eidlng
thjeet a 4,11. ”Ve
Mr Fessendec, Iran Iii,,?111.11, t , .il tee
,ported the leg (.Mutt le appropriation hill
It lel, ten.ordered 10 be melted. The 1,..
sllll/011 to exempt crude p e troleum (rot
ternal 1 :eV5...10 to.. a tts receiVed iron tI ,
e , I.
,11,1• .1/1.1,11 Up 011 1n0t.14.1 01 Me. (.. 0 .../ all
The unfinished busuless of yemerilaY.
th‘• 11111, wit.% Inhen np
.11ng motion nll, MI Air Trhteteill',zonvThiet
ent, reintive to appnlottnent.... "Mee, ;In
Inual hleh ye•tel.ll%. reven•hlored
le am M endment hymn oilen LIP
Mr. Merrill nice.eo Isl rike ent the ;AA
requll tng I he eh:wand eaten ht ran.,
in be repore....l the. Senate at next r.4`..
art' calloil not 1.11.• pott4 311.1
11 lin)
, 11,11011.
a 111, 11 , 11.11be
111 NI 1. Mot rill mon.
Veen 2 . 2, nays In
Mr. Ileimitrruon u.,kral Mr 'Fru.. hull 1 ,, wIIII
Aa. i
Troto lrmenclannel.
. hill, in Icily to the suggt,ll..n.
al tuovlt.tort.. of the I . ..want lon %hunt.
liworpotateti onto an Ind. pen.l,ll 1, 111
1.1 that 1111 .01111 I/111 101111.1 1,1.1 In. II
totild never Tenet, 'I 1110101 ay, clinch 11.1... I 1 1 / 1
0, 1.011.1 II v.,. very plain that Wllll.Oll tt
a ro - thirds vote It Ml3lll never Icoun• I:1.
Ur. Troinbilll ofrurtal tun follo te wing oiled,
ntl fbr the ru , lon now Ilefore /a. nen.
1... Wlllr II WU- 011144.1,1 1110 t 1111 per....n t. r•
nunu 0, pet torntnig, ur untlertakin4 1.. PI.,
h. perldrin, at.) nr..
law aired to In• hy advice and 1 ,1 / 1 -
r,al •,t the , ettate. Allan helot„ eon n , ,,,,,1 11111
01, 1 111t11•1101 11 (11r 1,1...0.1,00,, 11..
Cl/111 111 - ,011
111101 1 11y 1 1 ,1,1 11,1 to o
t 01 l i s
01100.). t 01, 1"14/11101 11y 11.0tb.
' , Oration of term nutting the tel,. of the
,• ate and done it- last adjournment.
protranted dew.nnuon took tollwe11..•
In 4 but-I, Trtanlaill t
.11 •1111/ to \l .
11.01. 31111 Ihm.l II I I.• participated 11.
he enartte of Iler
3tr. said the Isr,,ldent had 111 , 1 rt.
11, 1101 1 , 01 111100. 1.1! 11111 11, nad
wen n tal 1:111..1 k lu.n. l - 1 •
LAO ro - rara ...I out). to
lot 111111 Wllll 11011 411, .01 111 1 10.
Mr. 1 1041. tt.ked If n0t1ea4...•
31y 10 11l In 101 l'oll 111. 'lOOO 00 • In t el r",,,,
0011 MI . Doll/1 Itle It
he ad
. ..Indent, in the nu.snaper., .1 , 1 .I.
end them latter!). The, had 111 I`ll 1. 1 111,•
IIN 1 1 111 1••• 11, 101 11411 I t// rmul
00 , 11.1 t.a )1 ,. 1.1 111 ale. I.a. .•..
Mr. tt I 1.., in r.• 1, 1) 1 , , a unealoon fro. M 1
in.olllll. .1.1. Imu e 1 . .104 - 11
11...111 t 1,1°,11 r,l
... , opty l. 1., Ih
.11at .Inl mu the t d ! . ..unnint ia... ‘lll.lll. •
tin” 1,... ni 111/lk 11, 31/
r,l. an: e . tad.-
Ia t In. tart no., Sten 'seine ...a 1 •••.•
a .41., fur Ing Ural I Ire And I,
OIL., r 41,1, paltonstan
al the F . :seri/111,1 0 ‘ 0111 %.,11.0t to en la VOn I
I hat pada.... The hairs .erlSl.rwwollog ihrothrli
..... of 1... 1•1 hen
Ilse ase ot Air an, and.,
.Mr ~ .turl, Ns, .Int-ni laden,' 0,1,1.
Ili. 111 , 111 1.•• .4 m.o. I Pos
dent ...old le tier,. II Ira! •11.
sin., I , 4 , 1 a 1.-11. n 11,r,
in Nen .1 0.1 1 , ) dot ctn.. ol the Pr 11
dent. dire., mu io rn orrl , •••rlnri, 111,
01111 1111 the %,1•111r) ...ft., 1111,1 1 I 111 tim, lti.
Mr soot I', Thin Fir. I wo, II NM, 111, -Ir.:.
nig a.. if ta. w .lerae)
Mr How e tend no ,' ..I-lent ate, 1,41 11 1 1.11 /
griotter r.l.llgrat inns 1.11 ill.. part, Mal
14011 , 1 11 1 111 1 111/11 the prio01•11t Iln
wsn4 made the nanolidale of the patty •gatr.ol
0111 , 1. lre had 10111 olptltoword tO 11l 1 t/ 1. 1 1
ought. a1e,,,..01 of her 1 `1 , .-.1.14•1rt, to he tolt r
ant of al, Olaf, ing Irian lax on rs In,.
[he awit. ....1 he a - mud, Ilt
.r.tra I rot da., an.l 1., all) 1.. Ihe noon
Ile 1,. ,00, to , NA,. k , 11.• II" 1 .:.1• Vre
-11/1, ;0,0 11 the 1-ttut t,I stl. that st, uolt 1:1.•
a taunt et Inilnltrent la - nil, 1, 14 nn.
we 1114: 111 -!..111011, 1 111•
Warn, -ow., ay Vie Vi
every 0
t llr, I
place point 0 11111,1 Int. al tonal Inn,.
It a, I of peril, 114,1‘11.
1 10.011401 1.11 tr.arainar ..oV OI.
er., W
1 Ihr. vont.
Cry. rah peril. that Is all, It WWI not peen
-111.11) perilous. This nation wade Slush V illy
as secure us any point. Ile sLayell there and
.11.1 duty, an./ artiteful foe Ural duty donewe !add to lilt., because lie had been " fall Win
over a few thing.. we wankl n, leruler
over many," and we did make lore Ice
Plooildent a the I•nited States, rim Mendell to
had 1 tor I told la.for. !he Ingle 'net that lin
1 ,11 loyal In the liegintrlng of 1111° ntrog
ale, and had hero faithful In one trust we had
repooeit 111 lion to.rkerra In the arm
happened 1111,1 hen 1,. had heel. madev. It
President a Laird.. titan...tor °Vervain I Irr:
^ontry, and 1,.' Lieettnte President., and It hap
that soon after lot Levant., President of
altsol Sit/teethe fact sea then developed
rtirent,: of °pin
MUNI, 1( the pllliolley lietweett the Pres!.On
ol file great body of that party which
at,oeen IllstrulnerrUll In 'staking lihn
ripOn .111,41.1011 S Which We thought, whieh
nnw :Junk, and Melt I for rum k now
.re vital and fu ndamental, If there are
any tidal and fontlnmental queat lon, in the
tional gunnies Ile found that he w. In Intr.
'loony with Mina. who had oppownd his elec.
11011, and tit Variance whit .hone who hail g !Vett
War the election.
Mr. losolitt le tinthl that hiseollnague.
Mr. Ilowe, had reecritly preseine to Lite
toilette, trii an «.,.(
Orr Wha.ri 11/00.
Mlle} Wror talatent, rni.ol talons of tin , . bia.on.
nun I,eghdaturt. erondetnning lilin f 1/radlttiel,
and r,itn,ating Wan to re.rd,ur. The resolatlOn..
th Wer ealltrrea,r,l to the Senate, and upon
ere the ~ :11ate Mudd take 110 zietion.
'll. l Called upon In rnAign for ...utorting the
.•‘,. of tile l'resident for the r u estoration of
%Val, that toleration of different... 4
'llfd hill ,v illettglie, Mr. !Irmo, en-
that t
the I
of op
Mc Doolittle. referring to the not/pint of re
./I1 earn eti on , said that the Special C
In Ita tviiiort, hail abaniloneil negro fin ifrage,
arid It hail rano ahrtioloneiri that other Idea that
the :Antes of the South were not Stale., lint
CYliiiiess rose to a quest km of order. The
....ehatin was (liking' 500 IHu a metre. The
Senators worn not confining themselves to the
fi 1 (01.1011 before the F0t01.141.
Mr. Wilson was surprised t hat the senatot
from Conti/rule, (Mr. Con itenso who ore tinted
More tithe than any one riseln Ilse "onus,,,
should raise such art rib))eetlon.
Mr. uftwan said that Mr. Wilson had Iteeti(lol
the Prukident of design to betray the Ito.
party.r. - W noon revealed
site pall seerets of the h. Xiserittee 1001.101, no. f a'
from bet rilylng LllO Republlean party, the Pres.
1,1 1.10111. to-day (4.11.1111,1 nraily upon the platform
(1141 itopttlilleans. 110 (Mr. Cos an) WOlll.l
undertake to show that all 1 he divergence hail
boon made by the Senator front Massachti.
setts (Mr. Wilson) and Iris party, who bey,
r eally 101011(041 to the HP1.111)11001 party, fool! rrrrrr Life Ifeimbllcan party hailheel, (aim
pelted to drag 1110111.( with it.
Mr. I/0011511e 011111111/ /rig, 0(W
of Alr toward« the itepahiliwn
11,1 1(10111:tr to that ~f Mr. Lincoln toward,)
the same parly alter the italtimore Cottrell.
Lion. The Chieugo Convent,,/ cement...l the
Union party together In favor of Mr. Lincoln.
Ile (Mr. ltoolltiltio IrelleV4•11 that the 1005 tail
0 1.00011 J would whoa a tnitlority In 1/1 or 01
the present E yeetO ll 0. 11, preslilettt
nut lei driven out of the Union part), no mat
ter who might leave IL party'/ might 00(111 ,
halo It. The Deinoeratie had loner, vau
quisloal 01111 11,0 rebellion, and now avowed
the very prinriples retell
the Colon party hi 1 150.
Wan th U
e nion party to run away from ils
V 1 4 .1.01 3 .1 it the President dud erred at all, It
had 111 , 011 111 being too 1131111,111 In 1011.,115111,4
Ille vilest of personal abuse from 1
11 01 . 0 1111114,4
WOl.O eilitoneor proprietors held Wiley limier
him I(4lllllnlxtrntion
Mr. ((owe replied to the remarks ol Mr. bon
-1155111 111 relation to the ilresientatton h)) • him of
Lite resolutiOnS of the Wisconsin Legislature
The rosolutions wore sent. to hits and i.e 100-
00115011 5110111. Lie did not present an opinion
for or against them.
The Senate, pointing the emislileruLion of the
anicealment of Mr. Trumbull, at live °bloc k
_ _____________ ,
tercets of the country. The vote W. taken I Wendell Phillles• Speech.
• Tax-Payers linide.
Joel resulted as follower Yeas, Id; nape, tH; eon I New. yeee, may S.-The following are th e '
points in the snecch of Wen- . portion of instructions given assistant men,
The following Is the 'gist of the toneled mg
the natation was lost.
more noticeable
Mr. Witsliburne. of Illinois offered a resole- dell Phillips at the ant/-elavere nen lyersitiy
Lion, which was adopted, directi eg the Corn- I meeting' to-dity: He read a resolution setti ng . eters. a. !Oral:qt.! liy Mr I. N. Coursln•
mitten. Banking. to examine into all the • •
changed; that It wete transferred from l i e in . lie 'elite., are not • Litsable , ender sect lon r lio.
forth that but the scene et the Int,• Sear win. Ilittlos. organ., AC ilevd in church. or eb.
facts arid ciroutnetances Connected with the . ,
recent fa of th e march., Nations. i atne, to cifiettneery from Richmond to Ile. The torte "outdo" edifices" is held to Include
Bank of l ure inton, and other ,satin, and to I White linner. lie believed In universe! en. , town hall public iiraried, public halls and
report to the Horne the amount Of govern, - I franchisement end universal timnesty, al- . the like, also free •ehools and uctident whl,
meet money deposit. in such banks, and oY ' though tie w. not opposed to punishing rebels. are maintained itt piddle expense, ir
on are
pot - toed or not, sepported wholly or In part by
whom, the (mime of their rant, non al. ll lKfrenehlSetnent, which Congress ts now . . thrown opeu to the public free of charm , .
what forther legisletlne 1. necessat y in olio- dist...sing let bifida men mare together, and : Privet , . 401,c,01, or ecedemles, wm•ther m e m.
Hoe to the national bent.. to protect the lolls by the tondere,st of all ties, a Common mlefor. '
lie and the gnvernmeut, with power to send tong Why diefranchtSe them 1 We can over- I charging it tin Men fee, cannot he, considere!
for per
and pepers, End to ewe r to
wit- come Jeff. Davis and a thotiaand like him, I public edifices within the Meaning of the act.
nestle,/ ender oath,
by our great weapon, Justice. Ile did not quite I Section ,7 rv ettlres ltil allPlwat lons for I leen-
The limn° then proceeded to the eonsitiera- !Whore that the Routh feared negro .uffre g e. I se. to 1,0 mad" In the 'list, ict where the ;mo
tion of the special order, being their/Int rest- Votimi once e year would not frighten thorn, near lit carried ne. Section 71 requires all h
ellion repOrted by the Iteemietruction Corn- President Johnsen knows that When he took mosses , except anctioneerfr and pedillerS• It
sustifittee proposing e n amendment to the Con- oat., comprehending the e nrlying princi. moss to •pecify the plate, St which the bust
slitaniOn of the United etetes. The debate pies, he betrays the peopl by his conduct. ea.,to be done: and the word "piece" as
opened by Mr. Stevens in support of the Ile ken,. that If the great Republican party here 000.1 Is COnStreed tO ean
joint resolution.
remains . one man until 1868,•but one man occupied by tne Ileensee he prosecution of
Mr. Stevens iml , l that the propoon befere can be preemlord, and that is Genernl Grant. Ms buelnees, whether the m place be a sitigi o
the House fell far short of his wish., Ind he President Johnson and Wm. H. Seward , to room, In a building containing tunny rooms,
bellevial that it was all that is
Ice Menthe.] themselves egainet this, and endeavored to or whether It be several buildings standing
in the present state of pubm. opinion. Not Monk up the dotnlnant party In the hope that I upon the same prentided and Useil tor a cOnl
only Congress, but the several States were to doine of Om fragments might float around I wen purpose. But there am Certain twanellea
he consulted. On careful eurvey of tl'it• to
them. I
I of business which are not restricted to such
ground, the Committee del not believe that
s e ... s e__
I pretri teen, as it is provided in the act that law_
nineteen of the loyal States snow be Induced
Religions Convention. I yers, physicians, surgeons, dentists, turtle
to ratlf, any proposltifin more etringent then
Sr. Lewitt. May. S.-In addition to the recce- I
this. Ile repeated unieteen sites, tor he la ,
any place whatever under their licenses. 7h e
orokers and horse dealers may do mi 50,,,,,,.. a ,
0. Lonvention railed b eßreekifirldge re
torly repudiated and ' , cermet the idea that -
KeAlcky which will meet here on the I'dli I Meonses of Prmloce broker., vor maerchd bro
a./ St :we ne t " eie e4 i e the [' alert eeeL Ve be Inst., the • Preebyterian General Assetule les kers, patent right dealers, Insurance agent,
entelt•dt on the question of ratiticatioe It
troth the Old and New Si w il l „,,, ‘.,,,,,,', i photographers, architects, builders, OlUtntier.
and Inserunce tirokees may, in order to avoid
was itleatril to
these that any more than
!tare on the 17th. Over one thousand tiele e eel es
three , ..fonithe of the States which pr e
are expected to Ice In attendance Be whose I the necessity of frequent tranSferS, be drawn
the amendment were required to make it
aeo,,, ormemton • , . oen In general terms, naming the county, state or
val.i Believing, then, that this was the best
he Inildc. All the rallniads in this st tt.:;.l wo ° Or statesi within which the partiee prep.(' to do
P"P /vs l". "Let motet he made . ff " nn°, -- three Mlseissippl pueket on
anti Rev- Modem, Proprietors of eiretlasefl, jugglers,
Cdr. Steve.) acemiteal It. Referriug to the
era) of the tneln railroad lines to 'the Eest. Ago must have separate ficonse for each
• •. her corolla I tit Meal am Ondillient passed In the
greed to convey tlic delegates for half fare L.Ler'LL'
I L.,l,,e;steiuthlasndeespsodm:o,
t a i n o rt er w it h , l e e . ll . 7 . waited in the elite anaitart. em o ,u t i o „ ~.7;•f th e en) w' as The license of dealer!, tenet tm asee.ssed upon
senate, he said it W. Slaughtered by a
prneltired by self-right°. Itopublicene and
better. - • e as never
the Intsis of all sales made, ificludine coley
. through broketw, auctioneer.. peddlers, and
ttll other tweets.
Co death - ,
E. N. District Conrt la savannoh.
unrighteous. Copperhead b, had prlatllollod 1,131 . -
11.1611 II blaturel, holy, Without Other 1 10e11:108,
Imps for ages the salvation of Ilea colored SAVA/Man, (la., May The united States eel] their wares at tll plat, of tuantlfaCtUre
race, hilt it would not iln for those who had Dlatriet Court, (or the Southern I tistriet of
Or at their principal office, peeve'. no wares
tar thin y yenta freight the limed, ' at eidieeue, Peorgia, °mom treday, Judge Erekthe pre- mat kept for hale at such sal..
In let frightened at the hin ge o r m o ,i oro „a._ aiding. and subsequently adjoenied until next, All persons whose lice:tees depend upon the
moons. heat. en forbid that the Sonthem Tifinselay, when the constitinienelity of the
state., Or any of them, »hall lw repreeented in teed Oath will be
sh ed. Month,. the leading I ',L,,TeTeatio7{3.ll,:ieiL. sale, Coogrees until the mon El meets of freedom am representatives of the Georgia bar
!milt fell high and firm against Lite will of Con- Wee ex-lioy. Brown. . should be required,
for Itemise, to make return of
Present , Lim sal. of tn o previolis year. If It shall be
I found that the sales are In enaead Of the
kite.. The SOlll.llOl-11 States had been absent for
. amount fur which the license tax hag been
I Into bloody years line Must wan tieltdi Con. Dail Itliscarricil
I y et i ' assessed, us, assemetnent should be
I gee,. Is remly to receive them, He believed ALlirilliV, Mn. s, Thu soethern mall, ina.le , made tor the deficiency at once, and returned
that 1.1101 Congress would not approach the up in Nein York and sent front there to ,t - • to the next collt•etor on the monthly that
lull mere rtle
evening, has not nmehett lime, and i Whenever a demised retail dialer Is found
man in Lli a late ielml Matta:wait provided with tile telegrams to points (stet itiet west have Ito have
wer e sales exceeding /Meow, he should
dt 1 .itteall 011 the land On Wll (eh 110 been failed log ain any trace of it. Ibe meted Sot a wholueele dealer from the
held .slaye Forty acres of land and a Out
, dale ,cf his ll rst liceuse.
„ ,, , , , ,, t . c , n u 1 , ,.1 , I, i,e.,,orio,,,:rieu,",llxitot. li i i . il a t t it ,, ait , ll , l r) ht t ,
ir, :111 vesrLind Weather einh.thner}a.frtils_slatil..l.le,...... !,,,„111,ine,,,!:,,-.l,l,rfcAn in ,
~ , I . e r r o ," which
~ ,: m e it
r e:
to Vote. Cele'. Congrees gave them that 1,m,, may e- ii, iati,„n r, ,ti, ~„ I limited it of business only can he trans
uteesu re of jit•tine, It Wrend reretve the Ceti
legit Witter In the canal. River felt der.; the 11.1•Io.1 is trunelerred to nother person, the
sure Dec mankind and the eutse. of Heaven. In k o . onoon. w th ,,, ooat. woon,
, 0 , , ,
• le , ' , Hector, at the 1 one of cut aking the i rooster,
teeml moon Mr. s«,vens, In order to have con
trel of the lit 11, entered a motion to remelt It
Mr. BM Me milled the attention of Mr. sit.;
, ce• and of the Iloilo , to an objection to the
stird .eetton of the ammelment, u Melt he
, hied 11,. mail the Itli ~: July, 1 , 7 e, all per-
T 1,,,
~,..,1„,.. nhOuld enter upon the Itemise the untount of
sullen of a Wife. host:less than all eady done therentider; and
sorld 110enme 441 trallreferred Wlll coyer transac
t lon. In the hand. of the ecoird or siiiidedi
the holder eq Intl to sad 1 1111 Rea nlllOllll 1., laaa the
l'lett liability 1./ license tax depends In trimly, aI, % oitilolly it , 1101,1 to the late In
edt.d, amen tilde eilif,then Whether the party
se r t m f ion, :it, Ine 1 t net and comfort, .10111 be
~ I leak es e leoiitaiN der eloldig the neta al Med.
e. 0,1,1 / reehe th e right 1-n !'onto for tion,. , n 1. ,0 p.m ..f n ~,.. .-...... lo on , kip,- , 0,0a...10nal arts .10 not render ~ ,r
ou ts e
15t, Iva , . In 1 ongio.4 Kari for Ile , elt•etion far tedge yesterdity, w /dee Nye will lay befora oar lto 10-0.0 tax. I f a peroin holds out the
President and , ie.-President .dt Iho I tilted
a .,,,,,,,,a ,. fro.
~,./ e, / , / /,/
///n. / ookio. by advertisement. by weerdm, ilevel.i Or
Slate,. It app. a rad to hew that that wee a vie
writing, that /de 0. 1 audy to I i alimaet any k Ind
lat .ii 1 , 1 Ito ge l 's' late:. ill reference In that litre, l" " 1 ' le' Pell e' , II ''''s'el` 'hal lef bus,,
roonerlng Itee.e. 110
l o se t take
In: gc lee.. of peepi,• in the south who vole,' sense Lan rlr 'llrel; ille . ll, us Nl^ e weir '''". o . l , linens.' therefor, : li tile hus.. in
e elite tie.. lamie , S t lie Aet Resit V PrOolllll..- lady and unntiono,o ~,or t o top. ooy 15,r111100k (timeline may not be hi. cltief or ear) re,-
~, pre,,,,,,,,,,t
.i„,„,,,,, a. ,„„i er b,, were lee.nling tat al rominent hotel In tin, tate, rout deo„,„e.
I 'hale., r0.1,5r0,1 1.. all 1 halr riV 11 I :all 13 He Mnbe h`se."'"l/ in v.lved for bn ard. Ihr bieW ieliel. de ttiel ',d a p dealer., may slitMidi
-11..k0i Mr. ,teven, for g.. 01 •Iyirla.lllll.loo 011 that h, / ". " h eat . e o r wardrobe lei "edit/ I Y' the tell noes es eon deetioners, apothecaries, am! 10-
t...11cure1v,;,:17,,:,,,,f0rn10.1,,,,,,1ertz.T...4:11/.4,,,,1tr1T,1,;,,,,.i7,1,,, i
~,1,L,,,.„1„rig.,,,,,.. ,h,,,„,, ~,„,,. ~,,n midi.
1 ./I t Iste.Vel, :1010,1.1-.1 that the par,lon I- „ , , 1
nit t I .11.
. I .110iIi. lee .: lb , et 1010. t mar pardloti, there "2' erm. ' , not r " e ' LL Lr'''' s lum , "ifiel , 01 ho . le liele•el,• dtalers In liquor Ins, .011 11., 'iron
wit. no •liell e 1 one in the 1101 'Yid nal Thost• solar yto gr.' , rY kis t‘f . t..ttle for 11.1 mer• to relall.and 10,111 mk 1111101041 e ease
retail deal
„l, „,,, rutty puoinn o .l old not ,u,„. o oho, aiw devnted wire. In enter lo bite , e liellifitg ,•, t i, lie., ~da",. ~,Ilfothae ae , ,,,1ea., 0 1 0 ,,.. and
hand still fuming ',Ott n brighter day a nedhl 1 „„„ „.,, i„,,„,„, i n , o. o no , e „„ Ito. pr.,.,,,,,e.,,
the nparal 1011 15 the third ~ .1.1011.
kir niatee undieetood then, the gentle. tiro long Oita ri, an., Hint tlinctigh her libelee, I „ ie,„,„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.1„.,,..
free, t•misy Mottle to sity, that (teem who 'mid tte oihm. .he might s e a. her h odeind lf I lie of i t retail 503LIer e t imerw s et.
~,,,,,,,, ,
~,.„r am,
~, ,fin
orme,,,,,,ation 0 , from his hod growing Imbit .. .1 rink, started I erns ..e.0.,,,,, t i ite 5e1i..,11 ,111111 t 1111, 15 more
aln nest y, WOlll4l not be rold-iieleretl 11,8 having
amnia le i s
L o h afro ,t(, I del. ete. sten- I th ee tim e ,. ga l ho e , a , m e . t one to the Sallie
1 olarel 11 II I) 10110•11,1 10 111 late 111h1IrleatIon. dl , 1 . 1.1 b1,1,..1"tal .""'".. .' lla ''' .4l. '"ll'll l" 1 peerale,, he..1,,,,,1., 1,. ,-,.,,,,,. ‘1 ~,,,, ‘,.,„,,,._
, mr
~,,,a , ,,,,,,., , them . „ „ tea , i „ lat. er harsh tn./thee.. see et temith get , s e e. de a l e , to liqu or ,
that of ti ie•reei eon e Mud of telooy noel there-
‘ 1 ,': . . „ , 1 : 1 ,; .; , ,, 1;1 r . , ,, . ~ ..r, , If a 1..0,1ed,.•' , -.ale-. a tees.
11110111111 do
; e I I- , 1 , - 7 ,, P 1 , ..1 , , , ,, , , e . .. , 1 . 1 , 1 , 1 , e;:;0 i d i r1 : 1 , .... ritt,...t to t u o: o . 14 . 1, ~.1. e . , . ..1 I . 4,1.17.
~..,,,,`,.,.,,, ' Lr . 70 .• 7L., 1 ... 7.,..„1.,,. ll 1 0. rt i , , 4 1 ,t 2;
,h,re,;..11:1.c.diik1,.::,1 i'La i ll;• , , , l 1 r t ..., 11 ,
, I , l „L in;l i d s er: . ll. led
00, I, vol dl , l prevido, bk. pitnece, Mende
Aped on, end the Itiodhand cocoa 1111•1 I i..„,„.,, ~„ „,„5. bay ,gi, p rm l„,,, ,„
1 1100111 M the veins notel,l ill .1 1 idekldtg
~]: ~,,,,,„ i„ 1„.0,11,.,,,, ~iit,,,,,,, ik.,.,„, ,„ Re ,
',hos nig o l d 1 ,1
M i Itlai on , reg0 . 4.,.1...1 that if I nal a 11AL/1e I. ',ere Mint, metttlY itt his o.' , a• h". e ve , . h ut ~ ere lerokl,
,„., ~.,,,,,,,,,,e , e„ 1.,• g,yd-ii 1 lee 41, tilll, i 1
all . 1 . in g h l ' . .II. " I". 'd
” ‘i"...t. ‘Y II." ..""el''' 1 / I , l4llers liday rell their 101 mesa tit 1 Idea Wil
-1 -.len. Id lx. .... an 0.11.0,1. .A. It titan. there i ..1 th" '''' .. " . "' l ' l dri nk t " l ' W'',.."l 'al.' , , ler, In large. or .111.1 1 .filant itle, either to 1.
,1,, ,„„ ~,,, 0„,..,,,,, 1.
IL 0 „„,..,,.,„.,, , I leronglat old Oahe dons. allil Ilk, landlor.l 1440,1 I ~,,,,,, „ o h i ,„ ~,...,,,,,,,,.,,
eel. . eleett other
mei 11,, meml.l, al ,Ire proper Urn, more an 11
If 1 " l; ' ; r' w ; "" ''; w ".. l ' nu rt l ' .. 4 ''' l';' , . - : 114,5 0 , Th e ~,,,,.• ler, 'lege 1.. allowed In
if no , intent., Mit he !woke away front hi
, .imendicieet te met •iteet.
I hrewer• tool re••tinere testifiers, lerewei, and
The leen( med.. 1 , , Alt. Maine and V11111:111, k ".' , " .4." '.'""...'"", 0,1 menelnr n, '
ht, ; t
heft 100) 11,0 11.11,1. their 110 nor. to
1 rt.ltielltrll 1., 11l r. , 10 , en-d 10 I. a ell tahals, "• n d fel out ! h t" the "tv"et, ta , L lifig m order, theit regular e .l o.l.onters abollt Ilie• country
I 4.1 , 110,1 I.(' e eaten 1 . 4111.1.1•5.1 de dtir tik the Ite- ~1r,;:%. c ".2..1 . .. 1 . 1 .,' ,. ....T . h . ! t :..!.."! ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NIIIIOIII I teen.. 4. 1.,14.11er.,
1115110,11 ranks 51 , !:0!..•r., .1 rew near alla 1 I.- 4.,,,...1., ~`,„,,'',1,-•- T„,....-2..r.7_.-.._,,,,_
.2.V...e ... I Pepe,. engaged in the Moin. 01 prepa
, tent,' le Ihe . os.. iordll It navel 1111101.4 t. 1.1 q 47,1;:,,,,-..: ..7- 4. , ; -• rod rut
;v. , ,, , ,.. ! i ,„„ 4,,,,,, ~„..., ,„ •titcpert of elate,. against
ressmn trier Ile' 1".. 11 . 1 1 'eta] eh , t rile ter of the I ;',;,,1r,„ ; ,,,. ,:,,,,. r ,", ~,V,„,"!,;,, ~.i . ;,,'t t ,,,,,r 4 V..'_'.___. ' ;'‘ i the beneral 1 ...x een men t , shord,l lies, license
, wiry}', with
~• i m.a
a .,,,,,,..., ,,,,
~, i ~..• 11111111 agents, tifiliough they may me pro
"bier( inn
~ e . Fddo.L.., 01 e 1 11111,1.041. in opie•sit too to L ama ,. 1 ,, a mai.
~,, ~.„
sent the &faint. pet - Soli/Lily twee,. tlie depart
, the
~ 1 . Ole gave up 11141- stolid ion, . , neata.
m ,
~„, ~..,,, „ aim , , ea , ~,. a ... , m1i . a. ,,, , ,
no, : , s h h e le w h k. is tn a w e tilit,, t i c , f4i t tnt , le r zatt , i, I, ;t ,, t ,,, t1 1 :1 , , ,, t y t . ii 1 t; ,. - r i
Persens wit... business It is in sell patent
t tadiLd'.l"l.l' 1"1..;d)-g'rli.'.1"tgo.e1"11111Lit'lls'ir,;'1,1te:',71"1'1I; I, l ' , l , '""d ',' L" ' , 1 1 "' "" "n g e w '' '''''''...nd :-7f.,h‘i•V'irtlkoll:,',ll".l lll'..,'":%.l"..ll7.;';','ltltrall',Vrt.ghirti:
00011 tI, 1001 r... 1 1.....- 0 0.01,01 sash 11,1 1 / 1 10,(11 - 3 . ."11 1, 11 „ 1 0 .1110. to the itte.pd.,l i he, i. 011 1 , 1: : : 1/1 tlit•ir lea 11 ideVentt:o.
LI,- e.••••: , :“' r• , 5 , 5 110. 01011. 110 tio. arable 4irefu,,,',l.''''',"l . ff. ,..!1,T „, ' ',-=!), ''4 . ,!,' , '' , l. . • Krt., ~,•,..nt, other than on. 1.111.1111 g all!
'lO,O-51. 0! 1,41 t•',,• , ',all. ,td ea ,1 17.1 01 , L 'L. " . :age, ..'' ' I ' '' , r d ''' ''' 1 . 10 , ...• n• laa ye, ol •.I:i sin agent. who :nukes
i, I . Li.. -,...... ii....e., tried of ct one, ; " r; " .. " Ike ;""'"'"'"" ""; "'"'"" "" n "'" 111 hi. 1 ...1...., 0: any ~.. t 1,1 1.1.1,0.1:10,...10,1raa
~ , ~ . ,
~,, „ I
..„,,,,,,, ~,, 1. .. ~,,. • all N all think/. pernele. end •be e til get .r
iimm., Isitete, inortgage., a ills, M lles IL, of otner
.. , ...1 :I el l ,• ';10 lo ~ .10, a 10 , 1 .00 nd the I
1,-.1 p/ip,l4. nr to examine eto 1 ern
ooed! riebt. .' t eat
!Iteml oleo. au. neceseetry tei (Wort Proceeding a.
estate, 1, Ito, by , eleertlsenient or veneer.
111,. reoteetion of ~ Maltreat right, no c,,,,. ~., „,,,, ~, ll,__Ti.. ~,,,, o ie t ei..... lion, nr hy iteeeptlng the 1..in0. 1, itenever It
dottier ltd-elellide Othet stet. from their erte. tooter ',m g e l th e mom, mi t , if i ,,,, b i t , i d offered, Ilni,l. iternee/f sot Co Me Madly :,
-I it .11 t.)1,11 1,11., ,•,.•, ‘.....n . aryl! 1.0
thew t 'c A1e1,a0.11.,. ia. the I , nee Tio• 11., of n•mly to melte takt• it, Is u cold erVancer, and
• .i„, ..t„,,.. .., eeeheted num they ehe gr i m e s j ets ., w ee „me e t over tom :el beteg ; .11001.1 he t , t,1111,1 to ittite a 1100.0 as .nell.
..oiy .I. r 01,..• Ida d 1-'Ol 10 retire...ninth. , ern .el, coi. le, It Ni e t 're,•ry, ,if Er,.., 1%, . ~,,. If :my person man ufaet ems In exeess of
. I tem 1 , 1114, 0 ,i ,•,, mita The w bele , apicont e d to ae t a ,. 0 0 , o„,„, 0 n,., „ M a n' . / 41,0,.., ut ~ ....h of tun or refiri.plaCes, lie 11101.1 1.1
' , teener an- te, tillitionary. awl st riro, hollow 1 to ehargivi the I' ry la all able nlier, hay. , a . 0 1larnIe 1 11 ' 01 1 , 0 h. - . 1 011 P ll l , O
pr0,0e... lot . xela.lin g the., you. of
,olevedi , abate the, retired The ea., et ./mllie• It . When
,loorneyllloll take clothing, .110 e., 4C.,
, [. , 'eta -.t a t., in ill, 0011 Pro.-.1.1en101 el. , - , 00a les, 14;1 1010.1 at the Janadir, led in 01 curs,
te m ii.. hoped 11. teeed.• to the,. states , i rant for counterfeiting I lilted states cur. elcoold tele :Meuse as me
if their
m i ht tan., taro, ed.l 110 I to , and 1.1 polley 01 , teney, ‘l. take.o op. 140110, 151:0411,1 not ' rilloolirtetnred ereeldl 41 . 1. wanneall l'.
% :1.1 row .tolineni The, 1 11.11-`ll,O woe .1411,,er- , gently, hot Etwirw to the alx , ratee 0, onportant l All otpro an t ions Mt pernils•len she
held lot.
tie. in the •afeit of the Coton. II smut,/ pm I e1tr,001.,, the ea-. w. contlemel until e e , tern, R. ,- . for
purpoe., tree of II-
I met an utile, t , el.lif• 1.111114,11 NllllOlll profit.- I infirm. Mornlee• I'M , greed jury ti me to „.. , C 151141, i.e other ta‘. 111.1. 1. 0 ,010 through the
mg any lesterle sal reduit. Ile w it . l ii taco, of .ente..l hellettnents against the milow tog em. ' collector of tie• el. rim, a 1.,: 41.111 1.1 hear hi.
Ihe !Ir.!, di cool led !mirth .ection. of the . 4101114. ~e si burg , short, Ow distilling stimitem, recommendation
proposed ainen•lnimit. !lit net et/ fully nut Is- ! Ilquon , at lils di:tuners In Tin et timely, Ps, . I . I proltererle s rlllllll5 1151 00111111..1 to
ft, .1 w lui the third seen., "loch the gentle-; a Ithout United states license,eJonii lit - other- iv xcept endued, eve n thotigh preserib ea l by
men from Mieeeiri ;Mr Rlailie 1 had show. to I line, a lawyer, was Indic.' for practicing lite , p h Ydvinos. wil !mut liven , no ' dealers in
i e . at least sesemen c i e of nimenestruction. tedelittxs In Ifollifinyaburg without 1 nate( ' Inplors.
Mr. steverts ,•tplalood Owl eh, in, Irni stet. Been.; Storthner (... Potter ues also When the •rer,t eons liquors are medicated
u ileci eiti el One mei it• pentaliment, them I indicted for retelling eplritotte all , Mall or meted 1, ith ago substancee but. Mao
u ,, ~ diner,m, bet 4 ere patel,lemont lee I Non, a. afloat utili se ! state. neon., an d , , slight a degree that they arc still meal as te,v-
, •rdedo. an 1 st 11 1110e/din g d e pri,lega, Pardons ' lastly, . Indictment against James Alton tor . ereges anti are 101,1 . such, it lig 110,101i10r's
cttelnr: v./ 1.,. ol 150 r 11.1 , aittage than relief freall I passing and attempting lei pints counterfeit. 1 Curet. w il l be relinired
d otht• seller. .
eem poem! interest notes of the denoutlnat ion I hinchera, whose aales no , exemat id,Ora
JOH alsrece- Welea EltUkte-o it •
non uIkIIV, are entitled tolleeltne Upon pus -merit
m, ..„, need e mom, goitg Into that !sung. 1 of fifty dollars. on trier
ree..lay. May
erl`reuend I l l. .l'llThro that the third ...Mien fits-rnier Couter.-J edge Williams 1, pie.- lof err dotter,.
• •th, by tlic lee,. liich.r,l 1.e.. •,f 1.,. r..nrevllle,
5 „...., ~,,. ~,,,, ~, ,, ,,,,,,,e ee e the amendm e nt I eidin g le !fits t mut, mill ye.moiley liettrd the launder, and, °gamete, ere not, seideet to ;JA Uks P. ./0/1 Niel ON. gni., to al 1.,s MARV
no I.ltonde.l .• , ...1., anel plaiitij open icrt. extee of Alfred T Lacey, Imitiel AM./. and A ; been. tax in miy ye/. 11, a ifich they do not .NY FRS EnUnte, daughter If lir. Wernebure. .le
pink'. If those ma ho Mel participate, L. Met:lice, icarthers , Illing 111050,,, g y, 1.,,,, ,011,5111,5 or contract, not unions, their cote i melee. lerererly ef nib. city. No cards.
toe hrbfe a mother, ,In Shariebure, Mr. A LYRE I/
In the rebelinal War, 1111,11. to I. alloWeil Able A C,, Va. the rah. transportation (Sit I Meet. ar ,, In core. of ii - 2,501). If a builder co m_ 1 JoNES-WILLIAIta--tie the morning of the alb
to vote on the Ist of January, lain, would , pony. Tht, w. an aettodi loonght by pleb,. ; meet'. Moine. in March, anel m all a con- . Iwo .. ~, the' tier. J. It. audit, be e
te, maimm e et
they be et to lode le July following, Mfrs to recover the amount for the loss 15 ' tract amounting to ele0,000; he should take II- i
Three was inn /11111Ieier11 ren.on for that , twenty-t li me bal. of cotton, which were I mnse fur the pittance of the year, and the tar l t ,. ifryikV i g.:: or I,ll.l.oll cavlik- 1 0 10 h. BECt. A
:1115 11 WOl.llll he said that It inns purely a burned while being tragreporteti to this city ,iato be estimates, as follows: The loweat rate L
niece of political management In reference to from Ohio. The Jury found for the pituntiff e lof 'Menem lacing Inli per annum, the proportion
____ ______-_,,,wesee_
I 0 the Pre-itleittdal 0101,11011. TllOlll were into to the stun of (1111,01 m eleven thousand
, for two menthe is .11 , , to which there is to
pmetteel ' , Neel lOnd to It. II nitostotitini of eighteen dollars. The eau met for the eontort- , be added $1 for each sl,eue In the contract In
tile people were tlialranchideil for four year,. ny moved for un arrest of judgment and new ex.. Of MOM. The Pante law and retire:sere
was that to he esortml out, only by hay- , trial end filed their rim.. therefor applicable tO sulecOntructors.
log military forres of the United State, at This note eencinelml, that of Andrew Lyon. A retail dealer Is tumors w letting to
every prill In the eleven Stat. In the Union. anti George W. Smith. doing busineas .A. , clean ni/ i msitte's, MAY sun pi Ilia whOle
Ile .1111 not 111 inn it, therifore, w h a
or prudent, Lyon,/ A CO. •vs. Wm. E. llider told John s. I stock at one attetion Mlle to different pUrellll...
both for prnetwal ream.. um fur roues of Clerk, doing • bi.inese It., Rider It Clark, was I tore, or may .11 the whole at private suer to
1-01 ...LrUct.10,1, a., od.oggestod by Mr, lashes, ; taken up. The defendant,. It appean, entered , tote pumlniser, without licen se am wholesale
tied the third dention .lioula .11111.1 101 'ear, of I into so a"reement to Napply the pluintim , dealers lit !boors. but if...he •t.,./1 to different
the alinaiilment, and heel:m.l move to oaten.' 1 With all 'crca of oils, W 111011 agreement they ' perflons at private sale it, qua. titles exceed
by ntrl king nut the third dentifin. . holed Londell. Ott trial
I Mg three gallon., he becomes hable to tax RS a
The 'speaker , tatted that pending the motien, ! CoWIIIO It PurA4.-Juelge StOWe win, On the I sr/Mies/11e dealer' In IhreOrS.
roi Minion to reemonitt eoeld he ofiered. ben. yeaterelae. The epee of Buffet., Kellett, , !arm or define
who p r Ice annually butter,
Mr. tistrtield then moved to eine]. the teed .I. Co., vs. Gethrle A sill was taken up. This • cheer., sugar charcoal, Sc, in excess of one
tMu to reemem It by .1.14. to it lestrlictiolid was an action brought to rm•over dituittg. ei. I, the/annul dolhirs at ene plant, should take 11.
to strike out the third erettlon. I loged to 10W° 111.111 caused by
ontote non -Mllll. mins° as matoduterers. They may, however,
Mr. tint-field then eaolalned that he did I timid of i t s
01l contniet Made ctober iti i, , sell ell peplum. c if their own ferms in the
riot say he was In teem of complete tlisfran• ; lied, beta eon the partlee. On trial. . manner of peddler, orithoet I*dd/env 11-
chownwnt., but tied It wita more Just than a I
I cense.
tent 'emery • I Ist notch leonine t . Ile twenttlenteal I l'entral Board of Education. : Persons traveling Marna the ix/entry as
el 1.11 lila colleague's (lir. Finch's) appeal to the I
...., / the agents of InaltUfuel tiring dealers, seeking
The Central Board of Estimation met Tu
people of the South to rally against the Union
- s - I order,. for goods . agents of ono pereou or
non only Neel, . satarimi clerks or men
dee oreiting, lday eth, lroW.
, Present: Mo.ra Craw ford, Dune. Getty 1
11 r. Fleck., corrente'd hid colleaglie. /10 late ~,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,. m,,,,,,,,, North .: , hired by the neynth, alto:nil not be neitureet to
oely milled the people Of the South to tally ~ at „„,,, 1 ., ~,oi ' take licensee as commercial brokers. All
around the policy f Andrea' JOhndeol. 1 o,,ma- ', et a n t i, t, -, iI II,' , '' ru t s . „ ~ , t parts of decision No 159 luenualatent herewith
Mr. burflehl wee 1,1 teat,' the /1011.1 In judge ' 0 „,,,, , i;,,, L , ',,,M1 eapmrme",L. pr'' ' ''' r 'LL e' ' 4,5 , urn hereby revoked,
how Tench difference there w. between two I The itkolitlkly reports of the Prinelpel of the
L1".5.• lie ,lir• Leweeld) ‘ mil " "P e " the I Herb Seleed Principal of the Celort.d Sell 'I
peeple of Cle North to steno together with all 1 „„a„,,,,,.,,,..„,.. r. ,
their manhood, std resist the revolutfooarT Is, lamely.' and 111.•11. . .
ethernet. of the people of the Synth met their , te, tooti on o f hie. meAtiley, mond,. tm, , e, t h . .
texeljtitors In COngreaa and 111 the North.
10( fuel, w n'fl 1 • - i - f
Mr. Eineke declared that three, was bid one ',T e d Ineet,L,lNPe, .15,Lrth,', Ids. ,' r . e ' , ,'' ,-e•
diennion party In theeountry, end his Colleague ~; i b;,-irl, ; 0b .,: ''''' "r '‘'• r ".'‘.•r'n
I Mr. liartiebt) helongedi t 0 it.
The folEawlng Intlifiel gentlemen nor° elect-
Mr. Thayer next aiiiiressetlethe Hoe.. Wall ed creleotors for the mot it yt•ttr, viz: Ja1114,1
one e xeePtloo. 110 wan P re Phr e d• wfbL r ci a° 'l°' Trimble. 7th went; ilenryEberle, loth wane.
l iberation. to giv" has "" eL L ..Li la/ a.L.r LI• wed The Committee on Text Hooke tied Oracle
excepapproval to the pre/poem! amentimt•nt. That mportt in favor of the text Icooks now in
tion wee the third section. Ile :mgt.? ~,,,„ ~, l l e
e ,, , „
ra ,,,,,,, ,,,,
the sentiment entinelatial Ily tlll, gentle.
system of Pet:eanship; ul. authorteing
Man from Oh to, 111 r. Oartleiti.
0,111 0( 1111111'S Internoeitate Ai Mimetic end
A rec.. Wll,l had all eVelllng for action Oil , rm.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, g „ h „,,. ; ,"
~,,,.„ , ,., ,t
wurd ~.,,,,,,,,,„
Ilia Tit; ifill IC 1011 volt.
be antlieHr..l to .eleet ft stystem of petit/mit-
Then, w. a fu/1 attenthome et 7ilil, when the !
~,p ir , , a .
~.,,,, , thair ,
a.a. „, ‘,.
lieu. out into Lonini /Linn of Llio II role, Mr. °;"
(re motion tho le nrport n[ the fit/oilllZ •
' Ditwee In the el l the Tai 11111.
Thu tux: etwilen, impoelng e tax of Se Per tin motion 4. 11 10111111111. 0
pound on mettle, being tinder connitlerattoo,
eel the questem twine on Mr. Lynch'. amend- m ad. pm enooa a , me , Sirs. N.,..h...
oat, exeopting pie litindred imumb, le tlio
hand« of the producer rm. tagetion, it Iv. A Story I. going the reunite 11l the papers
ro , twieel.
that Ilan. Thitible. Move n. anti Pneddmit
J im. mpara,
~,,,,,,,,, ~, etathea me ton to three Joltaiwin met ~t Gm, Grant', reception a few
oven Inge, KM.. A gentleman who was pme.
Mr. Steve. linen - wed the 1 1 1 1.10101111e11 1. arid eel gay,. : Statvetin will saute e. emu most fero
m„,,,o a ion
oytaeio „ea,. Wen , It ant for elnuely In a penile epee., 111111 eye tnintitea
Coestitutional prohibition, he anent be in fa- after go and invite him to leach with the 1 , 04
Vor Of wt 0%1.1.1 tan Of tell cent,.
I ~,,, ifleable. After 110 turned away
Mr. Hooper moved 1111 amendment Icy reArte- fr.. Mr , Jo hnson, to , l'l,lhY e rtming, , , lean
ing tilt • lux to Iwo per 1,11. 1110141111415•111/ hick If the President looked to
r, Merrill /Jemmied the amentirnenta. ward hte pocket, to dine If there 10. , edie
1111 r . nonpareil 11 1 / 1 101115[110111 WI. /GM. weapon there to tutamseinate bin, "Oh, n 0 ,,,
Mr. Inedivell fevered it melte:Lion to three "hid T hmidees, "the Preside
and I arc tile
luva of We ore not afraid of each
tier cent.
„ or. I, m,„0e,,, ame,,,,0,„„, wax ec t eem ,,i . s o °Mori lint inn ere both afraid ofSty
/11e tax on rar, cotton rental. et eve per hot.. L Well may they 1.,. Jame has a whir
of speaking her mind which at tint. le nity
thing but complimentary or consoling to the
sterner sox.
WnzalN,,N Cr, - , May.
. ,1•11
I Adams Express Robbers, all Arrested
and She honey Illecowerel.
Ntw Yens, May S.—AJI the purties limit len-
Led the Atintll.4 Express rObinfty, ill J 1111 l 'err
I last, have been arriediel, and all or the Intl
.n Mlles, dollars, I' ftnjwi at forty thousand
dollars,, has been reenverett The orlghuttor
of theebbery, John Candy, a brakesinan
a NOW Haven train, was rucunllyy on
arrested at
Itridireport, Connecticut. Martin Allen the
glutei Of Lint robbery, was IWIMILIM in
Tryst btalifthly. tallsirt hi 111 inn,
allat &wily kletllory , Iroll-known sneak
thief, was arrested la this city last Friday
niht, James Wells, lorrither-In-1 city"f at
tin Allen, wits also arrerted In [nit/ on the
same night. They wore all taken to Bridge.
pert and committed. The proof against them
rmuelusive. It In sa.hl that tho Pollen of this
city knew who the robbers wore immediately
after the facts of the robbery were known, hat
matift very little or no effort terAi.rolit theta.
Thu arrests were effected limn ,tart
; et P nal p
inkerton's natioolice.
Pram New Orleans,
New °nuts no May 8.--4.4ettend lleauregard
anti W. Adams have gone to Europe to nego
tiate for Jackson Railroad bonds. President
.1011 IMOII Win tnodilled their Confoilentto pa
roles to go and return.
A tornado, acconlpanted by hall, panned over
Louisiana and Arkansas, destroying the crops,
The cotton seed Is being re -planted, IL har-
Ina proved to be all bail, and the planters are
In disptur.
Ihla Fanner,
New long, Ma pes
C d y
s.—Luttere front the Ja state
that iron clad vessel built In Atne pa rlea n (or
for the Tycoon is u failure. Thu Jammu. en
gineer who purchased net committed suleldn.
Illibcril Ike •nrileteetlVe.'.
It will ho remembered that some two
months ago a young menu named Gilbert, who
had by ./111, manna seemed a situation as a
detective on the Pittsburgh and Eric Railroa
w. arrested on a chrge of stealing money d.
from the , a House, at Warren. Since his
arrest be has made confessions, which, if true
will bring his neck to the gallows. II
. til re
ame, be slat, is Winfield Scott Clan Mell.
lie lt. II laltiVe Of WHo. nod haw serval out
Wrens or Service in confinement at Jackson.
-Michigan, and Warren, ohlo, for horse steal
ingtch. /le elated that he niul stolen and hid a
wa, which was found tree. lie also s
that ho had married several women. and, laaidst
ly, that be had killed a man at the Syracuse
lion., in Thlioute, and hid the body in the
vault of the water closet. The body has not i
yet boon found.
Nitta Ent...rd.— e The L e t ter will r c incinhor
n totholgctiraw ram
iLthe'W.h.tzt,urzegrzry, Thor:Ta."=.lcon.
whiebbttet"guasbuZistingo?ifvethy.Cir fn'inti2l%.7,
Block. Since the death of toe old gentleman.
who was sick at the time of the occurrence,
cult has been Mstituteil by Ids widow agains t
the gascompany, and damattea in heavy
amount clai ni ect. Qirk. UM% has been re
by tbo plaintiff, and "we believe Thos.
kiltraball Internet ent the defendants.
Considerable is felt In the result of
the case.
body Found.—The ly of Theodore Coons,
who was drowned off the ',Little Whale,. at
tda the-tulle Fe: ry Saturdny his t, Wfls re- for int
covereerment.d on Monday and taken to ?dell seaport
..I.lllp Rellween the Cup and the Lip."—
A work or two since we noticed Lhu MM. that
the Allegheny College at !leanly illo, had re
ceived a loonloome donation from the Hon. C.
V. Culver, who, it will he recollected, gave the
liodltution real moat. and erected thereon it
uollette bufltliag, costing ...AuAtle, but lie neglee•
led to transfer the MIO,IIIIII the property now
appears among the :insets of Culver, Penn it
Co. %V bat makes the mutter worse is, the in
ititution, grateful for his gelieroaity, Invested
n ono of M r. Unlvor'n iniiikn to the extent of
113u,00, whirl] is likely to prove a dead loss.
_ ...
Prorenown. 0. N. EollllloV.—hia.Bonlc
Il al
wan croatioll last night to Attinvolitto to hex
the (lhitingn lineal phrenologist, Prot. 11, b.
Fowler, iteliver it lecture on phrenologlcatl
melence which he Oleg Jeanie /A linvdong atinly.
TOO subject which the l•rofessor ww•
"increment power froui increaneel action,"
Witten Rot[ , lien equally to WWl's intellectual
lnd physical Itatnrat. It wan 'reeled in Mr.
wler's 11,1111t1 Otifeit.ol.l mud iinpreoivo v le.
Mr. Fowler will lecture h 1 the sumo plume on
nand Marriage on next rriday :inn Mori
Illmgerous Coonterfell.--Counterlelt
twenty-dollar bills on the National flunk of
Portland hare been hr elronlallon In the city
for some days. IVe learn that on yesterday a
.number of them wern "nhovel, " principally
nWY trt Vor n keopern. idereliarda and Mae.
lioull tni on thelr gutted ngaliwt them They
ure well executed anti liable to deceive good
taiga', An yet the pet tlen Immured in rice.-
atingthe imnrloun hare eluded the 0111.
ceni of the late, flint they have been Carrying
no their nefarious occupation with Impunity.
-- -wes- -
Bloody Mlsaded.—darab Lawson Vester.
day made complaint before Alderman Lynch,
of the Third wen!. [widest Rachnel Kinney,
who threatened to Injure her, having declar
ed she would have “revenge or blood." The
eartleh are colored, and both brought suits of
surety before the alloys Alderman a few days
aigo, Which were settled by the payment of
it , l. They both hall from the seventh want.
A warrant was his ueLL
Atlntl illed.—We aro pleased to note the fact
that Ucorge 11. Christy, whilom a member of
press gang, hot more recently a {fallant
son of Mara, has bean admittoil to the liar.
We hay° known him for some years, and al
and found
wa him
in the nan obliging, courteou s tt,
, predict that he All! 1 mate his
marew profession he/Meiji:lst enter
Pllt u h
spon.troot H . o has opened an Olitice at No. LU
110101 Thlevlng.—John ilillerman had a
heart.' before Acting Mayor Strain rester
day, charges' with Picking the vent pocket of
Philip Slathers ..about four Wolookyeeterday
morning, at the Rod Lion Hotel, While the
latter woe in bed, lie was committed to an
illegal Liquor lielllaa , —Acting Mayor
Strain yesterday imposed a tine of 450 upon E.
Duerker, a tavern keeper of the Filth ward,
for selling liquor on Sundae. The Slue was
paid and Duarker discharged.
The Awn injured et the lire In Pitt town
ship on Monday was not a fireman. While
looking on at tha Ara no was saJzfal with a tit
and 101 l against the Hope bone-carriage. Re
Ia 2obJect to these attacks.
Terrible Areidemit-,111,1i la or and 1311,1
WO MTV AZrLitl railed upon tort , 0;
aechlent 11 . which an aged German la. •I
her daughter a ere inatantly It
that about half-past nme o'clock yusteroa
! when the New EtrightOn accommodation learn
find reached Glendale It met the Wellsville
iterirronoriat.ii train ~ r the Cleveland an.;
ratatiurgh road, erne tng cwt. AL this point
Mrs. Maria Stmfol, rifted about fifty year*, and
let darreir ter, of the same name, aged live were seen walking on the track, tut ,
ng tell their hon.; a short distariCe treltiw
Glendale station for the purpose of taking
passag e on the cars fri 'rot a sick rela tiv e kit
Allegheny City. Tee
trait, of the Wells
ville aecominor ration . as soon en be saw
tire woman and child on the track. ...hunted
down breaks." The little girl, Instead of go
-1 ink tio the side ot the track, ran along it, tot
lowed 4{ . her mother, and before the speml of
the train could he checked, the locornottre
overtook and ran over [limn. The .Ittle girl
nod both legs terribly crushed and tired hut
ball an Lour in an insensible state. The
mother was horribly Mangled and Itilallattnh
and riled w
Instantly. There as a steep bank
on either solo of the track, w as
may Keenan!
for their net getting elf the track. Witnesses
testified that they lbol ample time to dare
t heMSel Vv.., ILIM that the accident ants Una
vcidanle. An 111.10 est wits held and a Veedlel
in accordance wrth the IaMS rendered. The
St...let's livedln tills city fora number ot
years, and then removed to Ohio, from
when. 4, they recently returnml. A family of 3
eta, thirlren are left to mourn their loss.
Ac AUMNIV er Sicsn•—Notwithstanding tIU
inclement weather of last nignt, there was r
large audience in littendance to witness tit
performance of the charming opern of Pm
' , tavola. The entire performance gave the
greatest satisfaction The allot t "I te yonder
rock reclining," 1,7 Terllne and gra ',tavola,
Madame hotter and Theo. Ilabelman, U.
811111: In their very hest style, and the ourits
of uppjause which followed, compelled them
to repeat It Ifermam, and s telneek, us Wile
coma and Deppo, were
anti h
happy in
their personatlons, • and 'termites brought
down the 110.80 by the manner in which he
acing ' I'm Afloat." Ile sang il In hnglish se
that the words were perfectly intelligible to
the whole audlenee. IL is needless to add that
he wan encored.
To-night the grand opera of Les IlugenoLs
will be preciented, naiad ill this connection we
will add that It in the last night lint three of
the opera 8 0813011. Sant l'day night eleNeB the
Opera 80 .011. tetlerdttt night closes the Acad
emy until fall, The in 4: rim will he employed
by artist, atilt 1110 e1114111 8 in putting the tin-
kiting touches upon the interior and exterior
ornamentation. The budding Itti It 1108
8 1.1.11t18. In in an untlnished state, but by the
time the tall season opens, it will not lit sir
panned in beauty by let any similar establish
nient In the Western country.
The Pl. r F.—Yesterciny nftertimin Wei IllBt
evening the circus wan literally Jammed. We
Wel, preen I for n few °amide, mlimllid: a. Idcli
we w a ne Bail
the mu teillttS. riding ad young
Mr. allekney u lao a, the ( meal In every re- I
sisal of yonng Itoliiii•on who 0111 Le travel
with lieu Rice. Its the 1 %53 - , a morning paper,
in Clinaling lo the panamage mat a t.O noun terfeit
bill on the National mink nf Portland, Com
nuetlent, on Friday ei ening la.d., on one ot
our Merchant, alma se m much a manner—on
intentionally, .loubtless—as to do liiilOltive t.tb
lir. Thayer. No ono wile knows loin WOUili
4 111/p.l, irlf . a moment that he e'rellii have
anything to do with itrliovnig'• hpurlamia
!Finney, ii , pecialiv when In, Is compelled tin
refuse hundred, 01 dollar.. In good ree.,
hil l y from persona seeking W lll ll.1 g
011 I.o nback
Oran, Iliil'ii ro i tirot to lent, that Ali:.
Lot!, !he - taliniro in liiitieoiiii,i• ii,,,, iii.,,
iiiiii i iiiiil, ori sis.ount 111 1111114 1 , 04/110,1, toi
gl vie tip iii•t e irsitiiiirt 11./111 ina-k ielione :It
I holite in Innate klanil. l'iii,e, ening ill bin
ll•) lyig,. vi ill nvioirrie her rah- In Ilan ••••11.0.1 1
liatighler, of Satan." On Friday evening bll,
i.l Iveiiter n ill inkri a benefit., on which o,lt
'lOlll .1 grand hill will he prenenieil.
Pir . r.int7 atm Tiigoiritg.-1 anken Locke 6
ineeLing rill, trineli i•lieress In lil+ droll anil
fitt . otiCiiii itelii ieutioe4 of 1 all k,•.. charnel,.
Last evening the play ol “Ton Nlyilit'm in a
liar Room" wt., well raiiiiiiirvil. l'oi.eiglit Alr
Locke irtll ii.ii .1..111..1i11.11 iIIIII/eSrliti, ill
the “lirotai Mountain lloy," mid 10 Jl,lllltl/11.11
Plowboy ill "I'lo Forest 'toile."
Ftrat of the Semoston.—To-morrow the (lost
tor-a l e
11 le or the n:O4. IV at
tinoff at Ginn wooti
brut eloanib- have beca volt/a/Wwa,
nen platform, e 11
recte,l, an.' 0 have
boon Npared to the comfort or
gta,ta. or Lb., Eldorado, farshe,
the relre.htneu Le for the Initial pie--ble Off the
InK Dl•e teargrc4l.—lian t uy tlo Uo urn u ll haolu. t11,1.r.
before AeLing Mayor Str.ato yektourilay
ehas get! 01l iullt Jamb, g1.J.1 1 / 1 14.11 urlth the
larreny of a pail ror loom- fr , rn oat. Giblet
The t.. 11 ~,,
not ,IMelftt
make oat ea,o 0L0.1,,00 An, he a.,
Thomas W. Jury Co.,
Practical Slate nonfarm, and Dealery in Ameri
can Slate of yin - ions colon, °Moo at &lemur,-
dor Laughlln'a near the Water Works l'ltl.>•
burgh, Pa. Residence, )10. 7$ Pike ytrect.
:lore promptly attended to. All work warrant.
ed water proof. Repairing done at the short_
oat nollos. No charge for repairs, provided the
toot if not abused atte. it is put on.
Carpenter Jobbing Shop
Ile Carpenter
returned after an altsenee et three
years In the army, I have reopened my shop
for all sorts of lobbmg in the carpenter lino
at the old stand. Virgin Alley. between Smith
field street and Cherry Alley. Orders me/felted
and promptly abtended to.
lIA Vl,--,.// a un.lny aft) rno..u..Alav nth. at tlk
.I. 1). .e of Wm. Ilarkur, No. 70 ,tultitilcl.l ,trcel
LOON 11. DAVI, ek)ri of the late John H. Pavia
age.l22 ) var. and I. month,
Funeral TULLE tWednetkla)) ArTXIO...N. May MI)
at 2 o'eloi
and most picture:To g \CP of Sepulture sit
t'lt'y,Oost.llWe" 3.:Vr Ikrlg "3 lfat ttto 1 T. ' n b rs o o f ' ll I Yr k t i gnl
Co select lineal Lots will apply ' at the Sulyerlittend
ant's fce , at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits
sod all other bust.= veld be attended to at the Des
Warehouse of the undersigned. corner of Feder
and Laucoek streets, .I.ll_othefY
Secretary and Treas.: r
Plea. au Lly virtue of anorder of the Conn of Common
thorlsln r Lawrence Witte/tel. Committee
of liertrude hoellner, n lunette, 10 Ken Ow interent
Zflaid lunatic; anti an order of' the Orpharia• Court
onfit'o"lYtre"tri'ikotf.tVl V -ri Alnd ‘. hg . r. M aTt a ' w d :4
John Voell ne -, deceased to sell the Interest or laid
minors, of, In and to all the following real
situate In Rt., !rimier town.lllp. Alieghetty esmo
ty, Pa., to wit, Lots Not. =la. 21 In florid An
derson•s Oral plan ot lot.. fronting on the holler
Turnpike or Plank 'toad .1017 feet, and extending
hark 110 feet to Locu.l .1 reel, al I'y. hi an nate. at the
i 'ln..' Ilona, In the Illy of Pltt.lttirgh, on nAT
UR DA 1 , May Valt, hal, at itto'ehtet, A. 0.
Ti"'. cool,
-Vt}!-;:iht;7rl t " lll T lN: r l: l .7, l ,l " ,, , : ' , ' ,r P,
A. It . ItetjilA 11E, ...ratan.
. , .
111`..XECUT011'S NOTICE.—Let tern
..-.',.8 tantru tar) 1.13
Illy eAttle of J Acttll 11 At').,
late',, ilinlin Townshp. A Itegheng eongt,,, ge ‘ ,..„,_
persoed, hav lag neva granted to the untierafgovetl, all
know !natio...etre. holettled to tabl estate
n. please make Ittimeulate par:tont. and
ircibi.4l.l.Lirl'o:t'tll4l.ln,:raot2ooin'tt::7l%.,lP,Z,:'.l.V.l, 3 ' l ' 1 t.' l ' l:4:
11,1, Butler coo it i.,,,.0r toll, A. d e IV! n. Purvis...,
Attorney. 0% La., 1,., 1111 Filth street, Plftsborgli.
hIIAV A Itn W. FILA YB. txreulor,
Prospect, Better I'o.. Pa.
S 2 f 3 S2NGIF
Fishing Rooks and Tackles
C 7 -eLza - 333
Flits, Heels, Lines and H4lllB,
% " '" 8
S U PPLEMENTAL to the 4th Litt
A s pi t oatiooe to eil Liquor, In till
Ha Tartltell, Tarern, AIL Ward, Pittsburgh
The Court will tit on OATUIrt.AY, the 10th Inst..
01 10 O'clock A.M. for hearing the above plica
thryi:3l.l) W. A. IfF.ltltuN, C l erk.
p'EATHERS-10 sacks toarrive
nearner Camelia for noir bm'ny ,
113. A DIC , If EY &Cr I
PAIGARI4-158 OklS.Coffee Crush
...J.lBam; 75 bbls. Craabud runnier.] sod Gran
olatca Norms, for role by ILKYMPat .1 RM.,
wri Noa. t! and 128 Wood iarent.
kaRDINES-60 cases one -ball
;.. o b p y c - quarter cans tisriattaaft&lTlzv axed
my° Nos. 191 nod Wood street
PR T . *" t 0 tit.fisGern Prunes;
„ In k . Turklp u
All prime new, JUst ri - eirred an d 2r
11111 LIZ & BROS.,
Ind 1211y.00d street._
r.rLANDso•PIe • BOUQUET; Pictures In flui
~ for wall decerstiousi'or_sal_s d
St&UPPB--fteautlfsit pictures of
4 . , the twelve Apostles, suitable fur Wu r durum
-o°.°, rot . 410 by • toy W. r. nex.suaLL.
Alorocco Balmoral
Ift n Bon,
Boy • s Brogans
do 180421 sh",
1111, ti • Fan,' bisoc
Welt plonv.ll,ml,l p, ~4.111,ent Ititincemonl. to ca❑
Boot. a, II (1 SllO4'S.
‘.arrantekl, rivelo.l VAM, mot sold
i Ali will von, loco you.
-, Nti:W 4( '1 Alo A IC!".:
Flllll ST . CLOIIf 11011 E.
5 4 4 . 1 I i u.4.•tai
NCH Cloak House, 49 Fifth SC,
Tnoas A 11.111
l A A 1 3 •14::: 1
-13 li3 00 1:7 - 2111
Warehouse, 91 Wood Slreel,.
164. , c0tid door to-low Dlimoud Alley,
N FOR ibi66.
A great collt,lnn of
vimerican Frail papers.
Tor the Lime In nee Tears
OM. R^ E. 1•6711311 PER
A choice selection or the
Newest French Papers
Tor sale by
1V4 , 0d Strerq
M,C:61.11. 3P-ELZI.X..carRES,
Of the N ENV F-0T DESIONfj. at 107 Market •trecl
wAii:CPAp ".
Al, 13.71Air;1114"111.74.e..\
sale at thu Onkluullierrthouteo.
.1011 N R. A. MURDOCH.
m tZ:kland Cars rot/ to the ( irettist.t.6l.4. eery
american'arbor Vita
and liesnlock Sprucg,
For rile
EUltua:y(:7lfe.:l2lg' n ` t "' "rr " -
mylilinildwT JOHN It. AA. MURDOCH.
the Oakland Urreuhothses, c at
nlTl:OhdavrT Joll NI It. dA. M URDOCH.
NURSERilll77.Ntlfb i ttit - t; r.
Holten attention to their extensive stock or'renit.
ornment.a/ tree.. evergrven, tripe rises and tree Is.
bo t t iltMt
AN,,OItDINA,NCE lactatin y
g...14j the
SIMICTII/N I. Re it ..nloiLorl hp Mr Ititrp,tor ”4".;7'
ursr/1 f th. Itcot,peph o." r... , , ,, ,,,.....4 , . Co./.
esionr......hhoi. a 'to!
. f I sw . re., ouo,l, 1.5 I h.- o. Oho;
11; i ' ad p!. ' ; ' 1.::7:; ( „ 1 1 ;1 ' , r ' af f n,
I o'r..',:lll',Yrt ;;.:r:.::[:',l a nte. II
or i cnulle I. 1.., pla i rool on /Loy slrvel, loynony, or
onl ry, Within I e I mita of said Horton!, any . dr—
oxyoel or doe:oil.. ailill.iid or Ve.,41.1e, llr
500ny h.. 1 .r.lronslVe ter or [1.04 or Il.lelola, ur
foulcr °lt or 'war Llmlr prenikon or resident.. any
or 0n.,,,,,e ...--1...n. ...wt .., goottPr or 0ut
.1,1,0,nr.:. or on torn L,lon or r °II., wilinto their molders,.
u.l.TrAeg...;,:„-,.:lrr ',..-0'rt....',,r‘,.:.-';;;;.I.,.!ri::;,:;.;;‘,",h;!
zi::+81.,,,,0ff,,,t....,1:1,7r,.,y.,13t...,m1,11.14.,0, Joe
lined In any nnlst 1.. rainy Intent) ...h.,. Orlo.
the 1.11, fine to 1 ... - . - corer3l.l. an ...Nor Ilnen of Ilk,
rharact, ar. glow rs entersble 1/) ll.r lawn of this
Com m...S.llh.
I Idall.r. .1.1 ...noted mt.:. law. 0,1, All, Jay of
S:AAIUEL CAHN AllA iar.r.s
a. Yitt.scil, imp,
161 . 011, Ati1.11¢11 or
No. !',c, Federal M. Allegheny Cit y.
To make rmmi for All NICW OT4K.
Itetween Beaver•atreet end Ohio River,
nanehener, PS.
slding Order. for all klod./ of Lu t mber for building be.'
4ect Dfaak , Is[ll retllltop tc.
(Lott, of thefirto or BHOwzr & IIORAOW
Nonb gut corner of Thlrd ma Markel Street...
Jouir 'jars
JOHN FLOYD & CO, Wholesale
GROCERS. No. O wool.. S US Liberty street,
Malys rrb, Va.
14: aIS,2
lbr edWoo Is forwarded whirl. ratactitha ant
sorllwrs soonest as Ike mall ran.
SINGLE 11/V12.24. rx_rt YEAH.
OLDIES OF FTVE...... .• .....
rr:s , I , I I•WARDK...
r. vcl:. 0, to go to got be
And Men act the part of prudence
when the follow their example.
Eng.t.t. I.¢llltrm
In Mnro,co litlnnural6... 1.60
.1" Floe Balut.,ral
do out Ifrogs.o
F. 13 MY ' , ALM toP
Opposite Old Theatre.
Jtot, It HUGHES k BM
n..., a11a.,1
an Pas sents• gsr Can nu to t\ lltna
PI rrsartz me
-*1 50
.• 1.5
.. 1 IS.