I TEE P/TTSBUB.GH GAZETTE. PENNIMAN, RUSSELL ERR ETT, aditari. PUBLrAIIRD la THE 04aliTTR AllBoolArme,- No. Be Nirro Simorr. Prnntolion. PE R rgAg. BY MAIL • PE WitiK, 86RVED BY ** .. '' . '' ' . 118 11 ) . I At lase than market raLes Mlctallare , nn the northeam corner of Fourth and Market ntreetn U. II ANPAIN 1.0% k ,t Ran. iireustliocs. FROM WASHINGTON New nod If eoutlN!lex, on the nortliftnst corner of i'ourtli and Market •ftree.t... C I've & Gingham.. The best good. In the ell) for the t floury, on the emit:mist corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. II A 1,407 C 1.001 it lino. -ism- - Colored Alpacas, All shades, very cheap, on the northeast roe nor or Fourth and Market streets. C. Ilsiniox Lova & Pao. lidorlany'm Wong Meax Yer. I hereby challenge arty person to qUestio, my right in manufacture the above, and etre the same for said ut my new Storms, 10; 1 , 1111 th field sheet, and opposite the Postoniee. J.ll. F1:1 TOM Ncw I 011.6, May h.-The TM/uncle B as r to speeial bite. The doom of th e , chits Le' Natioind hank continue open. iiii , "Meer.. remain there making pet/Inks Suture redemption, but with no pimp/. 1 Inn n+' Chlc to fultill therm it appears It is no Exploded Me* That consumption Own. wli.. on deposit from the Interim cannot he cured, for Wl' partmeitt on amount have the evidence flatly that persona in the 1.0.,,,,,, 1,,,,part,,,,,,,t, ne,,,i ...., tit_r halt ata. arc being eurel and restored tn , Mottle. tutor 1.,,,,,, ~,,,1 1,,,1,,,,,,, ci health and vigor by u ing 0 Rev A S 1 I e '44 . '-- '' . '' n ' - # 19 ,1 6 11: l're.tir). Depart men Dire 111,111 sand Great e" '"‘ial'e Kernel' 1.1.f1 i . l'' I n "" Mrs, and other Pat masters an/I Quarter, have been cured by 11.. Call unl procure, 01 1 / , 1 ., e,, , 1 t i . , ; tothl, $,K , ,,,,,, ~,i , pi , Will b. Waited to Lou• a 1 1 . 111 1 1111 /ll My l"g a lin/ , hall+ above the : ttttt ilt tiere/0111 1 y tor tin blau,,. of this reinargable unslielne demotion of the Staten of the hunk, al Sole agent 101 Fitt...burgh and vivo/ay, . 1 ,._ ' .1I 40.1661, leaving a loss for the too erunlen , V.47,1n0, without having cource to st/ sepli Fleming, Druggist, No. al Alat bet street reroer or the ib mio'f ll, / n' l l“ . il 'urth 14 re"- lTt!tler'oc`ia7,rneu'gr= r i te. tr'e `n'n't l ,`... ng:' bank, nr the bank reout erlng or having ii thing In dit the general insets of the conc. The official inquiry now going on will I dem/mo-ate the nillolin t of the private molts, their liabilities on 4 1 .44,, , Information f Baltimore Intl lentos 1 nothing of any amount will be received ir , Rayne, or Payne .t Co., of Italtrinore. The f ' ore of the Alerehatits' National Bank I amused a gerrenti feeling of disaatisfact ong depositors In other Instlletions, s to-day quite a run was made upon , 011115 otlo and a largtsainount of deposits have been tuoved to Jay Cooke'N, the First. National, a to the United States Treasury 'rhyme am other suspenslous, however, an/1 it in : nouneod by Maury it CO. that they will resin L0441:11 0 ITO 11 . On May nril, there w. In the varion+ pub depositorlisi V../.4,5t1,710.:10 There are tooet stunt securities held by tomeral lminti amounting to 1ia1,114,51,10. The Inspector General ill the Freedniet I Burenu in % Irginia, 11. j 1141 reported to ail Assistant Commissioner at Illehoo.l, the 1 sell of a thormigh the... 11 ale ion of ale :oral of the freednien in stole. of Nil lell lie hi Just completed ran Inspection. lIIn report r the u hole i+ tssumnßlivelt favorable. ale r, prosen le the rarinll.l Mien,' sehools general! well attended, and the prejudice erholii against the frerslinenoloa ly hot sterolily , I irtlngshing. The sanitary eendition Of th freed /nen has so tar Improved throughoet th State, that all bunrau hospitals hate her abolished, the employers, In eonipllaiter• it I In. Groin of their labor contrails, furiushin the re/tn./lc tiuslical attemlanee. The deman for labor greatly exec./Ms the Itipply in rail pot . tio. of the state. rho wage+ of the oral lertslivien .erage Mout tame, dollars pe i month, Including food, quarters and medico :tttelidanee. Dispatches from North Carolieu reveal ler ther arts of malfeasance on the part of till •111., of the Freedmen+ Item/ ii is that Stale tolonel Whittle/ley, the COniliii•sitilier for On . state, and severe/ or his subordinates, wal theassistance of Mune Maamtelnisetts Milian oyasta, It Is alleged, hate Seen 01-Cori:red j running plantatuma on private ac /I working delinquent or disonierly bark ies an on then / for punishment. Sevethi arre st+ have ebeen 11111114. and mote will be, it is reported. ha imitate Louttitittee on Fiddle Land+ have senti itnportati t measures before t limn, a Melt will be reported In a lim /lay, looking to an early development /if the N /nth a te. several leading radical up , n are here Sir - lorence with them, alliong limn 1, a Mt- /Moo Is A 411drein.lty. eon re., who le urging leghtlat ion to la,re tie A specialty , fie erimpletion of the road min At i . ll 11 110 Iliiy. inir tot/cern, ld, Ai 11 lett [mikes an Ontlet In 11.• lakes. 'rho Commissioner of infernal Het mitre, In II lettt of reply to a gentleman of ittaralo, Our Grovel less New Tort:, upon the 4 1.41-ISIOII of Judge stel- The best of Sine., entree, Chocolate, AIR, tiU',:ei,,,‘,7,1":Trii,,V.,,,",,1.:, V,1..t.1.t..,:,'. ..'1..,i3,,,i, ta I/I, Am Call and see how we sell them hdd don nby • J mtg.. Bm/tiles:Las Mitte i c:;.+l/s ie . New Gods, a Melt i ll' thinks the .10/11re ought tint to aid to t asselemr,stipposed. Im 110 New ken as thereto ot that District, us Judge 'rail Arriving daily. appstni to enneer in the opoilori of liadm Arriving , Salty. 11 Ilinlley. 41 , 4 10 110. 1011.1. .01 111.1 kmg a .14.0101 A large line cif end - N.114 104. the 1...1:4... 11.01.0.- ....” ..... ."ta• ' l°. ' °°t "'‘' ° '". ' "."... "°‘ r ' .- her the litinalivr, 41.3 Fif lii ',lx, -1 cipini. Ile Ihe " I r. , ' ''' Re "aaM'Y' ' alaa' “ l • I''a a ' I' / . , it e , callet 11.. Ha atithoi,i. /// / pl.-I/mt. /Mors House zo / •-•11 l'im ////nni•• t% aslitnethe ..,..i•I ,i in A I lif -..- I•resillent ii. +min, ti,- hot item Is .thi mg Toe Grand Niernri. . Un- Intereational Telegraph / .iiiii,n, . 1,. The grand secret In umdtmti o n , t o I,l p two,/ Elul tinned Shah's mail Cllii, Nature. Sr sr., is and Rso „, rv-these are 1 ,Z, 1 ,:„„,: ar 0 , „,1.'„1:."„7,::; bun,,,,,,,,, ` , '" 'L",:, i 4 4 ,.":, 1 , 1 ,1,. the alpha mei Omega of OW 0 may )henry 4if 4 ore whoi failed to make lII*. proper 10(101, Cflre that h. 4'olllllloo wrilhe 140 11. bast, I i 111.• TlOO.. 1% 11 , 1111.0.011 "ii,etill ma). neat I, then erVolis systein I. .Iml lei r4l, the lam les ','L1,,,U..,,,nr0r,.:::.':,'""at ti " . "" 1 "" "..4."' it tinr atSal all. all, have einsinirsi t 4.1 weak, and the mind, like the I.ly, Ina state- stilt• m the I ode 1 1.41 itt• 1 I , ll4l.riet 1;4 nirt .1 rd p4rtial collapse-what .li Imm t 0 do/ gm New c ork, nirniii.l SI 111.40,1 I 1 1,11,, i...ttini mgr.!, tor the reriivr, 111 the val.. of Dm son textiles textiles a+ the answer top. The suit. nand/el one hundred ntol t Wen -111,1.1 aI • r Toga M AT. It-two, acrd a strong ai rat tit counsel bus 1.0011 Brace blur up . you woold brace a tottering It -two, 1.3. The plaintiffs, among whom gre ediece. The pabulum lie need+ in a Tonle Al- 3 .,Vj.::i1 i T ,1, 1 ,', r ) ,:"' " M. F. '‘.r.. ....I " t h''' "r terative. Itring Situ up out of the depths 01 ' General Sickle+. a 110 at rived here ye-der/13V Debility and De:menden/T, with several members of li. stall none lll,lO-a-1.00, 1.00, hull an amen les P1(11 tsar, imust 3 WITII lie, 1rrr.614•4 111 ,6.. Gen. Meal./ report. affairs gradually no prov- They cannot Injure A child may take them ing tu the State Tee labor question is well 111 dorms sultel to its years, without tile possi. ' settled, and On/ lawless operations In the 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,, , north WMIIOI.II pen/00n( the Mate have 1 , 11.43,1. billty of 1.11111 The enfeeble/1 s vital Imil `I MllO . having derlltieil the 111 , 0110 1. , are as %tire to reSl/011 41 rilergetieltl 13 5.0 their the Hag., will probab/y I . etiirti to the coin action ati the wilted grass is to meet Its Modes mama of the Department of south Cat //lola under she v i raying and refrealitug rain. In rimy roar, May s.-The emosis,,,,t, specie i all easei`td dehliity the lilt tern me absolutely , ,"`Y,' ~,,,,U•,:),,11.7,117,%,A""r7.1. Ch. "'""r I . required.; There is no aubsti Lute or sumeeght- J t!tre.lf Norfolk ' . It " is utitnmden- against hoof acorn that will till their place. Resort to 1.1 4 E, J nourn Chase it 111 not pmside at the trial . The ii to/hinging/I Key trbl.N. tra 111 t) I 1.111. 1.-porl omit wonderful of Modern Tonics, I of the ViLhinet 1 . 1 1 , 10.81011 011 ihmoustruetion Aso Art wo.r. se %Yet 1.. as from the highest .10ilree am/ that secre- Bear in mind that In Dyspepsia, Intermit- . Lilty Stanton.. oppositi to the plan was as tent Fevers, Billious Illsorders, and AlTectlons .."' ,. ''''.. l .. th."' ' l. a nt .r ther ' .•. '" 1 ""r• 01 the Nerve+, no other inedleine will produce (MA13417=1. V . l.lit i l b t i ac in t l b „ ' n ir 1 ' .17/! ' n eV.: non c e one one tithe of the good effect that Invariably J lull, omtloi. were !Midi, 1-0 1.10. 1 , 110.1.1. e X 101 lOWA WO use of this excellent Invigorator • csiPting bond+ from , tatr an a .armor ,a t.-• and Corrective. Sold ererywhern.-.V. 1 - Fri- j _,.._ bens, Oct. la, M.S. Alloslelter's Miters i A N OTHER CANADIAN SCARE. Am sold wholesale and retell at very low rates 1 at ' , leaning's Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, I NO. 84 Market street. corner of the Diamond ' Fenian War Vessels Reported anal Market, near Vonrth street. in Spring. and hummer Goods. Georgian Bay. The well-known store of My. John Weler. -- Merchant Tailor, No. PM Federal street, Alley ' N.' ' aaa ' May 1.-A " 71 " 1 L " Lae ih.raid gluing, has been lately littial up with anew as- rY°la 0a " "and ' " Ito 'LY '• Thera *or - Uncut of spring and summer anode. The wan a panic hem 1.1. May night over tile Fenian stock has been well selected, and embraces all , reports. holes have "r"." Irma "a " the the numberless articles needed for gentle- MM.' and 1 ' a: e l ; 111,,U;1a,,‘e*,,1L,,' ~)71.:,',711et,':,.„',',“`V,:;. men's garments. A large stock of ready-trunk+ I vessels In Georgian Ray, heading for this Pont. pants, coats, Vesta &C., WU/ 11.1110 be fonrol in Intense excitement followel Am all the velliill - Ids establishment. Ills stock of furnishing tr.°l,,raStree „1',`:,rit,h,r`.,„f„.r'nm.,1„.h;.;_,,d,;;.'1r,.,,;",7",V,',".. ell to goods cannot be surpassed. Persons desiring 1 IZOII I / 1 1131-11(.11 0111, and the 1011.111. poolllation to pixel:lase a good suit Of clothes would oo ! t' t-v rtided Ilie street.eil nigh' mid to-dirt settle , aso haeßy frightened that they hat e buried well by giving Mr. Weiler a call. I their valuables. - - The Dry Good• Trade. It Is said by those who have Lbe bast right to know, that most knots ni gess!, are selling at loss !halh the rOM Of proll netion or lawn, lotion, and that Vesiratfle grosls are scare,. w the eyeept lon of Sheet lugs and Shirt fogs. and flat u ffonNeo nonce of t h in prices Call ant go lower, and may advance. If this he so It is the part of wisdom for those 51,0 are Wanting to make purchases at once, and rape daily so, as the Meagre. Barker lc Co., M. Mar ket street, are offering a mammoth and un .l./11.4.1-atted stock at eery low prima Buy ers, both at trifoloSale and retail, shoal.' make a note Of this. The Virgin Geld Molex CompnnJ. As will be soon by an advertisement of this Company on unether page, the large anti val able properties Which constitute Its basis are offered to the pnblic on such enntlitions and twcompan led by sneh fair anti equitable fea tures, that the Company trill at once eitutromul Itself to the confidence not only of the nian of nimlorate means but to the capitabst. Already a large number of subscriptions have been received. 't lie list Is rapidly filling up, and It is expected in a very short tune 1,, Issue notices to subscribers for their first meet ing for organization. Those desiring to avail Themselves of the opportunity of securing our one or more of the remaining Sloe "original Interests" In this large and already powerful Unapt:my, should at once send in their suis scriptlons. 2.3 tents! 2.5 ILe' Int.! What. 25 rents a 111 do. What 25 cents will Je. Ail in las ion l rcr A if in ission Trot. Every lereelk I . CeeiVl , l 1111 l re! than their money's worth, [loll \LS a ttttt tter nt ceeterne, F:reeryleenty in delighted. hver3 Iroly IM delighted. War N ea—The Death Ifseord of tato Loyal altates—Lose of Life In the ILega- Lae rad Volunteer Armlet, The following table, shows the total cas ualties lir action and front the effects of wounds and disease, in the volunteer troops furnished by the several States and Territories, in the regular and colored troops, and other organizations, raised di redly under the authority of the United States, and the aggregate number of tro o p, raised under all calls reduced to the three years' standard: x > t. 4: - ..,' , , r6 , -514 , °v ; ; g-!0g '." .`" - V ;,.g..r.,V5: F ; : 3.F<7.° , E ..., . ea : * !Er3 , 0 . ZP.: i Halite 2 ;" 5 . 5 14 - 5 415 ri,kal New 29 Vermont li Ham , pshire I,GGI 22"' 24z, 4„, . 494 074 nfuschunetf.s.. 0 . 0 . D 7, 9 00 13,933 4,9011 123,844 Rhode Island 470 1,073 1,05,,, 17,874 CoalfaceLleu 1..... 1,902 3,2131 5411 50,514 New York 11,445 17,107 31,552 Sefl,UXi Nes Jersey • 1,011 2,,wsr, m a , ,,,74 Peunsyjyanlit .10,184 11,09 u 21,374 36! 55+ Delaware . 310 Di se. ,x ., Maryland .., .. . 710 053 1,361 awn Din orColumbia 55 244 Y. 19 ,500 I Ohio 11,3. 1 7 i 14,215 =1 11 ,1.,M5 =7,976 'aeus 6 817 13.313 19,un 1.52,253 Illinois .... ...... ?i,906 19,1034 9 1,842 2194.4 Michigan 3,m7 81429 12,425 80,,az CV imooroOn 3,518 6,955 1034ne 70,355 Minnesota ay+ 1.374 2,94 10,015 lowa 3,441 0,042 12,001 58,152 Ban*. 1,2:31 2,194 3,191 18,1154 (.541ifirtils 92 M'J \ 391 7,451 West V 10311111- 1,21.3 1,M2 33/25 lAa3 Kentucky ...... 1,85 i 5,315 7,199 70,318 Minsouri • 3,3,...5 7,346 9,711 85,192 Tennessee 2,1.= 2,103 4,475 12,07; Miss Nalpill ...... .. . 09 60 . ..... Alabama. .55 i3Si 3.15 ....... if . inri.,. . .... ila 102 271 . ..... 'Texas 43.1 278 311 . ..... North Carolina.. 54 8414 917.1 . ..... Louisiana 22 712.1 WJI NUVllArkansas 384 51.5 92-9 •-•- 4111 . 10 2.2, 045 •-• . • Oregon 67 Colorado 667 734 109 937 ma . i,.iiA Indian Ten' Cory 374 614 700 ...... Munn:wino Ter 107 135 az Dakota T0r...... .... /0 lo 111 iiebreska Ter- 14 123 137 391) New TexldoTer. = 160 183 1,011 U.S. V. iPeniten t - Rebels) lianeoek , s Corps of Vetenins ... . 9 44:6 415 Misstssippl• Ns vertrioto ran Br= v i. ;; 248 /85 433‘ /14 ',MO 1,2104 ... •Anny.t. 3,047 , 2,833 4.101. glo C• burgh, Pa. Residence, )10. 7$ Pike ytrect. :lore promptly attended to. All work warrant. ed water proof. Repairing done at the short_ oat nollos. No charge for repairs, provided the toot if not abused atte. it is put on. Carpenter Jobbing Shop Ile Carpenter returned after an altsenee et three years In the army, I have reopened my shop for all sorts of lobbmg in the carpenter lino at the old stand. Virgin Alley. between Smith field street and Cherry Alley. Orders me/felted and promptly abtended to. DIED. lIA Vl,--,.// a un.lny aft) rno..u..Alav nth. at tlk .I. 1). .e of Wm. Ilarkur, No. 70 ,tultitilcl.l ,trcel LOON 11. DAVI, ek)ri of the late John H. Pavia age.l22 ) var. and I. month, Funeral TULLE tWednetkla)) ArTXIO...N. May MI) at 2 o'eloi ~ILLDIICENEETERIES. tu C EMETERY.-A and most picture:To g \CP of Sepulture sit t'lt'y,Oost.llWe" 3.:Vr Ikrlg "3 lfat ttto 1 T. ' n b rs o o f ' ll I Yr k t i gnl Co select lineal Lots will apply ' at the Sulyerlittend ant's fce , at the Cemetery. Title Deeds, Permits sod all other bust.= veld be attended to at the Des Warehouse of the undersigned. corner of Feder and Laucoek streets, .I.ll_othefY kMt s. ILICLLY. Secretary and Treas.: r LEGAL NOTICES. 13LBLIC,SALE OF REAL ESTATE. -, Plea. au Lly virtue of anorder of the Conn of Common thorlsln r Lawrence Witte/tel. Committee of liertrude hoellner, n lunette, 10 Ken Ow interent Zflaid lunatic; anti an order of' the Orpharia• Court onfit'o"lYtre"tri'ikotf.tVl V -ri Alnd ‘. hg . r. M aTt a ' w d :4 John Voell ne -, deceased to sell the Interest or laid minors, of, In and to all the following real ...tr. situate In Rt., !rimier town.lllp. Alieghetty esmo ty, Pa., to wit, Lots Not. =la. 21 In florid An derson•s Oral plan ot lot.. fronting on the holler Turnpike or Plank 'toad .1017 feet, and extending hark 110 feet to Locu.l .1 reel, al I'y. hi an nate. at the i 'ln..' Ilona, In the Illy of Pltt.lttirgh, on nAT UR DA 1 , May Valt, hal, at itto'ehtet, A. 0. Ti"'. cool, -Vt}!-;:iht;7rl t " lll T lN: r l: l .7, l ,l " ,, , : ' , ' ,r P, A. It . ItetjilA 11E, ...ratan. my2.lawand . , . 111`..XECUT011'S NOTICE.—Let tern ..-.',.8 tantru tar) 1.13 Illy eAttle of J Acttll 11 At')., late',, ilinlin Townshp. A Itegheng eongt,,, ge ‘ ,..„,_ persoed, hav lag neva granted to the untierafgovetl, all know !natio...etre. holettled to tabl estate n. please make Ittimeulate par:tont. and thg.ma ircibi.4l.l.Lirl'o:t'tll4l.ln,:raot2ooin'tt::7l%.,lP,Z,:'.l.V.l, 3 ' l ' 1 t.' l ' l:4: 11,1, Butler coo it i.,,,.0r toll, A. d e IV! n. Purvis..., Attorney. 0% La., 1,., 1111 Filth street, Plftsborgli. hIIAV A Itn W. FILA YB. txreulor, Prospect, Better I'o.. Pa. =MEM FLSEUNG TACKLE MAW 19 ON HAND. S 2 f 3 S2NGIF WI 1.1, 11E TIIE SPORT tlp TRP. SEASON Fishing Rooks and Tackles C 7 -eLza - 333 Flits, Heels, Lines and H4lllB, JAMES DOWN'S, % " '" 8 VINOD KTIMF:T _ _ • LICENSE LIST. LIST. S U PPLEMENTAL to the 4th Litt A s pi t oatiooe to eil Liquor, In till Ha Tartltell, Tarern, AIL Ward, Pittsburgh The Court will tit on OATUIrt.AY, the 10th Inst.. 01 10 O'clock A.M. for hearing the above plica thryi:3l.l) W. A. IfF.ltltuN, C l erk. SUNDRIES. p'EATHERS-10 sacks toarrive nearner Camelia for noir bm'ny , 113. A DIC , If EY &Cr I PAIGARI4-158 OklS.Coffee Crush ...J.lBam; 75 bbls. Craabud runnier.] sod Gran olatca Norms, for role by ILKYMPat .1 RM., wri Noa. t! and 128 Wood iarent. kaRDINES-60 cases one -ball ;.. o b p y c - quarter cans tisriattaaft&lTlzv axed my° Nos. 191 nod Wood street PR T . *" t 0 tit.fisGern Prunes; „ In k . Turklp u All prime new, JUst ri - eirred an d 2r 11111 LIZ & BROS., Ind 1211y.00d street._ PICTURES, GA NIX. Filifri TS, r.rLANDso•PIe • BOUQUET; Pictures In flui ~ for wall decerstiousi'or_sal_s d A.mIIALL. St&UPPB--fteautlfsit pictures of 4 . , the twelve Apostles, suitable fur Wu r durum -o°.°, rot . 410 by • toy W. r. nex.suaLL. REF. CENTS MOM CONCERT HILL SHOE STORB, Alorocco Balmoral Ift n Bon, Boy • s Brogans do 180421 sh", 1111, ti • Fan,' bisoc Welt plonv.ll,ml,l p, ~4.111,ent Ititincemonl. to ca❑ Boot. a, II (1 SllO4'S. ‘.arrantekl, rivelo.l VAM, mot sold i Ali will von, loco you. CLOAKS. &c. CLOAKS: CLOAKS I! -, Nti:W 4( '1 Alo A IC!".: Flllll ST . CLOIIf 11011 E. ELEGANT CLOTH SACIKES 5 4 4 . 1 I i u.4.•tai NCH Cloak House, 49 Fifth SC, WAIL PAPERS , ,Vcc Tnoas A 11.111 l A A 1 3 •14::: 1 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES A\ll -13 li3 00 1:7 - 2111 Warehouse, 91 Wood Slreel,. 164. , c0tid door to-low Dlimoud Alley, re2.4:11rn,1 PITTSBV PAPER HANGINGILGES, N FOR ibi66. A great collt,lnn of vimerican Frail papers. Tor the Lime In nee Tears OM. R^ E. 1•6711311 PER A choice selection or the Newest French Papers Tor sale by IV AL TEII I'. MA Win A LI., 1V4 , 0d Strerq FINE GOLD PAPERS, M,C:61.11. 3P-ELZI.X..carRES, Of the N ENV F-0T DESIONfj. at 107 Market •trecl wAii:CPAp ". LRS WILLIAM FO2lOlll Niii=lllllllEMl HORTIOULTA.L. GrREENDOiSE AND lIEDDiNG Al, 13.71Air;1114"111.74.e..\ sale at thu Onkluullierrthouteo. .1011 N R. A. MURDOCH. m tZ:kland Cars rot/ to the ( irettist.t.6l.4. eery niy!:l.l3 ORNADENTAL HEDGES. american'arbor Vita and liesnlock Sprucg, For rile EUltua:y(:7lfe.:l2lg' n ` t "' "rr " - mylilinildwT JOHN It. AA. MURDOCH. NEW VERBENA, MISS KATE BAUM. the Oakland Urreuhothses, c at nlTl:OhdavrT Joll NI It. dA. M URDOCH. pITTSBIUBMI NURSERY AND RIAI9/11iD pEllISED. NURSERilll77.Ntlfb i ttit - t; r. Holten attention to their extensive stock or'renit. ornment.a/ tree.. evergrven, tripe rises and tree Is. bo t t iltMt Ontoobor/a/. ORDINANCES AN,,OItDINA,NCE lactatin y g...14j the SIMICTII/N I. Re it ..nloiLorl hp Mr Ititrp,tor ”4".;7'..tp ursr/1 f th. Itcot,peph o." r... , , ,, ,,,.....4 , . Co./. esionr......hhoi. a 'to! . f I sw . re., ouo,l, 1.5 I h.- o. Oho; 11; i ' ad p!. ' ; ' 1.::7:; ( „ 1 1 ;1 ' , r ' af f n, I o'r..',:lll',Yrt ;;.:r:.::[:',l a nte. II or i cnulle I. 1.., pla i rool on /Loy slrvel, loynony, or onl ry, Within I e I mita of said Horton!, any . dr— oxyoel or doe:oil.. ailill.iid or Ve.,41.1e mail.er, llr 500ny h.. 1 .r.lronslVe ter or [1.04 or Il.lelola, ur foulcr °lt or 'war Llmlr prenikon or resident.. any or 0n.,,,,,e ...--1...n. ...wt .., goottPr or 0ut .1,1,0,nr.:. or on torn L,lon or r °II., wilinto their molders,. u.l.TrAeg...;,:„-,.:lrr ',..-0'rt....',,r‘,.:.-';;;;.I.,.!ri::;,:;.;;‘,",h;! zi::+81.,,,,0ff,,,t....,1:1,7r,.,y.,13t...,m1,11.14.,0, Joe ~..;,,,,n; lic.t.lr:l4lz,llen, lined In any nnlst 1.. rainy Intent) ...h.,. Orlo. the 1.11, fine to 1 ... - . - corer3l.l. an ...Nor Ilnen of Ilk, rharact, ar. glow rs entersble 1/) ll.r lawn of this Com m...S.llh. I Idall.r. .1.1 ...noted mt.:. law. 0,1, All, Jay of May, S:AAIUEL CAHN AllA iar.r.s a. Yitt.scil, imp, VENETIAN BLINDS WWII. G. WRIGHT, 161 . 011, Ati1.11¢11 or VENETIAN BLINDS, No. !',c, Federal M. Allegheny Cit y. BLINDS DONE OP EWA I. TO NICW ap,...vod/11.1 PIANOS AND ORGANS. JIANOS AND ORCiANN. GHENT REDUCTION IN PRICES, To make rmmi for All NICW OT4K. ==niflNl D . L. R ATTEUSO2II di CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, Itetween Beaver•atreet end Ohio River, nanehener, PS. slding Order. for all klod./ of Lu t mber for building be.' 4ect Dfaak , Is[ll retllltop tc. PAINTERS, WILLIAM H. BROWN, (Lott, of thefirto or BHOwzr & IIORAOW DOME AND Matt PAINTER, Nonb gut corner of Thlrd ma Markel Street... GROCERS Jouir 'jars JOHN FLOYD & CO, Wholesale GROCERS. No. O wool.. S US Liberty street, Malys rrb, Va. sgric 14: aIS,2 TWO EDITIONS ISSUED, ON WEDNESDAY AND 841 OrRDA F . lbr edWoo Is forwarded whirl. ratactitha ant sorllwrs soonest as Ike mall ran. Tir.Bl4B: SINGLE 11/V12.24. rx_rt YEAH. OLDIES OF FTVE...... .• ..... rr:s , I , I I•WARDK... BOOTS AND SHOES. 7 ADZES ARE A 1,14' AA'S SENSIBLE r. vcl:. 0, to go to got be BEST (MOODS FOR 'I HE LEAST MONEY FOR THEIR BEAUTIFUL FEET, And Men act the part of prudence when the follow their example. on 1110= Eng.t.t. I.¢llltrm In Mnro,co litlnnural6... 1.60 .1" Floe Balut.,ral do out Ifrogs.o CELEBRATED BAZAAR F. 13 MY ' , ALM toP JUST RECEIIED AT Tlft =MI Opposite Old Theatre. 8110LESALB AID RETAIL hIA U ALL QUALITIV.,. AT Jtot, It HUGHES k BM P.L.a.X%7T.e. n..., a11a.,1 an Pas sents• gsr Can nu to t\ lltna PI rrsartz me -*1 50 .• 1.5 .. 1 IS.