The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 08, 1866, Image 1

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v. B. PE IE &N , t Ream
r oirmurzoss nu GASHITSASIOOI47O.I.
No, 6111 Firm 13Taxre, PlTrinimall.
res weld Rex I/ Ea . / ... ......
In. dry goods, on the northeast corner of
Fourth and Market streets.
Ilszsos Lovs d Bso
Dry Good.
Of every variety, at very low , ' prices, on th
northeast corneroi Fourth and Market streets.
C. I/althea Lova a Bae.
Buyers of; Dry woods will end we sell a great
many goods at retail lower than some other
hOUAOS wholesale thorn. Remember, the
northeast earner of Fourth and MarkeLstroola.
C. Love a lino.
Lltrdaay•a Mood blearetter.
I hereby challenge any Person to uineaun
my tight to manufacture the above, and otTe
the name for solo at my new Stores, 107 &Leith
field atreet, and opponite the Poste/nee.
J. M. retamt.
Buyers of Dry Deeds will find it to their inter
est to 01111111110 our stock before purchasing
elsewhere, . we hart, some extra good bar
gains to oder. Remember, we are now on the
northeasteornerof Fourth and Market streets.
C. litssoir Love a Eno.
Coe'e Dylipepolla Cure.
The only reMody ever discoveral that will
surely and permanently cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, Mete-headache. and enable dyspeptics
to eat hearty food without (ear 01 dlstreSs,
eau be obtained at all oar drug stores.
Agent for Pittsburgh, Joseph Fleming.
Draggled, tin. $1 Market street,
Doctor J. L. Kennedy In Pittsburg'''.
Dr. Kennedy the most skillful Surgeon
for the last !Mean years in the city
of Dublin, Lilo metropolbsof /reined, hos ar
rived to this city and opened his oleo at No.
71 birth street, Pittsburgh. Dr. Kennedy is a
regular educated physician, but has made a
speciality of Openttive and burgleal Chiropo
dy, Dlaease_s of the feet. In fact all disea
ses of the limbs, skin and scalp.
A Valuable inveallonn
Sortudjung that every housekeeper must have.
P !tutees - & CO. having purchased the sole and
exclusive right to maunfacturearai sell Dick's
celebrated Patent novoiving Broiler, In gen
eral use In all the eastern clues at the present
time, will have on exhibition at their office,
No. 2 Sixth street, near Liberty, where every
person can see in operation, one at the most
simple and beet inventions of the time.
Steaks will be broiled In three minutes, with
nil tile Juices retained, BO perfectly that no
butter Is roe nired•
Parent and Sweetest
Cod Liver 011 in the world, Mans taccnrod horn
fresh selected livers on the sea coast. This
01l Is charactrirircd by a sweetness and purity
peculiar to It alone. Its reputation is so groat
Vat it takes the lead of other ohs, and 18
universally prescribed by physicians. Re
wolober to !ink for Hazard h easwell's Cod
Liver OD.
Caswatt Macs' & Ca, New York,
Solo mantilacturors.
For sale at wholesale In Pittsburgh by E
niters & Co. At retail by all Druggists.
A Great /Alstake.
In our placards posted you will see tli a num
ber should be NO Penn street, which we hope
will ho remembered. Those who know Drs.
Nill and tilllesple, or have ever heard of them,
only wish to know where to and their plate
of business thewhite house, 246 Penn street,
directly. opposite Christ's Methodist Episco
pal Church. No one can be mistaken if they
will look at the church and than for the yid to
house. I.IMIIII was the first tdligive laughing
gas, and this Is the only place In the city
where It Is given In Its purity and with per
fect Reece.. Beautiful guts teeth at ten lot.
Ws per set. This is now the largest and best
feitaltifsiument In the west - 21.1-2,6---21n rent,
The Virstio Gold Alining Company.
The merits of this Company are the theme
of conversation Trot only with MOP of business
but with those not engaged In commercial
pursuits; It Li off believe acknowledged by
by every one that no enterprise has over been
ilreukkrittd to the attention of eareltizemi with
such o variety of eholec property for a basis
and upon ouch fair and equitable terms.
As will be seen by advertisement 011 ?.1.1
page, "original Ltdereds" 111 . U:ifs Company
con now be hail at $101) each. We are informed
that subscriptions are * Corning In fgom all
mailers and the list le rapidly lilting up. As
It 4 expected that the books will shortly close,
those desiring to avail themselves of the op
portunity now presented of securing one or
more of these ° lnterests" should at once send
In their subsdriptlons.
2.3 Cents! 23 Cents! 23 venta ' I
What 23 conti will do.
What 25 coots will do.
tZI Fifth ntrael.
G 3 Fifth street.
Admission frec.
Admission free.
Everybody receives more than their money's
worth, anti as a matter of course,
Everybody is delighted.
Everybody Is delighted.
A specialty,
A specialty,
Our Groceries.
Our Groceries.
The beat of Spices, Coffee, Chocolate, Wu
tied, de. Call and see how we sell thew. •
New Goods,
New Goods,
Arriving daily.
A large line of goixele for the 1.4 1 / 8 3. Remem
ber the number, 03 Fifth etreet, oppoeite the
Opera noose. my7i-2t
The Gras d Secret.
The grand secret In medication is to help
Nature. auerAta and Rzormare—these are
thlt Alpha and Omega of the only 'theory of
curt that has eallnural servo for Its basis. to
the nervous systen. Is Shattered, the muscles
weak, and the mlnd,wilka the body, in a state
of partial collapse—what Is It best to dot Kea.
sou teaches as the answer:
!Mom V r Toes glen,
Braga 61m up to you would besot, s tottering
°Mace. Tll4, pabulum he needs 1s a Tonic Al.
tarathre. Bring elm up on of the depths of
Debility and Despondeney.
They cannot injure. A child may take them
In doses lulled to its years, without the Posid
bUlty of harm. The enfeebled Mil Power')
are " lure to reapend energetically to their
action as the wilted gram is to erect, lie blades
under the vivifying and refreshing . rain. In
all casm of debility the Bit Lon Ale AbKlittLeiy
required. There if 'no substitute or mooed's
neuut that will Oil their place. liesort to this
meet wonderful of kkaletn Tonics:
Ann ALL WILL as Waal,
Boarm mind that in Draper.ia, Intermit revere, Billion Disorders, and Affectlona
of the Nerves, uu other medicine will produce
one tithe of the gond effect that Invariably
foPolis Abe UM of WWI excellent Invigonitoi
and Corrective. Sold everywhere,-A.
Oct. 27: lora.
atoshatter,a Slaters
A re Isola wholeaaleand retail at very low rates
at 6 leaning% Drug and Patent MedlelneDepot,
No. el Market stieetonrrner of the Mlalneed
vied Market, near Fourth street.
swung and alninmer emods.
Trio well-known store of Mr. John Water,
Merchant Tailor, No. 1.16 Fedora! street, Alle
gheny, has been lately Into' up With a new as
sortment of spring and Bummer goods. The
stock has been well selected, and embraces all
Mao numberless articles needed for gentle.
scads {pimento. A large stocker readpniade
v* 13 446°40.8, Tests, de., will Blau be tonal in
Jn tic ostabliaiunent. :Ma stock of tarnish/erg
goods cannot be mirmissed. rersOns desiring
to purchase a good indt of clothes ' would no
wan by giTin g iff• i' r eisr,4 Mill.
Plumy CI daa,
Practisal Inge 'Winn; and Dealers in Ameri
can Mite Written* cocoa. Moe at Ann an.
iter leneddin's niter the Water Works
bard% Beisilence. N 0.78 Pike street. Or.
deo promptly attended to. An work warrant
ed Water moot • Inipairlas demo at tlto snort.
esIWW I OI4 Nei:harks forrepian,prorided the
Leaf 1e nidatniaed ellen it L ant on.
• • Carpenter JNbfng Mop
Ilastag returned atter an absence of three
tears to the train 2 hare reopened my elan
lOr all scats of jobbing in the carpenter Une
at the old steno, Virgin ally; between &WM.
Aeldittrestopadeberry. Ailey. Onhassointtee
juut peoncs ttt astealet to. •
Nervy- .1.451,2E.131L1.
Bills approved by the President,
WASHINGTON, May 7.—The Committc, of
Ways and Means have added the following ar
tie!c to the file list ok a the amendatory tax
hill: Candle wicking, deer sk.lns, (dressed or
smokeilo flavoring extracts solely for rooting
purpoees, paintings, and statuary, prom
Mons of eitmtrotyper4 magenese cobalt", horse
rakes, harness used for braiding and manu
facturing purposes, paper stainer*, caustics
and crude soda and HIM limbs soda, yeast paw
-1 ‘lers and railroad iron The Commit tee have
Ir .:r" Plat t e h l e inS o l l e d av ‘ e . tti c c h t e i7x e ' n 'n e d x res t' s ' et ' n n
navies at three per cent.. Broker sales and
contracts for merchandise and produce are
exempted from tax.
The President has approved the bill prorld
leg that the active list of the pay corps of the
nary snail consist of eighty Paymasters, forty
paseed Assistant Paytnasters, and thirty As
ularllstant Pay Masters. Paymasters be reg
y- Promoted and commisaioned from pass
ed Assistant Paymaaters,and passed Assistant
Paymasters from Assistant Paymasters, and
all passed Assistant Paymasters author.
zed by this act to be apixiintml who
have not heretofore been appointed and
' commiesioned es Assistant Paymasters,
and all Assistant Paymasters nereby
authorized to be appointed snail be seleeted
from those who have served as Acting Asst..
tent Paymasters for the term of one year, and
who were eligible to appointment in the grade
o[.Assistant Paymasters when they were ap
pointed Acting Assistant Paymasters as afore
said, subject, howeger, to such examinations
as are required by law and such as may be es
tablisher. by the Secretary of the Navy.
Paased Assistant Paymasters shall give
bonds for the faithful performance of their (lit
tles in the pum of $15,000, and their annual pay
shall be—at - sea, SIAM on other duty, MAO;
and on leave or st aillug orders, $1,200.
The President has also approved the Jona
Meacdt lion deelaring that It is the duty and
`priVilege.of Congress tOexpress the gratitude
of the nation to the officers soldiers and sea-
Men of the Vatted States, lir — whose valor and
endurance on land- and on the den use re
bellion bin been crushed and itsprlde and pow
er humbled, and by whose fidelity to the rause
of freedom the government of the people has
been priserved and ned. and by whose
orderly retern horn th fire and blood of civil
war to the peaceful pursuits of private life,
the exacting and ennobling intitionce of free
inatitutions upOn a nation has been signally
manifested to the world.
WesuiNGTON, May 7.—The Secretary of the
Treasury gives notice that the Treasurer of
the Petted States han been mstroctod to re
colve and parlinmattired United tats, .rti
(lentos of InOstnentieS3 ISCOrned Interest
to the extent of twenty million dollars, if me
seined to hint before the first Proximo.
11. S. District Court at Norfolk
The New Orleatw Cotton Case
dbc... dbcx.,
Nay TORE May 7.—The Herold'•• snecialsays:
MaJor General Daniel Motels arrived In this
city from Charleston this morning, accommoil
mi by Colonel Moore, Captain Bassett, awl Dr.
Smith of his staff, and Colonel Totten, Inspec
tor General of the army. The General
been summoned from South Carolina to con for
la bout
aimsored he appointment to the Magna, which it
will decline.
In relation to the cholera on the steamer
England, the American Consul proceeds to
"tats, that he cannot learn that there i or nos
been a single case of cholera in England, and
therefore lie concludes that the disc.,. is not
the result of infection taken from say locultty
in England. Newspaper,. say that the thole,
la on the Rhine, an d some levant]. spa in
and Prance, hot not yet - alarmingly prevalent
In any of these countries.
The Tribune's "portal says: The Controller
Of currency waken a statement which show!. '
the actual receipts for the current itacal your
to April lot , are etle,fitt,ms. and at the moue
rotator the next three months will arnount
for the year to .540,000,0 W, to which may be
added kM,ooauel for income tax. Increasc.l
taxes are expected to be laid nest year on soy
eral Impart:tat article's , and some revenue will
be derived from the Southern States. Mr.
Clark, therefore, estimated that, next year's
revenue will not fall below that of this year,
and that deducting expenditures, es now esti.
mated,there will be a balance to the credit of
the Government of 1249,00een0 on the 30th 'of
June, PM%
The Time.. .pedal says: The finery now Is,
will the President veto the hill to admit
redo as a State Some say be will sign the
I bill, because he ha co mmitted himself in fn
. vor of the admission of that territory in
I communication to lon read some weeks ago.
, The President did not In that message under-
take to decide any question Involved On the
contrary, he unmistakably decline d . to take
upon himself the responsibility of deciding
anything, andaribMitted the 'whole matter to
Congress for its action. I atilt adhere to my
previously expressed belief, that the Presi
dent will veto the bill admitting Colorado on
other gro
o u nalderation. nd of inadequate population , if on two
The Unitesl States District.Courtconven. at
Norfolk, Virginia, tomorrow, Judge Under
wood presiding, Chief Justice Chase declining
to preside until he can be assured that martial
law hi abrogated in Virginia. Asithere have
been conflicting decisions in thelYar Denart,-
meld, and by toe commanders of military de
partments, as to the effect of the peace pro
clamation with regard to the reiteration of
the civil la Justice den notw in the sPtaately In rebellion,
I the Chief feel that it would
I lie seemly fora Judge of the supreme Court
to attempt to hold court while a doubt existed
as to whether martial law is abrogated or not.
I can Say upon good authority that the Presi
dent does interpret the Peace Proclamation as
abrogating martial law in the diatileta where
the rebellion to declared to have ceased in till
matters in sibich the civil court* have Jeri.-
, diction. It la nations - toed that a declamatory
proclamation to that effect will be loaned Jiy
' the President In a day or two.
Au Immense amount of work bas been done
by the Committee on Way,. and Means. The
tax bill was tint reported, and the recommit
ted bill to be rettubed tomorrow will be
doubledets a new bill. They have nearly
the number of sections of the former.
The following are some of the important I
! changes that have bees made by the committee
' Railroad iron has been pineal on the °sump
, UM] also cobalt, pickles, yeast, powdery;
aud yarns and warps need for building and
mannfactaring purposes, exclusively oleo of
I statuary and works of art. The former action
On tobacco and muff has been rescinded, and
a uniform rate on all smoking tobacco, wheth
er made of stems or leaf, of isle per pound M-
I pearl. No repeal of the tax on limiter matches
bias been proposed in the bill, as has been gen.
orally stated In the newspapers. The spirit
and beer law reported by the Revenue Com
missioner has been adopted In the moat ol its
eslentialleatures by the Committee.
The young gentlemen who are AO pertina
ciously seeking appointments at the Naval
Aeademy, are not perhaps aware that it Is
about as difficult to get out of the service as It
LS to get to. The *at to the Government of
I each graduate at tee time of graduating, hi
$134000, and a large number of cadets fall to
graduate from lack of capacity de. Thellov
crewcut in loathe to yiart with a promising
student. One of this class neat his resignation
I to the secretary of the Navy a few days ago.
Thu Secretary replied that the Deportment
declines to receive your resignation, and mid
sidemen must distinctly understand that they
cannot obtain an education at Government
expense, and then quit the service without
rendering an equivalent.
The New Orleans cotton case, which Lae been
Don trial befere United Stat. District Judge
are 1 , , In which : ji lt ußkit civil and mill. •
terry authority inuf wn up, hes been brought ,
,facially to th eattention of the President.
Byorder of General Canby the cotton in Ilts I
^Lion was seized by soldiers at the hustigs
tlon of a party intrusted in the property, and
the order of the Court was resisted. Judge
Dureil refined to proceed with his court, so
long as it was thus menaced by the military.
The President has directed the Secretary of
War to Instruct General Canby to rescind the
order complained of and to allow the coon
unrostrieted authority in the matter.
Yew York illatterr.
/law roar, May 7.—et the election op CPT
2d for County .Celirt,..7udge. and Solicitor,
teen hundred and thirty elk votes were oast,
electing Levi S. Russell /edge., and Unto? J.
0. 'Terrill Solicitor. TIM eleetion was warmly
contested, but orderly.
The must celebration on the ant of May by
the firemen took place. The demonstration
was an Imposing one. Everytidng passed off
with the utmost order.
The report from the hospital slaved quaran
tine today states that one new mum of chola.
re occurred an Siturriay, and dye new mums
yesterday. There are now a hundred and
twelve cases In the hospital.
The liquor saloons were closed in this city
and Brooklyn, to conformity with the new
excise law. Tho . any was unusually qquiet.
while the suburbs were unusually boUiterone-
Only slaty-six arrests were made for violations
t the la
jf ornando Buolit was rmnanded to tie cus
tody of the Idorman detective police on Satur
day, under the extradition treaty. Ele was
misused of having forged twenty
thre ethousan
Pruadan thalami, and had armyed orgy e
days before.
Explosion.-pons nes *filed.
jtaarirown,Cors. May ?.—The *Crew press
Lulu of the /Lazard Powder Company, at E
field, exploded at half part two o:Jock this
afternoony Instantly.:lnllg four '
who were Ilteraprterrn niece&
. „
Slimmer Musk.
DAVUPOET, la, May 7.—'ffia steamer Enter
prise struc k tactkicaito and Rock Woad rall-
brkirs today and aria gunk. Tao deck
_oats 0 NMI all mina; '2fo
NO i
Reform Bill Passed the House
of Commons.
Tho X.CM-49/111P2.
&C*., &c , & A
MALT, AX, May 7.—The steamer China, from
Liverpool on the 2sth, via queenat own, arrived
I els morning. lier dates are two days later
than received by the steamer Peruvian. The
Propont is arrived at Liver - mud on the Tah of
April, with the passengers cil the steamship
City of Washington on board: the latter hal
her Machinery disabled and would prone oil
under sail.
It is stated that A °stria has dean Poly deter
mined nn adopt Me energetic military meas.
ti res In % enetla.
The reform Mil has panned tile [louse of Com
mons by a majority of five.
German newa It eon dieting . . Tin•re Is eon
'Womble lama/linens as to tbe relations be
tween Austria anti Italy, lint the Italian Gov
eminent denies having any warlike !men-
The rotted slates Consul et Liverpool on the
^j'alL took formal possession of the ex -rebel
cruiser Tallahassee, It, the name of the Amer
ican Government, on the terms of the dor boon
of the Court of Admirals.
It Is stated that an .litstrian ill ' apatoli, deity
area at Berlin on the :Nth, announced that Aus
tria had not immediately begun to disarm, on
account of fresh complications having Orison
with Italy. Itafy isoxpeoted to remonstrate
against the Austnan orrnametats.
A late Paris titsiudeh repot is great uneasi
ness there from rumor. xburt.ig the Imi-
nence of war. The hourse u was li alrocteil m mai
Italian stock was offered at a mater)al decline.
The Itallun Cham her of Depnties has approved
the budget by a vote of .IG , against 7`2 It In
cludes the income tax, and upon a graduated
scale is est 'muted to redoes., the deficit to fifty
millions of franca.
The weekly returns of the Bank of Prams.
show an Incr
m ease of mf on and mountng
to Moven illions two ah
hunb a
dred thousandi
John Mitchell was printing letters In the
("Malone Nerfainola upon 'the grievances of
Ireland. In a future letter he promises to
explain clearly what lonlanlism is, and Move
.11 what it is not.
The papers generally regard the vot o the
seconil rea ling of tho Reform hill , as s
ernment victory only in name and In reality
a defeat.. There are various speenlations .
to tile course the Ministers will adopt.
Vienna dispatch. aasert that Austria to her
latest note to Pretoria declares her readiness
to Lake the initiation in demobilising her I
troops, hut the armaments in Italy conapel her
to take measures for the protection 01 her
frontier, especially the coast line.
Prussia to said to
not consider the have declared she could
pro posal of A.tna s.
armament as seri°u while she arms for
agai d n l st
Italy, and that Austria must re-establish stet
im 110 in Vienne If Cho expects Prussia to de
nuilxlise her troops.
hates( min Queenstown, Mug t is tated
that the
Bri ti s hßs in
istry will net resign incon
sequence smal
question. majority on the reform
No solution of the German lilfticulty is appa
rent. Mutual recrimination continnes, Prus
sia and Italy throwing the ones on Austria,
and rice terse. It Is reported that Austria in
formed the British and French anthassadorn
that If their liorernmenta will guarantee the
neutrality of Italy, then Austria will disarm.
It is reported that a decree has been issued
placing the. Italian army on a war footing.
Great military preparations wore making in
Tho Ltworpool Breadstuff market Is gcueral•
ly dull, but elonaAy.
Richardson, Spence d Co., any Wakefield,
Nash et Co, report as follows: Flour very (lull.
Wheat: small sales and quotat lons nominal I'
Undimmed. Corn quiet and steady at :see d@
'l , -4 for nixed.
I.4rerpoul, April 7...3 .—Provieions heavy, with
a downward tendency. Bigland, Athaya a Co.
and Gordon, Bruce a Co. report beef heavy and
still declining. Pork doll and with a down
ward tendency. Bacon Inactive and tending'
downward. Petroleum: Boult, English and
Brandon rert that the sales have been small
Uffneld for po refined and lied for spirits.
London, ainil in.—Breadstulis opliel and
steady. Coffee firm Tea very dull. Petro-
leum steady at Pawl for relined.
Confession of ProbBt.
lON TIIE 1101:k OAS
VIOLA I.IL rat:, May 7 —Tye kioro./io
raph publishes tire Confamlon of Probst. Af.
ter fleeter ibing the murder 01 the boy Ca
rey, he says. The sight of the blood of the
boy produced In me, devilish and bloodthirsty
feeling, and I determined at once to loonier
the whole family. fie disposed 14 . the body or
I the soy ns described before, and then dellber
ntel, walked over to the house. Ile entered,
An I told Charlie, the little lay neat in years
to Willie, WOO woe atment, that he wanted him
to help him do some work in the bare. The
little fellow followed him, and as soon ns he
got hint Inside the barn door he dispatch.)
him with a meall nze he had secured.
Ile then went. bock to the house and told
Mrs. Deering there wan something the matter
with out, of the COWN, and he wanted her to
roan' to the ham she went and he followed,
das soon us she entered inside struck
ron the head and killed her. lie then Went
Nick to the house and brought the children
out, one nt a time, and taking them Inside the
born dispatched !hear, one by one, with the
IMMO 11.20. In 011,41 InSIIIIIVO he rut their I
thrmits ant placed their 001I10r In the corn
erib, himself, Just In the position they were
found. He then covered the hallos up and
proceeded to wipe out all OVOienColl Or US
Ruth. lie then went hack to the nous,' and
awaited the arrival of Mr. Deering, not ex
=log that Miss Delon would itecOmpany
its soon us Sir. Deering arrived In the car
riage he got out, and Probst told him some.
thing war wrong with one of the cows, and
asked him to go over to the barn with him.
Mr. Deering went along with Idea, and kilos
Dolan went into the homer and took off her
bonnet and furs. Mr. Deering 41141 not even
takeoff his gloves before going to the barn,
but proceeded there at once, followed by
Prolist,.wbo hail the axe concealed ready for
use. As soon as Mr. Deering entered the door,
Probst states that toretreek him in the bead
and felled him to the earth, and then chopped
at his neck with the edge of the axe. Miss
Dolan was the next and last victim. She pro..
ceeeied to the barn, after coming down stains,
and not nailing any of the family in the house,
Probst, wholwas to waiting for her, treated
new its he had done the rest of the fltmlly.
After laying out the bodies and covering
them up with hay, the murderer went to the
house and,commenced searching for valua
bles. Ile states that he got no money, bet ex
pected to /secure a consiileralile amount. Hu
Wastes that Miss Dolani• pocket-bOok hail very
I ittle in it. Ito saw nothing; whatever of the
two fifty 41..11ar compound interest notes, anti
twenty dollar bill of the same character, that
are missing. Ile remained about the house
for some time, pinked up the articles Latina m
the black valise, and left about dark. Ms run
nor movements were pretty much as brought
out on the trial. Probtist states that he
would have confeastal to all the murdere be
fore', but he feared that If he 4114,0, Ito wolud
be torn to pekes by the mots.
From Narhs'il‘e.
ARIIVILLL, May 7,—The Committee of bier
chant+, appointml byco the Chamber of Com
merce leave for Cincinnati to-night.. to confer
with the Cincinnati mmittee in regard to
building is railroad direct between the two
Barclay Martin, of Shelbyville was, shot on
Saturday by his father-In-law. Ile is not ex
pected to recov er. Majo r. General Fiske'. staff leaves to-night
for Memphis to Investigate the cause of the
late riots there.
Evidence in the iiOnOoll.on CABO goes to
show that Henderson had the number of mules
allered to have been delivered at the.stock
yam s, to which additions had been constantly
made and a largo number daily sent to Nash
ville for ludo.
From Now Orleans,
7- N my iletssms, May the election to-dy
the Nettiotuti Ilemoemtle ticket was mletor a i.
mut. Gen. T. Hays was elected SlierlF. Ills
disilualitication being removed by the . Preal
dent's pardon, he will enter the 'Mee atpnee.
Gera Itenuregaril in North on busidess of the
Jackson Railroad, whereof he In President,
contemplating raising money enougli to pay
"off the pressing liabilities, and relieve It from
"British bondholsers. rile road Is In good
working condition, ball dollars will
mike a million and t learnc st
Gen. liherldan has Issued an order releasing
the banks of New Orleans from all military
The floods are receding, end the planters are
busy putting In cotton eruPc
Trial of J, W. Duncan.
New Yeas, May 7.—The Savannah dully/Vele,
mid ileraid fo r the ;Waage that the trial 01 Jim.'
W. Duncan alleged enmity to Federal pris
oners at Andersonville, has been brought to a
close, and the Commission have determined
upon a sentence, but it will notbo made pet,
tic until passed upon by the Department com
Destructive Fire at trattro.
CAIRO, May 7.—The
tho u Ohio oT
Miller, Stratton g Co., on the Ohio levee, and
twelve other building,,, occupied as clothing
stores and saloons, were burned tido morning.
The estimated loss is one hundred thomiand
dollar.. inaurcdfor about sixty-five thousand
dollars, mainly Ip eastern companies.
. .
Hatarar, May 7.—The steamer Merlin, Inim
Newioundland, reports the steamer IV 1111 am
Yetin, from Ilavrelor New York, touched at St.
Joseph, New Foundland, an the Mk ult. She
had the Head Center, James Stephens, ou
Jo4lle of Appellate Court Appointed.
Itmanorp M4y 6.-raovernor Plerpotnt dqa
appointed lion. Ajax. Wren Jpriire opribelltP
prelims Court d e at h ppeal', to.= the vacancy
soused by the of Judge Thompson.
- -
Mr. Julian offered a resolution instructing
the Judiciary Committee to report a bill pro
viding that hereafter the elective franchise
shall not be denied or abridged In any of the
Territories of the Coiled States on tinemnit Of
race Or color, and prorating further, and
thereby tiring moth, of the fact, that hence•
forwent no State which the people of any of
the allot Territories May organism:MlMl be ad
tented into the Union t who.] constitution
shall sanction such denial or abridgement of
the elective franchise.
At the suggestion of Mr. Wilson, of lowa,
the resolution was modified so. simply to In
struct the Jildiulary Corn 'Mites to inquire In
to thepropriety• of reporting much a bill.
Ur EldrhigO moved to la the resolution on
the table, which was lost lip a vote of 9 to 711
anti the resolution was then adopted.
Mr. Lawrentsn, of Ohm, intrgilleeil a 101 l to
regulate the time 1111 l fix the place for holdhig
the Circuit Court of the United States In the
Itharlet of N'irg in, which Was eon/tittered and
passed. It Ilx. Lho limo of holding the tdr
omit at Richmond, ml the tient Monday In MaY,
and the fourth Monday In November in each
year, and authorixes the a,Uo a anoint of the
tiesBlol, now ailLhOrireil from Norfolk to Rich
Air - of Penusylvania, expressed the
hope that the Color Justice of the United
on would ,tolls ditty now, and not shirk
thi • [demotion) hlmacif to the Proraideut.
Mr. Smith offered a resolution Which was
n.toptod, railing for Information }rout the ve.
loos Cabinet Alininturs In referee to the
tonnlair of clerks holding office raider theta.
Croix] what Staten ilea are apimintod, Att.,
specifying those who have Mon In the Union
army and in the Confederate army, find Mal
inMi; icy Whom they wore rOtanillnenilett.
r. Walker letroduced a bill to annul the
34th article of the locclarntionoplie,i of Bights of the
state of Ma . 1 0 ie.
triet of ryl and,
It no
ana far
rend twit,,.andtheDre
forced to the Committee for the Matt-let.
Mr. Lairrefire, of 01110, Offeror! which Iwo_ into roctirt,g the Commit
tee on Agriculture to inquire Into the called!-,
uicy of reniOring Lilo Dopartillent of AgrieoL
tare to ono of the }lantern Sham.
Alr, Royer Introduced the follow ing pream
lob, and Mint resolution
Whore..., The Joint Committee of fifteen on
Itectumtruction, reported on tile lid, ult., after
Llie millions labor of tire months Of eOlitininal
incubation, a plan orJlow not to do it, In which
It has fully met the expecte/Ims of the reentry,
wnich Is as much as ought ordinarily to he de
mended of any committee; therefore,
Resulted, That said Joint Committee be dia.
Mr. Bramwell moved to lay the Joint resent. I
Lieu on the table. Agreed to; yens 90,nays 21. I
Mr. Kelley offereda resolution, which wax
adopted. Instructing the Committee on Claims '
to inquire Into the fulrnev, and propriety of
the distribution of the rewards for the arrest ,
of Jeff. Mavis and the conspirators in the noen
tier of Proalticnt Lincoln.
Mr. Stever. introduced a joint resolution to I
amend the Constitution of the United States,
by adding an article providing that Congress
shall have power to lay a tax or duty on cot.
ton exported from the I:nittal Mates, which I
was read twice and referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary.
Mr Washborne. of Illinois, presented u let.
tar from Mr. Brancron, transmitting the cor
respondence between Earl Russell, Charles F.
Adams and Ur. Bancroft, on the subject of
Mr. Itancroft's atrictnres on the Engliah Gov
ernment In his eulogy on Prealilent Lincoln,
delivered before Congress. The correspond- I
once was renal In full.
On motion of Sir. Stevens, a resolution was
adopted limiting each 'speech on the Recce,
struetion proposition to thirty minutes.
The documentsts re ordered to be published
to the (nobe, and to be printed and resat red to
um Joint Committee on the Death of Pieta
dent lancoln.
Mr. Garfield, from the Committee on Ways
and Means, reported a joint nmolution to pro
vnitt far the exemption of crude petroleum
from tax or duty.
Mr. Morrill explained the necessity for pass
ing the joint resolution now. The manufac
turers of parrafine oil were , now obliged to
pay , a tax etude pato doom tn the tone of a
y of Were Omni:m.ll,l Lo
peed operation., and the workmen were be
coming riotrinx and were tleranlyhor the
The Committee of Ways and Means nropialeil
to take off the tax on the first of July, and It
might as well be done so an to let the boatman+
The joint reselntion wee considered and
The Pled:or erearmed a message from,the
i'resitient mil/fig the attention of Congress,
again to the expoolion of flehery and wat
ou/tUre uL Areochon, Prance, and IL was 're er
ferred to the Coin uu I tee on Foreign ATM..
Mr. 3f or ri it el, to rod to to ir frill PIN an nt ion
of the bill. lir zeta in no lalng I , „r Internal
revenne bins, the ~recittiiii tlivi meet... at
the threshold, I, now telt revenue leave
1., anon.. Ittlit touch (Mr necessities
repent) for another year. Thu Mat epareition
h. been apcolally answered by the Seetetary
of the Treaunry. svlro,liau to red open Pee !infl
ame and fifty millions., pi., tiled then eproer.-
mionu v. - einem.. do not parcel the tizrl ilia e
of the until Si A olltlrl Rafe to rely upon, in
cluding the revenue Irian tariff as a ell lu
ta:real isves. in cloaking au indium!, of the
probable receipt. tram the latter we Kure as a
basc, one lull veer and" Ihtee-linirthi of Um
present year of er piti ...nee, /mit the data I. nnf
nctuutly complete to he of
, or receipt for l'o4 and ism a ere tit tetrad
numbers *moon/tom, and the returns the. fur
of !NZ aml hinn alma that we mayextert
Increase for the year of nearly arty per e LIII
r not Olre, , t ban front s3ofnelVon tankmit.,
ne of the !urgent and hied pitying eoniitiervi
of the ' , ovine. of the eon. tr, 11ulug the m war
out the government. Hot It bi NO no longer.
War peters no long., rule, rind It u Inevnable
that manufactures most be still fernier re
till..ll In value until we reneh the .011.1
of geld az recognized by the etolliltlet,l4l
world. The tax - on men inacturee, therefore,
Most be tar less productive for the ear ending
June 30th, than heretofore, an it will e
computed al a lee, per COTltsge. If rate 1 , 111
should Ice adopte.l \lilt Oil ~ far lets aggregate
amount than SW a general rule lu A setoton of
frilling prlces, it Is not gal. and losses which
must ho calculated at the .0.1 of the year.
Therefore, the tax on Ineomert and the , 1141.
Bonds from flanks and ether corm:ratious fur
the next year cannot Is, exr,eeted to yield any
-1111:1g like tie: amount deriver' from those
.urces fur the years ending December last
and December isle, nor ran our foreign Impor
tations be tuaintainett upon their present
Neale. It Is req. dot:treble that they eihould not
be, as they are supplanting a large altore of the
loner of our own peOplf,anditerause naymeet
will pit pre.nt be mode chiefly in United
States Bonds flnanelal Irllsaster, as well
mere:teed depression to our industrial later
wits, mmuot fail to show such an Influx of for. I
el49igZo n good Thaat s, a we
trade have witeaned t present.
10/1.. moat :l in 1.0112 C he
degree he
postponed until we recover from the exhattn,
lion causedby the war, until capital and la.
bur tea soljust Itself to the new conditions of
peace, or until we have •onietlilng to ex
change for British, French, and pennon Iron,
wine, and haberti.bery, maiden our national
It In right, however, to MOIL for some In
crease of revenue In etamequenee of the close
of the war and we may expect aomethlng from
the states lately In rebellion though not an
amount in proportion to their relative num
ber.. Never fruitful in taxable removeos they
have less now than over. We obtain dataide of
commerce, enough to cover the bills already
passed In one or the other House for extra ex
penace. On these accounts It will equal my
i tr ra c L i ! t
o inont; watt ns al o, l .h t e h rs es e n t , l:t n n!f e s ,o l n t o ry co
mention. Committee on Wavi andi Means
bare felt willing to report the bill as It
Ytltlldil, whirl, will tella. taxation the present
ayear hi round numbers abbot /t la
lto prudent to anticipate a largo diminothm
from custoam, as tdt ought not telafexpectod to
long continue at ouble the amount ever ob
tained In the most prosperous times. Our re
eeipta from miscellaneous sources the nothing
year will be very light, as they have reeemtly
accrued mainly from property disposed of at
the close of the war, and premiums on sales of
to sources already nearly extinct. We seek
matte some compensation for these 10111108
by inerraming the tax on raw cotton, three
cents, or by raising it fonn two to five cents 1
per Pound, imppOrdnif that two 'millions of
bal. should be raised this season. and be
taxed--and 1 think the amount will be oonsid.
°rattly greater. Notwithstanding Oho aelual
want of good aced and changed system of la- I
bar, we ought to obtain a revenue from this
source of .14,000,000, or an Increase over the
tax at present enforced of 120,400,000. The crop
may so far exceed the number stated as to
cover all the cotton which will escape taxes
thou, or which will be used on the plantatiOns,
and all that will be exported In the shape Of
manufacturing, and upon which drawback
wills he allowed, but it will be safer to es
timate rho pr.:unable receipts en a lower
heals. All human calculations are subject Le
contingencies, and eaten/MM. fife positaps.
most exposed to be shipwrecked of all; but if
retain the tax on cotton as proposed. we
clan safely release la my opinion, other taxes
to the extent contemplated by the hill, Oth.
erwiso we must reinstate something already
•trkkert out of the roll of taxation by the bill,
or lied sonic new source of revenue that will
prod.. an equal amount; and I saythis with
oe & feeling very confident that this rates of the
Income tax will be allowed to he changed much
from the existing law.
The following were the Treasury receipts
for the lineal year ending .4une SO, Mat: CM
LOMA, igt4,928,010; Internal revenue, 0:10,464,000;
175 Int l total receipts, exellu.
of loans, ad: 51 , 3 07,15e. The following are
of t
t o
of the Tr.:tory Department reports
for . the fiscal year ending June 30, IMO:. Cue
toms receipts, to April lat. Iftd, actual cote,
e1t1,ee1,370: Internal revenue do, actual, r 4 3.-
nee,64:3; mlecellaneotte to dprll let, 18171, netual
premium on gold, de., $37,1..110,,Vati acitua/ aggro.
gate receipts to Aped Ist, / 110 ,0i1.24 esUula
ted Customs recelpla from Aprlllst to June 30,
em,ooo,onoi outhunted Internal revenue do,
oW O & n s to nlfL to iacellnnoone r r ec om elple
motirces for the Ilsoiti viiar ending lune 30tb,
1,301,541;232. Eat/teat° of recelpta ter the fiscal
roar ending thine 30, 1977, Customs, p11:3,a00,000;
Internal run no, .2GOZ; increase on cotton,
11150,1XXOXst spirits $1 030,000; iniseellanous
4 115 , 0,0 0 0 : total, ,_000; requirement, of
the neeretary 'of the Treasury, 4350,000,000.
available for the reduction of taxation, $15,000,.
It will be MON Unit I estimate a reduction in
- the revenue receipts front manufacturers on
account of a depreciation of values of about
twentyAlve per cent., mid a redtletlo4l 11111011
incomes and 1111, 1.3011d9 of rather more than
that amount. It istnse that we shall be like
-1 y to have a more perfect tullullitstratlott of
the law, nnd I take pleasure In :styling the
present Commissioner is a moot diligent and
cimschmakrus officer, but the increase of reve
nue on thileaccattut will be at laud, counter.
balanced by many little favors distributed all
through our amendments and which It is kn.
Maniac to necurately estimate,. rya
If we would, levy nnorport dithY
oppoOwont n,
tlEirescept for eonvenlenecier toueetton an
excise thttnat he hetter'ft tothe. rem It
twre•iiioDasei, It Is not npeassarliy to be
paid by the pLIWar, and may In the mama num.
, . , 7-7,‘,‘ 4 ' , •• •
nor that we now transport seirlis, be
another uon
giving bonds for tbe tion
payment t
pf the tax within
ninety days or upon its arrittal at Its place of
destination. The antics will practionlly tin as
be paid by the purchaser. In addition in t
While we gnarl.) our political citadel Bern
against the dangers of any Insidious treason
from any quarter when It comes to taxation
to not on l y-he Mat bat generous, anti
the ninisrback in manufactured cotton, of all
the taxes actually paid tin any folio, will rd
donut' most to the benefit of the Southern and
Western States. They will at on., loanable-
Moo cottons, and yarn., and warna.noteli more
than they have hitherto done, anti the South
era people will be the lust to aturemler the
If stuns On cotton shall ho no largely reduc
ed as to pm the price below twenty vents por
pound, to exceed lino smuts of tine world, this
Utx will not be greatly felt by Annerneans.
StOold tho tax at anny time opontte adversely
idOur :interest, as I do not think it ran at prn
t, It must Mt red wool Or removed ex perk
races 011111 neeln tit renintre : euroly If tine en
trate"Lw'ram c c o r" n i s ' u o in f e, ' 'ecoul Gaited lm States, save
in a uninufact tired state or Coon 111 a
partbilly man afactunsi state, Instead of
exclusively Itti a ran' material. It would be .
anti worthy of s statesmen,, covering our
cohntry with Idessings, tote wronging no man,
It, Would nlO much towards ext linguini] Mg re
sentiment and restoring kindly fladino•
thronabont the land. Tim mat thorn coast and
thiltbanks of tine Rio Grande, the Illississforn,
theldoblie, the TOllllO.OO. find the Save,,nall
woilid soon be decorated nod enliven...A by
fru:dories giving employment to thousands,
and bringing the culture anti contentment,
Hie social life anti comfort of orgatniztai In
dustry into regions whore hitherto usefl in
&Mtn haa Worn the badge of didtonor. u The
saving of freight agent, and In the cost of
food, will lintel hanntimune pronto,
posalbly large profits, to those who may
engage in the business with prosperity. lint
man nature IS rarely disposed to ruaktr war.
Mahe the South prosperous and we maks them
Oar Mends: and with freedom Had Mach Malts.
an* Li will inane them to work, they may be
mute ;prosperous, and that through a paltry of
thenational Gorernment. Even though the
cotton crop the prevent season should be but a
half of the standard crop, the price will be so
grolit that the south will realize more . money
frota It than in any year of our previous los.
tS, Morrill motioned his remarks at
T. Itatzr,:egrd favor rin,i of ° seine
n af::
Clonal debt. He dial ug We
ot,thl i nlk it P aige to pro
vide less titan tiny millions the first year, to
be increased from year to year, is the system
of taxation may be perfected. He fa
vored a tax on incomes, cotton and
luxuries, and opposed the removal of
the Increased rats of five per cent.
on Incomes above the first five thousand dol
/era He also favoredghe reflection of the tax
on spirits and opposed the taxing of small
manufactures noel, as tailors, cheasmakers,
shoemakers, d.c.
Ths House then proceed.) to the, considera
tion of the bill by sections, being that impos-
Mg . tax of five cents a pound On cotton.
Mr. LTOCa meson nn amoral meat vx , ..;:t ~••
six hundred pounds of cotton in the heed of
, Adjourned.
WASIIINOTON, May 7, lard.
0. Where no repairs have been matte by the
tax payer upon any building owned by him
during the preceding liveyears, nothing can
be deducted - for repairs magic during the
for which the income Is estimated. year
In. A farmer should make return of all his
produce sold within the year, hilt a mere eioc
ntory contract for a sale is not a sale; deliv
ery, either actual or constructive. In essentiaL
The criterion by which to Judge whether a
sale Is complete or not is to determine whether
the vendor still retains in that character a
right over the property, if the property were
lost or destroyed, upon which of the parties,
In the absenee of any other relation between
them than that df vendor tout vendee, would
the loss fall.
II Tax payers frequently claim deductions
(or losses Lora depreciation In the value of
stocks or other property of a like nature. No
deduction can In any case be allowed for do.
predation of value of such property until
1 It. Is actually disposed of and a 1004 realised.
I 12 Costs of sults and other lama/ proceed- Ines arising from ordinary business are to be
treated as other expenses or such tiredness,
and may be deducted from the gross profits
1 thereof.
--.....--- 13. Money paid nor a substitute in the army
Harming at an Oil Halinery—Loss gift,- I or navy cannot be deducted from income.
eon. Fire Alarm Trieliniph. Money received by it substitute Inc acting as
About one O'clock yesterday afternoon are I '°11! ' Wt ' , ' , f ,.,,f ' , ° ,, r 4 f" TA" . n i . b Y.. 4i m" I n come.
re/I.mM° to the business
re obliged to keep
was accidentally communicated to the Key- I a horse for the transaction of busintras, they
stone Oil Refinery of Wensenberger at. Weller. ' may deduct no Israeli of the cape/Ise so ln
mintited In Pitt township, on the Mink of the ' dos
solo fairly
Allegheny river, between ii linen and Bonn- 15 Expenses for medical uttendanoe, store
daryereets, resulting In the total destruction hills, de., are not proper subjects for tied no
of theWerks, with the exception or the tares lion. Zri,',""'ln'f,tef,7,l,"raml b o il ''' . i I Me M-S, ,
stills and the crude 01l tanks. About nve toot- I tools,
a "
' °-""a ‘'
M. anus one deduction of s6ou in allowed
aired barrels, containing gasoline and refined i
minor children, eN en though one parent only
oil, were consometl. T c tire originated to a j hors the agg.r,,,Tiabtc. efnorc°,,pem,,Z°L.fapilart,,h:,..,,M=
mOStaingtilar manner, and demonstrates the . hors °I. a ' . i
may Is. living It Is not essential that the chit.
almost utter Impossibility of carrying on the j
ell refinery business with ens degree of seem- ,
lice. i tireu live tenth like parents. armband and wife
rity Or immnnlty from destruetion by
Iran ilvinAsepratelmh,ounnolriva separated by
.. regarded ms sealers Or the name family,
The residuum from tee refinery,colleeted on 1 List
the water an lining the shore fee a consider- i ',,
w, such as to
Mile irr:c..erottecate I gn i i
i ted by horning cinders '
Lre v i?k trii ' l r he frui r l ' ly reiation.
rh74l, bested on 'We 14- .Vl l lr:rti ' ;l ' ,.7, 1 17. it the members 0 1 a (atollshave sops.
below, and thus communicated to the refinery.. rata Incomes, the nit urn. may oe mo d e L'pa-
The knowledge of the tire and its location . 'lately ny the proper parties, and a ratable pro
was Instantly communicated to the city j portion of the 4510 deducted :rem the income
through the agenet of a are alarm telegraph, , of each. The parent, as the natural guardian
coustroctral it,he expense of th e enterpris- lof the minor child, is reqpireal to make return
mg firm of Wornraley, Meyers dCo , oil red. I for him. But where any other guardian or
nets, on Boundary street, and trio lutelligetier trustee iew leen ittirsolitted • the return should
WWI transmitted to their Armee. OM,/C, %13 / ' be made by the latter. I the minor has ne
43 Market street, and the Fire I tepartmeitt I guardian Jr trustee, he should make return
thus apprised of the oath, arid locality of , himself. If be refuse or negits.t, an lutlepmid
the Ilne , enabling the ste.oners to re on till.. cut assessment must be made as in ot h er cases,
ground In tlille to Barr tench valuable proper. ttttt Ming penalty
ty. which would otherwise have fully. It prey In If „i i i,i i , ras i t hl/ , rem,. , i 11 , 1 oi the
to the de, astating shrines I to Purr Its to, else Jei all ..... ale. or I 1.. • •...., n meet i.•. i , to ,
M. allty could t. INC 104.11 ,111 , 1/11 /111 il v .1. 1n' , . ....1.. i , •... h pii.•to 0 ..1.1 Ito ludo 111 illn 0,..
mined. This eirt 1011tliMICI.. 1/ /gllll/ r . all Ili' r onto redeem ~., min. I, ad the sola r% or 111,11111111
fres istalkoeetin dice or err. 1.11 010 0001/00” 41 10/ 111104 01111.00 1. 10 1..1.1nry tax.
~,„,,i,1,,,,,, , , The slits, lima., ,5,...„„e 5 t i .,,,,,, to e I Pt. Voluntary mem ritottittim Iti hooray lond.
importabre of Do toloption or a rotten, ..,... Jo. not eolisiderral at Lair's. and mimed /10 de
tern of Me alarm Lel. graphs, .aiel tile a1,...,..i, e ,I .1, 1•1/1
1101.,..i Li fen the ,, o, t i.....t. i,. .11 ii, tbel s •. Si 14.111 /0 1. 111/110 seend 10 11 101/) 0/1111 May
/M r . /
10 It 1/ /0 0/11. 1011 11/0 rootlet i mite lir proo
f:ate 1...1ei-11.i) i N (.110, 0 • \l'll/14:11W /.14 10 I it) iie tied h 1 the tar-pay. iis not it sidoeet
.., H., , x ,,,,,,.„ . „, i0 „ . „,,4 ,„, „„, ~.„, pan,. "I .1...1 ~et ~.,, %et pers., rialto Ito: a dedur.
ner in the tit Iti Kalb.•l. d the 10111101110 1011: ,. lie.. on lehhniet of emir .e for farni rem
Me ittformation rho ~,dallll/1, er that pot to ted of lite assessor ;der Lie mom or
Lion of Llit. ermle 1/1/ 01/011 1/ 11... be osed t.. i.e.. , ta. olOthl 1 .1 Itim ....dente los temp.,
:el% setae ,is antra ..I to il.. 110 110 11101. 1/ 1./101 /30 1 00 1 11 r.: -.1d.,,,, elsew here ,d
..„..,,, „ ,„,„„„,,,,„ %, ith
~ like .„,,,,,,,,, I ` 111. helitg 'lnn,, In'' Ulai
l e l
e t
to lied net
fiont the retitle, les alone. Al this iisdat It, re What he Wt.:ill) iiit, hit rent •it sod, room,
~, ~,,,,, ~,,,,,, y , 0 , ~,hop. one 1, e ,„r i .,„1 ran k ,„ it nen nett Is tn.-1nd...1 10111 .101110 t l / 1 1 li. WI VI
/12140h tin this ' , tidy " a tare, ailment of lg. I Pedee oi Imslitess ii must mIl he Moon che
nimble del I hail accumulated. and a hen Lll.. J led as rent, nor sitourd in Person lone, ~
!mining rarai s fi e . the roiling Inlll bolo. , house l t tore aped lOU of it, la. al
e/one In t ontaet 0 Ith it. the rivet aas literally ; low ...I tooth nd more I hall the i•Xvii-is cif I, t y
WI fire." and In loos thae than we 11{0 wrii. , payenernts rre . e Ids ...en. s
It, the names trashed op the Ilier to the i,,lnt I 2.1 Among t Ise Italie - Inel, State. eiiiilit.)•, and
from whence the west., oil reavhe.l the s tore no , nkipal Wye. dedn e r, hi,. f r 0,,, ~..„„,, , ,
Tine hungry flame then left the wester one lee- • ,
enrepresisl such I eternal rev en. ht•Ses ' el
hash Itself to land, and Ina few seconds tray- , nave, not ra.,.,, i n , Ind,' ~, ~,,,,,,,„ „, 1 , , .._
clad up the steep hank, anti set lire to the en- 1 nese, and such municipal taxes a. are Wise ' sa
tiro bundlatos, with the mein, stated alsive. 4,1 e :stably noon all Liao permits liable Mn snot;
In n. etiliveritatiOn with Air. Weller, eille of aases,ei i . o i Bat ~siii...aiii iitt, sa,,, i i,. b y ,„„ ab.
the arm, We learn that the alliterated lOW. Is coral authorities
the inhatiltaets of sx
from 011,01.11 tO IMMO, On arlinde they have ail part Isaias ,meal Ity of a runt or city on a ‘ ,
Inennome 100 , ;sew iii the follow lag comps.- tomtit eiligleolal enrolees temente. In or upon the
nano: Mate ♦
Insurance Company, Jersey t its, streets artlolteeng the premises of such hilralii-
CPIS); H eckman, New It 0;11. *coon; Its tants, the stone not Ming ilaSetweil ratably,
ea., Philadelphin. $ 2 , 0 40. r It. lA* aids is are not consider./ aa taxes deductible from
the Pittsburgh agent for these. mOOlOB.ll lea. Wet !acm e ,
learn that Onnledhettat slop. 0 111 hr taken to Id. Marriage fees, gilts from metrilers of a
rebuild the ruined Winnings, and that In a etnigrelottiOn to their pemoo, Ae., are taxable
short Utile the Otto Will UV 111 MTh e opera- tin Income w lien the gifts or donations are in
lion 1,14.111 Ti,,, theopolls works, evened by the nature of efernponwatlon (or server:ion rens
Palmer A Co , were In clangor, but oreeesp..l I derod,whether In accordance with an
with little or no Injury.
, standing In that egret at the tines of settle_. merit, or with an annual custom.
ilinalasham Gas Company Z. Gifts of money, when dearly not In ate
The stockholdens of the Itlnetngliant los na l l e u r re „ o o fla t tz e me o nt
i for sie,rvices modems!, or
Company held their annual tneetmg yesterday Z t „s a ;,,, „ s ineeninae. f ji.t i er,d n a i r : r mn . i i i ,,,,, b l a ,,°
afternoon, at which Mr..l I'. Pears preselited life hmtinthee radicles, mid damages recover
ed In lotions of tort, are exempt from incom e
the following rerert.
7i. the Stockh f olders of the Theramphom two Co thx.•
timertsgsm—To the detailed statement of 24 . lawyers and physicians mayseturn eith
the Treasurer herewith presented, I will add er the actual fees received during the year,
for your Information, that the beakless of the without regard to the time when they ite.
emed, or the amounts due the business of the
Increase year. Rut when the tax payer has heretofore
tinu n g ,1 711 7 1 fy . hog ie
e l le;
adopted one 'Method, he cannot now be al
report, hare put down 1,40 ti not of Tina, to
nevommollate new customers, and have appll. lowed to make use of the other.
2.5. If orhas been
cations on
for further extensions
. The present number o ur consumers is go, In the practicethemanufacturer
of estimating p his annual prof
'being an Increase of 54 fluting the year. The Its by taking Inventories of stock, he should
outlay for retorts, though mimes, hat larger take the cost value of such stock, unless he
than ordinary, was rendered neemmary by the has taken the market value in making prem.
Increased amount of guts required. The, gas. ous returns. Whichever method has been
°meter and other fixtures of the works tire in adopted by the tax-payer should lie
a good state of repair. Looking to the moue. to uniformly. tethered.
tit'' at some future day of building a new gas a.r . .. It Interest accrued during the year on
bottler, and having no suitable ground whereon moths, bonds, dc., Is good anti collectible at
to erect one, the Board have bought four lots the end of the yrasr,.it should be returned as
nearly Cetin° their present location for the income whether actually collected or not.
debts not release the same from
sum of f{6so, and have sold to provide for the 27. The fact that income in devoted to the
payment of a part of that sum thirty-two Palmolit 0 1
shares et the reserve stock of the Company at liability to Interne tax.
&Moor share, being $5 per share above the par in. If an inventor sell Ills inversion aL once
Value of $25. (or a gross sum, lie sheend return as Income
Two dividends have been declared of four the whole anfolint, less the expenses actually
per sent. each incurred in poi feeling the Inveution, or In
D. Robinson, Treasuzer, In account with the procuring a patent right. But no allowan ce
Birmingham Una Company: can be made for the labor or personal eXpenses
D. of the Invent Or. if he sell only a portion of
To Cash Balance, May Ist, 11305 $ 3,335 6 his right during the year, he may deduct a
Old Rills collected 473 • Proportionate amount of such expense.
Total amount Gas sold. 17,t0s si 29. Wherever the salary Or pay received by
r, from Coke I &Is 70 any person In government employ does not
Coal tar ‘vj.ii pi exceed $6OO per annum, or is made up of fees,
" Service account 1,551 al or is
or Irregular in the amount or
Advanced for Gas tis a time, and has not therefore been subjected to
Stocks sold at $3O per share. . MO m salary tax, it should be returned as income.
... 30. Incomes of persons who riled after De
cember 31, are taxable, and should be rinar ti .,
ed by executors or administrators, and also all
Ancome which accrued in 1985 to persons who
I flied within that year. Income which accrued
from the estates of such persons in ISA
after the date of decease, should be relented
by tbe heirs or other persons who received the
benefit of the same.
31.. Residenould mae return I n the
district wherets sh
they reside aL k the time of maks
Mg return. The residence required under
section 110 for the purpose of taxing income
t w it:1 1 11
i to ne llti e residence during the year for
is .'derived." If yDe
subject to laconic tux resides iihroad, hlsmr...
turn should he made in the district whore ho
last resided,
A guardian smould return the Income of
his ward in the district w hero tee ward re.
By Wages account 4,977 84
" New Retorts
t, S. Revenue tux
" Gas Pipe 1,035 00
" Contingent Account 1,7611
" service Account 97
1,206' 64
" Lime
NO 4;O
" Coal
3v3tiii 77
Dividend Aceomit
" Uncollected pins_
1:05 $2
Cashßalance, April 3oth, 10353 ' 4,114 50
T 0......„ 1e2.5,80.1 7:
The eleqtton (or Ldrocturs romu , tod as fol..
10,IMS: J. Y. Pears, president; D. rilloo,
I . .ereta..ry mid Treasurer; C. Arial not, F.
Hausman, J. G. risher, A. flays, Jos. Walton,
A. Trautman and Goo. Konlman.
Drowned la a Taft VatLiras.; Result of
Alderman Donaldson yesterday held an in
quest upon the body of a Gorman, known only
by Ll.O chrlatian name Augustus, who come to
hie death by falling in a tan vat, at a tannery
on Water street, Dsne borougb, pn slater.
day evening He bad been working In the
borough for about two years, having COMO
from the south, and bat little wan known of
him. At the time of bin death he was employ_
ml about, the tannery, the badness of which
wex coed noted by a Zito. Seel. whose hualiond
died some Menthe since. Alignatuti boarded
at her hobs°, and slept In a room above the
tannery. Ile was a man of letemperate bahtts
and spent his earnings In drink. tln Saturday
last Mrs. boob gave him three dollars, the
amount tine him after deducting board, aml
the last seen of him on that °repine was at n
;iltoggory, where he was stair entrancete of
deattlon. Near the to the
loom where he generally slept there was a vat
containing about eighteen` inches of lime and
water, and near by there is a pump. It is pro-
HUI:WM that on proceeding to his eleeping
plane, or , while intending
stop fo wherenk
of water, be stumbled Into the vat, he
was suffocated by the time and water, and was
ten far gone with drink to make any retort to
Prevent bis drowning, for there was scarcely
pnottgli water in tho vat to cover his person,
lie was found abibt seven dela* In the morn
ing, when the men were going to work. The
Jury rendered a verdtet that the deceased
came to his death by Inning Into the vat while
antler the Influence of liquor.
AecitlesdkrOn eaturday availing Mettle Es
prase train on the ConinallaVale lisulros4 was
nearing Gutty% station, two men in en Waal-
Catdd condltlog„were mean on the track. Be
fore the speddnt the unto could he checked,
one arthe men named Williams was run ores
and in 'killed. The other escaped un
hen. • No blame attaches to those In olwage
o the train. •
Tea-I' Guide—How to E•Hrtudle In
elwaea—lmportant inntruechnut,
I. X. I, of the Assessors 0110 c, fur
nishes the following Instructions which have
1.4, 141 V Pn In the assistant assessors In regard
In Incomes. and in order that our readers MaY
be folly 11111/1.414.0 of what Is Its requiryo,
we roprodueo them i re:
I. Farms, will not Ire reoulred to make re-
Liirns or prilltive 111 their oirn im
mediate I.:milli°,
2. The nnomer,profit, from inlet or live
stock are to la. bum, by tlettrittlintr
gro from the
ss Oct ft,
moneyre paid o for Maot. ,o„I•oono. I 1,1013.14
been lost doting t Itt• hy dtutl fll 1,
e r
the purebuse pnoi fm much r o bb ,
may he deulneted iron lLe glll, I lire
3. No deduction (on be made by the farmer
for the value Or POrviens render,n
nor children, whether he nohnnily plo,
sucll Morricren Or not. If his mod t i hildrrn
work for him, and receive compensation for
their labor, they are to be recorded as other
hired laborers In determining his Income.
I. Money paid for labor, except (Lion 10.
nne,l or employed In domestic service, or In
the product.loll of articles COTISUMed in tile
family of the producer, may be deducted.
C. No deduction can he mode In any Cann for
the cost of unorrninctlve labor. If house se,
halite:ire elnOlOyo.l wpm - Ilan of the time In
product IVe labor, curl. its the making of but
ter awl (Mee, Icr ode, it proportionate a
-111011 111 01 the vague paid them may be (leafle
Expenses for ditching and clearing new
land are plainly expenses for permanent itn.,
nrovetnentg. and not deductible.
7. tin•. whole amount expended for fertillxers
applied during the year to the farmer's lands
may be ilethleteli, but no deduction Is allowed
forferttltten+progilleell on the farm. The wet
ot seed purehused for sow leg or planting Inn •
be deducted.
It. If a person antis timber standing, the
profits are to Inc aseertaltfed by estimating the
value of the land after the removal of the
Limiter, and mhling thereto the amount re
ceived for the timber, and from the sum thus
obtained led actin g the estimated value of
the land on the first day of January, Itin2, of on
the clay of purchase, It purchased also,, that
425 N 52 7^
32. Miscue of the United States residing
abroad are subject to tax upon their entire in
comes from all sourced whatever; and the
same is true of foreigners residing in this
33. The term urea' estate , ' includes all lands,
tenements, and beredltaments, corporeal 81111
incorporeal. Profits on sales of real estate
purchased in a previous year need not be re
turned as Income, nor can losses on such sales
be deducted therefrom.
34. A lease o life ertionar
estate, and anyp ronto e
onthe sal e o r such at
lease ern taraule ILS baron.: for the year of
35. Where any portion of a legacy has been
transferred by the executor to the legatee, so
that the executor In Ills capacity of guardian
or tnistee his no longer any control of the
profits arising from such legacy, the return of
such profits as income Must be renutred of the
:Pk The payment of legacy or succession tax
on the bequest of un foultilty Acct not relieve
the annuitant from liability to income tax Mt
his annuity.
37. Where an Income exceeds WOG, lOW 0111
be exempt, 14,010 subject Lo LAX at five per cent.
not the menu Ender at ten per tent.
as. All expenses for Insurance noon pism•
erty end all actual lotses In businessintly be
suet the gross Income of the year.
hut losses tained after December 31, lien,
cannot reduce the Weenie for the year. Losses
Incurred In the prosecution of one kind of busi
ness may be deducted from gams lit anotiler,
but not from,those portions of the 11LCOlne de
rived (nn Axed Investments, snob as bonds,
mortgages, runts anti the nice. Assessors
shout also be careful not to allow the dedilo.
Lion of atnounts claimed to have been lost in
budinoss, when in reality they shank! be re
garded as investments or expenditures, as
when merchants expend money In farrniug or
gardening for recreation or sulornmeat rather
than peouniaty profit.
39. Dividends posh which the tax fro
per cent. has been withheld should be ed as Income, inclusive of the tax withheld,
and after the total tax has been iteSo3llod the
„ _
amount of tax wtthhera may be deducted
Coupons on railroad bratas /Mould be re
turned as Income for the year In which Wet
(111[11re, if they ate good and *electable.
41. scrip dleidene, of rompankt. flannel In
section. 1W and 122 are taxable a! Income
their nom [navalue; Scrip divideora of other
ramipanies honed he returned at theta market
value at the tiro° When received.
Coors Neon
The Alaj term on tho• Cotort Of Common.
Pleas corn to oonceol pester lay morning, ol aidge
The tlrmt ens, taken tip avoLm that ot Morrw
A Barnhill vs. to A Armstrong, beingoAll
rlleil to recover $ 1 , 1 a:o.:O, alleged to i.e di.'
plaintiffs. The jury found for the plaintiff's
lti the mum of ao:12.1 1 7. The deferolants In their
tullolsrlt of defense, offered to settle will,
plat:U.lMo by the payment Of ....345.00 and casts,lnn the offer WeN rot - tamed.
The next ease taken tip alas that of John
Neely vs. The Adam Betts. tbn
?day term of the United a Slates District
Court opened yeatteroloay morning lion. Wil
son toPtatoolless on;the bench. The •natnes
the grand and petit jurors were vaned, w lot
eleven of the former aud thirteen of the lat
ter latoswered. A quornM of the grand jury
net being present, the charge was post maned,
and Court adjourned until this morning al
10 ovelnek.
In the latstriet iguiri, Judge Williams presid
ing, the ease of Thompson Groetminger vs.
the l'onmomylvtaion. Railroad Compuoy was ta
ken tip. This 14/1.11.11 action to reCover 111110.
‘tt n
j re ry t.'UP toa r"l b ct ' t t
the plalntins in the MUM of 011 ., •ku: O tne d toll
amount Claimed.
The neat case taken up was that of D.
Hutchinson vs. Martin Ley, "arriving partner
of the arm of F. Ac M. Ley. This ' , rascal action
to recover all amount claimed Ln be ail.. for
bricks (tarnished by plaintiff to defeno hill I. 00
mperneeville Conneii.
An adjo Te
urned me n eting Was hold on Saturday
evening,lMuy sth.
Members present: Messrs. West, Garnett,
Carnahan, flershberger, Smith and lturgess
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
The Committee on Streets reported pro
tiri motion, the Burgess was authorized to
draw his warrants in favor of the following:
Ylitebargb Di-spotch, publishing Audi
tors report
ti 00
Jos. Kerry ' 7 days' work on board walk.. 14 00
Isaac Wilkinson, 6)", dol3 50
Thos. Kelly, cleansing water worse on
Locust street 50
Adison Graham, covering go. qo
.. 200
N. Jacobs, do. do. .. 200
A commimication was received from George
luster, complaining of the condition of the
street adjoining his forge Referred to Street
An ordinance relating to the enforcement of
certain sanitary measures was passed as read.
On motion adjourned.
Hook Notices.
"BAttor's Mourn tv Magazine , ' for June,
la already out. It is handsomely illustrated
and fall of matter at the cheap rate of 15 cts.
For salq,by John P. Hnnt & Co., .Ifasodic
Ftfth street.
" PszsTomerreitOrr, or - I,lagle blade IF.say,”
Is a little volume in paper covers, t full of en
tertainment for young people. For sale by
John P. Hunt t Co., Masonic Hall, Fifth street.
"T.. Onods, History, Cause, Prevention
and Cure of Cholera , " by a New York physi
cian; price ton cents. Can be had of John P.
Hunt & Co., Masonic Hall Fifth street.
"Tot Origin, History, Cause, Prevention
and Cure of Cholera" by a New York physi
cian. Can lie had at Gdldentenny'.% No. 45
'Fifth street.
TaZATILIG.—This establishment was filled
last night on the oceitalon of Mr. Wentworth's
benefit. This evening Yankee Locke makes
, his debut as "Sample" In the moral drama of
"Ten Nights in a Bar Room."
OPHII, Here.—Miss Lotta, the California
diamond, appears to-night AA "Tarturina" In
the "Seven Daughters of Satan,"
ACADZIrr or Mcsic.—"lra Dirty°lo" will be
performed this evening, luring which Mr.
ilermans will introduce the celebrated song,
••I'm afloat." To-morrow night, "Lee /Inge.
Ciacm—Thayer, Soyeb h Cot Circus was
crowded to Its utmost capacity last night,
numbers. being unable to gain admittance. See
ft n
County Sueritendent. 13eeed.—The
llowing :Superintendents Of l'abile Schools
have 1 , 00/1 eleettsl In Lily et/outlet. named Ju
niata, G. W. 1 ../5/.1--.Nn - y, pon ; 1 ion, C.
I.ntely, -gulary. #.'d o; stipler, in
Moyer, res/hastea—gniary, /pot Clearfield, I,
W, sny.ler 4111. %Vent/non/lan/I, .1.
s Walthonr- //aistry, 01lotliana, /Minx
—tottary, WOO; 'Northampton. WM. N. Walker—. Gary, Corn, Wyoming, W. i4a enmte,ey
elet/to:l—salary, ttitol; North untlterlutid, I. it.
linopt—tut/ary, pat, I) .101111
rot/mita/teal— salary 41„wo, 11 rm I , .1 Cl, o
toutk, re - elettea—nulary, 41,01 m Clarion, (leo.
s Adnists
sheely: remieetell—/atlary,
, Aaron
lornasifehtle.—t 'oho's., 4'l:Lancia held an its
' sloes,. yesterday on the hrnly of a fenosoe infant
Isnone floating in the 3 tiossestppthela rivet at
o Sitiortlisy eveniag. The
laxly bore unmistakable iisarkti of vienenee,
nail bud apparently !Well ID I/10 water col oral
+lll3a. There was MI evidence, lame ver,a
or th e
would Give LI Ir/ the parents of the chlltl,
MILD nor la whirls it •
(net Its dest's. The
Jury foiled a verdict I not the slob! ellIDI• to Its
, leach trolls violence+ at the band+ of .some rat,
con or person+ unknown.
Almost a Firc.—An accident occurred at
the candyman ufactory of Hunker it Co, cor
ner of Lafferty and Sixth streets, ye Imlay,
which might hare result.] in a serious are.
One of
which communicated to a hot 01 boiling
and crouted quite a Maze, which was ex
guished, however, by the timely application
of u tub of water which fortunately happen.]
to be near by.
Pleasant A/eds.—The suryivlng members
of the "Friend Kin." celebrated the annlver
eery of the battle of Williamsburg on Satur
day night teat by a supper at McGinley's. We
were not present, but learn that the re-union
11 , 11,1 a most Joyous one. No Pittsburgh com
pany has a brighter record than the "Friend
Come to Grlef.—An over-artlent temper
once man, with a view of pocketing twenty
five dollars, Instituted suit against ono of our
moat respectable druggist of Olio city, for sell-
Ing liquor on Sunday. He, however, failed to
establish the charge and acting Mayor Strain
the p
very rosecuto properly
r dismissed the case at the cost of
Merited ProsioUon.—ltriendler General
James A. Ektn has been confirmed a Brevet
Major General. General Ekln Is connecter
wh the quartermasterls Department, and Is
among Its most popular oMeers t oWashin g
ton. He Is a citizen of Allegheny county, and
hls many friends will be glad to hear of his
"Grist In the 11 1111."—Not u single
nn Bas
as in the lock
Actin tip yesterday morning,
d g Ma yor, Alderman
Strain, had no "grist in the mill." This
state of things speaks well for the paten and
quiet of the community, but don t pay for
" holding court."
Assault and 13a ltery.—Intormation was
made yesterday before acting Mayor Strain,
by James Mawhinney, Councilman, against a
bricklayer named lku-tley Campbell, for as.
saultmg and striking him in the face. A %cur
rant was Maned for Campbell's arrest.
Fell In • ris.—et dretnan belongiug to the
Hope corn nn of Allegheny, took a lit and
fell from the steamer at tht rellnery tire
yesterday. He sustained but little injury from
the fall, and every possible care was bestowed
Mare %tole a.—,t yaluable to lflib was stolen
Of John Paseo, at Lagrange, Ohio, on Stiturd4
evening. No trace of tho thief hail been di.
covered, although efforts are being made for
his arrest.
Squire Uni—John Hay, of Raysville, re
neatly elected Justice of tho Peace for Ohl.
township, won sworn into offlZe Yesterday by
Judge Williams, of•the District Court.
Finger. ertialtted.—Mr. Walter Anderson,
of the firm of A. A. Anderson Co, had two
of his angers badly crushed on eaturday by
being caught In a steam press.
'•Bs!!oa•a Rlonthlll 7 , for to, can bo bad
at i;lWonfoaney•a, No. 45 Fifth atroot, near
PHRENOLOGY, applied to elf Improvement. No
boys admlttod. To coming: Co at a o•clock. To
close with public es...Mina/lon.
Professional cot:sanitation. daily at the Hollow:A.
tor: ltd,„,
[a . 711 1. : 1 1 . ; ttrg tVe."l7uTll. on
wharf itgta''t:'L tov,ir,iNx.T.,i
AN ORDINANCE Relating to the
ofcertain Sanitary ineaaiires.
Sri-rida I. Br It aniniliEli boar //snows, cod Tete
t,unril of the Borough Itr ;„ v „„„.
Ry I MII , FInNe.t. nod tt is herrhY roartrd by the autho r
tlf the same. That from and niter this date. It
shall not tie laWful for am ',Croon or persons to place
to no placed on an user, by-way, or
alley, within the limits of said Borough, any de
cayd or decaying ordinal. or
matter, or
any hod or offensive water or liquid or ilquida or
errandr on or near tnelr promisee or roaliterion any
oul offensive Tess-pool. senor, gutter or out
house, or maintain or sifter within their residence
aoTtbiod whirls
dutrlinclital to Thu
or of
the neighborhood or borough. Any ours., or Dar.
cons By oacilding, shall, upon due eonviction before
the - Burgess or any magistrate of said .borongh, he
Oiled lit any slim not exceeding lwonty dollars (gliin.
the same gun to be reisorein as other fines of like
character are nom, neoveralsic by the lowa of this
Ordained and enacted Into • law, this 6th day of
May, A. D., UM.
82.1111ZL CA.RNAHAN, Burgess.
Attest: 8. H. /2.1Na1. Clerk of Council. inye:St
rm.:AN oi :4 Vre-rvil
The edition le forwarded .bleb 11l re/widths mid -
scribers soonest of the mall rob.
PER YEA ....... so
CLLIIS OF TEN AND UPWAR.D5..7......::: in
Ind Men act the part at prudence
when the folio% their example.
THEY ARK ,F:1.1.1N4
ornen • Tlpne.l Mon Last Inv “a. 1.4 r 1
do So %sod Frenrh Mo,
%len • Root.
do Fine ftalmoralx
113, gans
do I Htout Sbo.
Children Yawn ,iIOC
Which Cont. +hotliol "
Booby and Sh4oke,R.
A 4'
trty7 , eta ra n will con litee'you.
NEW Cl ,f),A,IfSI
Selling rat, 82,50.
New Cloak House, 49. Fifth Sk,
Opposite Old Theatre.
W_A_l,ll I'lE3
A \ lo
"X' Et- 13 M CY 400 'l7" ID MIL AIN
Warehouse, 91 {Vow' Street,
Dlmutolid A 11, ,
1 4, 24:6111,1
FA PI:11 N4:11:11414!.i FOR I 566.
A gre,ll „r
au:writ:an UWU Paper s ,
1.11.4. ,nrs
.4^'E JI E.)1.1 L INII Pa PER
A rhole. ,4 1.• , •1,81 t
Newc%l French o
For e.,•
3 E . C7.191.
Of the h EAV E'l' 1 1 E1,14: N,, al 107
PIAEL.Ig-m,E9 .
An liornenke stork of very 11,1,1. and Well growt
axle at the Oakland li .i rLtill t titt eA .
4firltakleknd rare run to the tirt•enAlt:;ll.ledvAevrji.alt
American Arbor Vita
and Ilemlbck Spruce,
For tote hy the dozen. 100 or 1, rat LI the I 11 - 1 . 00
H 1: ILI/ H N UV. 1:0.
1071.101.1 WT N It. A. 11 ItDOC H.
A tine stork of Bei-rat Nett rlor nw
VERBENA. Miss ( Kate Baum. now ready for sale e at
the Oakland Oreenlionsee.
xnylitindkwir Jolt N It. t, A. MURDOCH.
6r="),...i.t ir;t; x , ~
Solicit attention to their extensive stock of n - ttt a nd
ornamental trees, evergreen., gran. vis r and gr..-
h °1;11.V=11 .
atlanel Piumen,er Cant r.■ to LI
gruk. estnato.
No. 135 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ho did not Receive • Local Bounty
Can have the same collected through ay. Apply
psrgo ninny, or by pgwrod g. Raw g
ROUNTIIES,-All Discharged Sol
euUs Led In diem or
the gth
nate Heirs /w
of Dec.ed noldiers, who
8 Yo i8.131."171. Ck i
And soldiers who were discharged from an *they
vervice without receiving their Doverit... t..
eat Bounties, are ronzuested to Cali or wild their mi
dyear to T. WALTER DAY,
No. Qit FlWlrjrfarki7.°gl7.)!;Z:",','Z;L:dttleayea.
Between Beater street and Ohio River,
Manchester, Pa,
Orden for all k ad• umber `tor bantling beat
Wag, deck Daasa, lath ral:lnge Sc. •
nI Itlnt
I .4 I EPPLENIEN'rAL to the 4th List
,--,11+.16, Apt.leatlg.,,, A, 1 .1914011., !Red In the
IRA A, ,ItURCII, AU, Ward, l'ltieburgn.
lb, I enirt, ill A os, Tu it" AI. n,. rift that.,
__ , . • - -
t , ONS
VOIt fil.IC-4 car load.; Poidrov.. earns and ;APIs
GO box., Aln”sna Orange,:
n; .1.1 .1. LVIMEIW•;
11E0 ( "VIDA SUL%
So harm. V.,rn•;
W do %. hlte Uwe:
S 0 doyen tet..ttreeti Canned Fruit:
~,,,no,a, llott, Lard, So.. W J. n'tga.;l, a raw.,
nanlflnt no. VIA Ttilnlbtrnet.
. GA
. R. LA si,sum.E. n Doll Ql./E'r ; Pictures In Bol a
ifrarnon, Cro wall eleroratlona, l' or hale By
inv. n P. AtAIISHALL.
I'IIEGLISU PAPER 11.AiliG1111101—
An .nortrannl of ILED PAPERS, lettn mot
without bold to arrive next week.
mb24 W. P. ASAISIttALL, e:7 Woodetreet.
sZAlNTS—llea.ntlful pliture,
the twelve Apostles, suitable for sitar ders
mts, for We by (rue) NV. P. MARSHALL.
RAGS --3 bales now landiniffolks
steamer Ideuencer for We ISAIAH DICH.RY .11 CO.
• MA kNii
7 11'. rrel