The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 07, 1866, Image 4

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4 P. 1
Sserans v. May 5, Ma.
The Moire° of the market throughont the
week has been steady with bet laic change
in qnotations for home stocks. Gehl her, flue
tumbril between lett, and tot in tubs market,
bet Ween and ler -, in New York, cloaing
thin (Satin-day; cvennirt at P. 11.,.
Governments hove been firm anti closed
higher. The expected Influx of gold-beartng
bonds from Ritrope did net occur to any
nlnetriing extent. The foreign exchange
wso sold short largely in Five Twen•
tie. In anlicipatiou of huge amounts being
returned were compelled to buy in at a con
eider:ile advance. The influence of the new
eve per cent loan favors higher rates on the
MX per cents, especially the On of 18111, which
but risen from 105 to lee during the mouth,
Five Twenties arc selling at Itr/ 1 4, ex-May.
colipon. Seven Thirties at 10 . 2, the New York
rates to-day, and are not plenty In this mar
ket. Thu abundance !Of money in the cast
will prevent any immediate decline In the
these iecuritles.
Bank steihlrs matinee to be closely held. The
transactions during the week hardly suffices
to make quotable rates. The dividends by
these which pay in May and November, keep
Well up to former rates, and will help to keep
bank stocks where they have for many years
been in Pittsburgh, the most desirable Invest
ments. Nothing doing to Insurance, Rail
way. Gun or Bridge stocks. The latter are
considered to good to lone hold of; the former
are not sought to any extent M. present, save
at a decline from rates once current. There
is no movement in oil shares, save and en
quiry now and then for Columbia at fildt@i9
per share.
—ln regard to the late failure of Cul ver,Penn
Co , The New York Journal of Oomnieree
learns from a Washington correspondent that
the gentleman appointed by the Treasury de
partment to look Into the condition of the na
tional banks of Norte Western Pennitylvan fa,
has completed his examination, and made re
port to the comptroller of Currency'. From
the accounts of this mike it would aear
atthe National Bunk of interford Counppty.
at Meadville, and the % timing° National Bank,
nt Franklin, have lost about tine million of
dollars by tne failure of ctilver, i'enn d Co., of
New York. Keil, being unable to redeem their
currency, will both have to be wound up by
receivers. Their otroulatiou being large, and
probably double their available towers, She loss
to bill-holders and depositories o it 11 e heavy.
Both were originally State bank,, and hail
been recognised national banks, having de
dosited 11100,030 each, of Government bonds,
with the United States Treasurer. The bank
at Meadville had not reduced Its State lessee
to the point to justify the Comptroller of Cur
rency In furnishing It with national circula
tion' which the Venango Beni , tied obtained
from the tam of Its Mute notes being In part
protected by a depesit of bonds with the State
Treasurer it Harrisburg. Far as they go, the
deposits of these bonds with the United Stales
Treasurer Will be applied to the reilem pH on
of their paper, which in the 'vicinity of these
hanks Is rated at about as per eent discount.
ao currency of the Newman Bank
will be redeemed to e the value of Ile
State trades will olepcnd upon the character
of its securities lodged with the State Trees-
Orel . , and the worth of Its other easel.. The
Hon. C. P. Culver, who is a member elect
to the present tmigreta, trout the Meadville
mettles, but who has never paeticipated In its
proceedings, was hemt of the banking house
of I' .t 1 , 4., in New , Pork, and was generally
supposed lo have tieltt.gmeel a considerable for
tune 101 . 1 thin a ins pant Sears. Ile was former
ly- principal owner of the et.•k of these bunks,
but 4.1 his interest to purchaser.
having confidence in lis ability hilly to pno
vide for, and in the belief that ample pro-
vision had been made to redeem, the out
standing circulation. lie had, however, em
barked In w11(1 specuhttiona,nnd i ecume Itifiell
Indebted to the Government, whose drafts
his house proved unable to meet. Hence the
downfall "(the house in New York, and the
consequent failure of these and other banks
with which his interned. Were identified, hu
• which had not become national institutionst
The littmie of Culver. Penn a Co. have made
all itesignment, but we learn that the head of
the !Muse indniges hopes of effecting none ar
run gellietit Whereby all his eredltors will
agree to release him trom the obligations of
the trite/der and indulge him with time end
the opportunity to settle up the arfaini of the
tine, which he urges can be done more satis
factorily by himself than by others.
—The Philadelphia. Ledyer,tof Friday, com
ments on Senator:Shen:lien's new flve per cent
loan bill as follow.:
Senator Sherman brought before the U. S.
loa on the new Hve
'don bill,
cen which Wednesday, has been the subject of di r
sion in financial circles for a fortnight past.
In introducing the bin Mr. S. said it had been
• prepared be Mr. McCullocie, and already par
tially considered by the Finance Committee.
The bill. it will be neon, proposes the consoli
dation of the whole public debt at a reduced
rate of Interest—five per cent--anal contem
plates Lite exemption of he saute from taxa
tion. The projector's purpose to have it run
for thirty years, and not to be put on the mar
ket at less than par. This Is the difficulty In
the matter. There will he uppesltloe to co
(•inpting ptingthe loan fro tax, and without Ich
I, I'll/W.lOn there may or be difficulty and delay
In soling It at par. The arguments put for
ward in favor of thin consolloation scheme
and the reduction of the rate of Interest hen
saving of one per cent per annum, which on
two thousand millions boa debt. calculated an
unity (or thirty years, amounts to eight hun
dred million* nil ateliers. And in thirty-six
emu a half yeare, at compound Interest semi
annually to V.,a50.557,a1e. From this statement
thel4 ircl P l ' rou?i ' lle e ralnasul annual
l u lte in A a o u f g o l" lrO r m e' i t i
per cent to 5 per cent would give us a min king
fund which would payoff Cho whole of our no-
Hanoi debt in thirty-ex and et hay years. The
bill seems to be received with favor except on
the single pond of exempting tt from tax. To
make claim. in bearing the burthen of our
debt Is mipopular,ond, us It affords a theme
for the declamation of demagogumosuch a
feature of iaw, if enacted, might not command
the necessary confidence In ire permanence to
give the project MIMOSA however playa Its
Mutate advantage to lax payers might be
made. But if the Secretary of the Treasury in
really in favor of the proposltlonms is claimed
by some of Its friends, and gives to it an earn
est support, there In a strong probability of
his commanding for It the favor necewsary to
give it success, for It cannot be questioned
that he enjoys the confidence of the country
In the adrolniatration of his office to a degree
uneurpessed by Lily of his prodecessora.
Finance nod Trade lo Mew York.
GOLD •liD 1 1 1"0 , 15D.
Na* Yong, May s.—Th, ;",•1,1 market closed
steady at 120 ;041Wa',. The stock markets Isere
nil firm this afternoon In the tearer half of the
Stock Exchange, and there was a general ad
vance from the lowest point at the 10 o'clock
board. The following were the closing prices
New York Central, 92; Erie, 74; Hudson River,
110; Rending, 10-.34; Michigan lictuthern ;
Cleveland D.MI Pittsburgh, e 2; North 'West
ern, 284; North Weetern_preferred, e 034; Cleve
land and Toledo, 11104; Rock hsland, 124.4; Ft.
Wayne, 100;4; Ohio and Mississippi certif.!.
eaten, '1'1; Mariposa preferred, W.
Total imports this week, $3,101,500. Five E,
rOpean steamers to-day took y nearly
out ver
it million in specie, principally in bon.
DRY 00003 1111•IMIST.
The market is quiet and Stead, and an
foreign geode of very desirabley styles m are
be If there Is any change to take idnov,
Shull 13
It will an upward movement: Sheeting and
row s — Atianta, 0); Areoekeag, 11;
Appleton's, Ht Atlantic A, 2:1; Augosta, 19; ILI•
dian timid, 21; Pacific A, 21. sinning, bleached
& Son, 20; Burtlett's at, 'St; Hates X X,
3734_,- Buy 31111. Int Illuckstone 7.74; Columbia
A 2I; Hope James 22, Lincoln A 1.1;4• New
Market , t3; New York Milts 47',4;
21 Tickle ga — Amoskeag A C A G2t4; Conesto
gaso; do A A 55; Everett 35; Hamilton
42;4. Deaner-Arlington Amosktag 5234;
Hoiden Browns 30; Clark's 'gron 724; Ne w 37i; do brown SPA; Manebesier et; New
York 40. ishirta—J L Standard Dress shirts
Vaepllg'e,'l7 - 100 . N mo,i, 2 . o 'ej
turing Company, cloth lined, Ste p I,lsts; Lock
wood do, Arrows. OZ P 1.000; do Lacties. flout
Iooo.d, &10 1,000; do Ladles' all paper, are p
• ---
Baltimore cattle Market.
NA trorous.tfay s.—Reef Cattle—The offer.
logs during the past, weer were 424 head,
agalest SOO head prerlotts week. Of the offer
ings 100 head were brought !rem Ohio, from
Illmole, anti 4 front Western Virginia, over the
Baltimore nett Ohio Railroad; SS from Penney!.
yenta over the Northern Central Railroad;
and 100 from Pennsylvania and SO from Mary.
Linn on foot, witliao head left over from last
week. The cattle generally were good, no
scalawags in market, and prices advanced
ner lb on the rates of last week, owing to t he
short nun Ply,
s: PriCCS to-day ranged as follow
tiOrnmOn etalff,fOi r tood arleti,7l; and prime to
extra beeves lOW per Nu lbs.
Sheep—The supp y this week has been fair,
and prices remain about the same. Sales
were mane at 6 JitllNgc per lb groes for clipped
—no wool sheep In market.
Linge—Thenupply in market has been in ex
cess of the *Mann, bat prices I:Kleimn' 34014
(=taper lb. SAM. were Enna° at $12,800456
per 10e lin EOM
Baltimore Catree Market.
liavrixeits, May 4.—The market le drill and
about./ oent lower- for prime-Mtn common
grades have-itill far th er decline& We re
port auks of 3000 bags, ex bark Lapwin g , ap t i
um do. ex Clifton, both on private terms, but
andel - stood about Me, gold, In bond. Other
sales, comprise of only a few htuidted balm,
. ranged front /.730)19o, netoquallty. Weep:tote
• at the elose,common to hair ' Hie at leXerr e2
Rood to PrOne et //fileXe, and choice Mem
°thing doing in Legnaynt Or Jars. Stock of
' , Blatt= bags In drat bands, and 8800-4 o in
aeoand bandit abio, bsse _Litiosayrri, and
'ZOO bogs Jars in Anttbanill.
rair.AparinnA, may meta - Oentinuse
dull, but prices are unehanged,lio,l Anent.'
sells is •40042, ego tons solder, the lanes
rate; N 0.2 ranges': trontAtleadtnOid
hem Ole. lo leintnnso s ased
Shore is vesyUSSIO 404:- ,
ritic 6azette.
MONDAY, Mk V 7, 1866
noßnisox, mcculuir & co.,
Hankers and Brokers,
No, 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
Dva/rn In all kinds or Government Securities . , Gobi
aa.l sliver. Uncorrent Bask Notes, Valeta,'
Deji.lite l =g4f In /TM?. ;.7171.b:ge07.e. in-
I l i t i l itl OVis "r ol d Cs ViZheirt'r= ek°,I,;OIIV,AV.
v::%;:thwang iztg...VrSTMilliZ
an 4 Pittsburgh itrokors , Hoards at yon
Draw on Et. titmin g PO, New York J. COVE
& IN l ..Philade . ibbla i hlessrs. O. D. a T. 11. I , 8.-
li:rraibi. Karroo
PITTSBURGH, FOOT MUM/ A C 1110•510, R. It.
May 5.-14 bxs cheeses. Lambert, !Minton
170 bga nalddlinga, if Rer, ItoO bbla flour, Mho.:
maker it Lang; St do do, X rkpatrlck d /ler
ron,lloo do 010, E Myers a. ro; "do do flo P
Wallace; I car wheat, A Taylor; Jou bids dour,
B lmmaker d Lang; PO aka door, segnmyer A
Voskamp; 109 Imo onto. I bz bacon, I bag rags,
II Iten„Jr_AM car wheels, .1 Laughlin; ne sacks
m t., Hen Jr; II ban cheese, A Kerr;2 do
mdse, tied Heyaer, 13 sks barley, Illalr
Woodx; bbla potatoes, Potter, Alken
l ibcpard; lea ago oats, W slnek; 100 olds 000,
T Jenktos; Il doz tubs, odo buckets, ' Watt A '
Wll.molgt os; e
; I keg lard, Rea Jr; 95 bbl,, apples, I.
ate VON Guthrie 'V I bkMIL ca
butter, t o I' /on .s• I r
CUM/LAND d Perramonon Usu. ROAD
May 5 .—118 bide POtatoes, Potter, Aiken . 4
Shepard; Ito bbls pearls, .1 Canfield; tIOXI feet
/ 1 , 11 . 1 1 . / t bo r rt & J c : A
0/.1 r oc, ore, ini."rtil,
010, It e cnben .111111er & 0 r br %; lb tillen"orl IL : 1 811
Floyd it eco 1 bx bacon, I Ida do It llto'blonsun d
co; 7 kgit litrd, 1 bit bacon, T ' Jenkins; 34 aka
0/1/. Tax Granata; Is pas 1 0 1., 1/ C 41155;
keg lonia. Volgt it CO , eke setups. Win
Flacon/46 epapty • carboys, Pa Solt Go; to ale
bb Li Snencor lieJiay; 100 bbla dour, 8 Lind
nay r;taos hams, .1 H fatter; 9 our
Toy or &Bre.
Prrrostranz, Cohn/Mina AND CMOINDATI R. R.
May 5-1 car millfeed, It Knox a eon; I car
corn, W W Herron &co; In half bblstlah. Knox
Orr;bert. & Morgan; 15 do do, 5
do hominy, W Kirkpatrick col 90 do do,
Wats & Wilson 2.3 bags oats, Han a Spoor; 1
bin potatoes, Shrirer & Larear• 4 bbls eggs,
Campbell & Brown; 6 Yeas lank': sacks wool;
Cook, tiro & col 4 bbla eggs, /11 W Rankin; 9do
o, M e ow;Ho cars rye, JOhn Gibson; Ido
flour%,C n i t s n m Ida do
corn, It Knox it eon.
do wheat, Kennedy & Bro;10 soap, /Muir.
i l t co; 6 bbLs via egar,ll Jaccibs;lobuicandles,
do soot W Bodoen ;1 car atares,.4 J.ltalyk•
bby T Myer; 10 dos broinqsaiENV ?dam] 2
pkgs w 0, II9N BlltUti. • . •.--
Bib. Lome—ran Aneoielre-arodee Byrie &
CO 1 mks broken 141440 ;Cooper A eo. k!
bike sorghum' lo "Beekert &co, 4 mes Intnn.
rein' Smyth & co, 4 bates reknit ektiver A Le.
ellrge abet; A Ring, 67 bbienni. Wiwi II II
Colllus, Mr do 401 bboeneker -4 lane,- 41bble.
coexime..l.47B do do; WIS Italren.l!::bx better; I
Adams. m at o 4 00 04 tone - - ix,/ Pe?ssulekk I
1866. i
. S
• ....., ... q• Yor A v l• /
them bah been no •
AMISS-Pearls firm Lind In good demand i
bra unchanged; sale of 15 tons at 12. Soda Ash 1
c of 5 tons common at 554. Refined I
; Sugar steady . 0 oce Ia In good tienctua.
i 15 Lasky. Western, at k 2,.%.
- -...,_______.
Philadelphia market. 1
is quiet; sail •
P LIILAPELPJLIA, May S.-Potroleum firm. Cot- 1 l'-a-CrEr--12Pr 4:14:3111141:E"r.
is quoted 6._
Lon dull , at 3 4(e1.5c for
GRAIN - Wheat Is firm, and there is but lit- Wherry ,
red • middling. Flour Orin. WM a user il liv Ile-wheel s , , e „, e 1
-7- I
------ ap7 ----C-or-------------ner timith - flel one Fo * nr - tit - St t -._ 1
.N ^ b. 87 IVood Sir (I,
as offering; Club is held at MOO. Oats steady' 1 4 .2.2.54ACL: bPriii. 3.202,e5; when. • 1.,,,. r r 7.,`' '(i sir. ..yrs 47.- 1 OPPOSITE THE ST. CIiARI , aural.,
. at 60 on track, and
7j: ro b "Corn la in demand, and tho supply " t
movement In Rye or Barley. ,
..,,,,, , -32 , ,, , ,, c on , d ethno , 3
.. ,„, o.
i „ . .
ow . snow mons. u: I, ity Irowneville, IL ct a /
I rroVrs Inn a advancing.. Mess pork,l2off,'
1 I. Lauding, Ormundsoro, ri eels mail the Dunkard OR /
41. Lard Rork., This hoe la composed' of Me following ; PEALot is li
1 ---- ittrAcr i uninas - - OP -
di,,,,, w e hid . o Mon DePok West Palladel pi de.
'0171 =1 . ..P 1 .'1;1e ' E 'i"o g.,.. r ''
I at I:10 r. re., ampnrafPoll, -I Leaseal•lttsl i rah
Arrtres at Latrobe.: a., 'Y . P.DuPlral .. 1, • 1. • ...-s•
1ia,„.,„, ~,,, „ o. •• • 0e..a.: sottrona, 4:30 1. Is ; ii,_;
r o „ . ~,, ii,,,,,,,,i ...los„re, 7.1. .., Itreß .13rotnc.hitiisl
phi 5..,,,,,,,,, , . • A. a. e ,
oll.nal3rAttaptylkd lo n. l i Tkii .. ...(a ILL WORK, 0:00 Ae;„)11..)„.,,,0..10 i , :ii . ., c ,,,,, , • .i-. , : 1 . 1 1 . 114 ,.. 10t i 5r ,,
I ; As heretofore, the le-st materials will always a ADAM...,
..___ . . ._
NI. Loafs Marker.
Sr Luc ... May S. - Cotton higher at .73 : Ms. t ------____--_--- _ ' -
Omen or Tan Sr
Oates - re, / Flour better at as2S for single extra, 118,754 2i , ', 7 :. 1 1866 .
AB _ ___ _, ____ : _______ _
Saxmaisav, May k, PAN. ) for double c vire, and 4 13 , 41 (014,00 far iancy.
The produee Markets have ruled firm and wheat imoyant for good , lualitica, but nn
week changed. Ca firm. Oats heavy at 11Q - 5.15c
Bacon --clear sides advanced at 17. 1 ,,r, now held . . SPRING A RRA.NGEDTENT.
moderately entire throughout the
which has Just closed, and m some few aril- at 1 8c. Lard Inivtuntal at 22c for choice steam.
oleo, Flour
. ( 8L 6 0.D CURE.)
. On and after SUNDAY, April Ist Imil, vim. will '
l i caz tte , Mtn Passexr.yeicznex ed I, arms
mi. article Is expresslr designed to purify and
Iv con
EIJ I/4 E24...v*. Pit innAta at f•-• MI a
haa been, and 62111 Is, considerable excite.
restore the blood to a healthy condition. b, -Weil I
storming at principal stat.lons. /piens at A Ita.. S a u e I Pectoral Syrop
and at
particularly, there Whisky drill at .9.,15.
Hanlmore Market.
lie It( IYCLA and all Diseases of the Skin ar5...17. et- I
Ment, and prices have still further tulvanced.
at 7.rts A . Y. Tyroae, ILEA A. X, [Hellebore 112 . •
~. iletriaons., May 5. - Flour quiet. Wacat
•. 1..113 removed from the system. Sand In bottles at ,
A. st.• Lock Have. 12,19 P. X ki • . •
P°ta t'Onli, also, ow ing t r.. 'Merl.'" falling °-
steady Corn Met • White s. -. ' - i.r - Y '
SG cents Anil 31 each , by
'1:178,--:6;•61.,..iTi..)".7...01:A .1.- tiii.:Ty"'."lthT:l:i l e
' .iseo b' e ' :i. e s
in the arrivals, and improvol demand, No cm. 6 0ta it 4 t .l t,
at i twa . ; , a .• 1 , - .% ,. ..L ..;,,,, ,, , ? . .,, ,, ,, ~..:
' Tt " gl ',, l l ;;AL•g l i t itSlV, s .l. 7 ''''' """ i
at .0 .4‘..,em, In other articl., . tith an upward ((mammy; Bulk Shouitle:;: ' ,. Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva, ,
worth yOr 3pec ,„, . 1 1443/12y,c. Cotree tlllll. ;L e ine. at loAA - ark, goi I. SIMON JOHNSTON. ,
light: may be quoted at 80 to 85 from store. No 1 ' ' ' 62lr ' Whblk Y rinU• steamers t
IL.Ctirnore uid Phllarlelimf, ' , "° K ". ' •I • Whur bi" °
I Drugs, Chemicals, Pwrul Medicines REPAIRS attend., to promptly.
skantlit o
i,_. ll
I nod st thili Foundry. FAST LINE -Leaves Pito.,
FLOUR Ls very firm, not ivithatanding t here Toledo Martian.
l• no material Improvement In the demand, ToLisno, May 5.-Flonr•
CAPT. 8. ('. PEER,- ' , .X.'IEII:I.N.U.K.X3EI.I=I:7r, I Attention Is celled to otir NEW FLY V7IIEIEI .I:Ping only at principal statl 'Oh ' Lerh r • Wo
Ins,,, S lNese, Al
and the arrivals, both by mil and river, in- double extra Who t 3c l ''''''
at S. 1 . 7, hif TYFIE-ritAFPII. .............. . . . CAPT. . ILIJOHEIL
. PATTERN and locreastri facilities for littler( on tit n.ata at telol, X., Honsh u
oro „. thoog. ~, oar . report salsa
of too oarroth
know . a boner \ h 111, Attie.. of FRANKLIN CAPT. Z, W. CABAIAC • PAtNril, OILS, VARNISHES, DYEISTUF FS, .tC , aune *, , more,i 12:90 P. it.• New Yorrt g. l '-' ••• K- I 'd L
r. AI,. Philadelphia, T 1:10 P. at . • ' .. O A 4, K-° L,.. , s. I *
Spring Vrtittat-Bartlett" and "Ford „ new And g,'nl:,' bit,; I d r"
' "'.".
/ wo. 0•• ea .
' ''''
-Oil, ".
These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily At kA• 1 The Betel! businees will be continued .11 moral at r w„ o , and 41110 hide Whiter Wheat Al & 1 4 50 6812 With sales 'e a r t 57 l'or No. 1 d• 0, 53' 1; e • ,i,C°, i r e u ' l l j m.. and I, p in, °rel. Standar, whet, the departere I igra. 0r,,,,,,,,i street, and cur, °row. and Yeti,- 1 V ALLEY STOVE WORKS.
Lily adotkor foLeas * , thaulava esee7"••
and firm.
„ win be at i. o • e/ciels. a. Li.
I aistreets. Allegheny. nninbl,y.l L
_ Pr
PROVI SIONS-BaeOn is firm With a tair Job
-1 Pliii:btuh r r ar • d 'h ary 'k at '' S T.' iLa ntr e t i fr n ille 'l lildiT e ' J SC ROONMAKER & SON, - -
tang demand, and the stock In thiS Market
Ist ~,
Is light. We continue to quote at 1..M . ae14 for RIVER NEWS. sa. m,
I HaticaNlNO-Leaves Brownsville fur Pittsburgh ; -, ALLEN, M'KEE & cO., ' s "''''l"'" r. " . •""I'""'" '"*"''" "KIK•i
between Iltstrurgh and Cop.:aural,. mole rmerat :
Shoulderei; IGOIG% for Ribbed Sides; 2 1Fp2154 for
retsuargti White Lead Works,
, •t SALT
Intersection with trains rut th ' -lo liilon
daily at la. m, and 6 p. in.
Plain Sugar Cured Rains; and =54 for Can
. Mace and 'Warehouse 301 Liberty 8 ..... Pr .. , lGad Went Pera.qaylvanla Repro, I.
Crave, Greensboro and Geneva al II o'clock:
reseed ditto. Lard Is herd firmly at 2154, and AR.BI-C•Lit.
. Rice's Lord] t 2
PIJRE ATM' TY All, opposate gnotheeld.
B a A n t tr r .A ' ail' :So l i. it..,'fea ( p ' p D giTIAT II- r i e . :u " t r o i & I I . :'..
3less, Pork at e11,03L
Argonaut No.2.ltlchmond ....St. Louie. Leaves Monongahela thirst &o'clock
ar ea , rari.o r or v,„" K. p A Ri,,i, : between Pittsburgh and Ancona, and mslong tto a
eei. 1 co pe u o n o 7;t i l e o .o n wi.ltib triaroinz.onrL.h.o.lnrlagnia
,LlL.a....ach, 11:4!
POTATOES -Market very firm to-day, with EMlnaGrah•m.Stull ZanesViile i The line Is composed of and-clos . side-wheel •
Manufactures a
an improved demand, and the advance noted Bayard. ......51.11, Parkersburg. l tteitorners, tatiy . .. y xzessly for the Dole. The? will I BLUE LEAD GROUND IN OIL FOR PAINTIN
in Our Ins[ report, Is well sustained. We con-
.I, oeoeothoe..,. I,
rw.11:1.1,74-I):2°,olL.lar acreallinr iOite e, truVali,i ' Zn h ,- I OLL BARRELS, and IIEATINU STOVES, among
ebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooling 1 road. and Hollidayaburg Branch.
thine to quote Prieto Peach Blows from stOre
.144r0. ea "VrTc,,,,,mmte, ata-40,,et„ i Stove.; also, the Autocrat and Sentinel. for coo or • Ik's li•s A ccommodation, Nu. I, datO (except Slr -
at 11 1 ,1 0 421,25 per bush, and 0,50 per bbl Zanes‘ Ilk. CI the 1%. elvTrille r d "' b°'"
' days, at 6:30 A. h.
PPIY cOnsider- Julia
1 nod,,,
wood, and the unrivalled Sr ar IC the Empire. for Itroidoeles A ccommodation No. I, daily It et.Cl I
BUTTER.-Is dull, with asu
mean, wasYnna, ETC.
. .
atily In excess of the demand, and prices are
10 CASKS POTASH, whine, just , ...341, also, Arches, (Dates, ?enders, Sugar Kettles, Sarr,dsY , a) at lo: 6 li A.. .
a shade lower-good to prime Roil being qt.- Slime oar last s the river has receded IOWIII Freights Received at all Hours,
received and fur as le by I lion Iron, and Ifidlow War generally. ~,,,,, II all a AceollanotlitiOn No. 7. dalir (except SII -
dayal•t 11.60 A. Y.
ted at MOHO.
four Mertes, and I here was Ilee feet runt in .
GEORGE A. KELI.I. IA. 1mA0r...5y... ...W. VANAILIK ...... .J. R. bastiLlCY Bra idoeles Ace modalloo No 9 .
' Soud•vs) at 5:40 P7'l* - - ....
dally'[ (en
' 1 I
For further particulars enquire of
EGGS-1100d supply and doll; sale. re- I the channel by the Usual marks at dark I.t.
nal Wholesale Druggist, 27 Wood ran,. /ETNA STOVE wonas.
WILLIAM MelltßoY Amon, I •
Ported at 14 15.
Wad's Accosurnmistioa No. .1, :laity Lexmmi b u -
CHEESE- dull, with Sales Of Goahen re- night. The weather still continues cool, and At the Wharf -Boat, foot of Grant st„ I•lttsburgh. . lIIILS. PUTTY, in Bladders,
L. COLVIN Arent /0
. dayto s• .4.stre. y,
ported at r2e24.
S InOrning there was every appear. feltbZunl i i r0 ,,,,;,, , ,,iri . it,„ Just received and for sale hy
/ Wrt II •.• Ace attimodatlon No. 4. dally taxoeinn n -
. _
11001t1,0 A. KELLY, 1 A. BRADLEY & CO. day!) Al AU r. In.
CIIE--.Lard 011 Is firm, but the demand lion once of ram, together With a slight shower,bot
Wholes Ale Druggist. :r; s ....1 street. 1
, N all 'a Aceocummiathat No. A, daily (except 71 ti -
not improved very much. No lls noted at
h towards EVI3II/11E it becatne perfectly clear and Pon CAIRO ST' L°U/StaiMi / .-.
days) st 10:50 Y. AL.
&IC) d N 1 Ext .
( and - 0 . ra at Vas.
A ND ST. PAUI - Then w st an.
the nun shown out fu full force. Bur:Mss at : '" L. -- 206 TONS warm LEAD, in Oil, I Mahn facture every variety of
, The ( toroth Train leaves Wall illation evt ry 11 ns
REDS-Clover Seed is selling at akli. and
plat receleptl and tornado hy
t "Lai n i t t. 1 . 6 „) .A . ,..t.... eV.
..arrlpo. In niter:nab a.l :16
scarce. I .
i l i e t Ti ., l:/' con above and all Intermediate Porta
Flaxseed is in good demand at X 2 1,4. No Tim- ti ' din g m 'e n . difil • KKK C..KI K KI.I "' 0r- Viii'N"'-As.- ................... C"t• hi ' A- '''''
coining lamentall
othy Seed in mrket.
Inyl Wholesale Druggist, In Wood street. I
and ant vet at SI . ;11• A s: ' IL"r .: "L e " "r " r • '. •
a .atiou at -Ms . kr.
The ArgOnAllt e tom St. Lonla. la the only . For freight or ' pa s s ' ta P ,..Z; ,y n. her rto
DRIED FRUIT- but unchanged-sales
reunion t firth - at. him brought up a fair trip. mgr y 7 _ FLACK ' S. co l!41N 4 Wizu d D? Agents. fri ISHLS. FLAXSEED OIL ree'd Among which arc we celebrated EURF.KA, TROPIC -
and 1 ALLSAIAN (Coal !Unrest) POMA NA, VET- Returning Trains aßlre In Pitoborgh as tallow a.
at )5 to 17 for Apples, and 18 to 22 for Peaches. T •
The Charlie 80. en, Tha . er & Noyes Circa, •
si-• and for irate hy GEORGE A. KELLY,
ILAT-Prime baled Hay Is (plated ar tar to X -
boat, arrived yesterday, and ls lying at the 1 Fon MISSOURI 'arca. I '"" whnle,,,le Druggist, a; IVrerd street. : r0:1L,m0A.,,,...N,•.„.:(1d)„.111,: 2;01: :: . .7 ._,, • : , e r ILI,: k o
o. t o d ire:
d . )
~A , 1a ,,:, e 1
1 5. i r,r.::n,,,,,, . i
,5. ..
L, .... :,.A., ..
...... :::.
L .
:2 1
...50..t. t.
Y. sale of 1 cur common at SE. 1 .. 00 .5 pay rh- foot of Pitt street. Her entire hUSIIIe. IR to 1 -The splendid pa• seem, steamer - - '7' ''-''' ... . - _...!•.''....._•••••......- -- I GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, Lc.
mains about as last quoted.
BEANS-Very dull but unchanged-small ca r the Wrens around from pia. to place. . r • ITIZEN ..... clki H ti ORDINANCES.
I streets. Pittsburgh. Ferraro, on Second street.. i 1',,r h ' e n ::: , :::::, " :,,n7,, n ,,1 N ,, ' i •••••
sales of prim . ° Willie at $175 per bush ne Inaporter, Capt. John Noss,left St. Louis . w,,, ~,,,A, ..........
r the above and all Intermediate ports. ------ - ---- ------- -- -
(Or thls port on Thursday rant.
The Glasgow, Capt. IWO W . 1 011.0/1, 1.. lIW I u'l.-‘ %e'rErrt"NEiCreLe'rApLatre4 ..rtel ' . n be d 4 I
wiriyu Houldork .5 A.CCOLIIILOAIIIIO4I NO. 1 I:00 IF. /11.
-Is dull at an to GS.
A N ORDINANCE Establishing a !..,
DORIN r -Dull-small sales at 3%13554.
nest hunt one frt. ct„cluma I She ariould be ,„0 7 FLA( K Agt:Z11.1.17'44,1/IMIL'A° ' ."'.'". r.". """'"'""""'".
"". Tenth
W ' '''•
Y E" i!zitlmori• Expo,. ...... . .................. .. 1:40 r. Ir.
sPrll'• . Iry of Pltoborgli
- I•:lr'..).W:r; L'alrot"si.c:P.YM ............ ..1a . :........ It f. Y. hen; to-night.
PITTSBURGH PlETittll...hdUM MARKET There was but 15; oich. of water reported on . 1 FOR CINCINNATI. I.OU-
Ilrlnlelork's A ccommodation see 2 ...... . S:5O P. AS.
" "
, i An
a i l i:,l l 7 : i
~ , I lA ', : i •
I ' . ' ',.::' : : :::: : ~," °I : L .:
~ 1 1 ,
, tcl " , ' " ,
, I n ; I "' N , r d r
Intel,l" '.. ...........................................................
- churl'," o. Saturday, an.l the may igattort of . 1,, i i.I.F. Alsls N API( V I 1.1. E. -,ZarjZit .".'
. "d"." ""• ""' '.".`•'-.• "I Pl ' ... f • PA ''• • V• L''' ✓ erflachisouff'orka and Post d
end ...ours.. c..nnelbr oormLbst. dod d oh he-r.h,
the Allegheny river may be considered as Ins. I The splendid parhenEerlaleatner
',Ward 1,1. ri id 'writs, Id' Me ewe., That irons and
Dig virtually closed. The boat., are beginning 11 0 II KICT ,10 . LIRE •.. , 'Mg- 11. IV. MsItAA Pr A. eller the passage of this nolotaile;, Ile.. pito, ft, i 3Er., IMrlalatsss,ssa,
' Express, ar 2.a, p. ar., on Sendays.
I h 111 leave r, the A 11.14. And all luterniediate to holding all 11.,01ar &Leib..., In the leo. Ward, ' r
tr . ,...m , 1 1 .4...1:A1 ... .,....1 . . i . .... al the toddle D 0... of : ENGINE 1- WILI/Ell AND MACHIY ... Laevel tar.•r steri..s ..r .". r,. p ullehug, la noh- open for
to ¢y np f, , ,0r more wine,.
/ on TL'EsIA Y, at r a. rt..
- . na T c o n, ltad I. MoOrc, Cal.! I bur MUrrattla, 1.4 I tor freight or !move apply on board or to .
I Ire corm r ~, I iiil. sod street. tedween Voleral and dusk • • grimly /,-„. „...,;.,„
0,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of ~,,, „,..,,,,, oe , c
) t.lllOll,
111:ti1i.r..1)..)...,•!1.14., 4,,r,r.,.1,..\,,,,Layil- m,7 FLACK a , °LUNG wool). Agts. Nmltharld str. els. In sold vrlar.l. , City, Pa klanufset rer of Wightna • A ATE N 7
- •
ordained and r !meted Into a law In ( onnell, this i PORTAII.LE OnCiI..P.ATING "ATKA)? ENGINE' , 1 , 1 . 1 , 1 , 0 , 117. A capacious Restaurant Is open at ALL
• ts day and night, /Sundays excepted.
The Armenia, I apt. McCallum, Is 110% WM/.
I Shafting, Pulleys, &c.
Norn. a.-Ln case of Inas. the C 01111111.4. 7 stn IFOI,
mg for NI Louis, and will leave with d fella 81, ! A L`f i e o u ris _ocajn p,, o ndid it . 3, , :? ,, sT. ,,v ,,
_„,.. 1 ,„, salt day of A mit, A. D., INC
.lAkl Ls M. A U LEY. Repairing of all kinds attend./ to iel•11 therrocr s reamoolble fur personal baggage only,
rho Leonid.. Capt. Co,, is also ullllollllevel
Preuldent or SIFIOVI 4. 1,1111/ /I
for the manic point. The; are both largo itnll V l 9',Fi'l '
.. cOPL. A. I.- Nce.-... K• At I rst K. K. Mort now. • ''...."................•••••••••••......"" •" P "" amount °••4 ...... ".ii
at r as ion., 01. I I EsDAI, at I P. 11.
clerk of isle. 1 MUM. 11 OIL WORKS. At ate Pennsyl veal. t •entral Railroad Passen,ser Ch.
COMlEttoillthui bolds, and are °Sheered lis men p.m fr. wit or pae..., low, or, board, or tr,
TlitiMAS S I EELE. .
, _
of experience and popli lard ty.
dry' FLAI K & COL LINGIVooIi. Agerris•
- non, on Liberty and Warshlugton street,
President of( ontenew I rill ti,ll. . wOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING
The Citizen, Catpt. John NI Hare, is 10 1,1111 g
for kflasourl Meer, and will tense on Theeeltly FOIC MEM PIIIS N. NEW
k r minima Conned.
wit r l / 2 1 . 1/KM
or Wednesday
11 111. F../ Nrl.-O-hr. splerolld eleanarr inVE:II,I
_ RAILWAY, AND cLEVELA.ND A '. - . - .. - 'l7lt, h
The Messenger, I apt Jease I ran, Is re. i11... 5 r N.. 1, It. . I on, ,rases Di, s' A N ORDINANCE Authorizing like
craving freight for New ri rlearts t and will lea, e I Will leave as above nu Tills DAY , atilL m. '
. "r.'"' f • P"'"'"
e 'r"."""'
latia. Winter Arra/swam:ll rill
have tilupatell
' OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. On and after November 19th, Mi t LAN . G./ .Itir
The Kin .IC.IIIIIII, t apt stilll, 0111 l e • l For I,lolrt!menssage apply on Imard or m Clark Etre , - , frOrn Logan to Elin strees.
follow, via:
round itt her loonsi pia, at the land trig Doe s " . II- ' K 4 °G-lJ NG Wr RID, Agents. P. •710 1. Bs I/ orddined eho,hd ay the _Nay.
I"'" ;lttatnarga. l • Chrt7rpo. . Ofo r' sbornif ' . ilileal Le
- ..r. AM.-num flmrl t'llihene kr Plfrenurph to Ae/orr Val NI . . T i T h I,l4.tiatt r ' ' ; ', ..d Tre.t.',
morning, and will leave on Tio , .lay to ',ln.,
for Zanesville. • ^ REGULAIt PA(KET " nd L.f ,'..."• , orrocrie essor ,o l<d. ~,,, i a,, h , rehy
h , Ihy II uthordy of' the .erne. Tl/.41 the Reeod ..... 2.50 A. sr. 2.50 AL
A Regulator be and he I, Lettl nreeted to ad- WORKS IN TEHPERANCEVILLE r..Pr". ......... 1•.44 ''' K • 2.3 ' r • KL an
r •
1. , , T . i t',. 1 : :. , , , , .N. t,
~,,::-.70,,,' , i,:. , , , g1 1 , e, ,y , ! , , , . ,, , ‘1 , ':',.., ,AN I. C' E " A I NWI.:}SI t .1 7 . 1 1 .1 ,N . " --• • I M 'lle A r ll tl i n E e VlA l earner HAMA v ' ertlat. for e a n
for the l , raLle. Paving and
„ aprese..... .... 2,5 P. sr.
, 5:0.5 r. it
rt GRAHAM , 'apt. I rt. S. LL will s for ha
Mall insi A. Iv. • e:ce.k. Y. i i:eu... a
meta burr,-1. or petroirmia..l.l i. i i cm,. nail loterroedlaa . -r ' v h.T'..EiiDAIY ...""K
'.""T'Krb-.‘" '"' " "K" Mr"" ' 1.""" ".
°Mee, No, 2 Duquesne Way, Eor Neweantlt. and Er I e
the auntie •evening for St. LOUIS The hat. at Ip. m. Mourning, l e a;e p rrZte ' sviire e U ser Plll2 r,..,.,',7,.E,„,,,.,,11,1•,"!'„1',"„.d,t,°1.P,,n". , 1 " .11 , '• I ', th° "'";
Returning, arrive at I.ll.l.abUrgle-
Putnam and Kentrill r ere itelVertrarel
to Irvin .
............______DA 7 am. •I D. I ULLINGWO D T -'' --- -'"' D. "••••."°•'• .• ' °°'....-•• h .. '
11 . Agent• Anson ap,, A. L/ . NC. and an Ael of Aseen.nly
P., Ft. W. ft C. IL. II . -1:50 A. at., 7:10 r. leo
1 i.pie,,i,nrlla,,i.lil.,,ruliellt,ll,t:‘urgh ou sat itidal • ----..........................
',pro, ed January tAll. latel.
(Near Surspe.lou Bridge./ p. Y. 9:CO P. Y.
rte. - , of Friday. says
LEGAL NOTICES. ~ rolalned arol enacted In. a !au In Gnu l.lls, this
C. & P. IL R.-11.15 A. a., 8:20 P. Y. IhAop
anh der of April. A. I/ . 111.. MAN Gr. - runic. I.E PURE WHITE
A.(q.arklsll.LrATioN TRAINS.
The (a. m. iou hoe t , otel. ye ~LJ,, 1.1 Dom
Pittsburgh 4111 11141 1.1. O. MI a ton , . - Onaial tog
JA.MF.S Ale A l• LEV.
1.4Z14... „ A i l /Atari Fr
/ 10 . 1 . 111 Ilr 4.1 / 1 114•1 coal fot the s mellier i, PI THE ORPHANS' COURT or Al- i',^04.4., '',,,•'''' ('"""r"• IBUTUIVINGr CIII-a. and 5:40r. Y.
:00A. Y., 11:50 A. 0.. 1,113 r
triarket, all of lt 1 / 1 111 aas safely deli, ere.] lo .
~..):12thirt-,;ti0,..,00,7,01.•• 0rZ10...-.,„1:....te.....,•. m0.0.1.•;:.11,L.T. All.
' I.
l' , ' ' i.. M ,,,, '" , ‘ ,,% " :1, • .,., c„,,,,, , i
Rocartisprirm-6:05 P. X.
los, the fan.
New CAA - ma-Mfg Y. Y.
I Tern, ONG. Writ or Partlllon or I al.:anion
The Antelope, with lot addition °I nor 'nor I , ja.. e ., 1.. a, 0 ,, aa. II a.,,,,„,, Fr i .,, e .ii ck A
A,... . ,
Brand-" Lucifer."
President of Conilllol J I 'Olt OF 11.
tr.:Tal..l•llrl.-L1.41) ( 1 .. Y.
of large barges lo her rice, started to Neu Or- !11. 1 I, S ° ll . m.
, t air Llt Me3l acre,"
It'allE i........,, ha , mg an mimeo e lowliflit Mc. e . *".l
'n ib" 7.l,Ne..L't ~I d'l a. . hi te,, j r " hn I'
Cl.rk of ciatrm.m t ......d. I
.-...VP„'rt.e.ttnaZ rtbCV:Prlirnb:llusflsrAP.7.nrlal! 1 0 '' . 1. ,,• ". . r ?, 1 : : ' , 0, :/ 4 ;,• ‘ . r•ir7.' It."Ur ) `-'170!.. ..
of emu, noon. ift.,fino, in,.1., is, le o,' Thal ~ ~• !, 14. 4 '. 1 t rn. : 5.1. 1 !.1e 1 1. 1 I i ' , fl i ' il• n't•fe. itglara‘l: 4.l4Arti".
A P.
L 1(
-ii:l.T7ici k'II: ; I° I.K 4 I I2 N, T '' lcket Agent,
one of It- lIEUVP-al 10h, that toe: sturt...l II Mi.. ....son lien taste b • II ... 1 . •nd t bad..
o la, mital.le for th /Slit ' Hair!, •r ' ENPtrar. &JR.
' 0 at ......1fowl) I- h tWII. Ir, their Ihnarelow.
I DElth soLiciTy.D.
liorgebortn-J..lin Watt, Robert Lea, Geo. Black,
, 000 r, „ . „; ~,, 00 .„ ,‘ , , , o ~,,, , o , ~,,,
~o , o , „ 0. ;li t Holt( f ....o. t.. Ir. of st oolman Illhaon de
C. 11. Herron, (•. 1.. I aldwelL 11. 11. Collins, J. 1.1. f Z° Q . 5,174i..'1t1ft.', Picket /Inn 1,, L
nom' .of IN ~ tert, u nil', ‘ l / 1 1111f, LIOF 111,111. 01 I ...^..4
1 oil ATI ner. lo- *ed.., that XII Imposition will
PorWr. 1b...d. Wallace, D. W. C. Carroll.
gerterrtl 1 1 1 14,1,41 he who', Ihe 10110 e. tug- le lo id in t•or ........r the ar....e mentioned ...II or
For ooprovlng 111.• ui.. , , , I, ,ii El 1-....1ppi partlll.o w a aleallon ot. Ow a...el:Wren In Pitt
,_ . .
...... the
0 . 100. not 7 _ 0 . B. *YELL, General tat1e.11.,C.17
me, C. 1,000. for Illepoo ...tee,. ef it, 51, , 1s- r.,. ~,,,,,, ..0 TI:ASDA). Ile Moi day of sone
1",7,5h.", "'"`iii„ `i'ft - ititime
0 11411, 811 .1.,01a i,. at kan.w....n.1 4 111114 11l I, •44 . 4.;64. 1 lai,. al Pie, . eo. • t. a. . lo ne•ke partition L. •tol
an. for Roe's islroul rapids, Miseissippe fl, er . G••• • •• A ”••• h ell "•""e1 •1 "'"••' 4 . In .° Lh hr. °. r
NATI f tsillittkii).l -
ofd an .. 1. proportheit a- I,y ilee la.- . or thla I one
We flip - • ',';',:,°,7,!..V:',',,,'15:',7,T;;;%,4„;;,,•; ~':,".,': ':. 1 '"" ' ' n d I'
' ' '
vale I .,. , , ..1 Thiosel•tv last
.1, .11 n 11 . ST ' S" I% A In , sh rill
A Memo., .4 , 11. 11.1 el, 11/F• lulls I losela . sit •au ,r•Iop I. I 1•111,1 ”...e.:141.3 , , Iva '
e ven:arr. dm log ,lit , pre, Llehree eel I lie leer I, 1. 111 1 o ./...•
Ohl 'I ht- [oil„ MO 1/14•L r 111 IF Fll 111 Fle , .r,
Trl I E 02.1 / Ml3ll K,
rrge. id rsatl in tow, rot 11. i ,at hi, or Pit t ..- I ill RIM ' :sl LE Or REAL EFTA TE•
ro, Jost wee lit Up- O 11l O. .111' 11.1.1 14111 hi 11, Irons of an order of the court of Comoro.
si the ruldi ass noting it 101 l of the a Ohl. told I''''.-^ -",11•...1'W' "."-... " f1e1..-I• 4......1'',-.
al start ing 01/1. 1100111 4114. naves eallithl the .." .“ '" .l. ' ''''''''' -'' '"'...., '" -'''' ''''' .." r "'
o , go, ~r , k ~, g it
~, ~,,,,,,,, „ 1 , ~,,.
co ., ~,, ,d rale, leasallt and so oral. rOF lb... Orphan, Conn
eU, l, 4111 the lolls I I contained sotto. lo.trou ;4 0
......ei5....:..:?, ...1 „, 11 , I , , • O. th.• Id
i, In, A. 11. •11.1i5a.1..
he en- elohlren to
heira at iaa of
1.4. n hewllne, deer ~ -rd to tar Intro-or or .41.1
Ihe falls pq-,../10,1 triat. Called Into 11.0 all ..7 bore rer 1., ....1 to all Ile. follow mg real eaela.W.
I .y am couli,o. //eel 1r.,. p t - - c. a, In Etna. hle•ler to. nahip. atresherry COF/II•
egli-nll 111 w hirr, TOOrlll.glot 10 ,het o, . ... Co ., to ult. Lot. Not. al an. 21 IN 1 1 ,1%1.1 At.
ugh rather clam wort to ~.111.. Illatito a . - ''"'".... ant '. - .
`.1. , moraine • - •
SATURDAY, May 5, 1868.
CUCDE—The Crude market wits remarkably
quiet to-day, the tranaactions being compar
atively insigni.licitual, but there la no change to
make In quotations, and v quote
at 14, bbls returned, HEW i/11/ and 19,b hie In.
eluded—some holders asking the even is and
dl rents, but, thus far, no sales have been
made above our quotations rex - cent for heavy
gravities, which sold at 14;4014,1.t. We have
hulk three sales to report to-day, 1500 bbl., In
three lots of 500 notllat 14 eta
The adViees from the east were very en
couraging to-day, the Philadelphia market
being reported 'inlet and weak, owing, we pre
sume, to the decline In gold. The adv Mes
from Oil City, however, report Crude very
firm, both at that point and at the welts, and
at la claimed that the stock is very much re
duced. One dispatch early In the 'lay quoted
at '4,75 per hhl at Oil Cliy, while later an the
due another telegram quoted at. 4,10.
I LEFIXED—There was less excitement It,
the market for bond.' oil to-day, owing to the
unfavorable character of the advice. from the
East, hat notwithstanding the demand sus
not so active, and the transactions trompara
tively light, prices have undergone no quota
ble change. For Philadelphia delivery. q no, ions may he fairly given at4lo4lti for May;
4 iL, g 43 for June; 44f, for July; 43i...A.16 for An. and 4764 a for eeptember • bales of 1000
this, buyer's option, for June, at 43; 500 for
Jlily, sellers option, at 44 Ls; and Me for August
sellers optiori, at 45ii. The market Inc. been
man and aetivi throughout the week, tile
transactions being the heaviest do ring any
nue week thia season, and a material
has been establitilied, wbi c h refiners expert to
maintain. and some entertain hopes of a shill
further advance before ninny days elapse. In
free oil there Is next to nothing doing—hat
one sale reported diming the week, le bids al
2, though IL now held higher
A 001 VA I,—The arrivals lay to
1,11 oil, owing lon Stage of anti.c. 7'llr
owing were repo:let, today.
I ..ver Adams W. hleCiarlition.... 101
, IL. Casey
.. :11 S. 11. fin,
. 1.1111/glter 113 11 . Atelielvy
olio 11.1 Jinni., a Ellison •t,
!tens 150]S1antlar,1 Co
l'otul Receipts for the week
Total Itecelptwlwrt w 4_4k
Total Receipts by rivtr nine° Jun. 1`...1,:r.)7
Chientro Market. LI,
ICAOO, Slay s.—Flour In good demand and
11.. „W .V. higher; sales foot up Intim neighbor
hotel of 3,6uu bale at Irma .13614 for good White
W Inter, and 0 8 15/10,2.3 for lair to (Moles Spring
Extras. Wheat Is 2(ase higher, with sales of
No. / Spring, regular, at from $1,:ef51,57--elo.
clog at the 010.91i10 price. Northwestern
Witted Is quiet with light sales at from 41,trd2
1,70. No. 2 Spring_lr In good dmnand ut from
al 0434/3 for Regular, and at jl.:, in the N ort b
western. Rejected Spring Is selling In small
lots at 800183 e. Corn is a shade firmer, with an
advance of 1 4c per bush. Sales of No. I were
made at 47464,1 c, N 0.9 at 44e, and Rejected at
14134. At the close, the market is steady at
lac for fresh receipts of No. 1. Oats are i.salc
higher and moderately active at 306 . 303.64 for
No. I, and 25 , ..tar98Ac for No. I. Rye is quiet
and steady at it3W4 , . c for No. 1, and at 53(031e
for No. 9to store. Barley is inactive int I nom
inal. Seeds are dull and heavy, with small
salts of Timothy at 43,30, and of Cloy. - at
$6.23. Provisions are very firm. and Lard has
advanced Bulk Meats are 4itr4.•
higher. Mesa l'ork Is generally held at aki,
imt sales were made at 4: 9 1 ,250Z.50. Clear sold at iriyieme loose, Rough Sides at
14 , ,e loose and Bulk Shoulders delivered at
Peoria, at Uc loose. About due Wm and tierce,.
of Lard changed handa at from 216 , 2354 c for
...minion steam rendered to choice kettle.
New York 11Inviret.
ale Toast, May S. — Cotton firmer, at 344:433,
lot middling. Flour 104V5e better; fair and
moderate speculative demtuld, at as.l:ads,63
for extra State, $062,33 for extra round hoop
Oh to, and 49,00€1.„'' 75 for trade brandy, closing
Hunt. Whl thy quiet., at V.,..5.V2,544. Wheat IW.,
better, Rye quiet. Barley and Barley Malt
dull anti unchanged. Corn le lower and more
'calve, in port for export; Ilentie for unsound,
..1.1 Slane for SOMA mixed western, in store
41111 delivered. Oats active and /092.: bettor,
at iS@Sle for new western, anti 38400 c for old
do. Sugar quiet And firm. Molasses quieL
Petroleum dull; '..VO.Vgjefic for erns:* 42!,',0
530 for relined. Pork firmer
/s ale mess, cloning at an 1,87 calm, ..St7s tor fo
old do, and g23a2S,ln for prime. Beef steady
at unchanged prices. Beef hams tirm, at
012. Bacon in fair demand, at Itjf,,c for Cum
berland cut, and 1.94411/stie for short ribbed.
Cut meats active and firmer, at 11,1012.4 c for
shoulder. and ltAjligt4e for .ems.. Lard firm
er, at 186 , 21y.c, and small sales at 220 . Butter ,
anti cheese (MIL
Cleve Lad Market.
CLISVVLAND, May 4 .—Wheat—drin and In ..
tire dal:nand. Bales %XI bath 'o. I Althea.
keu spring, to arrive, all Joao delivery, at nn
lcr'n option, at IiI,EM; I car .0.2 red winter, o
/toot, at SI,2S; 1 car No. 1 3111mankee aprinic
at 4,1,90. Corn—Fair (if I,l' t irregula
Sales 4 care No. I //hello. 'At/ WWI flod
at lac; 2 care do do at al, 'At/
eteady at 48c for No. from more. Ilya—bei
nod nominal. Barley—No sales.
HuSolo Market.
Bur TAW, May s .—Flour firm. Wheat mar
ket bare. Corn — YellOw,Mic; tutted No. Chi•
mg* held at Mc, and Onagni4 MA; mixed, with
out certificate, 57c. Oats We. Canada barley
973.5c0gL00. Mice. °mains!. Peas, ild,oo. Pork
arm at 040. Lard, %SO Smokeal hams,
193.9020. Canal freights dull to New York.
Corn, IL Oats, 7N. The rates of elevating and
storage for five days till further notice will he
one half cent per bushel; grain one quarter
cent to the vessel.
Philadelphia Seed Market.
P 7 ILADZLPE(I.II, May 4 .—Cloverseed In mil of
aeaaon, and them le but very Intle doing In
the tray of salmi. Small sales are reported at
rr0111.465,75 per Imah for common to chola«
Timothy Is very scarce. Small wales arc re
ported at $5,500e, per bush. Flaxseed La scarce.
ann In good demand, with =len at from Veto
075 c per bosh.
n of lot. trout., on 1.1; Butler
. n lag the water es ill 1... its, low i...
~., I' m ~.
, a i n .o. Load 4 1 xi r feet, aod extend t o
, Milwntin to pit 'lfo/ lilt lento locusts t , . I tteirt littllS• 'III Ut.t."*l'V.7.l'l'll'l7.6l;rl','''' a'
ecnil the Middle 4•11111(1., 10111 the ett nal et 1.. l' Itil AI. May "di, . I witi ,V nt " lo..'eler ' k ". •. ' N. ""
tgaln I. colimi Into tt,..•.
i• rni•. tl, it ptire•ha e o rto pay forlev.l and •I an -11.
The If/Whont Itoyer, from Wit. i..116.11-,••11,1~.1 1 ..W.:E NICE
.11.. lulls yenta.nla) 0I th fleet of eta pt, hat ./.. A I. It• Qt.' AL f:, gaunt tau
law twd
In tow, Loam! for Pit telotrul.
A I.l.Et:ii EN W VOI • NT I . as. In ii t.•
..I Itt It ttlt a Mt nttll.lll, and 1... a nail. r
s. lation
irrival and Departure of Trains. .( ;; .k. ry :..!., r• t hart. r , 4 In. 0 rporat ion
, r aa, And now to wit April 21.
Pentatiyitranta Uvulas./ flailledald. is, I t . , i l'llon no d gid th• I "nil dire. tnu Ire tiro ro •
4 ,, , r ..,,,,,,• ,„,„1.111,1 In ~.. m w i t .' per printed In. the
Dal frfrfr,„
..... 2, 3 . fr ,
..... ~,,,p , , It , or I'm •hurgh and county f A lieglien I for at
&Boons Accom'n 7:50 en Pant Line._ ..., ~,,, a . t. as • hr. • we. la. ael gag foritithat •II /f./ it •/11.011
Cincinnati eXp's ii... 50 arn tat Wail . .20. r n 1... ref, Itin.le to 11,. I nun for porta... or grant-
Mall . - ........... 11:40a m Penn At.. n fe?! . ."1.30 •m. "ta lin Holt'''. it and Loan A•aoel•Ilon Pit..
Phil'. Expreas... 4.10 p m 7.411 Wall Aecom.. , e.., a m I orgh a I barter or :newel...ration and th at the
intent -town Ac'n. :.:In pm Johns,. a Ace.... •:,a, am ago• will , granted at the 11.•1It li rtn or the Court
V.,. Linn ne mp m Phil Erle Ma11..12,M pre ' l nlr .• ' xr..1 ' ,1 ". 4 h.- I,l ° - nal , ilr l lled In PrOP. ,
tat Wall A.Cuam.. 41..Xl ato Baltimore exalt I ,ta pl2l '... •
, tt t• ii . ,,,.,,,, , W.,,, Ac 00.... 2,,,,,, i • T.,. tilt lh.• or , l .1 A; III! 11. WA I. Ti'!!, Pro.
14 .• L. 4.50 pm rpto. expreg_ 2ns pp, , All to rkone totere.ate.l will plum,. take notice or
Ith Wall's Ac'. 6.05 p tu Wall, Ae•ti No 4 7.041 p in , il'e '..‘ • "r . l . r L 4 ( rolr i•
Penn c•u An n .
11.45 C Dm Allaw.a• *canna.
A• El/11 A SIN.
~..,,. %.nAt' 1 '111n••10.50 p m 1 14. , law . A i tor, t for s et Association.
Sunday at 9:16 • krt.: returning, leave I 'T:l47:tirtra i t A LI.EGIIEN V COUNTY Stia- In the
litbop. at.
i ourt or I ontmon Pit ag, In the mgter of tin
Aiggfrbg.frigh,,, oiddpdbaa a , mad dan al . ~ o lirailoo or the Mechanics Building and I.oan
br , Assorlatll.o or Ailoomoy , PY tor • ,h.rt,,,,th.or
fast LI n i). . Pr"l...
"'SO am Pan Line... .,....a.r0 a a Poratioa•
Mall ..... ......•.. e:1, •tn Sall.. a ,,, , Nu.. 144. June. Inca tot now to wit: April 14,
Capra. ...... . .. 2.. Y., pln express ~,,.. Iv, I ell
nit.! a I the Court dlreet mak, there
it.euticur 11l /Cc- Meabrei•llle Ac- of to he ph t , ll.Lbed in one n• wspapOr priutc.l Itt the
c0,,,,,,,,,,,,ifru0, ~,,..,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,.. to
wr ittsburgh. for ut leag three weeka setting
ru f r.b. frifr ii , fr., w,),...., efru;r....„ . forth that an .amp . alien Ittes n o on math. io tto I tot rt
Di - porta.
for Ito purpo, o granting the Bulg ali4 Loan
_. _ Atif, - 1•11,•n "1 A lir. wit, etty &Charter Of Ittr•011).•
.tL !
_. .. ”. ._, .
... .. . ~.._ Et .
_ i ‘..,.
.. .
... f.. 1 : _ . ratio, and that the Riau will be granted at the
1 - ii. c .....ry .., 4 ,. : ,
I . ,;;1 1 , . E
„.; Pr
.....•. .
,I,',L, r
~,.,: . ne7r,,,:erf. t t l , :e . : , ;o l iv: . t
~firife,i, oio n nitnottl:li. , u Mess es-
Ar n ,- elP4iciM'i 6 p m ....... --•• • ' '3l' " ! - rom !to- pocord . .141,11 4'TV-A 1. 1 1 - in. Pro.
,:fro.e rX i i r t!. n „VlT , 4,... « . ;%,,,- --• ,1.:,, , . 40 ; . :' , I b lall!.:;er..."o"!ii!r"o'r: e.,1:114."" r .V. e trl f! ' ;1 . it ' f ' ',' ' it
~,,,,c , .......,
2.,,,.... 5 ,.& : , ,, ; :4 - ,; , p,,,, : , : ~.. law . d Allot %ley ror the Association.
tray, 10.80 o. zo. • Wellatrlle„ 3:60 p. rn. . .
Pittsburgh', Cleveland end Wheeling. I
Departs. ~..,„,,,,, 11l 11 `l.N. I iit; ...A:4Ett 111 the 1
• 4 out 1
of All I ...oily. No . 2.5. March Tenn lem.
aspen...-. •... 2:la. m Laps..
2 AA P . 1 zel now .to reit . April Pe•a. 0 e et. it ..
41 •ar i rea• ...... •-• • 2 + ,O P O Ex rii,lts jr l• 1 o niNt at .1; A.l ZIA I n 4 .lrAtor .4 •Irtu'ltul'At"ole'rn.f.n.iucl:
6= •to expreg .... .s. :- . Z. aln ~, ,-.,.: i ; i . , ,
eltsubonvllle Ansammodatkot leaves ALiegiseny at , ii.:0,1 ' i,„„ . .W " ,j!f" .' . " '",; 1 " 1 " .17 .. 0 " "" ~thin 1
i p. ts.
tr.., ti......nr7;t4,....1nt . `;',V.:lll ;! 7.l . "' il " .if.l!: ' I" ;
Plat DO and Fortnallodelllo.
A milt". to .llat 'talie the halal,. In the lintict g os
the A , •onii tan i 111 THE 4 °VIVI'.
Mail Lai •ni Mall Slum In A geg. 11. A. Hahne,. ilerk.
47 . r ?•Tw . t . .;n - it . :. '' ilr, ,-,. ri....':..: . ..%;;;;A:....'.° T.: ,-, I ~ -
'al aledeeaport.. li :a.. rn lei McKee - goon.. 11,3 a ~,, ~,;L
,2:74 . , , , ,, :' , 1 :' , .• 10.....1 arr her. by tiourte.l 11141. I
...1..ta.• „I 2/1 I' • - 2, t. II ta it • „t. at th ' e o ' Mm.:.r. 2717f7/.7.."1,t'7"' Ifl:°"gi
N:v.',!1r41.::,"..''.i.. :zr,_,-„' rc,..d,";:lc:,A, ' u1.1.1t,, - ., i.: 11, • ,`,... -....-- - i , , i , " A 2 • M ' V. .2;:: • EIA. ': .1 " 2
I. V al Al./.Y. Auditor.
Aii.lll.e.; b. 11.7 U* 11 .....1 ,' • . ap1f..1.. r. w
Deparf4. i .drelose.
sin to P.21411,8a ilsra mIN TILE ( . 01'11T Dl' COMMON
c. . . ri.y..... 1 A tleglo :IV roil., sio; all Itetolx
Cline. 6:10 pto Mall
itentansiodation. 1.4/ ii Ili A.e, ointelotal lon oaUl Ti rni, AI i. Ira. 1.,. lln IN,. C. ty n ,
I n ittnemich nod Erie Railroad, Is 011 ,'a Matrloosiy. 01 Plian, Met'anlitt I a'.'"Sitatirliiotii!
City and
' N...
D•p•srf • To a • A a SI, 001 I • . Il
l( aim,o i5......1 re 1.71000-
....7 ,„... 7 , p (Fra nklin. ,„ . 7.7 p . .,,,....„ . ~S, ~, m •io I 1.. ar• lorrerry localcd to he and appear •t
ria.b,,,h yeri '571, ito•I 1. 131..,,,, and the h.. • I term or the abuse named Coon to Iry het.'
taxa, alo,.
4" ::: iin. 7 Ti .... 11 .. 1 . 70•B°:, momi---nZ.7.117,14:71447;::: 7: : il.,a'lir::..l'e.ll-:::::rf:'",aTi,l:;.'t;',:ori:::;‘,i'''',..:l'..;o;ll:,:i.::*;:+:,:ii:',lljKii:::::;l;:.l:A'ttilt"i'St.l:::sl4..:l;j:l:a:l'h.;:::l.'.i.
ideparta. I .1011 P. 11. oTFAVS NIT, Sheilf.
A orll 2ist. A. It . lailti.
_ . _. ..
e1ai115,%6:44,....M4a. 1 a Ne• ...4Airr..... I 4 I)IIIIINISTHATORS' NOTICE. -
I ltaroola. 11
i Let Inns of Ad I n fist rat lo nun dip rotate 0r.811114
5uir.....1fr.„1,1...frafr., MILTON, lat. ' cllegheny Illy, deceased, hit, tug
, a..... grant. to the titideraigned. all person. kno
' los themselves ludebtert I, Sag ...tate will plane
IN D. In. I . itt .::li s t .
1 zail. rptoLts,:stiatr lamest, aud dos.. Itaelag claim,.
„re ~.,II them, properly multi. linear's! for at.
ICELSIOR OMNIBUS& LIVERY STABLE, i 11:."",':',';',1.:,';:;",','1'.4',`..T.'i-,t,a'..r,....,.4,1 P."'
i ...,, - 0, "
NA Mg. litil.T0111!""
I.a ne,slel 11, (biller 100. e..
..I:ei. eicim. '
I aP. A•ll„.i'r":"..nrTinViltrit'ol....t:.4.
1 A I.l.EGelcu v courriois.---in . the
. ./ 111 NISIJNSIdl AND I" A HI:IA./EA N11,11•Ikr.1 for ail
.tut. Alto Carrlage• for Ytiournis Wedding. •lod 1
Parties, A l
Short notion and , anoonl+l4. rate . e .; lITA • ' ~,,,,,r" : 1 ' "41% ',.%:',.",',',:,;:r ,7,..,',,Ta,...,hir.,A? ap;',,YT,
, , t , lart Is I firtn. A. It . Mil. And Sox ,to 011 Aorl
1 I. ' ilAs tA. , 1 1.. r. 1, 'lin "'a.":11.17;..T.t,' "":1"1""U. W
aiol mak. •Il , tri too Ook. ' 11 . 1 9 1 1 11 li:r., N7V. ,
wool 11. , itororo. It . A, ilson , ll4. Part
JANES DAtill t% NON, Proprietor.
DRUM b. 14 LACK,
Rave on band a LarTo h • ••0 " , ... 1 4"
11 , .11,11X ILA K ics
no • nal and 30 Onto IL. Alleglieni
. .
S.l N. lIIIVAN, lirokerttt Ntocks,
i_, A NI) . 071 V. It nl'ol'lo4. and OVERINII aIN T,
rljiAlril:exleAl., AMU, ANL/ 0711 Eli BON tel.
and 14711.4Z7Pj.1._A,Zir,Ir,r,"•'Agij"" NEW v"""
War einetnia.los. aflame./ la h tue
_e An a lj i tik ' ! ""
a treated far axle nod patellas° of alleal'Llati:a."L
tondo r kinds of Buildings, and sulierin
oak.. reasonspu terms.
/noggin struni ALtrilrifiallniNV La
1 % 12 46; IL 4.°1°,40
sztox /tAcs
fl4lll. 27/E NA
tiforntsr. BA/pAc/AClinfmako, with our
:Zp re % 4l:teha t aanll / 7 .l4W l Z lck ter
ireatkiljot..l7l47trzhiLWeirm,fer it we
411•N-Y04 1 . 14 A"Pintnnl'Age".ll Atter.
I in , A 4d/tot
e named will meet the parties II
t•re.led, for thererpose of Itln appointment, al In
O 11 (1 .1• A l l ' ' '' Al 5 a ' :i i l 117 ' 2 A. r...1'44.,1 in'IVTI47..".AI
.0...* issv .1 W. 14, HAWkiNN, Jr., Audito,.
.• yin,ent,yri 01 1111 Y ' , tate .11 .1 511/11 is A 1 N,
Iste .4111011 n 'Yon ...I.lp, A Peglieny eounty. decent,
ed. having In-.. granted 1,• th• tendersigtpql, all
i11.r...n. kn. yritlyl he... 111, iliarbtral 0,n1.1 e 1 Ate
u ill pie... runke Inetorolate payouutl. And Moss
lia ring claim. will oreseul thew. pr.,perll Authril
-11,....11, for settles/tent, in the nncletniptied, al I'rll,-
pert, notir y MI./ , rot tor, A. 6 Purylanee,
A 1"."". Y.
"V i i , I ', ::,.,:; ',` t;'."1; IV:: Lk
!?..(4747;,," h.
sq.!, laved.. l'roxpeet, little r 1 . n., I's.
V.% IE!'11,1'01CM NOTICE. - Netter tit
it:.,i.:l:-'oV:t.t'olll:•"; it ' . ' sis l % `: ;NP, " isis " , r ,r4=l;
Ynyel Le Tov , tlsllll, A Ilyglien y I.llltiy, , lee en.ed,
hate 1/44.11 .110 g
, ranted lo lhe undersigned. All
persona Indented to 'Aldo:date n 11l tositt. payment,
:-V . 1 q 1"11 0I ' l v l ' . " Ai rt)ru, Vo l . 1 4711'.1,."A":; :Jr.t. l i, -
I. :,='!..ftfAi ,:;1.• ' .IA NEN if Evi,r, 1.-. 71 ....uto r.
. t.rlo%;,!'rv n t i ' n ' ?i r,„ . " ." ,,Fh ..',',;l l.. g "'"l y j Vj cl . N dl it;, h... been granteN to 'the uttle ' rs ' lg . ate . d. ' All
per,uns Nonliving 1111104.1,11 10 11.111 es
lisle will plame Janke Indnediate payment, and those
havlng cialuis will pr.:mein them, properly attthen
tlenteil fur kottletnent.
upill:lnlythlw Wit. V. EVANS. Ex,
. ...n0m5ne5.5............................___
We Invite. the attention of the peddle, and nattiest
them to glry oa P UWe are prepareda ben 1111
kinds of Fresh as lose any In trade.
ll' a l i i , ol=l t e and retail euiltatrApirgmluizmratd.
Woon ;:ii
ge Y kilo, PhitS"Fil Aleut ter
W 1....14/NES Akiejtor the North '
:bra tiv i tt=totet ,i MPlit MA * "
8 111,PAitD, ft eretary or
aunt6"l /IMAlM7riscar'r'"'""
mrl Ild
i i NI ORDINANCE hoe the Change
`. of the grade of I 'hart terse Street.
!Wm, 1. fie it ~,l atn..l.sor.f . nr...f.,1 ay !h.
, ....Ind r., ...o, net I •./ I, If ~, - ..nyl. or .11..1.1.....-
1..-r ti• ~ .o art, err', .1 rtel ll le 10.14, -rdl.riyo.,l
• o , - I
~,..1 ay rh, ~,,,,,.r.ey •.r m. ~, That th. I rade j
of I "ante, Sine! 1... changed as f..110w - Erorn
the ......el. eurh or Wa , hlngtot. e et rt, 1.. north
curb", r 'hest to et t rreet . ft. per hundred !ere
then..e level MI., oda feel 1., omit, curt. nt I '1,....t.
a nd
street. thence front the ....oil, I orb ~f I let stood ,
... mut to a point ttl/ Char-Den raise one 1 ..en.1n.*/ ,
.01 forty-foot feet ...oi l All • , 1 Fraiiillt. server, tall 1
1..6 per bundre.l fret.
AAA. •.: 1 hat the grade ... t ....t I, o I .!re. t lo ,
. hanged a, follows gr... the ea,l ..orl, .4 Beal. r I PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS
• levet e... 5 /ft t. pcf hundred lee! to /A ft.. I . It rl, ol ,
. -I .lellera atrrel then e rose It per 1..01r..1
OFFICE, \ll, 4 1 / 1 .:(0,, ESN E WAY,
feet to Volum ,trer.
~. 1 That .... enure orate. 0rd.... • or 1in0,••r.10..-
a. in, be AI byed fti A 111,, .1 It% lige b.f. ',lb,. 3P'Frp•rISLIEST.T.IFIX3-331C, .1....f.L..
d the •1 2 / 1 /I.arr hereby rt., ale.l. ; ..02 .Iy.l
Irdrelned and en/toted Into a la , . Ir t t tAtt 1.4 il met- -- -
A RA.L: ~..„A,,,. f1'.',1',,‘!,',!:,1';',;:: r '' " ; 73"1i.i ;
`„,•;!•„1..:::,',A41,V. ‘"'l ton
''''''''' " ""' R " r- Fdog of Bolin, add urs,ri.oa str.rot..
hICII lON I. kw If Atr-Ablt tA• ti :Its; t °tit- ft; ay r/.. R.-. . Brooklyn, N. T.,
~, 0,., Town, ( 5 . , ...,./ ../ lA, hr..e....g4 •.1 1“.,,,.
''',. .."
ttf fA , II "ft" ttAtt 't tt't ft. , Storage for Refined Petroleum,
.4..11, the IfeclAm-elp of f , ... 4..0w... That 110. I 'tomb IA-
It t Ob Mfr. , . •fAt ItAttf ttY •I 'Altttr'. t'
..".."4" .'''' ; In rant and Harrel", See Circular.,
.., ' ,.::=', l . !"..." ,'' ii;r., , -:- ~., ~. -i. r: sur .ntic, No. Oft LIRA Yea sTkitliT. New York.
'ere,teas are*. and 11:: ' 1 . ' T. ' .-. , ' , "."1..;,r'..',',T.'.. 1 ^-",
ar11.... tddder. wt.!, It grading e. , . I. r..- sTANIIA nu
~..,•., ,„., ~„,,..., •.,....,,,,, Iti 11111. I A IVO, Ott,.
:r0n....1 after the date of the raid . •.E. era. t, the
.am. heing done En .nu fortuity , ith ets, 1 , ....,1
granted in an At I of A.....ein10y appr0....1 the an, I. 3END't.2,,l„.l2l2.Vicedazung-sr.
LiA, of llareb, A. It.. Red. . lit 1t1..1 • Alt A. lln r, 1
latlon to till. g 11•111, .01 pa. mg of ...tree,. It. the
Iteoronto, of ll•uchester, A Ilrgheny ounty. •
.r.1a15...4 and roamed Into 4 law in I °smell tn. t, :
tio 1.. t .1. of May, A. 11. 1...
' Works sod °Mee, l'ot'to/ Township ,
',AMU. Meet, NE. hue ges.
Attest: JOON C. ll•ittritt, Clerk. te.0.3P1 1 OPPICA IN rrrinnonaii-N O. :a Sr. CLAIN ST,
Lott. At row
suNDRIEs. ; These works have the large. ..Wily So the mop
Pilltasrph. 1 : v 1
, try. The brand stands the highest In thin country Mall to ton Rum Uniontown... 7:00 A. X. ringt P.lll.
- --- -- -
and In Europe, for quality and lire teat. and the coo r,,A Pr.. , ••
Ls pot I n w,ll, 5,„....0,4 n,,,,,„.t., prepared „tat We. Newton Acrommodatlon 0;15 P. 3s. 8:10A,.. ke.
First McKeesport A reolu•n ..... I 1 :00 A. M. 6:60 A. IL
I 1.0 boxes /Ltd. White and Yellow Ito. -1. Candy. . r0'",,P00.•
;,,co drums, new Figs. : bLartufacturvere of BOILERS, STII.L.S, TANKS - `c oo nd .•' IMOD P. IL 2n6 P. at.
ten doz. half allon. quart aml pi 4.1 I . OA I. , Improved Poring Toole for 121115 ells. dellnly_ red oca
. ' i ' unda d y Clfu reit Train " to and 4:".
2e/ d oz.
Pinki In♦lnega,
6 ease. Sicily 1....0r1're. , % SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. 1 r froic West Newton .......... I:03P. M. It :WA.*
6 Caintorla do India, Iota:
kkrlr!t?.l'brlTl,LP.N REICHER, Agent.
3 case. do do purr:
IWe aro csoutzhctlng. and 1.1 keep on hand. I
W K. 2 3101./ . 1. Supt.
30 .. torn claren.
perlur style of
ate du Silver tolu.s Start,.;
30 do No. I Herrin',
C3*XTA lIETISTICEI.Armitis lA. VAT.IIIISIII' RA - 111MA 11 alirtalliEVE
:no .1.. No I Bold I hop V. r eal LI7,
Arcs. IV • . spi ee , , Him... , ,
i Wire 117E166 A conoN oft !HULAS BOHR I ~„ And after THURSDAY. Alerll illth. trains will
' :r . t.' A b s ' ...., 117.„ 1 .kt 'rtrly's large lute,
k " ' .
e. e and arrive at Depot, corner Pike and Canal
low, •
.In r ..rant do
IWe Invite panic. nee/lingerie/es •
for this purpos ''''''
" •Le A. A ear
1./0 do ...orted do
to eAll and are them, Corner PIKE and O`IIAILA i 11.11, to and from alabonleg... 7.00 .Z. " 111. 6:mr. m . .
leo do French Mustard .
STREETS, near City Water li °as
ut,1.,,,:0,3,c41 71%1(.4 l'tece•
.. ,
~ le= MACKINTOSH lIKIIPHILL & CO. .!:X."l.o;rk, ' ree.0n0. 4 1 ° A210n...... . 122 r. 0.
TT: A O : at
lug ( ult. - heart, . I k and 1 ,It I
I, i , kiroiniti, 40 .... 1:.10 P. IL
,0 1fAr roatd. fur rare ~T
.... 9:011 A. M. II A. M.
1 1EYMER .5 Itit.c...
Eity 4
Nos. Ile and 11 , 15 nod al rest.
,1•:,7.1....in2:0. :IIA:,
1 •-.-
, -resent! Holton do
... 6:30 p. U. e:43 P. W.
I -, 112114f Church Truln, to and
tic box, Oranges; PURE WHITE BURNING OIL i '.'""' s"" w "" ............. ""- ' '''°°' '
. •• Lemons,
I apM
2,IAA/ Itl/Slitl, Pearl. Mow Veneto,-
Dontßautly On hand and for gale
lo harrelh Imre Cider Vinegar.
1 . • Sorg hlthe NI oliessen .
. Int..- lio.chert I lives,
...11 • . li am bilra I liver.u.
4 n".'
6"/;11:41-.1'esAtt 141 7, 1 ,3 r. P,; . . „.
NEW CoLORS ter. Clay, Smoke, Orange, and
W the.
VFgINK W PA T 1 Elt VS -0r...A, Y.tru.....ast, Louis XV,
VV11!1Zl' Muslin bare,
PAPER, vk1i , 7i.;;..,. of t.. „,,,..
SepStore open every ei.u l ng.
en 1.31
i /g 1 ! ! . .. ' ,t s I l
A a1t0.,(.
, o t.,• RIP PRIC Es. A large aback of foal. good,
nought . the lowest csalt ',films. Just r....elved.
1 . ,,, ,1ng, !Ironed suar etu.l Sy run; else's, 10.5.
ertsznont Java, Litany re AEOI /flu Code..
. the 10w..., rad. priers, wholcanle and retell, at
the Grocery Store of JOHN A. lik.Nrell A IV,
01.21 Turner of I.lberty and 11.1.1 street..
k.,' hectic., a large atepply of Boltlenore Spired and
Fresh Cove ( IytICTS. put up In our and Iwo pound
vane, for stele by the ease. i. 291. or ' , lngle can, ...
the rustily lirnerr) atone of
tura Corner of Liberty and Hand etre...
The Or. of 1110 Nal., Sr.!, emoted and put
In ,nall hoses or for sal. by the dozen, at the r
Ily Om rry ' , tore or
tort .1 No 11
. A. 1ik.:!...M1A %V,
I Corner Liberty and Hand street/1.
i )111. CLOl'llt Oil. t'LOTIllt , itobstp., Hell:, Stair.. Table, ,t , .., of- For
al. paltern.
al l
colt', d 1.,, a Intl :Astor . ..nem of Witnlow
endhi,dee ..r.........11 I 'lotto. of all .. NMI., :glade fix
',.,rt, i e , lot sal, plioleenle and ...WI. at Noy. J.
'ti rm l rel., by J. & 11. 11l 11.1.11”..
pELTING! HEI.TING!! -Leather
and Ulm lieltlug; also trun. Packing, florae Ca.-
1,18 1,.., for eat.. at r et itle , 'priers: La, Leather
..d M..... ~. I w .Y• no baud and for aah.. erhole‘alt.
.tiod retail, at NO, .i Mali I.
:N, Clair sireel
./. & 11. 1 . 1111.1.1 I'S.
IN 114C 1 N- Just re.
• ) front 1 luelonall a Supply ouperlor Moira
nr,.."' ''''
.."'lnti4.-I'.' tiVA;I7I4 1..'
to) , Corner Liberty and Hand etrects.
• • NIA Pi UFAl"r1.111.1.:10., 1 . .. i. I•LA Y.—lon bbl.,
to Krell.. or. eteelner Intnorter,
Lowew ill In , enhl 8. SI.
price., In lea Its,lnde.l, it Sold front the
c hart on or before arrival.
s- Kit -- The held In mkt and 11.1. only 'Wringer with
o - 0g,.. Call and get one on trial and be nalktleti
1. , ,,,, a 1 t . at hos t Al nod isnt..l:l%irneart bym,
S.•.r Astut e ' (~ r thillaili,..ll4
-- .
leliliturs—t,ooo doz.Lensoo,Pio e
t%lOult.gprlt;,, 1.1attbzr17,;,5.,1..r.,r bey7y:411.17:.......4,Ve
ane f ) runf best ./...ailly-;.ru'arked %XX ..Cler tfrT.,l
fur sale by ItICYMEIS & 11/ICS.,
01. Z. Nos. Pal and 115 Wocni street.
I ViL—so bbls. No. 1 Lard 011 i
Oh • ' '. 2 do do
in, .. IN y .., Duck Crock Lub. OIL
lure and for bah' b
017 built, Wetor street.
IS?o!ilAkeAltilliolLit node AM;
30 do Refined do
Just receivedand roe rale 17No. U.
330 bblo.
prime Prince Vo i t i roc a :io'i rL wiu rJoxffrrlvlns and lot bY
LD col i rEl - 471111113 IF*AB.
1..b1a., 6 boxes and? pieces Copper,
3 We. and 1 box Brun,
Now landing from steamer r ototolbr sale ta ,
PAtANAti--4-0 buitchei—iii—• arrive
andtorsalo by _ 111611r_41 11111/5.,
. 0 . -6., Nos. 121 and
_66•0164 i 6 met.
ErAß lTlE ll l:=llleiiiirly
now non mein low toracnin, _
C Machina and far stale
n> l ll6
V LASTJER-106-birie.
treat for sate by - trEVIIY 0041Nn.
11111 lOATIIYIi O I.—I OO Mits.
tor isle by (my 4) I3XN/ZY H. COLL/AUL
N./ for ash by ULM) EMMY 4b)LLISb.
sup. Ntooy , Doquessne WILY. Pitt.b "Kb
Nir-Hpeetal attention !Oven to the sale and ship
Itwut of Petrolet= and Its products. Conalgumeut
rvaLeotfully eollotted. rostosiee Bo* IG. etha:ll
WA. 'turesex
GlorlfLoa, xeit ihtLB...i-3r..crt Est"
No. I NT. CLAIR NT., Pittsburgh,
Forwarding and Commlesion Merchant
And dealer In 011 a. Illuminating, Lubricating,
for Crude Petroleum tills, de., comitedily on band rmd
arde at the lowest market prices. (Jonaldomeuts
and ordera
su7 em
. .
k. T. WHITE & CO.,
Wood's lien and vicinity.
Conic. &looms at Mane...ter Livery Stable,
Cornet cm SEelDald and Chanters street..
licarro Carviagen furniolool. noloilyil
! corms !
D ' xitTA
SUBMIT WILLIAMS, Viadertniter,
Mee., No, 1311 FOURTH STREET.
lindertalting In all It. branchci Dlaintorrinp.
laying out and forulahinn evcrrtninlC ....MT MA
Vrali o ;vay• Oa
11.-4 at rcaaonatilt i tonna.
17, 3m ,
I:',Fa i : ' , 'MPA'f .t E t zlq 2 Mkrtsi,":;-9.°,1 7 E1
klllleq ..q. W. •
• ••
Toys, Baskets,
J. 6i. LaUERPS
r .yartety and Store. No. 101 MarkaOatreet.
FMNvinra -
wituks R. =Lowy,
Late or the arm of BlOlfa • MOURInft
N5-'Uaz AND
xorlersuir, MINTER,
I: o 4Wtt
t Third „„,
.At• /tutu areal,
ct ell the trlncl /•
u ... daßl ln3T AIS
moNHAT, MARC H .0...
a r e r
rorow ,, v leave entl arejv ,86 6$
et the UNION rt
rant I.tne
.......................... 15:=
Ent,. as
21X1 1:11 , .
Sten Acconautpl`n. -1:15 '` le:10A. M.
5. F. SCULL,
o,l'l k. I lie, U.
I A grnT. •
- - -•
Un and D
C. RAggim is
Spring .AE.rrangement.
THURSDA theARC Men , Ll6ll,
roe test,. will leave Deiwt, corset of Ito. hod
W &her etreets, follow.:
Hare proved, from the moat ample experloocean el:t
itre success, simple, efficient and rellable.
•l bey ate
he roily medicines perfeetly itilapteti to popular
•eo simple that mleiakee cannot be made le 00l
aßa Js
[ht..; so harmless as to be free from da.haef,
• illcieut as to be Always reliable.
No. 1 corm FE
tIonVERS, Congestlona, InestnZ " - •
WORMS, Worm Fever, . . ...
1:11:41.. COLIC, or Teething of Int
rants .
4 ' IoIARREIRA of children or adtl • fe. •
I • 1/1 6 6LN TERI', Grlplng and !Rheum
6 • • 1101 /..1a ..... e,
7.• cot, Colda, Bronahltla .. r •• NEURALGIA, Toothache. .......
" .... . :. :
o DYSPEPSIA.. BlLlona S l amme • u•...: 26
11 " surilLELßsta.), scanty and Mature'
2 " ....
yyl3 " ROCP,_homse cough ... .. .
14 SALT RHEUM, Eryslpelaus, IEI4.
15 " IPArMAVDD • I, .... r-ltiU ..
mli • m •
16 " FEVER AND AGUE, Chil e
ii and is
;• Pert,
1/14%.1.11V,131'. I " tlarn ' ed ' .
• • CATARRH. acute or ° chronic, luau: 60
t5B111311,•••40;Z;;1.1i "
AS ° l ° M: ...
. ......
• • • te m
" EAR OLYClaYttiES,l•M•Palre•ti r•M•MZ
•• • D/ItNIV . • .01 ........ I ..............
timmuut" .. . i ....
weakneas ......... .. .. . !
• • DROPSI and &soli' tlecretlons.--::
SICKISERS, or Maness hunt
• It ............ .........
• NEVVia44l4teatnZ4;,l;;Z
solfrATlli47:l;"CllZl."`....'i" 60
°;•ci;',;• ............ •• • so
..... ..........................
DIPTIIERIA, ulcerated w3re oal IQ]
'Asti T cast,
aes Of al vials, to morocCocase and book com
plete ................. . ... ......... ....... $3O 0
aae of 03 large Mile, In morocco and book e 0
ase of 33 large 'MN, plain care and b00k....,. 6 0
Cam of 10 boa. (No. Ito LS ) and book .•-•••
a 0
Corner of Fotlrth and Market slreela.
ro, roe esirfgralmTalt Tit 16
FLEMING, Si Market storm, corner of the Diamond
I:magbhuorthlaliAEit .IT I4 IIo. Is 4 Federal street,
Diamond and Market street, Pffr;ill4`..
I ill. ElTHlCELLOw'S—flenige
warranted lo be the only pre- ~••• U Oti•••:-•
0, 1 , 130art 0 1 , c .. . e cure 0 ti
Wbotplng 4.14 t • ,
Chronic Coughs, 12onstoup- - WO . .2
thin, Ilnanchltts and Croup.
Being prepared from nosey • ;.•
and Herbs, Is healing, .oft- ORE
ning and srpsFAcr;AU7E, &:11 •
iCtalrlf'st:b'PhroZ and L
Drogg ungs For rata lats ererywhorm
IStlyd I Wapistuma ./113,J1?
Dir 1.. CURED thou-
wand. of the worst cue, of
ISLAND AND BLEED I . •• • , toS fall
PILES. It giver Immediate ...-
retie/ • and effeetl apersu a .
nneut.lwa urs. Try it airwa y
oto& to cure. "
6 0
t I P
e t galU i e. LK pII_ S
9e,1,4a. a. F
- e s /PEPSI& ••••••Dj------ic------------, StriCklllid9l
—, ToNIO, sl a oopetta
i ~..
riatedpreparatlokof now,
..1 MM.. With anti- . Alit‘‘ Nr
atgllall the itcnzthfa4 " . / ~./ C D ‘
nervous system. It Is a eeN• - c 2",
Jain remedy Ate LiraDepla, , cp
or loilittestion, Nervous- ' ''''. l
VA Loss
ty a r e tifr.c. N uie' , ~.„.• •, •
Flatulency and debill_l7. it d"
1 s not alebollotte; th .....r.• . OHS
partlaulailyurjor was*.
i arigii . t . pm:4,r
dots ainieTWbArlOisTa.b° • , co.
C il_res..ELsErUcwzi el
Al] Diseases of the lungs
dittr1411';:;LEITI;1"11.11V,"" `"'"' b y OP
rirroncnou, dant...)
adDRo. viltatirs6n4dadiruiryir:fhlr.rettr.,mpi:l.v,";,,,,
11 es,
ifor sereralhyears back, had gra nail!,
,Ct'.l..s,V,lll?,2 . a .:?y r oV;VE , lpo t ayttirezi l Pgril .
Lt.; gtrr;.Tr'y'rgnan,r)atiliny,,Vlsetilb"an".l'ioradatill:.
trace onti le, whirl cured her entirely. and she has now no
w In also state stint t used the meld cI 0
mysel f i
cold and cough. The medicine eared ino by lasing
Tone dose. I express my entire satisfaction with ilt
o e . :l! j eg% ana are at be/ sink qhilabolh,la
Alden :wan. Fifth Ward
WEAL/ IHE TlitillMoualir4irfiVntre.
11:daughter who has taken several Medici nos . for , a bah
:"cerzuhrul,olr74,l,%agT„r themo . aft fit .otf Chesty
Pertoraftlynsp, not before she haAI used half a/ Ina
tie she was retirved. The second bottle cured h
entirely of her cough. JOHN DAMN,
Robinson street, A Ogben
oRn V;: . It hlie.h..Pger..k..,,
menred about the 4t h of rebru ' lql t las atm enulln
00.1 right mouths. I employed e hen, W.F.!! tan.
to try Tour Pt etorsl lough Syrup. Which I did, an
thereotter I had taken nor bOttlo I was entarely thee ikot
oughing and sidtting. I havl despaired of tot
aettl‘ux Weil, anti f think It should oe anown tns
th" r"rn'di
"Jl)lcre.rt 7.14L1,
door In my case ha
,IL IL Kitu.;it. Peeblestownship.
IlEitFrltre:tliTC2"22l,7/Z. /IV ag " 4 e;
11; ' •Iglioo ll r or mines was ve,y pith a bad rani!' r
wh laUvea told ich every one ,,c ppoiled to he consumption.
Ik,, heard of withtui htTer=;"hlihrta7rre
te to I t
'ci/TildZilllnvdc."l7.7 ZIIIII7. In vbilhit:it
or your Pectoral ayrop, which 1 gave him, not It ea
lirel7 cured biol, to the itinerant:omen/11f ail. Who
make. the cam more remarkable. le the extreme an
of the man, h Pectoral bout elklity years old. / haiw
no doubt tbe Pectoraleaved WC.
VlLLY.. — Please veod Ine another supply of your SM,
aVtlier"colralo''J'ar‘rre o A d j ZlZs e lo ' ; Y `VI. around
Pectoral Syrup." We hare pold Mx teen bottles
and arc now
of Out. Mr. A. Alger
and Mr. P. Maher. both of Blairsville, Pa., bold as
they would not by without It lu their famine.. I/1
fact, all rho use It once want Bargain.
Yours, respeutfully.
'7 SO, IMO.
Pircsounott, November IS, 114%
0 0..Karsant —AI though nut is advocatoof Patent
Steele:lnm, lu general. It affords rue plemuce lodes
ri bable to recommd ) our 'ffelr.lll.Al., d'r law.
fot a medicine, It is writ Worthy Me attentlott pitting
person lovho may In any manner he Mated 'VIM
coughs, colds and hoarseacsa of any kind s and foe tna
pseallar qualislcatlons fGr removing au that dip.
arreable sensation attending aderece cold.
I have been, mere or leen lu my Iffmiuffected With
the sererent ..f cabin Mid hoarseness. At Limes my
thrum wautcl NO closed as o prevent shy
.peal. Mg above a w Mauer, and ) ta..lg s a few I . :•SCI.
of the above dyrup It would reliev me entirely
In Mrs medicine. I moat =MM.'s
lowly my that It Is the beet remedy I ever :rattly
p i roam ng to en ru the above, nor should any :rattly
be without bits remedy for , Ileettsea so prevalent.
Yours, most cespric.ll.ll.4
emitter CIL/reue•DDCOl.O./I°lltattli.
NDIA N A PI 11 1.
NT. 1.01,1 S
Depart,. Al nom
I have need '' , i,f!'lTyZr ,I•cot?tihk 47:4T; Mid
yZerllclranrdoirn tte ' lTZlllVTl t . v n e
aver raker,
J. W. PRIG*.
'oir!l;.'irc.ctiii:,:le!Vi'd3gl:l';-e- ii?:::ar.',...• :rey=r`llM.:4l,7
1' , 7g ,, 7 3 0/:,`Vngr,..'„ it t.. ,il,!,,Pol.l::',lritn4ll;
out of soy cough, and thu worst one I was e ver . ani let
ea with. 1 have not used more Mao ono -half of t a
bottle, and I eon and du wish that nil who are Mllibt.
ad would give Ulm fair a trial at I linen dour, an,
they will to proud tosay, "It is no quack medleane.
would not infer another sock an attack for au
on/adoration, or at any cost. lam cone Jena I can
matte more freely than I ever did. I Mud! always
ackuowledgo a debt of gratitude for Intepting so
e. . xerc p s g remedy. You are at liberty to Int My
oamelthls regard as you thlnk vou , !r.
ssenger Common Councill'
i t —I tau no stnsuger to my fellow-Caltelle and
al/ w entertain doubts. can consult Me personalty..
tiELVIi PECTORAL PT RUP. —1 bad been troubled
with a cough and cold for aurora! •01,01 Is—en bad V •
t that I could not aleep. I bad the advice suit pe a
eriptlon• from three ol the leu.t bilOSlit.ll/11 In llan
oily, whom I could name, hot do mkt do ao. I MIMI
procured a bottle of Your PectmM, Ni r rt.P. "'lnca
cured toe entirely.
.1. W. EiHIINToIg
Janua It
N0.....40 Liberty street. PI: tdmrgb. Pa.
ry MIL ism.
SITUP THATCOLItiII I b. ti. • •—• 'flow can !dolt!.
arlTr:tio!':l iLtlflthrsLO.l. and
a bottl e
idlleCgOtt be',Olespeiatellndeed'' °This If'Sysop4.lll:::i:
of the colloquy Due hears ele.7 day in eidd - cetoto ng
periods of the year. And of, ran. Prom OCULIII ekles
rhoont, cheeptilly concur In the Adviser's plumb!.
:lon ea above, for we have tried the "Pectoral," in
a most stubborn case, with entire success. hear
two weeks alto we went to littaburith, With one Of
r G otir m h o s s sr t edle'veer''els°gps. rTennice'llrisinteutUot:.; a °4 lTt bd lt U nr ibi lt .
ibis mundane sphere. Wa coughed steadily an. le
borlously for ono whole sre:eit, In . Kelsee ori kirillK IL
out, but it wee n/o. In tact, lt seemed rather t d
have Improved practice, and Ur, have acquired
Lion. g in S:ll°X Villit!..47tibZcTragitedeogiVir;
to Keyser's, NO , ulO l 5 w/ atreet, procured a flit*
cent bottle of the •• rectoral," took it according ti
gedirections, and in forty-elght hours we were master
t:rt e d i , d I the.r ,r4-7.7,ht5ajth:,g0e"42T1411Z4414,7;
fortaidabte satadversary as Keyeer's lemon. 00111/1
Pectoral. — Br wneotil• Olt, P... DON Hy iitg
Is pr as and sad by .
X.'l.titirkaiyarekt. Z.e.xtzlidish.
Great Nervous Remedy.
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will rellcre without nal. and often permanently
cure all Nervous irritability.
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Dr. Keyser's Ne Will Cure Ilysteri
rqous Antidote
Wlll Cure Twitching of the Nerve
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure Nervous Limbach
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure Nervous Cramp Of the BO
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure Neateulnie •
• •.-.•
Dr: Keyser's Neritus Antidote
Will Cur
us e Neuralgia of
Dr. Keyser's Nervo Antidote the race
Will Care Neuralgia onto" Storesci
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Win Cure Neuralgia of the Lean-• 1,
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote • . • 1•,.; , ;:a;.7, - -:
Will Cure NeursJgla of Ilia Liverand night tild;.,•'..;•!•i.
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure lieuraiglu Ileadae
Dr. Keyser's Nervoll Antidote
Will Cure Pa l pitalilou of the Rem
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote
Will Cure Falatueas and Weabtersortßostsat' ztT
Dr. Heyser's Nervous Antidote • liS
Will stoppage ithillcrbil 'n°l/1"
Dr. Keyseit Nervous Antidote '-•
Cliro MINOT/ /tom Exeesofoolleflik
Dr, Keyser's Neer us Antidote 1,, ",
Nut One HYPocbantlrlaula
Dr. Keyser's Nervous Lutidote
Will ft.. Low otspleitt
fityarbibiul •910 by
w 7
140 Woad Street. Ellittabeirghic-:1'