The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 07, 1866, Image 1

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PUBLIMAILDBI TICE cuzsrre Assoc:Arm,.
No. se Ihrru Wrarrr. Prngsmeari.
PLR YEAR. ny MAIL. . • ..... 00
PER WZIM. SERVED ~¢'dwiiiiite:::•; 'l5
V eq V
Liatneopathle lkledmines, for aale at Fulton , .
Drug Store, No. 108 Smithfield street, three
doom ROOTO Fifth street.
Dress Good,.
New and fresh opened thin morning, on tire
northesat corner of Fourth and Market etreete•
C. Ilassoi Lore J. Co.
Black groinula with rich brocade figures, on
the northeast corner of Fourth and Market
streets. C. fiascos Lot's $ Eno.
Now awl beautiful shades at Las than market
Value, on the nortnowt corner of Fourth and
Market streets. C. HANSON Lora & Rao.
At less than manufacturer' prices, on the
northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets.
C. HANSON Love &
Heavy flnallna.
At popular prices, on !Jae nortlinnat corner of
F'ourt4 anal llarket.street..
C. 11 ANSON 1.4•6[ A Bro.
le •suistroa, May s,—Thu financial excite
ment here has been increased to-day, by the
fact of the auspention of the banking house of
Maurice & Co., who, It Is stated are Inset vett
by that of the Merchants National Bank. It
Is stated In behalf of this firm, that titers is
good reason to holiere that it will soon be
atle to resiatne operationli. A chock for one
thousand dollars was to-day refusel pity
ment, it being for u.leposlt.
The President Is ordering but few warrants
for pardons to those participating in the re•
hellion, us aufficient time must lie allowed for
the execution of those already ordered. tie
ring yesterday and to-dity, three citizens of Al
abama, three of Tennessee, sit of Te sae, two
Ihrisern`e •.Irerzollkige Connate." of Mississippi. two of Louisiana, and one of
This valuable combination has been success-
fully used b Kentucky, were pardoned under the twenty
y physicians, and found to be safe thousand dollar yroperty qualificatiou, and
and sure Its cradicating worms, so hurtful to therit'o°,:o,"3.. c i. v ,,,, ll lT ee ng t h a : . Z.l l lh . , (. .V.13 .
children. Be sure to Obtain the reriatitior pardons of Henry Hay of Louisiana, II Confed-
Comfit, which luta been used with good cue crate General, and — J. B. Leffette of Charles
• bin, S. C., formerly a rebel agent In Eeroe.
WASHINGTON Mae h.—The following letter
Sold by Druggists and Belden.. in blet4cines a p pe, u: , ~,, a 6„„ 6 rt,, ,
at W. cents a box. Sole agent for Pittsburgh, Fonvacas Mottoes, VS., April t'..!..
Joseph Fleming, Druggist, ,
.81 Market strimt. Mrs. J. K. Kr, Fhlwhectlie. A. C'•.:
Mr //MA AS AD•IIIII / have the honor to ac.
Prices of Dry floods al Darker at. .s. N.,',,,,°tlteftrrunn,',l:-.N1'011,11:,.1.1t;1:'..,!1°_,, a
a or,
nii Market street.
! sent from the ladle. of Fayetteville. Sadly re- -
At 11 3 / 4 c. Beautiful Prints, tine cloths, rwst membering how y - bur homes were deeolated
; also, Bleaehed and Unlil ' during the war, 1 should not have eximeted
ed Idusli na.
Prints, worth Inc.- I you in the inkLst of the ruin to have been
At Mc. AA English Nothing could add to inyjuimiration for the
At lii;lfc. Ginghams worth DC., and at 'Me., don- heroin self-denied and Chriatilln virtues of my
countrywOmea, for the measure was full to
Me width ditto. Yard wide heavy
, overflowing; nor could anything increase the
Shirting Muslin, and good bleached co
gratitude with which I will ever recur to their
ditto; alas, Dress Good.. confidence and svmpatliy. It only renialllS to
At the, Fine yard wide Shirting Muslin; 4-1 tl i i:7l.l y . ollilliii to IHI/ US whom you represent
am oat gratefully and respectfully,
Euclid, Purple Chintz Prints, and Tour friend and obedient servant,
good styles Dreas Goods, double and (Stamm]) J iP•81.02( DAVIS.
single width.
WASH IHOTOS, May 6.—lt is hated that it no-
Also, from Kastern Anetion Sales, Great Bar i rieti'll teoWn:lfreirkfrrtt'nri "d° has
gains In Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shan.; I here, which Involves the cession to certain
Lace Handkerchiefs, Points, Circulars, IfOWles I test ing American capitalists, of nearly the
keeping Goole, and Gents or Boys , wear. I entire peninsula of Lower California for roles
1 ideation purpoae ld s and to secure the develop,
Everything Cheap. I
me of the wealth or that territory. The liex
lean Government retains an in the
Investment In Enterprises
of the enterprise, but it Dar t!. sto
Which have rorthei r object the de,,,,dop omera • that the stun advanced by the par who
Of our national resources are at all times coin- !of secural
w hit ft tht l 2l¢ l :tnril I s a r o ' f Pat i k. r n .
mendable, and should he encOUragesi when ; tent service to the Libetal cause The, names
not hampered by formidable objections. As Of the following gentlemen appear in the Mil
-1 veyance as holding the priviltves in trust for
will be seen by the advertiaement of the VII, the parties: Jacob P. Lease, Willi. F. Butler
gin Geld Mining Conipany on Init page, special I John A rson ,
George Wilkes, Wm. G. Forge,
care has been taken to Waco before the public t o It. Traverse.,ELL. M. Barlow, Francis Mor
largeand valuable properties which constitute : rt r A rn d e L' l 7,:r 8 ' S . 'l°nl "
tuft Sant Co ask
tnelMSDOr thin Company In `mob tutoXeeption- ! log for ' th passage of a general insurance
able form that. they will at once commend ! law, by whiche companies may deposit with
themselves to the Coulltlence not only of the the United States Treasurer Government
bonds, covering the OX/Oill of their cell
man of moderate mean, but also the capitalist. o r ain to bemire the
WO understand that the "Interests'. In this , insman mo ce unt
as of
Inoo rdfoj
the case of na order
tional banking
Company are-In active demand, and that al- corporations. It Is chat:lied that the opera
tion of such a law would give to the
ready a large number of subscriptions have I solvent companies the public cenadence to
been reeelved. Those wishing to avail them- , which they are Initialed.
selves of the opportunity now presented of el, . WAsumormi, May o.—The Department of
curing one of these coo oorio„,,d InL ere. ,, t „,,, ~ State
rivelved dispatches from the United
should at once send In their subscriptions. ! B,,,,Ttehre'i,,eaniTsit:tiod t=nehem,tlll,..Al,ZualY
, decidedly and rapidly in the decrease, and the
End . or Re fi nement. . expectation Is general that it will soon o ea.
Are seen at present, and so tangible as to , 1t.e1r0.% and ' ntl- ' l3- diR. PP e. '
, Newspapers say that the cholera Is on t•
pert- {are in every walk or lirc 1 h emoriog et : Rhine and In seine localities In spate r
the world. Tilts is truly the age of inforore- France, hut not yet alarmingly prevalent.
meat. We can see improvements everywhere 1 --......-
on the street., in the meritantml anti agrlenl- I VIE MEMIANTS I.ITIONAL
(Oral departments, lint the greatest fluorin,-
ment at the present Is the fifoug of the "nosh
house" In Liberty street opposite the new
Railroad Depot. It is not simply an eating
house or merely a hotel, but we call It a "pal_
ace: , The proprietor, Mr. John it. flush, has
so thoroughly renovated and beautified his
establishmenttu to be hardly recognized from
its primitive shape. The floors are all of the
purest marble; tounters, tables, det..ks, all of
the same toaterliti. The walls are bOlilliiiltlUT
decorated with the richest of paintings. The
sobstantials servel tient Sir. B.'s table cannot
Ire surpassed by any house in the city, and
with the
,prompters suitable tp a busi
ness man calculating lii, time PS money.
To a stranger we could not recommend a bet
ter house; and to our own denizens we do not
need to bay any MOHO, as the house is so well
known to them that ant- (nether saying of
ours would be useless. Give Mr. J. AL Itolfh a
call and Judge for youramile.
At a great reduction on Conner rates, no the
northeast corner - of Fourth and Market
streets. C. BA xpos LoV e d B no.
One Hundred Dollars
- Reward will be pale by Meagre. C. U. Clark
Co., for a medicine that will cure coughg, noldg,
croup, cough, or relieve Consump
tive rough WI quick as Coe'n Cough tlaleau,
Sole agent (or Pittsburgh, Jogeph Plenglug,
Druggist, No. Et street.
New loan, May s.—The Tritose's Must:bug.
ton special says, it Is not known extuttly
what amount the Government will lose by the
failure of the Merebant , s Nat lonsl Bank of
this city, but irreetive of the stun that may
he lost by the deposit of the Paymaster Paul
ding, the Government woold be the creditor
of the Bank about CO. The United State.
Treasurer holds In bonus Co secure deposl is
$lOO wee and mange to sebum the notes of the
bank,' also 116,0 M in gold, being the interest
due the bunk. Agamat this total amount is to
be charged SIS,Or circulation of the bank and
s4o,tue deposit, als understood that Psynt.ts
ter Paulding had a deposit in the bank
amounting In aggregate to over half a million
dollars, sups lto have been made up or
stuns drama Irma coiner depOsitorlea and runs
ferrea to the Merchants' National Bank, con
trary-to an order from the War Department,
which /Recta disbursing Officers to keep their
funds on deposit In depository, and un
which the Government draws In favor of the
disbursing °Mew,' requisitions. Tire hut
draft drawn by the United States Treasury in
favor of Paymaster Paulding, upon the me,
chanm National Bank, was dated January rth,
1010, for 'ROAM, and drafts upon other deposi. I
torn to the amount of several hundred thous.
and - dollars in favor of Paulding hare been
executed since that date.
The Secretary of the Treasury has awarded
to Dendo & Roberts, of Boston, Um contra
for turns/thin the Treasury Department with
burglar and fi g
re-proof safes for one year, at
Lou dollar, per Bummed-al foot. They arc the
lowest bidders.
The Mouse Committee on Chums, out of
elturns amounting to twenty millions of dol
lars presented for consideration, nave allowed
thousand dollars to A. Benthateen A Co., of
New York, for compound interest notes hot
at sea, by the wrecking of the steanuslilp Re
public, on u voyage to New Orleans.
The Senate Finance Committee had under
consideration the bill introduced by Senator
Sherman to reduce the rate of interest on the
national debt, and for other ppofos
. The
Committee are tindersiood to be n favor of
the measure. It is Mated that Secretary Me:
Cullough Is very anxious that It should ho
tulted witn ea lit‘ d ns poible awl
has accordingly addr le easedela y a
letter to ss both Sen
ate and House Pinnace Committees to that
effect. It will be reported to the Senate next
week, and immediately put upon its montage.
The receipts from Internal revenue to4ay
amounted to a1,395,a12.
The receipts from eitatome from the list to
the Seth ultimo at t h e ports mentioned, were
as follows: New York 0,70a,g14,• I %lh/dolphin,
Vilnotflt; Boston, g112,1C7, and Baltimore, IMAM.
Thedrews of the following veasehi aro par
tiwilarly interested In the reminding of the
order suspending further payment of theea
vat prise money: Pursuit, liereedita i ring,
m and Itestle, an the Alabama. The tilatri rution
of prize money to the crews of these vessel..
will commence Os soon as the testa pans
through the °Metal forma, which will not be
until after the Ist proximo.
The Herold , s special nays: The maximum
strength of the Regular Army, aecorniog
the tenor of twilayes discussion In military
circles w il l be forty thousand. The Senate
army. bill provides for a standing army of
30,000, with a eorrespondlna limmuse of the
staff. As the difference in number., as the
old army now stand., is so 11111011, many mem- I
bers, with an eye to the already heavy taxes
of their constituents, are lititOring the poet.
pOnement Of the consideration of an army In
crease until next winter and In the meantime
ask General Grant to call a mixed board of his
best offiecin, and let them ag upon a bill to
be submitted CO Pompom at l e
ts vi session
for their action . Thla prOgram Is gaining
strength, and It is thought will ' ultimately
prove aoceptable to all parties„ and relieve
Cougtess of the pressure for military offices.
dearthCoonntrckills special Myr, The Presi
is morning stated Iluzehe should veto
the do bill.
Thedebitte On the Revenue Tax Bill In the
House will be commented on Monday and eh'
probably latitail the week..
WiIJAME Posting?.
To the Debilitated nod the Deerepid.
For general debility and exhaustion of the
powers of nature, whether occasioned by Met
nom, fast living , comtitutional decay, old age
or any other physical or mental muse, the ono
thing needful and indlspeninthle In Hostetter , .
celebrated Stomach Bittern. When the lire of
life seems to be araoletely dying oat in the
system, arid the mind, arinpathlruig with the
body, is reduced almost to a statenf Imbecility
this mighty Restorative seems, as It were, to
itit the sufferer out of the slough of despond.
and recruit and reinvigorate both the frame
and the intellect An old farmer in the Valley
of the Monongahela writes thus to Dr./Lanet
t,. : "I can compare the operation of your
Bitters upon me td nothing butlhe effect of a
rain after a long dry spell In
.the fall of the
year. The rain falling on the meadows starts
the second crop of grass, and your wholesome
medicine seems to have started a second crop
of life and spirits in me." And this Is truly
the effect of this grateful and powerful preps.'
ration. Ladles of weak constitution, or whose
strength has boon Impaired by sickness or age,
end a a most enicaelons and delightful Tonic, ,
end it is administered with great success In
marten:ins or wanting of the flesh, to young
children. In fact, it is a much safer and curer
cordial kir the nursery than anything ad
Used specially for that purpose.
nest eateries Bitters'
a re sold wholesale sad retail at very low rates
at o leming's Drug and Patent Medicine Depot,
ho. SS Market street, corner of the Diamond
and Market, near Yoarth street.
Illirialicand tOusamer tio•ds.
Te well.known store of Mr. John Wafer,
Mer haat Tailor, N0.12/I Federal street, Ana
ghe y, tumbeen lately fitted up witlt anew so-
sort ent of spring and summer goods. The
stoe has been well selected, and embraces all
the 'timberless arUeles needed for gentle
men s garments. A large stock of ready-made
pea , ousts, vests, Ate.; will also he found In
doh establishment. Ills stock of furnishing
good not he surpassed. rensons cleslrLng
to purchase a good salt of clothes would no
well by giving Mr. Wafer • call, _--
Themes W. Party * Co., .
Practical Stale Hoofs:, and Diatom tr.
can Blase of various colon. ()Moe at Alarms.
dor Laughlin's near the Water Works Pitts
burgh, Pa. Residence. Yo. 711 Pike street or.
dere promptly attended to. All work warrant
ed water proof. Repairing dorlegg.'Sto short.
est nodes. Ropearge forrepturs, promos the
roof Is not atutikil after It is pus on.
Carpenter Jobbing shop
Having returned after an absence of three
yea:ale the army, 1 have reopened my shop
tor all sorts of lobbing hi the carpenter Una
at the old stand. Virgin Alley, between Emit,.
fold street and Cherry Alley. .OnlerseoUelte4
and promptly siteeded to.
The Wheeler Itond Case.
„Dosros, km , O.—Henry G. Wheeler, the Pres
ident of the Florida and Brunswick Hallroeui,
and agent 'for am Atchison and_ Pike's Peak
Railroad. whose arrest has been Announced,
stated boibro the Supremo Court, in apetition
for the reduction of bad, that the two hundred
bonds were ho, in Pal inent of services render
ed lirdisposing of one thatmand of the same
bonds for 'the company in foreign markets;
that thehid.lure of the foreign negotiations was
by reason of the company's to:warrantable:M.
'Fa:Company claim that Wheeler's owner.
ship of the two hundred bonds was contingent
upon Ms successhilly disposing of the. Other
one timusemithat, these last bonds remained
unsold in the European market for some time,
and fi nally were oturned to Now. Fork, 1//a
that therefore lie is net entitled to pease/Won
of the two hundred thou:quid dollars' worth of
wads, having billed - to fulfill the condition.
ofiha contract-
Ninety.nue of the bohdi have been iearrer;
and it wee" propelled that the hat be ro.
ducted to oorreepond.With thoreniaining nins:
Wen thel*gui 401 .4T 1 , . The CLIP woo not atv
l b µ ~ - , 4 i~ywA~~~ ; 4t~~~~~~~~. rn Z .+,.~~i~',.~.5~ yl~~a~,~ ~.i?a..?~ i f..~ ~~.,~ .~~ ~ '.~ ~~.:';' '"~ ,".
Claims Allowed by House Committee
The Standing Arm \
tioveraneent Low Zang Tonnes
see — ltesselullone Passed.
Ciserasen - .ltay 6.—Tho Kee:Vilna "Welt!
to the Cbleold says: The Convention re.
assembled yesterday, and the preeeedlngs of
Thursday were adopted. Flesolutkmapstittlon.
log the Legislature for an act allowing East
Tennessee a separate government was adopt.
od with but four dissenting Votes. 41. Commis
sion was; appointed to lay matters before the
Legislature. Veneta/J. A. Cooper end.Colonal
length in favor of
!Steeple then addresthesed theConventlon at some
movement. An EXCCU.
tivo Committee was oppointed for the elate,
and Corresponding Secretaries for each coun
ty. TheConyentlon thens4Journed
Almost every oonnty was represented, and the
unanimity presages sumeas when the question
is brought before the people.
Northern ontarst NottrWilt—Narrow
.. .
Noeitaarrna, N. T.; May 4—The Northern
Central Railroad Company of Pep asylpani,
narrowed narrOod thie , of , the road from
Elmira to,cani Sikh -they lately
porehmienottifT liow left, +l,, uniform gtunto
nowk.Wet to r the :New. TOrk Central
Unekaad nuiltrignkipAL,inf; attor Mon.
day the nh wt. - - •
Increased Financial Excitement
Pardons br the Presiden
Important Negotiations with Mexico
sgoirzt.s ZIEVE
C 221
db c,.,
NO a
UM emit. of Mrs. Davis with her hoe- eihnek tog Tragedy at Cook Fitowa-A Iffes
: ~,1..-lho:‘ttootith:.l:,e te,ieh,lsoorfalnhoetilb,orni7onmaknktiroaagtetdhy,;
tini to his owe Folly.
I n 1 rl su : : : 1 7 1 4 ;
: . °1 :S r e , 7 l ;.to'X May'r
t :. f.
-e' 5 :
1 9 e rl :I " .:
; ;k :r:‘ ,. n . ' :. :: ::, t. :;, . withl
, n ‘r!-- , i•I I I age
morning. All het bggage was moved Inside Lutz, a wealthy and highly resiii,letable farmer,
the fort last evening. Since her arrival here
Pe the post sttrgeon. Mex. Davis Is eon- I .", .
NCa X Oltli, April 11.-The Ifrroki`• Wtshlng- scantly receiving lettoroOf advice and inquiry 6 eXpeet leg 10 be shaent sm rent day, Ile
he has ra: . Made her home at the residence of Dr. 1 ' .... e .a ' ,e:Z g .,, a . * : t f . L . ' . ?: .
,Z..„,a,,,t1.10.1 entr,t,,40032,11,afe,..,1131,f,t;
ton 4perial says 1 bat clu,•l •I us I ice Clidee had from all all Par. of the ( ~ , ,, r 1 .1, ,n trr, ;,,,Z h( 7 . ,1 1, ? ., 1 n t i, e . ; I 1nt;,,ri,e,t1e,,,,,,eyk1',,,1,.,1,1,011.,,•;.,1,,r.,1,,,tiA;,,,,,t,T;;•,,,,,,ii, :01Ttitti
hands ! not he looking for 1,1111, be ems laded to stoiil
a lengthy interview a Vat the President illy alMirdelatir 72 lIt e e r a ' , I o e' ll 9 c 1 IY M. ;/ - 11rit: ut wiles°
°Vetting. There are nee ennet ructions placed the ult./ of her husband rests.
that ...he re. a1e. , •01. and hod left the loose in
In .yon her town :tics. Ile coon discor ered
upon thin--ear relate s to the cOnstitunonal
atgocultnent, and to u hlch IL is known the i Nailing of Clunboata-Pentau Mallen, the c , 1 . t e 1 r .g . :' , „": ,.., 1 1 .. , t t
,e . tort . t.t; ~,,,,r,,:,,,,,„?,,,,,1r.1i,,,,
Clef Justice Is opposed in its present t New Togo, May 66.-Tlae gunboats August.. t h ooney In the 11011.4., Ile ~ .1•10. to have eon
fonn as el/eon:dant lonal, rolil the other to tbe Anittliol, and the Iroo,lati Stint/tot/Onion, of 1 , i , e a the 1,1,.„ „r ~...,,„,, ~,,, ~„„,...,,,,, ~,,,,
trial of Jeff. Dun., on Monday next, the op- the Nalitern Flying Squadron, were U. salt ! twenty nf the Is, Ile mem ‘1111,,1, *entered
pointed day for the opee big of the Circuit front thin port to-dav tor Rim/port. The gun- , th house stealth lir • but (helm/ bemi the
Court at Furiolk
bout Shamrock was io have Made./ t win Philo. i „.„„ g „... „„ atona l a„,i sidin gs „ 0 •.,„....
II Is suruthard, In the . 1 1Scuallon over the delphia for the same place yesterday. i lon 1,:,,,,,1 Inn, I, get assintitnee, ita tere
IWO. Mets of the Reconstruction reporb that The Fenian Senator,. a ere present In pretzel- I Wos a robber In the lion,. The Ix then a e
the MI o f the to the proposed Constiti. Inary Session in this elly yesterday. An In- , ~,,,, the ', mu , r . y,. (h e 0 „1„.
tin tlittnanoiMent will mune alma the clause (retry 1 to be Made Into //Uptowns' manage- , tm..., passe' wo _., e 1 0 ,1i 0 „,, i 1„,,, „ ire ,.
ilk nehming rebels in such a whole/ode man- tnent 0 the Irish (1 0 11.1.11111111., and he Is said ~,,,,, ,„ en, not or li e am/1.1 shmo
,o r. •A great slimy Republicans are opposed to be Mad morel, rewponsible tor the iteeetug . h m ,
to It.
of the brotherhood here. The Ell elre.•'s i an a t . in•ing armed with a nary (evolver.
fib a. , wilC.,, teso.
The towerintleut is understood to hen inset are After the (lord warning the boy
agar' to be In modielol eenelove 10-.... Y• 1 1.107 up t•• LIII4 limp hail not spoken. but go
-- - " to tile amount of 010,0 it by the tailor° of the
the hall Mel 10.......1 through hisloaly he roll to
Merchants National Rank.
Condition of New York nook. ' the 11... r ~..10 nit ing-e) (In have killed ote,
FARTI.I ell 1•0111 r, bitty G.-The Ste:Mier Pent- The following Is it list of the fonds load by i
~ . ~.„ „„ , ~,, ,„„ m a I, I n iiftw ei , minute s
ylan, from thyerpool on the Aga, via London- the United Wale. Treasnrer In the vault, al ~N„,? , . ‘ r „Y ‘', ”•,A 1; ',1,;',,- . ' I ",, 1 . :, 1 ,;,?,‘,‘,. ' 4 C .-- ,,; °- ,...'!, - dfter he . . .4 deal Tim ' - ball ssed entirely
World glOn. l' s. legal Motters, nail 6272.- "" 7 7' g - " e " a -', aa •* 7 - ''''" *' 7 * • 11l , lit • Lady, 6 i•• t .• Ire one of the
derry 011 the 27111, arrivert off this point this
I ork National banks I. take. front the, 1.... ks w "'lt ' o ."•t' te tt . . ,
000; 11 tional hank imlea small, wsi,B6lo, frac-
Into lung Wit. brings five days later news D,,,„„ „„r reney, ra tt . , 0,73/0,,,,. ....c,..,. 6,4 ,000 , 10 e, or the l'omptrollercif t lo• saunas)' ' LOW,. aro/ ti11 , ' , ..? . .:' , l Is "et 51.0% I: t:lothe,le,tor.„,r;,ong
Neither the steanish 11./ Ity of Washington nor 5i1 . ,,, •; :, , imam, go, 4„,,,p.,,,,,,,,,,,, :ed ~,,,,, diamonds 111:14,57t..16, c. , . Luau. it' 2 .6591.' - .1. th • .Is inl, 4 16,......g,' 1151 bet
~ eII
_. . 1 ,
the Prom/M/s, both overdue ot ivrpool, hod D,..„ , ~,,,,,,,,, 1,, twin a. ~ . owl., 031.e.,7,1,".... profit. i.„...„,,,.,,.... „ 1 , 1 us, , ens 11.1 hilt, half art 11,1 In front. of thc
tth e n eteed. s 3s .etaS 40.{-7, 00. t• a l t , 1 ..,. 6. 1, 1 1. . a house. Itel IM. 1..3 ••••ezal to hare been high
arrtved out. up In the time of the mailing ot the ,•,,,. i , tats.uat ; sneer, j....T41,1k1a; Cents, re- -* •
The I tilted MMus war steamer hoarsarge, .
.• tork frOm tile lit to the .431 It of Api it, amount- 1 , ' , it". tote.", ' te , o stntidc reel
ed f r om thii,por m , t om , 4,, ' O , 00). lrh„
•Z1,08'..0.10. The ' ;' e l:ll ' .(ll: t ' ..U ' r n t,..;!..• 1/ ' ; ' N " . ' . ' ... . 1 . 3 1: peel .../. tie. I .11,1 rt..l heat tl3 Mu The etc rtt 11.
I "..:.ner, .1 fund surplus fund Le . iR,O7/..,
from Sierra Leon, has arrived Nlnemen of 1 ,
,:..,,,,,,,,,, . 01 f„.-,.. ~,,,,w , o ', nor ,. w i.',... ~,.. (g . i . , L , r.,7„,, , ,.,c„, ~,,,, II„, ,0,.,„, ~.., ~.„ ~,,,, Is! or the Net. wa. enough to
all t hitt
1 .41„,,,,,,,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ~,, I,1.: „ ma ,. 6 ,,,,, , I the union ibliate lean tell It ..I.•111/1 to h. own
Lee crew were attaekeil .101 lever and Mar- 1 , ,,,,,, „,,,,,,03,0„1 1nt, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , a,, , ,,,, ,00 „ . . '
teen died. The Near . ..urge Is In striut • ph, c„,,, m ,„6,,,, 0 , 0 , the I„ Lon .„ 0 i i . o „„ e• and Ruston from Aprii glst to th e I.stb, tea c h_ roll?. 00 000 Ilegt , •111,1 the Sea oceurrenee
upon a theent decision of the Supremo Conrt, " 1 3 -hv "4 1 ti or Ntadee'llSt• or Mt Its effeel. Mole keetil, thou the poor
The new correspondent of the 1..n.10u Tim., ; rules that when a broker Is engaged In se/ling 1 be, whose tl.lOl 0 3 Imil beet] 4.. sen ecely teal
mulerts On tile highest authority that the .
...1 lII' lord ah. al len belote a magistrate MI
not only his on n.,nlock, exchange, bullion, I Fro .
, ..„. ~,,,,, ~,,i ~,..
.„ 1 „. 5„,.. :elm
(II t „ i „.....
• Nets 'Orleans and Gulley tion -
American Government will do what is right as
rained money, ban. notes and other seeari- I Naw 015LICANS, Ma) S. -L'ot toe tlet.ltaligfal l, .:, , abont fort/ 1 tars of age od leaver
soon as the Fentiond glee It sugleient cause to
t but also in selltng then, for others, or tor I ndn Irregular; sales to too bales at antdic Ile- • .. a .n.,1 • ,... at , .•1,,h1,.,.. 111, „ .o. „., ..., o , L au
t ies, sion, he Ina banker doing tinaincss Oh 5 etuple MS/My a ere Via salvo. sterling,..t , .. • ii, a netalthot on the es mime 11. e
The Mont nation - Simi at the carious English broker, and is liable to a tax 11110/1 all his I 1 he Galveston authorities liar e lasuml ail or- relief. .1,1 tool It'll Ihe lonise le th. 1. raping
Parts have r e eeirtut Coventat lb ., fll rMobl' sales. the salt, of his own stock, .X.c., are In- 1 der granting perm its tO rail leg mil4ters to lie of Ito! . • .
to take precaution. against the Minima.
t . 3
~ 01101,1, and the intorno! Km enue °Mee, have thmr ong, health 6thham s unless there . rusk.
1 I the the llouse or c ommon., , a , the :-.slltruu• been lusty lleted It. proems! at Mire to tho los. ~,,,,,s ahrked. obi 0... ...e• I/ I •
y ell tee t or. tor mi
1,1 i 1 alishing the declaration ~r i•ouromitits -
a been
and onlicetam of soch tax, mat .toon nit/mut instateleet the 1 esponallol My that i lia '
to 'the idturgy tid the I hurab of lingland le, the sales of brobers nod 01 beelines , 10111li on ~1,l et . ` 1111.0101, 111.1ging ithiti the a enthet, a Inter
F.. ".... of "'lc" s o , thlll' the bUslitems as brokers, or emelt tor Still rental.] TI •et 6, of 'rex:. are ereellent. 0111 to •r rr In the leo 01 ...prilig, r..• have ru ni-
Comm°. by Set against RC.
niaritisi, co due and onpuld.
Slyer is falling, and the danger of all ell.ot ..,,,,,,i,,,,.. 1., Ming out Inc dowers, and
The political interest centres in the fate of e 1., .. • 1 ,
no 1 t te ont.l F. T. tient. Major of the I overflo w 10 post. •
the itetorte pill. A .11Ver.11./11 Is expected nn
idol lie the uses and shriller .1 lb .3111.1 feet Nit,
Foorth l nited 5t4.411 Iniailtry Is antostincisl
the 2.-th, owing to a defection from the Liberal as ablel ' , amp On the stair of Lieutenant Dart
~,,,0,.0,1„, I S , i
.., i.„..,...,...,..
.lurr. tin smordity lust 6, /.1.1 . 0110,1 din os tar
ranks by. the to
of seoeral Liberals General tar:tilt, iti place of Captain Peter Z. ,„„ s 4-4 0 ,' 44 .: Fire.„ s n
~..„' 5 ,.. -- 0 , so 10. 11111.1 ale retnetery, tool the vier., and the
OWleg I.llell election to brther?• °PlWenteet fludson, rellerful 10 hl. own request. The fob •-• " --7.. ...' ' m r""- -"r•te.'"-••"taa "" le.e-77 fresh air, 01161 the odor of flow et. and the
Journals assert that there wit be on actual ' lowing otileeni .e ell noutiewl a , military sec- 1 ST. Lot.. May •-• -The et tens , . stables tool . general bounty of I Ile scen,•ry lt tyr, enough to
ItiajortlN :walnut the tell
rem, ~... to G.,, , ml Grant. woll 1 ant of Rob car noose of the / nth street ratithad inn Pon) . o.lrl et loot t o t the t t eel to 0111 Ilfe II our
The is
my. In tease of m 1.014116. defeat, one?: 5e..00.1 idrutenant Fly sonharkers, raw_ al the lower part of the
net.), together a ltli I eitircn r , /moped up .it lila tam s,a,iy eonflues
tile ministry w 111 11111,Mtlately ,rep if they
on , 1.,..,„„ shires (•,,,,,..,..„. , „000„.1 0 „,,,,„ .. one hundred owl forty horses and mulm, sto4 of the city. could Only he made to fel the
have only a small molorny rollitt Of 11,0 mulls- ant ~lam g,,,eray, Vot,ro, I „,,,,I Mat, I„. tOoll ca, all the harness and foroge, 0 ere I'M te Ilerient of e astir er 1.1.1.. al I 111- seasonof the
ter. will retire, a bite o th ers swill assist 111 wet,.
la/ 111-St night. Loan, 5A.5,000, Insured for liS yrs , 3 ear out 1510 opell Ileitis, nt ler a week 1,1 herd
form ng a coalition ministry in conjunction
, We burn that mreretary WrGolloch lu. In - In elty o Ces. The Ille Is supposed U. be the lobo, , they a oilid not Itesitatt• to ar ail them-
Whit Lord St..leY. Walpole . Mr. If" r. , ' 'tee t I• I the • I f t • l •II I. t. - work of an Mcendlary.
, ./.. ril, I ' in so R. a 0 .111". aria n 1 r . 111.
• , ..1, 00 of every opportunity. We room! the
- others.
mint to diseliarge all Incompetent anti Ise(- Six bUtthleas boases at St. Joseph a ere burn- Mess, lint. htlisoll-father tted aim
-busy in
The Loudon Slur calL, for the tlisscilutiou of
flcient eterks. and supply their pieces with WI On nooses
night loss, S.Shistc, insured ~,,.,,,,,„,.„, .........„.....,„„ ..„ iii....,1,..,..t.„g
Parliament. and fin appeal to the country In • rain • tall I ti •II 1 •II II • ' fur a.M,Olle In Eastern Well Mtn ler
ptLell 111.1101,1. 1 y • le tarp... au • us f
110 We I , 011 I if,. gray,. •
of those [lleose remains
ease the tntnistry are defeated.
The Commis. loner of the Indian Bureau has I
6 repo. with,. tab/ silent s l
ily o dead. and
Suttethlrait's Circit.. ilated the eventhf • •
recelven leformittlon to the effect that there 1 F . gra hi... Amory-. ..... Defeated . doing everything in their pewyr t ~.t.1.1 10 Ile ow
of Um 2.5 th of Aprll, says: American sorer -
~ . have lam n but fen aets of 1 mlian In lessnes " - '
esmentatlMV.So those Ilt, erg (new. interred
New Yens, May 5.-Tio• /ler/arty Havana '
et-liierieeTtif3l..eFfotihge7,o:: I r TIOI-;,-7, , , , ,,, , A . .1,7,1, ~,'
.',1... Ju r ; , ..,I that immigrants crossing the Plains ore 1 , , . ~ ..
the . , in the .11fferent eemeterhos .0 `t ould stir thitt
'l a baubbeb " a 3" ' ne t .‘ter""r• "e t '-- [ hl, is the proper time to those ritin
of the r.ntinenL The erruroe of business 11119 ; I r' ' ' '''' l hertetahl Y I ' d* the Inal ' mrlt "'H..' .al ecru .comandant at Al etwounteted 6. form.
i obotes to the h. , pis}' g
st mg plaersi Of deceased
been codalderable. There hove been sales on I
of Maximilian', troops Ilmo % Itle .lel ren!to,
German acenutit, which have been allst by or- . CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS I and We, defeated, lOSIMI three pieta, of will- f:dentl, Flowers Ll ' irld• f 0 Ilv arranged , around a
grave ot lof HO 110 t melt el ne h trio, than the
tirs for purchases for 410pment to Nen Sort.
ler , y.
labor employed and it liews that th,e who
AL the close there 6abonn renewed demand fo r i _ .
I tiargia's Liberal forces here been broten , . •
oar .• passot away urn not eittlf ell' forgotten.
WI ilt.ortptions, ad% closing at 7i.00171.04/ 1111- 1 IV Al 4 l/ISUTOS, Mar poi. 'up into anal/ bands. ,
xt 111 i Ida., it maga itivea t . onservatory Is con
note Centro/ at wsactit Erie on large from! I
Iltit•sli, Thirty-Mime person. had been arr.-, .1 .111.1
111 , 4•14•11 a Ith the gloom., and Sir. %Intender
Wen, were sold down to SP,. but rear-toil, I The it , „ t ,, „,,,, „ th I tried by rXturt m artia l for uttrung rentlitomt s
, e. n. me for L.. n / In 0 I C, . . „
ilmeittitson err:rel., tbe min/wt. good taste
closing new at 51.4.
i Prialitlenti. annual inefsage it. tf - In Commit- ' b , brain" bli 'abror
11l the rele , elloo of plea e 1..., flOneet, shrubs and
ArsTato Amp Pat...lA.-Pile/0e telegraMl.l • ..,..„, of L h e Who', I
, - - -.....-
, term .,,s alar. in their politic/us in regard to
to Lb. P .ric if " .f !c"' "."1 teat Pacdar Sr. ! Mr. Phelps addressed the Douse on the sue- / The Weatera f e l on Telegraph Co. the lots le a Iti. li Inc} are planted. A large
ir la o l i t w i l • Zi ,r, A i li , e- g • p.,,,,,,f'o,,rme,ol,,,,Trtoimzporting the pcialtion I Nsa. 1 oha, m a , o -Th e New 1 orl /tredd i i t e, i ,n c l i . , t; , / ,, c , . , f ,, u s i s t - t r , i ,,, a ,r r. ,. . , ... , , , ,L.1 , , , , ,, , , , ,0 1 hr the
, M , Let t i i r , s e .
to the Austrian prapo aa i r oc a ...t...‘i disarm- I n or. Ingersoll was Do' nest speaker, It Is sure I (hi i .' mier"l"g• Houton, ''' 11101" ' le . t r e j * ... 4' . ng . ornamesital lon 01 the he, .111):1:4'gr'.r4 (iota
ano fad
•of meow. tons ~f tlo . rt.. iit
! Ject being also that of reconstruction lie ex.- . Union Telegral. enslite • and toeheated the different lot %older+ x tait th e moaer em
The cAucur, of Bavaria. eonllrms this intellt- , 0,....1.41 111111/Mir as gratified at finding the • nee Its etart to the prem•at Cele The ••••3 pleasant .la 3, and et., n m.llol'll, you a 111
hat all ti a r 1 a Car in . '
genet., assertma t a gc 5
,i,:„„,,,,,,„ p arty of [lle aorta advocating I Cl one
msenples eight mine - Ms, and , i emote Is•dtitply repaid Inc Nom It on ble.
Germanys removed, and the Paris I bows. --
I anti/ the same degree or warmth nail with tile , with inform:note otettitiod trot. I otonel fin It.-
Mosel accepts the news as out taw
satio. , l , ack ,, , , rf , Inwor. CT, rrl l tte t il , , , lyes , whie t, h o t n he J r 1 Is „,„‘„, bb, . 00 , 0 ,, 0 „,,, 10,, , z, II ,„ 10 „, 0 11 ,,
Wholeimlie Bosinena
A Berlin telegram 00 y,, th,. r,,,,,,,,, o f a Tres- , thi“...,lwirettic.rnYnneirs".''The anort.b:-r.e'le"'mocrals ' In
rning*i , sg' ' li
, e a„. t - 1,r, e . 1. .,.. 11 .. 11 , e i, 7, • : • iii Ihu i .111.) anti Itriday ilitlem ,t, ,It,
ty of alliauce between Prussia and Iv are . wee ,, 0.0 „.„,,, „„, a .„,„ g
0., . ~,,)
~.,,,,„ l all goestien .toth • I
'' * " '•* ' 31eltom -.Oise and Arun ti had (het r hands full
stmecas of ibin grand cote epris.•
atwolotely unfounded.
to suleterve the purpoara of the whipt.l de-
oi moiners. Puring the toe nit). referred to
Thu rano,. of the, lolatton of An - drine t° , ! Mom southern chivalr. The patriotic. ono
ritory by sue Italian tolunteers, and a eons,- ,M e of the north inal 104 rally the defeated ' Cord from 0 /laneney
th e • ' • st.l ••‘ to tor .. 1 , ..•,...-1 ..r .1 1.:.....1 loon o to
q". 5 e. g . .......' atop ''.''..- "a P rl ' e.-I 1 relwle to tight and the northern fiends and 111- ' Xlf Yr 101 M, Slay c.-Ilemi t mitre 0'.116./..aim tmu liege of sail mg • r ot u. tatetl telt ,
(a 1...
. his of the tetrel s to tight, teat the) ale" bad the publishes a eurd explataltaa the t eeen 1 Milton /111. " toot Itoe t on g ••ii,..,, , t a ,„ „ i . ta g 1,,,,,-
The unit mle of Artstrla and [il .mntintten l g
~.,...tiy,. to fi g ht. a oil. ° a ~,,,,,,,, a nd t o seta ex...,,,,, honorwhiel, he aa. I. dto 1.- • it° of lbe a lode nand., over ote-htd,t wore
menacing The Florence Jaunt s /. o.oo.sent '
„ pat[ a onage Th. :soaker,' itrlrlOstril. yau d the ' lies 'c Nt s4l, 11/Mimi tot 3, in I, s•larlea that rerliee. I, destilts. th. 1... 111.. t wa
in . ft repotaldu
that the Austrlttu government aml urtiertai • ...,[.... t o 1., /o f , , „..„0.1. hot / .. /er , hay,. i t , I or a l.. ~,,,,, I,,,,rhatuto paella s) ne s lilt /11 t.. Mee Vele 0 , 1 1 hat .....1 1i0n... d .411 Um re
all the Iw o and moat force In Vettitio .. In' , ......•em,,,,,,t 0 . ima m o r No, t 0,,,, ~ , ,,,,,L,,m, , to, pm., and that . gem., eela.l t e....... 1„( •iiiliomenls /loot. , di ' 1 /, the lan, and thot
placed on a war footMg by lie not of kia, , . th r h t ,,, h . it„. 1,,,,,,,.. „ I l o t a ., ~ a „,l ar,,,,,,, I aa , a ." hot 1.,,,,,,h,.4 l a -„„„,..„ t o l a t. p a . i .r. its ~. • I Ur+ , "II :,1 1, 1.1 I:, • owl • mild not
and that au, ~,,,,,ratlett of : Matte, A fats, Irrel. had leen pro rente.l to Um movement Ite hopes fo, rehea 4,1 set. it) Iwe "es • 0. ,, -., •• • ben,'.. then "nasal to
troops wan to take place m the proVIIIMI/r Irw- i the penile. and the President hal , tone Whet 'On the arrival of rte./hoax grout nor 1 ..eli re, T 1,,. toot t Lt, 11:41 a dire
r 11M. It w.f./Meted that the I/teller/1r NA. h „ e „„ I a „„,,,,,,,,,, rise 1. „,,,,,,, ft ,,,, I „. ~, ,
-....- —I, tto In rho.. on 6: a.• tante, e .1111 its
poloon had declarell to the it a 11,,,, I ainnet, Inger...lll. .01.1.1 Oil [Ol In Ma pastor to en-
.3,,,,,,, Si ar,,,,,,ti g ,,,, coos, An5.i.,, 0 1, 'in" ."'''. i cta'../a , •Il" , ".. an e), .Nod
that he will in n o way . 0 ., 00 , th s ly to 1.1..1, C't . lllll4k I lII' deception a Mel, I los President 6.1
b. the bmt ,Ind ests of the • otarienti, at
an attack from Austria The Mn Isle! or Pr... i the . „....., ~,,,,,,, . 0 „, , , „ o „, „ o „, the pe„. ite If Yuan. Usy •, Icerieont ~. ill(; II ,„„ t.„ 4 .,. m „,,, „,,,,,,A„.,,„ re,„.„,,,,,
Dee of t • Muna had he. notteml that the A ete I ob. Ile SI. louses/Alt look the ground that ,attlx.interl )10i. .Shea Ito en .1...1 0 .. et the'., i. ometem 16,•,..... n Ito dopiest tor 1101•11.1e0 to
tel., VI. all home he neve/Wars h„ ...,..wem another the rebel 5t..., Sell' of nom not oa t , Pr em. , court or A ei-- , •• 1, . u" 'l° . ' " t • ""• ''
k oll ito u - i'll' le-d" "•••••••••-•"''' " tt tit " ^r.. .. -
ensuing the A marn-Itattan 1 roe tier.
f the I nein..., my ...t.
l e Diem he- 'au's . " by the 'teeth id Judge Tie 1r
mod, ton ~/ iho ...ii.;.. , bet 0 I nese pertle..
The i. lemur WM.. , I . ...d to h:. , ,• ad- ' ... ° .allie ot. all/ ri enelet ~. as 11.,.. le la. I re.tte.l .
5amm0....................„. •
dressed eireular 1.0 the Prossiat. se4l other ' ~, 0,,,. t „ ,..../..0.. tit la o I / as a rot •
}•"lr "r e '" " '" l ' ' " I ''"" I " ll "'"" ilia ' o ' ,• K an, ./.1 tot... an .teo , ••.• ter . ..te w • CITY AND SUBURBAN.
A tt4,13 armament - _me r. tebtrwl et , esrall .„„.„. ~, ..,,,
~,,,„,„. ~,,,.. ~, .
tO the Jorirs.e.llrig r or LIM 11./ I/111 I• ' ' re- ......„ ~....„. ....
..„.. i „. r .„ . . ,„ , .„.„.„.
I 1.. 1.1,
Men,. I, Wear. h'w told toss A '''' 1 • I MOM s riters on toternational las 11.. 4 snort of 4 bortonn Plena
n, ..a1.. , I, .•,.
tit Went Of Mtn Prumsait king coo- ,
s il i l i if ee il:V i t y tic ,
of ii,ii •
iiii„.‘iiii,i I . rii... , t ,, sprrased hi. bellef that the, n mild rot.-at er./ar [h. row., ~ full loon, ••• the „ „,,,
~, ~,,,n ,
~,, I ,„ ~,,.
l .1•11 lIIIII.' Mus °lts in restoratio n If lite • ,
sla lot I m p
/w e:
, l•reatC, rot or the Ie $ 1,1 7.1411.11.• 111.61 ...bIb••/-111.4- ' '''''' . 1 ''''''''.' ' iron ''• -.''''''• i li ''''' '. I, •Isl• 1, 11 , 01.• 1 me.l cod 616,a I, ell lilt
Te e tem., t 00... states are . , bt
, n , a , t .e 7 . ~,0 , ,,,J, w 0,.... Sou r ~,..5.,,,,,.., ~,, ~,,, t „ bro. t, be*. premot 1 0.• t I ..ree, I. t 0. /,.^ rai1...6 , 1 t iro. ,
, t %la,. 1.110 , .... 1../•li a.. • 1,,1
717:: I'l.:•''l..;:;''''"l ''.'"'''''''':‘''''' -' 41.' . "g ...' '' '' ' '. :' .: . ; ; .. ..17 '-' ::: !. "'Y :If " I I "- hr'1.!„"1:1;71'. Y .11', I g 7:•.. " 1 " %; ' ;1/ I ;I: I . ; 71' 1 ".
n "''' , l ; '' '' . ' ' :""'"' ''''
" "(
' ' l ' ' ' l "' ' ' ! ' il.. 'I I : I . . " ' h l T71 1 1'7:717 " I:7:7 '."•'/'. 1n7.7„ n •
W, et giotot Mt tee reform
•- -----• -, --- --, --1 P — , •,,,,,, ,',,,,,,f ~ "rt. low ..f th, ... o'i 11. is not .0.
-'II wan5pa........ .sll4l ~ .wcerouriiiiv, to onleo be° riod i ...ter was to , kldl Ihe ./. a .... .„. ~..t ~, , „.,,, ,„
A o A ' t ` trl a" dr• T a '`" "I Ill " I• '"'• l ""I''''' I " i - e1f, 0rn.....1.6. he 1,-.....1 to no 'a •
I. ,r it si as Mr Mini /tt 1.10 I Mir( ef I 111411 m. 11. A ' mom ion. 'Wu It , .13 . ... - tehe re , it, done- Ala tie te
flirartuateent, ant the Prat•,...l Mt., .0 the i ., L , L „, th„, L. „„ win,. ~,,„0 00, . 0 „,„,,,,, „ f ,„„
, 0 ,,,,. , i. 0,, , o , ,„ 0,..,1„„ t o
op i , s , ogo .1,,,,,,,.. Ur' ..' 1 , •11 1.1, 'lllll, n loot 11... 1.01 fell Ilein It
.:1141, agreeing the:vit., Ore pelll oohed
a es. at fw, Amite.% J•IIIIII.I111 n,, b6,-, In th.• b nth of I IV 1i•it...1 me .., an .., • UMW. 4) I ..., .... la 1 a ...s. Ito t.Olterel nret
The Parts Itonrse Oa Lt., rah u 0.. May, • t:„,„ ants ~,, . „„„ g„ i ,„,,,, 0 ,„, • • • ,
~ , , , ..„, „,,..• ~ .....„,..., .dr. roootr 011,1 u a.. ~....
Mb et .Iret 011 2/0 Lb a elsti.l .01.1 /It t. .11r _ll IWs
itentes, tee : . , ! ia• '
• heart in the pro. •ple lea,, c link ilea 4, wns road. wohm the bout •ot ~. to Irerte t a rr geom.. ....0.r.•.1 if. T., ~ t...,,,,,... m aboo
The tom, n h., 601.•/.11.1.1 the We of the t /al ,
„ i fought And,. s reheroti hall beet.. tot matte r•mdered for th, plaintiff tii int- •iitti ot 11/ • lu ri ll' I'''' l - ”1""' ' l' • •• "( I ''"I"' " " .1 'id flea
I, ...I 'd I a...1/1. " . .. " I I"' /' '' l III". In "‘ ia- I ' i taming ihe I new, In, rtere he rase es tt......,.. / .1 /nut, ....ejmi to rise .1...,...... .ot 1 .or to. t 110 ti• Noe tmel,',- t • 0 LI.I lend
of Loral and a hypecbturedrime
6 fanner. ot Nattimg sureessfulir afaiest my 1 oort I.n the time. of 1.3 4 i met red "r• IM'. ."' • 4" , 1. , - '..4 1 . 4 l'em'ddetabir
The Tarnish governnient has /wet a promai to 6 „.
„...„ „,.
.„,,.. ....
1 ...... ,„„„.„....„
r. 0„.,...
„,...„., Ili ~ _
.. „
lie „
the coufe,m, or p,, e ,... „......,,,,,,,, „„. „m et ion
0,,,,, , 6 r , the I r a ilen %mires tobtose t sae II II Foal., aunt I J Keenan unite.... lye 11... le.. ted 1 , ......., , re.ln .1 he t ..1.11.. the ..... ew
of he
' Marl '''. r'l H ' I ' llar "I I° "- an II "1" • es-e 1.11.01, 0 'eth er , s man. w dli ihe •pram • plaintiff. Ann V 1 s. I 1 If et, of 1 len eland a nd tt .tt '•,- •• ,,,, e•
dar of Roumania. A nopototion Itml left I.t. .
.... Item the onisnorn the hatred aard tie .1. s I saboy e r tot •lerendant, It at II Ic a
° ”'t.'"' for Ib. flib I" tenter the I",..eitte ` h, ' ' twirstit too of the southern people. Andres • Oared II 1 I toils• •..1 t.. I.e. erre
no Inll e so/ en
bealla Arun. A p./ple Jo.
In 1110 PTlnce.
1 .1011tormi 1,,,,1 nevar been meow. ~.1 by lb.' lost and n immix, am ere.- otouret. unloor , „ . . „ ..
~, ,
CcorTnx..l•llll. A, March lA, ISO. -The hope, nal
• southern leaders sho inaugaritt•••l e tubel- ; Mete rather 1 eke -..stsee lot et the reerionter '
.7,..;. •
,';:,.., '',^' ''''''''''''' t '' ... r.'t
at - nil' bue " I 'lal"I'd a ' n ''/Id"l'' ree " r 7 " we ! Mo. of 111. •1 1 peer. so that lie t herefiarl .on ttle 1011 meths/Mar 1t.111.1,01.0 11.1.•
..,'.‘r 1 ,,,..'".'. i .. ... ..7 . : . ..
~....;:, ''',...'',.... 4 . 1 .7 ... '1'
Saene rebel., re r po... m t to t,„ ~.„„ ~....,,..„,,,11,1„11. onty. o ., .., ben h e re..., to go. with tn. in /le . aranments were male by lir te ts mot ••• n
~,,,.h.,1 1., ,,
army of the Taiping...6m, north-• a./ Tar n- I
never bad Mom .de then am un , of lb...poke. 'F. The principal ;eon t earrao a. on te• , , il,, „
~ , s
„,•, 0, .
s, , a „„„' „
Met lasted two days, act , / reautts.l I/I all 111, '
01 the ...adhere .././Itleni Wheel. fie Car Its sent 1•. 110 Ittleatte , son of tin- ' t
math It ...•31,
. t ..' • "
rebel.. beam either all or lake. pens- • ~,,, ....1,11 will, the ia „,,,,
„, ~„ m „,,,,.,„
,„ ,
~.„......„ .., 0 „....„...... 1 ,..,
~,,,,,,,,.,,, ~,,,,
.... , a ‘ .l.. ~ a Ir , t , . , . e , .. „ 1, ,. .... ,, 0 ,
, 1 , 1 ,,, . lor..
onms. The Imperial 111 . 0) sse 1 /. 11 .1/ 'H .- . %Inver, slal.l. be Itrill. r litsl 111 111. Intone. and : the • ...srusrl) ... et rel te 0 .1 ..... ..11.111,1‘ ', , , f .. P '".".,".! „ 1 ,... '
n . ..• t ‘ .t.t . .1. 1 . I . li t e ' . ' eseni 0 • tha ' t
o r the•ripmuns .....,../ tor life Ile hod talk. 4 har, I. en 1.1,,i, ”, tll.“ ~t• I , - lou 1 1 AX' •I
, ~,,
„,.,, ~
~ ther . ...
bleide. Mob" , 'lb.'," -/eribid " ... nbbl• '''' b' j item nf toe idoel, ay.-. of t reaar.i. s ben tm. charge no tit. pale Ir, sod a ,11 o. 1,, ~ie t a t • " " ' •'' '"" "` "
ca 6, 1,6 -theg.,. ,11.1 as. i .11,•I4 11..1 he
sit It , ' b. , .1"1',5t I.s,r.s"''''"s""'' '"'''' rn- 11 V/re. 1.1. interest to .1.. an, when de. norm AI IVI ...11-1 1 610..
~ .•I mo t• • ...cht 11a. s 1,. sr. ales/ into (Hsi,
petal and an rein ''''' I" III "'""" I d " . . he 6.1•1.1 reit, in In the.l nitral state,. senate
..6.1 t• al" lc. 111 111...111 a, 1' In ./ L. a. In !Iv-
Insn•l 1110alerlite The lank ,tr. remota. at
.„ .....,,,,
„„ 0 ., ,r „ ,
„......„.„, ~,,,
~.„..„.. b . , .
tar ~.....„"wr Sgrails / s,y ti .• ...1.1.te a .t. sal twl in, mit ma until lite was
6 percent
as mon as lie Wan ..101111,1 itrllll the pone/ of know that . ,„,„ , r , 0 ,„,„, ..„. ~„,„,„, , . ,
The sr ife of Thoma s Car/y le .11e11 r ery rm. P •l• t Ibe ...I to I,re •I red le l'Se - -- - ' '
role '''''''.'" ' '"`' ''''. 1 1.1 , 1 an tiottlert
. res , " • o • an' ' .-• .I'. • 101011.111 of the Pat...Ml/0, Nowt MOO he,. ' w eels, ..e. 1 the M t 1 toned a 4 mai, lad
delad slope " . ""g . rarr b i g" I Ilk• l " 11 / I ' ,
be whispered ho the ears of the relml. that al l p.„ 0 „,,,„,. iha.,.. Inc ~,,,, al l ~, 111- law 11 • ,fr et w moo; . .
~....,.„ •
to. ~,,,,, st/net ittoilableS traitors ate. Mere 10 , „.„,,„,„„„.„‘„ .1,, e ase' „ IA. t „., ~„ ...
The warlike news to the 'timer, ot the list,
anniumn, In fn. Sea F. 112 lend wet mere
ill_: ..... ~.r . „.„,„ hale 1 , 1 %, ~. ,„, ..,, ..., ,„ , „...
about the w • itlidrsa al of Ministers troth Iler. „,.„ . r .„ ~.„,,,,._„, i .„ . . , o f„ 000 1 , 1.
1 , 1,1
.., .
~, . •,
~,,,,,,,; , ,
1111 latiil % lenne. was talon The floe, 11./ '
~ ~, , o , ~. o , on , por , , ales
...., o
~. .n .
11..., , .. ,
I L .. .
. nl..
housed by forged letters h. , . the t ri rrlgb "I .- a m , name. Imo giving the ile by los osn a• - ~,...,, ,-.,, . 1 , e• I -•I II
: I-I "n . In Ill ` •I ' .°lburni s 06fr a hr ha ” e 'e r. " - gehots iier. ...a it • is ..,1 i. nen tine
The( ollowing inn lotterizary of the nes- /eat
_,,,,,, „._ ~..., .„,....,, ...,... „._.,......
on. t I MI
' It f . to 5.1.1 nit I I.• 1.1 •
ma by the steamers hangar.. and Penn., it ...
ei 4 i ," .. i .,"" A r ii i , i r e;
~%,",,i • T. 7
„:"'„:" ou . r wow/wow.
''•' '''.. an a- hlrli to tat... praise,. %V, wow t Nuagost
sin, which left Liverpool on tee Mtn of April th.T.,,,';',,;, , r, „1,1 ~,,,, ~„o „ ,;:o f .,'„,. ,„
, tr, I, iii. , .
o (.411 1110410/, hen 111 n 11.4 t *.. boor 4. the ...toe
hi the House of Common. on the 21111. Sir, , . ,
Mit .6., the ..t...
Cardwell Mill/ the Government nun V/1110,ul 6 ', l t ", i „,.„ . „ , ..
„. m . (01 ,„ „„,.......
Of .. , 1 , ti,c I r4letu Irt t .. ,. .. , / ,,,, 1 , 1 fie Ir , .
~, .
°M e"' .nr ''r na.°96 n r . thr w " Menton d 'o . 1 . 1,,,,,, ..,,, ' ,...,,,.. tinter. , . rm., I .7.'r,twola.,t, ` ':„ l . ' ,7, ' ,',',: s t , .." " .." '„ P. , .
.. to now) 0 .o. 1., i ~
onstration salon Venetia, but knew tam .
„.„„„....,..., „„. „....„,,,,„. . 0 „.
.......„.....„„ 11 inper 'shirt.. 10 s Well le Isl., , o el.-,
every preparation ball beer, tootele to owlet !aI, It a .e. that I ratite-. had toot been tried r h , rat. . .. .. ~
tor gel 1,1 I 0 lit tot,
against an attack by sea or land 6
. oml "seeou'l li.• .Incersoll non
.ager car t •• thinking rep eon fis - .ppm rts..l,'•
A public meeting am. held In tondo. mt tbo 1 a l. 1 1 ,. „,„ tos i 11, 0 1 Andrew •lehrisou a' °aid ne, ~i,..,, ~, ~,,lit )05 ate ts-iiis lust u Its lei
21th to Inanimate the Stature/LI Freedmen/.
i „, , i , • ,,,..„„ ~_, ~„ ~,..,..... ~,•_, , f iiii , , ,.
(1 ,
Mt ' refer ' et Great h e and ter "Ire 01 1;te.1.011,1*;...1eir".;*, Ab.l " . * •• •* l ' 4.linson wni/167 '
" ITT' . P r ' de • A "g thew. I , —u - pardon him All that traitor* bad to do mot
,- -...-- i
Mr. Bright, Sir I'. P. Ramer, Mr. inghes,M. 1/ ww „ ~,,,,,ggioto olp 1.1..0r10.y rolonigli tio Comig to Ply mouth 10arr....!...-„T”7
eel” 1t.,, were made and ,aoltit inns minimal w... 0„„,,,,„„
a „,,
~,..p h. t .„,, 1 .„.„ ‘ „,
„,„, ~,,, gallon of Ply ~,,,,, t . li eller, 1, ll • , •,, ~ i „, t
In favor of extended effreta In treat Britain
lenry It Mtwoo, I aster, held tin•ir r. e
gm it •or if they did tint erowent then- at. 1.11.. 1
W aft! the freedmen.
items 1 111monally , they .00tIld oil, 1/0 thrteigh vire ii, the Academy of Id .14/ yestet day ~,,, tu-
The Urn/ rt id Admiralty, on the Nth nit., dm "•-• • ,
1 6 , 0 an d 00 .„ . „, 1,,,, ev e .", ~,,,, „pot, ul, 0 .
he wall J tist Os well.
crd that the steatuor Chameleon, the late i •
~ „,,„„i,„_-oti r the female," i Lana/titer I easions the haildlea tra•• et.. Ord to ils "-
rebel emitter Talialinesee, now :Ting at 1.1 , 7 ,, er-
Mr iiiineralUl Salii be adopt the sts/..
„ den" rePaottiT The,r„e„„'.'.1.t.Pr4r,17,.t.7"
. I TrP " ali r t " t " t i t ' u •" ..u •l! dt l . B .of appear ge-4''t end ed.l
" threegh the re"'"le. ' " 1 o ' f 'Y lia "“ ou r ' „ '" itt?ltf " t ' o . resist . s he ' teat weight '
Zit ' l M A:ret t etontle . ninetfri: the eman ' ""gh ''''' Ar.l "" . ' J"b " . ‘"" w""" n".l that brotlght to hear. At the emiertetion of the
lima he /Metal to not the Ms °motile power In
At a meeting m Intuit:re of bond holden Of
:1 , Ilion to right and t.ternal print Iples Ito ' " ..1 ,... worier, Mr. M ' ° '" . "" . ".' ~,,, ll ' n 't " 1 ,1
the. Mate of Georgia, at was unanimously re-
won. be. bat a rush, ' Al would he 0, erhorne n et" ' sall l o4 - 1 . than: . 4 .h , be Id t .s . f•ll:ng at 9.
volved, th•t the offer of the Slate to fon,' the 1, „ ~.,,
„ 0 ,„,,,,,,,,,,„ o Lb „. p,,,,p), ii„ „„wd rattle place, at let, A. u and a ,•, • x Thu
arrears Or comm. and overalue bonds Into a _.'
• Wedneeday evenin p o l l . er ',teeth - 4c um! the
and that a child in the right was ~,,, re power- . , , ,
~ ~_ their
now debt ca in 7 per cenL Interest he ae
ful than the Preseleut In the wrong. Aintrew I Se, Ll°lt , Ut ,, l t e b t l r' ,'''' l 11 , I ''' ...In ”'
Johnson himself, sad made treason odious by j W.MII •" L'i e - " I " "ire' mlifice.
The auatrian army and jibe Indian army
~,,.. M. treachery to the party which elected him, i
h"ee bee " PII/"... " 1" " '‘ our h"4l" f i r o b" ,, ,L e h h " e - a r • - , Instead of being the roan entitled to i Rather Doobtful.-Josian 31nY i artanti, of
i ttati o of the Arch Doke Abreeh I/.
the confident., Inc grstitude and mp.. Clinton, 111., writes , 1 , 0
~t hn e , ,7 l l tw u ni le ro f e tr . r t of . d .
coh„inwZt&W,-....,:0k c 0 mi nue ,,,,,,,,,, ii , h ealth. pori. of the late retu:l , .
i in u, swims
tar NU
si o r, t r ig ' that :41.s w ;:l io v i tm .n e on
(In his reply to the addreas. In fanny of Pea. PiraAo..74:,:.r 'l" p ' le had " sufferet ' l anti may he 'c rtlngulehello a few mi,n.,. The
presented by the Berlin
[ Chamber of Cule. wore, mytable Or suffering a great anal, but It "novelty" la seltact leg, "01111 alit attenti to
Memo, lie said the
,I possible, ~,..„,„,, for the . ~,, be
. metrei
a 'ill a its work when human Moab. dare not 11p
avoid war, but the tlovernutent could nOl ''''''''
„ rss tinelerpest, trichina. tholera and &nitres/ . , roach, If buildings of any kind In
g " ided Lly "ImIlder"1 "" -e of " ImA """ I ee"---- Johnson, all in one year. Andrew Johnson j Imlty to wells should take fire, the novel eg or
my. If waribea,,, ~,,,,,, i.. „,, )(kw Lrust- w. a connunintate demagogue, erne of the 1 ouch and every ell well may lie rendered arc
ed In the tried readiness of the Chamber of h ,
t „ i , „ nun tuthothi , th ., t - ,„ 0 ,, ~,,,,, hot lee
most 11l MS ling 1.1111/11/ogllne le OS St, In i p./0 n
Commerce to make it sacrifice.
this mite try. Andrew John.on, In his .peeen , chocked from gnu Mg, bet will he eonveyed to
lAurrpooi ews Zwadoodn-ry, Apedr,.-Cotton
W the mobilo, and solos, 11/10 them all he 1 a plum, of safety, if so desired .•, says the
market opened firmer, with an advance of iti
litol saimill.-.1 for the country. What laud I Inventor, hid Inventora do not al w tys tell the
per pound:on American, wiileh w. partially het wsomfiesalf /111 had not suffered . ' truth.
lost, elnel 7 at at. ‘wie "" e° "" the week "t ' ''' d
nova as the loco tiles( private ali„ I
per poen, on hair soil middling qualitlea.
I I L t LI o punks ad I' •tt • I
in 1 11 l el 3S Oleg.
Sales toWay, Friday, 7,i , 00 bale., the rnovket
t otild /my one nay what Andrew Johnson had
eleselng quiet and easier, °Henna fair, 17 , 4;
7 sidb•real for idle Iterlltly to the prlttelpies of the
Middling, 13%46 Mobilo fair. 1.7.4M1.1.111ng, 17%. .
ti ion arty/ That Oilfrerlng 1111 ht be good
lireadattifftlnactlye and nominally unehang- fo t r t i ......r
. 11 , 11 b „....„
..„. ho
w .„.... t ave
1, , ,,,,,Ty
.1. Proy lido. dell.
' '
he tertele/V 11111/ ellese IMOUgh. All
- 4,,,,1 2 7 , .._conw.ds cloned at sh7Shit e r d . lt r ' i 1 1 .
.. .7. A, te rr Wee . ae „a.. n " -- ",.. t .' a ,„„ a tt ,,,, ; fr.' 1 i i r 1".?1,; 11".?Inerii Ilial. ' l ' orfguo 'e %el;
...,....,....L....., „__....:-...,...„..... m,..„..........,...,„., bellag Mel! lilflewl he had
/ II I II . • I
er, latent opivim... retel yeti from tterinutly Ill" I'' lei I libir Ptt ac t et '• e tat " 2 ”.. tta a -
lowed up, together a Itit ida Mode of emiter.
state that Preens objects to thsarmlug her
forces w hi te ~,,,,, Ha ra „,,,,,,,,, a , to tha t - h tal ... at the present hit, In the greatlsea of Ites
tri-tin. Mr. Inguranll apoke for alio.. las
her armaments on the frontier.
hours, lit, rpeeell cm-Ding mut. loitered and
Now York matters, allineelnelit.
!dr, lawrent. did not dente.. 11l nay !teething
Nov ]'oar, May 5.-Gnstove'orms.• Offellseve to the ereablent, but 11,1 11111 /101 Ilk,.
robbed an old gentleman Maned rout/riot,' ~„
„,,,,, h,„, 0 „,,,.., by
Oirew„„,.„„. who„ 11,,,,
on Thoraday evening, of 1,4100 in gold, at MU opp/jaell an.l detiouncosi Mot, nor ,11,1 10, like
Canal layout, by at/plying chloroform; hut by to have the n 114.1011, of the Blair family thrown
the watehluinces of the proprietor Or the es_ 1°
Mtn every time he paid the President. a
tablislimmit, who mistreated font pia), the
VIOL An family In all the lana bun done no
°fled. nb1.". 1 ... teeern r"d and Ll''' r obber ;nut. to alienate the !inlaid.° from the putt.
tilt itilly, el lie wo
Orrild apply to II
Four of the other Iterating, 'including one the spirit plea. dit
of a re mark ninfle by the old illalf
railroad brakeman, Implicated In the robbery ,
of the Adams li:sprees Company on the nth Of In referance to Preeltimit Miellson, that Inc did
ue,l not 5•1011 him no( harm, lit woad not have any
'January lard, were arrested yeaterday Obieet.loll.l II the Almighty anon. take esteem;
hold for trial. The Investmation of the tam f„„” t o hith. thatieliteri Sometimes the
will disclose the manner in which crimes are ', lai r W o n, ar ar , oh
oil lam. a m. „,,,t ar.,„„th aoar ,„
planned in the metropolis, and the nurneroun
another. It Wes foal/4 wherever IL :night Ml
upend. secured to make their perpetration low fan sling. Among other prmafx or tho he
soccesslni. -
utocratie and 111111 r Influence Upon the Preal-
The etrlke of the totilp carpenters, joiners dent ,he mentioned the flea of the relle.Vll.l of
and he
of New York and vicinity which
~„ the United States Maraltal for the Western
wits inaugurated five weeka NCO to Pot lb" , Diet riot of Penn.ylVtloilli, end t Ise appolntMent
knee the eight boar ayatern of labor, still con- In 111• place of a man who had Imen trite' by
Hanes with no prospect of a antiefactory 1/111-
eretrt-inartini and flininifUlefl LIM service for
derstanding. The men receive aid from the frauds co
to 011 the Governmeht. in
various trade societies ;throughout the coon- reference to the mein permute of 1 , 1, speech,
try and aro thus enabled to hold out against the tariff, Mr. Lawrence Raid he believed that
the old regulations of ten hours.
the COMM/tie° 011 Ways and Meant, had agreed
A delegation of-Indio,. trout the far West ~,„ „, por , 3001 ..", tho woo, growers wao.d.
have been OOP:turning In our midst during the Afr lingers next mittressed the Hones, de
last few days for the purpose of negotiating a fending the President. with much warmth
tale Of Wane of their rich-lands near Vermll
against tlin et Melt Millie upon him by Mr. In-
Hon lake, aliumgteta.
, I , : thin they hare been gersoll. Ile WWI 1111/geet 4 /considerable badg
entire!), euccessful, null my leave town high- enng by Mr. Wilson. of Indiana in regard to
ly delighted With tha u they hove of 1,, awn e . 0,,,,,,, ~.„ the legal,
erioir L ithiloom
and with their visit.
practical roteralutt aritring out Si the recon-
ToosdaY, May 14113, haa lbeell appointed fora
striation policy. In Rimier to Mr. Wilson, he
grand nume-meettng of the National Prayer admitted the right of appointing Military gov-
Galen. Arrangements tine being made to se- toners in thee of war and also mindtted the
mire. the presenceof a nettiber of the most
_ good effect of Prealdeut Johnson's tonipelling
prominent consereatlvo , leco lit the cou lttrf• , the Southern States to rattly the eoustlttitlon.
I al amendment abollehing slavery, and ex
affSP/PIII ilibl i l nePeri• • preased his gratlectdion that shraery Was abut
gkw Vous, gay 5.-The calth Oincer,a ro. billed.
t show, that nO deaths pave occurred from At flue "(dock the Rause adjrnirned, per
cholera aide° yesterday, and the danger Of
the dlses.rta'reaehing . the city from the has , .
_.. c a .."... ~,i nrif. ....,, ,
bee Is decreasing. There were three eases of 0.„.:; . 4 - 4,1 , r - zd,„ s „,.. rim c a ,...„. i „.. u..
sickness admitted to the ncepirillitlwiree:
0 ,,j - - --.„,., meet le summoned to Meet for the dispatch Of
temlay,/ tWO Of Which were of T, _ • , -- probably
on the Bth of June. The session will
the other of-chola& t r • -• ...
probably be than MM.
Fatality on Board the Kearsarge,
Pacific Arrangements between Aus
tria and Prussia.
Ch &near Rebellion Suppressed
..da._, 5nac,...,,....
Appointment of Military Secretaries
•bo., Get,.
supposed to be Drowned.—A young
tonn named Joseph Evans, residing In the sl:
ot McKeesport., was drowned ou Thurs.
day evening last, by fulling from the Browns
ville boat, as Is supposed. lie Intended en
that day to leu've tads ell - , for home, and has
not since been seen. Ills friends have learned
that he took passage on the boat, and Ills
sudden disappearance leaves little doubt he
was drowned. lie was about eighteen years
A lame Aeression—Thiriy-ven per connected themselves WI LI/ the se First Ito
formed Presbyterian Ch melt of tit Is city yes
terday, Irving C lll / 1 1111,1h.11 sabliat h. of these,
three were received on certificate, three In
Imptism nit.l 111111) otto on rofessin
of their h. In ittlilit ion . to the I.V p
into 11or o
prosperity In tills entigregte t tune of till,
eldest, If not the oldest In I Id. city), Ivo tnitnitt
mention that n windier of the 1 / 1 1,111111(1,,
' , hurt 1t,,,,, handed a plieck lot to to' n ea
bemired dollar.. to their Imstor, hey. Pr.
Itotights, as a token of their uppreelation of
111. nervier. itlid work.
j Election of O ltiperintentlento.—The fol•
lowing omit) , Super'. London is of Common
School, were Mentes] titemitly Cum
berland, John llefflonitgor, of Newton town
,liip; salary pm. Franklin, Phillip hi. Shoe
maker, of Cpper Ste...burg; salary pal, Lob
s/non, Mr. knack, re-electod, salary run.
re, SUM {Wright. of tireonwood township;
lAneetuter, 'hold vimsy salary 0,700.
Erin, T. Fisk; salary $l,OOO. Nortliumber
lallii, 11. IV. ifallpt; salary Vim. Monroe, John
It. storm. Lawrence, C. S McCracken; salary
kiXl. Cambria, J. }'rank Condon.
Leeturf. In RanchW. It. Wat
kins. A. 111 , delivered his eloquent and mirth
provoking lecture on the Use Abuse
1101111 Ly of Etigllllll W 011114," to it very litrgt , ,11111
delighted audience in Manchester, Olt Friday
evening. The proeoeds of the Icri tire, whom
ofm, arc to he devoted to the building of it
large and elegant church building, which, ow
ing to the crowded eollgreguttous, makes It
necessary that the Methodist Episcopal
(Aura, should hued another place of wm . 1.1111
In the borough. 1
Confessed JOC . ffISCUL —On Saturday loom
ing, in the Wilted Staten Distriet tour(, sit
ting to admiralty, the counsel for the owners
of the steamboat 'Lockett, sued for damages
occi.loned by colliding with u nietal heat lu
we the Ohlo awl on whirl. a verdict. fttret.-.
was rendered for the iitiellants, conn.UISOY,
Judgment. In accordance with this a UPC
was Issned by the Conrt, ordering the rail •
boats, tackle, furniture, etc., to meet the Jut it.
,1 Religion* Ilera r lr.. M•.tho•11,1.
intit file ..... • ••••41011
iti I Oil
.• pot r le, p3p....1.
- 1.. '.• lnf., 0 1, nnroinl t..lirroeot •
.nlnro.e 11.- n 101111,4 e/ preuelier%
al 10, cm dixtrelloo prf.v1,11..1 thnt guovrnn
,‘l.•,llstlnl,ter. .te4l Use smut?
14,1 4 1 ,1.411(M it it
nod orplcti, %holt h.. enti
tled I . Ilse w e 1e
1.1.% 1111iiit•
1111.1.1er. anti p/eneltei. .110 die 1110 ILL.-
11111(1 r iii• report .4.. relerre,l lute -I
Low mitt 4.4.
Contract Ayrnrst4l.—Tltt• Pittsburgh All,
girony and Mattellester Undo - ay 1. moonily,
s 1,11,1 4911 i t• 1.11111. l'O. wttn grouted to the
51Al1 legioni) coutirlis the 1 I Kitt of any to eon
-1111 II 11/ 100...11 1 0/01 /0011 g ',trout U. I I.-
1 ,114,1144. 14.41 ong It, It.ts 4en pled the contract
14. r the laying of the tinek anti the iternseuir
gneling to .john .1. ion - don, 14:4441., tbe y
and the wort. will to. eononeneed tts.lay. Tice
nranen will oat neronintothilion to per
t residing 111 1.110 11 pp., part or Alowoaoy, ,
and a a ha. o 110 1100,4 t ll 111 prove n remuner
ill'tile le , estlltelll tor the Company.
balloon Ascroalon.—Tho balloon ascen•
!title made from Mendwllu on Monday 113, - Pro-
Censor Steiner, Was a perfect success in every
respect. The Professor loft the square on his
trial Journey at four Welock, moving off
gracefully 111 a outheasterti direction, anti
tantioti near COCllrantoll, el e1 . ..11 1111 lUS dlstanto,
it little before live. We under-date] Mint Pro.
fessor stunner will shortly Ault this CILV for
Um purpose of making all ascension, and that
a certain "local" will accompany hits through*
the clouds.
Worthy' of Imlthillon.—The Pennsylvania
Military Legion, of Philadelphia, not atssocis
otos of officers and soldiers of the late war, for
the purpose of maintaining the friendly rein
thaw formed In the field now counts over two
hundred titesnimrs, unit is stmoilly inerouslng.
One of the principal ohJeels of Om Legion Is
the MI Hal of dow»L•ud itiumbeniitt.
of the nomiclatlon In on. eemuLery, With Q.. 111—
ablo mortomolit erected thereon. hitch aaa llA lan In this oily.
A Citizen Agislitt—On Tuesday lost, our
follow elLiten, Col. Janos P. flare, of the Pus!,
toollnto Stirveyor (I ellen(' of Pennsylvania,
vortal over the seal of °ee to nia t o
110.1 totetsteotor, Col. J. 71. M Campbell.ifnotilN
generally 11thilit 041 (hitt Mr. litifr liseits,eged
Ihe thittesttf Lil L 0 ottlee thiring itienutheney
ulllulen Ely, C olll 4rientiotiely, anti gave MI tiro
satisfaction to all persons with a honi lot wan
Itroughl into official relation.
Trios. of John LCUILIOi.-41.1111 1.11110;
110 W eonilloonent In 1.110 Wanelngto co
n unty
tali, for the nomler or Itob.t.t. L. ?dorr9w, cow-
Inltted during u riot Which ocetirrea at the
Fair gout, o , ls, In that bornngli, 30100 eighteen
months ago, will he tried al the Juno torn of
the Itenver eounty Court, u change
of venue Intelng horn granted hint nt the Into
nennlon of the LOgiNiat 1111,
Nunday Hall Play rns A rrowt ed.—Tenter
day afternoon two young men JILL L11.14i Healey
end Phillips , rare orrotand by the Allegheny
pollen, tor playing ball I/II IL vacant lot In the
Third ward. Atoonlo•r of other striplings,
who were engaged In 11111,14.11, co....aped be
running away. Thu parties named were need
$1 each and discharged.
Ilomaropallny.—The sanitary Coualttee
of the New York Board of Health haS tu deter
mined to usalgu to the care of the Hotn e°.
pulite physicians Of that city u portion of
some of the cholera hospitals during the
proaohlitg summer. We presume a like course
will be pursued In title city.
been Moon for o Plow Tr l 6l.—A. t has
male fare trial, in thattapufge io
of n
Wright vs. the Pennsylvania Maiirce
I.olllllMtly. The platatitris eininsel areans inits
to go before another Jury, foaling eonnitent
that they have a goof rase.
Ulan Mentenee.—.A liVern•keepee named
'Coyle; a resident he Eighth ward, p me
Mgullityon Saturday to elling liquor Willard.
ein lie Wat, let Ott with a due of $lO and
Deal Body l'Ound.—Coroner Clawson was
Yesterday notified oflthe finding of the body
of a child in the river near Braddoeks
Ile Will bold to Inquest to-day.
NAZOWJetritiltil Or
r""" L eelle.e New AtoneklY— ape tote No. 58 Federal
reettoit otkobee-- 880 fee8Y,.5_445541t81,,,-
A. v or hirste.—The Inaugural week of
the Academy of Music under the auspices or
the 1.,..0nard Grover German Opera Troupe,
has been one of signal 'meccas, and marks an
-era In the history of Pittsburgh amusements.
Opening meter the most disadvantageons eir
ennistances, with all sorts of rumors current
In regard to the insecurity of the building, the
audiences have been steadily on the (tune -Ise,
until on Friday night there was a perfect Jam.
On Saturday, one of our meet competnist ar
chit et.. olive the building a critical exaMlna
non, and he reports that the immense weight
has had no effect whatever upon It; that tt.e
creaser,' is towards the centre, and that If the
outer walls were taken away entirely, the au
ditorium svonlil still stand. We regard the
matter of the rapacity of the building as being
en (Italy and forever settled.
On Monday, we had Martha; Tuesday, Wil
liam Tell; Wednesday, La Dame Blanche:
Thu t , lay, Per Friesehuts; Friday, Faust, and
Saturiluy. A Night In thenada, all of which
Wells well received, the artistes on each Occa
sion being repeatedly encored, tool required
to repeat tile inherent personages calling
anal. the encores. T forth
prinerpal perfOrMers pon several irocusions, called before the
al. to reedhe the plaudits of the mractu
bled multitude. Judgmentr. h been passed
tin n epersith• gen./ upon Illeaslsll. Jo
anna:w e , Dritsbas, llerger, Piciniser
nail nail Mess., Formes, rtartermad,
11 end licrumi.s, Stertrocke, Lehman,
Drai J
n., Frets, and us er lereoke and
others, /old they liner:not been found trusting,
The sliperlo ellorions Sr !rich attesul enoli per
forMartee are also %argil) . of spoeral mention.
They have performed their parts in u Most
admirable manner. The orchestra, composed
of a large nulls her of the very hest perform
ers, solect,sl for their proficiency, led by ani
line 8er1..., rise whole eolitliseted in) '
Adolph Itienerrilurf, has rosin itted Itself in the
most entirely sattsfuetory rintrinft, and has
won fresh laurels In fart, to take the entire
troupe its a unit, they hat, fully 00111 e op le
the standard of proficiency tumidly set down
hah3 operatic erhies. The Academy ) Academy )of Music
liar passed a stieeessful ordeal. and Mrs, lime
in, after a most fittigtriag Week of un re
mining labor, in which she has been almost
alriiita hut., Ira)'r now real on her laurels.
T.night opens the second week of the sea
son, and we ere Much mistaken la our Judg
ment, If the receipts of this week do not far
eseeml those of the cast week. The operas,-
leeted for to-night is the Magic Flute, widell
will be given v. ltd the origlitai Yew York
ramie .% Mists enguged every Slay In get
ting rip new Seencry , foul each succeeding
sight will exhibit seine new . triumph, •
PITT,II-51ili Teas - res.—Mr. U. .1. Went
worth, the popular "walking gent" of the
Pit t +burgh Theater, takes a benefit to-night,
on which OCCaSien en attractive tell Is presen
tad. Mr. W. IS an actor of coludderabie force,
and pays strict attention to his recitations,
both lit elocution and delivery, ills manner
on the stags is graceful and easy, and he al-'
way, throws himself with determination into
the character he is acting. He has selected
for Ids benefit tne fine cOnarly of "Naval En
gogementa" and the drama entitled "Bear
Hinders." The eVening's entertainment will
b y e enlivened by singing and dancing. We be-
Ills many
s for
frien ds Mr. Wentworth a good reminded /muse, and
'reed not be that
their presence is desirable to-nlghL
"runs Um:sr.—The burlesque spectacle en
titled the “SeVert Daughters of Satan" Is on a
decided "run" at the Opera !louse anti is
sit-au-111 g finely. It is Intended as a burlesque
of the ..iSeven Sisters," but the outline and
mechanical effects of that play are all pre
served, and 5011 e polnUess farcical scenes in
troduced. The acting of Miss Lett*, together
with her snags, , tan Ces lead banjo solo, Ineis
dental to tire pyres, IWO. It on the wnole at
tract.e. The last scene ' the
ucfes el the rest, and 14 One Of the neet go,
ger., flseuaeless ever test upon the stage.
_ _
‘‘ ILI, .1i -.h.
.. v313,1!-.. 10.
iirrnl. row. ...!. PIEIII V. • I.IEANT. I. n of
on of
the .21.- Dr. J. H. Rs. Anna SI. agotl 1.
T ll;i,larctit, 111.,ritlAy
Ita, 7. ,ni i,, A. (n• •l. (
..r I ,Ont roof I,latoolol
1,1% r
%I nth. at 11..•. in. lied.. N...
11 ,II In kk
and o month, No-
- -
nl and moat picturesque plaer ur hepul tore,
`‘' ."." . F
to M. 0.! Lola Sill apply Si the haperlntend
ant •• onlee, at lb.. l'emeterv. title 1/eed•,
and a, other hualts•as 1,.. attended Lo at the prog
•fr/1011.11. of the uudertAgned. eorocr O redeefilu
Lod Wm/pa street., Allegheny
ucu. EL.
Sec A. reta A
ry nod LT
x ,., elsi . twrartts.
TII t .11IN h . I' REY VA Y prT pared t.
• rry
Ail. 'Eta:
, I . l «art. rmr tp e a n n v y jro o l n u , t y ,s,
DA v. It it"isis,,,N,
Itaatfoef trod tielasitely by the sole mom of Neal,
1I DSfCS, BRADLfiV & Cllll l
e 7 amil 70 &Nlßendle 04s,
Karh Hoop Is composed of TWO [Wel) tempered
strel springs, !wattled tightly and firmly Wit-ether
ttT - and mom
tweak like the static sprfisgs, l ' e r l lll l l c ' :eln b ;:m d t y o e r
Melt straceftdoe ss of shape whore three or &Mr
W .
.11.11Sryalz Irt , a , wlll have be thrown aissky miseries,.
horlit,the;treci,t,7eTrr:lll"..7'l Z,.; :21 '1, 7 °. ? 7..1 :47
ter. ,
• 03,1V.41, ..1.01“.11111. 4 • an!.
t.'e,'.',l;y:•O•rilv—' which
of the fashionable world. •
El." 1 . 1 .11111131 be auppll.l al l
above end by rata-
Wye. Jobbers x.l I.lles In all the draL- cam e relail
eiortofln this city. Inoulre for
Bradley's Duplex Elliptic blurt.
AT 1.1,11E8T LItTAII. PRI I I.
3FILEPTAELIE. Tlial."„xamrtl9l
Rupplied . hy the ttuarn At towns' rates.
19 IPlrua Est.rc.c.t.
Al the Weal (i 01.1) RATIO now lit stock at oar
No. 72 . Fifth Street,
A splendid Ilnc or
IiAIIEK corrus smart,
"31:1'R aI I' A ' NU N S I I I I,K " Iig VI ' I Y K E• •
Late Norehlex In TIRO,
Toemlier a ith the moshromplete line of
Gentlemens' Fantishing Goods
IN THE WERT. Au our business Is exelosarely
I iENT'SFUILNISIIIIIII, we rarely fan to please In
t hat line. Remember our number,
7 0pp0 793 Wirux
P iStroot,
site the ost Unice.
iuya:EseflUi WAS litlitDOCK A PUTNAM.
67 Fourth Street,
Nearly Oppos ite altzgaila,t4f. Plataboiglas/
OPEN DA/LY ' lVoili T O to 4 toeltwk, •nd on WED
Ist to November lot. 7 to 9 o 7 olock, and from Nos.
lot to iday Ist, 6 to a o'clock.
Ilimas of lly-Lmes, ic., fortilsbed it the ciMee
This Institution
l es/v...daily MU to tboae whose
earning a limited, be opportunity to accumuLate,
by small deposit+, easily eased, aam 'which will be
a resource when needed. aid bearing Interest in.
stead of renaitilmnL,oaalti.,o.
BOA 11 , 1/.7111172P I "`
CgailieJlart vi tM ttt.,
To NT:EL NI.Air.
S. H. HARTMAN, JAMES pig, j r
Dal 1101 c•
A. iIItADLE.Y. W '.
U. Ko. MeA4ysui-E r . JOHN ScOTT
' - nowerroes-U. W. &A . S. 8E...... IshOlyos
Nett Cloak House, 49 Fifth SI.,
10n4o Shin. prime Peach iliow Potatoes;
too !Mkt, /14,11:111110fk do
.111 t Goshen Chute
F., . 1,, do Tomatoes;
no do Mel...lna Oranges;
40 do Lemons;
A, Shin. Sorghu IS m;
do Salt Pickles;
7" boxes itatainsl
40.55 bids. prime Dried Apple,:
do 4 and y Dried l'enehes:
pkgs. endutter;
clorer seed Timothy Ss!. El;
Butter and Eggs received, by •
016 Liberty atm!.
piton ucp:.
SJO LIOSth klebninnaes, prime;itio • •
• • ons, do Le
•• Goshen Chee m rA• ;
V, • • Hamburg do
11.4./ dozen Canned P eaches;
r,O • • dy
o Tomatoes;
g halta D l.7n i n ' he r t h ree ' :
•• Peach Blow rotatoes•
Receivbed ush. • • • • do Ia sacks,
and tar sole by
1 • OTT ER, AIKEN & Sii ki . A.lll),
'OO Liberty street..
•-•IS LW.. pulrue OranDerrles.
SU toles AlesAlua Orange.:
30 • • ralarmo do
3u • • Lemon.:2, barrels Tlmalp.;
tolo • • Mgge;
Ati • • I.lmc;
`• Seed Jersey Itnekeye Potatoes
IW ear load rotators,
toodtelsOu tons;
u store and for sale by
40 bids. prime Sorghum;
40 •• '• Pickles:
•• Pickles, in sail;
40 • • idiolee Navy Bean.:
gi • • New Dried reaches,
,• • Cut and Applea,
00 Dry Tobacco:
1,000 Cigar. all grades,
In store and for sale low to the trade by
511.10 CHAP. C., WI Liberty at.
J.- :MO barrels ••Wiile Flour,
•• • 'Star Hills" do
100 •' • • Ilarblnes' '• rlo
•• ." 111 rant•s•• St. Louts Flour.
Seine brands delivered In paper sack., If denlrest
For saleby
79 DltiptZlAlteBgra;y
and 70 Water street.
NEW CROP Flliii--Very choice
wAsbed Fig, In linen bags; also, In small
paper boat:, forret:Ml.lg, plat received and fbr eale
.1 NO. A. EtlfAiliflAW,_
.p2I Corner of LlnettY and /100 t, "rt..
PINE APPLES--10 bhis. fresh
Pine Apples, lbw drat of th e veaaon, to arrive
this clay at IttIYAIEN A 1111013'.,
p.v. NO4. WS and .1.0 Wood street.
by Berrie to arrive and for sale
IfifYlIEN .2 111t03.,
pao Nom. !Maud 123 Wood street.
WHITE LIME --1.00 bids. VlM
rr C.l[l•V Mu Lint, In stozcipAdzilt.rkile
No. 124 Second afee t.
A(,itEs. to arrive t
hvhcht halves; r°nll
ror. a l e by " a ) do
I gt 14, ;11.
frilits'EN APPLES-, iIAGT &
00,t1 •rh State Green Applis7P? bins. choice
land 143 teronMILL FEFI> - ~ a
cars SeConds;
I eat Roma
11. 31.14DX a SON
79 Diamond; Aliegher.r.
For sale by
NI Lail barrels pristo fall;
10 boxes do
J. •
forsolsby (moo) ) .B. CIANPLEED.
6 . 1 . °SHEN CIIEESE-100 bzs. Uirst
lash blushes Cheese lo store and for sale, by
Al Liberty st teal.
MAPLE SUGAR—Praise Maple
, ugat, new enpp, lo seam anti cakes. Backed
la boxes Item S to AO lbs.. for sale be
REYldgit I Bites..
105 1 Nos. IN; and iso Wood sts set. BUTTER -5 ball bbLs. choice
Kohl Ratter Jost r Attelarldlo i r sale by
Corner of Market ..._s3lrFy.o.
smug mura—z o bbla.
moinranA In Ault and for We by
Comer Market sod Vtrat str
`LOUR 614111ffa43--150
Hoop Flour Itur TlatAr . e t atttl for /ate
corner M.ketaad Iftrseaft;eo4ll.
INDLI T he best
,nr.P:ildVigigeTltte to
Nos. al and 'attic. Clair .irro
mall Stilton Cheese, out ap.exoresslT ro,
ily Joel rmelved awl for aaje b 7
Rt 2 JNO. if. CARY/Eh
••••• bbls. — choice - :While
Ream recelred and•formssAth
No. 121 dement slrooLL
jisn PAPER
bakut atusortmout ItX1) PAZEJ with mi t t'
witho bald. to wrrire nest -v. ,
1 3141_ W. r. MAILVIALL. JQ viroiad atm.:L."l
Extra Unolee ffweltner Citrons In , stare and for'.-
C.111d.1. C. 11A.LELEY.
Emit Libert y skeet.
BEtlThaifileY-460 -- biz& elea
8."11"1"..EcW/Ved seconagtl
DULK POTATOES -1 car Peach
Rio n ., now on track. for rain by stat L. if EUIGT d
tv.wHE wmfb
` , :b? , P'"`"`-11Z111'''Arita ~ %
POTATOE - o_,_
.•-• but mild PearlOgoor Potatoes format
• --* • J. 11• CS.AIPb&J,LD
3 bales npvoauid
TOE. edthou Is forwarded wldeb will nmetab....l"
earthen roonest as the mall run.
&BOLE c'Ot'IES, FED Inuit.
Tito) know Where to go to gut the
And Afen act the part of prudemce
when the follow their example.
omen Tipped Morocco 13311110rils
flo Nntgllgh LaNtlug I;iltrra.•
In Frenrio !tlorovro 1,50
!len ttoois
F ne lialmoral4
(ic..l Brogan
lit4put Shoes
Children'. Fancy nnt•ra
altrrit. .114.141 be no Mliellt !I/dile...b. tar cal/
Boots.: and 5h04.14.
Every pair is warranlvd, riVPied Kraus. mot sold
AWFUL CHEAP, ns meal] wlll ronvloce you.
111111 ST. CLOIX MIL
at *3,50
Opposite Old Theatire.
1 ~M . .
I rd St reeL
rket and Ftni eta yin,
4=6 S l4 i .
I 115
I 15.