ghe Witbokagit tfouttit. SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1358 ADVERTISING RATES eitiiblisbei by the Mile Pltitiburgli STANDING NUTTED. Sue Square of Ton Lines, Light Words So the Sloe, *1.34 Zarb Ilpeso. I= QM! ttme TWO time. .... Three times .. ••...... oar times ........ . Tire . Mx Woes, age week—, eleXen thnet. T.t t akt times Niue timm Tex time. Itlrvon t ier. T. vivo MM., 2 west. Threr ....... Una month Two month. Three, months. Mx mouths On. year =I 1=3:1 mon 7 T T oe Vee m m"ortt's Vne I 7 - 1 z 7 CV 24 IP C CC 7.2 00 RELIC:Altars ISTttLLIGENCE. , Anniversary Week its New 'York, during which many of the leading benevolent and charitable institutions of the country hold t heir annual meetings, is a season of more than ordinary Interest to the religions and moral portion of the public. The 50th-an niversaryJuhilee Year—of the American Bible Society takes place Thursday, 10th inst., at the Academy of Music. Addresses from Rev. Dr. Anderson, of the American \Board; Rev. Bishop Janes, D. D.; Major General 0. 0. Howard; Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, of Boston, (invited and expect ed); Rev. Thomas Phillips mud Rev. Thos. Nolan, delegates from England; Rev, Dr. Ortnistlu, of Hamilton, and Dr. L. Tay lor, delegates from Canada; and Rev. Isaac G. Blies, the Society's agent in the Levant. American and Foreign Christian Union, Tuesday 811). Addresses by Dra. Storrs, Sehaff, Sunderland, and others. Sermon previous Sabbath by Rev. Dr. Crosby. An= n 1 vet-vary of the American Seamen's Friend Society. Monday 9tb, Speakers, Rev. W. H. Murray, of Greenwich, CL, Rev. .1. N. Andrews, seamen's chaplain at Wilming ton, N. C., and Rev. A. E. Kithredge, of New York. Annual Sermon by Rev. N. t 7. Curton, of Hartford, Ct., Sunday ZUL The American Anti-Slavery Society holds its annual meeting Tuesday, Bth. Wen-. dell Phillips, Lucretia Mott, C. L. Reruond, Rev. .1. T. Sargent, Rev. 0. B. irrothing-', ham, Parker Pillsbury, and Callers, will speak. American Tract Society (Boston) 10. Irving Hall Tuesday Bth. Addresses 'by Gen. 0. 0. Howard and others. Amer. i can Tract SmietY (New York) at Reformed Dutch church, Fifth Avenue, Wednesday, 9th. National Temperance Society same, day. Speakers, Rev. H. W. Beecher and Gen. 0. 0. Howard. —Liberal" journals, as they are called contain views liberal of the truth as well at other things. One of theso "broad-gauge" journals discourses thus: "When Jesus started upon his mission ho had little to say of the dangers and doom that await impen hence here and hereafter. He knew noth ing of the modern revival method which, with a lever of selfish fears rested upon the death-bed for a fulcrum, tries to lift souls nut of a sinful state. and swing theni remind the awful chasm of perdition to a place of safely in tire bosom of the church. Re had not learned the rallying cry of Orthodoxy, '' Repent,. for hell is at hand." But with an inspired perception of the grandest truth he appealed to man to "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven La at hand." It would seem iu the chapters fourth to thirteenth in the first Gospel, he soon learned the "rally ing cry of Orthodoxy," as there are no less, says the Intelligencer, than ten distinct references to Muth perdition in the strong est terms : The furnace of fire, gnashing of teeth, soul and body destroyed in hell, the whole body cast Into hell, etc. Accom panying - the cheeribl promise, "He that, bclleveth shaft be saved," is the dreact ternative. sl ffle that believeth not shall be damned." —The Semi-Centenary of the African 11. B. Church fails upon the present year. The initiary services, took place last month: "'Various objects have been named for benevolent contributions, and proml , nent among them is the Book Concern: tided in Philadelphia. Property has been purchased on Pine street for the purpose, and the building is being fitted up .for iTteeL dy occupancy. The following Statistics re cently published,rather understate the pres ent condition of thishrancit OLMethetdistn: - Churches; 'ISO; travelling l'ininisters; Annual Conferences, 10; Sunday SehOol teachers and scholars, 21,000: Volumes lA Libraries, 17,e(18; church - ntembers,'so,ooo;. value of church property, (8"„5,000;, lota, amount received for all purposes, - abdut. ti 00,000.. • , • •• , —The remains. of Enitery; the earliest American minister of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, were removed from Ashgrove Cemetery to.,:the new - Woodbuld Cemetery near by, in Cambridge. Wash ington county, New York, thirty-one miles north-east of Albany. Two litlitdrett min- Jaen; walked in the procession. Although ninety yeses efidefiliniMine animated with a crusader's zeal, was In a good state of prromprpgon, ; Aisbpp.,l0 004 spoke for half an hour. —lt is reported, of, Dr. lintnes the dis tinguished - Presßyteflan'tnlitlAil Will delphia, that in a conversation with Bay. Dr. Fish, Baptist, of Newark, he said: "I confess to you that, logically, you are right on the communion question; . but Ithink you are Ilet.reglltlitoilkeilut I . ,think tion. There is a difference_between you and me, and thetllfference is there." - —The General, puukretiv,oy,the m,,E. Church, tlorah,Art by Nor. (Mails; La., we learn by a tango*" ha'vejuit elected four new Nab* ruttneiß4Vialit.- man, of Georginv MeTyeire, of Louisiana; Doggett, of Virginia; and Mat t? of - tithe soon. —A.exmrding to an. artieleAmliatisretr Magazine, Sam Houston, the mated Texan, who died .Tune 1863, 4!s asiteilnallveda number of years a Calvanist Baptist in fall faith and fellowship witikhis church. • Rik last days were given to prayers for his dia. tressed family and country ,, .and in. spirit, ual preparation while yet -on • the.-narrow strip of land which., AieltirAa,ll.., RAW funk —A convention has heen called,gb naip o inters and elders 0f.41'0,141144 Preshyteri ao Church, to meet 11 • I f ii ! .C 4LA 114 ,_;if.',! "I' week in May, for 'CiitifuntSii;e, The subject of ilacOiift!ireelriuK,...)ite present demand miOriihVl4 and how they bay he: met" —The wealthy Alit tri eteVllihl4 Ward Beecher;"inniess-ioKijii,sorar, bun(' a tabernacle arid`' 1610 if he will leave Bkookryli io cocoa that city, at a cost of $1130,000ii;:. : —Tim Getters! Presbyterian Chnrelif9i l .44tir 4 4tinestak; will meet in Oldo,' on life' 10th of Mi Opening sernunitftlaitYellrlitt Moderator, Res . .. David. Herron. —There are aim cLnrflles itolt.existrnithi oston, that- were, founded tn'Atita seven teenth cenutry. oPrageozi rePiePtothe cur4t l ot' 4131112‘ Afri wet; "Tits"'ll"4":l&4o44l94d,stOn ..rte-:: ~. ~ -.: to our heart as that word Spelfgeoanon, and .0.115it.r..........-- , . --....----...........--- that _ . 4 ,.. )PE15. MOUSE. - - no - thought further from our soul than von SALE, , REMOVAL. of.forming anew sect." fiLetaasz ,-• , I townML PARKof itres; Minato in Raing/T , • —The twenty thousand dollars, lam Ili-- , Immicitst. slitomss-oRESTEIST OF ALL hip,' Aural:terry century. Pa., &Smiles from the and other places vininamT. & J. T. iII'CINCE , SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND ItTENING. 1 :le l & loge ' or h 7l7thrg a"l 4 l° " elint l ut l' v i e r iTrO '''"" I 1 haonisville, Baltimore double parlor, wide hail running through the hon.; for the support of Southern ministers, has j( $g .7-sCrrICAL. or et., et the door; o Bank tiara. loby SO reel, I Merchant Tailors and Clothier e, relieved abed one;Stin Bred 4 . 4.... 1 411tAthi- And the new Do Spectacle. the I and other ow -bull.lltrgr . s ant of excellent soil. containing one 'half acre. planted with all kteds Of ' Have Restored to the New Building, isters' fartilfies, in iums of j5O to 000. SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF SATAN. , . I dwarf fruit /11141 vines; irelt of every kind; about 71:0 I • , oiltr, es of best alit he vof grafted &att. The soil beat of fencing: , I Nos .196 Liberty Street. , —Judge Scott charged the grand jury of T d alltlna t MO, Ann.. hornpipe, banjo Solo*, [ slab s: hole farm 1. goof( The very , t, g c.. ge MiuS LoTTA. I a rwsurifid tawn in (rout, planted with shrubbery I Hinge county, New Yprky , ,,week before taut The mo` , ... g r a t, 'T'lt I, Teri7 ever produced. The I and trees. For a orator) 1 , 141t13C1', 11, Is out stn. , SIL.V Kit LA K K AND sIioWER OF chat,. i r,a,,,,,..i. and for • profitable investment. there Is no ilia/ the disposal of goods by chance at , uestion. New Seenery. Costumes and Mc:do:deal Effect,. •1 9 A io, the hest Farm in Elizabeth to hip coa t:bin-dr fairs was in violation of law aud Do lug the place t h e .- Lotta yolk. - e ;mos . I tale r. about se, acre.. lying on the tio ' oong . abela ed so r d respectfully dedicated to Mlss I.(YITA, - by , river, lmterdlatety below Lock No. a. on which Is ought l 0 lx so treated. (jood. .., E HorteL ; erreted a large twostort Wick Dwelling Rouse, one --The AnntriestlAttiptitt 'Hams Niision- - c D , .• _ , - . log and one Frame Haul Barn, cornserlb,gagen I shed. brick spring house, Ira:try, work shop, ge. I About .Y., acres of the shove . first, uality river be:a bly St:HfierY taaseii in splint to dkeivrenAn ...-.MANAGrEtta , ... Mho. ETTIE HENDERSON. tom: the Wane., beteg limestone land. and under of that donoln . iiiittlc4 foe $100,060 ic,'. mil L SIXTH GRAND OPERA NIGHT. in with coal, and 3bolll Z , il'IT, of 11m...wee. There ore too, Oreßnrd. of apple trees, in good wee . by a [pedal effort the great and pressing rt,..t time or the magnlnwrat Opera. with Heart:at l ilt:, Srle".llfina'nclirtT“w'erli artlhrlp''te'dr.ild'r.gaudnifnluPg' work which Pmvidence has imposed upon cut, a t purpose., thing a short dirtanee from the thriving borough of El Itbeth, creating a utartet to for them among the freedmen of the South. A NICHT IN CRANADA mi the products. This trioperty w.lll be wild eheop 1! and us good terms. —Arrangements have been made by the BY CON ft ADM itIEUTZER. Also. a Farm or 117 acres, 'treaty In Fallowlleld township. Ws.lngton rnunty. Va.. shout: mlleg Christian UnlorrAssomation for the cele Pr ''' . a e n 4l ' i Wilhelm Formes. from the to. uof ILlestle3,llle. The Improvements . Babrlele star. son. Rolm, are, first, a two story frame L.lll with rive roomer oration of the Lord's in New York p.m.' Theodore Ibriralrukon, second, o twwand-a-half sory hewed log Where: Viueo Josef Welnileh. thlrd, a No. 1 new Won. to by to feet; good spring ' during the Anniveramy week. sga i b e z•i ,, .... .. .. ... • ... • .... Andhra,. I'ml.. house , three lame orchards, of dillbersto fruit, apple, ......... ...... _ ............ ..10 , to Le l lbraus b i. peach, pear. plum , t 41111 We., elle rry . Se.: SO acres __The two General Assemblies of the oak,r. . ree . elearmi: the rem. rider Itt grahl Ulla., flue hand is MON 1,..6"- -ii ...... .. . Vi . .l/i .. k. ...... **. ' level and of the very best quellty, .d will he sold Presbyterian Church meet in the city of St. a, a rralored price. prrrsnunGn TtIEATIIE. Also, a Vann of About ItOrteres„ln Yalrteld town- LOIIIR, Mo., May 17th. • ... Lessas ,to hiAgge.R....W3l. HENDEIIIIOb. shill, S . eatmwTtend CO• C. Th. t mPrOvevlteals are s hewed log house. with kitchen attached, a log harp amt a pliant hots., a good apple ob.:hard, peachw and cherries; about se acres cleared, the re main:ler In the err))' roost white oak traitor. The land Is what. The oration Is leo healthy. This illstely. property l wlll sell Very cheap. roswesaion lame- Alto Ai gold prices, • Farm 'of about 141aores in Pallor- arid township, Wwhington Co. ra., errant one r, le wr st of Luce No. 4, on the Mohongsbela Ma The imwrovements tare two ;stoy log and fr.. • h o use ! . .62. me burn, wagon shed 14111 other 00 , oulldlugs; fencing _generally good; • young or e!, ..4 of apples and other hull tree.; 110 acres of .., i i or the ,rest quality, and a vein of the best lime s onr;cotaveuleut to churches, schools, mill, Sc. pra arm operty I AM authorised to .01 very cheap. Also. of about 700 acres, eituated In W t trliestflold Towtoldp, Indiana eounty, F r .., 'Pb.' Improvement. are a &hod , munfortable. two-sfurt Frame House, with li roman,* large Came barn, car riage house, good cor n c rib wash house.• hoot. oven . n ,r. two-story atone spring house; about 150 acres cleared and In timothy sod eloyort . a /LAW orenard of .l‘ gad e e rili" . " f l ot , r al rfV:ett a iiitr tr ilit/Oo Thr ei tt , l ' a , 4 ” a ft as s ies or ItmestOne, and hat a so rt ota o tZeultTeo ' mal. This property villi be sold aprycheap. Also, a Even of about Mum. splothinx the above. The Improvement, saes large two story box Home ta n a large frame barn; 175 scree cleared .And ender • stood Maloof cultivation; T hese ppl large two-story milk-bons. swot united would make a asst-rata Stock Yam. or will be hol dseparately. Arse,toe hest farm In Panama tovotahip, West, morelnd ocututy, Ye" containing NO acres; about a mile. south of the ra. Railroad. The isubrb•e. menu are two large hewed lug house*: one of the largest and best frame barns in ,the township; two appie on:bards. The whole farm is tinder • high state of cultivation. The fencing ts all No. I. The land is of the very best limmdonet Shout SO sexes cleared, the balance in good timber. Powession on Ore are day of April, isoo. Tula prope . rty will be g. igat e l , ,Ele . trirgaln o The owner wish •s to engage Also, a Yarn, of 150 acres, situate in McCandless township, Allegheny county, Pa.„ shout smiles from the city. The 'lmprovement. are a l.og ponie s a pear. 1 . good horn, 111 s el l y this ',dung orchard of apple , peach and oable o r very cheap and on carry terms. Yor further particulars, Inquire of EL H. TOY , rat, Beal Estate Agent No. tr 4 guarth street. M BEI I IL• 11111 1166 460 760 644 , 1160 VCO .25 1.03 100 1000 AW, kialwiNa9lk.wl IigrESIER , S PlitipAre you Slat, feeble and complaining? Are you out of order with your system demos. and your Peelings uncomfortable? Thee e symptoms are mien the pre- to eerie. Clues& Some 21of sickness I. creeping Pm , you , sad should be averted by a time ly ass of the right remedy. Tate Ayers Fills, and clean. t the disordered humors—purity the blood, an d letthe gelds more on onobanycied m health again. They stimulate the functions of the body Into rigorous activity, purify the system from the obstruction* which make disease. A cold set tles somewhere in the body, sad derangesits natur al inactions. These, if no; relieved. react ORO. themtelres mad the surroundin g s : n err, Pendemee tifne is i rai ' Vr ‘ coL i gi n tion, " ff tite Ayers der an gement. how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with tt the buoyant feeling of health again. What Is true and so apparent In this trivial and common complaint Is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous distempers. The same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar th eobstruction end.dersagement of the naturaillinc. Cons of e body, they ere mpidlyand Mazy of Them surely cured by the same means. None who know the virtue of these Nils will neMeM to employ theta when suffering_from the disorder, they cure, such as Headache, Pont Stomach, Dysentery, Bli ley, ComphUnts, indigestion, Derampmentof the Liver • C oon, i7•l)onstlitatlen, Heartburn. itheurMithinm DrOpei,'`Wontail and. Bunpreadina, whim lakelliti Lep doses. •• - 'they are Sugar Coated, so that the most gensitive ems sake them easily, and they are aunty the best purgative medicine yet discovered. AYE'S AGUE CUM, For the speedy cure of Intirndadat Yeadr,' or Freer andAsus Reintlemst Steer Chili Amer, DesabAgus, Periodical Hord.. or „ffi!tons Headache, and rif/- tons Fivers, fadesdfor Ms wings elate VP... = or tr efryisiss ta giffmViSlonammund, emsesd by Ma Ma isesemile eminemet., , This remedylkasinteip fatted to runs the •everest cases ofandlis palterer. andit 'hail this mat , md• vs:Paso oesseollier Ague megicinel,that it subdues the complaint mithmit !Mary hi t patient. It contains no quinine or other tleteterhnis anhatanee, nor does It produce staid= or any injurious effect whatever. Shaking brother s of tbe army and the west, try It and you will endorse these assertions.. and ZVI4 tiirilterati&N .160., and by al Dragglsts. mhillatinetw, tarlarr- AETROUVEVS TIISIIIIUSII THE hilt* AWgittilEVani 'NOR ' " TCBIBII BANDkINLAN. 1 / 1 720tUfST's So IUCIEdt HANDOLVCIAN. What cao Delmore acceptable than anything that will beautify? that will restore nature.* decay by stopping the hair Dom tbitlnll oat, restoring Its natural color, making NW grow 1 I &WWI.= 'ad.:W.lst thputthia, Rep accornmg Rothe Dropetai itnd tuhroamoil .keev It In placeN.ThlsEsfrfteqp-arearnishßalteloW, edam Rule Musk will do, and for mot we rah. , soe loam' who h. tried it. It hi acknow WWI person to to the besotitier of the age, the only Hair Tonle .and Restorer worthy of the nete... ,in Turkey, in Prance, In England, In America ...where .Rbere. the .. liandoleulan•' Is known—MS r Prohnertned Abe , se phut wars of Hair Preparations. Remember, It. Is hen from all met:tile poleons that are contained tiara Colors and dressings, It the extract y SOW., and herbs, beertilhily pot up, no dreamottolle - • Woo saltily Dravelsteat.libertinaers wholesale. R. SELLERS a 60. R. L. MININTOCK CV. Principe Depot for United States end Caned., JA IN PAI.I& D , k t CO., Natet street, Philadelphia. delC:am Ik T tir LAKE SMIIIWOR tOPPER,IIIO4AItMeNGIO44 PARK, McCUP.DY & CO. illostroottpreprusluf ..1 1 1 1 1 ":ATENG ‘ MA I VERS. AND RAISIP.:I) STIAILIYASIeZHI'enSEMe. moitiloallfrEZT, TU 'A No. Ii nom. Lod 12111moosmttrzlorra, Pau bough. Special orders of Copper not Lo uty dah,l MUo.. curaulyddrer arPITTSBURGH MAW WOILUS, "'HUBBARD 3 . en. a 'COL IEANUJFACTILMXI34II 90, , PATENT' dititithitHCIIPICILMARS. • Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, ofirretT de/merit,- Don. ultl, gluier, CMOS - inns °lat. 4.14 all slime of and ILI NtiS, toads ian Shred-Cast-Stool KNIVES Extra Re f i n e d mir.Arent A fr ND MOWING KNIVES, - Warehouse and k lirprin, teatigr' wing mot 511050 Hinsurra, Pittsnorgb. • • ' rartienlar attention paid - to n•-troothing, gumming and straightening Citenlar Sans; also, repairs of all kinds. Ponelang and Drilling done at reasonable races. . . larNM. ainsiaux si Co. 1 1 Boller Makers 4-104001, _iron Workers. 500. , 20;154 9.111110 14 Melon street. 'Swung moored a large yam and furnished It with iha most approved machinery, we ape and to matitifacture evert deacription of BOILS to the hest manner, and warranteti_most to any e In the .14 CHIMNEYS, Illt. , DIN% mit BEM, v .. 8 rir .4ocomou Y. ILIN Milt AtilTA ph i pit N •, ADLIDGIEN,_ . A . lka• Id sae r at r o ot JIARND . lOtkePU We.lldidritltice-tg -I? •e t W S •1,11 OritODINSON, UFA h. CO y_ (Sul- , . . «awn to ROBINSON. EMS &!.. --, WASZ.4aWO ... •••IPootiadero AC ..... i , Masnifietarers i a .A . .. , . tAT. ,-- ' r - • , PITRAJII EhIGI W. it , •• a .: ' . "li _ _ANTINGS Of I `CIIINEDT, tir WO, IR sll desetiptlont,oll. TAN : z and STudok BOILED I AND tIIMET 1121 Nyttati. • AA.ratararolllllfAßDlS PATENT INJECTOR. orteedfits boilers. -- - - malustango.4._ui te. (TY Molin:Yla ISHuTT o E M S, •I DOW GUAZDEI, se.. Nos.. si MCCORD and SI THUM STREKT, between Wood and Market, bare am band • variety°, new patterns,,=a; fr i S P 974ttsing _Grave., Le ta; , ict2=pepbandb Oder *mom: MUMS" (.4 BOTH SItYI4I.—A reverend gentleman lawn* been restored to health In a few dart, afte i tutderultf=troutlte sad trregularexpeaslve lords Able: I =4 . dal to comet w : i'ot an • addressed me envelope, be will sep4t!fr., OP thnoreserlptlon `Aklttet to Dr. JOHN DAGNALk., 133 Welton vireett, N. Y. alleblldvd.twT arBENT Falaadea Of Immense Importance to el: old and sotmg, //serried and gimes, of boll sexes, Will be gent free toi ARllnikesidemsd, , the Atents,„ • ammissimrsm ff, Bottom Post brlnser...„.. arvitliiiita • I I : 4 4,A.., • u .. Y . nu, rvilable trestaresrtol44 AO . . Addrers Dr. J. WAIL Airreetqlen. P 414401 E:1 avi iTte • ET.) :• s *I A t ocfPl7 l 7oV...;::l, I,lcrict :11 SEWING 11 ACHAE :4 if p ForVatidalfriiiild 11 ddta~eturdfa ,niorp , rrrti 'a I'4 tht t ae t tll i allg r At i alarkel b ra ' atrjratt or eTory T•rie riM . ing. 4,1 ~1,1 CALEL`AaDtrzaitnritrilif• . '" .s f`f THE WIIEFILIWWWII23ON" 4 sALegifo'titie' :"'` No. 27 Fifth Street Co ullm. . • 14/.61 LI. 11.1 iti!liPte.?s.l44:loPA SOLD itir a nt • Anifieth&letered ittliOnt anYCothPliethttrlYnth 11l err, end therefore aro not nablir, optotallr, J el i w r e rlarm ilishe A z orl ling . aff oar ratentro flea. ' • ' 6 'l' 1, t itY. ?ELL. iyrrr6* • & MIX =M " *- "ken/en d y hiowe, Whee WHO ler & Wit. .11Belter, r Batheldar.,-- A , " kw =MD , . are wansateddire7esn• . _ 04 off ; - • , nowandod ~ - - -i I „-91121# 7 1,041z 325 ii ' $2,5 ots w•Lre ararx.rz. •Licensed nu de r p e otontnflt cjWieciefairli• trtrlNOTttel t t P l r ge we the Wheeler w.nor tiruoUon Orreed; .WsISS SktesideAscetliglini;widselibst% ssiagarir " g i l i: "" :4 1 7 %1'444144u ” wr" P or when sold. For el, cabin. torntrae., enclose stomp, and address „Jr Bl2o TWEßSktiorisanzsonirre, eltherofoor Oeceto,mtosapltlito No; Tetlildoti , MID, or St. LOuln;lio. 134,41 t . th ticothle or single thread.—Sefrottie tlnhilltnerY • • s CSR 4+ JAB Es mrpawearr, *cf.*. ATlVitriqt, err . 1 1. 111 1. ..!! . ." . 00 _SAAR/gal:my .t 17.1.1 Wan‘a WW: ll= 01 Brilliant engagement of the Young American Actor, . 1EJ3310172.1V dfila.A..2llBl, Who will appear ror the first time here as all/tle TIIIS (Saturday, liVfiNiNtl, will be preaentetl the areal 3 art Drama of the KEN MAKER OF MOSCOW, Kerte Newel ........... . . Adam.. To conclude with the .1 net sensation Drams of 40.191.13.r.,1a.MT ireiir.); On THE WITCH OP HURLOATE. MONDAY, BENEFIT OY Mr. H. A. WENT WORTH. TUESDAY, YANKEE LOCKE. THAYER, NOYES 66 CO.'S THE GREAT MASTODON OF 1S6O; 100 JIMA 130 HORSES. Together with a grand comprehensive troupe of Performing Aoots7a, Apes. Baboons, Animals, Dogs, Ponies, &e., Collected from the four illumine," or the globe. win exhibit al the RED LION LOT, PITTSBURGH, On Monday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday Thurs. day, /friday and Saturday, MAY Trn, nYti, 11711 AND 12rn. tigtilre "l n '' uncler 17. years PO cents Merin. Doors upon at 1 and 7 eceitiek nt. Commence No sgandfng room. boor after opening. Seats Ibr everybody. • •• The entire performances of the titan einmafrom ihe Introductory paneatit to the finale( the Mule Extravaganza. will be produced with a Mart, of artistic lintsh and In a slyle of magnificence ulna.- a c In any ago or elltne. The varied acts will enStmace an orltrittallty of conception and compict, peas of execution sufncient to establish the great and obtluna snperlotity of the Mammoth (..Mmhina tlon. The entertainmentswill he esmutlally dtf !!ferent In style and effect from the ordinary &reale amusements. and they will be given by • grand ! troupe of aitrope. and American artistes, th• most distinguished In theworld. woo are singularly gifted with rare talents and matchless grace. The capaeity for attractive features- to I, wetly - "SWIM and greater thane sor baton. attained In this .euantry: and they will he presented wllh the vivid splendor. of decorated apparel and ornalustad par althernalta, extravagantly Wapitent, aided hy tlao Important chsanotellstlCs 01 Blaperb Music and brilliant effects. The classic manes altord In struction with amnseluant. and entirely fattiness In style. and Imoottiparable In purity and eneel- Mace, . . Carta,. parties of ladies end children !!!!! lug the (Arens will havo prompt attention shown then) politeg shert. especially assigned to proniots t 1 comfort of families who are onalae alit. Rod 1.4. exhibition with an escort. tuy I :6147.1i7s I.ASONIAI HALL, FOR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY, WEDAESDH,. 1111118111, FRIDAY OD SATURDAY, flay Ad. 3d, 4th tat 311,... Mi . ' sired/ Consolidated SAX SHAIPLEY'S KtNSTitELS AND, Tony Partor's 'Consolidation, own,' E.NTESTA N I , Si I 88 ALFILTXBTB Mit una.r t . , l . lrzt , tz th.. ~,,,, • tra.amer ismr...ammprasnr, Who will po•ltively appnar at esrb prrforiusece Admi..l. , e. 35 OF ALL THE LATEST STYLES, a- craT,PrzgstPx• •ALT _EORINSON & Co.'s • BY - Market Street. ~~/ ~ i ~ . 7-A- MMIEZIgn PLC, 33 Mo. s 9 n ear 6th Yocood I .*Sc...parcAuww or -nouns AND Hams this Spring. We keep ou hands AIAANUAAn, of .very variety efileote end Shwa, selected with Uto .. .llttuost care for thls market. We itmlLespecleist,, trollop to our stock, as we helices. 17 to tithe brut le the cloy, which we will sell at the lowest prices. Please rail at No. Shillarket street. flaring had .oYeithlrly year. experience, les the buetneett, yoo .cannol au to to salted,. Itesnember the place, No. 80 Market. eireet. (aphis J ACLEN ll.Ollll. NEWSPRING GOOD 9. 1138 , 3111Csarlcert ieltroat, • H.., aow on hand an. extensive essorthient of LA ME'. MinliZE:s BODIinna:CILLLOREN'S Hoois, Shoci.eAaliers, ItalisioraLs, • • they ran and .In sell as cheap ei AV tither bons. In the oily. Call ani,..l4l.alac. AIM CHEAPEErriiiII - 1711ECnEAP- Err. (1011 , 747 TO 02 .17DERAL -OTREOF Boots, BLOT AMOIiTME NT I.N MHZ lAwett Priers. - 10z.EVERP PAUL AFASSAllrral) AT PA'CLINT(I4IM,._ ClPAife4tstcei. Mieptiire- NEW ROOT AND 9I sroRE, .11"0.:24 Bt. ants- street , #4l/ !at trial'seleer'ltoiir'O' 1 1,5 4 EZied,,,Viutt . '?„'llftl." 1 • to,,'/' (%- eitgar.s. (.p2l:cmco) DEISin3TEY OSEPiI AD • •AlintiaDigidis .0. lu . e a lbos Butid °onset' of MAYO D 64 and r - 4 .4,A+4,- ' =at MEM W. It. LEAH. ORAN U COM DIN ATION CIPLCII3'3SI. Kmbodylng the CTlortnom. ravalcade of rAir:TI CU LA It 2: vric EiPEOIAL ?:OTICS. BOOTS, SHOES, CM 08 ILDRNIN•lg BALL - MOTCAT_,S, Nos. ,55 and 57 • A srLEFpp) . STOOK 1111MMI J. W. CARNAHAN &CO., =MI tMU=I MEE FOR SAIX---FOR RENT. ! MERCHANT TAILORS. _apt3 LOTS FOR SALE IN 1•ITT AT FROM $6O TO $6OO. =MI ]ItMASTER.. (JAZZ Ail AI 1„.1., ATTOR :VEY, AT LAW. wy2 98 Oren; street, Ilttsburst, A HANDSOME COUNTRY INONIE Tint RALE, 411.1 Ate tulles trim the city, and within ten inlnottra` walk of the l'ittairmrgh sod Uonnellsellle Railroad. rommaudlng • brantlfel slew of river mil surrounning country. comprises •hout acres at ginned, nighty cultiva- I ted and laid out In the most approved style tood ern tandsmipe gardening: studded with shrub bery, and • crest •ariet) of the choicest Walls and slnes In 1111 bearing. There Isalso on It a never falling spring of sealer, and Cuing one acre to wood. The Improvements consist In part of-a neat Ittink Cottage with 7 rooms and wash-bowie. large and II built Stable, 1n on,. r oom after large elstern and sp.,incled pump an isitidu few meet of Elie kitchen door, and all Is cinder e Reel lent fence. For particulars, prier toms, Lc., en quire id . tfeTti IL t o. 14`011 SALE. rtllib ESN v r.N Al' ILI L IyT A Delight!ld Residence in 111" Clare Tp. The 'Lot t. I lhn highod wane of colllvatlon. Two good lint trip on Itrn prenace. rur torn, enquire of JAMES T. 81111PLK, Kral KatAtt HNiur an.l lautarauee Agent. .....1111 No. V., Ilrtr,1•110 ipt.4l.nT • COAL AND LIME PHOPEKTV YOU HA 1.1! the tifeul.-e•Ille kallrow. soren miles from the ell,. CONTAIN/NG ON% HUNDRED AN I) MUFITY. HIS ACRES, Steam all Watt, Flutalt, m 5.15,,, MIII. an., .45..? Env Ilsiprol,[nhUla. ••• - . AI., Snout Eighty Ars,. of coal without lb. finglarn, Wt. gait., h.O You,.. at tlinlratra nial.)an, on central Etallrontl, enutalnlng ltu ann..and Macre. Toettorther particulass, WLLIAY w A.D. tor,.• feu 110 Grant nin•rt. . . • - - FOR SALE. =I Will he tow . 11)-DA Y at natured turret. • 1 TWA tear cltuair la Weettoor.lacht tentam, Penna..,oa thr North-It .atrra thatellesaLa HAS/fowl, about twc wale. east of Apo: I a., a cOntatat two arty large,v.lna Ltecl.— Vll/21ToN wad FINK CLAY Id entnalete a kit PtlW/tlt. ror farther partarucara toqulre At th e Law and Claim Warr of W. J. i ILALLr PASTILICSON. dela S. 141 Yourtb lit.. Illitsbergh. 1 1 a. 1, - " , :inDi rots SALE--LKhown fig the Lit. Plair Part/. containing 174 ben., about 100 of sth Oh me cleared; situate le indium mmeiTs 4 miles from th e County Seat a _ ?LW 10191Meritenia Double of LARUE Lull I.IW ELIA NC Double Hank Baru, Spring House, to. There In • 7 loot rein of good Co. on the farm; tho. s Noe Mill Sem. Terms 1 . 6[11 . . Inquire of J. T. MoLAIJOHLIN flft, No. 'l3o2, Litwety atreet, rittaburgh, Ur ol WM. SHIELDS, In the vicinity. apM:treil VARBIL FOR SAM-ContainJOg lA% acres, situate /it. Uhdr lownshlp, Wee; 4° "°" two (2 ) T u ora h arAVlT Van ' 14 1V1 ' M5T1L 0 2%, " .7.:74, i.tra u tittgZ containing nee Toorda Mad 010011 - 601114. A 1.% a E t... 1 Frame barn and a yotnna (Erhard containing cholax Lee. Inquire of .1. Y. McLAUtilli.lN CO., ti 0. 3 143. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, - ' ttr of A. MATTHEWS, on the premises.. aipMioteni - - - - -- VALUABLE BLOCK OF , - LOTS a FOR SALE IN THE NINTH W AED-Itound ed and descrl bed m follow.. tietag el the corner of Lumber and Liberty streets, thence along street 1.10 feet to the corner of Carroll street; then.. along .1d street Jati (del to Spring olw poaltelim Muter Depot Wtirks. The shore Is well totted to erect • thole Mseufacturlng establishment or tesubillride Into sellable bellaing lots, baying the advantage of four fronts. Apply to . aim) 13. CO, ronrilna. - - von. SALE.—SEWICITLET .nEst.! DENCE. - ITWllinWallg,aggits•gaf lantin With state of cultivallnii, ou *ltch iota tea-story frame dwelling, contains twelve goonhullt In modern style. Cellar under the whole house." (food stable and carriage house. Excellent water. Ft hoot hundred (mill trees, Including ever"' Variety.' Three *creed in forret trees near the house, Cold grapery and shoundlug lu chrObberyand flowers. JOHN D. BAILEY pmelc norittrAlltottita: Broker. ; • sari. "blo: lot - Fourth Stroot. Tl l Olll SALE, AN .OAILEAND.R.ESI, UgNUF.—One of the•most: definUttl Allegheny county, wttlta LAMM' fittleft I)NY having all the modern.nmpravementsottall ItholltS nem, ot grotlad, wltLa UltcfrUlt: ornamental And oental treetitutl tintab . " • ap26 ; imp SALR-4500 acrepvpl,gicell le.lo 'Timber Land In Jeffersoit CO., Pa, to offer ed at (below price of SI per acre; lame block of ituildlne Lots In the Math Ward, opposite the Out er Depot, Joel, theamAtt toe,a tarmaandoetaghlif atabaslnnent. - surroonded by streets and alley; a oiled Betiding Lot on Magee streeL.ln.the Eighth Ward, near Forbes street, Is offered for VW. Al,- .1y to B. MeLitih St CO., Ly Fourthatreet. 1 4 1 OR SALE—A large and well fin. nlahrol Manelab House of It Yookul, wide halts, highwelllnga well of water, CISICIU, garden hit s, Mull tree, altuate titer Pa. Avenue, this side of bubo Run, overlooking the Monongahela river. Poo seaalon can belladat abort notice. Will be sold on easy kn., by • ;• la htll7l .24 BElt jd.r T apM (WELLING HousE h;SIVIVLIE SKALE.—ThatEET TON KALE.—That a nd well fin lahed three story Beek Derelliog. ow, yllo.etreat tutarleiltth, tinlehed In modern etyleotontalbint'l arr " ltiti iNdorigT4eri'4:;il ' TIT! WATS She desirlib e ttlee o oe nese orpostie now offered for . aale. P 0... on m rrirktri*Aareal.'lolllrduAli lariat: $4 , OCH) WILL PURI:RASE A DWELLINti HOUSE of par. tor, dining room, kluihep, four Athematic ra, , thatit. room, cellar , etc, 00132 feet Irontton fruit `` r eed • ti:titlTVlllEßT.d^l3o2ll3:tillitMiet iskinnnifek Eton KALE.-A %lime story BRION pxygLIJNI;;.• Nu. modenn street, containing 12 ruo tor, with all atom appllooom, for convouleuce and rem roet„, End) , possettion 11144414 tUdeire . hdd Reed tursonett street:Bette s Itallatte. T'Emit irabl 0 *twee -- et" Betel , thse/Irnit, tinting brut cold we ter and gm to Aral Mild ,secOnel litll na,, osa • Steer ar!iine, near AndersoadlaillicegatailY: Real Zits's --- aprO • " No. 101 Fourth street. NEAIII 801110 BUlDGE.e , betWeen Avenuq Conuellsvine t •i r: and comfortableill+effinrlleewiti lewd order, vettb larvlriarthit. fruit lam Tlde hail u .7,`"To w L ° UTIIBXBr a m llppaart ~I r. aD ists. "tuts il. B suu—tuur.'acres :or coal, ii sus ! ate In Ebel pf. t Lau I . to.n ne Immhr w on at Mlawt , u'lrll.l4 wiloulara, enquire au. H. TO Eststetgent,llisniStifoirethiftretltlittAft C. CAMPBELL, on the prunisalc • ,_)) lir yOlr SALE—A tiwitizittoir Brick Dwelling of 7 metes, hall, azultralititutle., three years befit, with lot ta by 00 feet, Kwult giZet • r tiff r ' r:Zl " o 11, 1 41;14 4 4 4 :ll.llgrlie Rent Estatwand Insurance Mee of • 11,.DATU, -pad Hu LI erateeet; Lawiwneerille. VALUABLZ FOR' ALE,, , onastronnt•lot. aLtioonrthim, tog • Milt ortlitovenron street 'cit to OK, AN 222, curt InVk t 2 O•ratoonwrhlettnrwerteterr tWo oralne - RWOUlntro, which now rout foollopon‘ron iJJera Inn sort ray uncut oft° per ap24 8:11OLAIN • CO., I 2 rocortb ttreeL giulphirw of on. . • - ..00 - 41 7 go d aci ce4 hem , • ~.nEntirnitiawnittigiatonipthrox, , ,,,,i,k%: Tmust unt- iterger Ilehthe 40feri1 , 41.• euvatT, wh i rtOref igter at the tauth:a of Optic. , tamer upwisaukinalgoggir vat . anDA fx4 i CO., I.= rourib nom. =Witt Ovine to the lateness of their purchases for the SPRINI) TRADE (the senior partner toeing how In the East) they are prepared to exhibit moods for tin• CUSTOS! TRADE at the VENT LOWEST QUOTA TIONS that goods have yet reaehed. Thep hare; and design to keep, a SUPERIOR STOCK OF CLOTRING FOR SALE, OP THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. and EQUAL In all respects to CUSTOM WORK. tal,3o2assd3mYT G EN. GRANT ISE FIWr . Z•Jp •cA It .7 " • : t : • • . 323CY'SnEiV 4310aTSB AT 47 St, Clair Street. GRAY & LOGAN mhZ HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, COMM CORM Of PL N I St. maim!" =I Desiree to return thanks to hlp friend. and the pub Ile generally for tholt liberal patronage, and would respectfully inform them that be has Just return ed from the Hasteru markets with • large and,well selected Malt of Fine Woolen Goods, BUMMER to tiENTLENLEN , EI 81it1213 AND SUMMER WEAN. Min CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &e McCALLI39II BROTHERS No.. SO FOURTH STREET. We have on hands a very superior stock of 4 o.A.zrax•mrrxma• "2rg 24 feet wide. PIANtIAND TABLE COViilltS—Euery kind In " 1117 A NTH BUtin—Prone the finest quality Collie !owes/ priced, a: CAN main, TBN MATTI:saI, COVOA AND MANILI A AT - etc. Mee A LLlliffllEllS, Formerly M. D. At IL Ileeallam. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Priceszached since the war. A line di' Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received—very handsome---never offered in this country before—and at prices based on the present rate of Gold McFABULND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d floor, Nest building to V.B. Custom Honig and Postadtbe cdk2.4 STEAMSHIPS. I BALTIMORE AND HAVANA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ALEX. BROWN & SONS, Gen'l Agent.% FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. Carrying the Wailed Matt* Hail. Th. ?1r... lu.Steamahlfb of this line will WI as follow s • •f• Uli A • •—i.EO tons, ST...M.lllns, Command, on NAVIN', A Y, • • LUIERTY`—t...SO tons IT J. Stafford, Command r, on Ni NUN F.SUAT. !day Frani SitUN PI'S WHAM , . PELL'S POINT, ALI o'clock r. w., pnwiliely, on the days announced. /Or ftelgut or paorage, having unsurpassed ac conduidntions, apply HENNA N. WAlt to i• I ELD & AVMs. la ISPRAIR'S Unman. .N.ll —N0.11111.1 of Lading bit tholes ritthe Compa ny will be slatted. Permits fur the freight must be proenred from this office. No freight received ni.r bills of holing signed on day of Wang. apUily _ TEAM TO AND FRO M A hi DRIMENSTOWII tlint.A•ri) tsr lee • LlYEg *win. The INIi&N LINE. . 111 .1" EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDITESDAY, CA !LEVIN° U. S. WAILS. T 1 eta .1.1 to and Irani Ireland. England, Scot land Itermani and Praire. Ap th•Compang stillbres, JOHN G. MLR, Agent, Broadway, N. Y. ►:v~,~.5 H . c. BILACALIKELI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AaD U. M. licensed Soldiers' Claim Agosa.. Bounties Dar Woutided 9oldlen colle c ted 111 Leo ten to tweh de)e. o. stieht. rtitsbUrfb. unit with iiitebarge avd•two witnestes. au at GAZZARI & ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS ATUWI N'AVEEOUSEE.WiIai. •Ps. o tatiol ar s oloh l it i tzt to the EXECUTION OP Titles%astelnellasof Collett i oNm a jre PennsT to and West Virginia. - .. :43 " T 8UtrN 4411 T/Pi r AnntrIM ENSI titrYCIVW -MBP. of eyeyy,dawrlpUos, colletteetz the tUblerther at the ma.*lni> l .4lsl. .Pr o tjaill • Cut• • litamotid itieet;4s=trh °u" gat b =W. 11,Yi 8 /r0 2 % - AMINO: AT aw, ,- coartu 0774118 451/O P.M It6 U - 1 Pea- Allar 1 101110 : itsi.l 1866 . sPRING HALTS. 1 866. MeCCOR.I3 48r. J3l WOOD STREET, • Wish to cell special titration to their lupe and splendid stook of for keringeinei Sum mer ,wear, .• .A.11.E.112.433.413111110 -4701.7r1,13:tir. kADIPZ , DERBYS. Ydell%AlEaßlßß.% AltufTt'S land BOYS' SAltotedel, t•uOVNe 'Tibtr's, BilittliTONS, aftIItTONS, DERBYS; PFXOO,•de., taltl.4k,W, ii3PC:111014120: %", Of eery description U. sattCß tastei. MEDWAL. FoinTypkget "tgrick . • Tug-. I. 4 4 DlEEaanil lira tee litre:n*loW Were" by Phyri• clans. My loogrestderweybAbleo rysikedtheamoruit of patent& tneeed babeaffy py,ate. are sottlelent TDleigm'n'Auluut mgva n oictsgb weik-. 11 aud dlogordif Mall( isborter..A . ll irtherl bereuro c r i e t RiViEgg' trveltara l ietter . i 4 mor eontirrit t :tiia i ro ri a return go e bold awed. Arf ' ere 43 1 41111121b14 &areas. J.W. - irr6'ritr° Aft Rittaima.rft.i pItIVATE,DISEA.SEII.• ' - • • • ""P: 36 2 , 4 . l9 FRairarn. 'mar nand. ytmlitre otizs;rit.;:stveoa Vkt. ta llics.fg4= 4 4 " 4=il al other 44,,Wit . i rir preventtow l=a= to4itui ,~=";, 'I rxrfOrsxl,7* . : • SILT KNOititiiii, fAMPIPip. • *11111421:1*: . , „ - I COMMISSION MERCHANT P. OWPNS nwENs, REISIVEDY & - HARPER, CMODUCE COMMISSION MEItCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In FoliElliN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. SALT, FLOUR, BIITTEIt, EGON. PO. TATOES, at., and In Provisions and Produce gen. reaps. No. 76 PEDF.RAL STREET, opposite the Railroad DespoS, Am.&61.1.ta11. Ea. Agents for the sale of P. Y. Bite's, Donnell & Ellntan•s and J. Earn•s Salt. ap11:13,1 Nl-67.1. tD. T. eras,. Av . J. STEEL & illt0„ late Flem • • • ING tr, VitOl.a. r E COBLISISSION ERVILA FMK, receive anti sell Flour, Coro Meal, oats and Con, henna, Bacon Lard, flatter, Cheese, Rags, Pork. Green an.l Dry ruits. l'otatorea, Flax Lime,Gnus Seed, Feathers. tilt Barrels, Hoop POles, Lime. bait. de., Ac. Particular attention paid to the t sal . eof Foreign and Domestic Smile, No. IMP Third reel, Pittsburgh, Pa. febtinsd _____ . - • - • (IHARLES C. BAISLEY, Produce v•-• and Commlesion Merchant, Warehouse No. ril LIBERTY STREET, Plitehurgh, Pa. Wholesale dealer In Rutter, Clow., Lank Eggs, Pork, Limon, Reims, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Hart ley, tided Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour Grain, Clover, Timothy Semis, Flax Seeds, Game and Poultry. Particular attention /Oxen te Produce Penalunmeuo, sole 133Z=M .• - . • ..... •• • ....... , AJUILII AT'ILCIE to. Al%3Elt, CODIDIISSION AAA MERCHANTS and dealt:, In YLLUITI, GRAIN and PRODUCE, Second asset. betweett Wood and Smithfield. Plllaburgh. __pt MOS. POlllll ..... .70ArN AMP. S. A. fin LIVARD AIKEN . 1" Combss1011 Merchants, a jk d 8 dealers ßr r All ,,, D and Lk,meatle Fruits, }lour, Itoutter,ClieLicF'Egg—s, Potatoes and produce generally. No. NH LIBERTY Pittsburgh. STREET, aPlAwito DeP°'7 w.COLP .... ........ OTIS ISIISPAHD GULP tiIIiEIPARD, Commission hierchanta And dealers In boor, Grain and Pro duce. No. 347 Liberty street, Plttaburgb. Choice brands or Floor for l3akere and Family use constantly on band. Partienlar attention paid to orrler sloe Merchandise generally. oceay BAIRD & PATTO 31 WholesuleGrocers, Commission Illorchasta_and dealers in Produce, Flour, flacon, Cheese. Fish, Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Ninth, Glass, Cotton Yarns mid all Pittsburgh manufactures generally and 114 Second street. Pittsburgh. THOS. MITCLUCLI. WM. P. P. BECK & CO.ff No. 185 T Liberty street., Pittsburgh, Ya. Wholesale ti7 r =t 3(. s ." l4 l :l l l:l2 ie Tt i ar t lr d (Meese, r p6 a ae. 14doce ° , u rlotr;7 Grain,'Eleeos, Orem) and D ed Prvlte , dc., Balt and Lime. ))18 P. OITXIIII .1 8. RE.YAITJI WY. D. IMILD. PE IMER & BROS., (Successors to -Lw Kepner 1 Anderson i ) Wholesale D ealer. 10 /or 'leg= 172111Vorragt,tt PllO. Pitudyorgh. • IrMire BOOT. KNOX ANDIIMP KNOX. R. KNOX & SON, Comtnisslon MSRCHANTII suripealers In FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL PEED and MODUCE generally, No. TO Diamond, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City: -J817:13,111 JOHN u CAIIIITIEHLD, eollllllllllBioll .4 Forwarding lierchant and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve pee.. Butter. Lard, Fort, LCeedl.ll7LlghbliZt IrviePdorgeltdBVerce. generally, Nos. 144 sad tse grout street. Pittsburgh D. 112.122213 Fr ao /4, n REITER, PROIR.TC .. J E . p9rebsai Cou ng agentfgr 1 :137133513 " 1iam313::23 —"" 1 2 ,rehpase, 24 o. 235 Liberty etteet, beret, Ya JOHN I. HOtHir • • JSDWATID 110IINI...WAIL HOWL. JOHN I. HOUSE 1:111.11 'access. sous To Joust I. HoOss & Uo. , walnuts'sGro cers end Commission Sterebszita, cotter of Smith- Sold sad Water streets, Pittsburgh. fell J AMES DALZELL & SON, Mann. futurers of Lard 011, and Commission Merchants thr the purchase id sal Waterredo and troleum, Nos. 89 and 70 street, Pittsburgh. Advances made on Consignments. & LANG,Wholesale 4 .." dealers In Orooeries, Flour, Grain, Produce. Pro vision Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon GM N 172 ano 174 P. Wo od Street, near Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, aellit soma. 0, Nast, - GLOMS mrraGall.. HEAD & DIETZGAR, Grocers and Commiulon Merchants, and dealers to ail kinds of Country Produce and Pittsburgh Mannfaetures, No. Pi ttsbu 248 Liberty Street, opposite head of Wood street, rgh. apaily L'ETZER & ARMSTRONG, For scanting and Cow:W.l Jklerchantse ri sale ot Lfrain, Naomi, La ou rd, Nutter, Dried Fruits, and Produce generally, No. 16 Market treet, corner of First. Pittsburgh, Pa. featly ET RIDDLE, No. 188 Liberty St., . 1 - 11 -• Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Merchant. and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, lin:lefties and Pittsburgh manufactures. Cash savalice4 on Coo and paid fur Produce generally. an= ROBLES DALZLIS. A. P. DALIZLI. pOIST. DALZELL & CO., Whole sale Grocers, Commission mid Forwarding Men. chants and ilealers to Produce and Plttaborgh Man avatarss No. =I Liberty Greet, Pittsburgh. 11 . H. /AUK, till.ooEß, .ti us. I .d 2 IILAIIIIIND softly PITPSIIPPOIi, PA. JOHN WATT -.JOHN WILSON. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale T Grocers, Commission Sierehasta and dealers In Produce sod Pltteberg hianufuteres, No. OS Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. luZ ISLYNT LANIOnsT..JOUN nhIIUTUIt . A. C. WALLACH IAMIBLItT, SIIIPTON & A lTLolcsale (Import sod Prods. Dealers No. a. ISININ want. Pittsburch. ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale tioserra Ventunlsalos Merchants. and dealers In Posdure. No. N' Watee street aud Front street, Pittsburgh DZIILL ISEIJI2 - - ---- --- L-, I,OIOIIT. I IL VOIGWr & Co., (Successors ..i. to Si. Ursa ) Produce and Commission frier- Omits. 247 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ..-... . WILKINS LINIIABT, inneeossor to &Unknown a I.lnbart) Itosler In flour and Groin, Product. and Commission Merchsum Nu.W , ILIIIILIiTy STHX.NT, Plitabornit, Pa. Gelay ___ • • PIANO§, ORGABS, NOW BEING ItECEIVFAD, TUT ELEGANT STOCK OW CH ICKERING PIANOS, tlnleakd P—ct:',l);,:tartht= SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS "";:rt:14.11=7.4="X.1.:" ma AIRIUBTED FOR FIVE YEARS. CHARLES C. MELLOR. in WomtP3kent. I , HE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, AND Schotoacker $ Co, Phßode/phis, I :7° 18 r c The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. utitti= g io d a y agg e ri b irtotoWth tal eit gw tha tonitt i and quality or tows. and thorough wog . m Thesetstruntente As for ak the Arrt r t:r ti a dYo " di r ty all rll. l 'am t . n Pt p r rleeT the " y 2 Le vrl ow ° 3 l than any others. Alt warranted for are years. weal:Exam( & BABB, Na 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ITU liyy ai o-idavis),!4:(l ,plTTsiuiwiyiTmet, WORKS :ANDMOO7I, „ coos • . . • • thevoielolus;2•6:simms, W 1 1) Lo.„) limpritecard. or tn. atairatned Can Plat and Octatou t otaaMaw Mate. HO% POTS . . 11E&IUG -moitiErt meqw!:3, mmET pLo 4 w - L a 145. i3 ersiara6..en,4l-matL. Cut and Ca=non PloSgh and Spring Steel, utacs—sonveze P.m str ie Ltz t . , svoldocio •DoleA•dy BLAU'. DLAMOND WC:IOR3ECAN, PARK, BROTHER a. co., =1 HEST QUALITY RZYINCD max imum. iaislifiace and Ottildusof allidsts? Wartanted pfidieddr nyanFractlund In Ws coyly. nd Statekt 210:10ind Ildifieid; an' •nd istrula. lusbnesb., noinya sad 123. W.D. slaw ' J. P. wittocial. .LE 'BTEXL W,0110114:: , . WICTSEEti *": Cho. , _ • wtkott,l —Ai nNer . mow .6v K . %: intuw : si— j• bnit4 Tbs; 4 tn,i4O: 'We/WT.IMM= (PP Plits PAVssB . _'__:` a. aera1rna5...................:.......:........:1, M. WI/A130111121. - AN ApporynE, Mc.NAVGIIIWro4 ... . .... . ....... . ' '''' • ' s i roNg - Mlo.loloi FAVERthii4 -, , , ~ . • . Will attend „rmiptii...:4o-;,i.:.;!..,.':..,,'. wyriiphihigilidLitiOns Siliiii4kand, '' ':'-. • 8rieW,T5.4:11 4 0011. 114'... ~ ' riadsaiirti gi lie unmet , Cara Ilitilties IritilTheti imalak..-Also, Wading' ma3.Felliz,..#lgglarliana at nit dulling , saithisivln4Gar line will have tielr orders stigma/. Ao..bry adaretving as throail e tliw't_ll.ldiewlxv,A oillaw, 'At s.7,Vili.AlF.?"'°' 1477 *igiarit 4il aap , ln Y fi , cilasiione• -.. P ia , tarrria. 'moliiianiturdisvoi.. - . SODA, ,ASH. S11)411111. - . - 'CHOICE BRANDS 'l49i titles o anupurtnasephlot - pavyy - . ,, . ';101:1Litoil *AV itoWATADR, .401e4w.4 ~s_. _. ~ , .._.-._.e. ~~~z~. BANKB AND BANICERB. BABIALEIG N. ROLES & SONS E3i5t3333.0.11E5, N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Deposits received In par Funds and Currency. Collections made on all the principal NW. of the United Staten and Canada. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on ConaLsslon. wa P f articular attention paid to th e VuretiaaC and n o UNITED STATES SECURM : . 1N07.17D1N0 United &ales Blase of MI; Do. do a-Ual, Do. Fires of 10.4111; Do. Seven-Thlrtlea,• Do. Certlteater of Indehtafyele. Orders and Vouchers bought or collected. Jaiß: 1)0 --- .OLLAB SAVLNGS BANK, No. 63 1./U/ITH OTREET. CHARTERED ID IRS& an'.Praidugiy frame tot oigZkzdaliartowllVZ33l2: ha, from 7 to 9 o'cloce, aid from November In to May Ist, from 6 to 6 o'clock. Deposits received of all p e sts.t less than One Dollar, sad a dividend of t he m declared twice a year, I semi-a n nua lly Dcrember. Interest boa been declared la .n i n e and December elhhe IL re the D.. ank was organized, at the rate of al. per Cents Interest, If not drawn out, Is placed to the credit Of the depositor as principal. and bears the same us tercet Dom the lint days of June and December, cosspotthdtm twice • year without trembling the de pordsor to ctuk or even to present lotaWl book. At une rate money will double In less tn twelve years. Books eentshain g Ike ehemer. Macs and ReArolnions, furnished gnus, on application at the ooce. Vies r - John G. Backoren, Benj. L.Fahnesulck, James Herdman. James McAuley, James B. D. Meeds, Isaac M. Pennock, ?nu. Wm. J. Anderson. C.1v132 Adams, John C. Bindle), George Black, RJR Bergwin, A'onsola. Carrier, Charles A. Colton. W m. Douglas, John Evans, John J. Gillespie, S. Haven, Peter H. Hunker, Richard Hays, Diutastniam—CUAßL • Binarrani—JAii. B. Ll T HE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, 47 , 1" CAPITAL PAID IN $1,000400. Wrrn PHIVILIGT. or 2. 000,030. Banking house CORNER. FIRST AND Wool) LITREICTS Tide Bank, organized under the National flanking tn"trT4 prepared df to F b i=g t at Ito Collections mane ou all smote poi on the most favorable term.. Special Agents for JAY COOKE for the sale of the U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. SAMUEL RSA, President. F. Id. GORDON Cashier. J. C. Mckl/ZR.SON, Teller Iti:Cl46)l NSIIHE TOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO. of Hartford. Conn THE ONLY LIPE INSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that now mates and pays an Annual CAI3II DIVIDEFD on the first and each subsequent payment of prentlum. Its CdSli CAP L ITA, to ace cumulation of 1E..030,000, Is securely Invested In pdtf. Ile stocks and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. It is now in itslsth year of business, and has paid to the WIDOWS AND unMia.m3 of its members the sum of ONE MILLION POLLAN& To this date not a sin gle caseof litigation has occurred, an evidence that Liberality and Pair dealing is a specialty with this Company. The policies of MIS Company are not forfeited by remota( non-payment of premium alter the attend year. No payments required after ten years, but polities anilines goodthrough life. J. C. WALliti',7Waident. . N. 8. PALMER, Vlee Presblenl. S. H. ASHUR, Secretary. Branch Office for Western Pennsylvania, where Circulars and blank Applications will be furnished. 6 8 Firth street, Pittsburgh. Agents wanted throughout the State. Apply to oslnny F. E. 1.10011 IELL, State Agent. CHARMER 1829 . PEIIPETUA I. FIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets (Pla Jan. 1, 1E44, Capital . 40(1,CM) Accrued Premiums •eno.4. Invested Premiums 1.101.351. Unsoiled (Annus • SOH. theorem for NM ZACK*. loan. l'lntil sineeldte . e &IMMO. Perm:nal and Tempura/T.1 . 4;11am au liberal terms. Dnuovreas. Chu. N. Reneger, Isaac Lee; Toblea Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant., George Halos, Jacob R. Smith, ARred George W. Richards, r.w. W. Le George P.D CHARLES N. ANCKER, Pre&Went.. EDWARD C. DALE, Viet PrealdeoL JAIL W. MgALLISTER, Seey pro tern. J. IL Agana. 14s earner Wood .4 Third ..eta. `IRE AND MARINE ASIIRANCE CO. OF NORTH A MIMIC& PILILAMUL - PHIA: o=l Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Assets. . • fir Protection can be seemed In the above named and reliable Companies. 11:7,1 .WESTERN INSURANCE CO, OF Ti Pri"AligehPviirouts, ttinTiEVlV,..Senenu e .Ate d. ni. mice, 03 Water sturet.,Upsau Wyo.'s Ware ousel up stairs, Flitsburait. • • Will lasers seeinstsli kinds or ma and r ectors Risks. A home, Institution trisnageil by. Directors who are well known to Dm corrimonity,sed who ire detertolold PraMtitness and .11berallMto late the Chars/ter whiett they hare assumed, as ef feting the best proteCtlon to those whollAttre Idtm Alex. Nl=let, R. AU Jr, t=4:I A IVI I. • .Jcuh bell Herm. Jain. r , itatatt• Yid. I:4lERBERT;liceretar, • -- - CPMENBrINNICIIANC COMA. , 'Y OF riT 34:11ungilL-rewbOuet . W.M. sAlit%/4% rmieldent, stiarAnD, +Art: - llasitren Steamboats and Lat goes, vie . t.ilitation ima l ek=gtza , WarAMient, Lakes, and ;Itaytt and the navigation of tep.s t s. against losaand daning , W;Pet . • •• Wm. Bren damoelan. Pak. r., W. U. Jobzurtom.„ S. Jotombilf Rhodes, amday Preston: -,1" UMW. #Mikmh. * 't • • : L`: 1.1 ; 0/FlOl4 K. Z. QiNINZR WOOD !AND inetam .cm.a War L U riett l at i ge °,* : - Joan Parkei- slasarles .artnickl4'' Capt. Jai. 11.111er. Joan Elakpatzlek.• W. Vaa Kirk. /rank S. isisselL r James D. Nemec • a( _ it al it.t. "31' JOHN tu WAlT . l , l'7 lpe IRA:I2.n t Jalltl7 • Pvt. 73,661110 LiuuDON, Gantt Agt. LiaeGurarr mumataarcz Nu. 37 Mr.) lertraat JOHN' 114. • •,. • ,•JOLLN DOICV9II.I.4.IrIce raaaldeat • C. cvnanrbtn..l.rosecretur. Capt. WM. 'DEAN. tienarat Airapttt . • .. InalCrpart Joan HA"' . , J kinutoN, • • cUnr.i..Wnt. Dean. Jr:. - tr . n'trelirvls: MN 4 I,.,f_eltalleg l'ilvirEs, sAviegrommornmut , -.),- _,-. -,.: --, ..lty harlot Tour Old Table Ware WITH.. ,x 11E-PLATED HELVE& e nl ' y ' I F reru, TlnEA% EepewAKE t ....e3.: . '.7 "'_'uTe l Vlet" D wz "crrtllPA e d -nmh ,-,,lefgrir:' 3. mA . . _ I RE ..„ OPITAtE OF MAGNESIA, ulrsaar .orump.tik. rreptntd ' BAXIXIII‘ Clasmoist X. Y. , 77,7 'F;~t RUE AUTREY. aDILNTS: Robert Robb, John H. Shoenberger JaineeSh Alexander Speer, Mule/tan Yeager. A. M. Pollock. Jam. D. Kelly, may:tar:tn. John Mannar, Welter P. Marshall, John B. McFadden, Jahn Ore, Henri Wm. he ' ht A r ta " Alexander Thadle, William Vantairk., Wm. P. Weyan. Isaac Whittler. - A. COLTON. Id&K119. ttC=fl ZW MONDAY. El AII 1211 i. DRS% Teal. will leave and ninny at the UNION rl T as follows: Depart*. As mar. Foot Line an YO[.HMI 5.10 •• Saar. i. W. Itzpnien 2= P. X. I:10 A. H. Steubenville Aceommod`n...4:l3 '• IMO L, ' A. M. Gen'i Tick dam !. SCU LL. Anent..Stenbenv I Ile, 0, I). Ai% TlCke, A,vent, Union Depot. PlD.borstb. . _ ALNDamismi CON bir.LLSVILLE FRANKLIN - 82,457,949 95 Tin SUAY. MAIWII tbru, 1880, The-trains will lease the Depot, comer pi Hoes and Water streets, as follows: Lemma As rim Pittsburgh. Patati.gli MALI to And from IJuloßtown :: Express, • West Newton doccroludt.tallor. CIS P. x. B,IOA. al. First MelCepoort Accom'n UM A. M. 13:50A. X. Second • r. X. 2:ta r. Y. Braddock's••• 4110. r. Y. SAS P. M. Sunday Church Tralu to uld from West Newton 1:00 ;.Js'. MOD 14. N. For Tickets applgto 11. 0. ditALLENBERGEtt, Agent. W It. BTOIrt, snin. ALLEGHENY _- VALLEY RAILROAD CHARGE OF 1' On and after THURSDAY. April 26th , trains will leave and arrive at Depot, corner Pike and Canal streets, Pittsburgh.. follows: _ Mall, to and Leaner. dirty.. from MAhoning... 7:1X1 A. M. 6:01 P. M. EXtrc" . ! .. 11..... do do .... 4,00 P. Y. /0:06 A. M. =kit r oll l tts Ae''' d ' o d"l".... 7:80 &to A. m., First Hutton do ' .... BM A. m. 11 0 20 A. rt. Porn. os 6o ....11,03 A_. m. 800 P. Mt • 'Second Mutton do .... COO P. is. 8:45 P. as. Honda , / Chiarch Train, to nod from tiodniVorka ..... .. ms 93 . ' ri...:Alext,rt;ol.3)34h.m -.. $1.730.000. HVJAPIMEIPS HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. W. I,..JONICS. Agent. == nave roved, from the =Oft arable experience as ea. Ural success, ample, Caldera and'rellable. 1 hey at e the only mullelees perfeetly. adapted-to popular tto elluple, WWI. ms i taken cahoot be made In avidly them; au hartaless as to be free from danger. and Co elncl not ao to be always reliable. No, 1 CUICS IrEVE7IB, Congestions. Intlanunte• Mala. ' tlon ISYY Rl22 • llB AM,l7 7 T r ec t igrg of 10. 2 4 , • 171 2 ArtlIEJL or children or adults.. it 6 • DYISENTEI4i, Wiping sad 13111oni - 6 r Chid Volt ERA 11Q1411US, ,„ • • , 31, • nebe 3 14 N) 1,17 Aiii14 . 131ci11:C . i1icge...,... TIE • voniatb=ty A i :P=4a 2 r 2,1V43163101511: Whit 18 3.11.0u1 boars '22 14 " /ALT O.IIEU6t :F lO / 0 1 0 . 3 . 7 .7 , 1 C116 . 7, 7$ Riikr4toji:;77rlneon3El.o7o7ll - ,Fliv.ttur.A,24P rr P 24,% ............... orr tore.'tuatmed To • r mute or carom). (904 , wiper/AV a 7 , "ili;.; *2' ' enizrind ' tIkeki. II ,, , XODUALTY, ./b631643 •• Nitol`l7/ nr_ilLE•emitr, gette , 04101,t,,,„ • r , 41,70 A nitaine,, alkitbess,fioni • , r ta tn , . • , 27 '" • 11W14,163" DM/ABA 41rentefr O. Is' NERVO7:7IS DINBI1.11"1",• sgigua _entisslons.invottuttkey 41607370 S •-• aunt Ittgirva...or nbliPt i lLAWlNVg!;lti 1. 4 32 7177 S §rNWOW f a - 6;11 . 31, - o . la itr7. l ,. • •••• zruatrtrr,tipagtim, " 4- Ito ar .• ............. 'Cut. or slab. t:igroltfere4antli*okcOnl, ot ( te 4 44.4. ~. /JO 0) gasp of 27 laritelpin moroctio And book 6W 47377 e of 37 inrge , b 1.10 and book- ..... 07 Owe of 10 boxes o. to 1.10 Ana • ) OSSEDiGE. '7: I . 42° , Th i7 o2 o 2 o l : 7 23Agelat,n 2 Rtt&M, i tzgv,it Anna,, 2 j b t 4 3geetilA T Ill li it/Mtr i t eon, un i on, 4 1.72n0nn end Market turret., 4. 0 6 /6 Mb. .4•••' , " - ' I • WILUtiiiErAND•I6-Areilifilll4`67l4 10b441.6,0070r6,30—,,t-. 6'3 =AT an U ‘41.4. wzmosiw& ort. ).00Q9le . Co tt' pram , • ' •••= -nehl"W and Cron ---- No .-- • .( from , TILT 0 : 10 , sad crin,itinheallniti E eninit==ratlzat . Vie VA, Mimi of ' the Ifliront, indJlawatt ` • 1hnu 1 3164103 1 7•00776, lye!, 1 "- - e;) - --' 0 • DIBICTOIIB Andrew .411E9 1 nwrki it. qAmin , • Reesd Thorns*. DIIIXOTORS • • • - n a.. Cooper, •a. Cmadtet h lre, Duvet - MA4414 , DIEIC2OH9~. ~• ~~~ nu. STRICILLANDVI—ZELL'IREBI(-. 1.. f! IKEA zu.imul ND 0 agALZSDINii 4 ' . . ck PILES. It Tif:tnuuseme..?-,W. , _ Went reliet,, and le La cunt. ley!. f, r It Is warnui yor sale 17 an On'ettol:' r-p , 0011, P!9,44,115•'• • 1 • . IWrcoutsArar. lielatiyrt . _i liiI4PEIPSIA.OOO. Dr:. liertekkando k. ,..+ , i ., . TONnat ,.. .tve r or i r t ;:::: , -- ~...,,,,d . rkur;. l a f al ed iTolg7;l34, aliti , , - , Tik'?‘Vilf/ t ~ adds and dtanaiDlle -te, ,_C-S. , •,* - 1 , , ,. . f,==.l;:mtvit.tx ~ . , - , ~,,,-,‘, -, tv. t nizt ,vtivtiort ,c) .... , ~,.4 , nes+. looms,.'or A I s Eg t ‘ 4 . . Acidity :1 arm , 4, 1 ...' .1 : Flatulraoyaan nobility. 1, \ , s !ha .. , Isnot ateboholliliaboterarot. \ +- A 1.1 \ C`XgrfralVX23*- ' Aostit ...a. „gota bY all ' l M', bow I rma ovary bare at Ili A z. 6 .1 .; in r a Co. noulift._—• —,—,— SiTnuoa A1t,"0"..^,- '-,,,,•-r."..:::, 7.. !,-'''- 4 : i..4 '.l Sit . tril R- 3 . ' .. .e . 4" b4 1.- iii - 1 -'1 ;: . *9 , 41.',.,: v .':f7- i : - '-44,1:74irAN'Cfair..W:,,,,,,,?:,,,, =WC;; RAILROAD& 1866 SPHIAG • ARICANDEMP-NiT, PENNeYLV AMA CENTRAL B. 1L THIBTEILK DAILY TILAIN•s. • . On and after ottbIDAY; April Oak 1910, Ming win lease the Union Passenger Depot, oat nor of it ISO- Macon and Liberty atmei.a, as follows D • AY EXPM-Leares Pittsbursta as Isio a. stopping at principal .rations. Amiens at •it at 7:M /. Lock Tyrone. 8:2:1 A. N.,. tßellekorate, t i er. t Ana' NE.; Lock Haven, 1209 P. m.,•J liarrialnrig,l I r. U.: Baltimore 6:211 P. N.: 177crfr York, els Allen. im a m". 1.47 .1 rAttad:llW i rl . r. ii.; and Pr4lll (York. 711 , 1 N t Al e l i gi d 4B7 - Learea ritubm oh at 9,03 •. monolog at y all Mations; Altoolta,i at r. Harrisbur, B y II.• artist is at Ich , ll , adelphla at 1:10 a.' in. By this Uni t greogeta , riotsfereed at Union Depot . , Wag'. aciPpt 10.KIDes • train fbr New lurk, ream ng PHILADELPHIA EXPRtimbl-Learoslittal met at 4:10 P. It., .topping only at principal stalk lA.. Arrives at Latrobe: 6:00 r. - 11. • Altoona, 0:110 T. N.; Haritaburg. k. tk. t p k itt m P rk . 03 al A. M. New York, via Pitiladenpon, I¢ a r. allentont:, 10:00 A. A. and b 111.1: k X Siff] Lig Can Tan ;though on this ' train tirm t ry.l l 0 Baltimore and Philadelphia, and • hen Y ork via Allentown. Fitti LlNK—Leaves l'lttsoura; •1. 10.00 r. stopplng only at prinetpal statlons. es a t A'- tarns at 2:10.A. K. ,_•H•rii.burg,. 6,2 r; . u.; 1‘.1141. more., ma° IL.; Bev York. via Ailr t atow 1. 2 . 49 P. v.; Phlnk92l9/212,1 1:10 P. Ir.; tad New I%m h, vla Plall et adelphla, at feet a. K. ..84402/rll4. .1./)nfry strataar trarstra &ma Wismar. ny. 44-4•24'S' JOILICSTOWN A(1003010DATION- 6 hatlyleat ryt Sundays) at 2.10 Y. >Z., flopping at reanlar 0ta1 , 0141 between Pittsburgh and Conemansh, and counecur I at Blairsville Intersection wild trains on the In lirtua Branch and West Pennyylvanla Railroad. ALTOONA ACCOMMODATION-1)41V (ex 041 BoodAyo 01 ;:50 A. AL. salt n llig at . rya slat Mal /at • between Plusharsh and hoona, and snaking c:B-Is connection with trains on the Indiana Brandt. Be 4 Pennsylvania Railroad. Ebensburg & ermson road, and Holliday - shays Branch. Wail's Accommodation. No. I, daily. (except b II - days) at 6:9 A. 31. Braddock's Accommodation No. 1, daily (eacei Stindays)at 10:60 A. M. Wall', ACCOnaModatiOn No. 2, daily (except S Ir - days) et 11:60 A. 34. Braddock's Accommodation No. 2. daily (ex )H "VA t1 Y.11) =.114.10n No. 6, Y (eaO , ri days) ist Wail's A cco mmodation No. 4, daily (axceptS 11 - day_s) Will Wall' s Accommodation No. 6, daily (girth( st - '11 1;14 t7ticl ' r 3 e. 6 l) 3 4` ' iats , leaves Wall Station every a 111. , day at 0:12 A. is- and arrives In Pitisbus all att. 116 a• 34. itatUrning, leaves Pittsburgh al 11.61.1 u , and arrive. at Wall's Station at 2:00r. aa. Returning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh as follow*: M Past Line Wan 11r A. A. M. N. First Wail's Station Aocommodation...... 6.23 A. si• Brinton Accommodation No. I 7:50 A. 0. tkmond WalPs Station Accommodation—. 0141 N. Johnstown Accommodation Vl/. A. W. Braddock•s Accommodation No. I 1:00 r. Y. Baltimore Excess 1:10 I. 21. 2.02 r. w. I:lVll.VM :Station ' Accoromodation..... 2.20 1 . L. BraddociCs Accommodation .no 2........510 P. u. Wall's Accommodation, No. ........ ...•• 700 I. AnOonn AccommodaLluu and Emigrant.. 1010 F. N. Baltimore Express will arrive with Phlladell bin Express, at 2:05 r. at., on Sundays. An Agent of the Excelsior Onsulbes (\unpin) sr 11/ p_ass through each train before reaching the Cc; ,S, take op checks No deliver baggage to any pat lel the City. Office . , N0..410 Penn sireet—oreis day awl night — where all orders for the movement of muses gem and baggage will receive prompt attention. z. NOrlc—fis case of loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible foeremise/ baggage only. and for an amount not exceeding itoo. W. H. BEIXWITH, Agent. At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad l'assengier Shas Lion, on Liberty and Washington street. pIT'TSBURGFI, FT. WAFNE & CHICAGO imam al RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND' d 11465, Winter Arrasnalootco On and Alter November follow., via: Leaves For I PUNA., argh. I Chicago. 0414risiy, rekeeltsp Eames 2:60 A. M. :60 A. lg. Express ..... 1:45 ONO P. M. laa P. Kann., 2:45 P. N. 6:05 P. le Mall 7:00 A. N. 6:03 A. IL 740 A. For Newcastle And Erie fr4o A. Returning, arrive at Pittsburgh: P., Ft. 14 . k C. R. W.-140 A. n.. 2.10 F. 24. P. N. 9:00r. u. 0. P. R. R.-11:15 A. N., 0:60 ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. Leave Allegheny for • Now Balanoos-13:03 lUltie A. it.. MeV end 9:OP. Y. Epellsoolo-2:215 P. Y. NOW CAirria-3:50 P. o. ECONOMY—M2O P. M. WELLSVILLI-3:1.0 K. R i f . ' .7l.Mit 'T. '6 O . tt. VIM!, , • A. 2:311 P. U., U3O 91. Ina Li A. C. a P. E. 12-lorOo A. at. GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent., Union Poasehg. 'Station, Pittsburgh. re. A. Q. CA6SELBZNICY; Ticket. Agent, Allegheny C lar nual F. R. Al Ygat, General Ticket Agent. - prrrseuntai, lAMBUS AN D CINCIN NATI RAILROAD. THE GREAT SHORI LINE ROUTE vie tiTzuurarvuade,. TO COLUMISITS, CUICIIGNAI I, LOUISVILLE INDIANAPI/LIS, ST. LOUIS .11 U.mtrai4,111% „ 141 . ._ MAJTIIW Uu au4l Spring Arrangement lin arid after 11=EZ I MEDIC&, ttni ER MEE E