ght Wu* (write. SATUBDAY4 MAY 5, 1856 WON GO VERNON MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, ,or clntsgslasto COMITY • r ENV)* ISTALTE CNSTRAL- 00311111TTEE Will moct at the rooms orTITE NATIONAL UNION CL.1.114 OS Chestnut street. Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. the. Lath day of liar Inst., ittihree o•etbek r. N., The attendance of every member of Committee to earhostly solleited. Fa JORDAN. Chairman. PRILADELLMIA, May i5t.,1861. p.fc4v 014 OMA,IIA,4OIm,A Notlee * hereby sleice that hereafter all mil- Mari adverttstillentel reeetTed at MU Weft most be paid for when handed tn, except In the case Of yearly sclearUsers, whom bills will be renderel as usual. Advertisers will plasm make • na l m of this, se the rule of tub payments for ad. verttsemenM of the dander stated. will be Inflex ibly enforced. • • . Mc Prier) et ournaner Is TREE cram et the counter or from newsboTc. Srrrcd by mniefi et FIFTEEN , gENTS pot .0011. COMMERCE BETWEEN STATES. Among the preiogatives expressly given to Congress by the Constitution is the pow er to regulate commerce between the States. It follows, therefore, that should one State obstruct. such commerce between States Mg oh opposite sides of it, by refusing to Pe - ruilt the improvement of natural avenues through its territory, by railways or other wise, so that such commerce may be car- ried on advantageously, and through which the eitizens of any of such States may pass from one to the other, or to the seat of I their ,toittnon .national government, that it would he perfectly competent for Con gress to authorize the construction of rail roads or other improvements independent of the obstructing State. It is on this principle that a bill was in trodnerd into Congress a few days ago by Mr. GARFIELD, of Ohio, "to promote the construction of aline,of railroad from the City .00IWnshington to the Northwest." The only links necessary to complete the contemplated chain are, the road from Washington to the • Pomt of Rocks., and the unfinished portion of the Pittsburgh and Connellaville road, lying between Con nellaville and Cumberland, some ninety miles in length. But, to render it still more direct, complete, and unbroken, it requires that the Cleveland and Maboning road shall pe confirmed from its present terminus at our State line, a few miles west of Newcastle, to:this city, here to he united with the Connellsvllle road. The Legislature having, some time ago, divest:o'llm Connellsiille Company of its authority to continue its operations south nt Counellsville, sod having at the late session refused to authorize the continua tion of the Cleveland and Maboning road from the plate line to this city, this great natural route for trade and intercourse be tween Suites and commercial cities on op- visite skit,: of our borders is completely blocked. This was done, not to subscrve the interacts of the people of the State— . for many thousands of them suffer in COM - moo withthelr neighbors and fellow•eiti. Zeus of ather States—but because the Penn sylvania Central Company does not choose to tolerate a rival, and has influence enough to control our State legislation. How gat eninninY•bappens to have so much influence is a question which . every .Pennsylvanian may Venture to guess. Being -so obstructed in the enjoyment of advantages and privileges which, as citi zens of the Union, they have a right to claim and demand, is it any wonder that the people of Ohio' appeal to a higher an .thority to remove this -impediment thrown in their _way by a jealous corporation? Certainly they arc right, and a majority of the people of this , State will second their Motion. It will not do to plead that such action oia' : '.4.ho' part of tOongretu3 would be an iniusion of the reserved rights of this State; for Pennsylvania, before she can make a stand On that point, must pay some proper regard to the constitutional rights of her -sister States. Certainly the eminent domain, in the highest sense, vests in the National Government; and when "the general-welfare" calls for the active exercise of that august prerogative, it is in the highest degree proper and right that it shchild be exercised. We trust, therefore, that the bill before Congress will be enacted Into a law. It is not contemplated in the bill to have the Counellseille mad completed under a national charter, but simply to authorize its construction under its present suspended chute.% tearing it to Ile regulated and gov erned by the laws of the State, just as that . portion ot,thnsame road lying • between Pittsburgh and Cmuellaville, which is corn• plete4 and hi' fill' operation, now is: In the exercise of its potter to establish mili tary and post toads, and to regulate corn. merce amotigilie States, it is the clear and undoubted right of Cong. efts to revive that suspended charter. Soma r gtilkerorpt which. the people of . the Sodtbeni t foiMerly , cherished, were not divelledliftlie dispcipline of the war:Among these, is the fantasm that. Northerrilintlietie,gittis and Moral elements, it essentially inferior to South ern society. This idea_ arose -naturally out of slavery. So long .ati ,that,inatitn don survived, every body , . understandi, it was accepted as the test and measure of excellence. A sentiment, almost as spon taneous as instinct, prevailed that there were tendencies and:conditions of North ern life, tits , n to decided criticism, and calling for radical abatement. Under any aspect, this ii.danbtlesstrue of any society. Rumen nature has not reached perfection anywhere. But the Southern people have not yet become CO estranged , from slavery, and feared to liberty, as to Bud their out state of society distasteful. It was noso be expected that so' eh a space as a year would work a Illknsformation of ideas wrought into all, the. fibers of their being. They,stillieling to the old notion, Ind descant upon it, with . appearanee of sincerity 'that' 'it , entertaining: 'Tile Macao (q*.) ToottgiA, Says: The fallureof thatevolution strikes down a barrier that would have proved a great protection In, Southern society, and pre served it, in ivgreat measure, front the in fluence of increasing moral corruption at the North. The people of the' Burtch'. are a plain, h ott est, industrious_ and eirtuous people, fearing God anti ,punetillioiraly honorable in their relations to their fellow-mem their beauty, '_lntelligenee,, -slinplieity: Of manners and spotleaa virtue, our women are the admiration.' of. 'the good all'' the. world over._..The Social relations of o ur people are on a footing:.Of plainness and purity to hti_,; 0014,. AttrOtilt the inhabitants of no other nation.: „In tins •rcspeot , we are as distinct a people from our politlcalbretl. inn of the_Eorth,-no they are ~ f ront• the dwellers in • lCanis?lita or the Sandwich Islanc The the editor apprehends, is the open gate,r4through which, all the cor ruptions of European Efe well In upon the people of this • country . _ . this thinks thc7e'litiontietbing..inost congenial in Northern society,, to those .g', cort:aptions, and by wfiletitbiii:griiakeri ji 'Cul& per , petratc.i. Tfidestablishment of the Con federacy would have ^erected a barrier whisk this vielal contagion - wild not have passed. What is to he done now to wain. Van the innocence of Southern life and Manners, it is hard to conjecture; but FOllle thing is indispensable. There is a deep anguish in the tone of the Telegraph: What shall we of the South become in the wurse of a generation, with a continual flood-tide pouting in upon us, bringing oni its bosom the fashions, the customs, per sonal habits, extravagance, licentious pub lications, infidelity, and fashionable inno vations upon female modesty and the sacred relations of married life ? There is not a week that some disgusting ,invention to make woman a cheat and fraud, and to change the whole moral current or her na ture, is not sent South to demoralize and corrupt a pure•minded but imitative people. And this is the conclusion of the whole matter : We are willing to live under the laws of the Union, and 110 long as they are just and impartial, discharge all our duties as citi zens to the Government that is over us; but imd we the power we would build a wall of fire mountain high between such a people and our own. The armies of the Unite, in whatever di rections they penetrated, failed to discover the primitive simplicity and enchanting virtue which our Macon contemporary ap pears to have before Its eyes. Congressional Representation Under the Proposed Amendment. In the accompanying table we present the effect of the proposed Amendment to the Constitution upon the Congressional representation of the Slave States. A new census would probably somewhat modify these figures.• The loss of life in the lute wat is not introduced because the amount is unknown; nor is the migr stion of the black race, consequent upon freedom. But we believe the result will be substantially as we state it below. The first column gives the Population of the Slave States in 1860, taken from the United States Census; the second column the Voters in 1860, taken from the Tribune' Ainuinae; the third column presents the number of Male Citizens of Color above the age of 21; the fourth column, the present somber of Members the State is entitled to, and the last the number to which she will be entitled when the proposed law shall have been carried into effect. By this plan the Slave Power will lose 28g, votes. P 0 • ng ° e cam' .1; F g ?jiff AL,BAX, White... 5:30,121 56,357 , d,410 1 , 7 4 Colored. 435,080 4 ARICANBAS. White. -.V.4,335 54,053 Colored. 111,115 19,516 DELAWARE White... 110,416 16,039 .... Colored.. 1,7113 2d! FLoato.... White 78,419 14,347 Colored.. 01,745 G mown, White... _595,rm 106,365 Colored ..4W.,198 L 000614.714. White. -376,270 :4,510 4:1- Onlored.AM,72r. 41,016 N • 5r466 o, Wh Ito ....dr3,4430 9=,569 Colored .. 67,1d1 13,116 111484 Em-rel. W hite....354,474 41,120 1kd0red..436.631 64,661 InesoueL white ..1,037,081 161,514 Colored.... 114,931 14 ownsCAiremere. WMto.. 01,545 56,^X0 Colored... 331,050 4N072 South CAROLINA.. W bite.. 301,302 44,000 Colored.. 402,406 56,764 T 66 64445ze. SMIMI Kusute 10033 Colored.. 275,719 Trxr.s. White.. 431,640 C2,9:41 Colored.. 1m2,5 , 13 Vieerrow. %Volta.. M,479 167,TV1. Colored.. 4:1,304 106.,GC.1 Total latlatated. Kentucky Politic. We print an inside view of the so-called Democratic Convention held in Louisville on the let instant. The Union party, or Conservative party, or the Conservative Democratic party, will hold a Convention on the 301.1 i instant. Then the lines will be fully drawn and the contest in the State mat August will be narrowed down to the' to o organizations. The - Radicals will be lookers-on merely. They will, at least, have no candidates in the field, and it will depend on the action of the approaching Convention whether they will have inter est enough in the contest to vote. The Convention which met on Tuesday was unquestionably engineered by the simon pure rebels—men who were• in the rebel army,'either in person - or in spirit, and who would to-day, if they could, break up the Union and establish a South ern Confederacy. But the platform pro fesses loyalty, 1:Shilo ii adheres to the doc trine of State rights, and it compliments Andrew Johnson,.although care wag taken to have it understood that it was not an "Andy Johnson" Convention. The approaching Contention will tin (l,ubtedly support Andrew Johnson; but otherwise we are doubtful whether its dec laration of principles will differ essentially from those presented on Tuesday. It may possibly denounce the rebellion and pro nounce against the right of accession, nei ther of which the rebel Convention (lid; but we shall have denunciation of the Union majority in Congress, as bitter, as fell, and as deep as can be written. What, then, would this party gain by.success ? It would have no party to stand by it in the North. It would have no party to stand by it in - the South. It would be solitary and alone, as it was in the days of Kentucky neutml- • it The Democratic party revived iu Ken tucky on Tuesday wilt he recognized by the _Northern Democrats.' It will also be the party of the South. It Will tbus have A moral strength to begin on, that„, coupled. with the fact that-all the rebels' and relibl sympathizers In - Ktutudy, which.,ku opinion ccnitituto a majority 4the•peopliv of the State, will secure to 4t--a victory in August. • . . There is . a bolduessin this MIMI mar, ment, .ncdutltbstancling the concealments, alhetaPhad in the . platfutm, thatifillbecOMej more apparent as. the ;41totasitio9gresiesi , and t this, with Its prospect of succe-m end , and the outside supportirwill - teteren, Northern Democrats, will giseit strew h' with that large dass.knowneamdloattnt voters, who , admire , nudaeity and desire d ' be on the' isinnint•'side; Inor#"tliStk :they care for prineiplea--ilineinnati Gazette. . . • The Cabinet Meleppg--Tletvii of Secretary Itqa. No little comment has been had to-day upon the anonymous account of the cabinet meeting of yeaMnlay generally circulated here among the, Washington piper - A, and. sent abroad by the Associated Press as a rumor. Here, its authorship is credited to. the President. That portion of! it alluding to the. Secretary of the War is the only portion of it that surprises any ,one to the least. Thero Is no doubt but-tbat he is In, correctly reported. Custom. , has made the details of what transpired In cabinet, meet; Mg confidential, and the account given out at a late hour last night is somewhat unu sual. The general , belief am - Ohs motel. ) ert , of. Congress tikasi, is that the -Secretary of War has made no speech in material antag-, `truism to the COngressionni , policy 'of 1W: construction, ov,in 'Sonia support of the President,ulthat the anonymous rumor is set afloat to induce him to say or ' something that would afford. an. ezcuse Lot his =mural, removal- front the Cabinet. The day may not be far distant . when the outtaixt may be'drat9=;astd the *hal o truth . Uncquivecally: before the pea In the meantime, the Republicans will need more evidence, thau.Mitytlutt has yet" been illritilthitiVAMU;; l lM4 , iiiscretarj , Stanton is -in favor of.theitantediateAd mission of thU,lisinthcsni:oolegittiont - and that he is against th4,teitoration - plan laid down by the Committee of-F,ifteen.— Wathfrigton-dirpotehltrilte.F. . •.. WE 40 nut . :abs ; may- have been the immediate cause of that :bloody riot in' Memphis, but we find in the-Pali) Aryia of April 29, the following . applied. so the blaeksof that citr oWoold to God ' they were back, to Afrkm, seine ether sea-port tawn.—anytancia but here!! .. That is &fair sample of the allusions made to the negroes by the reconstructa Memphis preen for some months past. It Weminent-• ly the feelings of the treedriio; and Well calm:Paled to convince them .thil thd phiciotie wliltea of Memphis, their late reasteis nod belaborers, are their beatt, and only friendsr—ginoinecti Gosimereial. i;uttitie'r Patriottam. Eulloll , I;.I7.ETTE. —A - Hon. James Guthrie ha one of the many patriotic' sup- porters of "My Policy," I desire to give your many readers an insight into the pat-; riotism of the Honorable gentlemen. Traveling on the Louisville and Nast-- ville railroad in the Spring of Isal, on my I journey north, the train stopped at a eta tlOll north of Bowling Green. A military organization of young Southerners dressed in their infamous gray, were drawn up in line, t o doubt to impress the minds of the Yanks homeward-bound, with the military ardor and strength of the South. While admiring their tine military appearance, I was startled by the cry of "Guthrie ! Guth rie !" Mr. Guthrie, whowas on the train, went out on the rear platform of the cars and addressed the assembled braves. I had listened to Jell Davis, Judah P Ben- jamln and others of the notorious leaders of the rebellion, but Hr. Guthrie on thi: occasion eclipsed them all in his denuncia tion of President Lincoln, stigmatizing hint as a tyrant, and urging his hearers to resist the demands of the President. In fact, having listened to some of the most eloquent and notorious orators engaged in those dark days in tiring the Southern heart., I am free to confess that Mr. Guth rie's address, short as l was, was Ile most treasonable and despicable that I listened .1. ADVERTI.Mi SWINDLEILS.—AIIIOIIA the thousand and one swindles the appended samples should snake to caution credulous countrymen and city folks: The following is the answer to a letter sent to one of those advertising swindlers of New York, offering, for n fractional cur rency, to send a `Tel-Lain and quick mode of getting rich:" “Work like the d-1, mid don't spend Another follow, in Boston, personated a young lady of sweet sixteen and possessor of a fortune of $50,000, residing with an 010 uncle who is miserly anti watchful. pro posing herself in marriage—tifty vents lobe Inclosed by each nice young num, to pay for her photograph,tte: Ile was tletected having, riteetvcil tuttoerofts letters with money inelfeed. ills real name is A ucu+- ttts H. XI orrimon, n married man of Malden, Massachusetts. Another fellow advertifres a plan to make $lOO a week at your own house, which turns out to be n retells. far making artiti cisl honey, not worth a Ilhne. A BANK Sn I SDLED.—The Cando - Mee Valley Bank, in Easton, N. V., man t Ham swindled not of 8211,1011. It is va,1.1 that the firm of Batty & Ilmig, of that plaee, who owned two large farms in ti n • t. suit worth • SZVKIO, with u mill in Michigan worth 818,000, and 3filooo stock in the lain- Rilighurg National Rank, lad totteadim•ou 0 led at the bank W the amount of 3_41; cur, but 'when then notes fell due It was discov ered that they hail disposed of all their pro• perty to E. W. Ortifln tt Co., of Albany, and lied from the atom, since WhiCil they have not been heard of. Their liabilities are estimated at 380; lam. Other banks In Washington and Saratoga counties hate suffered in the same manner, to tlie x tcut, it is reported, of 3i0,1)00. =I ANOTHER SUICIDE. - We are informed that a man named John Pedicord. of Brush valley township, committed suicide by hanging himself nu Thursday of last week. From what we can learn be went out iu the morning to plow and shortly after wards was found suspended by the plow line to a stake on the Cenc,e his feet touch ing the ground. We hat heard no cause aasigued for the rash deed, lie was about 35 years of age---we believe a married man. This is the third ease of suicide committed in our comity during the past three months. —htdiun4 IfesseAger. EMI m Tnu Custom of rejecting a man as a juror on the trial of capital °trim. eVa, because he has been imolligent enough to read the newspaper reports of the ease and sane enough to form an opinion on the basis of those reports, is, we rejoice to see. Hulling at last into disuse. In tilt choice of the July for trying Probst, in Philadelphia, the Court admitted as jurors those of the panel, who, notwithstanding the formation of an opinion, answered that they would ho governed in their verdict by the evidence before the Court. This is a decision of 'common sense. MiIIMEI =I 75 lVeua York Tribune. Is the more boastful portion of his speech to the colored men the other day, M.r. Johnson "thanked God that his etTorts had contributed us much, if not more, in accomplishing the great national guaranty of freedom, than those of any living man in the United Stales." Did:he refer in this to the fact that it was he, more than any other man, who persuaded Mr. Lincoln to omit Tennessee. from the emancipation proclamation?-ohicago Eel). THE crops in lowa generally look well. The fruit prospect in Payette county, Ind., is good, except for peaches and grapes. The Connersville Times says it has not beard of a single peach blossom in the county, and that it Is probable the buds of the most choice variety of grapes have also been killed. D.v.: VOORHEES published a card in the Terre Haute papers, paitively declining his renomination to Congress. lie con sents however to canvass the districts for the nominee. Joni: G. WHirritot is put forward by the Newburyport (Mass.) Herald an the peo. plc's aindidate for Congress in the district which John B. Alley now represeut.s. Tux Hon. Wm. JohnFton, formerly M. C. from Oblo, died at Mansfield, last Toes day morning. r4r . FIRST CH IFUSTIAS CHURCH, ALi.EOiItNY CITY, F—XtEl...ilOlt HALL, rag( riWirec=n i rk " l 'k lfirit..7 1. 1t71;:p. j 2 0 n . Prayii Mbettnii on 1N• r.iiNES • A EVT2.III". oet I .)± o'elock mybill GIOUS SERV ICES . Preaabluir to the FLOUT BAPTIST (711PR011 by the Pnitor REV. JAMES S. DICK FUSON, moil I.OILIFIi n'cluck. a. on. and p. Strolgerft .aitertiie public are cordially loritc.l in sicits tire. inil.ll4 LTDIOVTH CONGRE• Cll4llCCHuillibold Public lin. iliglouu Service-six the new.AOADICIII • OF if (Mit% .on.Y.prity.iiirFebe 410 IMO (Sabbath' May 6th. BUY,. urriga. . mooing. preach sa AA arc atrectigratationvl- tm to attobil:' '"DIVIDENDS: ' •'' r.thiarßop . Plrrtsirsou, et.,' t= vo. VIAVRESIDEN I AND DIPIFIC ;fn. Or OW Mink lOor6 dal Aar doelittq DO 4;letiatir • lefrEtVER CENT: •od Us VITRO &Olt ,out tbe groins ar lho. last six , mount, "violet, oil et lAN tOOltoctboldure or, their Legrol , rrotesOont mob to or,ujOur the lab I 1 1 6 L.. Al. Ott GolVerpttle • tax.• WEtr.....R.l.gmaAniu..Ca.hier. , imysmattivi • • Ifibtr CriiXT.": 1. BANN or Vrrraratunrt, • .. A PITTPIVAW. ablY Me,' 5 rpm Innterollt&Oß TIIIS.BANK 5111.,,4ay. dre-litc4: a. dividend of KIX lei rat V3F,ti T, AuOw Cattll.4 Wool., oar of Mr to the 1..t+.4 inontLo f fm.ipbt, kk,i4ookboltiorr. or bele ;lige ltprekril#,•4e.. arter 1(0 Lot. • coyarlutat&ZWV: 2tAIIVIFTII,III2srb. T WWI A A lONAL BANK, t TVISDAY, 1nt,•110.6. DIV/I4E*11).:-Prbie Pie,. admit...and _ntrecißr. otintotu,k lb's day derlartul a divldold'of Cgti , T.. free of (Rivera aumat 4.4.Dat ditnitalrolita , the last Six months. aTattla to .ttorAttti dd ers oh and altar Me ?Lb P F,Y• t bo ‘ 2w) . I T? Oh, cutd'Ef • • I)prACßWitSleux ',own/Latex Copra, t May lat, nIVIDIEND.-Jrho Board -of Dl - of tale Companr have Mix day deelar .ed a dividend or VlrrY cittrrs tapon-each altar, of Oa Capital Mock, out of the earped prpaPs of pa pireittialta of the lamt' Ilia inOilths, fro, ,pr torerp- Pleat iWdl State Mut, plrotre , too ntotichototo on tupt atter the 10th 'POP WM. P. lirEitT, • • 15nrivtnrii ; Fze t y4.7(triNixlioNALll.s.vic or Prrnisultan, , 401rTalstYR41114 . May let, 19 , 11. 3 pp BOAR U OF 11)111ECTOtta air ,pElt CENT latOntilf, gayablett o lrai f with. Th,,. Unite i . dh Matra tax:' t beri..l4 urthe • • MaiOtd. •-••• • i• hio idtlftßAX, - ; EOOMB OA .... Be llill l N - 14 '' ' ' .4 ~ A "t est/ gentlenieiL _ma bauccominodtC4mttubowrd and twounahw. Algiacluu could be atoLumodstad with room Ind lu for. 001 1, , UK0 .4144 PU 4 rePm • .Ri r eCt , .11 X 561, V/1111 ~ • r time.. . muuttic. 14001118. -7 11 r on t k aa Mlb* a azw u anilLw e c,":,tio i rb r ont ou w a i v i er. , ,,Attai ex* „. ..xakvsaa s tlL , o l2 l mo NOTE,, NOME, , bare t&lS • 4l , 7_*OppWt&Vl.Xiii u:payt&pron/ k e opy .... e*l6l ,N d tgl i gViriro r rerjr•go' ° ll; ll ArrAAS, iffELt.n. tarmOrly or ten wett-koown ll'hit• Of '7. No .. co„ &&fl Mac/a.m. & Nelson, of WA SKY. HUGH 1)1(.: &WAD. 111314 TN& Wilt. • -- Ist. 1865.--oracchad 7/MnhTtuitt • YIIT-1413+911, Aprll24, 1674. IVEIFILAte THIS DAY ASSOCLI. ted WAL.,wiLug„, 4r, : with a. to the Poen• • dry wid JaaelanerA L truiPori. , unnte-and atyln gr z litlyrt9,2lja , , ,lIILL 4 W. ~~1 , ; y I.oluuTioN6- 1 1%,_ e ciroartner. eh - thirletellen , ' ehiottni hetween 'ItLiiKIC a MIMS . or Aneetwirroart: wo. dissehre4 oe the ANTIC AY or lieritillf. Jars, lq . the dentfref Wil -IAI 0 , 111,11 kt. ,Wheeeecreatcortheirem•will be .carol 41..4_4°.1.1q01qrir"1. . • • -~ri:uu , o. POUTie. artSION REPUBLICAN . 1T CON rE.N"rIO2I.- 1 14 Co too itopttlallein toter, otafin g ,,i, sn y t;onoty. lOW rue:tested to-meet subs oa tl jeares for 11610111 W electinne, in these, gni wards. Boron ch. tittd Toaroshipuon SATU Rs DAY, AtAT 260 - 0, and- - eleet 1.70 dmegatmr from each election diSt r let. lrrll County COOVOIMOII. to be held on TUESDAY. MAY 21010. at 10' o'clock R., for the par poseof noutinattg a c Consity Tick et, and transacting such other b in ss as may be properly hrought before It. • The'Monad lean Voters of t cat portion of Allogite-,1 • ny county lying In the lad Congresiional Dlstrlet. I will. at the same time and panes. elect two del, gates from each e lection district, to meet In Cort i Velltloll, City Bala, Allegheny, un TUESDAY, 11A 1 - ROTH, at - 10 o'clock A. M.. thrill. litirpose of nominating a candidate for Congress In said &strict. The primary elections in the townships will be held tn.tecen the hones of four and Ma o'clock. and In the cities tmd boroughs cities boors of four and eeven o'clock r. at. La the and boroughs the elections shall be by ballot, and In the towns ships bymarking or by ballot, By Order of the Committee. W. J. OILSIoRE, Chairman. WK. Ash TH intlon, OMAS. $ WCONGBE.SS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD 1100150 placed blitnself at the dtsposal of his Mends. in response to their call made on him, HIS name Is now presented by them as a candidate for nomina tion for Congress for the Sid Distriet, mthject to the action of the Union Republican county Convert , Don. atetthe far - CONGRESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY D A CANDIDATE IN THE 220 DISTRICT. 9,111.1 . ,_ CONGRESS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will presisnt his name to the Convention Of the Union part , for nomination &seem:Al-date for Con gress the I].l Distract. mhlllogwil OrFOR SHERIFF, SAMUEL B. CLULEY, • Subject to Die action of the Union Republican Coun ty Convention. mh.2ll:ted&wlT 120 — FOR SHERIFF, CHARLES BARNES, Late Colonel Slant Reg. Is. Heavy Artillery and Bre,. Brig. Oen. U. S. A., subject to the action of the Union Convention. tith - 22tddwr ggrFOR SHERIFF. JOSEPH ROSS, Of the Floss W ord. Pittsburgh, will be acandi date for Sheriff. subject to the notion of the Union Republican I ounty Convention. mislute• egy - FOR SHERIFF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNQ, Late Colonel Fourth Fuinsylvanis Cavalry. Rrron SHERIFF. COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, • of McKeesport, Data of the Oth Pa. Reserves,( will le • candidate fur Sheriff. .50(001 to the decision of We ensuing Count y Conventtma. mbante 4 - rFOR ASSEMBLY, JOHN A. DANKS, Of Fina, subject to the action of the Union Repub. Ilcan County t 'on rention.ulya:tc FOR ASSEMBI.V, JOSIAH W. ELLS, Of Pitleborg), snlgeet to the action of the Halos Republican County Convention. spa :H. THOMAS A, ROWLEY, W 111 ne a candidate for Aaartribly, anblact,to tit action of the ILepablican U Mon Convention. ap23.le 'FOR ASSEMBLY. SAMUEL CHADWICK, I If uniting Township, will Lea candidate for &SU hi, sublaci to the setiou of ilia Union ildpublica County Von 1111 l on. apZl;te FOR ASSEMBLY, MAJ. DEN. J. B. KIDOOD, Formerly of taw Ea.l od la 7 h Va. Vols., and CM and =d U. a. rotored troop.r, and wounded ereerely In front of Rif!141.1141.1. WM Oa a candidate for Avant:o nly Iwfura LW' itrpublican County Convention. anl7:n L4l" -. FOB ASSEMBLY. HON. GEORGE WILSON, Of Pitt TOWltilitiN will present his name as aeons dote for Aiaeably, before the next Union Itebubi ean Coto)) Convention. splint • • W — counrrY COMItIISSIONEB. SAMUEL NEELY, SR., ~f Manchester. (formerly of Sewickley toWns7ilyi,l will be a candidate for County Connt's:loner, the tktilllulS of the Unit. Itrpoolican COMIty run vvilt str?.4(te COUNTW CO NI3IIIP4IONEIt, u(l•:u.nvr h, mn}met to the ection of theZjaV: fag - COUNTY COMMISSIONEIL CHARLES PUGH, Of Manchester, will be entolidate roe County Com Inlveloner, sultlett to the tctlon of the Union Re pabilean County Convention. mhn:ditorte • rrillit CLERK OF THE On 1.11 A Nll9` COLT. ALEXANDER MANOR w 111 be t o ileidat fot elect of the th-phanat Court, an Wort decision of the Republican County Convention. napante Er i ial s, lgt. t ir i lK OF TUE OR- Chnetlurs township.sulier& to the netien or the tonal Convention. mettle IR,T - FOll CLERK OF TOE WI. EB. WILLIAMS, JR., Of Pittsburgh, subleet to the action t 4, the Union Republican Con nty Convention. apilOste 14r.r204% CLERK OF THE OH. lIAZi COURT, HORACE S. SNOWDEN, subieet to the decision ottbe Unto lie paid Icon Couuts Convention- GItYUS. cCERR OF THE COURTS. JOHN U. BROWN, Of Hampton Tpwoatilp, late Private Co. H. MA I!tr_nSfa `a Vole. sPf.ttn IR"FOR CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, Late of Mt PenteyiesclisTolußreeir And 6th Penn ayftanla Artillery. Balkiert to the deeteloq of Lb ,republican County Canereelon. =liar E r FOR wiLuut 1- GILMORE, BE= m r ,cmmr.u, 01 /4.lle6hkny Clty . , Pa- Vols4jagfr Jeo w Me; deloitty jic ULUUlkßepubliCasi CaltIMY .001112.1 1 0 1 1. MY4410 FOB AEG INTL : 111 A . .)011?r,SMia4 11.1cubject theiticiltili tlig'lllll.Sti' Li,Ganor entllow. Star,. Of Pt'tabor Itepubll44.4 lar - 4134 - 44 - siivEn, lIISEPH H. lIRA*; Of Ohm TOVW/1511ipiiiIiip or GO, 1$ Afaii. nes, wounded and dthulded o 4,lte lud i ffu Motau. aubjea Lt. Centeno; bt ;iimk, animate* , , WirOit itElilSTLity' • '' ' Tareution borough, sullies{ to poi desist.. 0 . 1, the ttepubilitou Coburg liirtireispoiii_:_: „ : . ll( gam} Abu' U EcOIWBU. • • • HENRY SNIVEL? Utthe Sserutli Ward Pittsburgh, will be gale fur thr above office, sulkiest to tlis actlaa °f{llo Vu Zhu Itepotillesn 100011, CouVrll/10._ wed. WFOR umconDiat. - . Or TlMtn Township, will be whifillidnidreiP• corder, sutOrri lothe action of. thellnion itaa,4 1- s.nn Counts Looetwilort. -•-• me• larlFOR o , J. B. BIBITANO t . •'• • Trrnaldpazgl i ba , :pligrij= !?.3744111 ' oriM%S i rl o trIle. ,, h.ri " Ru...i - : EMS 3 usios DEPOT ROTEL, to open for public o.commodatNn onfillbUl4 REnTAURANT krfie 6:st "dtL I0U145;d1 ad nilalunariAtl nyinwa • tlgLno .51 , 9 i. • QUIIIMER4-14TETSON iis-r4—• LONGKDRANctiril4r.w.ariumx." • Tau neve wed Wertz& tbeteh *tit be ktr i teneditif I.he season tea Or. el Ovid LIAM* otel We. ton? Mae Note I kitnettoetadytattegiltrodithle ViredtreletrixtUtelP 11 " wi f c4 0011 e. a • • at vis Asa ll' • w Y:rirra VA S T STE.II3OTi Oti the. 70th of Aprll the pt6etlttieni pi.** the Attar ttotlaatte tre e l ate: l a m ps glieTa r tirnAtrstigra=galrgt= FV9 . AVM. G. WRIGHT, Nan uracrotooli or , VENETIAN 113 No. on rea.ria litith_elsY .o o; iNroLD uLINDIS DONN er Nib/AL TO TOM: E=i = OEOROE HAMILTON, JOHN M. LORIMER, ==== R. D. HIP4S, HOTELS; 12M kvATiaY v itA,5l • IYITCE-14iiisCalld altert non ,, stiLf nett ssotiND SR BE ET , East Of the &Montt I:Mee% Mxteeol:llemee::- 3 f b.' Meted tO-313 &We* treeellog then= 410.011( the tIMO heeeseary - feemmeliang U. matte, mate ee cordmme wilMVlty Unit:teem ehalpter 17."Seetions 12 and ra. JOHN YLINb. my3:3td Street Cemmtmloner. IgOTICE.--....111 persons interested are bereby notatied thatitio tmdcmignell appointed to Meer end ASSelte damages r..r the opening of DAYL% ALLICT. to We becond Word.. Alleghtny, from Webatu Street to rasture will meet on We premlaer. on FRIDAY, M. A V Intt, MO, at 2aMloek r. IL, to MIMI th e &ale , f their appointment. J R 0,310T 111.T .11 r E . A it . 111011. AS H 5p1.3.11.d • NOTICE.—The holderF of Cou pon bonds lamed by tie Poor , Ward, Alle gheny City. liehool Ikurd, for the merit of bona thu to volunteers. are bereby apt Mal they will be redeemed on presentation to • e Treasurer. LE BEN DILLE, Esq. at the noon.'. Satlonal bank of Piny 4111, 1861 L. Intat;est will not 1.. paid on Oleo afte r ap2Sawd B. FILA.NCLS. Pre Adent of the Board. - NOTICE. -L• L The undersigned, Commissioners named In the Act of Assembly. entitled ••An Act to Incomorste TIE P117861%0 GAS SAYINGS aIMPANI," Approved the 12th dsv of April, A. IL. 0086. will open Books and receive subscriptions to the CsPll.l Stock of slid Company sit the office of the CASH INSURANCE COMPANY, No. Sy Fourth street, Plttstrorgh, ON THE RIST DAY OF MAY, A. D., 1866, At 10 o'clock is. 8. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. JAMES O'CONNOR, JNO. W. CHALFANT, e . mm i. okwers‘ W r. .II I LDL I IIth . MBERTS, THOMAS SMITH. COthtTr Tantstruan's orrice, t PVlTeatthos, Ape 2.d, ISIS. I . TN PURSUANCE of the , 21st Sec s- Lion of an Act relating WAD/Ebony County, aP pved the /et day of , Bay, IMI, and of the Amend- Me ro et to sold Section, _approved the 70th day of March, ISM, I, DAVID AMEN, Jr" Treasurer of sold county. earthy give notice that the Moller/des of the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships will be ope and /will be prepared to reecivethe Conn ty, State n, , Poor and Work-House Taxes for Mee, on and after the PLBST DAY OP MAY. ISM. Said Taxes can bepald at the TreasoreesOttice until the FIRST DAY of AUOI3I4T with a deduction of WINE PER GENT. DISCOUNT for prompt pay ment to any _oelBoll psy g the whole ernotint of their taxes. Then will be no deduction allowed on taxes paid during the month of August. Therewill be TEN PEE CENT. ADDED to all tales remain log unpaid on the ant of September. ap3Vend NOTICE—The undersigned. Com- I:linkmen; mimed In the Act or Assembly, enti tled •LAA.Act to Incornorote the NTERPRIZE INSURANCE COMPANY • bP Pirrenuaos.- Approved the 27th dur of March, A. D.. INC, I open Books and receive subscriptions to the cap i t Stock of said Company, _on Om 191 h nay of May, A. 11„ 1866, At 10 o'clock A. ts; at the WOURTH NATION A BA NA, In the City of Pittsburgh. Peon. JA.HES O'CONNOR. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, WILLIAM BAG ALES% O. W. moKETsOI„I, • i.COVIIMi.IOIIP JAMES HARDMAN, I R. RIDDLE ROBERTS, J sptiOmd. TRADVAINIM NATIONAL HANK PLITSIMAGIL March 281 b, IIN. ( I THE NOTES OF THE CRAWFORD COUNTS BANK'. kleadiille.,OlL CITY BANK, Oil Clizr,• VIAIINI.3O BANK, Franklin, and PE TKULEUII BANL Zniaills, will not harearter b ln r ig;tl NI GEO. 4. .TAN DOIIIEN. Cashier. 15 n' NEW GOODS! 1. w c~ooa~s: NEW. DRY GOODS! JEST OPENED AT William Semple"s 1110 and .IS2 Federal Street, I= At Wie— one ease tiool , FAST 101.14 PIIINTs Al Lae... two bales N IlLEACklltto USLINS; At 125 ye., 0001) IILEACIIED it UN BLEACIIII CRASH Al one use FINE COLoitiLD ALPACAS; At 70c., two case, double width ALL WOOL DE LAINFM. Also, CLOAKINGS, FOIL DE CHIGVERS, LINENS. • RICRAGINS. LAWN,v, HATS, HOODS, IiONNATS, RIBIIONS, FLOWERS. V.NILS, LII.OVES, iIIitINUF. SKIRTS, SHAWLS, tr., te. A very complete stock just upened, and to which the attention of Wholesale .1111 Retail Buyers Is re spectfully invited, at William Semple"s vial and Is 2 Federal Street, Above the Diamond, Allegheny Ulty my5;114 NV HITE, ORR & CO., 88 3P111133. Stitreet, • rite the attention or hnyers to their large stock NEW DR GOODS, .7117EIVIC PLE1403MX.1713111 , my' NEW SPRING GOODS W. W. MOORILEADI3. No. 81 market Street. V921.2i . WPER1 .414 T1111111E1! t! -TS 4 , A „ 4Par.nCIA LAUF. 113,1311.; NE ' 0 UN ST C 01. L ARS; e.fairtill;PpTlNFW"' CORSETS—Iata, Salta rket re and trobrold et. aced, Ma S BOOKS. STATIONERY, &o. SOMETHING NEW GRISWOLD'S PATENT Erasable Memoran4uuts - Slatoo & IILitatIa,BLE:TADL&Ta-al lases. DIARY BLIP/, do ' do SIZIKOBJANDURIS-Idl 010.1. ' - do • ALSO TAEIII6II, Uo do LIVAV do do do WAHOUL. do do .. - 40HN P.' CO., 59 Fifth pt. l malonic.uaitp., Xriti IrTUMMANIAAVN- 44* • Pt/10Ucal .Irio ri o E y ofPie litl4l IN past; reference.= Its potatittli trwltilt Binary of 61,,,Ygmbigt U.. 11."Zar.".Ztrit°1-i . rger a r iv eL li gtt og ra iu m: it= last ,11119.111.1tint041.1.4er, yliltu kppetbOly, Illttortrally :rt i t k r eg..=O di r aiii P;; I : l iatl i turr 4.uhrt .theritre. ebimpall, .kor Nair hy . •J, I. int 1 • No. Id Fourth AUTC•Ii 'FISHING TACKLE MAY IS ON SAND mrs.-mcx.iwcw WILL TU !MASON. ishing Hooke. and Tackles, c'A X'cit.rMus. Tr Iles , iteelsj Linen and Hans, :FAMES SOMorel, voyi: WAS • ' t , 136 WOOD , tiTIIREI _nu omoo to 14 701 qaPIZco, .1112V411144rimet ROLM , . , I,+ •WITEPAYITITIMIP.O/E9 1011111dera !COPIA" dat'iburgll.loll , W 7~ CMS By the car load. (Mau inanafaclogs and attar: I=ed by the wagon I . lnillnin at %Urfa' 'o , o l St . a . 93R.Ptig.01M0,1 MI lprpinon t irm EippE7o4,-, 'MI .rl.• • ATTORNESAT,;, AW, ~;once, ,Pfol, IS, (llama SireCtß, - -- ---- - - _ WANTED. t GOLD MINING. , 1)1 - • - WALFTED—Good Agents to Nell Tay riiiiilialSGOLD MINIM' (' OM- ', A T rt SHKIIIIAN.A ND HIS r' All g A Ili N. tiltii NT A CAN Y or_VOLOHADO, 1250 '•Originst inter. all. ASP Ma CAMP llilthi, Orne DWI-D . O PHA YEN, rlittiT LEN:WIN, ( match pin- w,,ealng capital. "'" r 3"" °'") ••••. ••• •--41100 each, of which 250 ore reserved for tines, i anaTIIE AM k.S.I:AN IN V KNICO ltd. These at..seethe, Islewt their own Officers, and them are all new Hooks anti Valero lugs. and smear. can I% es tnan•ge the affairs of the Company. each sob do better with them titan alt it auy lat., ..bend t.. -crilwr being • liglble tss one of its officers. the Pp Vt"Blll;lodr.lV.PPOriSLdatt7Z t a . "P l l ' y it C t o st% r rTr. d u d , r: a " . ' The President , TEAR! hli:lydataw:thrw .. ...0...._. a Ls to 5, oto,en yr.. among me mo a t Directors. ------ -- - 400 WANTED.--$l, PER The Diree,.ors 1 —w. Ali ENT3 everywhere to thll our . A r e LIIPROVED TWENTY - DO L LAR SEWIND MA- . .• b `' " •1 “ . toilil - the sobscribers DO. mlidlia CHINES, three new hinds, under and upper fend; 1 themcc ,,, .. at it. 14,, „,,,, f or ev ,...,,,.. warranted thre yearn. ~ Aboyo salsrYorlargeoummia- . The Secretary and Treasurer elm pid. The Q.NI it , .. ,, * e said InUnittlStater t for k... Manta, whlch are /ully Uonsintd by Bowe, I. to be a ,Jubseribrr amt 4wleeted by thy , Diretnril- Wheeler a Ift/roa, Grow . , a Doke, Singer & db., t wed dn. A other.elmap tolachistes are no , Bankers. IMlGthitlar. renters/re. Adeiresa or eall tap. ! TIIS CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK PIIILA. on SHAW a CLAIM Biddeford, Maie. 1 Mazdeostubtell ! Solicitor*. i THEODORE CVYLEIt, I'm., ROBERT D. CONE, Est, - -- . 1 America.s are proverbial for the AN Wit) , and com ndahle seal wil h which they part Iclpate In enter , prses haring for 11...1t . ..Went the de , ...iooment of ‘l,llr national resource t• At one time ••11allroade •- at !soother ••Coal ••-thmt °Copper'' or • •trn.• • and More recently "tilli• bare it en the all-abseria g topics. 'nail these borers! enterprixes, as ~,o ~,, reinalleeteil, those who rinse took hold of theta made money; some larger amounts than others, accord ing to allele inv. etenenta. Mining operations In the fields of Coloradoand elsewhere vowmainly engross the public anent lon Considering that several stich copanies hal e been already organised - that they alai m now at wort-tear the reports from their ninths are highly favorable - that it is known that at the present. tined there an. on the way from the ledges of Nevada and Colorado numerous ••bara of sliver" a.. 11 "bricks of a oltl..• It Is believed that the crithualathe ntheady manifested on the subject will, in a little time, be so greatly In creased on the receipt and exhibit of these -Ve to MB, '. that Into:liner:o ,l e companies will spring up, whose stock'. being loaned tar the TOON greatly Infla ted priests ca: ledges. will necessarily be less aesira.. Me than that no.. s. No had-thereto giving to those who avail themselv. • •tf 1 1 • e occasion now preseuted of tectirlng ••orlgina. 1.........1.... • • an opportunity of Tuts dispoaltig of the large a......,.... , of stock earn holder receives, at a handsome advance. With these preliminary remarks the following ettoSelt - rtm is respeelfMly presented. .The property of We como?Ry' propo.. l lo br` or: gthised try the solo of these anginal intervals.' be of the fellowingfrollM all eituated with • be a radius of der miles u Con City. Colorido. FOB SALE. INoia SALE nAbout FORTY BUILD LNG LtYTS. I plan labl tout by dr. Meti.atu myself on Weed, Run. ri ow In railroads. Terms— gutall amount dowbt balanee on easy payments an nuttily. Title perfect. Enquire at my till Tool Worts. Not. m, it cod 34 01.1,, street. Alleglten). myl-tmd. It. 11. ECAT L . SALE--FLOUR AND PRO; mei rsusiNESS. of over ten years standing. In a good location to tit). A nine opportunity' Is tarred to any person ',ldling to engage In the produce Iluslncbs. All cottnntntleatlomt strlet4 confidential. Address r. 0. 7bo, Pittsburgh. =mat 14" O R SALE—IOWA LAND—S2.,OOO A —ABOUT YORK HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES OF LA-N 1), sltualdl hear Webster City, liethdltolt county, lows. (011 the iloe of the Parlac liallroad) la oelerel fur sale fur TWO THOU.:VD I,OI.LANK, cash. Adam, "OWNER," li.t.r.tes OPPICIt. etChtf 14 , 011. SALE--A Valuable Country . 1 . Residence at Eagewood Station, Pennsylvania Railroad, one and a half miles Dom Wilkinabarq; Eleven steel Du perches of Laud; a tine new Dwell ing containing ten room* and cellar underneath; Fruit and oiler epnveniences on lbe premises. Per huller information, call at No. let PIM street, Pittsburgh, or on the premises. no7:dtf .1 5. KING. MIES FOR SALE, 200 bbls. White Lime; lUO •• Calcined Plaster; 100 •• land Plaster; • lap '• ilydraulle Cement; 100 Itoseuriale Cement, At 310 Liberty street. apa:Vord W. W. W A I.I,AUL. _ VOR SALE-THE PRACTICAL P.NOIN Lila, by John Wal lacy. cocoa I edition; eularged and improved. Al.ll e- hal of this edi tion has already been bold. Every Engineer ur man who owns or Tons a Steam Engine should have copy. Itonly needs to be read to be appreciated. All orders directed to thesubscriber, at 310 Li 3- PRTIi nrItLET. Plitsburet, Pa. will he promptly attend p6,4`ed to. Price per copy, 313,00. a,l . W. WALLACK L _ F OR SALE, ASHLAND HOUSE. ARCH WFREET, ritii,AI , KI.I . IIIA. The Yurul tom Flxtures, Good and Four yeurs 14.. Of the above well-known Parties wishing to porch..., will cull on or &thin,. BARKER 8 FARLEY, Ashland Hon., Elalladelphls._ aplear FOE SALE .IC+.9-I=l.43ranCer. The First Itefurined Presbyterian Congregation of Pittsburgh, (Dr. 1.101,11... Pastor,) offer for rate their property located on the corner of Pluto and Cherry alleys, and but slfeet from Liberty street. The lot Is FM feet by feet, on which are the Church Buildlnu., and a Tenant Howie of 4 room.. Inquiriesmay be made of, or communication. ad dressed to THOS. SMITH, at the !North National Bank, or to It. C, MILLI:It, 135 Third street. et V2:3lawlf Fon - kkik, A CHOICE RURAL' RESIDENCE. The enhatantlal frame tlottsge Mansion on gnnth 'venue, near School street, In Allegheny city, with haml»r • parthr, inning roans, library sod a spar/. • Whin Alai fluor: three light rind well ventliat il attic thaniers, soil kitchen and bath room In Jack building. The ill,' from the front Is exteir lye and beautleul, euminswitlng the three rivers and the city. The. rt... Wings are pleasant, the nelglibering houses being or like general style and eltarseter, and all has - lug gracious grounds. hand somely ornamented with shrub trees, shrubbery and flowers. Thn horse railway In the rear of the property mate. the rommuit !cation w Itit the business real re easy, thus rombining the advantages ot a city with the eumforte of a count, home. The lot Is about 70.1V4 Awl, extending to nehmen alreet, le well eultlvated, and contains fume sup, tier trait. APPI) L. it. b. BRYAN, - - Itruker In moots and Iteal Entato, all:tf 57 Fourtll.trent, (Itorke's r [ l o-LET. -- THE THREE Bridg STORY DIVEL.I.INti HOFSE, near the e, Fed. crab street, now occupied by Airs. 101 Jan Bobloom, containing seven bed chambers. large parlors, din ing room, kitchen. sash and bath ruum. Under bsuitable arrangcsiono with a teumit, a considera le portion Of tue furnit Orr may remain In the house. lny4 W. HOB 11.,014, JR.. Allegheny. SAYS' MILL .91. TURNING LATHES . FOR IMP:T.—The subscriber tams fur rent hi. Water Power haw 11111, near Swissvale elation. Pa- It. la, f together with Tundri g Lathesu ff attaehed, cal culated or ng ail kiwis of . Also. Dwell! ng Iloos turnl es, one til b st oo ,o 1 the other of SI. rooms, with . marl, ground 0. may w Ltho!. ;There Is water suincictit rim the 11 111 r ib ( near it the y ear room!. Immediate po , oesslon can le e. of the 0,111 sod our Immo, with six room s. ' For further particulars. enquire of JAmr..l SWISSIIELM, niyardwd Swissvale Statleu. Pa Itallrirs4. 1 , 041. RENT — The Lot on the cor er or Butler and Allegheny &treads, Ninth Ward, together with the old Brick Depot Building thereon. The lot has 14-1 feet front by 111/ het deep loan alley. Wlll lease It for Ilse or tea year*. App-- ply to 'ii H. N. DARLIBIiTON, at No. 37 rifilt , . • sa d door. =hart! I. 4 `ICIR RENT—A neat two-story Br a% Ihrelllng st neat blll, y MOMS, as.. ysrd. elt., pit smutty situated op tk•ott street, Ss. 11. S. CUT IT. I SUNS, y 3 No. St Marks/. Mrsot. VALU LIBEHTIi STREET I'ittIPEIVIT AT AUCTION.—Ou TUF.tiDAY APTKIL%4JON, May sth, at 3 o'clock, will be sold fon the premises, en Liberty street, commencing LD ret front corner of O'Hara, having s fronkon Lib erty Street of alo feet, extending back MU Sect to Spring alley: on the rear of said loth erected> two story Ertek Dwelling Rouge: said lot Is at present or as a coal yard. The special attention of our readers It ealled to this property , being imme diately opposite l'a. M. It. Depot; would ha enittr Lire fer,betel Or mercantile boners. Terms, ano inted cash: balance in one and two years, with In terest, secured by bond and mortgage. my' T. A. MuCLELLAND. Anal . I.IALF ACRE LOTS AT AUCTION. SATIMLOA.T ArrzuNotnt, May UM, 16ke., at ao• ea Mac premises, on Soho Run, front ing on the P.M, A•e11130 and adjacent to to gate, will brook% s tots of ground, containlog each NOY acre. Also. one lot on the Avenue adloining the Seventh Word, havingfront of IM feet by At feet In depth. The above halt sem lots emelt be partie. I Marty rontabile for manufactoring }fir ' Pnrilrulari all on MvOuire heed. 4dlCdrithtl .thy promisee. Term, onednlrd cash; balance In elm and two years, with Interest, secured by hood Mid mort age. T. A. IieeLIeLLANO, Abet. ITALITATILE PItOPERTV AT AUCTION. —W ill be gold on 'SATURDAY, May lsOi, at 1 o'clock P. M. on the premise. 30 DESM er.Aln HUILIONO Si, {IMMO III! r. C. iirxit r. Hallreatl, oCi miles Odin Pittsburgh, and but fee rode from hlauserld ...Hatton, un said railroad. betne beautifully situated, sad havingery Con venience, belt,{close to rburchee, schoo °V ls, store.. post °Pirelli 4e., being a plan of Lots laid oat by John Anderson, Esq. These. lota He handlielnelY. and to the florae Maeda', assA`eill be sold Without reeerv., isnd Mt terms to cult all. ap.lo tn,l MAT. HARRISON. /Luck posTroNmiraT.—On account tall. rain on Toestlay, May' lit, Um sate of those tee heauttfol Unfitting Lots ha's neon postpon ed learn .110NDAY..hlaYath. at 2o'eloak. ' S.roqTd.Trg'.";l"tltlTPl % %` g n l AL..l,tlg.i2aaTr ' The particular atteettoo of our readers totalled to this sory.tlealtablu property, being of easy assets to gutsily. , soya. Oft BALES IDAMAGEDJERME AT AuTrzio.N.tig"ot.sittigivntonst,scti, 31 et'eloati Wood eteeett wilt he,told, fOt. setateetSf Show it rh •l y ,otesdwaged aceunern, • Tettha nob. A•. Atlotr. BOBTWULTUSAT, " GREENHOUSE • 'AND HEHERNI!: An Istulteuris stockr very R.4..ctand well_griumn tittrairattlUtlie AND o 1.41‘111111..Nt. 'tot Sale at 11.1.• thalami tizuttriken. c A. 6.ll . Ktioeut ears nut Id lilt; Grvqpitourtug ryynLlt. utiputes. " - ORIN iIIaINTAL HEDGE . vind Ileutiock, Spruce,. For a l by thy tloxen. May Loan, it the PlTTS dubla.wT JOHN IL A A. MUltl/4/t.:11. Neti l VERBENA, MISS. KATE BAUM. . A nne stack of —enc aOr es( ay suppr Of no, vszumEN A. Miss Kate Kenm, no" , ready far sale at Shu Up !end Uresuhouses.,,, • uilauulAser, JuSIN .4 A. MUILLSOCII. PITTSMMIgirir • • AND • /V 41Sn. R USffn sunsraWww dottalt attention to tnalr tatenilon stook ,of Mit and onnunantaltanes;ailarnent, rApdlinelandateen• house SklanY. efttAntratt alland rsoannant Cara to. to tA (trona trump altoolll4ROtool, OVJits. Ore : Tvz Idasonisyr CO.,t rico to ga / ma 11414 .3005. : an tilltApt a p lat k Vep.,...for.Dolldiair a %TONS to n 4 teethe toga CairltieVia l gitle n itill i an c leil./, to Beaver ceentl: near•VataiVe tavern. "- Visas and specifications can be seen on applies ofenanti tontntlestininsii.. • mystlwilawlf , I:lBNltY.l.AßßEßT,'Contreflet. CARPOV'rlEtlit 'ArrsviitirbbEll.fs , .TAKENVITiCZ, 04 Milli tbalOcis Cl/ Mae; lnekhrritalca'pfopusals will be, re.ceived imam nni, pone dendi FU l " Minb o l l Nr i lit i ritu2. f li4 b°- in CHURCH, Mutate , one Willa south of notacinatt the i'lttabarph a nd re. te li n ' str 11•= 7 .. 11%, 'boobs brlob mush, which ,11,71 will bel[lush (or the h.e by sheet amain bleb wall; malting SS ltb.s excellent material. Draft andepeci tlonsean be L f seen by esilligLa r t t ar is Post , pace lbs Koblastows, fire . 1 15 t t IV KV, 041.?ftw.01;.,.. oft. so .. Sesrstartiat FOR RENT AUCTION SALES. XML.9.1%7W/9 American arbor rite; TRAIL CREEK. DISTRICT NT...ail Lode • Never Vali Lode. , V•ini••rtillt Lodt • Union ode, Uulil op L liir Lode TRAII. RUN DISTRICT Holman hod • 1 RA N N EU DISTRICT. St. LO ib LOde. rentlieoin UCCEIt FALL RIVEII DISTRICT. Abe Lincoln Lode we. of 200 feet, Wash.. Lode of 200 feet IdMole, or — Louisa" Lori. 30 feet. Riddle lwelef of Att feet. "Rang a total of 2000 Ret or nearly half mile In length horizontally, of rleh tied produchmj ter ritory, of unlimited depth, to g ether with I the dips Pp and earth therein. and all the rigida. prix I legm and from hers thereto Inettitnt, appendant awl es impur• tt named, or therewith usually had or enjoyed, un der and suelect to the jurisdiction of the Govern ment of :he United States." The tiller to all of lit ows:iar, resident In Colordo. The la to certify that I have wend!, examined the titles to the foregol=im or ledges, and am mtirinel that they new p T AS YAWN, AtCy at Law, 001 Mal City. Colontda. The spare of I (Imolai . Is tee Sidled to give the opinions of nunservueldist=bedc,ltizena and men of science who have ex this district: the following extracts relate therein , . earl that of .-ror. E.dAllay ward lle, l Kent. In particular. mint of the New York U. MMs p a r ii Blr. Lincoln, do ring In c(: Our late lymented ?red an intery Jew* ith Speaker Ca fax, relative to the hidden wenitisof Colonulo. Nevada. he., sahl• •`I have tintg ideas of the mineral wen dm of Oar nathmve it pract !catty inexhansda..le." The Non. J. P. tipsiter. Secretary of the luthrlor. In the tidiest ilwportpresented to Congress. doted Detente rid!, 1.41. referring to the thee present rendition • 1,1 , sera ersitorles. mays: "The wealth embedded in the rocks of teat exten sive region Is lethally Inexhaustible, and it will furnish In fotore years. Indirectly a pi Inelpal part of oar means of liquidating the debt contracted by the Government forthe overthrow of the Greet Re bellion." The lion. IL F. Bennett, delegate In Congress from Colorado, In speech befdrethe finale of dep. resentatlyes. said: "Judguig from what I know of the undeveimmed resources of the counter . from what I van toltl by praelicaletinera who se• well in formed upon this subject, Ido say hereto-day before this liones and before this `Country, to be placed upon the records and reed of at men—that within five years time, and by the year INN the gold fields of Colorado Territory will produce 1130,103,M0 aut. - allY: end areas then Its full resources of mineral wealth in gold alone remain not Wholly developed. t speak from the nutted teatinsony of met' , practical miner. who have spent many year. In tire mines of Citillbrnla, when I say tha t the gold bearing rt•— eon of Colorado is far more eNtWeisive, quite as In eximanatilde and the goldthearing,denrlaof much riPeirlig'StrlArailnN9lc`gtTg' Ire. York As say tenth, owe: "As to the extent of the gold mines of Colorado, f am not proposed to give an es timate, art found enough to run , employ my time Ithin a radius of live mike of Central City Dime location of the above Ledges, )but aster the richness of them, time on hesitation in Sartlff, TEAT I Me ttav run go UN our NICtIEWTIVER With. nolenee. capital and time Pacific ROlrortil. Coincide Is destined. In my "Philo.• to rival or s. - mrsede California and Australia, and become the RI Dorado of sits World." Time opinion entertained by those abroad o[t lotms In this dletriet, isalmown by Gm following ex totet: English capitalesta an d purcase £00.1,10)of em Colorado mining lauds, their agents and .3.- 00pm, arena* en fonts. to develop the Nene. Tire etalum are principally In Mental and Trail districts, sod a recent purchase has been the Seaton Lode of LCCO feet for which they paid 1100,0 0. Au idea of the value of Some elaisnriloo feet each, may be formed theye fart Is considered that It often occurs that y ield mill tons of dollars, and nave in several inatanees been *old for $2,00 per foot. Cr Fields, from Styli fent of the Bobtail *.tale has taken out a `ready $300,0001n gold, and rpia,, onu r ea l od ttenwi nod refuse.l Tot tn feet of tills same e, tonal to 4WlhUntl Ore a elai of WU As the purchase of Other of the above lodes world ceoutre peat. money than the mojority ot perenms e at command, It bins qeterptlued' to consol idate them, and to divide. thetn ItecoTwelve 'Hun dred and Flay ORIGINAL '''SILA:RES, Whleb .111 co.t. theubscrltabereto One H Ire 4. Dellnes Thus affording the mnu of limited means, as well es the mplitalist. an opportunity nt -secure an Interest in this region of 'practically wealth. As all are aware. the naltal plaffidopted for the development of Audi a,property Into formnecespre ny and tune certifies tosi of stock. The plan- here propos.] may be considered rnetintnang fora:tattoo of two or more Companies°. thesepr op. erties, which Arc noblest to no royalty, lessee or mortgages. The bI:IIIBUDEWLean a., epee thls mild and substantial b e tc. elem. editor* from among them selves, each sdir.orlber being . tlgi blefto the position of an odic. col the Company:. •- - In order that ',turns may be speedily . remit-red, tbeth subscription. tamed upqn the proposition th at th e subscribers Ilumeillatelyen re- '