The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 05, 1866, Image 1

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RUMBELL Esteem Editors.
P UEL WILD NI ME 04 zarnr
99). N terra gram. Prrranincan.
ghe Wiftobutigh fiauttr
SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1866.
Tna, Tory opponents of Reform in Eng
land use the same arguments against en
larging the franchise, there, that are used
by the rebels against Ha extension on this
side of the water. The friends of oppres.
sion arc in unison the world over.
Tire New York Emning Post, which is
devoted mainly to the advocacy of Free
Trade, is apposed to the Congressional plan
of Reconstruction. It wants the Southern
members admitted at once, to get their
Totes for an early repeal of the tariff.
GARIBALDI has written a teMir. to the
"Democratic Society" in Greece, in which
be sips "I will serve the tame of Greece
with the ®me devotion as that of my own
comitry, and I regard you as brothers. Let
the ancient classic land of Leonidas shake
off the yoke of 'its oppressors, and the
brightest day of my life will be that iu
which L ant able to take a place in your
THE REPORT Seta by the Associated
Press of the opinions expressed by the sev
eral Secretaries at the late Cabinet meeting
upon the plan of Reconstruction proposed
by the CoMmittee of Fifteen, is said to
haTe emanated from Mr. SEWARD, one ob.
ject being to put Mr. STANTOF in a false
position before the country. The special
dispatches from \Washington all agree iia
representing that Mr. STANTois 14r , red
the Congressional plan, instead of oppos
ing it.
—A. number of men at Walkerton, 111.,
having suspect-edam Philip Shultz of steal
ing a certain man's pocket book, took him
into an tipper room and hanged him, in or
der to make hint confesS, and on failing to
make him do so on the first trial, they put
him up again, and kept hint up to long
that when let down life was so near extinct
that it took about one hour to bring him
to. Afterwards the pocket hook was found,
and Shultz proved Innocent. Ile is a re
turned svidier, and has commenced pro.
eeedings ngatnst kis persecutors.
COLONEL FORNEY is turning his double
barreled gun upon Secretary Seward. lie
says, in connection with the announce
ment of a third party movement in Penn-
FOI Vali ia :
"Mr. Seward's dream is the Presidency.
He expects when the work of shame has
been accomplished, that the congenial or
ganizations defeated ILy_our armies in the
South and our people at the ballot-boxes in
the North, will discard Johnson and take
him up as their candidate ! There have
been hallucinations before, but none so for
lorn as this
and yet those who know Mr.
Seward insult that some such glamour has
mystified him."
AMONU the !risers by the great Detroi
tire on Friday In Carl Schurz, of the Detrot
Post. He laid two large boxes in the depot
of the Michigan Southern Railroad, con
taining a very valuable portion of his libra
ry, a collection of line geographical and
military maps, a collection of photograph
reproiluctious of the best paintings in the
gallery of Madrid, several volumes of man
uscript, a number of letters front Mr. LEN
COLN and other prominent personages, and ,
all hia`correspondenee with his family durt.'
lug thc last twelve years, embracing an al ,
most complete diary of the political and
military events with which he has been con
THE WHEAT CROP.—The Indianapolis
correspondent of New Albany Ledger
says: "The reports generally from the
northern portion of the State in • regard to
the wheat crop are very unfavorable. In
the more northern counties the crop will be
almost a failure. We regret to say that
the accounts from the middle section of the
State are also discouraging, and in fact, we
may say this intelligence comes-from all
sections of the State. The wheat- tuirvest
lust year was very light, and we fear, from
present reports, that there will be a dimin
ished yield next harvest. We hope these
reports may turn out to be the fears of
croakers; but now there appears to .be too
much reality in them."
A SWAM Wom.An.—Widow Joanna
Braley, of East Freetown, Mass., per.
formed her labor tax on the highways
this Spring, in person. ' She carries on
farming operations as well as other farm
ers, occasionally hiring male help in the
busiest seasons, anti durnig- the last . win
ter, assisted only by a boy of fifteen years
old, cut thirty cordsof box-board logs in
the woods. §be,,cight to bays lb - aright of
tana Post thinks there will be a very large
average of wheat sowb in that territory this
spring, sulllcient to Jecltettt
seareity,neit whiter; and that outs, barley
and vegfetables will be largely produced, in
additiott--enough, probably, for home eon
sumptiqn. Five thousand aer,es are in mil
tivationsin Madison alone, b and -fig-E
urea will, be trebled in the ensuing year.
& Bez.z. , e, 21 Fifth atreet.
Dry Goode at Darker a
63 Market street.
At lutic:Ateautiful erlnta. fine cloths, feat
Colon; also, Bleached and Unbleaeb-
Sid 'dueling.'
At lac. ling4labprletattrorth ,
At 114)1c.o,Gtnettime 'Worth Ido., air;e., r deu:
!ble width ditto. Yard wide heavy
i.Shlrtlng Muslin, and good bleached
ditto; also, Dream Goods.
At Dr. t'Ylife yard witleAlirtin); alualltri. 44
rwirpiti ttiiintz Prlnts, - and
;goal styles Drama Goode, double and
Also, fAngtE ns t ernAtkegon.galesAirent Harr
gains In Silks, Dress Goods. Cloaks, Shawls,
Lace Handkerchiefs, Points, Clicidars, House,
korpekg Goods, and Gentler here. wear,
Everything Cheap.
Hale returned from the front. Hie forces are
of no further one on the bonier, tho Deafens
quarti4.4Troglttoe otitekt 70-ggt
albums, Goal Pong'roalent-booka. nilFllOnlia;
Ac. do., go to rlttock's. '
Llctle Lott& Pittock has Photos of the bady,
AM the May M0,.4ihj0N:4140/1'1384403iti14
Weeklies, at Mows.
Unable to supply the demand for c Ycntag
mnarica.7 loaTeyedn . .a p ieF. llRVitra cO with PlttOLlt:' I_` .ph,
Several now Books added la..the already'.
large stock, at Pitt Oak's.
Leo Hudson, Ramat,4.l4l4.;49(Plwilllbilfurkle.
slider u, Adams, Idlloa..77'lanai . E Plitook,I 1 44 , ,
Pretty 1.27•44,
Ladies, Statlotrory.
clan and •• •
loaders Of Lb° 01;ograpiu
at, i'llitook's. •:1 .
No trouble to ishooriparklN'4 r/l4Oalc! • '0 1 .4 0 1 4;
early sad often, • • - • •
Witt ilienibiee - eieeitio. -
The weinampwii ebb o.4le.;•Fbik Weter,
Merchantlsolo4oe%* eetederaestreetrlble.:
gheeyi nes beam bY43O 11 444.4 vy with snow
ambient* exwiejkliiel,poper.goods; d'ba
stocktiut been `lkea*, and embraces all
the bumberlopi ail/glee{ needed Jer gentle
isusuN germeMlVAlarlieVtifuleof ready-made
peas, coals r vesta, dc., will also be ;ebb b
in hie establiebniebt" . tie stiiek of tuidebtili
woods amen be surpassed._ remits. desiring,
to paroled* a good milt of ebitbee would uo
well by Orbit — Yr; rye** 9;4
V- • ,
lei 4 la. 41
'Cloak• and latialwia,
Lace Mantles, lama Rotundas, at
Dams & Biwa, 21 Fifth ntreet
A 'flood
Yard wide muslin, a good print andientsk, fo
cents at the ortginal Bee Hive Stand, Mar
km street.
New Dream Moods
Opening almost daily, on the northeast corns
of Fourth and Market street..
C. Hasson Lora a Rao.
At popular priees,:on the northeast corner of
Fourth and Market streets.
C. 'Leeson Lov■ it Bro.
Under market rates, on the northeast corner
of Fourth and Market streets.
C. IT Altana Lova A Rao.
Homeopathic Medicines, for sale at loiton's
Drug Store, ?in. JOS Smithfield street, three
doors above Filth street.
Lswee C'urtalaw
(;111. Corritoeu, Voottbolo Loco,
.I.lnen iloodm of
all kinds, at
BAT]. n 8.1.01 , 1, 21 Vlllll street.
Colored Alpaca.,
All shades at much less than market rates, on
the uorthuast corner of Fourth and Market,•ta. C. HATII4OIII Lora tt
Floe Dress Good - s
A completn Itne of the rarest mad richest to)
ported goods, at llArse & Fla
_ 21 fifth street.
At less than eastern Importers, pm , e on the
uortheastloornar of Fourth and Market streets.
C. liessos Lots it Ban.
Elegant filllka,
A tine line of Rich Slllta, In flack and Co
orpd Uroa Utaleu , Drap do Paris, Glacc d
Lyona, etc., etc., at BAT. it BELL'S.
Bleak and Colored
All wool Delalnes, double cloth, eelltng at
leas then cost of Importation, on the north
eavt earner of Fourth and Market Inmate.
C. IlAeisoat Lore &
Sheilah) dt Barclay
Will open this lemming one bale of yard w hie
unbleached m.wlAn, which they will sell at the
very low pnce of 12% cents a yard. Remem
ber the original Bee litre Stand, No. 71 and 70
Rick IleadseJlas
Can he mired. How many handrails, nay thou
sands. of the human family allow themselves
to suffer with nervous and sick headache
when the grout sovereign remedy, Hobnail's
- Mood Pills can be obtained of any respectable
&nether Arrival
Of now goods at Sheßaby d Barclay's, No. 74
and in Market 'greet. Beautiful dress goods
and shawls, together with a very eneap stock
of prints, bleached and unbleached muslin's .
glligtl.lolB, dm., all from the late auction. Cell
and see them.
If You Walks to Soy
Muslims, remember Shellaby & Barclay aro
selling good yard wide unbleached muslin for
12% cents; the same goods selling everywhere
for ceute. soon, they cannot lent
long at the very low price of 12% cents per
yard. They are at No's. 71 and hi Market
Let sal oar 'tenders lioovr
That Coe•s Dyspepsia Cure will certainly cure
the worst cases of dyspepsia In existence, will
stop pain after eating as soon a. yon take It,
and Is a most excellent article for all disease..
of tile stomach and Rowels. Sole agent (or
Pittsourgh, Jos. Fleming, Druggist, No. +4
Itarket street.
New Style Hate,
Ati. the first elaas flat wad Cap Storeof
Pleating. No. 137 Wood street. This housed.aa,..111 maintained
n, an enviable reputation
l L othe beauty, fashion and durability of its
goods,as well as for the extremely low Mont
at which they have always been sold. One of
the finest assortments Of4ents , One Silk and
eaSsimere hate, Gents , One Preach felt hats,
Mend Boys' straw goOdatadles and Misses'
Oats, in the city, may now be toned at this
'Purest end Sweetest
Cod Liver Oil In the world, manufactured from
trash selected livers on the sea coast. This
oil I characterisminy a sweetness and purity
peculiar to It alone. Its reputation is no great
that It takes the lead of other ohs, and is
aniversally prescribed by phyfuclans. Re
member to ask ter Hazard R CasarelPs Cod
liver Oil.
Caswma. Maus. A Co., New York,
Mole rostautacturers.
For sale at wholesale in Pittsburgh by N. 11
Fiellert & Co. At retail by all Druggists
an h Fdd wGin
An idea of the veins of some claims (110 feet
each), in this Mistrial, may be found when the
fact Is considered, that it often occurs that
they yield intilionsordollars, and have in sev
eral Instances , been sold for SIS,CCO oar foot.
Mr. Fields, froa 11% feet of the Bobtail Lode,
has taken mit already over $240,000 In gold,
and 11350,000 has been offered .atul refused for
3111-, feet of the same lode, equal tOIB OO , I O I (Or
a clef in of 100 feet,
The opinion entertained by those abrosd of
claims In this district, t 9 ShoWn by the
"English catsitalists have purchased LGoOpou
of the Colorado sniping lands, and their agents
and employees are nny! sus route to develop
the stung. The &Minis' hre ptincipalliln Uns
een and Trail districts, and a recent purchase
Em been the Bestnit'iode (Sr rAiiii - Yeit, for
which they paid slatuat"
A 5.10.11 be seen by advertisement on second
Peffer'. 4ll the •Pr o rt e rgo!-Px The 'Wirth Gold
sllnlijg Coinfinny are to title district, and
uorlgined Interesta"in this Company may now
be had at $.1.00 Muth. ' , Thai' are ,otreieff at this
priceinot only to afford the man or moderate
racan# as well aa paprtipLeip*,.4unlLy
to sernire an litiLOYeir rogeon of brat
haneatil c wealth, !Attalla), in oilier to get the
list titled at onerraind to-prevent any delay in
the tiepin' leation thq Cobipany.:lbotio who.
havonot as yet. sent In their imbecrlptlons
stiontit at Once dcrtio.
To tfte belbllltakted hod the DeerePl&
Forgeneral debility end exhaustion of the
powers' of natnre, whether oommitnied by sick
ness, fist living, constitutional decay, old ago'
or any other physieal Ow mental cause, the one
thing needful and Indispensahle Is Floatation.
colebnlited Stomach Bitters. When the tire of
life seems to be absolutolyilyini out In the
/mite*. and Lim mind, tiyMpathizum with the
body, is reduced almost to &nate of Imbecility
this mighty Bellterative seems, as It were, to
lift the sufferer out of the slough of despond,
- a n& recruit and reinvigorate both the frame
and the Intellect An old farmer in the Valley
- dr ityrifonongehela writes thus to Dr. Hostel
ter. al can -oeutfearicthe dpcniikth of yorir
Bitters upon me. o'4lo2lllns rnithhirettect of a
rain after a long dry spell loathe fall of th e
year. The rain falling on the thead6we Marta
the second crop ol grass, and your wholesome
torthelite seems 43 heyo.-0 1 rfea.ileillihoterOP
` or and bred.° A:lid tllle is truly
the eiteet.s4 tilds.ngetuDitigammirrat props,
ration. Leul Vs - of wealccopstltutioo,ur whose
- strength has bee n th.,Whialcirtiess or age.
find it a -mem, etrpethieuahat4 tliftiglftful Tonle,
and it Is adiatnlsierad alflh. grasaiewrOM
Joaraertut or waStiheord; "fiAb; Co' young , g
In fast,la Isalnachaafer and surer
cordial for. the ,aptamy gums anything suiver•
IJselepoctslly for that purpose.,
j , .if •s•
Are mold irtualesale sad:atilt atvery low rates
14,4,14m1n g 1 / 4 Drn felud
Re. el MailiWiliiiCiairsum, of atm 1M150011.3
era Market, near /earth ia,ml4Wi
Thesum W. Parrs' at
osti Mate of yartOttedtairs: exiur
49:e11iugh114 , .. near, Wllyy,,axki-XISWI
baraltas. Swift 711 Puce meet. Or
den Pro*PtlY . .2 - 4 1 1arft* •
64 waterproW.zevinVic dono;st, thp
eat moth*. Jiro *Urge forrepairii 'tho
penienoter • "
1 / a ming returned aftfrO..AMPee,,9Aete
years In the army. I lie*. reopened my sho ß
stag VI Otte or MitYlOria tileZeeeDestellbier.
it Woad etantV,lfresm AlleT.,bel_wget!Ataft.e.
ade goop t ie f rabgilYfAlleY.Ordinzialialloa
1-. Y , • ~yrinteetllftemee.
Minniklaaa ,
Confiscated Rebel Property.
Senate Cunlirrnatiui►x.
Their Interview with the President.
W Aso isuson, Slay 1--1 t appears rloru
amltn transfed 4.41 to Congress to-day, tintt it
does not appear on record at the Attorney
General's rattler how fetich ;impiety lots been
seized and forfeited, fee how itilich has been
returned to the e11.,11/...4 411 111 e rametntnent.
The Adjutant rameral nays he tnts no re
cords of the rentornt inn of prayer, I . The Qua,
termimter general nays Kalif -nude bare been
returned oil randition of !slug reorganized
and electing Inval Board,. 441 Director, En
gineer Delatield reports that the lands sm
veyed in both the loyal and El tsloyal States,
and occupied by the tenancy, have been d Is
iman tied.
General Deward gives a ilnl Of the property
seized and subsequently restored, the greater
wallah of which was in I irgin fat raid formerly
occupied he refugees and Freedmen. The
estate of %V in. Aiken, In Sou t t 'and inn, wss
restored on the order se
Some item restored bemuse the freedmen
could 1.43 till), r adynntagernmly Melded else
where, and others n ere restored on nettle
ally entanfectory agreements. I.en. Ilowurd
furnishes a 1 1 0,1111,1.0 order of Free Went
Johnson, directing the return of property to
one Leak, a foriner rebel soldier who wan spe
cially pardoned by the President; the order
In this case dbectlng that such u course should
be pursued in similar ewes, the elTect of watch
has been that the bureau has Imen compelled
to part with the greater 'tort ion of the prop
erty one. ureter Its control Four hundred
thousand acre. of abandoned property hare
been restored tO former owners. Fourteen
thounund' tin bemired and fifty-two acres of
land allotted to freedmen have been restored
and nfteest thousand four hundred and fifty
two acres seized h ere have lase lawn restored.
The number of pardons were..—Dl I ieurgia,
1,235; North Carolina, 482; Texas, lip; New
Mester, 1; Mississippi, 710; Louisiana, 142;
Alabama, MI; South Carolina, Itt.; Arkare
41; Missouri, 10; Keut T ucky ; Ph Florida,
38; West Virginia, 48. he Secretary el
Treasury has no information m his Duper::
meat, an to bow much pinperty has been re
tamed to ovine., and eonfiscated lands held
by the Treasury Department were turned over
./tine, to tile ]tartan of Refogeen and Freed- d
The Senate to-day confirmed the following
appointments: L. D. Campbell, Minister to
Mexico; W. P. Cogshall, Minister to Ecuador:
E. S. Jackson, Postmaster at Provitlenee, E.
Parker Scammon, Consul at Prince Edward's
Island; 1.. Blodgett, Consul at St.. John',,, Can
ada East; G. W. Palmer United Staten Judge
nt Storm Leone, tinder Litet treaty for the sop
pression of the shoe trade; It It. Warner, Con
mil at tit. John's, New Brunswick; M. B. Wool
sey and William Reynolds, enininanders in
the navy.
The following were also confirmed: Brevet
Major tienerals—Eor gallant and meritorious
service., : McDowell, Pope Howard, /broker,
Ilaneock. Schofield, T ,
Vrry, C MM. I ird, park.,
Stately, linnipitreyx, Canby, Wright, A. .1
Smith, Gibson, .1. C. Davis, W. Owen, Woods,
Wilson, Emory Thomas, Wilson, MP
ley, Ramsey, I ry, Delatiehl, Molt, Ea
ton, Chandler, Thomas, Woods, sehrever,
Barnes, Dyer, Shires, Townsend, HOITIIIIM,
Bryce, Hardee, hetrionn, Gallant ityretzel.
man, Cameron, Potts, Ewing, !Lists,
Bowen, Doolittle, Beat, lirishin, Cole, S t ev en . son, Duval, Hughes, Powell Kelly, and Lau-
Mall,•and several brevet Brigadiers., Colonels
and Lieut.-Colonels were also confirmed In tau
regular army.
The order of the Secretary of the Trensury
suspending the .nayment of all prize Disney
has been rescinded, and:payments on these
lists will lie commenced after the first of next
May lidervies be
tween the Presi•lent and Hie , lidegat bbe ap
pointed by the Terns I Han
cock emit:hided los milli-is, oi (orlon, "We
should feel Hutt tee bad only part tally pe
formed our duty to the people of our State,
wore we to omit eXprersloq: to your elvellettcy
our tairthal approbation of your your., us Pres.
Wont of lice rniteAi :rate.,
our appsval ot your restoration mule, Your
wt.. parioc exiiirse ut behalf of the ritual
rights of all sections of the country Mil re
rived fresh holm t many a ilem.nding heart
that the some minetritton whwh has expert
cored the moat terrible shock of civil war in
malerntlium, will see civil laid constitu
tional liberty restored throughout the 611Eitt,
bunt We thank you, In the lame 1/1 the peo
ple of Texas, for the Oni•n• and patriotic stand
you have taken In isibuif of the ConsUtutiOn.
Tito olive branch of peace extended to us by
your kindly hands we aecopt in a grateful
spirit, and , pledge to you the support, iastmest
and thorough, of the people of Texas in all
measures that will tend to restore the State
to Its pristine onnaltlon among the States of
the American ('oleo. May Grub preserve you.
Excellently many years in health and pros
verity, 11.9 Instrumental ler Ills guldauce to
restore Ulu Governtnent of our lathers and
preserve the lU.ortivs of the people.”
Tne Pr es Went thatched the Commitee fo
for the kind and complimentary mariner In
which their chairman had alluded to his
efforts for restoring the States so lately In re
bellion (and Insurrection, to their primal lee
relations with the United States. He was
gratified to learn horn them, of the unanimity
of the people of Taros, who hut accepted
thatTe ul a ts ,
o tog h e e t h w e ar . w H i e tpllr esed L tee otohpr
States so res.:tinny In rebellion would soon be
restdred to her former condition In the Feder.
al government, and that thelreitisens, whilst
bearing its burdens, would be admltted a full
p_artielpation In its blessings and protection.
The Pitiable= said he had the utmost confi
dence in the ultimate restoration of the Union
and that time and patience would solve the
problem. abicti would depend on the people
of the State of Texas, It they moth:omit In
the work so auspiciously begun, and by obedi
ence to law, demonstrated their loyalty to the
government, then he [mated the day would
not be far distant when the work of restore
tkiu would be somPlstntl by the tttliettthitto 01
[bets Senators and Ittptesenbillees to fill the
vacant places In Congress.
Merchants National Bank of
Washington Suspended.
W Ashmore - a, May I.—The l literchnnts Ns
-1464.1 Bank of WashltiglOn. Baled today.
The amount of Ito notes., in circulation in
.11S000, whleti.bowoVer. IS hostile,' by Bolted
States. Lomb,. Thu bonds were also a Govern
ment depository. Growdsoef, privet. deposit.
ors were on t h e pre:ohms .totLey, lamenting
their supposed irretriexable loss. Some of
them had confided to the extent
ho saps:
The odic-ark Of the Merchants ...atonal floc
of Washington. uttribuite their failure to the
large amount loaned to Bayne & Co:, stock
brokers at Baltimore, who-have suspended.
The Late Insarreetles at Jamaica.
Near Yana, May 4.—The fieraid , s Kingston,
Jamaica correepondance, of April tAth, says
the Commissioners Instructed to inves t gate
tha causes and origin of the late rebellion,
Woke busily engaged in preparing their report.
Great anxiety existed
paper, as to the probable
tents of of this Important the friends of
Governor Kigre claiming that the testimony
with !premeditation, extent and alitilatien
he enemies of the Colonial Constitution
in London, have been so clearly proven as to
unsure the honorable !Mquittal of tbahgentla.
man on the ground that Ida measures Were all
necessary for a iproMPf. saPPG(tahM 'Of this:
outbreak. On the other bawl, it is said that
evidence beebeati glvento show that the mil
itary demoralization was no widespread that.
men were shot without any prettmeeof a trial,
(no surgeon of a West India liegiment having
ordered - the execution of three men on his own
account. The churches and clergymen were ICI
still much agitated.
7 - 77 - 4 .;.-•
o Generalease to be : sseettersidelreil
— Amendments to Tax
gen Yoga, Ahty f.--The ClonMeTyl.7o.l special
says: Collector Smythe:. nomination may be
Considered at the regular
mi f omme nes m t T e a t w ing s: loafy t .
befoen o G C nral Pank - Blair% esseis tAmg econsidered, his rejection having gulag out a:
strong expressimuntleeling.
Ta.opow s special says: Among the mendxmeats tO the Tax hill fs :me reducing the tax
on gross regolpla oX telegraph notePaldessto
throe per Cent. IDDJAX .on expiate
ales is also reduced tO throe per c:ent,
New Yotti;llfay 4.—QtalLo aittlegraphie.feat
was accomplished thla (PrillaYrerenlng by the
American Telegraph Company In transtr.itting
Inessages over nue thousand - miles, without
the usual 'method cd employing, repeaters.
ThiS was performed by the application of a
T i oir telegraph invention, tailed the Leffervs
pyn Current instrumenti which, by it. sup
easeful operation on this oetasitteproett tiusp
a desideratum long wished for y o tele•
graphm fraternity has been fully-idta
— Ors. Oasis at Fortress Monroe.
Fosrusts Moamar, UsY L—bits. Jeff_ Davis,
stoompanted by two servants and her yooloy
. est ebutl, strived. Ude- morning.; Shoves es:
bolted by Lieut. 'ressengeh mte the fortrtuff.
The satitiOnsef her • Wit 'ag i Vown. She
brought - a Halte . quignuhror With tisr
as if evidently des)gning to nun n for soma
length °Male.
Try Doi{ Dl,lllPr Erpialifou--Itiose
liop*.wapg .
, ,
. .
__. . .
011f0INRATI. -May 4.—The • tow - he =Milk
fifties. explodo 4 ±Ver toilers laetitlgbt,;#4lr,
itandolpbotbore 111:empbth - kattur apzif mg.,.
Ewa among whoM weft CaptalraNag -Anti,
10 . 1 . 7ir . ye sindAteigNaiper... c,;;;._,,,,,. , 4.• '
Texas Constig utional Convention
Transportation of Petroleum.
New Vona, May 4.—The Times' Waahlngton
special says: The President in now preparing,
In answer ton resolution of the Mouse, a state
ment of the number and names of all who
have been granted amnesty pardon, and a par
ticular statement of all the confiscated prop
erty that has been restored to the original
Owners. The Video Or the property Is not
ou:eel, but I learn that the umniwr of pardons
lemb OVer moven thruland, and with
Int; e ilt t il xeepti efts the pert.ns pardoned are
prl. eae e:tizena.
. . .
.1 u •t before the adjournment of the late Tex
. elate Constitutional convention, is resolu
tion 1,1.1 adopted which appointed tour of Its
Onli resulbelb, Messrs. J. W. Henderson, H. H.
Inn,. .1, A. Porter nod John Hancock, a cont.
[DIM s to visit Washington and lay before the
Pre-...lent the result of the deliberations of
the LA:lnvention. Those delegates arrived here
ar .1 railed upon the President to-day,and laid
h. .ore Mr. Johnson the official Nadas of the
; ... stiinnees adopted by the Convention Miele! ,
. ~ g the ordinance Of Seeesaltin 111111 and void,
.eptidlating the rebel debt, giving freedmen
the right to testily in the eourts ote., etc.
The month of May opens well i i or the inter,
VA7:t r , l , '' '.47ln ," t " iie. first t l 'E tn7tr d u als. ""
, Mr. Sherman's thirty yeardye per rent. loan
I hill is freely cal.-named year
all quarters and a
favorable opinion . to its practicability end
sect...Bls rapidly Increasing. .A strong evi
dence of thin is seen in the rapid apprecia.
Lien of the ten-forties. There hit a strong
probability of the passuge of the bill.
in answer to numerous inquiries from Cus- I
tom House officers, the Secretary of the Treas
ury sa ye that relined petroleum, If not less
then one hundred and live degrees' Fahren
heit, In not included In the prohibition as to
tmesportation, set forth la circulars of April
nth. It le &fie decided that crude petroleum
ran be transported In barges towed by passen
ger steamers within the license require, by
the circular above named. .
The Trorld's Was special says:
Underwood, who is nog
here, states that the
grand Jury whirl, meets at Norfolk, on Mon
day next, will bring in a true bill against Jef
ferson Davis for treason. This in the first
step. As anon, therefore,. the House Judici
ary Conitnitteu flare acted upon the subject,
which wilt probably be within the next ten
days, the Government will be ready to pro-
ceed with the Lead, provided Congresailtrowa
no obstacle In the way, The Committee, how
ever, are trying very hard to make out a moo
which sill a arrant them in recommending
his trial beforea military roconalsaiOn. In
this they will Mil, for the President does not
Intend to have him or any other person con
nected with the rebellion tried in any other
way than before a civil tribunal.
!fleeting of the Convention
Cis, iiirf•ri, May t.—The ' Convention called
to vonsidor Ina propriety of organizing a sepa
rate Stabs government for Rant Tennessee Mot
at Knoxville yesterday . Judge Sato eel Rogers
presided. Judge Itogerti Pahl ho litlptal the'
MtMlbers would act deliberately and with cau
tion. ha wan hot
e at it
me Lin Of
the Con T vention i held at GI eon j villa, during g
dark hours of the rebellion. We propose to
consider the MOVettleckl. IL is no bl.V.t.toglOtt
movement. f we secede it 'elil be
from the rebel people to Jolla the
Union people. Kant Tennessee has
long desired it separate State government
and the new State can be made one of the
richest In the Colon. At theconclusion of the
President's remarks, Colonel Temple, from
the Committee on Resolutions, reported an
address, which was unanimously adopted,
stating that the scheme had long been cher
ishml by East Tennessee. The people of the
Slate 'hirer in soil, cnstoin and habit. The Ott
(enames between the people are orrsulleable.
West of the mountains the people arc all r
bels) east they aro all Unionists. To protect
norvel von v.. mufti iiimesafrttnehlge them, We
w ill 1101 1.4,r114,0.11 tit povillon. tm to
the 1'1.141. th•• fit il••1 ,rtithertt mates. We
believe a separate ...anent the best Beat
we may lire la yenta and develop, our re
The address conclude.. a ith staMerles as to
the frOptamtion. number of squarcesilsiteas t01e,,,
eral resources, Se.
Mt. James, delegate f rom lIILMIItOII, offered
rosslnt tons opposing the mistress 01 the Collis
mutter, and ititrtsing,,a I , oetpollement of Use
questquestion until I ongruagraleeidos whether TOO.
Is as. 5t11,11.. MR resolutions were et.
moat , 11110311110t.13
Alter an eloquent address by el. Nelnon,
ingrporting Lite movement,. lhu PrLttlent of
the 120 n, ',titian Wits Inftfritrifei to atiiiith t s
committee of three to bring the quest i on lie
foro the isigislut me.
A r. II II.IILLOC was also appointed to prepare
an whims,. in I lin 1,44,p10 or }:sat 'Tennessee.
From Rwn Eranelsee—Flood. la A a•tra•
lavie•ah t ,
lawaciacn, Mity Y.—The mterttner Cott.
mtltutlori from l'uttatua, arrh,4l
Net , . Voltz Elate. 9 Of April I Itli.
69..':Lt01 rt. I , the tragetllan, la U. paatieriger
by /,,".
...knot - 1,11.n ditto, of relntitiry Intl titre ro-
Thr.y mpg,' L LIMOS in
that coloht
Consul uendy, Liberal, has ornrul rnmmuna
cat hew dmed Pal. but Norte, March 2ilth,.
announcing that the Liberals toOk the 'City or
Chihuahua, Marsh 44th, after two "hard .
fighting, capturing three hundred prisoners,
among wham was Juliet
In nsCerrtit, the impe
rial Mayor of Chihuahua. e 22nd the
Liberal. raptured the cityw Hlda/goDel rar
rae by assault There" victories, it is said, will
restore the state Of Chihuahua to the Liberal
In Collin In at Santa Isabel, Ilia Liberal, had
dpfealed the lauperhulata, killing one ban
deed and thirty-one said. oopter ng ono boo
dr.! and wla I y-AX.. Bryant:the Franck eon,-
wander, was The 'enemy's artillery,
latagage wad /1 1,1 10/Llolls of war all feil Intothe
baud.-or the libensla: -• ' •
Mining chorea menet - mar. 0phir,53.1; Yellow
Jacket, Tra Itelehor, MO; tholittr de Potrial, „Tn.
From Steele.. TOM. end Red MIMI,
Pi sw Mit.% se, May 4.—The roguliar troripsf
reseatly arrived in Teaas are acting very
badly. Drunken rows nod tights occur at
Business at Al atamorsa is vary dull.
The Initudial and Anstriaii troops are
.1.11.1 fur want of adetinate pay.
• Forced 1011.111. art, Otitis the merchants
away. ' .
The safe of the Southern expi r es . a containing
seventy-five thousand I dollars. wait , stolen
near Itrowniellie; nod fifteen thothiand donuts
in the express °Mee. Some clothing and an
axe were found near by. The Werke were ar
rested anti lodged Mien. •
lied river planters say the cotton seed is uni
versally rotten. Deimatating .overfloss are
feared. Tho Red river hi the highest over
Judge Duplantln has decided that not Ats pay-
able m Confederate money are worthless; also
that mortgagee given, fax , Gonfederatd Wally
daring the war are inialktr ''-,/, -•• 7 "--...`-
Th r e " teitie lerniitii 'kale! I ' i
; 1 "
• Boleros, Iday 4.--Capt. ,Witt. , ll. ti,tao , ,asita
MAIMS to berme of the oilliatirenletor Ifilgow'
'England Üblistles a etiannanioaston in the
1 itWrof thin CET,: detablingtha Waft: , .atlctrtivd '
lores. p lb
e oI
y n e v a that
t hanled a co x t m p e e rn d ißt idonedi s
w h b ayps - ropsll
ian v tha by he a la a y seartm man an Meh war
reseal, landed with aims, 'sena to meet them
at Eastprt and a landing on Britlsh'tarritou
was o b e
made on the audit of their arrival,
and that after the calm/U.lcm bad started,
tellabony eMilltermarnirts Molesinii," .I•ba
vessel and threw °Mingo a - - way,
which led to its Winne.' Ca t. Grace denoun
ces Ofahtmytentrarges-aff Ood-ffenhingte
rally under the Inumer,Ot tir-11. illiiirrter! ; : .
' tienerel Slierneara corm, rellir,f . • ••-
• lir. Loma, May 4.—General Sherman amour
puttied by Colonel blotlen
all c af lillathill, tot bore
yesterday morning onitenelve to r along
the eastern termini al the Pagano pwroud,
.Tfir proceeds' first thrbugh Wlscoutlin, thence
te , Yuri Leavenworth, where he *Womanise a .
military corpe.KnaWs, guards, engutuata,raa.
alai route will teenbit to Fart Jilley,
Kearney, Omaha, tiloux.,.City„ gort—giagray,
St. Paul, Fort Itipleyirtelid of lakisKuperior ,
and Marquette, thence probably to Chicagc:
and St. Louts., J. .1)114-relies& of , Ma program,
and the prospect of a different projected road
will be made.
Irpst ppys Ptrk 0 11 pit --114 le - PSI'M AC,
Threw's! SI.
()swum, May: A.—Captain, ffalknor, of the
schooner Cassias% which. weseet-arrivest here
this morning from liamiltoht MortB
that. while o ff Oakvilladiss.vioaeowutsai. skiff
cotaining two boys, nearly ozbansted and a ,
girt Who had dial from exposure. It mutat- .
certained that thp pkifr had drifted on& from
nektllle With 4454 berrapd - absee gitelq-bgt,
two at the grids wort , interbd: Gad
drowned. Their nig were ~Ve st
r - Yffteen
The Jmanclot Manama:Mt: 4,5 - ..%
Rtglisw Y0m50414.—/l i r gl r t h lblli r r , e l itc
a r Tmen no slalmega among them. The
Ineen4ro poosongora.of. the lbo ta lmg m rwill,to
ooperi,otttod to coma stit.4¢fio _ O, , ,
thiciziow moo of am/wit - WM ztell ht qOar
aa lf Ol2 p t =lfrrtMia daY, an Infau
ototy; oZ ttIO wcoitoot Whilout
wbodied three floymilxipo; , .
animuUani timaluaL
'Maw Toar, Way lii,lnactlda3m4.Po94.
canted on'tba arodleatlOn 01 - 40YeTla ORM'
lioldota of 1..b0 41.014rimtialWVAM
-panyiralrilrig the pirtr,ltent-71.4%-‘
mg of dawn assets 0r..1 e
grocuad of fraud In Mb o am.
argwarept was eat down for to-any.
vv. 44.1(.4
iscrirsam, Nu . 41,-T ho nfpr
arylarwirstargel"... afija
f., thui 'n od fiUghivitakela
The bill to prevent Smuggling, recently pre
sented by Mr. Chandler, was reported with
alight amendments. Several petitions wore
offered and referred, after which the Senate
proceeded, according to the resolution adopted
on Wednesday, to the consideration of private
bi 11.., from the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Oanness presented a petition from the
workhigtecn of California, asking the enact
ment or an eight hour law for the govern-,
ment of men In the employment of the (Jutted
States.. Mr. Conness said he fully believed
that labor would bo more profitable to the
country under the eight boor system than it Ls
now antler the ten hour system; that us much
work would be done Is eight hours as Is now
done in ten. The petition was referred to the
Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Sumner introduced the petition of the
State government of Massachusetts for the
reimbursement for war expenses, which was
referred to the Committee on Mtlittu - y Af
Mr. Ramsey, from
l the Committee on Post-
Mlle. reported a•bi. to provide for the erec
tion era DO4IOMCU 8.114.1 Cll4lOlO 1101140 at St.
Pau I, Minnesota.
On motion of Mr. dark It was resolved that
when the Senate adjourned to-day, It be to
' meet oil Monday next,
Mr. Poland called up a 1,111 to provide for the
pa,ymeid of quartermasters , snores anootber
subsistence supplies furnished to the :truly of
the United Stows.
Mr. Grimes said the bill ought to be amend
ed so ea to include claims for tranaportation,
so es tosend large claims gro wing mit of thane
portation to the Court of Claims. The bill
was read three times and laid over until Tues.
e llfsleon moved to take up the bill to es
tablish it,national militia. He aald the House
had recently killed an army bill and it was
necessatylo pass thin lu lien of it.
Ilr. tiHrues said he congratulated the coun
try on (be killing of the, army bell in the
Huse: He hoped the Senate army bill would
be killed also.
Thu Senate at 1 4o , clock,wentinto Exeentho
simile° and soon after adjourned,
Mr. Sierens asked leave to introduce the fol
lowing Joint resolution:
Rewired, By the Senate and ilonec of Repre
sentatives, in Congress assembled, that the
Congress of the United States or America has
learned' with (limp regretof the attempt made
upon the life of the Emperor of Russia by the
enemy of cmancipstlon. The Congress send
this greeting to file Imperial Majesty, and
eongrratulate the two million of serfs upon
their providential escape from the daner of
a sovereign to whose head and heart they g owe
the blessing's of their freedom.
Thorn being no objection, the joint resolu
tion received Its several readings.
Ur. Grinnell, of lowa, called for the yeas and
ollYs ao tpassage of ho resolution. The
following was the twilit : t
Yeas, 124; nays none.
So the jint resolution was passed unani
On motion oflir.
Tax bid e
now report of the
Internal Revenue Tax bIU was ordered. He
said this was necessary on account of some
modifications and of some errors.
r eboi
Mr. Paine asked leave to introduce ajoint
I:HUM tel provide that all persons' who
have performed meritorious services as off
core or enlisted men In the army or navy of
the United States, for a period Of not less than
two yeast during the late rebellion, shall be
eligible to appointment to the Visited States
t i l y n ituendtl4taten twenria-tvoLtrAyeamomof
W661111,011° years of age; and where they
Served jean than two years, to be eligible until
twenty-threro and twenty years respectively.
Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, °kipper!,
tho word "white.' was inserted.
On motion of Mr. flank Staterrespondence
between the Secretary ofand the Brit
ish Minister at Wasnington, on the subject of
claimant' Thomas Miller and William Fisher,
British subjects, on account forlleged Illegal
arrest, an .of Charles Allen, injuries done
to property near Vicksburg, was referred. to
the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and order
mite be printed.
Mr. Cook, from the Conference Committee,
made trcliort. which was agreed to, on the
Habeas Corpus UHL That bill was, therefore,
passed by lath houses.
The hill to ray Charles Brewer &Co., of Bos
ton, F Honolulu
for the passage from Ascension
Islam to of American seamen whose
vessels were destroyed by the Anglo-Confed
erate spate Shenandoah was passed.
Mr. E
ekly, from tho Committee on Politic
Lands, reported a bill to authorise the issue
[a military land warrant to Frederick Ber
lin, assignee of the heirs of Peter Hess, de.
reused, cunt a bill to create the °Mee of Survey.
or timielal 01 Idaho Territory, which was con
sidered and passed.
Mr. litilieer, from the Committee or, Public
reporeed a bill to quiet the title to cer
tain lands within the corporate limits of the
city of Ilepoola. Cal.,which was considered
and passed. It relinquisher to thatcity the
rigqht and tine of the United States to alf such
lariats satire in the bona dde occupancy of the
parties, .reservlng the lane occupied by the
ssovenissesit_ A\ ottiltary ipopartm e nt, or
heretofore conveyed by the United States for
p 2r n . c lirl r uer * Ls o from t jointostollice Com-
Mittne, reported hack the resolution for
the miler of Anibroso 1.. Lloodrich and -Na
than Cornish, which was considered anti
ec M p l o r r t A A P d
buerk /11t.e f rs O
el n y
L h e e
emet Comlt fnoir t
of Mashitigtern Dorsey, which wtel
laid no the tabie.
- • .
Metter,. Ingersoll,lough, Walker and
Baldwin made a number of reports from the
Committee on the District of Winyahla.
Mr. Demlug addressed the House In expla
nation and ta1i . ..1470( the MIL fterarring
the question of pay he stated the present
yearly pay of the Lieutenant Genera}, from
all lIMILGON 11 , 1/1 sl6,teM, and that under thin
MU the pay of the Lieutenant General, from
all sourece, would be $17,640. Thin bill, he
soul, mad !wen reported as a recompenw , for
the Itepublie.e most Illustrious defender. In
placing this nil i'ma Its merit., he was con
strained to freshen the reeolleetion of the
House of the obligations of the country to
General Grant In many disheartening honeg
of eotremlty andperil.
iteferrhui to the - reward, paid In all ages to
victorious Generals, Ilr. Denting said that lu
ages long anterior to the most ancient reco a rds
victorions Gene, ale became, the hinge
founders of dynasties. Ile referred to the
conversation between Gens. Grant and /Snell
after the battle of Shiloh, wh backt asctleizeit for lighting with ble bto the Ten
neesee river, and replied to the question
where hn would have retreated, that he dirt
not nomn to retreat, adding that If-forced to
retreat—the Momper,s would have been coal
cleat to carry away alt would have survirml.
In one Important respect, he continued, the
It/little of Shltnh nreoruplished more towards
the eventful Fineness of the National arms
than any battle fought Mille war. It wax the
mrsrimeneam erveht, that end tested the re
spective mantinee, and etamina of the two
belligerents. It was the drat huddlingingether
'of two people in, n band-to-hand fight, and
when the enemy retreated iron, that
gory fluld, he retreated with his ar
rogance tweed, and" with • hls dream
of invincibility dispelled forever from that
to elide day,' No Southerner ever ventured to
Maputo the courage, persistence or manliness
.of his Adventist's% for there was weeping and
lamentatlonin evitrySontlienrhome,
Mr. Inaymond addressed thallium) briefly In
r t z=er the. hfili and Iratt followed by eir.
Mr. McKee opposed the bill on the ground
that it was following anstocratktorectedente,
• and that the nation's gratitnde Wan due more
presalngly to the maimed ,andepgeting who
,had penned their ailforthe,nalleni.
Mr. Rogers also Reopened the bill, but re.
minded the-louse that -there, trother able
and illustrious wenerals arhOwert entitled to .
the -gratltatle of the American -people, and
:that the men who had fought Mine rankshad
gained the victories were not to be forgotten.
Mr. Shellabarger claimed ;LIAM a4Mtlonal
merit of the General Goverlntent;tlinthe had
;reopened tM), destruction.ef- slavery nearly a
month .fiore the proclamation of emandos
nen; andhcf emit up and hadvead slot ,! from ,
iieneml Grant to 4.. r. fritehbAjTfejtt Hi' •
'dated Yleksberg. Augnet" isfe.littnUchthat
view 1s expressed. •
• The previous question . having been moved
and seconded the Mouse came to a vote 'which
Ayas ant on the tuneudiliont'elfined ty Mr.
Stevens. The amendment Wan "re j ecte dby a
vote one yeas against-In nays,
Tbe Benate revolution iniltenetbigthe Void ,
1111441 on Public Buildings to rtzert what
IMILET : c711rEte1161:1:15 ; - To'n.
Armed in.
A.rgirolutiOn was ado tai that the Pension
Committee Inquire into the propriety of
providing for County registration of soldiers
discharges, so as to guard against the loss of
thelor iglnal.
A session will be held tottoortrop for general
The Merman Was ilaoßaap. lieetting
Maw You May 4.—Tbo .21ib6ns,says the
Gernians of tne United - Stites Mara desire to
'give expression to their aroPitthr with the
present 'popular. movement' In Germany, and
prinuote tba.establishment of a Glenview Re
public ius the only salvation elf, the !Entente
question. 4 prelludinuyinekkinrwas held
this city yesterday. It 144m10044tnotlawili
be renewal by others otoutiatincreost:
„„ , ,
:111Cr e a liR e nr7t . ' ”'
li s iiiYoniq. Mt). 4.—The'/Peniatirariethie'
city appears birbetritneristion the leaders.
0 , *phony has boon arrested,: WWI; 'shade to
, disgom i e i and deposodond it is new theinten
31;m16rti Laapt."7 . agegiThnittioinsat 2 4 lim
:.ledgor ct , the acts for midi
o , elany as triotik , The Peniett • Sena •
tq9°.4.1°1:"°,1.". • •
of.a j tev oluttinsiuT , lkillahm
- BAition, lts., Mar .11atohinci. "the
list eurvlvioe'reVeleilkfehry =Mir 'hi the
State. end the , 142 kbut , twoottallto la the:
Union,. died oh Thritsdey, thetewe of re
fl.:A*oA, gancoek courtly.. at the age 44'102
9oariel epeetal.-hanort will be accorded to the
reemcdp of the.decaseed veteran, at r lde Der!'
. area Mender next. -
*betooklaig lirekee.
Boers, May ... eery Wank a uuddle
swell man of sencliaitully address, upend a
taieyemov moo . . eta State street about eLv
Week!. ItgoatatiL4tietettlay tiles 41•0121'
We elty. leaving ass
eh - Data ,i 1 pa
with% he Its said tilhav Irma cote to
4 111 Autron , 9 ! , 1 11 11 11 rillicti- -... .
Birdies' desselailset. •
,restestos i e MßY , PrTile a lleiddlieetis•
I Use tuitoursedtosse dines mat"
V i
i, •,, n3 . 7: .01 1: 4 ... ilddi4A reerestrquar,
W rx . ;•:" *l gethni=
t& * , t t •
.ti ~" .~. r.._r_,. _1..ii~...
Wrath of a War Correspondent.
PlltteraiLPFlTA, Mar 4.--4400rge C. Bower Jr.
a well known and highly esteerued war , ror
respondent attached to several Journals Is this
city and Washington daring the rebellion,
died tips [morning of heart disease
From Eastport.
EASTPORT, Alit. nay 4.—The Winooski Am
arrirtsl. she 41141 not Nee any Fenian priva
teer. One of the Pe:limns was neeltlentally
shot this afternoon, itntl it ww. enppose.l woe.
tally I,ountle.i.
From Marlaville.
N gavil.n.n. May 4.—There is nothing new of
linportaneu from the I.,ourt Martial.
Major tionoral wa ds ,, anninanding tho De
partment of Alabama, has arrived her,
' •
ii .TON. May 4.—ln the douse of Repreeents
t 'yes here this nfternoo the hill to equaliz.
the Ixmntkes of Massa° cotta so ry
ldiers a.
passed by Ile yeas to AS n ,s.
The Mots et Memphis.
Muses's, May 4.—one negro was kllle.
last night, and one house burned this morning.
The city is now quiet.
tilippery !leek and Mshonlng. OIL Ope
Oil operations in Lawrence county still con
tinue quite brisk, and the prospects are re
ported as quite encouraging. The "Broad
linage" is putting down the well.
- - • .
The "Champion , ' is at work now putting
lowa their well, and the "Excelsior" will be
t work next week.
. - .
The "Lafayette" No. 5 have had a Ilne show
of 011. This company is still "going In."
Dr. Gemmel', or Now Castle, has two leases,
Just below the famous "Lawrence" well. On
these lenses, work will he commenced as soon
Ile a very few re h
Law sar are taken.
The above mentioned "es
rence. Is still
doing what would, a few weeks ago have been
culled "wonders."
A good well was struck on the 25th ult., by
the Lawrence Oil and Mining Company, on
the Rotenson farm, about a mile and a half
above Eden burg, Lawrence count. The well
is only ILO feet deep. At 153 feet a crewice about
IS Inches deep was struck, and pumping com
menced. After about eighteen hours' pump
ing, oil came forward, and is producing about
one bane/ per hour, or at the rate of 25 barrels
per day, and incre as ing . The quality of the
oil dne lubricating, and has hitherto sold at
aXI to.' per barrel so far as produced.
The Farmers'and Mechanics' Oil Compariy,
at Eustbrook, have all the machinery on th
gr o und and the dernek up. A few days more
and they will be boring.
• •
A man named William Duncan was arrested
yesterday, brought before acting Mayor
Strain, and committed on two charges of
false pretenses, preferred respectively by
that a
Lewis and John Sctz. It appears
that a day or two since hoentered the li
quor store of John Schnitz, In Allegheny,
and loft an order ( or three or four hundred
dollars worth of liquors, representing that he
wasithe third oweler of s certain (steamboat,
and wished to stock the bar. lie further re,
presented that the present stock had entirely
run out, and be would like lo take several
bottles of the purchase Just made for use un
til the other should be delivered, at which
time ho would settle the bill. The proprietor
gave him a number of bottles, but made '
ries before shipping the balance of the liquor
as to the truth of Duncan's statements, when
he thatovered that ho had been ImpoSed on by
a confidence man. •
The scene of Dmocaasecond expicnt in the
confidence business was at the Miner's Rome,
on Grant street. Bore he passed himself off
as an agent of Joseph S. Finch, on the same
street, and borrowed three dollars, brrepro-
Renting that Mr. Finch wanted some change;
that the clerk was not in, and he could not get
at the money drawer. Wo are not advised
whether DonenWs confidence operations ex
tend,' beyond these two eases, but however
it is pretty evident that they are now indefi
nitely suspend ed.
,kroner or Moan:.—Last night wan the
crowning night In the success of Grover , .
splendid Opera troupe, as it was also a test
night to the Academy of Haste. There with
not a single seat unsold, and many parsons
occupied standing room around the lobbies.
As litephestopheles, Joseph Herman certainly
has no superior. During the entire perform
anon, he never once forgot the character he
was representing, but looked and acted the—
old g-entlemen—trom beginning to end. Ms
deep sonorous voter Is well fitted for the char
acter. Fran,. Meitner, its Faust, sung and
anted Ins part Adirable, alhoug he noose,
eat to ne !lettering l m
imn pain in the h
chest. Mad
ame Ratter's Starguente was at fine piece of
acting. tier voice possesses great compass,
and she has enure command over It. She sang
with but little apparent effort, reaching the
highest notes with perfect ease. Mile Sophie
Dalubn was charming nn, otebel, and her part
was performed last night, as . It always Is,
To-night, greetzer's magnificent Opera of
Might In flrenada" will be presented. Wil
helm Formes, Theodore fiableinan, Josef
Weinlich, and others, together with Madame
Matter, are cast for the piece. There Is no
doubt hot that the house will ho crowded.
Opers daces. —The enchanting voting corn -
medienno, RDAs Lotta, was handsomely re
ceived last evening as Tnrnn-Inn m thneppoo,-
lade of "The nnVon Daughters of Satan.. She
will!link° her eppearunee at the matinee
this afternoon, anal in the evening, In the
'mete play, during a 'itch she will dance, sing
and play the hank. Her banjo performance—
quite a novel accomplishment for a lady—
should he seen to he aporeciataxi.
- • •
PITTRNI• ..)11 wln AdALII2I Is
still draw ing maid houses, and bag boon emi
nently successful during ha long engagement.
last eight, on the weasion.fl) is farewell hen
-I.llt, he was rerriv oil with marked favor. To.
Illirbt he makes In last appearance. The play
will Ito the . O.inniiiaktir of Moscow," lit which
he will personate nitric Nevel. The conclud
ing piece, “Captaln Ityd." On Monday Dlr.
Wenittortli tat,. a bent' t, !Ma on Tuesdaay
the inimitable Yankee Loewe COllll - 11011C. n
All the thickering pianos, says the New
I ork Peat, 11111, a characteristic tone, which
distinguishes them from all others. It is deli
cate and refined, and may bc .lusertbod as the
prrforlion rpartlity nn distinguished front
quantity, or coarse louds big tone.. ear la at twee attracted bye big tone. In mu
ffle as in Mood arc, the tmodataated generally
prefer sound to sense, but this big tone, though
very atttactive at Brat, so/catty becom wiry
and harsh, becanso in the beginning it Wan
deficient In qualify, and Its freshness once gone
It has nothing loft but noise; while tile tone
which in bailed upon purity of unallty, Im
proved for several yours, then remain,, sta
tionary, and is never woolly deteriorated, as
can be shown In Ituarummas stilt extant
manufactnred by Jonas Chickening,_ forty
years ago.
The bonze of ehlekering & Sous fully main-
Mins its anpretnacy. Their factory ta stlll
much the'largest In the world. The number
of pianos they turn out weekly. exceeds that
of any manufacturer in Amalie:Et. Thelzpicm.
es, when brought into close campotitiorr with
those of any other maker, have alway s
superior' and their gdand,
the instrument which stamp the supremo
reputation of a manufacterar, alWays.
am by the worlaqi &ea - lb:mica - gad greatpian; -
nits las the only instrument oat which they can
reveal, In the highest 'degree, 'their akin: tm
aguuttion and aeptlta,andis consequently
the leading oonftrt Pine in America. , ,! - Tartak.
or, thq two greet pull a - upon which b i ngo ell-
Mr present - excellence 01 American lUnOt,
vire , r.thertfll and ironfrante and. the Petro/Mr ,
Bea elt arttduo to the personal genius and skill
of Chickering M./lona. Mallet It Co:, 81 Wood
strect,aretho solo agents in thin city fen the
Chtekering pianos.
Procpedinge AWltasit Oil Elten.—yestAr r.
'day - United State sGittriet; Attorney Oasts.'
hau Instituted suits in the .llnlted States
Gonna against a large number .of oil dealers.
These sults aro brought, in - mmordemee with
instructions. from Washington, on transports.
tion bondailled to , the defendants as security
for the exportation of certain amounts of oil
apeellied therein. 4$ dealers are notrequired
to pay the ipmetritnent tax on oil intended for
exportation abroad, a bond is Sled 4t Wash ,
ington city, binding the denier to export the'
amount named within sixty days, or In flt.
fault pay a penalty prescribed. These suits
are therefore brought to mayor the amount
of the bonds, the parties having failed tokbeP
their contract with the Government. Over
one hundred sults have stimuli , beent.M4o.. ,
maimed, and others wW be Instituted t oday.
MeMalone It4siolvaL—lteboma street Meth..
oast Prete/dant Mission, Allegheny, has been
enjoying revival prosperity. A meetingq of
three months. continuance, under the emir.
attic and suecessful direction of the pastor,
Rev. 5. F. Cregthor hag - resulted in the acces
sion of stns.. persons. , Thishuliding.,-* Mei
matter whothega chaireliLlytitthl be .a success
or not in that qctaltute ' totality , has aCeOM ,
-gtili ra ed object The L'hurr.h , Extenalon
to whom the enterprise owes its origin,‘
are felting measures tti. sleeken the city
churches orthe-denourtnation..PYMlMde it;
suitable edified for the SoabdyPn-weraldillfhf
May succees - croont their elfortsTbe ilablbstV
earldneil ineening and griaging are Won •
etriand - thiftlabbath'fieltdol, which. meets 41
g. Sr Ufa allonrisble condition, ,
. ~ '"lgettle 4gal_n.ibrilTilin benatttel. p ai n ting, .
by Treyor. .weCart , sbaa been put in li.e.heep ,
suarpopulae form the irear , th e etgraver,,
'and eon be obban :by all who tallar'irlercte
pmaces it, . The Onlltavhag _le 'very tint, • anti'
Tully preaeata all the, nrlicing'7,o l . l # ll . ar TO.
,otigleal., Al .*:4llemento or' the ' Wag .1 kg,
' scene tepreealltaltrettalthirrlohilhey Ana le ;
tureaanat seer it Ye attain litiang .
tt, Cepeeste -a - *coat - wblett bar ;beim.
•men in kind, by tope, at , tleerstaada.:at,
files throughout one! old, dialog thOrutat:
, two or ibroo years: . rnootr,or ear, xi:allele. arbo
. erlati to trabeerlbe l'Ot tbsietigraviy eau legit
their-Order arlihilepubliebers, ettaxCW„ .1;
Holland .1 Co., lio. 70 Third aree. ..-4.lfir eold
only by eltbnorlPtlon; and. agents make large
pronto ennvaning airtropaorlbers.
e n the Eitth Yerii.—Abont ent
,oicl Fir eo4i =mi ii n ilrein itr ti disco:pore f d in
the fimont. story of the' fonqilrr. of Messrs.
Map a-Rot/14g, cornorot" atungtes and Watson
szfietgi-iin Ulf , -Eighth. ward - ,..and , before. it
could Do egtingatolsoil thit Animals's ,nai dam,
tiged to entialitorable extent. The , ibigoatio
Woo confined to the fintodry rotiin.ltheltoor
of...Aber foundry rood% 'bang nom of
two layers, of heovy ;l2 +Viral',
ed. vita i.loontii hiving pr.:malted , punt*
tint' Tipper pottlon
" ug. • , ThoAltdifttolf,v,wilith. to owned
. hy
Imonitrit% heiny•iininibitnnstoditi
.00400; - ihiesni;
.•• wilt
amnia:eat tive'litillignint:. he fie'wag
grbiently the wort Of ix Incenattay. •
Bounty Bill P•14,..-
Confidence Man Arrested
A Hearty Tribute
tufted Prcsbyterlnn Church Conven
A convention of ministers and elders of the
Coital Presbyterian Church has been called
to meet 122 the Second I. P. ehuretinf this city,
on Wednesday, May 2.'21.b, previous to the
Meeting of the General Assembly of that
Church in the Reran(' P, church of Alle
gheny. The reason for this convention is
thus given: "The present is a critical time
in the history of the Church and Nation.
There are matters of vital importance to the
U. P. Church—matters slang which brethern
differ in opinion, and which are to le deci
ded upon at the approaching meeting of the
General Assembly. IL has been suggested by
brothers in 4 1Iffereut parts of the church, that
a convention for conference and prayer
should be called to meet :It least two days
before the Assembly." Tho subject of coufer
once will be. "The present demands upon the
U. P. Church, nod how theymay be met."
District Court.
Fatner, May 4.—netdru Judge Williams.
The ease of Hutcheson vs Williams, heron,
r o oortal, ns brought up to Aloe)pectt,
conclusion late In the evening.o speech,
had been made by counsel on both sides, au,
the Jury tvax charged by Judge Williams u itl
his nsual tore., and clearness. The. 11111 y in tin
'Catie,lo4 it ippeared to the Court, was very
simple, What %VMS the legal obligation of i
bailee, in the cnso of a special deposit? flu
was only recuirrsl to exercise "reaxonnble
care." C, [VMS carelessness or negligence wor,
to be guarded against on one hand, but on , the
Other. it was not necessary to exhibit an un
due or extraordinary degree Of caution. lie
must take "reasonable earc" of the property
entrusted to him; and the {time, place, and
circumstances surrounding the ea., US I wltr
ing upon the digree or caution required, were
all left as matters of fact for the jury. aft...-
hearing the charge of the Court, tine plain
tiff's counsel took a non-suit, and thus the
matter ends for the present.
Larceny 01 8100
A farmer named Christian Kissler,
from Butler county, visited Allegheny rui ng a
load of marketing on Thursday evening and
put up at the hotel of George Walter, on Fed
eral street. lie imbibed freely of liquor, and
upon retiring to hed plac his ed panpocketaloon%
beneath Ms pillow, and in one of the ts
left a pocket book containing some four hun
dred dollars in greenbacks. Upon arising
from his couch he found his pantaloons minc
ing, and on search being made they were dis
covered lying in the yard attached to the
house, minus pocket book and contents. The
room in which Kisslor slept was occupied ,by
some live other parties, one of whom, John
Richt, was arrested on suspicion of oaring. a
hand in the robbery. Upon n hearing before
Mayor Morrison, however, he was discharged,
there being no evidence whatever to connect
him with the perpetration of the then.
Soldlers . ,Unlon League.
A meeting of the Soldiers' Union League
was held last evening at the rooms In City
Hall, President .1. R. Sweater to the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Captain Robert Pollock, Chairman of the
Committee On organization reported that two
additional Leagues had been organized—one
in Manchester and the other In Sewickley. A
number of persons were admitted as members
of the League.
A resolution was passed asking all newly
appointed of to carry out President John
son's order to appoint none but honorably
discharged soldiers to office.
The meeting refused to take any action to
wards the election of delegates to the prop°.
ed convention to be held in this city, taking
the ground that akan organized Doily they
had no jurisdictiow'M the matter.
On motion adjourned.
Florae and Ittiggy Stolen_
OnThursday afternoon Dr. Rinehart, of Al
legt h en , 2;, o lgt n his hme o r
w d h l i , l u c i .. gr . s t tan epp c e tu d if n o to n
a store to Wake a call. iouring his absence, the
property was stolen. On Friday morning it
was discovered that tbe horse and baggy had
been taken to Lawrenceville, and abandoned
there, the vehicle having obstruction, down
by running It against an Sus
picion attached - to one Alfred Willson as the
thief, and at noon he was captured by °Ricers
slothsand Wilmot, of the independent, pollee
Onion depot on Liberty street. Ho had
a bearing before Alderman Strain, and was
committed in default of one thousand del
lars bail. Wilson admits having "taken" the
horse and buggy, hot offers no excuse for his
City Mphysicianortality.
Dr. Geo. McCk, e !rd
of Health, mak. o t o he following repo rt o f the
Intertnents In the city of Pittsburgh, fro is
April 22nd to April Mth,
Dll4l,Br...—Consmuption,2:-Dropsy, 1; Apo..
plexlaleerebrl, I; still torn, 2; congestion of
lungs, I; cholera Intantmn, I; spasms, I; acci
dent, 1; congestion of brain, 1; purport', I; hy
drocephalus, I; premature btrtt, 1; angina
crocepeaa, 1. corelen spinal meningitis, I.
Of the above there wore, under 1 year, II;
from I to LI 5; from sto 10, 1 ; • from 50 to 60, 1;
from CO to 70, 1; from 70 to 1; Mink SO to 90;1.
Males 6; females, 10; whlte, 14; colored. 2;
total, 'l6.
lionoag to H. A. wessmorga,.-Sgr, went.
worth, "ern walking gent" at the Pittsburgh
Theater, in announced to take a bone& ion
Monday next Ire is a fine actor, always up In
his parts, and we know of no one more •leserv
leg a substantial Leman. During his stay
among on he has a - on by his strict attention
to his profession, Mad his quiet, unobtrunise
manner, the goal opinion. of all the patrons
of tins establishment. Ms trust he will re
calve an ovation at the hands of his friends,
for his "desert speaks loud."
'loaner's Confession.—iiouser, who wan
recently executed with Bonner for the murder
of Polly Paul and Cassie Muuday, lett a din
statement, in which ho declares that Mo y user g
murdered i'olly Paul and C. Munday for their
money, killing both with the bloody club
found, and that he was uldmi and nhetted
the work of death by the George Blanchard
spoken of no frequently In Bouser's letters;
but as for himself, he protested that, lie was
Innommt of any and all connection with the
Leg Dralten.—Pdanuel flask, a colorist man.
contractor for clearing out rubbish from the
old Provost Marshall's *Dee, now undorgoang
extensive alterations, met with. an accident
about, noon yesterday, by the .vuult falling in
upon him. A heavy stone fell upon his leg,
breaking it. The workmen bad been under
mining, but did not expect the sums would
fall so soon. The injured :van way 1 111/10Veti
to his residence In Birmingham.
Receiving Stolen Goo a.—Thomas Mc-
_yusterdas rnado information before
Acting Mayor Strain, against E. De Roy, deal
or ln second-hand goods, at the corner of
Sixth and Smi th field Strode, charging .hltu
McGregor,vig stolen. gooda. A eon of Mr.
being desirous of "raising the
wind," had taken a gun belonging to ins
father, and "spouted" ltat this establishment.
Do ,toy was held for a Author insuring to an
swer the (Shared.
Funny..- , The ham:irons editor of the Len
der Asks "what then:Azure of those valuables
was" In the note book lost by a reporter, no-
Med in the Allegheny , 2'inres. Answer. Invi
ludlullS to sundry retie°ub celebrations, rail
road tickets, private notes, bills payable and
collectable, etc., besides any number of unto
byeroopphlos which can be dee!.
phdreil;by oniilint ilia owner. The thider
WM please leave-Id:at the Gacctle Office.
^ Men.—To-morrow
Lt u A d a agVritiNg o lZatr in S r gadt ai rr i l r er of
'will pored' his , regular monthly- Minton to
thayoung men Ofttroardty. •
ne am pleated
• h uBo o dd that' theta sernione have /Unapt
herottfOre Deenlstataly attended, and we have
no dOnlibbnt that the interact will be mishit,
4117 iL°
.XDe.Publie generally
Aro InvAted to at 134..
Well In Vellana—MeaterdayAnorning an
unkutrobt;man wee found lying, agleoP, and al-
Moat nesensiblo, gt the: tbundation tor a new
teazle OppOsite the Delon Dopot, oh Liberty
street, whereto had 000ldentally fallen. 110
had sustained oanalderublo brubsah principal
ly about the hood. De was taken to Lila Wto,
roan Rouse; but refuted admittaacq, and was
thou poaveyekt to Sweltzer's Ralf, to await re
7.‘ The Prost .la Greene .
.Waynbaburgoaper states that the fruit...has
not yet been haled In that county , ' oe some
.21arb supposed. Theearky cherries atelnjured
to the extent of halrof the crop. rears:have
been pattlally ninnedt but app/ea, the most
permanent WM vidnable nett of that eoatton,
have not been ranch Injured. •
FOr Movit.lS r e direct attoottoo . to the sol.
vartisement. onder,pie above hew; or a Saw
lint and. Tartunglathes for rent;as Swissvale.
The 'property: to, James
teq and in the hasolsof.a competea4 poses:
vroold, yielda lituuLottieptollt. M. S..ottece
the miU torrent betaule , he has het Mats' to
attend cola • . -•
a n t- arie• A takiapes4.—
Thegrunburynnanctiornacker cen:Winnos,
the Annericsa : shnXinnyi en'w, , Cutuwe
orgaLsaan 4 1 1_44=4,, tleality . of Anne,
audit porreot woven at kap, thAn
abcwory, prines. - - Wlnne Ban I (ww
pigenlo), lroJwinin. • no:Opt , at n. now. Into , or
.these netennsWaluelna.` i .. ' , .4. pri I
giamelani. 2 -siottitrum *Mr dO
tcr truer in •Slilittt.that , it,Ls against the law try bine bittleteraliOtrkrObles, or any other
" ,,, throtOtte Abils ,st, any ;mon- Yarn:gen
Ilona ao everytbisitrin - thoirpowds toProWek
1116 Vt. •-24;07 ere thebout friends the ler:
t~suMO. OVPlStsburgh has ehal enged.tho
/intitatba ,g to: a , match
whichlias . boon, ,Innedneu,iee 6 11 = 1 1?
- Will come otr•roina alma during i pronent
,ineat.l2,• and will bo a tosreaalga it " niesa
and barn or Math Paean:tem otrael,oulublp.
Auld theAwelling of 8. IL itctlutiotigh, of. laK7
once tbwxothip, Clearfield 'coda,. were
cetttlftleitroye4 gee. notate 'beach came
true about tit,`. o 2io Istsusanau. , •
killed fa a Aleartn..r osePrv , bre .
orl.figirvrook, towoiblp. JetreTedn'enents% wa
, killed en the Mb 'day or *pat, wan Albort,
Rims badly ' njured,' by falling of a trap ; .
WWI!, the Albino 'plow , down es they worn
P*PlPl l .,ProughlaW . 7 . ,Z3,:l,
Blerne bestili.—Wittiln - kid
,YO 11 rergurouot ekornoidoitantr, was sisavorely
,borxwortyinat v r. 9451) YiterOlOttiggr tokthl:
_llNlrroo etko, med.. in
v•t531#. 1 1 , 20 enIX len4..yoikrs 081:'4Ix
rixee 9tW4eiita tau in woad..
The edition to forwarded wale-Magi raiahlha ant -
scribers mamma aa the mall ran.
Sielhool Coiseert.—Tbe onpfls of the West
Pittsburgh Egeelsior Public, School, under the
nuotagethent of Professor E. S. Stepenntss,
held a concert on Friday eveninr at the 1)1111
Fellow, Ilan. Temperanceville. The per
w. creditable aline to the poglis
anti Heir gentlemanly instructor.
--- -
The Lewder, for thin weed:, ist Just out, and
can be hint ni t lie °glee, (Araelle building, or at
PittoelC., nett, depot. it to nn oneellent num
County Saportutenclent of Lawrence
Comaty.—W, McCracken Inm been PreCted
Suparlntendont of Common School,. Mr Law
rence county.
George W. Snyder haa ..I,erod
Selion/ Sapetioteudont of Clearfield county, at
a aalary of $l,OOO por your.
Men's Calf Boots, $2,25,
N . lllng iq. tritrulti% ago Nr
Elegant Congress Gaiters, 425,
Tw. twat I,rn wg.rth
No, 60 Fifth Street,
Under the Opera House.
Sell in g- ;It $l-1450,
New Cloak House, .'49 Fifth St.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
ilanefactemi tulosiTely by the eele men of Patent,
97 Ehemeheree, awl 79 et SI Ronde Sta.,
NM-Qv "StC:llri-33..
Sado Hoop composed of TWO finely tempored
t o rolt! Prth e B."*, 1 - . 1- 4.g o vitg. fl aw 41' 0
,11 "
ri. 7, 1110. 1 a " magi; mane. ' They will not Mind or
break like the. tingle ming.. but will ever prese their grarofolnone of thape but
three or Pour or
skina will IBMS berm thrown sway...vele.,
In fact, for the promenade or IL boos, the
church, theater or tar. they are supertorto all oil..
erg, Combining CORYORT. DURABILITY no r m 00000.
or. Will, that. R1.150/11:CD GI , PRAT& whit!, has Made
the DUPL./IX
Itthe fasldonabl world.
ereharda will he supplied asahove sad by. rm
burgh Jobbers and ladles all the hrStAelass reta .-
stores In tills cell. • lanolin for
Bradley's Duplex Elliptic
the aclasa at lowest num..
19 'lilL7s !St:root.
ree.odsnm • ..
28, co-rx A • Da
At thalatest GOLD ICKTES nna in .lock at our
No. 72 Fiffi ' Street,
A splomud of
. .
GAGES 1 4 / 1 1;ING syrizeTs: •
31411 C 1 r7tN w ifi l ltly .
FINEWHITE 31.1111.T5,
P 615: F B : IIIC N.VIS i tL X IS. I 711 1 1i74. E3.
. LatolloVell.lea In TiEb,
Together Wlth the most romplcipHoe Of
• Conti - omens' Furnishing Goods
SN .ritv; WEPT.. As our bu.sistels is exclusively
tinNT'SWURNIBIING, we rarely thll La please In
that fleet. /telsepther one uumbe...V.
. 7,1 z. 3ps.rtb. ESClrc!ctt, .
Niftily opposite the rott'eleas...-"'
,r4 me y ITN* FOR SAVINCS,
uLeoutesAvtNnit INSTITUTION: '
..: t 'Or , Fourth Street,
zw,,,,,l 7 pp ß og t e the Bestfgpletshurgh.)
it I M P O s t I IIATIIrk -4- 0 1 0INII a ni t sy N.
sto emitter. st, 7 I 8,8 ' 8 7841‘. Sag nen Ate..
•An to Mar Tht,..Sto 8 **clock L' • '
BeaFt.r 77 .7^ 1 .8 77 8, * B ‘...ftinitsheo at the Ogle*
llVltiegkstettse •kiibmian 7 or. -tiNak'whosi
lit=earntalagoult u tt e appir d unity se arsuntuate,
este erheisthisedettlind 'bigeTsltetpllt9ll:.!
! te..,1 et tirg.histektii.
. *l 4 , %. 3l slethaat7ELPL'ir.
B. n. , HARTIIIIAN - t.' JAL "PAnK Jr
... - siunturaux'.A.NrvntrAwrit
itriat v mix
.. „
• • Ana t i l ltiiai T ..""1/111 t -
u..-Fimiuyisuti 4' ("UA U°D23.'
JOHN scum
-• „
lA. gimixany isi i i i . u. c.
1 84.rdEitrz, . :
• sarisciTciii4e,w.• A- . A l . L etalit:" 78872 77 8 7 ,
1 10 1 1 LLbAijr.., CIEMILETERY,,..A .
afii i kulte d u' olasl4,s,MilntratZtislthrt=;
CUY‘"olt Um :tee. tutehtdo Stood. " reru. o ' , Woe
tO'telett ItOrtal Lou oil* apply at the,OupsVuotted
*We WWlq et toe (Umetery. TlUe Wells, termite
.44112 all other hollocsaNlO uretteuattl to et themiu,
'Weepot,e tha linotettlettell., antler or. Yedetia
• t - - ,, .-SocrolgrY ad gtAaeoror. ;
WASTER—Aiaiivirs„a l7,
ticifi„..4 l 4
~zl.6 . tr A lec t gev, ;7'7. 4 tomatfinlvoli6ip, 10